... TOB- tFrom eur On Henlejr OurrpSeou ) Xiw York, Ja-31, 1879. If Morley, like Major Bagstock, i "tongb, air, tooirb !" be is not to tough M to be Ineeneible to the kiad word wbick areeted B'18 ret" w lko rea,m .ham nnill aniaaort tod paate-pot are ...rwina mightier thui tbe eword of Achillea or tbe artillery of Xapoleon. For all of which, kind friends, acwpt the profoaodeat acknowledgments of "joara trnlj." A GOLD MINI IS EW YORK CITT. Gotham has Tindicated her claim to have little of everything by bav in a very respectable gold mine. In 1877, tbe Appleton building, on Bond atreet, was burned, and gold and sil ver ware worth a million was melted and buried in tbe rubbinh. The io euraoce companies' worked over tbe ruins and took out all tbe larger mass es of aetaL ' The owners of the property got out a neat som by a thorough washing, and left tbe remnants for tbe street Arabs. Tbe nrchine met with eoch success last Spring that two Western miners made a liberal bid for the privilege of working over the refuse scientifically. Crowds of curious people watched ike operation day by day ; and bow, when tbe miners have finished their work, tbey pronounce it ooe of tbe ricbeBt -finds' ' they ever worked. The average yield approximated f 1,000 a day; one day tbey tookfl, ?C0, and the whole transaction yield ed them a profit of over $20,000 above expenses and cost of their priv ilege. ' ' A PRINCELY bOCTOK'6 FEE. New York physicians, practicing ta the verr wealthy families, render no bills, but tbeir patients make it a matter of pride to pay bandsomeiy for tbe doctor's permission to cheat the undertaker, fixing tbe amount themselves. Very recently tbe wife of a well known ex judge had an operation performed to remove a tumor, which was unsuccessful. . Her intimate friend, a millionaire's widow, pre vailed upon her to try her own phy sician, a young doctor, and very skill ful as a sorgeoa. Tbe fair patient consented and tbe operation was suc cessfully performed, greatly to the delight of a large circle of friends. The doctor sent no bill, but wisely waited ber complete recovery, when, in token of ber appreciation of his skill, she went a note of profound thanks, covering ber check for $6,000. Doctor's need not get excited ; cases like this are never contagious ! Dot I promised to tell you, in this letter, bow two items of farm produce are looming op till it takes no proph et to preaict a vast profitable industry in each If you will look among tbe statistics you will see the strange spectacle cf "KING COW" PETIIRONISO "KINO COT TON." Laugh if you will, but tbe Cow prances rampant where King Cotton held stately court twenty short years ago 1 Hot et vwrt Vive le Hoi ! incredible as its seems, tbe Cow pro duces more wealth to-day than Cot ton does. Our cheese and butter last year eold for $0.000,000. Think of ill Even our fabulous wheat crop does cot equal that ; only one American rop exceeds that value, and that is corn. . The Cow, too, makes a wor thier King than cotton did. be beeps out of politics, drinks no whis ky, and never chases a "nigger" un less be shows ber a red shirt. which unquestionably exists of re taining the fresh, rosy, delightful flavor wbicb charms the palate of tbe qourmet, it is undeniably true, that the keeping qualities of our butter are as defective as are tboae of cheese. Whether tbe same reason will ap ply or Dot, I must leave to the reader to decide. But when it costs but a hundredth part of a cent per pound more to use tbe best, than it does to nse tbe poorest salt, in tbe manufac ture of cheese and butter, it would seem as if our shrewd dairymen wouli not think long over it. One thing is certain, if the item of salt can nave any possible influence in improving the quality of American dairy products, made in other coun tries, American dairymen should not hesitate to use the best. America boasts tbe longest rivers, the biggest lakes, the highest falls, tbe screamiest eagle, and the biggest aod best of everything and is n't it funny that its greatest wealth should, after all, be squeezed through a dairy maid's fingers? This is a funny world, anv how ! ". Morley. ACCIDENTALLY IBX9CENT. A LAWYER'S STORY. CaiCESE. Few people dream to what propor tions our cheese trade has grown cn a few years. Twenty-eight years go twelve million pounds were sent broad and fonnd an unwilling mar. let During eleven months of J 8.7 8, this city alone exported one hundred and thirty million pounds, and tbe borne consumption takes three hun dred million more. Yet tbe outlook is not at all satisfactory in this field. A London merchant issues a circular quoting prices for finest Jogtish Cbedder cheese at 13 to 19 cents, and finest American cheese at 11 to 12 cent per pound. A moment's calculation from these figures abows mat on our exported rbrt-se alone ws realize six aod one-balf million dol lam leas tban though our best cheer were eocfeesediy equal to the beet English artie'e. Tbe cue is rer taialy pot ia onr pasturage : bo land ader beaven grows finer grata A or is it probably ia tbe method of snaking, for the beat CbeJder process es are bow generally need in our larger manafactoriee. It is comp'ain- ol tbe Aatericaa cheese, that it does not keep ; that it grows strong aod rank, and that aome chemical change ukes place ia it, abicb makes it compare very aofavoraUy with that cf Koglieh make, after two or three months. May sot this, ia great measure, be due to tbe salt ? In England tbe greatest care is given to tnie item. vr. oelcker, tbe emi nent English agricultural cheeist, aid ia a recent paper, "the salt used in dairies eaould fce of tbe Guest de scription; - ana to mow ow impor tant tbe purity of salt u esteemed. tbe English government has recently granted a patent to ooe of the Che shire salt manufacturers, . .Messrs. Thomas Uiggins & Co., (or iciprov- ment in salt making. This particular salt is now finding its way to this coaotry, where it is to be hoped that it will aoon be as exclusively used as in Europe. New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylva cia and Ohio are the leading cbee?e fetatea, while Iowa. Minnesota, Michigan, and some of the Eastern States make considerable amounts. The rest of the country buys cor beese than it produces. Tbe entire Sooth is supplied from this city. Is aot this growing industry worth cumulating throughout the country J Vature has given us rare resources in farmiag -and grazing- laads, and we may, if we. will, build pp a giant trade in this and other staple fsrm product, which tbe liaited resources cf tbe Old World can never success fully dispute with us. Striking as are the above-named differences ia prices c English and American cheese, tbey are none the less ao, aa regards Dr. Stephen Smith, of New York, who has given much thought to the subject, saysi Thoughtful medical men frequently express much apprehension at ' the prevailing tendency of women, and especially young women, to indulge in tbe use of alcoholic liquors. The causes of intemperate babits among the wealthier class are ta-o-Md. Tbe firpt is social wine drinking customs. These exert an especially strong in fluence upon yoong women. At tbe period of budding womanhood the nervous system is peculiarly impress ible, and anything which produces a state of nervous exaltation will, if re. peated, readily became a fixed want. No one except a physician pan fully appreciate the susceptibility of youDg ladies at tbe age when they are con ventionally introduced to fashionable society. There is scarcely anything so liable to impress tbe nervous pjb tnm at this time as mild bnt exhiiia- rutin o avinPfl Confirmed babits of drunkenness may ooj be formed, but permanent impressions are made wbicb will never be lost, and wbicb too often revive at some later period and make sad havoc of personal character aod domestic happiness. A secoud excit!or CMse is tbe pre scription of alcoholic stimulants by physicians. Reference is not made w tbe scientific uses of alcohol in medieiue, but to tbe reckless habit of recommending stimulants tor all tbe trifling ailments of women. The physician, wearied ai'Ji tie Importu nities of patients, recommends viae or beer, brandy, or wbUky, a pre fcription easily made and generously coHip.'jed witb. Tbe ttects of intemperance upon tbe constitutions o women are of tbe mot-t decisive character. Jo temper ante tends to shorten life mora ia woman (ban in man. Competent ao tbotity gives tbe average duration of life of iLe intemperate, auer drinking iti formed, aa follow?: Aruoug mechanics, working aod laboring men, eighteen years; among traders, dealers aod merchants, sev eciftn veare; among professional men aud geoilemea, fifteen years; among women, futtrueen years. The ills of woauBU accustomed to tie habitual use of alcoboiia bevera a are innumerable. Tbe effects of intemperance opon tbe mental facul ties of women are not less disastrous tban opon tbe physical ejstem. It very rapidly brings ber will power under iu subjection, and often before ber friends are aware that a babit has been formed aba is already its helpless and hopeless rteum. be will report to every device to aeeoce indulgence. It destroys ber purity of thought and makes ber indifferent to tbe good opinions of others. Tbe use of alcoholic beverages by women is a growing evil which Jeserves the most serious consideration. Tbe evil is not limited to the individual, but perpetuates itself in ber ctspriog, aod thus leads to tbe dereneracv ot tlve race In England, where wine and beer drinking is more common than in this coentry, the voice of tbe med ical profession baa been raised against iC The reform must begin in tbe home and social circles. S4Ubc aJjaebaeMla. It baa been profoundly remarked, that tbe true a ay of telling a toad stool from a mushroom is to eat it. If voo die it was a toadstool, if you live, it a as a mushroom. A similar method is e (Joyed in lie selection of husbands; marry him, if be kills too he a ss a bad husband; it he makes you happy he is a good oaf. There is really do other criterion. As Dr. jSatuuel Johnson remarked, the proof of the pudding is in tbe eat ing thereof, some yonng men tbat seem unexceptionable, indeed, verv desirable, when thty are single, are perfectly horrid as soon as tbey gel married. AH the latent brute there is in tbe heart comes out as soon "as a sensitive and deli ate being seeks ber happiness in his companionship. Tbe honeymoon lasts a very short time, tbe receptions and tbe round of parties are aeon over, and then tbe two sit down to pake borne happy If she has married a society man, he will soon begin to get bored; he will Yawn and go to - sleep -ea- the aofa. Then be will take his bat and go down to the dab aod see tbe boys, aod perhaps jiot totae home till morn mg. it sue has marries a man en- grouped in business, be w;ll be fagrjed out when be eoaies home. He may be a sickly man that ebe most nurse, and a morose man tbat she mut seek to cheer, a drunken man that she must sit up for, a violent man tbat she fears, a fool whom she soon Jearns to despise, a vulgar man for wao3 she must apologise in short. there at thousands of ways of being bad buebanJs, tod very few ways of being good ones. And the worst of it is that tbe poor, silly wociea are apt to admire in single men tbe very traits tbat make bad husbands, and loci with contempt or ridicule upon those qsiet virtues which make borne bappy. Mea ;th very little person al btanty or style iea make tbe wife bappy aod sometimes cuite tbe reverse. 1 be number of ways of ing abas csband is almost as great as tbe number oi being ugly. No oe can tell from tLe demeanor of a single man what sort of a icsband be will be. Meanwhile ebe moat marry aomebodf . Est it; if you die it was a sort of ioeduc if you lire it was a sort ot mashrooia. BITTER Xe fact strikes tbe Investigator of this sebjert more forcibly tban tbat o very t-mall a portion of the batter enade ia tLia country is exported (25 millions oetof 1.5(H) million pouadr); and tbat this is principally of the lower grade, m'tuh are roosumed fcy tbe labotiog claeaes. Ia fact, erbea butter gets so poor thai it ran ted as market bare, it is sent abroad avi the csly outlet for it ; but ia Cue i panties we are oaty laughed at by died or typhoid pneumonia to'-dey. In tbe epicure! oa the etaer aide cf the ibe seventy-fourth vee of bia age WrT'rt t " " . He was a sob ef tbs lata Ttoaas While this may, ia some measure. Cad wallader, and a grandtoa of OeB W accounted for by the delicate oa- era! John Cad wallader, of Revola tare T the article, and Uie ddUcsltyliioBary aee, . No lawyer likes going into court with a bad case yet how can be help it s metimes! 1 should have more patience with the question, 'Do you think it right to defend a man whom you believe to be guilty ?' were it less frequently put by tbe people who spend six days of tbe week trying to get tbe upper band of their. neighbors, and the sev enth in trying to circumvent their Maker. To the honest inquirer, I commend the answer that Dr. John son once gave to Boswell, 'Sir, tbe tbe lawyer is not tbe judge.' ; Was it my place wben Ueorge Gil bert's little sorrow-worn - wife came, with tears glistening in ber eyes, to beseech me to do what I could for her imprisoned hufcbaod,' virtuously to turn my back and leave ber tired struggling heart to break or not, as it might? I was neither a priest nor a Levite, to find a ready excuse for passing by on the otber side. Yet what could I do? George Gilbert bad been sent on a collecting tonr, and bad gambled away money re ceived for his employers." It was a very plain case of embezzlement, aud the penally was a number of years at bard labor in prison. 'I am sure be never meant to be dishonest,' pleaded tbe loyal little woman; 'he was tempted by a crafiy and designing man, but instead of running away as others woold have done, be came back aud confessed his fault, offering to let his whole salary go towards making up tbe lost money till eycry cent should be paid. Mr. Meek, the junior partner, was willing to le merciful, but Mr. Jlangle, tbe bead of tbe booge, insisted strongly tbat the lav jeboyld take iu own course.' Igare ber what poor consolation I could, for lawjers, like doctors, must of course keep tbeir patients' courage up at times. 'In the first place, I'll see Messrs. Mangle A Meek, I said. Mr. Man gle may be brought to bear reason, after all if be can oaly be tuaite to see bis interest in it.' Tbe pale depondent's face cheered up a little. My word seemed to have inspired a sort of undeSned hope which I was far from feeling my. self. Mr. Mangle recei red me with atony politeness. 'Young man,' bis manner said, 'don't waste any time in appeaU to ecDtiment; you won't if you'll only just look at me.' I took lha bin,', acd at once cam to business, repeated tiilijer.t 'a offer, and put it as strongly ea possible that more was to be gained by leni-i eocy it an harshness .'! of which Mr. MaogU) t&tfned to with a scowl. 'I cenoot be a party to compound ing a felony,' be eaaa ercd vjl a sol emn intonation. Nor have 1 aked you,' I replied, not a little nettled. 'I have only mentioned a plan of paying back your own, leaving it to your generos ity to press this case 'Oh! It's tbe same,' wa the to. terrptuous rejoinder. 'Anybody but a lawyer, with bis bead full of quips aod Qualities, could see that. Be sides, there's sometLiog rather cool in the proposal to retain jo$r friepd in our employ, under tbe pretense of working out tbe money iiut ns bas stolen, witb tbe opportunity of nick ing twice as much more m tbe mean titce. v I felt CT temper rising, and not caring to iwparij my client's interests by an outright pilphed quarrel, I took a baety leave. Had I been in tbe prisoner's piaie on tbe morning fixed for tbe trial. 1 could hardly have ascended the court bouse steps with more reluctance than I did. And wben I entered tbe court room, and found George Gilbert and bis wife already taere and noted tbe hopeful look with which po fat ter greeted my coming my very heart sicktued at the thought of tbe disap pointment coming. 'The People vs. Gilbert!' called out the judge, after disposing of some for&aj matters. Tbe iury jfts immediately impan oelad, and th opened by tbe District Attorney. Mr. Meek was the first wataeas. The nervous, bei-Usiiog manner in which he gave Lis evidence would bavs greatly damaged its fleet, Lad it not evidently arisvn from a dinposi- lion to do the prisoner as little hurt AS was possible. But no softening could break Jbe terrible force of the farts tbat le was compelled to relate. In bis partner's absenee he bad, employed Gilbert as a clerk; be bad found him competent and trust wor- tbv, he bad sent him cn a trip to make collections; on his return he bad acknowledged that after receiv ing a considerable eiit), e was in- duced by a respectable . looking gen-1 tlemao, with whom be had casually fallen in, to join him in a social game of cards, at first they played for amusesaaai. then for money, and, af ter losing ail bu own, in hope, of re trieving bis loss, wita tLe fatal infat uation which attends the nrst ioe?- lion of tbat dreadful vice whose end is swift destruction, be had bszzarded and lost tbe last dollar of the money be bad held in trust tor big employ ers. Mr. Meek's voice faltered aa be closed bis narrative. He was goiog oa to volunteer something sbout the prisoner's previous good character, wben a disproving g.'jnce from Mr. Mangle caused him to halt. . "' Just then tbe prisoner chanced to turn his bead, catching a glimpse of the senior partner, who bad just en tered and was standing among tbe crowd be started quickly, Jfje? wbis- perea nurneaty m my ear. 'Turn aside your fare I whispered back, and the case for the prosecution being closed 'Is there any witness for the de. fence V inquired the Judge. ;we will call llezekiab Mangle.' I replied. A boz of surprise greeted tbe an- noaoseaeot, fa ,the midst oi which Mr. Mangle stepped .Quickly forward and was sworn. 'Yoa have been abseot for tbe last year, Mr. Mangle V I began. I have.' Treeing in different parts ?' Yes, The prisoner vis employed by the time and place at wbicb the pris oner bad met witb bis misfortune. Tbe man of iron virtue hesitated worse than bis more amiable partner bad done. He waa balling between a point blank lie which might entail tbe penalties of perjury, and the trutb, which would cost him mon ey.. .-. Cowardice performed tbe cflice of conscience, and the truth came out. The firms money, wbicb George Gil bert bad lost, bad been wen by tbe senior partner; and tbe court instruct ed tbe jury, as tbe sum in question bad actually been delivered to one of tbe joint owners, who wss bound to account to bis associate, the prisoner could not be convicted . on any legal term. " ! 'God bless you, Mr. Psrker !' fal tered the bsppy little wife, '1 knew you would br'ng ua out an rigbt again.' It was evident tbe trustful woman s nature. gave me all tbe credit oi a re Aih in whose achievement my share bad been next to nothing. The lesson was not lost on George Gilbert His first false step was tbe last; and tbe richest fee 1 ever re ceived was the heartfelt gratitode of bis noble, faithful wife. A Male's Baervel Fewer. This mule looked like he was 133 years old, aod was dead standing up on bis feet. He was bitched to a pine-bodied spring wagon, wub a high dashboard. Tbe 'team' was standing on the levee in mute silence, wbile tbe old darkey who 'dnv t, went aboard tbe wharf boat. A tramp could make a barrel of money selling piptqresof tbat mule labelled TaUeDce.' liis long, tlabby ears bung down each side of bis head like wiugow awnings With tbe rods out of tbem. liis face wore a sober loos, while out of bis mouth hong a tongue eight inches long, pis tail bung down from the rear end ot bis burn pane roof like a wet rope, wbile bis whole body seemed as motionless as death jteelf. Presently a red-headed urchin, with an ojd b-o(, in bis baud, walked up in front cf him, and, look ing lata bis face, saw that the mule was asleep. IJe walked around, climbed up into tb&t wagon, leaned oyer the dashboard, lilted that mule's tail, aod let it come down ia time to catch a death-grip on tbat root leg Tbat mule woke up so quii k that be kicked tbe boy and tbe dashboard tf ntv feet into tbe air. He tiido'i r J . stop ttcrer lie changed the pavilion of bis ears, battled 19 bi tongue, planted bis fore feet, and LU head be tween bis knees, sod from tbe fore hboulder to the tip of bis trunk was in lively motion, and be didu't look like be was more tban tea j ears old, the way La WJ3 kicking thai old wagon bed into kiodtinj wpfd with his heels He bad it all to bimseif, ted wa do iog Cue, when tbe old darkey rushed op tbe b ll, got in front of bim, and grabbing him by each ear, shouted, 'H'boal "l tell yov. Jftt'e de mat tertarru7 boa upt' and look iog around at tba srawd, yelled; "Will some of you gemiua git (jut er boot leg out wbile I hole bim? kase de waggin's mine and I jes borrowed de. mute." lJat no one ventured, and wben we iei bis heels bad al most reacbed tbe tail gate, and the old darkey was still yelliog "whoaf" Poyrier-Jo'irnal A aprttiiMa f lier Dag. A erble Crave. ,rjr Morphia, aa most people know, is one of tbe principal constituents of opium, and acts on the body much in tbe same way. It is used for sleeplessness and for the relief of pain, and if for any other purpose, these are sufficient tor our object. What a boon these drags have been to humanity, only these- who -have been racked witb pain and troubled with sleepness, weary nights can tell It was, found, however, that both morphia and opium bad a most vicious effect upon tbe stomach and intestinal canal, so tbat their use could not long be preserved in with out evil coosequences to the general system. No other known drug was so eflicient or powerful ia the affec tions tor which those were employed, aod therefore tbe medical profession had to cast about for another method of administration, which would miti gate, if not altogether do away with, their evil effects. It is now a good many year since Dr. Alexander Wood, of Edinburg, suggested tbe use of morphia by means of subcu taneous injection ; a method by which tbe action of the drug is ren dered quicker and more certaio, its bad effects wben to be used for a short time fewer, and a much small er dote is required. Tbe mechani cal actions of morphia on tbe eiinieo tiary caaal were, to a certain exicnt got rid of.' A considerate time elapsed bekr3 tbe practice became aoj thing like general, for the profes sion looked askance at so dangerous a method ot administering so power, ful a drug. Of late ytarn, however, the administration of morphia by means of injection beneath the'tkia ha spread very widely. No doubt as used in this way morphia is truly marvelous in its effects, and bas proved a real god-send to both medi cal meu aod tbeir patients. Tbe pro fession was carried away by tbe wonderful power they had got bold of, and, aa they themselves confess, did not always use it with the dis crimination and forethought that were necessary in dealing with so powerful, subtle and ailariug a drug. It in little to be wondered at, in these days of universal knowledge, tbat patients in time, wormod themselves jo secret, and did their best to spread the fame of the new mode of exhibi tion among their friends and fellow sufferers. So far little harm might jaye been done; but in an evil day medical men lent tbeir patients tbe power of relieving tbeir own suffer ings, real or imaginary. As a conse quence, morphia injections are now ustd by many private persons for other reasons than the relief of pain and tbe bsoisbiog of wakefulness. Indeed, we bare reason to believe tbat among certain classes of society it is becoming too commonly used, and bids fair soon to grow into t v ry ?r;?ral vice. London Spectator. BIB tttatntir mem 1niruttm. &r finr lipiwuli ea old ernes, fnr mtdieal ar otlwr eviajMsai, trofo. mnrkt and labrl. Cirrrrttt, Atflgnmntm, Inter. rnrncM, 4fpmJ, finttt fr tnfHnQtmrnt, mm4 all am arising mmtler IA lntnt Astro, pi impi iv aT7rnn m. jugnnfow nn Mft mm by IMt Patrnt Of- pnteuUii p 1 frt wutfttiU, etutm. Jtparimrtit, i engaged in Paint lusinrtt m elusivrljf, wt enn mnit Hour fnrrhn. and war mew morn prompt!, and ttUh broader oiaimm. m i -i I T r - asMkMMMMji ynur derirr: e maJu txaminatisma andadcis as to patentability, frreof chmrgr. AUcarrtspondencttitrietlntm ftirntlnL Prirrt tore, and SO CIIA.BGE I'jT FA TEXT I!i SEW BE IK Ws rrftr in. Washington, ta Htn. Postmaster General 1. 31. Key, Jtr. F. D. Pntrer, The German Jmeriran yttionnt Bnnk, to ofieinls in ih U. If. fatrnt OJSet, and to Senators mad Keprtsi ntatlvea in Congress: and especially ta onrclientsin re ers State in the fn'nn tin in rjnnrtn. A-','rts Opit-M.it faUiU lsc, Hasking!on,i Ck PACJUQ flui i Lola fousf. ALWAYS BEAST FOB USE. ' j mmmj Lawyers tM tumrfn. I. Ik THE SOMERSET HEKALD, EftTABLIAHXD 1827. A GOOD FAHILY PAPER, GENERAL, LOCAL ASB POLITICAL SEWS. J. M, KGLDER3AU:.! & SOS'S. STOKE, West End, Main St., Somerset Pa. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE SALE OF C2AMPICIT ' LIOWEESAND CLIYS2 CHILLED PLOTS, GEACT SEZD EX PISE THRESHES ALU SEPARATOR, HOUSE POWERS. JUST EECEEVED AND FARQUAHR'S FourKitrta Thrwliln .M- ehlnra wfib Shaken. FARO 'S Thrwher and Separator. ft f stbs, KIXIHO. BAUSH. BEKRT S. ZIEGLER, Solo manufacturer, Oct earn SSIGNEES' NOTICE. W hfrrft Helwin H. wlkar, turnout TWB , Suieret t o., fs., ityAtla yoliiiuary Bwlvnmabl fuj tu beui't(l ot hut reiiU4n Ut the Bmlrtitnel uf U his pruiiertr. ml, neremtl nod mtztd. notice If herly Kirea tmU peraont Imtetbed to. fai I N. H. Walker to make Immediate pay went to tfre AMlvneet and those harinc clalmi against bltn to prefent them dalj authenticated fur swila ment to the Anlxneea. at the odce ut Talel)Ut(e liar IB aacret boruiui). ' yALESfTISFK HA, tLlS WfciaY. 1W 4 AwiKQeea. Saved from the Oraye. Mr. J. E. Yoaman. In f. (1, 111., nys i "It tared uir tworkililreo front the Rrare." A. L, biruun.li. of llaltlmor. Md.. iImmii : "It will sure the vrat oouia Immediately. Two doeea 7 red me of a bad oagh of one werk'I atandlni " H. Oottiter. i larloo. Fa. Oyer 1 .000. tug twttlea if Seller' Ornish Syrup told. Jt U the moat pop. iur reiqeij Kr ju vna, uouig, jroup, nuaraeueoa. and au 1 1 roai ana i.un iriseaier. Hue for hall a w-otarr. Douotrr aunvkveiiera. Prkie per tiotiie. k. i'tttjlmnfii, Pa, Mr. M it- Hal been la runiflL4 and fie, and tl.uo A joug fe,aa of pocbestpr rc-lat,ef a etorj at bis own epenea inajt i;i be appreciated bj sportsmen. lie waa recently iu a part of lie pountrj where fame is verf abuuagot, ana nearly all tbe male tobabitanu are deyoled admirers of dor and sua Our hero wcb stoppinir at the best hotel 0 tta pla.ee, a ad jotimate with the leading titiens. ' ? be thougLt a siraneer eboaU be invited to day's shooting, and proposed to bim tbat be go out for partridges, witb two of ibe beat sbota of tbe town l.Q neglected to tell them tbat be was no fporucn, but accepted tbe inrilation with appaient Hee, as if ho anticipated a day's sport, eu.vL as genuine bporuipn aovt how to en joy. A gun ana a Bret class dog were provided tor tbe guest, aoa one fine day be set out witb tbe two friends w bo were to take bim over tbe ground. Tbey entered the brush and Lad separated from each other but a abort jdiptane, wben tbe dog given tbe uocneater maw 'jnaae game' and in a moment was 1a staunch point. Tbe hunter Jtoe little about guns and less about getter dogs, but thought tbat a dog that would stand still so early in tbe day must be very lazy and deserved pun iebment. After wailing a ebort time to lei tp.w dog start again aod seeing bim rigid as a statue, t"t - gunner picked op a stone and gave the oor beast a blow that 0)&de bim boWJ- and at tbe same moment up went a brace ot partridges Iroui under tbe dog's nose. Tbe other shooters were not far away and beard the birds rise. Tbe efplaoatjop given by tbeir guest was not very 'sausfaptory, and be was invited shooting no more'. ' msmamammarrr Ja-kaMa'a EsprieB.eeiMfo. your partuer in jour aaan"e, aod Mil 94 iaaummirtir, rHiLAPCLPOta, January SC -.Iloa Jadge Cadwaliader, Judge of the tited States District Coart -fr tbs Kaatern District of rBBavlvania. was arrested about the lime ofyo.r Such i9 rase. Have yea evr aea him V 'Not to my knowledge!' ' or met bim ia yourtravela?' 'if be wijl trn bia face iLia way can tell beUer.' At my bidding Oillwt lnei n4 fared tbe witaeaa. Tbe ttttxl waa electrical turned pale end red bv tor tns more question, Mr. Mangle.' I resumed. 'Do yon recorniis in th ern.dant a young man from whom you W03 a thousand dollars at poker wbile od yoar trsrehf and named Mr. Johnson, who bad repeatedly founj fault with bia breakfast, remark ed on one oasjon tbat his wife seem ed absolutely iocapsuie of learning to make rice griddle cakes. Whereupon the jndignant woman announced that soe soouia rpiUBe to nave anytmng to do with tbe Det day's breayast, and should lay tbs wbole burden of i preparation opon ber husband's shoulders. "Of course," she added, "you know toy to make rice cakes better tban tbe angel (iabriel. and you can just show, for once,' what jog can do." V itb great courage, Mr. Johnson undertook the unwelcome tak, thus .brnst upon him, and made bia prep arations vtn intelligent care. There were e;gt4 persons in Ito family, and as be estimated tbat eacn one wi eat a pint of rife, be decided to use four quarts of rue q mining bis gnd- dle-rakea. To tbe rice be added feur quarts of butter milk and a quart of hot wa ter, beaide a few bandfuls of B Jor and Indian meal in order tbat tbe cakes should look brown. He then FflMtrl that it wnntl mill It Kiyhr Iand accordingly threw ia a teacupful of sream of trtr. an equal quantity of ealaratos, and baic a bepsr of bak ing powaer. Having thus mixed Ua cakes to bis satisfaction, be placed It In tbe kitcb ava id left it to 'Viae" during tbe oigbL Ybcr; ja bo doubt that it did "rise. Moreover Uo jije bad swell ed. ' ' On goiog into tbe kiu-ben tbe next tnoriij, Mr. Johnson found tbat bis Here is a paragraph tbat may prove interelipr to our readers. An East ern paper ftas been ezamioiog the proportion of lawyers to thosp of oth er caiiiugi sod ptofeeiquo in Con gress. It ascertains tbat in tbe Senate, for instance, there are 53 lawyers and only 20 of other professions and 00 cupatiocs. From tbe States of Ala bama, California, pelsware, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas Ken tucky, Louifciana, Maine, Mabsachu setra, iliossota, New York, Xorth Carolina, ,Qhlo, jQregdr;,1 Jeuaessee Tejas and Wisconsin, tbe $enaj.ors arc all Jawyprs no other profession or occvpayoa is represented at all 10 al) tbose great at a tea. Paly two small Hi&lei fasoi both tbeir Sena tors outside tbe U'g&I profession New Jersey and Hhode Island, The '.ates not included in either of these classifications send to the Senate ooe lawyer and one who is not a lawyer. Hers we and almost ibree-fourtba of of the members of the TJoited States Senate lawyers, In a country wbere lawyers lorm an insignificant propor tion of tbe population, and in spite of .bp fact, tbat, living by tbe ambigu- ties au? topra-crrons of tbe law, tbey are disqualfced for making laws impartially. The 1 House of Repre sentatives ja nearly as bad. Here we bod 2S3 lawyers, arid only ?0 wbo are not lawyers. Illinois, for for instat.ee, bas solid phalanx of 11 lawyers, and only 9 who follow other callings. Delaware, Minnesota and ebratka, for a wonder, have not single niem' er of the legal fraternity; but tbey only bare Ere rrsfbers be tween tbem. The paper "w&lch made tnese researtpa addn; Tbe L'Dited rJ.ate,i la the only country wbere lawyers f jrm an aris tocratic caste in p.jliiica. In tbe British Parliament net m.ire tban cce-tenth are lawyers, tbe occupations wtyen jfbm p'ng country 'Squires, or f.be JaniJad farmers, gt,t&ry men, baukers d tbe railroad' interests. In rarliamwnt Uwyerg are of very little account. The leaders are men like Disraeli and OJadstoue, wbo know what laws tbe people want and s?e tbat tbey pet tbem. Iu tbe Frenfcb Asectr;bly tbe same interests are paramount. a iars.er lostall- uiwut vi iif-erar tfio ami arisig. 0 Germany tbe liame iuttrt-t preyaiia lawyers are nowberw, it is only in brow-beaten aod bankrupt Italy that lawyers come to tbe front again, acd obtain tbe supreme opportunity to bocuppovCB 3nd bedevil the laws which they are paid to interpret." gorled Trvaaar atraflir ! Llarttf. The Great Blood Cure, F'r the core of all diaMi arising from impare Hlucd. Are rou weak, nerron debiliated, rule and emaciated 7 Have you mat your appetite 7 ha.e yon nausea, pain In the badt. ko. I If So, Ut. LIuilaey s Hloud Searcher will drive oat tbe (lineaee aod briny baon tbe rllioni ol Health. Plmplea. B-tlla, rlrysliielaf. Tetwr, Salt Rbeom. ax., are bat surface Indications of Bio4 Diaeaaeai and lrr. Llndse)'! Bl.oii Searcher,; by purilyini; tLc rvytem. aoiteni the skin and beauilnea the oe&Jtilei.U.' tCoics performed by toe Jllwd Searcher read .old ny drues;!; ad' IU old uui laac'e. Try it. 11 oojwr h.tl.f C. EiJl '.; Ppp-; PJttsborjrb.lra. ' r' HEALTH Al HAPFMS 9 Hea t and Happiness are riiiceleM Wealth to tbeir poeaesdoni, and yet tbey are within the reach uf every one who will use wuiuiaT s 1.1 jrn pills. Tba only sure CURE fht Torpid Ll, lvrt.li) Heaiiarbe, dour Stomaeh, Oouatlpatlo 1, Uehlllly, DiauKea. and all BUious eomplainta and HloJd 2'"rder9 None venatne aniens signed "Wm. Wrjfcbl, EtKai" If rwir druicirlKt will not sup plyswml JHM fdt tut U; a Jirr1ea, Holler a, Oou,;uN.4lhtUFbilfc -1 ' I' n t ... , . Feb. " PHILADELPHIA COFFEE. yun'iltly made (rreat lisproyements In tbe proves of Hwaallas; Ce8e nd ouv otfej to tin trad tba FINEST ROASTED COFFEE ever put np In Packages. We guarantee every package branded -MY CHOICE" cf DOM PFDRO 'S CHOICL' tobeuoUUna but Bne 'erlecteU Uulfee, fV'9ee, m fitted lrom"BHf" by ohrteiyea-. Janney&Andrews, waoLnau Grocrs k mines Cams ici Ksrciaat ' ' Vvs. 121 and 133 Market Street, May 29 s VU Itf DELJ.HII. 1 RED HOTREPUBLIGAN, LARGEST CIRCULAT ON FANNING MILLS, SHOVELPLOWSHARES, Cultivator Shovels AND Eepairs for ITearly All tha Fm Sell in tie Ccasty. NOW OPENIIVIG AT J. 1 HOLDEBBADII 4 Mi STORE West End, Main St., Som.rset,Pa ALarge and Well Selected LOT OI? DRY GOODS, XOTIOXS, HARDWARE, QUEXSWARf ITATSA CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, -AJSTZD The Largest, Be3t and Cheapest Assortirent of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING Fresh and New, Ever Offered ia SOMEBSET. All Kind or Produce Taken WM 1? A VALUABLE INVENTION. aah hbLil THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSOfJ SEWING MAOH ml fn workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Wafh racoiyod the highest awards at the Vienna and Can tz.mul Expositions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTI? than cthsr machin-s. If? C33citv is unlimited. ThM are more w.l&om M'iCHJWES sold in the United vLatof,..h2..tho cobined snlos of all the others. mj wa.owH riLHUlftU ATTACH MENT, for t t K.nas ot repairing, WITHOUT FtfEE with each machine ACEMTS WANTED. dofne PATCHING, given I WILSON SEWING MACHINE CG. i&, u2? Ofoadway, New York; New Orleans, La.; -cr.s ateiMadtsonSts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal. FORSALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. mmi T COUNTY TO THE LADIES. The Summer and Cos. Fall srjloa of E. Bultrrl.k SubtKriutiom $2 a year. 1'rnn- ttient tuvtrtng ft cnf a iifiCt Special ratea to yearly and quar- t , - terly advertiser. ia pantri to the ypof f tfq pqafptttfenfent on account of WirUtina$, Fourth of July of other legal Holiday a. pEGISTER'SNQTCJS. &utlae It hereby elreo to all oersoas enneerned as leiratees, erediturs or ottoerwiae, tint lt le towing WH hare passed revisier, qd tjjat lli win. win ww irvKTiLnu i'ir cununnaiitin mua towange at aa Uroaans lkart to be held at Sum ersei, on 1 uursuay, jauuary sv, uTv. 1. First aceonnt of John O. Wellr, adm'r. of jodd neuer, aeceasoi. t. First ami float account of Hcnrr H. Vhmk i'ln'r. cumtcttamento snneso ( Hugh Sc'hrock, 3. First and final account or Samuel B. Real trjtstee fur the sale ot the real estaiof fcolooiv fl. ireai, aeceascu. - i. The aacoont uf Peter Brush. QuanUan ol alary A. liediln. " " 8. First Ld Inal aeoouot or William H, tttabL Adm'r ol Raaoy Slant, deo'd. 6. First account of A. Erana. Adm'r. of John J ruuiippi, uec a. 7. Second and final aeennnt nf (?Tnia Rarman. Fn-uwr oi B.uu .nana Aeriuas, aee a. 'S.-io.wU cl Jelm Reel.'Onardlan of Austin Lpe. - " - ' . . First and final aeeouut of Jouoh ti. Qrifcer, Wm'r-' Hrhard Uafjrer.dec'd. ' A- ft viu.Ey. inn. 1 fyey later. A SSIOXEE'S NOTICE. Jacob Kline of S imerset Twd.. harinir assiirned .1' his propertv real and personal to r'ranalln iaiile. ft-r tbe renetlt of ereifltors, notice Is lereoy gjvenl0 ail persona nlelted to the Paid Assignor w make Imuieiliati payment, akd.ti.oLe Ln,'.ir claims to u re sent to the sal j Aejlxnee Tor fettl llfco. jj 4slnee. ric cajtes bd cwerlow'd od cover ed the fioor to deptb of - at least a foot, wbile ia tbe immediate aeieh- I borbood of Jbe pan pyramid of bat- icr i racucu armrtr vo ioe fseuiar. Tbat moroioff be breakfasted ao drj bread aod water, and subsequent Ij empJojed tlree Jriak .women - to clean oat ibe kitcbea aod aa Irish man to earrj away- be miraculous batter. j mi .... . mere is eoasiderabla excitement amoDir tba residents of Hussville orer tbe good fortune of Christopher Meister. a Utrmo market-gardaer, linog on tLe Lake farm on Lake Island, near the buuod shore. On Cbrjetnas Paj, Mr. Meiater aod his son, wbile fliirgioj a nit to burj tor oips, in a adudj ntuear ila .bo;, btrnck a large stone three feet below the bur face. (Upon removing the stone, fipj rjiecovered an' old fashion ed iron pot, of abobt a e;k' rapaci tj, filled with what appeared to l htSB p opper coins. Jbej at once r moed tue pgt to it.e houre. aod, al- er LiemuiDg a lev COWS, Wbi.uB f ff b!ck with ig), fii,id tbem to be SpantHh B)lvr dcllarn, some cf them bearing date If, 3 . fne iaiu occo pied bj Mr. Meiter waaAwned and occupied bj the Lake famllj before and during .tbe HeoIuiiuorr war. ri ereniB prooaoie mat tbe treasure louna oy r: UtU-er was bidden bj aoma of tbe yVe' fatftiJ during one of tba raids made br tbe Tories on tbe ioland About lira years ego a number cf gold and silver coins ware dug op in tbe garden of ex. Bberstf ffQnt t K-ivilU ecd still later a box Utf oi'mpouiti, j.jnb loons was found on tbe farm of ii'r Jro.jean, near tbe old Methodist jtiptscopai fJbufh at RoBSville. Mr. Meister is hiffhlr elated orer his good fortune!' aod intends to make .farther explorations, believing that toere is .more buries treasure in the vicinity. N. Y. Tribunn SSIQXEES' ACCOUNTS. The follnwlna" aemnn's hare been Bled and be presented lor ouonrmalon on Thursday, Jan. 30th, 1879. Oeo.'Barriaj, act;,Tie of Solomon Baker. Ianiel Krmmek aeaivneeof JMet.h Landls. K M. Schrork. aasicnee of l'aititj Kalw. VaL Hay. asiirneevf Catharrne Walker, johnjxn a Sutler, asslsnee's of J ix. Bmllier. H- F- scHUii, Jan. 1- jrottonatar7 rill SURE REWARD. 5 YKARSTOPAV FOU A FA K "I. S4 to CIO Per Acre. Urttrh sunt napl I.anrfln nirhlati fn lUe .VIILI.IU A HliGUt VI 1.1 the braad Kapldoand luelau t Hailrua . ... .-). TITLK riiBi;jii J. Rtrnnst anll-awrv rrpa - plrrrlT jf lsn : bs-su elrauht-nw rLlwr lettn . .... taappert," ft m nayj Irr ma-fw rr atr r rrndy ORK PAPER PATTERNS at Ha . E. Valuer s, J9? Arch j id 804S-jyth ji St., Ph'laJHphlt Also tut I'le tbe Cnlfili:pil blliicf. (iplers filled h mail oa receipt uf (i,oe. UUlstue li( uuhed i-a )'.lfcati.o 17 ui.nl. Do ouwanttomakesbmemoneV II so here li jruur chance. rmp.,,nt A .leor t cmale want to sellthe K..7 The m.t Uonrenk-nt Artkle k,r l-ioc a lhpuri.e di-siitncl e. r Invented. It IK weiKlij. oimMirMi and mixes. Also first-am. in rruiu W ashinif Ki.-.e etc. '".alii. iwrrLwaj Aucnt.arenow rairnrnl in sellin. Ihcu. m tue west. Temnwy J CJta, 'A?t. WeitFeana. a'ittauor'xli' 1 C A TA RRH, A Jin ach ln-lKhlK)rliiM.l t'linlrotiiii-e ijr 51 I a bu:x r;:::t es. uziziz izxz7. w i I l0)lr' nr piw-kKw frw ! Id. w wlll-B fl MS u,v ,r,fi' hmrrr rii- if rrH-?M clird i.y A lnis i.r T'immi l' Vyn 1 all item, t. g. :th t ttAri. r i j fTian nxmey makefhstcrak Wort ftnJ tiiia a I I I '," s?- ;!'1hI f."t re.iaire.1 ; we i U '"; n"f "ia i"mro- -'Bd hw..!. Iat- '.!.. Auai.sta. llai... A.i.ic,,, wc lo V.rl-k. T.urowa tol kcler. If r Jaat I . 1-?TIUTU i ( il Cf jtj of John Lutt. Iul qf S..jret-k T7;' i deceased. It'tcts of a-lulaietralkuo on the arure estate havinjt'l" -mutied br lliepnMieriUihtiijr. o.ltc 1. h.PMlV u-lC In t tUi. ktul.t.1 u.1 1.. il J diw payuienl, apd lii:e bariU2Uiio aKainat it to present them dalr ulheniM'iel fur seiuauient oa natanla. January, lit, lTt, at the late rtsi-deot-e ol deceased. JA7 B ROSS, Dec. 4 Adtuiuuirator. A GOIjD MEDAL has Veen war led t the Farts Etul'tun c. is?i U) ... , J WA.Va Forth, tr best Sii-l'ord SdooI Cotton, cm firming tneetlinaie niaemi upon their s;mMls at all the World's Impositions, rnw that at Iailon, li9i to the CJeatesmiaf KxiKm'.tii.n of IH7U. where hv diploma bif "St PfcKlOR (STKE.NilTH A.MJ The becontl I'rne of a Silver Medal w n taken by the Willitmaniic Linen Comntnir. which claims to be tlie .iiccia) bfianipjuA 1,1 4 'li'erirun In dustry, and whj;-6 ha eiieisjpi.ly cdvcrti.ed a Urand nie at faj-HK - NO G2A1TD P2I22S waa aT7a:did fcr jcd CcltcnatPASS. Messrs. J. P. Coats have entubliihe.! In Paw. tucket, R. L, the largest Spool teuton Mills iu ihe uniteu slates, brery process of manufacture, trim th raw col too to tne nnished sixml. Is con ducted these. Ti.eir Aierlcar i.ol Col- toh took the awinl at the lnteantal, ami t. hi e they hare never claimed special merit for their American-made Spool Cotton over that m.nukuv larmi in their Scotch Mills, they have (he a.fis!ae Ihin Qf annuuncli,i ll,;it il,Bf h ive v Mcutiued theuiselvei wih (lis eogqtr, tbut AMERICA, as represented by J. & P. Coats, is still Ahead in Spool Cotton BATES & GOATS, Sole A aents in Pbil.i:ilbia l.t ti Ontnt n. r inf k k,.4..d 1 1! wnuh urrfnsnt ellber tx ..... mV!u." 7 H"L,rrr '" forilwKl, iUnh ti 1 lie mutt BMcfu! pr- - - -- FQ-R. WIFE, . or kter l f.ne (,f oU, Mhcd Kluiliift' l-rijiptn,, nan ile id xr ateatly t ."..tci.lwl yife, nyth I. ii-K-l fhited ,id inios. 4 Iron u oa diiMeas t rirrs. i llWHt itt XI tlx. f.. Vsifl . 114 I'ounrT. BESTS hnslness yon can enirna-e In. A to a ner ay maile t.y any worker of either iei I'jht In their own Inenlliies. Ii.-t' -r' ir spare tin,, at this buaineas. A I. ires. v-,,.. ! .' Co., Conjand iiaina. " March 21, jr. ( J', (J. P. OJATS, OPALL DESCRIPTIONS EIECDTEB WITH KEITJEjS AK) DEPOT piete tttroaal, rnrvr lir crant. fiend tor paannJiln; tinll.t, ar Ucruiaa. -' - ' AJdrpw X. O. llt uniRT. (-a vmiapMioaer. Much course paper is made sproce chips down East. from The aoderstantad A ssine nf parH (. Yoaa. will oStr at putdie aala, va the iiremlaes, is " ersei tuwasaip, ua Saturday, January 25, 1879, ail U.e'f-ilkeinw derrlbed real aetata, Tis : 4 tract of Una , iuiate iBtximenet lwp Soner iet ooMoiy, Pa., a.ij..lniD land o JocaUtae Dp suayor, CbmriiJ Hunter, WiiUamTrfbl a ad k& era, euatatalnji laa aerea, Wort V of whick then la about lav acre eiearad sad St acre la, aeadow. harlos; a two story frame boase, bank barn and other oatboildlnn ihu uvtl- .iu a line apple orchard and suvar camp. Terms made kaowa on day of sale. r' . t;rXKlitSPAWaLER, 'J' Aflnaa. ' li Li- . 4 l)MINITBATOR'SKOT:CE. - IVUta cf amnel Swank, lata of IQacmabon " fcs;lwp., Somerset ennntje. Pa , dee'd. - Ijettass al adrntrtsUaiioS' on thaabora astata harina; been irranteirio the- naderalraed, noMcact hereby erlven to those indebted to It I make rarmtr 4Uls payment, and thosa bavins; claims again it, la praacnt litem dgiy anthsnllcatad for settle ment oa Saturday, the 1st day of liana. MTS,at tbe raaldenca of deceased. H IK A At SWANK Administrator raw Uilatunlo tnnntxa.' JaaSI i A2 XTO3ES 0? School Orders PATENTS. T. r. LEHNA5N. S!:c!cr far Pile's. i;'Q. HSith Are., rittiurah, P. No Patent, jfo piy. ' ": aeU..,rclar. V. r HALKKR m thii place has a lot ol bis celebrat. il Horse Kakee for nlc--better than ever and chi ap. Any one wss wants i-ne at once, wnu:d do well to send biia a postal erl or in sime way let him know In orler to make Sure ol ifetiin one. as ne in nis rop.n(l j;of ellir nnirlit not li all who warit rakia. s May AAhlTFn 's",nto'Uandeachaiif. Ws It fill I CU have tinmlreds or eu.tnmers wain inK u buy larnis ut now. Never knew a better tune to sell Acres at lair prices, as people are liltlna; money from banksand seeking; A. res lot Hiety. Address S. M. JAM ES, PitlsburKh Kann Aajmcy, 134 Sniiiuaeid SL PliUhurith, Pa. Thi-e in search of farms er.! lor printed Farm Reitiote.. A UDITUU S .NOTICE Jc.-ii. CritcliHold n. ..r f!. M trtwo.v. Kilialwin Hu-niiert aud Wm. Chtch-Bt-ld lor) Z W 100 000M" Vf f Wionib) fron omet, are W.Mles, from a u n. ,v. AgenU are nukloa; that.am mat. Address, with one eect stamp. Kct.S. T. lltVS, pee. Ji Milton. Ps. I In tin i'. u-t (.iC-., j Ua-in Plea, ut s t ei.un'y. 5. Amrasi T Jotin H. Kimmel an-! I P.ivi.l f. Kiinini-1 I .. I. To Vlnrv Cailierine Kiium-l No. I-., v..; h k.ii n.r . 1 To A. J. CiK.iro t-i uc .N.i. 4. To.li.pn K JW-.tt lr t ; l.t "f Janu trv j"0 on titii n ,.f fenr Plie, r.j. lieriU. hied, the IVort s;iOuil.t il- h Kn I. ley r. Au-iitiir lo.1l Iria'e'ltie tun t la the h.ui ' id tlie it.-ilu t.i u I sin cut tin as ! fat ly en Ul.l h- r-to. Ka'.ract rrm the recr I eevi tfleil l-k ( fsiuisrv. ll-l F. J. KiMiSKU. I'n.lii. iii-Kj. S'o. N hrr- it, fiven lh.it I w!:l fi"l lur.-5 .i -...i. , - ., .... . l w oa SitucLy. Jj nu y .4. H J H tf. fa! J,n. I M . At i oTici: Second Term Ijegics Feb. Ut, 1379. Fuf terms and tuf irwatun ajly Iu REV. T. B. EWIrfS. Prh:ljil. r a- r BLAIRSVILLE. Jaa. t'KKI' VtV IX a Oii T or.e HwlKal IViun Vr H...k to any aeraoa aaderiis; with ,t n.rt-Tn.. a TUM4. I ITlia Huhi iliiti I it.. V . . . . ... Hwaa 'tnansT. Mend name aa I ihmc i rtirw .,i. dreea, with two Scent poatave stamp al state your siranesa. IMItli e-eaiot lllu.irate.1. (14 pp. W au 1T. I The mf na.tt.ia II nialna la In. p,7 fce- of Ood, baa saved many lives lie has ttsea treating dpuaM of the Ne. THruai; Lanir, as a iivM peati,. fa i lncirria.1 slDcelKij. aihlrcss Dr. M. B. WSif. Cin cinnati, Ohio. i . J4B J.. - V I 1. , ED. B. SCULL, abs J. Keefes.) n the tmrt of C.iran,on Picas va f ol kiiuierui I Co. . P. ' i. il, Boehi. Brant. ) Jaa. T. lail. trje tMfeut.j By vlrtueof acommlMl'in Usueilimtvf tin Court of Uouirnoa Pleas oi Momersei iiuntv. Pa., siitiny ia equity, and to me el reeled, 1 will otter at public saw at tne ort Hoase In the borough of rwmer set, said county, oa t I fe'dosk. . k) , th 'Si'low liiw aaMnuad teul t lata, uemii taesaaie wl oh i u recivered br the PuvlntllTaKalnst ike UoUndabt I'ma amwl. in Whemu. th 5 mert k Vhe-ril T K ' I' M Dm b I g I on in !: la e k.a:in .n. IrHt.-e. 1.4 a-aa- ." I ' i ie..ra W. I'ue, Mienll. anl wis j. iw.- 1 "b.. i m I, ny ; t keee -f fi. an.lifr-i:,Tir-l tn vhtiee a.-raiaal Irte m I cbe-t, tti.t they .it ni. el .1 It . ... r 1. liaer. I Si.inerrf-t. a ' MnudfJ. .loUeiry 27. 11 '. at n'elnrk f v fKll;aai I a ' C'll. . by eleetina a 'le.'i.al av. a le ,t .1 i , lirci.ira. .n-l to a-l- 1 a ciiip"e's a j-e . -4 aeai. aud to Uetrrmia c it.. u iti- k 01W'1"0 t'HRl-eri 41 l. il l H K II 41.1. 'i!j'k it r ii .i i J 13. t S'. lMlHTHAT'fc s .xtrrii r t.ta .1 P . I i i i . ' I.: Pfi s t i . Jeeae.l. . Letters of a.llnhitriiioa tbe above ! b' Ina Oeen granted t.. tbe aulericijrd tiy pe- v aeiht.ru. notice t. herrhy atvea w ia.. lu-i.'-.ed ta It ti make iunneliare pa.t ment. .ret tk- t 'rU c;a::u -'l-K t t-i ere-.,i i,ca lalv a-jtsen ed tut H-t'ievieitt sriatdr.!ir. il Kt I 1"- " ' - - jit ,h SHntil-'-. Jjn. Ij Adwrem-n- The nnderslaued will ait.i Ik tlx le-n t )im It-r tlie pan - 1 lalllre at Ibe I rc-ent tr art auiitoriiuia an. I reitu.ritia: tbe Aii-ttt ail l.-e T: ...ir.r t.1 .n.lil uail .eftls t etnt id iie.iif hriMr v ut .wrreet t o. rent, c, iiue him t. r the oe ol a h"Uie i.ia'i. w Horltn. in theejntr ah.rta.iH. occutiled hf 1 . UIds Howie, and Snv.leraa-I the bkb and.' "." eommund iluriuit He rear Imij. jan.c lit. Mint, iir.r r i.t Pa., adioltilnx lin.ls .MamaiHtotners ctmtaio.tuf atxM.t U. ae.e atn e- an aeiMvnoi ejectment, to 41, Janairy T. 1;, to W lb . A certain tract of land sitaata In St.v.-rerk "imntp. ?omersel eoun'y, tr, jna 1, audi so acres cleared, about Iu acre lu meadow. ' The amproremenu ara a two story, plaak isw-llie house, a lnne bank burn (nearly new, and otlief puabnililinits. . -i-aEKMS -CASH. W. H. Rl PPtU Jaa I Master in chanceiy. oi ice is herchv Kiven to all wbouj It lair s cent, that 1 will apply Ui the Court ot I'.-mrn -n Pleas ol Onmerset tViUnty, on Monday, J lu . k. liaulil ,l 1 K. Ai4 ill At.ieUl''l'. merseieouniy, r., aljiliilnt( l-imls ' . ' iZt naru. m lo-atheb Wilier. Peler Form-1 -""" ! w-r' ramutat married . , ' ' FT.IZA BAEP. 'Jan. Bitrther.saey T-janetiy. lju Ui:- - S3 UOLDFLATKnOTATrlSte. Cticpew in the known world. Satapls WaicA r tts la Address, A. Cwgutu a Co.. Ukkafo. GUf!S5 Irroludiee; Shcotlra Owtn ry cun warranted. ikiaarjiT VIuk. a aiu.u at. L- " mm , van led. 3"S. . . -. l":cvlrn 'reo. . a i CO. ti "