The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 22, 1879, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald
TrjE Colorado Legifelalure has eo-
lec.ed Prxt N- P- nUl as the fucces-.
or to U. S. Setter Cbeff.e.
Os Wednesday last tbe Democrats '
-rv k rr.,linRtiDaDiitooBlTnom,
flmnot Vance for U. S.
nated Covert or
Aootber Rebel General has i
ttosbeen re.a'ded
Epitoes ana publishers er made
epecil wlject of prayer during
prayer ecW
Our butioew manager
hooes that a few petitions
were also
put up for delinquent subscriber, as
tber needed it more.
Tor f-ur lrain fctood CD the
truck at Krie, mow-bund. which has
up it nice too of frilrer br. -
4S00 000 in gold coin belontriog to
tie gur.ent Whet a chance the
light Gogeitd gentry disced, if tbey
bad only known it.
The Jrftat last wek, " Demo
cratic Crete, of tbe bill for tbe re
li-f i William and Mary College, in
Virginia, giEcant ol tbe fact
that members cf Congress have beard
from tbeir condiments in regard to
tbe payu eatof SutberP wrr claims
The Whwlii-S papers aonoocce
tUt wht-fMti that cUv, la'e'j. V'ce
TreMdeDt Kejmr cf tbe B A O
Railroad, stat?d tbat tho IlernpGclJ
r.-ad. cooueaiug that place wiih the
IiuburgU & Oinntllsilie road,
would shortly be pu.bed u corop'e
tijo The Potter Committee has at last
been forced by public opinion to en
ter upon tbe investigation of the Ci
pher telegrams TLe country will,
therefore, soon know wbo were" the
wicked Democrats that ir' d to boy
the Pret-idency for tbat pure and in
nocent eld eaint, Samuel J. Tilden,
fvitboot bis knowledge.
Gov Harteasft has made as ar
h the Secretary of
. -fcv -
Var wbo agrees to furbish great
coats for our State Militia at $2 40
each. These cirts are entirely new,
being a surplus left over after tbe
war, and as our S'.ate troops noWj
.wear tbe regulation uniform tbey
tre just tbe thing cecded, apart from
their remarkable cheapness.
Mas Axieesx, an Eoglieb wo
man, has ptrformed in New York
tbe task of walking 200 quarter
miles in as many eoDtecutive quarter
hours. People are making quite an
ado over ber powers of endurance,
nd ebe is so nearly dead for lack of
sleep, tbat a pbysiciao iias to watch
ber constantly, for tear if oace sound
ly asleep she will never awake again.
Cui Jtono?
Since resumption on tbe first day
cf January, the sale of four percent
bonds has averaged $5,000,000 per
day. Such a rush for investment at
this low rate of interest, rbotvs the
atjUOdaUCU of a.eiT-, mad iuduwn
thinking mea to believe tbat hereafter
people will be satioCed with this
emaU, bnt secure rate of interest,
ratber than take any risk in loaning
t a larger per cent.
The Supreme Court cf this State
bas decided tbat a sale of a bankrupt
atate ordered by tbe United Slates
Court does not divest tbe wife's
dower in tbe real estate so fold.
Speculators ia tbe real estate cf bank
rupts may not, therefore, have ai&dc
each great bargains, if they have to
pay tne interest on one third cf the
valae of the property go purchased to
tbe widow duiiog ber lifetime.
Tue red-letter day in the history
or the Treasury Department was
Taesday, tbe 1 4 ib of Jaoaary, 1879,
when tbe subscriptions to the four
per cent, -loan amounted to almoat
fourteen millions, and a call was is
sued (or twenty millions of tbe five
twenties. This is the largest mb-
acriotion known on anr ouc da v. andjeral Administration bas aifadily
- . .... ...
the largest Cili ever mode at one
time. Tbe total subscriptions fr tbe
month are the teaviest ever known
in one month, and the calls the la:
gest ever known in the game period.
Tbe amount of railed bndoautand
ing is greater than at any prevtons
The Washington National Repub
lican contains the startling announce
ment tbat tbe names of tbe uitrea
electors of Arkansas ia I S"6 are all
eigoed on the back of the envelope
containing tbe electoral certificate of
tbat State in the handwriticg of tbe
ame pers o. And &t consequently
JiTfTie .' The Potter eoaimittee
lias spent a gooc" ucai of time and no
little money in an adearor to ascer
tain wbo performed an office aouie
w bat similar to tbe above in regard
to the Louisiana rertiGca'e, which
went for Hates aod Wheeler
There should now be some little lime
devoted to investigating the "crook
edness" connected with the Arkan
sas vote, which went for Tii.hew and
f Iexubtcks
at tee open log or tbeir investiga
tions, the Democrats on tbe Potter
Committee eagerly embraced as wit-oet-eo
and agents, all sorts of un
scrupulous .nd rascally persons
whom they could use to smirch and
befoel tbe character oi rbeir oppo
nents. In nexrly every case the mea tbty
thus used have turned on the com
aittee. Tbe laa case is tbat of St.
Martin, a' deputy Sergeant-at-Arms,
who tells a 6tory on Stanger, of the
Franklin district of ibis State, that
if true, proves hits to Le a most con
temptible little knave.
We will be fairer with fcteeger,
t'bwn waa bis committee with Repub
licans, when charges were made
gainst them, mui .will bear bis de
fence before jumpiog at ibe conclu
sion of his goilt, Iwt we cannot belp
fceicg amused at those valiant inv'es
tigators having to take tbe witness
eiaod iu tbeirowi. defeow. Lite tte
Hcdibrasiic goc lhi committee's
When well aim-jJ at duck or rdorrr
Keeol! i3 kick lt owner over.
RepnbjiCM io AU.
bore beeB pusbjQ? lle iavesti-
gtuon of election frauds in that State
before tbe United States District
Court cf Montgomery, and bare se-
cared the CDnvictioi of the bull-doz
ers in two cases, in one a-nrn-k
. - ... ',, 1 1 T?Aniih1I-
wbere mere were uu ut i
cace at the election io August, the
Democratic Inspectors had counted
all the votes tbat were cast as Dam
ocrauc, although the Republicans
were actuolly entitled to a majority
of about one buodrtd and fifty. In
November tbe colored voters ap
peared at tbe voting place, end found
that ihe efttne arrangements for de
fraudio? them, which were puccoss
ful in August, had beea made for this
election. consultation, they
decided upon tbe following plan:
Oae man held all the Republican
ticket; be wivh three others stocd
where tbey could plainly see each
mn he handed in Li vote. One
t ter at a time would receive bis
ticket, and be careful to bold It plain
ly in view until it was delivered to
(be band which was reached out
from tbe narrow opening to receive
is. Each Republican vote was care
fuMy counted it wes cm. Thus,
tbe fjur men who were tbe witne ses
for tbe government 01 the trial were
hlA m nnxa to tbe hatii-faeiioo of
the jury tbe exact nuaber of vo es to
which the Republicans were entitled.
Tne veroict w as guilty In another
case wbere tbe was stolen,
tbe colored Fpervieor secured tbe
conviction of ibe thief.
Si eariso of the bill for the re
lief of William and Mary College, tbe
L.tevOrrin remarks :
Tbeee eoatbtrn gentlemen see
nothing objecinmabie in at-kiog Con
grees to build uptheir country. Tfcey
come forward with endlens proposi
tions, involving the outlay cf hun
dreds cf millions, and do not wrni to
understand tbat Federal interference
ia one direction carries with it inter
ference in any other direction. Tbey
importune Congress to appropriate
moneys to improve tbe south, and
they deny tbat Congress can provide
for tbe peaceable collection cf tbe na
tional revenues in tbe south. Tbey
ask Congress to endow a college, 6nd
making a law probititing tbe exer
cise of Federal power to suppreea il
licit distilling in tbe interest of Fed
eral incotco. Tbey want tbe doors
of the Treasury Bung wide at tbeir
approach, but tbey growl like ft dog
with a sore head when ai-ked to pay
their proportion of the Federal in
come. These things do not run well
together. Tbey are not exactly con
sistent. Rather, fbey are entirely
consistent with southern jpethods
The motto at tbe south Is de-maud
everything ; concede nothing. Aod
the people are beginning to under
stand it. Tbey are likely to under
stand it by-and by. Meantime, Re
publicans Jo Congress will do well to
reject such entering wedges as tbat
illustrated by tbe Wiijiam and Mary
College bill. If b "'fc 4euj. t
be let alote, let U alone Eeve rely.
We beg our Democratic friends not
to embarrars themselves with false
njcxieetv. If there is anything on
tbepremicx-s of tbe Republican party
fr wbicb thef hare a fancy, by all
means let them take it. rar be it
from us to remonstrate at tbe appro
priation cf our property, or to think
it unreasonable if tbe crop wnica we
planted and tilled, and protected with
great trouble from tbe attempts of
tbe Democracy to pull it up by tbe
roots, is claimed I y ibis same De
mocracy soon as it bas Iwen Kr
nered. The pouotry is gettiog ued
to this sort of thing : and though we
cannot go so far as to prevud tbat
we uke it, the time has passed vjben
it could cause us any surprise.
just now a branch of tbe Eastern
Democrats are laboriously arguing
that Art brought bout the resump
tion of specie psvments, ia spite of
the persistent efforts of the Uepuli
can party to perpetuate suspension
Secretary Sherman, say tbey, has al
ways opposed resumption : the Fed-
vored an inflated and irredeeu&ble
currency j ibe Radicals in Congress
have been distinguished by tbeir op
position to bard iaom?y j nothing has
saved tbe country but tee steadfast
need and common-sense of an loneet
and united I)mocracv. "Now tbat
"the Republicans are beginning to
"fall out over resumption," savs one
organ oLbe opposition, "perhaps the
"Democrats mjy come by tbeir own."
We hope tbey may ; but at present
the things that tbey seem pioei aox
ious t cvuie by are ours. Jn tbe 1,
Louis platform of 18T6 tbey denouac
ed tbe wspmotion clause of tbe Act of
1875 asa hindrance to resumption
and demanded Us repeal ; and to
this profession of financial ijuh thev
remained tolerably faithful up fo the
1st of January, 1879, when resump
tion was duly accomplished aeeord
ing to tbe terus of tbe Aet. They
have net condescended to explain tbe
apparent jiwopsistcocy cf claiming
tbe credit of aa n:b;evement which
they bare done tbeir beqt to prevent;
tbey only bid u pet out or tbeir vay
and remember that it is tbeir proces
If it bad not been for tbe RepubU
can party tbe Unite I State would
have goce to pieces at the beginning
of the war. 4$ suppressing toe re
beuiou aod restono tbe L aion we
bad to deal cot onlv with to armed
foe in our front but with an unarmed
and hardly less Jaogerous foe in the
rear, wbo obstructed tbe operations
of our soldiers, denounced ever aU
tempt la save tbe Constitution a un
eoasiuuiioaaj. god opposed tbe abo
lition of human alarerras a violation
of buman rights. Uut hariog in
spite or JJemocratic resistaase
restored tbe Union add lib
erated tbe slave, we are now request
ed to stand aside and 1st the Demo
cratic party manage recoaitrsction
and take eve 0 the negro. We are
told that it is a grots outrage on oar
part to data any share a Joe berit
age we have preserved or to do any
thing lor tbe protection of tbe weai
and ignorant whom we have libera
ted. Tbe Democracy is going to
fook after the South. It has got eut
its ri.83?, eJbotguns, masks, red-shirts
and tiseue ballots ; ;t bas organized
its Buggy Brigades a4 Advisory
Committees; it bas put a complete
stop to negro suffrage. If the Re
ppblican North remonstrates, It Is in
formed tbat tbe Solid South bas al
ways been the personal property' of
the Democratic party, id tbat tbe
party does not mean to be interfered
with by niggers ; and if we venture
to inquire whether Southern Repub
licans have no rights which" Demo
crats are bound to respect, tt entire
Democracy, from Senator Tburman
down to Alderman Purroy, ia shock
ed at a question which betrays sucn
a depth of sectional bate. Well,
gentlemen, don't be bashful ; take
whatever yon can lay your bands on;
and if you don't see what you want,
atk for it if. Y. Tribune.
KrTeretjr Ba(liBr4,
New Orleans, Jan. 16. At the
session of tbe Teller Committee to
day Mr. A J. Bryant, colored sena
tor from Tensas, testified Xo Re
ni.hhcin 1 1. kft was nominated be
cause of tbt eats of whites, wba said
tber would .ousider such action a
declaration . i war. The Dignt be
fore the election a party cf wnites,
including Messrs. Ruckncr and
Ilaudeboro, came 10 my bouse, took
me out in my nignt clothes, carried
me a Quarter of a mile and threaten
ed me, laying I bad sold out to the
Bland party. I denied l oh, ana
stated 1 bad not seen any of tbe
leaders of tbe Dland party. Tbey let
me go after promising to go to tbe
polls the next day and vote tbe regu
lar Democratic ticket. I complied
iib my promise. The party bad a
rope with ibora and said if tbey were
BuLitCed that 1 sold out to tbe Dland
puny tbey would "put rae tbrougb "
Krom ttt Ylrk;urir (MIm ) Comai'.rdal.
Sam Randall claims to have 100
Congressmen pledged to vote for biin.j
fur speaker. As it requires just j
more votes to elect him, we venture
aa aMeriioii that historians will write
after tbe as-eulbliog of the next Con
irrets, "(Joue to moet Tilden,"
Wkit it Amotion te.
From tbt B aton Traveller. (Hap )
Mr. Tilden is reported aj desirous
of appearing before tbe Potter Com
mittee to clear bis skirts of tbe cipher
disgrace. Unhappy P.tter ! He
s-arted out to show how the Repub
lican parly stole tbe Presidency, and
Cods himself reduced to tbe more
modest task of giving the great Da
franded a chance to prore $i alibi.
Tbe HfilMcfira Emblem Mill Wave.
Frm the Baltimore Bulletin.
Messrs E F. Eve and J oho W.
Clark, cf AusrusU, Ga , two of Gov.
Hampton's old comrades nnd devo
ted frieuds, bare raised over tbe
Hussars' II all in tbat city a genuine
old Confederate dif In honor of the
General's improved condition. Kv
erv day tbat tbe flag is seen flying it
i8evidence that the old hero is pro
gressing well.
Washisotos, January 11. Tbe
Potter Committee to-day considered
tbe question whether tbe smeavit 01
St. Martin, former Deputy Jsergeaui-at-arms
of th Committee, confessing
tbat be bad sworn falsely before the
sub-committee, and casting imputa
tions opon Representative Sienger in
tbat connection, boold be placed up
on record, or afnant be placed upon
tbe stand. .
St. Mrtin, in his affidavit, attrib
utes his appointment as Deputy Ser
geant-at arms of tbe Ccmmjttee to
Weber, and saysj
I was induced to leave my borne
in Donaldsonville, La., by Weber,
and interview Democratic members
of the Committee and confidential
agents of S. J. Tilden A. M. Gib
soo. J. H. Maddux and G. W. Carter
At interviews with tbe agents (gen
erally 1 saw each separately) 1 be
came convinced tbey desired special
service, and were interviewing roe
for tbe purpose of learning whether I
was decreet and reliable, and wbetb
er their olans miitht be safe y en
trusted to me for execution. Mad
dui revealed the service I was ex
pected to peifrm. firstly, apur
ney to St. James parish to subpietsa
Aroii.-tead, Duncan ana s.ewarn,
but not to serve eubpmas until I had
first ascertained thai when placed up
on the stand before the Committee
tber would eive testimony desired
bv Tilden's aeentf: secondly, to ee
cure tuch testiinooy I was authorised
to effer tbe hope of reward and Tor
th?r assurance tbat tbey would be
remitted to return to FelicUnla par.
isb, fro which they had previously
been driveo, ana guarantee 01 immu
nity from moleslaiioe in the future;
thirdly, tbe testimony desired from
Armistead. Duncan and S:eward
tin retraction and denial tf tbe
material facta In ifceir examination
before the Reiurofoir hoard as to
outrages, Ac , in Feliciana parish
Prom conversations with Armis
lead. If nncan and Steward I became
convinced they would prove pliint
witnesses. I brougtt Wm to tne
city and tick them to Weber's rooja.
I iben reported to Maddux and the
.Committee that tbe witnesses were
in tbe citv. Maddux wrote cot in
affile; t form the evidence each waa
expected to gije before ,tbe Potter
Committee. I carru4 tfcefe affidavits
from Maddui'i to n etier. Jttfae
davits were read to witnesses and
tbey were promised, Duncan 160,
Armistead $80, and Steward $S0 for
such testimony. Weber coached wit
nesses by repeatedly reading t each
tbe tcsdwony expected, anJ te fur-ni-led
Stenger with questions to be
propounded witnesses sod I be an?
sers witnesses bad agreed to give.
I carried such Hsu from Weber to
Steoger. In tbe perform anea of my
duty as Wepaty fcergeaot-at-arms 1
was placed in posserpioo cf subprcias,
and in 12 or 13 cases where the
names of witnesses had been furnish
ed by Republican eoaaefj was in
structed to report ire ptnea n4
found. I was instruotea by Stenger,
Chairman of eub-cummiitee, that in
ca&9 where witnesses subpeeiaed
fcould aot urnish the evidence de
sired by tbe Committee or unfavor
able la the Democracy (to r.oturn the
subr.tas and report tbe persons net
1 was introduced by Weber to Mr.
Dula. Weber said to Dula that if be
would gje certain evidence before
the Committee Lb rould secure $200
Dula refuted tbe offer. He recfined
in tbe city and waa aim oil (tonst ant-1
ij at eber a room. Tbe cff?r was'
raised 10 JoOO, and proposed and ac
cepted in my presence. Weber tben
drilled him in his iesos. Tbe dar
prey jously I beard Weber -tar t j
Dola tbat Jje could not absolutely
close tbe bargain eat; I he bad seen
A. M. Gibson. Dula appeared Wore
tbe Committee, but instead of the which be agreed to give be
testined differently, and exposed tbe
whole plan, bow he had been efftred
a brbe by Weber, aod that I' waa in
tbe room when f eber made tbe pro
posal. At tie instigation ct Gibson
1 went opon the stand to' contradict
Dula'B atatement. B fore testifying, j To return to the presidential sab
Gibson asked me if I would deuy tbe ject, there is not at present any Pifm-
lestinionv of uaia. 1 repueu mat
Dula told s pretty straight Etory, aud j apparently unanimous support of bis
I feared tbe cros-examinatiou if:partv, and tbe question before the
Cox. He then asked Weber wbere
the money was that waa to be given
Dula as Boon as his testimony was
completed (provided ho had testified
as desired). Weber took tbe money j
out of his pocket, $450, wrapped up
ia white paper who DuU'a name on
it. Gibson took the package and
gave it to me. I gave my testimony
before tbe Committee. Afterwards I
returned the money to Weber. Dur
ing tbe entire session of the Commit
tee in this city, Maddux, Gibson and
Carter, were busy influencing wit
nesses by tbe uso and offers of mon
ey, and tbe Chairman of the Commit
tee bad full knowledge of this fact.
Maddoi repeatedly told me that
Gibson was Tilden's outside agent,
and he could secure all tbe money
desired from Col. W. T. Pelton. cf
New York
Io May laet, pri r to Weber' de
parture for Washington, be cime to
me and stated tbat be desired to go
North and was goiog to see Secrets,
ry Sherman, and intbe event that
the Secretary did net provide for
him suitably and accede to his mouey
demandx, he wished to know if 1
would testify that I bad seen tbe
"Sherman letter" io existence, and
further, that I bad witnessed bim
(Weber) destroy it. 1 told hiin I
could not and would not. Wtber
told me most positively that no eucb
document as the Sherman letter had
ever been seen bv him. and he bad
no belief in its ixis ence. Weber
told me on his return from Wa-hiog-ton
that he was approached by
G. W. Carter and A. M. Gibson and
oflvred $10,000 if te would give cer
tain evidence before the Potter Cm-
iSitu-r. lie wished to cavo tne mon
ey down UiUre mo ics'.ioiooj
given 1t tbe reason tbat be feared
tbee people (Carter and Gibson)
wculd not act in good faith. After
cohiiderabla delay Weber sid tbat
Carter gave him $1,000, jot before
be went cpon tbe stad Weber
said, bad it not been for this sum tbe
testimony would have been favorable
to the Republicans and to Secretary
Sherman. In addition to the money
reward, $10,000, Weber told me
Carter end Gibson guaranteed the al
logcd defalcation of Weber as Treas
urer cf the School IJjard of West
Feliciana, should be settled and he
be released from all annoyance on
that tcccunt. I have bad correspond
tuce with Gib-ion and Maddux to se
cure coropliauca with tbat portion -of
tbe agreement relative to affairs of
tbe School Board at tbe request of
V. h. Weber.
The affidavit was sworn to h?fore
United States Coramlssioncr Wool
Bey, at New Orleans, December 2,
From Oar Special Curreion Jo nt.
oca WAsmauros letter.
Since Congress bas leasiembled
there have been two deaths of tpern
bers, Mr. Hartridge. e.f Georgia, aod
Vr. Schleicher, of Texaf; making
four, all on the Democratic side, who
have died during tbe present session.
It has long been the custom of Con
gress to adjourn for a day 00 an
nouncement of tbe decease of a mem
ber, and, since tbe holidays, tbe time
of Congress has been almost entirely
taken up in adjournment.
Jn the absence of political news of
a legislative character, I will venture
to give some of the gossip current ia
political circles, relative to tbe next
presidency. Ir is remarkable that at
ibis early day there is almost as mucb
talk aod interest upa tbe surged as
if the country wt-re on tbe eve of a
preoidaatfal nornhation. The eligi
bility cf pussib'e candidates it erni
estly di-cged. Tbe names of Blaine.
Tburman, Cockling, Biyard, Sey
mour, Evtrts, Hendricks and Grant
are most prominent in these discus
sions. Bot, of all names on the Re
publican side, tbat of Qrant seems to
be cherished with most uainlamy.
Whatever may bo tbe L-e'io. ia thj
Rcpublicmparty at large, the ab.-ent
ex I'resideaJ stands first in tba hearts
of that compact, pjworfu.!. disciplined
orS'jizlion of professional politicians
that centres in the capital- Tbey be
lieve that bis returu to America will
ba hailed with t much enthusiasm
as was the return of tbe first Napo
leon from Elba, aud that tbe continu
ous ovation wbicb will carry bim
successfully to the leadership of bis
party, in tbe next presidential cam
paign, bids fair to rivl the triumph
ant procession of tbe great Emperor
from Fregus to Paris. Whether the
simile wjlj be completed by a Water
loo in November, 1880, remains to
be seen. Postmaster General D. M
Key is mentioned 'as a p foible candi
date for .Vice President, on tbe ticket
with Gen. Grant, aod it will not be
difficult to see tbat ibis ' ao ingen
ious combination.
Gen. Grant's visit to Ireland will
belijs farewell to Europe, for be re
turns home by m 0 tJJ. Pacific.
He leaves Great' Britain, It li said,
with tbe most agreeable impressions
pf tbe motherland. '"If I were not
an American," be remarked in Paiis,
"I would be aq Kqgllb.'Dan.' Tbe
General is siid to have taken a grast
fancy to ibe Prince of Wales of wbom
be saw a great des! last immer at
the French Capital, when tbey were
both lodging at tbe Hotel 15 -is to!.
f TJje opdon World'1 correspond
ent wrjte? this Jfo'sfg mg7 Dot
be uoiflUTPsMe tP ftorpjs of your
"I bear from Gibraltar tbat L rd
Napier and the General became great
ironjes cn tbe occasion of the ei
Presidents iWl If) that place. Tbey
toi and strolled abjot and bad uie.-s
dinners, st.d tfcere was a reyieir aod
also a sham battle. There was some
surprise tbat the General did out
wear bis unttorm at tbe re vie. But
tbe American consul said tbat Ulfs
ses bad tired of his uniform aod sent
it nbme. However, hjs horsemanship
was a theme of universal tdruircti-'o
The Soldiers did tbeir Jiest ia march
ing and maneflreriof . Trd Napier
waa greulf pleased, and said be
bad never eetn tbem do so well in
bis life, and be supposed the were
putting tbeir best foot forwarder
tbe Yankee commander. K was
rather a trial to undergo the iospec
Uv0 of a njajn who bed command "d
ovtr a million oi njeo, aod tskeu
part, iu most iotUoci as JL-jmmad
er, la Cfiy pitched battles. ' The Q?r
eral rxoress d to L .r4 Napier bis
high admiration of the troops Be
bad srea ncne in i-.uror-s so well di9
clplioed- Tbeir tiring pleased Ljm
'Tbey bad learned,' he said, as be
watcbed tbe maneuvering, 'bow to
fire low aod fire slowly.' By tbe
way, general Grant does not believe
in ba' oneta or sabres, and said to
some of our officers thai he would
nal hare a bayonet or sabre in bis
army, if be erer commanded jnoibrr
Tbe extra weight on the soldier
would be better as ammunition or ra
tioLS. Our 0 ffi. -era did aot
8UBrp j
these opinions, and belie vtd tbat ihi '
bayonet and sabre had done, and
would again do good work
ocrat wbo has, like Gen. Grant, an
next convention may bo, aaof old,
any man to beat Crant. There a e
no lees than three prominent, so ca'l
ed, aepiraota in tbe city. Senator
Bayard. Senator Thnrnmr and ex
Gov. lleodritks. (. T.Jen, it ia
saiJ, will eooa appt . t.. ntify before
the Potter committee iu regard to tbe
cipher telegrams, and then tbere will
be four.
Since no ore knows what a day
may bring foi th, especially in politics,
and since there roust elapse full four
hundred days before a nomination by
either party, it would seem prema
ture to write i.bcut it at present. My
only excuse for wtHiog is tbat every
body is talking. It most be remem
bered tbat the Democrats will soon
have legislative cuntrol of the coun
try, and it may be set down as cer
tain tbat they will spread something
to catch tbe political trade winds in
tbeir sails. To give tbe gient and
reviving intete3t of immigration a
place io the cabinet would be a pop
ular measure with our large natural
ized p-:po'atioa. To honor agricul
ture with ihe dignity of miu-tir 1
reprenentatku, a it is hoaured in the
French and other Europein cab ne a,
wuuld not be cnpl able to ihe
Grangers. Aid with a Secretary cf
immigration, and a Secretary of Ag
riculture in tbe cabinet, it wculd be
easy to appoint a minister for that
other interest which recently devel
oped such esuueding fijerta in tbe
speech cf ex Oovernor Set moor.
Wbat would be his title? Secretary
of But er and Cieese?
. CAS.
Uraprrale Cacouaur.
Detroit, Jan. 13 For some time
R 'bert II. Murpby, a gn cer oo
Grand River avenue, suspected tbat
burglars bad been attempting to en
ter bid store. Lst nigh; he conceit
ed bimtelf behind a counter and
awaited' developmeo's He soon
beard tbe burglar eutertbe rear door
by means of a false key, and saw bim
light a dark lantern and Gil a bag
with a lot of canned fruit and tttart
fjr the door. Murpby intercepted
him and a terrible struggle ensued.
Finally Murpby seivd an iron
wedge aud struck tbe burglar several
savage blow, fulling him' to the
fl jor. Tbe f.-llow regained his feet,
aiid, having ci.oked Murphy into a
state ol Insensibility, escaped. An
hour later a man, giving the name of
James Ellis, applied at the police
station for medical attention, saying
he bd been waylaid and beaten by
robbers. Murphy regaining his con
sciousness, proceeded to tbe same
station bouse, where he 6a w Ellis,
and identified bim as tbe burglar.
Tbe latter admitted tbe fact, and said
tbat fear lest be should die unless bis
wounds w ere Pressed pre opted bim
to go to tbe station bouse. His
skull is fractured and bis head cut io
a shocking manner. It is thought
he cannot live.
c fctia piftirtkrsr
Pottsvilms, Jan 13 Tbe situa
tion at tbe mines looks more alarm
ing now than It bas at any time since
the long strike c-f 1875. An uneasy
feeling is observable everywhere.
Tbe Reading Company's men threat
en to strike tor their wages, which
are two months in arrears. Some of
tbe miners employed by individual
operators jn tbe Sbamokin region are
out because of a proposed teduction
of wages, and it seemB tbat a strike
is threatened io the Luzerne region.
Tbe real cause, however, is to be
found fu tbe secret organiztion
known as the "Knights of Labor."
wbipb bare been trying for nearly a
year to foment disturbance, and it is
intimated cow tbat a general strike,
to involve be whole anthracite poal
field, is imminent. At tbe meeting
of miners held at Qirardsville on
Thursday n'gbt, it was resolved
"tbat it was necessary, for tbe pro
tection of those working in tbe an
thracite coal region, tbat thoy com
bine throughout tbe whole anthra
cite coal field, and act together for
mu'ual benefit," and also, "that the
band ct fellowship that has been ex
tended by tbe men of Luaeroe CJumy
be accepted, and that measures bi
takeu for intelligent co-operation,"
The officers of the Reading Com
pany expect to finish paying Novem
ber waes at tbe colliries bv text
Saturday, and will then immediately
begin paying December wages. It is
feared, however, that next wetk will
bring further trouble.
Loailaiaam (fnirMea.
New Obleass, January 15 At
the meeting of tbe Teller Committee
to-day, Cement L. Walker, attorney
of New Orleans, testified coneeariug
the election in this city tbat be be
lieves tbe returns promulgated were
not indicative of tbe true te-uks, ttfe
votes polled for tbe 'C Oservatives
being counted f r tbe D crits He
said; hare the sworn tuUments
of paV-ies wbo witnessed be frauds.
Tbe Citizens" party was denied repi
refutation at tbe polls on the ground
tbat it was not a party, but a faction.
I etc kvisged ib? statements of tbe
vote at mnr poljs made up for toy
deficit io'fbe vote fr tbe I)omoo.-tie
pity. Aside from tbe foUity if the
made-up returns, illegal' votes 'were
cast, there being a great deal if re
peating. E. Kennell, Cjlored, a cor
opey o CoDf'fdia. said tbere were 7
men killed r beld ibouevy "yr 3 y;
gvp were bung and' one tb'o't- The
one who wc tboj wag in' a field
pickiug cotton Smeme3 aaouo'.ed
called hiai to tbu fnce a-.d shot bim
Thoretbat were bung were huog at
nighf. kjjqjsof the ou.laws were
white aad 8 Jrae black pommorJ e
fiajgJIai'jd was drowned in Like St.
Jvho. Tbey ted Bjeijfb'i! arcnd
bim and threw hiu ia t pigbt
About tevcniy r eigbtf turo did the
c.ime. Tbey droutd bim bscoe
tbey said be threatened to kill Brown
and his family.
Gorge VVa8biufct jo, e.j"jr?d, rei
dcDt 91 "CncordU, ' pjr'oner' ibe
i'arjab, a w a bJy of ab, ut sixty to
seventy armed insb prof Ijqjr through
the piritb t tbev pspturd s;x or scV
en men, also f jub one of
mine included ; a fa B Wi after w!(
nesa beaid tbat a man was bung in
Tave tard; went tbere a ad found
Jt'was H. Smttb : be wai cot down
b fc's Vu fer v.t.e
Ureal Brllala.
Ca$ ri?r, Jan. 14 Aa exlo-Ln
occurred in t))eTfijna9cyJligry Kbon
da Vl-ey, lst' nigh? ibooi tlx
persona are balieyed to be filled.
Losdos, Jan. 14 S;30 H -ibo
greaus 1 xcitement prevails io Pont'
ypridd acd the neighb.rioir densely
popnleied districts. It is said tbere
are fifty -eifjht men n ibe pit. Tbe
explosion waa yery violent, and It is
feartd none of tbe men escaped. Tha
bottom of the shaft is temporarily
iimpsesable and no attempt at rescoe
can be mad as yet
A Reprieve from Governor Harfranrt
Bee rived One Minute After They
were Huog.
Maucii Cucsk, Pa, January 1 i.
10:10 a. M Tho drop has just fallen,
and it is feared tbe necks of Sbarpe
and M'Donoeil have beea broken.
A telegraphic reprieve bas jost arriv
ed, but aboat one minute too late.
Malck Ciicsk, January 14.
Thu prisoners went to bed laat Light
at tbe usual hour, being at tbeir de
votions from tbe time tbe priests left
at 6 o'clock P. M. until tbat time
M'Donoeil was awakened at 12
o'clock for prayer One thing was
I noticeable, not only yesterday, but
this morning, the entire absence of
excitement Oae might tbinK irom
tbe appearance of tbe streets io the
buioens portion of tbe town tbat a
double execution was a common
thing in Maucb Chunk. Tbere are
quite a number if people in town at
tending couit, but tbey hardly talk
of the execution, to say nothing ol
exhibiting any feeling on the Hubject.
Tbis may be accounted for by tbe
fact ibat teii her Sharps tor M'Don
nell was lately a resident of tbis
county. Nepnper men are scarce,
too. A number of persons gathered
in front of tbe jail at an early hour
tbis morning. Many of tbem had
passes to witness the execution and
were awaiting tbe opening if tbe
At half past Line o'clock tbe doors
were opened, aud tbe persons wbo
were lucky enough to have pttvt-es
went inside. Tbey occupied an
hour walking about the corridors
Among those present were tbe wife
and brother tf Sbarpe and three
brothers of M'Donnell.
" At 10:20 the Sheriff finished all bis
preparations aod knocked at tbe door
of tbe irisouers' cell to announce
that be was ready. It was some
time before the prieais brought ihe
men out. They bore a resigned man
ner, and neither of them t-bowed ibe
least nervout-ners.
After a short tervico on the gal
lows tbe Sheriff aoked if they bad
anything to say. Both replied,
M'Donnell first:
He said be was not guilty of tbe
crime for wbicb be was banged. He
was guilty of one crime, (meauing
the BurLes murder), which he had
confet-sed He was sorry he had
ever wandered from ibe Roman
Sbarpe fpvke longer. He said
that be was as innocent aa tbe un
born child if this murder, but be
forgave ever body. He said he in
intended to read a etatemeLt wbicb
Mr. Bojle, of ibe CjcI Gazelle, wrote
for bim, but he wculd not.
Uestktd Mr. Boyle to publUh it.
ne left bis best wieLes ':b the
sheriff and the clficerM f jail. Both
men rpt-ke without a tremor. Tbe
pries.s then granted the prisoners
further indulgence and kised tbem
Sheriff Raodenbub and Policeman
Broch then shackled the men, band
and feet, put tbe ropes around tbeir
necks, and the white caps were
drawn over their faces. Tbe priests
still whispered words of consolation
in tbeirars, aod all but tbe doomed
men re ired from the scaffjld The
Sheriff was the laat to leave, SLd be
at ence took up bis position and took
hold of the rope atacord to the spring
Just at tbis moment a violeut
ringing a; tb,e foul d"or attrec.ed
Tbe Sheriff pulled tbe rcpe and
both men fell heavily. M'Donnell
death was the eaieft ; be scarcely
moved after tbe drop fell After
banging one minute Sbqrpe strug
gled violently, and made a siund,
something like a grunt. He strug
gled for balf a ruintj'e aud then bung
limpid. A the wiineae . f the exe
cution came out if tbe d kt, tbey
were sboi-ked to bear tbat Governor
Hattranft bad granted a reprieve to
the two men uniij .orjd7- A tele
gram frooj Mr- Ijongstreet, of poqn
sel for tbe defease, from Pniladt IpLia,
to Mr. Meeban, another of the coun
sel, arrived at the telegraph t ffi :e at
10;37. It read as fallow 1
"The Governor bas reprieved both
until Monday "
B th the messeuger and tbe man
ger cf tbe ttlegraph company started
for the jail as fast a. they could run.
Tbeir tinging was wbat startled ibe
people in the corrid " one-half miu
ote before tbe drop Ml
After the Sheriff bad pulled tbe
rope an- tber ricging was beard, aud
be gave dirc.lus to a p licemau to
go cut and arrest the parties who
were making tbe noi.-e at tbe dour,
lit le ibiukiug of a repriv e.
Tbere Is a great deal if x:i eraeLt
ovtr tbe reprieve? not coming io time
It is proper to say that ibe reprieve
was not expected by the 'authorities.
Sheriff Jlaudenbot-b woold bave
rajbe?pi)tf. jjf his" rptbf ' hij "tbsr,
bave bu'tg the men if hu bad u-peci
ed int rrei.ti -u of the G veru r in
he leai.
:raprd aa)iaa).
F RT Robissos, Nem . Jan 14
O j Suoday night the Indians id the
b?d of Indian Cretk, cn ibe Hot
Cr?k road, aU.o'. twenty miles from
tbiy point., actffog jo freeze cf es
cana, determfneu to retain fb'elr yap
JSgfi group)- fJonf(juei)y, in ' ar.
ticipa Ion cf a more Sig"Tii)S sltaci
on tbe part 1 f ihe tro p, tby fur
ther strergthened their positi n by
jrnrjrofjoj tbeT rifle pits no ing tbe
oight. At i o'cloilt ft uc
1 2 paund IapIeon gup was bnphr
opon the peeoe of actios, byt owing
to tbe nature of tbe piston assumed
by tbe sarsges tbe BD C old pot be
sufficiently depre ted to play op n
tbe position A number t f stells acd
did shot were thr .wn aa r.eJr a
pdsslbje tbfi p iii-2 ocmo'ed, bu'
wiiti SDDareLtl'v n effect Atfiln
t '.aad thus it dark a i the nioht i.f
Iondgyf tp lgtb. Qt JmU
mornipg, on miktag repoaao'lejioV
cf lb grPH-d be'd by tbe IpdUqs or.
the previous d y tb flr4 were
loforoed, to tbeir dismiy, tb'. tbey
had ecip:d durloj ths olbl. Qv
ing to tbe trocpa bavin .- no provU
IqnfpahanrJ, Wes els found it im
practicable to follow tl.cir rs;). Coo
sequent y the trocpa bare just a
rived in camp wivh a view to equip
a pack train and start on a pr .bugd
sppt altr the avage9.
LOS DON. J ID. IS A tli-nntuli Pbillipopolis states thai a rail
way irin tell lot tne river Ardo on
Satnrdav. and that a R Lilian tin.t-t.
al. several other officers and tt hun
dred men were drowned. The tcci
dent Waa caused btr the breakinir
down of a bridge.
Eisdtici of Cartiii Bim
PoTi'svn.LE, January 16. Birgin
retired at 12 M and slept c -mfortably
until 4. Oo tbe arrival of Father
Gallagher be greeted hiia cordially
and prepared for tbe ceremony.
Tbe gallows was erected tbis
morning io the northeast corner cf
tbe jail yard, ia tbe iai pU:e tbat
eigbt of tbe Mollies bve been swung
into eteruiiy.
Father Gallagher arrived at the
cell of the prisoner at 6 A M , at
which lime mass wad said by him.
Among others that participated in tbe
ceremony were Birgio's firt wife, a
cooBin, Miss Wbalen, from Shenan
doah ; and a couin, Mr. Simmonds,
from the same place.
Olb indication of tbe fortitude of
tbis man was shown by his kisarely
brushing off from tbe lapel of bis
coat (during mass) a piece cf lint
tbat bad fallen tbere, in a manner
tbat would appear that he was go
ing to bis wedding instead of the
At 10:25 about one hundred peo
ple that had been appointed deputy
sheriffs left tbe jail proper and
gathered around '.be gallows, from
wb'ci tbe snow had been shoveled
away, and stood uneasily stamping
tbeir feet on tbe ground, aaitiog
tbe arrival of tte prccetsiun.
Birgin left the cell about twenty
minutes to eleven, the Sheriff aud
Deputy Snyder in advance, follow
ed by tbe prisoner, acd between
Fathers Gallagher and Brencao,
wbo ati-ended tbe scaffold with Liui.
kissed bim aud bid bim good bye,
and retired.
Beiug a.-ked by tbe Sb.riff if he
bad anything to say, Birgin replied:
"I have nothing to tay. I Hill die
like a game man, is all I tave to
say." Kissing tbe crosa that huog
around bis neck, be put bis bitds
behind bim to be tied.
Tbere appeared to be some trouble
in adjusting them, at wbicb he turn
ed to Deputy Snyder aod said, "tbat
is all right." Wnh the name nerve
he bas exhibited all tLruugb his
trouble he turned to Ibe Sheriff
smiling and said, good bye." Tbe
cap being drawn over bis bead,
Deputy Suyder retired from tbe
scaffold and tbe drop fell at 10:40.
He died in 7 mina es. Pulse ceas
ed to beat in G minutes, respiration
iu 4j, and be wjs cut down io
ten minutes.
He died with ttraoguUnoo, wiih
scarcely a movement of a ruu-cle,
aod if we may use tbe au h ri y of a
bystander who witnested tbe ixecu
tiou ol most of the Mollies, "he died
tbe game Molly yet."
TheBlaax aaS (hrjtanM.
Fobt Robissos, January 13 Tbe
savages bad assumed the moat in
accessible position cf any of tbe
many from, wb'cb tbey recently held
tbe troops at bay. A cornier ay
'.bat a party of five soldiers wbo
were detached from tbe command for
tbe purpose ct ascertaining the posi
tion held by tbe Indians, unexpected
ly fvuud themselves within short
nfla range cf half a score of Indians.
Tte latter discharged a volley at tbe
squad, killing private Barber, of
Company II, Third Cavalry, and
captured bis carbine, pistol and amu
nition. Tbe comrades if Birber,
though exposed to the fire of the lu
dians, made desperate tffjrts to pre
vent tbe Indians from obtaining
either bjs remains or tquipmentp, but
WUbcu'. avail. Captain Wesatlls
believes the Indians cannot be dig
lodged frcra their preseut pjsi.iou
without tbe sacrijeeof a greater u urn
ber of lives than he deems advisable,
aud bas iu consequence despatched
Lieutenant Dodd, Third Cavalry, to
Red CI. qd Agency to obtain the as
sistsuce of a dozen Sioux scon's well
versed in tbe mcde of warfare qsu.
ally adopted by Indians, it u
Qoubful whether tbis ttsrfetacce cau
be obtained. Newman and Cbalk,
cattle men, who arrived here yes
terday, report the loss of forty head
of horses. Tbe trail of the thieves
indicate tbem to bave been Indians,
possibly Ljule Wolfs band.
CntYB;,:'EI January IS Compa
nies A, B, D, F, I and M, of tbe
Fifth Cavalry, having been ordered
to take tbe field io search tf Little
Wolfs band of Cheyenoes, wbo are
believed to be commi'.ting depre
di'iona on ranches in N'jrth western
Nebraska, will move from Russlt to
morrow under the cmiuand cf Cap
tain Montgomery.
Washington, January 13 lu
forma'ion bas been received here
tbat Rtd Ckud arrived at Fort
R .bicson la-t nigh'. Tbe Oallal
lab Indians are very aucb ixcited
over the late kffir with ibe Cfcej
eanes, and bjve made ao urgent re
quest that all tbe womeu and cbild
tc, n- widows acd orphans, held
as prisoners aod related t j tbe Ogsl
lallabs be turned ever to tbem as
tbeir natural prottctors, to take bem
to tbeir h?)mes aud tke ere of theoi
t 15 bijreyrrj tht the ad ,'ion ct
ipis c-iMii se 111 eere 1.1 nil iy n ex
ci:tmtt t a:. rely attepb the R d
Cl ud Indians ti the g'-rerrimem
The StrUij uf ibe InUfi- r "t-d the
Secretary of War have bnb en:e st
ed to gram Red Cloud' rqiest
Wealara tlaasiaar
! , .
Sas Fra.ncisci, Jan uary 19 A
despateb fr m ' Pendleton, Ori-goD,
states that Ap-. tbe ibiid - f tbe In
5)an (f,Prit,, fcas-'j-J vest. r.
(Jay. , H- prvbsjte 0 hjf i.a"e';c? -the
last.' A b'-uil-t . f iti. 1-. L .d
Intervip hh "tip t'stl.'ij ies dis
played great'a- xietj to bare If un
derstood tbat ihey w.ul l n maiu
ppaueful iegsfi.g C"U'U)ifsi irr
llayta recqmmeid.tjoq f. m e
tbem aBof-tr Lckji j tte J.dians
ripre a p-trtfal toq, but de
t'rf an wpp ilgnny t.i tj?jt Washing
ton at.d arrange tbt r future I b tbe
Prtaideut L'tt tlf.
Omaiia, J .uuary IS O Tuesday
p r y f rtldii-rs f.uod tbe bodiei
tw ruen Rfar fbr P rt La-aqe and
Y rt SUKi n j road. fJf'e wa, hang
ing f 0 t. tfff arrj . ,e otht r y ing on
llf 11 0"ff VW' ge-fj ;bey were
h rse cnd F!t;je ;h!eti a'd been
Ur,guby rarrlemer., b v
shv r "f r" ft, fcafigrd cp, an j ben
dtadiu Huj (1 -n, nj tbrp fca-Ktd
.Ik ti.Lr.
ajor Brat.
Bismarck. January Is. Cp-aiu
Fietcb, of tbe SevrMb Civalry, at
Fort L'troln, acd b ba- ben de
!a'4 bis attedabi-e aa a witi;e--t
tufe the t"en c uii .,f ii ntrry at
phicajiO, stat4 in ai iuirl view t dat
that If did BQt eee R 00 from tbe er
uin of tbe 2jtti un il coob of tbe
2G wben ibe Indiana wire wek"o
ioir. Durirg the bardert pirtioo 1 1
tbe tig bt le.sajs R;no w.B bid.
Fiencb waa walking abut and e'aiuia
tbat be Cwuld not B id aoj oae w bo did
aee Reno.
Nw Vobk, January I?. t i a t
ted opon trustworthy authority tbat
Mrs. A. T. Stewart bas said t" at
least two persons a gentleman aod
a lady within the last six days, tbtt
tbe body ot her busbaad had been te
covered, that it had been delivered to
Judge Ililtc c, acd that ir, bdben
placed by him iu a ru e inult, 1
guarded, there 10 remain until t"e
completion of tbe crypt in tbe S e -art
Memorial Cathedral in Garden
City. Judge Hilton was approtch d
some weeks ago by tbe representative
of a well koowo firm f lawyers in
tbis city in reference ti the rest' ra
t 03 cf tie body. Tli, thehwjer
said, could be effected upon certain
conditions first, tbat $100.(10) in
cash should be paid down when the
body was produced; 8' cond, tbat uo
questions whatever should be a-ked
further than was necessary f. r tbe
absolute ideu.ification cf tbe bodi;
third, tbat a plede cf honor should
be given that co attempt should be
made to tra-'e or arrest tbe rob
bsrs. Negotiations upon this La-is were
bs an and concluded ten days aire;
$50 000 io sb, instead of tbe $100,
000 first asked, was paid. Tbe ident
ification of tbe remains was entirely
satisfactory, and tbe b dy was taken
te its present rrs.iog place.
Judge Hilton tbis mcraiu said:
"Having no information I desire to
communicate, I prefer at present not
speaking cn this subject further."
Tbe police authorities all pr. fc-ss
ignorance if the alleged recovery.
Powdrr Will Blawa t
Sax Francisco, January 14. The
Giant powder woiks cf Bondmann,
Milsen t Co , si-uated about fcalf a
mile southwest of Gulden Gate Park,
blew up tbis afternoon. Four white
men and an unkuown number of
Chinaman were killed. Tbe works
were completely destroyed, and
many buildi; gs in tbe neighborhood,
occupied by employes, including the
Superintendent's residence, ' were
wrecked. The explosion occurred in
tbe nitro-glvcerine bcuse.
Later O-cir Carlson, a owede,
Edward M anise and Samne! Thayer,
Americans, ard one Chinaman were
killed by tbe explosion. One China
man was badly injured, and a num
ber of whites and Chinese more or
less hurt. Tbe d imsge to property
is about $:0,000
Doctors Clave Mini tp
"Is it possible tbat Mr. Godfrey is
up aod at work, acd cured by so
simple a remedy ?'
- "I assure ycu it is true tbat he is
entirely cored, and with nothing but
Hop Bitters, and only ten day a a?o
his doctors gave bim up and said be
mu?t die !"
"Well a day! If that ia so, I will
go this minute and get some for mv
poor Georg". 1 . know hops are
Unrated Dralh.
HtAiiiNi) Jmuaiy IS Lzzie, a
six year old daebtert f Dauiel Tre
hon, col -red. of ibis city, nut with a
horrible accident night. During
the ab-enceof the father and mother
the little one caught 6 e from ibe
stove, and before help arrived she
was burned al noet to a crisp, from
the tffec'.s cf which she did in a
short time. An accident occurred at
the same plice sine time ago by
which the Hther and another cbild
were severely burned by the reset
ting of a stove.
Florida iibl ftfcaklw I p.
Jacksonville, Fla , Jan 14 A
severe scbock of earthqiake was felt
bere on Saturday about 1 1:4. v. M ,
biob Usied about twenty seconds,
and apeared to move from south
east t nulbwest. Buildin -a weie
vio'ei I? itbakeo, crukery rattled, and
do ra rre thrown open. The shuck
waa felt at St. Augustiue, and dwn
tbe Gulf coast from Puata Rissa to
Mark's, as well as ever tbe int rior
poi t'o 1 f the S ate. Nolhiag ct tbt;
kiud wn' ever exp'ieuced here be
fore. Doable Jlardrr.
Nashville, Jan 15 A horrible
murder was connuilted at Bell's
Bend, Cumberland tifer, 12 miles
from Nashville, la-t oubr. The deed
was not discovered until S o'clock
this moroinar, when tbe corn-ea of
John Wbittemeyer and bis wife
were found side by side in bed Tney
bad been terribly beaten and di? fig
ured by billets of wood Bsiweeo
tbe two dead bodies were foutd an
infant and a child two years- old,
who were crowing aod pUying, wit
less of their strange surroundings.
Knox Martin, colored, is su -pat-ted cf
the murder. He bad a misunder
standing with Wbittemeyer about
the pay for a day's work. He is still
at large.
Jacksonville, Fla, Jan. IS.
Noble A. Hull, Lieutenant Governor
of Florida, -bas beun indicted by the
UnUed1 States Gfaud Jurr for- cbn-
jspiracy with others ia obtaining false
(piHluov, rtiVb(UUD III liCaiu KJUU-
ty. Hall was the Demooratiu candi
date for C'ongFess at tbe late elec
tion from the Second district, and
b)lds a certificate ot from the
governor. He is President cf the
S ate Seoa'e; now sitting at TalU
bissee,' a id bas leleiijbpd that be
will btf fccre to rn rro , i b u'. b-irg
.-erred wiih a warrant.
fete- J. S
In iheOiart of O iamt-m I'Lrr
h, U.....M... .... 11.. .
9rii oim. j ju. J. l. J. ( t-tiarat.
Hj Tfrl'ie of aout!tMon iMieloot(ir the ivurt
fil Uoju'aon Plout of aiiisoniai ouua'j. ! eltttna
D euuitr. and tn mm dlrvctM.1 I w.u tf.wat .. i . i
l at the tiuorl U'Mut ia CUs Ixinmdk of J. mer.
act, laid eomr.y, on
Wtxlnetday, January 2'.), 1S7S),
at 1 o'clonk. r . u , tbe ro'lowin lc-rilM,l real
Ute, betna; the fame wbieb nut reruTerel by lbs
flalotilf aalnl ibe lvlro.tnt aixjre namcil, lo
an aetiuo ol Kje.-tmmt, to 41, Jjnuarr T. l'TT. to
A certain tr5t of land KH4te lu Stunvcrrrk
k'nuit.. boit.r-t eiHiHiy, !-., !(-. Ininir turns
ji Jbat;Hkat, .martuo Miller Wtr l'irm
wult and-otlRn, centalntnx aOeut ljt rm, atmat
to arret olrarej, aboat 10 arraa ia atntlor. . Tbe
nnproveraenu are a two Monr plank iIwMIIok
Jst'-me. a Itnre bank b-.rn (neirly nor), an 1 oiirr
. ' W. H. RI PPEL.
J f Maiter lb Chancery.
jg-XKCl'tUtt?' .NfjTICfi
I it of IlBniet ri-3lr, U() nf UOA-ittuhoninir
tooobip, avmsint cantr, I", liv4,
Letter tntannntarj on ihe tWi estate luir
to been irranietl to the umleniicn.t. nut ire la
rby Klren to those Indebted tu It to make lmm
aiSta payuikut, aud thoae hairtnx Uloi4 avainat It
to present them dulr authaatloaiad lur aetilDient
at the lute rejiliense of iliu'd., on SuturJay. Vth
tn- S rjeca it.
o Ice ! hereby KiFeatbalthehdioain?
haye hied their eil ioiw Kir li ne, and ihey mil
be pr ix-1 11 to the CVurt for attk.n, uu
Tliumday, January 30, 1ST!).
TAVKKa- llruH,
Willkm Sl:eer. Mejemial.
M-. A. E. ',lrk, Somerset.
JTathaa Kexa;' Sjjlp Ljrel. Pa Int lowajhl-.
aicTAcaTr ucc&aa. -Jah
i t :rer, MeyeraSale.
J;. S Hnthoaotxiy.
What One Dollar Will Bql
Mince Meat.
Atnvw Staatlarl. S a rtl
Attnore's Stani!r. 1 a pail
I r
1 a
Atnmre i stAWIunl. ih a pall
(-rJoa i Kilworth Kxira Fancj. la glVa
quart anl hall -jlkij.
Dried Fruits, &c.
1) lb. Tarkny Prncer
tin ' Kreni-h lrnm-
1 w
l n
1 a
1 u
1 l
1 w
9 Hu. Sultnns (we-Mcwi KaiKlna ""
lt. New SreitleM Kaialna ..'.. '
S ll. New Mnw.-aiel ...".V.
5'4 lb l?hnice Ltyer Kaiaina '.
14' , lb. New Currant '". '
4 U. I-Khorn Cltnn .'"'
4 ll. Cullel i.rinKi Prel ."."."'
4 lb. Candled Orin9 Peel
Ml he. New RsiJln
llh. New Hrlwl Pea.-he
a lt New Dried Apple
Preserves and Jelly.
1 us
1 0
4 Stone Put EnrKjh Jolly
3 Pots imndee .ltraialttle
11 OlaMe Krnlt Pn-eiTe
ll(ilsrt Fruit Jtily
1 Pall (Sib.) Fruit Jellr
1 Pull (9 lb ) Apple Mutter
1 Pot Cbinesetrinirer
1 w
. 1
1 v
Spices, &c.
6' lbs. Pnre flronnd Black Peiper...
0 if. Whole Klark Pswer
.i ilexes trniuntl .Mixed Spire
40 Pait?. Bi-Cr. ( bakln) Soda
6 Can Colman Knlih Mustard
. 1 n
. l no
. I w
l o
. I o
. i o
. l
. 1 1
. 1 o
. ID
I tt
li Bavra:ui suit
10 ti-'Het t'in Table Salt
4 Jar Kimli.'h Tble Silt ."
5 llottlr Celery Slt
10 4 Tan Bakinic Powder
.1lt) lb. ioom! Mustard ,
4 lb. En?. Dairy C'heee, ImporteJ
1 Crtum CheeiMS
VI eul:lutel I'heeae
y'4b. v-:trn Kene Cheese
Pickles, Table Sauce, &c.
4 Bottk t'elerr Sauce
3 Ho" tie Pbkled tmluns
4 Bottle tiberkiD
4 Battle Cauliti.iwer
4 ltttle0 4'how--how
4 Ifcittlej Mixed Pbkie
3 Bottle t'ri-si k. Blackwll a Eniiluli
3 Bittle Italian 4live till
8 Bottle rouwto 4w'tup
a B'ttlM Freoi-h Caier9
8 Hittle SpanlJhOliTe
a Bottle badlord Sauce
1 111
I w
1 w
1 '
1 U0
1 '
1 (U
1 0
1 w
I oo
I u
t Cjb 4'hlcken Soup
t " Ox Tail Soup
2 " Turtle Soup
4 Cans B-wtoo Buked Bt-ana......
i SoDp4Jolorini
. 1 uo
. I oo
. 1 uo
. 1 10
. 1
Oat Meal, Wheat, &c.
:u It. Fre?b ftotmeal
-U llw. Fresh Ciwaed Wheat
J ItM t .'lioke Barley
II Hi. No. 1 hire, I iimlioa
'l s. No. 2 Kice, I'andina
1.1 Ib. No. 3 KH-e, 4'aroiioa
30 ll. 4 hoice N kVf Bean
4 Parkitre Breaklati Honiuy..
lo III, liupirteit Kcd Bcana
k lb tinporteil B)-Jk B-ans
6 " le?ieca:dCouoanut
7 ll Irish M.a
4 Package Sa Mos Farina....
a Packaaes Borax
Packaa Oeliitlne
10 His. Pearl TapiiMak
!0 ll'. Flnke Tapinea
4 Packages M-4iii ie:i
4 Pack.itre French Julienne....
11 11. Frenh Lentil
lo Paekaues Frtmh Farina
10 His. K-tat India S-tgo
10 Pat-katce Rice Flour
JU lb, tsat Oniata.
17 lb Pearl Wheat
. I 0
. 1 uo
. 1 Oil
. 1 w
. I DO
. v:
1 IV
. 1 uo
. 1 IJ
. 1 0
. 1 1
. 1 uo
. 1 Ol
. I '
. 1 1
. 1 '
. 1 IK
t IW
I qft
I u
Floar i
2i lla. New Buckwheat..
10 Pa-kaa-et Sf H Habona
Packati Sell Kdi.-lng HK-k wheal 1 i
i lb. W Hole Hominy t
3fl ll 4 rn Flour 1
lull Split Pea Iiw
9 Can Freh Apple.
....4 oa
.... I Ol
.... I
.... 1 oo
.... I t
1 0
I uo
I '
I 0
.... 1 '
.... 1
.... 1
.... I
I Uo
I u
.... 1 u
.... I
4'aillomi AprieuU
rtiaofctierrte ......... ..
Kel Cherrle
Gooftehe.riea ,
Calilomlal irapea
Ptna Apple
4'aliruruia Pr
Hari Uut Pear
Yxm Yellow Praehea,
Pie Peaches. 3 a
Extra Yellow Peachea,
lUmsin Plum
Eira; PJams
t lifi.rni Eg- Plani.
'Jas( Plum
4 .'ulilornia 4a;e Ptam.
(I'.l lcn t(uince
W bunleberrle
3 " Asparairu 1
" Uma Beans 1 o
li " Slrinn Bean 1 "
10 SnirarCVira 1 a
7 " Wihslow'd'ora 1
a 4kra I w
k - 4 kra ami T.imatoe 1 tf)
J Marrowfat Pea 1 0
6 Kirly June Pea 1 w
7 " O .l.lca Pumpkin 1
S Succotanh 1
W " Tomatoe. S a 1
a Tooubie, (extra.) 3 a 1 o
Soaps, Starch, &c
11 Bar India Snap. 1
Bar Family S.p
17 Cake White Ku-sian Sup
15 Bar Mottled ttermaa Soap
21 Bar Wax Soap
: 04 ike Toilet S- ap.,
IS Bar Irl-hS-mp
k lbs. lioDorted 'astile Soap
-5 Bar Standard Soap
34 Caks Castile Soap
i:l 'kr Sapolla ....
e Hi. Star Candle. 7
4 lbs. Wax l!andlc
M Packaice liwc;o Silver tllo Starch...
M Packages Uurreaa' Satin tllura Starcn...
8'.. lb. Hotel Candle. 14
13 Pai-laire Cora starch
7 Boxes Stareh Polish
1 Boxe Ka: Blue
SO Bine Siltina- Blue
24 Boltlr Liquid P.lue
M Boxes
'M Box. Shoe Blackinv;
13 Iinpnrtet Bath lird-ki ..
7 lbittle Shoe lircj.-Jnjr
JO III. Wa.-tilBK Soda
30 Stb-k St -ve Polish
40 pack ii ire Waehing Powder
lli. Pearl Starch
Coflfee, Chocolate, &c.
5 Cake English Vanilla Choeolate
14 4?ukes Chooiate
4 Packaire trackeil Cocoa
a Package KnifljKh 4i.oia
4 Package Brou;. .,.,
10 Hi. l.V.ou SlelU . ....ii..,
4a Packaae Eatractol Collie
1 ui
1 o
1 w
1 u
1 w
1 II
1 'J
I 00
1 uw
1 w
1 00
1 to
1 1
1 IW
1 u
I w
I w
1 1
1 IK
1 I
. 1 w
... 1 IM
.. 1 W
.. 1 w
.. 1 '1
.. 1
.. 1
.. 1 "I
Package Iinporteil Uhiery
iUenuaa Extract t Collee.i
il-t, )!. liiiasted Java and KioOllce
A lha. loaiteil Java playnr Ooitce
H'i. -reli Hoajted C-.ilIee. No. 1
Haitlee H"-i4tei every murning)
V j ll Roastol fiio Co Bee, So. 4
a 11 P. wdend Suar
11 4;ruhel Suay ,
k Ui4'ut I,ISuar
10 lbs No. 1 (iranuluied Hugar. B-
lo4 IU Standanl A Sugar
11 lb ASag:ir(5olt)....
M lbs B Sugar
ii'i b Light V ell w Sugar.
13 li No i Yellow Sugar
13" lt No. 3 Yellow Sugnr
. I
I a
, 1 u"
1 u
. I
1 UU
Q Qroia rl
The (Vlrbratcil (ianlcH lirown Ta l
oiarrl 00. 1 20. 1 40.
and l V0 per Lb.
laiieUarleallruwaTeaat tkii:
dciire.1. don't fail to in-nti .a It la tbe oricr.
An excellent Tea, (.!! varktiiV. fV.A
a is siili! ijt cthi-r t:ire a Uei rea-Wu'
poiteil. I sell at GO aul tf rents per. pnuiw.
, 1 ll. t'limlored JapinTea
j x lb. New Oreen Tea
U (l I
i P fnV BreklatTea.Xei 1
' iu rt. -.ii.-e (fr.en Tea ' J 3
mitw.Ch.dceEne BreakfartTeal
fxUlb. 4-holce4s.hioTea "Z
'2'ilb. Choice Mljeil Tea 4 J
rAtedajil"4ofgmrx-.9per pM fill
allow ed ;n all 't ler ol fire ';
The 1'eUbrate.l (iarden tlniwa Tea-
The Fancy "Fretieh Flag" Fl.-ur.
Tiie iviebyated Snow Bird flour.
t ne 4 eichnied lle!roi-ci- 4 vile.
The Pure ertnonl Maple Syrop.
Tne IMeida Oiaiauniiy Fruit rgeuwea.
Sen l vour Momy by Registered Wtrt
PostOlfce .Money Order, or Dnitl cb
PiUsbnrga Fiuk. 'Ho J.r
lcck- ..--aa
jen rorPitMwCaUiIogueaBdP.-lc I-"
. B.
So. 2S Fifth Ave,