Uatr W't Curl. ol.I cn a.,d f-ai .-..s n ;a.'a r:l r M Fo!:lr, tart on wosioff "Whoa ! Liuata ; Wbca he ti5 became aware o. tbe preseoc cf tto lad be I-f down on tic tlcdlj. and Rare L: while beud a fr.t.erly P; " -;1.3 Cab, joa d-a't loa les- ba lite a Diuroercr. II er "No sir I never ordered nobciy : nJCiCS 1 1 h.; J fa&B inrorVbJo Hf," w. tbo iaoorofuli6l;;vl,u, .bat pecul:.- p.JttWt-!tuajved, ud ti "iVi r ; d to bear U. mj boy real , .cotter soiddo. glad ie unv v. i a- i.. - . e. un-A tci bi in: ! 0 u fc ?; '-1 DM voa ca;i bere consul i r. "Mo,. I Hi pb.t lid. tl.;t:-e p;c3 oia k u.. ibv f-on, vcu r-a ' f.te'.V a :fl l a, i ctd LJr end rtnss vtr ja'!.:r wore dollar kid dovts." lad. "abu'fl e:Lt-.-;i th IjE8 rr' i.r aad :fci wou'l turl " . fclft tiT st a j n ,-trv o3 tt e sia iea a udl i i... .. . a mil in ftll-.l in liiJi".i i . 3 : . V...J.1 . m t i LUD Ttlo i . ive!" I,.,- lii 'Jc I J y "l irnArf (. Mr. bill fL Btealiu: all 1 ca ta, e UJ I Sbe take it tied buA siuiT torem-ve i bircul. I've talked nd u -br lh t!swi, hn-.-;. won't tbavc Lvr-tl-'.Vir. tad .:!: 1 r .Aid I -b--.;d txs end got u..-t- from you." "Uuui vs yu-j bard f tru-d w t!'t ' for Hiiudviiiie a: d eh?" Sac f vi ur "A uil has ButT-idtd in t&kiDg "off tie freckh iV "NJ'. a ae." "And di--f lu-r 1 c'r url : II .nd- II The wicked never proper, and uoc t von tcrkct it ! 11--. .vcv.-r, fte m buund oa try i: It tri( ii fc.: moDPV you a t-sz., 1 -Yrs fir. St.o a; thof frtcUc-tf -2T if it k I hide my ruu..ry v. h find it f bc'II ru:i r.' : "tbe dm ir ftsre. M-u Wishes V'.iB WOU' J !-?:'." death."" "Scare Ler. Vliy, ! ts'u'- t:.d ii cun't 1J Ul at i--r e yy a r B'tbt of b?r, a;r.u 1 11 r U f. i ir fiaine statis'-ica that' wi;l cu sbo ca't tret !.ir ja.vs , - - - . I Ler hair 1:1! do vou k!io ti:c-c frcckio; loti"us are cjpjstd of?'' "So, sir." "Of course yju dor't yoa ere to yonrjg and innocent f-jr that. TLcy take and disrdve old cross-cut saws in nitric acid, add a butch t-r two, douse in fcc;e rir.esrar ki.ifc cr in krann peper end a b and it ia mixtd l.p by a baa committed P'X rrurdcr v :e Laifo, nnn who j ) "But si.-t;r isn't tbe h nU bit tfraid of it, eir," protested tho b;y. "Just like tbe re?'," n tittered the janitor, cs a rhadow of disarp. iat ment passed over tit face. . "1 ve rily believe that tie ariTsjre Anerics woraaa wowld tftto :Iip cVtnce? of giizg over Xiirry IV.l's if tbe vi ? nun- that ti;9 tr.pwoull rrmive cer freckles.' j "Ves sir," tepKcJ tbe goid b -v. "And vet freckle., are a positive; indiettion that, a f.-nfle Iva hearted, tisrh u.'-idri. oobk-. f-irffiv- iaL. cher'iTubk. liv-like. r.- d i f -r-j taiu to have a Ure fuueral aud tb bent lot iu the ceaietery. At. thi very hour I can iis-tre live qat-eiiF. BIX (lukefses, ten earless'--, five cun? eseR, and tbe wivts. of 104 mumber& of Coii(rrsii a bo bav I ecUei fa-e-and comb ih' ir bair bock stra'ht." "Ye, feir," kiiied toe bijy. "Go home, bub t.on?e rod feel easv in your mind i'il dr-'p i i ou your folks t-j-niorrow ab iu: noou, and wbvn I pet thn uh Ulkicg to your pier tr.e'll never waDt any more freckle syrop. l)ja't give her any hints, as 1 want to coma upon her middeoly, tbe nine a . a trusted bank cashier martu for Europe." Altrel faitarr. t i . - The other day a bay about fifteen yearn of ae m.ered a rrucery tture on u ratio t bveuue, aua auer loniiiut' around fjr a lew uiiuLes, he secreted a loaf of bread under bis enat and started out. lie was overhauled on the street by tfce tfruccr, wbo was ehouiiug for au . ITiver, wl en tbe laU father cme along aud c ied u : "What! is it my Tb-mss ? II -.- nir Thomas coiue to be a.tLk-f? Take bim to tbe s:a.i n at oce !"' "You want bim kikcd up, do you? asked the grocer. "I do. A child of tuiuo wbo steals shall go to prison. Thomas is a wild, , bad buy.'' And wbo Las mnde me eo ?" cried the boy, as bs loo'.ed aroQnd 03 tbe crowu. ".Mother mother uiea three years ajro, rd'fi.tbcr there haan't fpoke a kind word to any ( tbe children bince ! I bavn't slept in tbe bouse for months See here bow be beats me! Look at tbe bruises on my arms!" "Thomas, yon kuow I'm kind to all of you, replied the father, ai tbe lad bared Lis arms. "Kind! Have you ever read a word to us about Heaven, a-i ra mother used tof Have yru ever seen her grave but onre ? Hare you sent us to (-chool ? Wbea I worked, have n't you p;Hindv tn? till I gut op tbe money ?" " "But but, Tbuiiiis, ycu are a thief," Btammered the father. "1 I haven't get a shtrt to ay name," cjutiaued the b.iv ss he threw open fcU e ja t "iicd Snm sirj Mary are RorM of, Vasse tbey re barefooted. There hasn't bren fire cr wood in our house for two dyp, and when I came Leie to steal ibnt bread tbe children were in bed shiv ering and starving. If you don't b lieve it come with me ! ' Ibe crowd btlievtd il; there were tears in tbe boy's ye aud a quiver to his chin, and w hen the father aent to remonstrate, a man in the crowd seized bim, 'shook birt bcela in tbe air and yelled : :. "You old Satan, ycu ar a loafer and a gutter drunkard, and I know it, and if yoa ever lay band oa one o' the children again I'il f l!ow you to Texas but w hat I'll break every bone in your body." "Let tbe boy goV cried tbe crowd, and he was released. -Mre, be was given more bread and provisions than he could carry borne at one load Fret Pre. 1 he ('artflrr f Suicide. : " ' f . V .5 Almost daily lie, papers spread before tbe com cu a ait v the details of some new case of suicide. Tbe in terestiog traits of tbe deceased, char acter are dwelt upon, and tbe sym pathies of the reader are enlisted, until he gets in his miad a confused association, if agreeable qualities mixed up with iKul ptculi.r' liiode'of death. , . v' " . ., . It is a matter of vsry grave- doiibi whether it is poasiole to print ac counts of suicide In such a manner !WL...I,1 r& ntt ?!? 4? i t-h onoMr' of sui- U 0:1 i.i s-j.ja pc-Cviiiar. wfij m pnatea, liu i, i.licoft r.'.avi fallowed br cr , f c ::a wi'nn a t-uort: ;itii?. There xuiar evueucea tjt.hc.-v that n fc-oLiJ-. '.-vt & t! hierAj to i s-l:' ;l.lrueii9a. ar.U.i ;:tiU-tei at". in r.!i! a soiaier i--Jt: iucue per- T"l . -.a Uxe, I i bimfcif if r o -A i;j i be vsrd. Wiibiaa lew pc.o.. T. be ere was not V.m i; is pr-.!.';! pr :tst:!y ira 0r S i. i L i.- to uboi:b tie prac.ics I'sW1 .-.- rd- ' 'r:, rjfantrv tte fjod tier bdd brouttbt r-. , Ata ! m : bi ea- 3 ' t-al u'. . rv : ! v di- J i v bi.i MO Lcd tirtit a ;u.u S- 'Uif -OS "i- stid, nad r rach it If, t:(iic.,1 I is o'iiili be'tre of .f--. ttie t::e ! t'r-' c r ii'ii f f , i,f h t-K ida hb idd b: t. -h;.;. ut htit, by on? be v u t:; c . :i over'H 'i :rd f.T fititaiih. t1 mttt u.-itri..;. rary, tbt i p v. K Wurll. tniiua;fd itb an ! . ... ,.n t ttr Christ-: jn::r j'j u. 1' lilMB i lf a v "! rmid.-, vi ' nhy -!, 11 v fTc frc'!i n .i.iiiv- 1 la da- tt. r aoit-M-tii'it', rder in'fti .it ji.-- I'm v irr ; !ifir 1 ii.? a ici'f ''u'llv r. 1 m L!i 5 acrt-e- a mi.Ii Id, at - u 'b- .Jt ; ci in g ribii'.. v 1; tt tlce prlzvfc ' c rui-et'.i'.r-' in i'-.'z r i :i 1'n' liM.Tii"! di.-:r b'J: 1. r 11 lf-'iii''.'' un-'.i i: i: ti; be ; "s are I c 1 vr 1 r u:. ;;-t f c a!rsiL'tf ::1rdi.;c; tint if we we no d Vt wili, it n rji;c!' u f;r a Ihm- . c ! win r. ; i jcr:i- i.- Ca-i.i' ; 1 U!it' j:;.!' V, ! Ji 'j'.! ! blw t.c '..: lcri;ai d p. t-r rxxk I'ui.d l'-r IS .0. us I ucii'-r"'? Law.-'oif, j .-.rticulir 'lid it resemble : : c? ,:t;. in a d 'jr. lesi-m- at pu'-HC f c DOfl, DirfOt? iy Toaliby, I fi'vcra! ! i vcr- l'liiiM-;. , rh piain-;! r Ii r;. leauaut ! I iik tbe Liost re- , it, r-nvce in t'ist.-ry if prrat event-- 'tvlaar irom a triC;:.'j cause 7 !c!j '.h o:t tl.c Gri enhack basis. Vbc-a t!M the C.-rt American re- , .-.- - ? r -r Col'i slppr.l ashore d told t!.v- lJu. t.t "go .e.fct. ' 4. Y.'Lo i.iwL.i I la.i-.-h purch? l.Ji.'o:,s (.ra:iJ---;hi'r; Heivea -.: Ler f d bi: ! 5. W'L i '.viote tie finiiilir lioeP, 'IIiciv .1 t.i; ; y lac.l rr.inr;-. .v:v':" The S vtct fciiauer tf .M'chisan. 0 II i j it ever been mtl.-d wbo ote "Uo-k Ma to S'?rn," v. r. ;i d wri? c l . We nr3 tie kvj.'-ies.t arv tr-v. lie; ry tistk, thank tl -i :: wr-j o .liUUIJl 1. VL :. ' ! 11;e 1: tr. s c. l?.e ILtos, o.! j i:r.:. e ri. proauc'in W?rs. Otl in 2 of bow a ell.!3 s ..-'t V. LtfO tbe :r. ilfl cm nir.u coes to lied, "'IU: 3 'TV H !'.'. e !( I'D'.' iiiau h,is tbe U-Hresti io a n a J J ha e ii. . :i;t --i i, r lit tied vrui b o fl if! J t c.l i r got ber h iir.pius oa it d. ' . Lr h Thai's b ,w it 1 oL-i iu print, and is bvivv i. it; ia reali.y ; - Y,frf-' I aai g ;ia, to bed, my Dear. L's half-pas'. lt:U." S'o rej lv. . Wife ' Xo-v, Jori, you know you are tdwpt u 1-tic i;i the turning. Do -et to bed !'' JIo b iad'TcB in a iuiautc?" He tuna tbe p'tjifr wron side out nd U- iL-ios a !: ML'.ny article "Cypher 1 t.CaT-nii." i' -neei. tnioutes later she e ills out from 'be bedroom. "Jobu, cjwj u bi.d, ani not keep the litjht briting all uhi." She creeps between tLecolJ sheets w b:ie J tiii i-is plavidly on, his feet, oor-.isj: a chuir et.d a cigar in his mouth. By-a-it-by he ri-es, yawns, stn t'.-ici bi:iiielf, throws tbe paper oa tic fi er, ;:i;0 stiz'cg the sbukei prnvrds to th:;t-vig irrins exercise, f.ui:k ti the cot! t ova Just at this st i;:e a not allvgethcr pleasant voice itsqutreP : "For piiv's, tia't you ready for bed yet?" "Ye?, yes, I'm c inia?. Why don': you eo tc'tlesp asd Tet a" fellow 'alone?" Tbt-n L' discovers ih".t there's coal needed. When tbat is fcupplied and ratted ito thv Hove be tits d-jwn to vvann Lis fe Next 1 e tlon ir be gins t ui!r(-f-, aad as ho stands hcrutcbi.j himscif aud absently gaz iiiv" on tbe li-t gatment dangling over tbe1 l;.;c k of the cuair, he re.Ueui bers that t.'.e clock i. uot wound yet. II ; text aJ a du'uk of witer, awty he p-ouicuacles ti tie kitchen WLen he leitirns his skin resstubles tbat of a picked chicken, and onse nuire be teats himself b: fore tbe Gre I f f it "wivrm p." Ab the- clock c-ur k'.J twelve be bl.ttis out the libt aud w itb a flop of the lied clotbes and a lew spisu jd.c tLive.s he subsides net yet ; he jT.-rtis ,to cee if tbe front vi or u asbcLii: .'aad aaotbcT ii p c: the In-d cloititg I roigs forth the remark: (J .d frr-sci .ni! If tbat man ain't en juR to tire t tie patience oi Job!'' Settit-C ber V .-cih bard tbe awaiis the liJil flop, with the accoiLpnoy ior blast of cold air, aud then quietly iu q iires "if he i-jf stilled for tbe night," to which te r plies by muetering: "If you aiu't tLe prov.kiurcst wo man !', ' L ' ' ' -, . - - ,,4 Anrrdalr ul iiodrj. The late LcuU A. Godey wis as ready of wit ai'le was generous with bis money, i remember how, in tbe midrt of s s dddeu altercation at a large party tf gentlemen, many winters ago, be estublit-bed peace aud reconciliation ia the vtsry e.L-ia of quarrel. ' Tbe augry d sjiutitits were facing eecb oifcer, almost ready to resort to blows, when G ;dey picked op a hugo carviog-knile from ibe sup per table, and Landed it to tbe most violfcut! of the two. Tbe latter ua-consciou-ly received it, ct the same time demanding of G-.'dey: "Wbat did you mean by this, sir?'' "I mean," t-aid tbe jolly editor of tbe LaJ''n DooL, "I mean, General, that you cut elf tbe quarrel right j ntre. ' ine general txpioion of; merriment made tbe controversy so Ti dicufii's;tbat !ias ttopped at ace, j the V'xefled advertarii tr ibemtl re. j-rtt.tajr in the',. 'a tbey "abouk CBDds and bcgga pardon or the host. I A Bailie turn Maaatatna. : The war corresp jndent of the London Slari'lurd ibus describe! the capture of Fort Alt Mnsjid, in Kbj- I l.T PSB .,,. .., , .,j m,,.;M f.r ih last thri eclf tbi?J httd ot tho raoe wil.h i coaniueraote accuracy, ana laeir bLelli fell very claee lo our men. The Sikbs were beat forward to the rigbi to distract the attention of the enemy, and the ret of the infantry were withdrawn out cf the direct iiae ot (fire, while our hcrHO artillery guns replied to the lire of Ah Alu?jid it was now ruidiity, and th There was a general tr.-eriieps 1 r I'rncrs to navance, aua j !aa i-L : ! fell i.uu:-uc.liy cear lbre aiiona ot "Tuat'a a Jvus biau.n i it was u."t uuiil oaa o'ci .ck that h fi.ujd ff firiuir was beurd tar away i .ia war risjfJt, and we huppotd thai : .unrimcrou Lad c juie baa c juib luiu aciiua .1 i It brigade on the Kbotaa Kdo, S ou afterward tbe foity - pouaderl baut-ry, wbicn we bad bB.i extci- iu lor sr,mo time, caiue up aad , opened fire upon Ai. Mu.-j d, i s lite ) bei!J erideudv far uio.e tff.c;iv, i ihau thai of tbe pWc-ea of the hori-e artiderj. Tbe kb Infantrj's nre j trow it e Ploiia on our ri!H troot was now heavy, and must hve au-; u jta th-i A'gosn g'juLern st-verely f!'t. l..n l,ikti.i ftr nr.ipr fur h iHfier ad ranee at last came, tbe I-' t . h : iii.ii TtavoMt w -f..ur!h ii a iufauir? ad vauced ou tne iwjt.!'"1" u.PF.uS. ... 4.1 . r ,k ..m.. jiLebi - wbw, hiletbe F.Ay -first, inc Untb uativta iulaotrv, and toe fiitb Sikbs worked aloug to the left '.ioi Dy wnite jjeai-orai. ana The scene was nawsirikiojtlj p,0. ioU that the whtppius wire only ture,,,ue aud pretty. From All Mu. i 'n"i f fa'e ,a, "l're ur iid, bt.idiu on its a'mst perpendlc-i if lbtJ' dld uuj tt8lfy s tLe Liar rock ia'lha centre of tbe vallev, I Iabtruct,!d doL . ;fc flho- of the pre a, guns cae Tbe persons through whom this m kst and steadik, while tbe edges of , fj"uaa.ja m reemved aud wh.J was ihe f-.iu and rJck were tinged whh ! Ja Ouacbiia nben these occurrences ibe tinv puffs of waketrj. Behiad luok Mce, reports that about two na tbe 'heavy fvirtv-i.aaaders roared i "udred colored men were whipped ....jti ..;!- ..r ,...J!ia this war. lie has no doubt that r i. n u : i v livj uatti i ic vi uui w i ...... - ...i ..... werd la tbe vailar. takiuir up p0ai-! ; iiu aoa oivuiutf uro iroia iiaje 10 tb', iV;t"rue a? tLfV mc-Fed f-jr'ard. Oa nh rfils the bill bVpes were ' alive aud lbere murdered by aa irre ith tbe Briti.-b inf-.ntry, tbe qaiek j fpnwUe mob, as was done with tbe ..t, ,.f ,h rsfl-. h-UI.t;n, .,i.t. rr..m Uoasbatta prisoners a few months b fli-ih of the r:fl. breakiQ2 out from every rock u.:d busb. Tbe din was prociii'tu, for the bills reechoed every eouud, until tbe roar "f cannon and tb'i crack cf musketry seemed mixed in one confused roar. (Jradu ally tbe tkirmishes crept up till tbey were nearly abreast of tbe fort, but the afiernooa was already far aivanced atjd. wo bad ssyetuoi rvidettcs rbatever ia tbe cssation -of fire tr ia any signs of confusion atnocg the Afghans vitible cn tbe rocu thst Micpberson's brigede bad Bcromplisbed i s task aad carried the ivhotss Kho, or that 'lytltr tad worked round to tbe village ia the rear. Until these points were clear ed up it would have been involving a useless loss of life for the Third and Fourth Brigades to attempt aa at tuck ia front, and tbe order was therefore given to cease firing. AH Mosjid followed our example, and bait an hour later, when darkness fell no one entering the valley would have sappoaed tbat it bad laleiy beV a tbe scene of a battle, or that some tea tnousiad c:;ie oatans were aly waiting fr morning to renew tbe fi-ht. Every one tlept where he stood la.-t night, a vigilant lookout being maintained among the troops nearest tbe fort, as the Afghans have ere now proved themselves capable of plucky and determined night attacks. Before daybreak this moruingtbe ad vance cautiously began. No fire, howevej. opened from Ali Mu.-jid, and, advancing cautiously, lest a trap should be laid, our troops approached the fort and fouad tbat tbe garrison had stolen away in tbe nigbt, leaving tbeir guns, tent a, aud stores of all kiuds behind them. It ai soon found that Maepberson bad trained tbe Kobtas Kob, and tbat Tytler had come down to tbe village hi tbe pass behind Ali Mu-juid. These facts accounted fr tbe flight of tbe Afifbins, which must have been conducted in wonderful sileuce to escape the ears of our advanced sentries. A SI rant the other day a summons com uandiag Thatcher Magoin to present biui-elf for service in tbe jury-box was returned to tbe commissouers of jurors with the information tbat Lad been served upon the wrong par ty. The commissioner said to the bearer; "1 hat Bettles it as far as you are concerned, but Magoin must come here and show cause why be should not be a juror." "He caa't," was tbe reply; "he's too bofv. If be did come be would make things hot for voa. Besides, you would have to send a derrick and a truck to bring him lie turns tbe eca'es at 5,000 pounds " Tbe commissioner was incredulous worse, he made remarks net compli mentery to tho speaker's sobnet. Then tbe summoned man explain ed: "I am telling you facts, Mr. Com missioner," be said. "Thatcher Ma goia is a steam engine,, and is locat ed at the foot of Fletcher street am Nicholas Morris, the stevedore. Years ago 1 was employed by a man named Thatcher Magoin. 1 named my engine oa pier nineteen, Est river, after bim. V hen tbe directo ry man came to tbe dock to tret the names, he saw the name Tbatcber Magoin on tbe engine, and thinking tbat be was the boss, put it on the book. lou will ho it on page 919." This, we believe, is lb'.' first time that a steam engine has been called It do political duty. There sppears to be no reason, however, wby a well conducted or well constructed piece cf machinery, with a pbonographic metric attachment should not be able to bear and weigh evidence qui.e as tffieiently as tbe average jury Set- rntinr American. Maw IUcaarae m MiaUlcr. Goto church only occasionally, and when you ?o, go late; take no part in the singing, but keep up whis pering. i:nd all the fault you can; p iut out bis deficiencies before your children and others. Don't aid his work, but despise his lack of good sense. Tell tales to him about tbe people and tbeir criticisms of bim Tell him bow much bis predecessors were thought of. Keep away from week-day meetings. Get up gayeties. particularly some entertainment Dear tbe commuaion season. Require bim to be present everywhere. Keep back his salary. Keep talking about general dissatisfaction. . '.. Patient continuance ia these prac- ticea will surely drive away both tbe t-pirit and tbe minister of God. Crtaaea W ktf.Uara. HOW "TIIB BAOACITT ASD PBOPERTT OF TOE COrJtTBTw HtJLE I!f THE BOTJTII SOME ALMC ST INCREDIBUE 6TOaiE8. Information hu recently been laid before the Preaideai and the Attor ney General, by a person of undoubt ed reFponsibiiity, showing that a si ate of aGair now exiats in certain' pans of Louisiana, as a sequel to the late election riots, which seems almost in credible. The facts in the case are, nevertheless, vouched fur as true in eery particular. Two prominent Republicans, whose names for prudential reasons must be surprefesod, were cognizant of out rages on the part of Democrats aKiust colored men, in the vicinity of Ouacbt.a Pariah, of a nature bo dauiuiuir that the Democrats, as a mean of ee!l-proteciioc, have been SecLibjhf nieao to put tbeS9 men oat of the way. To this end tbey brought charges attintt tiiea before the Grand Jury of Ouachita Prieb, that tbe two men refeirtd to bad been - P1"." w, nit8- Tne Grad, JurJ Packea lj ,b8 PfP uf coovictiuu, but oce juror, a democrat, reoo.ute aud honest man, rebelled wbctt Le 'rned what waa expected of him, und cro-exam.ned tne wu- " "."-6"' "; ' ,u a mantier not laid down in the 1 ir rinai. ue mue aome oi tnem like iff their coa:s sud extibit their tre btks, which wtr found to be resuh of idatiou on tise oart of tne witnesaea, ; the Mot j a. then drawo froiu them Fortv-itbat.lhO bttd bueu whipped since the . . tbe Democratic purpose tn ibm con piracy was to get the two men In dicied by tbe Orand Jury, in which ca?e they would have been pet in atta prisoners Tbe two men whose testimony is fea'ed are native-bora Louiiiaaians of standing and influence. Tbe At torney General has ordered that they be summoned by District Attorney Leonard, and that means be taken to afford them a safe escort to New Orleans. Every letter now recsived frni Lonisiana which makes any reference to Democratic election out rages bears corroborative evidence of tbe state cf terror in which the writers are living. Tbe writers in every iuitanco beg tbat nothing shall be published, as their dangers have been increased many fold by tne publics tion of letters in Northern paDers ex pusiucr tbe political crimes of tbe White-liners. Mixed Urammar. Tbe witness in tbe following Court scene may have been one of those boys wbo cannot see the use of stud ying grammar : A mau bad btea canght in theft and pleaded ia extenuation tbat be was drunk. Court (.o policeman, who was wjt ess): "Wbat did the man say whea you arrested Dim i" Witness : He said tbat be was drunk." Court: "I want his precise words, jut as be ottered them; he didn't use ibe pronoun he, did be 7 lie didn't say he was druuk." Witness : "Ob, yes he aid be said he was drunk; be acknowledged tbe corn." Court (getting impatient at tbe witness's stupidity) : "Yon don't un derstand me at all; I want tbe words as he uttered them ; didn't he say, I was drunk?" Wiiuess, deprecatingly : "Ob, no, your honor. He didn't say you were druuk ; I wouldn't allow any man to charge tbat upon you ia my pres ence." Prosecutor : "Pshaw ! you don't comprehend at all ; his honor means, did not tbe prisoner say, 'I was drunk?'" Witness, reflectively : "Well, he might have said yon was drnnk, but I didn't bear him." Attorney for the prisoner: "What the Court desires is to have yon state the prisoner's own words, preserving tbe precise fotm of the pronoun that he made nee of in reply. Was it first person, I, second person, thou, or the third person, be, she or it ? Now, then, Eir, (with severity) npon your oath, didn't my client say, 'I was drunk?" Witness, getting mad: "No, he didn't say you was drnnk, either, bnt if he bad I reckon he wouldn't a lied any. Do yoq s'pose tbe poor fellow charged the whole Conrt with being drnnk ?" - - Am Iadlaa Lara Baaaaaea. - - One of the dancers who was really handsome and of superb pbysique, was pointed out to us as tbe loving "husband," an anomaly in Iodian domestic economy and which fills tbe whole tribe with amazement : Tbere is quite a romance connected with bim. . He served with great bravery and faithfulness under General Miles in bis campaign against the Nez Perces. leading tbe charge against them and conducting himself in highly meritorious manner, returning to his tribe covered with glory. To show tbeir appreciation of his valor, tbe tribe selected tbe most beautiful maiden for guerdon. "None but tbe brave deserve ibe fair" was a truism iu this case, for be was smitten by ber charms, and has exhibited tbe moat exemplary devotion ever si ace, riding by ber side through long marches, and cheering her in their mutual exile by love and tenderness Wherever opportunity offers they wander off alone, finding pleasure in tbat eweet solitude of two after tbe most sentimental fashion Another redoubtable warrior wiib tbem has met a cruel fate in loving a too die. dainful maid. He purcbaeed bis bronzs love of ber father for three ponies, which be gallantly delivered before securing bis bride ; but alas. love laughs at lucre even ia tbe wild wood, and she steadily refused to enter his t pee or ber tow a look upon him. Ins ead of biding bis broken heart like a white lover, or fladiug oblivion for his sorrow in fire-water, be goes about with his blanket drawn tightly over his face as a signal of bis deeradation, an object of deris- "" a ... i V A ion to tbe wnoie trine, tioua ana piercing are his lameototioos, and no man sees bis face, and tbe laluer-in- aw retains tbe ponies and tbe obdu rate maid lefuses to be wooed, much lesB won. ., It is said, every time you kiss any body, you lose a hair. This is rough on baldheaded single men. ' BwMfearaBrtawSlaf. The Hungarian papers announce the death in the prison of Szamos Ujvar, of the celebrated bandit. Roe- za Sandor, known ia Hungary aa the "ltobber King." lie was born at Szeiedin in 1813. and both hia father and grandfather were robbers by profession. Ilia achievements, howet . ; Kn eclipsed those of his family, aud ce waa ad mired as much ai he was feared. The reckless courage with which be at tacked the Police, and even military escorts, on tbe high road in broad daylight, his generosity toward the poor, and bis gallantry toward wo men made bim a sort of national he ro. Some 30 years ago few people of the wealthier class ventured to travel in Hungary without paying him tribute. His bands were well armed and organized, and tbe szegony lege- nuck, (poor fellow), aa the bandits were Called in tboee days, found many sympathizers and accomplices among tbe peasantry. He was Erst imprisoned in 1836, but eseapod in tbe following year by tbe assistance of hia mistress, a peasant womaa named Kati, whose husband he had killed by blowing his brains out with a pistol. During the revolution of 1343, Rotza Sander was pardoned by Kos suth, aud be then organized a free corps which did good service against tbe Government troops. After tbe suppression of that rising, Sauder re sumed bis: former career. He did not again fall into tbe hands of tbe authorities until 185C, when he was betrayed by one of hia companions, whom he shot as tbe soldiers were advanciog to capture bim. After a trial which lasted three years, bander waa senteuced to be banged; but tbe sentence was .com muted to imprisonment for life. He remained eigbt years in tbe fortress of Kufstein, and was .hen set at lib erty iu virtue of a general amnesty. But be soon resumed his old pursuits. In 1SC3 be attacked, with some of his companions, a railway train at telegybaza. The Government sent a body ot troops, under Count Gedeon RaJay, to capture bim ; and four years later he was again brought before the criminal tribunal, together with a number of his accomplices, among whom were Beveral magistrates and high civil functionaries. lie was again sentenced to death, and the sentence was again commo ted to imprisonment for life. Tbe prison to which he was then asnt is tbe one in which he died. Tfca Meal atayal alarrlaaa. Tho marriage of His Royal High ness, the Duke of Connaugb, with the Princess Louise of Prussia, ia to be 8domuized at St. George's chapel, Windsor, on tbe 7tb of February. The ceremony will be performed with much state and with great festivities. Although it appears tbat a dramatlo representation is not in the program me, j et tbe Queen will take prominent part ia all tbe festivities. Tbe royal bride is to be attended to the altar by ei ght bridesmaids, the daughters of two English dukes, of two Irish marquises and of four earls two be ing Scotch and two English, Tbe dukes are Bedford and Marlborongb, tbe marquises Headfort and Conyng bam, the earls Errol and Elgin, Brad ford and Mouat-E Igecumbe. The household of ibe future Dutchess of Connaugb, as was tbe case with tbat of the Dutchess of Edinburgh, is to be composed exclusively of Englis. It is reported in Tory circles tbat the Prime Minister iutends, at the first opportunity, to arrange for the Dnke of Connaugb and his brida to reside a great part of the year in Ireland. The Dnke of Conoangh is about to visit Berlin for the last lime previous to his marriage, nis Royal High ness will reside at tbe Royal Palace, where tbe Princess Frederick Charles and ber daughter are at present stay iog. During the Duke of Connaught's stay in Berlin, the final arrangements respecting the marriage will be made. Angeli, tbe Viennese painter, is now engaged npon a portrait of tbe 1 rin cess Louise Margaretba, at Potsdam. A speech is reported of Bismarck, opropos of this pieture, 'lbey con tentedly resign tbe real tbey covet the ideal.' ' raar-Taa Flak that B lapped a Mleaaa4hl. A collision between a steamship and a aria-antic fisb. took place the other day in the vicinity of tbe Tong Tong Islands. Tbe Messageries Maritimes steamer Anadyr, on itB voyage to Shanghai, was suddenly brought to a stop by a violent shock. Tbo cause of tbe collision was fonnd to be an enormous ray or flat fisb, estimated by those on board to weigh from 8,000 to 10,000 pounds. The monster was lying asleep on the top of the water when ita repose was rudely disturbed by a "dig in tbe ribs" from the stem .1 tbe steamer. After tbe first alaru b-d subsided, efforts were made to haul ibe creat ure on board; but, owing to ita an wieldioess, ali attempts in this direc tion proved fruitless, and tbe Dab, doubtless even more "shaken" than tbe passengers on the boat, reluctant ly allowed to move off and seek such remedies for the injuries it had sus tained, as are to be procured in tbe mysterious deep. Faul Harder. CiiAMBERSBuao, December IS Chambersburg and vicinity were greatly excited this morning by a brutal and cowardly murder, com mitted late last night A dance was had at the house just occupied by John Anderson and wife, in which none were permitted to participate unless tbey paid admission. Among those wbo visited the house were Joseph Lane, "Fiddler," and hia friend Peter Swingler.- During the evening tbe former informed '.be lai ter that Anderson a wife bid threat ened to cot baioffler throat wiib a razor. Swiogler pulled iff bis coat, when Mrs. Anderson se jed aa axe with which to defend herself Her husbaad induced ber to surrender the weapon, when he, after some expos tulation, pot 8iogler out of the boose. At midaight be retuned, ace pauied by Joseph Lue, wbo rapped at tbe door. Anderson answering, Swiogler sbot bim with a musket iu the abdomen and followed up tbe act with a blow from tbe musket, which prostrated Anderson. Hia bowels protruded aud in a few miou-es be was a corpse, swiogler escaped in tbe darkness and is still at large Lane has been arrested as an accea- aory. Toe parties are ai. negroes. Small beginnings lead to tbe might iest consequences, tor those wbo desire to be good, tbe great things to attend to are the little things. - The yiolet grows low and covera itself with tears, and of all flowers yields tbe sweetest fragrance Such I is humanity. AMMiiklaf lanlerx. In Delhi, India, we saw the cele brated basket trick, which is some times poorly imitated by professional jugglers ia this country. A native produced a basket and a blanket, and after permitting as to see that they contained nothing, inverted the bas ket on tbe ground and covered i. with the blanket. We paid no attention to hia incantations, but kept our eyes fixed on the basket and the space around it,- resolved tbat no boy hould be smuggled iuto it or out of it without seeiog him. What made the trick still mure wonderful was the fact that the performer stood in a clear space, and we could look down upon bim as he proceeded. He went through tbe customary act of thrust iog a sword through tbe interstices of the basket, wbeu the cries of a boy were beard as if io mortal pain issu ing from ibe basket. Turning it over, tbere was a boy apparently uonurt aud seemiogly erjoying the fun. Restoring tbe basket, with the blanket over it. to its former posi tion, with the boy nuder it, tbe jug gler went tbrougb the samo incanta tions, aud ibeu running bis sword nuder tbj babkot, tossed it away fiom bim. Tumiug over the basket, no boy was to be seen. So far as any thing could bo observed tbere was no potsiold place in wbien tbe little fel low could be coucealed. Another feat quite a6ioniehiug we saw per formed iu the street of Constantino ple An itinerant magician showed us a cane wbicb bad the appearance ot being of wood aud very kaotty. Tnis he tossed ia tbe air as high as he could, aud wbeu i. touched the ground it took tbe form of a live ser pent, with blazing eyes and rapid movements. It looked like a danger ous specimen. Catching up ibis mon ster tbe follow coiled it around bis neck and fondled it, while it writhed and exhibited the most venomous qualities. Throwing it high up io tbe air it ftli to the ground the same cane which we bad handled at our ease. Tara ta Pieces by aXexieaa Lion. Reference was made in the Herald yesterday to the mammoth cougar. or Mexican noo, tbat was chained in the stock yard of S. M. Wbarten in South Flores street Hardly was the description of the animal in type before lores Btreet waa in a furore Crowds rushed to tbe stock yard Little Jose de la Ban-era. a child of tbe widow Guadalupe Rameros, was seen in the ferocious animal's clutch es. Andrew Hogan, who was stand ing by the gate, says that tbe cougar bad leaped unexpectedly to tb length of itB chain, and seized tbe boy's arm tbrouirh the gate. Little Jose was pulled through tbe gate and literally torn to pieces. All tbat tbe hundreds tf bystanders could do was to pull out tbeir revolvers and empty tbeir contents into tbe cou gar's head, but it was too late. Oral Robbing. Eva.vsville, Ind., Dec. 19. Considerable excitement prevails iu town to night over tbe discovery of the body of t rank M. Murphy, a re spectable priuter, iu tbe dissecting room of tbe Evinsvilie Medical Col lege. Murphy was buried last Mon day and bis wife received an anony mous letter late tbis afternoon in structing her to go to tbe college and she would d'scover bis body She followed the instructions, and tbe po lice have taken possession of tbe building. She identified tbe body, wbicb wag partially dissected, by marks and initials on his arm. An inqaest is being held with the iaten lion of getting at the person who robbed his grave. Serious develop ments are anticipated leading to shocking disclosures. Aceltfeatal llsmlrlde. Clevelanp, Dec. 19 Dr. George W. Angier, a well koown veterinary surgeon, died this evening from the effects of a pistol shot received early Wednesday morning. Tbe deceased and a friend, John B. Rice, were vis iting together, when Rice drew a re volver to show Angier. The weapon was in some way discharged and tbe ball entered Angier'a abdomen. Rice was arrested, but claims tbe shooting was accidental. He will be examin ed on Saturday. Rice is a well to- do farmer in Ashtabula county. rasBlly Killed. Detroit, Dec. 19. The Free Press special from Kalamazoo says that a passenger train on tbe Grand Rapida and Indiana railway struck a cutter containing John Alclndre, bis wife and three children, at Hunt's crossing near Plainwell, Micb., tbis evening. Mclndre was instantly killed, and hia wife and one child fa tally injured. Tbe train waa stoo ped and the dead and dying taken to Plainwell where medical aid was summoned. Taa Dead Priaeeaa. Ottawa, O ST., Dec. 13. AU pla ces of business was closed from i to 3 o'clock tbis afternoon out of re spect to tbe memory of tbe deceased Princess Alice. A cable telegram orders that tbe court mourning at tbe government bouse should be observ ed until the 10tb of January, 1879. His excellency bas issued an order requesting tbat all classes observe the ceremony of general mourning from tbe loin oi December up to and including tbe 5i.h of January. Homaaanhaliat Killed. Toledo, December 13 Wrreu S. Waite, a prominent citizen of tbis city, formerly assistant postmaster under Upt 1. LI. Howling, met with a violeut death last night. Dur ing tbe tiifjbt Mr. Waiie left bis bed aud proceeded to the tbitd story of bis residence, climbed out on the roof, over which be walked, falling iu the ground, a distance of forty feet, aud receiving injuries from aLich he ooo expired. It is supposed to bo a Ffse of somuambulirm. Tbe ky, unlike man, ja most cbrer. ful wbtu the bluest. Scarlet aud blue stockings pont-ain poison. Dou'i eat 'cm. Oa tbe deep blue seize A wbo etole a salor's trousers. man Whisky is about tbe only enemy man bas succeeded in really loving. There are men so constitutionally dull tbat a blister would not make them smart ' It only takes a popular song three weeks to get twenty years old in this country. Wbeo Uambreita is married ha and bid wife together will oolr have three eyes, being a majoritj of one .io faror of hia wife. I IV tbtainnSfar nets ftrntHm, or for improrrmentt on oM cne far m'diml or othrr rnmpoftnfis, trade mart and lnV. Curtain, Alignment, inter frremcet, Appenle, fixlti ftrr Infringement, and all eattmriting under the Vntent lw. prompt ly nttmdrri to. Inr-nllnna Unit hare aern by the Patent Of re may etlll, ta Html enter, be MluM vi ue. bring upimUe the C 8. Patent Itepartment, and engaged in Patent bueineee ex tlueiiHly, e can make cloter teimhti, and tec re Paientt more promptly, aud Kith broader claim. inan inwe ymo me remote from Washington, eeml a mna el or eitetch of Hour derire; tee fliiui examination! andadciee. a to patentability, fm of eharetr. Allenrreiprmtfenreterirthjc-iix-fdentinU Priretlotr.nnd ytt rilAJHiJi IX- j-x.. r.i i t.i i i.y MXt, H'e refer in. Wnehinrtcm, to Hon. Poetmneter General P. 3f Keu, Ren. f. p. Pmerr, The German Amerienn SMionnl Bank, ta ofirialt in the V. 8. patent (fice, and to Rrnattrennd Representative! in (m;tre: and esreeiaVi tn tatr client in every Mate in ttte t'-ion ontin ''anntia. A1tre HEALTH AP HAfflffiS. their pusgeMwnt, and yet tliey tliey are williln the use reacn oi everj on woo win u. W RIGHT'S LIVER PILLS. The only ore CUKE fur TorpM Liver, lyjpepla, He&lache, sour Shirawh, Cu8ttlp.uio i. Debility Nausea, ami all iiilioufl eompl.-itntj an-l Hloud disorders None gi-naine union siinieil "W. Wriuht, PhiU. ' I.' yxjr druggist will not (ap ply end J eenti for une box to iiarrick, Holler a Cu., 70 N. 4Ui St. full. Feb. C PHILiDELFHIA COFFEE. We hare recently made rreat Improvementi In the prce4ol KaasiiBg Coffer, and now oiler to tue trade tbe FINEST ROASTED COFFEE Tr put up In Package. We iroarantee every pacaaxe uraniea 'MY CHOICE" or DOM PEDRO'S CHOICE.' to be nothing; but Arte elM-tnd Ooffee. Cw&ue, im poneu from -iu" ny our&eivea. Janney & Andrews, WBOLBSALI Gram k Pnfe ComMica Merchants No. 121 and 123 Market Street, May 29 PHILADELPHIA. TIDI TOR'S NOTICE. JauubP. Zlgler to James UPu V uluntarr Asxihd The undersigned auditor, appointed, ta said Court to distrinute the funds in tbe hands of the Assignee to and.'amenir those legally entitled thereto, hereby giires nooce that newilisir lor the aid puruuseat theohloeof J. L. Puiro. ti., in the urUKb of Somerset, on Friday the 2u.r- d ry of ltocemlier. A. !., 1H7S, when and where ali persons iuterested can attcnl, S. U. TRENT. Auditor. Saved from the Grave. Mr. J. E. Touman. Lona; P. , Ills., says : "It saved my twoeUUdren from the grave." A. I. Simmons, of Baltimore. Aid., also says : "It will sure i he worst cough immediately. Two noses cured me of a bad cough of one week's standing " J. H. Coulter, larkm. Pa. (Over 1.000.000 bottles of Seller's Cough Syrup , id. It is the most pop ular remedy I.rSjnHi, folds, t.Tnup. 11 larsenea. and all Tl.roat and Lung Kiseases. Has been in use for halt a century. Sold l.y ail druggists ami ctmntry storekp.ra. Pri-e vV., Son. an-l rl.00 P-r bottle. K. K. SELLERS a. Co., Prop s, Ittshurgit, Pa. Nov. an The Great Blood Cure, For the cure of all diseases arising from impure Blood. Are you weak, nervous, debiliated, pule and emaciated f Hnreyou ltt your nppetite? H ave you nausea, pain in the hark, bia.1 If so, llr Lintlsey's Ulood Searcher will drive out the disease and bring back the Bloom oi Health. Pimples, Bolls, Krystpolas, Tetter. Salt Kheum. tue., are hut surface indications of Blood Diseases; and Ir. Lindse's Bluod Searcher, by purifying the svstem, soltens the skin and beautlnes" the complexion. (Cures performed by the Blood Snan-hcr read like oil. time miracles. Trr It. Sold by drnggi'ts- 1 00 per bottle. K. E. S EL LF.RS a CU., Prop's, Pittsburgh. Pa. JTEGAL NOTICE. Tt Moses Young, Barbara Young, Esther Young. Elisabeth, intermarried with Jacob Bark man and 8ve grandchildren ot his daughter Han nah Avers, dee'd. linniel Ayers, Aiuoe Ayers, Jacob Arers, Maria Elisnhetn, Intermarried with Abraham Buniganl, Margaret, intermarried with William Nich'ds, tho children all reeling in Somerset county Pa., and the grandchildren all In Fayette county. Pa , you are here by notlUed that In pursuance of a writ of parti tion. Issued out of the . rrphans' Court of Somerset oounty. Pa., i will hold an Inquest on the real es-, tate of Henry Young, deceased, in Somerset and Jefferson townships, at his late residence, on Thursday, the 28th day ot December, 1878, where you can attend tf yoa think proiier. Sherirs Office, t GEO. W. PILE. Nor. 19, 178. I Sherirt. Nov. 23 JEGAL XOTCE. To Samnel .T. Johnson. B isnettvillc. Marlon County, W. Va.. Kmellne, intermarried with John O. Rittenour, Cameron, Marshall County, W. Va., Jamrj K. Johnson, Confluence. Somer set Bounty, Pa., Susanna, intermarried with Faabrltik. Meyersdale. Somerset county. Pa., (eo. W. Johnson, Confluence, Somerset county. Pa , Henry W. Johnson, Cameron. Marshall Co., W. Va, Sarah Catharine Anderson, Confluence, Somerset cut nty. Pa., Yoa are hereby notified tbat In pursuance of a writ of irtitlon issued out of tbe Orphans' Court ol Somerset county, Pa, I will hold an inquest on the real estate of Sarah A. Moon, dee d, formerly Sarah A, Johnson, late of Lower Turkeyfoot Tp., at ber late residence, on the 27th day of Decem ber, 1878. when you can attend if vou think proper. Sherifi s Office, 1 GEO. W. PILE, Nov. 20, WJ8. Sheriff. TLECTION NOTICE. "The Annual Flection of the Farmers' Union As sociation and Fire insurance Company of Som erset oounty Pa., will be held at Berkley's Mills on Wednesday, January 1st 1879. for the purpose of electing a President, Vice President, Secretary, and six directors, ti serve Kir the year ending Sept. au, 187. Notice is also given that an efiort will be made to reorganise the said company upon a different principle, on tbe day of election, when all persons Interested are respectfully requested to attend. J. K. BOOSE, D. J. BKI BAKEK, See. Pres. Pine Hill, Nov. 23, 1ST 8. COMPLETE FALL STOCK OF on cloth n. Linoleum. &c., &c. At tbe Lowest Prices in tbis Market, HENRY McCALLUM, "77 FIFTH "VEXsTTTE, ' ' ABOVE WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH. IM., FORMERLY W.D.&H. McCALLUM, Established 1S53. rt2Sm m mm Trip Dl COT? stovf PACKAGE dLllAallJl POLISH. ALWAYS READY SOB USE. - SnrMr-anm ft Beet. - m,mwgwm It. SMfjm1 M,.j rachac. him lawm. 1OT. S ruaotkl; M. ITT ITCmi POLISH Wes HwaW JOI aa-xxnra, POST. nusv, aata. vwinw, (JERRY S. ZIECLER, Sole Manufacturer, ease, see as, Jaa atseet, rauaatikia, Oct 8m CTRAV HEIFERS. Cams trespassing on the premises of the sub. sort her la Paint township, Somerset eonnty. Pa.. ooe dark red, and one red and white spotted heif ers. Supposed to be a year and a hair old t no artificial marks. Tbe owner Is requested to some rove property, uav eost and remove them. LLO..&ABt.iii sriartut. "LECTION NOTICE. 1 ) In the Court of Oomnv-n Plraa oi somerset i muij, ra., nit, xh. ) US, January Term, IsTB. (Voluntary AsxiitDuict.t. ) No'lcs Is hereby given that an election will be held oa Moaday January 1:, U?4, st the store) house of deorate Johnson, la Berlin, Srile par posoof eleeUnir t re. tdent and directors ot the iluOalo Valley Kail Kovt. l. A. BfftTBAKF.B, Pc 1 Secretary, v .....ji, J. M. HQLDERSAUM & SON'S. STORE, West End, Main at., Somerset Pa. HEADQUARTERS FOB THE SALE OF 107SSS A1TD C2ILLZI3 PLC73,EGEI TOWiT GIsAIlI 202ILLS, L P077Sr3. FARQUAHSt'S FuurlU-rse Thrrjhlr.g Ma chines with Shakers. FARQ'JAHK'S Thresher and S.-parntcr. FANNING MILLS, CORN l'LOlYM,, Cultivator Shovels UepaLr for ITcarlj All tlw I lew: Sdd ia the Ccrrty. M WW A VALUABLE lNVEHTiOH. i-cijUia.6S THE WORLD RSKOVeTa'ZD WfLSiH 1 U In workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer VJatzl-., and as e-er.tjy vTrs'shed 03 a flrst-claos Plarc. ,i received tho hlf,.:cst awards ct t:i3 Vienna and Cen tennial ExposiiSono. ST SCVrfS OSwS-FOURTM FACTi7 thin oi'rirr rr.z'Atfr.ciG- l'c?. canacity 13 unlimited. Thcro ore r.-.cro -i;COU ACHITJSS sold in tho United States th?.r. the ccr.-.biiicci cales of nil t.'io ethers. Th3 l7.r,CCfJ fi72KD;?.a ATTACH P,:Sf4T. for doing ail k?nds cf ropairin-, VVSTIICUT PATCHIfiG, given Fr?HS vit:i tac: machina .! WILSON SEWING MACHINE 00, S27 & G29 Sroadvay, Kovv York; r3ew Orloanir, La.; Cor.Siafe&MadisjnSts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, GM. FOR SALE BY ALL FI3ST-CLASS DEALERS. TO THE LADIES: The Saai:ncr and stU-s ol E. Buttcrlck Cos. PAPER PATTERNS at Mrt. K. K. Winer's, 809 Arch St.. and 804 South 21 St., F-hlUdeipha Al-n ftii Brsin thsa renlannial lt iisif I tr.'. !-! fillet by mail on rwHr( of price. CatalM-jiu !"ur- Attj..i A UDITOR'S NOTICE. S. P. FlVk to ") In the Viirt l tvnirn -it riean s. a. a iiomjiwin. i ..-j. AUic.ri Lerui .-,1. (Voluntjry Ai-inm-nt ) The undeivifDiid Auditor appoint a.1 by Siit Court to psisa upon the exceptions to tbe iv ui.t ol the Assignee and Oiiriiiute the fuud in hig hands, hereby itives notice, that fursnid purt.dc he will sit at tbe oilice of W. H. Km ntz. hf ! . In thermuKh orS-ineret, on Friday the lith day of Uecemlier, A. 1. W, when anil where alt persons interested can attend. H S.EXDSLEY. JTov. SO Auuitur. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. lit vnilm.irnrtl AulUr ipinte! hv the Orphans Ouurt ! Sfnicri?t euuuty. t mke tiitrittuiln of th Iud1 In tho hut it of M. S?hruck. avltn'r. M the estate of ;rl Hclirwiu, d M, to imi Hruonir thoie Ieu;:tliy entiiletl thereto, berehy itivrs inuke, that he nrtoml to the dm left of t:iil apiKitotment at his o!tl;-e In Somer set Jruirh.oa Jf'ri'Uy. lrweuiher -W- 1)7. when and where all parties Intercntc! in:nten I. jAMtsuprmi, Nov. 27 Ausiiior. VlM I ' 1ST C ATO R3 S OT 1 C ii. Latateor Henry Yoonr, lute of; Somerset Twp., Letter or administration on theabveetatehav log been jfrantml to the un;leriirnel by the proper aaihoriiy. not ice heruby jriven to thwe iaiebtei to it to make immetliate payiuent, aiwI thow biiving elrtims atcaluttt it to present them duly authpntic-i-ted for sottlementat thct'tli e V;tltotine Hay. In Somerset borough, on Satuniay, lh.'ccmber" 2H( 187 8 MOSES YOtTXO. Nov. .0 Almtni5tral ir. TJUBLIC SALE. Ily rlrtne of an order Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Somerset County. Pa., the nndeniined, A.-?i)fnccof tlcorge A. Pile, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, Decembrr 21, 13T3, at 1 o'clock r. x., the following.desorilied real es tate, viz : A certain tract of land t tuate in Somerset Twp., Somerset Co. Pa., adjoi" .0 land of Kdward Kel ler, William (. Kncpp-..-, J n ithan Fn-iiillne and others, containing 1ii7 acres imre or le, having a two story plank house, a spring bouse, h-ir. ham and other outbuilding thereon erected : atx.ut acres t-lear.of which 16 acres are ia meadow; also an orchard of apple trees thereon t KOivl water and timber. It lays about on. mile mirth ol Sipesville, and is eonveln-nt to churches and school. TERMS. Ooe-tliinl on confirmation of sale, one-third in six months, and one-third in ope yetr rnim date of order ot sale, with interest; ten per cent, of the purchase money to Le ptid ou day of sate. SO A II S. MIT.LER. Nov. S7 AJtigace. A GOLD MEDAL has Ijeen awarJcd at the Paris Kip Mdiion or - J.&P.COATS, Forth, tr best Stx-Cr.l Spxd Cotton, cimtirminir the estimate piaccd uinm ineir noo is at all the World's Expositions, Irmn that at Lai ton. 1H2, to the ' Kx'.ti'.n of 1174. wher'hey t.-k a diploma Inr "S- PEKIOK STUEMtirii A.N I) EXCELLENT 4 f A LI X Y." The Semnd I'rueol a Silver Me.lil w is t-ikcn by the Willitm imic Liuen Itompany, which claims to lie the ?ie.Mal champion ol American in dustry, and w!i?n has cxteusiveiy advorliseil a Orani Prizj at Paris. UO GS11TD P2I323 wara iwa-.dji fcr Spoil C:ttoa ai PAL?. Messrs. J. P. t.'oa'S have r-0 iMi-ilie I lit Paw tui:ket, R. 1.. the lanrest Sool Cotton Mills in the I' nited States. Every pruceiH or maimiaj'.uru, from the raw rtton to Ine bni-.'teil spool. Is cn ducted there. Their Amcrican-madu Swol 'it ton took the aw ur I at the Cenienni il, and whi e they have never elulmel sjiccial nr-Tit for their American-male Sjjod Cott m over tnst mun-il ic tured In their Scotch Mills, they h ivetheti-l. lion of announeir" that they have eo ider-.t hol themselves with tills country, that ' AMERICA, as represented by J. & P.Ccats, is still Ahead in Spool Cotton BATES & COATS, S de As-nt In Philadelphia !o.- J. a P. cuats. Nov. 'MEKIFF'S SALE. virtue of a writ of Fieri Faclj, isac 1 out of Cf urt of C--mmon Picas otSmiersrt Co., Pa.. the ana iq me tnrecico, 1 win rxoe losaie oy puotic outcry, at the Court Hutuc in Somerset, on Thursday, December 2ii, 1S7, at 1 o'clock r- v., the following descri'ietl real estate vi,: All the rtijht. title. Interest and claim of Elisa beth Iiybcrt. of In and to the ftillowin desoribod real estate, riz: A certain tract of land situate In Qucmahonin Twp., Sonierset Co., Pa., eontinloif 3" acres more less, or of which there are ahout i acres cienred. the balance) all timber, adioinior lands of Noah I Miliar, Cyrus ADkeny.UeorePetersou and others, i with the apurtenancra. Taken iu execntion as the property of Elizabeth ! Dyherr, at tbe suit ol Kieruan's use. j TERMS Any r-n pun huinit at the ahore sale will please take notice, that ten percent, of; the purchase money mu.t be p ti 1 as s on as the I propertv is kmicked down, otherwise It will air.iin ' e exposed to sale. The residuo ot the pnrciiase' moncv te Daid on or before the -?oth day of Jan- 1 nary. 107. tho day Hied on by the Court for tho .' acknowledgment of SherirTs doe Is. and no dec I will be ackoowledced until the purchase money is paid In. i OEORGE W. PILE, Dee. 4 Sherttt. S3 M LB PLATED WATCH KM. Cheaees , In too known world, ttainpl Watch free la Ailurese, a. uitm awnv-uv mm .ii rinwiissVsttWVA-ajJvtj JUST RECEIVED AND NOW OPENING AT J. il HOLEZRBAOlsi a mi STORE West end, Main St., Somo, -, AUrgGd Well Sskctcd LOT OF1 DRY GOODS, XQTIOXS, HAIWWAllE, QUEEXSWAIiE, IIATSc CAPS. BOOTS A SHOES, -AJSTJD Tiio Largest, Eest ond Cheapest Assortrront of Men's and Toys' CLOTHING Fresh ar.d New, Ever Crered in SOIIEHSET. AH Kim! of Ircim-e IV. ken in Exchange fyr GOODS. Marl aaariinflif n rt n ins a r s m n r -j ?3 2 a rj . Do ouwanttomakeaor.ianrtonoy? Ii so hero is your t-lmn.-c. Cemfeti-nt Aii- nis lalc or ienmic want to sell the Ketarv Nele The Convenient Article lor iu ,r.-u- 0ie u'r tiiepuri.9e ilcsiirncd ev.-r invent U scr. i stit.,we.-ah. rachsuras and ttixea. .Vs.. I..r stiaial iii!f Kriilf. Washing liic.e etc. ain- t .Tirr 1,0 0 Aveuts are now enir:zed In seliine ti'.em iu toe west. Territory esv-rir tulin where ever ofltrcd,, apply euriy. For u-.n teniae. .... "re.-, t n. ill i f ticn-Agt. West.Penna. I'lli,bnr;n. Pa. TTcan money nuke fester at work fur us iTatTa 1 1 anythlna dlse. fa,,ai t re.julrt.1 : we wil I I .tart y.u. 12iier.aytlionie b-.:c he the Ui:idustri.,n ten women. N.ysan iKirtswant- e,l everywhere to wort lr us. . ,h8 time. Cos iy oui.'it ai-d ter-.s ire. AJdresa liiric i c... Augusta, .iLiino. March 27 (ft n n in y h ft No risk. I.i V U U wiiieh per irn-a. nv 11 weelt tn year own r-.wu. 45 fw. .UdtJcr. H . n a-LMt a K . -;.. .. " " t-i. n-;r mv i-;m m.iK4 trrf-rkt imv ill u i . .. . . .. March Z7 1 nt mo? t usefnl pr??nt for Troxjxi "wife, Intended wife, mother, cr -ier. I, lm. uf oar Nickel Pi tted and Polished FIumd oi i, . , -Irons. 4 Ironson one hin lloaa I a eil.- It due .ft Price. ' K.ina; Keversitde Iroi. a.". 50 Huuuir and Crimping Imn, i7S. SENT PPFP;n on r-.-eiptot price. .. inirmu lhwitt Mifc Co. I'irrr.nrBli I'u. I. i'. Bos. -..- Hu r.uo v.i.T.e V' v j'lt 'VVa,1"-"tl " t'ounty. FALL SEWIO.V OPFSS tSEPT..lIH7. TERMS Moderate. Fend for a Calulo'jut. AuTT PARKS. Principal. Budnviilr. fa. EST? business you can enif aire In. 4.-1 to v per .lay nrnoe by any worker of e'lhcr sex niclit in iheirown lociiiti.t aud samples worth j free. Inu.n.v. vn. ,lre business. A-Mresi &r;-.s...x a Cik, Cortland Maine. March .7. ff C r H.4I.KKR ot iirj this place has a lot id his ?P - ecld-rated Morse K .Kes m -'rV fursale hettcr thin ever '--V91- and cheap. Anyonewho fpCT'1'1--. wants one at owe, w-uld : J do well to send him X '"m " postal card or in some way let mm know In order to make sure ot a-ittir one. as he in his rounds ofscilio: m:ght c end all who want rakes. May 2S A A HTPH Farms to sell and exeh:in-e. Ws rr rH I LZLf have han.lreils or eustumrrs wanting to buy l inos ust now. Never knew a better time toscll Acres at lair prices, as pe-pl-j are lirtinir money from banks and swain-; Acres fursalcty. Address S. JI. JAVKS, Pittsl.unrh Farm Asjmcy, 134 Smitbntld St. Pltistiursth, Pa. Th.;s iu search of farms send for rrlutc ! Farm ReKi-ter. Nov.-JS PUBLIC SALE. OF VALL'ARI.'E RKAL ESTATE. B-virtue "fa contlnne.l or ler of jale lsne.l l-y the tTourt ol Common Pleas oi S..mept Co., Pa lo the underpinned directed, as As-innee of Teter W. Sudor, of All-irhenr Twp.. In the s.ii 1 eminty fur the s.tleol bis n.-al estate. 1 w-iii swll at pul-iie sale ,on the premises in Alleirhcnj towahip. u Saturday, January 1ST9. A trael or Innl silutta lu Alleshenv Twp. ai.ircaui 1, adj dnini , lauds of s,iuinel. 'WaUer. "Anna Sroner, an-t othert', ounuiiiilnir .07 ii'-ri . al. ut 140 a..res eie.ired. ii arren ol which are hi mc:ok.w : the buhtiiee wed limt-ere.i. i ne i:n r..vci:i?nts are two ono and a half story Io imnses, (weatherie,srile-l). a fc:ink barn, h.ej.e. a"d other eu'ltiiil iijias ; orchard el i-Ii- k fruit trees; a spring of never f; w.iter nr the houc": there al.-j tw.. other sprin. on tne premises that l..r.n the Eieaier l"ly ol o.ut i kn a as Deeter Kun, In tin; vicuiity. n.l ' noii'utly stmnit to nm a ar;.:-Diili. Tt.e prioierty rs iaate.t directly at tiie S .a;cr"et an I fcedli-rd tarnpike. 6 ad bas been lor uimy y r an-.i is now a !av.ri e drive .tan-l. A eoni'-nioi ii ed .ilntail mute his recently in-rn surv.y-l through this ppiprrty. an t is thi tniy r ;'-3 hy whieh a raitroa l e.111 Im; made S11 the S-tu -r-t-t c unty cull hells to inrcre.-t the Pinn-y' v.inia Kaiiroad .4 t inn's .;h"i. Ltcif-.-r I ct'ii,-y. as it lies directly In the be tl of what favcr.i y kn .wnas iA-cter's i.i ip. Sale toc-jui:m iic at 1'J o'elnek s. a. TIUMS. One-third la hand, one thi-d in six m milis Ir.irn date ot'or ler. an I n.- tliir l i:i .ii'.c year iromilate 01 order, with interest on dei 1 pa inputs from contirmur.i.o ot sale. liiioKllliii. WALKER, Njv.27 Assiirme ol Pctrr W. Su.ler. c 1 V Ml SSI ONER'S NOTICE. l..n-:I S. lorner In the Crtof CVunmonPless vs. f oi .-omersei i ooniv. .'v S.irah !.. Horn:r. ) 17V November T. K. ( Alias u'' in Divorce. 1 lUh ..f .:remticr ou ctitii n of Mrs-its. C.l Iv.r:. a (.' .iii.ra a-u,rn. y's oi I 10 el S. lldncr, hiotl, lie) Court apfH,!, it James L. I'urfh. F"t . C-miuissioner to lake the te.'.i:r.ony. at ! ttuJsO'i ieiort the faei;:, wlthan " ' Extract uoui the record, eertined ntbofX-rrut b"r.1w;i. F. J. KiHiSLK, Protik.noury. The rslzac I (five nitlee tint he;:ll l for the purpose of ii-chrxntr the urenm ci-ia-m.ssion, cn Fri lay. Iicj-emmr 271 1. J-1", st thftorU -eol Messrs Colt.irn X Colb-irn in the I"'' ouh ol Somerset. JA1f S L Pt'OII. Dee. 4 ConmHsioner B RID UK SALES 1 h-ttiminiS5lon(rs of Somerset e .u:.t-' wnl or fer at uL-,ln . ale, to the lowest asxl r-e I Wder, on Tueday, December 17, 133, at I o'clock .r. a.. on the preni-KS. the hulidlnit of a hrtdite over Oin Kun, at th pla.-e wher- the put-lie liixhwav iea,iiua ir-in Sjie-ht's Mill H.wrcrsviile io Shade Ujwnshlpcp ss s said strcaai ALSO. ttn the Wcino'day I)emtcr is, 17. s oVl.-kr. w . on the premises la New ltuitimor the buildlnc of a hri.l;e over Juniata t'n 'k, at tie place where ihe put-he highway losdii.I " H -dl.inl and Sim'rset crosses uM -itream. PUs and specinlcatiotis ctin he seen at the c.imutisslon ers'otnee. alter tho 21 day ot Uecemher, aad win be on exhibition on day of sate. W.M.SCHKUCKClcrk. WM. KTVU . J. P PHII.SON. D. PH1I-L1PPI-Nov. tu Coiuuiusioneri