The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 20, 1878, Image 4

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: 'r
li .,
ocb rHiLnKipni letter.
By Oer Ow Fpeetitl Corref rem" jeu;. '
ruiL'A, Novubta; 15, 1S7S.
Vt.itoe IIe&aLiW ! w Ufa to cora-
I here, and toned ber moro charming
land brelT in heme lite than on tie
ietage, and ber manners fcrt perfectly
free fium raanneriscis or pride, and
in short, the 19 last wuat very
fsrniaa should be; g:od the gold
mence this letter by ccwpiiineuiicg f" tta favo,p aaj, '0w, I've said
you regarding your paper ior me j j. a,j ja a nui,ghcU.
mnpst and cpncut
very on-
1 d,-fa.a
pleasure cf bearing
laud il takes! Philir.s lectures here
in fcll issues ; aud 1 w.aa lo compu-j n; ttj but tbo weather is
mnntTLin a so reearamc your corre-, .-j t aot verT We
soondent Irom Tans, wbose letters x dfcbarTC(j 0f the
read with great end increasing mut
est, and, without wishing to flatter
either you or the writer, I vrill say,
that I have rarely read any
that while beinir American. Lad that
The Skal'.ng Uink is open, parties,
reception and balls are oa the tapis
everywhere, and it wcu'.d seen that Pr.iU-lM'i.hia thiuks of ia BCiasiog
peculiar trrace and lightness that Las j . lf .ai indeed sho is rejoicing
slvivt been considered uao'iKaiaab.e j tj, nf nublicaa victory. I
bv Eoelish writers. I do not admire B wrfioa..rlT j!ad
all that I read ia French litt-ra- fT T0Q recicjnbc-r my little
ture. bat there is always on uu j , . tce 0tE3DC tbe Democrats
lomething untrensiatauie ttnunaiKci
,, fin and fieeiioz to catch hold of
to discus?, that is charming, and
gives one the idea that it was writ
ten with the very pjiut of a diamond
pen on savin paper, and that a breath
would disperse tbe words like thilc
down, and it 13 just that tame style
done i to English that has called
forth this paragraph. I have thor
oughly enjoyed those letters from
Taris, and when you see your corre
spondent will you tell biu 6u? I say
bim. far I am euro that those letters
breathe of cigar emoke, absinthe, aid i
the Latin quarter, to say nothing cf I
the Bois de lio'.ogae.
ttais de Dalcguu are luagic wcrua
that call to mind a long, delightful
Julv day ia Paris net many ye&i
ago", when n inode3t fiacre tipped at
the d-or of a Lotel on Hue de La
fayette, ccdily opposite the Grand
Opera, and touk a pair cf pleasure
Bcekere, and then as cf couie I was
one, can tell all about it lock us by
ttlong, long roundabout way to thai
famous place. The Champs Elyse
was full of carriages goiug aud com
ing, full of horsemen s.nd footmen ia
livery, mode uteres like ours, and a
ii-t,.",.t of eserv DOssitilo
kiud of convevanccs, aaa all
-Mv r!nd of that victory,
of tbe
South, and also because Cel. Danin
is elected. I am glad G overnor II oy t
also has received the popular voice,
but am sorry too that Uor. Hartranft
n,,.t h r i-fJnvprnor with him. So
been to the Hois de Cologne or were
going there.
We pasted the Column VenJ.jce,
which was then Dearly restored,
through the Arc de Tnompb, aad
paft nomberlesa fouutaiuH euu prtty
tower Leis, and fciiil pref.icr groups
of ohildrea nlavinir with their Dtir-es
under the trees, and little 1'urjeh end
Jadv shows and other performaaces
s little more ambitious, where tweet
music floated out on the air from the
cool shade of the tree, and so on,
one pleasing picture giving way to
another, until we were oa the smooth
wide roads that wind and turn in
an endless labyrinth among the trees
of the "Woods of Kologne." The
tortuous windicgp, the artistic but
artificial naturalness of the fcetluded
nooks among rocks, little lonely
places where clumps of trees and
dense underbrush invited lovers'
tows, ponds and lakes where during
the war the cattle drank, tbe little
LabLlicg brooks, tad above all,
crowning giory oi me
cascade fell and Buattered its spray
on the rocky ledges and waviug
grasses around. To be sera, we knew
that a reservoir supplied the cataract,
that the whole bad been built by the
band of man, and we could aot Lelp
imagining that those were imitation
rocks, but we enjoyed it all the same,
tor we eaw that the other people did.
In fact, I don't believe thit the
Trench people are capable of enjoy
ing Xature natural. Th;y would
shrink from the contemplation of Yo
femite, and turn ia disgust from Xi
figara, for tbey both lack the polish
and refinement a French artist would
have bestowed, aad they arc too co
lossal, and they arc ceeisaniy
But to return to the gay littlo pic
nic parties, aad gentlemen with oth
r Bitn's wives, and women wi:h oth
er ladiea' husbands, and young men,
aod very handsomely painted Bnd
otherwise ornamented girls of the
lU mi vionde who eat their dinner?
with magnificent gusto f.nd thoa
break all the dishes afirward
end dance upon the table, aud, io
oLort, every possible combination of
nmr.anionshio except men and their
wives, aud all enjoying themselves
with that rociftsrous gaiety natural
to the French. It was a pleasure to
eee them ; they were all children for
the time.
We bad a cosy little dinner at the
pavilion, and I think it is safe to fay
that we were the ouly married
couple there ; but we enjoyed it for
all that, end at dusk returned, baaJ
in band, to the fiacre like a pair of
sweethearts such is the influence of
surroundings aud went to the Opera
Comique after. lut it was a happy
Jay without on ppeck oa tho whole
of it, and I think 1 would liko to go
there once again to tea if my impres
sions were correct, aod lo make sur
that tbe swans I m sailing oa the
lake were real ones, aad not gcesf.
But, while Tun is pleasant tc vis
it, I should regret exceedingly to ba
obliged to lire there. Far better I like
this pretty, clean and htiltby Puri
tan city "of Philadalphia, witu Ler
clean, white marble door-steps and
closed window blinds, which hid- so
much warmth and kiadt:aess within.
Everything I ere w, to my I Linking
justs it ougl.t to be, wi;b a very
few exceptions, and thiy are 1 ri
sing ones. I can never caa get done
expressing uy appreciation of the
bor6C-car ej stem th&t prtvcils. Al
most every fctreet ia this great city
bas a line ot horse-cars running up
one street and down tho other, and
crossing, and, in short, it matters not
where you went to go, if you under
hand tbe lines, you can go direct to
the door, aad if you doa':, the con
ductors will tell you, aad take a doal
of trouble to set you right.
Just now the city is full of gaiety
and pleasure, ail the theaters are open
and full, and while it is the proper
ihing to ey that th- legitimate
Prama is fostered ia Philadelphia,
tbe minetrels are far better liked aad
patronized. Carocross performances
ar of great excellence and draw Will,
and bwcatman's Opera Hoo.a is
crammed nightly with delighted rud
icneee. I went to (Lis latter place leieatly
and laughed till the tears came, and
then nearly cried afterward at a pret
iy Uttle touch ia one of tea ballad?.
1 don't know if it intercuts lb people
Somerset to know what they &r
playing ia tbe theaters bere, but cs
it is a fcnbject of great interest a iih
oi, I naturally write it.
Among the prettiest play I Lave
Bica for a good tuacy v ears, Is o;:e
made from Mrs. Burnett's beautiful
book called That Lass o'Lwries,"
and played by Mario Gordon, (Mrs.
Joha T. Raymond.) Sbe bought tbe
p'.ay and plays the title roll in a most
admirable manner ; andthelaa woa
all hearts not less by her personal
worth and great beauty, than by the
impersonation of tbe noble self-sacrificing
pit-girL Miss Gordon is one
of tbe moat intense actresses of tbe
new emotional school, and she ia so
much so that ke forgets herself utter
ly and entirely, and is ncn othrr
than that 'Las o"Lowrics." ,
J called upon her while the was
ere all the ladies, aud we have decid
ed that when Governor IJoyt ana
Col. Duckcl shall have eofrauchised
us, we are going to nominate, and
then vote for Governor Hartranfc for
Our last storm has K It traces whico
are not altogether obliterated yet,
particularly the damage done to
charrhee. Thev are taking dawn
oac of the steeple of a Catholic church
CDnosi-e mv bouse, which was start-
pd bv the dreadful hurricane. Many
others are being rebuilt. It is singu
lar that while so mny churches were
ininfid. I have vet to bear ot tae in
iurv of a raloon, or other vile place
rot and it makes tne think of some'
li.;,--, f r.-.".(i thi other dav. An old was calleu unou to con
tiihuta towards rutting a OcW rotf
-.n ii church.
"Ko '' said he. "I cafe a hundred
dollars to ard building dot church,
and now if God wants to duuder on
it it. is not my bu.-iaers.-
Tbe cooler weather Las bad the
effect cf deciding the winter styles,
though it takes a close observer to
note "the dllereuce between these and
the fall styles, e-xc?pt that the cloaks
which were bought then have been
laid bv oa account of the very mild
weather, and only worn now. The
cloaks are not nnite so lou as last
r;nrr. and are mostlT ia the same
shapes, with the exception of the dul
itaa mantles, whifh sre veiy fcand
sume. Furs are the saaio as last
winter, aud cashmere d'ess goods are
as much worn, while plaids are. very
Children's clothes ore very elabor
ate and haadsome; some suits costing
as high as $100. It is a tight to go
iato soma of the largest ftores and
see the multiplicity ol Lats aud oou-
n;o enri iha latitude offered for in
dividual taste.
There are crcttr liuie cottage bon
nets ia felt, and trimmed bimply for
vouDtr cirU, bats with wMe, narr
and turacd uo bri'.as and elaborate
velvet, plush and chemue oooaets,
and flowers aud feathers without end,
all beautiful sod rarii'uing to the fe-
ma'o heart.
Oae of the Cucst digbts I have Eecn
for a long time, wa3 tho celebrated
dry goods importing house of Jacob
Bizel & Co., 233 Harkc-t street.
There is pone as largo ia this city.
The bailment is full 150 feet Ions by
about 80 wide, and 13 filled ia every
part by flanntls, domestic plaids aad
white goods. Oa tbe Cret flocr are
boxet and Laka without end, coutaiu
ir.g all the newest atd stBpIe goods.
There are cashrae-res, choods, terge?,
silkf, plaids, diagonals, chia'z;s, gicg
hatns, calicoes, aud every conceivable
varb'tr cf femiutae dress gooa-?, m-
cludia'g cn entirely new material csll-
"ltradford mixture." WliiCO IS
bound to become popular.
It is maao of conL-ed lustre woo!
aud is made up ia stripes, acti ro?crn-
bles silk in pattern and appearand.
It will stand washing, will not shrink
nor chfivol. aud will make up for
home or street equally pretty dresses,
It is double width, and cheap.
Thev have some handsome winter
skirts, "a very pretty and tidy fashion.
and a rreat tuanuty of shawls ana
wraps of all kinds; but specially pret
ty are some white tnit gooaa neecy
and Cliay, and exquisitely lovely; but
v.bea you get among the cloaks you
get lost entirely.
Tbey are of such rangniScent qual
ity, and in so many varieties cf shape,
material and trimmings, tht I am
excusable for losing my bead. The
majority are mado cf heavy diagonal
cloth, trimmed with proe grain silk,
fringe, satin, velvet ribbon and band
some buttons, aad buttons are hand
somer this year than ever before; but
there ere very mauy made cf plaids,
an.-l plain black cloths.
Of course, the prices of goods ia
wholesale stores ere secrets uot to be
unfolded but to tLe trade, but Mr.
I.avertll, a gentleman who took much
trouble to show n ab?ut said that
they are very cheap.
The second story is died with
goods for men' wesr, of all descrip
tions, but that part doesn't interest
me, so I pass on to the third aad
fourth floors, or counting the bise
meot, tbe fourth and filth, where iney
have seme ..f 1L3 most beautiful car
pet t:oru!d e ver si. There arc
DUT!ib-ts of real lui kisuand J'arisin(
c-iT;.t-ts tLc-r?, but to my thiokiag their
chief value is their uu-nbiiiiv instead
of beauty.
This iniT.ensc esublirhra?Qt 'u o
admirably managed that you can
crarccly hear a eouad from one end
to th ttber, aud a large room is set
apart for a packing room which op?n3
out oa th street. XII the material
which I saw iu that store up
into cresses it seems to me that tL:rje
would -f tuotiiih to clothe all tbe
women ia Philadelphia, aud yet I
was told that that euorracus stock is
repliced by oew at hast every three
Bu, I have talked onoujb about
fashion ibis time.
Yours as ever,
Ouve Haupeb
It was odd, very odd, reckon it op i
tbia wsy or that way, or whatever j
way I might, the result was just the
same I bad ten dollars more than I
could accouat for. I weat over the
whole quarter's receipts again to sec
if something bad not been omitted;
but everythiag waseicite right. "Ha!
what's this ? It looks like a scratch
ing out; and yet it can't be, fori
never use a penknife." So I held the
leaf up to the light and ecaaaed it
closely, and then, turning it oyer,
scrutinized it again. "It certainly
does look very much like an erasure;
but no. it is oalv a little roughness
on the surface of the paper." I was
completely puzzled. It was quite
possible for me to have too little ;
but to cave tea dollars too mucu i
CDuld not understand that at alb
Well," I said to myself, "it's better,
at aay rate, than having tea dollars
too little." Still, tte luea oi icere
beiag a mistake somewhere made me
led very uncomfortable.
I had been very busy preparing
rov accounts ia order to preseut them
to my employers in the morning, for
the morrow was a quarter day, ana i
kacw in nothing could a clerk offend
so much as by being wrong in his
balance. So I thought a little and
then determined to consult Jackson,
our managing clerk. I was young at
the time not more than twenty; and,
having been in the establishment only
a few months, I knew little of his
character. He wa3 exceedingly at
tentive to business; but there was
gome vagus floating ruiiors going the
round of the place, which accredited
him with anything but a steady life.
But be bad always been very civil
and very kind to me, and eo, in my
di'emma, I sought bia adrico. He
went over my accounts with me, and
could detect nothing wrong.
"Well, Watson," be said, "you are
on the rigut side now, and if you
take dit advice, you will keep there.
Just pocket tbp money and say noth
ing more about it."
Seeing teat I demurred, be contin
ued :
"Of course you eaa do as ycu
please, but l Kaow mis mucn; u juu
wr-re ten dollars snort, you woum
have to make it up in quick time."
I was strain about to make my cb
lections to tuia moae oi prcceaurc,
when I w as cut Ebort by tne sales
man, who came to say that Mr
Jacksoa was wanted in the sale-room.
Ah he strode awav, Jackson turned
around aad said :
"I'll see you about it again, Wat
son. Ia tho mean tima you need not
mention it to any one."
I saw no mere of him uaill my la
bors were done for the day, and I
was reaching my hat down from its
peg, when he lapped me over the
''One word, Watson, before you go;
if ever it Ebould be found out where
the mistake lies, I will make it all
riirhtforyou. Goodnight."
That night tbe tea dollars were
ever before rae.
The nrst thine I remembered bp-
fore failing asleep was thinking of the
ping short, he tarued to Mr. Elliott
and cried :
"These are not my figures, sir."
"Then whose are they ?"
"I don't know, sir, tbey are not
mine; look, sir, something has been
scratched out bere."
"Umph S So there has. Has tbe
hdger ever been out of yoarcare i"
"So, sir that is, yes twice."
"Last night and night before."
"Who bad it?"
"Mr. Jackson."
"Then call Mr. Jr cksoa up bere."
He came.
Mr. Jackson," said Mr. Elliott,
"there's an error ia Mr. Brown's ac
count ; something appears to have
been scratch' J out ; and as I under
stand you have had bis ledger the
last two eights, I thought perhaps
you could explain it."
Jackson turned deadly pale, and,
bending dowa to hide the ghastly hue
of bis countenance, be pretended to
examine the figures.
Yes, there bad been an erasure,
but be could explain it. He had a
private memorandum iu bis desk; be
would fetch it.
Tea minutes went by, but Jack
son did not return.
I went, but could not find him
"Osborne," I asked cf a porter,
"Have you seen Mr Jacksoar"
1 es, sir ; he went out about ten
minutes ago."
"Went out ?"
"Yes, sir ; he came down stairs
looking very w hite, and taking his
bat, he sati he felt rather ill, and
would take Eorue air."
I went buck acd told Mr. Elliott.
"Oh!" was all he uttered; Bnd
turning on hi heel he motioned for
ua to follow. He first went to Os
borne, wbo repeated his story again ;
and then be crossed io Jackson's
desk, which was locked. A smith
was sent for and the jock forced.
"Mr. Watson," faid Mr. Elliott,
taking out Jackson's books be nev
er called mo Mt. watson otiore
"will you eonie to my private room ?
I fcbell want you for a few minutes,
That few minutes expanded into
hours ; and the discovery of cmbez
a'.ement by Jackson, to the exteat of
socio thousands ct collars, was Iuh
result of our labor. These fraud
extended over several years; and by
a curicuj coincidence, the very first
of them was connected with my tea
dollars the last, of course, with
Broyn's hundred, and fifty. Xeed I
say that Jacksoa was never heard of
That night I walked home as man-
Til 1 . . - .1
aning tier oi kiuott x to., anu
never since hive 1 forgotten the les
son taught me by my tea dollars.
Jlunrui Parlor Ittiadinrix.
VrAuAn la South CarMpi.
tpn i'o iars : 1 sletit ana ureamea oi
ten dollars, in tie wornjeg. whilst
at break.ra3t, I laid the whole affiir
before my mcthor, and asked her
"Give up tbe money, cf course."
"But you see, mother, I ara afraid
it would offend Jacksoc, b seems
so much to wish me to hush it up.'
"Never mind Jackson; do what is
right, aod I am sure it will be better
for you in the end. Tell Mr. Elli
ott" the bead partner "boa? it is,
and I am certain be will net be cn-
I ale the remainder of my meal in
silence, for, whilst I did not want to
make an enemy of Jackson, w ho
could, if be pleased, make my situa
tion very unpleasant, I bad strong
compunctious about keeping the mon.
ey. Breakfast was over, and as I
was leaving home my mother took
hold of my band and said;
'Promise me, Henry, befoib you
go, that you will give up the mon
ey." I hesitated.
"Surely, Henry, you would not
"Steal? Never!" aud I promised
at once.
Jackson found no lime to tpeak to
me that morning, but when, in turn,
I entered the private ofnee, I saw
him cast an icquiring glance towards
"This seems all right, Watson,"
said Mr. Elliott, after looking over
my accounts. "Have you anything
"Yes, sir; I bavo still Un ooilars,
of which I am unable to give any ac
"Strange ! arc you sure that you
have mis?ed nothing r"
"Ouite. sir: 1 have been over
everything several times, and las'
night Mr. Jackson was kind enough
io a.-sist rae.
"It's strange; but you can put the
mooey bacfc into your safe. I dare
say it will be found out before tLe
uext quarter is up. And by and by,
Watson, I iateod to raise your salary
Holloway is tcoioir to leave, and I
wish you to taks hU place."
I thanked hiiu. and heartily, too
l for a hundred dollars a year was no
small iacreaso at our hou'-e.
'Let 0 see. I think, Jacks n,
t be had bgin to morrow."
"Yes, fir; it w;ll re crtosf conveo
"You bear, Watson. I believe
tnere is notninj more, uooq morn-
There was joy ia our house that
niffbt. and on the morrow I went
forth with a light heart to take pos
eitssion of Holloway's stool.
And now, dear, reader, just take a
jump over the next three years. Jack
son was still in his place, bat I bad
risen step by step, until 1 occupied
post inferior only to tbt occupied by
biaifeif. The mystery attached to
my ten UoiUrw bad never been un
raveled, aud tbey (.ill rfposp peace,
faliy ia my safe. Ja;ks'ju a.;ti got
oa very well together, bat there was
one thing which I uever could under
stand. For a few nights before quer-
)VCr a ticket, . nrMAn..A (.f f.thor. toot 5 h hanks hnmp
ni s -r In.y - : ct-J f ir i i h . .... ....
one, when be said :
..un if . .. i : t. ? . .. it
IJV, IUIPU i-imunvi. .
Am I .UIMor.
live Committees and distributed
amongst tbe managers only. The
regular Democratic ticket as well as
tbe Republican ticket, was five times
as large. Ia most instances, especial
ly where very fow Denocratic vote3
were cast, the managers, after coun
ting tbe ballots and ascertaining tbe
excess, returned them to the ballot
box, but were to leave them unfold
ed, and proceeded to draw oat tbe
number of ballots ia excess. They
were cartful, however, to draw oat
none cf these small tickets, but in
every instance tbe large Republican
billots were drawn out and destroy
ed. "At tbe Mi. Pleasant poll 482 Re
publican ballots were thus drawn
cut and destroyed, and this poll,
where tbe Bepublicrns had voted
five to one against the Democrats,
was made to give a democratic ma
jority of 327.
"The most outrageous cases of
ballot-box stuffing occurred at the
two polls ia Ward Three of this
city. At the poll known as tbe Pal
metto hagice House, one of tbe
managers, W. L. Daggett, the fore
man of the eics a?tt Courier job
printing office, stuffed 2,500 of these
little tickets in the box after tbe poll
was closed. Tbe managers, nudiag
that there were 3.5G9 ballots in the
box, declined to throw cut any, but
counted them all, and returned the
vote of that poll as 4G1 for Mackey
aad 3,103 for O'Connor. At the oth
er poll in this ward tbe same act was
perlormed, aad the managers return
ed 121 for Mackey, and 1.8CG i
O'Connor, so that one ward out cf
tha eight in the city was made lo
give a m j jrity ot 4,392 votes for
O Connor. The utter impossibility
cf vctlug 3,560 perssas at one poll
iu the space of twelve hours need
hardly be urged. As the managers
swore each voter separately, and in
many cases consumed three or four
minutes ques tioning some voters, it is
cam to say mat tne average, time
cousamed ia voting each man was
one minute, which would allow 720
votes to be polled, provided there
was a continuous ttreum of voters
during the twelve hours tbe polls
wore opeued. let at this poll tbe
mauagrers make a return under oath
that 3 509 persons voted ia the space
cf twelve hours. By thU method
Churlest'n City i rnado to give
O'Connor a majority of C.527, or a
msjority larger tttaa the eu'-fro Dem
ocratic vote of the city.
" throughout this county and the
entire district the boxes were stnffid
in the sama way, not only la Charles
ton but la Clareudoa. .Not satlfchou
with stulSug tho ballot boxes, tbe
Democrats finding it impossible o,
etuff the ballot box at tho Washing
ton Engine House, in Ward Six., be
cause of the vigilance of tbe United
States Supervisor, put out tbe lights
and stole the box and destroyed it
because I bad a rnsjcriiy of about
5C0 there. On Edisto Inland where
1,000 Republican voters reside, and
where the Democrats have only 40
to 50 votes, tho Democratic pomuiis
siou'jrs failed'to op?a ihe po',ls, thus
actually disfranchising these voters.
' It is useless wntiug any more of
these disgusting details. 1 see n
remedy for tbe wrongs wp are com
pelled io submit to. The publication
of them I am itfraid will do little
meats, amounting, probably, to be
tween 85 or 90. I took him to New
Orleans after tho war, and from tnere
to Leavenworth, when I came in
command cf the Western country,
and so to Chicago, where be died.'
'He didn't die of bis wounds?'
'No, though he was bit three times.
Once at tbe battle of Coickamauga,
there was a shot passed under bis
belly between his legs, and be strad
dled himself out and would not move,
and I bad to get off and get on an
other horse. I was reported killed
on accouat of bis being riderless.
Everybody know him in the army, be
carried himself so handsomely and
walked 0 fast. He walked, as bis
ordinary gait, about five and a half
miles an hour, keeping everything
about him trotting.'
'What was bis breed?'
'He was foaled up in Michigan,
near Grand Rapids, and was a full
blooded Blackhawk, 1 C V bands high.
He was 20 years old, "my old black
horse when he died.'
'It was old age, I suppose !'
'Yes; but when I took him to New
Orleans I used to let one cf tbe staff
cfScers ride him, and he always got
covered with white foam, aad we
had green people in the stable, and
when be came back tbey turned the
boe on him. That gave him the
rheamatism and neuralgia, but it did
not affect him until lately.'
'He had good treatment till the
'He was always kept iu the Got
erament stables until he wu cutoff
from forage last Winter.'
'Without a pension, such aa old
veteraa ?'
'No pension he depended on me,
and 1 never went back on him. The
hostler gave bicn the tendarc-t atten
tion, and he died peacefu'iv. The
hide was sent oa to-day to be prepar
ed by Prof. Ward, of Rochester. I
mean to "ive the product of the taxi
dermist's art to a museum seme
plice where it will be cared for
along with my sketch of him. The
rest of Old Winchester was prepared
and buried with houors.'
nynsrsamaal m, holderbaum a so
KWn. iiitfrtiTTi-trfinrTrri ri-im
A I'ncrul Joke.
e&tainrttfor infntion. or 1nprr,remmt
pa ol i onts. f-irmt. liwd or other rap'wituittt rvil&
mrtrks and 'inWl. fWf, .4'r;mof'. intr
firmrfit, Afrff;!, Sitittnr frtfrinftmfnti, tin.-f
alien$rar4ittg unt'frthe Vftteni .ir..;,rru;
iv aft'nff'i fo. fnifHttnns that Uavr hct
i.l VI i-.jsit the l . .v. ratcnt
J)cptrtnicntt awl ev? ''j"l in I'r.l'vt lusiw! v
tlvirhf, we enn wttr (Liter f:v'x, t;k' X'rvrv
Patent more promptly, :? to,'' y c!,
th-n tho.e trht nr m.-.r.f a'Tt.t.
cr rirfch of
make esr.tniHutiont ttndaui'iiie ua i- turat'Atitif,
free of eharffp All corrrr-mrt'(' .riri't r-i'i-f
dentin. Prirrt lt,tr,pA .V if -lllUE ( A-
W'cr'frr in. V,'"sfiinfrf;nr tn Urn. rc'mftxtrr
Ofiteral t). .V. A"-;. JiVr. F. IK P-tr r, T.': tjirraan
Amerieftn Xatiwl J: tnk, f. r.ftrin , f. jy,
Pat ttt OjJtvt and In H-:nntrntmi ZI-'rrf.riJiAt
n Ctnitrffx; and ttperutf'u tf.nrclintxii rr.rj
State in ft rinti r,f n f :-rr-tT. A ' vj
West End, Main St., Somerset Pa.
r. (-.-...
r t n r?
(pjrtje i u.".. if
HalthaD l H:ipnlnc; ara nrlcelosi Vn'!!i to
tbeir pcie?ttnt, aitti yet tltoy lire wh:uf) thti
reacli ufeverj one who will uso
The ontv rare CURE It Torpid IJver. Ukmmh,
Hendacue, S'Hir S:im:wb. Cutipttli i, 1 .!: :iry.
N.mfa, ami all Hllxu ciaiiiUin' ami HI '!
di.urtiers. None vQUloe mile. siifiic t "VViu.
Wrlitht, Phlla." Il yoar ('.-ix.t mill 'ip
ply ?n'U5 rent) f..r one It.. tu 15 irri'-k, I; ! cr s
Co., 70 W. 1th St.. flilla.
Feb. 9
We have recently m t ie jrnat tinjir .venii'r.ts in
the process ol KoaailnK t ir.'e, au.l uow oH.r
to tiie trade the
ererputnp la Padssiref. We sruaraiitee every
pckae t.ran.!ei
to b nothing bat tine "'.wte l c-.tle. vt!o?. Im
I.rt'iJ troui "HI t" l.y ourselves.
J anney & Andrews,
X'.'S. 1J1 an.l 125 Market Street
May2t nilLADELFHlA,
J Th. Kii-.
m 8 f il a ! II tit
good; but ti!l publish them far aud
wide, to that tho world may know to
what crimes the respectable Fyiao
crats of South Carolina will descend.
The inmates of the South Carolina
I'enitentiary would not ba guilty of
of the acts committed on Tuesday
by the PerucoraU of this State.
Years truly,
" E. W. M. Mackey."
iicntral herldn War Ilurae.
Washington, Nov. 10 Every
mail brinirs additional reports cf
open aod fyatemattc frauds aud acts
of v.olecce commuted br tuo Iemo
crats of South Carolina t the elec
tion c-flast Tuesday. The following
letter from ex Coagresman M acker
the UepuOiiuan eaudjaate for ;'lefiion
ia tbe Charleston District, will be
found interesting :
"Charleston, h. C, ov. 7, '73.
"My beau Sir: Yours cf tbe 5th
lost, received. As you aviutpvcd,
the Democrats have counted me t u
That 1 received a mspritv of leas
5.000 th':re is uo dcubt: yet O'Cou
npr is g'.yen by the election ofljoers a
majority ot y.OOO, aud perbep3 it will
be more. How it bus been done
shall tell voa, and I bor.e rou will
publish tb9 faffs it) every paper you
"In the first place, in ibe appoint
ment of maoartrs of elections, the
Democratic CocimissioQers ol Eler
lions in tbe several counties in this
district absolutely refused to appoint
a single Ucpubiican manager through
out the district, so that we were com
polled to rote without a t-ialo elec
lion officer to represent U3 ia tho ea
tire district. It is true we had
United fctitej Supervisor (tpnointed
at cacn poii ; ana tnoug-i tec xemo
cratic managers at moi-;t of the polls
admitted them iato tbe polliug pis
ces, yet they threw every obstacle
tney couia in tneir way, aua in no
instanca would thev allow them to
exercise any authority save to 8taad
Dy anu witnebs tne rotiDp;. iu some
instances th authority of the titter
visors was eot;reiy igcorca. la one
caae tbe managers orilered the super
visor out of tue p oiling place, and up
on bis refusing to go they ordered
the State constables to eject bim, '
which they did. This was at tbe
Mt. Pleasant poll ia this county. At
the Taluietto engine house iu Ward
Three of thjs pity, the supervisor was
severely beaibn by the" Democratic
voters and driven away from the
poiis. Tbe authority of the United
States Marshals waa treated with ut
ter contempt, and to ave themselves
from arrest by the city aad SlV.a
authorities tbey were ompdlod to
refrain frcm exercising any author
ity. "lathis city the Democratic man
agers cf elections crbitrariiy refused
to at least 2,0u0 culored voters tho
ri'jht ti vote. Unless a colored man
was known to one of the manager of
election he was refjed the ri-fot t
voteualesi he could briug wi;ne.
to prove here be rt.-iiled. Many
were turned olTuader tbe pretext that
they were not 21 years of age, or
rather that the managers were doubt
ful of it.
"At tha Uht ssiaioa of the Legis
lature, bo tvo voting precincts in
St. Andrew's pariah werp abolished,
tod the 900 olored voters of that
section of the county left without a
polling place. The parish ii onlf
beparated from the ci'y by the Asn
ley lliver, aud used lo be ejusceted
with Charlestoa by e bridge, which
you will prooiij.y reoliect was barn-; 'iai, in fnim l Utf'.ester, and at
ed at the evacuation of the city by the bi'tle of Fi.-ber' Hills then
the rebeb. T2e people cross-jd over i wrd at the battle ..f Cedr Creek,
to the City cf Ciiarlaatoa for tho pur- wber I rod hitu ou tho riJ i fr 'in
ri.t( if voiino. hut. th I) m jop!.-, ! T'!..rl; -u:,. r. Pcrtur fti c. 1
Gen Sheridan's famous old war-borsoWincbester.-theone
with wbicb
he made bis famous ride end turned
a deteat and rout into a victory,
died last week, at the stables cf hi
master, ia Chicago, of old, ajre. This
horse bore bis master through some
of the most noted battles of tbe Re
bellion. Associated with the name
of Sheridan will always be that of his
black charger. 'The horse was eiven
to me,' said the General, 'in Missis
sippi, by Col. Campbell, of tbe S?c
ond Michigan Cavalry, the first regi
ment I commanded dqrinj1 the war,
in May, ISO;, lie was then three
years old and past. First I rode him
in that MisMSsinpi campaign Then
aferward I carried bim to Kentucky,
aud rode bim in the Kentucky and
Tennessee campaign, at the battles
of Perryville, Stone ltiver, Chicka
mauga, and Missionary Kidg9. Then
in the campaign about Knoxvjlle. in
Uast Tennessee. Then, afterward, 1
was transferred to the Army of tte
Potomac, and 1 rode hira whilo Ja
command cf the eavnlry in all ihe
cavalry campaigns, commencing with
tbe battle of tbe Wildoroeso, tbe first
day's battle of Spot.tsvlvanU, the bat
tle of Cold Harbor, and then in tbe
expedition to G irdonsviile. where it
was expected I would meet General
Hunter, who was "r't-rt'tl to ni ve
from tha Sheniindoiii V I'r across
the country to meet me, then
was to tae him back to the army in
front f Vickbun to Gen.Grant. At
the battie of Trevillion Station, I as
ccruiued from prisonora captured
iheie thai Gen. Hunter, instead of
ruining ovr 1 1 muet me, was goiuir
ia another direciju over through
West Virgi'jis, and tberefo'e I turn
ed back and came to Petersburg.
j Then, after going back to Petersburg,
I carried hm bck to V ashmjrton
tbe fcnerjaoq)ab al-
A young man of eighteen or twen
ty, a studeut ia a university, took a
walk one day with a prolessor, who
was commonly culled tbe student's
friend, tuch was bis kindness to tbe
young men whom it was bis office to
Wbilo they w re now walking to
gather, and tbe professor was seeking
to lead the conversation o grave sub
jects, they saw a pair of old shoes ly-
lug ia tbe path, which they supposed
to belong to a poor man a bo had
nearly Oniibci bis day's work.
Tbe young student turned to the
professor, saying, "Let us play the
man a trick. We will hide his shoes,
and conceal ourselves behind these
bashes, and watch to see his perplex
ity when be cannot Bad them.'
'My dear friend,' auswered the
profi-s.or, 'we tnus nyer imuse cur
eel ea ai tl.p eipenso cf the poor.
Bat you are rich, and may giveyour
eelf a much greater plesure by means
of this poor man. Put a crawa piece,
if ycu have tLeu), in each shoe, aad
then we will hide ourselves.'
The ftudeut, luckily haficg to
crown-pieces, did so, aad then placed
himr'elf, with tbe professor, behind
tbe btjshes hard hy, through which
tbey could easily watch the laborer,
and see whatever wonder or joy he
might express.
The poor man soon fiaUhed bis
wotk, aud came auroes the Beld to the
path where he left bis coat and f hoe.
While be put on bis coat be tlipped
one foot into one of bis shoes. Fell
ing something hard, he stooped down
and fcr.nd tbe crown. Astonishment
and wonder were upon bis counte
nance. He gazed upon the cown,
torsi d it round, and looked again
and again, then be looked round on
all fcides, but could see no one. Now
bo put the money in h.ij pocket and
proceeded to put on the other sbo?;
but what was bis astonishment when
he found the other crown ! His feel
iotrs overcame bim. He fell upon
his knees, looked up to heaven, and
uttered a loul and fervent thaak-giv
ing, ia which be spoke tf bis wife
sick and helpless, and his children
wbo by some uuknown band vyould
be sayed froo pcrbbiojf.
The young man stood there, deep
ly a Heeled and wiib tears in bis eyes.
'.Now, said the professor, "are von
not better pleased than if you bad
olayed your intended trick?'
'Oh ! dear sir,' answered the voutb.
'rou hare taught me a lessen that
will never forget. I feel now the
truth of the words w'oiph I nsvor be
fore understood (' '"It is more bless-
ed to give than to receive."
W'W4 WWv.Vi.'t m.--J4t
4 -r
Ch!ne3 it .sjtk-er.
jrli-.-.-e l!:r
FARQ'JAH'S jms ; him.
Cultivator Shovels
West end, Main St., 3cmo
! LO'I1 O
DliY tiOODS,
XO Hi )s.
The Largest, Ec-t
Cheapest Ascor
cf Mcn'j and Boy-;' I
htM U
7:y 1
J Tvcsh and Xjr, Eve:- CY:r
' I All 2iiN of !Vtv! ;s,- r.i
tho Cc'X.
iu I'.xclsiisJi
:.!:.y 1
v vunis.
and do a
'Vou were
were you not,
in i'i full couunand
'Ve?, of the Army -f the .Sheuau
ah. I". bim io the battlw of Oi
.o Kiiroariijrenient.
A brtsk Gubt botween two boys
at toe foot of Qriswold s:rct ye3ter
day was interrunted bv a citiZ'D,
who tfter rtletsiog one of theai
made the other sit diva oa
" V IC S F-a SfaB I? hHi-avfd in,.:. ti-:.
k la if3 a 1 3 y sa . .... u i-
CiSWisiflSk 3 ulSA up'tr i";!vsic!j..'
tu die. lir.NT'M ltF..IKlY -uri s'l
rMin fA' liir liltliii', ulaatlcr. ai.J I rji:iiy
lrtit llruimv, tirnvft. LUcbrtc.'. a'.a
!ni'..i)iinr7i ani lteirnrina uf I riite.
il S It KMKI V Di-jurjj;v5 Jerp. rec ites
i-.pti.e, r;. iu. hi-ro. 9".l ri u'-'ed ! a-t.i
!Orr.'lit. IIIN; ! KI'1iKI c.irc Pn'n
In tif nii P.n-lt, or I.f.-iri4, l.rnprul l.'iU
Itv, Srnlfllo iii', I'l.-turbed ?ir:-p, hoH
CtrAtppitP, itrUht' lt-n tlio rt UI
nrvii iuulail r'.Miu.tAlnt of rrf rino-4rutl:il
tlruiM, II1M S K K.ll !' I V t pamiv V- jo
t ' !nlT?!.v a wa::t dcv! r-foii turi'i-Kvjtt-.Cii
111 NT'S lil.tlt KV U r,-,:..f.l KXJ
rm.wi.i lor f.f
bit Hfift kM
knAwn ta iiftif.
tt-xi uU, will cn-
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Pai;
Bv rrmti: K nnl rrn.-llcir.s
tin- :u-nin.;b!r tru:li cr:i
t.un;ti in tlia lc?t in'."lic ,i!
bf".c CTrr I----H-.1, ?;. I
s Ki.F-iiiF.i i: :;v . t ion
i'ricc sr.'.)- $i. &Dtbyur. I
u c.a ii'c-uc ci rnw It
treats of EW,."t-tcjVtt:iIi'.r, Trt Duituri; Ui cTinc,
't,Viu mil l'lij iral Utlility, cd tln er.d!vs
roQcomiluut ilt scj untol.l miseries thr.t risult
fljerefrom, and contains mnrc timn iV.oniiml prv
rrijtions, anyone cf wLieh iswortiUl.c iuic; cf
tho bor.k. Tti Locvkwaw-itl.' i. tty;henic.-tcx-lvnivc
nr.d prolaMy tl,.; noet fkiituii'r.vciitinntr
in Amrri-. tu . liom W;iatrnnleil :i pold an.l y.-xr-
( U1 medal by the Modi ml Aasociiuion,
A I'amnlilet, iiiusirated wi:h tho Terr lusi,i
btci I E:i(rrayirr a mar-
Tel cf art and beauty-
s. at rr.LB to tui.
f .r it t ra. Addrcs,
Vqcd U Bosica. Mass.
in Hi
Do ouwanttamakesotTtsmortoy?
Ittuhcrv la your clunee. iNmiwtrni A?"t.t?
Mule ur f einulu mint t.. Hell tho lininrr Sri r.
i be Convenient Ari.-le l-.r l.'-Hicruo ui- t..r
the deaiaaed ov.'r'.e 1. Ii. ';...i J,
silts, weighs, U!aaure aad nii.tti. Al tor slrila-
m( t rult, Wil.mI.-h luu.e elo.
iivcr 1 11 0 Aventi ur n . ena.meil In m lii:.
tbeci In the west. Tcmwrve.iuerly t.ik.'n wlit-r-cvor
oiiijre.1, bo early." I r i.r:." a.'.
lr J, ' n. III i f ,
tieu. A i(t. West. I'cnna. FlttilBrxh, l'u.
. r WALK I X oi
this pliec ha-, a l..t .1 hit
eelei.rnted H,.r. Kukej
b.r Jale hdrer than ever
and elieap. Ar.yonewh
wntj "!io atoi:
do well to
p.jtal ce.rd o;
way lei aim knmr in nrilcr t Uae Mr gt-t:in
one", as he In byi r;f. oi'-eilii-ii nsiijUt n-il bi.d
ail w';a aat wtc
Tho f: 'rnvin
Planes, :'-.uvh, i
smith's (jrfiotl.j.
Hardware, Tab 1
Tsibie KftTvcs aL:
Urgent sujcs in 8
Lead, Colored I
Vurijirh, Tur-.i.rit
Vi::uj-.v (il
Oil Btwar ..: I:.
;. it j:urf.:i: ! .s:
ircLc's, Haunaer
U.'lleitvi, j':vi!s
d F. h., Po-A-t
rs.'t Cou:.;-.
Jilts :
very elegant :
Saw Files of thtibi i i
ll:ti:us, iSuci;
i t;-::i - c:i
-: 1 '
:: 1 i
. .
5i '. v
.-1 r
Cast Hin-l
ru'i iior-3, ;
!!, IL.'
; Co:.:' -4 p.:
iuthe UrUb
The fart i
exclusivt :t 1
sous who T
credit to repousit..',.'. ;
and L.-pe tl'-j L-cr..-.-a
;'il i.U'
I k0,
:j liiis
i iv.a; .Is
"i..t:S, .nfT.t.US, .'IS,
f? o-l Ti: I'y.h '.f nil
"rincvr Moa! , Ih
. :1.Z:'S. t i t '.';.'"
: .. '. I:lt itlll 'a'i.'i b:"a':;' i
; V'-" - L-rk-, .. ...
Ctt-, Led: ii i, I'ow.l-r a:ul o-.'-etrnlLiii-
ti::tt b"Ior: to tho Hr.rdv.
on of jf'.t.!.!. itiid jrire ray vhu'e atr..
' ' t :-f:M. i will alwsys '
;'i IM
oiacr.s ii.r
:u'i '.rcet tf
1 1 "f
Pittsburgh Female
f. ni.
can aionev mukr fatt ttnn a
unytuiLir tUe. tJiii.Hal n..t re.iuire.l : we wil
lart you. t!2 per Jay at h. me wade bv the
industrious. Men wsmen. Iw.v nu t iriris want
ed everywhere to w.Tk f.T "u.. ?.ow the
time, t'.wtly outfit an t terms frej. A
Tki e &!'.. Au(r'..;U, .Maine.
jVIareb J7
i:!;-Viut irn'MiKs. E:f!t h-rr.rtm.-ns. TwfP(f-tliref Tt-aeJier. .
vai:t.tv4 in M:it;.- in tlie t.'i iNLitVATt ll V Oi? Ml5IC ronnectc.l '
SK.'fiai;.!-i.tit!iicr.l:t. tils... fi ; Da-.vir.e ran! i.i-n'pL', X.vd:e-work. t',"rt
Tha tViVjic ..vns "tho htrtat and le.t Orauti .r::ia li.r ci!ueut;.i!;,2 ' j
Ameriex" Ciusck i ess -j-siax axv st ihidl ArroitntM; r.r.i. ,t,v :, r.' Tii i.i !l:e 1 rt-su'tnt Itev. 1. L . I'Ki;-!i r, I
i wrr k in vu rov. t, town. .) (u:fi Ir c.
K. lU'.itU, ii ' U want a tu.n:"
Ueut i):(V ail liv ttu: Ib-' V w riw. write i-r
particulars to H. Uallxtt Cu.t FurtlutiJ.
Mnreh 'It
11 scikxxikiu l.wnn'Tt:.
The Institute repurt'S Students U r ''"'.triro.
XeAchirif. I rat ion elevated, ho.-iltl.tul, ca-:y !
aoccpa, and picture&iue, emin;iMi!ii:-c an e.k-.c.ulve
view of Clietnut Kido. Fuil c-r.i t ii:--;ru.N
tors. Five cxmrscsof iitady. (l:..u l Jith t-.-zee.
Kxicnsc8 moderate. New Luiidir. i r ludie?.
Opn tortile ia oa.-h yoout.
Dae- ft. Mt. Hej,8Ant, Pa
lor a CS;
TUc I M tvnu tjnsS ;'t.fiii':cr 4.
.n iaairidaal w ho wy,i cotl;:ai to
p;.8 iutJ the fair jrroc ads without lie! ct t.uj;off
I with him; tat, ml did not tLiuk it
icj place to iawtarc, i paia nota-
WL&l fire rou esbibltinj T" asked
tj t .'Jioifcl.
It wm tb oaartsr-dfty t llm cud
" I a.c rtLil'uitijf this 'ere
fuit c-( elctbeti, cbicfa coft me thirty
doilcr, R rib fracturc m ft rah to
gtt eo ft etreftt cr, ft weliei bere
wiiboat a cf ct in it, skinned aLktea
aad toco, and about 400 ppota where
I'e Leea h pps oa by the crjwd."
"Can't pass in on tbat,-jr?t your
"Hain't tUt B-ju,jb.r"
"Tbcn I'ii exhibit a littla common
ttcasc aDd tcajo," )ntiDox-J the
maa, asd he fell back end headed for j
tte city.
,a;Qej I of tbe three years of wfcicli I
thirty ; ppeken, aad I was assisting Mr.
ott ia e xatuioioir tbe accounts of one
cf the junior clerks, whose ledjrer ex
hibited ft p'arinir deficiency of one
baniu4 and Gfty dollars. Tbe youth
was not the brightest in the world,
and for a time be teruied stunned.
Bathe was sure it must besoue is
ke of mine; bis cash was all riht
three izja bpo; and be took the
book io fiee .f jf Limself. The result
was tbe same deficient, ose hundred
ani f:y dallars. Again be wt
ADAH inl I fif.ii i A caa hi il vna r
sweat roll down bis face as be again
Surprise ia one f ihe priccipsl j came to the Bams borriiile fondmion
eietsents cf wiu This is wby it al- deficient, one hundred and fifty
aye icbkte a man laugh v. ht-u be sits dollars. A third time he esoajed to
down on a pin. j reconcile tbe difference; but, etop-
mauagers would rt-jt revive tbtir
votes, though the ci;y of Chrlet..u
was the on'y place wb'.r tbty couM
fvif. Tfce fegibltore alw abj-ihtd
all tha votissr plac-..ij qd the S:a;e
road between Cbarleatoa oo4 Sua; !
mervilio, aud yet whoa the pp'ei
cam lo Charleston to vjte, tfc '
Deuibcraiic manageis tioLitJ iLi-ki:
the. prinit'gc, Itllia theia to aud
rote where tboy lived, 6ltboUib tbty
knew full well that ihcns was go
polling place where tbey resided.
"'otwitlieiandiug ail these outra
ges, the IepubiitauHcaried this coun
ty fay at least ,000 mnj ri y, bat to
tbeir utter surprise, wa-n tbe bliotr
bozca we:e opened at tha rarious
polls, tbe boxts were found to cots-1 laurrls f
Th fr.i'.in ritie to W bt:b..:er '20
ntiies away ?"
Well, yes, if that's wbst y.-u cill
i1; osly the disUae:; ua!!y 13
miles '
'It wemed loD?r-r perbap-i..'
'"ti, Wincbes'.tT pulled tjut at a
traiwp, at uujes braking jnto a
aud tbe ground was soon cleared
'Cjuld your escort keep up?'
'The race was beadl sng, tbe sialf
efficors, (jfus For.-yth sod O'Keefe,
and the escort of 20 cavalry men, push
ing out wiidly, aud yet old Ulenzi,
an Lo was at fi"st enlled, certainly
hijo f d more spirit and 'bottom' than
any cf tbe atiimals.'
After that the pofio retired on tu
tain in most cases several bunured
more ballots than tbey were names
03 the pall list. Out of tbe 32 polls
ia thistMunty, at 20 of tbem the bal
lots wero largely" ia en-ess of tbe
names on the poll list, ftvery ba'Jot
boi was bluff -d with tickets .f tbe
-X j, t-ir. I rode In the advance, in
the epriog of 1884. from Winchester
to Peterbury, juciudinj the battle of
Waynesboro, where the remnant of
Gen Jubal Early's army was captur
ed. Tbeo, after arriving before
barrel and be talked to
"Now, then," he besran, "it is a
terrible thing fr a bov like you to lie
qjcduptinjr voqrself in tu'n mvi
nor." "I'd a licked him if y u ha in't
cotue !" wailed the ! y a be p.ire
fully wiped bis scrarchfd noe.
".Suppose you bad P you jvaui
to be considered a d'g? Wby d m't
von try aud be a good b y aud ifet
along peactfully with every btd?
Suppose you had rolled off tin wbirf
and been drowned?'
"Spose'n'l badn'l. tool It's tbe
good boys that get drowned !"
'It's so, aad I can prove it! I'll
M a 4 'I!.-ah a oca'' tint, m re
Sunday se-boo! bojs bavo beeu
drowued this year tban bd 'uas!''
The man rtfljcted and did n.t 'din
pn'e the aseriivn.
"And more ran over by t'i er-,"
coatiaucd 'h b y.
Xo ens "fr again.
"And more ot 'em got fick aud
died, and I'll bet l'v got ni re tnoi)
ey and have more fun. and peai.'ii:-
it'aaa aay good b y ia Djtroit!"
"Bit tbe g) .il are re vd'-Jn.! " q ii
eily e:vd I be maa.
"So are tne Did,' reiiij lit--. : iv.
I'll bit I'll nuke fi'ty cuts btfure
dark ? ' ' '
"'UuttLa jood ara repcittd I
"So am I. I kia go up to tbe post
ofllce and borrow three dollars 'tbout
any security, and I'll bet ten to five
you can't! Come, now put up tbe
"My b.iy," Badly observed the
man, "you must think ct tbe future.
Don't yoq want to be looked up to
aad respeo'-cd when you get to bo a
man ?"
"Thai' too far ahead," was the
lonebome reuly. "If anybody thinks
I'm to be called a tluthe.s piu and a
wheelbarrow and a hair brush by all
Estate of KtuiKn HjHuian, lata of Jiutifr
Xwp.t dec;..'.!.
Letter? cf adialul-ritit.a on tho atwivo pittite
havirijctrt.ivriteu t.y thct.n.iKTauth'.rif y. r.oti.
U iirel.j.iriven to tlHeiniienled to it t. make imme
diate payment, an.t thte harininiiUH a:tiisT it
to jrteiit ttiftn duly fr sol tii'
un Matnnlajr. Xnviiiil'iT, 1. l.TS, at the law it.-
den.-coi ie..-easeil.
!I!"i;Y H. TK'rKM A ' t.
' li K H A N 1 i t ' r V IAN.
Oct. 9 A.imSa:atti-T&.
rV.a.ct'f Jo'jn Ij. Smith, lito of ( i
t'.;vr.hi ti-'fr.t jo i.
Letter? ufalmlni-tra: ioa .n t h?a!);.-,e -?.t r. !? hav
Inir buen ani!itel to the r.ii.ler.iiieJ l y the rip
er authority, 0"lli-e is h'.-re'-y ifivra totti..ein
ilehreil tutt t-j makeiii aii,'li.t'.'t.v-ni;'nt.aTi i tl:..-F
liavinvj claims air.tint It will ;.rt:fnt th?ci ilnly
aa'-henticated f.r jettleuipnt tatlie Ailuilui:mlir.
at llic I. to rtaMence i.l tl: ik'eii. l, uu ilieS;ti
day of Ii-.vcm'.fr. lira.
J'H 11. ZIMM TiiViAN.
O t IS A.I n.iuntr u..r.
elegantly T.
the his'' 02
Gr;ual to a
2 3 5 ?3? 1
Watch. :
ia no. ! :-
ised as a first-class T
SVDTC;:? r.t tho Vienna rtrsr! Crr-
tcrsrsial V.xveoViibps, IT SSWS 0?4C-FOUilTH FAS"S
ir.i-.ZiUfiv. t.? c3C3c!ty is ur.'iTiits'
at-o v-.isi-o vy.LSQU frlACH.fSSS sold in tho
Stntos tha). tha combined saJas of nSi i-h
"-i klr.ds c
r'.iSii with
.i rn-n Lilian. JiT TTi&rtfi rrjT -r .
- w a .t mm W m w -
r repairing, Wll
eacli tnach-r.o
'AO'JT PATCHi?,0: ?;v:r 1
MAiceisherehr Klven VI!II ii t'..k l
Sutnerft tuwoship. iuitt'. .. I'i . I. deed i.l
iT'ilua'ar; assignment ha- as'.n -I all tiis estate
real an.l vr .11 it tn ':.rn- r. Wt-litf-r, In 'rut
Kit Ihe beaetit nt the ol 1 !i- .! 1 V
I'). Alt persutl In-lirM'l to ttio Aesin.r w.ll
make unmematt! uiymii. an I i.m
claim will rit tbeai riaty aathcntlsa:r.. 1. 1
fteliieinenl tit tha u:.krs(irne.l. at the ..iv-e l
J.tlin H. ?eott, rj . la the ir.uxU S.nirs.'t
on S ittir.lar. NavraiVra., I;.
itfilDMKil. v; I.Kf it.
tk". SJ - Assisif-e of i;ii!:i:. k.
Crttte nt WUIUut K-ieH-r. Iit-i--f tj-t !'! n'.R2
Twp. S rafl-cft e-m.ty. l'u.. .ii . M.
letters of a.lmi:i! .n tin-a.j-e (::"ntfc
having tiffd xrantc.l t- E 1. r u:v.a r-iiii.i, i.,.iu-r i?
eeret.y .veo to lliofem'l'.'jl-.! t. ii to nt.ikt l.r.ine-
.iiaie p.iymi'iit, nti-1 lhoi.e hiiviair .-liunis .1
it. to present tlietn ilti'y a.t Ji:.'t' i.-.i'. ;m r..r .-.'.1:.
aifnt on Saturday, ttie 3.'?h .!: r of Nia-'x!
of Iv-'i r, i:t ;
.lOXATIIAN W. injU G'f,
t:t. i"3 Admiuiotrat. r un !ttlan:,i!o itneii
in .,
, "'7 Eroadvay, f.'ev York; Mew Orleans, La.:
c-.o.a'.euMad.sDnStj., Chicago, Ills.; end San Francisco, C:
. -It
8 iisk Mm MACI
-- terms.
gxhi-is xotici:
I'etereburg, I rodo bim at the Ia8tthe boya and not to g i for 'cm jist Tor
NoiU-e is lierehv itive.i. that .lohu ll rur of
rilcKlienjr Trp, Soiuefjt Co., Pa., and frantea
!fl. lif e. Ov .fo.1 ot y.i'.iir.tary itsslunnunt, liuie
&M:nel afl tiie caiato, rel an 1, of the
aai.l John Uceter to t'. A. Weraer, of Ntw ttal tN.rouuh. in said oounty, in tru?t fr tt.e
hene'lt oftheereilitorsor tho raid John I'-."".er
All persona, theretore In lel.te.l to ihe :l.l John
Ueeter, will make payment to the tall A.-lnncf.
and those having elaiins or di'i.i-tn.'.s. unl make
known t lie .same without delay, t ho Aiirnee
desires to meet ali ttehtors aad creditors at the
residence ot John lKHrttr, on Saluriny. the 7th
of Decemlwr. Wi. l'isrcicanl of this n.'.tieeon th
part of debtors may Involve them in trouble and
Oil, 30 AsInoe of John licetcr.
-A.ent Wautcd in City nnil Co;:::!:
LU.. ;
8 8j
hn.inrsa yon can eniraite in. to 4:0 per
day m.vle bv any worker of eithi r ex
riifht In Ih.ilr on liKi.Lltll.a. I'urtuu1:ira
and samples worth i free. Improve vour I
spare lime at a tirni sruws
Co., t Portland Maine.
March -jj.
ft 1 1 11 fi C 'r'ul,nK Shooting Outfit. -;
n 1 ! la n Ti "-very uun warranted.
kind enclose. 1 be tickets' is of l. a-1 campaign up 'o the surrender of Lee, tha sako of lookin' like an anpel when
opoa it. Fur (Jjverut.r, V7ad IJ amp-1 Court Mouse, Five Fi-rknJ ritereTiTiO, i in tbe boute, aadjou dan'tbot tbey j lf
ton. etc 1 Tbet-e - tieketa weie cot ' Sill or'H Cr ek'. AoDomattot Station ! ain't'' ' ' '" l
ciruU'.eJ during tho tleclion, but had ; and Court IJoi, where Lee eurren-j And be tiasn't." Vdtoii, iae
oceo pnntea by ncmccrajic -vjecu-!derel;tnen to numcroaaojoer engage-!'rf.s.
. ri. 'Jn; - iv'. .y. S 1.1 . -
in m
l UtiUl.ll
, I u ,1
L,liS"Ji: OF
OIfIksc Call Win T:;rr-
vvmiTm yr r I . : I
mm m
. I'nlculars re.
1(51 State I Street,
joiy v.