The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 13, 1878, Image 4

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    A Msrrlv Man's Misery.
A mao of forty-five, Laving !e;eaminff end runnicg' through the 'every year, wuh th8 iccreasiog per
woodea leg and the look cf one that jrrtme tj;e Cjn(.ci0UgaeiS i chiefly ! feciiyn i f mechanical devices", the
had Buffered long with the toothache, 'remember, with the id that I had need of ij-vel'.iecee, precision, and
Bit down ia the chair vacated by the; j,ppn ..h.n nrt r.ftt.s liirhtaiocr- raDid ruatiiouU ba is iac.-eased. The
boy, and aUer atraile of enccurace -
ment, began :
If matters don't uieod pretty eoon,
I'll either murder her or take myujj coflcm8 aE(j initiiotwna were
own life.' ahnlished for a time. In f acu a pas-
'Domestic troub, I suppose V
-a T"-V.
queneu iyau. .
ltaiB , sir, auu i iu KciiuK r,
nrate. l left come inicsinz u
jump from the dock, but I happened
to thick ot you, and eo I thoug-bt I'd
ask advice.' j
'Is the bread heavy ?' j
T?!.ct K l.roan t I ran stand heaw I
bread, tfoppy tea, raw meat and half-
cooked potatoes, but I can't nor won t
etind this infernal whining, complain-
i ,i r,.r,A
Fellow traveler along
the tow
pith ot Time's broad gauge canal, 1
think I Bee the pint. You bave been
married about two years V
'Not quite.'
'You are fifteen years older than
yoar wife V
'Yes eighteen.'
Yen bov a wocdea leg, and tLe
8he V t t a
a T I .L.L.J hasn t. but 1 wien fcce utu
two of 'em !'
Sbe likes good clothes V
'Yon bet!'
She likes the mad whir of society
$16 bonnets, reserved seats at the
own. S3 boots, fortv-buttca kid
gloves and trains on ber dresses V
'Sba does that's her to a dot !'
exclaimed the husband.
'And you perfer your home even
ing fire newspaptrs, enow apples,
game of checkers, glass of cider, cat
on the hearth, and so on ?'
That's the sort o' man I am, sir,
and she harratses me to death. She's
on the trot all day and ou the gad ail
the evening, and if. I remonstrate she
says I want to make a slave and a
prisoner of her.'
'Hon't you go along with her to
tie theatre and parties V
'I nsed to, but fjr tbe Ust year
ehe'e got awful particular about my
wooden leg; says the public will
think I wai shot while stealing
'Does, eh? and you sit at home
and keep your Leels warm by the
cook Btove while she gallivants.'
'The same, sir, and now what shall
I do about it ? Something has trot
to be did, and that right off. I'll be
banged to Iavy Crockett, if I ptt up
with it aoother day! You are an
older man then I am and you've hud
three wives to my one, and I'll do
just as you say about it.'
'Fellow-man, you bave been wrong
f-om the beginning,' slowly answered
Bijah as he looked out of the window
in a weary way. 'The maa who mar
ries a woman only half bu age is &
d. f. (deceived fried cake at the start )
Youth and old age don't like their
taters cooked the same way, anl the
man who says they do is a forger.
They don't eee alike, and it's a cat-and-iog
life. Then again, you have
a wooden leg and you should have
married a woman with a glas3 eye
or a broken nose as an offset in
that case, neither party has anything
to twit the other about. If I was to
marry again, bald-headed as I am. I
should look for a lady wearing No.
10 gloves and No. 9 shoe as an offset.
Do rou love your wife ?'
"Well, to be honest about it, I
don't think either of ts are dyins: of
"Then, my friend, you go home
and have a candid talk, divide up the
things and part good friends. Give
her the largest half, throw in some
small change, and see that she gets
home safe to her mother. By and
by yon can quietly secure a bill ot
divorce, get on some store clothes,
and look out for a woman of fifty who
Las the rheumatics so that she can't
"That's honest, is it?"
"Honest Injun. If you can't live
happy together don't hesitate to live
happy apart o use in any scandal
or hard words, but divide up tnd
rail it a bad mistake. This killing
one's self on account of domestic
troubles is all bosh."
'Thit's so, and I'il walk straight
home and begin the dividing up bus
incss. Think you, Bijah, may your
feet stop growing as a reward for
When he bad departed Bjih took
a short cut through the alleys, and,
presently gained a position from
whence he could view the house
where the man lived. Developments
did not tarry.
The husband bad not been in the
house five minutes before Le was
suddenly rushed out a train, bat aud
cane flying, and his share of the
things, consisting of three flat irons,
a kettle and two bricks, overtook him
before he could dodge.
'So young and so artless !' mused
Bijah, as Le turned av; 'and vet
that last brick thumped him between
the shoulders just as r.urtv as if I'd
throw d
it rnvseif
' Lktr;it Vce
One way -M Slnrrird.
Judga Richardson doesn't prelend
to be a pars n, and therefore it-c'i a.
well up in the marriage ceremony as
the slimy supporters cf a decaying
hierarchy are. The young c;uple
stood before him, the other evening,
and the Judge inquired, ia a cress
questioning tone, cf the grooir;:
"Are you a naturalizsd citizen cf
the United Saatcs?"
The groom took hold of the waist
band of Lis troupers, and togged, say
ing: "I voted for Ti'den, Judg'
"Why James !" faintly exclaimed
the blushing creature at his side.
'It's fact, Kramer,' protested James,
ruber indignantly, aud glaring at
the Judge. His Honor coughed aiid
demanded, severely :
'Do you, sir, as a cit'zc cf Nevada
and a lawful voter of Ileao. solemnly
declare that you will forsake a!i other
evils aud ileave to this one !"
'I've money to bet on it !' respM-d-cd
the groom, growing pale, but plac
ing bis arm around the wai-t of the
shrinking bride.
'Then,' cried the Judge, buoying
his fist down on Lis det-k. 'God has
joined yoa together, and the
mao that puts you aeunder! The fee
is just what you want to give, voting
It was pretty liberal, and the court
set them ud and kissed the new w ifo
several times besides. letr j Free
Haw II r !. a Ktrark
ay ti
ller. Dr. Bartol, of Bjston, who
came near being killed by lightning,
has written an account of Lis tenta
tion. He Bays its suddenness beyond
conception is tha marked property.
It gives no time for fear or even sur
prise, and the self loss does u ot appre
ciably last. If the blow be cot fatal
the restoration may be so qiick that
ia less than a minute's time horses
and cows and pigs and men, escaping
or delivered, awarm together, under
'tie flash and ' tempest cn Itio grcea-j
Limrfl A iWi1ps hoav v wtiirbt. i
irod fjr a bage an(J tCComput(tble dis-
icharen. The experience wa?, in-jre-
:orer"a fcj'e rndaseut ia wonderland.
e a9 j w69 anowcd to e'.acd ia fcr !
I e ... . .t ... I
-a moment, fleata becomes noining
d Jl!e u tIJ but a walciui uigLt
ana a wees a neaaacoe
was iiie ro
The "Wbul la-It.
One cf our prominent lawyer wtxt
J home the other dy to dinner and
, icuria umi u.s .mm Wj uu uuu u.3
i bead clipped, in accordsce wuh the
'r.revsilicffPtTle. AfTc-cuo Dot to n-.-
tice it, be began to speaK cf tee won
derful curiositvon exhibition ia ash
icir'oa City, in the shape of a living
creature with a form some-hicg like
that of a human being.
Its held Was
round as a pumpkio, ita ears 8i
cut i.a? ciaui sueije ou a c;,
its nose prrjected like a figure four
I 1. n. K .. f fltl .1 1A tl t n r it
walked upright, aud its head was cov
ered with a growth of bristles, about
one-sixteenth of an inch ia length,
and for want cf a better name, the
creature had been called the "Wbat
isit." And, placing his hand on his
boy's bead, the father said : "Why,
here it is cow. Here's the very thing
I've been talkiog about."
The boy replied, as be bufered a
piece of biscuit : "They've got a
blamed sight worse looking thing
right here in Peoria."
"What kind of a thing is it ?" said
the lawyer.
"It is the fatLer of the 'What-is it,'
retorted the lad.
The sul'jecttben dropped Peoria
A rurally Afloat.
During the late rata storm ia North-wet-tern
Pennsylvania, Mr. George
Randall, whose house was upon the
bank of the creek at North Spring
field, Krie county, suffered the loss
of all Li3 earthly possessions, which.
though not large, yet like the "wid
ows mite," constituted u'l hij liviog,
and narrowly aud almost miraculous
ly escaped wiih Lis l:fc. Mr. Ran
dall's family c:aeists of a wife aad
child about two yearj of a-;e. At
abut 3 o'clock Mr. Rau-Jiil was
awakened by the rushinj of the wat
ers, ana m arising aal crawiu j ou a
pair of overit'.ls lying near, he com
menced picking up tLitig3 from the
floor, and placing tbf m on the table,
to protect them from the water which
had commenced to enter the boas-?.
Supposing the worst was past be
made no attempt to escape, la an
iastaat the liJil wave caus-d bv the
breaking of ths dims above, struck
his dwelling, aud it floated away and
w&i dashed with tucu violence ag&iu.n
the railroad eubaLkrnent tb-u it was
crushed like a p3per bouse and the
inmates hurled into 1 bs seething fi-jud.
The current caused by the waters
rushing through the aqueduct, which
whs now nearly or quite full, drew
in tae bhsttereu iragments ot trie
house. The struggling family were
swept throcgh the nq-iednc a ciis-
aLee of some Cftcen rod:1, end ou
emerging at too lower sue ttie tius-
baud descried the wife buldirjr. the
child clasped ia her erms floating
tsar him. Fortuaat-j!y at that ia
siaut a hg came sweepiog by, aud
seizing it with one hand snd Li- wife
wi:h the other, they drifted down
wi'h the current r,otil they struck a
cluster of wiliow trees ac-i effected a
landing where they remained till
rcprued the next mornicg. The
wreck occurred about half-past three,
and the rescue about half-pas t fivo in
the morning. At early dawn it was
discovered that the houe was gone
and search was immediately institu
ted for the inmates. They were sor-n
discovered and no time was lost in
providing mcen3 for the rescue. The
telegraph 'operator, fastening a rope
about his body, oue end of which vi as
held by lha spectators on the thore,
pluDged into the flood aud reached
ia safety the trees where Mr. Kind all
and family were. Tuo rope was then
fastened at botlends, Gcd Mr. Ran
dall, tying his child upon fcis back,
started for the shore, wLieh he reach
ed with his precious freight ia safety.
Returning ia a similar ciituer he
b'ougbt his wife to the shore, and
thus the whole furuiiy were rescued,
but nearly ia as destitute circum
stances a? wiies they made their ad
vent upon this mundane mhere.
American Itrxtertly.
Not lorg ago one of ti e largest and
most succesr.ful shoe manufacturers
ia Kurcpe stated that, though his
factory was stacked with the bet
American machinery, and manned
by as g:-od a clasuf werkuieu as he
could get, he wua usuer-soi'J at hi.s
own door by American nitktr?. His
observations i.1 Americau f.ctoriei
pupplled thj explanation : the aver
age woiLoiMU ia our f.-ct'.aivs, he
paid, couij turn cut much more work
ia a day tliau the n i skilif'i! ia
Kurop?, obgto their ttiperior des
terity nnd quick'iess. Th8 Swiss
v.f.trfj litauut jcturcr, Dabied, ssid
th-it the Amejicau workaiaa c-'u!d
turu out day by day three or fur
times the avtrage product of the
Furcpeaa of the same class
Ttii-j heems like gross exaggeration,
tut it is not out of harmony with the
tertimony cf many competent foreign
cbssrvers. A correspondent of trie
British Ironmonger tells a story
which furni-hes au apt illustration of
this feature cf Americaa workman
ship. He savs that during the Centen
nial veer an English manu'sctarer of
stamped tioware saw some presses
ia uce in this country which pleased
him greatly. He -ss p.uticuiailr
struck with their rr-j!dity ofopiro.
tion, and ( rdered three. They were
made in due time, aad the mifcer,
hoping f .t other orders, tonk them
abroad himself. They w ere sot up,
and men experienced with presses
were givaa charge of them ; but under
the ni"st favorable conditions they
could uot be made to turn cut withia
forty per cent, as much work a they
averaged daily in American works.
The operators aere not quick enough
Here one man operated a machine
unoided, and had a black in position
I every tim lue cm descended. Jn
the English shop the operator had
to boys to help him, oe to handle!
toe blauks, and the other to cirry
away the stamped articles; but even
with this assistance he could net
supply the blacks fast enoujb, aid
foriy out tf every hundred limes the
die descended it had nothing to do.
The same writer observes that this j
is uo uscummou experience with the !
makers of American machinery. Our j
nioet fcucceselul machines are ofleti ; prouuclua atid perpetuation cf their
failures abroad simply because they jspeci' S, Prov ident3 has made the os
are too fast for the workmen of other ! trichf s themselves masters c the
countries. Their operations are ;
gauged by the average capacity of j
American artisans, and foreign opera-
lives fail to keep op with them.
This ia bat aajiher iosiance cf the
educative effect cf raeehiner?; and
intellectual development of skilled
workers cannot but ba advanced in
conwquenee. Already the mechanic
ueeds, and uiany cf oar mechanics
p.?8esj, a higher prade of culture
and vastly uivre knowledge than
Fufliced for the learned professions eo
called a few years ago Scientific
(MM in India
i The Calcuita correpjndent of the
. jjOCiJon Times speak of a discussion
I wbk.b rtceQlij ia the B-n
gal Social Science Association, upon
the benefits aud evils of cas-te.
The diccuseioa was significant as
ehoiog the vital change which is
huino ranl.tiv nr..daiid ia Indian
j ,Kiill,rKf ,.I1(i"irio(t.i custom bv the
, , ;QflU(.nceof western thought
! .-. -i f. etnnnrtino-
fact that among o large gathering of
, lesraed bi?h C4gle na:,,e gentlemen,
, saker ventured to defend
" . - . .
hat has alwavs beea deemed by
Europeans to constitute the most
cherirhed fabric of the Hiudoo Bocial
The speaker who introduced the
topic in favor of some redeem
ing features cf cute. He adaiitied
that caste imposed undue restrictions
oa intermarriage aud social inter
course bsteen different castes; that
it restricted ctrtain S'ctions of socie
tv to certain occupations; that it hin
dered the adaptation of people to al
tered social conditions; but contended
that these drawbacks were fully com
pensated for by many substantial ad
vamaa;ep. Anions these he enumerated the
feeling cf seif respect and ambition
induced bv descent from a noble an
cestry and inclusiou in a venerated ,
caste: the moral restraint cau.-eu oy
fear of transgressing aste rules aud
disgracing caste character; greater
proficiency and skill in a handicraft
resulting from the hereditary practice
of particular iadas'ries; the absence
of ail sense of deg-adaiion and huni-
iiiatiori associated with the pursuit cf
manual la'o.T; the cheerfulness aud
content with which different castes
performed their allotted occupations;
the protection afforded to meiubera of
each particular cate. aad a-isistaaee
I in tlma of fieeessit v.
Tne speakers who fuiIoed were
all opposed to ca'e restrictions
Oue of them staled that he ws a
Koolin, a Brahmin, thai, is, of the
highest class, hot that be was per
fectly prepared to surrender all his
hereditary pririietfs in consideration
of the evil which the system cf class
was now producing
It had its uses when first establish
ed, but now, an aaachrouism, it stood
a the way of national improvement.
At oue time it did exercise a sort of
social check upoa native society, but
nuw it was merely a means of extor
tion. A man inisrht violate auy rule of
society, but ail it was necessary to
do to be received back into his caste
was to speud a few rupees. A mau
might c .mnoit any offeuce aTd uctual
iy b; seul to goal, but he would still
be received back again into bis caste,
and fathers would nc'.unlly marry
their daughters to him.
Distinction cf e we bad closed the
exercise of healthy influence over na
tive society, 8nd therefoie the sooner
ali sects were fu"d into one harmon
ious whole the better, for all these
do-tinctions or-ly served to ?Uy all
political advancement.
Although he was a Koolia Brab
miu, he would l;ke to marry his only
child, to a healthy, rubast young man,
irrespective of caste limits.
In ail sincerity, ha ft-lt the useless
ncss of preserving a fabric already
tottering. A no; her speaker in the
course of a very able speech, said,
"Next, let us see if as a matter cf
fact, the institution of caste baa any
redeeming features. It has been satd
that caste in cur country exercises
those salutary iafhiccces iu the re
pression of vies and waatouuess
which are exercised in ether countries
by public opiuion, and hence that so
long as no strong public opinion is
created to keep us ia check, it is right
that we should obey a canon of caste.
The first, atd origical purpose of that
in-tituiion. however, was now to dis
charge the facc.ioasof pub'ic opinion,
a-, docs it exercise such influence
uo' ; hot if it doe?, it does so far the
worse, far whnt in the exrs'ing state
of tbk'sr- poisons, what the mora!
seuse ol the whole enlightened world
condemns as most deadly, is suffered
to circulate freely.
Whi'o caste brings down ail its
pressure, all its rigor and terrors upon
imaginary evils, ibe murderer, puijar
rr, robbi-r, adulterer, drunksrJ, and
other equally infamous characters go
ou peipctra iu all kindi of injury
wilhi ut the fenr cf excommunication.
CastR rages airain-.t and frowns down
till tho-e seeki-ig lh- reg-?a 'rati a of
their e ui i'ry by iuirt marriage, while
L ut:rs 8 ) single wrrd of censure
a.-sins-t the sAiud'er or cheat.
if t-o-doy 1 rpr-a my Zsnaia doara
anj bring farth my wife a-td daugh
ter to coiriioune wi.h tho sinters of
the west, to morrow i shall be nn
outcast, and icy mme branded with
infamy forever."
An Oxlrlcti Farm.
James Murray, who has spent the
last three years at Gilbertsville N.
Y.t sailtd last Saturday by the Bri
tannic for Cape Colony, Africa, w here
Le purposes to roide on an ostrich
farm of 3, TOO acres awaitiog bim
there. Tee cccupa ioa i.f ostrich
rcutii.g h not uc.v to the family
Jauies Murray, Sr., the t itber, having
far years uen sucee.-:.-f ally engaged
at tne uusmess. lie is ia p s es-u t,u
or a targe tract tf 'and Letr Cope
Town, l.:i02 sere- cf wbu'b aro ca-c!o-cd
by a wall five fact t-gh atd
four feet thick sis a ruuIV tli-emug-
anioeut tircis, i.l witch Le now Lua
l,0(i0. There is, bet-afas, a second
part u i titiu acres tjr the young
ostriches. There are 400 acres plan
ted to turnips under irrigation for the
voung birds. Also, iOO acres of
alfalfa, or lucern, which is used for
the bretdiag birds. As a precaution
agaiast drought, a dam of sd d stone
has beea constructed, 1,500 feet fang,
2o0 feet thick and ISO fett high.
Tho senior Murray bus hvd extensive
experience ia os.rieh enkure, and is
now reaping the rewarJ cf years of
patieat and costly experiment The
great d:flicul:y Las been ia iacubatiog
the eggs of the ostrich. The artifi
cial incubators were tried at aa ex
prme cf $1,500 Tcev were found
utteily u-.eless. The old tale of saad
batchicg proved false. The fact at
length reached was that, in the re-
situation. By carefully wa:chinir the
bit ds and separating the m from ibe
flock, at pairinsr time, difhcultv iu
procuring young Lirda was overcame.
Alwaja ralifeK to Plcrrs.
She came to the station a little
late, and had to make a rush for the
train. .When she reached her Beat
her bat fell off. Sbe got it on, bat it
toppled over to one side, -and, when
she tried to straighten it op, her hair
came tumbling down. She lost her
ticket twice before the conductor
reached her, aod would have lost it
again if be hadn't taken it away from
ber. Sbe reached op to put a bundle
ia the rack above her head, and burst
her collar button off ber duster, and
stuck her fingers on four pins in her
dress before sbe could find one that
sbe dared take out to repair the dam
age. Then just as sbe thought sbe
bad got comfortably settled her little
band valine, packed to bursting with
enoogu things to load a Saratoga
trunk to the muzzle, exploded, and
she nearly worked berseif into frag
ments getting it together again.
Then by the time sbe get the valise
shot up ber hat tumbled eff again,
and by the time sbe got the bat
straightened back into its place, ber
hair tumbled duwn agaiu, and as
soon as she got ber hair twisted up,
and harpootied it with a couple of
bair pics, the valiso went off, aud
when she got off at New Prague, she
tacked the gasping valise under her
arm, and tried to corral her topping
hat and wandering hair with one
hand, and as she went fluttering and
straggliug into the depot, one couldn't
help thinking that it would be safer
and more convenient to run her in
sections and ffag her against every
thing. I have seen this woman on
several other trains, and she has
never beea able to keep herself to
gether. There scem3 to be more
average humanity about her neater
sister, one isn't so aggravating, bui
sbe keeps yoa in a state cf agonizing
suspeus", for you never know whera
she is going to give way next. liar.
lin 1)1 on Haul eye.
K lor lKl XrrliHri.
There is considerable variation m
the different European States ia the
see at which a legal marriage ran be
contracted. In Austria the age of
discretion for both sexes is fourteen
rears. In Hungary each religious
sect makes its own regulations mar
riages being regarded as entirely
ecclesiastical affairs. Russians can
contract marriages at the ago tf eigh
teen years in cases of males, and at
sixteen vears in that of females. The
Italiau law fixes the age at eighteen
and fifteen years respectively, in Tur
key there is no general law. The
F rencti had Belgian codes allow mar
riages tf youag men at eigbteea and
girfa at fifen years; but powers of
di-pens-ilion ia special cases are re
served. In Greece, Spain, and Port
ugal, parlies cf fourteen and twelve
years can contract a binding mar
riage : but in toe latter country the
cjnseut of the parents is necessary.
According to the amended paragraph
cf the new German civil marriage
bill, the state of wedlock cannot be
entered upon under t weuty aod six
leeu years respectively, though the
existing laws of Prussia aud Saxony
permitted marriages at earlier periods.
Tocre is much dissimilarity ia the
Swiss laws, every canton haviDg a
local regulation of its owa. Iu some
of them the conneat of the parents is
necessary up to the agn of twenty
five year. The influence of climate
upon the temperameut and constitu
tion is allowed in the southern nations
where maturity is reached at a much
earlier period than among the north
ern uetious.
A l.Mt tKote Rrplarrtf.
An Indiana man had a $o national
bank-note chewed up by his dog. He
sent two fragmeuts of the note to tbo
treasurer of the United States aud
wanted a good one in return. Treas
urer GilGllan refused to return a good
note, there being nothing to show
that the other fragments might bo
sent ia for another new bill. The
Indiana man then sent the two frag
ments back again, piuned to an affi
davit he bad made before a notary
public, as foilowt: "Personally ap
peared before me, this day, , who,
being duly sworn, makes oath that
the remaioder of ibo bank-bill here
unto attachtd, was totally destroyed
by his dog; that he detected him iu
the act and rescued these remnants,
iokicg them frcm the dog's mouth,
aod that the remuiuder of this bill
was chewed and swallowed by the
kf-resaiJ dog, aad thereby totally
dui-troyed. Subscribed and sworn
before me," &c. This being sufficient
evidence of the dog's voracity aad
ttie Iadiana man's veracity, the treas
urer stLt on a new note.
anralaa (irettloa-
The etiquette of ealutat on ia the
Caucasus is extremely elaborate and
cerenoniou3. It does not by any
n euDs eutisfy all the requirements of
p.ifact courtesy to ak a meuntaniet r
bow bo is, or bow Lis Lealin is, or
how tc dues. You must inquire mi
nutelv into the details of his domestic
economy, manifest a lively iutereet in
the prow-th cf his crops and the wel
fare of bis sheep, and evea express a
cordial hope mat Lis cou?e in iu a
rood state f reiiair. and his b :rses
aad cati'e properly protect d from
aay possible inclemency of the weath
er. Furthermore, yoa must always
adapt your greeting to time, place
aad eircum nauces, aud ba prepared
to improvise a new, graceful aud ap
propriate salutation to meet aay ex
traordinary exigence. In the morn
ing a mountaineer greets another
with: "May your moruiug be bright!"
to which the prompt rejoinder is I
'Aud miv a sunny dav never pass
vou bv ! ' A guest he welcomes with:
"My vour coming briog j v !'' and
the guest replies: "Maya blessing
res ajKn jou."
Knit for le'?!.
Experiments have lately bc-eu iude
ia Fiance with a view t.. establishing
the bes". bBiis far- icstct traps. A
number if glass Ilj-traps, Ci'ed with
different liquids, eaeet and tour,
were p'.r-cvd under some fruit trees
sobii'ct to the attacks cf flies and
other insects. The traps were baited
with honey, weak wiue and wattr
bet r and water, vinegar and water,
put cheer, pure wine, crushed pears
and water and other liquids : then the
victims were couuted, after the traps
bad been exposed f t three weeks,
aud the falfawiog resul s: The trep
cotUaitiiug beer and water blood at
ibe head, bad contained S-oO flies and
other insects ; pure beer stood next,
with 531 ; the crushed pears, week
wiae and pure wine comiog ntxr.
pure honey being at ibe bottom of
ibe lint, with only seventeen victims
The fermeutation tf ibe beer and
water no doubt attracted the insects
by its ode r, but it would Lurdly be
safe to assume that it would prove
(uuttllv attractive in all instances.
Toe Jastes . f iuisecls may vary with
seaso'js and Localities, and experiment
alone cau decide what is best ia a
given place.
Daalk Karalaas.
A Virginia City, Nevada reporter
was talking with an old miner a few
day 8 ago who implicitly btbeves that
no death evir occurred ia the mines
without a warning of some kind.
"You see," be said, "death never
took place in the mines without a
warcing. You reporters write up ac
cidents and tell how something fell
quick and killed somebody. Now,
mis ain't so. There's always some
warning. When I see my lantern
begin to burn low down and bine, I
know there is danger ahead. If i;
keeps on for a few daya and then be
gins to waver and flicker, I'll watch
it close to see where it points. Yon
may set me down for a fool, but what
I'm telling you is the gospel truth.
When the flame leans over (as if it
was being worked by a blow-pipe),
and points to a mao, death has mark
ed Lira.
' Some years ago when Bill Hen
dricks ws killed in the Savage, the
flame cf my candle pointed right at
him for over an hoar, and when be
moved the flame would move just aa
if h was load stone and the flame a
mariner's needle. 1 knew he was
gone and told bim to be careful about
the blast. Well, he got out with that
all right and got on the cage. Aa he
went op, tbe candle kept actin?
strangely, and at times the flame
would stretch out long and thin to
wards Bill. At length it gave a
sudden flicker and Bill reeled to one
side and was caught in the timbers.
I heard bis dreadful cry as be disap
peared down the shaft, aad whea he
was bounding from side to side,
dashing out his brains and scattering
his flesh down to the bottom, my
light went out.
"I never lit that candie again. It
hangs up in my cabin and always
will. There's more ia a candle flame
than people thinks. I'd rather see a
cocked revolver pointed at me than a
candle flame; a revolver someuuies
misses, but a candle flame is sure to
kiil when it darts toward a man.
"I must start for my shaft now.
Don't cive my came t anybody.
There is some who would laugh at
The man here picked up his blank
et and walked away. There are
plenty cf miners on the Comstock
who have such superstitions. Some
nail up a hor.-e shoe over the en
trance of a drift, "far luck." O.hera
believe that gu-.d and bad luck comes
in streak--, jus es quartz and por
phary. For three years put there
have been no accidents ia the North
Consulida.ed Virginia a few
days ago w bea Cbairpioa had his
thigh crut-htd Tbe miner says that
a "bad streak" bad been struck and
more aecideats migbt he expected
Yeste-day two more men were injur
ed by failing thirty feet into the
dump. This was caused by the
breaking of a two-inch ' plank that
seemed able to bear a dozen men.
.o Eneearacemvnt.
A brisk fight between two boys
was interrupted by a citizao, who,
after releasog one of them, made the
other s't down on a stlt barrel and be
talked to.
"Now, then,' he began, "it is a
terrible tbiug f.r a b y like you to be
conducting iu this manner."
"I'd a licked him if you had n't
come up!' wailed the b-oy, as he
curefully wiped bis scratched nose.
"Suppose you had, do you want to
be considered a dog H Why don't
you try and be a good boy, aud get
uloog pvacbfull with everybody?
Suppose you had rollod effthe wharf
and been drowned?"
"S'pose'n I hadn't, too! It's the
good boys who get drowned !
"It's so, and I kin prove it! I'll
bet a dollar agin a cent that
mure Sunday school boys bave
been drowned tbis veer than bad
The mau reflected, aud did not dis
pute the assertion.
"And more run over by the cars,"
continued tbe bov.
No answer again.
"And more of 'em get sick aad die,
and I'll bat I've got more money and
have more fua and bave more pea
nuts than aay good boy in Philly!"
"But tbe good are rewarded," qui-
etiy observed the man.
' So are the bid," replied the by.
"I'll bet I m iko Gftv ceats before
dark! '
"But the gtod are resjected !"
"So am I. I kin go to Laughiin
Si McMancs and borrow three dol
lars w ithout any security, I'll bet ten
to five you can't ! Come, now, put
up the lucre."
"My boy," sidly tbserved the man,
"You must think of tbe future. Don't
you want to be looked up to and re
spected when vou are a man ?"
"That's too far ahead," was the
lonesome reply "If enjbody thinks
1 am g"i;ig t ) bo ci led a clotbei pin
and a wheel barrow and a hair-brush
oy a I tne buys and mt go ijr em.
just far the sale . f I ting like an
aogtl wheu I get to a man, they
is mirtkeu in toe loum . arid vou
dasf-u't btt they aim!"
A id It c'citii't.
Driving Xnlltby Machinery.
O jeof the n st simple, and at tbe
same time mort ingenious, imple
ments on view at tho Exhibition is
the invention of a youag man i ) tbh
city, a Mr. b. Fulk ier Di-c-lfad
"nail gua." and is used far nailing
down fio'riog boards. We have seeo
the implement in use, and, so far as
we are able to judge, it is q ucker ia
its work, and euores greater cleanli
ness than baud nailing could do
i ne aj pi arBrc is u-jI a gun
iu sha;i- an 1 i ab ut the "same
length li.i'k'-pt iu p sition wi
the foot aad knee, aod the cail to be
placer! (point d wn) ia eprnure at
the top cf ibe concern. It slides
dvVt nto the bolt m, aud then the
operator draws up a rod, ao'd by one
downward s rr lie or tun tt;e nail is
cleaiJy driven iutb ttm boards be
neath. A prc ie-d hand, hy this
simple Ci.titiivance. could dothewrk
of half a d.z-n mm. We believe
tbfct Mr. Faikntr is no improving
up. n Lis lovfuiiuo, atd is imkirg a
"nail gnu'' which will be self acting
We have n 4 obt that when the im
plement comes to be generally known
it will be brought into general u-e
AV; Zealand Time.
To b; pure in ti.iud acd heart.
To ba modest in derctanor.
To Lelplui at bonie.
To bj folljwer of Christ.
And then tLere are less vital ibioss
i hat tdt-v t-bould leerr; a?
To sew netVj.
Ti l :rrp!c c okii p.
To huj 'th c n av
To dreds with taste.
To lead aluud well.
There are raaoy ofier useful and
oraaniertil tec iiridhuieLt-t vtitbia
tbo reach of mott girls, but tboM
hich hare given are indispenea-
hW Our Monthly. "" .' "
And by confining oaraelvea i:rtc;lj to one eln of work ; by employing nunebntlhe
Using nothing- bnt
And by a THOROUOH KNOWLEDGE orth.l o.nes. ws bave justly ecnetl the r--putiti n if
W give tbo following warranty with each wagon :
We Hereby Warrant the FISH BK(S. WAUON NO to bo well ina.le In tvery j.arti?u!jr
anil of irooil malarial, ami thai the strength of tbe same is mfUdent lor all wurk wi.h I.. ir time.
Should any breakage occur within one year livm this date by reason of detective iiiaterlni or w-.rK-maushlp,
repairs tor the same will be luruished at pliieeof sale, free of chirge, or the price of iiul
repairs, as per agent's price, will be paid in cash by Uie purchaser producing a sample oi the tm
ken or defective parti as evidence.
Kaeine, Wis., Jan. 1, 1878.
Knowing we can suit von, we ollcit patronage from every sectim of the I'nlteJ States,
for Trices and Terms, and tdr a copy ot our AOK1CL LTl'R AL, FAFLK to
July 17.
Oltainrttfor nfio for improvement
oa oM OMfst fur medical or tthrvomjovnd$,trtiti
inarkt and Inhefi. f'ttrcnf, AignmeutM. Inter
frrejtcfB, Appeal, Fnitf fr Infringements, and
fill cafiiMari inn undtT the JTtrnt I.atrx.vromnt-
? atfned tn. fnrftit.'ott that have hen
5 L"V24-ram! hi the rtet or-
j'tiUaiil ty um. iktij otyute, the C. 8. patent
jj'parzmfui, ana tufjdyfti in i'aievi ousin'ts ex
clnairety, tee f.ia innke closer ttnrrhe, and aemr
Fiitcnt more promptly, aud Kith hrtMidtr claims,
than ti".te trf:,i rrrr m.mte f r-;a WlxhirtQtfn.
zl or tirtch of
u r device; ir
trmke tx:imi nation HA'.i aJiiieii( putrntithility,
frrrf rhartfr. All cnrreonde7ire xtrihf cn
fdmtinL I-rirrs nnd AO 4'iIJ.litJi: I .V-
xr.s. vati:st is siu iiieik
Wer'fer in, U'eKhintt-tn, tv l!n. P)tmtxter
General i. -V. AV. Ber, F. . power, TV firman
Amrrinin yttinnd Ji iuk. toofiHH in the. V. 8.
Patent ('fire, and to Xenntnr nnd Reprttrniatiret
in Cuntjrf: and rialhi to owr c'iVn' ! erery
&taU in the r'ni fd in nmrwdtj. 4'' 'rrst
Health an-l Happiness are prlecloss Wealth f
their -osaessoi, ami yet they are within th
reach of every one who will use
The onlv sure CT'RE for Torpid Urer, Dyspeosla.
Heailache, Sour .Stomach, Constlatlo i, KoMltty.
Nau.xea, ami all ililious complaints anl Hlood
disonlers Xone irenuine unit's signed "Wm.
Wright, Phila." If your druzgist wiil not sup
oly send Jo cents for one box to Barrick. Kolier a
Co., TO N. th St. Phlla.
We have recentlv mrv le irreat linnrovements In
the proeexs oi Koaali nsj CoiTre, and now offer
to the trade tbe
ever put up In Packages. We guarantee every
package r.ninue-i
to be nothing but tine selected I'offee, tloflee, tin
pjrled lnm "HI " by ourselves.
Janney & Andrews,
Gram 4 PralJB Coiissn KsAaiti
Nos. l.'l and Vt Market Street,
Thp Creat Kidney
Mriiii in L- 7ot a new
con-pound i h;is been
ticrorc lite pnbtic 3 years a- d h- ail ca-e.
I1I N rs llkXEUt
liaKvtd f roiri llni ric.7
u --e aid d.ath tlua-
ilreos wlo l.sve beea
:rn ti Ir I'nuicianA
toil.e. ill SI- ItK.flMsV rare all Itiw
eM- cf the Kt4ney. sii-iddrr. aad Irinarv
kraan lrcrv ira'-, DiaU-les, and
Jm-vniinece a'.-l Keleatlnw ef frlne.
lt( N I""? U t:MTi VeDCouragci sleep, creaieaaa
appetite, brac ut the system, ar.ilr-: n t-d li-alt
tsfwrtruilt. 'I NT'S KKH EIV ram Pa'n
lalhesiidr, Itack. or liioa, t.rneral IeiU
llv, Frmnlo DiMaaes, Iiturbe4 Ircp, Ia
of Appetite, ilriuhi's liea. of the Kid
nry and alt Ctplainta of t: - tTrineieDital
lrzan. HfSTS It ,11 F. Is V 1 purely vepe-taUh-.ajid
ni't.a want never before furnished tolbet
pu. tc. anil trie utmost r -liance may e plarea in it.
nee mav e piarea in u.
ia an-nn-rf KXj
ill r..rj r.ii s
J'ltl-l. lur In
cboe d.eascs, and
htm never be
knMWM lo fall.
tine trial ill con
vince pi,
toad tor pamMct to r
By rcnlfB sr-il practicing
tlic inrsTimuble truths con
taini il iu llio best medical
book ever Issued, entitled
T HVxsVI Sl'cconlvl. bmbymail
I III vLLlon ric-Hit of trice. It
treat, of Eshanrtcd VitslUr, Prcmatnre Decline,
Nervous aod l'hvical LH-biliiy, and the endless
concomitant ills and untold miseries that result
lk fmm, and contains more than 5.onpinal pre
scr;rt:ctis, anv one of which i worth the pnee or
the book. Thi. book vra written bv ibe movt ex
t. n'ivc and probably the most SLilful practitioner
in America, to whom w:is awarded a gold and jew
f 11-d medal hy the National Asfocuition.
A Pamphlet, illustrated with tbe Tcry Cnest
htccl l.npravirc a mar- U C A I
ttl cf art and licauty flCAL
snt rnEB to all. Send
fr.r it at occe. Address
INSTITUTE, No. a liul-j HlotLr
b boston. Ma. Bali "
Seller's Cough Syrup !
Over 1,000.000 hottles inlJ. It Is the j
most popular remeily for Coitarhs, Vlla, ;
tJroup. I Inarnenedrt,1"! all 'I hront j
Hnii I .una IiKii"f Hi hen In uie lor .
hall a century, ilor'tors iirescrthe i. J. K. Vou
man. Long P. O., III., savs: "It s.irl my Irr-'i
chihiren ircm the grave." ti I
IIolt Whit.
is the perlcct euro for every symptom ol ourrupt
Hiooii, from a common FtTploto tliemost Irlghtt'ul
L leer. Cures peri' irnieii hy theBIOOd Search
er rca.l lika ohl-liiua mirarlt-s. Leocrs are
cU-atiseii. the alhicteil are liealeil anti ecrnlulous
cripples lake up hcl nn 1 slk.
Llndsey's Blood Searcher is the safe-
esl, rurert auu uioi iiwertui i urint-rtver known.
One hotile in a nt.lglitrorhooil sells scores lai.rre.
All who try It become miisiouarics or the Blood
Searcher, liruagistsse.l It. Nen.i to
K. K. etirr a ( , funliurnh. Pa., Tor i-lrtu-
Aug ;r . XV. vl-KKIlS, Airent 6r Hoiurm-t.
uto of Wm. Jloshohler, late of Stoyi-reek
township, ilcteuse-l.
Letters testamentary on the alsne estate liar
Ing tiecn irranteii to the umlorsigncil, notice is
hereby given to those ln-lehte.1 to It to make imme
diate payment, ami those having cie.ims against ir
to present them uulv authentiealeU lor settlement
at the laten shieoce ol ileceased on .Satunlsvtbe
3thday ofNvember, 1ST.
M. M. rX'HKIK'K,
Oct. 14. Kxecutors.
ut .u,i aiiLr.Kr.ti. r TATE.
Pursuant to an or.lerlssneil out of the Court or I
Olninon Flews 01 Somerset count v. Pa., the un-'
dcrsigned Assignee ol Jacob J. Smith, will sell at :
nnhlie sail, nn
Saturday, November 2. 1978,
Jt ' r
at 2 o'clock r. a., cn the premises of fco. 1, the fol-1
lowing uescrineu real es.ate, vis: i
M. 1 T he tarns ol Jacob J. Smith, situate In I
Mouierset Trp.. Somerset county. Pa., containing
aliout to acres, arijoiniug lands of Jacob fihaulis
Jiicoh Pile. Jonathan Khoaila ami otoers. The
improvements are a two story log dwelling house,
a log tiara and other buildings. Plenty ot limber,
limestone and oral, and a large and very Hoc
urarcampon the premises.
No. 2. Tne undid ted one 'ourth interest of a
tract of land situate in jomerEct township, afore,
said, known as the Joseph Sn-ith farm. A' )o n
ing lands of P.I Colenrtn, Daniel Uruhaker, Heu
ry SliMtlT, J ina'hin 1). Khoads and others, on.
tain ing about 414 acres, with dwelling l-ru e,
barn ami other buihiiegs H ereon. This will he
sold sut.ject to tbe li:e estate ol susauna Smith
th rein.
TEUMS made known on diy of sale.
Oct t; Assignee ol JicobJ. Smith.
jlS. I FISH BEOS. & CO.!
Racine, Wis.
Lstate or Christian Ll irn.-no. late of fine
mauhl wp.. deccaeii.
Letters of ailministrntionon thcabovee-'ttttcliav-ina
been ranlcil to the uiulcr-igimi hy the pri-cr
autnority. notice is heretiy givca to wiie lu-iei-teij
to it to make immediate payment, and t ho h:ivlug
Claims against it to preseut tto-iaUHiy autiieniK
teii tor 3ettiement on rmturii.iy,
the late reeidtnee nfni'i !vc n-il.
Oet. 2 Ailiiiini.-trau.r
Do ouwanttomahesomemoney?
if so here is yonr chance. I'l.niix-tcr.t Atr'i!s
Male or Female want tn sell the llotitrv Sritr.
The Convenient Article for l-iiiHSiti; ui, i,,r
the purpose desii;ne-l ever invented. m o.ij...,
Itts, weighs, measures and mixes. Also lor strain,
ing Fruit, Washing Kic,e etc.
Over 1 O O Aif'-btii are 11.1W Tu.nji.l in ar.Cinv
tbem In liie west. Tvrri;oryegi-riy t i'am when -
rrrr viicrw, w am.ivearnr, r-r!ars ad
dress, r . j. Allllt.
(ieu. Agt. West. Fenna. riittltnrgtt.
thi p!a--e h;- ;-ii oi hi
Celciiraled Hure:: liak-s
lor .!4ic i e tcr 'Inn i-ver
an I che.ip. Aor one who
wants oiitj at on: e. would
do wll to .--n-! him a
i IV - .r in s-.tue
way let him know in or', r i-. .-. r ol getting
one, as he in his rounds ot sci.l. a nii::ut not end
all who want rakes.
To Elizalieth Heftier. Widow. r 'Wilson Heflley.
N. P. Helfley. Kllen Hetflcy and F. Hi tfti-v, lihe
:st a minor under U Tears. i all of N m-ii.i.
A. Bruhakerot lk-r!in, I'a.. ( ol F. 1I--I-dey
: you are notified toappenr ut an Orphatis'
Jourt to be held at Somerset Fa., i n Monday the
11th day of November n xf. to aoi-eiit or relnie the
real estate ol Ananias HefCey, dee d, at the a:
pralsed price, or show cause why the same st'.uli
not te sold.
Sheriffs Office, I GEO. W. TILF,
&ep.i8, 1S7H. S tK-t.1) sheiift.
rrcan money make raster at work for us H'.an a
I I anything else. Capital not require.! : we wil
i I start you. (12 per day at home made by the
II industrious, aien women, hoys and girls wsnt
w ed everywhere to work for us. Now is the
time, t.'ostly outtit and terms free. Address
Tura it Co., Augr-sla, Maine.
March 27
yeurown town. 5
NorlT-k. header, ir yt u waul a lMi.lnr-f
at which persons f either sex can nntke
great Pay all the time th.T work, write lor
particulars to H. Hallctt k Co, Portland.
March 27
y St.'lENTlFIt: INSTllt TE.
Tha Ins'ituta prcpHrcs Students tor Colicite.
Husiness, Professional Schorls, li.itne Lite, and
Teaching. Location elevated, hcnlthful, easy ot
access, and piclurcsiiue,ouminaailing an extensive
view of Chestnut Kidge. Full corps ol Instruc
tors. Five courses of Study. Open to both sexes.
Fxpeusea mrnlerate. New building lor laiites.
Open grate in each rum.
Address the Principal.
Dee- S. Hit. Pleiusant, Pa
i for November Term jf Cturt bcgir.ubiir Novrm
1 ber 11, 1';.
Ileniamin Housel vs. Plttsbnrgli a. Cmnclls
ville K. K. Co.
Weed Sewing Machine Co. vs. J. N. Fii-ht-ner
et aL
John H I'hl vs. Danlfl Swarncr. garnishee.
Jaii liinebaugh vs. Levi Woll. et al.
J.iiah Keller, ireas. vs. Auitutus Medarv
et al.
L. A. Smith vs Independent Printing Co.
V. P. Len hart's use vs. hlwar l ANsndlt-r.
Frerl'i.. L. Just vs. S. H. i.iny,et al.
J. W. fc It. C. Van Horn v. Je-se Lis
ten et aL
John C. Uraham vs. Sech'er Mi FarUn I.
(. B. King's ue vs. W. 11. P.r.n.ks.
O. B. King's use vs. W. 11. Bfo k.
Isaac WeiBllevs. Lemnel
Ann Maria Zerfoss' Ijtecutor vs. ShaiVr &
I'nion Na'lonal Bank vs. Somerset k Miner
al Point K. K. i U.
I. f li Cone et al. vs. Livengorx! A Olir.aer.
If. Lyrlia lionges' use vs. Toip(-r Fvan.
3. Henry 1 homas Wei 1 vs. Savasc Fire
4. Oliver A. Parkcrvs. Ira '. Ca; li' il
ir. Frietllino iiro's. vs. .Icyer-i'irie it roull.
. John Ir. Rilily vs. Vm. J. Bii,-r.
7. Aanai Trcsiler vs. .Tonus Turny.
H. Ilarhra Coher vs. lir. II tt irt'.
. Kiiaatieth s. Alrrah io krk -v et il.
lo K. J. 'ountryman vs. tic 1. .Mi-K'-i.iie."
11. K.iU Lus icn is. John l u;i.
14. Fayette .Mot. Fire Ins. Co , vs .1.11 Meters
13. iayetle Mut. Fire Ins Co,?-. 1 ct- r U.-t-ers'
1. P. J- Cover vs :v. J. I h i: ,. in tru-t
1. J. J. Pliilli-i' A. Im vs. H-:iry Br-irl.
Id. Froeman 11 Mi-Clellun vs. Hi-irv Beam.
17. Cyrus Hciiiorii's use vs. Ir.-n'l. tiwiiiiit r
li. Mh-tiael Wilis vs. S. K Johnston er al.
IK. llowanl ll-ikve vs. LiveL-giarl & Mjn-t.
It). Aiiu. Covbi's usj vs. Jhp.1i M-'i-r' Fx:s
11. Ani.rcw n:;im in v. . :1m -ih v-
21. Josih Chris ncr s ue vs. Henrr im.
Henry Beam vs. B ier X 'inl Tn.l
2. Chris: Ian S linjr-k vs Phll'p Wo!;nsVrger
n iti.
2A. M A . Siinncr A Co. vs. J. f). h Immi 1.
-t. 14. I'rorhonoturv.
I Lsute or Kiulren II !! n in, late ol Joi ner
! iwl'., utcejs -;ii.
Letter of aJmluUtration ou u.-. ext.i
riaving "?"-"nrei oy .neproir:ia: liunt v. lu lioo
isnereny given to HHe imunttnl to 11 tonmk. tinuip-
aiate payment, ami inr-se r.aviiiiri-iiiiiii n-c-:n I
to present them duly tnthenri"ac! torsi-: itn--n
on Snupiay N.-viiu a r. 1. 1..T8, al ttie l id-r,- 1
Uencc of ilecease.l.
r'li Kci.vl AN HiFFiM..
-kl. V Adrtiitnstraiors.
in pu-su.irK-e 01 an or icr gran:e 1 tv t.ct'otirt
01 com moo fleas -t nii'-r et c-iuirv. tho UTitr
eigne I. Assizneuof aieinne J. Miller, will ol
for lor s ile 00 the ptvmitcs, on tract ..i. , in
i-iemalioiiicg luwu.-r.ip. ou
Tliurtd'JU. l ovembt r 7, lTS
I at 1 o'clock P. il., t'ne followlr.K real estate, rU :
)No L rJome f'ariu. containing 161 acri?, mre
or less, situate in lueiii.-ihoning loworhip, a-' !u-
ing lands of Wm II. Aillli-r, rumui- J. .Muter,
Harry Shafter arel of iters, with SrvN harni
I dwelling-house, awl her cut huiliiinz tberroo
j erected: fine wtvhanl ef Iruit trees, with 80 acres
j in meay'ow, US acres dear ami in good suite ol
; eultivatkni.
I Ko. Also a fn no. known as the Wilt farm.
I Containing lil acres, sxiiolniug Jacoh S. Miller,
I Harry Shatltrand others, iu uemnhiijina- Iwp.,
of whi-h lur acres are clear. Vu acres In ir.n.1!
whh bouse and barn tli-reon crei-te-l.
No. :t. lo.a fvrm. known as the Si .mir!rr
farm, in (lueinahontng townshiti, containing 115
.li..ini,iw lri n.l . ,.f fc'ru It 1 . lj..r..i...u
Jac.AS..Miller and othera. whlehioo acres are
clear. 2 1 acres in meadow, with ti'.use anil I .am
thereon erected.
no. 4. Also, a tarra, ki.own as the ss-t
In Somerset townshlo. conmlnr.-- 1 i . ah.
joining lands of Herman Shaller. Frumlin liarn
hart, ami others, with dwelling-house, suhle and
other buildings thereon erected: no acres are clc ir
and 10 acres tn mearlow.
No. S. Also a tract of land taken fn ra the
Ephraitn Shatler farm in Somerset township, con.
t.-iining 4J acres, mljolning lands i,f Joslan lout,
Harry Shatl-T and the Wilt farm, all ol hkh is
clear aud under a gwel Mat? of cut iratlon.
The-e farms are within one mile of the Cheese
FactoilesolSng. liorrell it Co.
TFKMS. One-third in hand, on eonftnnstion
of sale, One-thinl in six uwuihs and one-third in
one year from day of sale, with itilert st on deferr
ed payments from day ol rale.
The Assignee will give additional information
topersons desiring to ptirchise.
Oct. le. Stoystuwn, Pa.
m, hoibmm & susJst received
West End, Main St., Somerset Pa.
i .w w, .r
FARQUAHB'S Fur Horse Threshing Ma
chines with Shaker.
i FARQ'JAHH'S Ttiroher a:i-l Separator.
Cultivator Shovels
Lspiirs for Ihxs? Ail a ri:vs
-May 1
JOl-liN K
?'Hardware, Iron,
Tho foUowiu; ia a partia! list
smith's Go..J:, Hcliows, AjvI!.,,
Hardware, lab irt--, (irj a-M!.
- Taoie KfiiveS fl?;i F-. rk
- i t - . . 1
; Mgtl StWi 13 hf-fflP.-M-
I uciKi, t-ti-irca rtt i nig i'-r iiitfj!? rt
I am;.-n, i urpi.-ocine. Hax?w.i i.i
I Ac. Wiutiow G!a. i of, .i a
Oil alivay? uu hau l Our rti t-k
varj fcJt-irantstfir-a iit.-i(i.jV Ci
Mattock, Grab Hye.-, Vkz
Cast StM-l, Sti-p Laiii?rj. C-rr!vi-
Glasses. Wasb IJ.-an!-. (.'! tr,-?s Wr,
Tuba, Wooilt-a li-jfkct.-. Tv.:'iu., li- i
Mop Sti.-ks, Tr-f, Su ,'?..!-. V,
Cbainrf, Ilukr-r ;,,:
rr Combs uud .'i-i
in tbe Builders' IIlv
The Tact lV
I kt-o eremhiDi thai
eAi-Kirfivelj in this kiod of y...t;d.- aid gife ost who!" attteat'oa v
who art! buiidiajr, r auy on-.' ia rrved of anrthliur it rnv 1:up,
it to their advantage to jrive'ri!.- call. I wiilalwavs five a re
i-rtruu to rfspnasioie pfrsciij. l
anil cope Urn season to make mat:?
To, a, "
-Apri: H '74.
irittsburgn Female College,
lat'irant riiil'.'iil'.s:-'. Ei -lit ('.i-rvtrtiu.-nls.
vntiia.'is in Jlu-; ir U-e L' -!-.U V.V'i UIIV Op Ml
Sj-.f. ii'V.. ii-..ri!!i.-r.:s. als-.. fr ir.iviii-r ami r,4iii::a.
TiiO Ciiiice ou to "il-e I.-trgt .--t a'ni bt On i d I
Atiurir-'.." ( ii.Hi;rs n- than any lM;t, akk.u
AfCiiJiMonATioNS -nii totlii; I'rtiik-tit
ri, nr a r.-.i.tioint. I lie t-.ii it
July 21
u oiHrSt
r 9-
fo-i I
wcrkmansh:p is squsl
aj esegantiy finished
k m m b a h h
XX.WX?." Vienna 2nd Con
r ?EiZ with
eacn rnacnmt?
8 8 888888
8 Pllk Mm MACHINE 6
m f; L li II I'
Agents Wanted iu City mul Coimin .
8 8 8 8 888888888888
w mmi mmm
Vj A-jlXl .JLOiFlease Call When In Tho Up-'-
IMS mi mm nmi m tmm mm.
UMit iiiAU II 1JU . MU Will mi i HtfiUi A . s VUKtf
161 State Street, Chicago.
July 1 1.
West end, Main St., 3om,.,
ALarg2 and Well S:!::;
(JUI:ESSV;a .;
Th3 Largest, Bot ana
Cheapest Assortment
of Men's and Boys'
Fresh and
Sca. Ever 0:Rr:d
.Ill Siiii!.4 of rnidme Takoi
in KxcliMiicf lor00:;s
iny I
Nailsr Gl
I nts
of ufU i:i Stock: Uirp-ij;
Vici-.-, File.-. ;a:.;:iht. a,.
lima,- llwih, Klx.
I-)i.kfi Knives, .Sci.-s-'rs, . u
a I :.
- .1 ( a
i : i,
ti:; - iiie jiaiuri:- .
t!P.k, r
! l 'a.-.- cai it m.i v
f Cj-J (.1,1 l.z'.rv
and Tir V-Ala of oi! -!.f.-;.
HC''.T?, y.i l Si.-Vf.-, In,,r t!;if
- alS siitr., Hjj Tuilt-vs, :jt::
t Cu:tt-r aad StuTt-rs, Tr
-sL-jt-. ;i.i 5:-ruh Urusht-s, H .-.-? Uru
D;jor L'.fks, lli:!-i-.s, S-,'.-A'.i, Late Lf.-i a::J t .
Cat-s, Lead, Sl..,t. iV.v.Ior aiidSufetv K-.i-i-
bel irn's to tho Hanlvrs-'r,.
my old customers for the
ue'v ouch. Don't f
rgft the pla.'
I a v
Tnf r,fv.i!irps iv.h
1C 'r:ntr!.l with l!.o
N ot!!-j-wi;ik, tv.ix v
1 li.r nitn-iiti. u-tl t.i;.-
Ktv. I. ('. J'EJ
iiin-;. i) i) v.
- iitoui'jt - r 4.
M -m ii -3
to a
I r J i a
CrirM'MviAi. 4
as a
f.rst-c!ass Piano. It
a 1 1 m k. r r 1 e-rax r.
c , r . . , m?m " '
c r. " r
3 ' --s 'P
5 S H 3
advvay, New York; Hew Orleans, La.; '
s , Chica-o, Ills.; and San Francisco, Caf.
8 8 8 8 8 8
iitfj Jlariii.i lur,
ryr. : r :.
ttl3iv :. : : : ,
.v.i.v.k; .' t r
.vy ss'. A : it !..
xix a
Li 1. 2 III OI
-n 't.v. r.'.r.-i