The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 13, 1878, Image 1

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Terms ot 1 tblication
Thj 3:nsr2:t Herald !
..ttMlshed every waanoaiay atoming mi r w j
'-r auoum, r'J ,B dvano otherwise 2 to
invariably be charged.
No tulxcrlptluQ will be discontinued nntll all !
srreoraiei are pall np. Poalmaster nerfloctLig
lo njti.y when fuuacrtber do not take out
tVdr pa.en. will be hsld liable f.-r the subscription, j
Sutwcribcrs removing from one Potofficetoan-j
,;ber shouU give os the lormor !
ell as tLe present offioe. Asddres '
The Somerset Herald,
Somerset, Ii
Somerset, Penna.
Auk 14
i I i'nil Bounty ant Pension Agent. Somerset,
i uifcee lu .'uauitnoeb Block, lao. 11-U.
n. b. s-1 t . ,.t . , ,
Somerset, Penna.
u Mil Icii. Alexander H. tVdfroto has
I . .,.,,,,.1 i. oracuee ui lw In Somerset and
1 -. In V.
nrtM In Mammoth iiuildiui:. i
I...U. ii,
i dealer in rwl et, Souicwt, l'a., iil
,.u"i io ail l uiTiei eutraauJ u tin ere with
t L.A W. Smwtwt, Ph.. will pmoti lu Soui
.rl aii.i tt l'.uiiinia; couuti6- Ail lufim: ea
;. isj tu tue w ill ie pr)ini.Uy atusnaea to.
.1 ', pfWl'tii' aieu4 lu U tiuameaf
ru-i..! i jl JvmiJ " collection
xV. t.'A' " Maumioiti iiullJicg.
-t'ilU.V'111. KtMlNTA AITOKNtY At
lLv !Mn:riM. a.. Kle pn.iui-l auen
- . , i,7in utratoa W ti:e cr- In Mrecl
V: i tdc i.joii'inx cuuiule. Ottloe in I'ctfatiiuf
i;,.u?e K' .
, , (j. KlMMtlT ATTL KNY AT LAW,
,1 -.' ,.'n.T?-t P., will aiu-uii Ui all heylneaa en
, .' , ;.ii care In SirtniT9et and a'li.iUiniK eoou-
;. ;"ti jirmnplneaii and Blcuty
"u.'-.-h bhtii.
ihi-e in ilim-
!eb. It) :u-ly
it. KiL
r-ct Pa. Ppilewl-ul liuslu'." intrusted
i-irettuuJe'iiowUhprooipi.uf." o I ndelity.
, ..'.i-r-utilll . Kf.'PLU ATTUHXLYS AT
( , u. Ail I.umu.m. ed t their care a Hi
tt in Miin Cross .traet, op;
(isite the
u:h cui ;ulr in Hi"
.u-n.f p eI.lrut(;'l to Ilia care oiii -
..:j.'.HLffatld Qdellty.
...HI".. P.
jTaiatnoth Hlo-k.ap iiiir.
St i 'tllt'.'t.i,,o ioiidi-. oa
limited, and nil h-l hual-
:tiuli d tovitb pnuiiMiiess
ua ii'itii'-j.
Wf itil'tr l'J'll'), ,
i I'd i t-.-f
if elver k "
O. e
vi i iC IIXF.K hnn permanently hnjited i
t ::. i-u-ii.-o ui h. i.r. "'".. ;
tt cbaiiea Kri-'itier'J tj:e
' 'J " ...
i H KKT-H AKFK tcn.Ierc htf pr-.tekwl !
! ) '-r.i'-c lotfceritiier.a S-tnerct a;. i vi.-.o- j
v t .,-e in reai-leacc. one d.-r .it of the War-,
ki; E M KIMMFXi will continue to practice
Cl-iiclne, ajidtendam 10 pr .iMfl'mulaervl
... me miteii 01 S internet and urrcmxlisa:
(tit. at the oi l d.-.-e. a lew
, viiade Kiu.
f ,K. A O. MILLI'15, n-rtw.
' ive practt' in bdwhhiik.
'Vl Iwaite.! at Soo-ewet tor-heprKe-.-Je.'and
tsnder hlf prolewm-il aer-
cl'it.en 'it Si-uierset and vhdnit.
' 1, lim. Still. OUIHlie I'lr
re tie fan oe ;aui:ed at
wiooHlly enKa'ci.
'. ciila puiiuptly answered.
I llwe'
l,r. V . F. FUM)KNni:iUJ
m Yrt Eje aM Ear fctoijTozs.
is i:ca'.ei jcrccrcttly
;:r ;zc ZSCLUSITE treatnert cf all
f ihe E73 srd Sar,
-icro cf tho :cce aid Threat.
Ofliee. A
! Mtatlit ntr .iri-i
M. COLLINS. l'tMIl, oinemet.
i'!ierehecanatautiuierl found puiwted lodo
liltira in I uaetieer IMia-a, uo ruurj.
oilkiti.ifol work, n.liu ftUiiw, rcuuiaunK.ei-,-.!!:-.
ke. ArtiPeial teeth ol all, and ol
-.1 liest mau-naHuaerwJ, rttofc nrrantcd
' '- hi f odrotli A NetTf tiew l.nihliim.
Main Cr' Street.
Souifrsol, P.
51. Vll
; i ,'. - i'j?ci.i.r x Fr.'.ie' ?'orf, s .r.'tfet.
i i:. : i-t. ni'ven vn-f I have t-rentiy re
. .1 the on.-. ii ol .-;ii;i-)l ti-l h In 1 1:1 pmv.
.. i.-t.iiit itiT; ?inir ileu.snd litee'b l.i nt
:..! tue io a enlarge my la.dlirte that ran
, r a ...I aeta ol lei tu at l,.wer pn-e, thn you
!!ieir. in h ii v other jihu-e in thir ii.untry.
: li n: ikltii a" K.i set ol teedl lor f and It
r-" -ImHii 1 I a::v Jforjot, nlll.J.i; ni.V ' ! J
. ;...aer In thi. 'or the adt-Hnmie ou:iiie that
! i.iade leeihtor that i not iriviij; wood fat-
t . cio rnli ifi me at auy tit : aad ;
V- ;r ot chrice.
t . It l'l.4i)t .
I fl T i' ft'
f I I j )
"V -i- - -1 ) I
: .1 Tecih. . utt l U. I nt the very best
- . Li:'ci.iie ai d ianaruBic, Inaeneit lu the
"' - ik Piriiialai attei.'ion paid to the pre
r ::. :. cl Ihe iiatuial U;h. Th.e wlaliiuK to
'.u.l .' hj letter, Ct 1.
1 iff as a,
i by enclosiiiit ';!ip
ict'i- l
I ! ; n'.ar a't.l twain bj use has talety
-: o ,iii,-iUre. wiiieh I ti. o it a very
--ir t..ppn c Mtrr Ut the tra-eline puldic. ;
...i.i k i. .ilt'i n' i; r.'inif... o m
! sn i n.i.ns ,n n..l I st.rpa'sii. an i-.
lt!.l el,,-, wst., unt. Illldic hall atl.ciie.1
ie s,n,r Ali larxe end nsiov rtal.Iii.a-.
Iar:it. caul had :.t tin- bwestpos-
j i y aiHrk. itay it meal. j
s Mij.ii ci s n:i t, i '-p
S. E. Cur. DlaiiK.!,
.1. Stoj siowi:, Pa.
r i t ' f Inctoellrg Shoot I np Ootrit.'--
R ! I Every Gun Warranted. -.'
' I
i ! . iii li r-inmd herehv k1cs notice I" all Ms !
"i s. ihal Lavlrs narnlariv rdd bts peiiton'
' '-. mm ot the Insolvent taw In the I oitrt
,,: ' ii.Ii.i PIvh irf -somerset 4'ountc. be
-k t.. u-. i., ,krif-l as au ln..lvnit debtor Ix
" " mi hi i'airt. on U'eilneiNlay, Nneirdier IS, IsTS.
' :it,l alereall ltilresle,1 n-av ait.-t-d.
" .-a at F 1 1 W a I: I 1 M M t. H M A N .
i.. I. ll-.i u ,.re. unt have been fi e 1 al tnv
1 e. n,.t win I ,r.tiMii:ei p.r ioi. h rn.4iin on
' l Sv...r. 4. )-7:
' to. It I 'hl. Af..Mm-r of S:imoii F.'rrrl.
I. t imo. .vsi.tuo.eol ,lati,b I'. .later.
"11 l,:i., l Arsig-i t W. W. Davis K Bro.
i.i. A. T!.ou:won. smgneeoi S. P. Flick.
J 'iiti li. I hi, Assigueeol Samael A. Ph-mi!.
F.J. KOOStll.
tct.i l-ro.
Somerset County
Vfish ier .Y!;ffW.
Collections made In ail pans of the "u alien State.
Charges moderate. Kutter atnl other checks col
lected acd cashed. Eastern and Wcsiern exchange
always (in hand. Remittances ma le with prompt
nets. Accounts solicited.
Partim desiring to pur-hasi V. S. PER
CENT. Ft'NHLD LOAN, can he accommo
dated al ll: Is lisnk. The capons lire prejioM in
denomin atii rs cf
ji. rices
diia iilit) idiUidiiUJ,
soMKitsirr. J'a..
:vnd Real Estate Brokers.
l :s i i-; l .isi n :d ti .
Person who del re to wrll.l.'uy or . ciuiUKC pr-p-
I e-iv. or lor rent will hnd il to tne.T tlvn!Keto
r;nitir the di-MTiplioa Unroot, i, nidwrjali
nmdtnih-mi old or tented. Ki! ft.tte tiuaineM
neneraUy wlilbe promptly attended to.
. Tfita asi Cigars,
. ViifrfV W 5KInieruian,
fioinerol, Iiiiin.
The ttid of ciirars r diScrcnt hrniids. miioulao
f :.rtd ly l.ircMdl. id toe i-ii-.ittt.-l t ti lr.-oa.
T:.t-rr fiifiis rjit,Ti t !-m si ll'-d t-y .ir.y In the niar
llcl. h:e of ll o l-c."t Mix-kn ! i;l.etmr tohaeco
, rr hrouknt to So. in rct. I'rlcea lo yn.f tiio
rtrroitY so. ;t.
Ccr. Main and Flcasant Streets,
1'itfia liiar-uiiicureJ U- in tl
Finest Leaf Tobacco,
4'ivuiK.fnll ursticr. ftvlt ? and pr. to uit all
rt4Uireu:tit. Iroin the c!iet lo t'ae m-t e-
p.MV0. At! ii.t .! are !te l ith a view to
,lU:,iiiv well low nurt. I liii' at pr. sotit
, Urg)! l(.k f ni;e lent to'., ic-. t all Winds 'n
li-.,i. aIKi will lw aide to mwriularture cigar at
cheaper prt.-ea than any other nrm lathe oounij.
Sept. 11, z mr..
Groceries, Cont'ec-tioTiB,
Qucensware, Willow ware.
Suit, Fish,
C. iVc.
83New Stock.g
All Goods Positively
Our iVIotto.
Io Sot Fail i ivc
When (loing your
Jan. 30
l'f ft'TCn FarmHoa-dlafidexehanif. We
v'tnH I L. U have hr.n.ireda or ruetoiurr
wuntliiK to l.uv mrn: jjM now. Never ki.ew a
hetiertiiue toa-dl AtTif at lair price, a people
n- lihinn nu n.:e hank an.l ekinif Acre
lot Mtetv. Addrev?
Pitmhurjfh Farm A
rittyotirli. Pa.
. PI. ja.n i-r,
134 Suillhheld St.
K 'ncy,
'I I.. w iu f f;,rai send for printed
Al.l. F.SIO. OI'tAS ti:pr..I2IS7.
Th'IlMSJfvderate. fruit fora Catah'f.
3 Jl'w'l'IT PAI'KS. IVim tiiiiwiile. Vs.
Au.-. J.
tl;,itri!HrKli,i.i:atl t nd,) I'a.
Collegiate ycr tiptn bVpit nilu r 12il.
I ..H-atitin 4 iniVs trr.trn fitrt llotiso.
OV( r-in.KtnC I'-tiM UU'l'J ;.' "
,.., mn, ttl. ni:ilr. Tetms for
- .... ti . x .... ,,i'
,. .. ,i,,..,t
bihttlitlli: rt!'l' ruiutfo.
Fur jurlit ulars
an,I ixtalocw' 'dv t
Acting rnstilctit.
U !:. A. r.EIIHY. Trcwurer.
I TbeSun.mcr and FaM t)le of F.. Puttcrbk
al Jin. I'- R. Waitu. r'i.
t09 Arch St.. and 804 South 2i St., H.iiadrlph
A Iso b T
the tvritnii.lsl PlalKr. fir.lcrs
Mle l by mall on red. Ipt id pri
i.hheii i s i li wtiin by ui-'ii-Aug.
I price. atai'itue ior
Tbe nodi
igned herebv gives notice to all Ids
i i l aving n-kuiarly hte.1 his petition
ere.. li..-. .. .. .hi C.,r.
for ihe lneb ol me iii-iio - - -
(IVM, t leas oi S. mersc.
to I itlscbaraed asan uebtur ' "'
M 4urt. Vie.tnes.lay NorenitMT Id, .,
'r "H LN kVh .n"Eha 'OH.
Hit, I s ti -
Tie Bert Faaily Ked.cine oa Earth.
HlOO 1f C.OT,T
vat.-.t tvTonrt i.-'"it t.f r tm.r.
la ft !c!i:iti-'.i r.pi; unua ii livn:, h-. m uiJ
'.'!nw Knnd id CfciUurnln wi Ir Wi in-he, c""U..a.Li A
Ti-n'.c, iaturtrtie, A'i-ratiT, D'uretic cnJ JrtoT15:.
lt lmm !lUM effect npnu the dlw-iim urcna, rihfr
Irrt-t.lrv 1 by tJra orxnistM intJi may c,: U t j Iii
rn?aM) ttvir pc("- of uulAtWn scd i:uri;i' i. I: t?v
cr Hf I'm fti-jv-tltc, asitfi dir'-tUm. ar-I ci'--jLj:t?t
uu l l.ino io i'io ui 't-Mii lar ad tlrmlatlnrr '.tTi. U - iir-i-i;r
t- s t ip i al jin-cestfn to rvnwetl at. ;U if , t- -.;. r e
rvfia nd j ti'lli 'H t fluids, tIlv tliO Uij:Cl. t -'-JU
tU.Jtl UitiX lll,lA.lLy IlaUflAUatA.
tilMii, J y-o .ri puff.Tir.rf ir m Mt.itn A 11 A! kS
Mi 1 1'-JI. t IMH.TIiN. l;HU B.Ti"S. i:i.M.U tl. Ik
i;iurv, .ovnriit", hum v r utl iti.LAttH,
or fciiT !u--i-ifr arv-Uit: froai t F1 KK IUHM, p.-t a bortle
ef M ft:i-i i-..c u pOTdirwttons up"T ct h t:io.
In I Ofrraan, SiViiiii.tS t-nd tYrnrh. Oua U-tJflv.:i!
brti rrt iivinco juiiui itsBi-jritJ Uia vulucici cpr.-dla
priulers' ti;k.
A trifil o; r brti in:r?i If '1vpti'ti in crerr IticHr.
tor no JJia . i,aaor I'UtM rantaLa UmUIAK and iv'D i.b
Jon i V. 1' ftr.-t c.-. an . ihj n -n, t'v n re;3a!-. tiicu
t-:-Ms op. t!ia'rcr;ii'riliavani cslsbliahlAiS hcaitiicaa
jk rrj it ;i. taft miid fr.viunu2 la''t.
1'jt up iii Urtro boUie. aix U i4.aMrt to lke.
Wa!!icr & li:i;laror Co., I'mr;-,
Jtorvr ntr. t?rtimrT e 5, lrrn.
No tc.T, rfin tr-n vr)iM I hTf? ni.rt -n-) ( r V.-.c . .10
yMrs ii).7ivt).v..ri,,( n;nu t;i,i..ti . rifi.s
at (;i3t-a iwi that ctnai ii-t uinl uj" n-y f -t. I
coul.l i;t vaik Imit a t:tiiu witti-.nt fcua-.-ring tutetwti
at'"nr wii'rli or.ll ttrlriT m wwr Ulm-w.
AiM::t otic v-'ir ! u nit loaut tl .. trr a bottle of
y nr imik K and an rial t nir tint ait- r tukir
ti'ur butt?.- 1 wrji r.tlr Iy rurvl f ktiUt iIwjhi hhi!
i it"w 4-itf(tvui)e i'j..t-11-nt health an-i :mairt... 1 a-l-
tsc all jiriiiltir I v liii
51m. ti. F. J-tKKl:
i in try it.iK ..
, 12 Sus x St.
Ai- a rtrcU'iaunw 'Ii'-ln T 'ancunfitif ntiy rt-poruta-ttd
trtKrM-, 1 hi-o iimkI il tti my lit'iv.'y an-1 mw
-li rf win- !i- trk-1 it ntl itrWv-uii'f K arid
niljt It lou't ro (jl:it; rtuiid tuiti Jia;fM:ii j"U
I'y iri.klnif n i r jj, but It aTtw!t W Lotuiuckd and ac
rtuiiUtiin t:iit wbvr- n;it '.t l writ.
ttil. VAJ.L, KWpr'a-t. L. I.
I n-wM on hnTU Ylf.ftRFAF an t r.n rmt-fnl'v ajr
f,..:t It 1 n.rrd rttf ,l i siKt'.l X aod B1I.MH sNkSSof
tear ttuidiu.
S C. ROR V.D., Lffboaoa, tt. J.
ran sai-kiiy
fi. W. S 1' E E R s ,
It III' a a 1ST, Somernet, Va.
W ho If authorSxed to icnarantee Vla-oren to prove
a? iriurant.'ed.
Sept. 18,
twrrlBtlr-Kww,Ji 1 1.
a,hd'a atawjr Pa
rsat car tiwiH ;i ti. in
BtKRT S. Z1ZCU. 5o!i tfiaii.ic!urer,
atn. at. .ha wl, rINi(itla.
( cl t)m
Cook & Beerits'
Flour and Feed
We wniid mot rc-pc-df-ilty snnonnce to our
frteintf and :hc t uhllc iroiifriiliy. i.) C:e town and
vh-itiity of SuiiiL-rsct, that wo have nucd uur
NewStoro on
Aad in uddldon t - u full line of the best
C'oitie-liiseriC!. Notions,
Tobarroriv t'lgarn. Ac.
We will endeavor, atall time, tn ennply jur cus
tomer with the
And verythir.n p&rtalnltig to the Feed Depart
njeiitu ti:e
Also, a well (elected stoei of
Qiawwart; Stoneware, 'Wc'(, i 'its In
all kinds, and
WL'.el we w'M si.ll as cbep a the chco pest-
Please call, examine our goods f all k!nd, and
sUsfied from your own judgajfr.t.
Don't forget where we stay
MAIN CK()SStret. Hoitersef. Pa
L lxisiTOPAv niit a r.rm.
S4to CIO Per Acre.
llcecli and Tlapli I. and In .Klelilit'i
In I lie MILLION AlKfl.litMul
Die branil ICapidxand Indiana
Itatlroad (onin;,
SI ran"; aoll-aurr cropa-iih-ny of tini-lr-
ua i!rou;itit no cLiniix Isua
uo " lipcr.'
Ilunnlnsalrrnrr- i-pit re water ready
iisi-k4l-iM'li4ls -ICallroHd 'om
plcled tbruti"; ceulre ol lite raut.
Send for pamIitrtc tTnIIals or
Addrras V. O. Ill 'CHART.
I.ii ri1 oinml.kiuui-r,
c;rad it ii ins, mitii.
-CAa POLISH Whoi HcATtota
L3 fl E rust.
S S U9' bHUeu,
ir rciJ tsa jr at r5.
C i-t M
Linoleum, Scc., 5:c..
At ihe Low est Trices io this Market,
riTTSIU'Rtill. 1A.,
iW. D. aH. McCALLUM,
Established 1.3.
io Rose Ann Ithnad;. widow.) Jane, intermar
ried with John Hih.m, E. W. Rh dj, C. P.". Waniiiel S. Khoii. If. A. Line .In Khoadr,
Daniel W. Knoada, Phiehe F. Khun.', Knyal
Khoad?, .Mary, iateraiarried Willi Joseph Cole
man, Harriet. Intermarried with Cornelia Yoder,
F.llen. iuLTinarricd with Samuel O. Nell. Sarah,
intermarried with I'auiel Savior. Knitua Khuad
and Catherine Kh mils, all ri'si.lin; in Somerset
Co., Pa., except Harriet, Kniina and A Lincoln
who reside io 1 .wa. you are hrehy nutiticd to ap
pear nt llrphsiiri' Court to lie held at Somerset, on
Monday, November 11. next, u nocept or refuse
the real estate ot Daniel Khoads, dee'd. at the
appraised price or htw cause why the same
should not he sold.
Sheritt timce. ) ttEt I. Ty. P1LR
Sep. 2H, BT8. )' Sheriff.
Oct. a
John FrUd.ine. Mary intermairie.1 with John
i.. Sarah hrlfrillTie m l.tow ol Aaron frrtetlllne.
Wodiieui ei , laae I riedune and Jacob t ried
liue, all resl.tiua; in Somerset t ". . . Pa., L)din, In
termnrrleil witu Noah tlood. i f the St?ite of I..wa: '
Ahrah:ini Frieilline.rcsldinir in Nevada Territory, j
Franklin FriwPlnei.ftlie State of lowj, you are j
herehv notiftnt to appear nt nn Orwnn' Court to ;
he hi i l nt Si ineret, on M .n.lay the ll h day of
Novem'-cr. next, to accept or reiuse the ri al estate
of Aar n Friwll'.ne, dee'd. at the appruisetl price.
or show cause why the same should n t he Bold.
Shci-ill tiltl., t tLO. W.FILh,
Sep. XH. lsTS. Sherlfl. I
Oct. -i i
A av
Hy virtue id an order of the Court of('on:i:ion
Pleas ol Somerset county. Pa., 1 will sell at the I
Court-house, in Somerset liorouith, oil I
Saturday, November 0, 1878, j
at 1 e'clock r. o! S:ild diy, the fullnwlna; real
estate, vi: 1
1. A bit of aroun 1 situate in Somerset UtouhIl,
Somerset county. Pa., containing one-tourtii were,
more or less, fronting 66 lect 141 '.'VlalnH.'ros street,
and ruur,ini( hack !J4 feet on Ka-e street lo
Ctmrch alley, thence alonit Church alley M feet
to land of Jsa.ic lluuus, thence by land ot same
and lot of Noah ttaehecr Jt4 leet to Maln-cros
street, bavin; a story and a haii frame house, sta
ble and other out-huildinK thereon crei'teil.
2. F'our lot of ground situate in Somerset
townstup, Somersat county. Pa., containing in all
alio.Jt otie-fourih acre, aitjoinin hinds of John
Nell Assignee on the east, A. J. Co'dn rn on the
n'-rtb. West street on the west and Turkejfoot
road on the South.
TF.K.MS t toe-third iai conlirmalion ol axle.
otie. third in six months, aod one-thir.1 in one year
with interest irom uay oi 4ic; ueierrci payment
lo he secured by judgments on the land.
O.-L 16. Asaitfiioe ol C 11. Collorn.
baulel S. Horner ) In the Court of Common Plea
vs. 7 (il Guillen i ivtt-j,, o. av.
Surah K. Bnrper I T. 1STS. No. 1TK.
Altas suhpojaa for Divorce, on the grounTW
To Sarh K. H.mcr, the defendant nam
ed : Voo are hereby notilied to t and appear at
the next Court of Common Pleas, lor Somerset
county, to be he,d at Somerset, on the second Mon
day of November, A. 1). PCS. (11th day) to answer
to ihe complaint of Daniel S. Horner, your hus
band, the plaintill alnivc named, and show cause
II anv yon nave, why yoursaid husband should not
lie dlvorcen from the "b.nds of matrimony entered
into with y.u, agreeably lo the praer of his pcti
ll.-n and libel exhibited spainst you Iwfjre the
said I ourt.
KheriU's Office, ) OE'J. W. P1LK
Oct. 14. IS. 8. Slicrilt.
Uct l
V A MM lit: R i: Ui iistati:.
Pursuant to nn order issued out of the Court of
(Common Pleas id Sotnersel county, Pennvlv-mhi,
the lit.dcriiigncd. asinee tt John J. liottuian,
will cll at pjldic ralu, ou
Thurtday, November 1, 1ST8,
atZo'cloik, r. In front oi the Court-house, in
Somerset, Pa., the following described real estate,
vir. :
K.i 1 A lot or idece of irround situate il the
borough of Somerset, boun.led on the north by j
I'nlou street, on the east by lot of Presbyterian 1
c.iiirt-tcatioii.on she s -uth by aaaliry, and on the
est by h'ts ol Vm. If. Kooult, K..aaii Jilah
t.rant. The laipnivemeiusare a lare, very hue.
two-st. rj-brh k owclliritf-h. use, with slate naif,
lias fi.turrs,-atid other luwlcrn Improvements;
acil a brick stable slate nail. This Is one ol the
most dcirable residences in Somerset bon.uuh.
No. 'i. A tract ol laud siiu-te in Somerset
tmvn.hin. Somerset eountv. la.. cmtatainir atiout
16 acre, al loinlng land of Adain IMiller, Cbrlit
UnCnaav, Frank Launtt, I riah Trent and oth
ers. There is a new two-story Iramc dweliliia-
bouec and small stable on the larm. Iherc la al
so a young orchard and au abundance of water
and tluitwr.
Oct I Asaijtoee oi Jno J. HuJJma
Fjitate of William Kocker, late of Uticnmhouing
Twp. S merset county. Pa., dee'd.
letter of administration on the alwve eat
having been granted to the undersigned, notice 1
hereby given to those indebted to It to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims aa-nlnst
It, to prc'.-ept them duly authenticated foreltie
lueut on haiurilay, the iiOth day of N7emt)cr. thcreMnence of (reorgo kouker, in said
JONATHAN W. Hl.ortill,
Oct. 3 Administrate r im Inlanu nto tmnexo.
It Kit, i: STAT II
Ity virtue of an onlcr Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas, ol Somerfi County, Pa., the
nodertdicneu. Assignee ol Danh-i Kti::;, will sell at .tie, oa .
Friday, November 8, 1S73,
at 1 o'clock r. if.. In front of th Court-house, in
Somernt, Pa., the following valuable real estate,
The farm of Daniel Kelm. contaluiiig uliout 166
acres, situate In Conemsugh township. Somerset
county. Pa., adjoining lauds of Daniel Weaver,
lleiija'min Hlough, F.iijah Herkey and others,
having a two-story brick dwelling-house, a Ino
story Irame dwelling house, large barn and other
bnildlngs thereon erecteil. Part of the bind is
well Umbered, balance in gooil state of cultiva
tion. A good meadoa and plenty of water on Ihe
IireiniK-s. Jacob Mummau has an ctpiilahle
n'.en-st, il.irh will be made known on day of
TEKMS HflO cn day of sale, 4i00 on o r llnna
t ion o sale I on the st ol April, ls7'.i, and
,C0 annually thereafter until the whole I paid.
M. SCllliuCK,
Oct. 13. As-ignce ol Daniel Kelm.
1 he undersigned hereby gives notice to alt bis
creditors. I hat having regularly hlcl his petition
lor the bencht of the Insolvent Laws in tho Court
of Con.mon Pleas Jd Svmer-ct Ciunty, he will
ask to I illscb.ira-cd s au insolvent debtor te-
l.ira the raid Court, on Wednesday, November 10,
UT8, alien and where all Infi-cited may attend
t cl. .3 III DAM hi, S. lioKNEK
E.tate of John !. Smith, lata of Huemahonlng
uwnsnil, (teceaseii.
Letter ofailminlstrat ion on the ahore estate bar.
Ing l:ecn granted to the undersigned by the pn.p-
er authority, notice i ncreoy given to ttiose in
debted toil to make in mediate payment, and those
having claim against It will present them duly
authenticated lor ettiemeni u trie Aiiministrati.r,
at the late residence ot the deceased, on tbestta
day of December. 1T.
Oct I Administrator.
Notice l hereby given that William Cook of
Somerset township. Somerset Co., Pa., by deed ol
voluntary aanlirnment ha asriam-l all hi estate
real ud per.iKl totieorge ii. Walker, in trust
for the benefit ol the creators ol the said William
Cook. A II persons indented to the Assignor will
make immediate pavment. and those having
claim will present them duly authenticate I for
settlement to the undersigned, at the oltice ol
John li. Scott. Esq. iu the hnriaigh of Somerset
on Saturday, November JO. lhTH.
, rji i l(i t e. vs. wAxn.r,n.
Oct. 23 Assignee of Willum CWk.
nrThtisln you ean engage in. S to J0 per
i i- V I made bv aov woiker of either sex
uLO I r'f1'1 lu their own I.H alltie. Particulars
!! time at ti.1 business. Address Stissjox t
Co., Portland Maine.
March 27
V. V. llellman and J. .1., j
Hsrawn ui rcwr iineim,
!.J and 1,'eler S. Hay, W. U.
Hit and s M. Savior, adin'rt.
oi f'avhl H, dec d, and Sam
nelM.Sjjr In the Court
(-muion Plcaof i
Somerset Co.. Pft.
Xo. 6M Au. T. i
Frana J. Aupach, Jainr4 An- j
inch and Chai lei t. An.'pacu. J
By virtue of a rniininH.i. tatnft Mt of
Court id Uumnina Pica ot 8merrt Co.. Pa., and "-u Cipiorer, will oe IUUOU Yerj in
to me directed, authorizing and reiiuinna- iue terftinir Thf f-lnrv if har.Uhln nnrl
thereunto. I will Oder at natdlr sale, ai th. . " 1 UB rlorJ 11 CraSDID &DU
House In Some r A boruUKh. at Pi clock A. m., on
Thursday, November 21, 1S78,
j the following described real eel ate, beinjr the
' aame as recovered In an aciton ol 'ejectment hv the
' plaintillf aicainst the defendant ahore named, to
j the nomh-r and term aforesaid, to wit :
All the coal. Iron ore. 6r clay, and all other
niim'rais U.uid and svlul. lttina-ani hemic on, up
i on and under the surface of two tract of land situ
! ate in Klkltrk Turp., Sooieraet Co., Pa., and the
; luiiduic privileKes and nxlitsol way ajipurtenant
; lo the oanie. to wit :
.. .. ...... 114 Lrra ami
loo jwrrht, the rurlare id which aud three acres
of said miuerals under and above the farui build
i:i!ti are and helona; to the etate of i: Hay and
P. and IS. W iibelui. dee d, ami In posession of
Lewi Horchler. mljoinlnir the Maryland line, tract
No. i in tniaadvenlsenienthinda id S. J. Miller,
Thomas Lee, Al. J. Heaehy and other, known a
the Pennsylvania part of tfia donas Beiichy lariu.
No. 3. A tract of land situate a aforesaid, con-tainina-
Z24 acre, adjoininv A'o. 1 al. resai.l. the
Maryland line, Daniel Hcrsalenrer, Thomas Lee
and others, the surface of Which, toicetbcr ith
inrec acre oi sam niinenia aniter and aoout the
farm builuines, and twelve acres o4 tiie upier vein
of limcBtone i owned by l.llas IleriihtK.ri(er ami M
Beachy, and now In their possession.
J. O. (xlLK.
4cL a Saner in Chancery.
For slnklnif siiell.1
'SuOO will be nal.l fori
nt, diztlness. palplta
il ease that Hon Hit !
iion au.t low pirits.
tfrelyon Hep ilitter.''
ers will not cure or
ielp." j
"Hop Hitter buildrj
"Read or. procure and
use Hop Jiittcrs, and
tip, slrenglhens, cn U
v-iu will te strong.
urts caitlnuullv Iroml
icalthy, and happy.''
urss umsa.
I "Ladks do you want
io be stronir, healthv.
"Fair skin, rosvl
heeks, and the sweet
'aid heantilul? Then:
st breath la hop Hi;
use Hop Bitters. "
I "The irr,itest appe-
"Kidnevand Vriua
:ixer, stomach, bhaai
y complaints of all;
md liver reiiulator
klnes iKroiauently cur
Hop Hitters.''
cu ny nop liitter .
Cleruymen, Law
'Sonr stomach. ii k'
yera, Kdltors, liana
EheaAacho. and .Urn J
ri. and L..iilie9 nceil
(ties nop Bitters cures,
Hop Hitters Daily."
sit, a lew uoes.'
"Hop Hitter has re
tored to aobrletr an.t
Take Hon Hitter-.
three time a dav ami
health perfect wreck.-!
vou will have no doc i
irom lntemiicrance.
Itor billsto pay."
F..r sale by H
ji:ouct:vv. sii:ehs.
SifXri'ei-SiOt. lnnH.
Notice 1 herebv given, that John lh'cter ol
Allegheny Twp, Somerset Co., Pa., and France
Ids wile, bv deed ot voluntary assignment, have
assigned ail the es:ate, real and personal, ol the
said John Dectcr to F. A. Werner, of New Hal
tiiuorc borough, in said county, in trust for the
benclit ol the creditors or the said John lveter.
All jierfttrs. therefore indebtefl to tlio said John
liecter. will make payment to the seid Asalnco,
and llioae having claim, or (t-raands, will maku
known the without deiay. The Asigna
desire Ui meet all debtors and cretlitors at. the
residence of John Iieeter, ou Saturday, tho 7th
ol Deoemlicr, lsTH. Disregard of thUntteenn the
part of debtor may Involve them iu trouble an.l
F. A. WF.8XEB.
Oct, 3D As.-igneof Jolm Dei-tcr
- fbe anderlBtcd herei' riVi., i.'jo t aH hie-
ereilitors, that having regularly filed his petition
lor the benefit ol the Insolvent Laws in the Court
of Common Pleas of Somerset County, he will ask
to be discharged as an Insolvent debtor before the
atd Court, on Wednesday, November 13, ISTj,
when and where all interested mnv nttend.
Oct.'iiSt UEUKtiE NfcVILE.
The ndcrsilined hereby give notice to ail his
creditors, tliat having reguUrlv tiled hi petition
for the benefit ol the Insolvent Law in the Court of
C.immon Pleas oi Somerset County, he will ask to
be discharged as an Insolvent debtor before the
aid Court, on Wednesday, November 13, 17,
when and where all Interested mnv a'tend.
tunrA J (incor
porate.! by the State ol
Pennsylvania) every mem
ber of which wears an Arti
lieial Icg. ciunutaeture
I(tF BviUlvET I.I KS.
The most ei.mto rtatde and
durable limb, and tlionoar.
est appro u h to the natural
member of auy invention
ol the age.
We have hied N.nds with
the V. S. Government and
are authorised to make
limbs for soldiers on (ov
ment order. Klanksofall
kinds and descriptive circu
lars sent on application,
MAN I! FA. II" Hi NO I'll.,
No. K Pcnn av., Pltt--burgh.
Secretary aud Business .Manager.
Notice is hereby given to all persona concerned
as legatee, ciedltor or othtrvije, thai the l"l
luwkig account have paed reirlster. and that the
saino will lie ireentcd for continuation and al
lowance at an Orphan' Court to be held at Sum
orset, ou Thursday, November 14, 1n7.
1. Account of Valentine J. Miller. Oaardian
of Emma liood.
2. Account of Thomas Cupp, Ouarjian id
Heniamin J . Nickler.
S. Second account of Cyrus Knyman and Mor
(!: Itrant, Executors of Jn.-ob Zerloss, ibrcascd.
4. A'ouiii oi William Joniison, ( ol
Annie WikkU.
5. First and Until rcii unt of J. Ihw-r,
Aoniinistrator. etc., ol Peter J. Hatr, deceased.
R. First and linnl account of Jasiah L. Burk
holder. Ad mini, ralor, etc., of Henjauiin Long
7. Aeeo' ol Nah S. Milier, Admlnistrutorof
the eaiivte of Peter Coleman, diceased.
8. First r.nd final account of Isaac Hlanse t,
Adininistrntorof Susan .M. Penreai, deceased.
it. Account of Auam Suntpsiiue, Uuardian of
EJiralieth A. Sumpstlne.
Id. Firal and hnal account ot John OluITt, Ad
ministrator of John J. Miller. deceaed.
First and tlnal accrant of E. M. Schrock, ad
minisLratorol Carl Hellman, lite of Brothers
valley township deceased.
Oet.l. Keglster.
Hy virtu.) of an order issued out of the Court ot
Common Plims. lu ami for the County ol Somerset,
the undcrsiirned Assiance of Joseph Landi. of
Stonye-reck T p.. county aforesaid and Slate of
Pennfylvania. .ll sell at public sale, at the Court
House in the itopiugh of Somerset, on
. f'rid'.y, November 8, 1813,
at 1 o'clock p. m ., tne followino; described real
estate. Viz:
A certain tract of land situate in Stonycreek
townfhiii. Situersct county, Pciinfylvani.
adoinitg landaol F.phraim Roea, Jacob
Kimmcl. John Hoycr, Henry Stull and other,
containing 52 acres more or less and allowance, of
which tUeresreabout 40 aercs clear and lo acres
In meadow, with a taro story log house ami bank
J.arr. I hereon erected. This rarrn If well watered
1 . .. . . - I - I I.!., t. .......
alio 'il ecrj ivrn i uuuiv.
TEKMS. Ten iicrctnt. el the pnrchaso money
to lie i.l on day ut aie ; ons-thini iuoludlng the
ten lier ccut. on continuation id" sale and delivery
iifdned; one-thirilinsix moiitha, and oue-lhlnl ill
one year Irom the dale of order ol sale, (vis: !ftM of
April 1978,1 with lntereat on deferred pavmcnts.
Oct. Assignee vt Joseph Landi.
tatbe known world, batnpu watcAfrte to
AgenU. Addrei, A. titnag A Co, Chicago,
hkrcar, the Honnnttile Willi ax M. Hall,
Pretident or the several Courts of Common Plea
of theCounties eoming the sixteenth Judicial
District, and Justice of the Court of Oyeraud Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial ol
all capital and other onender in the said District,
and DiXtLL STt-rrr and C.C. Mcmiixax Es-
3uires.Ju.lacs of tbe Courtsof Common Pleas, and
unices ol the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital
and oiheroOender In theCounty of Somerset, have
Issued their precept and to me directed, for hold
ing a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Dellv.
ery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Somerset
Oat Monday, Savesahtr It, 1S7S,
Norira i krrrby givtn to all the Justice of the
Peace, the Coroner an.l Constables within Ihe said
County of Somerset, that they be then and therein
their proper person, with their roll. rcoorii,inqui.
anions, examinations, and other remembrances, to
dothoae thlnvs whlcn to tneir omces ai.u id vim.
Khanmirwin w done: and also, they who j
thera, to prosecute against them as shall be just.
Oct. W.
3 7.
NOVEMBER 13, 1S78.
The folIo'inT f Tlract Irnm m. nonr
book br Henrr M Star.lor th if.
thel: r' i i.
adveatcre is well told, and much
light is thrown en the fascinating
subject cf African travel:
'Before I sailed from England
over twelve hundred letter were re
ceived from general, colonels, lieu
tenants, midshipmen, engineers, com
missioners of hotels, mechanic), wait
ers, eoi.k, nr7atits, aad somebodies
aud nobodies, fpirituil mediums and
magoetizers, e:c , etc. They all
knw Africa, were perfectly acclima
tized, were finite sure they would
please me,, would do me" impor
tant services, gave me from any
number of troubles by their ingenuity
and resource?, take me np in balloons
or by flvinfr curriajzes, make us all in
visible by tbeir magic art?, or by the
' sciences of magnetism," would cause
all ea vases to fall asleep while we
might ps ajjwhere without trouble.
Indeed, I felt sore that, had mon
ey enough been placed at my dis -
posai at time, 1 might have led
5,000 Englishmen, 5,000. Americans,
2,000 Frenchmen, 2,000 Germans,
500 Italians, 250 Swiss, 200 Bulgari
ans, 50 Spaniards and 5 Qreeks, or
15,005 Europeans, to Africa. But
the time had not arrived to depopu
late Europe, and colonize Africa on
such a scale, and I was compelled to
decline accrptinjr the valuable serv
ices f the applicants, aud to content
mjfi It with Francis, Jt'fcn and "Ed
ward IVarock and Frederick Biker,
whone entreaties had been seconded
bv hi mitLer on my return from
Nor did Stanlev's troubles in this
line euti here. Tbev fo!ied biro
persistency to Ziczibar.
But v,Li'i many were thus clamor
ous to go, n t a dw weakened after
tbey Lad c irted. To quite Stan
ley :
"Deferti ..a from tbe expedition
had been fei tj ipnt. At first Kache
che, the chitf detective, and his gang
of four men, wh had received ia
structioas to I il w us a day's jour
ney bi-hiuJ, er.a'. I.'d me t j recapture
six.eeo of the de.-t rters ; but the con
niving Wanywaria and Wanyamweyi
soon discovered tbi-i resource of mine
against their well k i own freaks, and,
instead of etrikiDif east in their de
parture, absconded either north or
south cf the track We then bad de
tectives posted long before dawn,
several hundred yards away from the
camp, who were bidden to be in wait
in the bush, until the expedition had
starter!, afid-ia tbi? anir we suc
ceeded in repreasiug to some extent
the disposition to desert, and arrest,
ed very many men on the point of
escaping; but even this was not ad
equate. Fifty had abandoned us be
fore reaching Mpwapwa, taking with
them the advances tbey bad received,
and of'.en their guns, on which our
safety might depend.
' Several feeble men and women
ais) bad to be left behind, and it was
ovidetit that the very wariest meth
ods failed to bind tbe people to their
duties. Tbe best of treatment and
abundance of pfc?isi.os dis'ributed
were alike insufficient to induce such
faithless nst ores t-.y be loyal. How
ever, we persisted, and so often as
we failed in one we tried another,
er. Had ali these men remained
Ioya! to their contrite", aad promises,
we would have been too strong fjr
any force to attack us, as our Lum
bers must necessarially have com
manded respect in lands among tribes
where onlv power is respected."
Not only did desertion thin out tbe
little party, but starvation and sick
ness did their share in depleting the
ranks. In speaking cf the fight that
took place almost on the outset of
the journey, Stanley says:
"Oa the mo'ciag of tbe 24th we
waited patiently in our camp. Why
should we attack? VTe were watch
ed enough a3 it was without seekiog
to add to our wretchedness. We
numbered only seventy effective men.
for all the rest were invalids, fright
ened porters, women, donkey-boys,
an-1 children. The sick list was
alarmiug, but, try as we might, the
number was not to be reduced.
While we lived from hand to mouth
on a few grains of corn a day, our
plight ranst not only remain pitiable,
but become worse. We were there
fore in a mood to pray that we might
not be attacked, but permitted to
leave tbe camp in safety."
Headers t f Irving's life of Colum
bus will remember how he procured
provisions from the Indians by pre
dicting an eclipse of the moon. Stan
ley describes here how he played
upon the cupidity of the negroes j
"We had received one banana and
a piece of- cassava. We had our
mouths and our stomachs with us.
An appropriate gesture with tbe ba
nana to the mouth, and a gentle fond
ling with a puckered stomach, would,
we thought, be a manner cf express
ing extreme want, eloquent enough
to penetrate the armored body of a
crocodile. We came opposite the vil
lage at thirty yards' distance, and
dropped cur fvtonc anchor, aud I
stood np with my ragged old helmet
oushed back far, that tbey might
scrutinize my face, and the lines cf
suasion be properly &een. With the
banana in one hand, and a gleam
ing armlet of copper and beads of
various colors in the other, I began
the pantomime. I once knew an id
iot in B.-usa. Asia Minor, who en
treated me tor a pera in much the
same dumb strain that I implored
tbe assembled hundreds of Rubunga
to relax that sullen sternness, that
oncompromiaing aspect, that savage
front, and yield to tbe captivating in
fluence of fair and honest barter. I
clashed the copper bracelets togeth
er, lovingly bandied tbe bright gold
brown of the 6bining armlet, expos
ed with all my best grace of manner
long necklaces cf brig it and clean
. , . ,, . . .
Cyprfea, and allured their at-
with beads of the brightest
colors. Nor were tho polished folds
of yellow brass omitted ; and
again the banana was lifted to my
open moaih. Then what suspense,
what pdtieute, what a saint like air
of resignation ! Ab, yes! but I
thick I may be pardoned for all that
pantomime. I h id a number of hun
gry, half-wild children ; and through
a cannibal world we bad ploughed
to reach these unsophisticated chil
dren oi nature.
Many are the accounts of battles
and ekirmishes with which the pages
cf '-Through the Park Continent"!
are interlarded. We give as indie-1
ative cf a description of one fight,!
that belj tbe cjtilluetee of the Liv
iogstotie aad Aruwmi rivers :
"At 2 P. M . hera ded bv savssrei
, . , . - ,..l
fehmita fcrtm tha wa&rt eiararm nrf-.,.h l
irom some cause or otner are unusu
ally exultant, we emerge out of the
shelter of the deeply-wooded banks
io. presence of a vast affluent, nearly
two thousand yards across at tbe
mouth. As soon as we have enter
ed its waters, we se a great con
course of canoes hovering about
some islets, which stud the middle of
the stream The canoe men, stand-
: - . l . . - . . i . -i
ug, give iuu buout as inej u.3-
cern us, and
blow their horns louder
! than
ever. We pull briskly on to
mil hrieblv nn frt
gam tbe right bank, and come in
view of tbe right affluent, when,
looking up tbe stream, we see a sight
that sends the blood tingling through
every nerve and fibre of the body;
arouses net only our most lively in
terest, but also our most lively ap
prehensions a flotilla of gigantic ca
noes bearing down opon us, whicb,
both iu siz? and numbers utterly
eclipse anything encountered hither
to ! Instead of aiming for the right
bank, we form in line and keep
straight down the river, the boat tak
ing position behind. Yet, after a
moment's reflection, as I note tbe
numbers of the savages, and the dar
ing manner of the pursuit, and tbe
apparent desire of our canoes to
absudon the steady compact line, I
give the order to drop anchor. Four
of our canoes affect not to listen, un
til I chase them and threaten them
with my guns. This compelled them
to return to the line, which is formed
of eleven double canoes, anchored
tea yards apart. The boat moves up
to the front and takes position fifty
yards above them. Tbe shields are
next lifted by tbe non combatants,
men women and children in the
bows, and along the outer lines, as
well as astern, and from be'uind these
the muekets acd rifles are aimed.
'We have sufficient time to take a
Tit; f the mighty forea bearing
don tt '' us, and to count tbe number
of the vessels which have been
collect' d from the Livingstone and
its great affl jent. There are fifty-four j
. t . L ...... 1 1 .
u ; a
the. way. with two rowsof up-stand-!
inz paddles, forty men on a side
their bodies bending and swaying in
unison, as, with a swelling barbar
ous chorus, they drive her down to
ward us In the bow, standing on
what appears to be a platiorm. are
!en prime young warriors, their heads
gay with feathers of tbe parrot, crim
son and gray; at the stern, eight men
with Ion ir paddles, whose tops are
decorated with ivory balls, guide the
monster vessel ; and dancing up and
down from stem to stern are ten men,
who appear to be ehiefs All tbe pad
dles are headed with ivory balls,
every head bears a feather crown,
every arm (hows gleaming white ivo
ry armlets. From the bow cf the
canoe streams a thick fringe of long
white fibre cf tbe llyphone palm.
The crashing- sound of large drum,
a hundred bla-vs from ivory horns
and a thrilling ehant from 2,000 hu
man throat, d not tend to soothe
our nerves or to increase our confi
dence. However, it is "neck or
nothing.' V7e have no time to pray,
or to tako sentimental locks at tbe
savage world, or even to breathe a
sad farewell to it. So niacy other
things have to be done speedily and
"As the foremost comes rushing
down, and its consorts on either side
beating the water into foam, and
raising their jets of water with their
sharp prows, I tarn to take a last
look at oor people and say to them:
" 'Boy3, be firm 83 Iron ; wait un
til ycu see the first spear, and theu
take good aim. Don't fire all at
once, iveep aiming until yon are
sure of your man. Don't think of
running away, for only your guns
can save you.'
"Our blood is up now. It ia a
mu'derous world, and we feel for the
first time that we hate the filthy, vul
turous ghouls who inhabit it. We,
therefore, lift oor anchors and pursue
them up stream along the right bank,
ontil rounding a point we see their
villages. We make straight for tbe
banks, and continue the fight in the
village streets with those who have
landed, hunt them out into the woods,
and there only sound the retreat,
having returned the darin? cannibals
tbe compliment of a visit."
The dfficulties of travel that beset
the explorer are graphically related
in the following extract:
"Tbe constant slush and reek
which the heavy dews caused in the
forest through which we had travel
ed tho last ten days had worn my
shoes out, and half of the march I
traveled with naked feet I bad
then to draw out of my store my
last pair of shoes. Yet we were
still in the very centre of tbe conti
nent What should we Jo when all
were gone, waaaquestioa which was
asked cf each other often.
The faces of the people, Arabs,
Wangwana, Wanyamwezi and the
escort were quite a study at this
camp. All their courage was oozing
out, as day by day we plodded
through the doleful, dreary forest.
We saw pythons ten feet long.a green
viper, and a monstrous puff-adder
on this march, besides scores of mon
keys ot tbe white necked or glossy
black species, as also tbe small gray
and large howling baboons. We
heard, also, tbe "soko," or chimpan
zee, and saw one nest belonging to it
in tbe fork of a tall bombax. A le
mur was also observed ; its loud,
harsh cries made each night hide
ous. "The path presented myriapedes.
black and brown, six inches in length;
while beetles were innumerable, and
WHOLE NO. 1427.
armies of deep brown "hot-water"
ants compelled us to be cautiou? how
we stepped.
"Tne difficulties of such travel as
we had now commenced may be im
agined when a hort march of six
miles and a half occupied the twenty
four men who were carrying the boat
sections au entire day, and so fatig
ued them that we bad to halt anoth
er day at Wane-Kirumbu, to recruit
their exhausted strength.
"The terrible ondergrowth that
her engrossed all the space under the!
shade of the pillared bembax and
mast-like mvu'.e was a miracle of
j vegetation. It consisted of ferns,
j spear grass, water cane, and orchida-
! rpnna ulants mlvpil or ith ttrtl.t
, .,. : A
i - - - -, - - -- - - - -
1'aiuja oi i iou9 e-Litritc., lui'.aus d'JU
f . ... r . '
a hundred other varieties all strug
gling for every inch of space, and
swarming upward with a luxuriance
and density that only thi3 extraordi
nary hot-house atmosphere could
nourish. We had certainly seen fcr
esta before, but this scene was an t p
och ia our lives ever to bo remem
bered for its bitterness ; the gloom
enhanced tbe dismal misery of cur
life; the slopphg moisture, tbe un-
kAl4i,h -, Itmn lh ,
here, and tLe
I ,k,,.J .
nothing but
1 . J . . . .
tbe eternal interlaced bratcbes, the
tall aspiring stems, rising from the
tangle through whicb we had to bur
row and crawl like wild animals, on
bands and feet."
But not all of Africa is benighted,
as the following extract will show:
"At Wane-Kirumbu we found a
large native forge and smithy, whera
there were about a dcz?n smiths bus.
ily at work. The iron ore is very
pure. Here were the broad bladed
speers of Southern Cregga, aod the
equally broad knives of all sizes,
from the small waist-knife, an inch
and a half in length, to the beavv
Roman sword like cleaver. The bel
lows for the smelting furna"e are
four in number, double-handed, and
manned by fuur men, who, bv a
quick up-and-down motion, supply a
powerful blast, tbe noise of which n
heard half a mile from the scene.
The furnace cousis s of ramp -1 clay,
raised into a mound, ab ut t;nr foet
high. A hollow istbep excavated in
it, two feet in diameter a-id to feet
deep. From the middle of the slope
four apertures are ex:' vattd into
the base of the furnai, cito Licb
are fitted funnel-shaped eartfcr -i pipes
to convey the blast to tbe fi a. At
the bass of the mound a -vidn aper
ture for the hearth is exc vat- pen
etrating below the fur i. ice. The
hearth receives tbe dross aud si?.
"Close by stood piled up mat-sacks
of charcoal, with a couple of boys
ready to supply the fuel, and about
two Jardd cff small su ithv,
. . . , . -
mete, axes, war hate-bets, spes-s,
knives, swords, wire, iron balls ti h
spikes, leglets, armlets, aud
beads, etc. The art of the black
smith is cf a high standard in the
forests, considering: the loneliness of
the inhabitants. The people have
much traditional I ;re, and it appears
from the immunity which they have
enjoyed ia theo dis-nal retreats, that
from one generation to another some
thing has been communicated aod
learned, showing that even the jun
gle ni".n is a progressive aod improv
able animal "
We must cl-se the account with
the following, rela'iug to a village of
skulls :
"Tuo most singular feature cf Kani
pjrzi village was two rows cf skulls
ten leet apart, runuicg along tho en
tire leogth of tbe village, imbedded
about two inches deep in the ground,
the 'cerebral hemispheres' upppr
most, bleached and glistening while
from the weather The skulls were
1 SO ia number in this one village.
To me they appeared to be human,
though many had an extraordinary
projection of tbe posterior lobes, oth
ers of the parietal bones, and the
frontal bones were unusually low and
retiring; yet tho sutures aad the
general aspect of the greatest num
ber cf them were so similar to what
I believed to be human that it was
almost with an indifferent air that I
as.ked my chiefs and Arabs what
these skulls were. They replied,
'sokos' chimpanzees (?)"
The normoiKS
All cur young readers know well
the common mouie, and may have,
doubtless, seen the field mouse; but
the dormouse is probably known on
ly to a few. The shapo of the head
and body of this pretty little creat
ure, proves that tt ia tome relatiou
of the gray-coated pilferer from our
larders, but its somewhat busby tail
shows that it is also ikia to the nim
ble squirrel. Like the squirrel, the
dormouse has its home in cur ivoods
and thickets, but it is so sby and tim
id, that we arc not likely to sej it
unless we come upon it during its
long winter's sleep. The dormouse
is very small, its body beiug less
than three inches ia length, and its
tail about two inches and a half. Its
color is light reddish brown on the
upper parts, and nearly white on the
under. So rapid is it io its move
ments that the eye can pcarcelv fal
low it as is runa along tbe lower
branches of the trees, or leaps about j
among tbe grass and leaves u:nn
tbe ground. It feeds opon tuts,
acorns and grain, and like tbe squir
rel, it often takes its food between its
forepaws and sits upright to eat it.
A pretty, round nest of graes, wLh a
lining ot moss and lichens, is built by
tbe dormouse between tbe forked
branches of a low bub, or within a
hollow tree. In this it places a quan
tity of food, which it busily collects
during the autumn. When the cold
weather comes, it rolls itself into a
ball, by curling its tail over iis beid
between its ears, and falls iuto a deep
bleep. In this state it remains
through tbe greater part of tbe win
ter, only waking up now and then
when tbe weather is unusually warm,
and eating a small quantity from its
store of food. Creatures which, like
the dormouse, pass the winter in a
state of sleep or torpor, are cal'ed
hibernating animal.
Beauty is a summer fruit, fragrant
bat frail.
1M.I ho Wear m wor
The colonel, a rigid m rtioet, iu
sitting at the window tf his room,
where locking oa',, be fees ft cptaia
crossing- the r.rr ack yard l vard the
gate. Lct-kij? al hi:n closely, he id
shocked t t,hstrve that, tho rales
and regulation t the contrary not
withstanding, tie captain Joes nit
carry a sword.
"Captain! ' Le culls from the win
dow. "IV, Captain step up to tLe
room for a moment, will you ?"
The captain obeys promptly, bor
rowing a sword from the officer of
the guard, the guard room being at
the foot cf tbe s'airs, and presents
himself to the colonel in irreproacha
ble tenure.
The colonel is somewhat surprised
to see the sword ia iis pUcc", and
having to invent some new pretext
for calling his companion back, says,
with some confusion, 'I beg your
pardon, captain, bu: really I've for
gotten Lat i; was I wanted U
speak to ycu about However, it
wouldn't have been very important ;
it will keep. (Jood morning.
The captaia lu:es, departs, re
turns the sweru to its owner, and is
making off across the barrac k vard,
when he again comes wi-.Lia raoeof
the colonel's vision
The colootl t uo u.s eyes, 8iar-s,
says softly to himself, "How ia thun
der ? Pem it, he hasn't a swerd t
bis waist." Theu ho calls aloud,
"Captaia '. Ho, Captaia ! one moment,
Tbe captain returns, borrows the
sword again, mounts the stairs, and
eaters tb culonei'j presence. His
commanding clli?er stares ttt hira in
tently; he has a sword, he seesir, he
hears it clank.
"Captain," hi stammers, grorin
hot, "it's deuced liJiculous. you
know, b:it ha! ha! 1 just rememijere !
what I wad g.oiQir to far to vcu. an 1
now ha! ha! its gone out cf mv
head again! Funny, isn't it? Ha!
ha!ba! Ljbg my rr..'inory. Nev
er micd, I'll think "tf 't and write
you. trjod morning."
The captain salutes, departs, re
turns the sword to tbe owner, and
makes f -r the gate. As be crosses
tbe barrat k yard, the colonel calls bis
wife to fcis side and says, '"See that
cliicer out there ?"
""Has be got a sword on ?"
The colonel's wife adjusts her eyo
glass upn him, scans him keenly
and says : "He hasn't a ta.te of a
sword "
lte coiom-l : "That's where
fool yourself! lie has."
Protection ofFUaia.
A very slight covering will ex.-la.le.-much
cold. At first it seems almost
impossible tnat a thia mat or anv
such flimsy substance would prevent
tender plants from attaining tbe tem
perature of the atmosphere by which
it is generally supposed they are in
jured. But when it is consielerr.l
that bodies on tho surface tf tho
earth become, diinug a still aod se
rene night, colder than the atmos
phere, by radiating their heat to the
heaven, a good rtason w ill be ob
served tor the practice. The cover
ing has most effect when placed a
little distance above the p!ant3 to be
shtletred. A very considerable dif
ference iu temperature was always
observed on stiil and serene nigh;.-,
betwteu bodies sheltered f:om the
sky by substances touching them aL.l
similar bodies sheltered by a sub
stance a little above them." An ex-perimunter-
recently foumj n one
night that the warmth of grass, shel
tered by a cambric handkerchief raw
ed a few inches in the air was three
degrees greater than that cf a similar
handkerchief actually ia contact wiih
it. Oa another ciht, the differen
ces between the tcmperisture tf two
portions of grass, shielded io the
same manner as the two above rn-ru-tiooed,
from the influence of tb sky,
was four degrees. Experience has
no doubt tauL: intelligent and ob
servant gardeners the advantage of
defending tender vejjetables and
plants from the Ce-Id of clear, calm
nights, by meanj tf light protective
sabctances, but it may not have oc
curred to ail that the advance is
largely iacreased bv some contriv
ance for elevating the mats
tection at a s!
ight distance front the
Tho H Irmmpe a a Ielerll.
S'liut- ears since it wa9 discover
ed by the authorities of a railway ia
Uermany tbit a barrel, whicb, on be
ing dispatched from a crtaia station
contained silver coin, bad, during i;s
journey to its destination, been emp
tied ot its contents and fiiled with
sand. Fur some time no clue to the
perpetrators of the robbery eould bo
discovered ; but at length a learned
professor having been consulted oa
tbe subject, called in the aid of the
microscope. Aad this is bow the
thief was found out : The professor
knowing that even though in tbt
very minutest degree, there was a
disiiu.'tive difference in the san.l
found near the various stations a!on:
the railway line, sen; for samples tf
it from each of the places through
whicb the train containing the silver
coin bad passed. Wi:h tbe micro
scope be then carefully examined thn
3arnple, compared it wiih tho saoJ
found ia the barrel, and thus identi
fied the station from which the latter
bad lecu procured. Having, in tb;s
ingenious maDUt-r, found out the '.
tion he wanted, little difijculty re
mained for the railway servants
employed at it, by one of whom the
robbery had been committed, were s-
few ia number that, the culprit was
readiiy detected.
Hllltarjr Bmtts.
The French military authorities
have condemned iha shoe and gaiter
and favor the adoption cf a boot
whicb is formed of two pieces if
leather, reaches some way above tie
ankle, and open3 on the outride of
the It-jr from thn top to below the
l ankle bone. This openiojr is overe-l
by a piece of sofa leather, aad el-oseJ
by three short leather strings fas'.ea
cd to the boot c cue side ami three
buttons. The pressure upon the in
step and the tigbtness of tho upper
part round the leg can be regulated
at pleasure ; daring any temporary
bait, a man caa tbror the boot open
and allow the air to eircnlate around
and cool his feet ; it can be put on
and fastened without trouble in tho
dark, it effsctually kep3 out wet and
dust, and the bottoms of the trowcr-
can be worn either iasiiie or outride
the boot. Thi? description is some
what attractive to the civilian boot
wearer, and we hope samples may
soon find their way cross the ocean
The boot is the invention of a French.
The Cambria Iron works at Johns
town, are now ia fail operation, ai.dt
six thousand men are employed. .
He that watches tbe providence o!
God, never wants a providene to-watch.
1 1
c. I