The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 30, 1878, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald
..tkrtoher ;:0.
Hoy t oa Finance.
Prof awing lo he an 1ionct n,in, lie ran.
didafe of an Jionett orgi-ntzaUon, 1 furor
honest mojuy.
Thetoiume of Vie tvrrtney honW he
regvlattd by Ugitimnte demand, and not
by tlu requirement of bnukrvjil and
tiild tpecuUtort.
Tlu eurrenry tho'dd he redeemable u
tarty atlhe eriyeneii oj the Gortrnment
vill jxrntit, in tht turnery reengnized by
ull riril 'zed nation.
Tfie eontraet of tie Government thonjd
I held a tarred a the enntractt
diridual. aiid the bond, the erwen-- of
in indeotedM.hoJld be kii1 areorannj
to the vndertta,iding between tie Goreru
vunlandthe lender Speech at Uutler,
Sept. 2, 1878.
Tuesday, November 5.
Examine your tickets. The coun
ty will te flooded with mixed and
spurious tickets of all kinds.
Vote for HENRY
The Democratic goose is cooked.
Xow let ub do op Coffroth a little
more brown than his friends Andy
Pill & Co.
Tins is the last issue cf the Herald
that will reach our subscribers before
the election. Republicans, do your
duty ! Vote the clean tit ket, and
rest assured cf a Rlorious victory !
for secretary ofinternal affairs.
Mowry will be the worst whipped
man that ever ran for Sheriff in this
county. Mark how CofTroth has led
him to the slaughter. Everybody
will vote for Ed Kjle, end his major
itr will be an eye-opener. "Whoop
ber op, boys !"
Til E Philadelphia Time, Col. Mc
Clare's paper, an open edeocate of
the election of Dill, admits that Hoyt
will have 12,000 majority in that city,
while our friends there claim that bis
majority will be between 18,000 and
20,000. Governor Ilanraofi frays
that Hoyt will Lave a majority in
the State outside of rbilafclplta, i
that it is certain that bis majority,
all told, will be over 20,000.
J. A. EicnELirERGEn, the Owen
back nominee for Senator In Bedford
County, Las published a card In the
Bedford Inquirer withdrawing from
the canvass. As neither Somerset
or Bedfcrdbas placed a candidate
in the field, and we presnme will
not at this late day, the Senatorial
contest will bave to be fought cut
between Grof and Yutzy.
It ia not difficult to predict bow
the contest will end. Beyond all
doubt l'utzy will t elected by a
larger majority than be has here
tofore bad.
In Another column will be found a
letter written in 1875 by S. S. Forney,
the Democratic Turner-Coffroth can
didate for County Treasurer, which
tas been handed u for publication.
By this letter Forney proves himself
to be a bypocrite cf the ewanest
Unip, denying bis faith, and vilify-
ing the church to which be belongs,
for the sake of securing .few votes.
He was a fitting tool for the Lands of
Turner and Holsinger. who Lave
TOedhim to Lis own dostructioa.luV , . c . J. " BB
The original letter is in our posses
won, and can be Been by any od who
wigbea to verify it.
Vote for JACOB
CELL ro coxgbess.
Covimhe your ticiets wilt lie ono
at tte I - ad cf the editorial ccluma in
this paper. Exiaine each nnie cu
;t carefully.
Vote for. ENOCH I. YUTZY
v nn.i.r-Tunrf tht the, R rub- !
lican State ticket wiil be printed ft
tie cGk-o of the Berlin Ualhtia with j
the sorehead county candidates plac
ed oa it. ar,d the Republican candi-
I dates left ( ST. We warn, our friecds
I against this fraud. Do not bo de
Iceived bv men who "steal the limy
of heaven to Fervo tLo devil in."
Vote tor ANDREW J. COL
FOR members of as&embly.
The Republican meetings held at
Hiilsboro', Jennertown, Southampton
Mills, Barron's, Kingwood, Ursina,
Mineral Point and Shatksville last
week were all largely attended, and
the utmoEt enthusiasm and conQ
dence in the result was exhibited.
The watch fire? are burning brightly
throughout the county, and the
usual Republican majority ran be
confidently ccuotcd on.
Vote for 11EXRY F. rjCill-LI
We alwavs kr.ew that the f-
V. Hay, Et'fj., was not ' red i i
discretiot, and the !&s: pre f vf i'.
corue3 to us from S'.oy.-t nvn. At a
meeting in lint borough last week,
as usual, bis zsal ran away with Lis
discretion, and be poured the vials cf
Lis ubuse on the Lead tf '.he Rc-pub"
lican candidate f r Sheriff. It bap
penes that Mr. Kyle has many
Democratic friends at that, point,
who propose to vote for him, and
they were so indignant at tho un
called for abu.e cf him, that Hay bad
to ic'.urn there tbe nest day and
humbly apslogiz.
Vote fcr
Do you recollect tha cry of Fraud!
Fraud!! FRAUD!!! raised by the
Democrats when Hayes was elected
President ? Well, it didn't hurt any
i!y, and nobody bjheveJ it, did.
thy 1 TLe evidence has been lately
obtained (in the cipher dispatches
published by tLe A. Y. Tribune,)
and it is proven that the fraud was
a!l on the tide of the Democrat.
Just now Coffroth's n.en, Turner,
Shafer, Mowry and Wclker, arc busy
hcwlicg fraud! fraud!! ail ever the
county, wLilc the fratid is ail on their
side', as proven by the fict that while
they are candidates on the Democrat
ic ticket, they are trjingto get Re
publican votes on the ground that
thf y ore still Uepublicans, ncd they
are every last man of them doit)? all
they can to elect Ccff.-olh.
McClintock thinks be made a urc
thingcf it, when be bali-doz;d Cof
froth into having the Democratic
ticket printed with no other name in
for Commissioner but bis. He ought
to sec the shoals of mixed tickets
that are Iwicg got reedy f.r distribu
tion. Doesn't he know that Sam
Birclay enough to bov the
Demi rot, or a couple of pop?rs like
TLe Herald never prints anj thing
but the clean Republican ticket,
while the le.nj'rai' ru'e is to print
any kind cf tickets it ii paid for
Democratic tickets with the names of
Barclay or Kline oi them may be
kept out of Addisjn, but Mr. Mc
Clintock can safely, b.-t boots
that they will bo plenty ia ail other
districts, and he may also rely on
the fact that not one of them ill be
printed in tie Herald cfii.-e. If ho
is cheated out of any votes ha may
be sure his DemocraUe friend
furnu-bed the t ickets to do it wi;b.
It is one f the boasts of the Dem
ocrats, and one of the largo elements
cf success calculated oa by Coffroth,
that George G. Walker carries the
votes of the Republicaus cf Alle
gheny towushin ia Lis coat-tail pock-
els, end will bestow Item cn such
candidates 83 be pleases. We know j
that Walker h.A influence with tLe!
Repablicm voters of fiat township J
wfcc'3 J,e aeled wii'u the Republican
puity, but e know also that, having
left the party, and voluntarily placed
himself on. the. ttue tickev i:b A.
H. Coffi-oib, and thus become the
Democratic candidate for Legis.a-
ture, that influence h goa?. The
Republicans of Allegheny a:e not to
be traded, or their votss trafficked in,
by Mr. Walker or any other man,
aai we tberetor know they will
spurn the attempt to lorn them over
to Coffroth and Grof simply ta make
good Waiker's bargain with Coffro'.b,
or gratify Lis Fp'.tc rgainst Yutzy,!
because be was beaten by Liui fcr
nomination. Watch the old fox,
friends! He is now a Democratic
candidau, cn the Democratic ticket,
and baa no Dioraiiaico on your votes
than any other IemorU js. Xo
complimentary votes for George Q.
Walker, to be counted as av mush
Democratic gaiu.
Ir you. want to sleep the sleep of
the just on Tutsay night next, vote
the clean Republican ticket, without a
ecratch, from gallant Hon at tLe j Le was elected two years eiDce In
bead of it to Biker and McCoy at! Bedford fcores and scorea of Demo
tbe bottom cf it. Do this, and von Icrats will tot rote for Coffroth. and
j 3 J our cs ua lcc
tc assurance tt you have not only
doM Jr7 1 Jour "l'J
!-vour ?rl Ut tb" wI1! ariso
I0" lLe mornio Wednesday with
I t f ata I
i assisted to win a most gloriou lie-
-.1 i:
i1 J
m0m ,
Vote fob DRXXIS COOK and' n T. f
I :yoa. 1 be scientific politician ' aod
CAMP-jJACOD CRITCIIFIULD roa om.; hi8 motley crew are on the run. Push
The Peniccrats aod tbcir sorehead ,
tO)li are desperate. AH kinds cf
mist d ticket ill bo uistr ibuttd. j
Don't be tiitatd br ttitin.
j General Campbell, our candidate
i for Congress, is eminently worthy of
S"FP l- Asa valiant soldier, jar
veycr General id the Corn man wealth.
and our Representative iu Conrcs?,
his charac-cr aad his reeo d are
without stain or reproach. Hi is a
staunch friend of protec;ion to cgujo
iddui-'.ry.uf h-jtsest money, and of ail
Republican principles, and ba9 al
ways sustained them with vote and
vc ice, at home and in the couacils of
the State and Xation. Dariig bis
Congressional term Camp
bell Lfts on every occasion blood by
the best interest of his constituents,
his party, his State, and the Xatiou.
In voting for hiui every Republicaa
knows that be is sustaining a man
who knows the right, and knowing,
dares maintain it. Let no Republi indueed to vote for any other
candidate for Congress than Jacob i
M. Ca mi-bell.
J. A. EioiiFLnrtfiER, K . , the j bu.-ily engaged in vilifying and de
ll, d-rd Couatj Greenback candidate . 00acicg ail Ureeubackers, and bis
f.t Sttat.T has pubULtd a crd in organ there, (the Gazelle) refund to
the Jn utrrr iililrawmg from the ; their meetings or to print
.ejLriis. TM-Hw.Mfir ur
tf;ko "I-. . k 3 i. G a. I I Yl TZT,
j r'v i.,: i! t i-.J.J t io th'(;rt.eal.ack vote will be drawn from
! tht Bepubiiedris and thus help him;
f r V i ' . I-J J.'i L '! !, - j !. ; i
' " - - .
jc-.-taia cf a S-tat:r Lo b Pr-J
tLce. at..rj at-a ilL4 vray, ana no
will help to t!et: two ll. ptib lc-.-a l". 1 the General was a 'scientific pcli
S. Setatcra and to cLiinae this I t"..;n r,r k,r t a ,.r..f r.r it.
county in Republican districts where
we will be represented by a Con
gressman and Senator of our own
pariy. Vote for Grof and if elected,
he will repay you by doing his level
best to send two hide-bound Demo
crats '.o the U. S. Senate, aid to
place this county in such a position
that for ten years our large Repub
lican majority will be swallowed up,
and we will be mi-ircprcscn'ed in
Cocgress and the State Senate by
Democrats who will s'rive to over
throw our party. No complimentary
veto for Grcf. friends ! There is too
much depending on the Senators to
fool away any vote:'. The Lig;er
mfj jrlty we give Yutzr, the greater
will be Lis icflaence for cur good at
It is against our Legislative candi
dates that the Soreheads and Demo
crats make their strongest fiht. In
poiut of ability and future u.-efuiness
Sciiitix'K and Coluorn are a head
and shoulders taller than their Demo
cratic aitaironists. Thev know our
iatereets and have the ability to
speak and work for them. Walker
and Turner have thrown themselves
into the hand- cf the Democrats ; let
them wallosr in the congenial mire
they have eh )i-e3, and d. C.ff-oth'
bidding. Djn't hunt f-,r your Leg
islators oa th Doiu jcratic ticket.
"Can aov clean thing cone out of
T ii eke is no more worthy man nor
more deserving Republican ia ths
County, than Henky F. Sen ell He
will make an attentive and obliging
Prothonotary. and he is going to be
elected by a rou-;r!g majority. Sha
fer has swapped horses so often
since he has -ot iato the political
stream that it is Lard to discover what
he is running for. He parted out
for Sheriff, was "appointed" a candi
date i R-ister and K.eeoider, aud
now thicks he is runuin? Mr. Scbell
hard for Prothonotary. He Las not
even struck a trot, boy, and after the
election, it will take a good deal of
testimony to prove that he Tas a
candidate. We like the "old Sheriff-'
personally, but be has got into bad
company and, as he wa? old enough
to kno bett?r, Le must be punished
fcr it. Vote for Scbell.
Everybody will vote for William
B. FfEASE for Register and Recorder.
He is an honest, competent and true
man, in every way deserving and
wortLy of tLe position. His eppo
ncnt may be a good man, but is noi
known outside Lis school district.
Vote for Frease, and you will have
the aatUfietion of knowing tbat you
helped to eiect a good officer and a
g3(1 n,n
Henry F. Knfiter should, and
w have no doubt will, p !1 the full
Republican rote. JJo will make a
good, safe and tBiciect Treasurer.
Forney, whom Turvlh baj "ap
pointed" to run against him, "went
back" on his party, and "went back"
on bis church for the sake cf this
oitiee, and the voters are going back
on him by a tc-'? majority, or we
mUs our guess.
tttand by Cook and Critcufield
for Cuoinjiiofc"-s ; they are good
men for the offices for wfcich they are
running. Coffroth La ctt the
throats of Kline and Barclay, and
dropped them off Lis ticket If they
do net draw cfl Ibe track now, and
help us to give the "scientific politi
cian" a black eye, they will deerre
to be classed in history with Moses,
as the meekest men tjt ever lived.
OiR advices from all parts of the
distrw of the most encouraging
nature. In (Gat,W;:a te Democratic
majority will be rut down eJow one
tbou-and. Io Blair cyr friends re.
port that they will gire General
C.mpbell as large a majority
the ber tfcer Le ta jo there is to
co.Le out evea aith CawpUl.
tLia cjuuty, wbite te may poij a lew
former Republicans through the re-
bead candidates, he will lose as many
Democrats who will not touch him
ezi Lis kangaroo ticket. Turn out j
friends, rcU tha) straight Ucpubiican 1
tirfipf And ft f0rta.(n trii'ttirv neiaa
Dewars of fraudulent tickets.
Thrusandsof thera will bo distributed
iih the intention of cheating voters.
,A"o'e the cleaa Kepublieaa ticket
Vote for HIRAM D McCOY
Gillian Koontz, for Director of
th8 Poor, and Jacob M. Baker and
Hiram D. McCoy for Auditors, are
"good and true men" and should be
voted for by every Republican.
They will be elected, of course, but
we berjeak for them a full vote. The
ticket, the whole ticket, and nothing
but the ticket, is the watchword.
Ready! Aim! Fire!! Xow charge
them, boys! !
Coffsotu is playing a nice double
handed game with the Greenbackers
In this County Le has bargained
with them, and has half a dozen of
them on hi3 County ticket, who are
travelling the county with Lini, at
tending bis meetings, and bogging
ther r ' ..ds to vote for him; while
iaPeif,rd County, h:s friends ere
;thiir tickets. The reason is plain.
! Ia &.,.,.rt.t it : kt-n.-A l,at tt
in iit'uiorc is u win oe
taken from tLe Ihmotratic vote and
,..,9 iu,,t i,;,., Ppr.;fifi,i .hat
t'cian," and here is
His "science" consists in double-detl-ing
with anything or anybody, so
02ly it will benefit himself.
When the Democrats nominated
their bob tailed County ticket, v.m
predicted that they bad left uo cili
ces for which they did not name can
didates to be filled by the Sorehead
bogus Greenbackers, and this predic
tion wrs verified by the after action
of the Soreheads, who filled up with
their candidates, the vacancies left
for them. The proof of this corrupt
niliaucc we have now on hand, in tbe
shape tf tbe Democratic ticket print
ed at the olBco cf the Somerset Dem
ocrat and now being quietly circula
ted. Here it it;
For Congress.
Alexander II. CofTrutli.
f or Stale iknale.i;
Frederick Grof.
For Mtthutrt of Atxmb'y,
George G. Walker,
L. A. Turner.
For Prothonotary, .
JiisiuU SUafer.
Fvr Sheriff,
Josifth Mowry.
For lie jitter and llerorde.r,
James K. ISeiseckcr.
For Treasurer,
Samuel S. Forney.
For Co'nmi'ifner,
Jonas Mc t'liiitiH'k.
Fir 1'oor lloute Dirtetor,
Kumund Ilolsapple.
For Auditor,
Henry Lucas.
There is therefore do longer a doubt
that Walker, Turner, Mowry, SLafer,
BsUitker, Forney and Ilolsapple
ha,t sold out to the Democrats, and
have gone over bag and baggage to
the enemy. They intended, up to tbe
lad moment, to sliil rLiio) to be Re
publicans, and to deceive as many vo
ters as possibly into their support,
but here we have tL proof that they
have struck hands with the enwy,
and capitulated to Colfrotb. Xo vo
ter can now be further deceived; the
man w ho votes for either or any of
them is timplj votiag the Democrat
ic ticket w ith his eji j epeu.
There is another thinz worthy of
attention ia this sell out. McC'iin
tcck is the only name on ibn ticket
for Commissioner, and that is so
crowded in, that no other name caa
be written above or below it. We
understand that Kline, seeing that he
was expected to turn Democrat, h. d
determined not to run, and therefore
we are not surprised that bis name
was Icfs. off th Mcket; but Barclay
was as coolly dropped as if be did'nt
amount to a row of pins.
We were as c& tain of this result
two wootLs biuce as we are now
that we Lave ft ir prjgt. Coffroth
woulJ Lave liked to drop MuC'lintcck
but Le dare not, (r fear of McClio
tock's fiienda trikia back, so be was
compelled to siuriSce K!ine and Car
clay, while, be pats bis o'.oor poor
dupes ou Fie(back and promises them
the cft.-ea iH fc kaows they Lave
not the ghost of a ebanea . Ijs.'ag
electe I to. It is but a repetition of
tbe eld, old doe of the Devil offer
ing to give a!i tLo kingdoms of the
eirth to accomplish bU aim, when
ih oj fcoundrel did'nt own a foot
of them.
As to McClintock, L.o 'ot out of
the woods yet. ft is true, wbn
ws io townatt week he played a
pretty bold Wa.tjF game, and scared
Ctffrotb Into tayiq tjtdeu printed
in this way, but bless bis Losast Qi)
be will soon find out tbit the Gener
al is like tha Irishmaa's flea, "just
when you ttiok joa have your fin
ger oa him, he Issowawbere else."
There wilf be thousands cf Dewo.
cratlc tiJeU lying around loose,
with the other fellow, names on
tbem all printed at tbe DtmuvrtU
office (toc -and it will just be as easy
to ttve ui?? TOte 'Q Addison town
ship as elseviieijb i
Wmtn'l trfld B. iTAitur. McC!:"-
totk! and nlnI jn'j, tlyere av Lalf aj
d'. zn of them on your ows tu-fcet, wboj
are trvioir to boodwinR ana De.ray
tbeir old party friends, and you bave
jio jvircce that tbey win noi aiso
betray yo. iioreorer, you know
itbtti Oolfroth betrayed yovr arty
j when ia Congress hefurs. Will te
who betrayed a party hesitate ta l,e-
tray a member of it ?
l ou cau t touch pitch and remain
jjnde.lei!. J'ou are in a boat with a
treacherous crew, Ie carejul they
don't throw tou overboard.
At ft meeting of the leading Dem
ocrats of the State, held at the Girard
House, Philadelphia, on Sunday of
last week, oa a comparison of noies,
it was cotcedid that Dill and the
Democratic Siata tit ket were certain
ly defeated. It was tten agieed that
while keeping up a bold fron", on the
State ticket, to direct special Atten
tion to their Congressional and Leg
islative ti'.-kcls.
Chairman Speer was then directed
to make a combination with Chair
man Dewees, to arrange a coalition
with the Greenbackert; but this was
indignantly refused by Dewees, when
it was finally resolved to try and
make the fight on an anti-Cameron
howl. This accounts for the lierce
beating of anti-Cameron gongs now
going on in the Democratic camp.
Remember, friends, that the Dem
ocrats eoncede that their State ticket
is already beaten. Xow for a rousing
majority for the district aud county
Wx have numerous letters from
the north cf the county, describing
the canvass now being made by Cof
froth and his traveling menagerie.
The caravan consists of Coffroth, Hay,
Ruppel, Grof, Walker, Shafer, Mow
ry, McCliutctk, Ac, ii. A ehow
or meeting is billed for some, school
house, at w hich Ccffroth Fpeaks his
dignified piece ai.d Hay plays clown,
and does all the dirty work. Then
each member of the compnny strikes
ont in a different direetioo, the adja
cent country is diligently scoured, and
then all accidentally come together
again at the Dext meeting. Appeals
are made to Democrats, Greenback
ers, Republicans, anybody and every
body to vote the ringed, streaked and
striped ticket, with Ccff.-olh at the
bead, Lucas at tbe tail and the im
mortal Turner aud his acrobats sand
wiched in the middle. Fearful tales
are told of bow tbe Republican inno
cents Walker, Turner, Mowry and
SLafer were cheated and corruptly
defrauded at the primary elections.
Ccffroth acd G.'cf weep profusely in
sympathy with the heartrending tale.
Hay covertly wipes hiscyes with bis
coat tail, aud tbe voters won't sym-
paib:z wcrth a cent. Tbe trick is
too transparent, tbe boys see behind
the ecenep, aad behold there is Cof
froth dry ing his eyes, winking and
pulling the wires. Altogether, some
of cur accounts are very rich, but we
bave not room to publish tbem at
General Coffroth, who is the
combination candidate f jr Congress
iu tbe Seventeenth Pennsylvania dis
trict, is out with a seven-column ex
planation of his cadet broker business.
The General must be really alarmed
about tbe remaining spark of trouble
some virtue which be has been trying
for years to get rid of orth Amer
ican. The Democracy, through their
Presidential candidate, Mr. Tilden
for a'i eleclofin Florida, end $35,000
for an elector in South Caroliu. Ia
Oregon $3,000 was paid down, bat
tbe "Cronin" electoral college came
to grief Do you recollect the old
battlecrv, "Tilden and Reform!"
Xow it is "Dill and Reform !"
Tin Charleston (S. C ) Ac its, re
ferring to he recent ordr of Attor
ney General Devens to Southern
District At'-orneys, says: "Tbe De
mocracy are strong enough to pro
tect their own party and tbeir oppo
nents, too, and they meaa to do it.
They will not tolerate any inter
ference with the freedom of election,
even if this be attempted in the inter
est of timorous ciloreJ Democrat.
A wboie army cannot keep tbe
Democracy from carrying South
Carolina, if tbey chooao to carry it,
and Attorney Geaeral DeveDS ba no
army to call out for the botiefn of his
particular friends, whether Democrat
ic or Republican." Aad for tb'n
condition of affairs the peoplo are
indebted to a Democratic House.
Another such a House wili not leave
aty army at all, and will place it in
the power of the Southern Democrats
to do as tbey please in all things.
Wasuisgton, Oct 21 An offi
cial digest of the appropriations made
at the last tension of C-.-ngrefa for
the f urrent fiscal year, ist cjuiple
e;) at .he T'"ea?ur Dtp irlment,
shows that tjjp appropriations made
during the first and 6cjoi;d sessions
of tbe present Congress foot up ilti,
910, 80'J, which is greater by several
millions thq t)e aggregate sum ac
knowledged by tl.o letnoprts. The
Forty-fourth C ingress refused to
make any appropriation f ,t ibe sup
port of the army for tae GsCal year
ending June 30, 1873, which made
an extra session of ti'o Forty-fifih
Congress necessary, and the aoqnt
appropriated at that sassijQ- to meet
ths army de9oiiacy M included in the!
Azures giran ab ve.
Deducting '.be amount thus appro
priated for tbe support of the army
fast year (25,5C7,1 79). leaves tbe
a?2.-eza:c amount appropriated to
meet ibe'erpenses of tbe Government
for the current fiscal Jfar $140,449,
C50 Notwithstanding ths titiS?ijal
ly large amount epproprialed' at thu
lasf section to meet all deficiencies
(over fIvjiOQAQjif, it is kuown 90'w
that there win be deficiencies
ly $3,OOO,O0J "to be provided fr at
tbe coming aessloa. foe oul
amount of deficiencies voted at feotj
sessions of tb Forty-third Congress,
when the Repull'icana were ia the
majority, was $0,411,194, or jes; tLsn
on bail the amonnted voted for tbe
same purpoaa f ffce firot aeHsion of
the Forty-6ftb Congress, ly th Pjri
ocraU. "
EseiirmrBt la LonUvllle
, .
Loiirju t, 0.obdr 25
exvitemeot a Jeen rjdunei to
oigut f,y the appearaoca il'a thou
sand men aai Uijs jo front of ibe ciiy
jail, drawn tgettier by tla prpsencd
therein tf Geo. Washington, tbo n.
gro who outraged Xaney Ode on
Sunday last, UMug a kaifd to accotc-
jith Mi purpose. The arrest tf the
leader and foe deUvwicpd tffirt" tf;
.wuo were armea gvnS,
have scattered tho erowd. Pickcta.
mo oiBiiuucu iu u mc e; ice is ic&u-1
" lu,J"' "uu ?". '!
lyccLing; will be met with strong op-
owyof . j
TerrtBe Storia.
PlIILADELrillA, October 2:1 A'
terupeciuuo sale f uopreciiieuied '
severity swtpt titer itr ci.y iLi
incrniu, coiumeuciug h!j. r. 2:-0 a.
m., reaching its height bet veeu ( cm!
7:30, ami suhsidinif with heary rain
t')nrl !1 fii. During lts? brief,
inor, iftir-i iv luu'a'iS.- dunae
:n lio.iH I I :v'T riiie:1
with tb fury .,f a huiri-n.c Notiu:
maoy jeers, if ever bi-r.irf. thero,
beea ho much daiuai di, i' tfin
streets, pibiic s:j'i.:- an'i ul n i'
river front-. AIa:y pu'ilio n:u 1
buildings are dauimrtd ud puoii.;
squares devastated. Over f jrty i
churches, of all denominations, were I
more or less damaged bv tho demoli
tion of steeples, etc., several of which 1
arc orna.-lorl tfi f ill n iinr nu.rra-il
The Walnut streot Presbyterian j stores aod dwellings, prostrating tele
church was badly damaged. Tbe 'graph wirto, iojuriog piers tfcd up
spire, which is 180 feet high, wssrootiu trees. The damage ii n,t
blown down, and ia iw full ft! uck tbe ascertained, tut is quite heavy,
roof of a dwelling, and veryb-idlyj wilkesbarre
damaged it. In its fall a portion Jf Wilkesbarre, Pa.. October 23
tbe cburcb roof was carried with it, A tornid(, ,aj moruiag jcflicu.d
and ths vestibule of tbe church and jgreal damage in this city aud viciniv?
organ left filled with debris. Thenig Were UErc)0fed, trees up-'
organ was completely demoitthed. I rooltdt wiudows brok-D, fences and
Tbe damage to tois eturch amount-. rai;:e drilling apparato- demolL-hed.
to $35,000 . Railroad tracks at ev.rl points
Ibe eteepbof the Fir.-t Baptist ,veitt badlj wa.,hed aod trains deliy
Cburcb, 170 feet high, was blown !td At Wtitehaven several persona
down, la its fall the pir doubled - wcre ,Dj s , amount of
up. the base falling itrto tbe church- iutuiJer LJowu iuto the river aad
yara, aaa tne lop, who toe ueii, 'f 11 i
- v
000. la iu fall tbe tp of the spire
struck nouses opposua,
tbem considerably.
The spire et tbe Emanuel German
Lutheran Church, 222 feet high, was
alijo amoag the many church steeples
blown down to day. A great muny
market hou-es and passenger railway
depots were bjdly damaged, and hun
dreds cf dwelling, chiefly in tbe
northwestern section of tbe city,
were unroofed, some of them entirtiy
demolished. The bed fr departing
trains at the P. R. R. depot, in West
Philadelphia was demolished, iavolv
i iiar a loss of between $10,000 and
The factory "of F. Fitzgerald, Colum
bia avenue and America street, bad
tbe entire roof carried off. The whole
eastern end of tbe Twelfth and Six
teenth street Passenger Railway do-
pot was leveled to the grouad, stop
ping tbe running of cars for a long
time, as it was impossible to tret tbe
cars out of the building.
Shoemacker's pianoforte factory
Eleventh and Catharine streets, was
damaged to the ex'ent of $10,000.
Xo estimate of the loss on stock or
material can be given, but it will be
While three train, one of which
wa3 the fast express, were standing
io tbe east bound shed of the Penn
sylvania Railroad, tbe roof of the
shed was lilted by the wind and fell
upon the cars. The departure of
trains was delayed, but no serious
damage was done. The only person
injured was the fireman of tbe fast
express, who was slight'y cut.
Tbe knitting mills tf Aaron Jones
Si Son. at Germantown, were unroof
ed. The building al.-n caugtt fire,
aud a panic ensued among (be opera
tives. The loss is not short of $20,
000. The large d.-p.t of tho Phila
delphia, Wilmington A Baltimore
Railroad cn tbe Washing'ou avenue
wbarf, was reduced to ruios, and the
south side of the Pennsylvania grain
elevator, in the immediate vicibity,
blown in. fTe two westtrn spans of
the Falls (ttbe Schuylkill bridge on
the Reany Riilroad fell iato the
river, aad popped nil train in that
direction Along tb Delaware river
front no less lhau twenty warehouses
are without roofs, aud the water is
running into stores on the east side,
doing great damage to private stock
aad to goods stored on tbe wharves.
It is estimated that fifty tt 'rehouses
along the wharves were blown from
their fastenings aad great quantities
of goods fl jated tff wkh the tide.
The Reading Rtilrcad frry house
and slip above South Hreet were de
molished. T&e tidj was the highest
kawu fr twenty-seven years A
ship discharging ballast at the Reed
street whatf was bl wn on ber beam
At Point Uretz two brigs are re
ported to bave capsu?d.
Tbe ScLuyikill river also overli w
ed its wharves, and there rro rep rts
of much damage iu that vici lily.
At Ca nd.-a the stern was very se
vere, causing great dsniiire to prop
erty. who camo up on
the West Jers-y Ra'Iroai suto tha:
in that locality numerous biros were
destroyed, cattlo kill d aad fences
blown down, while uprooted trees
were scattered in all directions.
Between Peaiberlon and the jaoc
tion of that road with the Camden
and Amboy ltail'oad the storm play,
ed sad bavoc wita dwellings, biras,
Io the neighborhood of liordertowu
much damage is reported
At Beverly several houses are
without roofs, and at Delanco, River-j
sido, Riverton, Palmyra and M'-rris
stations the ruins of damaged build-
mars are scattered in everv direction.
' At FuttatOwo, Pa., the nail mill cfi
tbe FoUstowa Iron Company was
bdown down. Iho loss n $2o,000.
The ijadisop Ifridge, spanning the j prospeti y wldi-h e hev all b-eu
Schuylkill river, was aliiiosi com-j locking for y,od imm-j t!y set io
pletcly destroyed. Tbe loss is $j0.-! But ii d u Work wij a a cu-s Wt
090. J. Mingle Fisher's planing mill j bed xt c:id t bi relieved uy . ur ia
wos daniajjed to the extent of several i debiediiis tl j, ,tS R 8!cr. but
thousand dollars. Many private j uufr'u ,ii!y th 'm dii-turbf is, wi.b a
dwellings were uaroofed aad two j f reit-i ihat, is 'ujiidirti, ht-v p rpia.
churches 'lost spires. Geori;'! Ilea - erclv rtfz-.-d tha D.-mci y uv the
Iran was buried under some falle;i
bhds, aud instantly killed.
At Morristown, J'a.. the Presbyte
rian and Methodist churches, Uead-
Inj Pailrod d-'pot, KarDUtn'a mill
and many entailer structure wore
cooiiderab!? d-imaged. S.fmmer'a
Oil lttflaery. la tha same place, ia a
total wreck. At D-ijlent wn the Uut we dendid to gii eveu with
ateeple of the Catholic church was; him. I neat iut' bia etore jj mk
LIowq to the grouad, a was aha a led for a pire uv bjj:s
portico ef the Keformed church. The "All ritu," auid Pi.ll tk ; " t kiad
new'p U"t IJji'se was damaged, and uv moLej d) yi u perp-ims -o piy i i ?
ii'cme'rods eoiRller btiilJioi'S rcre ua- the gl irious Bit uv the preseut or the
roofed ia all dtiectiobf.' barun, rer, t iiBipie-?d jteeuback uv tht pas), "
r.g-ni. sad gfa'n i tacks were !i eral-j'' ''iltl ' I reraarit iu:r?-tively, "1
Jy bioVa am too j i'rioti'c' hot t a.l.t ja git-
vTr. c.vsi'LATiij. .'ubff cur new mWut. erfk-lishui.
Sey.r.lVaalcasuaKiea.rerepor.ed !f. fl f
!. " . u' . . i plent v, asd more a c Jtuiii .
M .rrn Obmer, at;'bion, wa4 V u . . . , Iff
kiilei by a laree team Mlla ci,.r.
I'je veauiuir i.aiirtu ojiu-i
. . . . t
! i r
HJftesba' pike bv the roof cf- m
tlu W3 i2tt(Qtty kiiie(j by fh ..rf! ' ,uh 7'"'
of builJii.g on hd A!!pheny '1 . '" v' 'hl lucc ' PftPer
leyf.ilingupjn him. Aj ooka3a!ir"'J1 bu mooi,y ny tbf ,,!...
man was kd'ed iu Cedir II 1 1 Cem".iur U'lbcr u, hjU K ""rJ '" 1
,ier, J,; 5 falliag tree A nakjj I J00'" , . , , .
man was llcd at tbe !;ediQ,f U ;i!-IT Aod Wllh kenihh UflT be UJ
riad Conipiay's "shetji; a-iJ-" .S,,r 10 keoP fJ me 2
eoua. la oiitiioirn womiin was kilf-i '"f21.? c3-f r'.".':' suba.uichel
ed by a fiilling roof qu 'idfe avenge '
A uei?piter carrier was struck by ti
falling treu at thw Naval Asvluai iad:
killed, r is rouzhlr estimated th it
. , . .eventy-flvc
' J
tuMr i,
loitK, tj.-tou-r -n I' .10
gale in Brooklyn was very severe,
an considerable damage was done.
', Great havoc was xade with bathing
boines and small shanties at Coney (
jl-l'nd. Eagerman's pier, near the
I'.riliiou Bl-scIi Ilo-el was swept;
aay, cou-ing a loss ,f $S,000. and
mfl.ref d-put tf the Sea Baach ,
It. iiAKV ucdermiued by the ea, '
and ! I Hri ti! g to pieces. ;
T' -1 :u ut Luiif B a'icb iaflict- ,
f -f 11 1 1 111 1 t ). .,,; M
SciiAsroN, Pa , Oct b r 23 Tbtr '.
as itrr.'iie 1 ru iLi mtrniug. i
Ilji'iti a w eif dinjiiantlt (1, trees up-
00 ni.d r.t f i!. wn ,ff. AdvietSj
iui .6 m iou. tiiiirf' ;: Wu irjmi t :
ferrv Oaiiuue lo pfi'periy. j
Albany, Ociober 23 A terrific
gale t f wind passed over tte city
ittbjUj U OJ. UTTO fil phlln-ht- t
swept away.
Trenton. X. J. 0-:iihr
(UlDiltlDi'iThrt ilumKril h tho Dtnrm in tkia
ciiy is estimated at ?2o,000.
Washington, October 23. A
heavy rain storm, accompanied by
violent wind, passed over tie city
last night, unroofing bouses, uproot
ing trees and doing ether damavo.
Tbe Signal Officer received twenty
of the usual one hundred and twenty
reports from the various tigna! sta
tions. CHESTER
Chester, Pa., Ootcper 23. To
&j,d storm was probably the nover
est that ever visited this sectiou. Thw
destruction is greater than ever before
kuown. Seventy d welling uad stores
were uaro.fed. Xiueteeu churches
. .. .
are partially des roved, aua eleven
manufacturing places so touch d tm
aged to a', work wiil linvct to bo sus
pended for a while, aud k u umber i f
people thus thrown ou-. of emplov
uieut. Tbe damage to shipping is
very considerable. I be tide rose to
a great height, aad washed away
minv manufacturing places. Sever
al Fcboonera and fcloops were washed
a.-h oe, aud five canal boats loaded
with coal sink in the river.
Pottstown, Pa., October 23 Tbe
loss by tbe storm in this city and vi
cinity is $lo0,000.
Harrisuirg, Pa., October 23
The beavesi storm of w ind and rain
experienced in thie vicinity fcr years
set iu last uigui. cuiuicgs were un
roofed, sewers choked up.cellars flood
ed, aud trees and shrubbery blown
down. Trains on all railroad were
delaved for several hcurs bv wash
outs A bridge on tbe Xorthirn Cen
tral Railroad at G jldaboro was wash
ed away. Reportsjfrom the surround
ing country show great damage has
been done.
nasby's last experiencs witq
fiat money.
Co.NFEHRiT X Roads, )
(vich is in tbe State of Kentucky,) -October
15, li7S )
The October elecksbuas aint ez
sitirfactory cz they mite hev bin, but
they will do. We hev lost Ohio and
Iowa, bui we hev gobbled lujesny
and West Virginny. The grate cez
uv fiaaushel aulvashen hez not iz yi'
passed into a triumph, but ii brzen't
bin killed, wich is tome comfort.
There is jit room for hope. Wheat
hez come down five cents a bushel in
consekecce uv the dismal prospeck
that ther won't be no European war,
and that enouragis us. The people
never did ascribo the low price uv
perdoose to anything but the pirty
in power, and this drop, ef it provi
dcnshelly continyoos, will make votes
for us. The prtce uv psrdooae cn
trols a k,"rel deel m-.'re than aay or.e
bez any ideo or. I Lev kaowd a
fjrovij. DrLei pjtato r l to elect a
U 'inocrati? member uv C-ugria.
I.s-aker Gavitt is grovtia daily more
gioomy eg tbe prospex uv a giorral
European war diminishes.
' It's crooel,' sez be, with a t er iu
each eye. "Xo war io Europe, aud
I've got ten hogs wieb I wautida
bixh price fur. This world is full of
disappintments. 1 don't suppose poik
on foot wiil now be wutb in re toao
three cents a pound. Wat do tbem
Furopean cabiaits rueaa?"
Hot this is a diversi u
I supposed that when we bed isb ?od
our fl-t money tbet our troubles wuz
over. 1 supposed thit whea ibe
Cjuioi u Couasel uv ibe C Ters hej
Uhocd u currency based up n tbe
! g . d faith uv tbe C r&er-', aud bed
passed au otdmaace makiu it legln
leuocr, taat every toitig wuou gu
alonz tin jolhlv, aud that the trauv
Cir: r c ed t f.riuai.j yvr, ho that
vi e d ;ii't oe tbeiij auv:bis.f Acd
Pollock retuaik d vis.bu-l tout tf ve
did 06 him aoyihiu lie w, d z
sojQ tulo pay ij fiai ui itiey z any
thing e!e bew cxl Leiy t- Kt fiutn
u.s, tx be never ex pec id kuvibiug
, X ' '7 , -V" ."l 1st tV
c i;. lit. yi i v ia a-nar ' i in n i
ots..V r
.! .. . I ? -t...i 1 ;
V? ' T-nl 'V "
9.o1 $ & njgcr ferKcs a Lb Ird
rVasnpi'l l)m,i n.jieg. " " 5
' cVr to Jjascomt'.
a'-J there tbe eDt;re Oorneia
' th Oai,hcl sityooasheo.
(Ttierc wua D.lkin bjjoU
(iaiilffcf chair ihe
WU7 Ij-iWur n I
wiij imager a
lyio to Lis bek . 0 a r-juud ubl
libut the ciiizeas play keerds upa
! when it is aroused, and-Capt. M'Pel-
t w r 1 -l i . . . -
onsr idjXjIT exhibitioit
In the Tart ui It n:f -1 tluir eif .ini w it' T?,
Have pUcf 1 the rrt novcUitu in Sflk. Dresa r.i!rics. etc., t- be fuanU !-y i ittent per?. n.;i
Boar-b in trie (fn-nt M ami fact urinir ( Vntn- vl Ktir-irtf.
Kvery Imly within reach ot FiiiiinMphU shoula not Ui to viti' thU m.iy;nilt'n? .':-pl.y. rvn i(
Dit wblunrf to buj a: lh; Uio N initKtrt'rii'i tti purt-h ia tin the nir ( s;iltH..jiIe ixrrutiift-t.
We invi:c attcnti"n to Ihe Linr-t :.m I In-: a.
rvriioeut ft
Ever shown in Ptiitlelpii i, all of whkfi are
inurkf.1 at ri ttiat ai Aimrk'An Uurecan
sihlj un Jer'll.
HKI QUALITY lit,ACK SILKS Ti anl W vt 3.
anJ we k that ft he cvmp:rT.l with :iiy onctl"I!:ir
ll ic 91-It nr.; ei.; hen. c utlcrut
Fruiai the Fiae UUi-e to the lUarjr Or m ( train.
Ncr fi"it' p-A I in anrmjrkL't unttr
Ai ih bt-t makog at
i.2i. 4: : . V '... c ii.
tt, w l" iinct jsrales.
We -U . i ll nUr.ittcuif'U tu mi lnvoie ot
Secure I ..t uinier rttlu. an 1 not nwne I by any
Mhr nou.- mthi couuery within 75 cent .f ;ur
They are In Kiifht Unalitic.",
Vie make -pwinl msntl m of Urn r.ili !iis;
K.onit til Keccnt rur.-h:!.-1.!.
4s I d. U W L M A T KIA SS !: 1 ,
l .xtra heary nO atiir hull" ilio f.t .-I
44 inch FKEXCHt.'ASlIM KRKS ..t.
The iii-l u:il uiarket v:ilt:e is 1 l.'i.
48 inch ALLWmiLt'AMlX'S II A 11!
JL'ITI(S : rei-,
K.-scuUr Kt-Iail price fi.
45 Im h t'AMKL'S HAIR SV1TINOS i),-.
Kcsmmpn'ied l.r (iutity atiO eh;ip -s.
In Bine, (Orsn ml C'nntinnl.
Only a persnnal visit can pive a f.iir idetv o! the extent of the stork noil our womler
ful facilities for its I'istribution at this so; il!est p'w-'i'i'e advance over tint cwt of ni'tnil
factnre. Those who cannot visit u?. however, lire invited to test the merits of iv.;r Mail Or
der IV-pariment. Every letter that romes to us reipiesting SAMl'LES, ii civen the
most carel'u!. prompt aud inteliient attention. AU Mail or Telegraphic Orders are
filled in a department organl.c-d on a sale unsurpassed anywhere.
X". V. Cor. Kightli & Mnrkot St-.,
(rt. '.3.
deAler in
Iiiamonds, l .Id A Siiver Wutcboa and Chain", Solid ilvsr & Plate.l-ware, Clocks,
on Exliioiii.m at .Le First Acnual Fair of lLe
S. T. LlTTL E ' s
Principal Jewelry Iloti se is at
NO. 103, Baltimore Street,
IVhrin the irnwt ii.i:n-re..l Amcriean and Sm H''r!ie. Jewelrv. etc. S'ec'.I
llenli..n to Itej tiriar and !:!ii;rvin.-. Alli'dt;t riioiuptlv attended "to.
T o. 1 OS, 1 Baltimore St..
ter Kauia aainet the bar, all .-igbiu
at tbe ecarsitj uv money and tLe tie-
prest coDdihua uv industry, it wuz
a Hte I hev 8eed a thcu-iauJ liaies
aud it mekid me. 1 determined t,.
demonstrate that ther wuzooe ujtriot!
tnat wooa respeck the laws uv hi ! B: 11 r,u,"c j us u-? tea
native place, acd accept bfr curreocv i vise aI 10 trJ Jt tf A li he-
"Geatlemea," I aez. Srmlv. 'vim""'
up. lidscom, set em up." j
U.tscom bed btrj takia ourmmvi
for some dsyj, a-.d bed bia to L ais- j
Vllle fiT Iks-- fa nut the .. t;l.
ivi-K r . .. ,. i .1 4 '
BO tTOOd. We eaeb P 'Uied ;lit tile '
lu. u . i i L i
iiauci, ujwc . er, uuu piaceu inegiiis.-es
Jo 0(r respective
'UllS. IlDIUet:tl7 I
every rasa spittid 'he !uiU out, tiwu
the fjoor. I turned ick. for 1 bed
incawfchusly swallered a lit:Ie uv it.
Iiwii! wateb! The first I hed!
"What does this mean, tir ?" Ce
raandid, fieicelv.
"Dou't you like the bkk j ? '! he Klared f-ereelv I
m J '
at me.
r ;, i t ;i :. t tt-i .
Like u ! Like It ! WLy. u a:e. !' !
lIecS yoor BjIp," replied 15j.-c m, !
"why dou't yv,u mj its whi-key ? i
Ibe minit Too ai H'a i,!.Ii,.
itiswhi.ker. V,.. . ih '
- ,
aouar yoo want to i.iv ni
QOIlar, jist Uc. I )oo j it
a aouar, ana wby ia bloody thucd r
can't VOO make whi.-kpv i.ii-n u,-t. f!
Jby jistsayia its wLi.-key ? Geule
. c i. .
;Btt ,'bS is fiv. whlrkey, aad It's the'
only kind I kia g:t wj'.h s iron. v. 1
hen yoigitiD pa Iu lu the c. (u-j'-'-..
fortable old greenback, ur tbe m d, st , HoD CjJ ill Giro aij
f??VcJ T l r-, e J il ive th,i raPlinnf Sjra a
regW vll ptl ic..uu. .m tU n31 . 3 3
toauef. l"t!rned that word 'n l! u
jayille. Jsf yo to pv ia ? t
H)oney joouregiu to gii tit likk-.-. i
Sf yoi4 itja ii?giy ? ;SCfe ay paner
Wltp yocf dtatap O'.O Jt 13 a Jvlfr, j
l" iae tLU fl aid ;
mo guuu .i.i r. Wtie vers. 1
1 arson, Ibis I ajJJOO ll pver git !
With VOOr kind U m 'Lev " I
1 '1 l 1, 1 1 1. ' . i, . . 1 iH'Oaral Jail IH-tirDrv, tut th uia! t U eaiiKitt
AIl(l DO IdtLCt Favk Pgia b' b-t'lM,li"'"1-nl'-r.latUeUuu!u!.S..meriKt.W
. 1 ui tu.u liroci-u wa to iu. uliectiJ, fcr huiJ-
tles With a dtfiarit aii- and tivHRrb,
bark terrif I ' UnU " e 861,4 j In a f..ilrt ..I mmn..n l'le..M.n.U..neral
know OSltK". ! l i , 35:
snow, wa that Uutler w hood carrv
.ttaeejlriHMJfe.t' aad H IOtO p tr,
f0 thut his eeaius oml R.dvi. th.
1. p t-i. 60116 tfie
1 p.OO.CUl hi la3Cjin rCDUdiat a th '
hat 111 .n i, u .1! . i '
iu -ney 11 is aii ever tere.
PETBuIEI M V Vniiv '
i.n , . .' ABI, .
r inanseer
,'';,,;,. ,j.
XE :i' A It VEll T IS EM EX TS.
Ji iL('KEl) SILKS, at 75 and cents.
In the new tali shade.
1. iii-hr wi le, at 5 cpnt .
Measurin '21 Inches, at 1.wj.
(t)iJsurini 'SI tnch, at 1 "Ja.
.le.ieTlti!na incheit, ;it 1.".
McHhurinif Zl inchc.-, at 1 7.
Mea.'urina: inhes, at -ioij.
Meauno 'io tocher, nt '6.
Allot which are lelivTe.i t be nn.'ualf. ;,ny
wli-re at the 1 ri -e. wi'ith. unality anl asirrmi,iit
U'e havp th
SATIN PEKIN at per rjr.
at 1.50, il.75, Jri'K). 2,U '".
Iiiciu-tinir the oi-i style
L nn prize-l fr wear.
Iini-ri.'n ban lately hwn ilrit i?r )ric are
twcr than the MUie qiftlitirs of itothis are lu imc
'M by whob ate tieabrs to the tru'e.
31 c;s. 1-n scut jirii-e vltc here, a;'-, .!..
St'iiTl'H FLAHiS. (?i!kmisU is:
Scl!iriif el.ti where lor '-'.j icn:?.
t iira weik-ht snil rl.ith .-Im lei".
li'::ilijr worth JT . rem.
Twi-lhinis wmjl, nJel'.r:l lir:ivjr.
ALI'tCA LI STK ES 12' .c.
i irj.' lull Kta.lanO In ail desirjiile clor?.
The nniveriial tcstliwr..? which -.hup' to at fri.m
all nrie, l, thut ur k ol Drc 4iu I? U ui!
Q.4Ujle'l. ;
j That if everyone would use Hop
j l"""s ireeiy, mere wouiu us mucn
i le9s si' kaess an,i misery ia the
! wot& aud people are fast fiodin?
tbia our- whle familiea keepinir well
Y"ian men pwpire.1 f-,r activo lin.ineM ii.'e.
nr" lr""'n" t! "n"' e,)Uirehrn!ive. Ihorouvii
unJ In nint.-oee. Stil.lenta re.reiT.vl at
tiii e. rureircnir eontainlnn lull pnrtlco
... M.'rH.' A'!. rro. o. ..'
"The Richest BIoikI, Sweetest Breatii
l wu ruiretit asia in nop uiltert.
'A little Hoj) Bittern aavi-a h'ti tintl:r
Urn ami long s:ckae?."
i iiat lavaim wile, mollier, siter oi
'h'1'1 c,n be m:i
witu H"pB;ttei
" hen wirn
ide the picture of beaith
ra duvn and r-ad U take
J" " "liters i wnai you neeu.
-ix.a i P;,v:c and ,.hvie, L it weak
ens and destroys, but take Hup Bitters
that buiid up continiM'!."
t uj sicsans ot ail scu-Is uss and re
Test them.
I i iieie arc mie cures mailt; wua n;i
iTI . I If .
; tilters than all other midieines.
"Health is beuy anj j -;i..p Bitter-
?lvtK ueaiiii hh.i t.eautv.
'"'Viien th.; braiu is w.-aried, th
nervi-i mistru.'i, tbe nuscles weak, '.
11. ir.... "
111 I' join la.
That l.,-.v. n-rv..H f,-ver. w.nt
it i ani wetkaess. c.i!! l-r ii n I
aid Cisap
-V -.1 ':U5; ,.Jr:t- rV!
..j pjr(H'i..JMATIQv'
Lr ' " : "
H,ti- Hmmibra;.iii M. u i,
,I itibf. ii.ii. trie nitrenm Jli' ul
1.-: .S:T jU VTtS
'1 a:!..i fii 'iiner inet;i:em jn in m.u1 iuuui,
ijuiKj, Ja.lie,,f Iho,W.,,'
o.tiia- '. tUo Lk.urt ut tJyr vial Te.:wr. uu4
Or; KonHar, Xr.vntkrll. l-Ti,
..1 j .
Hee. the tU,r.,nir.!a lVntal.!M "'thin l)m'i
"ty..f s.nerMt,hatiliewbtiiwltlieJ
ltl..n.. e:imin;;ti.ns.n.l ithr rcmenihnin.-ei'. to
J'tlwthiii!rwlilvb to their ouW ml in m;w
i.h,.n , ... n.i the
iu lie W1j ,-,.. u ho the nd
ther.?, to ate tralmt ihem xf "h.ill be jut.
otoatiK w. riLE.