The Somerset Herald STATE TICKET GOVERNOR: HENRY M. nOYT, or U ZI RNE COFSTV. L1EUTEX AXT COYEKNe-R : CHARLES VT PTOXE. OF WARREN 4VNY. SKCKETAKT OF INTERNAL AIFAIKS: A A RON K. DUNK EL, Of Villi AHEL1HIA. Jf 'IMS E 4)F THE sri'KEM E COVET: JAMES T. STERRETT, OF ALIEIillESY COVNTT. COUNTY TICKET. lXjN4iniS: JACOC M. CAMrBELL, OF CAMIiBIA COVSTV. SENATE: ENOCH D. VUTZV, OF r-OMEIl.'ET Oil NTT. ASSEMBLY: ANDREW J. COLBORN. EDWARD M. SCHKOCK. I liOTHUNuTAIiY : HENRY F. SC11ELL. SIIEUIFF: EDGAR KYLE. KEUISTEi: AND KEttU-I'I-K: WILLIAM B. I R EASE. IKEASCIiEK: HENRY F. KNEITER txiMSIISSUiNEKS: DENNIS COOK. JACOB CRITCIIFIELD. I'tNiK IIOI SI: lUKECTCK: GILLIAN KOONTZ. AVIiITOIiS: JACOB M. BAKER. HIRAM I. McCOY. llojtota rtutanrv. ..... ., -on in ,t an haunt num. the tan Jnlite of r ir:.uu:ti!i(r, I ry' hoW't monty. , . , , ThtroUtrnt of tlu torrenty thmiid it iliiiuiml. tma nt hu the rnJvirr,,.o.! tf bankrupt find rihl tiitcultitori. ri,urrenrv tlwnli be redeemable ' ....7.,.,.u,,r,WiW,j f. the (iuurnmcr. irHl j.trmit,in'the evrrennj rerojuizid by ,(Uririli:ed nation'. The toniruet of the Cowrnnu rU thottui 1. 1,7.7 .,. ,.,r,rl im ihe eontraet of in- (!Uid:iah,audthc bond, the. e Me nee of it ii,ibltd),ft,H.oild tc ;t U the umfrrhn,j;ig betta n the oarer Ktar.dthe I ndrr. Sih-ccU at liutlcr, Srpt.2, 1S7. A Ft ll vote is alwayB a Republican victory. The Republican who fails to vote is false to his duty. The true principle to go on, and to keep going on, is tbat one more vote h needed to carry the election. This is not an "off year" It nev . ; ".ft rr.r'' when the fight II 13 DU v. . t irns on principles, not men. One more disconsolate, gone to his death Allen G. Thurman of Ohio, lite a Presidential candidate. Tue ticket, the whole ticket, and nnihing but the ticket this ia the old Republican watchword, and has won us all our victories. Ho not be fooled with bogas tick et. All kind of mixed tickets will be circulated. We give this warning ia time, so that no one cef d be deceiv ed. Rti'iiiLK'AN, era you all doing your duty for tae entire State, dis- t-ict, and county tickets in your re spective townships and loronghsf Remember that every vote t-hould be polled for the straight ticket. Tue laboring man who votfs for dishorn ., money, votes to reduce not onlv the purchasing power o" his own wages, but to briag on another panic, an I a long period of business depress ion with no work for willing hands. Every Republican shou'rd remem ber, that upon the Legislature to be cbosen on the fifth cf oxi month, will devolve the duty of electing a U. S. Senator. 'ol but a true and reli able Republican should bo elected. The town elections held ;n Con-nacyt-ut last week, afford nearly 3s gjod news as the Colorado election. Xowbsre did the Republicans fail to Lold their own, and in many towns they made decided gaiss. The cause of honest money is steadily progress ing. ai I Aki-est Greenbackere, w ho claim t be well posted, insist that Cof-f.-c-th i" ba the third rnaa in the Congressional race. We ai'nt caring much about the tail sud man. There ia a gentleman whose utsae ia Jacob M. Campbell, in the lead now. And we confidently expect to see bitt; distance boih tWe other nags. The Democratic Legislature of Ohio, last winter 60 gerrymandered the State, that they were confident of securing focrteea out of the twenty members of Congress, and the Demo crats averywhere boasted of their an ticipated triumph. Bat, ' tit bert laid plan? M mice Bo (luce alt arlfT." Ti Commercial of Meyersdale sty s at tne regular Greeuback Con vention hoii at that place on the od inst, Turner wh kicked off the tick et as a candidate fjr Legislature, and Levi Licbliter, Eq., was nomina ted in hia place, and the Berlin Bul letin was denounced for iu cut-throat course. j No true Republican cea afford to J . l i .1. .. .1 : , - t,., a : . r fcrateu uis uiwci. iuis jci, mv uiurh dqieads tip ju tbe tUition iu ; Eterj ladintlual rote-r bboi this SiRte. : 8!l3er liii!lf c mtnit!ce tf - !gct Here id cue tf B-b logcrsciT ; conuo'Iruas list wo would 1 ke tho .' to answer if t'.e gro-;njf of yotf iepublica neighbors, meut can create aiuae j, hy fhou'd ' d uk$ be maUer joto Jonr own it go to i be trouble to cal!ct t.xts ? J t,ttajJ TbU i!4 n0 time fjr drones or Biifobe tLe Obia flection tie j laggard.?. Greccbackcra boasted thet they J f IAT grtat and good man, Sam would pj'.l not lew thaa 125,000 j Tijdc!1 wba - vhe moral re votca. The returns show that in i , candidate cf the pare Domoc- thaigteat S'.ale tLeir entire vclc ira,T for ive3ident in 1870, ba, just does net exceed tLe paltry numb, r el i t,xpcd in opeQ Coun la rje 30,000. 1 trcit, aa a parly to the Mealing of the . i I Val Hay, lg , ana cuanej - from the Fame ! pany kPr,iei..ri --;;. . . H.....U.. him. r-Hur!- in the u-lt ia th a;iierccre lie- twecntbebcRu8D. mJcrat,,audsore . Ihla" OrecaUckerrf B,ih are in fa- i .,f diahoneBl moDev, Md of CoT-1 VI w roth for Coneress? The Democrats of Franklin and Fal-oa ccuntif s have, like the thieves we read of, fallen cut by the way. Those of Franklin have determined to support Hon. F. M. Kimmell for Judge, while Fulton's unternSed will vote fur George A. Smith, Eeq. TLia ought to give our old friend, Judge Rowe, who ia the Republican nominee, a walk over. Speer, Chairman of the Demo cratic State Committee, has issued . ..!...: Via nftftv an auurees cou5to.vu101.105 1 j on the retuit of the late thctione, and in it he warns them agamtt the innidioos advances of the Green- backers. And yet Turner expects to turn his portion of the pirly over to Coffroth." Somebody ia bound to befooled whoiait? Every vote cast for Ceinpbtll fur CorTCM?. is a vote for nones-t mout'j, a vole to make Greenbacks equal .i h cold a vote to make the lab r- er s and ine enpuans- m; - same value. A vota for CfOfolu means the doubliua cf the greenback currency, and its con.cjUv. nt depreci ation to fifty cents ou tie d, tne payment of'tbc bonds in irredeemable paper, which must uecet-rarny necouie luiofct worthless, aad nnv icautu iv Gnal repuuiaiiou. The State Senator to bo e'uoten at the coming election will, during Lis term, have to vole for two U. S. Sen ators and also cn the re districting of the State far members of Congress. Would the Republicans of this Coun- tv like to bavo J-RKH. uuoii, , rote for two Democratic Mcnnic-rn, and to place this county ia a district wlcre its Republican majority wonia bo swallowed, and we would have Democratic Congressmen for the ucxt ten years? If not, they will vote for Col. E. P. Yt T.Y. The numerous declinations cf can didates announced on the Turner Greenback titket hs compelled that worthy to violate the old axiom no. to swap norses wine crossing tue the stream," and accordingly tho L'ulkUn announces that Mr. S. S. Fornv has been "appointed" a can didate for County Treasurer vica Shoemaker resigned. Jotiab Shafcr, formerly a candidate for Register A: Recorder, baa been "appointed" a candidate for Prothonotary, and Jas. t. Beesecker haa bees "appointed", to rua for Register, etVt Shafcr. How delightfully simple ia this meth od of making candidates! No corrupt and fraadulout nominations can be forced down Turner's throat. He's eot the machine too firmly in his grip for that, so whenever he waata a can didate ho just "appoints" him and that's tho end of it. The "Judge" knows the troublo of procuring a nomination by popular ballot; fellows will not always vote a3 they are told, i-nn- en hp iaat "apnoints tne . HV. J ' men Le wants for candidates. . e used to think that this was a Demo cratic community, but we have learn ed better. Turner is a little king, and holds the tight of appointment, and Coffroth is tho power behind the thrcte. All bail ! King Louis the I ! The BaHeUtt'a "School boy" is in formed that he la . tryillfol falsifier, when he alleges that this journal ....-..l M-SheriffSbafer and others." It Lapjustly denounced and ridiculed Turner, beesiisc his published letters prove him to be aa ct,'erly conscience less demagogue, if not wofi3. . ShaferricLlv deserves denynoaticp as aa ingralc U the party that twice crave him the best coua'X fOice t ifiit but we Lave uttered no 6tfaiv.e word aeaiust him. When S. B. has tarried at Jericho till his beard grows, be may per chance comprehend his present silli aeis in talking to a lawyer about the nocess; -of "legal" evidence, to in duce a Cocnty (Committee to repudi ate fraud and corraptica at a primary election. The election is held, nor the commit: constituted by v.r ... r .nw Uu-the are both ,creat - ., r( nirtr rreaticn. and to one is given the power to call, supervise, and iclare the rssult of the other, with the aADscnuent right to throw ont or reject, fra'ttiUcjt, or coiriiptly procured returns. As to the defeat of the e iitor ot tisis jouftil by fraud saae yeara since, tbat ia sot &a issue now of import ance in tbis camptua, .and bis withers are onwrung, by tfce taih . Jo have this to say of it, howeror, tLn "or yewc we have had the evidence to prove, itU tie Bulletin's candidate for Congress (Geo. Coffroth) was the instigator and procurer A the fraud, and that we didn't go whining tbroccb tbe cccnty about if, nor at test to break down our party ba-1 cause of otir defeat It only taught ua to be mere t igiiant, and to strive the Larder for the succbaj of the party, j and to guard its candidates, as we now doing, against future t-icksjlng OT." and that with energetic are of Ccffrotb and Lis supple tools, of whom tho Bulletin and iti "Schotl Boy" are 6amples. Ripi blicass! there ia eiill plenty t' n in n rfi rL our urcaaiz llioD. - i booM run one, to out a full rj!e. If jcur conirmt- . or nr?lieat. stir Liin ff . -jj!l meet-1 ir.Ld .f :hrt eve Viirk Mine Com- - ---- ---- ai .uariueiif, emuu "" - r '- matter of bw income ux. Ktlere a .park of p.l.dcal lc left io the old man, th exposure extinguishes it. Greenbacks are within one-half per cent, of being as good as gold. On the Brat of January the time xed fjr resumption they will be on a par with gold, and this will put in circulation the three hundred millions of gold which has been hoarded tip, and haa not been in cir culation for yeara. If those who clamor so loudly Lr more money, wiil only wait till next new year day. this three hundred millions of .gold, which haa been only a matter of merchandiae for years, will be ad ded to the circulating medium and thus iuQate it to that exteut, General Coffroth is taking pains to prove himself the roost accom plished political atraddler of the age. In a pamphlet, which he has bad printed and circulated, and in wbicb be makes a most Impotent defense of hia political and legal shortcomings, Uie cel8 f,.nh hii financial viewa as f'ows : The unconditional repeal of the Resumption act, which ia the present Democratic petition The substiiution of legal tender n )tes. for the Natiooal Bank currency, which is the Greenback position To have aud maintain gold, silver anl legal tender notes of the same value, as a circulating medium, which it the Re publican p)siiion. The adroit strad dltr, however, fails to point out, how with the repeal of the Resumption act, whereby tbo specie bonis would be tak?n from behind the legal leader notes, he could make them iqnal with gold and silver. The Johnstown Dcmo'ra! and Somerfct Dcmwral, par nolulefrat rum, have revamped and are repub lishing the oft tq'ielcbed, and thrice t.lJ lie that General Campbell while in tho army shockingly and cruelly abused a man named ltoat, who was a sergeant of the 54th Regiment. This malicious falsehood first strug gled into existence through the col umns of the ilarrisburg VatritA k Uni'm on the very eve of the General's election a3 Surveyor General, in 18G5. After its first appearance. W. II. Rose Eq , a leading Democrat of Cambria County, who was adjutant of Col, now Gen, Campbell's Regiment, John Sutcr and Louis Rehr, both Captains in the same Regiment, all publifched letters denying Roat'a state ment, and testifying to his general worthlcsness as a soldier and those statements, ba it remembered, were not published durioe political cam paigns, to make political capital but after General Campbell was elected. The manlinc33 and honesty of the editors who are cow publishing stories heretofore prorea to be false, may La judged of by the people they are at tempting to deceive. The documents proving the truth of what we allege are in our posses sion, but wo will not comber oar col umn w ith lengthy contradictions of a storv that no one will believe. Fin. returns have not yet been received from the late elections in the western States, but enough is known to profa that substan tial result's have been obtained by the Republican party. In Ohio, which the Democrats car ried at the last election, the Repub licans now have a majority of about teu thousand, which is a not gain of 2".,000, and the Greenback vote, which it was claimed would reach at least 125,000, will not pan out one third that amount Tha tiiata was re-diftricted by the Democratic Leg islature last winter, and so gerry mandered that the Republicans were given bat fei rcmbera of Congress, jbat notwithstanding tie rascality, bo rigorous a Cght waa ciade, r1hat we carried cioa rembsrs including two;,. 'a the Cincinnati .iia-trict now rep resented by PemoraU. Indiana was carried by the Im ocrats with abot.t their nsual mcjor itv. Ja this State one Greeobacker was elected, by a combination with the Democrats. The Republicans lost two members of CongreM, b'U : rre? &ti e Democracy so hard, tbat ' uhej onjy se.c.vfe a maj irity of frcin six to ten in the 14':? on j jint l.allot. . ,. . r tit ; ..JaV.ri,4ill"uo. JO lows lilt ni-iiuu.taun tiiieu; the State by about the urtial major ity. Here also the Greenbackera, by a .combination wun inn iremocracy, captisi.ti tco member of Congress. Everything flea ia'caa. West Yirginia, of tours., vppt Democratic, as usual. TLa Iepub li&DS, however made to rattling a CgLtw8c f ready endanger two of .. .i .i their i districts, and prove that (here ia a lite, and pluck left in our organization tbat will yet aaaert itself. Take iioS result of these elections aa a wkoie, Lua Is erytbing to assure the Rcpublipaci of Penn sylvania, that the Greenback crcs ia not the formidable bug-bear it has b9cn;represeated,that it ia fast "Peter- work we will carry the Keystone State by aa old time majority Now, "whoop her up," boys. Tut Greenbackers gobbled op the Democratic pirty in Maine; Ben lice Butler busted it up and captured it j4.1IarTJ lLc pv, l!u! ai;.j Orti. ia Massachuasitt; ia Ohio ;t Las back Ciedidate fjr t'je St v.e Legii-tti-gone where tfce wooubine twinett; ture, wusiltcted b? 200 tanj iri'y." in West Virginia it ia growing fnin!!; IOW A. by degrees and beautifully leas atid ' CKEENiiUKtus klkcvki. to la rennxvka&ia, ill cu iho b;h ' , 'xt!?lS ... i..r ' i Des Moime-?, Oct. 10 Uesurno of November, eeod n op ' h-gher than j ffom fifty.f Jlir t:,utitu hkh cast kite." It will fctill, uoAever, uu- 0vtr Laif ih. .o cf tao S ate, yive pwer as ai awful example to way-; a RtpuVi cju mtpritv uu ihe Stats ward traoanreseor. jti. k.-. cf 12,2;o, a gain ou the i Oubtrtiatorisi vote of Ust yenr It Os Tueadiy of Its', week en. Hoy t'a electioa waa aa certain as any thing in the future cjuM be. The wotk cf that day in Obit) only Culpa to swell hia rosj irity. It i no Ion- 1 .1 ger a question of hia election, but aim- i plvaao th-3 siz. or h'a m j rity .j T . 1 t, .... A L8t vear tha LijnDcrata cimt-d; - Ohio by over 20,000 nisj jrity, tee uepuijiicjia mij ri'.y win p.-m-!ab bly be 10,000. We ca-j d b,::u rj than this for Hoyt a ad our State lick ! et if we work for it Let us all try. Messrs Geo. G. Walker and L. A. Turner are running as candidalcs for the Legislature Mr. Walker, we believe, claims to bo aa independ ent Republican candidate, while Tur ner ia a rampant Greonbacker, labor ing in the interests of CoffVoth. Now, aa the next Legislature elects a U. S. Senator, and evary vol may be im portant, will Mr. Walkjr piedgo himself, if elected, to g iato the Re publican caucus, for V. S. Scna-or, abide the result, and vote for in nominee. Let auy and every Repub lican who may prop ice tJ vote fjr him ascertain this fact, ere ha cuts bis billot. Ifhedoeanot so pledge himstlf, then they may aa well vote for a Democrat. As to Turner, noth ing can be expected from him, and in the event of hia mafciug a pledge, Judging from tho cxp.ifcure of his duplicity, made by hia published let ters, it could not bi relied oa. The Berlin ullcfin being created without brains, we cannot expect cf it to compreheo J the difference be tween the intrinsic value of a green back, "created'' out of a worthless piece of paper, and the gold dollar "coined" by the government, cohtaiu ing its full value of that metal. The greenback is no never was, aud nev er will be money. It h simply a promise to pay money, (t. .) g;ld or silver cuia.-; therefore the government never "created money." It ia only tbose who, like the JiuUiUn, want the Unite d States to play ti e swin dler, atd cheat its creditors uud ita citizens, that ins-ict that the govern ment can "create" money by iis fiat, and attempt to justify their ignomin ious proposition by the si"v intima tion that the highest Cuurt i.i the land cotjld be induced to declare the paymeutof the Xational deb' a w ar measure. Take it for granted that CeflVotb did not sell any Cadctsbipa while in Congress, it ia now admitted that Clarence A. Steadmau, of Massachu setts, Charles I'hilip Kuahardt, ol New York, and Edward J. Beriud, of Philadelphia were all three ap pointed to Cadetahips by him, to the exclusion of hundreds of young men residiug ia the district, some of whom by law were entitled to those appointments. In these cafes be was required to certify, and did certify, that each one of thea-j lad redded in this district. Here were three ap pointments, which of right belonged to hia district, which be bestowed oo strangers. Lrt any one explain if be can, why a "scientific politician," al ways courting public favor, rhould thn hai-e triroa to straazera those valuable app liatruan, the bastoaI of which on young men at home would have made him a host of obliged, lifedong friends? THE ELECTIONS. Tuesday' Kesnlt lu Oliioj Intliana, Iowa and West Virginia- HARD ftlGNEY VICTORY, ItonuMiran Gain aeura-a!Ij-OlOxJelCol" liuliaua. omo. CONFIRMATION OF THE BKI'l lii.K AW SfCCESS OS THE STATE TIClvF.r KtilAh JHVISUIS OX COXllBEaaME!,. ClNl'INSATI, Oct. '.I CompMc and reliable returns f r this ( Hamil ton) county give Barter, Repu'.'lic 111, for Secretary of State 1,041 mj irity over Paige, Democrat ; Butterwortb, Republican, for Congress in the First district, l,0G(i mt-jority over Saylcr; Young, Republican, tr Ccgrecs in the Second district, 1.0S0 mfj riiy over Goss. Democrat, The Republican Slate Central Committee claims nine Coiigrest.nien, To wnsend, Car"cIJ. .Lpdegralr, Monroe, Jteifer- Neal, McK.inley, Vcung and BjUerwartb. Cu. little attention hai' iriyeu t ) the Jta'e ticket majopiy, lut M" tfee oggrega'o keeps op to Ihe end a3 it bc:ao, there will proUU be 7.S to 1 0,000 majority. The "Democratic State C qtral Committee claims eleven CouKrei--men certain, viz; McMabon, Lf.:vrc, Hill, Hurd, Fiuley, CooFeree, Jiw ing, Dickcv, Athertou, Gddua aod Warner. They give the S.ate to tbo H H t.t: - r- "VJf'T yiKGINIA. M-riuucKH ,;aj.v Tn'f rVlT "1S tbi?5 a jiEAvy voe m-f.-R Wiuemxu, VVr. VA , Oct. U The returns as far as rtefciveti Up 10 I hia hoar indicate that Hubbard, KepuU Jican, for Congress ia the First eiia- xiC, carries tiie couniy uy so m iQQ ijjaj'ori. will leave the majority of WiUoi., f,err.orj.t, ve.- small in the Iialrirt 'i'fcrca est pi the fexir members of tho LiisSaafj elected are Uepublicaus. Tnia coun- ity fcas heretofore been to'.idly D m- ocrau.. A Chrlesto8 tieivt ' " rte election was carried oo wuu .ro energy, each party doing ita utunib. tt bring out every voter. Tho judi cation; era that Kenua, crat, in the Vhjr.i) ,(;,JtrWt, Kill have f00 m ioritv oyer Walker, 'ilepuiiLua ?ud Oreanliacter. Ihe CJUUV CUiCers J.,k. Pl.a t J,,i,irn ill TI HMK. Ti re'ri'itiott1 epiruhtse tiluwy are in doubt Ihe L-giia.ure o j iK. H.i.i'vij ' ixte wiirMmiuiics largely Democratic." 1 1- par o;ot. n coiirwicioo or sale ana J'l'i , , . ... , , of .iee.1 : one thtnl :n: month., aci one-thlnl W 1 arkersburg advicea are toat t il-i.,il(.YCrtr.nitheiiiueororaeroiiaiie,t4:Kiiui boo, Democrat, for Congress, carriea Uptut,:,, wiiu m the county by 200 majority. All the tL AsigM4i joepii Laa-tii-. Demccra tic ticket is elected, except cieis ci me circuit i.juii A di'fiU'h frt,ui Hua'iiiydtju y: :.. . t ; .: "ive a Republican majority cf fully 15,000. lie Ilcpublicaa tongreif ir.cnikcied are McCord iu the rirtit district, Trice ia tha SciMiid, Upde- iereiliuthe Third, Dcerite in the Fourth, Clark in the Fi!u, Sapp in the Eighth, CarpeLter intbeNiuth. 1 00 vi rccii atria i c'. iru me un- . tt in ! hi. sit h l;c chuiit 1 ( 0 ma- !jori,y -J.ilat; u. ibe Seventh by . 500. INDIANA. J.nwasai'olis, Oct. 10 The most rtliab'e reports from the 'iu:h dis trict up to 1 o'cLik confirm the elec tion of O.'lb, Reputiicaa, by a ma-! jority of twenty-one votes. ! Jnmasapolis, Oct. 10 Ortb's official majority in the Ninth district ia 0 1. I oer is no change in the re sult in ether districts from latt night's report. Tho Coogrcst-iocal delegation ia the Slate tt&nds: Dcm r cats (!, Repoblicaus G, National 1. Corrected and official rttura for the Legislature give the following re feuk: S?uate Democrats 25.. Repub licans 24, Naiional 1 ; House Dem ocrats 54, Republicans 41, Nationals 5. Democratic tutij'-ritv on j"ht bal lot. G. t n Itcveraer. 'Tjey ere not a beverage, but a medicine, with curative piopertica of the highett degree, ccttainiog no poi sonous drugs. They do net tear down an already debilitated Ejalem, but build it up. Oae bottle contains more hope, that is, more real hep strength, than u barrel of ordinary beer, li . .ry druutHst i;. Rochester sel!.-; them, and fhe physicians pre fcribc tht'iu." R ;cheer E euing Express on Hop Bitters. XE II' .4 1 VER T1SE.VEX 'IX. LIST OF CAUSES for Novcniitrr Tno nf t? uri U -ifliitil'iif Nu vein Fin ST WEEK. 1. 'nir.iiii H'iukIyk. rut."'ir?li 4. U inncl! vil e It. It. t;o. 1. Wtv.l Sfnln.r Mv.'lilieCi. T.-. J. N. Fkht-tif-r ft i.i .1. J-iJ.n it trhl Vf. Ij.tnlvl Sw;irrnr. xnnilAwe. i. .I.f-.'l 1! iti':l.nuli v. L'jvl Woli, rt nl. .'. .lo-l:vli KolU-r, 'Irras. va. Auttu-tUi Mc-laiy, et nl. 6. V. A. S'i'',:h vi i,-l'KTi'lM'.t I'rintliiif ('. 7. 1.-. P. 'Itu!i.iri 'mi in. AU'jliLT. ti. I Veil k. 1j. .In! v. S. H. Onri-y.i-t al. u. J. V. fc. It. C. V:in Horn vs. Jeras Lii t".n ft al. 10. John I'. Ornliata vs. SfT-hli-r M.-Furl ir. l. H. ti. li. Kin'n ithtf vd. W. It. l:rook.. 1'.'. (. li. hiux'f u.e t. W. 11. Kr ..kit. I. ; ls.i;u Weri'llr vi. ITiiuil Atmnn. 11. Aim M.iri.i Z.rl. s' Kxwuu-r v. Sh:ir-rfc Vol. i:. fiilon N.t'iii:il Il.ttsic t. .Simr?ct Miner al Point K. li. SECOXD WEEK. 1 . 1 li 4 'ope ft al. Vi. IjTcmpvx! . ( tllnirer. 2. I.voia i'.'nuf"' u. v.". Tof-p-T & Fy:iM. 3. Ili-nry Itiouias ;vl I vs. Savjjjo Firu Uriels 4'o. 4. t lUvcr A. Pnrki r v-. Ira ( t'aDflf I I. .'j. i rlilliijfl l?n'i. v. Alfycrs-liile J-r.-'U-'. ti. .lol.n 1. Hoihly v. iu. J. Kior. 7. Aaron Trt-cslt-r v. .Ton:u Turntiy. . t'oln-rvt. Dr. H. O.irty. u. I-liiiiot U Auuian vi. Alirjliam Hcrkfy et al. to 1-. .1. t untrymun vs. ". M'Kenxie. II. ;iial.vrlfn .(. John lnti. li Fjyettc AIM. Fire Ins (H, va. J. O. Mevors. 13. layctiu Mut. Fire tin CV., Ta. 1'eti r Mcy ?r' A.lm, 14. I. J. 4 over t W. J. I), In trust, l.'i J. J. fhiillpi's Ailm. vs. Hinry Itairl. H. Frctuian a. .Mi-L'lolUn vs. lli iiry Kt-ain. n. yrua licntuni t uo v. Pan L swainrr. It. l ii-hacl Wills v. SK. juhntum at al. 111. llowiiril Jiokce . Llvungotnl & Maust, irirnL-Oioi. '.0. Ann 4 'over's aus v. Jpob ?tcyern' Kitrf. 1:1. Amirev W:iKK:iuian vs. A. Wiimoth et al. Joi"ph t'hris'uer's uso vp. Henry Keiin. 'l.l. llonry Iteam vs. Ilier & WineUn.l. 'Jt. 4 hristi:m b-'i:roek vs. I'hilip WoUet:t)Cn?cr ct al. ij. JI. A. Siuner St Co. vs. J. O. Klinmel. F. J. KtMiSKR. 'et. Id. Trot honotary. Q 1 0 U RT PRO C LA M ATI ON.- ,ns?ttiiAH, the Honorable William M. Haix. Prwi'ii ut ft tlio seven 1 Courts ol Common Fleas of tloMVtuntH'fl p-imi8!nif tiie sixteenth Judicial Diytrkt, ami JuHih-e of the (Courts of Overand Ter- tr.Un.-r ar.d .rcm-ral Jail JK-livery. for the trial ol aliwtiiilal aud othr ottenticrs in the said listri-t. mid It a mel Stufft and li. i MrtriEi.WAS rj- (jiurtfs. Jut iures ol the Court? of Common Fleas, and Justices of the Courts ol 'Over and TcnnintT, and General Jail Delivery, for t lie trial of all capital and otheroiU-nders in the County of Somerset. have l.-sue l their precepts ami to uie uirecteti, lor hold Insra 'ourtof Common IMea, and General Otmr- t-r Sessions ol the Fence, and General Jnll Deliv ery and Courts ot uyw and lenumer, at isomeret tn .nontfray, November II, IS 7 NtrrifB if krreby given to n 11 the Justices of the Peace, the C-oroner and Constables wilhin the sau' County d Somret. that thy le then and therein their proir Mfrns, with tht ir roils. rceorOmiui- pnion?, examinatlo!, snd other remembrancer, to dotho-se tiiiiiir? wiiieh to their omcc and m that tehalf appertain to be done; ami alto, they who w i i 1 pr iset-u e a amst t he primers i uat are 4r na li ic in t ne a;i oi o!inTret or my, to men anj thtrc. to Lrxecoute auaihat thein'a i;c just. GKUKif fcl W. P I LK Ot-?. I. Sheriif. 4 SalUNEES' ACCOUNTS. I ne fullowieir noe. uutft li ive b.en file-1 at uiy oioee. ana v. iii lie prosenua I, r cotttirnuition ou Motility. nt. H. I;: Joh H. t'lit, Assionrc of JSatnuel Ferrrl. .1 L. Ftt- !i. ol .iaeoo F. iiiulei W. It. Kilppel, Asriiiii-eol VV. Vi. ILlvisi Hro. t)eo. A. Tln.iupson. Assignee ot !S. F. Fliclt. Jotlll 11. I'lll, Arsiyil.-e of SdlJlUel A. lilioiuli. F. J. Ki.H'SKi:, Lk-L til Fro. I M I X 1 ST I( A T (J P. 'S N O T ! C E hia(Cof Jobn i. Su;i:J late tf i iat-.u tUtning tor.?!ii do :''!.-.!. lafUcrs.d-i'irr.iuiMruf.ionoj Aativec?,-aie hav ing been iTu.iLe.i to the undercut. e' bv H:c prop er aut Uot,i.y, Lirt(ije u lirfooy Hlon to t,ioe ia-dch:-tl to it to miwe iu me.iiatep:.yu.e)iUaiiid thse haviiitf clt'lw: ftu.iltif-t tl will prvd.'iit tbem duly uu;ht-iiticated fr suUlecient to the AduilnUtrattr, at th; ( i!e rctfi'ieiit-e tilths deceased outheth !:iy ot !o? t er. ut. if. XMMKI?MAy. M Id 4tiniiuh(tralMr. 1 .4tf l't.OlOl( lililt'ij. osi.vs'jfii. f1iriWIBSta.'1l $285 $55 )i'h;i ttr out; Itsun t1r onl v -IU lVarrantrd W. ars. 75 -Ijn't l is: lojtnd ,r Hlu-.tiae'l t'lrculir. lll-NNKLLk MILLER. Oiitnal Maiiulaciureri1, Lewiilown. Fa sen It in A iiSIG.SEfS SALE ' Oi VAI-t AIU.'.: HKAL ITAt E. to mi or.ler 1,001 'iit of the' 4'r.urt o! 'oiuini.n Fh::.s oi S-,u.eraL't comity, Ia . the nu-.iet-iane.1 Ai-siitn-a of Jaeob J. ?;;ui!i;, will jell at .-uhlo- sale, on Halurtlaij, X-n-cnJier 2. 18 78. at 2o'elK'k r. m., n Ihe preuii; A o. f, the IU lowinp ilr-iTiiK: 1 es.ate. vlt: No. 1. l liel.tnnotJae.ihJ. Smith, situate in otoeot Twp.. nuerMrt einty. Fa., cotilaiuiiiK ctHiut e, avrt., a'l.jnijir laii'ta ol .la.b Miauli.-. Jueol) I'lie, Joiiatliau liooaits nn-l Ihe liiipniveiiietits are a twostoy hot; 'Ihrelippf houe, l leuiy o uiuor, Him -t'.ne ami eoal. ,an.i a large a;i i l very line su-j-ar camp on tne pretnlea. No. 2. 1 lie un-iin le.1 Mie-'ourlh lnU-r.n of a tract of land situ ite In .in-rset township, arortj-u-i, t,;offn a i.he JoKph Sailth tarin. Ai'.ij'n tnc 1j -Ir u' V '1 l'i,!t U hi, laniel Hiulmker, lien jy, Jt.Ht'un t: KU- i U anj "theri, i n lilniii(f alwut 4 1 itert-, .i(.i rtuej;. Iitf't c. i.r,L ijfi o'.li-r hail lint's ti Th. wi:! tv --liir,t !' M: ftttf. of ttiMt.ifc sinph tli'nif..' TKli tlS tn o!c known 4j, of .-I. .IDllX J . HUH It.UlM tk.t. 9;nee oi Jaeoli J. Mmitiu I )UBLICSALE ;iy vrrti-e u o;.j. r i s ie l'imiioli Flea.-a'ar. ! !;-tl: ri ue l out of the 4'ourt ol iei'""t',ol Somerset. Sl'.'O.veWk l' i. a (.! , if.-rei. ifl l(Hi fv'V 1 - "I Ft niisvlvatila. will s. ti a; t.u'Mh' s.tle. li llousi: in tne tKiroun ot 2ttu:rv-i, uw Fridnj, November f, 1S78, " o'e' i- U p. at., the lollowlnst itt-fcrilwal real 4 iteiialu laij f .nil llealo n Stonyrf-ek towa-hip. t-.:u ;t t. a,' Pe.--j. yi 'an'. a'V;oiolhi( tanjl ol f'f.di'at.ii li-vir 'J$t knniiieU John lloyer. Henry Mull al fctii-Jia-' eor.liiininv 2 aerv more or It-Fit an I nilownnee. ot whieh thereareat.ut 40 aerea elt-nr anl la aerea :i tntyl.iw, witii a two r.ry h-a- lioua an-i ttmik SE W A D YER TISE3IENTS. mTT-n nnnim n tt I M H tKK a I r U I rt. I -1.J-J-JJ 4XilJ-IXJ.X Sk.-. 4. All the rl-l..n l.jr the rKiita shall I Ik !it !:!! it. Kiw hullot v.rl fhall aoin ( jlj1 rPT-l Ih'1 ! l'-rit In Hie lit wlii.-h II rhalt Ih twlrr.:, V-,J- t--aJ .an.1 Hie numlicr renir!tn l,y titc tl-cti m ottirnt , in 1 ri I 0 t tf OF IVM 1jIL. JIAIl 1 iaA All. ! Will I lielil at Cumberland, !Afd., J f 1 1 9 Esv. Henry W ard B:ccher Will ilclit.T Hie A.l ;r.ra. tK-Mwr X). President Hayes An.i a ftrtiiii ol Liu Ciliiiiet will lie -rt?.-it n the eth Trtu!? of each tlitj ! Sp'i::! atira'liOni ca-li ! Fm l luuilnl rKk i xlaLlcl ! I nu 1 Ti,nrD:tmcn:, W. S4' li ! Spf cUI :r.iln c-a all liiilna.!? at exeur.-lon ratts. EEOY1) LK WMJES. TllOAS Cuvlliiav, Froi Jcut, Cot. Swietary. TRUSTEE'S SALE. The uu.ler?ignl Trnpteo for the sale of ihe real rtiiateet Nunh Ko-ljer, Uteof UucujutK.ntnir twp , vican-?it, in ;aiuitijo ol un uMvr ierauts.1 to liiu) hy the t rihan'.t:ourt fit S'iti;r:t V untr. Pcnna. will in (luiilie aale on lite irenii.t: ol ilevrased alorvania, on Saturday, Xocembef 2, 1S7S, at one w'clcrk I1 t suite. Viz : . M,. the following d( a Tltc.l real A eeruln trwt or parir. ol Ian 1 situate In Qucinaliiriitn township, Sdnu'rstrt county. Stat ot i'tnaylvtiiita, ntljuininir Unld ol Nuali Swank, awl (Jwir-s Kxh-r, ouitiiinlun; four aorva an- sixieeu M-rcltcs, ttrK-t lurjtfiurc, ulth a twu s.ory plank h iusc, ui otUt-r outtmil.iin(i( therein eroct- J J. with a ttiw or-hiinl, wattr aud wtUlin-j prove-!. TLiv.IS:-Ca.-b od coniirmAtlon of j JOHN HAM EK, Cvt. it. Tra.eo. SSIGNEK'S SALE. y virtue ol an onier Iffufl nut of Ihe Court ol (uimn ritiii ! S'um rsH't Co. !'.. iU un'lorikru c l A.iitiiieeul Ocorgti A. I'ile, will d ll at puMic (jle ou the premirfcrf.oL, Saturday, Xocem?r 2, 1S7S, it C oV!"4'k r. x. the fulloifilr.K Ucse-ribed real estate. 'ta : A cenatu trart ofl.m.I Mltua'e InSniprsotTwp., SoiiifpM-t i'u , r;t , aitjomhiy: la 110 of Kpwunl Ktl h-r, Willitiiu . KiK'pMt-r, Jt' Kr:etitne nnti other, Li.!iiuliln5 1 nored, more tr les. having a two itory plunk h u-, a fprtiiy hou." houmj U')oifterutltriMiiif ilMTLi.uIout lu aiTi clear, et whi' ti uKfUt 10 ren arc in meaituw; alao an orch:nl oi applo tret an I euar camp thepion, X'hkI witt-r aut tluttier. TKKMS, one-third on .rf)lirmatlon of nale, irtit'-thirtl in fix montits. anl oiie-thim In one yer trom date oliirtK'rol )e, with intrft : ts-n or c nl. ol purvhane iuncy to te i--ild ou day of (ft. 9 AjtAiiieo. A DXIINISTB ATOR'S NOTICE. Fsl:ite of Kiul'en llofluiun. htte of Jtuner Twp., ileeeareU. Lrtte r ot a!mtiiltnition on the aNive ostate havlriE'l-,-nel hy ltiriiriruuthority.noU is.hrrehy iriven tolhotlnii'ttel to ittoiuakeltntne ilt pa ineitt, antl those UaTinKfUiuis avainst It to present them tiuly autlient lealetl lor settlement on S ituntity. Noveuilier, Id. 17' the late reti-ilene-jot tieeeasvil. HKN'KY H.1IHFFMAM. rlit.L-MA.N HKFFM AX, (K-t. 9 AUtuinUtralorfl. J EJAL NOTICE. T"i:!iia!;h HelHi-v. W i,ioK,4';vVils..n UelUey. N. I". Ilt-iil. y. Kllen Hetl!-y ami F. Hetttey. (the last a uiim r under 14 years.) all ol Nebraska, A. l(rut.aker l lierllu, I'm., of F. Hef tley : you are notihetl to aptK-ar at an ttrphans' 4 'ourt to he hehl at Somerset Fa., on Montay the llth ilay ol Noveii:r next, to -cpt or reln.-e tlie r.-al e.-late ol Ananias Ileilley, ilei-tl, at the ni-prai.-eil pr:ee. or -w r.tusu n hy the same should I'Ot 1 s..hl. S'irrill'4ll!.M, ( tSKO. Vi. FILE, tep. i, 175. i, 4Vt t Sherill. li .TaTRAY NOTICE. . ...... trf.T.i4p.- ol thn fiMn Ilenrv S. I'li-kini;, at 4 'ha 'V. e:upp's. in Jenner fwp.. about the mttlille of .luno, ls:s, a one year oM heiier, hrown an l while cp-itied, no ear mark,. I he owner is rt-iueteil to eoiue forffar.l. prove property, pjv el aras, nnJ take It away, or it all! lie.'il'pMs I ol aeeor.linn to law. SepUW. JllH.VU'.Cll'P. -"GENERAL ELECTION PROC- jTlamathj. Ge)D SAVE TUE Clt.MMil.VWEALTH. WHSBEAS, In an.i hy an art of Oeneral As-Reml.-Iy ol the C'omiuoriwenhh of Fennsylvanla. ti'litleJ "An aet to regulate the elections within this l'onimon eal!h." It Is enjoined upon tne lo itlve puhlie notiee of sai.l eleettons ana to ueumeratc in nai't notiee what oUleera are lohe eleeteil, I, eJEOKUK W. FILE, Sherill of the eountv ol Somerset, do herehy make known and irive this liuhtic notiee to the eh-etors ol the eoun- ty of Somerset, that a Kleeiicn will lw held lu said county ou Tues'luv the Fifth datjrf Xoc:,ub.:r, 1S7S, the nmc helni tho Tuesday next following the ttrt IVIon-luv of XovetnU-r. The elwtors of the Imroaifh of tTonfluenee to meet at the e'onnell 4'hamler. In saf.l horouieb. The electors ol tlie torvua:h anl election cis trlet No. l of Somerset township to meet at the Court House, in aahl noronyh. The electors of election illMriet No. li of Somer set township to meet at the house and shop of Ferry I'mlieiaerinSipesviile. Tlie electors of the township of Milford to meet at the house lately occupied hy Thomas Kinir, in said township. The electors of New 4ntrevl!!e. ti meet at the school house in said borough. Thselwtoraol the town.-hlp of fpper Turkey foot to meet al the house ot John A Sl.ulu, in said township. The electors of the township of Lower Ttukfy foot to meet at tho schoolhouse .n I'rUia 5or onah. T he elc-tors of tli Nrouirn of 1 rsttu 1 meet at the aclosil hoose ia said NiroUili. Tiie clcctorsof the township ol A.hli?on to trjeet at the a hool house in Fetershury. The electors of the townshij ol Mld!cereek to meet at li.e Itoa.c octal led '')' Aaron llechler, In a.! tovf . ship. The .'l.t(nf the township of Elkiiek to meet atthe new Khool house tn the borough of Salis- liUM'. The electors r.f the bomujth of Salisbury tt meet at the new school hc-use in fa td Utrotiirn. The elector of the townshipol Suinmit to meet at the aelHail house in Hale 4 'ily boroaiti The electors ol the lion.uli of Inle 'lty to men at the council er.amlier tn lid lK,rotfub. The elector of the ts.nuuh of Welletsburg to meet at the school house In tahl iHirou'h- The eieeiois ol the township of t irecnville to meet al the achool bouse, iu Focahoiitas, iu gala township. The doctors of the township of Southampton to meet at the house of J. I,. Keniiel, in aaltl binship. T'lid rtet-tora of the township of Northampton to meet at of Johu Forl'ausjh, iu said township. Tlie elector of the township of I.-irituer to mett at the house formerly occupied by Wui. itlivy, in said towiislitp. The elector of t lie lior..i5;h of I'oiS.n tn meet at tLi) house of Ar-liini I tn.uiplon, iu said i"'f oiiali. I i,c elect. M of Hii) township of Ht.tliersvallcy to meet at J:!itiicr i whool ho-jse, iusad town shin. The electors of the towu'hip of iitonyoreclc lu uu-ctat tlie aohool Ij.iuse at rliiaiiUvjlle, n said township. The ehclora of Ihe of fcpovstown to m-et at the house formerly iccupieil by Henry J. Miller, in sai.l borouirh. The electors ol the township of tuemnhoniiiif to meet at lh llll'O l'l JaeoO CUsp r, in Ktoya loan. The elector cf the township of Allegheny to meet al tlie In .Use ot Albert iiiiiya, in saw township. The eles'tors of Ihe !irounh of New llalttr.ore bi inert al the b.uisa'uf In ald boi- rtll'll. 'I he elootoM of the township of t'onemaimh to meet al the house of Fetcr Ievy, in sanl town siiip. The elet tors of tha township of Shade to nioct at the house of Jacob llelinaii, 'In said township. The el b-rs of the townshlpof Faint to meet at tho school hou ertwted on the lands of Henry li'.-rkey. in township. Tho electors of the township of .Tenner to meet at the house of Tlo.t. ,1 ialLnther. at Jeuner X liooie. In s:lil township. Tj eh-ctiirs ot the township ef Jetlerson to .,. ct " Iwniso ol hj.ilomon Baker, iu aid town I'-!'- The eleet.irj rt tuc imrnu ;h ot Jencrvme to meet at the . Insa house Itual l bopaiuh. At which time and place the quatiUetl koteis kill elect by ballot: i IK E Fr.KSON ni the office of (joterpor of the l!onlro Realth o FeiiuSN U'anLi. n.VEI'EKStlSf fortheof mtlce f Lleutenaut Uovenior ol the t'ouiroonirealin of Pennsylvania. tj.V E FF.KtjON b r Judye of tha Sooreuie liowrt ol lb. ol -.'iin.uoini. USE l'r.(iils4 l. the oliof IsesIart. .it Jn-terii-il Al! ilf of tl ISnniijonwealiL nl I'yoyl. VnO- . . . .! . 4tX fc. I r.l(e,i.' airniconnuut iiuuiiir ui nib H,,nuM lieiiresrautlviK oi toa I'nltad Suites lor Ihe Seventeenth lllstrlctot H.nn.y Ivanla. nouip ia. el ot the I'ouutles ol iteoioru, inair, i suinns ami SoTDem't . ' M-K 'F",i l,,r lft olio rena-or nif i..,.n"'li'ol Fi.JV'vaiilB. for Iho Iltrlet eoni ft vscd oft fe roar.tirsol llodi-u.1 t'tltun, and jilmerslt ' " " ' I- VW.'i HFDniXS f't Ma'ulienni Uie ty" tH'V;.'t''.w.H,'i,lv 'if 1, 4;vmn(onyeaJir; b Pa'ti vlratila t..r . - I I.N E Fr.KSl iji lot tlie ouue oi, n( A m'crsetl'.mn'y. 4NK 4'fcie:iV for the office of Slierill of Sot et l'..univ. UN E FEHilX for tlieofflije Kexlstcr and Uo--oi-'.','ol -'omerwi O.iiiitv. "' LVE fEbv'jN f.r tl olH.-o of Treasurer of 30m iser tlbml'. - N rilUI-.fcH-J-N"-' f4.4 vf - a' Kii.'fi'V '.oneroiSiH.ef'-cj t:ounjf. (INK I'EKKIIN for IU. llftii'J Jt flfrf fili-svctor of Somerset I 'ouniy. TilKKK FKKSIiNS for the ofaVeol Auditor m Somerset I'ounty. yVAW, A ITKNTIOX is hereby UircctrU to rM ijar ti n isew i.wiuuiawi. W ..V -I' 1 r . U 1 kl. -.' " Kl'..' ) 1 rt cn 1 entv-one vears of bte. poMrttsin- Ilia l-atilliSliisa In "lions, shall lie entitled to vote at all eie.:la,., yirt. Ke sliall have bee 11 a citizen, ,0! tne United States at least one month. t . oVconsJ. lie shall have resided in the Statec.oe year, jor lii bavinu; previously .been a ijuailileJ elector or u-t vel-rro cnjen ,1 the State, he sliall have remove.! thcrcirou. rat:S'ual, theeiidt months) liLuiedialely pecvdli:-; taH, ecl.o t.n Th'rt. lie shall have resj tod lilthe i-n-ijoj. il 1st net where he shall ofr to vote at least ta mouths Imnicllit'ly preeedlna; the election. ' Faurth. If Iwrnt. Iwo vraraul awnf ui wanlf. betmll hare aM within two jeur m Miateur . Nmty lax. Khl'-h hall hv brrn iMrwl at hrfv Ihe florli.. WUI' III. "1 I'KriP. T(.MPP!ir lilU UJUriri t, no ritA- lh l-ttlM. An rUr?itr may I iiin tirkrtifr.tt1 I tie fclinr -f w ih rtm tin him! it--t 1 lu a rlitzen l j the .;i-iTi -i . i:te -fr:iin -mvn nil I w'rn I I. .a'.. I. ut.l.... rH.MIH.l f .... a . Itk.l U . '.. Jj''-'r-" t.ri. 0 i'Hty i I f.ri.wli r mrviy til ihe p.-r, ! i f j ri. iirtf.Mi toin urnft lu iir thr.r i.l-Diaiti j l hiv kIwiUhia an I lu gwtntotul (uruin liirrv- j trtn. J i Sw. 8. SVhcnrvtT anr t;f the co.,lifttl elwtor mr hf, audi r a reUt-t-h In-m l e Irtw-ifni ! I 1 110 HittM liit- it DT toe auLnnruy i inu i m mittiwrjlili. ui- fktrorn - f)iFri- Hi ritthl t tuMv.txn ia all rtott-DJi hy Ihr 1 i In-iis. utwlrr t Huh ri'uu.Jtion( ns areoridullhe i riM hy Inw.ait lullv as it thry wire pr iviil at tlH'tr Uiuai plat'teof clfN-tioii. iSia-. T. All lawn rfirulat init the lo hiinit l tlr tionj hy the euizen or hr the n'uiinithii of t r Hhu!i I uuitorm tlmrtiirhout the Sutte. hut n tlr.'tr shall h drfrrived id the prtvih-jre of rutinic ly rtiifH ol his nHiii trot he in mctjttvml. .Sw . . Anr iwrwrD who si all give, or on'rott or ntltT to itivf, to an rlwtor, any mmy. rrwoarl 4.r ttther ruluuldr oiHifhlerathHi hMT hw vote a! an eiet thin, or hr withohlina; the Kut. or who shall Kive or promise to rive curh cnihierthm to any other rnn or arty for surh elector's role r i r Ihr wiihtl(!fntr her?d,and ny eWtorwho -Iwll riXH;ive or aretj to receive, lor hio.?illr ft-ran-othsr.any mney, reward or other raluahle n--i lvrutiM (or him role at an elecik'iv, r fur with holain the ame shall therehy forfeit the rlicnt to vote at i-u'-h eloction, and any elector whose to vote shall te challenired for suob cause hetore the election of hears, shall be required to swear or ulfirui that the matter of the chaUii(e la untrue tn'lrre his vote shall be recviveil. Sw:. 9. Any per who shall, while aeandl datrlor office, be nuiliy of bribery, Iraud, orwil lul viobitioii ul any electhu law. shall he forever itisiiualiced fniiu holalun anotlicc ol trust or proht in mis Connnoiiwen'tb- anr uerson conTit'iei to wiliul vitdatioffi of the election laws shall, tn aditl ttn to any penaltirs provided by law, be deprived of theriitht et sullrae absolutely for a Una ol four years. Set. l.l. For the purpose of rot in ir no person shall be deemed to have gained a residence by r-a-n of his presence, or hmt it by reason ol his abseuce, white employed In theaervh-e, either civil tr nnlitrtrv, ol this State, ol the United States, nor while enifaed in the navti(ftthn 01 ine wur ol the State or the United States, or on the hiirh seas, nor while a student of av liifltituth ot lea miii if, nor while kept in any poor house or oilier asylum at public expense, nor while conniv ed in public brlson. Sbt. 14. District election boards shall consist oi a iu.lire and two lnsnectors. who shall bcehoeen annually by the citiieua. Each ele-tor sliall ha the rtirrit io vote lor tne juojro sni toc iiii-io-"w. and each Inspector shall appoint one clerk. Tb hrst election board for any new d'strie-t shall b selected, are) vacancies in election boants tilted. as shall bo provided by law. Election othcera shall 1 privileged Ir .iu arrestnpoo daysof elee tc ai, and while ennaneil In maklnn up and traas nilittn returns eicept uiion warrant of a court of record or judiro thercif, for an election l rami, for felony, or tor wanton breach ot the ieae. In cities they may claim exemption Irom jury dulj during their terms of aervice. Ski;. I a. No ieron shall be quallBo) to serve as an election otllcer who sliall hold, or sliall with in two months have held any otfl,, or appoint -ment or employment in or under the internment o! the 1'nite.l" Slates r of this Siute.ur.f any citv. orcoutitv. or of an f munMual lionrd.eoin mission or trust in any city ve only iustlocs of the pi-ace ami aldermen, notaries puoue ami per sons in the miiltarv service of the Slate: nor snail anv election nmccr I etlulble to any civil otlice to te hlleil at any election al which he snail serve, sHieooly to such subordinate luuniripiil or local oitli cs, llow the nrwte ol ctly or county officers, as shall lie designated by general law. Andalrototln follow lu ai'ts ol Assemt iy now In lorce in this State, rii: Ai t of June auth, UCL Sac. 4. At all elections herealter held under the laws ol this 4'oiuiih4- 1th, the iills shall beoficned at 7 u clock a. aa. aud closed at 7 o'clock p. m. Ski". 7. whenever there shall lie a vacancy in an lioard on ttie momma: ot aa election. said vacaucy shall be tilled in eoulormlty with ex isting laws. The said net or Assembly entitled " an act re. latin to the elections of this 4'nmmoiiweallli," passed July i. INI, provides a follows, vis: itiat me insiiei-iora ami juoa:es sunn inrn i resi-etivo places apislnred lor hollinit the elcctlou in the district at which they reecl ively iKlonir. be lore T o'clock In the niornlnar of 1 ucs- dav. November 3.1. an-l each said tnsiiector shall apjsiiut one elerk, who shall be a qualified voter ol sucti iiistrici. lu case the person who shall have received Ine second hia-heid numiierof vites for Insjctor shall not attend on the day of any election, then the person who shall have received the aes-wvl huchest number or votes for judice at the nest prcccedlna; election shall act as Inspector In ha ylacc. And incase the person who shall have reec-lved the hiirliest number ol votes for ijiapeator shall not at tend, the person elected indue ahall appoint an p.?iector In his place; and In case the person elec ted wtyte shall not attend, then the in.iector who received the hiubest numlier of votes shall ap iint ju.ij;e in his vlace: "J If any vacancy hult conllnuo in the board for the space ot one hour alter the tune lixed by law lor the openina; of the ehH'tlun, the uuatitied voters ol the town shin ward or district for which suc h oltti-er shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall elect one ol their numlier to till such va cancy. The act of 30;h or July, l1):, ruttuoi provides, via: Set 8. At the openine of the polls at all elec tions it shall be the du'.T ul the lu.lileS of ehetion lor their respective districts to desixnate one of the Inspector, whom outy it snail ue u nave in cusbsly the registry of voters, asl to make the eiirtea therein reipureil by law; and it shall tie the dutv of the other of said Inspectors to receive and number the ballots presented at said elec tion. Ski'. 9. All elections by the citiiens shall be by ballot: every ballot voted shall be numbered in the order In which It -shall lie received, and the number recorded by the clerks on the list or vo lora opposite the name of theelei-tortroin wuoiu re eeived And any voter votinir two or more tickets, the several tickets so voted snail each he nuuiiier- ed with the numlier correspond!!!; wun tne num. her to the name of the vater. Aqy elector may write his name unotj his ticket, or catue the same to I hi written thcreun. and attested tw a eiusen oi the dUtrict. th addition to th oath now prescrib ed bv law to tie taken ami sunscrioeu ny election iiiiki-cri. thev ahall severally be sworn or altlrmed niit to disclose how any elector shall have voted, unless required to do so ai witnesses in a judicial All ludirea. In a Dec tors, clerks, and overeer of auy election held under thUae-t, shall, beloie entering nptm their dutit, be duly swwrn oralnnnco iu sue preseocw vi wu wncr. iho shall Ih sworn bv the minority insiieetor If there shall bo such minority Inspector, and' In case there be no minority inspectur, then ny a jus tice ol the peace or nldermao, and tiie tiispeotors, overseers aud clerks hail he iwora by tbo judire. i vnim atea of such sauarina or aBlrmina- shall lie duly mads cj,t and aigneC by the olnoers so sworn, and attested by the ottieer who administer ed lUeuath. If any jadite or minority Inspector relusesor lulls to swear the oittecra of eloction in the manner required by this a t, or If any otlicer ,,f ,.l. ili,n sliall act without beinir nrst duly sworn, or If any otllcer of election shall sitrn the form of oath without beinir duly sworn, or II any moire or minority Inspect- f shall certify that any ..ttuvr was sworn when ha was not, 11 mall ne deemed a misdemeanor, and nivm ixn-viction, the oHicrr or ntHi-era so utlenil'.EU ilia II be bned not ex .f.,ir, i.nA thojand dollars, or iniprtsooeal la cvceeslipij ond year, or both, in the diseretlsn of the tA.url. Skt. 10. On the day of election. ny person whose name shall not appear tn the realsiry ol voters, and who claims the ritthl to vote at said election, shall produce at least one quilltted voter of the district as a witness to the residence of the claimant in the district In which he eUiui to be a voter, tor the period of at least to uiouuia im mediately precedlnsr said elevism, which witness ii,..ii I ium or airmeil and subscribe a written or partly written and partly printed atltdavlt to the tats stated by blm. which altidavii sliall de hnc clearly where the residence is ot the person so claiming; bi tie a voter, auu iue pctaou w the rlifht to vote shall also take and suliscritie a written or partly written an.i parity puutuu ni-.i-.i,,.- to the best ol his kiiowlediro and belief, when and whe-e he was born; that he has been a cti-er,oj tiie Unit ed Mtatus fr one month, and ul the Commonwealth ot Fennsylvanla. that he has resided in the t'ommonweai-H one jeur, or, If formerly a qualmed elector or a native born cit ti.Mw'.i' nhd has removed thretrotn and re lumed, that ho has resi led therein six months said election ; that ho has resi.le.1 In tiie district in wtsich he claims to be a voter lor tim o. !-:l ol at least two months immcil lately pre- cediiiit the election : that he has not moved into the district lor the purposed voting therein: that he has. If twentv-onc years ot aite or upwaioa, nai l a State oreountylax within two yeara. which was assessed at (east two months aud paid at least cue month bel'iro the election. The said art! lavit ha. also stale when and where the tax claimed to ne iild by the alliant was aissssed, aud when and where and to whom paid ; and ihe tax receipt tlier. I .rsiiau I produced lor exaininati .n. unltss the alliant sliall state u his altj laul that It has twen lost er d si r-)'ed. o tl at he never received any and li a uaturallied ctliicn, ahull also state wloin where ano oy wuai. " - - i... i n I shall also produce his eerllttcate ot nun- raliiition lor examination. Hut II ihe person so olaiinit u the right to vote sliall lake and subscribe an attioavlt that he 1 native born cliisen ol the hiities, or. If born elsewhere, shall state the laot la his a "I IM i ar.u inn i'c"n" itiat i. has tieen uauiralis d or mat he is entitled I'y reason ol bis lather's naturaliaa lioii, and shall lurihvr st:tte lu b.s atttdavlt that he is. at Ihe time of i.iakina; the alli lavit, of the nucol and under Iweniy.two years: Hint ho has been a cliisen uf the Lulled Slates one month, and has resided In the Stale one year: or, It a native born eiliien of the State nnC remov ed llirrelrom und returned, that he has resided therein six months neat precrdinn said election, and in the election district Immediately two mouths p ecclinit such electfio. be shall be enti tled lo tote.aliboUKh he shall not have paid taxes. I'be said atli iavl.sof all rs niaaloa: such claims, and me altidavluo! the witnesses totbelr residence shall be preserved by the board, and at (he citric ol. the election ihev shall be en . Iose.1 ffith Hi llstofvolers: lailr ust aud other papcrsVoulred l'l lay to be nled by the return polite with the Frlabo'nolary. an I ;ha'll emainon lile therewith in the Frothonotary's orti.-e, su'jecl to ejapiinatlon as other elecil. n iiatier; are. II liieciitjwiiolii.-erii .Ijall find trial lie applicant IKisjescs all ihe etal oualltoatoii of voter he :hain permitted to vote, and hU mime shall he adoed io Ihe lUl of tajit.lej by the ee:tii oia ccrs, Ihe word "Isj, being added where the cl.innsiila claim to rot on tan, and t lie word "ana" here lieid'ims to voe on a,e, tie aaiue words bctnu ad.lnd hy the f lerka lu each case, resi'ect l.'fly, D Ilia lists ul persnis yoliuij at sucto elec tion. hi.-, tl- It shall be lawtul (or any qualified cit izen of the district, uutwlihstaudlmr the name ol the unloosed voter is contalneil on tiie list of resi dent taxahles lo rhallenae t he vole ol such erin. wliereujs.n the same pruofol Ihe rinht of sutlraae as U Loir reoutre.1 by law shall be publicly niasle 1 as U Lot ai d n't.,1 i by the erstwwi boanl. and the vole admlweil er iv.r-.taid, at ci rd'na; u (hp evidence. Etfi'rv tteiseif clatinmir w-bun nat.ltai J citi ieu cinlnca;. J. 4 ej'c.Aon 't(il"F' f.a. ifjeept where he has lecn ttr JtlseuAlbejy a Hv'l'fv ttei'seif eta' w ba nat.ltal c!iiieu voter in the district where he oflcrs to ftnd on the Ttae of such vstrsoi being receive', the rltctlon omeeri are I'J write or eta:.'., the wool "voted" on his certificate wilh the iluy. inopthand var, and If any election olticer or otnecra .bull r 'et e -o-it "oteosv the same day, by virtue ol fJi.r,vm .', k.2iji at::f lice -or" an entitled ,ry rail-' iaii4iit:..r. i.l their 1 I'ktiU'f: IW VP ?A l!1 Yri rHttfv Ict sccoml .i, and on convlct1 , tb. at the iHsretton ofth. m' Ut lie Uiw Ulu no the line shall not exceel are hundred dollars in .itch e-je. nor the Imnriaonmrnt one year, a he 'i-e w ert shall be Intlictetl. on conviction, o'n thV (We h u: I'rtir -''o b,ti aerleet or re tuse Ui (ftate, of aTaJ-ftaije m. S;, ' 1 - e-dor se iner! re.i'ulrc.1 as.aloif,Vi1d'tm iaid- iiaf.aiii'io4 . , . , . , . or ':'. i Sw. lit If any election ofliccr shall refuse or sec lee 1 10 miuira such pr.f of the rfrlu l sol fraee as s prescribe.! by this law or (be laws. ,10 wh,ch tit s Is a r ipplement, from any per.-ioii orfer lmt to vote wlo8 J,, lit to -oteis luiilenjed. bv any quallue.1 voter jirciioot, anf.lfilirti!tt W'T A T IK D YER T IS EM EX TS. mm 4 ..II- LI a. m TT r - tl mum STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Invite the people of Somerse t County, to an examination tt their JNT3ZIW ITJiJLsTi STOCK, which is now complete in every department. AVe are showing a stock ol" DRESS TEXTURES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, which cannot be surpassed in this countrv. "We name a. a few items only out of this immense stock : FKFrVCII t'.lSIIJIKKEH Al Ml: II I. VON, In all the newest shade and in u'lalilies iiuaruntee-l. ALi. WIMiLCASHMKUES, io-. ; ALL Wl L M Eli I.' S. :u: VOGEL'S CASHMERES ANI MERINOS. Excellent Oalities,40 In. wide, at 75, so, STU--. and tl (0. IT BIACJC GOODS we hnve immense lines of 15LACK CASHMERES AND MERINOS, nuinbertnx thousands of pieces, which will i distributed at very small advances on im r ai i. 11 c s; : FtLAI'K I'ASiniEnES FROM toe. VP. ULAtJie IxiL Hf.E TWILLtl) .MERINOS AT 44 ANUinc. FLK YAK1. SILK WAKF HKNKIKTTA 4'L'JTHS, Ot)4I) HUALITY, AT Hue. In new and l.'h .ice St Its- MIDID5I Al LOW-PRICED DRESS TEXTURES. OXE CASE ALL-Wf NIL TARTANS. Lu,: Nev. r sold tir hr less than a.'.l. DNEUASE MlVELTIES. 37'v'. Fart silk and verv stylish. ONECASE I'A.MtLS HA fK NOVELTIES,: TV Eat nt value and init.ular. (WE CASE JO.V. CASHMLItlS, : 7K-. In select ed colorings. ONE LOT4 LAN FLAtliS. ! These arrods are 'SI inches wide. ONE CASE HkAliroKOailOltAIKS, : la all the new shadta. ONE LOT S1LK A11XEU NOVELTIKf. New this season, and really worth 71. 3lc. ate. ONECASE FeilLE BEltit, i'4 Im-hes m width. ONE CASE FANCY SATIN EES, Less than cost ot iiniH-rtaiion. ONE LOT t:LA N FLA I lis. In ail the new combination!. Oood Iilrached Muslin for Heavy Canton Flannel for -Heavy W hue Wool Flannel lor Extra totality Wool Flannel l..r Scarlet Twilled Flannel for Ot it M ail IiEPAHTVi'iT. believe I to be thj m ist Hi r uh ly oritaniie t In the country. s;lves the opionunl:y to the mott distant c nsuner to avail of our low trices, which are In every in stance a I'.w as simllsriioods can be sold In America. 11 you cannot visit ns In person send lor sam ples of whatever you may need. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER IN". Ar. Cor. lightli Ss Market Sts., PHILADELPH IV. Oct. 9 peraton U vote without requirlna; .mi l. mt, every ler:n tMcii.lin-x isiiall, Uoneonvia-tion, le xnl ty ol niiloiiie:uuir, ami shall t senu-m-eil hr every fru-u otteia-e. to pay a tine not exeeetlintr five hiivuiroiltb'lUrH, or to unlerco an imprb-'tiiinent not watre than one year, or both, at the tlirutiuu of tUectrurt Su'. V Any anwnrjor, eb-etion nifteer r imtmd appolntetl a an iiveriteer, bo pbali neleet ir ro Ium; loperkrmay duty etirUel hy thset, with out reaiaotuihto or ieiil eaie, sha.l be utiect to a penaltv ol one huo-'reJ dollars, ami U any ?vr hall awiwinujly a'tiii any peroa as a tiArr who is not qua'thtsl,or chall williuUy returte to mutes any one who W tuHnetl, he hj!, Ie xuilty of a misdemeata i lu uttlve aud on civlct.on le ounish eil by a fcti not sxi-eotltnif one thoxfuiivdio'ir, or iiujariatoniueal ivrtecei.iuiikr twu veai-M, or Urth, at thedlreiii'nof theiurt. and alo he sul'eet to an action (or dauie by the wirty ai;icrievl;:,n1 it any pemn ihall traumlt-ntly alter, wtd, tu. Ue tae ordestroy any lint ol vttteri made out a din et ed by thic a-t. or iear down or reioy re the tame from the plae where it had bet Mxel. wit h I'm ltd u lent (r uilsehlevow? Intent or krany lmprtrper jur ptsc, the person so oatIinir uhail t aiiilty ot a mlrjalemeaoor. and on eonvtrtlun f hall le punished by a hue rul jieeeltni nvehundrel dolUr., or itn prist4fiaeut Lot exeeedinij two years, or hot h at the it t.tsrwt III lbaniUft lUll U ItnV lttftail.tll'4li tier vhdeneeor im iniidation. ilrtve, of attempt tu drive f from tlie poll), any penim or person H'"niet by the Cuurt to art as overseers o aa elefiiun. or In any wsy willfully prevent saM everneers fn ro perf'trminix the duties en jn.neoi upon tlvm by this Act, sueh .rsn ?haD le vuilty ol a miwleniinor, and upon xarv i ko tlaered thitll be pant hi-1 hy a fine wot a4eeiin4 one thousantl dollars, or by Imprisonment bo evedlnv two years, or hoth. at the dimTethfi ot the eourt. Any per a. who slmll. unthediiy o' aav ektw!, vmit p-dlitu phtee in any election di'iiet at whlh h n not entitled to vote, and shall iue any intimidation r vh'len sr the puty1- l prrventinn any ottieer of elections fru perf.irmlim' the duties reo.uirel ol hiui by Uw, or lr the pur)ose of prevebtins; any i4aimei voter ot tmeh dbttriet exeMMintf bis tin In ui vot, or froin exerelsiny bts riafht t ehallenjre any person ottering to vote, sueh person nhall tie dee uie. I utility ot a toiadetjuoanor, aud upw onvk-tin thereof hia 11 be pui.ihed by a tine it eireetltiisj one thouian4l dolls rs. or by itn prisonuioat not ewling two years, or hotn, at the ftti-erettoi of: be turt. Any clerk. over"r ir elertioo oiljKr. wtto fhsll disclose hire anv eloelor shall hire vttet. iitiles rotuir;d u ! an a witness In piM i:. I pratso u thail Ix-unilty o a niileme;iut', tao u; n enuviefwon the fit-d 9bll le putiiytteii b a tine not exeeiiiiir one thouLDd ddlirs, or hy Imprisonmetit tvt eX'-eed-ina two years, or botfc, at the itucrethin of the court, 11 any nern shall prevent orattempt to prevent any ottieer ot an eieotton antler this ae. from hold In a; euch eleet(tn, or u.w or threaten any violence to any sueh utTleer. and shall Interrupt or ttnpmp lv sniptfM Tsfath him in the ecernthrB of hU ilutv. nsll hloek up or attempt to block up the wiDuh-wa or avenue to any window wnere me same may ne holden, or shall rbiUHMly disturb the ue.eot irh election, or thai! use or practice intimidation, threats, riroe or vMruce, with the dentin to influ ence unduly or overawe any elector, or prevent him froto voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person on conviction shall be fined In any num not eievdtii live hum i red dollars, to he imprison ed fitr any time not less than one nor iur than twelve nvnth, anl tf It shnll tienhown to the eourt where the trbtl ot such ottem-e filotll he hal. that tlie (lersMrn s ollendlnv was tv a rerhlnt of the city, wnl or diittriet where the sHl lteBce was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, on con viction, be tin 11 he sentenced tu y a nne not ks than one h uud ret! or more than one i!vou!:iim1 dol ls iy. and he iinjrime.l not les thsn ix luonttis Dor more than two years. II auy person or persons snail mKe anv tet or waffer uin the roult of sn elect ton within the Oitumoti'veilth. ori-ll offer to male ai)-.iitvh let or Winrer.-elthcr by ett-al pioeiii.tialiim tlmu-f or by Any livtitten or pnAteil svriU-'iiIciit. oi invite any person op pccjiiii3' to nistrt ych l-et or wner. uNrnftnvlcthn thereof he or they shall hrfcit and ay three times the amount so pet or oHwreU to be And the elect Ion laws of tha Commonwealth fur. ther provitlB that "The Iusiei-tors. Judui-s nnI clerk shall, before entering on the dutle ot their otQoes, severaUv take ami suhserlt the oath or af lrruattsij hvrtfiualler direotet, which ahall Ite ad miuistered tu them by any Judge, Alderman or justktvul the rvaee: out 11 no sucu uiaurtiitrute lie persent, itfie of the Inspectors of the ek t-t loo shall t adiululster the oatb or stbruiati.m w the other judge, aud lnteitor, and tlH-n the in-rwtor s; )Uii lined shall al minuter the oatb or attnuatkm to him. The ln.iectors. iodirs and clerks required lv taw to htdd the township and frcnenil clr-thrn?t. j rjhftll take anl uttwrdte t he several at h or aflirru- atk-ns, reiriiired hy thjMWh, 'Aih ami Dm !etk'nn j ol tiw act ot tits afci uj 'i juiy, i.eiutuci-Aa j act c'atin'r to Ihe eletion4 of ttn.s t'ooiiiinn .ta.isw" iTchuathio aihnuathins nhatl )e nrc pareSl,Whiri!7nn' lew Li tp" u.i.ui? p,i"CitiMi! j in the Ith ftija eetjon ;t tr -tim tt.T.ain. ui rpl1ftii'H frw &:tftiftl fi'y the ph ;c:toD of sutd art, t-o. jfifjti if i-jiht-r uf lt iiis,Ytt.j shall have power to adtiitiuidef tk itnlli. proscrib ed by aid a- to any clerk of a general or pecial of towiislilp electi-.n. The toliowtn shall he the frt of the oath'or af flrniathS) to tie tasen by eaih inspector, vis: "I (A. that 1 will duly sttewl to the enduing eia.'tiM d i i:w t. fl co t-n. aiKo thereof, a an in- eutitle! to vote at uch eloctkat. wtthowt w.iriou tneit evidence of the rifht tu vote as Is dlrert-! hy law, nor will I Texattou.tly delay or reflie to re ee:veanv vote Iroui aay per. no w 1 tdiall believe htia. s..t t'-d t -tfe e mtoretaid. Hut that I will la all thv' ttttf. V'1'-, - l u:thtui!y per- IsOTttj, ni iU'7 V'" W 4lTA.'.'l.HI J.-ffc e- "t vtrHl ah'iiities, ami that lata nit direeilv or indi rect Iv interested In auy bet or wayex on dm rvuU ot thlseleetk' , The ft 'I towing shall le the oath or affirmation each J3iljft " -that j Uj rTTW'ivttrtHL :v;i fl7 e. eior witj. tMllJjVlw'l'P WetriAfr1 i-tr-ha.'i.,..r con-"titutlon awi'tite iu wf m f'iit-itllli XF. WAD VER TIS KM EX TS E L- I I , r'r-''i?1 .Jt li.l tiV 4'IM KTAl'SD'SCKAFES. ! AM) t'lt.VFE VEIL-. 1 ULACK. MATELASSES. ANH AMI I'.ES. ONE CASE SOFT T WILLS . Si,-, In all the lntc-t e. ,.rirus ONECASEC'A.MEI. S IIA1K Lr.lliF. i Kstra qualiiv. ON E CASE Alt.M t K ES, t!ic. Clothwelaht. ONE CASE ENOL1SH MATELA.s-SF, Kc. TMs srasrn'snrw dcsitrs. ONE LOT ENtiLlSH NO FETUS, lu.-. In handsome ttiects. one:asecash.iiekes, -.u-. Extra wciuht. ONE 4'ASK FoFLINS. 1. Verv 1. w for such qcatit j. ONE CASE FAN E TW ILLS, l,,c. New In coloring:. ON E t ASE Lt STK ES. 1'.".. These are ball wool. ON E CASE A Kill KIS. 1'Ji.r. Exira wid'.h. , CIS. 6' , els. li cts. 1 1. !l-i cts. ja 1Z( duly at ten-1 the en-uinir dec! inu during th conuiiu ;iice thcnf, ami hiitlilully asit i!o i iK'clitrs iti carrying on the snme: that I will not Kive my eonsent tbat any vote or tk-ket hiill (ht re celvud tn m any 'rou other thun !m-h as I hrmly believe tt (e jut-itniiiiir; to the pnvim.nt ,,t the ct.n 9li;uiitn srul law or this 4 'ouiiu'riiwr iilt h. entitlet tovUe at such ehi ikn. without n-uiring u, h er. hleoce f the riifht Vote as Ik oim-ted hy lnw, and tluit 1 will uje my bi'st enlcavori to pfvvt m ai.y, deceit or aiuse in carrv tot on tiie siue by ritisens (lUjilttifd to v tte. or others, ami tlmt I will nuke a true arnl pvnect retaru ol the mid eke tk'tv arnl will in all things truly, tmparihilly anl hiithlully perfonu ray doty i-ejrp,-tiii: the suie t the best of iny jwigiuent and uhilitk-s. an.1 that I am not directly or imiirecily Inter -tel many l-vi or wager on the result of this elect km.' The following tthull he the hmn t the oath or n f -urtualion to he uik'U by each clerk, vii: -I (A. It.) do. -that 1 will itntmrtiully and truly wrilf down the name of each eh-ctor Who hall vote at t he eu uinif eW-trou. whk-b shall be iven me In ehnnrc aiil ai;ui the name of tiictowit.htp. ward or district wherein such elei-tor nides. unl cnndullv and truly writedown the number of vote that sliall l given tor each can iid.ite at the eb-ctin a oftrn a his name ohull te read to me bv the inspector thercd ami in till luiuirs truly and liiithiuliy nr form my duty respetrting the wirne to the lft oi my ulgmeiit and ahility.ii.ii that I am ot directly or indirectly lutcrerttod in anv iet or wniri-run n-- suit of tiiii election.' The tu:ilitied electors will take ndke of the fal lowing set of A ff in bly. Hppn-red lih tiiivt.i Alsn-li, IstfiS. an act KcKulatinic the nn-le of vot'mg at all ebf.-ikms in the several csunti-s ot thiei oii. aionwealt h. STi? 1. He it evicted by the Snate nn.1 Hou t Kepre-eiitatics. the i 'muionweali h o reuiisylr.inia in liciu-nil Aysemi-tv met. ami it is hereby cntictcdhy the mitht'ritv o the suuie. Thiit theiuaUlk-d voters id the sevenil count icsot Ibis t'onim-mweiilth at all zorteml twnshii. tmn-UKh sutl i-Wnoiunir.. ht-n-hv. hereaiter. author- Uv Hu-i required to r.ff, bv ti-k-in. printe,! ,,r written, or fwinly printed au'i partlv written, sev. erully eUst-ineai as lolktws: tue ticket shall rw the names .( all jodges l 'courts Tote I tor. nnl to (e kilH'tbtl. outride judiciary;" onctk ket shall embrace t he names of all State'ohier v.ietl or. hihI he klMtkd St,ie;" ..p- tk-ket mImII em brace the o.ino'3 of nil couikv otti.vrs vote I lor. in cluding the otlk-e of Scnator.'mcinber sil mcml'ers tl A--iiiI1v. it viHel k-r. and n-nit--r f..i icresi, it ..iwl ft.r. and In kilK-ilc! -, onrv:" one ticket shall the namesot all township of. tM-en voted tor, aivt re l iU-lli "township:" one tk-ket shall e.nbruce the n:mer of nil bon.uh of nccrs V4t-l k.r. and le Inlielled "iH p.UKh:" nl eas-h class shall be depotiited in sepantte !-allot-bo-ies. S'. Tliat ft shall he the itntvofjhe Slier! lis tn the svverul cuniies of this 4 V.inin-nweitth to insert in their elect hn herealtcr is ued the first sectkn of this set. JAMKS R. KFLLKT. Speaker of the House of Keprrnentative. PAVTT FLKMIXO. Spaker o the Senate. Appntve.1 the llth dav of March. Anno lh.minl one ttMsUsaiki eigkl hundretl ami mztv-sn. A. U. fl RTl.V. I" I FT KtNTil AM EN DM EXT. Axo wiikreas. The t'ontrr-s of the T'nitel States on the olt d;ivol March. !, r-assetl in a-t en ti! let I "An act to tttforct tkt riyhrt of rii sen iff the Initrd Stain' to rtUt im the rrmt Statu of the bniom mndfor athrr pmttem" tiie hr.-t nrei tievond iMf-iksm oi whk-h are aa Mlow-c "SttTM'l 1. He it enmctrd by tne Senate and Haute of Hrprerentattrta of the ( nxttd Mmtenof America in i onyre amtid. That allritiien ol tlie I'uited States wtio are or fh.-iil le tttfu-rwt-e quahhe to vote at any election by the eopIe in any State, Territory, di.-iricl. ctunty. ei; v. jnrih, tow ruth is. cttool district, iiiui.k-iiaihty. or otuer trr ri tor tat -ainiiv ii-i'-u -hall be rut tiled a:d a!lAcI t' volet al isil ih eAcct(oni tiito t ait t-teV''' :v. u-e co M.o, p(cvi"Uj (t.rklitu ut atv'iei a M consMtiitiin."l:tw. cttcpui, uae tr rc jIiC'D f any State or Territory or by or under .is to the o utfiirv uoivaitiutaikUug. Uv'i. Audi if juttker euifrd That ir by or under the su:liority ot the oti-tttutt-'n orlawol any St ite. or the hiw) ot any 'territory, any -( isi or haii be rv4iuirei to le doite as a preretiiite or tjualiherv ;hn lor v.ttinir, ami by . h ci'nllm:t"n ir l:tw ier.-t4ii or ottHen are or shall bechanced with the eri'riurtnce of duHs tn furuishmx to citiiens an o4Rriui)ii v to j-crlorm uch pnniii"'tfts. or to hc:mue (uaiitteil U Vote, it si.:ill bj tiieiiutyot everv su h wrsoiis and oit.c ts to giv;all ciiiicns id the L' illicit Slutci the same aul etUji op.rtuiiitv to perform iuch pre-rciUi.-!r.cs and to tHXsntienuautC el Ui vote widutui tiltiiH-tioii, of ra4f. cokr or pre vhiUs cwtitllLk'n o servitude; ami ll 'any f uch p r son or t-tli r s!i.ill reiu?c r knowingly omit totfive fuil i-ftVct to ll i- S'-ciion be shall. krererr ihk Ii-iI tenre lro It and jkiy thw xum of live hutMlretl dol lars to the i per aii aj-rlevoti th rer. to le re-Mr-el by an acta o lu the caw, with full ei;s and uch aloame for ceuoai tees as the curt sliall 'tee m t.',t. an.i sjhall a; tor everv sa. h hYiice. tlrera wl ;AiIty i i h ui .U'vi'-w' t a4t hah wemiv tiorf tficieol". ,c Vto.dr k-w shv iup Ufl i-it-i.t .. doila or Tje .uiptV'r,' l tj t th:i' iie hoj kd not Utme thiifioi.e jrcaF, Ft tt -1 3f'tZ tkai of the eourt. All ju Igea living within twelve mil s orit.e Protbnt:iry's lohre-. or within twenfv touruiib-s. if their resbience tie In a town, village, orctiy aponihellne of a rtllromi h-o:in to ihe county scat, "ball. In fore lWoo'cltirk )it meridian rf the day atier tho ctkn, and atlHltcr iH-ltren haii. tsvktTtt tv' o ii'c"' v" rrlaBi f thf secoivl day net trs 'efi'Jt.-i,. . . t. ;-t .-tv wtlleftrI';iieltl.n;t'yfM tivetin uf IVm.wo.; Vf ..I tljj'rtaiv, .'"fi tvf ' sheet r a 1 1 tie nled. aiel the day anT h-.or ot bitt marke4-rerewi. sikl shall Wprcrvedr.y treitT t honorary r.r putdir laatectka. (tiven uiidei m-hand at luv otnee in omeT-r. , this s.hdav of k:iuter, in the year ol our lyrd ' one fbotiAud right huu?rd sn-f sevenrr ctkIiI ai;tl i.'. the i" hut drwh ye-ir "f ths In bpcv deader texi: Ted Utali . Sheri fTi Office. omer:t. '1 Uru.h.ltrTli I ail -rr-r . t l it -i