The Somerset Herald!': uy li. i: Toe President is thinning tLe pop-; inconsequent i i i emau ' possessed oi a large) 'private Tcnnne : tea ti.e iicu;iiii:i j for Secretary cf Internal Affairs is a. j "borcv Laudtd" ta'.lor. It is a moet ' that the. OIKSEW lORKITTrr.R. Niw York, May 14, 1S73. SLll.E . U AND SMllMiE If ever pitiencs ceased to be virtue, it w as wi.h op'.owa inhabi- i.ii,.,f th penitentiaries pretty Labur w in? o; tee par.v, si.r ibjkui- aDfg in T( grd to the odors wticb It Iiaa Minister this week rapidly. Twobu dred and Lny five; mg tfce convention, Vdons during tie first year of Lis 'adopted such a ticke t. administration is an extensive exer-; cise cf tbe Executive elemf ncy. Japan bas bad one hundred Bud j forty-nine destructive earthquakes! . -i. t-tl rfrn Enndrod years. I curing - - w i nominate Tbe lesser oneB are innumerso.e. Tbie interesting information is sent by Minister Bingham, who, while io Congress, waa humorously described as "ibe gathered wisdom cf a thous and rear?." fhouii tare and lLat tbe platfcru adopted favors .ne i.rcea back more then it does '.be Labor element. On tbe whole, the move ment which 'oiled eo formldab'e to Re ublieans, when it proposed to Armstrong f-r Govr-raor, and Cb'ef Justice Agnew for :Le Bexeb, bas lost a:' fitter ictcre.-t to them. ofrfi'-t the reeions from 15:1) to SiUb street?. Tbe North river is lined manager. tbe .Women' Hotel, Foonh avenue and 34th St. Xew York. A TBOliSEAL EXTRAOHUIXART. The wedding outfit of Miss Terry, tbe Cuban heiress who marries tbe surpasses io fulness and costliness anything known be re. There is underwear of A lil-aleft Brave. with peus keeping 1,0'JO bogs daily, (cobweb linen, Valenciennes and! Slaughter-house, ana fertilizing facto- mecbhn, setoff wuh bows of white ries, which w ork over refuse and j faille ribbon, sets of underwear in carrion by tbe thousand tons, and; foulard silk, pale rose, blue, and these in a west wiud, blow their j primrose, with ribbons and lace the sickening odors into tbe best neigh- game tint, a wrapper of white bro borhoods cf Xew York. Oj the j cade, the front covered with shells can tide arc tie Hunter's Point pe-; of lace and loops of ribbon, with tr.ileum refineries, and giant fertiiiz-1 silk slippers and stockings with lace jo works. bero bioou, oiUl ant earricu are reduced by boiiing end treatitiir with sludge acid, which is f'il ol Vitriol mixed with erode re-fu.-e petroleum, an ncid cf such over- mstep, cacn nne enough for a souv enir. But tbo feature of tbe display is the quantity of household linen, which foreigners provide with more (powering odor, that the blame of the! Care than ladies, aud which includes The Lancaster A'.-tr ra, in Fix-akin of the mineral wealth of Penney! it .(ore if.e tdrcc.-i' TBUia, declares that the proUuct ... .f, wells, an article v I - . ; He savs be west : wbicbfbeappearMoer.j.ya pracj-, iion M cal monopoly , is more valuable -Dan ').iM,; f tjie Greeah i : rJ;lit r,f cold and silver L.j ,lti. if the wi.-hes t f ItC lllllliru J " r - found in Nevada, Arizma, t-oiorauo, and California. pHiL.M'ELPiiiA, May 0. lion, j William 11 -irmn.rocp, ia n l'i.nic . , h attached to It ! d.iznn ha .atSn fin mil c lUversaM,.n, announces b wi;b-;aione. Add to this the Night3jows, 8even dozen of the lace bordered and drawal from the Nan nsi party, a-" , wliich tiump their loads mid-j fringed towels which the Cubans ad hisdetern:iuaiion to .Mipport the can- l - hl ic lfce ri adinf 6a aw- mire. besidd dozens upon dozens of didait ol lb-. liepuW.caa coDveauon. fu, fuS ,C!lli::f. snle:i w tiic-h makes Lheets. nilbw cases and covers, like ,ffi.-e on tL' bi- F..R the firrt tm:e in wy years Penu.vlvania bas a IVmocratie S..lo Trearurer. Col. Noye having tkea pot-sew-ion of tbat r,r-i ,.f it,is liiOLib In ,fe f-ri .if Lis acei-ion to office, n.rtv i'.urn-ls all remind tint that be is nltdifed to adnimictf r Apparently they have no f i's h io 4.1 thiv would not thus reminding bim of bis pledge?. re a'nui e of k p. if. tireen- Lackers io the conveu'.i.a bad pre- dominated be would b:ive bt-i n the nominee tortijvern&r ! :!. as it is, tbe National party is now under con-1 1 of tiie onsuiuuirfc el.-Kunt t-i , The Onio lfrooerats re-distriditg that State for Congress, and propose to gerryn.ander it in ibe interests ol their party. At a Lerislaive parly caucus bold in Columbus on Tuesday Dtgbt last, a committee was appointed to prepare a re-districting bill, and a pledge wts exacted from the members to abide by whatever bill may be agreed upon by tbe caucus. i. of MicLi- " ! the dwell, rs on Murray bill, me .... ., ... i u I ..J j T.::rir M. t i, uij'J riubcus tiit: uaiuj i iTna i f mqnnrp hlk'a ft-i:t th tvon. der is, that detent people have endur ed t!.e-e wore thaa Eypuan plagu es fir years, and pot lynched . the iuii who-e business or whoe negli-Iff-nce ft ere the c-au-e. Otvuei s buve troi oi ine cohiuiuu.m-c . o..u, . , b , h liue State, anu be cao."t c'-,a,',;c.)UBt ;f tbes.c smells proper, v has vsiib any set e- who support t., ,.- tbe rirer. tilfown- doctrinesof tbe c .mmuso. .Mr. Arm- j t; f u.Dtb fi announcing istroug suys be is a are that hi , jtp. ri4,Ut Mi wtit js m re u.rriUtf aivbdranai m .ki.uu ja.1( Marrips the Bord of Health with jtbat he iilbechtti!rt.!d with 'aeh-jcrimi,i(il ii(j.;ff,.r,ul.e u ,e wM !erv. but he liia.u'atijS ihut Lh prseiil ; , ,!,:io,i i,r , that it honestly. uJhi.;oU is the only one f-r the I " ,.f ;4 ;i1(.Ls.hH uiiin w ho loves In- & 1 orttcr to oc- cupy, aud Le will do to n-garulers of the cjLi-eipjecccs to Ui lj.t-i I ne is Drm in the (jlreeLb u k laith ' and v. til go into usy io vl-;ui-M IjT the ad vaucement of (Jreeuliik priuciplo, but the platform the National piny have adi p' d be can cevir a-rent to. out o. j every article of tbe trousseau, em broidered wuh the cipher and coro net which the husband will give bis bride. A superb coverlet and pil low covers are of cream white satio, embossed with embroidery, with tbe large wrought in tbe centre, ia colored seed stiteb, to imitate its rubies, emeralds and pearls, lined with plain talis, aud fringed in the colors ol tbe needlework. PlETEO. Altrutpl I AMMlateEmertr Will torn. his be Hlnrk llilltollflr. can, is distinguishing bimseif in tbe fiflit against o r- . ir 1 not believe in the old-iarii.oueu but instead ihs Tariff Bill, it' does tnlcof set speeches keep constantly on the alert, reauy for battle at a moment's warning. He bas several times succeeded in demoralizing Wood and bis followers by tbe bharp parliamentary points l.e bas made. Stanley Matthews doesn't want to run for Congress any more, and Governor Tom Young is deemed the coming man iroiu the Second district of tbe Buckeye State. General Bau ning's majority was very t-mall in 1S:C, aud it is alleged that it was ob tained by fraudulent means. If he runs again, the chances are very strong that Young, who is eaid to be rery popular, will beat bim. Is IbTG Joseph II. Bainey, repub lican, received 1S.1S0 votes for nuni i.,.r r,( Congress in tbe First lUstrict of South Carolina. J. S. Bichardson Democrat, received 1C.CCI votes And vet tbe Democrats of tbe House Committee on Elections Lave report ed that tbe seat is vacant. Tbey do not charge that any of tbe votes credited to Bainey were fraudulent, but they think some cf Biebardsou's friends failed to vote through fear of tbe United States troops in that lo cality at the time. The worst fet of disappointed schemers that ever 'Vet it up," and had it unexpectedly knocked down, are tbe Democratic politicians of ttis Sta'e. Per months they Lave been intruguing to procure tbe nomination of Armnrong and Agnew, for Gov ernor and Judge oi the Supreme Court, by tbe Greenback Labor par ty. Tbo Committee, however, w ben it assembled in Philadelphia last week, declined to endorse this nice Democratic tfate, and instead of adopting the two Bepublicans. select ed by tbe Democratic schemers, nom inated two of tteir own men, with Democratic proclivities, much to the diseust of tbe would be managers.wbo i,mprl m draw awav tfce Demo tratic portion of tbe new organization by procuring the selection of Bepub lican candidates. Of course, tbe Tailare of this nice little Democratic plot is attributed to tbe "Cameron managers,1' and loud wad deep arc tbe bow Is of t're disap pointed fcretiier, and bi'.ter are the denutifiatk- of the convention. Hoist with their own petard, and tbe laughing Hock of tbe Stale, the poor fellows must be allowed to vent their feelings by cursing some one, or they'd burst, and what so natural s to denounce tbe "Cameron managers" to whom tbey would just as readily ascribe tbe ravages of pota'.o bugs, or tbe blight of a June frost if they could subserve a purpcee tLerehy. DeaI'WOop, .May T. The La.v- rcnee ouut v ireasurer, ue rge Urigbam, taviog fuiled to lurutsu tbe ueees.ary bonds, the Board of Countv Couiwisriout r lo-uay ed the tfik-e tf the ireasurer vaeaut, but Biigharu refused to f-ur render pc-b.-eseioo of the ofiice and bo ks, vt divulge tLe combiuation of the money safe. Sheriff Manuuig was ordered to tke Ijrcibie j-.o!-ession of the ( loci; kud books, end r.rtceedcd to the ofiic demanded u:i!ni.-..-iu but . r.. ,.A .. I I lr. L-. th 1 door in, gained entrance, and is now injoiut possession with B;tgham,Lo al.-o rtfi-se3 t leave his positic-u be hind the dt-.-k. Lati-r. At 11 iA Wk I ) eight cx- Couuty Trea.-urer Brignam, taking advautoce of the nr-metitnry obscucs f SheriQ Manning, opened a heavy ofli safe atjd attempted ti e removal jftbcbjok-4, bt before Lis object was ettained the Sheriff lame in Taking the situation ia at a glance, he rushed forward and tbrut his in lis, the dea:h rate t f tne ci v is lucrea j 7,500 yearly by di-eases from these I odors "aloi.e. Wi .b all but absolute I p iv. er tnd 'iiujilf funds to reiroUve such matters, the Bjard of Health j bas allowed ibis state f things to exist for rears, aud m l unwillingly aud tardily moves aa action now, j bea the china's cotunautee has 'taken tbe matter ia band. If ade j quite juitife were done, the commit tee would bang the men who (ire Iguiliy cf the deaths cf 7,.r00 T their 'fellow blinds a vear, out of careless ness, or frjiu interested coribidera tion3 OMMfXISM is MOTION. With the want of work, and the s'.j c of scn;i-starvation which has lasted an ither year, and tbe rumors of ri.-ing war iu the east there is and will be, dangerous feeling among tbe laboring, or rather, non-laboring chis-cr. Mca out of work, with no thing to cat, have tirua and temper for iiii-chicf, there is muttering of great trouble to come here the 1 -1 b of July. Tfce Iri;h element driuks ar;d talks fi,.;bt, and bits along tbe railroads at:d wharves, unoccupied, and will nio.-t likely put in tbe time w'uli a big lijt, Orangemen's day. TLe uj&duess and wickedness of the men who tLre-aUn riot ou;;ht not to blind those Letter off, to the fact that tiie case is bard for tbe workingman, and every sound man and true patri ot will do all that in him lies, to a better state of thinfrs. THE UATIONALS: The Happy Family at Phila delphia Yesterday, and How They Got in Their Work. Breezy Time of it, Denouncing Each Other, and Confusion Beigning Supreme If ear ly AU Day. policy is advised koc into the interior 1 the sfie. t.r;r about Brigham (dammed the heavy 1 or COQf j;a.;n into the Shcnn s head, and at the ucre was too much conciliation of same time struck Liru iu tbe kce. r:a.,ir . iSS. ver who should have Manning drew a revolver end placed ketn at'sight. But a just and humane temper observed by all good it w ithin a foot of Bruham s b( ad pulled the trigger, the cap snfp,-ed, but failed to explode, i te lK pu.y Sheriffs inlet f.'r.d, arrested nad j a i I -ed Brigham. The Sheriff is now in possession of the safe aud til t the books. WashinoTon, May TLa Sen ate sub-Coi.imiuee on I-Mucati-m aud Labor bas aareed to report a bill get ting aside reeu'pts from public land?, after June 23. es a fund, the interest of which shall be divided fir educa tional purposes am'ng the several States eud Territories according to population, two-tLirds of f-uch inter est to be applied to the maintenance of common schools, tbo remainder to such agricultural and mechanical schools as have already been endow ed. Tbe latter clause may meet with opposition, as ctany Senators thiuk agricultural and mcenaoical tctiot is already endowed have received t-ufii-cient aid from the Government. The liili will be reported to ti e lull Com mittee soon, and pre.-se d to a vote at an early day. Tbe Senate will prob ably agree to this as a fcubstitu'.c lor the House proposition to pive all proceeds from sales of public lands to States according to relative illiter-acv. men at this point may prevent the outbreaks of last year. It is well known t' at there ara 2,000,000 Pen iaa cartridges an 1 thousands of Pen ian muckets stored in toledo, alone, where they have lain for years, and similar prercrves exist in other pla ces, and the men know where to find thcra in case of labor riots. There is co occasion for telling scared, but tbe very Lest way to prevent a breath of trouble next suainier is to keep guards well equipped, and plenty of arms read' for citizens organizations. When tbo trouble c itiie, is a pjor lime to get ready for it. j CITY I'oI.ITHtS. I The pas?Bge of the New City Debt j bill is hoped for with remarkable airee'niet-t by nearlv all parties I There must be about four end a half million added to next year's city tax I es to pay oil' bonds failing due, if this bill does cot pass, it? provision is to appropriate the surplus of the sinking jfuud toward pacing off this amount, (nmrron-Slirrmiiii. IN Tnt result cf tie National Greenback-Labor State Convention, is not likely to worry cither of the two old poli'ical parties in this State. The itrliti pomnoofd Cf respectable men of good character, but unknown out of their respective localities. Mr. Mason, tha nominee for Governor, although long a resident of Mercer county, and a man of worth, Las never been beard of by nine-tenths of the voters of the State, and be same may be eaid of Messrs. Sbearcr and Wright, Tbe candidate for the Su preme Court Judge Bentley who it ia said will decline on account of liia imnaired healti. is better known i t KI.KlillATloN OF THE NLTTAILS CLEVELAND. Clewi.ano, Miy ' At eight o'clock ibis evening, at St Paul's Mpiscopal church, Senator J. D. Cam eron aud Miss P.iizabeta B. Sherman were married. The ceremony was performed by the Bight Ber. Bishop G". T. Bedell', Bisbt p of the Pioce-e cf CU-velatd, assisted by the Bev. S. N. Bulison, Bet tor of St Paul's The fbral decorations were lavish and tleeani. The bridemaids were Miss Klla Sherman, of Washington: Miss MoultoD. Cincinnati; Miss Jen nie Dennison, Columbt;-; Miss Ju!i3 Pars;i,s, Cleveland: Miss Sorter, CievelanJ; and Mi-s De Billier, Yonkers, N. Y. Mr. Cameron being a widower, there were no grooms men. Tbe music was tendered by Prof., of this city, and con sisted of the overture to Auber, 'Masseniello," :be overture to Ku ryanthe, by Weber, Meyerbeer's 'Coronation March,"' and Mendel sohn's "Wedding March." One thousand invitations bad 1 jf en is sued, and fully two-thirds were pres ent After the ceremony one hun dred and fifty relations aud friends attended tbe reception at tbe resi- ar.d similar ones as tbey fall due. Any township in ibe country can sympathise with tbe big village over tbo prospect of it taxes increased by a fuur million debt, with the money to pay it lying idle. Ihrtcmprrani-e y.-...V are making a bold and stead fjrt light any compromise with tbe li quor interest in stupe l excise or H- 1 -it . Tl . . r ... 1 ct use urns. i uk prospect oi eucu bills Las always interfered with tbe enforcement of the existing stringent laws, and w e ruf aa to give these a fair trial before mukiug a compromise with temperance. Such a resolute attitude is necessary, when a gin mill is the standard coraer ornament of village tu.d c ity blocks alike. Cof fic would bo a public bane were it drank to the e xtent and at tbe ex- peaee that whitkey is, to PBy nothing: ol ibe quarrelsomenees and me rum which result from the latier. the tu. men's hotel A w ouiaa w ho has been a guest at the Stewart Hot. l ft.r women, speaks highly ;f it as a hotel for ladies vis i'.ing the city clone, and its alvan tagea in this way are (juud out rap idiy by ladies al' over ihe country and patronized accordingly. The hotel is not a charity, nr is it de signed for tbe lower grade of work ing women, but for teachers, artists, aud salaried women, as well as all ladies traveling without escort, it of fers accommodations of the bst class at the common hoarding house pri ces. I'or peruiineut biardors, i:s restrictions arc su'-h as might be wisely relaxed. No one ia allowed flowers, birds or a sciug machine Berlin, May II At 3:80 this af ternoon, as Emperor William was returuiug from a drive with the Duchess of Baden, several shots from a revolver were fired at him in the Avenue L'ater den Linden. No body w as hurt. The city is greatly excited. Great crowds assembled ia front of tbe palac?, to whom the Emperor several times presented bimseif in acknowledgment of their expressions of sympathy. Members of the mioistry, foreign ambassadors aud officers of the army hastened to the palace, tendering tbeir congratu lations upon thn Emperor's escape. The would-be assassins are in tbe hands of the police, who decline to furnish any information. The char acter of tbe perpetrators and motives f r tbeir crime are unknown. Mikniuht. Two ahots were fired into the Emperor's carriage from tbe sidewalk without effect. The assas sin ran into the middle of the av enue, followed by a crowd. On an attempt to capture bim, be fired three more shots and threw his revolver away. He was then secured. The Emperor's carriage was stopped and the footman sprang from the box and assisted at tbe capture. Anoth er man, who, it ia alleged, attempted to rescue the one who Gredthe bhots, was arrested a few minutes after wards in the middle of the avenue. Tbe man who attempted to assasin ate the Emperor is a tinsmith named Emil Heiorich Max Hoedel, said to be from Leipsic. He was taken to the nearest police station, where a preliminary investigation was insti tuted. Tbe accomulice arrested is named Krueger, a laborer belonging to Berlin. There were unceasing demonstrations before the palace throughout tbe evening. Dense masses were streaming in from the remotest suburbs to manifest tbeir lovultr. sinsintr tbe national anthem The liaiperor went to the Opera and Boval Theatre to-nieht and received !?reat ovations. Berlin. Mav 12 At the official examination cf Hoedel, the prisoner stated that he was a native of Leip sic. and was born in 1857. He de nied that he fired at tbe Emperor. He afliruied that he was without work, and intended to shoot himself publicly to sbow the rich the present condition of the people. He stated that he fcbot onca at himself, and could not account for the other three shots which were wanting in the chamber of his revolver. He thought he might have discharged them in his absence of mind. Tbe prisoner was in possession of several socialistic and democratic writings, tickets of membership of several Ber lin socialistic unions, and tbe like ness of two socialistic leaders. He declared he belonged to no party, but was an anarchist, the enemy of all political parties, tbe present condi tion of society and public institutions. It further resulted from the investi gation that Hoedel formerly held socialistic meetings near Leipsic. The other prisoner, Krueger, ap pears innocent, and is reported to have been liberated. He wag arrest ed because he endeavored to protect Hoedel against tbe assaults of the ex cited crowd. Telegrams congratulating the Em peror on his escape bare arrived from all the German Princes and Europe an sovereigns. To-day the Emperor received the Koyal family, Ministry and ill-Id Marsbals, wbo came to congratulate him. A Grand Fight Over the Delegates, and Touches of Commnnfsm.fn Some of the Speech-Making. Philadelphia, May 8. Tbe Na tional State Convention was called to order in Concert Hall this morn ing, at half-past ten o'clock, by State Cbairman Deweea. All the counties in the State, with a few exceptions, had full delegations. Philadelphia bas two delegations. The number of delegates present was about two hundred and thirty. A delegation of women, represent ing the citizens' Suffrage Associa tion, was on the floor at tbe opening of the proceedings. Chairman Dewees, in bis address, reviewed tbe condition of the party, stating that from 5,000 votes in 187G it had increased to 55,000 votes in 1S47, and that wito its thorough or ionization there was no reason that entire success should not be achiev ed in the next campaign. David Kirk, "Armstrong" candi date, was chosen temporary chair man, over Major Powderly, the "Wright" candidate, who received but 81 votes. Mr. Kirk, in acknowl edging tbe honor conferred on him, denounced the National Banking system, claiming that tbe nation should honor its own paper. After tbe appointment of mittee on Credentials, the tion took a recess. Upon reassembling, tbe tion was addressed by John Siner, for many years President of Jtbe Mi ners' and Laborers' Benevolent As sociation of Schuylkill county. Miss E. S. Tarra, of the Citizens' Suffrage Association, made a ebort address, asking tbe Convention to insert in its platform a plank granting suffrage to women. She was followed by other ladies from tbe same association. A number or speecnes, some ol a rather Communistic nature, were made, when tbe Committee on Cre dentials made a report in regard to two contesting Philadelphia dele gates, the difference being compro mised by tbe admission of tbe whole Labor delegation and ten out of for ty-six of the Greenbackers. Commit tees on permanent organization and platform were appointed, and a re cess taken till 7 o'clock. At the evening session T. W. Hughes was elected permanent Chairman. a Cora-Conven- Conven- B4ar4 Eat lag Dirt. accumulated labor, its annual increase t on interest ehonld be limited to the j Tbe Rev. S. Wells Williams, general average ot yearly increase in i elter dated February 10, say: in a deuce ot Colgate lioyt, l-.-q , on i in Ler roi m, or to Lang a picture, Case avenue, brother-iu-Uw of the for fear of injury to the walls lux ury for ladies but in exchange for bride. The wedding gifts were ou- imeruusand cottlv, tbeir aggregate value being one hundred ttivusand dollars. Aiany inenas were present ! lors to receive lrienii ot tuber sex from Wahingi cm. New York, liar- furni.-hed in elegant m.dera ttvle, a I.omion, May 11. A correspond ent at Boms telegraphs that Le fears tbe Jesuits and the violent pirty have defiuitely triumphed at tbe Vatican. Tbe Pope s liver affection, be says, is not alarming, but be ought to go away, and desires to go to Perugea, but is not able to withstand tbe pres sure put ou Lim to remain in tbe Vat ican. Cardinal Caterini, Prefect cf tbe Congregation, has written to the Ger man priesti wbc accepted the Gov ernment stipends, threatening their suspension if they do not make a pub l'c declaration against the law, and repudiate the stipends. Home, April 11 After tbe publi cation of Cardiual Caterjuj's letter, censuring tbe Prussian priests, the nominations. The Convention then proceeded to make nominations as follows: For Governor S. R. Mason, Thoa. M. Marshall, Wm. U. Armstong, Ilen drick B. Wrignt, G. M. Carson, and Victor E. Piolette. tor Judge of Supreme Court Judge Agnew, tbe present- iocumben., Judge Benj. S. Bentley, and Cbas. Mayer, tor Lieut. Governor K. B. McUcmb, Christopher Shearer, Wesley Cham bers, Wm. B. Holt and J. C. French. For Secretary of Internal Affairs Jas. L. Wright, Andrew Burtt, U. S. Stevens and Francis McAdams. It was stated that the Committee on Platform would not be able to re port until to-morrow. The efforts at adjournment were defeated, and the ballot on Supreme Judgeship was proceeded witb, resulting in Bentley receiving 114 votes and Agnew 91. Tbe Committee on Resolutions was sent for, and came into the ball. A resolution was offered proposing that the convention recognize no candi date who bas any affiliation with old parties. This was amended so as not to apply to tbe judiciary. Ibe amendment was lost and the original resolution carried. A SCENE OP CONFUSION. Immediately there was a whole sale denunciation of tbe candidates. Wright was accused of being a Dem ocrat dyed in the wool. Armstrong was accused of being a Republican wbo was not sincere in tbe green back cause, lbere was crimination and recrixination. Tbe wildest con fusion ensued. Forty members were on tbeir feet at once, yelling for the ballot to proceed on tbe Governorship, others moving to adjourn, and still others gesticulating wildly and bawl ing at tbe top of their voices, r inal ly a vote wa taken, and it was de cided to proceed to ballov on tbe Governorship. A motion to nominate S. R. Mason by acclamation was lost. The name of Thomas M. Marshall was with drawn, and tbe ballot proceeded. Two ballots were ukn on tbe Governorship. Tbe second ballot was as follows: Armstrong, 24 Wright, 57 ; Mason, 115; Piolette, 2 Mason was thereupon declared the nominee, and the nomination was made unanimous. There was but one ballot on the Lieutenant Governorship, as follows; Shearer, 123; Fincber, 3 ; Jackson 37. All tbe other candidates for tbe position were withdrawn. A motion was made to nominate Jas. L. Wright, of Pbiladelobia, for Secretary of Internal Affairs. The ballot for Secretary of Internal Affairs was as follows : Wright, 93: Burtt, 75; Caldwell, 3. Tbe name of McGee was withdrawn. the platform Tbe Convention then took up tbe i negotiations between thn Vatican anil thfse rom-enieriPHS thfri is a luiu- tt...i: : i . , m. - - xjrj uu lujujcuMiif t lern.i&ipn rious librarv, open to all guest par- risburg, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Cameron left by tbe Lake Shore route for New York at 10:30 o'clock. Srver hloria tm Mnnpb A 1 rmnji 4'rftue Had II i'uufliiHf ul. Memphis, May 8 At 3 o'cK ck, ibis morning, a storm paf 1 over tbe city, pan ially unroofing a num ber of business bouses and tbe Pea- bodv IIcuI. ao J blowing down Mca- faultless table and tbe attendance of a first class hotel for $G. a week for boarders, and $2 a day for trats ent visitors. To secure admission, a lady out of town must write before hand, and send tLe references; New Yoifc residents preferred, but clergy men or buincss men of standing in any town are accepted. These are oujinanicated with , and if satisfac tory, the applicant notified. Aniv- tag :n .ew i or, ite uads a room Tbe negotiations with ether powers also failed. Tbe Vatican is stated to have resolved on a policy of resistance Tbe Pope's health bas imuroved. The t'ealaa Xiimrat. ' Labor candidate for the fame office last year. With the exception of the candidate for Governor wbo was a pronounced Democrat, none of tbt? gentlemen are known to Lave Lad any fixed political principles, nor are tbev in any sense representatives of tl.K Labor element. The candidate Tor Governor was a school teacher lte r' ia,n' V9 f.urJ . ... . tbe woods near Oxford, and is doubt- and wbo a lawyer; the candidate ,fM ; ocM ,,y Mi timc M lfce fJ for Judge is a lawyer, of course ; the citement w as very great tberoyesier candidate lor Lieutenant Governor isjday. Syracuse, X. Y., May 9 There is some basis for the reported Fenian movement. In this locality proba bly two bundred and fifty men are engaged in it, claiming connection with a general movement alonj the frontier. Some money has been raised, and tbe nieo armed with pis tols. Thry say thev await orders from O'Neil. Tbe "better class of 1... tl. I,.',arr..lf.., L l. ,...!. by reason of his being tbe Greenback. . . , , ... . ,A - ;,.f .,.. I WlliVJ OLiU n OII.I I'l Vl.aO. toT 'V' '. :t-Sfnui,l Kttt.Ull''U BUU LUUIH- 1 I I .. a Last Monday a tramp entered the; Ler di,pal. Tbe com-! . c'llzD3 nowever, give no syra house of a planter, five miles south o!; f. rt t.f a quiet, charming and safe i Plby 0 lbe m0Tet"ent. i irfnr) XI itit a 1 n iaj alicnnt at f ft ! i r iU iti t nraiii t j oil -.-. tim inn nfr r niitttnT tn .nrirp ivh'i ..lit iriti.Li. p-Lv.i. a " tbe lady of the bouse, struck Ler ontcrt. The 'tIsit r of the hotel si-! New Ouleans Mav ioe ucaa win an ax, nom i&e meet reauy fLo visitors irom Obio of which she died, ifcr little girl! the Wet 11 Porter and , Brawn W hanad at ln., c gin tiie ne t, parties cr ladies, and bine alarmed the neighborhood. Koon a j mothers w ith young JagLters and ' for tbe murder of Dr Evans March large number cf men were in pursuit 1 tsjzulemen who Lave lady rela.ives1 U 1ST7 Brown nd a 'lull In traveling alone are anxious tj con- fession, and asked forgiveness. Me them to care of tbe Women's There wa no excitement and but lloiil- ! little by mpatby for tbe doomed man. Some lady may like to fcuw that j Jjrown was calm and collected at applications are addreepcd to theltbe Lour of execution platform, which generally enunciates tbe principles adopted in tbe National Convention at Toledo in February last. They declare that tbe Govern ment should furnish outfits to families desirous of settling on public lands; favored rigid economy in tbe admin istration of public affairs; demand the eight hour system of labor ; tbe aboli tion of tbe prison contract system of labor; a graduated system of income tax, by which the wealth of tbe nation rather than tbe industry of tbe people should pay the expenses of the Gov ernment; wholesome and permanent laws for the protection of American industry ; education should be free, secular and industrial, and no proper ty except what belongs to lbe Gov ernment should be exempt from taxa tion. They recommend that women have equal civil ani p li ! rights; also demand that National paper money, or greenback?, based not alone on the two metals, silver and gold, bat upon tbe entire wealth and integrity of ihe nation," bbould be issued in rufficient quantities to re vive our prostrate industries by enab ling fhs people to associate freely with each other services, thereby .ending the suffering and rnin of oar people. This money should be a legal tender for all debts, public and private. As money represented all branches of American industry, which does not nosv exceed three per cent per annum; this principle here after to apply to all debts, and every violation ot it to be pooisbea as a misdemeanor. At this hour (2 a. m ) the conven tion is still in session. The reading of the platform bas just been completed. ADJOURNED 15 A SOW. Philadelphia, May 9, 1878. Tbe Convention adjourned amid a scene of tnmult ontil this morning, when the platform will be considered. There are indications of a serious split between the Greenback and Labor sections, tbe Allegheny dele gates especially protesting against tbe adoption of tbe resolutions in their present shape, and the bulk of them on tbe floor demanding that the Toledo declarations be the voice of the Convention. Tns candidates. Samuel R. Mason, the nominee for Governor, was born in Slippery Rock, Yercer county, now Lawrence in 1827. After leaving common school he taueht for a number ot years io his native county, and with the same indomitable spirit or perseverance that bas characte-ized bis career in later life he pnrsued bis studies under a private tutor at tbe same time and prepared himself for a sncces ful course through Allegheny College. After leaving college he began tbe study of law in 1850 as a student under Hon. John Hoge, then Sena tor from the Mercer and Lawrence district, and one of the ablest law yers in the State. After two years' bard study he was admitted to prac tice at tbe. Mercer bar in 1852. And in 1853, when only twenty-five years ot age, be was elected District At torney on tLe Democratic ticket in the strong Republican county of Mer cer, over J. II. Robinson, a promi nent lawyer and tbe leader of tbe op position, by nearly eight hundred majority. Five years later, without opposition, be became the Democratic nominee of Mercer county, for Con gress, after which be retired from politics and devoted himself to bis profession, and was not long in ac quiring a leading position at tbe bar. After tbe dissolution of the partner shiv of Griffith & Trunkey, by the election of Hon. John Trunkey to! tbe bench in 1807, be became asso ciated with bis present partner, Hon. Samuel Griffith, in tbe practice of law. In bis profession be is recog nized as an able lawyer. In 1872 73 be took grounds in favor a national currency and against tbe National bank system, and acquired the title of "Father of the Greenback party in Western I ennsvlvanta." CHRISTOPHER SHEARER. The candidate tor Lieutenant Gov ernor is a new man, suddenly sprung upon tbe convention. He seems to have been the choice of tbe labor ele ment, and comes from tbe East BENJAMIN 8. BENTLEY. The nominee for Supreme Judge, Benjamin S. Bently, was born in New xork, and moved to Susquehan na county, ia this State, when a boy. After some years bo was admitted to the Mountrose bar and became one of its leading members. In 18CG he located at Williamsport to practice bis profession, and one year later was appointed President Judge by Governor Geary when Lycomini; was a separate district, and at tbe subsequent election came within a few bundred votes of beating Judge Gamble in tbe face of a strong Dem ocratic majority. List year be re ceived the Greenback nomination for Supieme Judge at Williamsport, and in February of this year was defeat ed for Mayor of Williamsport, poll ing 1 13 votes to 933 for Dr. Logan, Democrat, and 824 for Col. Barrows, Republican. Judge Bentley prior to his affiliation with the Greenback party was always a consistent Re publican. He presided at a great Greenback meeting at Williamsport in 13C7, but voted for President Hayes. On being nominated for Su preme Judge, be delivered a speech to tbe convention, wbea be said Tbe debtor in this country has some ngbts wbicn tbo creditor is bound to respect Value must be re stored to labor and real estate. If tbe blood bas all gone to tbe bead or heart tbe body won't work. Our money bas concentrated at the heart. e can't get down to gold. There is not enough in tbe city to pay the debt of a second-class city." Judge Bentley is now C2 years of age. JAMES L WRIGHT. James L. Wright, is a brother of Hon. Richardson L. Wright, of Frankford, ex-Speaker of t'.e State House of Representatives, is about 57 years ot age and is engaged in tbe merchant tailoring business ia Philadelphia. He served an appren ticeship to tbe trade, and when twenty-five years old slat ted for him self ia Frankford. Among his neigh bors he rank-) as a roan of clear-beaded judgment and propriety of char acter, and is well known to them. He has been identified with the La bor movement for many years and fas taken an active port in the transctions of the party, being several times a delegate to the party conventims He was tbe choice of both tbe Working men's State Convention and Green backers for Treasure last year. A delegate from Fayette alluded to "the mob of Luzerne," which brought forty delegates to tbeir feet. Dr. Sturgeon, Cbairman of the National Executive Committee, de livered an address, and the Conven tion adjourned sine die. SnEARF.R DECLINES, AND BENTLEY EX PECTED TO DO 80. Philadelphia, May 9. Cbairman Hughes received a dispatch to-nigbt from Shearer, declining tbe nomina tion of tbe National party for L;en leoant Governor. Toe filling of lbe vacancy will devolve upon tbe Sv te Committee. It is believed Bentley will also decline the nomination for J adge of tbe Supreme court. Philadelphia, May 9 Tbe Na tional Convention continued its ses sion until ha'f past two this morning, owing to the bitter discussion of the platform, and resumed tfce session aud discussion at ten o'clock to-day, with but little more than bait the delegates present. Exceptions Were taken t) a portion of tbe last plank Elcelloa . AnltirrCll b y dlntlp. 7 Tbe Svn Hpet-iaP Nr.r Yokk, May ,lr. This dav was the worst of all. I saw abundant proofs of men eating clay or stones, and bought three stone cakes. Tbe stone is the same as our soft stone pencils. It is re duced to dust and mixei with millet husks, in different proportions, and thed baked. It does not look bad, but tastes like is dust Tbe dead seem to-day to number more than on any previous day, for there were twenty-nine in eighteen miles along the road, and the circumstan ces were more frightful. In one valley tbe road branched into two, and my servant took one while I took tbe other on each side the stream. On bis road the servant saw a woman lying in a ditch, after being robbed of all she bad, and still moviog, though unconscious of any one passing by. Further on we saw a man's bead cut clean from bis body a cruel murderer's deed. We saw among tbe dead some wounded heads, but not done by tbe wolves, dogs, or birds. Tbe dogs barked and howled at as when we drove tbeui off from the dead. Many of tbe corpses seen when we were going had disappeared, but their places were more than supplied by others. To these details of what 1 saw t give you a briefer account of what 1 have heard. Some men coming from Sicbum, on tbeir way to Pe king, said that along the whole way they saw dead bodies here and there. Snow had fallen in Honan province a foot deep, and about eight inches in Shansi. to tbe west and north-west, and none further north in that pro vince. In all ttat region west of this tbe cold bad been unusual. Tbe soft stone is sold at from two to five mills a pound, and bark from 5 to 7 mills per pound for food. Tbe roots or sweet flags are dug. but they cause the face to swell. Grain is three or four times the usual price, and turnips and cabbage five or six times. Flour is 7, 8 and 9 mills per ounce. In every city I passed through the report was twenty, thirty or forty dying daily. At Ping Yang ten great pits had been filled, and two carts were daily employed in carting tbe dead. One innkeeper told us that one of his custom, rs reported having counted 270 dead on tbe road in three days' journey. Whole fam ilies old and young, die in their hous es and lie there unburied. In one district a third of the population are dead, and the people maintain that ia many towns fully one-half have perished, and tbey know villages where formerly dwelt 300, 4UU ana even 500 people, of whom not more than a hundred remain. That Baltlnar Uboat. 'cate today anticipated their July op lion to take $,.0t)!),000 per cen- New York, Mav fi. A from Weldon, N. C, sayf: A Uw vio i. b s u ova avHu u ipciv u i l era was the occasion ol a seriojs riot oai bonds: tufO tbey oruereu in ao here this morning between whiles i vaace to meet the demand it 'be and negroes. Both races had can- public for these bona didates in the field and irreat excite-1 This makes 25,000,000 ment prevailed. About tea o'clock of several danero is been tele as indica are imcui- Baltimore. Md., May 7. Balti more has a gbot and it bas appear ed several times, but did not walk last night. A dense crowd sur rounded the building and remained there till past midnight. During the day the owner of the premises, a cor puleut Teuton, applied to a Magis trate for permission tj try the vir tues of a revolver on "dot ghost," declaring that be would just "shoot bis brains oud." Tbe Magistrate declined to permit this terrible slaughter of tbe innocent, and tbe irate German withdrew, lbe occu pants of tbe haunted house abandon ed il this morning. Mrs. Moore was, however, prevailed udoo by some prominent Spiritualists lo test her powers as a medium. be is not a Spiritualist, and finally consented. Tbe seance was held in tbe haunted house at midnight, and tbe Enquirer correspondent was one of lbe magic circle. Mrs. Moore quickly passed into a trance, and after great appa rent physical and mental suffering, lasting several minutes, recovered. She declared that tbe ghost appear ed to her, and the following colloquy ensued: Mrs. Moore Whose ghost are the riot begin, and clubs, knives and pistols were freely used, ignite a number were shot, cut and bruised. One man, a negro, will die, it is thought, and the injuries others tn regarded as A military company has graphed for to Norfolk, lious of a fresh outbreak nent. Tbe presence of Virginia mil itary on the other side of tbe river may have a quieting effect. Raleigh, N. C, May 6 The regularDemccratic municipal tickets were everywhere victorious over the Republicans, disorganizing Inde pendents and bolters. The fight at Weldon was a dispute as to a ne gro a ngbt to vote. After words came blows. Captain J. L. Emery was struck on tbe head and badly butt Eight or lea sh os was then fired at the rioters. Joi i Purness, a negro, was shot in the mouth aud breast, aud died ia five hours. Another negro was wounded in the shoulder. The sheriff, a Republican, spoke to tbe rioters. Then a promi nent newspaper man spoke. Next the Mayor of tbe town spoke. Em ery aod Robert Day were bound over in $2,000 each. Tbe excite ment was great. Tbe people were wild at the time, but are quiet now. During tbe riot lbe polls were closed Watrtllng Ihe t'ontniBBlkta. taken siuceAnril 11, or one half tte t Hm amount" bargained for to bo at tbeir disposal during tbe year. As lie b'inds aro selling at the rate of more than $1,000,000 per day the entire $".0,000,000 will probably be dis. posed of before July, and tie Treas. ury will tben have a'l tbe gold it thought necessary to have at he close of the year ia order ti hea specie payments January 1, l 70. Iinapr l Daniel J. M orrpll. New York, May 11 Orders have be.n given in Brooklyn by Colonel Ward directing the Tv?enty-tb ird Regimeut of National Guards to re move their fatigue uniforms to the armory, so as to be ready for the Communists if tbey should avail tteiu eelves of any fuluie labor strike to create a riot, if New York, as Po lice Commissioner Cbarliek u.-ed lo believe, is slumbering over a volcano of Communism, the city fcbows very little concern. The metropolis, in that respect, ia probably the safest large city in the country. For a num ber of years Communist societies have been active, but so have the police, aod tbe police force, though far from perfect, has succeeded in making itself feared. Tbe authori ties are not so tolerant as formerly of any practice of independent rights of free cit'z'jns which may threaten property and public peace. The sum mary arrest of Meey, for threatening the life of the World reporter, has been a caution to the F rench Com munistic breeding nest ia Bleecker street. Philadelphia, May 7 A compli mentary dinner was given at the Continental Hotel to Hon Daniel J Morrell, who is about to leave f ,r Paris as Unit"d Slates CotnuiisMon er from Pennsylvania It was in tended as a mark of public esteem for Mr. Morrell, and particularly ia recognition of his services as Chair man of tbe Executive Committee of i the United Slates Centennial Cora- mission. Tbe banquet ha'l was beautifully decorated with bunting and designs in flowers. Governor Hartranft presided. Mine rsfiloatuM- Pottsville, May 9 While J ,hn Anyl, Superintendent, was carrying an unprotected lamp ia the tiien dower Colliery, near Minersviile, this morning, the gas ini:ed, caus ing a terrible explosion. Asyl was thrown egaics: a wall f coal with great violence, and died ibis after noon. The deceased was ordained a minister at the Wch Synod, held here two weks ago. Thomas Morgan, a co-Iabrer, also died this afternoon from mjuries re ceived at the same explosion. '''rl liranl at ihe Inhibition. Exploalon. of George a natural you : Ghost I am tbe ghost Dell. Mrs. M. Did you die death ? Ghost No; I was foully murdered two years ago. Mrs. M Where ? Ghost In this house. Mrs. M. Wbo murdered you ? Ghost A man named Williams. Subsequently Mrs. Moore passed into a second trance, and upon re covering declared that she bad seen a female specter, clad ia long, white robes, and with pale, ghastly visage. It did not offer to communicate through ber, however. This closed tbe seance, and when the result be came known to the crowd without, tbe excitement was intense. Mrs. Moore was terribly prostra ted, and during the past few days bad lost some twenty pounds in flesh. Tbe Spiritualist consoled her by saying that as the ghost bad now communicated through her, lbe spec ler that bad so stvtled her will not again appear. ('aimed Meal Memphis, Mav C. Shortly after seven o'clock this moroiug a porta ble engine, standing in fr - nt of Bob- len, Huse & Co.'s ice bouse, explo ded witb terrific force, iustantly kill ing Tboraas Hoist, tbe engineer, aud probably fatally injuring Jains Kec- ncd), lbe fireman, lbe follow lug laborers were also wounded: Barney Burns, leg brokec; Thos. Sleene, arm broken and scalded. Fri day Gilliu, colored, wbo was pass ing tbe spot on Lis way to bis work, was severely scalded Tbe engine was used in hoisting ice out of a barge into a bouse, and tbe fire bad beta built under it with little or no water in the boiler, wbi'h was dis covered at tbe moment of lbe explo sion. A piece of tbe boiler was driv en into tbe wall of Latta's soap fac tory, and anotber piece into Glenn's wbarfbeat. a block awav. Pauls, May 11 General Graot, accompanied by I'nited Stai.s .Min ister Noyes, Consul Genera! Tor bet and Commissioner Genera! MeCor mick, and a large delegation cf Amer icans, visited tbe Exhibition io-!ay. The exhibitors in the seventh proJp of the American Department lunched the party, and an informal reception was held. Soldiers, sailor? n;d of ficers were iu foil uniform. Robbe4l at .tardrred. Norfolk, V. , May 7. --Mi-s Su san A. Stuart, public school leachc-r at Ziou's Church, Norfolk County, was found deal in her room ever the school house la-i evening Her pocket bo'.k was rilled cf its con. tents. Tbere were other ev Mec-es of foul play. No arrests. Ilralti of Catharine Bee Elmira, N Y.. May 12 -rine E Beecher. sister of Ward Bcerhrr, dirl at coon at ibefe'Mdt-nce of Tbotnas M er. Funeral on Tuesday at 10 n at the Park Church, ia this citv. Catha Ileory to-tMv, Fuel-b in , A'; ir a d run tisemex ts. ESTABLISHED X8&3. A RECORD OF A QUARTER CENTURY. Jlwoaaalaera. ifhochoicest selection of new styles or every kind and quality of CARPETING, LINOLEUM, Carpeting Xjiiiiiigr, FIFTH AVE. Washington, May 7. Collector White, of Little Rock, Arkansas, in forms ibe Commissioner of Internal Revenue tbat it is supposed Frank Gatlin shot T. E. Rodgers, Deputy Marshal for Clay county, April 20, an acc-'unt which was telegraphed The still about which Mr. Rodders informed the authorities was owned by Gatlin, and the deed was com oMted in reveugo. A warraat his been issued for his arrest. Deputy Collector E. G Hoffuiin rep r;s that be, witb a p n-se of eight nito, start ed from Walballa, S. C , iu pursuit of the outlaw Redmond, wbo recent ly broke open a jiil and released S of bis triends who bad been engaged ia illicit distilling. Tbey searched Boeky ltjttou for t o days, bat be succeeded in eluding tbem Tbe pursuit has been given up, but fears are entertained that the two guides will be killed. Washington, D. C.May 3 Tbe Hcuse Election Committee, to-day, disposed cf four contested election cases, by a strict party vote. Tbe majority of tbe committee decided to remand the cases of Small and Rain ey, two of te colored members lrom South Carolina, back to ibe people, on the ground that the voters in these districts were intimidated from vo ting by tbe presence of tbe United Stages troops in tbe Stitr; and, sec ond, on account of intimidation practiced by colore 1 voters in going to the polls armed, and frightening tbe w hite Democrats to tucb aa ex tent that they kept in doors and were afrai i to g to the polls. Tbe Republican members of tbe Commit tee will submit a minority rep r; in both cases Mr. Wait will submit a minority report that Small was du ly elected, and is entitled to a seat, and Mr. Hiscjck report in favor of Rainey. Tbe committee decided unanimous: Iy that Cain, lbe other colored mem ber, is entitled to ibe seat. Tbe charges agiinst William-1, of Oieon, were dismissed. The case 'A pi a ley vs. Bisbee, of Florida, was taken up but not disposed of. Harder atTliga. Tiffin, O, May 11 Dan Smitb, a noted character of ibis city, wbo rue. Petersburg, Va , May 7 A de structive fire occurred at Prospfct Depot, Prince Edwaard county, V:r gin:a, e n tbe 1th inst. The large to bacco factory of J. W. Gills, cn taining 300,000 pounds of tobacco, with two out-bouses adjoining filled with tobacco, also an cfliee, two sta bles and blacksmith shop, belonging to tbe same, were burned; also the lumber-bouse and f tore house belong ing t B. F. Shepard and i.ccupied by Campbell & Baisentice as store and bar-room; also, tbe stable, lum ber house aod tt re bouse belonging to James Vecable in all twelve building's. Tbe fire was the work of an incendiary. NltllBK Ball. re id, which proposed tbat lbe party : has served a terra ia the peuiteutiary De ;anea me ureenuacs Latr party. instead of National, and a vole upon tbe question to strike ont tbat por tion of the platform provoked lbe liveliest diseussioo between the La- bir and Greenback elements, and the lor sneep stealing, aou wdo was in dicted for shooting Pete Simouis, but through chicanery escaped pun ishment, got into an altercation at the Headlight Saloon, this evening, with Geo. t lexers, over a w hip ppeethes all alluded to "the two ele-i Words and threats were f llowed by lueuia to me woovenuon ." a mo tion to strike cut the "Greei.back La- ch'other in the exchange cf i bor party" was lost by an overwbel'm i, commodities aud Ideas." and 'jog vote. ' 3-'.,- "ar ? J ' I ' I J'.i .1 . f a resolution tnai tbe convention condemn any lawlessness or violence was adopted, and the platform read this moraing was adopted. Smith grabbiog an ice mallet, aud striking Wickers on lbe forehead, breaking bis skull. Medical aid was summoned, but there 'is very little norie of Wickers Jiving until morn ing. Smifh escaped from the salcpn, and np to this time bas not been ar rested. ; 1 Deadwood, May 7. Frack Grou ard, Gener.l Crook's chitf scout and guide, witb a detail of eleven dioii from the Fifth Cavalry, arrived here yesterday. Tbey came flit frcm McKinnej in quest of a gang nt thieves, w horn tbey tracked to v. iibin 40 miles f tlis place, where tie trail was lost. Grouard states infor mation is gained from stragliig bands of friendly Indians to the ef fect that a portion of Silting Bull's band bad crossed over into the Uni ted States. He thought it very l ke ly that tbe Indians would be troub lesome during tbe coming suumer on tbe Upper Missouri river. A Uaod Aeeaaal. 77 Above Wood St. Pittsburg. FOllMLKLY W. D. A.H. McCALLUM, AND April lo McCALLUM BROS. SURE REWARD. - 1E.1HS TO P.1V FOR A F. It U. S4 to SIO Per Acre. B-erh and tHapIo lit mrlil-fu-, Inllid HILI UlM Ai KF.IItM ,l Ihe brand Kanll and indlaiit Hallroatt Cumpauy. TITIE PEHFtn, Mrnnz aoi!-u re eropw-plenty ofCIm-wr-no drought-no bu; nu hoppers." Hunnlnsr alreaina pnre water ready marketa x-Ii.mI-liallrou.l rom pleled tlM-uugh centre ol the grant. Send for pamnhlet, EngliMi or l-rriuau. AddrcM W. O. lirr.II HIT. L.:iiid 4 onirniuuer. CRAM) B inus Mil II. ' ..It.u Ti... Y 11:41 IXISTR ATlR S NOTICE. Kstate of Davi.l H.iy, lute .! Llklk tltt1':ljpil Lettersor.ltInilnitr:i!i..n on th Nva e'.ire havLn Itm urintf l t.. n..iiie n nrrelry uiven t'.iiwse i,, n ... mcliule payment, mi.l th.t-e hain arf.oiiH it. t. l.r.-cnt tli-'ra iIiiIt tiiit hrm ... lor settlfiiu-ul tm We-hiestlnv .Ii'i,.- 1.1 "... thel.ite rtfid.we i.t il l .! kuhI PETER S. HAY W A HAY. SAMrEI.M. StILOit, 5Iay S A.lrrii ltiiit r.. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. a- e ll.tvto )en apnoiutetl Ao-llturlT th-n uhw (.urt"! .UKT-tc.,untT ,' , t.. '.Ii.-tni.iiie the run.l m U.e irm.1 ..f li. B. Hull,-,-. A.lnm,lTa- ..r..f A.lanna h.n.-.r. .lee'.l.. mun.l am 1.-u:I1t etil. tl.rrpt... 1 hfr.v uiven that I will atiervl f the .la-It f Mi l m. nt nt mv nrHre in St.mrrsi-t. tin Thu' l:n June dth, liTH. wiicnantl where ail i..-r.aii iuVr.--te.l en anon. I . F.I B. SCT M Mavis Ail-liter. A D M 1 N I ST RATI) IPS NOT I C K. 'To sum it up, six log years of bedridden sickners aud snfivriug, costiog $200 per year, total, $1.200 all of which was stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters, taken by my wife, wbo bas dote her own house work for a year since without tbe loss of a dy, and I want everybody to know it for their deoefit !' "John Weeks, Buffalo, New York." Tronble ia the 'atlanal l amp Equate tr A:. run Freijiiue. late el Jftiner Twi. , tlt-eafetl. Letter of a.lmlni-Ti;i .n on the above rt;o ha Leea t.1 lit the Br..l-Mune.l, notireia hereby icivi-n t-tthti-e ln.lel.le.1 tn It i., make iinme tliate payment. an. thtwc having- eliim air:iir:t il to pn-WBttbeto .July aoi lientKaietl It.r leiil-toei.i tin Satnrtl-iy. .May -ja. Is'l at Ihe late residence of tleceast-.l in sai.l t..wri!tp. SAHAII VKKini.lN-K. A i.rlt IT A.iuiinitr.tlrix. w'estf.kv vinn-a. m'IEntieh: e t-Assre-AU and 1 N.s T ItlTV ine.n- t uTe ..rt-imp-n Studtnn t;t I'-illfire, business, Pr..fu?finiial Seh..l.. II. , toe 1 ile. hd.I TtaehinK. LoriiliiuieleTKle-l. healthful. ev ol verM, an t plftun-ue. omim i.iliiK an eltrn'he iew t.f l-he-inul Ki.liie. Full er f limrue t.r. Fivenwtwaof .stlT. l"-n tn Nitti v-ie. Kxien9ea BKulrmte. New Imililing fir Utile. Upen arnle In each room. AtlUrea) the Prlnt-ipa'. JONATHAff JONKS. A. M., fee Sit. Pleaaaot. Pa Piin.ADEi.pniA. My 9 Cbj:r man Hughes re-eived a dispatch to night from Mr. Shearer, declining tbe nomination cf ibe national par ty for lieutenant governor. Tbe filling of lbe vacancy will now de volve npo 1 the State committee. Il is believed that Hon. B. S. Bently will also decline. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Heitlthao'l Hapi-lneM are prieelwj Wealth to their it.wvSf'r!'. a:tl yet tl.e.y are within tie rea.-h ol every ouewtio will um WRIGHT'S LIVKR PILLS. The only nure CVR F. for T..rt 1.1 Liver. DT"pepl:i Hea.tarhc, s.mrSiom ieh. Cou'lpatl.. .. "Pehllitv N:mea. at .1 all Knitms complain-n an.1 H..-i tiin!er ptie at-nulne uule rii;nfi "Wm. W riuht. I'ttiU." li yuur tlruant will not mipi ply iH-n-l .4eeni f .rtme u. iUrrieii. :Ktiiler l'o., 7N 4:hSt. PhiU Fel. pXKCUTOU'S NOTICE. L.-ialof I'eter 01n.tlepenrr. la-eoftTonematuch Tp.. deeeuml. letters testamentary on the above eMnte hsv irisj heen gninte.1 tn the nnlerelirnel, l y the prop eramh-.rliy, notice Ik hereby xlven to lluwv m tlt'lttett to it to make l.nmetilate navment, an.l tliow havinirchiitua aiint It will present thero to the an-lvn.ii;nei. at the resilience of sai l l- I ceaw.l ea Smir l-ir the Ilth tlav of Mav. 1-H. Jl EPH t M N I L E.-S P E h'i K H. SAMl EL, THOM AS, Anrila Executor. A Chance to MakeSome Monsy, SURE. 'Cornelt'i History of Pennsylvania." Now Write lor Agency at once." Jo II 3 l t I V A CO.,Putllstu-r, li Sannuia Street Pbi tlelphl. JIm-a 27