Thr Winter rvenini.- cl. -c in. Tlir Wlimr lire lairns T.t-ki : Wuh Mi'-I th-imbu i m hea-; I It ',be Uil lUiiir.z ILirt. V.mnJ'cli: 1 l'-vr la ten kn ist lb. re. To wa'cb tin. Ln auJ tlft.-n IT lib w.ati ji'ir. Us ilr. X-ir &tiM kl(rh.lue:lih r k. 4 L!!o; U-l I" r Uj t, eve r pre soli t .. oar hir path atrc-w with I'" B-""-Atad band in band wf ion- loe s h.i! I ik- ,..!. iiun.i. la -rt. i.-i'. l.'M 1 ii; the mtTW. And - j. witli irn 1"1 i,; '' ?r I' h tt ' ar.lwnl!. Ad !in oil 1 1" ar 'ir-s I ur Utile ir n pite. Jl-irk" Wl.:.t If tUt? 1 f.-.rt-1. it. My -w dear lor is ' lr ma -I rr', il i.- at in -! IL- ii.-te. n tlK stair. RiBtL Torn-. a fcretCT. p-iMct-wj and fruii er- wer of im-at cvpfTicmT. .Hill IV IV,. I lit WA!.. , .i. . i ...... . f r.r f..rnl: .iu!T tilt til . . m . ....!,. f mat nifitalDed B. Ki.saay: iue uw. - " ..hmiei manure at borne, at a c-jsl. far bslow that of the ordoary cm .,., ,,u!ae;iired 13. rarm., - , ft, iiijibt. emeu, is no ioii-' , t i h Miff MHpriiocB it ;it- , v. - j ducea e on lor ue tioa. parts eiifbt of almoft a. i lOiru ut r . .-iinimercia! tun-'rpboMibate!', aud lui- rurcb..T pay for tbe packing aad tranor-alioaof tit worthier P' - I b brief, be reeonjuieoda farmer mix ib-.o ' 1 ure fr,,J"u Um-, -il vi.r. i. muriate id potarb, Ipba e tfa--.. ""if""'! of f Uaandland piau-r. ins lorai - .a are uilicreiii i r u.uni-ui m ubcat bis formula if: For. a,rt4 H B"' aiil it-1 4 JIuriiU oi P itn:i Sulliltc fff Sutll Sulfli:ite ui'a. f.ui i ri.xi.T 170 1 Sr.:. ;J. 1.1 'i i' The! ingredioniB will east about 30, at tc Ij tct prices br the lo.) ibd. The f-oipfcau'oi f -ila i ylaulcr (salts. 1'or barley, rye, ouu and gra.a, Lin foiniiiia i. tLun : f.-r ni-r. . I.'. IV Vr nl. 1 T. .n-. ' i.lVi'H-'. tiu!pv.1tr or S;"!a V.tra'ri-f Pla -a'.;4.tte nX p.t.irh... I.-.t. 1 P!s?er 1 "' For o'.her rrcps the lomiaias srr bunired fiameu hat. but thev ail con- fist chiefly of ground bones, pataFh in rome form, and ammonia. Why he should nlace ni'.rate of BoJa ia bi frecond iomula, instead of sulpliatc of amtt-onia (both producing the nil-; r.-u-on that 'l ernnn retinirel I '"i j ..- .i.- r... .t.. i unterituu, Oi.iy uj me laei. uu n-.niifarti.rta it mii.I t la hi liuhinesH the fact, ttat tbe trcigot tnarg- .i ; (.j..r ! r. .. , ,,r t' plf.n. as either ! Suite fer each tmie tbe prepared feriilir8, rcat-y , puta, :,,., Jy-h or too J.w fr our not ice. laMgaed to tbe pro.- , are an important coa..-. - (-.,.r,Loric acid : a'd ia;Truc t-r:de aid real dircitv t.i-ial.zl t LMa-onaoic ti.'it kiiiea and Hand, tbe natural . i" i . ' .... a.i,v . ,, , j.- ,j.,i., ,.i ..;, ,.,-., bu-'io aT. after tice oV n r u.m i.n.. uue cae a iri . . . . , , ., , , .. (,t every wou, iiu i .,- ,.,, , .., acre.) na ' n..i; v mi: i-' a! pri'le i ot.17 a monea, aa w& s.i tioa. IUtben goes on to argui.ioa i i t.,...rl v.,re applied1!..: l,r a e a!wiv cat ia com-Inaaiea at the door f farmer rAould ptrcba-e conceu'ratea . . : ' ' , ..;,...-.i l,,,at U.r.r . .st-a .-.r! iheeo ? WhrUnd prohibiting ebeU,iea!s and c.iffip,u-:d them at j a v . i u.t a., i . , f;r i,vo, C!H !0 Yry'; lr.ti. polyicg tbem boioe, eai.ed to tne aao.n Ymf? 7; l-.-.i.T bid U-en aopKcJ ! ;f.r ptia-t-e. c.t i-how. for tappine, Un tho way of sir pivca crop. He i-at aUJ tbat ti-- ' i t tula ? Wfcv n.:-t we ciuke a j clniorou dicout v- complete manures for givca crop are. .-iiai ' - if . , ,.; and mhb il)0ili -reaniing, anally effieaciou aub Kabk' dtibg.! jt ba been t....y provrf. .y u;Vr'!ho d.-e a beefsteak at borne as I dauting, jumpiug a.nd mm a rn!e mucb D-re t-couoamai. ,u ,j a 1. ou.i.. , , a-n inn- of huraa. wa tjl X,ell it. Then the sulphate of aoJa ,farai, ns tue esnriitsci.ts el tt.e d.tier j' . ",. o tglauber ealta) makes excellent pbya-' ent Soil! are eecoroing to what crop j vt-'r-' ( ic, bat I doubt it being valuable as a j have l.'teu grvwn on the tiirtrcat jM( u tnanore, t current prices; but it ittfitlJ. and the -.uaatlty aad kmJ of ;'-' ;'- ooald be bought at $10 a ton it might; pay to u.-e it. I'armers should bear j in mind, thai all manufactnrera of ! fertilizere, aa well aa cf other things, j give ia WJeir cueu.ajs oueu tuents only as tend to make sale. limit i-ir.-.ii!..ira Rneh R?te-' For instance, tbe applicatioa of ths, fertiliera, ta many case, doe no j increwi -f -o, lu'.i"" - - grown on .ana w ncrcno ieriu.r applied, yet the circulars lavued by the manufactarcrs conrev the idea! that they never fail. now to mix rcaTiLinns. As many farmers do bay more or Je Commercial fertilizers, and are' interested in knowing ho to mix' tbem, I submit the following method: In tbe Grt place, the ground bone tiinst be dissolved with oil vitriol, f wl'ifb is eold io gl carboy. Sel-1 cct a place on your bra floor, or ! make a tight platform under a f bed. ! on whieb the ground bone ( bone j "inetl'') i to be placed, ta which edd boiling h t water one-quarier in rea!;75 t'.te fict. weirbt of the weight of the bone, aad j We i-pe it stated ia a Virziai.i pa well gurred with a tbovd, and ho left per that oae the ccicorau-d Bn for three day. Ym now aid the il ; d )!pb famiiy, a cesr kiosma:? t vitriol,and mix with a wooden shovel, Tbomaa Jelleioa, wbeu in his prime, end etic tbe mat thoroughly twice a ; could lift a ihou-a:i J p Mind-. ar day for two day, thea leave it three -bows and circuses generally ethibi' days to dry.. 1 ou cow have aa ex cellent (juality of Ropsrpbn?iiLate, with T)hooborie acid i f tbe bor.c: niri.l maila rtl ,!.!. i C, f. I mnL. n ' a Uical rui.u.. u .vi luiuiiui... :i!ant food) end of a much acperior quality to the ordinary t.uperpbo. - pbate, a generally made; and it may be used alone on any other crop that t-uperpbopbare benefit, but to mip-ilj crop ith all the Rrtiliing properties tbat stable (lung contains, pntar-b and ammonia faitrogeo) must be added. Tbe potash should b? the tnnriate of potash in ail ense, as I claim; aad tLe ammonia may be eiih- -r Kninhtte of arnmonia or nltrctei oil podnt end when a farmer has obtain ed all the chemicals neccFt-ary. and ban dissolved biff bnne meal, Le should then mix all the ingredients . i i.i . . .:n muiuu((Uij, r. ili iut- jia.-iii-i nil the last; and the more plab'er tbat if used the better, ap to one-half tbe buik of the other co3iiuieL t, it act J r w 4m m m m i,a -r rui r f aif t hrt n l: ra .F the tnixture. Swamp muct, exposed to the frosts of occ winter, mould be ii . a u . turc as an tbsorbcut : and also io rendering it le?s coneectr-iied in Ptrength, and the more capily ppreaa . L i.J L-Ik .L .-111. . t. upon lue tauu, uiru eujuui lu oner nlowmg. and to be harrowed ia; or if; . . , , .11 , .- , , v , . . Lts Land asd frtar.ed Lome. Austin placed in drills, cr in hih.-t, it mu-t be . , , , . , , , Lnii,l i,h .!, awtil thxt it upiuo:e..uqui,uiucarai, :sa eo ruixed witn tbe noil tbat it ace not come ia contact too facly wiib the teed and tender roots. ffOW TO IMITATE fTr.i T. 11NH. . If we take 22 p-undscf muriate cfj potat-n noo er ov. actual ptaat-ni ; S poands of phosphoric acid (fouud in abtmt tO pounds of solt.Lle tuper-pbot-phate); aud 4S pouLiis of sul phate of ammonia (12 pounds actual ammobia), we have exactly what is contained in 2,000 poonds of stable dung; and these three eoutti.uent ouftbt to produce the came cr p i. all cases that the dung does ; and i' "they do not man can tell why. according to agricultural f Jif avistry. The cot.t of ihcee cootiiuebij, eimatea by .ew lork atal?ri in tbem, is as follows ; . . V muriate of potash, eeaf .jr. ...... il to 11. aaperpboupbata. at i eijpV- . - 14 ai lb ralph- of tiiaiaiUjiKtt' - Ci -' oTOJu lj. siKv JrpJI M At the 2,000 ponsds of Etiie ditL, tie rated a eomicg from the bt.Lle, J taJ ft baif a gc-at-r- tl'v Or VQ Ou l, with its nii.r.ure el etraw. its value, wLca can-pared wiiu .:, frnlli:-'', 1 cn -tr. ,3 m ; ,t,. p-ioe ibat lw, or no Urw, . vm ir.rd W 7 for 6t.e roaaorc. ,',-iiv. rid on tbe:r farms; ana u tu : cannot an ra 10 . nt ifci D-ic- 1 do nst srn m in" . l.-. . -I...- i.-rl rt! - ) t ri u i ...... , ; i"r.'. ', i SAiT"i'XT '.Di E ::rri.T' ' The r-.-,".ii f 'b-' i);i,'ic roi.i:i:'.rcia! niatiur'" :n bp iiriri?:ng. A '"ac wa4 'aifiv d-e.-MD" Jf , I ! , .. a triV tB..ij..ii,i.jr i-f ti t S itt'.c q-a-l!.v ol lac;5 !.. whtith no fcrtiiir w4 put, pro riiifcd cxactiv as rrinsy lititcM ; .iiT I: I ra-e of Sir, 'worth to ttc . ! ca ' I 9 - ' I .. 1 .L . ma- u Hi.'.- tjurStiH, i j, u,e cJtaiog Mrip, over wbif fJ do fcruliier wjj j-o:.y:'-nied il vi?i- cla ! 'l'Ly : IWO I t-v . can cabii u ' H'-uatui Jvr 'be tlii-jty uat IvmliuiLc casv. alrcttiy .at-J-HUAu tlic m.o r.lw ;:.!, urii: 21J tcav i ,cd ar..j a:j the potash t a. - ' ' 1 , ;iit cvra bt:' cou.Jai, 'a 'n" -! n ih !ii Liu)'-'! e'ic:'.p.. -tit i ' Cod that in tweity experts q; r;ia;1e , fi!' the i , , . tM ,:ii .,, c ,r... vu.b tun S i js: . i '-.. in urr ea-i- WiS ttc v.-i not ia uuy ca er. p 1"-' ; c?"y"l. 'r j ;0 '. !prpa-f i nver the i-r : Jaet o. pi JIB n ; fS Kill! ( U : aud on ' j u-t t"iy ; c-i ., i I. i . lo n s ..r nfc ,-. .'--- . . . ! ic aei.1, or erber . i ii.eui, ii.i. : lla of lb,.,t. ..,u. t'u.-a; is on .'.urv to crop.! Tbl Pru!: :-. u-iu -ubied- - !r lLe Tt,.d. ,a u nj i.n,in? ....... iUL-ii ."(.lili.eliog euce s ia tie u one ob aitiing j n CeiiiXtr rrt:::.-.'r laranVr. . n ,!r-of liotab :.lne .il., co m other jn-'ple' honseK, oiae to houri.aad bavio bath ears oail i aab:r f:Srf ' '"r:r u" ,1 tHd. d ia ' Cl out vl ten h. .iog they n.ay ot - ed aad cut off. Willful lyiag, to I iu IL'f i:eiu os i- " i ... :. i ....... .i-r.-" . t.t: . . " - r-i'ii.- . ii ne. I.. ..r. fi.-i.j . .'i ii r ii n r.. rr v ra. -tt. I a good cr-p, wLuo ;y i!i!the i-ame U'liioitt-r; i' ""Itrcm its f.e V'eii rj-.igbbjr, with . : r,.i !.; fit -.( 'r.. ;ar:i.r.':e!i;T 10 oOr PX'iat t.i iio v Vo: thev eoiiLii" lueilt r,i ! f.i,;1!vcs - . .- to ttable Jang, or Fbsuld they bay r.,:;iM chcti'iMi fer.ii:.-rr f-r crop-, if t!.' dung bitl faii.- .' 1'ure ground bone. acJ e';perp!.ur-ja il", if si.b.ble twitb oil vitriol i uro alaay rei.w'e at or-. tiro-, li they tail . -Low to crop? iu lTS tu.y jre not a W. bu: tro in the gruoi.d ti wrvc a p'iHtst food w u cyd-;.. ia IS;S, 'w, or luu r. S with p :iB-' farmer may be ii..-;.;;u!Mi .3 ;t wee, b'it it is there to tty, j res: cay ti rrler wlit-t citr ica' '; cottace Fii.-h ferto'zer? as ;.-:."-b!g'. r.nt ronr iotroren u :0S U'A C TO ":-. i.. i : , t' inr i PlBuiiJi i.o.f ... - - : i nao:l it e-o.'S crt' into the jore, ! to i"rnd ia dews upon yotir ; Uni crops. Dealers is suiL yer. to CSV t dtr.; r:ei?b-i:,i'1 .ii- tLeir use, f auu.-uc.-'s reeo:o , ex;i. r:meats h-: cwo t itj i ti' cxteiiSive'j :!ee..I lout tbiiti ! i . j.i.ia ; oil a plot of land into :np, on wuca t ttpcriioeDt may be tuada with tbe li"nr, ."i.Ui.'.itiietilS t'l C ilur.l. l ciil .' ... :.., ..t'l o-l (hti it . i i..ei s, w io a ..... .-..v. . - , r.i!fl rc::ir.'3. but. Co, vour w&oie manure '-sed oj tLea;. - . "! " '-' Ttc piworfii! f-Tce t liuaian i ; (,,v.:,,. ,", ,' 1 bv a bale. Leany .t.,'. i,.r.i-;,i p . rilav bnilt. ...a ' aad ve ba, i Vtciplv have recently !ba.iasa.! .btitverv striding bra in- , ,.ftht. :B o;;, r..rc ni:js- , A fj; av(x VU ,a L .. Andrew Weidner up on Fayetrc St., a . - tt-i: ; . : . - 1 . 1-. in nt n r i t: i .i t . ii. in ?-.i,j i u ix i. i i been struck in a vital part wun !. .. '. -.1. ax. The bridge oi his nose was Lro- ! kec, he ceased to Urea he is les.stLaQ j tea ruinate?, itaJ within a rpiar'cr ot j an hour, wa a ikoid tbouga aj bullet had peceiriteJ Lis heart. It i stated that Frier. telj an o";ecr ! that the f ires ol the blow wis o j pom erfr.l, be es'.me ::eor ',y."z fr.;:ni the rebound, end hen Le iii-eoverei J tbat the ciun iii ..".eid, Le con! I no:; a utaa who displays wsb terlul ieuV 1 , f Ktrenmh,, but we heve r .rely or urrer Lnou u an la. taute wbere a I t '. n . . ' .!.,. ;'r t!ii ! i..t..l ,'TTll fjuir Ui'iw i.i ui ii-i i.ui." ...... '!y Mod act a death, uf ; that iaf.ieied by Fr'u v.s up'-a n -i.! 1 : sin.aiJ prove a luii si'iiiii; to i.U pos.e: ri d ii. sui h i.iu- !e to be i ti i c; iv guarded r.s to u Leu ar.ji , how Uey ut? it. ' 'Vv, A; '. X,enr:iliia I'ot.i r. Will Aut-tiu, i r tbe San F.-ibci-c "'. roi ,-.'i', a ttn.p.eii to itacn Fa ... ' ' 1, ..... v . t I .x. I r. Pi : IT T , T. : . e - "T . (,.: ' I ... S.-L;-.;a i latter fell audienlv us if Le LaJlw0 Lccd j V.'. . Al..;jU . ai ui ia i, , uuu . j uU:l., appvilMllg I ii H'ltll ! : its. al j ibe h'.nte. i.-o.oj a nnali begiutiog ct!,j.e proi.ioa Las pasred, .1 nias aud i lieats (! vvLp.ed iuto bul.'iou. Wben ! iUL. iroo .Marvs dt-Hti'in,,- t-.m! tne oi .' d rta to i-'ixiee.i iloPar-i hy j. oi i&c-ui.-i: i vc 'pat-., a man Las two kings :" mii Libd,'' ;of.'!.-: his two r; is tLat f t .. i ' , "' - , -i . . , , rai.j'i, an.; ren:arked: Iu j.i.'.i-r I I throw u.) my Lund Von arc a big fool to Lave told me. ' , , I at.. iiu u." i at e .tea :i ii.e uiot-ii i M.i:phy tuVlA iti the pt, hid clown tLcni tLreagb, uad eXeitimed ' Two t-ixes! bv all that's Lclv." A IvkeeulltDre. I Tie Milwatkco ?rr.r-.d te;.s rfry cood p.,,rT . tbe exoeuee 01 Ai rite as irii vilin-r Ka.-t from Chicago oa a Puiiutau fciceper, which CT ... as next to the ipres ear, ia which a tame Lear as Coiiiiued. The niiil became Lure, aad clumberi over into tLe deeper, crawled eocia - lily iuto ihe a arm berth occupied by Le civa. Tho faciaatitg liti.' dramatic cocktail present! awbkeut-d, aud In the fja'k felt tte scap"y coat f the intruder. fl am notioir unri9e ai tie taa-i. of Ta W-Elurn 'I o e... . ..V!"..i., ... .'...: ,. leas' tek ou your ulstair." au ti.a iauy uaig abSea U cb- it er had her ears pierced by ,Le wad of diatreos, t-aid bue couidu't vi;y v,eU remember, but site bclicvul i; was dono with afo'L i i . . . " ...... . j Mriai liairuoiii. i I i uu icie;:H Iv repcctui j ; a. . t;u -t js u!...0 Vrj dulL u'beo ' A ini,; Ih- i:,iic pgim. f;,...; m o,,; (,npral!v t,,s ,fce rc, (fc3T cf lfc,-,ee"as.tmblagr i ice rccuJ;t---; rr.l.lai'm fill- , ,,,. ,,..!-.. it tnichtUes it! li 03 tb lrebeaJ, ftoa wuader. d Lv ?; i bare fUvk i Wo Lni-n -e reocle ' !,-,, ,1.,,,. ni;; D-.f-t S-:rSihW. R-.i'fl i-:r!ichw, I ' 1 ... i i - .r,i-,r't iini .i.l'i aire. I 1j i ' ,",,u-v i ' - ( . . . fr .m s ii-e ia il L.iiiocal i aud cutting cG" vf tho tuber far, for j out on buttim? expittiuii aad or a r!,,,L:.,V w'e haw ii' 1.-a ahla us vel'tbe idird offuoH? tbe puni-bmeni waa dered the grass of tbo thicket U hv '' " '.' .....r it- 1 i.,.i i, tho T.nH.T lu-in" ifpemed fired lo drive the ffatue out of it. The -l.Ie VT! rtka-n Ici'.-c lit- iacieo : pre'-jre' of rfeccr'm duiiiie.., - .nr .-Lev auend. bat a!i aliSe m-iu : . tC!;ics t; t.itct iuij" Kvcn in t!:at conip-tr!ive!y fcimple l.ow xjjttcfc prui-rditr besew u?. I'co- j u al b ;me : ,.r if admitted, aailiag . . . . . r .-.... ' into tbe ara iaj roiiii. ju.-i i-'i nu,Uc.n..j - u vv t.w li'aa'es r.icnlv'to iro through a cere-' tain news or report, was punicbed 'uv to ' li'-er.-.c w'i'th tlairlobv Cue, titling ia the stock aud -,';;'. " iHLiptiio, the paaifhaient beioif ia-: ti-.'. .., ,,.,)., I, . Mv in,-re rrea-! rrca.-ed with each n pctiti'.n tf the '..'...-' I II 11 il. 1 ' i . 111-1 f. II. i ii:rcr ,.f .,,.i,.,r ii:,., if i-t-manuv : we ere i.i r 1 r nren'.: 'aal 'Litu nau- r..l : nirre Dai liflt real : and this ; ii ia w! rev a ics t.-: wholu S'icial pTi.:eni like a olisr.t tnis aosora tear , ... . i- , 2 1. - - 1 of hu.-m-: vi s, wL:cu, t,fii-ed, l.-i me rcrT -ever pride uiise J ia with that !. ..!,' :rr ...-an re which IDiteS US ; in like 1 1 ve ...ii r ui. I.-.- t;v ail ;ae'is p.t ulv I: is ,)J to tee oiir li? i: f.H,j? wi.v c.ttt':!e, Bro nn.i ii.i and ri. -i u.t k at our h'iue i . v nl! i,v . j' .i( , 6, .fcfm t,elierV I f ,urker tcrl!e , ,. - j i.s, wnb cici-idcrirj- rd worm : a; ' : rui; We t-io eTpret-i ve cd t xi I.f.v t'lir dre-, .. i:.: ... cur l'jri, i. i- mum .'". e -i ie r, a:i are uru:;.i-d and beti!- !.id of all tuape of nature and s p.-.r of sttatr-i- r.t by people it ni;'.! iiif g f 'r'Mte- M.t.-iv w ill not .rc:;k to :!: t-e they know pe:fi-e:!y well by fight, name ut:.l : eoi::a'i !!, wi h. n t r ru a I in in ;!'.:e 'iori ; '.'of t'lt-v speak to those t i whom tti v l::ive U odatvd i:i ;r n:t'd were ptinene.j latu :.-:I.?!.arv e -liim-js, wubsut a tltocsht or feeling i.i them. L A. i ! t till this verv wtl- V:-r rc v;l--)!s art "cieir, an i bp ari l laanagement ff ir f.., for if Iili. It I a ' ' i - V " - or'r "r':i'rsP tbnt nckrvi. bvlt in Fitiie'v. roui'I "if !.'ir,: r. hea j- ! e VJ cn ee ?ce tJie ii.-;;tiy oi iia.i;.iu-; . i . t . i i i!,("-i ii t.ti'i o! yibipueiTy in; il:e (vewor.'. J nerer go baok to the' Slid w:ivs of res.rve fill luxury, b-i: , . ,rl. aav, of ,,,e ,.,aiei -j - ; - - w;.ho(It ! ' - tear l- C ;iai:roi?:i.-e to o.:rsere or !of ;nipuLe Ir- t. them, an.! we wonl.i .'.ra:le ani s-oi ii! ia'.er-cpi::-. or 1 be doc-a si t'M'k. I: o s buiiUi'tg, iv.tti.og, 1 a , Loie cti i ihiifiiia, ia uii probabil- . - , i . . . i 'V, tie most -aotuc: -I uwi. .a w ! world. U was ba:;'. by fcieputa ) j Klie:''. tvatchaiaker, at Ilazittoa. uu !3 ''J J 1 .v" i1,aJ v;tli lWt'"'J ear ia per- ieeuag tbe eli Cii. l.eii paiu j KngSe $o.0o0 for it. Mr l.'.gle uer-! cLck. Ia i the i-ihur; tact, Lc Lad ta: traveled ttorj thsa j ed itiik frora hort.r- at: any ttatie. feet Ligb. TLe clock itaada elevcii At ilA base it is about 1 t wide, aad at it up tiboJi. two. It is aooal ;l..'ij 1- et ueeu .1 the 1 l ... ..,0- I... , ........ : iasi. iiiiiu-.ii iHiu, . i i s. ii. ,1 l.r.iu ! .ii. , 17..:.! 1 The Strasburg clock is iLirsy fiet ill". its ii! is not eo tu- ita Cor hay O ClUItV ligurti as the Hazletoa elctk. The ilok'o brutes tre nU-Ut i .. a- ;-rg feel bU'h aa.l ihe Ac.cruia ijjL'i about uiio iiitcs. itrec, niia-a'.ci i,e: c the hour, a pipe organ i:i.-iJe lLe dock piay an anthem. It La o lulls, iiiiis hre then rung, cud when the Boar ia strtuk, di.ude door ia the alcove otie.i and a 5 'tire jutocriis uppear.s. Uouoij duors to 1 the !e!t then onen. aud the at os'.les I a.j;.-ear i o;.e iy on;' ;ev atoitur iu and him pro-Jo- . ! ce.-sioo. A- t , ! -t-us ttey tarn fj ii.' ;Us OJV. S, tic a;-t.v;i.e tt-r-is n-raia uud pI'uC Uoora IU ti IVii r appi a tv tudo .LU tbiouga the dotiL.1; ttioove oii trie r'jttst. L-ie;..-'-. r tti!! loi'ks out -I I t'juVe aud teet'KS him. i -ie l:U.e:i li. CeV when Peter pan-tr, t'ac c. .k lisp-' its i ii.'i .Itl i;'.. i-'; r uo'.vu Irotii tt ; .vitii re, a:ju Chnt, ::vii U Ii l l TO e :atau co.-i.eo .nJ foil ..'. i" - t Julia out ir. the "r.jti ,'U, e .d then 1 . 1. ....... I . .i . . .. ..... 1 '' l:b ' doors arc ilored. Ti ,e e;-ere ( .in be : repeated t-eve i tinn s ita hour if uec ; c.-fe.rT, aad the catar:! n.o'.i u if ibe i ..i ..... ..-...-I .... . t. I' . . . n! juS prod je." 1JL;1 lOIil an t-- ; r.'hcreas the : . ira--i: I iii.iue b:tt otic- u day, :tt i.vei.e o- j civek. Ldow tbe piaZit i is the raaia j dial, about thirteen itf Liaia Uiarue jter. To its right is a Cgure of tiuie j with an Lour glft. Above this is a Window, at RhiCh appear ligurie rell:ecritt:i vou.b. luaabooil and ! J i age. To the'lelt ot the tii-il ia a ektl- 1 - etoa rt-ni cojn4i Lour bai presenting deatri. Wbeu ir.e band approaches the Cr.-t 'ijir- i-r-! aiiu! ;cr, tiuic reverses bis bo;tr-las ! strikes one oa a bell wiia Lis er ry; I.- 1 i bea another bell iniiue reipootti 1 Tbeu eliildhood aiuncrs in-i.". f.!c 1 ten tte boar Laud at!:roar;;.e. t!-i !. .....A ; -,. .. .. il .....-. 1. ... . I -l-ioii .1 ijuiiau ui ui luui, lijlTt "LOi.'.ii :-.u. vn. laiauooii. a.eIf'l,;, beaid me siiul;is ol t rj L.ifs. The ' .vcuh 3PPt-1's aud the orgau piaysajl , 1 ... t : . . . 1. . .. I j " -"ier .his, nkes t wo I I ... ..... , . sau reveise? lij aour-giass. w nel t j ' Oeils re-pond in?ide. One miout cf. i1 - ''" ibi-i a ct:ait ol lic'.U is beard, . "--eta a uoor i;!eoij iu lb oj i lXT poicu uuu oue j;i iiiu ngnt ot tbe CvUrt 'Cca l fti-T,or comes wain- ibS .lbcn tbe f-.p-.ks P'o ar : jin procce.uO. I be .i,cs ai-j Tells ; I a'COh s clan-ten, the tides, ttu : bOai JUS. li.H V S. and dl VS uf I be ClOll! h laud car. aitd ihe fciL-tl.-. r f the 7 ift-U..' aaa on toji a soiuier in urntt.r i inauuy oa guii a, walking back :,ca :f-rt:d. As tbe hours ntha-ce, manhood, old age and dt-atb take! ptrt 13 tuc p.t.oraCa. T ,- ciiu.- bouey. As.vcc; thing in The Alf.auv .mr Jo- rnal fiad-i ia Hall'a HitiU"rvoti:ero Vermont" Uorue avecouaw of tb Uwa which were is i..ree ft nuaorea Tears -ago, "llortlarv M pani&hed by brand- nailing one of tbe ufl'sadcr's cars to a njst and ptittin? it off, and whip ' - . , rr .1 pso; tor tec secoau ouenxe ur PSOir; tr UlC SCrjriU UBtaw UK !.i iti hi e brsadio? and naittor i 'incornsime '. Coticterfvitm? wa j pot.i cd bv cattiaff off tiie right car, j ...1 .mpriouieau IVrjury was : ,f i rt aa r. r I r... - " . ... , pnnontneoi for hi TBOOtfi-, hnt if tbejsen.-es. I tie aog Euew Lin duty aud was let cCT by tittiog in tbe pillory public prej-idice or private injury, or ; . .. . t 1 I f. n . . i n i.nti i9 tr.n n.. i. d vl- ii n . . L. V - . . . - i iifu&e. except toat iu no case wuio) uitt em tne nuniix-r ci Fnpts to exceed the ut tntrtv-ti'.av.'. uuoifhed ry coaipenmg tdrec-Ioid ............. n I. tr a t..fl j.f ifffmuwu, w "" ica.pirar Ma.vrj, luqinmuiw tag ciapowcied to oirpo.-e of the of- If t-.-T in eer vice to au v tuiye ci oi iul- s be phOQld be ccutor by cjun walking, thai is ock. was pro- ihe coi;vening of pernous except utitler tbe goveruuieat cf parenta, guaraian or master after tbu liGiinit'lv b:ur. "Tavern hun ters" were uaihed by p.ii.sirig their every taveru, tbe tawrn keener aiib auytLiug siroa'T drink. Au , eboutiog, bal- running, riding, , swimming or blow- erated on tne L. -ri s Juy. i.i.-.itn!ngutMJ or tne uiceiae b us.- during tbe Hu e of oublie worcbin was uol permuted. Secular cf tar number of j3 tbeVreet or elsewhere, .,a d,urUa7 tr jjonddy evening, ! .p. .-a .rl.i.l in nnrlo, rtiinfitip t.f i.u or st.-t k. irmr u tlio !(rer(. .M t- than tw-j week- ao, us the niil remember, we had tbe oi" laj t,.o'.-.t4 f or a it was jjiiv, anj tLs vouUh' fH:i.' i iir.-t s'.eia ii4'4 rare iuu wi.u laeir sieus. Atur a w'u.le as "o!4 sM" was mat ing his way ruu.Luiii ' the bcauti !al ii-jvk" iva-i f iicd by a ijuivcr-no- mi n.i.-it of bst the afureaaid .. ,..,...,! .,, .v.r o,,,l!c " ; ,OU.JU;i il lillll.'l ,.,.-f n 1 V . . , , hi oig! siiicb uaviativn wa anv- ibic bjl plea ;f '"ol.. tbcre mi .!uike 's C'on.iatu't:! car j waa S f'rit tiu LaJ. and titling io iid aeoaaiut- Vls-a-VI;.' V. f.e n '.;. Numt-er onp asif the riue- r raf .'treco, irojiirtJ fiappin, while nl.r two wai ii aud joviitl, tbe ur c'.ti.tcai prejjciinaiiijg. lotit yvd J.ato t u."h '.veaiher as ; ? ' .-ai.l lae'ur. "so, .-ir," aaj the iiotidej ,-e-nse; ' I U r.'t boilter about tbe j. .( ! wea'.Lei. If ..' fair, ail riht " "iJut you eau i liae tu-u a itora iiig a ibis. ': It' ju.-t a gjod for me as any oi :'', o' -jo.ruio.','' was the calm iejiiy. ' .aJ y..ii l.ue io ,-i.'i ra:;; to.i roud Uu i tlusb, .io J'OU V "Vr i au (.prftciy ja'.i&fit J." Tho gruoibicr wa out i t patiene( ha", he rccUiC.l reveiige .ji.ner ttiua Le Loped for. Iu gelling t.fif ibe ear li. is it itiuU cl:.ii!-i) abd M'fMwted ai lull letutih in tue utaJ, to let inu ure i." i. . f. . , I... i ilfcliat "1 tbe other, who rushed to ibe jfi-toJ.'Hi aa4 sbuaud; "Uoii't tay a wurd--ii'd olo of vutir Li Lid m Uiumiiiga ! If it was oi.e of mine, you would have fallen ou a bed ol nice, clean, fcofi, v hite, beaud- fal aoW ! Stand up till I lok at hU !'' This fat man sto.-d up. lie a iaua froLi bou to eLii. e (at Limself and tfcta at the car, i fetbiv taid : and ,-I kia lick oj aud all the weaih- er in ihe country with ouc haadliid i',.1 wo !' llnuiilillii, The fact that tbe Carteraeister of Cologne bas just married i pointed to by te Pusschiorf correspondent of the (luardtna aa an excellent 11 luetraliou of ihe old udige, Temp ora tttutaatur, Sit. A 'jasrter of a cento ry airo on X'oveuiber JJ, IHo2 a fa j mou trial ended in Cologne, which I for Kouto time had attracted the at j teation of ail (.ieriiiany ud cf many il'oreisa countries. Sentence of six ycarbVonfineaieat in a fortress men p-m-cj upon t wo young cm- inuuietr Bfiker (called "ihe K-d jeci;r, iruui tbe eolor ot Lis no h- rj e. tir.-) and Burew and this pur.i?!;-mt-nt a1 as rigtreu.-ly vo.ei out bv j ih-.'lii Aali.i-t the Coroii-inin .'I there "iiali.rp ;i:ri. I't.i.f u in., . .. . i- , ..' upticctur, u e m-.uoie, liutl a l.i.u-tt-uiiu'. m the arnir. Let U !i-ee it.efcto.-yoi t!ier-e live rueu Tue liu'i naai uc? made a bat,k di.ecior in i'oi.-ierai.ia. where he. r:'.a auy ivtib ibe enrh-b.vx fci.ij Uu-n iade away Wilu birn-elf. The i-j. f.picuir citvaiiCiti to a i.h ofurful p...eiiion in ilamver, ehot hirtweil -i'.er iLe auiiexal ion Tne c iiifla- On- Btiil hvi-s, broken in henhh ud out ol uceejiutioc. Tim two eruni uuir. roieaiu; P. cLer i-i Mayor of Co- 1 gue :ud member of the Pru-hian IK u.-e ot Peir-. ctid Bun-er i.- t niti.ihir of the L j-.ver h ,u-j aA i.i s,b:a eriiim, ol wttom a niorniii" pa ! ' Per tas; "Iiirr I,;-refra on it ia; i; 'it oil iu (,of the Mbo.ii.) proauuiiCed n.iiiocif euiirtiy in ueeord ui.h the gjveriiibeut." Sueu is tbe hi:Iigig i.t a 'juai ttr il a Ci uiury . Xtbat KUaing Itrally Ii. lie wa- frerh fr. m i ver ifce ranite and had ju-t :ep.)rd i:i to g :t ite latest neb. He lir-teitcd atti utivi iy to diiii wctie if latta-r Lis exjn rieiiee . I lie bight previeu his 'eOIld I girl !'' at a kiesib fra ej iray, v. ten, t. ;tu a er f derision, tc opened fci', m. ii'h ; ...t . . - f ...O. i...... L. 1 o way ! I have kisrcJ iu the North Lave kiii-ed io tho' Sou.b ; I have a.L.-..i.i.r - repi a ed . ho s. u.'-stiinnj . pera i. n T- ... II- .... - . ... e-fU i est:i cave kissed n 1 exaii aad aT doauin Maine : 1 Lave' k'Rted at Long Brawn aud at ihe a Gate every Mate ia ite - :, ; in every !t.ngta-:e !i.nfiitf o-l,-! .accruing to tne i;fincr and fdf- ton-. 3 cf every batter ; 1 have Li.--.ed en tLe .j:s.-Tfsippl aad all it? rribuiu- ries y Lut, tooug mo for go 4. s uua k Sssif. 2. L'l Ve me S fli 1 1 fieri JI'll ( 'i. Kr, i. "frl Wben von th...a ..... - I , i ; 'roro your boot, tfctt V kissiug, thttj :is." Dthvrr, olorado Mirror. I . I j ii uea you ace a maa try iug to :pa-lo:Th:a gloves wi.h a boo'jick he (ia certainij drunk. cod-inptt tcroogn to Met ot yttir Icit! A D-WJS Morr. Ttc most sagacious dog ui til tbe caniao tribe of which tradition tlla aa aalbt'Qiic Liiorj lived aad diod ia Cbiu. lie was the property ol tiia Cbua, and djg aad ruaiii were inseparable cotupQDions aod greatly attached to each other. Sin Chan f 11 asleep one day ia n thicket aaa .i .i..,, i ......I,;.... c i.Ij ' nuiimiij; T iorrour uf tbe province wss deg w' tue Era cotue sxeepiug on and tugged at Sin Choa's dotting to probably opium r t.a-neebe a. fltln.f !)uP .1, mii: O h ro U.1T K lilU flTA did Mut ocsiute to do il. He pluuged into a stream near by and came out drippit. Thus be carried water aaa roika it i ff i-n the graa aronad Lis ufier. l Li,) rcptaietf until toe . .J J . I . L.ll ur,ui hi KS,inrAin nun 1 r.f iiniiin i ;ol fiaoiea wero &tajd mi aafo di J teuce from Sia Coun Bat tbe dog ftHr burned. Wben Sio ! Ckuu awi ke br f.-ciud his fneud dead He a bow i. A as iu in uiiuuieaud tulu ibe Goveru-ir, b Ttett was;eau-a ibe auiioil to he pui in a tidiidtoitie i nib. h'.tb t'j called ;h 1 1 , ''S'osub of the JiiKhful d 'g." was orth a d 'g' dyiog fir. Rnllrla M blrzinic In the Air. i War (tor-ps- I is d flicul., write a poudent, to describe a it IDUeeU, al.uost iu.posioie w unaer.-iaaa even t'crs..uxi.fiiiiiciiuwsu,iBty,NKw.s wuacareiul on the tp.), the marvelous rapidity I !-v lii?r.-iel b.lliurUlc.j.meoturjfiall the more cr ' t ' li"!" nam ttrica nl ihe. lar. tSp-ial corrimil- of fire aoU tbe enorilloll ipjaiillty id r.wlrua ariuaspointsi' waither buileia tbat are wbizzimr tbe air. '", Ll1l?;,;t " ;a -'' niniiy,.tie ,, , .- . lHriTi ii wlUbe lounda ci'iit n'.lnlile journal, AbO.e Ihe roil ol nul-aeiry I3 beard la-ifla Mrb can eherriuliy cmmstxl ii io the ,!-. u-l-i .li. l-l n I reading pu illc Ilie Dent avulenro of he :npu- tbe Whl.-.llLg, l.'O a Mro.lg Wind Urnyui inu Dw-&ixa ia the ti ihu U U rl bl 'Winir through the tr-e. There tfV ml el if-cs. rvvanllesFut Ofuntry or I'ullilo, . "' , r i i aa.l inj .ya a .HrvulHiion mure ihamionhle tlmt ol are tbe r?bOers ol OUi.el tbat ram jauy iicr ui Hie State vuiiKleoi Pli.Uiltl.bia. - upon tbo ground any be, e itbia Jtor& MiSVw; radiU of a mile arid a halt from the :. Served t,y aKent or earrieni M .iiiKle f.crh and I he i f ,. tier h hi ar? t l i i """"". " " li we-. Poatmaftera are ugn., ana ino oi.i uir Liars ti,i j aaiu.ri7.oa lo receive sinjric iuiHTiners t . 0 sound the more r.u sigiiiucauce be - con:e clear to bim. it mean that every man cf the thousands engnged is firing aeveral tiniei a minu'e, more it le, as be Dres at rand oin or ttke aim. The Turk, as is wdi kuo.Hi, doe not take aim, but lirea from ihe bip when ia the ooen, lays his ri(le ua tbe parapet when I c'hiaii iatreueb meau, aud r-hoota somewhere ia tbe direction tf his enemy, and depcuds more on the quantity of bullet he sends thau on the direction i f them. Wben this fact, i borne in mind it will easily be. understood why the proportion of dead and wouudeii is t.o jrrpat i.i every bsu'r thai ha; -kce. A Mit-cud tt (ir. An auiU-iu aiory eotuus fiou the Ardennes, where, according to the tule, an agriculturist recently ditd, leading a wife, a horse, aud a Uog A few id o menu btfore his dealb he calii 1 hi wile to Lim, aad bade her si 1! tbe tKTre, aud five the proeteds of the i-aie to hlii relative, uu to sell the dog aad keep the iiiouey thus gaiu(d for herself. Soou after the deiub ihe wife went to ihe market iih the bor-e and do and cibibiied thptu, wilh thP BpnoiiLreOieut tl'ai the price of the dog was live bindicd trancs, and tbat uf ihe horse five traue. Tne pasn-ra-fcy etotiptd aud stared, and judged the wibiuu uiud, more e.-peetaiiy Hi the iLloruitd Bit u odd Le purehiir tbai io buy the horse it- iius ueee.-sary to buy ihe dog first. A, last a curious passer by concluded the bargain ; af er which the e-kilifiil woman fci-nOK) oy.r f " Iraat'.i to the iau.oy i f in f m'Ci-iu bu.-ban;!, andrnoiueU live-buuUud fiau r- f r ht-rstlt, itiu ciainri.jg ui the auiuo tiaie lo itarri Out tha leitcr, il but the spu i- . i f ti e Aiehe.- ot ter biislmad, And i;i Se uro ibe largest bum ef laouey f..r herreif. anliy. Jl aa not a j.i-.le reiiiut liable, uud we Kii-bt pb;lo.-oih''' for aouie time about ll, tbat bile ihe liuuioud it. made up ot pjre cart) ;o, or htnijily blaek and opuipje charcoal, the ruby, tbe iu Value and beauty, is near ly uiiide op of pure klumiua or com niou eby H per -.em. ihu eolor iug maittr i.-oti, niuking up the reel I r; ihe uiere trace of hme fouud ia it b iug unappreciable. Nothing, we may veuture to say, iu uature' chemistry is mure wonuerlul that Iblt faei of the ilull. eol. r!iK. liiel.-ss day oeeoruing niOiaDorpbosed by souie Lidded and almost iniracu- lou waj into the traup-arcntly Clear, rea-coioreu, auu auuobi nvniir gt m. Imaina'.iuu itself fails to Cud a theory to acouut for ad tbia, aud no j.rogreta in chemistry caa iuveui a theory to fit it It i.s a eomewhat cuiious cdiicdecw that the ruby ts well as the diuoioLd aud oiber prec ious 6toLe, is to otteu fouud c el ated with gold; where they are, there is i-o!d uinioKt Hire to be nre-rtil. Nature produce.-, together; and it uf- MwaTil is t,e proviuee ol art to keep iheui together bu'1 to uMiibil tbem un cue el itct. . I'reMy Glrl'a Club lit lliirlitird. The Yi-aug Lad ;--. Saturday Mort -ii g Clu'i, compribiug w m . t. riy f ti e b,:4hel and prettitet girls iu Huriicrd, is cow in its t-ecoud year, end Las already wrettlid whli t-ome preity difficult, bubjecls cud K '.ihd them to the pati.-fac:i.:n ef the in em bers. AutoUg there M.'l ial pr!;lLiH dleeused Was "Tho Legal Di.-ab-ll-lir-of Matrit d Women," aud ia er "The Lin la.urc o Seaudrjavia aud P.upria." Iu fattt il.e uiode-.t author i l "Reveries of a Baenih r," ho fijthio nearly as shy of f,ublieiiy noA as he did w hen he w rote Lis eli .nii iug "Itevei it r' under a vom dspluine. rcriiotidid t. the dub'o wiitteu lud 'a i"u to him to address tteui that Let was ttfraid that be bad bidbluif to ay Hut (liCp ebiUgo to lti'.i't Ci-' it' Ui ! Lev have alrcadv cp un d Harutr, LleC'eiiH, 11 :cr.';u. Hot ; land a.d II o tilt, ai.d Mr. il'rchfll iil jit have io eut tumb, for, as one ot the above pu. , , .'Tbe girl- are ,ur aa UIIV piei V ,b..t y U Cant V : no when Vou -te ibeni ' tthiih U , tueiii, wiotu .i. j .U.iebeu has uot yet done. ; "Pa," 1 b.-erviU u m-i!1 bov to fcis' fa; her, "bat do Mi Pi;kiu. and .fu- 1U ti:'d 10 ttt!!i "b ,ut ij tcP r,lr',jr ,; Ibeiilnelife. lo' hollru A uon.!.. iic.fF . . --n --- t.ight iu tLe week ?' ) 1 he l-t trouUrcar nuded out ! 7"u . ' ' : w"w ' -' , Ulll.lf li!4 'i-nlh rifi li-'. f : , .. l "--t ye-urd,.y, ana tea ii bui ed i. r uiuuti, uidij t we ?" ' Yes." "Aiid had ii boil-d f r -upo-rr' "cs. ' "Au'yoortiift haLei i;. up f ir bleakiupt ibis momi'i, d,d i't sbe V "Yes." '"Weil, thai is the way w tb Pit- kins aud vcur bister Julia.'-' 1 A iroud wa-er-r."- nlaee The el l U'ten litiek.-t .. Thi bachelor's toast Ttp day v?e celibate 1878, THE IITTSBUIIOM DAILY DISPATCH. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Ti:2 J3STJ31 Cl WSlai PfflHSjlRJiJ, 223 622 GT Ik Lirjut , LlFsIicSt, ctaiot d M N:isjs3 In tlij Dsltel Fl'ltXIIIED IX CLUDS OF TEX AT X UOLLAUS A YEAH, AXD POSTAGE TKEPAID. Every One Shonlti Snlscrlte For - IL TlKuwofcur rca-ltfrt who ikim a jpial city Ll uij c.'i .uii by nil lucjuasiub.icritie tur Uia Pilts htrgU Iiluti-h, a thrift, Lire, In-iei-nJ-nt Paper. luremttet In ootalnin-jr and lurniah. In ttiu lftieri iSews, ami fci youil iu9Uon una l tlic m ji.i roa JiUlq. riiliiit.le anl eiuerunninn Daily . j"urwnif injfu?ijvii in ma i. niiM siatpn. ( tie , lliifiTi ii wiii mier Ujfio iia i tiirtj.lkir.l year j o mo Sin 1 February, (t. ia the iancoai tiapur Iu ; liic Siuic, ifiviiiB Hit uu:n news tj mail aim tele , srapn lriu all )uarters tl t! arloew, hK-lodliut mr jane! aim Biusi rciiauie iummmuil ana repuriai Kill oU reliahle i'lUtlt Alar- rfiit evfnt? Ill the city. IncladiuK; Oourt News. ,ea'n - --;n'' '"f " .-i-y. The WeeMy Dispatch Ono oi'tlto tMioicest, Cheapest anil Bct Family News papers 1'ublUhcd. . CECULD IT. The rittbnr.h Wcaly Pispatch. lilio the ImiIv. ii prititmi ffmn rUnr: new tyoe, and it one ip the i-hn.-c;t t'anillv paiwrii ptzMiihe.1. It u a iare I-.1 iu sheet enii.raciui; all ilie uiore imoort rut wit: ol tlis wei-6. car-Mullycolleotet ami imd iltn..d, and omlttins ncthlnii rm nliil. lixlee.1, .'jt a iiewspaiMT, ii ta u.t aunneo4 ov anv piniiiar liut.ii-.'iiilou In America; v.tibe the care with wliicii Hi H'lfi'ii'in arc made, renders it a most re liauie ivarnal lor the family a journal rtplne Willi luicrcMlufr readiuK. aud oaeiiialcannct lall lu pleas. 1 iie CuuiiuurL.iul. FinaiK-ial and Uil he p.,ris ol ilie Weekly liisiMTrii are made ap with iri-at cam. ana are alwayii tall and reliable, while if. Hi. Cattle Mark reinta ettual auention ifi wiveii. 1 lie Weekly IIim'ati il in lunuslieil to rlRH'ir sn!.Tioet-ai mi .10 a year. r in cluba ol leu at ! (Ml with a paper uratln to he Jiarty scl liui; up the ciut. It m the cheapest paier m Xiut- r u-a it i;f mi I the ni;i"imt 01 roadm 1181-te.-ii I'ivej ej!i;ior-vd, and e.ery faoiili' abuu'.U ha. e 11. Ail.lrv-'? KOUK 1 O'Tt F.I LI., I'i'.liiliilicri Paily and Weekly Iiimi ati h, liiu. " fifth aicniie, Ittfburja TH5 PEBFECTION lARTH CLOSET. - rs A TiCHT, 93!;:i!$$ A3 astokatic. i'-. r-t nl,. .,y tut frw fnim datt, s4 - o;.-..;! can .Mp. .a.ei 'if af?fieti)i rir u.- !a HepitaU, liM-U Had Inciiilri. ( an be aaed ia (be d- r.itua niiaoat pitiag any offeaea. Prices, iO, i4 ftrid 18 Oollartj. &Areti, T.Hih :jnp, lor Irc-altf, HENRY H. 8. U LOOM FIELD, V. 0. 6oa 4ilX 3-t '"V St., -V.w Terh. Ui:. . ASK tne" reeorarrl ilyi-pepiscs, bllloa;t fer.!, Kti of lerer t ' ' r.-a f and ague, the uercnrl. si dliirrireil patient? hn-r they recovered TCt bcaltb, cheerful .I-irit5 sjt '' ami r.-ed annetltej V't-rtijif ai- "-y " " y"a "j Ui-li-iU. -i .TVtavTJ takinitSiHao-iB tav- Tij Gea.j:t, Pjrest and Be,t Family Medicine it in Ihe World. F, r PYBrrTSIA. ( ONSTlPATiny. .laun tf lie, art jjurn. ac Thin vnrlvaM 5uthern RemedT 1 warranted n"t to eoiilain a ln-jle particle uf itweuryior any u., jrn., j mineral ,it.-usce. bal ia 1'IT.F.LY VIGETAELE, Ci:nt3ln1i; thufe SfI'lnT!ft'apd Hf-rtn. -lh an allwlM. YT'nMvm baa pit! In e.Hxntriei where I'Keairs uj.jii prevail. It will cure :M Diseases caused bv (leransatnt of thu Liter and Boarls. '1 lie SYMPTOMS of rv.raplair.t area bit ter i,r b.nt tait :n the mouth : -alu in the Hack, Si.iesor Joint-t, uiten iuii.uiaen lor Kbentnati-iu ; Soar Siom'.eh : L't ot Apretitc ; Itowela altern ately costive and lax : Headache : laii of metro ry. witli a painiul aetasaiioD ol baTing failed to do ' lueiiiinic wliiuii iu,cbt to haTe tK.(en done; Oetdli ty. TLf-.w rinirliif, a tbi.-k ytlliiw an?arani of the skin and t:te,adrv euuli o:ea liJUitu lor e'.'iiamptiiin. Soiaeliiueii many of tbese ymjjtouiS Rlter. 1 the I'.'.-e.-. -e, at others very iv .T i fa: the IA V KK.' tbe lnr-T it orican In the body, is eneraUy tbo aeat ol di eae, and il n.l rexn!ued tn Ume, great mtter i: '. wrc'1'bedn-.'M aud liKATH will ensue. I can reoniraend a.anethfarioui- renieriy forfH? eeol the L.iver. llearthuni ana !vspcp.-ia, tim- in. mi' Liver Kcauiator, l.t . u l. Wi-sukh, Irfjj r.laf.;er S.reet, A.-ilanl loi: wiaster, Pldladel Jdila. -We hae ttute-l Its vlriae, personally, and know tbat tor Uyspepvi.t, liilou-nc.-fl, and 'Vhnib. l..ui Ucadiifrhe. i ia itie be.l iiuaiicir.a the world evgr paw. V.'e Imvo tiled forty otber remedies bo ron Slniinfftis Liver btejalatur. but none ol them ttave a. more than temporary relief ; hat the U..t ulator. n il only reil ted, bo: cared ns."Eo. Tzi ti,R '.ra ako .ucssKXijitn. .itao.D, ua. BAD BREATH ! X.fthlntr la , nnpkamnt, n.'dhln!; no common an bud breath, and in nearly even cum it eoroea from I th- n-imai-h. ntid ean tie o ea.il7 rirreetetl if voo will lake Simmons li'italatfir. Do not neglect m pure a retcedj for thi rcpn stve i!i.ii,rter. it will al o hnprweyonr Appitlte, lomple.ilon, and g eralUuUtb. . i , ; . . .. -, SICK HEADACHE, Thi" di:re?I i(? aiTJictjutj oeenrj mt.l llrcquent- 'iuwerleeliy dlxet.leojitau. eaneiero paiu i tb hc;;;!-a; Btb.i k tieaitaibe. l prompt relief ',.. f,- t:n .. Wri I """ LR.or A"Umxe ,,,M. PLAINTS. I.YSPE Sl.l'.MKVTAI.OltPKhS- S1"N "ilkss.nkss javmhh; nai stA. SiOK Hi: ilv lit; CULU1, CiiNSri PAi'Io.Vani BiLltt,'S.N tss. . , . IT HAS KQ EQUAIa. - u iicniirccifOiiiTCT : J. H. ZEILIN Ac CO., PHILI'A ElPHI A. PA. :I'i!ri. i?!.00. S:!tl bj all Omggiits. - - - ' - l - . : ii(;vi'P' 1 iV' iriVT A , '.v . r" V", i-. 1 ite fobowirr acoountr have been Cleil in mv --.(hre on 1 wlil oe prfrinie.1 f.-r cjnQrmatijn on T finr?.;ny zi9i in jannarr imB. ' ' . t Wta. Mull a-i.-Unneot John A. Const. - ; T;:icliariAb T. L -ng srf:i;eef Jefiee LfWiir. IiatiKd H.-irnmn afi'u of J. A. fc P. A. UUit'i.'. fi... ff'ti. Wa Iter"; i-if Jo. J. iindlei-r((er. JiiUi t;..ihartiua"irij( Wtu. RlKirban. .n..,: J. IL I,!ir.n,.d iLts'zot S. J. Urtngood. : Ph'Kii H. Walker aaa jriN'mihB-irnin. " ' l.'harlea KoiiiceraaM'jr; ol J'ibna at Kauuraaa. Sainu'.-l I' fUf asa'a ot Sauiiavl S!i.-eta. ,' r I'.J. KlbMSER, Ji.4 . Prethoooury. iTOTiCE. 1 ae ifUiiic are Ur;tr eautfeiu: J aisalnit nur. chafinir a note for -Wi, drawn by the nn lerriir ne.t in t-avorof .Vliciiaol Klutr. aateil September 2U, Ht7 ; payable Scptemlwr ta, 11)73, aa i hare not reeeiroil value t.4-iha name and will not pay ii usIcd eomjielleil by proei of law. Jan lilSTAVl'3&IlLI.EB. 1878. it JOHN F. BLYMYER DEALER IN Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints OILS, &C, &C. Ti) following ia a parttal list of goods in Stock: Carpenter's Tools, Planes, Saws, Hatchets, Hammers, Chisel., Plane Iron. Jzes, Ac, Black smith's flood.-,, 'Bellows, Anvils, Hardware, Tab Tree, Gig Saddles, Hanics, Cackles, Eings, Bits and Tools. Tablo Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Spoons and Razors, the! largest stock in Somerset County. Painter's Good, a full stock. White Lead, Colored Paints for inside and outside painting, Paints in oil, all color5, Varnish, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Brushes, Japan Dryer, Walnut Stains. &c. Window Glass of all sizes and glass cut to any shape. Tbe best Coal Oil always on hand. Our stock of Coal Oil Lamps is large and comprise, very elegant style. Ditstou's Circular, Mu!y and Cross Cut Saws. Mill Saw Files of thebest quailty. Porcelain-lined Kettlca. Handles of all kindss SHOVEL,, FORKS, HPADDi, RAKES. Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Picks, Scythes, Sueaths, Sledges, Mason Ilainmer, Cast Steel, Step Ladders, Carriage and Tire Bolts of all sizes. Loooking Glasses, Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sieves, Door Mats. Baskets, Tubs, Wooden Bucket, Twine, Rope all sizes, Hay Pulleys, Butter Prints, Mop Sticks, Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cutters and Stuffers, Traces, Cow Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Dust and Scrub Brushes, Horse Brushes, Cur ry Combs and Cards, Door Locks, Hinges, Screws, Lau-hes and everything in the Builders' line, Ca;;s, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse, Ac, Ac, The fact is, 1 keep everything that belongs to the Hardware trade. I deal exclusively in this kind of good3 and inve nit whole atttention to it. Per sons who are building, or any one in need of ahythiug in my line, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. I will always give a reasonable credit tO reniinntie mirsilils I think mv nlil eitatumara fur tlioip nafriinafrff and hope this season to make many -r l " ISTo, 3, "BAER'S BLOCK." April 8 '. " JOHN F. BLYMYER. TENNANT, PORTER, BOYTS & CO. ISin'censors lo S onffTep. l'orter !: Co. ' IF O TJ jfcT ID JEt "3T 7 Machine iV Forge Works, Water Street. Oppctile It. A O. R. It Deiot. ConnellfiTille, Ia Manufacturers ol Railroad and Machine Castings, K. li. Frogs, Switch Stands and Bridles, Trucks, Pit Wagons, lor ries, Iron Wheel Barrows, Stone Picks, Hammers and Chisels Bridge Trusses and Bolts, Plows, Plow Castings, Cook, Parlor & Hooing Storbs, Grates Fira ?r:--, Fsadrs, Hollow Tare. Alisccllancous Castings IMado to Order. Machinery of all kinds built aad repaired, at Short Notice and Iteusonablc Terms. ' Asq qn hand atl kinds of Material usad about Steam Engines. I Gas, itoain a.l Water ripe Fittirus. (ra Valvea, Krm3 Wire, Ouia Hum, Mom and Fibrooa Kackinii, lMiilii-rand liuhiier ilcltlnx. 'ou; l:ni;. Spiral CarSprinj3, Klveta, Aoril 11. B U L T b W" ATCH E S DIAMONDS, JEWELRY B CLOCKS, SILVER UD a l .nl all other trurx'. hsndleil Lv Cue Irailu. lni lulling a larjie and full ftoek of Si WATCH MAKER'S MATER IAIaS YA (.FtVEItY DKSCUIPTION. WEUUAUANTEE, , 1 LOWE3T WHOLESALE PHICES. O WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY. 77 rifth Avenue Pittsburgh Pa second & third floors . Dec. l C. H. Barrett & Co New Firm. SHOE STORE, SOLOMON UHL, IfHtlug pnrthai-td tbe Sh Store listelj owned It IT.C, neerit. Wa take pleasure In callinir the attentK n o. Eul.lic to the fart that we have mw and eipee eep constantly on band aa coinpieie an ment ol Boots, Shoes and Gaiters BOTH OF Eastern and Horns Manufacture aa can lie f-.ur.d any where. We also will have oj hand entutantly a "rull supply i-i SOLE LEATHER. MOROCCO CALr' SKINS KIPS, AND LINING SKINS Ol all kli-ua. wi-.b a fall Una of Shoe Findings. The HOME MAM'FAUTfKK IiETAKT M EXT will I- In-tianccol N". 33. Snyder, ICsq. Whose rputl!t'B Rr making Good Work and Good Fits l nevi,(l tnnfme tnthe Wa., Tlie puMJ is t pccttiti7 .nvfteO 1 rail inl i ur fiock. Wll t ix'tftf a, l" Ilie l-nrest. SOLOMON UHL. OPIOW ! n.l Voir-''i E if i wl. I (Jot.-. ; j Ijr ;-tii-vniin. ii ; v -bJl'j-ij rr'. -T inK.T'.f at .1 (.at!a, IX DS.VAN DYKE'S SULPKUR SOAP, !. ! , ol , w . . , , , V. K Makes the SKIM SoPi, Clear, Pure hlt and Healihyl la tM-ansiuu;. lieil .riiimr, Iiidateet- I it. S.-otlilnic, Healu. and purity ,i.j : Ti-aeivoa ri.nrlrnrl. . haany I'le-ia. sori, KiMpriona. KouKlinrtis and rruueii ot toe axii 1 rel:eve-il'tih. ilia. ouruiiDi and .tingii 4 of 1 .e skin, and hrira tl.mof Milr.j and mii ginx in-Mij will relieve t tfHINU P1LK.S4 nothii 4 -lac will have anyeiierti-M 'KtK fH-'A ALLOKFEN S1VKUW IH, an4 iirTrenis I'-noUui-iUS Diseases, and as an Lxtemal Meilifal and T'dlet Prepru tlon ir. ks -no Em: AL. Priua. i, era a cake ; K x, three Cakes. - Hiiy een'.a. Sutd by 1 . ,. 1 1 . . . i,. 1 l.. vr-'f . acu..fii., c'iif,-.. ..f.i i.mitKiri, a-eneTnlly. E. 8. W hiesTKR, Pp-prieior. Of par. 40 1 St. Tbini St., I hiia.. Pa. Jill J. . ; $45 FREvurn w4Trn rmiv- 'tem-wtiidr.Fref f lit tree. J.B.OaylorJ;,kioafio,lU. : KHOW T"y r- ..!ie sr.-i frartSrirt; lie i:Ks.inibletru-l. rot-., bun. d ill Ibe beft mf dk-i bfuiic evi-r issiicd, 1 niiili il TIIUArS psrLF-PI;LKVAtiON I MTAFl ! l'ru' bVnlbymml Wfcfclaa reeii d pite. It treats ol Esh-nitcii itaiity, i'noir.iurv D.-eiitif, ITepfoi'S ar.d I1iy-iral lx-fci'ifv, tnj I.? endles, moti-Tortant IIH and uutoM ini-frieathal ruult therefrom, and contains mr-ro liiua a(.ori;inttl pre-v-riptions, any ona of bicli in wov ;li the pric? cf the boik. This book was vriittcti hvtlicmoHex. ftn.iTcanfJ prolmtily the nxi skiiiiilpractitinocr in America, to. wtuitri wan aw iniri 1 a cold ac-Uc it. rll:d me Jid by thejialional Medici Aociauiu," A Pamphlet, lilusiratr;) taiiii 1I.1 very tarn btcil Loa-siviiie 4 ttu.'- 11 F A I Tr l cf an ud te.aii;)- - F?lfll rtnt rnLK to all. Send I B ioCS ff-r It at oner. AiMres, IKABODY MEDICALcp aava-tp-a a INSTITL'TE. J.o. tbuf-THlXPI tD.h.-t Uol03.3b.j. EEllWlaiaair Vices, Files, Hammers, Ac Saddlery, new ones. Don't forget the place -o-,, t 1 (J . PLATED WARE, BRONZES. GZEXX'8 SULPHUll SOAP. Tiior.i-oin y Ccres DtsEisrs oftuf. Skiv, iiKM'TlUKS HIE CoMII.KXIOM, PaKVr-.3 ANH UkmMiS RHECMtlis.M A';;. CiHT, littA"S MfkLS AND All ii...-. OV 1H8 Cl illLt ANO t'ot rtl iaA.i CoM'Al-.ON. c.'.4.i '..-.rd External Rtmcrty for Erap. li. t-'. j and Injurie-; of the Skm. not nnly RtMOVI j mo-.t THE CoMll.t M.1N All. IttEM-sri-.ini' ii-xn liinl impurities id' ihe hlo-iil a i l ok.truction of the tves, but aho tiio-;e pr.niiice.l by the Siin .ir.,I in.l, sixh rii tai r.nui fred.;.-.-. Ir r,eters the ci'TK i.t MACVItLOl l.Y C1KAR. s dixit H and riMNT, anu U-itij a mm.lesome B::LTiHF.k is far -.rei.: aUio lu aiiy cosine tic. All tub truixMi o Sct. (HCI Htrit-t are i-isi:rcd BY tmk lie o." (iiuti'H Siiljthur Simp, hi.h m audi tion lo its puriiying efli'.ts. r.r,ic.bca aa.l pke VtMi Kll'.C.VATISM -yj 1 (jObT. I: a!-i nt-.'rtiT- ami nr.s ai l I'P.LVkN r IdiEA.sES CumiONIuT ttl T!Y voSTAiT with- tne pekfov. It rts-.orvFS Daxdslif, prevenu imiU-rs- ani rotar.i-; jrryness of the hair. T'!:yi:i.i-!i f ?ik of it in high ter.ns. Prias-25 ur i 50 Ce:its pcrCnke: per ??r (3 Cakes). 60c. aniST.20. N B. -TIi 30 cc."! cok-n x-e triple the sue t-iosc ai S5 ? "HILL'S HUE AM) WHISKER DTE," Htarb cr Brown, 53 f'eata. C. 5. i-KTIEJTM, ft'r. Sixti.h.,1.1 WANTEffi rare a 150 of Catarrh In ani-li iih inlitiirhoo-l. witli br. Karaser to intrMtaee It. :i:nr.,.a Iretf. J. C Tilifn. Pittibuntb, l'a. Xnv. iS THE WORLD FOR 18T8. Siri.'t!ierliatirehilt? imprtetnrhij.fwbi'-!i to.-k 4ace May 1, 1h; "Tlllt olii haa Im-uuie the iitihtesi, (.priiihtilest, 1110-t K-h.-larl.-un.! pi.pnlar journal in tne metp'ifoli?.' ll ii "eiitertaliiiiiij. i-iierestinrr. briiilit, .tei-ent, fair, and Iruthinl." It doea; witiiiiKly to n. inan. no ert-.t, ihi inurofit and no party. Tut; Would (M-'.iev.- iba Jem. hijurty to exist for tbe ao..! of the pu; liewrvtee. It aoe. n. oellere the public m r ii-e to eslu ior the !ri)o,l 01 the beraoerittic irty. oelierea the Enemy 01 .Mank'at may te tmMed to ntten-f to ' I09 particular bui; nc of irirrln up Mrife. It therefore aaek o pMinote iaeirt eanb and irid-vU. amon men. Tuu VioitLri tielievei uiat even ib fd'i aaa two aides. It therefore glres every hone. mu eretlit k-r ?up;.-;rr; hlinell to be riht- n-j matter how wriinoi it tnay oot'l htm to be. VaK VVoCLn lielievea that ntfiHent unto .a.-h day ar? toe evils thereof. It tberetore coc4l.lri it iulie nnneoesary to emoltter exiaienee to-itay by bal-tinic over the Biehu ol yeaterday. Tins VV oi'.ld believes there wai itue aen.oeln tbe old nperitition arv.rilnM: t.i wM-b every day'a lor.nne was eolore.1 by he ltrat obteeia aeon In the moriilr.ic. 1; itiereiore lliuika that to lay on a iiiau'9 I1reak.a91.1ai.le a aiteet lull of uneiean ttiina", anirry word?, personal Miuiibblea and 1-viiUeai .pile, la about m. likely a wav o I propi. tlaiini: biagaid-will aa to put epldefe into Lit toltee. T:iB Wont.nbellevea thit 'man the hentilt" la not truite.l wlibuui tbe n 1 eiv ilia. ma intlarneavf w.uan, anoinne;l-,.i.. u.i.UiI.ala pui.iiej..urnal wbkb u 11 tu atiratillie aiteml in and Hie aanwiin oUhe women of to. eoi- iHu..liy.wil!neui.erKmdathe puhiio eoU. ie0. ari-jni iwr lve wiae counsel la pabiie afTalri, Ai mere matter ot buaiueai. tbereiore Titx Vl ui!Llieudea-,Mra lu lie lair 10 Its oi.if.ii dK ... poiutee eatilid lu u i.i-husii aot pardiequestvfiis, ja-Llo ail wen and upu tue Uie-t betia.' TUE DAILY WORLD. Id 10 a year, ps-tj-re paid. SO sia im.n'.lia. p.,s-.axe pai.1. ; Ii tori ua .aias, po., id. illtt HI I KLY WOULD. ... 1 CO A TLAK, rusrAtlE PAIU, ,:...i .. , , .. ,,Vr ". m w Jin - writieu ejpr.iy lor ftiit VV ujau by the b. -t . a- th.-s: lull re-f.rtjoithe markets oi ih I'm ed Siatnaml Fr-ii?Tef.uiiiis: a Ksroif-r lie. rr, nn;. mltM m 11 11 iiimui ."a- .. . . and tor mnnv yearamlitorol AltaiKK'S Kl .4I. KW-iMUiktiK.. bilMl WlltliLY WOKLK. t (ro a year, ftiitait paid. al bo uia iu.ii.ios, p-.uiiii pai.1. . - CASH PREMIUMS. To the per m from wh im Tn". W onto slullj rctino, rieviunsio Man-n 31, 117s. tr.. mor.eK lor I hrw.Yr.ra W. ,t,r ! r.tte of Oani.-l Sta'lcr. lit. t Shade Twp. tne tiKLt lAuam wa will a bx-K prii irf , . h.100. F,,r trie ne.-i I. rV-3t numor a a 1 deeeaseil. prtre ot .i. Vjt tire t next lares. lists oft Lertersof.vlmhilstrul.-nfn'.heaboTee.eate bate subscribers, il u aueb. Par ibe two ucit laraes. j lea tei irnuiied la tbe nivlrrs lamed by tha prol-. lliuofsubiiTiiieni, twtf priiea id )7a .h. for ; erHUiUvrity,. botlo ia beret y riven totb -rain-the six nexi lart lis s. six prl.s of ..) ea.-h. debic.l b it ti luaaein meliateiavmetit,and th." fortbe eleven next larir-si lists, eleven rli-3 of haviiiK elaitus against It will present them oui-t-'acach. j antbeutb-ate.1 tw aetOetaeat without delay uc 1 .tluu.lay pat ruaryll lers, at Ibe late resioed-e Th'iM Jcelroui of vompetloK for tl.ose prii" i ui Iceea-cd 111 .-id lowusaiit. (whl-h areollerei ia addition iothe reniar elb ; (H ARLfctS A. 8TATLEK, prciuu-iu) will pleaao write f.irfull panvulars lo ; . WILLIAM STAlLtK. - - "IHE WO HI. . WILLIAM SI. SCHR'SCK. Jan. 9 3.V Farai Ra, Near lstrk. Jm.i A.lminbi'rat. r.'. NEW STOR E. J. M, HOLDERBAUM & SON, i i jT . --Q the Excelsior Mill Building, West End cf Main Street, SOMERSET, PA. We have for tale a rati and rarietl ftorkof gen eral .Merc hand ife, cnsiJiinn of : Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenaware, Stoneware . Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, and a L . c . ! Ire arm rull Stoek of f ICLOTHIIVG, I SALT, FISH, J WniTEJJME, PLASTER, FEED j Flour, etc., eto. ALSO. ' a hill line of farm implement?. amry wfii a CHAMPIOrj atllWINO AXO HEAPING M ACH1N rSk maile and warranted duratOa. ol iutttil, lifail, all the vital purti- tieio madeer Wdiaxtat Irm and Sleel, no i'ot Jaetat aiaetiiaeav The twi Itoplemenoi at-vr taanl re oar irre ll jl.hir.. and uro aikiek wa kKAO and aiAMTktk. (i&a-of oareu-iu.mera tuld w that u lie bad to Pay lou aioaiiiii machinea, fee w.mW buy reiyona UHAMpICX. The Oliver Chilled PIow of Ji.fereat iiBmbera. lor one. two or three horaea. Warranted to Luata better. Han Ualiler. tji-ler on .Man and H.ire. aibk lieiter to rumj arouad and turn a more mrular and even lurmw thaaaay Plow In ue. . We also have on hand and Sir aale'.iafcllowlna- fir.-t-ela?!! MACHINERY, Whl. b we will warrant to be Well Made and' if.H-d .Material, do a. iiond work a.any oib ei ."Chmrii oi ibe kind and wiil k no man a naey until be ha, aiven ba ma ehine a thorough tri al and it aatiah ed witb its work. THE EMPIRE TbreaW rvparator am. Cleaner, a. 8 and lu bone power. THE A. B. FARQUAHR,hnr thre-ii).. er wall nhakeratiarhmeui. "THE BEST," and lirana Seed Drill. Tbe IIari(fwi lira it. I THE H OO S I E R !--: t 'traata.1 trmm. Seed brill. THE HIST " The Snrln. I Tooth, "iay rake. DOOD'S Hore-rake. CENTENNIAL Self bump MELLlNCER'S Hay-rakci. llillwide Plows, 'at Iron Long Plows, Double Shovel Corn Prown, Scvtliex, Sickle, (araiu Cradlei. Forksi, Sliovels af nil kind.H oT Plow s.liug-4. Shearit, PoinU ?. In faeteverytbinjr io tbe Agricultural Imple mem line tbat U "rlb keepinic. wlib-h we wUl ii to di at a"...-, j,rkca as wiil plea -m our eiMCHner! ami a 'a.r s ibey can be had any where. AU Kinds of Produre taken i -., u.-h n. ray, m-tple $uf-tr, but. Ur uiul tg-j. All kiiu't of gxain, Un hiJft. t7,ttj and cal f thin, avj ct,.ily, ot. of trkieh ve tennt 2 . WO ; ., fur titt'li r tnh. Mavrt, XOTICE. Iltvin,' t i t ir p i.-cti ased fi on J. VC.. tt)i. a.i M i ; -it-ioi ot mere hand iae, X opoao ; iia ; tns at ereantile bivjiea y tw.rr ing on 3 general stock, ted most especttully solicit patronHee froia tbe peo ple ot' tliiatuwa aod vitiuiu.iiil all yi her in want of goiAU 1 inttid aildiag lrom, time to time, stitU g as will muk tb stock so complete is ail departments tbat it will he to the interest of those ia aat o giMhld to eail und see me before purehasina elsewhere. Ei. E. Patto.. Nuierset. Fa., Dee. 2fl, 1U7. A Desirable Kcsideuce . For ISale. I.fler f.iilemy aeieen In s..merset Bor oai.vutartiinif iaacreacf l-a all in a hiab atiaa.d ivaii.. eacept b.raereaof tltnlwr. ua an orclianl ol nutk choir erlaeied Iruit tree A bru-k dwellinir boose witb .. n..m. wanh. w, al house, well blleil. Swi-s barn earrtaWe bouae. has nrver iaiilnx ruuniDc water at tha air. ana everareen sha.ilnx. Strawtierry l.l beea and bee-house. Tb iliatanea from the kublie fiuareiauneliall mile, wirh pavement and plank walatlie anilre.ibiunce willVll ,l(-k. lanu Im pieuienta aa.1 lurniiur, if desired, and wiU iive ms4eiiii imniediaaely. J"1? I-. J. O. KIM MEL, J. R. IV1EGAHAN. BUTCHEE, AND DEALER, AV.Iiolo.ale and Retail IN FRESH AlEATS ! All kiudi. urb as BEEP, PORK,. MUTTON, VEAL, LAMB, SAUSAGE, Puddin?, Bolog na, Mince Meat, and LA RI of oor own ' Renderin'T. MARKET DAYS May, Maj aid Msy. Semerwl, Ph WMrat ran fin obt iiuiailanT il:y '.urinii tli- weolt, A il 11. T A iMZ1? 'aB(.il .r their own Sbiekiar ijii, Lyl Liu thwo un' rrnt Pr P'r svioui.i w sn.iii: bv h 1 k - r.- " "-- e of our MA't I II -TS. " i.'ai renew ..r N"t"47 "-" - - hupart Iu tbem new ' lia'. u'l.T''bad'-Litl inaiideand nominal ( i stKk : any ilsirl color arm 00 reeeipa of ! rnts.3i!iiternitrr..-rs. fcr. postaar 'aic-a aa- !" .-n.r Stamp (,r ("iirulara an.1 Saniplts. KK-iKXIV I HEdl. AL HIiKKS. a ort!and St. X. Y.k. P. o. Hon., 3V. 1 11 AM. Areata wailted. Boat-. iwaarrtt1i.lis. Partlesitafa 'rise aaasajj.uarutxx.ik lm. a DM1.V1STKATOR S SCiTICK. Store and noise AM.iiif. its i: -r- -7.-e.-1