1 I'tie Somerset Herald. .JeoweryaV 1ST?. . y ew-- TIME TAKI.EJ4. tii.TinoREd ohio n K. PITT6BVEOH B1T1SIOX. im and alter !ov 111. 1T7. trains JJ"! road wiU depart fro. ik1 arrive at depot, eorner Ureal and Water Su-eeta l41owi: EAST. WEST. Mall. M.U. feeve PUlaonrBh I'.rndtlo'-k aw-une-li'illc JUt. t'M-awurt ohm rle Mineral ! 4.'vBaUrrtBa4 WMljtnrUrti flail! OMr fbiUdmpbla Htm lt . : " m " n " !-! IttSi " l.aa " li t " 1 k p. m 1 " : --. p. w. m - : . a a. Kl faUMlB Wiuwiififrwa anoint""1 . Ubw rt I nvmtuwt ML rMUl ( onnri Ir u . knrlM . Mckmwt . KnuSa t lltuburah W 4i p.a. K. t M f. m. It ' tit - 44 - :ii - t - All train raa by lUKUnor Tjb. H aCaatta I. ter ttiaa P luatwrfa Tiaa. Tk Exprw train lww Pttubarg at P. Puloi ; A M,OmiUvl!la S IS A. J., mi twigtitJaA.lt. . Th aiaat rt aayl paai r to U t asd SoaihTta WMkmirtoa Tbfagh M.ll lvtu at S:W) a. ; riv at VMhtnat.. at p. m. : B.Uimr, p.BL:Pblladlibia.l:la. ra,a rirM .t W-b.ortoa at I, a. .'TiT'? 4 p. m. ; htw Vara. 10 p. m. Tbnmrb Mall and E'P"" !"1l,Jrr. AMuoimad.ua train! aad etui Exprex 4all7, eaoept baoday. TVkM offl.eon..r rifth Amaa aad Sal AK4 kirmi and depot eoraOT Oraal aad ai ' FtTO 0i TVk A ft. K. MTNUMAN. bapc.0-aaali.nUa. aoaaasBT k anaaALroiT aaiLaoaa. w ka4 trur Not. la. 1S7T, tnteJ wtU raa a follow, rauwrtlnc tth all iaaaaarUaAo aai tba P. W. A B. K. R. (Mall trataa dailx, K prM dally except Mood.y l Laara. aaaira. MallWt Slip. m. iMp.BE. MaU Kaat.. ......MVt a. so. 1! p. ax. J1U1 tmt tmmsu wllk Loral Waat. t. W. a B. K. R. eaaa atiaaaax roiWT. Way riafapt xt Way Paain;r W eat MaU Kant at all Waat - l-'.Cjrp. Eat :xanva Wnt ilea ax 11 44 p. ax ..j... a p. ax. 4 4t p. ax. A. M i A. M Court Uia ss'"h. Tbe Muriity nwiveuit-nt n lieiug re vived in ( oant-iiri illc. Tuc Plate Mililia a. to I reorganized. Mure ti iratt-s and fewer officers aeem to he bKtxlt-d. Eil sen ices will be held la it ii Teuinars' hall on Sunday eveoing, jtt Bl o'cloii. A Westmoreland rounty man was sent is tbe iieaiteouary tor a term ot ten jnontba tor illegal liifuor selling. All who ua' pwtaire stamps are probably ware that llie stamps oat alxtut oue enl jn-r hundred to manutacturc. "Don't you think, husband, ttiat yu are apt to believe everything you hear!" -"No, madaaie, cut when you talk." ir. Sadler. Oculist And AurisU No. ?r,t I'enn Avenue, Pitt.ourgh. Pa. Ee. ilar, Throat and Catarrh Specialties. They tell ot a Jersey farmer a bo has (iinni Jiis baby Malaria. He nupes she w ill not t'" UP lo be too great abakes. The annual election tor city, borough, od ton uKhip otlk-ers will be held in this .Slate on Tuesday, the IPta day ot Februa ry next. There ill be a sale of the perauoa) property or llev. S. 8. Iiergen, at bis real idence ua Main street, Saturday. February 2, at 1 clock r. .Headquarters for cloyer and timothy eed. Now is the liice to buy at bottom jvioea. 3l ClX'S CKKITS Vou eaa buy a ooa cootainicg 24 aLeet finled Fine iiuie paper and 24 ICnvekipea to match lor 1j txtM. at jpeers t'rug 5tor. 4t An English Judge lene bankruptcv s "alien man owns a lotol BHU-y anu at tamyt-r And an aocuaotaiit divide UU es tate between tbem." Partiea deairine to purchase I'. S. lour per cent, bonds can be accommodated at tbe omeret County bank, as will be seen by heir adverUaenienU Among the appointments made at the laat L'. B C'onterence we find the lollom -iag lor Snerket cuuety : Somerset, J. JJ. Perhitig; Confiueuoe, J. ti. Uuell. futurday neat is the day on which the t'roliocotue ground hog will come out ot his den to decide the weather tor the next tux wei-AA. luok twit tor him. He v. S. S. Bergen, who has been con-actt-d with the Presbyterian Church at this place Ua cereral years past, will lake km departure tor other fields of labor next month. May prosperity attend him. D'tti't forget that notice in lat week's rer w ith rcrd to accounts due on our hooks. The time is nearly up. llus. J. B. T Ktt Rt L. Jk'). 6 Mammoth Block. A Tci v Waihisq. t'aadiuates tjoiild remember that it will be impavu hie to be nominated unless tbey wear a suit ot Morgan', home rammers durinbe (PTtLi. :.it ' H i dvea the oe- cow anerl" ask 4 one tutu of another who had lately pur cLaHil a cut. "I really can't aay," he replird. "t-pr I're uevtr aaked her any questions." Don't iorgel that there is a rare treat In tore !r you at tha lecture, this, Vednt.-s-day, nighL His hoour has had the expe rience lilt lawyers that will fit him to make tbe sut Jcct grave or gay, poetic or pro-y. The lecture will be tree Tyrone township, Blair county, has Lad uo justice ot the peace or conaltblc fr about len:y-2ive years, for lha reason that the people don't neei them, as tbe towiifbip is g)oJ for 125 ItepuMican maj ority. That accounts for it. The average law student, when he comes aero s a good point in constitutional law. makes a Dote oi it, and softly wbUpers totiiiureif: "That'll come in handy, mav be, anene day when I'm ad lrerain' tbe L. S. Senate." To errry mn as sure as 13, To kwp hit dailv buainnu alrS I And give his work a proper dl. Tbe almanac ith now diets. Not to for let tin "ti too 18 To curl thai 7 into 6. Tbe proposed new penitentiary lor sev eral of t Le middle counties, amg tbem our oa B county, is to Ic of sumcient size to am-ronvKJate SOO The site is to con sist of not leas than 15 acres of ground. It the bill bouM paa. a board of thirteen roEimiesioiiers will select the site. Irge lot ot Gloves, Hose. Ties. I'nder c'.ortiing. fbirti (Dress), Paper Onllars Ms. etc. will btf on' sale until the end ot '.be tsrtnth. At ff t'ntf erriajt, for cash, to oaie mm tor Spring goods. Mas J as. B. Tbedwcll. ' Na 8. Mammoth Bimk. ..... I AB Vbnng, a San Francisco murderer, ha i.tf.-kti ihe bueket. !,lera!ly ' al welj as mriauiarvAliy. (Hi Jaauarv li a aaoricaliy. Oa January li a prw keeper fonnd him banging bv the I f"" " 'l- He bad passed a cord 1 lhr.,Uyh the Air-holw At the hack of his I V5 Sr i-. . . . , . - iwimii tiuiHiiiiic 1 1 a I u w are, ids Ageocy rii iw ouia-cr awatmaw, ui .-hZ. t 1'M end. made a nous ol the Paint and GIa. Oil. Varnisbes, and Somerset and vicinity. One wbo will de ilnLw .7LP ul nd Plnll ) Wooden Pumpa. Again we say. call and vote bis whole time to tbe husinesA Ad kk7l Then he see Ul myer. And buy your hard ware from dreA The Singer Manufacturing Co., Aictea u.e buekeL ' him and you will save money. ' Johnstown, Pa. 4t We arc sorry to inform our rtdei-s lhat the 'wire letters. from New York, have been diwoounued for the present, Pietm has purchased tbe Mail of that city and Sods it imiibl l write tor " f other papt-rt. I It isn't every w train who knows bo to wears areas. omrrtri jiera n. iou are right. Ales . hut there are lots of wo men who ran car a pair f pants better ihan uint men. .Vr. J1taaat Date. P-Uaw, jtr don't say t'jey hitch tbem up witn '-aergalluses. We are In receipt of a card w hich ad vises all persons desiring passage certifi cates to and from Europe to apply lo Mr. C O. Si'ull, 219 North High ttn-et. t'olura bus. Ohio. Having known Mr. S. tor oft timt we can SAtely rcrommend him to the traveling public. Ho represents the Cunard line. A number of parties in Ibis neighborhood have circulars from a New York firm rep- resemtug that tbey bad drawn a lot of j jaj ( are those w bose wealth is mostly in good jewelry, consisting of one hundred , property, on which heavy taxs have to be and five different patterns, valued at f 280, j paid, tnd which bring nothing or compar and that the percentage due is f 14. The : atively little in retorn. Those who have New iork World pronounces tbe firm a fraud. It is about lime to cast about lor suitable candidates tor tbe spring election. If you would save costs lo tbe couniy, and taxes to yourselves, select men for Justices ot the Peace who are intelligent and wbo have good common sense; men who will not farm Ibe office with an ambitious de- 1 a., all 1 va m-4 tar I la Vaat t u aWda).aaa sire to flood tbe Court with petty cases that ought lo be dismissed. He was so drunk he could not walk, could scarcely move, and only partially articulate. A friend ot his came up and upbraided him. "If I were in jour place," said the triend, "I'd go out into the woods and hang myself." "If (bic) you were in my place, how (bic) tbe deuce (hie) would you get to (bic) tbe woods? wss Ibe squelching inquiry. We are in receipt of a neatly printed card in tbe centre ot which are Ibe names of "Mr. & Mrs. Barton D. Evans." Though the words are few tbey tell their story thoroughly, and w ill be a great surprise to "Bart s old comrades ot the r irst t'enn sylvania. Who would have thought ot it. anj bow ? W hy we al ways put you down as the most confirmed bachelor in the camp. Attention! Present arms! Shake! The bill introduced into tbe Legislature last week extends tbe jurisdiction ol Justice of tbe Peace to ( too, and declares Ibat the Justice of tbe Peace ahall have con current iariadiction with the Courts of Common Pleas in actions arising from contracts euher expressed or implied, and of all actions of trespass and trover and conversion wherein tbe sum demanded exceeds one bundled dollar and does not exceed three hundred. We ufidcHlaud lhat two papers will b. issued at Meyerd!e this week. One un der the editorial management of Mr. Hawea, late of the Knokviile Hrh;j. to be known as tbe Metersdale IiuUp4ieii, and the other under tbe editorial manage ment ot Lou. A. Smith, to be known as the Meyersdale Comm'.rrial. Thepi"os pects are that Meyersdale will be as lively as "Finnegan's aake" under the impetus they will give it. Tbe daughter of B. F. Wilson (then of Towanda. bul now ot Lock Havtnj. stray -ed or wss kidnapped from bar home on the lltb ef Deceuilier. Her najiia la Mat lie; she is 13 years old. smsll tor ber sge. dark eyes, hair and romplexion,sare lace, and was dressed thinly in every day clotbtt hen she lelt. Any information that will lead p ber recoverv will he most thankfully received. ,ddres B. F. Wil son. Iiock lUven, Pa. At an election held January 1. 1971. by tbe Farmers' I nion and i ire Insurance Company ot Somerset County. Pa., tbe following officers were re-elected for tbe ensuing yfr: I. J. Brubaker. President; Silas Walk er. Vice President; J. U. Wooas. Secretary and Treasurer; John O. Hay. Atsos wal ker. Philip Hsv. Emmsniel Lkhty. An drew Boose and Epbrara Walker, Direct or. On Waxjoesdav the 23J inst., at the res idence ot her son in law, lion, i rancis Jotdan. HsrrilHirg. Pa.. Mrs. Ellen C. Hall.mother of Hon W. X. I Jail, breathed her last Her remains were inUrred at Harrisburi!. on Saturdav. Owing to Ibis sad bereavement Jm'ge Hall was unable to reach here in time to open Court on Monday morninz. A short session was held by the Associate Judges at which the Constables' returns were Uken and tbe Jury list called. A lew davs since Mr. W. Miller, of Uniontoa n. Pa., wbo, like Niiarod otold, is a mighty hunter, and keeps a pack of fifteen bounds, captured an earless wild bog in tbe mountains of t ayette county. Tbe animal cot only has no auricular ap pendages, but has no orifice in tbe bead for tbe admission of sound, and is conse quently totally deaf. It also bu but one eye. w hich, however, is large enough for two, being nearly two inches in diameter. Tba animal will euh aliout one hundred pounds and is as ferocious as a bear. Mr. Mitw will send it to the Zoological Garden in PhilaaVipU.i. It is not a gratitying taU, but never theless il is a fact, that another slat- peni tentiary ia required in Pennsylvania lor tbe relief ot tbe two very much over crowded establishments at Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The penitentiary in Philadelphia has had a new section added to it, and a very superior piece of prison construction it U: !ut it affords only a fraction of Jbe addition J accommodation tor the unprecedented numlier ot prison ers that have been incarcerated there within the past year or two. Il needs tuilber rebel, or else the best planned and tbe liest administered system of prison dis cipline io this country will stand a chance ot being seriously unpaired. Thk Militia. .The Pittsburgh Wof the lln tost., says: "Muring Ue past Dion i h or two complaint has been made to the County Commissioners by a cumber ot the otlicers of tbe Sixth Division, on ac count of Ibe failure in '.be enforcement of he law of 1S61. which imposes a fine of 15 ou taem'M-'rsoi the National Gutrd who neglect to attend the drills ot their re spective companies a&d encampment of ibeir regiment. The ommissioners have therefore been in douU aslo whether it is their duiv to enforce this law. and thev reli-rred it to County Slititor Uever for examination. He veterjjv gave it as bis opiiiion thai it was their dutv, and tbey hereafter propose to enforce the law to the letter whenever complaints are mtde by oncers. Should the oiscers report promptly all absentees there will no doubt lie a lively time am mg the bo) A SiTCEssrrL SrRCicsL Opkuatioss. A few waeks ago. Dr. . F. Fundenberg, ot Cumler)and, Md., who is stiil at the "Bedford House. " operated upon the ear Ot Mr. William II. Davis, ol Charlesvllle. this county. Mr. Davis bad been in poor health aad a!ml totally deaf tor a number of years, caused by tumors growing from the drums of both, ears. Oiling np tbe ex ternal auditory canal entirely. The de. licate -peratious were successfully per formed and complete bearing has been r-rtored after having been lost for years Mr. Davis' delight in regaining bis bear ing is unbounded. We congratulate tbe Divtor upon his success and advise such ot our readers in need of bis services, lo call npon hira. Bfiifurd Uozttte. The tramp is a sensitive and imaginative creature. He is a good walker, and when be slips your new ov.-rroai over his arm can step off at a terrible gait; but for man ual labor he has an unconquerable aver sion. I'S effect on bis mind ia portrayed so vividly in these lines that we can al most bear the echo of bis vanishing loot steps : Now, aata yosder wood pile f o. And toil till I rat urn. And laara bow proad a China- it is A livelihood ia care. A tadJcaaii look eacw a'er tbe trairp, ' Ita atcased lire est bereft ; ' ' li iiaaa a way lb vlrtbals outJ, ' Br uw tht wood sad left. Bltjiteii baa made great reductions in prices ot Hardwaie. You can buy goods just as cheap from him as you can buy ! . 1 . . ' J i . uu,s uil KUW IIUIJ the manufacturer, and m auree auanlitietTi and lherelb're "boys 'the .a at fheerj W-' eat Drier, and ia iWnnint V. 11 mem in toe city, lie bujs his goods Irora ' eat price, and ia tielennuxed tn aril g.ocls at a very low price. Call an' him and get his priccA His stock is complete, in. ludmg BuiWine Hsrdt and. see ' very- Woman hiu a right U tlomestic liber. y.t Tvranny in the household cut disgrace to' the man that exercised h. Boorish-i nets of temper is ioexcoaiblr. The man who U surly to hi. wite U an aaaaaain t a l . A. -1 -. .a.. -. E. 4. - Z . . . .. . . r It. rood humored and radiant ttitn toy. It's cheaper, healthier and in ever respect better, lie liberal with your wife. Don't tint her in money, and when you give her a dollar and a quarter, don't inquire Where's the seventy Ore cents she got week before la. How would too like to be Asked, every time you want money tea cent ciirar, "where tbe quarter I save vou av week aeoj" Put yourself in ber p'.ace. If there is any good laalitv left to humanity it is generosity. Better be a beggar and spend like a prince than be a prime and S)end like beggar. If you have only one dollar note left, spend it as though il were a dried leaf and oo owned whole toreat. An exchange truthfully says : The people who are lo be pitied most these j n0 real estate often envy those who have, i hut tber cannot imaitine the distress utTas rich. W h Jof as through many which have to pass who are , W ItU lot Oi property Mnmii ! a. ill! M-ldom i t... .n n-ruira. 1 ftnJ m tDnal source of annoyance and expense. Tenants often complain ot their j Undora, ,nd utJ bm,K ju cause j - cmu;t durimr tbe flush times, but ' . a let tbem put themselves in their places now, and iben say wbo is ibe best suited, the landlord or the tenant. The man who to-dav has a eood situation, At lair wages. sufficient lo maintain bis family, and leave a small surnlua. ia better off than the ma jority of business men or the owners of property. A Notxwoktht Ncmbak. Tbe num ber of LitttU Unna Aat for the week ending January 19. contains The Ninety Years' Agony ot France, by Prof. Gold win Smith; an instalment ot "Erica," translated from the German of Frau von Ingerslehen; Tbe Story of Malimilian At Miramar anC at iji'ereiaro. a very inter esting sketch translated trom the French of Y ict ir Taasot ; Modern Li and Inaani ty. trom llaemtilam; Macleod of Dare, by William Black. I rum advance sheets; The Celt ot Wales and The Celt ot Ireland. Cornhill: Smith's Poor Kin, Spectator, Valentine s Dav. an unpublished poem by Charles Kingsley, with other short articles and poetry. Tbe I ack numbers contain- in if the first instalment of 'Erica, ' and story by Miss Thackeray, are still sent lo new gubacriters tor 1878. For fifty two numbers, of sixty-lour pages each (or more than 3000 pages a year), the subscription price t3). s low; or for (10 SO any one of tbe American f 4 monthlies or weeklies is sent with The I.irig Age for a year, both patiid. Lit' tell & Gay, Boston, are the publishers. L'hsina Items. On Saturday last Wm, Piatt, wbo ia superintending Wm. lioo- letzell s saw mill, had bis left banu cut very nearly off by getting it caught on -a small sircular saw. air. noinetzeii uis paicbed John Zimmerman on a switt horse to bring Dr. Bevsns. Tbe horse fell in a mud hole, dislocating 2iumierman's arm. Be vans, getting word ot the Accident, met Zimmerman on the road, dressed his arm. and went on to Ibe (aw mill and dressed Mr. Piatt's hand. Both are doing well. It is feared that Mr. Piatt will not have much use of bis band, as tbe inside ten nans and benes are cut off. Jtev. taiillt 0 the Lutheran chinch is holding a prolrOtJ ueeLog in this olao?. We will have aeveral rauJMalA in this end of the county tor the Legislature. Wonder if we'll have more game la aA Tbe contract for building the bridge acr'. Laurel Hiil creek, between I'rsina and CoufJueno. waaaolJ by tbe Commis sioners on Friday the Mtii iual., forfl.- 6';3. L- i . .. Miki.no Accident. A distressing ac cident occurred at the mines of the V. & E Coal Company, near Meyersdale. on fhyrlsy. January 17. Samuel Hawn, an employs it g4id company, w bile engag ed in undermining'a breast of coal, was buried under lis crushing weight, tbe post falling without any previous warning, He was taken to his'bome at Meyersdale, where he died on Monday January 21. j On receiving tbe news of his death, work waa al once suspended at Ihe mines uulil alter the tuueral. Tbe funeral was large ly attended. 0i.bop Lint, ol the Breth ren Church, ol which Mr. Hawn was a consistent meiulier. preached lU luoeraf sermon based on Luke 21 Si- Mr. Haan enlisted in Company C, 54;n ltegu. P. V.. in Seineiu'ier, 1801, and served tour years during tbe war. He distinguished himself by bravery before the outlay on several occasions. To bis companions la arms fee wss a jovial and ouliging comrade, and, Ibarafola, tsleebt ed highly by ail of tbem. During his late occupation the deceased was also respected tor bis excellent trails ol character by all of his fellow miners; be bad no enemies among their number, The deceased leaves a widow to mourn bis bass; she has the sympathy ot tbe entire community. Itequiecal in pace. L. G- Judging from what one ot our corre spondents overheard the other day, while passing along the road, in Middlecreek township, tbe era ol good times must cer tainly he at hand. I be following is the conversation aj Dear its our reporter can give it Jake. Hello, John, what have you got on your sled? John. Ob I have been to tbe store and got a whole load ot goods. Jake. Why, how doea it come that you are buying to many goods this lime a yeAr? joux. vt ell. lliAl s easy enough 10 ex plain. II is because goods ate so fry cheap now, much theaper than ever, and wbo knows bow king luis may last, al though the storekeeper told me there was no danger ot any auvauce in prices soon; but we must not always trust these lei - Jows, tbey don't know any more about the future than we do. Jake. Jf that s ibe case, ought to buy some goods loo, but money is so scarce wilb me. John. Indeed, Jake, it takes so little money now to buv all the goods you want that you will hardly miss it, and besides that, you can get nearly a wagon load ol gools ;ow f r an armful ot produce, while tail a few yeais ago U U 'i a wagon load of produce to buy an armtul ot goods. Jakk. And then you can exchange pro duce tor these cheap goods, to John. Oh. yes; all kinds, and al goad prices too. JaKk. Well I'll go right home And get ready and go to tbe store in the 'morning. I bare rut a little money, and I know my wile can gather up son) 9 produce, and we 11 nave some 01 tucge cueap gvsais too. Bul I almost forgot to ask, wtat store were you at t Johv Over at Moire's, at Lexington, of course. 'I bat's the only place iq this win try now lhat you can buy BouO goods and get tbem so rbep- Words of ARAiso. During tbe present year, as in the past, tbe grave will close over thousands, simply because tbey neglect the means which would restore tbem to health. Meet the tell d est rover at the threshold, and dispute bis invasion bv that more tban wcnderful remedy. Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar Wild Cherry and Horeb'Mind. There is no cough or cold, case of asthma, bronchitis, blood spitting, weak lungs, croup or whooping cough wbicb will not yield more readily to this great boTakical remedy tban any other medicine. If you wonld avoid disAppolnU ment, and be speedily cured, ask your Druggist Ur Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Ilorebound. Trial size 10 cent A Large sizes 50 da. And One Dollar. For sale by G. W. Bentord, Somerset, and Mountain A Co., Confluence. Also Agents tor Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrup which is perfectly safe. J Extremely palatable. No physic required Lxmu At cenia. JTy if . s ' - A face with charming feAtures may be rendered actually repulsive by blotches or pimpleA Glass's Sulphie - Soap promptly remedies all complelional blem- Un" we " hl ernpmsof the skio. bor bruisea, scalda, Ac 8"W by alj Dr102'P.'tf; . , . ..' II, I'm ! 1 nn-l Hhu... T 1 n hl-b nr 1 brown. Mc '' Depot. L'r.tlent.' New York. . .- y No. ? Silt 1 Avenue," New York. ' vv ). A Uve. active nian, to take Backaucmto Vaukt Raisiss. I nj aware that there are a good many boys and girls. And some big folk, who would Lke to bave aome Information about the of, delicious dried frml called raisins. will 1 I aeww m .Im ah.na (AaAPtnl irn rf ha-kW 1 heAV I . . t ri are made uer. ana we procew w u.m the same in other countries. Mont ot the raisins in the eastern market are the Malaira. made in Spain. Califor nia baa long been noted tor her choir grapes. Her favoring toil and climate bring to early maturity varieties suitable for either wine, table use. or for making as fine raisins as were ever imported from Europe. Of late year raisin making has liecome an imporunt branch oi inausiry in this State, and in various portions par ties are experimenting to find the beM male of curing tbem. Natural beat (sun dried) has generally been considered prelerahle to artificial heat: but this theory ia last losing ground. as the improvements made in artificial driers no enable tbem to make a belter quality of raisins, and in much less time. The' varieties of grapes generally used here for raisins are the white Muscat, of Alexandria, Muscatel, and Sultana (seed less). Tbe former are about tbe size and shape ot the common wild plum of Somer set county; very sweet and delicious. The latter is much smaller, and would be considered very inferior were it not for its being seedless. The most beautilul grape grown here, the Tokay, is not used tor raisins, the skin being loo thick ana 1909, ne removed lo Jlonlour (then Or ion gh. Some varieties when dried are j ford) Tama county, Iowa, where his cl called dried grapes. Varieties such as : der brother bad embarked in the grain Concord, Catawaba, Isaliella, etc., grown in Somerset county, would not make rais ins or even diied grapes fil for market. Tbe usual time to commence picking is the first ot September, then the grapes are in a perfect state, fully developed, ripe, and containing rich saccharine milter. In picking, and during Ibe whole process of curing, either in sun drying or artificial drying, the greatest care must be taken in handling, to keep the bunches whole. When dried in the sun tbey are laid on paper spread on tbe ground, or on boards, on ibe roof of buildings. Some use trays made oi boards three feet square. When full they are placed io the full sunshine between the vines. They remain thus about three weeks, are turned About but once, about tbe tenth day. Two men ps along placing an empty Hay over the full one and reversing tbem. When dried they are put in boxes to sweat At this lime the steins are very oruue ana must be skilfully handled. After tbey huve sweated two or three weeks the stems become very tough. Tbe m a?t important invention in tbe line of artificial driers is George A. Dielz's patent. A tew of Ihem were in operation here during the last season, making very choice raisins. By his process il only requires three to four days to thoroughly dry tbem. A descrip tion of the machine might be interesting, but would occupy loo much space. Chem icals are -ometimes used to aid the evap oration, but none are used in the Deiiz procers. After ihey have gone ibrougn tbe sweating process they are readv to sort and pack lor market. This also re quires skill and practice. Tbey are pack ed in boxes ot two. five, ten, and taeniy nve pounds; aad sell al wholesale at five 10 twelve cents per pound, according to qual ity and style of packing. II. H. HCMISER. SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Dec.31, H77. Tbe following extract from a letter written n jjamuel ' Philson. Esq.. may be interesting to our readers, Tilt Idler was written from Piocbe, Lincoln uounly, Nevada, by bis nephew, C. F. Pbilsoni Our prospects 00 this coast, financially and commercially, are brightening up a little. There have been a great many fail ures in San Francisco among the banks an;l merchants. The great crash in miu iqg socVi last )psr tjjJt: nearly every one pr. San Francisco is dealiutJ Icj bf a great city; silver mining, as yet, is al most in its inlancy, and that city is ibe place where all the silver bullion must s ui. as a matter ol course. The miners gel ill Ibeir machinery there, and it is Ihe place where 11 Ifee R)t-TCl!i)!)ts in this sec tion deal, Il is ibe centre of speculation in mining stoc.s, and like all games of chance you must lose; consequently, all tbe money naturally flows there, through that fascinating, but uncertain channel, speculation. Silver mines in my opin ion, will be as common here as coal mines in Pennsylvania. They only seek after ibe rith mines where lh ore is easily re duced, but when science uouies lo ciur aM, succeeds in extracting tbe more precious metals from the baser ones, then wo will have reached an era In mining wbicb will make ouii the richest cation on the globe. 11 is the low grade ores that exist in such great quantities here, but tbe process for estrafitmg ifte sliver is so slow and ex pensive at pre&ept, Ibal il dots not pay, nor will it pay till labor is cheaper and science comes to our aid. It is only Ibevalletsin this country thai are fit tor agricultural purposes, and not all of tbem, for the majority of them have no water in tbem, and the r?ius are loo onceitain to depend upon for a crop. Water U eypn so scarce that I have had to buy ail I have used since I have been io ihe State. It costs five cents a gallon. Board is three dollars a weea, wood ten to twelve dollars a cord, and ever) thing else high in proportion. II is true we get large fees for our services. Just ui im writing this I bave been cajlecj upon to amputate an arm lor a pa liect, r wbicb I will get two hundred dollars. C. F. Phil-ox. Ma. Editor. In your issue ol tbe 23d insL, issn article signed I). L. P. written, evidently, in a captious spirit; in which I am represented as ssying in my remarks al llie Director' meeting, "I did not find a good grammarian in obe of the seboo! visited- While ray words were, "I did not find an advanced grammar class." Now D. L. P. says be heard no grammar recitations in ray school, wbicb is true; snd if he felt aggrieved. why didhe not ex plain at the lime, and I would bave been agreeably and properly corrected. But this is not D. L. R's olilect but after chaffing tor a whole month, (and presum ing on the ' ignorance o'' school directors") concluded he might easily misrepresent and cast ridicule upon tbem. What is a grammarian 1 One well vers ed in languages- Webster. I -ask, bave we one in our corps of teachers? I think not; and ( so uld not expect to find one among tbe pupils. I bave since visited most of tbe schools in the township, and find some very prom ising classes; but they are all ot Ibis term's growth. What bave tbe schools been doing? But D. L. P. complains furtbei, that he made A better speech ia the school tn al tbe Directors' meeting. If it was so, was there anything disparaging in that? Do not all men talk belter on some occasions? But D. L P. appears to be poorly gifted in memory; be is hardly a comtieleol judge After a lapse of time. And again, some subjects are much more agreeable to some persons, and their judgment is warp ed by lltelf partialities. School biRcTon. School Kf: pouts Report of Pleasant Valley school for the second month. No. of pupils enrolled, males 20, females 1?. total 2i. Average attendance, males 18, females il. total ;a. Per cent of attendance, males 8 , fe males 75. total HO. No. of visitors. II. . CsyiLLK P. KsF-rrER. Teacher. Ileport of Weller fchool, Somerset twp., for tbe to nth ending Jan. 14. 1878. No. of pupils in a'.tendance. males 29. females 11. total 39. Average attendance, males 20. females 9. total 29. Percent, of attendance, males 71, fe males 81, total 74. No. of visitors, 9, J. II. Fritz. Teacher. Familiar is Evert Household. Dr. R. V. Pierce, tbe great "medicine man" ot Buffalo, is running for the office of Senator from that city. He seems to be tbe most popular man on tbe track.' and well be may be. lor bis name is farrin iar in every houseboUa 'iq'tUo hqd, and peiiple will vou lor bim regardless of big poiiiica n wtfoarrt jewt. Correct, as tbe . always is. Tbe Doctor was elected by about 3.000 major ity. Buffalo Setre. Dh.Yax Dje's hVLrHLRSoAP. Dr. Van Pye, whose lile'kmg specialty hnd worldwide rrAutatiok for' curingskin dls- ea;' BaS rndeAVored for years to combine .-Lao external treAlment Ife bas accom plished this desirable result in the prepa raliop 01 bis compound "Sulphur awap," the menu ol which are spoken of by thousands; it is highly recommended to all oar readers. Price 25 cents, by mail. 85 cents a box; 8 cakes 60 cents., by mail, 75 cents. Office 60 N. Sib street. Whole sale Depot, 400 N. 3d street. Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all Druggists. Obitcabt. Jonathan AV. Beale was imei-ftlie numerous family ol Hcale broth i era who were raised in .Souibauipton township, and as tbey prew H manhood emigrated to ibe state ot lows, wbere ore Itfrit lira 'tt ri'tlltttn in talis Kin n if tT '. 1 i. .ii . -. : :!..:.. umu, unrnuan iimy, u.ue uiuca uihinni front Montour. 1 he family consisted ot ten brothers and four sisters, eleven of whom are yet living; six in Jwa, one in Kauata, one in Fnxtlhurg. XI J , and tbe remaining three at home. Of tbe eiht brothers who bare grown to uinnli-xut. six were school teachers, and tan; at in the south-east pirt. or Moiin'ain town-hip of ' tbe county. The ui'mt prominent anions ' ii, . . .. - i ........ i . . tuciu, aw m. uumi wuu icn.net, tM WOLa- thau, wbo will no doubt lie remembered by many ot the teachers ( ten to lilteen tears ago. Besides bis training in the Norma Schools of the county, he attend ed the Stale Normal at Millersville, Pa., and Ml Union College, Ohio. For a lime be devoted himself to the writing ot poetry, an j some oi Lis productions were published in the Somerset paper a His love of romance, and desire for gold, prompted bim to leave homo and frieuds, and be wended his way to the gold tic-Ms ol Montana, from whence be returned without a fortune, to his old home in ISii'i. alter an absence I wo or three years. In the summer oi 1667 be again left bis old ; home lor the West, and spent a'.xiul a year and a-balt tanning in Lee county, Illinois, alter which, in the latter part ol lue year business a tew years previously. On bis arrival at Montour, although his capital was limited, he soon identified himself wuh the business interests ot tbe village, by opening up a trade in ibe buying and shipping of live Slock, which vocation be followed to tbe time ot bis death. He was a nic-nilier ot the M. E Church; a zealous worker in his Master's cause, an honored and respected citizen, and lived a lite wolrhy ot imitation. Well may the peo ple of the town of Montour mourn bis loss, as is evident, from a letter by bis elder brother to tbe writer January 15, 1S73, in wbicb be says : "Jonathan is no more wilb us. The whole town is in mourn ing. His loss is fell by every uqo. He bad no enemies, and it seemed all knew bim to esteem bim-" Il may not be out of place to slate that be was an exceptional youth; and his willing ness at all limes and under all circumstan ces to yield to tbe will ot his parents, and to tbe wishes of bis brothers and sister.. his high standard of morality, his love of Justice, bis modesty and sobriety, all com tune to make bis losa.to them almost inrep arable. But nearer and dearer still to bim, be leaves a most esteemed wite and three darling children to whom he was a model bustiaud and a kind an affectionate father. Thus ends the lite oi one loved and esteemed by all alio knew him. J. M. C. Yoc mvr Cure that Couoh. With Shilob'a Consuuipiiou Cure you can cure yourself. It has established ihe fuel that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asibmt, and all diseases ol Throat and Lungs, il is alwilulely without an equal. Two doses will relieve your child ot Croup, it is plcsant 10 Lake snd perfectly harmless to tbe youngest child, ami no mother can afford to be without it. You ran use two thirds of a bottle end if what we say is not true we will relund the price paid. Price I0cls,50cts. an 1 f 1.00 per bottle. Il jour l,ung are sore ur chest or luw k la;j;e u.se Shiioh's l'orous 1'laster. tf'hi by Geo. W. Bentord, Somerset Pa. Have you Dyspepsia, ure you Consti pated, bare you a icllow skin, J.oss ol Aiiiietlte. lleao Acne. 11 so don I tall to use SHILOii'S SYSTEM VITALIZE!! It is guaranteed 10 lelieve you. and will, ym f-otilinue b suffer w hen j oil Can be cured im auiiii U.-H), 4 th,e. I'r'u'e lit cis and 75 pts. Sold by lieu. W. iieuio;.i, n-'iii; erset, Pa. Wells' Persian Perfume "HACKMK TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it. Slid by (co. V. Benlord. Soi!)eret, pa. Amoxo the Dead FailimiuoI the pat, bow many bogus nostrums Uiay be num bered ! Beginning their careers ith a tremendous flourish ot trumiieu, hl.-iz -ined lor a lime in the public prints and on flaming posters, soon, but not to soon. Were they relegated to the linitsi of liiin.w km ia e-artii; ljt4t (("''elier's Stoiriach Uillcrs i$ a Ii'vibj, 4U.1 tliilv'.r,;; remedy. It gut-sou, curiug arj.i to cure. Neitliei underhand nor open competition alfect it. On the coniraiy. contract with interior rival preparations only increases its poi ularily. It has been reeated!y imitated, but Without succes Counterfeit of it hate been surreptitiously introduced, l'i t have folien flat. liver w here it eulrench es itselr in the conlidrucu ot the people; and w. II it may, lor it is a thoroughly re liable inviorant ot the feeble, banishes dyspeia and ronstipation, braces tlu uerves, cures rheumatic ailments and kid ney complaint, and eradicates and pre yerjti iptermjttt-rt spij rcpiilttit tvyra. A Gentle Hist Iu our style of cli mate, with its sudden changes of tt-niie-rature. rain, wind and sunshine otten intermingled in a single day. it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives arc so Irequentlv taken from us by neglected colds, half the deaths result ing directly frorfl thig Ciijse. btitiie 01 buscbee's ttcrnrin feyrup kept alsiut your home lor immediate use will prevent se rious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or lour doses. ' For curing Consumption, Hemor rhages, Pneumonia. Severe Coughs, Croup or any disease of the Thioat or Luns, its success is simply wondeityl, 33 your drug gist will leii yuu. Ueriuan iyrup i now sold in every town ami village on this con tinent. Sample bottlej for trial, 10c.; regular size, 7c. DIEM. Cl'STEH Oa the I'.l.t of Deutn.bt-r, 1878. a Utile daughter ot Simuel aud Isa bella Custer, aged 14 mouths aad 3 Uas MILLEK. January 1879. Mrs. Eiiz beth Miller, of Stonycreek township, aed 92 years, 7 months and 21 days. BEALE. Ia Montour, Tama county, Jowa. January 11. 1S73, JouatUaa V'.. sonofjese and.Lydia Bc-ale. of Siiuh smpton township, Somerset county. Pa., aged 30 years. SELL In Addison township, Jnuiiury 22. 1);8. of consu'iipiioa. M13. 'josephir.f. wife of John Sell, in tr;e :Ni jur J" her ags. Having known tho deceased from early childhood, it is with feelings ot sadness that we record the death of one we es teemed so highly. The writer, having la?en her teacher tor seVeial terms ot school, never had occasion to give her an unkind word, so excellent was her bth.v rior. Ai;tl Ultfr, when ottleially oonuected with a Sunday school, of which sbu was a member, hail amp:e opportunity to notice ber punctual atteudauce and christian de portment For years she lived a pious, consistent memltr ol the Luiheran church, and wp have a right u bor. from her christian character and conversion dur ing ber luit illqeis, tb'lt she has gone to her rest In the beiter hoi.u She leaves a deeply bereaved lmsli.mJ. a child, parents, brothers au J sisters, and many relatives and friends in the roniiiiu niiy to mourn lic-r loss. May G'l com fort and sustain tbem, sa l alter "iiie's tit ful lever is o'er," may ihey clasp bands on tbe other side of the river and lie torever wilb God. C. SOXEBSETlilKer Oorraetad by Dung A BsiaiTa. !EALkB IN CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED, Apples, dried, f 4c Appletiatter, iral ..&iiijr Hrao. fi iw as ,1 m Haiter, r laeg) i. Uatier, m frolli 14. BucXwusal, y-autbel Aictofii . " " 'S'?.1' H ..!!,:: , . dwwu. ft a ., Baeua, ibtHtlilafs, i A..... s- sideA " 9c " awutry haaj, W A H; Uuro, (ear) fi laibei ecs 70c tlora. (abcllsd) f basbel.... A wine Oora meal fl A 'ic Call ikina. A lr laraa 'lot it,- Fkwr.il bM (OttutTSi riaxMon t no.. (s at j .ijc Kaaxa. fsoiar-enrsu) (fl A r."' Larl. V Se tf Ixwtoer, nwl aole, fl A ji t30 apper SoavTOe " kip. " J-wsue MiddllnffA) tti rbop !, i fri Oata, fl ba ; i e PutoAT;i.u an PeAcAeA dnd, fl A 10c to U' Rya fiba (aau KaKA A 'Al Salt. No. t fl Md.axtra 42 us Omaad Alum, psr safK fl W AfBloll. per Sack (4 Ml Sogar. ylk-w fl A IIMS 'I- " biu llrtllc Tallow, A ;f Whaat W bos 41 -J4 Wool, fl A SotfWe orBTTiiiuro.iLCTTCB. ' Wsimin'Jt, P C.Jj'i 25. 17 Cugre. baa got l work at last, tfout) i be propped is that (or some time to come there will Im m ire froth luaij eider in ibj griudioga of tbe ua - ll.llal mill. Tbf re-oluiit3 of tbe Ilou-te toro - iu 1..10 iurien.-f inoaest all tbe com mittee, .nv it-late t tXrrcutive bus lue. t4 an exiieusive measure of m.-re V uurujM of itiakluiT oartv eaona . 1 iVuboUiany enare that a murder has been c iniuiiiieil, mid wttbout aoy mmu t f siL 00 10. thece iuouel uro- -r-i- 1 p.me 10 uiitoutaclure mare ueS'.s and c ii-k U a scare of raw bead aud bl H,dy b'uesuuttf tbe til will nud difjiiciuij lueui of ibe eore-bead, cor roborated bv Ibe eeusiuioual iieiu- bau Uout) ful p .licy for tbe grrl,iu'PKI""(!a;" 1 oaiuun izere, wbo play eaves dropper at tbe , "nprove-iieDts in elettrical li,'biiojr ; key-bole of a star Chamber triboual. Piebted iu 1S7.". luslead of gla.-sj This method ! stabbioa: repii'a- metal, which wtrefouud to break j liou by lmpaliua; tbe cbarac.era of , uJ rusl. De replaced tbe old audi uiauy "reputable officiala for monib' rtbliss burners wiib solid pcrce upon ibe worse tbau bavouet poiuta la'n pillar, Java tips aud pUtiuuaij of pjiiticcl antagonism, and then faliiuir 10 reoon at all uuless capital can bs made against the oppom':e 'brows a spark of electricity LI in party, is a crying bame uaoa ourtcbe: ,OIIe?' aad ba J'"1 indicator practice of jurisp-udeuee "in tbisj'of beautiful construction. Wben couutrv; it outrages one of tbe first priuciples ol private rights guaran teed to ibe ciiizeu by our laws, viz; me eacred rights of private reputa- tion. It reverses tbe established le gal maxim ibat innocence must be preserved until proof of wroug; doing is exhibited. It assume ibal every 1 oisd connected with tbe advert j uuu,cl epieuuiu equipage oaiiv is a villain and f.inh.iih nni.:M Cfud avenues ou wticb re each official 00 r -J - . t I bis trial for offence of all kinds without a charge ot any particular aoi being presented against hi oi upon wbicb be may prepare a defense. It is a refioeiiieni upon tbe Irllall0 saf nxpr al -J paa, Wi.A a a ilin I nisiory of Whig aud Tory succession bluom8Kuri'ouslJ lu a11 Iw f-tia-iu Euglaod, wben only tbe lives and wu Prur"",i"- Wealth, beauty, fortunes ofineu turned upon tbe fa vor or disfavor of ruling power. In toose days men's reputations were cf.eo preserved, though their fortunes were Kolen and tbeir bodies drawn aud quartered : but in these days a patent is pecuttd for murdering the reputa ious of such as fait uuder the bau of a scurrilous aud remorseless prees. Vile as ibese means ol main- laluiug mug and getting power cenaiuly j o o'cU ek Thursday uioruiug iu Ciu , eucb are ibe precedent f par y , etuuaii, boaraed Couducior rfuii hV are, . r. ....Ki; . . I J t puunu uicu 01 tuc iauu are expected to i iviie tbeir ou intro duciiou to a slaugbur peu, to sit quietly iu tbe slocks, while a n orm of hkb is poured upon them, never biauCblug or lurulug a head 10 avoid tbe vile loucb of political hot pitch which shall forever al er scar beir foreheads si d criniH. li is Ijule ly be womjeret al lb1 jroocl men. leaf lo ebli-f poll. 10 a 1 yle, iipou ttieat; leru;sl aud iu.v re pubiif njsii u.ioo are gr iwit,g iu lo Ul.-r epuiw h Kb ibe higher slU butler classes ol curpe !e J-euaior Vorbees bai d-livercd bi- cuaiceu speech In ihe Seja'e K p ufiug as ue uo s me ire-ect i-s, e ol grtetlacs 4s legal lebdef III -bey, lu lie 1 J tbe CjeclsloQ of lb- Lulled a. ales Supreme Court to tbe effuci mat ooly uudcr a ueces-i y of war, aud to be called lu Bssu'.'U AS be war uemsiiy 00 buger lasts, cau any ibiug I)jl g l l aud si.ver be made a legal cebUer, It Is lo be regret led b: ibis ptomisiug yuuug lawyer sh :uld have made so great an error ai ibe utsti ul bis Seiia'onal career, espe ciahy uo ibal gold is u ri v otje au4 a trac-iiou abye fieeuKack". The lail icie c) -oiue of am la; hers of la bor rtl'orui have tiiauilex.iy turned bis bead, bm tbe vigorous ring of bis elcqtieace on the sulject of mob euziug silver will do uo barm in ibe sio goiu Seuate. e pyiciemly believe aia ihe wisd jru of tbe fitiau oiai barigaurs who, upon iudiug ihe gol of rci-uuip iuu hard to obtain, at trie critical moment wben tbe over burdened craft required the longest aud strongest pulls, hnd. suddenly resohe-1 to lb row away oue of tbe two oar, Instead tf mis be advi ses tho u.iug-ol both oars in tbe boat, aud bilding up to the wind for gui dance, a few paltry rags wbicb are sure 10 wreck ibe craft npon tbe rocks of financial ruin. A vote in tbe Senate a few days since on tbe reference to tbe Judicia ry Committee of tbe Matthews c n- curreut Resolution offering ibe legit imate character of silver for tbe pay- meui of L" S binds Art:, sa-i - edibui n:ne etn w?re in favor 1 f and n as'aijst handing tbe dinar over to ice ieudi.T oiroies of Senator Ed uiuuiis Cbairmau of that Committee, whotias a subsiitute pending wbicb totally anta'juiz- ibe resolution. This ludicstes the passage of Sena tor .VI aubews' views as tbe deliber ate sense of ihe Senate in favor of uiou-iiz'ug silver. Tbe Hou will Uuqueaiiuuabiy concur in the resolu tion Then, it is understood ibat tbe 1'resideui will no longer think of op. ucsiug his veto to any silver bill thai Congress may adopt, thi.ugb it was foreshadowed in bis opening audress lo Congress ifca: opposition would be made to any bill ibat Sailed to limit ibe legal tender quality ofsiiyer coin. Thus will be defeateq the Rriti.-h aud Ujermau pjjicy of depret-iaiiog ibe viviue of silver which is Almost eiduivtly au American producti-m, a Lid tbe ad of bitbgold and sil Ter, resumpiiou will soon be an ac cotupiisDea tact iben ibe distrust of capital will no Lner bang (ike at ncubus over the Rusiaeas oaterinise of our pyp.ltj. Tii w heels of busi ness Witi ue mi Coiul', employment wiil be gives io labor, aud general prosperity, uisa upon 'be noimal coudriouct a souud uational cur r ury e ui-itibg of gold silver aud papei will agaiu blpss the people ol our cciuiuiou country. U is said lobe au 111 wind that blows good to nub dy, and :hu tbe il! health of senators has induced tt e cotitruo;iou f an elevator and si.peri-'r ventilating spuaraios in tbe Seuate wing f the Ctpi'ol. Mr Ue.-rge N. Stransbao, who is io charge of the elevator, informs me bai there is plenty of work lor four such elevatorg. It makes more than dOO trip per dav his run by a dummy pump which economizes wa ter oy using 11 over ana over aaio i between tanks stationed at te top and b t'orn i f.Le building hy draulic pressure being the elevating power. il Y llaydeo Esq the Chi. f en gineer ot tbe Senate, is both practi el aid ecientiGc in Ms conduct of b s office. His iuveniious of systems of fans and pipes to supply fresh air at tbe fl Kr tod withdraw tbe hot and jiia;ed atmosphere from the ceiling of tbe Senate chamber are tbe best yet attained in ibis or any 01 be; C'Ontry. Mucb expense bas beeu lately iururrej for a similar purpose and by olber parties in tbe chamber of tbe H jur-e, but so much fault bas been found with the attempt that ao investigation into the matter has just 1 oeen suiDoriZ"0 ny a resolution i.f 'hat body. Mr Tbsddeu A Jones, Asistaiit Eugiueer of tbe Se'ia'e bas special charge of tbe electrical light ing apparatus of the Senate, wbicb is well worthy of a visit to tbe im- . Diense S nate Lft. Ada? r tan j rIOCtf U Kb 111 IDroU0, l'l j mined; tb Uanlicer oiaihloe re - i ' receiiliy tfiiritlucfa to replace mi io i igari anu iir-jo pa'eui ; ; I j wbicb in few years proved a fx I ure Tnirteeu year ag tb douir w lib tbe tbolus, of t'olumo of lttt wbicb urrujuj.i it when Ooifrf-3 - ! t",ia ulioi 'ob. ""'I tbe. - i ,ll'u" cboijr were ligbied ud stiM 1 u-'-'eluii v ligb td by mean or : : - r is- r 1 itjaruiuer u. as the leetriciu . j l"B Capi.ol Uutll lhat . f:i a as li e . buli.heil ! ' t,va lu I'K biiag t cauie k. Ol- , perteci In toe senate ai to Ih- lo . louger pr4citcable, Prof, liirdiuer, , whose Atukbad never faiicit. was Calied 00 u lo rexedv tbe telteis. ' lahK.h r.u Hi! l, futf.ulii u 1 . u .iv I. 1 . I. llliUiJUI.ILI U.3 IJC T PJ"t--. bun un- ail peruiatnt end, wrialu tu ibeir work. Hi-- uiacbiac i ""'. ' 1 CM ,u luc cuaiiiucr ce- 1V it is Mil i.lt:ld.n and rprlHlii in i;a ( . 'operation as to forcibly remind one ibtibe sutiliuie words iT Genesis: Qod said, let there he light, and there wae light." Tbe season of fashion is now Dear iii height These deligb.ful aher- side Seuaiurs, Secretaries iug cit i-ns. Heceptious their better hslvee furnish ty to the million. Calls in a ouiiuuuus stream and lead given by made bf Coiuoll- Uieaw. Kid gloved japuuicaduui ; s-jeij , -eat tuemsenea oui iry ing 10 outrun aud outsbiue their neighb '. No aleeptlll morn, when yuuth srsl pleaiture meet To ehaiw the Blowirg bears with flyinir teet. C. M. Drape raa ara. iNPIANAPtiLIS. Jau 2." The three j burglar wuo killed Oificer Kuukl e at liaiu ou me Ciucluuali and L-ifiV etie lioad, due here at noon, about fitleeu miles froai Cluclbiiali ibis - -I-. . , uiuiuiug x uey toon B-ats in tor aid ccaco. The brakiniao iLe luio couversa 1 iu with thrui, aad sa -letied bim-eit trjuy were tbe partie "' eie gui ty of 1 be crime re - lu ibe inoru n imei3 Ha uo:iti--i in C'loduci- r, 11 1 rl- gl ao;. tu piiu LfirrbsouiKh Alsuuiog to meei L i ill a lo M-rr.ai ibe train if Ouseiiilo. 1 1 e .M a: sbal left a! uVei bauled ibe train al New Oou, sp. t ed itie men. aud mad 'lice, Loa Ul bis tuiutl ibe ere dirr.U. I - 1 - j be as not prepared, to ij,, ittr arresi. li w as lutemleii .. l.. pj.e of c llicers at the Uclou II. p o acd ruu ibe iraiu sirai bl iu without stopping lo t'haugu eugines at the jaru outside vi ibe city. Tbe rear Uovr ot ibe coacb was" h iked, tti.d .Vlauufjji; 01a loued hluiseit at ite trout do r, but tbe eogiueer misto k ine signals and stopped at tbe yrj, here ihe men smelt 1 He aais and bi.td for l.bt;iy. Ibe Marshal rapiij-j ,Ub one, but tbe sec .ud ieve;ed a revolver al bis head, while the tbiid whip ltd out two aud or dered ibe coach, which was crowded, lo be cleared. Tbe passcugers piled oui preeipuaicly, and another brisk encounter ensued, dt'jjag wbioo on of the dt speradues forced bis navy beieeu Mauuiug's teeio. Tbemur derers escaptd from iLe car, foil wed by ibe crowd wbo fired a: tlm wiib such weapenu a 4 ;bey ha.t. Tbey run to j;uw vf toe r. railway, overtook a car going the subuib four miles east of the ci'v. boarded it, aud compelled the driver to put bis horse to its utmost speed Meeting at tbe junction of two lines another car, tbey boarded that and drove it ibenistlves uniij th.f Wrre outside of ibe city inults, where ii leti tte track from ibe rapid driving-. Tbey then took ite woods. Organ oid pursuit waa speedily arranged, and three squads ot mounted police started after tb' ro. being j iiped bv a number if farmers, armed wi.h "all kinds if weapons They were chas ed for iwoor three miles, and finally captured seven miles trum ibe ciu". Tbey say their names are Weaver, Davis, aud the ' Kid." N ASH VlLkE, Jan. 2'. A special from Somerville, Nonb Alabama, an nounces tbn killiug of Graham Mc Carlev by Davis Toieei. McCariey was charged with illicit distilling. While ou his way from jail to tne court fcuu.-e he attempted lo escape He was pursued and overtaken. Jo teet, wbo was in advance, fireu his pistol at bim, as he Said, to frighten bim. Tho ball penetrated VcCar lev 'a temple, killing hira iusUuiiy. Poteet gave information as to where tbe body could be fouud and ihen 1 ft the coiiuiy. McCarley wile tin! cbiitJiea irj deLtituie cr- A'aukee. last eveuiug, Frank Falk wea: oui r.diog wiih Misses Helece aad Kni- ma Je b.-1, dauirhters of the cashier of the Secoud Ward IJiok, when a backing f.einbi train oa ib i Milu kee;i,d ft, Fattl Ililrcai ttruck t e Cantage, deiu-iPLiui it. aud kllllu Mr l-alkabd Ilekae Jae.b-, lived aboiu fir' een miau cs Miss 1'uici Jacobs is probably latuiiy hurt. Ail were pr-mioeui and bio iy respeciabie resideuis of Mil kee CieillwA liaelr leera. IUadi.mi, January 22 .Jaccbaud J-bu Hun zenger, Ute Tresideuiaud cashier of ibe Miner's Trust Com pany, Poiuville, bare Uets-retenrcd eacb to two jen;a ioitiarv c.-ufiQe-meot. to rjxy ft nae 0f fire Lutidred c i:a,a, and to refund Thos. K ieru, prosecutor, f 24 tH0 wiib costs. SE V A I) VER TISEMEX s TOTICE. Notice toherenr 1 1 -.'Ji tn.i .noeiat. m k i ,i i rna the rfi.ouiil of ista at tl-eCumnneaiicM-r e, soaMrMt.foriba asTeral dlstrfc.-u vf the w-'tfaty as iollowt, rix : For Jeriner b.wn.hlp. Jennerrille hortmrh IV a. emauirb. faint. Muvle. So.Txown bor.,p n iiq . makotilDa. Stooyersek. New HaHins.re. Alle- J' jcuern. wcjrrl tnwnkip. timer-et tiorouirh. Thar.lai. lae -I at day ot Fehrnarv next. k-sou iioro:ii. srotnerxrallev. For AddHiav, lower TarkrTloui, I rstna W onith, 'ootloeri.-e- horom-b. tper Tarkeriooi, Midillerrrek. Sew Craireviiie. Uirpiun. Mil or I Soathatnpton. Northampton. Weberabtvx h," onah. (IreenviUe. Laruoes, K.kliok (Slihnry t-jruautl. harr.rcit, Meiers I ale laa-oaeh. on Fri day. Ibe 1 day of Pehmary. la s. when atsl wmrv an e.,.ra. am, sorporailonl leelina laem aelveti irncre.1 at the anuoienuon iu iln.i i.n sae ol their lax hle property and effects made pomu , several acts of Aasembly in rack esse i - - , ' -- m : iriri and aisle their artevaneea hit rulreas acei.rlln 10 'w' , ,, , . , , . I he appeal will ( hold on the atvve xoenlion - e'cloek n m. u iiiii oetweea tue hoorn cl s orlork a. -u. and j W. al.Sl-HKIICK, w tt-LJ M SK FX, t.rf-v 1. PILJMi.V D. PHIiXlPPI. vna. t,otBHus.'oim;. A'A ir .4 rrr: ris :.: x is ex - --.-r.Trr-t ut - .flat X V. JT 1 j J H m DEALER hi j FLO VI! AXI V'i1 crooerl rtcs. Confections. Willo- ware. Qucccswarc, f , Salt, Fish. an i I MJ tt., etc.. xTt New Stock. avr: n:ni:. 1 All Goods Positively SOLID .A.T B0TT0IY1 PRICES.! f FAIR AND SQUARE IS I Om- jNlotto. I4.et Fail lo Give HO. 2, BAER'8 BLOCK A CALL, When tloinp; vour SHODPiFIIfcTa-. Jan. 3S CfX'liNi) ASVfAL STATF.MKNTOF TH K iASSlH JATb'.N AMlUKK I.NSl'KAM'K CO.HPA.li Y tl' MI.HHtM.I COtNTY. PA., r the year snilni Jiinuary li, is S. Nnratrr 01 memiiers in the i'itiinny 05 Am i of capital 9tH-t ule-l l'i Bwemml si.; oii Am'i of 1st a.'! for r he ysnr l"TT S.7v ' ' oatsuMKiiua prsr to 3 j " Sm U't mvuitic-r''a.iir,iOeil ;uriiic vr. mj.ij l'nU lo Trsasiry al U-t elrieninl . . IS.ZS Ti.tal Exoncraiiurj.oa oatsriiO'linK tits at l.i OMTOl , Lx'incraili.'uain asei.ei.!iuic'i.ts Ir lTT. . KuoriMts as buwa bssiw j:i 1: .ltle ..41. ft-'i .. 40 ST .. ITJ to 1.4.K S4 .. is a . .. ;s 40 rS.KW 4i ; ciaiuti.iuic lax aa bvwa ol.iW 11 IX KI ITS. A m't in TrsaBury at Ian x-its-mni Am i retVU ou aMi-ataf utn hr lTT I Am'l iiri'-t u 1KTT Au, t i r l-fi for mrm'irr a.oiiio-1 InriiiA year O0(.7 EXl'fciNUl'U'ilt.S. Aui't jisl il 1 'titiih ;. fluTBii-jeii... l-'lm. J. 111 " ' Hvdtj J"tm-a " " . 11,'i.i. I '. Mf'vera ( liisuriini-j J"8 U T4.t'i' r " ltrn 1 l rj.u'r " ' AUkUKUJ Hrnt " W il.l ,ui J-.tllfi'iU ' .leniiaejaov ' liw.ru" Vlit " Nk-lioUs Apple " Israel J I'olivr ' ' lerKe .! ItakT ' " iaalutl Hell - Jmvili I' H"nir tin pur:) " HiHTi.-n Ir'ihn " Kjr alarv lur Srt-at Tr-Hv... ,.o ol ... s so Jltl ,.. -OU 0 si 110 .'0 W io uo :o oij v AJ .M't Vi a, ;.ii 'j . 3 0 UI il . 1 0 f.HI 'JO 1.0 00 i . 00 r IjO lit 1 4U ....... jo - s, 1'irr - Postage an 1 UiUwi,er.-.. - A-nvriiin " " Mis. eltunr.ias exaenje 4 li PtffMiae ai aasi-?uiui! f"r is 7 lrvj -i " " " " pri'-r to 1-77 "Jj m i:i:sot;i: 'i:s. Aai'-wntscaf iini:iOiii-n 'luiMi'-n-es id tl's hain! nf Ibe tolicaiiiif Aicu:s, 5u'-j-.-t .o ex'ncrati'a anil r-n t-t:?..o. ilsirze w. M.oier. tie;G.i!eifiin;? T; 17'1 1 Wm. huhu.-. l.u-'-rera ip ; 4 Ji.M-pli Lv .Miller. Jt'tiT-.ii 1, :H .' Aimd J. .Milier Miliorl x Ainitiirea Tps , Wl 01 l. t. Howman. (rb4ii"i'ii . tuiim-r- jj a. eo. L.wry. fcikls-k & Vfi-euviiie 1; u loaatnan i"lu. aa.le a Pami l'p ls '.'I l liii-4j i, illAJUrr, Jfiuif-r Tw :r; 16 ii i ii K Vruz. liruihTVHllty Tu f0 UUasialti. .. A!-M-!ii n!.- in r t 1-77 40 Tfr.il si 44 w Liaoiiiiu 1.4 uT BAUr.e :r,Mtairpf haUsie iiipunn.c: 1 1 ' Horner. B.il. in ntfi- i-f lint iliti.-w 4- J7 The ft U lire ?'nt-tiiti:l rep' in- I In ! r.rrnf J. li HiM !. J. HK! HAK V.H Jan. w A SSIGXEE'S .oTICK. m berel'V irtrrn. that J. -?, h W. iirant hy uretl of roluniar a'iTitn -nt ha' a"itfnei all liie mate real ami per-oiial I t the lier.cni of i msliiors to H. J. fWk. AM r ns lnJ.r.iil to ibe Saul Jossph W. Krani will inike pnvraent to the Appiirnee. uuti lh..i-e bavin.: irinira 'ir'leinaisli wiU Base known the ,me w.ih'.tn ieir. U.S. ILtrK. Jn. ao Ay-iiime. PUBLIC SALE. 11 -x:w--f to niihlir fulo :it S.ili-Jmrr.r.n S:t. urlsy.thf 16th tf Ket-rnary. I1 t I Vi-"rk p. the MW'W in ir mil ewi'evf K . John. Hu&te .B J'thnV n ttiUi-n to ?.iii-i'ury iU.rnzU, Jv-Uieret innntT. Fa., ill: I's (rra 1 to U lDflaIve. al. j m Lux on Mc kenxie ttre-'t. eat h froniinjt U-t. extend tnif ntirth toailey. Vjw ft-w. l,r do. U. whti-h ti m iPint ul rt Icet, :uiJ ZK :ett at the other eii-1 of lot. laOtt 10. 14. 17. W. IV. . l, Zi. -JS. .4 aii-l 2T. all fmntfme on CarU irft lr-t. an! extiwiri 1 riark KM fs?et loan alley, except a.t at. Ik wlmli ha a fmnt rf 4-i et. ai..i '4 wi in width jt the Mgim rni ai"tn ;ii:tii.-T. AI, t no. , fn'itti( on fct trt V fet. nri'l ex tending n rU to rn aihy : icet. rtttjoirtiu lNpot Mreet tn 'he .n:h. aliy -n m-t. :ii!ey on 'rih, and htii Keim tt Liveiu..ti t-a the r-a.-l. having thereto ere.-tej a v a;il a h it t'.ry tnirs hofe. a ftaMe. and o:h u.-i Biii "Tkrw : Ttn Jer vent, oi j-urehtke mrev to U' pa (d as aoc a j'p-erTr im knekM wn toe? ibu-l vn cmttruaitH n ol utc. u.iiiri In ix tiattk and me-th.rl in ivt' ie mnth4. with mirer oh defepre! jiaymvtr frmi Junuirr 7. Pureba-e ru.r,y t trt soured by u''--uient burnt, I:AVU HAT. Ji. 53 A.-iiiee. 1 lUVATi: SAI.K. i oiler for 'lie nir f.inn iiiuire in A!!e--henT Twp.. S-imersc-t canty Pi. ""iimlr.inK K a'-rt . alxjut ai-res eleAreU. wt;h a huuiie. vi.m! l.ar.k larn. unl other .in!.iiri thr.n. A ix.l npl.ia inesarl, a aret ela tsv n,jil. beilt within three year. Al. a tr.wl ot 1 r..t in jme town lnp, innlairtr.a a"T'-. al- iii: -0 a.o-M t ieare.1. Kith a a.al i'pie or-hwr.i Alm iracl ol lan.1 in .;;il ''iWnliip .nruininjr il3 arre.over W Rrr" "i wliii-n ure e!areii with a.lnflllnif hon- tiii-I I'.nk Sarn iliereon. AUoan apple ort-iiart .l aU.nt i-.i i. K'-r l irsr In-l-irmatlofi enil n t r -' as- al lOv i tina Itl'lise. V. Jjn. If. :i jnns IiEKTKK. JVISfOT-TY H V FAKMS. lie oner an rTtt t.Ri? iitv mii,Aii M-'iarre larm lil tnken lH-:..ri- April li ore nole trom Hl'"'mhel'l. the iier,'y v.t. alinntt-r le-e anl in.prTsil. with or rir 1 ao l miita of aii aiMi Two-tiuri :! iiBr-ii'e tB'i'n v rim reratnif.tr ;mr year. Tii;-!" auexrrai.r.iiiia.v rhn--e.ais' we will a-ive paril. 'liar- toa uue bv le i. r ! lii'iniry with itaiup. We are aenerio seal en'air airt.-nt. snl r-an attarantee toe ..ry heit I'.ir-iinn in lis via ci'iiiif v i t:irea. aei allium ia:t ininrtoati' a toall t' :rofi eiee'i' :oeirtne we-(. We r.'!er lo 11" j i, II Sleekei. ie ereil.if. I'l . '.Ill 1" Jr"Mi:.l h MItier in.l I'. H. SwsRirie'rut er. S:i;.' 1 .a. j l-rioerlT tf s-ns-set nnin-. v IV. tot t,nw 1.1:1; I aiM thriving iarini-r in .- uni r. Al tt Ml. a iVKRTiV. Kloomftel'l. t-a hciil Kuti ljeali r. Jan 11 yXKcrTOirs notick. t.lale o Ja.t6 S:eioia. Nrc.-i rrn nriltc tirp., 'lei-euwsl. Letters leiirsroentary on 'tie a'oTe ee halloa lieen Krante-I U thenn.teriiiiiiil, riotira is hereby alveu to ih'e l.Titl.tel u il in m ike Itn aM'liate payuent. and lU-a hnviinr -Inhat aKJinit It. to ptver.t la -al Hoi uutle-n' ! ated ST artllement a. 4l.e lle rei'.ien.-e .f the ie ceoaettwivWaSiay, the 'Ait'liiy ol lebmarr. Vv Lt:WI.SSTMM,4. J-ia. 1 Fctrui. .a Sdlowinv named oerK-.r !cire i.irJ in mr oillce tnelr petitions etv.. tt Tarera laeenses whih Will lie preaente.1 to the Court on Thnraiay. Jannary SI. 17c, Klii A Flick, a-mertet B..r Walter Jono. MeTemlale l(..r. Scot i auetaar. i eraweace bor Fre-lk. Naaale. Meyer!a!e rr. Jeanee W lvtoa. Paint Towoa n Lmrba lix-vcmt' I.i iur. John Sower, Atryers-lale ft.r. Jan. 14 !AD1 ; Eneteef DMINISTUATOr.'S NOTICK. . Eiialeef Joaeph Alwtte.Ulco!-.'Bern-ai.-h Twp. i OSfaSjil. I Letter of a-lalnunrais-a . the alere tetate i aauiaa oeeo xranted lo 'he a-vied-nted. nwlreis ' hereby x-lveo t.inoee In-leMe.! to i to tasks luutc- diaia sa.nveot. an.1 Hun. hiiiirUiiuiniM it t ta i.e.. lit lhM iliila ii K ii: - .1 .1 1 i.i...i ub Frulay. Felaxary li. l.a at I tie late rcaidence i IS AAC TODER Jan. 5 a tmini-traior. -Vf W A VF.R TISE HESTS. 7 ST. .J0HK Sowing- Machine, i-i r .Jl-r-f tn 1 r. ri4ie. . iUir.a.a 14 i. irarira asolo- tn thla braaeh of maaufa.-lura I p..lu'... ri'-silma.rrS,pr.ot I., any raa ,h. a, i,t.e arS . rraUily ,ir" Ihj. j'r- :th-!T -Kill .- : , ." ,. .n : Marblat. It .u'a;, j s. i.iir M.oii. wli. h.r. ' I1'"1'!. '" lrll) allaiad.or work la. 1 air-meat. LiuMur. of monir atb. lrr j is m nrt-.. Mh. Simvlk-liy of roo,,k.B rt ......... ,nrTm j-iot. tn trrutr.f ssTvibsu lo an u a;, 'aiks oT. JOHN SEWING MACHINE. A'. J 1 (iih hie. , UniaaiCDKsl Mirblaaaod StaoJ, Black Waliial j Taljlr, two Drawers, Patent Box Cover, willed attaches to fide of the TsMe, formica- a convenient work box or aa exteciuxa t..pst wia. PRICE No. I. No. I I No.3 No. 3 I- 40 OO 38 OO SAO OO 99 OO sea 00 .. Beajtiful ia ten. PsrfscT ii QKlnctiCL Z-j-uHy good a the ligiteat cr tearl est Cfoods. Its Points of Peculiarity, AECSS-.I ZlllJ CTH223 A2S ti nukm no. iflereDre whsihrr ibe Meliiae I lun Wka.ta .j Iwrwiairai 1 ih w..rk will .1. wi run ifm o, awi ibrre u aoluaa or roau.e ia a Urn. li lias acl"e "hnale ia "oe pl.e. with s.. thr-a.l hols ii.p.nvh. Hie ln.l.Ma buknna front lo toe )r.iol :bit.l. li wininthe h..l ln without ranninr in. ma chine: o thai ti.re ao nens'lty fc.r arhrei'l iu Uie mar tune, or remorina; lae worb wi.ea ihe OuiiUltllttf lit ih! WnMll. iii : ti-i.aiKarr -I npls. prrteet, aat ran he i.l-ju-ir 1 b.iihunlrran.1 upper, wltbout r ns.vina i:;e w.ri. A-kaeh Machine u ioniihel with the or ji- ar, mi inn n . it Kiinilinrc iso'.T. I, pr,n,,ar;,nj .Wrln'lr. Evfky M achine is Warranted. 1; t4in.s we!! an I trlrpn fompfotu if !f4t?fcn r-?i n in tiiijtf.tintr. 1 .he. wrll knnwa Fimily TT rnt r W -m aVin.i.aitm i ah,,: ha it 1 he oii ri-tt. ati r-'j.-nr the Yani-uk.o.Jof nrwinx b.4-)imi pn .mpily ami ;tti'firtot,lT Aini atl kiixU t- utciniH-nt jtr.n unl u vfirr : AMivm t K.WALKfR. or c ' tA-'iipi'r tors. J l"w J-JKf IPOSAT.S. Srniei propaU will be re-eired hr toe IM. rec-.. of i ha S..nifrrt n uniy 1st lt'.u-e nmii lue 1st ot February l7, for the haiMisc of a new Kirn "o lha P-.r il. ae Farm. ! by hs-t. tba I! in. t.r H, l.'iitt .,n tie plan ol Ihe one owned hy Levi J. Walker Hi milea eaet of the Poor Hou. l'r'i-"i:ii.''wi.l li. reeelveil as a whole, oris part, the liiretr n ulnar Ihe ritrht to reiuseouanr ail hhK For I an ber infr'nnatios raU ooor sJ-ilre-n W. II. li-rkey. Siewanl ol the Somerset f... Poor H-aee. Atte-t: ISA AO YOOEB II. r. Kue;r. MM I.S5YI'KK. fbrrk. Jit. . CttEH A.V. lnravK re. S-mrrt. Fh. lHh. la. JT FtlUCSALK. Hy virtue of an. inter '.f'.Vort bi medtreiteJ. I wia otler kr dale, oa Saturday, Fairuary 2, 1873. at one o'rlork ofmM'lxToatbe prsmleee. Ihe kiwinj real estate lata Uie prcperiy ot lienrr ll.p ol Stonycreek towhip, Noiaereet Co., dee J. A rerutu trait ol land llaate In Stoayereek townliip xlioioMig laodaol Zaoaarlab tamt-n. I 'harlea Heiseaiyer, Aaron Saanaler and liwniei Waaner, 4-ostainu3i( ooe hv.arl anU fltty-eix a.Tr.. ao-l one hoO'lrr-d and Ally t wo nefehe. strict, there ) ai-iat tiiy Bra a.-re iear. tba baiaore i- well limNre-l there u a xtit loa hoaea ana kz bum on the prt-misef an-t iwn v'iucorxarli aaJ a "mail saiar ainp. a very illra'i" tann- rt K Ms f i iu liauL, ihe l'laie In funr eipeil annaal payment the seat two pameut w jh IniereM. W per renc i l hanj (a,ey tu be pai.l when property la knxkett ilown. balance ot batsl asaiey when delivered, paytueat to te t carcU'in thi: lsiui y auKTueat .oH. AAkOW tPANOf.r.K. Jan. Adair of HE.NKY MOP. O W. SlABaVxVXB. M . Of-nllAl and Anrlwl. OFFU'B AJIlr 17VFIRM AK Y. Pena Are. PKUbari ti. Pa. t . Ail -liaeaaanf CTK. US aH I H KUAT, and talarrk anerewn al ly lreatel. lnaralion lor CaXarart. - Fale Pnplla,'' '1 ke F.ya. " - W lid Hairs." l aae.f as I Taaiora ol the M 'f, Ear, N"aa or THrrait, Ptriaiau', -Weeping Eyas," Pfcwla. t'oalcal lr net. .reins BiJlea, ExtirpalloA. A. klllluily periorrae.ie Anioeial Fiea Inaertad. hwad fax te. enptiT SB'i liiastrateil paapnlet of aa. ESTKRX PFJfX A. PtASJltCAL A.f D SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE. The Inrfmie ireoaree Starle-oa Cu. i:,.ll,n Bo'lne,!. Profrtnal SchooK Kaw Life, aad Teaching-, legation elevated. Aaaltbrni. easy ol acew. ami piciatriue,coivoiai:na: aa ei'ea'Wa view of I'hsetniu Usia-.. FaU e-e-pe ef lnetrae t..r FiTeeo&r.l Stady. Ilpcn U both aelra. Fxtenea as. '.erate. ?lew btsiHtnu f'T lailleia. (ip-n sr.ile in each rr,-n. jX.iU:is4 tho Pnoeipai. J(NATHA." JU'ES. A. tt- . MU Ptwwaaat. Pa j7XP:ClT0U'S XOTCE. L..i:eof H'-nry i;iJ,il.t Ut-! i.rseu. W If, I"" 'wii eN i, Iyt'-r te'Uiuenlary on the above estate aavlna Vt'n ifrnti:'l to itie nieierJii(ne.i ty the proper at tii'.ril . B-lee is herei.jt a:en t Uiue bl-otM ta n tu Hwiau iiaincliaie my uie&t, r I ti..r bavica ci.ilin. .w.iiii-t il topreaent iheradaiy aathentlrat-e-1 tor ouleunut n-vl aioaoce. al the late esel iji ts-e oi tii .e tr-tsel, oa .Satanlay, Fehrwr. i". It'.': I KtlOEniCa; IU RK. F. xeoitor. IIKISTMNV KE.MHAI.Ii. J..n. w Lxcrutiix. UriIANS' COIT.T .SALE. :v Tirrar of unorder of rir. rue ibrTte-f. I W in iitltr lor sale on Saturday, I'f lr.mry 2, lsl?, on the pres. Le. the Aliiwina real retare Ute li e iiriiocnv i,f liobrr liee. .f Sti-n-rreeV tw- - I aooier-ot eonaty, Seeeaer-.i. A cer'.nui tract, ot land trui. ia nycrei-a tw;,.. . I. .lulu a land- ef jkhirieb Imen. f 'tiarii-. ileiiietoTer. AKre var.lri it teD-l Wazoer. canaiatna; owe bao-lred uu.1 Ait-.ix acre- sn-i bnn-lre.1 anl nity-two perebt-a. strict niea-trre. Taer. la aiioaA bity-Sre s r- clear, the lalnre In well tim'-are-l. There is -a i.4t s--r Is a aal ka bant-oaba pt-soi asa, uni two yarr on-har.ta and a taxall nrvar eanxpv A 7tt de-iraliie 1. ra i rKKMS. 4S0O in !. t:e halam-e In anr i . oa I anneal paT-aema, tba art twu paytavot- ;with Interest. Ten peraatiioi ptireaaaa -aocw t he paid whea property i kaueaed dcaiw. bala-H-w l hand l re-y wneo oe-v.j ie aatuet-eed. payment to he -e--ured too lane or I'lertoeait s-i. AvAK'VN-PANil.E.K. A la r tf Henry H-i. Jan It!. 1 V'BMC SALE. tlrvrtncol an or lev ofaaW imie l rat W O-e Orphan I 'van ot sieretecary P-. aaVli tue 1 .lireete-l. I wta njioee hj .fak lj paoile aeirsry. "a ' .' Hie premises 'A . . 3 SnUirdny, FrUrnary IWA,' ll'i, at 1" -fcx-ii p. .,tAe r..Uiwln deat-rlbel real ea. tate. tale tbe property -t Urrauatasset. dec a.. Ul . iu: A etalu tra. t'f Uo.1 inteto E:v , Twp . Sumer-et i.x:j Pa., a-ljoi-jiu hvade of PM.It r.rofc. W. W. Hyatt, UatxT MarttaraaJ laaaur barklv-slrr. eoauinlaji i.'w acne taut or Ww aiaint TO acrae of which are riewred. as J Is a. ree la meailowt. harlna t neroa .re. lei a tan stork .IweUia notur.a laraa oana. sad utnta teat balid Love Ihcre w cl opened, a '-oH 'jre baoA, aal a X'"-t 'Kiiitf at the b"U.e. fi K.dS in sand aa ihalarsw jr.'cii-l aruiuai jiarii-ri' f r-?ett Verct. - ' fctEiABDiilXJF.R. Jj. 13 Adta'r aad 'Iranre. t. J II