The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 23, 1878, Image 3

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    it, K--r&J .v.- --a
The Somerset Herald
.January J3, 7V
TIME T All !!.
a -n in ltTT. trin on this
.r.r-q-rt fro. and . n"
llranl and a lot Ml-eet M I-4KW.
lrer Plttsfsarrb
N kefsjpurt
4 no Delist ilt
JgL fliM
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Miami fotirt
e-uoilef-Iari4 "
, l; a. b.
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l S p.M.
P'W a. m.
tM p.
4i "
4: -
Miorml f4nt
ttbto nlr
II '
14 p.
7 il
r . bi. McKrt
!.. BnH
p. m.
All inlni ru by Baltlmnr TIim, U ninnte
a.triLaa mwhOTh Ximm.
Point 12 3i A.
in inui I ,
4'nmtarlana t
i: A M1IK1UV11H) s ic
burgh J A. M.
The BMt diroot ul plent rouw
and Soul b via VbiimioB t'tty
rim aTV u.unr. np- "r'r- J S
u. m. : PmlJH.lJta. 1 IS a. m. ; New ork,
T.....i.h WaII ImltIii at WJ a. .j.
; Ktrhl
;Ma. m.
- la-..t..nartrata Bit ?'9MI aV. IB
1. m. ; New York, HO p. m.
Threh Mall and Kxprea. ttmlM dally -Aesuumudata.
tratDJ aa-l iaeelte Kilw
4lally, eicel tlay.
. . nnh irM and Smllh-
fleld Mma anl deiiit ounwr Oram and Water
tsjeu, Pituborirh, Pa. . . ,
E. kl HTNUMAN, SupL, OoaUiViUs .
nur a sinui MOT aiiLmOAD.
OB and after Xr. W. W7. trains U1
ran aa follows, ooonertllw with all paaaoer trains
on th P. W. a B. R. E. (MaU trains dairy, Es
praH daily except Xooday.)
iaa. aaaiTB.
ail Vast....'.... a P- ss. SMp-BL
Mall Kaat 10 SO a. as. I J 3d p. .
Hall East eonaerts wlU toeal West.
r. W. a B. B. E. raas Miaawai roirr.
) paaaae;er East....
War riawnt' T Wan.
Wall East
Mall Waal
t'.xpren Kaft
KxpreM WtK
... iz no
. U S p. sa.
. 4 it p. m.
.12 Si A. M
.. i-M A. M
KEriBLiCAX Meeting. The
annual Republican business
raeetiii"; will be held in the
Court-house, Tuesday evening,
January .'2!). 1S7.
J. G. Ogle,
Chin. Co. Com.
The !arefooted boy has gone into win
ter quarter.
The inmate ot the Western pen it Milia
ry are out of work.
Oue wonders otlen bat liecomet. of
all the smart children.
Dr. Sadler. Oculist and Auriat. Xo.
2.VJ Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Eye,
Kjr, Throat nd CaUrrh Specialties.
In the course ol human events did it
ver occur to vou that vou never think
suucb of a tooth until it gets down to solid
You can buy a bos contain icg 24 sheets
tinted Fine Note paper and 24 Envelopes
x match for 15 cents, at Speers' Drug
Store. 4t
Notice The public are hereby noti
fied not to barlmr or trust Austin Y'utr.y
on my account unless on an order signed
by my own hand, as I will not be respon
sible. Fka.vcis H. Shai lis.
Wakted. A live, active man. to take
the Agency for the linger Machine, in
lomerset and vicinity. One who will de
rote his whole lime to the business. Ad
!res. The Singer Manufacturing Co.,
.lobnxlown. Pa. 4l
fa another column of thia paper will be
found an obituary notice of Benjamin P.
Kt!er. a brother ot our respected fellow
citizen Curtis Koier, II j. Mr. blooter
was one ot the old citizens of California,
having gone thither in 1147 with General
The members of the Somerset county
Agricultural Society, will meet at the
Court-house on Wednesday evening. Jan.
3J. for the purpose of electing ofll
cers tor the ensuing year'.
Vm. B. Fkease.
The awution of our readers is called to
the fact that Kariff Pile does not intend to
violate the SablsUb law by selling the re
al estate of M. A. banner on January 27.
as announced a lew weeks ago, aa that
day f the tuoolh falls ob Sunday, l.ul the
ale w ill Uke place Saturday, January 2d,
Thetiiaisaod prowess of King David
when teet iy. the lion and liear are only
equaled by thuse of Charles Dudley War
ner iu the Adirondarka. Ilia "Lost in the
Woods.'" in the February Atlantic,
reads like a more deadly peril than a
dozen bears, and may be set dow n as a
veritable lion.
The burning of the Patent Office last
September deft roved not only thousands
ot ingenious ana costly models, nut also
impaired the evidences ot ownership and
the rights of a multitude of pateutees. W
II. Baucotk. ot Washington, gives a time
ly article in the February Ati.astic
about the Patent Office and the way to re
pair its !.
Parties having accounts on our books
surely cannot cHnpla;n of our lack ot le
niency. We are now compelled, with
out further notice, to bring suit on all ac
counts due over one year, tin less settled
within the neat ten days. Most ot our
accounts aie small, and the parties could
pay tbeni if they would.
M rm. J. B. Tkedwklu
No. G Mammoth Block.
Bi'tts. Are you burned ! I have
tiied raw eggs h twenty years, and ntv
er failed to take the fire out in three ap
plicationa Spread raw egg on a cloth
and apply to the burn . ' It will remove all
iin at once. When the eg becomes
ory. wet in Water till soft, and apply fresh
egg- The white of eggs will do the best.
Common cooking soda placed upon the
burn and a nioistened cloth on lop is said
to be an inUil,W cure; - -
Pats ad Dates p. the year 1878,
the dajs and dates ot important events,
,intkcrarir and b.iays wilj fn M foj.
Candlemas or ground bog dav. Sitar
dav, February 2; Valentine' dav. Felv
ruar 14: Waahingbm's birthday.' Friday,
February 22; Shrove Tueadav' or Faal
ca 1,4. March 5; Asb Wednesday, begin
ning of Lent, March 6; St. Patrick's day,
Sundav, March 17; Good Friday April 19;
Easter Sunday and Mondav, April 21 and
22; Ascension day, Thursday, May 30;
Whit Sunday and Monday, June if and
10; July 4th. Thursday; Chriatmas,
Wednesday, December 25.
What a Pai ek Costs. It cosu k-es
thnn bMfacetita rj.ty fb Ule a weeklv
IK-r, iea man a ' dillieent
bea would ;
iHivnmoQin i the market price of
eggs; lea
Ibsa clear a fofnii'Ll and n'Uiaal uui klrrniril,.. i.u .i,. i. "t .. i
r . -
nM,i , . . :lB,lta barta-r .ri1!i l rr lo h'cptwie's
CfcLZSJ7 "'i" " 80od !
kitchen H-.i7; ! . BereeUC i
idl, . (.. ff Inaweek. A pen-;
Ctrrulmr. ' """ j
tu .... t ... J... ia Jrraaea 1H It-Jade
wiihb.lJowpi-krt. th.oogh which Uie.picDetrof 1S17 , dWii ihto eitjr on U1
train may I e drawn: thus enablim; a led? first day f the e ear. aboul 1 o ckx
M. ki in hi, t tail racket
, , , . 'ardof alur elsewhere. They were r4
j Yon miinit attird to forget that Ir bc,,)re tne tact not tor the lore ol
;Ja !.'. T red well is aeHicft r a p., batfrora patriotiam and a love for
I lame rt ul b r stuck at c and carnage Tt.D1ure, j,,. Kmer waa bora in Lig
; u make mom for spring gowla. ir onier Valley, Weatawroland coaaty, Pa.,
want Ladle' t.eois Misae or I btklrr-n 4lh d of J,narv. IS 'iJ. and coa-
I lle. HsnJkri-hief, r.loTen, Paper Col-
lara. l"nJcrwfr, etc., now is Ibe tim.
Ni. C. Mammoth lliotk.
I will give yon a low itcuia from our
A lecture was cifen at the Zerfoas
school-house on Fridav evening last.
The subject, that -nhe laborers should
torm themselves into a purty." I think he
had betior start at other places to organ
ize bis pa"?- "
Mrs. Harriet Snyder met v illi a great
iiiisftirtUDe a tew weeks an, by tire.
There was another family iiviog in the
bouse at the time. The tire broke out at
the Hue. The furniture tw nearly all
aaved. The loss is estimated at $1,000,
no insurance.
The w ild turkey bunting is bow over.
They were plenty in our tow nship.
IKjs't be Deceived.
-Many persons
say "1 haven t got toe
when asked to cure their Cough w ith Shi-
lob's Consumption Cure. lk they not
know thai Coughs lead to Consumption
and a remedy that w ill cure Consumption
will certainly and surely cure a cough or
any lung and throat trouble. e know
it will cure w jen all others fail. aaJ our
faith in it is so positive that we will refund
Ibe price paid it you receive no benefit. Is
not this a fair proposition 7 Price 10 cts,
50 cts. and ! 00 per bottle. For lame
Cheat, Back or Side, use Sluloh a l'orous
Plaster. Price 25 eta. ' For aale by Ueorge
. Hen lord. Somerset, l a.
Why will you suffer with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint. Consumption and
general debility when yon can get at our
store Shilob's System Vilalizer. which we
sell on a positive guarantee to cure you ?
Price 10 cts. and 7." cU. For safe by
George W. Ben lord, Somerset, Pa. , ,
"IlACKMETACK" a popular and fra
grant perfume. Sold by Genrgu W. Ben
ford, Somerset, Pa.
School Hepokts Report ol Garrett
school for the mouth ending January 14,
Xo. of pupils in attendance, miles 29,
females 25. total 54.
Average attendance, males 24. females
81. total 45.
Percent, ot attendance, miles 87, fe
male 89. total 88.
Xo. of visits, 13.
W. A. S. Biko, Teacher.
Report of Charing school. Lower Tur-
keyfoot township, for the mouth ending
Dec. 24. 1877.
Xo. ot pupils in attendance, malt 13,
females 11. total 24.
Average attendance, males It, females
10. tout 21.
Per cent, of attendance, male 85, fe
males 91, total M.
Xo. of visits. 1.
D. Wki.i-'LIV, Teacher.
Keport of Walker school, Slonycreek
Uiwucbip, tor ibe third month.
No. of pupils in attendance, m iIm 21.
females 16, total 39.
Arerage attendance, n.a'cs 21, females
12. total S3.
Per cent of attendance, mates 93, fe
males 75, total 84.
Director are cordially invited to visit
M. J. SNTDEa, Teacher.
Eirron 1 1 era l.i). In a speech madj
before the teachers present during the
last session of the Teachers' Institute, one
f the School Directors for Somerset town
ship made the following remark:
I visited six ot the schools in the dis
trict, and in not one of them did I find a
rood grammarian." Also: "Twentv
years ago there was a good grammar clat
. i i i i ....
m eery acuooi; auu tueu nuuuii u uj
asking. " hat have the teachers been
doing these twenty yean?"
1 beg leave to ak our Irienu a lew
1st, Did be in any of the six schools
hear a recitation in "gramiyar Did be
catechise the school or converse w ith tb
pupils in order to be pn-pared to make the ,
above remarks? And laally, dots be re
ally believe in the public acuxls
there were more grammarians twenty
earn ago than to day ?
I know, tbat in vioiling one ol tue
schools, when the gentleman referred to
entered, the class was reciting mental arilu-
mt-lic at lue close ol w bicb, being intro.
duoed to the school, be nisde a better ad
dress than Ibe one at the Directors' meet
ini; in the Court houe, but not one word
or question on the subject ol grammar.
e sbll be gtud to see you caJI 0ain,
and we shall try to convince you that the
subject ot grammar Is not aeglectO, even
ia our rural diatricta D- L. P.
Look at the Difkeiikn-ce Solomon
speaks about exceeding wise creature.
but also about a man who is not wle.
The "ihings" pronounced wise are little,
but are said to be exceeding wise, because
in stmmer thev prepare roods for a time
of need. To prepare for lite future, for
time and eternity, is wisdom, and hence,
to neglect these tbibngs is folly.
The man who fMlomon skjs is no'
wiae, is one who is deceived by 'strong
drink." His tolly be shows.
1st. When be spends the money that
would keep his family comfortably, for
strong drink.
2d, W bea by U4ing strong drink to ex
cess he deprives hunselt ol character,
sinks himself fur below the dignity of re
siiectable men, and shuts himself oat of
the kingdom ot heaven.
Yes, if ever the truth was told, it was
bv Sdomon, when he said, "Wine is a
mocker, stroui! drink is raging, and who
soever is deceived therebv is not wise."
Pr.. 201.
Xow I ak our Lonest, solemn question.
Is it w'ur-tor citiz ns of a to-n. where
there is no travel whatever, to allow sev
eral men to sell a beallh, happiness, and
character-dea'roying drug to uv:n and
boys, and IL us start liali troa n txs to
lay the foundation of certain ruin tor time
aud eternity ?
Parents c-n-ider lief ire your chilirea
are ruined. Will we help to license m-Q
to start our children and our neighixiis
and their children on the way to eternal
rum, and then appear at the judgment
bar of God, to give an actoun'. i f w ht-.t we
have dotie ? W.
"DoLt.Ait Grabbers." Ma. Editor
Having read in y our paper reports of
the remarkable cure ot catarrh, I am in
duced to tell "what I know about catarrh.''
and I fancy the "auuiT" and "inhaling
lube" makers (mere dollar grabbers) would
be glad it they could emblszon a similar
cure in Ibe papers. For 21 years I suf
fered with catarrh. The ntsil rmaiages
became completely closed. Snuff."
dust," '"ashes" "inbaling-tulea." and
"sticks," wouldn't work, though at inter
vals I would sniff up the so-called catarrh
snuff, until I became a valuable tester ol
tocb medicine. 'I gradually grew worse,
and no one can know how niucli I suf
fered or w hat a miserable being I was.
ly bead ached over my eyes so that I
was routined to my bed for 'many success
ive days, suffering the most intense pain,
w hich at one time lasted continuously lor
C8 libura AIT sense of taste and smell
gone, sight and bearing impaired, body
iiruhken aud weakened, nervous system
shattered, and constitution broken, and I
was bawking and spitting aeven-eigliU of
tbe time. I prayed lor d-ath to relieve
me of niy suffering. A favorable notice
in your piper of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Heme
d induced me to purchas! a package, and
use it wiih Dr. Pierce' Nasal Douche,
which applies the remedy with hydrostat
ic pressure. iUe onU wav compatible with
comm. ,Ut Wt.n Mf Wi(j,r jt
ot cure me in thne-lourths of a second,
nor in one hour or month, bm In lemilian
eight minutes I was relieved, and in "three
month entiicly t?ured, and have remained i
O, nttttV .lv,.u.n ... tl',r .i'
!-.v. ...HTumuiiu line using lie
Ualarrb llemedv. I u i-.l lir ni..'. t
vatarrn jiemeay. l u cJ llr. 1' . rce's
Golden Medical Diacoverv to ...irirv n,r 1
" ... , w ru,. a mi.:
so kept my Uver active and boweU regu
Urbytheose ol bis Pleasant Purgative
I v experience w ill iodace
krx "fferers to seek the same means ol j
relief. Ibis letter will have answered its
n. u. rtEMiCK.
I "rem, .-uaaa., apru s, I?, i.
. OMIT All -teCnaB B rant IVillater, a,
civiUz-uion. on the Pacific Cowl Ihttj
F.arlJtxJ tiit work! and changed tb alaodr
seouenllv at lb time ol his death, lacked
three days ot R6 year ol age lie Came ol
revolutionary stock, on the maternal aide,
bia grandfather Park serving Uirougbaoi
the war tor independence, awl was with
Washington's army during tbe terrible
winter of suflcring at Valley Forge." Mr.
Kooecr, when ot a suitable age, was ap
prenticed to tbe primer trade in Somer
set, Pennsylvania, ia which capacity he
served lour or five years. Upon becom
a jour, in 1842, be Elarfcd out in the
world, working in PUtaburgb. Cincinnati,
Galena, and oUter citio ia the South and
West; and early iu the spring of 1849 be
found biuiaell in New Orleaus. When
the clash of arai bet wee a the United
Slates and Mexico became inevitable, and
our army of olaiervaiioa on the ltio
Grande became n army' of occupation,
the w-araxcilejnent throughout lb entire
couuiry was very great, especially in
New Orleans, and patriotic ardor ran at
its highest. Young Kooser. partaking of
this spirit, at once determined to take up
arms in the defense of bisoaiauy, threw
up a lucrative silUalioa, bid his compan
ions good bye, and started op the Miia-1
sippi river, lor the purpose of seeing the
old folks at borne before enlisting. Arriv
ing at Somerset in due lime, be remained
but a day ar two, bid his flrieuds tare we 1 1, '
and bja'.ened to Baltimore, entered a re
cruiting office and enlisted oo the 4lb ol
May, in Uwpncy F, Third Artillery.
Capl. Thotnpktns, lor live years.
The storeship "Lexington" sailed from
New York with Co. F aboard, in August.
1844, and dropped anchor in the harbor
of Monterey on the 25th day of January,
1817. Tuc Ctaiipany cuin'jered 1 13 men,
romniiteitnied itlicra, x-C"riiiia,iooed
officer and privates ; ot these only nine
now remain. ..
I'puo arriving in California- Mr. Koos
er soon became hieatitied with-be press,
and CMUtrjtuted letter to tbe New York
Tribuu a id oiber eastern journals, ol
marked Interest 1 itu also, tor a peritaL
was pressman of the Ur. publiahed at
Monterey in 1847. At Interval during
the past thirty years Mr .Kooser contribu
ted numerous articles to the press of the
State, principally devoted to pioneer men
and liuiea. Ilia memory was remarkable,
rarely ro.-gi.Uing tbe particular of impor
tant events, and contributions from bis pen
were always interesting and valuable.
After being discharged iroin tbe army,
Mr Kooser took his abode ID -SliHklou.
w here he resided until laJif. w ben be be
came associated with O. M. Clayea and
George Armor aid established the San
Andreas IndptndnU in Calaveras coun
ty. The paper showed marked ability and
vigor under Mr. Kooser' editorial man
agement, and prospered beyond the an
ticipation ol tbe proprietor. In 1858 be
disposed of his interest in tbe ludepttolttU
to his lutnner. nd returning M Stockton
waw engaged on tbe San Joaquin lit pub
Ika as eouiHj$iur aod I ica! editor until
lntid, during which lime Ibe paper was re
moved to Sacramento, i After Aiyerink, bis
Coaoeuli'M) With that journal Mr., r
removed with bis family having in 18C2,
married Mum Belle Ward, to dan Jose
ui San Francisco, a hera be reaiilad until
the sjiriog of I8Q5, w bea ha came to Santa
Cruz aod purchased aa interest in tb
Suu Cruz Htntinet. For llie eleven
vewi be was interested in tbis-Jouioal it
is necessary tor us to make but a paaaiog
remark, tie disposed of bis interest in the
.Vsliw! u June, lb, o, o tuepten pro.
piietora, earning with him the rject
and ct-leein of all wbu knew hnu.but bro
ken down in health la July ot the sam
year, Mr. Koer, having been appointed
Alternate Centennial Commissioner for
l aiitornia, went east in -, connection with
the duties of that office, and vrlieti for ibe
first time in twenrv-nine year, ibe home
of his boyhood. Io November J)4 re'ara
ed to bis borne iu Santa Crua from the
caxt. Since then be has sought relief tr
tailing health at lltrlett Springs and elaii
where without avail. Four weeks ago a
severe cold brought on an attac'i ol ty-
phoiil lever euding tatally in typhoid-pneu
monia, on ibe 1st inst.
Tbe body was billowed to the grave on
the 2d inst by Madrona Orove of Druids,
deleeations from liranciforte nod San I-
renzo lvodge of dd Fellow, (headed by
Shilling's brass band) and a large con
course ol sorrowing trieud.- A n'ted
concourse Ui tbe tttoeral cortege was the
prinieis (rniu the yatloOl offices in town
(Uarcbing rjext to the huaiaa. : Thv
)ugbt tli(a latopiortuiity to do )onor to
tbe memory of one whose warmest ym
thies tbrtHigli bia Whole life were with
tbe toiling mem tiers of tl '"art preserva
tive " The snleBin aud lmpraie ar-
vicea in the church wer well 'eoaducieJ
by Kevs. Suilt and Yam, aud tbe Druids'
funeral rilo were Recited a the grave, ia
tbe presence of a large audience of apeeta
tors. ; The Md Fellows performed a por
tion of their funeral service after tbe Dru
ids bad concluded. Deceased Was one of 1
tbe charier member of Mad ton a .Grove,
and was a J'ast Grand ot the order: more
than twenty vearst-ince be became a mem
ber of Charily lJge, Xo. U, I. O. O, F,
ol Stockton, and never severed hiaoon
n action lbetewiih, ait bough a'ent more
than fourteen years. He was who a mem
ber of fie Calit'iriiii Pioneers aud the Xa-
tiooal Veteran Ahsociation. Thus has
jnutsed awav a uselul, intelligent citizen, a
loving busbaud and a kind father. Feace
to bis attlHa ismUi t'rt, (Cat.) tiUi
tiel, J' unary 4
. MvTkioi;a Dis.LprLABAitrE. On
Saiurday evening.' December 29, last, a
man named E. Coffenberger, alighted from
the eantlatund Baltimore Jc Ohio luilroad
train at North Mountain, a small station
seven rnijes west ol Martinsliurg. Coffen
berger WHa an old man, aged aUipt 8)
years. Twentv Dye ysai ago he removed
from the vicinity ol North Mountain to
Illinois, and was coming back on bis first
Viait. tj
Coffenberger wanted to go to a farm,
bouse near Nor lb Mountain. A driver
going tbat way, took the old man's bag
ga;e on hi wagua and started off, the old
man following oo bail. It wasthen about
dark, and it is supposed be lost bia way,
for be Dwr reached the farm-bouse, but
to aids morning turned up at the bouse
ot a coloied nun, named Frank Gil lien, in
the vicinity. Tbe old man was vert much
bewildered; suited that he had lost his va
lice, and showed some money. ' These
iact were learned front a niece of Gilbert,
who vUiud bi bouse or) Sunday loom
ing. Dwiunibo rui'rtiui- Uiiourtsiarted
out to guide ihe old fiian l bia Jokilualiiin,
but short I came back alone, and ibe old
man hs never since teen seen. In a few
dsys his relations tgan to inquire lor
him, bat couM ret no trace ol bim lieyond
tbe lime be left Gilbert's bouse. Diiiirenl
search devehiped oolhiug, and on Mon
day ol last week Gilbert was arrested
Search has been made, several times, for
tbe body, but without siicceas. but it is
lirmlv believed by every body thniliilbeTt
killed the old man lor his money. In fact,
be b alaiul admitted as much since
bis arrest, but be will not cive any clue to
the dispopition ol tbe body.
Lmi evening Supervisor French re
ceived a request from Martinsourg for
ibree paneugi-r mrs, the Sheriff of Ber
kley having summoned a poste of 2i0 men.
with winch be will proceed to-day to
North Mountain and make a thorough
search ot the w hole vicinity.
Gilltert w ill prolatlily pay tor bis crime
with bi life.i 11 tbe body should not be
fouud, and sufficient evidence thus obtain
ed to convict bim of the crime, it i
thought he will be lynched. Cum'jtrUiui
Diti'g Xtxi.
- GEBM.tlt 3VKCP. ' No tuber medi.
cine in the aorld waa ever given aucb a
tea ot iu curative qualities aa BoscilBB't
Gkkmas Stktp. In three year two
million lour hundred thousand small boa-
lit s of this tnrdioine were, distributed tret
oftharyg by Druggisfs hrtbhi 'country io;
thuaeamicted with Consumption, Asthma,,
Crsep, severe X'ougbs, Pneuasonla and
o'.her diseases ol tbe thrust and longs, f ivH
uig tbe American people undeniable ptrooi
that German brmrr will cure them. Tbe
result b been that Druggists in every
town arid" village in the Cuiled State , ara
recommending ilto tlieir customer.' Go
to yonr Driig'glst, Q. W. Benfurd, apd ak
i. I. -1 ... !. U 1.. T. .. t
wuai ue apows aoooi iu Bauipie uuutea
10 ceuta Meiiular size 75 ceota. lbrea
in iwnia
-lll nu
a r u.i,t. ...!. V
& ,n i: lhimiiuk ..imi iu. . w
reodered actually repulsive by blotches
pimples. , GLASS s , ScWKl B, 8oaP
promptly remedies all orjmJeiWwal blem
isbes as well as local eruptions of Ibe skin,
burns, bruises, ecalds, Ac 8-ld by all
udl s liair and Whitker Wye. black or
Drown, W CIS "
!k'UEimjo" AcciDE5T.--Quite nex- to d.ik. end when ibe hoar of trial
ftMint wa -raised on W.loot ret Cine, but 30 members from tbf ru
I S?' BiDe 2 J""?? 5"!5- rml diauicta. meoy of whom had been
men n un muuisu auuu v a-"
Cirif. .TM gave it e te e r of "fire S
and tin tejmrtrneot wasaoon ia saouon.
' 7& momenta, howevrt.
tacts ia lbs matter came out about a fol
- Mrs. Charles was la ibe upper pan of
tbe housa attending to ber household da
lle. Her two children. Mamie, aged
eieht years, and Wesley, four years, were
playing ia the room in which she waa
working. Unobserved by the mother, the
children obtained possession of a flask
containing powder, belonging to their fath
er. This they carried down stairs, and
tb little Kirl organ pouring the powder
on the hot kitchen stove. Of course a
tremendous explosion lol lowed. Tbe
ft a k was blown Into fragments and
piece thereof deeply imbedded ia the
walls of the room. Tbe children were
very seriously injured, tbe littie girl re
ceiving the most painful wounds. Her
bands - wer tudly cut, ber thumb
horribly mutilated, banging to ber bands
by mere thread of flesh. Oue of ber
arms were badly cut and bruised. A for
the liukc boy, I11 hair waa almost entirely
blown- off. while be received some painful
bruise. Il was also leared thai be bad
inhaled some of tbe fire as he continued to
bleed at the nose and mouth tor some
lira after tbe occurrence. IJolluLMftburg
. Amoho tbe DkadFaillbesoI tbe past,
bow many bogus nostrum may be num
bered I Beginning their careers with a
tremendous flourish ol trumpets, blazoned
tor a lime in tbe public prints and oa
flaming posters, soon, but not to soon,
were tbey relegated to ibe limbo of things
hist on earth. But listener's Stomach
Buters is a living aod thriving remedy,
il goes on. curio g aud to cure. Neithel
underhand DOT open competition affect it.
Oalba ooouaiy, owl1 with inlerior
rival preparations only iocrease lis pop
ularity. It has been repeatedly imitated,
but without success Counterfeits of it
have been surreptitiously introduced, but
have fallen flat. Everywhere it entrench'
es itself in the confidence of Ibe people;
and well il may, tor it is a thoroughly re
liable iovigorant ot Ibe feeble, Danishes
dyspepsia and constipation, brace the
nerves, cures rheumatic ailment and kid
ney complaint, and eradicate and pre
vents intermittent and remiiteat fever.
1W0BP op Waasiao. During the
preasnt year, a in tbe past, tbe grave will
close over thousands, simply because tbey
neglect the means which would restore
Ibeua to health. Meet tbe tell destroyer
at tbe threshold, and dispute hi invasion
by tbat more than wcqderlul remedy, Dr.
Morris' Syrup of Tar Wild Cherry and
Horehoupd. There is no cough or cold,
case of asthma, bronchitis, blood spitting,
weak lungs, croup or whooping cough
which willoot yield more readily to this
great botaxical remedy than any other
medicine." If you would avoid disappoint
meat, aod be speedily cured, ask your
Druggist for Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar,
Wild Cherry and Horebound.
Trial aiae 10 centa. Irge sizes 50 eta.
and One Dollar.
For sale by U. W. Ben lord, Somerset,
and Mountain fc Co., Confluence.
Also Agents for Prof. Parker' Pleasant
Worm Syrup which i perleclly aafe.
rtAiremefy palatable. Xo pbvsic required.
Cos1 25 cepu. Try ft-
Ph. Yak Dike's sn-riicaSoAr.-rDr.
Van Dyke, wb(ae life Ion specially, and
world wide reputation for curing skin dis
ease, has endeavored for years 10 combine
an external treatment He has acconi
pliabed thia desirable result in the prepa
ration 01 bia compound "Sulphur Soap,"
the merits t which are spoken of by
thousand; it is highly recommended to all
nor reader. Price 25 cents, by mail, 35
cents a box: 3 cakes 60 centa. by mail
75 cents. . Office 50 X. 5th street. Whole
sale Depot, 400 X. 3d street. Philadelphia,
Ia. Sold by all Druggist.
- Bi.tmyer has made great reductions in
prices of Hardwaie. Y'ou can buy good
just aa cheap from bin) as you can buy
1 hera la the cuy. lie buys hi goods from
tbe manufacturer, and in large quantities,
and therefore buys Iheui al the very low
est prices, and ia determined now to sell
goods at a very low price. Call and see
him and get his prices. Hi stock is very
complete, including Building Hardware,
faint and Gigs, Ojls. Varnishes, and
Wooden Pumiis. Again w tar, pall and
see Blymyer, and buy your hardware from
him ana yoa w 111 save money.
WILSON K ELSO. September 2d.
1H77. by Kev. M. Knepper, Mr. K 11,
Vi jlson to Miss J. . Kelso, both ol Cum
berland. Ud.
PORTER STOER. Dec. 18, 1877.
by the same, Mr. Norman Porter to Mu-s
9. Stoer, both ol Bedford Co., Pa.
LOWRY-WITT. Dec. 27. 1977. by
the same, Mr. Emmanuel A. 1.0 wry to
Miss Sara t Witt, both of Bedford Co.,
Kriir.4 UAUIVlUP. 10
1878. at the Lutheran carsonaze. Lnvans-
vijle, by Jv. I. L. Sieber, Mr. Daniel
Kubus. ot Westmoreland Co., Pa., to Mita
llanos tiareome, 01 oomerset io., l a.
REM BOLD In Greenville township.
January 3, 1878. Henry Item bold, aged
&J years, v months and 21 days.
RUPP. In Manchester. Carroll Co..
HI. January 10, 1878, Liiie Grace, eldest
daughter of u. Vm. and Emma Rupp,
a;ed 11 years, 4 mi-ntbs and lp days.
WELLER. Near Stoystowo. Dec. 22.
1S77. Mr. Anna El'betb Weller, aged
il years, j) mun'ba, arid 23 dayr.
BARCLAY. Dee. IS. 187T. Char!
Wesley, son of J. O. and Eva A. Barclay,
aged 5 years, 5 month, and S days.
BARCLAY. January 15. 1S78, Lizzie
Alma, daughter ol J. O. and Ev A. bar
clay, aged 3 months aod 10 days.
' 'SCOTT.i-Jaouary 18, 1878. Martha A.
Scott, aned 37 years.
. rst HABRIaBrStU I.CrTKaV.
""' IIarrisulbo, Jan. 19, 1878.
La-l week was the week par ex
cellence fur reaoiuikii8 iu ibe Huutte
Ud i bey piled ia thick, aa and
upuu a graat variety cf eubjecMt Tbe
Erst one of any iaiporuuco wai one
direcuus; tbe Jjergeant at Aruj tb
briuir before the judiciary e mmiiee
ibe Hod. O. F Jiullard, Diertiber of
ibe liouse from Delaware cou ity,
aod there held under a charge ot
tnbrtzIetBeat, for the purport of al
io log bim to argue op jo bin tlum
of beiug privileged from arrest. Thin
wax adopted. Xeiv came ooe from
Uie Dvmocrauc side, a-kiug ibe judic
iary comuiiitee to mqui.e whether
be takiug of uari-jus laiereat for
Hn of public roonej by aoy officer
of tbe Sia.e, was such a viuiatiou vf
law aa to jusJlj- impeaebmeot aod
removal from vfiice. i Tbeo came
another Democratic. ibooderbolt, re
aae.fiiog our euaiora aud Repreeo
tatives in Cougreaoio demand the re
peal ot ibe rer-Qfflptioii apt, tb rem D
etijjug vf silver and ubii.uil oj .f
legal wnders fr X'atitiual Biok
notesv Tbeo t,m from tbe Uoubi:cau
side (or limited ieiuooetizti--u,retuuip-tiutt
and no cooiraciiou Tbe last
three aa well an neverat others tbat
luiloawd, found w reatiog place iu that
srtlt-bed of resolutioDH, from which
few ariae, Ibe oommittee on Federal
The text-d nuttiion of lhA orrlr . f
boAineaa vt the J luUse baa beeu call-
ed at last
Oa 1 ueaday tporoiug tbe
mailer came on airato. aad the advo
cates of the old calendar were confi '
rl.. ..4 a: l . u .L. a-t,. !
pa urjieavu to uusu tuc US u u
Thej thougbi tbey eeeoted trietory io !
the air, DQl alas I a l-bange came r
ike spirit -of 'ibeir dream... luflut-u
COa bad beeu al Wufk ou Mtiuda
Oljthl aud Tueitday moriilu.; ol Which
Ibey knew BoihiDg. A abort lime be
fore the rote waataken. a well known
tobbyiat wm seen pasaiog from desk .
r . .I. ,14
sod ihe tV noco fellow carried their
' pojnl m Tute f 91 to s y,,
yjj calendar aod 250 file to
dealers in oia paper i coub in a
clear majority of nearly 100, tbe coun
try members do not eeeoi to be able
toe- ps with tbe cute fellow from ibe
ci iea ui the Brnt and M-coud t-larse,
by which iLlea Pbiiadelpbia and
Piusburgb iri kuown n legislatife Tbey nllw tbemrelyee to
be ibrea.eoed and bul!-JuZed aod get
weak in the kuees and cave at tbe
criMCal m iffleuu -
O j Friday la-i the res -luii -n of
Mr. L tog. if Allegbeoy, for tbe ap
poiotineni of aC'mmitiee to ioveaii
ga'e the causes aud resulu ot the
raiload riots of I ait summer and re
port to tbe Legislature, waa iudefi
uiiely poetp ioed by a vote of 35 to t
74 i albi-lbi bad put a quo
,u- up V -k;u- ( The bud A
lefcbeuUu have pickt-U beir fli is,
boaevrr, aod are g dog to try h
agaiu. . A uioUju to rec-jjntdrr ihe
rote by whicu the reviu iou wa.i
p.apoaedou Wedoeaday laa; audit
waa carried. Uaviug ibu got tbe
maner befoie ibe Uoue, ia frieuds
are fteuiog up the piua to pane it, aud
appear to be coufideul of success.
What couibiuati iun ..r lofluencea 'bey
grooud ibeir ftiib upou are not yet
appareui 1 -ked u of ibe fneud-i ,
oi me p- jeci ne i,er aay, i ne
Peuusy Ivajn R. li. C , In lav .r of
your. piopoed bill?" "1 dju't
kow," bo auaWered, "but they cugbl
to be." "VVby," 1 aeked, "beeauoe"
said he, "if ibe diet pays ibe bill
ibey will gel ibeir ajoiiey soon ud
without aoy trouble, but it Alleghe
ny Co., ia left aluue to pay their dam
ages, they oo'i get. u l-r 20 year.
A bill ban beeu iut reduced iu ibe
Seuaie providing lr au auieiidnieul
to the C iQS.i.uti.o, by a vjio of me
people, reduciog the number of Siaie
Senators aod Uepresentaiives, mak
ing it tte same as uoder tbe old Cou
etilutioo. ilowtyer advisable this
'eduction might be in some re-pec. 8,
piperieoce shows that tt e place to de
feat a bad pill la iu tbe House. In
the multitude of Council there is
gaiety. While tbe House is loo large
and auwieldr a bjdv for ibe rapid
txanaactiou of buaioers, it is for tbe
same reason, harder to control or
corrupt it by outside iufluenoea That
ii ia o couiroled sometimes ia true,
but not so easily a it once was.
Among ibe bills favorably repor ed
from Cuoiiuiuee tbia week was oue
by Mr. Stewart providing f -r the re
euactmeDl of ibe local optiou law.
aud one lo preveut ibe evils ariniug
from cbargiug and iakiug usurious
interest by ludividuaU, banks, urotb
er curporaii iua Ii provides aa a
pea ally ibe loiteiiuro of three tiiuex
tbe aiuoyu' of itje iuiereal su charged
or iaen.
.Ytr. ljjllard ot fJelare couu'y
baviug argued bm iae bf .re tbe
JudlClar c-iujujliie aa l.r-Ugbl. be
lore 'be H UMflo.d-y and T'-IU i:d-d
to ibe cuiudy ! tbe feergvnui
Arms He circulatea arouad fret I v
aud apurar lo be i.aklug ihiugeay
There has b- eo qui e a epirii of
buniuetB aiuce the order of ibe same
baa been de&uiuly eeitled and a
large number of bilN bave been io
troduced, seed upou by tbe variou-
committee aud some do bave eveu
uaosed first readlOjf I u fact there in
every indication tf a deiermiuati-m
o pub burineat aud anikt up f -r
los; time. B
tMmwi by "u.a a "gsii.
DKAt.r.aa ia
Apple, dried, a
Applohulter. ft a-al..
Bran. V lot) At
Bulbar. 't A ( keg) .
Buuar. W (roll)...
(; to iac
U Ji
Buckwbeii, f hit)l.
- a.ui
Beawwax. a
rl I fc.
Baooa. abouldera, J .
buty Sue
Sub ui Ttx
, 3e
t K) 107 00
" country Aauta. f
Uom, (ear) f bunhai
On, (abeliad) at bushel
Uom meal V a,
Calf akin. V a
Mica, m oos
Flour, bW
Flaxaead bw.. (M SI
Hams, micar-cnnd) V a.....
LaPl. V a
Leather, red aole, ft a.........
upper "
" kip. "
XMdllnn, and ebon lot) as .
See Or
SI n
, axi oc
Owu, b
PotatMS, h.
Peaches, tirUd, ....
lUara. a
.. 10c to W
j ll'yr
Sail, No. 1. bhl.extra
S ut
tl 1)9
4 M
' oronna A lam. par saca.
' . Aahtun. per sack
Sugar, yellow b
whit .
Tallow, a
Wheat, f bus
Waut, V k
41 Si
Xew Advertixement.
ill eipnae lo liubiie tali) at Sallaburrnn Sat-
arday.the ltib of February. IS J. at lo'vlut-k p. a.,
the following real estate of B. V. Johns, ailuate In
John' addlUun Utkialuvburr UorvaaU. SomerKt
eonoty. Ptu. t:
Lou rrom 1 to 14 incinaire. nil fronting on Matv
kentle ateeet. each fronting feet, aud extend.
Ing north lo alley, VJi leet,exre)t lot no. 14. which
baa a front of at feet, and 37 leel at the other end
of lot.
Lota 14. IS. 17. It, I. 30. SI. W. M. 24 and 27. all
fronting on tJarloaa street (JO feet, and ci lending
back l'A) tee to an alley, except lot no. Ii, wlii.-ii
has a front nt 41 'eet. and Is S4 feet In wi-lth at the
oath and alang the alley.
Alo, lot no. , irontlag on uepet ai reel tw leet,
aad exiendltur north tornallcT Ixi feet, adtoinlng
DeiNtt street on Ibe aoulh, alley on weal, alky on
north, ami lota of Keim A Llvengood on tbe cart.
haviatc thereon erected a one and a half story eut-
tg house, a atable. ami other oU'-liuiMlntrr.
L ... I t. Mnt at hnpiha. nu.n.w t
be paid al aoua aa pru-jeny ia knocktd dtiwn
one third on n-ejbrtnaliou ol aale, ine.thlrtl In alx
month and one-third In tweiee montht, with
intcreat trndefetrea -ywyments from January 7,
171 Ptrcfcaa njupcy tu ha aocursd by n.ig
uicuIIiob4, '
- 1 t i I) It A 1 ,
Jaa. S Ar'ignea.
Ht virtue of a order of sale laued out of the
Orphan's "urt of Nomeraetoonnty Pa., and to me
directed. I will expose to sale by pubite outcry, on
the peculiar on
Saturday. Ftlruary f,lh, 1873,
St 1 o'clock . m the following deacrlbed real ra
tal, lute the proterty of Herman Deel, dec'd
A certain tract or land l It date In Elalick Two.,
Somerset county Pa . adtoinlng laixla of Philip
Onift. W. W. Hyatt, Henry .Marker ami Emanuel
Burkbolder. eontaliHnat lad acre more or lea.
about 70 aonss ol which are cleared, aad IS acre
In meaylow. Iiavtnr thereon erected a two story
dwelling hawse, a large bar, and other oat build
ing. There la erwi opened, a goou ore nana, aad
go! aprina at the house.
in hand and baUnee la two enual
annual paymcnta with Interest.
Jaa. 23 . Adm'r and
1 oBr lor sal my ana sltuaU la Allegheny
Twp., Home reel eBty Pa., oioulaing M acres,
abnat SS acre cleared, with a boas, a good
bank bam. and other buildings t hereon. A good
appi orchard, a ttrat elasa saw mill, unlit wit bin
tbraayaar Alan, a tract at land ia same town
ship, containing 380 acres, about so aores cleared,
with a good apple orchard.
Also a tract of land la raid township containing
?1S acres, ovr 10 acres of whtrn are cleared, with
a dwelling bouse and bank bare Ibereoci. Alaoaa
apple orchard of about so tretm. For fan her In
formation call on or address me at Dividing
KWgn, Pa.
Jao-ie, "78 J,OKNPEETEB.
"Ev offer aa
BxntAoaniXAav baboaiw la a
iSSaer tarsi IU taken be lor April II one mil
I from Blwwanala. tas ooaaty eat, all antler feace
and Improved, with orchard and frutUuf allktod.
Two - thirls nl nwretuu Sautxy eao remanlor
bar yaar. Tnialsaaoatiwordiaary abanos.aatl
JSiS "IS aSaB11 w tJ Utu' r
W are geaerai real estate agent, aad can
aafaate tbo very boat bargain ia Davta county '
farwuv and will give lull In format insj rnac tnall;
peroo expecting io itn wm Wo refer to Rev.
L U Stecxel. -
MlllerandC. B. Swartsrndraver, SUIes Iowa,'
Sameny of Hoaarraet eoanty ra, ou bow large
and innviog lamer ia tni oouaty
steck el a overton.
Bto0 Ul UrU
Sew JUccrtttementi.
After ysarsofpst lent tiW ani ftir:R'ot the
Sewing Machine,
la auw oBraJ to t be pnllle. the triumph of In
feoiite canlu la this briucti ( B.i.ii'jr:ure.
If point oTeicellwc areapimit to any c.&e
Maaalnlna' Ae markit -e aixl ... rra.lily rrei anited
that aire tOj tlie(-JT. JM "lias fmc.-d Itwlito
the Irwait raak ul Sawia Marttiots. It In'.aiU
all tlM oeeiuiry requlr- Tnvota ti r a brst rtafs
Sewiof MaehiiM whH-ti are
1st. Abilltt lo auptrrlcil) allsiDOfot' workde
taanJe,! of a'Sewlr .ki achina. UVL IUm ot man-ar-iiieut.
d. Elabtnef of runtime t:h. Kree
duta I rum nnia. tb. Siiailiritf ol tsMiiKrai-ihm.
Stb iMiraliiliiy. A'l ih i-.inl .re scented,
as ire than in any other, iu tbe
Yo. Machine,
Ornament! Mat-blue anl SUikI, Ulatk Walcat
Table, two Drawers, Patent Bhi Cover, wbh-b
attaches to tide of the Table, formtr. a
eonvanleat work bus or an extenjiun
top at wilL
I 1-2
43 OO
sao oo
S59 OO
f 65 OO
ol3 1-2
Mtkos ttif Ikiu Stltt-li.
ect Goods.
Its Points of Peculiarity,
It makr-a no dlrtcrt-nce whether the Machine is
run back ware! or forward : the work will al
ways run from yoa, and there is no ton or chaue
of stitch.
It ha ariose hnule fp one ! with no tlimd
hole thnmvh. the li-il.-i ,n hul ling iMtn so to lmi
ranl of tbresU-
It wlaili tbe tiolihin without running- the ma
aLine i ao there la oo nocesity lor unthread
Ing tbe macliine, tr rcutjvinj tbe work when tbe
bootiin naetlfl to be wound.
Iu teuaionaare almpie, pcrlet-t, arcl can I ad
justed both under and upper, without removing
Uie work.
4TEit'li Machine L furniilic I with tti or! in
aTi attaobmvn'i.
I'.a Furniture I butfI, peculiar ;nl deairat le.
Evehy Machixe is Wakraxted.
It tnkeff well an-l giro complete atinrTtion.
Twenty. rive of these jlat hines have already
been sold in thlsominty.
1 also sell the well known Family F.ivorite or
Weed M:i'.-htnes at about half the old prt, and
also repair the various tinit of sowing machine
promptly an-l aatistactorily And ali kinds of at
tachuicuta procured to orler :
Addt!a C. F. IV ALK ER.
Sonier.ft, la.
P. S Sample .Atacliinr to I seen at D. Flick'a
oral Casebc-r a Cj't store.
Jan. -Ii
"l he f'owinil
lslonerii of Somerset i" itn'T will of
fer at public outcry, at the house of William Ol.l-
hatn. in Shade Twp.. to the lowest ami bet bidder.
Wednesday Sd dayal January 18 S. at 10 o'clock
a. m , the building of a bridLe"ovcr C' esr Shaie
f'rrck, ia paint Twp . at a point wh-re the Publie
Ro d erotM-isaitl strettn leading Iroin Sculp-It-el
to Bowllm Mill. t'Un aud Sueeicattns can
be seen at the f 'oiumiMioBer'oihce and will be un
xiiibIHin on day ol ulr.
W. il, aiLlllvOCK, t'lerk. WM. REEL.
J. P PHILsitV.
f VuHnisluncrs.
P. M. -The JHamisaitnerB will meet un the
premise where the bri lc is to be tocate.). at S
o'cloi-k p. ro., oa the tor the purpose of measur
ing tbe length of the wing wall.
lee. .
Som net County, is :
At an Orphans' nnrt hold at Somerset, in ami
lor the count? of Somerset, Pa., on the Itnh day ol
Novemtier, 177, before the honorable the mdVca
thereol. on motionor J tf. Kiwmel. Krq.. the
emin apfauied F J. Kootcr Auditor lodisiribute
tbe fund in the lumlsof Henry P. J. Custer Ad
minitrator and Tmsteefor Ibe sale ol tbe real
estate ol Abraham MnDtru. dee'd. toatui among
these legally entitled tbcret. In ooth scciints.
Entraet from Ihe record, certilietl Nov. 3 1. 15 .
I will attend to the duties of this appointment
at llie office of J. O. K!mmel, q.,on Friday the
llh day of January IttTtL
JuTl.i Audlu r.
TL following acmunts have ten nll In mv
ornce ami win ue presented lor cunarmation on
Thursday 31 or January 1TI.
tJVm. Stull sign-enl John A. Ecus!.
Zachariab T. Long assignee ol Jeiac L-ng.
iiapiei H nman as g ou. a. a f.
A. Btoitgii.
(eeo-iret. walker asa'tror Jus. J
Josiah lierbart aaa'g of tt m. K. tferliart
J. D. I,lrengoid ass g ofs. J. l.ireniniod.
Phi lip H. W alker a g of Noah Barron.
Chariea Ristgers aaa'g of John fc Kaulman.
Samuel Fouat ag ol Sumtiel Sheet.
Jan 9 Prothonotary.
Pulmonary Institute,
0. 314 PK!K AY E, Pillftburc, 1".
rir th i-swaatfttl trpnii,t iNbujrat'.rv. Nrv-
mm. afnl IiTtM.p .-wrMf-tasa. Naiiil t 'utarrli, Tlmsar
.."thiiiii, nnHschifisi ainiv tl tinl'S I t in-
a AT-l'l a V .Vt. ffli A iUar a... .1 -,.Ih ..a
trvMimrut by INliALATI'tN. Iiiiitaroir-a?ni ttAinr-
rti f-fm iff llrt wv k of irrttfntruu Cur;ill iii--.i-
of I'm Ht-.irt irtutet trt'.'-.iultv.
( wpfTjaniMift.te ua n-i wLh ii Hninp k f m lo-fc 'I.
I'ltlU ut- iuf.i l;lllv.
I. M
biiate i f Jacob Sielnla. Inteol Greenville iwp
Letters testamentary on the a Not estate
having been granted to the undersigned, notice is
berWiy given to thiwe Imtebted to It to make Im
mediate payment, aad lliuM having claims
against It, to present duly autlieQtioalcd
fur settlement at tbo late reaidonreor ths de
ceased, un Saturday, the ILfrl dl.y ui Eabruarr,
Jan. 14 Exocut.
Invalid Pensioner drawing over Tea Dollar,
per month forwimndain Arm or Leg will hear
aomething to tbelr advantage by atitlresalng and
sending a description, dale, Ac, of receiving
wound er injnry.
Claim Agents, US Smithiiel i St., Pltuburifb, P
1 following named person bave filed la my
ofllco their petit ions etc., fur Tavern License
which will be presented to the Court ot)
Thursday, January SI, 1K7H.
Eliia A bck. Somerset Bur.
Walter Jones, Meyeredale Itor.
Kctstt Sterner, I or dutnoe hor.
t-redk. Nauglc, Meycrwlals lr.
James VVitauu,Palit Tuwnahip.
Jjhn Sucer, J!yerJale IVt.
Jan. 14
ben. 19 Auditor.
F, A. Leliraann, SclU-lt-.r of Patents. Waahlng
toa,D.C. Na patents ao par.' Send for Circa
lar. April JJ, 1 year
Xeie A J cert lament.
detpeptk .bdivafi- sa ;
term,vwtin of tevw
(roe, tbe rra ri
al tliraxd illn
how they reeuveretl
baalto, enecrfal apirlu
and gr appeltte
tbey will tell via If'
taking Si a ana' Lit-1
a, iikoiiuruL
TS Ckeaposl, Parett Saa Bett f amity iaditln
ia ths wsrf
rDT1rKTi rnvmpirmc 1 ...
,.tV : MmrP.!?lJ'. uTjr?.T!o!.i-
l.Trc-, SOLS S lUMAi tiT HTart
-"i- s. , u ,. t. ,t
: , rs
rj - " - - v e -j
Iniurd ui aitneml .a; t at l
at. aliwuw wt hlenro lua plarad In roaoirfc-a
wl.ere Uvcr Iwxo owl prevail. Itwdl er all
wuMicjcinisapyuerangvaiein r ts mar aa
1 lie STM PTOMm oT Llrr ( V.mpUlnt ana Wt-'
teror IbkI titein the ; l am In tbo K u a,
si iti,-r .l'in otorn uii-.takn lor Kheatiiiidta ;
Sr Sjio-.-b : Is of A ppet I e : birU altera-:
ate-y -4tive iimi iai ; Haicne : 4 uj-
rT. w:th a lHlilul U!ii:i ot l,aviD4 Uilo.1 to )
. mrtlili.K wnu-n i:ubl ui bar. ones .loo-. IKsblU
v. Lt w riti. a tiiit-k jellow apprarMoce id tba
Sman l Kr a drv omjtb often lotautkea tat
tt-uaaii(ien- ,
Sfnieiiuivtt utnr td theaerrmptoaia atrenl the
diMiaa. totheri very lew ; imt tba LIVEK. the
birtfeal organ iu lite txr; y. Ii generally tno seat of
di rar, ani II sot rvxulated in time, g-real sulfer-lsjC-
wretchedness and lit ATH will ennae.
i can rooominend aaDerbcactoua remedy fordis
eaavcl tbe Liver. Heart Imrn an I Inieiia, Slin- j
ui'.im Liver lieauliutr. Latvia Ii. Vi rauca.
M.tiU'r S r-et. Aasi-lanl r'ost .Master, Philadel
phia. I
"We have teatel Ita rirtae. personally, and
koiw ilia rr iKijiepLo. iiiluuaoea. and rbrth-1
Olnir Hntdvfte. it is the beat me-IMne the work!
everaaw. U e have tried forty other retnedlea lo
l.ire .Simiii. n' Lirvr Kulalor, Imt none or them
aave us more lba temporary relief ; huttht ka
ueii'T. d it ..oly nil red. but rared m. ' to. Tu
eoR.trH ask .VlaMKxoia, Maeon. Oa.
Nutclnif U unuleaaani. notblna: soeommon as i
oati tirtfuiu. nd in ueHriy every caee H eomen rrom
the t.itua.-b. an-l can be pn eaailr eorreeted if vou
iil u.k"! Suuuiona U-iruUbr. Ho not nealeot
sore a ivnic-li t.r ihu rpu aire diaurder. It will
a Uo linpnire vunr Appetite, Complexion, aud ta
end Ha din.
This a!rTlt.r m:Hirtlai ucran mut-t frvonent-
ly. Trt? slicitarbance ol tbe ttirtnacii, ariftiiiic tnia
Luiv'rlf,otly 11:4kJ roDienL. cornet umrtm ptaia
in me ne-i,im40!ej nun uiKf'1'
writ. D'1 ihiorDnto'whu U populmiijr kauwa
Sick UeaMlavche. Vxtr pruoipi reliei
TaJce Siaaaa' Litst Esgnlalar. or K silting
At m Arnscrff in
XAxcrACTraxnoxLV r
Pi-ico 81.00
Sold by sll Drnggiitt.
toc-jre a ee of fatarrh In earh
leiahborhoud. with lr. Karaarr's
ineitv, to lntriB(-fl It. Samble
Iree. J. r
Nor. a
Til'on, Pltt't.umh. Pa.
The public are hrre'iy rantioneil against pur
chninu a note for -:toO.dr:iwn by the underslr,e.
in iiitorol li-!mcl Kin-, dated September -H,
jhtt : iiay.iiile S,-ptcmtMr ia. K4, a 1 hata ata
rt-t iic.l v.tlu-(urtlie aatue and will not pay II
utile- compelled t v vrfnf ol lw.
Jan a ' Ol'ST AVl'S E. M1LLEB.
Coughs and Colds.
I'ured by using Ia. S bxser8 w-ild Chekbv
Ll mi t 'ubtAL. tic. Ms: and SI per bottle.
Dr. Scherer's Rheumatism
Remedy $1 per bottle.
Sold bv druirists and at Irr St-herer'a Lanom
biry, 174 Smithned Street. Pittsburgh. Pa,
lir. Schrer s Pile Snlve. W ecnia per box. Sent
by mil m receipt of the price.
N..r tat
Ecia'.e of If.init-d Sta'.ler, lata of Shade Twp
Letters of .id ministration on theaboveVst ate naf a
Ing liecn grafted to tbe antiersirned by the prop,
er authority, notice is bercby given to those in
debted to it to make is me-llatepaynient.antt thaw
having el&ims against it will present tbem duly
Autiit-nticHteit fr settlement witbtmt delay on
Mon luy Fcbmaryll UT-L at the lata residence
d deceased in said townahip.
Jun. 2 Adminlatrab.
,M3 ,H. HUIO I I .1' . .t-,ltla I, V HI'
Bustneas, Prolesuimal Senetil. Home Lire, and
Tcacblux. Icieation elevated, healthful, easy of
acoosr, aul pictureaipue.coramaa.llng an extensiva
view ol I 'hotuiut Kb I ire. Full corps of Instruc
tor. Five "iHirtjrsol Study. Open to both sexes.
Expenses neaterate. New building lor ladles.
Open grate in each room.
Addreas tbe Principa'.
Dec- .
ML Plcaaaat, Pa
M A HITCH Farms to sell awl exchange. W
t nil I LU here hundred- or easmmere
wnntiiiic lo buy farm iun now. N-ever knew a
heurr time iddcJI Acre at lair prices, aa peopia
are lining money idio uaaks and seeking Acres
for sulety A.blrcrf S.M.JAMES.
Pittst-unih Farm Agrncy. L4 Smiilittnld St,
I'losburgh. P. in search of farms send for printed Farm
Each numticr contain Tbibtt-two Paok of
rca.img. many fine Wotal Cut Illustrations, and
oneCoLORi'D Pi.ATg. A beauttlul U-arden Maga
sine, prinlcl on elegant paper and full of informa
tion. In English ami Oerman. Price l -'6 a
year. I- ire copie for 46 Wi
wirh'w Flower an el Vegetable! 2xr
1ei, .occnu in paper cover, in elegant c froth ov
er" 1 On.
Vlcaa4 alalegae J Illrueisttons, only i
Address, JAMES TICK.
RocbcMer, N. Y.
Seventy-fire page n llluftration. with de-s.-riptlons
ol th. usands of (he let Flowers and
Vegetal. Ica la t lie world, and fc trai to grow
Ifiem all ft a two-cent postage stamp. Printed
m I re nr. an an.i Engiiib.
Vk-k'sFijiwkb axd Terktabls Ottnitt, 5
cents in p:i.crcover: in elegant clKh cover 41 00
Vlt'K'S lM.l KTB tTKIl SliXTSl.t HaiAZIE.
?2 inges. fine lllu'trjik-n, and colored plate In
everv number. I'nc-a 41 a veer; i ire cot.ic for
Ad. in ss. J a ES V ICat, KovJieHler, N. V.
mt tennM.til work of the klrvl in the
woritt. It t-ti;jiD(i neBrly eMy9s h ami reds i
liDv? lilii-t'iM'tf n. 4D l ijr hromo Plair o f k'tow
m han:i(ul.y ilr;krn eulorty.1 fr,m aurr.
Pri'f, ;J t- Ttts to tps?rouTr, )l.uO iu e eaxMat
tloth. I'rtiitcilin ttrvTmsn anl fcnghh
V'ck's l lustrated Hrjr.thly Mjijazme. 22 jrtjf
Hi! liiuei r t is.irtf, ana t.,lt.-t-.. sriAte in ery
numN-r I'rur tl .ai a yer : Vim enM9 f -r ao.
Vitlv'j Catalogue : lHfrtK.uoly 2 mit,
AtMrrfs JAM VICk, Kuchvsicr. X. Y
Ecwsr A2iT?5Etaiie to
See Vick'i Calalogue. 3C0111ustratk.uoalyxct.
Vr V liiiittntetf Wontltly Wzfifne U pases,
flne luustrAUoas. aud Colore u Plate in eacg
iiu'uU-r. Price 41. 2i a year : Five copie fr r uu.
Vii a'a EiaitvKi: iva vsnerABia nnx?t au
cent in par cover : wish lesut eiotli coyer.
I.un All iry pnblicat tens are urliited in English
Address. JAMES VICK, bochestcr, N. Y.
Ja.l. It). '
tuer.f H-ary Rmbild. late of (Jroenvile
fitters testamentary on the above hivlo 1
been sranlcd to the undersitrte j by tke prrar au
thority, notice is hereby c,d tw ! ueloiitod to
it ui make Imm-da-te fjjment.-d lb.. having
sisirasstrainfi it, to par-la-ol thesadaly autbenticat.
etl for teitlcweut and ailuwunee, at the Ul reai-deri-ii
ol ties ticMtel, oa Saturiay, February
i) l7f.
cuKtsiiAiA HEM HALO,
Jan. V'i
lit -irto of an (ml
imler of court, to meitinlJ. I
will otter lor auie un
Saturday, JUruary 2, 1879,
. tho premise -t. th following real e-tat lata
the prerty ol Heiiry Hw, of Stonyereek twp.,
Somerwt county, deceastrd.
A cert ain tract ol laud situate In Stonyereek
t-ap, adtiinliig land of Zachariab Lambert,
Ciiarle ilelnemyer, Ann Spongier and Dan-!
Wagner, containing one hundred ami ltrtv-ix
acres an l on hundred and Olty-two- f-ercb ,
trlct ii i -ure. There Is aN.ut ftlty-'iv acre
clear, tbe -jalanct Is well Umbcad-. Tint ia a
good UgUuserd f ; latn it lb premise,
ami two yc .tag or -bardnaBd" a ami 11 sugar ciEfi
A ,ery de-franle tana.
TEKJ1S feVit in ban.), the balance ia four
etitiat annual payment, tt.e first two pavmenls
wk inteiest. Ten per rent, of ptirehaae ausaiey to
be paltl alien prirty is kuockcl down, balance
of ban, I bk to y w hen Led la delivered, payment
to be Menrcd on the land bv jndgment bond.
J:l. Adm't ci Henry Hot.
Xew Jdccr.tsine-ilt
r. . .3-
rir rlrtne of muHlrr wrlta nf Yer I'viii A
Fieri F-lii levari Farlvanrl Vetyliiaml f
Iwweiioai . UwCunnoronaitiri Hea-.-tNtrfu-rwi j
r"jan., and Iu matllwie I. I ul I
aale by pabile owtia-y, av Uit Court Huiur, is
Ajtaerset. on
t'ndn'j, January 23, 1 :
at 1 o'clor'a p. m.
Allri(hL, ti.lo, InUre-t an I rlrd.rt
ArImiji, ot. In aod t ibo
r M .ry ;
o.--rl,.! ;
ral eaiala, vu :
A rertaui trart at lan.1 M a tie In A'l for i T;. .
H imert t. ra.. eufct tlntna -l aea ttv v
len,o whlrtiditeearoa'.it .ia.-rvac:cire.l with
' VXXT$S iVu'X
"!th appnrtenan-.t.
j aaea in et-aoo inr ir.(.r'T or Iarv ;
Aoaonv. al Ina aau or 7t.n K :xi ui. ue or J. ..
! ALS.
i au tss rif at. title. interf: an i ruim of i
' lyrtir. tol I.. an4 UavM aamn Ufir Itaai,. u. In
A certain iraet ol lan-l altaat la Jnrr l-u.i
ret Co., fa-euataiuinu l aw ui. r. i
kw.. f wbicb there are aiw su atrt 1.r -i ai,l
about los.-rw In meadow, wuh a two ;. .Unit
bon-tc and barn tnereoo er-t-ir I a.iimt !
ot U S Plefciua: Jarob S ail:, l. w hi e tttt I !
otherii. with the aptMirteuaureH. ;
Taken in eaeniii'io aa the (-r-jrrtr ol fiav -Lhr.
tiel'i-. aa.i Lavii Ks, urro tt-na -i.t ut '
tne auu of caiuiquo Kierma.
All ;he riI.L title, Intrrvn', a n 1 -Inim of .b um?
M. HuebauMiarraad W m. SI. Il.-tu,.l.-r ,n in. '
and to the foll-twlna dest-nlwil rt-at esta.e. v;z: j
Arertala lot of proa of aituafeha .irrHt Ik-.. '
Somerwt Co.. Pa. exaialKlua; , acre or It-aa,
wita a on awry frame djeii;i.jr au i.kietvn:i ,
ereeird, adrotned on tbe weal lit Uy on tbe mri ii '
oy ai. txTina. oa the auutii kjr Jxb l entotn. '
fxonttuson West at reef, wwh the a;ipurtn.Dct:. ,
TaKea ia eascatM aa the prppertv Ji-ani' '
M. Hirbatetier and us. M. h-ir'tlr. at On- .
nil ol A. H. t oil roth, ase ' John I! Snyder and ;
Alary Snyder, eseeuuinol Jeaepii Snydtrr, d--e'.l
All tbe riifht, title. Interest ami rl.ilin M V. ;
H. H. Oardner. of. tu, amltothe Mlowinx dt-s-ri'i- '
ett real eatato, vui:
A eertalnlotoi trotind ttraato In Xr wt'entenrili :
B r., Somerset Co , Pa.. eoa-aUiinit ' , acre stup
or leu, with a lar- frame atanl? tut-reon en-coM.
a-li ,ined by an al.ey on the wesi. Slm..n nui:!.'.
tw ne eaat, trail io; on Main s:rrL on tr-e tuntn.
i a . hack aueet on tbe north, with the appur;o- ,
Taken ia execnikta an tbepntjTtyof V. H. 11.
Oarlner, at the trait ol llr
l llliaiii II. M-O
All the rigbt, title. Interest, and cUia i f Dun- j
real eatatat. vu:
A certain tract of mod situate tn Elkli.k Twp..
Somcret Co., Pa., euatalnlna: acre. mire or
lesa, ol which there are about loo acre ckart-1. .9
acres in meadow, with a two-story si ne dwelling -
btM, bank bum, water-power saw mill, aa-l
other outbuiiilina thereon ereeicl, a-tjoimng
landsof Peter Wilhelm. Maoasses KreLcliULir.
Daniel Jolinaoo, Juna Chrislner and otben, wito
tbe appurtenance.
Taken ia executloa aa the property of Dtniel
Bx-kF. at the suit of Suaattnau Ho.hsictlcr, o-w
us of Susannah Swartaetidruher.
All the right, title, interest andel iim of Abrem
Miller, of. Iu, and lo Ihe loliowiitx deccrifcl real
estate, yli:
A certain lot. of rroun,! sitajtta In l'n& h,.r. !
ugb. Somerset eouuty, Pa., coauining one ionrth .
acre, more or IcMkWitn a two-torv Iraine dwelling i
house ami stanla tltereon eivtril. Ironnii- ....
Parkstreet, adjoined by alley on the west, ligh
Mreat oa the aortb, and oilier, with appurte
nances. Taken In executloa as the proper v of Abrem
Miller, at tbe suit ol A. J. and Elizibeth
All the right, title. Interest, and claim ol Oeorz
H. Ankcny, deft, ami Maxdulena .Mcec-c. terrc
lHi,nl ..f O, . n.1 I Il,- 1 ,1 Ii.b in.. . I....r 1
estate, rii:
A certain tract of la ad "ituatem Somerset Twp.. ! T ' .' " "'
Somerset Co., Pa.. containing- jo acremore.r le.-.-. -i'-;i tN-'
aliuut 9 acres cleared, the rulunceol the land well ' "V-' '." '. .' : '
timbered, with a two story Irame .Itycllinx h-nse. 1 , '- '
stable and other outbulldinrstbcrron erected, ad lac' -!'r, ,
jololng of William Critchjie.lil. H-nrv tb-rl ''"
Ph.elw Crltchdeld and others. wiUt the tiopurte 1-;,,lr 1 " -
Banc, . Jlue-ira w - :
Taken In execution aa thd proartv i-f Ocrze ''?' ''" '
H. Ankeny. deft, and M.g.litlcnis lecse. t. rre ! "
tenant, al the suit ol David I ol Peter i
Henley useof W. J. Haer. use-d 11. (i R(cr. ne 1
ol J. O. kunmeland Svhcll a kiiomvl.
A II the right, title. Intereat, And eLiim of J. T.
Van Hum. of. in, and to the luilowtng ils.-rlli j
nalMl,!. , . A e.rt.i. lo. nicrh.r.1 ... i
Continence horouirh- Somerset ciitiit. Fenn.-i I
ooouiiniug one-ffirtk acre, more or li-s, wi'h a i
large twotory Irame dwelling houe aud (.uU-
tncreon erecteu a.i)ining ion oi Altrt K-Jiert
on tu went, uiau ..treet on toe uortu. anu aill J I
on tbe east ami south, with the aopurtcnati.-es. j i.Tt - r
No. A certain lot of ground s.tu.ttc s alore- hnvinz -
said, containing i, acre at jre o less, with a two I r..,,.
wuuTj iniose owciiiiik uou-e ao-l tai-.le (Hereon
erected. It bcrng IntereM in aa id nn.fjeri v. tot-
joining k't al Patrick Harnsoa me oortn. V iliit.m
street on tne mm. s. vt elKley on the at!t an I
alley un the west, with tbe appurlen.ince.
Taken in execution a tha property of J. I Van
Horn at the suit of John Franu.
All tbe right, title. Interest and 'Liim at L. M.
Carbaugh, of. in and to ibe f-Ikw-.nj det'rileJ
real estate, rir :
A certain lot of ground ajtuateln 1'rsina Ur.
Somerset Co., Pa., euotainfng 1 , aer.t more or les.
with a two story frame dwelling hous amt siat le
thereon erected, adjoined by an alley on tli-? s-.n-. h.
Lai le-ran chare ground on the no'rth ami ailt-v
oa the we ami fronting oa Main street, wi !i tbe
Taken In execation a the jimtvnr r. L .tl.
CartiaugB at tho suit l V. . J. h.tcr. use ol chtt
tiaa Hoppc, use of V Maxwell.
AU the right, title. Interest, an l ct.iia of J::-t
L. Wollordof. In, anl iu the Mlon ir-o dCMiiict
real estate, yil:
A certaia tract of land situate in C-incmanah
Twp., Somerset IV. Pa . ctint.ilning 01 acresiu.e
or lea, about saeve in meadow, with a two story
plank dwelling house, bank bnrn and bUkMiiitii
bop thereoa erected, adtowing Utvls oi iavi!
Kuuiuiel, David J. Klougti, Dunicl Eoeandother.".
with the appurtenance.
Nu. t t uty six acres more 'tr less, itoiit.- in
Jenner Twp . county abircsai.1. witli a m. siorv
plank dwelling house. Irame stable, water power
saw mm tnereouereeteu, aii)ointiig tan t. of ituv.d
Usher, I .eorge Barclay. Jacob LitinrtoD and
otliers, with the appurtenance
Taken in execution as the the proterty of Jar..,
L. Wolfortl, at the suit of Robert L:uther. eeeut .r
of Samuel Murphy, doo'd. for the ae ul S:iniuri
Vluriiby now uie of Robert Lsuthcr.
All lh right, title. Intercut at. I ei iim of
Frederick Sraenckof, n. ami to ibe followin
dcacrilied real estate, vi :
A certain M of ground. iina'i in Somerset
bonmgb. Somersei county, Penna., omtaining
te-fourth acre, more or ic-14. with a tne ar.-l u
bair story rram dwelling house thereon erecte,!.
adjoining lot ol Charle Hottiuan oa the si-nth.
Henry Aleyers on the north, l.-in-ts leaniet Wevari.1
oa the went, and fr'mtingoa West .srert, with the
Taken In execution as Ihe property of Frwieri.-k
Schenck, at tbe rail Wat. HeihVy a. hrolh.-r.
All the right lllle.intrret nniciaimof Al-riliam
McAdams and Maria McA.laui. rl, in and lo lue
fullnwmg described real estate. ir :
A eertaiB tract of land Httuite In Somerset Twp.,
Somerset Co., Pa., adjoinuva- the Si-merset x lt,u
ft.rd lumpikeon tb south. Inntls uf Samuel Fx.
itaniei Kooau tneira, jona. Mu'tumn an.J t harles
Lueman, containing 7H a.-re more or lers. In a
good stab at cultivation, a?oo-l meadows, i well
watered, moat of the land is cltured. yet uff:ci- r.t
timber on tract: with a two-st"ry flwe.'ling house,
barn, aad other outbuilding therson rrt-.tcl. with
the appurtenance.
Taken ia evecutioa a the property of Abraham
McAdams arcl Ma.ia Mt-Atlaiu.-'. at the suit ot
Valentine Hay. in trust br Jacob Hartman. I aro-
line Hartman and Maria McAdains.
All theriaht. title. Intercsr. anlelaimoifarolipe
Williams. ut, hi, aod tothe following described real
stale, vu :
A certain lot or ground situate In Somerset .
Twp., Somerset Co.. Pa, rortairing acre more
la, with aonc story frame dwelling n-miw i.,cr-- 1
on erectct. aloining lots ol Ca5ter liurst on the
soutn. ruiuncin nnearer on tne north, larets ,4 I
Solomon Lenhart oa the west, Somerset X J. lins- i
towu turnpike un tha eaat. wish the apnrtr
tcnal ce. I
Taken in execution as Ihe tm nertv of Caroline 1
William, at the suit ol Dsmel SlK.wiuan. u-e t rl
a r. iiuiuemauta, use 01 r. UoMi'tba'ttu.
TERMS : Any person purchasing-nt the aive '
sale will take notice, that tea per Ck-ut. t.l iae pur- j
rtiaae i.u .nr. Hill I,, mihik.! . . l . - j , I. . . . '
ty i kooeAe,! down otlierwu it w iU again be e.t.
ped to sale. Thereidiol Ihe purehn-- money
most oe Mld oa o lfore the a th cv of Jan
uary, 177. II day hxe'l by the Court forjtl c
acklK.wle.lgeu.ent ol SlierllCs .lectls. aud no need
will he acknowledged until the pnr liaac bi- ui v
is paid in.
Jub. ftj.tirf.
ily virtue of an order issue I out of the C
it ul
Common Pleas of Soinerf ?t I
. Pa , to tut
ed, t will expt-to to aale "n s
TliHrmlaii. Jannitru -1 1 l-T- I'"
at 1 o'clock p. ro, at tke bb Jottcpb S- lmx . in
Mineral Point, tb lulluwlcg uesirild re il stale
ol Levi Snviler, sltaate iu Jllddlecreek Tap.,
Souersct Uv,. Pa., vix :
A rtr!jin tract oil land .tutioinlror Ijimlt cf Wl.f'.w
Botsciier. John Enfield. Jolto Lt uhitrt. tiarrc-? 1
Lar. Aaron llecblcr. kinit. Ja'-ob Wcirur. :
and othcra. containing atxHit ai-xci Dure or'.
leas, about 1 e of wlikh are clc t-e-t and Imiane
well timl-ercl. having thereon epn-tci a two storv
frame dwellietr house, hank trn i.u.1 elh- r out
bulldlaas. Tito farm i well vttefed. kaa a good
irhanl and ha coal anl lime.n-.n9.
Also lot aal 7 in tee town'J Cocaactife.
Ttk.MS. 4t Vli,lremniaa U-.-i.. tbe ia:..i.
the fr-terest ot whieh ia ta I raid to M tr-rtirrt
Waues. willow of Henry Waiter, tk e .1, annually
ilu-ir-j her hfeliw aa-l at li-r .lenth t)ieprir.i i; al
to be pM to th berr and letra! re;c-tentativeid
Henry Walter, dee d : ten per ,vut. of tee -.r
chase money to be paid a as pt-oi-crty 1
knocked down : otie-ihirtt of tastai.1 vu'ma.
tion ol eat; ene-tbin! in sit -m.-aths, one tiiinl in
one year frorn tvtooer t. It7. with in'riiM en
deterred paymrat tr.ias day olsaic
Oq day ul'sni the land will alio 1-e ii;-r.-.i n
two pare), by running a line aorth anal n titli
about 30 rods west 4 the nuilitings. i a toi i- li.
aUut Sa acres at lh wet entl of lurtn Waving
24aacre to tb farm bolldtna'. ii-.t snl i sulc
7a acie of aaid traa-t, wei; l,uibrc-i anl uei It .-rtd
tor aale by its-If.
Jaa 9 AsAignce.
By vh-taeofan order of Court. 1 will se4. a;
public eat, oa tbe Diamond la Sotcr-W u
Saturday, Januujry it,
tho lo-j tl;XT;.l rcul estate of I.juui
Trent. uee'J,
A vastal ol laml situate In Sotnersel Twp, Sim-aetv-u..
Pa., adjointng lands d D.ot. I iJ'.oaOi,
Larinia tox, Sarak Stutrmaa, Jow-ph abater.
eoulalcing 4 near mor urles. rmprmtmeats i .
are a on and a ball story inme lo.iu . stable and : i!. ii. ;.. i.
other Improvemeota, a guwt pne. wit It so'iu i
Uouae tbttj-tiuu, being itutc. abeul three luiics Te.e u.; s-oi.-i.. i
Irum St.mrrt, witbina re-a ns or a iioolbouc, I Aii li: r ! v ii
also convenient lo Pleasant Hill t; Imr h. t the h in.'-" of -
TEatMS. Ten per cent, lo niion bHil. ;nsi he a-li .
ItaUnee olvue-iialt wbca dcnl is d:liven?i K of mt his . tl-- o
April 1S7S. and residua iu tw-a eotitl annual buy- y .1 u,a -y it I
meat with interest Ic y Apr-l 1, it. 1
"t ircy Ai--l 1, i7i.
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