M T I ' i i II i I. s lr. s t The SOHierSe;t W5WM - January 9,1 Tnr. 'SM.rn people are much re JOiCLaorer tbe fact That 'U;e r01 C-id Boat, oaa re.urca mem men. ..... - v. . r. .-.A- .1.-. . . . a .. tare beeu tra.c.l.eg orer a pU.K. of mod. rnt'iPEvr aod Mra. Hayes cele brattdtbeir eilver iddirg at tbe Wbito Ilcuee on New Year ee Tbe Washington correfptiodcou Lave filled tbe papers vf tbe counirj witb multitudinoos ro.ott.tn of guhb crer tbe affair. Tni Dt-mocrauc Legiolatores of Ubio aod Kentnckj clcc. C S. Sena tors tbi eik, aud tbe prelioiinarj Cfcbt am ag tbe raadidabos aud tbeir friends, is progresaiDg at a liveJy rate, j Aieanume Kepaoncaa memoem ib botb bodies look on as unconcernedly . , ji . ,v a. tbe fellow oa the rafters did at the straggle between bis wile and tbe bemr' .. IIamitO-I and Bailer baring no preaent work for tbe Yifl dub" ot Sooth Carolina, those pnrely Demo cratic orgaaiauon are about ready to regulue National aH-irs. Last week one of tbem coo-iatiog of two hundred men fully armed with tbe latest pattern of government breech loaders, surrounded a email party of U. 6. Rerenoe ofhcre, wbo bad cap. tared and were taking to prison a vio later of tbe law, and compelled tbem to release tbeir prisoner. llrvav VT..B.D rrtcHttt and a oumlier of other progressive Christ ians bare lately avowed their od be lief in future endless punitbmeni, whereat many gay and festive sin oers have felt much comforted, but tbe Ministerial Union of Philadelphia tbe other day isaaed a counter-blast in behalf of tbe good old orthodox doctrine, as follows : lUnArtd. That we put on record, as tbe scnie ot U! body, that tbe old orth lui tkictrine ot future aod eudlcM punifti tiMialol tbe finally impenitent ia (irmly held I'T all Ev-Dgt licul cburcbes ot tliis dnv within our limits. The gossip from Washington an nounces that when Congress re-convenes on tbe 10th the .'resident will again send to tbe Senate tbe appoint ments of the rejected New York cfB cials, and that tbe Democratic Sena- tort will rote solidly to sustain the rresideat If this prjret correct, they will, witb the aid of one or two Republicans, be confirmed, and much bad Llood will be stirred up, eventu ating ia a probable break in Repub lican lines and a bot contest betwee n tbe President and a majority ef tbe Senators of tbe party that elected Lim. We trust that ia this matter tbe gossipa are badly mistaken. Senator Newmevee of Tiithburgb baa introduced a resolution in tbe Senate looking to aa amendment of the Constitution proriding for a re duction of tbe members of the Senate from T0 to 2, and of tbe House from 203 to 100. Wbea tbe present Con stitution was pending before tbe peo ple, we etrongly oppose1) the increase of tbe members of tbe Legislature as useless, cumbrous and burdensome to tie tax payers. Experience has sbowa ibat no practical benefit has eca derived from the change, but that legislation has been retarded by it, and we are glad to nee a move looking to a return to the old cum ber. According to the report of Soper iatendaat Wickcrsham, tbe estimated value ot School property iu this State ifl $25,460. K1.7.V Tbe whole numb.r of schools ia the State is 17.7S3, teachers 20.C52, scholars 807,412, cost of tuition ?4, ", cost of fuel and roatia gencies $2,339,237 54, cost or new buildings $1,735,148 87, total expen ditures $S,4S3,279 44; average monthly salary of male teachers $36 -34, female $23 IS); average school term in months C 77 ; cost of tuition per month for eacb pupil SS cents. Tbe re-election of a Republican member of tbe I-sgielature from Summer eointr. Knnth Pur.Jina r i j ' who was tamed oot br tbe Demo- cratic majority in tbe House, because te refused to say be was sorry for voting for the Republican candidates, baa so thoroughly, disgusted tbe rifie-club democracy, tbat tbey talk of a convention to remodel the Consti- tution in Buvb a way ts to preveat ' tbe oegro vote from infiictiog aoy furtbor sacb indignities opon Demo cratic sensibilities. ITox. Wji E. CnAVDLEB. a mem ber of tbe National Republican Com mittee from New Hampshire, bas- publtsbed an open letter to the Re publicans of that State, sharply at tacking the Preaideat'a Southern policy aa the f raits of a bargain made wUh leading Democrats daring tbe straggle over the count of tbe Elec toral votes, and denouncing tbe abandonment r.t South Carolina and Louisiana to the Democratic conspi rators, as a bxaral of tbe Republi can party tbat made biu President It i thought that tbe gravity ol tbe charges made by Mr. Chavciixr will lead to an investigation, and tbe scandal-mongers are a tip-toe with glee in anticipation of unsavory de velopments. Mrcn of oar space in this issue i .i . , is B..-. uV auu-ao.r t,age cn Governor Habtraxft It is devoted entirely to State af fairs, aod will commend itself to very reflecting citizen of tbe Cora monwealtL We are' compelled to omit tbe array of Cgarea and tables rbowicg tbe financial affairs of tke State ia detail, bat oar brief conden sation sufficiently . exhibits : tbeir healthy condition. A large portion' o tbe message ia devoted to a aim pie bot coa-peadioas narrative of tbe July riots, tad tbe tacts are set fortb ! ( .nk . . . . j id sncb a wsy as to tmpress tbe read- ' r - r w itb tbeir trnth, wbilc vividly ... TLe Executivr i ndrcsui-sor me " "strike" tbotiU attract ibo creful l' ' a .f ..... 1 etuuv ana aueuituu u. u Kki-"" .ti anil t)pr trmlilrl fiddres.8 tbCBl , ' Sea I IT I 1 U IUC If I V au a, v-r ia me Prcveoi'"a W1 Tbe conduct ol tbe local ... a.Liri. a DC8 ' cttil authorities is ..mwbat bbarpiy, , ,lH rmicia-d andthe 1 ....... '. ;;:,,- . " . -.. ' justified and com mcaded. "tspir - lira .t tbe mefsajre win aurar. luutu :. nu'on both at tome aed abroad, auJ ill dotilnleB receive U werited romm.l.iion it deservce f.r its ma - terly and cowprebensive dieca.a on. Subjects of lesser importance aie tbea de tit witb, an J a concluding appeal is made to tbe Lcgilatorc to gie Tenn .ylrania a strong, just g-Terninrnt wbich ran proton tbo p-xtd ritizco in all lus riguts, anaopu w i '8' an even me rnraum, . -i - r . - . Bn(i ifgnn. J (porting induKtry. ' di)CuaJeDt u a ffioJel I oo ,hiukiog icuizeo can arise from tbe perasal of it, without feeling proud of the Key st"oe's present able and tfficieat G v ernor. From tbt Uju Trai ciier. The Hexlcwa Warriors. The persons wbo want a war with Mexico are tbe Wall street spe-Ula-tors and the ex Confederates wbo can't find any more stalwart Repub licans ia tbe'Soath to conaer. . Fnmi the New Y Timci. The Democracy yearns to bold the President in a close embrace just long enough n pick his coat-tail pockets Krni ltc Auaita (Mc Juunutl. lllrt ontlac ataeoliaa. If the Deuioerata obtain control of tbe National Goverument tbe tues tion of paying pensions to tbe rebel, soldiers will have to be met. There will be no escaping it. It is silently working its way te the front al ready. From tin- New York Tril nno. Why Ihe Maarf) Khlrl ? The S lid Souto votes steadily for repudiation, and charges every per son who calls attention to the fuet with nbakiog tbe bloody shirt. Why 'bloody V aouihe-n ensign at pres ent t-eems to be a black flj: Tba Prel-'ta Apprl ll. Fnnu the New Urloiuil Timea. When tbe bitterest fight which was cer made agaiust a Prej-i'Jent oc mired f, w elavs azo. 0Ton whom did Mr. Hayes depend? Nt upn the old-time leader, nor the Republi can Senators. They were all against bim. But the only friends be bad were the Southern rocD, led by per haps tbe most dashing E)ldier of the late Confederacy. Tbe I" -- I mwrrliUi. ln.m the Nrw York Tribune. There is a palpable Democratic elTort to encourage tbe President to continue bis coutoRt witb the Senate. Tbe bint is given out that if bo will Head ia agaia tbe same names of tbe New York offices, tbe Democrsts will vote solidly for confirmation Even so serene a Kan as the Presi dent most perceive that the old spi der's hospitality ia too profuse ia be genuine. The (Mil Ufc (he IMMitdrr. Frjoa te Cincinnati Ea juircr. Hayes can bold his own easy if be comes down with tbe spoils. I asked a Democrat to-nigbt, an'l do novice in political management, if the Demo erais would be willing to take Hayes into tbeir confidence with his taiaiod record if he is read out of the Repub lican party? "Yes," said he, "we will take hie; if be gives us the plun der. " This is no doubt true. PoTTcTowx, Pa, Jan. .'. "o Wedoesday, Dec ?C, 177. four youbg men were engaged ia a game of cards at New Haanovcr, a small village about seven mil s from this place, w hen two of tbeui got into an altercation and resorted to tstcufis to settle the matter. Monroe Grefh, a third partv, was about to j tin in tbe conuict when Henry Maxtor, anoth er young man, stepped op and truck --ee b with a tweSte pound iron clock weight on tbe temple bone. Oresb fell to the ground aud was supposed to bo little inured, but the etr Un caused a fa'tl wound and Gresh died from its eff cia this mornin?. War rants have beeo issued for tbe arrest ofMaxter. Prior to tie liisturbance ih nnnv mrm wre l(u tjnl ol r " i . j .i .1 .i. u i,. u :t u up buu iL'tr utriu v jinu - caused rjuite.a sensation in this locality- ' llw Mille -Uwotre trMHl. PmLAi'tU'iiiA. Jan. 3 CJarence B lc, who wasoue of the Orst kfol lie Maguires cooricted in the Stat', baa escaped from the 1. astern l'eni tentiary here. He cnceaI-J biitiself in an cmnir Hogshead, wjbicv wa driven out ol he Feaitcaiiary yard. His escape was effected on Monday He was serving out a tea year' wn tenee, nod had about six years to s.rve. Blfle Relcieale4UBii. -'r. IjOlis, Jan. C. A special trom the west says a bloody tilH to ik plan- som days ago oa tbe south side of the Red river, ii the Pan Il.oJle of Texas, between batuijg parties of CbeyenLe, Pawacs and Arrtpaboe Indians. Thirty Chey ennes and twelve Pawnees are said to have been kil'ed Tbe loss of the Arrapboes is not stated. Tbe cause of tbe Cgbt was the trespass of Paw nees oa tbe banting ground, of tb Cbereanes. Marker t fce.tr r reoal j. W r.T Chester, Pa . Januaiy 4. Upland, a little ban. let in Wt Mai boro township, was the scene of a Border on Wednesday night last, tbe victim being John Irons and tbe murdcer George Peach, both Joior- ud Tne maTivnT was bronchi to tbii place yestersay, and before being placed in jail a reporter bad an interview w.tc bim. He confesses to the crime and claims whisky to bare been tee cause. Jiotb men! were out until laic at sight at JUor tooville hotel, aad cn arriving homo a dwpute arose over a violin, when tbey clinched and fell to tbe floor. After some gbtiog tbey arose. Irons was ab. nt to renew tie assault when Peach drew a rtz r a&d cnt bis vic tim's throat from car to ear. He died in a verv short time. Tbe affair w"8 iw" w womea, Liizie Hakon and Charlotte Tavl r, . ..... f . - i,a that hnth ,f irirm wr tort I V . . ... " J dronj aad fall of Cght Peach is of the outbreak OAKLAND, C.il- Ur ., i!ih-.u:rh Oak i jacd b)11 b.in illimort,Zt.(j j, Ito ' ti i:. 1. 1 n..L.m f! urowoe iu uis luiujivnwio v riorrr'. Van line I feel that from mr deeo lav far tbe cbarmioir ciiy, ittitimj uk!aDd.too,and with kind -j,, j woud ;ke to : r. , . ? j u , Vujee ja praise uf it, ad r.b mv fl.le Daiot a bird's eve iew t.lnf iui manT beauti.s. aod tl of tbe ireouwo.d' terminu cf tbe Ceatral ; f g(i . pfa-cjrC0 Wh:cb is rapid! y out-grow- in-ihi im.thor ciir. j - 1 weal U lUklMd U lire ia liZZ. 1 with oypare? w, m7 father beta oae , oiJj - e whjje fc0. iriV .,M;na f .- :.nttrftT7 inn man who settled tbere. Tbcre was but three boo?es tbere and from that nucleus ia iweoty-five years ha arisen a city that will in another ten rin with the larpept in America. Well do I remember the prpttv town when tou eould get lost II. a ; m uiirn lopm rtnsces ana oioer ii-fw- eriDg pbrnbj' in going one tentn oi ido distance that is now built op closely with elegaot stores Well do I re member tbe fjijatier riots and well, too, do I noderstaod the true invaders of the g'eat Corporation Steal of tbe water front aod also many other littlo things too numerous to meution. But, of tbee thing 1 d. not winh to hpeak, but oo'y recount tbe beau ties of 0k!ad, the place where all are charmed aud delighted and where traveler- always it to return, aod I will ep ak ouly of ber as she i3 in summer tbe itb-rious season when all Is gold, to all California, where grass, hills, rivers, sunset, sky and fl iwers art all of that rich C"lor indicative of tbe golden irem-iires that run in ber views. Wtc-o y'U l-ave San Fraucisco for this -ide of tbe bay, yu pist see . , e l . it : I long, low rauxe o, uuis, .JU,ui., kod erarelul: a kioir. dark line of oak trees and a long plain as level as a table for miles to the north and soutb, nod a u barf that extends over two pities out into tba bay. On one end of this wharf are clustered cars and l.conjotives without numbers, piles of w beat backs, aa if auoiber Jorepb was tbere, collecting grain for fear of auother famine ; lumber enoucb to almot build a pily, and sbps uuloadmg railroad lues and iron, ahile otner are swallowing down tbeir dusty tbroau aatk after sack of wheat, and buy men bustle to and fro in tbeir bjrry, wbila others sit aloDg tbe edge of tbo wbarf, wiih fishing poles in their hands, fish in their baskets and prutty girls by tbeir sides. So you see, one's first view of Oaklaud from tbe San Francisco side reveals iudustry and conteutmeu ; but tbere is one great misery, cue bidden grief ia tbe b Moms of all O-klanders and -Lit ic the Point. Some twenty. three years ero Dr YA Cinbons took into bis bead tbat a wbarf from the wexte' n t-b.re, outside ihe San Antonio .reek would certain ly move tbe new born city two miles from its original location, and cau?e a city to spring cp ia less time tbaa it took to build Rome ; and so be start ed to build a wharf, aod tbe melan choly reinains of tbat premature ven ture remains tbere ret; but no dose to it is the long railroaa wbarf and the city in rapidly prngressiug toward tbat altjisatum tbe Point. Not tbat there is a "point" there, or if there is I hare failed to see it wat that name was given it and so it re mains, aod tba people no in Oakland proper fear tbat muub bu-ioe.a will eventually settle ihe re and so they feel like being condoled. As I said, tbire is no point of land there, and unit! tba Just six or seven years there were but tew dwellings, but now it is closely built up with hotels, dwell ing bouses and iaDijfaeiorie. Ooe day some seven years ago an I.oglifhnian wuo had been living in Kan Francisco for soma time came to Oakland intending to look at buiidiog lots with a view of sealing tbere Having nerer been tbat tide of tbe bay betore, be did sot knew - that Oakland proper w some two miles beyond aod got off tbe train hurriedly, at tbo "Poiat". He looked around tbe desert scrnb oaks and lupin bnh- eu where tbere were no end of signs of "l! "instead lots for sale" aod couclud.d tb&tie didn't sigb for a cage in tbis vast wilderness, tbts boundless contiguity of shade and finally wandered down to tbe beach to make a collection of clam shells and erot stuck fast in the rmd, and after 11 laudeiing aod flipping about there for a a hilo like a stranded "lummox" Le got to tba shore jast a the train came dowd agaia. He got on board the bagga far and re turned to San Francisco ia aai&te of advanced discontent and said "be wouldn't lire in Oakland for any tbiug ; tbat it wm a perfect bloody swindle and he'd be t-Jamed if be could see tbe point, ell tba paA&acgar 'Yaw it" though, and laoghed some After leaving the renowned point of inttTcft, tbe cars roll alon? tbrouirb pleasant groves of evergreen oak aod baads'.me r..ien.C'8 many of bem costing orer a hundred thousand dollars each ami! tbey reach tb .Broadway station where most of the pasAiOers disembarked. Broadwav is a b-::,-iik erriet on. hundred aod twenty feet wide, tiff??, bard, smooth aad is some four miles long cpi more than o;e mile is built cp clotty with oe .fcrce e,nd focr story f.e proof stores that wjU vie with some of tbe Sua.: in Philadelphia. Ttec comes a tnoM 6t.ring population for tie next tbrce miies, tao.h tbere are never less than six or erea Cue iiOi-es on every Hock of tba wbote leugib. rrom tbe orper end of! Broadway tbe view is unsurpassed and you hi..? a. nnotet ucted sight I of the bay of San Francitco. The bay of San Francisco is very beaotiful, and is studded with tiar islands toward tbo north, and bound ed by gracefuliy curved shores which are sometimes smootu plaios, spread ing into tbe wa'rr, and soitjaies bills descending abruptly, witb rociy chores, bot beautiful wbi hcver way itis to ire focTcvara tne tone peninsula of Alameda, strth?s oct into tbe bay. in the rain endavour to meet Hooter's Point on the opposite shore, and tbe delicately tinted, tob r purple coast I ne of biils sbow Iu the far distance hrbind Point San Bruno, aod daar old San B-nno moantaia ' lifts its bare bead to look down oa tbe Pacific ocean cn tbe othfr tide. The town or city vf Oakland spreads' out over an area or over etc miles space, and as every street or block costalne mora or lets evergreen live-oak trees it gives a pery cbarmiog and refresh ing effect tjorsa pars and other modern improvements combine to mcie it not only a convenient bat detfg-tfully pleasant place wliv. the climate brine" so rerf(vjv dell"-1 ious and bed bgivicg The airi w pure aod braciug wjtbnat being either too bot or too coij, that ail ove to live in Oakland, and yoy never bear a morjimr abotit the weatber bein' td. Tbere, too. Sowers of all .kinds cL bb tbe walls and decorate tbe ga dens sucamer and winter alike. The jMaaufujjawitfa itbouiri, is arouod tbe shores of Lke i Mentis or Lake Couio, as tbo aristo- . rratro. traveled uortion of tbe commit- nity bare it. . ? I... - Imt ult vilf r anniil m v-j four miles m extent whicn rises ana I f&lM with the ebb aad flow of the I tides, bat a Road supply of waterua k-pt in by tbe fl od .rates aod it is j ir - . :. ..! '. ever a deliifbtful d.ife arouod t.e ; )ke. It lies between Oakl.od aua tbe Brooklvn of tbe past (wbicb is : now iocorp wated with Oaklaoo) aod , ed , thrMf hTidge. Dd tbe goldeu bro n cltfls o tbe UrwiHyo ! tr San Autunio side : show in such Uaiuliul wauaal W,0bbliie. water , beoeatb ; tbe gray crown at the top and tbe tniooth yellow road that leads along, winding in and oat thi curves of the graceful shore bat been made tbe tbeme of a study by one of our most renowned painters rf tbe continent. Oo the nor.bera shore the bills form their highest oatlioes slope down witb their rich, free aodolations to tbe water, luxariaat with grass aud flowers to tba very bottom, while the western Bbore is bordered with elegant residences aod a delightfully cool friusre of willows tbat droop into tbe washing w.ves of tbe bay, and witb every other beauty, natural or artificial, calculated to please the hu man eye. L'Kking southward . tbe H)' per fect view of tbe lake is to be seen, witb all the adjunct neceasary to complete a picture of perfection. The two bridges, though not by any means handsome specimens of archi tectural achievmeuis, receive a misty glamoo- from tbe intervening water tbat makes tbem seem like marvels, j while beyond you can look over Ala- i rueda, with ber eve rgre-n fore's. o j tdc dim, indistinct Coast Ra g , wbose lops briUe wub . red- trees, like prickeU on a green goose berrv, or tbe few remaiuiog hairs on aa old bachelor's bnad, worn so by b a bit of carrying "bricks - in bis bat " Oakland is acknowledged to be the centre of scholarship on tbe Pacific coast, and here are some of the Gae.t schools aod colleges in tbe world, and tbe fiuest building for sgcbspnools, tbe State University lo particular Conveuts, and churches and beautiful bnildinirs giiot through the deep green of tbe trees like flowers from tbeir foliage. Society is very aristocratic and re? fined, aoJ it is on tbe wbole a . rriig ioos commanity, as a 2arKa number of cborchea are weil supported, aud no theatre is kept' up for tbe destruction of good morals. A skating rink, however, answers tbe same purpos-. Probably f r tbe population, there is no ci'y in tbe Uuion which can count so romy almost palatial dwelliugs.nor such a population in so few years Much of tbis is duo to tbe very salu brious. mild climate, together with the natural beauty and facilitr of ac cess, bv whk-b means buudreds of wealthy men b.e tbeir dwelliogs in Oaklaa'd while earning tJ money tbnt keeps tbem op in San Fraucisco. Take Oakland all ia all, what with her beautiful grovea of trees, ber wide, level streets, her baodsome bouses aad happy faces, tbe healthy and merry air of all ber inhabitants, nod I believe tbere is no city in tbe Union which is so favored and pleas ing, and besides, is it not tbe great Termini ? Ves, it is tbere or at the Point tbat tbe great Cormorant set tled down, looked around and aaw that it was good, and so made tbe termini for bis great corporation here. We ought to be thankful, acd sine bis praises every Sabbath and give thanks with our Maiutinal "bash" every dar. Dot whether it is tbat klnduesa is so seldom appreciated we don't feel ao, for we know that it has never benefited any body half as QjUeo as himwlf. therefore oar refrain is "git out of the wilderness. ' California Summer would be au tnmn anvwbera else, but witb us it is nothing bat dost on tve trees in stead of the glorious crowns of burn inr colors on tbe eastern trees at tbis season, aod there is no way totell of the ebange there except by lie fruit that haogs russet on tbe popgns; great, red apple, Kagoiceot in tbe.r pro portions, and enormous pears that I 1 . 1 : '- . ;nn;n!nt Vit I inhn r r A l"Oa llfliffiCUl Bwfoift,, flamios: ukay grapes tbt are a big mouthful eacb, sweet, ri.b sod lus cious enough to make Pomona proud of ber possessions and ber pumpkins Yes, indeed, pumpkins tbat are big enough in good sootb to abut Peter a wife ia without damaging tbe puff of ber bustle. Oue day I was riding witb a party, and among tbem was one ladv from B istoo, and ah noticed a ld oj monstrous pumpkins gii'6is. g J.den ia tu cue and wjtb leaves as big V4 ordinwy rled parasols spreading over tbo ground. "Vfhu are those?" aid sba to tbe drjrer. "California Belleflower apple," was tbe reply "Goodness me 1 1 have alvays b licved those . stories about tbe fruit here kntrue. - 1 suppose tbat it come from dwarfing tae trees, docsu't it." "Iexpfctso n.'am, you cee tbe trees are no more than mate vines, dnn't yon "Yes, I see. But how in tbe world people do to buy apples like tbat to eat " "Oh, tbey alwvs keep one cut aod sell slleel ' Get up Jaiei" Otfve Hanvku. Wreares HsmtwMft: RkoolaHlmael O ! rirat Wife's erave. Wheei iso. January I -,A simra lar case of suicide occurred here last night. Henry Donb, a well known ciliZea of tbis 'at, wbo was' once very wealthy, shot bitnseii through tba beart. He bad been married twice, and bad quarrelled with bis seeood wife, wbo turned bim oat of Lbe bouse, aod is said to ba oou) mttneed leading a dissolute life,., laie yetaerday be showed a revolver to a frlftid aod said be intended to .kill bimaeif oa b'i (Jrst wife's grave. As be .ould not b (ouui this morning the friends went out to lloustCU. -ry Cemetery, and there, opon bis wire", crave, covered with , snow nearly a fool is eplb, bis bodv was fouud, and beside bic 4f lie revol ver with which be bad tibst biQi-et X tii is ibe third suicide aqjon Ger mans ia lowa ia three weeks. " BlMuaeraiToiri.rJw-' '' L Pomvi LJ.E, Pa., Jan Tbe fire in tbe mines at Summit HiQ sti'l burns 6rrlr." Tje ground contin ues 19 give,' way, and in addition u tbe engine house, - with its - v aluabie machinery, .hat went down yester day, it fs now found that the fas bouse, esei for purifying tbe - air' ia tbe clt.es, wiH soo fall ja Five' men working at tba burning mines were overcome by the wlpbor, bat n ia tuouput tney win recover, roe t oeen enlivened this weei oy tne pres. l-ss thja fa,- ay,l probably reach $50,-1 enr of CornHius. J. on "thf? stand 000. v"': ; ! i, j Hesweala ihe mst'diree inati- The.brraker a Eliea . Oowaa io I- or to a conspira.-y org uized sr.d en liery, Lioaban's 1 Pateb. ! near- fibs-jgineefed bv bis brother Will am. f nasdoah, was destroyed by ire" last 4ro? te coofidenee of tbe ld mt nigkt. ; The .colliery ia a very large 4a bim, and t break bim down. He one, shipping about J 00 car load of swears tbat William conspired to get coal daily. Tbe loss is about $75,-, him ioto a laoatic assylam, and to 000, and 400 men and boys are do it. represented to his father tbat I. . . . U I . .. . wmi I. om ol work by the fire. be era he. roan lettek. Nrw Yohk. January 5, H78 - . ..a. . ' Thur-d-y Dibt- auoiber horror ..L 'i ix- - v.'l. f -iiui'HKi iiew lull iiuui cvvmv wi cirrumW.e At fivn o'clock, fust I before-the employees bad.lelt t be place, a boiler exploded at N . 3 Barclay St , in tbe factor r of Green Geld & tion, the largest mauufaciurers of coufectiooerv ia the wrld and blew out the entire froutof tbe build- iui. Immediaiplv thtt whole niruct - ore was wrapued in fl-wes, ,aod scene of the wildest horror ensued, Tbere were ovr two - buudted ueri sons in the building in the miner stories mostly girls, and, as o ' ri a matter of coarse, there was a frightful scene. Tbe fire, aa it always does, cat off the means of escape, smoke added its horrors to Game, and a frigbiful loss ot Hie eorued lbe number is not yet known, but it cannot be less than Guv, and tbe gbastfy list mav reach a hundred. Oue man was kill ed in tbe street, witb bis horse, by lbe well falling on him, and build ings in tbe ueigbb rbood were more or less wrecked. W by was ibis ca tastropbjf simple enougb. ' It was not a worn-out boiler, for the force of tbe explosion demonstrated ' its fctrengtb, but it was ia charge of an eotirelv incompetent person. It was a cbeap man wbo knew notbing whatever of steam,' or its manage meat, wbo had uuoer bis control tbe lives of two hundred persons. From ignorance or neglect, or both, ii ex ploded, and a hundred homes are des olated. It is tbe old story, repeated over aud over again. When sucb ac cidents are of daily occurrence, one almost wishes for a monarchy with power to make men sensible. ' - : THE LIQUOR rOWEB ' There is no q ietiou tbat the rum ptwer ruled New Yoik completely. Tnere are eiitht thousand mm-sbops in the city subject to license. The excise board wbicb bas tbe pwe- o grant licenses, commenced eight mouths ago to take tbeir money but did n it issue licences, giving instead a receip' f r their ajonpy sod direct then, to go on selling Just tbe same, as tbe receipt would protect tbem Tbe grand j.rv was not sa i-fied with this, for every gin-mill bad hi receipt and was celling, whether he was a proper person or oot, aud the police corqinis-i 'tiers were directed to arrest everyone nor having a license, aud shut Up hs tb p 8ii0 were arrested in one day, and tbe good work was carried on remorselessly. Tbere was no favor shown. Tbe gilded bars of tbe big b nels were served exactly as were tbe cbeap bucket-r-hop in Water street, and tbere was consternation Tammany Hall bowled. Tbere were t-cveral niggers i a this wood-pile la tbe first place lbe excise board, wbicb is Tammany, is not compelled to pay over the money collected for liceo-es till tbe licenses are granted, and as receipts aro not licroses, Xspimany had tbe use ot a n)llion ef dollars Secondly, Tammany never inteuded to collect tbe money at all At tbe end of tbe year tbi favored rum set lers would come ia and demand tbeir money on tbe score of not having had a license, so tbey would et the priv ilege of selling a year fyr notbipg iben again lammany dare not toucb tbe rum interest at all, for it depends upon it to maintain its pow er. A levy of eacb produce $200,000. aod as each rum-sbop cau be depended upon for four votes, at least, it keeps an army of 32 000 vo ters always ready to vote as many limes as are needed - Therefore tbe aotion of the police board must not be allowed. Unfortunately tbe May or has the power of removal, aod Tammany demanded of bim tbeir beads. He made a faiot show of re aiataace, bu. finally yielded, and tbey must go, aoleas the Governor inter feres, of which tbere Is not much hope. Tbe raid bas demonstrated two things. First, tbat there is no hope of aovthiog lik law and order so long as Tammany exists, and, sec ond, that a law regulating tbe sale of liquor can be enforced in New Y"rk, if tbe authorities arp left Blond It is an encouraging fact tbat' while the police b rd were doing tbeir duty, ibe arrests for drqokennesa were de creased a half, and tbe brutal crimes growing out of excess ia liquor al most entirely ceased. So strict was the surveiisnce of the p lice, that for some week it was ri'flj.uli to get drink anywhere. Tbe doors were closed, and only regulars could ge in by tbe ide door ' It was a m-wt encouraging experiment, bat tbe sc tion of the Myr Saiabed it, aud the JJ river of death will roll on as be 're. ALCTIoiS. It js occupation aud almost diver sion eoovgb for o.ie's whole time to attend tba auctions of tbe fcwter Ha, happening evrry day and OlVb' f tbe vek Tne beauiiful devices f Japanese wares, tbe china and bronj-cnof shap-dlike lily ir a lotos gf, or tt asied wi'b tr'ld and Kllver f)urt-, mirmciog every CQ'U. ic sbaps ( frog or I'zard. euchsut tbe lady audience, aud gpni.eo.en take tbe Indie of tbeir families t-. -bare in tbe excitement of a book auction, or autograph sale Gentle men pi yt town, witb more time and taste thai moiiey, occasionally make something fr aa agreeabio way by biddintr off for prraous a'- a distance ' who are very ready to pay eomSiis "joo for the sake of securing a choice piece' of brie a ??rac The wit of lbe auctioneer rarely tuues & b -ok auc tio rival a c'ttnedy ' theatre is t , tracXion, as it used in the tins of the fatnorR auctioneer, Jihn K-se, wbo was one f the reaiutftt men in Vow York at a joke, and oi wjioto a tbini.auti stores are told Twenty ivs tenu was bid f ' s narrative 'of tbe battle of Waterloo "There wsi no quarter at the battle of " Waterloo, bit dear sir." cried the auettoar Selling a volume of flat Scotch p eass, ba arsqred bis audience tbat it was lbs banks and fcrses of B mnv Dooa, at all events tbe bra. He likened a ledger to Austria, bes it "was backed and cornered by Ru- sfa." AMa,Cg to tbe leather witb which ft was fitishe an when it wa sold to Mr. Owen phalefi, be, dida'f "know about selling it to a mau wio Tas always owin' and fail ' io'.. Qnc, liog rraver-b Hik. at ' Irishman interrup'efl bin witb,-"areJ tjsev in English ?" Quick as run powder ilt answer came, "Qf coarse tbey are : do ron si.qs a man ' is gtnag to prsy f1 risn i j ; TUB VAkJOKtMlf $4. " The Yanderbilt case is still drair- tfag along. "Tbe proceedings have ... bad forged his name to a cheque, b-s des o'ber acts f a riroilar nature Tbe couul for Wi liam eq lirmed terribly, and William was roueh ar- I ' a t" t.ii uuiariiurt wmh -mi i. (t 'Bod, f it was evident to them standing thou briu ibai Hi tb.e . - ! tbat there was SOint I.MinHti.in i';t-ii.l.nir- nn -inrpf thn i ; - - - - ,e"st ,n lbe charges made by Soott ri t the op.ntog of tbe case, and 'oat tbe public would be made to be- beve tbeui. Aod then tbef dtead what is to fallow. If Cornelius cau 8'b-iauiiat tbefac that William em- P'"jea man to prrsooa:e bim iu , Disreputable places, tbere ts no ours - gijtiou as to t tie fate of the r will. i Wl" " broken certioly;' l b it n,'7-Sii wr, c J0UJl)00jU0 is too much i jr vu man to bold , ONE M0 HE VSrOKTCSATE The trial of Dr L.mbert, the pres ident of the ewiodlijg Americaa Popular LISe Insurance Company, is over, aud the doctor, tbaok ; beaveu. was round guilty, and will, doubtless, wear stripes in a few week.- He will of course move for a new tiial aud things of tbat sort, and del.y jun.ice a little while, but tbere is a cell for him at Sing Siug, sure. ' This is es pecially encouraging, foir a more rot ten c mceru never was permitted to! exist, it was rotten with fraud, Uouey-conb-d with perjury and Worm eaten with imbecility and misman agement. It was a sink into wbicb tne people's money went, the presi dent -aud 'directors eacb holding his sack at the outlet.. It will teach tbt se swindlers a lesson tbat U1 be re-membert-d Tbere are others to fol low,' aud just'ee cannot ' get on their tracks too soon. BI.INES . is very briek nosr, just before tbe holidays, aud lb' re is every reus n to believe tbat it will continue after tbe festive teason is over. The city is very lively, " Pietro. P?tylitK SriraMe wrurera. Tbe Commissioner of Internal Rev bas received inn following letter: Spartexsburo, S. C Dec 2S. Sir: Oj y8to d.y .Messrs, Moord, K-aue, aud D-uuimlugs, Special Deputy Collectors, aud Wm. Durh auit, Special Dpu y Marsbal, Went on a tour of iu.-yeetion ibrouirb buion County from this place, aud to day at tbe resi ieuce of Jasper tjibos, a trial ju-n ice, ib-y arresed a prddler aud his driver for selling lohatCi impr imrlv stamped, and CoufiaCated ibe w on, ica'n, tobacco and, staipps The givers succeeded iu bandcurqjg ibe priinors, and re turned toards Spanauburg When ibey bad proceeded abjut four miles aud were at West's store, if ey Came suddenly upou a rifle com pan v. wbo ere armed with Winchesters aud pistols aud were partly mouuted tnere were ab tut 200 men ' in ibis omoany. and abut iweniy-bve of i bem were uniformed. Tney sb uied: "Kleae tbem, release tbetn, ' and nurruunded tbe U uited States . ulcers. aud a long wrangle ennued, iu which ibe officers endeavored to retain their prinlouers and paptured property, but were compelled by threats and other demonstrations to remove ibe baud cuff aud release the prisoners, prop erty aud stamps Jasper Gibbs, the trial justice, aad B A. Oreg iry,r his constable, ant) tbe captain ot ibe compauv, seerqed to b,e the priaoipal peri-onsiu authority, and they 4"man ded tbe release aud restoration of tbe property aud prisoners. Gregory, by direCvi.m of Qibbs, searched lbe wagon of the revenue i fibers for wbiskey, and threatened to send tbem tojaiL It was only by the total -ur-reuder of tbe revenue officers that bloodshed was averted. Tnereisnot f rce here sufficient to aff-ct tbe arrest of persona concerned in this outrage, aud I respectfully auggoat i hit measures be taken to tiuter a force for lbe purpose. Tbe off-iudors are persuaa wf meaus aiid i iflueuc, aud, 1 have no doubt, will make a determined resistance to arrest, back ed as ibey are by a community hos tile to the revenue laws of ihe Uuited States. Respectfully. 0 P.KIRK.LAND,' Deputy Collector, ets HiKRiuBCtu urrxs. .. HApaispitR., Jan. j, r87$ Purriiaui lo ibe resolutiou adopted at the close of the es-'ou tbe Peuuylvauia Legila;re met in ad- j iurue l auugal uensjun at o'clock kf ou Jauuary I, as ibere were no uew oCfjcers to elact or employees to aupoiut there was but little prelimi nary c&ucusniog aud a notable ab Mjuoe ot tbe exci tOPut, bustle aud confusion wbicb u ully attend tbe oran'Zatiou of this body. Tbe only change ofofflc rs was iu tbe Senate where II u. T. V. Cooper lakes lbe pli.ee tf Senator Newtuyer as Presi 4pQt jyro Um A 1 tog .es-ioo is pre diutt O ou at'i'oyoi of '.be bill for ibe G .verouieoi'ojf ibe'iiHJti ollhe Sia'e, a' oiaft if wbicb'hs ,6eeo outiujUu-d ti ibe fjexilaiure bv lbe Muiiicipal UoUiO;iss,;OU. p 'ie UsUllt r 'U'iue bu-iuess of ib ;ioi; ftjjuM "CCopy iu re tbau 100 d y, the u-'ual iui O a seasiou, au tff ri will prvbiblv bi made to bare ibe . G -eru i call au exra0esou to QJO-ider tbe aboVr u ls to .ommeuee -be J7 afer ibe retylar scrsiou eXiire. Tbis pla outd iputT ib oay of member. h pe, (Mui-ipuU'iii j;f''vjdj'i ij)' uietubra uf ibe. Leisla ure r-bilj fu cei ve 00 pay . for rrv'e reoderd alter 100 days of a regular ri u bace t spired null ss called together agaia lit X.ei;Lr elou. , (bo rms of t!J ifc? ijit mbers of b llou.-te aud out-blf 'Ut MKWUrc f the Sea e tipping in Dec wb ri'1' nest, various acoeuies to deplete ihK trwacury oii' ate my.bo ft n5 deuily expeciaid. , J iayrriy M re head is already oa baud wlttt bis iil- iw!i:, ira aud bji'.ou i jliJ memb-r-t tu.tbe ciat' 'tu ; i'tl,.'.j 'bby ' .lie eajS be is ao booel. tuau .. wb bteo bbamefully . drVaudei .' v j,rt. baptt t;. 44 f ue acbeikto lo waii lif ja-iU-a vf; , a-;Jy ,Jt.illug rciu men and deiiiol tbs iaiu i.e i-mn by ibo uti ; iwg ,e pr;. Ybe Jocouioyye Was f.r Pitb-burtr durtuK tbo trrtl rlrvl strike last rummer- will be puttied vigorously. Toe Allcgbeuy ctlea U.in ba$ s conference tbeuiber nigh' to s .utpsra ouv v'Vi 4 ihe ; rnwi painn. ho oue i'u., ii. , bat thtt conoty ol Allebecy iail Iv responsible ia dollara and ueui for all ie ?r.Jer,'y destroyed durii.g tbat reiga ! terr- r iit 'neo ton good people tf A'iegbeoy would much prefer to i saddle ibe um op U tb broad hbonlders of the S'a'e, aud if tbey vU get enough . Honora ble Seuat era and . tieprfftlsyes to look at the piatur tlirougb J.'iltaburg nj"f e-jjf t-neftacUw youn readers w ill have a jtbapca- to tio(j;rjbuie ibeir tjQota toward liquidating i , dsuf ages. Tbat oryop of the poveru; or's Message wbiuh fvhn m ttjp t ri ots tljes uot t-eeiu to please the gen t!ertiei front Allegheny! t Tbey. bav ao il- iiiai it rber equitita aitin-t .tie jusiiur uf ibeir claim a4 tbe p t iti a th-tt ibey bare iskeu upon tbs sutject .. -.; I..-;- .; , , . Tbe questjon of the order of buai ness seems to be looming op as a dis turbing clement between the two Houses. Wben tbe Legislature ad- jonraed last M'cb it b'fi s u'lfims . ed buiiiieri between two and itrve boudrrd bills up -o toe caleodar iu rirnii(f.. ! nr. inn iiiimr 1 . J were to take uu the buioes of tbe iseasion just where it was left off -est j if they bad only artj uroed ov-r f.r 'aday. It wax dii-f .verrd. boarver. ; ; by some of tbe city nim.brs tbat, j this plan would iurtere wi b tbe: : early cooiijerano ol w me (n-t meas ' ure wbicb bad beta ba cDed iu ibe liUnt.riiu and a nr..uir cmMutd eff ri of all panies interer'ed is beiua maar ; to have all the old bdls ibrown ino the waste paper basket and b;in legislation anew to consider no bills up m the old c.l.a Ja u ilo-s re introduced, thus giving them a t banco to place their new bills fi d Upou ibe uew calendar. In the Sen ate tbe scheme was ru: ce-s!ul, but in tbe House tbe cotiutry uietnin-rs ral lied uuder.the lead of Jackson of Mt-rcer, Jamt-s, Spauir aud otbers aud decidod to take np the old cal-udar aud dirpose of lbe unliutt-bed .bosi- oi .(, M9MUU oj oi. oi uu to 71. Tbe Senate seems disposed to be obstinate ab ui (be matter and the Hoae nbowe no stirn ot f ieldiog. Wbat tbe upshot will be, time ouly can tell Tbe friends of a free pipe liue fir the transportation of . oil seems en couraired to tbink tbat tbev can ob tain ibe necessary Legi.-laiion duriug tbe present session. Tbe indications appear favorable but tney have pow erful aud biiberto p iieu' interests op p 'Bed to iheui and should not be lul led into a false Mrcuriiy by anticipa tions uf an easy victory. Tbe local op'itiooUis have not yet appeared upou lbe field but are un derstood to be muH.eriog tbeir forces preparatory to auoiber grand raid upon the capital. Siirriug eveutn are txj; c ed in our Lrifi-lalive bil tins wiuter aua I will keep you posted on a'( that oc curs. B. AceounU of Ibe t'iakilaa at CI Paa. New YoEK. January I A i-peeial from Sao Autouio, Texas, aaye; "Tae f'Uo wing is aa ex ract from a piivale letter from hi Paso under da e vf December 13: 'Toe rauers lougb. nobly uulii Tue-day wneutbey eic sent word mat if tney womIU aiirrou der aud 1 inrd leave tbe oouutry tbey ouid not bun bim. LitUieu ant Tays went with Howard to iuk Mexicau quarters, aod while negotia ting wun ibeui, ibiukiug all was right, a Uozeu men picked up Howard iu ibeir arms aud carried Oiui away. Wb'le ibis Was g'iug ou J jtsu A kiu son, a man wbo bad tx-eu wun mo ranger, who bad also been treating witb llie MeXieaus, cauie aud told i the raugers to vurreuder bv oiuer of Lleuieuam Taa, wbicb lUt-y dill. I'bey were tbeu di.a. uied. U turucU out afterwards that me alleged order j to eurreuder trom li'euieuaut 1 av ! as a lie. "Aikiusoo, Howard aud McBride were pui iu trout, of tneur graves, uu l uiue en its were bred at ibeui. I1j srd eiood pertectlji detiaui, wUu nis bauds iu bis p p kois. Jut before fjleUieuant a Atui to ileal ub lbe Mexicaus ibey seut bun word tbat bin quarters were uuderimued aud Would be blowu up "Aa Howard left ilie quarters to treat villi tbe MrXicau, be said good bve, boys.'- Auer ihe enots were fired Howard waa uot (juue dead, aud au old Mtllcau raj nia aword through How at a'e body, wbicb afterwards Waa luerullv cut to pieces. The Mexicans threw tbe bodies mio boiea and covered tbem wuo auo I.oaa af lbe a(rweaer Ataratna. Panama, December 25 Toe Star and 'ierald oa a letter trom Lima, giviug the particulars of the loss of tbe steamer Atacams, wb'cb went to pieces on a ri ck known an (Juiebra Ola, a short distance stiuth ol Calde ra, on tbe Cnillian coart, on the nitrbt ot lbe 30 b. Tbe Captaiu, all of tbe ofCcern aud many of tbe ciew aud passeugers were lost. In ail it is es timatcd tbat oue bundred and oue perrons were drowned and tweuty uine sared. Jbe Lip was on a tup from Valparaiso to Callas. Sbe 9 ruck at etgbt f. y , w beu a oiaj rity ot ibe passengers were below, aud ao instantaneous was tbe breaking yp of the sbtp that no time was iriyen to to gaiu tbe deck tbe cargo lost was oot of g'eat Value, aqd lbe pii-Dgers were moily Cbillians journeying be taeeo ibe porta Mr Keuuedy, agent f-r tbe Pacif ic Steam Navigation Company at Chauarel, reiaruiug from Yal ptraiso oo bis weddiui trip. He mauaged to f-tKiyo a life belt on bis brid-, and threw himself wiih ber in to tdc water, but before ibey ciu d eT"rieateuajtive tr m toe uoai ltirf lit bru 4" ansf fell, striking the lidyou tbo U--k,' causiostiuaiaDt death. The Lu-haud atterwards reached the h're, ad' ihe b idy ' of t'ne ir yJ'"i-l.ed upoii thelx aeb. fb-bodies ut Cajtain Ltnin and f tie purser were rec -vered. Liier iuformai in say s 1 he passen--ij uuiUt-d Lf y t ur, aud ibe crew seyeuiy. a to'ai f oup hundred aud ieuj-fiur." c upptars the sh'Tfe Ijyrsl teniu p'pts conuepted wi a lie i nief , u'l it, ev'apo -f I eatu, utlXed i b fiiuder, prevented anyr. dy gi-tiing "0 deck to lower be b , i n 'tie id t wbiub a life b.ioy ail on b a'd Uilabl bare hfe-vid .The ti-l oa uher a- Ksplolw. i Chicau I, J j i Au later Ocean tKii..i. frvci M rq. eite, M:vbigan, iy,: Willi a tn inj Nonb-ee.t-'n'b-.x car " wa 'being traded wi b nur.i arl)Ceriue at the 'Jackson tiiiue, urat' Vgeunee, at ten ' o'elock ib' bioroiu'g, ttio tuas eauiodej iu- M J ibto toe air aai ttion k ty Utti, a (J boded a c infused tap of wood aud Iron. Aui U ibe killed were S A Wheeler aud h! a Wa'. ter and Ira Iveuckley, eti.iil ved ai 'fat j'fo j(!ce! iue wotks, Kenckley, tfelug upefi;4a( TCer? Ibree were blown lo ai"Ui-, uo piece Mryur :ban two piuuds b iug disc "Csrable, Tbs fiber f ur we're railr iad employ v ujj were iu tbe cab ot tne fugiu6 be ie rp r'f .n f.purred Toeir blackened sbd mxo'&d reQ,iUi vers fouud witb tbe Q-cb eirloptil from tbeir' faces and limits and their bones bft.keu Tbjji p"orof Ishpeuiug, ibree'aitlei a-way,' ptaitiy tbe Bock, and eme person-iu V)aunee,ts,,ii.a:'0,c,!thf'rwl,hSr,',trvrT ara r.-r.eu en coucu'sbon;' ' Iy It l'ired by the , Ay tail laaf;re. ' 1 1 , IT ,f l,o.mjo.. uan i.r it tue juctt tixer beam "i 'li ibiH4u 0 ti'v that, ... . jjcal lui ruia.ion nn been received. iu St. retereburr 'tS' tbe Chinese bae massacred 1 U00 men. women 1 and children at lbe Easbfarian Uwn j of Manas, committing ihe most fright- ful atrocities. 1 Draai-Lawk. llABltlsBUBQ. Jau J icetlouee ' 1 i idr.i to c 'ii-ider ail ibe Id bicb ere ! ft uufioisb.d at the I arfi.,-,, ,...-, ,.l ly7T , )00ni"1 13 ' Aa tbe Senate baa positively refus ed to en'Cr opon any legi.la'ioo un-lv- le not'o. t dead I ck is aluuost c-rtai(i upou ihe u eeting of tbe two bodies next week. rma t Itmlk. j Watertowx ,N Y Jan a 1 Jouie- Mabao, sited fD years, was f.uud frvZru to dea-b ibis morning in tbo road tbrte inilcs from Ant werp. Last niebt was the coldest of the Heon. The tberuiojet-r to day is 14 below zro, - and the enow is abiu one ioeb rieeo Prmmny I van la Hmmmmrj t'AmiaNile- - pn ' " WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 Coromi8 - .,, . . , i i if . Slous Will bf Inelled lo flaulel J. Alor - frll as Bi.-tant. and GeorM W. t'bilds, as bonorarv conunisMoner, ! r- ... p-,1Bi,ni to th Pari ex position. Mr. 11 ayes is now c 'Odd ering whether be cau give another honorary post lo Pennsylvania; if so be will commission ex-Governor Big ler. Tbe ouly remaining appoint went I due to Pennsylvania are two honorary cooinii.-ioners to be nomi nated by Gov. Hartranft. Aalaaamee Prealaeal relinked. NewY bk Ja.2 T G. Lim bert, ex president of ibe American P puUr life iosurance company, con victed of Wrarin to a fal-e aunual report, w a arraigned thi morning in ib court of oyer aud terminer. He spoke for ab-ut two hour aud a-balf, claiming tbat be bad been b'.unded down y tbe press aud ibat tbn )iueaes avairst bim atr inter ested, aud be aeked fir he litfh' .1 entence pos-ible. Judg B adj a d , . lbe prioiier di served to oe pa'i ;. J, aud -be court (ibout sytii at by regret se.nieni ed bim to five t r tbtt state pri.-on Officer Compleleal lw Stnlcakae frtaiui. era, New York, Jauuary 1 A Col umbia Sou b Ctroliua, special says: Uitbe 2T-.b int., sp-cial Deputy marshal William Durham and tbree ub irdiuaies arrested a tobacco ped ler named 11 il, from N rtb Cardiua, aud bis goii driver, for bavtog iu their poaesdioo eight boxes of tobac co improperly stamp mJ, besides seve ral revenue stamps coucealed A l-.cal rifl-i c impauy, over 1U0 s'ro ir. surrounded tbe reveuun stiad aud compelled the fficers to reiuova tbe ba-idcuff- f O u tbe pri-i iuera and to ! release t hem. t'lrw la at'wol .HI a p. Pottsvili.e, J inuarv 4 Fire wa dicovrn d yes erday in N 4 dope, oo-raied bv 1 he ! bttrh and Wiken. birre coal coiupauy, al Paui her Creek valley Uo 10 noon to day ibe fi e was iiil racing aod a larue amount ot coal ba alrendv been c in-umed. PoTTSVlLLB, January 4 Duriuir tbe atteiuoou au immense (piau':ty of wtt'er i turned into the burning tuiue. Toe fie c lutiuues to r pre ad, as tbe men are unable to reach it, be iu kept back by a dense snke Tbe latet rep irts eiiuia e ibat 300 fee. of coal bas been ig'iited, aud it is feared tba. ii will be oece.-aary to H iod tbe mtue witb water. Wrark er Breed. Sax Fn..cisco, Jan. 3 A large body of unemployed workinmen to day marched t the Mayor's f ffice and demanded wotk or bread, sug geHtiog ibat ibey t-bould be set at work ou tbe streets r other public improvements. The Mayor stated his inability to tke sucb action aud c.iuorlled application, wben neces sary, 1 1 various benevolent orgeauiza ii us. Toesjunci recjivod iu sullen sil-i mi AcjvJ. titb no ber of evral ih lund, th- i mtr-jb ed to tba m- ci y b til I .t, where they if Ired itbo gttuors, Kirny, iVoii't til n-4 to tbe efftCl lit. It a I HJ t 1 045 -V J4. by r' :. it' .u- r-tn ffiJ A Ballway W rrrfcrr utaiearrd. Nev Yorb; Jau 3 V special from Harris luburg, V, ays iba' E linger, ou tritl i b-?re for wreckiug a Bltitn re aod Oai railroad train, wbureby t livi wree I tr, y ye?t''rda? f iu id ttuiby of murder in tbe necoud degree aod setueuced to eibteeu years imprisonmeut. AVw Advertisements. G250C CAR. Areata wanted. BnaU a lealfmawl. Parek-alara aaara4. oaTU400L.st LMia. a. ew Jprjc Weekly HER ALT). ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. he etr ifl.ttiHj ol thin popijlar nwtptper ha njore than trel4'iliartci ti(e tuat reaf It no. Uinj all the lea.lir,r new nuiineu Id lbs I)tLr HiRAtD and 1 arranged lo bandy depart mem a. FOREIGN NEWS erabrasea tpecial iliipatobei fro a al) qar'.en oi tbe irlt.be. tmrether witb nni.taaa.1. li uiul and Jrap. plciuruf tacareat War ia Kttrope. t' er tba baad t-t AMERIOAN NKWS areciven the r-li-iraphlo D app itches of tbe week fria all parts of lbe t nion. Tbis texture aUmc niikra THE WEEKLY HERALD tbe t l iiUu(e aeafuuer ih t'-e wjtM. ai It 1 the eheapeaL " ., i-Vvrj. weea If glren a faitnful report u '' C POLITICAL MEWS, erctimsini eouipleteawl eomprrheni.Te ilennfttehea trout WaauiR.iToa, iTlaoinn full n-poria of tbe peli4 ul cru;ueii (aui-,. 1,0 the oaeetloas of Lbe Hour. ... :,,'"' 1IIE FARM OEPARrUCSr .... ... . I I '. . . ,1 , . ';fte Wbkklt Hekald girei the l itwt weil 4. Uiewi.Miraet'iMl nmluu and .liaruTeriea relating to lbs dai lea lHstac.;, b'ne ha ram na-a- i ts. r-oi-Lrav. tKiar. Tuna: V o,vi a aiviDir r.ipe fir prae-.teat .ft-hes binU tar Baak-t"!reiotkli.(faDdi.-aeepki)f ap with tbe Uteet tain lone at tne lowest price. Letters tr m our r-arii an l London eorrea..ndent oo tbe ery lat eit faahl na. The Hoaa Urpartm-ot at tbs W'W Uabnwllaiiv tbn biaiwwi,' mora tfc an upe buiaifeS tjavcji fb p.!, uf er, ' est Pvixik a VeabJ ' ' There l a pairs fcote4 to all tbe latest uhrv of tbs bainriii markets. Crow, iMerchaulie. ate A valuable feat ure U (band lo Iba rpe-Ullr reported prlcea and eoodttlobt of Iff. rrsuDlCEBllUtn . sovepyol akaaley are tubs iofcr.f(ij.-irf" vyar. . Uutatn, aaeauenUco lagirsata w Kua-an tb urrwt itonj tLe i.-t t t ha IH. SPORTIXti XY.ySH iaMraicu" laTtc7 Paiaoj, Vaw kw. OTaa. There la nu triner In thsworktnhkhXTlX Uine o aocb aewa natter evert Wefc an ths I .' ' A " pnetair ires, lor MPf "V, ua may rabacrlb, at aoy time. 'THE KEW YORK lli.Rii.it jJa " ' weekly birut. OXE DOLLAR A YEAR. auitoriaed wUl sot twceeauUy roeeire aa e- " aaiareaw, ffewYork Herald. .L 'jaiohnefi ora. lee.. Bi.ua. ... B.C., wnn UKewti4i rufaeepinir huiM iti,;Cd Urtnina- atenola in repair. ThisSi ruii-. pieuietited tj -eU tdj'nl Uel.Jnlen widely tolci, un.tej t e njaa Jl ' I AVw Aiicrrtift'tnmU. ASK lhrr-tT. H ftrrcn. victim, of (crer aoi aatie. lbe meiruri- ljia o hiid Buw tlicy recuvcreU beallb, i-lieerfui spirl: :iml ifxxl apatite ; tfter will tell ..n bj l.klna Siwxua' Lir ca Ku.ciu.Toa. The Chaipe-t, Pirettn. Best Famtr Medicice i la the W.r!. FirPTSPEPSlA. 'STIPTliv. Junn dla. rtllfc.a. ii.H!i, sti'K HtAHA H E. .,ii. Urpnisl.,D uf Siiinu, SUL K SVM.'il, 11 -art Uurn. aa. Ac. Ttils unnvile.1 S.uthirn Kcmyi i? wrr.inl-l at tueuaiaiD a 'niclo inft-l"ii Vi-f ur,or ny lo'un u.i miucral U' .Uiccc, bat u PUKELY TEKETABI.E, ariotaini-C th. Southern Ritii.l H'-rt.s. whl.-h an uwim -nTuirn, Da in citmi.rirs km Uver li!; m. t pn r jil it II care a'! Diseases caused by derangement ef th L ver and i ocw-Ts. j luv SYMPTOMSof LirprOimpUint area hit- j tCTiw hint u?l In the im.uih ; I iuu In tba li.u k. !Ht - nr Joimn. otien muiaken fur hhrum.uni ; S4Hir Stum--b : at Aprwihe ; il.tarU alirrn- 1 al, n,i , . Ma.l-ne ; U..f mrm, T- w,,h palnlnlfc'nwufc having failr.l m d. tr. Low hiiiril, a tuick yellow i-rup of I ho Milo.n l t.rrt a lire eougn nrtea mmikra Cooiiuuiiitlon. Soaietluitu many nt theee trtnpoint, stt-nl tke duwaw, at others very few ; bat tbn L.1VLK. th Innreft orifao In the body, 1, georntlly ibn et of ill eas aod if Dot mcaUieil in ilmt", icreat radi-r-iux. wreti'bwtrieH aol UKATH will nra?. 1 rn rvnnm-.l asanrfbeariuafc rraiaiiy for U eawnf the Uvr. HrO orn sn i liraurtKiii. Sim. i moo' Liver KeauWtor. L. i K V i .idkk. MMtr .rm, Ahuuui rwi iu.tr, fhiiaoel pbia. "We have twlel lie Tlna--, prnunallr. aal know thai for Dynoeoa BUouitoc.vi. an, I Vbrob Mnic Headache. Ii u tbe beac me k ins tbe wurl'l ever aw. We have irisil iny uther reiueIWe be fore aiimnooe' Ijrer K-nulaior. but aoae wf these gave ai nure tbaa teniuurary rullef ; but the Keif, u tutor, not oaly rvll vel, bat cured us.' Li. Tt:i. ruuru au jdmaKuaa, Marv Ua. BREiVTlI! Xiithlnif 9 to vopVeitfiAnc, tvitbloif urioa . tiiid nrvalii. ami in Dariy every cuw com frnsk th s'ioat-ri. atl c.tn cm jr eiirrv?te II t'ti Ami In Dearly ever cuw s com frw will ttko Siuimuaa KcKalur. IXi tt ne'vft ! nureA reial fir (his rp urt ritxtiMer. It will 1 o tmnr rre jimr Ai-petite, tViinbl?xK-, an. I -ft ft eral L'a It h. SICK HEADACHE. Tbl tlstrraai .m afflb-tlon uecure aMt frearat ly. Tne tu(urlnw ot the stumarb. arlmua imia miierleetly UiiresttNlcontDt. ck,i . .,...,-., IAtn .wUU)..B,nl nuiiiMfmt,i, una. :ra. an.i ihi3oonuiutiwhtii(.tiriy aaown in tue liead.aceoBi.BHl wUh MImkk. alls uau. j aj sick Ueala'be. lur prompt ft Ik I At a Renu&y in MALARUM'S FEVKKA, IKtWKl. rotf P L. A 1 - I' S. 1 1 Y S f K 'S 1 . I E i r A 1. 1 - F. P K KS. StlN. KtSrUMSKSS JAl'.N'DluE. N'Af St4. SICKHKllUfHn t'1l.lC, ClI.Nsn PA TIU. aal MlUofS.V tSS. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MAMCFjlCTrHEDOSLT BT J. H. ZEILIN A. CO.. PHIUlAEU'HIA. PA. I'rife tr-l.tX). Sold by all Druggists. Jaly4. IV"" GE SALK I he Comii.it.fier of Sofwir.U't Vumv wl 1 nf. ffrat vulifoun r., at the h-n.i- of illinn tll.t. ham, id .Shade rwp . to the l..w.-st an. I tien lii.lvr. W o.llifl:i) -Jl .layol Jrlllll irj 14 K. at IU u i-lo It a. m . the l.nil.iltiL".! a l.n l t urrr t.' tar Shade ttravk. in punt tap., at a p-.int wh t the I'uidlu Ko ! rpiwaail iin- uu Iradluir lr..m Svalp-Lev. el to rk.wllna .UUL Pl.ii and Spreut'-a km tao hueen :l the i.uioil".-l..ui'r ol!(ie aud will he ..it exhinition on .tiv ot aiie W. M. SL'HKuC'Ji. trfc. WM. R F L. J. P PHlLMiN. K. PH U.I.I Pel. '.nmtioner. r S. The .tnmi.ioorr will m.-et uu ths prrmiwe w ere ihe lrl lue k to la lueaied. at a o'iltn-li p. m., on the 'Z I .r the puri:ot utraar. Ing he l.-n nt ri of the wiuir walll. 11 c. M. nce fne aniler-'inci Uer.t. aires notli-e ih:ii ha hn Karrhaae.1 tUf mrui of li"aac P. .Miller. In llm-nut. oninjf township, loicetber wkn ail Li, kl,.rr O wj. Mis. rain. rlay, W.a-on. ,a-l ail etrmlnir iaapirmenoi, and that lbe eald .ttiller U in p.euiou ol tbe 9aine a bis tenant. 1 V IT LK J. CUV ER. BO OXS NXSH O ES. PABKKB TREAT, Late vf .te.Aro.y City Pa., Ao.t remucrd to SOMKllSKT, PENNA., anJojneUuta eliop, Sir tba BuuaUcara of Boots, Shoos and flxitsrs, in the balktinir, eirn-r Main and Pieaeint St., Kit of liiatnoDd. He bt able to torn oat flr-clau work at the lowet priec. an.1 will ira.ir.tmee ne-i-ct atii taetr.ai to all wbo aive hhn tbeir latnnua - der iinimotlv m en.l.1 tj. u . J. dera ilooe. r. --- -- xv.4riii neitty loot. jn-iiiMt. SOLDIERS. Inrall.l Prtxlonen drawinir over Tea Dollar, l:erm-.ntb lorwoundaia Arm or Ijc will bear someiblun ' tbeir advanuKe by ad.lreti.ina and sen.linK" d-.:ripllon, dale, U!., ot rvrtiviuc wound or injiiry. ... . . W. o BEKIXOFakCtl., LUlm Ae-cnt?, 119 Sotithnel i Su. Piitjliurirb, P.- W AMTPH Jr'm'lla1e3ir-harare. w, r'nl I L Ls have- l,nn.lre.t or -ca loraeri ailing wuuywmujM Never kne a ? TOlu,,r P:le. aa- ie..i,,J are IKtlnn m.ey from banaa and wklnir Aen-J V7J' AdiirtJU s si. j A VI KS. Pbar pl"04 ttl.b.lJ St. 1 hose in .lean.h of fiirmj ssr-.l I fir prlMeJ r'rnj ivrgiuter. LADIES ntnonlnr then- own Stnrklev kir leu than one imt per pair aTtXUR OR iniD! hv th. um ot oor 'M Attl Tl TS." t;n rnw or ebamre the eolor oi their lr-Me. r-l..re ti trenh. n an.1 brlllinnry fiulej Sila. Merinoa. Alpaca, Necktlea. Hiiihoni. ae.. or Impart to theot new anl l-.vely hade Utile irouble and nominal coat siirk of any daire-l o-lor si-ni on receipt of lo rente. Jdidt'rrntcoli m. ae. P iaire S;amp ae eepted. Send Stamp for nrrolani an- S.imple KKtKXtV CHEIllCiL Vt'llKSs, l Cortland Su N. York. P. t. Boa, DILPAUIER'S Pulmonary Institute, ! lilSPrw A VES IE. PHUbaira;, F. -hTKh cTa9--f,-;-4vv V. -"...- .-' taT 1 portf. im..ji tcalmri.t M the R.wMru.rr. Hn,, tvm. an'l ii.x:r -yi' ni- atil tnlarrtl. I Lr.w ln l'ata rr-irt-i Oally. biUrliArt,3P5 s(;t;:p Eatataof Dtaiel Settler, iat's'of Sl aditwa aeqetuwl. , - " Ivittereofadintnistrttlon on the tVve:ettebat e irjf iren in-autol to rh nn.ier."Kn by th, .rov V i hari-l.. irm t.. iii"eia- ehtsd ta n to o:atitrnitHt p.y.;t . n. havina- rlalm, ankwt-11 siU prnm t!;in do-'y aolhentiemevl f .r arttlemenr wirh..utT.ll.iy .i M.wlay K.-bnuryl, i- at tb-! late n.5hr. Dm ul 'Lvc-ied iu saH p.w. Mp. ,,Hiks A. STATI.KK, " WIl.f.lAM f TATCKi;. WILLIAM !1 SI.(lMi i, a-4 ' X'uilu t raKj. PPiTpg-ssoTlfTfe' SutatnetCtantrra: At inOrpbana' avnrt lu:lu ttbuoune:. In and. frr tbecuntt ..I ..uwrft. Pa., on the in h itiy of Noremlier, lr7, before the nomiratile lh 'lir tberj.-l.utj motion of J it. Rhnmel, rg,'., ihs enn b potcl4 Y J. Ko.-r Andit. loiiiathbata tint mad, n be iaa-Uoi H.n.y H. J. r.rter Id uuniatrator and Truetesbir'be e r- tlte eautsof Abraham Marajae, ileesl, tuau-M s-m theae legally rot Ii led thrrel. In both are. unia, Extrae (frjBttbersrurd canUVd N. . l:7. A. ' l'K'K . I irrk. I will attend to the dotl-l of thbt app"lnten t a; ti. iw cfJ- (,' K'".'. rj.oo ttuiay tba lri.i.l uJv.i,Tk d f m r ; Jan. -i T . OtrttH, Modttur. G3 aeca Ft ATE O W ATC If . Oearrat 'Aatniu Addreaa. A. touivixa 4 Ux. k'bi.asd. re tbs taoa-n wont. SKiNisa, wuh u 545 rBEatni wiTm mnmux-a frm-wiodrr.FYw-wlttiewrrnnWr titif wtt tree. J.&Osj'ler14'J0.,tawa4O, OTICE. We herehe irire notice that we hare pur-based of Josiab Unas, of Jeonar township, twu baraea, two fete berw-M an.1 a two boras waxoa, awl tiit wa bars leased lbs some to lbs said Oobo lor ALEXANDER HoFFMA. JAt'OU HUifMAN, llee.SS L 1 -Crm ftJ XT .; ' '"--m . ' . 1 ti in), i., VhUSHLM A ue ai4 .wwf i,',),',,! Ji InuuiiM.t hy !.N!I AI.ATlj. tir.prgv. m. r,: I, J, ,,! r.it tr.Mii !he nr KM l.-iHiunt tur.ille i.'lw . i nt Hie !! art tn-r-.t.'d THTiif,lly lor c 1" jti-i.U! v'mtJM"4m.i.?l !tt???f75f iiftfctWSajajaj T - - 'i ii iiM mi ii T'i '- r f ""t i v .