The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 02, 1878, Image 4

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flic milt nmoi Ittt iraa
Areas whit white ran W.
f :ut nrr me In tbe hart
As white as the nl..' at sea.
And tlrf cli B'! tht cr. vrned the w
Wilt purplt an.1 gold delight.
To to,W rrmy snlt aad vsp
E-e frt r reach 1 hr fcelr M.
- UL
i'at-lT end fair h the voH
Tbst eics m-nr our h :
Catrly snd grand t!ic np.untjiin
Whose beslit c ik'ttm; m'-b.
h. dlMswe.tlwadcsr etx-hsnter :
Mill bold In thy magic veil
1 1 ertury of far-eH monntalo.
The lean of Ibe ftr-ofl fail '
Kt IIL itrits.
Vrmi-B f-Ttlie KxiALDtJ a fanner, gardener
and fruit xtc-wct of great cxjrieoee.
The r hTiloxera ia wbat mar be
tailed tbe grape louse, tbt is making
tad Laroc with grape vines in V.u
rope, and also to bome extent in tbie
country. It may be wen at tbe roots
tf tbe Vines, aod'a!o in tbeleaf galls,
Lut not plainly Tinible to tbe unaided
vision. This year baa been remarka
ble fr tbe" extensive difear-e of
grapes in tbe West, principally tbe
black rot, as it is called. Some of tbe
best vineyards of Ot'.o bare been al
most a total failure ; and where tbe
rot was tbe worst, tbe roots of tbe
vines were fonnd to be badly affected
bv phylloxera, tbe lice being found on
tile roots in proportion to the extent
of rot in grapes. Tbe ravages of
ILece lice on tbe root may be known
by tbe warts, or excresences on. or
near the ends of tbe latterals, and
f bowing decay ot the roots where af
fected. In regard to tbe remedy, tbe
only one known at present, is to grow
only sutb vines as have great recup
erative strength to form new roots as
fast as the lice decay in the old ones
The Concord, and all varieties of as
free-growing as that is, seem to es
cape tbe rot best; yet even tbe Con
cord bas not escaped this season in
some localities. Ad important aid
it warding off tbe effects of phyllox
era, is to prone rather closely, and to
prevent overbearing, so as not to
draw too much on the vitality of tbe
roots Grane rrowinir in vinevards
bas received a check from tbe edectt
of disease in 187", that will render
tbe bufeinebs more profitable than it
Las been to tboee wbasc vines are ex
empt from tbe root-lice. A writer on
this subject, says of a Ene vineyard
on tbe Detroit "river : "Tbe Concord,
Clinton, Delaware, Salem, and Rog
ers' 4 and '.' are bad.' attacked, so
that tbe prospects of the vineyard are
really nothing." This looks bad fvr
grape growers in the future.
If I were to choose whether I
would prefer to own a gold mine in
California, or cranberry plantation
ia New Jersey. I think I would
prefer tbe latter. A Mr, Hinchman
bas astonished the natives of Med
foid, Darlington county, New Jersey,
in taking four acres oi swamp land,
and making it equal in cash returns
to half tbe gold mines that exist
Here is wbat tbe editor of a paper
says who visited the plantation:
' What we desired to see most was
tbe wonderful work of Mr. Hinchman
in tbe old mill ponds long beld as al
most worthless. We went upon the
old bog on which, twenty years ago,
Mr. II. commenced the culture which
bas in successive years grown to such
iarge proportions under bis skill and
energy. It contains about ten acres,
ani cost tbe owner about $1,000 to
bring it to tbe bearing point, three
years from the setting. For seven
teen successive years it bas borne
good crops never less than 100
bushels to tbe acre and it is the base,
financially as otherwise, of all bis
subfequent operations. That $1,0,00
is tbe original capital invested in tbe
Taunton cranberry plantation now
variously wtimated as worth $100,000
to $200,000, and producing a net in
come of $20,000 to $i0,000 per an
num. Tbe ten acres have grown to
a total of about 275 acres set in vines,
nearly all in bearing and never failing
to give a crop the latter result hav
ing no parallel anywhere. This won
derful oetwark of bogs ranging from
ten to sixty acres each, shows no
ordinary degree of engineering tkill.
Mr Hinchman controls the stream
which water these lands, and bas
constructed a series of dams and can
als whereby be can carry tbe water
to any point desired and in any quan
tity can flood any particular bog
ten to Clieen feet deep in a few hours
time the great secret of his uni.'orm
success, while so many ethers fail."
Let no one attempt to grow cranber
ries if be cannot flood tbe land in the
winter season ; but with good facili
ties for flooding, this fruit can be
grown anywhere as well as in New
Jersey. '
A New Tork State dairyman gives
bis method of treating cows as fol
lows : "Tbe cowi are gently driven
to tbe barn each night and morning,
if tbey do not, as is usually tbe case,
come of their owa acord, when tbey
take their place in tbe stable, each in
its own particular stanchion with
mathematical precision. No dog, no
fright or worry, is permitted ; and
tbe milking is done quietly and or
derly, with no loud talking, no sud
den and startling noises. There is
no patting of the cows on the back
with tbe stool, no persuading with
tbe toe of tht boot, no coaxing at the
top of the voice. Tbey are made to
give down by generous feeding and
gentle treatment, and tbe principle of
kindness is illustrated by the depth
of the cream on their milk."
Tt Rxirs ronnonsEs.
Ir. Loring, ia an address at a far
mers' meeting in Portland, Me., said
that turnips are better food for hors
es than carrots, but this assertion
was disputed by some of tbe farmers
present, on bearing which Messrs.
Welch, Teel and Palmer, of Salem,
Mass., sent tbe Doctor the following
letter :
"We notice that in the farmers'
meeting at Portland, your statement
that Swedish turnips as food for hor
ses waa questioned once more, and
that Mr. Ware declared yon were
all wrong in your low estimate of
carrots. New, we bare bad a good
deal of experience in this thing as
well as yourself. Some years ago
we noticed tbe good condition of your
torses, and on icqairy of your groom
how mor-h grain tney rot, we were
told that they bad little or none, but
were fed on Swedish turnips. We1
fcaa louna oat oarscirts that carrots
were not good food for continual use
that they made our horses very
soft, unOt for work, and that tbey
affected their kidneys badly, ar.d we
. were glad to lay them aside and take
tarnfps as a substitute. Since we
did tbia, our horses have improved in
every way. They look healthier,
work better, and keep ia good condi
tion. Yoa are right about car.-ots,
and deserve the thanks of all who
keep horses, for introducing Abe use
of turnips as a feed lor te:n. -We
always keep roEi tea to twenty on
baod, and we know what we are
talking about." It is strange, if this
is true, that farmers did sot bod itj
VUb 1 1.1 fcJilB iAIC Uaj. UUk kWIWU
re much more nutritious than lur.
oips ; and tbe probability is, that
what the shnva men sav is not reiia.
. . J. . .
iiie. but it is a soiieet oi ruerest to
' -
rEAR rif.HT.
Mr. tbarles downing. tLo notea
rucuitunst, ot .ewwuria, - . i .
- T, .1 ... .1. ii' l.
remedv that I cm aware of has been
. . ., f
given. 1 bavo tried all toe curesig,
iti.nut irn nhn it nrei:wir-
ed here, more than sixty years since,
it was verv severe, and as near as 1
recollect nearlr everv near tree in
this town died with it My father
kept cutting as fat t as tbe blight ap
peared, until be cut down every tree
ontbep'ace. I remember one stomp,
three feet high and eight inches in
diameter, was left, which sprouted
and made a fine bearing tree. My
father then bad no nurserv, but twen
ty years after, when the blight came
again, be bad a good stock of nurse
ry trees, half of which, with one third
of bis bearing trees, died with tbe
blight. Tbe third visitation of blight
was much less destructive: ouly
auies as ioiiow iwui ongai iu so parta aown us w me
pear trees: "Your friend seems! j3 vbe showing. And now comes
very deFpondent about bis blighted j gnotber money trouble. Moses If -
trees, and I am sorry to eav that noiGriuDeli died recentlv, leaving a for -
about one-fourth of his bearing trees jfin its blow length alougvand ibe
died. Each time the blight coutiaaed I lanryera are making a bitter 'gbt over
two to four years, and the iutwfaljj "The children iiave succeeded iu
were eighteen or twenty years. It is establishing the fact that the oldfcinu
now twenty -four or twenty-Bra years . was a fearful old wretch, and that
since we have had any blight on the be never deserved tbe euecess be met
erounds where I live, but three orj;tb. But as William is as Si-IGsh as
four miles north and south of us it
bas been quite bad. As to any cau-c
or cure, I knew of none, although 1
have beard all tbe theories and soan
tbem all fail, and I f-uppose your
friend will have tbe same experience.
There is only one thing I can say
about it, and that is that tbo wild,
hardy pear trees seldos have a y
blight. Trees fifty or ono hundred
years old it is raro to saa affected
a itb blight."
A writer on scientific agriculture
gives the following, illustrations of a
wav in which farmers may be " de
ceived in tbe value of commercial
fertilizers: "A farmer bas a held,
the soil of which is much reduced,
fur which be has no yard manure,
and decides to cultivate it iu corn,
using fertilizers. He intends it also
for an instructive experiment, and
applies to one part of it muriate of
potash and to another a simple sup
erphosphate. On the portion where
the potash is applied, a fine crop is
produced ; but on that which received
the superphosphate, it is very poor.
He at once concludes, and conGdent
ly states, that the superphosphate
was worthless, tbe manufacturer of
it a villain,' and tbe experiment bas
proved it But be is too fast. Hi
superphosphate might have been poor
or might have been a first class arti
cle of its kind, but tbe experiment has
proved nothing in relation to it ; it
has proved, however, that bis land
needed potash, and it is highly pc3
sible that if be bad mixed bis two
elements, the crop on the whole field
would bave been better than it was
on that which received tbe potash
Ikf It Iff tit Kind ra Crl.
A young lady from the South was
wooed and won by a younir Califor
nia physician. About tbe lime the
wedding was to come off, tbe young
man lost bis entire fortune. He wrote
tbe lady a letter releasing her from
ber engagement And what does the
dear, good girl do ? Why, she takes
a lump of pure gold which ber lover
had sent ber in bis prosperity, as a
keepsake, and, having it manufactur
ed into a ring, forwards it' to ' bitn
with tbe following Bible inscription
engraved in distinct characters on
tbe ouuiJe : "Entreat me not to
leave thee, or to return from foil iw
ing after thee ; for wbither thou go
est will I go, and wbither thou lodir
est will I lodge, tby people shall be
my people, and thy (od my God ;
where thou diest will I die, and there
will I lie buried; the Lird do so to
me, and more also, if aurbt but death
part me and thee." We may add
that fortune soon again smiled .upon
tbe young physician, and tbat be
subsequently returned to tbe South
to wed tbe sweet girl be loved, and
wbo loved bim with such ondyin?
affection. Header, this is all true
Young ladies wbo read tbe Bible as
closely as tbe heroine of this incident
seems to bave done, are pretty acre
to make good sweethearts and better
wives. PUUburg ' ommrrciol,
Khtrmi Ike Utarrh.
It was in this march
through tbe
Carolinaa I again saw 60 much ot
the influence on tbe soldiery. It
rained nearly all tbe time ; the roads
were horrid, and had to be corduror-
ed with poles and rails half the way;
the wagons and tbe artilerv stuck in
the mire hourly, and tbe soldiers bad
to drag tbem out with their own
bands. Every stream bad to be
bridged, every quagmire filled, and
every mile skirmished with the ene
my. There was not a tent in tbe
a'my. Even the General slept in
tbe woods under "flies," in deeerted
bouses, or lone churches along the
way. On right and left, before aud
behind, was an enemy; quagmires
were tinder foot and continued rain
overhead; yet through all this the
bys tugged and fought, and amidst
their tugging sang and cheered. It
was the magnetism of one really
great m-n. It was "Billy Sherman."
His approach to the line of march
was tbe signal for shouting that I
bave beard taken up and repeated
for miles ahead. Hiding alongside
tho regiments struggling through tbe
mud or tbe underbrush at tbe road
side, be would often speak to tbe
nearest Boldiera with some kind en
couraging word. Nor was it unusu
al to bear private soldiers call out to
bim, knowing bis kind heart would
give them no rebuff. At headquar
ters there was little pretense and no
6how. When evening came a con
venient spot in tbe woods was usu
ally Bought out, a few tont "flies"
were stretched and a rail fire built in
front Tbe mess cbest was opened,
and a bastr but substantial meal was
enjoyed amid conversation on almost;
every topic but war. On this be was
oftenest eilent, preferring to keep bis
own jodirment. hopes and fears to
himself. He wrote most, prooahly j
all of his own despatches, leaving!
bis staff little or nothing to do. Af-!
ar InnnA liAan1,mli..aM.
w - A
uf, no smuitu nig uiajis iu iue,a,oa piaccs cave ocea ELut op.
ureiigui,or neara tne repor.g irom
the other columns for the day. He
was last ia bed at night and first in ,
the 6addle ia tbe mornintr. Dinner
cfii-tea oi Jjgut much at 12; 1I
n vflminntAil a . . 1. n . ! J . 1
u.ojiuiiun-u iuvj iususiuc, sou au
Dour s rest urooghl us again to the
caddie. So the days nasaed and the
enemy was continually poshed cr
IS!-! JJ fr0m ,ch nd ry
chosen position.
ew Vkok, Pfccmbcr ?, IS
MonpT ina't worih much afte tbe
Im.ii srho made it lets H rass cut ot !
3c it lei
to control anuer0m.0
- . . ' t.,.T1 m K a -in rf d Ann
underbill's estate is
now iWt-um. iu i T
wlere it will linaiir go, ana to wuoai,
ns ft nussuon.
It is so immense an
. ?,. l ,r .i -
' a fT - . V. .1 U It U TltlPll f'S 'II U IUS
!""" .
! heirs w 1! have ten time a much as
,n h. h:?' hr the
; tinie the lawyers and tfcc 'n!bJaife-a.00.iaMIceof ,L3 work. Tbe
tLrousn wuu iT. ie m 'j
. . . i . , f ....... .... i
tune of several millions, aad Le oiadel
. . .. . I r -11:
fa will,
will, also, lie leit a ca;i a uniuuu
-! trt PArh
.r v ia r-in tirea. eic-uL a
I daughter, Fanny, to whom be oe-; tarain I jr action, aaa ni3 auueb lur
Uiuaeihed oclv S10,0l", tbe reason f jritbe lime aff.rtiiDg no opportunity ,at
I tbe discrimination be.iag tuat ene uau
married a Boston aillioaaire, aou was
rich already. It is a question wLeib -
her will cun-
cur ia th propriety of ttw d.stribu -
t:0D, and tba chances ar tLtre will
he f tumble over this estate. Why
ini tnnn riitribote their niii -
lioas before tbey tlie, aud tsvc u!r
tbis trourle? That is what 1 am
going to do. I never will have wy
children fighting over a baadred mil
lions and dragging my banes out ol
the rave for tb iuspectioa of the
public. The Yacderbilt cae is drag-
hi- father, and is entrenched behiud
a hundred Oiillionn, it u yet to bo
decided whether he will be compelled
to relinquish any part of it or not
The ouly point iu the matter is wheib
tr the contestaats can establish tbe
fact that the Commodore was under
nnduc influence whei Le' made his
will. Andtotbateod tbe contestants
are bending their eutire energies.
Thev are rakin? ur all the old man's
departures from the paths of a strict
lif unit it nin he confessed that
tbey bave got together a very naus
eating pile of tbem. They Lave
shown that he was cruel, sensual and
altogether wicked, if not went a
well. There is no question as t ) the
control unscrupulous women bad over
bim, and it will be proven tbat be
was a confessed spirituals, but it
may he shown that be could nialie a
will for all that.
Senator CoiAling has declared war
and bas locked horns with tbo Freci
dent It u now a war to the knife
and knife to tbe hilt. There can be
no compromise nor seulerueut. The
President has determined upon tbe
removal of the officials at New York,
for tbe reason that be wants meu iu
o See with wbL-ra beeaj work iu the
dirtciion of reform, aud for tie reason
that the reforms already instituted
were not, as he claims cariied out iu
good fiitn. It is true that several
huadrcd employes of tlie custom
house were removed by collector Ar
thur, in accordance with the orders
of the Secretary of the treasury. Bui
it is claimed tbat tbe men iateuded to
fe removed were the ones retained
Tbat is, the political strikers aud the
ward politicians were kept, at.d tbe
really effective workers wbo eie
without political iuffauuee were dis
missed. Senator Conkliug on the
other baud claims the right to control
the patronage Limself.aud dinie the
right of the President to meddl wub
i Tbscityis divided on the ques
tion. The active politicians side with
Coukliog, and tbe conserative ele
ment wiih the President Tbe pa
pers of the city are very sareful iu
discussing the question, aud are bv
no mtajs pronounced. There should
oe an expression of the people ou thin
question, in every county in ihe State,
for the people will have to settlo iu
It is a matter of no small importance.
The question goes a long way down.
It is not sim;i!y who shall nil ibe !ii
ces; it is the t ffeci, of the patronage
upou tbe politics of the Siate.
THE cm.oitisD SHOW
Will be opened next week, aad it
will be a big thing' There will bi-
t o tbusiQd L Licp a bft lie-o arC8
uuder ten, and their uioiuers. Every
State east of the Mississippi will be
represented, and they will be classi
fied properly. It is to be Loped thai
there will be plenty of bath-rooms iu
ibe building, and tbat due atteuiion
will bo paid to veutilaiiou.
Two collecting lawyers, botb cietn
bers of fashionable churches, and
very prominent in tbemib.-.cjnded
this week, with something like a qunr
ter of a million of money belongiu u
their clients. It is the old siorj
high living and speculation in Wall St
Tney bad the coutidencc of evtrj bodj
and tbey did the business of the best
bouses in the city. But they would
speculate, and tbe did lose, aud a flight
to Europe was the way tbey settled
it. And speaking of fioauci-tl troub
les, the Exn.osiox of the . national
is tbe last thunderbolt This iasiitu
tion possessed the confidence of the
busineness community, and no one
supposed it was in' Uifficules. But
all at once rumors begae to gather
about it, an investigation was order
ed, it was reported "iiL cmplo as
sets," but when those assets came to
be examined into they were fouud to
be of tbe most flimsy character, and
thousands open thousands that bad
long figured as "good," had no exis
tence at all. In short, it was anoth
er case of frightful mismanagement
and worse.
Case, tbe President of the Securi
ty.has exhausted all hi legal ddes,
and will spend five years of Lis
life in Sing-Sing. It is weil there
never was a more outrageous fraud
perpetrated. Dr. Lambert, bis rival
in infamr, is being tried, aud be
doubtles will get a longer sentence.
If the good work goes on, there will
be enough material to orgauize a
a life insurance board in tbe pcuiuu
tiary, commencing a i;h a president.
aad going all tbe way dona to an
office boy. There are sound and
good companies, and they play aa
important part m the economy of
things, but there has bicn an awful
amount of fraud in it..
keaeem. . .
TLe'poliiem ye llanc cf tbeJiq.r
bu - i
--- -j- t .;jMr
J 1 . -
and !
tnere s mourn tie m.-ip;r th. Hrr
ones. License's aro declared iHetl
Tbe tavern aodgc did not work j il
tbe court bold that
4 lavcra laJefd, ad
Ui'.ea up to eva:ie a i
lice have ehon no
Uelmou an.1 tho i ..ti i.... -
been shut op. jost tbe sanif a toe i
mailer bar rooms, aad tbe only way
'a drink can be procured,-!.- to slip'
i iu Ah erne UVUlf uv VUB r ft "
ureaiuea t aiu wnaiever may
bo 8id &i to tip jutio niiiTrsnrj
upon men wto bcve paid licence,
ttitre is do ouesaoa as to iu gooa ei-
fect, !TLe arrests for drunkenness
! have fallen off a-balf, and the pres
. f d
1 I
csrs has ceased altogether. " Ana
B,-iraU. decrease in the
number of bru:al crimes. 1 Altogether
! the effect nnon the mortu or me city
. nf.-4 ,n(1 th fPmDerftnce
. . , -
- ' """" "-i"--- .--r
, i 'eac
:ia 13 masin? ne oi u i eocwr
sraiistic they show are not only
g.arl-3 Vr con-u-ive
i Meaarr niiotiKrdi
i the Itark.
,1" L... k... :n
j iduc -so'jntuui-iiu
i l.mneror . miiieun a service. i
jiast ret?oivea u uui uuei, aituiw
' lcffi)-, choosing to csnstrue some re-
jmark or other of aa old and superior
tfiicer ioto an insult, be challenged
1 him. The old suldier, waving all
jeousideratijes cf rat,k agreed to meet
the' young "man, but on tbe following
1 uousual terms : The time should be
night tbe place a room in oppo
site porter.- ol which tbev were to
btand. The seconds having placed
their men. were to withdraw outside
of the door, taking the candles with
tbem. The word should be given
fr im wiibeur, a hen be wbo. bad tbo
first fire should discharge his weapon,
aad the seconds having the light
sbt,u:J immediately rush .in. .
These siruuge conditions were ac
cemed: the time arrived: and the
second.- Diaeed tbe parties as agreed
upon .withdrawing immediately,
and lerir tbe roen io tbe dark.
Tba word iva givea the fire was
beard the door was reopened and
there stood the elder of the two blt
upright in the corner, bi adversary's
bail baring entered the wall so close to
bis bead that bis escape seemed al
most miraculous. . .'...
It was now tbe old soldier s turn
to lire. Tbey were asain left in tbe
dark: the word was civen from the
(outside, and instantaneously with
! tLe uifcbarse the seconds rushed in
to find the cbaleoger prostrate upon
tLe flour, not jet having recovered
himself from Lis trick to avoid the
ball, wbicn on examination it was
found must Lave killed bim! .
The youocr man was covered with
confusion, and" the seconds were over
whelnucg him with their scorn, when
the veteran stopped tbem:
"Not so fast! not sjfast! my young
fneuds," said be; "you will live to
grow wiser. Where do you suppose
1 was at the Erst fircT Oa my bands
and knees in tbe corner: but 1 was
up quicker than be. Ah! Messieurs,
sav what we will boast as we mav
..ii jail"'
Tale of a .Volt.
"Speaking about mules.'.'.remarked
a sixfooier from Barnet county, as be
cracked his whip at market, "I've got
a mule at home which kaoas as
much as I do, and want to bear
somebody say I'm halfa fool."
No one said so, and be went on :
"I've got disgusted. Wben you
co mo down to kickiog, I want to bet
on my mule. A friend came along
anil took dinner with me the other
day, sad as he seemed a little down
hearted 1 took bim out to see Thomas
JeUVrs i), my champion' mule I
was telling tbe good man bow tbat
mubcouid flip bis bind feet around,
aad ho said he'd like to see a little
fun. . He'd ' past-d bis whole life in
tbe S iuib, but Le bad never seen a
mule lay Lis soul into a big ' time at
kickiog. . "Well," be continued, after
borrowiag some tobacco, 'I took
Thomas out rf tbe stable, backed
him up ug&in a bill,' give him a cuff
on the ear, and we stood back to see
i he amusement It was a good place
to kick his durndest, and d'ye s'pose
he did? Ia tea mioutes by the watch
be was out of sight. In five more
we couldn't feel hi in with a twelve
foot pole." - -
Here the crowd began to yell and
sneer, aud the narrator looked around
aad arked :
'T -es aat body think I'm lying?
Would I lie for a mule ? Right
here under my arm is a pound of tal-
l w candies which are to light tbe
hole for me to go ia after Thomas :
and I got word not an hour ago that
the hind feet of a mule were sticking
out f a hill thi ty-nioe miles as tbe
birds fly from where my mule went
ia. I'm shakey on religion, getitle
m n but our family never had a liar
iu it
Malber M II."
The I'rovidenee Journal savs;
"Uue of tbuee soeues a bich develop
1 be better fet-li ngs in the human
breast came to pass Thursday. A
liulo 14'irl approached a refreshment
stand on one of our principal streets
and looked wistfully at tbe tempting
dieplay cf ft'uis and candies. Tbe
kc( per of tbe stand was visibly touch
ed. The generous dictates of bis
beirl iuvcd him. 'Poor girl!' he
thought. TLcu kindly taking an ap
ple, he ifeuerounly gave it to- her.
Poor liiri tautters her thanks He's a
oud inHri.Vje thought. Encouraged
by bis 8c; of kiadness, the offered
bim an bumble petition written on a
scrap of paper.- The man reads;
'Give something to " a poor girl for
ber belpleriS sister-and blind. mother '
Wiib a ttbrewduess and penetration
almost equal to a detective) the man
ecauned the girl and then questioned
her: . 'Who wrote this?' Quickly
came the Innocent response, 'Mother
wrote it.' 'rretty eood writine for a
blind mother said the man, and then
dicii.-tcil her."
Ilia Share.
a. goou btory ir toe limes,' be it
true or untrue, is that tbey tell about
tbe head of the trench Rothschilds.
During the days of the last Commun
is t uprising in I arm, two of tbe red-
capped gents called upon him and
said : '"' Vi
. "Biron, the Commune rules France
now, aud yen, like ether rich, men,
must uiviae your property 1 among
yitr poorer fellow-countrymen."
"An," said tbe Baron.' is that ,, so ?
Pray tell me how much I am suppos
ed ti be worth?'' . ' ' ' ' 1 '
j- "About, eighty million, of franca.,"
I inAod bow many per pie are there
ia France ? j t ! ; 1 f
"About forty mfllions?
"Ves, Mocsipur.''
. "Very wf J, then, bora ' are two
jfrac-ks for you ;iio bav got your
uare, fiiu may go : ior, ' or course.
you do cot wich to take "any " one
It was an Irish 'pilot who, I being
ke l .f be knew of the rocks in the
not a raef? t:!acei"-i','-)r, rcjilicd wi&fiwfideac;. f 1 4 re
law, auJ ih'.- pv- hun, ercry-ume ' av 'tbnn.;
dihcrittsiaati .r ' Tba'j " ald.-d, the tbip'aie.
.The Crown Princess Victoria of
Prus,ia, is a woman's righS womaS'
aMa Car Ik I4la.
1 :.
; A new and styasn coior
. White kid gloves are out
ion."' : .
- Stockings checked in two colors
are worn. , - .i -
Have yon a new-fashioned rag
carpet dress?. . .
Velvet is much used for trimming
blck cloaks.
Evening and borne dresses are but
little draped.
Light colored furs will be worn
tV.s winter.
Tbe Breton costume L now worn
only by young girls
The Christmas tlipper for single
clergymen is now in dress.
; One seldom sees . a lady . in tbe
atreet ia London without a veil.
. . Black satin boots and shoes are
fashionable- for bouse, wear. . ,
: India cashmere ii known under tbe
name of Zibelme this season.
Flat bands of lace are sometimes
used for trimming evening toilettes.
Jewelers in Paris display almost
tbeir entire stock in their fbop win
dows. , Every lady should become scaled
to a seal skin as soon as she can do it
Laced boots of unpolished kid are
used for walking boots by many
ladies in Paris.
Some of the embroidered collars
and cuffs iu new styles cost fire 4 dol
lars the set
Yery pretty plash long shawls are
made in fancy clors for. opera and
theater use.
The Anne of Austria collar is
made in both lace and linen and is a
very fashionable shape.
-All shirtings, common prints and
cambrics pass nnder tbe name of
"calico" in England.
Monograms on handkerchiefs ar
worked in three or four colors like
those stamped on note paper.
Some of the handsomest imported
dresses are made with tbe round
waist which is worn with a belt.
Only one princess was ever born
in this country Princess Anna Ma
rat, wife of the Due de Mouehy.
' Anna Dickinson is said to bave
Droduced tbe best dramatization of
"Jane Eyre" that has yet been made.
- Tbe long blouse reaching down to
the knees, with a yoke and worn with
a belt, is one of tbe repulsive fash
Very few toilettes are made entire
ly of black silk. A little dash of
color is placed here and there on tbe
skirt or bodice.
U ( Bars ol.
A very eommon mistake is made
and much fuel wasted in the manner
of replenishing coal fires in grates
and furnaces. Tbey should be fed
with a little coal at a time, and often;
bnt servants to save time and trouble,
put on a gri-at deal at once, the first
reult beiog-that all the beat is ab
sorbed by tbe newly put on coal
which dues not put out beat until it
become? red hot. Heme, for a while
the room is cold, but wben it becomes
fairly aglow the heat is insufferable.
Tbo time to replenish a coal Ore is as
soon as tbe coals begin to show ashes
on the surface; then put on merely
enough to show a layer of black
coal covuring the red This will
soon kindle, and. as there is not much
of it; an excess of beat will not be
given out Many also put out a fire
by stirring the grata as soon as frexb
coal is put on, thus leaving ali the
beat in toe ashes wben it should be
sent t" tbe new supply of coal. Tbe
tim" to stir a Cre is wben coal laid
on ia pertty well kindled Tbia
method of managing a coal fire is
troublesome, bnt it saves fuel, gives
more uniform beat and prevents the
discomfort of alterations of heat and
cold above referred to.
A rbaneo for tamliee e.
It is with feel'ugs of pride that an
American shoul-l read of the gorgeous
metamorphoses which our youog
people who go abroad to s ndy music
undergo. To ee a plain Miss Kice,
after six months in Italy, change her
cereal surname for tbat of Mme.
Ilicci, and thus ebow foreigners what
an American girl can do, u supremn-
ly gratifying to our national pride
Blanche Tucker, wbo need not bave
been ashamed of her name, fur she
is of no kio to that namesake who for bis supppr, now appears in
ber home paper as Blanche Rosa
rella, while ilary Trimbie, daughter
of our late Uonsul at Milan, is utter
ly glorious in tbe name Beatrice
A mora. Oo abroad, dear old Vaokee
Doodle, and change your plebean
name for that renplcndent one o
Juan K. Pudle. Boston Herald
The Trae Lael y.
Beauty and style are not tbe pur-
ett passports to respectability some
or tbe noblest specimens of woman
hood tbe world has ever seen have
presented the plainest and ruoet un-prepor-sesriing
appearance. A wo
man 8 worth is to be estimated by
her real goodness of heart and tbe
parity and sweetness of ber cbarac
ter; and such a woman, with a kind
ly disposition and a well balanced
mind and umper, is lovely and at
tractive. Be ber face ever so plain
and her form ever so homely, she
makes tbe best of wives and the
truest of mothers. She bas a higher
purpose of life than the beautiful, yet
vain and supercilious w.mio who
bas no other desire than to flaunt ber
finery on tbe streets, or to gratify ber
inordinate vanity by attracting Sat
tery and praise from a society whose
compliments are as hollow as tbey
are insincere.
SoaaeUBt Troth.
Says tbe Reno (Xev ) Gazelle
"Sow we don't expect to checK stock
gambling in tbe least, nor have we
any desire to interfere with any man's
right to bet bi money, but there are,
it seems to us, a few points opn
which we may all apree :
'The man ot family bag no right
to put tbe comfort and support of bis
little ones on a margin in the stock
market. ...
"Slocks that are half bought belong
to capitalists
' "A dollar in tbe store is worth two
in the stock market. " ' i ; !
, "Eery man may own tbe contrul
ingintereat ia a home; very few can
can control mines. :
"Shares in a homestead always
pay divid-- rj
Xt ruau can win unlets aiofter
"When one covetous man cets
rich. 100 eet Door. It
, J
best to be slow and sure, and let well! tal
1. .1 4 w
. (-M- j 4 't
- ' .' . . I
"'IDA VfiAiia hoinup than txr star '
Da, cb Hji. Eb nr, L!frijna- vrw.
h-g'nw, heart
if O k. Pan f raii-;
Q'l Viue.
Watch f.r opp .rtoDitien for uee-
fulnens. Everj day brings ibem, and
once gone are geme" forever.
of . fast
is loau i .ill ill ii i ii ii ni nil niirir
"v; Ttairly-T-iitf Tear.
Only a Ycav.laelaMiiata; ratar.
WMklr. UIiakcnaYm.
- ' l,MltMk pagea.'
Tns SVnreTirie AmsEtrA to a lar Fir
ClMl Wefkljr Ncwiapcr of aztcea paiw, print
ed in I ha must beautiful Myle, frouteit iliutl ra
ted villi tpUndtd tngrttmgt, repreMMIn the
newma Invenllunii and the mwt iwit AdTaoce
In the Art and Sk-lean I tnclaiiin Mechanic
d.I fcngineeruiK. Steam fcAKtoeM'injr, Kailwaj,
Mining, oivli, Ga anil livurauUo .i.xtnerrlnK
Mill M urk. Iron. Strel awl Metal Work : Ubtm
Itlrj anil Cliemieal frueewea, Electricity, LJirhl,
Heau sound : Feclinolotry, PbuW)(raitiy, Print
lux. New Jiacliincrj, Jvw PrucewM, New Re
), Improvement pertaining to Teitll Indot
trt, Wearing, lijelnx.Ootiiriac, New Industrial
Products, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: New
and Intcrvnunx Facta In Agriculture, Horticul
ture, the Home, Health, Meoical ProgreM, Soeial
Science, Kataal Hutory, Ueulogy, AJKruoemr,
Tbe muat valuable practical paperi, by eminent
writers in all drpanmentl of Science, will be
Juund In the Sclenuno Amerli au ; the whole
presented In popular language, bee from technic
al termi, lllunrated with engravings, and to
arrauiredasto intercut and Iniorra allelaate of
readers, old and joang - The Scientlao Anertran
is promotive know ledge -and progress in every
community where It circulates. It should have a
place in every Family, Heading Boom. Ubrarr,
Odiexe or Scowl. Terms, fcVA per year, l.o
hill year, wblrh includes prepayment of postage,
llucuunt to t'luheind Agent. Single copies tea
eeuts. Sold bv all Newsdealers. Keaalt by pus
ul order to Ml'NN t CO., Publishers, Si Park
How, New York.
M a rW aT'VijI In connection with the
-W AlXiil -at-i. HrleBlIB Assierl-
ran, Messrs. Men On. are Sulicitori ol Amer
ican and Furvlgo Patents, and have the largest
establishment in Ibe world. Pat sulfa re obtain
on the lust terms. Models of New Inventions and
Sketches examined, and advice tree. A Special
not ice is made in the Beloatllie .tacrine
of all inventions Patented through this Agency,
with the name and residence if the Patentee.
PubUe attention is thus directed to tlie merits of
the new patent, and siles or Introduction often
ellected. ...
Any person who has made a new discovery or
Invention, can ascertain, tree of charge, whether
a patent caa probably be obtained, by writing to
tne umierigneKi. Address lor the raper, or con
cerning faients. - -MUNN
& CO ,07 Park P.ow.
Branch Office, for. FkTth St., Washington, U.C.
im. it .
100,000 CoplCM Of
St. Nicholas
I'OU nih :
Pnly y."5 Cent a Copy.
Some ldta of U e attraction outrcl in the
of Sr. Xirnni.AS, of which copies' will be
i."suen, may ne cameo: irotn tne following : There
are noems by HKNKY W. LONOKKLLoW and
WILLI AMUlLLEXHEVilfTi a hue hitherto
unpublished sketch of Boy Life,-by the Lata
mcinnoiE. nininnor; and a snort suiry
by iheauthorofALlCK IN WONULKLAND; '
a tew Iniry story. '-Sweet M ajobam Hat.'" by
1 k 1 V L r VTl K'VTi V H T U ! Ul Tl'U iivJi
noelle riddle by Dli. J. Ii. HOLLA Nl. and
cinpans in between the manners ol young folks in
oiu times an:i nowauuys, py ts ail mIm1ii"
Of the story element, tb brightest .feature is
Uie beirtnnins; of the new serial by Mirs ALCHJTT.
entitled "UNDER THE LILACS," with illus-
trail o py i;iry ti uieca rooie
liif umnmai Sumner contains also the open-
Inirolaaew Merlstl Klorv for B V. a tale
l tro;dcal life, by tll STAVLS KKtNKEN
STLIN. entltle.1 "ToiWAr-Mountfiln "
aoinintoiy itjusrniic! nr tue arusut .aoran aou
CQjTT. with slicu-h ol her life ; neverl piems
hv io LiriLt AjJ rjf.itAW iKt,s: a
FLAY, and a CliKISf M A3 OARUL (set to
mutilc) ; Ld bail a dusen complete short stories.
I'rmlil. luuny. cxciuna an-i pamciic ac. slc.
The NKW OOVEK Is by the Lnirlish Artist.
VAI.TEB -' E, the Umoua designer of
I lie Baby sujiera."
Besides Miss AlwHt's serial for Qirls, and the
three serials for Hoys, to follow each other in rap
tn succestiion, will contain a ?horr serial story by
IsMII.V;" and an article, "AKOUNU THE
WlikLUlN A YACHT, BOYS!" has been
nromltcl bv a brilliant writer, now tm the actual
tour ot the world In his own yacht. There will be
contributions by a HAi;UHTEH OF THE I A
MOL'S PETER PARLEY, and a Letter to
Youns; Americans by - . . - , .
The IIqw aerlea of Inttroctiv papers
by various authors, will tell HOW to bind your
own hooks; MOW tbey mine coal; UOW to enjoy
ymrselves at borne: HOW to be a carpenter:
HOW to be an airreeable shiest; HOW to enter
tain company ; HOW to make an ice-boat; HOW
to bund a House; tiuv inoia runner u siinerea
HOW matches are made: HOW money is made
HOW mackerel are caught ; HOW they laid the
Atlantic cable; HOW they mine In California:
HOW tbey work In tbe tea-country ; HOW to le
a parbo n.3ic(an, etc There will be also a ser
ies of stories and sketches of s ore inn Lite,
such as "Old Menial" fa Rus'ian story), 'A lay
smnnzthe Welsh Castles." KastertBOennany,"
-The Indians of the Amasoo,". "How kilty was
Lost in a Turkish. Baxaar,' "Master Monteiu.
ma," (a Mexican stor), "Hansa, tbe Lapp
Maiden,' and many others.
Jack-in-the-PulDit," -Younir Ouotrlbutors'
Deuailtuent," '-Letter-Hoi," -Kiddie-Box," and
"r'..r Verv Little Folks." will i continued.
The four hound volumes of St. Nicholas al
ready biUhed are the most wogderlul, beautilul
and attractive Cbrlstuia Present lor Younx Peo
ple. Fach volume is complete In Itself. Vols. 1
and 2. f) 00 each : vols. and . 4 00 each.
Subscription Price. 3.0U a Year, postage paid.
Single copies, 25 cents each. Soi.o by ail
Pce.U 713 Broadway, Jl. Y.
New York" Weekly
The elreulation of this popular newspaper has
more than trebled duriiui the post year. It con
tains all the leading news contained in the Daily
h kbald. and is arranged in liandy depart menu.
The - . "
embraces special dispatches) front all quarters of
tbe Klobe, l. met ber with unbiased,, faithtui and
erupt ic pictures ol the great w ar in curope. i s
derthe bead of -
are jiven the Teleirraphlc Dcriitches of the week
Irom all parts of toe Union. Thi feature abase
nukes ...
the most valuable, new-paper In tbe world, as it is
tbe cheapest . ,
tvery week is given a laitorui report 01
embracing oompleteand comprehensive despatches
from WasHiaiiToa, IncludinK full reports of tbe
speeches ol eminent politicians on the questions of
the honr. -
of the Wirvo.T Hkrald fives the latest ai well
as u,e bnb praeiicai soracHMaM anu utaeovenes
reUiilhtf to tue dalles ol ilie taruaer. hints for rals
trig Cai tle, Povltrt, Oraiks, Tacka, Vsnsrra-
nLn. c, etc.. witti sutTaestions ror Keepum nulla.
ings end tannins; u lentils in repair. This Is sup-,
ldeniented by a well edited department, widely
copie-l, under the head of
Kit Ing recipes for practical dishes, hints for mak.
iugclotliit,rand lor keepins; up with tbe latest
fashions at the lowest price. Letters from our
Paris an I London eorrespundent) on tbe very lat
er: laKbluns. The Hova letiartnieqt of tbe
Wkkelv UakALn will save the huiuewife more
I bail "(je hundred times the price of the paper,
Thcr is a pajre devoted toatl the latest phases
ol the business markets, ti. Merchandise, be,,
tic A VHltt:iHe feature Is foun4 lu- tsje aueclaUy
renoftod prteesaqloutwliUimaaf , t . . ;,.'
' While aU tbe news from the last fire to the Dis
covery ol Stanley are 10 be fcmnd In the Weeuv
tlc&ALli, aue attention is k;itcuio
It hir,! and s broad, together with a Stobt every
wek. a Eaisua by same eminent divine, s-tss-
laiMi'" U loasiaTio, rutaojtai. and Ska
i Kurt. . There is no paper ia the wurld whlct eon-
Ins so nu"h news matter every week as the
KCMi.t nr.KAi.o. win.: n is seal posxejtre jree, Sir
In a weekly form.
. r's'rs puMiihing this prwpcclus wl hcti'. tiring
suit orbed will not neeessarlly receive an x
efmnge. -J - ' J., . ,i n, -?
. - . J -' Adstrfiw, " ' ' -
t ; t i'l i New York lie raid.. "',
- Broadway & Ann SU, New York. '
ilea. in. . . . J
- i- . DEALER IN
Hardware, Tron
The following is a part:al Lat of goods in Stock: drpenter's Tools,
Planes, Saws, Hatchets, Ilammers, Chisels, Plane Iron? A Jzes.'Ac, Dlack
smitb's Goods, Dellowa, Anvils, Vices, Files, Hammers, Ac. Saddlery
Hardware, Tab Trees, Gig Saddles, flames, Buckles, Rinys, Bits and Tools.
Table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Spoons and Razors, the
largest stock in Somerset County. Painter's Goods, a full stock. White
Lead, Colored Paints for inside and outside painting. Paints in oil, all colors,
Varnish, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Brushes, Japan Dryer, Walnut Stains.
Ac. Window Glass of all sizes and glass cut to any shape. Tbe best Coal
Oil always on hand. Our stock of Coal Oil Lamps is larye and comprise,
very elegant styles. Ditston's Circular, Muley and Cross Cut Saw3. Mill
Saw Filed of thebest quailty. Porcelain-lined Kettles. Handles of all kiadss j
Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Picks, Seytbes, Sneaths, Sledges, Mason Hammers,
Cast Steel, Step Ladders, Carriage and Tire Bolts of all sizes. I.oooking
Glasses, Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sieves, Poor Mats, Baskets,
Tuba, Wooden Buckets, Twine, Rope all sizes. Hay Pulleys, Butter Prints,
Mop Sticks, Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cutters and StuiTers, Traces, Cow
Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Dust and Scrub Brushes, Horse Brushes, Cur
ry Combs and Cards, Door Locks, Hinges, Screws, Latches and everything
in the Builders' line. Caps, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse, Ac., ic?,
The fact is, I keep everything that belongs to tbe Hard ware trade. 1 deal
exclusively in this kind of goods and give my whole atttentioa to it. Per
sons who are building, or any one in need of anything in my line, will find
it to their advantage to give me a call. I will always give a reasonable
credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers for tbeir patronage,
and hope this season to make many new ones. Don't forgot the place
3STo, 3, "BAER'S BLOCK."
April 8 '74.
Successors to S oufTVr. l'orter & Co.
MachineS? Forge Works,
Water Street. Opposite J'. Qr R. I? Depot. ronuellsTill, Pa
Manufacturers ' of Railroad and Machine Casting, K. 11.
frogs, Switch Stands and Bridles, Trucks, Pit Wagons, Lar
ries, Iron Wheel Barrows, Stone Picks, Hammers and Chisels,
Bridge Trusses and Bolts, Plows, Plow Castings,
Csok, Parlor & Hsaiing Stoves, Grates & Fira Frenis, Fenders, ZzHzrr Tare.
VIiscellaneotis Castings INIailc to Ortcr.
Machinery of all kinds built and repaired, at Short Notice and Reasonable Terms.
Also on hand all kinds of Material used about Steam Engines.
Qas, Steam and Water Pipe FlttlDKS. Iirais Valves, BraJS Wire, frum Hose, Oum anj s'lbr.os
Facainj, Iealuer sn.l Hu'ber Belting. Couiilinirs. Spiral Car Siirinirs, bivets,
April 11. BOLTS GXC,
New Firm.
Having pnvchti.el the SIim
Store lately owned bj
n.C. Beerltia,
Rfe take Dleasare in ealllas: the attention of
public to the fact that we have now and eipeo
keep constantly on hand as complete an
sent o
Boots, Shoes
and Gaiters
Eastern and Home Manufacture
as can he foand anywhere. We also will have or
hand constantly a full supply of
Of stl kinds, with a full line of
Shoe Findings.
X ENT will be In chance of
N". B. Snyder, lsq.
Whose repaiatloB for making
Good Work and Good Fits
Is soeond to none In the State. The public Is re-
specttully Invited to call and examioe our stock,
as we are determined w aeep rimxis as koou as in
beet and tell at prices as low as the lowest.
A Trsetablw Preparation. Invented in
the ITtb eemury by Xr. James Grace, Surireon in
King James' army. TbrouKb Its agency he cured
thousands of the most seiiuus eores and wonmls,
end was reKrde.lby all who knew hint ai a pnb
lle beDefaetur. 3oe. a box, by mail 30c. i or sale
by ilrnsTHlstssenersiiy.
dress 8ETH W. FOWLER & SONS,
Ioaies, smskaa.
, Sep. -it
E. X Eli AH AS
Dosuersct, Pa.
iiiiu, r
RespectfBll (nftinn the eitiiens ol Snere
Uonnty, that the are prepared to take contracts
for all kinds of I'lastering. Repairing promptly
attended to. Address as above.
Work solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Not. t.
Makes the SKIN Soft, Clear, Pare White and
Healthy! Is Cleansing, Deodorising:, IilulevS
li.g, Soothins;. Healios; and prifylltg t reianves
Daadratf, cnatwg. UVcera, siorea. Eiupttons,
Boachness and mines) of tlie skis t relieves Itch
Ing, burning aad stinging af tue Skin, and irrlia.
tloo of biting and etirglnsr Insects: will relieve
ITUH1NO PlLKJ? where nothing else will have
enyetlect: Is FHEE FKIIM ALL. OF! EN-
SI V E ODOR, and prevents Contagious Diseases,
and as an bxternsi raeiiieal ami louet frei
isl Meilleal and Toilet frepara,
EL Al Priiie, ,toae,
tloo It nas no
Box. thret liases, . sW7 eeats. Sjld hv
Qeo W. Il-intfil. ouereC. Pa., and Drugslsts
gsawisily. K. 8, WEltwl fcH,
Prntxletor. I
. .'lh sK. Pkilad'a. Pa. U'h ilruU ImJ
jwt. eoo N. Third BU, PlilU., Pa.
Jul) Si. : 4
By rsailinjr and practlctes;
e tnestiEooMe trutbs coa.
tained in the best medical
book ever bsned, rntitletl
i Price only E Sent by mail
on reneiDt of nrice. It
treats of Exhausted VirsHty, Premature Decline,
Kervou and Physical Debility, and the endless
' conoonutaat ills and vatold miseries that result
tfcerefresa, sd contiine more than SOoriginil pre
cripUsna, any one of which hi worth the price of
the nek, Tibs book was written by tne most ex.
tensive aad probably the most skilful practitioner
Aasarica, to whom was twsrdrtl a eold sod Jc w.
c Urd medal by the Kational MedicslAssociatioa.
' A Panphlet. illustnaed with the my finest
- aues sms innwi e saw.
Tel of art and bcaoty
sent mi to all. Send
for Mjsosjcs.AsMross) .a j
tc65t,Uostoa,U3s. - I III Vblir
Nails," ClassrPamts
5cC, &C.
THoaorciu.v Cures 1iseasfs of 1 lit Skix,
Heai.s Sokes ano Akz!.u: fi- the
Cuticle ano Co siif..w:3 Cost..c.o.n.
Thij Stan-i.-.H F..;:rrnai Ucntetly fur Ernp
tions, Sntet and Injuries of the bkiis, n t only
REMOVES KkO-.I THE CoUi'iJXitiS Ai. ill Elt
ISHES arising from -.jc:u i:iii ui it:cs i t dia
biood and ouitructiu!! 01 tlie fr.:-. out alsu
tliox- jiroduccd by sua au,i w.u.l, such a.;
tan and frecklja. It rtn lo'S the CL iitl.E
ati'i tuiinj a wu;le5ome ucvjtiiilk u far
prvfbrablt: tu any cosmt-tic.
All the remedial advantages of Sct
PHU Kaths are insured IY T?!.v t R ok
Glenn's ijllljthllf Snip, ul.ita b a : ii
tion to its pui;tviii etctt, remc ic uii i I KE
VCMS llilELMAllsl! and Go; T.
It also DlMXFrcTS rtoTHiSi! znd unf.n
and prevents oiseaws cimu.:ca:l: t
contact with the ifr.-.on.
Ir DISSOLVES Dandrltf, r.rcvuL ' IaJiI
nes. and retards grayress ni tne huir.
rhysicisns speak of it i;i Li"h tt nni.
Priccs-25 and 50 C-S per C ih -: pa
Box (3 Catei), 60c. ar.j$L2Q.
N. R The 50 cctt calc -t triiJe the we of C.yse L
il'.aeU or Brows, 50 Teuts.
Above Wood St..
JJsil WsUsU W S.'.IUU 1
At Prices of ISWi.
ii. jivvxijlvsi.
The Ins'ltate prepares Studenu lor 'ilee,
Business, frolesslooal 8choois. Home l.i:e. aud
Teacbinx. Irut.n elevateil. heaithnil. easv ol
access, end p let o res. oe. coin m. linn aa uieuslve
view of Chestnut Kiil-e. fall crps ol Instruc
tors Five courses of Si pcu to es.
Expenses inlrntte. New bail.tirs; lr luiies.
Open srraie In eseh room.
Address the frtneipsi,
Dee-, Jit. ffeasant. Pa
o KADni.r.R, s n .
Oe 1-t and .iirit,
Sax 3.1 Peso Ave. Pluiureh. Pa.
All dlsessesof DTK, KAK an, and lalarrh sutvesn-it-lv
treate-l. lintioDS lor ( stsrnrt,
FslsePupIls.,'-Jr..kel Eyes ""Wild
Hairs." t er and Tubhs of the
Ii.!, Ear. ose or Tbruat, I'trilaio,
-Weepiug Eyes." Pvwls. sjonical C'cr-
nea,oreia HoiIIps, Extlrpat!in. fc,, tiilli.Uy
pertormele Artificial Eyes Interted. Soud ior
des crlpiiv and Illustrated r.'qmliiet oi eases.
JulyU. . '
Sep. 19 .
F. A. Iehmann. S lioltor of Pat-r.ts. Wufainii.
ton, D. U.
Aojtent.5 5U ray. tierjl for Cln-sj
April Is, I year
Flfaiiinn Plf"n
J Ep V O rMr CLiX.
A book eonUtaiEii a list of towns In the V. S.
bavins: s.euipop- ami the newspaper LKin ktr,t
est clroalstion. All ilie K.lii..ui, arii-uituniL,
Si'ientltio. end other sfiei-iul rlajis Kiurnals. Tsnle
ofraus showinircostof AdvertiMusj ani every
thinif which advertiser woakl like to kw.w. M ail.
elon Tveeipt of tn wim A.lli. t.SO i
Kill l.l.l., St.. .pposite
'Trlt une'' ruihiini.)
Sep. a
The eh-spest and wav tn rea-h re.k iers out
side ol the Ure eiite.1 f bv u-inir one or m ire o
earsix livsofoverlooo Jiviiv, to
cover diHerent stim! of iae ,u;i:ry H.uUm
li-rynioti,rOJ.oi(J. AJvcrUsMn-ii's r'
ceived for one or mjre tisis. Yjt eitiiloiae e-in-timimmum.
of por, aal o-.h-.r inii ni'i)i
ami fur estiutatcs, adlrese
F", p-'kR' (TUa-sBuUiDi)
Sept. as"
In the Excelsior Mill
Building, West End
of Main Street,
We bare a a full and varied stock of itv
eral Jlerehandl?e, consisting of :
Dry Goods,
Hata and Caps,
Boota and Sboea,
JTotion, and a
v arid Full -Stork of
Flour, etc., etc. ALSO
t full line of rami lm:.I
me vital prtl.jnlrmsrtS of Vmulhr i 1 J
i vt OBr ""u-aiers -Uil
as that ii a. bad t.,u,UM.
he woula buy "
The OHvcr ChiUed Plow
Pluwlnnwi ' """tiimvi
iian any
er.Mathlnesol thokin.1 anl wfil
n. man's m..uey until
ne ha aiven the ma
chine a thorvimh tri
al ail is satuli
eU wuhiLs
THE EMPIRE Thher. f,par.!(r M
(. leaser, $ 30, ,u tf.w powe. I ? M
erl; B- FARQUHB, W-r e, arch
er with shaker atta.-iiment.
an ( irsss See-i lriil.
Hasrorrtown Qraio
irufn ami Onif
ith Hay raise.
The HaKerotnwn, S
IlilNide Plows
Cast Iron Ixng Plows
louble Shovel Corn IMc
ejthes, Si kle,
t.ralp Cradles
Korku. ShuKii . .
nssin Of PI..
Miears Points) ale.
'Cr&'llb' JfKuttural itnple-.
"t "u.h'.rrr hwew'ill'.r,
hide,. n," tyj"1' I'
Sett'?1 r-4
trade or jA.
ntl'V.'1' PJre'el from J. W.
ua. u.i e turostoci ot merchandise I
K ' lly solicit patronape from tbe peo-
tiZ?1 1 intend "M"? fr'"n
tnnZ-10 la a!I Partniems that it
lulu, e f aBt ol
irtxxls to cail and m m t.t...- i. . .
elsewhere. I""1"'"?
Ei. E. Pattok.
Dec. 2U, ldTti.
Somerset. Pa.
A Desirable Kesidence
For Sale.
I offer for sal. m t ,
S' -merset Bur.
A brick dweliin. h.!. ...T,ertel mit trees.
.n.i i.M i - -- r. r .. 11 1 '
ro-Kni. waili. wnoif
J"r. 6r evVriree. .hlr nn,nT w'""r
bee. an4 tT1 ", v '-rry
KwrelnonlVwli miii I lit ;me ,n'm "
1H4. tkM n - ' "
. iiiiine runninr
plements sn.I ftrnT, J: ir'." ''M ks 1;".u'-n, aud w,U Ki,
July is. J.O.KLMMEL,
roVxsrMS Jir.''"1 "y r-r the cure
c'rraUrtaialnir r.. H STEM.- A
.... Fr,l
d eer-
ty to .til
prietiir. ISO'aV
7823 sTnr on J878.
New York Observer.
The Dest Relig.u ana Secular Faniily
NWIlr.. Tr, po pa:d"
Etabluhej 1S23.
Seji. j
Wholesale and Ilotail,
; " in
AH ktuds, fucb as BEEF, PORK,
?;ArSA0E,.roddiQ?, DoIg.
oa, Mince Meat, and
LARD cf oor owa
" Rendering.
JSiaj I Waf.
Snirct, Pa.
"Ment canbeoutaineilsnyday
tlurino; th wk. April 11.
ai Mouse
ment of :t1(, oise-ise. ih. . f"r tl,e
I Hi-ate. .".! '"t"nd. an
fall .,.iBTTvr.i.