The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 05, 1877, Image 3

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The Somerset Herald.
Itconilwm i,
A .aw', aval -al.a-Sa.Jl
.ii.l alter K.v 1?. W7T. trains on tlito
r,l ,u 4r(rt n awl umi M lluti euroer
Ormi.t uxi iiincu aa ("Howi:
liravr I'llti'.mrxb
M. k.l-.rl
t Neauin
t nuiM-llm lile
Ml. I'irKMUtl
I IllUlltl.aU
l.hi.. I'M
Mineral Wat
4 UIIiIm-i land
VI aMiunKUia
K- 101a
s-w a.m. lave Nets nr rtr
e.2 i'liilMriii'a "j!.!"'
: "
IMift "
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mi.'. "
ll .li
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Uliiii ! I
Xl. Tiiinant
In V p.m.
: a. w.
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ft p. m
xu a. m.
: : ni.
All mini nil lijr Balttmnw Time. 11 minut
lmb-rUian I'llulHlrgli Time.
The F.iie train leave Plttrt.urc at:00 P. M.
mmt.ut il C.mulUill W:4 . M- Mineral
fulnt Uli A. Ja. U reura the Kkiuvh leaven
4 'utuherlaiHl at S on A. M arriving at Mineral
folni A. M , CinellvlUe t l A. MM fill
l.urnh a a A. hi.
Tbe m.irt dire ami jileaani rooia to the Eal
n.i South via Waabmntoo t'ity.
Tar.irh Mail leavin at M a. m.. dailjr. r.
nmu tVMhuurUM at I'M p. m. : rUliinmre. W
ii. m. : PhiiaJeliitiia. 3:10 a. in. ; New lura. e J
a ni.: Kiriuaiou. 7:oia. m.
TbnuKh r.xiireaK. leaving l(i0 p. dally. r
riee at W aahiniftiMi at 7 :" a. in. ; Haltunnre, :-
. m. : Ki-b .oi, Uv. m.; Phlla.leli.hia. !:
ji. m. : Near Vrk..lp. a.
TlinwKli Mall and Erprew train! 'tally.
Ammimoiialim tralna ami Kaeelte
4aiiy, ei-ejit SMtnday.
" Ticket offioea.eurner Kinh T'nM,",.,';.
field Street, ami dep. earner Oram and W aiei
Stream Fiiul-Wh. Tlekrt Aifrnt
E. k HYKlJiAN,aajUOonneUvlll.
cBKcarr a. mtaEavairoiiiT bailboad.
1b and attr May Nu.'. 1. tralnt lll
ru ai luiiuwa, euooecUna with ail paaaenar traina
o the P. W. B. R. K. (Mail tralni daily, Ex
irea dally exee(it Mon-lay.)
uiva aaaiva.
MallWejt 5-ip. aa. 6 So p. am.
Hall EaM 1 3D a. am. 1-' P-
Hail East i4iu,'U lth tVxal Weft.
P. W. B. B. R- raa rmT.
Way I'aiwenjfer tin...,
Way I'aKenirer Weal..
Mall Knot
Mail Wsat
Exprrai Eaat
llxjircita Went
... IS 0U
, VI p.
, ll:3i p. m.
. tup. m
12:3i A. M
. i:ca A. M
Kibbita apearto be plenty this season
Arc you cuing to bear the Tennessee
I'artrid;e ahoolins is faat drawing to I
A eooJ boot for $2.2-1 cash at
Jl 3t Soi I'hl's.
A prime w bule tx-k kip boot lr f3.00
Cah at
l at Sol. I'hl's.
No man can have true friends unless be
is the true friend of others.
I w iil sell for cash tbe best and cheapest
ImhiIs aud shoes in Smiersel.
21 31. SL. I'liL.
Tlie lately elected county officers will be
installed in 1 ueslay, tbe 1st day ol Jan
uary, 1378.
ErtM'OPAL service will be held in tbe
GimkI Templars' Hall on Friday evening,
lcc.7, 1S77, at 7 o'clock.
' Mrs. Haves is said to lie a student of
to!iiics and bilks intelligently on their
changing phases." Whew !
Hunting on Sunday is prohibited by a
line ol f 2". Il would be well for some
jieople to make a note ol this fact.
t is better tltHt a woman should keep
l)er stockings in repair than that she
iMjouid know tbe origin pf the rainbow.
Liat Saturday Mears. T. J. Picking
aud Josiah Keller succeeded in killing a
fine young deer weighing 150 pounds.
In wintering stock, racks, sheds, and
p'.-n'y ol straw lor litter are necessary to
comfort, economy and convenience.
Dr. Sadler, Oculist and Aurist. No.
2"Vti I'enn Avenue, Pittsburgh, l'a. Eye,
Ear, Throat nd Catarrh Specialties.
If the person who borrowed a plaiting
machine from tbe wife of the editor ot this
jui I it, will return it. she will confer a fa
vor on the owner.
A paintul cor,n on the toe roy be "cir
cumvented" by paring il closely, and ap
plj ing cotton, steeped in arnica, to the af
lected part It affords immediate relief.
JTow that England wants a protective
tariff at hoiiic.which side w'ill those Ot-ui
ucratic orgnlis U;ke WbicU 'e,'! bought
ttilU British gold to sujiport free trade in
the I nited biati-s.
Wiudoas adorned with blooming flow ers
and tresh green plants of different
kinds always attract tbe attention of ass-eis-by,
and gives evidence ol the taste and
culiuie of the owneia.
Faith is sometimes personified by a
drenched lemale clinging to a ea-washed
rock; but a better personification would be
a bald-headed man buying a bottle of pat
exit hair restorer.
Montgomery couuty has a school teach
er a ho hog taught 4-J winters without
mining a day. lie is now M years old,
dotsn'l wear glasses, and can eai!y walk
t-n or twelve miles a day.
Notick. Persons indebted to n:e, cot
having the money to settle their ac
counts, will please call and give their
cotes on or lielore the 1st day of Decem
ber. 4t 5. Ii. Pile.
Tbe place to get the largest, lresht-st
aud cheapest t ) slers, by the quart, halt
can, or MeW, is at V. 11. lJl-.tu'j. litldef
tc filet oiUce.' i"or'a Ecniii, llt IViiIcl',
Cuiiea. I'len, !5JlAd Like Herring and
Mureou. 21 4t.
1 he Cum'.ierlaDd County Commission
ers have concluded to erect a iarge shed lit
the jail ard, wherein the tramping If
termtj iil break atope. The etohe will,
jnturp W 5u!U . te bVougi 4"HlU"; Vj"
Notice. All book accounts not closed
bv Oct. 31, 1877, either by cash or note,
will In- placed in the bands of an officer
for coiicc'ion.
A. ("OCNTKJMAN 4 Str.'.
fP gl 4vaRsv;ij; fa.
VVe have lutd polices in the apers tor
:Le last idoii ih requesting tbme having
acciiums our books to call and pay
them. If we are forced, to hir-.l;cr t4,ei,
fii,iKi,iy aowpiain uuacocpi ! ol'
nolij-e. ; " !
o. ii. Mammoth liiock
rRoIMtALS. Sealed, sertaraie proposals j
will be received at the CommuMiuners' )
OHice. Somerset, Pa., to the HOi day ol i
January, 1ST!, for naifing and weather-'
Umrdiiig the Howe Truss Bridges, over'
IWIm.a fiirr M.-frrKiUI and ll.r
oedsvillr; the work to tie completed by
the 1st day ot June, 1S7S. Seeilications
'urnishtdoo application. Right reserved
U rt jici any or all bids.
IU order pi the CommiseiiKieri,
26 31 CUk.
t briv'nias, Iew
Year, Santa C'laus
nd everjbiKly'
We bavt msde ar-
jaupi intnis. ijy whkh sm w
will receive
from NVw York. I'lnUrUTr'toa and lUlli-
more, ihe lar;et and most varied BMri-
Dient ot Holiday riaxla ev-r 'iKi.lni lit In
N-nieiget purchaaers. 1ud'i make jour
purchat until jou see otiratock. It will
iniliideeverjthicc uvful and ornament-
al. W ith thanks for patronage in former
IIks. J. B. Tstniriix.
No. 0 Mammoth Block.
f-.zssss -
A hunter named Ilclacl, residing in Ju-
lonhip. lilair county, the other
led three ioer within the fpacc ol
! minuus. anrniiDg to tlie uuniinjj -
,...-- i... -..I..- . 1
idiMI J-'i i li.ti. nnu m.ii uiav unwniw
I lr ailllnx if true.
i The iruniind-a !.' Nan of a rc
; cent date saw lUai in many portions of that
: county the win at is over a loot high and
! is brine pasture:! to prevent it 1 shooting."
1 We have hmr: ol the fame danger to
1 wheat in thii (-.miitr, but an cold weather
! has t in. tli- ttangrr we presume is over.
j Scriti-. vin paratoiy to Communion,
J w ill Ik; held in the Pi'obyteiua church
'on Friday cvenine, rjaturiiay aternoon
and evening. Communion services on
j Sunday morn in c. fck-mons, morning and
evening of 'Sunday, by liev. Harnett, of
. -
There was gorilla named Pongo,
Who coiues Iroiu the coast of Congo;
lie has gone up the spout
Slipped his grip etered out
Goiit- to that heaven, no doubt.
Where every good a(K! shall anon go.
At York (jrapliit".
A little son of Maj. James B. Tredwcll
was badly scalded one day of last week.
The little fellow managed to reach a
small bucket filled with boiling water
which was standing on the stove, and in
attempting to draw it toward him, upset
the bucket throwing tlie boiling water
over his hand aud arm.
The naughty man who w rites the locals
for the Waynesboro Republican says:
"Hugging a girl in a tight titling corset is
like putting your arm around a cold parlor
stove." And now the Green county girls
have left otl corsets, whatever they may
be, and look like so many bags ol oats
wih strings tied around them.
Head the advertisement of George It.
Parker, to be found in another column ol
this paper, and learn how to save from 20
to oi) per cent, in buying your dry goods
and notions. With his tine stock of goods
and gentlemanly and obliging clerks, be
is enabled to offer better inducements than
any other merchant in town.
Rev. A. J. End,ley, D. I)., ot Johns
town, baa consented to lecture in this
place S(n, for the benefit of the M. E.
Church. The JoUutown press compli
ments (juite highly the recent lectures ot
tbe Ir. in that town. We hope he may
have a good house. Further announce
ment net week.
Notice. Pel sons knowing themselves
to be indebted on my books, will please
call and settle by the Ut of January. J7el.
After that date I will send eith person in
debted to me a statement of account. If
not attended to then il will be letl with an
officer for collection.
"Short settlements make long lriends."
5 21 v;- R. Parker.
On Thursday last a four-year old son of
Mr. Janice Ia ry ol Ulairsville, met m ilb
a sad accident. The little fellow was
amusing himselt a!ut the kitchen when
he tiicl a dish-;an filleJ with boiling
water, the contents drenching his bod,
scalding hi in in a fiightlul manner. He
lingered until aliout two o'clock the next
morning, w hen death relieved him of bis
It the constituted authorities don't
make a raid on tha Iniys who amuse them
selves by smashing tree boxes, the town
will soon be denuded of these adornments
ot the streets. This kind of fun Is a se
rious infraction of the law "in stch case
made and provided." and when some citi
zen makes an "information and backs it
up bv evidence the laugh will be on the
other side.
Cooper's lijinnl Plantation Min
strels, ol, JUL, who were
to cite an entertainment ia tbe Court-
bouse last Mouday evening, owing to un
avoidable circumstances were unable to
come to lime and have deferred giving the
entertaiuiU'-nt till next Monday evening,
Dec. 10. e have beard this trotiie
very lavorablv spoken ofuud all w ill miss
a rare treat who tail to see them.
A man named Loveless dropped dead
w hile grinding his axe last week, near
Washington City: as his name was,
to was bis condition in lile probably.
We arc w illing to be! oar linen duster that
be died of a broken lu-nrt. crushed to the
grave in tbe prime of bis life by the over
whelming conviction that in this world he
had "no one to love, none to caiess" and
no one to turn the grindstone lor htm
while be tried to see bow bard he could
bear down on the axe.
S hool RtroRT. Tbe following is a
report ot Ridse school, thade township.
Somerset county. Pa., for the month end
ins Nov. l.'l, l!?7:
No. ot pupils, males 10, females l, to
tal 25.
Average attendance, ii.alcs 5, females
total 13.
Per cent, of attendance, males i' fe
males 32, total 52.
Visitors 1.
No. of branches U'ihr, T.
Dr. Van Dvke's Si i.riit H Soap. Dr.
Van Dyke, whose lile loni secialty, and
world wide reputation for curing skin dis
eases, lias endeavored lor years to comuine
an external treatment. He has accom
plished Ibis desirnlile result iu the prepa
ration ot bis compound "Sulphur Soap,"
the merits of which are spoken of by
thousands; it is highly recommended to all
our readers. Price 25 cents, by mail, 35
rentb a Ihi: ;! cakes CO cents., bv mtil,
75 cents. Office 50 K. 5th street. Whole
sale Di Ht, 4d0 N. 81 street. J'hiladelpbia,
Suld 1 a!J Druigisls.
Tbe Ptnustlvania Railroad shoi. up
per and locr, at Altootia, employ three
thousand bands. With the facilities at
nd, an eight wheeled hopper-bottom
car can lie ceuairucted in an hour, aud re
cently one hundred aud twelve ol this
class were turned out in a week ol ten
hours a day. An eibt wheeled Iku car
can be made in cine hours including one
coal ol paint, and a pasi-niier car Can lie
built in two days. So far duriug the
tear five paaacuger, live fajslal, and 1.
771 freight cars have been o instructed,
and S50 passenger and ti.'.i'.i freight cars
i"wired. The wucs of l lie employes ag
gregate about $l,5"0.vU0.
It is staled that Congress will put a
stop to the coinage ol t aeuty o-nt pieces.
We have bet-u under the impression that
Ibe coinage of these pieces was slipped a
year or two ajo. There is so nrcii sii'ii
lariiy is si'jf Ri eHcr wpj.aii;us; be
t'te.l tiu ni and twenty trvo cent pieces
lliat the rtittlcultv of diStiUKUishiug be
tween them n-sulteil in Ibe smaller being
treipiently iased for the larger c in, to
the loss and annoyance of the victims.
Il the coinage of the pieces sisiki-n, of has
cot already tajeu tri;ei, lie WMicer fn
trerc kiuliories Ike discoritmua'nee the
better lor ly.e purse and Yiirnpcf pj he
At Sol. I'hl's can be found a lull assort
meet of Gum Goods at the following
prices for cash:
Gum Carta. $ GO ,1 M St.
jUa'; Uv le Ih'crstiocs.'
Ladies' Alaska Orersboi, SKI cents.
Iulies' Buckle 1.30.
Men's Alaska Overshoes, fl.10.
Men's eiandala, 74cru'a
I iMiie,' b-iUUH. titi t o'.a
Ms(s' Sinda.s. 40ccnU.
Alsi, a full line ol Eastern and Home
made Bio;s and S.'a.ies at tbe Terv j'iret
I prices for fasb. Cij a4 arsir,e
! Lil- uio.c vaii ui.-iki vour purchawtaua
be convinced that 1 am selling ibe best
giMids at ibe lowest prices.
Somerset, Dec 5. PJ7". Ht-
" " ,,
ouaiua rriliuai i ciiutwtv
Cabin Smcers will civeone of llie'tr iqlni'-
table esteriaincienis In tbe (Wurt bousa,
Wednekdav eveninr. I)ec. 5. This ctlcbra-
ud trouid gaveuneoi U.eir entertainments ;
i. j i.. . , i '
ne.rt taeireuieruinmenu
summer to a Urtfe and
ice. so delighted with
as were all wLd wc(e in j
jntelligeui audience,
tln-ir naive sini'
attendance, that, we doubt not, each and
every one mil not only attend this time, '
but do all In their noVr ta in.'iir ih, ir
friends to go. The troupe u comp-wed of !
educated neirtors, who sing nearly
M l.!;.Hti..r. litrunaanii bitii'k
ait ts
have a world wide reputation, having
sanp in all the pricciiwl cities ia tliia
country and Europe. vUar's a nieet.n'
here to-uipbt," and dm't fail to be there,
Come yourself and bring your wife or
swefinean Willi vou. l'rice ol aiiniiKkinn.
!S5 cents. Beservcd seats. 50 cents, i
' Tickets for sale at fpacrs' Drug Store. 1
, day k;l
Thanksgiving daf a very generally
j obsttTed by onr rple. .Nearly all the
6:orts were clcfetl, at least Uie Irontiloors
; were, ana mere was a very general sus-
pcDMua oi busmen, l niou services were
hebl in the Presbyterian churcb. Iter,
l.tirrork's sermon was listened to ly a
iarpc aiul very appreciative : andkwee.
The sermon was out f tbe ordinary nm
of ones preached on similar occasions, and
wbiie Uie orator did not neglect to bo
thnulfiil fir tin- usual Annual products of
the soil, be took a mneh larger and more
comprehensive view of the blessilnir. which
had been showered on our country: of its
minerals,, its Uinbcr. climate, etc. All
who were present unite io saving that it
wax an excellent discourse. Tbe military
turned out tor a shirt street parade after
w hich the usual monthly inflection was
held in tbe armory. It was a day of rest,
thanksgiving, and big dinners, and all
took up the burdens of Hie anew on Fri
day morning, feeling refreshed and inare
fried lor tbe struggles ol lite.
Dr. A. J. Endseley tor some time past
has been preparing a lecture on "signs"
which will be delivered some cveuing soon
in one ol the halls in this city. It will be
first-clasa, and contain many new, in
structive, and interesting thoughts, and
will no doubt call forth a full bouse. Dr.
Endsley never talks in the pulpit or before
any audience without sajing something;
his sermons every Sunday are strong aud
terse, furnishing food tor thought and re
flection, and there is every reason la be
lieve this lecture will come up to his usual
efforts. The lecture is entitled, "An
evening's entertainment among "signs"
in which they are considered philosophic
ally, historically, dramatically, supers! i
liously, politically and socially; with il
lustrations ot their utility in the great
newa-depaitment of the worlJ. and in nav
igation and railroads; also, their relation
to agriculture and tbe weather; and their
practical use in making known character.
Ibe lecture aims to be both instructive
and humorous, and abounds in
hit at the follies and absurdi
ties ol many of the prevailing notions aud
practices of the times. Johnttov Demt
rrat. Dickens' Little Folks. Nothing
has given the writings ol Cuahles
Dicebns s-j strong a bold upon the hearts
ol parents as the well-known excellence of
his portrayal of children aud their in. cr
ests. These delineations havine received
the approval of readers ol mature age. it
scents a worthy effort to make the young
also particiani8 iu the enjoyment ol these
classical dciiiHia.
With this view the different child char
acters have bevu detached from the large
mass ot mailer with which they were
originally connected, and presented in tbe
author's own language, to a new class of
readers, to w boiu the little volumes will,
e doubt not, be as attractive as the larger
origiuals bv'e so jroven to the general
A series of twelve volumes bus Leun
prepared, presenting, anionic others, the
billowing characters: "Little PaI'L,"
from Douibey & Son; "Smike," from
Nicholas Nickleby; "Little Nell,"
Iroiu The (;d Curiosity Shop; "file
Child Wifk," troin David Copperlield,
Ac, &c.
A new edition of the first yoluuie of this
series, "Little Paul," from Dtnbey
Sm. has just been issued, illustrated by
Darley, aud attractively bound. The
other volumes will lolluw at short inter
For sale by all booksellers, or sent post
paid for 1.00 by ibe Publisher, Jons R.
Anderson, Harttord. Conn.
After Twextv-Six Yeahs. la
I SOI Edward J. Ford, a colored man, who
was couvii tod ot iUe inurdor of aoolUe;
colored lierson named Edwaid Cook, near
Philadelphia, was sentenced tt be hung,
but tor some reason the then Governor,
Wui. F. Jobnstou, failed to sign the death
warrant, and lor twentv-six years the
pcrictrator has fx-en an inmate of the
county prison. Ibe successors ol Gov.
Johnston did not like to take tbe rcsMnsi-
bility ot signing the document, and this
week the board cf liafdopt recorniuended
tlie liberation ol ford, l lie necessary
papers were made out aud approved by
Governor II an run It, so that an old anil
broken down man ho cheated the gal
lows is now at liberty once more, lie
killed bis brother in-law. Cook, in the
year above mentioned, aud also threaten
ed to lake the lile ot his wife at the same
time. It is said thai lor a long lime after
bis incarceration he entertaiued vengeful
and bitter feelings against those who tes
tified against mm, uui latterly nis
have changed, and his greatest wish was
to look out uixm the blue sky and the
green fields once again. The great world
will seem strange to him now, lor a quar
ter ot a century works wondrous changes.
He belongs to a geueration that is past.
and it may not be improbable that he will
gladly go oack to his bum drum existence
alien he nnds himsell a total stranger in
the world ol which he has known but
little during so many years.
W tl.LEitsnt nfi, Pec. 1, 1377.
Editor Herald. As jour paper has
nin) appiecialive reudcis in this part of
the county, 1 beg space for an item or two
trout ibis place. John Palmer, who has
been living in this town lor many years,
passed away on last Sunday at 4 I. M ,
at the advanced age of 8-J y ears, 0 months
and 22 days. For many years past his lite
has been a "bright and shining light" to
the people of tuts community, and a liv
ing commentary on the Gospel of Christ;
and tor man tears to come, his pious ex
ample, godly counsel, and ardent prayers
will be held in affectionate remembrance
by those w ho knew him. His reason re
mained with bim to the last, and during
bis affliction a heavenly smile was con
stantly beaming on bis countenance. He
cried out when in the very jaws of death.
1 in L'oin n me ! 1 raise tbe Lord '
He taugbl us .io to live: hes,bocdus
how to die. He left behind bim a com-
pauiou with whom be lived in peace for
over sixty teats, who is also in her &lh
year, waiting tor tue heavenly chariot.
A religious interest is at present inani
tested b the people ol Wellersburg and
vicinity in attending a Strict ol meetings
iu the church ot the Evangelical Associa
tion. Rev. J. J. iieruhart, of Mineral
Point, was with us on Sunday. Rev. YY.
A. Runnier, the pastor is continuing the
effort. Good impressions have been
made; the people generally have become
seriously ipcliued i nd many have been
seeking Jesus at an aliar of prayer and
have louud pardon and peace iu believing.
M-iy the gtaai wurk go on 1
Tub Dt xkakos An Hem in the
Philadelphia l'rif this week gives some
mic resting inlortualion in relation to the
Dunkaids, or German Baptists. Tbe first
census of tLis denomination has just Ih-cu
completed, and slums that They numlier
about 00,000 In the I'uiled Stsle. In
Pennsylvania ;cy hae U'j churches aud
U.uGl iucuVK-re. Tney have some pecu
liar charact r sties ol laith and CO :tri. e uil
f octal lile. They are a coiudi juii; t
themselves, and not much given to geRer
al inurcourse. They 'tgUm their; oan
alf-.iri, aud lrel, or Ui Ver have recouist
o the c tuns lor tlie acttiemeut of dispuies
fliey are distinguished loi-' sobriety ot lite
and industry, and tbef yjarfce lu kgrktil
trl pii;i.uiib. Tbeio ia less vice and
crime amoug the Duukar Is than among
any other part of the Aiueiican population .
Both nun and women arc exceedingly
grave in demeanor, but tjiey aro kind tnd
uoulal iu fhelr Relations ttAoof an'ltber,
and '(liy are scrupulously just in their
dealings. It is only on occasions ot great
imKrtanee that iney go to the pulls and,
vote, yhen tbey uu, ii if In stch a
as to make their' iuttieace, aeqsibly felt,
A loirf b'.eelWS ia UUGkwii Viliaga la
t utlougatlair. It may be in session for
hours and addressed by the most elotiuenl
sK.akers without the manifestation of le
slightest if wRPttip iff tCftyP&j
lliaiiditMi iftteW attentively, howev
er; every ear I ojien, every wora is
treasured and the seed sown is sure to
ripen and yield an abundant harvest.
The punkahls a.r? purely practical
cic. I'Uiii.'aiiiiit mt) ftuipie Vuiues, i
tut lillie tasie lor ibe arts thai administer
to asiheteic eojoyments. and aiming ex
clusively to do their duty to God an 1 man.
and to live and die in peace .
"Gekmax fTRCP.' No other medi
cine in the orld was ever given eoch a
cine in the aorw was ever Bit
Wistof it? curative qoalnles a J
eriian SyhW- In tjtree 2
million lour hundred thousand i
years two
small but?
tlesot tl)i medicine wure, alstributedr
of thurgt by Druggist in this, country to
i'hip alf.irted with Consumption, Asthma.
Criup. severe Coushs, Pncqtpocia and
.vhfrdases oi ma turoai an4 mut", a'-
ing the Americaa peopie uu(lepiab)e prool
thiil GphVaS PyttT V HI cure tboj.: The fiae atternoon thai you aauutef uul, 'uy a
result bin been that Druggist ia evcrysboirj UtHiS's riyifHlR chJAF- That
town and viliaite in tbe United sitates are! admirable purifier will remove every one
recommendip? U to their customer. Go of those pimple which detract so much
to your Uruggiat, Q. W. Beaford, and ask from your beauty, sold by all Drag-
whal tua Knows BUOUl la. -isaiaiuia wnira
10 cent. Reeular 6ixe 73 ceats. Three
doses will relieve any case.; iTnrtir Ltmberts'-'
ville: what shall we say of her ?. Rusinesa
ta rather -dull; tin figbta occur rarely;
roosters fight not. neither do they crow;
tramps mas not aad swear; nor uotato
, ".. - t - i
uugssing -i am a iiuieurnugcr.
limits are broken and lives hist by acci-
dent that as a consequence local .nutter
from here is verr scarce. I wiil try, how
ever, and write a few ircms not knowing
whether the many readers of your valin'ile
paper w ill be beneiiteti therey.'
Mr Joba Hafls, who, having long
since lost bis eyesight, while in the act ol
feeding stock, was walking across the
haymuw.and no boards being nailed at the
gable cud, the unfortunate man dropped to
Uie ground, breasin hi eg and fright
fully bruising bis arm. At last accounts
be was doing as well as could be expected
under the circumstances.
A certain young man living in our town
says there are only two things be de
spises, viz: to drive pigs and cirry chiff
The hunters are on the daily w ar-path
and will sxa be scarce at this rate,
for it was but lately we saw one of our
young sportsmen wending his way
through town almost exhausted by carry
ing such burden under bis arm as a
squirrel, but then it was a large one.
Names of persons drawn to serve as
Traverse Jurors to Special term of Court,
Special I
January 7, 1078:
Addiaoo Ross
Allegheny W. F. Webber. W. II. Mil
ler. Charles Smith. Andrew Verner.
Berlin bor. Augustus Floto, Clement
lirotbersvalluy Edward KimniL-1, Mi
chael Dively.
Conemaugh -Joseph J. Mishler.
Elklick Marion tilotielty, Samuel P.
Jelterson John Xair.
Jenner Frederick Gonder.
Jennertown George Friedline.
Iiwer Turkeyfoot Samuel Minder.
Middlecreek Smith B. King.
Miltbrd t hai les Ben lord, Abraba.n
Barrone, Albert G. Will,
Northampton John B. Tiimpey.
Paint Tobias Lehman.
(juemaboning Herman Ik-ikey.
Shade John' W. Reel, Charles R dg
crs. Somerset bor. II. O. Cunningham,
Daniel Trent, George V. Speers.
Somerset iwp. Perry I'liiiiersier, Wui.
I M. Ruoads, Joseph Weyaud, .losiah An-
Southampton Balaam Shoemaker.
Summit Silas Walker, Frank Enos,
Perry Berkley.
I'rsiua James Albright,
Harxedsville Items. This flourish
ing lillie village seems to be unnoticed by
the passer by and sister "burgs;" however,
if you mill allow space in jour excellent
puiier, I will iry to jjiye you a few items.
Although .these are panicky our
little village is still improving. As you
are aware, our quiet little village was vis
ited by a fire during the pust summer
which destroyed the residence ol Cain,
Morrow, and since that time he has creel
ed a vei'y hue, large and desirable dwelling-house
which he will soon occupy. It
is onu of the finest buildings in the village,
arid wjll ad yery much, to the appearauce
of the place. Jf we were to luvs; a new
building erected, like the one Mr. Morrow
has just completed, every time an old one
burnsdown, it would add very much to
the appearance of the place, provided some
more ol the old huts mere cousuuied.
II. II. Kemp has bet-n very poorly f r
some months ast, bill lie is improving
slolv and will soon be able to attend
to bis buslueaa which ha much
needs his attention.
The farmers ot the surrounding commu
nity are very jovial and iudeed they should
be alter they have been blessed w ith such
a bountiful harvest. A more bountiful
harvest was never known in this part ot the
County, and the fall grain bids fair lor
auoilier bountiful harvest.
Rev. Taylnr. tin nicrly of boiuerscl, has
just closed a series ol meetings at the
I nion appointment, Addison tom nslnp,
m-bich resulted in several conversions, ijr.
Taj lor is a valiant soldier for Jeuis.
We are Informed that Rev. T. Eisenhour
is to commence a scries, of meetings at the
Centennial churcb of tbe Evangelical As
sociation, on Saturday evening, Dec. 11.
communion on Sunday the lain, at 11
o'clock. Rev. J. J. Rerohart ia expected
to be present. Success to all efToits.
Teachers' I.nstitutb. Tue Somerset
County Teachers' Institute, for 177, will
be held in the Court house. Soineiset,
commencing at 2 o'clock, r. m , Monday.
Dec. 24. and close on the follow inc Fri
Organization, Monday atlernom.
t'n Jlonday evening there will be a re
union ol the teachers: an address of wel
come' by Prof. W H Sanuer and music by
rrot 31eese s cboir. 1 be other evenings
will lie devoted to lectures and entertain
ments. KEjHUtTa.
The following teachers will prepare re
ports on subjects of their own selection:
Levi Lichliter, L J Miller, J C Sneicher,
Herman E Walker. D L Pbillippi. D F
Coleman. Joseph O'Connor, X W Mussel
man, J J Cook, J W Hammers, F K Mey
ers. J B Gerhard. A S Fichtner, Albert
Barnes, I P Dull. J B Tedrow. W II II
Baker, J M Cook, Wesley Adams, S P
Poorbauh, S P Brabaker.
The following teachers are appointed
essayists: Christtc. Hobs lue, Jennie
Richardsci. Anuic toller, Magg;d Iinep
per, Annie'1' Fisher, Lilian il L).im. Em
ma O Hanna. Lizzie kooser, Sidney
l'ostletbwqhe, Mary A Koontz.
Disccsstos s
How can a readier best imi art mora in
struction? R F Van Horn.
Iow caq we scoure butter discipline in
cur emu moil schools? J C Kendall.
How can teaching lie made a permanent
employment t J D Baer.
Should graded schools tie eta'ilisliej in
our rural districts? J M Prills.
Report on Um fbllom ing subject- will
lie read and discussed:
The leuiiier's tiuali.'ications. H M
The teacher's work. ( H Cook-
Our tedchurs an I achoiiW tweniy-tive
teaiaago. F Groif.
Punishiuenl. Al'art Sat lor.
Culture Couservative aud Progressive.
S U Trent, (Address.)
Superficial Know ledge. .1 D Mese.
Primary Ariihmetic. D W VViil
1 he acquisition and use ijittileitual
t ii
Tlie iewfftul j'uectas In leaching.
J w I
The permanence of literary fame.
j.Ef rt-'Kri.
1 c I
it. v. 11 CritehtM. fc-"o. Siit
thfs'cHiniv. Prof ZC Kuati. of Mt. Pie
ant. and Prof. J A Bmsh, A, , tt Mt.
Union Cu;u-j;o, Cuj.o, Hill he with us.
tjliieia have oee,n solicited and pniniUe
-us their assistance. Every eilort has been
made to have such exercises and instruc
tion as will be interesting and pruftrtUc
to all. and trout ttu &suta'nc given at the
earuintiuaa it is expecled that all the
teachers will attend.
The encouragemenTg!ycn to thi$ and
similar educational meetings, is a.cniwl
edged to a tf te po!'eaaiunal
seal aflj yiifit ci (he leather..
' Uuae prepared to lJn la the discus
sions; bring practical Questions for the
Vtuery Box, and tbns tend your assist
ance to make tbe Institute a mere.
Vor;Bf tei hera, Vrcv W, and ail oth
ifi k-Li iutereaUMi in tite cause ot
ducalion, art) cordially invited.
A list of attendance will hermblhbel
J. B. WnirKEV,
r cvv kiujit.
BEtatv, spy. 80,. iTf. 2t
Bltmvkr baa made rreat reductions in
prices ol llardwaie. Von can buy pnAs
just as cheap frotH Vi'W v)' buJ
heyt ta the ity. ile buys his goods from
tie manulacturefi and in iare qnantities,
and therefore bays thedi at the very low
est prices, and is' determined now to sell
roods at arery low price. Call sJ see
Eirni and ge h'p Vfvi- stock is very
uiiur-'icie. luciudlni; Buiklinz Hardware,
Paint and Ulasx, (tils. VarnUbes, and ;
WotKjep, Pomps. Agaio we say, call aud j
see B.iymyer, nd bfiy ya' hardware from ;
Min, aid you wij save money.
-y.y j
Miss: A word ia tout ear. The next
WUI a Ilair and W hisker Uye. blaca or j
orown, co.
edition of 1874 of the sterling Medical
Annual, known as Ilostctter's 'Almanac, i i
now ready, and may be obtained tree of
cost, of UruedsU and ceneral countrv
' -i i - ti . ,i..7 i- c?.. -
iirains iu o.i wi9 oi urn e mien oiaiea
and Hritwli America, and indeed in everr
, civilized portion of the Western Hemis-
phera. Il com bines with . Uie soundest
practical advice for the preservation and
restoration ot health, a large amount of in
teresting and amasin light reading, and
Uio calendar, astroninucsl calculations.
chmnologicul f tcm etc., are prepared
with great cire, ana will no lonna entire
ly accurate. The lastitf of Hosteller's
Almiti-tc for T7s3, in tiio EagiisU, Ger
man, French, Welch, Norwegian. Swed
ish. Holland, Bohemian and Spanish
laugllages. will in alt probability be the
largest edition of a medical work ever
published in any country. The propri -
etors, Messrs. Hostetter & Smith, PiltS-
burirh. Pa., on reciirtt of a two-cent sUmn
will forward a copy by mail to any person
who cannot procure one in his neighbor
hood. :n i . ... i :i .
Sake Si-eedt Scre The rapidity
and certainty with which Dr. Morris'
Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Hore-
hound cures diseases of the respiratory
organs and iU reliability as a remedy for
f , i . - ., , J
consumption long ago secured for It
foremost rank amunir medicines of its
class. It is in fact the recogaized speci-
llc lor throat and bronchial disorders.
It promptly checks a con gh, no matter of
how 1 ing standing, and aflbrds great re
lief in cases of asthma. It should not be
mistaken for a mere palliation, since it
not only affords immediate relief, but also
removes all traces of tbe malady. It is a
sjiecitic for croup.
Trial size 10 cents. Lirse sizes 50 cts.
and One Dullar.
For sale by G. W. Ben ford. Somerset.
and Mountain & Co., Confluence.
Also Agents for Prof. Parker's Pleasant
Worm Syrujv which never fails; is sure
death to worms, pleasant to take, and re
quires no plijsic
Price 20cis. Try it.
RAICH BEAM. At the Reformed
parsonaire, Stojstown, Nov. 22, 1877, by
Rev. W. H. Bales, Mr. John O. Ranch
to .Miss Kuieline Beam, both ot Somerset
county, l'a.
church, Nov. 22, 1377, ly Rev. J. S,
Buel, Mr. W. II. Shaffer, to Miss Mary
E. Brown, hot h of Somerset county. Pa,
(uitea goodly number of the congrega
tion neartuy congratulated tbe groom and
bis lovely bride, and bid them an earnest
Gixl speed as they enter upon the journey
oi ine togetner.
I! IK 11.
KOCHF.R Nov. 24. 1S77, Melinda.
daughter ot N.iih aa i Janj Kocher, aged
4 mouths and 2U days.
LONG. In Pittsburgh, Oct. 1:5. 1377,
lit I lie, dm 'liter ot r. It. and J. M. Lons,
aged 7 years, 7 months and 8 days.
KIMMF.L. Near Centrevillc. Oct. 18.
ib77, John (J. kimuel, aged ft year and
13 days.
HEAL. Near Pine Lutheran churcb,
ucl.-M, IS. 7, 1'hebe Heal, aged 8 years.
o mos. anu 1.' aavs.
KIM. MEL. Near Centreville, Oct. 20,
1 S? 7, Charles Ross Kiinmel, aj(til il years,
u tHoaius, ana u uayg.
CTPP.-Nov. 24. 1877, Lucy Ellen,
uuuguier m jl,h ana tnzaiietn Cupp, a:
5 years, 7 months and 9 days.
New Adi'erti.-ements.
Great Reduction
Pricos of Dry Cqqdg a net Notions.
The prioe toll, iod every buuj tells
tbe prices.
(lu to the Central Store for good
Will opeu ou SITIIIDIY,
December Hil, 1S77, yds. of hct bramls Callroesat ft els. per yd
Hi-si iiranii trina:hamii,9 to 10 eta.
Iltai tirauii Stilninicfl, I i io la CIS.
-4 yj. (raU unl.iearbed uinflins. 10 etj per yd.
, , j. i .ruca iivim;iiij uiuaiu.i, iiti yi.
Shiriinic an-l piitnw eae luiuliiis. luw.
table Liintru. I'uveia and Napkins, cheap.
Ilmwn Hu. a I-n r,-raii,t , eta.
Itniwn t'oioreil t:iitiiu Flannels, 12 cts.
liarre-i rlanni N. st40cts.
Ki-d Hiiiuuls. 25 to 3i cts.
lila. lt and colored alpacag at '2i to 75 eta. per yd,
ilUca ani colured i-4.buierea. low pricea.
flan ilreti Ij ut leta. per yd.
Tycjim n'p for wrapjirr. 12 to j cts. per yi.
tliia t9 at greatly reduced price?.
Ladies" !jlk hannkercliieUat eta. tOfl.Oi).
Xeck Ties cheap.
0llar? and Cutta,
Nek Kuchina-a.
(I.ith an 1 Berlin (Ulnrcs, ai to 75 cts. per pair.
1'iuut. Kid U lure, none of ynnr eomiuon stud
lull gr'iol anea at 6icts. to (1 00 per pai'.
Lsiliea'and C'lilldren'l Ho'tery cheap,
llaiatiurtr iLiljriaaaat half prioa
Ladlcf. miw is the time lr cheap Mambnnr.
Ilent'a I'li'tiraear at ttreatly reduced pricea.
I h.ive a firw Ldies triinmed Hats left, worth
:3 M: will sell at 1.U0, to close out.
Covet at Ibe Above Prices Xast Bf
Ori:s c-jaiv.iler.tin COt XTBY PKOUVUE.
JIuin Strsrt, Somerset, lat
Irc a
u xjuiac to public aaie at Berlin, on
ll't dm-sJai Jhc 2G, 1877,
at on: oVluck P. M. tbe following real
est.ile "1 S imu, 1 rorrell, 'UUate in iicrliu Bor.,
Somerset County, l'a., vii:
A cc.t.iir Wt gituaicil in said bornuKh and known
a the ucueral plan of aaid towh aa lot No. 19.
with a larie three siory iiricktavern-houiie, foibia
ami otner ouitiuildinKS therrun erected, laid lot
tnmMuzon -H-in and t'n-w atrerta runuin: bax k
i.. MudiciTy alley and ali!ninif Jacob HetUey on
the want, wirh the appurtentn-.-e.
1 i;U is 'cry dcuj-ai le prnierty, locateil in he
hejirtof tho l.u-ineiw porUi.D of md town, and
around and at uu-1 town the autlnem ot coal min
1. g md lii pinii hi exiennively carrieil on.
1I.EHS iine tbirl in hand, one-third la six
ni-mtb auil one-lhlnl in iino year irom the 19th
ayiifX-iv li77. wiih iniirftat 1mm day if aaie:
dnicrred payment to he secure-l hy lu tirmi-nt op
I-: be prendre; u-n ir -leut- i f parci1 itey to
be taid on Cay oi ?u!c.
i Aaciksce.
I si'lU IP Si 1 V.
By viriae ofan trlcro urpbar-s'
Ci urt of
SuDiern - t Co.. iUe undertime.! will
Iter for
iu badeTwp., on
Thursday, January IS, HI,
at 1 oYioi-s p ni--a t.ct iif ii4od conialntng 4b
acre, mor' it Icffi, wm of Wuicn a-e in me ow,
Vith h'-u-eaiiil it lam therevn erect eil ; alao an
-bAldll Iran ticcs. aitjiduiD? lunia of John
A fcenniiu. JacohCriyieaad oiHVra.
Ta.tlS made kaown on day ol ui'i.
J.. Si Dklt.
Dec. 5 ' vadauultraur.
IJ-NovemberWTT. it is ordered that kiiwafter
the n'snlar April trrtn ni Court il'iionincncc on
the 4th Mumlar la April.
' F. Jf. KrSEB.
a)ec a Prothonotary.
Hy virtue of aa order ual out of tha Oavt of
Con) mi V'0"' an jcriet Couuty, Pa., the un
(leiiiar.ed a3.nea of Samael A. bnosda, will
jefl uu the premises at public outcry on Thursday
the J7th djy ol December la", the following val
ualde real estaui vis :
No. 1. A certain tract of land or for, thi
llimieltcad, iiluate in Simntriei township, Somer
set COBty. Pa., ndjodiii. Samuel Jul. Henry
Fp-Chaej ijihiaah and others, containing W7
i-res uVite or less.
No. i. Adjoininn No. 1, Michael Weyaad,
John Sbafer and otners, cootainlng XVi acre more
or U-ss.
The afomaaid farm is a vcrv defraUa ?fooerty.
shout S miles east cf SLii-erVl. on the Bedford
nd his tUwI laO aeres cleared and in a Blab
laia'of cultlvaton. with a Rood twa story house
with basement, corn crib, piic pen, lime-stone ia
abundance, lime-ki'n, coal, limber ami a sugar
camp of about iOOiiraaa. with many other conve
niences : also a never failing spring of water, and
sprinar-house at Itt residence: and markets good
ler e'-ery pmlucthio at Somerset
TKKA1S. One-third Id hand, one-third to, all
months and one-tbird in one year, f'Om the tOl ol
Nor. .877. with interest If '70 tB day ol sal ; tea
percent of purchaanaouey to be. paid ob day at
salej defiTiSM payuienta to be secured by judgment
jm ike premise 4. " ' ; , r
Assismee of.
The Btorkholdera of tha Somerset A Bedford
Tonu :e Koad C uiwui will lake notice thai aa
election will be held at tbe house of Alexander
Wars, ta Alk-chany towBshtn.oa tb first Moaday
of January next, to elect one President, six Mana
gers and a Treasurer- to coed act the afl airs of aaid
I company va to rastuag year.
Bedford Juf cirsr oopy sail charge Coiupaoj.
New Adt'erluments.
- ; ""iTTTv -- - f
il. .'".'. .
n virtue nraaorHristned ut el tno .mn ol
Coaimon Pleas uf Somerset to.. Pa, thuaut.r.1
untied AMiimr Frederick Naustfitiil e.ip-iwi
to sale by jWie outcry, on
aaiuraay, j'ecemiter s.i. iii, ,
lrt o'clock a. Bi., on the proBi. tic biiWauig
it?vTitJ ml e!at. Tit :
No. 1. Tb oee-thlnl teiereat In ftrm certain lots
oranmnU altua: in sh buruuyb of Meyeraifalff,
? itnorai-r ca. ra.. irinunif uo jtitin :ivt an iet
nch. running luok to laml lino of Putcr Wpyers
extate, ami knoira on IiI'.iiit'i nr;t inrrrr of .
Mmrailalsul-its 17, IS. V. 51,-i, hit' II atsl I
In bciaif ourner tma, Lui-ax on Jlaiu ana Kigai li
No. J. A tract of Inn. 1 slittale as af.irefnUt, rsa
tnintn Sarre? ami is pen-he?, Ijin un liie nt;rih
ffi-le of the Ileriin mail. aljwtini the tvirih
line, ami tali out in aerc tola, which are in a naic
,",1;"1 uwu " lu"
No. &. Twoeriain"w-,ts of l iltaate at
1 aforil, known aa lota Xo. X4. l. Nu. i.
IncaiW on Uie am
on liio auatawru cmwr "I llinii auJ
Kiahth streets, honmicd oo the south lv VVau-r
Hreet west bj kit No ntfi. No. X;. l -atel un the
northeast earner of 11 1Kb an J Stub otrceu, trunt
inn on Hiffb atrect M feet, and extending nurth
L5) loet w Somnilt alrocl.
No. S. Four certain lots of ffrouml altuate as
afureaald. known aa the Sarah Porter rrr(
ertj, beinc lota Not. il2, 213, U. a D.I SSi. Lot
no, zn an-i '.'13, irootina s leet eac-n on hik&
' treet,ani-xteuu:Ui; back la) feet Lot No. S13 alao
I frontlDK on Centre atrt, havinn thereon
ereeted a two-storr framedwe Una-house. No. 804
nd2M IromtaceachOS feeton Hurt, atreeu tx-
: teodina: back ta) feet: lot fflo fruntinir l-M feet on
Centre street, bavin thereon erected a stable.
One thirl In hand on confirmation of side, one
lliinl In fix month, ami on-thinl in one year
front thla data (Oct i ) with tale real on deterred
navments from day of tale.
Ten per cent, of the imrehase meney to be paid
on day ol sale,
fM.t Assignee.
Perfection Earth Closet.
Seat alwar clean and free from dust and
wo ooob can escape.
t. serially aaasted far Bie ia Hoapiiala,
UoUlaaa4 lamlliea. Caa ha aaed la the
heiiraoai wllhsal f Iiiaj any uffeaea.
Prices, 10, 14 and 18 Dollars.
Address, with stamp, for cirealar,
P. 0. Box 4513. ii Dry St., Xtw Tar.V
Dec. tr NUTUE.-Iwitlbeatthehonw of J. V.
Smellier, ui New Leximtinn, on the day of
liccenilier, 1S77, to dinlriliuie Uie fund? arii:.a
frumtiie sale of drum, fce., which lielniia-ed to the
New Lcilugton Inlantry. All jiersnna inU-r'Sted
will repiirt on said day.
K'lSS K. K'NQ.
Dec. J ' Captain.
ianilla et. al. hem
and leital representalives
of t'hritian l.amiis Jr.,
ci;D'd, ad Juha li;-
No. I, jany. T.I17S- In
IhaC'irtiriof t?omm ,n
fleas ol Sotaerset
Edwin Deal anI U. Hcr-.-liey.
ifartiMon mvKct )
By virtue of an oriler b9ned oat of 'lie Court id
Common fleas ol Snmerect Co.. Ta.. in lUe aUve
Mated, rase to lue directed. ,1 wlllvSler'lor ile by
public outcry at thu Onirf Hnuao in S.anerurt
Unrouyh. ojn
IVidat, December 2S. 1877,
at 2 o'clock p. m.. the followiuj? deacrltwd vain-
aoiereai relate, viz:
certain trtct of land imatc in trenvillr
Twn., Somernet Co Pa., onnulninir 43uacres mure
'rivss. v arranten in ine name ot iium Ll
and paronlcd In Oebhart and Witt.
ThKMS. One-third of tlie purchase ju.rpf to
.j ... ... in umiiu. i i'i in rnf year irnil CUTinr-
malion of sale, without interval, to 1m aeenred hr
judrment hond oc the premises.
Ten pea cent of the purjiaae tnoojr be
anii(irain-, OEOKGE tv. P1I.E.
Dec. L 177. i ' SfierLT.
Pec. 4
puenc -NOTICE.
TropuaaU will b reeeirxl at the (fice of the
Directors of tiie Poor for the Count v ol S.'meret
lurthe perfonnance of the duties o'f Sicwapi for
one year I rum tbe lat day of A.rll lH7a.
Alao for the performani-e ol tlie duties of Siinrc-,n
4t Phyaiciaa lu the poor at the House of Eui. La
ment oi Somerset t;ouutv for one vcar from the lt
of April 1.178. and fur tbe perfurmanee or the du
lica ol Counsel to the Hoard of Director tor one
year rrom the lat April,
Tbe pronoaalf uiuit he in writing and
tedhytne Mmrd of liireotora wn or uclore tlx lit
day of January, 1i7S
ny oruer ut ine Board or litractora.
Dec. 6. Steward,
At an Orphans Court held at Someract. Pa., on
the 19:h day ol November, 1177, the aolori,.zne-
Auditor was duly appointed to nutaa a list Filia
tion of tbe lumle in tbe iandauf A. P. Miib-r ami
Jacob P IJcnty. executors ol tbe estate and last
will anu testament ol Peter Miller, deceased, to and
amonjr tbese legally entitled thereto, berebj iTe.
notloe thai he will attend to the duties ol the
above appointment on Thursday ta -Juth day ol
U cent tier l77 at (ils ofMce in Sumtrset when and
where all person' Interested can attend if they
think proper.
Extracts Irom the records, certileil 30t h day of
Nov. 1877. A. F, DICKEY.
JOHN h. som,
By trlrtueof a doerea of foreclosure of tnortiraye
given to the -Farmers LrfianandTrun CompanY.''
tssueil outofthetViurtofC'ouimon Pleas ol Si.ui
erset Co., Pa., to No. '2, November Term JiTT, 1
will expose to sale by public auction at the
Court House. In the Buronuh ot aiomersct, on
Saturday, Dec. 15, 1S77,
at o'clock. P. M. ot saW day. all the rlitht title
and interest of the Gladdens Hun Coal and Iron
Company, either In l.iw or Eui:y, of, in an d to
the following described nine tracts or parrels or
land, with tbe corporate traOyhUel and privileges
of said Corporation.
No. 1. TteJaoi Trout mn n tract, adjoining
Alexander Emerick, Adam shirer aud othi-rs,
ountaming 9 acres, more or Ipss nimposeil of
three pieces) i acres ol whieb are timoer binds. In
fee simple, the residue consisting of minerat rights
mining privileges. Ac .
.No. i The Alexander Eidcikk tract, adjoining
Jacob Trouimac., Nix 1. and others, containing
97 acres and 2 iwrrhes. comprisuiar all the stone
ooal. Iron ore, lime stone, Bre clav. metal, fossils,
petroleum and ail other minerals and mineral
sultaucesof whaver kind or cl'ara.-twr, iybig
under and being contained WitltiQ the tines oi this
No. :i. The Juaathaa Eaierlck tract, adioin
Uig Not 1. S and 4. containing iloS ai'res more or
leia comprising ail the sume coal, iron ore, lime
stone, hrt olay, meuls, hxwils, p-troleuin ami other
minerals aw! minrral sulistanc-s ot whatsoever
kitid and character, lying under and being con
tained wlihln the lines of this tract.
No. 4. The Peter Boyer tract, adoiiiing Juaa
than Emeri':k. Solomon Sliotiuiii'y awl others,
containing 19U acres, be the tauie more or less, in
fee simple, subject te a e'SVa;iwo of the surface
ot 45 ax-res B.Vt toauid adomou Suoemaker. up,jn
whicti are erected a targe Swciiier barn, log
UweUisg boujo, Ac.
No, 6. Tlie Andrew R. Emeri-k trwH, a ir in-ina-
Israel Emerk-k lonalban Emerv-ic. the Dan
iel Ureen tract eontainiiig HJ acres, more or l-s.
No. . Tbe Actum .Shir r in fie simple,
eonsiilini' iiHAiooos. purpart
o. t. The tkujnmin Tniuunan tract, conuiq
14d acres and .Uowance.
Nu. i. The Adam Sttlrcr homcstyad traet, eon
tatning l i acres and perenct and allowance,
npon which are eroded a two story dwelll. ir
bouse, ban aud other onttikiings.
i- tXarranted ant patented to Adam Shirer
ouiaining ? asrrs and H uvrohea.
No. 4. VVarranied and patented u Adaoiairtr,
cutaining 31 acres.
No j. I arrantwl and utu. d io AdamSiilrur,
euntaming V a'-'ri "i1'1 V urrvhes,
Nu. , atuiiui an.1 patented to Adam S hirer,
o. i. srnoicfi in use name oi uatiieiiiTeen,
containing XI aerra,
No. 8. Warranted ia the ejc of Elizabeth
Piatt, euotBlnlng V acre aaore or teas.
Containing iij the agregata 4M acres and so
perches be toe same mure or less.
No. i. The William Shlrer tract. In fee slmnle.
adjoining Adam Shircr, Joaaxhaa Emerick and
o ners, noon wnicn is erecici a dwelling house,
ham acdother sutbnilulngs, containing acres be
tte tame more or less.
No. S. Tbe Samuel Comn lands In faa aimnle.
adjoining John LcLlig. Jonathan Eaerick, J:tcub
Trootnian aud others, llocijn aa the Drtaii-l Koh
ler lands, auld by Hooen P. Cummins, Etq , Slicr
itl of aViwectiet oountv. to said Samuel Comu.etal.
consisting of two purparts, containing la t ta at-
gregata oa acrea ana su perencs, te iss same
more or less.
No. . The Tacob Leidbi tract 1 n fee slmnle. con
taining acres, aal-tect to a reservatiiai of the
surlaoe ol acres sold ta Valentine Emenck.
adjomrxg Adam hhlrer lands, and others.
No. la And also the corporate (ranch tarn, priv
ileges, fce, of the Gladdens Hun Coal and iron
Tbese lands are more particTjay deserihed In
a deed from John D. Roddy and Hiram Findlay
to Thomas Moore, hy deeddateil November otii,
tsa, Pecordad In vol. 4 1, page : fur the Record
ing oilseeds la and fur tbe County of Somerset,
and by the aaid Thomas Moore and wile to the
Gladdens Rub Coal sad Iron Company" hy deed
dated the 11th day of Jbb 1S73, and recorded ta
vol. 49, pages 206 to JXi inclusive tor the revurding
of deed a lor Somerset County, Pa , where courses,
distance! and adjoinua are zuoro nanlealaxiy
A a
Uauife A.
fA. Kitaaael l N. 399, April Term 1875.
To In U Ouurt a Urn n
Qeorge Q. Walker. J fleas of Somerset Omnty.
(ValuoUry Asehrnmeat)
The sdentarassl havkig bcbb . appointed
Auditor hv tlx Court la tbe above case, to dia-
tribaia the hrods la thehaadsof Oeorge O. Walker
B unmet.
1 LThifl u Lrt 12?.Jl '
laal uawliiaUenU UIIA taues oliakl apio!BlBeat
awisoinu. isa. w.aasis I
at kU om to th. son aara of Sonera o. Frl-
m vianni.iiupaiii aiwim wai rn-.
DsxLiastWjr, atiso'okicaa. am. whra aad
hcra all persons istcrMtaal caa aiuad if they
LOina prvKcr.
3 ax es ia. prott.
X?w AJccrtixemehU.
For IS77-TS.'
W rtbant refilling Ine cce'!cn"i of t
rast, tbepuhlLshrreof ScicinsErt's Mot
lt announce, the year to comn, the follow ' a ' '
ing papers: (''
ri Piciurf'i :e -'Vi A' .l,'n'r!'"in lion ;
r The guf.iecl wilt bu trtaU-l in a!
series of sejitr.Uc papers cii;ie.l froii.
writers wLosJanl in the front nnk mnun,'
Americans, b-ith in nnaliiica of stvlo and
in keen iniglil oi naltire. Mr. it. E. f
Ko.iiuson, auluor oi a de:ii;h'.l'Xl paper on
"Fox Hunting in New England" in the
Januury number, will represent tho same
section in this series. John Burroughs,
whose papers on similar topics have been
a highly prked and pojiuiar feature of
Sf Uiu.NEK, willwriic of Farm Lilti
New-York. Maurice Thompson, the poet
naturalist, will describe the characteris
tics ot Western farming, oi which but lit
tle has been written, it is expected that
the illustration ol this series will be of a
refined and typical character, commensu
rate with the subject matter. It is thought
that no paper or series otpspers yet issued
in N Kiii.vta will so fully realize the con
stunt desire of the maizine to keep ont ol
the ruts, and, both in text and illustrations,
to obtain rpiality rather than (pjantity,
and to print fresh, strong and delicate work
from oripinal sources.
('author of '-The Hoosier Jk-hoolmastcr,"
kc). This new novel will doubtless be
most important American serial of the
the vear. The first number was rublish-
eil in November. Those who have read
it in manuscript declare liox t to be ninch
the most atfik ag and remarkable story
this author ha-s ever written. It is illus
trated t'y one ol the atilest ol the younger
American painters Mr. Walter Shirlaw,
President of "Tbe American Art Associa
American Sport. -Soma of the most
novel and entertuininj of these papers are
yet to appear, the scenes of which will lie
in the West, the Middle States, the South,
New England and Canada.
Out-of-JJour J' John Bur
roughs, author of 'Wake Koliiu," &c,
will contain not only articles on BirJs.
baton "Trampinu.'' "t'auipins Out," and
kindnd topics. Mr. nurroitbs's pqpets
will begin in the January number, the
first beinj? enlitlel "iiinWand Ilirds" and
illustruted hy Fidelia Bridges.
Architecture vf Itird. Dr. Thomas
M. Crewer will tontr.but; four cxtjui 1 e y
illustrated articles on bira s-ncits, whielj
every lover ot nature will delight in. Dr.
Erewer has probably the finest collection
ol birus eggs in the world to draw upon
for the illustration of these papers.
The z'ttddie-Jfartt.Vitl. UecrQ 11
Waring, with whase ejcelient work of
various ortg our readers are familiar, con
tributes two illustrated articles on the
horse. He treats speciuily of saddle horuea
and their use lor pleasure an;', ixj fpjrt.
including road-rvJ;nj lox hiiiitini; and
racic:;. Thu nature ot the English th ir-
ouohbred and that of his Eastern progeni
tor (the Arabian) are fully Cii:iJered in
reltttion to these uses.
Si.rc Ilulr.i. .New stories, bv liis popu
lar writer will be gien in early nuiiibers
id S kii .nli beginning witli Joe Hale's
Ked itlt-ckiui, to appear in January.
This "novelette" chronicles an epis xla of
the ltite war lor the Union.
.' Inheritance." Ky -deline Traf-
ton, so well lieiin In tne Jlklsiimmer
HoliiLv number, will be continued nearly
through the year. It wiil be luuiiti to be
of iucrc isinii interest t'j the very end.
"-J. - A'i-'il of fortune" Hjalmar
lJjorth Hoyeaen s new novel will 0e be
pun in ffntiuxEK at the conclusion of
"His Inheritance'." It wiil reveal a phase
ot American society undreuiai! of by most
ot cur readers, and be certain to increase
the reputa.tUn ol '.he writer as a master ot
l-DLMiiU and of his art.
The Kditorial Iepartnieu(M
will continue to employ Hie ablest pens in
America, and wiil include the present ad
mirable summary of English publications.
Besides ihe articles above enumer
ated, the urii.Tiiae will contain Poems,
Sketches, Esaays, Reviews, and shorter
Stories at the highest character. A large
practical reduction in price i3 made by tin
increase In the number of pages.
Ibe Illiixf rationi of the Xacia-
zine, in varietv and excellent ot desiun
and in typographical execution, will con
tinue to be, iq advance ot lhie ot any
ether popular magazine at home or abr'jad.
Subscription price, l.(0 a year, paya
ble in advance to us cr k any book
No c!'l ntleaor other discounts to sub
scribers. I he Magazine is worth ail it
costs, an.I its circulation is incrcusdn in a
constant and steady ratio from year to
10.3 74 J B roadway, New 5"ork.
Atlantic Monthly
Foil 1.878
The manaarraof the An ATir, white keeping
thi tuagasuie tint in American iieiiouiral Itu-ra-lure.
as ri g.tnls the qualiiy of its contributions
and theiiiatinciion cf us writers, will esfieriailv
aim during the coming year to treat CtraTinxa
or fr blic Istkbest, as they ari.e. in a tliomngli
and iminrtial manr.i-r. lt ii not onlv their our.
pose u wage t!ie Atlantic acorptanie to lovers
of UUrtt. hut to make it mdepcn-iable to
all who value tlie best thought In the country on
f inanrc. m.itti-rj of Oorcriimcnl krform. and all
Social troiiknu. In the highest class of
AmerUttit fiction
It will he rianlcularly lull, and will conuin a serial
:ory ( -iieirnniii : a nunanoe") in fie paris. oy
William H Bishop : anntuer (-loo turO
Kaii ,. ia i..ur oaru-, u Henry Jamts, Jr.;
and a iiiirit, iu nve or su pans, o v . D.
Short Stories
Will ho ci.ntrtl.uto-t hy T. 11. Aldrich, R. Tcrrv
l onke. Consuii!- 'euluiiire Mrmdson. H. tr' soun
der. J. iv.lie i'orest. aud other old and new
writers for the Atlas tic, inciauig ihe author ol
"IheCnilil ol ihe Siate."
Sketrltoa aud Es.-utys
ur a
laiBlB and fharle llndlev
Ui cuniamly apjiear.
inscriptions of Forciyn Life and
'Ira tel.
B'W,W. StOty ("Studies or Artislie and
twikuniior-tatn). aniohartes fc. HOT-
tOft f i-s.iy? on llaiion e.uwuraii' J n; plvul
Studirsfrom J-'renri, Grrmtin and
Enylitth ii'oo,5.
Not easily accesslMe to the gi-neral roller, nr.d
uiinkuiiizet earn u K'nit-fMivuiiar claim nym U
uiicri'Si. Bid oe a u-iotui ana oivaaub Kaiurv fir
tue m-w ytr T. s. t"L.tLil. ri. t- UDt-K.
IICNlll JAJdfc.-. JK., hlLUAl.Ll OtlA.M
Whltt, V. h. hu IOjj, hdnlilLi vt.
lKt-lu. uni uiucri!, wiii iiiitnLuto ihce
stuuu-a. liuirrvmii cinu-uiutivus amy also larrx
in; irmii Lll.uliA UUSl cujlu, JAKia
it. k cl i iuutUvrvl leeLaven ?u-ti!- ),
aa-i umtr, ii:utiui,-Ta:i'
ot orouk rami,' t-y a uicui.'kt ol t:.c ai.'x-ia-ti'.a.
Matters of Artistic and Mnsh td
Will he treated in rreinent articles, and the liter
ary criticisms will lie as ever, fall, aricd, and
Tltc Contributor' Club
To wlich so bwbv readem already turn the fint
ihiej. willlie eiiiarcl and n'ujcrcil c.nit;inti.y
iwrcattraiire. in
The Atlasti." will rontinue toexocL TUo older
cnr.trihurnrs. ideniified ft.r twi'ntv veari with its
fame and pro-ajieritv. Mr. Las auj to 1 1 em, Ir.
U w. llwluiea, Mr. H hi titer. Mr.
rll, and others. will appear as heretofore, and
the ATLastK which has introduced to the puhlic
the belt among our younger writers, wiil lie the
avenue at whatever is most proanislng and rharno
teristic in new talent. Ti
it Bryant and Longfellow, wmarka'.ie
fur lliatr nuoiiiy u. bwrinaii aed tnrir rare arustar
icelience. the fubltS-rs have now added a new
life stse partralt of Saw Kn gland s favorite peel,
TIER. These (.wtraiu are carefully wrapped ost rollers.
aal can he sent to any part of the cuonlry by null
withoat inmry.
1 aaiita Tai ATt.STTr. fins:l or ffieeimeB
nuiBbers. SVrntw. Yearly suhiiription. 4MS,
potltff frrt. with Hte-aiae portrait of Whit tier.
Brraot, or Longtellow: .VN with Itojw
trails. Or) t with alt three nortralts. 7 PO
SPECIAL OFFER, raer mn4 Dr-
twkbtr aavrrs of fu Atlabtig, coiataiaia9
oeauaw H Aiftrr tms vrnfrm-nt. tm n nm
atraceawaf of Mr. Bukop Bras otrimi story,
'DttmoU." wi1 be suM free to all arts .--
arriaera Io t a ATLaB-ncor 1S wk rtmti tKir
tubtcriplionAlo !u rnljixthtrtotjon ucctmotn la.
H.mllt.m. I.v mall shi.nM he -nt hv a mnnev.
order, drartcoNew York or Bus. ar rt-irid I
,..,' ,,. u ,, u.nUT... v i l.i,...u. h.
; r "' ' "
hrt, aim
l11"1", as.
. O. II0rGIITON,JC Co., Boston,
Ht-KDat norSMTOS, Sew lHk.
i-:FOIi 1S7S,
& I ULIliuiiL LilLiLaii I
Devoted toKcforni in hi
nicipal, Stite, ;uu
ficncral (Jovern-
Purina: tlie long and excltit.g Pr"i :;I '. il !':i'i!
paignut IsTA and tncanxkiua i" t of p"!'!!- tl
uncertaintv which suoieeucd it, lilt. St.
TlikK I1ML.S had a very tir-jiorl.-itit sre in
detariainlug tne result of one ol ibo most m
mentous contesr In American lietry T:te
coarse of THE TlMtS during the wliole of th .:
eveutiui struggle aaa aacurea lor it a urg? a-i-dUioo
to the numher of lis supporters, auu h is
placed beyond controversy Its jiti..n as ti-t; for.. Kepublican newspaper in Hi t tilled States.
The course of THK Tl.dK-S will be iu
the iuture, as It has been in Ihe M-l, bv ikn o-e-
sideralton that the intcreia the ri'
Party arem all cases to be -t a ihe imi-r-i.
of Itsleaiiera, and that the hum.r an.t wciiarn ot
the country are to be eonsiaere.1 teiere eii!,,r.
tta attltu-ie is that el ln ieuen.ienee riium :lc be.
pubti'-ati fartv, lur in thai w.iv eitu tiw inii;r''.-;s
of the pe-iple he must eltectualiv i-mii.
So lung as any ot the reat pri..ciple i wi'h
which the Party has been h.entin.--: rein.i.a in
dlspate. THE flMK-S will retail t.i e.n.-i ieT the
work ol Hepuldieaniaol as ended, ll will L,oiir :
maintain tae highest standanl of pururan otili
gatioo in thetreatmeui ot que-mooaail-tin ilie
financial honor ol the nation, the puriiii-aum vt
the pu'die service, aad the reai:asimeet
of tbe ti scat system to meat the cfiauging oon.ti-
tiona ol trmie and manuia-tures. u wui die.oi;iv
oppoaa ail plana, bo nutter by wui u nrgi-d wiiM'i
will ten-j t postpone the aate o. re;iuai.ll.'n ti-j-yond
that tixed by law. to p.iy the n l"uat crtl:.
ur. on any otner hiais ihan that m .e. i.i pre.
servo Import duties whieli eieg the .l.:Velo,r
ment of siujerlran liidivliy, or t-i njrp,-tiue hi
the public service the perul' l..ns prlne'.j.leicat -to
the victors belooga the iit."
While Ciireiuily avoiding ail ih:il mny ter. 1 to
pmnvito eeetional anitK,it din.Mii: .,ur j'
I HE I I tlt will urge, Willi ;im u:... ii, . l-, n.
the niitiiuial duly id pnilei-nu. 'lie lr..-e.l!uen .u l
tha N .r.hern iniBiigrauls in Ilia S-aiiIi, in ll
poeseiiioiiol rlg'.'.la ijuaranlred thi-tu r.y tr.e e''.-u
stitutlun It will do all iu its power to iirnm..i
the policy of iieai-e and c,iueili;iiiic 1' treeo ...r. ii
and south, but wlli not lose iigru ii ilic hict Pi.ti
?i.irthern coull'leneeanil auiuetv murt tmd tbi::f
return iu Uie cr-.tofoeinent oi even hai..K.: 4,lW
and st-ru'Uioua regard hr the K-uui ali i ap'iru
the law on the pact ol thu Svaih.
Its inltuence as a leading cipi-nnt i..r
opinh n win I Jniih-uil bv all i uce.iMd
to euliau. tho value of 1 al r; rt.ttLnas a dai;
record of nws. The aekiioiviwiireii i'.t.:ei:eU':'.
lis oom-ion!entg hy mail and te!iir,i,u trout ot
Rirtsof the world will heluliy -aitit oaen. Ilia
TIMtS has shown during Uio hi". rurk,-:i
war how ample ase u t reiurees. ami h..r w ii o.
reeled 1; ;u enturprlse i'i Vji.uiniimui inseign
riais -Alienee for the last yenr ! Miiiuitr- i :)
have turnifhed some ol the ii;": valuaoW tin.iirv
al da'a availiiMe Inr tho reii.r.l d a Ltiii mijiur:.
ant eieh. Tbe seaiti 'ja Euriie au-1 eies7:., re
duriua H: oumlng year will tie triole t ssilu mo
same fullness, fairness, andavur -is huve oih
lUiguished its treauieui :..e wiiu h now be
long to the p9t.
In Ilia 5pira of lit rary and arti-tie cri:: i-n -.f
scientiue, siji-iat. and tfeaeral iieu.a: mi!
TIM fc will address Uil aa h--r ! -re, to t ie
appreciation of ho educated an-i ni eiiig-nr cl:
cs ol the Amerii-an ici-tuo It wili oe liniv wi ::
out hem ?eitsa:iunal, a'-'re.-.-ive wi:h..or.' i-in
coarse; n,ail tlinea it will nnvwto ! irarlcasand,
ir.deiionilent in ilia chau.pi..i,Tii;i, ni the rih:.
o theiiries subversive ol :e prnviples "u w;,i, h
the sacred uca ol la-wily ilea and t ie exlsu-ate of
saity alike jviaiaa will be i n tun. -..le,! in i:
THb TIMF-S reK-etsaHa,ivertium"nn ol '
teries. ! ouaeKs and tueilu-ai iire'en.lii.. iiti all
other aifi m iea by whirls the rnsMlm.-i p-.i- u .1
vice is dt9ulnaiou ihruugiioui sxietv tt will
le ;n the luiure. as iu Ki.t. a uw..tia!.r
specially adaptwl (irfkmllv reaiirg.
THE W tt.LLY TIM ES, eun'aiuing as It does
select,-! Klitiirlala on topi'.a ui na:iial mil gm
ersl Interest Irom the eulum&a ol th daily li-'v
as well as a eucciae sau.iury ot poittk-ai, muil,
and foreiCTi news, lK.-s!des other tea-.a.-is wLu ii
recommend tt to aU elasaes ol read. , ia a pu;ier
a-imiraiiiv htted locir ulale iu every purtioo id
tne tnl'cd States. No KepuMi -an i.ewspj -r
approaeLea It in oiiruiation, aud it wui t itn aim
ol its ciinduetors lo uiie every nielli, u: ou!y to
maintain Its well-earned sujireiuiev, but to m.ik"
tu popularity stul uiure deu le.1.
Fostsoe trill be prepoU bf the P 'i 0.1 ,.ff
KditiOHt of TUt: TIMES tmt tv w-vcib'" . 1
the I nitcg Slalt:
The DAILY T1AIES, per annum, ht -lading te"
Sunday E.lii.a Vi
The I.AIJ.Y TIAIES, ier aimuu:, evm-ive
wf the Sunday ui
The Sunday Edition, per aoaum -s 2 cu
Single Copies, one year 2 i
F-ve Clopiej. one year Ii 1.1
Ten Copies, and one tree t.rc!ui -1
Subscription lor six raoniu, Tl io; three ninths
Single C. files, me veir 1
Teu f ojdes, and one Ire for club 'u ui
Thirty i'i. oies. and one Ire,- !,- , :ui, j.
SBbsrrip.l.iBs lor six amiihs. :.: thr.i.- mochs
mi cents.
These urines are invariable U'.. r . i., .i
ing agent Keiait In drafts on New York or
rust Hthee Alonev (Irders. il nyt.l an.I i.r.
neither of these can lie proiure.l. .-.-m thu tiojey
in a mjittcrti letter.
Address THE NEW-YORK TIWES "ew York City.
Of every style and 011111117.
Shirts, Underwear. Hosiers-. Ginvos. Xp. kr.; ar, St;.
brellas. ic., &c. Spia! tlilt CikkU i 1 M I't.v-. S i?,
Handkerchiefs, I- ine Neck fyarfs, Ac. nirittlv On? I'.-,'
All goods marked in plain fignrc!.
Howard Block.
ii "SS "Sli
0 ladies AN ELEGANT SET ! ladies
CI oral (JoTrelry
Tlie marked price cf whic h Is Fifteen Ixiliars,
Givea ta tha 2:ai::s cf This Pat sr.
Hs-aVinT .JirrrPiV inrrnv-! f:."i!it:o for mnnnf:rtur1nir our
splfntiitl loral Jf?rlrr.A:il in ortT to iuUo'hi.-i' ur n t- iif
public we Kive to the E. lli:H ofie
1 if--t-'pt nf
'ra3 jwrlry cuoitiugof
On rwipt of this con pon. toc.-thr w i to piv cxprr-
ase aiifl mai'-inir und the ra-s ti.o L'-ini-i .-.r -! -l i .i in. we ill
v-nd to the rtair of tii pMr our i; a;:;.t.! and Vrjlnnhle b till
Sett of 4'rl Jwrlry, tiw! inurkv.. pr; e of Wiin'h :h(H3. We
will not honor any orUtrr unless it contain iU, cm .on.
W will. If letrel. furniaii
rill. If lolrel, furnmii
XfCklaee ami rros., Kar.irops
w alao inanafactiireon.i ol ine tn.r. iiea r mil H:ii loricise iMjeu (Jfo(T
Comb, with an eiear.tlv tnrve-l i.iir:il M.mii 1 1 1-r. iv!ii-n we w-.;i YiS
senit on recvlrit of line imllrir: if ornei'd in cinnee:i,n with ll el -Will
send botli for M 3. Ail or.lers aa.iiii ijj u'lureaaeil tu t
The above offer wiit be good
SPtil paper only.
LrtV a)
For Prompt Returns and Good Prices
As we own oar Teams, Store, Stallc.
without charging Cartage.
R KFKIt E5 CF.-P rt ac a it a s a t to
The Wonderful
Uln. selalibad tek ta ia yean ! sihI srlik whkfc a
.h . . ..i . ' i -.-,.
"7,. "v.TJT" ;'.' waoil.CT. ..
J T. HlXLYEli, 306 Broadway, . x.
pSWHanry Ward Bsecber-s Cbrjstiaa trSWo sav: -It UaUlt eiaacs u bvW Htt.J
iVi'i" .1 ' frft ments.
najji rii;s;:n to
tiu: n a i: fi
ll o rsK.
il ;.l-.i rr,.V T''-1--i F'aO ae
:'.. auiViO rr-r-l etparisn-- '
..i i - l'1 "c-l. a l fla rbMi
,.. i:i H ,- ,r-ti
" (mo p:i,iyr a'J ir .rli l
- t.. : .1., . ait r "I 'l..ii,ri, on a.
ai't .rt.-al an I mc-i-il rn'-rmalli,
. f. erv Hh '.l hiv i; nagrs.
; hii.ti,v. It., i-artm-iaW
t. e-i-o Uu j l;:ar. s-nt :o any a.l'
!ilt ot tie frii-e. AgMirs Waoicl to
cvcrjwtiere. aud sell ll aithfUt
tr- ti'... . .1
P.:,,:i:i :I F2A55IJN EFSS;TCRY
m-trr of tfeiarrh in a. h
:: i::liN.rhoo.l. with Dr. kjnwri
i un-ilv, to ln:r dure It. Sample
i I i::.!.uivh l'a.
'V. IS
Coughs and Colds.
1.1 :
t'v using Im. Si nxRKK'4 wir.rt CiixaRT
f.'m-iAi. :le aud 1 per bottle.
Selierer's Rheumatism
Remedy pep. bottle.
i lr
.. i. ;
' X iv
Ire '-.:,-!. nr.. I at Pr. v-herer's Lahiri
:u. n i 1 Street, i'itlsburgd. Pa.
n nnn ,G;-NTs w vNr;t- rr,
4 I'I !' I'-'.v nr. vtlnistera. Honl
UtUUii all oat of an
rnimldto 15
and Pic-
tin r
h- re i be best in u ,i-
i:a Present t fr- mfi to
. t a-m B'.ring age.,1. Mend i i cents
I t sin :. m:i le. or I t,-r still, ti fr.r 3 lanro
sinpUs w:-ii nr. ui r. terms, a;c.. and un to w-fk
lit . nee. KEV. . T ill t h, U..x34 Anltm. Pa.
Ai".t(en i.iu l-ii piper.
f -lea son's I'tifdications.
Ifr-at r
l'u Tl'R.
:u.-:i ri in price for 1T of OiauavVa
:. a v.-.r. intile e nie aeems.
H a
n i i.'tu. l.t: i.. U vear. ailiicie ei.oiea S
: 1 r .a e : , a;i u- a. ;eutrrs.
' li 'MiiLi ' i'ri,iit.,,i j yeiir.
.;.-i.. . jptis lu j. 11 ..euige iree
atn.-ie .-..iie s - iji -):i reiVilit t.i a 3 M.nft
.i". vi i iin'oi-'S ui U-Hi oeeu
greliy re-
..-ll'' U1.W i.i,es ,u,'ti ll.--eil
leruis to
It's a w ! -. .. , r BrW i.;r,.;il:tr.
r ii..::.s N. T:s A .taini;uiu i.. ut
i i.-r-sa
lij virtu oi writ of I.-v.iif Faeias Issoiil nrt
ol tu-t fir. iiit t'.iU't ol tue t niiMtistaua h.r tha
Wvsicni Hi.-;rl. i ..f 1vUUj, n,ui. n. to mo
'ill -t'.e.l. I a i.i a;-r i., ju i ,ie, at Tbe I . S
M irsu-i's .,u.,-... m ,lu-f ,i ..I Pu.iurgti Pa s
r n Jj-coii-r Hie ii. 177. at 10 a- m., alt
t-HT.I... t.'.e. e.ulul ant li.irvst ol ilKirou .e wh t...i-e t.. Wiiiiam .l e. tjeuii.-e lu ! . ami terre ti -Bant. itisennt theStatei
: I'l ii-yiv.iui.i, o- ni. aiel in tiie I'lili.wiiig des-eri.-ie,!
pr iori v. to wi: : All the l. li.,wing !
uk:J u.Mvir Mri:ls nl land situate in th
untv .,i s M ..-I. s ate Peun-ylvar.i k lo wit:
.No 1. a lri.'L -il lin.1 wamnte.1 in the Rime ol
Mary - Mtuat c la .irihaiuploB I wp.
: oneig I1, a-re : IViiig tne liua ii nve)eil
I'i liu-aiu it t!i ..y i Vieew ami wile, hy
t.i -i.i e-1 Al irt h 'Jjt n. A. 11. l-lo. sul'ict to ar
d. '.lu 'li' 'i-.l t.'.e l" Ui-wtiig pU'1't.H. wiiieu ii ivctieen
J. ... ..ll. via., imri t ..rr t; olm t'irge: St acre
an i ! i-roiu- ia Allium Ertut ; aad Tl! acres
to . No. .'. A tract -d lainl ahiuiiiing N' .
1, Bars . tue 1 lu tNt ualde ui Jofca Maog au, Sani-o-lli.
l': cHitHing acres: and hy said
.il.ii: .i.u I iiii,.iivcjei l. lre -i;i Aleeae, by
a , i..i;..-.i V.,cuifcr -'. A. o. s7, aud : taht
''"-'HI' M'. ee ..itieo conv,,e.i to fi trail)
Hul. X ..i .1 tri-t ... iuu.a..'iiuuizVA 1 an-1
-. i.;rr..u . i ii, t:;e n.iTn.-ot H-iihe V.ur: eoo. 1.7 i.Ti and aii waui-e. ul ie--i. Imager.
i i t:-. 1. p .r;i.ui .- .d nd the imr' liweat eud 10 llau-
nian's li.-i'. wni.-h tnct asiveej to Hiram
ill ti v rnu:i I ill. I, art au-l wile, by deed ilatl
Alar ii 1 :: i.. A. 1". 1-17. ,.-t traela or parcels of
U inir part .10 id the laml ei.nveye.1 to
lie -.11.1 i;.-,:., Munre I.y .I"hn IK BOlldv e't, Bl..
I y ...! .'4i, .N'..ielu.r Sill, lis. reo.nie.1 in
tre Ki rv.'r's.'.JV-.- i.f the said fi.anty of Horn
e. -ri. ia Ii.-e I iVi vol 41 4U4. et.'. Also,
t..rry e-j -jr-w lie!'1'! e. il ears, unil-r friim Slol to
i I'-.ti, j,,. ar.-i n,,r up.n :ne Pl'Tsrumii lil
Vi. 1 ii .!?:.. Itaiiitn-.n- mid Ohio Railroad, to.
Ke:i '-r w 1; h '.iii' ii- re-iitanieursand apiiurterianceA.
-iz.-.l an-; i-utri in vxei-u.iou aa the pmpenv of
T a.. ni -is ..r.-. with notice to W ilium Al-Iorc.
Aiimnei- ,u l iiAriiptcr and terre tenant, at th
f. il. -1 A', eam ::v- .Natl. nal Hack i.f J'UU
hurali. Iiiil.M HALL.
u '-.- I . S. Marshal.
e. Piltsburs, Nov. la, Js7;
jo: 1. A
.rn. in In th? Court of Common Pleas
.-i:-e' i-i Sumeiet Connfe pa.
4. Aial-v
to No. s Januarv T. 177.
A' - m Lnv.:ert ' ( Voluntary Aliriimem.j
Hit. in-j ien ai'tniiir-ed Aaditnr hy tl . ' met t
ili.-: rii.u-e the iu;.Lr ill tin hand's of the A
.ioi,, ni ar 1 mon-4 theie l.-jally entilldl there
to, note i.-i h.ret.y ytven that 1 wlli attend l
t1' i iu'i.-3 oi r :e apivitntment. on Thursday,
lieiTinot-r -7:ii. at his othi-e In Somerset, when mid
v. re a.l a:ri.- itittre.teii can attend if they
think pro;.' r.
X v. Auditor.
lVLfit wiil lite Woatiier l To-morrow I
Pool Signal Service) Barometer
And Thermometer Combined. fastens
x-:-7ii- ia th WrKhsr.12 'at 24 snri
J ti'tsca Emior-d hy tiie Bioat eminent
I'miessora and Scientific men as the Baft
7!i'.i:? Isiitsr 3 tit Trll. Warmnted
Fcrfeet and KeUabie. 7t w3 mci i frta to)
anv address on receipt of $. ' Beware
-if orhle8 lrnitstiors. AjrnttHantft
end Matnp f.T Circular.
9. B. KTSin S3 Sralny, Sr let
rieae state where you saw advertisement
and mention your nearest Express Office.
!xud iinuij ordLM or l:c?is:crcl Letters atoorrlsif
.-nendera. Handkerchiefs, l"m-
a k-r-i, silit Imlirella. billi
U'J Smit.'ijirt.! Street, rifts-'ntrgh. En.
of t1)
Villi 1 of nr h i' irrtiit
ckluce and VrH. LartiropsanJ
rae'n art iele fivimie, as fallows: '
Tc-.ii: l:-. :i-!inn. 71 im; v
Pittshirri. Pa. YA
lor ninety U:ij s lmiii the date of ti
o ggj. o g-gg- q kxj gj w-h.
Ave. and York St,
Philadelphia, Fa.
wc arc al.'.e to handle consignment
C as k
"7 Frankford Avenue, Phila., Ta.
t res r,EDt TC,n 7Tk5
,.rime Penlioluer aail a Bti ol S li tatra inaa, a