The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 03, 1877, Image 2

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ThTsbmerset Herald
- October. IV!.
cf AlWli'-nf CouiilV.
rr.rt Tr-r.AKrr.Kii
ox MintgomcrT County.
of Schojlkill County.
of Somerset Dorough.
of Milford Township.
of Rrotbersvalley Township.
The Republican State Committee
has entail i shed its headquarters for
tbe campaign in rooms Xo. 5 and C
Continental Hotel Philadelphia.
Adams tbe Democratic Clerk of
tbe present House at Washington,
has announced that at the coming sen
eion of Congress, his party will have
a majority of eleven ia the House.
The Democrats of Xew Jersey
have nominated General George 1.
McClellan for Governor. Although
"little Mac" bus a nominal residence
in that Slate, he has been holding a
niuecure office in tbe city of Xew
York for several yeare, and the in
quiry has amen m hetber bis
attaches to bis carpet-bag, or no.
The Republicans of Xorthumber
land coooty at their Convention last
Mt-k, presented Hon. Jubn 15. Tacker
as their choice for the next Governor
The Washington county Republicans
re urging Hon. George V. Lawrence
for tbe nomination, and we see that
II,-.n IIaii-it t Hart ia al.iri ennbr
, in" r i . ' tm
of as a probable caodidate. Tb j
lriend of these gentleuienjure takingi
lime bv the forelock.
The Jtemrirrat published last week,
what it claims to be tbe Record of its
candidate for A udito General Wil
liam P. Schell. Iu another column
we supplement it with a few items
that evidently escaped the notice of
that journal. We add also a leaf
from th Legislative record of Xoyesj
tlw Democratic candidate for State1
Treasurer. j
Tbe votes of this pair of Democrat
ic Headlights are well worth atten
tion, showing as tbey do their former
-vmpathies and afliliationi.
John S. Mortox of Philadelphia,
President of the "Permanent Exposi
lion," and also of tho West Phila
delphia (Market Street) passenger
railway company, and a prominent
Democratic candidate for Governor
Las been arrested, with several other
officers of the latter company, for
fraudulently making an over issue of
its stock. Morton admits tbe crime
and states the over issue to be about
one and a half millions of dollars.
The Quaker City ia horriGed at tbe
fall of one of its hitherto most re-
r-jK-eted citizens, and its press, on
account of his former social position
we presume, speak as gingerly of
the thief as if his crime was a mere
Says tie Philadelphia ,V"rft
Autfrii-aii : From every portion of
the country come reports of a revival
in business. St. Louis, Louisville,
St. Paul, Chicago, Cincinnati, Xw
Orleans, Mobile, Memphis, Charles
ton, and other cities in the west and
south, are experiencing a fresh impe
tus ia all branches of trade. It is
evident, according to tbe representa
tions of merchants throughout the
country, that tbe heavy clouds which
Lave Lung over cur industries and
business marts for so long a period
arc lifting, and that the sua t'f prcs
perity is about again to shed its in
vigorating beams over the land. In
our own city there are proofs, in tbe
activity among our mercantile houses
aud manufactories, that times are
rapidly growing Uctbpr a ad that tbe
wornt ie passed.
A Moxti other of t&e Democrat ie ad
mirers of the President's Southern
policy is Aleck Stephens of Georgia,
w ho is now at Washington for the
extra session of Congress. He says
that tbe reception of Mr. Hayes at
tbe South was a grand tribute to ft
Presideat whose administration Las
(ecn ia Accordance ith Lome rule,
ibat bis poller has gained for bim
tue cordial approWJon of tbe people
of tue South, and tiat he las done
more for tbe acicalioa f ike court
try tLan Mr. THden eould bst4oae if
'he had been inaugurated. He soggeats
also as a further grand step towards
conciliation and just here tbe mi la
ta tbe cocoa cut ia ftocouutcd for
(hat LXoacbel V. Johnson, tbe old
Pemocratrc candidate for Vice Preei
dent, be appointed to tbe vacant seat
on the be neb of tbe Supreme .Court
if the United Slate. Is there any
Mlifr lilll cntrtr nlaam that nnr
Boutbcro brethern would like to bare
before tbey ea make up their minds
to (orgice us f U so, let them speak
up! we are fcosnd to coocUiate tbem
or bast We cnot ny longer sup
port (his wretched foe tog of Letag
It was charged at the Uoie and
generally believed, that at tbej Late
Democratic State Convention Mr. P.
O. Bare of Pittsburgh was '-defeated,
fts ft cand idate for State Treasurer,
bciiusc to is a member of tbe Human
Catholic cbairb. Fully Kf-tieiGeJ cT
tbi3 fact, not only the pereonaHrieaaaj
of 'r. Hare bat the ioembe.-8 cf that
J:hnrcb tbrooghout the State deter -
aimed to refent tins dragging oi
religion into politics, and consequent-
Ij Xm f.s who was nominated )r a
di.yrac?fijl apeal to religions pretlju -
dice, i likely to lose lnaviiy In Pitts -
lmrh, the mining region, and
I wl.r.-ever in tbe S:ate tbe Catholics
hare strength. Alarmed Rt the al-
most certain and overwhelming tie-
Ifeat of their candidate lot btate
Treasurer the leaders of the Peiucc -
racv hare become desperate, and
now trying to counteract" the effect"'
of their hyporisy and treachery to
Mr. Baur by cbarfing that the Re
publicans are buying up the Molly
Magnire vote for Col Hart, the can
didate of our nirty . This is bcapiog
insult upon injury. Rare was defeat
ed because bis religion was made a
test in the Convention, and now that
his friends and co-religionists resent
the outrage upon him, they are being
stigmatized as members of the Molly
Maguire association, whose votes they
alledge are purchased and paid for.
It is not our funeral, but it does look
to us as if the Democratic leaders
were mad, to expect the votes of men
whom they first proFcribo and then
traduce, because cf their religious
TnE President's frequent declara
tions during his Southern tour that
the rebels "risked their lives for their
convictions, and that all good men
and all good women respect those
who risk their all in a cause w hich
they believe to be right." is bearing
fruit according to its kind.
Thus, the Meredian Murvury, a
' leading Democratic sheet in Missis
sippi improves the text as follows :
Don't the Southern tax-payer contribute
bis iortion ot the money to pay pensions
to Northern soldiers and their widows and
orphans, while the Confederate soldiers
their widow and orphans arc neplected?
Southern member of Con cress believe as
firmly in the justice of the Confederate
cauc as the Northern members lie lie ve ia
the justice of the I'nion, and they sink
their manhood and eat dirt when they vote
appropriations lujienkion Federal soldiers
und their widows and orphans, to the ex
clusion of the confederate, A magnanimous
snvcrnnient should pension all.. They are
all victims of a civil war, and a pacified
L'ovnrnmeut cannot consistently or safilv
discriminate between them in this matter
', lavim an eoual proportion of the burden
I w Here me jj.h j '"
"When they" the Democrats "get into
it bvy wiu do tUU wise and just
thing which Morton predicts, to wit :
'pension an or pension none, .n ui uu
more to conquer tbe i-ptiellioos feeling ot
to portray to the t iregonians, than is in the
power ot I tie t eucnu guns ue uos so inucu
Uith in. -V kind and just government
can only remember its crippled soldiers
whether they wore the blue or pay, and
their widows and orphans alke ; it is only
a malignant government that repels fealty
that can discriminate. It is the part ot
s latesmanship to sooth, not to irritate, the
s.ircs ot the late war.
It is true, the Mercury' remarks
were ma le in answer to prediction in
Senator Morton's Oregon speech,
"that if the Democratic party got into
power tbey will incist upon pension
ing all soldiers or none." But if trea
son was not a crime, and if all good
men and women respect the rebels
because tbey risked their lives for
what tbe believed to be right, then
the demand of this rebel sbet not
only verifies Senator Morton's pre
diction but it is ft legitimate coro
llary of tbe Presidential utterances.
If the Union and Confederate soldiers
were equally honest in their convic
tions, aod equally worth? of respect
because tbey risked their lives for
them, then tbe war waged by the
South was no rebellion, wis not trea
sonable, but merely a commendable,
though mistaken attempt, to enforce
what it believed to be right, and it
follows, that the deisaoJ to pension
tbe soldiers of both armies is not
unreasonable. It is possible that tbe
President in his deslr to pacify and
conciliate tbe South doe not reali.e
the force of this inference, bat in our
judgment it is lime he called ft halt,
and took fresh bearings, lest his zeal
should outrun discretion. The Xortb
is ready to forgive, but it will never,
never agree, that treason 'shall be
made respectable, because tbe trait
ors risked their lives for -beir t'on
victions. The proceedings of the Xew York
Republics Statfe Convention held on
Wednesday of laet week, have ap
parently disgruntled tbat portion of
the Republican press of the Elate in
favor of the Southern and Civil Ser-
) vice policy of the Xational Adminis
tration. On those subjects the reso
lutions sr fully vp to She Republican
"They declare that it is ice u'fj
of tbe United States to insure ft
paUtofl frm of government to each
', , , . J . . u . .1
fcta-e, au4 alefjsh the hope that the
acti n uken ia reistto? to tbe South
ern .v.aW'8 will result ia pete and
juptice. Oil service reform is eo
dotsd eu pfcattealjy, but tbe position
ie ftrsumed that 00 employer, either
an individual or tbe goveruitei.t, La
a cowuiituiouai right to interGere
wiib the political right of the em-
ployee ; and therefore it deprecates J
as unwarrantable all auempts to en
croach upon ibe right of the employ,
ed. This position is the basis of aa
argument that to exclude public
servants from political action is to dis
franchise tiea, s.od any action which
tends to tLat result U unconstitu
tional." Xo issue is kre takes with the
President's policy, wLfcV'fcf Mmstl
declared to be to "experiaiest." ut
not satisfied witii tbs, Mr. George ST- j
Curtis (editor of Harper a reeklr)
j must needs force a test, bj offering a
t resolution, fully and squarely enior-
ing L cjrrrimenul policy f the
PresideeC v
This brought oa at i.aimzlr6; pro
tracted, and somewhat achmotsios
J -V . . e. t - l . . .. t
tits packers are auliur,aad weauppo, I
like car Southern brethren, will I
mani to be conciliated before th
wilt beru"lf ;sarport 'the ; excellent
Ian t it
iaeipiacea ia nomination, isnt ir
uCUW,.immcutuMi 'jo.curre4 eta farm bouse at Sl Gre
was voted Joan two to one, and now , goire, six miks from St. Johns, last
j. about lirae to call a LU on this;
tind of tLiag1, and iDrjrj ire whether
majorities bave sny rights? If the
old doeirioe is to be reversed, and
J minorities are to rule, it is time we
should know it. Conciliation i. a
i capital thin": in its place, bat ire are
I getting a little too much of this good
j tLing, jiift now. If every fellow, or
! juad, or minority that cannot carry
j hi, or iis point, liai to lo yiiddcd to,
Ur conciliated, bv eraniinir their de-
j mands, what is to become cf our
popular form t f government ? Here
is faod fjr thought, which each one
! can digest for himself.
Southern Itemarrat Milt ftolld.
The creature who are so silir as
to believe that tbe demonstrations
shown Hayes will disintegrate tbe
Democratic party will discover their
mistake. Tbe fact that the acting
President of the United States has be
come a convert to tbe policy of Dem
ocracy, and is strolling over tbe
country denouncing the extreme
measures and tbe sectional hatred
which he was prominent ia keeping
alive, will make tbe De:?i'cratic par
ty invincible. The south seem to be
getting along quite well In tcr solid
adhesion to Democracy so much so
that the Radical candidate for tbe
Presidency has fjrled his bloody shirt
and joined the south n support of
those measnres which hare made a
solid Democratic south. Solidity in
the right will not endanger the per
petuity and prosperity of the coun
ty The Rraaonthe Sooth a Hopllable.
Tbe greeting which President
Hayes has received at the South is
due to his adoption of his Democrat
ic policy cf conciliation, and tbe
promises with which these greetings
are accompanied are but the reitera
tion of the deep-seated conviciions of
tbe rank and file of, the Democracy of
the wholo Republic, tnat of the South
particularly. If this was not tbe
spirit and purpose of the south, we
would never have sub-nittcd to the
fraud by which Hayes became Presi
dent. Our delegations in Congress
would have been instructed to have
prevented in every legitimate way
the consumation of that villainy.
But tbe peace of the country was
our lir.-t consiaeration, ana we
yielded f.r that and to insure concili
ation, even when we kne we were
wronging ourse I res by aoiog so Mr.
Hayes -?eems to reiuiza bis obliga
tions to the South for its forbearance
in this regard in his adoption of the
Damocratic policy of ptcificiti a,
and here, where it first found stron
gest expression, we give bim credit
for it; and in so doing tender to the
countrv renewed a-eurances of ,t;r
intention to observe all our obliga.
tions in the premises Mrmphi .(
pen i.
Soathrra C'orapllmcnH la the Prent
We hope that hereafter he will be
convinced that we are not the terri
ble banditti which be has, through
force of education and prejudice, beeu
in tbe habit of rejoicing us, and that
in future he may never again favor
bayonet rule and force bills for this
most peaceful and law-abiding sec
tion. Indeed wc may indulge the
fond hope that be may in time be
come n earnest Democrat in reality,
as be already is ia profession, and
then all good mon will rejoice more
over Lis repentance than tbey would
over ninety and nice Just persons
who need no repentance. (We use
ibis style of expression because it is
Scriptu'al, and Mr. Hayes likes it.)
fyirannah, Gi , Xeic.
Bocy'a Hareeaor.
Sr. Lous, Sept. 2'J The Govern
or hs appointed David H. Arm
strong, of tbi city, to the vacant
A special to the Cincinuati I'om-
uii-rcial says of bim: Armstsong is a
machine politician in every sense of
tbe term. He is a schemer and wire
puller of the most inveterate type.
He has held a number of appointive
offices in this city, but coul'j not se
cure from tbe people tbe traditional
office of "dog-pelter." He is at pres.
ent one of the Police Commissioners,
lie U a man of no intellectual caliber,
of low instincts and vulgar associa
tions. He is brutal and tyrannical,
ill-bred, profane and al'ected, pom
pous and loud. IJe is generally conr
kidered honest, fcowerer, do scandals
bare been connected w,ib Lis offi
cial acts, and it is possible he ajsy
make a atagger toward doing tbe
State some service' but tbe appoint
ment, on tbe whole, is discreditable
to tbe Governor, and will be a disap
pointment to the people.
Tb,e newly made Senator was ser
enaded to-night at ice J ian'.ers'
House. The a 4 if was gotten up
aud conducted by some of bid inti
mate friends. - Most conspu'iiou was
General J. McKinstry, who was dis
graced and dismised from the army
after the dote of the war, and wLo
has since lived in ill odur here, ile
presided at the meeting. Lem.
Wakefield, a notorious gambler, wbj
confessed in Court to having corrupt
ly subsidized the Police J.-ard, was
tbe next most important of t QS
gers. Stiles, a disrppatable detective,
was also active.
Col. John A. Joyce,
jVnittey Ring notLriety, was
ocg the rst to publicly a?rar on
l0 balcony aiv; poaTftulaie Mr.
t ... '
Tbe absence of all tie respectably
element of the Democracy from tbe
demonstration was marked. The ap
pointacst cannot fail to provoke in
tense indignation throughout the
State. It is simply disgrafpj
a tw ladlaa Tranale.
CmcA.0, September 23 A S
Paul special says: Owing to Indian
superintendent Kimball having or
dered Father Tomszin, a Catholic
nj'siotwjrrr, to ieare the White
Earth Agencf , on account ol ft rial
tiou of tke gnry rules, the priest
took refuge ia tbe church, rang the
belt to summon tbe Indiana fVUoaly
to him, and with tbem is now hold
ing tbe church in armed resistance to
tie agtbority of Kimball. The In
dians are coDB'derebly excited, and
consequently Kim bail telegraphed to
o-t nei.iDg lor aid. Jbt in,c$!
are set aggressive, but watchful and
j8"PWo0fc J-eJ other minor
jeiiitato the troops remCining fa the
vvtinitf o,' Vbite Earth or omV
Pariah ia a aU.rnit I
r.lchl Chllarea
. ' "y j
Montreal, September 2S A fire
night, by which a treat h panadian
nil'J Ol eitrlit children lost tneir
,ivt8 lJ Cre' ms buDed 10 death jBaSsing beards and mustaches dia-
an tfcrec enffocated. Tbe mother,
yo wai oaj adut ja tije j,oafe owa j,air The cojor gra(jQai.
escaped. 'tnrriArl in ariiMit th raa avsALa - .
escaped. "turned in abcut three weeta
'their hecobo, civil and military
The fjllowiag is the civil and mili -
tary record of the Democratic caadi -
dates for Stato Treasurer ami Audit-
- '....,....! ....r,,..;....! .
or General respectively
For Slatr Trrn.urer,
Its our province to recito below
the official rcco'd of Hon. Amos C.
Noyes, Democratic candidate for
Sta'te Treasurer, and lei our readers
comprehend tbe consistency that ex
ists between the candidate and tho
Laurel Raa Improvement Com-
pany, title afterwards changed to
1 biladelpnia and Reading Coal and
Iron Company. Voted Ayf,.
House Journal, pago 032, 1STL
Amendments to the Constitution :
Sec. 8. Xo bill shall be passed by
the Legislature containing more than
one subject, which shall be clearly ex
pressed in the title, except appropri
ation bills.
Sec. 'J. Xo bill shall bj passed by
the Legislature granting any powers
or privileges ia any case where the
authority to grant sacb powers or
privileges has been or may hereafter
be conferred on tbe courts of the
Commonwealth. Voted Xat. Log
Ret, pages 411, 413, 410, 18C4.J
Lehigb and Susquehunnah Coal
Company, act to hold lands, mine
coal, &c. Voted Aye (L. R., page
411, 1SC4 1
Lackawanna and Susquehannah
Coal and Iron Company, act to in
corporate. Slnie character us Lau
rel Run. Voted Aye L. II , page
iiOl, 1S64
An act to prevent the payment of
workmen and laborers tor wages due
by orders upon corporation storekeep
ers. OtCU NAY. Li. li , page 7!tS,
An act to repeal tbe fourth seed jn
of the supplement to tbe charter of
the Milford and MaUmoras Railroad
Company, approved April Cth, 1870
Voted X ay L. 11., page 470, 1ST-'. J
Tbe section referred to diverted
from tbe State an annuity of Tea
Thousand Dollars, paid by the Xew
York and Erie Railroad Company,
aud transferred the same to Milford
and Matamoras Railroad. The bill
was "snaked'' througb in tbe interest
of a feav speculators owning tho Mil
ford and Matamoras Iliilroad. The
act to repeal was in compliance with
special message of Governor Gary
denouncing the b'.l . L. U, page
An set to prevent the immigration
of Xeros aud Mulattoes into this
State :
First section made it a penal of
fense tor any person of color to move
into Pennsylvania, either temporari
ly or peruuuily, from any S;ate or
Second section made it a penal
offense f jr any person, white or color
ed, who bided io bringing Xegroes
and Mulattoes in this State.
Third seetioa compelled sheriffs,
coosteblds and p liea offi :ers to ar
rest al! transgressors of forgjiar. sta
tions. Voted
Yea L. R, page "47,
Joint resolution upon the state of
the country, declaring all war meas
ures of Congress wrong, denouncing
the war as a failure, and condemning
the Emancipation Proclamation.
Voted Yea L. R., pages 505,500,
Amendment to forgoing resolutions
offered by Mr. Johnson as follows;
"That this General 4ssemu'j la
common with all truly patriotic peo
ple of this great and loyal Common
wealth, execrate and condemn the
traitors in arms against this, tbe beit
Government under Heaven, and that
we will hail with pleasure and de
light every victory of our gallant sol
diers in the Seld, by which this wick
ed rebellion is to be crushed and its
guilty authors brought to a just pun
ishment." Voted Xay.
lor Auditor-General.
"ead in place. "An act to incor
porate tbe American Improvement
and Loan Companv of Philadelphia."
fL. R, page Ci.'l 859.3
Presented memorial from Gen.
Duff Green in favor of passage of bill,
and moved that it be printed ia Leg
islative Recard. L. R , page "2,
Amended title so as to read "An
act to incorporate the American Fis
cal Agency." j L. U, page 544,
1859 t-
And on Coal passage of bill voted
Yea. This was the infamous Cred
it ilobiiier Bill.
Senate bill o. 28;. "An set to
regulate the charges of railroad com
paoies." This bill was intended to
prevent the undue discrimination,
and unfair charges made by railroad
companies for transporting goods to
non- eompetetive points. See speech
es of Hon ttlias II. Irish and Hon
John P. Penny, of Allechenv. L.
R. pages 621, V.3, 1300 j
Mr. etcbell voted VY L. It,
page 509, IS0 j
lilt WAR gECORll.
Joint Resolutions relative to the
organization of Congress:
ItcxoleeJ, That Pennsylvania re
mains as ever faithful and true to the
L'oostiuUoo and the Union, and de
termined that itty thai! be maintain
ed ; that tbe treasonable tlreats of
disunion uttered on tbe floor of L'on
rress will not deter ber people from
i-bfl expression f their political vie?,
ana we cjor protection cf her in
terests, but iw treated with the
utmost contempt aad.sitoa, vkiic
any attempt to eirry cues threats'
into execution will be met bv her
determined resistance. fL. U, page
, ajr ecoeu votea nay. ,
Nhot While lataalralei.
pacj jEXCE, H. I , September SO
Io Rurwellvifle, cc Saturday night.
. Herbert Browne, a younp njan of
a good family, being refused adrols
sioa to ft disorderly house while in
toxicated, red two fcljs into Lis
head. He afterwards drove boae
atone Two surgeons were called,
who failed to find tbe balls by prob
ing. Browne is stiii about, eating
and sleeping as usual. Tbe surgeons
regard bis situation as most rerairk-
I l
It is a furious fact connecte) w'tb'
UiOF vo were for a long period ab-
sentrom tie ir cuijc, the Alerl, that
C Jr 00 e W Wished ! or
Dean wmte. f be loss ot cofar was!
gradual, acd aslhoocrb ootied. was!
aarcr atigiied to, jea,;b Oi,- iyajio-jtioa ol iod-peudeocB aud lb ifqi t
iog thai bis compaDton's half fasjlfeorge TaLicKtuQ, wLitb were on
turnioj graj frow tta rferts of krd- esbUipoo iu the hi!I or toe uiafa
ebipa and aoxiety. It w oc!r tficr i
tbeir rf turn to tbe sbip tbat those pos- so
covered tbe chance of hae in thir
WasrixctoS, P. C, Sept. 21. A
i fire broko out shortly before n joa to-
tdsy iu tlie patent office. It is up -
iposed to bare originated from tbe
flue reaching from the conservatory.
i . r i r hi i :
12:15 p.m. There is an immense
crawdonth9 street in tbe vicinity mi. -
01 ine paierii, omce uuiiuiiik. me
firemen are working vigorously, bav
in;? succeeded in getting their hose
through ths windows of the upper
story t.f the main building; !;it in
spite of their efTjrts, the flames seem
to be making headway, and while the
wbolo of the upper portion of the west
wingonXintb street is being de
voured by the conflagration, the
flames are also creeping along be
tween the ceilioe and tbe roof cf the
north wing and that of tbe main
building facing on F street An im
monse numbir of valuable models-
bare been destroyed. At this time lag at the corner of Pennsylvania av
it is impossible to estimate the Lf,a nnd Fifteenth street, in which
amount of the loss. Secretary Schurz
and bis assistants are actively at
work superintending tbe removal of
files, models ana records from the
building to places of safety elsewhere.
A guard of District militia under
command ot Major Hannemasison
duty guarding tbe entrance to the
mini Stairway le tding to tbe model
rooms in tbe centre buildiug, in which
an immense ouruberof models yet ic
main. Firemen are in this room, di
recting their efforts to their protec
tion, but tbe position is regarded as
one of great uanger, and fears are tx-
pressod that tbe beat above will
cauie the ceiling ti fall, which would
inevitably create great iestruciion
to life and public property.
Relays of cierks have been formed
in the east wing leading from the
upper to lower stories, removing
books aud papers from places cf dan
ger. The clerks are also acting as
cuardsfor the protection of property.
There is as yet no dt fiaite idea as
to bow the Gre originated.
The fUines firt appeared in a con
servatory near the roof There was
also a large number of rejected mod
els pa-ked io the attic above tbe mod
el room, and it is believed that spon
taneous combustion took place, caus
ing the conflagration. The land of
fice rocords are all stored io rooms
two stories beneath tbe fire.
The measures taken to save them
all will undoubtedly be successful,
and it is not probable that any valu
able papers, except records that are
on Sle in tbe mod 'I room, will be lost.
While there is great excitemen', the
crowd in the ueigUi rbovd are very
1:30 p m. Several fire companies
have arrived fro'ii Baltimore, making
the trip in ab u; 40 minutes.
1:30 p. m Notwithstanding the
crowds surrounding the burning bud
ding are immense, no accident ha
yet happenu". Oue of the huvy
ladders fell as it t being raised to j
gain access to an upper window, and
although several hundred people wt re
immediately under it tbey all escaped
injury. Tbe Baltimore engines and
others from Alexandria, Virginia, are
rendering valjbU aid ii subduing i
the fire.
A portion of the roof on the S tv-
enth street cr east wing will proba
bly be saved, and strong hopes ar-
now entertained that the fire will uot
extend below the floor of tbe model
room. The most valuable records of
the patent, land, Indian and pension
offices, as well as those of the interi
or department proper, are stored on
the first two floors of the building be
neath tbe model room, and none of
them have yet been reached by the
fire. 1 he heat was so intense at one
time that window frames and awn
ings of buildings on G. street, jut
opposite the conflagration, were igni
ted, but tbe fire was suppressed be
fore miking much progress. The
government engine from the navr
yard and another from the arsons!
are also at work, with those of this
city, Baltimore, and Alexandria, ma
king a total of ten engines throwing
water upon the burning building.
secretary Seburz savs: We have
lost tbe model room, with all its con
tents, except a part of the east wing.
uetween me secona ana third sto
ries there is a fi.-e praof cement fl nr,
and the fire wiil not reach below that.
We believed tbe whole patent office
was Gre-proof, but it seems not. All
tbe original documents and rrords
are preserved. 1 bose that are lost
are not important.
m Tbe fire seems to be un
der partial control. The east and
south portions of the building will be
saved. Xo flames are visible now.
but a heavy smoke issues from tbe
roof. There is no appearance of fire
in the midel rooms on tbe east and
south. Th-re are the fullest and
most valuable Dortions of the models.
2:10 p. m. The fire is now under
2:12 p m. Another companr of
marines bas just arrived, and tbe two
bare taken their station in and
arouna the buildinir. Tbe struts
are all clear of people except those
actually engaged with the fire de
partment. There have baen no dis
turbanrssnp to this hour and onlv
oue man Curt.
Toe George Washington relics are
ail safe except his chandelier, whiuh
was broken in biting brought down
tbe steps.
The records of the office a-e safe
so far as cau be ascertained at this
hour. The fire seems to he fully
checked, and is confined to the north
end of the eastern section. It is es
timated that folly two-thirds of the
mode) have been destroyed, inclu
ding iMay of t'c qjost valuable.
Another train with ab engia rroo)
Baltimore left the city at l:4t p m.
2:20 p m Another fire has just
broken out in tbe large soap factory
on U street, ab)ut QQ yards from the
interior departuaoa'- Aojoinlug the
factory U a larga livery stablo.
The livery stable is on fjre. Tbe
seciod and third floors of the stable
are fail of hay and burning rapidly.
Also itiioj-fren buildings in close
proximity. Two anginas .re plaving
on the arable and soap factor". The
second installment of BaUim'nre 'en
gines has just arrived.
Qje in in hkii :'u;t lesn rescued
from tbe hayloft of the 'stable, ' tni
reports two otner men purned to
death. A rcjor says that six men
were ia the fcay lo(i ogy oue
J;35 P- m Another Grebes just
broken uut on l street and aoo;Ler
in the First ward, wet ot iU
The engine from the navy yard is
bore Colonel Hawojd. Cjpains
Collier and ii f iectenan's G.x d-
roll and Kussel, wi(b Js Uiarjue
are on duty in and around the iuteri
dt p irtmeot. O. ber troops -alll bl
sect pifneeded
Tbe oriirinai uf iha dei Ur
builiiioir. acre tirei. hjvu al-i
tbe Fraaklio prii.tiny prea ia the '
same ball
been t
the offi
. &tow! the llatued bave ens county, allabama, last Anrnst ; i.t court onh. smd Mond.T:
tlbdlied late tbid et'eniog- and WSS taken from Carroilt 0 Ala lail ntxt "n'' aiweut arrets the real tire-at the mt'-thlrd-lil-i.iuiaitlijJa.ntiuie tlil.J .none v-.a-.
i, , , . .. 1 . . . , . - - - , 1 appsaiseu vam-s uiereoi qr snow eaa any in irem in aid nay ot April 'lasf. With inien.l oti
Cia.b Iiave had an oppjrtuaitf latt DUbt bj about IWiDtT masked tarn li mid not be sold aconlm. to law. ilektredDaitoeotslromdsvot sal. '
to male a bastj elimination it bas men
jbeen found that parly all thesp?cifi
cntirina and original tiraoMni-a. of tbe
i nuts-nt r,fa era Pftfe.
Tl.n nn! f.-.;(!nt which occurred
jat tbe patent oilice was 10 a Greman
! bad Lis arm broken bv a falling
tD;De attached to a hose. . Three Gre-
i . .
, men anoeared at an UDner window
L f ti,0 building overcome with the
1 . -
beat and smoke, but dragging the
hose after them. - Thev were rescied
wi'.hout delay, but one of ther.i un
fortunately dropped the pipa, which
struck a fireman bidow, knocking him
senseless and breaking his arm.
Many of the clerks of the interior
department, land, patent, Indian and
pension offices have been ordered on
duty to-night preparatory to assort
ing tbe papers and drying all - w
have been damaged by water.
It is said ttrat arrangements are al
ready in progress for renting a por
tion of the Corcoran Gre proof build-
tbe work of the department will be
resumed and tbe records restored as
far as possible.
Xouo of the land cfSce records
Lve been destroyed by Gre but many
cf tbem are seriously damaged by wa
ter and it will uk) some time Vi re
store them.
It is siid that aa immense
amount cf litigation will grow out of
tbe disuster to-day, as the law in re
gard to specifications and models have
nut been complied with until within a
fuw years past and many tuoc'els can
not therefore be produced accurately.
The damage to the building is vari
ously esiimated from $300,000 to
$."od,000, while that growing out of
ih -j destruction of models and otber
valuables belonging to tho patent of
fice is almost incalculable.
WASUi.vr,TO.v, Sept. 2." The last
spark of the patent office fire is out.
The granite walls of the building
stood tbe Gre well, but tbe inside
brick walls of it are crumbling, and
wiil havo to be rebuilt.
A small force of workmen are en
gaged in clearing away the debris iu
the burnt portions of tbe building,
but they are making but little head
way. Xo one is admitted within the
buildinir without a pass in order to
guard agaiust pilfering. The models
los; are numbered between 00,000
aud 70,000, but tbe drawings and
specifications cf theiu were saved.
On the ground doer tbe water is
still dripping, and tbe corridors are
filled with books and papers, which
are being brought back to tbe build
iug, acd oo papers of any value are
missing and the officials are congrat
ulating themselves that tbey have
been so easi'v recovered after vester-
day's scattering. Commissioner Wi!-
lamsou, of the land oilice, s.tys that
he does u;t think he has lost a psptrr
even, the most unimportant.
Rut few Udy clerks were admitted
to tbe buildingto daj; it being thought
best to keep tbem out. It is proba
blc that quite a cumber of them mill
have to be temporarily furlouirbed.
All the clerical fjreoot the patent of
fice will be removed up iuto that
portion ol tne model room uaburt,
aud everything will be cleared out to
accommodate tbem. It is impossible
for tbe depirtnieut to conduct all its
business in tbe building as it now is,
aud Secretary Schurz bas under con
sultation the leasing of a number of
buildings cjuvenient. Among tbe
buildings now utug considered are
tbe Corcoran and Wrigbt buildings,
aud it is likely tbat tbe latter will be
Prcpjsals for rebuilding tne roof
arc to-day advertised upon plans pro
posed by Architect Clark.
Tbe origin of the fire still remains
a mystery, and Secretary Scout ? has
decided to have a thorough luvesti
gation made immediately.
The loss on tbe building is now es
timated at $l,22o,000. Gheen A; Os
borne, whose stables were burnt, put
tbeir loss at about ?la,0UU.
1HE 11.11SI 1M lAMrAlU.V
.lore Tnrklth Vlctorlea Claimed.
Cox--TA.NTixori.E, September 2C.
Usnian I asha reports three consider
able engagements since the 12tbinst.,
in all cf which the Turks were vie
totious. Osman Pasha's position is
now believed to be secure, and the
impression at Constantinople and So
fia is tbat tbe Russians and Rouman
ians are withdrawing gradually from
the attempt against levna.
London, September 2 A special
correspondent confirms the Turkish
story tbat Plevna was revictualled
and reinforced on the 231 inst , by
twenty hatalhons of infantry, two
batteries of artillery, 2,000 cavalry
and an immense fjuantity of food and
4 axssi.vx .rrACK on ijlevn.v nE.
Lonix'-V, September 27. A dis
patch dated Constantinople, o'clock
Wednesday night, Bays : Private
telpgrains state tbat tbe Uussjau cen
ter uttai-ked PlevQ yesterday, and
was repulsed with the loss of sev-u
thou-a;id men and four guns. This
report is probab!y unlouuded, as no
oflieial c infirmation bas been receiv
ed. BioiiAaA-V. September 2t. Geu
erals Skobt lofJ and Todleoeg left here
to day for the army.
Z'J-tt.i.NL'E, September 21 Tne
Turkish Itxses at Plevna seem to
have been as heavy as the Russian.
Trustworthy iof iruiation is received
tbat 14,000 wounded are still in Plev
na, whom ite Tuik-t are unable to
remove. '
LnNPtiN, Sept 23. A correspond
ed; writer. A dgy or two of raiu bis
madj the roads ainivist impaibli .
TLe mud is aukle deep. Tbe horses
bate ei eu nearly all tbe forage, a-id
hay j very scarce ai any price.
Coiuiuuiiiuatiuus ari daiy tuore dif
flcult Tbe Il issian staff cfJljers in
front of I'ievoa express tbe ' utmoni
cunfi.ience tbat the place will falj ' Jo
to their bauds. There is au. abudd
auue of wheat and barley in Bulgar
iu, id a very Urge crop of ludiau
c r6. ff the liurijaJis ras anrraotn
tbe diffii'ul. r of ob'taitiitig ' ! Jti. theS
can wiuier iu ulgaVla'verr comfort
CoNsA ji Hfi'pl C Sept 28 Slow
has'.H-eu falling' io . ischlpia ass
ri-cn M"day, and i unv let. cent'-
5tp"s ueen ai jne iooi oi tne
The Ausuin std German a n.b, as
adiyrs, iu the name of tbe Rustjan
li .veruinebt, appiwd la tba Pfte,
in virtue of the Genera Convention,
for a permit to tranj(ori timber serosa
he Danube for huts for tbe Russian
jft tided, The Porte baa deferred
its ?eply ictii jt a ra.".c -srtaio tbat
the blits 4fs,; ipply" fpf ty bmJ for
wounded. . 1 '
A Mmsj Honar kv a) JIb.
, .
Ct'Li MB. 8, Xfis"? , Setjabi;r 2T.
Nat 1'ierW. hu' "waa faiDlicatoi in i
tijljog Storj aud Kilpai.-ick, ia'Tick !
and banged.
Attempt t Wreck a Train.
A diabolical atterop' was made a
few evenings since to wreck a passen
ger train oo the Pennsylvania Rail
road, between Greensburg and Rodd
bauzb's tunnel. A thirty-foot steel
rail was securely fastened across tbe
three tracks in a diagonal manner,
and would bare produced a terrible
wreck, it not great loss of life, but for
it timely discovert- Just liefore tto
arrival of the Day cxpres a freight
train passed west, which ran against
the obstruction, tearing it from its
fastening, and bending it ia almost
the shape of a boop. Tbe crew bast-
eued forward to the block signal at
Rodebaugh's, and only arrived in
uuie to stop the express ; baa it pro-
cceueu ouwaru at me ru e it uauauy
runs at that point, tbe result is fear
ful to contemplate. Five rails were
torn up by tbe freight train when it
collided with the obstruction, neces
sitating considerable delay. There
is no clue to the perpetrators of this
outrage, but their object, no doubt,
was the plundering of the killed and
manned passengers. ruisOury uu-
4aMeral Unit.
Lo.snov. Sept. 23. Gen. Grant ar
rived at Strawford-on-Avon to-day,
and met with a brilliant reception
His visit was madj tbe occasion of
festival, ia whicu the whole town
took part. Houses were decorated
with (lags, among which the Ameri
can colors were conspicuous. The
Stars and Stripes were displayed
from the town Hall and Mavor's res
The Mayor and members of the
Corporation rtcei'ed the General
aud Airs. Grant, who were accompa
nied by Gen. Badean, at the railway
station, and escorted them to snake
spear's birthplace. Tbeuce the par
ty proceeded to the musenm, the
church, Anne Hatbaway's cottage
and other places of interest.
lne distinguisned visitors were
subsequently ei.ertaiued at a public
lunch in the Town Hall. A toast
tbe health of Gen. Grant was propoe
ed and drank with cheers, and he
was presented with a very cordis
address enclosed in a casket mad
lrom tne wood ot a mulberry, tree
planted bv Sbukesneaie.
The G.neral, ia replying to the
toast, spoke most heartily of tbe wel
Cjme given bim. He declared
wi uld have been impossible fr bim
to leave Knglaud without visitiug
tbe b.rtbplice of bbakespeare. Ile
pointed to numerous American Shake
sperean societies as proof of tbe hon
or paid tbe poet in the Uuited Stst;s.
Arrrotrd on the Chars "f Inrdrr.
PiTTSBfRti, Sept. 27 At 11 o'clock
this morning, Major General A. I.
Pearson, commauuer of tbe State
troop during the late riots, was ar
rested on the charge of murder. T he
;formati on is made bv Henry Stp
pel, and sets forth that Genera! Pear
son aaloth:rs, whose names are un
kuown to deponent, on the 2lst day
of July last, bad command of certain
regimeuts of State troops, at tbe
Twenty eighth street crossing of the
Pennsylvania Railroad. It states
tbat General Pearson gave the order
to fire, and at this fire rather Xicb
oias Stopple was wounded and died
the same uigbt. It is slated tbat the
deceased was silting in his own door
way when tbe volley was fired, and
was in no wav connected witb tbe
crowds gathered at the railroad cross
ing. General Pearson waived a
hearing, and was committed to jail.
Trata Throw From the Trark.
Xew York, September 2S. A de
spatch from Sandoval, Illinois, says;
A trai i oq the Illinois Central Rail
road was thrown from the track at
3 o'clock yesterday morning, killing
seven ol me passengers and injuring
a number of others. Masked men
were seen by toe passengers from the
wiodows, as the moon was shining
bright, but after the accident they
could not be found. It is supposed
they intended to pluader and rob the
passeagert', but were frightened
Kobbrry af avc arltlem.
CoRTLAXP, X. Y., September 24
A package containing government
and rtilroad bonds, certificates of
stock, mortgages and promissory
notes, estimated at $200,000 in value,
was stolen from tbe rirst national
bai,k at Cortland, X. Y.t on Satur
day Ut Tue loss wa,s not discov
ered uu'il this morning. The secur
itiert t-re iu a large pocket book
which was kept io ibe safe of the
bauk. ibe bank suffers no loss, as
the securities belong to private in
3aked Kobber.
CiiEtENE, W. T-, September 23.
The regular treasure coach from
Dead wood was stopped by two mask
ed men near Cheyenne river, Wednes
day night last. rss"gtance was
" J 1 C . .
niaue anu aeon iiavis, one ot tne
messengers, was wounded in tbe leg.
disabling bim. Ibe robbers then
got pssesion of tbo arms in the
coach, but were niahl? to force
iron safe.
Locomotive Exploalnu.
Louisville, Kv , September 27
Tbe b.-iler -f a I e. 'motive to a freight
train on th L uiM'illi nd Xashville
Railroad exl iued 1I '.I lit at Rocky
Hill, Waneo e ti'ity, killiinr Charles
Wils ii, ib e-igi-iet r, To -m.-t McCrea
firemar, i.d MCruiick, ol
Greeusiurg, Iiidi.uiH, biaki-nii'i, aud
woijriiii Hlib lv m-vr-tl i.thers.
A Ij Gnuruh, "iipp-f. r badly
(nit'-fil. tin h" -iiit-e il-il in vt a lmg
far -n iuh f t II le wiuth
-ii-id p'ir-n"r ttain and avert a
ci'llikiuu Turw tt'brn liumUr of
rar b rr the train, irdos,
Vi 'T-.tii flly. and Si g'-rac being kill,
ed, anl S-itlUrt and ' Berviui--ut In-
jut-d. ...
ftallrd F.rliilar.
. t t; j tut -
JMlmp';,., SjJ , ep'ember 2.
The 'legal 'Trateriili j j; " ja)UTllor
p. uuty are iu a state of great excite
meut to-dav'over tl e return of N true
billi a.'aiu.t pftiief Jud G asiu and
Associate Judge i . Ilott.' t-bargina-
thejti wiib malfeasance in t fjicc, and
i(ij atier with drobeunes' and
pnngipg ite pvfifi f
Wlilcb benre-
- " " " J f." mip v S.-U ar(t;rrey
on a bfLvh wairaot, anil bavn given
baods io jipear lt trial.
Jvtl Lsudis t, at heirs i '
an 1 leags I represents 1
-iiniiii uu- 1 .1 1 jar. term, 11;;. 1
uls. Jr., dee'd anl Jno. ! Commoa Plea of 1
Ualsbanifh. f Sancr t U- unly.
V. I fFartlLil.l .
Ileal anl II. I '
'' Edwi''
j i
Deal an I H. llenher t!efeBlana
afslv named. You ace hereby nt '.hed to ertn
Xew Adccrtuenxrd .
iiy virtu of anorl"r Lmo1 mil u( the rt !
Commtui Pleas ot Somerset t,V, K., ttio uikKt-
ft-goori Afinceof (irri? HtM-Iitei.t-r, will -H
al utlie sale, vn th? premiif , on
Saturday, Oetdr C, 1ST7,
t 1 o'clock p. m., oo Ui premise, the fi!Uwin$
A cr rtain trarl i mn i sua in I ir Turkey
fail Ttp,, wrrt X, ,la atKiuiMe lurt (
J una than Ktnraert, Michael Yuitkin t:J trlirrs
MttitAiuini? olrfjut K mrvi having tliflitit ait l
other tiiilMlnir, lhreinere-if-l.
'I K K.MS. Ten pr tvot. ol ih iiinlt-4i ni-mry
to te pailtn4iay ol Stle. arttJ thrj lilitne nl n--tbirl
coOnMttni of ;ile at NoTctirWr .'mrt ;
one-tliirti io Mx uiitli9, u l Mie-tliirt in var,
with futereat ; lelcrrt pa y to en w to b ;?arl ty
JU'tgtVcnC IhrtCS.
Sej. W
Alguc oftjjilfrcjr 11'cli.iuiar.
of Hear, Ariil, Pt-atrfa, Piutw
1Q0,UUU Ortpc VinriiDl Siitil
Fruit Fliiutu
JO). 000 Kvrrxrfvufliin'l rna
m-ntt Tnei auU sntea.
We oiler the above treeant!
I tlantj very chea p (or ttti Y It i
!ian una;, i ney aro nm nut
is eyery rcsiKwi ad-i true
uam. w win mii to u.t
Dealer anl rrnjf era at '.
mlioleMlerfkle. Sen !
jT Ctuiotcue. A'iilrefla,
. A. tLLlOTl A VtK
144 Market .NU, Fuu'jeb, l a
The ol.leot ami bait r.p ine.i linU:;l-m ( r
vMHlufiiy a Hunliirfn Elu-;Atluo.
Korcirculan xMreM,
FllUUurx Ph.
ASK tbe recTtrel
iljx;pti'-'a ,1'iliooj nf-
lerera. vietiini of lever
aud airue, t)i mercuri
al tiiuaitt! (altict
bow tlit-T ruNTtrel
health, cheerful fplrlu
;iiul ooil apetlte :
they will tell j-uu T
Uklnx SiMMoM l.iv-
KB llu.l LATOU.
Tha Cheapest, Purest and Best Family .W'dlclne in
ia the World.
iliee. Bilious lta-V, SICK H E A l ACH F., I "He.
IM-iircwIuo uf Spirit, SC l U STOAI ACH, Heart
Burn, fce., ae.
This unrlvleJ Southern Keme-!y iii wnrranti-tl
nt to eimtaln a slnsr, le particle uf Men-urr, ur anj
Injurious inlucral suULuk.c hut Is
i-ontalnlnic tliouc Siuthera Roots and Ilerhs, nhii h
an allwise Pnvldenc has pla-el in rountrhs
where Lver liiiieases mitet prevail. It will cure all
Diseases caused by derangement of the liver and
1 he SYMPTOMS) of Liver Cmplaint area hit
ter or bad lame In the tm.uth ; 1'am in lli lt:u-k,
Sl-lesor Joints. tuen mistaken for Kheuinatisui :
Soar Sloin-icb ; L8 ot Appetite ; ljuwels altern
ately etstive anl lax ; ; Vtg of uiuiu
rv. with a baiutul seDsaiin ul havitur tailed to do
amtetbinv which ouKQt to have been done; IeMii.
ty. Iw biiintr, a thiek yellow apiieararae ol the
Skin and Eyes, a dry cough ol'tca tuisu,keu kir
xinetnues many 01 tiieMsymproms attend the
lisease. al ot hers very lew : hut Itie I.l V EK. the
largest urnan in the body. Is generally the seat of
l7. wreti-hednew and llKATH will ensue.
ii-ease, and 1! not reKUiate-i tn tune, sreat suiler-
1 can recommend Bsanerncavloui. remedy fordis-
ease of the Liver, Heartburn an I Hvsi-pia, Sim
mons Liver HetruUtor. LkwiaO. t'i Nt::i:. itJ25
Master Street. Asc.sunt s'ost Master. I'hihvlt:!-
know that for Dyspepsia, Hilousoesa, aul i'hroh.
w e nave tescea its virtues, tiersonaliv. and
hinsr Hea lai ho. It is lne liest medirine the world
ever saw. We have tried !rty other reme.iies be-
lore itnmon stiver tiic ulatur. hut none ol the in
gave as more than temiiorarv relief : hut the Keg-
utator. not only relWvetl, hut cureo us.'' Er. Tel-
kiiuaph a so .UKsasiiae, Macon, lia.
Xo thin ir is 83 nnuteitKiDC notltinir m Amnion a
nau Ofrain, and in nearly every catw it ctoiea rrom
ths stirtnaoh, and mn be fHieaniiy e-rn;cte l it yiu
will take Siraiuuni KeiruUtor. Ihi nut neirlect w
sure reintHlv tar tbin reuu'sive Hmrler. ic will
aio Improve ymr A,ititet Junileiioo, an l pin
This tlitstreMinir afflict Km occurs mo frtin.nt
ly. The tlUturbance of the nttiinai-h, arUiti in ni
imperfectly Jictni ctMitents, cause? a H-rere paiu
iu uir ucau.acctiui.aavnieii wun uirarreeanie no-
ea, awt thi emttitute wh a -iulurly known
as aicK tieatUwCoe. for prompt rvitet
Ti!! Siinoiis' Urn Ejgalalor. or Hilicire
At Remtiy ia
PL A 1 N TS. 1) YSP EPS 1 A. M EN T A I. HEP H hs
riiui.i ana biliuis.x ls-s,
HAacrArTraeDoxLT by
Prioe Sl.OO. Sold by ill Dmirtristj,
By virtue of an order issaeil cut or the Orphans'
Court of Somerset Co.. Pa., to the un leisiioieil
ilires ted. 1 will expose to sale by public outcry, on
me premises, on
Saturday October C, 13:7,
at 1 o'clock p. rn., the follow inn described real
estate, late the estate el Jacob Cover, Jr.. dee d.
A certain farm or tract of land situate in Jenner
I wp , Somerset County Pa., containing 1 lu a-r:.
au acres mereoi ctearj.l, an-l nitatie well ttmtv-r-
eil. aillolnlnx lands ot B. St u lit. I.sseWltL m.
H. Kenm. David Lohr ami others, having thereon
erecteil a gooii two story plank house. Io- barn
ami otber outbuildings. This farm has apple,
peavh ami other fruit trees trmwlim nn it. a stn-nit
never lailinir sprmir. and is underlaid with about
a five hit Vein of coal with bank onrnnl.
TERMS. One-tbinl In hand on eonhnnation of
snie. ami oa lance in two equal annual payments,
iiiivui uiioni,
Sep- Adm'r and Trustee
Estate of Ann Maria Zarefoea, late of Stonycreek
i p.. ueceaseu.
having been irranteu to the uiidersiiiucL rertiee
is hereby irivento those indc-hte.1 in in. i.
aiicrs vcsiameuiarv on tn k..v
nieiuaie .H.n.-ni. anuinoee navinir flaimsarainsl
It to present them duly authentli-nie.1 i... .-m.
men t. at oilice of H. F. Schell, In Soaierset-ea Ft
day. Sept, Tth, b,7.
I. r - !
-IIP!., Msad
- 1 -. r.vvJ
- --- ---
Jefferson Academy,
The coarse of study bavins; In view :
1st. Preparation lor Colleire.
21. A goad English Klncitlon.
l. Preparatioa for Business.
Is ctmiurehennlve and the Instran.. ii.AM..i.
Teachers experienced and suceesstul. OerRiao'
French and liook keeplnsr B ade s(iecialilies. Lo
ratiun iu In midst ot a quiet and moral i mmuiil
,!'',TCT, fr"m theiH.traetloiu.aiat iemptail.s
'S 'I'V 'tw- J'-.ueiuea vera low. Next term omns
Spl. lsib. 13;7. F-r circulars, ke.. a.l.lress
August 1.
H EV. W'M. t 1XQ, Principal.
ra. iktiia. ra
' riiAHlEItEKS.
KasiMettnlly Inform th ettliana m
Couuty, that thev are prepared to Uk contracts
for.all k ink of Plastering Repairing promptly
attended l. Aihlresa asboe. ProP"'
. JJ'erlt solicit!!, an satisfaction guaranteed.
Not, i-a. , -ilB. . . ,. f M
...... .
A imiI8Ti:.vto;; s .NpTicp
Estate of Edwin Baer. lata of Oretnvlllc Two., I.'
Letter or adulalitVatioa aa tka
hav1incr nie.l by theproperautbority notice
Is heteliy (riven to 1 liose mllMi Ut It to snake fnime-
in. art tri'
a bavlnu-ulalms aaslnst It
to pi
tTrfifi '
tjl Jtlientf.-as;csl l-ir aeitlr jient
sflnilay'dttviotVer. rs:-.rl ' 1 '
lly vlr'u-of lssue.1 by th Co
Common Pleaaot S..n-rsei Uoaniy, fa., tl
urt of
ilersia-ucU Aseurn of a vo. n..t. n.i
the nn-
l-ewr A. Blouitk. wtU sell at pal.lic sale, oa
"Virrstfair. O-tober IS.
a iraot 01 laud ttuat IP laucraaUoctnit imp.,
Someit county. Pa. oontalmua; S7 acres, mora
or less, ot which about uti acres are clear, wltn a
tWO StorV kur liousa l.Btk l.u r. an.1 .hr .).
huildlnxs titer, -on : also a vouna orchard at eho'c
fruit, sxijolnlioz lands of John Bloutrh, Abrain
Uaer. S..uiacl I. Yolcr Jrn-uiUh Snea-lwr. ami
others. 1.
uaniel Huffman.
(frees '
Trees !
Sep. M
Valuable Property
in M r. n,i:.s.NT.
- i
Ttie First N ttkmai HmW i.f Xt. Pie.iunt, Pa
eft- rs l-r wle tne hdlowui pi ry at sai.l,da-'
vii : '
I- WiJ irr-jind on f-.oter l M .ia and (
?re. !, o ,'eet lnt by 1 hai-k, Lavln theivnu
er-ied a three story l.rlck llutcl, will, ail nemi
sary. uti.mi Muni au: tn-wu as llio il:t -I,
ll'OIS.. '
AIn, one ..t adolnln the iI.vh, rmntinif Cl
.-et n Main atraei ut-1 I. o teet Iuek to nn allev
Al.-.ii,m. M , oil,'-r r.,rn.-r ol M.un and
rimr- u strvetn, feet tniet aa.1 1 : La. ic. haviait
taereofl a lance Irarae -Ul'le oa the alley
ALM, eoe lot front Ins 4a feet oa Church street
ami mnnlna; bark lua to aa ailev, havin
tlie.-eona twu atory luuk aud trauw' dwellii.K
. nouse, siaoic mm otjier oui ',ut..iii,.
ALSO one-half Interest la the I., at ..l a,,!
: Foundry Kuildinir I-nnerly owned . M.-C.lei.
kllurs near the lUilrat.l.
I These (n-veral pr fierttes areoirire.1 at Prlvai
, Slain awl ir tot previously nl wlll , "",
, fered at puldlcsaleon Friday, t he Slst ,!
; Xtist. lxr;, on the premls.. Titl prW' ?.7,
; pru-e and other partu-ulars apply to ti,e nin.i,. .
, saM iIank,.Mu irlrasant. Pa. "f
j July;.
NO. t.
rrt Ucw xrounu, l
reaily to cut or oh
-O acres in priiae onler.
a - .. - . 7 . : "uioer.
ver. ready to cut orolow under. Thrittr .....i.i
u;i niuu, iu.w imtiuic tpr"ke. suacres i-l.
all umli-r thorvuuh ience. runninjr water In every
tleld aud at buil.uas. Smooth Uwn.
and complete, In . lirst-elass community, heiutl
mi.y siluatr.1, one an.l oue-lia!i allies west of the
diamond in sjomeiset Itorouifb. aud two and one
hall east of Lavansvllle, on north side or turnpike
. -rhra '1!un'"' el'areh r-n turn -ike
ail other iL M'. of "'""H- eli'irrhes r nearly
vi ti ! J 1 "';mlnatlons in Somerset or Lavan-
near thtpr1'1 - "
NO. 2.
150 acre adjidnln the
arvjve. on t.ttrs .i.i.
.u.. luime nateiy opposite, hull.l
Inasuew, U acres prime timher. Sm.sjth and
lertile land, well watered, and ia every respect
e.U il to N ). 1. With a vjunif orchard.
UO. 3.
A small farm or IS acre?
t'U the ciav tdke one miiA
t-ast oi troohart.i.urif. In insi order, house, sta.
ole and One on-hard oa premises.
NO. 4.
House ami lot In Somer
set tioroutf h occupies! Iy
W. M
other lands anj houses .c, la the County
X. 1. Price
13,0O0. Terms 5Ciio In hand.
4RK) a year.
No. a. Price 10,0W.
0oo a year.
Terms 1.' uu i n l,..nd.
No. 3. Prlea l,a. Terms
.'tiu a vear.
4403 in band.
No. 4. Pi lee tl.soo. Terms 6oy
in hand.
V v a en r.
As the Government has re.!a-ei her Interest to
4 percent . a lower rate will nei-es.arily prevail In
business, heuo-e the saieami prohtahle investments
of the luturewill ba real estate. Piunessi.m of
No. 1 ami aas deslreil, of J and 4 on April nest.
J"'"- W.J. ItAEK.
t.' iKn.ks no lona-er for th few only. The
best standard novels within the reach ol every
ooe. Books nsuallv sold lnm l to 3 (riven Inn
chaniced and unabridged ) lor 10 and ai cents.
1. EAST LYNN E. bv Mrs. V,1 M. X ,
John Halifax, trout , l.v Miss Mulm-k. '.ih-.
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte" Bronte. ( 11. N.) anel
A Moman haler.Chus. Keade's new novel. 2Uc.
The Black -Indies. Jules Vcrn ; s latest. loi-.
Last Daysol Pompeii. tv Itulwer. Pa
A'laiu lie le, bv tieore-'Eliot. l. )
The Arundel Motto, bv Mary ( .-il Hay. loe
Old M vdiielton's .tloucr. bv - - i.i.
i i. i ne v oman in w hue, t v Wiikie Collins, auc.
1 1. Tne Mill on ihe Floss, hy (icH-xe EM .t.
li The A merkau Senator, bv Anthony Troi-
i-Iie. ou,
13. A PriiK-essof Thule. I v W m. lilurk. -Ui-U.
The Dvad Secret, by W ilkie Collu.s. lu.,1
la. Homolo, bylreor-t, Eliot, j
IS. '1 he Knirlish at tne North jtde and Field
.. lt'"- l"n'b.s,k. by Jules Verne. Io-.
1.. Hidden Perils, by Mary Cecil Hay bio
1H. Barbara's History, bv Amelia E-.iwards. k
1. A Terrible Templati .n, by Chas. Keade
JU. t ld Curiosity Shop, by Chas. Dickens. -Joe.
21. Foul Plav, bv Chas. Ri-ade. lu-.-i.
Man and Wile, by Wiikie Collins.
to. The Suire" Ls-Kaev. bv Mary Hav 2i-"
For Sale by all Bioksellers and N.-ws.ialers, or
sent, p.taire prepaid, on receipt of price by
UEORt'.E ML XKO. Pi 'BLiaiiKB.
P. O. BoxC6i:, -J,i, and 2i VanesaterSi.,.. V.
Fall Session otiens Thunilnv. K.i.r i-i-t. ia -
laK-a lion very healthful, easiv of aivesn, terms
m.slerate. Full e urse of Insf ru.-tlon. ForCata
loKue. please addtess
Augustl. J. JEWETT PARS. Princlnal
Makes the SKIX Soft, Clear, Pur Wnite ami
Healthy! Is Cleansiux. Deuloriiinir
Ii-K. Southing-, Healiu ami purify ini; ; remove
lian lrulf. t Laftna:. I leer. Sores, Eruptions,
Roughness and redness of tne skii rellnvmi it. h.
In, burning and stinirinir oi t;ie Skin, and irriia
tionol bitinicand stinxinv insects: will relieve
1 rt'HlXii PILES where m.ihina else will have
Sl EOlHIR, ana prevents Contauious IMseases,
and as an External Mad iral and ToUet Prepara
lion It has no EUUAL. Price, a call
Kox, thre Cakes, sixty ecat. Sokl by
(eo H . Benfonl. Somert. Pa., and lrui,
nenerally. E. S. WEBSTER, Pn.prletor. Of-
.' . Vr . a- " note sale
pot. 4wi N. Third St., PhlU., Pa.
W'l,1 "YY'IT T mil OB 10,1 on-half
Vl 1 J ft I 111, lioxea al tha ana K.,.l
ful new Chromoa. lu Frrnrh oil color, ever seen
lor 41.00. Thev are mounted in A ilo h'k
el aud ir'dd mats, oval openimr and outsell any.
thinx now be lore the punlie. Satislactioa iiunu.
leett. Two samples lor eents. or six tor Ml cents.
S-ul 10 cents lor xranil illostrate.1 calal mug wltb
eliromo of ilooulli;ht on the Rhin. or sv cent lor
two landscapes and Calla Llllies on black around
J. LATHMAM Co., 4l Wasbinirtoo St. Bos
ton Massachusetts, Headquarter lor,
caiicravinics aim Art works. A FORTUNE
By Tlrtucofan order of the Orphans' Court of
Somerset connty. to the undetdia-ueil Admiii!tr
tor &.C..0I theesta'eof David Lohr. dot . 1, 1 will ex-
w Io lilllilil. sal i II.a .. .k.l
I - - . .uv ,ioui ga
Saturday, Octtler 6, 187 1,
the following valuable property late the estate of
the said loivbl Lohr. dee d, tiwit ; . '
A tract of land situate lu Jenner Twp . Somer
set county. Pa, fnnfainlnr 7 acre ami tj perches,
strict measure, ailioininir lands of Jacob Stultt
Jesse Witt, Jacob Cnvrr'aastate ami others, with
a story ami a half plank house, loe stable, sprint;
noose and 01 h'-r buildinjjs thereou erected, about
hltei-n acres clear, and the bulans-e ol th land is
well timbered and watered, there ts m .....ii
m-har I on the premises of,j .tree of ehol,
ion.. 1 ne property is sttua-.eil cioae to ar&nl
Mills, s,-houl h.iuse. sture, blacksmith shop it"
TERMS Fiftv rlollam-ii Ih. .I.v f J.i'-
third Inclnilms the fifty dollars at the eonrirma-
lonm tne sole, amt the nuiante after ilcilnctinz
he wi low's dower hi two inl mnni
withoui interest, the wi-low's dower to be secare.1
111 inv pnK.-rty.
s,'l'- - Ai'.Biinistrtitor.
Mii, Cciii1 ail Ecciiuj
ork Shivlnirs are ansornasseil asan article ft.e
Bls, .wattrcs.-e. a -. They are ten times as dnr
Aide as Husks or straw. mlr 0 cents nee lb. AO
pounds wiil nil the larvest bed. by Arm
stn. Brother k C, 4 aad it First Avei.ue,
Ptttsournh, Pa.
Jlv la.
J. 11 I'lsel Informs his friends aa.1 th '
fenemliy Uat heka lease. I room rr peers'
'run .strr. la th Mamotota Kuiklln;. aad ha
there o-ued a Restaurant and l.-e Cream Saloon.
ni- on a a 0.1 at an time eakea, lara, aand-
wk-hes, and catllou- drinks, lunj .1-.
hand ami lor sal. ? . . - . ' .
11. 1, . . . . . .
where he Is preiwred to acenauH.a..e ,u nuera
v i-.iii iii: in tne juj. Ki-ikr ai
" k.-n. . 1 u uu ooirina'-
Summer buanler aullcllM.
Smo. may.x
a J
, foitjtle.
Will .,ifcj at privat aal al low pMaw aad oa
easy ur us aad condl'.loas, vis :
Only One-fifth Cash Required on
Purchase, Balance Payable in
1. 2. 3 and 4 YEARS.
uaal imvmenta la Bomis. with Interest at six per
cent, per annum, uayabl eati-aiinuaily, secured
ty m..intue.
The wiitstrofi'tjins; to h rtuuer .fltles'ieJ ,
AfcPiX;Al,QUl,Aa,'E,S " r
t!iat at the exHatloa of the fissr years, shouiil
the punroaaer b diasatlstieU wlta his purehas,
wili reiun.1 the oriimil purehas amount a ex
presse.1 In the receipt (or dec-1 in the handa f
Messrs Kussel kv LnKeneeker until all tlie pay
ments are made), and hare ta lot ur luta recon
verted ou ptimtntol oriitinal purehas amount,
ifrovidiu- the lot or lota are ire from tncuia;
ranees, 'am as when bought litm canvr. - '
Eur lnuLvtilarn ap; 1 to
Or Rl SS I LL a LU.N U EN EC hi E R,
Juae. Bedford, Pa,