The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 19, 1877, Image 3

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il6 b01H6rS6I il6ralCL I
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irtciuhcr u.;i.'Tr. t
S-.A 3
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xmi? TABLES.
On n.l atler August 70. 1C7, trains on this
rl ill depart tMm tuti arrive at slejwl, corner
( tram ati M aler Slum a 1'iiiows:
IWf 1'itl1lll)l
Ut Nt-atou
Mi. rinutii
I tlH'tll" II
itilt, I'. lr
Miiu-rnl roinl
aimlin.l orif
ll:.n' Kerry
rintiul. !?:a
i'i,iiadu.'a i:...ui.
ll.ltln.,r. 0 .
1; '
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Ki,tini..oJ lu V-p in.
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rtarit-rV IVrry
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Martin. -aira
liil:p in. lmil.-rlaiii
1141 " IlrHtlHTort
1.C Miiii-i-.l 11.
Vi Oliio I'vl.
t liliititoall
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V " 1 III
?ia. m. Wt KewUrti
-:.ii t. III. M krilMt
8 lo A- u. llnul'tiM k
" i'lltiilmrrfh
The Express twin leave Pittsburg at tit P. M.
arrivli.r it Conm-llsvllle U P- M . M ineral
I'on.t Iti-a A. M. In return the MW. leave
Oinil.rrli.nJ nt 2 to A. M.. arriving at Mineral
Point 4 A M.CoTincllsville 1 A. M., 1 HtS
luirgh .IM A. M.
All !rinf run liv llaltliniire Time. U mlnute
uaterlliRD Ptuatxinsti lime.
Mult nnt F.TiiivMi trains daily.
Ai-iiiiui'ai'n tniiin aii-t tactile KipnM
tally, esiin Miwlay.
Tim muni lir--l MD.I "pliwanl mole to Hie kJtrl
n1 Suh vi Waliini;loti t'ity.
Ti...,.k mii itiL u :11 a. an., dnlly, ar-
rivra at VahtnKlim at J: 1. in. : Ualtininre, :30
ii. m. : J'htlaieliiiita. 3 :l a. m. ; Ke rk, .-A
Thn.ui(h Kipr.-. K-avinn. 4 p. m, lall. r
rlvat Wafliinnion at ;...a. in. : iw
a. m. : Kirlimimt. t:M .. m. ; I'liila'leliilila, 1
p. m ; Nr Vurt. alii p.m.
V'inh Armor alxl ulltti-
flria Sir.ei acll driK-t erniiCT Uraul aod Water
Mirwu, i'mnt-iirt'li. I'a.
U M i L.K Ot-niral Tioket Airnt.
E. K. HVMMAN,Supl.,t;ouiieilavlile
oatKaairr fc aiyKRii foivt bailroad.
. ....1 .tiiir liar 14ili. Its;?, traius will
run a- Mlown, wmnevtinK wttli all iwsscnifer truioi
.n the P. W. fc B. n. K. (Mall train" daily, Ut
preaa daily expt Munday .)
LIATI. ACIUT. West 2 JO p. m. P-
Mall Et lu 3i a. aa. U "! P- m-
Mail tat caiiMfU with lal Went.
Way VtfimiciT t.1.
V;iy ra(ena-r Wea!
Mall Eart
Mall Wcsl
1'.' Ou a. m.
12 44 p. m.
II 41 p. Dl.
3 - p. in.
1.1 rrn:. unTfit.
Commission Merchants,
Ve wilieil liberal shijmietits of I'.utler,
mid promise to thorn; who ship their
R j-lcr to us, to use every effort to sell at
iifcid price?, and will tsend their account
;a'i-s and check as roon as sold.
We refer to Farmers' & Merchants' NV.
liatik. Ualttiiiore, and to People's lintik.ol
l!a!iiii:t)if .
Now islbe tiiiie to adeitic
1 lie 1 oliticd p h Ix'mi u Uiil.
F;j:r outs, i'.ofi't forget the fuir 1
pencils are on their laM legs.
This weather U mire pleasant, llmiik
nr hut. In did a thriving biisinc on
siioA" day.
A scarcity ot apple butter is predicted.
Nirry to bear it .
It iss.ii.l that the ehesinttt cr.ip pro:ii
i: 1 fc to be hi rge.
Ki -. fli ing is now the favorite ainiise
nielli ol our nnall boys.
Tlie amell of new cider Is Ibaiiing nlong
tliecouo'.r) I a ins.
A haiking glats heel lor ladies' sinus is
the lntest Im-limn.
The circus had a very bail elh-ct on the
M iipbytles ol this place.
The man with the white hut put in an
p;ieiirance oue day ol last week.
Frank Jx-.-lif, the pjibliier, has Ih- n
i.i!,cl!ej' tonitke'an assijjiitii.-nL
Have jou all your articles ready lor
viiii'ilbiu at the laii"
JJXever turn a bbtsing un.uud to e
h net her it has a d-tk fide V'1 it.
We were treated to quite a number of
n.irty, fall like rams last week.
Klico are now ob'iged to slainp their
f.-el in order to prevent their
Vaiious stctinns of Ihe i.iuuly have U-tn
vi.iicd I'y lijiht lnls duiing the past
w ilk,
1 he ffjuirrt l btiuting season is at its
heihlh and the wimhIs are filled wiih
'Ihei'oliltal Hibaliilunl jiledliKf veiy
arm weather !r the latter putt til lint
liioulb. The iiMprtvsible tmail Uiy w as on the
look out lor the circus as tal ly as lialf pt
live o'clock Friday morning.
S v ral tiewspajH-r nun have been
swindled by tlitf nc t:iuuinrfeit live
th.itisand tlollar tiill.
The (hj itical cntiipaign lor I 7T i sow
I.iirly tH'neil. Now it the time to sub-ttiK-
lor the Ib.tlun.
h is esiim-.teJ that there were Irun
three l. l.rjr' tiiou'.iii.l -ij t.u ou
;vIma- d-y."
A ui n 1 lh ii) I tit ynH-l ! I h-hes
.shu Uadu l g-aic loolhe ciA.-t4 ai4 J declares
sh'- 'k r r til go a g .in.
Tlie leaves will s 1 in lie turuiur. v-
si itiiiig all sorts of deligtittlll lili lum huly
lij'iU'jIits and Utterance
))r. w.olir, (huhbtatid Afilit-t. . -0
I'ltiu Ave., J'illrl iir'ii, I'a., Knr,
1 broil & I aiarrli Sjiectaltits.
Ti e tenson is pnw at hand w hen it be
li'iov.s liie who VHie teir buih to
tn'-iil nK.iie iti ne infill air.
tUe ;tii aimuai let if tl the Smierset
t iimiy A):iiculiura SKity will be biUl
I'll U luil, M, 4iht a(.il iili pf(H olT-
1 he liaiiatue ol Uiinulo tJii.up aiewiiiK
Isinelou rer hand nd tie bmell ot
burning sealing wax is m-,u Ui,.u every
As old and tuatli itUiuiid UlU.w cil-i?-.o.
H.iiiicl Wenaiui, K , dn m lim res
pUno". in Numeiset, at lu mily tuur this
14 N-.f.(ig. "f tv,Ji(y. - . . .
,,' " ; . ;
I ui ui.;i.' aoii,l iaritipttaed lue mw..
Inr ..t ilieir tall crops. An nnusuuily lare
increase in aernipe- tin b inner cars has
la en Miwnihu lami. -
Farmers ia .ri.-i.iol the Itanti
...,u.tawi tn-ihe .IbmiUi 4 1I- mi
lt,t tjirwifji Ho !
OrapiB, larpe and lnr iitts.are offend in
the inarkK hi neveu and eight cent I-r
anunrl. - Thry p.ppcar to 1 Very plcli'y,
and nnei witii a i-M.1y Fib e ' ' '
... ... .. ... .. . r . ,
Nii: e. I have I l.i, -.iv rui
J . J
.viljtiriiip'rrijpi.p tl.'taipi of pahiel
M't.i!i r. diir.hg tid Veer.
S pr. 8.1M77. I tli ah W.K-Toi.i.r b.
Tlie PttiUsj Ivaiiia Stale At'ieuUm!
S i.;tj w ill In.ld ita next lair at Fife, com
ln i.i ii. Spteiuber 24, and cnuliiiue five
aaya. ll ia envbi that il w ill Ik KUprv
iw.rto any hi Id in the Mate time the
A number of rittstmrgh harhers have
recntly been arrested for violation of tlie
Sunday law in keeping; their shops opea
on the first day of the week.
Large lut of CJenls' Tits, Strfs Collar
i :nnl l ull's just teceiveil l Fashion lhtzar.
3Ur. .1. 15. Thedwm.l,
j 1W G. Mammoth lilock.
J IHuing the H-itormance at the circus
'ore of the female cvmnasts tell a distance
; t twenty feet from off the trapeze, but as
the lit on her pistol rticket she wn not
very badly hurt.
Xotick TO Tf.A'UF.ks. Applications
tor bitvaliiiins as ten hers iu Hie pu'ulic
whi.olsof idis Iiirou.'h, will lie re;eivcil
during the present wwk.
W. H. Wei.klkt.
Divisk Service. The Lord's Supper
will lie administered in the Reformed
church, next Jord's dy at 101 o'clock, a.
m. Preparatory services on Saturday
evi ninr;.
(ieuts' Suspenders Embroidered in Silk,
and all silk. New 6! vie, llanisomc and
durable, at Fashion
Mr. 4as. 11. Tkkdwei.i.,
No. G, Mammoth 151ix:k.
Mrs. Trede:i is now in the city aJding
to our alrea ly 'arge stcck, everything new
aud desirable in our line for tail ana w in
ter. Mt:s. J. B. Tuf.dwei.i,
Xo. G Mammoth iilock.
Widows are around on the
fences in Salt Lake now as plenty as
grasshopiK-rs. They have a little sjng,
"Come west, young man, c une west, and some ol the new style of calicoes if
you want to tellle down."
Wc have at Fashion the largest
stock ot Men's and Children's lb we wc
have ever had. and at very low prices.
Mas. J. 1!. Tkkuwm.i.,
.No. (i, Mummoili KI-K-k.
The strolling Frenchmen with the won
derful peif irtiuug bear ugaiu ul in an ap
Hornee on Tuesday morning aud treated
our citizens t i ijuile ai en tcrtainiug ttret t
purbirmance. 1'tie bear he climb'n tree
lor 50 ctids.
Mr. William Lint w hu has tieen resid
ing in Washing! in tor the past few years,
aud is at present paying a visit to his
friends aud relations iu lliis place, dropped
b to see us Tui s b y in i: n'ng. ". i i g is pi
ways a welcome visitor to tlie buys iu the
print shop.
The man who don't pay the preacher,
the printer, or any body else, but keejis
six or eight dogs, a us at the "great moral
show " Friday afternoon aud night lie
alsj managed to get ojlsiJe of a quart ol
very mean wniskey betore leaving town.
We w ill complete our stock of Fall and
Winter Millinery this week, aud oiler
sjieciai indiiceniculs to visitors coming to
tlie Fair.
Mi:s. J. 15. Titt.uwKLi..
No. 0. Mammoth llock.
We guess none ol our subset ibi ls w ere
among the three thousand peolo w ho
visited the circus on Friday hist. At least
we can inter as muck, for none of thciu
came into our "holv ol hulics, to pay their
biil-', with a lew honorable exceptions.
Call and settle your accounts at Fashion
Biinr and save the annoyance of being
called UHin by acjllector. We need mon
ey and must have our liooks closed up.
Mns. J. D. TitEDWKi.i,
No. 0, Mammoth Block.
Dedication. The new Methodist Epis
copal Church at this place, will be dtuica--cd
to the service ot (jod. on Sujday, t)ct.
Mih, 18" 7. U-iV. Dr. Xew umn, of Wash
ington, D. C. and several other distin
guished sH-akers will be present. All are
invited to be present.
We wish to return thanks for a copy of
the Dayton Jcurn-il sent us, conlaing full
particulars ot the reception of President
Hayes and the Board ot Managers by the
!MKK) disabled veteran soldiers ot the. Na
tional Home and thousands of the citizens
oi Dayton uud yiciniiy. It was a glorious
day lir )a,t tqn.
Oursinetum has been brightened sever
al inn 8 (luring the p ul te.i days by thz
gerial countenance ot our old friend and
irl'low editor, Simuel J. H nv, Ksij , of the
Clearfield Uafltman. Jlr. ljow looks as
youug as he used to be and ia as jolly as
ever. We shall always be glad to see
As usual, quite a number of gentlemen
from the rural di- tricU were taken in by
the three card monte men who traveled
with the circus. We met one big over
grown lubber w ho was crying as though
his heart would break, who, when asked
the cause o liis grief, said that he had lost
live dollars with the "nioutc" men.
We were pleased to sec the smiling
cotinteEan'f ot our genial young friend,
and former lellow towusnun, Joliu Young,
on the street several days of last week.
John is now doing business at Fast Li'.ier
erty, and is quite well pleased w illi the
place, but say s there is no place like Som
erset to live in.
In another column of the 1Iei:ai.i w ill
be louud the advertisement of K. F,. IJ.ib
ei :t as a Dt'tle'r Cominission Merchant.
Mr. Koberts has in his employ a youug
geullentan of this ncigbborlniod, Mr. K4.
J. Miller, w ho is doubtless well know n to
many ol our (aimers who may lind it to
their interest to send their butler to Mr.
Col. Koontz and Lieutenant Snyder re
turned from their trip to M on 011 gab da
City last Friday, both looking hale and
htartv as ever. They rcixirt Company A.
as still being cncamjicd at Motiongahela
City, the boys all in good heahu aud
spints, and anxiously awaiting ordeis to
goeast. which are daily expected.
Off to Si niK)!,. 1 m last Mou.lav our
young Iricnd James Kierjan, who has been
at home spending bis summer vacati in.
packed up aud started lor Media, w uere lie
bus been attending school lor thciMslytar,
vik Pittsburgh, iuienJinj to i;iki- iu the
Fvposition bc-jbre gctung down to hard
work. T Mir best wishes go with joh,
Wanted. To rent a Grist Mill fcr a
lit m of years, with dwelling attached
Wi uld prefer one with small tartn also at
tached, in IJedford or Somerset totinty,
Pennsylvania or adjoiniug counties. Ad
Ares Post Otlice Uox 41. Piedmont. West
Virginia, by letter, friviug localfty, capac
ity, nod reut. with "lull 'partic'.tlata, Pos--eiou
to be given Is-tol October n s-sher.
I,.i .r'ss o;- Jflh.E llit.l. Mis Honor
Judj;e Hall isuouhued to Ins rooui Willi MB
attain of pongesliuu of the ifings wi:b
lever, the lesiiit ol a severe cold contract
ed w lule at Somerwt. Iw ing to his indis:
risilia.1, Judge Hall will te u'taut,. to iioul
iuit st tie it i ;n liegiiiuing tiie lTih icst
Court will be ht-ld by a Judge Irom c;ne
other ditliict. Ve wish Judge Hail
3;ieedy recovery. litiiortt Oazrttt.
Are you going to the Sea Sjde, of r
yau ?hre already n cither case procure
Some of Glenn's Sulphur Stinp, if you
Would increase the luxury ol the bath.
render jour tkin white and healthy, and
reinove Irecklesor aup biifu. fod' by 'M
Dejot,l'iitltTtoR .So- 1 riiith Avenue,
New York, llill a Hair and S hither
dye b'jick or brow a, litty cents.
The B. & O. K. K. Company have at
last decided to reestablish the expiess of
tioeul this place. The otlice will be in the
I old place a"d that t Wcieft prt'i etM'"iilo
lqMi.ijatii; jpbp niHt 4- '-"''?'uii!!cr'aii,
I li! gtiH "4"ue o n't aje!,. The
I citiaeiis ol tv.uiteii-t and vicinity have been
greatly met nv nitucid several time dur-
leg tliepaM ear by (he qiiir-liiii: bi tween
, I'o. -ml the 11. ii O.
'" '': v "' M "c o i iuiut ;. !iovitig
7! III'l V It
Mil, - - l :: l . !,-.,..
MjiV kfie l.-ouV.e n.,w . j. i(,wd
iuvetaken till- eniiiea, ih'o ih. il hands
111 vxnm has tnad.- mat reduclioiis in
prirts or Hariiwaie. V-ir L ;ygiKis
iUil tj chta'i fll-tii hifu as (m'cain l.uv
O'imiu the city. "lie L'ujshu gtaals Irou.
Ihe Itutuutacaiirer, aud ih large quaniities.
and then lore L0ll,t .ii at the ry low
c'ai pru-e. and U de'.iiuiim-J tiow'toaell
g.aMCsat ovry low piice. Call and see
him ami uil bis p. ins. His n.Kk is verj
ci mphle, including Puildiug Hardware,
Paint slid tiiass, Olin, Yaihisbea, aud
Wiadia Pt-aij. Aiaip Te iay, tall and
se Lljmj'tr.' and buy your haiuware from
him and jcu will save money.
Immense Stork of L-ulies' Ties.
f! loves.
' " " Collars A: Cuifs.
" " ' l!orsctg,
" ' Kid Glovci.
Uig Si'Kk ! everything new. Call.
Mus. J a. It. Tkedwei.l.
Ho. C, Mammoth Block.
Dr. Vax Dvke' Sii.phcbSoap. Dr.
Van Dyke, whose life long specialty, ant)
world wide reputation for enringskin dis
ease, has endeavored for years to combine
an external treatment. He lias accom
plished this desirable result in the prepa
ration ol his compound "Sulphut Soap,"
the merits ot which are sjxiken of by
thousands; it is highly recommended to all
mr readers. Price 23 cents, by mail, S5
cents a box; 3 cakes W) cents., by mill.
75 cents. OHice 50 X. 6th street. Whole
sale Depot, 400 X. 3d street, Philadelphia,
Pa. Sold by alt Druggists.
Jimmy Cooper, an I lijorge Stiteiy en
traied iu a fitful on Main street last Friday
tveuing, which came near having a fatal
ending fur the lutter. Stiteiy, in the ca
pacity of special policeman, attempted to
arrest Coojier, who resisted, whereupon
Stitlev collared him. threw hitn to the
ground, t.n 1 gave h m a tmnj tribliig.
Cooncr. on reiaiuinir hi9 tecL seized a
stone, and running up to Stiteiy, struck
him a severe blow, felling him to the
ground and culling a deep gash in his lelt
leiupie. He was considered to be in a
very critical condition Saturday morning,
but we have since learned Hurt he is doing
very well and that there is no doubt ot
his ultimate recovery. Cooper was lodged
ia jail by otlicer Gilbert.
The fair of the Somerset County Agri
cultural Society, which comes off at Som
erset cn Tuci fay, Wednesday, Tnured ay
and Friday, October 2nd, ad, 4th and 5lh,
promises to tar exceed, iu all its depart
ments, any other prei iously held by the
ocicty. 1 he premium list em i) races
everything pradujed by ingenuity or me
chanical skill. Ke-.ul it over carelully and
fee w hether you catiuot contrioutc some
thing lor ihe admiration ot the vatt throng
that will undoubtedly be present. Let
our farmers vUit their stables and select a
sample or two from their slock let Ihcui
be cows, hots -a, steers, bull", sheep, sw ine
or poultry; let the ladies iuteresl them
selves aud brinjr their Iruits, cakes, jel-
lie., butter. heir counlt quills
with seventy-two thousand patches, and
other spei iiueus of their handiwork.
Are you a desKindeul sutl'erer from Sick
Headache, Habitual C.isliveness, Palpila
laliun ol the Heart? Have you dizziness
ol the heat!? Is your Nervous System de
pressed? D.ies jour Blood circulate hudljT
Have you a .-otigliT Coming up of lood
after eating &c. S-C All ol these and
much more arc the direct results ol Dys
ll;n, Liver Complain', aud indigestion.
Green s August Flower is now acknow l
edged tv all Druggists to be a jiositivc
cure. 2,4.iO,oyO bullies were given ayay
iu the L S. through Druggists to the
people as a trial. Two doses will satisfy
any icrson ot iis wonderful quality in
cut ing all forms of Indigestion. Sample
bottles 10 cents, ltcgular sizu 75 cenw.
Sold positively I J" all tirsl-class lrui:gisl8
,11 I . S.
Woitni its Wkiuiit ix Gui.n. I'n
doiibteilly the greatest uiiKlcrn tliscoverj'
in medicine is HaCosla's Medical cure lor
Dysxpsia, sick headache, sour stomach,
coniiventss, luliousness, loss of uppelite,
distress ulier caliug, and all disorders
caused by ludigeoliou or deranged liver,
lis results are astonishing, aud sure rebel
is guarantied iu everj- case where it is
laiihtully used, ll times up the stomach,
regulates the liver, resmres the natural ap
jieiiie, strengthens the delicate and exjiells
the morbid humors lrom the system. Ty
phoid and bilious lever might in almost
evety case, be prevented by its timely use.
Trial size -5 cents. A very few doses will
relieve, aud a little perseverance cure
For sale by G. W. lienford.
Also Ageuts lor Prof. Parker's Pleasant
Worm Syrup, which never fails.
IU.i.ikp WiTll'U T A Doctor. Though
we would bj- uo means be understood as
deprecating, but rather as recoippiending.
proU-ssioiiul aid in disease, there are mul
titudes ol instances when it is neither ne
cessary or easy to obtain. A lamily pro
vided with a' CQinpreluusjve household
tjiecilip like Hostyttcr's fitoiuuch Bitters,
is possessed d 4 medical resource adequate
to u:ost emergencies iu w hicli medical ad
vice would be otherwise ueeutul. That
sterling tonic nud corrective invariably
remedies, and is authorilively reeommeud
ed lor debility, indigestion, liver disorder,
an irregular habit ot bodj-, urinary and
uterine troubles, incipient rheumatism and
gout, and many other ailments of frequent
occurrence. It eradicates and prevents in
termittent fevers, relieves mental den
dency, checks premature decaj-, and in
vigorates the nervous and musscular tis
sue s. Sleep, digestion and apjictite are
promoted by it, and it is extremely useful
in overcoming the effects of exhaustion
and exposure.
The fourth annual convention of the
Young Men's Christian Association of
Pennsylvania will convene at Last Li Iht
ty 1 Pittsburgh J, September 27th and :!0tb
inclusive. There arc over 100 Associa
tions in this State, being one sixth ol all
the organizations in the L'nited States and
British Provinces. The increased urowth
and piospeiity of these Associations
promise to make the convention a large
and interesting gathering.
K. C. Morse of New York, Secretary of
the International Committee, C. M. Mor
ton, of Chicago, slate Secretary of the
associations of Illinois, and others from
abroad are expected to be ia attendance.
A full representation is also expected from
the Hailway, College, and German As
sociation. Entertainment will be pro
vided for all regularly accredited dele
cab's. Pastors and Christian workers in
places w here co organizations exist cm se
cure representation by addressing, S. A.
Ta'r2art. State Secy. Y. M.C. A., Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Teachers' Examinations. The ex
ntiiiialiun of teachers ot Somerset county
will tie held as follows:
Jcnner N ljads,, September
' "Somerset, Muday. SeplotnUer 24th.
Xew Centreville, W'ciluesduy, September
L'rsina, Friday, September 2tb.
Contluence, Salurdaj'. Septtinljcr 20th.
Sulisburj', Mondaj", OcloU-r 1st.
Meyersdale, Tuesuay, October 2nd.
lk-rhn, Thuriilay, Octolier"Uh. '
Shanksviile, Sattiruay.' Oct.iber Cth.
Stoystow n, Monday, K-'toher ith.
pyi;lsA-it!p. Vedpesdjiy, (ctpber 10th.
. special etamiuation" wil Le held at
Berlin on Saturday, Xovemlier 8d. The
examinations will begip at H a. in.
Kriepd3 of education and School Di
rectors are especially requested to be pres
ent at the examination in their res(eclive
districts. Certihca(es w jll dat.eJ as
fidlow s, touii ol r.itet p pr render lirsl
clasi. Totals ranging from fifteen to
twenty second-class. Totals ranging from
twenty to twenty -live third-class. No old
certilicatcs will be renewed.
J. . M?pek
v, u.,,..;i.. i...
pa. tauperinlendent
Death of ax agep citizen. As will
be noticed by wtck'g d,caib itp,nounce
ment", an iged pitiw-n at Mil lord Utwnship
died a;t week- p have rpleretice to
Btnjtniin LoJg, son ot John jopg who
can.p to this county Iron. Berks cmuty in
the year 17'J1 llcnj unin was three years
old when his father moved ti this county.
When quite a youug man he was joined
iu holy wedlock to Elizabeth Baily who
w as a year and a half older than lie. He
moved oa a arn wdjninir?r.s -father's
whki. he jm rehired aid. y,$i fat. ajid up
on wlUrlj he c inlrtiued V live tip to the
day of hi death, lie lived with. bis wife
lor a period of sitty-flve years, during
which lime he was Seldom away from
home and never away from hts - wife a
w hole duv and pinht yiittnevef he j.-r.
the Lojutr4 fc,t- ve;cr- fctja' in
sioti he touk hia iii)'loi)g with Miri: 'He
leaves a large posterity.- I7e hid ftfx
thildrin, about loity grand children, and
about lbrty great grand children, ' "
Mr. I on wit- &a 'rrLltbi.t iuuj'.-n, lu
durtiMun, ""(ooO'irn'ical." peiceablt ' and
kind.' fa the wcSAIs othisOld "frl eiid aiij'
neighbor1,' John Critit htie!fl, 'f the p'mes,
'It all citirens werp like Bep. I oflg fcs.uini
and ljjw'yers woild'have 'l;ttlr? buai
ness."' lie was I a'tid iii his infancy by
Uev. Henry llelfrich, of Berks county,
and received into lull intmU rsbip of the
Ueformi-d church by the rite ol conllrma
t:.on admiublerid by Kt-v. Hen'y Utevy,
6J tlalat cout;y. 11 rtnuiiuel'a Jevoied
and faithful member of Hit) church to the
end ot his li:e. Peace to bis ashes.
W. W. Cole's circus, which showed
here on Friday morning and evening, was
Ijrtuuate in jamuiiug the pavilion at
both performance. There inu4t have
been at least twenty-five hundred people
present in the afternoon and Irom fifteen
Hundred to two thousand at night, and
consequently the company leave with a
replenished and bulky exchequer. The
street parade was very good. The per
formances: were first class in almost every
respect and in several, tar supasscd any
thing of the kind we have had far years.
It was a genuine old fashioned affair with
just enouga ol a menagerie to attract tlie
moral element, w hile the ring f urnished
plenty of amusement for all classes. The
alhlelic performances were sujierb; tin
leaping was something unusually tine,
seveiai ol the performers making double
somersaults as easily as single ones are
made. The lady gymnasts, wiioiierforui
ed on the flying trapeze, presented dauger
ous and thrilling acts, and called forth
a great deal ot applause. They were unu
sually presentable as to personal appear
ances, particularly thj oue with light hair
and w ith the "auale with a noble swell;''
in tact, a thing ol beauty in tights, so to
speak, iue lioiscbacs lidiugot Willie
0 Daer, auu hue jociicy perform tuce ot
Mr. Frank Gardner, were jeiua iu their
way. it was iu all respect an eulciuia
uient well worth the price of admission,
aud deserves full patronage every w here.
I'm ibe S jmjnut HaaALii.
To the school directors of somerau't
County, and more particulai ly to those
who are opposed to lemalu teachers, it
would be well tor you to consider the
subject ot employing female teachers in a
higuer and broader sense than is generally
given to iu Teachers must possess phys
ical, moral aud intellectual qualifications,
to enable them to discharge tneir duties ei
fjctually. In phj steal qualifications females are as
well adapted to teaCaing as mates. The
female cousiiluliju is perhaps better fitted
oynaiu t: to eudure tne cjjdaein.n'. of
the S-'hool room ihan that of the lure,
since, as a class, leinaks are accustomed to
in door emploj inems. Experience has
clearly piocu ihul lemales, w hen projKTly
sustain by the school authorities, aud
enlightened public seulimeut, cau govern
as successfully as males.
The moral qualillcations of females is un
doubtedly superior to that of males. TLey
possess more gentle aud r-liueJ uianu.-rs,
purer morals, uaslaiuud wall gross aud
vulgar vices, an i istmctivj ovo lor chil
dren, and bcller tact tt the luauageiueut
ul a school.
Thti.- iutelL-clual capabilities are equal,
and in some points superior, for perform
ing the duly ot teacher, to that ol males.
1 heir quicaness of pjrc.'puon, their flu
ency ol expression, uud iheiraptuess iu up
ueucndiiig the dilliculties that embarrass
young miuds, render them peculiarly lit
(ed lor this profession. Aud since it is
UUM- Keueralty conceded that the minds ot
lema'es are as susceptible ol improvement
a lhse ol males, wheie ihey enjoy the
same lacililiea, there Can be no good rea
son, so tar as qualifications are considered,
why females snould not stand on a level
w itu uiales in the teachers' profession.
The truly qualitied female teacher npjiears
to exert au intluenee ol refinement iu the
school room, peculiar alone to her sex.
ll is true that all are hot born teachers,
neither male nor female; yet tins does not
prove thai all lemilja arc ua.'l' to leach
any more than that all males are qualified.
The w ell qualitied female w hose lieurl is in
the work, is the very person to mould ami
develop ihe J oulhtui intiiil. in order that
UMCiijis ot cither sjx miy sicjj I well m
leaching aud governing, it is mdisjieusa
bly necessary that both directors auu cm
zeus aid and encourage them, not ouly ty
proper remuneration, but by visiting the
school, by trieudly advice and by woius ol
My obseivalloa warrants Ibis couclu
sioa: lhat success iu teaching does uot de
pend on sex, but on scholaiship uud natu
ral aptness lo teach.
W. H. Kink.
Jcnner X Koads, Sept 12th.
Letter from Watblalaa.
As everj one is interested ia the in;eu
tion of labor saying machinery and ia the
method of obtaining patents for the same,
a letter descriptive of the V. S. patent
Odioe and its workings, may prove inter
esting to your readers. A they tuay' lip
aware, the Pateqt Office U a bureau uf the
Interior Department and occupies the
principal part ol the large building de
voted lo that department, located midway
between the Capitol and the While
House. The Model Booms, consisting ol
four spacious halls, each about 270 leet
long, occupy the second lloor, and contain
a model ot every patent issued since l&!j,
except in cases where the invention could
not be represented by a model. These are
arranged in glass cases, on which are cards
indicating their contents, and are grouped
under 145 classes, and subdivided for con
venience of reference. The reader need
ouly consider that about l'JO.OtK) patents
have been granted, and that about ir.uw
are now granted annually, to form son.e.
idea ot the extent ot the Model I looms,
and of tlie immense number of models.
stored there.
The officer? of the Fatcnt Office com
prise a commissioner, an assistant commis
sioncr, and a board of three examiners in
chief, appointed by the President; a chief
clerk, an examiner ot interferences, an ex
amiuer of labels aud trade marks, 22 prin
cipal, 22 first assistant, 22 secouJ as
sisUint, and 22 third assistant examiners,
a librarian and a machinist. There arf
also employed several draftsmen, a Urgo
clerical torce, onsistiug m.tiy of ladies,
mainly auxiliury to the exauiiuiug corps,
aud occupied principally in copyiug,
apd a number of messengers.
Each of the principal' examiners has
charge ol a class relating to one or more
kindred subjects, and with the aid ot hit
three assistant, he ex.aiu.inc3. all applica
tions in his class, in. the order ul their re
ceipt, ai to patentability; decides all ques
tions of law and tact relating thereto,
nuking such examination into the rec irds
of the otlice, and foreign pul I cations and
p may be necessary to enable him
to decitle as Vo the novelty of the invention.
II he decides iu favor of granting a pilenl
to the applicaut, his decision is final, and
the patent issued upon the payment uf the
second fee. Ljli-mi t bedside, adversely,
he must state explicitly to the applicant
th 0 reason ol rejection. The applicant or
his attorney may then amend the claims,
as set forth in the specification, and ask
for a re examination. It the second de
cision is favorable, tha patent will issue,
but if advene, the case Is lost, unless ap
peal be taken, by the payment ol' an, ad
ditional tte off to, troin the decision ol the
principal examiner, to the board o eatp-inervra-chief,
whsedty it i to hear ap
peals frorn ad verse (lecial'ops qt the princi
pal examiners. After reviewing tlie de
cision they may reverse or coutirni it.
Should the Board decide adversely, apieal
piiy be taken to the commissioner iu per
son. yiien. two or more persons mav claim
la be the lir.l inventor ol flie same thin;-,
an inlet lerence is declared aud the parties
are heard in support of their claims as to
priority of the invention, by the examiner
of inleiterences, Irom whose decision it.
Eieal may be taken to tlie jJuMd, apd ft dm
hem lothe commissioner. This may hap
pen even alter oqe of the claimants has ou
tlined a patent, for if the commis-jicoer
concludes that the second claimant has an
equal right, lie wtUl grant h.iqi 4 j'i:p,i
Datenuj are uow granted t-tr neyerileeu
years, without the privilege of renewal,
A tee uf $15 is refjutred by tjie government
pjiun uic flung 01 up appuuitiou, ana f -'o
when the patent is allowed. This hnal
tee is contingent upon the success of the
application. On filing a caveat a lee ot
(10 will be required, and on application
lor a re issue a fee off 31. The ihi Tir a
trade mark ' varies; tcoordin a the ifirie
for which It la graqted. -TUe Pppncatlon
fir a'pufeiit niual be made by the inventor,
but it msybe 'assigned and issued iu the
name ot the assignee. . -
The anuhcation addressed to the coin-
missiout-r consists ofa petition, n cwtl;.
aril Spepirtf-afiort, ih j f.ief cup.uiing ol
- fv,U dtitTijuioB "ul Ihe iuventlon.drawiug
of the luoiler, and" the ''claims.". In the
petition the applicant states that he be
lieves himseit to be' the original snd firi
inventor fir lirv'rr, T11 tlii le jwikps
.alU."' le Mp'yW tue' invention
oV discovery, and the manner and process,
ul making arid using it must be Tuny de
scribed, reference being really by fcllyr ur
figures W M!? "Mfef-'V W u 'v ln,u;,
aj "owa ip tie drawing; and iu the
'.'claims the pirt, iiriproveiuent, or com
bination, claimed as new, must be partic
ularly specified, that the extent, uf ibe in
vention may be fixed wilh accuracy.
A jiatept msy he obtarted by the first
inventor c,r' discoverer tor,y "art, ma
chine, manufacture, com,posiitia of mat
ter, or any new and useful improvement
thereof." Principles are not jmleutable,
! but the means by which the principles are
carried into effect, and the results produc-
f -.1 ... I l 1M. . !
cu, arc (' iieuuauie. l u application OI an
old machine to a new purpose U not pat - 1
enlable, but a patent may be obtained for I
the use of old materials au J old principles j
in a new combination, and producing a
new result. 1
1 am not an attorney, but should any of!
your readers be in need of the service of
one, and wnl ) to me. I will cheerfully
recommend him to a reliable one wh j will
let him know, tree of charge, whether his
invention is patentable or not.
W11.1. IL Ksrx,
Box 070, Washington, D. C.
Since the waters of the Casselman and
j Yo:ighoighcny have lieen so bountifully
J slocaud with lhat splendid game and ta
, ble fish, the Black Bass, the following
will doubtless be quite interesting to a
! large number ol out readers:
'lhat noted disciple ot Isiac Walton,
, Genio G. Scott, Esq.. who has recently le-
turned from a successful fishing trip along
the Delaware liver, lurnished the tipirt of
tlie Timet wi.h a cLapler on bass fishing.
What Mr. Scolt term the "Algoniite,"'
is named by many of our fishermen as
j "Helgramiie," '"Hojack," Xipper"and
("Crampus." Following is the suiistauce
of Mr. Scott's somewhat lengtuy descrip
tion of the popular fish and ihe mode of
' capturing iu
Ihe marked peculiarities ot this most
excellent fish tor the table, whether boiled,
broiled or fried, is annually growing in
favor wiih the public, because of superior
quality as a food tish and its case 01 cul
ture, while it is one of the most prolific
fishes ot the fresh waters uf the country,
whether of lakes or rivers. It is a hardy
fish, aLd 1 s uundrcary would sav, a "wo-
bust tish. Only introduce a single faint
ly ot it into a stream or lake, and it will
at once commence lo take control, and
thrive and increase against myriads of
I perch aud pickerel. All it asks is water
I well stocked wilh chubs, shiners and olh
! er minnows, and it w ill fatten on them.
j liesides overturning the stones in the mar-
I gin ol the water 11 inhabits lor crawfish
: aud algomilcs, and gleaning the surface ot
llics and bugs, ll is a most industrious,
: spirited tish. Its id iv when hooked by
; the angler is more vieorous than that of
any other game fish or Us size, not except
ing the brook trout. Ot course, therefore,
it has become quite a favorite wilh the an
gler, though difficult lor a novice to capt
ure. In rivers its Imottat is In deep wa
ters, near rocky shores of ledges ot rock,
lr 1111 whence il barges on the reels, and in
a stream near a vegetable bottom, or
whence tussocks form a convenient stiade
aud burg place.
A three yeor old bass usually weighs
Irom two aud a half to three pounds and a
yeai ling about pound. The yearling is
not as dark colored as the adult fish, but
is equally as gamey.
All along the slioies in the Delaware
river are to be seen shoals of j-oung black
lw.8, holding all other fry in terror.
Every now and then may be seen a young
one rushing at a shoal ot minnows as large
as itself aud scattering them in all direc
tions, some leaping out of the water to get
away from lbs liule monster. The rays
of its Uiis but the tront durcal aip soil, aud
the only difference between a baby bass
and its parents, is the dark end ot the
caudal, the shortness ol Ihe spiked rays ol
the dorsal, and being longer in proportion
lo its weight. Like the suapjier of joung
bluetish ot the Atlantic shores, it assumes
shape, circumstances and power immedi
ately upon leaving the egg,
'1 ne lavorile bait lor bass is ulgomile,
bogart, or uipjer, aud is known by differ
ent names iu different localities, and is
found under stones, along the shores of all
waters inhabited by black bass. The
stones under w hich :t is lound are always
partially submerged, and it is slated that
black bass.on every rising of the waters,
turn up the stones with their noses in
searchlug for algomitesand craw-fish, two
lavorite baits, but the algomitc is the best.
Baits for black bass are numerous, and
among the best tor all bass, except the
largest ones, are thegrasshopiier, the black
cricket, and beetle. The most attractive
llics for the black bass should imitate the
yellow and neutral tint of the grassbop
per. The algomite is as lough as India rub
ber, and tlie hook should therefore impale
it so thai the end of ihe tail will cot cover
the point of the hook and thus prevent
hooking the bass when it bite j 1 he best
way to bait is lo iusert the point of the
honk opposite the lower of the three pairs
of legs ou the upderaide of ihe bait, and
run 11 under the ekin to the tail.
The nipjier, as it is called by some, is
armed wliti a small pair of nippers, in
stead of mouth, with which il generally
uiis the angler while bailing, but not so as
to hurt- Ins black as jet all over, and a
most attractive bait lor all fresh water
To si ill hail from a boat ou the river, se
lect a p.-ee lor anchoring your boat, either
a short distanc above or below a rapid, or
off from a rocky shore. Let it be in a cur
rent strong enough to carry your bait some
;0 or 40 feet from the boat. In summer,
and uutil the middle of September,
bait with algomite, crawfish, grasshop
pers, crickets, or beetle. In September,
anu untu me cu4 01 mp season, late in
October, bail Vi'Uh miunow on a single
100k. merely inserting the hook through
both jaws, aud let the bait play natuially.
I se no linker on the line iu any case, as
the swivel is generally enough ; but it not,
put a split shot on the Ua 1 one foot tron.t he
bait. Never permit slack line, or you
cannot fiel a bite. As soon as the bass
heis the hook, he will either jump out of
water or try 10 overrun and get slack line.
Do nol play tlsi with &. too hard draw
on lie l(-ie; L,u,t keep reeling up gently,
pyyer uind his acrobatic movements, leaps
aud somersaults above the water, aud
when neariug the boat do not let him
touch the side, or he will use his tail as a
lever to enable him to reject the hook.
Never be sure of juur fish until you have
landed him, ucd yuu will find that he will
engage all your attention.
Notice to Teachers. Proposals will
be received until October 1st, loi a princi
pal to take charge of the three Berlin
schools. The principal to procure his ow n
assistants, with the approval of the Board,
and to arrange wilh said assistants, upon
his own terms, and with the view of cont
tit.u'.ug a select school during thu summer
ProiioiiaU will alio be received for rach
of 'the three schools separately for the
term of five mouths.
A. IlEr'FI.KY.
sl'J2t Sec'y. ,
TIim uf .im. -r,d low-nsh'll
u-tll nn..l ir llm Hill IIi.iiGf. on Vv.1 tin luv.
S -pteii.ber 2!1, 1S77, toenploy 24 teaeUers
for sdd township during the term of 1877
-7rf. Good teachers preferred. By or
der uf I be boa id. Dan iel Baer,
Secretary. House Late Brollier House.
J. C. Davis, Prop. Thi house has been
Uewly Ittruislted and refitted throughout.
ts iocaltup i the best In Berlin, being to
ceptre of lutvn apd nearest B. . B. It,
Boarding by the week, day or meal, tood
stable attached.
,,llll.ME ATBAUPIWS. -
A 7 stop, walnut case, elenant design,
t o o uiplete sets of reeds, sweet and lull
toned. Has been in Use but a few months.
and is in perfect order-in fail can't be titld
irtim a ma WS iP-. oj ne i tw tw
rice uf t'tO.Oq.
All stop, walnut case, high Ion, of
Ueautiful design, nd Uandsnmiely orna.
mented. Is a'-Uiot now, and in perfect
PQQdilioc, Made by Mason & Hamlin.
The best brand in the lOiatry. Is offered
at the low price of f 113.00
1 hose are rare bargains, and SLGiiiU y
applied for at ence by -parties, wh'u are
looking for a reliable tinJ cheap org in.
y, v, atti.i-oit,
' ill Filih Ave, Pittsburg.
13ih of Sept.. by llev. J. Etch, Mr. Isaac
Aukeny , ol Heoversville, to Maria, t'ttcr
man, ol hade twp.
1.0Q. -Sept. Uth, Benjamin Iong. iif
Xiilford tnwnsli;p, aged & years, !1 ius.a
and z-i, uajs..
C1JISSV.- A- ll'iovcrsvilfe, Sept. 10,
it. Catharine F.llen (.'rLssj-, agetl 8 yji,
l n;opths. apd oue day, .
At Lavansvitte, June 30, li77. Willie,
Sun of Dr. IL il. and A- C, Miu-hell, agt d
2. years, 5 months, and 1 day.
"And He took thein up in His arms, put
His hands upon them, and blessed them."
Soag aod Cbonu, by
Author of "Unlfn to iba Monklng Bird," "I II
r ,11 in m-aa oner, - m nai is iiuuie without a
aiijtntr, aw., eie, .
'Out of work, without a penny,
, Pleadine; help beam Uiy Juur.
Without friend amucg Uia many
Louk wilh pity on the poor."
,tn "of tha miwt touching and beautiful bat
tada over written, will mve tha authur a rmir .
landed puutarhy lhaa anything aba baa aver
r.iie-u. i rice ci. or, uiualraled title uikc
4 i eu.
For sale at all mttrii: libires, or wilt be sent po.-t-Ittld
on reeaiit id pnre by ihe publishers
J. M.srtHIDAKTfctMi..
hap 1 T23cnrnut Philadelphia.
fir virtue or an order lamed nut of tha rtrnliana'
Court, ol S.juM.TMt Co., Pa., t at directed, wo
win upon 10 puutic mi oa the premiaea, by
public outcry ou
Saturday, October 13, 1877.
atlo'clorkp. n.. the followlnjr drarrined real
Mt:ii, altume la Souieraet Twp, late the tatate
ol Philip Maurer, dec"d. Tit :
A certain farm aitiute as afbreaai I, containlna;
: IS acrea and 49 pervhea atrlct measure, adjoining ol Samuel J. Khueds, Joeiah Ankenv. John
Kiln ami Jacob Sprleher, bavins; thereon ended
a two miry dwelling bouse, laraa bwuk barn, and
other oatlHilldincii; about 4U lem in (laal timber
laiut, and atajut Ml aerea in meadow. Tbi term
har acveral never fallinir springi, a large apple
orchard, and other klodi of iruit : i situated aoout
mile from the village ol SlpesvUla, and ia ooa
venient to i-ban-hea and arboola.
Tkearm mill kt J)m aj a trhole a ad ia Iwaer
tkrrt parrWa, la tun (if pttrckatrr.
TERMS. t toe-third m the purchAM money to
be aceurt-d upon the laud, being llio dower 4 the
widow ol deeeilcnt ; one-tlilrd of balance payalrle
uN,n eoDtirmatiou of deed, an-1 tha balance in two
atjual annual payments, without lnterenu
Po3cs-ion to lie given April 1st, 1S7S.
Sop. Ill Adm'rt and Truatees.
Philip Wolfersbenrer"! No. 402. May Term, 1873.
to 1 In tha Court of lkmiu-111
O. H. WolferJberjrer f Pleaa of Somerset t!o.. Pa.
.A. U. WUL J (Voluntary Aiwlgoiuent.)
Having been appointed An.Utor In the above
tated ease, to distribute tlie lunda in the hands
of the Awignee, to and among iIhjm legally en
titled thereto, notice la hereby given, thai 1 will
attrud to the dutirsof aatd axluluient, at my in Somerset, Pa-,ou Thursday the 11th day
ot Oct' ibe r, is;..
Sep. 19 Audilor.
a. a. Stntiman No. ITS, April Term, 1875.
to (In the Court 'of Common Pleas
Herman Shank, jot Somerset County, Pa.
J (Voluntary Assignment.)
Having been appointed Auditor In tha above
stated ease, to distribute the fund In tbo hand' of
tlia Assh n T, to and among those legally entitled
thereto, nodee Is hereby given that 1 will attend
to the duties of aaid appointment at my elites in
Somerset, Pa., on Tuesday the lothduy ol October,
s. a. miLE,
Sep. It) Auditor.
ily virtue of an order of sale, granted by the
.Tuugcs ol the Orphaus Court ol Somerset Co.,
Pa., the undersigned will sell at public sale oa the
premises, the real estate of Joseph J. Zhuuter
uuul, dee d, situate Ip Shade t--oiliij), on
Tuesday, October 30, 1877-
A rlantntion contulntng 156 acres, more or less.
ol which about 100 acres are clear, 2u in meadow,
witn twouweinug nouses, one ol wuicn is nzeu up
for a store, a large burn and other outbuilding,
with fine young fruit orchard on tha same ; s
near to churches, schools, mills apd store; a.1 joins
lards of J . O. Cable, Isaae tlcri-k, liavid Buchan
nan, Michael Wagoner, Widow Blackburn, Wid
ow Hammer anil others.
TEKMiS. A dower eilsts airainst this land of lo the Widow oljutin Wallace, dee d, the
interest ol which, $50.33 to be paid to her annually
on the 1st ol April of earn year during her lite,
commencing April 1st 17H, and at her death tha
sivid sum ul to be paid to the heirs of Junn
vt a I lac, ucc d. 1 uo purcliaser must pay one
half ul bis bid un the 1st uf April l;s, and the
other ball on thelst ot Oilober IsTS, with interest
I rum April 1st, in, a.
Sop. IB Administrator.
r-au.te of Daniel A. Khoads.lateol SemersetTwp.
Letters of administration oa the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, notice U
hereby given to those indebted to it lo mate tnime.
dlate payment, and those haying claims against it
to present them duly authenticated lor aetliement
on Thursday. Noveaitier lit IS77, at the oliice ol
J.O. Kintmel, in Somerset. Pa,
Sep. 19 Admipistrator-
u OF mui, ESTATE.,
y virtue ol an onier issued out ot the Court of
Common Pleas, in and for the County of Somer
set, the undersigned Assignee ot Jacob P. Ziirler,
Will sell at public sale in the Horough of Somerset,
at the Court House, on
Saturday, October 13, 1877,
af 1 o'clock, p. m. the following described real es
tate, Tit ;
A certain tract of hind situate In Bmtherval.
l-v Tu.. Somerset Co.. Pa., atitoining hinds of
Oi.arlcsIKeioi. tiolomon Baer, iKoriie Maroik and
o.ners, coniaiiiing s acres more or lers anu allow
ance, ol which there arc about 20 acres eleared, &
acres in meadow, with a two story plank noose,
and good bunk barn thereon erected, lie in g orig
inally in two tracts. This farm has a hue tnehard
ot ctHiice young iruit trees, is well watered and t
in ever resiicei a iiesiraole nome.
TERMS. Ten per cent, of the purchase lniTncv
to be paid on day of sale, one-third tnrluilbig the
ten per cent, on confirmation of sale and delivery
of deed, one-third in six months, and ooc-tbtrd ia
on year Irom date of sale, with interest on dvlarrcd
payments, to he secure I by judgment bund.
A r v vl n.
Hep. 1 Asiiiguee.
lie undersigaed Trustee for the sale of the real
estate ot Solomon N. Beat, late of 8outhamton
Twp., Somerset Co.. Pa., in pursuance of an onier
granted to him by the Orphans' Court of Somerset
Co.. will sell at public sale 00 the premises of the
deceased, aforesaid, on
Saturday, OcltJper R 1877,
at 1 o'clock p. m. thu (,Jl. described real
estate, vis:
A certain trout cXlan-I situate partly In Soutb-
mntiin Tuil. anil nartlv is lartuwr Two.. Sum.
Co., Pa., adjoioiux laa-laof Simon w. Marti,
Kaniel Shoemaker, John C. Zntall, Nathaniel
Bittner, A. Wilmolh and others, containing tt
acres more or less and allowance, of which there
are about 1J0 acres clear, 30 acres ia meadoaf, with
a new two story frame bouse and bank hunt there
on erected. The farm has two good orchards, ts
well watared awl in a good state oi aultlvatioa.
TERMS, Subject to a dowry ot toou U, eum
jng to tha Widow of I .evi Shatter, doe'd. Ten Jier
emit, ol the purchase viey must be paid on day
ot sale, ene-third including the ten per cent, on con
hrmation of sale and delivery of deed, balance in
tvu e.)ual annual payments without interest, to las
secured by judgment tamds.
Sep. 1 Trustee.
Eaiawof Etwin Baer. late of Greenville Twp.,
Letters ora.lmlitlstratlca oa the ahore estate
bavhiajt-e! -vanied l-j thepniperauthority notice
h hereliy,vea to those Indebted to it to make tm me
dial payment, and those bavingciainu against it
to present them duly authenticated fur settlement
a i the residence of the Administrator, on Saturday
S7th l ay ol October, 1m.
Sep. 1 Adatiniatrator.
u dTto u s3roT CE. "
iui undorslgncd Alitor apnolntc.1 by the
Orphans' Court ul Somerset coun, y, to make a dls
triouiion of Ihe lunds In the hands of John Mowry
Kaueutorot John Pair, late of Allegheny Twp.,
dco'd, t.i snd among those legally entitled tbeftu,
hereby gives notice that he willattaudlulheduties
ot said appointment, at his otttoa to tlie Buruiigh
ot &Mneret, on Friday, tictuber le, 177. at M
o'clock a. m., wbonau-1 wheru all iuuresiad eon
,Wft'' JAS.L,PrGH,
Sep. Andiur.
At a eoort of ConjuHsa Pleas held la Sosaersct
Pa., on the 41b day uf September 1S.77. the adder
signed Auditor was duly apailnted to make a dis
trttiution ui the lands lu the handsof WilltamC.
Uvengoo.1, Assignee of Henry H. Bloagb ami
wile, to and among those legally entitled thereto,
hereby gives notice (bat he will attend tu the 1u
ties ol tu above appointment oa Sal unlay tbeatb
dar of tatober 1S.7, at his onTn- ia Samerset Bur.
ough, when and where all persons bateroated ran
attend II they think nroper.
Sept. 14, " Auditor.
tpves, Ranges,
Finest assortment in the country,
and Low Priced
Bun. 13
tty rlrtn, of an ord Issued by th l'rt of
Coturoos Pleas ol eaiujerael CoanlT, fa.. Hi -
ilclud AaaiKUee ui jaowo a. oiuaga
JVr A. 111. agn. will sett at public tale, oa
rkunday, Odol,tr , 1877.
at J o'clock p. m,, the following do. rib 'd raa) -
AlraetufUad'Uuats in taemaaoBhig Tap..
SoBtrsetruBty, Pa. eontaiumg aT acres, uwr
or kss, of vhich aba at & arret ar clear, wita a
two story log house, l ank barn sad other owt-l-aUdiug
thereon also a young Terd ol ebotea
fruit, autohilng lan.1 of John Bluugh, Abram
Baer, Siuaei fc, Voder, Jeremiah Kpetrner, ami
TEtiMS. Onelhlnl In ha ml on day of; sale,
oae-thlid in six months, asal oasstkinl in oaat yr,
from the 4ih day of April 1S7I, with iutertst a
Ual,rrd payment. J&FFM AN.
Bi::, Assignee. (
iVtne Advertisement.
Surressur to C. B. .lborw a. Co.
Willow Ware,
Tobacco & Cigars,
ttc, tc, kc.
New Stock.
All goods positively
sold at
No. 2,
When doing your
Julj 4.
AVtc Advert ' r-me.ta
We again oft'er our services f.,r liamlling C!lnIoH Italf er
wc are liettcr prepared to hantlle titter this season than ever
before, having a first-class
to place it in on arrival, ami with increased trade can sell it
qni-k and make PROMPT JtKTlTItlXN.
Cards can be had from the Store-keeo-
ers and Express Companies,
Ill OILY USE II FlUEPIli wnis 1 SfEIim IF
The co partnership heretofore exinin? under tbe firm name of It. A. M1I.LKK t.'o., is this d:iy
dissolve.1, by mutual agreement. . A. .Millar retiring the linn, aud the remaining imrtnrrs un
der the hrm hame of Mi liUMALIi, CLIFF a. t i ., ar al..oe uuin.lir.1 to 'lira in liquidation.
II. A.
W. F. LOHAl.'H.
JNI. J. MacImi.AL1,
The tlndpreiinuNl h:ivlnv thia il,iv r,.pi...1 Mk.t,ur,hln a.........M , . a w m-- . m
continue tlie Pmdure OHiinii-vioa bu?ines. at ttie niiiww .niciK:iBi. y,lm a. uo., an.1 Boreliy anvnv tliclr lriemlaor the Kline. To all purties de
desiring capable and responsible agents to attend to their Interests in Ibis market, wc would resiax-t.
fully onVrourselvaa, ami solicit owistgnmenis and onlem. Uiioral advances mad on consignments.
Marking p kites luruished and corre.-pouili-nce solicited.
rtiHN" J. Mac DONALD,
In retiring frr.m the Itrm of O. A. Miller A tV. I would my friends for their past favors, and
nope they will continue to give my successors. M. -DONALD, CLIFF A CO.. a liberal share ol their
business, and I cheerfully recviuuiend them, as regunls ability and
Calling th attention of Dairymen lo the ikn two- a,.,.!,,,, An. un..... .... ,i, i. r
Glades butter. Having a large Kclrigerutnr. ami
-' ... uh..i wi .lulu, auu khu f i vttj'i niim Willi i nri c.
hi South Water Street
... Philadelphia.
Relercwe. J. O. KIM MIX A SONS, Somerwt ; M ANUFACTIRET8 BANK, Philadelphia.
Sept 5th
Ahr rcu.liuc all the Ohoing
il.rol Ii
W. P. Harvey & Co.
Sep. 13
For Prompt Returns and Good Prices
E. E. Roberts,
Frankford Ave. and York St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
As we own f.ur Tenm. Store, Sta'ilc, Af ., we are able to luUnlie consignment
without chargint; Curtaye.
ItKFKIlUVC Sum akawamon Bank, 1737 Kr.iultroril Avenue. Phiht.. Pa.
Sep. 1
11. ArtTONK K.
Ik-rlm. I'a
amuerset. IH.
ReKpectruUj Inform th cltlien o Suraern
Omuty, tbt tbe are prepam tu tako euutr.wm
ftrll kiold of flasterinv. Krtwvm iwpil
attnJei to. Atldrena aa abiwe.
Work i-i.tlt'lttt and utiUutit xaarunte).
Will offer at private Ml at low price and oa
easy terms and conditions, viz :
Only One-fifth Cash Required on
Purchase, Balance Payable in
1. 2. 3 and 4 YEARS,
enaal payments in s, with Interest at six per
cent, per anutaia. payable aemi-annwally, sevuml
oy raorigag.
The owuer offering lo the purchaser (II desired),
that a4 th ezpiratina oTthe r -years,
the parcbaser u diaaiL-bl with hi purcliasa,
will refund the original purvhas asaoant as ex
pressed la tha raceipt (or dead hi the basala uf
Messrs kaaeel a Lmgvneeker unul all the pay
mnts ans made), ami liave th hA or los reeoti
verted iaa pa mental original parcbaaa amount,
uruvk lng lb lot or iou are fraa ln. im-um-
raneiA same as when hi ngbt trom bwaer.
For uartK-wlan, apply to
F. BENf.nNT. ' "
Jone. Bellow, Pa.
FOll - -
Healtl, Crtrl atj Enemy
Cork Shariagi! are anaurnasaed at an article for
ileus. Toey ar ten limes as dur
(aid a Husk nr straw. Oidy eeni per lb. 40
pound, will nil lb barn-tut bed. For an. by Arsa
' tnmg. Brother k Co- U and 4 Firt Atea le,
IttaouRth, Pa.
Xt-w Advertisement.
83 Exchange Place,
Baltimore, Md.
old lan.l", . 11 South Water Street, awlcr III
a Urge aod huYeaaing trade, we ar prepared u
and Wimly Averli-ieinpnls
llnl'iK .;
liv vlrtoe of an order of ale fs.ue.l cut or !!
Orphans' Coart ! Somerset eoonty anl to as ill-rei-ted,
we will expose to sale by publh- outcry on
the premise, on
Saturday, October 6, 1377.
at 1 oYtorlt p. as , of said day. the futhiwiog rei 1
estATe. viz:
A eenalo tract of bind sttaate In HmthersTallry
Twp, Somerset eountv, kPa, ailHuing Unite id"
Daniel Shoemaker. John Foostand WhIow llneer
ami lan.lswarrant4 wi Ibe same of Matthias
Oashet. containing sixtv Bv acres and allwaa.-
more or less, baring a log dwelling boas and)
stable i heteoa ereeied a port ton ul said lao.1 k
t-le-ire-1 .
TSKMS. One-balfaasnoa as th property i
told ami one-halt in a year with Interest.
fh-p. II Admrsan.1 trustee
uteof Ana Maria Zantnsa, lat T Stuayrreek
Tp dnpwasd.
Letter trsfamenUry oa th a Nov stat
having been irraBted to th iftlmiiiud, sssUe
k hereby given to those imlebu.1 lo it to asks im
me liaxe mvat, and tboa having elalmsagjinst
st to present them duly authenticated lor settle
ment, at cff!ie ol H. F. Scbtll, ia Sonwrset-oa Fr
tay, Sept. Tth, IHT7.
August I. Exaeatiiss-. .
Jefferson Academy,
Tt.arsenf study having in view :
It. Preparation losCollvw.
IL A giaal English Edoeitaw.
:l. PrepaaatauB for basinets.
Is comprehensive and the instruction thon.uxh.
Teachers xperiencd and socrvsstal. Denuis,
French ami ...k-keeplng ad sparUlltir. L
eatioa in fbemijst ol a nuivt and moral communi
ty, removed Irom the distractions and temptaikavi
of rity hi. Expense very low. Next term op. a.
Sept. lth. 1;;. F-reimiiars. Ac . addres.
Agn 1. KEV. W M. EW l.M. Principal.