The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 19, 1877, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald
.-... ' . . :
Seideiiibcr 19. 17
von hitbeme jrixii:
r.f Allegheny County.
ol Montgomery County.
rim Ai'iTTon 4.ekuai.
4. A. M. l'ASSMORE,
of Schuylkill County.
of Somerset Boroogb.
f Jlilford Township.
of Brothers alley Township.
Mr. William V. Wilson, of Btlle
fonte, Centre county, baa been
choeen Chairman cf tbe RepoMican
State Ceutral Committee.
Sesatoe Morton is still hovering
lwt or eon 1if an d death : bat bis fate
is uncertain. II is friends hope for
the beat, but time only can give tbe
result. In the mean time all that
medical knowledge and skill can do,
is 1eiog done in bis behalf.
Evert Republican paper in the
State las a gocd word to say for tbe
ticket. Not a single wold of distent
it beard. Such unanimity bath in
noniinatiag and afterwards approving
a State ticket id unprecedented, and
aft u res success.
The Prohibitionists of Pennsylva
nia nominated a State ticket at Ilarrir
Lurg on Wednesday. It consisted of
A. H. Winton, o( Luzerne, as tbe
candidate Cor Judge of the Supreme
Court; Samuel Cornell, of Chester,
for State Treasurer ; and A. A. Bar
ker, of Cambria, for Auditor General.
The Republicans of Maine eieit
their candidate f jr Governor by Ironi
S.000 to 10,000 majority, and secure
twenty-nine cot of tbe thirty-one
Senator, and two-thirds of the House
of IlcpreseclAlues. In tie election
of lasf "off year," 175, tbe Repub.
lican candidate for Governor bad a
majority of 3,872.
William Cameron. Esq, brother
el ei-fcenator Simon Cameron, died
At Lis residence, in Lewiston, Pa., on
Monday earning las!, in the Sth
vear of his Age. His death was
.caused by a cancer ia tbe face, from
which La suffered for years.
Tjjje colored emigration movement
in .Viaaiatippi is taking the right
turn. At a large meeting at Corinth
the other iay, in which all the
Southern Staves were represented,
the proposition to emigrate to Af
rica was not looked upon with far or;
bat the proposition to emigrate to
Arizona, Xr Mexico or Texas, was
The Republican of Laurence
county, at their late primary election,
nominated Mr. William A. Stewart,
a coloret man, for the offire of Asso
ciate Judge. Mr. Stewart is spoken
f br the paper and Decide of Law
rence count, and Wall who know
Lira, as a respectable man and fully
competent for the office. He educat
ed himself when a joung man and
trtMlied law, and the ftui uf Lis be
iog selected over old competitors of
Cbatronntr, is proof that be is worthy.
This Is the first instance, we Relieve,
in which a colored oso has been nom
inated (or a judicial position in any
.northern eountr or Slate. --
Tji ti are having Lie dullest polit
ral campaign in Ohio that tu rtal
uaa erer witnessed. It is onir three
woei till election day, at wLich time"
a Governor and a full State ticket are
to be choeen, and yet there is not
beat enough in lie canvass to melt a
pound of lard. Boti parties appear
ta be demoralized, and ar going
through tbe canvass in a kind ol;
iialf-awake, balf-atlecp sort of man-,
oer. Toe Cepublieana fcave a first
elae? ticket in the Celd. Secretary
Sherman opened tLcir canvass akbj
speech at ManaCcld ie Jonae of
tbe Adaiinistration, and the fresi-'
3ent has been sending the last week
it tLe Elate where bis presence'
-should hare infused at least a sem
blance of life into tie aoras8.; bat
somehow the lioiey liejicblicaDS
will not enthuse. There are no di-'
visions of consequence ;Q tjja party,1
but apparently there was a too per
istent demand for endorsement of
the Soatbero and civil service reform
policy of the Administration at tbe
Cleveland eourentioa! wh'u has' re
acted opoa Um ataiwart UepuUuacs
of the Johoa K. Giaaiaga and Ben.
Wade school, and created a ee nti-'
rnent of indifference if not bad fet-
mg in many portions of the State. I
Add to this the fact that alt tLe
Federal ofSee bolder among whom'
were ibe most aetire and intelligent1
wonting Cepullkaas ibat Com
noawealiii hate leen nuuie4 by
tb Preaiaeat'c jraer, iorbiddioei
their partfeipateoo fa iol.Ucf, and ft !
am taj reauuy omurnnej U Ly
tbe Hefcblican canvass draga. On
the oUr Lani tLe Democrau bad
frcea mft fee a Caberoatcrial
candidate wb fata tpraL hi private
life in opposing their priraiio anj
who refuses Iheffludran a bici, to
earrj on tbe campaign Lfg wealth
having been tbe moriqg cause ia bis
DotBiualipa. Sedifapfwinted are they,
tbtt ikej- bar ' almoet ' abandoned
: or their former bailie tkgau of j
!"Peiio.-racy and reform," and Lick-
Uriugs, boltings tf local candidate?,
nod bitter personal dissen-ions proui-
i: .!,. .v-;a ami (i;flc.t
Ullv - ,
jtbero before the close of lie
vsss. - ;
Obio is a close State, doub'ful at
all times, snatched like a lirand -from
tbe burning in the Presidential cim-
pai-ti of last vear, and to-day tu onei
can make a reasonably safe predic
tion cftLc result three weeks Letce,
altbougb we beliere that the Repub
lican hold tL winning cards, If tbey
are played with tt',JcrV. dejfrt ofj
The Beaver Anjui and KatUcal, in
an article under tie abore cepuon,
truthfully remarks as follows
The ornosition newsnaoera are
makinff much ado over what was
reallr a friendlr contest between cer
tain leaders ot tbe Republican party
at Harrisbarg last week over tbe
nomination of Auditor General. That
Governor Hartranft would have pre
ferred the nomination of General
Reeder is not disputed, but that be
declined to interfere personally n tne
contest is equally true. Had be
chosen to make the Cent bis own
Reeder would have been nominated
without a contest. Even as late as
Tuesday ereuinir he was informed
by Mr. Mackey and other leading
friends of Mr. Pa-iSrnore that if be de
manded it they would retire Jrom the
contest, but the Governor would not
set up his privato judgment against
1 . . t i t 1 . 3
that ot tbe majority oi mairienus uuu
ol the delegates. Owinar to recent
events a larte majority of the dele
gates to the Convention believed that
1'assmore would prove a much strou
ovr candidate before the people, and
for this eause alone he was nomica
ted. Three months since Gen. llee
der would have carried threc-fjurihs
of tbe Couvention. A desiro to ee
cure the strongest candidate alone
actuated the leading friends of Mr
Passmore, and there is no other sig
nificance to the friendly contest
which occurred over the nomination.
Tbe relations between Senator Cam
eron, Gen. Hart'ranf:, Col. Quay, Mr.
Mackey and Mr. Kemble remain un
changed, and will, notitbBtanding
tbe efforts of the Philadelphia Timtn
and newspaj-ers of like position in
politics to disturb them. Governor
liartranft does not desire to succeed
Senator Cameron in the I'nited
States Senate, byt will support the
Senator for re-election, cud Penn?yl-
rania will present and insist cn tbe
nomination of our trusted and popu
lar Governor for President in 1SS0.
The Republicans of Pennsylvania
underitcad this, and are not to be
demoralised or divided by such shal
low device of tho enemy. The
ticket nominated comments itself to
every Republican in tbe Common
wealth, will command every vote,
ad can and must be elected.
4 lt-UVrri4t lal llM-klns Murder.
JJlooMsbi co, Pa , September 12.
Tte ini'estigation tf tbe murdeir oi Van Lew, which occurred on
Saturday night while on his way
home, has brought to light a diaboli
cal conspiracy, deceased was a well-to-do
farmer, residing within four
miles of this place. Whilo on his
way home about half past ten Satur
day night he was waylaid near the
touse of a widow, witb whom be was
reputed to be intimtte, &ud murdered.
His body, wLea discovered on Sun
day morning, was riddled with shot
and his skull was broken in several
Diazes. Near the place were beverl
blood-be.patiered stones and a pool of
blood. A feusa in cIobc proximity
was also blood EtaineJ, indicating a
Cerco struggle. The motiva of the
murder was not plunder, as L;s mon
ey and valuables uera fogud on Lis
person. He was buried on Monday.
The inquest revealed tbe fact tbat
tbe Van Lew's recently li.Td unhap
pily. Deceased often beat bis wi;s,
and b'S eon Charley bad threatened
to blow Lin father's brains out if be
repeated it. iirs. Van Lew's broth
er, Hiram Marr, bad sjso threatened
deceased, and this led to arrest
. . , . 1 . -1... it ... ..f I . , : ,111
yesterday, as also that ot nis on
Wilbur Marr, who bad purchased
powder on Saturday night, saying:
"We want to go Luuiiojr." 'fbapris
oners were brought hero yesterday
and lodged in jail. Ttey tve de
manded a Labeas corpus bearing,
3'bi,"b will be had before Judge LI
well in a day or two, after they have
had time to tuutiou witoesst s
The Pr.)ltala Frot; lton'.M.
HARRisuriui, Penn , Sept. 12 A
couvention of the Probib. ion Party
of Pennsytvia was held in this city
to-day. Not more tlaa SO delegates
were present, represenliag Jes? than
dozen counties, and the proceedings
werj taaie tea nn interesting, ine
convention set a good .example to
other assemblages of like character
and purpose by opening tieir pro
ceedings wi:h prayer. The morning
session was occupied in diseasing the
propriety of putting a ticket in the
iield. Tbe hour for adjournment
came without bringing a solution of
this import iiit ueKtion. After din
ner the bopec of tbe convention rose,
and it was agreed, itboitt a dissenu
iag roic. to nominate a S:ate ticket,
and 'Li fjllowing gentlemen wer
plr -d ij tie Celd by acclamation :
J'o- Sup me Judge, A. H. Wicton,
of u?-ruej for State Treasurer,
Samael Cornett, of Chester for And!. A. A. barker, of Cam
oria Wt.h a ticket in tbe (eld it
became necessary to provide a ilat
form for it to go into the canvass
po. A committee, of which Hon.
Jauis L'iiii., ot Lancaster, was
Chairman, soon ffpou4 a platform
wbkh was ado; 1 3d unanimowdJr. It
ia a long dAamecit, rnas taien opi "freaenea aoout ona o -chiefly
in deciarinj' aijbejcacc io thecc l-8 niorniog, nearly salfjcated
principle of prohibitioa aoj ta abid- w!tu r:nc,lie. to4i;coyer tbat the rooms
. . . .
ingfauniu the ultimata ucms via1? myoi ii. jicpy rfi-ged the
4kA nort tiAvhrfnr i
KxjMvitirn Committee tin tisnlniJ
which eouipjeted the labors of the
convention, ana Hit harmonious bodvj
a)Oiraed sine die. i "j
4uigag from appearaace. 'he
Profcibiuon i'artf of peaasylvania
faas aaaed into tLe aeta aad vellow
leaf. Ia 18J2 it fast voteE for
Chase, iu candidate for Qoreraor,
and in 185 it bad swelled ta respcCitece& " enlraice, scattered vanoa
abio proportions, casting 13,244 rohfiarl3 eii clothiug and wearing
trm . f.x. l.u i' I.!- iDDarci Over thft ?mri Rnitfi.t.i,..,l
But -euoylvanians, who &ro contin--
oally seeting tfux novelties in poliv
tea, have grown tire of prohibition,! n eea ff0tn ':'tout tbey
ao both tbe Greenback and liaboriiia.a tuDg UP carpets inside of the
Keforu parties bid fair to distance oiJ'"8. '
that org aaUaUoa ia vh raca fo i
power which takes plia ia Novem
ber. . . i
jlallraatf ttkapa Ucvtrojrd.
atx-ir-iy, MasB-.'Septemlier 14.
The Boston and Albany ratlroad
shops were burned to-day, involving
lossV frdm f 250,000 16 $300,000.
On Wrnrw Jar a lemhie ouiraee
j we8 cnin.itted by two tramp near
1 Fewkaley, a yousg lady being tbe
j victim. The person who brought the
! news to the city was extremely reti-
i cent ia regard to her name or resi-
1 jeuce, but tLis much U learaed : Oa
Wednesday two tramps met a young
'lady of very respectable connection
Mine dirtnnce from any bouse, and
deliberately outraged her. She was
left on tbe ground invisible, nnd her
condition since has lieen such that
Tery little hopes of Iut recovery are
entertained. Tbe description of I be
villains as left with the detectives is
such tbat it is scarcely possible tbey
pan pscsw One was dressed in sol-
juir'ajjauiiL. and carried a large . til
cloth satchel or vabsc. tied with a
leather Ftrap. Tbe other tad on a
dark blue suit, and a pair of boots
with the tops cut off, one of these be
ing slit down tbe back aad laced with
strings. Anvone seeing them and
telegraphing to Alderman Ray, of
as well as assist in bringing the vil
lains to justice.
A telegram from tewickley receiv
ed about ten o'clock last night states
that tLere is very little prospect for
tbe recovery of tbe young lady. A
crime of ttc blackest nature will in
ail probability be chronicled in tbe
annals of Allegheny county.
ho olh American i:arthqnafc.e.
New York, September 11. A let
ter from Latacuaga, Peru, gives tbe
storv of the eruption tf.the volcano
of Catopaxi, which took place on
Julv 2j. Streams of water poured
from all the craters at once
oa the
Calao sido, sweeping away every
thing in their course. Acother irre
sistible torrent followed tbe course of
the Saquimal river. Tbe dwelling of
Signor Ponoso is in ruins. The Alo
ques river ovei flowed, and caused
great damage. Tho Cutebio over
flowed, carrying eveiy.h rg before it.
The splendid machine shop ' went
down like a card bouse at tLe first
rush of the waters; so did the various
mills. The entire district was like a
sea. And tho inuodation would have
destroyed the city had uot the course
of the floods been timely diverted into
the river channels. The total loss of
life will reach, if it does not exceed,
one thousand persons. At least two
thousand head of cattle have been
destroyed, and of smaller aaimalstho
loss is much greater. In the midst
of the roar of the waters and crashing
of houses, tbe volcano poured out
enormous quantities of ciuders, which
gradually darkened tbo whole face of
the heavens, and left Latocanga in
tbe profjoudeat obscurity from one
o'clock in the afternoon uatil ten at
Vt tij hitting Kali itrlururtl to 111 I nl-
New Yoiik, September 11. A cor
respondent tells a story of the cmse
of Sitting Boll leaving tb British
possessions. lie says the British offi
cers end Sitting Bull bad a council,
aud afur tLe council the tribe per
formed tbe usual danc.e. A young
half breed, Bill Culverson, at present
a uoverunient scout, joineu in ine
dancing. After it was over, be be
came excited, counted his scar-?, and
said to Sitting Bull : "Look ! I have
killed so many of your hostile red
skins." Sitting Bull drew his revol
ver, a movement imitated by Oolver
son, but before either could shoot,
Major Welsh, with his revolverdrawn,
sprang between them and told Sitting
Bull to put bis pistol away. Turning
to Sitting Bull, he said : "I want you
to understand that you caa not com
mit any of your deviltries here as you
did in tbe United State. I will give
you and your tribe 6ve days to leave
this country. If you are not gone
then, or If yon ever return, I will
Cgbt yon. If you aro ever caught
here again, or if you shoot this man,
I'll have yon banged by your neck
till you are dead." Sitting Bull left
tbe nef.t day.
P'auic al f V V' I'alr.
Ci.-i.LMts, September 14. The i
State Fair closed to-day with ? large
attendance. Itbu bti,n a. success
financially, tbe receipt beiar sbut
2',000, which will be ampld to pay
all obligations and leave a balance iu
.Le treasury. During tbe grand re
v of premium stock this al;ernoon
one of Ihi tams became frightened
and ran away....7bia irigbtened tbe
other stock, and many o tie in broke
otrnt. fi-nm irr,"m find prvntl
great eicitcpat. ae team dashed
with furious speed ocior.g tV terri.f.ed
aniuia's end upon the Marion "raet
band, whfeb beaded the prccesnon,
throwing them right and left in tbe
ground. Tbe confusion which foltov
cd rns terrible. Tbe thousands of
spectUcrj t?ho filled tbe track nnd
grand stand fcicamp vi'd with excite
ment, and it was witb 'dijkcijJty that
many persons were ceved from halng
crushed to death. Tbe only serious
accident resulted to Harry Conrad,
tenor druuii?? of the Marion band,
who, although badly ucrt will recov
er. E. K. Clark and A. L. Oln,
also of the Marion band, were some
what injured, but all are in a favora
ble condition to-night
al4riir Attempt to
Itfr07 '
Nr.w Cavti.k, Pa., fsej(er-her 1 4.
A most diabolical attempt a hi tnadc
this corning to destroy tl- residence
of Mrs. Jacke, n widow ljdy residing
oa Hast street, fa tb;s city. The
building was a nett aci "ijsU'ful
brick edifice, and has Utterly boso o
enpied by Mrs. Jacke and her daugh
ter. The latter west away from
town yesterday moral og to v some
friends, and iuing her absence an
6'dJady named Verr v.-ts engaged to
sty in tho bouse t ngV ,fo- compa
ny for Mrs. J.' thcai to were'"ihe
nnlir frnA a tf ft,, t .1 K
"'. u lu iiuu tu Ui,e
time it was discovered to be o gro.
Tl... ... 1 j t
it.'L'l ' 1?:lh dlflllMlllT nt al .1 I
their ncate.t asiebbors. ' The Crem.A !
responded trorpptly t the alarm and
succe''' a tJ'nivisbfn tLeCames
jn time to key ;U walls of tipl,.
A portion of iho boaefboj 1 fi.j
niture was saved in a damaged 6oo-
amoa. . .
The incendiaries evidentlv intend.
ed to make sure work."
.v,ev had el
tncB Wit- kercseao Wov. c? plying
lDe Uame- Tu pfereat tbe k.a
A"1 a TeHT sijiilar attempt
was made to destroy tljs same urao-
jcrty, kerosene being .then U6ci,.l;t
i was discovered before mucn dam ace
7 J Tt i., .. t .
j buu. i we w QQic aumr lsaurouu-
ed in pystery
Let nothing keep you from tbe
county air. unng yenr tvife, chil
tren and pumpkins. - -
it rmt yjr."
Baltimore, September If.
ior a dwcuMon this ufieruo
D ar
ti bo-
twecn a nomber tf ward
politicians j
incident 'to the democratic arimarv
elections yesterday, a 6ght t-nrut d, in
which Andrew Winder, au . active
local politician of the Eleventh ward,
received blows from which he died
almoft instantly, bis neck taving
been broken. Thomas Friese has
bean arrested charged with inflicting
tbe fatal blow. Whiskey was ihe
cati-w of tbe trouble.
1'rllttvr t'evcr la l lorlMa
f irt cAVt il f r Ssnikf oitiKaip 1 i !
There bave' been five deaths, at Fcr
naodina since tbe list report, and sev
eral new eases.' lr. M'Farland, from
Savannah, eavs tbe disease is un
doubtedly yellow fever, and will
shortly become epidemic. It is al
most impoc-sible to get at tbe true
condition of affairs there. The board
of health is now well organized and
a hospital is soon to be established
lajmanit Morton.
' IlKtiiMosD, September 1:5 11 a.
m. President Hayes arrived at Rich
mond, Indiana, at 10 o'clock this
morning. He was driven directly to
Governor Burbanks' residence, and
immediately repaired to the chamber
of Senator Morton. No change is
reported iu tbo Senator's conditiou
ibis morning.
A Kuiuitude HrUdlHC-
New York, Sept. 12 Senator
Spencer, of Alabama, was married in
tbe parsjnage of St. Bridget's Church
i to-rixv m M;iv Vnnti n hcti?. iun-
- ' ...
necieu until very recently wiia ine
Fifth Avenue Theater. He is forty
two, and has had a previous wife.
She is 2o, and very beautiful. The
wedding was in private, being atten
ded by ouly a small party of person
al frieud.i. Even Miss Nunez's stage
companions were not aware that she
was to be married. Tbe reason for
the secrecy was that she was engag-
led to marry another suitor, and it is
.'said that be did uot know that he
was to lose her.
After tbe ceremony they started
ou a westward train saying they
were going to Dead wood, but it is
thought tbey are keeping their real
destination to themselves. Miss
Nuniz was a clerk ia the Postollice
bere Itfore she went on tbe stage
three years ago. She i talented and
educ;ed. Her father was a Portu
guese by b rtb, and served as a Col.
in the Confederate army.
Itrtghna Voang'a Knceeanor.
Salt Lake Citv, Sept. 11. The
Apostles of the Mormon Church,
joined by J. V. Young and Daniel
II. Wells, lute counsellor of Brigham
Young, published a circular latt
night, saying that on September 4,
they held a meeting, . wailed upon
the Lord, who blessed them, and
who revealed to iheiu the steps tbey
should take. John Taylor, senior
A post If, and acting president of the
twtlie, was unanimously sustained
in that position ; also, that a quorum
of the twelve Apostles is a presiding
quorum aad authority of the Cburcb.
This was tbo plan pursued at tbe
time of the death of Jos. Smith, and
was so ordered by Smith and sustain
ed by Brigham. To facilitate the
transaction of business it was order
ed that President John Taylor be
assisted by John V. lonng, Iianiel
II. Wells and George (J Cannon.
The circular urges all saints to be
faithful ia byildiag temples nud pay
ing tithing. ,
N ardcr Coafravr.
1Iakuimo.niii.R41, V, Sept. 14
Shifilott and Morris, condemned lo
le hanged on the 25 tb of tLe present
mouth fur the murder of David G.
Lasou, in March, ISTi, have
in the iut few days been in confi Jen
tial conference with their counsel,
with the attorney for the slate and
with the judga tf the court, and
have made confession of their con
nection w ith the murder cf Lawson.
Shiifiett, however, contends that
Sapiuel JJall, chjcf witness for the
ioi;jiouvi;aJth ja tbe pape, procured
for bitii the gun with which' be iilled
La son. That jjart o bis ponfession
w hich ciimiuatea himself is doubt
less tiuc, but bis effort to c. ai.
Hall witb bioi in the murder, it is be.
lieved, has uot the ligbtet founda
tion in fact. ,
Morris admits bio connection with
tbs muiJer, but excuses himsei! by
saying ie siurtiy lied br them, and
nail! Shifl eM A na't iif ihe roonev for
feuiCi? i,awsoii.
The ofc6a;ou' of these i.;inwnals -
T.r (
leVv a'4U3 U their ,uil gu;;t
and ihe justice cf their punishment.
A barer af "'rookU" WliUk)
rrl. Refntcd.
Cili.Mx4, September 11 Oj Sep.
tcmber fth a dlsjiaJ; pes f,eni f-oin
loleao Kivtoir out as a lai-t l,vt ue
barrels cf the West Chicaaro Alciibtl
Works, shipped from Chicago to Tol
edo, ";-re found on examination tj
be fraudulent a instruction, on
taining lesa spiilts tla l.8 f:aure
would indicate, and that the Chicaoj
rt;3nJ paiJ a lolcdo urm ftiCO as
a draw back cc Efcount of tbe' fraud.
The proprietprs of te piicjgo AI-
JU Jl 1,1 V.'l ICtllU iujuici vj luiv
aUUien ;3 a means cf refuting it
have asked tb fjoyprnrent offieials
to examine their barrels, it4 Jp-day
the officials, after a careful kinin-
tiCD of seventeen barrels taken at
rand.itf fio;3 ' a lot on ' band, state
that ilcy fijun-i btft s eifVh: yariaiion,
not mora tfiq usal, between tLe
gane nnd the actual riJsu'-
lbe t ujciald declare tbat tt2 (oop-
erage is hocert, and will so report to
lis uorernment. Tbe firm have
Joni,a?a Ctive advocatiug measure
by wojgLtThsicaj o nd that
tha cbjrffe above alluded rro? oyt
of malies o tafuyot of persona) ,dis-
use to them. Tbe nravbsrg men
tioned wa$, they aay, almpty a SiUtfe-
ment of a bad debt due them bv the
10le i-. They are in possession
.f ni'lviw a&per3 stating that
they C8,birreleily like fhosefj--jisbed
otber houses in Ibis cltv. 4tid
fF ?re f" honestly made.' ;'
PiTtsBt itrv r.ptemi?r ar
ney llorran, acd thirty-elgbt ji'Arf,
JOsiBiitted uicide yesterday morning,
at bis reason:- on Mnlberry- alletr,
near Fourteenth etfei, hanging.
Deceased, who was a laborei',"
efesiht tbout si years ago, and
reteotlr getting ojt of emplovment
on aoeouot of bis blindness, be beoarpe
depressed n bis aiDd to tuxb a de
gree tbat be lost bis men til balance.
In tbe TBorniftg bis wife nnd their
o.-;r children attended church,' and
upoo their ettro they dicovered
Uorran banging to a bed p-; dead.
1 be Coroner held an inquest' ia the
case, ihe jury finding id accordance
with the testimony, which was in sob
stance as narrated above.
. . . . . , . ... .
'lam -j-it-in rn n n t . , i r i r 1 1
vna Repulsed.
Tie Ronianians Also Bonttd Witt
Heavy loss. '
Constantinople, Sept. 1C. Tbe
Grand Vizier informed Minister Lay
ard tbat O-maa Pasha defeated the
Russians Saturday, killing aid
wounding S,000 and capturing
several guns.
Fighting before Plevna is still go
ing on.
In conueciioii with the foregoing
a Ci.ustauiinoplo special repeats the
reports current there last night tbat
tbe whole Russian army had attack
ed tbe rievna lines, and wererepuls
ed after deperate fighting, losing over
5,000 men. Tbey then aband " 1
their positions, retreating upo Sis
tova and Tiraova.
Meantiiiie I ho Rumaniau corp.
03 tbo northeast of Plevaa, were
completely routed wi.'h heavy lo-s,
leaving nit-e gun ana a largr 'iaT-
t;t v of arms s:;J aminunitiou ! ice
London, Sep. l." To the Otto
man caaseevprv moment is now of
value. No one but Osman Pasha
himself can tell how long ho can
hope to staud a siege. As much de
p?nds on the stated his mignz;ne,
ammunition and supplies a on the
skill of his t.-neineers or steadiness of
his riflemen, but no besiegsd army
ever is relieved too soon. Meliemet
Ali and Suleiman Pasha, if they
wauid save to tbe cau-e the Islim
stronghold ihat hhs stood as stub
bornly us a linn iu the path of the
invader, should straiu every nerve to
hasten every bayonet and saber they
can command to the bitiks of ths
Tbat McLamet Ali is beginnlig
to move we have uo-v soiiie slight in
dications He has at least 130,000
men at his cmnjand. If with these
be pushes forward baldly, be sboubl
march from the Lorn to the Yid in
ten days, driving before bim the 30,
000 men that tbe Czarowitch has
stretched as a thin curtain aloi'g tbe
As his left wing sweeps through
Tirnova it would not "uly di.-!dge
15,000 men tbat are scattered along
tbe roads tow ard tha passes of the
Balkans, but would cut the commu
nication of tbo Eighth Russian Corps,
which, with R'jm-i aub-iidiiry deUe'j
ment, holds Shijiki Pfs
Thus be wculd c pn that road to
Suleiman Tasha, who appears de
termined, wi;h perverse obstinacy to
decline to cross tbe mountains oy any
of the many routes vybich are unde
fended, for bis repcrted movement ru
Gabrova is now found to have bceu
merely a reconaoissance.
Suleiman and Mehamet uaited
would bring into the plains 150,000
men. Osman Pasha has in Plevna
at least 50.Q00. Tbe whole armies
under tbe command of the Czar in
Bulgaria do not muster now 50,0(J0
bayonets. There is a great epp-m:
nitff for the Ottoman commanders if
they can bnt grasp it, but the Jmpe
rial Guard will be at Plevna iu a
fortnight. There is time, but nv.ia to
New Yokk, SeptemU-r l.'i The
Turkish Legation of this city fur
nishes tbe following: At Kazanlik,
as tbe Russians occupied tbe town,
the Cossacks aad Bulgarian inhabi
tants entirely dispersed tbe Mussul
mans. Tbey were subjected to a
thousand tortures in thrir wive
Those who declared bavin? no
money were put to death.
Tbe Caun&kam Governor uf the
tow'n had his eyes torn cot and bis
teeth pulled ou and f r three davs
was iakpa through tbe strers in that
conuition. Aner the oU-Bt ol tbe
Russians at KAi Sagbra and La n-
lik the Bulgarians leu the city, but
returned next day, and murder and
rape were prouiineut. Independent
ly of tboso killed in the houses every
day from twenty to thirty Mussul
mans were executed publicly.
In the viciaiiy of Kazinik, Mussul
man villages were devastated, aad
d - jstruelioa y fire followed pillage
r n U 1! .I..T . L'.L
III tbo
vyUau man nop
iulaiion which
rsipjiupd wcrp iija'sva..rcij, er cept the
y.iung girU aad the yoincst women,
who were taken to the (Ulkans. In
Kskl Magbr a jtjrijoa of the Mussul
man populition w.j nis?aored- Oj
the other side of the ii-ilkcus tbe en
emy systematically burns every vil
a? on his line of march. He even
ocgicj p brc tte j'lantations. The
same systerw is tbund Q
Mehemct AH i'asha uiegfiiphs
that eighteen battalions cf Turks on
Frid iv repulsed aa attack by the
IJijSiian Twelfth Army Corps on Sin
ana. The Uussjp.a of" was heavy.
, , . v , ... , , , .kiaeU 11119 Ul'JUJUtlT ciaiuiiuu u y lLU-
Oraud Duke ichoU U'lejratihs, r - ,
o r . I i j . . it V erq;i;ns on the return of th phvsi
to St. Petersburg, under uate P.-redin, . . 4 . .. . 1 .-.
tati'rdav: Oa Indsy evening thel 7 .
aUti'rdav: Un iiiusy
Turks h&uitcj frivica or Griviiza,
but with the assistaO'-j of the J'ua
sian and liaumarian reserves vvero
reriijsed. ' a-day we c intin'ue sjef
ling the cuiimj-' (rtijGcatj ms, nnd
the town is btirnlno;
Accoring to reports rece'ued up to
prijav, ?3!) wounded olVuers and
$.432 passed titfot;;;!) the hospitals,
gince iSeptpmber t the naniijer filled
is about 3.000 ; total Joss abou fcOfl
ofn?ers and 12,f,(jQ men. 'p to the
niorfiiflj of September H ihe ftju
manians had lot about- cheers
and " OOi) men killed and w-Cuotied.
VnSnactt, September J."5. .
Charges enibrBeiii Che (Mrnpt con
version of Uuited States money to
bis own ' use have beeu prtferied
agijins-J Fnitrtl States Surveyor Gen
eral It iTids od fjrwgrdd lo Secre-
tcrday Senator rpent telegraphed
J.ttu:f' dcniandiop; itoiuoH' removal,
if hd l-,?f 7 J-9 'if1? f6 matter
lbe United1 States A tto-c.eV. ' Tfce
tfoOuPl Of 1,00 (jiefidcatiin ' is about
Smlrlda ariTrniiMuraa.
Xasiivili., rjlemer l.'i Mark
W. Tillo put a derriniref pintol to
bjafiht leqipiti while seated in a
cbair at fcatiMy iJarter's saloon, Union
street, at feren oVU-tk tLJ evninjr,
and blew out his Irains He died
iustantly sitting in fn chair, without
relaxing his grasp of lbe weapon.
Deceased wtB a bachelor r.jjed sixtv
fire, and a member of one of tbe eld
est and most respt e'ed families in the
I AnriiTDTiaiifcrla IheCnxIUbChanBcI
j Loxoon, Stiptemb r 12. Iuforma
! f a terrible disss er iu the Eng
j li-ih Channel has jut b?en received
here. Tbo British ship Avalanche,
. .
j Captain Williams, from London Sep
tember 4th for New Zealand, collided
with the British ship Forest, Captain
Ijockart, from London for New Y..rk,
off Portland, and both vessels foun
dered. Ninety -a'x persona were
drowned. Tbe forest was in ballast
and bad a crew numbering twenty
one. Captain Lockbart, tbo chief
male and fcveral others were saved.
The Avalanche had a crew of thirty
two and fifty passengers. The third
officer and, two seamen only were
saved. - ' - - '
London, September 12. The fol
lowing additional particulars of tbe
collision in the Channel between tbe
ships Forest and Avalanch have
come to hand :
The Forest struck the Avalanche
between tbe main and mizzen masts,
neariy cutting her in two. The
latter sank immediately. Tbe Forest,
thou h utterly wrecked, kept afloat
an hour or two. Three b ats were
Idiinched from ber, only one of which
has yet been saved. It contained
lie twelve persons already mentioned
as saved. Ooe boat has washed a
sbore aad also several bodies. The
other boat, it is feared, is lost. Tbe
Avuhuehe ba t sixty-three passengers,
iej' y-i-ix taloon, seventeen second-
cijss and twenty ibird-clasg mostly
c jlonUts. The accident occurred at
i):.0 o'clock last night, seven miles
off Portland.
London, September 12. Tbe latest
particulars show that over one hun
dred persous were drowned in tbe
disaster tf the Forest and Avalanche,
off Porllaud.
London, September 13 Further
details concert iog tbe collision of
the s!iiM Avalanche and Forest,
show tbat it occurred at 9:15 Tues
day night, twelve miles southwest of
Portland. The ships were beating
down the channel on opposite tacks.
Tbe Forest Btruck tbe Avalanche
amidsbip, rebounded and a ruck her
twice further aft. causing her to
louuder ia abou three minutes frjru
drat strikiug. There was no time to
launch b)ats. Tho night wa3 so
dark it was almost impossible to dis
cern the mass of human beings strug
gling iu tbo water below, but tbe
survivors say thry cbali Lever forget
the scene.
The boo, mu it bve booa literally
alive witb bum in beings to "whose
cries for help thero could not be any
response. There was a steady driz-
z.e, witn ec.'jfiJUiil gusts of ram.
The wind was btrootr aad the mi
very high. Cries were heard by the
crew i T the I orest, but they were
unuble to give any assistance. The
Forest was very leaky, ihe water
guiuing so fast tbat tbe ere had to
abiudon bs?r Three biats were
luiiocbuJ, and ia these tha whole
ere a- of the Forest, as tbe Captain sup
pjcd, w ith three men belonging to
tbe Avalanche, took passage. It ap
pears, however, that in tbo hurry
and excitement of the moment some
of the crew were left, for the Captain
in bis boat observed signal-lights
burning at the time.' Iloweyer, res
cue was hopeless, aad the poor fal
lows had to be left to their fate, the
wind and sea boiqg f rough that
the men thought their boat would be
swamped every minnte. Unfortu
nately in lb? case of two of the three
boats ttcro ti too nnjch reason for
believing these fears have been real
ized. Tbethiidbat belonging to the
ship Forest, which collided with the
ship Avalncbc, was washed ashore.
All hops of aay more survivors is
bbandjned. An inquest began to
day, but nothing new was developed.
Aojiurncd for oue week.
An iufAUt daughter of Michael
Wynn, aged two years and three
months, residing on Urownsville ave
nue, Thirtieth ward, met w-itb its
death yesterday morning under same
what peculiar nnd very distressing
circumstances. 'The child, who was
ia perfect health, was permitted to
play witb its youthful companions
upon the vecant lota adjoining the
parental home, and the first intima:
tion tho mother bad of Its serious c n
diiion was its staggering gait and
somewhat incjberoct muttering oo
us return t ) its h-mic. The stage of
intoxication was rapidly succeeded
by tbat of active delirium, when the
anxiety of the mothir was sufficient
ly aroused to summon Dr. W. T
Lngiish, 5-hi) attributed .the symp
tons lo uois'iniag ft'or stramonium
(Jamestown weed ) Proof that the
child had etfci) of the flowers and
unripn seeds were subsequently pro
duced. An active etui tic was ad
ministered, hut fiiiled to act, prubi
bly owing to the fact in the tempira
ry absence of the physician, friends
ol the fctaiij hjd pirun oil aud milk
which were inert, so far &s th?
p jison was conoeruod, but were iu
opposition to the emetic. The stom
ach was promptly evacuated by otb
tered. Jlcesymptons brcame more
and more ajfiravated, hTwcver, un'il
i vcst;rdvv morninjr abjut one o'clock.
1 l . i r.' 1 ' : t
w nen ine iiu)tf suudrer epireu.
'f bis is lbe third cise of polsuuiu
the others recovering, ' 'ho'weyVr.
fror,; etinsr-f Jaestwi weed i i
that vlcluiily la'td Jj;t ' njootb, nd
it is well that the public be war'id
of the dangerous eb jracter as well a
the jjeaeraj rji.-iribuiion tf this p i
cnofjs plan?, ft growg fery abii i
dantly in Vs'.e grounds, feas fuiked
step," tjjfl Vsf js $ ooiewhat ova ai d
derpjy toothed, is frog) jjjpp,, Ij ,i;
feH lib, b3 (j jw eroj- puie pirili-h
hue, almost wbiir, iid fit rfje baped,
The stalk is usually of a ree'dieb
lirow'D c-jlor. TLe most poisonous
para are tbe ii -tiers sad seeds. Tbe
symptoms, ad h; ,"j,e uesrijed, ' are
usually StffMI'paujt 4 jjy . 4'ffl!,4
redt e of the rk!u, tlfyficaj of lb)
tbrout ai.d t ulargeni' n'. ol the pupil
of the e je. The Con ner held an iu
JS""' PiH
Fitar BUroiMintf
4 '"'-raoiir, fiCii ', Sep-ember 13
I The reltirii h- ciV the Jit. 7lev.; C.
jil.' f'irKess, -fJirbop' of pcliijran.
frcjji i;y,7,e tL:s eyewnir, whs mde
tbe occ!-,.)u i.-f 's i-i.-Jerat;on.' A
dtlegaiiori of il e elec jry tf tbo dio
cese left ihw city at n jou, and met
thp ;:shop at St Thomas, ou the
Canada Jjuutue.-a fjailri-ad, where a
specie train was in waitjpg pooyey
fciy to fetroi'. " flid "trlid'n made lbe
ran oi o&e bandied anj eleven miles,
from Sl Thomas to Amberstburp, in
one hundred and nine minutes, beat
ing by three minutes the best time on
record that tvaa made by the Van
derbilt special train on lbe came
Canadian Southern Railroad.
Faneral of Whlakrr-
An amusing incident omarred at
the Murphy camp meeting, at Seu-
cer, N. Y , during tbe visit of the
Pittsburgh delegation Oae of ibe
boys, it appears, fjuad a valise con-
taining twelve bottles of whiskey, aud
when Francis Murphy was apprised
of tbe discovery, be suggested that
tbe stuff be buried with funeral cere-
nnoies. Mr. Murpby beadtd the, M;. Horace Bemis, .f
New York, was grave digger, anil
David Hall and Eccles Robinson,
were tbe chief mourners. At the
crave Mr. Murphy suid : ' VVo aro
called here to'dav to burr the devil
(fordivil h?is )by pieces. Och, Ws me
self tbat can do it
Give me the spade
to dig the hole to bury ibis divil. He
is a serpent, and has stung us alL
We hate him as we do a rattles oake."
Mr Murphy then seized one of tbe
bottles, and trying to break it it
slipped from bis haud, and rolled
off tbo aibor from which be was
speakiog. He jumped after it, a dis
tance of abont twelve feet, and grasp
ing a spade, and glaring on the bottles
like a tiger, he smashed every one
of the dozen to smithereens, amidst
tbe wildest excitement.
Jewelry Robbery.
Cleveland, O., Sept. 15. Mrs D.
E. Goeiz, residing on Huntington
street, has in her possession a large
amount of valuable jewelry, consist
ing ot diamonds, rubies and emeralds,
set iu solid g')ld. A part of the col
lection she keeps in a safe; over $1$,
000 worth of the jewels be keeps in
ber house. Ou Tnursday moruing
she went out calling, leaving Fanny
Uoliiday, the servant girl, in charge
of tbe bouse. Puriug her absence
the girl assisted in cirrying out a
plan whereby the entire lot was sto
len by bar friend, a notorious thief,
Barner Clark. As xouu as Mrs:
Goetz returned she discovered the
iota, inu wuui'Ui lurincr ceremonv i
or speaking to the girl, reported the
matter to buperiutendent Scbmitt.
Detective Lawrence was at once
sent to the bouse to investigate tbe
case, and came away satisffdd that
the girl was in so.ue way connected
with the stealing. She was accord
ingly arrested, aud finally brought to
confess tbe whole mitter. Tbo de
tectives were all put on watch for
Clark, and telegrams were s:nt to
otber cities. However, during ihe
night Clark was arrested in ibis city
aai locked up Friday night. He
confessed, and told where ihu prop
erty was hidden in a barn of a broth
er in law of bis. oa St. Clair street:
the detective at once went to lhv
place and found tbe eutire lot of jew
elry hidden away in a valise. The
entire lot was recovered aad identi- j
fied by Mrs. Goetz, wh has made
ailiJavii against Ciark and the eirl
charsio' each wiih graad laroenv.
f it- i ,
Limt'S oulsey,aged fourteen. Was!
ilr.iwnp.l at. l..k', ,rt .h.,e h
d with his pirentS on Satur-
, . .
fetitng. loting Woolsey, with
ury evening, loting Woolsey,
Ins two smaller brothers hail gme
out on the Monongabela ia a little
skifT flt which tbey had built. The
unfortunate lad had taken a chair
with Li in, oa which he was seated
while ihe others were puliing tbe
liale craft,. Getting the weight toj
much upju one s;de, tbe b v bastilv
moved bis chair, and, in so d iing,
ihe craft was almost capiz'?d, the
quick mjtion tbrowi-ig the chir and
its occupant overbire. Youag
Woolsey's brothers were too small
to give bim any aid, nnd before help! I
iraeueu uuu ue nut huiik t .r llii; last
lime. The victiit) of the dilraiu j
accident was an active, iutelli-en
boy. and bad 'or sume time beeu em
ployed in tbe store of John llwlaud.
He was a son of John Woolsey. ai
old resident of McKeesport. Th)
bjdy was recovered yesterday morn
ing. A Itraperatc Outlaw.
Tkriie IIai tk, September II. At
St. Kltno, ill., yesterday forenoon.
John Scales fdlowed a man wbi
burgl.irized bis house. The man
turned aud sh it Scales through tbe
bead ohcj aud through the l dy
twice, killing bim instautly. In a
short ti lie a prty of near a hundred
armed men were iu pursuit of the
murderer. The fim'riders to reach
him ware ''ranjj )irues and Trunk
Wi-eui'iii. The is -in, luraeil
tbnn i i.b a pistol in cah band, and
kiMi-il I) trues and mortally wounded
iV'is-intu He then turned, Creo
ini.i the partv. aud killed one horse
aud wounded another, which be
erciped u iburt. There is great ex
ci c t ent i:i the neighborhood of S;.
Kim i.
1 hree Itralha from I.lKlitninx.
ti f:0E,.F. o .V, IEf . , SepU nibel 1 1
liirinr a thgnder stofoi tbjs aficr
noon liieon H. Hitchics, with bis
f..i.r suns and two daugbiers, took
refuse under a tree iu a fijld abmt
Bve miles f.otu Georgetown. Lijbt
uihi; struck the tree, and three of the
children, two sons aud a duuhier
were irjsaoily killed. The father
aid lbe ii.iiiaiainjr c.h;U:;'d were
seri.iu ly b it n it fatally burnt.
Tha Maine F.lertlon.
Ainu iV-t Me.. Sepi. 12 Tbe re
turns frini' 55' to!,- wK' C-inciir
50.3S3; Vi!fiiiiH. ?tiC,oq; uo.n,
,'9i,'a' d -tv-ei inif'T IT Tiif towus
and plan'ij i m s j!j iii br- b'-ij trum
'ast year ifav j U-iMib!,!.', v.nes
aud 4 -jt)l I) 111 ''era lit; yot'e 'fbe
siiinats ui.'bf K tiiit-bn- .1 mmnl
li-HP tjilit ) "Pl-'j's' i!l
hav it -ml -it 'j '' Iti '( g vns,
4'idihn tb fi 1 ( . ffi -x A -ii j j riy i,f
Co'iuer .iyr Xy'ijiinnis w i! ' sbghtlv
e:pcp' li ijG '
Pah Fa-tNt'iKco. 8e! :,.
A San 1 lien if o piesa h slates
tlmt a t'nio't fpeeittl to-d iy (run Tue-b-iu
says relil)!i advice received
ye.-,cr.(j3j fr.-ri) Cari'M Ilmd n and
(Jii("it,f) saj the Vafilj Strirjiiff Jaaians
ho rPHiiij kil r?jiJ ('aijo Jjave
killed at e,t fourteen men nrttl
wounded elifht. Tbey then captured
Oil" freisrht train, killed the leamers
ti (Jestrovel the jronda Seven
ic?a83 wtfe'lij.-q fiurp ff!aoi and
the'ata.lm ttQil i i! i, ''ThJ
been Do mail from Sllie 'fcitfr' s
weejE.' 'The jA)rgreltov' Q ijiper Min
inponby, t-(;iifi. n I irt thirty
team itf.Jei, lry"iiMian'"nlj rltare
I f , ' I . ' ,
to noy VPSTSU jj. ' Hoo-'i!
men in i,f Aritna Irui.u- n 1 ,"iT,'s.l
avsiidtiie onea u ,v m
after the Indians.
a 1
Sam Francisco, Sep, li A Sin
Hiea.) fire-is diiepteh hut'if fo'Iovr
ini;A 'ti;; fl?) tr Tufto
states thpt despatch 'tn-jy fr-im
Camp Gfaut says; "llrjir Tupper
and c mniand struck tbe ludians at
Koij-bt's ratche and killed frtv.
Tbe troops are close on tbe trail
the Indians."
The Trllaar rev. r.
Jacksonville, September 15 A
special to-night to tLe and Vr ..
j8.ys there vers two dea'h f cm
low fever nibt at Fern Mfl.ti,
and also unccSnui-d rp .r !
jraore. Am jr g the siek i-i one f lie
i doctors iberuaie pnbiblv lit "r
SOCises ll toll. I).-. MtlVmul
says ihe fever ie!d nice i iui re
rapidly to Uea men ifco iu Sv..i,iii,b
last year. II has t-etit f.r t . phy :
sicUris, a ilruggi-tt and ei.-ht,
The h(pita! is neatly ready fir p i
lifUls. The demand fr f.x.'i mxl
' nurses is iucreariog, and il
M..y r
ti U;-
i has established a cutuniwarv
ply the colored pst-pte and ine poor.
I wenty cigbt dcatns since August
20th, of which twentv were from ' hJLlmMmk li'H"?
fever. All who can are having ikfttSl ftr n-
fumagatives aad disinfectants have n i ir M uriTumlirT1
been requested from Svannsb aud ! "pum .. u, ., vn;urTii.url !i'"Vh'
Charleston. ' IrLlruJ
ater.Tfcere are reported Hirtr ""Jl- ?uCv2vt lotU"Rl-
new cases
every one sick. Jo some cases who e
families are down. The trii.-) to
night was crowd -d with fugitive
The atmosphere is humid and u:s
favorable, and ihu fever Sjj.'ea-l
rapidly. A gloomy aspect Ins .
tied over the city.
yellow fever
Jacksonville, Ha., N-i it ruber H,
There were three de:hn at Fer
nandina last uight. The frv-r i
spreading to '.be old town, alum a
mile distant. There are lome ra-sea
amoug the colored people. Physi
cians and carers arrived to day from
Savannah Two of the resident
physicians are siek. The h.i'piti'l
! ha. been co tunic ted. A culi I r a:J
iu money, medicines ana no-iri-'n i
meut bus been made Jacksonvi'le '
is enforcing the strie'.est (juaiuatiue (
agaiust x ernonuua. l t;i? e;;v is
guaraeu ov volutin ers ntsrnt au'lcay!
j lhe dtv b' ,an(, or Wd,er
Railraail t'wIIUIitn.
Hakrisih ku. Pa f S-pt. l.". Ti.e
Pniladelpbia and Frie ma 1 train
north, due at Muncy, Pa , at 7: l.'i, col
lided with a freight trtiin utvir that
place ibis morning. The baggage
and express cars, with their contents,
were lutaily destroyed by lire. Ex
press Messenger Jcjb Steiuujn aad
Fogiueer William Attiek were burned
to death in the wreck. Two cars of
wheat and several cool oil tanks were
alsj burned.
A tic Adrerfifiiment.
if v virluo of an nnler luil oat of the ti:rr ot
r?.mui'n IMfa ut Somerset (N., I'ii., the un Itr
S'iXoet A.siitnee o li-Kirry! U-r. wilt soil
Saturday, DcUm C, IsTT,
i at 1 o'flf p m., oa
: real estate, viz :
j A (Tiaiii tr:i"t of Un i ?ta its in f ;er Turk-.-r-f
fiot Twii., Somerset 'o.. .1..'.tiiiD Lin l ol
; J.malhii rltniuert. Mi-liaet Y.iu.iLiii ai: 1 otiitfrs.
I coulatiiinx alu.ut M ftt-ren. having a itwtllmif itu:
otr Imii.iinifs the-n ero.-:e.l.
TEKMS. lenpvreen:. of lliepiir.!iam)ii.;T
i to pai.i ..nuay ol an.l t.i i.aiaiiL oi out-
. iliipi on continuation ol "sale at Novvmlwr I'.-urt :
! -Clitnl in nix month, an lone-ihir,! in one jt-ir.
i with iaterest : tlelerru l i.;iviti?)iU to tie swuro i
a. B. KINO.
Si'p V)
Assine ol'Citi'rey KoehgU'ler.
ot rear, Apple, Peaci, fiuiu.
ICO, uoi iJrtipe Vinw andSmii
Fruit Plants
.0 i.OO) Kv4ri;rens.n I Ornft
ment-tl Irrud al Shales.
We itder the uUtre tronm
itlantsvervheplort!iiii Kali'-
plinthtfe. 1'tiey are hfC clai-
Trees !
:n ever rr.-pert an-1 true t
i nine. "We will soil to th
i;ttrr anl (rranters ut l.iw
ft w!iol4a1e rate. Sen
Lur t':it:iiurfiie!. A-t'ireri.j,
it. a. KLLHtrr vn.
llU Market St., PitUh, l'a
The ihI N; ntijmin'eu ln?tl'n:i-in r..r
oor.iin:nir a Hu5lii-s r.tuiati.,n.
For eir.-ul irs ahlre.
Pittsl.urh, Pi.
A-SK the recovered
iVrcrs, victuiw of fever
I I LiMC:Hi 1 fill n
1kw they reo.vcreJ
health, f hf prfnl rr ir(T
Thj Cei?;st,! ar.d Beit Family Medicine !
in the World.
I dice, Ulliuui attiuks. SICK 11 EAI1AIM1 K. folie.
Jjejire ion ot JSjiir'td, t'OUK S l'U.M AL'ii, 1'c.ut
lirh. V.. fc.". "
This unrivaled Southern Remedy U warrmtetl
n it to enntain a iinle itiriit-le ol' Mtr-nrv, ..r any
injurious mineral uiistan.e, but i.
Pi'KEi.Y ve.;et.u:i.i',
ur.nuinln thone S..uthero !... J and Ht! . wl.i. h
ar. allwise I'rovidenee has (ila.-e t ia r..uu,n -t
where Liver lniwases nun: prevail. ; wn cure a
Diseases caused by derangement or the Liver and
1 ue SYMPTOMS of Mrer Complaint area hit
ter or bad tto in the mouth : I'alu in tho I! u k.
Si lcor Joints, ulten mistaken for Kheumaiis:n I
Sour Sloni'.cli ; Is of Appeilte : riuaeU altern
ately eovtive and lax : Heada. he ; Los f tneuio
ry, with a palnlul ensa:ton of bavin failed t dt
WAnothintc whi,:li ouuht to llav been done: IM.ill
' " l sii'1,'". thiek yellow appearance ol the
ii kin and lives, ad cvi,h uitukea lor
liometiiuct many of these symptoms tten-l the
disease, at olhers very lew l.ut the LI V Lii. ihe
largest oncan In tho oody. Is n-neraily tho -.u ol
ill. ease, and If not rpoul-iled :n time, arvat stiller
lsr, wreteheilness and liKATH will vnsne.
I canrecouttuend as:tnetlicaeli,n mireviy h.r !!.
aiseof the Idver. Heartharo an I lvpi.i, sua.
m ins' Liver Iteculator, Lawmd. WtsuKit. WJi
Master S;reet, Askistanl ost Musur, l'hila lt.i
pl.ii. "We have tented Its virtu personally, and
riow tbat fi;r I'y.iiiepni i, Utlousness, and T limn
tiiiitt iieanaenu, li t, tue tsi nietl. lue the world
eversa'.v. We have tried forty uihirremv, lrr lw.
fore Simmons' Liver K sutator. t ut n me of then,
nave us more than temporary relief : t ut the He
ulator, not only rell.ved. I.ut'eured us.'- tit 111-
EllUAPH ASt, MKSKKXIiaic Man'tl, li.l.
Nothir.a is so unplea'ant. nothlttx so e. mm m of
h id hrcath; and In nearly -verv eise it routes in. in
thi Etonwh. and ran he i easiiv crreete I il y,.n
will take Simimins' Kevulator. Do not itetr-t so
stlre a miiidd Tor this reps ive disorder. It will
alo Impntve your Aptiie,ltiiniilesi,, and ma
fal Health. ' .
i . ...
This iilj;r-s.. 15 ajfiictlon orri,rs must fr...iu,-iu-
V. 1 he til"! urtialHe .il t lie stolllai ll, ariMl.u lr.,n.
M4LltKil si rKVUH,' ll'IWi:t, COM
SlU.M, KF.srLKSSNriSS J Ai:,l.,;r, SV.
SKA. SICK. HtAlUl llK. CllLIC, CtiNSlI
PArtiJ.Vanl BlLl HJSfcJSS,
. .
v5p,iiAi-l:li.r ;.xl . nr
i, fi- 2g.UM ice.,
riiiLiAEi.jtai.v. pa.
.(. Sold kj all Cr-'g-Ji-.s.
July I
1 1.
Hy lriiK f.f an on'er l-'iucd .
ut ol It.e thpl.aoi.'
tart 111 r-olliess.'tl'o., Ps..
!"irl,s'- t- turtle by pit .il oulm-v. oi,
I fiie ; ;e::il.-t. on . . . .
p. --.. ... ,-. , ,
me ureM-rsluiiiu:
1 !, It i 1
I Id 1 art. ft p 1. . r,'c f.
iWtil,kt5 llc;!;tatk V.f J
,:., . .J '.'"l.'r B'
si.T CV,er, J . dec'.l.
A cer aln rarra or tr.ict ot .i.rjaii pi Jcner
Twp, S.uuerset Cmu'y Pa.. e.mlluin llu aerea.
SWa-rrea thcrMf clear 'I, ant htli-i -e well ti.n'i-r-e.1
a lpilnln lands of R Stnflt, fisseWlit. Wm.
B Keitia. Ii.itl l and others, having thereon
t.eciei a kkI iw story id .nk house, lew, leira
-".I til : i.i'l.ulldlliu'. This farm has i . le.
T'JitSt and utile,. 4r1.1t t.-tes : nivln-r 00 tr. a arronir
1 "'" talnnK iiwmit. ahdisiiiiderhii I ,! as..,ui .
l!!".f,".',,;,;i,1"fr'.'ll,"nb"lt,,,"'I", .
1 KHMS.-niie-third in ham! oa o.uttriaail.i uf
I sale, and balance in twocoual anuuat lit) uicnis, 1
. ,. . ,.T ... I
. ubini im r. 1, 1 .t e.,
this evening. Nearly ! . . ..
' yz I
iKjoeiiecii. uuesietiennrents. eanses a severe itln
lS 'i'"'1 a.Vom'i tried R lih dlwscrveatde mu
" 5 ' 'f ei:slii4-es wli it js is.pil trlv ka iwu
Ilej.Jacrie. i'jr Iiruuiiit Kljtf
Pep. 12 Adm r and Trustee.
- 1 lJ J
Att'Ttixrme:l f
Valuable Property
K ( ) li s A
T ic K!r.t N .ti h.I Bmk r .It. fi-amn'. fa
I. tlrx lur hIc tl:a l.l! luif trr ,wri y ( M i.liu-.'
' iirouu I i eormirt.r .M.ila4n.H'l,im-h
riw, f hi l l y 1J.J I.M-k. luiiDj tbrri
rental Ihrr t,rT l.rS-ll .Willi !l n,
MiryMiil.aiUI;iK4a!M kawu a iho ' HiiImmwi
II. ..r."
" l.' l. -n-t-.t n l !l,r .vc, fr.mlinz t
"' ' n M ini -irwi a.,.1 I , ei ..H k u, , ov.
A I.m i. ,Hie lvt..n .,ihi-r c.rn. r .rf an'.t
I Isurch tlnni, 9 i lert lr..nt an.l l.i , hrlt. havioa
iT"! . U":l'- 'UUi " "-he Uy
, . Vti ,.UUr.1"1 ''""'n J fe t oo e:i,urcli Kmt
- '
- ;
RIO I rin f-rimo orjer,
... ""Wa la aiil jm .-r ta limlM-r
J r. ,,, kt,u. m,w l-iuii ia, rvkI
-r, KiH. I., tl Wl,w UIHW. ri,rl! k i
; tyAitt, i-w. manic to trtrj
JiflMjfVcis r.v
Jnlr,fi.,l.,,,1rn-li rouuaanliir. beaaii-
U'.j ifi.'tLil. i,M au-l ,culi aiilw ai ihe
iww.n1 m ?om. rrl ll-,rwiKii. nultwo .n.l on
i.ail earf , L,iTai,T!ilrf, oo D,,rth f tamt'ike
ra-l. Krellma 'Durikrli
i:Aif iuJi tml..iiiK. eLurt Lefor nrarly
UltT.'k.'t uf IjVUl
NO. 2.
10 acrvif tl.iiiiuif lh
t'.'rr. f.i,i. a. luiuioli.tlciv knil.l.
" ITlio,, liiu'r. Smooth an.l
Ii-rtiie iaii.l, well a.tfreO. and ia every ttlt-t
t ,ajl in S l. W'Uli a uo unlurJ.
Itli a juuan un li.irJ.
no. 3.
A m-il) f.irm ir 14 irrn
'HI the clnr tiW ftne full
! "le an I ane urciiaM -m yremlrt:
NO. 4.
. ilrti.-ll.
H'.o 11 n, I Ii.t in siiit
':liu-r Un-U au-1 haunts kc, in th County
N.. 1. I'ri.o
i!3,vOU. TmiL '.S.CiiO ia htnl.
Nk it. l'ri !c !i'.0u.
Tenns t4,' ) I a hand.
a year.
No. :i. i'ri.-e tl aw. Term
a vear.
4'U la
N.. 4. F.ico 1.80i. Ternu 6MO in
An thfOovi-nmnjnt ha." r!nrr. her Inwrci-I t.
I fir cent., a lower rMt will nwYiuartljr prevail la
'BW. the fciieand i.r.,ntal.le invKtuieutf
f the luture will ete. p. !wln of
. l an.i ias,!eslr.l.t 3aB14 on April nxt.
July II. W. J.BAEH.
eii. i.-c o.,ks no lonirrr f..r tha lew oclr. Ti e
oMt i;sa.:ir. novels wi'hiu tl.e na h ol rvery
onr. Ifcioks unuallr w.w ironi 1 to i ifivt-n lun-clla:U'.-l
aoU uuaurutiie.! lor Iu an. I -Jti ctliXA.
1. KVSTI.YNNK. I.T.Mr. Wno.1 ( I), ff ) 2llr
1. Juhn Haiitux. itcut , '. Mi.-n Mul-k
3. Jane l.yrv. I.y I h i rlotlr" Kronie. ( 1). N ) a'
4. A W'oin:in li.iier.Cli:i. Kraiia'ii iiw novel a'
4. 1 ne llla-li lnilit". Jiilr rme'i Litest. lo.
t. Ui-t ii..i ol fniwii. I.r Hulwrr. 1"-
7. A.iiio He.iif, t.y III. N ) J,
. '1 lie Aru.i li-I lioti ... bv .Mr I m il lor
i. l I tMyU'leltua'a Mon.-T. Iiy" - J.v"
1 1. 1 i.e W oiu ir in W l ite, l y W'ULie Toilius.
li Th-; Auieik-un Senator, t.y Anthony Trol-
i :ic .ili,i on uie i t,t lieorice t!i..t. Iv
!".. A iTi.i.H- . Thulf. t r Wm. I!lu-k
14. 1 I.e Iiea.l Si.,Tet. l,y Wiikie t'olliLA. "
I. i. KiiMolo, hy ieorsce Kllot, ( 1. N.)
Id. 1 i: t.nslijli at ti,e xnh i'olo aud Field
or lee. In onet.k. l.v Jalrn true
17. Hi l.len Fer;li. by Alary Uertl H:,v
H.'8 Historv, hr Amelia t,iwar.l!
IU. A icrril.le leinptatf.n, t.v Clias. Hede
2u. I il l c'uri'Hity Shop, by e'tias. Dickens.
II. K.ul flay. I.y t'lui. Keade.
ri -Man and Win, by Wilkie IJollim.
2-1. The S'iuire I.v.tev htii... u . ..
1 r.
For Sal by nil l.k.-"el!er ami N.'wjdea'lerj,
m i-rfiatr prcj'aiu, on receipt ol prirs I.y
r. ,v Mt NKM. PrBL'SHEB.
P. O. &jx.M7, al 24 VanewaterSt.,.. Y
fall Session ojiens Thurs.t:iv, Sept. l.Tth. I T. :
liea lion very healthful, easy' of aeer's. tenua
m.!erate. Full o urse of mstru:ll n. F.rfuta
I lijue, ple.-c address
Auaust 1. j. jEW-prr PAKS, Prlnqpl
Makes the $K IX Soft. Clc i.-. Fura Whlt r.J
ttcaiiny: is .tanjin. ueoiiorlalnir. In.ii i,, i.
P it s.-,ihina-, Healn.j; and pMrllyli,x 1 reutorea
lun iru.'t. hannsr. I l.ers. Sores, Eruptions
Kounhnts? arfl re.lnes of the aai : relievesiieb-
'urr.inn and s:lnninir or t., Skin, and Irri'a
ti .uol tminit ami minxiug inseets : will relieva
1U I1IMI J-iLKS where ni.thmif else will hva
V;-I.t"t: fHKK 1'KOM ALL KFFtN-
UIMIR. an 4 prevents Contairious IHseases
a .1 as an titernal MwlH-al and Toilel Prenara.
tion it lui no Kit UAL. Prlea. Slew a rake
,",'.t-"'.?'e, 'jkM. 't eetits. Sold l.y
(leo W Henford. Somerset. Pa., and DniKirisfi
KJneriliy. s. WKIISTKK. Pn prielor l.f
a't' !'','. Phllada. Pa. Vlh!.lesa!e li-
p..t.j. N. riunl St., Phila., Pa.
July 25.
Wis' "IV TT T n,:" n', noehalf
11 IJ 1? 1 1 1 1 1 d.. ten of the mnst heautt
lul new l' ,s. in Frenrh ell ei.lor. ner seea
r. (Un They are mounted In xlo t:rk eaam
cl and .11 mats, ov al openine: and natsell any.
thmx now tn; the piii.lie. Satisfaction irnarai.-!-
I w. samples lor cents, or six lor Jo cents
.-a.i .0 cents lor urand iliustnted eatal.iuue with
ehroiuj ol Jl..nlliiht on the Klnn, or M cents lor
two 1 in l-eapes ami Calla LillKs ..n black ground
J. LATUM AM Co.. 4i9 Washinn'on St. Kos.
ton . Massachusetts. Heal.U,irters for Chn.mos,
tnurav:nt;san I Art work. A FOBTUMC
r.rii.Nscc)LTi;T salp
nyvirtucotanoMerortho Orphans- tT.,t,rt m
vaiierset .-.tiuty, Ut tile understated Adruluiiira.
tor ac . f tii5osi.neol Duvi I Lor. dee d, I wiil .
.ose to i.uLlk saie, oo ihe pr-wises, 00
bnlitrdait, OcIdUt C,
the following ralnnldc properly late the est.ite
ine Miiri inviii l.lir. ilei- il. l-n
A tract or land situate In Jemier Twn .
set county. Pa, containintc It acres ami 71 lurches,
strt-t measure, ad jolnins lands of Jaeol. sioin
Jesse Ut, JaiMh Cotit's esiat- and other" with
story and a half plank hous.v arh! a...-,.,.
house an i u h-r hui I lins thereon er-s-ie.1 alut
tilteeo acres ch ar, and the Uilance of the land is
well tlmliered and watered. th,. 1. . .....u
in-har 1 on the unnnistn of nuns irm ..r
'""it: tlie property is situate,! ..!. ... .-..i
milis, s.-h.d hou-e. Mas-ksmlth shop.
Tr.KMS -Filly dull.iron the day of sale.' .
third in ladmx the lirty dollars at t he eonftrma."
ik.11 id lire nile. aud the bal ,ne alier le,lucan
the wl .w s .1. wer In iw.,,,arl annual pnimni
wr.le.u, interest, the wl low's dower to he seenre.1
-Hi toe pri.erty.
Cood enough for ti-.e Best!
Cheap enough tor the Cheapest.
Rates reauced to S2SO a Yeas. i
1 J ". SHIMAKEK, Ph 1).. rtlteipa I.
rlv virtue or an Alias Levari fari.ia issued otu
the V NiriulComin..i Pleas uf Somerset V..Penna'i
and lo me ilireeted, 1 wiil exjMist, lo sale ,y thli
ouu-rv-ai the Court House, iu Somerset, 00
fhnrsihij Srj'trmbrr 27, 177,
at 2 o'clock p m. '
A!l tlie ruht. tiile. interest and cl tint of Jobn
I. Schell. delendaut, a(:d V. J. Uiirt it. I
S.iimer, Hartis-m t ret.i, FUaS C't(nuinii;ci. aai
Jonn w. pauon, lerre tenant,. 61, in apd to 'tiij
.-no. 1. A rcrtmn hit ,.d ground, situate in Si tti
erset. Is.rt.uirh. Somerset Co(nty, Pa'., i-unuininic
u.e and one hair acres and tijieta Kn-ki,
hounded by Patrlit Kreet on the purth, Ka.t
stre-i,.n the east, aiouth street on the a.jith aae)
. - - , I.
... j .... 1,0,., hiiik iiiorcou eev.. an la.L
ry brick dwitliii ktaiut tmiu
aqi utii.r
ooooioa wuu uieappuncnaucea.
to i,.ui,i parcels iowi.
Parcel No. 1. Ifa-mided nC de ril. . f, i,
lows: Ci.iluibtk inif on the onrner or Patriot
street and Court alley, thence along Patriot
s rcet, east '04 feet ttrlnt now tiwned hy Harrison
Trent, thence 'ink leet to South street, tnence
al-.iUK Sotth street west -U leet to CiHirt alley,
tlietce slonir Conrt alley north 4 feet to place
: hi inririif. with a larjre two story hrl.k dwell
in bouse, stihle and ol her nut Imildlna thereon
eic-tet! -vub t:e )i"trtellie.
Pare.'' Sb. i Be:rn,n-- at t!,; 1, Isld i-r !' :
is: at tLe f-mur .S Vtr,t ijd jiist:..!frel
therretesl j 1 test ti, mat (iq liin F n-e, hen4
s..uth "st feet toSno'h Jtrsrt to V.irk rn',
lhrnc.i alonir said street au (eel 10 ..umlaut
Im ttn.orncrnr and South Mretts. thenea
al-rtiK teueeon Fatal street north W leet Iu post,
the phiee of tM-vlnniiir. with a tw.t story frame
house an I other I u. Mings thereon, erected- w lift
Ihe apotirteniet 4, ' '
No. ..vftit'o lid of trnxmil, iiitiiate hi aak
horoUiX ataitiln. aait ajid ... ue wi! a.ipa4' i
sixteeti (rcrcne, l,vniii'it ti fat, tot a,ct,'ia t
north, atiey un.. he aast, si u.tii un tae soutit,
and Kol tireet oa tha. wms wit b It e appttne
njttcis. ,
.No. a A rcrttln lot ol (froon.1, sttn tte In ruld
lior.uxh, eirtalnln one and one-half arre and
sixteen js-rches. txondiKl tjy Patriot vreet on ta
north. ( ji-nat la' t M tlie salt, ooui ti irasj
on the sri,.eh.iam:iirtyii .i.b tha,-..list ni jtii..:
a Ith trii "Bcredltaiueurr' "art t- .-prn.neraficet r
Taken in rn'i ii'ioa a. t;ic iimpcri ; 'of ohn J
Scl.ell. dcMadaitt. aud W. .1. Lat, 31. A aalUK.,
Il.imsi n 'irent,;ta Cunniabaiu,
an.1 W Patlun, U rre fea- '
an' . 'tt i.e suit of Saruh A. Coanlryman '
Tr.k MS: rinv person .un-haslnir at the above
sale will take not (er that ten per oetit ol the wurv has
kouK , ruothervlse It will aaraio ltXxra
1.1 sale. Trtcrest.luefirtlrepjro.ianw.iey inus,
, lW twllrf. ,h, ckD(.wlwlirijMit ol Slterill i
.1 ... u..n,,.ui.i .,i,l
Ihe purvliase money is paid In.
Sept. i.
:j?vxi.-7)ti!tin ai want