u u r The Somerset Herald. WKIlMiSWAY. TI3IE TAIIIiKS. u.imioiti: oiiio it. . I'lTTSBl'ltUHUlVlSlON. m and alter Am-ust . 1TT, trail. ! road ...-part Ir.ui and arrive t il -t, corner Oruuuii'l ausr Streets as lllu: " EAST. w ts r. Mil it. I lv ritu-iftit h W.-wt .t..it I itinn - ill Ml. (1- tut t III' Itl.t M .(,,.. t- :. MiiM-r tl 1 t iintlx-iiMim W .t-liint't" kit'liiuitl H 14 I ' 'iUJi- H-tlliiixHr , iniir'-" . rimi-!' ''' . M.irtii"tric .Mniftul IX. (tl.H. I U 1 tii tliio ll Mt. I lnfci.it --Ui"Hvil,w-. Vtrml V loU , Mrk-v--irl 1'itUajur'b .- . ir. . t. I ' iw 1 f ', Vi a. m.: 11.44 1 1.. :I7 " l2 lu. . I 1:.4 a. ;.i 4 . i " l:-! 1 t " li-m " 7 y " 7 :a . I i ;mi w. i i ' t..U fu.n.tioiv Hiii.ir-ij.Ma V-cVad" train leaver- Pittsb.ira- at :l P. N. ,,rr.v... l -n...H.vill. 11 . P. M.. Mineral S",,,t 1 ; A. M. Id retiru the Kn pn -ar . lea point 4 M A M.,t ioneUlIle :18 A. M, Piu I iiruh A. M. All tralni run I. lalilauore Tiin 1 minutes tarter lliun HuatiurKti lltne. l l.rouuli Mail and Kxpref 1rain ilaily. Avi nun.- aiMi trama aul Kiifilt i xjiren .lallr. neept SuB-iay. - The mo! 'iir-.-t auit ileaaiit"ruaw to Hie trt ail' I S.mlli i WaalnnisUHi ity. Turi.uifhMaillt-aviiiical SH a m l"l'.'.".r; rh at Val.lnitt..B at p. m. ;IUUitu., l. tn. : Philadelphia. S: III a. : -N,:w '"' - a in.: Kirhmiin.l. Tola. m. 1 hr-UKh Kaprn-a. learinK :U p. ' ' rive, at Waaluniil. al a. ":. ; a m : K.. h... m.i.&-S'p. m. ; rinlaJilphi:., !... p. ui. : New York. .l J p. ni. Ti. kel ultwi.. corner Fifth Av-nue au.l Si.ilth lieu stree.a aud lep..t cmier Uraul and ater Mreeta, PitlBl'iTKh. Pa. ., U M Oenrral TUket Aitei.t. E. t HVN U. AN, Supl., CoiineiiKville . aonaEarrfc maaLri)iT aaiLaoao on and aer May H h, ", trains wiil run a folluwa, cocuecUnit with all h.-hkt train! n the P. W. av U. U. K. (Mail traini. daily. I t jireM 4ally n.i Mouday.) IUVI. 4BB1VB. allWeai SWp. m. P- " Mail Et 10 Si . ni. li -i P- m Mil Iji't cii.ect with Local Wert. P. W. B. H. K.-FAH 1HKAI. ro.T. Wny Puwmrer tin Wi.y Pamenurer Wert Mail EiMt Mall Wert uu a. m. K 44 p. m. 11 41 p. in 3:-.; p. in. W. S. TEMPLE & CO., PHom ct" Commission 3Iercliants, -IT S. HOWARD ST:, BALTIMORE, MB. S;- iHl a'.ti'ntin uir.-n l" 1 lie sale ot 1U I'TKIt. YAHi I'Ol I.T11V, HL. ami I.f.ilticr.' We ail vise tarini-ra nut to lul.ii.li llit-ir V'H1, win ill.- Fleri icll U al lliis fcnstin'. We n li-r tn Fur.niTs vV. Mcrrlian's Kat. I'.aiik. Halliin.ire. nqil to "1 V'.1,-jj r.auk, i liiil'.iili'.it;. Fall :j 11 f un H .jiii: rr'.j are nrfB. rucw 1. a tt tlavi. Till' ting ttiir IliU UM voll ul!eml the rilt'Ua l.ist w-li was lively IQ tliia .Uie. 'flic llii-a re Ih gimiiu'j to (inollnr. 1 lut iur li ii Iti!," U tlu l te-it. A rri. ii 1 1 u I a! laira are lio ill oi.lt r. Tin- I'liiTij-eat mil lu town, at Silina k's. Fall vt-ru.MU leel c irul'.iruMe J 1st in Tin- Walker ll'vit, Inst in market at Sol nils. Nt-s.1 Tliurwlat in llie last ilav fir reci tirin;;. Just rictiveil. New CadimerM ut Se'.iria k'n. M.i?aiiiitiii- have n.it b. .-u trou'ilc-s itu tliii humiii, Tlie l.acklHic of summer is broken au.l full conies on apait. There ill lie no lull iiisttinu ut the Natl nl Uuard this year. The ii'.or Irom filthy pig-rives tills the a'r in reilain .artr ol town. The ele ciion of Grei vy to the lUconli r sh'P id" Alt oona is to iv con ten; til. This kin.l of wtail.i r is ruli iilii'i tl to make the Ktuiimtr visi'.ors homewaril llv. One i'1'l'itls'ini jh'a tem;er.iiics hmii1i ii mi. -l l'aH-, liHH ln-en jiijrui-il tor slialing i a nl u I- Ml k s. Ii has liceii hUtfiieati-il thai rj'H.ils tjike l:i : ;a.e ol Iwsh; oau an-l lie.lt, 'I.-1' lee .-.lrt;-,i t'.d;.; I ' H i i. d I. .Id y...,r Kdlte t'i i.3J. I l ,hi tally In Uentiar.l ul Ou.'wli-ja. I'.allillH.re. J1J. Arrival of New nl Hoi t lilV.lliad rho- A l.iHtlii r rStore No. 4 Mauuiiolh 111. x k sjoiiierwt I'a, t!o Ic S'l I hi s Fx't ii H:oe Klore. for the liest uiakert ut IttHita A Hmk at llie .wot oath pritis. Kix creenhack cliil were ore.anleil at I ruin 'a Million. W eatern I'i nnsylvaiua. on Friday nicht last. A colony is hciri;; organized in Johns town lor the purposy of emijrralin West, prolialily to Kansas. It vou want your butler sold quick, and prompt returns with hiH-k. ship, early to . 4nnrd i.nd ni:r.lnyr, 1 il.-.norv Jh, U ' ' I i ' t- ' ' ri.iir is iiell? " ad aClian-.-e Ihia U the'firu inatanc on rci-oiJol'a uepicr man's liriioraiuv of that local! ly. The chap who wears a fashionable tarn! up collar need uive no atlenlion tn his Uiiek hair. Iminiiucli as it will not be i-dUo. i . i . . ' i f t t - -i- . . Ha Sunday nignt' last tlie celeiiralcil l.nrse. '1 iii-r.'' iiwneJ lir . H. (iottroth' t -( , ot this j.laoeJ was ktillen from his ft li cn.t uf town. 'Whatever la. U rm'hl," Pope remark ed Hm Hi man who arrive at the de rxd just as the train is scudding out' d the other end re h it ' . ' . 1 ' ' ',' T a ;-ollier; kin ih.- Ll.., LUy ry jai.i .tin i Ml Hilt mlil in I he cellar. sna1 jncfg i nl n riirhctiltV in haVinir ijje i liiiii wihsI i-r tiring up coal. All who slii.d their llutler to Ken nar.l and Ondrtlu-i s. Ualiimore. M J.,' last rt'sr. wer nleaaed wilh thi-ir r.-litrna a...'. .o jojut tinti fiif' same fi.rui- lilfi I cai I t I J I . I, ' !! '11 A WFI.I. r.AFNFn hfpi tatios has Wn f-MahiislKil by Wm. Iia-hsetler. Durint Die p-d w-aaoo he )tnat mailu t'vn fulls 2 -7'';. a.i4 h'la Clytj geuerj ali!.tii:-l -.'..? ?M-.rtl aca.t. r ' " Jme Hewes. of the linn of hhrivi-r II nil tiers, liallim-irr. Brrrived in oir'tr-i inor,pm; ui.u la t-i,ppii,tr ui Ilk' &h.i 1 1 flfi'l llou.it-, win-re Jie will I pieaai-1 lo the Inindaof their firm and anv oin ers w ho may w ii tp t-onvre with Imn up the inii'rr I pwper'p 1 1 - - We are rert-ivinp at ' Fashion lJnrotr" ne w piaaU soiisbie lo the sson, alinot daily. Mus. J. 1. Thedwf.i.i, No. 0, MamnMith Illock. Tq ) T7T? W W To) . 0 KEXN All 1) & I r- - I I i ll ll I in I I A 1 I KZr Lh Lh LZ1 LAUD 121 BDTTER COMMISSION Wosijrain otti-r our services fur lumtUin CiSIiuhs ESut&Vr; we are lietter rt'iartil to handle Dittter tliis season than ever before, having a fiist-dass COOL-HOOM to iihue it in on arrival, and with iiu reased trade can sell it quick and make IKOMlT ISSiTlISCXf. Cards can be had from the Store-keepers and Express Companies, August 211. TIE BIT' IB IS IDLUalM 'MB. i SPCIAlTf EF GLADES 1 JUTTEE. . The c. i..!r:mr-l;i) ht n-li.'t.rt i xislii.a under the hr.n uaiue r O. .K. M lI.I.Kli k :., Ik IhiK day dl .Ive.l l.v u:u:n .1 acr-ein-n:, 1 1. A. ..Iiilrr r.-l.ni.s Iru.u Hie mm. an I .! renin...!.. partners uu .ler I he llrm l.al.le id jlA. Ini.N Al.ll t 1.1 KK Mil, are al.-ne au:h..rll d l niu ill isiu.d.ul.pu. II. A. M1I.I.1-.K. W. F. l.llliAl'il. JMI. .1. .Ma I).AL1, A.J. I 'Ll KK, The ua.:.r7i,md having I hi- dav Icrlm-1 a ..-.irliier.liip, us -oi-,'s.r( tn I '. A. Miller O.'., will .-.iiiiinue lbi 1'r.hluee i:.iii:iiiifi'.ii'Miriiii lit the "I I Hand, X I ! Si.titli W aler Sir-el. under the Urn. name ol .Ala -Dunald. i;l.lt 4. ah I nerc! a ivin ti: dr iriends l the ai.ua. T.i all partiea de-ileiri..i;-aii!.li- an I rej..n.iiile aireii;ii ! at ten I th.-ir i.!'ere in tliia in irko ,w w ml 1 refpii-l-tullvult.-riiunilva., .Din lt:-U c iifiuutiMnta an I urJrr.'. Li ht vl a Ivuues mile on iMiiriirnnu-ii a. Marking pla.e, mn.ial.ed aud c0r.ai.ud..eic..i-d. ,,. Ju, ,K,XALt A. .I.I LIKP. lUSM.N V. LOIlAfll. In retirir.ir fn.in the tin. .d ). A. Miiler a. ea . I b. :i i thank my Ine.ntl. I .r tlu ir p..t lavura. and holw they will nuitlliue In uive my ve.-K..-s, Mai in i. ALU, I'LI tk li X., a lllHTai fhare ul tlillr t.-o.una. and 1 ehieriully ree niuund them, as regarJi- ahiiiiy and n- .noil i:it v. 1 1. A. .ulLLI R. Calliim the nlti nlioii i. Iiairvinen !i. ll.e n.di e, . a'ais . i! r i.ur M rvh-en ..r llie ale t.f Ulader liu't.jr. 11 ivin a larii' helriKeral.. and a I ri- and ... r-as in H ide, we are prepared U '11 all Luttcr i u arrival and w.ud j.toui4 r.'ii;m a h . '.-i i. di. li'iNALIi.l'LIFFkfo, l.;2 .ulll Water Street 1 hiia.U Iphla. lic!ii.H T.-.l. i. K l.V 31 LI. i. SUNS, S. i:n rstd : 31 AM KAi'Tl EKTS l!.Xli, Pl.ilad. l.,hla. I.KUI.IN Il.it sK I. tie UmlliiT ll.'iiv. J. C. Davis, l'p p. Tl.is li'.'i-i- l.as li-t n ut-ly lurnifieil ami n lni -.l ihrmisliiHit. It loeHiion i tiie Ix-st in Berlin, larin:! in Centre of Um n i.n.1 ni niiM 11. V. Ii. If. I t.auhug l.y thp etk, ilnj- nr i.-ier.!. i-. l t'.al.le aliivliil. Net i;L-k we will rilx-ive a l.ii'e Inl 1 CiHls Ir.im New 'i.'k V. h'.i li we liaVf Invli I'l'iletl ul cie.i:! rfil.;tx'4 lairj. niiU (.'ail iiii.i aii: Inn:; 11. '1 i:i-.;iu ux, .M.umii' ','i lilofk. ) u il I ..1 i ir.!in 1 1- An. '. NO I'll K.-ttV have pl.ui-1 a h.rjj ; IM IllW r id nccoul.l.-Ill the hands ol -I ii KiiiJL lor -Col ltd loll, and we. have u sii 1 l irer number ou our l.m.ka lhat vie pin I'ow to dispose ot in the fcinic way il i n jiaid witUin the next few days. Mus. J. II. Tbkkwf.i.i., Ho. C Mammoth Mock. Are you (ruing to the Sea Side, or aic you there already Y In either case procure some of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, if you would increase the luxury of llie baih, render your skin w hite and healthy, and remove freckles or sun burn. Sold ly all Druggists. I.-lKd,l'ritUntiin's No. 7 Sixth Avenue. New Voik. Hills Hair and Whibktr die black or brown, titiy cents. riCIl'KKS These piclnns nr.; slill very low. ,'i tine pictures f i t - - ;i"i its. t$ tine pirturis lor - - .Ml cl. 2 bon ion picuires for - :W els. 4 Imn ton pictures f..r .VI cis. TheaUive ery low pricis id pictures will la: maintained lor a shcrl lime only for the piirpt-se ol winking up stock. Ail who w u!i to avail llieii.whes ol' these ch.-ap rales will please call et n. Satis faction guaranteed in all cafes. Wm. H. Wki.h.kv. About three o'c'.iK-k yesier.lnv moiiiini: llie 1 tevere Ilous--, a two si-uy frame buil.iin, al lirideport, oa the I'i!l! tir!i division ol the liuliimore and Ohio i.:! road. was discovered to lie en tin-, hi - in mi hour -vas inaHS T).,-'.o;. I r, w ii.d ..rni-t.e! M v fcini'i-l i 'i !!,, -in," W l:"e fiW (salvili! .4-li.i;l oil tpu :iii.'.iiij. and jl")('i';i l.e Jiii'iipure. iii.ial t'. '.!, tK. 'i'iii: jiie U .t:;'i'-til t-. Iw.'e Ivea the woiU ul an inn-Hillary, a i' ' i :iaiu-! Uiii'n t 4 Ur.L'e loniii uo.-d aa a 1 all-i.s.iii. where no (ii'c vv ua cvi r kept. I)k. Van DykkV Si i.rui u S.iap. Dr. Van Ih ke, w hose lilt- hdiii .-(h i ial' , und world wide rcputadiiin by cuiUakiu au t'as, haiiendca..red f.d" years lo i-ojr-.i.ine an t-Mernal iriHiiiiiiit. He has aiccui p'i.heu this dcaifaMe I cult iu llie pl'eU rnliuu ul hia coiiound "Siliphur Niiji." the merits ot widih are spoken of ly l.houKinds; it is highly rii-oiiiuichdi d lo ail our readers. I'rice 25 teliis, by iiiaii, IJ.") rents a Ikix: fl eskes GO cents, liv in-.il, 75 cents. OJlice 50 N. full strict. "Win It Kale Dcnit, 4XI N. :ll atits l. I'uilad. Iplii.i, I'a. S.hl by ail Druiraisls, !,.'.' ..F... iiMj i..nlt: c.ii 4ii'.rii"s iu piici af IJardwai. irtic.iti buy goodj just a. clicaji from hii;i as oit can I in Uu in iu llie city. He buva his 'Kitia trout the manufacturer, and in lait ijuau:itit-s and therefore buys tl.e.u al llie very low est prices, and is deltrmined i.on to scil Foods al a very low pri-e. ( a!l und see him and L't-t his pi iivs. Iliss'.mk is vcrv eompltte, including Uu'di'.i.i I 'rt! "- U.:iiU' 'runipj; 1 Aa'r:i wy- say, Cdll ,ia:l 'f Hi? inwcr, ami buy your handw afe (forn l.lia aud ytB ill tve uocry. One duy uj laat wilk wldlu party of our jouuj: lolka who had driven to break- liecK lor llie jiur-aw in picni. iii were up viewing the rocks and Caves, sum: peimm or -eisons sloe Uu .ci shioiis from nt he carriages. 1 hdcush r-r were louiitl lott.e dV aHt-rwiir.'.-i li iti - away Bve b--a 'ili.d iu''.iivi' i.' p fn'ii' for lite tiersiifis vliu utoiii liuiii bid lutd till')' la-i n t-auifiit n Hit piiiiiNhed Hh lin y Juatiy dcM-i v. il, lln-y wo'.ihlii t have llmulil it so Riiicli d a J.d.c n is in itit;iii there were s-eral l.ili-i ciinccin..! in the stealin;. The ladies a 1.. w r-: viLii i.i r-.i-I...... c'iu .Hi! ulii'rtiiciij fW'fri..-! "H,'v ? ' ''''J U I t'lue. a " Ask Yot H-Ktr TIlksK ol" KsTIONS. Are on a n.su,nd, n( Mith.-rcr1 from Sick Headache, I iii-icml v,ii-.t.;;4.t.;, ura" ailop i .hClieaM-; lidC(l Jimdl tina id the hcilf? 'f. jour Ni rti.us SjSHfu i!t: fiK-ssid DiVsvidii't'lniaJ tirV-ulale Imdl? Have you a ('ou-'hr 1'i-n.in-J tip i.f f.md ifier eatint? Ac Jcc. H t!it;t "V'l '-i U j,re ura thjs 'J'j'ei ii-.iiluof li's .'r .'oiuplu:.-r nhd Iniliiresdon. -epftii, Livei (iri en's 'Aucu'-t Flower i3 now aikuuWl- i-d--iil by all Dru-lniMs pi It b 'positive tuie. i 4,.IKJ l'H,- V-;i-' yi.eU away IU ilie '- ai. llo'oiijih Ditii-L'.bis to lhe people as a triul. I wo uoatswill satiaiy any -ei.u tit ils wondirl'ul tjuality iu 'ui in all lorn.s of in.ligesiiou. S imple i bottles 10 cents. Ki(:ular size 75 ctiits. jS.hl I'csitivtly by all fit ai-i loss Druggisis . in L', S. 0 U 1 )ESLU YS, EMITS 83 Exchange Place, Baltimore, iYld. Wnli'llllTS Vi m 1!T IX tilll v la ll'Mlblei'.lv 1 ! u 11 till st lliialelll I'iscoverj' ill tin !ii ii.e i? D.it'i.sla's S'edical line lor 1 ii -pi pfiii, mi k 1. 1 a.l.ii he. sour ftmmii h, ci5.'ivc:n s. f-ilioiif jnss. Iocs i j apH-iite, clrcfS i.!'i. r la'.iti!.-, ni:d all disorders C.idxd by m i . 5i';i.i or deranged liver, ps rir-.iiia ale iiainiiitliin, and fci)re n-liel U L",;.mi:(ii -! in every case hi re it is l.iiihlu'ly iwd. 1' Ion. a up tin- stomal h, r.-ul ii. s the liver. Ii t.toiia tin: imluiitl ;-lii;1!-, stri nu'liei:i llie di I rate and exjH lls il.t- uinri.Ui tittup. ra Im:u li.it sii i;i. I v pl.o'.d :ir..l l-in.du lever inula in almost i vi iv cae. Is- .revilited bv i' timely use 'Ft iii s:z c nis A vciy le i'ne will rilieve, till il III.!. pi-rwVtT iiica curt Xl.ll. l'.l ail.- ! v (1. V. lit'llHird. Al-o Ati.ia lot i'r if. Fuiker'a lVcas Ct Worn. i up, w I.. i li n.ui Ii il. lit i.i i K Wii ii.d r a D.-c:ot Though acvv.:'.ti. l. no iii.iiiiH la- itiiitelsl.HNl as ilcpr. i aiin. lull lalher as rti-oiiimtudiiis;. prof.-M.iii:i.il aid ill disease, lliere are uiul lilii i. s ot in-i'.am-es w hen it is ne'.llier ue eessnrv or easy to obtain. A family pro vided with a iimi.r-.-hen.sive household specific like Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, is pu-scssed ol a medical resource adei-unte to mi-i-l emergencies in which medicul ad- ice w ould tie otherwise needlul. That sicrliii tonic und corrective invariably nuiedies, and is aiithoriiivtlv recommend d lot debility, indii-stion, liver disorder, an ii uvular habit ot iody, urinary and uterine troubles, lm-ipient rlieuuittisui and ;o.i!, atid many other ailments of frequent i ciuri eiice. ft eradicates and preveiiss in termilietit levers, relieves uietilal desin di niy, clucks prcuiulure decay, and in vigorates the nervous and nius-icul.ir tis sues. Mcep, digestion and ajaliie are pp.mo'.ed by it, and it is extremely useful in ovcicdiiinj; the etl'ects of exhaustion and txposmc. I'oeiiT I'uiH KKi.iMis. Com. vs. James K:1ihir1, desertion. On iniorinatioii id Juio Kimmel. Dell, seiitenct-il ti piy pioscciitrix ?2 per wtek. Ciiiii. rs. Allrid Slieliy, F. and 11., on in formal ion ot liarb.ira Oarev. Veiihci r,.;n t'i '-! 5.1 Will- Ilivsl; !.:;;.( I',, ill) ir,lurni tli'lH ul ; ts. !- yu :v i..".kk, selling linn-.r U ;-t's ;iii und -r the intliieiice of ii;! Miaiiii - liipioia. Verdii.1, guilty. I i.iii. vs. lien. I.aure, larceny, on ml.ir in.niiiii ot David Kliuk. Verdict, euiiiy. J!r. Lauie l.aik leg bail ufter the verdict and has not as let beta apprehended. t'.im. vs. John l'i. Clark, larceny, on in !..!UUoi tl W. ll. tiardtuicor. Verdict, ;ailty, Stiileuccd tu undergo an Itiipris idiuitiit iu the eattra l't-uiti-uliary lor the t pace ol one year. Colli. - Siliiuel Scott, larceny, on iu li.rii.ulioii ol John ISui klmldi r. N.d guiiiy. (. urn. vs. (iii). Ankiny. A. and li. wiih ii.Uiil to kill, on iutoi ination ol Henry Crilcli Ik-hl. Verdict, guilty.- Seiiience nUspt-llilt-il.. t orn. vs. F. W. Daniels nnd Thoiiias l-'ilis, ta.iiUlir'if i". Yitii Un A ' -t't- V"-'-,;;:!. :;o; -s;;if: y.' All other roses on llie ilin kct W ert- tn t lieil or I'oulitilled, tl.ilone cast- was tiled en the rlvii liai, that id 'I lionms Moon;- vs. S iiuuel I'hilsou tt. a!, Trissjiass. Verdict fir delis.- Obitaary. Al Meyersdale, August- lsth. at lbe ris.i-ile-ii-n til Jier ma 's'iTi, lat-M-j 15. f 'f.it her, eit., ilrj. )vmily '-l-ijlt'i Wiijo'w k Hon. d'-haj k-s Olc-iicct-ased, in (lie 7tii(i t-air ol her a-;e. ' ' 'lhe aiR'Vii uniiouiiix-iuept c ines id Us UirotijiU lljc Ivmietset pajtis. -Wc llve yul open aectl il pururupu ul moru luelau tliuly iutert.t. We remember lhe excel lent lad v w host- dtalh is thus bliitly au-iioiiiit-cd ever since our earliest youliKuiid like all l t ne-IIUlotiillCi-S o not uiy knew ht-r, l.ul ku-jw Ui-r bf I.Kiirl; ti:r jutli was(lit- 1 .-ni! I ;;, rl-t'FT 'tliauy VIHU()a iwal'uli b'kt! lipwa Ut-r wutl umuihiu inl r-Kti, .Mia- Ojjlo waaborc in Gretiia'jur,; the il.mtlilei ot Dr. J.iiiii-8 I'ostletbWaite, I bin liic uiosl iiistiiif-iiishiil plsician ol wtt tin IVnnsv Ivanla, Al art 'yijty nV l.t'e iiui i n.1 A r. '.' ailvi. I irS-,, 'wluv grul tsliov t!U.'i;,' C al a;,f:l4;il ila- 111 pmlowioll- 4 ud pui'lie life-, gave him -a taiuj as wide as Uit- country. Nevtr did bust and rjoii w ilb juster piiue in the w ilt- wtm bw.-acd him. Hv died !a' -Hfuia d.rwn -tloio -.l ijt lhe cojaaie'uc-tfHt'ul ol Iris I puilticdl itoi ctr liurfng lit-r l..ng wV.lowh.axl It pleased heaven To try h. r w il Is severe iHisfurlUncto; but she b.l(! liit-iii with that dignllk-d p1'trc' ( '' l eloris tmly ?q li.e 'Aifli'rrnt! I'hiistlaii. V bitg.:l intellect, itliutd'eddcatioll.'laige u'-iiiire'iiiiliis, li'igli moral tst-iitiuituls, le ligfiMis tlfviition, linHiiliiig giiodriess, faitlj, hope anil thnriiy, miiii; j)-;r J t-ja'yav'ier nor pdy ad'ratiii! hilt great. o kmiw jiuliii'iji Ikui -.lie piapner or cause ul her ii-.aih. l.uiiloi .d. doubt that she accepted the deliverance io;-i t-ai tidy troubles Willi UubilieriU'! irilal iu the promised reward; realizing llie conaolalory truth that "1 bo paUi vl .-rruw, sod Ibat path alone, Ie'r to the kind where nrr.iw if 'inknown." THE GREAT RAILWAY SHOW. A Mammoth Oragiilzatioii. Tlu-ec Trains Required to Transport TU! Great Shw Orcr The Country. KUBLRIKT, I KIDAV nKPTCMBER 14. 1 his mammoth show paraded the prin cipal streets of the city Jeslerday, and cre ated quite a stir by the in ignitict-nce and variety of iu equipments and parapherna lia. During llie l.ircniH.n huge crowds isiu.il the grounds, am! ut tin- afternoon entertainment a very large number ol ho-pit- were in attendance, l he actors are all artists in their specialties, w hile the ani mals arc well worth the attelitiou ot the student und iialurdlisL The establish ment is a large one, rcqtliiing nearly forty cars for transportation, and every part be tokens a thorough knowledge ot lhe busi ness. The evening performance w as at tended by several thousand spectators, w ho were provided, ith seats without any annoyance or inconvenience tin ier the large und commodious canvas. . The. en tertainment oK.-ued shortly after t-igLt o'slock, and lor over two hours the vat audience were completely carried away w ith excitement, incident upon the excel lence ut the performance. Quite an inter est centred in the menagerie, the animals in which appeared to be iu excellent con dition. The riug performance throughout wasol the most exciting ami entertaining character, several ol the urlists being es-ih-i iallv liood iu Iheir re-Mie--ti ve hues. I The bartbutk riding ol William O'D.ile ! and oung Leou was admired by every !oue;Vi'ana Gaiduer was the bounding jiKjkcy; Madame lOneheai t, as the K jiiihii thai lot Oiivei ; .Misa Jtsie ou the slack wire, aiidjnaiiy others w hose uuiiit-s we iihiM nirt ascertain, were deservedly ap plaiuled tiir their special teals. The aeru balic jierliiriiiincea tormed an interesting Kill ion of lhe evening's eulcrluiuineul, and the trained dog aud pouits were souie thiug worth w itnessing. The hippodrome Imture of the entertainment wastsi-eciully interesting, and, as a w hole, the exhibition was tar alicu.l of many more pretentious concerns. The comicalities ot Grimaldi Adams, the clown, were not the least in teresting portions of the entertainment The eiilerliiiuiiient is in every respect a lirsl-tiass one, and us such we recommenii it to the patronage of lhe Canadian public. TaruHlo (Hube. llAitviiST Homk Pionk" The annual pic-nic ol the .Ml. Zion, Si. t'aul and I'me ii il 1 Sunday .S-Lools was held on Saturday, Aim. -."Uli, iu Walkers grove near lUe llie Mt. Zion church. The lJerlin brass band, led by Prol. O. Iltllley. headed lhe procession as it marched to tut- grove, aud t-nlivened the occasion w ith excellent mu sic. The religious services were brief aud aproiais; and all jutusd their voices in con lessing Uieir common lailh in the words of the Apostles' creed, and all prayed lo U.c great and good Father of all in lhe words ol the Lord's prayer. The band played that best ol tunes, "Old Hundred, "and the vast congregation saug to the plaing tl the bund, lhe metrical version ot llie oi.e hundredth psalm, a grand people's hyniu. The cue hundredth and a pan ot the one huudred and third psalms w ere read, and a short address, explaining the occasion, w its made by Kev. II. i . Kteutr. All joined in the doxology, '-Praise God from whom all blessings Uow," the band play iug the accoinpauyiuenl. Thus ever inv blass baud was made lo praise llie great giver ol all good. The day w as tX eeeuiugly pleasant, the attendance and or der vt-iy good, and lhe occasion very much tnjojcti uy all preatuL 4.rtebrllun ait t'ri-Mfwnabara". On Saturday August 25th the F.iedcus burg I ullietau Sunday Scluad held its lelitu annual l(..r est tjotlle I'le lilc. A Cordial iuvpuilot! had bet U i lcndeii to all iter sister kchiads in lhe charge. The Holbijaii. Horner auJ hUMit iAu schools resHiuued nobly; lhe Hotluiaii and Horner schools were especially well tepreseuted, alld lUeir llialiv w agoiis ami bungles fol'Ui ed a long line m lhe pnU'ei'Vloii, and what wai conspicuous among the grand pageant w r . u liu.nlR-r ol large wagous iMiaui ifaliy aUd uillslltally denirated, and gotten Up iu railroad toat h sti le, having spruce roots and windows and iltaiia i.i.laily spaced, uud alio-tiher looked a-- luvillllg aa a l'i. I mail Palace cuach on the track ol Hi j P. it C. Lai r.iLil. These wsgons Were; ura -n by fight line Bleeds, and pre sented quilt uu iuia-siug upiicriiice iu the caravaii. Il was a glad day to every body that was present, every oue seeming ui enjoy themselves, and all looked happy. Tlie grove is a large and beautiful one, aud secialiy adapted tor occasions of this kind; a commodiuus stand to accomiuodate the s -takers, au organ, and large band of singers, had been erected and btautiluily aud tastefully decorated and tcstooned wiih evergreens aud Mowers, by the lai.' ladies of Friedens' School; in a large arch above was susiieuded sheaves of w ueat, rye and oats to symbolize the occasion, and that a bountiful harvest had been garnered by the farmers. The entire p ipulao: of the community, of every creeii aud denomina tion, joined in the demonstrations, aud evt-r tiling was mutual and harmonious. The Frit-dens Choir sang the iiening piccts, alter w hich lliey vaealed the stand aud tUe lloruer t'hoir uaik their pwuion on lhe stand and mafic tht'-grove ring and rt-vel U rale With Hit- melody of iheir songs of praise. During the allciuiam t-Xeii isis lue It, .fuiail Choir iK-cupitil the stand w nil all ante Imnd -singers. Til" music dritfijistl by these' I In vi thoiis .s-eh-s web for jiti i-'.i,jcHt Vili-i-i. in ,ii-ir I'lei.juifJ' K.'v.'tl' immi Jmifiv c. - Mutw-ip,iaii h-ic flit: i u.i.k ul un; ua . -V'Ulil i V 'I t j.-ta tbe (.love w as i-i.ui t n n.iu i iui asl uiii.i g ... ni, and I. -pp gr.upsof laii.i.ie-s. relauve , lltlllW.1IH aJ qdoulaiiiAS loriiied coiiecilveiv , muuii me hm hi s around well sp.-.ad um. a, ami.lsl the liiiliu, j and iui;ll-r ll.jlt til ed thiiiugh Hie yto'e: The l)lop,ey, UIH-, ipiipdc- am! '..Wtx-IH-uiltd in prt--aring ami gelling l.p these liai? M liutne Celcoiatious is a beaunlul iX.ut-ssiou-ot lUegiuwiu; mitltal uiaui tested iu the Sunday Stlua.1 work; the gr --altsl impediment iu the way ol our Sunday Scb-rnl lai-or is, Unit so many pa rents ol Ibe families gel old b-o si-ii lo at tend -Sunday tjchool. 1'ho uumt-er -resent was tbiinirtled irom sixteen bundled V) two thousand. Marshals fuily equi-p-d were duly ap.x.inted ti goidu and i.i reel lhe prHuessuui.-and the -very heS, Jf 3,der pruvutled durini? th yjj'tiie (lv. " Hunt w pld I unjust lu (.oiifiude this aitle wilhiKit lay iug a wuid iu bchall ol t!ie 'Simerstt Cadgls," a Ceuipany cl hall grown bojs wLo re-oitid thcinstlvis luliy aimed and Kiuiptied, aud under the com- nund ul Captain Kiinuiel, at Frit-densburg, and escoruxl lhe- Friedeus School to llie giovc; aud their drill and dresspaiade h.rnitd a vtry interesting part of the cer emouits iu the afternoon, .'l l-eir arth ini. -n.il -is.-r.i..p i..r-lncr i.n.l ,r,.';i. .' "1 1.. Ir. Tj b'-o tttug lhe irtmualot arii(S was wuueas rd -w uii mi'i--ta4gTitilicaliar hy (hfl as niubieti umliimde, TUcy sliviwt-4 r dmrkaiiit aaiU in ti.p humilin; ut their WUiaUtH gunk, and the gsd diatipliue, aud the prirnqd and correct obejitig ol iheir uviu l.-oltictm was a most couiuieiidalile katurd ot iheir dilll, and I would again hereby lender our beany thanks aud U;ti graiulations to the vntini ' x VtMy Uieir inarty ile-xrjutvj anil riiiHlttry uu'U "".-'.l "flejwn'patttr' our iLrvtst Uu'!e. AUU IU CSpwia A.imuit-1 1 Would Stiy, uu doubt pjuterity will read in ihe pagea of luluie history of our couuiry it him as a great military chitltaiu, 1 The celebration W'fHj a gran 1 suueas in every panii vu,x, U tKe fun. at Jii.ue of tl.o -,riir. .i;liia hVt mure such Harvest (toutesj tht rewtattirtu is conducive' to la-aiia and huppinet-s, and la giaal lor t lie la hJ, the mind, and the Soul. 'lhe weather was evceeigiy iikuaaul aud favorable; at tuirtday ne kuii ui it's .illill Uii'n w'itU resplendent glory cov fJlin'g the earth with' iu- refulgent nt-aiiis; and at eve, When the orb of day sank alow -ly in the western horizon, cajitij ii parting ras acros' ty -aiiitatH UiidaCaie, a-i'tj '.vry'pjl.X det'liened liifo darkness, and liklit Stri'nd bf-r 'sable niantle over the earth, hilling all nature to (wt-e repose Vridensburg agaiu rvauiuv-J lj Yy; ijuil o.uitutss, ' '.'Like i-ie f kul(t:a.ialuia ISuina tatc-iiMl tialll dtwrttil, W traae light are nd Jhd garuud. dead, And all hut tie departed. " All hud quietly aud pcucelully ret u rut J to their homes feeling gay, aud hHptiy that Ihey hid attended the Friedens Hlr veKt Home Picnic. Thus uVled the nuin orableday. If.-J. iliu.Kit, ' Frl'edensbur,', Aui-SS, 187. IFrumtheeumtMirt.in i I'aily Xrwt Some lvKMixisi-KNcEi ok a Not.u Familv. The widow of the lute Charles Ogle dk-d a tew days ago at Ale ersdale, Somerset county, l'enii.sy Ivania, at an ad vanced age. She had remained a widow for thirty -ix yiare and more lived and died universally rtected lor her own many virtues, as well because she was the relict of a favorite son ot that county. The Ogle family is a remarkable oue, aud some reminiscence ot ii may not be uninteresting uiaitcr to your ra.c.s, ts peciully lhe older j-. rti..u ol liie-in. 't im laiuily is ot Alary laud loot, but us branch es have spread lur and lm; nul now here have they thrived as in -MMiu-rse-l couuiy. Our own executive tliuli' has repeateuiy been filletl by the early Ogks. Luder llie old Proprietory Goveiiiiutui iu IVM. asd 174 Samuel Ole Was apKuilt-d UuV ernor; and again iu 1 Jii-j ilei j iiuiue Oglt was elected under lhe toiiciiuiiien of i;.i. !-tince thcu the li.iim: has not lkuicd much in high public positions, but in their na tive coituty (Fiedti ick) there are quite a numl-cr ol them, us will us a sptiuklc iu Allegheny. I do uoi kuow much about the Abra ham ot the S.imerstl branch, hut in Ins day he was a man of some pron. incuts there. He lelt two sons, diaries and Alexundt-r. who became very noted in their lime. Charley," as he was famil iarly called, was a law yer by profession, and a leading one at his bar, with a last- for laddies of the Whig selns.l; elected lo Coiigiessin 1U7 and lS.i'J, taking a prom incut place among the paity debutes ol those eventful t-ars. His celtbraled "siHxin spetch" was a marvel of its kind, aud was scat tt red broadcast over the luud. In the memorable campaign of 1S40 Penn sylvania broke away from lis. old nioor iugs by the lean majority of about ikK), anil no one ever douuitd his tlldi ts gave the old Ke slone lo Gen. Harrison. This sin'tth arraigned the Van liuren adminis tration lor its extravagance i.ud royal ten d. Ueus; til; t it- til ii f ust d go'dca sjsa ns o take his soup; aud tlial the W hile House Was lhe sce-ue ol Oi ieliUl splendor. This was loo much for the hoiitat yeomanry ot Somt-rsit couuty. They reiunnda major ity of l,7oJ tor ilarris ui, lhe Whig caiidi dute. Our excellent Kegistt-r of Wills sal in lhe gallery of lhe old House ot Kepre senlatives and heard this unique sicech, and has ofien told the writer of ils effect, aud the laughable thrust made ut F. P. Li lair, then lUe editor ot the ULibt uews-pa-icr. 1 read il in lhe middle of my teens, but must con'e-is that it engentk-red preju dices agaiust ihj then President that re quired many alter years lo eradicate. Charles Og e took sick a', his post iu Washington; came home and died iu IS 11, iu lhe fiiain of ble, about ii years of ago, .Many of the good old people of his county s'ill believe he died ot kocof.K.-.) -loison." No doubt ibis is prejudice, or superstition; but il was and still is the belief. He was a remarkable man; such an one as is given to a community rarely. The oilier brother, Alexander, was a man ol magnificent physique, and m ide a splendid bngailicr general; but be did not attain the success or prominence of Charles. The next iu order was Andrew Jackson Oule, alwavs known and called "Jack bile." He was a son of Alexander. At taining his majority in 141 he suddenly bounded into enviable notoriety in that grand political campaign. His brilliant and winy siicechts, droll unecdott-s and amusing songs are well remembered, lie was really the favorite and pel ot every audience. In bis short carter he was lilt-rally b m pj--t-jd wilh olli8 and tavjrs from ciuuty clerk to seat in Congress, in cluding a mission to a foreign court. He was essentially a man of the people. Par ty ties were never strong enough lo keep him out of the fold of Ins political adversa ries. Kuemies he neither had nor deserv ed. What a "bright star in a lovely sky," but how suddenly, unexpectedly, aL(l even t-reiiiaU.ri ly ll lt-1!. In the heat ol lhe sxolt-Picrcu campidgn of lss,",'i, near the tli sc. with no adiiioiiilions of bUt'li up event, he dud, with oi.jy thirty joyous suinuici sinnl. I sav summer, because there uciejio u.nl.isol tisjoMent in Ins briel lite, tiibces uii'l honors Came. Mine Ogles without -'hint or Mint," Iroin, local. Stale and LaiioLHl s iuicts. 1 Ip-re Were two giu'buiit? u ,l,e kf.me family a.1 West Point fioiu llie sunu lAii. Due died u ilh. a major's coniinissioii in the I, tie war, and (liL-oilier, quite a o-.ing bun (i son id ".lack, "I is no in llie army ut tue t nb'-d Stiles. I' lie tltlilai.l-- i ni1 Was jsisl III sltevS al S-dlurstl t o.ll ISjl, c uu.iua si ned by Lincoln, .. il.i a leiniro ddinig tier pleasure, t tiding li.i i'e:ir. Al. Mot-.ll., Ko.vn YlKws. I I.i p.itli! ;i of ciliii.-us iu Jeuiier and IjiK-in.iiinmiig t nvtis'iii-s, lor the appoiutmeul iit piu,ar pvrsons lo rt-vitw a road leudiug fioiu -saniml J. W e.i . s in lhe Slo sio-tu and Gleeusburg Pike, ... ij-t'-m iliouiiig tow nship, the Coin i . L. C. Colburn, hurveyor, ( br sliau I.. Mtik-r and J. G. il.irkley, viewt-is. lhe above iiauiud persons ap Hiutcd rt-Mewers on a road iu the neigh borhiMat of lhe abuve named view. For review ing a site of a bridge over Cussel inan tiver at .Mason's Koad, the Court ap pointed Alired Mitchel, surveyor, Wm. S. Morgan and Wm. H. Picking, viewers. On a tielilion of sundry citizens tor a change of llie township line between Ijue- niahoumgaud Jeni.er tow ns!) li s begining at a (mini on the lledford and Greeusburg pike, to a k till where the road leadiug from David How man's lo Stanton's Mill crosses the present line. The Court ap pointed J- 11. rrilz, surveyor, Jos. Shater and Park Dayton, viewers. On a pc'iiuon ot sundry tiii.ens of Elk Lick township tor a bridge over Tub Mill run, in the said township, lhe Court ap pointed J. It. Scott, surveyor, Jol n Fa tty and John N. Davis, vieweis. Ou a ptlillon ..I citi.L-Us ot Paitillwp. ; vacate aud supply pall-; oj :i pll'diii r-'ad iH-fvietu .-alp l-.'-Vei la point wUeie the public foad nil i', leuiu, to lUlisls.toii,li, llie ttiurt upiHiiiinu X: F. Walker, sui vetlll, llelllj d. .Hour mil Dillicl S r .s.1, VleMt . . I '.I a Js ill;.. u .i a lo.,d Hear Sololuou Fink's foa io.i'd iioui J ...i, Sttci y-.x s, 111 .1II111..U l p , Hi litikeisil.t- llo tvdil aps.i,leu .1. C. Vtl ... -.d.'Veii-J', .l.ic.u Heiii.tr, iiJid I'a-Jlvl -sHr"H, Minus (il it pi.ipoti id i.ti.lis i.i Lti L't'k lowii-lnp lor it public, pud UmJ lr-m. a -ol 11 1 on tbe put-ill' Mali til or bear D..1111I Jolinaou's to a Kiiiit on Iht public loud al ui l.eur U-.-ul-tu Johns iu' iu said lownship, tbe Court apptiiiftd U. D. How nian, suive or, Joel M. Vul.y and Geo. Lowry, viewers. Ou a petition of sundry cilieus lur view 11s ou a bridge at a .mint wilt-re the rouil leading lrom Ji-seph -SortK-r'sto Sol 11 eiset crosses the "sioiiycrceR, tlte Vi'.V;rt B IM.iuied Win. M. Schrotdi, V,rYeur, liu maims Haidwi-j i-yj Joseph Schrwk, Yiewt-Ve." On a pet'uion lor a roiJtolead from a point ou the Plank load betwien itel jamin iValkcr't and Hull do Creek 'liridge lo a poini mi llie lierlin and .Meyersdale road, al or near Henry N. Coleiuitn's, lhe Court LapiMiinied 111. Haker, suite) or, Wm. it. t ickingaud thai its Alcnst-r, vicwti. On a (itiKiou ot l-itieiu' i j fclk, Litk lownshipi U't H"':;'w,tr to vacate a load lrom a' pi'vil al or nvaf the resilience ol D. -k Utto, to a pniul al or near t ie resi dence ol Jon, Uaisiiticrger, the Court ap pointed At. IJ, ililU-f, surveyor, Dame! AviiflieUUiS ud Jacob W. IVlk, viewers. (.Ml a petition lor a view' lor a bridge over lhe e 1 Oik 00 (he farm ol Daniel Mo t.llcr, the Court uppoiuteJ John I.. W tit, iurvt-or, Dauiet Hauler "tyr-d, " Awi Kut-ppvr. tkweiH. . - .n.iuuii.o. li E ALE N' 1T M U 1 1 r-' 'n Tuiirwlay OVeui-iji', AUJ-Ual S'J, 181 1, at llie Ul lilu B iinc, Air. lieunia lieule, of tiihuan, Iowa." (lornierlv til' Siiitliainil"U twi).," lliis -iiuiit?,) to Mra. L.tvin.t V it morn, I yalilleltl, Ohio. Tuia notice w-, ;',i,v.walileil Willi tlflj e-ns, 1-,-Jl Viaiyll Ui iii I" leluru SHAl Llri iVUIt trf lUe ltl oM AuUsl, iBn, RJLr. lauav hya'-.W W. 'V; Mart' IJarr, 'U: $ VAe"m .- il.lWXV WALTKlt. On the Glli ct August, 1?, by Iter. A. II. WlieUtwie, Mr. Charles fi 1111011 lu 2t .M-vjiie W'aL ur, Uit'li ul eil!it-rvl, J'., U.VMr;ASK.-tu rV-pl. '-'nil. Ly tlie Uer. Calviu.N. lleilinin, Mr Dennis ilay, ul Itrullieiavullry, anil Mrs. Stlsaii Meaae, id Saliiiury, I'a, U1KU. WITT. At Columbus, O., un tlie K'lh iliiV of August, after a lone illuefs, John J, Witt, in ibe 5-tllt year ol liig age. NUMF.UNF.TSIARatKr ILirrooKst by t.'ooB k Rcaana. nK.Al.tKn o ' CHOICE CROCEftlES, FLOUR A. FLED, Applet, dried, yi Appiebllller, V -tl....- limn, f luu aa hmmr, y t. (k.-m Huiicr, y I. (r-at Bu- k wheal, fi harnrl - ineal, Lua Keewai. ai a iiaeiai, .h.-akiera. ft fc sides. - ...... ' e.ai,try h,in.t, B. Si Ouru, (ear) atn.l'hrl I'u.u. (-" Ue.i) "fi t.ufhel e.rw meal fl a Hall .kiup. (S a K.aif. V !-4 Flair, k hi. I , Fiaa-a ml I tli k ., Han... Ouaarn-ure ) tV Lart, 'f a Ii-har. re-' .de y f. " a, ,-er . ' Mi 1 .'liv. wuit. , 1 1 i, 1 a .. . l'i.lal.s-&, y I'U ..... Pevhes. dried. f a..... Itye f l.u liana, V Sail, IYo. 1, f hld.eilra - Or.iund Aluiu, imr sak " A IH "11. -r Mak.. , Sun.ir. yellow f a - whit T.111..W, v a . W heal, fl l.a W.aii, f ft sol ...4"4-.iue i 1 M; lie :' ..16c 1 TSe ! i aae iiki 1 lie! I'-'V; vuu 1 e ! I2's- . ...... . . lio ..l.-'V i 20 . . . . MO I - ta ' Iftf ! 7.V ! -Ml k-at tKi I 4-I ic I 4 ht . .if)l-i'4l .-i'A'l 7fl 41 4a . ..4otwc AT:it7 Advertisements. s HF.KIFF'S SALE. liv virtue of an Alian levari F-ieiua out of ! thesNmrtofimm-)nFlti-o(Sonurett'o,Ptiint , I anu iu iiic iiits.-;lvu. 1 win id BUIC i'j jmiMir j UUW.1 Ul lll VUUI 11'fUJT, IU a-J'JIUCIPVk-, UU at t u" liN k p. m. AM Uin riglit. title, tiitrrcsf. Bil l ci.ilm ol Juhu .T. S'lu'll, ilnlnt, iimI W. .1. Muvr. M. . S.iiiuL-r, HarruMm I'ronr. Klii Cuiitiinhitiu. stml I .lohn W. Ikuii4ii, tcrr tt-n-.tnt, ui, in, i.un ltle follitwiuK dt'St-riiitnl rel t-Lit, v.i: j Ni. 1. A rt-riu.u lot ut itniuutl, Miuuiu in S in i jer.M)', iHtniUirli, Somirth't cunty, Fm.. -i-ntjiiiii.z on) aul un tiull acre-- nui aixif n H P-hr. MfUii lu I by I'jui-t utrtct d Lur-.ii, t.at jitrei-n tue einit, Suth miwl hi the .,utl., an.! j J Wey un (tie west, liaviujc ilitrrvuu r-ct-i urtci j ; mmry l.rick lwrltin)c hcu.-e. Mal.lf, ;tit;l ull.t r ' iruiHiiniaf wiin meapjjunenauct'aj. Tu s lu iwu ian-eU luit; I'arrL'l N. 1. It-iuri-ie-i nn !e5-rIlH.t an f .l los; Cuiiiuiewiiiic on tUe curner ul Fntrit B.rcL't Hiitl 4.Yurl ullt-y, ihtuce al m I'dttriot i rwt, v.isC Ivet Ut lot now ownl ly U;irrion Trent, thence sou in ietl tu South street, tneuce alonic S 'Uth ftreet west '11 leet V l'urt alley, theucd aJms: OfUrt alley north '2H leel tu pi are o: tH-Klnnimc. with a lare two nt.ry brick ilwuil i9 house, Ktiiliu aii'Iotlivr out ImiMitign thereon eieetixl with the appurtenances. I'd reel No, IL ltt inning at the ouUitle or the H..st at the eorner ol l'atritt ut Kart utreeU, thence west o leet to mark ou lilyh l-mr, thenoe nuth vti leet to .South street to mark on lunee, theiiLMe.-i.st Hltuirf fiuiil street 40 teeL to outile ol ')?( on comerol hjis. ami South street.", then ulonir; ienojon Kant street north 'A tvel to Ht, the),; ace of rHifinninir, with a two story Irirue houeauil other builiimg! thereon erectetl with the aj url (niwen. No. li. A rerliiin lot of jarn-unl, iitu:te in sniJ borough, eoiilulniuu; one aii'l one-hull acres ami sixteen ixrvhe.s U;untt:J hy i rit street on the north, alley on the east, S-uth Mtreet on the south, a ti.l K.-t ftreet vn tlie west- with t!ie aiiune- nances. No. 0. A eertdin lt ol irmtirvl, situute in ;!! Uirtui'h, et-ntrifnlna one ant one-hut I aeres nnd sixteen Jier'hei. hounilwl hy 1'atriot street ou the north, rieaaut street oa the eujit. South atreet on the lujuth, ami alley uu the west together with the aereaiiitaiueuta anl ajpurteaa.nct'S. T.iUcn ia exeeution as tbe itniiertv it John J. S-'tieii, ileteQ.i:uit. and W. J. liaer, M. A. Santier, Harrison 'ireut, Elias .unn:niha!ii, aii'l John W. VatloD, terre ten ants, tit the suit of Sarah A. Countryman. TtKMS: Anv ierdon iunhasini at the ahove sale will take notice that ten er cent utt he purchaie mouey wm ue re.(uiret as wmi as ru;erty u knoiketl down, otlierwise It will a train te exiseit to sale. The reliiue of the iiurehuse money wut le pa it In-fore the ackoowletlrment ut Sherill's ilectl, ami no doetl will b acknowIeUgel until lueiiun-nase money u pui-i in. GtOItUE V PILE, Sept. 5. S hen If. ASK the recovered i!y.iepti. t)ili..u juf- &iiZeLTaW fercra, victit'ia of (t-t-er Hjid a ,-,?, the mereuri- 81 i'l: i and eiiiri bow lUey rei-j;Terel health, cheerlul E iri'.t and i."l apiH-lite ; Ihev will tell y.-u hy lakinti hia.'M 1.1V m tikut Ltriiu. The Chlafiatt, l-rett and Bast Family Mediclae il in tke World, V..p IIVSPEPSIA. rilN'STlPATiUN', Jaun-di.-e, Bl.l-.malla.-k., tili.'K UK AIMt II K. Hdle.. It-.r,-s.l..n ..I Sdrila, SML M snolAt'H, Heart iurn. k., ke. Iiui uar.vate-l .uthern Ren.e.ly 1. I'arranli-d n .1 1. ei.:uin a .male jwirti'e ..f tl.ir.-ury, .r an irjuri-'U. ui;ueral a,iau.nee. I.ut la c'Tit:tittiiii( (h-t? Htitthern Roti aft! Her' aiith aia ullwiae iJsa ileue plHte! in M.uniritv nuere liv.r uiut prt-vutl it iif cure alt D-seaes cay hy dsrangemeat of the Ltver and i ue SYMPTOM of lalwrl'uinpl nt urea t-ii-er of hal taste in (lie inouth : am in lhe li.rk, si it-jinr Julius, ol.eu mixiakin lur l ln-uin;tiitu ; S ur Sttun-a h : Ims ot Apie:! r : li-.wi iv airu aiely riive au-l Imx : lle- i-he ; Ldt4 uieuio iv. wita a puitii.il seua ion uf havii. ;itot to .iinfthiiiic whirht'Uht tu tuv heeuilotm; Duhili ty. It w Spirits, a tliu k yellow apptarMiH- ul lhe Skin au l Kyes, a tlrv cough oltuu mi taken lur CoO(.umrti4tii. Sometime many of tbeienymptonis attend the disease, at others very tew ; but the L.1 V tK, the Irtraerft ori;in In the body. Is generally the sat ol di-ease, aud 11 not regulated in time, Kreat suiler iuir, wretehestueM and 1KA 1 11 will euue. 1 eanreoommend asanetticartou remedy fordi easeof the Liver, Heart nurn nn t Dyspepsia, Sim mons' Liver KetruUtor, IKwia(f. Vt nokk. lfl-ji Master S rt-et, Asi.sunt Fost alastcr. Philatlel phla. 'VVe have test! iu virtues, personally, and know that for lJypepght, Hilousness, and Throh. hlnir Headuehe, il is the hest meth-ltie the world ever saw. We have tried forty othet remedies lie-; IITQ aIIUIllUI MtlWT "C Uliiiur, I'UI UUWV Ui lll(-U i ulator, nt tmv relit ye!, but eared usWKtx 'ki,- ttiUATH AKliaMc-tcgc, Mitt-Ull Oa. i?vt3 ieattj: N.dtilnx is at. Dipleasant. nutliiu au coiuiiMJt.aa had hrealh.'and In nearly every eaay i cuuie. tr.'.m lhe 9tnraaeh. and ean he go eaiuly currt-ete 1 il yu will lake Miinuiim-;' i-et-ulalor. Ik. u l neirleel . rurea renied ..r thi. t..a aura diaitrder. It will at u liniirove y..ur AjMilu, l uuiidt il.ai, and gen eral lleallU. SICK HEADACHE. Thin dintrewii s at!l)etln occurs most ttn Itf Tl.f .tiJtlirii:. in ..I I liw inn. f. Mr .... Ti- at i lrvs, iniiMTl tiy dlKeixedniiitenir, eana'". n r? oniF i tn u e hud a-uipiiil'ju WV V'l ,,rr.ide b.iv.' 4'ri.an i his on-ti.ot. s vtVtt y j hi i,UHy ihUiU s Mt-K lioud:v-' r p'rupL f, liiilttm1 L?;r fci liter, cr Kejune, 4j a kV;y la MAl.AKIHIS r'KVNU--, If.WKI. CI.-.1-II. i IN IS. iVI'.iMi,.i l.M'l Al.liF.PIih-s-SIU.. Kri.l..Nl--S ,AI Mill I-. NAU hll'K tlF.lllrU UK I I I.Ill, 11..N.SH PAI't'l.Vanl mLl'IL'S.MKSS. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MAncrAi-rtrBaDonn- by 2EILl,NiCI., Plili,nAEi.lHlA. PA. by all Druggists. Prir -l.ty JUt ' ' .ilii. Jefferson Academy, :Aoxsnvit. ?A The rourae p' st "J-ljf Baytim In view : Is-. Prt-liari.tl.al H.r Dollena. ... ...V. k Ik- U f ill. Preianitlun fc Husinef.. 1 -a.uiprehen.lva aral the uiatru.-tt.ru moa. Tea.-here exuerie Dotal aud aucce&nlivt- teruuili Frenel. and K.nk-keedur B ad Ui. talitlaa. la eatlon In Ihanihlat ul a uii,i-.-laBsl'liii.ral eomtnuul ty, remored Iroin tl,idViwlauaaial 1eu14rn.1t.u1a ..I eliy llie. F.-tj'naoa very h.w. Ne.tt term . intuit Sept. Vl'h. ?- F r oin ulars. y. addrena AaiiV'V WtV. WJl. ElN,ijVPru.i;a;, tl ii 1 1 i I .1 d..-lui Ike UJOit lrm.Ull lul new Chn.in.., lt, k'(e-vdi ..t otdot, erec aeeu lor 1 uu, Thijr wt-a uoiti.tesl In K il h.a. k euaio, el and -.uil -Mala, i.al ..iM-nliuc aud vuiaell any.. laiitit U'W iratorv ilia puo.iv. aa..fl.ae..,ru xura1.- tea.1. Tv(.i aauiplea lor 2.. cnta. or aix loriiiiueiia .n-l lu.-enia ti.r vcrand illuirait-.! culaVmas with eliroiaool AI.M.ritii-li,! un the KliiAa, f 'i.weiia k.f two lan.l-ean-sau.iOalla l.iUU-.ou Plait nr.. and. J. LA 1'li.M AM ,Cv, ilw alwuti.n Si. la t..ii.Maiu.a'ViiX'r;ta, Ul.l'warter-1 lof tH.rsai.ua, tt(,;raein1.ai A.CI worij,a. rUKIUNE, CHAMBERSBURC Academy. Oeod enough for the Best. Cheap enough for the Cheapest. Rates reduced to S2BO a Year, Aug. 1. J.H. StlUMAKiat. Pn. tUIWIIail. pXECVTOU'S NOTICE. tiu,tof A an Aturli Zareluaa. lata id St.my.-reeli 'l'p., ilece.aae.1. Ixtterl tdtamentary ou the at.ive ratate liavlnx been granted tu th. nnderil.'i.ed, nirth--la liereliy alveu tu tl.oe Uvletaeil lu il lo utake ijt. meiliate payment, and tlmae liarlnsr (lalins.'-aalst il tu present tlieat duly aullnrntiralesl loraatlla meni, al i-nl.-r ol II. F. Si-hell, iu Sumeraet.on Fr J, Sept. 7th, ID77. SAMUEL ZIREFOSS, CVKL'S KAV.MU.N, AS ft 1, ixeeulcn. rrrrt S.R. PILE, .Sll T..(t ,C. II t '( dtr r . k l'. DEALER IN FLOUR AND FEED 'Groceries, Confections, Queensware, Willow Ware? SALT, FISH, Tobacco & Cigars, &cM tUM 'Sn N ew Stock. TRICK. All goods positively sold at BOTTOM PRICES. FAIR ant SOBABE IS OUR MOTTO. 00 NOT FAIL TO GIVE UNO, BAERS BLOCK A C A Ii Ii , When doing your Shopping. JTiily 4. Wait for tfreBig Show i Coming cn Special Trains. Will net be in SOMERSET until n Tlie Largest and Best Equipped Organization Ever in Somerset. 300 Men. SOO I-Ioi-ses. Everi Fart & Faxtol cf IMs Grcit Bo? will Fositifely ts in tel. A Congress c; Esw:!d ring Attractions! I0.0G3 Separate and Distinct Novelties! The Eirlii, iLe I'm Sky nr.- ail repr-.s -niisl in a VAST WILD Ell NESS OF EXHIBITION TENTS ! :?roi: ri(Ht:r idums to ill. ju BRILLIANT OVATION. A Tnn in -m PAMOPL Y, OF splendor: ' "if. ' ' 'L 1. " i W. W. COLE'S Great New York and New Orleans ZOOMM1ICAL AX1 KQUKSTKTJX EXPOSITION A Hath IteDi! A StapcTJoas Maaapria ! 4 Famcns Circus ! W. W. 'LK. The lr...riel..r ..I ti.is vast an.i iii.j ar il't-l.- l .- n-..ll.lati..n ..r Iniem-tlinr nnd allrju-tivc lealurea h n h.r the .-!. ni ..I 1:7. Ihr. i.-.-h a I : l-arj .-tis-rieivf n.i h.vi'h miliar .d n...ne; . t he idramre of i-lnein-; l.et,.n- the ..nidi- I lie (iKAMPKM I' O Km; 1" I IF 11 IS l,i FK. hy .r..iirina all the iu...-.l.l--ii..v.-lli - . r lhe Uruii-I'r.-ai l. n lr-in all .;n ir:-r-..I the w .r'..l. and in e..nr..s-t.n then-wlili w, I 1st l.iun-1 the m-.-i i-t.n-i.i--il.-ii.-2 Ki-l.-r-. i i vr.,i.s s. ,r-...'M!i.-... and A--roi-ati-. .Male and Femala A r; lata, to l-a It.un I in nnv url ul th.cw.rld. " T; i" arm I and i-la-sie eaieriainment Is wh.dy ei.-tEit frvin the ii.eh-irain-i." an-l "i-.tarren.--.-. l... IreviKiillv i-'niiitt.-d in i!i'.r ..I tent exhii-ili.ms. In tills icn-al Sht.w there i- n.thiiii ev.-r presented i let. a a. ii:i -man w ,ni i her it ale t.. i.rina his laicily lu wiinesj, or the most txaetiii lake ete.'''ti,u.-i to. ;.?rcus su?sr.::?.:rr C7Z2 a::t ctiizh shot is aisitca. The lVo.id. rs and Ilea ul i. s..r X..iiir. ! T.-n Th. u ind I fc-e in Marvels ! The Uaneho Horeman l hi Pain;, is ! Sujvrr:. diS.la.v ..f Ar -i.i.- fr..w-ss M-... ir.-hs of lha Klveis .in 1.1 una In ol In '.ia, Atrii-a and S.aitii Aii.rii-M. Il'v VltALLESGl-: the. II OA'. . t KQCAL OUR UREA T SHO JJ". cS-f l i-i Worl'i f f ' ..'.d.-n Tild.-aa furs an ! Ch.ir'.-.t lika Mountains i.f bnr VpXsJ'sJvJ'w' ni.lie.l i.i.ld In .-Suuii.-ln. laXlraonliiJavy Fe:iturrM tJust Added : rr- ..- .. ' L '. s ? LIVING ALASKA (The only apce'nuen of Heal n.vr.v Ki.t:ni.vTs. I'.AllY liU(MF.IAl.lES. Ii A It Y LIONS, 15 .V 15V LEtI'Ani)S, 30 Cages, Dens, and Corrals of Rare and Curious Animals. jj j THE MOST tiORUEOl'S STBKET PAOE.1ST EVER SEEX t Mro tVild H-as-s. ni .re Men an I It rs -s m .rs rurlosiie-s. Ms-sntli.-e-.it an 1 lionreuus Wardi-otHra, H.r.ld K:'i-4hls. Kins. H..ly.liu .r,'.s. l.,.l-,., tl,-- I'oari. S-.ldiers. liatlVe-me- Horae viar-K rind in Armor ol Silver, Steel and ir.dd Pl.tm-rs, roxivriisrcj- scens of siaEisriDon, Never l f. rs K-.1..1. .1 See tbe Grant! Fr'e llippoilraiuntir Slrt-ci I'lijjeanl ! ! ! Travel lv li t ilroml Kxc-liisivrly.'All ltailroatls run at Half Fare Horses all in Vino Condition, ADMISSION ONLY To C iri tis. Meim-erie. A,,it iriiuii. Aviary. EqtU'jriii r culnm anil Trained Animal Exhibitions. CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE, 25 CENTS. I..i.rtpen a-1 anils P. M., iren..ruiaa.-e will eominenee ... h ur aitirwar.!., tho xirinx all ne tioiir to visit th. Z .douieiil N-pirtiu.-ut and study lha w..n.tr.l -Nature tiet..t tl.o riHeruin,iJvruu;i.sik- aud i r..h.itie iH.r!.im;inea euiuiuen.-e, - jsoo vusmoxED ori:i:A seats: OIy tu Tiek.t lUf-uired f-.r all at!vrti-Htl eshibi.i.ns u( tue GREAT SHOW OF THE WORLD. -T3 4 SIX FUXXY CLOWNS ! lOO .'EUFORTJEliS HAVING NO ECJl'-VLS. r r r soi r. pBurKirroii. ,-sK-v OCEANIC LIONS Fur Sta'3 evtr ui-.)n exhibition.) IIATSY CAM ELS. 15AI5V MONKEYS, I'.ABY TIGEKS. 15A15Y SEA LION'S, j to and lrom this Omit Nimv. - 50 Cents. Ai i i n