The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 05, 1877, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald
x .
liUK.KAM YotVi, tie
I'rephet, and llapbael Serumee-, the Confederate Hrate bath died
W . .
last wci k.
SrvtTrtR MoRToN. at IiS
niR still Ivinc in a very c!
i- - - l ... knnio Hr pntprlalii -
Giuon, ou. "
cd ol cu recovery.
The cowardly scoundrel whob?ad
dtbe mob lLat murdered Judge
Chisolm and Lib children in Missiseip
j.i, has been nominated for Sheriff oi
Kemper county. What a eicligb M
o!ii.-er of tie ieaee he 111 make !
Ox'iBEss will meet on tbe 1 ":b o!
October, there being no truth in the
rumcr that Mr. Hayes intended to re
voke Lis proclamation. The rumor is
onl v one of the ew of the dearth of
news that effli'-ts Washington rorn-s-jrondint.
Tue Pittsburgh rioters tried to
ljurn up three tar load? of silver,
under the inipreftion it was lead.
The cars were burned and the biker
ran down in the gutter, where the
mint officers found it three ajs
afterward, only a little worse for the
( (Jarpili.u in bis speech
at Athens, Ohio, declared that w bile
he Fympathize with the President in
Lis efforts to secure civil wrvice re
form, he did not Levitate ia saying
that the President had gone too far.
P.ut he thought Le could safely prom
ise the administration in Itehalf of
the party "faithful criticism and
patient ojurage."
The New York World is very jjl
ly over the Free Trade plank in the
democratic platform adopted at IJar-ri.-burg.
It says it fairly commits
the Pennsylvania democracy "to the
repeal of all laws intended to protect
the iron iudastry, the woolen indus
try, the cotton industry, or any
mber industry, in language of the
tame resolution, 'at the expense cf
other interests.' "
1sitei States District Att'-rjey
Stow, of South Carolina, Las alio
been obliged to leave the State in
cause ipuencu of the dcmocrat'C per
eccutions. What renders the out
rage all the more grievous is that it
h perpetrated under form of law, the
courts and juries being simple iaeiru
menu ifl the Democratic game.
What's the use fooling round any
Iongr looking for a.i ambassador to
Sirriau Jjvi.u, w heaMu. Sciu btz is
burning (c an ojiportuuity to prove
his patriot! ? Let the Secretary
of the Interior be appointed at once.
Jlere is an opportunity for dist:nc
tion. Aad if porchanca the smiable
ii. snouia esse a lancy iot iue
Secretary's scalp, the geucral public
cn-ould not deem il necessary to ex
Ihaust its small coin ia the purchase
of Fackclolh.
Tue New Vork Herald, in speak
ing of tLe Pennsylvania Democratic
fjilalfjrna, etys that it "contains a
great deal of sprawling twaddle on
the labor question, which is meant as
u bait to the Communing sad strik-e.-s,
but means nothing. It jilejges
the party to nothing definite, and is
merely iateaded to capture the work
ingmen's vote without sbci-king prop
erty owners and the conservative
c!w ses.
The w hole platforai bears!
elm tamp of Lollowaesa acd insinccn
ity, an is as idie as the ciuttcrings
of a galvanized corpse."
il'x Govebnob A. G. Bkown, of
Mississippi, La9 given Lis party in
that State aa uacoaif oria'o!y lrge
dose of his private opinion. He eays
! e disapproved of much of what tbe
Ptcjo.-raU have done since their re
turn to power, and Le feels a moral
-oariction that tiic f arty is Lurrying
on it own overthrow, not iiis year
pet Laps, but certainly in the not ins
tant f ature. What the ruin will con
sist oi Mr. Brow a does not say, but
the inference is that Le aatt.-ipatrs a
fat! break in tbe soiiiity of xhn par
ty. Other prophets agree wiib Limj
Now, keep a tharp look-out for the
Millenium I A Democratic member
of Congress in the Vity oC i'e w Vork
taring a cacetship at West Point
within Lis nomination, threw it open
to competition. Ji colurad bay nam--ed
Charles A. Minnwe, dlaluud all
iis white competitors with ase,
etanding twenty per cent, bigher'isay tbat the religious establishtseat
than anr of them after a most riirid
examination. Whereupon John Mor
rissr, ei Democratic M. C. sent the
boy'a guardion $.'(i0 to the
young man' outCt. The remarka
ble thing about tbe matter, is not
the ability f-hown by this colored
cadet, but that bis rueaos of Eacecjs
were furnished by a coople of Demo-!
cratic Congressmen.
t n western exchanges are all in
a mot hopeful mood. From Chica
go, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Lou
is, Detroit, and other principal points
in tb west, intelligence comes of an
awakening ia busi cess that is cheer
ful. The crops were never ur than
those of tbie year, and tbe merchants
of tbe principal citieg already begin
to realize an impulse in trade which
aogurs well for the prospect of tiie
fall iMisinesa. Same are even so san
guine ce to believe that a few weeks
bence there will be a better condi
tion of affair in tbe west tbat enisl
ed Itcfoce tbe panic which feil upco
the rowotry io Eusioese is
growing brisker io Philadelphia ev
ery day, and our tLoroujrb fares i-bow
the faces of strangers La cumber
who Lave com hitler to jwurbase
their goods for tbe fall ttoii.
crLAKisu oi tue piatrcrm aaoptedeu
by tbe Democrats of this Slate at
their late Convention, the Xew York
Timet sv:
Th Prolyl, alia l,C.T:n l!i J-
1 r-irenilrot a Im-al wn S:rl I-'H I. A -i
I in the :u ' ! tli vast mi l sarirj - " m
'Kuciiw me last iwn'y jours. 1' ncal.l hat
. . .1... ...... tu-rt::Lii 11 i!ii-r Im'iI
m-t-n in--- ft " -w. .
Kill III" till- Rfulirir- In renin-.' im.u.
i r.-wll wM iiavw Iwii i:vlli3l..!-r, il tt-l
: the I'LiladtlpLia Times whose
i,.ri;tnr.!n..hief was one of the active
uionagers of '.be ConTeution hotly
adticts'PrK iunun .
i ..I- lwwn t.i-w.iwar.'!v to irra-.Iile Villi ti'C
pMtlil IU-J mta w-un w innnr
! ui. l!i Stale. Thr! .H-nuai-uU'
: ir.--nl thai Mi oissrace "
, -,-. mblo(.,, . .nr.,,!..,,. and
i-.'i;salirniln tbiwe hu have w ae)-, favuf
wl I He raiDc i the : niiwuuifi. Hi' " ln
irti'lr.1 not lu t.-li.sf ti, ikii miIIsum rla
uitvoora tmi-le rciati'fW, lot t : Im u
lrccb bcttrwulbetii iutiar:iun irj'.c.
While Hon. Frtccis W. Hughes
of Schuylkill county, for many years
a veritable war-horse of the Democ
racy of this State La3 published a
card denouncing the action cf the
Convention and calls upon his fellow
Democrats of the State to
'.!:..n!ic lnfin.u.-irr. nikmn l brel'
I..UO.I In :liO lUiti .Tiu i-td lv tlic tacii-
Altogether the disgust cf the
country at the cowardly, truckling,
foolish platitudes put forth as a
"platform of principles," is supreme.
lirtclmra Tonne.
Th ,W.h cf the Lead of the Mor-
m,n ri-,iirph and community is an
moment in the history forced the enemy to abandon Harda
ay Saints. Nomioaliv ! raroz and fall lack on I op My
...aaUic. a colony of ! headquarters are at hekar from
event of creat
of the Latter Day
a religious, a coiony
rcligionaries. the Mormon community
of Utah La; been ia reality on octcp
racy. Jtrigbam Vcnrg Las held ia
the hollow'of Lis Land the happiness,
fortunes and destinies cf Lis people.
While he was the Governor of the
immense influence
ed as tLe Ud cf the spiritual or
ganization which it known aa the
Church of the Litter Pay Saints.
Whea he ceased to be aa asent cf
the civil power of the Iiepablie, be
adressed hiaisclf to such a sejiaration
cf Lis people from "the geuiih.'i'' os
was not thought uecew'ttry whoa he
ruled all sects alike as (Jjivrsor of
Utah. Jt was net until this cri.-!s in
the history oi the Mormons was
reached that the inlax of non-Mormons
was considerable i-paugh to ex
cite any uneasiness amocg toj coun
selors of tLe tleocracy. With tuti.
tigual ability did Vctjng administer
the tempara'l affiira of ttie Mormons
that the coiamtuitr Las Laeq ironi
that day to this ce ccwp'etc autono
mous as it could have beca if it Lad
been i-olated by wide feas (rota the
rpt of mankind. Various tec I tcJ
interc.U have been inquired a firm
footing iu Kali Lake City and in the
other towns of j7th. The Mor
mons hare been grad-iaiij' surround
ed by hostile itiffaeaces,' uai l-d-cable
foes have euaaForid to rend
the nivstcrious baad whloh tiept the
Mormon Church and Stat? in compaet,
Hut Young has preserved tbe indirid
ualitr of the Jlormon es'.abli.sbuisat,
through all lueis years as perfect a?
was the Jewish oro:zi'.iuu ia the
day of the Judges.
It is tLis work which seems O u
the great marvel of Jjrighsm Youog's
life. Hsfouud a church rajy to
his hand; he Las 1 ft it aa organized
ecclesiastical S;ate. To the artful
delusions of Smith he aided revela-
j tioi after revelation, as Le pretended,
until be was I'ropaet, I nest, King,
infallible, ia daily communication
with the will cf Heaven, tnd gifted
with wisdom above worldly wisdom.
There was no divine tru'.b o Jofty
that he did not dare to expound It to
his followers. And in the mukiiad
inous details cf their daily life there
was none so triviil as to escape his
critical attention. He professed to
give account of Lis observations in
the Seventh Heaven w ith th sioie
particularity with which ha prescrib
ed the domestic manners of his flock.
While he pretended to tell them (Jod s
will corrcerniaff their sacrifices for the
fn;li lu ( It n.t hpnftiith Imn !
to regulate their iitiion in dress and
aiiu. ' . a '
P e,K of UnUed S7 all W7 of Uniforms and
irf:': .I.".. ,hUA i ii fi-lllaker Pasha greatly d
. character of their purges at tbe throogb the b azing village and away
ops. By the combination 0 to the left to Popkoi like a pack of
s extraordinary powers, Younginds. loe Russian camps were
mi t'jtiriorutnarv njwer?. icunz
which Las scarcely t parallel m mod-
, .s.-jrtr- It j. nil,ln tkoi -nm-
....B. 1
cf tlietu haled Lim ; it is certain that
they ail feared Lin. His powerful
personality perradea tLs ;unciis of
Church and State, swayed tho entire
mass of priesthood and p2.p!e, regu
lated tbe social, domestic, and relig
ous poliiy, and made itself felt in
every household io the Mormon com
munity. .There were others associ
ated with Young in tbe administra
tion ofatUiis, but his wiil and pur
pofe have dominaU'd all the ouncils
of theocracy from liii until
It was Vousg-V Cibiti.)i U found
in tbe heart of tbe ccuun.j..: a little
empire which should forcrer iesJn
I the sacred home of M ormautetn, ua-
veted by the foot of an alien The
discovery of gold in California, and
the canse&uect rysh across the con
tinent, made the project futile. Hut
the establishment of tbe .V?mna
colony, self-supporti-ig, frvga!, pro
ductive, and prosperous, s it s-joa
' became, was an achievement of
i which fie Prophet might wpII bs
proud, for a wbile he dclied the
uower of tbe AmerLao reoublic: and.
rjp to the dav of his deati, ie could
01 ornionism ana its uistinctive pe
culiantieft wera preserved intact.
Tii- .M -jwobs kava feeieUd legisla
tion aud armies; they tay defied
alii Judges and public opinion aud
the have maintained their own de
vice until the ordinary course of
morliiy n emed ba(Y!ed. This is all
largdy lirigtem Young's vork
Cruel, bloody, ani ricdictive though
tn' ra'a doubtless was, La uust be
credited with the possession o! abil
ities ef a sujcrior order. He seems
to nave loved power for its own take.
He lived frugally, eren ma"erlv, and
at no tiaie ia hia long career djd Le Porthumberlaa1 county, Pennsylva
ever manifest any love of display orj0. vere found guilty of conterrpt
any low ambition to Lu soucrbt after l'0' interfering with the running of
and flattered. Unlearned, and will)
small know ledge of the philosophy of
man, be contrived tad built Bv'a svs-I10
. t t . . t ' . .
tern which must extort the adaira-
lionofall who hare studied ii. He
isUa4. The Motmon State faces
now tLe grat problem of it exist
ence, it is difkcMt to guess wbat
shall be the result of his deiti. Bat
(t'does ee&a tbat it wiii be the final
blow which shall thaUer tbe mon
strous fabric of 3Iora;oqi-m y. '.
4 Km aad Vt ir Sbl Uy m Tramp.
Watuitovh, X. Y., Augui-t 27 j
C .1 If j- IB
shot at tueir Loews ;a Msoat, near
otrpca .uh eaa lis wnc were
M alone, Franklin founty, Us: vigLt.
t ' ueau, ana me WL'e. i
a-hn l thnt ll.patil. il.A L...I : . . - t
' .
, . luc Ul..u, iiovinara to induce uie fc,Lbuylkili miners
,iwctc4 to bye. jobbery is ruppos-. to join the strike on the st of Ser-
io litve oeca te object of the
murder, itie nureectf is desc.-.bed !
by Mrs. Barber as a tramp who gotUiuriag the past week shipments of!
dinner at tho bouse about a week ago. .coal over the branch roada have b-en!
The murderer is still at large.
run Di iiu ... if f7n;x.
lurUUh Aile nae all Jrtj Ihf User.
.Manchester, Aum 31. The
Onanlinn received a telegram this statini,' that the espected bat
tle along the line cf the Lorn froia
Aghas'ar to Tarlak commenced yes
terday and continued all day. Mehe
met AH Ptisba commanded the Turks
in persaa, and nitacked the Ilussiaus
at three points S fir the Torks
are sucerelul.
Heater's Shunii dospatcli savsthe
Cgbtiag lav.ed i:iat b.ur.'. The posi
tions cirriei by ihi Torks on the
rihi back of the Lira are Telibeler,
Soahiljr and Karabassaaler. Oimaa
Paiha ttlograpbs lVom Plevna, under
date of August 2il: A Turkish rer.m
noitiTinsf detachment defeated a body
of Uusriaa cavalry near (Jliehad.
One hundred ltu.s;an3 were killed.
Constantinople, August 31.
Mehemet Ali Pasba telcgraplu as fol
lows: "Oa Thursday morning strong
columns of our troop's from liasgrad
and Surinassouhler attacked the lius
sians near the village of Karaha-?an-!er.
The lighting wa desperate.
The village was taken and retaken
several times, but fiually carried by
e Turks. The enemy was defeated
'and retreated ia disorder, pursued by
our troons. About a
o clock ia the
evening two other columns from Sur-
inassonhler crossed the Lorn and
whence I proceea to-morrow io jjiu
Ahmed Kyocb Pasba, who is encamp
ed at Karabassanler. The troops
engaged at Karahassaakr were the
llasgrad and Kki Djuma divisions.
Thev captured a caanoD, ftur ammu-
(Itld rifles a lar?e
.. , 0-
led and
wour.'Jtl, acu me iussiaua i.vuu.
Xv!i Karahassanler and Haidjr-
ayaz seem to be identical with Ivara
saa uad Haidar Ko": of the maps.
Pop doubtless means Popkoi, where
according to previous telegrams, the
Kussians have a fctronj defensive
Lusiom, September l The Tinm'
carrtspomjeat with the Turkish army
telt-zraphs tie follottiog esrription
of Thuriay's battle, apparently from
personal obsercfttwn; "Jvarly this
morning Xediib Pasba advan?eii from
Adakeny.near llasgrad, with three
brigajes, two batteries of artillery,
two sqaair&;i of cavalry aud one
brigade of iafaatry rjerve. Mahe
n;et Ali and Prince Ha3S03 loo up a
posiiioii S'jtb their stall on a high
biil, iaciedia!c.'y north of Yeckof,
wlijjh cocjinjatjj aa vn'Qterrupted
ripu' fr-jci iwas,7rade to bevoud )s
llnxr. TL3 ' ijuswans " from!
i.i.:jc..i,..u n.i
thoir batteries behind Jsajorja o-ian.ed
Gre about 9 o'clock on the advaifsiog
Turks. Nebjib steadily adanc.'d
an4 entered the burning village of
Sadona hy 31:-'!U o'clock. The re
treating Russian my pressed.
They retired precipitately to :-.a.-8-saa,
wLcio they made a vigorous
stand. SaLit p'aba created a diver
sion by attacking aiairo;."
The PtUTSian baa otury 0:
ihree guns to their right, near Hai
darko,'. They made splendid prae.
tice at the sdvanriug Turki and
Egyptians, bqt thio tjsrfrly opened
outaaj advanced to lh,c right end
left of tLe n'ljaije in a really work
manlike Bfyla.
The engagenient cow Laiai yen
era! and exu-n-ied over some Cfreen
miles. A heavy and continued roll
of fire of the skirmisher w4 heard
along all the ridges from Bazisliie? to
at ar Sadana. By four o'clock K
rasiaw viS in fiamcs. The Russians
gradualiy gl vaf ond the Turks
redoubled the coerg,' of tleif- attack.
At five o'clock tLo enemy were sam-j
pering out of Haidurko!, aqd tLe he,--j
ses were trotting up to take tb guns,
oat of battery. Tbe Turkish battery
was making splendid practic? and
Srpd iost as the ryns wtre taken off.
Jae ?ua WB
struck with the last
The Turks ebeered aod dashed
7ed out, two puns covering
il. t m.i.: I n - matins OTAPl Iti t
ir T Z j V-
practice. But tbe Turts S-d Lgyp-
tiens still scampered over t'-ie ground
in fcne ityle. 1 he Wussiaos were
now in full revrct in every direction,
and bv sunset the Turis had proved
for tia second time not only cup able
of uecUng Iiussiaas in the open field,
but also of linking them from their
stroni-'r eotreuched pooftions. In
ten days tha Uussisns Lave lost tbeFii,j tjjey had been trampinjr ,'or sev-j
magnificent double powuona of tlie
Lorn and the Kara-Lom. What may
bapm1" next no one knows. It Ii Im
possible lu ti!J what forces The Uir
sians had engaged, sor can the'r los
Bea as yet be estimated, i'rsbably
they were not heavy, except around
Karassan, by which name this en-gigiC'-.aul
w ill be designated by the
CoVf-rAxuJxLK, Aug. fl A te!
esrram from Sbumla, dated yesterday,
annodnces that the column of teelimi
Pasba has advanced from Kcki Djuma
and crossed tbe river Lorn, tearAg
hat&r, driving back tbe llussians,
wJjo, tuioi a phort resistance, retreat
ed from toe river, y edjib Pasha has
advaaesd from llasgrad towards
Torlak, repulsi6g ibp
Hnssiuca andc
capturing two guns.
A gvt buttle
is believed to be imminent. Th)Htstsbe assisted 'in taJrip tbe life
r. - ; . i . . t . ' 1
fur: are assuminjr tne otlcnsive
along tbe wiioje line, lit-dif Pasha,
having refused to aUerji a' military
conncil for trial. It has beta ecided
to brias- him before tbe council br
forc. is reported tbat Safvet
I Pasha i;as ci?sed to accept the Min
Railroad 4!trar(ioBil Nroirirtl.
PiTTsninnu, Ang. 31. In the
L'nitvd States circuit court this after
noon George A. Erijrgs, Henry Lin
derberger and David U eaod, of
i trains ou the Central raihoad of Xew
Jersy, as tbe same has passed into
hands of a receiver appointed by
: . ......... Tl... M . j .
u:o court, ioev were sentenced to
par the eosU of proaecotion, a fine of
$100 and undergo ninety ays' im
prisonment in tbe county jail of
Northumberland county,
Strike In lbs Krbajlklll Kraisa.
Pottsviu., August 31 Dis
patches received frora Mahanoy City,
auenanao&n ana oilier prominent mm
Cfwires state mat tbere,is no
- ft a 4 iuc w5cuuj-iiii re -
Lrii)n i il il rm ki , (i.i roi.nii-A.i ,.-...
. . ... " ' II UIH B
,u - ...vm v. vvi.M. P lJW 1IIU-
iu the last ten days a number of men
number of coliieri-s abowa tiiti iih
fkadora of miners' organizations from r-fi.- na fiar l.rv
to M i
. . . . . &
tcmber with
view of making
it ,
general ; but so far without tuctvss.
juausuaKy large.
Tb t'arlain Runic Iih nn
; A :t;oih accidt'iit mciirrfd uer
SALT Lake, Aug. 2'.t. Itribenj Altomja thin muruing, whereiuiuauy
Y oung licd nt 4 p ni. io dy. i jn rona lost their lives. The woi k ol
reeoveriug bodies was immediately
Hrigham Voang was born at commenced. The body last taken
Whittiagham, Vermont, June 1, 1801, J0ut from the wreck at 3:30 P. M. was
and was tho sm of a farmer, wha had jt,ftj 0f Mrs. Crow, the wife of a work
been a ftl'lier i'i the Ilevolution jnuti iu the pork house in East Des
When about lbir:y-oue years old be j ,j ,,i3e:;. Her bead was caught acd
became a co.ivert t Mormnnism, , m4;,Dcj iiet,tt.ceQ tbe two cars. The
then under the ootr.! nf fc T) it n,
Kipdon, and Williams, lie arrived j Lalrr Three more bodies have
iu Kinland, Ohio, toward the close of j !,t n taken out all men. Oiie ii
1S32, and sojn took a prominent part j supposed, by papers on bim, tobd Ca
ia the government of. tae Mormons. a commercial traveler from Peo-
c , .... . . ..
He was ordaioeti as eiaer tnoruj ni-
ter joining the church, and his taleat
and shrewdoees poshed bim forward
so rapidly that, w hen in !S5;", a new
step was taken ia the organization of
the Mormon hierarchy by tho in?ti
tntina of the twelve apostles, he waa
made oue of the number and sent out
to preach tbe new doctrines. His
field of labor was in the Eastern
States, and ho was signally success
ful in making on verts. In 1S I, not
withstanding the rivalry of Higdon,
I'righam Young was chosen First
President of the Mormon Church,
then located at Xauvoo, Illinois, end
Uigdon, proved contumacious, was
excomtnuaicated, cursed and solemn-1
ly delivered over to the devil to be
buffeted in the flish for a thousand
years." Ia September, - 1 S 15. the
Mormons were driven out of Nanvoo
and gathered at Council Bluffs, Iowa,
whence they . were conducted by
Young in 1S47 and to Lriah,
where Le founded Salt Lake City and
established the present Mormon set
tlement. In 1S50 Hrigham Youag
was appointed Governor of Utah Ter
ritory by President Fillmore, but
subsequently on accouut of collisions
with tho federal judges and the dt fi
ance of the laws of tbe United States,
he was removed. From this point
the loug conflict began between the
United States authorities and Young,
who claimed government by divine
biniiion. In this conflict he was
able to hold tbe :nited States Gov
ernment at bay for a loug period, and
it is only within the past few years
that the federal courts have b-ea
able to enforce their authority with
in the Mormon territory. Uiubam
y'ounsc's conneuion with the Moun
tain Meadow massacre and his ad
ministration of Lhe tyonmou govern
njentfortbe pat twenty jejrs f,ard-jiei.qjpiag with it, and tbe'neittele
ly call foF aif particular uVscrip- scoped'half thro'.ijl) VlI? 'UJ tjie two
He was a man of strong qoallilei
marked by extraordinary energy,
great executive talents and rmarka
ble kuowledge of tho weak side f
hnman nature. ith a greeny love
of Prop?n,vand power be had
new anj administrative fac
ness ana aamiuisiraiive i;icmuv
wbjccVoId jbaye'raaie the first man
in Hi fowmni'ty Jjy Ic-gitirate
methods, and Lis -Liil in inspi.-iog It.
naticisra and cunning ia tarhiwj it to
se'.fishacss gave Lira a p3wer"mors
absolute than Las often been wielded
eriis ; P. small hierarchy hy the com
bined infjuenct (.1 r;rist craft and ty
ranny, 'liy mttxicj ' jijsi 4
part "of religion, he ruled Lis 'dupes Ly
tt.cir strongest psssions, and bis do
minion 4,;w tei; chinas was com
pleted by the UnW inrpd y his
unscrupul ius reiJl3fi to sbeJ in;
man blood.
Whoever Yoi;og's successor may
be, it !s uot lively that he will pos
sess the strong oualitie il;;t rnnrked
the late aputle's ride, and his dea'ii
wiil probably be a ' turning point n
the history of Mora,ocisr;i. The first
ponseoit-uce of Lis death fill L. a
reltisi of jfc.e other Mormon joaders
from rlavish iil;,ijoo to a single
will. Their Jealousies wn4 rivalries
will lead to disintegrate tbeir unnat
ural community. Heresies will
spring tfp. ajf Reliefs will crei p in,
there wiil L revolts ag'ust a power
wbiih wasalays ttAii 1,9 a tr.
raoy, and wtitb cannot ba maintain
ed by feebler baud-, aJ tLe free
nlay of transforming forces wiil cjake
Mormouism a different thiog
the neat tiB or twenty
Pill loirfjh CommCrijidl -
i ears.
Tram IK Vire a Itnrn in Order lu !
A spcial tbe New York Tima,
from Miiford, Pa., says that a barn
b.elonuing to Philip Stark, four miles
from Xti!ord, was entirely consumed,
with cooteuts, last a&Urday mcrninir,
involvicg a heavy los-, oa wtLb
there was no insurance. Later in tbe
day iwo tramps came to Miiford and
?ave tber.:seies up as tbe incendiar
ies. At a preliminary liecrmrr tnev
era! ciontbs, i.ay been gnabjc to se
cure work, and being aiocst sUr.ved,
coofluded to fire lap bafn and git
into prtsou, wlete tbsy 4ro:il.l get
s me bc-og to cat. 'ruej wc fa locked
up in the county jail, add wiii Le
tri;;d 2t the September term of Court,
One Ra. Lu DC.Ue as Frederick My
ers, aud says be wi b:rS i!) Odense.
Denmark, and is by cceupation a
painter. He is aged thirty-three
years. The other (rave tho name of
i son, alias lrown. abas
Kelley. ifo H3 Lorn in London,
KcgJdad. He is ioi ty jfjml, nnd
u- ' -
oy occupsitus biasi.erer.
cliims to have been a i-sj.r io tbe
Pittsbnrg (Pa.) railroad riot, tie
has also confessed to having commit-
ted tuacy crimes, and tbat
a lew
years tworo t -larre to the
oi a ie:io.woiiuttu wan,e tniojca
ted. He is small In t&ture, well ed
ucated, and bag but one eye. Myers
saye this is bis first offence.
IrdlrittlHw of j i nl n Hronn
MeieiHiirbi, r t
Ossawattomie, Kan., August 31.
--Ten tbonsand people responded to
tne cal to Cay to witness the cere
monles attantiiog tie dedication of
the Old Jobn Urowp Monuiweni.
Pr. X. II. DeerarT, cbalrmoo oi
the committee, called the meeting to
order and introduced Governor Chas.
RoUusoh e president of the
kev. Mr. Adair, a brother In-law
of Jobn Drown offered prayer. Ees
dntjonH were passed rer)nesting the
legislature of the state of Kansas to
make an appropriation to procure a
statue of John Brown. n hrone ori
ruarirle, to tie placed in the national
bail of wtiiary in tb,e capitol at
Washington aa a gift to th Dfttion.
and assorting tbat it is tiie dutf m
the Kansas state bistoricul society to
take measure at tha earliest practi
cable moment to collect aod nut tou
record the personal recollection of tbe
proe-Usaoiates of Jobn Brown represent-
Drigc&fCswir JQ Kansas
Urral Klorra
Ciscix.MAii, Aog. JI. A special
states 1 bat a terrific storm passed
over Gil man. 111., yesterday, prostra
ting a number of bouses The
flourishing mills of John B. Grayson
A: bon were Completely destroyed
One mill band was killed by falling
timbers. Loss 'estimated "at $DY -000.
Hallway llnrrar.
De Moines, Iowa, Aoguv. 2'J
jt-ip car is now pulled oil.
na m. meutner two boaies are
njt identified. The body of a lady is
cow tight in tbu wreck, making the
eighteenth person known to be killed.
Tiie cars are so firmly telescoped to
gether that it is impossible so far t i
pry them apart even with block and
tackle. Tho namo of tbe last man
laken out was Thos. Dunaway, of
Fast Des Moines, who recently ran
away from tbe insane asylum.
At sis o'clock seventeen bodies had
been taken from the wreck, fourteen
men, two women and one child,
Among the wounded, F. It. Uaker,
one of Pirnum'a men, baa since died,
Two more bodies are known to be in
the wreck one of Barnum's men and
a little girl, the daughter of Mrs.
Crow, one of tho women killed. It is
thought by many that there are s ill
other bodies in tbe bottom i f the
wreck or floated down stream. The
list foots up a total death nil f
The accident was caused by a fresh
et in the crees undermining a bridge
The engiu.-cr, wi: had rlackeod bis
speed I'll he came in sight of .be
bridge, supposing that all wa3 right,
dashed upon it. Tbe channel of tbe
stream was forty or fifty ft wide,
and the banks about twenty feet high.
The locomotive landed at the foot of
the western side and half buried itself
in tho earth. Barnum?s car was next.
This car dropped into the channel.
The baggage and mail car followed,
passed directly over it, masaing it to
nieces, but going to the bottom, a bar imrutK. "tf"n"S ana entirely on
ff iron running clear thronah it. Th i "umed. Loss ij40(J0.
j f . :
me a in be pur escaped alive. Even
the lamps were m-t put out. The
first passenger car pitched bead down
into the channel, where the water
was at least fifteen feet in depth.
The next car was plqnged under this,
nroi eqinj i. qe tpeue cf i;:r)f
onsutog tiiny "Plf U irtfagiutd.
Those who wcru tot iejured aqd who
could get cut went to work to rescue
the living aad wounded. They had
to go liilliJ to frfriH l.ioiisp a get
a.xes to cut 1 hem out, but tLcy fe
ed beioic-ully, ui;d by dayll-ht had
most of the wounded rescued.
'Pitiful tcjnes and tender iucideuts
fc?cnrr?tf. to "mother was killed
silting tc'.Tt'Pi tro children', who ts
taped sjnlar;. Oae little iri,'wh'v
had lata In lb Wgtpr for four boijrs,
with a heavy tuaa lytu dea 1 berjestb
ber body, was discovered" to be
!:rea'hiug, and was rescued aud res-
The dead were itrou ;Lt Lere on a
train, reaching here a 1 1 u "clock,
iora tweutj fiv'e of the wouadei
caoift with tiisni. The officer of the
. . .. I... 1. .1 ... ' ..
roau wer at. ine wreck ni
iui? for the dead and wouaded.
Ritllrnncl Arridenlo.
IUi)s,.x, X. Y., August 23. A
fatal jeeident occurred on the nitds-m
jiiver J'ailrond at the depot in this
city at midnight 1 1'. ril.'t. A j:is
senser fain from the North, duo at
02 v. m.,
arrived li'e, and, while
taLiuar watiir, wr.srun iu'.o l-y freibi
train No. 4. trleseopioft- th sVepicir
car, which was nirecly tintrr the
Fcrrv street bridge, crjssioir tne
track The bridge wus comple t-ly
destroyed, engine iio. was disa
bled and sevpral cars were wrpeked.
Thomas Hyan, a fireman of Ilhinc
beck, was kiiicd. jnd Charles Ss imers,
an engineer of New Vork, injured.
The disaster was caufed by a 'negli
gent fiaguian, who displayed the
wronsr light AH tkp tfs;"c3 "Pre de
layed several hours.
"CjSi'isfcATi, O., Aiifun 2'j A
rViiigbt trajn orj bp Jod'-'nap d(, Cin
cinnati and Ijifayt-t! J!,r ronJ ran
off the track jesiciday et Jianscij's'
Station. Four tramps were stealing
a ride, and two of them George Ho
elc and Fillmore Faglev were kill
ed and the other two bad'y injured.
Tb Uovcrnor. Vll.
Pi:ii,.iMEl"i'fA, August GO. To
day closed the pubt-rnstjuD visit to
this .city, so faf as the exhibition
con.'c'ni;d. p the moriiin? the Gov
ernors reviewed a jnjstriil prpces-si'-a
in the main building, about it
maie vormcn being in liue. They
then lunched, wer jhotographe4 in
a group, witnessed a balloou aspoo
sicD by Professor King, and then
tot k b i-ici'i! train for Chester,
whero t'utiy saw tha tfUiftWfr (Jity of
Washington launched- 'the disiin
guished party returned to tba city
early this evening in lime for tbe ban-
tenuereu mem ai ine iouuuen
.. . , . i . i
tal Hofi. ,'onorrow the guests
will hp conUuctctJ trouu tc leading
aJa9utictiiHa estabiisirjent's 'of ti,e
Th Wealher.
Pttvelaxp, O., Aug. 31 Tbe
heav,ett rain Etorm ever known pass
ed over tLis ciiy'tLij ' Jtcrni n, ac
companied by jigi,toicg, va.4 end
hail. Several roots were Llown off',
trees were broken and uprooted, and
tbe wind and rain completely tore
dos'R end carried away the flags and
streamer wbiak- have decorated
tbe city for tbe past tew diya. Sev
eral steamers, with large esearabn
parties, were ready to leeve tbe har
bor, but before they got under way
the'fctoiti br?(t-
JtrfEBSO?, 'BAkltaCbi, rUg.
32 Tba wind od rain at tbT it.
Louis Arsenal this artfrnooa did
considerable damago to tbe public
storehouses and fences and destroyed
a if gi3 potjou of the beautiful orna
ments! tree ewoa tj,e parade ground.
It took roefs and porcbe ctf of thf-.
nor; oero siaeoitne Darracits, carry
ing them over the buildings siutb
w a,rd ar. hilt wy across the parade
groend. The lad Lias? owo a
.number of lnrge tret a la the foiijier'
,'jart,ers. fortunately no oae w'a
iLpSUOS, fSTff, Jkug. iff cr.V rC
verp thunder stprra yisited this 'city
this Karate;. Tge raio descended
as cds continuous torrent, poring
the foreno in busioeas was waljrujv
sufpended At Park Hilt two bor-
SPS Wfr LilloiS lie li,.l.fnin.r i.J
.. - J ......J.-d u4
jhousw p-rtiallv tjeiiii-lisbfd Several
.barnes were
' fcue Iq ibe stiii-' vi.
,tnrie t; i . ' "mu,u B,u,i
instantly killed dune? ibe thund-r
6 ,UU1,U '
llf inA n-a , . . -I. I 1- - . I
IVbtBlrweluOnt, Aug 31
Tbe heaviest storm of the Jason oc
enrred 03 Lake Erie to day.
Tarnult In UfBlBfkjr.
Ll ISVILLE, Ky.. S.p'emhtT I.
A O'ttrirr Journal special nays,
tornado of U-rrilic i..leure, but ol
short duration, pasted over Mays
ville this morning, damaging proper
ty to. a considerable extent. Four
lirge brick warehouses, on Wall
street, belonging to the Ilickett and
Wad-jo estates, were unroofed : the
(fable end of a brick dwelling, bt-i jg
ing to the cotton mill, was blowu ett-
tirtlvout. A fly rig wiudtW frame
struck Mrs. Rice, one of ti occj
pants, iu the back, i -juring her cev
ercly. The large stable of Win.
Yoracey, on Market street, was part
ly unroofed, taking rafters aud ail the
woodwoik from a larpe part of the
building. Seven I inded Coal barges,
at the river, snapped their lines and
drifted against thesteamr Wild wood,
Miics'jiog her port guards and curry
ing her away from the landing across
the river to tho Ohio shore ; she is
damaged to tbe extent of several
hundred dollars. Tbe smoke stacks
of the planing mill and tbe ferryboat
Glover were also Llown down. The
damage to the shade trees, ehimiieys
and outbuildings is considerable.
New Castle, Penn , September 1.
Henry Hickston, living about two
and a half miles east cf this city, bad
bis barn struck by lightning during
the storm yesterday. The contenu
were entirely consumed, and consist
ed cf five hundred bushels of oats,
about one hundred bushels of wheat,
hay. farming atcnsiU and one horse.
Insurance, $.00 in the Mutual of
Xew York.
Foirr Wayne, Ind , September 1
Ibe storm last night did consider-ble
- iMge throughout the country, 1.1 .w-
mg down trees, ietiit-.-, pr s'raring
telegraph lijes, Jfce.
At Hungland a barn belougiug to
Fred. Ilaeknieycr was struck by
ligbtoing and coasamed. Consider
able stock was also killed by light
ning. Massillon, O., September 1.
Last evening during the heavy storm
a barn belonging to Mrs. MaryZ)pfs,
three miles 8- uih of this place, was
T Msa Kliol lirail at Klrhiusatl,
Hj - uiliera H uiiit-!.
Walter Sanders, late Sheriff of county, Ky., and hisbrother
io !. Jack 1 illard, were killed on
Mot.;! ay night at liphmond, ijadison
couuty, by Gus Edwardi, Tbvo M,ar
shal, aac a party of his friends. A.
yoHnjer Lrotiier' of banders wa at
the Uichmond fair about a weel ago
n L-ere he was badly beaten by Ed
wards, the latter saying that Sanijers
irjTtrfiire'J vhi!tf Was discharging
his tloiy asau officer. Yesterday Wal
ter Sanders anc his friend weni to
Uichmond ti aucud the triul of youug
Sanders for his alleged oftnce. Afier
the trial a conversation occurred be
tween Elwardsand Waher Sanders
ut 1 1)0 (jiruett House, during which
Saoders'deaoijociid Tsd 6rds' conduct
aa brutal and cowardly, at the sithe
liae J'aiq' L:s pjsto. tbaijt tbjs
time Sanders was sbot by oiu oth
er person, but, levelling his pistol,
! made things I.vely while Lis sfength
l-'e U lien the firing ended ban
der and fji Lrotiiur-ia-uw IalUrd
wtre' dead," and Marsha Elwards
slightly aud Li brolber dangerously
WiUiudeJ. 'Numerous eh 01 were Gr-
ed, i.Jt
A n VhlVriuu .1fnrer aat Kniclilr.
."t Aug. 28 V mysterious
ca. e' of murder and suicide uccrr-e
at a late hour last u'igl'.t. U'lllidtt)
O'ttuilivan, aged thirty, sexton of Sr.
Jarlith'b Catholic cburch. while visit
ing two young ladies at -o. C2 Smith
street, shot Kaiie Praunock, agtd 2o
i-nqrii nvnr t t.-fi pur biMlnir Ii r in-
slautfy. le imujectiilejj eft the
house, entered bis room 'at t. Jar
lilb's, shot biuisclf. aud died ii a few
7;auts. The ouly witness of the
(jeed wa a fi-idu "of bo b r.iriies,
who heard no quarreling between
thpm, and could give no reason for
the rb deed. JJoth victims were
highly repectabje.
f xlrn. Mennton of tojcreufi f rraiu.
WASijisijTOin, Aug. (.aa b?
authoritatively said tha. Mr. Hayes,
has uj julentjon of revoking his proc?
;aniv.ior toyyegjng t-oa?ress iu ej
tra session 014 tjje Js-h uf Qctubpr.
The reports iu Fcgard to havjug uo
extra s-jtsion were referred to iu cit
iuet meetiug to day, but Mr. Haves
ud nil tbe csojqei ojcers are uuaui
in ous ia tbe opinion thai no delay
shall occcr. .
A Parlor r Itowa an KntbitakntenC
con.-efuence of a misspfaced "switch,
wLicb was sjiike'd, this' inortiiuVr
train Jrom flaroiynajc o; tfi'e Dela
ware an;) Iydson gravity rajlroad
oqddeuly jumped the track three
miles from' f f oijesdalp. throwing the
parlor car, Passaic, twenty feet down
an eiubniikment, injuring", although
aof. fpriousiy, Engineer y. JJuir. It
issupjr 'etid tlit tLia swltoft was gij
ked fof the purpoi of djiq' harq to
Gen. Morrow, commanding the rag
uiars at Seranton, aod a party of
officers connected wi;h the Third Na
tional (Juar;j- iufnatry and the Xins-
t.eent!) jaiioual' Quard I c-usylva i
aialbst was on hoirq, all of wh im;
escaped anbury
DiiuM lulled Kallrsxlrr.
Cincinnati, Angus: 30 To iu
;L orities of tbe Cincinnati, Hamihon
a. 1ayton Railroad have issued a
ciruulat to iipir' employes, declaring
that on and after ' keote'i.,bkr pt B
ninety miles rua bhall constitute a
day'a wtrk. Heretofore rii'y miles
hgs ijet-o fjuoted aa a full day. . This
ruling eoeeii tge frofj 'inqi
to To'aJe, and from Hamilron fg o.
diauapolls. Much diPSyislctiofl j
expressed by the employe, an no In
crease of pty ait: mpauiea the iucrews
e labor.
1A. August J0- VV stiike Is
aatitit!:ed t'tt the (J.- jf. If. ia Jr.
The freight hrfii.t'crs ind brskenieo
are dissaii-lb-U over ibe proposed re.
ducliou kI riiUit aud it. creased woik,
to go into fT ci u the Orsf of ibe
uioftib, kuU ttl a turning to-nighi
dete riniued uot ! crcpt j,
Nawdy IIok Bamril by InreHaiitrie..
WijiZrTos, I). Augum 30
The L'oatorr, Ter irii r-j-day re
ceived a letter frtm ife fostria-iiir.tuep'
at ?nrjy 11 .k, Ky , which says :
ti tie c-jt of the i I, one-half of
the tow.a wa urn(ef," f'n;.j!;din the
ff-fi. uju j f ratifs foments.
'ftfi fire wa ju,condjry,b,ein'g caused
by a band ut 4csi(er8(J ep; thejr imr
pM being to rS) tun 7)e
Pjstmastir fepumthe bind ui
at lirge, and sajg I hey now tbreateu
b'slife, and further, I hat the auib -ii-
lyi cie ijobI Je io arrest ibe ibteveu
He advises ihe Department to
.i. f-i
c nt nue the nmil fervioe a'.
' -
thai Dl" m 'ieo.1 fjre" c'aJ
j .hl'n T' T?
Miliary, iha Ray PcluBrraf Creva
llrs,'onvlrtrl of nr4er In th
I'i rat Dricrre
GBEENsni ud, Pa , August 30
Tbe trial of Abriham Lincoln Nim
ney for the poisoning uf three mem
bers of bis family was concluded this
evening at six o'clock by a verdict of
murder in the first dt-.rre-. 1 oeucts
coaoecteli wjn tne wj be
c imparatirely fresh in tbe uiiuds f
most uf mir readers. Tne prisoner i
a colored lad of abjiit fifteen years ol
age, aud at tbe time of com nk tin 4
the crime was ect ployed iu tbe family
of J udge Logan of 'his town. He bad
beeu severely punished by Li? father
for Borne juvenile ofTenae. and con
ceived tho idea of revenging himself
for the punishment. Oa Friday
morning June 1st he went to a drug.
store and purchased four ounces ol
arseuic iu judge Logan's name, and
going to bis father's hou4e at '.-ace,
found an opportunity of mixinir it
with the breakfast coffee. From tbe
effect of drinking the coffee, the boy's
father Samuel Niamey, his sister
Mrs. Patterson, aud an infant child
of Mrs. Harris, who was visiting the
family, subsequently died, wL'!e Mrs.
Harris 'was dangereusly ill from the
effects of tbe doisoo. Ibe bay was
at once arrested, and upon being
questioned acknowledged whit be
bad done.
The trial, which was concluded
this evening, was presided over by
Judge S:ow, of Pittsburg, Judge
Logan of this couuty being a witness
for the Commonwealth. Tbe prose
cution was conducted by tbe District
Attorney of Westmoreland county
and J. L. Hazlett, Esq, while the
prisoner wa defended by Edgar
Cowan, Esq, and Mr. Moorhead.
The facts as already stated were
those mainly ilicited by tbe evidence,
which resulted as staud, in a verdict
by the jury of murder in the first
Robbery of Diamond.
Soltii Norwalk, Conn.. AdJ. 2S.
The fact tbat $2,000 worth oi dia
monds had been stolen, on Monday
night from Mrs. Senator Jones, of
Nevada, a guest at tbe Dorlon House,
Gregory's Point, was mt generally
kaowo here till last evening, for the
reason that those aware of the rob
bery bad taken the precaution of
maintaining secrecy in the hjpe ol
entrapping the thif. As yet no plue
has been obtained, and tbe wherea
bouts cf the treasure and the rascally
taker are a3 great a tnys'.ery as ever.
The facts of the robbery ajs 3i foj
lowa: ijouoa 000a MYs. done 1 T
her room as usual and proceeded to
the diuiug room.
iSae was alone, the
';icjtua. Ou
otr return, acer an absence of one
hour, she discovered that ber room
bad been forcibly entered and dis
mond ntcklace and other jeWeir7 t
the valqe of $J,G00 had beeu stolen
Tho ihett was at once reported to Mr.
Saunters, iq charge cf the rooqiSj
aud a thorough SPSTC-h was Instituted.
Thus fr it baa bta qnayailing.1 A
stiasgo man without orator vest was
seeu in tne vicinity if the Doriuu
House bbortly before tbe valuables
were taken, but whether he -j-) tbe
c'rimins! or not Meiiis to be la ijoubt.
Theifce'orv pre vaiU" thai "ihe jewels
were observed on the person of the
wearer during the day' ol the Fat
Mm's CTam Cake, lust vtctk, and
tnal tha pUn U 'Wr ifcerp 5?
then liiaru'r'c(J. '
Krialor Mortnn.
Itit iivoH, I:jJ , Aug. 2!) Hon.
I.-aac JeDkiuson, the IUcbii0-iu
Ihithi i'.nlluJiuiir. was aniomr the
attendants upon Senator Morton lust
uirfht This tvpuiog ih foloitig
etlit-ir al was pubjisbed in tbat ptiptr.
"The geuerai anxiety atfoiit the tki-n:
ditiou uf Senator JJjrton, au-l pou
tradictory rumors are afjoat iu rcga.d
to it, justify us jn saving, and we
speak from -.ers nal observifion, that
bis irproyerrjent ia tbe Ut forty
eigbt bin) -s has t,een trQst roiiiarki
ble. IJis rest last night was aluj nt
unbroken, sleeping the greaur part
qi thp li;;;e e.3 (.'ujaily and as nauiral
ly as thtfgb jo peit'cpt beaitb. This
niorniug b was bijght and phterful,
ccayersiue w jib his friends with the
utmoft frerdju aud kindest solici
tude far the comfort of thoae iq at
teuddcpj upon bim. During to-day
this iiiiproveqirnt p ttinues, and his
f-iei-4s tverywbfre may ba insured
that hid specjy ao-1 permanent re
c vfy can be contiJeutly expected.1'
t'smMie I f mil.
Lo.NMiM, Aaz. 29 Tbe iditor of
ih M tdus Times, a niauibar if the
II Iie4 Coiiimitiee, writes under i dale
Ahj I as f-ilowt: The - population
7'$ uih.'ip India rjior 17 ' lr-;s af
flict eI l-v faiiiiue nuuibers OOi),0ti(i
in il.e most favorable' circimstances
at leasi oca si-b will die. Tweaty
1 Ln c pecple ii) all have iicd of star
vation in Bengal. In Madras no
cumrjof 3,p0t) rises morning after
io -ruing without jeariug as q.sny as
thirty corpse.
I n the interior the distress is most
fearful Oae gpnticman passing do wu
the valley in the Wylaad district
counted twenty-nine dead bodies on
the road. A cffee-plante" sreking
sht-ker from rain in a hut found fcix
deconip-w-iig corpse in it. On any
day cd erer? day mothers may be
rseen if) ti,e plyia cf liidraa cTer-
I in' Iriuip j-i.i' .i iin t. i cat L nrhiln tha
'Pa 'flif rM'en fi;r safe, 'while lb
foundling p t. -t) of i!je) j -Of boise
is full of '"fn's fml'id by He pojioe
oa thr Mad dc f led by ibB pa
rents Siuce ibe famine butj), S00,
000 people hare di d.
' 'be Cr-" big tragedy miy ha e.x
p -c--eu iii ifysbro '4 t province,
indeed, inform ll;a tii (ek't- )' rue
from B mga ire of two- cies "f can
ib-ajisin.,KH, Ma4., AugUilt iJ'Jrl.ast
eveningasa L we train, carry iai;
the excursiouis's by ite steamer
PIvmoihllHk, Wid lUiniig dwo
tpe pensylyauiii pVr im ntruck a
amupul&vi wixiu btllinnr -two.
rut..ll ... .,.!;.. i.. k. L-
hot -w'Jioi --io, it " 4 srrOHST :
irytnug iwn. air vui) ,yrs. , isepn
S"Tf resldiug a- N i at) Mt. I'eter
street, were instantly -killed, the
bodies bei-ig terribly unul I Wil
,f'y -8;r( i ff jr ton, g.d V1S,
had tii rh'oiileicf 'rjis tBVt.
Kacbil O ffird, n.UrrifM a Ma
fj, aged 50 years, lirmir rtn Mas o
tt?ep, North Salem, had bb 'Ci-llur
bonea-' liit rM n b '.sb ides
broken. She rd!ed' at). u ' Auhh.
?he otter pron'iiij ired' b )''uir 'to
t' '. 'P 'A rui i
i j-irits
.goujii u.,i w PlcFrt5.tif
1 he accident oo ihe
i i -
. J
Ipe i' i.rssness
ot itif fi i.4ft!r (,f b 'ff; i
Ding it ii'i ii up Ji u 0 (.1- k
pier, wi,u no ueau iim .,r m ,., tf?e
. . l , i, l . . f
I U- li-iuriu. Illt-(1 inu III riling ij o
sl ........ o r
V ' i '"io i iie;u If ni
Lyon, are re p. rua to be ii.i.B:u; ,
, . m
8 fright JUIUued
u i; j .
are believed to
- wwa a v v uj bUC
overboard, but all
have been rescued.
Arrrat mt Ian laeMiiarl.
Milfiirp, Pa . An' 21 A
b -rn
belo(iiiog Ij Puilip S . k. f ur n.
from Miiford, wit eu ir ly c u 14 j. .J
with conic'jts. Ihsi Sjiurdy iujh j ig,
iovolviug 11 heavy loss, oi nnii
there was no Lnr in
the day two lr-tr:ii-. couie 10 Mot'-nl .
aud gave theui -elves up aa tbe i 0 n-'
diaries Ai. a pieliuiiuary hearing :
tbey Said they hud cu irju.j.itj t r
several monibs, bad tieeu uoanie iu
get olk, aud being lui- si tUrve'l,
concluded Ij fi e il.e bura au-1 nr. 1:1
10 prison, where uiey .iui-i net
something to 1 at. Tte nrl tk. d
up ia the c juity j iil, and will buried
at the September term of couri. Oae,
gave bis name as Frideiicb Meis,
uud says be was bru ia OJiusc, !
Deumaik, aud is by oicopaii u a ;
paiutcr. He is aged ;io TLe o:Lrrj
gave the name of Jo-epb WiUuu,
ias Brown, alias Kelley. IIj w .
born in Loudon, Eogland. He is 40
pears old, and by occupation a plas- j
terer. Kelley claims to have be-!0
leader in the Pittsburgh, Pcuu. raii-
road riot. He has al.i coufensi d ti
having committtd many crimes, audi
that a few years before be came t- !
tbe United States be assisted in tak-i
ing xhe 1'fe of a fellow-workman !
while iutcxicated. He is small iu
stature, well eaucatec, aca uas out
one eye. Meyers says this Li first
The Barber Tlnrdrr.
Wateutwx. X. V , Auifus, 20
The Murderer of Stephen Caiber iu
leluioct wtta arreieU lat cvtrjiug on
& htage coach betAeia JUsutuiarit
TUttftbur ftQ(l tttkea to .Mai ue.
lio uaa ucru i cvvj i z i uc ti nuij
wb-jwas in the neighborhood of
Biirber'd Louse od ctiodaj ld.stt the
ddj of the murder. hen arrs;ed
be bad in his j ).sses.-ion $22 in money ,
a revolver, a lot of silver spoons, 1
(foblets ana otner articles or siler 1
that bad been hammered together
Tbe shoes be wore fii the Uo ul
mark3 outside tbe window of Hirber's
house. He declined U give auy ac
count of himseif. He evidently fear
ed that he would" be lynched lst
night, aud manifested a feeliug uf
relirf hen he got inside of j til. He
will be lakeu into the presence of
Mrs Djrber to-day fur iJentificasi ju.
Yesterday afternoon the jihysician
succeeded in extrao.inz thj bullets
from Airs. JJarber's bead, acd string
hopes are "now entertained of her
recjvery. Tbe funeral of Mr. limber
;o k pi tee yesterday afternoon.
Indian .t rurltiCM.
Tbe fjil-jwing
was raovired
Helena, .ioaiiu, ou Mondar
' Fort Ellis, Montana, Au-rust 27.
To General John ( ih'i .i, il-lenn ;
Liea'enant Schofield report be was
oq t&s t-p cf .Vlcuat vasti!urn yet
tt-rdiy. The Indians appeared iu
Gresser basin on the 2ltb iLS'. Thev
struck the Helena and H lder.-burg
l' 'T'y. killing avven men and taking
two women and one man prisoners.
Just as he (eft il-)UDt Washburn, ves-
trdtt the'Iiidians attacked aootber!?-
ptrty, k Ilia uiue of them
" e j i
escaped. The iudiana re'ea.-fd Mrs
C wa i and her sister and
tir Otner,
ho reacted, SchoQeld yesterday.
"The maiu Camo ero.-sed the Yel-
, , .p.
luwrtone on the 2.u. tbe warn rs
went back to fiht l.oard Vh.'e
B!rd and Luikiug diass remaiued
wiibth-j ca:r .josepb wen?, wi b
the warrlnra. ' 'I'hey siv ibey rc go
ing to ) iutl river amj Camp (trowu
to get Bt(ppKes. ijcbolield tbiuki they
are iroiDjr to ibe L iwt-r Yell stine
via ('lark's Folk. Tbey crsrd the
river between ll'-uol asLbi,rn and
.be lak;s. Jjh iliold d iss it s:ty
jusl where Will sf nt a cur:ertt
' papt. of Jbe Sjeveoib jafai.try."
Itolil Ulhny.ltbl. ry
Lima, O., A"g,,:Sl ,!M dring
robbery was porqmitted ierp Ust
uigh', and caqsed a t-eosatiua iu the
town, dairies V. 'earl, an of
the boijer shops of the I). M IUil
road, rc-Iding ou Xorih street, near
tbe dep it, got t); about ini-iijiiit and
went to erj oijtotjildii). Iu w met
by two nieu aud a woman, who
threw fl ,-ur in his eyes, and then buck
ed and, jfijied K"'B3 Iur' u-0
bis clothes, nd obtaining 70-1 ia
currency, the proceed-" of tbe .-ah t.f
biii!d-ng and loaq shares iu the afur-n-oa
of yesterday. The vi!iiaa- 3t-u,
!eavi"r Pedid in a very bad condition,
wbiuh would a-K-n have resultui in
death if be bud nut been seen l v two
men. Tte suppused ribbera were
seen a, the dep it. It is ibougbt tbey
went iu a buifay, as a buggy was
seen leave rapidly. Tn police
been wo: king ou the cn-e all
but have -no flue anel. .
d -v.
ShuolluK AM ray.
l Ti'wesvil!e, .elson coun'v, Y,
ou Saturday titgh', a mijn named
Marcjsu3 ijaryey i;jJ hi- a.ipenr
acce ia front of tbe store f Dr.
Wood, son, against b' III be had
a gr-idge, threatening to ,ji'oi bim or
any OLp who backed him. -Vl'ieri
Loyinj, a clerk io the storr( went u
for tbe pnrp so of persudjug ti n to
leavCi but a 8)oo ai Hrvey saw
him he made at hlui, present hi o
piet'd. Liviug backed a c niilera.
ble distance, firing one h.rrel l-tdid
wild small iu a (tireciion n i to
sti ihe. '
biip'ai itj;
mill ry-ihed u, n
f rj k1 iM'.n i.r ci-
p diug a capj ad J. iviuir fjred tbe
other b'fr l-miieij j h largf khot or
buck-b t, wbnu Harvey fell, aud died
from LU wounds tbe u-x'. evening
Trtn tar lhaladlaa l analrr.
.i ...
0AI4, XpM ,- AU "tJ Uent-ral
eiey .werriil ,eeq .-rdt-retf to
take roiiiniand ,f t t; Ijhj t of caval
tJ, 'Ut 'FU p "up Kiies, t- rri f.
y..i4 at Msfiip i- y i. l4tl,H W-mi
IJiver VHy, whence ibry aijl pn -ceed
tnbard tu ihe ej( JVn-en
trail. He wid bare ".lh bim ihe
well kiowu F.f b cavalry, a re gin., ut
which irn-i iimved iiniforuilv i.i-.--j.
11- I I ' . r-
tul 'i f! rn-irig
lb lodtaiisi ' Five i ut
el SfKCt) K'!if! ' j't
fthe Vinh ti
aritry l) t Jjave I,, en Stal ld ai
w imii ijjrrack'i l-fi y it eriln v ( re
lleve the cava'ry cnipkiff htMto'ied
at Tttrimis p-i i'h, ii .jfj r ita-. they
may j .in (Jen Mrriu comm md
WfM.viiTji; A'lir 30 -The
Tbiril'l','jrff.j' ttti.f, iioh ta
cii-ned lu-ruia)Uaui. fm-i' b; i-D 'or
dered to Moutana to ' rel .r.ired Co'.
G fford's c' nnuatid.
i ....
.viw ir-e ivi
fleilll)J,! T.e'i
tlla. I..a
' ,-lte ll 'Hi
li it ljutMhinif. I
Healin-.? nu.r ui.rff
. tiv.a(uiiir.
! JMii-Trua. i hanm
sioiea. r.rmitl.wn
lil i Klievei-itcb.
... btnina wl , tilling ui tne Slt. anJ Irtlia-
r- vt UIVLH.I
i.l ur..u ..r . I. - . -..
liliUIll hlr
la KUKK a-miu AI i. 1 1 1' l' b m
! "'"". aou prsrenta euataatuaa Iliseawn.
ami as an External MeOiral ao-l T -ll.t Hn-r.ra,
te .i" "l.iV ,lrke- , ' :
, aaea. ruiy rents. sHil.l by
HenfurJ, Somer-t. Pa., ami l;ruiiai.
uenerally. E. 8. WEBSTER, Pmprie or til-
- e,sarf.5iii8...pi,ua.r.. pi? WbSie. l.-
i. i:s.w 1.
5 r. ii.
T ie Kirn X .:l B u.k r .Ci. TI-t5am.
vii :
u- tf Ktirtio 1 a fnrnenf AI unmi4'nir b
tr -t 1 a ihiw rtunr hrj k U-Hri with m i by
H .Me.'
tl K cn t.t a-l j.-i iiM the hor. fnoTfn to
fwrt 'fi Hum sirtt-t ntvi o teei back ro aa ily.
A IJS . one int ta oilier earner o M;tin wl
4!iaffi AiritetP. 4 ' ft front n bvn, hsvinK
tlir.H a isni-? Ir -ine taSI on U all-y
ALSti. oue i. trKiiiat 4'J Ier( ho lltuf h itrfet
rtlRiiiu tii k I; f-'t It 4 1 iir, h-4vina
ikT' 'U ; f wit ifty brn k ai-l If-nw: tlt!iiu
ilJHii hall intm-st in I lie Uur I unl ry i;uti'liiit4 f'Ttucrly vwuc 1 liy MH'jlet
Jt )lurs tf-jtr idt; Kaflrtuil.
Fh trrnl -r -Titr are frrrl t Prlff
Male an J tt tut rrvi'nly iliiwl wili I
In-K.1 iii'ho n KrhUy, ihr .jl..tiUy ! .u
cu.-t, 17;, h Ue jin-iuifr. Title M.Tivt. fr
lr.n- mvi tr i.trii'uiari i'pi' ia the ofU er. I
liunW,Mu fr'icuiMiU, -.
July T.
fl 4 rr In prim onlrr.
11 ! I a aiut 'M menu in timber.
vrr, reiwiy to cut ori.l.'W antlur. Tlirkliy orrhanl,
mil atnirr tfwnoifh it:Br, runuiiiv w;tter iu every
IK'M Aoi at boil.imK. sxauuctt lawu.
Uni.l)IX(3S NTAV
n'l rnniplele, in flr-t-rlawi mminunltv, tematt
fully 8nuUM, nne iu-1 no4-.bil antra avet uf Hie
ili.tiiH'Uil in Suint-rmit iluiruKh. anl tw mni me
hait e.t-(if Irftvjusviile, mi nurtb i-J'l iiirt.Le
rt'H't. tiretiirrn (I)urikAnij rhnh tm tvrui
lull a luilc wet ol t uiiiln, cliurrhc uf m.rif
.ni ot br l.bruifi:Liai in Siu;rwt r Lavcui
viiie S"Ih1 hou.'Hs aUiat Oeiiiif enxicU vo vr
near tho p re iu :.
NO. 2.
160 aenra aJjuioinx tb
ftrniVC, (Q 9Ulh tr
tpnijuavTiij, ab-i luimetlLiteiv o.tittt. t;yi!U
htic s ti?w, 14 rv prime tiiufr. Suiuth ao-1
'J u ui .1 j. i, nuns JuUU) UrCiiAN.
0 a m!i r. r,f 1,
O . thdy puoone uuia
, ti,oj ane f..-ui. in iuiim.
NO. 4.
v, , lUrifdl.
llonw an. kt In st--ir-
j .A-TjSO
un.n ani i-u. th Cuomr.
N'i. 1. Prire I'VOuO. Tcrmi 5.CC-0 In liao.1.
'1 vear.
-. -i. I'rlr ,l ?. Terms tV I hand.
- a yea.
So. a. tri-a tl.'.-u). Tvrma M tat Inml.
V-tii vear.
.'. P.Ue tl.ww. Ttruu f-ua i han.1.
i-. ta jor.
As the' J-vrriinient ha ro.ltt-w-1 her Int-rvM tt
4 p-rt-nt , a Uj-t wiil Di-s-vHrily revuil ia
t-u.-ine.. h-ri- th 9uian-l pro&tabte inremests
r the tur-as wiil I r?ai estate. Ffii,l-iB (
Sh. ati-t Ua4 -ieire-l, oi a itii-l 4 bfi April nest.
JulIL W. J. HAfcK.
1. U.
Ml i UMS
Urrtta. Cm
t. Psi.
HcKNnrullT Inform the -it;in o S.mviM
ln-: v, tluit tb are iriMirvl lu take euotrarty
fr ail kiD-i rVia-ttru. KepHtrluK prjutly
attii-ieU t. A-l-ireM
W-irli ..tit'i-0,1, ui.i aatul.n-Uoik nusrmnta4.
Cti-.k'tkk a longer r.r the lew wilr. Th.
iK-Mt -.nalri u.v-! wifhin tlie r--!! tt every
une. Ii-- k a.-u.ii!v lr-.m l to la eivrn (un-chimte-l
an-l autibridKeUJ lur l'anti 'AJcent.
1. Ksr I.YXNK. Mm. Wn.l ( D. !"?.).
'i. J--uu HaiiLtx. Ifeat.. lr Miwt Makisk. 'Ar.
X Jane Evre. l-y l.'ltarkato Bn-nte. (1. N.) 'Jw.
4 A W--iiuti-htrr..'liii. Koxle'n new oiiTel. sue.
ins Hint- lo lii-i. Jul, ernea I it test, ltir,
lt Koiiijieii. hy lluiwer. lm.
A lain He-lo. It lei.nje K.U.U, f IK X.) Sir.
The Arnmiel jj-itto. lv Mitry O'ei-il Hny. lin-;
'X HI I .Mv4iieltn ;HinT. by i.s-.-r
Tim u ,...n inU t.:i.hv a-in 1. nn:..
1 1 . rite Atni un tne kiM. ny urse til-. ;-.
ti tic -ATner. -n 3i?3.i'.t.
T. rl Anthonr Trol
l"TV. 1
'a. A Krim-eiw ..f Thai-. I t Wm. rlUck.
1 1 r.e iiea.1 serrnt, t.y llkie Ci-lliiw.
1 r imu, i.t is..nce tiiot 1 1. s.
in. The Knt;lih at tne .Virtu f"le ami FK-M
1 ; !' I ---r In nr.e Irn-'k Juten Vem'--. '
i 1:. 11:1. Icn Peiil-.'hy Jirfei-ri HJ-.' "
!. HJriwr' Hi.-inrv. Sr Amelf.i Ko;.w!.
j !-'. A l erri'iTe rel:!-t il ' .n. I-J Oi:i. f,.i.
ii! f 'uti..3itY &li-ii. br t.'U.k3. liii-b&ntt.
'Ii. r'-ul 11 iv. ti'vt'hj. k-n.le.
:i. M 111 -in-1 Wile, hy Wllliie 0,illin-j.
'i'X Tr.e S.iuire'n l.if:ii-r. h l:rr it.
ur SMift? hy all It-NikK-Hrr? ana Ni-vt slt-nlrr-. i
nt.; pri-iii-!, un rvv-rlut uf priow hy
OfHtOE MI'NUli, PBL.nut.B.
l -HNIS VK AT',(i: s SlUX't
i:1. .iiiin Jl i,ter Ute ol Ikirilq H-.r-iviS,
l,etii-r of a-liuiaiatriititin oq the abors eatatg
ti.tin i((-t.n imnui tu tl,e tileriipie.!, i;utiM;i
:.-,el. Kci'tutlf; !c,dliti J lu ll tu ayV. 4iiu.
-,:te iiicent, au.I tbvje hatr elaiuuaaiba
1.. tu .re?rnt tlieia duly autliiailcatwl iir aottU.
ait-yt . a -iiiiriliiy, tre jt day ul S-titeuitie
1-;!. tlie l:ilo rvai-leqee or iaVi ileeeaaed ll;
ieriin lki;i,x, vilicuana where he wm attena
!. rtha; iitin-.jr.
Js'y lv A-luiiuUtMtur.
4 SS t-t a Ntri'iut,
Pett-r W. nu Itr ami wlf of All.-ahrnr Tw..
S-iuT-rit t'u., f., having- tuae a rolaota
ry ui jiimest to uie, lur tlia hentut ol tbelr ereill-t-iri.
Nutit u hereby hIvcb Io all
tu itll Kim are uxitital tu Iheui tu make iw
nm.ti.il2 -uytaeii!, ami tluxe baTlli-rlaiaaaiailiat
iueui tii,rvt-nt theia-luly auheniiratea lur aettla-Uii-nt
t.i the UQili-r-iifiieil at hi rrfiileora ia Ail
alivuy Tjt.t.u Sj.-iiti-m'-r li, lsTi.
Aumt 11.
Mi, CGift asi Econcmy
L..rk S',i.ivlia are uiiinrpasjed man artMe
Be. . M:iur. ft,-. Tliry are tea time an dor
atie aa Hu.'ka or tr.iw. duly t cents per ll. 40
nun ! wiil mt the I trge; be 1. For sa.e hy Ann
"tmn. Knthrr Jit'j, 41 and M rtfi Areiiue.
I'i'.tai-ur-li, f.
Jul) lv
LvDl'liS' "SEMINAltv;
Fall nien Tliurminy, 8-t. 13th, 1S T.
-.-ft li.'O rciy tit-ulthtul. euny ul aee?s. Mini
fiKi.iir.ile. Full e uf FurC-ata--
.H.l-t 1.
f"K SAl.K ,
Wilt -.If.-r at riv.ite s iie at lnw
prii-ej ami
eay terms ani cunditiuns, rlj! :
qr:y Ore-fifth Cash Required on
- .'PwrfcH5se,3aacqPai,sbeir) i
1. -It -1 ' I VKiiii,
erjiiiil pTtnenu In Iloni!, wjth interest at tii u,
seut. p r annum uy4'ile -jii.auuiuily, aeeureU
by nn.nsf tne.
The uwueroifL-ring to the pareliawr (llderlreil),
thatattlveeiiratiua of the four year, shuuij
the pureluuer bili.'atinel wlta bi pan-hase,
wilt relHivltlie original pttretu-ia aavmni aa tx-pre.--e.
!n the rm-elpt (or deod la iIm hands uf
.H- j.j itut-i x. iiHaei.ker".otli t: tm 1
ui T afe cia.tev t:ieha-.e tire-t-t :Jam'
i-rte. "u i-iinn-lit ,,l urir!ual' piirrlla.4 aii..j.iV; the lut or lots re free Iruio iwtliic
rarirt-. ?:iiiie as wlifn U us-hl Imm i,nir '
Fur j-rli'a!rr. PLir w
l.r RfSSlJ.L k WJAUM a'tt,
h.mix is r RATUll '! XOTICK
Esute uf Peter Dulenun . late ol Jenncr Twp.
.... deceased.
fatten ufluilol'tratiiia-ifitbeaboTe aatate har
ls bm a-raniwi lu the wxlerstirnatl by tha prup
e: i;t'.o. ly, c;u:c n be;aty ai ven lu li-o. Is
ilei-ttiHi-tiai:itei4i:;ela;e'j.:H1,; ,a j I...,; e-uitus Jsir'. Il 1IH pKlrtiTioiilS
ii(! r.r Oittlemept ihu4t wsuy &
ainurtUy, Sl. t, lsjr.ut tii U' reiltis.- uf'U'
. , ' NOAH 5. SIIIX'R. '
July -:. AiiiniuiMrator.
i -i?H alers.i.wsl rfl(.t of JiiJe
4 Om
4 Liltrwi-
mijcrarr, wl( mil at uhlie :ae at t
ui V lu &"4U'
I f'n.. r-a.,ua ,
ill Allrgliepr Twi.1, Suit
Saturday, St it :mlr 15, 13J7.
the fulk.a'ina- ileniliel real estate, ii :
. A reri in tr.i'-t i. tan I hetna the n- lenr farm
of tue tatil jim.i J. I ', ir. Ilu,rer,i siw at i ia
AllrvlhilY 1 . e'l. ihly hiareiaiii, aa! iiirtir m.w
f Fe iriuaer, l.ral lloyle.ian.l iNali :aS't)Qrrt
eofitiulriTl4 asres, aovrnt TO- arrei cleared M
wlil.-h u is nira.luw. th halanA -vert t'iin'
here.1. -The liDpruvnm-nt are a ten sMry ilwell
lnii h"..,--. jh4e I'm hum; awl other .iil-hiiliin,ys.
Im-rrT-a.-uanr-liajJ-.i ciiofr apple rn.1 . tT.
er m;f t.w oft -He ).reml j; a.n p.1i.:f 6
nerer lailiu wati-r neat tfiiTi.,o3i Thpj Vr -ty
beLfi-iiieut turiori.-hean.l i-hni'i ahj Tij
.llns.-l( - p tHe li: i ll,..- e peap FreiKhl jil
K -a.., .1 11)44.4 li boea siryeya go lli pr -
TERMS: 10 per rent, of the arrhase wiunry
to t pn as r un as the pr-.ptrty ia mM, lha
natance oa cuLtiruii;!, uf al anj delivery ul
Sale tu oimiuenre at 1 o'elm-li, p. n. There will
also be Siiue pvrsunal property auid at tba san
in' m 1. r
tVO U :
um. suv n. mini t., run.. Fa.
Jul Si.
Aoifust L