Tho Somerset Heral TO GO TO WAR. WEDNESDAY At the March terra cf tLe United District Ceitri tt Atlanta ('cordis, 1'S2 person rame ia plead guilty to the cbavg illicit di.til!ioR. 'dilion of MiMic Mntimint in that f ir 1 10 "IBJ a" lne nimor, -' Aant-.. irf. . tt :. .l. i.... V 3a ttifi tr-ny arronimoa itft a many 16 . , more. Ice place is owned bv an as- nimseu u bimu5 wui iii.u6u jsoc,al;oa wua enforce the moat ultra V ankee land, constantly reiterating ' religious rules. Intoxicating drinks ; tl,e assurance that peace aod harmony ! cannot be Lad lor love or money, boat 'l . e- .... i...-.f,. iUM..i;m.;J iiujr aad all classes of amusement are of I nri.lil.ih. Si hi lit h Rl IP fmni aad the Union prevail throughout ft :ntcd r(wlftVjon.6 there is a rnor- .i . i i i i . 1 . . me codid, ana line vne temperance Trlf'nu'U makes' lecturer, who enforced Lis arguments "class ! hj producing on the stage an "a-vfu! inebri- The rhiladelpbia ll.e nnint that DlOtt tf the . ., ... i.:. c..fd v.. iun in iexaranle" in the shape of 0 Icgisiaiiou iu m " favor of the workinsrman. As proof i ate happily reformed, ha introduces it rites the exemption law, preferred j Postmaster (Jcncral Key as a d..nm. claims of wages, u.cchauic's lien,; guisbed rvM soldier and llaurboa nonattachtuent of wages, lrsuLal j Democrat, who under Providence, tfwkholder!, for ! coaie to see the error of his way. uiuim uitu. kv VM - wages, tbe eight hour law and other statutes of ppeeial b?ncfit to the labo er. The New Orleans limrt, in notic ing the manner in which the nomi nation of Bishop, Democratic candi date lor Governor in Ohio was made, "This sort of thing is nut, Whereupon tLe good aad reformed P. Ji. G. aleo assures the audience that our once "erring Southern brethren' tave now turned from tLe error of al influence that makes it extremely difficult for a pioner to ba comfortable in the prosecution of any kind of gemi-finful or c vea frivolous amuse ment. The business of the placi is religion, and it is very closely follow ed. There are meetings at daylight, and then all the day, with iutcrrals of rest, aad till ten o'clock at night. Mrs. Lizzie Cook is there exhorting a dozen times a day, as well as Mrs. Van Cott, and all the noted reviral LsU. - The singing and prayingr is of the emotional kind, the end bjiug to gel up as much religious fervor and iCv'Img as possible. Isitnops bimpson Bnssian Peasants tei CoiiscripM they lif. yea erday nicruing. Lieut. rrmoh w. iinim vntentn Learr, Howard' commissary,-avs "'"'" .".'"'"""T, when he left the front the Indians j . ,IJTSIVI"-E. A""":1 . Hon r. were fortif fog at a place called the U eyeu.og ismed a lot Lava Ueds. He thinks Gen. How-.'r addressed ta the Democracy of r.l .,..i- r-,arA. A ,... i euusyivaaia. ue cnargss inai a lal from Fort Shaw, Muntauu, Au ANNUAL EXUIBITION Oi THE their wave, accept the constitution ia T? . V ( . .V r lucu mmj , m e and Peck have charge o! the exe.-cis ! good faith all the constitution with ca Jt js aa im!uen B.,cce6S thi. the amendments and are willing to savs: stand by them and die by them, if needs be." and theu everybody ap- little belter than selling the nomma-1 j. hugs himself, and feels tion at auction to the bigbest uiaar r. , ..-igbtcd ttet at last the cruel war ia According to the Cincinnati Entjuir-! orcr j,jg0neg are tygoncs, aad we rr, I'.ifchop was nominated upon the' ia fuU EJ.mpatby with the South, assurance hat Le contributed aa jjul n0 600ner have the pleasant ample turn for campaign purposes -0rdi and delightful assoranccs of - i uniitv maiio hr thi Postmaster Gea- ;..VEttM.R II ARTUANTT has issued ; lU ,oycd Qa Lomej it an there comes up from that ''Und of lovely women and brave mon" Q , call for two regiments of the Na- roluntt-er for three laucaing to pi ace . . ri;nrjanr luUpr:n? of iheui in the field, and relieve all oih-, th.t aw.ifll fiweli3 lnt0 t stornj of protest and denunciation. tional Gutrd to months service, cr State troops two regiments are from duty. Thee to be made up by Toluutecrs from the various organisa tion of the National Guard, and are to be equipped the Fame as the forces of the regular army. Thousands of officers and men have already volun teered, and selections will be made by the military authorities. The Governor is resolved thutj The He shall be crack regiments, and j admission to them is regarded as a; uark of honor. j Tuk Democracy are putting ejuevr material into their political chow chow this year. In MirL-sippi they're nominated for Governor the poltroon who was afraid to nave -ar rested and punished the Thugs own party who assainated Judge Chitiolm nd Lis iufaut thildreu. In Ohio their gubernatorial candidate is an old Know Nothing; and (a Maine their candidate was elected as a Republican to the State Senate in ISjfi, and, as President of that body, became Governor on the refcignatiou of Hannibal Hanilia to accept the I'nited States Senatorhip. In IS72 Le voted for Horace Greeley, ia 1 S74 he was elected to the Legislature as an Independent Republican, and acted with the Republicans during the session, and ia 1STC he condoned til Lis previous offenses, ia the eyes of the Democracy, by voting for Til den and thus qualifying himself to accept Lis present candidacy. Truly, polities, like misery, acquaints u with strange bed-fellows. litis. Joiix Shebmax, Secretary of the Treasury, some ten days since, when on a visit to Lis borne ia Mans field, 01 io, in response to a public re ception, made a speech (the fact that be would do so was heralded by the press several weeks in advance), in hich be discussed the policy of the Administration in regard to the paci fication of the South, the reduction f the expenditures of the govern, went, the reform of the civil service, end tLe refumption of specie pay ments. The speech is an able one, Las attracted a food deul of atten tion, and ia considered the opening cn of the Ohio campaign. Ue observe that a por'.ion of the press is disposed to arp about the fact that the Secretary made this Fpeeeb. and more than insinuate that bis 60 doing was a flagrant violation j of the new civil service rules forbid ding office-holders from tating an ac tive part in politics. Uless their dffar liearts! they are but political babce nd sucklings, and Lave yet to learn ibe difference between tweedledum and twredlcdce. Prom the Potomac to the Gulf the "Southern heart ia fired" by the "termerriag Southern bre ibreu" ijii, advisedly used br the conciliated Post Master General, and forthwith that true rr-prcseitative of public opinion the pres opesa a furious fusilade upon him. '"He U rating loo much humble pic" cries one, "bo isthel'riah Heap of the South," (iays another, '-'there is no use for any j Southern man to grovel in the dust," I cries a third, "he is a tru-k Rule brouglit forward towards tae close oi aa entcrlaicaieat, for the special de'.iirht of tLe audience' rells an other, and still mure ferocious tLn ! the rest, another howls: ' I'rrioir be 01 U1S I ' . .... jnanged! Southerners are not wining iag to be the brothers of any living people on Fuch terms." Truly now ! does'nt this look "like one of thotie thiog-that no fellow can find out, you know ?' We want to believe tie Presideut nd the Post Master General, we want the lion and the lamb to lie down together, provided to lamb is not inside the lion, we want to love our Southern brethren and take them to our bosom, and kill the fatted calf, and shed te &r of joy over them, and cry, "these our brethren being lost are founda gain," and blow our1 nose, and wipe our eyes, and join Jn1 a uatrersai psaim or manKsgivmg and praise ores a Union now and forever one and insepariie. Rut, is it a sif? and sure thing? Our prodi gal swears be ia'nt a prodigal, that he wasn't drunk nor lewd, ncj even on a jamboree ; that be won't be forgwta, because all the lime he was a very proper man, and that wa were mis taken, and must acknowledge tbe fact. Really now, ja short, to save all coufusion, and make things per fectly clear, hadn't we better Lava a. commission f We presume to make but a single further suggestion: Don't put "Joe Bradley" on it, or tLe fat will all be in tbe fire again. At tbe Democratic Convention which assembled at Harrisburg on Wednesday last, the 6late, previous-ly arranged, was trotted through nimbly TeiNJiEV for Judge, Noyes for Treasurer, and S uei.i. f or Auditor General. Of the w-solutiots adopted, the first is lachrymal over the great fraud perpetialed on Tildea by the election of Hayes, the second and third are swaggering, on tbe claim that tbe President's Southern policy, and Civil Service reform, are babes of Democratic birth, tbe fourth is damnable, in that it caters to mob spirit, and lawless combinations gainst capital and corptrat organ ir.alions, the fifth is pure demagog. ism, professing as it does on false prrtense, hostility to increasing our skeleton army, aod sympathy with distressed and ' unemployed labor, which it is cluiuied, it is the mission of tbe Democratic party to relieve, tbe sixth is assinine in its hostility to protecting tbe domestic industry, which it professes its anxie ty to conserve, while its assumed opposition to subsidies, land grants, and monopolies, in tbe face of its past history and present attitude, is as monstrous as it is ridiculous, the seventh is farcical in its assumed fear of tbe great transportation com panies claiming to be above the fun damental laws of ibe State, and the ast is cowardly in its evasion i( any present declaration regarding the finances of tbe country. Asa whole, tbe platform is a crude mass ol meaningless verbiage and silly froth, a chaotic mass of words, designedly unintelligible, or the product of a wofullr addled brain. Wl are really getting so mixed by conflicting testimony in regard to the feelings, sentiments, and probable fu ture action of our dear friends in the sunny South, that we feci like peti tioning the President to raise another of Lis now famous Ckn.oiions to o"l lECt'OSU LETTER. New Vouk, August ih, 1877. THE I.ArtOE THOlBI.EX arc not over vet by any means, though the long-tbrcatcned 6trike in the city has nut yet taken place. The workingmen are not organized to make it tbe success they desire, aad it will be put off till tbe leaders have their arrangenients thoroughly and couinlcUily uiaje. Swiuton, Schwab and 1 boinpson are buy among them, organizing by trades and raising funds to support tLe movement when the breae is unuiiy made, luey ex pect to have a piillioa of dollars, and so complete an organisation that they will be able to effectually nop all bus iness, and dictata tcros U; uifi city, and that without any rioting or blood shed. One workman aked Swinlon whether it would not bo better to take THE MILUOK. and pay it over to the unemployed workmen, to help them along till times got better ? Swintou's answer was characteristic. "What is the ufe of feeding men in this way i Do you want to go on feeding them, or will you compel capital to pay them to that they can feed themselves? A million of dollars is a mere nothing, to pay wbat we want!" Justus Schwab says but little but be sells be r aud looks wise. He bas tbe Ger mc dement well organized, and well in i and When tbe strike is declar ed, Le Fays tbef s ill turn out to a maa. THE STORM TEAR. This season Las been made memor able by the number and severity of the storms that have swept over this coat. Never in tbe history of the city have there been eo many or so vii leut. Last bandar night, Coney Is land, on which at tbe time were more than 50,000 visitors, was swept by a storm that was as severe as it was unexpected. Rathing houses wero taken up and carried bodily a quarter of a mile inland, tables on the piazzas were swept away, and men and wo men sitting at them were burled vio lently against tbe walls of tbe build ings. Fortunately tbe hotels were sufficiently strong to resist tbe beating of the winds, else there would Lave been a terrible loss of life. There is a thunderstorm or two every day,! and the nights are made lively by the same agency. It was amusing lastj Sunday on tbe boats that carry New Vork out to get breath of fresh air on the water. On the boat to Fire Is land there were seven hundred pass engers, a farious storm came op, and every one of tbe seven hundred was sea -sick. Tbe B'ght of seven hun dred people vomiting at once is not often vouchsafed, and would have been amusing bad not tbe beholder been too busy with bis own Individ ual sickness to enjoy that of others. THE BIJ CAMP MEETISa at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, is in ac tive operation. At this now famous place there are f ubstanlial cottages year. WALL STSEET. Not since the summer ol 1S73 has there been such a "grip" acquired bv tbe "bulls" oa the whole frout of the Wall Street stock market, as now exists. A greet "bull" combination led by Kccne, the heavy 'operator from "Frisco," Russell Sage, the niaa who "co.1 down" on Milwaukee k St. Paul for so long a time, I). P. Morgan, Sam Mills, Osborne and others as sisted by Vaaderbilt and also by net erq.1 b-nfcs who are interested ia float ing the wreck in orth West & Rock Island R. R. stocks rpade by Traey's failure ara now manipulating for a higher market, tLe controlling part of the stocks of railroads and telegraph companii'S representing a capital of cot les3 than three hundred niillioas of dollars. Their arguwect I, Jrat, thatia the general depression of tride -no"f slowiy improving and in the liqui dations which Lave been going oa, railroad stocks fell below iliejr true value ; end, sesoad, that tlio great crops of tbe country will be tarried over the roads this fall, and tie war. giving a market at good price, will stimulate the business of the entire country, and the roads, having already 'effected great economy in running ernenses will Fbow a large increase in earnings, and at paying rates for all, and lnveitcr and specu lators will then buy stocks at tie ad vanced jrU?s. Tbero ara those who do not taLc this roscale view, and Jay Gould is one of them. This clique Lave dem onstrated their positive strength by advancing the whole line in tLe face of the recent labor strike, and Its at tendant destruction of railroad prop erty, so that during the ten days of its continuance, tbe stocks in their hands marked in quoted sales aa in erected vb!uc of eight million dollars. Jay Gould takes lq band on that side at present, but last wccU, in ;lo u-ie-graph stocks, ICeece scd Gould exe cuted a "pas de deux" In which J. G. showed the most leg, and left Keene and his confrere Sage, loaded with a few millions cf the Atlantic k Pacific stock and with the reflection that "for wars that are dark, and tricks that aro vain," Wal St- is surely pe culiar. Gould is ijlariair "lone band" and eoeais to rely oa tbe gen eral opportunity which comes for breaking so long a !iae, and wbea tbe clique get all they can carry, Le will assault their weak poiuls. In the meantime tbera -jll be a great ad vance in stocks, no matur what fol lows. One bouse on ew fctreet is carrying over three millions of New lork Central stock, which tbey food ly expect to sell at par or higher, and V anderbilt will take care of twenty millions cf the Lake Shore stock Uallijt. wijl again be the great gaming centre, and this Fall will see uiaov fortunes there lost and won. riBClNSTASTlAL EVIDENCE. London. A ugast 2 1. The Moscow corresnondent of tbe Daily AVtrs write, describing the effect of i the war io Russia as follows : "The j peasants are being called off to join tbe imperial army from all direc tions. Wherever one goes families are niouruin? because eitncr latner or brother are under orders to start within, perchance, only a few hours. Families are broken upon all sides. and wives are selling " tbe household furniture. Tho 6trects of Moscow are thronged ia many places wilb household goods. The prices of pro visions are rising proportionately. Among upper classes bouses are io the same stale of change. Those who have retired from tbe army and navy are in many cases being recalled. All will, it is presumed, be summoned in course of time. Whilst I write a general call is being made for all to serve in the military, and notices to this effect have been served on all those residing in Xo. 1 of the divi sions of Moscow. House to bouse visitations are also going on relative to tbe number of meq, secants and horses kept by every householder, a large portion of whjcb must now be parted with for public services. Detailed bulletin? fronj the Rus sian General commanding theSbipka pass show that on August 22 the Turks greeted two batteries of long range artillery and mads treuches tffrough wbioh tbey approached the Russian position. Ibe Russian loss on August 21 was 200 and on the 22 much less. The latest bulletin recounts tbe operations of Thursday, it says: "The Turkish bra commenced aj bajf past four in tbe morning and lasted with great violence until noon. Meaq while the Turks made several desper ate assaults but wero repulssd. "Our heroes did not yield a foot. At noon the firing slackened and reserves began to arrive Our lossos have been great." Reuter'8 liucbarest dispatch says; that the population of Giurgeva have been ordered to leave the town because of tbe cannouade which is proereasiug between Rustchuk and tbe Russian batpriej or) tho northern bank of the fraauiiC. ! a surrender was made to the Nvon- iCflMFRSETCOUHTY o.i.l e n i. 1 at nanKS in civinir mem com mi tiT! n - ------ -oiu, says news iroui rcn oenion - , , . iiii i i t i Bdrll'TV states that there are indications of an I n'0"e q"on J that the appi vl j A(,UI I . Tl IM h MM ILI I, outbreak am og tbe Grosventres, As-1 ?T lti" cancollauon of greenbacks .-id T ub iisiu sinjboiues and Piegans. Sitting j "c"";e of the lateral bearing .l !t ! Mobpr 2J 3lI, .lti, a..d 5tli, 177. Bj ia at Fort IVck. Ntz Perce. I are en,J Prl of -lie ; river OIXIJ j yu,u,ulta "J uc titum rrw thotuomv jlution; that the fuurib aad sevtath liidck F.t scouts are on the Marits horses were stolen from eight mile Springs aud A geney. A Lively Naake Una I. Iik.-Uttted R-iii)llpana. Pout Jeuvis, Aug. 20 Harrison Van Dourer and Dan. Tompkius haul cordwuod over the Monticello turn pike, between that place and Wnrts- boro. On Saturday, as they were j jogging along by McMunn's, three i miles from Wurtaboro, tnree big rat tlesnakes lay coiled up in the road, and set up a chorus that teamsters stop. A stone tbe rattlesnakes drove them into the woods. It's bad luck to let a rattle snake get away from you. A Sulli van county mountaineer would soon er miss a circus than go home aud say that he bad seen a rattlesnake aad tbea coulda't show tbe rattles to prove it. So Tompkias aud Van Deuzer left their teams aDd followed the snakes. Tbe rallies led thin a cnase ot iwo miles, out tne ment that followed paid for it. Tue men had been taken plum i.liU. Tulmage's fan) JU4 ''tD TQ,; saake-i lay about io scores, taking iu the merry sunshine, aid regretting th tt the huckleberry pickers had all lull the woods. This was a picnic Van Deuzer and Tompkins bad not hoped for. They got uli;bs and went at the snakes. The fight lasted uS .ut ten minutes. More than half tbe best ones got away aad hid io tho fissures of the rockes. Rut the men gath ered the rattles off of fifiy-Bix very fair specimens. Some of tho sake s they tilled were tbree fupt Joqg. They took home -1 9:4 rattles, and expect io get oqt at leant f.ur gallons of. oil for linimeut. This den W4 f4V;riie o() f the celebrated suaLe v&iuher, Matt. Talmage. He ued to take bundroJs out of it, alive. He lived in Wurts boro, and a rattlesnake bite never had any effect on bim. He followed snake breeding, and be had some ot the most curious aad rare specimens of the snake fauiily ever coilec .ed. Ia 1873 be captured a large pilot or copperhead- He made a rreat pel of I lutiou ; that the fuurib resolutions contaiu a no lure udvoca- cy of free trade ; aad inai tbe teeond resolution involves a direct approval ' or the heresy of Hie right i.f seces sion. Tho letter clone..- as fallows : Thus tbo Democracy' of Pennsylvania j bare had presented to . them,. by- the j ... platform of this Convention : i i. io support national bank cur rency aod national bank control over the subject of uiouey, and the people are thus urired to oppose tLe control niaue the I of this subject by the people, whereby thrown at , ihev may rid ihem.sL-lvK uf fi.irinnnl bauk notes aud supply a currency of goiu auu stiver supplemented by pa OIT-IOI'ItX: Wr.H. FREAS, Prsi.leiit. W.M. II. STAHt., Vice -I'resi.lent. F. C. SAMPSEI.L, Secretary. .JOHN It. SCOTT, Cor. Secretary. A. C. DAVIS. Treasurer. CJEO. W. PILE, Maralial. J. II. FKITZ, Cenurat Kuimriiitrwli-itt. F. J. KOOSEIt aud A. P. DICKEY, Auditors. ' "-ENTRIES ASD' TERMS. Tho Fair GroanJ will be opn to th ra ception of stock anl all articles on Tues day, the 2ul day of October. All articles and animals for exhibition must be enter ed before they cati he brought within the gronnds. AU exhibitor must becomn members of tbe Society. No article cin be entered to compete for premiums un less the a-ticle has been ruade or manufac tured by the exhibitor. All articles and ARlmftltf In rnmrwtitimt intMt hn enrerttil per legal-lenders the litter convert- I before 2 o'clock p. in. of ths first day. Car ible wilb gold al par riages anJ horsemen will Iw a l-n tt-I into Tn nn,ir, r.. .ru.t . ... ' ,,,e t?ruud, but eab person how a . rr"' 6ui. , geason or memoeisuip ticket, and occn- panta of carriages or wagons not having them, must procure a t.cket of admis-siou before entering the enclosure. Members visiting iu carriage must ahovr their tickcta aa such, aud other persona ac companying them must pay for admit tance. Dri ving or riding on tho track d tir ing the titne designed by the judges for the trial of speed will not bo permitted. AH entries by members free. II y and; straw will be furnished free of charg) to all exhibitors. Exhibitors are request-I cd to niulid a list of articles, whether one or more, before leaving home, and the o!a8 to which they b.-loug, aud tiigu their j names at the bottom, ami ban I aiiil list i to tbe clerk. This will enable lha clerk to j get their nanus correct on the books, and ' will preveut delay. isitors are strictly prohibited from handling articles on ex hibition. The managers will have an auc tioneer to sell any animal or article ex hibited, whioh the owners may wish to sell, on the afternoon of the last day of thu Fair at a small c .t to the own ir. per sons having articles to sell are reqifsted to give timely lioti jo to the Secretary, so that public notice tin be given. I All grain crops rAKd fron one a.Tc, hr more, deemed uienturlons by the jtid-jes , on grain, shall ho refx rt tn the othYers m' I- the Air. Society, who will givi- l premium acordiug to merit. All micIi crop mttf be accompanied by an atlidarit and a arit- ten statement giving a description of the grain, an. I soil, and 111) un.l.; ol culiiva tion. .? V ih;kh. A. (i. Will. Supt.; Abrim Wilfon, U mry L lir, A. J. Siiuyw, tl.-o. II Sl.mloo. C J. II iirixui, E l. S i.iiT, 1 1 epa it tm E r vi i ii . j r vn: VEiIETAIILES. Bvxt display of n t l.'.-w tin t 5 varieties 't .i .h-l or' w't kui 1 s oo 2.1 b.-r, .'o r,o IJest one-half b ishel early roi , do cTterries ,(, ! graies to rt ratits 1 M IWlCTrlri do l.'::i-U berrits , d g.hb Trie .1.) do do do do do do do do do do Io do do ilo do d ,1 . .Io ilo do do do do do do d do to do do .1.. do do do do do do do iel early ru.-s , go Mlri ;h, harri.on, peaehbtow 4, pr-eriess, g.irnels, li. blues, turnips, onions, red beets, sugar (wets, carrots, parsnips. sweet pot.ito s. : do .i,. d i Best display of cabbage, n t less th 1 1 six heads, dj head of cabbage. M jd ' so '. .")U " Gl asare i d.i do do do do do do do do i do do do do do l.i do d do do do do do do do do do do do do do do home markets aud ibe employment o: our 00 industries, aod thus to add to the beggary, starvation and want of tbe couutry, 4 Tbe support of ibo heresy of secession, whioh laid tbe foundation ol the most gigantic of civil wars, aud whjcb, if supported aud encoiir nged u too pjjple, would p.'ob ib!y aaij prodoco a siiuila resuh. ppeal, therefore, to the true aud old-time Peniocraey 0 disown the iufautous surrender aud vile- heresies of yesterday's platfjrm, aod lo pro ceed to organize for tbe viadication of their ancient faith, tbe rights of the people and ibe good of ur com mon country. Tbe Miner' .Strike. Abcut a year ego, Kuben-ttio, a Polish Jew, was arretted, tried and found guilty of the murder of 6 ara Alexander, a Jewtss. A postmor tem examination showed the girl to be pregnant, and the theory as that there had been criminal intimacy be tacen the two, and that Uubenstcin Lad killed j,er to nonccal it. ile was sentenced to be bung, aai protesting his iuuocence, starved binu;lf to death. The was a peculiar one and there were not wanting those who believed in bis protestations of innocence. Cut be died all the same, aud his old father and UiCtLtT alo died of grief, and the Ilubeatein family were ruiued. And now conies a man named Huber, who coufesses that it was he who killed tbe Alexan aer girl, ana that l;Qbentein was innocent. He gave a full and eircuci stantial account as to bow he became possessed oi Rubenstein's knifo aad boo:?, scd is so circumstautial ia his account, tbat ttare can be but little doubt tbat bis 6tatcaii.-Dt is correct. Tbe affair shows how dangerous it is to trust to detectives in sucb cases. Tbey have a direct interest in Ending some cue guilty, for unless they cau discover a criminal, of wbat use are tbey ? and eo when they tail to Cud the murderer, tbey fasten the trime upon the first person that suspicion fan be directed against, and if they havta't eridence they make it. There is but little douiH th;t poor Kubeu steiu was worried into ins rsye and tbat tbe detectives are guil'y of tbe death of bim and his en ibe family. PltTRO. Ir Nvinps Caaai. Keukxk, Iowa, August 22 The Government canal around the Des Moines Ilapida of tbe Mississippi riv er was opened formally to-day with a suitable display aod a largo attend ance of invited guest and citizens. Tbe Golden Eagle, with a large dele gation from St. Louis, got on a sand bar and failed to arrive, consequently the programme was only partially carried out Tbe Government steam er .Montana, ana neoaua oi tne Northern line, passed through tbe canal and locks successfully, and re turned in less tban four hours, taking several hundred passengers each. Officers in charge exoress themselves entirely satisGed wiib the workings of the machinery. Ibese rapids have been the greatest obstruction on tbe river at low water, being tmpt3b1c, and tho eoct of transportation of goods and pisseogers around them by rail bas fallen on individuals, and w'll now be saved. ' Tbe sum thus saved will amount U about $1('0,00Q annually. Tbe Ktrlklas; Miner.. Scrantom, Ta., August 21 Tbe Delawar and Lackawanna railroad officials at this place to-day seot an engine to 15nggs' sbatt, two miles distant, to get tbe loaded coal cars standing there since the strike. Tbe miners refused to let them go and cot tbe telegraph wires. Tbe engine went back for assistance and returned to Uriggs' shaft Cou wilts, Aug. 24. The Ueatty party to-day issued an address to the Republicans of Ohio. It asks them to unito in in -the condemnation of a poliev w hich, if sustained by the Re publicans, will nullify the constitu tional amendments, disfranchise the freedmeo, and throw away al! the gajnj of the past fifteen years. They see no oiLe way to I4an;let their disappjiotraept sol disapprobation except to withhold their votes from the candidates who staud upon the platform indorsing tbe President's Southern policy, but they say tbey do not desire to divide or weaken the old party i)7 putting a new State ticket iu the W4. ' f enjporsrily the Republican party bas been jed astray. Time and tnastwuiag will bring it bauk to its true principles. !o Re publican anould compromise himself by voting tho Democratic ticket, as the platform ol tbe party Is no bettor, and, indeed, no worse on tbe South ern policy. The candidates nomina ted at Cleveland tre pen whom wo personally esteem and would uuder happier uircumstanpes be glad to support, but tLwIr cleullon will be claimed as ao indorsement of the President, and an abandonment of principle. It would be justly regarded ag tbe end of tbe struggle, tbe Goal abandonment by tbe republican party of its rights UDfltr tue Jaw. $ we must for this time turn away, this issos is forced upon us by tbe action of the Cleveland Convention. We are conscious tbat we wjll be misrepre sented, abused, every possible false Hood raised against us. Rut con scious of tho highest principle, we must remain true to our manhood in denouncing tbe treachery of Ruther ford IS. Hayep, and we will use all honorable means to secure its on derunaijo!), and at tbe eatue time re sent the Insult whLb tba PJeyejand Convention deliberately threw in our faces. We, therefore, unfurl the stan dard of the Independent, non-office boblojr, noq-ofljee seeking Republi cans of Ohio, aud kingo oil ponent men to rally around it, and fUbt for tbe old faith of the party until tbe vilo treachery is condemned aud the right vindicated." This is signed by (ieneral Realty aqd tpq otbers. it, but if null v it Lit bun on tue tbum'o. He paid no attomiua to it, alt a ugh a pilot's bite ii especially d.-eaiad. being vary deadly. Talintgu's thumb begau to swell after some days. His arm then oommeuced t- get lar ger, and by and by bo got bliud, aud suffered uutold agouy. Ho lived sev eral weeks, continuing to swell all over, an J at lust he died 11 is deu bas, probably, not been visited be fore sinee bis death. The Indlsw Wr. J."Sce Premium List WVnixoTox D. C, Aug. 'Sa. Major Ueueral McDowell, command ing tbe military division of the Pa cific, sends tbe following despatch to tbe War Department, received by him from (Jeneral Howard by cour ier to pleasant Valley, Idaho: IlEAIXiUARTEBS UI VISION OF thc Paouio, V Sas Francisco, August 22, ) To the Adjutant General, Wanhmq ton, D. C. : "The following bas just been re ceived from General Howard, dated Camp Meado g, Idaho, August 20: I arrived at this camp yesterday wiib cavalry and fifty infantry. Miller, with afoot battallion, will join me tonight- My advance auip was ap proached this morning before day by over on hundred bostiles. Tbey succeeded in stampeding and driving off about one hundred animals, of which number one.tbird wero re captured by tbe cavalry, who started In pursuit at soon as tbey could sad dle their horses. - Major 8a n ford, First Cavalrr, struck tbe party, af- ter a pursuit of six miles, and engag ed tbew, witn a loss of one bugler killed, oie ofceer. Lieutenant Ben son, of tbe Seventh Infantry, and six privates wonnded. He will con tinne tl pursuit via Henry Lake tomorrow. (Signed) IIowaeo, Brig Gen." Tbe following despatch was re ceived at tbe Department this morn. tog from Uen. Sheridan : CniCAOO, August 22. 1877. To Gen, E. D. 7(ncneuJ, Wafhlntj ton, I). C. : ' Captain Raiabridge, with Haonork scouts, en rote to join Qen. Howard, telegraphs me from Sand Hiljs, Mon tana stage route, at & p. m. on th 2ist, tbat General Howard is at tbe bead of Dry Creek, thirty-fire miles north : tbat be had a fight with tbe bostiles the day before (20tb.) but no particulars are given. (Signed) P. II. SiiERiDAJt, Lieutenant Gen. ViRc.ixiACity, MoTA5A, Aug. 23. Two scouts from Fort Ellis got here this morning. Tbey report a! rquaw camp at Henry's Lake, but they were breaking ramp and mor XEW Vohk. ATs.) The frif, urn' says that a!! the facts that eta be obtained iu regard to the lorgers arrested iuthe West iodil'aie that the private detectives employed to work op ibe evidence, and the offi cers ot the banking institutions which ha"p sutured by tfi0 for?rrls' are arranging with the printini lu se: cure the rpturu of any part of tho spoils stiil under tbe'lr oontrol. The regular polit-o deUioiive and auib r iliesknow nothing of ibe criminals who have oeco arrested, aud private detectives, only are understood to be eogaged ia arranging a settlement with tbe formers, The settlemeut ol course irspiii'a tiU no i.rofcciloa on crimJual dharifej will be in ide ajyainsi Roberta, (Jleason, C'badtvick, aad cib ersof this exteusive gang ol skillful forgers. Tbe question which excited police aod detective circlen yesterday was what j ad beeoqiO of tiesa forgers. Jayne started io 5jew Vork with tbem, but reached here, as he gave out, alone, It was concluded that he was operating la tho interna qf the defrauded banke-s for the rcturu of the moneys which tbo forgers bad obtained by their art-. The fact tbat the arrests ia Chicago were made in aa irregular manner, and tbat ibe prisoners were brought to this city without a requisition from the Gov ernor of the State, were sufficient to create uspipin. The fjjf'ibpr fact tbat since their arrival here the pris oners have been kept secreted iu a disorderly bouse in West Twenty third street, kept by a notorious per son nated (lat;;eron, who was Utely driven out of l.einjtoq avenue by Justice Rixby for circuses agaiust the peace and decency of that pari of tbe city, gives the suspicion still greater strength. Guilty oi UbtrnrlBC IK PlTTSTiiN, August 21 Tba em ployes of tbe PcUusylvaaia Coal Com pany are wailing to bear from the officials of tbe company at Xey Yo k. They decided at a mass meeting last Saturday not to work any longer un less at au advance cf ten cents per ton. They were informed ou Tours day last that they would receive no advauct, but when they struck on Saturday some !io;ed that the com pany would concede a little rather than bave their collieries remain idle. Tho corporation aMca thai it is iiupontt. to emi )i, strikes, and tbat if iboy yield io aoy oae iijsrance they establish a precedent that will forever after red und to their disad vantage, h will lie recollected that the Pittiiton Coal Company, which operates three c dlieriot in this neigh borhood, told their moa lo continue work, and they should receive an ad-i vauce of ten per cent. j AWARDING COMMITTEE. Members of Awarding Committees will report to the Secretary tor bi)ks and in struction at one o'clock n. m. of tho second day for books and blanks. It is earnestly requested that each one be pnnctunl in attending at the -hoar and place named, as such punctuality will avoid all confnsion, harassing delay and lesson materially the labors of the ortioers in charge. Judges will not award any article a premium unless iu their opinion, it is meritorious. The boot; u.ut be re turned by the.Snprinien.l;i;t of each, de partuer.t to tlie' becretary as sioa as tha awards are completed. Awarding Com mittees will observe the following rules; Rod ribbon for the lirst premium; blue rib bon tor thc second pre mi um. do one-half dozen stalks celery. do do specimen of kale, do do do n ears of pop corn, do Heaviest pumpkin, 'lo "i heaviest pumpkiui, do Rest one-half dozeu Hipi.tshes, do do peck of tornados, do 2 I best pj-.-k of tomatoes, do Best single tomatoes, do di) display of varieties of torn tt es, half-doz3n of each, do do tiart lima beans, do do white beans one peck . do do mixed beans one peck, do do tloaea cucumbers, d do dozen peppers, do JuiKirs. Henry Keister, S ipt.; Nor man W. Meyers, Josiah G.Walker, Si moa Chorpenning, John H. L'hl, Isaac Yoder, Geo. J. Countryman, Joseph Cable, F. A. Flick, Jerom-j F. Fritz, John Shall. .DEPAUTMEXT VIII. OUCH VUh.-t. Rest display of apples, correctly nain-id, (names to be ai tached, ) S J 21 b- st, do l5--st dozen baldwins, ilo do plUllOOKS, do do rambo, do do pippins, do do seek no further, do do maiden blush, do ib pound, do do black, do do laiteaster sweets, do do belitlower, do do greenings, do display of pears, c rreet!y nam ;. do do peaches, 21 best do Rest G bunches of grapes.any variety do display of pluiin, lo do quinces. Jt'DiiEl-Henry F. Sehell, Supt.; ih) i 1 00 Glassware, do do Io do do do do do do do do John rt varirly of J.-lli fmit Iw ent.-nj.i :is n'trh) do MlTl.ili cr ill j ,-lly do -tirrt.,t -llv do ap.ilt. ,1.. tlo ., i i. ar.i U , lo plum ii.i do KMpu do I r.4 -rU rry do . tl- Mra brry ilo d i l;..u kbt-iTy do raprn-rry do rlirrry do varn-Ty ,,f Preserves (must I' so enured, and all the s.iin;iis Ix-ar the same uo. ) ! veil H-acll"S sdieriau crib plums cherries apples pears tomatoes blackUerrin. other preserves variety of Pickles (must lie entered as oise ir.i au.l Mrn. pies bear the same number) do - " ' do do pickled peaches ,(, do do tomatoes lo do do cucumbers do do mixed pickles do do pickles any other kind do tlo bard soap home-made do do spiced watermelons do do chow-chow do ilo tomato catsup do do pickled cabbage do do " onions do do spiced tomatoes, ripe do do do grevn do do spiced do do do rantellopes do do variety spiced fruits do Judges O. W. Royer, Supt. Mrs. Geo. C. I.b hty, Mrs. Joseph 1. Miller, Mrs. O. W. S peers, Mrs. R. S. McMillen, Mrs. Jn. F. Rlyuiyer, Mrs. Ed. MelKiwell. DEP.VRTM EXT XV.-FOREIGN MAN LFACTL'RE. Can lie entered for exhibition but no awards given. 1 E PA R T M EXT XX I. DOM EST I C MAN CFACTCRERS. SECTION A. Rest pair of blankets Gtasswarr. do kss do do do I 2d Trouble la tbe W estmorelanit Jf li-e Phii.apei.miia, Pa, Aug. 22 John Hunt was put on trial here to day, charged with obstructing tbe passage of the United States mail. The gorprnment ftllt;rje4 tljajn .Ja ly -2C, at South Kaatoo, the defend ant, and a large number of others, stopped a train of cars on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, to which a mail car containing mail matter wts attached, aod tbat defendant said tbat by or der of a committee tbe train could not go on. Tbe defendaut produced a telegram, which bad been sunt to tbe Postmaster-General during the strike, stating that though the strik ers bad offered tbe company ibe use of an engine and mail car o carry ibe mails, tbey bad refused to carry tbem. Judge Cadwallader charged the jury, saying that tbe regulation or tho carrying ol tne mans was a matter for tbe Qeoural Qovprnqieut and not lor private persons, ibe ju ry found tbp prisoner guilty, and be was remanded for sttntenpe. Pi-;Tsi;ht,ij, Aug. 2: The miners employed in the Yeaiaui viand ana J'enusyUauia Compaaiws' uiiues at Irwin Station, Westmoreland C'oun ty, q oil woik yesterday afieraoon aud resolved lhat they would not re sume woik uuiil their demands for advance were complied with. Tune mines -ive employment to ab)Ut 1,C0U men. Lis', night q forco of fro'-i-') t mitigri orguii,si aud uiiruhed to Spring Hill, pUce wheru uu'mod on ibe I'eoasvUaiia K d art coaled, aud iuduced the miuera at that plac'j lo q lit rk. All lht ruiue. iu the Iriu districi. are now closed The miners demand 3 cents per busbtl of iCpiuadn, their pay every two weeks, a blf iueji ?r;reeij aqtj a ;:hecr Weibwau. ' Tlie KtrlklpK llllnrs. Cumberland, Aug. 22 Today the miners at Ocean Mines, Consoli datiou Company, demuie(l the dis charge of a objectlonub'e peis o. Th demand, was refused, and tbe men struck. Tbe Company ordered ibe tools out aad, closed tha C.'oes. . To day tL,a Jri Villi, who are mostly boys, demanded of tbe Maryland Goal Company aq inoreas of wages from ? 1.75 to t2, and gave tbe super intendent time to bear from New Vork. The drivers say tbat if their demand is not granted tbey wii strike. It is not kuown whether the drivers of other companies will make a similar demand, Of nlatbr this oue will bo acceded to. ADMISSION. Tickets for membership will bo furnish by the Treasurer, A. C. Davis, at the Post Ottlce, Somerset, Pa. MemtxTship, or family ticket J 00, Single season ticket ". 1 Isj Single admission. ' '. r,0l Single admission for cbiidreu 2.1 Season ticket fr vehicle 00 Single i cii'y for vehicle .' Hacks conveying passirrers. to tho fair grounds, wiU not Ue perruittuU to drive into, the grounds with tua hnd of passeti-ars. LIST OF PREMIUMS. DEPARTMENT I. NO. 1. DRAUGHT HORSES. Pest native stallion over 4 year old, 1. 00 2d best native stallion, do 10 (K) Rest native stallion over 3 year old,, S till best native stal!tc,r dn U.G. Best t,:ttiv sta'oii.n over I yearul I, .1 00 id 1.-st littive stallion, do C.G. Reit horso or mare one year old, 3 0-) Ud best, horse or mare, do C.G. Itcst sucking oolt, J OJ IM liest sucking colt, C.(. Rest brood mare, 5 no DEPT. 1-NO. 2. LIGHT HORSES. The l4lr of oar laibera. Cipcupj, .ugust 'H. The futrr (i-i'mtl having addressed a circular letter tu variutH itHTulters of Coogrers asking them to iudicate their position oa the subject of rem juelizing silv r, bas received replies from oae bua dred and niuety-seyen. Qf these GQu buuured aad'thirty-cne favor re pealiug tho law of 1S13 and restorioir the "dollar of the fathers'' to its old piace io tbe Co 10 dire, tiiieen lavor re- m juetiz'Dg, with conditions attached, eighteen oppose renioneiizing, ihir'y- oqe rt !'iie(.it4H, and two. declined to answer. Thece answers represent every btate, aud loclude ihirty-one Senators and one hundred and six'y- six Kepreseuiauyis. (Jf ibo latter oue hundred aud thirteen advocate tbe measure and thirteen oppose it. lfir Thieves A, rr noted. A Wire fwliMaer. Cisoixsati. August 21 Dr. W, F. Cooper, living near Cbarlestown, West Virginia, was arrested yester day for poisoning his third wife. jj jib ibe former wives died sudden ly under wbat wer? considered suspi cious circumstauces, and it is now suppled tbat be poisoned ibern al Tbe bodies will be cbnmed and l amioed for traces of poison. Scut. St. Lot 13, August 2t The mem bers of a tiu'.oriuus gaaa of hore thieves, who have been operating io westeru Missouri for several tuoulhs past, were cap ured yesterday. They were coucealed io a wheat stack three miles from Cone rdi. Several tol en h or.-es iu tbeir p issesiou were se pijred, Two of lb ihieyes were luk eo to Uruwusviiie, where he laies fobocry bad been c miniued, aud h.' other oe was lodged iuthe Warreos NrjIJJ'l- II if raid tbat the ganji to h hi'.b ihere pieti bi ) ing have tif burses no v oa baud, and thai tbey bave stolen IU0 suiuials , hiuct last May A ntnu'ter .f poisou ate iuiplicileil In 1 he ! pn daiioa. Oibn arrests ill fill w, aud , it is hoped tbegtn will lie. eniiie'y b.'okeu up - i - tnilllltt r Nrualur Marloa. B -t stallion, . 810 (tf 2.1 best stallion, ' r 00 Best 3 year old horse ty m tn, 5 00 2d best, ilo. IMS. Rest Si sent old horse or mare, 5 00 S.l liest, do C.G. Rest I year old horse or mare, 5 00 2d best, do C.G. Rest sucking colt, CiU 2d liest, do C. JUDGES. G. it, Ijolderbauui, Super- mieudeiil; u. U.iScnrock, Joseph II. Davis, Wm. M.'Sehroek (Stouycreek), John II. Weimer, Henry Mnll, Simon P. Fritu, llazil Rird, Germanus Raldwii,, l(ertaiu L, ilej;. batfur, and d.J. Yutzy U 6 P. A KT M ENT I. NO. i. fastest walking horse, 3 00 do tumiutg burse 10 00 do trottinti horse, thai has had no trae1 training, 10 00 2d liest, do 3 00 Fastest trotting horse, 2.1 00 2d best, do lo 00 Ten tier cent, cf above premiums to be paid as an entrance fee, not less t bin three entries to be made for each purse. Trea ting horses to go to harness, iu sulky or wagon. Stoc"; unWi;e4 M ' owueil by persons rekUtenia ot comity. Jl'txiES. Chnrles F. Rhoad-i, Geo. W. P.., J. Park Pbilson. DEPARTMENT II,-rL'ATri,E. Rest bull without rea-V-l 'o. breed, 10 0.) '1 beal hull, do, HOI . t nest, null, o 3 00 Best bull without regard to ied two y.kirs t:ld tr h-s, .1 00 31 le st ball, do ' : C.G. It Ciilf under one v;:r old, -- 5 00 2d best calf do C: 0. Itest cow, 5 i'l 2.1 lieslcow, C.I Lest b!,i., ...... , eo 00 do fat steer, 3 fcu Jupc.KS. fieo. C. I.ichty, Sj;t : Iliram Frantz, Jacob Kreager, Jobn Winters, Jona. G. Rarkley, JuUilW. Rjachy, Fred. Ditrr, Theodore Woy, Ilenry H. Htahl. DEPA RTM ENT 1 1 J.-.S W I K. IVst hcaf, $3 ik) 2.1 best boar, M 1. Rest lot of Berkshire pigs, . 0 00 do lot of Chester pigs, 3 u) do lot of native pigs, C.G. Best breiidi.ig sow with not less than live pigs, 5 (10 do fat hog, " C,G. DEPARTMENT IV.-ailEEP, Best buck, 3 00 2d best buck, C.G. Best pen of sheep nut less thin five, a 00 do pen of lntn, . ' . 3 00 .1 roars for the two depirtm -nt-i above. Geo. Snaniiler. Sunt .Samuel L. Shaffer. Aarou llarroM, lleury M inrer. .1 iu ilj J. Statzman. Alex. M tt .T.ieoi M iss t. Jr.. George W ass. - I . Jihoals, Wm. II. Shall ;r, Wm. tl. Walker, D. W. Will, Jacoij Gerhard, W. II. lierger, Samuel Walker, John Bird. DEPARTMENT IX. PROVISION -S. Best five point Is pri:rt b irter, 52 00 21 trst do 1 Oi) Hot l; of butter, 2 do do 2.1 poan.Is maple sugar. Glass ware Finest siimple maple sugir, ih Bu-st bos of honey, do tlo specimen orock cheese, do do sample bottle 1 eider, do do cured ham, .1,. ilo cured beef, ,! do display of dried fruit, ,b do one-half peek dried apples, d. do do do do p-aj,.. do do quart dried cherrii, ii.i do do vinegi',j, ,), do galle.r. r.j.plebutt.r, do de siliuple of peach ter, do Jtor.Es. Charles I.. lUlt.-r, isupt.; L. A. Turner, Daniel A. !iruiukir, J.ilm H. Snyder, Austin CUurpeiining, Miihiel Sipe, J:e0l I "iihirt, .. R. Coder, llaruion Hiiale, Sil.-n Ya!k r, Win. Frit, Jr., A. It Howard, Win. Zimmerman Hjiiclior. DEPARTMENT X.-M AN I" FACT C II KH. B.-st dotible-set har'iess Iiiploina " single " " ' j " saddle and bridle " " sidesaddle " j " collar - iair of boots . j " " brogans, " ! hvbuii skiwt ' " d'rspi.iy wowl-turning " " specimeus carp.'nter work 41 tliree kips " cooking stove " " parlor stove " 11 healing stove 4 display of cabinet-work ' " farm gate sheep rack oue-lialf do tu oovia bnetins .l I0. SI 00. do do do ilo Best one ilueu split brooms ;.eiiueu brick Diploma ing toward tbe Gregor Basin wher. was killed. WiiiTiNti, Ala., August 24 To day as a train was leaving Pensae ila, the Sheriff wiib a posse, boarded the cars to assist two Texan officers to arrest ibe notorious John Wesley Harden, yho is said to have commit ted tventy-seyen murders and for whose body $4,000 reward has been offered by an act of tbe legislature of, rapidly subsiding. Texas. His last murder in Texas is easier and comparatively comforta was the killing of the Sheriff tfOonj.-j be. 1 -- mancbe county. He has lived in AVaiii.utoi, Aug. 24.. Ac-ing Florida for several years under the Postmasn r General Tyner at li t name of John Swain. About t wen- m. t-ddy received a teles rani fr.m Ity shots were fired in making tbe ar-jdl. Hollo way, staling tbat Senator rest, and Harden' companion named Morton's condition was somewhat ' lldnn n-li.t liail a . i I . I ,n t..a 1 n. ' i n. nM ..... I r, .. .1 . t. I. T L ' . .u u u u , uv uau iu UIB UIUU IIUUIVII'U. iuli lUBb Ultf UUVBlCianS The b k ii g n-lryrnni 1 as n ceivf d at U::io p or. t" ij y M . jiing p..? mauler UeeiTHl Tuer fr in C Holljwaj j Senator M .rtou h been Compa ratively free fimu ptit tlnce 10 o' tb's ruoruibg, aud is now resting com fortably and sleeping a good deal. : Kici'im )NB,, Aug. 24 10 a m Senator Morten rested 'well last nigbt This moroiog at 7 o'clock tbe pun retj ueil q bis right ie. but is ai mis Dour tie felt encouraged. D E P A R TM EN T V. - IM ) L' L T II Y. Best pair of Turkeys, 5100 do and Heaviest tnrkey 73 do pair of geese, 73 do p ur io ducks, 31J Best eisip of spring chickens, n it less Hian six, 1 do pair cot-bin chickens, . ' 30 do pair braimi is, 3,1 do pair bliM k Spanish . :" - 3o do jvif wuiui lughoriia - ,Mi do pair ply mot Ii rock, M do pair crested polatids, ,s ilo p:tir spangled hamburgs j do pair honilitru", Jij ta pair dorklngs, 30 do pair lautaiiis, 50 do pair game, 30 do pair pea fowls, 50 do pair Guinea fowls, 30 do collection of pigeon-i not lessthui G 30 do cage of canary birds,' ' 30 do cage of mocking' birds, 30 do cage of red birds, '30 do cage qf yellow birds, go do pair of squirrels, .',0 dollar of pheasants, ;fl do c i go Qf p.vrti idge-, 0 do red ot jjray fu,j M Jctifjes. Wm. Ss. Ir...i;er, Supt; X. B. Lichliter. All-rt Rarties, .1. C. Wellr, Andrew Woy, Adam SiUl'r, Paul ii, Nowag, Jeremiah Wbipkey, lr. Ii. F. Fichtner, Jacob Caseheer. depa it rsiKNT vr. Best sample llonr, 2 on do sample rye Hour, J 0Q do sample corn Tneal, :'i : V I ' ". 1 ij do sample b'uctwlieat th.iir ' '" i 00 do sample vbile ivbeai, t iiS do sample red wheat, 1 no do sample ooru on wars, . 10Q do sauii.ierye, ... ltd do sample Oats, do sample buckwheat, a.! do sample clover seed, A. I do sample timothy semi, 1 00 do sample flax seed, A. j do sample barley, A. do sample wheat in sheaf, 1 00 ilo sample rye in sheaf, 1 00 j do sample oats in sheaf, A. k.k iioeu t'.re-brick limestone ' irou-ore ' " ' lire-clay t. " " lime ' " Cil', " " " u 1 in.lnuips " .ililgei W. W. Hartzell, Supl. tiillian II. Walter, Lewis J. Coleman, A brum Kautz, J. J. Baldwin, Paul l. Schlag, Amos Hoover, I.. A. Suutii. DEPARTMENT X I. AG ll IC U I.T L' R AL. IMPL&.MEXT4 riest plow far general piKuue.i Ikplom.v " sub soil jdow " " hill side plow ' " shovel piow ' cultivator " " hay rako " " harrow " " grain cr:ulle ' axe " " display of home M.oei " ' " " " bails " " Muai(i " tlueshing mjcliinc " family mill " chum " " butter kegs " " sample bt' tinware " " " wo'idenware " two-horse wagon " " " spring wagon " " " carnage " oiiO-horse " " " top buggy " open Imiy " " sulky " " sieigll " two hers" s't'd " " uiin b.irse i-d ' log sled " wheel-biirrow " " giaiu cradle ' rake Judges Allen S. Will, C. A. Brant, Eli Ailams, Josiah W. Friti, John G. Hay, Hiram Cramer', Daniel Augustine, ll.-nrj Banch, Wm. Ilanna, Sol. Baker. Josiah J. Walker, Wm. Reel, Abraham Weaver, Isaac Kaufman, Peter Hetiiey, J. I. jiuI Millen, Beroy Farquer Geoige 1. Walker, Samuel Kennel, C. C. l."ydig, I.;-vi Riiig ler, Philip Walker, Samuel Weaver. l).'.l'.M;iJlhr XII. PLANTS AND) FLUAVEIIS. Best collection of plants Glassware. gi ram urns " single do display of coverlets not tuau lour coverlet live yards woolen cloth do domestic flannel do barred linen do low cloth do dom. linen shirting do do sheeting ll) Ilo lr Best 10 yds. carwt fall wool) do rag carpet lo pair grain bags ilG half dozen towels do sample domestic thread do TKiuud stocking yarn do 1.11 r knit wooien stockings bv girl under 14 gents half hosu mittens gloves linen sheets ; domestic nuinufactare huue waste shirt mils' 111 or linen do home made shirt woolen do pair woolen drawers do home-made table cover do liy brush J utiles C. B. Moore, Supt: Schbig, m. Taymaii, Alliert Black, Mrs. Peter H.-tUev. Rosa Ferner, Mrs. A. F. Dicky, Mrs. Frank Wolf, Mrs. A. S. John son, Mrs. Isaac Jones. Ski . B. MANCFACTCKERS DE PARTMENT. For goods made iu Fiictr"w wily. Best pair blankets Glassware, do piece wooien car;-.c do do do rag i-iirj ,lo do covcriet ,o. do pic-cu ttuilrs tdotU Us da pliiin dress goods , Uo 10 yards cassimere ibs do satinet do do aus ,1,, do 2 pounds storking yam do. do display of yarn, assorted col. do Judges Phillip Wolfensberger, Surd; Jacob Baker, Harrison Snvder, Dennis Cook, J. C. Vutjer, F. II. R'aukin, Peter Cver, M. A. Ross, Wm. Smith. DEPARTMENT XVII. LADIES. WORK. SEC. A. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d da ilo ilo do do do do Ienry 2d ' 2.1" " rosebushes hanging basket of plants and flowers foliage plant plant iu bloom display In straw flowers bouiUet cut flower wreath of flowers floral design, whether cross, heart or wreath collection of dahlia's Wm. " basket of cut flowers " display of plants or flowers Iu pots ; bouquets by a farmer's daughter Judges. 31 rs. A iron Flick. Mn M. Selirotk. Mrs. J. M. lloldorhiibio Mr. Curtis Ivoiiser, Mrs. W. II. KcouU, Mifs Ellen Cromwell, Mrs. Ed. Kieruan, M, George M. Hulderliaum, Mrs. George W Pile, Mr.J. M. Cook. Mrs. Samuel It! Pile. ( apt. Geo. V. Kimmol, SupL DEPA II I'M EN r XIII. BREAD, le st loaf of bread by married lady, Glass ed single " " brown bread " display of pi.- aud rn.stards " biscuit " light rolls j.-liy cake " trait rak " pound cake " Si"tlge'cike " gold cake " silver Ciikj. ' enp catq " hiit cake " ginger cake " iVaaliingtoii cake M CIH Oillillt c k " white 11101111 aiii " curu starch " fancy cae not n.inmi la ne .lnl-" " dongh nuts " do " variety of cakes . . " KinKeruf , Preiniiiiii for cake l. ..ii .....1... 11 ;n I e awarded al discretion of Jud es J.iJges.-..iU-,,e.M. llicks,'Sii.f:'. Mrs.J um, .urs. w.a: .Mountain. Mrs. Elizi W W do do do do ijo V to do do do do do liest white quilt, quilted do pieeeil quilt, quite, ilo caiieo quilt, quilttsk do calico quilt, mi.,uill.l do log cabin ipillt lo worMtd quilt da uuuifort do er.l'lle quilt lo quilt made bv girl iimUir II sec i iu. a lo cotton chair tidy do woolen chair tuly do lb read tidy do. jjis-e ornamental needle work any article do display of ornamental need le work lo siciineu ornamental bread work do specimen embroidery raised work (wool) do specimen eruliroidery raised work (silk) 1 do piece ornamental braid word do embroidered ottoman cover do chair cushion do sola cushion do knitting iu silk do knittiug in thread lo pin cushion Io pin cushion (bead work) io letting collar do tettiug edging do crochet edging do display Imok marks do sampler lo set bureau mats do set wash staud mats do lamp mat do ladies' dress do iiifuiits dress h. woman's apron do child's aprou do infant's saqin- do display of lii.nnets do tine shirt lo c'ueliiiM. do ladies night dress lo infant's socks do worsted shawl do hug-uie-tight do lar.-e afgbain do sniiill atghaiit do I'iMit-riig do bs.t-riig by girl under 1.1 do woolen scarf lo nit.tio caid Id .io SECT I (V f do display ly .,;.winK giJty (uot !-s thai, 12 articles, " (H -1 do a.ter'lm;airS',,i0" ainte J,"'!"?'"1 Ml"'"a. Mrs. Sol on,..,, tl.,.K jnuiH Vh, EniiDa Barbara Meyers. E. D. Miller 8nnt DEPARTMENT XVIU.-MI3CLLA. XEUCS. Best lor cottage honse Diploma do pecimen of marl.l r.rb ' home made ' do specimen sign painting do specimen graining do -.unci door . ilo sample stoneware do sample eartheuware do oil painting fmnst lie painted by a resident of County) do pencil or ink drawing do culleetioa ot shells do specimen of shell-work do dutplay of wax-flowers (must be made by exhibitor) ' do ornamental design in ; do sw-ciu: ii hair Work do display of natural curiosities lo display of foreign r.iri.iti.' do display of fossil., petrirtcation.Ac 1 50 .... ..rai iren ( ariitu-ial) lo I, uiging basket do display of photographs do display of tin types do chromo do display of pictures 1 ln , (a0, kjnj) do display of cigars J ll.I'je- Glassiiare. do U do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do lo do do do do do do do lo do do do do do do 2 0O 1 00 1 00 1 M t 00 1 SO 1 00 1 00 1 00 ' 1 00 1 IS) 1 00 1 00 1 01) 1 00 1 00 1-00 1 00 1 50 S. A. D is .To'.a r n..:i . n . Bovts. B. S. Vie. It '.I It w,i... 1 '.I Meyers and Hiram P. Walker. - '" lughton, Mrs.!:. Ii V...-, iM- Meyers, .Mrs. Herts Keiw'e' f FOOT RACE, Etc. -l.wi.ih Share, anpertntendenl. Kinvt Racs. Half mile beats, b. st two iu ihr. e. Fiwutoenlex. Ibrva t it.. Kb. trance. 10 p-r cent, of premium. Premium 5 for first; $3 for seeond, and S2 for third. Apile I'll kino Ma- if. Fifty apples to le pi iced three feet apart, in as many rows , their are contestant. Eichcoo tstatit to have a ba-ket, and at the word "go" comnietMi picking up tbe apple one by one, and depositing each one separately in the basket, which shall remain station ary ; and the Hist to get tbem Dut Into tY.m basket to receive S3, the second S.I .. ...orga,,, Mrs 4obu lJ.pper,Mrs. qu, DEPARTMENT XI V.CA Si S 6.D FRLir. - ' canned tomatoes r.' L.n.. )H-aches do apples Uo pears ,) plums Jo quinces ' j l to receive tbe s.H.ond SA the tl,ir I J.'. Two or more contestants. I.A.I KtCI,-Contest on dri rin ji i irom pole to judges' stand. Singlfe s w 1 o enier, mree 10. start. Ku ; eonrse, canne lo do do do do iraiice ree 10 per cent of nremium. lrmi. a -n, 8 10-sO for ftrst ; 93 for second, and ii f..r third, . , Blinopolu Wheeling. Best out of three trials. Ten to euter, seven to con test. Em ranee fee lo per cent of premium. Premium. ?5 for rsr, $J for second, an4 8i for third. For the most Interesting or curious dis play of works in Art, Mechanics, or Mano fai lures, $5.