i I i i 'iie COmerSei nerdltU . . u irrr. TIME TABLE?. JiLTI.noBE OHIO B. B. fUTSBUROH DIVISION. E .ml after Feitf-aery II. WITT, tint" JJ.ua:t!lnInH.1uJrrir. at depot, corner alui and M atrr Sueet a billows: r EAST. WEST. ataU. Mall. m L.7...S. York -- Maluuiore Vta-tninno La- " ,ve l'itl.l.rb hi.cl V-.t.a. iih-IM lite . !.-rtHttll a4 B t " i: " l.-wr " l.:, m 1. :n a- m w Hp. m IHI " r. Mi 1- ........ t 5 " II 44 " l . .. j " X..' " 4. 3 - a. a AC - .3 " m. Nr1il-"nE Oli'.a OinilvflaM Rri.lcrf! Miur J rv r. m- 1 ..aroma Ui rO-aMOll t.iilll I'l Sum.! Point an.lr.-l.'cl Ouu.i.rl.iJ .rtiii.l.orr S.ilr 'Try 4 l.ra,,ll fcliinwi B tank --a i.-j " ttotm-ll.ttll A . Nt .I Newt. VW m. Mch-mmort la. m. rmttsh .jl - jiiuouryh ;.. a,',, lulumor without ehanire. reT".-..".!.! West via V.ast.ui,;- f 7i-kmc..r rim ATr-"' Tj m L . , - a.,., Miroe Israel and H" Street, Pittsburgh. P. .rut i' U M. m ILK. mt1 Tk-ket Ait. r E. k UYNUMAX, Siu.Ooit'u .. rr a laaaAL roiT aAiLao. ' , .nr Mat Uih. liTT, tralM wlU ' run a. iMo. " , tl.t P. W. a B. K. R. (3' Ex" .rM daily ie MunJy.) :M.aw-t p- ; M.il Eat W 3S a. m. 1 f- - I Mkil Em foonetu with taical W'Mt. P. W. a B. K. R.-rM HiiiaaAi rrT. Wy Paiwoirer tin.... Way l'aiufr Wait.. Mail Eut MallWeM li 00 a. av . li 44 p. BL , 11:41 p. B. , :3T p. BL W. S. TEMPLE I CO., PituMi'i: Coimiiissioii Jlenliants, -ir S- HOWARD ST:, BALTIMORE, MO. Sjx-il a:tenlion civen to the sale ol Bl'TTEK. K(ii, IMI LTHY. WtKL. and Leather. We advise farmers nut to !u'i j1j their wool, as whole Fleeces will cell best this S-ason. We refer to Karaier i Merchants Nat. Hunk. lSaltunore, and to Peoples Uank, of llalljui re. Katy Iid. Cool niclils. The w ar is over. Apple dun.plings. Eat crnoffthe cob. C'hi'lerm niorlms is prevalent. Harvest Homes are bting held. Summer vUilors are numerous, (."amp meeting ctMumenceS Thursday. It iss.mn time luracirou o come this way. Fall will ain Uinta u. and then tor c:d'r. T.ie Sberitf is lite business ma ol the f.tunty. r.la.ktierries are verv plenty at five cent a tpiart. Vain ktrret was brilliant with colors Saturday nitht. The beautiful icUdiulus and the Iragrant tu'ie tMoe aie iu blooui. Xew p tUloes. c irn. I terries and the b.-l!y arhe. That's wha'.'s running now. Many t tai-lK-l.tr a, since they have Utn facetiously denouiinaled -Sir-inles." have begun to "buttle up" to the ladks. A Xew York exchange remarks that nearly two thousand dogs hare taken passage by water for the happy land o( canine,' The bos oi C'ouny U app-arid in their unilitrms for the first lime oo Satur d iy evening. They presented a ban lsinie up; arance. Jav Gould and lorty seven others in Xew" York were each (lord yesterday tor tailing to answer when called oo the l.s' ut peUt jutors. Turkish General to Turkish Coh nel ("oitiriel, lite day after to-morrow is pay diy. You will ukc care that to-utrrow we have a warm engagement." Whit did you get ?" aked a wiie ot herbus'jand. to his return home trnn a huDtin; excursitin of several days" dUtH titn. "I cot baik," hr senientkHisly re plied. A pat riiic citizen is Mr. J aims I Wry. t the Kiel Mad Allegheny, who has filed a claim It f 140 ( the Use of his hit bt (irn. White's Division, during the hale u n ( .leasan I ness. The Everett Pirn sa v "A young man. w iih blue ribbon lied around his wai-4. and baviug a faa atucbed to one end. waa in town last Saturday. He had better git and do What Judas ot old Uld." The Saltsburg iW says it is a notable Cart that since tne 1st tust. fljur has de clined half a (killara barrel, wheat from tire to tea cents. oi u a lo fitleett. and corn five to eight Cenu a bushel. . It is tuccarr to sugf est lo staue of oar cotTerr.nd ats that wine wihiae upua subjects of general intert s. Uji inier t stint lo the snembers w a articlar cuan- Uiua t -. ih-y must "UnI It a nrn. The Lord's Supivr w ill be administered in the I'resbytenaa iburch next Sabbatk. August lWh. Freitarahiry service Fri day and Saturday evenings pretitOi. Srvicra to be ci ani octet! by" Ile. E. B. lUrTensierger. of Cumberland, Mi The ileyerajale I4ttiuitnt oanes to u mis weec wiia a new ouisioe. a paieni toe. Xot much ot aa inaprovrntent. fentk-iuea. The appearance ot the inside i tuucU tmprorrd and we Uink that the new editor starts out as thgh be meant I its ut a. licaus ll.ti.c I,o DrolIWr House. J. C. Davis. Frttp l ab btkse has bera oely turnisbedaad refined ihrocgbout Its knatios) is the brat ia lierba. heing ia centre rf vw and arami U. V. li. K l oanim by the week, day or anew. (Jond staitie at :hcd. l uiti Iriat A cow l-hviag to a F. ayder. ajrrat ol B. A O. It. K, was killed last week. Four bead of calile and a calt bekaggiag to Mitchell McClintnrk wrre killet!;is ike B. &. . li. It naax Fort 1ML "Adolphus. dear, what shall I doi Brtdfrthas Mrurfc. and there she staads at the kttrbrw dtaa; with lite poker ia one hand and the sore pas ia the other, threatrcinr to Itreak the bead of the new help if she dare lo lay brr hard to a tiish rar It's jst aaful. so U is. too. New York Imrtant art wafto ar m tiKJ? txiriaJ anitbiji whn f abaTr rbr fire crata. They LU1 a iimtiB Stio tlaf but lit an itxUf-J that tbr "fire center.'" are brcg n dU-evw- spoa g prrvveiia-sx in iu nxtwcic tdwill iw requir ed la the tafi.ptilhti of Ue larxr. re'- Vy fJjtiKtX tiftlzurt. .,. I TLis is d'nc"t"'. no ilispellinc iwen aram, rrriiaM, I sharper pen, than lor the ardent . i i I .4.1 ri :. i -a II..,,, af tne cueri&iiru tutu ui uw btiii, ho Imt n He previous ee had twined i- i.i).inc rose m Uwomt wim lowly i liiPTd pier to keep it in rcmein- .M ber. Iwrcainine we nrxi mom i init Ul H loexumble buiter M to tLc pri if ntrrii Finir JwHUtiful card riiotogrih for 25 ut. They we Irae m life, b1 fi nishtd in the highest My h ! inc an mi in new ii..j,rrnli tialkTV in Mr. liflrou' hrick buiWinit, North Easl corner of tbo Diamond, next door to ugle House r l Kvervbodr EO now, and have Toureeir, children and milie. PhoU crBphed. Thw opportunity offend to all fur a few weck on'J- Kor a clM lor shirt txttotn Ukc two ounci- ot tine gum arahic powder, put t in a pitcher and pour on a pint ot water; cover it and let it Und over night Tour nrttnl!r from thedrezs into a clean bot- tle. cork and keen lor u-e. A tmspnonful of gum stirred into a pint of starch rutde in the usual way. will nuae ine uhw ueauti ful eKs on any linen or cotton gooJn, and will make lawn lot like new. Mint Jennie Coi1ins.the "workin j;irl of lttHton. who established the far-famed Ilotlin't Uower. has publUhed her sev nih annul) reixrt of the work done by that inMitutlon. Among other noticeable thing MimOlhat ay tluro re mxij thousand more women thtn men in Muss. achuM-ttH. hut in the priions, peuilenUa- rirt and almshouses l the !Male the nan outnumber the women two to one. Ewtors HkraI.d. There will lie a Harvest Home and basket pic nic held in the grove near Dr. Job. Covode's saw mill one hall mile east of this place, on Saturday. Auirust 18. 177. Ouite anum- br rttl Sabbulb Schools ot Hie tiitlfreat de nominations will participate in the exer cises. Xo pains will l spared to make the occasion a pleasaut one. All are in vited to attend. W. II. Dietz. JinntrX Kds. August H, 1S7J. 'How I wish that my Skin w as as white and soft as yours." said a lady the other dav to a female friend. "You can easily make it so." "'J t,ic ,1,0' addressed. How!" inquired the first speaker. l's Glmis Sl Li-iiCE Sftvp. Sold by all Duggists. Depot.l'rittentn's Xo. 1 Sixth Avenue, Xew York. Hills Hair and Whisker Dye Mack or Lfjwn, Sorts. The ortioe of the Adams Express Com pjnv at this place wis clos-sl permanently on "Wednesday morning, by John D. Zimmerman, " .hi agent. Owing to oni- ditli.-urtv between thi Expres Company and the Haltimore Jc I'hio Ita 1 Itoad company the lormer nave uaen an ol their business off the hitter's rttad and its branches. It is thought th.il the luil rttad Ctnitany will catablisil an express line ot its own at an early date, the en tire withdiawal ot Ihe express facilities would be a creat incmveniemx to our shippers, especially to our dairymen. It is a safe vUa to have nothing to do with any man who offers to give you any thing at" halt price. Don't bet w iih a man on his own game, don't sign your name to anv rcominendatjon or tuer papers pre stilted by a stranger, even though he mav tell you how be wishes it because you are an intiueulial man in your neighbor hood. This Utile ad . ice has been repeat edly eivca. and had it been beetled by men weeo'ild name, would have saved Iberu ruuci more money than a year s sutwchplioa to all the papers in the coun ty. . Five rou a qcamtle. The cheapest and best pictures in town re those to be bad at the old reliable rholograpu l,aiiery of Wm. H. WclflcTon Main Cmsa street Lot k at these prices and compare Ihem with others. Five pictures lor twenty -five cents. Eieht pictures fctr thirty-five cents. These arc the lowest prices ever offered ia the town. Satisfaction will be glial ac teed in evenr instance. llemcmber the place: in the Mammoth Block, next door to the Post tMtice. line oi the disadvantages of life in St. Louis is found in the disenchantment which all the children undergo as regards these Cibles which form the uelighliul de lusion ol childhood. For instance, they were telling a little boy the other day a lot of fairy stories, and when they came to speak of the Seven League boots he didn't sav, "O, my," worth, a cent, bol in the most ruatter-ot-tact manner replied "he must have had leet like Sissy a" And Sissy, who is ons ot the ornaments of soci ety.' boxed as mncb ot his ears as she could till he uw more stars than a clubbed rioter. ('Ai'ctteo Tribune. An exchange sas a cheap aLd elective telephone can be made by taking two smail round boxes and a siog a strong siring through a bole in the bottom ol each, securely fastened by a knot. It will make nodiCer.-nce whether fie siring .s twenty feet or twenty rods long. If ilk drawn tightly, and one end is held lo the iwtulh ot the speaker and the oilier to the ear of the listener, the lainU-st w hisper c-n be iostanuy heard with great Uis- tinctneas. Hut cur-u-t and pteasing ex perimenland well worth trying. Dr. Van Dyke's SixrnrESoAP. Dr. Van Dyke, whose lile long Fpetiahy. and work! wide reputation for curing akin dis eases, has endeavored for years to combine an external treatment- ile has accom plished this desirable result ia the prepa ration o( his compound "Sulphur Nap." the rucriu ol which are spoken of by thousands; it is highly reCKUinenut-d to all ttur readers. Price &i cents, by mail. So cents a box: 3 cake ) cents., ttv mill. 75 cents. Office 5) X. 5tu sirvet. Whole sale lVjk. 400 X. 3J street Philadelphia, Pa. old tiy a.l Druggist. Kl.TwTER has m-vde ereat reductions in prices ol Hsrdwaie. Yon can bur pis just as cheap from him as you cm buy them m the city, lie ttuys his gr1s trom the man u tact urer. and in' large quantities, and therefore buys then at the very low est price, acd is determined now to sell eaxls at a very low price. Call acd ice him and get bis price. His stuck, is very eotnplete. including I'a.hjine Hardware. Paint and Glai. Oils. Yaraishe. and Woolen Pumpa Again we say, mil and ace Dlymyer. and buy your hard as re from h!in and yon w ill save mmey. As we eo to press peace reiens in all pans of the State. The attempt to et up a great strike in the coal regions ot Penn sylvania has failed, because a Urge majtari ty of the miner wereoppnsted to the mov ment. The leaders, unprincipled villains, nmlertouk to intimidate those who were willinc to work, but missed thriraim. and the XatUal Guard have consequently beca sent home. A'smt i t'H) remlar tmtps. under cwemaod of General Han cork will be kept in this Sute, (!Uribted at different points, to suppress any disor der that may develop itse?f time; the restless spiff: who find delight in stirring cpaniachief. PraniDect Welsh ci'.iirns of Pittsburg, says the t'aawn-iZ, are takisg the pre liminary steps toward directing the tide ot immigrattoo from their native country to the Wtst. and ateouf cnhicizing tbtr already here. A OHumittce was aj ptacil ed at the Bret ling heal t SalarUay even ing to invrstlgaie the advantages aHordcd by the various kcalitirs. and in a few weeks all arraneetBrsta fur a western movement will be ctanplrTe. Porthjes of Kansas, Xcbraska. Col jraJti. aod Tex as aeem lo offer itOal inducements. Amooc those prominent in Ibe movrmrnt are lani, W. Fknd. OaeBJtews. T. W. Iavis, and IL 3. Tutsaaas. How it is itit The first ol-rt ia tfe w ith the Anarricaa peofile is lu -yet nt h ;" the secd, bow 1.1 regain giJ health. Tbe first caa he obtained by ro- erey. siotiesty and fa:et;ibe seoaad evaaxi ltrahh. br oai( -UEkita Al ci t ! fUtlKR. Haid aua ts A flrf-0VD( Ul. Li -rer 1 nrjfifHa)OV lBOirhjSa. 4c, UCat Sick IlrAiaACba Fnlpil'tuai ot Use Hart, Soar iidI. iUUtuaJ (Wtrcw (', I'Uiuons w ibc ilea,;, -trrvraj! a Den aa lo)Uiry waa Biaile to rvxsru i M iwemawb pan c tbe mmJ rrmaimair .i PltevtrBtiOB, Low Hiri:. 4c. yovt BCrtl ; Jtav. I.lcUt. Juims. 0 ptiti )v iaftrTlM-vl !Uc br mt eaaJry Iowa axa ut ibc lwa tias- .svtlc-r.aotwertUv. Ta-tl--f Au-1 Itm. llaat M Itbej tlU mm U, HIhsmm k bam. - day m- mb, rtst IV'Wrr will relieve v.tta et tanre ,llvey SoxruU Bay Bidhio; aUait jmy. At tLc o. t-e.U snai-aaaaJ piijimrmia. .nA wmpW Bt:k-S 1 rent, llrtuoar mlze Ta j erery tura tbe tsuys arere mr Ua -kind- , -f xtjrwa mt aaar. wr wcuaery ml ... ... rials. FWivelr U1 hy ad 6rst tiass , . . t - c rrartkCS i the I . S. utter luc exact anitninttji i.bic. 1 All mi'.poul Uckcu are pouJ unmu!tJ, nl limitms cooiliu-ms, such lor this etc.. arc of no account ia Utc nay "ui.t , .ittrt. Paengers are bound to show their tiikftlaon tlemand. Standing on the platform or otherwise breaking Ihe rules ot tne company in re ran! to conduct, etc.. while in the cars. renders the offender liable to be thrust therefrom. Xo per has a right to ticcupy more than one scat, unless, he nys more than one fknt. Article lying on the seal while the owner is Icuimirarily abshiit, eulitles hi in hit place on return. Have Yaw Dyaptvatala T With its attendant troubles, constipation, headache, loss of apnetile. cloonitnesu, waterbrash. distress alter eating, etc.? If so, take DaCosta's Ituiical Cure and be well. Ita result is astonishing, and sure relief is guaranteed in every ease, where it IS Uscu as uirecieu. ll assists uigesooa, tones up the stomath. strengthens the de bilitaled, restoitsa natural appetite, and as a liver retulator has no equal. A clergy man of Philadelphia says : It is the very fountain of healih. 1 o all who are suffer ing Irom a disord-.-red stoinnch or liver, or who necti a cenwc r.piuij5 ot .-ot -i ttu- ic, wes-iy try it, and you will think n for the atlvice. I rial sire .i cnts For suits by U. W. lU ntord. Also Agents for Prof. Parker's ritMsmit Worm Syrup, which never fails. Pleasant to take, and requires no physic Price 25 cents. A Be, nil ef Obstrarlre lllaliaa. Among the huilful coiistqui nccs of ob strueted digestion, is the iintoverishiiii-iit ot the bliKtd. and since a deteriutive comli tion ol the vital fluid not only products dangerous organic weakness, but, accord ing lo the test medical authorities, somc tinits causes asphyxia, il is apparent that to improve the quality ot the Mood by pro moting digetiou and assimilation, is a w ise precaution. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is precisely the remedy for this piirjmse, since it sliiuul.ties the gastric juices, con quers those bilious and evacuative irreg ularilies w hich interfere with the digestive processes, piomotes assimilation ol the t.sxl . . . ... .. . . by the tdood, and puiitbrsas well as enrich es it. The signs of impruvuient in bc-alih in consetmt-nce of using the Bitlers are siieedilv apiarent in an accession of vijor, a cain in btmilv sulstance. and a regular and active performance of every physical function. Mil Ejhtok. The charcoal limn, I). It. Hess, is aUiut closing work tor the season. 1 he hands in bis employ are all very sorry. Out ol ihu twenty-lour hands he had there are only six k-ti.wu.i w ill tie done work in tbe course ol a lew weeks. Mr. I less" right bower. Mr. Jacob 11. Simmers, is going home this week to Western Yirg'uia in the txiiecUtion of coming back in the sprinc All the men in his eninlov tbiuk flour and bacon will be slim lot them through the winter until they return in the spring. Every thing is quiet now, the wood chopper's axe is heard no uuue. aud the smoke that continually kept walling tuavecward is seen no more ; but we can only leave oil by saying we got the greenbacks when done wors;. ami ever will we rememtier our old friend as an hout-sl man. and kind to his nu n. A 4 tor bis son James, we must say he is an hornet young man ot good breeding, sobel and industrious. We will col lorgvt him as time on its axes rolls round. J.H. ! HOW PLATING SOLPILR PAVs. What pay dties the militia gel T was a query that caused inquiry into tne matter. Scarch- mg the military code, was lound section 1:5;. which reads as follows: "The militia, when in actual service, gliall be paid by the Adjutant-General in tav-rolis prepared agreeably to such forms ss he mav cirt-ct, on warrants drawn on the treasury of the Common wealth by the Governor, the same ay and rations as the regular troops of Ihe Tailed States, and the rations sliall be valued at thirty ceutseaib, and every non commis sioued tllictr aud private who provides himself with a uniform and blanket when caUed into the service, shull receive in ad dition to his stated pay ten dollars. When the tuil.liaare discharged they shall b- allowed pay and rations to their re sp.cuvc boiuea. It any ollicer or soldier is wounded or otlu ra ise disabled, or is killed, or die of wounds received w hile doing military duty in active service, he. bis w idow or children shali receive from the comm. mat a. ih jus! aud reasoa.t'.ie re-li.-t." HsavvCoaL SiiipjitNTS While the coal busintss has been partUuly paruljz.-d in other sections by the latxtr troubles, ojr own operatives have not only sulkTi-d couifaratively little, but are now scarcely able lo meet the demands nude upon them; and it U probably trje that no time since the opening of the mines has there been such activity as at present- The three mines novr open are running to their tit in s" capacity. Ihe C. i L L. Company mikins tlaily shipments of between five and six hundred too, which will proba bly be increased. W e have not learned the amountsshippel by the Cumberland and the Keystone Companies, bu. tbe Ut ter is running bttlh its engines full time, ail th : ag. r gate daily shipment Tr. m fcli the mines r.nuot be lei than 1.0-Xtor 1.-! JUObtns. This represents a daily income of f-"o0 lor UUr in the mines aloae. an 1 l,:r other Ubor prolwblr one hundred dol lars n o e, and should lie present activity be maintained it is e&gy to compute tne bent-til which the community wi.l derive from it. Besides giving employment to a number ot oar citizens, tbe annual dis bursement of $180,0)0 for labor will lend directly to the advantage of the whole community, by keeping in active circula tion large sums of money. AVtratLiic ludtptuunt. Grs Barrel Bcested. 0a Tuesday Ed. Saupp, aged about fifteen, and living with bis grandfather Lucas Saupp. in Colerain township, went out gunninz. He was sccc-tn named cv a man named Mower. Y'ounj Saapp was determined to h evervthinc that came within ranze. He was also determined that his old b'.un Jerbc should scatter far and wide, and lor that purpose be rammed down a double charge of shot and shell, an-1 things. Il w as a load that if discharged at the p'op.-r m n.-nt would have ir.t'iit. n.-1 tbe Kus-ians lack atross the bine Dan ube. Tue lirsl tpptrtonity that Svup? had to shoot he lm.k steady aim. and U,nl went gun, kaad and boy! lp n. lb s i unt il was hunter s sport, but when ihe eua barrel bursted, and a piece ot iron ao-J steel embedded themselves in Ibe tore- head above the lelt eye, and kns-ke 1 the Uw senseless there wasn't much fun in it. Tbe boy was carried to the bouse and a surgeon sumrsoned. Dr. CUrk of this plate r.sf-rdtd lo ;he call, scccetdtd in removing the piece of the gun. Tbe boy ' lax was ladly burned by tbe explosi on and it is I. ated thai he w ill lose his right eye. Latest accounts report him doiui well with food prospects ut speedy rtcov eTT. iktfnr4 burttt. At a meeting ot Co. G. hi.-ld al iu ar mory oo Saturday evening las la fol lowing resolutioa was sat jpte-i acii.U. the wildest enthusiasm: Eeioiferl, That the thanks of Cotupin t G are hereby tendered to onr ciratte of Company C lor the many onuitrsies shown us during our stay ia Co meLsiiile. and that H is the earnest wish of ail dkm bers of ibis Com;ainy that ''-y may at some future time be enabled l i return the aWatpilahile txteoded. On their return I ran East Liberty our boys were compelled to stay over nighl in ConaeUsville, and a pleasant compuls tiB it proved to Ihcm. Captain Miarro tele graphed Mayor Still wasea that tbe S.ai- erset Co. wiiild BCCmipaBr tbem borne. and a-krd hua U be ready to receive them. Tbe roMpaSK were met several in lea from Coonellsville by the Mayor and Mr Waiker, and at the dc-pot by Maj. Deri l msalaad and a barge cowct ure u( cttizena. G aj rtltaff vert riren Me rUrr tT IxKSsrr WTIUI laQe) IIW At tiscir Utnil, Altai L 0nO2-( iogBp Ihe rcnT tbtj mrrhei to iLr t allfurT of he Orrvt ia MJ FrloM Hall. AtdLThl &nlfU bcra'..fr..a.a ..lVJ.y A ..in. j - ji . . w i t li.?tiT appcarmIK--. , J 1 i A let MuliDf anil the NT Wtf.-t! ss- : ortl it tbe BallinKire llxx tlntl Wcloh. r5rrt. Where Lbe ervJ serreJ wilh supptr aad wLere tier t-A brtrnkfnt the xt txsornintr. Tl-w Zfiirtn .. f Use eoinfwxaT were tbe pcs 0t Cuj. i ; Momnr. oi iheUrejs. la tae moTTaiDg . j aes aaxl tt sili U Bacjr a tlaj u.lure.' 1 , k. r . .i s. JtliejMrt. ' ; The Everett Pren ay tl at last Tbun tmy a cicr cnuea, a laimcroi tty lllUge, Bed ford county. Pa., went to Cumberland with a wagon 4oul of flour, goes and chickens, which he jU1 there, realizing 104. .When at a point in Harrison twp a man w ith a blacked lace, confronted him w ith a corked, revolver, ordering him to nanu over uis money. nv closed with the robber who shot him in the band, and be a as then grabbed by three others from behind. . lie continued lo fight and re ceived another pistol-ball, this lime in the arm. He then surrendered and was rob bed of eveiy cent of the proceeds of his Cumberland sales. The robbers esraped, and the nntortunate victim lias no clue to their whereabouts or identity. Home Auais. Ou Tuesday last the boys of Co. G arrived at homo tired, dirty aud travel stained, but cheerful and with al well pleased with their life in camp. The only adventures they have to rebate are those ol the "Battle ol the Cow-pens," '. , standing guard at the cattle yards. Their return home was quite a surprise lo allour citizens. X swill winged electric messenger had sped before to herald their c ming, and a h n they arrii e 1 at the de- Ph mere was scarce a tnendly face to bid I htm welcome. The line waa n.iUilv toru:etl and Co. G moved toward its arm- ory. The stirring strains, of the lift and drum gave notice to anxlo,,. frjrl. that , . . . . . " J .a-o UIJIMilll i IIVSIUC. SftilU IHI- 1 - j wiiua iuiii.uii iiuiii, anu oe- Streets were Imetl with people nnuy of whim wrrebarc hcuk-j and bare armed, ni t hivings!optedto thiuk aliout their ap pe;i ranee as they mtUei out to sje how "Tramp, tramp the boys came march ing." The whole thing was a complete surpiiaw, and the "sojer bovs" eniojed it as much as aid their fi leuda. fuewluy and Wednesday were devirted Li m.kina up lost sleep, and Thursday the boys a I weui uaca lo worn as lU-iugU Ihey hud never e iten h.ard tack or been at the "B ti tle of the Cow pens." Caiiijace Woiims. Lmk oul for the second brood of these filthy destroyers. The simplest and surest toiitreroup for use in a gaiden near Ihe kitchen is hot water. Between VJi) and 140 degrees it will sc.ild the worms without hurtin? the cabbage. The linger will bear that de gree ol bent l.ir a shori liuie, bul is an un certain test. A little saitneler makes tin; j PPruon more ciiectual and is a manure ... I ll.i l..l.lHi,r.i I', ,..n -.1, :.. - ' " n . .. . vummuM SJIt ia lO SOlIie exlent, but less safe if applied over freely. vuiiu is uii iiy soiii , out Kit uj le teated olteiier. A sprinkling of brau is approved by many, but is likely, one would supitcse, lo deli le the heart a little. If a Hat board is laid between the ros as the worms come to full growth, and raised three or lour inches from the ground, the woiin will s-ispcnd itself from the under side in cm sails foim, and these can lie coll;ted and destroyed. Bul first let the children note how curiously they are suspended, and find oul it they can how it is done. Willi a light net they can gather tbe yello a ish-white butterfly, flecked with blacK spots, as il hovers over the plants in May and Junj. and they can. perbatts. tiud on the under sidi; of the leaves me very uiiuule eggs, which arc pretty olv jects magnified. Insect lile and irtnsfor m itiou is one of the mistl interesting, sug gestive and useful ot object Itssons. -nr. i eter iicm.-y, oi rmniersel County, has a cow iess thau tifieen in mths old, which is the mother of a cull nearly a m jntU old. The mother and child ars both lull-blooded Aiderny. It is almitst unncc.usary lo say that the cow l.s.ks like a a call-tlie Aldurny breed being suiall-and the calf like a caif sdcll. Mr. Het flly is a model Urm. r and st jck-breeder. He has aUrmoine-.ir 9W acres, si I unit d a'sjui two n.il. nor'U o! S.tmerset town, and on the centre ot a mound from which can be viewed ten miles in either direction the magnificent farms for which Somerset is noted; he has just finished a magnificent bouse, titled up a iih ail the modern im provements, which would do honor to any city, aud throws in the shade any Urmer s house in this district. Here Mr. lb ttley can not only live like a prince, but, surrounded like he is with his broad acres ot well cultivated grain, and his slock ot the purest strains, ot which he is as proud as man can be. he is no doubt far happier than prince ever was. Mr. Hef Iley has the credit of being the best stock raiser in Somerset county, and the speci mens of horse aud Cullle tish he exhibits lo h'j visitors justify the praise which is awarded him by his neighbors. Bat his animnls are not only all marvels of beauty and perfection, bul ihey are as gentle as lambs, which speaks volumes for their owner's humanity. Jikt4tvcn Tri'jM. HIVIMEL n ihe 4th ol August, 1877. Bertha, daughter of M. and M. A. Hiin- uk'I. aged 'i years, 3 months and II days. A PiSjcrim fur tbe a.,ly Ual Has left our kioeij door, A sinless aajrel deiri4 Has rearbed lb wroBiUcd abvre. We saw her take her heavenly ni-ht Tliruesh ll-jodsof sorrowing tm : AaJ l. it in wo's bewlbirrine auxat Tbe sj of year. Cat -w we watrk lb gotten fattli Her oiesaed feet bare trod. AoJ. know that voire was an ia wrath Which rjlle-1 her V.me to (rod. SiOMERSET MAKIaaT Cirrected by Cts a Rkibith. ot ti.tGa is CH MCE GROCERIES, FLOUR 4 FEED, Aftite. Jn.l. fi t le -enu-r. yi a-ai Hran. V loo - KaUer. a (itel Hauer. i t, IMii. Biakwucat, ft Itl-tie! Biesi. 1 ) Sa fterrwi. f a tiat-t. snottblcrs. ft a ........ atd - .. . . eoaalry b f a....... Ooru. (ert At .tt'itrl , .kti (rb-riieu) ft bttisel.... tt-irn meal yl a t;ul stiitta, f) It E.ifS. ft Eair. i , rUl9i f bu., () Hams. tar core..) f Lari. V Lcatiicr. red .1. f I !! kiv. - WU.tl'rra. whit-, 1-Jwaa tfcaia. ft t a P. f b p-ci--tf. 1,-itd. y a Kre yl m Kara f a Sail. ... I. f t bi. extra - ')rtnd Alva. ier aacA - a:. r aara . ... iturar. yelkw jS a sr. raliw. y , Wheat. boa W4. St l UI lie lie aai Sie toe Ile -V jC 2C lot " -r- .. .. , ut) .... Tar lie ...t:MS-ir avi ..-a i'e t us i at " lw. ua.At rr SI o aotuiue Arte Jfi:ertufniefca. A SSIGX EE'S NOTICE. Fwter W. tler a-v -aile of A)u Tr . S ann-! CV.. fv, hmviia-e ma-ie a oaci, rr aauraaett to me. tut ihe iieselit of thetr -reff ur&, S'Mke at heftof srlres to alt lo ail aw avre looiceJ to ibesa tw make tav BheUaie al 1 hje taaTiiaX -iakaj asUajst them iv jrTrta- t-rm-Ja:jaotheaiJjca;e4 lur eeiEo metM t tbe aoir imrd al bu recii!ea ia Alhr ctseo Tlx, oa StVetstvtfi turr 14, 177. OtAfcOE-U. WALK EK, Aom-K U, Astfiaec. JJ115LICSALH ztv vlrtBe of aa orler Lstae of t?te 1 trraar" Court ol iaersct te. Pa., le the Bkrral Uirecteti. th re will be cxjMeed to ae, by j-eidw oaicry. tax Thursday, Avjiiat IC, 111, a: 1 .due k at Us Uman Hoaae, la Soec btar waea. In twasowiBa; cwaenrjee valuaba real av Ltie. LjV ta proprrty of Cyas Mxyera, JtAf., nut as. a. vra ; A.l A certaiB Lt 4 rroami si- aat. ia the horowek mt Vsa.i.it. a.irwisr aaotaee mt d. oleaa. ma tbe mtrta, Mia -ce ea IB aoata, kast street en tB a as aa atey va tate w, with a large ar one stry rata cottaat avea, with a Buaward rtsuC aaiarnM ta the eauMousapiete tyt. with lanzare. raB;. waleT-taaa. baah rouva. waar aaal aa pif- and ail tbe eaodcra Isaprveeaesta. laveema rerted ; saait lot lytaiunji a JtalB street abxaat la fset. aad xxtamltaa; baca toward I ax street aw et m saat, betes; tat kate rtcasdewce of uwcewamt. 1 bwatti B taae -t la staa xrrabt ta tats 4-tto t ta a Lata. Taeee ss a rprma; (oms water ib stsew. 311, a. at ma n piw. aatuaw aa vw UMnzi Oaf sineTef. adjoudaa Not I aeaw aectnad the tfuntlt, aad iii I M.Si,,v4k 1 h-i fmt atlua SU anJ cxxitdina: I x- a Tw cw-twentieth nol all 7 tVat rtv-rr-.y ka-ww aa li -.aeuc Tsi ; n-py.uw p of - aeatQUjj: ll acre. Va 4 a lrta ml LsifAwf oiaia la lfaa tmmm, Tt I 1. A Uraet mi Uad aitwat la lb ssa Tn . ..T , Z JI T . ' " .r ' 7 ncrwa, " A irict M MM nnat ta tne rasa T. k -m, A in wT Lui In Ailawm TpJ , Pa . k ara taw 9na tra-rt, f cciiaiajate at-t i. acre ' 1 tw. t.i... m k,a. i. W AmATAmmA bora, tb, - . - ' W H. kOjXTZ. , . m.za. auu.tia, l Jaiy O. Traste. j AS Iv Uw recovered dyroeptr?. bUlooieaf- fcrers, victims of lever awl aa-uc, tbs jeirnri- I tliieaicd lalltnl bow they rawvere.1 htallh, rheernil vlrlU iiwl mod apprtii thrr will tU yoa by takioa sjmaoaa' Iiv- ca ataucLAToa. Tb Cbsasest, Pureit aad Bet Family atedicin la Is ths World. - For PYSPEPSIA. COSSTIPATIOt, Jaun iicB, Bilkuauarfca,SU:ik U tlAlt.AUH K, lUle. lireMl.ia vl bpu-iu, SULK STu.H AUH, Hratt Dum, at.. . 1 lia uurlraied Sitltra Rrmisly Is warranted ant tttmuiain a gina-ie artli-t M Mert.-ary.ur any ii.jurk.ui atliierai Miuatamw, hai la Pl'ItELY YEtnETAULE. eimuinbin times Suuthera Etatti aixt HerU. wlili h aa Bitwise, PruvMenoa has piaid la euaauie w am Urrr liiasaars moat pnvaiL It will cur all Diteaus caused by derasreaient of the Liver and Bowels. 1 8 "I lie SYMPTOMS ol UverOumilalDt an hit ter ur bail taste is the muath ; l-alu in Ibe liaek, M Itii.r Joint, oftea mtstakeE fur Kfaeumailsoi : Suar Sioroub ; I ol Apieti(e ; linel alu-rn-ateiy native an I las ; Heoulaebe ; law of bcsms ry. with a paiului aenaatSis ol tutvliuc UltftU to ilo ntKttbinx which ourht lo hare been Ium; IteLiil. ty. L"W iiirits. a Utirk yellow appcaraaee ol lb i.fSJ.Y' 4rT cuuh "i1" "' s.,meilm! many of tbeeaavaipi ;l'"s,'l'ers xy R-w ; Ui i j JilaTdV'V'L', ptvmi atteixl lb : Ihe 1.1 V EH. I lie crDeralty lb seal ol , " ' , ii iwi irimuupi in titne. arcat attat-r- i ''s. wrewiieiiness ami or.A 1 if will ensae. i en reconnBeotl I aaanciltcasioe rrtnetiy fiirtils. u...-. ... a.i.iri, iirainwininj .ntim3, null imiKB irfvorneifaiaiur, I.KWittlr. n Luia I rvi M iter S.rrei, Assistant post Matter, Pbiladcl- -We haw trstfel Its virtue, personal!', a ad know thai lor Hj;u, Uiluuanea. ami I'broli bin; tleatlai-h. It la th trev. laoilirtne I lie w.irkl ever saw. IV haretrie.1 forty otber reraetlie b Kre Slniretma' Liver Heulator, lint woe ! them Have ut taore tllaa temairary rebel ; bat tb lie;, alator. But only relivveti, but cared ua." Ku. Tix kiiaaru ai, Almuttxiiatt, Macun, Ua. BAD BREATH! Kothtnff is so unfjleaaant, BothloK so oommoa as ad tiivatu. and iu ueurly erery rjse It Otues In.ra tb stoma,-li. and ran b so eaaily eorrselcd II yoe, will take SlinoKicu' Kexulator. Iu not ucjilect so rare remeily iiir thin ruLin'sir disonier. it will aim ImprtiTe yuur Aii;ielll, t.'ijBilileii..n, aad ren ral Health. SICK HEADACHE. Tbtf llttTeirit affllcti. orruri mot (minrnt- tf. Th ttLMurtount iA lit )tiHjfh. t.ritirsr mm Imt-tr.t-rtty tJiiei Miiteati. ea.ii? a severe pia in tUe bf-a'i.on,uianirU with t1uwxrU .sau M, and thi euo.Ututet whu In psiiiarl knuwa aa7..a, ueviac'je. rcr innipt nriici Idi Simo LiTET EJSiiiatar. cr ttHaa, A Kemeify ia iUHRKitS FEVERS. HOW FX COM PLAINTS. HYSPEI-SIA.Mt. rAL.lEPKrS SloJt. RESri.h-SSNr.sS JAI NI.1CE. NAf SEA. SICK HEtltAl'HE. IDL1U, OONSrl- r.a itt. sou tilt-tut. SN CSS, IT HAS NO EQUAL. MAScrAi-rittrnosLT av " J. H. ZEILIN A. CO., PUI1.DAEj.PH1A.PA. li'io il . ). Said by all DmggUtt. Jul; 4 LIST OF CAUSES lor Aoust Tena,iT7. FIRST WEEK. 1. a. x i. & s. j. s. 9. 10. il li 15. 14. 1. 16. People Fire Inaran?Com:rany of Prno. v. s. J. Cover a Hro. Peo.les Fire Insurance C'onifiaiiy of Penn. vs. sulntursl Kiernan. J'ei..l.' Fire Inraranee oiap-.ny of I'enn. ri. rtumin (lailaxlier. Tlh.m.i. .M .re vs. Samael Phlisna et l. i' J. Fa.lely s Catherine Fa le!y. Sua id Lenbart va. John Fa.ielv. 1 tiotnas Malley vs. T. J. Ptrkins; et L li. KeiMr va. M. Klein A t'o. Sylrrster H-rrinavs. IJeo V. Lcnhart. M . 11 H. Uantnerva A. 1 tan ha in aad wife. lsiac W'en lcl v. Jacob A. Shallcr. t. W". L.-.-uhart va. J. 11 fcetilnnl A Co. l-aar v.. Kanck a Co. v. LA. Jenkins. Firt Nati.ai Hank ot Meyensiale vs. Le vi Lachllter. tlaruet Plckio1 vs. Fred. Xaua-ie. Uamel I'l-tu ji vs. Froi. NatiKle. SEUOSlt WEEK. Hiary Yang's Elevators -a. llaanjh Ayre s heir. M. F. S-n-dl vs. J. Flanoeiran Mary Mt-t'ray vs. Samuel Waiker. tteo. E. A aTsvs. Samnel Waiker. Henry Tavmaa ra. P. a c. K. K. K. Ca. Au.iutu l ayman va P. a t. K. H. Co. t reo. F. Canuiham et ex. rs. Juhn s. lliae bauab. Mitri-t-ilof Andrews vs. John S. Iliariairh. WinneM S. Sjhauk va. Oyra Meyera' Ad aiinistrat.ir. avimona kiernao va. Jcromt Bowman el L Henry Keire vs. Wm. Stoith et at ll'U it. M'Usonva. Henry Hwrahart. - Uilllan H. U alter t. v. H. small et at. A. J. sinyiler vs. Jere Sltader'a Extr. VaL J. Miller vs. Joa tihai) Suiitb. Jaa. B. Oaitber's as vs. Henry S. Iones. Henry Carr rs. Samnel FerreiL Iianiel Weyaml vs. Sarah W ilnsi et al. S. W. P. B.yd vs. w. M. S- hroek. S. W. P. B-yd v. Lerl Om. Iiavid MiaUoiler vs. E-lward Musiothr. A. H. CoHmthvs. J.a t t Lewis iJoomiyer vs. Fred, kioe- tlirara limner rs. A ,1am t o, a el al. H i es Bin's rs. F. T. L-karl et at. tt., ,(s Bro s va F. T. Luckard et al. le. IL li is. 14. li. 14. l. 11. 1. as a. EL Si. M. Zi. . l: J. KOOSEK, ProUsasHary. Auxast I. je (j : s r k us . otic e. as k(tni, reliutrsi or uttirrvLe. tuat the UA-k'its- tmriui!- bT r-MMt rrxmer. a! the f ili hm rvintei i.r fsnbrmasiam aoi i kwioe at aa Orphan! rvrt tj tw hrli at Som en!. o ThorW-f. Acrtut nx In", 1 hini aaii Una. acruaui o( Jutyiab, II? and Eliu Htrtltfy, AUfautAratun ut Ucura Urffit;. tieeasesS. ATvvunt of 31 . A. Sanoer. oo of tbe ExcatjU-r of re. Humbert. dereaseJ. Fir4 al Boi twtMB; A Swj Ba 11 win. AU tBiaL'nim of James M. Bliia. 0e?rvr-l. Finrt arW baal a-tnant uf WiUto. f. WelWr aivi ;suia. V rj-auwl Lxem,tn tA Jar(ih Ole san, tlcex9e-i. t iTK aoa-ount A JuLn Muwrr, txt-ca'or of John Fair. ii-raei. First a&l final t-mst of Kiraa Staffer. Tnr te toe the fctie ui lb rvai estuc of lav4 ShaUtrr ds?ewB.9ei. Acd: Af tmvil aaJ OrMrtfe Sj-echt, Ex-ats-turaof Aoare- r-M, (irriaJ. Acci:Bat of laiit Swcroer. fcuilUa ol LXu Jitv. frormttrij .t iSweroer. Aex.tiatX li F S.-heli, gtt.rJUa t liiUc?ribe A. Za .11. At-wini of J. S. liVal an! Sauttvt lieal, AA- B. tXiltraUn of SU. I . iic-L -l?rtart). AnefUut of J..S. lieMa, AjuwutraUsT of C-athA- 3ria lieaL U?c iMOi itwuh f lariat I)tTt, laeof the Fs-cat-cil Ip&mc liit-rrt. Or-rematl. aco.-al vi Aa jcn; Mvma vn j Eciera Ma- a. Attar, aat A Jinn. Thotoa-a 4e-eraae-tJ. ACcvnt of Jv'ha BrAiit, F-jeruUr aol Tmtee fc the -AlSiff ttoe irai eeuic 4 liVtrfe Brant. -JrreajoJ Firm aol 8ivI arVH.nnX of Sirai-?! Wilt, AJ miuiBtrtotr Jiin li- Fry . iiecK&l. A twant -ai H-jnnaa Jrluajxi. KrAartJUD of yt AecofiQt .-f Val. IUj. giarJta uf W. L. WjJk eraifl J.i. Vaiicr- Fir acoati-at of J-faa C. EeiUs, Executor of Jba are, iseeaael. First ard Btul arrMiil M Arm Hl-azh al Eli Inrta, A i fuin it rUurt aivl Tnutcca wr ib aaie uf lix ni estate ul iSuctSlihr iJivit, - F'ir Aonl of Ierry A-lmainra-tr ! Cswriac licrcur, uum MimU:rTiix 1 tt- -ii t. Firnaa-1 Btsa! atrr,.oat of SjbibI Miot!er. AJ- evmseu. A F. DICKEY. DR. VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP, Makes the SKIX S-fU tlear. Par Whit ami Heaitby : Is t'teansitiaT. ftetforiuse. ltialBlert- St a. outhisg. Ueaiaa; and paruyma; ; reaanve Ikandraa. vbahna. L leers. S-wra. FrBptl-aBa, lisjhnes and rennees of tbe saia : rebevmi ItcAv uair, i ran. a, aad :icz ice ol te Saist. afcd irrsia- la ,n t tm u c mat sursunt torcete : will r.!ieTe lit Httl f ILLS where mh:v.a;ese w:ll hive anyetlect: is FKtK Faust ALL OFFLN. Si V L Olx iB. an preveau LeutMi lta.au t. and as aa LxicmxlJtteuica! aad Toilet Prcira tfcieil ba.no lul AL. Price. 2". cv; l.y snaiL aa : . -a. lUtto, .: by ma t. 7 a. aoid l j ' I'Taxeat. L. . UhbMLIi. Ir-rict.. Ot-I liar. .... n !r r-i.Hu, a r a bim,. i te. !1-W-T1,U',, I J 1 . j J3UCLIC SALE. je-rph cmBiins 1 No- Aajxaat T rax, l7f. r. I Simon lieHB- Fje-rtme-nC H j virtue of a uccre and wrer wf to Ctrt of Comno-n P1m of S-r-airat C, Pa., w tn 4wrt. t.tsre wdi h eipkairi tw paiae caa on th prvtotea Lb CaSncnc itftsfovaja, ancret Cfs, ra on Friday, Avgvt IT, 1?T7, ta prenaisr ia ike aht.tr ,tatd ease. xtlBale la j CSaeae truwja. femairsi.t tV, Pa. Coeataiar iAai-aaae a?re. wre r ipeas. aaijsiaan laaarsot ban ner avk U Mt n tanran. SbJ v4iwrm. tmvm-f a tram dwpjUaar hr-ns. atvhic and othrr ni iuisva: i.neren cr wtvd. Uf.O'LHi'R.X. Amsfu; 1. A a aifcr. 0UKT rUUCLAMATIOX. WW! a antas, th n-cnraiMe Wiixiaw M. Hals. rrrmx of ta asraerai Oswrta o tmunoa Pleaa i BUMf Gtfa.ni jui Mifm. for tsc iriil if aiteaMiaJaathera cwrrxirT. - tM vi.ft-vwi-wrriM tra-Tai Jaii Iviirerr. fc ii trtalef aiieapuai -- . - . . fl& .a-v - i ' :Z -7 .-4M,, JOofiTpI trr eVBa of th P-. aa-i -iWnarai Jail I.,-- err and -U. wla,y, Atac-wnt 2T, l7T. , r cawtaa a aa ... .ire. a. ... I m j war tea a aa iia Peace, tbe V.rwrT ami Ooeaaaoice wnnaa ttt. soai a - . . i . . ... Itr pnipcr'tcr-.-mi. .ua ttKirr..rcc,rmfoi- rtbaas. exaJtatamisaeas. and ether itsmuttiraaa-e. t 1 ZTTlT will rcmoceta araimrt the prvmcrs that arc shad t ia ta ailw liamiat t'ettty. te be taea sad " - .- . . . . u. i , m. Tl IT VTt T U LAX . riLC skaa-ttl. ifiii.m.n aiaalJwK New AdvertiiunnenU. XII EisK ASli)l hTlItAIt 3Ure nikJia WttrT Ih few only. Tb beta standard novel whhiB tb r l M every toe. Il,..k enaally 1 IrrtB l lo .t lrea isn cbatutsd ao.1 nal.mlnt fc 1 aasi oeata. t. EAST LYNNK. by Sir. WooJ (. Tt ) . i. Jnfaa Kalitax. tH-nt . by Mlra Mul.K-k. Joe. 1. Jane Eyr. by Dhaiiotle Brunt. ( l. ft. ) Sun. 4. A W'oKiaa-batrr.Chas. Keail new norai, aur. a. Tbe Black lmllea. Jnlea erne latest. PR. S. Last ltaraol Pomueit. by Hulwer. loe. J. A ilam Mtsl. br Owurae Eliot. (U!t.) S w. s. 1 h Arawlel Nt'Kto. by Mary teil Hay. Jne. . t H-l 1 viMeiton's Money. t' - hr. pi. Tb Winnaain U'hiie, by Wllki ("ulllnj. 3. II. The Mill. lb Ik, py .f"Ot rjtt. li. Tlte American St-oti, by Antbonj Trol- b.it. -!. 1.1. A iTIncetw.rf Tbl-, I y Wm. tflvk. II. Taw itea.1 mrm.lij W llks-Vrflina. lw lit. K him I.k hy iKsinre Elba, Mr. N.I 3c. lo. 't he Eni.-lifb at lira North Pot ami FicM ol lo. In ie li"k. by Jale Verne. UK IT. Jll-bleu Pertls, by Mary Cecil Hay. 1 w. IK. lisrlnra's History, by A me ll.i E-lwarta. Sua. 19. A Terrlltl TemptatriB. by ttiaa Kesule. IOC at. Mil Oarvall T SlfHi. by ( 'ha. JJickeB. t al. Foal PUT hy ;ha Kewl. ItM. .-i Man and W lie, by W ilkle f.Jllrn an. a. Tb sionirs'a U-iraev. In Mary O. Har. tue. For Sale oy all tirk-Um and .'Vrwa.lralrra, or sent, postajce )rrito, on reooipa ih prsca oy (IHIKOF. HC5KU Pt sLisnia. P.O. liox ..i;, -K'O, ami X VaiwwjlerSl.,.V. T. UERIFF'S SALE. itr virtoettf sandrv writ of fic'rl faria. levari faei'a. and veuuooi exitonaa. b.-J uttt oi lb Court ot t '4,inuK.n Plea o Someriw-t t.. Penna.. au.1 a ivrtain traiaiwia wlitbiBi xmiaa bvaed but ot tb court ol tmtinoB Plea a i Aih-sltenv Cnnty Penn-ylvani.i, anil lome .iin-, lod, I will exetu ail by panlie oulrryal tlutCourt Hotiae, iu Souacrsel, oa Friday, August 24, 1877, All the right, U'.to, InUrast. -d elalia of Alex. ft . Shuki, ot, in, and to mm following dtMcrlOed real e.-ttate, viz: A cvtutia tract ol bin-,, auu..te w -Mlll-inl u.wnhi, xnoeia. t county. Pa., etmuiu bia; 7i aeroc, morv or lea, about ti aema eleart-'l. wlilt a two-aiory frame dwelilna tma-u ao.1 atalil tnerena erecton. siljuioina Unuauf lonr Obler, ltaniel Swanier, Strain suyder, an-l others w itb the ao arteatnre. Takeu lu exorution as tlie proriyor Alex. V. Sbulll.al tbe suit ot John A. pbiili-ild. ALSO All tbe rlxitL title. Interest, an I rlaiia of Alex. Walker, id, in, and to th r-dlosrln4 tiescrliie.1 real entate, via: Aeercaia kit of unnioit. silnal in Meyeradale borough, oaierel euunty, Penna , eonfuioiiMr one-fonrth acre, more or bata, with a two-sbiry irainedwellinK hoaite ami stable there on erected, adtuiniufr Alain street on tbe ftBth. Pittsburgh ami Conuellsville railroad on the east, an. I alley uw tb west with the ai uni.-oin.-ea. Tikt-n In execution as the pri.iieriy ot Alex. Walker, at tbe suit of Albert f jau. ALSO All the ritrht, title, intemtt, and cl -In of Wil ltam R. Tnouiait. of, in. and to the loliowln; tie crlbed real estate, viz: A certain bit of xnmrbl. situate In Trina bor ouxli, Souierwt oounty, Penna., enauinuuc one acre, more or less, with a one story Irani ilwellina hoaae and blacasmith shop thereon erwte.1. ao juiniiiir Aua; Sellers oa tb east, W. J. Caerna th ,.utb, M'illiamsoa fc Phillip oa lite north and west with the a.irtenanct s. Taken In ex ecution as tbe property tl 'A iiilana R. i'boinaa, at the suit of John Ldtfe. AlJSO All th riht. title. Interest, and claim of Ilea nl Waicner awl Mary Wanner, ot, in, and lo Ui billowing ("escribei' real estate, vlt: A certain lot of rround, sliu .le la Sali-tiury txtronuh, s-rfiieritet oiuotr. Penita , ironllns; eaat i.ndrajit street 9 loet, and ex i-n-tlmt west the ante breadth throunbout eae hundred ami sev. enty.two It-et to an alley, an I bounded oo the south by an alley, and on the a 4th by lot of 8 J. Ltcbly together with all and stnaniiar the buildin;! aifl appurtenance Taken in executbm as tne iroverty ol tcnlii Waa-ner and Mary W saner, at tbe suit of Peter Hay, un ot Peter C. Mfyers, fcir lb use ol Abraham Miller. A LSI All the riatlit. title. Intere-tt, Wkl rUira n J. I W.r iH. in. a4 to Ui a MWwinyi d.-r..jel real ejtaie, tii: A rertain VA ol 1T001.U, fuaaie in .-rorw twntiii. --nirriet coo my. return., euatainio i-ne-balt aVre. tu-ire er &. with a oo anl a hall ttrry hn-'k dweliintr htm aol tiai-le tLerem erecU't. ael)4jiaiiiK Uml f Charlea Miller wnh the airirururnatK-ci. Taken to exoruiiuD a the (ir.-t.rvjr of J. Iv Woy, at the suit of J-'bnja a. C4t in. ALSO All the rlii ht, title, latere, ao I eUlm of 'A w.atj.1 Ra.e. ol. la, and to the Mlowiog arKTr-l real estate. Th otMiiritled ofie-half of a certain lvmae amJ toioi rrrtaivl, mtuaieia S.merset lj-jnui;h, S.- emetcuaQiy. Penaa., otrntaioicc oae-hmnD are. Bjoi-e or leM. with a o-9Utrj irame dweiitn hiiiatk- an-l stat'le therein ereetoa; adtttied on the enat by kt of WMow Fn-Htne. 00 the north by L DIVQ trrrei, OB toe mvn ' nniw jvciisr, avu rMtitinsr a Main inreet with the appaieiiai-e. Takea In exatiua aa tb property of FJwot Kiee, at th salt of Charles Iin-. one of Jacob F. , Pile, lur to oa of fcaimorul Klrcan. ALSO j All the rifht, title, tataereat, ani elalm of Jame i Harwn, of. In. ami to th Ml jwin uescrihe-1 real i ttsytate. riat- , ! A eertain trart m nieioa ann. sua lie at to mouth ol San-ly Kun. In lwer Torkeyfoot town- : hi, S-mr-et eouoir, prtna.. conuintiiK lv acre. rair or , aI.inir.i laatlp of I'in-W.urh anl Baitiir t U ua ami in-a mpaoy. hkmin of OeAjev Firvone at LAurel Hilt Creek: laaJ9 warranteii la the name ol lXaC and other vita the aispvenaneea. Takea la exeeutR a th property of Jatnea Bjwd, at the suit ot Utmis LUU use. ALSO A!! the rizht. title, intere'it. aad e?mm of Daniel MU-aey ot, 10, and to the Mk-wiux dearrttieti real etie. Wi : . Twtvrtaia Um (rraatvi, -ftttute in CooDbcdj IJarr.. smeret eoii;yT Pa., eBtalDin , sure. oore ur re, kiv'wb m xo ceaerjii ptaa of aau lown a U So. -I an-l 22, with a twvMory Irame iwelli3 he. hlarlLmitli ct-p. atahle, anl other eaitioildiaas there ereetci, aaijwin inx of th Town Cotcpaay oa the a-vrtk, and In -an 1. on Paeand HiUiam iarcet-s with the AiparXeiaorC . X Aktrta In execution pnej-eriy 01 um.ki ML-key, at the uii U Ovorxe F. Paul. ALSO All the riafht-tl'.Ie. interet aivt -rUim of Mtehael Shanaua ot, la, aad to th tulivw ina; brxtlt'i real eatate. na: Aeertain VA of trr-mn-1 ritaateat the Jk-eyw-me Minea, Summit 1 p.. ?Mj4iaeri--( '., Pa., coatai- ina: Uaere, air or ieaa, with a twtj-ury pLaak lat era h.-ue ihrrom ete-tel. oetor tix2 feet, aa t a Kalie and utbi-r oa:htuidinir Utene-a erert el. rrmiinx u the Ca-lmao river and a!joiainc h-tol Jof-eph Milh-r oa the MtA alley on the eattan l CajtwluuBa rirer o tne aorth with th appaneiaanre. laiven ta eiernttoa aa to prterTT ot Aienaei S ItaoxHrn. at the twit uf Junea, k-nhimer a Co. ALSO All the rlirht. title. Intere-tt. aal Harm of Valen- tio Hy. delU. and W. C. Iti, terre tenant, oi, ta, an l u the Mams deaaibed ml t-tate. ris : All that certain menaire or tenement and bae and annate ia tneret Br axh. Som erset Co.. Pa., a-trfijinx ( Jdui Kurkhart oa tleeat. Jaatn Kreet on the auwin, 1 SKa reetoa th nrth. and ali-?y the west, eauiain, M uerhe uretber with th iH-orimiK-f. Takn ia Fxe:uiK-- aa the -orrty tA Valentine Hay, dW-am, anl W. C UaTi. l-rrr ternant, at tbe sait of H. A. iSanneT it t., ami Imrid Haanl ex-rutor o th La wiil and UMajneal ol iaWai. Womiey, decaTeiaed, ALSO AU the n"h?.ti:le in'err. atvl claim of H. ft. Xk-nea. oC m and to the UiUAKf riefTit-i rewi f-tale. via : No. 1. Toeertala lot of rTntnil, tit ait ba Veyera-lale Bur., SoenrsH Cj, Pa., ojotini-.z aVre. anorr or le.wih a btrxe twv.tUery frame tarern Kifi-J. hnteher ahp. meat lMjAte ac t rther ou-.taikiiiw tlsrem ensctrd, trvunr on Hroadwar. aso l-wasled by Centre tvreet .a tbe west, ailev on theauuth. acd Jar-h Ltoagc on the ea; w;th the ur emrxf. 2. A eain pr--l or U of rr-mnd. all (rieare-i, aitaal ia in Meyerv-laie It-r., Smeret Co . Pa., with a MM theret-an errneit. a-i.,ittfi lamia ol P. If. Kan yon, J-ha tjUoxer. aad Oarreit ruat. ail tb land iat tetwen P. C.k. it. anl tti S;imi7 H. Jt , ahowx 4vi aer ef w htwh are ut meadow with the apparteaaa- Takea lnexerwiyna4 tt ri-r,y at H. Jt. rt- i tn Mil ot Urn; nM a. tn Barer et aa. ALSO. " 01 w.j. RaOrlilf. oi, in, ami to the UljitM deriJ-eai real emate, ti: Ail that tBertain p.-T'-K-a or parrel vf trrvuaai. luate ta tb vilUr of .Uerhantrmrir. SHsrret cun'r. Prima . hein: M N. 4 in a trrua plan of aiBt-.7:n in-a-ie hy Samaet A. Maan la aaal TiaUsr! f ilesTnavrsf-wrai. frooir.sr on law flunin ry th nvl w Myrlai. rufininst aa M lows: N'Th thtrty-ooe defe? w-t. tea petvhe. north eixtaty-ttv dreea. aeven ami oav-haij perrher. o-atb twelve at rce east, eiarht perrae; xauih rrrhty tie -.ree ea-L. threaM.vlsta perrb; aoulh lire d'xree weat.two ami osa-4-oarla jerrhen ivrth eighty-fire deareea wee, six ami one a! pert aw, to th phkc of l?anaiaBLz. ' tainiiaa: sixty-eijeat peiruea, on which w enKtel a tWi.ttory fram fXAr and d wellies mjMe. with ataALc ami out acma. basnt tn aaaa prmir wbMrb aTcuel a. iaut, an I Mary bt w,jc, a-n-reyed tn W. J. kariitf -Uaretber with tn sksV 4 1 came ats and apnAnaac. T.ka inxtaiin as th preierj of W. J Badriisl. nt the suit of tlai sL-irdciitt. ALSO A 1 the r-jrhr, title, inlere-t, and ctaim of . J. Ka.iciitf of, m, and to the KMhcWin dese:ri)e4 real i . - . "-- AeriBlictofUaj.sltBV.atSaiit Jtiiii. MKan i p.. -vjeaeraef. l, fa . ivt'aiamt ao acre, more r I, aei whtca tbere ta em-ted a tarce stury irata MUt wita a trjotae ot iu leet ami tfrwi of t ten. wrth a oae am eo-hatt "ory baca betieaaa. uim be. aeuemrd. mt.As nnr lamis '. Fdiraim il lilcr. V V,n Ferret, and other wirk tb a ; ertew. ncc. N a. t. TSc ntrt-eral pnnw. ntevte tax a eertaht tract of load near ISwaunrt Mitt . u iuw fhip. S. uwmt eveatty. pasmk, ami awowa aa tb. laclory tract Late the property of t aa. B. Hataram. wrb a k4 or eaavet ef Umt two rod a-iaare, w wbarb sab! mineral fpru; at attaae, wit a road 3w fret wble. leavtinc; irvea tbe fmrtoty roaj pas the mineral vortaa- to in. mxa-i a.,k . tbrt lamia et Aaa Hcrnstetler. F4 bra- . . , m .rp.rvvnaoea. N. t. A eertaia bat ef eruaai. saaate at atasx. wilt xai. Soerterset eoBoty. Pnaa. ami xmx ea tbe niaaof S A. Slasa iaAliiMu bat a . rontabhiziir et perche. Iruiur oa tc jaryeradade roml oa tb em'b. oa wko-a taer 1 erected tweMory Iraaa. it aad ewcttiai maaae. aiard ,wd otacr wultJulKllrj- it a ta. appurlccair. Takea taexerathai a the prttwrtr el W. J. Kaatell-1 at tbe asat ta) Ntianw AtrTerS Wm. H. Jdv-tera. lx-!Br Mtyer. Ice, ta n-rr. Joaiaa ' smiaer. It J. Haexter. lsaBatl taraw, Bwy lAav 1 era. aa rramoa J.Cosaatrysaajs. ALSO ia sal I lbs hill" alaa iisinhsl ual iJLt!.'!, A teraa s( aal ntna-'c ia feaT, tasrr or kSa,c vsitb Ukerw are anoa-x a acre t tirNt-n mrr, tWktt.ftf laS H Uur J . . . . . " - mm lttw oerae-w aw aim '0 wh-rh ti-rre are a-wt 4 v-r-a eri-mr-t. hWirt J-fcn a. Tsara. crn srrao- t . at! lliVfVV'J n.- .tl - .m t mmA n i . , suit of Joab P. W saaer. we mi ..'barar Y Vtraia- . . . . . . . . . . ALSO J ILTi.. M Jrsed r.ir.tT AunBUn1rtchuTp..!kaarrMI. rr m j Mn law. wa. . im mm : -r"r , V "VZ- ,k " bi the Tkimil Jznarf nzzmm'juBariaar Jua xure. i Sjlrew HeriliiT ters. J aWr Adoertuementt. !to. 2 TwotKitiia'tu M oa tt.rth kble ol Wrraail avcLQc. la l.lnt ttoroeh. No's, '.ttt ana .'noaoiH'd by i-t Mret mi in V. ea. Nu. A, 1 wo nottticisiie ba lo MtWM. tnwn. f.tftsj side of wTani avewue, rtemorrt lots . al .4.1 adjoi'iuna alley oa in r.a-4. ao.1 Ocotko rtayWr ib.ir.a West, wiia tbe ap. onrt4i.4Di a. Taken ia execetbat aa th property f Rettecca Lie h titer awl N. R IJcLtucr, at lb suit of W. J. Bacr, aae of It val pile. ALSO All the rlbt. till, latereat aad rlalaj of Uiale Httchman, aud H. W. Hucnnaaa. ot, la anJ W lb bdbiwinar dcitcrtiie.1 real estate, viz A ecru! b t arttuiMl sllaatr la Sjaert Hor., t.f which Hi iroc trtMit , I nbie Street oa tb Suattk, sjil SB iet Mttoinlnc k of Job H. UI on lh Morih.oa lb ta eat ka ot AlMt Kk-e, wile f Charles siii-e.owthe t-Mt ailhOtiMie h4 of A W. KnepNr, Irons whk-b lb alatv tH-arrtlted bit baa iM-ea sold ou, t :uicr wttu a-vj appuri uaiK-t-a. Takea la xeratlon a tbe property of Liisi til ten man. and a. vi . itttcbnun al ui suit irt av. W. avuepper. ALSO A I Hie rlzUl.Uile. Ini.mat. aa I rUiwsof Frc-le. rb.-k . u., lo ot, in, aa i to tb soiiowiaic deacritietl real estat. via: No. i. a certain ! of irroun-l, siloaf la MyiraiUl Ifcu i, ft. -mracl eaanty. Poena- known aa bit No as is tiner's brut sarvoy f Mpyermiale. Ironllo; u leet on ataui emit-wlta tb apjtuncBance. tao. - au of uolenalaBC intatrcac in tola n tlx aad J1X. i:aau aa ali.r atbl. frontina; oa Hlah atref, lai x Ixo leet . fjairu a.re.4, a,aue.l on lit wct by ka No. ;!!. aa I known ootio;er's survey uf MeycrsilaUi bl Nat ZJ4 anl ZTta, each ir-ai' inaj aa it oa Hiajh atroet, aa t fnait. Ina; l'Al leet on t.(itr afreet, wltb-b lour kttsof KPHio-l, via: Niat- aia. -.13, 23. an-l Xli ar known toe Sarah rortcr t-ntrtr. r..,. zri aa.t xi.t havmrtberetrttcrccicd a twt-stry irame.tweillnx houac, Nk 4 ami 23) kavma tiwroia erected a stable with the appurtenance. No. a. au oi ocieniani s intret ia saareer- tain bits, alt oat as aloreeatd. ami known aa lots Niat, 17, la '.-. and ''I In oliuaor Brat ranrcy of Aieyeradale h..ati. ramloil on tb B-irth by .wain street, o., tno a Bib ov alley, and mil -tain Mt-yata' survcj with the appwrfeuatmt-s. No. 4. Four certain ba ol krawl, altu tto . afort-rai-l, atal known as bos Noa. 1. 2, ll, a oil la lying on ibe north si,) of lit B-ria road, ami Uiuioiod on tbe aorlb by baa Niaw a ami lo, ia the ,uth by Berlin r,aid with th apparte inee. Nit. a. All ol dcfentl.tnt a lutercat la six acres and one buudrcl ainl lilleoa pcci-l. of wooel-uimi. siiBnte a. aii-re..i. um-al,-! oa in hy Berlin road, on tb south by sand of Peter Merer' .state, nn the west by Meyeradale tcif- uuh lln.; with tbe af turtcBnces. o. . A eertaiu M. ..I xrouod, aiiaate aa al .re i tt containing on.S urth acre, more or tea. Kb a ttroalorv fraiiie dwelliae bouse thereoa erectru, betne sot No. w In oiinar'a survey, sua at on aortiieaat corner of Hriaaiiway ami Eichth street with ll e appurtenance. rr.i. 7. A cermib lo. M erouml, situate aa alure. nai l, kiwoMloi.No. jtM. Uma.lel ua the - It lhtfh h reef, oa tlte eM It EiKhlh Arret. tlie isroth U -iter utrret. aol wm hy U o. Ju3 to I. Mincer mnejr oi aueyetwa.a aito tDoat- Minroaorea. lata.cn in cierniin aa ine irierT -n rreoe- rU k Nauxle, at the -ult ol S irab Porter If tlie twe of J. O. Meyers. ALSO Ail th fiitT.it. title. Intre-t ami eUlrn of M. A. Snorr, of, m, aol to t.i Msowiac -ttefrYlteJ reul eatat. No. 1. A trt-i.n traH f Lif. ltaie In A4.ll -m toMBfJup. jtieraet euunLv, Penu.. furveve! n a ttatrraul la the nime of Alam While. ro- tahilna: 4.4 i-tw. atrtt-t loea-nire. artaiox fatBita warriiiel lb ttw Min-a of Jha H bi&e, t rhriato- jhr U'bire, a n.i others with the apiHineaaiv. no. r. a reriain inwi oi iaiMi. auiut aa abHe. Tin s-yol oa a warrant, lu tit Dame of Joha White, eoataliiinc - a-re, Rtriet meanire. at- joitiinif laaiU warrant-! la th aaiu of Adavin . hue aa I uthert with the a-jrteiteOe. . 2. A certain trwrt of lan-t. !anreTel oa a warraol In the name of Frwieri- St-hn-rk. ea taifaiiitt: C ar ami one haotlrrd ant euht perrltee. atrtet meofture, aiotou the ot-l Ft rc lrat. Jmiutj l ita ehttuj. Juha Whttr, ainl uthM with the jpt'unciuiictfi. Wo. 4. A eertaut trart of laatl. iiioate aiahore, Iseitia: a trart of the tract yuneretl to a warrant la t th arue of Tfri-maa White, eontalnthrr uae huc- iml atvl lorty-eiacht aere aii :iry-f-jyr i-reiei. I a-Iininx i:a-imaa n-rr. Ui:i In aitne of ' friovufr wane j-ua w hit aleakU, aiid others with the aptarxeDanr,e. No. 4. A tra rt ot Uad. fiioate a ah.rre.inir reyetl oa a warrant lu th nam ol C-ome.iu KeiJey. eoniainlDsr 4't ax-rc. 'trnt mejare, it jiitoz LaBla iu la mtae of A tiara Cramer. Jhn While aueaai'i, anl th:r-i with th appurte- BrOftS. .. Atrt't of land, fiiaate a ahtre. sor Trjj'cd (n a warrant in the nametf A-lamCramrr, eirutainiUaf 424 area, utriet wiwwaur. aaltioinsr lamia warra ed la th name oi ijrnetiaa Keiiry a!'r-?a-Ui, aixl iht r wun thaareaaacea. No. 7. A rs-rtals trart ot lanl, ruuaie as aui-tre, aarreyesl oa a wa.iautln the aam of JjLd M il lr. a ,art if wnirh. eJO a initial mre aal If perch I. Krhrt measure. asiHuint; lamia waiTaated in the name ol Co rnelias Keiiey. Adam Cramer, tbeoid F'-nr trart, aad resaine of onxUiai with the appurxemmx. Ho. . A cert Jim trart of land, fit ual as abore. snrveyed 00 a warrant ta th mam uf ban lei J.ne4. enoiaaOiuK lor harvirod ani tbirty-ei(ht aere and ooe huivlred and thirty perrhea, mrt)"ia Irir lamit ia th namt-w of MMrtutel alms;. John Saiaf. and others whirh aai-i iamis ar tb fame mrntiuaed and tNrnt! ina del from Jon J. StoUman ami vitc to W. J. Kaer, datml 2tb AiifaMt. A. V. -4. ami reNrrd at Sonwraet, Pa tn Keejrd of led -. oL U par-a 367 atjt '4. anl hy deeJ imm W. J. Hvcr ol wife lo M. A. Saoner, daUJ Marrh , HT7 wah th ap purtenance. Alau Altthc tllv9iaz lam!a aaI trnetneats. situate in th Stat and county aloi--.t, to wm ISo. i. A certain trart of iaa-1. attuat in A1 diat-kn township, rarveyed on a warrant ta the name of Clirxopher bite, containioar vw a-cre. i ov(rer tera, a-iioiiifr iarda ol Samuel Hcin tsaatth, FMnkerton tuanrH, trart of land warranted in ih name of aom W hit, John W hit, ami other witn the appurteni-r. No. J. A certain ira-et of land, known aa Ptnk-ert'-a Point, in Vpper Tarkeyhsot towr-shlp. coc taintn two bandre! ard seventy lire arres. strirt ixeajure. aJjHnina: lao-ia ia aasne of Chrlatopaer A bit al.r saaiJ. with the at puiaetMrtrca. No. X A rer-ain trart of taad. Mtnat ra l per lurk-rylosA township, mtainlBf one aatv drwd ayl eleven arr4 anu 'ne hundred and thirty seren perrhea. ulyrtminx CJaawiman rirer. lana in name id Cbn-uvoer WhH at-reaid. Pinker ton Point trart. lamia of Aaroa Srbler. William Soy ier and thers, b-trtK the reatdae of the Urrn kmwn as the PeteT W rimer tract with th so-purteRanrr-s. Ala) All th coal. Inm or?, limrne. tire cby. ami other mlneraa and mineral Mi-tataae. heint; upon aat ly-Ag amler th sariaV-e. aivl emtaltet wtthha tbe Umts hereixvafler deaci-ed. and taei aaaaa ry narht of way to ivmur raid minwraiJu hy anrh way and means) a may he fccwnd aer "rwary. tat In nt h manner aa t do a llttl mrary u. th rar- far at pt-JMtit.ie, to Wil: No. 4. Tb remam-ier of IH Petr Weimer f .no. mtjoiama: Mo. a akcreaaid. laoai of Aaroa rehler. and i.irae-a Crame-r. vNaQtuitiix' tjasa. hao drrl an-i -ixty a-re. the swrfaec f wbirh as own ed hy William Soyder wh lis appwrteaAa''. N. a. A certain tract of la ml. aitaate aa afore- dd,k90waaa (mJiko Swarner trarv eontnin mg two hnmlred and bv arre ami sixty uer-rtes, idninal No. 4 ak-r-saiafl, lamia of Jjcmiha M -y-r. J'-naJ HtiuJaaitfh. and other, the sarlaee of which i owue-i hy Hiram Cramer wuh the aptartaaneca. N . 6. A certain trart of land. sititaU aa af--ro-ftaid. kawa aa the Jaooh Oerhmrt farm. efnta:n iBit two hamlre! ami hity a ia arrra ami twetre per hcrf. ali-4Qioic Jf'x ' lat afurevai!. Urnls of Jame Hetnf-aach. ami other, th turfs of wnrch is iel hy J'taaiha Hvywt with Lh ap pnrtenanre). No.7. Tb amlirid-M tlvroe-ftah of a ti- of !aivl, titoate aa atorrauid. eunuiaiar tw handre-1 and si end ne-hil a-rrea. adVctnicsr N mn xhsreaatd. laivl of J hn Hroweaer. CiontwMB heirs, acd ocivera, the anriar of which ia aow vtwne! br Jor-a lsaw-hrr and is knowr a the ap per H'WhfM-k mrws with tiieapparvaar No. L The anxJiTkiod ;brc-&:ia i atrytof lan-1, aitcat aa aheeil. kmwa a th Wwer H'MTnok iarm. eoataiaias: ain-My-two arrea and ntrty-arjx perrttaea. ; -rtHoibtc . i and laat a.ejreswirJ. Paineaa Se l-r. an-l others, th sur tsvr of sbf h 1 owited 1 y h ;na t'ramer. heinr the qm Unl Mt.ftel hy W. J. Br and wiie to M. A, Sanmrr hy deed ca.ed a.i Msrr-b, K?. Thee lan-ia are tevieii u;a ami idd t(yrrt t a sm-eicas-eexerutd ami drjvred he 14 A. 2maer l Noah Se4Cdateai 11 M ar 'h, A."l. lT7.faiaf f e-r thirty tlhoaaasj! doltara, pawbfe a Marco, iATtf. wua iatenr-tt inam 3-i Mare. 77. iatetac ta fe jrani -semi aanaally: aso whw-t to a lm of fX-lTi. rri-crre-l ia the deed of CAmveyanr, on the U lh9rrii'ed eixht pareeis of la a I. rtettret by Wra. J. Hs-t ud wiie. a th Sd of Marrn.l77 : wi a the appwtrian-rf. Xo. . a cenaia it of famt. aitaate la S--av inx n-ivurth acre. m-r Waa. on wi.vm ijar- 1 rr- tff-i a inree-M ry r rws iuii;irr. wjin a two tory frame Sr hwii-iHv atthad. (lately ko- waaa the Naaic: H-nri. la-- s-UM. an-l ewtrwrdrnx-a, inrnfma: - Main Mreet on the S"-wth. A. ket ami J-ha J. Iittataa oa tb ea-, W. H. ko-a:s the m-rth. aa.1 A. H. OS roth on th wcsH with th ajbinotaMWL Taken in exttt aa th urrxf of 31. A. suscr. a. ine ca :i rn ..'nn -Scott et . 1. ALSO All tbe riahl. title, in tercet anl cUia of Iaiv Hue, of. aa. aad tat ta fcdlewlarx; -leBrn'aMl nwl eewte. via: o. L A eertaia tract of aaaeatml laml. st'sat ia A.bfiao) wsrasaixc Smitiit evaatr. p raav taians; Soar bamirmi acre. aoeiar iea. aaowa a lb record ol esmratrd lamls a the ft arte Oakr irect wnh tb atiei u-aamae. o i A eertaia traatof aasumi laml. sitaate ia Lower Tarkerbtal tp.. tkaawiat fmaaay. P.. etettaiaiaa been baakirral aae IwHv acre, ana, or bras known oa tbe reeved of ensealed iami. aa tlte William Med tract .it tb. aii) an.ii.it . , A A rruia tract mt aaseale. asmt, ft Bate aa a fart satrl. nauwiM .r h. n...! a acrea klmw Uv rowed -4 eaeate'l baad a Uie llaat Haitu lraft-itk ta.auti. '. a. a eriaza tract of ta Sbie towaaaist. cuantia-f three bmadroi aad etxateea acre. Bkor er tern, knewa oa the reneM ef anfta lands aaib W itUaas Oliver traa-t wua uaas perBaacc. Jt a. A err ais tract ef tare. fed Usd. stteate aa aloreaabl. muuMaa: tbrcw kemtml aad aia ly-tw. acre, asor or kt-aa. aad eaoar, aj tkte re avnt of aaseated lamt. aa the Nm. perry tract wik ta acaurtaaaBre. tt. a. A certain tract of anwul Iami. sKaau a atoctsea Id. eowuhxiBtr tare kaodred ami Wit. six asf r-Sjnta acee. xaoee r bra, ams km.. ta tbe record . aaaeated Vamts a ta rvimael wnsrna. Eiwcr wua two riwwrTSWm If. 5..J. A eertaia lead M mAn.u.1 iami f.ta.-. xiJzz'ZLtzxz.: saoreer le. and kamea ea Use reewe of easMlrd ta Pa laml teara T.kea Is eur-stioa a tb sevrr-.y of Uaac Hama, at lb ant f sa. t ot ust;. ALSO All Ibe rieftt. !hle. teterea. aad cbna. lateei! Zm-eaarWa T.wtacblli. i.ii a, wc mutxr l. tm i aad barbra. , la ami tb. tbeiat; 44- f A enaas tract mt UaJ, sttaat ka Paiac T . Si sat nil o.t. Pa.wilaiaaT im besatreal ami twoaryar acre. Bhare er ba. wah a t.nri f r?n VJZLi trim. dwrtlae cctel. amtatse kimz et. tawae J. u-a-wr z lbe mclk a ma MiIm I ailtaom mm the west wish tb ztioanirmarr.. Taken k nsrrM mm imt wemwr-y OsslcS T . rtaaaaa. at t-as casta U Jbaz a. alclaclamd a t a , ami Jvaa T- Ami. ALSO AC 1 V rlM, lilie. astrr-ts xmt raaies T. H. mt 1 1 V rcrurt tract f baavi rtlaal in LcwctTbtWt- i bte try Jtiinavl irab-t taeee limes a eay. ' J c-; b-t T .B-Trt L'o . Pa . MSUan acre. 1 , T. . . ! Ar-l I OI-- Ir Xn mn c icm. mt wbarbtber are atmaa acre , ihC I rCParatOrV UcpartraPllt , - " cleared, wit twa a-ory frame d .!. ! r " 1 ! a CKIlIXVFS tCCOUXTS. aad beea h-r. laerecei erected, amm . .a-b rs mdcr tb Sirmn eerrca.. W tbe It- .'- r.r.o " f- Harrsb. A. Hyatt aaat etbesa. wiia . ,b.. bu mrna te-arxaaiaod. ami i.raiaece u.-, I . urt keen as Takea ia exaaauka. aa tb Behcet v. .te at .a,, for kteamc. Uoime. ckaee. !m-. ' itll"- r'J'! T1ii!' " "r- - t tats cp.-t ar. toi-le. lac ..I -rv . ffl . "'', 7 ' AmVytn A Bbajyb wabtrw ! k.in. '. 7i. r-.-w .n k th. m ia. mamiimr v 1 ' a -Ltu c. L5mll- ALSO ! For er.ka,bwmall.- or cu.kr,. a b:rcs. , W- ,ZZ A imaT AntbertekLtrtie. safer amt ch., I..4 I Pr..l.M J i mt' ! 1 L i'-- T'- wr tv.a . aa and b. the Mwm; .., i , PbnP P Jd tJlkLK , L r"v "'-' 'l . V... real ea-aie. viz : rrsaalvf r lof. ' V. -te? "- Awew-e of A T - aVVir Adrt'r!ieniertU. I4iitgillcr ao-t Hrnrr Matailller if. in and to la loltoertne dci'rtd real estate, viz A oertata trad of but I mtw.ie in Larimer To rtMnceiira t t aiaturl Take IB execution a tbe tirouerty of KVor Satiuiller ami V. IL Sutailler. at i be autt l Ma ual Brawn- AUHO All Una rltfht IH!e.intsrre-t an l Halm -4 Htrnm Fki-lUr ry Fia-liay. ol. la t.i I. tiM 14. tutti-aX JWt-'-ritsewl rval rtale. U : ,N'. 1. AU ihe MMtwiM hmr ks -f arf. m the Ht-Ttririi- Haliitr', H ii-ret 4' . r... 1 iWinc lt X.. .14 ant iru uf .( N- "i4ia n erurl Ua 4 suVl bw... twaoiife af a, uuimim r he Henry Wtir r, rvulh .H-pw-i, Vv'wt W iMtNilllM'iViir'ts. rJ.H IU', t);r, N-rth li.lf'-rrt-t. Fa 1U7 f-et, Ni.fi t. T .tv- rre. Went 11JV4 -t, iiini M r-U. htii th ram erortetl a iwo-act-rjr frtat- otliiaa htmm aivt ia. hie. atljjititDJr iota of Halttcr Waaorr 00 ihe .tuaLh. tbe oa Int f Hery Wainrr o.4 ike tvtiet, wli b ihe ..barton t -re. No. X I N '. 37, 3 of : m ih aiieea! tijorth of aa a re. WIinc mii&. atj itif a u- rawat-ai w-c-w wr i aa. .(!, edsaaiwat wr rtr- WafMrmthe mniiimf tAtti. al on tue uath.-.Hh the atuitrna0'-e. S-. x A wwb but l arrwouaj snittaat-- lfl Kik- ttrk Tb.fmM-ettJo., P.c-niulDinn a.-rv. to m'ytoit. tw-.t Hnry UMleiij, Abraham Heart-.? 00.1 ibe muIm roi Ltwlibat IrtHB aatlbury loth .1 K a-1. All lb tear-dna btc ar tb aatn wi r-k ObHteliy ami wli ote)!, to .Uary FiimI at, by twosvveral devas .la'cil Altl. I. lot. at.l rom. 1.1 in voi. 40 of Ueeua.uatreaStl,Sl.;aB.I W wnb tb anwrteiuuicea. Iaan meticruilowslhe pr.iu.ny tw llirau. Flmllay ami Alary Madias. . iu. ,.i ui ...i,0 Ohrtlirtty. . , soj-. , . lt . . 103 I IIuHlOg J)rOprlv.i lt bt tff?rd fur rle u a:urJT, Ai.- 1871 AM the liicM title, fnUrovC at claimof Ju-iia J. SeheU, iit.IuL. aii V . J. r, M, Sinner, rtArrt-n rreof. Eit.ifl namH&ri.-m. a! J.iha W. patt-m, terra iraantft, ot, to, ou u il,. hills'Wiiia: OoarYioeO rvol eiie. r.t: ak L A ornam l m tfruJ, iuia.il in eraei t-rrscu-rb. 2-tfrmml ntty, Pa., tauli tiikt i one aial (stio half mrrr aud alxleca itn -ir-r. tHtsoii hy FkUrVrt irt-et oo tbo Lortn. atreet oa Use , Sith tret ia t!ie av-uiii, at atley on tne wt-at, bar loaf thoretm ere?tel a larve twtavsU.TT hritk itweltina:. Mm1, aiui other Lui., to uh the apjunen-wri'e. rt. IL. A rertstia lot ol trnn.l. ri.oiate lo nai I b-ruacn, ejoiiu.Dtr one al one-hall a r attt wiMiTrcm j";rririi, isruiriir'i uy rnf).'i winm n in ar!n. i-jr im i ni eaai. hii. atri m tne -h-su: h, aotl F.ial tftreet ua the west m iih tit iiuri-. lI1Cx A eertaia tot ot arruuud. situate in Aatd forouxb. -irataintfiir one uivl ne batt arre ansi aixteea pe'reiw-i-, houml-tl hy PatrhH street on the Btsrttt, rieasaat street on iho eai-t, utbatrrt un tit auth, at: alley xi the wet um"rr with th aemiitanMuta and aponraaac. Takea la ei-w-utu-n as the prtrr:y of J-.liri J. SohclUdrremlant, ami W.J. tiaer, to. A. IS inner, Hmn 'I rent. Ult 4 uamtihaia, ami Jdia W. Paitn, terre it auts.ai th suit of Srab A. Cunntryuian, ALSO AU Ihe rtabt. tit!, int-te-t. anlcla.ui of 111- rati Fimllny ainl John I. iiy. uf in. a 1 t the t thiWiuu; drn-r h : real M ate, ris : No. L A trtain tract oi iaml.jita.ate iu I.w-r Turkeyf.-Kt Tp.. rvm-ret Co.. Pa., r-itirry4--t in Pee hy Annie ami Wesley 1 ime, euntaiuia 4 acrea, smr or le-. on whirh there If erc-i-lrsl a 1i hiuiami h; stable, mttoininsr UtM!flf Sylveater (Vl-horn, A as 1 re w Hyatt, an-l others, with th ap-purunamx-!. No. X All th mineral ritrhrj of a -certain trm-t of land. Situate ia ltwer Turkyijt Tp . IVMiier et t.. Pa., Ct-ntaintnar IH arres. tmmr lrs. and pun-haae.1 m-ia Sylreatert Vlt-orn. mduina: lamis ol ivetrter CUirn Aivirew fcllyatt, attd oth-rrm, wuh tn appunenais'ea. Ntt. Z. All the miovral ria'tU of a c rtain tno t of iami. situate as ahsfmid, eitalointf wa aerta, nre or loaa. puihaiMsl trm Amlrew riyatt, al- jowbins; latli ol Wm. Ti-ue, Au-lrew Hyatt, ami othrra. with th appurtenant-ea. No. A All the auioeral rUcbts of a ceraiD tra-H of laai, situate aa atreai'i. purrhaed (r At- irew riyatt, uiniiijr m-rea. m-ra or lesa, mir-dnius. Lamia ol J')hn kusu. J--h lun. Jaines McNeat s beira ami others, wi'h tb appart aanre. No. a. Ail the mineral r ichts of a -riaia tra.-t of lam), situate aa atorrsaiu. 'Un:haael innn Tho ma Re ut, e-mtairaiD); ! area, m'r9 or lv, ai- j iniar I n.i ( Jm:t M'-on. Jaroh H. liuaa and others, with th -fppurteiasar-i. aaia. a. au iti miueru.1 rm&'jir a orrt tin trart if iaoci, :taa!e as atHrre! !, part haasat fr-rau Ja- eoh aM'aoa, contninins: in? a ra, rmsre r tea, ad- lalnal tatfi d Amircw Hyatt ana others, wuh Uie aLUunenaiKe. No. 7. Ail lit mineral rights of a rerliin trart of ian-J. siiuate aa ai-'reM. pnrrhawd tro-tn A irew Hyatt, ermtalntar m:na. -t-i 11111 j mmiaol Aaa Moun, 1 Uf tn-acay Kiver, ray tie CskUhty tine, lie . with tlie appuiium-e. Tbe tor'noa; ttacta are know a aa th Caaa! Lamia. No. , A certain trart if lam!, aftmata In Mii r.if.1 Tp., Somerset Co.. Pa., hebl ia be, cauntata iutt W acrt-a, saor or ieaa, l-emu; a part of tbe Kn- oy Urm. aad now In tn psnjjii a or orcupaBx-y of and a lunar th Kail fevi, at Pin Or.v- H- lan, with theappuneoamea. No. Twoeertnlu lots of ond tiiaai ia t'rsion Bfrxh, aS-aeraet tj,. Pa., atvl kn--wn on the general plan of aald town, aa lota No 3uo ana juo, nrn tot oetBic leet wi)e ami im i-et deep, boao led hy tbe Park on the west, Pinenliey -v the mrth. rwins ftroec oa ta east, ami a Net, on tue wtk. on wblrb there ia er"r:d a 'Iwelilrtar iV- ami other oathuiidtnara. iwid aa ta Jotus Ontuih pr-perty, with tn a parte- No. 10. A pree!of Inm?, sttoafe hi ta afr-r aahl m r-ah, kaowa aa the Famiry lot. ami si:u- au on th t rt'! ot the .rth t rk Kat! Kaiail. ami th mnh ahi of tb North Ff b Hi- er. extemlinijf ta-k r-m the akireMij Kiver. a tin mrth 3aierrea. east ra t-et to th rn Fork lu aw, at th eaatera emi of tit va. ami ex- tmiinsT tm k In m tahl river m fe-t tn dptb hy same teanne. t th western end of aaid U hy the North FvA-rk stail Kavl. hy iia 6ronea an! dtrtaae- a from th mn.hern line. r. aaid par-el of land tMsWtin; of iota, with tbe appurtena nee. io. 11. A certain tract oi iami suraate in .11 i Jlerrwek Tp, Smert !.. Pa., warranre! ia the aatn ot (unninit HedlVapt. rnn4ntbaicr 4H3 a rr, tre or . who the a parTenarhrv--. No. la A eenato taetof I a ml. sitiiat fa Mil twci Tp., tter-e i Pa., warranted in the nam of John Voaxht, stiOiaaLna: 'V) arref. n r or lea. aeJotxainsT lamls of Harrah at h-ily. h"v ert A. layU-r. Jjaathan Kikfjaayaa aiui -tbcrst w.;b tne appnrvnauw-er. No. iX A certain tract nf laml. situate in Ad-Ji-n Tp Sstmersel Co., Pa- warranted In th natn of Jane Cherry. lJainie Ua arrea, saor wr leaft, with th apfimenam-ea. No. 14, A eertaia tract "f Ut!. ri sale Vn Ad dison 1 p., Sswaeraet 4Jo Pa.. wairtd m th nam i Jerry Cherry. cJuioin a4 arnra ai.d kw) Derebea, tavsre or hm. with the appnneiaance. No. la. A errtain tract ol Land situate ai abn -laid, warranted in tb name of Aar I hrrr, eonaadcln; 314 acrea, awce or lent with the appa: N. 1. A certain trm-t cf laivl. rf-oatea atVit-. aid, warranfe! ta li. nam 4 Wiliiam Ta, nrianf-jninB; 31 a-rrs, n-fr r le-a wih th appur tefsaaiics. ao. 17. A certain tract M Ut-1 alt al it, Kr-th-ersvailey Tp., Sinr:t t,. pa , warranted in Use aim of Wtiiiam Jtiamm, contain. na; 4Us mret, m-ror lee, with tic appunenam-ea. N'X It. A certain trart .f lan.1. slrmte af--r-amld, warrant-! In th aam of Peter Henjn. eAjnLaimna( 44 arrea, more or tern, wuhtb a;pur No. 1 A cenaia tract t f land. ita.t aa aa.rr mil. warrante! ia th tJ.T t.t Mary T cm, tajBina; 4i4 arrea. mr or Uf, wua the aporu Banm. No. a. A eertaia trart of rami, sitwta- tn Suntbaaipton fawnnip. Sraert oaty. Pa., warraa:l In the aaisa f J bn JetiaiiieS, evm Laibios; v0 acjni. mre or less, with the appane-aiK-i. N'x tl. A certain trart of laivt. rjrwa'e a iS-j--aud. warrante! in the aame m Jim- iu.y. r-ataioia l; arrvaf, mre or iV-m, wuh t ap matnrMnr. N-.amt. A certain tract of Laml, staatf as a f - I. warrar.7el in th nam. d r Oiiea. n-a?ajftirr tH a-r-, mTeor ieamVvtn.oi( iami of J &4t fc.mrvfc. Jand thr.w. ihrt' Lasiiy. ami 'HiVr. la ta aa tae Ocnce atari trart. With the U' t-uitrfuarea, .if-a. 4. A retrta.a ind Url.ftaj.te aaa.'- re raal. eoat iniax 157 arr" w T. perh. m -re f lte-. asik.40'ac tamls of Wii.iam I rvoliaav. H-rn ry Manx, ana tora. with t;r apportcaamet. N's. X4. A eertaia tract of iami. aat aa ta? aa aj-jre-iai. -tLiniRa ai arr-r aa-i j-rrroca b'Tt -t laaa t. : . T al tK.ff Wbvl.a.1 M If Alait ( 9vTwi ts Hiram ( .nular and upuiay ami klavtaiv. W:iU tt-aa t.t av1 r --) I ..?ts7M 1 bt; Ums of Jete Beai, U-nr-ia I ..i- A lata Lcp- bry an-l etbera. known as tb. itca. ttakcr tract. i nun im-appurrcnancca. u t. Hit toiBr,:p, Vinrvet eaonty. pa.. "lai.,o : la aerea. and .4 pare aaa. in lee eoma4iy raid ; tb Pumace sire, adyicnma- lam.'s banacriyof Ja- j eoe Barclay, Prmbrnca P. W rnaer. aad tsUtci. with tbe appartcnaaces. ! J.. r.. Ad tbe :arl rights ef a eertaia trail of iasal. straate ia ftrj! her. rl bry brwnabip. j antrrstt tnty. Pa., cofttainirnf Tt acre. .-. or leca. a-loznui; lamls el vbmI lsorer. ta lUiaas j . Wa.acr. ami waera. wita '.a apirtcnanec. I No. J.. au tn mimrral ns-au of a eertaia tract . r.. roattatoHca atMui n-acr-. ao- ; . - , ....... or tea. f wbl. b Ib-reare al-ii 1 a. rr fl-.r-l,:" , , , ' " " I'' r.dt.wmr .lib a ou. ami oa half bary k dwelltr, " K' "' " "-r. .at Ikereoo -r.1.l, mi: .tain, mmla of bris.laa J.T. , v . ' ' "'" ). afeeAMWbtr. fl.rl lmt. Ctwpany !., ad '"Y" " " mli,nLilalhtu4.nnoia . '"' '" " " " titlid,i, m n--t .. BBwev or bcaa. mlatsaraa; iamis Hamael zbtrr. J. ty elrt - ef aa oeT iaad "t of laa if-act j U. Walker, ami otaera. wit tb ap-eaaace. C.b Pica, la and wr ta '"' - yKA. Ad tne aaiaeral rtxnt of a twtata art, tne a..criacl At4! ; Iranl "" tract 4 laml sttsat as aforrfai.1. erta:nlt 1.3 wm t!l al p- uc rnle .a to asami af stii, acre, saor r bra. mloaaioe lands of Y niiam U. tb IJouxi Hoeae, oa tealaer Msatscl ttoecr. am. other, ia ta pne-ea TharmLi'i A-i'ltt 2-' IStT. stoaof tSannrt Prtt. wuhtbeaiearteaaow. iirJ, uryus - ' No, XO. a eertaia tract ef iami rttaalc a akee- ,t w . '-- .an. tb Soilcwnvr laau! real -aid. euntaialna; Xs crca. fworc 'T has. miaaia : t.t. vis : j aaof Irolmrt P. Walker. 1 beira ami otiars. aaowa a tl mililaaB zz-nser s to Jeer W.ey farm, wnb tsar timrTcti.i . T.aen m riacau a, a royer'Tof J-.ba l WVi. at tb seat of W oa. Jtnlrer. ami Irnrrt sbtrtcr. A.lmimoratoca A lam t Barer, ileta m mA T tBUS Any parrnsj rarrrttaaimt ax ta ttws aa le w ii . ta ke But we t ha I Ua per era l l t he oori-baae - . . . - . , aam-kau o-a. wser.it. -i.i "t U. ma-. Tn rect.lwi lbe ptzrehatte nara,. r . tb.'dT; axed by -or u-r m.a. ; aacsat saa-rts sdemi. am m oVeed wul b. bawimirmi antii tarn iase BVaacr ta m..i xta. fjjK. I ttrlialik. ut . PSLK. j Aaree a ssmH 1 . i i T . . Pennsylvania College, of ' The rt Term ml rb ! fVJW-cbat. war w:3 ' t..l.Ml...r: ta!r7. , r . - ' Tb. Sactalry m tb lacri'Baa. is fall. Taeewne ; af braaracalma la U!1 aad tmrcoaex The "a tiwa Bksaaraat aa I Saattey. us ta ma tat os , CHAMBERSBURC Academy. C4eJ enough for tti Boat. vMlriniVgnioiinf vnvar-nt Rater rwezwcsx lo S2SO a Year. I Af. X. 1 H- SMT ASK- P V. Aartat L Ueuyitaajra, Pa. , J,e a I " f f, . QIPHlXrilO: RT stl.H - l! virloa m -,r b t ,.i i, , (i. , uic lirM, 1 i ,m .,.-'...,..., ! ' nit i 7J. . r ' ' -- a t ItMt Anaw. - I Z.2. 1J" "" . wiia . w... i rZTJLT ' .'" '"''. -.! ; ' " '"'I as riUlatr I Ma It aA. . . A stilarr. . awsv, t as A Al'. T a, urallt' ll.la.0 ... a, . lrwl.a.1 las-..Ia a. -I , .a . " " " -- " f U l.ltt ..-r lmtm.pr. , t h .a 4k-i 1 r- (r Str t-ac...sy .,r H - Jtt f 4 n , l 'l v r. sj i. ., r j, 'ta.K US :- tl-ir-l . n - te. M ii,Mis r, 11 t.-T ,M A, n kaf-it-r ttt al I fin at Saa.a. - 11 Tt'M " "-- 1 1 laVAfcl avA a .at If.Wta. JOtlX FIir U, TroKire. Br.lr.ur.rf an-ter. ibe Orvh.n'. f " ''-h tci. vi. ut--taik' m l &itrtff'jt A'jtsi 25, 177, . . ' Zltl la" I ii 1 it I a'-lte-H f ' T, j f 1 -lw he up- 1 aVJLI'LS -la, ol rxBrt uatiirt . J7 , - rt irw 1 zami on,.,. 1. " a. I.:..a l.n.;..j :.uh Aok-n.. mmw.i b,,,' ,. ' " ' . " "e-tetu. t,t ,bMe M , . ... ",w " "nr. ha. oor a , , " JT .Tjl! T' "-r l crcrttV; ' " ' '"- " the bo ,.-. i .'I'".' 1 '"' ""'' r m t itter : T. '? '"-t l,n .i..,i Umts.dr f " ,!? ! i.nt e u ! , IV ,'r- fter ai.! ' llt-rw r&l. Tatau "- Um -rr .N-k. 3. A tn-'i f larvt rtate In .rrei Tt . .tv..u'ff iat.a.. FWi lu Vt- wrr. J eo t iwr iiii.h,,i,...tf., .irn il-nr l"a.T. r- uta.a If 11 av rr-e .Vf I V iff -,.. !.. , (j-,. ,,, thoajiiwrtr-Moria. Il.uimri 1. mil ctear i-ui rrOl l'tT- tb-frl-:, tp-,MT,,4erv hW. N.m ao-l r.vr.b-.i owlauil. M( lVr rrv(-a, a r--i yr. ru.r4 oU rur . ,IDj. itm 1 hi- t- .eitr.ifite f irm. Tf.KMS -iiX, ( tr r-ita-cot tf (aaal.lti Uls tw J- ui tf'at I'M, tafr t It i pi tor!,ia a Ib-n brtheM .the loiaiw in linrf.(i,l aiiJHat iniorm sveyresl oy )U,'tmui Imu: u t omu .U hivtl fthitry f) jaau.l aa o.. aa trnri (. U.- fc-t .loon, p.-wravls-tt c ra ta ii-t t w Ajnl, l"7t, witeil'eeevl iii rjc w-ttlf 7 Al.f . KM-.Uvs. Auit 1. A.lmr a. Sft-a, j. Klv.li. JjMC.S KK-fi S. r.K 11, vlr-ae ..f an or.lrr looted I , tri. t ;mrt I iu . Plra..rf S,ii.rt ..Jimv. fl II.. r. dcr-ocl A ..,,. wl V...I., w. ami W.ll.ao, I . Unit, will sell at puMit- Sine, ih Mmlnay, A-vjuM ;, H;; at 1 o'.-Ua-k. p. m ..m the lnira.l In t,.mrvl Pa . the Mbiwlne valualdc real v.tafe vu .- No. 1. A certain kd of emon-l snuat ii t north .t te irf M tin Mmt, In Savrot B.,r't Pa.. ml) .inin M 01 J.,,h Hcrr ami ,4 bar. b," Inaa twist.,rv d.ellioe ... bulrher bop and abcr baiklisvs Ihcixfl eretnL t,n lie prrry e,. i-m... t,, wi.. H- Ihl, .Xo. i A .rruim 1.4 ..f r..un-l .una! in wi.i Ki.nh .-.uv-r-rt rat :hcn.th nl Mam, street, aliotaine kd of J. . horkban ami .abac, bavirea tw.,-.ry lnm l.el,i b. n .n. Mb Tbuii.llntrM.rc erected. U,, tb fnipeny miw ..i-n,it.l 1 y ltaniel K. lia.ta. '". .T. A ccrutln tnrl ..f ul spnt: In S. taer--!t l.p.Nai.r.ll.,1',.. ado-htn L.n.l. ftf llavt-l ks-loH J iom-s Pari. .I..l,ntt. Kinua-I and .(Ui, ctiriratitma; aUef :ti acre. 1 Kit tl S : rn per .i,t. ,j i 1,. i.ur.-ba ev t., I. paid ,4t d.,v ..I sale. an, the baialUT of ooc-thlr l ,a -hrut.li .0 4.11. t Anxutt t tmrt. ow-thirl iit-ii m.11 h. atvl.n,. ih.rd awynr with tw,.rcn rt, l,r..rrr,l ,.j;.o;tnl. Uor pat lo li nr nred by uk;iimii mite.. VV. H. KI PPU. Aioio-t I Awlr.eeol 1 . W. k W. .:. -? iV Si. AfV, Jefferson Academy, t ao.Hiii Ka. ia. Tiiecw-urae of stmly bavitiit tn tiaw : Prrjcarai io f'.r ti'ae. S.L A a.-i-i Fn ;.ih YAaritbm. i. I'nrtiaraiK'U tVjr HiuiBew. 1) r-irmprervrrtsiT ami the ihrtrm-tf.. thr.ah. Teachers ejsncTrel ami s-sriit. rnr.ae, Frtv-h ami kUk ke-ptjix aatl iprialitl. tv caljn in tlie mi-isr tit a 'tut:t ami mrrai escmntui! tyr rf m -rei frm the 'Ihttra-. itvl temftatia -d t(y li;e. Kspenaea very l-w. N-.-xt Imtm tpca -Sept. l'f. 177. F-r rirfiilars. ar . addr-s A a-t 1. k L . V M. I W IN. Prmc.f nt wkwill; il one ami na-ha!f Urtxn of the Bi-4 'teauta- fi hew i.hrs -a. in Fre-y h Ml edr. ever ea Fr M Thy are Biouatml tn ii hlarfc enam el aivl 4 -id vi. oral rp-mn)r ami ouiaell an- IBHilf W'W hebire the pu'iir, .NMiartiJW ewarau tri. Two sortt-les tr th .--rits. or aia nr ' nni . Smi 1m?v hf itraad illuatrai! caJir-io wuh r&riaf of .M'swi.ii'it on the knusa, or m -enta r t4r!t-ae ami aiia La in" m hiark anaoL J. LA f H M VM n i'".. 4? -t W inin-r.n 4t. Bra- t'jn .sia.-Wkarh'iaa-rji. H ead'na rtr r 'arv-ov-, Fzrasiojcsaai Art wriia. A FORTUNE Ju.se 4. pXECl'TOP.'.S NOTICE. fc-iateof Aca Zrf.-. Ule of Stoay--rell Tp . der-wa!. Lrftere t R'am?ist.irT th a-ee ewat ravuaa: hM-n tjant! to the rer-j'TT'evi. rVVrre w t)f-if riren to ttve irrtaf- t it to natf im-me-liate muymt. amitJU'sae hanr. r L.oa r :nt it to rwi: the-i tin y a!n;i-at-H h-r seft!. m-i) at cm -e 01 n. w . s-cbeii, ia mut-tMW r r iay. r:i. TU:t iarr SAHf'KL ZRFKfWH. 11 Hi Ka(,. Atasu-t 1. lUeeir. A S SIGNER'S SALE. I ac!U-ilr-ifnei A sat 3- of Ja?i-h Jit hi - diespr--r. wm li at ju-f.- il at re vf - rirf tie uk1 A-eixjr. iu Aes;h-iiy Tp., Nraaer et Co., Pa..jn Saturday, Sjl'Tuk-r . 1377, the i-ii..w.ri: de-wri'sed m e-tar. tlt : A fertjin :ra-t -d laivl riftx tne f-ervl-" trm : t..e MKl J iK.q J. i,it;k'(TfT. sitaat ia A.;-irheriy T(-. C.-unrr aioresuci. a)(tnaef Laa-i -X P-u-r o.J-r. LsCt H and Naa StT-r-r. f-r.'ji.-.i'i; 144 arr. aw a ai '. a-re r !-. ri. -M !i n a A. -T is a-ri'W. the (!.-- fi tim Wrl. Tie imfr-r'Tetneota are a iw.-i,ry dwii n h ur. lcur.e ; .w.rn. arvt 'hasr .! o. Ti-r- ir air an 'r.hari l a-pi ami miv er fruit -e ' lh pr-:xi;-r. a., a vnfa of oerrr usiurir watrr mar the Baro Thu prfer rv w "Ci n.)-nt :o rr;ire aol -h'r!. ami h ''ir't; line "f to. rrwip FrtBht kail kraaoii a lutahel ha iee3 ariey,l on th: pfpr ;t. "T -"-rt. of tve rnhr taa.Wy to i-Ltia-l m a -ts Ihe pr.-prry la law atatve '-o f"itSrtta:l ( a. aol .Urilry d ice-i. - tu iLiai-rn-e at 1 p tn. Thr will .mrf 11, yr4it i-riny 4-1 , the war Um" (,TJliEr, VAf.oFtf jrtii I. Aia. Lands For Sale. 960.000 ACRES in Missouri- f !fW: cUmS., rJ.. tawlb-n! Arrico:ttre u ,B,, .hl.,n T h. Weat. M- "', " lT!ir". of-'eriy --. y. 1 nara-t Aty1. a bca.'i.y c aatrj. L.w Pllc- mi L,r ' Ff. traa-at.a fr.es "tt Lt' to Usl far- ai.ol I or-aa-r. f ;.r br lr:tl,r-earV:e. A4..!rem l.LMI't Laa: c t5i..&,r St. L-it a Ha f raaciar, gv. t o. .V. W.c rifS a Walat . StJ. Auxaatt. at. t S;IGNEE'S SALE i j t. A cruj rracxof taats arruaw ua -i wh M li... -rf-rt 1.., Pa, :, aai r, am. I .cif rvbaaaaaer. Jtatta Mrry. . i,7. act' a. ml . mtis Tl ac-a wruri and a.tf.waac. awe Am.wa I as ib H-am-atcmi of ta aaaiarmar. viat tvw ! are a at .at acre. ctrard ami --o ' err- ka .!,.. w h a iarx ttry rarna on. i aalo.neriazu.niaa.rttrs !aevmas rictad. ! ,.i :"i i -r-., tsoB ta tc-r..-- ami ta --'.."- ... i ..d m. rm . : ; t laraiaia i-- io ami - ' mors ar . f whr b ! wr r ., a m-rr cbBaretl ami to m-rea aa mat". . raar. ami otter aubwii.iui. tkcrwazsTm-taiJ T W j s '"rp, t " jZTT i. a watered. sad Baa asNaseaaati BdVl ta vw. a at aerelai. leleosrnt. Tbses al If arrtbieaj b a fare yr- is rt per. donnae t. pestaaw " V-" " m" f" fb As-tm not ic U ta I fcli'' Tea pcret.f the percw. am u i. ,aid 4a mt m ' mmm taict. 1 as u. mt mmw . mmmmr. " itrnTeatarbht paa.1 o .- af , mim .mt.cccv -A ta: aMJt.rd ia tax saaataa. ami tbird latweive smmttat tmtrtmttcr. waa buer-w : aisatit. t. b tttcwrm -rj . JAM r--t L. r i it .tsetaat 1. j---- r accrazar wilt aeroiav Srpra af A U. t a caatar, a art. ' tm' r-- I "a'.Vwa t. zi. J ITA.. B 1ST.-. t . a i l aMttraat l Pr iml I VT zU Aaw a-mte tal Jc P -ca. 1 li- . Itacits li 1 F-tiil fiiaaasirr. t w t