The Somerset Herald. Wednesday J"'?1. r7 ! TIHE'TASLES. I..1I,TI31 ORE V OHIO It. It. PITTSBURGH DIVISION. On and alter February 11. 177, tralM oa tbl road will depart Inn ami arrive at depot, comer W rant and VY atet Street m tUow: EAST. WEST. Hall. Mail. Iswe i'itlsbuiah :lta.ui. I-av-Krw York is p. m. IfliliuWIi.'a ILIA a. m ftalluuore s I- " l:K'lniHiid m. V utlunef'tn ;.ia.m. ri:rirr'-tvrry lo.-li " Marlinsliurv " .iislm lsod l.stip.m Bniiircpnrl ti' " NilB-nd PL 3..'.; IHiH. I'rle t.M lulotitowa a..' Mt. Pleslnnt .3 -O.niM-ll-vllir .YK (rm Xnrtua ltra,llui k M,'keeiort U Mt N-et.a ktiiMllvHir Ml. I'leauM I utt-nl.,w a Ohio Pile M.iM-nU I'oiut firllftti1 CuiulN-rlHiMl Murine .iirR HnrNTV Kerry VI .,lllll'a tcli-tini""! Baltimore tuilisli-lliia hrm ork a. :I7 tumt " lir:w p. m. le::lt a. m. lC:4.iJ. IH, lltl " '. -..- a. m. X. w a. ui. tJj - tt-irpuft . bi. RrsouVk Pittsburgh All train ran by Baltimore Time, 14 minute tatter than PUuburxh Time. Mall tralosdsilvexcept Sunday. Magntni-ent Day Cin through to W asblneton and Baltimore aHhoutcuaoge. - Seventy live nilea the shortest, and the only route between iJie East and West via Washbig- "TiVkt'omeea, corner Fifth Armie and Smith field Street, and dep. eoroer Oranl and aier Streets, Pittsburgh, P- . , . L. M . x L fc. teneral Ticket A gent. E. K HYNDMAN,SuplCaiucllville aoaausar a Miauax romT bailboad. and after May nth, HOT, train will run a follow, connecting with all passenger train on the P. W. 4t B. B. K. (Mail train dally, Ex press dally except Monday.) LEAVE. "" Mall Weal 8 40 p.m. 30p. m. Mall East loss a. an. 12 p. m- Mail Et connect with Ixxsl West. P. W. It B. H. R. FASS HlguBAL POIHT. Way Pengor F-tn ia uu a. m Way Pissetiger Went K-44 1- Mall East " n f- m MaU Wert 3:"'" P- m W. S. TEMPLE &.C0., P BODICE Commission Merchants, 47 S. HOWARD ST:, BALTIMORE, MD. Siu'cial attention pivt-n to Ibu sale ol EI TTEK, EUU, POI LTUV. WUOL. anrl Leatber. We mlvise fanners not to tubwasb tliuir wool, as whole Fleet w ill Bell liest this wason. We refer to Farjier & Mcrcbanls Xat. Dank, Hultiniorc, nd to People Hunk, of llulliuiore. Hats at cojt, at Sclirock's. The nights are delightfully cool. Dry (Jixk'.s marked down at Sbrock'u. The camp meeting aeaaon wi'l hood I here. There are alioul one hundred grangers in town. New Early lloe Potatnea wanU-d, at Hbrock's. Teacbea were offered in market lakt Thuratlay. The weather has been delighttully cool for the past week. Cherries are a drug in the market, ut five cents a quart. The cheapest Hosiery and Gloves in towu at Scbrock's. The brnk layers have commenced work on the residence ol Sheriff Pile. The huckleberry blossoms bespc-a't Ja Uxmlilul crop of Ibis lucious fruit. Cork shavings lor Beets Health and Comlort. A rctluction in price. Bee ad vertisement. . Shaving and hair-cutting executed w ith neatness and dispatch, by B. B. Wright, at the lliil House. Give hiui a call. The oJorful haycock now gladdtns the heart of the Granger, and the rini; of his whetstone is the cheerful niasic ot the morning. In another column of this paper will be found an advertisement ot the sale of sev eral valuable properties in our neighbor ing town of Mt. Pleasant The "convict cnl" is all the race. The ladies look at their "loveys" " hair and si(;h, w ishing that fashion would dictate thus to them. But how they would look! We understand that Co. O w ill receive their uniforms this week, and that they propose to give a specimen drill and dress paraile ;n Ihe Diamond, on Saturday evening. The Pittsburgh (iattttt says it is claimed that the first Methodist SoVieir orcanized in Western Pennsylva nia was at Lniuntown. and the first, or certainly the second annual conference west of the Allefhenief, was held at Pills burgh by Bishop Asuury. A. Normal and Select school will be opened at rioniemel. Pa., on Monday, July '.in, 1S7T, and continue for a term of ten weeks. (Jo1 boarding can le had at very reasonable rales. S. I". Trknt, Principal. Brrlis HocsK.-I.Me Brollier Hojse. J. C. Davis. Prop. This bouse has Iteen newly furnished and refuted throughout. Its location is the best in Berlin, hcing in centre of town and nearest B. V. K. H. Boarding by the week, day or meal. Good stible attached. WlLIIOKT' PKYER AKD AUI K ToKIC. This medicine is used by construction companies for the benefit of their employ ees, w hen encaged in malarial districts. The highest testimonials have been given by contractor aad by the Presidents of some of the leading railroads to the JSoulb and West. An old fisherman on the Lehigh tells us how to catch black bass, which are uow in seasoo. Black baa be sav ill first mtk blc gently at the bait and will frequently diaw the' float way under the water. But wait the float conies back suddenly he it and darts off. Don't pull give liiin play suddenly he stops lie swallows the bail slowly. Now a quick pull and you ha?e him'." j BiTTits BT AsiKt Mr. Julius Ijidd. j of KitiiUHnd Furnace, was bitten on the tWT by a eotierbead snake on Saturday a w.ek. lip was mowing, apd noticing the fiiakc. which he say was a very large pne, tried to kill it witjj a stipk, when U struck bun. iuUictiqc wound as above tlated. Iiiihiodaud swelled upcon' aulerably. which was. however, allayed; by applcatlon of onioi: sou wuh-aey. Suturd.'ji Lveal. ")h, why wa I bom " aald he, "hy did thev yank me by the hair out of eter nal noihingnrn into concrete existence, to bullet the storm ot this rude world w ilh no postponement on account of the weather ? What, then, is Ihi problem of human destiny w ith which Science has impotently w rest led (or so many centu ries?" But be told him. all tlie same, that there a as a base ball fi him that af ternoon; and if he didn't get the kindling split before his lather come home there'd br some w restling ibat would make Science ojien Iter rye w hen she struck Ibat woodshed. One day ol last week. Master licorcc SliiilKr, a son of Mr. Wm. Shaffer, was lh lemblc atuitu ilotitlay bigbi, liw li:i. ti in lb? foot by a Iiipwd or smsuip Uigluuuig euieied an old busiiiottcJ chiui atlder. ; Tbd loot and Ic awe 1 led Cflridiy ey ai Uic rebklcucv iA Mis, btia Patrtt,h, mid soon became very painful : a iiIivki ! iu Munsier Uiuhlii, auu iMaslUi; down chin was Miiiimmiid whoatlminiFtcrcd atMldole. ' v, ilaflcr Will .-tu;vui.:ui. son of Pro! j. J. blutznian. aged about .seventeen, is company with a friend, started on a ian tour (roin Wanhington. D. C. on Tuesday lust ; on Saturday ibey arrived in homci'scf, ami were walking around the streets as thouuh their loug tramp had not tired the m iu the least. A box of Glenn's Sulpber Soap, which contains three cakes and costs only sixty cents, is sufficient to supply material for at leait twenty Sulphur liaUia which would eradicate a whole catalogue of rheumatic and cutaneous maladies. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, Crittenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. On Wednesday evening last, on motion to the Court, by Hon. Win. 11. Koontz, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to examine into and ascertain the capabilities of our local Ed. B. Scull, for the practice ot the law in the several Courts of 111 o couaty: Col. J. R. Edie, H. F. Schell, A. J. Colborn, Val. Hay, aud W in. H. Runnel, tmis. Alter a lenslhy examination the committee, on Thursday morning, unanimously reported in favor ot the admission or tbe candidate, and he was accordingly sworn in as a member ot the bar. A hint to fakmkiis. Isd t it a great mistake for farmers to crowd all their stock, farming iuiplcutcuU, provender and grain into their barns, bo tnat II tbe oara take fire, the flames destroy evtrythingat one fell swoop! Wouldn't it be better to have hay. straw and fodder under bar racks at a sale distance from the buildings? and would it not be letter to have horses aud cattle housed in a stable separate from theliarn? In a word, is it prudent and economical to build large aud costly barns and store I hem Willi the most inflammable material, so that the structure and content may be reduced to Two young men of Troy perpetrated a diabolical trick on two of their neighbors last wtek, w hich may yet give them con siderable trouble. They introduced cro ton ojl into some ice ceeam, and then in vited the two gentlemen referred to to par take, which they did, one eating freely and the oilier sparingly, a he did not rel ish a peculiar taste in the cream. Shortly afterwards both became very sick, tbe ope who had eaten most seriously so. The victims of this outrage made Information against the young inn and the case will conic up for disposal by Judge Jcnks in Sept ember. llrook tille lltp h Mica a. HoW TO VASAOE TDK CA Tl II AG B WOUM. As this is the season in which farmers and market gardeners are particularly an noyed by the cabliage worm, the following recipe for their complete extermination will be found to be Taluab.: Thoiough ly mix twenty parts of super phosphate of lime, and three parts ot fresh air-slacked lime and one part of carbolic powder. Throw a small quantity ot the compound by hand into ecc'a head of cabbage. liepeat three or f jur limes, or oftener if necessary." By this simple remedy it is claimed b tiersan who have tried it that 15 per cjuL of the cabbage eta be aaved. How it is hone. The first object in life with the American people is to "get rich ;" Ihe second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by en ergy, honesty and saving ; the second (good health,) by using Grkkn's Arat'ST Fixiwea. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any ot the effects of Dyspep sia, Liver Complaiul, Indigestion, Scc, such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costive UCMS, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, ic, you need not suffer another day. Two doses of Au gust Flower will relieve vou at once. Sample Boltlos 1U cents. . litular size 75 cents. row live IV sold by all first-class Druggists in the V. S. , , . AKI1IVAI.8 AT THE SOMERSET HtH'KK. Ilcv. Dr. Conrad, Philadelphia; P. P. 11. Walker, Summit; Jas. 11. Gaithcr, Meyersdale; I). Wagner, Salisbury; II. J. Coffroth, Baltimore; A. B. Coffro'lh, Bal timore; Wm. M. Hall, Bedford; J. P. Philsc-n. Berlin: Col. llerr Von Koontz, Baden Baden; Judge Zimmerman, Sfoys town;T. W. Schick. Pittsburgh; Mrs. F. D. Jennings. Pittsburgh: Mrs.. H. Mc Geary, Pittsburgh; Miss M. Floyd, Pitts burgh; H. E. Bateman, Pittsburgh; J. B. Lyons, I'rsioa; S. McGrew, Allegheny; C. Long. Sbippensburg: Mrs. W. F. Geb hart, Davton, . ; Jos. II. Gebhart, Day ton, . ; miss Lxtuie liebhatt, Dayton, tl. Miss Nettie Turnm. Dayton. O. : E. M Lichty. Meverstlale: J. P. D. Phelps, W. a. ; Scott Dibert, Johnstown; r rank Di bert, Johnstown. ' Thikk kor votnsKi.F. Thousands lead miserable lives, suffering from dys peinua, a disordered stomach and liver, - producing biliousnew, beart-bnrn, coa- tivenehs, weakness, irregular appetite, low spirits, raising food after eating, and ollen ending in lata! attacks of lever. 1 hey know they are sick, vet cet little svmiwtby. The unfailing remedy, which is yearly restoring thousant'a, is DaCosla s ltadical Cure, For sale by G. W. Bcuford. A 2Tc bottle will convince you of its merits. Don't delay another hour after reading this, but go and get a bottle, and your relief is as certain as yon live. Will you do it or will yon continue to suffer? 1 hiuk tor yourself. Also Agents for Prof. Parker' Pleasant Worm Syrup, which never fails. Pleasant to take, ami requires no physic. Price 25 cents. lit itNtu to death. Frank Snyder, aged about 14 years, son of Andrew Snj der. ot Kylertown, was burned to death on the 4ih ol July, tinder the following circumstances: The boy of the place were engaged in throwing tire-balm, and had a lain lull of turpentine standing in the street, with which they sat n rated the balls. Among the crowd was a young man named ElUlia l'ickett, w ho, being slightly intoxicated, ran out into tbe street and cave Ihe Iran a kick, throwing the burning turieuline over tbe clothing of young Snyder, who, in bis fright, started to run. thus causing the flames to burn more fiercely, and before they could be smothered or his clothing lorn off he was so severely burned that he died the next day. The boy's parents are poor and the citizen of the place kindly bore tbe ex penses ot the funeral, thus, as far a lay in their power, relieving their distress. I'ttarfitld Journal. What the biliou rkoi'iiir. Since torpidity of the liver is the chief cause of its disorder, it is evident that what tbe biliou require is an alterative stimulant which will arouse it to activity, an effect that is followed by Uie d:sapcarance of me various symptoms indicative ol its de rangement. Hoelettrr's Stomach Bitters invariably achieve the primary result mentioned, beside removing the constipa tion, flatulence, heart burn, yellowness ot the ski and whites ot the eyes, pain !n right side aud tinder the right shoulder, nausea, vertigo and sick headache, to which bilious invalids are peculiarly sub ject Asa remedy tor chronic indiges tion, mental despondency and nervous- n"s Uie liilters are equally emcacious. and as a renovant of lost vigor, a means of arresting premature decay, aud a source of relief front tbe infirmities to which the genter eej bj peculiarly subject, they may be thoroughly relied upon. TaRRIFIC II AIL STORM. - About. 9 o'cloi-Jt tin Tuesday evening; Salisbury was visited with a hail-slqrra such as was, perhaps, -never before witnessed in that -lVl- fc UlUU,U. f IH I UIICI JCIM4 MB haiklone came with snch frequency and force as to threaten destruction nut ouly to punts ana exposed windows, but to life itself, it unprotected from the fury of tbe storm. Happily it was of short duration, but quite long enough to lay waste the promising gardens lhat the day before were the pride of their owners, and do se rious damage to the windows in one-half the buildiur. in tows, and in some in etances to the buildings themselves. ' la many place on the side-walks the hail stones were piled np to the depth of two or three inches, some of them larger in circumference than a silver twenty-five cent piece. Growing corn aad cabbage and other vegetable are totally destroyed, as well an much of the Irnit, ot which many trewi are partially stripped. Mfg ertdale Independent. 'lue Eottiaburg Frtetmi DuHlii the fl'le, Sit flic to a piece ot lapv which was nsetl in kot jung a hu ge tiou grate out vl , ibu w ay ot the klltbtu stove pipe, ami allur uuklug a tour ol tUc lu.c iim.ll, which stood IB Uie dre-pU(X-, kuuek ed a lew ajMWa truta the slutte hcarUi aud buried tlMtlt in the earth beneath at a sjiot within a lew inches ol the kitchen floor. ( ur esteemed friend and patron, Mr. T. L. Parrish, or Altoooa, w Do was sleeping in Uiu bouse at the time, informs us that the buLding aeeiued to hint to have been raised several inches) trow it foundation, fcut apart from tbif no unpleasant sensa tions were experienced, except that Mr. Parrish and the lady of the house were af flicted next morning wilh a dull headache, though none of the other inmates ol the house were in any way affected. TiH!Tor respect. The following resolutions were adopted and ordered to be published by Slotstown Lodge, No. a;a, L o. of o. F. WBKHKAa, it ha pleased Almighty God in hi Divine providence, to remove from our midst, by death, out esteemed triend and brother, George Br u baker, who, by his uprightness aud faithfulness in all his relation ot lile, endeared himself to ail who knew him, therefore, ILewlctd, That in the death of brother Bru baker, wc have lost a worthy member ot our lodge, a good and true brother, whom we all loved and respected, aud whose memory we will always cherish. Hewiced, 'that we deeply sympathize with the bereaved family and Irieuds of the deceased. lUtolctd, That the lodge be draped la mourning, and the brelhica wear Uie usu al badge ol mouruing tor 10 days. ' lletutred. That a copy of lucsu resolu tions be sent to the widow, under seal ol the lodge, ani that they be published in the Somerset papers. Kou,uT H. Patekson, P. U. ... .... - Jacou Thohjisux, P. G.. Pkmurokk Thompson. Lectukk. Dr. F. W. Courad, ot Phil adelphia, editor ol the J.uthtran Vbterrer, delivered a lecture ou last Monday even ing in the Lutheran Church, at this place, to a Urge'and Intelligent audience. Tbe Doctor came to Somerset to assist in tbe dedicatory service ot the new Lutheran Church, aud whilst here, kiudly consent ed lo deliver a lecture upon "1 be Centen nial Era ol l lie Auiericau Tueory ol SjII Goveruuieul." it would W impuasiole for us lo lo justice to the distinguished gentleman, by attempting to present loour readers au aualysis ol uie lecture, and tberetbre, we must be couteul with notic ing a lew ol lissulieut leaiures. 1 be doctrines lor which the Fathers ol Ihe ltevoluuon ol K70 contended, in Ibeir revolt against Ibe uroilrary power of Ibu British uoveruuicui, auu lue dilticullies encouuiered, not ouiy iu Ihe establishment ot our ludeiieiideucu as a Nation, but iu the lormaliou ol lb Federal Constitution, were very loiciOly presented; aud ujion the latter point utauy Uiattei ol historical interest mere relencd to, loiug lite strong opiioaUtou tUc CoualiluUou eueouu icreu iu the Couaiituuoual Convention aud the Legislatures ol the several Slates, oelore its niial adoption. 1 lie speaker then adverted lo Ihe mauiier ui Whicu the graud ideas ol human liberty, lor w hicu uur lorelatbcrs bad cuuicuded. were per verted by tbe eucuuisgeuicnl ol huiuau slavery, lis growth auu lucreasiug lower in our Aa.ional li JVcrualent, and IheUnul attempt, under the pernicious doctrine ot Stales Hights, lo uvciinrow aud destroy our Goveruiucuu He concluded his lecture by relemujj w lue tact Una at our uttu Ccu leuuial uie evils ol Iiuuiau slavery and Secession had been done away with, aud that we, as a people, were not humiiutled with the loul bioi ol buiuaii abiVcry upon our luaiuulioua; but tbal we could claim lo be tree iu Uct aa well a iu uume, aud Ibat at tuc close ol the nrst century ol our National lile, we could boast ot having succcsslully carried out tbe theory of sell- goveruuieuL Ihe lecture was lull ol grand ihou.'liis and ideas, couched in strung aud beauului lanuuaue, and delivered In Uie lecturer's happiest sly le, fully sustaining hut well earned reputation us one ol the abksl writers aud shakers ol the day. Furtlie Hkualu. Character. Character ia an eminently personal thing. bat a niau is in bis individual uic-rns aud virtues, and not what men judge hiui to be by his public manifesta tions, constitutes uis character. Men are not always what Ibey seem; beuce society may accord, more or leas, lo a man's character Ulan his actual merits warrant As a rule.iiersons are passed in a cominu oily at ibeir true, social, intellectual and moral north; yet there are manliest ex ceplious lo lue rule. Men not uuirequenlly act with apiwreul virtue or uiagnauimity when nenber oi these sentiment form an element of their real character.' So wilh lhs con verse ol this proposition. There aie those w ho bare an exterior bearing in the world which would seem lo conceal their virtues; are so constituted as to be belter than they appear. But all genuine character baa its oasis in sterling virtue. Whatever elements enter into iu comiiositioQ, it is essentially detective without this. Nothing 'can compensate tor the waul ol moral principle in a mau or woman. Virtue is the very jewel ot character thai which pertecta and crowns It. Habits ol love, piety and truth; habits ol lalaehouu, passion, or goodness, niouiu and fashion it, nil, at length, it wears Ibe likeness ot an angel; or the image ol a de mon I ' lie b but poor workman who hopes to build the temple ot coaracter on any oiner foundation than that ot moral excellence. In the coniiicU of life there are many duues and temptations to weak and irreso lute minds to yield principle to supposed interest, virtue to gain; but the man of character sees in the maintenance of the right all that is sacred to personal and in ward quiet, and hence, by determined w ill, pursue the even tenor ot his way. W hatever else such a spirit can not say, in respect to the things ot this lile, he can alwae aav wilh the Bard of Avon, -1 feel within nie A peace above all earthly dignities, ' A still aad quiet amJrlence." Such persons are the true types and or nament of human character. It we have any caaoiluy lor tue aumirauon of the .beautiful, or any love lor the kitty and pure in character, we must instinctively love sucn, lor tuey uave the divine stamp of morality and moral loveliness. Character is largely determined by one s associations in life. There is no liule force ia the trite utterance that - "a man s character is known by the company be keeps. Id speaking of tbe influence ol associa tion upon men, an excellent writer ob serves with as much truth as quaintness, he who comes from the kitchen smells of it smoke; be who adheres to sect has something of cant; the college air pursues the studeut, and dry inhumanity htm wbo herds with literary pedants." 1 a : is undoubtedly true. 1'ersous gen erally reflect tbe spirit, and express in their cnaiacters we wisdom or lony, me vii tues or vices of their associates. As all associations ct this nature are purely voluntary, every person indicates his taste for intellectual culture, social refinement. or the contrary by Uie character of those he select as biscompanioos. Worse than no society at all, infinitely worse, is that of the yulgur and vicious. Patent lo any reflecting npnd is the fssettioi) that ' '"IT meet that Ruble minds keep ever with their likes." . The imjiortanpe ot a good character can not be overestimated (is bcfcriag ua in dividual happioevs, Dot to speak t its in fluence on the well-being ot others, is ut terly unappreciated. The book ot all books declares that "a good name is better than riches," and all experience but confirms the truth ot the declaration. Iticbes are but temporary as is the good they impart. Fame won. save in the cause of virtue ha bo substantial basis. Power wield its sceptre bat tor a day. But a good name is a joy, a crown, an in heritance tor ever; it can never die, be cause virtue is Imperishable. Would we, reader, have a character yielding us the highest possible enjoy ment in lite, and such as shall live as an element ot beauty and power alter we are deauif Lt ne. then, build oa virtue and goodness, and our futute will be made lor! uuia swawiui MI MW Ml is to come. J. W. WtALLASD. Ministerial asd Sunday school cuk- vasTio.N. the Mm sttt.ial and Sunday School Convention ol Som.rset district, Pittsburgh conference, ot the Evangelical Aiwocialmn, convened in the Evangelical Church ot SUislHiry, IV, Wednesday, July 4, 1877, aad was ivutiaucd until tue bdbuatu evening billowing.. He v. J,. J. lieriihart, P. E , a3 present and tilled the chair. G. Focht, ut Bed lord Co., was elected V ice-rreaidenl, aud J. A bmilli. ol Somerset, wa elected hccietary. ' After the preliminary business of the Conven tion was deposed of, tbe regular pro gramme was takeu up in the following or der: "How shall we preach the terrors of tbe law," by U. Focht. "Is aanctiticalkm a second blessing," by G. W. White. "The divine call to the ministry, and has a min uter a rigui ui lay uown nis omce, by J. J. bernharL "Uomllelics," by F. Uone. "Divine Providence," by D. K. La van. -Eloquence ot the pul pit," by L A. Smith. "1 be divine assurance ol a slate of grace,"by W. A. ltiuiuger. "Im mortality ot the soul," by E. C. Martiu. "Heavenly recognition," by A S. Bjum gardner. "Inspiration of the Holy scriptures," by S. M. Baum gardner. "lue relation vf religion aud temper ance," by A J. GreenwalL . "Paalural visiuug,'' by A. M. Uowiiu. "Existence ol'God. 'by J. D. Miller. "Formality versus Spirituality," by Jihn Betz. ' Alter the readiug ol each essay a lively and Interesting discussion ensued. Tbe Sunday School programme was taken up, and each subject Ventilated. - Besides the discussions opened by the ministers, a very good essay was read by A J. Bird, of liarnedsville, on 'i'he ne cessary qualifications tor a good Sunday Schoolteacher.'' Key. C. It. Uiehlinan, of tbe Reformed church, and RevT Koser, ot the Lutheran church, were received as honorary members of the Convention, and parucip.led in the Jiscusaiona. Iters. Keiin and Merrill, ol the Brethren church, were also made hoLO ary members. A children meeting was held on Sabbath morning, and addresses were made by D. hi. Lavan, 1. A. Smith, and It P. Van meter. Communion services also on Sabbath when quite a number came for ward aud iariicipaled. L'pon the whole tlie Convention was a success, being high ly entertaining and profitable to all in al, aud no doubt exerted a benefi cial influence in the community. . Uur next annual Convention will be held in the town ol Somerset, Pa., over the first Sabbath in June, I. A. Smith, Secretary. We give below an accouut of the pro ceedings in the Grecvy case, which ia on trial al Bedford, as taken from the Oa zttte. An article similar in almost every respect, appears In the Inquirer. ED. KILE V TllO.U. M. UBfcEVY. The case ot the member of the Bed ford Bar, petitioner against Thos. U. Greevy, to show cause why he should not be dismissed from his of lice ot attorney, was called tor bearing at the adjourned court on Tuesday. This case has attracted consid erable interest and quite a number of per sons from Bedford, a well as from a dis tance, assembled iu the court room to hear what dibjiosiiion would be made of iu Messrs. J. H. Longeneckerand J . M. ltey nolds represented the petitioners for tbe rule, and Messrs. It M. Speer, .of Hun tingdon, ltulus. E. Shapley, of 'Philadel phia, and Johu Cessna, appeared tor tbe resiiondent Air. Speer presented the answer of the tespondent, Mr. Greevy, aud asked leave of the Court to read it to which his Hon. Judge Hall, replied lhat under tbe prac tice of the court it was proper that ihe court should first examine tbe paper to see if it contained such matter as was proper to be read and tiled. Tbe court took the paper tor examination and at 7 o'clock when the court met in tbe evening, it was banded to Mr. Sneer who read it and ask ed permission to have it tiled, to which tbe court agreed with the exception ot the parte affidavits which were oidtrtd to be stricken trom it as not properly a part of the answer, nor permissible as evidence under the rules of court The answer ol Mr. Greevy is iu sub stance as follows: 1- That the petition on which the rule was issued is insufficient lierauw not veri fied by atlidavitasi'cquired by the rule of 2. That Greevy was not at any time and is not now professionally engaged in the case ol Alden and Hamlin, and that he was present in court during the trial as a witness and a journalist, and the affidavits ot Alden and Hamlin and of Messrs. Cess na, their counsel, are given in support ot their denial. 3. That tbe publication complained ot was made by respondent solely as editor and publisher of a public newspaper.wilh out malice and only tor the public good. 4. That tbe court, under tbe constitu tion and laws of the State, in this form of procedure, ha no jurisdiction of the issue raised by the petition and answer. Tbe an swer then further adds that tbe foregoing is a sufficient answer to the rule; but to avoid being misunderstood by silence the respondent declares that he did not in any way attempt to influence the action of the jurors in the case of Alden and Hamlin; that in the publication complained of be desired "to state tbe tacts as witnessed by him" in the interest ot truth ani justice, snd that if he did not do so. be invites tbe petioners to call him to the proper forum, a jury, "that all questions of fact maybe legally determined." Tbe answer closes with the suggestion that the petitioners are guilty ot manifest indelicacy in requir ing n:m to appear befoiethe Judge, in a summary proceeding to defend "tbe truth of a publication alleged by them to lie a li bel on th! PresidcLt Ju ke himself." snd in "asking the same Judge to hear and determine disputed question ot fact and motive, involving bis own official conduct and character, as well as the rights ot tbe people involved in the freedom ot tbe press." His Honor Judge Hall then announced to tbe counsel what was involved, in bis judgment in the proceeding before him. stating that Mr. Greevy was not before him to answer for contempt, nor was tlie proceeding against him as an editor and lhat in consequence the liberty of the press was in no way involved. This then narrowed the issue to the simple proposition as to whether there had been a breach of kit profeuional fidelity as charged against nr. Greevy by the peti tioners. Mr. Reynolds, on behalf of tbe petition ers atked permission if the court to call Mr. Keeffe, the officer who bad charge of Ihe jury in tbe case of tbe Com. vs.. Aklen and Hamlin, to prove that one oi the coun sel for the defendants approached him three times during the night while be had the jury in charge and desired to know how they stood snd that the same counsel approached the door in the court room, to listen when he was ordered away, and that this conduct was communicated to Judge Hall the next morning just as he was going on the bench. He also ottered to prove by Mr. Gepbart the Court Crier, that Ihe same counsel was seen standing at the other door ot the jury room, at tbe head or stairs leading thereto, while the jury were deliberating aad that their conversation could be heard. The counsel offered this evidence as he stated for the purpose ot showing that this was one of the causes whicU led the court to administer its rebut eon the next morning t'i the counsel when a motion was present ed to have tbe jury polled, the court be lieving that the counsel had knowledge ot what tbe verdict of tbe jmy was. That Mr. Greevy knew of this as the cause of tbe reprimand, that be was ia court when the counsel admitted that he bad asked Kct ffe bow tbe jury stood and said that be thought be had a right to do that and fur ther as a part of the offer to show that Mr. Greevy with this knowledge rushed into the public prints, denounced the court as tyrannical and supei eased the f&cti which lead to the occurrence in court Messrs. Speer and Shapley vigorously resisted this ofler stating that it was an at tempt to bring in a side issue, and that tbe conduct of other counsel in connection with tbe Cass about which Mr. Gteevy had commented, had nothing to do with it ' Mr. Longencc'ier claimed that their sup pression of the whole occurrence, and hU publication ot a one side rej ok sl.owed the motive of m dice. Tbe court decided to hear the testimo ny. . Messrs. Speer and Shipley then aske I leave and obtain jd jermission to with draw from the case. Tbe evidence of Keeffe and Gepbart was then heard sub stantially as stated in the offer, they swear ing that the counsel wbo attempted to gain tbe information was Mr. J. B. Cessna who was associated with John Cessna in the trial of the cause. , Mr. Longenecker then opened tbe argu ment on behalf ot the pet iliooers remarking upon the character of this proceeding ; that in its attempt to suppress interference with sworn jurors tbe court should be up held by members of the bar and must not be balked in its purptss by a mam tier of Ibis bar ; that Greevy hati published a dis torted statement ot what had occurred Hi court suppressing any relureauc to tue U i professional condacl bich bad called lo..b trie tebukeot Mr. CcseiM ; that this had been done coucctnmg a case a'.ill peodiui;, Tjui iuipioper motives, to bung ouiuw ' upon the emit, that this was caso ut Such bud lailb lo tbe Court and such uu- ! prolcssional behailr on tue pa t ut ureevy as called lor bis dismissal from this lair, cuing authorities to sustain this view. Mr. Greevy spoke in his own behalf staling that he published the article tor the public good ; that he believed them to b true and if an opportunity was ottered conkt prove that they were true. Mr. Reynolds then closed for the peti tioners, and claimed thai sir Greevy had vio'a'eJ lis a h as attorney by his publica tion, and that this was a ground tor dis missal cr suspension from office. That the articles in his newspaper were unjust false and libelous toward the court, in that he suppi cased the tacts in his posesstou aud gave an incorrect statement of ail thai did occur, that he was not here to answer as an editor, but as a lawyer for a .breach of his professional fidelity towarl the 'Jourt That the publication showed that it was written with malice, and tor the purpose ot creating unjustly, a public s.-n-timent against tbe Court The matter is now in the hands oi the court and a decision will be rendered at i n early day. Irslaa II ease. The work on the Turkeyfoot Baptist Church, is being pushed forward rapidly by the contractor, Mr. F. K. Leighton. The funeral sermon of Albert Ream was preached al Drakelown on lust Sunday, by Rev. Woods. Messrs. Faidley & Dunibauld started Easljon Monday wilh a nice drove of tat came. Mr. Hays, of the Connellsville Tribune, paid a flying visit to our town last week. Mr. Benford's hotel is made quite lively by summer visitors, who go out catching bass. John Stein and family have removed to St Louis. Mr. Stein has gone in partner ship in the purchase ol a flouring mill. The B. & 0. It R. Co. made a beet of a cow belonging lo J. P. Miller, on Sunday night. Mr. Fred Dull lost a cow quite recently from the same cause. A bull belonging to Mr. Jacob Augus tine was killed by au engine near Fort Hill Station. It is supposed the U. fc O Road will commence shipping fresh betf to i.uroe if the demand continues. Berlin) lie in a. We regret to say that one of the leading and most enthusiastic Murpuyltes, whose eloquence was heard fat and heat, bad occasion on the fourth to cross the Ilubieon for a glass of beer. All we have to t ay to the young man is, reeut, no one ever re forms unlets he resists the tempter lo the very last A party of our young men left town for the mountains this morning, on a fishing excursion. We expect a full report of their adventures for the papers next week. Our new school house U finished, and we now boast ot the best school building in the county. Our enterprising fellow citizen Jacob J. Zorn, deserves the thanks of all our people lor the manner in which he accomplished his work. It is in every respect save location, just what we have been in need or these many years. We have had occasion heretofore to call the attention of the public to the su perior advantages which our town affords, as a quiet, desirable summer resort. Some ot these advantages consist in the superior hotel accommodations, which we are free in say ing are not surpassed anywhere in the county. In the purity of ihe atmos phere and the salubrity ol the climate, which arc considerations alwavs taken into account in tbe selection of a desirable place to rusticate. The close proximity to the town ot the noted mineral springs, the waters of which possess medical quali ties of the highest virtues, is another item of interest especially lo invalids. Among the htet arrivals wc notice the following persons Capt. Searight, Cumberland, Md. : Prof. 11. W. Fisher, wile and two sons, Mrs. Ewing, daughter and two sons, Pittsburg, Pa. ; Prof. Geo. lieibald and wife, Philadelphia ; Miss Burlette, Dela ware, Ohio; Mr. Williams and wile, Bal timare, Md. ; Mrs. Sbeaker, Washington, D. C. Adjowraed tea rt. An adjourned session of the County Court ms held on Wednesday, July 11th, at which uis II nor Judge Wm. M. Hall, presided, and Associates Stuffl and Mussel- man on ibe liencb. . Considerable business was disposed of, among that ot interest to the public, we give the following extract from tbe minutes ot proceedings. Ibe spplication tor tavern license lot the Naugle House, Somerset, was ret used by the Court Tbe application lor tavern license by John Leydig. Wellcrsburg, was granted by tbe Court. In the case of John Stewart, charged wilh horse stealing, the Court issued a warrant for the transfer of the prisoner to Indiana county lor trial. In tbe matter ol the petition of the citi zens of Larimer Twp.. tor the appoint ment of a Judge ot Election, the Court apMiinted Benjamin Boyer. On motion of Messrs." Colborn fc Col born for John C. Castle, of Meyersdale, and Messrs. Baer & Baer, for Edgar Baer, Somerset applicants for the examination preliminary to entering upon the study of law, ibe following examining committee was appointed by the Court : Hon. W. H. Koontz. John tl. Ogle, and J. O. Kim mtl, Esq. ROAD VIEWS. Petition of citizens of Somerset and Jenncr Twps. for a public road to lead from the public road running from the Buela road at or near the bouse of Ed. Shaffer, to a point on tbe public road leading from Pile's School House to the Johnstown pike, at or near Sol Simpson's. Oa tbe ilb of Api il, the Court appointed as viewers, W. II. Barnhart. Herman Shafer, Samuel Arman. ' July Ulb, on petition Eli Ogline filed, the Court apoinled Henry Rauch, W. S. Morgan and Henry S. Picking, viewers, instead ot Messrs. Barnhart, Shaffer and Auman. Petition ot citizens of Jenner Tp., for the appointment ot viewers to view a bridge over Ojuemaboning creek, at or near Morgan's Mills. Wot A Barnhart, Cyrus Shaver and Chauncey Dickey, were appointed viewers. Petition of citizens ol Somerset Tp., for the appoint ot viewers to view a bridge over Cox's creek in Somerset Tp., at John Kanlner's. and report as to whether a new bridge should be built Tbe Court appointed John Witt, Wni. llanna and Joaiab Phillippi. DIED. MASTERS. -On the 24th ot June. 1877. Benjamin Masters, of Berlin Borough. aged i J years, S months and 0 days. MB EM BT Aatav arr Uurrected by Uooa a Bsxbits. DUtRU IS CHOICE GROCERIES. FLOUR V FEED, Apples, dried, ft B 6a Applebwtter, awl uSoe Bran. f 10 a el lAt Butter, ft a (keg) lsw'JO Batter, V R (mil) 6e Buckwheat, V bushel sue " meat, uv a saw Beeewai. R Sac Baeun, ualder, lue - aiuee, - Ke eoautn kaaua. II ..16c Dora, (ear) buahei Sue Cora, (aueUed) fl baeael jc Uorn meal f k fc Calf kin, ft R St &TK, ft uj. ....... ....... i-l'e riour, w ooi t aw Flaxseed ft ba., (M )... 7te Uaau. (mraf-cureul II a............... lie Lard,T ta.S'! r,reaute,fi ...---..- ;atuj upper - kin. " f.sue' MiddUnca, Walts, Unas j Uuu, l-a toe Potatoes, ba l0e I Peeebea, dried, R.. ............ Ie ! Rjeflbs 1 u: Rae.wa 9 Salt, Nu. t V bbtextru wt : uruuad aiauv per secu .uz ee ; aaubio. per asca . m m Surer, yellow R lttagiz' white M!14e TaUow.a R te Wheat fl ba West, R .RHjftae aVete Advertisement. V. B- SCCLU Cs- ATTOBNET AT LAW, Soawrsct, Pent. New Advertiteme Ut IULE TO ACCEPT OK KE lArTSK. li Sarh Speh-hvr, widow, Itfiwj Sr her. L wle K-MHr and Karah tairntarriJ with wm. A-emowa. tve (tpeicBer. ulJow ot Jacob Sun l i .1. Jtflervai Speicbtr, reuda in , l.' liw. loaaaveicfcer, JaortbJspetrKee.. KaTh st i.-uar. laturuurriui wilh Joaiab if.L (!,, bitrmuriie4 with Jmub rrnv new eWd, leeviBs; laree ehll Iren. L.mis, Mary Ana aad AnceUne. K. M. 8 hrfc. a-uanltea sd litem ef W m. Jeftereou. cuaa, Aurwjiua, Clhtfoa X aad Many, Jarta, Joreph SpeHier, now deceased, teavina: to ar rive him a wksnr Refterra, awe Kebeeea , sad tbe lulkKs lug cbddnm Jetterson, residlsc In !o., lad.. Margaret. Intermarried wiuk Jona. Preata. teekuna lo Somerset On., Pa., JuiU Ann, Intermarried with Tobias Mus aer. now dee'it rcaidlna; Is Black Hawk Oo.. Iowa. SjU, InLenearried with (vhrlrUaa Berk ei, Hulda, reakliac iu Somerset Co.. Pa., Mary nwltliiia'taOarrettlln., Md., Austin, reUdln lu Oarratl IJol, Md., Alexander reaalinr iatsom enet Co., Pa., Annie. Intermarried with Auica. tai Jacob, reaklins; la Somerset Ux, Pa.. Jo seph, reildiug In Somerset Co., P, Laura A.. Minor, or whom E. M. So Brock, Is guardian ad litem. Sarah, ut whom M. A. Boa. I guanitaa, Miubeih Speicher, Intermarried with Joeih Yader. now deceased, ieaTtuc six children, Tobi as, realiting In Somerset t o., Pa- Joseph, rwid hur In La Uranus Co., lnd., Uiubetb, Inter married with Jaeub M. Kaufman. Issue, resid ing la Somerset Co.. Pa., avt Yoiier, residing In Somerset On, Pa., Polly Spetcber, Intermar ried with tlavld Biiaurb, now dee'd, leaving Sve children, Iisvld, Joseph, Muse and Jacob, re aullur In Wayne Co., Ohio, and Henry, residing in Jefleraoa Co., lows, Solomon Speicher. Sarah Speicher, mtermamed with Tobta Voder, Abraham Speicher, collateral heir of Tobia Sueieher, dee'd, and allotlter person Interested. You are hereby notined to appearat an Orphans' Court tn be held at Somerset, on Mondsy, the athdayoT Aatuac sell, to accept or refuie to take the rest estate of Tobia Spekaer. dee d, at the appraised valuation or show cause why the Sam should net be (old. OEO. W. PILE, July IS. Sheriff. UMISISTBATOK S NOTXE. Benjamin Masters, lata ot Berlin Borough, Usees sod. Letters of admmlftratlon oa the above estate having beea granted to the uudershrnod. aotleei hereby given to those Indebted to it to make burnt -diate payment and those hsTing claim against It. lo present then duly authenticated wr settle ment oa Ssturdsy, the 1st day of September 1S77, at tbe late resldenee of ssid deceased la Berlin Borough, when aad where be will attend forth.! purpo. MMCttMA9TaB, July is. Administrator. FOR Heal, CEiituil Mm Cork Shartnrs are UMirpamed at an article for uia u.nrMMt slc Thev are ten time a dnr i.u Hu,ki nr itraw. Only cent per lb. f pound will fill tbe largest be. I. For sale by Arm Strong. Brother fc Co., 44 and -M First Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. July is. Valuable Property IN MT. PLEASANT. FOR SALE. Thc'First National Bank of Mt. Pleisant, Pa., oltcr rr sale the following property atsaidplsce, One lot of ground on corner of Main snd Church streets, so leet front by ISO back, having thereon erected a three Mory brlek Hotel, with all aece ary outbuilding and known a the ' Hitehmao House." ALSO, one lot adjoining the above, fronting (0 feet on Main street and t leet back to an alley. ALSO, one lot on other corner of Main and Church l reels, i feet Iront snd 131 back, having thereon a large frame stable on the alley. ALSO, one lot I rooting 4V leet on Church street and running back 1SI feet to aa alley, having thereon a two Mory brick and frame dwelling bouse, Mable abd other outbuildlugx. ALSO, noe-hair interest in tbe tour lot sod Foundry Buildings formerly owned by MeCaleb R Hurst, near the Railroad. These several propertied are offered at Prt vau Raid and if sot previously disposed ol, will be of fered st public sal on Friday, the 31st day ot Au gust 1". the premise. Title perieet. For price snd other psnk-uisrs apply lo the onVera of sild Hank,Mt. pleasant, Pa. July 7. A Desirable Residence For Sale. I offer tor sale my residence la Somerset Bor ough, containing 30 acre of Ian I all In a high stale of cultivation, except lour acre of timber, with an orchard of 200 choice selected fruit tree, A brick dwelling house with lo rooms, wash, wood and ice houHe, well tilled. Swtaa barn, carriage hou-ie, has never (ailing running water at tbe door, line evergreen (hading. Strawberry bed. bee and bee-houie. The distance from the public suuareU one-hair mile, with pavement and plank walk the entire distance, will sell stock, Una im plement and furniture If desired, aad will give possession immediately. July Is. J, O. KIMMEL, RULE TO ACCEPT OR KE FUSE. To Solomon Boucher, Aaron Boucher, Hanah Intermarried with Samuel P. Oelger, residing In Somerset Co., Pa., Sarah Inmnnarrl d with Jonathan Lyons, residing ia Fayette Co., Pa., Jiwiah Boucher, residing ia Orantsvllle, Md, Iavll, Henry, Samuel and Jeremiah Boucher, residing In Jackson Co, 111. Yoa are hereby not I tied to appearat aa Orphans' urt, to le held at Somerset ou Monday, tlie 27th day of August next. to accept or retuee the real estate of Henry Bom ber, deceased, at tbe apprais ed valuation or snow cause why the seine should not be sold. GEO. W. PILE, July IS. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Mitchell McCllntock ) In Common Pleas of vs. - y Somerset Co. No.X Adeline aL ) August T. 1S74. . Partition Docket By virtue of aa order Issued out of tbe Court of Common Plea of Somerset Co., in tbe above fated ease, to me direied, 1 will offer for sale by public outcry, at the Uoui I House ia Semersst bor ough, on IriJay, Awjud 10t, 1377. st i o'clock, p. sa, the following described valuable real estate, to wit : A certain tract of mud containing 190" acres, more or lees, situate Hi Addison Twp., adjoining Wm. J. Baer. Samuel Hinebaugh, and Caet man river, with tbe appurtenances. TERMS ; One-third la hand oa ennflratatloa of deed, one-third la six moaihs thereafter, and the remainder In one year thereafter, to be secur ed with I nt ere si from date ; ten per cent, of the purchase money must be paid on day of sale. OEO. W. PILE. July IS. Sheriff. KTklLWaiKO ' ,.? ' " -c tw . . - s... . -til y temelertes. or Farms Jroa Wa. ti tafl per Bod. N ELLIS' O. H. H. H. FORK, WITH N ELLIS' Patent method tor mowing and stacking Hay or Straw, without extra charge to the Tanner. Agi. Steels finished and tempered by Neliis' process to suit ail kinds of eviL Medal a wants on all our goods exhibited at the Centennial, lnlonnativn free. A. J. N ELLIS h CO, June 17. Pittsburg, Pa. YSSIONEESKOTICE. Nehemlsb Miller baring made a voluntarv assignment of all his real and personal estate to me in trust fur beuent of erediiom, all persons in debted to tbe said Mebemiah Miller wUl make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them to the undersigned As tlimee without delay at his residence in Peters burg Borough. WM. BUDDY. July 4. Assignee. PATENTS ! FEE BEDCCED. Entire Cost Si. PaKnt Ufflce Pee t3S la advance, batance f2) wlibia moot be alter patent allowed. Ad vw and examination Ires. Patents Sold. IlEHTAURAXT Aa ICE CREAM HALOO.T. J. H. Ptsel lalonM kit Mead and the public generally that be be leased room over Speer' Drug Sure. In the Mammoth Building, and baa tlie re opened a Kestaaraat and Ice Creass Saloon. He keeps on hand ai all time rake, plea, sand wiches, and cooling drinks. Bread always on hand aad lor sale. He still lives In the Jndrw Black Mansloa where he Is prepared to accommodate all caller with good board and Kmglng. . Summer boarder solicited. DMINiaTBATOKsJ NOTICE. Esuta of Oewse Brabaker. Veto ef 8toylown Borough dee'd. Letter of admlnlstratloa on the above estate lvtosew ted by IbeproiieraalhorKy notle Uberebrarivea to thosehuebled to It tnmakalmme diate payment, and tnos harlngelaim agsinat it io preseni isn amy eutaeatMated lor seuieasenx snd ailowauce at the omca of Aaaustu Heme, . , JOHW H. ZIMM UMAX, Administrator wilh the will annexed. July. PATEAT HAY RAKES. I havw a few of my Psteat Horse Hay stakes oa hand, air "ale at Use leniar mill. Price Anyone want ing to buy mar coma or write . F. WALKER. Somerset, Pa. Juaeiu. J. E.MIOIHAX H. S.STOKKR. rrtia, Pa ; KEGAHAN & STOKER. ; PLASTEIlEnS, . I Beciertrully Inform the etUsen of Senierse County, that the are preyared ut take eontracu for all kinds oX Plastering. Bepalrug promptly attended to. Address as b pre. I Work solicited, and tliifatkia guaraatewd. I Nov. if. mm S.R.PILE, Successor WC U. CVlUa a Co. DEALER IN FLOUR AND FEED Groceries, Confections. Queensware, Willow Ware, SALT, FISH, Tobacco & Cigars, ttc, &c.j Sic. New Stock. ONE PRICE. All goods positively .sold at BOTTOM PRICES. FAIR ani SQUARE IS OUR MOTTO. DO HOT FAIL TO GIVE No. 2, BAEB'S BLOCK A CALL, "When doing your Shopping. July 4. TENNANT, POHTER, B0YT8 & CO. to M..a ilWr. I ,rlvr Jk C, F O U IT D R T , Machine $ Forge Works, fsaUer MrUOpiHriteB.t . n ts vpwl. a.iMc-,. " Manufacturers of EailroaJ and Maclilnu Costings I. 1: Frogs, Switch Stands and Bridles l"rt' k. Tit Wanr.', I-ar-ries, Iran AVheel Barrows, Stone l'u ks, llaiurut rs and Cliistls Bridge Trusses and Bolts, Plows, Plow Castings; Cook, Parlor t llsating Stores, Qratas Irs Fronts, radars, Hallcw "Warj. Mis?ellaneotis Castings Itule to Order. Machinery of all kind built and repaired, at Short X.Hice ami ItamMe Terms. Also on hand all ttlnda of Materlt usod about Steam Enginas. Oa. Stea and Water Pipe ritllngs. Bras Valve. Bras Wire, Outa H.u Gum and Fibrous m white " Uctii. m Ml lil H:T,'h,'W;r,;l"''tli,',"i'" "" "" "lr1 healing ffS,-, mZZ rlZ,TY .V ! u -hi. T ' "'"'" ' l-bieln. je m ,.Zm S?7,Z 4 DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Hlffle, hue ol Jenner Twp, deceased. Letters ef admlmtrnttoa oa the above estate having beea granted to tbe undersigned, notice is hereby given te those talented to It to make Imme diate payment and those having ehum against it to present tbem duly authenticated for settlement on Saturday, July al, 177, at tbe House of las JAMES OtXINWWR. Assignee. 113. "OTICE. "Notice is hereby given to the puMlc. not t trust or harbor my wile, Sarah Friti.a 1 will pay no bills ef her eouiraclng, as leas compelled to do so by process of law. Juneil JOHJf FRITZ. QOjIMISSIOSEUS' SALE mui l nseatea Lauds la Suaersei County, fen a. The CommlseloneTs of S.merset Cnnnty aereby give notlee that they will sail, at public sale, la the t 'U rl room in Somerset bonsugh on M.m.lay, the IMhdayof Aueruatnext, the following enu merated iraeu of unseated lamia, which have been purchased from the Treasurers of said coun ty, and have remained unredeemed air Bve year and upward. Agreeable to the act of Assembly of March l 1ST6, and the supplemental act there to ot March, last Aalhony Joseph t'hery Leru... Tom Ben) Church Marcu Moore Jane ALLUitmrTwr. Black John Howen Thomas Dew Wm Elllnger Fred Oibsoo e.rge flibson John. Halm John Meyers Jacob........ Mile Jame.... Smith Oeonre Well John E Skinner Wm.... aaorH aasvALLkv rwr. Yonne John F coagxaraa rwr. Mustier John Kues ieorge... ...... Pal" I e Richard Scalier Jacob Jr SUrk John jnm vwr. Btack Jame Dehaven Peter Kepler Michael MotJaraney Isaac.... Mosser John Phils. Robert PttcnefWrn aiLroBiy Tr. Brook Jacob Dun lap John...... Oritnth John D Hart Wm Humbert Johu XOWTHAgPTOS Twr. Anderson Wm faist rwr. Jones Wm West Matthew SHAIIBTWr. Campbell Margaret tlamdlne Thomas.... Johns Wm . STOSVCHCKK TWC Dubois Abraham Margrand Mary Well John soasasKTTwr. Bousell Andrew Keyser Jacob Young Ann. socTBAxrros Tw r. Bally Jams Brant John........ Doughla Ales Holtoway Thomas Kobler Daniel Phillippi Johu Shaw James Stokely Thomas Thopson Wm Tempest Rachel . Waymaa Samuel. Well John Thompson Wm . 4U , 410 . 40 . . 414 , Zi4 . -Xh . ir , sen . 40 . aw , . 107 . Sue . 3S4 . 411--. . Sin , 4IS 'i . 41 . 40t . 3SS . w , OKI . ri . 4V0 . 40S . s) . , 403 41-V4 . 4UO . 4UU , 4w , 414 . loo 4U0 . ISO . . an . wt . , 24 . lo . 'JB , 4W . . Ze . loa , 7j . 14"-( I rma tteset rorr rwr. Lenox David toe Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, r. .. aad to cus Unue irom day to day an 1 11 all the lands sre dis posed of. WM. REEL, J.P. PHILSOX. W. M. SCHROCK. DANIEL PHILLIPPI, July 11. Clerk. Commissioners. Normal Schools. The Wnrmel Schools of Somerset County, will opaooa MONDAY, JULY 3uth. and continue In section nine week. The following are tbe prtn elui and locations of the different schools. J. P. Brabaker and C. J. Mosser, Berlin. J. D. Meese and H. M. Lkhtv, Mayerwiale, J. C. Weller, New Centrevllle. I ha. Elrich, Jenner X Road. Levi Llebliter and J . C. Kendall, Salisbury. Frail. Orelt, Stoystown. S. V. Trent Somerset. C. B. Cook, Ursine. A Select School will be opened a' tlie same time at Salisbury, by Prof. Howard Miller. A thor ough Normal drill will he given in all the eouimoa branches ; hvtruc'ion will also be givea lathe higher branches where classes can be formed. It is hoped that all who desire to teach, will take advantage of the opportunities ollered by these schools to more thoroughly prepare themselves Ibr the dutie ol their profession. Student shsuld be present at the opening of tbe session il pnestlite. Tuition from t U . No re duct ion tor partial term. J. B. WHIPKEY. July II. Co. Sunt. FIRST CLASS FABMS Wm YATS SALE. fA auu. e acres in prim order, Jim? a s abeat 3 acre ia timber, .0 acres uew gnand, now being broke. Warre elw. ver. reedy to cut or plow under. Thrifty erenept all a ruler thorough fence, running water ia every nekl and at building. Smooth lawn, BUILDINGS NEW sad complete. In a rut -erase eommnntty. beaut I lully ntuated, one and sar-nall miles west ol ibe diamond is Sosaiirsst Horongk, snd two snd one hall east of Lavanevllle, en north side ef turnpike road. Brethren (Duubard) church en turnpike half a mile west ef building, ekurrae ef nearly all other denominations in Somerset or Lavass villex School bouse about being- erected oa or f -SUA aws im acre adjidning the IslVhsfa ws above, oa suuta ssee turnpiae road, aud Immediately oppneile. builoV huisBew. 14 aero prime limber. SmtaKjt and senile land, wcU watered, and In every respect eiual to No. L W ith a young orchard. as A small (arm of IS acres ItJVusVu Ou oa the day pike one mil east ol t IwOliartM-arx. In good oclcr, house, sta ble ami One orchard ua premises. safavu- M House and kit la Somer IJIa 4i t Borough occupied by W. W.Hanaelt .ALSO ether lands sal IwaMr Ac , la the County. PRICE AND TEEMS. Ho. 1. Price (11,000. Terms Ji.CO la haad. Asooa year. Ne. 1 Price SlQ.eou. Term ,. la hand. (Sou a year. . No. X Price l,aoo. Term 40 la baud, avuoayuar. No. 4. Pile tl.SUO. Term MW la haad. 43-V a year. A IheOoversaaeut ha reduced bar Interest to 4 per eeat., a lower rate will necessarily prevail be kanneas. beuce tbe sale and uroBtaMe investments of tbe lature will be real estate. Possi ssiun of No. land las desired, ef 3 and 4 on AprU nest. July U. W. J. BAEK. N 0TICE. Chrirtlsa lAmll heirs'! MolE Jany. T.leTT. Ia lbeOswtof Commua Plea of Somerset Count r. Writ of partil ioal Cselseide. Hershey, defendant and Jooa Bslsbaagh I v. Edwin Deal asm H. f , Hershey. J To Edwia Deal aad H. Yon are sanreby BntlBed that a writ de partition! fsciesMio Issued out of the Court of Comm. Plea of shsmerset Cet, tested 41 dsy of July. Ian. to ma directed, commanding ma to mase mnnaa ss in aCeijrJc. of tPbT-m he raaiJot." th partM totcreeaed hi mki busda IX tbey will be present alter as lag neea uuir wsrosu awe ssfuu Ysusre tbrsstee antlAsd that aa loquittina IUWWWWIPIBW,ll.M," ' " ' " Tp. Uiimsiset c Pa., oa rbarsuay the Mtb day ut august, m. v. is, i. a uss wo - - . - af said day ts make part H km betweeu the mid pisiatlOs assi yon tae sssd Edwia Deal bum H Hersbey, of th followinglauds, wbKh yoa aad tbe sukd plahMiff umiinrlded so WoW. to wM: A tract of lead Mtaate la OreeasUls Tp-, Beat erect Co.. Pn . euatamlng 4 acres, more or le warranted lathe name ef Adam Ealer end mu eated to Uvlhartead Witt. Ith April lf. OEOHQE W. PILE. July IL SaarbT. SOAP PATENTS. F. A. Lehmana, SoUrltor of Patents, Watblag too, D. C. !o patents no pay. Send Ibr CUra-Ur- AprU la, 1 year WE WILL: all one sad eao-naif si i. innas, m t rearn ml ever seen fi 41 on. They are mounted tn s He Ma k sua el aad gold mats, oval opening and oatssU any. thing now bslore tbe putdie. Satutaetam guarab teed. Two sami4es turb cents, or six lor So cents Semi le cents for grand illustrated catalogue with chromoof Moualili the Rhine, or amu nr two landscapes and Calla Llllies na black ground. J. LATH UAH a. Co.. 4IS Wulusjgtoa St. Bo. t.iu.Massacbasetia, Hea.l(uarter l'hr-4o., ' works A FOR TUN E. s k i t t QREAT INDUCEMENTS TO -ENCOURAGE IMPROVEMENTS. - FOB SALE: CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. IX THE NEW EXTENSION or BEDFORD, NEAR THE SPBIXOS. Will offer at private sale at low price aad oa easy term and euaditluna, via : Only Ona-flftrt Cash Raqulrod on Purchase, Balance Payable in 1, 3. 3 and 4 YEARS, dual payments in Bonds, wilh Interest at six per cent, per annum, payable e mi-ana eally, secured by mortgage. 1 he owner offering to the purchaser (II desired), A SPECIAL Ol'ARANTEE lliat at the explratloa of Ihe Ibur years, should the purchaser be dissatisfied with hi purchase, will rel und the original purchase ass. .est a ex pressed In ihe receipt (or deed In ihe hand ef Messrs. Kussel A Iymgenecker until ail th pay ments are made!, and hare the lot or lot recon verted on payment ol original purchase amount, providing iho lot or Iota are free from meum ranees, seme as when bought Irom owner. For particulars, apply to P BENEDICT. Or Rt'SSELL A LONOEN ECalEK. June. Bedford, Pa. A SSION EE'S NOTICE, Catherine Walker, of the bsrnuah of Mevera- dale, Somerset Co.. Pa., having made s volunta ry assignment to roe. tor the benent of her credi tors, by deed of a May last. Notice H hereby given to all who are indebted lo her to make Im mediate iiaymenl. aad those having claims against her to present them duly ant lien ttcaied tor settle ment u the umlersigned at hi odlee la Sumerssr, ou Saturday, July XI. VALENTINE RAT. June U. Assignee. STATEMENT OF THE SOMERSET MORHt'OH Khuol (Islrirt. (br the year ending June Ju. 1a77. an aim. Bal. on hand at last settlement,. 14 0 From State appropriaiioa. 17'i tt Fromei Hectors Lisw 41 From Josiah Keller. W Total receipu r.i a kxrusuiTcaxa. Salaries of teachers l.r 00 Janium. luel snd coatuigeacies Ut v Repuirs to pripperty Wl il Warrants kir payment of certiA- cat S-J7 TT Vnpaid warrants oi last year, p.! ill this rear aw et Salaries of Trees, and See S 7 T..U1.... t 1.S43 UAS1LITIKS or Dirruicr. Ihie on outstaniling warrants.. .$ 571 S Due oa ouutamlltg eerttneale. IU 43 Total luhilil ies of li Istiict Sl43 BEsnracxii or oibtrh T. Amount ilue from enllectnrs 1 :' It Net surpla lo creilitof district lor the new year t M3 july4 AS X the recovered dyspeptics, biliou suf ferers, victim ef lever al diseased patient how tbey leouveied health, ebeerrul spirit ind giwd spostile ; they will tell you by taking Siuwone' Liv en RciirLATiia. Th Cheapest, Psrstt aad Best Family ledicis In i th Worid. DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaun dice, Bilious attacks, S II :K H E ADACH E. tdle, Depressiim of Spirits, SOI H STOMACH, Heart Burn, Ac., Ac. This unrivaled Southern Remeily I warraated n to contain a sing le particle of Mercury, or any insurious mineral substance, but I , I't'RlXT TEBETABLE, containing those Southern R. awl Herb, which aa allwise Pmviilenee ha placed m enuntnes where Liver Inseases moat prevail, fl silt cur all Diseases cast by derxnrement sf th Liver ass) B"ue SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint ares Ni ter or bail taste in the mouth : Pain In the Hack, Sides or Joints, sites mistaken toe Rheumatism ; Sour Stomieh : Loss of Apetlte ; Bowel altern ately ecstive ami lax : Headache : Lose of mums ry. with a painiul sensaiMi of savin tailed us dc something which ought to have beea done ; Dobllt tv, Isiw plrils. a thick yellow appearance of the s'kia and Eve, a drv sough often mistaken lur Ousumptlnei. M.essuises saaay sf these rymptoms stlew.1 the disease, atotliers very lew ; but tbe L1V Est. tk largest organ la the body. I geBeraily the seat sf disease, and il not regelated In time, great sailer lag. wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. Teaareeomsaend asaaenseuesaue remedy lor .lis easeuf the Liver, Heertliura and Dyspepsia, Sim mons' Liver Regulator, Lewis . raven. 1M Master Si rest. Assistant Pom Master, Pallaues phia. "WehuvetesteJ It esasa. psrssually. end know that Ibr Dvspepeia, Bllauensss. sad rnroe blng It Is the beat medicine Ihe world oversaw. We have tried forty esheriemeuieeee fure Simmons' Liver Regulati. but swne of them gave us umre then temporary relief ; nut th Reg ulator, net imlv relieved, Imt cured ua.'' Ed. Tcl a.ura sab Massaauaa, Macen, Ua. I5A.D BREATH! Nothing I so unpleasant, aediiog so esmmon.a bal breath, and in nearly every ease It somes from the stomach, and can be se easily esrreeted If yoa wiU take Simmons' Regulator. I, not neglect "J sure a remed; lor this repulsive disorder. It will aim improve your Appetite, Comptexiaa, ami gen eral Health. SICK HEADACHE. This distressing amietioa occur most frequent ly. The eleturbaneeol the stomach, arising ma imperteetly digested content, eaeseo a severe pala in the head,accomnled wilh dlsegreeeble nen seu, ami thlseoosliiuteewh-rt ta popularly kaowa ne sick Head seep 1'uv prompt reiwt Tits sijrar Ljtst EsuUtor. a KJlis s Crawdy o MALARIOIS FEVERS. BOWEL COM PLAINTS. DYSPEPSIA, MEN rALDtPREl. S ION. RESTLESSNESS JAI NlllCK. NAI' SEA, SICK HEADACHE tJOLJC, CONSTV PATlONaal UlUOCSNESS, IT HAS NO EQUAL. ASSVAcrsaanaakr av J. H. ZCIUMACO-, PHILDAEaJ'BIA. pa. Pri-1.0O. SJw try ail Druggist. July 4. pUBLICSALE. ty virtu of icier of the Cert of Oiusm v-l,,, m .ad lor the Cesmty. of Sosaerse Ptv me dtrmied. 1 win expose lo public sale, on i- l -..I-., i..;.. -. IUT7 it 1 o'rtoek -- at the mm of John J. Weller kn Jsechsuiesb-c, tbe WW r-tl --: A wcrtai. ba J"2J"Z t;aasefmso. iu ' " r erset County. Ps- aavlnsj a two-story nous and a. Al-s snsi. lot oi rcuwd mtaate ia Suwasslv Towuehip, known a mi No. 1 la MeehMtei.urg.. w. - two-atorv tnereou erected. .... , j TER.uS.-Oue-thlrd m hand. one-Ulmf b da. mouths, ami one-ibsns ! rnss yes wees dsy sale, with interest su llmdererred payment from, ihsdsvof sale, to be secured by ludgment bonds. Tea per eeatet haad money to be mud usee nrop-. ,rt leaked dowa. 9CH,nr. J 1 A1a of Joa. J. Weller. MII.TM?H SUUUUUUJI ague. l;;f