Tiie Somerset Herald. WEDNESDAY. Hijt ,wrr- BtrCBUClI CCTT COMMITTEE. Addison 8. A.. Dean. Allegheny Joa BradiRum. BrotUersvalley C. F. Ravman. Berlin B. F. Rayman. Confluence W. A. Kooutx. Conemaugh Levi Yoder. . Elklick 4Jeo. Lowry. Greenville A- J. Sioner. Jefferson Henry Lohr. Jenner F. G. Jenncnown A. a Iveut. Urimer Joob Zall. Lower Turkey t-Fred. Dumbold. Middlecreek-John Boucher, Millord Samuel Cntch field. Meyersdele-J. C. Yuliy. Nonhanipton-D. O. Bowman. New Centreville Leroy Scott. New Baltimrre John George, Paint Peter Hoffman. Quemahoning Albert Berkey. feliade Joseph Cable. rMoytowa-. W. Pugh. Southampton Levi Kennel, fruwycreek Jacob i. tgle. Summit Coraeliu Shoemaker. Salisbury Michael F. Saith. Somerset Tp.-Cbarlet Menser. Somerset Bor Joaiah Keller. Ipper Turkey foot. Freeman iounkln. I' rains J. 8. Sutherland. Welleniburg Michael Long. OFFICE TO BIS YOTSD POR. One person or District Attorney. One person tor County Surveyor. One pen lor Poor House Director. The Republican Primary Election m be held on Saturday. May 26, 18.7. The following the meeting held on Maj 4lh 1 8.0. are still in rorce and are published for the in struction ot those holding the elections, "lit. That the poU" Pl'ned on1 the usual places of holding elections fixed by2d.W That the Republican voters oJ each district shall elect their member of the County Committee and the two additional officers to hold the primary election. 3d. That when they were not elected at the previous election, the ccrr.mittee man tor each borough and township, shall select the two other persons to assist in holding the primary election in Uicir re epective districts, and the comamieeman shall act as Judge and make the return ot election. . 4th. That the committeeman be re quired to make a list of tbe Republican vWrs o the borough or township in which he lives, and have the same present at the election, and designate thereon every person; and Many person not named thereon be judged entitled to a vote, his name be added to said I list and the Jact stated, and that the said list be produced before the leturn judges when they meet. . . 5th. That all Republicans be required to vote in their proper districts. 6th. That no person be allowed to vote unless known to have voted with the Re publican party, or who can produce salia factory evidence ol that fact, fc The return judges must place the re turns in the hands ot the Chairman on or before Tuesday evening. May 29th. J. G. Ooi.tr, . I. Sccxl, Secretary. Ch'm. Co. Com. Ice -cream to toe front. Fnoos are now in season. Pbcoratios day to coming. GrrfliE may be expected next Soda water is beginning to bus. The "Blue Glass" wait ia the latest. The buds are beginning to shoot look out Upward the course ot wheat takes it way. 2 00 pounds of Wool wanted by Geo. It Parker. The second of May this year brought with it snow. Cardixai. red parasols will be the style this summer. Soda tou mains are expected to pan out big this year. Short of change the man who has but on shirt The lilacs will soon fill the air with their fragrance. Bed bug poison and seed potatoes are in the market nioHEsT market price paid fur Wool by Geo. R. Parker. Of G88 Inmates of the western peniten tiary four only are female. Bare ball appears to have died out as fur at Somerset is concerned. Somerset is at present the dirtiest town of its size in the Stale. Htm book thieves carry on their bus iness extensively in Altoona churches. Four young boys fishing between the Stnystoan and town bridges on Sunday. Fuvk up and going higher. Cook A BnsBTe. Miujkert at Fashion Bazar. Mna. Jab. B. Tredwkll, Ko. . Mammoth Block. tWl have to fine Alderney calves lor sale. Joviaic Sbafer. Now the good little Sunday school boy pockets his fishing line and starts out lor School. Bora I put in the water. ued (or wash ing gingham and highly colored prints w ill preserve the colors. Lat off your flannel. Ex. We won't do it wewae. to be clothed with more than charity. EriwoFAL service will be held in the Good Templar s Hall on Sunday, May IS, IS,,, at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Gekts' summer Underwear at Fashion Bazar. Mr. J. B. Teedweu. ISo. C, Mammoth Block. Mr. Jacob Petersor. at Btaotoa Mills, is still engaged in the business ol supply ing Sunday schools with Books, Bibles, Ac. Call and aelCe your account at Fashion Mrs. Ja. B. Trrdwkll. No. . Mammoth Block. Steers Drug Store ha been greatly improved by a new cuat of paint Psrt of the wood work i painted ia imitatkua of French walnut ; a neat job. Guts drea Skirts, lanndried sad an laaDrirud at Faahioa Bazar. Mr, i. B. Tredwell. No. a, Maaasaoth Block. Mr. W. P. Kooser calls "tickets." and punches in the presence ot the paaseagaire oa the Somerset A Mineral Point Railroad tats week, during the temporary aiaeace at conductor Sanner. Louts hind of nat ural to see Put there agaia. Op all tbe good temperance meeting held ia the county, the Shanksville meet- fug beaU fbem ll. Tu first meeting there were 19 persons signed the pledge, the second night it, aad the third Bigot 84, snaking a toul of 9uo signers at tbara Dwetingt. Tbe rood people of that h and Vicinity have Ulea bold ol the work with a will and are doing a aoble work. The meet inns were addreiwed br Messrs. Hay, Srbrock, SthelL Coffroth, Colours. ! The singing, thank to the choir, wa of l the be. , i Xaw Uitof'Niitltwis, Trimmings, Fanry 1 timiU, Ac. at FaMitnn Bazar. . . ' Mna J tl Tinwm . No. 0 Mammoth Iiknk. Jo. Danifx is now prepared to do cardiug and lulling, weaving and spinning in the ben manner and on the aborted no tice, at Beam's Fulling MilL He ha fsken thj mill for three years. There will 1 no term of the United State District Court at Pittslwrgn, in May, nor any aeaoioa of the court in June, at Williarofport owing to the tact that the appropriation ia exhausted.. The Siate Tanners' Association metal HaniMmiy last TutwUy. The principal ol ject of ihc meeting was to devise means to prevent the butchers from imposing cut and wortbk-at bide on tanners. The Auditor-General has hunted Up a law pasted in 1649. providing lor the tax ation of patent medicine and the like, which be proposes to enforce It has been a dead letter lor twenty-five years. Lakd Wauhakts. Soldiers of the war ol 1812. or otnrs who have land warrant they with to sell, can get the highest mar ket price lor them by addressing Col. G. L. Eherhart, New Brighton. Beaver Co., Pa. Ikimaka, Indiana county, was raided by thieves on Sunday night last C. C. McClain's hardware store and W. B. Hildehrand's drug store were robbed, and two horses belonging to a man named Myers, living near the town, were stolen. The Altoona Tribune has disKOvered a day laborer in Coneiu u b bun u ;b who ia now in bis 8dib year, me father of 23 children, nearly all ol whom are living, and 42 grandchildren. One ol hi daugh ters, residing in Massacbeetts, is the mother of nine boy and ix girls. . All the new shades for the seison. Cameo, Vesuvius, Mandarin, Tilleul, ia, in Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Ties. Ac., at Fashion Bazar. Mrs. J. B. Tredwell. No. G. Mammoth Block. On Thursday evening. May lOih, the company recently recruited at this place will meet tor the purpose ot electing offl cera and being mustered into the National Guard of Pennsylvania. Col. Chill Haz ard aud Lieut Young will be In at tendance to conduct the election. Don't fuil to lie on hand. '- ArrivaloI Spring and Summer Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at the well known Shoe Store ot Sol I'hl, Mammoth Block, where you can buy at the lowest citsli price. Don't fail to call before you make your purchases. Sol Uhl. Somerset, Ta.. April 25, 1877. Os Sunday last a bonliand and wife named Bates parsed eastward over the P. R. It The huMliaud measures eight feet two inches, and bis better hall eight feel eight inches. He weighs 560 pounds, and site lips the beam at 3u( pounds. They didn't occupy a special car. If you desire keeping the grass from covering the pavement and choking up the gutter, simply make a strong brine, and w hen the weeds first appear, salt them down. This done a few times will com pletely destroy them and save considera ble hard work during the summer. Here Is something for people with strong understandings : To remove the disagreeable odor caused by excessive perspiration, place about two tablespoon -fuls ol compound spirits of arnmt nta in a basin of water. Washing with this leaves the skin as neat, clean and tresh as any one could winh. The wash is harmless, nd very cheap. A salety envelope to prevent tampering has bten devised. On the flap the words "attempted to open" are printed with a double set ot chemical, the first impres sion containing nuttialls, and the second green vitroL It' the flap be steamed or moistened in any way the magic printing will apiear. Post office clerks and other inquisitive lolks will beware bow they tamper with sealed packets. Cash and low prices is the ryslem upon which some of our merchants and mechan ic are now conducting business. The cah system is an advantage to both seller and buyer, and the sooner this tact is re alized by everybody the better. The merchant can sell cheaper because be gets pT for all hi goods, and the consumer can buy cheaper on account ol his paying the cash. Evert Soldier. Every soldier, wid ow, orphan, lather, mother, brother and sister, should send a three-cent stamp to Col. G. L. Eberbart, New Brighton, Beaver Co.. Pa., lor copy ot hia Sol dier's Bulletin, which contains informa tion of importance to almost all soldiers who survive the war for the Union, and to the relatives ol those who died in the army and navy. White, amootb and soft any lady's hands, arms and necks may become, who use Glenn Sulphur Soap, riinplesor other disfigurements ot a complexions! nature, are surely obliterated by this healthful promoter ol beauty. Depot Crittenton' No. 7 Sixth Avenue, N. i Hill Uaii- and Whisker Dye. black or brown, 50 cents. It is found br ornithologists that the male bird uiigrate north about a week before the hen, and when not disturbed in a nesting ground, will return to the same place for years. Evergreen swamp are the localtte in which the birds are to be found first as they are warmer than other ret'.ons. tlnoies ana Dooolinas are the last to arrive, and do not greet u with their song nnlit about May 8. Ri-st ik steel, All that is required to take rust out ot steel is to place the article in a bowl containing kernaene oil, or wrap the steel op in a soil cloth well aaturateo a ith keroaene; then scour the rutty spot with brkkdutt If badly rusted. ute salt wet with hot vinegar; at lersw Hiring, rinse everv particle of onckdust or sa.i un witu boiling hot water; dry thoroughly; then polish off with a clean flannel doth and a utile sweet oil. Xc Soldier of 1812. There are a nuin her ot soldiers of tbe warot 1812 still liv log. 'fbey will be interested lo learn that tbe but Leciklalure ot thia Slate has in created the annuities, ptittioos, &c, of the soldier ot the war ot 1812. Tbe act takes effect from January 1st 1877. and the sum is iacreaaed to $75 per annum, payable to the soldier or bis widow, but only payable to tbe widows as lung as they remain wid ows of the dtcejaed soldier of the war ol 1812. This is boose-cleaning time, and the la dies will thank u lor tbe following, pro vided it ansa era the purpose. - We find the recipe in tbe HcuiUiJie American : To clean paint, take 1 oz. pulverized bo rax, 1 lb. small pieces beet brown soap,aad 3 quarts ot wau-r; let simmer till the soap i duaolved, stirring frequently. Do not let It boil. Use with piece of old flannel. and rinse off a uoa as the paint w clean. Thia mixture is also good for washing clothes. Am act passed ia tbe last arsstoo of the Bute Legislature, has been sif..Td by the Governor, and become a law, requiring justices of tbe peace and aldermen to rea der judgment wllbin da days after all ev idence shall have beea beard. Heretofore the law required judgment to be rendered in twenlv oars, sod this chance b one that sboukl be remembered by all naving sun pending, or who expect to have business ot this kind to attend to. It may be well tor ail to bear this matter in mind, ao a aot to be "cangbt napping. Acetwr flower. Tbe most miserable being la the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia aad Liver Omplaiot More thaa seventy-five per cent ol the people ia the United Slates are afflicted with these two diseases snd their effects: such ss Sour stomach. Sick Headache. Habitual Costivenesa, Palpitation of the Heart Heart Burn, Ws'.er.bnuh. ruv ingand burning pain at the pit of the Stomach. Yellow Skin. Coated Tongue aad disagreeable taste in tne mania, aaav ing up of teod after eating, ktwepirita, te. Go to yonr Druggist. G.- W. BeafUrd, aad get a 75 cent bottle ofAcooaT flea-' Ett or a sample bottle IV 10 atti Try it rTwo sVes will relieve yon. . ' More new Millinery at Fashion Bam this week. Call aad see it Mrs. J. B. Trsdwelu No. 6, Mammoth Block. Doh't anybody clean the street ia front of their residence this year ; it might girt the Iowa a clean and heaJtby ,!ok ae4 at tract stranger. We don't want any stran gers hero, because they always contrive to fat some money ham h a they 1 ar, aad if we have money, we are apt ut have the love of money which w are solemnly as (tired is the ru-4 ot all eviL Now remem ber aad nader ao eonaideratloa remove an ash heap or my other pile of robbkh. . ...... ' - ' 1 T ..-, Hail Stobj. A terrific haU atom pissed evr Washington, Pa., last Satur day afternoon, Mnashinc skylight, ruin tag hot. bed sad filling kitchens aad par lor with toot . The Dmtig HftrUr say a, lor a little while rain fall ia torresta,. fol lowed by such a fall of bail as is seldom wituessed in this latitude. When the storm was over bushels i4 solid hail stone as large as hulled walnuts could have been gathered, every lump round and solid sa a bullet Vandalism. The cemetery north ol town i a favorite resort lor youngsters, and some who are not so younz, on Son- day - afternoon. .Many ot having: ao respect for the dead nor apoax enily fear ol the living, have broken down the shiubbery, chipped the monument, destroyed the fence, and 'despoiled the graves of flowers.' Such conduct i rep rehensible in the highest decree and wa understand that a number of toe citizens of the town intend taking the matter in hand add have these vandals dealt with accord ing to law. Si icidk. On las Weinesday the citi zens in the neighborhood of West New ton, were thrown into a state of excite ment ty the announcement that Adam Baker, a farm laborer, residing' about three miles east of that place, had commit suicide by cutting bis throat w 1th a ra; 0 . W e learn that the deceased had been la boring nnder abei r.tion, t.1 tie mind fcr some time past snd on several occashNi bad made attempts to take his own life. The deceased leaves a wife and five ch k dren. Horace Greeley's advice was "young man go west" In the language of the departed philosopher we will say "young man when you want anything in the line ot Furnishing Goods go . to PiUilG. No- wag a cheap uoot, buoe, tlat and r ur nishine Store, Main street Berlin, Pa. The west offer no greater inducements than Mr. Nowag Is offering in Boots, Shoes, Caps. Shirts. Hoaieiy, Suspenders, Collar. Neck Ties, Gloves, Jewelry, Ac There is "no wag" about him, he means business. "Short prcfil and quick sales," is his motto. O. K. Berlis, Pa.. April 30, 1877.";I' ' '- The 30th of May is Decoration Da-. sod Goveror Hanranft, a Coramander-io Chief of the National organization ot tbe Grand Army ot the Republic, has issued a general order designating JaayiHJtn a Memorial Day, in which he says 4 , Wher ever there are no Posts or tbe Grand Army to lead in the good work, tbe Com- mander-in Chief, in behalf ot their sur viving comrades, asks citizens to take steps to decorate the graves of the s gallant dead, and secure a proper observance of the day. ...... "Fkog n tbe mile house.' Tbe boys have lately taken to a new game, new to us, under tbe above caption. The boys form in a circle with their feet set as tar apart as possible, when one of them touches another and starts of at full speed, followed by number two, who must keep exactly in tbe tracks of the leader who twists in and out ot the circle and when ever he can get lar enoagh ahead drops do n on his bands and knees and passes between tbe legs of one of tbe boys form ing tbe circle. Tbe middle ol tbe street or some other equally doMv place is always chefl, the boys apiearing to think tbe more dust the more fun. Hate toc a coroa ? That dry, hack ing cough is the herald of approaching consumption. To check the swift, pro gress of the destroyer, prompt snd deci sive measures must be resorted to. A doe of Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tsr, Wild Cherry and Horebound, taken when the coughing spells ceme on, will 'afford Im mediate relief, and eventually effect a thorough cure. It will be found equally beneficial in all forms of throat and lung disorder. Incases of croup it is of in estimable value. For sale by G. W. Ben ford. Also Agents for Prof. Parker' Pleasant Worm Syrup, which never fails. Yv nt to take, snd requires no physic, cents. Price 23 A Wosder woreiks Remedy. N remedial agent has ever been offered to tbe sick and debilitated at all comparable to Hosteller s Stomach Bitters, in cases ot re millent and intermittent fevers, coos tins tion. nervous ailments, rheumatism, and disorders involving constitutional weak ness or physical decay. It literally ''works its spirituous basis holds in solution, act like a charm upon the stomach, and through the stomach n poo the brain, liver. bowel and nervous system. There is nothing in its composition that is not sa lubrious. It contains some ot the most potent tonic ot tbe vegetable kingdom and the juices ol tbe best aperient and an li bit tous roots and herbs, combined with perfectly pure stimulating element Tbe Bitters are peculiarly adapted to those en gaged in exhausting or unhealthy occupa tions, as by its use strength is sustained snd the sbility ot the system to resist at- i . . i ' a i.ii mospoeric ana outer lauaeaccs , piejuui- cmi to acatm largely increaseo. ; To the rtTBLic. Anything worth re ceiving ia worth asking lor. Through the medium or the press, I retarn laaat the public for the liberal patronage of the paot two year and respectfully solicit a continuance ot the same. I have just received from the eastern cilie the largest best assorted and cheap est stock ot goods aver brought to the county. Kocoursged by past success, I have added a lull lineoi Ladies and Genu Jew elry, Gloves, ic., to my other Mock, aad now offer for sale at my store room. Main street, Berlin, fa., the largest assortment aa well aa the best and cheapest stock ot Boots. Shoes. Hals, Caps, Ladies and Genu Jewelry. Fnraiahing Goods. Leaih er, Shoe Findings, &c, to be found in tbe county 1 am selling Mens vary beatstoga shoes attl 73; Mens' good aloga shoes at 11 35 Boy beat stoaa boot at SI 25 - loulha. best atoga boots at 85C ; Women" pegged"! shoe at at tt ' Women ' aeweai inilera at $1 50 : Women' morrocco gait ers at tl 24 : Women' kid or morrocco croquet slippers at f 1 ; Mens' very best butt Creole gaiters at ; Mens nne wnite shirts al 1 ; bark sheep ahias per dot at 3 7a to ao ; Tampico morrocco, trench, oiled, or pebbled by the akin at $2 50 lo S3 73. All other goods at corresponding low ngures, cheap lor cash. All cooes warranted to five satisfaction Xo trouble to show good. Don t fail to call and examine stuck and prices before purchasing elsewhere. . ; tery reapeotlully, . ' . 1 Facl G. Nowao Bebxix, Pa., April !7, 1877. l , . . ' mtrn I'H'oj TOE RlflTORT OT A Tin T A WoiAJt. It a But an uansuai thing fur a woman to have her mouth charged with pins or need les, or for her to convert k in to a regular howitzer, loaded wim a cartridge of need lee and pins. An old bachelor might remark that it were better la many instances lor a lady's mouth to be filled with something tangible, though imioied at oae or both ends, than to Us occupied by the goaaip of the day. lie that as it. may, we have no doobt that our readers will all agree that the swallowing of pins or needles is a feat not often perlurmed by the fair sen inteav tionally. However we hear tellofapia or needle or button, in the wind pipe oo- caaionaliy. but the obstraclioo alway is acadentai. la the latl ot 1574, Mr, lun ula E. Pool, wife of W. 8cou Pool, of this place, aoctdeaully swallowed a pin. It lodged in ner laruai, ptnat down ward, her husband says, aad ia the euuiaa of time worked down rnto her left aide, thence acrusstoher ikht side aad back again: ibei.ee down and up again, over the same coarse twice. IhcRoe bito her lett SBOulder and tbeac to h hsaaat, - lanaksdialaty abuv her breast boae and nnder aar chin. when oa Monday aftcraooa ot last week, two eart and a halt after she had swal lowaal n, it anurawa um sEia, ana anc, recMgatziag her- taMsneSMos; pailsd it not The nnstand aavs the -win arsa- -brtrM aver; llwogh lawful at r. could trace V3T. ttnavemcat uf tha vT;isnrses drivea by a colored man In tne em- irom laa paua she eaperieacad. On occbimm. when u wandered Bear net aaf she was thrown into oaaivalainas, which would laat for dava. Horal Plaa are lav digestible. The mouth waa not ia tended tor a pin conbioe. Irerre! aevtrrr. 1 ini otrrica or Jimest. 4 Ws fiva below an opinion as to the da ties ot juror givta by hi Honor Jodie Han at Bwtford. It is well that juror; s'loold know what tlicit duties and re- the acteol, not adjacent toibe gnaadeof spooalbilifiet are. and we commend it to V institute, snd aoln;c-ied by the scho J. Oir readers. .-i . . ." . for the sum of $5,000. Work upon tbe , , . . , , JW baildtng ha been resumed. It will Tie2mn"w1 of Pennsylvania & occupancy next September. vs. F. C. A Idea aad George 8. Bamlia. - - mm Om i aad order of Court ' mltoa Decoratmm DxT.-We hare beea ra Scott W. Ake aad Joseph .Weaverlmg, to quested by a number of oar citizens to la- paneled aad tworn in tbe case of the Coin a ion wealth vs. Aldea and Hamlin, an ia dictment tor ; teloaiona . embezzlement Alter being charged, the jury retired to their 100m oa Wednesday afternoon. Wot being agreed at tbe hour of adjourn ment they vera gristed permission to seal their terJict and bring it into Court on Thursday morning. This permission was granted with tba consent of counsel for defendant. ' By order of Court, made several years since, on the occawon ot a similar trouble, no jury ia permitted to reader a sealed verdict except with consent of counsel, and such consent is to be considered a waiver of the right to pull the jury. The Jury having informed tbe officer In whose custody they were tbst they had agreed on and had sealed their verdict they were permitted to separate about 11 O'clock r. M. On the morning of Thursday, when tbe Court assembled, the tipstaff in charge of the jury made complaint that during the . .. mgnt hours eavea-dropper beset the door ot the Jury roum. aad that he w thrice sppruached by the counsel for the defend ants to give him information as to how tbe Jury stood ; and before tbe jury came into the box to deliver their verdict the coon sal for detendanu presented a aritien re quest to have tbe jury polled, and denied that be had agreed to the sealing of the verdict The agreement of counsel not having been noted of record, the Court with some reluctance ordered the jury to be polled, whereupon the respondenu distenled Irom the sealed verdiu. The crime charged being a felony, and the jury having been separated for a nam bet of boors, thia diaaeot made it necessa ry to discharge the jury aad to bold the delendanu to bail for appearance and trial at the next session. And the whole circumstances ot the case wearing so grave a suspicion, these rules were granted on the jurors aforesaid to ahow cause why they should not be punished as for contempt tor having as sented lo a veidict in order to induce the officer to allow tteui lo separate, with in tent afterward to dissent in Court, and thus thwart the due course ol justice. They have put in answer alleging, that after they bad agreed to the sealed verdict and sepvaled, they were unable to sleep by reasons ot conscientious scruple snd regrets and that tbey could only obtain relief ot mind by dissenting ; that the as sent was honest al the lime and not a feigned agreement to obtain a discharge, and that they only subsequently dissented, impelled by a conscientious conviction of duty after hours ot reflection. , It this is so, the rules must be discharg ed. ' If the jury declare themselves agreed when they were not in order to induce the officer to permit them to separate, or if one Juror should declare his assent with intention afterwards to disteai in court. Ibis would be a great misdemeanor, and render the persons liable to summary pun ishment" Chief Justice Shaw, ol Mass., ia Lawrence vs. Suauss, 11 Pick, pp. 501 That a juror might agree without due reflection, and allerwards have a different view of the case, and might be impelled by a high sense of duty to change his ver d'Ct is true. And such a change Irom such a motive, whilst it would argue weakness in assenting, would deserve commendation. . - - - Bui ia view of the fact that a mis trial results in great expense to the county, and to the whole public who are in attendance at Court, and in great additional labor to the Court and counsel, the contingency of a mistaken assent and subsequent change of; mind, ia ve.-y much to be re gretted. ; ..- - If the idea were suffered to prevail that jurors are at liberty to agree in tbe jury room and afterward to dissent in court. that this is a riichl they have to exercise at their discretion, it would result in i enormous expense to the county and in serious impediment in the administration of justice. - - The respondenu, however, deny that they were approached by any one with the suggestion "or solicitation that they should dissent lo uoun. . -And although it is clear from tbe affida vits of tbe tea remaining juror aa well a from the answer of the respondents, that , they agreed voluntarily, and without be ing forced into acquiescence br any im proper means, and after a full ducussion and deliberation extending from 5 o'clock to 11 o'clock r. sc., nevertheless under their affidavits that they changed their minds after further reflection from con- acienikMis conviction of duty, there be ing no positive proof to the contrary, the rules must be discharged. The oath of jurors ia to render a true verdict according to the evidence, unless they are discharged by the Court They have no right to separate until they are tally agreed, a he law requires a unani mou verdict "And in order to avoid in terference and causeless delay the jury are to be kept without meat drink, fire or candles, until they are all nnanimausly agreed. a Blaca.com pp. 073. "If a jury eat or drink at all or have any eatables about them, without consent ol court, and before verdict It u finable. th. But the more modern practice is to al low the jury all these articles, and to al low them tunher to seal their verdict when they come to an agreement during the interval ol court and to separate and assemble when the court sits, to render a verdict in open court All this has grown up into practice out ol a spirit ol leniency aid kindness toward jurors so that they may endure no more discomlorttnan is re- ally necessarv. But the English practice of Uklng a privy verdict (equivalent to our sealed verdict) which had begun before Black stone s tuna, is characterized by him "dangerous practice allowing time tor par ties lo umper with tbe jury, and therefore very seldom allowed. 3 lilac, torn. 377. And Huston, Justice, in Iluidekoper vs. Cotton, 3 W atts, 59. speaks of the prac tice ot sealing verdict aa being used in some, but not used in other districts. And It is said in 2 Hale, Pleas of the Crown, pp. JU0. that a jury verdict can not be taken in cases of treason aad felo ny The Court has power to allow a' jury to seal their verdict without consent ol counsel The reason tor anting their as sent w that the right to poll tbe jury may be waived. - ' -' The great expense and labor of second trials can only be certainly avoided by compelling jurors to remain together until their verdict Is rendered in open toun, unless a sealed verdict is tsken with the con ent of the defendant aad with a waiv er ot the right to pott tba tory. It. aa aliened by counsel, a defend .nt cannot waive such right in a case of felo ny, then in such case tbe jury ought iwt lo be allowed to seal their verdict It Is ordered that hereafter in cases of telocy the agreement of counsel to seal the verdict aball Da la writing, ana accom panied with an express waiver ot the right to poll the jury and. that no sealed verdict shall be permitted la a case oi iti- ony unless with such waiver er consent. This may work hardship oa subsequent jurors, which must be charged ap against lbs vacillation of taeas respondenu ana the failure ot the defendant's attorney to abide by bis agrm". The opportunity ol tampering viui jaror la very manliest ine ascertain ment ut the juror to wnuta awm con veyed the Informal ia that he ha a right to dissent irons a- sialid s-ardki, seem to be practicable by eaves-dropping accord la c to Ihe UfTorniation given by the tip staff in charge of this jury. A single weak minded or corrupt juryman may ne cessiutc a second trial. Tba contingency ought to be guarded aaaiaat II then is no other way open to te sccomplish it it must be done by refus" tag to other j ajura, the privilege ot seal ing verdict - stole avenargea. .. . ... ? - By the Conrt. Wm-Mw-Uall. .- . v frea'l Judge. Read mis. Read adverUsemeat h?a: cd "Jat iVar Tier." . i (la halurdav last a team ' of yonni ploy af Mr. Peter friaVyavrtd oaa run downhilL The chok atraa cat oa of Use none broke and the collar slipped for- arard. atartiasT the horse : consequence. Tkidly mashed boggy and a badly bmieed gvmmaa of color. Westers Pcnna. Classic' sad Stientt fic Institute. Rev. N. B. Cntt afield, act ios in behalf of the Building Com mine, has sold all of the property belonging to ments lor tbe aunrutiriale celebratioa ot Memorial day ; in accordance with which it is desired that a meeting of thus willing to tax.icipate ha held at the arbitration room on Wednesdar evening- Mar 9th. Last yiar there was bnt two or three days notice given and in all probability had ft not been for th untiring efforts of two or three of our energetic citizens the beauti ful custom of having the graves of oar honored head, who fought the good fight and rest in leace, decked with wreath and strew i with flowers would have been negl. cted. Tne orenizauut was aot by any mean perfect, but it ia intended on the present occasion to make more complete arrangements. Those of our soldier "boys ' who are yet spared to the world. Cannot afford to forget the memory of dead comrades who shared in the march, the biv ouac, and the fight. It i to be hoped that (Somerset will not be negligent la this sa cred duly, aad that the meeting on Wedueautr night to appoint tbe prorer coniniiuer mua make all netxaaary ar ranKia u. UW.lt be composed ot a goodly number t -rets aad citizens who will take an interest in preparing aad carrying wul the programme lor Decoration Day. To CoxsuxrTrTES. Consumption, thtt scourge of humanity, is the great dread of the human family, in all civilized countries. 1 feel confident that I am In possession ol the only sure, intallable Remedy now known lo the profession for the positive and speedy cure of that dreaded disease, and iu unwelcome concomitants, vix. Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, fcc., Stc. I am an old fogy. I believe in medicine. Twenty-eight years experience as a busy practitioner, in the best Consumption Hospitals ot tbe Old and New World, haa taught me the value of proper medication, botn local and consti tutional in the cure ot this great enemy of our race. I have found it. But I am digressing. I suited out to say that those suffering with consumption or any of the above maladies, that by addressing me, giving Symplons, they shall be put ia pos session of this great boon, witXeut charge, and shall have the benefit of my experi ence in thousands of canes successfully treated. Full particulars, directions tor preparation and use, and all necessary ad vica and iimructiona for successful treat ment at your own home, will be received by you by return mail, free of charge, by addressing Dr. Jonn S. Burnett, 167 Jefferson Street lyr. 5-3. Louisville, Ky. Scpkkstitios. A correspondent writ ing from Jersey, Lower Turkeyfoot tp say: "What to do with the mortal re main of Mrs. Galen, who committed sui cide by banging herself, as noticed in a former issue ot the Herald, haa caused considerable excitement in this communi ty." Alter lauding Mm. Oaten, he tells of the excitement in a lengthy article that we are compelled to omit on account ot its personalities. The substance of it is how ever, "that Mrs. Galen was to be buried in the cemetery at the Jersey church, in accordance with a request made by her while in life ; while the grave was being dug, chance brought along some man of the neighborhood who objected to tbe body being buried in the church yard. Tbe husband finding himself unable to carry Into execution tbe request of his dead wile, without doing it sgainst the will of his neighbors, buried the body on his own lands. As the news of her death snd the manner of her burial became known, a number of tbe citizens had her remains moved to tbe grave yard. It ap pcarstbat the objectors sre alraid the place will be haunted by tne spirit oi tne aeao woman ; one of them denouncing her burial within the church yard as a "high banded, lawless and uncimstian act. Another has made a calculation by which he is enabled to show tbst said grave yard will be completely disgraced for the space ol 3UU yeara. AoUce has been served on Mr. John Rush, to have the remains of Mrs. Uaten removed fiom her present rest ing place within ten day or abide the con sequences. A FlTTEU IIirXDRED DOLLAB. IJCS- BA.XD. When we went to press last week, tha last case on record, tllen J JNull t Lewis A. Crsuse, wss pending. It ia an in teresting case and will be water An tbe MuTLhy mill, tor it is a true story. Mr, Crouse vs tbe propiietor of a hotel stand in New wdgTOrt wherein distilled liq uors were duu:nsed in 18.5. Un tbe Z3d of October ot that year a jolly crowd as sembled about tbe unpretentious bar. Ac cording to the testimony the cup passed irequeutly, and as the night wore ojt they began to tell upon the imbibers. When they had drank to the aalisfaction of their stomachs or purses, and the testimony does not make the distinction, they aought their virtuous (7) couches, but according to the sequel, Jtt r. David K. AU1L the hus band ol tbe above plaintiff, mistook the railroad bed ot the P. & C. R. R. for the accustomed down, and laying himself down, or propping himself up, on the track. went to sleep, unconscious ol the approach oi the messenger ol dealn, on his way from Pittsburgh, at the rate of thirty miles an hour. Tbe next morning be wss found a crushed and mutilated mass of flesh, un recognisable except by hn clothe. The widow brought suit against the proprietor of the hotel, Mr. Crouse, for damages in the sum of $5,000. General Koonu. ot Somerset, and Russell and Longenecker were counsel for the ptain- titt, and Spang. Kerr and Keynoids lor the def t. The trial occupied considerable time and the cise was ably argned on both sides. The jury were out fourteen hours when tbey came in with a sealed verdict ot fifteen hundred dollars damages for the widow. A motion tor a new trial was made, which will be heard at a special s sion of Court this evening. Crouse, the landlord, it is said, is not worth a cent, but his bondsmen. Meesrs. Dominica Linck and Greenbury Devon are respon sible. With all due respect and sympathy for the widow, it is a little rough that two innocent man should suffer for the wrong of a third fiarty in whom they had confl uence lor lair dealing, and witn wDora, with that belief, tbey entered into bond for tbe fulfillment ot the contract. It is a lesson, however, that the landlords of the country may study with profit, also the bondsmen of landlords. tunjara iafa. rtr. Tat unprecedented feat ot waltzing; Ave boars wilh-ait iniermissin was performed in New lorn ou Friday night laat by Prof. Paul Carter, lie the boa wait,- iat HABBltUO. DUPSTADT KELLER. At the res idence of Mrs. Canada, ia Buckstown, May 1. 1877. by F. R. Rankin. Mr. Geo. Dupbtadt to Mia Jennie J. Keller, both of BtonycreJi twp. IrlEIf. ROS9. On Ibe 2nd of April, 1877, Peter Ross, agedS years, months, and 8 days. - ' ' ' FARXAWALT. Xear ShanksrUle, April J, Hannah Farnawah, aged 23 earn. seaiun atAjtatanr Uorrertad by )ooa k Baaaiva. DtALeae re CHOICE GROCEMES, FLOUR 4 FEED, Apple, dried, , I Applebatter, sal .e0U Braa. 10 a M Bailer, W Bi (keg)... lSyB Batter, a (roil) at Baehwheet, at baabet is Meai, wv a - ,,. 84 Beeawax. h '" at Bacea, cauBMier, t ..........lai - em, " - " ........... . i,yi aMatry haaA a U Oara. (oar) bashol . 00 uora, (eaeMMi ei aaaDei., Uora bmm f a.....v..... Ualf akiua. y h n::::::::::: Mb . 411 EKa,ai ooa rtoar.fl bW - flaxeaed fl bw (M )... Meee-Meae. atfT Haais, (acarareai ai m lawLV B ...! aher, red sole, fi a , , ...A a-f MiddlacfrWlMtr, W -eawaaV, aasl..e. . e aTMaSakaaBa Onaefeif M ye4Hir.is ayeVba Ran. W a ... MUacvVl ,.. M ...raw tl ....at sa as Mail, I. A, f) beexua. OifBawaaal A .tam Mt 1 ' Aavhum, sr tck a..- $4 l ) avJegtaTt yOihtirW "PI e.aae.eeite '9'' ' wLatt .M!ih Tallow, at a.. Wheat. ba Wast, tj B.. a Showing the fgngktB amount erset. State of PMnsylTania, for ough by the taid Valuation. utSTfttOTS. AttrfttaW AllnrhMV Rvrlla Homarh-. Brotttararallcjr Comnaash .- Conflaaaca Smash... KUtltsft.. , OwMrtllt.. Jaaaraoa JaBaarriB Boroack .. Lartmv Lowar Tarhayfoat..... MMdlinrsih Mllfcra. - Mayersdal ItHrasah Ifsw Ovaurrtu Baratga. ITonhaaiptaa Not Bafllmr Baroack.. Pala QaMuhoatna rauanaiT Hlu4..'. Soatbaatptaa. sioayanas Rtoyxowa Hawaii Vpfwr TarkvytHA. Vntaa Raul ... Wattarstwa Total. Wa tha nndersisraad 7omminaionara Talaation of tbe aevarai object made Witneaa our baida tkia 25U daj Maya pUELIO 8 ALE. "Vr vlttna of aa order toenail by tha Coart of Oocbbmb Ptaa of SoanraK Vo,, !., tbo sudor- iinnoit Aansaosor Wsa,Moraawiacuat pa- liesalo,oa . . Wednttday, May 30, 1877, at 10 o'clock, a. au, sa th snaitois, ia Moyor. 4alo, Pa., tho tolli fa vafmati roal estate, vis : No. L. Uh lot of (ma ollaoto ki MororaOolo. Pa., kaotra oa UM giaiial Bias of said owe a lot D, aad froatlae; aaoat a at oa Coatro wroot, adjotaiac lot foraMrly owaod bf M. A. llsator, havlnc a food twootory fnasa Mid tag wlUi a om-aury oztoastsa ttMrooaoraotaa. No. a. Odo loc of srovod cltoota la th m od dltloa to said Baoifti of oydalo, oa Ibo tooth ldo of f?TaatJortyClrsik. aaowa aa No. 7 on plaa of said aaJltloa, kavlaa; a two alary hajoo daolliosj, ataMo, aad other oaihaildtags taonoai oroeioo. No. a. Twn lota rraoad kwwli u No. S tmi ia eald aoVlitloa te Ifoyervdai Boreaa, adjota- fas lot No 7, above desoribos. No.. tJ lot r eroud ke wa a lot IV. 10 te sald addltloa te taa Mweaah m Heyendalo. ad- jotnlag lot No. . shore desttff d. oa which there Uwrected a larse eeaaie two ory tram SweUlac , To aoeutrty win be Said dWoetod ot aU lleoa TaiiiaT 1 f mini of aeaTraas saaaev an ma- rnatloB of aaio ; OBe-thlrd ia sis amtlw, aad eoJaao ia oa year, with faAoreetoa deferred pay nanta. PayaMats to be leered by ladaaMat Botes. Tea per ent. of psreaa asoaay to be paid oa day ot sal. W.H. Kt PPEI . . Mr a Aaelaaea. TUBLIC SALE. dlreetloa of th Osart af Coensaoa pleaa of net (.Vk. P the aaderstarMd AJetnee of Oeorge Aekenaaa, will aU at public sale, oa Friday, June 15, 187T, at 1 o'clock, p. am., oa the prvads, ' af ra reel- ueorwo etcaw , ai inioiag fueWwlac daettibed real estate, Ti : Twp, the No o. 1 Tbo iaetad ftkrai. centaiDtna- T3 acrea, ettaate ia Qaeamahaalag rwp aU ciearwd aad ia a good Nat of eaitiraUaa, with a ae, bara, aaop, wood-aoaa. orchard aad tea acre of meadow. This farm is oa the larapikr road laad iag froa Stoyatowa la BedtorM, aa Is very de dr bio home. No. a A trart of lead ettaate ahd laTp..ad joialag Hoary Keoata, Pierce Ibr. Vyrae Berke pile aad ethera. oeetaiala; Si acres, wail Uasbend. Tenas ssad knows oa day of sale. ABKAHAIC LAMIUT, AUy. ASK YOUR TINNER Or Bardwar dealer tor th New SteRdari Euaia4CPretMrv iRi Mil; MadeoafyKy theStaadard afsavfaetartag Oe, Ptueberf , Pa. Erery ItaUle euae of eaet tcaa, warraated aad gaaraateed aot to eeatala aay ai or aay ether pihuaiac autter waat- Maj. !3".J 0 H H to 4 I BKim J I l i.hi i T.M4 1 ' i : ........... : un I v,i I sj t,M I ml .? SUM IT0.0S 13 12.0S I IHJ 4 7 l 1 14 I 3 st i u.n 1 isaU' iw! 14.1 wl l.; i' U.7a ( Sous ; .-: . M 0g, T0.1M 1 WT S7 2.jo' l.S H.ri I S.W4 ! ! , i 14.41 um! t3i asr.sii h u ; .. 4,4 itSBij , ,si ,. 4.4 S0.T4 MS9M 4,a ! iW ::nr.r::r:.::;:"::: i uS tq. ?5I . " " am 1 . u. ... 1 i I ... ... . 1.1 ,a I 1 -um ru ! - l mst A a 9 i-n A 4 jf J 4 e ! 8 ' Z e-S U O ,s5 ho S g .S S a 5 3i r? v j ' .2 J 3 t ... A. STATBMB1TT of the Assessment and Valuation of the several tov.-ihip the triennial year 1877. Also the amount ot County arid Ku: . i J j r ! $ S I? il i; - J I ' j LlL; --.J ... t:im 1,M at fa "-' .t nw j .; t mm x m 42,. ' iVi Ul.TJl 1 4IS " 1 T.I9 UX " - j , 1W "I 3S.SM vw rri t.o .i.t um .ni it'! Tw se.w w.;i t 1 rs . " u ix 4 sa-jM iaa u a.M n ii au:. 'I m 7.S4A lSOO .rU IV 50.l7 1SJT M, ISM UK3 SM . IIM 1.1 .! 1 M ! tt JUT 1.T . SJH t'Ji 1SS.4TS , SHOD W ""; S. MUl ! 17.A 1LJBT MS:1 11 ; iS' " SO . tl' j T71 ! 14 l M0 1 11 ,,08, SM S.S0 (.em ri II.SW i - it.t ktt.tm cm I saw su ' ' v.i ; as i us Mm Mrns ,! I ,44 . in lo.aiw i ! . 3.M ' m ' 2'.' . I M. IU. T.W SVITS ; SS.O tw. " M l.SM 1T,4 LSD I '. 9 21.1ST ' iJ "" l.s MM sast J I asTM:' : T46 , . ............. lm tsl$ . 4,11 as na ; ' a -JxlTS KMWt S.11S ,W S9 VSk.aW : 4UU I w j j J j j j j . j j , of Somarset CouotT certify tba aVova to be a correct statement of tbe ar?rea va!ut .,( the A-.uirrt taxable by law for County nod State ot April, 1877. A SSIOXEE'S SALE. . . "V vtrta or aa onier lanoa oat w " vwt 7 . OT r7 7 I vTZ? -.il aodortlaaod aMixaoo of .loon M. Ham ill m U Ol MMKHJ OB IM pVOIBJJOS, Saturday, June 1877, at 1 o'etoFk. B. bl, tbe foUowtaf daatilbod real 44Totw. vii: A eoitala tract of load ittaata la Soawraat I p., BoaMnotcooMr, Pa., adjotaiaa Undo of Oooris 8banr, Isaac Delta, Cbaoary LHckn, aad othars, coBtataiacllo acres, BMr or less, a boot 44 seres s oar. It acrac la no tow, wtlh ooo aad a half story too; aoaoo. tog; bara. aad outer oattMiidiairc taerooa erected, mere a obolco aonl aad other fraK also a rprias" of aerer tolhoa the bjOQeoTlt will be sold fa whole as Is deeoeed eznedteat. TitllMS. Tea per mat of the mrebaa BMocy be paid oa day of sola, one-third -laelarflae; the fa per oeat to be paid oa ooaSraatloa of sale aad delircry of deed, one-third la ! owoth aad eae. third la on year Irom dote of order, vis ; Snd of April. 1ST7. with fatereM oa deferred aaraeau to reeured by jadgmeat bond. ojjjATEH. aj Aaaiaaee. , A DMIXISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Jsbm Cook, late of Saad towuhlp, deceased. Lettenofadmiiilftratloa oa theelam estate hav ing beea graated to the BBdenlgsed by the prop er aataority, aotlce I hereby gtm tothoeela aobted to it to Btahe la-ejodlatepaj anat. aad thuoe aaTtaa; elaiau agalaH It will repeat theai daly aatbeaticated lor nettloneBt wlthoat delay ea Sataiday, My 19, 1STT, at the lat lesideac of do- JOS1A.H LOWKT. i mat Adailpletrator. '-1 ' ' ' ' I 1ST OF RETAILERS OF GOODS, W ABM jaad Merehaadise, alee, Brvkera, Brewer aad ll(lllen wlthla thetivaoty ot Somerert. retara ed aad elaerlfted by the Appraiser of M ercaaUle Tazre, lo accordance with the act of Assembly of 3J April, 14, lor the year 177. ADmaoa Terr. Stmet. Cltu. Tar. H. A. Rom fc Soa, Peteraberg U IS 0 H. L. Draa a Bro., - - 14 7 Ustoa Hre'a, L'stoeTin 1 A. ti Frey, itoajerOeld...... 1 T t ALtSOBaJTV Twr., XtntDwrr Bra', 14 7 4 . w. Urlaer. ..: 14 7 oo BaerasasvAU-sv Twr. 3. R. Boose, Pin Hill It 7 0 assxra aoaocoa. TDaalel HctBey M 1 HAAJ.U Pbilana 1. A. Brabvker ........ ' J. Pa Plot E. J. Poerbaserh a i4on.. ............. . a Cook Meyers........ P. Q. NowaeT. .... M. .... Johneua a Soa. Philani a Bro - . cosnmca Boawcsa. 9C- A- Boos a 8tiB ..................... t. a. oe Moaalaia Oo A. U. Black A Sea ' coxaxAcaa rvr. ' H.J. Bnyts, DatktrrllU Each m Lajaian - .. KUtUCX TWT. Wav K. Getty, Vest Sallabary P. 8. Hay. Saltebary ' Marloa UloUklty, Sallebary H.J.tAfvBgoui - aaanviixa Twr. 1 0 y i FmLlrarr, Pocahontas ..14 TO HeavySehlawaOa, Itokersvllle iniu twv. a S. Fleck, Jeaaar X Roads. S. J. Cover. Praaklia Slpc, Jeaaervaie W. 8. Morgan, Stantoa Mill Ta Aapcl, ForwardMeWB........... I LABIXSB VWf. J. T. Blttaer. Wltteabara; Uemaa Jobaeea, " . . IcvRTCinrroor twp. & J. Conina, Barnaderllle , trrBBTVBXBTTOcrT rr- 14 7 rapp a BarBoa, Canfnna 14 t ao 14 7 oa . u to tu Siama Fadler. raaiey. Kloawuva.. mreger t uaerBaix - ............. ataTCBSDALB soaovoa. ntaWiBlaad- Hockiae; fc Bre A. A. M. Baachiey Jeojo R. Caabell Wav SUeer . Oee. W. Oaawaaa Doby m Bro J. T. Shipley . Hartley k Bro...... N. E. Miller 12 11 11 IS e 14 7 14 7 0 14 7 OO 11 li in 14 T ) 12 IS M 12 12 SO 14 10 BTILl Welter k Trami, (rephartabwra It IS i Jacob Id. SaTkw, Mllwrd 14 IH Itarid Weilereberger, Mineral Point... 14 T H. Sayder, - ... 1 IN OUUerABro'a, " " ... 14 IW anpuLaraan rerr. Cyrws R Jf eora, Xcw Izina1oa..... 13 10 oa BSW CBSTBBVILUI BuBSrM. Akz. Bcrfurd 14 aoBTBAiirToa tvr. Jetae H. Miller, Johaebaiw, 14 Ueo. W. Wajs, Soathaaiptoa Mills.... 14 A. Wilawth, Phlieoa Slatioa 14 rAin Twr. W. E. Loar, HUllroo,h .".... 14 SXW BALTIBoaC BOBOCHB. - Wm. Gillespie 13 F.Tppaee... 14 ' .. ayawna,Tae twv. Oee. Hneeer, Heoverrrille 14 Saniaei Danbaot, pine Hill 14. U. .Orifllta, Usoeerevill M BTOTSTwajS BXtBOeOB. 3. H. Snyder... 14 Mpah liiwBMB U SB ADS TWP. P. IL Xaakia u -. I : eoaawsBTTwr. Oea. M. MitL Frladacabari 14 PeatrSlpe, Slpenrllle IS FUek a CaocpeaJBg LaraasvUie U A. CoasUyaiaB, " U T 00 T 7 79 10 so T a 7 7 0 f w I DO M , J 7 00 M0 M 10 00 I se 7 T m 1 1 as 7 12 I oo 10 a 12 12 itt We 7 SB M 00 1 o i au oaaiuar bubocbb. A. Kaepper 14 .44. W. ISpear.-.., ... 14 J. H. Miller 14 t. W. l)ii.i d 14 ' Jaha F. etljairer.- is ; H. A FUek fcOo 14 A. J. Call ir a Co 12 W. i nee.a ' 14 Warn. HcaWr . 13 is M ... IS la M SCaVOCel a a took a Beeriu.. rJeary Mealey ; J. at Hoio.rtiaai.... NeioeaMi Uhl S. B. Pile. Ed Patios .. O. B, Parker Mm. J. B. TrdwtU. 14 IS . 13 .. 13 .. 1 l to ran . , tcaauT rwr. ' y. X. HobUtsat, Keyatoae Jaactlj-,., E M. Miiarr. Maiatlt MUlv., F. B. Eaee, Oarrett. ....1.. ........... P. Bowman. ",' ' ,., . J. W. jnuiBert,XytuB Mine 13 14 14 14 11 J 00 1 1 J 7 0 1 tu I i J. . Brtaaaa. . 14 ' . 14 . 1 . U U M . u a tt ary Mo SToavcaau rar. D. Waner, Barkatowa J. B. VaaM.2haBkTTUaiL. U. Bah aar T J. S. Schnek, StoBTsreek".. 7 T V vm T raatia ' laaae Jrakla..'. . . m ,t tiroy Varomrt ..7.'. ft? M-4 . W oa,.,;....... ' atetai a U"f. haUabeirT , f at Hrary Sahrie. Skaakiellle. it. a a. .U B.U aJ.Baer, SeU 2 Tt pf ar B Bra., sfaw Beknaare Vi iniaaie. wetierae la. Wetleraean 2 e NeOee hi hecaby mim fa ll I will aa appeal t tbe Wh l alt Mnueawle abevki Uea,aaay all ibj B vjua Uahak aappee. Mercaaata aad ilin lhiaievat the Oaaty. will coaler a ' aaeer by eareraiiy axjuawatog- the ciaaaiacaiiua aad rapt, rt aay aaillria r.kvauwxut, - AprttJ. JaatosaiAtoAoewa Aaeeee Baeaed hi the eeeee IMt, that atta Tlaeiaal ataa.ia aaiinl. da of ttai. 177. whoa aad when tat laaaiihil nwnthrtae purposes for tbe year 1S77, it beiotr TENNANT, PORTEE, BOYTS & CO. Kurcneors to StoufiVr. I'ortetr C Co. P O TJ IT D H T , Machine $ Forge Works. Water Street. Opposite n. ft O. R. R. Depot. C'oBiiHITilie, Pav Manufacturers of Railroad r-a re aiao a aaaoer oi X rOSTS, OWIICU OiailUS aild IriUI08, I niCKS, I'll trooo oa to ateail. . ' . . . ' water eeaTenieot to nes, Iron heel Harrows, btone 1'icks, Hammers two parcel or asa.. ... . ' ' . Kriflwp I mssf and ltnlt. PIov PInw f atinrr o ' " Cock, Parlor HoatiEj Stores, Qret33&7ir9 7r3nt3, rendars, IIoIIotf Van. Missellaneous Castings !Ma(lc to Order. Machinery of all kinds built and repaired, at Short Notice and Reasonable Terms. Aleo on hand all klndaof rrlaterlat used about Steam Engine. Oa-s Steaa aad Water Pipe Fittlnc. braMValTee, Kne Win. Gam Hoea. Onoj aad Ptbrea Packing, leather n. Knbtwr hwltln. Couylinte". Spiral Car Spring, kireta. April 11. BOIiTSEOTC. ELEGANT aapaa. fMivh n ae m - IU UUK KLAi; A S12.QQ Coral jewelry tS 1 to GIVEN AWAY. A wrf literal .avr to ,v, j mm FLOftEMCC JCWELS.V COMPANY i-:tw r-iw a. wa mil aaM r l. ElTWAOaOlNA V 00TUKIT e'wtnuia . CC1. JEWELRY FREE. Ci.rf.l.:.:iK;jK. LACK CROSS ht-.:i. m Cell mbx u lal m9trj. et tat Kjmi . mw.-i.- erica, ru3-tiCK junz. ax "". T, ia, WiomsiK J"MI C, nmK-m. T" n.. ..1 r'wyllY PEST M MtMl tata ar m (..... CORAI. JEWELRY COUPOH. varrmtifffijMuitiatt, iw-rtMT wit?, atal ibe tiaw r lt t'..rais r. rb W. wir By.t;.'iii at4 va.atl- I'tvisuisi ."taf Ci ni Neck sarr aarl (Jra- FRE t We art'l b-.-e-T rrl-r -i, K mli;t it.l fnstgav, aayi y ftlU l .1 fcjiaT tsaf raws final avW avifartv 4aa Trmm tbf -iwrt mt Lkl- rap- IMPORT RUT NOTICE. ft . V-tr-l. r: wir. r--v-r .m u,uCOAI E AR DHOPS wbkiwiib.ei.brNC';iL Iff taw URUfS ANQ BRL.ASTriN -r,!,l'J.fl. iMi. mou, UM Ami .11 wWh.ll, firl I. W S.np,.f OMU I H-JIV I r-r- . .r. t . ! mum. PLEASE STATE 7.V WHAT TAPER YOUSAW THIS. mxm soap 1 lt'Sj?".r'?.r7 "v Tollft t KQr AT. WTilf. CHI. for II N eato ot PtTU TTO. TAJII.. art.l t., b.ui- itrw.. wblrk retain, ail :iw i,atiirml hsOu eeaifTicAvf the ell. It cat H4t MI CH LF.SH than Hi. Import"! erril- th it It l rirMIr r.m.lni lnb r-a" I oe "m- !. rit ra eondran-! t, rli-lrl a. Ilaoie fc prwter. a t eaae, tHoft arTT nr th. M hlr np rnnT - a. h.rm!. only br rBucim S 4taaai.a. ChKlaiiaU. Trade supplied bj Pltuharxh woolcufe grvtrr. $230,000 Wall of Gold Platan lumr Tar ft w witl send, a below, all Warranted Uold Plated. 1 Pair 0Ad Stun Sleeve Uurtoor : 1 pair nTTe4 Sleere Batbei : I Mt Pointed tails, 1 et Ameibj 8iai, 1 WeilUina ki,. 1 Enarared Band Fuller Ktc-. 1 AmethjH M..no Klnf. inlaid with auui, 1 iJcxaat Kins, marked "Frienitihip," Amethyst Stone tHart king;, inlaid with roM, 1 Bpl-wlH Silrcrcd Hat Piu, 1 art Ledlca' Jet aad UoU Pkt and Drop. 1 MUiws' art Jt and Oul.i, 1 teuliee' Jet Sec Urnamesre-1, 1 set HaatlaoiB liaievbod Eardrop. 1 trend' hit. root Lake Oeorire UUsuol Stud. I tinllnal knl rJcad Necklace, 1 pairLekllee' AmetnrH Stone Ear drvp. inlaid with aid, S Lulic' UraaMa. tert Jet Brooch, 1 Fanrj ecarf kin aad Ei-icant Watch Chain. Take roor choice th atlte ! ol 10 piece, atat pot paid for l, or aay pice ym cauoee Sir Mecat. Mow lithe time to nuke nwacy. Thee ttnds ra eeeUy be retailed lor 10. p. srtA KM AN. X5 HooaI St., New York. His repmaikia for hrKtr. fair d-altnu. aaJ llberaliiy i aneqoaied by any atTer!icr m tfau dty. '. Y. Kaj Beuk,'' iec It, 1S.4. aj UraTAUllAXT ICC CBKAM .4LOO!V. J. H. PtMi faronna hi friend aad tha public eeaerall; that he ha leased roane over Speere Iras bure. ia the Maaoauth Halklina aa.1 haa there op aed a Kntaurant and lee Cream Sato. H keep a kaad al all lima cakes, pw. aaad. wichct, end ceolttig driaaa Bread aiwat 04 heed aed for sale. He Kill ilTce la th Jadee BWk Maar-kiB where h is prepared to acconjaoiUt all cail-rs with wood b-aant aad lodg-iee;. - Saeuoer boarden ulkitaU. i toon may 2. W.P.PEICB Hae ortened s choice eeleetioB of Aaricaliuml IwpinBeBi aad Faroj Machinery, eaioracin; the lead law tapieaata at the day ; aaeaix which will be ixaad tbe M eud, a.trt.y. I'Ui-'pcr asd Han. bard Moaereand Meaner ; Hockey fa. eh lever) Salky Hay Bake; Advacaa, raOtiuek. and Ar-a er Hay Bake -, roaoj aai ,uare teeth BerelTinc Bake, Pascal, parai Bella, aad ail kbat of no. ncaaeiMS easa atal awaii. wi fco ua auvtuiei patwrsa lor faroeatadlarwi c,aUna lull aa.1 Upiev.SWc?.a WUlo. Ware.Q.r. Plow will ala be loaad hi tbek kaivea a4 aee. tloas tut the Uadiaa Mowias Muoe ; tlln paru for all Macaiaeaavid asua haod. A l-il lor laipaftiaa at iet)BeteaV ua aapiieatirei deal- era wiii be iarmlk4 h a eataio;ua. tu whHh their euea,,loae.erially ea.t-d. 179 Fedetfw Street, Alf-jhecy, fa. " atayt rpo COXTRACTOftS. '"Treeceale will be ohiad a,ta AprB Hat for 1.111 a aeswo nwBea, ea or ar we auaadeei W.J. Baor. 1b auirtil tuwaeaip. gpeeiatatfcaa eaa ae ee.x alter um 1x1 01 aani K. ,a a a. alilL -rr-j a ' . aprflA Preektent. ISSOLCTION NOTICE. SoOc b) hereby aim that ta eo-oartaTh!p BeretMore exMlac betwaea O. B- ilrlaith aad J. B. BUI. aaeev the mmmm el Ondi'h aad Uiil. ha taw day beea dlaadTel by arataal ooaatrj, J. B. Bill withwrawiaer. GBirTITn k. 1WLX- . HoovrrrrfU. Pa. Xar.i, BT. aaji PATENTS ! FEE BEDCirtV. Eatir Curt ta. Patrat OdX F Ci ta slTar. tuiaoee t . wltaiB aaai t a Per patent aijawed Ad- . TlaeaadexaaUaaUuB Ire. PaicauSoid. h i u". ti . ( 0 - --: - : V- k -4 ' : o.viri,'., ,.! tM)r. Sl-Al.4 !V WS.ll ' , ') M 4M.M m M i"1 muss rr.at v I7.ii v h j :t sw.a rr.m -"i njs wr. " 10.14 I ftfi ti a HUH W.T i SI?. I 11.4 .7i I ra ' ' .r 1 . 4t I 74 4S.4 , l. j WW. 13 1. TIM 7A4f ...II 1 il . us ,' 77. 44.U !: K4.44 lo.SS : wn . I- 17 11 z i u n s.t ' 14 S S3 91 : ht iq ia r37 sti.e ! ' T 44 7 , SI4 TV J j t x 4 a ft iMu , ii irt4 1 IW7SA I. . " 47 aa Itt 1M Xll 44 si a .s . smwja iTSTa an 4 the triennial a-ersment WILLIAM REEL, J. I PIIILSOX. DANIEL PHILLIPPI, Commisdionera and Machine Castinsrs, R. R. agon?, Lar and Chisels, GIFTS ft - a eTr . - :Kli. SE1 it' ll ' u t- 1 tujm jm, Izalw, Ik, r. S. A. y; W- rmll w. Mfcl en. m ".ra.au.c uMeailMlrn, L. H. LAUEKL, aim) u Trauenr. fi.a ewve? r-ay i ar.II a-a n t ay ajaii'lTrt. pajaHlg rMr .14 T--t - t rTw,t im -r-nt.1- m BOJEASrIM..u- w- ( CROSS.-l Ti. -ni-tar - -I a FLORENCl JEWELRV CO. li a in .. - rn ...iifc a. AOl.CE.TEXTS. All anauoiKeineaft aiaet be aiiewraaiiei tlie e!h. Five dollar foe all auufeo. wttB) Poor Hoaae Pirertor. Ticket!. Ob per I DISTRICT ATTORNEY. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. To th t voTKan of Sowsasar Cncarv : I sat a eaa.li.lat Sir Dtitrtet Atteraey. abMl to tne 4rleluo ol the atetrtlMlcaa ttrtaifT 1 Sk.iald 1 he eleeted the aatiee of th .ufee wUl be faithfully perftirmcrf. Somirjet, AprU U, IW7. JOHf B. EDI E. FOB IilSTBIC'TATrtHtHET JOHN R. SCOTT, SOMERSET, PA. COUNTY SvRVCYOtl. FOR COf "NTT SCBTETOK D. G. COWMAN, XorthABiplOB Twp. We are autbvrtae.t a aaaoeiiee WfZXfAB? BAKEU, at Millord, Twp.. a a eaaalklaie tar Oieniy surveyor, rt'at te the deamua of lhe Kepatiileaa primary eiertioB. POOR HOUSE DlfrCCTOt. ' We are aatheriae-l te anat aaew JajSBPaf . ivi.k.HaN.oI UnHherrraiiey la,, a. a oeadt date f'"T H w Irtrei'tur. eahjet to the decie. t.e of the iiepi!KBS at the eaaiae pnaaiy alerUvB. A ftsKi.xEir wtrr. 11. F J-r.w wl lf. at the Bueuawfl of BaO. . ' . .... w JzZTH .11 ZmTmL XrrHJTlTti; l li mlihin -iltln i eeieey rrne te n piireeai am, are lle'.'t-l L eud Avittaarte eaaae laaaK llateaayiaenl.eadthneeaaner lie he' Mat. te te-eara taeeaeaay aeanaaaaiii.e ties it to t e Aaaieiie. at hi feekleare b ra. lB Tp aaf euaaiy. mm rtataclay. Mey I. KiarHiitiurrthieaiattcatl MliUiv 1IAT1U HAT April Ik Aaa, "PSTBAY NOTICE. l!re trepaln; ea aiy iiieawei. re Hh day of !epnber I;, a awer. we pea AprJS S' THAT UUKsE. AKrvawewapai aw tse laaao ar e J V .!.', cf tooaaaoa;h twr. aoaMrart l.rt. hr mat ari. 01 '"" " . H. A brvwa -rae loer yeareeM j"! T ewarr i wieeted te. eherwea aedaaee the eaaa eaa ee- eeroaar le-w. V TMlPM. Apru ;. JOiVEPH T. THDrJ. " EAELES HOTEL, . Corner CANAL Cf HTI yav Near iroatrwny, MW tMIU, FhTtt cave aerwaaanUtlaW, M frsr aaaawa (tMtt 2x3 azi 2cc4 Q SO Ttr tf. re