The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 25, 1877, Image 3

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    Tue Somerset Herald.
Rt rlBLKASi OlTY ttiinitt
Addhon S. A. Dean.
Alleabeny Jno. Lra.'.isum.
I.ruibcisvallcy C. F. K twiiiO.
Ucrlirt D. T. U-tymsu.
vunUucucx TV. A. Koontz.
Cneaiu;h Levi Yoder.
Klklick Ow. Lowry.
ireenville A. J. Su.ner.
Jtileisun IK-nry
Jcnuer F. . N:ff-
Jcrincrtoarn tei. Freidlidc.
. Larimer Jacob Zutal.
Iwer Turkcyf.-- red. I.un.bold.
Milcl)ocT-k-Jl" U"uf-r,
f.. Bowman.
.,.w t euireville Ufov eoU.
Sr-v iunirre John ;rge.
i'in!-lVur Hoffmo.
i Jiifnh..Bii(? Allwrt Retkcy.
Siii!e J I'h t able,
su.vsu.wn O. W. l'ogh.
S)4iibiuHon Ivi K-nnel.
Monvcreek Jacob J. W iglc.
iuiniuU Cornelius bix-iimker.
Slimm- Michael F. Smith.
N-iiwri-ei Tp. Charlrt Mcnser.
S4uier!ct Ur. JUh
l'r-in-J. S. Sulbiriaiid.
Willi Michael lnp.
ncts to r.K voted tun.
One person or Diflrict AtUirney.
tine person lor County Siirveyoi.
One person lor I'oor House Director.
The republican I'rimarv Flection w
liehcblon S-i'urday, May 2(5,
The f..Hoijt resolutions, adopted at
tbeVcetmgheld ... Ms) 4b IS.ft are
still in force and ate i.ui.ahed for the in
struction -I tle holding the elections,
""ut. That lbeiHs w opened only at
the u-i.hI pla-s of holding elections hxed
i That the lJepubliean voters ol each
aisuirt sb.ii elecv their meuU -r of the
Count v Committee and the two additional
otliceri I., hold Ihe primary election.
:M That when thev were not e.ected
at.ue previous eletVion. the ;rr.n,itlee
l.MD l.-r each borough acd township, shall
e!."-ttbelo other per.n to aisl in
lioMmir the primary electii! m heir re-
....!;.,,.;..,., d the committeeman
t.y lar,
S-S..II act as ju.l.-e and make tho return ot
4th Thai tbe commiiteeinsn
quired to make a 11 ot the ilepul.lican
v. t r ol tbe U.rounb or loauship i"
which be lives, au.t have the same present
it ihe election, aud designate therein
und it any person not
iiaiiikl tl.. re.n be judted tuiitled to a
vote. lis Dame Iw aibied to sai.i ns a :
"!he!.1uted. and that llie sam
;-luced belorc Ihe leturn judge when
.-,':u. That all UepuVocjns - icputed
ta vote iu their proja-T district.
CiU. That no H-rou be allowed to vote
cnless known to have voted with the lie
put..icau parry, or who can ialiio" satis
la K.ry ft thai facl
. Tht. return iu l:es must p. are toe r"'
turo in the haui'.s t the Chairman on of
ivlore Tuesday e ruing. .May ..'.u.
J. i. I Hi I.E.
J.I. St'l-LL. Ch in. Co. Com.
Ntw i;.h!s at Sihrock's.
New gts at Walter A Truxal's.
Cto and -e S hrek's 23 cent lpca
Floi r ls again advanced in price a
dollar a barrel.
The storta u( ThursdaT night wskeneil
the makes.
FuH'k up anJ ging higher.
Coo : P.fcER'T.
Fon Ci.itb or Cosimere euit
M. Scti rock's.
to E.
Vlteu i Truxai re oferiag prints
at from .V to S: per yard.
The list ot signer oa the Murphy
pledge at Cumberland i53 feet irtos.
The Colorado potato bugs are the larg
est band of Murphv's lollowers ia the
! i.d.
Fkipay was tbe last day aiVowed for tbe
litiiuf it lite lie-eases granted hi the Ul
Voc w ill save money
shoes ior cash at
by buying yojr
Sol. I'hl's.
A otevT mjny ash pile still encnm'ier
the streeU of our town. Itemove them,
thev are luiaightir.
Mcs. C. F. Ubl ha a
Millinery. Triniminsrs and
she sell cheaji ft Cash.
Urire sMck f
Notions wbicb
Wact a diaa is railed br bis friends
"liliiani but erratic" it moans that be
will get drunk occasionally.
Wt Hochstetler. the best colter in the
co mty is working io my store. 4iee him
a trial.
E. M. Scbiioce
lr wa a womtn who t3nded U:e first
sav uts liajik. We mentei this because
wo n-a are a. 4 usttaily doioi iht sht t
We bave recet--J a lengthy e4uii;oi j
ca'fcu tivnn Snii)ry on tbe sulect of j
the hn.perann- rxci:ein-si, a birh we are j
unable lo pubhsu.
r. ( v I ... .,;..!f..,.
. V A v ai . p d j v ' s' 'us i -
.v l- ,. - t ... lll"l.J.Iro
and N.'iKMis.
Cai! and examine U.-r st.n-k
Ih-Iuic putchasing elsew here.
Ir v.Hi want cssl and cheap su- it" lo
So! I hlV Mmaioth Hl.t. iw-st I'.oe
tios Ay M ..!e Uviber kept ianlly on
b.-.fcd and stk at the li'tttl Caab rkxa.
J. O KiMaFi k. Moks have pun base.)
tbe buildini: on Main Cross iret t irnier-ly-ax-upird
tv W. W. Davis A Krt. and
are baring it liued up as a banking r H.
I vua ta call tlur uVaiin ot my
txiend V- B-v new stork f Hats, !Drt
a ad ulber Mdiiiiery of Ihe latest atyiea.
Cne and see tlsetw.
Ma. C. F. Ubl.
The trm of Tfcursdav caa aa be
equaled ia larauty or rrandetir anywhere
otf the Kwnlaiw. f Ai iiKi u wortb
v.Di perched ia u.H.-air L Ike pleasure
f such sigbt.
n Saturday tcorciag tbe gardeo track
that was 0w entirely imara cautbt socb
a o.'hI s w i;i stick to tin m tor tb remaia
'.n i the season. Tie etoccJ waa cov
rnd w ilk a coat of w kiUtrost.
Moses was a civd engineer,
veyed the rucuisrd land. AV
He sur
Is. w-..v a.
N-i, he "aas a Ciining ecgiuet-r.
riewtJ 'thr landscape ore." '.
Aa intc'.Hfrnt Scri.rner writes lo tbe
Pbtsauerj tia Timet W say that wbea a
stitU bis tail to the left it i an eii
dvbeeof bred. and Lhal dogs that
carl rWir taii lo the riht are nerrrai8:e
JU4 n:ih bt dnjtot-ia.
Oa Tbaraday man; last lioo. T. B.
Scbnatlerly, ol Fayeue ccunty. addressed
a large audience at' tbe Court Houe. us
ihe subject of "Tempers ace." We did
not have tbe pjeascre ot Jisiealng to bis
addressee ins to other cagacciarnts, bat
naJtrland it was quite eloquent.
Lssa WmRt.m -8 :Mierf.tbe "r1
ot 1814. or otliers who hare land warrants ,
I bey wiab to tell, can fvl the highest war-;
ket price lor thetu lv addressing. Col. Ci. 1
LXberbart, 'w Brtilit.Mi. Heaver Ci . !
0s Thursday evening t!u K..-v
Kerlool, vl I'lt'lMirit, preached 10
Good Teroplare ball .l tbte place, on the
snbjecl ot the Resurrection." n
. rt.
day morning the sacrament t Uoly t'um
niunlon fu edniioU'eted.
The Dulilic are hereby out i lied to re
more at one al! aahes aud mlirr rubbish i
from the Mrwia in Inint of their premises.
r tb j eaine ill le removed al their ex
i Tub Lutheran aud Proby tcrian emigre
! gatiims will bold unio service next &b
- i lih morning in the I'rrsbvteriaa church,
I i i . i... I ilii.Mn t-h.irrli in thp vrn
una in uic Kt.v. -- --- ;
- .A I ... 1 ft 1
It's a lit'le early, but oa bundav last
two ounj; nen while Ukin a
tltn.ugb the Bear Hocks killed a mile
snake that made eighteen r I'llessini; every
time he wagled bis tail. Eridcatly tliat
fellow a as one of tbe oldest inbatiitaots.
Notice. Waller Jc Tnixal would in
forui the U Jk: ttiat they have enlarged
their room, and with one of tbe fin
est stocks of g kxIs are offering to the trade
poods at panic prices. Cut n a call and
be conviucetl.
The residence of Christian Rurkot, of
Stonycreek. w ith its entire contents was
confumed by fire a lew days a;o. A little
Cirl ot ten year of ape wss tbe onlv f-er-son
in the tiutldine at tbe time. It is not
known how tbe fire originated. Ls
about No iauranr'.
The Lycomini Insurance Coiniany
was cauebt ai;ain on Thursdav niehl.
)o many ot our people have their prop
jerty insured in that comjwny that there
s scarcely a fire in w hicU they are not
! losers. "Since 18T2 Ihey have jwid out
alnvwt f 11I0,imiO in ibis county.
j AkkivaLoI Sprin? and Summer Boots,
! Shoes and Gaiters at the well known Shoe
Store ot So) I'll!, Mammoth BIoiJl, where
j you can buy at I be lowest cash prices,
j "Don't fail to c!l lfore you make your
! purchases.
j Soi. I'm..
.Smerst, I'a.. April 25, 1S77.
The local of the Somerset IlfcK.U.Dcon
fcses to having a "badiy bunded ce."
We may have oeen w rig in our coaclu
sioEs that the temerance movement up
there hd roped in .he entire population :
or maybe be was chopping when a
slick f.ew up.Jvlmi'loieit Tfi'mnt.
And may be it were a boil.
The BeUlord OaulU says that at West
End, on the lieu lor J and Somerset pike,
lledlord cuunty. stands a bouse tbe root ot
which pours its waters upon one side into
a stream empty int; into the Juuiata, while
upon the other side the druaaee re lies
the Potomac. It is called "the old Gel
ler stand." There was loraieiitlly a j.osl
office near it called Dividing Uidjje.
Shwis up.-n tbe Sun do not rUibly di
minish iis brilliancy, tint iots, jsimples
or blotches Uj.Kjn the fa-e. utck or arms
ferioilsly lietracl irom fcm:i'e beatliv.
Thev mav, however. 1 romplettlr re-
movtrd bv tbed.tih use ot Glen's Sulphur
lepa, Ciitt. nti.n's No. 7. Sixth
: Vcuue . N. V. Hill's Hair and Wbisktr
Use, t.laek or brow c, 50c.
j '
, ;uW that new onions will stsin 1 ou
; t u!)!e ll)e ii mtf n,, J,,.i!t -n 1 j
i fnjvj t,T fe,me as jjt m; ihin fr
IDCm. "Ky ruvwio j anJ twatlowin a
few leaves ot parley alter catnip vnifius,
a mu:c sweetness of the.l reath w ill I
obtained." It would be a god idesui bava
adih of paisley aloui; side ol Ibo on
ions Two little colored Imivs. of Will'uisport.
bn.thers. were jscs med on Wcdoeliy by
eating ot cot leni4i that bad lain in a
oiuher iu w hicb was a lu:T ot ariO'C
ijueol the boys dird and Ihe other i;l re-
cover. How tbe arsiiic csime iu me
Jpiielier is ttjt kttoao. astte rrtiuol the
children ty iLJ let lit tLiuj; ! its le
I ing there.
Ox Monday tiiihl oflant w'ek the
deoce of John lliert, of Greei.s
UTS. Th.
) vai destroyed t file. The building
Iconu-ui; weie insured lor fl.lSK).
Cre oriinauj in the attic, anJ when first
discovered, wbkli :isaluutS o'clii k in
the eveaic, ilr. Uii-rt and bis family
were not al home. Grec3Lrg seems u
be Laving her iLare deairuc;;on la
Si kat House. A stray horse w put
into tlie stable ot the uudersuned in Cone
tnaUfcll township. S.merset cuntv. Pa.,
by nooie unknown ;ers.n on Ibe l'Jth day
of March. 177. Ii is a brown horse an. I
is about four y ear oJ. The ownerr is re
quested to Come forward, pay claries, and
uke him away or he w ill be sold according
to law.
JosEru Yoper.
As everyone ouht to know what a
ffa&shoppt-r looks like, here is Lis picture
(akea by the Fergus Falls Jvurnal man :
In stature be ii sboet a mu ch lor the six
penny stub nail, in t.tfs: he is like unlo a
ivDcil ptn. and be wears a sealing-wax
bead on him and a pair of glass eyt, so
that with bis loog-uiled duier on. he
I 1 -
sighted acboolmaaler.
EvERi" S-jloikc. Ev.-ry sijjier, wi.i
ow.ort.haa. Ulhir. mother, brother and
ister. should seud a :lree-vnt stamp to
Col. G. L. EiK-rhart, New Uriulon. Ilea
ver Co Pa., lor a copy of Ins Soijipr t
ISuiletiu. abUb contains itil'orniaiioa !
im.rtani l" aJa,'Wt all soldiers who sur
vive tbe war for ihe L ci.-i. sod to the 'c!-
sti ves ot
'.Lie w ho died in the anT and
Two years ac lit ;HaM cnT in this
section as so Urge tiiat tr- was lit; U
demand for tht m at even twcu'y-D tec-ills
a buabrl ; this u due u4 ou'. tu the un
UaUall lare i.creaje planted, but to the
enormous yk ll. Lw. i ear our Uriuers
planted but b w p.ii asj now when
they discovrr U.e alud of pri.xs tiii-y are
brini;ing regret thai they did ma plant
more. Ti,r prapeet are tint s Uriie
amouul of ground wiil be planted wi-h
"Murpbiai" this year.
A floCRof swans flrw over Hoilidnvs-
UiU oa M-tfldav last, aud a
! Uaiued U'aikaT Ks Jortunate -:nouj;h toi
down oncuiihi-iu l.v meaus'nt hwiod the audience dismissal l.v Her. Trux-
Sii::inervl;o.Kls!ruv . S,m a.rre
"""s"""' f'1 con:nui
iwiroHirw. Lau4 nilil wveral Col as
M wild geese were ou the wing or
Jo':;n-t.iwa, aul lae jecuiiar "honk" t
the leaders ciMiid lie beard bigL in the air
a ihey a. tie led ibe warning to f.l!oaer
to keep wcil into line. We causot say
a heiuer this rtrods a storm or a n. but.
as 111 sea crosses the line o tbe 2'.h the
s:ipp-a-i;u is that there will be windy
wea:her. There etic-rally j, .V.
A tV'ELLEasBcac correspoodest wri es
us : "Maay resideau ot Cornier land are
ctnpUttiiGg (4 faigb-tirutal pr.ipert.. It
Ihey want cheap property ikey eaa Cad il
ta Weliersburg. Hectmlv a la a l
maij turn here, 66 by 1C4 feet in size,
wit a two-story bouse no it. was sold
r a , . . .
a e ioo. i ue uoue oeeoit (BUCB repair
ing etc. but could l pnt in gixjd eoitdi
ta wr oocuinor. lor t XKlio f4i)0. As
VV filers bo rg has aa abuadance of moao
'ain air tbe whole year being seven hun
dred feet higher than CumberiaadJ and
aiucb sprio; water, il might be a good in -vrsiruenl
lo bay the whole town, and
make U summer lewm. Coal -oil has
since iu rW in ComlcrlaiMl to 40 cents,
rone to SO cent here. Tbe "glotw gss
irht esjiSy" should be iulorraeu ol
. , , . ;Uea:t. Heart Burn. Waler-brash, nw-
USK mgLtUat week a gicplar Jirs-it- ing and Ifliroic- rsic st tbe pit of the
sf t"mlf.,ot'k Piace near Connel'.sviiie. i Stomach. Veilow Skin. CosUal Too cue
A coostablc bad a warraat lor the arrest ' and tiis.tfreeable taste ia tbe mouth, eom-
a man aamed Mzan.wbo fle.1. but Was i io np iA foci after eating, low spirits. Ac.
cewelt porsaed. AfU r a warmly cokicsi-j G. ycur Dru-jisi, O. VT. Cenford,
race or "" distance, Moraa ws ; and jtet 75 cent bottle ol AcorsT Fuw
brocjht to a belt ia a ravine, and t:r ! a .w a antpie brttle f.r W recta. Trv it
"'t4 T ckaracter. it U : -Two r m. Ul relU-ve you.
said Ibe oficer aal dow a to re"5t mn tbr . . '
.v tuaaicg iae rr. I ihe !
HKaUKaW, M IslM BettUvTii fl
I . a . . - 7
'Dc. Mle''w. pv
- '-."- pie Diif.iv to raae a-re ej or ejecotl is
t .? - uUiivl t y cr.D!ra; Dt-cWms lor Uw
ake tbe arrest. This be.or d.ane. lb.;t-or. Jadce GalbraitU. of the Erie Di.
prusy ont-er usmedtatelv Bawie thaari,.r7,l ..u-i ,.i irv-; .j- u
..... , . 1
sad atiot arrata the brrsat, icSnunt i
daneerocs wound.
or tbs
Vreauui k. iV!ieis llie effects of in-Iciiiix-ran.v
iip'in imli vliiu-tls. . Iiimilies,
: toiuiiiuuilies huJ the uation have leciiie
: si apparent that ii is uiw llie duty nil
' . . : a unilcd t,rt In reclaim
I . . . ... i .i. -
ib.w already Ullcn. and save those in.
dnntfrol becoming haliltnated to the use
ot Intoxicating liquors a a bereragr.
therefore. r.irniziDgour dependence on
I Almighty Uod. and deiiring the assistance
ol Divine grace in oU- etloita 111 llieir De-
; bitlf, we oruanizc ous selves iuto an assocv
aiio'i fr the purpose ol arrestiaj the tur
tber pniitress of this cvit, having as our
motto, "With luuli.ti lowatd mw aod
charitr lor all," we a;rco to bo governed
by ibe lollowiu cou.Hiilulion aud by-laws:
Article 1. This association shall be
called the National Christian Temperance
L'nion of Somerset.
Akt. 2. Any person may become a
member of the Union by signing the roll
ol membership and Ihc lolktwiuj; pledge :
With maiice toward noue and charily
lor all, I. tbe undersigned do pledge my
word and honor, God helping me, to ab
tlain Irotn all intoxitiiiuj; liquors as a
bevenij;e. and that I will bv all honorable
nunDS eucxiurage o:hers to a!:aiu.
Akt. 3- Tbe offlcers shall be a Presi
dent two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a
C.irespoudiiii! Secretury, a Treasurer and
an Executive Committee ol five members,
all of whom shall be elected by the mem
U rsof tbe l'nion, with the ministers of
the congregations as advisory members,
and snail serve for a tenn ot one year,; tbe first meeting in April ot
each Tear, and (.erform such duties as usu
ally pertain to such oflicts. la case of
vacancy by resignation, death, or oilier
w ise, said" vacancy shall be filled by ap
pointment l.y Ibe President, with tbe con
currence of ibe Executive Committee.
. Art. 4. Tbe Executive Committee
shall exercise a eeueral sujicrvision of the
aliairs of the l'nion and ihe progress ot
its work, and lirin:; belore the l'nion all
such mailers as reou ire its action, provide
sjieukers lor the Lnion when advisable,
and render an account cf tbeir work to
the l aioii. quarterly, in writinir -
Akt. 3. The Secretary shall keep the
minutes of the tmsioess of the I'uion.
lie shall receive all money paid iuto the
l'nion. make a note thereof in his min
utes and pay the eime to the Treasurer,
taking his receipt lor the same. The
Corrtsjiondins; Seeietury shall assist the
Secretary ii. t!ie iih-rmaiiccof bis duties,
attend to all corrcSM.ndence and a:iate
for him in his absence.
AiiT. ii. Tbe Treasurer liall pay ail
bills against ihe I'ni.m by order ot the
President anil Secretary. "
Akt. T. Twenty meuilers of this
l'nion l.a'i cocstitute a quorum.
As.T. S. Any article id" ibis constitu
tion may 1 altered or auiended by writ
ten pp'posalalany meetin; previ
ous l the one at w hich said action shall
take place.
Akt. 1. Sti't i 1. Opening exercises
S-c. 2. Signing ll.e pledge alaays in
Sec. i. Communications and reirts ot
oinuiittcesand freaertl business pertain
ii.toibe uss;ij:ii)n.
Aiit. 2. .M.'etin.-s o! the l'nion shsll
It held at such limes and places as lite
PresU. nl vl.ail by .ii-ecti.w of tfie Exec
utive Committee designate.
Akt. lh-lcc.te may lie appointed
to enter with other l'nions in convention
l.y the President at the suggestion ot the
Kx. iUtive CoMi;uit!ee.
S. S. Grsirt,
E. M. SriiuiK'K.
Cor. S. i-.
II. KtlsER.
AL. 11 AY.
A. J. Coi.uoiiN,
i. Kneitek,
Vice Prestf.
Vai.ENTi.NE Hat.
V. Mi t'ov.
11. F. Sell El. I,
Et. li.K!:.
W. B.Mieu.
Kx. Coinnii'U'C.
SrovsTows. Pa . April 21. Is77.
S-imkiiet PiiiSTlso t'unfAsr. Our
quiet little tow n ass swat, ned on Tues
day'bt of last week by tho arrival of
Mr Creinbton, ol Pittsburg, one of the
Miirpty convrrts. whom no donht most
f ihe r ad- r of the II eim i.d have beard
of; he il wa v lio started the grent and
not.le work in Sinnersit a few wcks ago.
ir. Creielitou is a reformed dninkard
and knows iut how t talk to the poor
unf. rtunate men who are ad dialed I- lie
habit of s ron drink. M'bl ot our pes
p!r br.d beard in some w ay or other ot the
Mi'rpbv t- mi eacrc meetings long belore
the arrival of tar speakers, cr.sequcotlv has been the prevailing topic
of ir town and vicinity for months
Long l-fore it was time lor Ihe audience
b) assemble there could lie seen men. wo
ir.en a.ui t iiiidren vvendioi their wsy to
ward the rbiirru. Aflfr tlic election ol
John II. Snvrfrr. chairman. Jalilt: Zim
merman anil l'.rnl Itowmsu. as secreta
ries, the mcHlns wa opened by the choir
sinisins- "Ail
luil the power "f J'-'" i
name." Mr. CrrieliHm then read the l.jlh
rl-.aprer of Sl' Luke. The choir sanz
tvm tbon fixint of every fclessinz."
15ev. J. J. Welsh ottered tip an eloquent
prayer, followed bv the sineing of "Let
ihe iowr iigh'j lm burnine" by Mi
Binnie Ferner, after which Mr. Creitrh
ton delitered an eloquent and telling
speech rti alaxtt two hours' length An
op.portunUy was given to sitrn the pledje.
ot which privHrce men. women and
children avai!e,l themselves. The people
cme fi.vkinz forward by lie dozen, and
il ans n Ion? iwlore over ! memners
were rtir.iiic.l cn lie fide of temperance
The nfetin on si"ejnlay as well
attended, oojw iil,snn!ir.i Ibe iiicLsaencv
of the weailer. which made it impossible
tor pe." resi.iin? in the countrv and on
tie ou!sfcfr of town to attend, althooeb
the weather wss Ind, old nicn and women
that w- uM no more turn out u rhorrb
thsn rlv, werp seen wendine their wiv to
ward (be ot.urrh Ions before Ihe ripg'ne
of thp lll. in order scure "PaH. Tb
mrfi;n ovned by the ctesr aicz'ing
"All h'l the power tj Josns' name."
fiev Tn;xl then reid s rr)rton scrp'irre
sp.1 oaVrert an ac-r-ropriate prayer, af ee
which be add r,-sd the ao.twnce in his
usual j.vtilar manner on the sutect of
temperance. The chn.r snntr ' Let the
lower iilu lw btiminz.'' Hon. TIk.
Sebnslterlv then sdv-am'd to the stseesqd
made a stirrins address to sa s(U.nlive
audienee. Mr. .'v'hn'titsrlv is s member
of Ibe Legislature for I'rtnntown. and an
e xcellesl speaker. He w as liked by all
our prP'e. aad tti-tr rfoero regret was
that he bad lo isve b so snn. lie io
c! n.a 1 itrotij appeal ior siirners.
hut few ot the rnnar people availed tbem
slr of tV prtnV(r while the choir
tanf i.mrtlif Vl of Heaven." Afer
which the enind old doiolosry was snne
1. I he whole nnraVr or signers np to
W'eilnesalsr evrnin? w 107.
The ntailios oa Thnrd.-iv eeenici wss
undt'rtUe of Join U- Snvder.
w ho opened it bv rcadia? the acnpiure
and prater, the rlunr then sine a Itmiliar
tune aitera lif h al War. Yq . of .S001
eraet was intrndnee,) and diirere.1 s
l Cthy and well timed address suitel to
thenccasioa. Toe audimoe was small 00
veotint of t)e Inri.jjoncv of Ibe weather.
A tier Mr. Hav la I flashed bU reou 1 is
the choir same and she siirners aicked for
ward amid the chcrs and shents of the
audience. Tie d's!ojr wa then snor
and the audieare diaiaisd after which all
persons that bxd siinied the piedra came
to lUe lroot and rtceived their iiie
lua." There wss no mrr-iat oa Fiiday even
ir.z and crw ot uien and bny( aiikl I
seen stanoin? oa tbe coroers and io Ihe
tore disriossinz temperance. Up to Sat
crJav noon over 1J5 persona la! sirned
their nanics to l he pled e. P.
Acer st flowet:. Tlemii operable
beinc la U.3 world are thoee suffering
from DrrpepsUand Liver Chi plaint
More ilia s-vrnty-five per cent. f4 tbe
people in the l aiied State are afflicted
with Ibese tr duses scd their etfeeU;
such as S-mr stoactt. Mick Headache.
Habitual Coatirenesa. Pa'piution ot th
JlT.E Trunkey.of the Court of Cora-
ei.irsl, tbat tbe aa-, ny bw de ani ap-
- . swasraa 2.a . VtSUlf - aUaW
www-,o wwa.wu.a. wa jiciuci
Cocotv. anrruve tic views oi Judire
j Trnnaey.
TfcaJMaf Uwr. ... .r
olexed bTtn SnrTard A'evTncTua
TI.O ...... 1.-. - - M...
-f " - tmw w muiiwi; uasv 'J 1"
enactment. Oa Tueadsy h llonar j tjtT of Uudaaum. From what we can
Judge Hall, delivered aa opinion oa taa loam, the old manias addicted to the nae
law, and laid down certain rule end rag- of intoxicating beverage, and oa Saturday
ulaiion in the practice under the axw W- evening be drank u xcts. Ooiog into
gal arrangement. Below we give tbe ; tbe awlooa kept by his son in-law, ke was
' oFistos or Taa Cocbt. ) refused anything tod; ink on account of
Establishing Kules to regulate the practice hi cooditkw. by the bar teeper. who ex
ia regard to Stay ol Execntkwa, under tbe ! pnaluhrteJ with him and endeavored to get
provision of tbe Act of 23d March,
1877 :
some uncertainties exist la tbe mind ot
Memberof the Bar in rerard to Ibe new
Slay Law. Tbe act is involved and ob
scure in iu structure ani aomewbat de-
icvim iu its provision. A valuation
under it must be approved by the Court.
the oftlccr' return should show what acts
have, been done aa that the Court may be
able to judge whether the proceediaga
have been conducted in compliance with
Law; and the rule of the Court should es
tablish, clearly tbe method of procedure.
The act is a re-enactment, with some
modifications, of tbe act of lSlh July.
1S12, P. L. 307 wbicb was held to be
constitutional. Chad wick v. Moore, 8.
W. & S. 4'J.
It does not apply to "claiuu for Labor."
Prurtio tit Scf i. Xor nhere tht contract
tx pre tig ttniret ttug of exeeution. Bili-
niyer vs. Evan. 4 W. 324. Lewis t.
Lewis. 11 Wr. 127.
The number of appraiser is (il for real
properly, and threw for personal. They
must be "goal and lawful frteholdtrt cf
the bailiw ick, ia Ibe following cases :
1st. In tbe case ot real estate where
condemnation has been consented to.
2nd. And where inquisition and con
demnation are not necessary by tew.
Tncv must be "good and lawful men ef
tbe be Lwick:"
lsu lo cases of inquutiion held and con
demnatioo bad either before or after tbe pas
tage tit the set.
2nd. Aud in cases of itser fatUt om
mortgage or mechanic's lien.
In cases of personal property they moat
be "resptlablererAoWrs, citizen of tbe
Tbe phrase "good and lawful' imports
thai they shall be disinterested. Day vs.
Koberts. 8 Vt 413.
They shall subscribe, and take aa oath
before some person qualified to administer
it. The form ol oath i not prescribed by
i thetcL The nature of tbe duty Indicate
that it should be to mate a just and impar
tial valuation of the property according to
ii present and true value. In cases of
personal property tbe act provide that the
officers charged with execution may ad
minister ibe oath.
I he act makes no provision for notice
except in cases of valne of pemuoal prop
erty. Tbe act ot 1S30, 8. 43, provide tor
five days' notice to the defendant ot the
holding of an inquisition lo fix the rental
And it is proper that tbe defendant should
have a reasonable notice in writing of the
appraisement, and that the return of the
service thereof shall be made by the
The valuation when approved by tbe
Court is conclusive on future executions
on the same property.
Where s writ is issued lor tbe sale of
real estate aod il can not be sold lor two.
thirds ot the appraised value, tbe Sheriff
should proceed with tbe sale unless the
dctecdnnt pays the interest due on tbe
debl and on ail prior liens.
Tbe return ot the appraisement should
describe tbe property sufficiently for iden
tification. It is made the duly of the Sheriff to hold
the appraisement on real estate "before
exposing H lo sale," whether be Is re
quested to do so or not He must do so
unless there is an express waiver in writ
ing by the detcmlanL Where personal
property is levied on be is not required lo
do so unless requested by IDoueMor.
Tbe Sheriff should bold tbe appraise
ment at socb time as not to delay tbe
plainiitl unnecessarily in the collection of
his debt, and so as not to accumulate un
necessary costs upon tbe defendant.
The act requires the Sheriff to make re
turn ot the appfaisement with tbe writ.
Where there is an inquisition to tlx tbe
rental, tbe appraisement to fix tbe value
should be neid and returned to the Uourt
in connection therewith.
In cases wbere no inquisition of rental
is necessary me appraisement "l vaiuc
should be held and the sale made or at
tempted on the basis ot the subsequent ap
proval ot the proceedings oy toe uocn.
It is not intended to delay a term la order
to have the approval oelore sale.
Tbe bond for the delivery of personal
property is to be entered ot record as a
lien. It should therefore contain a war
rant of attorney for the confession ot Judg
The follow lug rules of tbe Coiirt are
adopted as ot this dale:
1. The appraiser hall take and sub
scribe an oath justly and impartially to
value and appraise the properly levied on
according to the present nd true value
2. And shall view and examine the
projierty sufficiently to determine its qual
ity and'valce,
3. And make return In writinc pailicu-
larly specifying tbe property audit val
4. Tbe Sheriff shall give to the plain
tiff's attorney, when there is one of record,
and to ibe defendant, or, il be be not
found in the county, to bis agent or at
torney, reasonable notice ol tbe time and
place of holding tbe appraisement. If tbe
defendant fc nut found in tbe county and
has no agent or attorney, tbe notice shall
be fixed upon tbe prenuaa.
5. It exceptions are not filed within lie
first four days of tbe term to which tbe
valuation is returned, it shall be marked
approved wiiaout motion.
6. Ia esse a writ ia issued for the sale of
real estate, and it cannot be sold for two
thirds of its appraiged value, the writ shall
not be aioered stayed, nor tbe sale de
layed, unless the deientuct pay; te Inter
est due on Ihe debt and on all prior ilea.
Per e if rua
Wm. M. Hall.
Prce't J odge.
The following remarkable case of honesty
we bed published in Ibe Shamokin il.
and take the liberty ct transferring it to our
columns, because such occurrence asp
very rare ia these days ot panics, bank
ruptcy, etc. Jt is as follows :
ilr. John A- aaytiar. a So r-sides on
Shamokin street, in Ihl place, uttglf
school al ftaioneld. in Cumberland
c ui.t. , lorty years ago. One ot bis po
oiis. b"y, got a small reader from Mr.
Suyder, ih print. ii siiict) was 12 cents.
Toe boy's father gave bun a recent
"sbinplaster" to pay tbe teacher tor tbe
bc-ik. The boy was busy at tbe time
cutting picture ci,t cf a'ocwipaper and
Ivd tbe "shicplasier" on the cfcair wub
his pictures. Wbea he was ready to go
to school be threw some paper Into a stove
and by accident burned up tba money with
the - scrap of paper. He proceeded to
school with a heavy heart ; be bad no
money to pay the teacher f jt tbe book,
and was alrald to tell bis father of tbe ac
d b-nt tiat had ocrurre U lea ring that his
iatfcer might ptnish hmv
Mr. fcoyder left thai sretioo of the State
and forgot ail about tbe unpaid buuk.
The tririing circt: usance had however,
made an niipreaeto t tfte boy' mind
that be could not remcye. The other day
tbe boy, no grown np to manhood and
nearly "fifty years of age, learned that his
teacher bring ia tht plane. saa
oordiDgly roi u tiiii, detailing ail the1
circoiusiances concectvd with Ibe us paid ,
bk, and enckaed the s moon I of tbe lit
tle debt w iib forty years' interest. i
Vt'jisr to m its nara u cacacB.
A gentiemaa who knows "all about. it"a
wbo "has been tbee." and who baa sat:
fecd Tub ti Ir-iitfw atifens 00 more
UuB mot orpast'i. Utu givas bi eipeyU
ence of the care of hats ia places of public
worship: ......
"You may laugh it yoa rjease, bat iel
ly Ibe difficulty oi daioneiog of ooc'i hJ
in cborch, is s serious 00. Tba estresM
danger ot placing it ia tbe aisle, ltnmerifc
ately outside of the pew i nairersally
known. The 0m lady that sweeps op ta
aisle carries wiu her acaafua4 Raat gf
defense ten bats.
"The pew aeat is hardly Bjora aafe,
Maiiaiic sbuw i4i utu of every on hoar
dred hats urns siloalea, SUty ar a apafl
by their owners. tairty-Ave are sat apoa
tnr nllrrm-nlr and fin It Hit raarirai nw
in j urea. joa u lopaMstaf asaa tui pb
Ihe oor oadrsamtb the amt, ao raaa who
follow this reckless coarse cab eipect
anytbiag but dlaster. If there is a small
bov ia tbe new he will iataHible diaeur
that hat and kick it to the fortkaat mmd of !
,1.. r.a arilkla th. 4 ll.lM. M.laiMM aa
a - w" aaaa .w aaa .j - -
ibeservire. If there is a lady la taa pew :
a surgical cperatioo wUl be reqaired to re-
n.c j u ,
wb.U in asy evrwt the hat is certain to ab-
srirbeverypartkteottsastwHiuaa t
of eitht lL iiettaer sideTtU sealaaw
.... . 1 - . . - . k. . 1 . : t .t l. . .
ia txt aae. cat) the warned hat Bad rest. 1
What, tien, ca? we do with itf
t egTeam. A awa auaed Leonard Fa..
kwitin and (9 rear, residing on. Wa-
tar street, la this place, commitied suicide
him to ao home. Faikenstine then went
out UiU was about eleven, o'clock nd
' " uewu.r ""s " t
procariag tbe deadly drag ha went noma
1 and drank It On Sunday morning m
- J wire, wuwgin iicriuniawuiiniw .,
aeex wv m poysician vw pn.a.nioew uw
; --. - - j
I after. CAambtrtbiuy OpiAwn.
Neveb ksowx to fail. Ur Morris'
Syrup of Tar, Wikl Cherry and Horebound
has never been known to fail in perma
nently curing obstinate coughs, colds,
croup, whooping congh, or any diseases
of the respiratory organs, and it does it,
too, at oscb. It is not necessary to take
it tor a king time before you can discover
it beneficial effects. Iu sale in this com
munity is immense, and iu popularity
universal It should not be classed with
compounds pot up by inexperienced
bands. Do not fail to give this great and
potent remedy a trial. It will not and
cannot disappoint too. Try It once.
Trial sice 10 cents. Eegular sizes 00 eta.
sad One Dollar.
For sale by G. W. Benford. j
Also Agenu for Prof. Parker's Pleasant.
Worm Syrup, which never fails. Pleasant
to take, and requires no physic. Price 25
cent. ?
Debility, whether it be inherent, ores used
by overtaxed strength, or protracted ill
ness, has a most depressing influence
upon the mind, breeding aa abject melan
choly nearly skin to despair, aod enforc
ing the abandon meat of cherished projects
and high hopes. Happily, tbe enfeebled
system, evsa in extreme cases, is suscepti
ble ot invigoration. It ia proved by incon
trovertible evidence that llusutfter s Stom
ach Bitters is sa unfailing strecirtbener ot
the weak, and that ia addition to vitalising
Ibe physical organization, il establishes
regularity among those organs upon whose
efficient discharge ot the duties imposed
on them by nature, continued vigor and
health depend. Thousands of instances
might be cited to show tbe regenerating
influence ot this health-giving agent in
cases ot debility, liver disease, dyspepsia,
nervous ailments, constipation, intermit
tent leTer, urinary and nterine troubles,
gout and rheumatism, and other maladies,
X 'IBB broke out ia the rear portion of
Mr. George Huntley's store. Ebensburg,
about three o'clock tjis morning, and tor
a time it was feared that not only tbe en,
tire building, but several others adjoin
ing, would tall a prey to the devouring
element. Tbe alarm was given very
promptly, and the ortanixation, as well ss
nearly all the citizens and strangers in the
plane, were soon on the ground. Again
the utility of tba water works was made
manifest, as s liberal application Iron) one
of the street bydranu served to quench
tbe flames in a very brief space ot tiuie.
Tbe interior of tbe building, and a por
tion of Mr. Huntley's stock, suffered some
dsmage from the fire and water, but Hill
it wss fortnnate tbe kiss wss not greater.
It is supposed that the fire started fiom a
stove in ibe rear part of tbe budding,
live coal from which likely dropped on
the floor.
Fma. At twenty-two minutes past
eleven o'clock, on Thursday night, our
people were aroused from Iheir slumbers
by tbe cry ot nre. t lames were discover
ed issuing from the Wagon and Carriage
Manufactory of Grove $ Ilenqisoq, situ
ato cn Jvaal street, between Main and Pa
triot. -The buildinr .a as frame aod so
well seasoned a to make it burn like a
tinder box ; in less time, almost, than it
takes to write it, tbe enure building was
wrapped in such a sheet of flame as to
make any attempt to save it an impossi
bility. Fortunately tbe storm in tbe early
part of tbe evening had saturated Ibe
roofs of the adjoining houses, eery one
ol wbicb were frame buildings, and U;e
wind bad died out, elje the place that
knew "N'aicbez under the hill," would
bare knuwn it no more. Messrs. Grove
A DennbaM) bad larjre amount of stock
on band at tbe time, A number of the
buggies snd wagon were taken ont and
removed to a place of safety. Tbey esti
mate their loss at between $2,500 and
$4,000, oa which there was an insurance
ot $1,800 in the Lycoming.
The building was owned br Mr. John
Roberts and wa; l&srgd lor yjAi.
Prookem op tbk tempekaxce wobk.
Tbe lixlowing table shows the number
ot signei a of tbe temperaoce pledge, at the
point where lu.elings, bare been b:d as
reported lo us:
. Centerville, .
Mineral Point,
Welter's Church, .
Ml. Union,
Total. 3,2--'7.
Additional signer are being obtained at
all paints. The tern pe ran ta work Is go
ing- on uaveiy. Jte gooa people ol
every locality are railing for meetings,
and are showing a determination to ban
tu intemperance with ail it attendant
evils from Ibe land. We would suggest
to tbe friends of temperance, where no
meetin zs have been held yet, to. Cx tleir
own time and place of meeting, and write to
us Rf spesAet. and u uey iae say prer
ereaee indicate it, and we will see that
their wishes are complied with as tar aa
possible. . But see yourselves that there is
a rood turn out at all tbe meetings. We
publish lbi week in GofQ papers the
Coasuiclion and By-Law adopW by the
Union here, which may be adopted eke
where It deemed proper.
Tai.. tJaf,
f rcs't C. T. U. o Someret.
A yo.f n the classic lUfUnja of
PiUiogs, the beat place to hare a boil is
"on some other fellow." The boll is a
right festive sore and allows no compcii
tioa or division of thought. When it
txka maa4ion ol vonr evebrow or cheek
or anywhere (Lai (s TiaiQi, yor tricot
are apt to inquire when they meet yoa oa
ibe reet, "Hit you witn ine roiitaj nta.
au sne t ' Belter Ma tbe Murphy tmii.
"Lio uor a ill tell and so on. W ben vuq I
once nave mai omt vuu oa ntifs an utir
arwauiS and to w ring ambition and sit
down and nurse it as tenderly as a suck
S9C babe. Tbe orthodox thios is to poul
tice it with bread aadmilk, ooioos, slippe
ry elm, Oax seed, sugar sou soe, shoe
maker's war. ttlawio. piaster, cz and
lk ler It. corn meal, honey and dour,
egg and alum, marsh mallow, qld boots,
shoe, and scrap iron, and me choice lan
eaare ttpi? s et aiboaiaed hjr King
James' verion U tbe bible.
m hea Ibe Lord sent boils to Job be evi
dently understood the afflicting busiaew;
it was nope 01 yom nan way asycuon.
1. TZJZ.. :L1 , .VT. . "a.
li.hte4 tbe atveicot Pever Crtarittt or!
any (jIW U liwaw who delight lo point '
out lb wrath lo Queue. Wat tue Utpj
still, that boil ache aod pulls aod draw j
like a child at its inotbers apron strvns
whea Oa cake has teeated artmad!
aod Una been rtupe4- fbett wha you I
rt up and pace upland down tbe !
fa anvil, or a hickory withe oa the aides!
of a balky horse. yoa move from aide!
to sifetlvs onion pontic !iia
late, eeijy uil a tba -Kmla. !
breexe. aaalrtaoa vonr clothes aad over'
our note and imagine, ia the iaairriaajeuf ' brin U Alra i'ackard,!
faal. Crocket, that ibe J4iiauarron AznerW ! aiaucT that ar husband would not
casus has brce sad givea yoa a; be awme to-nigbt, left biro without;
lrl; Vtli funbr "itWB. Packard's
JZSZSS' d been fvre-!
in lhs aaaaar nlil rrnltraiBM war sail at bra i warn.! tbat aa attempt Would be '
asatt Tfcrt'T and Tisatt snrt Inmr ssthrmrli 1
It were taa nt pleaaaol cotppanT ia the i
w' I
TwarstqtssjierrryDetiae fcr South-!
amrarm etmiit Er. Aan ariil h. .u ., :
ak. U. T i - - -1 k T. Tl
uw aaa. laan o. aam a latuaja OISW j
tioa. twiriaaiaf Fridavveaiiir. Arinl:
17. 1877.
Taa ascrataeBt ot tbe Lord -
t,, . 1 . . . 1 . . 1
rorrwiu a aaBimistcreo Bawatk '
April Sa. at 11 a av Tbe evident aad (
ti&L Eder KvTj J
lliraaart wUloOrir
Year TrtLVy, I
Vi Tts ja ttTHifofid. tills connfr.Ur-
l....ii,.u.-L.jru nMzt.ik.Ur.'.
' t amount of sugar wc hare yd beard ot
. " -.""r."' '""r, 7 S
Tba product amounted to lt,4; jiouuds
of anaarand iogallona of nudasma. aud
r. wvengtaia aesure. us mat un was, fc ., j , l; h , f
Botacood vear for sasar. Our county I . . . .
haaaestrvedrepatatnrorsujtarnttru-;r'4'll,i and ibeir c mie.,is
fcctore. but we doubt if many or any in-1 foui.d to i.r,ji jured Intt.f lar-
dividual cn surpa thi? yield. : i t -t a lir.-M anio.i'.t of prr-pen t
A DOLLAR saved is mowha '"iLLA
EAEKE&-BCI warnc toi: c.t ".et
tic r.csT swim i
hoET. Every person cominr to town
should not bil to call ai raui t. nowai; s
iijheao OooL su e anl t urntsuins ainre,
Slain street. Berlin, S mierset county, P.
Mr. Xowag has just returned from tbe
cast, and having added a tall line ot
ladies' and gents' Jewelry. Gloves, ic,
to his stuck, be now offers for sale the
largest and best assort men t of Boots aud
Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings Hats
andJea-elrr. lsdies' and cent' Gloves,
and Cents' "Fnrn'tshin jt Goods ever offered
for sale in Somerset county. He. is selling
Mens' Tery beat stogy shoes at l ;
I ' - a 1 OK . Vn.itl.a' -t YVft-
men tapt gaiters at iw ; Aliases aii
W omens very best grain 6hoes f 1 -'i
Misses' at $1 13 : Men's fine white shirts
at il 00. Don't fail to call and cxamiao
bis stock of goods when you come to
O. K.
Is a recent issue we urged upoa lot
owners tbe propiiety of planting lruit and
shade trees ibis season, and as the time
has arrived when the duty should be ut-
! tended to we are enabled to furnish a few
hinu which may prove ot service in ma
king thorn grow and thrive. The rule
to be observed are furnished by a practical
tree-grower, and are so simple as tu be ea
sily understood.
i irst, the trees snouia 09 uug up who
great care when ihey are to be transplant
ed, and a large proportion of tbe roots
retained. Any roots mangled are to be
cut off at the mangled ends smoothly, with
a sharp knife.
Tbey are to be kept in lie shade, if set
out the same day ibey are dug up. If not
set ibe same day, dig a trench in yonr gar
den deep enough id -receive tbe roots,
pack in lbs trees side by side as closely as
possible, with the tops touching the ground
then cover tbe root a fool doep will soil,
treading aod packing it around the roots :
and, it they are to remain a tew days. It
would be well to cover their tops with
any coarse litter to shade Ibein from the
When set, trim tbe trees according to
the extent or quantity of roots they have,
by shortening in the branches, and by re
moving s superfluous branch here and
there. From one-third to one half of the
top of a tree, when re-set, should alaays
be shortened in.
Dig holes tit ample size, vj that all Ihe
roots will be in their nam a), horizon'!
position; and place tbe surface (oil by it
self, to be first used sroun 1 the roots, and
the subsoil on top. Pack tbe earth firmly
among the roots, and, before the boles ar
epiirgty tilled up.J turn a half pail of wa
ter In each, and wait a let? hocrs to finish
No manure should be put among the
root ;but it mar be placed over them,
near the surface'of lie ground. A mulch
of barnyard litter around the trunks of
(be trees is very good to ward off the ef
forts ot a drouth.
WEIGLE HILL. In Berlin, by IUv.
J. . Poftlnberger, JaX)b J. Weig'e to
Abbic A. Hill, UiU of Shanksvilje, in
er?et Co, Pa-
: FLOTO-tMASTEKS. In berltn. oq
the evening of April ', by Ilev. J. V.
Pofflnberger. Theodore II. Fioto to Mar
tha J. Masters, both of Berlin, Somerset
county, Pa.
COOK. James Cook was liorn liciolcr
10. ISO-.?, d;ej Apr IB, 1C7, a-ed T5
years, 8'months and 6 days.
Starke taw near Kkasa Ihe Kuaalaa
Waihxgto.v, April If Tbe re
ception of ibe (J rand I hikes Alexia
and Cormaotiae bv Mr. Haves tv
daj was cbaraetcrizpd by marked
courtesy, in view cf the nnpiesoaot
nes? gTowinj cet of Alexis' lirst vis
it here during Mr. (iraat'a adrcinis
tratioo. Tbe visit i oue soleiy iA e-mr sy,
though tbe continued presence of tee
Seet in tbe American waters, in the
opinion of sagacious navel officer?,
has reference to the impendioj? con
flict ia Europe. It ia stated that in
the e7ent of war, aoi cj attempt to
transport articles contraband of war
to Turkey fr ra tba United Sta-ea in
American op foreign bjitom., the fleet
would pursue socb suspected vcretls
to the bigb seas add board them to
examine their papers with a view to
ascertain their destination. Should
Kogland become involved the fleet
would at once cruise io pursuit cf al!
vessel untW the DrinVh Bag.
This morning between 11 aoii 12
o'clock, tbe Grand Pokes A'eva aud
Coaataatios, together with the P.qs
siaa MinUter and other of the party,
drove to tbe executive mansion and
were received at tbe door by Secre
tary fc.vart, who escorted tera to
(be b!o roctu, here Mr. IIajesaid
members ot the Cabinet bad assem
bled to receive tbern.
Tbey were in full drew. TLe cer
eraoaisa y,ere vouductjrd by Mr. Ev
an. Iluke Alexia being the Em one
prt-tieDied. It was merely a visit of
respect oa their jrjrt. The prepeata
ttoo iariny been concljided, tbey
an eogairea in general coaversanon
of ao eiceediogly cordial aud lYiecd
1t ctaracter, and this wss reo-Jered
ibo more pleasant from tbe fact -that
Russia and the United States have
Uja been firm friends. Tbe vis
itor remaioed afcouttaectT minntes.
and wbea tkej withdrew Sccretarr
r.vsrts ccoropoied tbern to tfa t ar-
nares. Mr. UJHui this after.
dooij, with feteoreurr JrJraru, reiuro
the viait.
Hrtrphww! frwoa tba Bile ar t at.
New Yobb;.. Apf'I 17 Oa Janu
ary 2d Robert M. Dickie, aired four
teen, while playing with a est, wsi
bit'.ea io the" hand. Tbe wound j
healed, and notbiBSf wa thoazht off
it till iuudy. when the boy experi
enced great diSeulty ia swallowing.
Saoo after all the jaituQis of hjiiro-
posiin geveljped tbemseice, ud
earfr this mornin? i.h :ifrr K.,t
be removed to Bellevae Upl:i
m?,bo 0o l
very critical
nmai ss aMar rarasr. ,t T) p T V n r Tin n n n TJ
x. !J. lllaliluLlJu OL uUll.
Nxw Obli.s, April jd The m ,r"frl-
foUoi8 report eatn from the State Jokthwl,. couxe.
Hoa Last aTght: Goreor Tack- THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT ST3.
stopped muni PHILADELPHIA,
lt0 TaeTtf Rampart and Esplao-j MA.Trr.ti.Tt nrs or patented
ade streets, where be resides, by teaj,. t, , T, . ,,
wo Bndin! Wrni'nt-lrnn I 'T I Iffht pl02T0r?
only a aa ocenpant aa elderly trf.i
, . ,. . 1 . F' i
eon, atucbe jf Governor Packard
"j- to kldnSD him skoald i
be attempt to sleep t;tf
kowsa as be has lately done, and j
ao be seat his cab ahead to ia it 1
taere. WM MJ foondauoa ia the
warnintr fives.
. '
. - :
Uunog tbe pt aeek vrer tltree-
oaarters of a miliioa dollars war. h nf
jfoods were evened from rhi!iI-
- ..- - ,
ph ' toaiuwi Chief
aaioBf these exports were bacoa.
oeei, tallow, tara, petroleum, kr to-
bacro, o3 cake, eouoa and boaea.
Itapeity Sreavered Tram tie Saint
f lh Hewlkera If efel.
St. l.' t
ii 1 . No Inxlies
i:t i be Soullieru
b4V b-en
l.clon?"iijff to srues't an.! hoarder in-
f rloilif.? 1 T.Cl-O vrlb ,.( diamonds,
wblcfc wt.r dHirert-d to the owner,
;rnnli I' K.rcla.of N'ew York.
j - r
lrol by Coo a Barn its.
pa tLEaa in
Apptr. drl.). a
Apl.ielailtrr. V IaJ
Bran. V 1-JM
Hauar, V (ki)
Batls-r. ) E (rvl!
RackHhcat, tuhel
- ural, Iju !.....
Baenrax, a
fcaora, i.alar, f a
- ael-,
1 S
.......... 7as
I nx
si :
1 OS
W Oe
w iHi
eututry haa,, y a..
i ivwn. (hlii) i bosbet...
Cum meal pa..
Calf akuis.
E, dus
I lur, V !
FlaxoseJ ) bL. (is )
Hums (mai-curcu) f h
Larl, ) a
Laarhar, ml lute, $1 E
ni'psr, whitf, VK t
iMta, i.a
Potatoes, ft bo
Peacl.i. dried, V
Kjta I
lout f a
bail. V-.. L V bbl.satr
OrotiQit AIb:b, r Mtck.
" AnlitoB. ier aaca ,
Satrar. ysilow "ji a
" whita
!Ts!!a.y 8
I Wam, ' w
Neve AdrertUements.
A -WO I S t EM F.X TS,
All i.oon'H-mtn' mint he aoou.Dmnievl with
the cull, five dollars f-r aU nuncea, exop;u
tluBfe I'ireeior. TfcVeu Al.Oj per thousand.
Torus voiess of SoacasiT Cocstv :
I am a ear.-tl.lat9 ft DUfrtn Attnroev. tuhet
t the dreii. olthe Rc.anlieaD y.fiiaan. sli.aL
Shuul.l 1 1 elated the utlttet of the oCu-e will bt
taltlilallv prtonoM.
SuuiiTMi, ra 14, V.;. JOHN B. KliIE.
roit CA.I TY ai'BTEVOn
S interact.,
We are authorize! to onGwnfv JUSEPH O.
Ct Z V. I AX. or brother" ailey Tp.. an citaVll.
4lt i"T H Uum a-ire'.-tur. toi.joct to lUm lit
lo of the Kej ubiieaiis at ihe civmnif, jriiiiarT
lame ret oanly Poor lfaa
anil Ilonne of Km ploy
mr-nt. from April 1.
1ST, to April 1,
i.i aa
. i. ox inDii't.Li, );:
Ite.t hrp ,
Hea.! o!
a"'i r J"r-4 ia' i.e two jears oll...
.! of y.ii. -a'tl une year old
Had..t iriLii(ealvK4....1 .......
Head of aUwj
i,f.4 axbOaanE ritoDcrra.
Toiof bar
..f -L-i wlieal
banel ot aau -
Huhe!.4uf polat.
Bu-helf of .Mm tn ears
bnalielf of k'.hlrati
Buhel. tr ociob'
bubrlo! t'.e.atoes
Kii-hrltof heaBA ,.
Hab! of rl veti
(raUi-iu olaple tatter tj..i:l
Hmter,!s uf lanl
P' tf Mllow
P.xmti ot pyri ra'M.t
P-mo-Mol oeef ni l.!
P.Hia.tii.1 ea! an l leull.a
. II
. T
. 1
. I
. 3S
. 2
. i
. IS
. 2
roaittliof eaif iuM
juo-!3 of ieet I'.i-ii.......
p'.anUof wrva
Barren ol frip.....
H-rretf iiir
K-srrlf pi. tl
ACTicin-'vaxcraj-. :ji. is iwcta
p;i,ia of sea i pit.u
Pair.. I b"t i irtlL..
Uraiaei wanen ...
lr.-M- ei,.i.ifn
MD' jh.r.i
V.'tftcea aC'l phll':rTn'i coc-oiiw
K.-au.!a' m ur Uico ..............
li-.y'e h:r:.
FtaoDet rania.. ...... ...........
t'uta of 9it-kln3 yam
Falriwf dw ijcs. ."
Pair. t at4M.-ku.tfi ka.te.1..
Pairanf wk
Paira ot r hil.lrm's vka
Pain .f uiitteti. ,
Arwotis Urf
Arotii ."jaia
U'..u-3'8 CHUe.1
Bed! lar;
aoniec'a ca)4
Palrauf turn' .irawers
Paira of cQlrs
tUvl tbff !...
Bd MBf.t9 ,
'iiafl ii-ks
Pair .if ha iiiaau
lil i.lHc-r
F-ainer rx.i.ner4 ...
Pairof pillow
Sloate 1..1 ?. heeta
SlUtfie hual!rrt
Wwfaeo'a ja,rta
rhii-lren'a fkirt
.Mn al hor t ct
Knitte-i jackeu tir mm
Snn.'.-tin.-i aod a.aHl-.
Woanen'a Uacoei
! ; f..rlaa&
i ..we i ,
S . p.t. ............ un!.
SUeeia for tie More . Y. '. '.V." .
Avra-e Burrlv-j i,foinutt tturuij( rear. ......
NnmKr or ehil.irea b,un.1oot......'
t rn ia iheatiaie
lJle.1 aurlt; ibe tear
Atraeoui..riaa!r lis aj .t. .
t JrailSD.1 trarc. rr. ul-J with bjosic..
1 ' -ranis ana irao:....
T" a.'h and ekeekt imirt fp-.ra Jir t
n. S'jun. I ritrnsew.
i,k-ac.)?o aixl .lUaret wht trva. W I K
"'f fal.1 tIar:D: tte year ta Stat Lu
aa'lc A ."lota. -art Stewart
t;.. ..:rn.,T-. , retrarc. .rarci-
Jir . ,"ei,J aoo;.ltn ior wtiarj.
J..O f K.iMy hv her'; la at Cbam-4
irifM . f-:rao 3.nrrrt C-n.
Saonrr. I Perira.
, Vo. Yi At-il Term IS7T.
J-o.ctriliy. ; Alia SaOp-a ia
' . l.iTorea
i.ariria Vj"en a px-'nl ComsiMUaet Va aiJ
snt rej.-rr ti fa.:3 tt:is an option, la tie abve
rated na. rotiw U terekT rraa tbat t will
it s' mr '-' J! ii. Fvriih itf S-.Tneraet Pa..
j tbara-Uv. the'J4!h .iayof Mav. A. I. 177
when and wher 1 w;l! dl-harV ti flatiea r
bjt C.jimli'as. aM aJ fa-r.Ht inire'.cl ic.-7
attend 11 uit il:a;k j-. rr.
J. O. f.iLE.
Apt-' ivmailioo-'oer.
A trT ibvaw wsa at htt th tat!, .,f Juaepfe
T- il. oi C.jnemav-zh f wp . .v mer-et C.. Pa-.
k ae lutaiea er. ' t!.t Wa 4 Marea.
A onwa ar fc-nr jear okl thia rtca
t l,e owaer ia n-iarve. t ejtne fc.rwarl. aay
taanra. aa,l aare ;Se aame froal belag aoM ac
6rf.!ii to btw.
'" .U-liHl HUaiUlJ
w P
ciTi: vu. BtTi nmuta cual.
Cookiirig Range, Low-Cewn
Crates, Etc.
V er-:pr.iv CireaUrs sent tr-a to aay a aatrvM. j
I. 1, . . -a - - -
11 It . It A I
tsprnaasaatSy Wair-I at Ihe ST. CHARLES
HOTEL. PH-Jl-a. r. Pa. Pi aaaaea aaa UeSra4
kie f taaSpiae, L urina liga-lataaxats, I-ra-pPa,
tieTBtsaM PUe Me-eaetaily trralM Ivy
taeiS t t.M5vial.lTEH ti JaexJutaieal Saa.
pona. CaJar aead fecoarripUTC pauaiat, T&
I H-a. Ta Lita Ia.- Xatle-1 Free. AjlS. J
So wsnoi to Stonfr. IVrtcr c"; C .
Machine Sc
! Ualer Street. Opp wit B. ft
Manutioturcri ol Railroad act Machine Caninj- p h
Frog?, Switch Stand aud Bridles. Tracts. Vlt Wr.con 'i
tics, Iran hrel Barrows, Stone Ticks, Hammrrs and ChUr'h
l.rulgi? Tmfs Bolts, Tlows, How Cnsfin,
Cxi, Pair k Ssatfag S'.yres, Ontesarra Zratc, L:w XTsa.
Miscellaneous Cttstings Mtulo to Order.
.Machinery of all kinds built and repaired t Short Notice and Rea.naMe Tt rui-..
Atao on hand all hinds of Mnterll used about Steam Engines.
Oa. Ssfm aad Water Pip. rmta. Uym y.ha, UraasWhw. Oma H.e. On- r . . .
...... - - -
r u.' . liiarr hu rfwr tteittn
1 a
"l I.rA"'lR.rJ "r T..ilet I EQr AT. t Whlt I'mit .
r tills, till. a. 1.1 1 .in .r-M. whieh nu ...
.11. :i r.. . 11 LE ih llie Uup..rtra myi ,
n-wh I H ,.1 ..Hun , .-.anini h, v,
" ..I th WHll. -.mi m.1.r I . h-. krn,.,.,
a r:i:u:.. Uf.i.'.i !., I'm JMira-h b ,: al irurrr
find Mrr. haa.liae. ai-u, Hrokera. Bnwera att.1
DKUilen within thaCoooty ot Scanrraet, ratara
cl aau elaliie4t by the Apprataer of MemutUe
Taxe. la amjrlaae wlih the aot of AFwmtilr J
'sit April. lte. M tbe year U7T.
A00ISO t.
S3'1. CwtM. Taj.
M. A. Run a Sn, Petersbvrv 13 v
H. U Deaa k Blu.. - U T lw
laM.m hiu a., L, sumvltle u 1 uv
A. C. Frer. SoawOrW. 1 f IS
ausoasnv vwr ,
Killinfrf Bl'l,....., U ' 1
U. W.taniaer. 14 7 ou
aauTsccsT kixrr vwr.
J. R. Bocae, Plus Hill H 7 )
satis xaaoren.
tlaalel Hr3T 14
t. A. A J. V. PaUaoa 13
P. A. Brut kar 13
J. PoorDaua-h a Sob U
Kioto a cook 14
K J. Mejent Is
P l Nuwa U
.lohnaai a &.a. 14
Phi at Bro 1
cosrLcasca aoaueoa.
T 4
la ou
7 Si
1 o
; ao
in as
T w
10 (a
I uu
W vi
11 m
T 00
11 0
7 0
St. A. R.w a Su t:
. t. firoS u
Mouoiala a Co 14
A. ti. UUvk a U
coataatoa tvp.
H .1. ll-Tta Da1.1Tllle 13
Ktt a Layaiaa la
sxKtaca Twr.
Wm R. Oet'v. tr Salljhqrj 14
P. (. Har. Saliatorv .- . H
.VarhA iilit leli t, aaotu-T... 14
. J. U iui - 13
r.axzsvux twr.
Frvl.Oarr, Paeahotuas It
jarraasoa TWf.
Henry SchUj a Co.. Bakemllle U
jmu vwr.
B. a. Fleck. J inner x Boa.t. 13
S. J. f'oeer. - 13
Franklin Sir. JenBerrilte 1.1
V.'. S. Woran. Sut..t.,n MlltJ !
Wm.Ar.prl, Frwanl9V.wa 14
taaiaan nr.
J. V. Blftiwr. WUtCTl.ont 14
Herm-ia Johawa. - 14
latm ti RKKTrorr rr,
F J. 1,K!d, HanwiiiTille 14
rerra t. asarrtyn xtt r
C'afp a Barnes, t'aaaelican 14
Miuvat Faoley. Klnw.KJ.. u
krerer 4 Ciaerlian " U
aaYEKanaut Bcuctia.
la o
7 w
T f
? S-l
; to
Ki uo
Eliai W jjelaod-
Uutikiiig a Bra's,.
.. 12
.. la
.'." i
.. U
.. 14
13 10
M !
I "
r '
T 0
13 II
13 a
13 S,
Z to
13 '0
7 09
T ft"
7 oo
? &i
a. u. ueackiey
Jama SL Cahell.
Wm. Siwer
(. W.Gaaamaa...
l..y a Bro
J. T. Sdltley
Hartlra a Bru
X. . MUler
liiLroan vwr.
Walter J. Tra . I, Oerharubor 13
Jaw M. Say or. 14
l.a.1.1 W.4ienberger. Miueral Point... 14
H. Sar.ler. " - ... 14
M liter a Brut, - ...!
fyra B. Moire, Sew Leitnroa. 13 10 x
SKWcasTCKvaui aaaot a.
Als. Iter pi n - a
soaTnarro.x rvr.
John H. M1I1T. Jha)n;. 14 ' t.
Itw. W. Waya, Mill..... 1 ! w
A., pbilauB butiua 1 ; w
VT. E. Ixhr, nU'-iaiigh 14 7 (n
iw Batnaoas soentco.
Wm.Ollteaple 13 in oa
IM'Wr 14 : faj
grtaaxesiao i r.
Oeft. Honrer.HooTerwnie TOT
Samuel Iranham. Pine Hill 14 7 OS
i. IL Urilhtu, Hoover ,Tai 14 7 oo
STOTBroas soaorr.M.
J. H. Ciyier..... 14 7 00
Bowtaali...... 14 j a,
saaoc Twr.
T. E. Kaakia 14 7 00
fa M. XeB. Frlaatenabar 14 7 'w
Pet-r Sipe, lpeTllle IS 14 on
Flk-k a Cbnrpenisa; LavaneTUle 13 lo eo
A-Countryman, - 13 VI v
oxEEerr sobocco.
A. Koepper 1 7 0
i. W. Nueai 14 7 as
J. H. Miller 14 7
O. w. Bmford is 7
John Blymyer 13 13 ut
IL A Fllrk A Co Is 7 04
A. J. tiaaehaer a Co 13 13 S
M. t.'aardeer 14 7 0
Wm. HetSev. H 10 00
K. M. Srhr.a-k 13 13 SO
Coo (t Urerua 13 U
rlatry itemey
J. M MoHeroaam
Sokm Ibl
S K. PUe ,
Ed Pat 00 ,
K K. Parkes
ar. J. B. TiaslweU .,
J. K. HoNitsrl. Kervton Janet a.a...
h. SL Xiller Kanuait Mdii ,
F. B. Eaea. Garreu...
F. Howaaa. -
J. W. HuHvert, Kerttoaw Mknes
vtuauicM aoaurao.
J. B. BrfnUam ,
Ueary Slirtn
Ttunrraaxx ttt.
P. Wajrner, Bavkatow ,
J. K. VaUer,tuanarviiae
c Baliser "
J. S. Vrbpata. Stoayereak
neta Boaoroa.
laaae Jenkia
l. SiaJilaiaa a Ca .-
lr. y F.Wiuer
2 IM
14 7 la.
13 k t
IS 0
10 00
14 Oa
10 0
; u
I a
T 0
7 M
7 oa
10 (4)
7 W
I. o
10 0
IS 09
1 J. K. a.yaa A Ca
i saaaxa as aaoalaa.
J. . kluaei A BVata, Somenet .. a ns
P: i -.on . Co.. UerlUi . o
t kei fc ta-.Boo.L Saaiabary....
Heurr Sahrit. bakiTine.
j H. at Looj, Berlin
la-UhfliS, ,
S. J. baf?i
Tt:wr ISfx. Xv BAkinkora....
rn:ia Uiuki. Wrurwu
Oaistix! T th .lvr iity Ihmt A Wiil iroaaj aa av(-s?at
i lit l r5avrrra &3c, ia -jai.rrt, m ttm vn
1t of Mmt. ut?. wftB 4ti1 wiwrv ail per- w;n
ibm9ie rnet4 t im tKvv ciftiv-i-Q,
a aiiwtttl a utcv ifaiba. prtr. Mrriaiaij
aV-i UIReaNifiaU tM CvOi Ui UtUCT ft
Ust-ur tj mrtouj mtn'ng tte rmrrjrmtirj maA
T. Ct. RAlfXI.T,
Arli'ii, ajsjotirmxtUt a4j-;-faiarr.
uere eam tpa'jaaefef- oa rr rreaarae. 11
Jtb day ol Seytaeaber WTS.a ateer. two Jax3 m.1
til tpriaa:. Coaor black aod wiilte.
Apr3i -loarreea Ivwaaa.p.
peraiaaewt Jiee in erTlc, raa an a paoara oy
arttiBz to Juba Kjapatrtrk. Cauaiarale, Osa.
April 3a.
Ttii.a OU eaeaot b Ut any wkerw hat o tae
WICK ! It ana law aearty tale a fca a any
; oiSer tAl and zIt aeariy doaMe taa lliamiaataaa.
rit a.a oarn many lundof iiAir:
i 1 1 in 1 ii un I u a 1 'I Vj 1 in 1 k t
ar We waai ao4 acti aaeatal trr
rHry a-lTajo ! aarsend C. U. I). . auapie.
ao-1 cry K : AMEBIC AW BLt E UU. HX
a E. Cor. GtrsKt Ateut aau Oermaatowa k-a.l.
April IA Ptutadarfpkia, Pa .
Th arxieralra tljeaa 0 Jlak'aw-rwrt Tap,
Sowwravt Ca . ra. aareAy jJt aora-a ta4 so yn-
afcail baaapaawaa tav mad Sir ta partMea
ef nektaff ar oaatanaT aadar penalty of the law.
aUCi. il sllfl WElall.
Wm. B K1XO,
jraaiAH maiatpL
r. r. aixa.
s. a. uxti.
JKfar WiariKE.
joH.t pfTaAw.
4'. BABlOaf
1. a BlrTTIFlF.Ll.
taklS. M HIIHk,
U. B. MOt rivE,
W. P. .MijajKE.
I Jjr.lA,H ajAltauN
, Aru is.
a ftcTflww-arsi wr.T t-t
1 a.
j a'xareav ae.atjy BTreB taas
. C. Herke,
Pa, saw
A a Ji ka )le, fy aeeat raiiaKary aaaaaw-
aaeat, aav aana'J. a au taw eataa. laai aaa re
aal.of taawMl w. c. MaAataA M Utxaf'T.
at aaat B-aafi, la aal vaaj. aa uaet fcar taw
A Befit of la re 4 are of tae aa W . tX H '-aa.
beil pernaa, taatajtara, waiaiaa ta u saa W. C.
Hk4. wl.1 ataa la&aaeoiaae p.. Beat ua ta au
Aat4rs. aad LBoa una, ejaatca ar owataaaia,
wiil am aauws tasauoe aUnoat d.
A peril!. Asaayaaw at W. V. SIC S3.
Fonic Works.
- - - - - F - a'.l - on.t.arr - .. !,,r,lN
r'a.i . .
1r it aa. oa prrj TFr!.
.1 lt,4iin .. m5 t'tr-
1 . n.ilitMk: i. mwrs
i -Iriu.. 1UIJ. tn . ,1U-
" ""J I t aa A iMWt.
Ma j L, liTT. M April Jl, Mrs.
The RevlaeH Xaate of Ike VnliM S-ate.
tWa JaUl iS-'. -arx aalaU-u. rrajreevrrv fw-rvai
aamt ia any imaiaeM, of eiaoWf .
laenl wSS'k r alr aim liable f. a prialiat i
prorar awl ia. .ui-pa-aotuiy in lit.
aieolar 'la.3 ol baaua a taaip ine
laiyiaeatol aaid oecMl tax tor taa S(cL.l Tax
lear beaiimiDa; Ma l, ti..ra H9iin.ii
oreoatlautaa suMueaa anrr Ar.i
A re, urn, aa prearrl. ea oa f ..
qaire.1 by law ol a,r peiaoa
'la a. aa aouve.
rtiau u::.
II. ta al re
al- ioa haina to n ul
Tue laxea eott'Taml wuhinthe prriai. ua
law ahom qa.xe.1 are ibe laowij. m :
laitrm, retail lkttor i
oeaiera, wiiuteftale wa
Kealeraia ma a o., . ...... i
iJealori m aval. o,u,, n. retail. .. . u u
leara la Ml tooaerv.... v,
Sctall Scalers ia leai vtyr-n . ...... a, .
AaUoaaalea.rfofersl.juu. any nn f.
every aollar in eneae f . .a,.
Iiealera la taanatautareU tooacc. r, y.
Manafaa area ol atllia
An-l lor eawb Mill aaaBulaetare,!
And lor 'era worm aiana.aeturel .
JaauMetarera of t,aiaeeo
XaDufaetun-e of cia-an
PeuMiera ol um., nmclais iaiore iaaa
two boraeaor 'Hber aai .a,.
Peddlera of u.ha,r-.., feron4 clan, itw .
hiaea oroaee anlmalat
Ped-ltera .jl tutaeroaira claaa (one avre
f.r olaier auiotai j
Pttbtlera of baareo fair.a ela w i (on kxi
or iMH.lteoaiveyaare
Breweraol lee iban ta Darrel""""""
Brewer ol ai tatnoia r aara
l.i ...
lo a
'jt "
li o
toa im
Any peraon ao luhle, who ahall rail to eooly
mUa lt a"'1" re-;airem!a wUi ha,ai.Jt. t o,
ft aererrenalilea, '
"i Per.naor firffla MlMi ro MT bt i,1 :.. .,.1
Taveaainl moat arp:T t K.fw trl .-j. u.i
-..!l-tor of bwern it wmu at M.n-i .vi
pay for ail p-.-jw the St.! r, MiaD.r,
S.ani. tl-.-T ort, r io .Hat V, ItJT, aoj a .Ik.
out t;.r.lrf-r a-.ta-e.
liioul Tax tunipawlll tranamllfe.1 S ma, I
oo.j n rree.i.t :ie perojau ar urirrin 'n
ameof urifK-.irecuone n to a,s lotfmb, ana
llie neoeaaary laae aiaiaia or the amoaot l
.lOlroil Woa, lo. poata-. The
"'P ta mr-eeenu aa. . two Nini ..t -nii..
II It u.leairoUltat lacy tran.oiiitnl i,y rrta.
tere.1 mail, urn cent a Mitiooal Wwail acaxni o
t'omrniaai'mr o. liueruai atfruur.
Oriit t or Kit ii. a.
aaliuiKtoo 11. v.. Jaauary a 1T. martl.
Ablate of laic Ftirk. !ate of LaraaeTi, re
S.mrwl Towmbln, 4x1
ler era.lstialatrati'ai oa la arar aatata
bvmi --hy laei .-raor.irya..llre
la.nereny.K'tTentoth'.xeukJet.le.i itlo make Iru me
dial pa;, menu asd inoa oaalnirlaiaia (iut at
to presiit l ,taT tathMllraieH ir aeltanena.
aii.1 a.a.oa.u-e al tlx- late rralen.- of .l.aar.t
oat lae .lb day of Ai it. 1-77
Ml-h 24. A-lmitoHfator.
A ilne of rlty BWJe nr Sin alw.ivi oa aae-l.
anerau atreM,i ti) rea,.i o. .ilatn..e.
A nrt fan in-ara- ssot. itn ns.. rue
alIp-aa j .H.N" H. vf. "KKlVlf,
A?rU t.erTiil, Pa.
in parnerafcip m..i etiattne hetwai ff .
Bowman a vl J .ii,aui in ihe merwatij haa
lo9at Sl .ralown. Pa.. aa,ler the 1.1 W of B..w
maa a, Ui:!;n. I a ton .lay a iiea r-l f.y
ntutuic.B-!, 3. E. ..l!fin ret.rir.i. in wn.a
p.MaeuOai the .. aal note are a anl mnl -ail
lalereatea will louaaMiatHf rail 0t. a him arl
featie llir arroTiula. atareh ' 7:,i. I-:;.
Har. 21 JO.fATM A.N A. Uiii l.N.
katatc of Soiannah Beeh'ry, Ule of
aiaanx lp.. d-ceawf.
Latter of aimint'rail.a. 41 tn araree wwara
naTtns bea xraated to tn aa-lerHanaal. antir 1
Sereoy an 01 u. : o-.e io.lehte.1 lo it ', ma imme
diate nayaraat, ud iluw DaTtnr rtaim aaamat it
to present lhm -ia;y aaiarati'mtaal lreuimens
oa May W, i7T, al Ut roak:ear ol rte-
EPHRAtat Hla.t OK.
April IL aiiBain.atrat'.r.
"o co.NTi:ACTor..s.
rrtna will u raeeirea na tn AttI! "rt f . "I a h..l Hooa. im.i taa
ajro.-i,l ui J Bare. In .awari t.,o,,.
iaKineatloa ran a kaa after ItM 13th o Ai-U
b appiyli( 10 J .a Hi,l.
SprU4 Pre-Mriil
Corner CANAL and CENTRE St.,
Near Broadway, NEW YORK.
Firm elaa a.-r,inm.ytitlua Ut four knn..'r.
2xza aid Zssci S2 53 Ixj.
At PitUoarkiH, im T it of, a, & is. 7
T ttJt !!- I ivr-T'j, Riv-w rKV 4 b.t at
n E"
L AaWIXD vf IVrttM J. T4T "I
A Kia-Tivnia. w:,kiit mI 4 ft4
X'.'UM &J" at-.' IfKr. I ' ' .! 1 I; i IlaK..t-
, .
H. F. Johna trvf w''e. '.f h- B- p ' .,1.
rairj arrart I '-,, p,.. baTu,a ara.le arolan xn
aa.asver.r M ail .; pr a-rtT .,f aa .i k. F
JoSaa. w aa.:er.aae.l. lor tn ia.nnr it S.
rrrtl!ra oi-e ja or-sy rirea to a.l aeeae
who are' to oil-l ivtvr 10 ataa waaae
dokleioijtneiac. anl !aoaa ha.'. or r!.,,aa ararfat to .reaetit taeraaaly aa-aentei .r a t
tlrmetittot Aaa;r3e. at ttl roi-lc lo :X
Vf Tp . and aoij. a Aatarday.
when aal TDef at Ulaorl fc.r aai pn.-..
I.At li H VV
A;.rtl 11. A-tifnre.
Wholesale and Retail,
All Lad such a EEEF, PORK,
SAUSAGE, Pudcin. P.J- ?
ns, Mince Meat, a&d
LARD of utir oa
fe&J Call S2taTaiJ.
!w4aarwrt, P
Alr-at '-'an bo ort jainavl any al
alnrinz lh trak. April 1 1.
F. A. L;4aiB, it. of Paleaca, Werksaj
l,a.I 0. X : pa'ears i pay. tSeaal t t"irea
kar. AprUlAlroar
S twFJXErs 9n;E.
naauet J. LleenaoA. aatriaa: asa a aoaaiata ry
aaaiaaaaeat af aal aaa paai aaa , al ar it u
aa ia traat Bar - ataa eeai.ora. aa paaaona m
Vwoal ta. ia aaa aaarl J. Lfvmd. win
faaka lojawiu. aayaMat, aaat ta. Sax taa
etanaa wi l praa.n lict to Ujm 9tetual at
riMawuiaoa. ttfaty M lit rra..trr A Aatfaary
i rt-x. j,cr.a ?. Lrrrt3ooT.