The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 18, 1877, Image 4

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    jjna, nirrii ni:a- T-r-rrw --
kpieittai. tirr.
He who .lieu at Ai.m knJ
Tn;i to eonitor: a"! Lit Meads :
- r:thfcl frlJ r I; lief, I Lr... .
Pale and white and f anew :
Anl ye sty : -AndallalTe Cti r
Wris at toe fret aad bead.
I ran are toot falling tear :
Z 'Mi h'ur your alebsaod prayer :
Vet 1 smile and whisper liili :
I am Bat the thine fon kits :
Cnw yonr tears and let It lie.
1- waf o:!tw. It ! no! I.
Saec; rrlcuns ' ba: llto wonjen lave
F"i tlic la tlc-p of tbe grace.
1 a lral which I am quitting :
I-a ganuerft no m ire Wtins :
If a can, from which at la;t,
Like a bird, hit mil bath paw -d. '
. I.-rrc the Inmate, nor the roora;
Tit- wearer, n-jt the araro : tb- flow
l :lic ralo, not (he lr
7'it.U ac-t I'iiii in.ia ili.iar splcu JiJ u.t.
"l-vwig Iricn-.I ' in- wtec and lr
KiriiiKhlw.iy every vocpicz err.
that ye IIIlutoa the Mcr
1 not trurtli t aingle tear.
'Tii an cmpiy sea-sbell, jne
tat of which tbe pearl It (one.
T-e shell Is broken. It lien there ;
I he pearl, the all, tUe son I, If hre.
aa earthen. Jar, whose 111
Mljli c-aled the irhilcll biJ
t -. IreaJarc of trcarnrr.
a unl '.hat loved l.iui : let il lie.
I.:-. t..r thard. be carifc ooce mere,
.-; the gvi4 tr iahJ a:rc.
-Allah clorkar : Allah good !
V..W Tby world Is anderstnod :
Now tbe long, lonr. womUrr end :
Vet ye weep, my foolish friends.
While the nun whom ye call dead.
In unspoken tdlrs, Instead,
I,!re and love Ton : hart, 'tis true.
' the light that chine for yon.
lut In tbe UsM ye cannot fee.
()." undisturbed ft-Ueity
la a perfect Paradise.
An J a life that never dii.
i'rcwel!. friend ' bat nit farewll ;
Where I am ye too ekall dwell.
I am rone bcAie yonr face,
A loomcuts worth, a little ijuce.
When ye come where I hare 8ti'ned.
Ve will w.m ler why ye wejit.
Ye will know, !y trtie love taught.
That here If all and there is nauxiit.
Weep awhile, if ye are lain ;
Siinshincetili ranst lollow rain ;
tti'y not at Death, fur Death,
Now we know, la tiiat first breath
Whieb ooraonli draw when we enter
IJfr, wMeh is of all life centre.
"He ye certain ail acemt love
Viewed from Allah' throne alio, e.
I yc stout of heart, and eonte
1 trarely onward to yonr home,
1-11 Allah Allah la,
i ijorc divine : O Xo'e alwjy '."
He v. ho died at A2im, (rave
Thlf to those who ntade hi trrore.
t'rltm tkc ArttLicIifV G. It. Itovflitvr.
Tlie correct J fur layiog fbiDg
g T anj leogib, in order to form a
root lcnk-tik'l't, i to la j tbe courcrfi
cm ibao uoe-lbird tbe lenlh of tbe
sbortest f-hiugicM. Forcxaaiple, whea
"bixles are tiifbteea iacbeslong, ma
ny f( tbom will not be more than ger
rotopa incbes io length. Therefore
Gve inches is nil that tbo courses will
liear to be lai i to tbe weather with
puretyof formiriff a ?ood roof. Tiie
shingles mast be tbree tbicknewes
over tbe entire roof. If tbey
are not three thicknesses if
now and then a shingle lacks a quar
ter or ball an inch of being long
enough to make three tbickacsfe."
thero will io all probability be a leaky
place in tbe rod at such a point
Moreover, when tbe lower counts
lack liJilf aa inch of extending np fur
enough to rccrire the rain from the
outermost course, io case the middle were removed, it would be
jiifctaawcll to lay them seven or
iLt inches to tbe weather as to lay
tbrm only Grc, or Gc and a ba'f
incbe. Many ebingles are only fix
teen i tithes long, and many that are
Mt.ld for sixteen inches long will hard
ly measure Gfirea iuchea. In this
onse if tbe roof be rather flat, pay
about one-tiarter pitch four and a
half incbes is as far as they should
be laid to the wcaibc. la case a
ro if were quite steep, it might an
ftwer to lay the courses four and
three quarter incbes to tbe weather.
When buildings are erected by the
job, proprieters should give their per
sonal attention to this subject, and
pee that jobbers do not lay the cours
es a hall an inch too far to tbe
There is another important consid
eration which is too frequently over
looked in shinning, which is break
ing jo-au. Careless workmen will
often break joints within balf an inch
of each otner. When the joints of
the different courses corao 8o close to
gether, the roof will certainly ' leak.
Why bouU it not ? There is noth
ing to prevent it during a heavy rain.
Unless a roof i steeper than a quar
ter pitch, much care should be taken
to break joints not less than one and
oae-q-iancr inches. Let all work
men and helpers be t4nght tbe vast
importance of rejecting every poor
fihiugle, except wnca the upper co-irs-es
ore being laid.
A fceat-tKl DalekaaitB.
A Dutchman having moved to the
far west was told that bears were
plenty and to look out for them, and
lie thus relates bis first day's experi
ence 00 Lis new place :
"Veil I vos blowing glose to der
woods, not Tos dinkiug about pears,
ven all at vens, I seen a pig pluck
pear making fjr me like tundir. Vos I
(cairt? if 1 ras I can't help it; you'd
be scairt iicider, veil I ros not much
Bcairt too. put I run like ter tnyfel,
pecase I did sot vant ter pi act ras
cal to get too close to me, unt I crer
looked pock till I got over der veoce,
and den I see der pear vos running
like tundcr and blitzeo der oder war,
and it vos not von pear at all : only
Schmidt's plack tog ; and so I veut
pack to blowiog ocd didn't fee no
pear efer since."
BravatifBtl Little Allesary.
A bamming bird met a butterfly,
and being pleased witb tbe beauty
of iu person, and the glory of its
wings, made an offer of perpetual
"I cannot think of it," was tbe re
ply, "as you once sporced me, aod
called me a drawling doll."
'Impossible!'' exclaimed the bom
miog bird. I always entertained tbe
highest respect for such beautiful
creatures as yon."
"Perhaps you do now'" said the
other, "but when you insulted me, 1
was a caterpillar. So let me give
you a piece of advice: never insult
the humble, ai they may some day
become your superiore."
The liaby Las got a new toolb,
"Viut tbe old lady is laid up with a
?oid ia tbe bead," remarked a rcntle
naa to a defeated candidate. "What
do I care!" was the reply. "Well,"
said the gestl'-mao, slowly, "befoie
tie cloctioa you used to uke tae arid
and ask etc bow my family was cui
ioiroa, aud I've It-tn bjnuog you
all over town to lei! run, atd tbat V
tbe ay yon talk to tun. Hut i
da't make any difference. I voted
for tre other candidate atyhow."
The Hoot' Loaca.
j Fifteen years ago to-night, a young
' pH knelt beueatb tbe Mtarry tky to
'pry ; and tbe burden of her prayer
..iviht she might be endowed witb
tle powers of a genius ; that power
j might be given to her to writo ; to
'give voice to the tnmnltnons feelingt
jeurvlnjr through ber ru!.
I Tbw was all tbe boon she craved.
'She asked cot for love, for weal'b,
high estate ; neither did abc ark for
fame 1 tel. ambitiou bad no place
in ber heart. She t-k-d but for tow
er to weave together the loose matter
tbat was clogging tip ber heart ; to
write out its tin written mn-ic ; its
glowing dreams aad prophecies ; and
it was graa'.pd ber.
Will it bring bappincst?
Years nsst-ed awav. Aeaiii she
i knelt io pray. Her dark eye, radi
:nt with ttc licbt ol trcrjiiif, were
i fixed upon the distant Leavens ; ber
;l:ps were half uncioced, and her long
dark ringlets fell over her unei vercd
' boulders.
Sbe looked like one inspired.
Suddenly the fair bead was bent
low, and ber band raised, with a kind
of deprecating gexiure, as if some
'sorrow bad crept i a upon ber jy.
I Then, folding her arms over her bear:,
I hbe bowed ber face in tbe dust of hu
miliation, anil, in broken words, ex
claimed - "Father, to be loved !'
II a ! the is not happy 1 Sbe craves
tbe boon of love.
It was not enough that migbly
power was given her over ber own
mind and tbe minds of others. Sbe
bad made ber a world apart from
tbe world sbe lived in Sbe bad
won fame and bevies of friends, aod
yet ber womau's heart craved for
Tbe love of a noble heart was giv
en ber ; a princely borne aod tbt
bomago of the multitude. Will tbe
love sbe has coveted Gil her heart ?
Will love do more for the womau's
heart than fame for tbo girl's ?
She bad a bappy home ; sheltered
in from tho world's clamor and
change t hat far-off world nbe thought
so beauiifnl. Would tbat sbe could
part the thick curtain that bung be
tween it and ber. Sbe did so, and
lound tbat tbe curtain was of course
eray serge ; tbat tbe beautiful colors
it bad worn at a distance bad been
wrought by her own brain. Sbe
wished that she had not peered be
yond tbe curtain that had been so
wisely hung between ber and the
world tbat seemed so fair for f-be
bad guiued more litrht and knowledge
than was wise fr ber. Sbe found
out tbe fallacy of her early dreams ;
tbat love and truth were not tbe
things tbey seemed; that happiness
wasamyib; aod the ' trail of tbe
rerpent was over thetn all."
Alas! ber heart is yet unfilled, her
soul unsatisfied.
And now, from tbe white, quiver
ing lips, a new prayer rises. IJut
this time sho does not kneel, but
bears it aVut la her heart ; and at
lust, when the want gross unbeara
ble, tbo trembling lips otter, pasion
atelv, "ttive me children, oh, Fath
er !'
A little life Guttered into exirtence
a sweet pale blosom of wendrcus
loveiiness. Tbo bine of tbe violets
were in ita eyes, and tbe rose Cu-h
upnn its cheek. There was a new,
delicious feeling in ber heart, and ber
soul thrilled at the touch of those
linv Gngers.
Was tbe wont in ber soul filled?
(ad the babe's comingstilled its long
i tig ? Ah. no ! something was want
ing. What could it bo ?
There 'came a night when the
bra;b floated out from tbe babe's
lips, and it went to dwell bevond tho
pearly clouds. Then thero came
boors of darkness and porrow ; after
wards there was lijfbt 1
As tbe stricken mo' her gazed 11,100
tbe wee. waxen bale she had loved
so well, she could scarcely "believe
and qniet herself before Him wh"
hid bcr-av-d ber. Cut, even in tbe
midst of ber aoguisb, a new revela
tion dawned upon ber. Sbe saw
tbat she bad been blindly following
ber own will, regardless of His wbo
created her. Lvery prayer of ber
life bad been tnswered. Genius bad
been given ber, and fame, and love ;
and more precious far ibao all, the
sweet child love, which is surely a
forettste of heaven.
Oace more bentth the stars sbe
knelt to pray ; not tbe young girl ol
Gf:ten years ago, but a woman, wea
ry and worn. The prayer, this time,
is not for intellectual endowments,
nor lor hunwio love, nor fame, nor
the pattering of cb'ldreo's feet ; but,
faintly, from a bite lips, come tbe
words: "Wash me, and I sbill be
made whiter than snow Take away
all vain dreams ; all strivings after
earthly happiness ; all bitter yearn
ing for human love ! Let the prayer
of my heart ever be, not my will.
Fa: her, but Thine, be doc !"
Thai Brawa Why.
Perhaps yon have wondered why
the church of which you are a mem
ber did not grow taster, and give
signs of greater prosperity. It has
regular means of grace, and these
means of graca are attended br con
gregations of orderly aad attentive
j listeners.
i QyWby are there no more additions to
khe cburcb T
Whr no more conversions J
Sucb qieatious should not be ace
swered hastily. Tbey deserve a very
careful consideration and very honest
Allow a suggestion as to what
may be jje reason. Perhaps you do
not prey fur a blessing upon tbe
preecbed word Tbe word neached
can of itself save no soul. Tbe au-
plying energy of tbe Holy Spirit is
necessary, and tbe Uoly fepmt is giv
en to answer to prayer. .
Do you habitually pray for year
mioister and for tbe H'.ly Spirit to
give efficacy to the truth preached by
him ?
Washington Dispatch: An amus
ing incident occurred as tbo new
Secretary ol tbe Navy was leaving
bis hotel this morning lor tbe .de
partment. Ashe was passing out
be was suddenly accosted by a gen
tleman wbo said, "Is your name
Thompson?" Tbe reply, "s ''yea."
"Well," said tbe stranger, "my name
is Key. We are both in tbe Cabi
net; let us be friends " Tbey shook
each other by tbe band in old time
style. Air. Thompson remarked. "I
know we shall bo much better friends
with sucb an introduction, than if we
had been more formerly presented to
each other."
jfc. Centlemaa traveling in Ohio
some time ao turned in at a country
tavern for dinner. Jbe bar-room
was garnished with a dirt wash
basin, a piece of suap tbe size of f
lozenge aod a equare yard of crash,
die y visible ibroottb epidemic de-
poi s. Having slightly washed, tbe
traveler eyed the rag d abtfully, and
the a ar-ked tbe proprietor: "iiaveu't
yo.a sir, about tbe prtmL-c, a tbis
year's to el?" '
The flower Unr4eai.
As tbe spring opens the flowers ap
pear, aud ouw is tbe time to attend
will to tborutgb cleanliness-; ligbily
boe tbrungb or otherwise dress all
margins of beds where crocuses, aae
monp, snowdrops, primroses, and
other spring flowers are peeping np.
Transplant b-lNbrck", bibaciH'U
pewuie-. nud tber bardy pereni.Ial
plauts. Walk may now be turned,
raked and rolled di-; if o miles i?
at hand, use a cuple f ide hoards,
laid down, then Btcppiog from one to,
the otter to press tbo w alk Grm. Deds
tbe foim uf wbicb it ia deeired to
change, can now be done. It occa
si uaily happens, from disease aad
other causes, that ibe tulip does not
make its eppearonco above ground
witb the rest: a careful examination
should take place, removing the
soil till yuu come to tbe top ol the
bulb, when it may be found that the
outer sheath cr leaf is wholly decay
ed of In this case, after re
moving the diseased parts, do not re
turn the soil, but allow tbe rulb to
have free exposure to tbe air, c-vr
io? from rain or frtist with a band
iriass. cr some sort tf protection
If you have hyacinths, tnlipstr other
hardy bulb roo'8, now is tto time to
plant, orjust as son 11 as the gruuna
ran be woiked.
Hoses tbat have not been pruned can
now be attended to. aud decayed or
injured wood cut aa ay, a bile many
of tbe feeble aboots will give better
bloom by shortening back ooe-.balf.
Roses ibatare sometimes called bar
dy, and have been left out, are at
;iuie f fund ii jured in tbe spring
If tbey sbowsiicua of life, leave ibem
alone until buds are prominent, and
tbeo cut to within hall an inch of a
prominent bud. Shrubs should n
be carefully looked over, aud injured
or weak r boots cut away. Saect
peas, lurkspur, cauaytuft, ziuna, and
nearly all tbe ornamental grasses
niav "be sown early. Tbe pe's may
be covered tbree or four incbes. tbe
other seeds onlv one-nuarter, to balf
an inch ol Soil, adding a little mulch
of straw.
Kpaatiah Ballrad.
Io tbo express trains one meets
with dark haired, dark-visaged gen
tlemen wbo draw their hats down
'ver their eyes and puff cigarette
smoke coniinuallv through tb'-ir nos
trils, who converse little, aod who on
ly uubend from their banubty de
meanor when some beautiful girl,
wi h ber lace mantilla draping her
fiue neck aud shoulders, enters the
cirri use. Dot in the slow trains one
gets even more knoaledge of the
Spauisb populace than be is desirous
of acqoiriug Tbe Spaniard when
be travels appears to fancy tbat be
has an inalienable right to take with
him in tbe same car ia which he
rides all his household crouds and
farm produce. A stout farmer, clad
iu a blouse, a pair of white cor uroys,
leaih.r sandal", -and a broad bat
with littl? t?el around i:s edges,
clumbers icto a compartment already
over-cowded. He bands tbe near
est neighbor a cage of ch-ckens, de
posits a small bag of flour ia a girl's
lap, pulls bis growling dog in alter
Jim, sets a basket of e?gs on an old
man' s gouty toes, scrambles ioto a
fraction of a seat, smiles, makes a
hundred apologies and lights a ci
garette. Two or tbree muleteers
clad in long black cloak", perfume tbe
car witb garlic. A soldier, witb bis
gun slung over bis back, pukes tbe
muzzle of tbe dangerous wei.pon into
his neighbor's eye occasionally Ev
ery one interlards bis or ber conver
sation with interjections, and often
with oaths shocking to ears pi .lite
If tbe j-iurncy is long, some clever
fell. w pulls a guitar r ut of a bag,
thrums its strings, and bums a ballad
in which tbe others join, langbiog
and pulling smoke between tbe re
frains, aud now aod then keeping
time by clapping their bands aud
stamping witb tbeir feet. At a rail
way station, at Miranda or Burgos,
when tbe train stops to
allow passengers to refresh
themselves, no one burriea at
all. Suppose 20 minutes to be tbe
time a lowed; every ouo scats him
self solemnly at the Ion? table in tbe
dining room, aod slowly eats and
moderatelv drinks, smoking between
the courses. As the 20 minute peri
od approaches its end, tbe guard
rings tbe bell loudly and calls tbe
senores to tbe train. A few persons
look languidly, as it astonished at tbe
unusual noise, but tbey do not bestir
themselves. On the contrary, they
settle into tbeir cba'rs acd addret-s
themselves to tbe dessert. Wben
the train is Gve miuutes bebiud
time, tbe guard rings again, witb n
better success. Af cr be bas ranjr
tb third time, and, stalk'ng majesti
cally up and down the platform of
tbe station, bas become to tcign to
close the doors of tbe carriage, tbe
travelers rise slowly, wrap tbeir
cloaks around ibem witb grent
arranging each U-id as if tbey
about to be presented to tbe
and, liabiiog fresh cigarettes.
to the train They staud talking at
1 be doors tic til tbe guard pushes
them into the compartments, wben
they glare out at bim as if be were
guilty of a great discoartesy
Tbe peanut is a native f South
America. It was taken fr -m there
to Africa, sod then brought from tbat
country here. Wilmiugton, X. C,
onco bad tbe best reputation for its
quality, but siuce the war tbe peanut
is largely included as a Geld cr p in
Virgiuia, and lots from that Stale
bring the highest price. It grows in
light, sandy, fairly fertile soil, with
a good clay sub-soil. Wben culti
vated as a crop it jssowo in tbe pod,
but for small or experiuatj;l pur
poses the bosks should be re.uov d
before planting. Peanuts can be
giown witb as little labor as is re-,
quired for Indiin Corn, aa acre yields
from 25 to 10 and sometimes Si) bos.
Tbe growth is eccentric; after tbe
vine blossoms oat tbe flower seeks
and enters the - gruuud a here tbe
nut is formed, bence it is someiimes
called the ground nut. Tbe African
product goes largely to France,
where immense quantities are
crushed in oil for the adulteration, or
imitation of salad oil. Marseilles is
reuowned for the number ot cargoes
there bandied. Jum 4 fncaa variety
is entail in size aud seldom ca?r here
other than a ben shelled for coo tec,
tiouers' waow. oims oil crushing
is done iu this couutry at the atj,
and South for table purposes. Re
ceipts of peanuts at Sew Y'ork from
tbeSoatbern S;ates for 18TC were
71,000 buabcU, and for 1S75. 02.000;
boabela. '
Judge Force was declared defeated '
rt?u be ran furC'.Ukrealasiauiuaia
in Ciuciuaaii aaioai Savl-r bj C0'
vule8.tUukatopb. yuINua-a aa-
r , n L" " it t
lea 1,000 majority. Tbis time Hoi-
!?nd ar .q
' m Itrmjr.
Wc like to hear oar merchants spo
ken of as ab'trp business men, but
we do not believe it necessary tbat
misrepresentations, however1 slight,
to customer or those with .whom
they are trading need bare any place
in tbe intercourse of truly sharp bus.
iocs men. Leavioa the tradiiii.nsol
our fathers, tbe writioirsnf tbe propb
eis, and our faitb in God, altogether
out of tbequcstion, and comingdown
to the plain matter-of facts of every
day life does it pay ? -
Does it pay for a merchant, for tbe
sake of getting an order for a bill oS
goods, to promise tbeir immeaiate
shipment wben bo knows there i
every possibility of bis not being
able to bbip them until tbe expira
tion of probable ball a week? U is
true another merchant may get tbe
order, aod by filling that one salit-
lacionly, obtain anotbef; vet wi.l
not some otber merchant be as likely
to get the next one anyway, if tbis
is not filled wben promised?
Does it pay to ask a bigb price for
goods in order to allow a margin on
which to "fall" in expectation of tbe
purchaser being in reeled witb the
babit of "beating down t" Even if
it is sometimes a necessity to thus
protect himself against a greatly
growing practice, is be not liable to
meet witb gentlemen wbo may eos
piciously reject bis best offers as made
noon too large a margin, and there
fore refuse to purchase ?
Does it pay -to imply by words
that an article is of a certain well
appreciated manufacture of produc
tion just because we believe it to be
as good, or even belter, than tbe ar
ticle it is supposed tc be ? Supposing
it does give uoeqpaled satisfaction,
and is not discovered many limes,
may not tbe deception, if only dis
covered once, be widely published by
the dii-coverer and thus make mauy
good customers avoid as for tbe rea
son tha. tbev cannot be certain of tbe
genuineness of any article purchased
from as ?
To couclude : Does it pay to com
mit any of tbe little acts of misrep
resentation, whose names are legion,
practiced by so many supposed hon
orable merchants, j'ist because there
is scarcely a chance of being fouod
out. aud because so many bave suc
cessfully practiced tbera and are
knoan as sharp, shrewd business
men f Is it not much belter to speak
of 1 ban bide the defects in ourtroodn,
sell tbem at a fair profit, never devi
ate from it, and honestly tell the lime
we suppuso we will be able to ship
them, and thus make and deserve a
character for strict integrity, truth
fuluess and reliability 1 Would not
good, paying customers become plen
tiful Irum tbeir belief in tbe fair
dealing of a merchant whose sales
were made on ibis basis ?
Asking only tbat these questions
may be given a fair consideration,
we commend them to tbose to whom
tbey may apply, with the hope tbat
Ibis class will include few, :f any of
tbe business men of our citv. Jour
nal of Commerce.
iriiit Ilnrae.
The Denver Tribune says : Tbel
Tirbunn yesterday published a short
notice of the capture, of wild horses
ia Northern Colorado. The Larimer
County Erprcts has a longer notice,
and as tbe article is an interesting
od5 we republish tbe facts: Sheriff
Coon, W. F. Scribner, W. P. Mor
gan, Thomas Ernest, and Sieve and
Charlie George were the parties in
terested, and tbey were out last week
Tbey went some twenty-five miles
northeast of F-ri Collins, aud a fe
miles east of Pierce Station, on the
Denver and Pacific railroad. Here
tbey made tbei: headquarters for tbe
campaign. Wi.hin two miles or camp
tbey never failed to Gnd a band ot
wild horses. Many a long chase
tbey bad; bat they finally suc eded
in capturing tea b ad. Two of these,
however, bave tbe brand of Mr. Mc
Clellan, of Greeley.
A great many animals were seen
borne of tbem were very valuable
ones, aud were fleet of foot. Three
bead attracted tbe attention and chal
lenged tbe admiration of tbe entire
party. One was a black mare, large,
well-proportioned and beautiful, and
ibey rnu ber over forty miles bat
c-iuldu't catch ber. YV itb tbis fine
mare was a colt, wbicb seemed to br
a full-blooded Norman. Tbese two
are certaioly valuable stock if tbey
could be captured. The otber horse
was adark stallion, that would not
weigh much over tbree , hundred
pt'Unds. His mane reached down to
bis knees, aud bis furetop to bis nos
trils, aod resembles a Shetland pony,
lie is said to be a beauty. Oue wild
band was seen wbicb seemed to be
composed entirely of larire American
Block, and undoubtedly contained
many Valuable animals.
These horses are as wild as ante
lope, and the strategy used to get
near ibe latter bas to. be employed
witb the for tner. The bonier must
conceal himself behind bis horse,
until be gets as Lear tbe herd as
possible, when, quickly mounting, be
mil t dash into tbe herd like ligbi
mug, cutting it in two aud starting a
p rtion of it in the direction of tbe
camp Ao time must be lost, or the
wild animals will all escape. His
companions, however will assist in
the mad ride back to camp, which ie
an attempt to drive the game into a
"orral. If successful, then the work
of roping the animals is commenced,
aud a right lively little job it gener
ally proves to be.
Tbe wildest of the horses were
tied to the weakest, aod thus all were
driven to town without mucb trouble.
Tbe same parties bave in conterpp'a
lion another bunt ere long.
Next Door About 9 o'clock ves-
terday morning a farmer-lot.kioz man
entered a grocery store on Wood-
ward avenue, baying a jug in bis
band, and he said to one of the
I want two pounds of nails, and
Xext door," promotl? reulied the
clerk, motioning with bis thumb.
The farmer entered the store neit
d.Kr, placed bis jog on the counter,
"I want a gallon of molasses, and
"Next door," said tbe proprietor,
motiooing towards ibe grocery.
The farmer looked at biiu for a
minute, aud then went oat and re
entered the otber store. As tbe clerk
came forward again tbe man witb
th.e jug remarked ; - ..
VI by in blazes couldn't Ton bare
told me to tbe 6rt place tbt I coujd
tbe mt.!aaeet bere aod nails next
door! Wbafa tbe noe of beiotr a.
mijrbtj bigb-tooed about not bifH
. 1 '
A c'mpaoT baa beeo eatablUbed to'
mauulWciureweaiber bureau-for ih .
.on!. JJ.. eua caa ue u&f lot "
fSOO. Tbe iti.houn nl w.a.ei.
(vindauadiraenuara extta. f ;
- . - J r . w.j
A long time 'ag tTlnafofl waSSsdo
in tbe borticulturatJ,a;''oiV of Oer
many of an alleged extraordinary , se
cret for propagating trees aad graft
ing rosea, whereby much time vofd
be saved, offered for a small snm. by
an Austrian nurseryman, y thi gen
tleman baa aiace . ceamaaiejaieal jm
article n tbe subject to tbei-Hnieiaer
Garten frmnd,ui ahwact from wbieb
is riven In1 tbo Lada 7ivficr'
Chronicle.' Urieflv bis method U as
trees are taken oft at
July: front 6 inches u
accoraiogio toe sioa.
are remved rrorffToe lower portion. wo Ba3 bnrtd of bim untif tbis
which in to:enier tbev groarid; ..bat . bllbj ren,mQvd - 0f tlese ibiogs
.bos which .flr.cBM. aboytbeijj,,, hereunto our 19 to fix
gronnd are left. . Beds are prepararf; M fioa' relationship or . rather
for tbom ltha open bofonirb , ni(1 DUmera;,,eulimkhipto tbat
digginjand levehogand anetwardh, tD0 fmn pW ogbt we
applying a8upcrfi:ianafcrfc bout.,itU -f ' YatLef or . grand
mcbes thick, of rotten mauure Irwu. antbeP Decanse it U Ms cLild and
spent hot-bed. s The cuttings are then j hat KralMicbiU , IJut if that babr is
stack in about two inches apart and bu j,,.-,!,! ind &noi m iw fcth
1a a wniewbat oblmo;,4irriii. be brother
Each bed when B.fcd is. sorro.uDded l(, bimm.uf ThatU quile clar. Aod
by a latb fence, so that shade may be 1 if arl(,n u biuffu brolher. why,
given when tbe snn.i very but.rdi;llleltbe mM acl U; that
the cntungs arc well watted , with ea , Tbfc,-e .re.: ' And if be is
rose spou-ea can , . t wr r-oipieiwa,,,,- 6 th, bahr bj8 wi(e - ma8t be
tbe operation, me oaiv lurtber care
necessary is a sprinkling . fverhead
tbree or four times a day during ibe,.-
Grsi week, if theweather be very bot;;. Wefti-absUrd "Wesee
and once a day afterwards. In bei,, -w we wero b. 9ft.t Tbe
course of Ove or six weeks, treated Inexact .relationship mat be stated thus:
tbe manner ludicaM-d,. tbe cuuiugs , T Parlon u falber ana-Ult a half -r
most plants wilt bave. formed a,i a-j;fourtb Krandfktb t . .$Q malter . ca
lus. aod further shading will be ; on
necessary-. : Late in ; the autumn ' a
layer of rough manure, 2 or 5' inches
thick, is spred over for winter, pr
tection. .It elso serves, as mauure
wben tbe eattiogs start growing it
tbe spring; and cuttiog treated tbas.
make extraordinary progress, f form
ing plants equal to two year-old ; plants
from winter or spring cutting. . Very
few, it is asserted,-- fail.--' Tbe -oew
method of grafting roses is tbe: inser
tion of growing eyes early io jspring
instead of dormant eyes in tbe . sum
mer. . Tbey are inserted in tbe 'main
stem, one on each side, to form sym
metrical beads. these make, it is
said, as much growth tbe Grsi season
as tbe dormant eves tbe second"' sea
j t i te
.. I f
A Taaec Ulrl'a CbeeatereMl IM:.
Miss Cora Dickson, a joona "girl
29 years of age, arrived in Paris tbe
otber day from South American Her
life thus far has been a tbwkererl ooe.a
At the age of fifteen, ured of the mo
notony of borne, Sbe ran away from
ber father's bouse with a large sum
of mouev. Sbe cut her baie aod don-
ued a boy's garb. After becoming ip
succession a cabin boy, a clerk and a
b rs dealer, she turned up. ia .Bue
nos Ay res, where sbe entered the ar
ret, still disguised. Sbe diatimuisb-
ed berself in tbe service, and became.
a colonel ' Some months ago, at a:
meeting .f offij-ers, she quartjelle-di
wiib oue of tbose present. A duel
followed, and sbe killed her adveraa
ry. Qu exsmiuiog tbe dead man's 1
papers, sbe found that sbe had killed j
her oldest brother, wbo bad lett bume
wben sbe was two. years ,.of " age.
Horror-stricken, sbe threw berself at
tbe bishop's feet, who promised toio-'
tercede witb her father." ' '
IterkMaerana Perratailal.
It will eO'in bo lime' to dig over
beds ef hardy -herbaceous pereobialr
aod also to transplant tbrm . Tb
ground snouid oe . worse a -wun
cpadiug fork, aud. One, well --rotted
mauure worked in. In digging 'over
beds of herbaceous plants, be cartful,
a manr plants like peuuics, caqipao
ulas, varieties of bardy )lilje, .-etc.
may not have rbwn tbeir crown or
buds ab-jve tbe cronnd? '-and wften
bey are fujured by 'j'care-leKehes? iu
vixkioa amoug tbem.. .Uulei-s tbe
orker knows wbereeacb plant ia sit
uated, while early atirring. and en
riching tbe gri'nud ia a benefit,: yet i
is tietter to wait a day or two uutil
escb plant can ha traced to its p-"-
rion.r Earlv rpriug is ;al the" best;
time to divide and. replant bardy per-i.
eooials.- Afier planting .tbe erofiu.
b .old be covered wttb- a c.nplo of
iucbes or so of leaf mould, or some
light rich soil : . ," !
' - ' i " 5
Ta Omn KalaMt.
Tbey should be well wasLed aud
cut into small pieces. Au egg i bod
ed bard, aud wben it become C"Id
tbe yolk is to be takeri out aod bro
ken on a plate. . Then. put witb, 'it' a
large tearp.ouful id C 'ld Water'Iand
near a teapoouful. of salt. . Xl.Mb a!L
tbii together, by meaasuf a spoi'n r
fork, tin tbe egic to a thick paste, free
fr.m lamp. .Next. add' butier,sud
after tbis add at leaiti a lablt.vp KJuful
f good vioegar.- -VTbeu. there are ell
well mixed, tbe drenaiug ia made aud
is either to be pnt immediately--Witb
the salad, or to be sent to tbe tarbl Iu
a separate dish. Tbe tp of tbeTiil
ad may be ornamented ; .with snail
pieces of the white of the egg -and
Slices of pickled beef - i-.-'li1-
aMB : ...r- .
' Tl ler. 'J '.e.:.,.T("
Tbe Allowing advice, from aeorre
eponden. of tbe Country Gentleman,
ia wel worthy of acceptance, btii we
would add a imle more to. it io the
f.-rm of a aoggestion, tbat iu cai-r
yo are a farmer and bave no wile
get one : ' ' '-. , ;
"If yu are in any trouble orqaau
dart; tell your wifeibat js 'if oo
bave oue aliibiiut, it at once. : ..Ten
to obe her invention will solve your
dif&cufiy soouer than all yonr lagic.
Tbe wit of woman has been "prai.-ed,
but ber ioatincia, are quicker, and-
keener than ber . reason. ,-. (J-Miueet
witb your wife, or your- nivibvr, uf
sister, and be arsnrt-d, right-will fl-u-b
upon Jotjr darkness .Wymea -aire
too Coluniouly adj'udeied vrrrf iiit ;n
ail bnt purely wuuianisb affairai io
pbilotM pbical etnoents -of . tn m-X
i bus judge tbem. "Tbeir latultione,
or insigbts, aie tbe must eubile. 'atitl
if tbey cauuot aee a cat io tbe meal
there is no cat ibere I advise a man.
to keep none of his affairs secret from,
bis wife, ijau'k borne lis bei-u'
happily aed, aud maqy a fortune
reirnrftd. by a taanV full .Ouofldeufje
io bis wife. Wotaan x far more a
seer and a propbet tbau aas, if Vhe
be given a fair cbaoce." . As a general
rote, wives jCvu Je. ihe, qifuutestof
tbeir plana aad ta oughts lo tbeir 40
band ' - Wby oot reeiprosratt?, if but
for tbe pleanore of meeting confidence
itb ootiUdeoce ! 1 aia . certain1 bo
man succeeds su wal iu te i idJd a
be wbo. . taking a partner . i. Jif,
makes her tba Dartae of bia ouro-f-
ses and hopes- 1 What is wrong of
bis 'ropulre or judgment sbe wifl
b'u wpulee or judtrmeDt abe- win
check and ae rigflt itb bff ttrimosu
Hnireraalli Kfci;
nnireraaily ngfetf liwirWta.4 -Jnjl
what sbe mo?t era fee' and rsost-de-
wb -be o craf e. ad Ko.fl -
wrres ia eon6(leCce, KcV.
i'Pye " we- !reerom a Dad'W
n ' ' rr '" ' -
Jfr uh
check and rwat a-itb bft ai4Jl"!"' jj"," "'.- ..
It will Boon be fca bang npl.ortamde;
.J, v.. . a-'Tir. : Jk..w!.tTJTf
jowj tbalisfiii dtetarla bHU$. iJ
a. iiueill WW W w, aiuu
t I. .
'IVrs ptatejJWl Htfr ! James' Par
ton iaWjoicfajj over tjia first : baby."
rarWj'ute?7r 1'es, w . remern
ber iww.ii Air. Partoa married Fao
ay FfB.' 1 Wa bef third boaband.
Antt-wben she died, bo .married ber
dacgBter-T-oa ; jirp-daoirbicr. But
be could oot end am tbe Idea of being
awep4a'er it was repoganant to
hie frriiaga. iv8 be married ber, and
then dicovfred (he laws of tbe State
did not recognize such marriages, and
or anruneanu ibe law.mleri i to make a little :
'fc00,L!1''','',fa,4 oi bei
fe . a?aTt?i iJmea-.i-prBia. wiUkaiott noti
,5 nir lne udlord . sioee which time
j its "aUut Why , bre ; is no end "to
',r fc. .j , :h-
it a ball. ' Cooneqneollv that babf is
Is . ' Jftiw Fannv Fern tok
'tbtui n-i bei1 third husband, ' and Par-
tou a present wife being ber daughter,
and not his.. tbat daughter' baby is
no kia to bi.a..' Tbat souoda absurd,
too, very. Allowing it is Partoo'a
child, to beiu wilh. i'artjn is us
tatner. and he is iust as much its
grandfib(, aule it is the inteutio
not to permit ibe poor thing to bave
no? irraodfaiher at all: Now, if it is
bis grandchild and be ' was Fanuy
Fern's third bu-baud, and ibis b iby
is ibe child if.,her.. daughter, every
time be takes it on bis. knee it
ewtjldu'fc-pottsibly be twins. ca!d ii?
No, that isn't "it.".' Yet there does
a'ppear to be two generation in that
oue -li aii? somehow. .. The idea of
daodlma! t-o generation va tbe knee!
Tbat m ihrf loost ridiculous idea f all.
Why. if tbat child were really Fony
Fern's diiUKbter's cbild.and Partoo
wat third buaoaLd to Fanny,' aud
father v ber daughter now.
11 bio 1
possible- l'sruU ConW pick bimself up
and dandle bimself 00 bis own kuee!
This ii the must serious matrimonial
Complication we. ever, tri d to ' Bolve.
We are unable to do rrore than crack
ibe sbell ; ibe real kernel appears to
be shrouded iu complications as nu-m-ierous
as the folds euwrapping au
Egyptian mummy; We are atratd
V pursue ibe subject auy further, lest
ibe b rritle su-pa-Uu tbat dawns up
0'0 that the baby should prove to
bn Parron's father should be verified
'As itis.'we tbihk it otiirbi not to be
Pariou's father. VilUburyh Chrorti
tie. v - v.
Clrcaat lMajBAe.
jThe proper use of word- iu expresf
lug tbouabts is. lauguaite a perfect
picture of the niiud.- -When tbe lao-
j icusue is perfect tbe picture is perfect.
uud language w like a distorted poo
tograpb, sbowiuit only au unsymmet-
ricul hbadow of.ibe object; and wben
welwk at it we can ecarceiy realize
tbn't it i- an image. ' Sometimes It is
badly distorted that iu very pro
ducer would scarcely recognize it as
bis own... lu, tbe rEoglisb language
i here are pUnty of words for tbe ex
prem-ii.n t.f tbongbtn ' in true and
briubt col rs; ibcrtfore tbe artie-l
need not borrow from 'otber tocyuei
Ilut be-niubt cbvore judiciouMj, from
among- the thonsanda, the proper
ids fr tbe place, taking care that hie
cob rs are blended in sucb a manner
ast. plt-ai-e, and' at tbe ame time
carry- a foiciole. expreesion. lDe
wiird-painter must be very careful
ibr .his work be uut too; highly col-
oreiT, fi by tbe nee' of. bigb-xouading.
ambiguauaiWorda tbe.atrengtb - ibai
tbe may lateud to give to tbe picture
hi ksi 'acd -tbe - image Is blorr-d.
.The simplest colors applied by 'the
r kill Jul artist make the most Iir-like
picture, aud tbesimplest words judic
-t.ul chosen are-cul hts tb' must be
uxrd in paiutiog a troe picture of tbe
' i - C'tlw.a riark.
- "Io teachtDrr nur children bow to
tell the time of day," writes an ea
jeeuied corrtp-'udeut. "I hare bit
npiin a simple plan wbicb is worthy
f. beiog eouMuOoicated to -otber
h'iosrfb-ilrt r' With pen and iuk and
the b'ottouTof Bpasieb-ard c dlar box,
I .uiake tu fair a representation of ; a
clock-face as praet kable. . Tben I. cur
earJ-b ard bands,' -blacken tbem witb'
rait or sbe varou-b, atiacb rem to
tbe clock fce'with a pin, and my lit-
tju kindergarten. Time school is ready
for iu delinked pupils. , The children,
being allowed to move the short baud
'or ibem-st-TveM "Under suitable instruc
tion, soon, mailer the- bour-lecsooa
Xei if Cbey cau count np to t-ix-y,
tbey are ready -to take . tbe oi:u
band on its aieady rounds. Then
comes tbe tw4-bod lewon. - '
Make it Oue o'clock ! Tbey cui
plv. 'Two octook!' Doue. Aud
ho on until Quta loacbed agaiu.-
Next et'iue ibe balf hours, ibe qusr
reriionrs; and finally the odd miu
- Z...'i i"iJ '-' .-. t
Ues. :!,. , . -
'IiVcapiiafipUn. J assure you
1're tauicbt all oor little ones, and ai
least :blf'-a d-zn --eevanrs ia tbie
way.-Oirbe wb' le, 1 wouldn't -ad
vi.-e'ao) b'idy to'aiienip. to bring up
a faqily4 vr; vondtict a household,
without a coliar-box cl'ick.' "
i '
i- ajtaaa lie Kaaw Bla Fatlaer. .
a'A yooog cin abobad a claim t
850 tt Collect, took it to a lawyer.
To'1- UUor upon ihqttiring.' no sooner!
beardtbat, bu',. client's name was
(Jevrge Jouenlbau be eeized bim by
ibe sai.d, fervently sn-N k it, exclaim-
ing1;-Mv deaf- fell .w.'b-jw i- r noate
t- o are ; WhJ knew your latber
wejrjiu fitLj. lye was my Prst client !
J i.baU laie partirular pafus for y u
iO ttia aiauer." A. few days later tl e
y-uog erao rereited a note from ibe
lawyer' lufoimiflg bim 'bat the ccliec
tfo'o had bt-eajtuade ' He called upon
Ilia, and aa baqded a roll' of, bills
As-ne ja cooutiflgtbem tbe lawyer
rerteii-ed. bit' remark about the
yo-niig tnaii's gqf f nui a in com'og
ti i m hV lu! W bis fattier, el c " TneJ
! JOtt tg utOfc, BuWtter, jooKea any
tbiagi but bappy, for Da louna out aid
'".,D,; .V "ZJ7' yii . J
1 be- Jawyer
"T.--" ,:.T
:,vV - -
-- r'- ; ''" ' '
Tnii-.n; ,lT.,u ...J .fu I.t-
e. ii - c ia i t.
r . ,
Hamywa haff deep brown ej eg.
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints
OILS, 55C ; ' ;!
The following ia a part'.al of goods In Stock : C irpeater'a Tools.
Planes, Saws, Uatcbeta, Hammers, CbiseK Plane Iron- A dzes. &c, black
smith's Goods, Bellows, Anvils, Vtcea, Files, ilanmers, &c, , Werj
Hardware. Tab Trees. Gig Saddles, Hames, Buckles, Rings, Bit and Tools.
Table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Spoons aad ivazors. the
farareHt tK:k in So
Uad, Colored Pai
Tarnwh, Turpenti
Somerset County.
Paints for inside and
Varnish, Turpentine, Flaxseed Od,
&c. Window Glass of all sizes and
Oil alwavs on hand. Our stock o
rv pleimnt stvles. Ditston's Circular. Mcl-y and Crus cut aaws.
Saw Files of the best quailtj. Porcelain-lined Kettles.
Mtr,ek4 drub Hoca. Pickr. Scribes.
Pnot Steel Kten Ladders. Carriaire
Glasses, Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sieves, DoorMaU, Basket.-.
Tubs, Wooden Buckets, Twine, Rope all sizes, Uay Pulleys, Butter Prints,
Mop Sticks, Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cutters and Staffers, Traces, Cow
Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Dust
ry Combs aod Cards, Poor Locks,
in tbe Builders' line. Caps. Lead.
The fact is, I keep everything tbat belongs to tbe tiara ware trade, i aeai
exclusively in this kind of goods and give my whole atttention to it. Per
aons who are buildi-g. or any one in need of anything in my line, will fiud
it to tbeir advantage to give me a call. I will always give a reasonable
credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers for their patronage
and hope this season to make many new ones. Don't forget tbe place
-TSTo, 3,
t- a tt
April 8
REMOVAL of Wholesale Jewelry House.
Our large and Inereaalna; hasln aa dananrtf nvwe room, an-1 we wiil. after April 1.
...ill , .irM4'ilaaa Btallttiaz"' T7 rirtat A e (nearly e.l-e
11.,1 ...i will .,uiit. tmlawoauf tlw lara-rat
Jewelry, JSilver fc
nre 4ak Boy era laiwltexl.
C. . HiKKKlT aV CO., 77
New Firm.
Ilaflng parchaHcd (he She
Store lately ow ued b j
II.C. Ueertto.
Wa take plearore Io ealllna- the attentlca of
pul.lle to the fact that we hare now and ax pee
keep ennalantlj on hand aa complete, aa
merit ol
Boots, Shoes
and Gaiters
Eastern and Home Hanufactun
aaeen be found anywhere. We also will bava er
band eonitantly a full "apply of
Of at! kinds, with a full Una of
Shoe Findings.
H EN T will be In ehartre of
N". B. Snyder, Esq.
Wbnee repntatloo for making
Good Work and Good Fits
le aeeond to none In tha State. The pablie t re
pe-trall United to call and eaamlne nor rtoek,
aa we are determined to keep iroods aa arod aa tba
ben aad tell at prieea aa low aa tha lowest.
F1 J er l -awajiprajiaw
1 aian aj bam 1 at.!rl
2 P r,u-aa. .! ar -ft,
1 a htmf BMM
I I 1 nu. aaul !' Pa. a.
. Q alM ltraH.. fm, T-al
mnVyrV''tf wrU ffta V eat'd
T . r- t-t a I, fmtum f ' "H -"-
p . f, . ; -, n. rVhir ia. 1 .." eliwr l kia
, . w , , (r,. eVW ftMrHh rr.-l'-f y-f
' a
. sCKJCAW, 11 tOXO STItIT,attw Tcra,
lahai artalaejal h
Oe Ziaaeh a Co. show rnoma aa aeea in tha On-
tennial. snow a eulleefiinol deptirn ly Kaetlake.
Ow-a J.aiee, Mnrrla. and Ir lr seer, rheyelatm
betfer farilKf end taste : lararer qa.ntl.7 aad tM
terailtiy "their eas.uinereeeleei fmen new arnda
rrvia the bet faemrles : arimla that tnat'.e nreten-t
to norelty and iperlt. ipv Zuncfae a C cUltn I.
use ore nos in u an aeeuracief, aai irfiarao
1. all w.4-k hr ibem. Tbeir Mice ara inudeJi.
Mpeelal tmltiwmenl - in toe trade.
lOl Fifth Avermo.FlTTSUU KG.
Next to 1. if..
.March 14. .
ie of Joseph Pile, lte of
Milfurd Twji.,
ttterB of alailnimratlu us th. abur. itate
baelna: neea granted u tn. amleraitfricd, autle. la
hereby trtrea twtbvse IndeDtl tu U iu make tioao
lUte pnyment. and haema; elaime aralnst H
Iu preaent tneaa dulv aai H.t keted lt.r eellteaaeat
no Saiuntay. April 107". at the Hoaeevt the
Admutlstr.tur la Sew Cenierrtile bueuuicn.
rTEK piLk.
March 9.
w nereaaOllrer Shatter, ef Svmeraet Twp., hy
.teed at v.dantarr aenlanment dated March 10,
1-.TT, assiarned all his jrpert to me in truat lur
the heneiii t hie eretrltor ; nutlet a kerehy al'eo
to all persona Indebted lo him to make immcwta
imrmrnl to me, and ihe barlna; elalma ikbw
Llui to present them, duly amhentH-a.ed. lor set
tlement at me .residence. In ClaeraabKilBa; Ti ,
aa naturdai, tnt 'ataa.y vi Apni. jtj.
- - JaCUB 3. Jlll.I.ER,
March 31.
wiUlam J. Bltoadt, harlna: mad. a eoluntary
aasiifuBKSt of all his real ami penwoal aetata W
me In trust lor benefit of ereilltors. all peraoaa tp-d-UadiutlMMld
WUIIam J. Mhtwdslll mak.
Immediate payment, and ln.aa haeinr r-laaw .lit
ureieni them Ui me at the ofllce of Co loom at t1ol-
Lora, la Somerset, on the Mih is of May. 1877.
l.fcO. SPANOLtK.
March ..
.'eater W. DarU aad William C. Darla. ef
BVaneraM baroaifh, Somaraet CM, P.. bar. mad.
a rulunury arLaiim-Dl to m. of all their real ea
tate tn trnst sbe the beoeat of eredltors. ait per
sons iateroeted pleaae take wiaice.
. Harsh 3. AHlrnee of W. W.. C. DarU.
rhe partaerahip heretofore exist lne between J.
Hi., Jaoobil Hartuea au.1 kroner le
Wlisuo, Iradinr; anl itntoif ha.itMea ateler tli
name aa-i style of Fvrt Hll Limber Vimpany, la
hereby dleMeed AU iwranaa liKtonted t. mM
Company will make) pay meat l la. anderalcaot.
wh.are aotborlaed to receipt for same doe aaid
Company. All persona narlnxelalmaairainK aaid
Ueanpaa will present then lor aettlemeat aad
paytsaat. . J. M. MARSH AIX.. .
iarekai. : , : j.a.HAJis.
Paiuter's Uoods, a iuh sioca. o'
outside painting. Paints in oil. all colors,
Brushes, Japan uryer,
glass cut to any shape. 1 ne oem yoai
Coal Oil Lamps is large ana comprise.
II andles of all kinua
PAI1 UlKli.
Sneatbs, Sledges,
and Tire Bolts of all sizes. L
and Scrub Brushes, Horse lirusnes, t,ur-j
Hinges, Screws, Latches and everything j
Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse. Ac. Ac,
- t - C2 tit rr-iz
ear ieMrt ua-
and heat atuclt ufevais In tbe L'nlied S-s;r..
JPlated W are, etc , V:c.
Fifth Ateniie, l'ltlnburg. Pa.
iBIOa.lavat home. AenM wanU-il. fintfit
vm. an.
1 and lerma tree. THL K X CO..
1 twre for on term wltliln the rtfh of -
farm, ttmlwr lnlav. an Intra I ands Hitihi(C k,
ak , la ilillrrent Mit o! im unty in panxH 1
frHB onivwrth ol o Mr np to l.ouo uttt Tl
ton wrnfitti. Twria tUlhln html mi tb
tliuir iu tm equal aneuftt irnvmntav n.jvrlT
erared. Ptx oel ply wbu U rot f mSr
aJ Imliut riotiftbiu. l-mil awm. lm ri&euttia
proMftioa will for reottf aot aoid uon
M4 . I WKYNIp.
Ayer's Catnartic Pills,
For tl rWrtf rmtl
rur itl' nil ierjinire
inMir iu the pfoin
arh, liv!r, and boAv-
apv-rirnt, anl nn
Ji?ni iiiiit'iv vi'zv-
tiu'T efiulai:i
! HUTCCI T or miu wIvitt'TPf. Mxjrtt
tw-rHtia r.if'ktlt ;!!!!
!iHTTinit n prevttit
r. ir ihtr I'mielr
us-: mi'l rvrrr t rnv -hotihl )ivt fhom on h;nn
tfr ilmr inHriM.v suhI rHtef, when rrinitrl.
I ex'teii-'iu-e U:t pnive, Uwin lo Ik tin;
j.t, fiin-t, a'l I-! !" ml llu' VitU r;t w!iirti
tht ni;r(.t alMiutt(N. ily tlr fnitHi.Tl
Uv I1mm t tuirinnt, tl ; iMTUiriMm- ui tlievy
Um rxiM-llrI, ti-trn:rit.iM rvin'Vfil, unit iti
Trvholo m.M niiT l nt.rt'l t it hi-nlthr
arttvttr !ntiMTi:i! ortn- hn'h Ikm-oipv rl.tfrirt-il
umt htiTi-h nr!1 -tttiii"-ii tv Jirr' i'itl. itiwl
(ttiiotil:ttw( hiti 5'T'mi. tiitiH itifiprrnt
is i hrttiyt! into tit irlt. tU xniue of w hirh rhanv.
when rN-konvt ui; ifn Vh-t imflllflHrfs ft loiniy
it, can lianllv cwiiinl. Th ir ?iicar camini
n?nkt them pk a-uul i uk', .iti'l pnrrrpj tletrtr
TirTtir aimiiiiiirol for nnv inKth 01" time.
tbt thf-r nrff err fif-h, rni-l pmVh:.t rrHsiblf.
Althnuh nn-hin7. Miry are iui!l. runl oiern:o
wiilmiit ti!r-contitmk.i,crujet,or
Full ilim-timw !in zivtn on fb( rmp(r to
mHi Imy. bow to ti'K tliein a Kamty Thy,
nn't fr tiie 4' wmpiamt?, ikh titcstt
npKllv ur:
K'r ltaait Or I-MliCttOW. aL(o-
ml Ldktiraiar 3iit! aU- f . HPft re. lh v
Mhoui.) Liken uimlri nii-ly to xUniiiiala? tho tnn-
urh, Aiitl nurp its honltliv ton ana action.
Km l.iTfr omrli.e :in. it-- rnnoii -rirrv-
tom!, ntlln llMt-thf. ftirk llcol
aarlfta. JleiMamiliCw or aWrrrn Aiclaavr, U-l
anai Colic and KiHott IV Terek, ttoov hnul't
Ih juilii kii-ly fcikcn tr nrh vay-e, to wrrrl tho
iliM"jfii acuon or remove uic wirtuiu utH iu' r.
:inn? it.
lor l)reaiC4rT or Ili.rrhffat biit one
mill I tlrw v jreiiemilr nfpuretL
lir Rbrmiititm. Coat. C-rTc3.
ttMtin r the llwsrt. tHc
M.ale. fr'nrla ami in. ti.ov -tnl.t li -roiitm-
notly t'lktu. n- reijinrfl. Io chanffe the iiina.v
art ion of tit yii-m. iiu (icu clui!gc Uoc
rompLiint iiniiiarir.
r irr Oropaav ami Irtp-lraT Krfftfttf.
f tier ltoM lit te'l; in l.tri-rtit irewmut iln-es
to pcoilo'V tin rnV of a tntit tyirye.
tor Mnpprei4ii. .1 Irtrre V-.- honM 1f
tntr ni. .i il prtMliH-e- tin- itt-.rer1 e.Tei t j ym.
A Dinner fi!7. ti one or 'wo Pitta to
promote ilie-fion :iml r'hr tho -tomat o.
An ocvAsKoinl -c ttotrhtte th )tfwi-h ttnA
hotril, rvtoreri th aio-etiu. nn4 niTifforatep tt
yitni. ItiTHv if i otlen mlriii.Ui:NU' wm'rp
l'o rritiii4 ih-ranj-fintrni eKt-. Ono nho fet
totfmhK well. o:li-n fl-Hl that lo- of tlt".
pittm m.ike bitn tvel fieriihlly belter, ,nm thir
rluiniif an-1 r utiutmj; effbei ua ttui (.i'tire
ri:::rt!ED nr
2r.J. C.A TFBX- f.. Prnctinal Chrmiata,
1 ' Tr" -a;-3
IIka s Sokss and Ahkamons ck tms
Cl'ik ij: A.vr Cot nuiucis Cum.i.'.n..
1 Stani.t.-1 t.itcrnai
rnai Rrrnv!jr Cor Krtip
es of the Skin, not only
ri-ins S-Te anJ Iniories
RE.'vjvrs For tsik C-: i 'imv ai l
ISMts arisin-; from lnoi impurities of ;h;
bk).l a.iJ oU.tractiun of tiie ym. f.ut also
Uio-e rmltice.l by the aim An-i win.-t; nch as
un ainl freck.'.-i." It rcmlcri the coiicli
aui'LiousLY clear, an-J imant,
and iing a V.'ttr I.ESoag BEAUTinr.R li Qs
preferable lo any cos-mctic
.u. Tne sEMr.ptAL ArrAXT.icrs cp Srv
phir JIath a it irsoei tv THr. rut jf
iilmn'a Sulphur Soap, which in aJ Ji
tinn to iu puriiyioj; ciTctt. reme.lic ami F re
vents UllkllMATlMjl :.4 GOLT.
It aho nisivFw-ri noTHTiw n. rivrM
and RF.VF.T IjIseaser cuuMrNtc.vrFn hy
CONTACT with flie J-FSSON-. -
Ir DISSOLVES iJAl.DRlFF, prevents LoiU-
nr. nntl retards grayne of tiie hair..
I 'lisUinln aneak of it m hi.-;'n terrrtlt. I .
Prices -25 uni 50 Cts Per Cake; per
Box (3 Cakes). 3c. anl $1.20.
N. The yoccnr calrca a, tnela the ana af i'ia n at
. . aj ci.ia,' - . ,:
Jtfaek or Brawa. 30 Crata.
t L t'iilTTtjTjJ, fwtj Sixth K ii
XKCl'TORS .NOTICK." .f Henry Yoaiig. late af !...mersrt Two.,
Itu-rs tesumeetary a the ahnee estatehalr.
be.n an-nted to th. nnderstriMd by tiie profr
anth.H-lty. ajotie. is hereny rivch to all iwrsona tn
dcMfd ui saltl estate to duLi Immmiiaie my ocol
and thoae harlca; eialma a. a Inst the aiune to pre
sent them tfkly amhe.tiaiei fur aettlemeta and
allowance, xi tiie vf the r i-u;or Id
6:ret lwp.. Suersetfo , Pa., en .Hinrd:ii.
Ilie ;l .lay ef April. WT7, when and when, he wiU
glee his auavtioa (- aud pnrp"e.
Mar !.' . - - litmt- r.
aH1F.XTIPI; lMseTiTr-ra.
t tie ine-ttae pei mi ee atodrnts lor . 'uiley.
Buatneee. Paf?wat.l Merxwla H-m. I lie. and
Teachinji. Lonaii..n elevated, healihla., easy ol
aoeeu, an.1 par-re)ne. eertmihia an exiisi7e
rlew of CheM MMce. Fall eerpa f lasTrue
toea. Fivaouuraeauf pen lo kwaa iraea
iiperta-a m..rat. Senu for a cauktarae
Adirea tl.e Prterat.
Nt Pleauiant. P
Lstteof U'SUUm Ber. It of Orcrnr-Ue T
Lettera'tfadmittietraikm theatwrr eaiiua hea
ps bej. a.-apted to ike aTflenlipil hy the pn
wauthotity. al.-e t hr.rol-y H.rr i h. Je th
deWed to it to makela- mediate pymeot.)d iiww
haetna; auima aalnet a will prearot Urm
aatheDtlratKt r.T vftlement wiiiwai daiy on
Friday, April, , 1F77, at the le reeulenc. oi do
eeased. SAM. E. FAHLKY. ' :
' FBANC1.S klAtK.
h.n. AdmialatnUun.
t 1 . ?
pirrsBCKOH division.
On aa.t after Fehmarr 11. MTT, trntna aa thl
' m4 mm -I an. ir.ra an.1 anita aa 4rpv, ewewr
! lirantand Water Sterol" a U iluwa-
trn ttiULarrH a-W n.m. LrT-Ve Tora 33 p.m.
f taie.leip'a
m-41 " " Rkh?n-f).t
it M " Vi"Mr-r'-f
Ii 1 p. !. rf-T rT
, -I t:- tk iw. Vartfri-tmre
- 1 M "
-.41 - Miiirnl IX
Y t I Y ObM. Prle
-5t " t utonii
''". !. I'lraxM
a-.ti tftflT!ei''Vlll
t. a t w..a
Jt. j;v-.. :
uS " ' IIUoMirg:!
. a? p m.
i a- m.
w r. -
II. 4 "
s.-r- n.
au -
...r -
Mt. Flwwb5
I'nkn'fewn -f
Ohrn li t
tllvW H-,lnt .
hrwlatirtirt ;
I'tttntf' b'v '
Hrtrrr' Kerry
Waviiinctoa BJihm.wd
Sew Vwk
All trains ran !y Baltimore Time. It minutes
Uilwltaa rttfataerga Tuna.
Mail train il.fWe.tcept Sac lar.
Jtu-'nOi-cnl Ifcir t'ar ihnujh t Vfa-'lili'S" ".'
Aittl UilLim.TM with-mt vlisn-e."
SevCTTy hronle IM t.jrie. aa4t tho ai!
rimte tH-tweea tha fcaal an.1, Weet vna Watna'
lua ty.
Ticaei ofBeea.enTner Flftfc Arena and Sti:1
Aell Strew ami rirpr.t coruer Uranl aoj W ater
Streete, t'ittseuixh, Fa. - 1
U .!. -l.rirt-THri.tTlraetAent.
ixivaitarr A msaatronrraaiLaoan.
tta, and after Hl.iy ntt, ISTt,' balna ill
run aa f. lloaa. ennDenlnc with all paaaacertraiaa
on the P. W. it B. K. K. (Slall iratas eailr, Ex
j.res daily eieept M exrajr.)--- ' - '.
Liava. '- aaaiTC.
Mall We........ 3 Wp. m- Si) p.m.
Mall EM... !1 . 1-kJp. ol
Mall Ei"t ennnertt Hth l-eeal- Wart.
P. W. it H. K. It. rATO r.T!nt roxrr.
Cxpra Kift .....
Kxprww Wett....
Vlall Eart.
Mail West. ......
'ttkauiuit KulAtr in tecry Vi'ictt'enM
FbrvAhtjUii ta fuiccrxnl lift.
wrioiirrs htst..r bt waiu
nrtmnta a pp-eniltjr. Our C'!"th iarfw Out
.-.tmiMBrti item tjarmtnig in op F-r T.-rmy wenth
er. It It a I'c.ert .:rrr Proof, ami In dry weath
er a .
Ti? 1 por'n1f.,.rpr-cp, IbemWW J nttrtwn
the tWHitih urInckL which prvt-frbia frmrHhtq
or tiiickinft, rvm in tho hottest clivuile. Tfty
are ataiQ m three ctilur? itue. t.L.cai nau Erowu.
Are tight. Portable, Strong and Durable.
W are no ol!riicr tlui at th xtr;taly lev
prictfot tltea iu atnt p-j-t pal.t ttm:y aK.rcu
Uium recripi ( prict.
Whn orivrintr. rat fiix aronml cbc5t, over
Keii t'.le i'artii s rli-K to ja rnT rvv, can
(rAnrTr't Jurnnl, ifinar ileripvtand ot
cur 'rrz irtlrlr..
He f:rr rJ Rt tlic (Vy.'.irii C.oQtlycr't .Siren
V idcamztd jihrics.
t.,St-n.t fir IHutn.reil prie-lHt af oop Celt
brvtr4 Pocket Ctaaatifia.
AtlarcascarrfullT, .
. Grip's Mm Curler Co;
ii road way,
Va J'or C'Ui
ret. 14.
IIains ttiis i'ay pnrcliaseil finru J. W.
Patten, his eatire stuck ol mrrchatKlif, I
pnpc continuinjj lUc mcrcinlile busioe?A
ljr carrying on a general sU-ok. anj moat
resrx-ctiuily solicit pttronaie from the peo
ple of thin tim n ami ri iuily.aml nil oihera
in want of gols. I inUriU ailjinjr tmm
tttne t liaiu. such as will make the
stuck o complete ia all (teparUucnts tlict it
will liet the ititertst of those in wsnt ot
s;(als to cail :ind see me before ptircliaiini;
elae where.
T.ik E. Patton.
SoMF.rtsET. Pa., Oec 20, ISTii.
" . J-lttHT .lay at tiom. Samples wom.1
T'i IU Vti tree. Stixsas a Co., fort!
talne. okua
Sewins: lYlachine
ror. sale
A ay nne dealrhi- to rmrehaae a ftr-t l uw SEW
INiJ ,MA;Hla cat very. reaunl.le lerma will
laasaoitlat the . , . .. .
- O. W. RADDLCB. M D .
OenlUt anil Anrlatl.
Sor'Fli.-K AN I- l.vriK.HAKY.
- e S-'e Pena Ar. Flu.prnrh. in.
aii r.rr.. eta aa
THROtT, aad lrrri m-eea.u.
)v tmil-d. thK-rativns Inr f'lalanars.
F;iNe Pnpn.,'"t?rm.ked Kth " W II. I
Hairs," laarer awt Tninora f the)
11-ls, Kir, Now r Throat, Ptrlplam.
-W.jeplrm Kyea." Ptosis. Uoaleal tor-
ne..Fif;in B!le., extirpation. 4.. sklUtally
l-rl.irnie.i) Artli'n-lal Eyes lnrted. Send t,.r
dea enaaia and lUuatrateu paaiphletof raaea.
to O. V. RottfJX fc CO..
Pamphlet of 1-a uwea. Mmaloinir
OVork. fc-r
r. if tit.
li-ta of a.) n-wntiers, and emioia'ea showin
ceet of adTerti'lsc. - . aaarl
David H. Tomia. haeirMr male a t.,1-
nntare assinment id all bin real and
al Mnwiomf luirn .r henem of ervduore.
ail parwns UuleMed to the aaid Uarld H.
onx. wilt make immediate mtTmenf. unl thM
hatrins: nlalms will pruaent them to meat th. of-
aceol Oiii-orn St Coltiorn. in S.jmr-eL on the CBtfc
otU. SPA?.nLEK.
Ffh--a- . . Awlajnee.
loriKioriu SaUHcar litii. BoaoCo.)
Xiirn ia hereby xlren that l a-we.laar with
the l'har:eraii. Ily.Lawsof this Companv :tn
A nnn I Aietilrn oi SupfktM Mere wltl l held at
the oiBee ol th- Coinpunj ia the Town ot .m--tt
-ft Muad'.t. March -JS h nex-, n.
iwntheam.Uo'elnek . ta.and3r. for
theeleiiion..( H nl ol Directare to .ree Wrth.
cD?aiu yenr a--t f-r tho tr3etIon oi rueh
"r-r boioe; ui' be bmnjlu bsaare the meot-
Wa will start yon la abasiawsyoa)
cas lwli(Ka mk wttuuul r-vi L.
MflVl-'V tiil:e.y a rcpe-mi l. for either
1 a., A. oaaa;. 311 Bower
N-rwYork. Fct..7
TheiTftl Faomr
t.'l.UlHi, . .- -.
btafc hore, n:po'rte. front
' I ii (i E IS. !
'- - " " . : v :
Willi tn I for erTlc. at my f.rm froaa' tha at of
prii W the 4th oay of July.
. XNStItANCE.15:or.
Thorse bshrjtuht the r ial r-w m-ih
slr-.l f.y r hU Horse e evirten.e tha, th--tif hhurl
iMn-s unit-: the muoey, nwciap) trant i'.ti ui V.t,
twelve acn havina been sihi at in ,.f
Thmjh h. tii4 hut vpponaot'.y tr-
m will h ne to hred to thl tine d r? j.
Aphj tiro rt.imeretonlan eiallioo - - " -
will he s llowed to i to a few marea during tho
seajn i v to liuture.
A M Clues lor tM EliiliiMa
Sitoatr atoct one mita from C-aaei;
sritle. t-on-larv.
tatnintr 1 " a-r. a an rva-wil.
fame bash hatn good dweiliaa; hoaae, Asa
(roll f-rm i eaanat b. ezrelied .eo.t.iiu . ie
1 ihei 400 choice vi'le tres. an.' abnndanre of m h-
er Iran, as a .t.iry larm it Is a ft.nnne. aa It is a
mile fmra a ttsneta aaaewmetBrlir ti'wn aa.S
haa water la e-r Held. tww aewa. flchvol
bvn.4. two hanttred yards from DuaacL and tho a-k-ranuiR
of a rood locality. . -
TKHMA. m.thrrdM parHfaae mcarr-dwn.
and the tmunerit salt pareaaaer.
Ajmiyto r. -
. . .. -- K.,tB.SAOUX.
Jaa!4. 1 . , CotoellwDIa.
..... 1 M a. m
... 3m a. n.
....i p. .
4: 4 p. nt
r- I