The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 18, 1877, Image 3

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    Tiie Somerset Herald.
Ata it, in:.
Addiaoa S. A.. Dean.
Allegheny J bo. Bradifraro.
Brotberivley-C. F. Itayman.
Berlin B. F. Kaymaa.
Coofluenoe W. A. Kooatz.
CVmemaagti Levi Voder.
Elkitek Ueo. Lowry.
OreeavUU A. J. SUMer.
Jefferaoa Henry LoUr.
Jenner F.G. Nell.
Jenoertown Geo. Freidline.
Larimer Jacob ZufaL
Lower Turaeyfoov Fred. DutuboU.
Middlecreek Juha Boacber,
Mlllord Samuel Critebfleld.
Meyeradale J. C. Yutiy.
Northampton D. O. I'owman.
New CentreriUe LeroT Scott.
New Ballimrre John George.
Faint Feter Hoffman.
Quetnahoninnw Albert Berkey.
Bbada Joaepb Cable.
Htoystowa C W. Pagb.
Hoatbampton Levi Kenael.
htonycreek Jacob J. Wigle.
Summit Cornelius Shoemaker.
Salisbury Miebael F. Swith.
Somerset Tp. Charles Menser.
Home;raet Bot. Josiab Keller.
I'rtioa 1. B. Sutherland.
Welleraburg Michael Long.
One person lor District Attorney.
One person tor County Surveyor.
One person lor Poor House Director.
The Republican Primary Election will
ba held on Saturday. May 20, 18.
The following resolutions, adopted at
the meeUnc held on May 4th, 1870, are
till in force and are published tor the in
atruction ot tbcae holding the elections,
tji: . ,
1st That the polls be opened only at
the nsual place of holding elections fixed
by 1.
2d. That the Republican roters o! each
district aball elect their member of tbe
County Committee and the two additional
officer to hold the primary electian.
3d. That when they were not elected
at the previous election, the commillee
BBan tor each borough and township, shall
elect the two other persons w assiw in
boldinc tbe nriniary election in uieir re
spective districts, and tbe committeeman
ball act as ludee and make tbe return ol
4th. That tbe committeeman be re
quired to make a list of the Republican
voters ol the borough or township in
which he lives, and have the same present
at the election, and designate luereon
vary person ; and It any person not
earned thereon be judged entitled to a
vote, his name be added to said list and
lite fact atated, ftfid that the said list be
pruduced before lb return judges when
m atsw miaust
Mb. That all Bepublicaas ba required
u a la tiicir nrooer diatxicU.
th. Thai no person be allowed u -e
unless known to aava votea wim uc
publican party, or who can produce satis
(iinrf evidence ot that fact.
a. TU rslnrn judges must place the re-
tarns in Ike bands ol the Chairman on or
before Tuesday evening, may ma
J. O.Oole.
J, I. ScFLt, Ch'm. C. Com.
Clear up your yards.
Naw Goods at Schrock's.
Tub birds are "aest.bkling."
Bbaitifcl nights last week.
Do as tou would ba dona by.
Plat your Utile onions bow.
Roams are here In abundance,
Obasgbs are good for tbe liver.
Krwso ! spring, beautiful spring.
Ham aad eggs is a seasonable diah.
Oo and sea Schrock's 25 ceot alpaca.
Bats and ball to the front once mora.
Oca Bunday schools are well .attended.
Flovb np and going higher.
Cook & Bbkrts.
"Almost persuaJed,' the pledge now to
Tan naw Council have not rone to
work. .
Abb stilt tbe aeslko la, "Have yon
Wobk for the reformers Tbe buds are
oa a bust.
Pbesideht Hayes' grandfather was a
Ta carta, .a tor organ giindVrs Is fast
Fob Cloth or Cewiimere euit go to E.
XI. Bcbrock'a.
Samuel FsautLU of Berlin, Las gone
to the Black Hills, ao saith dasoe rumor.
Tbb Peansylvsais lUiiroad Company
eniorces total abstinence in its rmploy
cea. T miners of the Elklick Coal basin
taavc goite ta work again at tbe rale fixed
fey tbe cosspaey,
Qcrra a aamlwr of oar eltUeoaare
kaviag their dwellings repaired and addi
tions built thereto.
XoKTBAWFTOB omiaty. thia State pro
duced 828.8U0 pounds of butter last year,
valued at $124,000.
' tTwrrno locals while suffering with a
JortT horse headache la not the most
pleasant recreation In the world.
Tbbbb has been but little back-sliding
amoer the "Murphy gang, but two or
three saving gone back to their idola.
A BiusbH of larce and enthusiast ic tern
eranc rrtaafinr. have been held at tbe
t ailed BreibreBcbuicfa aoutb of loa n
Wm. UocbatetWr. tbe best euUer i tbe
couBtv ia workiac ia lay store. Uive him
f litre selling ladles 23c three ply Lin
ea Cellars at 15c
-j-.,.- Mas J as. B. Tbbdwbll,
Xa . Mammoth Bbxk.
Tbbbb ia a rumor afloat to tbe effect
that the gentle .nan who purchased the
Me yrdaU Jdepde&t aaa rescinded bis
Tbb Cumberland -Vfate says there was a
perfect deluge of pretty girls at tbe wood
en weddiagof Mr. and Mia Chan. J. Har
rison. Ke-rect.
Too early yet. to badger vote wait
while tba Bomlnatioaa will not be made
or soma tiaae yet, and tba election is not
ucul Stfveaber.
C. A. Walter, of tbe firm of Walter
& Troial, of Gebarta. i at preaent in
the eastern market purchasing their spring
and summer good.
said that by putting a lover U tbe licht
trom a blae class window be can be made
to propose at one Bitting.
Xow Is tba time of Tear wben our ven
ju'jttie fathers tell big lies about tbe early
spriagg (fcty Bsed to have wben they were
boya at bojsa uj tbe old place.
Tbb first batter tii naJ pearly fbnr
f bouaand years ago, and every onc in a
wkila a met of it turns up and makes
fba osBaajaaTa baiXBtaBd oa end
How k thia for sweet ! Qm Somerset
township man made four thousand six
bundled pounds of mapie sugar this sea
eoa, besides a Urge lot ot molaase.
NoTBtno contributes no much W mi
comfort la hot summer days, as tho - eonl
I'loasarjt ihade of growing trees, auil now is
Just las lima to haTc Uk-iu irautM.Liottril.
TBI Dew postal care's a Licit arc now
being printed are inauulai'tHrcd f u)p4illquutnl tyomie tiiraanl. vay charges, and
two colors, so that they hs.!l pt-enf!Jmft.liblBwjie will lie wild according
one sine a green sunm and iiKn
llif it
verse bun.
Hon. Johs Rkii.i.t lis token up
Permanent reaidenee iu Alloonn, and 'ba
assumed bis former piviiion of Huperin
tendentofTraaoportatitm on the renr.))
vanla Railroad.
A kbetiso of Superintendents of Coni-
mvn Bcbools will be bcid at llarnsbur,
commencing on Tuesday, April "4. Prac
tical matters appertainius; to our school
afUirs will be diacuased and acted upon. .
AVn.L receive this week a lurce lot of
Gents new style Lincu Collars, anil oilier
'Fasbion BaKu,'".
Mns. Jas. B. Tkedwf.ui..
A Tocno lady left AVilliamsH)rt a few
years ago lor "Kansaa. bbe writes that
she is doing as well as can be expected un
der ibe circuutstanees. Nie's Ititd three
husuandstwo pair of twins auil, the ague.
A contract has just been chwed be
tween the Rio laraudc Railway CouinHnr
and tbe Cambi ia Iron Works tor one
boumnd tons uf steel rails, to be furnish
ed by the latter eorMraiiua jmnicdutc
Ladies call and see the new millinery
giHidsat Fa.obion Uararthe laticr part ol
ibis week ; latent spring and summer
31 us. J. II. 1 KnDWEl.L,
No. 6, 3Ianimili Biock.
Xotice. Walter & Truxal mould in
form tbe public that tbev bare enlarged
their store room, and with oue ot tbe fin
est stocks of goods are offering to the trade
guoaa at panic prices. 4 1 ire us a call and
ue convinced. , ,
Qcite a number of shade frees are be
ing planted on our streets but "there is
room tor millions more." Woult it not
be a good idea for the Commissiooers to
replant those thai have died out in front ol'
tbe Court House.
Tub Legislature of Pennsylvania last
winter, by an ad approved March 21,
1870, fixed tbe lime tor tbe aunual meet
ing of the Auditors ot the several, town
ships and borough to settle accounts, on
the second Mouday of April. r
A Farmer purchased a revolver for bis
wife and insisted on target practice, so
that she could defend her borne in case of
his absence Alter the bullet had been
dug out ot his leg and the cow buried, be
auiu she bad better shoot with an 'axe.
Tbb German Brethren will bold their
annual meeting at New Enterprise, Bed
ford county, commencing May 20. Dele
gates from every Brethren church organi
zation in tbe United Slatrs, and the uatU
ering will likely number m-tny hundreds.
On Thursday. April 19tb, Rkht Rev,,
J. B. Kerfoot, of tbe Pittsburgh diocese
will bold service in tbe Oood Tempbrs
hall at 7i o'clock r. it. Tbe Lord's Sup
per will be celebrated in the nme plate
on I nilny morning at lt'J o clock A. xi.
FisHtnuEX ! Take Notice ! Will in
a few days receive a large additional stock
of Rods, Lines. Flies. Snoods. Leaders,
and all kinds of Fibbing Tackle.
Mkk. J. B. I KF.DWEI.I,.
No. C. Mammoth Block.
Since the Murphy movement bas been
under way, Goppcl II inae bare become
the order of the day. Tba boys pas
alonic tbe street whiftliinz "Almost oersua-
ded" to "Hold tbe Fort" while "Jesus cf
Nazareth paseeth by."
Half of the fools in tbe United Slates
think they can beat the d-xtors at curing
the sick: two thirds of luem are sure they
can beat tbe dilute rs preaching the (s-
pel, and ail of then know they can beat
the editors ruouinr a ucvawiit i.
The gas well of the Beaver FalUculicry
company is down to tbe depth of ivm
teet, without any sign of oil. The con
tractors recently purchased 3.000 teet ol
rope, and expres their determination to
go to oil or China beiote they will aban
don operation. Henttr A rgu.
We should remind our readers that Ibis
ia tbe proper season lor settine out shade
trees in front of their lots. ,'ov i tbe
time, to do it, a tew hours' Ubr and
tbe work is done, which In ail nature will
add a beauty, that it ran bave from no
other adornment.
Rotes having an iron socket at each
end are used Instead of leather tracrs bv
tbe horses that draw street cars in some
cities. They are strong, not liable to
stretch, and "there teems to be no wear
out to them." Why not u Them on
plow horses f
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com
pany yesterday advanced passenger rates
as follows : Pittsburgh tu Baltimore, from
7 50 to S 50, to ashinetoo City, from
$7 50 to S 50, to Philadelphia, from 50
to 9 00. No change was made in the
rate to New York.
Five thousand salmon trout have been
put in the streams adjacent to Johnstown.
1 bey were procured at tbe Mate batching
establishments. By the war, why don't
some of tbe professional piscators berea
ways tiite an eQort to bave our streams
supplied with thiie elegnt fisn ?
C'ENTHEVii.r.K, Pa., April 12, lH'
Mr. R. U. Singer, of Johnstown, bas
beea holding a aeries of very successful
meetings r the Di-ociples in thi place.
Ouiie a number bave uuited wub tbe
cLurcb and many more are "almost jicr,
suaded" to become cbriktians.
A FBI E.N i.
A rovxa man of a neishtioriag city,
named (iatef, was urgetttlv soliciu-d ty
the ladies to sign the pledge A gentle
man, noticing tbe commotion in that part
of tbe bouse, inquired the cause, acd was
told that it was "otily tbe girls cAerciriug
their natural pivclivity tor hanging on
What has lxcoW U all our corn-spon-
dents? Wilb tbe exception ot Ibe Berlin
one they bave not been heard from ur
some lime, liave they gone on misiona
ry tours to the South Sea Islands t or the
interior of Africa? or bare tbey been
struck so hard by ibe temperance tidal
wave that tbey are unable to gather up the
news of their neighborhood ?
Tbb maple sugar season is about closed,
and tbe farmers t'eport that tb.-ie bas not
been as much sugar made for years, in fntt,
thai there is but one year in ibe history of
Ibe county bn 'he amouLt produced wa
grealsr, and that was way back in the
Unrtie or forties. Not only ia tbe quan
tity large but tbe sngar is of an unusually
flue quality.
Tbb WashingUMi Etporter says, anoth
er cremation is about to lake place. This
lime the body to ba incinerated is that ol
the wife of a youngCbioago Uerrnan who
is going back to his Faderland. and a isb.
ing to lake hit late better half with him,
intends having her reduced to ashes that
thereby he can the more eaaily accom
plish his purpose.
SrOTa upon the Sua do not visibly di
minish its brilliancy, but spots, pimples
or blotches upon the face, neck or arms
feriously detract from female beauty.
Tbey may, However, be completely re
moved by the daily nse ot Glen's Sulphur
Soap. Depot, Crittentoa's No. 7, Sixth
Avenue, X. I. li ui a uair ana n nisker
Dye. black or brown, 50c
Mr. McHebry. residing on a farm
near Waynes burg, recently gave birth to
i wins im while ano uw otner uiaca
The husband ia a full blooded negro, and
hie wile is a halt blood, her mother being
a wuiie woman. The children are ai
trading wide attention, and preaent i
chance lor some speculative showman.
Well what do our temperance ople
say In regard to a reading room ; we have
beard from ncne of them aa yet. Meyers
dale bas taken tbe lead ot us in this mat
ter, at we understand tbat Mr. J. O.
Meyers baa thrown open bis front office
for tbat purpose and liat quite a number
of bock ba;e already been prefc-ntcd.
Come along gentlemen, don't haog tire,
here la a chance to do a permanent good
not only for the temperance cause but for
tbe town.
SrnT Ilonsw. A strsy borne wsa put
Uito th1 stable o( the nndoiritned in Cono
ui.tuh towuship, Somerset county. Pa.,
by sonic uuknown icnKm un the lllb day
ef MaMi. W.. It is g browu boras and
is about four vcamoliL Tbe otrncrr is re-
to law.
JosKt-n YoMtR.
.' Krtr white tliin bonnet are trimmed
'iiu natural oat?, which are to bo "all ibe
race" Fanrva ladv wearing a bonnet
covered with oma riilinir io nn open car-
rms'e and a horso com in i nn behind her
and nibblinz at her bead ceiir. Most la
dies would rather be "counted out" in
aease of that kind.
DriniBB Vt I IB two Tide.
Anew Son g and Chorus, by Will L.
TbomiHin is said to be even prettier than
the famous "(iatburiug Shells from tba
bca Mioie." by the same author. Any
music dealer will mail you either of these
beauuiuisonzson receipt or price, 4U ccnit
liotu have hnndnue pictuie titles. Pub
lished by W. L. Thompson & Co., East
Liverpool, Ohio.
Tbk; local"-of ibis paper bas an eye
snliudly buttled ibai it is imuouibla for
him to see hat ol local interest ia going
on. 1 ou need nt nnud sinning and say
ing be ought to uve kept outol that row,
or his wile bil him wiiu a rolling pin,
cause why he was not in any row and he
bas'nt got any w ile.
-Will receive a very large invoice of
Millinery ot the latest spring ana sum
mer sly les the bitter tart of this week.
Hats and Bonnets for ladies, misses and
children. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons,
Ornaments, Ac, &c.
"Fashion Bazar,'"
i t -: ' M it. J. B. Tkkdwki.i.,
Xo. 0 Mammoth Block.
Tub Iruit pnwpects hereabouts are very
good. Tbe wiuter. although long and
uite severeidid ihi have as many spells ot
txlretU'i low teuilerature as usual, and tbe
periods-, when tbe mercury was below
zero were of short duration. There are
rUksUt be run yet, a iib bite frosts, but at
present there are indications of a good
yield of neariy all kinds ot rrnit. Fulton
Jl ik:e Allison, of Philadelphia, bas de
cided that constables and deputy sheriffs
who speculate ns private individuals
through Ibe opportunities afforded them
while acting iu their ollicial ntatilion, vio
late the act ot Assembly which forbids of
ficers of the Commonwealth receiving
"any remuneration," except their regular
fees, lor anything done in sn otlicial capac
t)s last Monday night Mrs. Joseph
Small, living near Manor Station, com
mitted suicide by jumping into a well
twenty feet deep w uh about eight feet of
water. It appears, tor some days" pa&t she
bud been ill and iu diMrtts. un account
ot (he tact thai her husband, who isa mi
ner by occupation, had been oiitof work.
The deceased was the mother of three
Rmu!l children. Vrtentburg Democrat.
WKarc happy to say that Judge Slufft
who bas beeu so seriously ill tor some
time past u slowly rccovtriog, although
by no means out of danger yat. The
greatest u-ar ot his friends and physician
apjears to be that a running sore left by
his uiec-isc on the inside ot lus beau may.
oa its ceasing to discharge, cause concus
sion ol the brain. The Judge does not
expert to be able to be at Smierset for
some lime to come.
Ir your neighbor has a little Hitch of
ground which he intends to convert into a
tcardcu this Spring it is your duty as a
tree horn American citizen, to purchase a
dozen or two ot chickens, if you do not
already have them, and let them run at
large after be gets all bis seeds in. Noth
ing leuda so much excitement, healthful
exercise auJ earnest profanity l garden
niaiivrs t driving out their neighbor's
A. J. Wili.auu, ol San Maluo county.
Caiitiiruia, gives a very simple, and, in
his experience a very effective safeguard
against ruts aud mice. He takes two
round pieces of tia, like tbe bottom of a
freit rna, punches a hole in the centi e of
each iWi-gc, uid firings them on a strong
wire, one near each end. Then j; retches
the wire from side t side of a room and
fastens each end firm. Anything which
is hun itjion the wire between the plates
of lin 'ia sate trom the rats, for if tbey
wait out noon the wire, every time they
try io mount lhe circlu ef tin it revolves
aud t):ey cannot pS3 oyer it, Mr. Wizard
has loiind the simple contrivance very
Useful in saving meal, grain, etc., and ad
vise all farmers to try it.
The following' are directions for con.-
t fueling an .Kolian harp, which we clip
lrom an exchange : rrovide a long nar
row box of thin deal, about thirty inches
long, five broad and one Inch and tbree
lounhs deep with a circle in tbe middle
of the upper side about an inch and a half
in diumiter; pierce with small holes. Along
this upper side of tbe box are seven, ten
or more si rings of very fine cat gut, stretch
ed ovvr bridges at each end (like the bridge
ot a vio'.inl, and screwed np cr relaxed
with screw pins. Place it at a window
w ilb the sasli just raised, so that a cur
rent cd a:f n u.-qsh over its strings with
Ix selecting Hour first look at the color.
If it is white with a yellowish straw coir tint, buy it. It It is white with a
hlubb cast, or with white specks in it re
fuse it Second, examine its adhesiveness
wet -and knead a little of It between
your ringers, if il works aot I and sticky it
is poor. " Third, throw a tittle lamp of
dried flour against a smooth surface, if it
falls like powder it ia bad. Fourth, aqoeeze
wweof tbe flour tightly in your hand, if
it retains tbe shape given by the pressure
tbat, ton, is a good sign. It it tale io buy
t mrthat will stand all theee teats. These
mode are' given' by all old flour dealers,
and tbey pertain to a matter that Concerns
every body the staff ot lilp.
Good advice. Now is tbe time of year
for Pneumonia, Lung Fever. &c Every
tamily should have a bottle of Boschee's
Okruax Syki p. Don't allow for one mo
ment that cougb to take bold of your child,
j tar tamily or yourself. Consumption,
Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup, Hemorrha
ges, and other fatal diseases may set in.
Although it is IrueGtEXAJt Stbcp it cur
ing thousands of these dreaded diseases, yet much better to bave it at h ind when
three doses w ill cure you,. One Bottle wiH
last your whole taciily a wiuter and keep
you sale lrom danger. If ruu are poctump
tire, do not retit until you hare this rem
edy. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular
size 75 ceiits. Sold by your Druggist, O.
W. Bonlord.
Debiliiv. whether it be inherent, or caused
by overtaxed strength, or protracted ill
uiss. has a nto&i depressing influence
upon tbe mind, breedinir an aliject melan
cboly nearly akin to despair, and enforc
ing Ibe abaudoouienl ofctierlahed projects
acd high hopes. Happily, tbe enfeebled
8. stem, even in extreme cases, is suscepti
ble ot invigoration. Il is proved by incon
irovertjl'le evidence that Hosteller's Stom
ach Bitters Is an unfiling streegtbener of
tbe weak, and tbat in addition to rili;ing
ibe physical organization. It establishes
regularity among those organs upon whose
t-ilicJeat discharge of the duties imposed
on them by palure, continued vigor and
healih depend. Thousands of instances
might be cited to show the regenerating
icduence ot Ibis health-giving agent in
cases ot debility, liver disease, dyspepsia,
nervous ailments, constipation, intermit
tent fever, urinary and uterine trouble,
gout and rheumatism, and other maladies.
CLorcNEST or a Westuobebabp
Coostt Pedaooocb. Tbe people of
Suterville. Westmoreland county, Bays tbe
Greensburg Argut, are now "enjoying
a sensation, tneaiiupd facta oi wnicn are
briefly Ibese : II. V. Stearns, a school
teacher, and proprietor of a wife and two
children, baa, for some time past, been
conducting a school in the above named
I place, and among his pupils was a young
lady or good family ana prepossessing ep
Itearaiicc;. Tueir pnttxscted intercourse
k-d u familiarity, which In dya time ri
pened inio Sore, and finally resulted in an
elopement. The pedagogue first provided
for tbe partner of bis amorous propensities,
in tbe maUer of rjne dress, c ana the
guilty pair are no doubt sow cutting a
dath at some remote point unknown to tbe
fiiends of either pany. Tbe wife of the
perri.iioiis baslnd is la greet grief in con
secpurncc of ibis enwarranted conduct ot
her liege lord, and the parents of the
young lfadr are equally aiftreasea at me
lota ot their daughter in inch a disgraceful
mnnner. '
A at ix rut. frwl ratter Ib fcjytoi
gives tbe following resaody for cut
cuoiera, wnicn se connMersparBBa,cara:
"Take a handful of whit oak bark and
boil it in a quart ol water to make a strong
uccecuon. Alter li coom tux wila the
liquid earn meal to lhe proper eoaaM
to make adooga for taediaf aad give io
tba fowls. . Mix a leaopoontul of Careaa
pepper io two quarts of the lead. Tba
tow) wilt eat thia mixture readily." His
theory ia that tbe cholara is B aparka of
diarrhoea, and iba.bark and pepper acting
auiugcDuicur we complaint.
ICkxbia Item. Quite xtm
slve inipTOvetnenuarerxlngtnada ia our
iown. t. u. a.ennei it naviag an aodluoo
ut to hit dwelling watch he intends asiag
or a store room.
Mr. Perdew. of Palo Alto, naa movad
to our town and rented the grist mill of
4. u. jennei.
Mr. M. L. Tauber, of Cumberland, Mi.,
has rented tbe fulling mill owned by Den
nis Comp, of Fayette Co.
Tbe winter crops are looking favorable,
and a bountiful harvest ia expected.
Some ot oar farmer have commenced
sowing oats.
The temperance tidal ware has exit per
vaded our ioa yet There Is aot much
intemperance in our midst, but there's a
"leetle bit" at 'Omaha's" end.
Fatalitt ahoko hobies. Shu oar
Blluaioa to the great fatality among horses
w me eastern pan oi mta conaty, several
week! ago, we are sorry losav that we
are now compelled to cnroaicJe tbe apreaa
of the disease la other section at the
county. In soma instances whole atablea
nave been an at the eaase time, aad we
are reliably informed that four valuable
horses died a week or two ago tor Mr.
Uavid Is vers, who reside near Hhadv
Grove. The lost ia a serious one to Mr.
Byra because of the great value ot the an
imals lost, one of them we are told being
wonn rau. from what we can learn.
tbe disease appear to be a matlcnaat type
ol the distemper, aa It usually end in In.
tutnmati n ot the lungs. We hope that
me ravages oi ine,uisease may be arrested
a If it spreads tanner it will serious! v at.
ie larming opcranona. l-itUc Vptnion.
Or all the accidents which humanity
liable to meet with, the most painful ia
tbat of being buined ao severe! t as to
cause death. Over in Orbiaonia. Honlinz
don County, on Friday last, a cablaet-
uutker named James Burkettwmet with
mishap lrom fire, under these circamataa
ces : tie was eon zed to cteaninr out
paint pet. and while heatinK it on the
stove be poured some benzine into it. Th
bottom ot the can melted off, and the fluid
caught, blazing op almost to the ceiling.
In bis frantic endeavors to remove the pot
ne accidentally set ore to nitciouuag, aad
burned severely before the flames could
be quenched. Medical aid was nam
ed, but it waa of no avail, as he lived bat
a abort time. . The agony tbat he suffered
MuruiE iue interval ut saui io nave oeen
roarrul.wA(Mfw Tnbun.
Bora who are In the habit of diaturbicr
public gathering, and we hare quite a
number in this county who are guihy-of
.1.:- . J . . . . . , ' . . m
the law In reference to tbe subject out, and
paste it in their hats, or some place where
they can be constantly reminded ot the
pepalUaa it Impose fur the violation ot ita
"That it any person shall willfully and
maliciously disturb or interrupt any aocie
ty, assembly or congregation convened for
the purpose of religious worship or for the
moral, social, literary, scientific, agncul
tural. horticultural or floral object, ceremo
ny, lecture, examination or exhibition,
such shall, on conviction, be sentenced to
pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, suf-
fer imprisonment not exceeding three
months, or both, or either, at the discre
tion of the Court
To Mr FBiExoa abb r atboss I take
this method ot Informing yon that I have
completed my purchases ot Spring goods,
pd will open pn next Thursday, April
li, it) r, a mow eiieosirB lino pi t'rmia,
Uinguam, tmiriiqg. jjieactieo; ana LB
bleached Muslins, tsbeetlng. Pillow -case
ing. Towels, Napkins, Ticking, Cttsimera,
Tweeds, Cottonadea, a full Use ot Black
Alpscaa, Black, Cashmeres. Colored and
Black Silks, Dress Goods, Lines Batting.
&.C. Ac Will at the tame time receive
and offer tor inspection and tale one of
the largest, prettiest and cheapest lot of
Hamburg lodgings aad Inserting ever
brought to Somerset ; aio a tan assort
ment of Fancy and Staple Notion. Cuffs
and Collars, Neckwear, Silk and Linen
Handkerchiefs, Ladies' and Children's
Hose, Gents' halt Hose, all of which will
be sold at tbe lowest cash pricea Please
caII and ef Uine qsr ftjock,
G. B, Pabbbb.
X. B. Tbe tttBwca i'VVardwen Cpr
set" at 50 cents. The cheapest cornet og
uie maracv lur meoHiaey,
Ox Tbarsday of last week while the
Court waa boar treating licensee to the
different applicants Mr. f red. Naugle, of
the wangle uowse. Bomeraet, appaareeat
tbe ear and requested that hat application
for license be withdrawn, lit said that
financially considered there waa but little
money in the liquor business, not tnat ne
recognized tbe great temperance ntove
ment that was sweapiie over the land and
that for one. ne had daefnuBed toabaev
dbn tbe business, that he would dote hit
bar. keep a temperance boose and that he.
With bs entire family, bad determined to
siga the Murphy Temporaaj niedge.
The usual hush and quiet of the Court
room was broken, cheet on cheer rote up,
men clapped their hands, stamped, ahoat-
ed, laughed wtth toy. while otfcers rabed
forward to cop rrst mate the piucay land
lord who was determined to do right eonM
what may. We doubt if his Honor, Jodge
Hall, ever witnessed such aa excitement
in bis well ordered court rooms before, and
we have no doubt that hia mealy sympa
thies were with these who gave vest to
their joy in their noisy appreciation of a
good ajj. Rrucetuiiy rsnuertu.
The above item la aliDDfd &om the Mew-
r$dale JndtnendmL Ills rather strange
that such a thing ahould happen in our
midst and none of oar people know it.
Tbat Mr. 5'ai)irl withdrew hit pstjtlfln ia
not denied, but his Honor, Judge Hall, ia
not accustomed to allow uch scene at the
one described in bit well ordered court
room. One gentleman we believe did na
dertake to become demonstrative but the
Court nipped hit movement In the had.
There is another mistake, although Fred.
refused to take oat license, be as aot
yet signed the pledge.
Isoersoll on orrrcs seeeiso. Bob
Ingersoll hat beB. telllOg Mje bittrt at Chl
cai) the horrora of office Beefing as he
saw it at Washington, and poinung out
thinn fn thia world that are better I
clerkships. He was talking about civil
service reform, and said ; "We have in
Ibit country a multitude of little places,
a multitude of ulerkabipe la Wiehiagton.
and the question is whether oa the inconj
ineof tbe new adnutiatntioD, these men
shall all be turned out. In the first place
they are on starvation aalariee, turn barely
enough to keen soul aad body together
and respectability oa tbe outside and if
there is a young man ta tnta sniienre, j
beg ot bim never to take a clerkship ia the
citv of WaabinKtoa. Don't do ik Never
you put youraeU where yon have to dock
your head ana isxe on your oat u every
body else, pool yon da it, Don't poj
your happlBuss.tftiB't put your ftrtqne
ut the Dower ol another taaa't break.
Pon't you do U. You will aevar hafe
anr manhooj ; yon will never hay aar
veRebra t you will Beyer have aaa real
square aiiunk yoo cannot haro It tad
you wu. lose conBoeace, aa? yew wm
Degta to Win i JUV canaos navy; jcgw
lar Daymeat each month ol 194.71 taat
vou eannot rjcaaiblr make a liviif ia the
worm, ii w in late an ia isHHia m
yoo, ton wui have to itr ao pwcooq.
so narrow aaa opaxractea, tans yon H
bare to smoke a pipe all week, with the
exeeptiofi of flie-eeat (tfr Ot tftaday.
I bee of yun not to dacouat lour future i
I beg of every yooag maa, baye the cean
age to take what cornea, let tt. be teajt or
let it be umiae t but don't atU the tlfl
that fortsae any hare for you for a petty
salary of BoO or ?0 a moolh. Doa'tdoit.
Go west 1
"I would rather have fort acres oi land
and a log house with one room, yea, aad
the woman 1 love, aad some lattice work
over th window, to that Iha mfcy
would tail checker !se on the baby ia the
cradle, aad a few hollyhocks at the corner
ot the home ; I would rather have that
and a nice path dowa to ta aprtag.
where I could hear the water nrzUar: I
would ruber live there aad die that thaa
to be a clerk ot aay goveramoal oa earth,
-ow ail i mean oj uua (iy seff if
fonn is, thai (f anj poor deyii hai been sq
Bntunuaateat to get lata that place, leave
him there rather thai to deetroy acanetody
i every year,'
tf rxxiAjt Btrnaa can get a letter by call
ing at the Somerset pott-office.
ttraxtAL atteatiaa la Invited la tbe tJ
vertiaenMat ef Amcriraa Blue Oil in tail
Tbkbb win be a temperance meeting la
the Court Hooe ra Saturday even i nr. at
fwkiehtiia -Mr. Crelrbioa la expected to
BtTuta 'a krge furniture establishment,
at Cumberland. Md.. waa entirely destroy.
ed by fire on Saturday morning. Laes
about 150,000 ; Insurance $20,001. The
Arm aays tbe causa of fire was the anon
ten eooe coenbuytioa of a barrel of varnish
In the factory.
Netxb uovi to fail. Dr Morris'
Byrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horchound
he aeyer bees known to fail ia perma-
aeatir curing ohatlnate coughs, colds.
croup, whooping cough, or any diseases
of ine reararsury organs, ana it docs it,
too, AT oacn. It la not necessary to take
k xor a loag time bciore you can discover
Ita beneficial eflectt. Its sale in ihiscom-
mnaity la Immense, and lit popularity
BaivanaL It ahonld aot be clawed with
compound put up by inexperienced
banda. Do aot tail to give thia great and
potent remedy a trial. It will not and
cannot disappoint you. Try it once.
Trial size 10 eeuts. Regular sizes 30 cu.
and One Dollar.
For tale by G. W. Benford.
Also Agents for Prof. Parker'a Pleasant
Worm Syrup, which never fails. Pleasant
to take, aad require ao physic. Price 25
No more important work can engage
the aUeatioa of honaekeepere and proper
ty owner ia Somerset thaa the thorough
cleaaeiag out aad disinfecting of cellars,
back yards aad other places where decay
lag animal aad vegetable mailer may be
found. As aoon as the troat ia wall out of
the ground, noxious gaaset begin to escape,
which ar dangerous to health and often
taial to lite. There are many foul cellar
under well furnished bouses, and death
tou ot tan lurks ia the dark corners Imme
diately beneath tba parlor floor. Tbe re
fuse beam ia the back yards, are ao many
seed-beds ot disease, and tbe only safety
ta ia a thorough cleansing out and perfect
ventilation. lbor ta very cheap at this
season of the year, ana no one should
miss the opportunity to have all the accu
mulations ot the winter promptly remov
ed, ' Two or three dollars expended for
this purpose, within the next fortnight,
may save ta many handled dollars in doc
tore' bills, to say nothing ot the suffering
watch may be avoided.
Oa Saturday last the members ot tbe
Brethren's church of Elklick district, met
la the large meeting boose at Summit
Milla to consider and act upon tba propos
ed division ot thia large and populous
charge. The first, and in tact the only
serious dltDculty, was found in establish
ing the geographical lines, bat "where
there la a will there ie a way," and this
difficulty was finally satisfactorily settled .
We regret tbat we are without tbe boun
daries of the three new districts, but the
residence of the Minister and tbe loca
tion of their churches will direct those
"native to the manor born" as to the body
of each particular charge and those living
oa or close to the lines will aoon learn to
which particular church their member-
shin it attached.
At before atated the old Elklick district
aaa been divided into three charges, bear
ing respectively, the names oi Elklick,
Summit and Meyeradale. Tbe preachers
of the Elklick district are Reverends S. C.
Ketm. Jos. a Sell, Merril and Jona. Kel
so ; they have two places of worship, viz
at Salisbury and at Peck's. Ot tbe four
misters oae bishop will have to be ebo
nmoat probably the Rev. Kelso. This
district ia a large and straggling one, tak
ing ia pans of Greenville, Elklick and
Addiaoa twp'a.
Tbe second or Bammlt district is tbe
tmalleet and moat compact, has but one
place of worahiB that at Summit Milla.
and baa three resident ministers, viz:
Reyerenda Jno A. Miller, Joel Gnacv
and Jonas .ichtr. The new bishop will
probably be tbe Bey. Jonas Lichty. Third
or Meyertdale district hat three places of
worship that at Berkley 'a Milla. at Mey-
Bfsdale, and oae at a point nearly midway
between Meyeradale and Pocahontas. In
Greenville. Bishop C. G. Lint ia lesideni
and bat no preachers to assist him, Tbb
la alto a large charge and tbe duties too
numerous tor one man ; new preachers
will, dnubtleae toon be called upon to as
sist htm. Committees were appointed to
aivtee the tunas of tbe old district and to
divide the membership according to the
Doundanea as agreed upon. This com
m it tee report four weeks from last Satur
day, whn the division will be consumma-
tea ana lip aew oraer of things ensue.
Hay' ft prove Unefkial to 11Meysrt-
Aysnr Valcabls wobk. The Illus
trated History tbe Centennial Exhibi
bitioo, wilb a full description of the Great
Buildings and alt tbe object of Interest
Exhibited In them. By Jamea D. Mc
Cabe. author of The Centennial History
of the United States." Etc Embellished
with nearly 400 fine engravings of build
ings and scenes In tbe Great Exhibition.
There is a universal demand for a work
which thall embody a complete and care
fully written account of tbe ereat Cen
tennial Exhibition, sketching ita wonder
ful and varied features, and presenting to
the reader not a dry list of the articles, ex
hibited,, but briUUnt and graphic de
scription of the moat magnificent display
of the results of human skill and industry
ever gathered together. Such a want The
atlOMl publishing CO,, of Philadelphia,
have supplied In thia superb volume. It
ie from the pea of tbe well knowa author.
Jamea D. McCabe.
The book la a complete and vivid de
scription of tbe great Exhibition. The
author bas written from his own personal
knowledge, having gone through every
part of the Ereat World't Fair, cots-book
la hand, recording the vast and varied in-
mnua cuuwftiu iu wis wora. ne
baa received the constant and sympathetic
aaaiataace of tbe Centennial' authorities,
and hat enjoyed peculiar advantages in ita
preptratiqp. Tbe Author takes ua through
the Exhibition grounds, and makes us fa
miliar with every object oi interest in
then. We at then taken Into the Main
Bui Id 12. and are earned successfully
through it. and through every building,
large and small, in tbe grounds. We
are told the story ot the construction and
arrangements of each ot theee edifices,
and the rare, beautiful and wonderful col
lection which tbey contained are graph
ically described.
- Thia work !a Invaluable to all classes of
our people There is not another book
us prim wwvq give vac-fourn ot iue ui.
formation uoatei.teJ in thia work. To
thcae'wbQ yiaited the Exhibition it will be
pleeaugfjouvenir of their visit, and will
enable them to recall th inagniScent tbey have witnessed. To those
who could not make the journey, the book
la a necessity, for it will enable them to
enjoy th delights of a thorough aciiaaiai-!
aaca with the great World'a Fair ia the
quietude of their own home.
in wars it oomprisea ia one iar;;e ana
handsome octavo volume ot 918 paces.
and ia eaperbly illustrated. The price h
low, 'ana wiuua iae rosea oi nu. i ne
book ie sold by rabBcription ooly, and Mr.
A- & Webhoace, who- ie the authorized
eat tor thi section, is now canvassing
PllITTf -At bU residence on Union
strati, Somerset. Pa.. Joseph rritta. aged
Hie funeral which took place oa Sunday
afternoon WM one of the largest that our
tawa baa wtueasad thy tnaay years. So
treat was taa aiuaber of parsons that
trataered iat the hooae, that tbe joice bus-
fctMiBctae Brat boot commenced to sink,
hortnaatelv the siakiac waa observed in
lima a4 the crowd retaared before any
daaara occurred. Bis remains were in,
terredio the cemetery aortb of town. Mr.
Pruts was a sober. Industrious citizen
eaaoa beloved by hie friends and neigh-
VATTHEWa At the residence ni hia
pareats ia Jeaaervtiie, April 177,
Cbarlra atalr aon uf WwaeU a. aad
alary Mtai afcd a tsoatha aod S3
far aSBitasJiaar vhsra our fandoat tttoeus
fMrfBtsUMbltbnlnamla itua
His wrs tba psctal at Haavm aaa nlesl ,
4af ravtasais U Jss IB ttat, ri tVei
aarBaaikat aarUsf t ratt .wDj la
Tlaallas'siCaeav WOow w barti ma;
ftwetBtaaaatsIB arfaLaaa aattk aow aiTkia
Bat etstaai lateB atratt. aa ta atvayen.
HANN JONES. March 20. 1877. at
the M. . parsonage, near Belletiew. Pa.,
by Rev. H. G. Hall Mr. John II. Hann.
of Somerset county. Pa., to Mis M t'tic J.
Jones, ol Jefferson count r. Pa-
f t BIEWr-TORIi I TTrrn
2Cer" York. April" 0.
Oakcv Hail ban been f.inod, and
it is aa 1 wrote liwt k. lie ia ia
London, and the reaoon for bis being
there, is what I said. Ha was com
plicated with tbe ring, though he Las
so covered op bis tracks tbat he has
been living for eomo years ta to'e-a-ble
security. The return of 53 wtooy,
and tbe coaseiinent disclosure ct the
inside secrets of tbat gigantic swindle
could not but involve bim and put
bim in tbe category of tbe worst of tbe
lot This, with social complications,
which, in plain Euglieh means that
be bas been keepiug women other
I ban his wife aud has been living se
cretly an exceedingly disreputable
life, while attempting to seep up me
Hiatus of a geuiU-mao, all of which
be kuew while tbo world was in ig
norance of it, but which tbe confes
sion of Tweed would bring to t be
au r face, so weighed npon bin tout
he preferred to get out, abandon eve
rything, and go into exile, ratber
than to face tbe fiieods who bad so
long stood by bim, deceived by bis
assertions of innocence. And so
Oakey Hall, mayor of New York,
ruler of tbe Democracy of this city,
and tbe bead and front of tbe respec
table portion jf tbe cliijuo tbat ha
plundered New York so loog, is ia!
London in diseuise. aod tbe meie
sport of a cheapactress who will bang
to him as long as be bas aoy ponton
ot the money be stole, and will desert
bim tbe moment it is gone. Uakey
Hall passes into biaiory as an excel
lent sample of a man who bad oppor
tunities, but who preferred present
pleasure to permanent success. N ub
ability sufficient to command aoy
place and any position, be permitted
wine, women anil tbe attendant
pleasures of the moment to lead bim
into excesses, which has euded as it
always has and always will. I can
not commend to theyouth who read tbe
Hebalp a more instructive example.
Honesty and decency io tbe long run
alwaya'pay better than tbe summer
pleasures tbat follow a career like
Oakey Hall's. Such a sammer is al
ways followed by a lonsr aod very
dreary winter. Oakey Hall will, io
a from now, be borrowing n
dollar or two from chance Americana
in London to pay for tbo miserable
bed be will be sleeping in And
such rpen always end exactly in tbat
has jot tired of being followed by
tbe law and is making a compromise.
He bas told all be knows about bis
escape and tbe swindle; and a very in
teresting chapter it is. He lived in
a fisherman's bat in Xew Jersey ; be
lived in tbe everglades of Florida ;
be went bitber and you, a fugitive
and wanderer up and down the earth,
till, sick and tired, be wanted noth-
iog so much as to be allowed to quit
bis wanderings aod settle down to a
riniet life, out of jail. He has b?en
banted qp and down tbe earth, brand
ed as a criminal, till, weary aad faint,
be wanted peace. And so he permit
ted bimself to be taken, and came
borne, made bis statement aad ac
cepted terms. He tarns over to tbe
city all that is left of the money be
and bis coadjutors stole, and will be
permitted to go out and live unmo
lested. The great kin? is no w a poor
old man, with no money to tpeajc of
and no power, a past tbat be dares
not look back npou and no (more at
all. Tbere are a thousand draymen
in tbe city wbq are better of than bp,
and who could not afford to change
places witb bim.
Whatever may be tbe upshot of it,
there is no doubt bot that tbe arcb
conspirator, T'ldeo, wishes very
much to make another effort for tbe
Presidency. He nev:r intended tbat
tbe verdict of tbe joint commisson
should be dual, if it was ad?erse io
bim. and ad tbe administration of
Hayes been less popular he would
have commenced proceedings louir
ago in tbe Supreme Court. i is cer
tain that be b8 ubP 80 far 83 10
have skilled attorneys draw up the
paper) necessary to contest tbe
Uon, aod proceeqiajrs w;i be com
menced if tbe temper of the public
should change, and become 'adverce
to tbe present administration. Tilden
staked bis all upon tho Presidency,
and be bas by no means relinquished
bis hopes. Beaten at the polls, beat
en by a joint cuoimiseisn of bis own
making, ite still tbioks be sees a way,
through the courts, to gain the ambi
tion oi his life ; and be miie
tbe effort if - fee get tbe e'ugbiest
show. If President aycs' policy
makes tbe slightest feeling if any
party is formed ejaiost bim, Mr. Til
den proposes to more on bim through
the courts, and try what legal cLit-an
ery eea do to make him President.
Tbe papers were all prepared some
weeks ago, atTilden's house in Gra
mercy park, and are now in Wash
ington, to be used if cicai'.oo otters.
JJorriisey 4 in ft, but tortunately, if
it goes into tbe courts, tbe crse wi',1
be beyond tbe reach of money or the
peculiar Influences which Mr. Morria-
aey knows best bow to wteKI.,
Tbere ia an epedemic of crime,
which has taken, this week, more
than usual horrible features. A frail
woman, an inmate of a fashionable
bouse of ill-fame op-towa, was yiait
ed by ao unknown man one evening
last week. bat transpired 10 the
room will never be known. Tbe man
rushed out, and was lost iu tbe dark
ness. A moment lter tbo woman
appeared, at the bead of tbe stairs en-
reloped in flames. Sbe dressed for
(be evening in rich robes of a coob un
title material, aod tbe names bad
completely enveloped ber. She bad
just time to exclaim "be set mo afire
with a match," and fell, and before
relief could reach her was burned to
death. Toe man bas aot Leen.found.
Then this was followed by another
mystery. One of tbe oldest aod
richest firms in tbe city is tbat of tbe
JewetU, lead manufacturers, The
junior member is a bepbew of tbe
aenior, and is a peculiarly excitable
man, so much so tbat it
was deemed advisable by bis partners
to buy biro out, and tbe papers neces
sary had been drawn. Thnra.l.r
morning, ao expIooioQ wa. beard in
tbe prirate ojaea, and ibe room wu
. . '"j 1
diMoyered to be oa fire. The em-1 1
p'oyees of tbe boose rnsbed to tbe !
room aad found tbe senior dead, tbe '!
junior mortally wounded, andtbeota-!
er member badly wounded and uo-1
conacioa. Tbere were reroJyers and.
(nlres on tne nooe, and tbe irarmeuts
of a band grenade, wbicb bad doubt
. . -
less exploded, silled tbe two and
wounded tbe other. It is all a myste
ry, for the only living man of tbe tbree
is unable to speak. Doubtless joung
Jewett, the nephew, did tbe bloody
bodice of bimself, hia uncle or
other mi nibcr of tte fifin. TwoBtsch
!iuj;uUr crimes seldom occur in ooe
, Light -h !..!.. aad plain
at Sfty cents a yard arc the
eboiec fur siiii.-, taking- tbe
debtye atiil rami h-bair, while the tli'n
wool HtutTi ko.jttcd arid duibed wi'.b
gay colors in rit-b, subdued ciL-cts,
coating three dollars a yard, are marie
into polonaises above silk skirts. . The
bign price of silk galoocs for trimming
bss brought out an inexpensive'wool
galoon brocaded in colors, which is
quite as bandrfnio for ordinary pur
poses. Tbo bunticg drossc3 almost
put linen out of tboogbt, as tbey
bear endless crushing without wrin
kles and will not hold dust, -vhile
quite tbin enough for our capricious
climate up to tbe dog days, ii j; to
be stylish, a bunting drees needs
much rufHiog and drapry. Tweu y
yards ia a moderate allowance for a
suit, ebon, aud showing the trim
boot aud aiiklr, as it ia tbe la.i rttprn e
to wear ibe tkins.
wan an unkindly day, hardly warm
or dry enough to allow the appear
ance ot . new dresses and bonoet
bich are in i-eason at tbe time Tbe
churches vied with each other in ib
xplendor of tbe fljral decoration, aud
services of book, while in every fl .r-
lft'a window the Easier lilies eboLe
like lights. S itno very plain church
es, which attempted nothing iu the
way of decoration, remembered tbf
feut as appropriately by making tbe
hearts of their poorer members glad
wub serviceable (rifts. Oae cbtircb
voted that every metnoer should te
given on Easter morning, a package
containing a po'tnd of coffee, a pouud
of tea, five pounds of beet, lour
pounds of sugar aod fifteen yards of
calico. Of course this was all paid
for by tbe rich members, but as tbey
filed out of the cburcb, every mem
ber, rich and poor, took the package
be or sbe was entitled to. 1 be poor
members were not put ou
countenance, and the rich ones sent
their packages afterward to the poor
tbat tbey preferred. It was very
aeat and considerate.
t'earrnl Death.
A special from Atlanta, Ga., is as
follows :
"A special from Conyers states
tbat the jail at tbat place was burn
ea to-aav, and tbree negro prison
ers perished in the flames. Tbe
door to tbe jail was on tbe
second floor, tbo second story
bcinsr a solid dungeon wbicb
opened from the top by a trapdoor.
Before tbe fire was discovered it bad
burned away the steps and cut iff aii
communication with the prisoners.
Inere wss no engine in tbe town,
and tbe fire bad us own way. Tbe
beat was so intense tbat it was im
possible to approach tbe buildiog.
At length ao axe was forced through
an aperture to tbe prisoners, aod tbev
commenced to out through tbe heavy
logs tbat made the dungeon walls.
Tbe flames, however, swept down-,
ward rapidly, and soon burned
llirouga me upper itoor ana sent a
shower of embers and lurid blaze
upou the wretched men below. In
this horrid illumination they could be
plainly seen by tbe crowd outeide.
Crazed with pain and fear they ca
pered about like mad men, dabbing
themselves against the walls and
screaming io tbe most fearful manner:
Their attempts to cut through tbe
wallii, while furious, bad uo intelli
gent direction. They backed about
wildly, frequently figbtin; like brutes
for tbe poMseaaion of tbe axe. At
length tbe whole upper flour gave
way, and the three wretched men,
clutched tbe outer logs, stretched
their bands to the crowd outside and
were lost in a blinding pbeet of flame.
Tbe prisouers talked with the
crowd during tbe progress cf tbe fire,
and said they bad heard, ft Qiatcb
struck up stairs an h jur before ibe
fire was visible and supposed it was
the jailor. It was certainly ioceudia
ry, and it is believed to bave been
done by friends of tbe prisoners. It
commenced nt tue door on tbe sec
cod story. The prisoners were put
in jail just a day and a half before the
fire occurred, and were sentenced for
a few yeajy each to the penitentiary."
The aitaatlaa la Lml.iaaa.
New Ouleas, April 14 General
McMillan, Judge Leonard aod three
or four other promiqpot Republicans
were ia coasultation with the Com
mission several hours to-day, io the
interest of Governor Packard. These
gentlemen wers aaiureil, hy the Com-nii-iiiou,
io tbe most solemn manner,
that no proposition wbaterer has
been made to either party, and fur
thermore that tbe Commission bave
cot agreed upon a plan.
General -McMillan and Lis a.soci
ates urged op.n the CommL-sion th
necessity of an early decisiun bv th
President. Every interest of' tbe
Slate and people dessaud it. If it U
to e XichJLi, tbey desire to know
tiis fact at occe. If Packard i to be
recocoied, let il li9 iione without far
ther delay.
General McMillan said to-night
tbat confidence in tbe ultimate suc
cei of ihe Xicbolls Government
seemed to - Iw hardening, citing .the
improvement in State bonds ic,
aud tbe desertions from Packard's
I.euitU'.ure as sustaining tl'n view.
To-nigbt the CommiseioD are io ex
ecutive fusion.
A fetv days a?.) Geo. Washicaton.
colored, of Concordia, and to-day
Brook, colored, or St. Mary, and
Kearn, of Jefferson, all Keturoiog
Board metobtrs, left tbe Packard
House and took seats in Xicboils'
Uooee, niakioj 3T Returning Boar J
members in tbe House.
The Iemo?rai8 in caucus to-night,
it is understood agreed upon a prop
osition tbey will make to tbe Com
mission for admission to their orgao
irstioq cf all membera elected by par
ish eoMmissioners' returns, but this
action shall in no way interfere with
the legislation already perfected.
Tbe seven or eight members who
were seated subject to contest will
submit their for final decision
to tbe fall Legislature when aswm
bled. Note. There seems to be very
little compromise in their proposition,
as tbe members of tbe Packard Leg
bint ore who were elected could at
'any time during ibe past three munths j
bare taken their seats in Nicbolls' I
legislature it they bat! fWrv. to
bare done so.
Arv?aaaii4 rr., Pa.. April
ben Kemmerer. of St. Clair w bo has
been miSSlOg from home t-iilCe April !
5 ban hen f.ntr..! rfwrl neap Ciir.e !
a, ds Deeo wuna Oeraa near Mirer ,
Crek dam thia afternoon. His tbr.-at
j I- - , .
tH "I Wd on tills person was found a
ra;or box. Tbe prerailiog imprest-ion j
is that be committed suicide.
- .
tbei Siim-swin to Stouir.-i-. fN.itor t ..
-c1 O W 1ST ID t!T
cf Muntilhrturer.s
' t Railroad
Fro-s. S it li .St.tuiU and I'.ridlc.;. 'In-
ncs, irju Uxl Jlur.nvs, Stone Pit!.., ll-,.u.
C3PKlarExt!2sS:rr33.fct35irir:?rit: r-,-.,
Misscllaucons Castings Fatlc to Order.
3Iicbinery of all kiudi built and rePuirt-0. at .Sh-rl .y.tice ail KeaaoaaKe TfrL.
Also on band all kinds of Material used about Steam En-.nos.
steam iii.l w atrr ripe Fitting:, bm-a Valvr.
Fk!?. lUhr Ku-Ur !..
:wt. .iri,-r ,ni BU'Hr Wl'ltt. i
April 11. BOLTS
1 ...
tlua mw tuil without toe "utc ,!rWS ,rj ,??-?k'nf m?ch br,,'r- 4i,l ""
poof Wio,rk,nylcrnr ,' m art Z "LZZ.'Z. 7," ? ra
tjr cold. nd will aot e.wr.l- in tlw nio.t etw-iT. ilV b""u" ' 'Tpsndi. imi. -otrrt
aide water-ilghi .1 a .mail t l?Z , FajaTli twm r" Ta' tle, t en en I
wlU..bra.h..nd,M,rr.-M,B,!n, hmT-T " l. .Piki. ,
IMMIUtl al.vwdrvrr
urw.rau i-vinif. tnar are Mack
timmi.) li ch.M-olte color, when
all intent, aud purpo .'u.
root. Mm o.. uk .mi .iihwh. j..::.':":'" "r v ar. a
our color in cmnltr pr-frrrrd. am coat brin; e)aal toinot Bioflnvr , ,:.,,
rmwM. lor BKIfK WALLS oiir r7A rl w tn VV!i.hZ; U- u- E-'i"1" """"I'l
RUt Koos,l. rt- hut about kit the u.iccTr re-.hin"nr r-"o?Friv h . 7 'p ?1 R""r "f
of;,l,r!ptl.)hitl.r,p.noto J, o.h,; r, ' clnT.r
coa,ln ,(,,.. orHCmfalf,! .jaraMe, 4uratlU,, aadr.4uai.t,V' a, , 1 "i t. l f:
No Tar or Gravel Used
We alo mannfactare Slate and MarbiP.
XpwdlMirw. brailtiful cnlor.. marrh-nCArrt.
niint or drf-..ra!ioii8 In nwnk e ar -iliii a
f ; "Wrrw. ery ainnnpie nsnt.1. fur
vr .trr. rMioa oi up, tui. aaa price uai fir-vrtui on
cviif m six cvd praaip.
c colorsaiiU
riO. E. GLINES, Mar.f.. S Cedar Street. New Y01 k
Home reference given by JOHN L. SIPE, of Jenner X
Roads, who 13 agent lor, and sells the pj,mt April 4.
Ilamptoa li
H tat
1 ! f tit
Columbia, April 11 Governor
Hampton is now in possession of the
State House. Tbe transfer o papers
and other property was male ai 12
m. to-day hy tb respective teoreta
ries, Waile H. Manning, repreHentin
Hampton, and C. J. Babbitt, Cham
berlain, There is no exciteruojt
A Can r Hjdrophabla.
Xe-.v Vonic, April 12 Mrs. Wm.
Morrison, of Holbrook, L. I., was
bitteu in tbe wrist by a Spitz dog
two montbs ago. Sbe was
ately cauterized, but on Monday last
Mrs. Morrissoa was seizvd with hy
drophobia and died last night, after
intense suffering.
Corrected by ivk.s & Bsihit.
ttro tit. .
Applea. dried. W a
4v4 joc
i 8i
......... 7;
..ft lt s uo
..... .avi.7je
1 Ti
W w
Apiueumter, fl 1............
Hrjn. y I'M Et
Butler, t (ke)
Butler, y a (r'ii)
Buckwheat, fl bu-ihel
meai, luu a
Bewwax. V a
Bacua, shuulden, )l
aiue, ........
" eoastrr turns. 11
Oorn, (ear) f tnulwl
uorn, (sneiii) -jl bazbel
Corn meal fl a..
CirklM,f1fc. ..'."
r.KK, ft am. ..,..
Floor. W b,.i
iiiueedfi ha., (14 i
barL B '.!.
Leaitier, red le, ft a. ........
" kiu. 'i ...
Mi'lilllnr. cml a.
liau, fl 6u
rVjiatoea, ba
Pearhes, dried. V B
Kye l bo
Ham. a
iUXNu. i. V Md.extra ,
Uroaml Alum, per aack.
Adbtoa. wr sati
Sagar. yello 91 B
" traua
Tiiiu, ji a
w neau DUS , ,
Wool, fi B ,
Nv Advertisement.
V. A. IrfhiaAnn, S-.lkilr r. Pi:rnt.. Vnl.iiv-
lno.D.1'. X .pntoaUM s-nd 6r Vlr s-
lr. April K, 1 year
' Thlnnrannf be lit anr where l,ut on the
WICK! It will last nearly 'iwn-e as Iw a anr
other Oil and xive nearly .loaLle tUc Illiiaiinaina.
It will burn In an k.n-j of a 1. A M p :
ee-Ktitiekeepera are d .ibir well 07 llir i".
n' icnljtiltujciiii! Kif!ofi ter
ritory glren ! .Snd f. l. Ii. f r a 9.. an..!,
a.l try it S AMERICAN M-I K nil,
i K. 4,-or. Olrard A.enuc- an i' f-rmaaiown K..-wl.
Afrtlll. M.iUlili.hij, Fa
Ke ndrraiCTcil eulien' or Midi'let-reek T.v;..,
S.tneret Co . Pa . hereby jive notice that o pr.
.n ah .il tieaspaaaon their lande t r toe porj..e
of fihln or hunt ine onder pecaity of the Isw.
SAM I' EL . P. Kl.Vfr. AtSPiV WF1MER.
Win. K KlXti.
PHIL1P K. M'iflK;:.
john pctm aj.
CHK1H. St'HMit.'k,
C. U. L.
OEiiR.lE m,E
LEVI Ujyii.
W. F. M.iOKE.
A--ril It
AVliolosale and Retail,
AH kinds, such a DEEF, TOKIC,
SAUSAGE, ruddier. DJog
na, Mioce Meat, end
- LARD of onr own
lilt-ailj, lllUlWaj CM
Sontrncl, Pa-
ayIo.-tt orn bo obtr:netl tiny cltxy
.tnrintr tiie week. Ajw". li.
ssioxets xotice.
SolVeis ereb7 rl rrw that V. i Hi.-t.
3ieyera.iaie IJoruair.l. Somerset Co.. 1':
Ann M- hl ' 'i Jed i voiun-.ary aauif
uaaL theaakl W.C. Ue-katoJoba H.O.iDxer,
"" Hueoaua, la aaul eoanty. hi trwrt fc the
A ,Mut maareoiionoi uei.i w. c. ih-x.
'u P"1"- tberefcam. iciet-te-i tot-.e i w. c.
Uariuu wlil auke itaiaediata BaTwieat to Ib
A..hre. and tsoee aavi eliiroa or uMds.
wUJ klKma "jfliJizv .
Apmj:. Atiiiroeeof "sf. chick's.
. .1 r a ..iir. I . ,i , matntm 1 t( T -
. ..,-, 4 .
ar,-! M
!" CilL-t
Va W,
r. v..
cwiT Tsmr,. T?r :J 'nd '" '
a. . ,
E -JC C .
-- -'.rTv.C.
Prwcrrss T:a or Inn.
rin .. - . K rr.i
P -t i.l I'.t trr .f fo: k,Jf ih prlco f whif W. Mi
.nrr.O"r look. k"tr. tr,u
ati'l nn ni-,iv,t.irurT-...r w o-Lmrv p. lul-. .t-r, tim.' w
lai'at t Ef f 01: i'.i' h,'! i. ,..n en ..!!
by o .yone aita -rf. t ui. 'Ml i:irr in. or out. luv'x .,rK
Moot-.. !!.. l-.-n.-. ... iff; t-Ii.,i.- -.(,--.
At f : rfn k 1 If vr ,T-.r. : ,ld,- (Vi,cI.I ni .... ..T'..-.-
ethiuit. .. .
May t. Vtn, to April ), W74.
The RtIwI Stutw. of the t'niiM s.'re. S-.
ti'.na -mi xu.'. i rolJin r-.'iirer..rj i-r
ennaioi in u Iiuiik. at...,..,.!,. ..r -u.,.i..v.
lurut whkn r.udera Llm liable to a oc-lul ui i.
I .ra-ara and plare .. pf.-a.wiy m his mimI'd.
uK-mor of businuu a auup .irnotiior rn
payment ..r ai.l .-ul ut lor tue Notnl T.x
V.;jrlu-ainniuK )ui j. ;. bei-.m f..mUWn.-iiix
or -Dt!.iuiiia- lm.iiM;H altr Afirtl 30 1h::.
A return, a pn..r,.j oa ,,nn 11. Malm re
quired !,y Uw ol every per p ubie to Sw- ul
Isx. a ahove. r'
In.- tmSrawl withlnil e prr.lsi..iu ftf the
la'.T .1U..U-.I are tiie loii.Win. n :
laWrn. retail luim ..."
.-jrw ui
. i.
. l'-O Uf
. '. IH
. O O
. : 'jo
ea.eni. wi...e"ie ll.iv.r
lvxWrin mall liqoor. wh.ele...i
l'ealrs In mall llnuora, retail .
Leajpra In iaf toitctv
K-tait doaler in leal (..tKicn. ...!.".'.'
And n Mira ..I over l.uou. nttv centii tor
every dollar In exreeaof fi..-.a..
De;ilers in mauuUrtared tobacco
.Mjt.uUr urenul
An.1 I. reach ttlll mmniifaeture.i.1!'.!..!
Aud Wreacti w.nn manuiaciured .
-M;inaliiflnrera "d tolaMTo
.llunillctureA of riirnn. ...I'.'.'.'.'.'.
iVl.ilrr.oi tnbaeeo. nrtelaa tniorw tiiin
tn.t br'4-olher animal.; ...
I'ed.llrrs ol tohan-. Mcn.1 ciaa, (twi
h'.r-.- or otner an.iaal.-.
I'edul-r4 ol ti.hamK.uiinl ckiaa nje
or other animal, '
IVMlcranftotw.-e.,. R.nna c.. (oa'foot
or piii'liQconrnyanrei
fiTrwrr ol le4 than hju narreis...""""!
u.'O I.J
i 00
vi . 0
'Jl. 01
l'l If.
lO M
'Jj 00
' 10 0
10 ft
HI 'J"
nreamw 4 tanr'ia or more luo ai
Aiyper.n n liable, wbfl .hall r.ul to
w.iii the ion-ir..mir rcooiremenu wlii be uloert 10
.'vpr'2enalt;e.. J
r"t-oiia or nruis liable to pay anr of tbe Spert 1 1
Ta ;ee n mei n ,0n ap(.iy to't.lwar.1 . uli. el Internal Kermiie at .Somerset an.1
Iiy lor and procure the Speeial Tn .Stamp or
ramthey noed. prior to .May 1, I177, and with,
out lnrlher noii.e.
Sml T : Stampa will I- tmn.mille-l by wind
only..n rr-!i trni the per or Ermnr.lerin ih
wtaenl perih.-.ltrartiiia , to .1... toawher wu I.
toe nre...iry iiaX aunip. or the amount re
ouimi to pay the iKtae. The rt-i-e . ne
at amp t tlir-e no-. ua ua two itampa ii eent
It it 1. dedred tbat they Iw tran-niitted I., r-.t
tre.1 luul. teneei:na.ldliloBalilmiiaoroui!.iiv
tiieap.tuiiti.,ii. '
' '-'-.inn-af'jner 01 Internal k..-venm-.
i'"p -r. r.w I-.te.:t;l kirra.xrK,
V,"a.nuixt(. li.c., January -n. 177. m.iril.
i.,ta: of I aae FU'k, late of Lavan. tKI.- 11 r..
S-.mtisut Tuwnlilp, U.tM.
L-:er4 r.ra.'rnlal'tratlon on the above eatate
haviuel" n.e.1 by tnepp.rra.ith.Tltvnolire
i f'M'retivlxiventothoatir..le'.te.i to It lomikflmm.
di ne piytnent. and thoe havmirUinia in.nn it
to prte-ut then duly ntlientieaie. li.r tilemeni
ar.d allow.tnce nt tl.e bite re.-, lew el devea-d
. Uw Oth il.iv of .V;ir. H77
liAl.Vll FI.K'K.
.Mar h 3. Administrator.
T6nNii.lRRisbNr "
A foil line of ..jtv raa.temmna alw.irv raj band.
F'.r.era.v ,it'..-n-:e. to wiinout reitai.1 i- OL-tn.-.-.
A nr.t .-iaa- hr.trJ- k-t... I'-rtu. nr-lrit
A't.lrM JnHX U..MMKK1SI.V.
April 4.,ile. Pa.
lhe ltrTniTahi!.I:rret.nee''lat:n atwea X.
It'-wtnan .mil .1 E. o.:3n In in nofr-in'tle he-if-eaaat
Stuy.towii, Pa.. unler the title of I.-,
ir.iin at 0::I.u has thia "lay tanl dlaa.ivel hy
e.ut 3:.l ..n-ekt. .1. E. -.Iffrn rrirt;nt. in wl.-e
p..!e-a.i the t-a.1.5 awl note ar lor ee'.'.i ruent :
all iul-rt-(el will ltuai-!l.itriy eall u..q kim an I
aeut: llie'.r a..".H-n;. .ilarih 7th, laTT.
M..: 21 JONATHA.N E. Olfr'I.V
'.f S-ifijarmah IWahlj. f 111-11-
n on m., ip, titsccae!.
trfI aviieiitiBintJ jo ir. JY Af
hrrm-J aTivrs U CvPy? In. Ut itti m&ae l'ntA-
tiuaie payaDU ail tltrui crrxu aaKiiiii it
t rtrHeot t.'.orrj (uiy utit-ntiJ-iau-l lorvuirmfrt
(a M U, ii7T, at t.i UU rti-leuns ni .It?
rrI.s'.r' wi:i re rfJ mptaavrn 'litt u.r
lit t'm.-unz nt srrxol Hon-Mf. on vr rr tt.m
irnitjri'it'H V J. Harr, In f-j-m-rrt vmhip.
SlrwiaulwDi i-4n 1 a-'ier two I'Xh ui A, 'til
!;y an:!Uitf W J hn M:IL
aSAHUtta rox.
Corner CANAL and CENTRE Sts.
Near Broadway. NEW YORK.
Tim cbM a'TomKtUticii Px fr-ur bnnlrrJ
1st 2zj.
Weatera ritrirt of Per r.n Ivania,
At Pl'tahorxh. tiw 7th of Mar'll. a, n. I".T.
T'.e uii'leriiinie't hereby give aocp-e A b ao'ciement at Ainee cf Tbo J. I"earl. -ai
ll.aarmvilie. mtae "Hinty ol Sow-rwrt, an-l State
1.1 Penravlvana. wita.o aaol dia.ri.rl. ew
i.-a a.i iit3"l auront afaaa b erl!tor
t i-.-a bi im Dn'rv-t O'lrt of ad lain-t.
apriU ' AiBcnee.
' -t r i..'.n irul wife, of the Biinsb of Sal.-
it'y. S.vret oM Pa.. hatioT aaa-le a vdinary
a.maeiit ai all tbe pr Jjeny ol imi.1 B. V. twthe wn.leraiajne.1. K-r 'be beweol ! b.a
er;-.ra. te brreby ive to ail per"w
(y, are in.ieote.1 to al Anxn.rt make imate-.-.ttia!.
an.1 lb.e baTsna: rlaiaia asra-n-t
h. ia. to preol tbemaaiy aMhemirated
:;r..t itt.e AlTtee. at bia relet-w in Klt-la-lt
Tn. 'J.d .raniy. oa Satnnlar. May !. )::.
a.'j-n iul ih.-re h w.ll l r aanl p-trja-ot.
l.A. II HAY.
April IL
"atne J. T.lvryl. bvir. oar a t ji.Urv
aa'slsrnnwnt ot all t.i r-l aaa yeraoaal ewaie to
i, .e .a tra-rf tor ieaa-ntol etegLt.H, a.1 peraww m-.1-.
te.1 to Ibe aid Saal J. Lrieiiron.1. w'-T
aiaae htnda:e yioou aaul ttae biVlJia
r.alBK W i.l preaeEt llaeia to lb undrilTla A-
? wuaoW oelay at 1l1 reiUenaa la iJinry
j ..-.rb. eACCn P. r-rrraon.
Aer-:;?I. Awltmee.