The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 28, 1877, Image 3

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    Somerset Herald.
.Mat car. u:?
1,000 KEGS"
Tbb Murphy
Band is increasing very
Carpenters will find at Elymyre's
Tools ot all kinds at ac low prior a ibey
can he lxmjrbt any where. ., , ,
Persons who are building will Ond at
Blymyers' prices as low as the same poods
ran be bought in the city. Call and ace.
AVe ofter for sale Clover and Timothy
mt, high and low, large and small.
Cook & Hkf.iuth.
!ents' Hrares, new styles at
'raslnon llazur. , . .
t Mint. Jas. B. Tiietwei.u -
Leap froz is now making itsappeiu'ance
Tbia is one of the good old games that Hie
iriils have never been able to MtciwMiiiiy
imitate. ' '
Thbke hundred dollars ia the 4,nalty
for not cancelling the stamps on empty oil
barrels. This item may prove of intcreU
to oor mercbants.-
Fi bsitxbk Men will find at Biytnyers'
the best Varnishes, Oils and Turpentine,
Bod Fas'.a, Castors, Moulding it, at the
lowest possible prices.
Anything that you may want in the
Hardware line you ran get at Blymyers' .at
low psioea. Call and see luein. ueaa uis
advertisement in another column. -
Have a very lull stock of Notions and
Trimming on hand now.
....... Mrs. J. B. Trkpwki.l, ,
, Xo. C, Mammoth Block.
It is gratifying to know that fih are 21
per own lower than last year, lirius on
your earn, oats, potatoes or biicmi in ex
change. Cook Si Bkkuits.
Will receive larpe lotol new Miiliucry
Goods ibis week. Hals, Bonnets, Ribbons,
Flowers, Ornaments, 4c, spring styles.
Mbs. Jas. B. Tredwklu
No. C, Mammoth Block.
Notice. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to uie will please aettle on
or before Aoril 10. 1877. as alter that time
all accounts will be lett in the hands ot an
officer lor collection.
Jons Yot xo.
We haie the largest, fines-t aud cheapest
1.4 ot Umbrella, in silk, alpaca and scotch
cinubani we have ever ofli-ied. Call and
see them.
. . "Fashion Bazar,",
- - Mits. J. B. Tekdwell,
No. 6 Mammoth Block.
A married man up town Lad blue ghtas
put in his wile a sitting room to uutcu
her eyes, he said. She returned I he com
pliment by having rod gla. ku in her
husband's library U PtaUh his Bone, she
said, lie don't seem to appreciate the
We were informed by Representative
KIne on Saturday that the wtitkm sent
from Westmoreland and Somerset coun
ties, praying lor the repeal of the charier
ot the Somerset and Kobbstown Turnpike
Company will not couie up for action be
fore the Legislature this sesson. Mt.
Jl'st abhivhv A large lot HI Fieh.
Mackerel, White Fish. Lake Herring, and
Cod Fish, consisting of half-barrels, quar
ters and kits, which we ofier at litim
price. Now is the time o bny. I'rices
J.w. ' ' ' :
. . Cook & Bkktmts.
Ship votir Butter to
They got best prices last season for every
farmer who shipped to lUetn, and if you
with high price ibis season vou will do
wei! to ship to them. .. . ,
Joints and muscles, stiff ane painful
with rheumatism and gout, are promptly
relieved by Glen a gulpbar Bp. Iical
diseases of the skin " and dfects of the
complexion arc also, remedied by this
standard article. Depot Criltnton a No.
7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Mill's Hair
and Whisker Dye. black or to-own, 00
rent.. ,
Have Just purchased at trustee' sale,
in Baltimore, iarge Kit ot Ladic I-i.nn
i'ollars (3 ply), regular price 23 cts, which
we will tell at 1 Cts , all sizes, worth
three common linen collars.
Fashion Bazar."
Mita. J. B. Tkcdwklu
No. 6, Mammoth BUak.
Have just purchased. In the Kast. the
finest hit ol enl' Neck Wear everatwm u
here. Folded Ties in plain black. Long
Tie in seal brown, aasy blue and figures,
made Txiwim Scarfs in all colors and very
latest sly Irs. linen Collars aud Cutis jus.
Ma. J. B. Tbedwem..
, ,,No.C Mammoth Block.
Me. r.vci.. HoFFlfAX captured a large
while swan in the woods near the top of
the Allegheny mountains last week. The
bird had heeome so weak fr lack of nonr
ishment Jthat Mr., II. captured it (with
out diliicultv. It is said to be ononuallt
large and has l single dark feather
amidst its plumage. It was sold by Mr.
Hoffinaa Ui a huckster from- Cnnderland.
Md., I'M' two dollars.
Mb. EniTOR. I was looking for an an
swer to the Irog purzle. My ila is that
if the flrsl frog that was ever created had
commenced jumping on his '.wclve fur log
alter the prescribed rule in the puzzle he
long since might have been in danger ol
tumbling down, being so close to the end,
but according to the civen rule dare not
jump oft because he ia alwaa to jump half
ttie distance that tet rematas, however
aUort that might be! . . , B. IL
'Women who u high heeled UxiU
should know that the practice erverts the
Bstutal vetations of the articulation and
the muscular action. " ir:ttnne the indi
vidual tuactinos ,.l u,e cak-is and the
plantar arch, the consequence ol which is
injury to the malleolus ; intlammaiion en
sues in the calcaaoo culioUl arUculation.
and il requires great care to prevent the
(tisplaormeBt ot the articular surfaces.
Thai ought to arare auy womaa out of her
tKaitS. - -"- ' '
PosiTIvfcLV THE best. Dr. Morris
Svruixil Tar. Wild Cherry and Hore-
htKiod - is the very best com
pound evex epartil. advertised,
or sold by anr person, or under any nauia
whatever, for tlie iranWiat teltef and
permanenl cure ol oough. old, omup.
wluaapiog 4)gu, broocbitia, aiubma. and
all dueaaea ot a consumptive type. It
wit: tboroccblr eradicate these alarming
symptntns in one halt the time reuired Mi
do au by any other medicine. It is pnrely J
f UK wtav; , ......... ww .
ecukuic. ana contains boa a particiv uij
tabas sot a particie 01,
opium or ar aaageraua arug. 11 never
fails. Every bottle guarantied to perform
exactly as represented. , , v ,
FuraaUby G. W. Beafbrd. - -
Also Agenu for Prof. Parker Pleasant
Worm t'yrup, whkaaever fidU.. Pleasant
to take, aDd requires bo physic. Price 25
TV cull attention to the notice of U. S
Internal Revenue Special Taxes, npear
in? In our columns to-day, and more es
pecially lu those clauses requiring port ice
Janii t.. be incl.rd with all i.rJera for
lin.-w.irwAm, to Ims find iy. i!m,
EovTnm"m In every instance reouirine
liie inilivuliml u bear Hint i
t tti tlw tart Uit aish nolv wrl! be taken toy
u, i ami uy re?ierJ letter, P. O.
order or Eastern dra!t. Time and ex-r-uewtll
be saved by keepins in mind
Uirt fjacts.
I .tt'orsT noIl!.-The must mivnl.l.
rw.inr- tn tue world are those Rnffrinjrt
''liBummna Liver c-ruiplaint.
we tban seventy-five per cent, ot Uie
pe'I'le in the Culled State are afrlicted
wilh tlw-M; two (liHeaiK aud their erTifta-
isucli is Sn.r MomarU. Sick Herulaen-
Habitual (aaivrm-tin. Palpitation ol the
Heart. Heart Burn,, gnaw
ing and burning paina at the pit of the
Stomach. Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue
and disagreeable taste in the mouth, com
ing up of toixl after eating, low spiriU, &C.
iio to jour JJru.cist, U. VY. Benford,
and gut a ii cent.boltle ol ArursT Flow
er or a sample bottle for 10 cents. Try it
Two doses will relieve you. of Tor. r.Lre class. Wc have
been shown two slijis frotu graiic viuea,
which wene tut and put iniotiie ground on
llic d of February, 1877, and which are
now bearing lxuit. One of the slips has
a tine bunch of young grapes on it while
the other has three bunches. This beats
even the remarkable progress which the
advocates ot the blue gl&. theory say
that plants make under the influence of
the blue ray. Just think out (pile two
months since the slip? were cut and put
into tbe ground, and already they are
bearing" grapes ! If anv persons doubt
this, lei them (all on J. W. Moore, where
the grapes can be mxn.Bclirfontt H'afcA-
Is Chtrtien, borough, Allegheny county,
on Tuesday morning, two children, a boy
aged lour and a girl of six years, were
kicked ia tin; bouse alone while their
mother was i-n traced in aome ontdr
f business nitutin; her absence lor
isnme tim.ttr her departure the boy
lighted a stick at the stove and placed It,
still, burning, ia a can ol oil left within
his reach. Au explosion followed, and
when the mother returned she lottnd the
children's bodies iving on the floor so bad'
ly burned and blistered as to be almost
unrecognizable. The boy ts dead, and
the girl raunot recover. We leave our
readers to make their own comments.
Those small liovs who arc in the habit
of converting their mouths into bait boxes,
when they go fishing will be gratified t
learn that, through the geniusof a recent
inventor they may continue to nse that
convenient reeeaele for a new bait which
is tree tram the disadvantages peculiar to
tbe anele worm. Any boy who has med
itated over tbe short comings of that slimy
invertihrnU! knows that it squirms diss-gn-eably,
especially when accidentally
bitten, that it has an affinity lor dirt which
is annoj ing t hen swallowed; that even
w hen ou tbe book, Ubaaa way of dissovl
ing itself oif in the most unaccountable
and exasperating manner ; perversely per
mits itself to lie carried off piecemeal by
nickels nud minnows in total disregard of
its legitimate purpose. There can be no
doubt that the day id the angle worm has
passed and that against the improved flexi
tile rnblier worm of Mr. H. H. Gregg
1 imtected January 2, 1S77) he can no lon
ger hope to cmiijiele. Serving as bait, and
at tbe same time its chewing turn, it must
tie evident to tbe least thoughtful that the
rublier worm Las an inconleslihle advan
tage. Sosjys the SritnliJ American.
There is no emgeration in tbe statement
that thousands ol persons residing lroin
one year's coil to another in fever and
ague regions on this Continent and else
where, breathing air mure or less impreg
nated with miasma, without incurring the
disease, simply and onlv because they are
in the babil of using llostettcrs Stomach
Bitters as a preventive. It has frequently
happened, aud the fact has been amply
attested by the parlies themselves, that
person surrounded on all sides by neigh
bors suffering the tortures of this shivering
and burning- plague, have enjoyed abso
lute immitni'V frotu it, thanks to the pro
tection afforded by the bitters. Nor is
that auti febrile cordial less efficacious in
remedying than in preventing chills and
fever, bilious remittents, and disorders ot '
a kindred type. Taken between the par- j
oxsais, it speedily mitigates their violence,
sua eventually prevuus their recurrence.
These faats, convincingly established by
evidence, septal with" peculiar force to
travelers BnS sojiwrners in malarious 1U-
Rti-OKT of the CiitchfieM School, Mil
ford tp.. for the term ot 1776-7, ending
March 1?. 1S77 :
Whole number enrolled during term
males 13. females 2S, total 51.
Average attendance during term males
12. females 14 total 20.
Percent ol attendance during term
males 77, females 77, total 7b. '
Visitors during term 'M.
Number in tbe ditlerent branches as fol
lows: '
Orthography, 50 ; Heading, 26 : W nt-
ing. 24 ; Jlental Aritnmetic, M ; v riuen
Arithmetic, 2; lieograpny, njuram-
mar, 4 ; Alphabet 1.
Died during term male 3, females 1,
total 4.
The attendance until January 1st was
good ; at that time that dreadful disease
diphtheria commenced its ravages in this
district. Five families having been afflic
ted with it, and as will be seen alsive, four
that were in attendance at school died, and
as a connpieuce others became alarmed,
and a tew reluscd to send alter that, but
thanks to the good people in Ibis district
a majority ol those that were well still
sent tbeir 'children and kept the school in
progreck. A literary society was held dur
ing the term which was both pleasaDt and
C. M. Baker.
' ' . ; Teacher.
srito'CAi.oi'EBATios On the 7th of last
Jauuarv Dr. W. F. Fundenberg. of tbia
city, muov-d an eye front Mrs. AbrxRt, a
hulv over Od iers of age, who formerly
lived in Mt. rwvage, hut resides fr the
present on Harrison : treit here.
Tbe old lady bad been aflected v. ith cat
aract of both eve, which is commonly
supposed to be a thin opHqne scum over
tbeee. but is reaiiy a chance in the tis
sues of tbe lens, rendering it a;ajje and
preventing tbe transmission of an image
The operation df extracting tbe lens is
an exceedingly delicate one. requiring tbe
nicest skill. 'With this view the friends
of Airs. Abbott advised her to visit Cum
berland and secure the professional ser
vices ot Dr. W. F. Fundenberg. whose
high reputation s an oculist would guar
antee successful treatment and a speedy
restoration til sijht. Accoraingly she
came last summer to tbia city to consult
h7m ; bnt on account of the extreme beat
and tLe advanced age ot tbe patient, tbe
iKictor preferred to perform the operation
in colder weather.
A short time after this, however, she
had a geiieral practitioner operate upon
oneot her ryes, but the attempt was ut
terly unsuccessful, and left as an alter
effect extreme neuralgia, pains in that eye
and w hole side ot tbe bead, endangering
the awlety of tbe other eye, and so severe
that she was unable to rest day or night.
It laxatue necessary to have the mistreated
eye removed. The operation was auc
ccssfully performed by Dr.' Fundenberg.
as above stated, on the 7th uf January
About three weeks ago the cataract was
removed by Dr. Fundenberg trout tbe re
maining eye, ia which there has been
total blindness for eight t ears. The oper
ation was successful in all its details, aad
sight has been fully restored. Mrs. Ab
bott baa now no difficulty ia distinguishing
all ob jects, and w ith the aid of glasses will
be able to read the finest prist, ' . e
The tact is clearly elicited by this case
that it is a nitvt hazardous thing to entrust
the treatment of diseases of so delicate an
oran as the eye to the ordinary gen"1
practiikxM.-r, when theservicesof a skilled
and experienced secialist can be secured
who lua ajint years ia the study and prac
tice ol that Bubject alone.
.Mrs. Abbott i a verv intelligent old
lady and has a very clear remembrance of
an me evecia 01 lies past lite, vtnea
only nine years old sbe distinctly remem
- j v . -
f' having shaken hands with Gen. Vsh-
";" i iini(;iu, .3 miies wew.01
I'mladelpbia. Her hatband was a soldier
in the wav of WL, and sbe now draws a
pensioa from that fact. She was nit d
the eriginai members ot the EpisiJpal
church sere, whea Dr. Buell was pastor
many years ago. tier aengni in tbe res-
toralion of her sightis no bounded. Cast- iCreighloo, Kev. Win. KQpp, lty. a
btrtftn AUty nA Tint. J Truxal aad Mr. McCoy. Sixty-three
h i
John 2arleyc:ra Vented ia & Fair
Fan, Solemnity, Eeligion and Tem
perance nixed.
'nrsiiMrTK voce poison.
The tcinpeianc work still goes bravely
on : the "Menu" ha been improved and
the wine list taken I rem. You can have
your temperance .iricd, roasted, fricasseed.
broiled, lyooaise, stewed, or "nut iswi
beer and pretzels." . You name the dishes
and tbe committee serve It op to suit tbe
palate of the enstomer. You can sign tbe
pledge for life, tor years, at sufferance. at
will, or until wood cook shooting com
mences on the 25lh ot June. The excite
ment is spreading, and Berlin and Mineral
Point are being regenerated ; the ball will
be opened at other points in the county j
during tbe week, and it is expected that
it wilt bo kept rolling nnltl the lortrc of
inspiring boat Jouu tlailcycoru lias
been stormed and conquered. I ne of the
sneakers said "the devtf has been driven
out of Fayette into Somerset, and we hope
to drive bltn into Maryland, and from
thence to the sea.'.' Meyersclale. Garrett,
L'raina, Confluence, and other points in the
south of the county are advised to be on
their guard lest In making his exodus be
show his cloven foot among them. ' 1
The meeting 00 Tuesday cvenin was the
same old inisg. 1 be loutt noose was ram.
mxi, jammed, chuck lull, and tho surplus
oveinowed into tbe street, wliere an ani
mated conversation in regard to what was
and what was not a beverage, took place.
The meeting1 was addressed by Messrs.
Johnson, Gilson and Austin, of Inioo
town, and a number ot our citizens. Mr.
Johnson is a man ot pleasing address, and
argues like a lawyer. He makes' no vio
lent tirades against persons who hnppeu to
differ with his views, but presents them
in a plain, straighl!brard way and allows
them to weigh tor w hat they are worth ;
his descriptive powers are good, and h's
langnage beautiful. He maUe a good im
pression on our people, ana Uiey were
sorry when he had to leave the meetinsrs.
May be live long and prosper.
Wc need express no opinion of Rev.
Gilson, for he is well known to our people
both ersoually and by his reputation as
an eloquent minister of the goppel : suffice
it to say that bis many acquaintances were
higly pleased and gratified with the stand
he has taken in ibis matter and know that
his eloquence will be the means ot doing
much good.
Mr. t.'. I. Austin is. well, lie is "Charlie
Austin," and if he preaches temperance.
or goes home at an early hour in tbe morn
ing with a swelled hcal and two eyes pur
ple as the graie, be will be "Charlie Aus
tin" still. He 'appears to be a whole
souled fellow, who has been on many a
drank and been "hail fellow we'll met''
with Tom. Dick. Harry and the balance
of the family. He has gone into tbe Mur
phy moveiiieut heart and soul and is UUr
ing zealously to do 10 others as he has hccB
doue br.
Some flltv signers were received aud the
meeting adjourned to meet on Wednesday
I,oi:i; before dark on Wednesday even
ing the court house was filled to overflow-1
iug. Addresses were made to the large
audience by Messrs. Austin, . Johnston, !
Hoover. Grimm, Schlock, and oiheis.
The interest manifested at this meeting
was greater, it possible, than at any pre
ceding meeting. While Mr. Jobnson
was speaking the door swung ujxm and a
party ot twenty-one. numbering among
them some of the best men in tbe town,
marched up the aisle and affixed their sig
natures to the pledge, amidst the wildest
excitement. .Men cheerek, women cried,
and the boys tossed their hats in the air
and shrieked "hurrah."
The address of Mr. Hoover was a sur
prise to bis most intimate friends and was
listened to with marked attention.
Thursday evening tbe interest was una
bated and the crow d as large as ever. Ad
dresses were made by Kev. Sloan, of Wil
kensburg, H. F. Rchell, Keq., Kev. Sei
bert, of I.svansvillc, Rev. Grimm, and
others. Rev. Truxal made an address in
German., Tbe number ot signets was
The meetings held at Mineral Point
were very successful. Those of Monday
and Tuesday were addressed by Mr.
Creighlon. of Pittsburgh. Messrs. V.
McCov, Millon Megahun, Wm. Johns and
Ld. liaer, of Somerset, addressed the
meeting on Wednesday evening, and on
Thursday evening ex-Sheriff. Knepper
ana W. i. LotlnHli gave their views on
the sul jtct. Friday evening the meeting
was addressed by residents. The meeting
was axljourned until Friday, .March '.'M,
on account of the quarterly meeting be
ing held in the place of meeting. Some
of the signers were the "worst old soaks"
in the pU,e. The number ot signatures
were :
Monday 14
Tuesday 50
Wednesday 14
Thursday" 1"
Friday 1)
The great temperance movement which
has been sw eeping over tbe whole country
this winter like a hurricane, was inaugu
rated in our town on Wednesday evening
last by one ot Murphy's disciples, Mr.
Creighlon. of Pittsburg, Pa. The meet
ing had been announced several days be
fore bond, and everybody seemed perfect
ly ripe for a reform movement in that di-
ection. In fact, many made special pre-
paraiion for the coming event, by way of
taking a lew extra annas before bidding
adieu lo an old and favorite habit The
first of the series ot tneelinga was held in
the Lutheran Church on Wednesday even
ing, with a crow ded house. Sober men
and women, drunken men and boys, tip
plers and that large and peculiar class who
take something, a little wine, for the stom
ach's sake, were there, anxiously awaiting
the opening ot the exercises. The pro
ceedings ol the evening were introduced
by reading a portion of scripture by Rev.
11. F. Keener, snd a prayer by Rev. John
Poffenberger. Wnile the choir was dis
coursing sweet music, an executive com
mittee consisting of the following persons
was aptiointed : John (.' Sterner, J. A. M.
Krisaiuger, John Musser, J. Piatt Phi.son,
Mrs. D. A. Bru baker and Mrs. J. C. Phil
son. The principal speaker of tbe even
ing was Mr. Creightou. His lecture was
practical and to the point, without any
labored effort at oratorical display. Tbe
siieaker mantained that the subject was
one ot such vital importance, and of such
universal application that a pimple state
ment of the facts was sufficient 10 convince
the most confirmed old tippler ot the error
of bis way. After the address, and while
tbe choir was treating tbe audience to most
excellent and appropriate music, the books
were opened lor signatures, aad sixty pel-
sons svailed thenise.vea of the first oppor
tunity. At the close of the evening ex
ercises the announcement was made that
tbe meeting on Thursday evening would
be addressed by the Hon W.J. Baer, of
your town. The well known character
ot Mr. Baer, and the love which tbe peo
ple ot Berlin entertain lor him, gave assur
ance that a crowded bouse would await
him. And such was the case ; long be
fore tbe hour ot meeting people could be
seen Hocking to tbe church from every
direction, until every inch of room was
occupied, many not being able to be ac
commodated. After reading, prayer and music by tbe
choir. Mr. Baer was introduced by Rev.
li. F. Keener, as a native ol Berlin, and
a man of age able to speak tor himself.
The address, which was then delivered in
tbe speaker's happy style, was g.-eeled by
shouts ot spplaiuw. la many respects it
was superior to anything we nau ever
beard ou the subject.- The reasoning was
logical and tbe positions taken tenable
throughout. In the course of bis remarks
the speaker made a little confession 00 the
subject of slavery which did one's sonl
goouso bear .eoiiiiag trom tho source it
did. The labors ot the evening resulted
in tbe addition of one hundred and torty-
seven names to the lL On Friday atler-
ooon a prayer meeting was bekl tn the
3t. t- Cburcti. at wmcn sixteen more
names were sent ia, principally by parties
from the country whose daily work pre
vented their attendance. Friday eyea
inr's meeting in the M. E. Church was
very largely attended. ' 1 nus lar inese
meetings bare been held in tbe different
chore bra, we suppose ia order to anord
the tipplers of each denomination the op
portunity of signing me pmwks wamiwi
to their own creed. Alter reading ana
prayer, tbe meeting was addressed by JSr.
lifC IWI""J-,I -p I
more names were added to the Ktt.. Sa
urday'a prayer meeting in tha Relori&cd
Church was conducted by Revs. Ruppacd
PoQenberger. Tbe meeting in the even
ing at the same place was not wanting in
aiemucr. nor lacking tn tbo usual enthu
siasm. The aery good order which had
characteriaed. all tho previous Meeting
was somewhat deviated lrom by as una
voidable misfortune. One of tbe reformed
Orankards conceived the idea that he was
a special agent, ordained for the express
purpose oienngaienmg ms erring follow
men. and hence ouebt to be placed on the
list of tpeakers. His wish was 9 ranted
and the result was that be made an a of
Bimseit. itev. Taylor, of the M. E.
Church, fmade a short addnat,- when
ninety-three jnore nimes were sent in,
making 270 at the close ol tjalurday even
ing's meeting. More anon. ... ... , - O.
' Captain Booahui s accomplish tl the
wooderful feat ia New York last Friday
night of breaking one thousand glass balls
in one hour forty-two minutes and fifty
seconds. He was matched to break the
balls inside ot two hour and forty inioutes
with one gun, aud the privilege ot two sets
of barrels. Betting was nearly three to
one against him before be commenced.
The balls - were sprung out of a patent
trap, and Uojrardia stood eighteen ' yards
iioiu iuv trap, jic I! rod rapiUiy, aud with
nnerring aim. astonishing ihose p resent.
He fired at l.ltm balls and broke I .WW,
missing 134. ' . j- .
Oa Uuwlay taat Air. Oat Vloy was saagU
la tha flj hI uf Woy Bra's. m aiiu and badly
hurt at.ait Oi head and be. No partWlars.
F.Launos. Tha following officers wrs aleetcd
ly th Saucnet LcOgt, 1. 1). O. r co Moadav, 1
ai.ii. owi, 19, j.
W.Q.-D. J. Horner. " '" " !
V. O. Chan. J. Harrlsao. ' ''"'
See. L. M. Hlcka, . .! a : ,
amxsw.-jvH. rntx..' , ;o ,r- us
Tiwartr. W, H. Wain?. .
Opo Feij-ows' Srrrtn The arranaeaents lor
the tWd rellows' saprer fur Mxt Stonday atffht,
April and, an progressing' Andy and tae sapper
will aodoabt be a ploasant affair. Flfty-oa u
rwri of iSumemt Lwlira bay already siznlned
tbr-tr lotenilnn of being present j the other I.Tdicee
inrouicnuat the eoanty have bcn inrftet. -
KcvlvaJ a BakrTlll. ,
I have been requested lo write a brief
account of our meeting at Bakersville, tn
which request I gladly respond, believing
that there are many who will rejoice wiiu
us upon hearing what the Lord has done
for us and in ns during tbe last few weeks.
There bad been indications for several
weeks, under the preaching ot the Word,
that a special outpouring ot the Uoly
Spirit was awaiting this people. .. ,
While we believe that people ought to
obey the gospel as ministered in tbe or
dinary Sunday worship, and that this is
ordinarially sufficient tor the conversion oi
sinners and the perfecting ot saints . yet.
in the economy ol grace, there seems to be
a set time to favor ion.
The earth is watered not only' by the
quiet dew and the gentle rain but, by the
gushing shower, and so tbe church of God
seeins lo obey tbe Same law, when after a
long and withering drought, "the win
dow s ol heaven are. opened and there is
poured out such a blcssiug that there is
not room enough to receive it. " -
I think I am not in error when I venture
the statement that all church es are more
or less subject to this rise and tail of
the spiritual thermometer. Now a season
ot grace abundant, then a grievous fam
ine ; now a day of fasting, then a day of
general rejoicing. However much "xe
may desire the steady increasing light that
shiueth more aud more unto tbe perfect
nay, mere is, in individuals and congrega
tions, considerable flickering in our spirit
ual lorcues.
Tbe history of the church at laree has
passed through the same experience. Alter
me vigor and spirituality of the early church
came the Dark Ages, and after tbo dead
formalism and tyranny of Rome came the
iietormation. "tiod is in the midst of her.
He shall help her. . . u -
Such baa been the experience of tbe
church at Bakersville. Earnest men bad
grown gray praying for the purity of the
church and the conversion ot sinners, and
at last "tbe armot tbe Lord was revealed.'
I leel that is due to the Lutheran Coo
terence of this county to state , that tbe
meetings at Bakersville were held in
strict conlormity, to the spirit and letter,
the ' Luther discipline on this subject.
(See Chap. VII, Sec. IV, ;
Our meetings were as quiet and orderly
as our or Jiuary Sunday services or weekly
prayer meetings. Though some ot our
own members expressed the judgment that
nothing could be expected without more
excitement and "bodily exercise," still it
was our firm purpose to employ bo means
1)111 what we believed to be the divinely
ordained means for turning sinners unto
God. e preached the fundamental doc
trine of Luther and the Reformation
"Justification by Faith" which we be
lieveto be tbe Bible plan. - We employed
no shrewd or compulsory means to urge
people beyond their convictions. Ikese
silent moments were moments ot power.
One of the features ot each meeting was
s few moments of silent prnyer, during
which each christian selected one nearest
bis heart as a subject of special prayer.
We professed to believe in prayer ; "what
soever ye will ask in my name, I will do
Those who were anxions about their
souls did not besitste to ask an interest in
the prayers ot God's people fey rising to
tbeir feet in the meeting. W e held inqui
ry meetings every day where we thorough
ly instructed those asking tbe way to sal
vation. We fonnd those inquiry meetings
most interesting and profitable. Sinners
rejoiced to see their difficulties disappear
before tbe infallible word We found no
case lor which God had not prescritied a
sure remedy.
We closed our series of meeting with
communion on Sunday morning, and a
prayer and praise meeting in the evening.
Our meetings resulted in aa increase oi
laith in believers ; rebuilding-of family
altars, and erecting new ones where before
they were unknown ; in the settling ot old
and bitter animosities ; in putting a new
song into tbe mouths of piotane swearers
and blasphemers ; in reforming drunkards,
and in tbe conversion of sixty-nine souls,
who have been brought from darkness in
to tbe marvelous light of God.'
There are still left a few Cannnites in
tbe land to contend with and try the laith
of Israel ; but may their idolatry constant
ly remiud the delivered Israelites from
what slavery and idolatry they themselves
were rescued, and may they believe that
He who bath delivered tbein is also able
to keep them unto tbe day of perfect re
demption. "Thanks be to God wbo hath given us
ihe victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ." '
. -; - Pastor.,,
Thk Harrisburg Patriot says: State
Superintendent Wickersham has sent cir
cular to the county superintendents to
transmit to the department a historical
sketch of education in their jurisdiction in
stead of an annual report. He says:
In 00 other way, it is thought, can so
much be done at this lime for tbe cause
whose interests have so largely been in
trusted to your hands. The sketches should
be accurate, giving names and dates ; full,
embracing all ot public importance relat
ing to tbe subject ; concise, omiting all
unnecessary details and comments. Com
piled in a volume, these sketches contain
ing in brief the history of education in
every county, city and borough of the
stale, will constitute a document ot great
interest and value.
Each sketch should include whatever it
may be proper to say upon tbe following
topics:- ': -. - -
1. . The exemplary schools. Wbenjand
by whom established. How supported
and managed. .Their character. Tbe
2. Elementary schools up to tbe time
of tbe passage of" tbe common school law
in 1834. : The condition oi the schools.
Tbe effect of laws relating to education,
passed prior to 1834. Schorls founded and
supported by churches. Efforts, II any,
to secure free schools ' ' '
3. ' The' history ol oommon schools
since IttH. The rrowth ot tbe system.
"Prominent school officers. Leading teach
ers. ork done. .
4. Academies, seminaries and noted
private tcbool. When and by whom
founded.' Full lists ol all whether now
open or not, with all important facts. The
eoanty acauemies. Aid received by them
5. Colleges and universities. History
of all institutions of this kind, bow ia op
eration or otherwise. Present condition.
Statistics. . .' i ". -.: j
i. Miscellaneous educational institu
tions. Libraries, literary snd scientific so
cieties. Clubs Tor mutual improvement.
Special school of all kinds.
7. Teachers' institutes and assoe la
tinos. Meetings of - teachers. Meetings
ia be hail of educatioo., BeiHactort of
education. , - .... 5 ,.
titThv .?ai?
given by the scholars of Prof. S. L.
Trent's school on Friday and Saturday
-i 1 c.: . 1
evenings was a very decided sncctoa.
Tbe perfoimsare con si-ted ol vocal and
instrtiiocntal moic, eeaavs. ! Unialion.
farees, dramas, aud tableaux. Tbe tab
leaux "The. Sculptors Triumph" and
"Faith. Hope, and Charity," were partic
ularly beautiful, the diameters were well
chosen and with a well adjusted svmmk ot
Notored light. the effects were greatly en.
The drama "Among the Rroiters" wa
vertr well tilsred when the tact that the
l - ""11 nil pi m-'i , 1 . t i' 1 . 1 1 , mKon ill
iiuanoa uiaou ancwim uia iiamis m
his pockets and a look ot such utter tni.-crv
on his countenance as would have clone
credit to aa undertaker or a disappointed
applicant for the post-office ; the appetite
of the negro was something feariul lo be
hold, and the number ot cold boiled eggs
be got away with was enough to ruin hU
digestive organs forever. "Thev call me
Little Chatterbox," and the. "Wreck of
the Hesperus," wcro two of the dmsI
charming features of tbe cutertainnicnt.
the principal retrain, however, was "a-Ya-S
a. " MotheM who wanted to sec the
exhibition were afraid to leave tlicir chi!
dren at home, aud as a consequence 1k ar
ty all the babies in town were there.
Wbeu the actors came on the stage this it
what we heard : .
Actor on the right, ( or baby to th-- right
of him.) "ya-ya ya."
' To the lett, -ya-ya-ya." 1
In the centre, "ya ya-ya." . . :
Grand chorus, "ya-ya-ya-ya ya."
, From what we saw of ihe exbibitiou
j wc are prepared to congratulate Prof,
j Trent on having achieved a success.
What we. heard was so interspersed with
"ya-ya-ya. that we are unprepared to
give an opinion.
; Teachers and scholars may well leel
proud of the exhibition, for it was without
exception tbe best held in Somerset f'ir
years. .
' Now and then. The first newspaper
published on this continent was the 3V--Lttttr,
at Boston. It was established on'
the 24lh of April. 1704, and was printed
on a balf-slieetot very small paper. There
has been a decided improvement in the art
of printing since thai day. Then slow
siiiing vessels broucht news from foreign
lands, which bad all the flavor of old age
being frequently over three months on
the way. - To-day a tew seconds answer to
flash across the cable telegrams of impor
tant events just as they are occurring.
The cream ot tho Old World's news :s
served up this evening by newspapers
published thousands of miles away from
the scene ot the stage of action, and all
over oor land industrious scribes are en
gaged in gathering and transmitting items
10 central points, from which tbe same
are generally distributed.
The halt-sheet which made its appear
ance over a century and a half ago would
be a wonderful curiosity in our day, and
if the reading public should now be com
pelled to read tho mcgre. unsatisfactory
news as dished tip in the small apology
for a newspaper, we fear there would tie a
good deal of complaining. The journal
of to-day it? a kaleidoscope which shows
up everything that is necessary to be
known, not only at home, but also abroad.
It Is a satisfaction to sit down after tbei
toil and worry of the day, and read of ac
cidents and incidents, which occurred ia
tbe immedUto vicinity 3 to keep posted ou
the marriages and deaths in the communi
ty ; to learn what was goiug on at tbe
capital of the country, or some, startling
event away out in California, or some
other reunite locality. The iaper ot to
day is immeasurably siijierior to the kind
our forefathers were accustomed to. und it
requires the most constant attention acd
industry to keep up to the high standard ot
excellence to which it has been raised.
WECKFUS TOMS. On the Wtli inst.,
at the residence ot Gideon Bauman, in
Xortuamplon Twp., by D. G. Bauman,
Esq.. Mr. John Weckfus to Miss Lizzie
Toms, both ot Bedford County, i'a.
RUSH STATLF.IL OntheOtb inat..
by A. llanna, Esq., .Mr. Jobn K. Rush, of
Fayette County, to Mjss Maty Sutler, of
J'reston County, V . a.
BEBLEY MENGEs. ira the Cth
inst., at the residence of the bride, near
liooversville, by Rev. J. II. Walterick,
Mr. Jacob Bebley to Mrs. Eliza Manges,
both ot Somerset County, Pa.
irth inst., near Jenncr X Road?, by Rev.
W. H. Rste, Sir. Samuel Zimmerman, M
Buckslota to Mrs. Susnnuh Wonder, ot
Schellsburg, ,;.ford county.
SH0tr.Y BANKFIA RT. -On the
23J ot November, 1S7C. by Rev. B. F
knepiier, Norman B. Shockly to Miss -A.
E. Bankhart, Isith of Allegheny county,
Md. ,,
T7lh of February, 1877, by the same. Mr.
Owea Brady to Miss Malinda Burkkeart,
"both of Poaipay Smash, Md.
DAVIS UOSKIN'S. On the 14:h ot
March, 1877, by the same, at the residence
of Henry Delbrick, Henry Davis to Mrs.
Kiirah Iloflkins. both. of Alleghany county.
SMITH. March V, 1S77. 3Irs. Eliza
beth Smith, seed 5. years, " mnuths aud
23 days.
TAYLOlt On the 15th insL, r.ear
Stovstown, Matthew Taylor, a?ed 80
years, 5 months and 23 days.
BAILY. March 00th, Sarah .Line
Bailv, of Milton! twp., acred 9 years. 8
months ami 3 dars.
CUNNINGHAM In Somerset, on
Friday. March 21. 177. Mrs. Eli.a'jcth
Cunningham, aged 72 years and 1 nvralh.
Thus pa.ner away anotuer t br-s;ian
Pilgrim. She united with tho Evangel
ical Lutheran Church ,at bonerset many
years atro. under tbe ministry of the late
Rev. C F. Heyer, of which she continued
a faithful aud honored member up to the
day of her death. She was the mother of
nine children, one of which number hav
ing preceeded her in death. Her sickness
was snort ana painful, but born with
resignation snd christian fortitude. She
was a tailutul wile, uevo'ed mot her nn a
kindbearted and trustworthy neighbor.
Her manner ot life was rather of a reserved
nature, sincere and euileless. , she had
many friends, and was much respected.
1 be funeral services Iook place in I rim-
ty Church, on Fri.lay at 2 o'cock, attend
ed by a large congioeation, there an ap
piopriate discourse was delivered by her
pastor. . She will be missed by friends, by
children, and by a heart-broken husband.
But I would not nave you ignorant con
cerning tbem that' sleep in Jesns for if
we believe that Jesus died and rose aairi.
even so tbem also that sleep in Jesus will
God bring with him. W hcretore com.
tort one another wih these words, .
By our Special CorresponiUnt.
liARaisBURti, March 22, 1 87T.
Tbe Legislature adjourned at noon
to-day. Tbe closing buurs of . the
session were noiej and v the pro
ceedings were attended witb more or
less confusion. Members La J become
restless and impatient aad plait-ly
showed their j;reat anxiety to get
away from Harrisburg acd back to
tbe peace and quiet of tbeir bomos.
The inevitable paper wad which al
ways flies around tbe bail ot , the
H-iuse oo the last day of tbe se-sion
was not waoting on tbis occasion to
eolivea tbe cLiing M.enei. Occa-
siooallv a Gld of bills about i
as aa ordiaary traveling
onfrl aail ti.roii.,h th air ami s.ih
- - a - ,
a eeoeral ducking of beads to avoid
.. . i ii- v -.t
the threatened collision. Neither
parij Las seen fit to do away , with
these time honored Custom, and If
there is any blame to be attached to
tbe practice both sides will have to
. . ...
share it alike.
One hundred aud three bills Lave
been . passed during the ee:ou.
Three or four hundred rcmaiu in va
rious stages of progress upon the
calendars. This work will not be
lost for the j will be taken cp at the
adjourned annual seat-ion as uiiGnitb
ed business and will be in a condition
toeonskleration. Some of the cbaracterat"1 lac umwith nave g.veu po...-.
were rather over drawn, while others fell jtbat ibej', wilt ; fj(,..1 it rneetirjy '0
short of the naturjj ; one of the yotitj;: j. WtiHani-j'M'rt' 01 S iturditr in' Aii;rtjit
;dV tt
1 WPr( nnsii!prd of trflal lmpoftaacf
- , '
1 - . , . - ' J . . f
IPgUIar riler ana pj(Tea, su iBftl Du
. ;ii ir r k -
tU-re win euocr .oaraiu.n 01
umny measures mat win wvrr. uu
til the n-it sessiotj
10 fact IhS d
latr 1 will ti " jpeat drnotsje it
lu-iuy ce ; hotabiirno 'wtth tbe bill
m amen;! iaad consolidate tfc g-eoeral
tax law of tb S atf." Tfce commit
tee t;f TYats and Minn baviajr been
grantcil leave to iirddrlnp; the -fes9
- .
T ... ,.r.-r h tlsn t-.iuutv evni-
tuiisioa?rt of ih different ' counties
tf tbe State ujjiiablirCommi
siooer are invited., to. attend tbis
meeting r send delegated that there
way be u gegerai interchange of
viowK, Kud that all parts of tbe Stat
may give tbe results of ibt-ir expert
net.. - la t bin way it i lOfd tbat
the bill may be piade af uearW ' pw
I feci a poitei ble j 1 .-i -J "" - f '
On I ueday afuruoou J. 1'ouaid
Cameron was elected United States;
Seuator-by a vote of 110 tor J. Don
aid Cameron ia tbe House to 13 for
A. IL lill, and SI for J. J. Cameron
to Is! for A. II. Dt!l . to tbe Senate
In spite of all tbe talk vf a bol; 00 the
pari of some Republicans Mr. Came
ron received tbe rote I eery Repub
lican member . present ; except Mr.
Mattes, f Yeoairo, wbo did not rote
atali. Id fact tbe lUpobliean vote
was niure QDauiniou than tbe Dem
ocratic, two Democrat not voting (or
tbe Democratic caucus nominee.
Now tbat tbo sestdon is coded mat
ters of ' general political importance
begiu to engage tbe atteatioa of poli
tician and numerous candidates tr-
uieniioned for tbe various State of
(ices to be filled at the coming elee
lioa. 4 . . 5 . .
The oflieers whose terras expire
under tha workings of tbe new Con
stiiuiioti are State Treasurer, Auditor
General, aud. by tbe inscrutable
workings of providence, tbat of So
prcme Juilge. : Tbe present incum
bents of tbe two . firs; named offices
are ineligible for re-election and eon
wqueotiy new men must take tbeir
places. : It ia pretty well settled wbo
will he tbe next Republican candi
date for Supreme Judge lion J. I
Sterrett, of AUegteor, will be placed
nefore tbe people for election to tbe
position which be now holds by gu
bernatoriul appointment. For Au
ditor-General on tbe Republican side
several prominent gentleraec : ae
mentioned; among, tbera Howard J.
Keeder, of Northampton, Galotba A
Grow, of Sucquehanna, , Edward
Scull, of Sou,eiet.- and, J. A. M
Pasamore, uf Schuylkill.. For State
Treasurer tbe efficient and worthy
cbitf clerk of the treasury Department
Cupt. V. 13. Hart seems to. bold
tbe winning card-. Mr. llar.'s promo
tion to toe bead of tbe Department
which be has served, so Ions; and
faithfully was 00 nudeserved tribute
to the man, and his nomination will be
a grateful act oa the part of tbe Re
publican party. Tho faithful conduct
of the financial affairs o tbe Com
monwealth are due more to the ef
forts of Mr. Uart than to those of
say other one man ia the Commoa-
wealtb. . We predict bis triumphant
nomination and election. ...
. . ". B
' ' ' Ojrrecied ry Cooa fc BaniTS.
Apples, dried, V
Aii1ciui Ur, ft (rat...
Bnia. V too an
Batter, 9 a kel ......
Hutter, y B (roit .....a...
Buckwheat, i hiMhel
meat, k hi., .
Bcewai, f) B
Baouo, f luialilers. ft .
" (Mas, -'
euantry baras, yl fc ...
Corn, (-ri f1 ibel
Cam, (vheiieri) ti)iet
Cura mealy a........,.....
C.i 1 1 ?Vin. $ t
Eiort, V - .-
Fiuur, f) t'1'1
Flaxseed ft (
Ham. (imar-eurol) ) B ......
Lar I, S
Leather, red aula, ft a....,
. ui.per ........
" kip, "
MUldlinira, white, fuaaa
i.hi;, f uu.... . ...
Pot ft T'.-!!, ft tra
Pearbc. dried, y) B.....
Rve ft t
Rim, W t
.............. ...
.. 7t
.....'...-. sue
... i.-l&e
: Tins 00
.,...i... ise
, au3B
...SI 7
'. 7Se
........... ... . -lie
.'..,. ...SO
Sail, No. I. V ttl,exlra...
" urumi aiuib, per sari..
Afkiua. per Mck. ........
ta ot
.. 7S
,...'.. ,..7e
M to
Sugar, yellow fl t..
Tsllw. JH .........--..-.
w. unu y ..... ............
Wjot, r1
Ar;u Adcertinements.
ii fifFayeie.
Btt. Weed ana Smlthfleld Sts.
March 58 n ' PITTSBt BG.
ytSStQNEE'S NOTICE. , ; - ... , - .
Wester W. Dsri and William C. Darf. of
S-Mncrset borouah, Somerset Co., Pa have made
a Tohtntarv assignment to me of all their real re
late in u-att for the benefit af creditors. All per
sons interested please ts ke notice. ,
WM. H. KI'PPT.E. ' '
MarehS. AsiBeeof w. W, t W.C. Davis.
William J. Rhoails. hsvlna; made a Tetnntary
asta:naent of all bisrval and personal ef Late to
tnc In trust for benefit of creditors, all person in
detae.1 to the said William J. K bonds, will tnak
inmedtate payment, awl tnoa haeinx claims will
present them to me at the office of Colhoru a tol.
horn, in Somerset, en the fSth day ef May. 1S77.
t j, t.EU. (jPANOLER.
Stanh IS. Asaurue.
t-.ia'e of Isaae Flick, late of Laraasville
Somerset Township, dee'd.
Letters tf admlalutratloa oa tke shore astute
hwituc1" " ed by theproperautaurityaoUe
aav meat, and thoae karinaieJalau aaaiaat H
to present them duly authenticated fur settlemaat
and allewanee at tha tat reitdeao ef etsimsasl
oathaathdayof Mar, 177. . ..
BlarchSS.' . Administrator. :
The pannenhip heretofore cilstlna betweo J.
M. MarshaU, Jatnbt. Hartman aad Kaaaer L.
WiUon, trad ise; and dome bwiae ander th
name and strle of Fort Hill Lumber Comoanr. I
I hereby dissolved. AU parsoas lad hied le said
j Company will make payment (a lha aader signed.
' rh are authorised to receipt fcr aau dee aula
ICoapauv. All )M'rons hevtnj-clalmsagaiast said
j Comjany will present them hir settlement and
PI- ' J. M. MARSHAU.. -
I Jurea a J.u. lutit l JiA.N.
j 31
OimtMs:-Pnrnant to notice rlrea by your
Z7Z?Z?r TJ.
i'-, st.vir. th atth dr of Jkareh, i?r. aod
orynixedbyliMsalectleaaf A. H. CoSreta, a
i r-.went, aoo t., Harrison, as aaLitaary.
Tbe report or tfte rresnent was suiwnitted ana
unanimously adopted, aad the report of tha Treua-
urrr was referred to th seautlvaeosamlttee.
Tateetiaar PreaWent aad Dlraelors br th ing year wa then held ty S. S. Oocal, Jsiha,
W. Pattnn and J. R Scott, prerlonaly seleemd
judge, resulting as saUowa : for I'll lldsau E.
i. 1 utzy. lor Lllreciors, noaa aoutt, st. a. saa-
er. II. C. Scott, Alex. Stwtamao
!.J. W,
.... -
Peters. Hay aawVO. SS
return ef
whkb Is herewith submitted.
March 2. . ; ... Secretary. Ftndat,
!xt aT.T PAPflR
, I AJfcl 1 H
I n. 1 .k k r-M m1nm v-ma Mil tn tfc Pml '
L .
nd Jw Stoma, ana lit. ljr,iref. ThtyfMTt,
I tiir fsciitiT and unb : Urr iimaibv aud bet-
YajUy. f)dro. Ircwiew awds
(ruu th uta fasumo : icikU ihal justly prvirod
- nktlm'rutuuon'ewnduhl
IttiHirrliT ami nx-til. I ZowHhe A t'u, eialm to
it all work lit tha. Their prte t muM:.
Spmal mnwama la a inwie.
DO ZKJ U 0lli. cfc LU.31 U taaafpwn
IOI Fifth Arsinn.riTTSPTJRO. ! fafca ta Trt!o aa tti pn!rt of fa. H
yIUr. O. .MaraH. lUi.-J, st j.a wn. J. Ri.r.'
AJOTICK. i Alt 0i rlTS!. ittte. lurrrnt jtI cVim . f A. W
t lliiniw, L ia anl b Ik tfilnmn dtibc,i ral
Ite it mtUlnPtl br t! Tuwo Oiwn U Somerset ' - is. via :
TierouKh, a il it i hereby mlaiDl liit tba salary A errt i tot f j-d Ut la tTrta Bie,
rn uuweniii ir per phjihib. in .
41I Sv4wl rifcH-i wwhica m ana'- w orwu
mtilH, afnt !nnhr ilii th BunrTi
iritall at he xl of ra.-b moaia rn-ict l ib
rll all a al ivtx-ivisl by liuv liarlDg ttw
awith, wbii-tl llna ami nwta ylmll psitl tnlo
ttw trary Kir lb 90 i th l&rtvag-ti, laacewt -
am witb tb art of AmoiMr.
tMrted Ilia 7th 4ay uf Maieh, Isn.
ttef . J. E. SCOTT,
, Marc 14. ' t'Wr.
WTTirtae of Fardrv wrtl-f levari Vartas. Fh rl
Paciaa and Vend t-x luel wot ol uai Court
tff Common Pieaa of SdtnerwJt wmnty. Ka ana to
ate directed, 1 will expose to Ml by pabiK outcry,
ac iht Court Hoom, in Somerset, oa ...
Frulttn, Marih .0, , 187?,
- AU the riaht, title, taterest aail eialia ef tbe
KeunellaAlitl C'"1 C,ieaiDr. of, ia aad to l lie
(ullowiDKdeinrlnrd real eeiau. Hi:
No. 1 . A reruia met ot laod iuii in Soutk
auirU To.. Soinert Co- Fa warranted In I be
um al Uo.-nrecailor, eoataininic UT. acre nor
r leas, adjoining Iaad of Jaoob inenek, Jv
Kboadi and trait Has. aooo whkh are ererted a
fc dweUina auu. bara and utker vulballdlaa',
about Tjaeres of which are cleared aad known a
tbe Oaonr .wars tract.
No. 2 A certain tract of land Htuataaroreald.
adjuiin?.X.i l. as lv and ober. warranted rn
the name ef eooialnlua; it tent
avra ur ten, knows a the Jotia H iyman irae of
whkh about ISO aerrt arerlearl, upaa wbieli are
erected a km dwelllajc how se, ban. ao.
No. J. A carta in tract of land linatr afore
ni.U adjoining hos. ind 4 Adam Leutey aad
others, known as the A.ia Slum larm, contaio-
int vu acre more or lose, ta wnwu imni
are eieamt, 4 acte ia aedew. with a la nee H"
orchard, hw uweliina house, lanre bora awl other
No. 4. A tra. of la.l iuiat as aforeiakt, r
i. i i n on ,. or left, adurininff Noe. - and
Sesaboeeind others, and knuwa aa lb Pnnrr
una atutu Ml acres cleared. 4 of which ar la
meadow, with frarn iwelitnr kouB.loa-"table c.
M.i i A true of af land siuiet aa aboe, eon.
tainlnn WH acre m ire or less, adjoining lan-ls of
wullaLU i rouunan, ine roner um, n"j i
acd other! , about 100 acres cleared, ol which a,
vre In neulow. anole orcuard. lrj dwellina
hoiua, low stable, etc- known a to lfcuiiei
:Uums tract- , . .
No s. Alt the mineral", mineral rlahr aad
prKiletroi apperulnina to the aaiil land, eontain
hn; IK4 acre, more or lew, ad joining landed Jce
iSeat, Uomlnle Cwk, Adam Lcpiey aad others,
koowaas the Ben). Baker tract.
No. 7. All that certain tract or land elraat tn
Northampton To.. Sotaemt Co.. i'-. warranted
in the name ol John Kiitfhaw. eontainina; u
acre, more or tew. artjolnlna lands warranted m
the naine mt Annie Vouna and others, npoa which
are erected teveral email dwelling; nou.ea, a
mill ale.
No.. All that tract of land sliuate as atx.T,
wt.frantf.1 in the name of Anni Young, eontain
ina: Sac! acre In the same, more r lea,, ad)oinlii(
No. 7, Alf Wllmoth and other, pon whicn u a
saw aiill, ererat plank boa.ete.
Beina; dM aajne laud conveyed by John D. Rod
dy and wile to raid Kennell M1U Coal Co.
Taken In execution as the property ol the Keo
nellJ MIU Coal Co.. at the suit of W. Ev
an for the oe of John I). Kiatdy ( l
All the rla-Ut, till". Interest and H3l of F. It.
Snunlller and Henry Mutmiller, ot, in and to the
(oil JWinr deacrilied real estate, via :
A certain tract of kind siraate in Larimer Tp
Somerset Co . Fa., eontahiln; about C. acres, axir
or lea, of which there are about lo acres cleared.
with a one and ona-ball story totr aweiuna; nouee
thereon erected, adioinlns; tarn! a or Christian
Menketnier, Kdward Deal. Coawiay Und and
others, with the appurtenance.
Taken in execution as tne property c nvurj
Sutioiiler awl F . H. Sutmillcr, at the .-ait ot Sam
uel Brew a.
All the null t. til le. Interest and claim, tat of
Zacbariah annchill, deceased, with notice to tlie
widow and heirs, or, tn and to lha loUowlnsr de
scribed real estate, via :
A certain tract of land situate in Ixjwct rursey-
tcsa Tp.. Siuv-rset Co , Pa oonralnina; SO acres,
more or ie, ot which there are about acre
cleared, with a two-story t raise dwelUmr hotua
and baoK liaru -thereon ereetea, .;
lands ot !.. Hnnnalt, A. Hyatt and other, wun
the apnurtananer.
taken in eiecuiien r uie properly, mwn u,
y.schartahTannebili, dee'd, with notice to the
widow and heirs.
All UT3 Fig, . IV. II I H , I. V... .... ' '
on Dinjres deif, and Jacob Horner tans ten., of.
m and to the folluwlna uescriocAi real estate, via :
A certain tract of land situate in Stuuie Tp.,
Somerset Pa.. coatainiDK 4S aerea, mora or
lea. ol' which there are ahuat S acre cleared.
wltn a one-story kw dwellina house aa.t stable
thereon erected, a-1 joining- land of Henry Joho-
m. Crrut tterket ue and others.
No. a. A eertain tnet ef land situate lo Shade
To Somerset Co. Pa eontainJnx ti acres, more
or less, of which there are about 4 acre cleared.
adjoining landaof John A. Clark. Cyras Uerke-
biie and others, with tlie appurtenance.
- Taken in elevation as the property of Harrison
rHnicesdelL, and Jacob Homer tare tea., at the
suit of Josiah P. Walker, use ot Cliarle F. Walk
er, use- of A inert Lohr, ns af Oeurge A. W ill.
... sr ' AJUK). '
All tiierlirht.tlt'.e. interest ami claim, of Caro
line K. Beck, or, lu ana to the toiiowing uescriDea
real estate, via : ..-
A tract of land situate in Ukiics I p.. somersri
to., Pa, eontamln; 4w acre, more or ies.
whk-b there aiweruat II acre eiaared, atuat
acre in meadow, with a on story ka dwellina:
haws awl kit; bara thereon rected. adietniaa
land uf Folks' heir. W illlam C. LiveuKuud aad
ethers, with the appurtenance.
Taken ia execution a the piopeili ef troiim
R. iieck. at tbe suit oi tn wkw art.i actrs oi
Christian Landis, deceased.
All the riaht, title. Interest and cleim of Aa
thonr A. Shoemaker, of. In and to the sritlowina
described real Mate, vis : '
A crtaln tract of land situat ia Addison Twp..
Somenett'o., Pa eon'ainlns: li acres, more or
lees, af which thera are about 10 acres cleared
with a two story frame dwellina; house, low barn
and other out-tmildlnx- thereon erected, acjoiaina;
Lindaot Jaoah Kkiwniaker, Peter Shoemaker, and
Mary Alire tracts, wun the appurtenances.
. nio. 3. A eartaia tract ot mum eoniainmar ea
seres, more ur Ies. situate a above tract, a acres
of which are cleared ; known as tbe Mary Mnor
tract, adjoining re. t, Aiiranx. r oia aaa otnera,
with Ihe appurtenance.
No. :t A certain tract of Inml situate hi
son Twp.. Sumeraet Co Pa eontainiiut 12 aerea.
aiore or less, warranted in the name of Hiram
Moore, abont S acre of which are cleared, adioia-
ina lands of Wilbelmx, Peter Shoemaker
and others, with the appurtenances.
no. . i ns nail oi a certain tract
land situate in Addison Ta.. Somerset Co., P
enutalnlnmr 40u acre, m.ire or Ies ; known a 1 he
Cetsv Mtaire tract, adioiniac No. 2, Uetefciah
Hahn and mountain survey, with the appurte
nancea. .
Taken In execution a the property of Anthony
A. Shoemaker, at the suit of Edward Cnlbertaon
as of DanMt AuaraMiue.
All the rtalit. title. Interest and claim of Lirrie
Hitehmaa, and It. W. Hitchmaa. el, ia and lo the
following- described real estate, rii :
A eertain lot of ground situate la Somerset Hot.
of which ts leet frotiu ou Cniun Street ou the
South, and 50 ieet adinininr lot of John H. I'hl
on the North. ou the West tot of Alice Rice, wife
ol Charles Kice. on the jst adfoininit lot or A.
w . Kpepper. lrom which lb ahore deaciioej lot
na oectt sou en, l 'get oor wiib tn appun.
Taken inexeenfton as tk otoiieiiy ef Uzzie
Hltehman, and H. W. Uitchmaa at tite suit ot A.
W. Koepuer.
All the right, tille. Interest and etaluiof Michael
Shannon id, la and to tlie following tie sen bed real
estate, vli -.
A certain lot or ground situate at toe Keystone
Mine, Summit I'p., Somerset Co.. Pa., eon tain
mg 4 acre more ur less, with a two-story plank
tarern hnase thereon etected, beins; 40s22 feet,
an a staoia ami other ouiouiiutng uiereoa eret
eii, frontinx to the Casselman river and adjoining
lot of Joseph Miller on tha south and alley a the
east and Caseelinaa river on tae aurili witii lb
Taken iu execution s the proper! r of Michael
Shannon, at the suit of Jones, Rose&himer a. Co.
AU th right, title. Interest and claim ef Daniel
Mickey ot, in and to tha following described real
estate, nx :
Two oena hs lots ef ground situate la Coeflaenee
Bor.. Somerset ctantv, pa., containic!? U acre
more or less, known oa tha town plot a No, "t
and 22, witb" a two-story tram dwelling house
blacksmith shop, stable and other outbuilding
l hereon erected., adjoining; lots of the towa Dta
tmny on the north, and fronting on Fag aod
William streets with the sopurtenanee.
Taken In execution aa the property of Dsaiel
-ttk'key at I lie suit of Oeorge 1 . Paul.
AH the right, title. Inters" aad claim of Own.
P. Felia. oi, in aad lo lha foiluwui; deeenhed real
estate, tix.
A certain tract or land situate ia saade Ta,
Somerset Co., Pa., eontainina; lj acre,, more ur
less, with a one and a ball-story low dwelling
hoee aad barn tberewn erected, also aa orchard M
irnit tree therefu. aiiioining lands ef John
Shautts. Peter Hull, John Felix and others, witk
the appurtenance'.
1 aaen in execut low as toe properry o, uwtp
P. Felix at the -nil of Sorher A Aekarmaa.
. . . ALSO. . .
All th nght. title, mtareat aad eUim of H. 8.
Duoirea, of, m and to i he following describeu real
t state, sit : .
No.1. Twe certain lots of giwnad situat m
Myrsdl Bor.. Soneit OuL, Pa., eoataialag
!4aeeaiorearlea.wUha larga two-story tra
tavern stand. st-Me. botcher (hop, meat house
and etheroatoal.Aias theraua erected, frootiog oa
Broadwar, aau bounded by Centre street ea the
west, alley on the font!!, and Jacob Isuagef oa the
east, with the appartenaoeea.
No. Nine arras uf land (more or le) tftnate
In Meyeradale Bor.. Somerset Co , Pa wMb a
stable t hereon ereotod, allcleared, adjeiaiac laada
of P. N. Ktimtrsa, Juha OUnger, and tarrett
road, alt th laod being betwaea P. A C. R. at. assl
tbo Salisbury R. R , about 4 or acn of abk h are
is meadow, with th apfMrletutnce.
Taken ta execution a the property wt H. S.
Dodkc, at the suit ot Uvecgood a Olinger.
, '. V ; .. ,' also. , " .
Ail the right, title. Interest ami daim of John
Y oiler, of. in aad to the following; described; real
state, vis '. ...
Aaertaia tract of land situate la Onoemaash
Ta. Souwrset., P , cootaatiagtO aerea, aaore
or less, all cleared, with a ewe aad on half story
log dwelling house, back bare and other M
buildxasr muses erected, aiao, aa orchard of fmst
tree theraoa, adjointna; ktad of Abraham
Blonah. Henry Rorbstetler, lnr OtDdiesfKraer
and ethers, with tha agssamaaat.
Taken In execution a the property of Jokn 10 lha suit oi Benjamin JMutuja.
- - ALSO. -
All tha risst title, tatarest sad claim of Rel-ee-ca
Lkhiuar. aad N. B. UchUtr. at. sa aad two
the tollowkW daaerlbed soal astata, rtt :
A tana ia Lower Turkey fvot TP. Sunl O .
Pa teeotauuBg 144 acre, saoreor k, kavwv, a
tke Vhoous Jsoutngi !ar.arfjoin)flzia; Jcaa fcJx- I
Stllvaaaee Haertna- aud dban.
No. S Twonmiguou kx on North aVt of
Wryaad aronae, k I rdaa Boewwgh, No's. 2U and
zaHBBdMOIaraias eaa. I
No.. TwoUlytu-uslctim tarn towa,
WVwtkaMant Waraki awewarn. Namaered a lot
243 aad 3. admiirac ailer on th East. at
aeorTWylcrt. the Scots Vert, with the sp,
hl!tL.T egalxoticb.
1, .r. w of DaTld ru. llj
, -i.a.-u '. --, .
.. . , . ... .w. . - tm,
R. R.iky. o urtj i Uiu h U-jwg Jassilbad
Sumbtjw Cv, ra., MauiBioy oaa-awlf sow,
-. ...... v .. .a trms
' ""'L " . tnT. L ?"ng
na rfea. at Dtaia ka of J. H
dr 4 Ilia am. Kxrk irr-t .a im Burtli. Mapla
ia, ra.. ci!iiLia:; nriiii a rs.
mnrr-' r e-r, with a -...-
ri uv analMri4aiMia
. winirr 1,49 H lisn i;il-:r.
a ne..,-!. tr.iai
lwiMin" areoe.(.4. ad
a SMil-af, frantia 7!, rt
: niHum mixci. ml g.tUwI'.d M.tliair 1,1 iv
. li. At alhrv, villi ib aivurtaaa,
1 Takes In rxrratii u i:w mirrty n( A. W.
llauf at two sad ef J. H. Bentvtd A C
AHlheright, title, interest and eUtmef ll.nm
Flniliry and Mary Fiiniley. of, in and to lb fol
lowing dearrtoed real est;ite, ria :
No. L All ih following h.ur lots of ground la
tti Borouirh ef Sallstiirv, s-acr-t Co , Pa., No.
I beui- lot No. H and part of nt No. X oa the gen
eral ptaa ol said town, beginin at lot aumher
Si owne.1 by Henry Wagner. South li aearce.
West 1.;; fact, oUi 7S'lv.trve. East hS le.
North 1 degrees. East 137 Ieet, North 7 deirrrei.
West lo'Toet, eoutamiag .1 nsla. hariog ih.-rn
erected a two-sutry ir.,mc tiwellie house and sta
ble. mijomtDg lot of Knltxcr Wagner on the
oath, oa ibeeaat lot of Heory Wagucr and tae
street, with the Appurtenance.
No. A Lots No a 37, 3 and W on Uie gcaemf
plan vl said towa, each avntainintr about oue
kiurth of an aura, lying ooutigaou. a,lj.aping a
street oa the west, lot u,wur iormrly ot Ellah
Wagaer ou the ourtb, alley on the east, and aiky
on tne south, with Ih sapuitenance.
No. V A cenala lot ol (rvuad siiuaia ta Elk
lick Tp.. Somerset Co., Pa., euntamtng so acre,
more ur less adjoining nt Henry Hot lolly.
Abraham ttea-hy and the public road Hao.1114
from Sai4bury to the National K wl.
All the foregoing lot rw the satn wl kh John
tkftieity anu wiiccvnveTea to Mary tinutey, i.y
two several deetl dated April. I, leas, ami renr.i-
el ia roi. 40 of daeds, page HU '-U aad ilX with
ue appuneuance.
Taaea ia cuti, th proiiettr of Ii!i
Ftmller awt Mary Kin ller, at th- mil d John
All the right, title, mtcrext ami rktira of John
CUyciNnh, ol. in and lo the loliowioa; desrnbeit
real estate, rt :
No. t. A eertain tract ot land situate la Som
erset Tp. . somerset C.i Pa., e.iutaining 'Ji a-res,
more or ies. aouat i acre eleareu. wun
story plana dwelling house, log bara and other
cmt-bailitinirs thereon erected, aloining laret of
Henry waiter, Otorg Llehtr, alentiua iUouzh
and others, with tbe appurtenances.
No. S A certain tract of land utaata la (tat
township, county aksremHl. eunlalntou 23 acraa,
more or less, atsut IS acre clearea, aittoining
lanilsof Jacob oasebeer, Cmrad Liarr, Cnaaacy
tslttneraod John liarr, with lb appartaoance.
Taken la evecnflon as tho protict r of John
Claycomn. at Ihe suit of Srjott and Rebecca hi
wue, formerly tfenecca uiaycomo.
All the right, title. Interest ami claim of W. J.
Ra.lciift.ot, in and to the following- deL-rlbed real
esta , rut :
No. 1. A certain tract ofland sitnata at Summit
Mills, Summit Tp.. Somerset Co., Pa., euntainnig
14 acre more or less, with a three story Irame
snmmer hotel, baring a front of a WO feet awt
depth of 40 feel, with a one and one-half story
back building ju feet attached, thrreoa reel
ed, adjoining land of timnum Miller, widow
tereland others, with the apmirtcnaaces.
No. The mlt,erl "ftng ud the uw-t of lanil
sear Summit xtilL Samnut Tp., Pa., ailed
the factory tract, late the property of Wm. H.
Humbert, with two rod of land sfiuar aroand th
uid opening, and mail leading; Iroui tho lacuay
mail it tne mineral spring to tbe large build
ing 3d feet wide and through lands nt Adam
Uoeustetler, Ephraim Miller awl others.
No. 3. A eertain lot of ground tn .Vechanlc-
hurg. Summit To. kuowa ou tha oli
ol the S. A. ilsust'i addition, ai lot No. 4. contain
ing anout as perches, and trim ting on tho outh
on in Aleyrdale road, on which there ta erected
a two-store frame store and dwelling bouse, stable
ami otneroutouiiuing. witn too appurtenance.
taaea in execution a too protiertr of w. j.
Radclill at the suit of Nelson .Meyers, Wm. H.
Meyers. Denni Merer. Oeo. Weber. Josiah
Slialler, I. J. Homer, Daniel Carries, Uoury 1.b-
ges, na r raneis vuuntrrnit.n.
All th right, title. Interest and claim of Valen
tin nay oeit., ami w. c. Unvis terre. tenant, of.
ia aad to tha following described real estate, ris :
All coat eertain Aieage or tenement and
boos and lot situat in Somerset Bon ngh, Som
erset Co.. fa., at mining lot of John Kurfchart oa
the cut Main street on the south. Union street. on
tae norm, aail auey on tne west, roniaininir 4
perches, together with the apuurtcnancea.
- laaen in execution as tne property ol alentine
Hay deft., and W. U. Davis terre. tenant, at ihe
sail of M. A. Sanner A Co arel Hand HuDband
executor of the last will and testament of Benj.
Wooky, ccceaeed.
TERMS : Any person purchasing at the above
sale will take notice, that ten per cent, of b pur-
coasa mouey will bo required a soon a th prop-
1 J is auucacu uowu oinerwiee n win again oe ex
pt'seil to sale. The residue of the pon-oaa. mon
ey, mast patd on or before the 6th day of April,
177, theiay fixed by .the Court for the acknowl
edgement of Sheriff s deed, and ao deed will he
acknowledged am a the purchase money 1 paid
Man h 14. snelifT.
Notice U hereby given to all persons concemel
as legatees, creditor or otherwise, that the fol
low lag acoounta bar puseed Krgbrter, and th
same will be presented tor confirmation am al
lowance at aa Orphans' Court, to b held at Som
erset, in Somerset Count r, Pa., on Thurstiay the
5th day of April. A. D 1477. where ail person in
terested may attend If they think pmper
First anl final account of John U. Har, gnar
itiaa of Joseph k. Har.
A -count of Oeor Spangler. guardian of l.'ha.
E. Cmsean.
First ami Anal account of ('has, ('. Mnsor. ex
ecutor ol JohnCro-br, dccease1.
First aad anal account of William Miller, ad
ministrator of Samuel .Uiiler, deceased, and una
tee lor the sal of the real estat of said deceeiL
Aaaaint of A J. Odbom. guanllan of ilate
t;aat-Deer, late a.ate ktowan.
atari . ' Rrgiater.
Mitchell 3IcClintocli
ts. 1
Adelin M. MeCUntnek
intermarried with Le
on Kin Harron, James
UeC Unlock. Alartia V.
B. McCliniock, An
drew J. .McCllntock
Chauncry McCllntnek,
Mary Jane Mct.'lln
tock and Mareeilu
In the Court nf
Common Pleas of Som
erset County, No. a
August T. 1H74.
By vinne of an order issued out ,f t he Court of
uoumon flea of somerse' Co.. ia the above stai-
e ease, tomeiiireeteil. 1 win otter for sale hy pub
lic outcry, at Ihe Court Huoae In Somerset Mor-
ougli, on
Fritlay, Jfrrch 30, 13;,
the following desrri lied valuable real estate, to
A eertain trad of land situate in Addison Tn
Somerset Co., Pa., cooraining 190J acres, more or
less, adiorning W. J Baer. Samuel Hincli.imh
and f.'rsseiman River.
TERMS : One-third tn haml oa CAnnrmattoeA
deed. 1 mo-third in six months therealter. to be
served with Interest from date. Tenner ccaL ul
the purchase money must lie paidun day of saie.
March 7. SUeri.7.
by virtue of an order issued .rt of the Court of I
t ommoB rieas, in ana tor mo j-junry of somersei,
PaH the axhlersizne.1. Assignee of Imniel Miwtol-
ler, will sell at paolar sate, at tbe reekleaco of said
uaniei .uostosier, in somerset lowasnip, wia
county, oa
Monday. March 26, 1377,
at lOo'ci.s-k. a. m. th lullowing desert bed valua
ble read ratals, viz. :
N'l. L A certain trar-t nf fan.1. sftnato In Som
erset toWMhin, Somerset tunlv. Pa., adioiiiiug
land .if Samuel Colemnn, Oeorge Schomaker,
J.isiah Mow.r. Oeorge Reitz, et L, eintaintng
172 aorefl and 74 pertuues and ailowauca, more or
fees, known tae homestead of the Assignor, of
whk-b there are about 10 sere cleared and about
ks acre ta aaeadow, wttn a larg two story house.
bans uara. ami otner nuihiini.- teereon ererten.
A g.jed orchard of fruit tree is an tb tvremise.
aa.1 to land u iu good cultivation and weH wa
tered. No. X A ertai farm, or tract of Und, sitaat.
in Somerset Piwnsblp. Somerset I'ountT- P... ail-
joining tb Hcimosiead tract, Oeonre keits. arel
others, containing acre ami ti perches ami
allowances, more or less, ef which there areabout
I acre cleared and ia acre la meadow, with a
bouse, bam, and other building thereon. creeiriL
The Und Is good, well watered, Snd has a loud
rekard oa the premise.
No. 3 A certain tarm, or tract or una, situate
Stinarereek towiiship, Somerset Couarr, Pa..
adjoining land of Josiah Wlgle. Joseph Allfaih
er. Stephen Trent, Jacob Snyder, and other", con
taining .lUaeree and allowances, mors or ksa, nf
which there are about k acre cleared and 91
acre" ia meadow, witb a two story ooosei lutra,
aad other build leg thereon erected. This farm
ha on Itaa orchard of thrift) young Iruit trees
and a sogareamp. Tha laod U in good ealUva
The tracts will be sold In two or more parcels.
araawboe,aldemert expedient. The prop-
en ie will positively be sold It anything Ukea bur
prira w rtven. reranu eesinng to pureassw m
parcel will air th Assigaee aotic of th saws.
TERMS. Tea per cent of pun-has money to
be paid oa day of sale; one-third, laelwdtag the
ten pereeut, to be uaai on oonarmaiiuaof a aad
delivery et deed ; one-third In stx axoatht ami
one-thini la twir awaitha thereafter, with mter-
a: payments to be secured by judgment bond.
ah-lBwr will also be aotd. at tae aaata time
aoo place, the kdluwiog personal property:
(A Horses. OtU. Cows, 1 alls. Young CaUie. Hog",
and Farming lapiemenu: Cora. Rye, Wuwat,
Buckwheat, and Oat by the busheL Houebsod
Furniture, and maayotber artkies net mentioaed.
A eradlt 01 six moot win n given 10 prrsoas
purchasing persuul property amounting w over
mrrT Airtt-nee of Daniel Mo-uiler.
tate of Joseph Pile, lata of lUfofd Tan..
Letter of admfmstralioa eav tae a her eUt
aaviag baew granted to the anderstgned. aotie it
kerabs givea to lane korisbisdto u. tm sum Ian
dial payuwait, aad those having claim raiat it
to priawattaeta daly amttetuieaud lor saulemeat
on Satacuy. April ZV. 177, at tbo Hons of lb
AdaaiaaaraPaT m N'rw Centerrtlle borough.
-Kareh 3. , Administratis;.
Excite of ileno Vouax lot. of Sdowrsri Tap.,
Tatters Usta uvea tare ou tke shore rate barlag
baea graateil to tb aawterslgned by th
aithoruy. ao"ic is aeret.y riven to ill iraj in-
deoted ui said estate to mrs aoanwdavte payiaoat
lal the hariax; claim Against tfte arae 10 pre
sent them dulv aatheatkated fur settlesaeat aad
aiwwaaew, aa too rwsaieaeo wi ia. -- t w
thaaarof Aarli. r77. when and mien aw Will
allowaaee. at lha rwudaac of tha Executor at
nr hi attenUoB tor Said parywe.
M03sE? TnrNO.
i . . .
1 va...uiui, n.i.aiu.
rri aai9t(arv M A
1 Hua.l. I.mie l. f "
aa I ri4la ltmv an.
'aiawv V. ,4
S, iar I'mwj
H:iln. t'JJl V
i-i.ra or l.'krVnu I
SUa arn kf bar
ttv h.
r tnta tValaik) u. a
rni.k- MraM M.h., ,.A ( ialT?!".
ihim u T : PVr a
war nartkhin ttuin . ' ' .
fam tm, anrt lh awl 4wnUMIJZ.
nrri-'lli-w,M. b-b t-t ,tj tbe . d'
f lr. ry' J 'al i -.jcikef end
i .it- " s
!.iirr-ct i -., eoHi,t0 . t , m n V
He-, wrranlM lu the awa,. d A.tluTJTl
mtroied L.ijehhan aa.1 Witt, u.b aC?,,
April neir, ami showeaae, wrj. n,tL ZlVJ. 1
Feb. St.
tsitc-r WilHm Baer. late ef On-eavni Ta
Letters Ma,liriin-lratoaoathehTe estate har.
-"- .ra""d ,to -'"Sfaaed by thepr."
erautrewity. asaicw w kerehy .ire. totWli.
dehted to it to make in meOUtinZr, . .-7T! T
kratay, AIW1., , W. Th7i.u
" "etuemeot witout
Feb. II.
t.i,r A. Parker, i la tha r:sart nt l..
Ira C.nekti "
T. IratCantleU,. SSSZ'SZ'ZLi
youure hcreny not.hsrt that . 9nM) m P?ni
uoa issued oat Mine Court of uaava Piwa. u
nulree,l,c,.m aulag y.m, twaiiluThow
eaase why oanlil, MMiki ant be iade tatlZa
von ami ihe pUu.i.B.h,,re ame,l.M the
ucscrined meagre , percu, M UawivS, Jh""1
t!i'L. rnaiu trast ol Uso. 1bo.b M th
Somerset t o., I-a., 0-nlau.lag IM r. mvrTui
ksof which . .VclS, 1
iurua., ergtne, stx houeea. num. bleckamiui saop
f oaiouiidltig. there. er.teu, iLZ
Part 01 the rati road ljiag ami l.. JaVaui eoaat
IJ and Stat akweaaaL
No. a. A certain ur. of Uad known a ta.
Welle, tract. ut. In fwamSST rT
taming mo aerea. more or leas aujotutog .VltS
No 3. AeerUtUtraet of land know th.
la Kaclia tarm, m Ike Tp .furTiw .
taioiu, 14 twmJs
an.1 a, Joua Auam S.yaer. ecTl, JZZCZ, Jt2
clear, -it. , a koae. .ml burn thereiUjIed
Haniii" .7?"" ,,met ""and know a t he John
Kanllu, tract, situate in ta township atorewkl
clearcl, with aeusvaad stablo thereon erected.
d wniug lands of . Troutman, 1 riial.rHm
UKi a, Co., et ai. reir, nua-
N. a. A eartaia tract of Und known a in
'Haate ia th. lownswp lZwi,"w
taiuiogau eamoreer lee,, at.
tLet.JUtolD '"0',, jM Cook, T.Z
""I"1" "act f land sttuafe la Welt
fn .7' '. 8um' - Pa. kaoww a th.
"STrTs? We,,'Ba u"u, Pr-
n'o, l Conulolng , ,
w Men is erected a rM other out buluti -T
aslHUning Und of J. K. .1. S
P"1 , ground eoalatnlag two
acre, more or icaa, adfaning No. 1. et. ai.
no. 1 A lot ot groorKiauiuiBiag No. 1 oa the
north-east, a t reel on the soutft-weU No .
r0;nTrrr,sa,b"' "!'
.'1'iL.A "xJ a.ljolnin let No . 1
biJ'."' " M rch" " Irame kou
t. i? ":on,l " tnlnlng too No's. I aail
, a street an.1 No. a, eontaiuibg M ptrrha oa
whicn tiiore la erectct a frame aows '
i - JH" )uun lot No'a.San.1
a, .and a street, containing i, perahe. oa whua
there U erectwd . frame aa. aau trr"lb.l
proveoi. ,"9a"'Ua he, taa.
7 l?J?.. A f adjoinlnjr a street. No's.
1 ! M which law,
mcnlt "" """ od other Impro.-
No. O. A 111 . if w -
there is erwi.,1 a7',.. T.T "1".
1W. is.f ICTWmd l'''big lot No, I al
J "Anally, eonuinlng st pbr. be.
1 ' - S- A eerLaia trivt .u - . . .
the Hojman farm. ..tu-r"" ?
o.L'h.'';0'1',1'" mmt- aworks. ,B, a
uiVUJrr. T'"'- of tenmnd fitte ia
w ellerithTinr injrtmirh .M..raa.. . u . .
'n,"r,1-" acre. , 0, ke. wtta' . kV.lLd
stable thereon erecteu.boon.iad h. ih.,.i.... .
ou la. south,4anWI MeAnaily M too west, al
ley on lb east, and Na I oa tie aorth.
.- V'.'i. f mod kaoww as a
psrtof ih.tJwwg, Waymaa tract, sliuaie ia tb.
township alorwaaai.eusuatuiag jja, arraa mer or
ess. aujoining s..lomau keiiier. land warranted
ia tn. name of t atherla. ft qmm, et- al.
No. 11. A cerula tract of land known a th
Anueraua lanoantuata In tha iwai. .. ...
containing too aerea, aursw ksa, autJuuDg No
4 anu lo, ' . 1 rws.maa, ct t
No. 12. t'onsiating ol all the mineral, miner.
l nglua, anu ptiviMtge. tn aaa umamTi eenala
Intel 01 Und situate in tna ..-...!.. ,!lT
P.'""'"'" 15 re o, ies. bemineral.
fnaod uauertneurm orcupMrt hy Jrsae ( VeA
.'Hdnmg land of No's, lo, ill SnatlerTSt.
1 he delf-ndani la hereh antial . .. -
,C"amoa PI. as to he bekl In ioTf. Ih.
' ny "f Somerset, t Socsare,. oa Muaday too
fili 2l'rt' "ZU """" n "y perutl..
atsi uametl at..vniiiae tniaw
Ffb'Sl' Sawrilf.
Hy rtrtne of an onler Issued br the Court of
C.mnKmPleaof.H..mreet o.. Pa., tbe under
signed Aastgneeof We ey and Waw C laavls
will sell at pubis- sal oa 1 ""
Friday, March ZOth, 1$TT.
at 1 o'clock, p. m., oath. Diamond let Srsisrswt,
Pa., the following described real estate. vi :
No. I. Aeenaia Intof gmuad utuat ou tha
north side of Mam St.. ia Somerset Bor, Pa., ad
lotning kit of Joseph Herr. and others, hartag a
tw.vstorr brick dwelling bouse, butcher h m and
other building thereow er-eted, being the proper
ty now occupied hy Wrsiey W. DsriiC
No X A certain lot of rrouad sltnata m said
Kiroughof Somerset, ou tee aorth sld. of Mam
St.. ao inning lot of John Borkhart aad other,
baring a two-storr fraoae itw.nmi. . 1 .k
er buiPilngs therroa ere.-ted. being th prouertr
sow occupied by Daniel E. Davis.
3 a A rr,ln '" land situate In Snmer
et Tp. Somenet Co., P adjoining lnl 4
Darid Husband, Jam Parson, J. v. Kimmel
an.1 other, containing about 34 acre.
No 4. A certain tract of Und situai. in Somerset
Tp.,&imerwn,Pa...l)ulnlngUn.lof W.J.
Buer A. J. Colrsiru aad others, eoatatnleg anmst
' acre, being th Und heretofiir aasd by aaid W.
" " aa a onea yarri.
No. a. A eertain lot of remind sltnata 1m ..-
set Kt r.. Pa., na the west sMe ofsmi'sat sr
a.loining lots of A. tL Corfmh aod Emmaaaal
loung, having a two-aturr brick buikllnr ikn,a
ererte,!, ihe lower reoai being very desirable tar a
tfcK.MSr Ta percent. th parch
" "y 01 aie, aaq ioe nai
one-thinlooonarmtiosof aiat AnrU iwi,
one-third In ix avo'he, and oae-third iaoa year,
with interest on deferred payment. Pajaasni to
be ecurcl by judirmeut note.
Some ef th properties wilt Ne Wild subject ta
sertaia mortxages, which will b mad known
day of salt.
ilarth li. AasigBMrl W. W. Dari a Bre.
1 he partnar-hrn hemafore exlatiaw hefw-eo jr.
Huwmaa aial J. E. OirBn tm the asm antiU bu
ioeasat Stnystowa, pa., nader tho UtU 1 Bow
man A Oithn, ha this day bee diasolred by
mutual consent, J. E. lmn ntlriag. la wbea
posscsuos the book and ote are Sir settl saeat;
all latereeted will lmme.1 lately call npoa aim aad
teetl their aereont. March '7th. 177.
U aerea Oliver Shaffer, of Somerset Twa.. tr
jeed nf voluntary assign ment dated March lu,
177. assigned all hi property t m m treat aw
tbe bcneni of bis creditors ; sutie la hereby givea
10 all perwms indebted to him to mah Immeutot
payment to me. and those saving eUlm anu net
hint 01 present then,, daly authenticated, lor set
tlement at my residence, ia ttaemaheeiag Two.,
oa Saturday, the :Mn day of April, 177.
Jacob s. miller.
March 21. - Atgao.
NO w'
,v aa
W will Wart yon In amufnn yon
an maka few) a week wfthoat eapi-
fnTV tai;ay a it iiaetabto for Mtaar
-1V7I til (, JS. A. Young. 281 Bowery.
NW Yerk. Feb. I
U rlrtwe of a order iswaed out of tk rf at
Common Pka ia and lor th Owaty of Somerset,
th uteiersniaeu Awguewwi aiijaa noocay. wm
ell at puhlw sal oa the psnsn am of wud assigner,
Saturday, March 24, 1377,
at 1 Vfcy-k p mM th fcllewia; darthe real et-
tnle, ns :
A rertaio tarm ritaate la LrtmrTp., Scsaerm
Co., Pa., adjoiamg Und ef Sawiael S. Beat. Peter
Kaepser, Joaathaa W. Bluaar. tat Lawrewta.
Peter Weinwr, Ladwkk Y swag taw) other, cra
te ie mg lu aerea, store or keen, aad Uuwuoa, of
wbarh there ar about US aero ska red. is um
in awiii". with a twe story ImrdewUlaa hews, a
goeaod abalffraa kuas d wo a barn
thereon erected ; aaon aa ta irujsasa cioawy
TERMS j-Ubje to th ridww's dowry r
Beeiamm Crosby, deceased, ef SSIA7S. Ten per
ant of lb pareaaa Mney t said an nay
sale ; oa-ihird iarladiaf ta k per . to be
and en eouttfumtion ol a and SrbveryW r
oae-third la st moatk aad oao-uord iaoa year
lrom l he date of order witb Uteres n deterred
pet, menu ; u ke swase by jnuxmeat bond.
Feb. Si JtsssirBoa.
Estat of Dark! Lobr.mteof Jewawr Tp, W'S.
lttT 4 aammuaraUoa en ta ahww eatata
kanax been graawd ta th and assigned, aotiea 1
Wrehy given to the Udaoted to tt to tank twnaa
dtau paymrat, aad Ussa karmj cuan against It
. -- . ... .t. , a awttaaea
oa Maira SI. K.. at (A lata ran .liana f e-
Admin isrrator.
Fel. a.