The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 24, 1877, Image 2

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! i
The Somerset Herald
Jtmuary U.
The Senatorial seats that ucooie , w bo ft(r a moment would entertain
racant on tbe fourth of March are jlut. pr,,poUion to yield the advan
being rapidly filled op. Tbe .
j tageous ground tbe Republicans now
licana bave elected Blaine from c(,cupT
Maine : Ferry from Micligau ; Win- i (J., nt y, tte ;,lea 0f mixing
iom from Minnesota, and Hoar from (J tL(; gUprc0lC Coart with poli
Maesacbucctts. Tbe Demcr-rats have
ties, as this plan dees, and c are
elected Garland from Arkansas, nof j parl;( u;irv averse to the selection
Han ie from TeneESce. i of ihe judges, from a party stand
In Illinois tbe question i not et!p. ,j;rectlr appealing to theni
settled whether Logan is to moored
! hi parti.acf, and totally ignoring
himself or not. He leads ia an toe
ballot with tbe entire Republican
otebutlkcks threeof an e'ection. The
Tmrvn1on: hold the balance cf
power.and cm defeat bim ifibey sode-!
termine. !
Tiie Senate Committee baa tra
, J i
the eight thousand dollars that i
sent lo Oregon to influence ber el'1
. .. ...... I. n.n thf lrrcat
.. . .i .v.;,. ,nn,.M pub icans l ive members or the
"reformer" Tilden, that b'.B garments I
, , f House Democrats and l our Judg-
are tinired 1V the closeness ol tne "
'rC g , " .ta. w,,0ie9ottLeSuireiLe Court two Re-
r'otM re,ect',:!,,U,ttn, andtwo Democrats. Thus
1,7. . Emitted by Cronin, tbe Wu. f.r. tbe board will be d.vided polifc
.i......l..f k t 3 COO cf ii.. It is
proven that the money was furnished
by a Bank of which J liaca is a
lector, and a large stockholder, that
co tecurity was given for it, and
that by request of the pers-on obtain
ing it, the transaction did oot aj
Imi.lR and. finallr Col.
pi, Spr.,rrofih. Democratic !
National Committee. . net. hew of I
Mr. Tilden's bis private s.-oretary e
mem ber of bis household, and po-
aessed of no means of his own has
been forced to admit tbat the procur
ed the money from bis uncle's Baok
ul forwarded it.
Can any one doubt that the Ore-
fri.1 una r.rrrnrrd br bribiv.
orthatTilden furnished tbe b, ! em y liepuMicn. Neither will
and was privy to it? Suppose .b.t readilj yield, because they are rep
evidcace was thm piled un, mouutain ; resenting their respective jiarties, and
high against the spotless fame cf(on this ebwe, w:!J probably depend
Governor Haves. Is there a Ut ruo-, i be final result. How can it be de
trat in tbe land tbat would bt.-itate jcided oiLerwise than by lot or
toraifelbe cry of guilty, against j chance ? Then why might not Messrs.
bjmy ! Hayes and Tilden as well draw cuts
"" " -"
Ir is generally admitted that the
method ot assessing ana r-nei-iuR
taxes ia this States is as ineiTnricnt,
loose and unfair as could well be
devised. It is a patent fact, that a
large tjrtiKi of the people evade
tie payment of taxes through tbe iu-
eiueiency or incompetency o, ,UB lbl. ,,,a3i wLelLcr lbe board can go
MMor, and consequently tbe rate per : ubiiJ cmifica(e!i of lbe vh,cU)
cent ismucb heavier than it !r u.,t) ntLini? of 'be fact, that to
be. and tbe strictly conscientious and i Ui v.oU,BraUiil be coueed
bonestpay an undue ' proportion, i Mf ou,?
Among the most prolific sources of ; s terlifil.(, to jcr Mr.
iiquality and nnfairness is the care-: o Lp of ;nrM
Jessness, or worse, with which asses- j bJt we 8W. mlr Opp0.iliyn
. . . . . r . i.
ors make thtir valuation i reai
i.i i. .
esiave, ana me cepieii iu
ng me amount oi moury .u.r.
mvested in juug.nents anu ,u.ti-
gages. 1 here are tnousauas oi uores .
of land, and other real estate ihatj
re bnameiui.y unuerv.,,
B-l.l A
there are millioos of dollars at inu r
est on which not a farthing of tax iJnil)..,ill0 'bllt we do not lbink Kepub.
assesseu, aunougu tue iaw
directs that it shall be the subject
tax levy.
There is not a community m ""J UllI,tw ind lhrcaU of a pariT ttU
entire Commonwealth wherein it ' ltl0S .,r tbe Kc,jnd tiuief re(u'ses t0
nwt well known, that there are LI)i(le by the decision of the ballot
interests entirely escaping taxauon:
Assessors are not to be Leld main-
ly responsible for all this loss, fur the
most competent and conscientious rf
them cannot always discover all the
property in their bailiwick tbat is
subject to tax, and tbe owners but too
frequently arc not hoses! enough to
make foil returns. It is the law that
as defective, nnd caey of evasion.
The dullest of tbe dull must know,
that on a fall return and honest Vhlu-
tion or all property liable to taxa -
tion, tbe rate could be so largely re -
3uced, that the total amount paid by
each individual would bo lessened,
and the burden s it should l. and!
in the intent of the law. would be!
equally and equitably distributed '
One oftbe principal nieasures be- Wamiixhtox. Jan. IS, Is".
Tore tbe present Legislature will be a Wr. JMmunds, from tbe special
.... . , !.. ovilu I cuiiiniittee appointed tod vise means
bill to amend aoe correct the euls . . 1 .
uiii u v , f(ir c.inllnjf lbe electoral vote, sub-
and inequalities of tbe present tix ! Illitlpd a r,.prt in wriuag, accompa-
lawsoftbe State. In fact we un-jujed by a bill.
dersland, tbat what is denominated j hmhktof thf, :mmittcc:
a "stringent bill" has already been We cousiderd the subject named in
introduced, clearly defiuing the duties j snid resolution, and have had a full
cf assessors, and fixing teavv penal-j nd free conference with each other
. , . . , " f.L . ibrreon. and now report tie awtoiu
ties for violation and neelect of them -in i
wKiui i.ui.uuu. ft panviuir lull and recommend its pas-
'ot having seen tbe biil we of course MHe; We have applied tbe utmost
innot express an opinion of it, bu practicable study aud deliberation to
ebad toped to see tbe present rum ibe snhjeot, and believe tbat the bill
rsome and inefficient plan of. ! n',w T"rd i- ,h, attainable
,, . . , i iIesookIuoo oj ihe ditlereut problems
wg and collecting taxes. aad j;. ,ec-ies arsing oot of
wiped off the Statute books. toe late ele-tin. It must be obvion?
M' are avarably impressed a itb : t0 overy pprson conversant witfc the
the Ohio plan, requiring all owners
of taxable property to make a list of
it, atiixin the cash value, WTify it by
alb, and return it to lbe proper
offieec : with tbe right resting ia the
Ooanty Commisioners, or some other
hoard of revision to compel a true
rc'.urn, if it boconies evident tbat a
false one has be wade, (let rid of
tbe multitude of towaship assessors
and collectors. Iet one man the
County Treasurer, or a collector
4-lected for tbe purpose collect all
the taxes, making numerous (appoint
ments wben and where be w ill meet
the taxpayers. Grant a discount for
early, prompt payment, and impose
ipcnalty on tbe tardy and delinquent,
aud in oar judgement taxes will be i
mure fairly and equitably assessed,
collections more promptly and less tx-
pensively made, and while a greater j vo,e8 uf Slaie8 ftud D0Qe olbt and
reremaeia yWded, rery tuuchle-sta e ! when they have been found and iden
ot tax will be repuiie.i j tlfied there is Sothinir left to be d.s-
We do ine plan .creed ,uled ?r eiei; U e ree.1 is tbe
ripoa by tie Conference Committee
. . .
for the settlement of tbe Presidential
question. I a our opinion it is not ccs. I ha bui, tben' is only directed
just to Mr. Haves, under the provis-1 lo ""Ttaii.iiijr for tbe purpose and
r.i n .-. . i.i , in aid of couotiug what are the con
40ns oftbe Constitution, and the laws. ,.. , , ., ' .
. ... , sututional rotea of the respective
s they now stand, if honestly execut-j State8i ttnd wbllt ever juri8'aiclion
cd. he would be declared President 'exists for such purposes, the bill onlv
lyond all doubt. This o called ; regulates the method of exercising
compromise requires the K.pubU'-i11
. , . . ,
us to yield a certainty for an un-,
wumty, for tbe benefit of the Demc-
crats, who baving nothing to yield,
therefore derive all tbe
rut it to cnr readers J bus
iioeitious acre precisely reversed,
where is tbe Democrat to I found, j
tbeir presumed judicial impartiality.
Moreover, view it as you may, the
bole plan resolves it-elf into a mere
game of chance in tbe selection of
flje fl01lj ompire, who in reality has
the entire and sole power of deter-
ii i i :.i..
mining w UO snail oe I renaifui.
I Tbe board of arbitrators for it is
I nothing else is to Ite composed of
, I live member of tbe Snate Re-
canv-.-cwn i.eruMKuUu
Democrats. Then, the Citcenth mem
ber, the umpire, is to be tboj-en.
II.jw r Bvthe four Judges, two Dem
ocrats aod '.wo Republicans, feeleeted
becu.-e of tbeir presumed party bias.
These four .luJges are human, with
jtassions, and sentiments, and derires,
common to mank.nd. I hey are
as partizans, and are expect-
I .! in n-ive "fair t!iv" to their res
peclive iriends in choosing this odd
Judge, or umpire.
Now this being a political board,
made so, mark you! by the very
agreement cr plan creating it, wbat
I is t be his political faith? Two of
! the Judges say Democratic, two of
or select bv aav other method cf
j a Jud or othef
son, who sball decide which of them
I...!! I.o I'ro.i.b.nt
We say nothing of tbe Constitu
tional question, w belter Cougrcsscaa
delegate its power to another body,
nothing f the qucKiion left open by
, f. ,r i!;e nriKi.t niilvon lie imundj
I "
, . . ,L . our
; u .( j huffilit
to justify
d Le of
all Republic-
. d
; Vf rr ,BUch for ,be Fttke of
very uiut'ii, lor iuc fnae ii cuimuf
a frit ari hi fttiH rwAf itltl w sjtt linT tht
UcttDi AM be required to yield
evcrvibinff. or that existing laws
: in it aiile t-z.ui.e (tf the
bluster and threats of a
thus for the second time,
abide by the decision of
box and the requirements cf Consti
tution. Ml lie Presidential Question.
How Hi i Electoral Vole is
to he Counted.
j The Report Of the JOIllt
j COHimittCC.
j A Bill to Settle all Disputed
hi-tnry of the country and with the
jfoimaii u and interpretation oftbe
iusiiiuwuu iuj(b a wine mversiiv oi
views and opinions touching tbe sub
ject not wboly coincident with the
bias ur ishes of members of tbe po
litical pafiies would Daturaly exist.
We have in this state of affairs cho
sen, thereof, not to deal with abstract
questions save so tar as tbey are nec
essarily involved in the legislation
proposed. It is, of course, plain tbat
the report of the bill implies that in
our opinion legislation may be bad
on the subject in accordance with tbe
Constitution, but we thick that the
law proposed is inconsistent with a
few of the principles and theories up
on the puly'ect. Tbe constitution
requires that the electoral votes!
shall be
; Col NTF.P ri'ojr A PAUTtCt I.AR 0 CA-
I All will agree that the votes named
! in I lift ffinu: int inn .r. (inaiitiilinal
mere clerical woik ot bd
numlxTS, which being done, the Con
stitution itself declares the consequent
i ne vonBiuuiion our great m-
ttrooicnt aod security for Lberty and
order( ppMk- tbfi mp,eH ln'
)or aj tUCb rases iu wbai ever aspect
tbey may be prescuted. ii declares
(Ti.-!that the CoDere?liaH bare
novrer !
ha make all laws which shall be Dee-
e Dee-
r,d nroner for carrying fnto
icssarv a
foregoing powers and '
otLer powprs TtedbT tbe Con-'
r . t ..
. t .....
utitution in the uovernmeni oi iue ijuipumug ,i " . : . , , . .
-;VJ s,., deoartmcnt critoral votes, which certificates and ;ed .n the journal of each House, and
officertbereof. Tbccommittee, there-,
fore think that j
,.,, rr ,, ST. I
Tllr. I. A ini'iv.-M- v .i ... -
U ass.ultu ;
as unconstitutional by any one, and
for this reason we tninu iv j
ry, whatever may be our individual;
... ili..n.i j enp i.f Ihu t r.or.rif.a i
referred to. Our fidelity to tbe -j'IpQUQjj gjf q this net provided, the
tir9,iu,ri.Ui .
Btitution is obpcrved when Gud !
that tbe law we recommend is con- j
sisteot wiin tnat ins-irumeni. i oe
matter, tben.beiug a paper for legis-, yote auJ lfae numeg v th(, persouS(
lation. tbe fitness of tbe means pro- jf eiectedi hich announcement
posed comes the next subject Lhall deenied a sufficient declara
sideration. I pon this we leg leave j of lfce rg0Dg eeeted President
toenbmitaflew brief observations. acJ Vj(.e Vredeot of the Uoiled
In all just governments both PWwjsutlfl and together with a list of
and private rights ffiU1 I vole3e entered on tre journals of
defined and determined by the law ibg Uo H()l4es Up,,n 8U(.h reajiQg
This is essential to tbe very idoa ofofaQ7 mch certificate! or paper,
such a (iovernment. and is character-, wbe(;lhpre bbal onIy 033 re,ura
istic Wtween a free and despotic ; ffom a s,a,e lL(f IVei(Jeal 0t lhH
sytem. However important it may Senale of ot,jeclil)ns if
be whether one citizen or antther i K objection shall be made
shall be Chief Magistrate for a period , ia wrlli aod 6Dttll 8tlte vlwlr aud
prescrilcd upon just theories of civil i CJlcii(el aud wilDoul arguilien-tf lbe
institutions, it I, of far greater ino- 3j ,hereof 8ad 80ai be sigued
ment that the will of the people , t o(je Seu,lor anJ ODe
lawfully expressed in the choice o i ufembt.r 0, ,Le ,Ijue of ,. reseDta.
that oflioer. shall be ascertained and Mon n
carried into effect in a lawful J. e When all objections so mad to
It is time that in every operation of ( yote of fffm & gute
government of laws, fnun tbe most, haVe,Rcn r'ecveJ anJ .ead tbe
trivia to the most impurtan , there e b M ebai, Kitbinw
wil alwavs le a nossibilitv that the ...., ,. ..... .., . u.,, .
result reached will not tie tbe true
one ho executive oiucer may
wise.y penorm li.s uu.y ioe uu,l
mav not truly declare tbe law, and
....IT- ... It-llltr rU''l J-H I llt .HW Mill!
the legislative body may nat euact
the best laws, but iu timer - case to
resist an act of the executive, tbe
courts or tbe legislature, acting con-
stiiutioiially aud lawfully within
their sphere, would be to set up
We think, then, that to provide
clear and lawful means of perfor
ming the great and ni-cess-ary func
tion of government in a time of much
public dispute is of far greater imp;r-tan-.-e
than tho particular advantage
lhat a.iv man or part v may in tbe
coursc of events possibly obtain,
Bui we bave still endeav red to pro-!
vide such agencies of decision in tbe
present case as shail be tbe most fair
and impartial possible under the cir
cumstances. Kacb of tbe branches of
tbe legislature and Judiciary are rep
resented in the tribunal in equal pro
nuriinns Tht oomn isilions of the
ly part 0f the commission looks
to a selection from different jiarts of
tbe Republic, while it is thought to
be free from any prepjnderance of
suppossible bins, and the addition ot
a necessary coustitutcnt part of the
whole commission, in order to obtain
ul, uneven number, is left to an agen
cy the farthest removed from preju
dice of auy existing attainable oue.
It would be dilScuU, if uot impossi
ble, we think, to esiaUi.-h a tribunal
tbat cou'.d be less tbe fcul ject or par
ty criticism i ban t-uch a one. The
principle of its constitution is so ab
solutely lair that we are unable to
eroeive bow the most extreme par
tistu can assail it, uuless he prefers
, . , - ,
ot unregulated proceedure, hot Uij
puics and dangerous results, that can
neither be measured nor defined,
rather than upon a Ged aod regular
t'jurse of law, that ensures peaee and
order of society, whuteverparty may
Imj disappointed in its bones. The I
unfortunate circumstances tbat no
provisiou bud been made on the sub
ject before election ha greatly added
to the difficulties of the committees
io dealing wiib it' inasmuch as nicy
of tbe people of tbe couotry, mem
bers of the reppectjjre political par
ies, will perhaps look with ;eubusy
upon any plan that seems to involve
even the possibility of the defeat of
tLtvr wishes, but it nas also lea me
coaiuiiiUtfj i'J feel tbat their mem
bers are bound by tia bighest duty
iu such a case to let no bias ct (arty
feeling staud in the way of a just.i
e ual aud peaceful measure for ex
tricating the case from embarra.
uicu tbat at present surround it.
a M-r.isov je;:kmixatiox asked.
In conclusion, re.-pectfully beg
leave to impress upon CoogVfa the
nPi esiitr ct a sneedr determination.'
upon this subject, it is jP,pois;ble'
to estimate tbe material loss the
country daily sustains, and power
fully teuds to unsettle and paralyze
business, to weaken public and ori-
jrate credit, and to create appreben- my ue, which body sball Imme
'oas in tfce minds of tbe people that j diately nod without debate proceed
disturb tie peaceful tenor of their 7 a rna e,rr vow ;o on me place
wavs and bappinivs. ft does far 8' vacated, aud the person so ap
more. It tends to bring rtpublipin,' pointed sball take and subscribe to
institutions into discredit, aud to cre-i the oatb herein btfore prescri lied, and
a e doubts of tbe succosof our fi rm of
government and of the perjietuity of
lbe Republic. AH considerations of
interest, of patriotism and of justice
unite in demanding of tbe law-making
power a measure lbt will bring
peace and prosperity to tbe .oj;ntry,
and show that cur Republican insti
tution are C(ioal to any emerencv.
aud in thu eount'.c'-ion -ve canuot r - j niissi on, aud ia gch aopjiutuieits
frain from an epresMoa of our satis-; regard s hill be had to 'riaparijality
faction that your committees, oi;i )s ! and freedom from ' bias sought by
ed of eqi.a' numliers of opposing p tr-i original apptiiutmeuts' to said colli
des, bave fortunately been i,bie to do i urstiop, w t,o i)all thereupon imme-
wbat has been atteuiptert in yii ,
heretofore, almost uuauiiu tosly gre
upon a plan considered by them all to
be just, j-isc aud efficient. We ac
cordingly retsoibcud lbe proposed
act to the patriotic aod justudgment
of Coneress.
W. R. Pavne,
Fl'I'A Ill XTON,
AisriAM M Hkwitt,
KK'ii A SlMSIMitR,
Geo. W. aU'Cjjauv,
tiE F. Hoab, .
dp. Wii.i.arp.
House Committee.
JE. F. KbMI'M,
A Q. Tiiibvas,
T. F. IUvaup,
FT. I'KF.i.iMnEv,
M. W. Ransom.
Senate Committee.
Henatof IJorton is the only member
of the committee t fco did not sigu
the report
TI1K II i i.i.
The following is tbe text of the
bill accompanying the report:
A bill to provide for and regulate the
counting oftbe rotes for President
and Vice President, and tbe de
cision of the question arising there-
oa. or the term
March 4, Anno Domini 1877:
o,l j
lluvte of lleprem ntalicc of the
United Slab' of Amrrka, in Con
ijrtK ossemtfc. That the Senate
and House of Representatives shall
ttiifil is the ball of the House of
Representatives at the hour of ten
uoui iuic meridian oa tse oral
Tae8day of February. A. D. 1ST?,
and the President of tbe Senate sbad
be the presidium oQicer. Two teller.
shall be jireviously appoiuted ou the
nart of the Senate and two on tbe
Dart of ibe II ouse of Representatives, '
to wbcro shall be banded as they ar
opened by the President of the Sen-
ate ail tbe certificate and paper J
.1... -I...,
inii,u on;iSiiiii f i
papers bail be ojeued, presented
d cted uPon in the 'pbabeucal
order of the States, beginning with
i the letter A, and sail tellers, having
road the same in tbe presence and j
b,,ario, of lD, two Houses," shall
mate a 1Lsl of vote9 as tbey tball ap-
from gaiJ jg,. aud the
... .
.rotes havtuir been ascertained ana
resuit cf tbe 88,e i.bII be delivered
, .rM,:,lpnti r ,k Senate, who
,. ,hf,run(. arin,.unce tbe state of
' aud such objections shall be submit-
led to the Senate tor r.s private de-
cUiou and tlie Speaker of the House
,of I: eulalUe8 ,halj ia ljke man-
" ....
nor submit such objrctions t' the
House of Representatives for its de
cision, aud no electoral voie from
any State from wnich but oue return
has been received shall be objected
to except by an affirmative voie of
the two Houses. When the two
Houses bave voted they shall imme
diately again meet, and tbe presiding
o flicer shall then announce the decis
ion of the question submitted.
Section 2 That if more than one
return or paper purporting to be tbe re
turn from a State sball bave been recei v-
' ed bv tbe 1'resideut of the Senate pur-
j porting to be certificates of electoral
votes -riven at the last preceding
jt.ectiou for I 'resident and Vice Bres -
ideal in such State (uulesstbev sball
be duplicates cf the same return), all
such returns aud papers shall ')
opened by hiai in the preseuce of tbe
two Houses when met as aforesaid,
and read by the tellers, and all such
returns and papers sball thereupon
be submitted to the judgment and de.
cision as to which is tbe true and
I lawful electoral vote of such State to
a commission constituted as follows,
nm'lv: Darin? the session of each
HotHe on tbe Tuesday next preceding
the first Tuesday in lebruary, ISu,
each bouse shall by a rco w; vote
appoint five of its members, who,
with five Associate Justices of the
Supreme Court of the United States,
to be ascertained as hereafter provid
ed, khaii constitute a commission for
tbe decision of all questions upon or
in res pee t of such double returns
named in this section on tbe Tuesday
next preceding tbe first Tuescay in
February, A. D. 187", or as soon
thereafter as may b?. The Associate
Justices of tbe Supreme Court of the
United States now assigned to the
First, 'f bird, Eighth and Ninth cir
cuits shall select ia suv-b a manner
as a majority of them al
deem fit, another of the Associ
ate Justices ot said Court, which five
persons shail le members of said
commission, and the person Jjqgest
iu commission of said five Justices
sball be President of said commission
Tbe members of said gommissioa
sball respectively take and subairibe
to the following oath: "1, . t, , m
do solemnly swear (or affirm, as tbe
case may be) tbat 1 will impartially
jeraruii.e and consider all questions
submitted Ui l.e commission of which
I am a member, aud a tre 'udgme .t
give thereon agreeablo to lu'e consti
tution and laws, so help me God."
hieh oath sball be filed wiib
tbe Secretary of the Senate. When
tbe c numisMou fch!J have been thus
organized, it sball not be iu tie Jr
er of either House to dissolve tbe
same or to withdraw any of us mem
berij; but it any such Senator or mem
ber shall die or become physically
w periorm tne .Junes requirea
ii. ! .... .
by this i.e:, tbe fact of such death or
physicaf jnaJjiiky sball be by said
cuiiimiwion, before"jt ' sL ill proceed
further, eunimuuivuted to lbe Senate
or House of Representatives, its tbe
become number of said commissiou,
and in like manner if auy of said
Justices of the Supreme Court shall
die or boomo physically iucapable of
performing the duties required by
this act, the other ot Justices,
members of said commission shall
immediately appoint another Justice
'of sid pourt (. member of said com
diately talie and subt.ejrib to the oath
herein before
prceuied and become,
..d commission to tin (
a member of
lbe vacancy so occaBioud. ,Vli the
certtlicaies aud piper purpjrting to
be the ceriificaies of electoral votes ol
'cueu nix suau oe opeuea la aipna
j helical order of the Stales, as provid
ed in w-titjn' one of this act; and
when there shall os uj;a ftuu one I
buiu ra uiiLaie or paper, tuo cer
tificates and papers from such State
shall be opened (excepting dupli
cated cf the same return) ihey shall
be read by the tellers, and tbereupoj
tbe President of the Senate shall
call for objections, if any. Kverv ob-!
'j option shall be made in writing, aud!
i shall statt (tleerlv and concisely aud
j without argument ibe grogud thereof,
ana oe signed oy at least one fceua
tor and one meu,b :r of tbe House of
Krpreseutatlvea beforp fbe
shall be received.
Wheu all such objections so made
to any certificate, voie or paper from
a iSia'uo ti;alj have been received aud
read, ail tijcb ceruSkstls, votes and
papers bo objected to, aud ail ppe(8
accompanying lbe same, together wiib
eocb objections, sball be submitted to
said coil wbojou, which sball proceed
lo consider tbe same wiib lbe tame
power, if any, uow possessed by the
two Houses acting separately or to-
geiher, aod by a majorUy of tbe votes
lieciuea wneiber any and what vole
from tuch 'State ore the votes provi
ded for by the CuuUiuLi.i n i f the
Uuited Slates, and bow tuaoy anu
wbat persons were duly a poiuted
electors iu ucb S aie, aud mav ttierr-
in taKe l-to review
eucn uetrioun.
depfisiuons aud other p., era, if any,
as cball by lbe L'onBilt)niou aud u w
existing law be Compeieut, aud pe. li
nen I iu bucb conaideraiiun, w nica oe-
cimoo shall be made in writing,
ing briefly the gronud thereof, and
sigued by tbe members of said com- ,
mirmon ajcreeio tfereia, woereupon
tbe two Hou shall again meet, and
inoi. dm'Miiin khall be read and enter-
ciiou decision khall be read and enter-
tbe counting of rotes sball proceed in
conformity therewith, nnless upon ob
jection made thereto in writing bv at
least five Senators and five members
of tbe House of Representatives the
two Houses hall separately, concur
in ordering otherwise, in which case
such concurrent, order shall govern.
No votes or papers from any other
Ktte ,hall ba acted unon nnlil the
'ohjrctious previously made to the
I voles or papers from any Stale shall
bave been generally disposed of.
Sec. 3. That wbilo tbe two bouses
shall be in meeting as provided in
this act, no debate shall be allowed
and no questions tball ba pa: bv tbe
presiding officer except to either
House, or s motion to withdraw; and
be sball have power to preserve
Sec. i. That when tbe two Houses
separate to decide upon at objection
that may have been made to the
counting of any electoral voie or
votes from any State, or up n objec
tion to a report if said commiesioa,
or other question arising under ibis
ait, each Senator aud Representative
may speak on such subject or q'ies
tiou teu miou es, and uo ufiener '.ban
once; but after such debv.e shall
have luted two h jurs it shall be itu
duty of each h iase to pat. the unm
question with nit further debue.
Sec. 5. Tb'. at such joint meeting
of the two Houes, tens sball be
provide! as follows : Frthe I'reri-
dent of the Senate, tbe Speaker's
chair, for the Speaker, immediately
upon his right ; for tbe Sen ttors, in
the body of ibe ball upon the ribt of
tbe presidiug officer; for ihe Repre
sentatives, in tbe body of the ball uot
provided for the Seuaior ; for the
Tellers, Secretary of tbe Senate and
Clerk of the House of Representa
tives, at the Clerk's desk, for the
other i.ffieers of tbe two H.ju-es, ia
trout of tbe Clerk's desk and upon
each side of ibe Speaker's platform.
Such joint moling shall not be dis
solved umii tbe count of ibe electoral
votes shall le completed and the re
sult declared, and no recess slidll be
taken unless a question shall have
arisen in regard to couuting auy such
! votes, or otherwise under this act,
which case it shall be couipeitut fr
either House actiuir separately in the
manner herein before provided to
direct a recess of such House not be-
youd the next day, Saudjy excep'ed,
at the hour 10 o'clock in tbe foreuoon,
and while aa question is being con
sidered by said commission either
House may procvej with its lti',l
live or other buiuo.
Sec. G. Iba: nothing In this act
sball be held to impair or atf:ct any
right now existing under tbe Const i,
tution and laws, or to question by
proceeding in tbe judicial courts uf
tbe United States tbe rignt or title of
tbe person who sball be declared
elected, or who shall claim to be Presi
dent or Vice President of the United
States, if any such tigbt exists.
Skc 7. That said commission sball
make its own rules, keep a record of
its proceedings, aad sball h ive power
to employ sui;!)' pjrsjrn a in ty be
necessary for the transaction of its
business ail th) eiicr.iu of its
oca ii iRRitBixu i.Err:n
fj onr SpacLU Oarrep nJent.
lA.'ftttiaByB,, Jaa'mry 1!) 177.
)t was a great m'staji) to sup;) w
tbattue pre sen se4siou ot tu Lt:gis
13 L.:gi
lature was going to be a dull aud
Vuinv,'sting one. ,Ou tbe contrary
it promised to be a rost lively and
important one. For ten dys (jut.
the city I) s been filled with ru.n rs
and report of aaexcitiug cijira.'ier,
aud fain and fanuy baye b(gn sir Mute
ly mixed and Jumbled togetber. Tbe
rumor tbat the LffUlature wsab ut
to pass resolutions instruoiiujf our
Seuators and Representatives at
Washington as to their duty in re
gard to tiie (. xt of tbe electoral
voie for President, proit to J,e cor
rect. They were passed iu both the
Senate and lljuse by a strict p'ty
vote, aud are probebly uow iu ibe
bauds of or o)ocs Jt, lbe ' National
Capita). Tbose who cb. o i oJj 'V
ibeui vill do so. No oue was un:
sophisticated enough to j oagiue for
a moment that any DeOioiira-ip gena
tjror Representative in Cougresa
would be governed in ibis muter by
ibe sentiments of bis S ate. Tbey
have tnir own peculiar views upu
the Butje'ct,Vnl a,1 yo!e and act
afjoig ngiy.
If mere ever was bill considered
in caucus, providing for a inilli on
dollars worth of militia, it never got
any further. There bo time who
asnert tnnt the wbolw thing is a
my lb a mare's nest wiib nothing in
it; a scare g it ten up by too ex -liable
and aprebeusive Tildenites. It is
probable, bo eve, tlfat the muter
was b: ought before lh Ilepubiivan
paupos go Wednesday lost, aol thit
iters " njt.' ijjveNiy of opin
ion In regard Ul (bo ifeuessi ud
propriety oftbe m-aure at this time,
tbat it was held over for future mta.--ideration,
and unless there should
be furtbir End oi ire dangerous c mi
plications 41 Wasbipti'! we b ive
probably beard tbe Ist 8f ii.
Tka full VKa1 prm.iFiil iif llie'
c . , paiiliJt.pbia has been
uOT, J lhtt Hou.e by
ibe committee of Vf ays and lleans,
and b parsed a fir.-f reading. Tbis,
however is got upeeii-sarjly a correct
expression of lb" sennmeuts of ihe
House on this q'4ctioq. Tbe bib
reached its present stags by one of
those little tricks which some of the
Philadi-Jphja members are wont to
play occasional); i'beq it was in
troduced by Mr. Yeakleof Flliladol-i
pbia, be requested that ia should be
referred to ihe committee on Ways
and Means. Its proper reference
would tare !een to 'be committee on
Public Uoiidinya. Rot recuests for
reference to a pariScuUr toinmiiteei
are geuerally complied wiib, a'ud so
iiboui taking a ihought, perhaps,,
as to tne couecuence,' the Speaker
referred it as p. eakje desired and
t'nji4elphja gaiued ber yrs poiu
i the latt gaion. T he committee f
. jo auu Means, be It Uui.'nrsigod, is
la gely c mp sed of Philadelphia is
and member- from a joining coujiie,
wiib a 1'bi adelpbian as cnairmuu.
Ii '. ftiuiitp i ey that all ttie
frieud of lbe bil trP??ut I"-'U
it came before llitf C ujujlliee-loauy
uf lis luembt-ra wtio Were opooi-'d to
tne measure ere ati.vu1., a of course
aa r parted wiib a lav rab!e
recomuieudaiiou. Tub passage of
a bid ou first reading ia a mere form
Philadelphia ha 34 meiu'n rs. If lbe
rcu.ovat bill gets 2U votes iu aoaiiion
to ibbse 3 j, when it Comes up for
fluai eousiderauou; it Will1 Jo Well. Ji.
W uld rcqoiie 1U1 tOB, and fun
vt I'.'. '
A- we picu.uied iu our loot letter
bo 11 iu lull lia- Oeeu luiXuducid
n the Uuse aud iu buouiiug w o
agaiu be beard Iu me laud. There
vo' ' '3'
will doubtless be aoother. desperate j
struggle between tbe lumbermen aod
the Boom Company.
It U to be
nopeu, oowever.
that it will not
.prove such a destructive boomerang
to the rpiintation of IVnnn rni
to the reputation of Pennsylvania
Legislature as it did last year. Some
of the lame ducks of tbat memorable
encounter, are still waddling arou id
tbe Legislative 'lalls, but it is possi
ble that tbey bave learned wisdom
by bitter experiejee
A local option bill has been in
troduced in both the Senate and
House. This is a perplexing ques
tion to many members, and they
wool. fain escape tbe ordeal of re
cording their votes for or against it.
Tbey are sure to make enemies on
whichever side they array themselves.
Dodging wont do, as both sides are
on tbe lookout for stragglers. Tbe
I question has its amusing a-i well as
us grave side.
Proceedings of the
Hahbisbirh, Janury 15, 1S77.
The Senate met at eight p. i.
Rills passed 6rst reading.
A j'liut resolution for printing the
Governor's message.
A joint resolution for the appoint
ment of a janitor.
An act authorizing ihe Auditor
General to allow the Dauphin County
soldiers Monument Association to
use certain dismounted ordinances.
A supplement to the exemption
laws preveuiiuir a waiver.
A supplement to tbe act of 1S.55
relating to certain duties of husband
and wife, parents and children.
A tun tier supplement to various
Uws relative to Orphans' Courts.
A n act exempting persons observ
ing tbe seventh day as Sabbath from
the penelties of tne act of 17?4.
Also relating to marriage licences.
An act requiriug judges of Com
mon Pleas Courts to charge the jury
on particular law points, etc.
Authorizing the appointment of
women as prison inspectors.
Regulating tbe proceedings on
mortgages upon lands situated in
two or more poqntiea.
An act relating to tbe duties qf
Coroners aud others holding inquests.
Prohibiting tbe use of fire and
lights on board vessels where petro
leum is'stored.
An act conferring additional pow
ers upon borough pogucilg.
The House met at 7:30.
The Presidential question.
The Clerk of the Senate presented
Mr. Lawrence's resolutions on tho
Presidential question After discus
sion, participated in by Messrs. Mor
gan, of Lawrence, Chairman of tbe
Federal Resolutions Committee,
Long aud Jackson, of Mercer, Re
publicans, and Messrs. Sbnatterly
jpd Xicbardson, Democrats, the pre
vious question Wad called by Mr.
Morgau, when the resolution waj
passed by a strict party voteyeas
lOil, nayes 73.
Mr Scbnatterly offered tbe Demo
cratic resolutions, which were read
once, when ten o'clock, the hour of
adjournment, arrived." The Speaker
adjourccij the House uutil to-morrow.
' '
Haruisulku, January, 10, ls77
Tbe Senate met at U oVIocjf
Mr. G Jriljan repo'rted frorn tbe
coiMmittee favorably tbe supplement
repealing the fourth setlion of an act
repealing the fourth section of at) act
incorporating the State Agrif"lnral
Mr. Davies, of the Judiciary Com
mittee, offered a treueral supplement
to tiie Irw oflS39, relating lo the
eltcilon7of aldermen and Justices.
ikii sr..
The session was occupied endeav
orfn to px the order of tbe day,
calling yeas and nuys CD motion vi
adjourning, etc. o business was
Harrisbibo, January IT, 177.
The Senate met at 11 o'clock.
Vh'e foiowin' bi'Is were introduced-
Bv Mr. St. Clair, tbe Local Option
By Mr. Jones, bill supplementary
to tbe limitation acts, providing thai
a failure to prosecute for six years
after suit is brought shall be a bar to
all actions.
Ry Mr. Burnet, extending the
tlino rtbe coir.;le'.ion of railroads
authorized under special laws. '
By Mr. Cooper, supplement to
an apt providing for the election of
trustees to the stale norma) scjjooj-t,
aud rguhtiujf their management.
It rejeaU tbe ihreo-louribi Vole on
all questions except finances.
Tbe following bills passed tbird
Providing fr priming t.iw fjov'-r
no'r's niepsage". '
Autho'izfug tbe use of dismounted
ordaauwy fir the Dauphin auo Sus
quehanna c luuiy uooliunieotj
Requiring common pleas judges to
pLagn the jury on 'articular points of
Autbri.!ug the appolutioeui of
women as prison inspectors, which
passed by oue vote.
Proiiliiiug tbe use of fire and
light oq "vessels w ere ptjtrojeiim
stored. 17 1
Am nig ihe' bills rcpopecj a Hi una
lively were the following: "f
Submitling to a vote lbe propoai
liou to remove lbe capital.
An apt rvjatiog to judgments and
stay 01 execution.
A bill relating to the sale of un
seated )nds for taxes.
Authorising courts of common
pleas to lix lue number of days with,
lu which defendants sball be com
manded lo appear alter ibe service v(
r;j oj smoiuious.
A11 apt fctin'jjr priorjfy (a tne trial
of claims for wages (o ii4uuaT iabor.
The folio ing bills were iutroduc?
ed: .
By Mr. Fulton, supplemental acts
for tne belter proieciion of lbe wages
of imcbatiies and others.
By Mr. Means, making an appro
priation for uormal schools.
U --f - I
f Mf.VWrr, of awreuce a
CV- .p.iou -
By M. Uros, prohibiung banks!
Ir ,u. p-o lug luteiesi ou depoHi?.
"J ui,uK uu
Lumber of saie officials.
By Mr Shook, authorizing the at-
tachmeot of wages of pers on mdebt
ed for boarding.
" , . f.rhbl
By Mr. ilkpes, of enango, liToia-
..t f.?.ol in
r '
By Mr. Dickey, taxing d .gs and
By Mr. Billingslev. protecting
tniaera aod dealers frum fraud
... - ' . . '
Ity Mr. Walker, of Allegheny, pro-
rtdioir for !be iiue of five bunUren
" .
dollar warrant to each
manued artillery battery.
By M'. Potts, protecting laborers,
contractors, etc., on railroads.
By Mr. Morgan, of Lawrence, reg-
uiaiiuif tue otiuauarj hub uci"u
. . ...
Peuusylvonia, ODio, and West
By Mr. Hill, of Allegheny, appro-
Reform School for salaries, insurance
and completion of buildings.
II arrisbirii, January 18, 1 "T7-
Tbe following bills were reported
Conferring equity jurLdlc ioj on
courts in cases of mortgages of tbe
property or franchises of coal, iron
and other transportation companies.
Knablioir married women to be-
come corporators of corporations of ; tucky was held to-day, attended !y tl.oiur or the development ol a.-ir- n
lbe first class. over twelve hundred delegates; rep- j at'gre.-.-ive movemeut. I!iu if a -:i !
Regulating and making uniform . reseutinir nine counties. Hon. Cs- 'leu aft nipt is tnide to se'. ;Le ii i
tbe aunual reports of prison iuspect-1 sius M Clay was ch sva perm inant jeiriiiient, it mean 20.('o ti - w
ors. jcbairiuan His speech W8S loudly ! fully (rained aud i-qiiipptd. re.i iv i.,
The following bills were iutroduc- ; applauded I: was d v oted, iu tb j tlefeud ibe tioverume; a'. iu--me;,;4,
ed. ( main, to criiici-m and condemnation j notice.
By Mr. Jodcs. authorizing tbe pur-' of ihe Republican policy. Tt.eoiberj IVrhnps it i weii to put a-i. I- u;;
cbase of Purdou's Digest. !spek:-rs were Hon Kd'ward C M tr- jdi.-gtp.-e, and s.iy that the R.-pu-.l.. 4-,
By Mr. tiazzim, authorizing Com 'sball, Genera! William, (Joy-1 party, lue pu-seut eine,,,,,
mon i.leR e urtx lo decree the fore- 1 ernor McCrearv and Colonel W. C. ! means explicitly this :
closure of
any corporation mort-
g)fes, etc
By Mr Holben, supplement to the '
act prorid ng for the tax i oi of:
bank sban 8. j
By Mr Dill. relaiiu to appeals
from common pleas courts to the,
Supreme Court in casts of distribu
tior of funds in tbe bauds of a-sign
ees for tbe benefit of creditors. .
By Mr Greer, repealing lbe law
autborizioirtbe aouointinent of c -unty
Tbe folio ing passed Snullv:
Providing fr ihe appoiutmeut
Supplement relitiug to
A resolution was passed granting
the ue of committee rooms to the
State Editorial Association on the
25th inst.
Adjourned. I noiinced iu sirm; ternw. and ii
ifunber resolved t uni'e with
i O.'iio Democracy in calling for a
i tiorial Democratic C'uventiofi
Thp following b'lU erp reported; -
afhrmatively: j
A general lax law; lr. Chappiu'sj
bill relating to trades, etc., sub-mtui- j
ing a poll tax; providing for tne pur
chase ol purdou's Digest.
Tbe follow ug bills were read in
By Mr. Scbaffer, of AHeubeuy, re
pealing tbe law creating the Hoard of
Public Cbariiies.
By Mr. Graham, of Allegheny,
protecting springy streams aud wa
ter sheds of wat?r works erected by
By Mr. Roigley, a Su-qoehauna
boom till.
I'v Mr. Fulton, providing for om-
I" .r . r
puisory euoeaiioii
By Mr. Ifobn, creating a f)ve per
cent. loan.
By Mr. Scbnatterly, repealing ac
act to extend the competency of wii -
nesses in certain criminal eases- also,
repealing an act allowing interested
parties to testify.
'Ly Mr. Alexander, proving that
asscasors pertiaiLf.r inm be netted
for three years. '
Among the bills lhat pa-ed first
reading were: An act providing for t.ev com-!" was hear j. aid, Io..k
tbe submission to tbe voters of the j air Up ibe avenue, the trotting
Common weaitii of tf p'ojv,si:in
i for the removal of the State capita!
I te Philadelphia, and an act relating
to judgments and stay cf executions.
UARRlsni'RU, January 1'., ls'7
Tbe &enat lupt -t eleven o'clocl
a Si " 1 7
1 A communication from the Secre
tary of Internal AfTiirs was reall astt
in'g tfcal 'gve bntndred add 'ionhl
copies o bis report be rrinteq 1
J he follow ing bdls were reporte.
ff.'ill the comipittees favorablv:
Prot idin fo? lUu purchase of s'X
C pus of Purdon'a D gBsr for tbe
Senate and twelve e piea for the
Regulating the publication ot legal
n 1 it I :
For'secunn-the IhV and fceattc of
persons employed in biiuuiiu'ous coal
Regulating the worin and uiio
ing of bitiimin. us coal.
Kopplt'T-eiH to an act relating to
the elevllou of iru.ttr u ii'tripal
Mr. Xewmyer introduced a bi l re-(jUtlngproiWuut;r:e-
to keep sepa
rate dockets in'ceftaifi i.a('a.
Passed finally, the act regulating
pJro"j'eding on mortgages upon lands
in iwo or more counties
Adj Mjnied ttl Tuesday tyeumg at
a r m
The II -use met at "ten a. m
Jackson, ot Nierucr, jl) the chair
' Tbe bills were reported j
trom con.mitiees favi.raolV: ' '' '
jroiu coniiiioiee.-t lavoraon :
Authoriiug ihe divi-iou and f. r-
mttiou .f new oorojgbi j
1 o Ft cure me nea.m uuj salety ol
persons tinpioeu iu oi.uuiijou.H e.111
u i ie
(J aoting ibe consent . f ihe nta'e
to the acipoiniiiou of Ittnd by the
L'uiied Stales for tbe Ohio river im
provement. 'I'be folowlug ijpy bijU were in-
rvducedi t i ! '' '
By Mr. Means, relating to certain
uiil tary claims on file in the Audior
General's oTice.
By Mr. Hitchcock, to prevent the
g ytng opt of t;cj;s for electioneer
ing eto , witbin bo 'buuared jeel or
p Ihog places oa election day. '" 1
By Mr. Kala, providing for the or
iA 1 lilioo and regulatiou til mutual
Ore ttisuranee iifmpauicf.
1j Air. Osb'Ji-n'e, providing for a
coniintrsiou to select two persons 'de
ceajt(j once emiueui citizens of the
Slate for at ty'asbjpgton,
By Mr. Kline, regulating tbe rate
of interest
Mr. Long called up tbe D.-mocrat
jc re,i.,oijorji offered Monday night
n ibe J'resideuiial iuesudu, and j
pressed tneiu to a vo c m order to gttl Afier the stronger ha I ac,.,.,,,,',;
ail political questiou aetl ed and out ed his objeet he presented bim-elf at
of tbe way so that the time of tbe j the office of Mr. Maxwell, a broker
House could be given wholly to legit- of Broad street, and pur.-baie.l $10 -1
111 ate business. On bis motion, after' 000 ia gold, and after obtaining u.e
discussion, lurther consideration of:
.be res..luiions was indefinately post-
dJiued "' -
Mr Morgan, of Laren.-e. made a I
siroug speech on lb. rame question, j
aeprecating any lurtber dwcua-ioo. ;
Adj ourned till M ondar evening I
I - j o- 1
Mow lllttt-afarrlrtl Wl..llpi
u I?.....
I , ,
rereuiaiive L bis testimony ie
- . . .
be cmiuuiee iuvp;i,;Hli!i th.
! .Mi?i!ippi election, said he was
kings u0 ,.reem ... Adani - j
i frorn L" T"- 1 ' V
i "V. - .,(K vues
i i ii&.i iit'fi ik. . iiu 4.uf fit
tberM.m here the l.!!it b n a1
" " . . V" V" ';. .:. i: e u i e
t.u.L ha lia .ltd frtini 1 htt i. it a tf
them l-f ore
tbem into lbe Ih-x, and it was an
easy matter to did'ing'tiob Repub
lican from the Democratic tiikets.
He is sure there were at least I'.oO
I I!.., .ul, It.-. n lii'tald i.df lu.F.irf ' ft
lr-1 i " - - i
m , aud ab'.ui o atier p to . otn
when the votes of kimr-ion
were Counted lucre were
! lPblicaa votes among them.
j ',h"
Republiean ballets, which were poll-
eJbef.ire2 o'clock, were removed
j Ir.-tti tbe ballot-box aud replaced by
i Deiiincratic ballofs, and that this was
j done duriuir tbe r eess bieh tie ia -
' -pect. rs took for the purpose of eat-
ing the ir dinner?.
Rslllarrrat TalK.
I.i.t, Ky, January IS A
convention of ihe Demoeraev of Ken-
I . ireckinrnie.
Ihe following rcsolo
.'' cf, Tb-At it is the
vieiion of the Deniot ra ic
Kentucky that Tioleu and
tirin eon -
party in
lli'iiilrick -
received a majority of the
vote-, and tbat liberty and the C - ti
sti ution demand that thev
hall lie
j inauguraied; also. that, th
i of the electoral by th
c ojnn'ii ir
IV sitleli!
: -...f ihe Vmte without tliei
'f botn II oi-es w.
mill e.r an air oi
, usurpation to ahicu the pe. j!e will
e .. ' ..k...o l.-.k. i . .::
t b, uoi suifiiin. i.Aiiiu-: -iu ..I mi jirtio -
! able means consistent with bon-T
and tbe Constiloti' ij is first to be
ilhoutthl of, and when these fail ster
ner iueasu-ei should lie takeu. Tte
j alleged u-e of the military power is
! upholding illegal jfoverments iu l.'m-
! isiaua and 5j otth Carolina was
ttle Na-
inicnlitr Trnlllu: AtIiIciiI
Poi i,!iKEEi'siE, Januiry n
accident uitbout puralle! iis tore-ul.s
baopeued in this ciiy on Sjurdoy.
During the entire sleighing tbi witi-
ter South avenue from the soldier's
foijotaiu toa point a Qiile hcyouil. has
been the accepted irut'iuir ground of
the city, arid every line at;t rpoon
hundreds of peoi)ie would
there to witue the terrific
speed. The well known speeders j , srii., f , Le p .M aj ijt.rrt. lil(.ir .
Si as Rich, Joe I'emt, Pondie'ta, ,r.JLi jj w a, kj.. Ati , a fiut. a..;r
Alida and the numerous hurses rom- r of tue gi,n-oi
posing the privute stock of the cityltlev were poouced i.pou ami k.hed
went there daily for ratiling on-j by Crow ...iuim who M'-Dg M tin
t??. i He cottrse was sni.o'ii'ies
trow ileil iu tbic'ilv
r 1 1 1 .-i tr
horses that narrow escapes from col
lision weie dailv, and tbe accideur
jtb - it occurred yesterday has Iccn
predicted 1 t er.
j Tiie day V spi rt was nearlv over,
and fort v'or f.ltv'trotters were mak-
in their last "spurts" at a'out
ip a Cotb sides of the avenue were
j jined with p-op!e wauhiug the sport
w Lea suu.ienlv tLe cry of -There
I horses i!as Ricb. driven bv Mr
Laonioghani;' a fat trotter, Urivdj
by Leuson Huldridgci a croinery
merchant of this city, and a third
:r..'!'-r. driven by Ricba-d Titu-.
were a-en (uming i1:)d pijf tiud
IP l'tf at lerriiiie speed, each striving
tor tbe puprruptcy, Thev ciejreii the
level along F.a:man park like a
whitUlud and with safety ; but as
tbey attempted to turn the sl'irr.t
cijrYe oppoitv-! t Jje J;j'e .''o!
laee thev met uaotbir tro
r C.'lli -
ing al-'rrg at a rattling' ifait and
j driven by Charles Ptefp-. b'sowcer.
A iert'iile 1 ollision was iinuitnent
between Phelps a. nj fjit jr.'e horse?,
a:,d seeing thai it c "ui.J no be av.'i'i-
c;j the bystanders loriied tbeir b';ds
tr 'in the igbt wiiu a ibrijl f b 'rr. r
The' eome together'' w aa afn! .s
quick aa lightning th" C'd of
ibill on Mi. Holdrid.'eV sl.ii:h
' ne 1
en j
t,e !
oil I
' xb" h" "f lr
ice Oi'pir. ot tvti :t:
IO. Lvl! .I- '.-. ll..(
p-H.T 'uiujal d;i.'d w iipou"' a giofin
it had pierced his heart. At
fiinoe time the end ,.f the tiiili
Mr. pheis' th igh p"neir't ij
ridi.k of Mr. H..dndge s horse,
If f
tiiut aLiiDul ipiijj nj two (i)tiii('es.
lbe force of tbe Collision Mr It .l -
ridge was knocked out f bis sleigh
on (lis h .rse. -Mr. II ..Idridge's mi
ma! was vajtied .at 1 0O0, su i Si".
Pheljis' horse, formerly kn .is lfce
West h Tse, at $1.1101) That end d
tho '.r-itijiij f.r dyv on that au
aue, and po ii. ubt f.T'tfce sso,i
The I nl.a fmt 'mpM.y inUt4
Nl'.w VoitK, Jauiiarv
1 7 T
vicinity of WaM street was greaiv
ex-hed 10 .1 .v i.v a rep .ri tbat tti.
ex.-Ped lo ii iV i.V a rep irl ttjilt tte
fru-t Company tin f leeu
de'rauded 1 m of -S '.1 tnd iv -ki!;,.,!
torgenr f'tl Jari'jiiry the Jl.
V l.r tiie ap .ie ?ul. i, ir. p,
Ml o.t-
'ng to hive l;i eu drawn iv iijh
oik Life Iii.-uractte (.'"Wpaiiy ''o
tbe previous day, was jrtsei,t d to
'he Trust Compniiy through a lmfik
ing association and paid Vesieidav
ii rieovered to lie a fonerv.
Mr. Xlorris Frankiiu, Pre-i 4 -(4 1 of
tbe Xew Y-rk Life. I jsu'rame C. pi
"i'.y, makes lbe t .liming .(ne
meot of faO: Vestcrdiy morning
. bile btlancing the bank
oftbe I rust Company ihe cashier
O,.s(iofe.i'a'iu i.iieik j buarin ihe;
same 6umler, one fr' !'.'). iri and !
the Other for fni.odti drawn by me i
e -rk L ie Insurance Company Clsn.xTi. January H Tl e
o ibe i uion Trust Company. V v- , ;,:,:t,r,..l special sar 'he tu- nel
oue.aniiniiigthecbeftk for ?q W),,,.,, r.;(.M,,, pittsl.'ur" an.H'leve-
a prononncen a cit ver prqrery.
ineoiiicersoi tne Lniou 1 rust Coin -
p;(tiy were uoimei, me lorgerv an.j u p oils .ler sis'ed
th'it it was presen'ed to b lu
tbird oftbe nionib, and
iusr them to be perfectly regular, .e.r -
i jjed it.
w. ".-fcai uii'4 vJT7 'Jiuri run: lUr
e .mmissioo of the broker. ,lisa,,ear-
'.,1 Th. ..m r..n ........
Lniori 'trust ..,.-r, ..r
which bave a-sured P.esident Frank.
bn tbat tbey will make the
. nn,l
due .,f
a liu lo .king to puttio the S;:e ;0
p; pnra i u I i mrrl an y e-ibie ,.,
vnj-:,i-y ! D -oi -.eratlc en re.
!! ) O'tr:o :'--rn surte r;
over V . We 111 i v : !e lfce Vi,"i, pr,.
V:iliii anioux Ie-l our ..,..
i . , '
rt !' ! ' e ll I'lflVHK ,1 W I,;- I , , ,j
leaf all iir The Demi.epuev
k:; i n to l- (iett reiibeii !
:i vj-i multitude i;f their I .;i..ers ,r
Wa.-ii;'igNi to 4i'e(iit tu i-,,,.-,.H
Coi'CCsS to r-Mifi' Til leu in a, ;,..
dent of tbe I'ni e-1 S'.ltes. i, ..
lieved that I bey La.e the fu" j
p-'sC, SU I'.li.l IlnTe m- ttie .-n
excuse for it. t attempt to i;n;,
r.ite tiMeuun 'he . h if
Th se paljja'.le iMirp ..-e- are ili- i.
: t-U uoiler terms that are apparent
. . peaceful, but their rtl tnea:,i:i -
. well uor- f u. Iu
' T'Y C '"0 r-r u"
j had no r.arii. i ioa, ami did not r.
1 peel le.c luibrei'i. M .nth tMj... .j
j betore adeq-iaic pre paratiuti t
j lie made. Tee arms and -rdi&n.v
1 belongiug to ihe (overnment La I. ,
I a larjje extent, been place. h,..-t
i rtl.e! reach. It not proposed ;.,
I have it soaifain. Tbe matter toL.. u
ilhe I'fft reters involves only ;,r.i.
j rati-. u P.r a possible contingt m v f
tbe I'--uk er-it.- reserve the pen. v. .
d -es ru t mean the expenditure . t 4
I 1 A fair Count ol tlie elei-t n;
j vote, si,cu as wi I fe ju.-t and r;.h: i
all Conct rue ! ; id;- ir.'e-pec. t'e
!.'! w tit. her ttii re Ue uoga'herin', .
! ' I"rre-t po.ib'e a-seiulii ie t
! Wasbiosj-ou.
- I put the Pie-ideili . v
- i '-be bands ot ibe person to i.
u in n le lea'ly and bontsiv M..
l! tbl.- be Tlldea, he will jet i.e
l!ii-e iih. ul 'Le sliriite.-l tr. , .
It i; tie n. aiat-d to him, ! ... ;.
not ir, 3 matter what ijc .-.. i e
, iruj . j
j pabt-.t-aa
i -.: . .'e x York b is u. V. -
Li-i:i.-!.iture, V w .In v
has ;i i,e iu tiie Lower Il-ol-e. .
Is lSepiiblicau, Mild hence Watiipj- .
I- surreiindeu with Slate, 'u- b
bile sou. j; oi tneiii i,h h 1 , i,,,,i i s ,c
it .vernor.-, tbey have Repubi ,a
Leirtsljtures. Pennsylvania has b..:i,
and the inclination cf our Slate v
t rnoiei,; is to see tbat ;Le pt.r tv . '
the I'.iil .t st..ll lie secured
1 1 1 ;:ocrau are jiiiet and iH-a-'i.,e.
. any tins tnat w !i be d 'tit- :.l on
ifceiti :io Lartn ; but :f they are ,,r.
like, -,ve vii! t.e piepaired ll i- 1
propi.stii i. repeiit t'siu. fi-;-f
Mllms Hull Krlrnled
oith , .t ino,iry Jij A i.
gram 1'roui T utni river fantot-uie'i;
-ays '.bat ou tt..-- lj.h i f l'ntniliif
i live prouilueut Siouy tLu l' approa' It,
ttie post ao..iit uou wiif. a U,ig . r
ir-lt i! When withiu a fe uiin-.i e I
,.,t (,, i
'j lOui'miiiit
yotjj lue'a-ure' at t je tloody- tr.igeJv,
both on accout of its atrocity and l.y
j reiis .u i,f t;;l. p.j.bie importance of
; iL.'ir ioil 'u
! CuioAo i;. .I.iuuary li'. The f. l-
lowing was received atuiiiiiary hea-l-I
(iiiarters tu-iiu v :
,,.., i ,
1 I . V " 1 1 . . I ,
Japunry lii.
i''T 'M(.(.
spa'c'j has been received fr.
Miies, u
'ice man, w hicli sia es
uf December tbiee
Filth iiijaturv, 1 i'
ithaton the 1
Icouto mirs of ii
der Lieut, t'. 1 Raid io.' -trtu i C'i.
ting Boil's cjn p a thi Rrijwaer
and lie'eao .l tim with the loss ot ;l,;
the oropi rty in tbe camp and six r
crjo aii'i ie u'es Viie ' imiiuiij ; ".
C.'jiiU wi n iit;!e besides whut t'.e
bud ' u llieir pcr.iiiiff.
B'tgad:er (
i . ...... mr uniuru ini.V
SN FHWCisro. January i;l
b i- b i-b r si ,h gat intrval. alf iav.
T t:''-A''. .1- wti.- i str..t:g -011.I1,
,ol., w,
I e. 01 1; ii;
i'p.f IO'
I "W r a i
r i ig s: d -n sit-p f "f
1 '""It U:p'i'Ci.cs l;-.i
t rlor ;.oi... -::it!i ,r crt t
r'eh! p it I t-ie f Oj , '!,
; te iity general Tiie
to. r:
i o ! '
the r.
if np.-rin tiae l..-rn re.
i e nop pr- spi c - pr--
1 c 1:1 . ; tiuej
M.liv ficroi la npBij.B..
MkhI'II! .January 17 liiiting a
' l.eav) nun storip on .orilay, a fal
I . f siuull lie ,ii.We W4i oii-Vved 1)
! 1 he s' litt ern p jrt of the ciiv. W hern
tt.oii-.iiu.s 1 f itn ni could be seen ve.
1 ter-lay. Tf e sna i s are fr. in "one
1 r ,. t,. tijh eeo inches in length
erllf eTeolt4'H.a I m K.ulk
1 'I arlinw.
leynqe A;ent. Jacob .
0"w oU o.i'i in ioii'i, .,ir,,o, 1.1
grap!- i'lforiping the n'cr:,;. l. ,
ertne It .reHo ihtil in miemp'iMg t)
arrest ilii.-it distillers in that ,r:l:..
! ' "' 7'!,-V ' '"" '"r'-v '
! ?" '' 'J!"" v Collector IJ.rt..
wrie severelv
H'hPv. Ftiil loir
w ill I e rufiv. 1
1 " M.lll.anii;
Montreal January iThc I'.--lisle
villagp tnii:i:eipal elec'ion tf-
ter.b.v 'ern.ina'ed in a brutal 1;
fiiibt. in which some f rtv uteri wt
ei.gjf ij 'J'he town ball was c 1.,
pieti ly ..cied and the llii)g b- oil,
wrecked 'Tfie Ftench Carontln
roughs wii Ll ti-.t allow ihe F-o.-'i-h
j , Tl,,p ftr,, c.(fj.4piwn,i, .11 ,i
I'retich eut.ilidate are t beted.
' 1.f lrbabtjr-iIKHraira
.:( i:;r. cd. ttcur N
e w coniersro w u.
! ()hi.. gave" way 'fear tr.
tear iff no.iiiti
f -butti tg in li ve lab. rs w h
up to J
I .. n, 1-,,,0 I,. I .
Til- 'tl-f tl i.ied k'uiAt
on IJ,e!f.-r,..i Miey wtil jiiff-eate
IfOlll Jo.ll
Tin-str"nnis in 1 o .1 set tion of
j U e c .y ure all out .. b. und-.
and th"re have k. en n.. tr.f.s e.ver
the Yt tr'. Pn.shiirg 9: d f
load it lid 1 r two un.
.ebra.ha Hrualnr i.lrrtr it.
Omaha. January H XivioSaun
der wt -diy elef.ed United States
S.-unt-.r .-i. ibe third l.ali. i, rtceini.g
i. Votes, the full Republican '.d
ludenendent vote. tov. Saunders
j wa ibe loi territorial tJovertor of
fa full beir to tbe estate.
the old blue army' overcoats.