The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 03, 1877, Image 3

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    The Somerset Herald
l'eeemtar '.-. W76
J H4.RRT FRITZ. Cmly Surveyor, will
aiv tecial alleuii..u l til Mirvpvinc writing-of
deeds ul.W.inlKl-. bonds, Wills, IIWMU. u,
eniruste. to htm.
Tak Notick. He vil! tie found In hi office
erv Saturday Somerset I'a,
w. s.ti:.mi'i.i: a o,
u ti.n noitt.. .n.
Pretirliinir in I lie I'twliytrriiin Cliurch
ni'VI Sslilinth, morn ins: ami evening, no
Tlie fileMTvance ot 1 tie Sitl.liatli."
C'a rpkntekk will find M I.htnyrt's
Tm'i t ii'l kinilg at as low pi iti-s us llirv
can lie Ixiulil any whi-re-
I'eksons w ho are huildiiii will tun! at
IJlt mycrs' vrion as low as I lie suie goods
can lie Imulil io the city. Call ami bee.
1'rusiTi ke Men wiil tin J al BIymyers'
the U.l Varnishr. Oils and TiiriK-nliiie,
B: l'.. Cist'irs. M lul.lui j Sco., at the
him-sl Hiiiie inicis.
Anything Unit you may want in the
Hardware line you can pel at 15h liners' at
low airtn. Call and see Iheui. Head his
tulvt-rlisciiii'tit in another column. I
A man claiming to 1-c from Johnstown
was caught ill the attempt to burUri.e a !
s'.ire in freedom. Beaver countv, a lew
nights airo.
T c p' c
uriMUl iltal
price." U
p." smilhlii
to get all kinds of Tin Ware,
or I lain, at "nay down
at Deinmlcr link.' Il iuse
establisluuent, Nos. I'Jti aud
Id Street, Pit's'iuryh.
For P.K-'-let knives. Sons. Knives and
p.irks. K .Z rs. Mi.-ais. Vc, (o to Illy,
mjer-' ids stis K is the larjesl in tlie coun
tv aud in- U'Ols are urn kid at very low
. ....i t-.. ...,'. ki'ciiiiri ilv from the
Ai.-iie r,-..i.,iis. swe'ntover this ueiuUUif- i
I.. I.. I TI.e win.l Was
verv li.rceai.d pieicin-cold, so much so
that all iii' wor. w is a
Wh. n you n xt visit Pilts' urgh. call (
Mnd ir.smtt the larte and spien.iid stock ol
Ib.use-Knriiishinj: tJoods al the sales
r.Kitns of Delimiter Bros. Nos. 12J and l'-H
Sinit b field Street. I.owisl piices wes! ol j
New York City.
- ' j
A woman in Allegheny countv. X. ) .. ,
hasn't used in her kitchen lor t:c
ea:s She ihe water and then jsmiis
in a little milk. Tins sof'elis Ihe water.
iv s ihedi.ties a tine glow , and d.wcu'l
spoil the haieis.
When vou need hoiise-lurnisbing uisnN
of any kind, such as Fire-Iron. Coal I
'as'S, Fenders, Toilet Ware, sVc. Ac, 1:0
at:d i:il!iine Ihe i letalit stock of pssls at
D. ini.iier Bros., U'rj an 1 U'S SiiitthMcid
Street, Pittsburgh. Price to attonih
Denimlcr Bros' bouse-furuisliiiur estali
lishne tit is IiN-atcd at No. l'JO and P.'S
Siiiittiti. Id S 1 eel, Pitllhurli, where vou
will tind every article bi their line, such as
Fire-1 roiis. V o.l Vases. Stoves. Fenders.
Kitchen I'leiisiis it Pri.-es to d. fy co:n
jiiiiion. The Heitrefd Llisba I.
Asjinptiou. III., is pro'iatiiy
tJarretl. ot
..... ..1 1 !
1 lie 1 'i' 1 .v
He '
iistiMrrian iiiini-lcr ill tlie c mntri'
!irii in 1,V.I. lu liis minisVrial
ilutiis. Ims private i-Usstn in viri'ik an.l
Latin, wriU'H a linn liaml, ran real wi'.h
oiit vH'otaclt's ami is still cinpanitiv-ljr
vij;. iniiis.
An vi'lmiiL'f l'rrvt lliat tLia i tlie
titiif i.f vt-ar mlicn I Her youns mini with a
I'linillv of mix. U t aii.iii s Mit in liii? cuM re
ti ilim r.nni. wailiiii: his saeellit-arl.
lii!i'Ue suntls "primping'' bi-lnre the
l.hihiii;-i;Us in Iht coiiilnrtaMc cIiuiiiIkt
li r llirr-i!tiarti-r of au liimr, utterly ili
vi uiH'i! th'i rich ol.irin tlial tlie lns!
lit ud is putiiujj: on lit-r Willie's misc.
Tl'.osE two Iks ol Vault ly coinbirt,
;iiriimatisiii anil tiie Guilt, onse lliiir
tvilneis. il I lie alTec-H-d wrt is ilaily wasli
1 .1 itli (ilriin'8 Sulpliur S-ap. liirli Iwn
i -1 is is pain and remit rs the j.iint ami mus
: s Mipole and elastic. let t'ritten
t. m'. N". 7 Sixth Avenue. N. Y. Hill'
II iir A: Whisker Dye, black or brwo s M
et ills.
Jsliip votir r.titter to
Tliev ftot U-t prices last senson lur every
litiner ln sliipHi' In 1I11111. and if yon
isli hvli prices this si asun ou d"
neil t sliip to tin 111.
Eleiuln Xotu r.. The Hi'.ntiul nieil
iiiiiol Un-st.K'l;ii..lders of the Siuer l A:
Mineral I'oint Kailrool Coiiii.anv will he
I11M at the oilire of b ii'l (inpuny. in Sun-1
ers t. l'u.. oil s. Monday. -Si Ik sl-ay
dt .January. imTT. for the purp. ot ehfl-j
tii a l'resid.tit ar.d Hourd ol llircclor.i
f -r the ensuiiii; ear.
3. II. l iiu I
SccrcUary. j
Kl Mt'tbat the enfh 1 l!J erects the i
s, leant ot IkiIIoiii cash piicep. '
Kl MKjlUKII that ue eel! ji"al on itll ,
days lime, aud crave no ctis'.oiu on l.;ni:i r '
time !
HKMK.nnf it that stateimn's have l-. n
sent to many o! our ih litots ami we would j
alain say t ail old accounts n.ust U' ;
c'll -d "wiili Ihe ioeoOiiiitf of tl.e New j
...... t. i
c jr. V iwh sv lii-.r.i:iis
U'.'slMss-. I!" dal s. ; laii?, CO dais.'
We lake this' 1111 Ili'Hi of ay ' our
fi iends. customt-rs and tbe- puldif ireDeral
Iv thtt our exjierienee io the credit es
tem."' is aucli. that Idle e ! !, iis
card ii a'.oi;ether, and say rahor noomls.
v d.. say tiial with tl.e liettinpins of the ;
He ear tirtie must U-more blrietly oli-!
i rvd. aal tint "t 1 'n'y Pnie g'i'fcl
ni pr.uiijit c olf.r paala on :I0 da;:
tltije. 1 link a 11111.1i"
" " - -
i u, ut-.-u i.u , ...-.11 Tuit.i met.
ty m-Ii.kiI niittin. i.oi a lh..uand nulea,
a. t. preteut tlieKholurs from Uins:
I . . " - I
!a'r in the moruini. t ruiitud tn kts I be ho first m vie his appearand tl the
It r.l L i;ise. Tuin.'s went on initii D
ly for a ti day, an I the nineteeu year
old !. i-tu to nsr-tiiii; on tiie fence all
iiU'itl in order to t-tiist at tw iioot in the
111 iriun. 'fill thin lucatue tuoiuHon
ou. and the Lscii.-r ha.! the U repeal
ed. Max i'i ii tie d.-ais in liipiora. anil Max
Kliiie has ft -rlci teiror of dovts. The
other day lnle i!r:vimr to Minna! Point
in eoiiipaiiy mill tsuiir f.ieiids. alire
I 1: made a da'ri tor the lrd, aud Mat i6
in ln eatrncsf lo escape tlie canine foe 'a
Ssiii!l crowded Jits pauper t cloee tI
ihe .aU-e u ihe tied that loty ail three
were l.urlej in a f,ift bed f nu. A the
lo r l lo levl id .ia.'lka laite Ihey
pit'M-iiii i .111 u a pKturejUe api-araQi-o
that the ri. ( l and in wonder and tlitn le
lrti-vJ. Tuat ail.
This fls.'Irl.. X,ricli, Coumfticul.
maki-s tiie i.iilow im; vigorous remarks, tin
Dou ,ii.. n Parti.-a : "Thi-w a-in for dona
ton wriie has arrived. The donation
Y iorjeol lhr most effective of our
jn::itu'"ior:3. It tirini vstti.'af.j taop'ie
itii. i ckea-r and drer" relaiM.n ; it
rlrvnilh. n the U.n.ts ail tenderm- and
I. He m hieli utiile tlirm. and Usttallv olilli'.-i
(he IliiniBter to walk alHiUl Iwu lul In ihe
tielt iuoroiD to eirliantfR two (iun ut
beans and a pin cushi. f.n ssmnihiD, tu
eat at breakia&l lime."
,,,,,.. l A.- ..'.- : Tlmt our fniiirntinr are
with those tdrtiers whom i!! ln-aMU or
In rrfcnH; to (be ct.ll ( tli Gianty I ft'-lv-rsecircuiiiMucr prcrcutcJ fri:n sl one luimind aitrl twenty-1 Ifmlinsr, t-iit we ciniienia iu.k-, vl.i.
eignt h a mm met m convention in the
Court llnuac fit S unen-et, December .",
lfM. al 2 nYlm-lt p. in.
The following iiiL-inbi-rs were iinani-mou-ly
elect. tl i.flieeis ,.( the IuMiluie :
i 1'rehi.l. nt, tv L'. Trent rotary,
W. H. II. Baker. The nrt.iilrnt nimiiint-
eil Misa liateSnjiIer, J.C Weiler, and S.
c. 1 tent an hxwuiive I o.n.nitlce.
fu uioiioiii.t A. ('. HoltieiL a "Oneiv
Box" waa eUl.lidied, and Messrs Il.iliiert,
Whipkey and J. . Griflilh, were apin!
nl ac miniittt-c to ta!;e charue of the same.
The chainiiHii, A. C. H jliiert, at sundry
lime, read such "itu:rit." contributed lv
teachers and friends of education, ua were
deem, d conducive to the instruction and
good feeling of the Institute.
Pri-yer wtf life: 5 t he p .ningol tacli
session by va.iou Hexreud g mit-intii
tioui the town ot Smierwt and vicinity.
The "Lyrian Gleet, luti" tr the advajeevl i f Siiiieritel liirtiijlird elejaut vi-cni
and ills' ruim-ntul music at IretiiKct iutcr
vuis during all the serious.
HeiKit Teachers KeUliun. J'V J. A.
KKs.y bv M:;.s Annie C.
Heport Mutual DiM-ip'in. hv I. J. Mil
ler. lri:l. 1). M. S-uenii w j introduei-d
and delivered aa able leeturij of? Arsih
niKid." I)isOU8;ou Should pupils lie allowed to
cLooh! their own studies r tla-ned by A
HollHTt. followed hv Me?-srii. iia r,
M eese, N hif 'key aud (.tnllkh.
I'eport How siiould we open our
scIiimiIs on the first day and Ihereallrr?
By J. J. C'Kik. l)iM-ued by Mes.M
rick. K n lad. Holliert, Trent and others.
Class Hrill in Keadin.'. bv Kliffr L. F.
Kssay True Preparation lor Lite, by
Jlisa Jennie IJaker.
I.rture The FunJatnemal t ;er-.itiun?,
bt Pro! I). M. Sens.-i.ig.
i iscii"wion hat can h' do!ie to cive !
the stud of Oratntiiar more pr-uiiinemre j
in our school: Ha-mrd by W. 11. II
Baker, aud uisi usseu by various members
ol the InMitute.
Address ol Welcome by S. L. Tient.
H-adiii The Angels of Btieiia ista,
by .Miss Mamie L. Scull.
Kvcitiilon Over the I lilts to the poor
House, by Carrie Schna k
K.-p ut What wc uei d iii tic- Schools
Ol" Somerset County, by . I. D Meese. Ills
cussed ii Hev. Trusul, Messrs. 11 iIik-ii,
Trent and llartz. ll.
Hea'lMijfby H. v. A. V. Truva!.
ll.M UsMoll Is Success ill I raciiin the
He.-ull ol l ulluied Kil.irt 1 Opeiied b
J. V. Weakiand.
Lecture Projt, by Prolessor 1'.
31. Seuseiiig.
A FT E It Xi mix FKSSHiX.
Ib inirt The deman 1 of the C-otutiiou
School System ou the coming century K.
J. Voder. I-ecti're Mensuration. Plot.
! M. Sellseui,!.
Lecture How to teacli
tl Ltljillsh HI OUT
C'Himou schools.
Kb:er L ..P. Bitlle. Kcpott-The life ol
I.' ctnre Seh'il I)i- ipliiie, by Proles
s.r S. S. Burnett.
K. ort Klemt nlary Iiisirui-lios. by .'.
C. eiler.
Ib isirt "We Heap what we Sow," by
J. S. StncVr.
I.eciure Kduc:ilion, by Professor Pal-
n, 1 1,1 City, Pa.
Lecture on Scliiad Ii-iip:inc c un ! jd. d
()V i' Bariiell,
The lollowinj! meiniiers wele i-Ueted to
coi.stitutc the Boatd ol Lxaminers
Pi iin.inciit t. ePitieaK s : S. I". Trent, P.
M. Ft', icr, .1. C. Weileraud .1. F. Div
Heiii al ( ur Public Si hoois, bv Pn
s ir ttiol.
Discussion D 1 our Norma! sdiu is tub
ii!l the ciios lor w hicii tliey are ilesi-111 J '.'
by ,1. C. li mla!!.
I. eciuu Means to sei Ule attention, by
Prol. s.-or Barncit.
II. put Sieip.n S:ours, '" J
Dively. K.say Tei. her s Meetings and Teach
or s Iiisliluti s by Miss .luiuiie Liv 1:1 ii. . !.
A D:m.'ouii Ldu.atioi mci i's re bit ion
tot time, bv J. L. Pii-h, Lnj .
1 1 port Literary t uiluie, by Charbs
Class (Iroi in Literature bi.h l.p:s;i.ry
nini'iisiti.:!;, l-y
I . Trti:'
KV i. MM
sl .vtl N.
l.V Mi.s I.:
Esjay I'lili'.i iiiss, l.v Mis I.iiliin 1 ou:.
I.ieturi Lhimtia'.', hy .Major K. M.
St In i ii k.
K''Hrl Timers l uiit on :iiait. l v I'.
M. Kislier.
It-ciurt S itr. rin j :m 1 ll iin;, hy S. .1.
UcMirt Dailv l'irp;iia i-.n ! I lie Te tell
tr. t.y M. .1. I'ritts.
The Eieineiilary Sounds, i y l'tofis.-r
S.J. llatnett.
Adoption of reixiiuiioiis.
lt'. iii irks hy iiii'iniiiTs ot I its' it ;it''.
t'u motion ol J.C. i !li i, 1.:-lit tite ml
joumed run tiic
To tiik itoAUDs or 1'iia.iToi.s o: mini
HlsI'l tTMK lUsTliKTs i.) Tin: l I SI l
The loilowici is a toil of the atlt ni'.ini 1
! of ti m hers at the ("oiiiitv liisiuute. mi.i
, the number ol das each was pit.erit:
I 1 lie fi(iure piatvd i'ppsit.. t!.i- n iui.s
ciiiuily the tlays preunt : thus, 5 ik-uons
j five i!as, 4 tour da. iVc.
I Addiwin A. 0. llolo-ii. 3: II. .1.
j Joder. 4 ; W. A. S llird, ."1 ; .1. M. il
' kins, "J ; C. E. I leiinison, 1.
I Ailivhiny Nentou Iei key bile, 1:
lain 11 ie S. alki-r, "1 ;
I lieriinl. M. Kisher, -I ; Drv.-ie Iti i-
baker, 4 ; I.izte Miismt. 4
! l!roUiersaile S. l. I' r. 4 ;
! Ihiibara E. Coleman, 0; I- 1. Walker, '.' ;
j Mauassah SiuMirikiT. o
! l oin iimiiLh 1, W. S.viber, ; E V ,
lilouh. i.
I 'oi.tiueiite Au.eliii t'iark, ".
Eiklick J. M. I'iK.U. 5 ; !'. A. K. achy.
. J. it . I oicimu. .1 : .1. v.. Iveti'i ol, i..
Jiei u iile M. I.iiit, 4; K. K. i! 's
ti tii r, U
Ji liner Nettie Y. Eraiik, ) : I I a II
Ciailaher, S : (.'. Fisher. : I. . e
M Ni!f, .1 ; t' Elrick, 3 : Levi IVt. r
sou. 5 : Ed. iJ. Maurer. " ; It. F.
tni r. .1 ; . 11 lloniiiaii. .j ; 11. 1. i iai'.i,
5 ; .1. J. Misl.!. r. ; J V. Fleck. : .1. .1.
ii ilev, 5 ; J. II Gardner, 3 ; Frank M !
kr, S. I. Tiiiiiiw.
A,:ms. u': J. P. Mm
I '.' : Walter l..C..v.o .
. Milar.
. 1 ;
; J l:l;n
Marv A.
A Vi . Pii. 0
i:: .ek. i
i Meielsi'.ali .1. F.
J.ivi I'ttx'd, 4 : Ad a
! Koontz, 4 . ( htisiie 11
olsbue. 4.
Sin lit r, 3
! Muldiei ri ek 1. C. binder, 3; j
Il.ker. 2. " i
Miili rd J. P. Weiim r. 3 ; J. ( tiiiii
full, a ; J. W. -'chria.k. 5 ; ti. I!. Sniui-r, I
5. W. II II. I'.akcr. .1 ; Mattie .1
J.C Wtller, 4 ; . W. U.m her. 5 : .1. C. !
: F. 5! iii. r. 5 : li. M. l'ker. 4 : J A. Will. 1
i i ; A - F.vatis?. ;;.!. I!. T.-drow, 5.
t'aiat-T-G. C. Uriltkey. i ; Levi rsaaiik,
; i-
i 1)111 iiialuiriin.' Tlavi.l Miller. '2 : J M
i . c 11 .. 1 . . . 1 . .. 1 m
t ier a. . . , . 11. tiai tiuai t, : jpi eiiuau .
. . 1 ii H-.. ....I 1 . . 1 . . 1. 1
ruin t-i , o,i. ... 11 rait lan.i, . 1 1 lull
01 .. .1. .
UilHi 11. 1. '
sij.i.urvJ. J). jbw, 5; Uattie
s.u-zll)riIi '5
S-niiersel lkir. L. 1 rent, ,1 ; Sidney
Postleiliwa le, 5 ; Lizzie K.mi-i, .1 ; Kua
Kiiiimel. 5 ; F.. C ii i:it-r . ; M. J. Con
nelly, 5.
Si Di rset Tp f. A. CrUEtl.. 5 ; W. A.
A ams 5; S. ti. Adama, 0; D. 1.. i'hil
ipp,4 ; M J. Piitts. 5 ; J. I). liter, 0 ;
C. F. Walker. 5 ; C. J. Miaver, 5 ; J.miah
Bvta, 3 ; H. C. Musselnian. S : Jaiuef.
liou.U. 5;M. II. Mjers.5: J. II. Fox,
5 ; Will. Fern-r, ."1 ; Alice A. k1. .") ;
Kale Snder. 5; Laitm P.. Kiiep;-r. ."1 :
J W. IJa'rklev. 5 ; C. P. Miller, ; 1. S.
yeiier. 1 ; Norman Mu-s iiuaii. j.
isfonycretk D. IL ' Walker, J : J. M,.
pncppci.'S ; Z. T. liininiel. M : J. J. linv
puiail, ii ; W. j. .-iicr, o ; . Jl
ker. A ; H P. Brant, 4 t W. C. lk.ijm.
i ; M J. Snyder. 3 ; J 15 l.iiiila-it, 1.
Si-iyt-aiuMu -Frt dUrui, 4 , P. A Ununii,
Sumo-di II. M Ili rkley. 3.
Southampton Lilian M. 3 ; Clara
B. Milk-r. 5 -. H M Mdle.. b : N. D. Wal
ter, .1 ; A. W. Baa in .n. .1.
Willi rstjuri; J. M. t:.-k. ."j : ). L
den. .1
I rtfina I. J. Miller, 5 : Al'.ie Davv;
- KlMl-Vllo 'ASl BV TUE IT-
Htrolrtd: Thai e lc.":ii!ze in the
prewui eeeciou .rf tlie T.-iuhn a Ii.sli.u e
uf Simef-l CrtiatV, tlie leaivsl imixs
that ka I Htm Ur rnw.ned the ttf.rris of all
bt have labored ill tills, or auy previous
acmtun t
throuuU want ol zeal or lukewarniiiess.a
senled thiiusehes fioru our MsiiHi. an l
itiused to asvi-1 tu in our en 1- avors t ad
vance the cai:s".
That wc heartily endorse the
icli"ii o: th.ise Boards of Directors wh
nave LTaiitcM tile time tor llieir teachers !
attend this las'iime. and we earu' v f
j licit :l clow-r s tnalliy of piretits and clti- !
Z'ns in our worn.
ii-.t'jlrfil: That in our present Super-intcDi-i,t,
PmI. J. B. Whipkcy, we tind
it jreiiileiuan ever at the trout, working
zealously and earnestly for the advance
ment of educational intererests in our
countv, ami we attribute to bis ceaselei-d
exertion and untiring energy the success
of the presiul Institute and'the advan're
m nt th- prol ss on.
UtMihtd: Thai wc regard the eCuci
tion ot tue masM-s a es-ential to the tos
jeritv ot the H-putilic. and led it a patri
otic duty to Use all pr.ipcr means ol s;is
laiuiuir ami eDtoreiua s. stem that Udl
educate all Without disimrtioj of race or
Juio'ri'l: Th-it we ii;?preLiie the at
t"mpl about miking to reduce the leutt'i
of our term ot school sess;o'i to four nio;i!hs,
ii'it iin: as ruinous liut bi every way dc'.
rimeiital to the bu-st interests : the sciioo'r,
nti.l we. th-- teu.hers ol S imerscl isiuutT
j respcclbiiiy Uri:e our IiepreseIlI.tilvt'S to
increase. Hie term, and iirant Midi a tii-
! vUioti oi lime into Summer and Wiuter
i .
sessions us may l-e ueemi vl a lVi.iiile hy
parents and directors.
:,.oUel: That to Profs. SeiiMiij r,nd
Barn .11. tor their ell irts in our l-eh di dttr
i'air such part oi our mei-tins as they wer j
present; to tlie Piscipie's Con in -aii in,
whos kindly trranted us the u-.e ol th-.-ir
.lurcii-'mildiiii: lor a put w ses-i i:,s.
to the UleeCluti. who furuisiied us wi::i
j such exci. ilent tannic during our meeiius;
to the laJii-s and pentleineu oi the town,
w bo ci'iitri'u.tiil in various ways l our
cnjoyiiii Hi ; to the audience, win hive
cliecn d our hearts by their piesi uce arid
attention: to each am! all we tender our
s r.cere lhauks.
O.lXil Oi- it NTt.KKKITKIiS AliKKsT
KI). Las', week liie Cii.c! oi Poiicce !
Johuslowu ari.-ieii two men al that phie.
charged with uttciiu countcrleit money. I
w hich, ii vas IU1MI4L11, vas iieln ; 1,1:1m- !
1 ici tired in the noil hern pan ul Cuiunm1
Cimiitx . I'he paints wtie j.ivt 11 a hear-:
111 1: and in deiaiiiloi' li.ul weie sent to Ihe
Aiiciicny county jul. At ihe nine of
Iticir nrrvst over two hundred t'oluis in
siunous haivi's ami ipi.ti';iis were leuuii
Oi tl:T 1 cvsons.
tlie palms clieepnl ou thcr pal.s
and tlie tiiii iain was the lesiiit ol tiic 111
ViMi::i:inii us m M-i'ittt:d i-y the Jonhsiuwu
J't'Lh'iflt -
lu the issue of tint JV-.v . ,'if of Tliursdai ,
tlie-lt lust.. He (lave the ..ilicuial oi
the c..i:ure on ii:e previous day ol tai
li.'n u.uiiei! -) .111 Lauce e.nd Sairl. v
I AicMillet;, ol Indiana Cor.iitv. ami were
j arrested ul Liii s Slatlon, Caiuin ia ( uti:i-
, oil the charge of uttering s.ii:rio.
liiolli-V of the IKUoliiina'.loii i.f halves.
quartets and live-ceut nicaeis.
i in-se two inilividuals tliviiied the i.j
caliou oi ihe plaias where bous silver
coin Was itiaiiutai lined, and staled ilia!
oue den could tie I01111.I i.t a i.niii bouse
j know u as Decker's i'0111!, si mibs di
1 taut Iroiu the VilSiaec of Marion, ,u lu-
i.:ai;a l "ouiit. , aud liie o'.hei at a l.iiieb.
house situi t 1:1 t!:e 1 itie rei'Ts of (. l.-ai-lielii
LouiKy, inn.4 mil's iiu;u ol Cler.
Hope, ami jusi :11103s the boid. rs .1 ( uin
l;na. 'II t ii.iay 10 r iling last Mr. T. II.
klliiiiicli, lleputV I . S. -Marshal lor this
tiiMiici accompanied ny CoiisuUUe lieore
V. i i ins-lo. ol Wblliore. :-t i! Tcd onliic
Way Passe;! train tor Biai.svi'ie In-
tctseelioii. and il'o'.U tbi lice pioccid. d l.
Iniii.iai, ! r tile purpose ol tnin.'loi! !
feet Ihe eipiMie of the i;ar.. ii s.ii'.irdav I
tlicv pioci tiled to 1. 11:011, and thrmc.11 :
tlie agency oi Dr. Tiioiiipsou, who owi:;
a More near ti:eir iiojeetivc poini, liici i
suctvi d-.-.i in iiiaKini the acquaintance . fi
a iiiau u..u.ed Kimiev, wuo 11... I In :i bi
mate,! I'll!1, a ;.: clavs re ions inio tn
j in v sterieb 'i'ttukins an I p issin 1 ci.untet
j tell colli, ll isdae this iu.liv;dui 1 1 ni.
tila; he d..l not 1:0 l.a. k ou ihe p;. mis. j
lliadc to 11 nd al: the llS.-istallci" ill his poiv- 1
1 cr toward unearthing tin- w hoer matter, i
! and it w:siiii:i.h t'uroujii bis iutruraei.- '
ialitv lust Ule liliib-.i lei's were cjm:re.i. !
:i S.iur.iay liijibt tiu otttccl.. piotvet: 1
cd VI I s Poll.!, 1111 i loi..tei
selvn 111 tiie r.or.f ol I ;". iuouipsou
ll:e iwo men V, i.olU theV V.clc aii' T
I i-.'Ut-.i to :
I I'll In--1 . I:
..-I.! ut t:.
1 t.:tt'.
tun aril
Tim :c
MlVi'T. am.'ij
ami .Mr. l'.i:iui.el, wiih liie J." ulio
li Hi; (.-: . l-.u I Jii.'ii, v, flit to tin: Im:. sf ot
Wil is A i u s, wiit re tl.e in uiui ii tore
l.n ait ii. ut at. i. lit 1 o'l imis on .:ii:i..;.
1.11111.1':;. A"i.-!'-.iiii';inr.i!iii,r tin- li;:::.i:i:.
liie I'. S. ilileliii, au.l foiiii I
Ay ria in a Mtopin cImiiiI'ci', vv ii I. hi-
i.e, w lule Suifoj' .u-iMplvi a
eoiii li iu an liluT pirt of lUe h iii iiri-.
I lie ineiipau's utic aii HiU'iJ uli ji ul I
tin- time. i:iid ll:e oi!":i-t r.s Im.' im i!i."
in j :ai in hi ui lets i ii the wiisw ol
i. is. iiliout itistuihiii J hii repo-e.
1 Iir !
other 1:1 t.lleuiuti wu alss. n-iuuiI ill like; )
manlier, aud u senieli ol the ri '.i.ssi s ,eu j
1 Uiu'ii-. Ai tliini: vub tolil.d here to itidl
! r ill- tin ir i-.ii !oi . vi -i-iil iiis nit m L'a'iori ol
I plaster I' nis, which was evideinlv ued j '
1 ir iii.iki;. iii iiiis, mid a sin iil tiie, wiilcit I
s. ivid im pu.p: : j ol tin. imjicr- i
ttt i e.l ..t iii- 1 i 11 i.t ilie vent a .'n r.: i
til. tl...tai U:.s -i,lli:.i 111!.! .be nisi. I by lu
1 il.' t I 111 ll H l Te ll',l 11 l lllil.llll i.,:l'IM.l
l'ii kl.. ..s js.x.i ii.--, an. I liii tu ii.i.'' of
."l.eriii iiloail, W 1 r.ll:lse'l lo put
c.Mra l'u.ii.I our tuiiu n tit it Ilie olliceis
i oiiid ... i olllpllsll tUe lelll ull ll r ul tneir
mission, lu coiiipuiy wuh Kiiiiuy tu y j
nun s.aiieii u.r ii.eli nope, miiv.n uu r. ,
iu ki;.;ai. hiie uoiur lucre it h.ip- i
lied loiiunaiely thai liny uu i. D.-j.tity
Mu Hi! Worlds, ol l ltal'!ii id fouiily. au I
he uuMd 1.1 i.rsisl ia the catuie ol l ie
Uieii tli.-;. Weii- looking lor.
li was liar of Tj" 1 iy w hell
liie house ol Sards Was ie;ii'!ie.l, uie.l ihe
il.s'is kadii trum the! cle at
unci: ,;i:ariii-il. iuie the I'. Depiiiy n:id j
t'itli.-vr oi id-iiiitn.-.i ii.c liuililltu. l'iiey J
I.. 1:1111 Sicoii M oil 1- 'i '01 imii hmiili, 101 i 1
1 A.i.uii 1. 1. 1 i, .'
' ilm e ia.; 11: a
ill.-ii el -tai,. I I
: tiie lti Uiio :,
in Wailels filling t the
.;.if- ainl, niaisiiij; k:iin
l:ie iw i miii. al OIU K l.i".
lull. I'.i the LuiiOiiii; ik.'-
1 111 rjli..s ;ts i.llil.d t.l llio.llds :
o..t t o is-. . . .. v ... . i
o..,o. pas.ei p.iiis.a.... ,..i,i
'I liie ei-liilli ol si.Liri .as li lit il.i, .
i t.suc :
i.ils. T .11 o.' w ire tcrv lll.t foil - I
Mil;, audcMuc.-d o.iisider.o.le Dillon i
Hi. 11 in ul tin- 1.,-iuiii... inii-r The. ..t'..-..t
.....I ;., 1 . . 1. ..i:,, ,l i 1
1..1.I lll tue h' iniualllity oi t,o...s.
, I0..-I1 li.i'l eilu.-i,;! bee.; m.i:!e
UUi K.clltiy.
i 1 he ,-pi 1 ::.! i!i tic'ive liiade an
flu l- :
j 1...11 i.t .-rr 1. b. V i:iiyi:s.-..i:ii r it.i'.ie!-.
I ;iLa:i.s- I lie lo l,o uere brought ou I
: Deputy K:ti;i:.e'.i. iimi a iu-anii was a
ctiJ'.J llniiiat o oilmk tin
loli-ui i.,u. i
I 1 I.e ei iil.-iii-i- educed was m.Iii: !..-;:! t
1 '
i ti'y the l.-iic'.iuj over ol lli-.-irt tor trial at
ihe i'ei rualy J'erm ol Ihe t . S. District
i Cot, it, uinl u.i liiey were uiia'.i:..- lo lun.isii
had in ihe sum ol $i,kM taeli 11 e nuiiiii-
lin-iit Was iti.m-j olil. and liii-y i-v 1 : 1
Italii-J in Hie A;ie"lienv toii'ity J..i.
:.:; . -x.i:i.i:iai;..ri i i:.,iv ;.t..i.
l lii-a.v" ': the keiiiiiiii nt uf c o:ni
..... u h.i tin.! liiu le.ii. - i.t r..i ..I
;:u !
Ihe loutitain ot their ut-uuli and siren'li
VlKlis r.l;ti.U.tilLI.A. It i tl.e tun!
lutein ol all the nlierativia io punly ihe
. , , , , , . ,
avati ill and li.o olisid
Ii is- ksesM-a
luvigorattr.i (pia.iti. s, a-, that it stimulates
the vita!iii.ttii'i pur-j. s out hec
ninth lllltl'.e UUli tue hi "1.
plilU"l:'2 j
dei-ii.'emeiil and ih-a.-. We are ussoieii
hv iiijuv in'.i oii-ut piitsii i.ius tint llos '
. - -
mt-.lii :ue cures Uyoiio a:t o;l.-.-r of its i
k.nd. and siecau tur'.ily !!:- stateiie ut if!
our own i-Mii : ii nee .l-'.-.i l.j, . li'-,,.. .
l atle: lHiprr.fttoat.
Il is sui. rally tuppisid l.y a rln:n'
class ol ci i Mis, w ho are u i( prattitul or
experieuted. thai D. sjH ; sia tan not inv-;
riahiy la- ttir. d, bat 'e are p!ea.-ed to ssiv 1
'il.a: t iLL't.N K Al vl ST Fi.ol.t; has n.:ver, J
to o.:r k:isi i,-,!:'C. W.W.I in cure lh spt ; ,
-ud Liter Cr.iiiolaiu'. in n.l i:i foriai such .
as l ur Moiii u h, Ciaiivi-n. ssi, hi. if IIo.J-'' Sj.
achi', pilpitaliLiii of the Heart, luft kpil.le, i ,,"
'-. tal ot iX)r.-.ii o tKiltit-a ..!d i
is.: ur. U"l a kincio fa. lure 'u ie;si. it.-.'.. '
t.lit til -Us-ili fs ol Colilpilllii ut.iry It-ll.'laHs. j
criveii ii-.i'ji Drujiia'so: wniidirliil cure.
Three do- mil leueve any . ise. 1'rv it. ' - -
aiuple It.utii-s 10 is-uts. iteuuiar ! "o
cents. For fale ti t;. W. I.sf oi;d. '
In tie AVesierri Iiiruer,tiarv liu r arej
(I' ll jert H liui.Jred iiioi lenty-Sfe priso !
tins U-m; ll.e largest nuiiils r iliai .:is;
evt r in that icstilr.ii.m al anyone lime. (
In roii.e ol tlie te.i llieTe ate;
thr, e pii.son. rs d lo ea.-h. an-1 ja '
tlie ieriKiiuie-i,l llieie are i
od hundred and le.
iiewii Asi ium. eihl
emplonsl. In l;x 1
inilea weal of Pilis-
hurh, Uiefe are lour huuiifed and Uiuety
muiale at the present Uuie.
Ttiit b.l Uiii'jicd w,ts inkers e ;i
was IH-Iievoil hear bis end. The old ?Mue i
came to his bed-idp, and ailer far.fu!!r ex
auiiniii big iiimiitinn, exdaimed : VVy,
daddy, your fj. t are ciid, and your liaudj
are r obi. aud tmir nise i e '." "Wa'ai,
let nm be roi! I :" - H y. d.U,!v, you're ::- i
i H b die !" "''"ii'ai 1 iTiie. s I "know v, t
1'ui 'hojt." Yv. da Wv. wm'a to lie. 1
niuie of ini- if vou die'" '! ilnnnn mill
ion t care
W'ilt I want to Udow is Wat's
to linmia i t in
ftiir- r'.--i.nt',- . 1 ,i .
Il n.n, rn cTit.j ft..rpt..l the aceuctr
lor tins countv ' I the SluJ. Inki-r ( o I
stn seiiici,'eicebent wagons of uli dimea
Win- 1.11 tt-....,l 1......, '1- ... 1.11
" " "I"'-" "u.3 eu i'ji;ars
Any pi rs.,n wanting a wapon w ill ccr
taiuly find U decided';.' to their interest to
consult tue lefore purchasing elsewhere.
.Somerset, Pa.
ti.-v S.iliirtay l ist, n Hen tiie iiiereurv
bad I'oiie tiow n to the liotloiti of the ther
lli"mciet, ami the snow Was beitii pi'ej
tip in drills ii Uigh ;:s a ten lail fence. Mr.
Jki'..'i Kiminel. ;;ii 1 1.1 teiuletuin ol -i
vearsoi ae, rtniii-J ,c:-nrelr I rum his
Sioiite ii:fH iwa, a dts'.ai.Ce 1 i icur mile.
r . .,,;, . , , , . ,. 1 . - it ' 1 r i.-ndii. ; tosur biiimsu wuli.,d
01a l the eoue oi a li ;ciu: at'out tn o and
ubul; latlvs K-vimd How inanv 1 f
tie .-ui!C Itil.iv.s v ..1 reiiu-nitfr t!-e
cm oi ij.i
:! ". s much.
V.I '1
On Tuesday a'U-rn m.i, '
IIc:iidi..iaai, aservaiil i a!
I..-S M U garet
tin1 Mansion
.it suVidu by
imcsc, ii'i.e.ujiii ! t-i c '.ut:.
t ::ii ai t .iiic- wt ! iiui tan:
J-tiet-ir l f tu- !; .'!-, ,;, t!;-
uii'ti ioriL-1. ili.-tii.irvcd Mi?s
1 i.e pr
il.iy a!ioe
II. on the
roiiniN oi iiuiu..ier c .nduct. and the
xoueu inly U-cottiinv; s..:,iewhat cl:aur:;:eii
ll.ri.iicir.i lo c iu. Hit s in iile. uud while
in iier r-ioiu in i.u prcs-uce ..!' oue of Ihe
t h-r servants, fink ner p.;ck:-t a v;al
iMntHiiiin laii bin im, liie co:itei oi
which s..e swallowed. 1).-. Chirk was iiis
niciii.i'ciy suuiiin ii. u mul w ith great tiif
li' uiiy s.aete.-iUal 111 iv::i., liie -iiie of Miss
II. Ti; ., we are inform. -d. is tin.- third
attiTiijit, iluriii:
h :s llltib' to Co
.11! li'itr.i.
the j
-i-t b
w iU'll
11 '
r evcidicjs are here,
eu tone the sew'sna-
1 ii'oui oa
s.s ialnllc c:
a'Kiitt the unclean-
i'i l.iiipai. 1 won.,'; r w lr, ui iibhor Jones'
l.iliiiiv aiwais K-'-lll lo kilo.v w it is e,,.
in;i on. and h . be is e. er.astiii'iy 1 11 ir.i'
..1:1 luoiiey tor ifi.ise i!ewsp.i'p,rr
iiiat are ai a a s i.'ii.liil and keeping the
:oi:iury 111 an uproar, and do u . uou i
an.i h..vv. Ii you v. :i;i: bright
alio tut.--:.i t!t cli
-Jli, i:!cribe mn
' pay lor: y.r.r i-unty m-vi spaa-r, and then
in-'ca.l oi io. io iie ones t!io in j about, j 011
i "''I lii.d thiiii dis"tis-!liu tiie hi.p;K':ii"ii-s
1 in llieir own and other ne:!n orlnsais,
iai:d rowin-4 ibiiiy ::i know ':. .le, wi-d an
and l' . i i.c Hhuai.o i tiie jriper
! yo:i want. Ii c i.tains all tiic l ;cil news,
j l-rint-no inde. cut aiiveriisitintiits to lure
Ihe touiior slunk the a.ed. un:! is ab
vvais full 01 iutenstiiv.' and profitable
rtaitiiij; uiulter. per c:ir in ndvam e.
c ii name nuii jh
rc t;!lv.
i rrir. :.s in I l,c ; .st,
ivtr .tlii.tisiiid.s. si:u
!. r.' iJ.e iu.'i;is n liiuii
; iii'.i'.ili. .Mi'i-t tin;
:i:'i.'j!i ! !. ami ili-pn'.f
t::i.l'L' til lU .lil-i;r!!ll
' !.. Tir,' W:M
l !y iifc.i';- ihry ny
: irii .ii-?r:r.i-r :.t t lit? ;
j inv.ivi.ui y i!vt:
ililll.l. Illl'IC i
Ci 'I: t I r j
i ;.s sjil'tt!!.'.
i .i:.';t::i' i'ir.1
.-.H.iiV i" loi-
i :i v ui ::i-r iii'v
UCS illt.s,
hl'il Mill in 'I
.1 III. lo !
, , !
! V Ih in ;
i iiVi.i.P
i ll I
it "'I i"'t'iiii':.l rvllii-i
iuitu' ' ; :: w imii
t. in,.! l.-t.iiili'i-iir
i-.r I'r. M.n; Sv
Lli' '!
Wii.l flu
Hi (,-ii:s.
rrvaa.J l!:ir:li.iiri:l. 1 nal
iiv jui.ii "it.'i'.-n'.s ana
I 'ir sui - l'i"
A is' Ai nt
V'cti) Sviiti.,
i io, u:;.! n
(.. V. i:, i.i.:i!.
i l'ur I'r.-: . i'.ir.'i
l.ii.'.i lli'HT I iii;
i:t! I ..1-' li lii-, Sl!
1'1,as.ui! j '
ri' ll-llllt j
:'.i'.!T.Kl i.:irs'it:' 1 .
Ai;t:i:u .i iiK-
Mt:' r. i!.M-VrtSYl!!l'. I'll.,
is7li. ;.v Ufi. Waitcrii'k,
nit, t.) i:s3 Martlia iii!it.'-
I I). t; i
I.Mr J
i i:l.,':
:r it-,
;.U K
m'.i v
iUS. At li.o
tue '
nuii: :!
ijy ti: tti. iii NiineiB' t.
H !:.V, li:.:i.l:l. Mi:
, :n;.. i .. lsiti ivliu s and i i..' a ii
!S 1.
:;. I
1-a 1aii .11, Im'.Ii
'l ! I
If' . ,t li
ot '(. in; ir,
M:-. J.plm-.n. :
1 -.;'.. by i WWt ilickeriieil,
schiot k !i' -M:.-s Fiii- rj V.mti-iii'.-w
i coin.!;-. I'.i.
-ol;i;L !n llirilu. Pa..
i l.iii. i- ih oi
Ib-ct u i-r '.'i. I.'j. !;. Uv. I. !ii:;t.i-rjt r,
oli K in. me 1 ?. of S!on cieek". u;.il .M:s
Alii l.eel. ol l.iuKsf.e. n.
r, . ,,,, ;,,. o- t, ot:!i, a,
Ihir K' ioltilt' l p irs lii-c.'e. S:.illi is..l,
Ilev. 'fiu.vih Mr. l!.i:rv l'..rr ami .1
!..rv r.roo'.is ii.iih ol' Sili -s'. i:le.
MAKKEi! HAY On Siim'ay Ihr
2 1 1 n. t tin lio'ise ot A iirai'..U!i 'A Hiker
Matt-, Mr. Uaiti' l Miik-.-:
, ot Ilruih
; " " " " k : i .
! IU 11I.
! -
. !, -ct isi'i'-r I". iTii, Mr.
( iiiten
fcu oi .'i:iersel Ioi usliip, .
: -j w .: s, ! 1:101,1 !.s 7 d
I KI' K. ). .-. it:--, r '.';. IT i. Clarence
i ( lii.i-.ii, only riiiM 1 I Khv.H il and Annie
I IJice. i f till, place. 1 year, -4 iivmtl.s
; and tl.iy s.
' t Ie: t e Hi U 11 tl.'otl Ir.s! sliU'J
-No-v i 'ie U'i.e I otiii'i. Imu weepiai ;
Ah. I:.- pi nt el..l. pal.: and luiid.
lu its t.ariow l.eil ii.
A :id jio si-. Ii i.f ai! jti'.-!i
:-.l 1:1! !
.ild ol ....
OS, Oil I. h
and pi:
.1! V..l ... ol t ...Ii -all 1 p l .1, j
! I.oi-i. 1 h"U wi'U.-lst i" i'.iL'.T leave it : ;
i... .v.-iitv i.i'.in i
.. ',. ' '.. ,',,.',i
! -' ' '" " 111 f""il !
i,,:...) r; s;, ,t!..,, '
.- - ... ... -ri :,, :: .: ;
-' -- .
";f 1
i:tul AtJi'lft
- - i
r. yi n ne.v h" t'sim itil S ru p of Ku- ;
rim i. --a -r.i i.m . I" cure ni.i : uui.a. i. .1 ue
- ai. i l:a .-:' T. .::. . .'. ..r u; ,.1:..-' . urm- 1
oi In
; i::u .r pu;
I es. araiei. Ki- t.
i'r.iiii". Us'-:is.-S.
1-1 ill the Ob ' k ..I
i.i.-t'. a i an.l eni,
is--. ..: a !Ci" "I
! u-s-rr.'uif
t s:n.-i!;
l. . .tr
e...:. l.c. pita;
i-ti. s itt.t .1.-1-.-. tr v y. (-
ii,.i... .ii 11;.
I i:ura'.lii
- 1
..r m x.
'--IU!s U.Ml .
I Oll'.HU I- pi.. -i.v .
i .,..1 n.SI.-al are. r .r 11' I i' o. V. . ilelll T I M
! 1 ., ..mrte'.. !., auu aiiil im a. Co.. lUs.'ia
; et..e. l'a. W
Vji'K!:r a tuii i t
1 '...Tre-'i' I .'"-tc a."
I t l .'.KIU is
'choice cnocEHits, noa
oo joe
1 '-'i
, Tjt
A:.;.:.-s. .ir:
i. f t .
. a il..
il;..:.. 1' l.s
lio 'ir,
Hu::r. fi fc (r"l'J
WHimt, f ''asi.'l
1 u.eai. 1 -O IS...
' li:eSJX. i' &
: i, . .. . : I...,, ii
e,-au:ry I I't-s. .
Ie ri f ''-
!.",u "
i - ri. 'I.,
i'.ii si.
h.j-. f
'tl- r
1 K.
: ii.
u i.. : f t
t-ti.i-'ur- ) r
Ltat .et.
r Tv"C
.. 1 OO
.... . as
"" 5o.a-r
..." -1C
, fi W
,... Ti
lli-it i'
l Ii
Pcaelie. J
dl-.l 'il.
.V- te A'lrrrti .-t; in 'n'.
EST .!',
y. ETCCKMAJf, E7BOK0 8TEir,3Scw Iciis.
U -1 f -w li - I T - 4 .. .at .J 'a-.. . r-t -C
iT . r -9 gT rr - "i
p sv-sx r.- Z'-a s-.'- J',
Jj'aJ vl I'S f&t'Ji .
h i M il -3 - v .' 1 -
ft. frrmsft-k wr4 wv lw m J
1 " lt-. - t-r," i - i- ' I rHr r'l. ii, -irssa-tswt?
to- r '- ; l w i 4
fm.l-. . fsur aX 'A HwaV-il w.-4i.. . --i. I '
IWsAI 4aTUtf Tawn svst f iWU.
llvvirtneiif ron.lrr wrils of Levari Farias. Fieri
F.v ii nJ cn l Kl In-uoi vnl ul tue O-urt
iI i:iiim-' I'U-aii ol N.mcwl cainlr. Pa., an.! tu
m ilir :!i, I w;il c&ik. ( wile tv iu1i1h: ouwry
at ll.c C.'un llt-u.Se, lu Smcrwt, u
'.... Jan. 10, 1877,
ai :
ut.. tltt filiiviD' licst'ritett real
IM le. til :
Ail tlu richr. tlr!. fi!iT-l sn.l elaim ut m.
I S.Vmk.i.l. la, aa.1 tu ilieiollowuiif Jcrti;i real
A ecruin tract i-I lani ultoaie in Jcff-rwa Tap..
S aiiTBJl f-i -ai v, ia.. oimaliiiuif ZA a-res more r
Ii -. nls nt -.s a,-re el irisl. wuu a ne na nail
Fr.' ry U-xilweliuif. h'tl bm mail other vUtl.bilJtnas
r i::"r n creeo-it, j!'ii.l:.'j lam.s ol Il.liry lker. ltxt. Hairv' Maker aad he i:u toe
- ' . 1 ' al" "eeijtlna the i.r..;ny fWm.
.'mtifc. nt 111c itmii. i uimui
: joha 1;,
rainm, ilie'd.
Alt t!; ritit. ti le. tnrwt ami claim of Wm.
Triu or. lu. and t th luUowiuif ile-rlueJ real
1 es'.ate, vit :
I A certain !r-i . nf tract nflni Isi'mt In Stuny.
j er.-ec I wp., SuuiiTSel tti.. ra., entiolnic S3
' nor . n ire ur lc-i". i nt 4 arre nf wt:ieh are in
I mi al atlclearfst, Ub a lwisTr)r Uac tlweiliiar
i litiu-c uu I ii'is iai)l thereon en-etrii, aaiioina
! 1 oi-'s ul J...-;:i!i W!ker. Jac'ib Snyder. Uliarhi!
j Z-rii.-s. rn-l o:ft-rs. wiilitlte aipurleBanres.
i'aken la i-t vaiitia .- mo 1 r 'lr.y ot William
I Trei::, at ihe mil ot Henry Frilz, use uf Hen
I rv 'ux.
! All the rl2h;.ti:!.' fnt?n st an 1 elaim of O. W.
1 lyn'i.m. i.i.lo. an 1 t the
t'ltiowma' cecritHsi
: real si.ue n::
1 Aieria.ntra..-i.flan-litBaielnI.iwerTorkeT-
j f,,4 ri(.. Pa., omlaiaiu l acre.
Hi""' or lers. 01 witurh taerc are ais ui ;j a. r
' ' 'e:,r- '-'! ar",,Jt s r . ,rU11
........... . ..... .., i...u... ni.i n:i.:!.r j..ho .;i tieiiy. i'liiiip
; iia.i ana a.J. Irf-uharl. with ilie apartu-m.'-s;
j I mi'll ia eteea i-'tl as Ine pr.. r.v el li. W.
. Lceliaria1. t lie suit ul K. Kiernau s uce.
j ALStl.
Ail the riaiit, tille. inrerej: and elal o of Jamies
' Mjirry. ...f, ia auj to llic lull.; iliiC ai s.-rlissj real
' estirtj. vir :
i A certain l''t at j:r.'U.n'l situate ia Stovstown
, IJ-.ivOiiti, Sum-rsel i-.uiuy. pa.. r-ffitainiMr 14
; aer. oiore ..r lei, wuh a lw.i-st.rv 1.5 Uwetlin
; liui n 1 . urt.uii.linz tlivreun ereilei. lron:lni
i on .-lain streel ainl ..ii'ilnma: Hue on tlie
j wea:, Isrui-ttker 00 H'C north aaJ alley en
I i:e ives:, 11 ll tlie n.lur:i'aTlces.
I I 1'jK. a Ir. -X'-eut iun ill )jr. .rr:y of James
i '.iurry al tiit sail e-i Joim it. Mi.ier.
Ail lh? riahr. ii'l :, inreres; an J el om of Ale.T.
1 V. ;iie, .t 111 anil to UK luiiiiw.liif Ue-rilie-l real
! isi.ue, Ll :
' ?oi. 1. A certain tr.vt of laml situate in Alle
' atieay 1'J., rs.rui-.rsel Co., fa., e..utali:iuz -s acres,
j or 1 .-l w.iijh 1 lie re is ai-ul 1 a.-re clear,
I wnti a oiie-hallsiory i.t aweiiiiijr Iskiw, stft'iiv.
si,c. aa 1 ifater j-iwer s-.w uiiil ibereou t-ses-iisl. ailj-au-,
j iiiki tanu. ol John liel-.l. .vu.irew fifcrrtiauitti auil
loiiiers. iili the a..tir.eiunees.
ao.-.'. ihe uinV-r riitut ol a certain tract ol
!:iTt,i sittt.ire In Atleirlienv Tie, S anerset eouniy.
: i'a . c..nlaiuui -W acres more or less, ud.1 anowu
t as tlie .-inure 1'oortmllilli lantl, aaioilillilf
i ot-t.itin Keilr. Josiiti Sualer aul others, with (lie
' "l'i uritu.incei'
i ikca in fstv-ntli-n v9 the pr'perty of Alex,
j aru. i Lheyuuul Hi-nry iiuais.
j A LSO.
i A'.t tin riirM. imcr-t r. 1 c'.alm of Jins
J Y :r. ki, ao i Io thi following mcrioed real
! A tvr..u:i tnii't of Hn 1 ?i'uit'. in St.tycreek
i To . xntt-ritM fniiii'v. t'a . rt.oiuiiiir 3 arrrii more
:it iu m.-a.Iow, with a oin--li::lf siorr plank
iiWL'iiniK u-rUntf, it'i? nam acn oilier ouiouiiiiins
; Ut rt't-xi erjflcij, a ij .-tUL'Uft'ir iiip-
p.'ini.tu. .140.0 l'MiT. itis l-ia iirtn anJ
oh;r. witii l tic il;lnf;ciliim.-tj.
lakt-ui:! es-t-Hii-n a tlu- prpTiy tf Jonas
1 !.' r, a x ie suit of nnn iv at nmnt.
AU t lie ri .Oil. 1 ill:, lini-rit a:i I (iaitn of H. R.
h Acinic- r, ot. muiid to the tuilowiHm described real
ca'aLe, vu :
A .-or: in !-t of cr.iuiid "itu.ite in IVr'.in Kor..
S'iu retl "t . roiituiniiiic 1- ure wore or
, :n:j jiiiim J. iM'hi.A u oh the w si, Suumrl
Fiulron "ii t'.itr f.t alic iu t ti norlh an t troiit
iii on .1 ii-t r.'i'i arifh ihe :iiiiiiirien.ttic(s.
i.ken i.n'X uii -mi- ih it wTty ol II. Ii.
Hol.-iiiK'-r at ihe mil t JMn Sriirk.
AjU?i .
Ail tli-; rial;, title, interest au 1 c!.ii;n of l.(iilel
ir:n-. r. iti .-iii'i to the liiuw:i dewnbe 1 real
e-: viz
(-vr:;iifi I : r.firr.m i I i!u-itr In Merlin Br..
S 'in rr-e: t ia., cn'iii!.ihif ' aTe ui'-reon-!',
ii:iiiii!kr (itruuii lifloruiir! ?rrje ari n the
lit?: ii. i r. ? .tre-t m liie f.(t alley on the muth,
in'M n at ine iUnu ii.Ni tit.Ufw U-t, wiih the ap-
'.iru A i. two lutf ! srniUiid rtit:iitiiMac
1-4 oi uu -m te iiH.-rr' or U?. 4S leu-, frutit and Z net
ltiutf on L z iu tl tvtf, kao
., .,,',.(. s,,n',! ;.... l':i.. i...tiii.ii'.i ly alley ..n
1:1- If .'Sl mil oil I lie u-rt 1-v '. . S. .11 juulaiu, with
"l'!'"r.. llm-es.
T.i.;:l; iu ee( Ull -n :l. III.' .r jiTty ol llalilel
-jn., ... ,,- ti,. -u:. ; I.-. J"!ia Mus-.-r
i'.i; 1 J-T.-iit'.iti .Miller, triistf.'s ot lli tKrmau
';'lo-'1 1 '.ii;rej;.i,.l 'n ol lieriiii, el ai.
Aii ii.e rilit. title, interest an. 1 clairaof S. S.
' I ol. 111 auj lo tiie lori is in lies-jnVil re-
j ul ert i:e. vi:
! A eer: .111 Ii i:-i aii'l lot situ i!e in il.irflisiisi ilie,
! s. u-er.-'l I.'. ... l':i., eui.iniiiiu 14 uere m'-re-.r les,
f : h a tir.--:.'r. ir.itue uaeliili' li .tise au t lr:ime
ill., tlurt .10 erect -.1 ' 'ir.imr lu:s
l...:.t.m u-t.s.u.11. .... I'll :m. ill t-ri !hJ W'-.
M.muei I 1.0.51 I'1 ".'Til! lllei Ip.l.'.in "U SlalU
s.t-.l Willi U. t ii'j.iir:eltaiu e.-.
i .ilitn iii .v-ttiLi..n ii- Ui- l'rrty
Ii.o.i rtt ::.t .-'I'..t.l.jsijb il . u u-.i .
A u
of S. S
.1 Ii.uh,
V: tn : r; x i. i :...'. i:i:"rrts- :ti I
if J.".li
liui.i. il.
l.l. airi io t!.e ..!l 'il. ilesT-ts-'d reai
es 41.'. if :
A ier:ai!i ti'.i.'i i.t TiutJ, &tii'.i:e in l'atut Tp..
S..:h. r-ct l'u.. l'u.. -.:Ul:,Ui:r '-0 nerts mote, or
Its-1 .-1 wi.u-ti liiorc are :o..jnt ;.iaT-s e!. nre-l an t
sls.ut lj acrts ill niea.t. w. with a ta ssi. ry Ir.ime
.Ivreiuii.' Ih.u?:. barn an.l '.rat'-r .t saw mitt
I'.er. on itcji- 1. a.!) -n.:n'' ! in-ls S.itiiti' i Fi-'k.
Aariai liTtey. Kore K.iuiman aud others, w.tli
;;.ur!eii ir,.-.s.
T i's. n in e.v.-.-oti..r. ss tbc ;.r.;-r:y ..f J is.'p'.i
limii'. it. at te .-UKoI ll. liry I'. J. t u.'.er.
Aii ;'j.. tille. i.iTi-r:'-' sn-l tl.ini ..f .f..e.h
FlS--. ... - ..n.i io tlie l'.i.Kll'l, ile-ritKsi real
A . I
Soli:. 1'.
' ". ::: i ?:'tla'c in S.illl'r-et Tp.,
tuiiiuiiitf l-Sl seres, in To or
- ia lae.i.l.'-a. aismt 7i ii-.-res
.rv ir one .tweliin-jr hon-.e, .ic'slM:. att.t oilier ou'.t.uii l.
.... i'.
1. :is i:: ia a -r-e-'.tr.
w i: a tit..-.
1..011. Vi.-o.ltli'-.!. i
11. -;-::, ,-r- 11 1
' is "I I ..risliau
! Sii.-k Tin 01 t.11 tt.e all li. Henry ll-ius-!elt 011 tlie
.-..iriiauii w.sf. eu.-rei'ui iini nesinewi.
i-i-.i;!; r. oi --n Hi'- m.-l. rl' an.l niers.-i ine
..ji tb-ii-nh wi'Ii the ai.urteuaii. es.
I asei. It; .-i-.-eiii -ii as th.- .ri-ier;y vl J. 'l'ti
r':!e, al liie tui. ! l et. r Vir.k.
Ail tl.e rtiit. title, liiier.-slan.t of W. .1.
M.y.-rs. ol. in ar. 1 lo the I. :l iWih-a- .ies Tihi-.l ml
esl.tte. ir :
.... 1 I ivu eer'ain l.its of KP.UM.t situ. ite in
a -r. ii,..rrt'.-rl.s'wi:,." a tw.l'si .ry lrame le.teT I
.ii..' .al.. r 1..10.U.! !iti-'. ttierei.o ereete.l. Irontio !
..11 .I'.aiti s re.-t. n-!.l'.irie.Hy analiey n tlie east. I
1 ! V . 11 Il.e li--r.ii. aiiev onilie west, oel kii"WU as !
ti.e 'ii.,!o rl- a- . wi-ii t;e a;.i'urt..':iaue.-s. !
No.- A etrl.iu l'i of an.un.l snuile in the
'..wi,! .rae.l. .-.iii.' 11 a-re, or !-s .
mil. x'p rla'-te at.! si.r.1 th.-n.'!! r."e.i.
t ir..r.: ..ia "ii N-rtii street, so, a.l.i'.uiiinf .iaei.l.
I.iiel.J -l I'll tt.e .-nit. II;.! all. V entile W. . Winiz
i:iiin. .:iatelv ill Ilie rear ot Hale House, Klta Itle
1 a.-urleuaii.-t-s
i .. :: A .s-rt.'ln l"t nf XT .Oli l" sltnits In the
i i.ku n ooe.i "ti wlii- li ll.-Te are ereelej a twi
; ilory .1 aeim:- h u-t hi -l s'ahie aiel otiier ..tu-
: ' aii'lttiir. m .ilin str" t. at. l n.ti ininB:
: . :;.iy i.'.r".-r hi tin- s.,u:ii. w iimotti a. Xu'ill on the
j we.', wi' li : lip s';-nr;. n.ine.-s.
.-. t. A ririain -ot ol i'r.u:nt siinate.1 a
at...-.-, e n: lining 14 aen-m .re .-r l.-ss. Inu'inu on
.nam s ri-ei. a-'l- ii.itiu aitey -n Ihe east, liiiuan
i s. .11 tiler on tlte west at: 1 ail.-y i.n the north, a ith
j t:-e .i.i.lir.'-i.::oee..
!T.:s- ti :o e.e.-ti..n as Ilie ir.iH?rIy of VV. J.
..:-.-. us, at tl.e sui: .S. Meyer" U"e, et al.
:il tli.' riyrt.r. title. Inter. t Hn.1 el..ttn ol Ilie
. K. i 'l:ur-h i-f I rsm-a. of. in an l to the toil.-w.
..... -t, . r . ej. tl . l.v vi 7 :
At ,i,.n eerlain et.tin i Mtil-Hnir arel the two
i. : ...I lir.'iir. i uji.n wou-fi the same is er.-rtel
ritu oe i.i tli 11 -r "I I rsina, an-1 nnm.Vred on
l iir il"; .lan ol -jl I t"Wn a lots Xi vj an.l Wsl.
tsaa..:iM t y 1. N.'.!-s on tl.e west, iieacU alley
. ,,..11. r-un-iry str.-t -n east anil
ii.-a r.-.-l . n tlie su.u h. with the nl.inrten:ine-s.
'tskii l-i rx-.inti.-u as Ihe i.rt;.'..ttlie M. K.
1 'imr-ii. at 1 tie sui: ... John A. I'Iih li;.i.
A I tile r.s:u, ill"', int-r.-si aoi eiaim o cairi.a
i;r-;:,:,.,. .,1. lu a... t" tl.e f..!i ..u.KdescriU-J real
...:;,te vii :
.N.. 1. A etr'.nia 1..I ..I ureanl situate in Mineral
p. ,.j. jc iii.t4. t o.uillv. l a., r..nrininir ', n.-re
1 .1 C'UilIll,' .! IIDT V a-r-'' litTll the Wrf, T!Jn-
:iir;u i i' k i-mn alir-y on th- !.ut h an-I (ri.Dtm .n
Airttii s reti. Hiijoiusim 1 i :a on the .!;,
fti'.lf u it'1 ! TX ttiv-nt ciaiti'! an i f:i !! ih-rt?n
vr: t iiii, l;h tli a(iiun-u:.Dn.
.f, A r.-iiu It i -r u:i i it;t vM' la .Mineral
Vint S. in-iVfi l'i . n il ifiiiiiar list Nu 1'
j (:.;it uux ' . a.iT tu re r ir krtit hp M X-. 1-V
! a-;.! .'i"ii: l't o. I- o tiie tt ISo. 1-4 on ttte
i a;-!, ruttiiin ifjck io an aiii'y n ttr i.uth.
; ti. : if-'t. 'i:.; n .l.nxi iircci. nun a wjh h u-t
! M,i tithcr aii-viitiiuk: tlicreon erecteU wuto the
'S- 'S. A rertain ki -f sr -onil situate In Min
i rat i"-'..'t S- tnsT-et V l4., roniMitunx - a.-r-'.
ui n it Ur?. t'r""ii "t i. a.j im rue Tut .
; .i - u t ItV U If ivH (T. S.n'tt on th; rUDUinilf
i k to iii lev on fouttian-t iruc. lug t,a .rta;n
' g'.r-cl itie ai i-ur:tL.iiiev.
Tik' O in rstruuwia' 'toe prKry of Fatrii k
'sfittuh. ut i ) ftnt ..: Jimi-ii CbfrL.iiiiik; in iruet
I Hartii t linrtiili, et iti.
; AL.SU.
AU ti': r itljt. till. iutr an I claim or t F.
! A.-k r:i..:iK i'i. iu . 1 1- tie Mlmiiis .l-rH-n'jetl
- rf c;ij. viz :
A ..".uii'D'.-iif laifl iiit.ii.te in tarnntrfTj-
irif f.. S-ui'-r" t I'..-. n;aiuin -rri
m -rr r iy. 1 hi'h tire are atta 4 n- in
m :. t-a..tUi e l-arNi. Mi'ti s twi-srorj-
ir mp w-i..r-!i .-u- . e Imru. 1 1 if k-nnfh
uLti ;it r'Ui. -wi:i!.iirt iitcrruit erieti. mttK'U'lDX
i;!iii J-hn Atk'-rtuju. Waller Srtert Jttiu
A''kr0iii iwt u'ti I with ihr aj -onc nuof ,
laiai-u in rjeutiu ;is ile ir'n-rf ul t'. K.
x- kt rii::t(i, n; tat' a;: ut Jnt'tlt Sj-eeii-.s' aipe.
AH th t:k!iI. li;lf.iiiti r' an lcIaiiprS:et..i u
Jt urt. .', iu aai lu Ht-s tii 'jn ea rtal
T o ri-4.ii l..i.firr.n I titu.te in Mcyern Ule
li- r.. S-.iti'-tt t tu.. i rsniiiiriinK tcr iutre
tr ivt9, wt;h a t"-i;-'ry ptauks uv.,!:- fc .aw
kai v.ALt t''4;!u:i Uuvs t't-.rju wmwi, irmTintf
JU3 Str.i tl &. U-.' V'lCt t y i.(DLU- ii- rck
yu IL-- '--t, J.'l ti lUint'rn tne .-t a ailey t
te? it -riii. toe a;o-ji. i jk-n tn e
eruti n :lie j-r lr'y ui ;ej Lt-n J w.. at ire
; uitoC Ju:i!, in .uMU!? X CV
ii.-, . t ic ui' list sstuii i:ijin ui w rriM
ij. . a m sm w o- icnaD'i sMioate a tne
s y mriia n-e, iasai i tomi, OKntAi&tUfi
o-rt tn re or kse. wil.i one j;ry Ubt ;
i .j-e ;btfun fiv-i-xi, . t it ite U i
ii. oa ;n- n;iu. is,!. cur:n hy ;jxktwn krvei f ib
tfc- a rar.eiiaii-!;.
.cr m nrr irr. ii the af-e Bitiir i ttna. itti
irv irauicunniiDir buOM aiMi bLawV'mt
wh ..tin i"u tre teJ. ku .m iit ut aavti luiiii
s? lut 'ubtai ou tne ei y Cec-re ttireet.
v.ii;ji t-y A urn' irc, i W - rta i-j birk-
i-errj Iiry Ma utnb iy tA N vub Uw ap-
lur.euunc'ea. i
4 2w. 4. Ac.r IqWh hi primal -iioxt-in Meyera
dlae Bur . Smtrsi CwM cuniaituu i a aore" I
fc:i.i,iaai.ow tue tolkwiti Uemibeu Ral i JP- .,
lV-!?L1,i :.r,ri-iln k,t. .rf ur..nn.t Htua ed '.a ' k Letten u-sV.taantar. ua tae shore estate aarlna
srrelt.Sii-rlt.,. 1'a., .t-imn -X a-v ! ft r"kv lf ?m'Z1t bJ ,b 1'e
.iu.'era..aauwc.Uttf iu,' ..'..o 1 Ji W tlM aatlelud t.
"..ii"- ih-' .,.r, !. iT.Ll Ii t" mlie Imtaeiiute pavmeot. ami tku bstids
ew lliu w,,; si-l. U; Centre street. t-.!Sr S J f.''..'i"MI? W
lucre or less, known as M Xik. 18 eo th plot ef
tiit town, IroEtiin on M.via i.rett. nxty m, and
.'liinina -.reel iIm- wst anU alley,'
wlUius1, lcciollDUof Ft;r Mrjr' k4r witU Ju Kcnnrs Fair, wijowof John Flr. iw C
liie tau.ari'naucrs. i n 'ir, luberin Momt. JmAt Fair, Nary
No.. FoarorrUiiB la of iroonil, lllaa'.e In 1 a iaiermrri! wiik Isur J.CHiirh.Mir. Ell-
McyerAlai. hor.. eouaiy mlomk ki, umsi
n'jinrr4oaoue..'ibeH"Uolsai.l towa as .No-
17. IX. -.11 n i .1. No. 1? I located OH lb South
i..o ol Mam ureet. Ir.siunx on Mid ."rcelM lt,
.111.1 cvicnoiua noaih wrhin S1-, lecioi Oi 11 of
Peter Meyers' heirs or to alley, and reet
tra Ui- east, ami K Nu. i Jl An hcasi
the Aouttt n-teof Mmia rtw( fniDtln oa ntii
tirwi fSj raft, ant rnn din to wnJun
ft-t-t ! Meis line or to ullry. with ibeappftr-
No. 5. A rrtain lot ol irrvood ltn .(! .Mineral
Pir.L Sjm?rrt Vv.. cotitainin Mavre mum
ur lei., U treHolh west, arnin nie- oa
the south and ot Iters with the appurienaDtrrs.
Ttikfu iuexmikmaa the property of Kronk
Kuuaat Lite uu Kxert Al(teheil aw, et at
AlUtie rij(lit. title. Interest and claim of J. R.
Ritk-i;t!. H, 10 ana to tha; df .-rttml reai
NlI A certain tract of Uod situate in Summit
Mill, Sututuit Tp.. Sumrert Co., ., ouniamuiv
:4 acre mure ur iem, with a thnw awrj trmmv
?ummcr hotel, having front ol a ioo leet -nJ
lt-p(h of 40 teet, with a one and one-hall storj
bca ImiMioti iJxo teet atiacnei, tliemia ernt.
ri, ainuuii Uuiia of fe.uliraitn Miller. j itiow
frVrclktntl taurn. with the iiurtenanoeft.
. I he numeral pruiv n the tr t of land Minium .UNI ftumniit i p., to., ra-. cuea
tiie UcLory t wet. Ute the property of Wm. B.
liumo.'n,'wiih two rtMis oi Uuu 9iuare aroun-i the
Mi i'-'iinnu' an.l rual le-wliniu trum the laottiy
rti3l ntt live mineral priiix to the lance butlu
inz30 left wi-ie and uttvub lands ol Ad in
Hov hstetler, Lptinum Miller Ld uthers.
Ao. X A ! ol ground lu uoiuiit MiIIjo, Sum
mit. Tu., ctHitainm-i atxut i--ucre ol Und more
ur ieea, aojuintii lands ol SLt9. Beach oa ine
t-n.-(, Aiiiit-rAl Nprinx property on thes.uth and
'tt. ami puMK- ruttd on ine orui.
4. IvjU iL 3, and 4. near Summit MiUa,
Suiiimu 1 p., survyoa k-r V . B. ltiutnt-ert ifce
uuth t'leol tle Jbteyenniale and Mcbanicturx
rtl, tn-tween said road and tue hi kin It cirea,
otmtuUiing aovui one-fourlU of an acre each.
ti. .. a certain tot ot arnmna in .neefunic-
bnric. Summit Tp.. kuown on the plan
l tiie S A. .uaniit aadlilon. an lot .so. 4, cioitain-
in BtMMi ok pt-rrbotf, and Inmiioa: oo the auwit.
u Liie dieyeriaie rvKKi, un wnicn mere .a erwrieu
a two iry lrame store ana dwelltua: house, stable
and other outtuutanKfl.
rkt-n in execUiiou as the proper.? ot W. J.
K.idvlin at it Mill or Nelwu Meyers, Wm. U.
Mt'vrjs, Meyers, Cno. M etx-r. Jut-un
Sliiiler, U.J. Horner, Daniel Carnes, Heury iKn-yi-s.
and fr'ramii Cuntryn..n.
I bit MS: Any person puanasins; at the abcre
s le will ta ke notice that ten per cent i the unhas
uiout-y will he require! as sum as j ropeny is
knoc ked liwn, oilterwiie it wiil alexin be exposed
to sale. The n-siaue ol the punrhawuioney must
he pi I on ur before the 'th day ol Jany., i 7,
theuayhxeil bTtheUourt for the arknowied(
uitutot siirrilideeis, ami no deed will be ae
knowiettea uuiil the purt'hitse money is paid in.
JanyX SherilT.
ny virtue of an oriier isiiaeil br lli Court of
1 vuimun rleasvl .iuierset l;i... fa., the un.ler
tmruei Assidims ol Al. A. Hunter, will Hll at pub
lie Sale un
Thrrula;, January IS, 1ST",
at iOo'eloik. a m.. on the premises In Meyr-il-iie.
I'a., the fulli'Winir Taluar.le ral rtatp, vis :
A Lit 01 givtiD.! si.uate In the Horuuirh uT Mey
ers.iale. Somerset Co., Fa., known on Hit
lian ot sai.1 K.nuieh. as 1.H V, a 0-1 lnntina atiout
leet on Centre Street, an.l a.luininir loia of
li s kiuit Mr... Wm. M.irican an. utnera. Hav
lnif a a.ssl two-tory ilwellmic thereon erected.
1 KKA1S: One-third ol puicnasi money on eon
rirniatiim of sale at January Court, one-lilird in
:x months, and balance in one eir, with interest ;
ou .ieierrvil paymeuts. raymems to be tocured
by la lxmeni notes. Ten per cut. of parebane
uiuey iu be lull 1 oa dav ol .&le.
' W. H. RT PPI.E.
Janv.X Assiauee.
liv virtti'of an or.lor sso I l7 tne u Jst of
'niutti.rfi I'leasof S-imerset IV., P., the un.ler-..liii-
l AsilKiiee of Wm. Morgan will sell at pub
lie sate, on
Thitrilij, Jonairij IS, 1S7T,
at 10 o'clnek. a m.. on the premises tn Meyers lale,
V. t:.e Mliiwmx vaiuatde real este. vis :
X.i. 1. Oce l.t of arou'i.l situate in Metrerslale
Ps.. known ..n tlie veneral plan of sal.1 oonrtiith as
1 1, an.l Iron! inn at.ut J leet on t'enter street,
il ..ininz l t l"rinerly owne.1 lT M. A. Hunter.
Iiavitist it'l iwo-story lrame buiiiins; with a
one M.ry extension thensi erecte.1.
So. .'. me lot ol urounil " u ite In the new a-t-.llti..n
to sai 1 B imuich of Meyers-Isle, on the
S ui' h si le of Flaualierty creek, known as No. 7.
on the plan ol s.iiil a.i.llti.m : bavins; a two-siory
lrame tle!ltnic, stable ami otaor outtiuilJirn
ther.-t.n er.ste.l.
No. 3. Two lots of irroun I known as No. s;anl
9 in sai. I al.iii..n to Meyers.ale Ui'MUh, aujuin
inz l.H No. 7. atiove ileseribej.
No. 4. line lot ol iirvmi'l known is .it No. lu.
in sai l a.l.lition to the K.pesh ol Meyers-laie.
a.!"iuin lot No. , a'lovi; .leseri!i-rt. on whk-h
tiere lire ereete.1 a larire iloubte twu-story frame
j ilweliinir h..use.
1 h.K.ils : i me ttiirii oi purrnase money on con
tinual!, n -ii sain at January t'eurt. one Ihlnl in
an mom lis. an t balance in one year, with Interest
ioi lieierred puymentd. I'ayutenls to be seeure-i
by jtulamenl notes. Ten ier cent ol .nrcliase
ui.iuey to tm paid on Jay ot sale.
W.H. RTTFl'r L.
Jar.y. 3. A-slt.e.
in virtue of an orkwf the 0urt f Vm-n--n
Plea it .-mtrft Co.. U mo dirwtd I will ex
l rt ii 1 u'ttic frjk.e tbe r&hl tit ate ot Jonttltna J.
etler oa
Friday, January, 10, ISTT
at 1 oVl.M'k, J. m , in Surairet lijrough, Ihe fol
1 i-xin r.ti riuii'. riz
! & MTtiiti truft r.f IiiiiH (rafmfe in Somerset Td..
S iiurfl.-t l.V. I; , .lj'-ninif t.ii. ! f Henry Ku.
tT an i oiaerj. nn.taiuiDic itiirty-two a.Ts more ur
M.Nr. a certain Kit r nnnt! situate ia the
town i-t :n! in opiptr Tur-s ut 1 p.
AlsSU, itTTctm nl pcntund fitaie in Sam
ntii Tp , in ainc to.t luri!iruig ia the watera t-f
hiklirk crftrlt.
AUSM, arrrtain ltt of icnmri'l Pitua'e In Sam
mil ( ii.. kuwn a lut &. in .MechnnirfiharK'll Mr the moil letting fitm iiejerlale u
1 I- kits itnt ihlM in f.afi'1. one-thiM In tiz
m-fithi. ami one tbinl iu onu jear tnm the dy of
itie. wvtt int'-reM -n tlie lelerrei paxmenu imni
ihtMUr of Halt-, to n-ur1 by ju.ltcaisni hooUs.
fr cvBt. to tc p-i-l when ynyT.j U kDoctieut
Juny. a. AneiKueeol J. J. Weller.
irineof an oriler Issneil rut of the fear of
:-.iiiiuoll I'leas of Somerset to me tiirerusi. 1
"ill . '-11 at j.ul.lic sale the real estate ..f Henry
Il'srhs.etler. on
T!iuri"lay, January, 18, 1ST",
at 1 o'rtork. n, m., on the premises, the folljwins;
reai estate, sir :
a eeriton .lantation or Irat of lanil situate In
luemahontiiit Ti., Ssomerset t'o.. I's. adj-iinina
l.iii'ls ol Atiruhiim BMr. Crt)t Mahl. Jacjh
K'"ntx anl John Morlt r, containing lul acres
nr-re or It-es.
if a ie?.nMe farm, In $o tuealHy. Call
an-l ft.
TEii.MS : One-thitl In hand, cne third In x
m-'iifti), anl me thini In one year, with interest on
the'lelt-rruvl paymenti lrm the day of sale, to te
url liy m'ifment !n-M. l' iter cent.of the
fjun-h&M "in.-wy to oe iaid whrn the property ia
ku x ktrU tiuwn.
Jiiny. 3. Aine of Mnry V. Uuclifttler.
Cambria Co. Bank.
M. W.KEIM &Co.
Ao, '1W Main St., Johntoirn.
A General Banking Business
Interest Paid at 0 por csnt. on
Time Deposits.
Loans Negotiated.
Drafts Bought and Sold.
Janv. .1.
jjtaisrsjis nutick
..tKe U hrrehy siren to all ro'1 concern)
as lMAtes, cm! i tor ur otherwise, that tlietut
IfWhiK aifuuni havt?ptisseii rt-ici er. anl that the
mm: wiil te jnentet fir eundrination anl allow
ane at an ( rjj bans' Court tu he held at iSotnerMt,
lir rburwlay. .laouary 177.
S-rn4 nml nnal iw uni T Henry M. Faker,
aii't Jaeuf Marker, Alminitiatvr uf Henry
i;.rker. leceat-e4l.
Ao uut ot V. A. Karbman, AdiainiJtrator f
(.'liri?ttan Lmert, ieeeareJ.
Acidint ut Jenmiah J. Folr, Tnmtee for the
aif ot tlie real estate ol Ja-Q. Fotk. ilerrawil.
Arc. .u ttt t linniel A- VI eaves, Oaanliaji of
S.ttnuv-1 J. Hloaxh.
AnviiDi uf M-r A. Rvee, Kxentur uf Bobert
IiUDt r. ileeefrteil.
Nwmd iwwii of E. J. Meyers, one of tbe tl-ec-ninnuf
J.iC0 J. 3leyer, Ucrra tni.
r tnt anxiant of Oeorve spngier, Atlministra
rot SaiDBt-l Will. tleraej.
Acrip ul Aarn Will a do Jeremiah Srhler.
Kxwutora wt the will ami tes:tnent ut Henry
So'-hler. Jtra(l.
Auc,uiilur A an Herhler, Aumiaiftratorof the
estate ut Jaeuti Heehter. lreeaa4.
Acrvnni wt Ot-one-ivt John B. Iwry trainia.
tr:trr theeaiateul Benj. Luwry, Lieuf tirn
Tille Tp.. Iweaiie!.
Arn-nnt ol J.t. Meyer. A min: TiUw de Wai
no of f,eif?r Meyer. deeai-e. nti an agent ot
t yruMeyeM,iihuwaa-liiiiui:n.iurur aaii ea
taie. Arctunt of Juhn .1. Gum. err aVimuel, ftKV
ntr. Kxeut"r.f the Uit will al tmtament uf
-o. FnU, iereaj.
First ana Ital aceonnt of J. S. W. Seiert.
A '.iuuiiavtniUT em Jrsiaataia fsafjrt ol Crw
lirutaki-r. d3rwpitl.
Fim an4 bnal acruo it of Frevlecrrirk MUler,
tviiuini ratur of Frederick B-la. d-rail.
A. F. Mt'KtY.
Janr. i kea;iier.
. . .
. I
... M Self. Ap!tfne f Samuel S. Shaffer.
Jee Sin k. AUuof I. J. Bertry l Ob
fce Di-d tkrir acenta. and tlte hm will be
rrf-titrti u ile O-art lur eocnrmatiuai ua
ThareUay (be 4y wt J aattary, 1 7.
F.J. k'xSEK
I 1, Ft'SE.
tmh inwrmarrisj wi.h Jsci Troatman, aad I
William, Charle. Ttwrnaa and Jd aisym. j
minor rhlMren or Ufliyea who Im now ilamaanl. I
1 rrsl.llnic in SomcrMI county Fa., lunr Fair i
j ri,llnn in th it of Nehraska. John W. Fair
rcsl.llDa In . ta:of Illlooit, Hetikiah Fair
jvMiiiiiftf in Bedford ruaty fa.. Julia Imxhbi
deivaaed lemvlna; two rhthlrew vts: Alexander
and John 1U" and hushaod Alexander Ihsou
Yoi are bereby srfified to appear at a? Or
phan's tHirt te be beid at slowrset oa Moadsy
the tSti day of January accept or ref use u
tke the :al est aw t John Fair decouaed at the
nyi :ied raiuatioa or k.ww cu ise why tfaesanse
should not be sjI J.
Dec. It Sneriif.
siiof Joseph J. Zimmerman, late ef Shade
Tp.. deeeased.
Letters ot admlnisurmtiou oa the a bore estate
hartna; been granted to the underPlKned, notiee is
hereby ireu to those lniebtrd to it to make innse
dtate p.ysaebt, and th-se havlns; claims ariact ft
to premnt them duly authenticated lor settlement
oq 1't.umlay, January 4, 18T7. at the late residence
ol dmruaaed.
Nor. 9. Administrator.
bsiaie of Lydia Trent, l i e
of S-jaiert-t Twp.
Lettersofa-lmlnlstratloB on tbeabore eMaWha
tait lieen arauie.1 to the undersigned by the prop,
r authority, n. lire is hereby (tinea (oinoee in
debted U 11 to make in aiediatepaynwal.aBd thoM
having claims sains it win preeeni ine in uuiy
soiheiillcat'l r.w settlement wnooai uetay 01
Ssiur.iay J annary 6, in", at the oltice of H. V.
SchelL in Somtrset Bur.
Not. 21. Adininistrslor.
Adopted br all the queens of fashion Send for
nr-uiar. k I V INS, . aaoS North Filth Su,
fhiladeiphis, Pa.
tine-half interest or the whole to purchaser in a
water power Merchant and Tumt m flourintc
mill nitatod in the town or Holirar oa the P. K.
K.. if mi lei west ot Johnstown. Location the beet
In this p-irt ot the country, mill In .rood repair and
doina: a rood business. room tor storina; i.uUO
busbeis ol grain, anple water to propel tlte mill
Ihe rear rouod. rood dwsllinic house and
outbuiidinrs. Also acres ot land beiooninr to
said prperty. Any iwru wlshior topun.hae
r-ud mill property will do well to visit the preuv
uea. f ru-e arid trruis to suit the times.
bulirar. Westmoreland CXx Fa.
..:ire is herebT iriren that John Kooaerof Jeff
erson Two.. Somerset county Pa., and Myra
AmaiKla his wile, by .lee. I ol Voiuntary Assiajn
menl hare ns.MKne.t's.11 the esta'e. real and persoa
al of said John kooser lo me in trust lor the bene
fit ortheerclltors of the said John Kooser, all
pens ui., in.ielite.1 to the said John
Kooser will make payment to the salt! Assignee,
an.l those bavin claims or demands will make
them known wiltmut dels.
1 he ureiersii-Tieit exerntor and trustee for the
sale of the real estate ol treorice ftrant of Stotiy
cre k Tp . Somerset Co Pa., dee d, will sell at
public sale on
Saturday, Jany. 6, 13 11,
at 1 o'clock p. m ,n the premise nf sal.1 deceas.
et. tlie lolluwiiiK tlcscrine.1 real rsiate, vii :
No. I. A certain tract of land situate in Stony-
creek Tu.. Somerset Co., Pa., Adjoin n lands of
Martin Shank, V m. .Uoshot.ler and otners. eon
tsinluic twelve s.-res more or less, with improve
ments. No. i A l"t of cround situate In tha Iowa of
ShanksvillcS-iinerselito.. Pa.. a.l.ilnlna: lands of
Jacob K.jss, I .l..w Schro-k and others, coulala-
tnz one l.iurth a. -re or less.
Terms made known on day of sale.
Fxecotor and Trustee lor rale of real estate.
Nov. "Ui.
ulium M.inrvn ami wife ef Mesersilale, Pa.,
h.o ii.u matte a Vi.luntarv assiirnuient lo me of
allitie imiirt..f ssi.l Wm. M.irzjn. In trust fur
the hriiftit of his mitii-e .s nerehy air-
en that all persons tr.iiertel to sld H'm. M.HVan,
are r.iurei to make immeiliate payment. mat liavtna- claims airalnst hlci are re4uested to
present tbein u the anJersiatieil.
Dec. 21. Asinee.
liy rirtu of an order b-aed oat of the Court of
t'oiuraon Fie; in and lur the county of Somerpel,
the un terjutcned p?iirne of Samuel B. Yoler.
iit et at public cale in trie Bur. a-b 8 caaraet
at tl-etJoort ilouie, un
Xfiturday, January I'M, 1S7T, -
at t u'l-litt-k p. tn., the following deacrihl real es
tate. Tit :
A eerUin farm situate In Qoemahonlntr Tp.,
Soineret l'o.. Ia , ad 4ntnn; lands of ToMaa
Hbiuttli. t'athAHne SraDk. Jai-uti A. Bionifb,
JiKiathan W. BK'UKli, Henry Stnilb ani others,
iniaininir if.ti a-r5 and allowance?, more or le ;
of which i bir are af'Ut iau acres eiear. w mtu
mt-. 'uw. wi:h a K -hI twotory i UwelliDjf hooj-e,
a litr.'f ttaiik ram thereon aracixL a fine orehard
ot thirty fcrowuur fruit tree, the farm is well
water... 1 hi unn n ounfHtavi ui io as
iiienr. und in many rr?peetlWiraide home. It
wili he add t a wind ur in parcel to suit par-
i KKMS : 10 iter c-t. of the ptnvbaw money
to 're paid on day of aala, one-third Inclntlina; the
0 iMTcent. tu be u-id on eonhnsatiuB of ala ami
delivery ot deed, one-third in ix months, aad
nne- tbinl In six months and one third in one year-
frorn date of order, vie : lot ol r., lffTS, with in
teifntou deterred paymenta to be tenured by judg
ment hontis.
Pee. 20. AeiKnew.
(real Failure of the Iffillou
Ciold Jewelry Co. In London.
"W'Earethe only Arm who tell Milton GoM.
If Take n wrtice &f other atvertiwcnenU of-ti-rniiE
Milton ihiil. ther are nothina; hut eom
miiD platetl wjr. The entire utoHt of th MIL
siirnetl V ui to raiw mmy af vn n peih.e,
KrerrhoilT h heard of the MILTN H tLV
JKW harinv heen lil in this vwrHei
lor the tuft ten year. ail worn hvthe richeitelai-f
ol our p-Jt'uUi'-n. Siill It take an expert to dla
ct r AilLTt N KLI from VlRCrIN GOLD. 1ft
onierto diipol this hira; aioJitrnnient to the
?oeiliei Wiy we bare iul op Uam which we offer
to thepuMic for less than the lentil part of Ua
TONS, with ItwIej-entieiMre Hall enferaved,
retail pri' (I 00
tail orire. "i
retail iiri' 75
t'H AIN latent tern. retail prir 1 W
ONE COLLAR Hi rro.V retail price im
very heary. retail prlew... 00
Total m M
Reraemlier we will aenl yrm the ahove-nanied
ix articles, whlrh we have retalle! ittr 0 ao hy
mail, uort-pahl. pra cents, or ftanple lota iof
1 hti ai1 la, sample ltU tor 04,
The ahore buures are the prW these arm-ig
have been etairi at In oar lead! oa; eltiea. He
mention these hirures to give you an klea ef the
81 LOT.
One pair ot 0.M Sune Sleeve Button.
tne t eh icHnl Spiral Stu1.
One heauutnl Ltvliea Rinir, marked Friend
ship."' One f2) EnTraveJ Bra relets.
(ne Lli-' Lftntt Neck Chain.
(Hie Enam'-led Lnwket tor the abre.
ttnetvnta' HwiaiDe Roll-niate Watch Chain,
t Hie Oenta' "Lake treorice" liiamond Stud.
'2 LOT.
fine set OoM Fmnt Ptn an-1 m Rina.
(hie Ladies' Luna; Net-k Thaln
.me Knameletl Lot-ket lor the ahoTe.
line Ladies' Pimpadour'' Wateh .thain.
fmc pair "t.'ameo" Ntnne Sleeve Huttims.
.me pair Enarrared Sleere BntPrfis.
. me Amethyst Stone klna set with Pearls.
I me .rents 1,-irge Seal king.
Oo LaMliec' Hand Kngaa-eaiAOt Blue;.
83 LOT.
On pair Ame'brrt Sleera Batton inlaid with
fme set of 'tods to match the ahore.
. ne heautilui Gents' Watch Chain with Charm.
.me hi.e Total Kin.
(Ineeleicent Amethyst Rlns; set with Pearl.
One pair O..I.I Sum Sieee Button,
t h.e Collar button,
fine set Spiral Studs.
.me pair (ii) Knaraved Brarelrts.
.me 'Lake liis.rir.'' JjtamoBd Sro.1.
(me siir fcar Hmas.
One Set Jet Pin and Ear rirurs.
flaw Lailes' rmera Chain with S1W aad Tassel,
(me heay ladtee eek t.'hain.
(me heaatilul Lssrket Utr the ahoee.
I me Lsvlies' -Cameo" Pia ami bar Riac
(me pair (tflelrjtiiat Bracelet.
One pair Amethjst Sleere Button Inlaid with
One pair Onyl Sleere Bntloos.
(me st to match the aliore.
(toe line tieots' Vi sleo ( bain with Chana
(me Ameths( Kin InlsKl with P tails.
(me T 1I Kir iniaid with Pearls.
laie li. ies' Hi uk aiarkrsl "Frtesslshlp.'
Oue 'La-tits' Cbrmiee Bnttoa.
(lw reeept of tli ws wiil ssaa) by mall, pusa-nahl. preferred, owe ef each oi the
above five lot, aad also one legaa4 watch auar
anteeii to be a X"od uinciieeuer. sarh efHsurtuai-
ty is onreii im oare IB a ute hum.
V e want . ar patron, aad the panlle IB weneral
to understand that this is .
JEtOLKV. and bo tl.aMtlM PLAT Ell i
W'AltE. SatUlactuat raaraalesd ta srery la-'
stance or m4iey relumled. 1
w aave a very nae iia ot watcaea, wnara w j
i' m . - p. .
. . . . i . .
Ladle' Solid Ool l Case jap a ,
ii,.,. . .iin .4,4.1 l -Ji as
Riiver Cases, Heavily Uoi.1 pia ted 14 M
.Vilt.m O.i.1 (ase. AmericBB Movement... lu U
ruu silver ST 1 1
(Baranice (ivea with every wch. rJcr.el pat-
usrMof MlLlO.NOOLUiaainsatacr:,l.l.
tl and 4Aeh. Uwoda seat C. O. D.. if is seat
with the iieder. a- otherwuw. (la the receipt al j
4o we wiil scad aay watch C. O. I.. with the priv-
"cae to be euminVd befrr the beiaa. is pakJ.
.td aamey by P. U. assawy on.r Maancred
let'ee Ad.lress lall oeiiera to
Aodre- auonlwa to. j
. . L5KL.I. ii CO.. !
loipnrtcr. 'J Welch's sn.1 Jewelry. Xo. ! osth
Wb streev PblladeSphsa. Pa. :
' Pleas mcaihm ivt aaw this m the s.eaf rat t
Herald. ' So, wk
tijie TAiiidE-s.
prrrsMUKaH division. i
n ami after Deeenber , lirra. traiae oa this '
kwhI will depart fna and arnr. at deu corner '
Urant and W ater Streets as Hiuws- - j
3ail. tipnt
a.. Mssiss.
- - - - ;-aj ..
Is us - m -
t-si - j -
It " " ss -
l; p n. ... ...
1- ... p. iu.
l oJ - ,tl -
il ' U:Jam.
1: " l, -
-'4 - l w
7: " 4 j -s-ts
- Sli -
a. m. le-jw . , vm. m.
a'- s m. im p, m
:i " asv, -
Mail Express.
o. as. ij. v. p. n.
l-'. 'c a. iu. i .s -"
- Sun
s' p m. l
a. st. -
in ; ii
" " liOLa.
S-.-.p m. a. is -
All -
4.W - .ls -
V - CM -
M - . Ar
i.a - s a Ar-
:n - -
" " s.n -
Lre PHUImrah
M. keovurt
HesS iesrtnsi
I ..nrllmiir
Ml. Fknm
I nK-nti.wa
Ohio Kvle
Minersj PMat
HuriwM. s Kerry
Kl hllHrtld
New lork
Xew Vnrk
HI. hmond
Ui a.hinifl.m
rlartr Krrry
I uniberlsjtal
Mineral l'V
I'Iih. fvle
1 in.mi.wa
Ml. rteunt
I IMIW.I1 ill.
1ITW1.I.M s,
All trains run by Baltimore Time, 14 minutes
faster than PtusOurKQ Time.
Mail tralnsd.llv except Sunday.
Turuuxh Exprese West run daily.
ThnaiKh Express raut leares HI isbuivh dallr
except Sunday, al 714 p. m. ; on Sunday leases at
u is p. s, wi passes .n mere 1 roint at a tsl a as
Pallnwa Palace, Ilrawln Ko.m and Sleeplnc
t'ara. and maanliicnit lay t ars thnatxh lu W asa-
uMciow sm oaionwirw witnout enausje.
SeTenty-Bre mile the sh..rtejt, aad the only
route between the Earn ami Wsst Tla Washing
ton City.
Ticket office, corner Fifth Arena and Smitb
fteld Streets, anl depot comer Urant ami W ater
Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
L M I OLE. Oeneral Ticket Aceot.
k. EVANS. Paaseusr Al.,Pittsb s.
E. K MYNI)MAN,Supt.,iJonaellsrill..
owaaarr k ninitrmn aatLaosD.
0, ami after May Ith, le?, trains will
nu as follows, eotuMrtlDc with all paasena-er trains
on tlie P. W. a. B. R. R. (Mall trains daily. Ex
press dally except Monday.)
Ei press West 1 li a. am.
Mali West 4 00 p. as.
4 10 a.m.
40 p. ta.
IJ sop. m.
Mai East 10 90 a. m.
r. W. a. B. H. R. raaa Htaaaat roiar.
Express East
Eapraaa West
- 13 p. ax.
. tli a. ax.
.11 34 p. DL
. 4 4 p. a.
.1X10 p. BV
..1X40 p. M
Nail East
Mail West
AroommodaUoB East..
Accommodation West..
OFND 2bo. to O. P. ROW ELL it CO.. New
kiurk. h Famphletof 1 paVpa, nnataininw
Usta of 3U ivwNptvuera. and eatiinj.tM ah....!
ute of Slat )B Haager. late of Somerset Twp.
Letters testaaMniarr ea the abor esut hartna
been icranteu I" thet assiermzD. bj Ihe pmprr
aiithorilT. Mies is hereby rises to all In
ietiteil to said estate lo make imraeiliate payment
an-1 those harina; riaims aaalnst the siime lo pre
sent tbemdnlr autheertirate,! lor settlement and
allowance, at thai efttws ei J. 11. Kimmel in s,.m.
erset Borxaa-u. w Jaa. a. rX7.
-,n- -- tiieeutor.
IT. . roiKii.
Brrlin. Pa.
KrspeetfuIlT !nf..rm the Htlsens i Dn..
lounty, that the are prepared to take ronii-aets
a.rsll kifKlsof Piastertnir. Kepairina nn.onrtW
attended lu. Address ae ahore.
ork soilrite.1, an.1 satislaetkii auaranteed.
N..liee ia herei.r risen that Samnel R Y..I.,
of UaeaiaaoaiBs; Tp.. Somerset Co. Pa., by deed
of V olautary Assiaament. has sJ Kne.l all his
reai esvue 10 Bte la trust fcir lienent ol msltlors.
Aii persons lniletHl the srn i S itniel H. ' I oder
will lo.te paytBent lo me. aallheharuiirUiiB.
Of.temau Is will prrseat them daly authentirate.1
:" oeiaj, ai my mt in SMimerset Hot.
JAS. 1 Pl'liH.
"" Assiifnee.
.Notice i hereby aiven. that Joseph (lindlrsper
er al wile, by .lre.1 of Viduntarv Assi-ntaent
hare assianeil all the estate, real awl prrmsial of
the said itindl.ifpemer me in trust lor the Irene.
Di of th creditors ot the said Oind lespenrer. all
persons therefore Indebted to th saui (iladle.
spereer will make payment to the said Assiaue.
ami those harm; claims or demand will umk
them ani.wa without delay.
novli Assls;iiea.
tm WeIneeUT. the 77th dav of free. 1S76 at the
late rehieaee of Joeeph Lifhty. deefwBMi, In Mil
tord Tp.. eotnaieocina: at VoVk-rk a. m.
1st. All hia pemnal property, er.lMlrr of
he-ia. stoves, eanh-ts.rhaira. Lai.lea, epper kettles.
Iron, katllea. bwffah nbe, hoa-a-y, strixh, sImIs,
wt-rmi. rhama. .aariieje. -atlrllrn, brhiied. pliwa,
Ivarrewa Iv-raea, eowa. shevep. lvrc. hay. mraw,
oa'S, euro, kea; better, beee. heef. pj.rk. lard. ete.
2d. At lo clock p as..of id day 1 will sell
hi real eetate. emi.pring of a tract of land, ad-Kjinlns-the
Urm o Kev. Joaiah Berkley, A. 0.
Wul, t. W. Wilt, Joat pb J. Savior, atvl othem.
with aneleirant new frame dwelling b u, earn.
buggy no! ami iHher la('ruvem-ots therein. 10
arresof wbtt-h 10 in meadow, balance In Kihd eno-
ditton. e one spring or running water. suar
ebaru and truit orrbarn on the SMtn. aiuat
rrw elear. t.aan'e well timbered, the whole en
tairraig il acree, U eonrenient to cbarrhee mnd
Also, at the same time 3 arf of meadow land,
ftdjotalng Kev. Jueiaa Berkiy, aad Juhn Cnnv
Tense wasaentde. w 111 he maie k nown on day
oi aula.
Dec IX Eaarfttor of Joseph Ltohty, dec'J.
t h stork holder of the Somerset and Be.lfi.rd
1 urnpike .ompnnr. will take notice tlmt sn
Eieetaio will I toetl at Ihe bouse of Aleiander
Ware, in Alleifbdn) Twp.. on the first M.tny of
January nest u.eie-t one President, six Hub
gtrs. and a Treasurer, to conduct the affairs of
said Company the ensuing year.
Iee. 13, Presnlent.
Beiilord inquirer please copy, anil cbarite Com
pany. pUBLIC SALE.
m Thftreday. the 4th dav of Jaaoary 7. at
the resoienee of Lndwtek f'reUllme, la ersuft
T p., at I orlock p. m.
A term or trat of land eontaining l-f) arree.
m re or les, of whif-h 'Jju arres are rlr-ar. with 36
arrm In meadow, balane-t in a cmI state of enitl
rwtlon. with two dw-pllinif hu. tank barn, tm
gitT arvt Iruit orrhanl, wiiti many runntng -tprinx-i
ol walr on the same, lime stone on the af imng
farm, a! join" Simon Hayger, John J. Fritz, hen.
Freidlmeand others.
At the same time 50 mem of tisoler lanL al
f'ioiitjr Jhn KimmeL John U. Skhr-k and
TKRMSnf o. 1. One tblr-l in hal on April
1. K. balan-e in 10 etjoal annual pavmnTs.
No. X 4ne-third In hani on April i. 197T. b&I
anee la two equal annaal pavmeuts. To be sertrr
ed oft the premiers.
Dee. 13. Committee.
"is herebv riven, that Jacob Musser and other
of Somerset t'o.. and LimnieiSbupe aa.1 others e
Westmorland Co.. Pa., willsppiy to the IvksW
tarwof Penit . at Its eoraina f"f the pases
a-r of a law vacating thai part et th Weiiera
burs; aad West ISesrtoo rUnk Kwt, belwea
Berlin. Somerset Co.. and West Nrwus. W'eM.
Borland Co., and declaring the same a pBhlle
hsebway. JAI UH Ml fKH,
Dee. U. aad other. I
V. J.iha. Jacob lad lliat. Thomas, heir of (ieo.
Thomas atat t'ataeiia aa.1 John Thomas who:
ace twenty m year, ef a. also Harnsow H. '
lSUia. turamsiw ueorae I aownw jr.. wu.
have lor their ur.lian Js Thomas. iertr.le ,
IBtcTmamed wun li.t.ticl Mwbler. lurUt lauaa-
as, rraucy inurrmarrieu wiin nprs-ner so
the lorra-oia male n Somerset l.l., P.. also
It ....... WM....HI1 i.lih l l n.l.. hliAh of
hikhan('..lM.aadMa!iklaiiuermamei with 1
Unn Males of Laaraaw (w.. lad., also Eva:
1' ... ..... . 1. 1 . ,b . . J l . Thum., demJNMl ef
art Co. p.
Tua atw hessbv Bodied tn at-oear at an Or
phan Cart lo b held al Somerset ea M.aadsy
tae OA dav of Jaaaarv Den to accent or re lose ta
j lake the real estate ol Joha I Boaus deeeased at
I th ai praassd vaiaaaioa or show rsase way th
I a sboBiil hot I wkd.
utii. w . riLi.
Will ha si.ld bv pabtic outcry on th premlve.
late tne property of Abratuam Msnans of Shad
Tp., Sosuenet Cu. Pa., tm
, , , . -
i fit Mr All 1 1 it fi m till r 'i i ... I :i I.
j . j
at 1 a' dork p. au, lb Psilowm desrrlhed r-al es. .
tate. vis
A eenaie tra-f of Uail rltaate
ls ShadaTp.
Somerset Cn. Pa.. eontaiBina IWI Bcre sasl l.U
I'ercne. a...uuiB lau. m 'r- T. .
' 'dT.iilnhoa m
cleared aad ia a ood ssate of '' - 'r" ,
'" a, excel lent rchar.1 o( ctae lrur
'"re. sprlnraof aeve lallin, water oa the pecm, ,
.fhw. Ik,. ta h.,.d the tst dav of
. TERM'' -Ontliirt hi hand on tae jst
April lsT7 whea pm 'tL'
lr,i! .7, tll' 1 7l
1 hy )OdrlBet rmeste, oao-tkinl Is, reaula a Ilea
apsB ibe mad after detactma; eapeaee. the tmuew.
est to he aabi aaaaa. I t tsns w,k danac her
liartlma WpereeM.of th band aaoaey u ua paid
ar w.ais l by aula ea the day of ami."
Trajte. i
" Janairy
Vnellas rierkly ts J iba II. Hosts .1
rwol " ""' u1 K' llacer
K St. Bs.wn.1 s- ts. Dennis tf erers st aU
7 J- Patu i 0 ss. J,ha K Tissue
J. N. Heal r P. vr. k H R. U. l o.
1 IA,W !aumB liuMeT.
- " ' - waauel r :s-K.
Benjamia Masters a Julia Xetl et al.
L'T..""'"" J H. B us t a
r si. Hay ia trust n. William u...
Eltsabetn Hraat's estr. . - I
. , , .i.i ts. jeromc u..wtaaa
14. Jpa J. Statsma.xtr . . Peter Mei
ers admr.
I. John Brooks' w.Jw and heir Ta,
r. k g.
n. .o.
mmm Pevk . Jaenb PWtrher
Hone. Perk ra Jsae lan et ax
Joh P.
Aiiwrt Rixlam rs. ptt..a a Hna
, ?' '-''""tirar ts. J.iaa H. I hi.
J .hn M.iursrs. Geore '. Tbomaa.
t urns ku..ser vs. f H. Lmt.
!"" Smf I Phils et al.
. B Mraanaa va Jsn.h
lu. Sa. rfnhllr, T,.j.M b., r
!.V J."? -N.!onal Hanars t aihrrme Waiker
.iraael lua.ap TS. tleaor aa.1 Mle.ael
Otiu.n.lliI s,,t,.
H.BJ U-Jm.i, r A. M.i uw m sL
Jfnn I hristner s .'hristmr fe ( '..
.TI!!S'T. k H Tm- Hnrt SKr.
J' M' : L"" !. nll a W iisue.
Pe.rKlnkr. John Kis-ler
K J s.ilT rs. raibrrtiie Ks.lei..
.1. E. Ortntn's ase rs. M. U Mes.'rs
Peter llritl.i . n . i u -
.to Fire
Bri.-k t'o.
a HarilrT a J .hara . Hnrnva
.4. .I.iha Miirp rs. Juseph Pile,
ii. Hear Msrtl rs. ti. esn..
r.'J. fctaiSKH.
r -' Prothur.itarr
Reduction in Price !
Daily and Weekly Patriot
FOR 1877.
To all new snhsrribtrssa.1 tiiallpreseat subarrib
r reorwlns; their FaLsrhplioos.
Will l sent at the full.,wln ratrs :
1 eejir. 1 rear, pustaae nrensl.1 47 00
eupws, (laclari), petss. prepaM 1: uo
19 - , t - -
enpvilurina lbs sc.l.n of Ihe
1 "iip. I year, an.1 1 .i. 1 .ro'f'..ih..V'ii...
fotli! Jl'lZi' Uf Harf,r ' P4' pIJ .'O
Will be sent at the following rales :
leopT.l 3"ar, postaae prepai.l .,
4 eoplr, "
1 ' " " - ""
li o u '"
aa.1 1 to setter an ofrlnh
S il
11. u
aupies. I year, p.s.uv prepabl, aad I copy
h aeiier-B. ot lut. -Jil
1 eopy, I year, snd 1 ..y. 1 w. .rf either
Hararr $ JtusMiy vr Htrfer i to...
posteae pre)id .,0 biKh t ,',1
Tue sui.s.-rirti..n prir ef Harper, M.nlHy ml
HtTftr, fissaris4t -Kwl, tlins serenes; ihe
sai-rlber st. ..i the Wmtir P.tb-ot lor M
cents ia S.I.IUI. i. what ke w.!d hare lo pay tr
llherof fiersr't pabiieatlnas
All orders man im aceomjKinM by the essh,
elt her hy rh-k n post onlee order.
Jlow is the lime to o'h nhe. list all the news
and the best f reading matter at less east than
anywhereelee hy sen-iiua roar ruhserlBt i.m to the
Iiailt and inn PATai.rr.
IlarrKhur-r, la.
I lee. .7
Wh hkH. the H'n.rahle .Vn.i ii Ml. Hur
Pr-i.nt l tr ovrHl t 'nrt t t muiu .
ol the! Vuiitj- ntmpt-ing tiie iiijiie-ntu Juh ial
Iitrl-'t. aihl Jutirr of thr r.urf)ol O) rand ter
miner awl f-ncnil Juti lrlivry, t-Tinf :rlnl ot
all rapttal and Hhrortriilri in Hie ani t lMt-t. t.
anl Lxwta A. Tmirit ami Joiiah M-wrt. Ej
iiuir. Justif t the Cotirfsof ommn tWx.
Ju.tir s ol th-'l'.'unjtni Uy-r an l lVriitnr. tnl J:il iN-uvt-ry. fr the inalf ilirwiial
end othcrotli-ntier! in ttieCunty .( ..nvr-!. i-ne
Unuet thfir prwpts an I to me llretl. ft,r I M
inir a t t-urt ut 4 'oiumon Plas, and Om ral 14 tr.
trr th Ft-iMT, aiHinenl ..nil l-liv-ery
and Courts H 0rraod Tenmner, ai S raire,
Oa HonsJay. Jew wry 2J. I-T7,
Notitk u hrrfbf ?im to all the Ju :re. o( the
Petf-e, the Coroner jUi.i t:nit.l-s with a r he hhI
Omntv tit Sim-r-t. that (hy h then -ti-rt-io
their pppr irrrO.. wit 11 thrir roll. rv'nii,ic 401
itinv' ii. aol othr return, ra
di the thinK" w hi h to their tifT.- r I in itut
hrhaU appfrtiin t he dne; and a. so. thy h
will prxeviiTe akf iin-r the thjt iarr r Suit
heintfie )ail il Sitmrwi Cunry t h th:n and
there, to prse-ute aiiu( tlitm is haU ' u-i,
oeo. w. h't'.r.
Yow esn make
to 10 ,:y
l.y ifenlni; sub-
rriber r thet irreat H im Weekly, the NEW
specimen cpv sn. I the oil rhromo, "LOOK
AT ME. MAMMA," and rate toiaarvacr
sent b any ad.ircstioa rereifitof twenty life ecots.
9WiMiam St., Nw York City.
X. E. Corner DiamonJ,
Somerset I'a.
healkr i.t
and XEROSES & 0U.
I jar WISES sad LllVGHS lur ukfBal
I KPrst2.
Also an a.ssortmtnt of
rine lKr.
and Tobarr.
ff ,ttEtP,a ive I
the aumpousiiiia;
.... w.. Ltorluea
o Physician Prescriptions aasl Fatal! weripea
bye perkaeed ha is.
March la.Ur
. ti.m,I..IIm Arh divsr Jsnurv. IST. st t
e'etuck p. m..t thelaie h. cetee.t llaval Snf
frr d ere.l. la Paint To . ine .ll..wm real es
tate. Ut th property M Ilevid Shstfer. ilee d.
A trvt ( Uai csitaiBina ao rrs swl 7 pr-h-
. a.'r4Blna Ssiaacl Waaee. T"Maa
ploaaa. J.a Shaflcrsssl others. iM ,T
clear sssl la ..! "sa-titHSS. balaae w.II ilmbcre.1.
tlie cleared IBd well leBee. s"'l
aispie irece. .sv cherry itw. sr-l M . r tr-cs.
withaaamlvref never Uliin; spn 04. m tae.
"TERMS one tbinf fh 'leductlox eipeesea
of sal to remata tiea. the iB-et el htch to is
insid to the wep.w annually dunna her ble.and
her.leathtothechll.lri'f sael nee I . .me-thlnt
4pnll 1: bouse ea Apris I, at: wah murv
from April I. is. 7.
Iriast ee
i..kM.irfluJ la Rri.aa t'.ua'v
. .d ini-t vmnt. a mncs south F:l . Uf
Near, en d lima. ' pnicirs a.Mres
I lT. stAM'LE.
tttjr Fallll! .Nebraska.
" 5 otic U hereby aivea. that f sih Rsrroa sed
wit have mate a suiery. aatumeat te a lor
beaeai of creditors, of sll their real snd perwaal
eeo.e. As. I sll svs. lm.W lo Si-. l":
will auk. imewtuu payae-atjisrflhoa havuvf
casias will BuAa taeia kovwn art boat !;.
Dae. 13. Asrajaa.