mi o . n U 1 On f about one LuodreJ .do! nought to make use of the Supreme Hie SSOmerSet HeralQ.!ehT M.Dis.ersof the GoFpe1,eevcrliCourtforovertarniDgtberei.olt aad WCDESD4T - Iwccmher, rT.Z7 1 of rbiladel-l IIo. Sam. Raspam, pbia, a "ealary grabber' was, at ,L- pul... k ! dictation of Tilden, elected "speaker. . . -.k;,,, nn of the House at Washington, on Monday. Tally one for "Reform.", The final result of the count in j Louisiana baa not been received up to the time of our going to press (Tuesday nL'bt) It was understood that it was to be announced this evening, but has not reached ns. Tnr' official maioritv in tie State of New York takiog the two i honest elections may by judged from highest electors of either party, isireaiing of the murder of Pinkston 33 065 and bis official majority in and infant, and the horrible brutalities New York city ia 53 969. Tnese figures show that bis solid frauds at home, equal his solid frauds in the Southern States. A Tildes reformer, in Saint Louis, named Frost, was trying to steal into Congress by means of a fraudulently obtained return, but the Court orderei the scoundrelly officials to make a true return of the rotes, and Frost mourns at home w hile a Republican takes the seat. While Xortb Carolina is counted for Tilden, the evidence that sbe was carried for bim by most shameless frauds is said to be conclusive. The Republican committee have accumu lated testimony to prove the roost gigantic frauds in twenty three coun ties, and that the State was stolen for "Tilden and Reform." In some of the precincts the Democratic majori ty majority mind you as larger fhan thi trhole tabulation of the irecinct. Florida is for Hayes despito the Democratic raisiDg and doctoring ot the returns. The Hayes electors have forty two majority on the face ot the returns, without throwing out a single fraudulent vote, as is certi fied to by the clerks of the Returning Hoard. When the returns are silted and the fraudulent vote is thrown out, the Republican majority will be largely increased, as tbe Hoard has ample and conclusive proof of nu merous Democratic frauds. This gives Hayes ITT electoral voVee sure, and before going to press we expect to have the official an nouncement that the 8 votes of Lou isiana are also bis, thus securing his election beyond all cavil. It is now an open secret, that tbe Struggle of tbe Confederates in South Carolina to obtain control of the Legislature, and seat Wt.de Hamp ton as Governor, was wiib tbe pur pose of having a new Returning Hoard, of the Democratic rebel per suasion appointed, who would certify that the Tilden electors in that State bad a majority, and thus two certifi cates from one State being sent to tbe U. S. Senate, would give the Democrats in Congress when they were opened the opportunity on which they have been building, to in sist that neither of the candidates having a clear majority of the votes as returned, the House has the right to elect the President. Nothing but the promptness of President Grant in furnishing Gov ernor Chamberlain with troops, pre vented tbe armed rifle clubs under the lead of Hampton from seizing upon tbe Legislature and carrying out this revolutionary scheme. Being assured that the Louisiana Returning Board w ill be compelled, ia the honest discbarge of its duty, to certify that the Hayes electors have fairly carried that State, the committee of Northern Democratic Ma teamen wbo nave been in atten dance watching tbe count of tbe vote, Lave attempted to forestall public opinion, by announcing ia advance of tbe decision of tbe Board, that Til den has a majority in tbe State. This is a dirty trick, and an outrage opon the members of the Board to whose courtesy they were indebted for the privilege of being present dur ing their sessions, but it is of a piece with tbe conduct of tho.e Democratic leaders who professing to go to Louisiana as impartial judges, made np and telegraphed tbeir opin ions before the Board had assembled. This transparent attempt to 6care thei Board, and to usurp its functions. will ia no way effect the judgment of honest man, and is intended simplr to give Democratic partisans tbe pre- text for continuing the bowl of fraud! fraud 1 DrKj.sa tbe pitiful recital of her wrongs by Eiixa Pinkston, before tbe Louisiana Returning Board, Ex Gov. Talmer, of Illinois wbo was in at tendance as a member of the Deoio crauc eommhtee leaped from his chair, and said ia wrath, "If this story be false, those that prepared it for this poor woman should be haog- ed, bnt if, as I firmly fcetiei e, it is true, tbe wretches wbo can perpe trate ach atrocities should be ele vated without mercy. I will spend $10,000 to ferret out this case. It looks trae. This poor woman has been fearfl!y wronged. Tbe ques tion is broader aow than President- mating it is one of bumanitv. If ebe baa told tte truth, beridan shoe. Id eotae back at once and koi& with a grip of tro a people who can see such infamy without remon strance even in their public prints." And yet, the democratic party through iu newspapers attemp a w deny this woman's testimony on tbe oet flimsy pretexts; sustains witb- oat a blush tbe men wbo are respoa-1 State Legislator. With the eertifi eible for these brutalities; actually j cates of Governor, and tbe other iasist npon counting Mr. Tilden into , State officers, thev had nothimr tnin tha Presidency by virtue of tbia and Hmuar mnraers ana atrocities, and j swear at lets record of crime as . .... . - Scores of Dak and IoturDco com- ' '"'''In.nr nroMdentfi. and thousand of j nnr nrcfciuenip. ana iduubiuup vi , putb!e citizens in the city or Xewiand WiUard, billing tools for their f t U.mm ! in i dwn (jrleaijs, me jjeniocraw dbvb iw triced to procure the i two Komau Catholic certificate oi; tholic priests, one Jewitb rabbi, three Protestant clergy men, eight presidents of banks and ini'uranie companys and six presum ably respectable citizens, stating that tbo late election in Louisiana was as poacable as that in any "sister .iaie" and that a large majority of the honest vote cast waa for Tilden. What those eminent divines and gentlemen know about peacao.e uu innictca npon ois wur, me g abu.- and whipping of Benjamin James, and tbe testimony of Lieut. Col. Banks, V. S. Army, wbo swears to numbers of murders, whippings and other outrages inflicted npon colored Republican voters that came within his own knowledge, as com commandant of the U. S. troops sta tioned in the "bull-dozed" parishes. The tidal wave which it was boasted was to carry Tilden into the Presidential chair, was evidently manufactured to order, but was a little too weak to effect its contem plated purpose. Tbe Southern States where tbe Confederates control the entire ma chinery, were 6afely counted npon to overwhelm, by their fraudulent vote, tbe Northern Republican States. Tbe way had been previously prepared by systematic pro scription of tbe voters, black and white, fur opinion's sake, by social os tracism, by suppression of Republi can newspapers, by murderous threats oaJ oaths, and by the organization of armed military clubs, that patrolled and terorized tbe community. In three States alone bad tbe Republi cans tbe lightest chance, and in there, I.ouit-ima, South Carolina and Florida, partial protection was afford ed simply through the fact, that all tbeM? had Republican Governors. It was a tidal wave of organized fraud that was 60 confidently couoted upon to elect Tilden, and but for the firm ness of these three Governors, it would have overwhelmed tbe honest "ote of the country. RErriELT, considered one of tbe most reliable correspondents in the country, in bis dispatch from New Orleans to the Cincinnati Covuu-crcial, under date of Nov. 30tb, says; Tbe cae is now considered as vir tually closed, and the distinguished attendants will start borne in a few days. Senator Sherman thinks he may possibly remain until Saturday, but not longer. From tbe best ioforma.ion 1 can get. tbe board will count in the en tire State and National Republican ticket by from 230 to 1.T00 majority. Tbey will reach this result by throw ing out precincts in bull-dozed par ishes, and at other points where gross intimidation has been proved by di reel testimony. Tbe more Ouachita parbib ia jn ventilated the more horrors come to light There were four well organ ized rifle dabs in that parish, as tbe testimony proves, and not less than a duzen Republicans killed, most of them aspamsinated, and many others wounded. Tbe charge of tbe Re publicans that rbtrc was .a reign of terror in that parioh is foxpletely sustained by sworn testimony and by army officers there. Tbe other bull-dozed parishes are not so bad ; that is, there has been less murder, but tbe evidence proves that the reiun of terror was sufficient for the purposes for which it was brought about Over two thousand pages of sworn testimony have been taken as to the five parishes, and tbe facts of mur der, whippings, and intimidation are fully set out, with details and specifi cations. J'nless tbe Democrats over throw'tbis by counter testimony they cannot sustain their rase at tbe bar of public opinion. Shtu Carolina for many yearst has been in a state of semi-rebellion against the general Government ex cept only wbeo ber arrogant politi cians 'ere permitted to hav Lheir owe eweet will. The ojip.n announcement of An drew Jacisoa that be wonld hang tbe Democratic leacUrj higher than Haaian, if they persisted ia Uteir re bellions eotiTte, alone prevented their attempt to defy lie Federal power during bis administration. Her Dem ocratic leaders were tbe first to go into rebellion in 1SC0 Cl.and tbe first open act of war, the firing upon Sumter, occurred upon ber boil, and now, scarcely rehabitated with the rights tbey forfeited by their rebel lion, tbey are attempting to tofttrol tbe Slate by armed riolenc?, and tbns force a defeated member of their party into tbe Presidency, while tieir allies in the North as tbey did during tie rebellion are giving tbem aid and comfort, by suppressing tbe truth and filling the land with lying tales and rumors. Tbe following we believe to be a true condensation of tbe late proceedings ia that State and of tbe present situation: In pursuance of tbe duties im posed upon them by law the Sooth Carolina Returning Board met on tbe 10'h Nor'or the purpose of can vassing tbe vote of tiu .State, and of bluing certificates of election p tbe successful Presidential Electors, mem bers of Coogress and members of tbe tbe rgbt of canvassing that vote b!i longing to the Legislature. JUth !!.- .r iu;. l. .k - electing ibeir own candidates. Tbey j found ia two of the Judges, MoseB . i - e r personal comity vu ,uuiwuui, m- cause tbe latter bad thrown bis cor rupt son out of office, and both being active supporters of Hampton, tbe Democratic candidato for Governor. These Judges at cnee lent themselves to a most infamous defiance of tbe law, with a view to ousting the Re turning Board and usurping iu power for themselves. Their first step was an order that tbe Board should ag gregate the. face of the return for Electors, and report the result to tbe Court Outregeous as the order was, the Board complied, and reported to tbe Court showing all the Hayes Electors to be chosen. But tbe Democrats, dissatisfied with this result, now changed their base, and demanded an order from tbe Court tbat tbe Board should jo behind the face of the rtturt,s and tbrow out certain Republican major ities, thus counting in tbe Tilden Electors. Tbe Court took this under consideration. In tbe meantime the Court, ccn- viLced that tbe Democrats bad at least carried the Legislature on tbe face of tbe returns, issued another order tbat tbe Board should count the full vote returned, and Usue cer tificates of election to such members of tbe Legislature as tbey showed to bars a majority. Ia tbis instance, be it noticed, tbey do sot want to go behind tbe face of the returns, be cause they think tbe Democrats have fixed things np without it But, pending the Court's delibera tion over this last order, important events bad transpired. xne iaw limited tbe evistence of the Board to ten days, exclusive of Sunday's in tbat time tbey must finish their work after iu expiration they would have no legal powers. Tbis limita tion was close at band, and there was no order of the Court before them restricting tbeir action in any wise. Tbey therefore proceeded to canvass the vote for members of the Legislature, threw out Laurens and Edgarfield Counties, issued their cer tificates of election, and adjourned. When the new order of tbe Court, above mentioned, issued, the Board was no longer in existence. Usurp ing, therefore, as the course of tbe Court was. tbe Board bad not, in a single instance, disobeyed it We pause, here, briefly to note tbe reasons w hich impelled tbe Board to throw out Edgefield and Laurens Counties. Tber were border coun ties, tbe scenes of outrageous vio lence by tbe Wnite-Liners. Of tbe three canvassers In each county two were Republicans and one a Demo crat Tbe counties bad always been Republican by very heavy majorities. Tbe White-Liners compelled two of tbe Republican canvassers to flee for their lives. Tbey then stuffed the ballot-boxes to suit themselves, and compelled tbe remaining canvassers, under peril of their lives, to sign re returns showing Democratic majori ties. But tbe Republican canvassers, faithful to their trust sent to tbe Boarl affidaviu of these 'acts, and, of course, no choice was left bnt to throw out the counties. The subse quent proceedings of tbe usurping Court are fresh in mind. Tbe mem bers of tbe Returning Board were arrested for contempt, and imprisoned. Tbey were taken out on application for a writ of habeas corpus to a United Sutes Court, and the case i yet nndewcided. Tbia brings as up to tbe assembling of the Legislature oa Tuesday of last week. Tbe bloodthirsty and armed White-Liners, from 6,000 to 10,000 strong, were gathered at tbe capitol to carry things by force, Governor Chamberlain, who is tbe Governor of tbe State now (what ever tJie result of the election), and remains so, pnder tbe Constitution, until his successor i inaugurated, ap plied to tbe United States govern ment for assistance to maintaia tbe peace. Tbe President with bis usual wisdom and firmness, at once issued tb ceo,uvred order, and tbe 300 Fed eral troops at Columbia were placed at the disposal of ibe governor of South Carolina. Tbeir d spoEJ about tbe Capitol has undoubtedly prevented scenes of tbe greatest hor ror and bjoodshed. Tbe throwing put of Lau-ns and Edgefield Counties (enti o nine Representatives) left 1 lb members & tbe lower Houbo, of whom tbe Ba pubcsps nave 60 and tbe Democrats i5. F'nding mselres in he mi nority, and thus Muafifi to count Hampton ia j(the Republicans bay p majority in tbe Senate even if the two counties were admitted,) tbe Democrau determined upon revolu tion. Tbey tnerefore copied the mandamu$ of the Supreme Court the one which never reached tbe Board) and, together with the Demo cratic candidates frop Laurens and Edgfleld, demanded adaijua.ac.4 to tbe 8tate-boue, presenting the copies of tbe mjndamitt as certificates of election. The Laurens and Edfc-e field claimanta were of coarse rejec ted, whereupon all tbe Democrau went wiU them, read a buncombe protest, and proceeded, jn a ball of tbe city, to organize a "rp-" House. lo tbe Saoata the Democrau clun to tbeir seau, and that body was regularly organized, and a Republi can President elected. In tbe House the Republican members, bearing proper certificates, assembled.. Tbe Clerk called the roll, showing 59 members present. Tbe Constitution declares that "a majority of he Mem bers" shall be a Quorum. The re- jjecuoa of Laurens and Edgefield ' f.in nt loa lfV mil 11 k . l wviihv hvi PFV UiCUIVCrR liU . . wt ueo u3 was a wear maioritr. so electiog Republic.n ?je.ker. Tte Sente theD recognized ibe House. and tbo Legislature adjourned me organization was regular, complete and unavailable. Tbe point upon which tbe Demo crau propose to bang is tbis, to-wit: Tbat the majority of 11 j was not "a majority of the members,'' inasmuch as it should bave been aa trajori;y of 124 (counting in tbe 9 members from Laurens and Edgefield). But tbis point has been repeatedly adjudi cated both in Congress and iu the State. Where members and districts j are excluded, tbey are not considered in tbe basis from which a quorum is estimated. On tbe succeeding day Wednesday, tbe House assembled and the Com mittee oj the elections appointed &t the first day's cession reported in favor of seating the five Republican candidates from Barnwell county on tbegrcund of fraud, violence, and intimidations. Tbe addition of these five votes gives tbe Republicans in tbe llouce sixty five votes a clear majority even if 124 be declared a full House. On Thursday the Dem ocratic managers, fiuding thev were! making a bad mistake ia attempting to keep up a bogus IIou.sc of Repre sentatives, made a new move. The whole bady of Democratic members marched into the fall of tbe State bouse an hour before the regular time of meeting, and organized, with Gen. Wallace in the chair as Speak er. Tbe Republicans caoii in an hour after, and Speaker Mackey took his place beside Wallace, wbi'e the Clerk caiied tbe roll.. Both par ties continued in session, each fear ing to adjourn, as the vote of Gev ernor was to be counted in joint ms sion at noon. Wallace was outiGed from Gen. Ruger during tbe after noon that persons wbo did not bold certificates cf election from the 15 uard of Canvassers would not be permit ted on tbe floor next day. Tbe Democrats wire badly demoralized by this, and sent a long letter of pro test to the General. At 9 o'clock at night tbe Hall of Representatives presented a moot disgraceful scene, and a serious riot seemed to tLreaten. The Democrats were extremely vk len. in tbeir speeches. On Monday, as will be seen, by later dispatches, tbe Democrats find ing that tbey would be ejected by a force of State constables organized for tbat purpose by Governor Cham berlain, surrendered possession cf lie House. And thus stands matters as far as we yet bare received mfur:ui tion. - SOUTH CAROLINA. Demoqrats Vacate the State House. In Fear that There Would lie Bloodshed. ' Columbia, Dec. 4. After tbe two Houses were called to order. Speaker Wallace announced tbat as there were one hundred special cousta'uies in the State House totject Democrat ic members, and as be feared such a movement would be resisted and bloodshed ensue, he adj mrned bis House, to meet at Carolina Hall, wbere they are now in session. Tbe Republicans then went into secret session in the State lloue. The town is full of people, and great excitement prevails. (,AT'U. The Democratic II use continued in caucus all tbis afternoon. What ever action was taken is unkuowu Tbe Republican members of lie Seu ate held a caucus previous to tbe reg ular hour of meeting ot tbat b d,v which was not barmouious, and last ed until I p. in , wbeuihe Senate met. Tbe session waj unimportant until just before i p. m , wbem it was mov ed tbat tbe Senate adjuurn. 1 be u.- kion was cairied by a vote of 16 a es to 14 nays. Ibis actios is regarded as important, as two o'clock to-day was tbe hour set for couutiog the voie for Governor, and as tbe Semite adjourned without c n-idering tbat question, or postpoti jg it to some fu ture day, if is virtually disposed of iu that body, and uttie). orniute iu tbe Uoum lo cosoe up sgaiu. y(b'n (uet tion is now wbotber the Senate will will recognize tbe Mackey JJou-e as a constitutional body, with a tucui bersbip of fifty six only, holding cer tificates from the Board of ekute Can raeitr?, pJiile ai5.ty -three is necessa ry to a quonviu. Tt.o Democrau have sixty, requiring oiijr tf,r ' make a quorum. Tbe city to-night is full'of people, and others are arriving. The Supreme Court Leard argu ment duriugtbe eultre day on tbe ap plication for a Uiaoyacius requiriu tbe Secretary ot State to jjeiivcr the returns for Gjveroor aud Lieutt'u&uicyeBr8 aj). Governor to Sfieak-r Wallace, and adjourned at : 10 p. m. As ibis ooeetion iovolves ibe other question as to wfaiis 'ikji hgl Hjuse of Representatives, tbe action of ibe court is looked forward to with great Interest. Jtiaurfti. St, Pail, Minn.. Nov. 2T TLc State Canvassing Board, consisting of Governor Padlnbury, Secretary ot (Hate irgeua, ana l,niel Justice U'l CUn, 'to-day officially canvassed the vote. Hayek's' mnj'rky over Tilden is 24,104. being the largest fuiloiij erer given jn Mioue.-Htttt. IwtMlulim a ffanp Wairhmaa. New York, Dec. 2 Patrick Yaft, watebmaa iu tbe office of tbe Lou Island Railroad Company, was found ot fruuh trebeari when the of fice wu opew lit' picrniug. Tbe uoor was uuiofU-'U ai;a jjj 4-ey pas in tue jock, out lo property j di turbed. .. He is tbe second watchman shot ia the same place. f a.aMUw VatiiMaca. I'lllLADEU'lllA. December i. Twenty-four buildings belonging to the Board of Finance aud a dozeu belonging to individuals were auld at auw.l'Jn to-day on the Exposition grounds. MaVciorry ball ,. Memorial hairaud Uoruedturul jbaU were u.-i includediu tbe sale. Tbe luieriiatioual Exhibition Company of Philadelphia bygoht what buildings they will Ul R SCW YORK I.BTTI K. New York, December 4, 1ST6. Probably tbo most desperate set of men ibat ever existed are the De mocracy of New York. Tbe certain ty of Hayes' election has maddened tbem, for tbey were near enough the pluuder to rtm li it, and to bave it la ken from tbuir very claws is a linle too much for tbeir patience. Tbey dc nut propose to give it up, and bave already fixed up tbeir pro gramme, ; Tbey propose to deny tbe legality of tbe election; the Demo cratic Iluure will assert tbat there bai) Xttea Do cgh expression of tbe will wot tue people, anil tnat conse quently tbe Uouse tnust, as in case of a failure to elect, proceed to tbe election of a President. It will re fuse to join tbe benate ia counting the returns, aud will go on and elect Tilden aud inaugurate Lun. Tbey claim tbat be can be inaugurated auywbere, and tbe House will recog- nizu bini as the Prtsideut, refuse to recognize Hayes, and will call upon I tbe Governors of the teiates to recog nize tbeir tiovernment. tbat ibis programme has been determined upou I by Tilden, is sbuwu in the fact tbat i every Democratic paper in the city ibat is owned by lilden, bad articles . i, ......, ui ;.. .1 o. if .,.. three doubtful Slates were counted for Hayes U would be an usurpation which no Democrat could Posstli v accept, and resistance by force was . - - . nut at all dimly biuted at Aud lil du's editorial bureau, wbicb be per sonally directs, is sending tff articles to picked democratic papers iu strong deuiucratic sections of ibe most in flammatory character, and calculated to fire the Democratic heart Tbty reiterate ibe statement ibat Hayes will Ik- counted in by fraud tbat Tildeu aiil resist, aud tbey call upou I all o.d Democrats to be ready lo sustain bim. Add lo tbis ibe fact thai tbe rifle clubs iu tbe Smb, auoi ber name for orgauized militia, are 3."0,0(IQ strong, aud that arms Acre seut to iheiu from the Demo cratic National Committee, and some uotiou of tbeir designs may be form ed. It bas beeu established beyond a perad venture, tbat the Nanoual Democratic Committee, did sell New Yolk State canoou at a nominal price to South Carolina, aud tbat very large shipments of muskets bave been sent to ibe same parties from ibis city. Tbey eilber nieau busi ness or tbey are indulging in a re markable game cf bluff. Tbe Re publicans take it nil very quietly. Grant, not Buchanan, is President, aud be knows how to stamp out re bellions. He bad one large oue on bis bauds once, and it will be a very small matter for bim to masb tbis lit tle one. Despite tbe brag and blus ter or tbe Democracy, Hayes will be inaugurated' if be is declared elected, and be will serve his four years. It is a significant fuct tbat wbile tbe Republicans here insist that tbey will not bare the Presidency uti'ess Hayes is fairly elected, tbe Democrat ic leaders say nothing of the kind. They bave declared in advance that tbe count must necessarily be a fraud, and tbat tbey will bave tbe coui.ro! of tbe Government whether tbey are entitled to it or not. And as nothing is done iu Democratic circles except by tun direction of Tildeu bimself, all ibis inflammatory talk may bo charged directly to bim. If we bave any trouble be will be responsible for it - 4 TUE MESZIEB LlliRASV which was sold at auction, taking five days of last week was ouo of those Collections wbicb give the ordinary reader new ambitions in tbe world ot books. To give some ordinarily ap preciable idea of its value to begin wiib, tbe library brought nearly $75, 000 at auction, not one fourth its real worib. ' Some black letter books brought over a thousand dollars apiece, being a matter of 300 years old, aud among tbe earliest specimens ot printing in existeuce, but these ould not compare in ibe fcigbt of enthusiastic Americans with the orig inal inaniircripl order book of Valley Forge, faded and the p.iges teuder with time and handling, but pre served in a case of heavy morocco. There were many specimens of tbe euiliest priming in ibl's couutry, but iu auy eyes save those of a bock Col lector tbe prizes of tbe library were au Abboiisford edition of Wal.er Sc itt, aud oue of Ruskiu's works with proof eugravings.' Such luxury of i) pe and delicacy of illustration as reul ibe poor book lovers, a bo Can not afford editions at three aud four hundred dollars, away saddened but iUd to bave rejoiced tjieir eyes with such elegaul volumes. Mr. Meuzies bad what bad cost bim over $20Q,MH) in bis library, aud in ordinary times it would bave realized twice tbat amount, for some of ibe b'R'ks were tbe ouly vues ex tant, and were priceless. But b ks, like real estate, bave felt tbe effect of bardtimcj, and bo the whole lot sold for what ' collector? would call ""a song. III- understood tbat tbo owner was compelled by -ircs of i) Suaa ciul weather to part with a eolieutiou tbat It bad taken a life-time to get together. ft. champion tbiefof ibe niuC ttentb fcemuyy, once riore in New York, and jn duraow 'i'i'e. lie land ed last Thursday niuroing from ibt Failed States steamer Frankliu, and was turned over to Sheriff Connor, from wbose custody be escaped two He got away in a vacht, lauded fu Cuha: W3s protected by toe Governor Geue'raPol jbaf island, at a cost of $300,000, and when i'oiitoid-j ly pursued bv tbe American officials i that bidiug was impossible, be fled to Spain: ere be was apprehended and returned. Ills pjstor i? sugges tive. A few years ago, be was worth biji stolen millions, he was surround ed by parasites ;o fj uttered bim to tbo top of b's tent. 'I'lfdiSU wa$ hjs obsequious tool aud partner, iie made ' - ,' i millions unuuitiiuncd. and bis ambi- j tion went bevoud his State and be was reaching for tbe control of tbe country'."" dw U' is a poor, old, broken-down man," (i'oufl' are tu friends who shared his rroep.-ity goi,e j p'ti money, gone is bis power, tbe man wbouj bp tcfrjeudetf, and who absrrd i bis plynaer, ig thj bead .f bis orgautiattuu aud is trying r " j : ibr.Upuff.JIlJweMaudaUCreNWDo!"rMU-I'' 'or,0f lro f od linufpij W;f..l took bis mooej, !fOUD nerd, gave way aud tb Tool poorM ?im reduce, o Controller oHhe citj bi, uaUi.ila.rufwli.i i. Ufor; Krf.cotd rtoip tfce ...econd liW. Ttimaremdicimis pmwf.lbuetute Hp soou ou bim to keep dim m ibe ..euiieDiiarj 1 wkvlnd argP ervvi. Popip(Ipr tbrte ume long m be w IWf to ' f nleuei, ni iire, iid fee .illmtbe full bebefit lWT bBJt Lr WIidj ot tbeiu, for oo u dre s.v worJ del bot vo bor ' k for bim. It bt-onoiu bow tbatutrtr i re ifi " lb teut. Fik -uhut, tuet, Seo , bu er fuUDd 10 .be oowiderably au-1 Udu.o!lT.rel.kulkiutf about Ea-bru,fced. but not eriou-ly hurt rujie, and aa a brokea uiao, Teed; will die ia tbe peuiteotiarj, aad Til- - ' 1 taitttnt bim j tha better It may be a little trouble some to be honest, at times, but it is better, in tbe long run, to keep on tbat side. t'ASIIM.N. The felt bonnets are almost quaker itn in tneirsnug nt and close tnm- miogs. Bottle green, black and da k ash-gray are stylishly worn, trimmed wiib heavy silk, or silk and velvet Ittakesauice band to adjust tli trimming which. look so modest, and is so precise. A silk binding or pip ing finishes tbe brim even when there is a velvet faciog; three eights of bias bilk at least, is laid in four or five folds close round the crown, re versed on the right side, and the ends snugly tucked under on tbe left where they meet, two standing loops in front and a feather or two lying demurely over on the crown finish tbe most stylish bonnets. The face trimming of some rich soft-bued vel vet between these close bonneu tbat are entirely in quiet French taste, and tbe fl.m ieg plumes and grace of Gainsborough hat, there is com plete contrast; and yet when well worn, the latter is as modest as tbe o ber. Tbe Gainsborough needs only a scarf of soft rich silk drawn close about the crown set off by the very , last i souest oi curling leathers. For a last item, tbe newest dress trimming ? U"""B wu.n. lDree droP8. t0 be j . v v''u.oU er coaiumes ana "'"'" vumuiuaiion enec fF .!....:. I of bullous aud frioge together. Itl'sIXES AND MOSEV. Business is terribly dull. No one seems disposed to do anything till tbe Presidency is settled. If Tilden steals Louisiaua, it will continue so, fur no oue will know, ti;j after tbe meeting of bis Congress what will be his pultcy. I r Hayes is elected busi ness uien will breathe free, for tney know what bis policy is. and can cal culate. Buyers are" cutting closely aud dealers are equally indifferent, for uuless a man has cash it mav possibly be uusate to deal with him. Theatres are full, for the straugers leep them fed, but I notice fewer rich dresses and les display ol wealth than usual. I observe furs two seasons old, dresses tbat have beeu made over, aud bats tbat new trimming bas made presentable. Women haven't the money to spend, aud economy is the rule. We want to know w 4o is President T11K LASf SCANDAL is the old oue. Rich Cuban young aud beautiful lady slips and falls Cubaa picks ber up acquaintance Cuban fancies be bas a young, inno cent, virtuous girl calls, makes love aud finally takes ber to bis bouse in Pougbkeepsie, as housekeeper. In timacy girl blossoms out not quite so innocent as Cuban supposed de mands of money-scheming old father Cuban bleeds awbile, but finally refuses. Shyster lawyer suit for breach of premise iu which the girl swears everything olue one way, and Cuban swers everything black another. Crowds every day in court, and but tho trial is not over, yet This, ia brief, is tbe history of tbe Del Valle Martinez case, now io progress. bile there is but little doubt tbat Del Valle fell into tbe bands of nn experienced schemer, 1 am glad to see bim fleeced. He sup posed her an innocent girl and set about to 'uin her without any com punction. When su;h getboist with tbeir owu petard, a good lesson bas been taught the world. Pif.tro. t'l. JlrHfilf' fcrporl of ltj If Meat Battla. CuiCAtio, December 1, The ofn cial report of Col. McKenzie, Colonel of the Fourth cavalry, was received at military headquarters bere to day. It states tbat about noon on tbe 24ib iust, wbile marching in a south westerly direction toward tbe Sioux pass of tbe Big Horn Mountains five advance scouts met bim reporting that tbe main camp ot tbe Cbeyenues was about fifteen or twenty miles distant. About sunset tbe commaud begau moving toward tbe hostiles, reacbiuic ibe village after daylight, completely surprising the Iudiausaud cuuqielling tbem to vacate the vil lage suddenly and take refuge in a raviue. After a brisk fight, lasting an hur, and skirmishing till night, tbey capitulated. Tbe entire village, having JtS lodges, wi'.h all the cou ients, wi destroyed. 'Five buudrerf ponies were captured, aud twenty five ludian bodies were found. It is almost certain tbat a much larger number wes killed Five Soldiers and oue officer were killed on our side, and iweutj-five wounded be sides one Sboshone scout belonging to us. Ffteen cavalry ' horses -aud four borus of the Indian scouts were killed. Tbe commaud moved to pamp on Powder river, whence this i(9Jr. was made on tbe Jlitb inst Lieuten ant McKenoy, Fourth cavalry, wbo was killed, was one of tba most gal laut oflicers and honorable of men. General Crook, in transmitting bis report, says : I cannot comiueud too bigbtiy ibis brilliant achievement aritl gajlantry of the troops. Tbis will be a terrible'bljV to ibe boctiles, as these Cbeyenues vere nqi only' ibe bravott a s rrjers but have beeu tbe bead aud front ot mobl pf tbe raid sod deviltry committed in ibis country. Majf rr la Soclb Ornllaa. Tbe President received tbe follow ing dispatch, last nignt; 'Colcmbia, S. C, November "Hi Kxrcllrn.y. U, H Grant, Pre ident of the t ailed States, tl'ash V'fft'tn, IK C. "Tile House end Senate orgaoized, to-day. Tbe Democrats, oa re- Ifusal to admit the members from Edgefield and Laurence CouoiUs, citMrew. leavio? sixty members iu the If u-e. chosen. lju'jrur, of ai memoers "Tbe .'loue then proceeded V lusinpis. Tbe Senate organized without del?, general Rtiger has preserved tbe peace, ana acted wi.b V"' ,MV 7 ?"" ." ' ruent. Signed I). II. Chamberlain, Governor of South Carliqa. frmt -M l fI pi art. MiMi'Dis, 'ovember J?S About balf-iiast three o'clock tbis afternoon, tbe f Mrofa store room adjoining , - .... . :i n-.' it . n . t. : i - - aolilude is well eooagb till you want to borrow oomeibm FOBTY-FOURTH C0EGRI53. SECOND SESSION. The Mill's Law Mm Alain in BOTH BRANCHES FULLY ORGANIZED. Mr. Randall Elected Sp3ak erofthe House. SENATE. Washinoiox, December 4. Tte interest of tbe public ia tbe opening preceedings of tbe Senate was not so great as tbat iu tbe House, though tbe galleries were well filled before noon. Many Democratic Senators were io tbeir seats before the b.idy wascalled to order, but tbe Republi can Senators, being in caucus, did not occupy their seats till a few min utes before twelve. A change in tbe arrangement of desks to accommo date tbe new Seuai 4 from Colorado, and to give Senator wbo occupied seats under the galU.y more desira ble ones, was made by placing three desks upon either side of tbe fourth or last platform. Tbe seats on the Republican side were assigned to Messrs. Blaine and Chaffee aud Tel ler, tbe ne colored Seuaiors, and on the Democratic side to Mr. Price, tbe new Senator from West Virginia, Mr. Jones, of Florida, aud Mr. Ran dolph, of N(?w Jersey. When tbe Seuale was called to or der tbe new members were sworu in, and the two from Colarado drew for tbeir resective terms. Mr Chaffee secured tbe long term, ending March 4, 1879, and Mr. Teller the short term, ending 1577. BEADY FOR IlfsI.NESS. Committees were appo nted lo no. lify ibe President aud lluuss tnat. tbe Senate was ready for outness and a recess was taken till one o'ciock. H'lLsE. Tbe opening ot Ibo session .of tbe House was w itnessed by au immen.-e concourse of spectators. There were very few members abseut. Tbe Speaker's chair was draped iu mourn ing iu respect to the memory of tbo late Speaker Kerr. Tbero beijg, therefore, no presiding officer, the House was called to order at uoou by Clerk Adams, wbo thereupon called tbe roll of members. Tbe call showed if! members pres ent, tbe whole number ou tbe roil be ing 27- As soon as the call was fiutnbed Mr. Holmun rose lo titer a resolution for tbeelectiou of a Speak er, but Mr. Banks interposed as it question of superior privilege ibe right of the member elect from Colo rado to have bis ntiue placed on the roll, so tbat be might participate, in tbe election of a Sjteaktr, and sent up the efediiuaals of lbs Colorado member. Discussion ensued on the qiieaiiju of precedence, Mr. lIoluia.a aud otber Democrats contending inai tbe ur gauizaliou of the House was ueceasa rily ibe first busiuess iu order, w nde Mr. Bauks aud oiber Reiiubbcans contended that all memoers bave a right to participate iu the elec'.iou. Mr. Frye claimed the outue right for his Colleague elected iu place of Mr. Ijlaiue. Fiually the Clerk decided that the resolution offered by Mr. lljlunu look precedence. From tbat decision au appeal w as taken by Mr. Bauks, wbicn uppeal Mr. Cox moved to lay on Ibe table. Agreed to yeas ltlo, nays !4 Mr. Holman's rtsolutiou tbeu came up for action, and it was adopted without opposition. It was as fol lows: Tbe House being informed that siuce us last adjou'umeut M. C. Kerr, wbo at tbe commencement ot the piesent Congress was elected speak er of tbe House, bad dt put ltd this life, creating a vacauey in tbe ifiice of Speaker, it is therefore ordeied that the House do now procied to the electiou of a Speaker Cifa varr. - Samuel J. Randall was uoiuiuuted by Mr. Cox, aud James A. Garfield by Mr. AltrCrary. Messrs. Clvmer, flanning, Banks (Miss and U i!s u (Iowa) were appuiuted ullers, 'Tbe vote resulied as tolluws; Whole number of votes cast. Hi); mcessary to a choice, 124; Samuel J. Randall riceived Jauits A Gatfi. id, S2; '" Tbe auuouucemeut of the resuU was greeted w ith applause in the galleries. Messrs. Cox aud M.-Cra-ry conducted speaker ijaucjai t i .i.- cbair, when be read bis sixtpb from manuscript. Tilea wi ti kave tt u d by a tidal wave; !Vuuh!voLU wa- frum tbe Delaware lo Like' hr.e, a id oue rf the most promiuetit PniotTjiiic leaqer pauitul:j pridit- tl iLat i tie lusjoritj lor Dis par; j lit uie vyould be larjfe; ve Wtre riit tt hive footjpli 4'U tbe raci&o Si i)bio. Ulioo1!, autl VV.euoofjj wfjrj ure t- IfQ bj ibe 0'rd Tbe priiiheMe were aae.-nwuou then as ) 'iu ei ic threat? -e itr-dnT. Maik ibe rulv: Fe-ijlyoij . Iteputl can by 17,- Oil; Utiio t) i Olu; liliii.i. l7 t? V- 000: U'ii-pm-ia by 6 lit; Q i-jiouin l.gSU; CMrui by 400: Xrvadt bv l illO; tiLtlo the crt'S! IJpijiilii. I.i Cltatlfl. ja, gM'a itt-jil.lii.'4U b- j 59.23S nij'riiT (maj -riiy in l?-".! I vi W-i); Mitnes na by 24 maj ir mj tf' by JO W3: ,N-Ir;!ia b 1 0 f0; .Mii biu'' by rftj. wul C.A:rd bib a rruliy iiuuiii'-'i iuti) ibe Uuion by Ii-hi 'tm it- v.ijes nnter tLe sure eXt'c'lan -t) llint 11 w'tuld f-r '"liD-, "t i:M.llict:i by 2 201. Tbe only 'vritt.H au-.. lbt troieJ B ai ii j-t tbe lli-jitihlii-dii pn jre ConnectifU!, N- V-.rk. V "Jrirjr, aini pj.'ua-ili- trre firs-t iuuiiriia talily ly a mu d f r Hgn ft , 9pi' ibe lat by intori' Ur rebtl irojopiiu p4 m''5,'iV Wbere, tbeq, a.-fcf j? ljie t:dl wave tbat was to f.'lve t bit .uutiy over to the men wbo foushi for its l-trgetion7 Foi ney'x Vtv RrkJitil. ClLiMJiEBSJlLRii , Pa , N.-v. 27 lialjib Uu!anJ a ril Jobusoti, -ea ttuetd lat A pril to tru ' oi t-ibi year renpertively for ri.liL.itiu ite Natiooal lidttk of Cbatul.f r?t)'ir, t . varied to-ay. fntfiana. lulllANAHiLli, Xovrtubtr SS Tbe oflluial vote of Indiana ir: Til.leo, 213.526, Daye. 207 971 ; Tilden over llayeri, 5ft.V"; Cooper' Tote, 9,533. A 07 persoa wto wish? can be Ilmti.taa'a TaclSe Deft-iMcI. j WAstii.vsro.v, November :'' In i Republican circles heie it is a.-srrted !by nieu wbo usually know what i po'Dg on inside i f polity's that ibe I course f ibe administration iu sns itaiQiriif ibw l'baiiiierl.iiu partv in 1 South Carolina was larel ir.!'.j - enced by information llm tb.j Dem ocrats, acting under instruct! ns fr-m New Votk. did not mean io rs? s t sfied with the iuaugurat .i;ii of Wmie Hampton, bH inteoded t" carry cut st scheme lor stett'ing the electoral vote of the State. The prrmiue was, it is believd, fur the l.egi.-laruro t ereale a uew Returning Buurd, and for the bi ard to set aside a!I th de cisions of its predecessor, and give certificates to the Tilden iectors. With the control of the Legislature tbo Democrats, it is asserted, could bave successfully played tbi game, aad thus have rendered any further question as to how Louisiana bas gone a mere matter of idie specula tion. With St,utb Caro!i-ia, Tildeu would bave tha odg vote wanting and six to spure. I onti(r la rw Orlrau. New Orleans, December 1. A fire Lrke on: early tbia morning on tbe corner of St. Bernard and Clai borne strtet. It has reached and crossed Esplanade street, aud i-i stiil burning. Three blocks have bven destroyed. As far ss could be ascer tained the follow-in? is the number of bouses destroyed: Twenty on Colum bus street, twenty -four on Role.-tsoo street, thirty-two on Tdiere stp-tt, three ou Morris street, ten and a cburcb ou Esplanade street. Tie dwellings of Messrs. Angust smd Amadee Courtier, Abrams, Roccj, Clark and Cr.-zat, superb residences on Esplanade street, were consumed Most of tbe buildings liurned were small cottages and hundreds; ofp-or people lost all they po.-i.-rssed. Leon Dttrieus, member of the fire .-epart-mcuf, broke bis leg io tbree places. A negro who vas detected settiotr lire tj one of the It m-es during the conflagration was shot aud int3'it!v killed. .V'ic Adei'rtifeineittit. 1 in inr5:i.ir.r( .1? t'ir wiil of J.i- .1- Z.ir.-t- itl stt'vrrv'k T.. ami l viri'ji "t ;tt tr4t 't tli.. Oriitun'ff I'-.Tirt t iniivriM-t ' , to uj tlirei.-tfJ. wcmil il at 'I'-l;,- q the I;' iiw.-tr;fl ..f lt'n--.i. ma ' in Stt nvn-f St'mvr't Pa.. HtiMniiris t:ifl'i.- l SaniU f rt-t... Lrf-vi J lmt- Kuiiiii-I Pii &M y-tii- li t man. oiiitiaintiiie 1 a- r s .u.tl alii wji.- -. Tn nnYr.v. miN.ts n at Hu n-r -x i l. J a. t- iu inai'W.ml a Dpi orWutrtl. tiir-: .twll inir ii ii!!f!. Ltrt Darn. i?-t it si;ii'lf avA u'tivr mi Jni li in if i tlHTvnii 'leilfil. iil running w.it in a! un.i:tii e. I hvrv i '. ;tl n tl.p pr tiu.r? an-1 iiir-nn- is ali to (f "ii tiif sain': ;., 1 t:miK r n the iitiu . JS-ik1 to roiuiiiviu-e 1 o't-itK-k ot H.ii 1 uuv -n liie pn-rui- -1. T KKMS. i m tliipl m h.m I. i ihnvot to he T'ii-l wh-D the t-r im iiv i- fei!---k-d iD-wn anJ Ihc haliiiK' .n thv tir- i!.iy April i" wiif a p 'SM'--i m i tli rri itiv in -ix tunl aui.n n .ivn;ii'ji ther- iitr. i, l-f .xf urt-'t f-v niiifit; nt tmin'j'. Vlil s KIVMOV, MAUTl BKr. r li U I i;v virtue 'f nn .rlT .f flrph:;!! j t ..c.r. to lm: Iiivj:'-i. 1 will ci.pe tpu: lu- al'' .-a Safitrdtitf, If,, i7'r at U-u o'.-lmk a. ra. in IVrlin. ft-.I-.win ral e:.itc. fate the wtjrfy M H-nr Su it -i-- ii: 1. Air.iiuJ :i'a.:e in r.'.i:T :i,J- Iev I'p.. eoi.ii'.nuif fp ui-n r It! tct;h n tw-?t'ry traintf iiwllin li -o-?. larf cradle l; i thresliinic rt r. t4tut l" H'Mr, Uil.tiii -; in litiita r. a irioiiij AnaiiiaS L Lii'ii.1, K. i kr. a1 Johuu.ler. No '2. A traet of Inn 1 in tni" Tp., i ctilfl the Anawalt irae. 'iniaiiiintf aere n. -re or hvM, with a Ui liiUiif ttii-i (niiik trn ther---fi -r-t-M, tut To jt-rt ? h'r, a lj. ifiiiiif ianJi "I t'riah l.uiH!. Itmj. Walker, .n l N I. Nt. " r iur. of lau -il.Li:nitf Siiii u H.-iv. IiatM liuk'y ai-hl Jleury O. li-iy. i h a -nejii'l one hail Pt-ry li-ni-f an l ftahle i hereii er- tei. No. 4. The onliviteil Hi-thirl f 44s aert: m re r hi-! Pitnatv m Aitevtt nr T( . wiiti a M' anti oue-ball ury h.ue. :u-ll haru. arv,ut ;',( j-rc rle ir ha; n:e "vll ri::jl ere-1. TKti MS hie-thrr l in hwo't o the i-t ilay of April 1T7 bilauoe io three e.ju.il un mil piy-ni-at. willf ul iat'T'.;. t-U- ur.".l n hppr-t-i-": U p-.T .tii!. of h in 1 m t"V to I p;ii 1 h m,'rj a l he pr -p-rv i k a ! t Jtil SI IK!E. X , -i. rru y. ssijNi:::s notici:. Vtva:rn I)irri(; nl Peii' tvlTiinLi At n:t!.urich the 3 n lay o! h-t.. A. 1. 1sT5. The un.!er-iii:iej heretty iv.t n-Ti v hi.- ;p fiurment a ai-'ti-e of iiu l -!ph J liatreran l Ji.ha Jrier-n "I t"rtiv. ct uiity -fier.'t, nrel Stale ol kVum1) Ivania wu Kin il l Inirie. w i:o have hven a:iu,fLre-l bitikraj? uin thir own peUtion tv toe Lji-: rii l 1 urt ) wi ' l'i-"ner. K1KK i. ItKrllAM. or 15 Aiituee. "A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction." Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATrD. y tie $ of the PrrrM v hinirh"M matter! n.i 1 .'t ?. 1 . i? ui' Kth' r the l e-t s-tiimr pa .uV .. r.i L it is rr..t:ter ul .tiiioiii y. .' i.o ctn afh'-M to in wi;h..u. it. f-r thu int tie t i' 11 (EHe m ill 1 iv he very mu-I wore inney tfan t he uh. MTtpii' n priee. U'.M.-e uivinjr the h- ut-eh -it an lnfer- in literary i-iir. 'i-c Journal, Harper Hazar' i ppiluwly iitit rtt n-l 0ltf jtllil forie. p 'ms. !k!Ctehe. nn-l r-i:iy m a m-'t attr c'itc eharaeier la ii iirra-y ft ll t ar tfth tesiure. the fUtZnr ip urupjrr r,.n thly thehe: i.Hiru-li'f it kinl m the eoumry v .'r nit 7 t-az'V.e, llion. TERMS: P. jt-.j-f Jr1"! I . ail ?n''A-riN'r5 la ill- 1". S. ll.irjr's ll'i ?.:i r. nf ypir . t 'ti III.-IU li:J lyuiccl i-t I 4 i'U"i.iiifra urm-r:ii.i.'t;4 I.i Hi-r' l:ir'll.i. Wrrkiv. an 1 i;x ir. t ' ti- i-i m-rf t.-r unir -r. !'i w. r. tw. ot" H iriMT'. I'l-il'.; ii alii. t.i i-m- b:.i I-t i iii yer. 7 t: .hi:;hi tn-u. A n fitr 1 (-"i'V nt h-r Tt.- i-iini-, vt-i-kty, r Ilar.tr will u;i.it-l irri i l-.r rv.-rv ' li..'..i tiv." itii'-TltK-r. .it t w rj.-h. iu iiTi-wirtiiin.: or. ci'tiit'S t..r "ii ti. wUtiut tt ruji); : 1 ... i.i.. -Ial nnfiitwi. .nu -nj. .it- 1 an t.r:.- . 1 Ii? turn t hp t.'.t: .- i-iMirm-n. rli tin-r-:ir. Vii-n ti li.n t. ?rr-n'.i"nl. It will .in !i.rr'..t tliiii :tie :.u;i-cri'H:r i-tn-t to r- iiim -n.-r ih tbe iiui iNt iifi! .t' f r-.i-ij-t f M Till Ar.Qtl il 'i.Iiii. -ifHirT'.H'iiM. tr rlnlli liii-ir-i:. bi-i: i- ft-l,'K In''l il I-ri" t.r T uueiii'li, A c'tiinw.' -l. irtini.ri.iHii tt-tit v.-liiiHt-.. t.n rv.'i;'i .f rli 4Mh-r.ia ut .'i htv.... fn-iiln :it . ji-n.-. i l ur h.r. 4.'..th t'i...i ...r --jrjiv liU'He. r.Hil.4t.t- (r t.i;i-t-ln" fill ii -Lt lv mail, j.ii I. t-tt rr.-i;;l ul .4j. CI. Ii. " !:tl SC? to tt.cH Au?t .-t it y.ltl. I'j ir ..t:np. ' ' ' f.tjt p.:yt a.( X:! !o t.iy 'j ikii -t:i;.'i.':,-.t'r <huul ii.. '.a ; i?i Ol ri3!:PKK x l:i:."5 --4i, II lia'I-.li t UKOS., i-t V :U. TKK'S SALE. .-i(vt i i,,:..y i. li- .v- of Pit; ilf.r.'n 1 p.V .iTt fi...4 e.( u:--.- u, saie ti; pr ims in ii I ip , irtt t ,ht .r:n tf tlrriw! nf. c ntAii.fi li- a.-n ,ir. 1 PC per I- P'rit-t tj re nu iu T rrt l-.m; an-l , -f i . tn t.ur. A.tpiiiii, I n . u .1 l.i. t'''; A- a.'tw- nit.fvi b t ;-tt-rfi -err.- .ihr'n r-nit.:iR:-. I hre i-..n the faMn a 4 prn i:. (viUnr yt nnjr r hH :' ua -r an r a uu- .i.if rT nn-t e ! -.ink. '-.in L i"1.;! T.i n.llt s I'DmS-mvTtrS. si ! is d.tveii- v'V rt-'u'!' J j- r 'ftliVrIe.t.ue :f ;t:;,- 1 l'U., if.o liM'.tw-if pr-iutl brAt'i'vi if'.-M. kit-W? an.l three ip n s. -Uiie-M'tp i(j innl, ar i t.:ii..-t tu i- iUi .iaL,Lil :u. pi tw v u" t i CI! AULLS A. L'JllK. '-. T 1 1: ? :?. ion l3 Ell ! 3 ALL". kW ir;a. -4 a f-rit -f Tcnl. . lji-a-( , .r 1 the nrl nt t VrariTn l'ie:t S ;e? ! . , to ui H.vr e i i nl u mle uv . ,;- tMit- rry ' UtrC- U.'. H- Ul lli S'-tDtT-vt jati, h 1 .S-rjv. I ; at i" 1 i. p. IB t the 1-uJ . ,Df 'lftr:'Ml . ja I I i:e iru livi 11 nc h -If .f a ce, ;:un t l of 'ir-u:' in Pa tut Tp. u,!i-f I'-.i.. r-,n!j,tn t hyj 4 -J tT ; iQ're .r f-. .t tit :i.-r -j r'.- arrrl. i vr?( thr-.-e fr.itnf tiwellt:-ix li-,ti.-e. jihJI, -r;!- J !i:t'i,11h !K.p aU't .rfil.f O I i ,1 lU-. Il-i . R'Qti'rt flillor. Anii'it li-rwey. J s0-h I .l:lf O' faeti, vitb ite api Uff ttuurt.. ; T j-"n iu H.-o.tiHi m th pr r'y of Kn j rivlOiS: Any -r n ur'hait ' ut- vr ale wiU rnke D'-MIc' tat ten pf-rn: the 'nr.lMi-F mney wilt rr rtvir-! n ",n m . knx-kej iU.wn. t herw! it will arat b x-it.i j to 9-t.le. Tfw rei ;U-f ( I he purrh e leul tt.u.-t J le p-i( on r hef.tr tie vtta ly tf J...... !i Mevntcit $herJ tleeU. a'nn W tlenl will w ac kliowlrilijc! Uuiil lllpDr-hMe ni-'ftev 4il in. Nov. 'S. Siirriif. Of ICE. r.irnlr- ' nin r iri ... i w m. rrt t-.... at I. rfcif.v' Mill, t-n .M(.lsy it. : tft .t iy J-ili.. 1-77. iH rnmPin-ii ir at !.!. !.,r ! till- J nr,A : "t !'! iltu-rr I r the tr.r!Mi4 !''"' E.J. W.H.KEl'. l fi.v.2. '. MC.Ni.fcS. NoriC!- , :,-! -i- i ; h Sit .1 Wl'lT. i. ,vr I ' ..I v .,1 if.;-v ii i-f-iit. n.p a''' Jil iv .- ! t-it. n-it .sitl i-rnat. IJ. hi M . S.-Itt - it. ti s-.iuor--E ! -r.. ill Ir'.m h r tlinin . si: ..I t!--Tv.i;i.ir i(4 o ! .1 Weil-r. All H'SM tl.vrri ri- Mi'l irf'vt t. 1 J. Wt-i!r. i.l Su;u lull i t . wi.i nik -,-.:ii-n: t ft -t A . n:i-v. ! ..il lit..,., livtn rltttmn or ilr'nan-ti will mk9 j M. Si'IIIt'ii'K. Oet.j Amik:'4 A' ;k;nkk-s notice. N. tirf :s hor-ST u;vsn that J wn ,iluuiiii:m. t liu'-tu ib'-nii'S -. mi-r-l I . I'.. t v ;,,! -t Vol'iniiirv AfiJinsiil. Ha j-iiii-i tii ii hi5 r-tfuU- Ti'iO. jivr"U.u ait I )Hilt--l In tnlM ti.r ti. ii-. tlt .l rnilil r.'. Ail -r-..ii in.Ii-ntsil ii th -ti I Jno'ti l 'tfini m. will ntHk.' pr-mpt fKiTiRt-ut tiur. u; t tin. hvn:-j r.illij .r !viii.iu ' w:l i.ri-.i.-!i-thi-iii .niiv an-lieu:. '.-!.! t uiy titl.-r itt iS'-aier h .f. JAS. L. PI-'rH. Jt'tv. - . Aijfi'.ei?. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times,"-"Tha best, cheapest and most succassful Fami ly Paper in tho Vnlon." Harpers Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ,V'i'r. i of th Pref. H.irp'i 4Vrk; .h.u;l hm In eTrr afni!y ttirsujti'iU th a i I'tirrr. nior- iuu rtv.nir. 1.:!' r heiitr llnitr.tt- ar 1 nl n:- iiciir.l iu tfi or uy KUcr .;au. ry. '.jo.wri dj if.Wl 'i. I'- -T.'U, luv ili;t in t tt avuii ti v-ti;ir.u"trri!! i rtnt.ii rJ a"1 nu u-ujI K) T. t'-vii,Jn i.a,U. Vlt" (Vt-au-C aril-in Huritrr' if.fivU I- lit.'ii are Ui--' l. ! hiri-;..nl i hm-ui-'ii. :tnl it: -i.'t"r!.l ii:ur.iitti are crri)tMrHttt ut. .V Y. Tn il t-rkiv h i to n m i". lifaree .li.t.in l nil .,!. -'ti or an tllur.u't rcpap'-r ltc.i l'iri ii. atv uttKMii: t ); ni';aMol ih-;rkinl. an I itther n?;tMn tuat't-r i- ii n U-:truft. tiriSt t aii.l ;i:n:j-iii: I: i;i'jir tii.-n unr at-nii'iiint mihI Ct r .ro -Xftilnfe. .trt'; A-ir h :,, .. Y. TERMS: ristuir t'rte ti.al! S.ii.JK'riTS in the I". S. II tnr ' wtvkiy '-noyt-ar ' i iiu iu ( i'te i y iii nt t . S. Iwsiac ) tli- pu it-t.t r. u:-rrtpii. is !.i ltrp-r! Muif vir,4 W"--fkiy atw IUi7 it. tiKiit- .1 iir - i'r -iti: ) ear. jl "f." twj ti H.irir's t-'-ri-li.i;.-. t one i.irt:- ir vrns yvur. 7 fft;i- ;r- o. Ati c-iira ''('" . i! her ib Mil'it in;. Wekiv. cr li r p ill -tii pi i- I itr.ii i.r wcry r'v ti hveSm -Ti'MT- if -4 "o e-a-'h. in u-- r-ini; uif : ..r. -ik i pir- i r-' . m.ii'.iu: x.r i o-py: p -t ,i:.m- ir.-e. ti.i. k tt n n Nt 'M i' upili'l any time. Tne T' i'im. - : ' !. rt kt y ni uiein'e ml h tlte vr.;r. W leii ti it tite i tin .: ! ii u. i w ill f e en tlertiiuJ that ih -ui -vi i:irr wt!tif to -',:i'roe!h wit ii i he i: ti in her m xl ;t it t ' he rect-ipt t I.:. or- H-r. T!a' Anntl Voiuiti-s 1 Harper"- Werk'y in I 'i-t !i TiiT nil! t- tit itv n;.!-", Ir- e ) f-Xp0-' I'TjT 'ii';ti-!i. A ctnpie: . f'lll ( -T i--brz mnt-r-'i'tl V mIIiih-s. . ut "ii r;-x ipt '! r.i-h ;if ti.er.itf ut 5."J l'-T V . I., t fit-n: rf I if t nnsn t .'!( !i ' m ) -r " 'fi v -1 - : tt rii a' I f-r i-m-i-ii'jf. wi'l ti 'wb' !'.v m.ni. p. pu l. -a rwfipi ot tl.-f :i' !t. It h-it - ji. i. i.. i ii. -i t.t :rr- if . r. p - e pr uf N -f j. i - . f n t t c. ; r tin H - r' t-n-- I p i : i u I ilict-'. : r- --r-'.cT K .i; Ja. i.: . . -Ki:-. THE IlEiliDEiiT i FOR 1877, j i.i n -: - . i ..r i-";.-l j p.. p.-r i:i r 'ii'-n- ii here r Ti-lii -u W'' 'nfv Leu i--r ver.il 1 ..r Vl)i r. W . .: ili pri:t 'hn.ul. theT'.ar." .i.Nrt oy ill- -tt. . .::. ic-n - rryn- n f 0- u .try. nj n!i in mii- a i 'i. tr"in .lame ij 1 - mi i- tar ra.: r w therei.-re, have ple:Mr i iii':iri;i tlit- in- s. hi'ii' n :.ii ii.-'.tr S-vt Th.. ii knv., I ;.-. :n. PniloJei) h,j. em t ine.-. S. m. Sn Kriwi-ro, r t 't 'N ;. iV. .'i.t i -u : i-ii a rt- ! . ..i . r. I'H KIS11 v ,. K. t y ta v. S , H. I 4. I . I . n !.i - ti . i t- n: ,t!mi!i t.. yiin 1. M'.t l-.tV v i te leheT.-, i?u-I every t ti.ci ;n :n mi.) -in ill. 1 M I K it. A nr -:ii! S ry Ann r -an .i l.- ! - 11 .1 .1 ... n; i lie in ; - k I.-. ' ! enrt r. the tne i Itfc I T vAVEd CITY? l-y I. H. I ekt. 1 il-r. iftr itiu N iV- i'll iiui-ir.il ih- pn-.t'tiT r of ip-U;a;it n, ol iiVMi WUifUt tt. rk. ul litKiui m to j wile u: eipiiai: ant w U ht .. it tue :u ilrkt.t) r-te- iv t rUl t ver ptil'ii-he-i. till K T ti. - e 1 1 pu.-i a series 'f arti fU' IT1 ; 1 iu- peu i.i Ki t i-rew-t'T, .1 r . o( iSn- -:tvi;. t.n r. 11 :mc ttnm:. re lai u an I tt,t r ' t - i ..- Kll'I !i. hi- ir-"it preiii.uif; i-r the y-..; -.Ii ve 'u i e tit- W -t t vr :iit. - vu ; I"p tepi' " ai it 1-. I1II up. Ti Iris cf Claries Diclens, in :h i.(ii. a .u: t nn'iirp M II"US h tI Kit 11 .ni'l Me--r. Ijhv Sfirpar.f. the wu kn.n pui-ii!ir i't ii. i 'i.. c .1 1 t nr .(t-r .' T" t.irh .iiul ev.-ry p- r- in. ii"llier : Iri'ia. y a u''ri:er '. r ti t. ml'.-' . w. m will l'rwrj 1 hk I'-iM'ftNT "Rf i;ir pt:.m- pni. iiceiiicr i ti any 'f v liume tr-ni the h-iU'Wiii : i. Tli-' i i- kwuh Pip-TS- iMJ p..' 4. a. i nr iirti il Krien.i. Mrt. a. I1.1M t t p: -eni-i I. paid . 4. U'ii", Nu klei'V. J!6uii-. o. M.-rti:i 1 tiitytewii. Mj P'.es. t. ! tii-ev ;n i S- n. .V-tpa' ?. 7. o; I 1 uri- -i v S:i .p, am iiepri.itc 1 I k'" C9. pitf.-H. s. Liui If-rri'. S"4 pa". !. Iti'lli H"U" -. ti.JKt!. 1 Ittiui!y Kti tir-. .tu.i rtari Tim pa ire. 1. ihivir ri!. t'l. rupp s trutu Italy, aiul ri an .'e' ; pnjc-!. Ai.iit-oi 1 .v.itu.fi. aii i.teiC L. he in i- M ;I I p tar. U. t. 'ir'tua S.witi aal fceii.i.v.i h, li-. CT-Jl'iei. I i.e .iiiiti' r Trareler. at! aMiriunal 1 hr " itS .jru. rtjt p (' a. Tat- vtiter.t r!m Lrl, A hlM' Hk ry ul nl we. M iUr Hu:uphn s I 'tyt-li, eie. w For IIITKKX sriiSflilBEUS mKmz COMPLETE. hv'jr. i:Li:w r "r T.;z I ';tKTE-iT!"iT en xh.- Ur;' pa- i. hiriiuwj ,t wh Liv nnntAiMi ill .ivt i:.y :r.n, id t. -j p j. u.u-ti -fuiiiiiej. i mis Tste Iif.pKjiikT . T9 tr twtc rmt t ni nt ..(!i"rr''!tii ( jrii.il iu iht uniry 'T the WtTi't aui i prc-eitiiiivuily HI ! nu ripti. ivj.. ,.f Tii : l!mrr!fKXT. with il w.Tim, prm'U'i -.I. in (-.- - - :i J i ii a .ti i-' ''tt:i:i rr M! 1:t i' i ;t. .i.u:r", - -ut ir-;-- u .'ii j.ni-.i, ,r. THE IM)El'i:M)E.NT, j P.-O. 3ox 2737, - - New York. : '-. 1 -jjastoTaij'y the fjjst sustained, ' vwo'k of the kind in the World" Harper's Magazine. . biiicrtof the Prcs. I T'r t!-t ha.- ,it';i::i, il n !' "P- n;--T ; fffcL t a.u.1 iu ,-.e "l ? i -ev e ii t:. tt p.. id vl; i i; Ui. I.e till i .-j t;. iitihn a-tr-js rf lr. J'itfi'i. I lr r,nn ti lt ttiie jriri uf. !- i pr-ti-r." I iu:re : t.5 iji".-3--it;ta;i,i r-p-u iit uh.i tti tr-:it-t a ric r JiiTr 4jit i tu urt? - -eiif .i t nit V u-. iTU'i r ih-tu m ;iy i:ui Mtir the if t'iei Jiuc .f i.i-ri:y r't' liil arcuiii , U Ml' r AU'l yi-.r.-. Urui .' k'.t-;'.f. iiui I. t M ..' e;e-L'r H.ti U ; U tne tta't:--r i;.. i.iir Lu.a'it r i" h !' V : -Tk-'l t.v tie iue e'Kir ruw ;t fir i'lTi.-ii irini fltc H'4 uf re.fiT. l e-(i nirs r--0- j:rii:i"iu in a . . u I)' if il-j 'ic I in t.l -li in rv u. ,i;t: 14- pjiK a,l TERMS P ;rtf : at! S ri.r- io tbe I . S. Urpr" M.j:.iTi'.'..af ycur 4 ft 4 t in-.- it. 1 r jj ttCLt 'i I. v."i:i4e tlie pUi;l-:!rr--. ; riv-u t Hnr". Ix iKr.e. W;-ek!T. .t.tlli ir. t. ii ! trvh-l"f yti ear. ii'' ud'.t li-arierr Pefi-i-iiijl,, t'lttfil a-I-.Tc-. h'F J: : j-' t.-!" 1? e.' 9 All ti r I rj 14 rrhrr t) M rf j i;ili-. W-Kiv, 'nr iUi: wi! i. ;( t rr,! 1 r-ry Hu at iive vi.. ri e rs -it 4 --j cit.':. ta fi-reiui.iane: ir. ix r-v 'T ir K wuUtt rjcrj cp ; L.-r-sjf 1r-. Vi-'k nu:u t r te :)pp;.i-l tT any tiaie. f: ' "i.i.a'a - :f ;no r"rn-aeii. wi b N ::u; r U t J j: e ari tu ---it-rr "I i-i-& yjr. stti"triti i ii miy .ni'ii-tux wl b nr.f hUW-er. Wl.tiili" lilie arto-tnett. If wilt r; an.t-rt"jt That tti nfft-Tiir wittrn tt tefQ 1 b llr' i.rt nuiu er (l thr t-itT in vtutBV, bai-ti ii'j!uivr w.u re ni au-" r-ijiiitiy. A i a.;fl- I-.' t f H.r(eT .M ikT-tein-tf. Do er uj-jir'-iiiic -i V tuuiii . inui'itclot'i tun m;.r. wlii tp; eft 1 iy cxpr t. iri-ai ait ?xtr-'ti' j r-:ji t, f r ill '&a p'r ti'iain-. mie v4u:n t. aai.v jii. & in. I'V-ia ra.M, toiiivct e I;. iy ni.il, pm-tM;.'. A rri.up;--:e A j ti-il In rex tn thff arsk rty I -. nariier'. .1- iin ( en pu-ii-.icii. t -t.-X- rfi. ,vai::i''!e Uit r ( rvnralHttiMl aiei wv-i.tii t (iR'i.ruii t a whww thi- ta- V,iit p-rii-.iv.il a p r.eet iitar4ti lumnry ceioM,- a. -.ot, cliAft J OO; ball eaif, a'-X ei4 itje tre?. SrtcsjntjHrrr are not la "enr tkU fidstrtuemf! without ia tiprrt vrUr9f 11 mpkk a. to row. n