The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 22, 1876, Image 4

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Kit-bard llrown had lived a bic-V-! ?f d o children.
lor for fort r rears ami d-riared hi! "It .H never R r.aid Mf.lia-;
inm;..n '..t ...n, In,, ir,- !,, ii,., n.:e k!e ; "i. .M -rcr for-rive you. ,
af !nH U-iinesa i"r :ae remain-
to the f-atirt-
. . . . " . .,,.- 1
fartionor big relative,, tne iiiisaiea, j
witb whom b- resided; f be it j
known I'ficie
cool half mil!
Hit-hard was w 1
mh a'so
on, and tbe Hi:-k!e. j
were His cdit .ivm;r rfrtiua'i ou.a
. . nTi - . .u
ZX:: Jp.
erty.wb, b,:i Leh-aveht, ..ut;:' ra "'"e- ; j
to U18 own roui.ns or lUfir ruiiun-u s. . . i. .
Hopefola..r human nator. i little tWog, mdeed."sa.d the, Amanda.
.. U '. '.. , .... :.., .:i.,,u..i',n-rri-.1. on hi eoat and "Marrr cs." eaid Mr. Lrown.
orionpevwr, . . u.i .r-. " " '
scarcely expend to furrire h,.r ,
f."hlA?l ?l
tct..., uUl AUf.,.-, nv.-. v.--,
and William. rrii.sht
oii proiiaum-
tr be bis heirr, aod
:bisv end tbe .
parents labored. I'atle I'.iobard bad : it. , -j j. .
the best room ia tbe bouse, tbe best; "I ' ta.f fn-btcned i.we.
chair, the no particular consider : "So If. 4 Adelaide But
Uon. His wi-hes were deferred done and it ca-j't ha helped cow.
and L:b advice taken oa ererv occa-1 Til manage to coax him to torsive
feion, and
be actuallr carae to be i
.ii i :., ..;. i
loved : fjr
fashioned wars and l is habit of sit-
ting as uttcrlV silent as thouirh be had
1 i I .1 mil U13 t U Dill V 1
in.f...H l, a Inrpa. i
Ueman. Matters prourewd J-mooth-!
i .,i, .,,,!;, inilni
cvpocpisv wbicb m:t .'c I'ncle llicbard !
master of the bon-p.
He was very clii.iag wonderful
ly so in Booie rebels. lie would
attend to anything for anybody
match ribbons wLen no one clsej
could escort tbe g'r!s to places of;
amusement go dutifuliy to cbnrcb
witb their mamma attend to market
ing asd tbe posting of letters, and
the gas meter, and the turaingoflf the
meter in frosty weather, lie was al
ways ready to search the bouse witb
the poker at tbe dead of uiebt, w hen
any one "heard a tioie."
lie went to tLo dentist too with
people who wanted their teeth drawn,
and always seemed to have sugar
plums in his pocket. Jli't one thing
Uncle Uicbard would not do, and
that was to exbiuit the least signs of
politeness to lady visitor?.
He never feaw one home. lie bever
even spent the cveciug 'a their com-
r8ar. iie iuv&r;aui7 scut nimseii un ;
. i - , i . ... ...
in bis owu room aiid bad Lis teal
there when these individuals were
reported to be in the bouse, and,
when traveling, Li.d lieea known in a
train to shut his eyes tight, when a
young lady entered, and remain with
them cloted until she lelt the car
riage. As a general thitig, indeed,
be always cbe a earriaire where
be need not be ictrudoi upon.
It was just u well, after nil'
said Mrs. Iliokle, but it wai a jeru
liarity not quite n.reeaL!e to Mr. H.,
when he fuund the ji! asa.-u last l
"seeing" tie Mi.-s Joes, imposed
upon himself. He argued that puch
duties were cousin's, though Le
iiever told Lim so. It would not bave
Jeca pleasant to provoke him. and if
anything could bave offended Dacbe
lor Brown mortally, it would bave
been to insist npoa bis offering any
gallant attentions to the softer sex.
However, a day came at last which
set the whole h on .-'"hold in commo
tion. Miss Amanda Dove had been in
vited to spend a w eek w ith the Hin-
kle's, aud Miss Dove being a stranger,
was to wait att the station until
some one came for her in a carriage.
The Hiuk'es resided some miles
out of town, and had act occupied
their residence for many months, so
that people were not always properly
directed by the neighbors."
It was de'idtd that Mr. Hiakle
should escort Miss Dove, but before
the day of her arrival dawned, busi
ness bad called that gentleman to
Sheffield. Moreover, Mrs Hinkle
bad the influenza, and tbe two bovs
were at boarding school. No one "to
lie found to drive, and neither Rose
nor Adelaide couid handle the reins.
Miss Dove was to copje fit nine, and
what would she tLick of tbem if no
one came for her?
"Indeed," said Mrs. Hinkle, "it
would be shockicg treatment for tbe
dear girl. I must ask rour cousin
"You never dare, ma," said Rose,
"In such a case, vou know said
Mrs. Hinkle.
"He'll not do it," said Adelaide.
"Of course not," said Rose.
Mrs. Hinkle shook her bead.
-I fear he will not," she said, and
assuming an expression which would
have done credit to Joan or Arc,
mouuted the stairs to cousin Rich
ard's study.
"Are you busy, Richard," she
asked as she entered.
"Not at all sit down," said Bach
elor Brown.
"Vou see how ill I am," said Mrs.
Hinkle; "I can hardly bold op my
head, much less drive, and Mr. Hin
kle is away, and the boys too, and
00 one can handle the reins '
"Well," said Bachelor Brown.
"And there is poor Miss Dove at
the station with her trunk by this
lime," said Mrs. Hinkle with a gasp,
"Ah," said Mr. Brown. "What a
Mrs. Hinkle felt that she bad not
begun yet. Bachelor Brown oould
not understand what she wanted.
"It's a great lavor a great favor
to ask, 1 know," ahe said, "but
couldn't yoa jun for once do it ?"
"Do what, Maria?" asked Bachelor
"Go for her," said Mr. Hinkle.
"For Miss Dove?"
"Oh, dear no," said cousin Rich
ard. "Bat, " br-ran Mrs. Hinkle.
"Maria," said the old bachelor,
"young ladies, my little cousins ex
cepted, are uir abomination. An
affected, conceited, chsurd set of
creatures. 1 never bad anvtbing to
Ao witb them, and
I never will. No
doubt she's capable
of finding ber
rat here. They all appear to be. I
shan't go for her.
Mrs. Hinkle retreated.
"What will sue think of us?" she
Mtd robbing.
"Don't cry," said Bachelor Brown.
"I'll see if any of the bands over at
the Oat'a place can drive ovc" for
And out Le went ; bat all tbe bands
m Oat's place were busy with the
iiay. which stood in danger from a
comiag shower. Richard returned
without the least success.
"A shower, too," said Rose. "I'oor
dear Amanda. I'll trv what I can do
with my cousin."
And "in the siudysbe spent en hour
teasing and worrying without effect.
"Let Ler get lost," said Bachelor
Crown. "No doubt she'd like it.
And as for ber trnnk, why don't girls
travel with a portmanteau as we do?"
And Rose departed pouting. She
Tonnd Adelaide in an cf.remely mer
er mood.
" "Don't laugh," she said, "thick of
poor Amanda."
"I am thinkiog of her," said Ade
laide, "and cousin Dick shall go. I'll
tell a fib."
"For shame !" said Rose.
"He ought to make someacrifice
a frieo.1," fsil Adelaide. "I'll
bim LeV a child. He' always
"'- Adelaide ran up to her cjiiria
etndr and bom ia witb an net
.t ... tri.-.l tun n.ri
' r;. ' . , . ,
-aaia.Mi. '.u
stanu oi i:,em an. ita ium.i ..
Amanda i
i n T
- '. : , .... . i.
"In : he?" asked tbe bachelor.
-A.if acbiMof ninevears could j
" j,;;;--Vbf dida- you
b 1. n.e by d.dn y
A iu'r frJ n' tbe lihti
... , rn.A
Wiffu w irita tiwwu v u- j .
.i.ii;rLu ct,..i.i in.a iii" af:er
me, ana H wouiua s. uo to .
friend in such a poiuoa vou know:
d I didn't ay he was a child "
Meanwhile Lacbelor l.rown d'ove
to the station, it was a iod
over a bad road, bnt be kept on
m verr cheerfullv. He was
tremely fotd of ch.ldren.
fcen on reaci ioff tLe fiauoo.
ue .
saw no signs
jrrew alarmed.
of her presence, be j
ir n. Wn J,.r
through bis D"2leet be cou'd uever ',
11 o u um4 - -- - :
forgive binise.l. Jle rati b.s lingers
through bis curiy hair and pt-epod
into the ladies' waiting-room. uly
a very fine, full-grown youDg woman
sat there, and be retreated. Tbe
woman who waited in the apartment
came out of her nook with a courtesy j
0S she saw him. and he eddiessed
. I
' Have you seen a '.itt
giri wait-
ing for fome one .
'No sir," said tbe woman "There
were two came down, but they are
"Oh, dear! oh, dear!" said Uache
lorlSrown; "I hope there's no mis
take. It's a little Miss Dove, and if
the dear little soul has poae astray
I'm eutirelv to blame. I'iease make
i: !7...
I'jtiuir.eB n ;
-there's a ,
0: d woman !"'
As he uttertd these words the full
irrown vou nr liidv in the waitisg-
room w as seen to blush violently and
"nd I
Amanda Dove,"
expect s.mie one
rum .Mr.
II inkle's
Bachelor Drown stood nhast. He
bad spoken if this ladv 11s, a dear
little tiiing " His face almost turned j
scarlet. i
"I beg your p.irdon ma'am.'' Le j
bezan. "I expected to find a little ;
irirl I wouldn't bave used such ex-'
ions for the world I " '
"I comprehend," said the younir
lady, "don't mind in the least. I ''
"Is this your truuk'said Bachelor
Brown in a hurry.
"Yes., siir," said the lady io-.king
dow n.
In a few moments the two were
driving toward tbe Dinkle's country
seat. Never had Bachelor l.rown
found himself so close to any young
lady, his cousins, before. He
was woefully coufu-ed, but somehow
he liked it. How prettr she was, he
ll iw riiok and white; bow
golden ner La:r was. How tbe blue
ribbons on her bonnet Fet it off.
Then he began to wonder what she ;
thought of bim. Wondering thus, '
he forget the road, and suddenly j
r.m.l I,B. V. V.A 1 .... L.: .f r .i
iwi.uii luai 11 u uun Hist Illilisi,
add to the dilemma, the storm w hich !
had been threatening for hours, burst i
at the vcrv moment when Bachelor
-,,.,., .t.if. - ..j - .:..t,. ,..a '
whether the left road or the riirht led
homeward ; and the Lorse was afraid j
of lightning and grew restive. Miss'
Amanda Dovo was afraid of light
ning also. She gave a little scream
and clung to Bachelor Brown's coat
Bachelor Brown looked down at
bcr. It was Fueh , soft, plump hand.
Her eves were so round, and so blue 1
- , . . e
in her terror that he forgot she was a
y"iMi.a i'T' r r ,
fl 11 v Y,"e f yu"fcf"J:
flash of lightning, a roar of thunder,
an attempt on the part of the horse
wL't." terrufed, hiraT. . ,
Miss Ive turned pale Bachelor
I rown looked temfird. ITe cast a
jiiaa'-e sunui unn. .eai tar? road
was a parsonage connected with its
church by a grden.
"I tell you whet we'll do," be said.
"We will ask for shelter until the
storm is over. A clergyman ou?ht
to be Christian enough to take us
And driving to the gate be assisted
Miss Dove to nlijrht. As be did so,
two hired men rushed out and betrai
to attend to tbe horse and vehie'e,
and an old lady and gentleman ap
peared upon tbe steps.
"So glud you're early enough to
escape tbe worst of the storm," said
tbe old gen'lemon.
"Do c-rae in," said the old lady.
"Wi were expecting vou for on
.such occasions people always keep
j their appointments rain or sunshine,
believe "
"What on earth does she mean?"
said Bachelor Brown. "But it's
very kind of them," and so while the
old lady hurried Mi.- Dove away to
dry thitgs, be sat w ith the clergyman
in tbe corner.
"Do you feel at all nervous," said
the old gentleman after a pause.
"No, sir, thank you," said the
' .Moat men do, sir," said the cler
gyman. "Yes. ligLtniag is a nervous sort
of a thing," said Mr. Brown.
"I did not allude to the storm."
"Indeed, sir."
"But to the approaching ?ercaio
nr." ""Eh ?" said Bachelor Brown.
"In your note you know, you told
me that you were too nervous to
stand before the w hole congregation
in tbe church, and preferred a quiet
wedding at my bouse," said the old
"Bachelor Brown stared at him in
astonishment. The truth dawned
"You expected a young couple ?"
be said.
"Oh, you are quite yojng enough,
sir, said the iuuocect clergyman.
"And I must say that the iady ap
pears a very charming person.'"
Bachelor Brown felt himself blush.
"Sbou!d you think she'd make a
good wife?" be asked.
"Undoubtedly," said tbe clergy-j
man. j
"And you tiiini: a man is happier j
for entering tie orptial state ?" Cllvelam Xovember 13 Cor
he inquired. inelios II. Crall, freight conductor on
JNo man can to nappy wiUiott so
doing, and it is every man's duty.
said tbe old gentleman, believing
every word be said.
"She is a dear little thing," thought
Mr. Brown to himself. "1 never
liked a girl so much. It's very awk
ward to explain. I wonder whether
And just then Miss Dove entered
the room, looking angelic wilhont
ber bonnet to Mr. Brown.'. Bachelor
Brown drew Ler aside.
"I have-nometbiug to &ay to you,
Mias Dove," Le iaid.
Trearnic," said Miss Dove.
"Tbev've made mistake," oaid
Uacbelor Prowo. "Tbev think
we are the people they a s young
jc-ouple, yoa know about ti "
..hh ".Wr .. the?" whi-nered
r:n "I '
a. X' 1 I. .nl ouuerl t.a
a i . i
, and let b.m j
coupon like me.
Vb.t Mr. Krown?"
"Of none not." Paid Amanda,
woold tbe inkIea 8aT ;
"TbeyM be delisted." .aid Hicb-;
r. ofnm-Snir l.Wpr Then he nut
o - - i- -
Dia ami arouoa ter waist.
"I don't kuotv much
srt of thiair. but voa are
iIia nnlr I 1
nice girl I ever eaw.
lMrasedo. Ill
be pood to yon."
'l know you
'Amanda, "but
' 4,Uut tbeu I'm
are good, said
ugly, eb 7"
"Ah. no, not at all."
"Well V
"It woold be so odd."
"Well." ?aid Mr. Drown, "that's
u;y fault, and they know I am
my uear. .
1'our hours
after the Ilinkles beard J
lliuaieB ueaiu i .
tbe Urht wimd drive to the door. i
and rushed out to meet Amanda.
o- - .
"We've In-en so alarmed,"
Mrs. Hinkle.
"Such a storm." said llose.
"Were you frightened?"
l.ut Amanda said nothing.
I a;le ;K.cbard too. abrank back, as,
tboogh be were afraid of something.
" 1 ell Vm mnnna 71
Tell 'em Amanda." he said.
"No you tell them, Iticbard,"
The Ilinkles listened in amaze
ment. "What is there to tell?" asked
Mrs Hinkle.
tery about ?"
What is all ibe my-
And cousin Kit-bard answered,;
VWiinz-onlv we've been JrettiDZil,ajked wilb a lbrD Wkh in
.Wiinir only we wen getting b ,, u r t) be4, lhtJ
r'.f I hu ia ti.v a-1 f .1 l ra I ' .
It was the only explanation ever;
offered. The Ilinkles never compre-!
heuded. It was e.!l a mystery to (
them; ana though they were protuse ;
in their congratulations and always'
continued the best of friends, the for-
tune which might have been Rose's
or Adelaide's rather troubled Mrs.
Hinkle; and she al ways declared ia j
r.. !.- :i . . . . 1" . . .
imij'i v couucus mat sue was perieci-i
1 i- 1 1. l j j .
v su.-e I uce Richard married out of i
spire to punish Adelaide for the trick
she played upon him.
How lie? tot the llaak Krjr.
A few davs ago, about dusk, says ; showing a complete and overwhelm
the Chicago' Tnbi'n-, a stranger call- j iog democratic victory ic that State,
ed at tbe residence of a bank cashier .and there was an another exodus of
iu Si Louis, and introducing himself, j republicans.
said he desired some privato c-mver- Thea I left the Fifth Avenue Hotel
satioa on business of importance. The and weut down to Tammauy Hall
enshier thereupon led him to a private! and Irving Hall, tbe headquarters of
room gave or'djrs that they were not the democracy. The scene was quite
to be disturbed, seated himself, folded differed. All was jubilaibn and joy.
his arms and desired his rovsterious There was more druukenness, more
acquaintance to communicate the ob- J unreasouhg, unmeaning jubilation
ject of his visit, me mug cougoun ;
once or twice, liiec said:
" Being cashier of this here finan
cial institution, of course ycu keep the
key of the safe ?"
The cashier said be did.
"And vou know about tbe bank
, , - , ... ,
roL VP rufDU B.uu "e
ea'b,,ers "nd. .lb?'r ff'UllieS' a,Dfd.' b
P"1. ?" con-pel tbem to
The cashier said he had.
"And you've heard about the Da
veuport brothers and the Spiritualists
and things ."'
The cashier said be had.
"Now," said tbe stranger. "I've
been studying up the whole business,
and have tound out how to overcome
"You doa't sav so?"
1 f P. Sir. 1 Ul U a W ...
'0 you a secrct wbjch may at
some future time save your life and
the funds entrusted to your care. I
show you h(JW t0 uulio ny erie
f kn however complicated ; tore-
move a gag from your month, and, in
, t oar fiee. j can relea8e
. -w ,nJ whh . weefc,g
practiee I'll bet you can show better
than three minutes. You can see the
advantage of my system! There is
no need to resist and get shot; all
all you have to do is to let them tie
you up, and, as soon as they bate
taken the key and gone, why you just
let yourself loose and give the alarm."
The cashier said it was a remarka
ble invention.
"You bet it is," said the inventor,
'and as I never take aov monty for
t till mv customers are satisfied of
my honesty in dealing with them, I'll
tell you what I'll do. Just let me gag
aod bind you, and then I'll give you
some simple directions what to do,
aud if you don't unloose yourself io
five minutes and express entire satis
factioD with tbe process, I'll give you
10. If Vou Dtid that I am a man of
my word, you'll pay roe $5."
The castiier said that nothing could
be fairer.
"Another thing," coutiuued tbe vis
itor; "I'm apoor man, aod this secret
is my only stock in trade, so I'll ask
vou not to teach aov one else; how to
do it." So savin? ise took a roll of
cord and a gag from his packet, and
with great dexterity, tied she cashier
hand and foot, and cacxed him so
that Le could nut wink.
"Now you are tied pretty firmly,
am t you: l ou wouldn t inink you
coiild ever get loose, would you?"
Tbe cashier looked the replies be
could not spea.
"I don't think ycu could myself,"
said the ioFentor, "and now Jet me
tell yoa my name is Jesse Ii. James,
tbe notorious train robber, aud if you
don't fork over that key in three sec
onds I'll cut vo'ir throat from ear to
ear. I beg your pardon ; you can't,
but I'll take it myself. It's no trouble,"
and turning the cashier over on bis
ba.k like a turtle, he took tbe key.
"I won't take your pocket-book," he
said, for the ten dollars is yours, as I
don't think you wilt get loose in five
minutes, or five hours either. So
long, sonny," and, with a courteous
bow he quitted the apartment, and
proceeded to the bank, which, be rifled
as completely and leisurely as if be
had been one of the directors. Tbe
sad event has cast a gloom over tbe
Khvoliaa Afrrwy.
lhe C. c. C. & I. R. R , was shot by
a ttcmp at Shelby, Ohio, yesterday.
Three tramps got aboard the train.
Refusing to pay lbeir fare, Mr. Crall
took one of their hats, and at Shelby by revolutionary methods
got off tbe train to get something to!;s attempted will come tc
eat Tbe tramps followed him, ail
three of them drawing revolvers and
firing at him, one 6b ot taking effect
ia tbe breast, inflicting a serious, if
not fatal, wound. Tbe tramps were
era sew yokk letter.
New York, November (I, lSTi!.
Nothing ia talked of or beard i f i
the city, but tbe election. It a.t:d
off here very quietly, there beiujr but
lew fights, and no rioting wbairver.
Obe night belore ibe election, there
. - . .it ; L.
was a tittle itoudio id i'esuruits
!. . ,., , . ...j
Street. 10 which one man was kiued
jajd two or three wounded. A color- j
...1 lritk feri Jawv ftv hftil imrtifi !
P"ed in a Uepubiican pa. ade, and
oQ bome NoWf uj
..ihas leen a rule in this city, that an
5 ! IriBbman bad a perfect riirbt to beat
and maltreat a negro, wbeuever aud
w herever be choe, and it bin nev
er lieen expected that tbe Ethiopian
would resist. Consequently a party
of Irish Peaiocrats assaulted these
negroes with a t-bower of brickbats
j and ftones, and made tbe usual rush
They were astonished.
The neirroes most of tbe:n badserv-
ed in the army drew up in order,
and poured a volley into their ranks
from revolvers and then charged
upon them with knives. This was so
complete a reversal of all rule aid
precedent, that tbe Irishmen did not
understand it. To kill a "nagur," ;
j was good sport, but to have a "nagur"
Skill tbem was not so 8musing. Such
r ., ... .1.1.. II... I 1
ily, and the negroes procedjd very 1 1
! " - .1 . 1 ' - fi-i. .....
w .mv... nw. . .. . ....... i
,.;! ih.ii. a- Th
.. -. .1. -...1 I
.; , .T'v,la
nosed men are bound to respect, j
. . . .
nosit rripn ri iiounn 10 res
. , ; Tbey were at the pollsi all dav Tues-1
'd'j...J 1 ... I
uv nuu voieu tut: eauic on oiuei pci- ;
pie, much to the diszust of the thou-
sands of naturalized Irish who hold
this city in their bands.
Tuesday night was aa eventful
I ..l.w i .Itannkiritt ruin
tbt had been fallia? all aar continu-
j ht jjt it bad no effect
! upon tbe eager and excited populace.
The headquarters of tbe National
i Kepublican Committee were at tbe
j Fifth Avenue Hotel, and as early as
: seven o'clock the stretts in the vicioi-
ty were crowded w ith an excited mass j
of neonle. awaitinz news ol tbe re-
suit. Twentv-third street. Fifth !
avenue, and the streets adjacent were ;
.... ...) i.... ,. h. ..- I,., tl i
. c.ui un( auu . u v --. :
next President. The doors of toe
committee rooms were guarded by
policemen to keep out the impatient
thromr w ho had monev. or what was ;
more, opiuions, staked upn the re-1
o .
At eight o'clock the cews com
menced coming ia. It was ull one
way. New York city had goae dem
ocratic bv maiorities which no one
... - . .... . i ; .... 1
anticipated, and the republicans look-
'. '..
, eu o.ue, ttUli lliauv ui mciu
I borne feeling that chaos bad come
i again, and that there was no hope for
: anything in this world. Following
Uhis came tne returus from Indiana.
(iiu j r.ri " w...v. v...
io see again. .Men wno expecieu
lhaces under Tilden, men who have
promises of positions iu the event of
a democratic success, were reeling
drunk in the hope of the victory
which they believed tbey had achiev
ed, and they did not conceal their ex
ultation. The rum-m'lls iu tbe vicin
ity were packed with tbem, and the
entire territory was made as complete
a pandemonium as tbe most malicious
devil that Miltomever painted could
have desired. And so through the
whole of Tuesday night. The demo
cratic quarters of the city were awake
and drunk.
Wednesday morning a change came
over the spirit of their creams. New
York had gone Democrntic, so had
Indiana, but tbey woke up to the re
alization of the fact that to elect Til
den the tsoutbern Mates were neces
sary, and there were grave doubts as
to whether be had got them a'l
Florida looked badly tor them
South Carolina was in doubt. North
Carolina was ditto, and Louisiana
looked certain for Hayes. Tbe De
mocracy suddenly got sober aud be
gan to behave itself. The exultation
of the druckea night before settl.-d
down into tbe sobriety of a doubt. It
was not impossible that Hayes was
elected after all, and possibly that
tbey bad counted their chickens be
fore they were batcbel.
Ten thousand men who bad been
promised positions under Tilden be
gan to look blue. The new s came
that Florida had gone for Hayes, and
that Louisiana and South Carolina
bad done likewise. Evidently they
bad rejoiced before their time.
Thursday morning, Florida, South
Carolina, Louisiana Hayes! Hayes,
18.") votes, just enough to eltct. De
mocracy blue, aud a little animation
obser'able among republicans. But
the bets! Immediately the Democrat
ic papers commenced issuing false
bulletins. Reports came in ail day
that these States bad gone for Tilden,
aud crowds of people thronged about
the various newspaper offices to see
the iutest. Aud in the pool-rooms
up-town, the o'd gamblers who bad
put their money upon Tilden, took
advantage of these lying bulletiues
tbey were displayed in tbeir inter
est to quietly hedge by having oth
ers bet upon Tilden, w bile they, Ly
tbe help of their outside friends" were
quietly making themselves good by
placing their money on Hayes. What
ever may be the result, aud at this
writing it is impossible to say, this is
what the Democratic gamblers are
The Democracy have already fore
shad owed their purpose. Iu the event
of Haves' election, tvpy juu-nd to
claim that it was done bv fraud, and
to dispute it. Tbe Herald this morn
ing gave the keynote of their pur
poses in prognostication a civil
if tbe election shall be decided bv
siugle vote. The Democracy of Sew
York, backed up by tbe solid Soui b,
intead, if the election is decided for
ii l. . . ,
najes oy a majority ol one or two
X ' 1 ns KaUU "na
niflitnt ir That th..i iu.k. . ....
u..,.. ..... : . . .
. . f. .. . ... -" ,ni..cri. purpone I
is evident from tbe expressions that I
have been made on the streets and in
tbeir newspapers, whenever the re-j Calcutta, November 9 The dis
turns indicate tbe success of ibe Re- trim of Backerguuife w as ravaged by
publican ticket Desjierate men cau a cyclone on Tuesday last. A ibous
make trouble, but it is difficult to seelaud uative houses were destrovtd.
what they can do when thfc Govern-j The town o'f Dowlutkhan w as sub
ment happens to be in tbe hands of: merged by a wave, and 5,000 perons
tbe conservative class of tbe people, are believed to bave perished. The
Whose only interest is in favor of law Government his sent relief to the de
and order and opposed to the Mexi- vastated sections,
canizing p'ocess of deciding elections Bombay, Xovember 9 -The Time
If this .
to an
ininocs cud.
The L uited States
not jienco, ana x.e
. i . . . -
lean Lroees-e
will not bave support. If Haves is
elected he will be inaugurated, and inhabitants have been Jrlven employ
woo be to tbe faction that stands in menu There is no plenty of grain
tbewf- I in the district.
There U ao use of writing of other
matter, f.r ibere is ootbiorf but the.
election ih tight of or ppolea
ux ppokea ot -
lia-Hje-'l 14 entirely U-JeQl!ea, ana ;
utHbin w i.lii.iiirht of or talked ol nut
. tbe election. v uea tnat is over i ,
I .,, r .
; try to write something of guer-
al i'ltereL Just UOW tbe citT W a
- i
buzzinff ia ttf eiMiutrers after fleer.
. " 1 .
Dcattr'a Roy rhtlMopbpr.
A I)enver bor of about tbe usual
bud-boy ae, but unccmmoulr ie-i xvVSa 5.k
oious iu mischief, bas aeddentll in KiinVrupti-y hs wn ivuoi v.y mi.i fourt
. ' . . , . axxli.jit IImi (tle of Th.iai J JVrt of me
developed a theory W hlCO 1 rj.rred , ,, .s-me-wt. an l State of I'eniMTlvaola.
as a raliuua! cSplaoation of the l)he- in Mil ltn;u .lju.liced Bankrupt upCn Fetl
" ' r , ' , ti..n ut hi! t;r.Mtora. an.i the pavinrDt t n
oomeual meut-sbow ers loal are saia nl tlwiUlirrrror any pneriT lwlixin
to occur in some sections of ibis won- ,nXrMl!Tr
derful country. Modern showers of a nwiinj .i ti. miiton of mi Hii-
meat are as marvelous as the auoient
rain of mauna in the wilderness,
wherewith tbe chosen ieople were
fed, but if the Deliver incident be ac
cepted as accounting for them tbeie
is a verv smail modicum
small modicum ol miracie
I. ti :.. ..ti. ... 1 Mtirnirriiniip. !
ICll ill 1UCBC CALrj'llUUai .y. u . t . -
liat, lo i tie Denver boy's experiment, j
Uid indulgent father promised bim il
he would quit tbe society of some ;
0UU Irt'fcOUOters WOO Dau Ulguti ;
carou-al.-: ia a neighboring Vacant lot.
i . . k . : , .. . . . t,-
rm. .1 uiuib (5 -
would buv bim a dog wberewiiti he
. 1 . 1. i:.i...
ne coulJ oe moraiiv amuseu iu mo
. - j j k;
:.. . : ... . u ......
liiile sister and the household cat fur
his iiauie, and he could have lots of i
. . . .! 1. I'l. U. t,.'
iuq teasiug luein. a uv uuj o.m
the proposition, aud tbe dog cauie. :
i It was a mean-looking dog, small,!
Iwuba ioug bushy tail, wbieb tail
J hud a cowardly fjnbiou of geaing be- j
k. I I....J un.l ...tll'lur fkllt 111 I
front a-.d titkiin- his nose in mo-:
meuts of fear. The dog bad
courage to worry tte cut or tease his
sister, aud it looked like a total failure.
But the boy ws ingenious. He
imaaioed that if be could manage to
keep tbe dog's tail erect ho would be -
a:J brave as any other dog, and he
miirht cet some fun out of him. lie
tried his mother's near! starch, bu
; this
this d.d nut answer lie tried van-;
u-other Mjiedienw but all proved
f ., The dog's tail would go be-
....... .
n t.i ,., .I- fir-t ii.t ..f .lan.i"'8. ru'l. K'xxl dwelliux hou. and
I rt I. J J". --- 1
ker aud there was no bgUt or luu
la t
him. It was evidently the tail's
fault. One day a peddler came along
with a lare lot of tor balloons. A
idea s-.r;uk the boy. The old
folks were
awav from liuiue, a no
5n.. l iiM.i n.iit I bet I'ree.bootersaud !
o.uv " -i :
taken bimsell to luboceul domestic
joys he had no packet money. But
bis enterprise did not fail Liiu iu this
, J
lhe balloons be must
bave. aud he traded a suiiicent
amount of the home personal prop
erty to buy tbe peddler's whole stock
To mass the balioon attachments to
tbe dog's tail was but the work of a
few minutes. The dog appeared to
iret lighter-Leaned, and even seemed !
, . . .... !
amused at it! preparations. 1 oe
whole bulloon power being applied
the tail behaved splendidly, and the
boy bitsed bis legeurrate dog oa to a
bigger one that happened to bo pass
ing the gate, fully expecting t have
an interesting tight. At the fir.-t
jump the little dog rose ia the air and
sailed away out of reach. The par
ents came on the scene just in lime
to see the dog disappearing in tbe fur
blue tiiber. Tbe Denver boy lost bis
dog, and may return to the society
of f.-ebootcrs, but tbe liule incident
will explain a wonderful shower of
meal that is bound to occur some
where out in Colorado or the adja
cent territories. The ingenious youth
tuid the w hole story to bis tradiug
wiib tbe peddler for tbe ball-urns, aud
escaped punishment on the ground
of the aid aud comfort be bad given
to scientific research. The father
thought of Franklin living his kite to
catch the ligbiuing. He saw bis
promising s on flying a dog to make a
shower of meat aud mercifully spared
tbe boy. Bu the balloon power did
brinir ".b'e doz's tail into au elevated
position, which was to he demon
j strated
Moody Royhoori.
It is recorded of Mr. M tody that
w beu a small boy bo had little faith
iu prayer. Ouce when be was creep
ing under a heavy fence, it tell down
upou him and caught bim, so that he
could not get away. He struggled
till he was quile exhausted aud then
begun to cry for help ; but he w as
far from any bouse aud no one beard
bim. At last he got safely out, and
this was the account be gave of bis
escape: "I tried aud tried, and 1
couldn't lift tbem awful heavy rails;
then 1 hollered for help, but nobody
came; aud then 1 begau to thiuk I
stioulii bave to die away up there on
the mouulaios all alone. But I hap
pened to think, may be God would
help me, so I asked Hiiu. And after
that 1 could lift the rails just as
easy." II is last i nil of school w as
iu ite winter of his Kth year. He
was the leading spirit among the
boys, aud so much mischief did he
lead tbem into that at length the
teacher was ia despair and threatened
to turn bim out. At this his mother
was sorely grieved. She told him
bow much ashamed she should Ite to
have one of her sous turutd out ol
school, aud directed bim to go to the
teacher, avsk forgiveness for his bad
conduct, aud ;ry to be a credit to his
mother rather lhau a disgrace. This
he did iu all sincerity, aud the rest
of tbe term, for the lirst time in his
life, applied himself faiih'ully to
atudy. But it was too late for bim
to become a scholar.
f.lnrotn Beuialns., 111 , November 8
A most dastardly utlempt was made
last uigbl to sleal the bones uf I'teei
dent Llucolu from ibe cemetery vault
here.' Tliepb.lwas eu.-pecied Some
time siuce, and Elmer Washburn,
United States Deteciive Tyrrell aud
assistants Watched the Vault last
bight. The scouutirels broke iu lhe
outer and luuer doora ot ibe vault,
opeued lhe several cases of the sar
0' tibairus. and were about to make
off wiib the remains wbeu lhe de-
teciiies sprang out. Tbe accidental
discharge ot a pisi jl alarmed ibe rob
bers aud they lied precipitately, es
caping in tbe tlarkuess. A slight
clue io their identity remains, and
'beir capture is probable.
A Terrible iff lone.
of India announee-i that relief works
ltOO-.Lave lien est jilili-hil in tli Sfii la
'pare district, whtre the I'inneer. on
tha r k ii.ut e..n....,,l . nuru
nerrfc ..f a fn,in sm ..f )
Xew Advertisements.
ij - x.,.,,. . tiii.,t
l,y jei ol luluutar aaixnment na -nnni an
rrrln)t t N R ihtmr. r imi. in tn:
i.tiii imatoi rre.iiior. ah wtmh nnwi.i
to the svlrmuir Herrlnic will nuke Mvmew
to B,5lif ,,, thop, blDII ctiait ,.T
"nJ will prrtnt tlina rtulr suilienUeatmt to
1 Nor .
u.itrlrt Conn of the t". S. j
We:eni IM.urirt of P. )
is r.AxunrrTCT.
jii".r inrir ni rn'.iH one or mir
m iant-t l his will he HHil at a Court of
lijtikruiitrjr ti be lioMen at No. vt Hiiimon.l St..
Fiitflmrxli. In icii l liistrirt, nn the lTth dy of
Nurcniiirr. A l.. IkTs. ml Hi o'cl.-k, a. m., at the
.irtice l the Knri'ter in Hankruptev twfure 8am.
H irT. ting., ue of the itrguiere'in Buitruuur
vl fitti Dlsirl'-t.
I". S. Maniul loruid Kiairu t.
'1V 8.
xl is h-rcLrnniaiiH-.i kj the i-.,uik-ii .r the b.-
(1(, thHan.ldaroffrtohr. 1-Co.
Thai, any b. or b. wb mar trenpaiwhjr
jnmiia"w io rxr, ol any ueL-rii.tloD, while in
iti'.ii.'n, urr 11 firr rri v nip. attne ITS I M11,
Ol'er ilepanlnit llierflrvin. i-hnl he punlnhrd hy
Uimof'jiie il'iilar (ir eax-h oltrnne, orauUerim-pnn'n.-ut
for the upaee of twelve hour.
ruj..inienu 1 ne lurfnolnic penaltlra Khali ap-
ir-iuzu iiinn.
' ' -"?.,.'".".'"'""'"' ou uuy
ol rid Kavmjn late of St.nejcrk Twp.
Lcllf rsor.nlmlnlnnnlon on theabore eetate har
Ina; heen KnoitiM to the o mien lamed hy the prop
er airh.Tllr, ni tli-e id herehy giren totheln
dhted toll totn:ik in mediate payment, and thoiw
harinx claims aKains'. it will pieaent them duly
autheiiUcated f-r eettiement wiihout delay oa
Saturlay .V.woi'ier 11. ls:o.
K-totr 4.
7011 SALE.
tine-Lalf intPr-.t or tie whole to nurc-haier in a
water jHwer .Men-haul an l Cu.t m nVtirlnif
mill piiuatnl in the town Kollrar on the V. H.
; -1 miles rjt ol Johnfflown. Loeatlon the bet
j JfM
ot the rouftrrv. mill In uod r.-tmir and
bu!n's, iMoin for firing 4.oo
lira in. ample water to pmpei the mill
ou" LUlKlinif..
Al . acre" of hind Ueliaia Inn to
:"ny. Any per,nf wi'liinir to pun-haiw a
a i mill propi-ri y wid iio well to vint toe prem
ises, fruu: aul li-niin to pull the tunes.
Kdirar, W estmoreland Co., Pa.
-N"!,!T I berH.y trlvi that J.n Knrof.Telf.
cri.n lffp., somerset
liru., Somerset couutv Pa., and Mrra
Amanda l.u wile, l.r deed l Voluntary Assiiu.
' uicm iia.e ns-miieu an ins ei.:aie. real Alio person
I al ol e;tid John Kooser to me in trut lor the bene
fit ol the erediion. of the paid John Ko.aM.-r. all
I M.Tsin., tlieref'-rc. indebted to the said John
I K er will make p lymeut to the mid A'slxnee.
aii lthott harini; ci.iiius or demand will make
i ihem knowu without delay,
1 As.-iim-e.
.otr is herehj ;riren thnt J. Weller. by deed
d voluntary a.lriiuieiit. has aligned all the es-
ru aid
M. sw-nrm-fc, ol Sonier
ntot thv creditors ot t
I nj J. A eilcr. to lal-
r-t IJor.. in trust h rthehen-
ol said J. Well.-r. Ail iereitiis
UiTrtorc indeMed to the iaid J. Weller, of Sum
mit Tp.. will mke p.viu?iit oth said Assignee.
ai;d u.e having .-Uitn or demands will make
known the saute without dclar.
. M. SL'HRtX'K.
n-'f. Assignee
Xew Establishment.
Harinir last opened a copper factory, we are
preHire.i to muuuiacture all kinds oi Copper
Ware for kitclo-iis. liotei. i!istilleries and brewer
in use. Kepalrinv neatly dma. Factory In rear
oi Win. Kuierk-iu a. Son's itrooery, lo9Norta Me
chanic street, Cumberland.
.Ooud price paid for obi copper.
Pattern anl Mofiel Mater,
fi? Water St., cor. Ferry,
SECOND FLOOR, Pittsburgh Pa.
-Modcli for Patent time a specialty,
kin-isof Pattern Work promptly executed.
May 31.
AVri t i ai Weeds Ac,
done on short notice and at reasonable terms.
-Eno,ulre at Casebccr & Co't. Store.
August I. C. F. WALKER.
With all Taluahle impmrements. llninirs, and
cLaniberof HEAVY TIME COPPER, etc, etc.,
t Uir inanu:a turinit facilities are uusurpa"'"1.
our stock and a-sortinent LA Kir Eand prices will be
maletoSl'IT THE TIMES. Try the "O" Pump
and u-st lis merit'. Akrritat your H irdward
store. and see that It has the above trade-mark.
irders may he sent to . R A F TO PI ' .1 P O..
4rlftBi. W. Vk.. Inquiries and remittances to (.Rtl lU V Pt'.WP CO., iueCom
merceStt. Phila.. Pa.
Aukusi V.
d". ifc.VerdaTat home.
Samples wornd
T' IU T "jl tree. Stibs a Co.
CrsTi K awrr.
AlSTl.t Ditsiso.
Grove &Denison
aI?imifacture.s of
HarnewH. etc.
Factory one square east of Diamond.
Somerset, la.
April K.PiTo.
Estate of Curistl.n Holsapple. late of C'jncwaunh
lownsnip, dec d.
Letters f administration .hi the afore estate
having lieen a-ranted to the undersigned, notice is
hereby given to those indebted to it to make laime
liate payment, and the bavingciaims against It
to prc.t-nt them dulr suthenti.stted for settlement
at Hie residence oi the suhsrriiier In Paint twp.,
ou s..itur.lav the :h darn! bwints-r. la .
ts-t-Ji. Administrator.
"wilce Is hereby given, that Henry Hoehstctler
of Meyers la e. sauerset county. Pa., by deed of
vo untary assignment, has assigned all tne estate.
r al and persoual, ol the said Henry P. Hiwhstet.
l.-r. to Hlr.ou l-vn. of liatidsvllle, Somerset Co..
Pa.. Intrust torihe heucni of the creditors of the
.aid H.-nry Horht-tler. All persons therefiwr
indebted tu i he said Henry Hoclistetier. will make
pavnieut to the said Assignee, and those having
claim. or demand will make known the same
without delay.
tVtober 1L Assignee.
1876. WHERE NOW? 1876.
To MICHIGAN, one of the foremost, flourish
ing and bealihy Slates !
To buy a FARM out of the
One Million Acres
of line larmlsi land, for sale by the GRAND
H APilisi k INDIANA K. R.
Strong Soils. Ready Markets. Sure Crops. Oood
Schw4s. If. R. runs through center of grant.
Settlements all along. All kinds uf prduce rais
e.1. Pleniv of water, timber and building materi
als. Price from a to a IB per acre; ooe-fonrth
dowa, ba lance oa time.
arstend S-r Illustrated pamphlet, tail of facts
and figure, and be convinced. Address.
W. A. HOWARD, Comm'r Urand Rapids,
P. U. L. PEIRCE, Bee'y Land Dep t.
Jan. 12. E. O. W.
AVte Advertisements.
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints
OILS, 3cC.
The following is a part'al list of goods in Stock : C trpenter's Tools, ;
Planes, Saws, Hatchets, Hammers, Chisels, Plane Iron Jzes, Ac, Black-!
smith's Goods, Bellows, Anvils, Yices, Files, Hammers, Ac. Saddlery i
Hardware, Tab Trees, Gig Saddles, Haines. Buckles, Rings, Bits and Tools.
Table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Spoons and Razors, the
largest stock in Somerset County. Painter's Goods, a full stock. White;
Lead, Colored Paints for inside and outside painting, Paints in oil, all colors,
Varnish. Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Brushes, Japan Dryer, Walnut Stains, j
Ac. Window Glass of all sizes and glass cut to any shape. Tbe best Coal j
Oil always on band. Our stock of Coal Oil Lamps is large and comprises !
very elegant styles. Ditston s Circular, Muly and Cross Cut -aws. Mill
Saw Files of tbebest qnailty. Porcelain-lined Kettles. Handles of all kinds.
Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Picks, Scythes, Snpaths. Sledges. Mason Hammers,
Cast Steel, Step Ladders, Carria?e and Tire Bolts of all sjzes. Loooking
Glasses, Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sieves, Door Mats, Baskets,
Tubs, Wooden Buckets, Twine, Rope all sizes. Hay Pulleys, Butter Prints,
Mop Sticks, Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cutters and Stuffers, Traces, Cow
Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Dust and Scrnb Brushes, Horse Brushes, Cur
ry Combs and Cards, Door Locks, Hinges. Screws, Latches and everything
in tbe Builders' line. Caps, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse, Ac, Ac,
Tbe fact is, I keep everything that belongs to tbe Hardware trade. I deal
exclusively in this ki-td of goods aud give my whole atttention to it Per
sons who are buildii ., or aov one in need of anything in my line, will find
it to tbeir advantage to give me a call. I w ill always give a reasonable
credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers for their patronage,
and hope this season to make many new ones. Don't forget the place
April 8 "T.
37 Ffth Avenue,
Above Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA.
Prices tlie
ioher ii
G. B. BARRETT & CO,, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Plated Ware, Gold and Silver Chains, Gold and Silver Spectacles. "Watch
makers' Tools, Materials, and every description of goods sold by the trade.
LtRGr.IRMIDirotLll.swe.l Sew York Prire..iw Tiftl. I
,' tAn.t.,u.llt .ag-.-ls-iusiWeedV') I 1 It II AeilUP,
Fall and w inter Trade, !: ) Wkelesaleliirlasltely. SECOND FUmik.
N. E. Corner Diamond,
Somerset Pa.
dealer in
1)ure WINES and
LIOldlKS for medicinal
Also an assortment of
Fine Cignrsi,
and Tobaefo.
Particular attention given to the compounding
of Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes,
by experienced hi: a Is.
-March 1J.18T.
Every year increases the pi.'til:iri
tv of this valuable Hair l'repaiatiou ;
which L title to merit ulone. We
ca:i a-stnc our oM patrons that it is
ke;t tally up to its Iii";h staiitlanl ;
ami it is the only reliable and pt'i-fect-el
preparation for reto!iiii (Jkay
t:: Faded Hair to its youthful color,
making it soft, lustrous, ami silken.
The scalp, by its use, becomes white
and clean. It removes all eruptions
and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop
erties prevents the hair from falling
ont, a it stimulates nnd notirisluM
the hair-nlaiiili. By its use, the hair
IjrowH thicker and stronger. In
baMne.-i-S ii. restores the ca)'i!lary
trlati'ls to their normal visor, ami
will crertte a new trrowth, except in
extreme old ane. It is the most eco
I IT in? I)r?riiv.; v.r it..1
a-t it
re'iues lewer qp. tenuous
and gives the hair a splendid, irliwsy
appearance. A. A. I laves -'1.1'-St.ito
Assiycr of Massachusetts says.
Tbe constituent- are pure, :;nd care
f.dly solecteil for excellent iitialiiy;
and I con-ider it the Ukst I'kepa
katidx tor its intenilf'l pttrpoe."
S.41 iy .1 DruggistM. and Dr.rl rt .' !. it fi.ies.
Prioe) Or.e Dollar. .
Buckingiiara?s Dyo.
A our IJrncwor in itinny case
reipiires too lon a tiitie, and tor
nitieli care, to rest tire gray or futletl
Whiskers, wo have pif:ncd thi-
dye, in one reparation ; w hich vtii!
tjuicHy ami ciL-ctually aecompli-ii
this result. It it easily applied,
ami produce a color wliii-n will
neither nib nor wash ot!. Sold by
all lroggiits Price Fifty C'onts.
Manufactured by R. P. HALL 1 CO.,
yf9 n- rosensteel
Manufacturer of superior
Union Crop Leather
And dealer io The ranet enniplete Institution In the ''oltej
i Statesf the thorough practicatilDcatkci of young
Bark, Hides, and Plasterers' Hair,:,JMln,,,JUlM1iw"-
' ' ' w.NtsialeBta re-r.l at atty tlmw.t;
JUti.NblUW , r A.
COM ton of oak and hemlock lrk wanted.
Cash paid oa delivery at the tannery.
A'eic Advertisements.
same to all.
O. W. ci.DDI.FR. .
F X OenliHt and .tiir.t.
I IE K ii 'E A.M. 1NF1UMARY.
' Ss : Penn Ave Pitttnrgli. Pa.
All diseases or KYE. I AR an
THROAT, au.1 t atarrk
ly treate.1. Operations I' tt slstscl.
-False Pnrl!s.""Cro..k.s Eyes ' Wu I
Hairs." t sar.r an t Tumor of the
lid. Fair. Nose or Throat. Ptligiam,
"Weeping Eyes." Ptosis. Conical dr-
1 ne. Toreiso Rlies. ie, skilllully
performede Artincul Eves lnserte.1. Sen. fc.i
descripiiy and Ulnst rated pamphlet of cases.
A:T2 1L1T3!
Sepl. l:JL
Embraces under one management the Great
Trunk Railway Lines ol the West and North
west, and. with its namerous breaches and eonnee.
tls f..rms the shortest and quickest pmte be
tween Cnicago and all points In llli-K.1", Wiscon
sin. Monhern Michigan. .d-nnesAa. Iowa. Ne
braska, California aod the Western T.niiorits.
Omaha and California Line
Is the shorest and best route for all points Is
Northern llllmd li wa. Dak.da, Nebraska, Wy
omlng. Colorado t un. Nevada, Calilornia, Ore
gon, Chiaa, Japan and Aostraiia. Its
Chicago, JIatlisun and St. Paul Line
Is the shortest line fcr Vrthern Wlsmnn and
Mlnnesirta. aud for Madison. St. Paul. Minneap
olis, liuluth and all polots in the lireat North
west. Its
Winona and St. Peter Line
Is the only route for Winona. Rochester. Owaton
aa. Mnnkatn. Mt. Peter. New l lm. and all points
In Southern ami Central Minnesota. Its
(it-eea Rayand Xarqnette Line
Is the only line for Janesrllle. Watertown. Fond
Iu Lfcc. Oshkosh. Applet.m, ttreen Bay, Escana.
ha. Negiunee. Marquette. Houghton, Haoock
and the Lake Superior Country, iu
Freeport and Dubnqne Line
Is the ooly rouse for Elgin, Rocklorl, Freeport
and all points via Freeport. Its
Chicago and flilrraukee Lioe
Is the old Lake Shore n ttte, and Is the only one
passing through Eranston. Lake Forest. High
land Park. Waukegaa, Racine, Kenueha to Mil
waukee. '
Pnllman Palace tan
are run on all thrrngh trains of this road.
This is ihc ONLY LIX E running these cars te
tween Chicago an.i St. Paul, Ohk-agu and Mil
wankee. or Chicago aad W irvrtia.
At Omaha our Sleepers connect wlththeOver
lanl Sleers on the I nuo Pa.-lne Railroad
all points West of the Mlurt River.
On the arrival of the trains lrn the East or
South. the trains ol the Chimgo a Nortn-Westerr
Katlwsv leave Chicago as loilows:
For Council HlurK Omaha and California, twt
Through Trains dally, with Putlmsu Palajs
l.rawing Room an.1 Sleeping Cars thrragh u
Council rilutfs.
St. Paul an.1 Mlnneapidls. tw Througt
Trains daily, with Pullman Palace Cr attache,
un both trains.
ForUreen Bay an.1 Lake Superior, two train,
daily, with Pullman Palace Cars attaclici. atW
running through u Manuette. .
For .Milwaukee, four ilin.ugh rrains 1i!t
i Pullman Canton night trains. Parioi Chair Cr.
! on day trains. , . ...
Fi Sparta and Wln.a and points in Minnesc
I ta.oae.Throuaa Train daily, with Pullman, Sleep
. F- rinfcuu.ue. via F'reepi.rt. two Through Train
daily wsth ullvn.;ar. nNthtitraina I i .
For bubuuue aatl La t nsa, viacliaton. Two
Thnmah learn, dally, mils Pnllma. ta in
niifhf'trattl toarfireor. Iy-a. ' .
For Slou City and Yaukt.n. two Train dally.
Pullman Cart to Mis4lri Valley Junction.
t'-t Itke tjenera. t ar Train daily
Fur Rocklord, Sterling, kenoeha. Janesriile.
and other i.dnis, jop can hay Ir'Uj two m en
trains daitv.
New York Of&c. Xl 411 Hroadsay: p t.
Otfice. No. Slate ai'.reei: timaha Otricv.' t'aro
ham Street: San FMncijco o-tif-e. M.v.igonv
ery Street; Chicago T set Othcca; u CI .rk t.,
uieier Sherman House: corner Canal an I
Si streets: Kintie tilmet ttebot. .m.r W. kin.
ne and Canal kt reels: Well St. Depot, eoruar
" ri aw. Ainu, sinria
For rauu or ialormatsu. not attalnabi fri
your home ticket ag eat, apply to
W.H. SrTT. Xttrts Hrnirr.
OjPaas. Ag t. Chicago. Oen. Sup t, ChicttBO.
Adilrees, lor circulars eootainlng fuJI partU-w-
C. SMITH. A. il. Principal.
Sept a.
! I
Xrtc Admertimffft.
Prejsee, Types, foks.
C'asacH, ( aril, dr.
II Market S-.. II trrishurx. p.,
asT-SXMl three cent stamp for Cata'cttte
Grocery & I'eed Store
E. I till & EL
Cheap Side, No 2, User's Block.
Somerset, Pa.
Hemmorrhoids or Piles.
DR. TERRY dervtr his time to the '. watment
.f Pile. Mlin-1. Bleeding ..r Itchlrx. st I ail
other diseases ot the lower bowel. The iHs-t'
guarantees to cure all rase he undertakes, no
matter who has attempted an-1 failed. OnVe. 14
Vine street. Philadelphia, Pa., Hours, 11 to X
and ;titvi. oa.
May 31.
New Firm.
navlng pnrrha.ed the Sho.
Store lately ow ned by
Wc take iWrare Io rnJIln th ttntl -a f u lhe rrt Iht w hmfe tvw an-l tiyC
my &utnily oa b&aU cutnlft an
ment of
Boots, Shoes
and Gaiters
Eastern and Home Manufacturt
a can be hn.1 anywhere. We also will have ur
hand eoastantty a full supply of
i i. ; i j ,
t ti.l s.xlNs
Uf all kind with ftsU lia 4f
Shoe Findings.
M ENT wdl he in charge ol
Is". 13. Snyder, Ksq.
W ao. rwBataUo. for auk Ins;
Good Work and Good Fits
Is semo.1 to none In th. "tat. The public Is ra
ssjeetfnlly imluol la call aa.i examine .r su-k,
as we are determined to keep caels a as the
best anal sell at pncee a low a th. lowest.
A etm slay at hoaae. Agent wanted. rtnt
91aodtenn free. TECE k CO., August
Main. r