Ni;w Tc. Oct V; UTA Tbe aor.j i til iii'- over. K f ;:c tLis leiwr rtac-bes you, OLio aod lidiana will bave elected tbeir Suit-ti..-u and ibeir roemher of Co err..- aud iLlicwd ib ir b i e for lie 1',, ucv. If Onio p-c K-PW-c:-a and Indiana Drtuocrenc, lildt-n ,!lcouti.uetbef.PrU to NoremU-r if both go republican by aDjiLicg like decide in.jor.iW tbe Deinocra--r will tbrow op ibc hponje al eneo- T-Vpstbej detid" uh.d BoniP iia'JUJ,j lent t-truke fur earring v ....... Ir TilJ-a La cuuauc.e e. CI Ike Darrein w i.uded ia tbof-e States. Tbe Green-' party atft piece of bis work, j 1 ilden bad t-kiil enough to avail b:m- -!1 of tbe lutiweuce uf Cooper, alid vaoitT aba tpiuu r'no Kenublican partv being more iii - I 1 ' , , ,,rl bcic wore iu-! t ., k i m il h d.--K-ral"n ui -k;ll ' rl ,r 7 t v j war. aD-i said : "kXT- ,'rtUn ,.-..i,cs. Tte -Ph- Mb Ii Tbe pan re before a,, like . . ua-rr bes ol" Vo tborongbiy Co.,,e tbw b-' dream. A gait, we re in the gre,.tj ;S.;m5wilT deluged with doc- " '"eaottful on tm. c.-t at tb tea-, fyf natoM, ,ife. We bear Z neve? Lave been docu-j-. -! i'- Cpbei f-T. the eound, of preparation-tbe mu-icj ZX jJln , .."td with tacb . "- b,,u!e- 'Tin, of the bottfterU. drus-ihe silver rneL.s K n I'i'J ( d lbe oW reS of fare on tbe road- m .11 , g(.e rSweJe'J Cme,LB !nd,of l.U and bearj l r., niTP wnt tL iiier. " rne aiHwai 01 uibwib. w "v H " " ' " I r.. I !r t,eo toirnJividuaiopiaioo. auajfor tbem, however, and thousands ci. 7.r,.:n II loCi. the bUMCCB SLtn of lie country, w ho are affected l-v be curreucv iuet:on, Mr. 'liioei i'w that nio'e'Kepulilicau votes lUn Ii.fn-.cratic would ?o :J n...vorr..M ::d be TUt it oU in tiiftt foot. 1 1 ? Lis niorit-v that i j.u-bing it he 4.vtbehuilK and the peukera be pr'i s Sit the ;ocuiiieul tbey have m f i.-d, aud in t-bort, tboub borne ol ti e tor in it do not kuow it, it i Lis machine. IbelurBof Ohio aod Indiana iu ):ioljer do-P not end tbe CgLt eo fur as the i;'auB are concerned, ir.wertr. We can lot both tbe.e h;aie in (K-toU-r aud carry tbai in ,k t - 1 I..r ..I. .NcvemlK-r, for iu Vcwoeriue :-an nriv Is Joadea nuii iot 1 ! . l I ' - 1 :- J.4..e- in a r.u-h are Dot on lieir uo"-'" - f..jrt1v Presidential race. In Utwi""""' r-'.- - - fi uof Kewibhcau- will, c-rateb ho?. He eats bis meaU ,n the IJarues, the Republican bead of the ' . . . . . Tiu- bead f tbe .rent Metal U .o-e .if I'b !ps. Dodge A" Co., is Mr. Wil Ham E. Podge, known more. Lowev for Lin enterprising piety thau f-.r Li3 enormous bu?ine?-i and weaitb. !r. Dodgff is a man who carries bus Jiios principles into I is religion, and i-es the same fvs'ent iu tbe one tbat i.e dees ir the other. ieitg a mta f enormous weaitb, Le opens. Lurb- - i of leivers, more or less, every day, ir )ui weak churhen, distressed pas-c-r. aod starving colleges, soliciting j!tl. He employs clerks to attend to ii;ee U tters for it is a rule wiih bim to neglect none cf tbem. Th letters tr. all read, and inquiries are set un : int. no ina'.U-'r bow remote the caii may Iw. If tLe oi.ject is w nhy, tbat it to Fny, if the Si;eal conies from a -smsc worth while, aod if it be not a slier bbyster uflair, Mr. Podge gives bat io hif judgment it should have ilere tte matter ends. Should be get un hundred letters from tbe same par ly asking for more, not a duller goes ,'ior even an answer. He has tbe same -vsteai iu depending charity iu 'he - itr, and while be assists more de serving poor probably than any indi . iJufcl in tbe city, tbe professionals and the dead-beats ave given bim ap long ago as hopeless. It d'esn't do for a professional mendicant t un dergo tbe scrutiuy of a skillful detect ive, or to have bis place of residence drnianded. Mr. podge contributed the means fur the Moody and Sankey revival last winter, Ite.tring nearly lb entire expense ol tbe movement it i estimated tbat he disburses over 52oC,00 per year for religions pur p-.'ra-s. s-ud so much more in miscella neous t ktrities. He can afTord it, for this enormous sum does uot touch at all upon his iocome. itr l.KilOl S MOVEMENTS THIS tVIMf.R Tbe experiment with Moody and Sawfcey, last winter, was not altogeth er a uccess, because it did not reach the sianers. The Hippodrome was filled day ind night with profesriint . Christiaos and the Evangelists did ti- t inspire tbem with enoupb zeal to sct the mciral status of the city. Thi winter tbe effort atltteriaTtbe ;::v will be made by individual charotes acting in concert, but each by i'.seif and ia its own field. All. tlie orthodox cburcles in the city wil! 6ave a feries of regular revival meet ings, while tbe Catb die, Israelitish, "uivcralidt and Unitarians will make ca attack on rum, licentiousness, and tLe other outposts of Satan. Tbe pa- pers wilt lie filled by vn!uater w rit- ers, on religious subjects. Ad.'eriis iicg mediums will be nsed in arrei the attention of the untbitikiug and c-aivdcsS, aud, in brief, every possible eff-irt will te made to till tbe at now fihece witb reliffiou, and gather a ricb tarve6t of souls. Beecber baa ex pressed a wish to go into other pulpits than his own, in churches where ttere are betu-f opportunities for net ting at the non-prfessor. and Tal (nape. Tynr. Hepwortt. Fulton and tbe oti-ers have placed tU-ii selves io the ha-sis of a c inaiittee t Ce Jone with as sball seen' best. Tbe season will lie one of unosual religi ms ac- tiii-y, and probably of great pain to Cla tause. isreixGai.5 is ti1 Muproring, and it looks now as tb -ui tie fall trade would aggregate ncibi;ig like tbat of former jtars. The West is buying liberally, and tbe f ith more thaa ever licfore. It is fax-, that tbe Southern merchants are lavinir in larcer ttotks, and of better goods than ever, aud tbey say be most of it is for tbe colored trade. The negroe, tbeir emancipation, bare rt possession of laud, and dc sjHte tfce persecution they Lave been Bulijecied to. tbey Lave frooe forward steadily and surely, aod have accu , . ma ated protertr. There ere great ! many pie3 of very decent sites. J . . tt.,mr An ih waw V . n i - S avliiih m-ill 8lV.rh ' w I -1 b,. .,Uibe pets is . r; i, where U comesfrom. Tbe i iic m ii.jcr. , , i, Jt Lo iv b nuies an anf wer every lime . . - ,u i i ea tbat vou can produce money I ie eiil-er of tbt-ee Mates, aod sill! " u" u u't-u,r au " . - Mreeis of tbe great Ciller, through 1 . . . - . . . r , .. . uj ,, t,.nii.tru t urctk , MH-aks to ber. Our luforuiaut re- . , r wubout labor isiu-t as foob-b as ibe Mwt Have w b'ie the loss of either ' r 1" , r , ihe t'wu aod acros the prairie;-:. . . i , ,: Ti,. - . , , y . 'la'ei that the fos-t pei feet under- , , ... . idea of periie'Utl motion, llieyare I., Tilileii aillje fatal. e eball re i rn ir? , '. , down to tbe Gelds of !orv, to do , ... ' ' . t in t in tn in w i- Lnu ,itr evident v exists lu-tween . . , . , ,, , od fdlie-i under new name-t. 1. t ?iit Tue-dav. Thc.ughJhe rthuli '"""'" -' BUd to d;e fur the eternal ribt. ... , . . ... , Th ,M" u . .- r . 'Mr Lou ir and at eaat turee out ofi ... . , . ? ,, u- 1 oie tell V JU another tbloif. Ibe 1 iw far in-ii tf tb ant'Cipatmn of u i ,,r- MJ'S .uu "l ' , . W e go wish them one and all. '," - .. . , i"sl,rJ ' . ,' ., ; iiv-R borreaiu bis stable. 1 wo are te- . fc, . ., ... . . , . Dt-m-icrais eem to think tbat you can -vtictorv we are looking Wilu io- "VB U",,'V ' , , i ere bv their t-ide on all ibe jftv Gelds, , . . - . . mu j , ibelrcae . . . , , 7 - fail to keep a promise so long thai 11 ..oae aoxietr westward. . ; . ie n the b .epuals of pato, on all . ..; ,. ... h.,i tw,t ornament the persons of eoiored ... ' , . .. , , . ' , fall did not break bis neck or even sen who, prior to tbe war.nevcr knew , .. . j s .1 l .. . i cause 8trangu4aUoa. Tbe poor man or dreamed of anvtbiug better than . 6 . . , ..... - 6 . altered the most pueotus cries and -ca;?o m the summer, and the coars- . j- . j i j .u . t. .t. irroatu. Ihe trap was reniu.-ted aa -est woolen in tbe wioter. It n thefe ... r.. , T -v:.r r .u. t.A . t.:. speedily as possible and sprue? .auuiiiiM ui l".m l e u.o family i dressed, and he will Hirr..r very shabby himself that his women 'folks aaar present a proper appear- .. . , ,ance. Tbe crops are reported good ! . The yoong collegian wb. wrote tt tbe South, and knoner is going to j bo'ue for oew " ,Jt, be pletr tbere : and at ill erents, tbis ! n",e to'' "?fJ ia tne report of tbe mercbaiits, and j uot fitt'ng rfP'-v- tbey'ebow tbeir faith in tbe situation 1 " " " " by tbeir wurks ia tbe purchase ofi I: has been discovered that a ben goods. -Tbe West ia buying very j held up by one leg will not equeak well and tbe East ia doing much bet-J half aa jsuch as when both lega are ter. Tbe mills of Xew England are 'grasped. Tbo Americaa mind is ever resuming tbeir full time, the etocks of i marching on. ! mauulfttturtd goods are reduilag p-r I o-publv, aid altujreiber the uUuok j t ia pomMag. We tst on the ere cf lren iu trade tbat will 1 marked i laodol a new era of pro'in-rur. j Wi b ITayen in tbe Presidential chair, j aod a certainty of peace in tbe Sjutb, j tbe next four yrara will vc an pruiiis-; t-Ie a. aaT we Lave ercr enjoyed, ; it.tereaUi tealtby. j Ub.-uCI lojrerrs.iil faced bis old crxTFAM it TRAVEL con.ra.Je. tbe hoys io blue, at tba In- " . ' , Tl,J diauapoli Cuuveutioj, Ue im-pira- c.bUbUM Uu-r ib.u etrer. I be , of CBW(J bira to . r.euare ablutely packed with j ; roa)pul uueraoce lu tbe M pewlefwrattein!rwreit!.eTonlbe K I tonL.binz aod pa- T w or irora iuej:reai su.. v nn vacuity tht can o- r..o- cured id tue ui.te... aou me uaru.oy- ,i i hoti-ws are full. ew 1 ors i more till' TV TIIF rfTV Tbe citv wo never more oei ored Ittee9 0. men ; - .u frp-ir.jlu cmue mail uu. out. t i..,r.-init. in la.nfF Th trftmu V t-" wwa. a tbut have bveu aSiiciiug tbe country j We lose sight of them uo more. e li r-ummer will be back with tbe:arelriih tbem when tbey eolist io . . . i i 1 ' t . t 1 ...... ifr0Pt. aim tnen tbe irouuie - - ti .u A t.r.nArinir iil be feel to work on tne puunc gruuadii to earn their bread lly the ..- tt.M I;ures of ail the i . ..... n i..,.. ti ituhri I hi I ... . ..j tl.i - UH'il HriUgeUl law S I'J 6U' " l tbe l'X'u.-'. tbev will ewarm airaiu next summer. 1'IETRO. A C nriwna Imtlmatry. MAXWllo CLAIMS TO fXPCRrTASO Il-'Be-F. TALK Tbe Sun Fraocii?iio . firs I.f'l'r I 'y : i Ttt. iis a retired trainer, namei fl(1 aB,11!1il farnl iu Al ameda couuty, wno lives ior uuiuiu i . . . - r ri...a ti.iinf Time naMrt tue uiltul QCTee. I'he traioinir of bors. s. tbeir obe - dience, dcility. and tricks m a circus, a-e no nevelty ; all of us have seen a horse fire a pistol, stand on two legs, waliz, lie down with bis trainer, aud perform a Uandred acts of sagac ny, but the- are simpiy the result of patient '.raining and systematic cor rection. What Mr. Long claims is far more astounding. He asserts that, from a life lone intimacy witb horses, he understands tbeir speech ; he goes further aud declares that their nasal. I trutieral, expiodt-ut and unobstructed sounds have a diUereut meaoiog, are u.-cd by tbe coablion of the brain aud vocal organs, and tbat not ouly do iiot fuvjrite bore understand him, but tLai every souud which tbey ut it?r is perfectly (;Uiu t bim. Wbeu a.-guiug wi'.b bim that, be migbi comprehend the tne&uiog of the -uuds emana.iug from tb Vocal cLurds of a burse, yet it was a pateut iaipoeibii;;y for a horse to under iud tbe Kujfliiib Jnoguage, be re plied: "Living, citing, and .Ita-ping with my bor?ea baa fciveu tuts Ibe kuol eOge 1 pusress, aud the same iutima cy has acquired lor my horse the powers 1 claim for tbem." Here, torniug to a slender, light bui'.t gray pouy,beuid: "Billy, we are tal lug of you ; it you uuderstaad what 1 am saying, turu your head round ou ite outside." Tb- pouy did so, aud ItieU returned his feed. "Billy," he coutiiiUed, "ted me your age, ho long bave you lived here, aud ou wbicb side ot you is your liieud t ca ta?" The pouy w blued for about two minutes cousecuuvely, and then tjeiug loose in its stall, walked iutu tbe adjoining one occupied by the uiar Vesta. "Now," be connuued, "do you aud billy waik dowu togeth er to tbe trough aud dnuk wbile 1 make up your beds." Vesta auQ B.lly walked quietly out and pro ceeded straight io tbe trough Wbile tbey were out Mr. Long turned over tbe straw careluliy witb a fork, aud carried on au animated conversation wun a roue gelding lug about liluen bauds hib, Vesta's neighbor on tbo other side Tbe uame of Ibis horse was l'oley, and after talking angrily to bim for some mlauies ab ol m-uie fault be ban committed the day before, be ordered Mr. l'oley to lie down aud not to gel up uutil after Bdly uud Vesta, bad teturued. Our inioruiaut saw but little iu this to prove .Mr. LougV claims, as niuny a borse wil. lie down at tbe word of command ; but wbeu, without a further word, l'oley arosr aud walked out to the water trou b afu-r the return of the other two borse, the subject became us difficult ofsoiuiiou aa before. fall of Ihe f lora of Warrhnnae. Fi-RixtiFiEi.p, Mass., Oct 14. To day tbe floors of the tbrt t-tory brick building on Hampton street, occupied outbe iirst floor as a pork pax-kiug establishment of J. Walker & Son, on the second floor as a store room by Samuel Parker &, Co., commission mett-bauts, aud on tbe third floor as a store j! -m by the Huck cigar man ufacturing -azsjany fell, burying six men in tbe ruioe. our of tbem es csped witb severe uu f.o.1 bruises. Tbe two others are stilt under the ruins and probably dead. Tbe cause of tbe accident was probably the giv ing way ot the third floor on which were Mored 80,000 pounds of tobacco. Tbe ruin immediately caught Gre and are still burning. Tbe loss of property will amount to about $30,000 partially insured. IftiBa; le-r Marker. ClN'CIXXACf, Oct. 11. A riic riiriitii i . iii vunaVrluii! vium. rave-, ,! . t ' ,v .f A i t Vsr last ot murderinn Xbrabam I tf.... I ; .... t..... . Tk. J . . ,. j:j,.,: tx, !, .J J 6 fc ' .1 . ...... dioII tritii UrnrilAniinv I - - ' ....- ne eanw au....ij . m-u .u - '"- ,:,.... ...-rebes. V stand iraard I '" FOL.TICAL. IGFKS0La WB DKEA A TnUlLUSO ECRiT cr OENCirt ei.oqivxce. ':.v..: ..,,., UV h.v never read j.;' of llc Uud t1U4j ,0 jt II - . , n..ur,i.boro ora- proves fcim to foe a tor T tbe bibei-t order. ' . 1 :. , ..r I ha fl,iMh. :pieiwu. ,u,.,rU,.u "land me to live on. bv. it M tbe ko " : riuht wt hare eorered witr d'iwTi. .itie jreai aruir oi "T, nn,.i fr.xnt t..ii ?ttr.r Live S.inie ,re walking for the U-t time in quiet , oixjv places who tne nitiueus iofj - ad re! We Lear the wbiperinn, ud the sweet vow f elerunl 1-ive i I ! n i-..rt ii irl v Tturr r.,rv.r i ,.l . I A... .1 f O i V'iberri oit- w:u imuiro, kiMiij? hahies that are anieeo. Some i.n. Some are parting who hoM i ... gam auu again, uu j, aod eome are taltiiug wub wives, aud c-tideavoriog with brave words ypoken in the old tunes to drive from tbeir bearts tbe awtul fear. We i-ee them part. We see the wife stand ing iu the door, with the balie iu t,er arms, eiaoding in tbe euuliht ob biug, at tbe turn of the road a band waves, t-be oer by holding hirb in ber loving aruia the jlild He is g0ne, aod forever, an tbev march proudly away under the Huutiuir tM-iih i Kind in the ri:nn ami ofi- i , . ... . . .. . der tbe uui.t l.ra. We are with 'bent iu ratine, i uuniiiaT wi-b bi--d iu the furrows of old P.e'u.i. We are witb them between eouteudiiik' hosts, unable to nmve, wild wiib thirst, toe. life ebbbg si wly away among the withered leaves. We see tbem pierced by balls and torn with shells in the trenches by forts, and in thewbirlind ot the charge, where men become irou, with nerves of steel. We are with tbem in tue prisons of hatred aud famine; but human speech can never tell what tbey endured there. Four million bodies in chains four million souls in fetters. Alt the sacred relations tf wife, mother, father and child trampled beneatb tbe brutal feet ot miirbt And all this was doue under our own iieauti ful banner of the free. Tbe past rises us. We Lear the roar aod shriek of tbe bursting shell. Tbe br-ikeu fetters f!l. These heroes died. We look. Instead of tlaves we see men. and women, and children. i be w and of progress touches tbe auclioo-bl jck. the slave pen, the h'ppiug-post, and we see homes and firesides, and school-booses and books, and w here all was want, aod crime, and cruelty aud fetters, we see tbe faces of the free. These heroes are dead. They died for liberty tbey died for us. They arc at rest. Tbey bleep ia the Uud tbey made ftee, under tbe tbey rendered stainless, under tbe solemn pines, the sad hemlocks, tbe tearful willows, and tLe embracing vines Tbey sleep beneath the shadows of tbe clouds, careless alike of tbe sun shine or of storm, each in tbe win-dowle.-s palace of rest. Earth may run red witb other wars tbey are at peace. Iu tbe midst of battle, in the roar of conflict, they fouud tbe seren ity of death. A v ice "Glory." I have one sentitueul for tbe soldiers living and dead cheers for the liv i ig aud tears tor tbe dead. A I. litis Allecwrj. Colouel I' ill I ii tf ors ill bas a rival out West in Colonel Emory Storrs a a slump orator. Ilere is so extract f om a late speech by the latter. bu b contains more point than 7R7 -ucb speeches as Jo-e-ph W Parker is no making in Miittin raunty: "When the wolf comes to the farm er aud demands tba' all tbe old bit lernesses that have existed between tbem shall I e healed; when the wolf insists upon it that bygones shall he he byjroties, aud tbat tbey shall shake bands over tbe bloody chasm of sbeep c r,jses, I d not believe you cau 6ud a farmer snlTu-ieiiily kindly to take tbe promise of tbe wolf or future good behavior and pluL'e bim in charge of the flock. Laughter Tbe wolf doubtless will make tbe point: 'Look at the shepherd (log in charge of yonr flocks He is getting old ; be is ugly; be is vicious ; be bas pups who bave behaved badly ; be bas treated me with tbe utmost kindness; be has pursued and followed me vindictive ly everywhere; and, io bis old ajfe. now aod then a Iamb has escaped.' The farmer will say to bim : My dear, deluded Pemocratic wolf, it may be quite possible that I will change tbis shepherd dog for another shepherd dog, but so long as God lives I will never change a shepherd dog for a wolf.' Laughter aod applause. Tn if uiia h ia tro ffnt tiraA nf nut a.lH shepherd dog ot the head oj afWrs, I bd impt.rtuued him to whose t.tb bave 0-o,,einlnandIhrou1,hitaJ;e,her tu.lDe t-Oteonial. -It will many a Democratic wolf, if : some of . ' . bis pops bave behaved rather badly and we do not like the wi avtbet have teen going on, all we have got to say U tLat that glorious old d ig tbat lies tbere to-daf in the sun, with bis teeth a little loose iron) eating Democratic wolvea. has a magnificent rer-trd of Cdelity back of him; be is fahtifal and Cue in every fiber of bis being; be goes oat of business tbe . 4th of next March, .but tbere is another shepherd dog, whose natqe is Rutherford, who is going square into ,ti position. "Applause At all events, o iiause I A young mca Jbaa written an essay on "Hustles." Aod some bustles project suiucicntiy to eazuui a can s to write an essar on 'em re.-y eMi,'y. i jr T- V,. . . ,u." i " 3 ' jnd;anap..lis, Cincinnati aud Lafay- A story is Boating about in tbe por'ftte riJroa4, collide!, with a freigbl pvrs to tbe tllect tbat a large organi- j train six miles east of Creensburg, zauon 01 oeggars exists in -ew 1 oru city, presiuea oer oy a woman, ana having a treasurer and secretary, j the latter being a beautiful mulatto j ereeakack hi ey The Hon. Robert G, Inge rsoll evi dentlr knows the difference between greenback and money, and appreci ates tbe relations of tbe government to tb currency, :f bis speech a In.iifltianolia be aor criterion II s meib"d of puttinjr toe case is simple and dear tbat it can fail to pnve very effrcu've. He give bis idea of finance aa follows: In tbe first place, tbe ROTernment don't support tbe people ; tbe people 6upport the government. Tbe gov ernment passes arouod tbe hat, tbe yovcrnroeat passes around tbe aim" dirh. True enoutrh it baa a niu-ket behind it, but it i a perpetual cbr n icpauter. It parses I told too, ibe alra!i-aiib, aod we all throw in oir e.bare, except Tilden Great la'iifh ter. Tbii g-overtitneni is a ierwiu al cousuuier. You underotand me. ibe jrovero merit d'nt plough ground, the government d-m't raine corn and wheat; tbe government is dimply a erpetual consumer. We support te government. Now, tbe idea tbat the - , as lbueb fflT bired IDan AoM iefue cirtiQcies of my iudebteduex to him f -r me to live on. Some people e 1 m tbat tbe govern meat cau impress its sovereignty on a piece of paper, and tbat is money. Well, it it s. wbai'x tbe ue of intfitin making IbilU? It take no more ink aod more paper wbv not make $1 000 bill? Wbv iot make $1 000 000,000 bills and H bi!!ioijrtire? ("Great laupbter.J j If the government can make mone, ! what on earth d ies it collect taxe i from To nod from me: Wbyd-n. itbetaxeji out, aod irive the blauce ir. h, 1 fr Green. t ' I 11 - . . .i.-.V.. J ..a.. " backer suppore tbe government is sued $100,000 000 io-raorrw. ho would you irei aoy of it J A voice, "Steal it '' 1 was not speakinar to the fem craw. Lauebter Yon would not get it uulei-s you had somethiug to ext-baoire for it. The irovernnient would not g arourd aod give you your average. V-u bate to have eouie corn or wheat or p -rk t. irive for it. How- do you tet mon ey ? Hv -rk. Where from? You hve to dig H out ot tbe grouno say tbut y the sovereignty of the government upon psper. Tne other day I sav a pieie of silver bearing the overei stamp "f Ju!ius Ciesar. Julius Ca- ar ha been du-t snout 2 000 years, but tbe pic-e of silver was worth ju-i a uiucu as though Julius C's-ar was at the heal of the Uo :iuu legions. Wa9 it bis sovereignty that made "t valuable? Suppose he had put tt upon a piece of paper. It would have been of no more value than a Pemocratic promise. The FlaDtlaic WeMoat. Already we bear on every side the question, "Is it better to plaut trees in fall than in spring. " W hen we remember bow much bus been said on tbis subject by the Tck-yroph, aod so many other excelleot agricultural juuruals, it seems almost a waste of lime to refer lo it again. 15m we also remember that while tbe world is growing older, it is also growing wiser, it is also growing younger; the patriarchs ot horticulture are rapiulj iriving way to the present axe, ami these need to be told of the kuwl edge which tbeir forefathers gaiued Aod tbea tbere are those who oucp kuew, but bave forgotiet; aod eveu older people, whose ''educatiou is not finished," but wbo cau improve oa wbat they see from day to day. S , though a hackneyed subject, it will btar new treatment, aud we come to it therefore fresh as ever. Tbe past year ha lodeed eudorsed our teaching, that, as a priuciple, .here is uo great difference between fall planuug aud spring plaunug Ouce in a bile, terious loos follows tbe setting out of spriug plums, but poasibly can be worse tbau the experience of tbe past spriug. It is nt t likeiy that oue-balf of tbe things put out then are liviug now. The heal and drought are just as bad on uetly set-uut tbiuga aa wind and frost. Tbere is, however, one element of injury additional in fall plaining; aud thai in, ibe ebuuee uf drawing out by frost. Fvery farmer kuows what ibis is. liy it wheat aud clover often sul fur i iieparubly. Trees will suffer, ii care be uol taken, iu a similar way. If tbe soil be anyway wet where trees are lo be s.-i out, it will bo f t tbe best, to defer the work till spring. .So if tbe treesare smoil, unless very well protected by haviugearih drawn up ao-.ut them, they are very likel to be lifted and injured couniderably Tne larger and the hardier tr es may be safely plauted, aud esjec-iai y if what we Lave said from lime J. time, about cut'iug out the weak bnucnes is born in mind lu short, those wbo would plant in luiail must rem tuber to handle only good, vigorous, healthy trees, orune tbem according to instructions, take great care to bave all roots possible, aud these kept as fresh from drying as cau be, bave tbem firmly planted io the soil, firmly staked aud protect ed from water lyiug about the roots; aod taking tbe balance of cbauces of unfavorable winters, as we bave to do of unfavorable spriugs, ibere will be as mu b success as follows an season. Aod then there is this great gain, that the work which always throngs on us at the busy springtime has not tbis plautiug load to bear in addition. Ex. The Xcsl One. if I? will have no iilua jii eA IT K a i A t i i r. V. f 1 - luc"'H- gretfully,' "I should' so fike to go1 and ' . leJ . . ' "T1 see a C entennial, just to gay 1 bad" eeeu one, you know." Well, never mind, my Jarling,," be replied, "don't fret; aud when the next one comes round, I'll take yorj, and we'll spend a week. And we'll take your mother too." ' Oh, George," tbe cried, ia a rain of happy tears, "you are bo kind! We won't go tbis Tear." Km I wavy Ae laewl. .CiSQiAff, fnxo, October C A special passenger train east, 'coniaio ing soldiers homeward' bound tram th rpnnbin at I oti.n.n..i; .L inaiana, this mt.mng. A uumbenf tne passengers and emploveeg wera injured, and Conductor Allen, of the passenger train, ia no expected to re- ou can stamp A DillNISTBATOR'S SALE. ixk. Ky firtve qcuonr twsAd cat or tfci OnttM' !tbcr wtll bxpt to pahUcaloa U lrin lm la U-a UuCbbga cd L'tjtaaence, oa Saturday iclvt, -r 2S. ISTC. tlo' ! p n.. of Mid dr. tt f.4lolti rwl i-uit ib (inven J of Ann McClem, dee'U, .Tf:. . , ,...v-f .,.., ... h.T(r ni irui ciwriiin SuiSl. bf r&e uw oa in nur.n ua uj muj n "t" W.aMOfXTilX. 04 A-imlniwnitor lXECUTOR'S SALE. in pniroanw of thf provlflon' rootmned is tb Iih will and lTiamTH o( Jvih ZimnK-rman, Ut ol oiu1iouiih Twp.. dw'cl.. tt-re will be riuv c l lu tUt mc wa tlx prcnlM ia mU b-wotlilp, oo FaUirday, Ucfob r 14, 1ST6. the fi-H-jwin ml rut. Tit : A tnx-t ol lin l alinste In vll t.iwohlp, iloln lr Uixls f JOK9 KlBmrL John Mmitn, JMh Zirnrn-rmn kdiI o'hrrn. cuoutlnjUK 1- Te. miira or Ic-w alinot luu uf altk-ii an- rfeared, 14 wra Id meailuw. navioic tberr-inervrtei m imo-ttrr hm notue, ln liaro ml mhtr oat hoil-llnit. There it m xii apple orvbanl us the iiremimg. r r.ri M S. UnMtainl. alter mem itfexprnwf, to remain a lien. tb. interest vt whu-n to b pai I tu the wHluwaunaally daring ner lile, ajfcl at eer tleatb the principal aura lu ts paid to tba belra: one-thlrit al balance to band and remainder in three annual pynienti. t be enured by juiixment nute. I'm r e-nt. of band monejr be paid an u tbe proprrty U knurked dawn, bale to cuwineim at 1 u'eiurk of aaid pay JAOUdJ. ZIMMIRMAW, ijtecoior. JOPtilNU. ooink-mra dealrinr tu ae economy while rlslt lug uie CLSTESSUL tXHIBiriOS , w.silt) tl-i well ta rail at arch Street, near arvauin, ana tee .teani.lijliley ifeurue, I Hey. have uue. dcau. airy ruwuiH, piine a tcuUoU ait en liidr )4Uci, auiuui cuaia Mrenia pT ni4 .u. OTICK. a uerrby kitc notir to the puhlic not to pur cUam a ju.a.;LDctii IRM' jniwti lu UVor uf v Hltatn SMor, AitiwHaunK to luiriy-nvv ollHri, Mi 1 ucTtitr n-ociVfM TMiut tvr aMnue, ms will out wj W' I VTt-,ll A RELIABLE PAltrV U AjA I KamJ take tne eai-inaita aijeu ji fur tn aai ui an ar,k-ie iu the ftrucerji tine. Hnettnu4 tnat baa never bveu tnir.KiUueu in tnia m.-inct, anil anlta r..iiy. Any ymuiif man may nuu iruia K.wai mi a,uuu annually uy auareavtuK BL! .-., LYPtX kEH a CO., 147 Reade Street, X. Y. Am; 30. POSIT VELY CURED. When death war bmrljr expected fr'ic Ooofamp lioo, mil renMillt'fl barm ttie.i. at lr. H. J a tot-a rtscaieriuieuiUK. tie koi'Mrnii m t-ic a prvn ranuaMi Id'Hmqi He tap. wtiku carvdbit onlUiltl, nun givr tins m-ipe iree uo receipi uf (u t(mpf u py expeiue. Uempl curd nitebt irweAi, u ui t toe Kuan... d1 will hrek a iresL culd lo twenty-foor h'ur. A JUreM, 'KAlLM;K kfo. 1,032 SUc Su. fr'biUuelpliix, DAmin thin pttper. Ja a L,:u' 1 j John EOAL XOl'ICK. Tb'-ma. JaabT!iuma Mines Thomaa. Gerye Ttwntaa. Caihartue and Julia Tuumais llarr n n.. l.y iia. i iimii-im. anil ie-i. Tiiomaa, Jr., wim haee l-r their gajnlian Jirob Ttiiaia, Gr-rtni ie intermarried with Uatirlcl Mt-ihler. Marrun Ttiumta, rraney Intermarried wuh Junn Siiek-lier.all be forea;ii it ntrira are n-Miua: in tmerset county. Fa. ' Also Uarbarir Intermarried with OtiriatUa rii-sii(h ot rJlttharteounty liMilaiia, at Matilda lutermnrrled with Henry Miller, ol L-ia-raua-e county Indiana. Alau Lva Thomas, i-iuw. Vou are hereby noilned that In purmianre of a writ ot oartliiuu Lued out ol the I irptiana. Court ot SomerM-t rounti, 4-a.. t will hulit an inijuel no the real eatate of Julin Tnoui ta deeeaaed, in IN-n-emauh IW.. at hia late r-iilenre oa Thuraday Ihe ae. h day ol Ocio-r. 170, wuere you cau at temi if jou tliink nper. i;eo. w. pile. Sheriff. SSIUNEE'S SALE. By TlrtneoT a vrtb-r 1'ansd out " Ui Cimrt ol Common fleas ot Somerae County r-a, ihe nn deraiirued aJaltraee ot A. A. Stuttmaaand wile, wtu aeil at public tale on Saturday, OcliAxr 14, 1 3 t. at Shankaville Pi, at 1 o'clock p. m, the till-.w in dewrtlied rea I eatate, via. rwo a-lyiiniUK lota situate In Ihe rlllaiMif Shanka ville MomeraetcuuntT. Fn.-. the one htvina there. n erscleda two-nory frankedwcllina: honae, and tbe other having therejo erected one. aud one-hall story irameatore hnnae. to tes.l-l separately .o. J. rwukju Jioa. zsand -a la Ihe town Cataritnan. Someraet oiiuniy. Pa. TKK.MS. Notice ia heri.y itlven that any perl ii purcnaaina- at inearmee aaie win De required to payone-tnira of tne urcnae mooey tn hand, one-tbirdon tbe 4th tlay of March 1"77 and one thirdoo tbe4 hutSeotem-wrlun withloiere't. Tbe personal protierty of aaid aaaivnora. which eonataia oi one two-year om coil, (hall perrneon) one aieign eooam auieea, tied ateada. carpeLS harorav tunmare aat other arriclra Um name rout to menu .a. wui be sold on the aanw day and al tame place aa above menUooed. Terms of sale for personal property wiu be made known oa day ol aaie. HEKMAX SHANK. Aaaiirnec. pRUSTEES' SALE. To pursuance of an order of the Or.iltans' Court a Ol rvimeraei county 1 will aelloatne premises on -atoiM.y the Txa day of Ortober n-. thetollow Ina real estate, late the property ol Noah Harnett, oeceaaea : ten acres ol meadow land, more or leas, partly situated In Stviown horouvh ami partly in toemabonlns; township, adjoining lamia ui wi krw rUMa-le no the eaau im.l owned liv taeorye Hraacr ami Fred OroB, Kmi. on tlie soutn, nytne ntoyatwwn and rovttor l turnpike on the west, and hy the mill road on the north. This land wilt be mid ia uarcels u salt tiurcbas- ers, ponsied i raai be s- l l lor more io parcels ' bao it ran be a.4.1 lor as a whole. T Kit as Tea l roent of nsr-hsse nvmeT to paid wuea nrota-rtyjs knurked di-wn the balance on delivery of deeil ouleas special arrangements arc wa'iv witn rroiiora. h'Jiir.HT 11. PATTERSON, Trustee Sept. PI, 1"7. SSIGXEES SALE By virtne of an erofsle issue.1 from the Court ol (Arinra a Pleas nt S neret eouutv. Pa. will expose lo PQfallc sale at Meyersdale. Nxner- set cuunij a., uu Friday, October 13, 187G, at luVelock a. ax. tne folluwins: iesrribeil real es tate, tltoate in the liuroua-n ol JUejeraUale, vis bi;il.dinu urrs. Xua. 3X1, X: 3.1 tail O7,nMoUn0iilMins er.reet ano s M, la. atKl m. Inintina ca Hruadway. N'-a. 1 awl 3 truntinar on t 'lay s reet. Noa. '43. Sui, irDSlK, M, in. IMt liuatlntr on Uixh St 144. ami M, Inmtinic no sinrtb street. Xo M has a lUstciry frainedwillioc rxiuoe, stalde and other untmudirMS tiieeeoa erected. OUT LOTS Xa. &. enntalninr 1 aere. No enntalnina 3 acres lti7 le-rctot-a. 10 e-nlatat.a 3 arres anil nil pvr-nes. jvo. eootaininic 0 acres, inure or ie. anrnniiir t aswinua rover. t ine third of tn band one bill ia 6 months, and one hall in I'i months tmmsei4 th. 17. ith interr oa the whole from that date. lMferred payments w be secared cjjuufnnent note. ALSO At same time and pin -e a lurir n tot of personal propenj. eouumma: ol nors-s. oiws, n waa-uns pliws. earucnlt-r tools, and a jrenenil earieiy , I bona-bold ami kitrhen furniture. The described real estate ia located iu the rising town ! the eunty and purehasers make hetter invest meuts. PHILIP HAY. Spt2 thUT. M assljroee. WOOD PUMPS With all raluaMe improrrments. linlncs, and ehaaioeror HEAVY Tl;HfM:oPPKH u- etc. Our manmacturinx facilliles ate unsurpassed, our Hock awl assortment LAKOKsftl prleeswlllhe made to SLIT fHE I'IMl.S. Try the "" Pump and test iu rneriis. Ask lor it at your H.rdward store, ami see that I- has tbe ahuVo trade-mark. OMers may he sent to hRtrro.V riHPIO. avrstllssss. wr. . a.. inUirH-s ana rrumuinrr lnTaraldy tsillA fTV.1 1 l' M t CO., Mie Common- Su Phlia.. Pa. Auirustw. A bSlOXEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby riven, that Jacob J Don ires, of Meyersoaie, aomerse euuniy. r-a.,anu i.amariue K.. his wife. ty deed of voluntary assiirnment. bave assigned all tbe estate, real and personal, of win J .-wi j. uuaxrR, IO w. n. nuppie, Ol numer. erset. Pa., in trus lor tbe benefit ol tne creditors of tbe sai l Jacob J. Donges All persocs there fore Indebted ,o tbe said Jacob J. Duaites. will make payment lo the said asslirnee and those bav inz claims or demands will make known tb same wubo at delay. . . WX H. RCPPLE. l?30 , ,. AsslKnee. CLiRPETS! PAlylfSyOCK! CHOT.QSST i?ryLBS! ALL aUALXTIZS ! 2IATI275S A2D HATS! OILCLQTHSand 5TAIRRODS! BOyRp R9SE & CQ.: J?ITTUUIJCJ. IA. Siept 13. V SEND tie. to t. P. KtiWEIX k CO.. Wew York, far Pamphlet c4 IU pawea, aoatalalnc lists o( Xoo Bewstpera, aad estlssatM snowing cdk 01 aavenmnft. CENTENNIAL, Hotel Directory. OF Philadelphia. Tbottaa-hlf of cur rvfelen will Tilt tb irrar-1 Centouniut tlbnitlat fbii ulelpliia. Thej will want to atop at bxc-la where the (-r4rimulttan are itood and the charge am reaKuMatH. T( -to It tnef moat innke aU arranavmea: oeliire wart ime. Tbla can bedooe by eufTenpundeoea with the proprietor. In tki IHremirr will be fooad aucb at ar tallj ap ta lhe re-iulrenenls. This Directory U ompileJ by J. WEAVER & CO., ,ewpaper AdyertiMlng AgU., 114 SmllLHelJ tit ret, PITTSBURG, PA. Brandt office, 1313 Market St., Philadelphia. !'., 177. 1ST. iSELMOXT HOTEL, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. Trrn 9.T.10 per day. Corner Forty-Firsl anil Oregon Stret't., (SILVER MAPLE GK'JYE.) HfST r HIL A D IIP Hi A. Cbarlef P. an 1 F. P.S:en?n.i, nf Baltimore. U NffelKS AND PKOPR1ETOKS. M-jf W. W. LELAXD, Manar. It ttbaitioh? Capacity. 1.0) Qa;-: MO It'Djc x 14 wi'le ; J itiornn l.ifjh: built ami lurtiifh ci by Haliimoreaii. rii-.u f-arlont en atr, c. Spwinl rtlej for Par;ir, AjrUtit-n, ue. Firtvb. OcnBAD. Sini!h wl liltin ttpokei. ia the b't?L All charjft.9 meMlrat aih! arjiuHlj llonii arrt-Iat. Ii ia wifhin four taU-rki of ibe main rutmuvof the Grn-i OntrouUI F.xpui lln. the uft df irnhtc l'jntho uf aut lnioni al Uotrl. Ibe ulire U aurnum.FiI by a QittrnltireQi a;nie u! mafle tree, ot tbitty fnrg jcr-iwth. muKir it :bec-pn btel in PhiiaJcl. Dhla. The ruruiture and rjuipmenta of tbe en lire esiaMHtiment art- ot the iuat liberml charav 1 trr, and .luriu-r !lw earvn a Drl-lit'- (rf-chrsir will (urnlh limbic tt the entertalDiueut uf the ' ifttt-. Marttfi strevi tin c:ty car pa- the J-ur i June 28. ' SHIELDS HOUSE,.. Ha. 7 sin. s:nl nar SaSSEason BriJa I ITTS KUCS If. 1A. W. H. STAHLMAXN", Proprietor. Tuii hon-ie ha r-reeiuly tieen thonjuahly reno vateil anil refitted, and a'll the milera imprive menis aililetl. Itoartl per K I. .". 8ale Stabli-s in oamiv-tiifi with the Iioa-e. Jan. 2. IIEARODT HflTEL 2.10 Knultl Mnlh Ml reel. rtillMdelpeln. I a. CtiL. JAMUS WAU IN. '.r the Henrw CinrlnnatI, Pr.ip 1.0 tu 93 tier day. R-ium without Ixanl. kl. Street ears paw theiloTs tii an! Ir-an nil d-pots, anil frotr Ceniennlal Kulldluits. CTentral lontion, anj near all places of amusement. Aciiontmiala. tlon secured 1-y rorn-sponileni'e. Jane 'ia. C1U A ! 1 X i H U I i: U.V TttK LIRUPJiAN FLAN. ! Si reel, from 3li lu loist Htreela. Phllavaelpbla. Pat. Ilailii.rtne"t part ol West Ftiilal-iphia : ear" pasiluiir to Centennial tin.UDili1 : new tiniMln-s uf brii-k and stime, Hii-I new turul'ure: cupai-i'v fur Too Kuctr LIilXi 1 FKR liAY. Kreklust anil snpjier fl eenis esch: earetul at tenilants an.i prit.ite watclinien : large parties a--eiitnrntniale'i in ft,-;-rnte net-tiiMi.. Klus mJ tie eniraa-ei( i-i advan.-e hv e.rre!i.m.liri-e. Jnne w. 't'llA N IXti HOTF.LCO. Congress Hall. NEW FOfR-STVKV NRK'K HOTFi, ON THE tr UHI'RA.N PLAN Elm Ave., Below Forty-second St., ttirertly opposl-.e Main Kihibiiion Huil.lioir. .tieommislatliin tor l.lsaj troc-sts. tiialaTToa-e-ments lor larite prtit-s IVnna t i.V E 1 II. I. A K PK PAT. l.-omtort, rj.un-.mT and reammable chances. W. li. B AR KB k 1X1., Phila.lch.lila. Jnlyi. Elm Avenue Hotel, ILM ANEXfE AM) FIFTY FIRST Street, opposite West end of Machinery HalL W ROOMS. A single room anil sinx-le bM, yl.oo per day. a. Kur:Uil Proprietor. Rrioms ean be securcl by cirrrsjR.nience. June -."i. St. Cloud Hotel. Artb St., between 7ta and fib. Tit Hot-t in PkUadWpaia thai dii not raise is ratr$ on arcount oj tkt Centennial. OM Rates, $3 00 a Day. G. V. MULLIX, Prop r. UNION HOTEL. IC14 ArtiiStrert, Philadelphia, Pa, Tuna. s. WrnB. Prnprietiir J. UrsiuT Webb. soperintcL lent . 0d location, faa run direct to (Vntentiia buildings, tshio will Und tne Pnprietor ano nup-?riuieauenL umu laen. SopL i. SMEDLE Y HO USK " U27 Fit.uiKT STntrr. between Market and Arch bireets, Pluladi Iphia, Pa., Toa. S. Weib, Pniprit-tor. J.McRcar, Webb, Superiatendciit. A flrst-elass house, cemrll lornied, and terms reasonable. I'emeunial visitors can muke allnec- e-sary arranKemeats by correspondence. .Sept. a. Wt'bMfr House, 703 & 705 ARCH ST, Philadelphia nrst-ciss notcl. eentrallv located. Street enrs pass thedHrs to and from the rentrnmaKirounds every three minutes, ao liquor sold. $2 50 PER DAY. V. L. WKItSTFR. Pn.priii.r. Auk 30. fb.uarlj.bta, Fl. Jf T J- Aierday at home Samples wornd ree. Sti jibw.i 4 t.'o., Portla.the Maine. mam OcBTta K Oaort Arsns PBiaos. Grove & Denison Alairufhcturcs of Carrlagesi, Nprin(cwaKona, IIarne etc. Factory one square east of lllamond. Somerset, Ia. April 12. rpiiUSTKE'S SALE. fhe Bn.JeyiirTttl Twee' Vr the fdIc of the Al eUte il i'bh!tapher Pretn. Sr., late of Jenner Tp., .itcea.l. in puraaive wl an nMer icranteu tu them by the Orfihrtni-' C'uurtot Smeiet iVun- wtll sell at i'U'ht itiu on Fritlatf Ochfar 13A. 1STC, oo the premUe. the trartof Uml owned hyChrU tofther lNeU al tbe time t hin death. Itunte In jenner p.. aipuniuic uwit "i i!un-i .-"iuhi, U ilimm Zimmerman. Otttrice Barmlt an.1 othen. omtHiDinif VA avnw mre or le., aNmt etxhty aerenrlearaml in r.ltivailon, the hlao ut tbe latvl beinit well Unihere-l. TwoUweil.njr how e, t.arn ainl other ooittnihltnjfs thereoa leeted. Th farm li well w!en-l. ba variety of fruit treen anI an abuntlan.c of lime anl eoai on the lreniire. Tr.KMS. One-thir.1 of pareb:t. noner aer dei acting cunts nl expenten u reniain a lien m tbe pretnirHii fir the u o the wuiuw, the Interen tobepniti hersemi-anualK-tme-l-Hirth of the hai- ant tu be iMtitl on the of. April. 1877 when potv seyiva will be. Klvn' 1111,1 tnf balaiw to be paid 4n ihree rnl aiuiunl payment therealter. t i jfwured Uf juilnmit lKDis to be entered un ree unl. Ten per rent. o( tbe puivbAM money to be paid at. the time uf the ntle abicb will be deduct ed, tmm tbe bawd money when payable A.KiM nun tt. I.L.IA$ IKKT. Sept. 1". Trn-tee?. 876. WHERE NOW? 1876. To M tCH M A V. one of the foreanet, floanfh- llijf and beallby State ! WHAT FOR? To buy a FAB. M oat of tli One Million Acres of one rarrnlnc lan-ls for sale hv the GRAXD KAP1U3 a. INDIAN A at. K.-1 Stronic Soils. Krary .Markers. Sore Crops Oood Srhools. K. R runs thp-oab ceuter of KranL Settlements all alons; All kinds of nils, ed. Plenty of water, tiraher and hoiMinw materl alj -pnee'frora M to lu per aere: one-fourth down, bklaocevn tluie. "' i Sen.l Uir llla;tmtcil pamphlet, fall of facts aod biuret, mod te eairitioed. AddreJ. W. A. HuWAKD, Uomm'r Orand Sapid, Mlebia-aa. t. H. U PEIRCE, See'y Land Pep't. Jaa. U. . O. W. riaigaL x7 W Xtw Adcertiteiricnti. JOHN F. BLYMTER. DEALER IN Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints OIXjS, &G. The following is a part'al Krt of goojjj ia Stock: C i.-att-r'ei Tools,; Plaoes, Saws, Hatchets, Ilamnurs, (.'hise'l.s, Tlane Iron Ac, B'ack mitb' Goods, Bel!ow3, Anvils, Vics, Files, llamnicrs, Ac Sa-Jii!trj Hardware, Tab Trees, Giir SadJles, llanu-s, Buckie. Binrs, Bits and Ttxl. ; Table Knives asd Forks, Pocket Koive.s, Sciss;rs, Pinxm aad K;i.Tors, the largest stock irj Somerset County, rainier' Goodri, a fuil block. White; Lead, Colored Paints for inside and outside naiurinfr, I'ainaia oil. all colnrs, j Varnish, Terpentine, Flaisd Oil, BrtisLers, Japan lrrer. Walnut Stains, j &c. Window Glass of all sizes and jrlasa cut to any shii The Ik-sT. Coal Oil always on hand. Our stuck ot Coal Oil Lamps ia lanre and cuiiiprisesj rt-ry elegant sty le. Diu-touV Circular, .lu!" aad Cross Cut Saws. Mill: Saw Files of thebest quaihy. Porcelain-lined Kettle Handles of ail kinds. ! SHOVELS. FOIIKSe SIMIara. IMK1.S. Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Picks. Scythes, Snaths. Sieducs. Ma.son Humniers, ' Ca-st Steel, Step Ladders, Carriage and Tire Bolts ot all siie.s. Loookiu' Glasses, Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sitrves, Poor Mats, Baskets, Tubs, Wooden Buckets, Twine, Kojh? ali sizes, Hay I'ulieys, Butter Prints, ' Mop Sticks, Traps, -Steelyards, Meat Cutters and Stutfers, Traces, Cow: Chains, Halter Chains, Jhoe, ut ud Scrub Brushes. Horse Bru.-hes. Cur ry Combs and Cards, Poor LM-ks, Hinges, Screws, Latt bes and everyibiajr ; in the Builders' line. Caps, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse, Ac, Ac, 1 The fart is, I keep everything tbat belongs to the Hardware trade. I deal i exclusively in tbis kind of goods and ive my whole atttention to it IVr-i sons who are buildiu?, or any one in ueed of auythia in my line, will find 1 it to their advantage to (rive me a call. I will always pive a reasonable i credit to responsible persons. I tbank my old customers for tbeir patronage and hope this ceason to make many new tines. lon'i foriret the place ! Aprils '7. JOHN F. BLY.M YF.Il j GiJEAT WESTEEN HOTEL,;ki: a o . imcoimct i : . Xos. 131:5 and 131" The suliscrilicrs inform theiy triends and the puljlic thut lli'-y litve enlarseil, mis!- eratetl. refittetl and newly ftimisibed this laree anil coninnsliinis I!nu-e. Street t ars '. loC'enteDDial Itnii'Jin t;-s pass and repass tbe lli'tel evrt-v minute. I'rices verv uitvk-r j ate. PITTSliUllGII iro"w Floral Hall and S. I. Ailen the greatest I' in tlie t - evenings of Sept tilth and -JUt. Arninnenu :it ;ir? Ik in? m i-lf- fur a Welh WeiMin? ; on Thurwlay or Friday, Sept. 21st or 2-M. Two (Irainl I;iinlin.-4 --JerusH'eni as it ! was" and "JeruMtletn as it ii, ' cosiin ;!5.hi on tiisplav. Kl'iTs hatched tiy e!ec- tricitv. i week bsrjir iLirg Mount In ion Coftfr Collect ion of Stuft'ril Animol. Hurt IH.jl'ty. RARE OATHEP.ING OjF EXHIBITS. Muir hy OfTit Wt:eni Bun-!. S;p-Ial F'-'ataiv frvmi ii'j.f pijaa. Hliir's Ir- L'rcaui nd K kr ui K'jm. ALL THIS 1 'FEOPLES BROG STORK!". G. AV. SPEEUS, N.E. Corner Piamonil. Somerset nF-ti.Kk i.N DRUGS, JIEDICIXES, Pa anil CHEMICALS,!1"'''1-" V-wthern Wi.n.nand ' i Mtnnes,a. au-l lor Madi-mc. Mi. Paul. M-.unr.p-.olia. L'uluih ami all point in the i r- at "or : we-t. lis PERFUMERY, FIXE OA 1'$, TOILET A It TIC L s. DTE HTUFFV, n nd KEKOtFXE OIL, 1are WINES and I.Iii!"iItS lur uicdk-lnal lRPthES, Also an asfirtini-nt cf Fine Cigar h. antl Toha-4-o. 1 Particular attention aiven to the e..-wp..uiidii.if of Physk-ians Prescript Inns and Family Eevlj es. by eiperleneed h n is. Marrh 1M97J. Ayer's Cathartic PiUs, For the relief ami mre of all sK-rnnjr.-nmitH in the t-un ah, liver, and brw s. ThyareaniiM aperient, and aa an excellent, ptirjrafive. lW intf pnrt'iy eir tibre, lby rontnm no nerrnr' or mm'.', ral whatver. Mtfli nrioiw ?n kne-t mid ufrnnc ! prmeiii- i bi ly Uw-ir tnnel'.' i wso; and every flimily houlcl have tnem n han-I for Uu-ir protwtKtn and rehH, when ninireL Loni: exrHnetire has prored tbii tn the j-af- e-tT -urest. ami l-r-t of all tbe VH with ni.n h j tlw mark-! awMimH. ny tnrir nreai'n-ii n-et th bhKxt i-t tmnrtetl. the romir-tHn of the ;v-. tin expa-lleil, oltriieuona remove!, nud ihe whole) iBat:hiner of litu resfortl to hcalthr i artrrirr. jntrrnal nrmn wnw:n become c.nsrsret-i i ami nrc cinanra ry 'rei-' anu tiimulate'l into iwn. Thus uicipicnt rtt.ta j i ebanfre! into be:tltn, the value ol h hi- h chnnL-e, wht-n rt t kimtd on Uk v:i-t luultttude wbo env-y it, enn harilly le e,impMte.(. Their mnr enntinir makefi thm pk-anant to lake, and pre-terre- their TirtuM unimpaired lor anv l ntftb I time, pi thai Uvv are evr Irt -h. and perleellv r. li:;bh-. Abhoith M-iin-hiiia', thv'V are mild, and o(N-r;if. j withfmt di.utrimfH-etottit'runMauuii.ordut.ur : orrnpatHin. ! Full ilirertlon are triven Fn th wrapper f. ; each box, how t. ii-e tinm n a Family l'hvH j and ior tlM M low in; vompLiiiil. wliii h tlic-e ', VHtn rapaUr cure: j For Ipvaitrfaii or ladirraf loat. I ite ; m. La8-r and Wmmm ml .ppetfw,tti-r should be Lusvi'ii nNKkraicly to ftiiui,K)ie tb? toiiir n h, and restore it healibv bine ami a-tin. j For l.lver awwl-we-ind it- rariotr- vnip- . torn-, Blliwn Mrk lie ad- j kick)e. Jataadice or arew .tliBfM. Hi I- iowa ( ebr an.1 Itiliwaa er.lfMy -li.-uid t be jmbcRrti-ly Likn ior e:wh ca-e, to ;..frvct the rtiea--".! acfhri or remove the ob-trur ftw h. i: 1 e: ii!c it. , tor llye,nrerT or Iiirrbsnru9 tut one mild d'"i'is jrem nillr re-imre'l. Kt Hkranufiini. 4-wwf. r-raivrl. Pub pllwfiww mf tm II ewrt. tM.i Itoo iAe, ltck and tlwr sii'Mil'i Ir rontiu- naHi.-4ly t;iken,a nqmrvt. to change the diettel a'tH.n of the v-tetn. With su h chtnuv thoe complaint di -appear. Kor trmpmj und lrapairl welWnc tlf.vy "bonht Im tnken in Ij'rKf ititd Infjiioiit tt-.'--e ! to iiriNhiet. the etffeet of a lra-tH- pure. i rr wnnreaiavw, a lanrc ib-e bo!llt U taken, a- rt. product- the dt--irtM rlTect by yiu pathy. n a limmrr Pitt, take one or two PHI to promote diirertiHi and relieve lb,' rtnnat h. Aa ocraHiual iIom Simulate- the Htomnt h nnd -btHi'id, n-tore I'm appetite, and invtsrorate ttw Hb'in. Iloncw it i otien t.dvaittaj'fun wh-re j n renon. derangement rxMi. vrtie who feel i tob-ratdy well, ottm iwl that a. ilo-e ff thHs 4'ittn make-- him tel deenlfdly lxttr. from their i VH-an-iotr aud reuuvatiu LaXtxt tm the diV' Miv? apparatus , , , ... . - . PRErARKD BT Ifr.J. C. A FR&CO.trrtrtiri1 Chrmistt, " ' lowe lb, .ir.i. r. FOIL SALE BY' ALt VZl iiGl "twiTEn& fIRSTPBIZI HJ VltKNA EXPOSITION, 1873. H- KOSEXSlEiL, Manafactorvr ot superior Union (Drop Leather Ani dealer in j Bark, Hides, and Plasterers' Hair,1 " JOHNSTOWN. ?a! ; 1000 tans of oak and bemlork bars wantsx. Caab paid oa delivery at tb, tannery. ' Site AdrcTiifmtr'. Markkt Sr., rini.APKi.iiii.v Ta. M ty 31. EXrOSITOIX,! I -:o:- Art Gallery Ccmplete. oiin - ri will ?ireti llranil Conr'rt on the Sspon'cir IS- !Cji. IlclLg r -m on Kt.:nrin! ! NCW HEADY. TI1E fHITAOi- a; 5-iRTlt-WEHTKK Ball A Fuil-nf'-s or.'ii-r -tie miiriir-rrer.t tl:c titca' K.nlwv Lir.i-s m .he VW-t an-l North wrst, ant. with it numrr-iu i r.ia -hi-s :ol iimi.i-n Uiaia lorirs the sburti-At and 'tuiflt-vt r.-u.e lie twi-.-n I 'iiii-Htf' snil ui. mj1i,is in liu-ioft, tsm.o sUi. .'irhi-ni Mir.riem-,.. I-jwa. .Ne- : brasxa, t aii!..r-iii and the est-ro Trrrmmcs. j I;s i I Oinahii au-l Califonwa Line j Is the sh'rest an.1 best r.-tte f r all mints is I -N-irlhern lliin..iv I. ws, iik..i. ebra.-ka, Wy finiir.a. t'niiir.uto Viah. Nova-ia. t'aiiiniTiia. tire I aou, Chiua. Japan ao-l Aatr:ilia. Its j ( hicuiro, IJ.ulisog and St. I'anl Line I W inmia and St. Peter Line i I Is the , nlv f r Win- na, K -hetiT. n.ti.. aa. M;mk.itn. Si Peter. .V-w 1 1m. anl ali points lo S-iot hern and Central .Mainesota. i:s direeii Raj and Marquette Line Is the only line fur Jnsv!l!e. Watertown. K-rvl liuIvu-.oshki.isD Apiiletno. tireenHav. tseana- i tm. .Nesruunee. Mnnsuette. HuahLon. Ilanoirk j ami the iike Saierair Country, its f i Kn-eport and Tubuue Line i Is the only rr.nte fi.r Eli and all puiat via Krei-; ;a, R. klor l, Freep- rt :. Its ( lilrairo and MHnankee Line j Ir the ilo Lake Shore pule, and l thonlvor,e iias-ina tlimoith Kvanspia. Iike F-in-st, Hih ! Un.! P:irk. U .ukt vtn. Ki- hie. Ken.nh.ito till ' w.iukee. I'nllmnn I'alaee (in , are nn on all thn-nh ir-itrs..f this niail. J if h OM,x LlNfc runninir thee.;r 1ms- . twern i tiu-az't ttti-i t. Paul. I iaiHau' und .fciil- .uk.'. nr t. bi:ir aad W tm-na. At Omaha unrXefbtr-1 rnnt with th h-.. j'l Meepr ou the I'niuo P. inc i(aiir-aI M , nil i" ii ma v c-i wi me .utsari kivit. On tbe arrival f tb train tr-ni rhe Kat . S tuih.the train" n tlie 'hintM a, Xonh- W'eterr j n.. iiway ien,M n lease. a.i n,nn: j K'T i '..uivdl Biun I mm ha and 1 4alif.,rnU, ta f prftWHitr Kom ni iHptnjf thrairh u i r'atr St. Ptil an-t M !nneaiMt!.. two Throirt ' Tntin -lai.y. with Pullman P!re Car Mtm b I - -mi sitiii;in rauusi un t"tii iraiL.. F"rtren ilaw nnl Lake Sui-ri.r. :w. train, daily, with HuUruan I'l mr t.rhr,l ru- rantiinaf tbnUkf(i to Mnrju-tte. i FT .lliiw.inkee. f'-ur Thr nirh Train- Ualljs ! Po!ltna 'ar'-.r niht trniu. Parb.r t'hairrUr. ! un dy traliv. j For Suitrta an t V'inaa nn-P pdnt in Minn w: j ta,oue Thr ush Tmu. dtaily, wit ji Pullman Meeb ! i er to w imma. I F'r I'Of'miae, ria Freiort. tw. T!mn.rh Tmlim driily wub Pullman i ':in on mwht tminc, j r uuDtvjttv ami L i im--. rMCIiitt'm. Tl Thrr-nrfh Trim Daily, w;th Polluaa Cur .-n niir nt Tnm i .wririri'r. lwa. t'r aiaxi:ify in.i YtakLto. two Tr.irdallr ' O.. t ... VI : i ....... w.. I r ui.m.t n v .tr - i' .wi i?-".n k auejr JUl.''Uin. F"r like .rwvM. (.urTniRji ilnily Fur krw'kf'ni. Mteriinst, K'n.lia Janeville. atj 1 -rtlier y-o caa Lave Irvru :wo to ten i New V Tk IHfie. n, 415 BfMMlwar: Rift, lrira. 4:nfi.Hta.a'' I -1 . h. I IrH,. Vi 1'. ' Rain reet; .o i rim-aj oriw. iii Mttitra-i under S(ir-nDn Hn?; etirr ChivlI n i M i fc.n ?rrft: Kiane :ret i met W. Kin- i iifiiw rrreT: n tu .'.t. )etr, ('rncr H ell ani XHtaue MrwM. i F-r rate ir iulrinali' n not le from W. H. Srrt rrT lin. Pa-. Aic't, ,'h M.4RT7 ltrorti -astro. Gen. Sup t, Chl-TUfo. Sulphur Soap d h.-iltS-iil. I: .if it... , -t. - I: tnr 1 ir. -f f ixri '"'nrVil-lv ir-trT a U-MiIiUll ftdTvn !!' .-Tl. l!u-. ciTatall l. rit.,..,t ,i b.11!-. ia .r-, i.t-rt. v ... , liil'lr-r, ,m -a.,. ntt, ll-Ai. irt:-! i.,nrhi'i'- rv-Twr- u 'hM-v, ilrhm- ! ll Inmlv. r..rn. Ai- r-)t- ttie il- a?,, irr.?.it..iu .if bit.r.t; imi 4ir.tu - A (t i-i ta;rni . T 'Uf. riHT, rJ llti.h so a. rn a Su('jr l t. al -irmre. Ft lrl!i ii. t: r-.i :r... i; )4 ii.)t-.(.nllt J. Lull' !. ii in il.. If TVil t w.M,!-l n-rrr iln :Th-nt it. Il in-4i!r.t!iv--i Hi.. ..1,, if If-.iifn.. -ti. I. 3 .ir r rn .1 rntli. cjn ar.u. iy t n-l .-ti,? I i?t ivniiaav ea;b pu.i.-. TKY IT. II; i:: iii i.. i;,. Cj mna 7.. t iv M u Vfr jit lr. Van lK 4fTlo9 . Kr. 1321 Greea Sr.. Pbi!ade!ph:a. - J4 by mil ItrwttxrUf. USE NO OTHER. '.TZWttUs-IMX PJITTSBIRG.PA. TkKu.a t.Wi..l... t. t la- '.t...l a IS-" aasr-m, llllirin 111". II DI SW1 IBB a liwr nuril . Slate-tortbe lhite.uxhpiUcale4attivlyouiM( , and middie-aed men. .Ktleata received mt mmj time. Ad'IiT , tr eiri-ulan oir.U40in fn parti 3- f'" J. C. SMITH. A. M. PrincipaL Sept. a. CALIFORNIA A11TEUR PR157EZ3T EEFST r, Presses, Typs,. Int.. ' "N. , Card. At. J"HNTON 4 d ) . Market St., 3irr!;:.or, f ir5Bd it me cant eatsp for CiVtio.- THI'' i'J t kit KV j Grocery & Feed Store I I. i. IWM i li 'Cbecp Side, No. 2. i'.aer's l'.l -;k. Somerset, Pa. Hemmorrhoids or Piles. DR. TKRRT devtf hi time tu th v eatnient d Fii. Hiin.l. m-e.!mx "r iK-hiP?. all uthcr di":ifie it t.e; h-w-r buw;i. The l"M.r ruarantt'e t- rr,r all raw he UavJertAkri. rx inatter wrhhii-fteuiitfM and Uilf.. orii.-e. 1 J Vine Mrrt. 1'liii.witipi,., i'a., 1I-um, I ty 1 svnl 7 t p. li. May -I. New Firm. SHOE STORE, SNYDER & UHL Ilailug pnrrhufl the ShH .Storv latelj owitI hj It.i Iterrllra, ; We take pleaewre !n r?'!irv the r.ftntn of f P''ie t the fat that we hare mw an 1 expec I aU-eU ejkt9atnrltf tin hatnl n i. .mi. lasts, , a Lohite t. eep merit uj ! Boots, Shoes and Gaiters BOTH OF 'Eastern and Home Manufacture as ran he anywhere. w aL will bsv, ot band eoD't.intly a full supply of SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO. CALF SKINS. KIl'S, AND LINING SKINS or al! kinds, witb a rail Itn, of Shoe Finding's. The HOME M AXTr ACTTRE UEPART M EK T IU !ss ia etas no f 1ST. 13. Bnvder, Whcsaref 3-tlnB fnr maaiaf 6ood Work and Good Fits ; In werm! tiKne tn th Si&ta. The pob tj k i(setlailT InrWed to cmH al ttimiM ar j an wa are .let era toed tu ii a-ai a kf.l a4 1 t beet ad mil at pr'ntM aa low at the lvvteA. SNYDEE & UHL. uflaa'ay at home, k mnul irmi free. Arnts wisiel- tmtit TKCE fc'l'O. Aus-uta. mar, Maine.