The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 18, 1876, Image 5

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and have overv facility for handling it to the bt possible ad
litiiininirthe hisrhi-st market prices. Our thin
ners may dqrnd ujion reeeivinp;
their inonev at once.
We reler by permission to
Third National Bank, Baltimore.
J. O. Kimmel & Sons, Bankers ,SonVset.
First National Bank, Itfeyersdale.
S. Philson & Co., Bankers, Berlin.
-n. M,.r.l.nnf and Farmers
4 IIL. .'null"'""
have done bufiuei iu past years.
The Somerset Herald,
(kt-.Ur U.UT4
William. A. Wheeler.
47 Soutti
H e tn
Howard St., Baltimaro
XATIUXALi PAXK. Ba!'.lmiri
Vol can c"t a
Tor cents.
Prints at Waller & Truxal s
;ebharts from T to 10 cents.
HtAt TiKri. Plaids are now
in lashion.
Paltmi oilers the 't assonmeiil
KxciTKMf'NT. New
missis at
Waller k TruxalV Uehharts.
A lame liuudier of our x-opU'
lcll for
the eiilennial on Monday last.
Waltkr Jt Tkixai- t iheir lore in
;ebharts, are offering Cents Wear lower
than ever offered in the market.
Wa.teb & Tki XAU Gebhartt. are now
j.rrpare I to lurnish their wilh
vert thing pcrlaningM their bsisiues.
El.Ll. have you been to see Patton'.
t.Kkot Unmoral Kelt and Quilted skirls?
Thev are sjdendid. f I to . and those lor
f:l are gi-al euough for the JCmp.ess J-U
Cinxkd i i nw.l is, nnltimore.
imve a large Ice t-eUui tins year
to keep lluttcr in. All shouU ship their
liuttcr to them.
Pat ion selis three-fourths the Mi'
nml Itovs Hats and Ca mid in this lowu.
Exhil.i:slhe Ih-sI sl.s. k. latest stj lcs. timt
aortmrnts. aud sella at tbeanwest prnvs.
IiaKDs-isi Trimmetl Hals for Ladles
mlt:ws. Watt -(iroof Clubs in llhie.
iirowa and Miied. and Miaded I'laids at
HB 4. JK DE.-l.t VS, B1'.UU".. -h-tai-d
tle Iks iice for Butter shippJ
to Uiai Ja4 . hip to them early
this vxr e4 you wril be pleasetl-
KtKKiHO ii ii-M.l v. llaltiniore.
ere the tirt to -nd sah and nionev to
the fanners lor their llullejr lt year.
Tiicy w ill lo mo apt;u this J
lk.f.iiEti. l'tl-M-d and Colored
C.xios Flaiinels at Patl.m". tor liets .
Jeans I J. and Muslins tor . . i. 10. and
I Jiels. tor the la-fct.
PaTTOS's t4-k of New ;aals is the
otiirc of altraclion. He strtK-k a UmanJi
in t 'lici-s. and olfers Sumdard Hraul at
f.J. 7. and bets, for the la
THf i:t s . it'sal thwJ 'f ecitevii.! m
oar una at pnwal Uut the ehwlinn l
H,ui uid Indiniia. aodooisiderable muuey
w W-iaf. waged uo the nu!L
Jks. lU-Ti.t.K thinks tlie cry .Wt ct
roptixu i ail r(. At Waiter ic Tr;i
l toie. in to-Utmils, however, is the
4cr to buy good cheap ir cash or pro
Canrt-rr yr ta-d diauilier at 2i. X.
4", 50. .nd 60-eiits vou can buy -arirt-ings
at Patten's that speak fi them lM-s.
Prio-s range from Srt cieuts to ! '- p r
rd. liiiiid I-surprised.
Woibeu! I haveju la-en to see Pa
tin's d.-s poods; splctulid asirtmenl;
prices far Hnytlnng ever liearil ot ;
ashmcrcs, all the riew nhailes M browo.
blue, green. e.. t.r .Vie. 4,1c, 1. aiid
f 1 ij IiT tlie U-st.
Mk ritLH. of tlie firm f Ken
nard A OaVstoy. Butter Coramliwoa
Merchant, ot ItaltinKire. MS , has be-,
paving a brief visit to their many friends
aiu-iog tl diryu-n aud Ui i: r ot this
vicinity. This firm deservedly it)Ur
ul!rr have alw.j .itemU-d promptly
to Braking ! .t' tl price for the
laice consignnienlif lputlerliipl thein.
The indication are that they w ill receive
a tp"- lrce share ol this year's crp.
I flatter myself that I have now in
stiak the largest ninst varied, and com
plete assortment id eood that I ever f
iered to the public C!kix-s. I I'&'.iU.
ibest. tiontls. Pools and hio i-s, llat ami
t a. Carpeting and (hi ("h-ths.-.Notions
s.ii Tciuituiags, Flosiera ami Feathers
Indies and Misspts Trimmed and V.
trimm J Kali CnhC ralier. rAsti
Bi u. and n erything eoniprt-Inc a pener.1
J. W. Pattos.
Sinaeiaet, Pa., tVl. 5. letTS.
the sales promptly
the Cilades with whom wc
Ship your Butter to
1 h.v pot ln-st prices last season for every
fanner who shipied to iliein. and il you
wi.-li IUv'li price tins neuwiu mu m
to ship to thelll.
KfckNAUU i rii.vTH. Billinioic.
hve already sent several smiles ana me
ti...niT lir iintier shinocd to them this sea-1
They are a prompt house and all
li Uit. liieai can rely nin having
their and moucy early.
Xotii E to Tav C'oi.i.K( Tons The
Coiuniiioaerb nuxi attheir i.llii-e in
Stimi-rM-t on M'edufkdav the 1st day ol
N'.jvciiilir uexi (orthe piirjxw ot ruut
iiii eS'neratiino: afier hii it lime none
wiii l-e raiite.1. By rd. ol the Cim-
V, M Si-iii;k-ii.
V lurirc lot ol new uoikIs have just lieen
re t ivnl at the Millinery establishment ot
M s. (.'. K. I'hl. on M 4in slreet. When
in town don't l.iii to (-all and see her stork.
NiiTK'K. The laxkn of the tirni ol
i irn.a i A: Uarv live la-en left with me
for eoilt
fir-t day
liv la.
accou nls unpaid on the
of .lanuarv lTT will lie collcclcd
r. PHU.S.IN,
lierlin l'a.
Ch- ..'.intiaus have recently been
vii-iimii-d by a , "f: man who represents
bijiisell to tie an itii.iiC X-X lai.iea monllily
tnai-nine. He cxhibiu t'l-pies ot two hue
liroino-. w hit li he oifeu w premiums.
u'.o Kiu-iiiii2 the lurnisliiii of frames
lehr lore. He ci llefls auy sum hecatt it. j through Ihio, were ones at the foilo ing
asking Irom cents to 2. according to uamed placts. l lriehville. Cadi, New
l he u' itent c:n uaisiances of thiwj w ho j l'hilaih Iphia. Mount liilead am! Spring
deal with him. and to iorward j field. I hti iara published in these
ihe cbroiuos and the first number ol the I place siieak in very wiujililiteiilary terms
nmgaine in a lew (lays. As the tellow ! of the tielieral.
i;;iv trv his ;g.iiiie in this vicinity j -
J way be well lor our people to out j iiT an m.t rt10 -t.,t Virginia 1 gl.l.i
pood coiset at Patton ts-r iau;. and give him a rec-.ytioo bi-futing j ,lirt, jH-rsons cngnceil in wiling spirit
in' u.
A SMnermH ia'f man displayed a cow
atlhetair held !-' Ur-t aeek. that is
made of double distilled ol lacteal.
The mailer is put under a hide auj comes
nit to the luneol one dollar and lu!)-i-v.i
cenl -x-T day, liesides supplying (4W
ilv ol'kixleen ix-r.-ons wilh ail the luiik
lliey citu drink. This cow is so soft under
the' hide I bat she h.n to be pneked aay
in bran mush eery night to prevent her
from melting out4) liac. A printer sup
pli.-s the a!sve informuuin and of course
it is true. itnutllsniU Tr&uh
Which We didu I know you had been
on exhibition at our fair Sibls t.
It is eeuerally supiHx-ed by a certain
elm of citizens, whoarenol practical or
exja rieined. that Dyspepsia can not inva
riably he cured, but we are pleased to say
that liiiKnx'. AlrsT Funt kk has never.
to our ki.owledg. tihl locure l)ysiefia
iuid l.iver Cmiplain. ta nil its forms, sm h I
;is Sur sKHiiai u. t. is:iveu4-w. hu-k Ueail
ni lie. palpitation of the Heart, low spirits.
Ac. Ac Out ol ! (sN)dozen bottles sold
last year, not a single Injure was rexir!ed,
bin thousands of compiiineiitiiry letters re-'-ived
from Druggists ot wonderlul cures
Tlu doses will relieve anvrase. Trv it.
Sampli-IJotlle 10 cents ltegular size "it
ceo- J-'or wl;--by !. W. Hfcxronn.
lTrMsofthiskin':e juicg in with
lelresliiug pumtdiiltty. Oueot'tiicin reads
tliat some Ijoy were eugajud in the laud
able but dangerous ctiterpi!o ni shooting
ra"j. the other day. at lrin' S:anon, iu
Westmoreland County, and the sport Icr
liaiijti-tl Uius: A Mt haying takeu relnge
guder board wlk, John Over, aged
alHHit .sevegHis, was induced to lift tip ihi
ismiils ot the walk. m. a to enable Devwit
liowser. w ho was Joing the ii,rtiiif-. to
see the rat. Thefir.t barrel of ll.e jm
missed lire, and alnle iu the act ot draw
ing the trigger of the second barrel, bis
loot slipped, and the w hole load ot sliot
Imlge I ui the kins:- joiul of young O'er iu
tlii luij a serious il not talal wound.
Postal Pfcisioxs. Aicong the dieis
t'H b the Postmaster Ueneral, Iwsed on
Ibe HoMi Jaws, the following may be ot
inti rest to ula rAjers:
Coil e-tage MaUp, frtaniis cut from
alampid euvcloja-. Uliiiiialed postage
sJjiiuiks. and internal revenue ta;j,-. f.n
not I accepted in payment of pn.tage. '
toilers dep-eiteil in a st otlice ' havlnj !
aiii h iMtter utliied axe held tor Kislage.
J'-iuiu; i'.re net wliligfd to aixt-pt jn
ptivjmnt ol utei.g ttiuiis or taam-d en
veios. wrapper. eUi., any currency
w hich may be so mutilated a U be uocur-
r-iit, or the genuinenessof whieh tin m if
lie i-i.-!y a.srertaini.-d. They are no( '
otiligeil bi tmt ive more ihan twenty-five
.cents in coiper aaJ nickel coins. They
are not obliged to atlix itinps to letters,
nor are thev obliged t-i niai thange ex-
oeit lis a mailer ot courtesy, either j
stiouai uy give crbun lor put:;e.
IrpatHlrwa. f I wavlllrv.
AJdison S. A. Oean.
Allegheny Jno. Dradiiruni.
ItrmhemvaJiey K . F. Itayuian.
Ilorlin Ii. F. Itaycian.
l onfluenoeW. A. lik-i,ti.
ooetnaiijrli lcvi , oder.
tlkiirk A. G. Keiin.
i.rtx'Dville A. .1. Nooer.
Jeffer-n' llearv Jihr,
Jenoer F. G. Nelf
Jennertom n Urn. Freidlica.
IatrtUler J at. ill Zat.lli.
Ia9t-r TuikeyloiFred. Iluinlioid.
MuiiiiMTeielt John Unuhir.
Mill.dSauiut-l t ritaitVU,
let r-lir J. utfv.
NortlmwirHim r. ii. Bowmao.
New l-uirriho I.eroy SitdL
New lialiimoroJiihn iivvge.
Paint I't-tir HotTiiiaa.
y Ueiiia In m i n j: A 1 1 ier: IW rtey.
Miade J.wfph ( lile.
Sun stow B C. W. 1uc!l
SiuthatLpton Ifvi Ktnnel.
J;in creek Jarmh J. Wiflr.
iiunimil t'oroelitu Shtv uiaLi-r.
iuiUlnirj M'. F-Siailh i. . .
tinlliersrt Tp. C'harieit MtBaer.
Smenet J. Keller.' '
I riiiu J. IS. SuthtTrand. '
I'pra-r Turkeyloot Freeman Youakin.
Wclleraburg Michael Ian?.
, K. M. S UKOck,
T "
Jo) mj
No 4L7 Sovitli Howard St.,
3JLTl35:oE, MD.
Wc have every facility for handling and selling Nutter to the advantage of tlie Farmers and
Merchants, and solicit liberal shipments of Glades Butter this season. We can safely promise
our friends who ship to us to sell their Butter at the best market prices, and will send them
promptlv their sales and checks.
Wc refer to the Farmers and Merchants NATIONAL BANK,
Baltimore, Md.
Now husk your enrn and lift your po
tatoes. Ami now when yon want to ask a friend
to smile, you say, "Won't jou combust 1"
The potato crop i very f-mail this year.
The price per hushi l lanues t'rein lifiy to
sixty cciita.
Oir Burgess isn't ovcrlywe'.l plctsel
with Ibe notice the MeKeesort and l'hil
delphia Timt irave him.
A cukat many woo.lwxk. pheasants
and otner panic liinis mere happed ly
our sportsmen last week.
On Saturday there was a Unlit
skill of snow in this neighborhood. The
third for this winter.
A I.. How. of the Clearfield .f.-urmilh
sra-nding a few davs with lriends an I re-
: latino iu this place, lie l.xiks hale and
' T..,. ..pI .lilu uwn ,T r1iil')r..ti ij laA.
tc,Iti.r V(,rv j,Ht Kvc.y pre.
! caution should tie taken to itmrj the little
ones atraiust exposure lodise.tsc.
Xo more t went v-fiee cent a lmissi to
the Centennial. The full tar,! ol h ill' dol
1 it will lie charged from now until lit"
close ot the exhibition.
IT is predicted that this winter ill I e
loiiU and cold. The wpiirrels have al
ready commenced to pick up their winter
ration i ol chestnut.
Avoso the ladh-s who have taken a
sulhcient inleret in pilitii-s to ex:m-s a
!relerence for Tilden, the I'hiiadclphi i
7'iuir notes the name of M ss Mollie Mu
jiuire. sffbKINTKMiENT IlVNKNUN has suc
ceeded ill adding pirlor roaches to the day
txprix Irani on the Pitinlniriili division
ol the.B. & . Hoid. They are greatly up
preciatcl by the p i'rons of the road. ("'. Krb-e, l'rcaid'-nt ol"
the l-'irsl X i ioa 1 Ba ik of C nn INvillu
and a m-ui'ier ol Hie tirm ol Kri(-e.
i C.K.per A;Co.. piid onr town a visit las!
I week.
lie is a ple i.n; Cenlleneui.
Berlin is pos-d ol an
injun." Why
he tarries there, or w hat he is doinir there
is to us unknown, but here was a trac.ia
between him and two of our Smierset
lsis in which he of the tuin-ihawk came
out best.
J " " mm
Amom. Ihe meetings addressed by Hon
'Wm. H. KikuiI. during his re-ut trip
ions inpior arr proniiiiu-u inau M-iiinu me
same tlie uay iielore. ine nay oi, him ine
day after election. This docs not mean
that the room or house must be closed, but
thai every sale or giving away ol liquors is
simply a violation of the law.
Tue public schools ol lids lioro igli w ill
ia-0 off Monday next. The pnp is will
arrmbt U ie ii; i n sc h' d hou- in the
same room tw. ijitendi-d hif.1 winter.
It is the inu-ntiou ol lue iturd Jo have tlie
schools thoroughly tfru iedaad li.e ;hobis
assigned to their respeclive tLUi ll -li.
We have Iwen informed that it U tloi
intention ot Elder James Quinter lore
move hi paier. the "Priwitiix Crin
fi.itt,'' from Meycrsdalc to Huntingdon.
The ieo le of Meyerlal. ami the county
at large, will !e aorry to part w Ith Elder
A t..i on his wav to Stindav sell-
il re-
ceiillv found seventv-tive cents. A
friend instanced ihis as a reward for his ad
hen-nee to the pathway ol dut. lie was
deeidv imoressed and somewhat elated
with the :d JJttil he learned tin' at t'.i
er Ihiv had loimd a dollar while s-fiiig un
pins in a tenniu alby. Now Ihe fiiii.1,1 f
plethoric wit'i iincertainly and n bstinct
ness. and the lad may yet turn out to be a
Democratic Congressman.
Tut. word "Limited" is frepienl'y seen
attached to a firm's title, und tnar.r theru
are, no doubt, w ho won Icr what it sigr.i
ie. An exchange explains- by stating
list it means, when applied Incorporations
ai d Co-.tiiMtiit-s, that tlie liabillTy of slock
Holders is limited to the am Hint ,uf money
they viveti jn a Concern, so that in Caseol
amU-liup t'Pttilors em'd only recover the
mount invesu-.l by each etockholder.
That tray le all riht, biit Iu;w wipild it
tie in use of a bini-liupun the "I.iinileil
Tuk followiijg item from the rnioctown
S tin hir-1 v.iU doubling U he inu rtplto
some ol our renders.
Thk annual report of llie Kavclle Coup
tv Mutual Eire Insurance (.omane. dated
Aagust aist, and published in last
week's -S.'d ol.rii, si. owed a balance due
S.aiierset losers ot (4,579 3'1. We are
amhorized to stale that eleven hundred
and twenty-fire dollars ol this amount has
la-en paid offsince Septem'ier 1st, reducing
the amount to :l,3-4 80.
fciiovjxo thk QrEF.u. List Thursdav.
laikvin MCuiic. Qlaiming to lie a resi
dent of Jfujloq county, wasaireted for
passing a ten woijr itnnterfeit note on
Mi.-s C b-w ell. a milTuer otltii irtv. lie
tore bis apprehension he endeavored to
plar the same rame on John Elder and
Frank Krilly. lie was taken before Es
Huire Jeffries, who committed him to jail
in defaut ot hail. Jt is tielieveu the t. S.
anihorUtes wilt take the matter in band
and deal w ith the offender aa U.3 tcsroi'Iy
of the crime demvnds. f AiiV'riir.
! A tiK-f .ak has rwotly bet a wnt out
! hy directioa of the FastnjasttTGrceral. in
i foruiioir parties interested thai tl.e depart
: ment is constraints! to postpone the ejtjh
'jjjcttol tliree hundrej additional moijpy
j order ofllee. lor which requisite prepara
llion haa hcen ia.le. niil the commence-
ment ot the next fiscal year, lor the reason
: thai the rlnneul fort of the orike of Aiuiil
;if of Iht Fort idtice Department has hc
j amie iusuoatieot, btfao of recent reduc
: lions, to utrforiu the lekl vork re;j lir-
,'tal to djut promptly and corrtcilv the
n)ni-y uriit-r apcounu or sijft new iinLe.
.'c"t'" .
Vt'e kuoa that 9 disordered wlotua.4i m
liver riodtlce more suffering than any
other cause. Wc know that veir few t hv-
j .it iac arc succt ssful in their Irt-atnit-nt tit
j tbesr tliaorJers. AVc kqow that Oa I'm
; la's Uadical Cnre will, w ithout the shade; -;tif
a doubt, almott imruedia'.ily reiiev
and permanentlT fttre all of these di.tret. .
Ing tyoiploiua. We know of thousactS.
who are willBf to, telly that what we
My Li true to Ihe letter. We know that if
ihi rill (rive Ha lair trial; you will lt
; us add your name to the "cloud t1 wK
:Dessea " Will you give it a trial, and do
I it now Trial sire. cn?y e3c: Sdd br G:
j W. BRxroRB & Co. i if - 1 ' .
' Professor Psirk. r' Pajcol Worm Syr
up is perfectly sale and extremely iialala
ble. No phi sic required. Costs i5 cents.
f i e"F?Kr".a.
In (MUtNI aiyo)
Ik you desiie a faithful Itejiuhlicau pa
per. subscribe for the Hekalii.
St it a no e Occi'HUENi E. A sLraiii;e in
currence look place at lioxbury. recently,
w hich is ccrlainly somewhat remarkable.
A drover was passing through the villiage
wi'h two horcs, when l!ie animals, all of
sudden la-came enraged, and Commenced
to attack one another w iih inoush and
hoof. Tlie encounter was terriric, the
two animals tearing each other like two
bull dofcs. It was found imp ossible 1 1
separate them until thev tell over
sneer exhau-tion and loss of blood.
Horses have been kilo a u lo bite and kick
c:u h other, but au encounter like the one
mentioned above, h'is never Ix-l ire liecn
brought .to our notice.,-ith'hnrij
JVcir. ' Acmhe.nt. A'.o:it nine
o'clix'k this torcniMin Jiisepli Saly, Jr. a
Iwclvc-year-old son of Mr. Jiph" S.dy. of
Cambria, met w ilh a most singular acci
dent, resulting in Ihe breaking of his left
leg. at Ihe thigh. It seems that thesulIVr
cr, iu company w ith a yoiiu ",er broiler,
went io ibe wis sis near that borough, iu
the vicinity' of what is known as "Dutch
town," and the latter got on a tree for the
purisiseol gathering dogbeirics. While
clambering out on one ot the' limits lie
missed his fooling, and fell down, but
Joseph hupieiied lo be standing immedi
ately beneath him, and the ltd alighted ou
the hack ol the former This broke his
tall, but a' the same time the older one
was luinoied over, ami his left leg was
fractured at the thigh. The Helpless
tw el ve-y ear-old ly was ttken up ou llie
back of the on.! who fell from the tree,
whocairied him lo tlnir li-xni. ami llr.
W. I! I. iivni ii! was summoned to adjust
the brink. The sufferer is nov getting
along as well as could be expected under
the circumstances.
"Jim. thk Tkami" w:i3 h's name and
lie wasemploved by oneol ourlirerv men,
T. J. Picking, to lend horses, let out teams,
collect money etc. II-; who rejoiced ia
the atsive sooriipiet, tramped along here
aUiut three mouth ago, kiucu wljcu he has
la-eii in Mr. Picking's employ. O.i Sunday
the Kth iusl. he res iui. d li: old employ-m.-iil
and Ininipit.; oil With ulsmt seventt
iKe dollar ol h's employer tuouer and
w ithout making a return of the names ol a
number ot persons who h:td hired team'
!rom iiim and tailed to pay. Jlr. P. iiame-diali-ly
telegraphed a description o! James
yclept, "Jim, thetiaiip.' toall the ncuh
Isiriug towns and on Monday received a
lisMicu from llentler, cliiel of .i :e in
Cixiiivllsvillr, saying that thev had iii iu custisly. He immediately repaired
toConn dlsville, only to tin I that they hid
Ihe wrong man. The per in w ho w.k im-pri-onetl
iinmeiliatelv upon bis reh'a- ha I
Mr. Picking arrested on a charge of f.iKe
imprisonment, but the pis'.iee after hear
ir ij ilicevidence relusi-d to bind him over
h r court. That's all
Ckntkxxiai. Exct lisio.v. There wPI
!k- Centennial Excnrston trnins on the
Haltimore & Ohio Hailrond ou S'edn'-slav
Oct., IS and Tuesday Oci., g4ih. These
irains will leave the depot, corner ilrant
and Water streets, I'ittstmrg, and w ill pass
Minenil Point atsiut 1 1 o'clock. This is
a g'sl an opirtmiity ass.uld N wished
by those w ho have no! as yet visited the
Centennial. It should be remembered that
the exposition ia to be closed on the Phil
oi next month, and those win w ish to
get a view ol the sho-- should be about il.
'f he !. A O. It. II. have recently furr.ish
ud llieir trains w ith elegant chair cats and
made cuiuia-rL-i oilier improvements for
the comfort of pacugeri. The rata ui
litre by this route it t,nly 7 lor the round
trip. Passengers obtain a view if Haiti
more and Washington, the sight about ihe
latter city alone being worth double the
money. 1 he scenery along this r.w.l is
among the mot hcamitul in llie l'nilel
Stale, much of it tieing historic groiin I.
Children latween five and twelve years of
age ill be carried for hall tare. The
mad has hi cu put in e.M.'.-llciit oditi"0
and is wilineil doubt ihe Is st single track
rolroad in the cmnlry. Tickets can b"
isiuglit al Ihe regular stations.
l.ipili A)i ii'K Tlie fliilaili liliia t.nt-;-
.-sai tliat a fiiat rate avrvit'e Can lu U im
iiv ill? u'p;i! r I'lrt-M ot tlie isiutnrv ti
u!l H-rriii iiiti-u-liu til tlie t i nii n
nia! Kxliiliitmn. Iy advising limn tu k-avp
triiEk an i nil ntln-r t-uinliroua !i:ijL'a;i' at
li.iaif. Tlie pi-uiiu alin are lri- fium
tl.( o iniieJiiiH-iils are iimue uat-li me
may aliimst s.iv iiitliiiteh lartter nil' at
tliis partirular tinif, lliau llinse a !m lu-n j
thi-in. Tlie truns or any other jiiii-e ;l
laamj; tlmt rannm lx- carrinl ill tlie liaml
l.y the visit' r. ami be in tlie railway car
uni'iL-r llie eye ot'tht; visitur wliile travel
in, it, a perpetual source nt anxiety, i!is-iilipiii"i(t(it-tt
anJ vi vat.on. Railway ile
jKits liave pvrai)i(lst ( tli fij, " w )iiU Ji t'
owners never y:e uulil utxitit In tctur'u
lit'UI . What can la; t arried iq tiie banij
vaiiisc. tlie satfli.'!. or ith the vvr.ipa in
She ahuwl tr.i;i, ia all au'lii ieiit vi-im:
In Ihe (Vait-unlal aliililinn. This re
valiiaf U le of tiro iu I iiil'idcipliia, at
liim time.' is the drtas that 'iple trvi l ju.
It is ret-'Ciiizt-d aud encouraged as the
proper thing lor all iK-c.isi.iiis, vth-llu-r fur
Mie.'t dri-s. dinner dress, or eveuini:
dress, and it is uni ver.-aj at i'iil- Exhitiitiun.
Travellers and vis!tirs are here in sulli
eirtit numlieni to make the slyie; and ts
peeially those w ho have old, easy tiitini;.
c-milortat le boots an l shins, never think
ut putting on any others.' We re;-eat that
no iugiiaj-c is needed at this time fur any
;urHises ofetiipielte or cerenioor iu l'.bil
i;ile!tihia la-rtuir) what visitors travel in
aud uiu 'vi'i'jT ii tliji S.tli.hel, fslise tr
shawl-urup. 1'iiort w ho iiijUi t luiik. are
simply fowin; fir them-wlvcs needs' tor a
liiit crop lit delays.' rcjrtts, disappoiut
tueiit't, and vexa'Jiais. It uill lie !r.-at
service to cirrnlate this advice. ' Leave
yotjl" trt:n,s;3 ,-4 Jioinr-.
atepnblie.a Maw. 5tvetnc
The Ilepuh'.ieaDt and voters ceneraily
of Jvmierset county, are invited 10 wsiyiri
lle in public meetings at the fojlowirg
places aud tlirit ff ;
' Hm" ersvii'e, Friday cyenins. t. 3t.
Jenniitiiifn, ..aifti.iv alierao"!!, t'ct.
Jarvih 1. lliilt fTaa', r'r!,'"J' allj-'ro"""!
Iteriio. Friday evetiiu?. tlcl. 3?.
(iehhart;. Friday aftirpiam, IH.1. 2?
fhanksville. Saturday uflt'isoon. lift,
rsina. Jliinday fvtlilr.i:, tl;t. a'l
t'oiiriueiae. Friday afternoon, tlcl. 111.
riilis.iliry, Veililt's!aV atteriiOnii, Nov.
Meyeradale, Wednesday evening, Nov.
N"o-. 2.
Paint. Thurwlay alturq'ioa,
fiinyatoan, FriJsy attttniuD. N'or. i!.
llavul.viih'. Friilay eycBin Nov. U.
' JeniM-cY HohiIs. iSattirday afternoou
Nov. 4.
WeUersl'Ul'2. to he aaimuuced. . . 1
Tbe I'lisuict aietnt;rs of the County
t'uniuiiitre are rp-qoesled to perfect ar-TaiiH-mf
nts for the meetrtiss in'thi-ir ir
apetlifc disnritli.'' (.'t-3. JnCih .M. ' tamp
Nril.' the Keptitrlicaa .C'lulm-e! -"'or t'tn
grrfs, will tie prtnt at jt' ot the' meet
incjr '
liy order ot t'oiuuiltUrc.
E. M. S HRlXE.
Walilua Ketarna.
There was as much excitement manifest
ed ou lasuTuesday night iu regard to the
the returns from Onio und Indianaa there
usuiiliy is in regard to the returns from
our own Siate. During the day specula
tion was rile as to w hich party would be
victorious. The adherents ot both parlies
were cjtnijent nrd everything loo'icd
lovely and the gse hunj; allitudilum.
In the eveniug ihe unterrilied gathered
n the olllcu uf .Messrs Cofl'roih aud
ltupple and whiled away the hours by
"fox and goose. " In this party was the
present and ex-chairman of the Democrat
ic county committee, the former nerv
ous and uneasy, the latter staid, languid
and indifferent as if lie was representing
-OU Joe."
Just below, at Sclirock's stoie a number
of the Iteptihlicins had g.ithereil. There
in not a great deal ot enthusiasm,
but every bouy looked confident. At the
Herald oBicc were gathered a number of
ihe mo.-t enthusiastic li.-publicans, who
made llie m-Uhlntrhood ring wilh the har
mony of such, songs as. "Hold the Fort
lor Haves anl W heeler, "and "Ou Hand
Again. ' The first dispatch was received
about l'lo'clock, and expressed the belief
thai Harrison, llepublican candidate tor
Covernor in ladiaua. would make the
landing and that he was leading his ticket
'1 his Was followed by a dispatch saying
thai Indiana had juu. Democratic, and
that Onto was likely logo the sams way.
Then the hgh'.niii;; that was jerked into
the lelegtapa office commenced to give the
returns liy warns and townships, and as it
was not enough to cii iso sleep from weary
eyebrows, the less ardent retired to their
ho. nes. Tiie majority, however held the
lort exiK-e:ing soiii.-iliing dertnile. out it
tame not, and at twooYl.icK all were com
elied to give up aud go homes Willi no
more klio vletige ot w uo nail lie n elected
than they lud the djy before. Persons
who reiircd t iheir h unes eariy
in the eveLing thought that the resuit
n..u., ...t..j i.a. nu-u iu ine lii'.'i ii oijj
ano mere luucii suuiri.-tu mat all was
stiii sliruwued iu invsiery. Wednesday
ruuring the exc.temeiit was inieuitie.l,
ind eager huiK:rs after the latest
news were lo be counted by the score.
U was c iniii ,d io beljold Uc effect the
diirereiit dis.iirLau had oil the ap, "varan' e
ol '.lie siretta. A tiieasitge would be re,,
ceivisi uu; that huiU ute h id j;oiie itc ami rive miuiltes alter tuere wa
not a D mo-Tit to .'e seen ou the street un
less I lo oc. The ln-xl niesiie
would give Uiem to tie Dein alats ana
turn iheoulM.le w irid was all loo cold lor
It- puuiicaiis, and the DjmociaU held ill!
dispiiietl comiol ol Ihe corners. The -X-l
iiriiieiit a;iin-arnl lo lie contagious and
even with the hoys the greeting al morning
ani liie paitnig al night, was. "What's the
In: ;vs iiont I mi:. ina'.'
JiiK t'lesbUery ot ihslstone m-t in
Siiiu-riC't 1'ritUi ti-iian church on Tins
dm- Ik-t. :!r.t ui 1 t, i-lirf L i- ii Sih'ii-n
iumuter ar.d thirteen mlingrilfr', were
present, an J aim Uc-v, S. I'urea o! Ihe
Ausliu I'realiyiery ol Auslin, i'eana. lio
luis bein uppliin!' the 1'
t.'hurch vf uiuerset fur the past nine
iuun:!iii. Tlie openiuj sLrmon waspieuch
ed to Kcv. S. is. l.iiMin ot I niontow n,
troin iu, i i-t titsvdI" t!ic Gospel by Mark,
lie i. .l in ii . i-li.irt of Kt-hoboiu was
eli-cti j moh r.i'.u.-aud Hi-v. Win. P. M am
ot l.uii It :a teiiipoiary c.'trk. There bill belore ttie l'rtuby
tcry and Ih-ikt hut lutle need to tarry ionir,
s.) as the tiausiCli'm of was
tuiiceriied. I Vet il I deeply to he resetted lor.ger ntn-r was not siient in religious
ren.v.t' auu ju fcoiiIeit-QCe aa (it (he licit
m Jrt u ii,;ii' thu i.oril a worw aud in
lliu niiniilenu iiieu'lui," fur lhj reviving
Kwer o! tiod apiiit. Time an ajieut
would have U-eii wi li spent, aud tlie re
sult migul have lievn sucu aa would hive
ratiaetl uuoy hearts to rejoice. Siiil there
was some excuse tor tue liusty aujourn
mtiit. Nime -.I the n.emliers were not
well. Oiln-is had eiigagiuiellts which
reipiired lhi;ir prineuee al home on Thuis-
ilai . Hail liiiie ui . n a ira:n ou Hie n. v
(). il. IL at a sea.-xm itile hour oa Thuisday
tiiorniiiLt, pioliihij not oiie would have
U II untii that tiir.r. r Tim aitr-iilion of the
iiniiila-isottlis.' J'ii'shj. Jefv riiidilj' out uf
Ha tHHiii'lS fi Ulit-f't") to tun Tine id As-.t-iiihiy
iviiinriiij; uiem to c-uiiiect wun
the I"it".!'jtt'ry within whose bounds
Ibev tc.iue. ft" ihit ii ms were adoptnl
urtfinij litjeral am! irtir-asedyjivinj to the
ra ire of Holiiii and Foreign -Missiuus.
Kreeilmen and husiiion. Verbal reixins
I n '111 ia t of the iburt'be showed a
heal: hy sit U of feeling Ka pi . in se of spiritual harvesla eie lou. 1 hose
who had uot visiieJ SSomeracl bclore were
surprised at tue beamy ol the place, and
all synintu:7?d- deeply with the people lu
their repeated heavy losses aud they ad
mired tht cherry hu-li led them to seel, to
repair ' the rutin so often brought t y he
Caiiies. They apprcti.i'.ed the titid - wel
come und the cordial wiU eceroi-s' hns-m
tulify vi Ihei'fe.tivtij'UiU. u(l all otUtlra
viio had opfunuuity to allow q their kind
(eeliui- The CUrUtiatj C'lUfii-ay tit the
l'aaiur ul thai i,Uiher;.U tharcii.
a.iur ot in. uiiieruutuarLii, whoue-i.u:
ferred hi. prat er iiiet'tii'.g that h.a jaxiple
lUliilit have o.ilsif'.nuii y tit alleoJlU-- l ie " " "w mw: M it. la. .view n.
.1 11 , .f 1 -... Ammttrit.irtrtlieeptteotileonre P Har Je-inoi-eloil
aervuva ol .u nidav rveuiuip 1. I - . ... a . t: '.. . uc
utdliiy ol Bteutloll.
A hearty vole o! thanks was given to
the people for their hospitality ami to the
SujM-riiiieni'.enl of the 11. & U. It. K. and
the authoiitn-4 of the Somerset and Miner
al I'uiut li. It. lor their courtesy ia iiass
ini members' of the I'resbytery over their
Malts' at half tare. " '
The writer cannot cio-e w itbout espre-vi-itii?
his syuiulhy wiih llie people of (som
erset in their repeated triaUaotl hti that
they will he ovvlrrle'T ft.r ii.q' te'rioanenl
'a aj the :Mtf liV-Ur ru.prity uflhe
l.m.'li. A hri.-J til 111' l-atr .e,.n-l I
ill the 1 1 mis, nrHitif. vt getat!es au4 trtlicr ;
pnnJuols ui ht tNHtnty. itsUowtii
that th; litiieH ot tue irtmniv t;
. TJlixlwl
n r rx.,!?!.! ui lu .k.n wSuterer U ;
. , 1 .
ii'ieOva 1 1 niiutsUT to tue ci union and
taHrs of their hiuliauda. The exhibit
.urjiassp'. iu many reH'Ct that
of the Intrrnatioaat posi;ion for 1 370.
a. t-umnifc 11 a shjiix oi reisret Ilia; i
the weather W:.i 50 crtY',ri,U)ti hiil it Is'
j-.aij.l hv llie ! a ieiy and not alio, v them j
to stiller Ioms. fhry are worth v of en-'.
rouM-rem-nt. " ft '
q' 1
. - .. . L!L ' 1 ILUilH. till .,
.M1LI.KI!-I'K'KINU. n tbe 8th ot f u lr rJalwl by. he ..Bei,of ti h.-tVloU-r.
l the r- id. noe r.f Herman llru- uilXXlh'," ""f"
Lak.f 1'fJVrn.l. hy 11-v J- M. PuSlnVr- i Taai .ay aijr t bora wNpxus
fi-f. Mr. Zull-n.n!lMi!ltra !.tVslon. to
Miss M irv Pifkinif ot .'eniiervilh- iaiili id
nss ..i.iry t itfc.n,. 01 iiin.r.iiit. mi ik
Somerset county. j
( I s. 1 hit ts 1 Lt iltNi" .t IVlVIU
ville ttetol er 34 Iiv Ii- J- It"VI Ksii , Mr. :
I.oni-'ul.. iiH-aiatlt,.. Kias Era j
P epheiu 01' Contu.auj;h twp , both of
Niim-ra-t county, l'a.
' .
ille Oct.. e.,h. hy II 4. B,i'U. Ev,.. Mr.
.Iarr! He-Afm.n f I t.nfHmil'b Iwp.. liH-
Mis Susanna Hartley of Jenner tap,
GEIGF.IJ PEAL - On the ih ot Or
h.'a-r. ty Ifc-v. A. S. E'.iingrdiirr. at tk
fiAjiitenre of Mr. .I.iCot. T..y7 'iQ ' l-atuiU-'i
?wp.; y.t. Wta H- Oeige'r. ki Mita Mary
Jfllert fiia!, faith tif Januit rset counir. Pa.
E. Bsvins. oo the 5th of, Mr.
Wm.Larmore to jIlm AUrr (.'rawiev
lioth of Somerset, Pa.
l.AMKF.KT Bnrtfci May. daoshter ol
.at nana i , ami ousau r.. umwrL -v.i
I years, S months and 13 days.
KIMINT Smut!. vUlvat ilnm-Ll. r
John and lutchel Kuuotz. Aged 9 leans
S ly mills and 21 days.
i I Hi an! fter Jnfl VZ. 1HT8( train oo thi
mad. will mrtva and dtrrt follow Haiti-
m-irr time U tnioutci luntr than KitWtmrb
iimn )
Leave l'iHluc ti lu. S-14A.1U.
.M-Ksf-srt T:4l " PIT "
UM .-U i - I9 "
..i,"ill- :: " lu-M -
Mm.nirt II
llri-ljci-lPirl li:.V. p. In.
('iliiUrlMil l::ll "
Wa.-hiniit..u s:Vi "
Rli-tinMiml Vmi K. m.
BcUOiiiun- Mil p. iu.
FbiUdplpht :Mi . m.
m. S I p. I
i i "
i 3 " M "
k.r ut-1..
I V "
7 I-- '
N--W Vrk .fi5 p. m. A a m
v ttll:nirl'a IUlli. l.'.l . hH.
S r-tlnri1..rv T.iAa.m.
5 HtviiiiHMsd V.JU y. tuu "
M :ihiriirt'in m. 7 :t
lunilrUni p. at. 11 Dt
3 Hn.t-v.rt 3.; " 1 i
7 M?iwnl Ft. 4-4 "
liniHUiik T.Ui. hi. lii p w. 4.4.'. "
Writ Nnrtun 7.3 fcjfT - 4 )4 " A XI -
XrkmMort 7..7 1 M (t ui
Pitliitturir " - f.M
-Trains lean ConnellsrlMe fbt UnvVjctowa,
T.j. a. m. 3.3i, p. m.
Train No. mod 10 ran daily. 9, dally
pt MonUay. Ail othr trains dally axcept 2uo
Uay. Pullmaa Pitlac. Prawlnc Room and Slrfplng
('in, and miumtticent Iavi;ar9 through tw W au
iutton and Baltimore wlthnnt change.
Svaty-&re aniWa th hort, aad th only
route letween lh tat and Wen via WasUing
tun City.
Tbii la tht only ma.t6 :tw the Eaat aud
West, to Fhllaulelphia and 1'entfnntal gruuudA,
riA ot WathiniTtua VMr and BalUioorc.
Ticket oitlcri, oontcr'r itib Avenue and Smith-tU-Ui
Streeu, aol deput euror Uront and Water
I. M. POLE, Oeueral ticket ait nt.
R. KV ANN. FftMenirr Asrt..F)ti--h-.
II K UYNUMAN, Supt., Coouelljville.
. Un, and alter Mar 7th. 170, trmlnt will
ran a fullows, connertlnc with all passenger trains
un the P. W. a B. H. R. (Mall trains ilaily, V.l
preu daily except Momlay.)
4 to a. m.
i 4u p. n.
LxiireM Weft.
Mail West
Mail East
.. -i U a. a.
.. 4 00 p. m.
P. W. a B. R. R. rss xixcaaL roisr.
tizpreps Omk
Exprets West
Kail East West
Accommolmllun East.
A(-corainoiltlia West
12 p. at.
. . 3 t .. lu.
..11:34 p. m.
.. I J p. m.
...12:10 p. m.
. . .1-J.40 p. m
Oirree:ed tij Oi a
Dr.i.pR m
Applee. dried, f ft
Av-ivt-u'ter, V a nt V lW
HuiVer. ft (kev)
huUer, ft (ruli
fcufkwiieat, fi huhel .
tneni. I n ft
Beeswax. B ft ,.
Iitin. 4houMere, V ft
" aides,
" oiuutry haiui, 9 ft
( Vrn. K-an ft ousiiei
0r. (ehelleti) bu-bel
't.m mvtki ft ft
Call &at lit. fft
f do
Fl rtir. V hhj
pIaxM.8d y Uu.t (!4 ).
limn, (?u ir-vi4reii) ft
lhri, V ft
U'4'.Mcr, rrd side, i ft
kip. "
MI'I.lIing., whit-, Vj0,i
t sHtii, l UU
Pixatiie. ho
Peuehea. dried, V ft
Kye i bu.
Kan. ft
!(.. N'j. 1. ft bhl.extra
a On und Alutu. pi-r aack.
Afbim, per fak
Su:ir, yellow ft
4 whita
Tall., ft
Wheat. 'i hua
Wmd, ft
4--U jOC
7 sue
. 1 Ki J W
9 ouc
, -
U 0
H 7J
..ift-i ii'
1 -ii
Mr I Inpeys i'pipowa4 Kyrnp r Rn
atioii Irmucat in uki aae. painiai u
rejd unit-
Iretiuent m '-td e. painful ur utr--id
auej.siruAiKu. Kucorrhu; or wLite. Kravei, K-ett,
:noture. htuody di'naiveav, Urit(ht'i dia,
onritJU! depoeitm. urpy. pam to the bach or
iht-, sit-lt hfiache, pimple, blotchel od erup
ttifttf on the taee. aud ail dieiie n a ipeitie or
njnrUiiut.onai iwture, retfiUMle uf dunitUpU, aee
wrfVx. compound Syrup of liueha I? a positive
and rJk alcure. for Mle hy fret. W. litnlurd .
Cl., N'UierML. Fa., pud .Mountain Co Cotitlti
eove. Fa. e.l&
J. HAKRT FRITZ. CouJ9 Surrrgor. will
Klve ppect. atteataoa to ail sunreyibir wrttintr ol
de-vi. mortice, bobda, wliu, u&ivcmruui, ai.,
eutruteJ lo him.
'X Nirrux He will - found 1a hUvtSca
crery Saiunlaj omerMrt Fa,
.ss.UiM.fS SAI.K.
1 lie uademaiiMl aaainee of JaroliS. Phllllnia
M aeii at alilU.' aaie at the rcldein-e ol 1
Milllljld lo .Mill pi lowoanlo, .
tridan, Son. 10A, 176,
ttie foikitaiiia:ralaatt. real estat., tIi :
m 1. A larra coBialaliiK -Juu Mrepj inure or
lei, piioate-l iu Paid lnwiiPbli. .lO'illiti. Uudl "I
I'atil ouakia. JoU. html .ml -rt tiers, ats iu pt-o
a-Tesi-leared. 'JfS acre In meadow. La Aj LUerron
erts-ted a iwo siory 1raui (ijuae, a U.e UiLk
Imrn an I other oui tiRilqsgt know, aa I1k -'eirr
ho.V ip)t atdDln No, 1. Wclf a
IV, Atiaaluai Yovler and other.. couLainuia; Aw
41-r.a, m-'re or le, about I m a.-res rie.reu, lit
a :rra iu Hieaduw , haviuir thereoa ereeted a aouj
it.uUitiy; Uoupe, a larjte stable an.1 otaeroul buiiO-itir4-
i n. lanii in in a r-iod t.tie ot ealtlvaUe.
Taere are llineatiAe abu cval un tbe a.cj:(.
No. a. Ttie undivided uut nail . fa k? Ui .vniieral
Point, eoiii.luina about uns a ere. iiiiitiiK v-
-luian kiver, t'eter f tiliiipai aad utln-re, iolfUJK
;tlere. n ereete-1 a lrje wrera Uulie, a
t'i storj.inun. dweim.a- .vuse. and otkervai
baiid;ni(9. '
Nu. 4. A eK hi Mineral I'alnt .iljolnlnie lands
of Jeppe, Wenrliiejr. Jim pa flleand olhera, kiatltg
IlM-reon erec.eil the Iraine ot a direllini( t'Ue.
No. a. The nndlviiled one-ritth r-art otT'.ai:re
01 iaua suiute-j in .Mi. I.ri tssaali. 0-
nn' 01 joan roiiter nila oioers,
tloiuereil. "
4a'i aJ
' 1 fcttMs. Ope-thfrd 'ja Uapd aud uAiaLj-:e ia tao
paytnen'. In l'a an-1 twVlre Innntt. to oe wnn-l
ay lutirinenit waiting wiaisiiloa au.1 enaiiM ion !
Jc to ftctneaee. at 1 oVkk . of mm day.
' . - AAtd'M wta.
mn oar ui U'liA.r. is7.i.;,.r,,:.';r:
Au iiio w duly apvoime,! 10 m.Ke . .H-tni.ij
evam, lu and auaoDg tlw legally -eulVto-l ucit-
.H uereny giTe. ouuo) inat IX til atteud to III
dutlea of the ahnTeBfipoinriaent ua Tnorlar the
iind day o! NovuiUer, ls;. at fi otnee in onier
net ouroaxa. when ami wnere all ueru lut.-res-.
ed utn.teetid.
J"HX It. Sl'fiTT.
"rt Au
-.t.aic It hereby (riven to all pursue eoooenKd
a lVMiee. ereilor ur utueVwlse, ibat the foi
!' tug aeuDt-ui ta. t ianl rei- er. an 1 that the
. 1: mil ue preaaDfeu lor connrniatioa and aUow
aue at an lrjnun' tmrt lo tie held at Sk.aierl,
in and (or Jseret eoaniy, on ThurlaT ibe l;u
,u-v ' N.wbIt, im. where all person Utttai
rT iiiej mini limiier. Tl ;
n.1 vnpt o JaXtt Klloe, adiaiurHntr ot
1 sa i. -....p a . ...iiier, uariia. Ol
Z11 an' nn ac,,uunl of Hiram Shaffer. Adm r
a"-MU nwuT.
ol ilavid Sihalterdeeeavl.
Account ol J. M. Flehtner. nirdlaa q' M L.
Areoant of Joha J. Bit
Walker. "
k )iiirdi.s of Julian
uar'.Lun .if Uphelia
I erairj . fanner.
f"rt and final arenant of Jao.b IWittJ, evc.
ers. and Wm. t.. Sehr-Klj. eai-eti J-.? j
'irs- .leneae.1.
a. r. MfKEV.
Mt Keiau-r
J"'!" "nor o au-, i arra- .tioa, wtueioi
Mhira-axaj. avg at th. ptath-n. vt
atr iwueip. .a. mi.i be p.abhe4 (. ,
hue f -V .t;Hfar lor urb . ttanp. oVauuVr im-'
sa.-paenaetti. Tb. kamtoti g pel paall as-'
lu ,u ".Ine. lhai may m oa doty wlthui
"""' ,, Mh-KEY !
... , Bumei..
w. H. .Mfif.NTAl
twt is t 'lei
Ur-- -----
... . . i
w pir ncTJu a nrreiorm txwir riateea
. -lytVri atf-nip are I. Ibe haavip f S. A.
Ua top eoUeetkia. erara Pn'iwii.r t betw
aelves In leiae-l lo toe arm of Miller Br j. a Haite.
will pie. pe rail and aetlle Immeiliatelr. un-l Pate
wa. J. I. jWlLIaf K,
ti. II. M1I.1.I.K.
St. . HAIMP.S.
Thelm.inePa will be aarried b. at ual
by Miller Hru... wao ..-lieit ft cuatinoaaoe blthe
: patruawK of u lau firm.
liwil fauu. Wet. lata, 17 S.
i '
Hy Tir'ne.-f nti .Wr If-ue 1 tn'. t' Ihe ;;-..::.'
i 'art l - truer -n't ruu?y, ftt . t- tl.r un.hri-TJ
l(r,uuuTy. vu
f at 1 ol-avk. at tbe tNiurt H-ne. in Sirnrt't Nr- j
I MUnh. thf toU'-win iir'riisfl vaiua'de t-itt. J
I Ute ths pri'fny y Cyrus Mrvens ij . liet-eateO
fctwtt: j
; o. 1. A ertiiin l"t n( srmnrhl !"i;ftte !n Ihe
; Nr iMh -f S.tivr-t,, amMi-r h-i oi d-- t
etni on ur u r:ti. 3Um t. iiw iu;i, h-i
M n fur r-it, .t nl n ullry on the wrt. with a '
lryv utw vcie Mry brhk cHUjre bvuw. wtlh a
M.iii-'.rd ppf. aiHt'taHfk l'iiildin4 with Mnniari
rtff. nnihrd ir the n,4i OftnipJ t rr(e. wilh iur-,
nnee. rauii, w.tttr tank, .paiii rtuu water'ini .
pMK9. nit 1 all th n.olrm Improvement therin '
ei-ted: said M frontniaTon Min ireet a Unit
feet. am exien.jinit h.ifk tnvard I nln Sr. atHvt
172 leet, heinic tlie late reidefiee,r atd de-eae.1. '
The lorart.-n one t the mt dr-tirbie in thi i
portion ol the Stnte. There i a 5jrinir ol (ftunl '
a firer t ho pretni. i
TKKMS: iue-thir1 in hand and the Kilanee .
In twoetual a-mi jtaTtiint. with lniTe.-t '
frun ortilirntMti-rn ol ale r tr" delivery ul p- j
Meion oi the (rini.(f. Teu cent id pr
chiie n iT mt le pM rah on da r tf le. 1
W. H. KiHtS'TZ. t
oct I Trnntee. (
kkai.ksiam:. i
h ir uf of a n rdr iwif 1 nt ol t he -nrt ot
fYraiutiD rleay. in und lor ihet'-HJi.rr d s-mer-ri.
tue undcti.fne I, Aitfii-e ol Dnnlel M !;..!.
ler. will ai pu:die aaie in the &roux u Som
eract. at the C'uur; Hou, oa .
Friday, Xoremfrr 10,
at 10rtV! f k. a. m.. the Mkiwina; deTUed t.i1i. I
Me real eutte. u . : I
N. 1 A eerrain tn-'t ofTand.'Uuate In S -niret
Twp . Sunt-wi county. la , a-lwinin lutein o( j
Samuel O-h tiuiii. .ieorcc St-Luuittker, Jvaiah
Mowry, (e.ri' Neitt. et al., conT.inin wi h'Jn- I
1rd aud aei-eniy-twoarrea and aereny-two per-i
c he and aU'w.incj. more or le. known at the 1
Uuiete:a4i M' the afjiunir : i which there ara f
at-ouiwie hundred ar.d uly arecieareU awJ a Unit j
Dltyucrt in n:f-ii;w. with a lance tw-tiry t
houe. baiik-brn aad ulber balid;uara the ret n
erect A "d rchanl oi Irult tre i on ihe!
prmiep. and the Un 1 if Id -l euitiration, and !
well walared.
Na i. a certain farm or trat't d L.nI. Pu itc In ;
Sotiiernet Twp.. SpfntT-n-t evmnty, ra.. ad-vinlntc f
the ii'tujesteiwi ir t-t, Oetire Krkz,'(.ai..iantMin-
arn and M- pervlii. and jHtw:ime more !
or li'St. ol whi'"h there are alul 7 aV-re ri eared, i
ard l- -r' in m tad"W. wi'h a b"n-.e, ham. uii l j
oilM-r huil lini" tticron rrvWwl. The lnnd If j
well watered ano liar a jewd urvitard oo tiie!i-rern- i
UWii. I
No. 1 A ert.iin tartu or trnet of Ianl. ituate !
In M'liiy-Te-k Twp.. N"tnervt ooautv. Ta. i"io.i
l:iir lam: - of .loi.ih W u. Jo--pa Alt lailu r St- t
lievn Tiut. Jiuurf) Snyder, et al., eootainln
arrt'o.antt atl'iMjii'-. mure or les, of whuu there ;
aiiour 12a arrt fieare.1. an I J acr in meadow,
with a twt-Hory h-.ue, mrn and o:her uutlnuld
ini thtre- n ere. tol. ThU lanu Ln on U an
onrharl ofthnity younv fruit trea. and a enuar
eamp. Ttte land id good cultivation. The
r-'t will he ...! in two .:r in;.re purtl, or a
wh'dfla iddeems-d expethent.
1 tie pnpertit will uhdutelj e dd il nny
hhnrlie f.tir prk i zivn. rernn delritiir
to purchase ui part-etti will Rive the aiaixnett no-tl'-e
ot 1 1. at me.
TERMS : Ten per ent. of the pnreha.-e money
to he piaid on diivoi sale ; one-third. InWudtnic the
't-n pT eent.. to he pdid on e firm.'. t ion of eale,
and dflivery of l : one ttnrl ints inontha. and
one tiiinl in twelve m ntha thereafter, with iu teres-
Faytnents t he f-ecuref hv tud lament
tMoher is. A.ofiitace.
Hrar.AS. the Hnrat! Wiimas M. Hill.
Pir.nii-i'.l nf the several r.,urts ot Cotniu in 1'It-up
of rneUmntii-s p-impn-iiiiit th slztppntli .lu Urml
IlislrLrt. aii.l Jii)tii-vil iht L'-mrti ol tlypranil fir
niiiier itit-l Ui-nnil .l.-ill lN?livorr. Ii.rthetrlnl ol
.il t-upli.-il ari.1 nthifr ultrnitt-rs In tlie pnlil lit-lrift.
n.l I.kwis A. TraaiEB ml J.-Jl .il Imrav, t
3uir.. J'i-i ui th t'tmrrpol l-ouini'ni flu.aiiil
asllpps ol tlir Court u( (r prand Tpruilni-r, mt
Ixpni'ril .Inii IL livi-ry. hp ihs Iriiit f .ill ,-ni.iraI
anil laherutlt-nilvrp in ihi-l 'uunty of S'm?riel. na.
ii1!.!"! liiir jtrt-is-piH -inij to liic .iirii-ttii, lor li .11 n r-'-Jrl it I', tumim I'li-a. an-l ili-ni-rnl tMar.
ti-r Si'piins ui llie IVa-. an-l CK-nrral Jinl llolir.
ery anil ( 'i urts ol i iyir ami Ti-ninni-r. at N-m.-rM.'.
On Tfiiixlmy, HinpiaWr 13. IH7S,
NuTK B it ri- by aispa lo all I he Jll'llits ul tbP
Pt::n-p. tin-1 Vnn:i'r jn-l I'-iri-mil-its wiilim :a aul
t.'iMliity l s,.-ni ict, that ttipy l.e llii a aul toen i.
i.T:r ir-i-i-r ;-r -r.i, mir. iin-(r Mil. rrsipp.iikul-
piti'.lr ( . ti r-IIIi.-lt Liii4 :ii..l ij:,r is.iii,-inlirsr... t.
2 f -lo U:-ie li'ti.u wi.K Ii lu Ih'-ir olniva aud Hi tul
c u-lut: aj ip-vliiiu to I di-i.r; atvl almi, ther wtio
wjlltm.:- i iiii.i I h irl.niT lhit aiwur.ihall
ti in tl.e iii ol M iun-rai-t I 'utility, tu lw tbn and
Itii-r -, i'i iip-'-uU- aruiust thi-tnTip .hat! iut.
UKO. W. P1H'.
iiv vlrrif of an -tri-r I. 'd cut of th- f.'tirtid
C.mrtKn I'leii nt s-imret r-intv. ii thr nn-ler-iunl
Aviiin-e ot .1. N. Kichiuer. will -eii at
Fuhiir Sikle 4.Q
lit Hip i ' II-.ue. in .imerse!
iliar v.rii:iti!i- rvali-.i..iie. vii :
ue t-;:..
ilir.;.-l-.inif nr-iuui id Ibe Ilonnali of B.-rlin.
I s
t fotiiii
ty, P;i , kmtwu on the n'-ri I piatn !
hi N. 44. V.. aud tift. with a larve I
I ..fai.l
lioae an! otliei- out tiiili:in). tttere-.i .-ss-tisl.
tmun-te t "tithe I hx Hnmh allev. on tht- V.ptli
l.y siajth "iri-t. ..-,ill.e V.t hy luaup inl .. i
on tin- -..-l. t v rec:. c.iiiaii.iu Hi M-reli-1
1 l.e lopi-i'iiu. jir.-i.erty 1 :i vpy ii ir..l'tp .'ni. i
atv! 1'iT.i;.. wi!!.!! to buy 'iiifil.i jfM a. I rtniuine '
theaaiiip. j
1 r.KMS- i ltit-.i hird . I tho f.nn-ha.-e iu"iiev lo
hti jriM .l:i ot inlc nn-t oiip-lhlrd In nix motitti !
froui day nt sail, mid the tsiiao -f lu one yenr trotii
date of i.r t. r "I s;ilf. wi-li iutere! oo di-it-rrPii ..y- ;
mrnti-. la. lut-il. ! i Is Mfn-nre-l liy ju.iBiuit. 1
n-jle-. " ;
JiMtx II. t in.
"1 1" A"!nee. I '
flilTtili S XoTIt'E
'1 he un lr-eirre. Aud.-r. (i; tt.o tlr
phanP' 1 'ourt o( s-'mer.--l v. to .ti.TrlNui. thp
(un.ip in tt,e t:iii .i 1 K-u rol J .l.n Vi.uln.
de.-es... ari 1 11V.1 -a (laytneaip ourptandllia-and
UQ-siilet;r 1. ta ad aaoiit thi-pe letfrillv emitted
Theltlu peli D-i'Ms-. that be will attend
t'ltaeiTuutpo: Uipaip"!ntmnt. at lOo'elock t. w.
Tnuea-lay, N"vetntier anil, ls;6. at tbe orftii of W.
H. K'Nintp. l-.Pi).. In the Imriuifh
wliere lb"wp In'eristed can attend.
d S.mer t,
on U Auditor
The .khi.l.lrra ..f -ae U ..-n.So:-.- and Weat
Newti I'Unk Road tv,(.ny ape h' ret.p t"'lliisl
that an e!ee':,i.o wtll he held at the .Namr!- House
tn the Kucouli ul Somerset. I-s ,,n liriotar.
I iul j Ui, 4ih. i;i). to !i-t mi. I'resi'leiit
one Tpeaaiitvp atsl bve MnKT to -r3 lur the
hiimiii, ve.ip.
-Ii .H.N K. EMK. IV. 11. HCKI.Mi.
"Ill See'ry. fresH'ent.
"jissonTioxNtrriri;, j
1 h firm of H. J
latedoliiv liuim-p
.iiil.t:.. WA4 dip -
..ivi.i it inn i::na.ii--iii afNiut the iarh dav ,.r
April ls:v "ii'i.ii.ilH and ilTi are In
tii- Im, I. -il It J. b..u wi, i." I to re
eelreaut t'ief,Tu.
II. T. .1HTs!.
v-tor 1 1. 51. k. J H Vs.
AKKtir lllll wr. 'j-h ard liaptr.j..
paa Molel. H. f: t wp-tf tbi.aib ..a
heMnut si. . Sji-.ku fue ax-a .d i hmimi.
tl tst.UiR ,10.11m tl alnu' aa.t Chestnut
Sin-. ".. ii"i. and Uu lineaof steal. tea h'l
ikP'Onteautal. 1 1 KMikl . PtJ 9a S fc
r-rday. H.M.HKIHI.KK Pnira-:.. J. A.
siA Mr-l.E. t I'LUk. 11.
Xew EstublislimeiiU
Havlrjf jat ffenel a
vr i.-.,rr we are
wre Kr "it awfiv. :ii ilierte atad :ire:r-
ux kt.ier.rm od rcenf, ljW.N-n-t;, Ma-
Caaiaic 'ret. t uujNrt.ift i '
&!lVAa.L k.UiiNRtIPH H INj.,
W.O'jf-J price paid for old eoti r
- -r-. - '
k 4tiiiy- vtiriaitr, in; wi.l. ri.Aa
To amr. uf dufjiirife U75 f K
Ataa. --rrv?eil (new
"41 77
a .. .,i. i .... ...
AiuL due llsrjab daplV
la ..
Ha ..
A nit
1 l imLilp-ai.
Hor.ah dupil-ate
at b
l: "
Tolalieeipta..,. ,
AiSfiT XT.
t U Kt
jr aict . , lii a ;
fctt due Trennrer. 9 314
Mpthe umirr-iirueil Aatitop. of 1'r.ini H-r.,
Sooier-et t'o. Pa.. .U. aeret-y ,rHly that the
ate 1.1 a crre.-i atatewienr.
I. J. MIt.!.tK
Si. 4Vija i j
Sept. 10.
m TV k ei , !
wJLaf?a3f WaAFakUW,
p.WVa.a). ,
Send ft-r PriIit, to
e. amsak m
Ut Ljiierty Sriwe!. !
piitsbi nu.r. j
L - riV a uirnsr. ur harder her -n mr i
" p i 11 ... , 1
the lot low ins: appiamee-p iieroanip hurt Le. hTeU
' In mv I'lftrp. an-l will he 1 n-cDtc1 jor aiihaiTnalkaj
i to Tnwriay . ISth .
tl-Prt L Pa. aaiaue of laKti S. S.nne
viot Sayder J"t. a-ribm I
i ' r. J. RfjUsLR.
' net U tMlkAJfT
1 Q
Xw AdceriU uttu.U. .
Jttltll I fill
('(iiiiniissioii .Merchants.
J53 Y. VllATV sTiM-;i:r.
are in want of tiLAIJES lit" i l l :..,! i,,,;,
same promptnoss in makin go4 returns as in M us,.us past. advances matlo uprni sliipim uti when tl-sireil.
Cards ran lie had at all t!: otrieesanl St on s.
Verr resportfullv.
Sept e m Kt 13, 1 "('.
17m FALL TRADE. 187(5.
wi: iiavejcxt iii:':eiyei A l.Alir.KUrC
FALL and
lit !".; HT KtiU CA1I
w hii li vvr !
Call an'l ex-itiiine our
.1 . II . IS O Et 1,
Manufacturer:) aii.l
"5.J usstl, ls7.
Plated Ware. Gold and Silver Chains. GiM nndS:'iv;rSpef'aclM."iitch
makers Tools, Matena!s.aaci every des-?riL.t:on of s-xxls tiin m tV r v,Hp
xooia, raaiena:s,aact every
LIIIr,niriillATM .fl.rt r. Tor). !-rlf
p' 'It tii" -in ' : v iz u .ta . . I.
Fall .ml V.tit-r Tr.l'lf. 1T1 Ulliili-.nlrlirl,liri.
Au institution f-r ini;) tr'
aril men litil hr in' t t':.
tlividiiifcl Hint ruetion. i-ivzn
eturs iff
t nd . Ktrii;ir ; i"l n.; - , . - ;.-'t I . it. - 1 ii't
77 Ffth Avenue,
U.rc Wood St m-t.
i Ta
X?i uf J:iivd if r S;.- :r.r-:-.--k- 1
Letter tt-tt't-ut.iry "0 tl.e af v "-t -ti-havtric
hea rB!e'l it the nndriiije. I.
In hesry liUUi tfri--e io-let'Ted ! if tu.k'- .:u
OVftVAi ! m-nt. an I tree hvitm t.u'i.- 11c aur
it iu pr--mi ttwia uuly .mtiweo-i. ir i iT -.ul-in'B(
at tbe. re't-'t-nt.'e ul tiit-ei L'n idiur
(day. xt't-er .T?t. i-TJ.
t; Ht K.W A
MAhTl-N i ii AN r.
Sej.t. IS. i i ult-r.
SSU.N E E' NtlTli'E.
i. A. Hunte- it wITe t.t V'TTiii!-. S ui -r-I'.,
iartVaOii i;tde a 'lnj)Ur i-rnrikn'
tiiteyl Kl'a'' l-T'l-rr.T. rtnl jt-.-.utl. i
wvaft 'v. A. Henitr. in frnf f r the tru nt i crt-
tr,U-d t.) ld M. A. llnhr t Ht iW i?mi'-ti
AinPi mm i. irei"!.i lli'.ui l me un 'f ,-iiu-u
! wiihr-ut delM
W. H
"itl.te y.
r.i vfi.:.
.H. A. Hun:.
1 l-j- .
. aa IC:
Letter teaiataiAry oa the b'r;
avuif bee trmt(X t the uiruer;.d, wii'
berety .Tua t ; i:.nMe t.-it ir..tlc :m
inrdUU Myient. and lh'"e lianf fi4:t'i
.abai ru t pr-eri? tltni duly amu-iiii-.i;-.r
!'t:iement at tt!e Ute rp-'.d'-n'-e'.t d
easd, un .a;ttruy. -i'ier 'ilt. A. t
li. H. i' U LU-s..N.
Peimsylvania Colle:
f Ihe nrt Term ife Bxt
1 !itimiit,r
fc, ! i '
Kenlv t-u W;i;.!r'0 i- T? -'ir.
r't in'.:--j'i at lii-enil ui :a-riai,J, i I"'
t- w L'tl (yitajMaM attil av-M u. tie !
iiileiu.ui ani yawrv. cuiuuiatitiv. a i a- i-f th
' hie t-y mtiri tniizu tkr t rirr av:a .
f TL - 1 T . . a...
f hlrh U atvler the direct
eutv iami.iwea tbr-rnir. 1
j j -iu.4 ta-a rr-rintc tr I
Silrni- m iri- d-pi
whkh U ntvier the dlreet ajrrvj-i't : i'.." r j
eulear of the Suj-nnt a-unt.
1 fl Iliw-ni ID tin LDIl'lliiK.
Fnr nnht r mf-rm rl'-n "T fn:a--jii ;yidr
M. VALL.M Nt- -
l'tcs;t-ai "i ''-fe.
,A.ttljUruliivt. i iv. in j
AA , .
lj.iof A.lrpw and 5ar-irp Sfo-I.I. tit; ot
Si.a-le Twj... .ueenae.
fa.ltep. t.t.-i rnrnf .rv Ihe .nx. ,11 , '.i.
Inn t-eeii rratite.1 to Ibe Uleleriir i.e.. hi ;"'it ye-i--J
ar anthurily. tiot ie 1. heretiy k-ii-j u. . ia
; dehtasl lo it lo niaae .1 ia: ul. Am.
. Us-ae bavlt.a elalMP airnr;: 'I U. j.e- w ibera
Ibe Uleler-iicoed. at 1a W I rtS..
t Sas-ht. on M. tj '..-, j al aiy : .p" . . t. Is 1
I llAVITi : V ..Kffcill: Si-M-HT.
t aLaep.JIup..
1 lai .V NAfis. . hV her In
he Court t-t I 'i'U.1.. -
iftiitrietpi K-'Uwinu 1
f,-a -f S..:::-e-, : e- . .
fa. AUftNl'iif .n.l"
J.a. SehroeV.
) t "PC.
n.. u' "i-r. Tti... i-:.
Y re hrT -f'ptt'"ei:il rn-ar
l.Jthdav ej NVem:er A. I i7'J. Wox t:-e nri
da v f ' e mi -ft;. O-ur: ( ' u.m -ti tlr
fc Me irm awi 1r f h- l 'omt r tt Wj,.. -
Fw-v-iiiA.'TaaAa. tU'Wrf ttw -.mi aim: --.
.in a
ia. pla.nn above sauted.
a W. !' ..
Sif id
SUn. Stblir. ?
AMilll THts '
i Wff"RP.T."RR
I I )l H II 'aVl
TiMiKTatLii airu
Tr..Mirewele. laaapra.
ns. DadPvP
Kevaii. 'd a'l '!eerT"i- n. .Viiv
tar. -.i-o-ippihI
C.II oo, tr aildre.H
113 IhlrUATj.
i-irt-SKl K'i. PA.
r. L.
l Sep....
AT KKIT. KI IT'.r' T.s
A X li A V i .
WliiiVsa!;- l a'i-r,
Wood Street,
p&Tr.ssiriiu. im.
CO ,
Pittsburgh. Pa.
ft p s s-
M I ... IV
'; Finii Avrnue.
v!:i nti n.'Kiit.
at. wM mm aa a
-i;tni( to iill.
I i, A i. TH AI.
Palles Esa lesi M
V.ti t.i. s
;.. rot:. Kirp.v.
PMl.hiirsli Ia..
t i-!--e a -is:tr. A:1
M FI.i"'l.
-. t t:
.'i i- al.
r )'":.:
r sr''fif't; etis till'. I.
n. w mi ii i k. n .
-n!il nl lnrl.
lif fii r. AN INf iaa VHi .
I'i r-i A ." r:::'i-- i. I'j.
...i ..-...l tT. a.K.aial
T II K r. at... ( alarrk -. r .o
;v ;r-.i'- H ' r in .r.. 1. 1 I .f.rnrf.
-lal-I'M! il-. "tr.!l.!'l "Wild
'.I 1
t illippr a:! Ilia. 11 "I Id.
ir. - "P i pn. pt.'tsm
iZ 1 .1. ' t".-'. lP. I''-Bi' l t o
r. .ri-a: n.
t 1 ej t.
lL-la .uis terra.
Aaau-t K.
t'jieer a. I a'p.
W LK 'caC
rjuli 1 Air iiJi' I-tT-s 4 4.-aaJwe-'.11
1 Ii . ) m
laert- tc-T;iiaU-i.;r liie e-aie aTlTi.t
-5-u 'r..i:--i t. u:i yi-jafi ; It- l-r-t'-r -
i- ri: .. rv ".. l- " ,:; ''-r' !'J
, ri.a fi.-iff rd "
;e. fj e nnTlDaT
a.v u" ip-ii'n a'-
' U alui a.'. Sp.
t .I'dt-:
d I?
r: 'e-B
,--- Sm
It: Mif'ti SniwlJelU
' -n .-v.e-.V T ,U"r"ri'.
u it. t.
5 1
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