J is Si li M h f; It 3 if i: ; ' .1 r ii Hi ! 5 i 1 I- ! 11 111 OUlllOlHOt J3.PiaiU.?ai;;, tltttte Democratic House of .tbr4, ur a LDESDA? Uutherford B. Hayes ELECTORAL TICKET. ELKTOCt AT LABOE. JJEJAJII IL BBEWMLK, rtinadcli'buw juny v.: chalfant. All'Khcrj- JOHN WIUS1I. MCNET UISSTON'. CUBLSTIAK J. HOFFMAN. CHAS. T. JUSES. EDWIN A. FITLLE. BENJAMIN SMITH. I. W. UABNARK. . JACOB KNAR . JUUX B. WAKFtL. 10. JUS EFtl THOMAS. Jl. AKIOPABDKE. ji lew ik I't nni:. IS. En.S.SIIJJMAN. 14. WIIJ.IAMCALUKR. 11. MIL.ES W I E ACT. 14. S. W. KTARK WEAT1IF.K. U. DANIEL J. JIOKKEIJ 1?. JEBEZfllAH LYONS. n. WILLIAM HAY. . WILLIAM CAMERON. . J. B. IONLEY. O. DANIEL O NEILL. S3. WILLIAM NLUB. U. ANI'hEW IS. BEUIIEH. ii. SAMVEL M. JACSSUN. W. JAMES WESTEBMAX 27. W. W. WILBt'R. nATIONAL""TICKET FOB ntESIPEXT :UTIERF01tI) 13. HAYES. FOB VICE niLSIDENT WILLIAM A. WHEELER. 1OTLICAN STATE TICKET! CONOSESS, JACOB M. CAMTBELL. f ENATE, E. I. YUTZV. COUNTY TICKET! ASSEMBLY, K. J. METERS, .ALLEN S. WILL. C. C. MUfcRELMAN, DANIEL RTUFFT. JHKtt nOcSE DIRECTOR, SAM. SNYDER. JCfcT COMMISSIONER, nARLES T. nUNTEK. I .sternal Revenue Commissioner 1aum has issued a circular instruct inj the proper government official . proceed against all persons guilu of defrauding the revenue by failing to make adequate income returns Mr. Tilden may as well walk up t tbe Captain's office at once, and "wttle. One of tbe early Democratic lie ef tko campaign was tbat Robert Lir -coln, tbe 6on of ex-President Lincoln had "declared Tor Tilden and ITend ricks." On Tuesday last Mr. Lin -o!n and ex-Speaker Biaine address ed five acres of Republicans on the Tippecanoe battle Geld in Indiana, uad strange to say not a Democratic pnper ia tbe country Las yet learned the fact. The Republican State Central Committee of Indiana beld a meeting at Indianapolis on Friday last Tb 3ttendance was large, and cheering rettoru tverc re.x-ived from ai: pivrt of the State. After a full eomparisot of notes the following announcement was made : "It seems safe to say thai Harrison will be elected Governor irom 4,000 to C,00t). We have been bearing a great cenl of Democratic bluster alout the f.fty thousand and more majority, v tiob it was claimed tbat party bad obtained in Arkaa?as at tbe late elec tion. Well, tbe official returns from n!l virrt two email counties Lave been recrlved, iid they give Miller, (Dem.) tO.Sti. Bishop, (.Rep.) C6.73S. Mil ler's majority, 30.CC0. The Demo eratic majority io 174 was 7C, 403 How do these viraggarts account for tbe loss of over 40.0JJ in their ma jority? ... Said Col. Ingersoll in Lis Cooper iaptitute speech: "The Republican party comes to you with its record -open, nd asks every man, woman, &sd obtid in the broad country to read its every word. Atsd I say to you that there is not a line, a para graph or a page of that record that is Tiotonly an honor to the Republican party, but to the human race. On cverr.p age of that record is written scsie great and glorious action, done e ither ior the liberty of man or the prescrTatim of onr common country. VTe ak everybody to read its er ery word. Tbe Democratic party comes before you with its record closed, re cording every, blot, . and blur, and s'.ain and treason and slander and ma lignity, and asks yoa not to read a single word, but to be kind enough to take its infamous protcitcs for tbe future. Allow me to fay here that character, goed character, rests upon a record, smd not upon a prospeetas." Ji-k y ' ! Wi iu&ireruatlT sabi. tue time j Representative Lad accomplished nothing dunn the last session. c ' HA'iiin of oil!-r .f i-ual it.l!n. fi' - ,-Nwmiw iutii nave the bloody 'fchirt in the Noril.. but it i patriot- i icand pk-turwue business in tbe ,. . t t - nm SoJth. Mr. ebnlou B. ence, Iem- ocratic candidate for Governor in North Carolina, at a recent political meetiog reminded those present that ail tne urate eoumern neroes uo dipped Ibcir bands in Union blood are for reform and Tilden. Ito about tbe first truth Zebulon ban ottered during tbe campaign. .. . r 1 1 L Those who thick there is no dan ger of tbe presentation and allowance of Southern war and slave claims in case of Democratic success, are inri- ledtoDotice tbe fact tbat Missouri, Marvland, aud otLer Southern States have appointed Commissioners o io - dex rebel demands and prepare them j for presentation to the Nation! Con- I gres. Here is the form of certificate 'given to the Missouri claimant No.. It is hereby certified that tbe State of Missouri is indebted to in tbe sum of , on account of-: . This certificate is not payable by tbe State until after the claim of said has been presented to the United Stales Government, and tbe amount allowed aud paid to tba Slate, and then ouly for the actual amount received from ibe United States Government. City of JefTerson Mo., ,1s . ; - i . , Gov. of Missouri. Icting q. M. Gen. of Missouri. The claims already allowed by the Missouri commission amount to vitjht mill inn of dollars. Kin tri.-b tint r vain 4 K S5in was no where when, compared with .hi- Democratic manipulators of our neighboring town of Bedford. When the Democratic Nominating Couuty Convention assembled ia that aucient village, a few weeks since, it was tele- graphed to llarrisburg and other points, that Vr. C. N. Hickok was tbe choice of tbe Convention for Senator, but "the other fellow" (a yonncr saw booea, whose nane has escaped us) e?nijied that Le Lad a majority of .be voles, and so it proved, and the other Doctor was incontinently lert on the ragged edge. But the manipulators aforesaid rose to the greatness of tbe emergency ; they were not to be baffled by the wishes of the people, os expressed ih rough the votes of their delegates, and so by tbe time the district confer ence met last week, the "otbT fellow" bad discovered that be was too young to be entitled to sucb an hon r, and threw up the sponge, where upon Dr. Hickok was unanimously nominated. Dr. Hickok is a clever gentleman, whose chief strength is supposed to be in tbe fact that be belongs to all 'be secret societies in the country, but be will scarcely run votes enough in be district to make it interesting to Col. Yutzv. The Somerset Democrat persist uily clicks to the exploded falsehood nbout Governor Hayes' tax return, which all decent journals dropped, immediately after the proof of its falseness was given, and attempts to Wster itself up, by a quotation from the Chicago Times, which, it sug gests, we do not get to see. We ad nit with humility, that we are not quite as familiar with the Timr as ur youtiiful neighbors appear to be, and also that we have never esteemed tt as high political authority, betas bey (judging itam their frequent ci atioa of it) do rpaear to think other wise, we beg to call thtyr intention 0 the fact tiat tbat disiiugv.ied Democratic (now Tilden) organ said if Tilden before bis nomination : "He s a rebel yoipatLUer, a betrayer of ubl:c aad private trusts, a railroad wrecker, an associate of Tweed, and 1 fciiani reformer." These charges bare all since been proven to be true, an 1 yet in fuce 0 the proof tbe Chi cago Tiinr and its admirer and fol lower the Somerset J guMxroi are f iip.rini lha nnn ntrv 1.1 itnt Tililon 'Sance for tbe "oose is t atu? for He gander" is an old adage a LicL we : i. t. - it ,i .i... ;i.r!lir l.nt. it Win i. (Ip.nair. Tba ; Th unlit iral iwit id Loi iuz bere. made aUroail. Ibis tbe iristi ac-dute peaceiuj gaiennir. aee ! thousands or more wuole and utraa- citr ibi eve.,iii h iknu t..un . ... I 1-1 ntn I P4: . ' ,fa ,i r ! Uin nIHmi iext.lanation wbicb judce Sinnott furioulT that is, tne Republican , auowledtje, hhoub ibpircratk hotrtbo aimort deilwh manner in wbieb KeM gathering there to witoe tbe ; uuk-tof Wbnr, the wu-bin.j '-'TeCIOry. !tnrooltUf.low.Dg ter Uing Uigb?. i8 a n.uuuf-cur.r, l,imlf .ubu-rfu.re, preraricatiun. and Ulee- f.u, Tenbroeck m m.ke hU ruu SelL,.,, vtmm , , ' "i V ' neU genOtneu to tbe h public , tffer. mdui it to Ulieie lbat lte cvt,r.wUre ,a tbU city aud a Tb.ak vT biiuutf ibe buUV - eyt- fur-1 b.Kd i. ud to drprive tbe br. o-: .iust tiui. Fril ,crafi made f ,ur ai,..ui f .,ir k -.,,z..j'; tit' party : General Bank, Bepreeaia-, i7eula--d little rascal actually kept 5 nd lbere neer was I litnw iu uifiiu i LOW yard V of bu rlrfbi of auffra. Ve,mi!ee io lt74 at Sarw, 10 7:1(1$. .!. ii-u-i.-.B-.i. pi,m iililflClelpllia ive Seelye, Senatcr IJooih, Cdtl baik tii tax kuowiujclj "id dt-sig- lau.u, feeling among tbe llepub- Ttii tP ha. . ibe nieu are ilmg.Jt: read tbe alju t vdeiiHtiiaC ; iba it fa Immo tn!rbt that - rear ruvm ..u a wi . ,,,. i Tb S -i-uri: Senator Feo'on Ieitt CVaedi. Iirave: "Ue did not tril j ilCans in New Vork aa now. U U s- A snciLK.""' t madeTo au irfuoraat and veo0eful j time could not (jo equaled auU up to afirr y....0ir l.roiber ..f ,h b-1'"-- ZZTIm'T'IVi UnU-Cu ("banner M iv,w. Sua- -: "tbe'borc.'r inductor be bad paid perfectly wild-delightfally o. The; t pitiful cane wf -l.-.de,truc ll" "Xf " df UhMB ... c.o. t... be bk. I( ...o,.::?;:' i,i.u.m,(i, v uauu -1 , , , ... , , , ..luieet ugs at Cooper Institute and at 1 ... . means .bat mat lend to tbe accom-, even evening, but to-day, w ib meut, bdvmg rranfd t.. .h !l .1. rran., , h,,.. V. let Mattheaf. Oetieral C.x of Oti,., ."bH fare, b.it be krpl blH l.aude iu ... , . r,: ; nr.,.:klvr, l,",n "."' to A" r"?',Jr- . .Al nliebmeut of tbe deaired birt. R..L .l..r .k, .,..1 't n..r ' ' 1.;. le . to ,,, .U",,V. (J,...rl Tm-iI- .flow, -nd t!,...- "HH-keu and lu..k.M uuco.-t n.f.lly at , eroilUIUCOlWt wd wtre entbus.- ;.w' l '7 -wo." toe w noi.U.y, to the swift. tha people of Kentucky put their the harKl, and tbof e..-.p.d fr. J i,i"I'y0p,o,h'''r''' commendtotbe study cftLe young t(jijer ff tkh josyrcs his election, and editors erf tfa Democrat. If the testi- lhpJ. Bre ,ouej t0 ejm jiampton. or monv of the ChbefO liwm is rom-j destroy the State, boih of which siic peteat evidence apsiust Governor wall save tbeu. frota punista- Hayes, it certainly U, aga-jst Sbara-i ment. Senator ratterson sarg tbat my Tilden. ! UB5Css tbey have immediate help no Wj: believe, and thousands of otL-1 ers with us, tbat the men of the South eonteu&.te making good their i lofcees during tbe wcx by a raid on i.i - . i m . I toe - ationai ireasnry. irur reason for believing it is, that a nunivyr uS Southern Members of Congress have introduced bills there are one bun- j not whisper reaches tbe north, dred and eighty of them on file which j pbe latest accounts from South inrol-e an expenditure cf many mil-j Carolina prove tbe trvlh of our asser lions of dollars. Of course the mem-J ncsToes were tie oers woo lutroautea tneso bius w"l!8f-gressor8 in the recent trovbles. In vote tor them, and it is not a violent j uio, received at Washington presumption tbat other members will 'Ules tt froo thirty t0 0DU buo. also vote for tbem. Tbe qnestion of grave moment to the tax payers who wi'd rote for them ? If those bills are prejMjsterous ana wrong, do can-; didate should hesitate to say that Le will not rote for them. If, on the other Land, a candidate does not con- -1 .1 i session of Congress, and will ba in tbe next one. He is a candidate for re-election, and be knowa all about these bills. Let fcim speak cp. Will be rote for them f ' - eioer mem wrong, ana is inclined to ;.rm o( the Government is not inter vote for them, U voter ought to I i0M!(j t0 put ,n end l0 lhe 0eDd;8h know what be aeaos to do. Now, operalOM .GermanUjirn Telegr opJ,. nan. John Ueilly was in tbe last! Tiir Viir Yurie Tribune baa MOtfd up for Til den honesty a good while, I and lasted tLat be would yet .r.-j plain thai income business sausiac-. Vih ci nr. t tie aine. u lie tne con - . 1 .. .1 t. - i gcnerallv auu to put Ltm t,ff tbe 0 ... . ! -r. When tbe American tben tne American pecpie ! "find bitn rnnniog aa reform candi- ...... j for He IMdency they ar i " f"r lhe wher n"n " They are having a regular old time Tippecanoe campaign in In.di ana, and the excitement is said to even excel that of tbe memorable campaign of 1840. Smaller, of the A. )' 2W'ewibu8 descrioes one of the political processions : "There are huge wacn? built up with boards in i PJrani idal fashion to make seats for i Pretly irla dressed in while, and 'weariog coronets of gilt pasteboard. !The-v represent, of course, tbe States of ltjC Union- 0ae of tbese ?rent i" "Bh a canoPr uPn w nicn j f am1fi ,he ''wUon of Liberty, hold ng fust to a young tree that towers up to an astonishing height, and (lings out the Stars and Stripes from below its leafy crown. Another wagon coutains two or three dozen gray-haired men who' voted for Har rison in IS 10, and are going to vote fur his grandson in 1S76. In another there is a glee club of youDg ladies and gentlemen singing campaign songs to the accompaniment of a cabi net organ and a key bugle. A lutle white and blue cotion cloth for dra pery, with evergreens, flowers, ban ners, and mottoes, gives a gala look to these processional wagons, which crowd the tstreet as far as we can 6ce. (Quaintest of tbem all is one support- ! iniT a veritable k e cabin. Smok-is- !SBCil frm the sti(,t cbimiif-y, and ! C00D bkiu3 ttre nailed upon the walls, ' i:i. .t.. r . i- i wuue on wie roo. i.m a live eooc, wuo ajipears to le trying to climb a sap ling to get at a frightened and woful- j looking Democratic rooster that is lied to a branch. As our barouche makes its way tbrogh the crowds the people in tbe vehicles, on tbe sidewalks and at the windows of the houses cheer their candidate Tocifer ouely, aud be responds to thetr greet ings with smiles and bows. The little town is full of music, dust, and noise." The Terrorism ia Nvatll 4'arollaa. A dispatch from Washington, dated the 20tb inst.,comraunicates this fear ful intelligence ; "Senator Patterson arrived here this morniug from South Carolina to appeal for more help to protect tbe voters, and prevent the terrorism wb'cb prevails over the whole State. Governor Chamlicrlain and United States Marshal Wallace 'and others will arrive to-morrow. An old resi dent of Columbia told tbe Senator last week that be could not speak to bim on tbe street if he met bim. He said that the excitement and feeling was far worse than it- was in 18(10 and the days of sesession, and it was dangerous even to speak to a radical. Judge Coke, who bas acted with tbe Republicans, made a speech not long sioce advocating Wade Hampton fur Governor and Tilden for President, excusing himself by saying that he was forced to do so from tbe feelings of tbe people, to save bis property and perhaps his life. Tbe whole white mala Democratic population is completely armed, aud large consign ments of rifles, revolvers and knives are teceived constantly, yet no dealer will sell a Republican even a knife Tbe very boys are nrmed, and the boys of the Military School at Col umbia openly wear their revolvers belied around them. The Senator says that full twenty tbousaad men armed and mounted, are thoroughly petrolling tbe State, uuder the direc and coituacd of Hamburg Butler, and tbcie I'xa a.e not only armed, but completely organized aud drilled. Tbe people express themselves open ly in favor of a fight, and say they don't care a for the Uuiu-d Spates, the troops or the north, but tbey are ready aud anxious to clean out all the troops that Grant can send. They say that if tbey do have : any trouble that Tilden will carr? , Xnioca, Ohio and New York in Oc- tuiorea man will dare to move or talw. Ui, less to vote, and if Indiana goes Deiuotxttc that South Caroiiua, North Carolina and Florida will fol j low when there will b cc outbreak io, uen mere wilt ue cc owv.reaK, wbich will almost be one of ester-, lination to the Republicans. Mur- der,e are dene every dov, of w hich "iiih iMiiiKiciiir i 1 ik 1 nn : mm 11 inn . r lAVfr.i t nu ntf - - iiii tu? uatur l j liivt niriiiiLr miti , dred nesrroes Lave been killed durinjr!cau"afford it Bv all means' com the past week in the vicinity of Aikin. ! anJ ehows tJjt wbite9 ,re CWTf, iD,0ut their orieinal determination to control of the State by killing off Republican voters. At this rate their success ia assured if the atronr The man on tbe fence in Ohio and Indiana is having a warm time of it now. Both parties are shaking bis roost violently enough to jerk his head off. I New VtEE, Sept. SO, ISTo l-OUTDM . . I . ....... rw.. I. .1. I . I flU T. f . 1 lns in tnc warus are nuuumui.; llari'f- nd f iithusiustic. and ; wbiil : is taking held character 1 -h a bel,ler- lLe be" "" and ruauiuK tbem.,,,. Tbe ,h .,,.... .H;.t,- U Am-h as to bring oat the efforts of tbe lest citizen;, who see in tbe nominations of tbe party, the best evtdeuces tbat its pledge of good government will be carried oat. tUC UUI.-U The Democracy cannot get up en - thusiasm. There is no disguising the fan, Tilden is unpopular among them. The thieves don't like bitn becanse he has been so selfish as to desert them when danger came, after affiliating with tbem io their days of prosperity, and honest Democrats distrust hirn, because they know who bis associates were in tbe days of tbe ring, aud tbe influences tbat wjuld control him were he elected. In Albany he is tbe most unpopular man whoever occupied tbe Guberna torial chair. His dodging bis income tax, his unqestionable conneciion with tbe Tweed ring, and hisiuordin ate, unscrupulous selfishness, make him as unpromising a candidate as could have been put up, for popular suffran-p. As a manacer in the in terests of other men, he is unequalled, but honest men with whom be bas bad dealings dread t3 see bim at the bead of affairs. He bas attempted an explanation of his dodging bis in come tax, bnt it is a lame affair. The fact is patent, tbat he is worth mil lions, all of which was made duriDg the years this tax was levied, and be never returned as much a9 would have been tbe income of a moderate ly small lawyer. He pettifogs it, as he does every.hing. business Is blooming and everybodj "feels good, the merchants are over-run with uade, aud the complaiog no w is, that customers cannot be attended to. Throngs of southern and western people are here, many of tbem sight seeing, but more making glad the hearts of the merchants by bujiur. The streets are crowed with trucks,! as in the good old days, and the piles of boxes oi the side-walks are appal iug to all tot those who are rolling tbem. Tbe hotels for the first time in three years are crowded, tbe daily arrivals occupying five and six col umns in the papers, run iu solid in very small type, and this, only of tbe leading bouses. New York begins to look like tbe old city again. All tla's indicates the revival of confi dence tbat we bave been hoping for. Now let tbe growling stop in he country let us all put our shoulders to the wheel, and go to work to ' do something. Tbe bard times are over just as soon as people say so, ana act as though they believe it. It you have a bouse to build and can afford it, bnild it The sqn is going to rise just as many times this year as ever, and everything is going to go on aa usual. Tbe crops are averaging well, tbere is money enough and to spare, and all that is needed, is to get rid of tbe senselessc scare, and with confidence go on. This is all that is necessary to make good limes. Tbere are reasons why we should uot let business go by the board if it can be avoided We have streets to till, farms to settle, and population to attract. Tbere was a steady stream of emigration flowing into the conn try, t.be most with money, and all with labor, all of wbicb ceased the moment tbe cry of "bard times" was raised. This stream ' we ought to get flowing again as soon as possible. The shortest way to do it, is to get to doing something. There are mil lions of Germans, French, English, Irish and Scotcb wbo want to come the moment we can say "good times" to tbem. We can bave good times always if we will. I want to see tbe ships coming again, and uuloadiog their cargoes of human freight, to go west and fill up tbe praries of that blessed country. Stop croaking, aud inaugurate a new-era, and don't waste any time about it. ON THK WAY TO THE CENTENNIAL. I have received many letters 'from your readers, inquiring specifically as to what board cau be bad in New York, and where. In anwer let me say, that board in respectable houses can be bad at from $4 to $10 a week, and if you want better rooms, say from $10 to 14,to get these rates go iuto any bouse that bas a card up, anywhere on Lay 'ayette place, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth" or Thirteenth streets, Clinton place, Waverly place, or any street in that locality." Suto that yon want rooms tor a week, and possibly for less time, and make your contract for such time as you stay, also much a day, then you cau stay as long as you choose aud only be compelled to pay fur what you have. Be careful to make your stipulations. Go on any of these streets, not farther east than Second Avenue, nor west than Sixth Avenue. All these run east and west. Ar range so as to get into New York or Philadelphia in tbe morning, ibis win give you a chance to get willed without submitting to a swindle for one night Takes train that will bring yon in' fn the morning. All tbat bare said about New York will apply equally to Philadelphia. Rooms without board, in either citv can be had for from $ i to M per week. ' i i. : .. i. ti . . J"" w g our eatiug 1 J uu " uta V tasmay seem good to vou. At rea- tj raunt and eating houses the price of each dish is stated, so tbat you cau eat expensively or cheaply as you elect. By care, and tokiOf time you may live as cheaply aa yoa "please, and have your slay extended. You can by care make a hundred dollars take Tun twice the time that it will ; by carelessness. And bear this in mind, yoa want to stay as long as you caa. Ther,a jp enoug there 'to keep you profitably a wont); if you This exposition, properly observed, is liber' education. THE MARKSMEN. Once mora tbi 4.mericau have beaten tbe Irish, and tbe Yankee Team may safely flairn to be the best in the world. They bre met teams from almost every country tbat pays attention to rifle shooting, and : sa ve never yet been beaten. The Irish bave crowded them the closest, but tbey bave managed to git a way with tbem every time, aud probably always will. The effect of these matches are being fell all over tbe country. Rifle clubs are bein? or-1 ganized erery where,, and probably ' W Mtrt 1 1. 1 thia snort will have aa extensive run aa base-ball. One point io the game is tuc superiority e -nuericau . t . " - k a : arms, e mr rules are Dcuer annpie.j ,10 ioug ruugi- suoouutc iuuu uj a. 1. . 1 . 1 nave urcu cous.ut-re.i lue r... ... t !m. A.,Wfi - . Snl rtflri.r. aA.. '"V tJ the i ,a dlTffu Itereat oujibe mdebledoeas she assum- ed. and exp.ctingto sell stock, as tbe payments became due to meet them. The real estate depreciated in ' value two years ago, so that it would not sell for uiare than half tbe mortgage, her stock shrunk aim st a half, " and j berdivjdeLd;4shfQnkto00thing. WLen ber notes came due, tne ' n jWers pushed her, aud ia short, ia eoose sequence of tbe unfortunate purchase, she found tbat sbe would be left ab- solutely penniless. -Everything she ' seamen hesitate not to openly de had in tbe world would be taken from jnounce the deinagogisui of Randall, ber, and be, at tbe age of sixty, ac- Cox, Morrison, etc., and to recognize customed to an -easy,-; pleasant life. tbe haudofLaman Gordon.Blackburn, with uotbiog to depend upon,; would U-t id oHine genvx, who, failiugto hold be thrown out opou tbe wrld help- their own tinder their traitorous flag, less. She had no friends to ! depeud (seek to wreak their hellish malice upon and nothing but the alms bouse through . sources honorable men was before ber. She went to ber would blush to use. . room, put upou iier table, tbe deeds I ' If they don't . vote the ticket," which bad ruiued ber. her certificates I shout.i Gray, in South Carolina, of stock, on wbicb uo dividends had "shoot them down," add the Kepub beeu paid, und all "-her worthless lican meeting at Oktifioeiha Miss securities, and fastening a eord to a. book iu tbe wan, nung nerseti. Mie was found dead tbe next day.: She left no letter the ouly explanation was ibe pile of worthless securities, but tbey told ibe story well enough. And now comes tbe curious pan of it. The day ber body was discover ed, tbere came to ber address a 'noti fication tbat an estate in ' Scotland, wbicb bad been in litigation for years, aud of which she had given up hopes years ago, bad been settled, and that she was eutiiled to $00 000 which she could bave upon receipt of a power of attorney to draw it. Had bhe only waited two days. When I make up my mind to commit suicide 1 shall always wail two days. ' PlF.TRU UI R WAKIII.4;TOS l.ETlKH. Washington, D. C.Sept 30, 1.S7J3. A mutual bauk lusurauee against losses by burglary aud robbery will I h proposed ti4bu con vention of bank ers to assemble iu Philadelphia Octo ber tbe od. ibis will lie ol cousidera-. ble interest to bunks as also tbe pub lie. Burglary of banks in large cities, and burglary and robbery ia towns:, is becoming more common each year, anu is iu fuel reduced to a scieoce. The proposition is to establish in con nection with tbe bauk department of tbe Treasury, a mutual bank insur ance agaiust losses by burglary, rob bery aud perhaps by fire, the lo- of any one bank from these causes to be made up by all the banks belongiog to tbe association, according to the amount insured by each. In this way uo bank can have any considera ble lo.-s from these causes, and, when a loss occurs tbe tax upou each so io sured would be trifling. ,Ry keeping a standing reward for tbe disclosure of ail contemplated burglaries, aud robberies, these crimes, may in nu merous instances be exposed aud tbe loss of money, aud ofteu of valuable lives, be prevented' Bui pel baps the most useful public effect would be to increase the circulation : of money. For fear tbat tbe banks may b rob bed, large numbers of people keep ibeir money iu safes, iu safe deposits, aud bid away in supposed safe places. Bui if all bauks are insured agaiost burglary, doubtless these , unliious would be deposited iu tbe banks, to be put into circulation. - Tbe propo sition is well worib the cousideratiou of banks as w ell as tbe public. Per haps this siugle increase of tbe circu lating medium would be equal to all demauds of tbe Couutry. . Following sharply upon Mr. Til- den's example of swearing ia bis in come at $1 11, wbeu bis own broker bas shown that in 1802 be bought and sold hundreds of thousands wortb of various railroad stocks netting him betweeu $40.000-and $30,000; aud paying iu '63 aud '6 $15 000 and $10 000 respectively when tbe books of the same broker show that be must bave ootied at tbe least' $250,000 each year aside from the hundreds of thousands gathered from other sources (for we would not charge bint wuo stealiujr) tbat go ' to form the seven or e:gbt millions be bas of late years beeo credited witb possessing. Mr. Drew, the Confederate candidate for Goveruor in Florida ruuniug there on his record as a Confederate, and duuouuciog any stotemeui to tbe contrary, is sfuwo on tbe records of the Court of Claims iu this city, to bave sworn tbat be never aided or abetted tbe rebellion, aud so fully sat isfied tbe demauds of that Court for proof of Dis loyalty during tbe rebel lion, that it awarded aud paid bim ibe tutu of ? .", t00 for two hundred bales of cottou represented as taken from him ut Savannah, Ga. Trulv has it been written, "the Southern rebel will hereafter rank as the cheek iest individual upon record."' It is dilliculi to conceive of aoyibiug more audacious than the unreconstructed Southerner. For effroutery and bra zen iuipudeuce, for elasticity of con science aud unmitigated falsification in the face of recorded a (li davit aud unimpeachable w itness, tbe "scions of the cbivairic South" surpass even the doughty deeds of Tilden. Tammany, aud tbe devil. , , , . ., Then satisfied that the North was to tbe last degree helpless s gainst her machinations, the South boldly threw off her mask, and fired on the flag a Kosciusko, Steuben, Lafayette and Washington bad made glorious - be fore two continents. Mr. Lincoln then wrote: -We are fighting to es tablish order, and wiih order, liberty; tbe liberty of tbe conquered will re main aei inrjirt aa that ,f rht fimhitr. ors," The storr of the rebellion heeds! uo repiti'.iun bere. At balf-a-million hearthstones reminders may be Yon ad; and ih ihe governmental cemetaries sleep the most' gallant armies 'of. the worfy,' beayily-laden ' wltbT rfpendd honors, aud honoring her "tbefdied '.o save. j)uta ball-score rears Da i ' . . -T re veers Dare : eiapsea, ana wbat do we seef ft i; not a states prison offence to learn the ex-stare to read, neither do ' we fee the plauter offering npon the block his own con r daughter, r the separa tion of beart-brokeu families, but we I tf the man - wbo nresomea to sar MV W ILIICM lilB 4KaaJBHkMI VI 14 I IIIH 'lif V 1 IJT augbtngainstthe "sacred institution," now presented under tbe specios guise of opposition to centralization." ' We see tne almost daily flogging and murdering of our citizens both white aud black, for darim t r.ri tKint d rote in opposition to the dictum a;otthosj who fired on Sumter, of; those who controlled tie exchanges, ' ' .1 t . t i . : auu jurveu jv,uv loyai men ra: . ucatii. . e fee mis in lor est turning ; uuwm ubvikiiuus, auu arnica, to inula- we . iMirii, ,,..ilt ,v in s . cxeiauiauou, and paticuily toil and wai.i 'The peoples who make p irAbe pe.Iei of sufTering an ;,.. '' r " progress d com No! "We will never suffer tbe South Io Iks master, If keenly we Jong for both peace and repose, - . And are securely rrsolved to avert all disaster. " And shelter tbe I'nioo from treaclierou foes." , out under the protection of the Brit ish flag restricted the use of every dollar appropriated, aud tbe suffermar I being in violation of the spirit of that. romaiiua, resulted iu four negroes i beiuir killed aud several wounded The county Leinir larirel v ReDuhliean "reform" is necessary to tbe success of the movement in the "Solid South" toward the peonage.or re-enslavement, fully determined on, and already com menced1, ih Georgia and oiber South ern States. DELTA. l"OI.ITItAL.OTF.H. John Cooke, of Yirgiuia has been renominated by the Democrats for Congress. His Republican opponent is J, B. Segar. a venerable old line Wnig, who was loyal to the Uuioo. Of his opponent Goode, in a speech just delivered, said: "Can you cast your vote for the man who sat in C'lOgressio 1801, and voted men and money to aid iu preserving tbe Uu iou?" Tbo Ciuciuoali Enquirer, good Democratic authority; if there is any m esdio, saiti tiune .: inaeu as a reiormer is goou. it wouiU lie a diilicult matter to Sud a finer speci- men of tbe human wolt than tnis re markable Tttuimany politician, rail road undertaker, and conscienceless attorney." And this is why the J-lnijuircr has not the face to sav now iriat the Allen Democrats ia Ohio will vole for this "human wolf." The Burlington Democrats are ad dicted to throwing rotton eggs at Re publican processions. This bas led t nnexccted results, which tbe nrlt'tr meutiotis in this way: "Wbeu a Burlington Democrat comes borne very late now he doesn't get bis pillow pounded up to suit him be fore bis wife sits bolt upright in lied. M'ff! m'ff! m'ff! What does smell so? M'fH My goodness, if you havn't been out pelting a Republican proces- i sion again. . ow climb right out of ! this bed and wash your biads this minute Ugg, how I (ft hate politics.' " As a specimen of tie blazen-faced lies of the "reform"orians, the N. Y. World says: "Though Congress granted $1:1000,000 for the support of the Navy, Mr. Robeson says be bas no money to pay," and places five hundred of tbe best men in tbe Navy on starvation pay." Tbe Coufed House, in its efforts to cripple the gal lant little ' navy that so thoroughly blockaded Southern ports duriug tbe rebellion sank the Alabama and eveu out witied Jeff. Davis, wbo sought success by seudiog his commissioners Secretary Cameron explained bis Southern policy to the Nevada (told lli'd tucx: "Our idea is only to see a fair election. If a negro wishes to vote the Republican ticket, we pro pose to bave bun vote it, i! we bave lo march every United States soldier ;n tbe South to tbe poll to protect I bim. , But we will give the same protection to negroes wbo wish to vote tbe Democratic . ticket. We waul a fair election that is all." The Chicago 1'ribune prints sta tistics showing tbat the Democrats bave carried ludiaua iu six out of ibe last ten Octobei elections, and says, ' Siuce 18GM ludiaua has been a Deniociatie state acd if tbat party carry it ou tbe 10th of October, they will merely bold tbeir own; if tbey lose it, the Republicans will bave gained a-Dem-.cratic State. As the canvass now looks to us, Gen.. Harri son will be elected governor." The .New York paper handle Til den's explanation of ibe lucouie taxes without gloves. The Utica Herald sayr: "We bave uot tbe least hesita tion iu declaring, afier a thorough ex amination of the explanation, that it is miserably inadequate, and totally tails to meet the serious charge wbicb confronts bim. . It does not set asio giepoiut at rest in tbia damnable charge.. If tbis is all tbere is to be said ou tbe subject from tbat side of tbe house Mr. Tilden is virtually out of the canvass." : Mr. Tilden's explanation of his rea son for refusing to r port bis income af.er 1 802, is not creditable to his patriotism or his sagacity. He says "he received no ravor irom govern ment officers, and asked none. He did nmhing but pay all they imposed on him." Tbis is quite coppery? iu flavor. It seems ;o show Mr. Tilden looked upon tbe government officers as his natural enemies. lie was- au bumble citizen wbo bore the imposi tion. This ought nrt to make any roan votes for the Presidency, and it wilt not, except, perhaps, io the solid Sooth Cincinnati Commercial. , j ' Tbe Cincinnati Commercial, in re- viewing the political simatiooin Ohio, says: "Ubio win not go 1'emocratic in October or November.-' Tilden will ret the votes' of a" few lard-money Democrats' w bo last year " Vdted for naves; and there may be, iu two1 or wee iocaHite. a loss ol a tew er- " p.--- German rote stands arm and otate candidates of the Republicans wjl) get the country rote that was gather ed last year by Allen and pary a decisive majority; and then when the presidential election' pomes there a ijl be a grand Republican rush-", 'i 't: OTWaanaaawaaaw ' Yooug Jim Bennett, cf tbe JJcrold has been '. nominated for Mayor of New York by tbe Labor Union of that City. Bennett is a laboring man, baring fpent $200,000 In tbe yacht business.and is the best polo player in the country. ' ". , .. , - , v . w .0EI5TIXIS, a.y.. Sept 27 Tn: grounds or tbe LouisviIIo Jojkey viiio were more tbao crowded to-uy, money on tbe horse, letting Btranirers ; look after time. Add was eutered in .: wuu icuuroeea, auu in tue aead off led biu-half a length. He' soon took secoud place, aud from then on steadily dropped bebiud. The first mile wad made in verT slow ' Ih. WM.LM ... .. I. T I . l .1- .1 tune 1:5??. Harper, Teubroeck'a . . owner, stood at the string aud ex cttedly moved bis hat to go on. The jockey complied, aud scored the sec-j was gained through a hallway pani oud mile in 1:45, and the third iu i "on early in tbe evening, and preoa- iu i.ouj. ,ai tue commencement ot the fourth mile Add wad a dozeu lengbts liehiud. A new horse now joined in the race. Ruuning up alongside of Tenbroeck the two gal loped along toire. her a quarter of a mile, when Tenbroeck shot forward,'" ana was never, again behind the fresh horse. As be came down the finish the thousands who had been as quiet as po-sible previously, now feeling tbat Fellowcraft's time would noon be wiped out, gave forth loud, long, and entbusus ic cheers. The last mile was made iu 1:15 J and ibe I euure uisiauce in i:ioj, or ibree aud a nan secends quicker than tellow- craft's time and four seconds faster than Lexington at New O. leans iu 155. Mr. Frank Harper, the owner, was congratulated by hundreds amid wild scenes of dancing, shouting, hat tbrowiug, etc, lihe Walker rode the victor, Bobie Swiu was on Add wbo, on the finish was at the dis tance pole. An offer of $120,000 for Teubroe.'k bas been rejected. ntrrle Kmuma why IllStoa kktaM Not be Elerird. CiaHaxOt .'mr Jnr t li;. The political jobbers, thieves, and betrayers of the people are very gen erally iu favor o! Tilden. Enyaiver Jam-17. All the vicious, thieving, corrupt elemeuts in the Democratic party are moving towards "reform" uuder ibe banner of Sm Tilden. V r.nnis Re"Mire (Prra.) SoeemOirU H7. The return of tne Democracy to power for nuthing but idiotic folly cau preveut tbe triumph of ibis party iu ic o win oring wun it inauy oil ficult and delicate quesiious. It will involve the restoration of ibe coenuali- iy of tbe Southern States, the free voice aud rote of these States ou a natioual debt, wbicb is tbe price of their subjugation;possibly, also claims for property seized and destroyed by the Uuioc army, a reclauiaiiou for tbe value of emancipated slaves, aud the Federal assumption of the State debts; created by ibe carpet bag govern ments, imposed on ibe South by tbe Federal Government. Ptnt Barnn, Uiflir Brtoitly Araaut. We oppose Mr. Tfldeu because e have frond bim be ft insincere man, a trickster, a hypocrite, a swind ler, a traitor, and a perjUrer. Prtdib-fta llcr-tlfegdii u The Kentuckian who gives a vote for Sam Tilden in tbrSt Louis con vention had as well sing bis political deatb-eong; never will he be able to reach to any position of dignity be yond that of a letty couuty office, and never wfK tne people cease to be lieve tbat be is tbe bought aud paid candidate of Wall street. Tilden cannot carry Ohio, and indiana, aud without them tbe party is lost. Lars Uwm hj Fire A Clerk Baraea Toledo, O , September 30. Tbe extensive establishment known as tbe Milburn Wagon Works, Toledo, was nearly destroyed by fi-e last evening. Tbe paint shop, which was situated on the fourth floor in the rear of tbe eastern w iug, was discov ered to be on fire at about (!:15 P. M.. and before water could be turned ou, the entire eud of tbe wing was in flames. The fire department was promptly on hand, and aided by the wagon works engine, did good ser- rice. The fire steadily progressed, however, and soon gained entrance to tbe main building through a heavy bre proof wall, by means of the roof joist, and the en' ire main buildiug. as well as tbe e.stern wiag, was soon destroyed The fire was here son trollea" by tbe department, and tbe western wing of ibe works saved. Over one thousand finished wagons, besides a rery large number of un finished ones, were burned. Tbe loss is $100,000, oti which tbere is an insurance of $135,000 Several of tbe firemen narrowly escaped deaib from falling walls, and one bad an arm broken. This disaster will throw about 350 men out of employment. Tbe cause of the Bre is supposed to bave been spontaneous) coiubution. Tbe officers of the Milburn Wagon Company, whose works were burned last uiirht. estim ite tbeir loss at $ 140, 000. ' C Jornst Edwin M Hulburd, tbe lumber clerk of the Company, oerisbed. Alarm ml fceaamellle. EvANsvii.i.E, Iod., Sept. 24. Two successive and heavy sehocks of earth quake were; distinctly feltiu this city at 12 oVIix-k to-ntgbt. So great was the effect ibai the alarm was general throughout the city, and the people left tbeir beds Globes were shaken and chandeliers brokeo. Many thouirbt it a li itt aid biiler explosiou. No dam ifr was done in the city so far a- r are able to ascertain. . ' Wlilrl1lala Elr.ra.Uj;. L ji isville. September 29 Freder ick Wort m o, a German tanner, at tempting to adjust a leather baud to a flywheel in Lew's Kreiger's taooery to-day, wasejQgbt p by the hand insiiue unknown way, and whirled around at the rate oPsixty revo!u:ioas a minute. His heal and all parts of bis b idy were masbed to ajelly aud cut io hundreds of small pieces. Frlsniral fall ( at Hallwawl.t. i St Locis, ept. 24 George Wiu tlirip made"' an asceusion'in a hot-air ballo'oaai Paiton, -Illinois, od 'Satur day -and at' an altitude of Cve4 bun- ;!red feet the balloon burst with a oo4 report,' aurj . began to descend rapidly. Tu" wreck formed a para chute', and this checked its rapidity of qescent for a sport lime, 041 wnen about three hundred feet bjgb a coj lapse occurred. .. Tbe man shot' rapidly earthward, strikiog with such force as to drive his legs into tbe ground up to the knees. His forehead was cut open and nose brokeo by the basket falling on him. His back Is badly hurt, and it is thought ho suffered severe inter nal injuries, which will prove fatal. He was alive at last accounts. Hawk Bnrln. rrrT3ET.e. K gepj .; Mid rrmEta,.. Pa a. nigiu. An attempt was made to r..b ! tue ssecotia .;i.oul Hank uf tbis ' the bank bv leaping out tbe window , The alarm was immediately riven . me men pur.iueu. Lieut. ITonilt nd p lice encountered them, w hen 'hey Gred upou him, woundiug him seriously in two places. The men then crossed the river to Ai!hKv - i I -!;. , .. . . f J Ci;y, and the police kept in hot. our suit, but at this writing have not se cured them. It appears an rntrinn uuus oaa oeeu made to go ou with tbe work afiee disposing of the watch man, whose arrival ther seem to have awaited. Xtir Adcertinemenlf. WHERE NOW? 1876. I876. To MICH IG AX, one uf tha foranint. tuan-h-mg kuil lietllhy Sialu ! WHAT FOR? To bej a FARM mi of tbe One Million Acres Sim farm In land fr nl hr the ORAND KAf IDS h INDI ANA K. K. Sirmit Soll. Krady Markets, Sur t'rui. S.xl SrhiHjt. K. R. runs through reuier ui irranl. Settlement all along All kinil it! yr.loee raw -e-i. plenty ol water, tini.er anil buihiintc materi al, frieefnim 44 Io lu per am: e unh Jov, balance im Uina. 4- Send fur lliu-trale.1 pamphlet, foil of fa-t ami D(iirra, snl l run v Invert. A-Mr-. W. A. HOWARD, emmr Orao.1 Kai.iil, Michigan. K H. L. PEIRCE, See'j Land Dep't. Jan. 13. L. O. W. 1" EGAL NO To J.-lm Thoman, J, ricE. JaN.h Tlioffia. Moee Thma 'irore I noma. Catharine and John Titoma. Harriaoa H.. I.ydla, I'hritena, ami t re... Thofiiaa, Jr., who bave lor tlielr truanlian Jacob Tnomaa. "ieriru-le Intermarried with tianriel .Mihler. Mmah Thorn, rmnej intermarried with Jonn ' S,U.-her.all h fore!(t4..a; heir are relhn.r in I ..i!ierei county, r. Aleo Bar ban intennarrieil wtthfhri"tlnn KI"Ph ,f Elkhart eoantv I ih liana, aud Manilla intermarried with Henry Miller, ol ! Lnran-.-i; ivuiiit lu.llana. Aift Kva 1 Uolui.-. iu are hen-be notltied that iu pursuance of a writ ul partli ion iau not of thtfOrpliana. Court ol S,iuier!t county. Pa., 1 Kill hold an in.uet the real eatateol John Thotn iedeeeawd. io I'.ai - einanh lw... at hi late n-.i.leiv-e en Ttiurlajf theiw.h day of iirioher, 174, where you ran at - tiFO. W. PILE. siwrin. Sept. aa. iH7 A SS1GNEES SALE. Hi virtneof an order lamed oat o Die t:,.nrt ol Colnnv, Pieaa ot b.aeret: e;ounty iheun 4erlKTied alrnee ol A. A. Sintlinali aiel wile, will wll at pubuc aale on Saturday, 0 til'r 14, ls7d. at Shankille Pa., at I o'clock p. tn , the foil, w in den-rined real eMate. via. eille Souiereeieountv, Pa. wo aojoiiiitiK ea m.hiiw in in etiiaireoinanK- the one having iheren erected a two-story Irame dwelling biaiM.. and th other havintc ttaere-m erecteil one and one-halt ti.ry Iramettore houae. U beeuld aeparalrly No. 1. Two Iota No. 2 and u" in, ttio town Caelman. Somerael county, pa. T E KM S. Notice la bereoy given that anv pcrf on purchain at theabuve i will be required to pay one-1 bird ol the purchaee money iu lieud. Ofie-tJilrdon th4ihilayof Mitrrb 17J awl one third on -the! h oiSeo:em er 1D77 wlin liier t. The perxonal property of aa:d a in nor, which eoneieia of ue IWo-jear okl eolu, (tun pen-be..!! one ateutli. ewoliiua: -lovea. bed uaai. ein-H. tiKmr, tumitiire anil inner article too nuui- n.u totneninn, will be auld on the atu uay ntvl at ram place a above nvftuionel. Term of aaie tor personal property will be sudakaowa on day ol sale. - HERMAN PHANK, Aseiajnee. 'JR USTEES' SALU til pursuance of aa order of tha Orchana' Court nf .Sotncrai-l county I will x-ll atbe premle on Saturlay the xstn day ol October nexu therollow. irut real estate, late tbe property ol Noah Harnett, deceased : Ten acred of tneauew lid, more or le. partly situated In Stoymown bonmich and partly ia Ltucaktbonlua; towneb.p. ailaHnuiK land ol a. tow Fleegia a tne eaat. lanoa imoel b) te,re Hrubaaer and Fre.1 OmB. tiKj. on tbe oath, hy tbe Stoyatown and Bert turd tarnplae on the weei. and by tne miU road oa in nurtn. Tbia laud w ill be avid ia panel w auit purehaa era. prorHed it ea be old for nv.re in parcel I ban it eaa be anld lor aa a whole. TEH.M3. Tea p-reeoc of nurchaae monev to paid when property si knocked down lha siaaee on delivery of deed unleas apecial arrangcukcuia are inada with eredftor. RobtKT H. PATTERSON. Trn-lee Sept. 3b, IKM. ASSIGNEES aLE or tiy Tlrtne of an derafle iMned from the "urt ol Comro n Plea of Somerset eoante. Pa. I will expnee to public aale at Meyeredale, Sotner rt county Pa., on Friday, October 13. 1876, at W o'clock a. m.. the lollnwinir deecrPieJ real es tate, iloate ia tne Borough ol .Ueyeraiale.vu : BCILDINil LfTS, No, utl, ien ?, tal re, rmntimc Olinir er treet and N ts. la. and H. Inaating on Bnwadway. No. 1 and 1 fronting on Clay reet. No. ii XJ4, .lo.-UH. 2A is, iw trontinir on Hiith St 14, an-l .14, fronting on North itreet. No i ha a l.atia-y Iratnedwi lling nonae, 'aole ami .Hhcr ontbaikling thereon erected. ouTLerrs N.i. . containing 1 acre. No e containing 2 acre arel 1..7 perehe,. No. 10 e.jitainii g 3 acre and lul ierehe. Ni attaining acres more or le-. ad roinlng t;aaelmaii Rhrer. TERMS one third o! nurchaae.moneT in hand one ball in 4 month, and one half ia 1 mmtha iron sept th, in; 4. ti h Interet o the wImiI from Uut data. Inferred payment w he secured byjnilgment ALSO Ata:ne time and pla-e a large kit of peronal pniperty, conii.ng uf horse, cow, hog. wagai i.U.w. carenter t'jol, arela geneml rariety uf leiaeehotd and kitchen furniture, described real etate i i.-ated in tlie nelng u na of tne eoanty aad aareaaeer cannot make better invvt ment. PHILIP HAY. 8 H 2 th 1S7. 3t Aseignee. nooo With ail vulUiiMe Impntrpmerit. tiTiinra sit ch;imirur HtAVY irBKWmK etc. tnc. Our maiiUieW-turinic fju-iliites ar uiirur)KiM-lT uri.-fctiuri rtinrr.t LA K'rKaml irk-r-i- witllw ntulcluSLlT rHt TIM fcS. Twytkm-W tump au.I ti fttt tnri. Ak lr t at your U .rl-fanl pu-r?, anl Pee lh;it i. hn th tivc tmti? tnrti. (rlm may b? nt to - R A F r O.I Pl YIPIO., -rfrtfH. W. .. lneUirl. rr IWtiUrrrtrt Invrahly to(.B4'rtf ll'.1lawl'.,M4.:vn merreu Phil.. a. AukuM 9. P0SITVELY CURED. When death wa lvarly exp?ctxl friin f'-n'unip tluo. all rtmell-t havioic Uii-.l, mm In. M Jarnt WatflexritDrTainiir;, mtxHlmily muia a pfjj ratHrri t Inlit.in Hmp, whU-h currd hintj-nly rhiM, auxl w tri'tM thin r'lp tnm n nwrli of itu statniNi Ut pay iHn)er. Hempa)uj run n.tt:tt pwvai, n UM- aL th rlonnch. an! UI brrukt a freL cuM in twonty four btuin. A-tUrr!-, I K A iJiMM.'av a (!n. I.O.'B Rr- St., Philadelphia. DamiiDT thlP imrH-r. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE .N.rtiee i herfhy iren. that J:ob 3 Ihm. tf Meyemiiile, rti!irie; ctrunty. Pa.,anl C'Ailt'iu H., hi wile, Uj dee-l tt TuluntHrr anikromf nt. hare Minud all th twtate. real and i-rrMal. ufi (aid jBH-b J. iNiciffci-, to W. H. Koui lc.ot s,oi-t- rTi,ri ,iB iw wur siw pvoetn h tie erMHorw tf the Mid Jaro J IhmtreB All (ran thrre fure Indebted u. the 8 hi Jnoob J. iKroire") wilt Bwkf pym-Dt to the Ut a.siinie anxl itjHee bav Init: cUim or demods will make kawa tbe name withtrBt delay. . . ; wm. a irppLK CARPETS! PALL STOCK! ' " ' ' ' ' ' CHOICEST STALES ! ITT All aVaiA i ij I l a4ta a I qiLCLOTS anci STAIRIRCJDS I -CPL 11 K.tn90eT'-F Haatldea al froa. S-naaaa a. W., Ponla.UM Haiaa. dtlOaSttajr at honia. Agent wi T A and u-rnu ma. TBI K (a 1 Maine. anted. utflt (XI., Aaamata SEND i to u. P. K()WCU.a"U'.. New York, tnr Pamphlet ol I'O page, eoataiaina; llu ot loon newspaper, and et .mates abowuig coat of adverttrdni-. Bars ! V... I . . tcmcnU. CENTENNIAL This Directory is nirnpited liy J. WEAVEK & CO., wMpap4r A(lTrrli.iiiZ A jet.. HSSmi'.hUeld street. riTOBUHG, pa. Branch oSt 113 .Market .St.. PUU j. ip!,ia, !.. "jSELMOXT HOTEL. STRICTLY FIRST t LASS. Trs 3 .- pvrr ay. Corner Forty First ami ()n -iti Street. SILVER IAPLE (JKUVE) If K.ST PHIUDKLPUl.t. e.'i.arl.-j. P. and F. P. Steven, of Rilt.u.,re. U NEKS AND PROPRIETORS. Mai W. W. LFLAND. Man.ver. Dj Atti '7l,pjw-,l,rtr. 1 (IIO 5u,-t-Ivtix Ht klr:l Jt.irlr- null; i.uiil au.l lurnHil e.1 r.y tiltim..ren-. "riv oe p-irlor en rn ce etc. pee, r.te a Parti. . As..-.ati.rti. ae! i '"n""- Spnih n.l l!h,n v kn In in AoleL Ail i-i.iri;e mo.H'ra'e an-l a.-1-ouiiu.Mi'h-Lloi.ii Ursla. It u ,;iia f, nr U ... the main entran..-..f the lr.u.l l Vutenuial Fxp.i UMk the u...t desirai.le l, iiin ,. ai,y C i.leuul aUl..let. 1 tie entire h.,ue U aurpiundt- I t a mCTltieeni r...0f f ,ni tT ,,., I'm! T?',"'.lt"","'!"! h""-' ' PHil-Klel-'"'" Theruri,!,rean, rni,ieui of . he en t'.reeu.h,i.hment r. tl the.., i,H.ra eh.n.. ter MdilurlnKIhe , Iir..- U ,.e.,r aill turnieh nni-le t,.r the eni, rtalnu.e..i i the "j'iu. A ' '"' r"f "" '"r SHIELDS HOUSE, FORMERLY UEPLIoN. ilTJ W. M. SrAHI.M A.NN. fayriMr. This hottw hit re. -emit lieon Thorotiuhle reive eated and relttied. au.l all the mok-ru iuittite tneat adde.1. Hoard per clay, HI. .". j Sjj, Stable inir4lnei-ti.MWitti the noue. Ja . . ' - - - l V M4rKI j A Sioaitli S talk lree,. I hllMelpeia. Fa. 1 COL JAMES Wll . of the iii'nrie Hou.- Cincinnati, Prop jtii t.. per ity. R..n witlK.ut buard.ai. S rwtoiir pi-i tho.t.ir ao-l Ir i:n : .11 K ivpt. ', and (rou. t eni.enn.al BuitdinKa. Central l.-ali.in, j and rear all plarr of aam-emen. -f-.piin'.la-, tbm ftt.-cureil b-'-or-,"aden.:e. Jui:t . I I 'II H I N 4J , ON frlK V.l II I' E. , w. Int. r.l Kl'r..i. 1-l.iN. ! ' sirftw. j rhll1elhi. ! ! tia-ai.ime-t part ot e.t I'tiH.eSeii.l.ia i t-ar I pa toor o C'.ntciio.al t tr nni -: new luil'ii;.u f 1-n k urn) -H'liir. :irt-l Hrr?,ia.titl iit iiMi-r ii i-t-nt. e.u-h : r.rvtttl (trl:tnr nti't frirji wttrrhMfn ; larf liar. It "mm'1rtc.l In it?iefMrp .a f unt. K.x ms uitty . ennMiri-tl t ) atVean'a hv .rr ia.o ij'irr June-?. ( liANMNi, HirTKLt". Congress Hall. NEW FOCKsroKY KRl'-JC 1TOTI.L, ON THE El KuPE 1-LN Elm o.. Below Forty-second St., Ilirctry opposite Main r ihltdti. n Knii.ling. ommodatii'n ior l.'jiej ue.. sp-l il;mmg--ment lor large partie Term ONE lKtLLAK PEKPAY. Cotntort, Economr and rca-ii.il le charjre. W. H. H.UKB A CI i., Philadelphia. July 3. Elm Avenue Hotel, J.M..M stre ANENt'E ANI FIrTY FIRST 'treet,oppite West end of Machinery Hall. aoo nooMs. A Fingle r.m ana aingle bed. t.im -r .try. . KOe.LoPS Pr-priet. r. Room can "oe ei ure i by corrouondeuoe. June 2U. St. Cloud Hotel. Arch St., between 7lh and StU. The only trtt tttti Holrl tt P Aml. '.phfa llnl i.f metrumt itxratc on arrtntnt ofih . Crtnaif. Oi l Rates, $:! 00 a Dar. . W. Ml f.LlX, Prop'r. UNION HOTE 17 1SH A KrH Strket , Philadelphia. I's. Titos. S. W nan. Proprietor J. Mi Kittv Webu. superintendent, (rimd loe:.t.m. Care run direct to Centennial building. Onio Tiltor will nn.1 tbe Proprietor and Superintendent Ohio men. Sept. i. SMEDLEY HOUSE. 12.T Fil kckt STaairr. Itween Murketawl trh Street. Pbllailelpbia, Pa., Tnoa. s. Witnn. Pr.i.ret,,r. J. Mi-itR.v, Wk.-.b, Sllperllltendetlt, A art elu hoiire, .-coir!!, loca-ed. an.1 terai reaNiable. t.'citicnuiiil viPifu-H can make nil nei:- eary arraugetuent l.y cop.piOueu-e. . j... ... WfbslrT IIoiIM. 703 & 705 ARCH. ST., Philadelphia, A flrt-ci hotel, centrally lieatel. Street er I.- tbe door to an-l Iron in t.'eotemiiaKrroorel every three minutes. No liu,uor ilit $2 50 PER DAY. H. U WFHSTKK. Pronrie-or. Aug 30. Philadelphia. Pa , Pennsylvania College GETTYSBDRG, PA. T ! flrt T'-Tm f the Rt t.lifuiite y.tr will a5ejleUj'Mr 7:L. Hit,. Tho 'irul'y ol t' Intifiri -n H fall. Tipeurw ot trieiru4.'(i4n i! lim-r-al i tin-ufi. Tni twm i int pk'Hititiii iirnl hf:tUh. in the fii. tn ot an intftliac uu-l n"r:il cui:i.iini;y, .m l avtri 1I hy rnilruatl traiiifl three lain :i day. The Preparatory Drpartniont, whieh fc an-Irr the Jirrt ritrv.D f I he Fa cility, lurni-tici i iD'r.uii iiii rwiioti ijr b-.i noi jfttunic m-n pr iMnnif ut N'ifi:ic .,r i "!! x". (!.. es. Sin iut ut H-Ln 'l-jmrttuent rv ut.i r tlie fsfli core uf tLe Sup-nnten lant. whuresl Us with tiini Id the iniunna. fur turttu r lMtirm.kiitin r CttLnlfuu a!dreM M. A I K.N i li. i. Preenit-nl 't "il-!re, RKV P. U H.l KKlM'N. SuurriiiteTMliiiu ul Pru. leit. Jnly arx Grove & Denison Manufacture! of Carriage!, RngKieN. NpritiK.wazonv, 1 .IeiKh. Ham?. etc. Factory one .-uare ea.t oi Dlamonl. " ' Somerset, n. Ar.r!l 12. 1H74. : ? . . rpiasTEE's sa let """."rr jibe aiferr.i.fne4t Tnvw ujf the lc cf t,e tr rette ti 4'itritirr iVctit. Sr I ile uj, Jfturr . i p.. tlrfiri, tn purr a in-m h aa rfr artut! j V tbem lr the trthaui t-turt t-t SiMOrvwi I Vau Lf WiM etl at pUL-iiv nIv on - ' ' Friday O- lnherWh. TJ,, on the etole-. the tra-t Ui4oT jd l.y chn... topher feetaat thetlmeof i .fenn, friate Jenner 1., adjotninc lareu M lienlel siulft. W illiam Xtmnterulaa. Ceorxe Bum! eref a he-, containing, lei acre HHe Ic-a. abat eimy aerea ciw and 10 g.id e--.lti: arliajt. -he s.tfiin- -jf tb. lalel t?inrr well imt-t-d. TWodwa llng hott e. bain aiid Hr oitlwll ling llierwal eiri4: Th. iar.ti 1 wll watered, h. a variety of fnjit free and aa atundBLa ot lina aati cii oa tri preuiiee Tr KMS -ra'jne-third of p.jr'-tt nioner a ft eg d-duet,ug coat, an-i einej t4i r main a lpa oa the prembjc bur lie- a ol tbe wHow, i he In -r t to b- p-1 1 ber e-ni-aa .Hi , OAe-Aiartb of a aai anne to be raid oa the 1 ot. April. ITT ben po eeeioa will b. given, and lb. balanca to be paid in three equal annual payment thereafter, to be secured l.y judgment boei to tea entered .a rec ord. Ten per cent, ol the tr.-haa m-oey to be paid at tbe time uf toe aale whirh will be dluct ed Ireta the haa4 money wnen parabae AAKON rlLIL'fH. ELI AS DEETS. Sept. 13 Trurtew . .it; nr lXU avi..a, in HO