tllii! & COMMISSION SPTgffi No. 83 EXCHANGE PLACE, UATmiORE, MIX K'E 1TAKK A SPECIALTY OF GLADES BUTTER, i:,l lmo .very lacilily lor hanUinS it to the best possible ad .ar.t aiHl obtaining the highest market prices. Our shin-! p. iiui) (U'penu upon ir ?!K!iev ;;t once. receiving lii- -:o: W i( ler by Third national Bank, Baltimore. J. O. Kimmel & Sons, Bankers .SonVset. First National Bank, fIeyersdale. S. Philscn & Co., Bankers, Berlin. ALSO The Merchants and have done business in Farmers of pa , years. The Somerset Herald,'MIAI S. pt.-mtjtT 26, IST5. William. A. Wheeler. W. S. TEMPLE k CO. BUTTER C3KISE.!SS MERCHANTS 47 South rii r t Howard St., Baltimaro. rAK.Ml.l.s MIKc HANTS Un Iti'i: rr. c.iue to i;., i.t; i.n"t ;.wl t. !:uvi.i v att; nu the lair. ? il.akhi;: apple butler. l'hNS-YI.V. ji i r. N'.A has no Slale l::ir tl.i. !a v .u:r lit i:r m the (lour Oi ot ot CooK it Bl.LKlTS. I'n. Coi. i ii now m.ikir t ") i-'a srt. ; !-lotc tivlli T:ik ( i !i':-iaiia! l.Miii,iii "n the iOi it i Noveni'iT. i-K t'.r.- au.l pi ti :i :it the fair.'; ;i l-M KA (-pics of the IIkhai.i n...iiin can tit had at the olliee. rc.idv f r ;ti;h.- to Misiu .s enriv roe r t!a- i.h- (HviL A: I'.UKKITs. ( ni ii h is made beii:,2; Miikid, ;u:d c lence." its appearance n wind into a and in "lone wii:i; to the t'AO Wrt-ks !v imdi::..ii. iiinlir.ut-d r.iin ot .he past roads are in a verv bad C. ii l.tad p, will t f.rt"uc4!aii!jr II. tX'Il.l u!oll i.ur orders to l ii's Jt I;i;ei!!t. New cf.i will arrive this week at W.dierJi." T;i:xai'i:isli and prmluci' store, ut debharts. Ti.i f.dr ocrui-s on the 3d, 4th, 5th. and (illi ot Noveinlter. ile sure you are "ae ot il.e exhibitors. The lo'..owiii2 presort pt ion wa reii-iv-t- 1 at one ot mir iirn' stores l.c-t week: 'Mm1, mid sin : r lel-uk."; lroui Ih' niiiii'ier ot tickets p: i:;t'-J a luie ctowd must be ex-cted to l e in uti. :id:;mv at the coiui.'i lair. I .i r MIMKIls -I all and s. c oi:r Price low. s e .iii j is comintr. s.k ii ot timothr seed. Ci.OK t IJirEKITli. Ki nn.!;:i i 'riiEst.i v, Baltimore, have a larsc Ice Cellar this year to keejt iliiikr iu. All s!uni'd ship their i-iitter to tiicm. Tiik JoiiMfioivn lli'-'ldand Arricullural k i. ty h:ti-H ih'i i.U-il u.n to held a fair iiiis year. You ha 1 bolter all c tine up to s.llll M't. Tin. first shipment ol Butier thissea- hi were sent to iieunard i t'uileslujs. liaitiiiiore, Md. iscVl.n dairies have ln-t n t-liip;cj them. T'ie Bar;, ss has pme to the Centennial and as a i oi;? .j ji nee lilt ni.iult.-r of drunks an.l ili-i:.'er'.s w: f largely iucrcujtd last v,t-.;i. Ki NN.:ti i t irnKsi.t vs. Baltimore, wen- the tirst lo send sales ami money to the t.i.ii.ers lor their liuttt-r lust year. 'I hey m ill do so auin this year. li'nv John lti:ii.EV has bin nominal, d lor I oii.-ress by the Hctiiocrais of tlnsdis tr:ct. iio.f.1 l.yc. old le'lo- , "the Cainp-i-eijs are cumin; " dt -T Ai:i:iveii. Car l.wd dour of iii -diord County w h-st. Best ijuaiiiy t!oi:r lr ! v. ui-.m-v than at any lime since t ne war. " t'.Kik A iihl.limi. Noah Cam hi-Mt jt;st rcceiv. d the l-iii. ft and bi.i-sl Ua i'ft-... r kfltic ev. r l.r.iitL'ht to t-.w n. w liii ii he oir. rs tor sale a' v ry low privvs. 1 h 1 lie Centennial excursionists arc arriv liii' home in siiir.ll squads. The t nly de- i iptioii wc have heard any ot them give, as yet, is. thai ' it is immense." Kf NXAttii &. ritl.l'Ys. Bahiiiiore. olt l:.:iit il the !.tt priit-s for Butter shipped to tin in last t ttr. Ship to thi in early this year and lou will I phased. Smmv doiiuAN. Simmy Jordan, its very nullify of y..ii to sen.J aacll pi inled Ci'pusiil the li.ijiiirtr to this oflix-. Xo inters. " an it pk-sse you. ;!,. i' id fi.r caa ut Fwliion Mh-. Ja. It. TK1 -UVF.I.I.. Nu. !. M niKiintli !Ji'ck. .A:ttMii.'.t;i.j!i,il to tlte chin g". of I - - 1 1 1 . . ruunin; jsass, nper Iminis . the i ritud trj llivi-ii.nul the 11 A U.rai ' itere luge. ttu.e table ia lo be found oa tiiin 0 ff DESLDYS, MEXCIIAXW prices. the sales promptly permission to TO- the Glades with whom WC : MocKAis, meet here ami rav the an.l l::o no lor nlsvin tu-. n.,..r. v. is v.-hutaornsatrnspareDcybanci!i"fro'm compelled on the c:ish sys awiiivlow of the ro.m occupied by the'1""1- 1 will buy tor cash and sell lor cath. Silver Cornet Band J The low price at w hich I w ill oiler gxls TiiEJiK is a -.Teat di al of conietition ' uiuorit; the Commission Merchants just ! now k to who shall iet the lami-st. amount ! of butter. A lr;e amount has already Uvu shijiped l:om here. ... We have received an exceedin TIv well uriitrn comniuniration si-'tied -rump " but as the facts on which it is based have Neu provod talse we will have to refrain f r !ii ;'! it j.ul lici'y. . , Now in M MiKi:T.--lVr.i li. s. ( ante - ! ;. Mrlons Tctimi.K . ( abba".-. J..-ans. Jli-ans, ClirUlliin ls. App! i l.s Slid r;:IIL'lv- lv. . fear., ltaiiaims. Leu -Fn-sli arrivals weck CiHik i lln.Ki r. XWI If!.. All .cr r Siaviiis aiemmn with SuvJit t la j.:uf. rati aikl ;ltte wi:liiu ton iIiit? ami ;ivr !.(. r,. .IlMutiit ctdrt liy t!..i: time will tw civeu ti. un ultlitr I r mllcc- Ssthkb , !. ivlhslt Ta., Si j.temi ?r itli, l-To.'e s:xk C .11 rs. Ties. ieats New Style Lineu tv-arts and Bows just re- ce'ved at Fashion Bazar Mns. J. 15. Tutnw f.i.i., -So. 0, Mammoth ISlmk. .St Hoot. Ik rd of .Tenner township w ill meet at Jenner X Roads on Suturdav, Vtolicr 14th. to employ 13 teachers. Schools to open Monday, tctober ICth. 11 M. S. MoHOAS. I Secretary. Tin umiav the L'Xh iust. is the one! 'Hundredth anniversary ot the adoption of i Hie nrst con.-tttutiou ot the Mate ot Penn sylvania, nud Governor llar'.r.inli lias is s'.ied a ir(K'lam:itioii rTonimetidin? that it be observed as a hoiliilay. lkix. W. II. Kooxtz left tor Ohio on Monday attercoon, to take an active part in the canvass of that State. The Gener al will help the Bucki'V Uys "whoop her up.' and tiien sxej on to the assistance ot the Hoik-ieis. By a decisioa of Jude Dean recently, theaitol lCt. incrctisinc the py ot wit neH's to one dollar, docs not "apply to witnesses residing io or w iihin one mile of the county seat. The pay per day of all such w itnesses remaius at liny cents, as fixed bv the act of iJl. Silk. Alpaca, and Scotch C'inliam I'm- 1 rellas :n nil styles, siyes and colors, and at all rices at Fa.-hiou Mus. J. B. Tkf.iiw i:t.t.. No. 6. Malum 111 j j (in to Mtisscliniin and Freeze tor your I.irm implements and machinery, such as Threshinir Machiues. 1' rain It ills. Mow ers and Keaier. Cuttipg lioxes. Cider Jlills. the celebrated 'ilartzel" Plow and castings l'tc., etc. Notice. The public is hereby notified ! ... i. , .. , .... , i iiwi o. 'UII i illi notes, I.J tiH.XWv uiiiwit . in mv favor as thev were stolen turn. niy Locse on the nid.tof the 12th of Septem- bcr if.7(; " j Joux J. r.lTTNEti, Ilrollieisvai'.ey, Tp., Sept. Vi, Ib'i. NotwitlistKndiuj; the great advance in itililxini-'. Silks etc , we profwise to sell Ladies' Hats and liouiiets al the old prices this s.nson. Mi;s. J. 11. Tur.DWKj.t. Kashi'in I5arir, No. G, Mammoth Mm k. Wk notice tiy posters stuck up around town that there will le excursion trains ns from uyspettsin, a disordered atomach run on the PittsUirz Division ot the IJ. i an j ireT. producing biliousness, lieart O. railroad, on the -'Jth, 27:h. and 2Sth of j burn, cnsliveness, weakness, irregular ap tbe present month, in order to allow iter- j petite, low spirits, raising food alter eatings, s.iis to attend the Centennial on the iSth, i..,,! otlen enilin? in fatal attacks ot lever. Pennsylvania's day). Tickets will be jri-od for ten days and will be sold nt one tail tare. Tkacuerm Attention' There will be a meelifi'; of the School Director of Sim- crs.-t Up . on Saturday Sep. IW'tli ISTO, at the Hill House, for the purpose of selecting tew:hers lor the ensuinc; w inter. At the .same time sealed protittsals will lie received tor furnishing the ditferent acbool houses of the township with coal during the w inter. Sa Ml ei. Fox. Dejicatiox. No preventing provi dence, the Church of God. in Kinswood, Somerset county. Pa, will dedicate there bouse ot worship to the service of ISod on the Mb day of dctoiier, 1K7C. E'der Peler Itui ks. of ML Pleasant, is expected to preach t!ie deditation srruion. A cirdial invitation is extended to ministers aud pop!.;. . - - S. Woods, Pastor. A KAKMKIt residinj near Newcastle, unit ..iiaMir, ; . : . - i i...-i I a.. rtT-iiii tsvuvetcii uuiuuri n 1.119 ,. ... 3 , . v:. - ' ot "3 t-i Cha--. lie immiatejr unloosened iUra!'"T , i., !7f , r after the boys . in u. s a i.c o. u.w -"- ' --" ihe,.,en.msJcuuCl.t..e of the boys j ty tho tl,f.t, sndin m mom. nt tore , i-.;t tin tv wuilpuie ana severed tils' j .-;-tr run. taiu-mi; deatli in a very few minutes I.Kt8 Luiitv. Ki. Mvtr of Water-! i.u. t.l..L li.w-l: titititr liima. ia im al visit to lii fiiend and" remtires in this' cuniv. Mr. Lichtr i an old reuitlt-nt nt S.mefset. livin? Ut n born and raised in il.e countv. He !e:t here In 1G4 and in ; ixii'J a flc-cteJ uiavor of lUe eitv. He is mm- serving uis lliird lerni. Ue Has man warm trieuJ. io ibiscuunty vha are always (:lad to pit ltiui. 1 , .",' , , . 1 ratr are from 2 to 3 per day, and tiie At n.lii,rp!acw ui fhfse co .mm i M . tcc,mim,ioDt $0lld. We nmke no ar 1 l..undanan:!e on tiie l-ubiicauon of, menu wltS M in? or UrjiDg ,w-rra.ria :t it l-y wt. that e b. 8!.,..ciea. a tliey 'm Ur hav cbarir 1.1 call tbeatltnlittn of a.l our curresN.n-. ,, ,J.., i,i, ..., ,.r the h.iti l a.l- dent. t.. iQ order that they may avoid lie- in? tvnsured in like manner in the fu- Hire. lie uu mu tun aur-miou 10 11 eause of it- i-eraoim. ttriug. hut think il slioul.l be made general ... , , " " 1 We have tnide .i1; C"rU to liave 1 uraiielvea filled Ith cheap and aeasona- i , - , 1..;. r . 1 U,T sm' l";""',,"',,BU",, ,urt - 'ii - il''!'' utteuuing the 1-air. j Mas. i. B. Tit eoui ELL, Fashion Carar. W. 8. COMMISSIOM MERCHANTS, No 47 Scmtli Howard St., HAICTIMOBB, ZULZD. Wc liave every facility for handling and selling Butter to the advantage of the Farmers and Merchants, and solicit liberal shipments of Glades Butter this season. "We can safely promise our friends who ship to us to sell their Butter at the best market prices, and will send them promptly their sales and checks. We refer to the Farmers and Merchants NATIONAL BAN K, Baltimore, Md. TO THE FARMERS! Ship your Butler to W. S. TEMPLE & CO. They Rot best prices lust season for every farmer who chipped to them, anil if you high priced this season you will do well to ship to them. We invite the attention of our eiistmii- crsto the larpe stuck (if lients Fall anil i Winter tinderwuro w hich we have just opened. Mils. Jas. B. Tkkdwkll, F.tshion, No. 0. Mammoih Block. Somerset. Sep. 19, 1876. ! Mv store ro-jin is finished. lam aliout i to be-in business n"am. In dome: so I am will convince custoa'ers that the cash store is the ulace lor lwrsrains. I expict mv new guotls by Monday the2."iih iust. U. U. I'akkek. i , We intend to ?o hast the week todowins : the lair, and after the reH-uted notu'es we ' :lve Piven rtr"n8 wlio have aeewmts overdue on our Iwota, we hope we w ill . m,t 1,e !,,rot'(l l" "" ntcssity ot placing : accounts in the hands or an olluer ' Ir coliwlion, by their remaining unpaid aller that time. ! Mus. Jas. I. Trt. nw i.t.l., : v,, r. M:o.iin.iih Block. Tl'K Cleveland Colored Painls are mix ed and thinned ready for use; This is the best paint made for house paintinz: Will wear loncer than any oilier. Call at Bly myer's Hardware Stoie and see the beau tiful shades; ilitlereiit colors. The fine est houses in Somerset are painted with this paint. Everybody is u:-ing it on re count of i's durability rrd cheapness. Use no paint until you have had a talk with Blymyer. who" will give you the proof ot the assertions made aliove. Visitoiis to the Faib. Our lady cus tomers w ill please not forget that w c are now haying - a lot of hats trimmed in the East which we will open previous In the Fair. These hats w ill be of the latest style and trimmed with the best material. niid w ill lie sold very low, for cash only. Mns. J. B. TnF.invEi.i Fab--oj Bazar, No. C Mammoth Block. Mil. Cti, of the firm of Kea nard & Oudcsluys, Butter Commission Merchants, ot Baltimore, Md., has licen paying a brief visit to their many friends among the dairyman and farmers of this vicinity. This" firm is deservedly popular as they have always attended pmmptly to making sales at" e.iod prices for the large consignments of butter shipped them. The indications are that the ill receive a very large share ot this years crop. l'r.Rsoxs owins us aoootmls will please lear in mind that we go East to make our Fail purchases about the nth of tk-t. and that we need and must have the mon ey ibie us. Accounts over six monius ! standing will, if not nid lielore that time. i c put in the hands ot a Justice of the ' peace tor collection, jj.,, j t Tueiiwf.i.i. No. C, Mammoth Block. KKKNAnn it OuDEsi-fYs. Ifaltimote, hve already sent several sales and the money lor Uutter shipped to them this sea son. They arc a prompt house and all who t,hip to them can rely ujxhi having their sales and money early. Ix a business way the autumn has open- . .. t .i.- .....l..i- :.. tu ausinciouM , aiiu iiic tun t.uo.w.K i -. ., ... , r - more han it has been for -v- ?ra' .f- rcl,JBlJ' " V.' ln better spirits as thev hnd their sales tn- Cteasinir. under the influence ol the Mea that bottom prices have been reached at last. The general public takes comfort at the prospect of jiettin? cheaper livins, and the will not prowl over his present waies. as he can buy with the smaller amount of money as much as he could et when his wnges w ere larger and he fell the case of prosperity. Think far Yourself. Thousands lead miserable lives, suffer- Thev know thev are sick, yet eet little sympathy. Tbe unfailing remedy, which is yearly restoring thousands, is lla Costa's lUdicaf Core. St!d by ii. W. Bexi-okd ti Co. A 25c" fxtttle will convince you of its merits. Don't delay another Lour after readlnir this, but pi and get a Itotlle, and your relief is as certain as yon live. Will vou do it, or will yon continue to suffer? Think lor yourself. Prolessor Parker' Pleasant Worm. Syr up is perfectly safe and extremely paluU Itle. No phvsic reepjired. Custa 25 cents. Try it. WKfind the following complimentary notice of the senior editor and business manasrerof this pnrr 'n tue Johnstown Tribune . llou. Ed. Stull, ot Somerset, Itevenne Coliwttir of the new cmsolitated district, which embraces Cambria and Somerset counties, with Lis ton John 1. Scull. Est., arrived in town last evening, and to-day were busily enpisrcd in receiving the trans fer of books, papers, etc. that have up until , . , . . . . .r u T lite lieM Ul lime in-ril tu tumi: m i. , - .. i r. . . , i lover, Esn.. who is now relieved from the :.: i i... 1 1 U..1.1 i11"1" " """"-i a,,lJ Luc muuiuiuu tue Hevenue Department, as well as ail ,iaU .inesa will, the 9ffice. T . . . SctI witta will lie of the most lesant kind, un he is , ., . . .:.t .' 3 uurttnus aad tinooruble geutlemnn. .ifeaiBtlal Vlalletra. We have made arrangment witli 1 the pul.litltcni of litis paix-r ui iriciire bote! ce.iiimo.latioD tt all of thrir readers - n may- visit l'luladflitlti. Vi e advise re "as ro... ia, ia advance, fur in Aucusi, Septem Ikt and X1. titer ibe rush will tie rel and acconi inialntittna will be difficult 10 obtain. We make no cliarges fur out trouble. Hotel vnUUi ,nJ ,Mae ,wo aimg . dsr. in mead ot three. lJarfie pettintr np Ext ur- .l..,ni,.M. 1 irmti'h lis . ,,,HI.: .y.;.. acoouimotUliiux. free, tsave time, inonej , and trouble by link in c arranpenienta in advance. ,Uc ,,uljIieher ol lhi paper. ... ... ..i ,k...,.j -.iti iw, s-.r advance, lie A to lei i. 1 . 1 i. . c any atklresa. 3 .ddrcs dress. J. WEAVElt A CO., 1313 Market htreek Philadelphia, Pa. Temple Krrrit7 tl Money. There is no doubt but the present situa tion ot all kinds of business and industry is fearfully depressed, and it behooves every family to look carefully to their ex penses. Winter is coming on when chil dren are liable to Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. Coughs and colds w ill prevail every where, and Consumption with other Throat and Lung discasesjwill carry otr many. These diseases should not be ne glected, Doctor bills are expensive, and we would advise our people, to use Bos rnEF.'s Oehmax Svurr. It never has failed, tine bottle at 75 cents will keep your whole tamily well during the w inter. Two duces will relieve any case. Sold in all tow ns in the United States, and by your VI . UENFOKIl. A Proclamation. Whereas, The United States Centennial Commission has invited the several Stales to assist in celebrating the International ExMsition held in honor of the One Hun dredth Anniversary of the Indrpeadenee of the Uuited States, by setting aside suitable days lor the delivery of addresses illustra tive ot the growth and progress ot the irigina'. Colonies since 177(5. and ol their sister States since their foundation, to the intent that the evidences ot the progress of each Slate may be placed, on record in the beginning of the second century ot the Be pub'ic, now, therefore, I, John s lUrt ratift. Governor of Pennsylvania, having set apart Thursday, the "tu day of Sep. tcmlier. 1S7, heiujr the One Hundredth Anniversary of Hie adoption in Convention of the First constitution ot the State ot Pennsylvania, do hereby rtcoinmeul to the citizens and authorities of the Cities, Counties. Boroughsand Towns ot the Com mon wealth, that the said 2Mh day ot Sep tember, 1 S7(j, be held anil observed as a Slate Holiday, and thai the municipal and county authorities take action for the pub lic observance ot the day, by inviting their people, by proclamation or otherwise, as to them shall seem must proper, to assem ble at Philadelphia, to take part iu the ceremonies of the day. And 1 do hereby invite all citizens of Pennsylvania, and their descendants residing in other sections ol the United Slates, and the citizens of other States now visiting or residing in the State, to be present and assist in mak ing the day a memorable one in the annals of the Commonwealth. Given under my Hand and the Great Seal ol the State, at ilarrislmrg, this Twelfth day ot September, in the year ot Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and of the Commonwealth thec.nehi'ndred a first. By the Governor : J.F. Haktii anpt. M. S. 0,uay, f. o Cvimii'jnictallh. UlNlVEKSVILLE, Pa., September lit. 1S7H. Mil. ElilTon. I observed in the local columns of the nnder the head ing of "Hooversville Items," some vulgar N-rsonalities. in which allusion was made to the borrowing of baby clothes," Jcc I do not intend to enter into a discussion iihiii the truth or falsity of the statement made liy the Ltmixrat eorresjiodent, but merely wish to make a lew remarks in ref erence to the admission of such articles to the columns of a newspaper. The columns of a local or news-pt.t-r should be open for the discussion of subjects ot public interest, and the man agers of such a journal should encourage all local correspondence, w hich, from its character, would have a tendency to in form, cnliuhten or elevate the minds of its readers, but when a journal is permitted to be Used by the malicious and ignorant ns an instrument to aid them iu carrying on private quarrels, to slander their neigh bors, and to five vent to their envious and venomous feelings toward each other it depreciates, degrades and stigmatizes re s;tectable journalism. The apiiearanee of such "stuff" as alluded to is not an infrequent thing in the columns of the Drt.iorral, nor is it a matter Of great surprise when the ex treme youthtulncss and inexperience of its managers are taken into consideration. It is rumored that there is a ceusorship ex ercised over the selection of the matter to be published in the ltcmorrnt, and indeed sGcb may be the case, but I do not think that the selections made speak well for the ability of the censor. 1 would suggest that he should at least examine the local matter with a closer scrutiny. The 11ehai.ii, on several occasions, re fused to publish communications tor the reason that it was too personal in its char acter, and it should be the policy of all newspaper managers in making up matter for their pajters to ever be careful to select the "wheat from the chatf," and thus be enabled to circulate amongst its readers a worthy and dignified journal. I hesitate, however, to advise the proprietors of the Dtnioerai to adopt the "w heat and chaff policy, least at some future lime a strict adherence to this rule would made it nec essary lo issue their paper blank. Visitor. ' Why 1 antic "Wen Sbual4 Jsla In Deraoeratie Parly." ur neighbor of the lH'MOcral has the faculty ot making some of the most ab surd political blunders that are on record, as witnesses an article in last weeks issue under the flaunted head of "Why Young 3Ien Should Join the Democratic Party." The tirsi clause of this unusually brilliant article reads : "The llepublican party, powerful tor a few ill-starred vears in this couulry, has outlived its day and generation. Slavery, its corner-stone, having disappeared, the tue temple fa 11 to decay and niin." The sublime audacity or ignorance that would lead any sane man to speak of sla very as the coruer-stone of the liepublican party is to be wondered at. Slavery the coraer-slooe ot the Republican parly, say you ! Sedath Sins ! know ye not that it was opposition to the spread of slavery that formed the Republican party, banded it together and elected the martved Lia- . " ... ., . . . ni 1 11 113 Ule ",-;,-'rmln!,11, "PI"'- uoo expresscu io slavery uy me iwepuon- cae party thai caused llioustirils of tleintv cruls whti were 'Bond men and true." to leave thai rotten old hulk and join llieir fortune-, with the Jtarty of freedom ! That a Kepuliliain President issued thai iirtxla niuliun which etrnck the gcbacklea from the limbs ot tour mill ons ot people and made them tree and equal before the law ; thai a ltepublican Congress "kissed and a itepublitan President signed the ziii, xiv, and XV amendments to the Constitution. In short, the grainiest achievement ot the liepublican party, or of any tarty, and the one of which she is so justly proud is the abolition of slavery. If (he you 05 men who. are invited to join hands with ihe Democracy and vttie lor Tilden will take lime to inquire into the past of the party tney will find that it was the Demo cratic party thai passed and enforced the fugitive slave law, which turned every muii into a hound for the purpose of pur suing escaped slaves, and prohibited Ihe exercise ot that virtue, hospitality, w hich even the savaees held sacred. A law. lo use the emphatic ianiruase ot Col. Inirer soll, that would have disgraced hell in her jialmiest days. it waslhi: Democratic party wiib, its pet institution of slavery which brought on that fearful civil war, in which thousands ot ihe noble, the gallant, and true ot our country gave up their lives in order that the rnrse of slavery might be eradicated & Co from American soil, and the United Suites become, in truth and indeed the "home of the free." Il was the Democratic party whice caused this huge, cumbersom debt w hich now hangs like a pall over the coun try, stilling its industries and grinding the k!oring men into the dust. It is the Dem ocratic party that is resjxinsible lor the massacres at Crushalta, New Orleans, and Hamburg ; Massacres that are even more attrocious than those of the lamented Cus ter and Canity. It was the. Democratic party Unit turned scores ot disabled Union soldiers out ot their places at Washington when they were making their daily bread and tilled their positions with traitors ; and linally it is the Democratic party that have chosen Samuel J. Tilden, a perjurer on his own showing, as their standard bearer and as an embodiment ot their idea of re lorm. If the editor of the Dtmorrat wishes to make any of the thinking, reading young men converts to his party he must get a more substantial argument and not sue) a miserable, paltry subterfuge. A large lot of new gtxxls have just beeu rtH'L'ived at the Miilincry establiakuient ct Mrs. C. F. I hJ, a Main struct. When in toiva don't tail to call and bee her 8UKk. I'eaciies. Wc intended, didn't, and won't gel a or load ot peaches, lor the Only worth ?" .Vl to ;i '.Ml iht U iu '., . , ,1 ,- ',, a.T. 3... i 4,1.11 11. 1-, m iiii Ciise. but triiHt this cxt.lan:tt!on will be s it - Ishu-tory. Cook & Ukkhits. Tuts Hedslonc 1'resiiytery will meet ia the rresliyteriun Church ot Somerset, Tuesday, (.let. Jd. at 7 p. m., ojm nini; with it sermon by the Modorator, ltev. S. S. Uilym, ot Uuiontown. Tresbytery ill remain in session two day?, l'eligious ex ercises ench evening. All the meetings will be oiten ;o ail Heat may feel like at tending. Cooper Md Varj Mrrttog. Away out in the swamps of Indiana and Iowa, w here the cricket shrillfully singeth his roundelay, and the negligent notnlle noodleth his noisy cheer, and the dmidie btig doodleth and eats the hay, there arose a party who assumed the title of the "prevuback party." They are not the oriuinal greenback party. Amidst their native swamps there hots and sings cheer ily the first, great, original greenbackers. Their son-s are heard shortly after the first thunders ot spring and ure a sure indication ot warm weather. The voters of the parly present a rather grotesque ap pearance with their green tacks, white bellies, protruding eyes and long lips. They usually hold their couveniions on floating logs or convenient bunches ot bull rushes and flop into the water "kerchug" when a naughty boy elts them with stones ; and as they burrow into the solt swamp muJ they softly sing I'm gla.l 1 am a irvealiacker. But these second advent greenbackers ere not content to it main in their native haunts and tie f. k! for snakes, cranes and flamingoes. They swelled themselves up and piiwd soil money uutil they were com itiied to spread out over more ground or bust. In tlieir move eastward they en countered Peter K. Cooper and Samuel Carey, who were beguiled by the songs of the siren and enlisted themselves in the cause of the greenbackers. Peter t Cooper was immediately made the bossgieeuback er. Everybody knows who Peter p. Cooper is, but everybody docs not know who Samuel Carv is. Samuel is the b'hoy who run on the Democratic ticket along with log born, rise up, Vm. Allen in ( hio last fall w hen he was bo beautiful ly beaten by Governor Hayes. Samuel Cary has had. much experience w ilh the boys and when Ii? was tendered the nomi nation for the ice Presidency by the croakers, we say by tiie croakers because the original greenbackers.are croakers, and surely these their uescenuents imitate this as well as their other virtues, he knew that it meant making many a night of it in company w ith Frank Hughes," Benj. . Butler and that set of young fellows, and singing "we won t go home till morning," and going there thick in his. utterances, hoarse with much howling, with a tear fully sore head, a bad taste in his mouth and two eyes purple as the grape, aud he could not resist the temptation and ac cepted. The greenbackers it appears, however, are not confined to their native swamps and at least one of them has hopped up on lo the mountain. Last week posters were struck up about the town announcing thai a greenback or Cooper and Cary mectiug would lie held in the Court House on Fritlay night. At the apitointed time the ltys gathered, each wiih a stone in his hand, figuratively speaking, with which to Jicit the pijters, but alas for hu man cxpcclulion I nary a greenback, brown bellied denizen ot the swamp was to be seen. But the boys, had llieir blood ujt and were not to tie baiked, so they organ ized a meeting by the selection of Wilson Hartzeil as President. Mr. II. on taking the chair addressed the meeting as follows: "FuiENits and Fellow Citizens ; When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for the tadtoIe to drop his tail aud assume the shape of the father lrog, he is denominated a greenbacker. In this case the tadpole has dropped his tail or allegiance to party and forgetting the day when his caudle appeuuac so gracefully decorated his hinder parts thinks to hop over I be course aud leave ail other competitors in the race behind. In ' order to see w ho these balraebians are, if there is a Cooper man in the meeting let him sieak or forever after hold bis ptace. 1 ben a ttiliness as of deep dcai! niirlit. fell uiHiQ tiie multitude, aud nu nuto Uure own liis web Im.ttd (tutoraity. lint oue man fur me moment struUu out btfure tiie crowd, A. J. Uolburn Hs., a Republican and a hard money intn, but as his views oa the tinancul qiiestina were nut in bar niony with those ot; the Cooper and Cary I party, the Pro-Went, wait his foreleg, -v- A wtalo lot of groaml situate In the Vfl.-.l arm H uineKl l.lni t.i tlm.. .n.l ,i t.rough 01 Berlin. ooierset ci.uuly. Stale ol ycit.KI arm, n. i.petl ii.lll lo unit, and an-, Pennsylvania. I.uileu on the north t.V .Muilirr nouueed thttt the President would now ad- j alk-y. on the east hy si reel, en the west hy dress the meet in?. Here followed one of Henry Holsmger. nni i tiie souin y Mam Mr. H i iuimitabfe speet hes, which wound ,"7 ie" up with, "It theie be a Greenbacker staMe. wash an.l other out i.uiinings thert aiuong ye, let him Stand forth." Val Hay "n ei-eell. ami a number M caok-e fruit trees, alio El. rose in his place and undertook lo j rtain"', gT,.un.i ritnat. In Knb- give his views on the (luestion, crsialley Uiwnsiuts eouuiy. Suue of but the Chairman know ing thai he was a ' rmnsylraaia. ennutlning one ami one lorth aert-s. Til.l..n anil Hen.lro La man i hw. ti... a-ljoimug laa-ls ot t'harlea Krtssinger on the iiiutn ana llenuritKS man. wiiose tman- s,ata, east, ana ptivace ra cial opinions are on the lence, flapped him on the m-nlt ami west. down, and atain addressed the liicetin". ! "'io.J. The un.ilvi,iel one half or a en-rain lot 1 i. ft - .1. 11- 1. As the Chairman finished his address, 1 the boys at the door commenced to w htslle ' "Hail to Ihe Chief." and Mr. Charles ' Walker walked into the room. He hung ! up his hat, pulled down his vest, wiped oft hUchiu, and announced that he was a i i"7, 1 ... i. w 1 .,u ,t . ,1 .! (jrcenbacker. Mr. . took the tloor, and, in a labored speech of two hours length, : enliithtened himself, but not the audience, j on the financial question. As he sat down, i the questions poured in 011 him thick and r 11.. ... S H.ln.. c- i fast. Hew as asked ever thing from "w hat, aas the chief end ol mun, (town to who "n-nlt-il tho tr.nmncton tal ' In alt of: which he returned replies. On niolionit! was areca niai an w uu wantea more greenbacks should vote tor Hendricks, and all who wanted more Lard motey should . - ,-. , . . J .- vot tor Hayes, alter whith the nieeling , adjotimed lillf (ftV, the bovs to bare their , laugh, and Ihe Greenbackers to their swani- ttinrttkl. . . , BISEI, MILLER. On the 3d of Sep- fc?nilier hv I' II IU.rl.-pv Vuri Mr ? itm .. ... , ' , k - 1 h. liisel, of Somerset county, to Miss Cutliurine J. Miller, of Donegal township, nestmorpiantl Lo., im. sniri.EY STHE1J At the r.-sidence fit Hie bride's patents, in IWrlin, sieptrm U'rtil. x. Iiy ltev. J. V. Pi.flinbvrecr, Jt.iin T. rii!- '.-v. ft MfviT!iilp. to M:iz- i zir Siuii-r, ii Sirrfiii. im rsiH. county. I SMITH IIAl'tlEIL At (lie rei.lrnce jiil' ihe !jn!i" (wreni. nn the mum; tiny. by liie siuio. lii-orste W. -Smith Mary i Ann. datiiihterof Simon and lisa Hiiiyer, j both ot Somerset Co., l;i 1IEI. WITT. Wilson Grant Witt was born December 4, 1S71, died Scptem'.ier iO, 137(5, aied 4 yrs., 9 mos., and 15 days. WALKEU. Iu JeDner township S'pt. l!lh ls,; Btlxcca wile of Aaron S. Walk er aged li years, .1 months, and 27 days. NOlll.KSKT HARK IT Cvnwted by Cook fc IIeebits. mialek is ;e groceries, flour & feed. CHOI Apple, drted, V tfc AlU-itQti-r, t e&I... ........ lir.oi. 1p tun as Buor, V ('') BiltUT. il 1. (P)ll) Buckwheat. l buihel . nasal, lou .! iw u.-cxwn, -fi Batt'O, tilioiil'iers, ft " ' .... nuntry hnfiiff, "p B Uurn, (earl f iuhel Com, (iliflteii) f ttuhel....... Orni pieul 1 . (Jail tkiot, fl ti Eaas. V 4't Fi..ur. V M.I Flalarol fl lu., (o b) Hams, ?ut(tir-eure.l) "fl ft tuir l. a Leather, re-1 aijle, fl t " upper kip. cue !. t;r Hue tic ...ffi u"i w Tjc lsp , ISjyl a SilTi.W ...Hi Mhlillinirs, , loot,.-. (lutn. 'fl L.u..... ... : .at.'i lae fl I U Feat-he. arleU. f t I. K) ft Imi Knxs. V ft Suit, Nj. 1, fl hi. 1. intra ' Cxiviitid Aluui. (er tm-x.. ' Asnti o. per tk Sui-sr, yollow fl t white Tilllow, V When, yi bus - Wunl, 'fl lb Special Xotirex. ' - " " Ir. f lnny iom boo ndXyriipof Bu rliu t KuaTuuiec-l lo cure liiU tiuiautn c ut U;e Ki-lftf Usl JilaMer. 'M inlul or iipprci1Jt'l urm - aiiuu lftiiifnt in til aye. itamfui r aut'pr-p'S!'! iMirlfture, hUMMly dl'harK-i'S, HriKitt'' tifte, j eit ie, si'-ic hfa-lat'Iie, wloU'lit' anl erup- I ttuns 00 1 tie ami ail iH.':HK ot a hjm: - iflc or rifX. t4tr.(Kiu:iti Syrup f titiha 15 a ive i itnJ rM'littl kut'.. "r Kite by (e-t. W. i-Ynt"t! & ! Cu., Sotavrwt. Fa.( mi'l Muuutaln X Cw., Onflu I t u't la. aepli ' H-VKUY KKITZ. eonnly Surveyor, will ! iriTe PtMy-ial attetitl..n to all urreyniir writmif ni ; m.tnnjri-s, lM.b,l., W1L10. bgrreia-.-nl. s.t-., ) rmrute i i. uim. 1 Aft a XoTlt K.- Ho ill l found in iii Iffr. evvry Sj!ur-iiy TIMK TABLKN. it timioitt: v oiiio it. i:, J1TTS HCRQH MVISIW. On ;in I aP.r Jun li ISTtf, trains "n elite rtl, will arrive aul fl part ue tois'-wi h.iiti niore Uiue U miuulc taattr tliaa Fi:i-iurKii Uinj.) EAST. ft 3 13 1 Lrivr litl!tnr C: x tu, M4 a. iu. 3'.'f . m. : 1 1 Ji.ti 'Hiti- iN ii : i M.jr A P-tiiit J-.riiii.'. --ri tiin'n-rlaii'1 W Wiiiif:i Kk hiijotMl New Voik 1145 " t.-'fJ a.m (. in. ..' " A:Mi (I. ltd. !V'" Ji. Hi. -10 p. Hi -tu I 1 !- m 10 H 1 'J-t Nw Y-Tit Vi p. nt. a m C i'ilil Il'U U.l.tflll 1 I in II mi": T i"i a. iu. fc.j'i " 5 Itnoii'l K.iU i. Mi. 2. Wi " V jtiit-Kii.?l f t a. in. 7. " i Mniwrliuiti i A p. tu. Ijo n.m 2 I'.rPL-iH.n ::..'J " i ii " 7 Mliwr il 17. 4 4 lUvilic t. .7 7.- a.m. 3.JTi Ntwloit ,.s " 4 l MrK.t-i-irt 7.67 ' If.:: IlTTnt 'iirjt K.M .V4 " 5.42 3 1. ' . 4.4- ' -Tntins leave OiDnellsrilte ftn TTniuntown, 7,5j, s. m. ii,3 p. in. Tr-Alni No. 5 an-l 10 ran !ai!y. P. dally t-x-cept iiami;-.. Ail other train. .laiiy except 'Sun day. Pullman Prawinz Robi anI S!-vpln(c Cars, anl tnniciiitu-eol I t:rf thnmih W Uii:tn nn-i lialtimorc without ehautee. STenty-nve BHli the -shortest. mJ the only route letween Uie tal ami West via Wacl.lii-f-wni'iey. Thl i the only route !etwpen the EaH anj Wc t PitiUUt lpdU anl Onunmul jtrvitnJ-?, vi tr WarhiDiftnii City anH Krt!tiTtitrc. Ticket ortic. eorueriuh Auntie ac-l Smfth fteM Streets. au4 ik'pot "irutir Uraut an-1 Street. L. M. V LE. General tkket aw nt. R. KVAVri, Pn-wnrer Ak't..Jittfb'9. E. K HVMf.UAN, Supu. OonueilriUe. tn, an.l after M:iy Tth. 1ST, tralnj will run as fullow,ejacectiDzlthall paiweiiirertnilQ? on the P. W. a B. K. K. (Mall trains daily, Kx-prt-'SSilaily elx-pt 11 iiiilny.) LKATC Lx.ret West AKK1TB. 4 i u a. m. . It U a. m . 4 OOp. m. .lu sua. in. Mull West Mail East 5 u p. I-J :i ;.. P. W. & B. R. K.PAM VfKHAL fOiST, I2p. m. 3.1 . m. Ejtpreu Ea?t txpreM West , Kaat Mail Wt Aeoomtao-jatitn E;t.-t A-Tvmin(MlatioD W.!t . ii.'j n m a-.y - ' r- 12:11) p. p. m Sew Advertisements. TJUDLIC SALE. "The nutinixrnefl Cnur.'h ftmvll of the Tz.t Tt:le and tajvau-viiic Conx-reicalivn of I lie Luther an Church, will expuM tu public dale wn Saturday , Qt-iuWr Vht ISTt;, at one o'clock. P. M.. a Hi-u an.i It ititiutvl in the tuwnoi IjiTaiisrille, S'Bienet County. Pa., adtunlti alley iiir the Eajtt ail SiHirb: V i tow irfcirkuiAn on the Wrs. PUnk K.wd ,t pike m the Ntirtb, on whidi there ered a ianr Two-ory Frame Haie, Kith itable ami otner uot bniidtiiit. Thbt la a desirable pri.rt v. and It-rrnis wi.-nmir to examine said property will call upon S. P. Plb K at hin ftore in thetiwn. 1 'fclOliS. I en prr cent ot the pun ha-w mnpy t-i be paid un day td aie.and .he tulauee nn ILe 1st ol April, l"... wtt-en pot'e?oin will yr jjiven. tit Ltltlli. sji J. 1. AN a. EN Y HlltAtl Vllf.Mr, EKEU.SllAlt.tS, Jlt'A. I. IIA Hi 'LAY, 'or Haker-vtlleroiire- . sept.-T, JAUIK LtMlAKT, S. P. EEfCK. A1IISES UAKKLKT. For liTaiisviile e'U (Trenail. .n. UDlT0i: S NOTICE. s. F. Pkkinie l tn the Court of ttomnvin vs. t fleas of Soruerset 1'oumtr. m. H. Humbert, 5 No. lli ol Jan. Term, ls:". E. It. H Ea. Having- been aiiwIntM Amlitor to distritn'e the lunas in the k.uls ot e..rue W. Pile. Mierilf, ari'lnx out of the sale of ih Kaal Estate of Wm. H. Huaitiert, tterehy trlves ruli-e that he will on the Uth ilav ol tlctober. Is76. altenil to the duties ol his appointment at bis oHn T, Somerset Pa., waere ail penooa may attemf 11 ttiev see proper. ept.27 JOHN iLstltTT. Aullt-.r. A! SSKiXEES SALE OF REAL KSTATE. virtue ot an r-nlvr iwoe-i oat of the Coart uf Comin jn Plea ol S'tnTwt c.uuty, the under-ula-ne.! atMiirn-e uf Kpbraira !ber, will r at put itie iale, ia the boruuajb of Berlin, on Saturday, OvMr 21. at '2 o' lock p. m., the followinar lt-ecrUfetl raluMe real estate. ii 01 gmemi situate in ii-riio ui.rougn. wita a oue 1 . h..f m fc.. -n.tB. ,;h, ererteil. lrmiiug Viae street, aad known as tlte i M',!"tT,- .,. j IL"-ilkiw!!at. u'JJiiT!2 L ten per cent on tsintlrmstl ,a of sale ami neurery "' "'" nueiilia aa.l eaetfelniia twelve motiihs in.ia the ilate of nlr alortsatil, ria: Sill September. l-t. with Interest . me ileierrai payments. Js-L ' """' IT , . , , 7". Knar Srliro- k. hy tier In the l"iurt of Common Be inen-i miuos 1 Pleas of Bailout, fa. Alias Sala-aain fti- " 1 roree. Jonas Sohroek. Jfo. 14 -Vov. Term. IsTS. To J ims Sebr.rt. the Drfenuaat above Daa:.rJ. ! Y,,n are herel.y notiael t..l ami appear oa the lath .iny of N'oTemher A. It l"t. wing the itrst ''"',''"' ,er7" "f" Uo"1? -ol ,v""uu"n m.l.len in ami lor the onnty of Jsoraereel. s,tateot pnai. to answer thieomptamtef thesaW ltusy tschrk hy her aeit Irteau Knauuiti Bal't- win, pUtntirf alwve nameil. Uao. W. Pita. Sherifl. Sept. ttt 1S7C 4t. j - JOTiCE. ; , hereby gh-e iMira to the puNte n-4 f. jmr. j 'has a u litmer.t te.le .,rwn In teor..f William ! 1 fT amounting- to Thirty BTe il'.'hrs. as : never rereivfi vj.ue 1 u. r tlte kuoc, ami wilt not per . CT1CE. Whrc. wv wlio X-o-v Jaw bat lert mr hed end !-.,. r-i whn ,. any uit nmf, ;u" puisii; ar he-rWy 'tned d to tnm t harbor her nn bit --tNHint. mm Iwiti ry t.a. .t M ner e-mirartitH on!-ir,p!t-tl It- :m by 1 1 w. J AMFS K1MMKI. ! (mm? m -I XzxMMwMryi ! AksM y . t l UU -?-: -mm 1 KC I'TO II S jj A I E. ' j "i'.Tic i lu puriian.-e-i'l the (.n ; i..iiw j-nt.iii.l la the "" c j li:f will nu-l t.-y t :. TTO-li t 1 .!;fyh .imni.Tinall. Utl; 'W ' liuelii.ili..iuju I wp., de.'l.. tlir will t rxpti '"'7 ij ! .l tu pu'.iir !Un-.nn the pr."iuii' in aui townsiiip, ;?' ,ttturd-ni, Orttib.-r II, lTti. :e i the f.illMWlnir rrnl estate. v;x : A tract ti lnui Filuate iu iil t..wn'liip, alj.ln ,.40iltoc fii lau-'! of Jan:-.' Rimttiel. Juiui Saiuli. JauuI. I r lti-t a:-ut lou U witicb ar ci-eiitrtti, lit w. vv la ! nfiii'W. htirititf thm-on eri'il tw-ftiry i g ' iu4v. ltc tiru Jtfi oilier out buihHntc. fheru ; i a K'KHi iijijiie !r hurl ttit iirvuiiuit. ! 'TKKMS.- n-thirI. nr j-tth tut f eipcnw. to n iuiu a lien, tut iiiirrt-i ot wltirh (a bo mil ; ty the wid..w nnnu iily ilunuz ln-r iiir, an.l at hrr li-atii th sum to In iial'l lo Hie hin : !u'-iii:rt .11' m l::i::i ;m i rimtiil-r ia 1 hns: ititTiui p.iynn nM, to !" .rurwl l-y jii iyint'nl iitc. IVii jTi-nhm imn i in-nay u 1j hl ai Ktun :i tin' prtpTty is knw-U"il il.tMi. -aIc t. t ti!!Ufni'e ;H 1 o cl" k if nui psv. JACOMJ. .iJl.UtKMAX, L lOGAL.NOTICK ii. It.-Vi -a I' nr ' i !; I'"nra'l Fj:r, ( '.itli.iriue j M :r. Jic.i tr' l:iry A. Iri'ptn'.rri-'il with . .siti,- s. .-h'l.h' ur. r.;ititM !i le'enu.r- j re:-' with .T-.f. Tr- iiiuijn. uil W liiijni i:tini. ' -1 'iiiirli H inr,. I'n.'D ts M;inirn ait-1 .f.iuif MMW. UtiU'T'-ln'iln-Il vt h'-V.t'i KlM ij !) (.'rii(t,-.l all rf-i'ini'jr In S-.tN-r t o.unty. I'.i. rct. V.ur. r sniui in l Id Sfuie Ntrhrti-k:, J-ttia j '. K.Hr rr'idinz iu iltt: r : . liimi.s Iize- ki:ih rt'j-i nun in lU-u ' I iinfy. Jtiic . 1'iitnt, i''t.-Myo'i, ir-:iv,u! w cfiil'!r n, Alex I ,1'ihi. Miti )kt hn-'- nt .Wt-x ri .n, K;M-ti:il Jiiitt iit'-riii.irri l iv ;t ii Henry SIdiwiis tn . r"i'iiin in ihf Staitf "t iiuii .-ii anu W iHUm fair rvMiii i ia Ific t mi t i t!i'i. I Ywu are ln rciy i'titu-'l thsf :n purn:nf.o of wf.' n! artifi'-n i-u- i .ut the trpt.iiia 4,'"Urt li.v r ait-tau..; .i'.Un t xir .Um.-u. hi liin late ri-i'trr"? in AI!'irinr.y tiirnhlp. n Ttiurr-Iay ( ti? A ill l:y ut e-itr 1T, where juu can AtteK I ii y.'U titit-a p-nj-vr. j KitJK W. I'll?, A UHTOK'S NOTICK. iicnry 1. Altlutncr i April term hii i wtk t. Voluntary ainiuent, ltr William V. Alita'licr 5 tb- ljentitol rr-e'lit-trs" And U'w m :t. in the 4th tiny ut SytpLeuiher, 1-474 theOi'irt .tj'-.inre. 1. i . r-iiborr.. K?.i auiiiTt-r Ui uittnhuLc i h .uiiHf id the haaJt of the A-i'ii.-iive tu at;-! asn-iit ih-e lceiiy entitlwi tt;errt-j. Kxtr -; rn -Ti t,r r-c t '. ''criiiiel the LUb U.ij fM.-p'c -ji'r F.J. K'lOSKK l'rtbo)Ufcry. Th iin V rizn-'! iu :!' --r un'i?r the : ap pfiuiDieiir. n-:;M--tiu!;y uirca notice th;it he mil mt tj at:-n! in the -mi tf( hij" atii- intnit iit un .MmUy the 16;n itav ol rv-ti.t-r ls71, at hi? office In Swii:. T.-et l';i.. lit-n ni-A whi-re ail nrUts in-tcreate-it can attcnil il tlty thinlt jir.-n r. u e.i't'isiifiKv, Au.i.fir. in pur-a.mi-e of an or It of the ( ri'ha.n!' Court of .Srrtiwri ei.onty. 1 wiil -H tn the prt?mi.--e .rttur-i.y the 'n .lay ..I x ti.txrr nt, tneioiluv inx nal estate. Ut tue pn-prrtvnf N".ih Harnett. j tlfctrasfU : T-n -i uicaiMW Ini, tii-Te or ; ;, partly ntuatC'l In St..v-t-.wn (-r-'Uh nn-l ) partly in ituumb. cinz twn-bip. ai'inititf lands j ol wi low t'iei5le on the e:ut, iatui" 'wiiTl hy j (Jt-once Itnifi iatr and Krl r"H, Hj. nu th.e i pvuth. by tht- Stoy-town and Kedhml ttirnj-ike on j th w-t and th- mi!! r-ad ;n th north. J Tui land will in jrtir-vlrt tJtuit purrhn. ere. prui ud it c.: tr sid 1- r rure in paresis i t h:tn it tt n ttr dlil ft.ri m m m hn!i i'tliMS ln rr tent id pnrhaw Dinner ti pai.i wiu'ii pr t -rty ie kn.-4-ke.l .i.iwn Vi hulanve on delivery ot .ie-d unrg -prial arntriir-.-m-enr aro uia-'.-e wn t: criii:i'r. i;tlthKT II. PATTKRoV. Tni-tee S.-pt. 2.', S. L EfJAL NOTICE. l.s.i-.nn l ti'itna. i doma, rtiotuas, fiMrice Tin ttt. ty. Catharine and Jdm 1 Roma. Hum n 11., L ii i, i iiritena. aud tit-o. l hmiu. Jr.. who hart-lorTlii-ir uardLin Jic.h Thomas fiertnide inl-jru-irrit-d wnb tiiihn! .Ml-IiIt. Marriah Th"Hi-., Y ruin.y intrrtniimrd with Sp.-irhcr.ail tiie f'TTf-if!jf beirn are n-iiIiii- In S-uiit-rt ctunty. Pa. AIo It;-rear j Intcrmarhed with Chri-'tian Hl"U;h ! Kikhart -..untv Indiana. ! ati.l M itiida intermarrie-l with Henry ".VHi r. uf i L-i-xrane euunry lmhana. AIm Lva Th'rtiia, j w,'!,,w uu are her. f,y ni ied that a pursuance uf VJ. y - "urt i Of niUllTV 1A . I Will tli.hl .. In. . .M "; i " .;. . t . , . ; ' i ie,.. .ri ;o .,v. .,:. v.'.:r...iJ.r ;-: . - - , V ' ' ' ' 1 let:-!? i. : iu jotn iay r -t-.rH-r, i;i, where v-u can i ten-i u yu tla:ik v p r. ! - i.YJX W. PI LP. Sept. 20. 1-76 A SSItjNEES SALE l.v Tlrtne of an ''r.i-r i.f U-u. I ir-m t 'to Court ol C'lnimi'iti Plea uf S'Mii ret Pa., I will cxp to puuiic ua.- ut Muyertf laie. .Viucr 9et cory Pa., un Friday, n,-Vlvr 12, lTO, at bJoVlfs k a. m.. the ti.l!-winx 'iri. l real e. tatr, tit aate in the Poruinrh id Mey.-rtinj. vii : III ILOI.Vi UtTSt Si :7V.. I'.I. O.s and .'J7. rr mri.-. xi Hun rr.-irei-t, acd N P. and -4. in ntir.a on Itrttftway. Ni. 1 and trntina' "n Clay prreet. N-.ii ;r-V. -.It :.!. It-. 1 Mri,n;u. mij H:i;ii Si 144. and -V4. trotitin-x on North r re-r. No ."4 has a j-tory irauiedwidiinar h aie. stai le and Mher ou:t -uildiTtx" ihtrc n en cll. i Ot'TU'lS No. i. ci.' 1 are. " No cotKainmr U a-r- an-1 17 (er -!. N. li onta ininn ;; n.-rv and iwi p.:r-ii--. ...!. eonT-nnntafQ .M-res m-re or le-. a')'.i:iitix l a- Hi;ati Kiver. 1 thAlS one third ol p-ir hae.mT)ey In hand nt hail In ) tnoTiTh, and one halt in l'i mnthji in m Sept fcth. l"T j. wi;h Inti rei ti the whole tran that date. Ietfrre.l payments t he .mrvd by jui.'iucnt cote. ALSM Atame tttwnndp'a a la rye lot of j-emial property. t- nci-:iLico: noraea, enwn. Ix-jn, wa-xonn. t-arpt-nu-r t-ds. ami a -general variety of hou-hoM and kit-rti? n farnlture. The desrnhed real estate u I'ttte 1 in Die n-inf warn of the euunty.and purL-ha-serf cannot make belter inve?t mcn '... PHILIP HAY. Sej.t2 th 1T. 3t AiVuee. iventlemen Je-irin to n.-? ecrinr.niT while Ti-it-iiu-f the fKSTESMAL I A Hlbl f I0S w iuij ilo well to rail at Arch Stre-t, near Seventh, and ?e .lee--rp. 'rri.Iley h. Bt.urne. They have fine, dean, airy rt-nn. p,uie attomUcn xivew their eufii, and oti.y cliart- vo cent per ninc. Sept "JJ New Establishment. MAXi rACTCRERliF l.OHPEB '.VARE. Harlng just op?i.s a cp,, O'ptier faetorr, we are prerel lu m.inula-lure all kimts 01 Oijiper w are ut aitenens. in.'i. uistiti-rtes .ml fn-wer-lng u-. Kefntruiz m'atly tl-Kte. Eaetory la rear ot Wm. Knieri. nt a gne.-ery, lowNorta Me elianie street. 4 anils.rlnnd. ELlWAkll ki.m.MtlJIPtl kill. -Msuulaeturen Ttt.f roml prke pai4 Pjt ulu eopjier. laii-a yTIKlIKXTOF Aft'ttt'NT ftF WILLIAM Lei-kjiiil.r. Supervisor, tn ae-ouut wi:b I'raiua Boroea-ti lor'the year en.tlr.g .'S7d. IiR To amt. of iluMi -at 1S7S I1T (W oH Taj law , t sZ2vt nt. i.!le-cte'l ?new Unp.! 17Bl 5 T41 TT ! IT s-;; Amt. diec el. old ix Amt. 0L-lle:oni eirrnui.t'ivn fttlflnee tltae Uair.i-ch. A let. de ten e-'h Inp'ls-3:e lb 4 3B7 2 r m Amt. due, Atnt. due .. list-r uh dupii'-ate it-sroufb Uopiica.. TttCtSCCKK s aerorsT. is W reiipts. Ity anu s Ril. -Ine Treasurer. a t la Wettie ao-lert-nerf Aa-iiliirs of t.fna hr.. Somret '.. .. 'its liereby eertiiy that lb atsve is a correct statement. I. J.MIXLER. t. W AXltLHSOJt w.a. UARAH. Sept. 12. Atthtora. aVt to AJverliaemenU. OWENS 2 JTJ U Coiiimissioii ilerehants, 153 Y. PBArr street, 13 ORE. We are iu want of Ct LADES 1)1" TIER and promise the same promptness in makie."; good returns as in seasons past. Liberal advances made upon shipments when desired. ( ards ran lie had at all the Express otfiivsand Stores. Yerv res pert ful I v. ' OWENS & SCOTT. September 13, 170. 177(5. FALL TRADE. 1S7(5. WE IIA VEJUST RECEIVED A LARUE LOT FALL and i BOOTS SHOES BOt'UHT VOll CASH AT KDLVI PKU'ES whic-h we will sell at lowest Mtern prirt. Call and examine our stock. Ordors filial prtunptly .1 . II . 15 O It I. A X I Si V O . , Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers, ." and 55 Wood Strict. IITTSBi;ill3. IM. G. B. BARRETT & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. Plated Ware. Gold and Silver Chains, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Watch makers' Tools, Materials, and every description of goods sold by the trade. LARGE ftKFKII MOtLiUnfO m K Aivl (U;i.i'y IP F-iUan.l winter TraIe, 170 w tiiei E ?XECUTOK'S OTICK. i i-Ui.e of Jch Z.irrf-.M. late of Stnjwk TpM rteeraftetl. Letters U-wanwnLiry n the ahoee estate I Is hfrvhy iriTento lioe in-lrated to It u nmti! Ira ! me-tialf iyuM-nt, an-lth'-- bavin etaimaic.iiu4t ! it to pri!N-iif 'H-:n iuiy aurhetiUtl hr.le j menl at tbw bu rwittt-oc ol Uccoa-icU, oa atur- j day. (Vtou-r-Ut, ITtf. CTYRfSRAYMAN. MAKTIN rtKAN I, Sept. VZ. Kxwuturs. A StsIGNEES' -NOTICE. . Hunter an.l wife of M.Trs.lale. Somcr- t Co., Y.. Iainu untile a n.luolar) asiiiniuuit t., me of all the .r -fUr. mil itni jHTis.iutl. "I uiil M. A. Itant.r. in trut tor the Iwn-ni ol rrM ilor. X ! i- l. heret.v Kiven lo all urn Ui .lrlile.1 to ml I M. A. Hunter l'i nmke imme,liiile uaimfiM. nl Ib'M havina- i-laim or .leoiaali AUMirtrtt Iiuii t.i in.-!H.'Ui tliciu in the unil.reiDeil aitiiout fl my. W. H. Rl f'PKL. Awlgnee ill M. A. Hum V- IJUKLIC SALE OF HEAL ES TATE. lv ir. ur ot an alie? onlur of 5ale out or !helrih.'iB t'ourt ol "fciBteritet Pa., tome ilireeui. 1 wiliexo-rfe lo pui.lie laleon the I'rcut kieH, on 1'hurtilmj, 0-iobtr , ISTO at 10 oVIoett . X. The foilnwinK detrlt.! real eslate nituate in VA kin It Tp., lale the pntpcrty of JaeoltO. It Ik. of ital.i Tp., doceaaeil, i : Xn.l. A i-rtain tract of lami fontalnlnir 131 eere utrlrt nietteare. aluut SO ai res deareii anil i acres lu ntcailoir, tiavinx thereon ereelel a xm story hte h.Kise. a barn. anl other outhuil llfiic. aHiololiiK lamls of .Saiuui l Mauet. W. C Laten goml.t'hrisuan H'K-hsietler awl other.. Jlo. X A certain traet ot lainl eonlaiuInK 17i ai-rvs unit allowanees atmut till a.-res i-leare.1, aonut 2ii acres tn metolow. haTina: a hit ouitrtiililitiKS thereon, aloinlna" lanils of I Jacoh Keiui. V . Krelcliuiati, w. t.. lvenji)nl an! Iran no one. TLiiMMi ttue tlilr.1 of the pureliase nuney atttr iayln theilelits art'l ein.-e!. to remain a lienoa lite i-rvraist-s.! he interest to be iitil annital lite willow ilunuif her liletime an.l at her Meat n the prtnci;! lo he pai'l to the heirs anil lexal rep-reseitlallvi-1 ol sai l Jceesed, one thoUMu.ii lul lars on ea.-h of sut'l tra-t. on eonhrmat loa ol sale an.l ttuianee in Ave ei(Uat anuu.l payments to he ecureil ly ju4metil u-jtes. JtKKMlAH J. ni.K. S.-pt. Ii. Trustee. J7XECUT0U S NOTICE. fc..eur J- v;ph Fcrner, Late of SUy-town Br.. dcrea el. i Letters te-tamentary on the alrve ettate ha-Tinu beet icranted hi .the nndrr-ined. lotie is . acn.h vt.n lulU, hMm to it v make itu- ! . . ... nti-l late pavwem. an-t tnose narinir eiaims - luiy authenticated j l.,r Settii'til rnnt at the late rr-i.jtm ( the Ue- ceami, -j Mlur-sli, O i-'-T'il.;. A. I luTo. K. U. PA1 I hKSO.V i..tecuur. MIL'STEE S SALE. ihe 0Bilirianeil Trustee's for the snieof the re al esute ui lK-nry l.rh. late of i4ueutalMinini( Tp.. Somerset l'o., F:i.. .Sei-easeil. will expose to saie ..o tlte premises id aaii Tp-, ou Saturday, O'tolfr 1, l?Ti the arm of ileceilent, containing Vi a.-re. aret 146 Mrrttes strkt aieaure. als.ut.7 aiioui'l.Mn meti.low. Iy. A. W asl.erandrtbers.lAvinatliere...nere4.te.l atwo st..r. ! 'x .w.-!itijK lwese, liai.k Imm alt-1 uii'liiilis. There is imi the tann a V...I sprlntr. efi-eiK-ol youiitc on-haril anl suiar .ainp. a yrA lime ijaanry an-l e.1 liatik. Tin.-, larm Is situate ats-ttt twoiiules trim atio-mHy ami is e-yveient U tnilis aii'l si-Iioi.Ii.. We will aim. elpuse to sale at the same time an.l pla-e. the ti.liowlau personal pp.perty of Uv ceilerit. :i keelrs aul three iron kettle. TEUM.H: line thlnl In hun.l. an.l the Italare-e in two t.-iiiiul paymeuts to lie securelhy te-nils. PETER F.AKt.EK. I'llAKLES A. UtHK. Sep?, ii Trustee'. 1 'IXAM'IAL STATEMENT OF I fi.SfNA 1 Hon-ugh S. h1 Ki-tru t lo tiie year etvllo J ane 1974. IiK. To St ile appr .prialioa l'Jl Vi To lines from Huisress Shaw SOU To ami. re 0! trout collector Suthertauu, lsTl i 204 M To tint, re'tit from eollet-tor Sutherlan-I lTi vm 4a To ami. re'eil lr..m E. It. Yuli, 1"7.'. VJt M 44 IM CR. Iiy amL pai.t to teacher: IMTiS By ait.t. pal! to suuUry persons lue ae 197 sa By amt petit urlles lor tuiial- Itig l.unSTSes i'JS s&t Ity amt. panl .at hills fi-r luil l- U'a purisise 1S tIS By amt. pai-l on Treasurer oinimis-Mirt Amt. lae lroui 1 reasurer " 1174... - ll7j... 24 87 -J23 7S t ii rl 141 'JI 17 4. 30 all re) nreet. V e eertffy tltai the :ilrv a.yenf 8 are arrert t the iet s'-f i-nr kiHwie-ljc and i-eh-f. I. J. Mfla.KKR, W. S. AAKAH. O. W. AUlLHSVtX. Sept. 12. A mlit. ire. E AKtl "TUU'S .UT1CE. female of Anlrew and Marx a ret Specht, late of Itaie Xwp., tieceaJMMi. Letters teatameritary on the a bore Mtate ha ina he-n rrnnied to the anwIert-iTnetl. by the prop er authority, uotif-e la herehy Kiven to tlwjae ln UetMl it it iu make Imraedlata rtav mcnt. anti thoe harlna; eUltne araint it will present them Ia tee ttn-irrtnjnted, at the n-t-Meore A e-. Specht, on M m !.. v. the -Jnd dr of t '-i-er. W. 1 A V 1 1 A D i IU HO K S P W H T. i,xeeuuirt. Sewing Machine for. SALK Any i.tte irirtrz to pwrehase a Urn elas. 5EW lt M Aflll.Si, ea very icssenabie lertti will please tail at tue IIK1LI OFFICE. & SCOTT, 1 fin OF- WINTER i l(V mU, Yrli Prlw.i;w V;fH viM)IU' ' in ininffr I. 7 A'lUUlf . JNO. HARKINS. rKACTIlAL Pattani aii Eel Hate, 67 Water St., cir. Ff.krv, SECOND FLf M'K, 1'ltt.oburKh -'.f-lfl!t rnr Pi'fnt Offli- a "l;ilty. Alt klti'M ol r.i;;.-ra W-.ra inmptljr ttswc-uiwl. May .11. . w KADDi ri. n. n. 0'iilit unit Anriol, hlVil K A.N1 IMik.llAKl, .1. rrnn At Pllts' urirh. Pa. All .llf-.-.-rsof HI. I IK THKIIU n l I tatiarrli i.ii-e.nul-Iv treateil. t tM-rateo t.,r 4 aiartt. -False Pupils. t, Eyes. - IIJ Hairs." 4 mnrr are! Tum-rs of the li'l. Ear, or Thr-ac, PtriKhtat, "Weeping Eyes," Ptosis, t.'onieal Cor nea. Foreign BmMes, Extirpall'in. Ae , stttlttuHy perloruie-ie Artiiu'lal Eyes Inserleil. Ken.1 for tie'ri;nlT an'l iiiii.itr.iteil pampuiel of Case. Julvli Surveying, Writing Deeds done un ibort noUc and at reasonable terra. rKn.niIre at ta?heer Jt Vi Store. Atiiftist 14. C. WJ-LkfcR. JXECUTOK-S NOTICE. tateof Jaeoh irnmerrnan, late of Quemahon ina Twp., det-ea-l. Lefti-rp ttamentary ua the entate havln bern grunted t the untlriynet hy the prier aw thirity. m-tu-e ii h-r ty ai'n lu tb" indrMed t it ti mkt iuiTnt-diate payment, and the Imrtnir ela:um aitramt it tu prciM-ut ihi-uidiajy autlietiiirau l hr rivii ieiutritt :iTt alH'Win-. at the lat r-r-d-ilt-n-'t; Ml tiie ile-eueKHl, on Saturday. Sep. ju, ls7. J Villi J. ZIMMEKVA. A ax. IC. kxrvatur. A SSIGNEE S SALE. I tiere Will tH eilwiseil to "al. ti. outcrt on lh pretnisrs-ln A U.-f heny Tp.. IHonp-rSft Co., Fa., on TliunJa', frjJ. 2 W,6. the following JeseribeU real estate. Til : A rerram tri'-tof lanl situate In Allegheny Tp., Somerset .'..., Fa., etintalnlna 1139 arre. mora it less, als.ut 70 a.-res ei.-tre., 11) aerea in meailow, ami a a-u apple orehanl ami other fruit tree, thereon, bavin- therein ets-eteil a lory li-v uoue. I'c ham an.l other .Hithuti'lioaa. ai-'iniiitf lands ot I lr-i s.henr. Jtainuel Waia er, feore li. Walker auii Henry keiler. ALSO the f'llli.wlntr pers'-.nal rtn.perly : Two hor-es. urn irtie yearlitiic colt. ..e eow, four hea I of younir eattle. one two borse watf'itt, two two horse le.;s. one win.1 mill, mine horse uay rake, one set of huaitv harness, one pair of tug harnesa, one si.-ih. a targe numlier ot sugar kcler. aait su-j..r vi-!.. one eoukittg st.rte. one enal sfnee. he.. anl issl.ting. ehaint. sinks, euptsmrus ami other articles t... numerous to mention. s;,i. to sMDineni-e at loo elo.-k. TEKMS. of suleot real eaate. oa IhlM of pur-hae money to I pail oniiayi al-. '.ne-tliiM In sti ntonths aiel the reoiainijerln ite year. Isia t.ntlis i-r.-iiit will le given im the persona! pn erlr. Z At ' H I A H I'. Lt tX . As'igitee or Jes- ami IrJiui Lang. S-pt. 1. SSKJXEE'S SALE. I ue undrr-ii'ne., ajii-arne of Soh-mtpw Itaiier. will ilp-r e-r .klr I y p.itvir isutery. at the rear..n d (tie naid Siiujttii iiaker la Jeiferyo Utmost ip, on Thursday, Od. 10, H;S. at Yi o't l--k the fdlowlor per proTrrty. Tl : tsve. .!. , one wiii mita. n i'ur iv.r't' ik on. (f.p.i treail.) one leii(h, one two Nirwff).i, twe hire. Ilf, bd-llnr aoJ )x9b-l lurniturv. aLot d lumtwr. a net ol copper ttiUa, ami a ram ty of other artiriea. The wJer-tneJ will a: offer at the aame time ant plae the tollowina' 'letHnrir-1 real ett. via : One trrvtt t lanl Km wo a the "Isowry Pann" eonta,njn.c laK arrea, -situate in JeiIerwjo Twp., art-'iit h;:ii a rnlle ait ol B'iijriilte. t)nmb i'hrnttan I Miller. 'aper .1 ei4.(i. peter Wragii, J'lCn .iir an I ottterw. i n thif tra--i are ereete-l pp-l koan- in: 1'iirn. I'm a'-ren eird. wtth m iiaar cainp om toe tract. The Welit-rWara atxi W:H Newton plank road pntMett thraiicii the trart, there la aiw an ireharl o apple tre-- thertt. Ali-'. ,ms vn I'tottM anl lt ln the Ttilatrv of laer"vjile.tle tjn.larieti wiillj male kajwna 4a y f( nale " A--. of W'-wlI.uoel wlThio ooa-half Mile of Baken-tvtlle. adi'inlna Ian! of Aiftrew Pthk. Henrv Si nl a v. lM.atel iMtauaa aad otbera. Thm traet haf a 'so-lwivhlp r nvl rannm-f part use IHN I II. Sejrt. -a. OKOKUE UAl. LAV. Afi(i-ee. CAMPAIGN GOODS AMXtt.TFITS run HAYES and WHEELER 'A?'"'"'i ""T T! Uu.w.ti vLvt ffiETHKR WITH Tratatwattarwtaelew. Kw wee., flaajw. Bsselcts. Ac. Regalia of all .learrlptlona. Kill, tary tsiajalsaau Lfflhroetery. Call on, or address REIN EM AN, 111 XlilrJ Ave. 7 Ifll ISBl Ki, PA. S'pt. ' CAPS. CAP2S, ari spvst""tt; a V.Va.1. iVml Cur l', to I EXUDES 4 LOT Va Liherty Street. riiTartu. fa. W 4 VTril A BtLIABLE PARTY to .V.. A Aal. take tn eactuorre agesey for tb sal ef aa article In In sr.e ry utte. .faetbifja that baa aever been uurorttiMd ia tai aistrlet. atal sells ratt.!l. Any J'Mtm Baa may Baak iroaa t2,iaw is Sa.isu aaaoaiij by adureaslaa' BLOSSCtM. LTDCCKEX A CO.. 147 Seau Street. X. T. AugJU. A! ROBBERS As cJill F. G.