Thp Sn'TIPTtlpf TTprlH . iiC . U rrC 1rCirZ! WtliJfLSHAT AajrM , 17. lXECTO It .1 J. TICKET. Hfl T'lU AT LAM. KEXJAXIX H. EUWItli, JoHJT W. CHALTAXT. AUTf-henr xarrou. I. Jiffi WELSH. S. HfcSRY DMSToX. a. t Ukl J- HUlFMAX. 4. I.UAS. T. JOEK. . LUWIX A. FITLEV. . EEXJAttTTSXITK T. J. W. RERXAEP. t. JAtB UAB. . JUH a W1KI LL. JOSEPH THOMAS. IL AEIOPAELEE. it Lrwis piant IV ED. AX. U. WILLI AS CALDER. IV. MILES U TRACT. It. K. W. STARKWEATHER. IT. LAMELJ. WMiRIXL. 1. JEREXIAH LTOTS. M. WILLIAM HAT. . WILLIAM CASSEH iN. JL J. B. WOELLY. EL HAXILL O MIX. XL WII-LI AV JI.LBB. 4. AXllREW B. P1EROER. . HAVrEL K. JArgviX. . JAKES WESTERS AX r. W. W. WiLBER. TXT A TTft.'W A T TTPTTPT I TniCLarlettoa.Vwi.rf Couri-r, JNAllUilALl ilUlLLli.; the organ of tbe best class of Demo- cratic sentiment, in Sooth Carolina, FOP. rr.ESIPKNT 'says, ia regard to tbe atrocious iras- RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, i"1 ;Tbee W4S ( earthly doubt that tbe whites, with- . .... i i. . j. FOI; VICE ri'.ESIHKNT WILLIAM A. WHEELER, mim EEPDELICAN STATE TICKET! t tb stfKe vt ih tiirri' tymim-rt. COSGRESS, WM. II. KOONTZ. fEMATE, E. D. YUTZY. I COUNTY TICKET! A-EMBLT, E.J. MEYERS, ALLEN S. WILL. ASSOCIATE JtlrfiE, C. C. MUSSELMAN, DANIEL STUFFT. POOR nOVFE IjIRECTf'R, SAM. SNYDER. JIRT rOMVIsSHi.NER, CnS. T. HUNTER. In the trying days of the war does anybody remember of having heard of either Tiiden or Hendricks mak ing t speech, or saying one word of cheer for tie brave boys who were at the front fighting for the life of the Government? Hox. F. W. Hiohvs, of rotlsville, will soon take the stump against Til den and in favor of Peter Cooper. He is said to be extremely bitter in his denunciations of tne abject sur render of the Democracy at 2St Louis. Carl S uirz is not the only Ger man who is supporting Hayes and Wheeler apparently, for The Wttt Uthe ril says: "Over a thousand subscril ers a week, as we are now gaining them, does not show any particular enthusiasm among the Germans for Tiiden." Ml Juui . Nortom, one of the best kaoTri Democrats of Maine, has refused to longer support party which indorses murder ia tbe South and favors repudiation of the nation al debt He will rote for Hayes and Wheeler. Warrants for the arreBt of eighty seven of tbe namburz assassins are in the hands of tbe Sheriff of Aikin county, S. C This wholesale list of murderers includes a general, colo nel, a doctor, and a minister. The evidence against tbem is said to be more damaging than heretofore be lieved. . Ho. DeWittC. Littlejohx, of New York, who was a delegate to tbe St. Louis Convention, refuses to cupport Tiiden and Hendricks, and Las come out squarely for Hayes and Wheeler. When at St. Louis, both before and after tbe nominations were tsade, Mr. Liltlejoha openly and publicly declared that tbe nomination of Tiiden meant tbat Hayes would carry New York by 40,00 mjority, and should mean it Tin ringing letter of l'rideut ' Grant to - Governor Chamberlain in .... V . regard i'j tue jiamuurg massacre mer its tLe warmest com menu atiu ot ev ry decent citiien of tbe country. This letter sbould be carefully scan . ned by every reader of our paper, expressing rkarly as it d es, the higher wntiroeit of lbe people of tbe North. It dwells forcibly upon tbe infamous character of tbe outrages perpetrated in tbe Southern States, and while sot seeing clearly tbe rem edy, expresses an abiding faith that it will come, and come speedily, and hope tbat it may come peacefully. An illustration of the sort of polit ical reform w hich tbe Democrats pro pose to inaugurate under the auspices of Tiiden snd Hendricks, is to be found in tbe case of Platte, Congress man from Virginia, who was unques tionably elected, tchic't fai was cer tifitd to by a majority of Ae com mittee on eleriioHK in the Uwte, not withstanding which, Goode, Lis Dem ocratic competitor, was given the seat by a vote of his Democratic col- i leagues. The seouel f this ontra-' 1 eeons proceeding being found in the xacx loai uoou .osent. nimaeu ,rom the meetings ot the banking and cur-1 . a A.. a" J 1 a i. If f rencj committee, aod thus prevents a I rcport in favor of the repeal of tbe , resumption law, this being tbe price ' be pays for the eeaL And yet they etill clamor for reform. 1 ,Iox- G S o,lTff. lk IlepuMicao i candidal f Governor of I adiaua, La withdrawn from the canvas and j declined tbe oominatio on account , of dissatisfaction ia tie ratiki. and j we ffrtii ume another candidate will j te nominated. We hope tbat this ! "swapping of horses while crossing ; the stream"' will not prove fatal to ' the bright hopes of our frieods id tbat Stale. It i very "fcim.iar" with what u.alT U1 noJM. lbf) Drgr.OBiT ; unanimity and e!f abnegation, the o3 lheif i,. rigLu wten tLey Pemocraiic prei and pohtkaas of . ntaMd w e0SDpj wilh it. Duller jthis Congressional district nniteia;tn(J .he mnTdero banditU be bad purging Hon. John Killer u a tufi-j tben lUcS:ed the negroi-3 iCiie i t reoomiDavioD. now iutcij it is to s-ebretbern agree together in uqi:t: 11 uuwevtr, mere ma iu Khoet of a chance tor tbe success of ! the Democratic nominee this jear, ; we rather thick the karmonr would ' not be quite so dense. Tbee politi cal sages are all conTersant with the fa-t that lightning seldom strikes . twice in tbe same place, hence tbej : msgnanimoniilr concede tie chances to the fellow who has alresdj ljeen the victim of one accident. i out autnority, ouaenooa to u.sarni a : body of colored men, and tbat, when . the fight tbat ensued was over, five of tbe captive negroes, unarmed and j defenceless, were killed in cold blood. These facts stand uncontradicted to none other, ire based our cenuacia- ! tbn cf the crime." What would (;ovtrnor Til ien do if be is elected President ia ear such massacres should occur in South Carolina and I otLer Southern Stales? This is tbe I important question of tbe hour. I Quite a prominent convert from j Democracy to Republicanism is Gen. jTutt'e, of Iowa. He was one of the i War Democrats who after tbe cessa- tion of hostilities returned to bis early love, and up to this year was con j slant in tbe Democratic faith. Re ;cent!y be announced himself as squarely for Hayes and Wbeelor, and delivered rousing speech at ft Re publican meeting in bis own town. GenTuttle's conversion is worthy of note, because be has not been an inactive or useless Democrat. He has once been the party candidate for Governor of the State, and once a nominee for Congress on the Dem ocratic ticket. His contests in both cases were hopeless, but his willing ness to make tbem is evidence tbat the Democrats have lost ft valuable dj an. Ix the Belknap impeachment case, the defendant Las been acquitted by tbe Senate, tbe vote standing 37 for conviction, 25 against, it reqoiring a two-tLirds vote to eonrict. The Sen ators voting against conviction held tbat tbey had no jurisdiction, Del- knap having resigned and become a private citizens before the articles of impeachment were preferred against him. Thus after the consumption of six months' time and tbe expenditure of one hundred thousand dollars, Bel knap escapes lejal conviction, al though tbe question of moral guilt has been settled ia the minds of the people long since. We owe this ex pensive farce, to tbe desire of Mr. Heyster Clymer and his Democratic colleagues to make ft little political capital. If it had not been for this, the case wonld have been relegated to the courts, and wonld have been disposed of w ithout this wasteful ex penditure of public money. The announcement tbat tbe Dem ocrats of tbe House have agreed to repeal tbe resumption clause of tbe act of 1 75, and the letters of Tiiden and Hendricks are launched to the world band in hand. It took month of bard work, and an immense deal of jugglery to get all the high con tracting parties on to a common plat form. Who was bought or wbo was cheated has not yet been developed, certain it is tbat tbe voters are to be swindled If the objects of this unholy alliance prevail. Tilden's letter is as wordy and as windy as if framed by tbe most garrulous of old women. It is a regular stump speech, cavort ing over the entire realm of politics, denouncing everything and suggest ing nothing practical in the way of that reform of which he prates so I glibbly. As a free trader he of course I attributes the present stagna tion of bufliuess to the operation of tbe tariff laws. But the gem of his letter, or speech is in this sentence: "The proper time for resumption will be w hen wise preparation shall hare ripened into perfect ability to accom plish the object" Ia tbe name of Jnpiter Tonens when will tbat be? The letter of Hendricks is sirupjy an amplified endorsement of the St Louis platform, witb adoption of tbe X. Y. Sun's theory of civil ser vice reform, vix, turn oat all the pre sent Federal office holders and put Democrats ia their places, ia other words ft reiteration of the doctrine of "to the victors belong the spoila." At last the battle is joined. Now for honest money, and honest, square dealing! against trickery .humbug, in sincerity, sham reform and shot gun polities. A writer for the Democrat under the signature of "Right or Wrong," in the last issue of that journal, after alluding to several articles published j by ns in condemnation of tbo Ham- burg massacre, save: 'Are we to BD.ler.tand that (he ix-irme. were I el. lit ia maiaum il mMi w ... .w . K " were tiitht m a.imiuierinj( i- n ur? , I . nrw 'a... . a . . . .TV . plwaaaVtl ft aKlriaWal Mr Mraaa WBkW ka -a.naat : The assumption that tbe negroes "resisted the ciril power," is as gra- tuitous as it is false. What are the facts? Tbe officers of tbe negro rol- onteer company were summoned to appear before a ciril magistrate on ;tbeeLare of obtroctig the public j street Tbey did appear, with tbeir icoantel, the hearing was postponed fat the instance of the prosecution, and when Soallr the ca was called for trial. Gen. M. C. Iiutler. counsel for tbe complainants, instead cf pur suing tbe charge, dropped it, and de manded tbat tbe arms ot tbe compa ct be surrendered. Tbe ciril magis- ; trate bad oo r'gbt nor power to male nr rnfurre thi-i demand. Duller cer- mil irons aou canon, inn unci r?- a - t : . r !giHMce tored lhcnii snd afler. wards, in blood, deliberately! murderedfive cf tbem. And now ; mwociale-s are tbe kid-gloved Ie-i My letter to Governor Cbaniber mar God ealiiitei hi ignorance jraocracv of tbe Manhattan Club, and Main contains all tbe comments I wioh this Pemocratic citizen of Somerset county that by refusing to; 1 . riih wk;-k thff Bainuvjti wc ... State bad entrasted them to a Iaw - less mob, and in defending themselves! greed fr money and ambition foH ciony in regard to the lawless condi aoainat 'its murderous assault, ther I political prominence. And there isUion of a portion of lbe people of tbe " , were "resisting tbe civu power. It is not a matter of surprise there- fore, tbat one so utterly obtuse to all rwrn.J nl Wl ritrbtanhould as - j,...- - 0 n . 6ert that, "in our opinion tbe negroes j were wrong." Wrong, we suppose, j on the theory that they have no which white Demotrats are bound respect, xor oy every otner tueory, m . I I moral, legal or divine,tbey were ia tb clear exercise of their constuu-i tiooal right. Ther were lj oraaized rolanteer compaoj. rymg tbe a.-ms ot tbeir aute, parad-; iug ia honor of the nation 8 great aa- niversary, aad the only offense alleg- edarainst tbem, was tbat of obstruct-j inr a street in the villare of tbeir res-'be dence. Did any one ever hear of a ... , .. , notary company of wb.te men be - ing denied tbe privilege of parading through tie streets cf any city or town in these United States? Did not every town in the Union, where J . , , mn.tary companies existed, have hbem parade through the streeU on tbat same daT. Yet. according to this Democratic writer for lbe Am- ra!, the men composing this compa ny were ia the wrong. Why? Ie- cause their skins were black, we pre-! same. Only this and nothing more. But did they obttruct tie street? The testimony i-t that tbe street is one hundred and fifty-eight feet wide, the company was marciing in columns of rour, occupying less than eijiht feet, two men in a buggy deliberately drove up in front of tbem (although tbere was one hundred aad fiftv feet . , , - . - l-i, a of road war left for tbeir vehicle I and 7 demanded tLat thef sbould give way. w cum a.nv company oi w nite men in Christendom have yielded to ibis demand? Yet the negroes did. They opened their ranks and permitted the buggy to be driven through. So even tbe miserable pretext that they ob structed tbe streets wras not true. And now comes a citizens of Somer set county and volunteers tbe declar ation through one of tLe public journ als, tbat in Lis opinion "the negroes were w rong." and glosses over the sav.fre, unprovoked, wanton, blood- . ' . .. thirsty deeds of the assassins with tbe assertion that, "the whites did not set things right by a second wrong." While the entire land is horrified with the details of this ter rible massacre, while tbe ontramel ed press of the country is ringing with denunciation of the damning deed, while all good and true men blush witb shame that the law sbould have been so outraged, the country disgraced by so barbarous a deed, that after ft hundred years of our boasted civilization this horror could have occurred, comes from one in oor midst, the cold blooded declaration which we have quoted above. No words that we could write, no de nunciation tbat we could utter could touch ft conscience so seared, a heart so callous. We thank God most fer vently, tbat such an ooe could not be a Republican, and we know that noth ing but tbe brutalizing teachings of a party whose cornerstone was hu man slavery, could rear aud nurture such a Democrat . Ot K SEW TVIK I.ETTEK. New York, August fi, 187C. IKT WEATHER It has been fearfully dry in tbe city all tbe summer, so much so that seri ous fears Were at one time entertained that the water supply of the city might foil. New York is supplied from one source, Crotoo River, and tbe water for tbe entire city is brought in one pipe. Imagine tbe distress tbat would be occasioned if, by any accident, that pipe should be destroy ed! Imagine a million of people without water ! But, as dry as it has been in the city, it is nothing to what our neighbors in New Jersey have suffered. Tbe whole State is as dry as a powder horn and tbe loss to tbe farmers and gardeners will be im mense. Tbe vegetable cro is nearly total loss, the berries dried up on the bushes, and the apples are fniliog from tbe trees. In parts water has been procured ' fur house purposes witb difficulty, and stock has suffered terribly So hot aud dry a season has not been known for eighty years. , , : BUSINESS. Business is as dull as ever, but some of tbe - raerenaats - are hoping tb.t with the fall there will urne a re vival. Tbey argue that prices hav ing got dowa to eoaaetbiog near tie bottoaa, mere ants from tbe ioterior will eoaae to Xew York anal lay, and tbat tbey will buy more liberally. Tben tbey eoaot on the low cost of passage and freight to attract buyers to this market. I insist tiiat tbey are wrong. Tbe jobbing fasie ia lost to m t.7 X- ?L . . DDwiti, t. Louis, j New lork forever. The merchants Toledo, and the other wholesaling tnr of the eaplr as points in tbe west can mannrarinPOM mot ai a arAa nl av ma nam jobber in all American goods, and. thank heaven. 'American goods are tbe goods Americans are mostly us ing now. llesides it costs iess to go to any of those points than it does to New York, and freights are less. New York will alwari be the finan cial and importing center of the con. the New York merchant, an tbeT o lured b.m to bis ru.n, laughs at can do basiness at hall tbe cosl! h.,m " ,'ir "?l wbol u They caa undersell the New York P1"3"1 th,0S fur t by b.s folly. tlnent, but no;hiog else. Tbe (Treat city bas seen its hei J, and if it bold its own it is more than I expert for it. There are thousands or emptj rtores 10 the city, and tens or moos- lowioj? meastg1 and of emptr dwell;n?s. And li.aan.,rrnm,hu. end U o t jet. IlenU hae shrunk two-th.rd. and there na neeo a ae - countrv never saw. dj not count rnocb on New York. Tbe WmI holds tbe ter to tne position, aau i way ill anj . information in regmm iu me OA vi EL J. TILPES. ' slaughter of Americau ci'.izen at TiMea. tbe Democratic nominee ! Hamburg. S. C , I have tbe bnor to fur rinideal, is probablr th most submit the fallowing inrj.ure to unfit ruaa for that position tbat could wit : ( i t have been selected. He is a born' Here follow a list of papers eu'-hx-aristocrat; ani id ia sympathy with,ed. . , - - - -- - no bamaa leinz but ham. filden He lives in one cf lie most goreons information in my possession tourb mansions in New York, asd. more ! ing :be late disgraceful and brutal than any one man ia tbe city, keeps , slaughter of unoffending men at tbe on the t tie of the European nabob. ! town of Hamburg. S C. I w"",u ucc' "u, " ; eras, oniy lor toe reason icai mrougu -kI 'al . .... classes, w nom ne aespises as Dearciiv j3 a maa can. He has two oaalitiesi nothing under heaven tbat he will uot , ..,,.; ,,,, m.. j counsellor of Twoed, sj long as be could sbsre his robberies, and ' he ouIt turned a?aiust him when . - furtber association would have dam j aged bis other aspirations. ue am ,. t imam "7 Zr V V jP - - " - . : 'm.-- " i some six or seven millions by these not nreserre faith with tbe nor evea. i-- j , . : i . Attowa v. naaiel rniliiDS. Iiamo. j rifbU, .-d-ib.". d. iZ- til --V:V levens .id Aibert Minj.M were! to t sertea mem woea iner were in hju-i , . ., , , snij v- V s - i'u "J i.iuar, mw. unm, I . .. ". . IlUt a.i mint iiNlifr thtin nr nun ,1. oi'J. l.OJI. I , . t , . .! .... i . j riuie uruiiB. iuo uuit ourr miu;r ' - j j t i 1 t t,.. i ii. a. a tv.A itifAi ratttn.p nri , - . j 1 1 unii .1 ,1 n n iiiirpr 1 r. t inn 1 r. ny . ft regular-1 opJH,r,tioas. be was stroa? enough th aute f to take testi pany, car- financiallr to bur up ft Democratic ! moa-T .n tLe '' 0Tfkf'aad oJ , L Convention, and" be is working hi3 lolence .n elecuons. Tbe.r report ha; v---""?.-"- " ' 6 tt. . - .. - -.k t is 8iien.iD, LJSe who are dangerous to him. aad with monev ia organizing tbat vast mas3 of! j dangerous voters, the purely venal. i There are men at work for Tdden in , cJtT hind!jQ? tbouSaoJli wba j Derer 'IW lea dollars of their own j money tbere are thonssods of small I Democratic papers paying off their ! mortgages, and tbe starving "in j dependent "press, all over tbe coun- arft .nn.(0r.:D , Til Je .ni their j editors .for tbe first time ia tbeir lives are wearin? decent clothes, tsam Tildeo is the first maa wbo has ever nndertakea to buy himself into tbe Presidency. Sbould he, by any acci dent, be elected, bis administration wni be tbe most corrupt that tbe countrv has ever been cursed with Only tbiak of tbe National Govern ment controlled by John Morrisey and Boss Kelly ! Tbe Republican wbo fails to do bis whole duty this fall, don't deserve tbe name. TflE IIEATEP N'KJHTS. To tbe poor who are crowed into :a..n ; .l tur unit i auic icucmvuv; i Li iu v v w ri Pr 01 c,57. lIie 00- n,gD 01 the past moctn bare been terrible. 1 .... ... . . To stav in tbeir miserably ventilated jroo(K8 - we!j t0 ga)otteri aDd w lbeT took the streets tor it. where it was a trifle better. As early as nine o'clock, thousands of poor, men, women and children, were out on tbe sidewalks, getting ready forsleep. They brought out with them such blankets aod bed ticks as tbey posessed thousands had nothing whatever to lie upon and xade up such beds as tbey could upon the sidewalks, cellar doors, or any other place that was dry. It was a carious sight to see mothers getting their little oues readv for i''P. to see girls and women twist- lj.BWbeir ,ir. n'1 mak.iDS lbe!r limited towet to the oen air, under j thc gIare of tLe gM I!ut theJ ere compelled to do it, or die. The beat was so intense tbat to attempt to sleep ia tbe rooms would be to invite death while living was possible even amid tbe stenches of the filthy streets. This continued regularly every night for ovcra month. To tbe poor in New York all seasons are terrible. In tbe winter tbey freeze to death, and in the summer tbey smother. Tbe weatber is still hot, but it is more endurable. tilt. Since my lat tbere has a changa cooie over Mrs. Tilton. ie has sig nified her williugness to take assist ance from Theodore, and hs bis sent her thousand dollars, upon which sbe is now living. Tbe children here" after are to live where they cboo-e and tbe probability is tbat this much wrecked family will, hereafter enjoy something like peace. By the way tbe people of Plymouth Church have not ued her properiv. Since tbe tri al they have absolutely ignored her only two or tbree of the ladies of tb'e congregation having called upon her. Tbey did raise a purse of $1,200 for her at the close of tbe trial, but never a cent since, nor have tbey in any way taken any trouble to see tbat sbo was in comfortable circum stances. Mr. Beecber, for whose sake she bas suffered so much, has been as negligent as the others, and among tbem tbe poor little lady bas bad a bard time, and will have a harder. Sbe bas already kept board ers and taken in sewing to keep her self, and but for tbe relief Theodore bas extended to ber, would have suf fered for food to eat It is not impos sible tbat the twain may come togeth er again. Frank Moulton is after Beecber again, hotter than ever, and he swears tbat be will never give him rest till be has fastened tbe crime npon him. He claims to have tbe power to do it, if he can ever et into a court tbat will give him a sbow. The public have, however, lost interest in the matter. What it wants is a fresh, beallby scandal. stokes, the murderer of Fisk, has been re moved to Auburn Prison, and be is now or tbe first time, actoally a con vict. At Sing Sing he was a clerk ia the office of a shoe manufacturer ito employed prison labor, aud be erer slept in ftcoll. or enjoyed pris on lare. There he had a Very good time, and was as comfortable as a aiao eotild be wbo was uudex any re straint But ia Auburn it is f uiie different Mr. Stokes has on him the prison garb, be practices tie loci -step, be eata as do other prisoners, and is treated precisely as tbe re6t are. For tbe rest of his term Mr. Stokes is like- Jy to know what it is to be a prisoner 4n earnest Ua growls about it, but to no purpose. He is too old a sensa tion to excite any 'uterest. and be will wrve hU time out and Au.C " , "'7lw ! . .AmiYi.t iaafaaw tvKon rm ;A j:.. i corupjittet: a report, aq w en un . 7 7, 1 0W" etrd- The way of tbe transgress- - n .'! u -vWu.n.u .uck.. " "tu m j "lb- : TUE IIEALxII 01 tne city tias improved some wnat' wun tne reduced temperature, but tbe; tairmount Park, to continue ten I G. H. Taylor, .yrs Thornton and mortauty, especially among children, ; days. The sncampment is styled ' child, Mrs. Mnsser, May Cunning-' ? avnMuira.iana un ana wm is still frightful. T weive children j "Camp Anthonv Wavne." and covers ! ham aud Ler sifter I.ihhv Ali uicu yetfieruay, oui oi one bouse. PIETRO. Tba naaakarx !" FROM Tilt PBESIPEVr i Ja ue 0flfie Cfod Stales: ,Q fe to lbe re30mjon of the i&ntta nf Jnlr 30. 1 S7 callinr ,l. i,;.r.t i, nmmiMt. ; to the Senate if. in his opinion, not jocoinpa,ible with the public interest, i . . i i These inrlosurea enl-race ail the ;)u v luo " j is maue ia tue letter to me coaumoa . . i . . - - Louisiana ana jiisissippi. 1 nave added th Indosed letters and testi latter State. In regard to LkIISIANA affairs. murders and maacres of inuueeut men for opinion's sake cr on account i 'nf r.inr k tn nf t,n rn' ,?-.r i inn f )i iwi irmaflni irrurrpm'H Tii ! r - ' . - .'v:. - - jleiie tor ibem. Kat recently a committee of the Senate of tbe L oited huiea vuiteil Tbeir rep-irt has not yet been made public, but I await iu lonDcomiojr wild K-eiin of e;,0 - Me will milr sta.n ai tb" " , r,,it'0? .r;.uJ and violence iu tbe State of Misi fe,PPL S. Grant. Executive Mansion, Jolv 31, 1S7. The following is the President's letter to Gov. Chamberhio. referred tn nhnvo- i to Toot t'attor V theater Te.trray particular of a r'rrnie acddout I I 111 , AuguHl TbeM-j -h M : dwarf. Lucia Za-! which occureJ in tbe um-rr Tard of I I I U. waa received bj the TfceT BMtMure(j fc,r and as-; that ciij oo Wedn-sd4T. It appears i ran nr. riw i . : t r , r i , u itr to., in 'itiv ... tmv v . " - uw i n. . . . ... - .. W.miiinci TOM, July 2fi, 1S7C. Der Sir: am in receipt of yoor letter of the 22J of July and all tbe inclosares enumera - j tea therein, give aa account of tbe late barbarous m3sacre of innocent men at the town if llamlmr S P The views which von express as to the dotv you owe to" tbe oath of of- Ce and the eiujon tn afnr m.'l - ' their civil rights, includine tbe ritrht to vote according to tbe dictates ofi tbeir own consciences, and tbe forth - er dnty of the Executive of tbe ni - tion to give all needful aid, when properly called on to d so, to enable yoa to insure this inalienable rigbr, I fully cencor in. Tbe scene at Hamburr, as cruel, Lbvulrhiratr i .-: . -"f-' and uncalled for as it was. is only a ! repetition of tbe course tbat bas been pursued iu other States within tbe last few years, notaoly ia Mississippi and Louisiana. Mississippi is gov erned to-day by officials chosen through fraoJ and violence, such as would scarcely be accredited to savages, much less to civilized and Christian people. How long these things are to continue, or what is to be tbe final remedy, tbe Great Ruler of the universe only knows. But I have an abiding faith that tbe remedy will come and come speedily, and 1 earnestly hope that it will come peacefully. There has never been ft desire on tbe part of the North to humiliate the South; nothing is claimed for one State tbat is not freel v aecoded to all ! tbe others, unless it may be tbe rigid to kill negroes and Republicans with out fear of punishment and without Ios3 of caste or reputation. . This bas seemed to be s privilege claimed by a few Stales. I repeat again that I fully agree with yon aa to the meas ure of your duties in the present emergency and as to my duties. Go on. and let every Governor where the same dangers threaten the peach of his State go on ia the con scientious discharge of bis duties to tbe humblest as well as tbe proudest citizen, and I will give every aid fo." which I can Snd law or constitutional power. A government that cannot j give protection to tbe life, . property, I ... gu-c.uieeu ;.., r.guu, v this country the greatest is an un- so far a failure, and every energy of tbe oppressed should be ' exerted (always within tbe law and by con stitutional means) to regain lost privileges or protection. " " " KESI LT OF ISJfSTICE. Too long denial of guaranteed rights is sure to lead to revolution, Executive Mansion. WAiiis.ijder you my declination as a candidate bloody revolution, where suffering! ba ,nJ fouod three of tbe rainer3 must fall upon the innocent as well delid nbert Campbell, Joseph Neale asthe pn.Ity. Expressing the hope 'd V,-iilim Eiseohart. John Eis that the letter judgment and co-op- ' uLarl f d uV bui 80 b;JllI eration of tbe citizens of tbe Slate ' over which you have presided so ably may enable yoa to secure a fair trial and punishment of all offenders, without distinction of race, color or previous condition of servitude, and without aid from lbe Federal Govern ment, but wiib tbe promise of such aid on tbe conditions named iu lbe foregoing,' I subscribe myself very respectfully your obedient servant, U. S. Grant. To tbe 'Ion. D. II. Cbamberlaiu, Governor of South Carolina. Moa. BMjanli Harrlaaa Jamiaalerf Imdianapoi.fs, August 4. Hob. Benjamin Harrison, of this city, was anauiuioasly nominated by tbe Re publican Slate Central Committee for Governor, xice Hon. G. S. Ortb declined. Twelve of the thirteen committeemen were present. Advices were received from forty-eight coun ties by telegraph, thirty-seven of which expressed a decided preference for Harrison. The others were wil ling to acquieee in any nomination tbe committee might make. All insisted that tbe committee sbould make tbe nomination, and no. call a j Tt j. i . -H known as to whether Harrison Willi accent or art Lie ia out ol tbe city and oo .one ias been able to com mu nicate with him dur.ingtbe day. He reuirns to-morrow, apd it is generally i VtTa(,t Mich., -Angast 1 -A ter believed hy his ffjenda iat he willSri,jIt( aPcideut oCr.urred ,bout one accept, A large crowd of prominent 0vIu..k to da i,wbpM ir ot it,... nop need it was received witb lnree i ringing cheers. ' . !' r.araaapuaeait r tha WaAIMl Oaarf. V,- isunk and nine of tbe party ' were Philadelphia. Auirust 3. The; drowned. Tbe water is Cftv orsiTte National Uuard of Pennsvlvania I formed to-day an encampment in ! - .1 unementjan area of 2a(J acres. . Altogether aoom 4,uuu troops nave arrived and are located on the grounds. The ftaaallaat ar liar- prl. A Urge number r.f physicians went ooe inches, brr fret three inches Ion?, r: ." ZU,! tbe. knee four inches: icertainea ner ceieni id oe iwrni, tnai jonn iapusi, .mcipv. an rn in circumference, and bef band aa , track, when a freigot eoirine. ona inch and an quarter broad. Herjticed by bim. appruai-hed. He was mother, who is a robust and of a me-j knocked down and bctb his legs were aium size, savs mat iucia is twelve years old. iter race is older tnat. that. Her features are Spmish, and brr complexion dark. Her activity looessaot. De plaveu pranas with tbe pbvsicians and talked fast in Spanish. She stepped intu a high silk bat, crouched down, and was out of sight excfptinir ber bead, hne squeezed one of ber uliab'e little; bands tbrougb a rather Urge finger j rin? The hand of an adult mad an ample seat fir I.e'. Stacding on a i ba:r, and buidiu lu tbe back of ir, ter fingers stuck through the spaces in tne caneworK noies tnat just ad- passage of a sm a! pen- COllICr, Sbe was not weighed,-but ber weight is said to be five pouad; an d, poised ia tbe hand, she does noi eM heavier. Her dolbin i- com - seeoi Heavier. Iter ciolbing m cum ,ca!!v sa-.aH. as thoogb intended fur adJUhe shoes and sinkings es,e - ci.ilv being tovhke. T . tl t . - ince be was iswb.bited bv Uarnum;,0 .,ThIe-T, ClV ' first astonished the pub- j ' ". ,k"J b-v ,.K J' . ! , i . , , . James t ockbv Henry Getzcn, ibo?.. ; Ut WbCU be in, lie te was twice as larze as Lucia; ,.,i The ladiaaa abrBatrtai !?. ImIaapilis, August 2. A spe - esal froai Layfayeete, Indiana, to the r fiav. - Tho f .M.-via-in.y jbaa jU5t teen baoded th- 'Cbairman ! r p.1h.. St.r- f.n l Pn. jinittee: , Lapavetie., August 2. i Dear Sir: Feeling satisfied at:cr a full consultation with vourself and ! other friends in diTerent parts of tbe j State tbat 1 sbail uot receive tbe J Uuited support of the Republican . ; - ! parti so eaoeotial to success ia tbeij ,00'v innr.-,nkin.Wii.,n I !,-rul.. ' brO'.beTS ;iit-r vuu my Jeoiiuatiua as a candidate i for Governor. With best wiohes for tbe success of the cause. I am j Yours, trulv. GuXjLOYE S. Oetu. j To CL D. G. Friediey, Cnairmau ! Itpfiul!iinn S-nfrt (VnTl P.imrniMm r - . . j U vie of the dtclinatioa of Mr.!"" ,lD a" us. Ortb. the Chairman of tbe Uepobli-1 ,fce rf u!l a ,b of 1,1 - ran Stt Votr.l iVmmiti. h.. ia. ! Herrod, and Levi llerrud wa nif.r- sued tbe following cai! : Rooms Republican- State Ce.n - Itbal Committee, Inpianapolis, jl.ND., August 2. Hon. G. S. Ortb baviog tendered bis resignation as a j candidate for Governor, the State j Central Committee is hereby invited i to meet at tbe rooms of the commit- tee in Indianapolis on Fridav, Aa- ! ; r ? v. v , e y- . tion upon said declination. A. G. Friem.ev. lb Ha banc Batrherjr. Columbia, S. C, August 2. Tbe Coroner's inquest over tbe victims at I Hamburg brought its work to a close yesterday, and to-day tbe verdict has been published. It charges General M. C. Butler, P. P. Butler, Dr. Pierce Butler, Rev. J. Leeling, and fifty tbree other citizens of Aiken and Edgefield counties and thirty Geor gians witb murder. The inquest bas bee a searching and exhaustive, and tbe verdict his been reached at tbe earliest practicable time." Warrants of arrest for all tbe persons charged with the crime are now ia tbe bands of tbe Sheriff of Aiken coonty. Tbe ?;llb Carolinians are said to iutend to BU rrender to the Sheriff without delay. Governor Chamberlain wij immediately issue requisition upon the Governor of Georgia for all per sons charged by tbe verdict in tbat Sute. Attorney General Stone is in Aiken, by direction of tbe Governor, to take charge of tbe prosecution. Tbe evidence is said to be far more damnitig than heretofore believed. IeaAb la s .la. (. ,. i, i ' J ray k Bell s coal works on Saw- j mill run, abont ttrte n.i'es above! j Temperanceville, jraa on Saturday: r...L v. ' t ..... J:r tbeVene of a terribie dis-!?.f ,terf fe9fclu io ,be dtth of ,our mioer8. Atone o'clock the neigh-! borho0(1 wa3 s.artTeJ ny . fond re-i rort. and in a short time it was as-i certainej that an explosion bad oc- eurred in a mine, where a large num-; ber of men were worsios'. i A great volume of smoke was is suing from tbe mouth of lbe pit, and it was some time before it was possi ble for persons to enter with safety. As soon as the smoke bad cleared away, a body ot men entered tbe KninA1 iKat ha iliu,l l.r nifvKt ibe coroner held an miiuest, ves- ter day on tbe bodies of the dead. Tbe testimony showed tbat while John Eiseohart was engaged in opeoing a new room be struck a vein of gas, wben an explosion ensued. A , ver- dirL ot accidental death was found bvrfurmeO. i j tue Jury. . mmmmmmmmkmm . . ( . y - A ' balr via 4a,ae. . PoTTSt ii.i.e, July 31.-Io opii tJ!mn,,tMtu''entnvt ,he tbe fact tbat in the jails of Scbuylki'l I Tt m.ia si t . j. x t s-r partial , , . . . i term. J. B. Wllll'Kt.1. anu uaruoo counties inure are eigut Mollies convicted of murder and awaiting the gallows, the fienuisb spirit of the murderous organization does not appear to be completely cowed. fin S.tnr.taw n?rti laat a.-hllo . . . - . V.. I citizen of East Maucb Chunk, named ! ... i : t.:. ... i ... be wa fired upoa by some persou ! ii.., .. ... conceaiea m ine ruruooery, gnu iljs - builel grized bis bead. .VI 1 1 1 1: r WS9 uue vi IUV jururs WU M :n . . e . I : i conricted Alexander ' Campbell of murder In the' first decree recently, for complicity in the killing of John P. Joned. ' The attemp on bia lilt) was undoubtedly made because tf his part in Coding tbe verdict aod shows tbat tbe .Mullie Maguires are not eaily weaoed from iheir habit of . , . . areoiring their iuarrela by murder. Mar Peraaaa Drawairat. about oae mile miuib of HiJIridale in ij is state, where an excursion Dartr fr,orn Cold Water numbering about . ... . . v t Li.ui " v u fc vub laac VIJ a 'flat beat or ?cow when it soddenlr feet deeo where the boat sank, the names of t,be.dro-vned are asollows: . . . . ' ; Haves, Mary Keely, Randall Black- man. all of Cold tVater. The wi d-l J est excitement prevails at Hillside. j 1 ' ..unci, was kuku iu uis wwu uuir;to . Martha William. Harrlbl f Mailt. j The Alt-voa Mtrmr relate the P- 'in lbe company's sbops, was on iii wav t work, aad was crossing the i run over and bornbiv manz:e, iruiii just alove the aak!e d jwn, including ; bis two ft-et. II if rkiii! wa a!.-..! Iractored in three places, ind bis; ; stioulOer s-verel v injured. lie was; ! pioked op and carried to tbe cinder ', wlk alongside tbe track, where be: ! was placed to await tbe arrival of a ; pbysic:an. He was subsequently re- moved to tbe residence ot a Mrs.! Parr, bis sister, where be boards, be j beini unxarried. The t:hvicia3' ; considers bis case bupeles. He ist , about twenty-six years of age, and j has the reputation of beinar a Headv inttiatr!in man r LJ1I j HALtLi, 1k llankarc Hwr. KLtr" ' K -ui R- iTbe Jur ,a lbe 4bUrg case find j . . . J f i t .a . Pf" a'Ilf, "n,! - T: J- Butler Henry Ge. ! Thomas Butler Harr.n I-utler . :wuua i.iuiur. iuuuiu wiitct u'j i it : la-.t- I t llsrriHJU DUllfi, ouu i i forty-four citizens of Aiken county,; coiintv, iS. C, and thirtv srsr A!p,TTsBURCH cessories before (.1... - U . f . I . I . - j Aiken are two colored men, and fr m i Edgefield (ielieral M. C. BlJtler. Tbe ! warrants are expected to issue tu , day, and bait to any amount is ready. Bio4 IShllBS Alfray. LoiisviLLF. July 31. Ia Fraokiin countv lat Saturdav crcarred a sb'jutisg affray. Tbree nsnied Herrod, returtiio? ! oon,e ,r"m . wiiecue ' rrauitroni, were overtaken or James .la-ires?! and Alexander Scot t, George Herrod, William IVnn aad Sauiurl Aver?'. The latter party rode a Lead, pri-ur-ed aruis, a aite I aud tLi-ii engaged wiib the smaller party iu firiur at , i . i . i i i i wuod in the breast aad foe; I AU 109 parties have since b-en ar rested. The affair was caused by an old family foud. Tarry ajad ike ladlan. Cuit'Aid), III, August 4 A dis patch from Gen. Terrv, received at Gea. Sheridan's headquarters this morning, savs tbat vu lbe 2t:b of Julv he would romnieaee a movement up the Rosebud, with a view cf form png a junction witb Gea. Crock. Tbe lOispatcn lurtoer states that news from every quarter indicates tbat tbe Indians are breaking np mm small parties, with a view cf depredating ou border set'lements. Others are probably tired of war, and are seek ing tbe agencies. The Caul Sba. Piiilamuhi, Aoguot 2. Pay ing admissions at tbe evbibitioa to day were 24,530. Application has-been received at tbe Bureau ot Agru-n'ture for stalls for one hundred and forty-six Eng lish sheep which have been sent here for exhibition. These sheep are of the Colswold, Lincoln, Smuh.fowo i nd other well known breeds. Tbe j total numoer oi entries oi live stoen tor exhibition to date -.ucludes ,JU0 horses, over 000 neat cattle, more than COO sbeep, 500 swiae, snd near ly 400 dogs. Brlalaw Taalair lbe Mainp. Borrox, July 31. Ex-Secretary Bristow leaves to diy for Vermont to take tbe stump for Haves and Wheel er, speaking at some of the larger i..i.mJ. k.. ;n r.. j. ( Birr, auu uiru will a m mis i . ,, . l. ,-, in lbe White Mouutain reirioo. He will fioifb up bis trip in ibis section Ne.w Ko!aDd b " brief t:a 8t j East Hampton. of New hag AWIIknbam larger. WiLKEsii.vRRK. Juiy 3. i uonvensm, a ousme?s man ana meiii- j 0De ;f d : f miiies in ibis of nearlv 200,000. His forgeries are upoa in dividuals, firms and batiks. He bas fled. . j A"; AJ'ierti-euiinLi. "ORMAL SCHOOLS. The TCinnxl Si ht.I- nf S ntTf-i p.inTT. Viii iommrtn-e un X,'Ut JuIt 1-c art-1 m-fitmu . in jeaptuoBiacwet h. Tb It ll-wrtriy are Ihr r.i. i pKlft, aol liKntl mof the liffre&t rhnl. M. S Knr. lfc-rlia. J. F. PiTrlry. .Mey'rJile. J. I. Mewe. Salulfarr. Frwfcrk-li Grf. Styowii. J.C Welirr, Newl'cntcnille. S. U. TrenT. innerivt. VlitH. tlr . Jeonrr X n,,!-. Luther Knllllikui. Ur'in.t. A ihiimtixti N'-rml lrlil will h iwn In all the rummtjD hrarH-he : Inntratin altl ali I .ivra in the higher bnuK'iied where cla?iet can be All wlMnlei'fre 1 toach. stwu.J avail lliem.e!vw f.iil.e.lviinj.!,'bl..l. HTuod a dou rt. t k Tv'. t . a-1 un t nece?lty uur iriKMjiii J. lineal kn io the leacber.. aoJ without dee1-le.i laipr irement. many, tim receire.1 eer-tltH-atee Ui.: r. will be rwrvtr.1 tln year July in. c... Sup;. ACCEPT OR RE- RULE FUSE. TO HennantJ. .Turnan.! tliz-.lieth In the t'unrt of hi wile, in riht nf j.l rli:z 1 t-.'Oiinn Plea hetb. t Snieret . rntT, Fa. O.. It. Wi! T.Vn4 I Su!nn,..n In Willinn. lj-ri WillUaM. Sjm- ;-arl il im. um i.i-. ij M.ry a. inr. i wifcv Manin mm .ru n.i Anna h.jihj Amn.!Mni.k...ii, 411 1 N.wlih'iy'ler. jrourlin. "ao.i o.jw tuit. i.i.v of April, ixt Kuie n H parties intfriti. int Court on the Air. .l..lir a.f lii.nut 1 " a.uuid ik rafiiaa ' T T"1 - V " the r-ai ejiaii. ai me appraii im ? nter-(. tie : ld.Z B?ln' """' . 9nih a44 aevufiUo lo lap titi). W. HJJ.r:. Jul H. Mierltr. a i".w iviti iTnnn? a"j".r trT i I'.MI.MOl.HUlt O aUlltC La4teu( Wllliaa Mun hy. Ur? of Paint Towrv j ship, uecfMM. I Ivlten nf a.1mtnitratlrm having ben r-tote-i itte ntltratil. hy the prr author. ty. on ; the !rY rtt4). D-tlre tn herWiy uir to ati pt-r-i 9fM tn)eht?l lu Aait t-itie tt make ifnuiel;ate I mft . aixi thotw bavir-a; elalm aaint tt it:LMi itl present thrt iluly aut limx jcAil fr t!tilvment nnJ aU"aiN9. m Sa! onlay. Ahuh ii1 ac D late rf-nrii'oi i: JOHN HOP KM AX. A'luiit.irtor. Ju!yi CETTLKME.NTKF THE SClllMlL. IUKKC Otur'aof Noniiamiiloa Tp., Ur tiw year enotnir Jonejth l7J. . ilernard Trlinpr, eoL and treaa. Jr. To rtau a,n,i.rliliiji t ivt 51 mi. uue irum yaar ennni$ Jan l:s " taxee colleetel on tmpli- 271 H MS 3- t 1UTT 13 UR. 11 r!ers Utr Teacher'i al irV '. f num ordeH Ut fael ami eoatin- ' irenrlea... :..... 107 j fees br trea.'. ana eul n at - aeerelary V, w - wr.:o W 3iiS to i , ' Sampler worth 1 ,inrr.!ayathou I v v 4 tree. Dnxm ai.v. Maine. mi ill Jij.11. . u ..... fortlaaa. an AVar AJ''frti.eiiir"f'' E uui i SECOND EXPOSITION OF THE Traeflsmen's Industrial Institute. . T til !L 111 Ani Attractions in Every Depaitment ' FULL PEEMTDM LIST. ixziz 27 53A7 TzsTis:: Tirr. zailcc:: a: :i ::::::: zt 2T lay FC2 7X0 it 2all:::: 'ZZIU !.:.., , siftit i v uniiiiqe & wti'a nn illtnl-i v 1.. L . in'iniiry -in"r. rniRiiini nr -wi -aiirm. Ti:ULlt 5 Is ADMISSION (H iitlt nu n "0, Jaj 3?. j . . . i nin:a! la.-3tK:, , v; Ust .ilr.z in TWENTY-SIX TEACHERS S-nU lotbtf President, I'.EV. I. C. PEHSHIN'G, I. D . ! Ci niim nces Septemivr T. 'S ,VESETA2t SIC1UA.1 IT AIR Even- year increases thc populari- y of t!ii- valuable Hair Preparation ; which L .ine t- merit alone. We caa ass.irc or o'J patrons that it is ke;t lu'Iv uj! to its l.L'h standard; an.l it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoiincj Geay on Faded Hair to its youthfol color, making it sft. lustrous, and silken. The sea!;', by itn-, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions snd darulru'f. and, by tt-s tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out. as it stiinaLites and nourishes the hair-jrlanJs. By its use, the Lair srowi thicker and stronger. In balilno-s, it restores the capillary jrlan-ls to their normal vigor, and will create a new- growth, except in extreme oi l ae. It is the most eco nomical Hair Dressing ever used, as it roriires fewer applications and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes MJ), State AssayerofMassaehusetts says 'The const Ltnents are pure, anil care fully selecte-l for excellent quality; and I con-ii'ter it thc Lest 1 repa- E-.tion" for its intended purposes." StM ly ell ItTKfjin. imd DraXers .'a .VxAa'.io. - Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKEBS. As oar Kencwcr m mnny cae -reqnires too hmg a time, rind too much care, to restore griy or faded Whiskers, v.e Lave prepared thw dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and crli-ftually accomplih this result. It h easily applied, and produces a color which will neither nib nor wa.-h r.nt Suld by all Druggist. Price Yifty tVnti Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASETTA. N.H. Pennsylvania College. GETTYSBURG, PA. r't firt Ten, of the ivxt Colle-iate Tour w.H September Tth, 17. Ti Fau-oltTof the Inftttuti.-B L fall. TtrCaro iDirttctx a as l'-rul an! tinmatLi. The k at t(0 is uin: pl-aUMot a-ol heathy, tn the mid?t A an intvihiTMit ad1 nvra. rimmitaitr, arul accei 6ie dt raina.i irauis titree tim:s a tiy. The Preparatory Department, whi -b If nitder tte iiret mirriv of ti;e Fa- yjnu3 men prearini ;'f bu-m" it i.''AW irVt U e. ?;Qtlen:j in thi9 tlpar:mw.t are tii.d-r ti:e f-evUJ cure of tb Sd;aertuenOint, who ritlei wuii ifim in 'he huii-iinz. F'T lunh. r itii-rm a irr :;t:il vra. a-l.irr--M. VALtN lt. I. 1. Prrtititfiit ot i'.iife, EEV. P. L. HAKkli.. ujxrmteu'knt ol Prvp. Ier.t. J ai y Ut. attntTon, ALL YE LOVERS OF SONG! ATTEn THE Normal -Musical School T be he'.J in tha fOfBT IIOt'SE :it SOMERSET, PA., the tltrrecuufi uf Prf A Jhata. frloat rf the foef-erTatMrr M M.irJ-r ai Krtiktur;. tv -rraanr. t'-f airriir tune tirantt to Hun Act -te:ny tt Muic. lor eii;iitc-it Ttar. Or-EJnit tfi lMrei-t(T uf MuIc m woe i sh la t-hun-h- in H.:'n. Mi... H?r f neat lr a tbu;in'i t'unvroiKm,, Author of aiut thiny p-.m!r mtui? h.nvkA. A it-1 at thi time Pr-!.k-Dt f thrt-e of tlie m'tnt -uo.vsful Mm h nf i'oiUyr in thertruutrv. tUMEONE AND ALL, whhrTMi s:ww little or reua-h r tnu(V. Jal lmpnnre irtt rare ot'prunity to jeetire The in 5irucii'n v the -mo attlr aruferfertrmt td O gvi itt. Author and tmlucr&f of Musir Amrrua ket rtvr ro'wrrrf. Tkkets t Val muw. :! tj. tvenin: Sk-i-.n? air.. 1..k. Urn an l-;' f-'i. H-x-ti-ivniUhl free nl c it. C. H. BASS EXT. July li klrlar4 Aent. WALL PAPER, CHURCH DECottATIOMS ! Attentlm nf Cbur-h Oommitleo lr ealleil toir rery lull llf.lj. SliowinK Panel. Corinthian C'oluiunH, Pulpit Reer4 Decora tion, anil Cell ing C enire. Pn.w erT moderate, wilh .jieclal liv..unt. E'tiuule.iKi w.irk , par alime Dr: ItliHC A to. Nejl P. )., ;ui HfUi are, Pium.iinia. Pa.. Juneji LjT)lOLFTIQN NOTICE v . .N.jtK-e ft nerehf ii rn that the ri nartn. r-;h -. bereti-hire eiirt Inr ren iwxe Snvlcr. S..oi. l lil. - I.inine?.1i3.ler th' aame .rf Sot ler I hi. rn the t-t.t n st hujin.-.i ia S..ineret. has tliir 'lay l ,li ..lrc.l py uni'u 1 OHueai. Thr U kjul thebrmara ia tlie Inn,'' of S-.l KE-,n I hi. h'T !aimtt:atr S.ttleni-ik: ir:ill.iK SN'TDEK. ' July JO. S,l.,nwn l'hl will isi.itfnne th B.t an-' h tra'leat the n, wand f Sny.lerfc I hi, wliCre a Inil turl; wilt l.e kpt i!tantly nn harrl- at INe rery Inwen rah (irije", call jnd exnmini-. July a. SDLO.MnN I HL "OPvMAL SCHOOL. I will upen a XnrjI Kbud at CoBllnenee, un MIIXDAV. Al'UVST 7, lsT4, and continue teo week". A lH.nwt2h euarwi.r hv nni'.-tinn will ! iriven is aU tlie l.rmrue. rn.nir. j e-l. it.ap anl tuition remiahie. A!l .li..u, I ha in atteu ianee at the keiiunlna ut the term, if j possible. I. J. Mil. M R. I Tea.-her. July ?8. "VTOP.MAL SCHOOL. riie ua-lersiirnol will lark a Donual .h,4 at H.;lrerrille. .ierwl I '., ten weeae .lu- ratKin. ei'mmenrinx AuriKt l..t. All euninia in-anenea win ue uu;iil it-mM rarviin ran be ixnaine.1 ai reaMKlai.le rates. Tuition, three to Se iMlarn. For panlculam aputy lo JOHV W. IIAMER. Juljaj. UuuTemtlle, P. NTElilAL 1816 rva Jit - GRAND ART DISPLAY tTv-r, a IMilSTKIAL I ST IT IT K. lr. At KM K, IMTTMH Hl.ll. lilies '). ( hilJrfii 1- FEMALE ASP COLLECE to. t ui l ,,t j. ' a cata.o; A i.-k 9. CENTENNIAL. Hotel Directory. OF Philadelpllia. -1- Vo!.'3li:.iI ti.M cm t FnM-lrij ;...!. ! ' ' I' a..-.-.- I.. : . ... r -i j:u- r-i-A.- I . '., i'. !! aw . ii, .wr-M'-a-a.. .- U:if. Tt.'. ran ; - . r. ,j c 1.-a. -, ptuptK.-jr. In:;, Int. : ri ; : a :a;.r up ;.. r-;i:r-.3ji'. Tliis L.m! tv is c-aj,I:.! tr J. iVEAVEI! &. Uh. Aewpuper A! vertl-lu? l;i., V.S s 2s::.a- i.i :mi. l'ln.SlitKG. 1'A. Bn"h iiw. ::.".J Mariiel S:.. rt Elm Avenue Hotel, JI.M AXLXfE A."L ritiv y.'.-x "West end of Hacliincry Hall. .jOO KftOMS. .-. l'EI fr - r..- JOM 3L. 1) F. A H U D T HOTEL. J ftmmttt intb Vml. fbiladrlpvta. Fa. C'l- J AMES WATSO.V. ul :bHer.r H u llnciuuti. fr j ! per iy. K - S:rcvt,r3i.- pr ffi.ur t an l cll.;-;-. ao4 Srr-a Cenienni il Uu.l I 'tirnl l-.t... aal e.rAT ail f aiimw, Acrtijin .'i- tiia .-ur-.l bjr mrrofpia len.-. i H A 31 31 I V tf V ( r. . ON Itifc. kl Rut i AN PLAN. 1'i-teMreel. Trtaua 3lb tm 40il tr. PklliMlc-lpliiA. rm. Uan.!iciitt ikn -f Wt Pfii:a,;,-iphia : -iff. --y to t litr-rutta'. n-n:td : iit: Ou:' tf tyri. k au C"ije. rn t nw Tiirt-irure r v. . r U-r Tv-j aoein. LAiiiir : i'M; l iSre-tait-t-rtavrva ui:farr U -nt. a.rit: juv;,;i A; trt tinf-j an l pr;:.- a.: . m;i. a : L;rre ;rt. k- SHIELDS HOUSE: "ItMERI.Y KS!MJOX. si 7 sir.! s:n::. r s::ij I'lTXSBrGIf, IM. W. II. ST lHI.M A.W. Fr, This nmt h.i-j rtar!v -q T3U-(i ais l rrC'.lt,!. Awl il tlitf Hoard pr, xi..l. S.-ile S.aMe. ia ra'li4 w fh t. hj. Jane "J". BELJIOXT HOTEL. STRUTLY FIKST4. 1.ASS. Term. I 0 per day. C"orn-r Forty-First and Orciroci Sre-:.. (SILVf.S MAPLE OKOVE-i It LT F HllAlthLPhl.t. (.'iKirie P. an i F., .if Uiitiar". lW NEKS ASK PKHUIETiI.jt. yiiy i W. V. LIXAXK. r. Ira ATTit. f- t'at.ur. tuf-.--: rj x 1 ' :-ie : 1 Uir:r nii;i.: Uiill aaa lunii-n-e. l,T K ilt:rc r. ar... rrtrj .iriT" .-n u ere. .i -rji nttf -r rartiw, A'&'-utn.n. s ' Freaen. Uenuan. rjni.c ui Italian :a tne 1. A tUiats BitHrrak aco.fn;a..i. ti -n. ir-t-.-iu.-.'. It if m iiin Mir li. k ..i nHi-imlrin.'?,,,' tlie Uraa-I I n,Minul Ett. -i tl-.n. Ii. um.?k 'Ir-ir.iKt.. l..-3ti'.D h anr Oiitn!:, al Hot-!. T:ie entire h-Hi.c urn,ur.!if.t i,v .1 nuijnifi -nT rine '. ntnie tn--. i :l,i"y T.-.r arvwta. nufciac tun..irtt h itei in PLi x l;la. the laruiture ainf ;nipnifntji ,f ih- rn lire tma ii.'.int-ct are ..l thc tn.t lii-ril r. im Irr. au.i , luring :ie frt a nr!-!:...! .-r.-:,..;r will lurui-n nm..i.T f. r tl.e eniertinaieii! ' ! t:. SU'" Marki-: rret liiietily c-arj Mrs tiie ! ...r June ai. Congress Hall. new roT RsniRY brick hotel. i THE El KmPKAN FLAX. Elm Ave.. Below Forty-second St.. Iiireetiy uj.,'e Mjln jihii.iti. u Bnil.lii.i. ArrniUioilail. LAl ie-t. .-ial.irrni.'-m.-nt l Imjs mrt!e. irimn t lx.l..tK PEHIAY. l' Iki-ii'.tnv an-l reaaval'le tharv. - . ' W . II. UAEER4 CO., PMIailell.h'a ... i'V . ' " ' ' St. Cloud Hotel. -ircli SL, bctweeu Tth and Hrli. The (MrJt; &r$idt Hrtrt in Pkilttd'iphtm that diJ itM riiK ilf rmtrt cm m f count Of tm i ratenmiiit. Oi l Katw. $2.(10 s Pat. i. M". MULLIX, Prop r. P.M I N I ST U ATU U NOTIl'K. Litate.t An-vitia littfl'-v, !a;e t-f Nvf-m-kt '!ty. f. . le.-aaw,,. Ltlers f aiitaliii4tnitl.a 111 t!teatT et.i:e having (Nfw-a t the un-fcrixnL a-ti- i Leivtty :Ti-n W thire ii-leMt-. to 11 t make im meUitc taayuin:, arlrln-je !..vii,reta,ra' a:iin-t jt. t p"-rnr them tlnty a"ithenti',Aiel Ki etii--tr rm r J"tn H. I hl.unr tttrw at S-tn--i P . oti rr PriJay the It h '.Jr.i Af i-t. tT .kW4D. W H 'V.r ' 1 N. P. H-irtv." Jnlyli A.iaMt..-:rt-r. fi.tly t Kwme. -ri-nr- w-.nttl. -nifrt -aifn.nn tree. TKtt 7i t A ! t 31ane. -v mar yr. 'ii-iwiijTQivs notip j; K tis f M. Miller, f Jvil r.a 1Lj. Letter of almiNitrat'ia on the at've tat ha in reo Kranterl t the OTvtt-rSireii, aotlre t hereby if .vfj i the irniet tel to tt U Biake imtop dlate pameoi. an-4 ihe iiarintairn arnin-t it ti prVr ttiera tty thfmt-a.leti tir .ttiiii'n t .tt Ut- l iie r."'i-iv-e t tr-eea-.S on Sttrrij f, tUe i:h .i.iY -f An-snt. A ! HLN KV F. M ILLKR. A'l'nintruti'r. LLIZAIiFTH M1LLKK June AilmiitiKtratr It New Estiblislinicnt. XlMTACTfKEH L'F TOPPER WARE. Having jn.t oenel a eii'teT fa'firT, wo are rHarei In ni.iuuta'tur all ol -vtr Ware fr hilrhen. h..'elj. !imillerlr an, Inn uje. Krplrinx neatly ilon". Kaet -ry In rear 01 w m Knitnni inery. ijw.-orin etrinif treet, futnlierlaml. tDV A KI KOK.N Kl'MPH .. Manulaeturen a.Ouod prlea paid for okl eopner. UOS