'' liiti' aT" i : i !. Tho nmorcot TToralH lilO OULLlClacL HBl dill, tOlJfERDAT. jaiyj.. tei TXIXTORAI, TICKET. BaaKToaa AT aaawJa. BEKJAJaTX H. BEEWSTM. J.iiW W. CHALFAHT. L JUM W IIH. I. S0EI IiISSTOJf. J. (KRIS J. KOIDIiJ. . CHAS.T. JOJTES. a, F-I'WIW A- riTLlT. . nrJAJII!61UTH. ?. J. W. BEBJtABD. L JXOOB KK1B. a. joH.t b. vnrtL Jl JTOPEPH THOMAS. II. ABIOPAEDEE. ir LEVIS FtrOBE. iitO.1. IIU.i. M. WILLIAX CAX.DEJL IV, MILKS UTEACT. M. H. W. STAEKWEATHtX. 17. DAJUKtJ. JfOBBKLL. 1. JEBFJf IAH LTOXS. M. WILLIAJI HAT. m. lrnxiAX cam lko.x. JL J. B. DOSEXiT. JS. DAJflELOiniX. tt. WILLIAM 5EBR Si. AKbEEV S. BEROEE. . B AXC EX. . JACKSO. X. JAKES WESTEEHAJ r. w. w. iriLBEK. NATIONAL TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. FOR VICE PRESIDENT WILLIAM A. WHEELER. EIPHBLICAN STATE TICKET! Sub.-art W tha teaVs af the D-Tk CtifcTi!. C05GBESS, WM. II. K00NTZ. SESATE, E. P. YCTZY. COUNTY TICKET! ASEMBLT, E. J. MEYERS. ALLEN S. WILL. ASSOCIATE JUXiE, C. C. MUSSELMAN", DANIEL STUFFT. KIC'E HOfSE CIBECTOE, SAM. SNYDER. Ji BT COMMISSIOSEB, ens. T. n ENTER. Eveet one of tbe old Tammany thieves that held oSce under Tweed are cow enthusiastic supporters of Tilden. Birds of a feather flock to gether. No danger of any of these reformers'' voting for Hayes and Wheeler. Semlek, tbe defaulting Treasurer of Washington coonty, Wisconsin, who ran off with 150,000 of the county money, was a delegate to tbe St Louis Convention. He voted steadi ly for Tillev. and was enthusiastic for "reform." The Tilden "reform" is working admirably down South. At Ham burg they reformed six colored ro tcrs with bullets, and in Kentucky they reformed the widow ef a Union soldier, by compelling her to haul down the national flag. Hurrah for reform! Jobs Brow. "invaded tbe State of Virginia, " and surrounded by Federal and State troops be was bong amid bowls of delight from the entire Sooth. Now let the same measure be meted oat to the armed ruffians from Georgia, who invaded the State of Sath Carolina, and massacred her citizens at Hamburg. Tilpet was a peace Democrat dor iag the war, and was on the commit tee at lbe Chicago Convention tbat declared tbe war a . failure. Hen dricks was a member of tbe "Knights of tbe Golden Circle," and as deter mined a copperhead as Vallandiog bam. Now they are anxious to "re form" lbe government tbey and their friends tried to destroy. 4jovebnob Haktbasft is still after tbe thieves ritb a verv sharp stick. Last Friday morning he caused tbe arrest of William J. Jackman, a clerk ia Auditor General TeropleV office. He is charged wi.b coosp''iar with James Coartwrigbt, Tressu er uf Li aerne county, and also wi.h J . II Willsbaugb, Treasurer of ii- 1-.. uf Scranton, to defraud tbe State of a large sum of Money. Jack man en tered bail ia tbe sum of $3,500 fur Lis appearance at Court. A correspondent of tbe Chicago 2nler'lran writing from Cowlui Greea, Mo., under date of July 4tk, cays: As I write, I can see iroaa my window tbe Confederate flag float leg from tbe county building, with Tildeo'a aad Hendricfc's sames in scribed oa it. Tbe writer farther says tbat those hoisting the fag boast of their rebel sentiments. Tbe reader will please bear in mind tbat Tildeo'a resolution declaring tbe war a failure Las been msde note of by tbe South erners. The Republicans of Indiana made a formal and general opening of the campaign in tbat State on Thursday. Meetings were beld and addresses delivered ia twenty-six of the princi pal towns and cities of tbe State, from JeffersonviHe, Madison and Yew-ay, oa the southern border, to Michigan City, Crowa Poiat and Lagrange tn the extreme north. Most of the speakers were citizens of the j throat by border ruffians, and tbe State, and quite a number of promi-j whole power of a Democratic admin aeni gentlemen who hare taken little islratioa was used to force a slare or bo part in politics for several 'constitution upon ber. "The Union years. Advice received at head- and the. Constitution, aa it is." Yet quarter indicate that all tbe meet- J throagbyear of terrible war, by arm ing were auccessfil, enthusiastic, ed men in the South, and by conven and largely attended. Jtion, riots, secret organizations, and ' TnE Cfcirn," of lbe Naiool( j 1 ,bff1 ij.rTn Convention hxi pub-j limited ui address wiibdrawiag lbe U tonsuiouoo were ourt.t to be call for a Convention to nominate a 'destroyed. Now, it is fcTiIden, Hen Presidential ticket, and announcing jdricks aad retfrm." Yet Ibis im Ibat tie Liberal Republicans ol the party, few brief years since, stole United States uoaaimoualv aod heart-' tie National fort, arsenals, navy ;ily approre of lbe noasinee of ttafytra, and trQre. It Jd by wln f tbonder, lijrbtniny and raia trpoUicanConreflUooatnncinnaaifrienda-oc.ateaa9dpaUorTwee At it was tbe Liberal rote ia New tbe greatest tbief o' tLe centory.- Vrk .Wtl Titr.in. Governor I ia "shibboleth n baa alar been 'to jie"w ""8 l orktta. elected 7 ili.E!. uorernor, in suioooieio u - .. JtenatDigbL Tbe city was absolaie - we may now eooidently calcolate' the victors belong tne upous, ana , ,T dreBcbed s t,ppJ eootrart to tbe upon that Slate easting iu electoral j liis. iu trne iawardaesa, it illustrat-; fifeg beat of the past three weeks, rote for IIates and Wheileb. !ed within tbe last few months wbea ! Tbe beated aeaaon has beeo tbe i Sk-bitabt CaABPLU fel fident of a .liepobiicaa rictory. He ' says tbe Democrats depend upon two arguments for success, tte "parsoa- aive iiiSueoce of tie shot fan" ia tbe Soath aod fraud ia certain Northern States, bot be isnt afraid of their being ab!e to do eitscr, since tbe RepoUicans are aware of tbeir plans and propose to prevent their deration. A fjr N'ew York Mr. Chandler says : "New York is oora. TVe intend to carry it by a large i majoritr. Tbe Democrau cannot ! c... . v.- r,.A Knt' tbey cannot win by aten atsreputa - ... mm r- e iiEincivi ui:i.kvw'.vviiiiii-j &- T - " at-l - V . . 4 ,mMaw i aa. .fonaaad of the UckeL and .k- .a,i. f afi mOB WUVI IVM SWV JfVBwwV v W ww- Wr "w-w- - f Hendricks Las tbe State Auditor and State Treasurer of Iadiana, with ington, laboring to bare the la at Wasb- pro- riding for tbe resumption of specie payments repealed. The Democrats bare the power to repeal the law, but so far bare not bad the back bone to do it. A few days will prove which portion of the double beaded Democracy ia to lead ia the cam paign The "fast mails' established near ly a year since were dmcontiau ed on Saturday lart, because the pig-headed majority of this Confederate Con gress, in its desire to make political capital, cat down tbe appropriations for carrying tbe mails to so Iowa point, tbat the railroads refuse to perform the service. It is impossi ble to estimate the loss to business caused by tbis so railed economy. Every business man in tbe country was delighted with tbe facilities af forded bim by these fast mails, not a voice was raised against tbem. aad now to retnrn to tbe old-time slow mails, will be setting business back throughout the land from six to thirty six bcurs. These Democratic serTants of the popie bs ve set themselves up as master. Tbe proper remedy will be applied in November. Hebe is tbe whole question in a outshelL liaioey, a colored member of Congress from South Carolina, in a speech on tbe Hamburg murder, arked a few pertinent questions which we would like to see answered by the Coperbead supporters of Til den. Wbat white man on a military pa rade on the Fonrtb of July would think of a demand by two men driv ing in a boggy tbat they should break their ranks and let them pass? He Bilked proud Southerners, who boasted of their bravery and tbeir chivaliy, if they would stand it, and did tbey expect negroes to stand it? Did they expect men of hi race to submit to continued persecutions and massacres. He asked the House", in the nsme of humanity and of God, to tell them if they diould be Amerirrn citizent, trilh all the ri'jhU and im muniliet mf vrh, or vaalt and tlatct again. The Democrau were very much exercised orer the fsct that some three weeks elapsed between tbe nom ination of Governor Hayes for Presi dent and the publication of his letter of acceptance. J ast now tbey are singing very small on tbat subject, as Tilden has been nominated for a month, and it is announced tbat his letter of acceptance will not be forth coming for a couple of weeks yet. Tbe troth is that both Tilden and Hendricks are afraid to commit them selves ontil after Congress adjourns. Tbe St. Louis platfo-m demands a repeal of the refeomjltion act, with out which tbe Hendricks inflationists ut et, i-.y tbey cannot swallow Tilden crow, while tbe Eastern Til den Democrats are committed to the speedy resumption of specie pay ments. The Confederate Uoose dare not vote for repeal for fear of offend ing tbe Tilden wing, ani is quaking in iu shoes lest the Hendrkii. wing soar on them for sot complyinr witb the demands of tbe platform. One of tie parties to tbe swindle ia bound to be cheated. Harry op your let ters, gentlemen! an anxious public is wailing to see under which thimble the little joker is. The Democratic pUtform adopted at St. Louis ia one load continuous profession of "reform," aad if pro tVaaions were performances, and mem ories of the past could be obliterated, it might, perhaps catch a few silly gudgeons. But the experience of tbe past shows ibat the Democratic party has never yet made good iu profession s br iu performances, and tbat iu cam paign be: tie cries were never honest j one. A few samples will enmce to susuia the assertion. "Polk, Dal las and tbe Tariff of 1842." Yet no sooner was power obtained than tba uriff of 1842 waa repealed. "Ku cbaaan, Breckinridge and Free Ksn- Ban" Yet Canaaa araa lak.n Kr tha at tbe other end, doea'ot work quite WM S0'0 to reduce tbe expenses of asamoothly as was expected. The Gorernment at leaft forty niil Tildenites ia Xew York are bellow- 1"M of dollars per annum. Tbe ea ing "rth! for specie par menu," while tir- -'oo has been devoted to every device to aid and roinfott re-j bullion in tbe Nonb, lbe Uoioo and it got conUol of tbe N'atiooal House of RepresentaUres, where It with eager baste, seized e-ery !". great and small, and torned oot crip- pled Union soldiers, giring tbeir places to norepentaot rebels, one otj , i . j j .mi .f,,ha. bom bad named bis cbiid after the assaia of Abraham Lincoln lovely reform would this party inaug - urete if Tilden should be elected. IVIt th. X.iional Canitol would - 1 become a festering sore, a seething aaH5 of .orrnption tbat woold "etink andshine, and shine and .tick, like rotim mackerel br ruoon iirbL" "lie - . . - " j form . . 1 ! a ... . ' Ta drrU vt aril, ta K-rU a a luk1 Whis the present Confederate 1- .ambled at Washington, it was annoonced by tbe leaders tbat it cueese panng aemP. 10 curtan iur appropriation bilU, and t so-called j nd carry tbe Mffrer 0fr t0 lbe DOi. investigations of Republican officials, j pital provided for tbe purpose. Of both schemes having in view the sole (tbe csres of sonstroka, one-balf die. object of making political capital for"d, JV " w. rCOTr beir , ., ., r . ."I , ! health 10 full. Tbe city medical au tbe Pres.deniial campaign. Well, af- j lborilie8 fcire girea lb; miBUte ter persif tently raking lbe country j directions for avoiding tbis terrible for eight months, the results are a pjeoible conviction of Del knap, who never was a Republican and the cutting down cf tbe appropriations for lbe next year about thirty mil lions of dollars, and these fruit, of Democratic legislation are now urged as speci6c reasons why tbat party should be returned to power. Tbe Dclknsp matter was a blunder from bepinning to end. He was im peached e lelr w ith the hope of roak - ' - ing political capital, and if convicted will escape with a nominal punib ment; whereas, bad be been turned over to the conrts, and convicted if guilty, he would have been deservedly fined and imprisoned as a felon. Tbe alleged immense curtailment of tbe national expenses is the merest shsm. Tbe amounu appropriated are ut terly insuScient to defray the ex penses of the Government for the present year, and on the parage of lbe bills notice was given by tbe most exporieneed legislators io tbe Hoase tbat, a bill makiog good tbe deficiencies tbat will undoubtedly ex ist, will have to be passed br tbe next Congress. . Bat wbat care tbe Democrat)-? Tbe elections will tbeu be over, and if tbey win, tbey will chuckle over tbe smart trick, and gleefully pa- a bill covering all de ficiencies; if they lose, why let the Republicans take care of themselves if tbey can. That's all there is in lbe great reform and economic meas ures of t'.e present Confederate House. Ex-Gov. Vakce, of North Caro lina, is for "Tilden and reform." In a Fpeech made at Raleigh the other day he insisted that the reconstruc tion acu are unconstitutional, be cause they give tbe black man the right to rote. Tbis is tbe Southern Democratic interpretation of tbat pbraze in tbe juggling St. Louis platform which reads, "in the equali ty of all citizens before tbe just laws of tbeir own enactment." Disloj al Southerners like Vance say tbe Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fif teenth amendments were adopted without our consent; the laws enact ed by rirtue of these were passed against our protest; they are neither "just laws" nor of our "own en act meat." Thus while tbe clause above quoted from the platform is appa rently fair on iu face, it was doubt less cunningly devi.-ied to suit tbe old slaveholders of tbe South. Elect Tilden, and there will be a "solid Sooth" demanding the repeal of tbe Constitotionul amendments, by vir tue of which the laws were enacted coiiferring suffrage on tbe black man. Tbe letter of Gov. Chamberlain, published in another column, shows conclusively tbst tbe Hamburg mas sacre was a deliberate, cold blooded assassination of unarmed and de fenceless men. Now let tbe Gover nor do bis whole duty in the premises. Every scoundrel who took part in the affair should at once be arres'ed and punished. To tbis end tbe entire power oi tbe State of South Caro lina should be called ioto requisition, and if tbi prof it-udcieDt which is hardly possible then the general government should be called on for aid. The Governor of Georgia should a'ao be requested to surrender sucb of tbe murderers as crossed tbe river from that State, ,and fa tbe event of a refusal on bis part, then an appeal should be wade to tbe President. It bas hitherto been admitted by all parties that Governor .Cbamberlain is a good, bonest, fair, and conaerva,-, live Executive, and the hol now raised by a portion of the Democrat- ic press that bt is attempting to ose this occurrence as a pretext for the introduction of Federal troops into bis Sute. should sot io the least de ter him from doing bis wbele doty. A moe terrible, barbarous, and dis graceful murder was nerer perpetrat ed, and not only tbe participants in. but tbe inciters to it hould U sterolr j dealt with. Let justice be tboogb lbe Heavens fall. - done I be 1 robibilionist or Illinois bare! nominated a full ticket for State uffi- j eera. Tbe Prohibitionist ia politics j are about as useful as tbe squeak of a j boot. MB JEW VMS LETTCB. iw Vobk. July 24, 17. TUEKXTEEME HEAT. Tbe intense beat of tbe past two week is now happily over, at leisttor a lime. Uo 1 ueOaT alterO'-OB ioi . k ,l. v.-..: Jawed from three in the af-.en.wn, with rare in - i most serere tbat has been known in tbiscity for eighty yeara- The tber. jmometer has gone to 104, aad star - lional J ed lbeTe j,,,, uking occasion excursions do wo the scale to S3, aod at midnight or later, down to 85. 01 worse there are days as hot every : but to have tbemcoatiooe three! - . : A j ... , - ..- ... - -r wrfl", niiuyut ceasai'on j lev up, in l 'ajorniog ibere has been a column or more casualties, of men falling ia the i pvwcilli.K . uui'il-'AHUI laicil ; street, or brses lying down and dy - ;: ..j .k;i4... :.iL.;.i fy. . - ut j ,or reej(ienU 0f w e -- . .w.w roomr and soa - jci00a bouses ap-town, wbat must it : bare been I-. loose comue ea to occu - i .,-:.,......;- ti..:..- . - wu. .ue..e 01 and subjected to the siflinr smells of 1 thw tnamfnt hAiiaipa T Th.iM rwnnu the tenament bouses ; These people i .ttui n v ... ..r . v j ir,.,,,, i.r uaiuu- fed, and thousands of tbem died. , .nfTA (1 ,t.. .......... ..T .1.. A ' The mortalitr a moor children has dreads d its extent will never be known. It was nothing uncommon daring tbe three weeks past to see strong men stagger in the street and fail prostrate "drunk," some would say, but the policemen knew better, it was sunstroke ; and the ambulances Drovided br the citr would drive un casualty, but yet not a bail or very few observe tbem. A wet cloth in the crown of tbe hat is a certain and sure preventive, but nevertheless not one in ten take ibis simple precau tion. POLITICAL. No matter how much Democratic papers howl lbout it, or bow much they may assert to the contrary, Til den will not receive lbe undivided support of the Democratic party of tbis city and biate. lie boozbt lbe i nomination wkh money which be I ji.j -.11 f if : 1 swindled out of the people in bis rail road schemes, but be bas not eoouga to bar tbe election. Tbe leaders of Tammany will give him a support, for be bas already divided up the omces ainon,- them, aod bis partition out tbe spoils ; but there be members of Tammany, and Democrats who are not members uf Tatnminy, who can not be bought for driven, and John Kelly is having trouble with tbem. There are thousands iu open revolt. aad thousands more will follow tbem. By tbe way, sptaking of this "Refor mer," it is a fact that the Brooklyn ring, a more daogerous one than Tammany even, went en masse to St. Louis, and contributed of the money they bad stolen of the people of Brooklyn to tbe fuads that nominat ed "slippery Sam." I want ibis fact remembered, tbat the Brooklyn ring the mod unscrupulous, daogerous, shameless, aod altogether bad set of political thieves and plunderers the country was ever cursed with were, all and singular, in favor of Ti'den's nomination, and are to-day bis chos en and trusted counsellors ia tbe campaign. Tbis is a matter that ought to be known, as showing bow much tbe "reform" planks ia the Democratic platform really mean. Gov. Hayes' letter of acceptance gives tbe liveliest satisfaction to tbe Republicans and tbe belter class ol Democrats. Asa Democrat said to me tbe otber dav. "It bas tbe ring of true meul ; and I know him well enough to koow tbat he means it all. and will carry out all be says. I shall vote for tim." That letter, ith it? manly utterances, and well known character of tbe man for do ing wbat be says, will make Hayes hundred of thousands of vote?. It is an encooraging symptom, that in every ward of New York and Brook lyn Republicans are organizing into Haves and Wheeler clubs, and tbis without the interference of office holders, or those -bo ate pleased to consider themselves "leaders." Tbe people are moving to the support of tbe Lincionatl ticket sponianeously, and tbey w ill elect it as certain as fate. THE CESTESMAL, despite tbe terrible beat, is attracting greater crods thao ever. Tbe at tendance is steadily on the increase, aod tbe interest increases day by day. Tbe departmenu are now all perfect ed, all tbe articles that will be io the show are there, and you can now see all that will be to see. Tbe verdict of the people who have attended all tbe world expositions is tbat tbis is ss much superior to Vienna as Vienna was soperior to Paris in short, tbat it is infinitely beyond anvtbiog tbe world ever saw, or probably will see for a hundred years to come. Tbe best machinery of tbe world is to be seen there, tbe best art of tbe world is to be seen there, and, in tbe matter of the carious and rare in laces, em broideries, etc., no sucb collection has ever been made. It is curious to see tbe crowds of women about tbe3e departmenu, and to hear their com ments. In tbe English department there are a pair of napkins not tow els, as a fashion writer in a New York paper said tbe thread io which was spun and tbe t-lotb woven aod the embroidery done by Queen Vic toria. I cannot say as to whether the nspkins are superior to any one else's; bot, as tbey are entirely tbe work uf royalty, I suppose tbey most be. The Queen bas also on exhibition a number of paintings by herself and ber daughters, wbicb are really good, royalty or do royalty. Tbe time ;to come to tbe Centennial is now. Tbe heated term is well nigh over, and yon have now room to see wbat is to be seen, and tbere is as much to be seen iow as tbere will be at any lime. Fares are down, tbe landlords are acwfiifu and reasonable, which will not lie Use case wben the rush com mences io September; and tod can keep cool in Philadelphia if joif ail observe common prudence and tbe oraioary rules of healthful living Come, and come now. THE PILL WES. lbere is something toe matter itb tbe pill men. Helmbold. lbe Ibucbo "!" BV'1 in "iof -J- mm, tou uuw dames Jijer, toe nra.iriatir anrl m,nnf.iihir.r nt i.k... ry pectoral and a dozen otber proprie tary medicine bas gone insane and is aa inmate of a private rsylum near New York. He made bis escape tbe otber day, and got ioto the city, and condocte'd himself so like a sane nan that is, heborrowed money that hi 1 frieod did act k.rtfw that be was in- brought bf(re a trial jostiee lor trial, and aspie ponicbmeGt can dii-barge ; jao till bi pbtieiojrot on fcu track. Tbe trial afterward adjourned tbe obligation of citey and cor? j and br-jobt biro back Hi ioaiiiiy Uill f-ur P. M. oo Saturday, tbe 8tb. State toward tbe au;br of tbinj I anii nnvd br over-work Ft tbir-; irm. Before tbat arrived oa Sator- i caaelra aad cruel mcre Verv ; ft? year be baa made aoJ pushed nu - ! trams, for the oJe porpe of makine ' tram. j money lie made miilioni. bat it ail aia bin Deoi. lie i.riuLni-u hj ki i fmhlir man (ni ih! J fact that be bad made bia money m pill was agatos; bwo. ana ne wa 1 compels gi way i o.en who, ""-"7 " jeelf. Uis friends, as were those of Helmbold, were of the dass of toadies j who were willing weal bis dinners, land w be finds binnelf at an ada- jced age. with millions of i nothing else.- And tbe VI UIVUCI SJUU rry" of a!l - i,. tbat be has. nothing to spead his ! money for, aad with a body and mind i orer-tasked ia the getiiag'of it, with j nothing onder Hearea to do with it, be ge mad, and will doubtless end bis dars ia an asvluoi. . . , - . t... Vf - -...4 ik:.. ,..n!inHt. J . n Until!.,! ; -'-j e e . j mjuj a " j WIUIUIVS l.ltlui HVW 1 vaa c ia. Don't make it out of pilisor pectoral, Swindle the people a a railruad law- jyer, and wben you yet to middle life v i.. . l t:ii.. : , you may be as luciy as i.iaea h and Im nnininatj.il be tbe Dt-moeraf r i for the nreaidencr for tbe presidency Tu, XEA MARKet, 1 .. a .. . 1 ' oeprecianun pi, , . . M u Ba-,fa,o.r. There are I J " bare made immen fart uses in tea u" .e . . "T " aaaeonee oot.Dey .are oee, -T ini1aatrinn r lualD? IDeir accomuia- lioo in tbe lat fou years. Tl)re bas been a Meady dem-ciatitjn in , ' "e value VI mis Maiiia, auui ai iuv prrs- ... ,v ' . , r ent time it is a .oo.r war below the; , .... . i ... . b-fore-the-war orices. Ia li-t0. the price of the best yoong by son was 50 cents per pound, at wholea.e. In '72. it gt up to 3o . but to-day it is a drug io tbe market at 30e. And liac vun g.auc. .... . i.vc or oeaiio. auo ue "" . .... ...... .. . . t i m r,.Mk., CO, UrV, ...... decline. Where it will cud, tbe old- i est tea-merchant can 1 1 tell. Tbe 1. S. consumes a pound of tea per an- num for every maa, woman or child, making tbe annua, importauunabiut 55,000,000 lbs. Those wh bad stocks on band bea the iecl.oe eet in, have gone low bankruptcy, aud ids new uouaea aua were streng anoogb to bold ou:, are eua.iug iv iuai ui .ucwiuc vu 1 1 shake tbem. And by the way, tbe decHue is as marked in other hoes of goods, as ia teas. A suit of clothe tbat cut be fore tbe war $10, can be bad ia New York now lr thai tojuey, provided it is of American c'otb, aad if it is imported, all the difference is tbe ad dition of the premium oo gold, which at tbis time makes very little differ ence. Provision, aod everything tbat we eat and driuk are d wo to ante-war price, aad if the peuple can t live now, tbey never will ; tbat is to say, if tbey have tbe money to pay fur wbat tbey consume A few articles of luxury keep up, but fbese will come down ia a little while. The bars, restaur on aod hotels maintain war prices, bot ibey will not be able to do so long. Toe toper are growl ing, and tbe oew meu are taking ad vantage of tbe feeliuz t. tart oew places at cheaper rates. Let us gel work pleotv unce mure, and the "avoJ old times" will be here agsio. AX OLD LA3D-MABK GOSE. The burning of Castle Garden is an event tbat makes all old New- Yorkers sad. Tbere is no building ic tbe city, around w hich s many memories cliog or more plea's ntcoea Built originally for a fort,' it was, many years ago, msde unnecessary for tbat purpose, by the bu'ldiog of fortifications outside. Then it be came a place of fashionable enter tainment. It was in Castle Gsrden tbat Jenny Lind first sang in New lork it was tbe scene of all tbe grand balls and entertainments given by lbe citr, and it may be safelr said tbat tbe old building has seen more fair women and brave men than anv otber on the continent. Bot twentv vears ago fashionable New York began to move op town, and tbe territory io tbe vicinity of tbe battery was giren tip to trade. Old Stephen Whitney, the projector of tbe Pacific Railroad, refused to move with tbe rest of his neighbors. and be died in his house oo Bowling Green, years after be was completely snrrounded with business. Thee Castle Garden was turned into a de pot for incoming emigrants, and its old character was gone forever. Its burning brings up pleasant rremories to those who were young twenty-five years ago, bot to tbe N-w-Yorker of to-day it is simply tbe detraction of an nnsigbtlyold building which they hope will bs replaced with a better one. m MNESS is absolutely dead, aod will be till fall. Whether it will revire then or oot. remain to be seen. Tbe pros pec, is not rery encouraging, I must confess PlETBO. TH HiHBURG MiSSACBI! Effect of the Outrage in a Politi cal Point of View. Letter frca Ctct. Cfcarcerlaia. State it SorTii Carolina, Ex ecitite Chamber, Colimbia, Joly 13, 1876 lion. T. J. Koberhon, United State Senator, Waohimjton, D. C. Dear Sir Your request fur a statement from me of tbe recent bloody affair at Hamburg, in tbis State, was duly received. I have waited before replying ontil official reports and statements should be re ceived. Tbere are now before me tbe official reports of the Attorney General and tbe Adjutant and In spector General, the testimony taken at tbe .Coroner's inqoest and tbe written statements of several other persons who were present aod wit nessed tbe whole or parts of tbe af fair. I will present to yoa a briefly ss pos.-ible tbe leading fact as they appear from the evidence to wbicb I have referred." ' ' - ' STATEMENT or THE AFfAIR. . Qn the 4th of July, a company of uie ptate ojiuua ( colored) were omnia (colored) matching along one of tbe streets of i .t - Uamburg. 1 be street was over 100 let wide, and tLe cumpnoy was marching in column; of four., WLile no ma'cbiog tbey were . met by two youog white men in a buggy, wbo insisted on keep'og their, course in tbe street without regard ro the movements of the militia, and drove agaiost lbe bead uf the column, wbicb thereupon balled Some par leying took place, wbicb resulted in the company yielding, opening tbeir ranks aod allowing tbe jooog men to proceed oo tbeir coarse. Oa the fullowiug day the jouog.maoy here who have not been wont) men referred to took out warrants of E arrest against some of the ufficers of . the militia companv. who were ! dey many white citizen from I eoontry around Uambarf begin father in tbe uwa and armed ineot ii ci " a w s--' Tbei Bt iui romnuT la tue . meaa bile j had asoeeabked at their armory K tbe rusae ana ai toe ooor it inai, Tbe Ie!D crau f Denis-jn Ten ; the defendants d.d not appear. ; foreb ,; fc pfocejoo , . . "T r : aear:o oi tbe aouinatiun ol liidt- ; d'.-patcbes and neipaper, tbat tbelod Hendrick- and went about th imiiiiia officer bavia; defied tbe aB-itow0 cheerioe 'lustilr Jefl P 'thority of tbe trial justice, the citizens; fii s were called oa ta assist the trial jas-j fof tbe kiod -is fact eeewrred t ,-. i-vew. w u j militia faired to appear because of ia- j jory at tbe bands of lbe armed white i men, and the trial justice, after fjr - i ma,Iy calling tbem. took no further j steps to cause their presence in bis j court on account of the excitement - .t i a. : - 7' - - - 1 enndition, there being, according to j alt accounts, from -20O to 300 armed : aw.v.. . . .. ..... . u .H.a, bite men from the surrounding - cuubutiu iw (vw,a ucioaoa wss !..,inir in ik in., a in.l ma3 DT tne WBIteS lor tne Sarrender ; to item 01 me arms or tue muma r . . 1 a. a -a. . j An boor or two pawed ia negoua - , iioos cuncerniojr in:s aeiuana. tne i , ... ,K. ,,!;.;. ; ' :i a Lht time most of tbe witnesses ... in a K.lf I..,l I n arlaitAa .AnM ! J . t .... .... open fire on tbe militia The mi!it:a i refu.-ed to deliver uo their arms, sav : . . ' . -"""j i aimuwo iuu lurai, aou ioa. toevi t . 1 . , f.. . i: frl j uau icimiu w nrr iui lueir llics II j u .a tbrv gave oo tbeir arms, e 1 a brisk eibe j Wm lbe0 vpeoed b- lhl wblUs n lb. buildlog io whicb lbe n.Med, aod soon after one of tbe j Ullt.iog partv wa killed by a sbot . ff m lhe build n. A oieee of ' artillerr was thereupon brought . - ... . r - .ft. br,Je from AUffUStB. loaJed ilq catiiater aad bred sereral 1 lime4. ,t lbt bu.ldiog, ia which were lfce mVtl,u Toi4 bad tbe effect to jcaUsJ lbe mi!i,jm w .Dd.,Tort0 m,ke tbeir egci rcm tbe of lfce bai;d:0?. The Town Ma.-ahal ..f j H.mburg, a colored man, who was j ,lriag in tbe building, was iosuntlr ! gbot bv the attacking parlr while j tbc9 endeavorio? t0 escaDe from .be ' buildin Twenty or tweoty-five of lbe militia were csptured by tbe attack ing party and kept nnder guard fur several hours. Finally, about ivo o'clock oa the morning uf tbe 9:b of July (Sunday), after consultation among tbeir captors and with eom- ; p'ete apparent deliberation, five i( the captured militiamen were called out, une by one, and shot to death ia the presence uf a large body of tbeir captors. Tbe rest of tbe captared party were either turned loose or broke loose and ran. They were fired upon as ibey ran, and three of them severely woonded, one of them probably mortally. Attorney Gen eral Stone thus succinctly repcrts this part of the affair. DETAILS OF THE KILL! SO Six men took A. T. Altaway uut uf the ring. He aod bis mother begged for his lite, but in rain He was told to turn around and was sbot to death br the crowd. David Phillip was next taken out and was similarly k:lled Pompev Currey was next called out. He recognized among the by slanders Henry Getzen and Dr. Pierce. Butler called on them te keep the otber men from killing bim. He raa aod was sbot as be ran, one bullet striking him oa tbe leg below lbe knee. Afterwards Albert My niart, Moses Parks and Hampton Stevens were killed. Stereos did not belong to tbe company. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S REPORT. The Attorner General, who has personally visited Hamburg tba con cludes bis official report to me: "Makiog due allowance for minor details, the lacU show tbe demand on lbe militia to give op tbeir arms, sas made by perseos without lawful authority tu enforce such demand or to receive lbe arms bad tbey been : surrendered, lbe attack on lbe militia! to compel a compliance with ibis demand was without justification or excuse, and ibat after there had been some twenty or twenty-five prisoner raptured aod completely in the power of tbeir captors, aod with out meaos of making further resis tance, five of tbem were deliberately sbot to death and three mure severe ly wounded." Sucb was tbe affair at Hamburg. If yoa can find words to characterize iu atrocity aod barbarism, tbe trivi ality of the causes, tbe murderous aod inhuman spirit which marked it in all its stages, your power of lan guage exceeds mine. It presents a darker picture of human cruelty tbaa lbe slaughter of Coster and his sol diers, tor tbey were sbot in open bat tle. 1 be victims at Hamburg .were murdered in cold blood after tbey bad surrendered aod were utterly de fenseless. No occasion existed for causing lbe presence of a single arm ed citizen at Hamburg un tbe day rf lbe massacre. No violence waa of fered or threatened to any one. It is, indeed, said, as usual, tbat "tbe Diggers were impudent," but the evidence shows that all the actual physical aggression waa on the part uf tbe while?; that tbey made a de mand wbicb ibey bad no right to make, aod n ben that demand was refused, as it should have been, tbey proceeded to enforce it by arms aod crowned ibeir success io enforcing tbeir demaods by brutal murders. Shame aod disgust most fill the breast of every niau wbo respects bis race or human nature as be reads the tale. To me in my official capacity w herein, as you will te.-tify, 1 hav.e done my wiuioal, at no little rirk f my personal aud political detraction from my political lrieods, to remove abuses aud restore good government and barm ny louur people lbe oc currence uf sich ao appalling exam ple uf buQian passion and depravity cumesasa deep mortification aod discouragement. What hope can we bare a ben sucb a cruel aud blood thirsty r'pirit waits ia uur midst ' fr its hour iif gralificaiiuu?' Is our civili zation' co " (.hallow? Is our race' so wi uloiily crue'; Such' acts call , . for COOdemnatlOA and pi-nishraeuC Fur condemnation a a Ijloodj'blut on ' the record 'of your race aad1 rujoe) as cruet SVoot to a race whose lo ig Buffering, patient forbearance ch atleoges lbe a luiiration aod gratitude of lbe world; as a sbauielul dishonor to the name 'of Sooth Carolioa For punishment as a violation of tbe laws of tbe Sute' and a wanton blow al tbe peace and happiness uf our State. " l am glad to testify to the horror w hicb ibis event has excited among to heartily condemn many or tba past bio' ,ry occurrences at the South, N'othin - ho wever. short of condign li! respectfully, your obedeat prrvaat. to P. H. Chaxbeblaix. t ' , j 1303 Chestnut street, Pbiiadei- ; pbi. f-w be catnpaiga. aod will open j tbe canrasj be ' S tbe c ao aid throahuut tbe State September. Tk-i I n .. , f . v w. - ... .' r uoij i'cuju:r.ic uan in uuno wrsi ioniy iemTra:ic oanr in nurtnwesl ,rD . -.p0 w V I W a 11! A ' laralal!.ntl V fUSeg pul op the names of Tilden j ,Dd Hendricks, and i. as wlent as tbe oa ,i,a Preidential ouestion " " .--v. . T Ha ilAiiri ni t .-in tin a-I-f f. ir r;nia ilir. i ----.v. . .,SH.. j kej gave bis eooo trap 1- appucable ' r r tratic piattorm: "It's rot a apriae -It's rot a spring 8 can 1VU U Ul VUUU I " m-comia In either ca ilor T TClllu OI lOe trap L9 a IfllDe CTnD. General Jam.- W Sinton - 0i,v III !.., lLm.ar . ' t ucuuuucn lutOL L.uu (.laiurui un tt.e nominiti.jD of TiMea. He (It Clares tbat no niaa wbu was buoest at heart ould erer hare written tbat platform, wbich was prepared fur the express purpose of decei viu r tbe peo- pie. Savs Gen. Kilpatrick: "Haves en listed as a pr.a:e was elected Ma- 'or' torDe1 bi cE "P'o his wife I .ml jki!.l r. ii anil raa w h a..- f..rtk Tn and defend timiwa 1 bia countrr. He was four rounded upou the battle bim , 5 . . a. . ad f-iUT horses sbot U3(ler bim, and. togaiar coincidence, has killed 0iX three Demucratic Governor, and is .imrln kill i (V a I .-n,-r..li. Pr.i. going to Bill un a ieaiocriit l resi - q!0 dent" Hendricks aud Tilden .... l-at Week IB CUOU.laUOO At Saratoga, and if ih.r- ii .h a .k nr..i;.l ,4 squaring tbeir views oa lbe currency 1 . . . . . queallun bo that their letters of 8C - cepuuee vrju't give each other the i' ii i. i T u : . I.e, It Will be done. The tiup-jriaot u'jeaiiuu will have to be aetiled, . . . betber lbe tail IS to WSgle lbe dug, ... ,i.. .u, ... ,;, ,'m. ... ... v s ... . .. . - - . privilege with lbe tail. The Democrallc platform of New York State in H74: STEADY STEPS TOWARD SPECIE PAYMENTS. NO STEP BACKWARDS Ibv aUodu Democratic ar'9KtMWiiiyMl.immpmtiwTmi r.L vwx-Af T'fr r l- ! t.piniflfrtel wea iir fry UJct " It i'J.aUt.lJ,a I lit Ifcr)- ! !-- la nfl. 1b mXl -tkhm &nt lle tut SUMPTION CLAUSE OF 1 AND WE HERE DEMAND ITS REPEAL The Norrisiown Utra'd strikes the ! nail tbos: Says a Democratic cotempo- rart: "liis a square Bgbt between the; panv ui reurra ana toe psrtr wnicn oeefs to be reformed." Too true. And eterr one kauws that "the tr - ty which need to be reformed ' is tbe same party that stole all it coo Id from the government aud then at- tempted to break uo lbe Unijo. The Democrtit? tjtLer ftumetimea reotore UpOO qJOt.U bt Horace virrviT Mia biium ihepuuucaa : J . fc. r ii: ' J paitv lour vears ago. liai we no tice tbat tbey never make extracts from bis open letter to Samuel J. Tilden, in w bicb be said to the latter. "Your name was used without pub public protest on your pari, ia circu lars sowed broadcast orer the State, whereof the manifest intent was to 'make assurance doubly sure' tbat the frauds here (in New York city ) per petrated should not be overborn bv lbe bonest vote of tbe rural districts. And tou. not xerelv bv silence, but positive assumption, tave covered mOSe iraUOS WHO ine maoiie UI your respectabilitv Oa tbe principle tba: the receiver is as bad as tbe tbief,' you are as deeplv implicated in tbem to-day as though your name was Tweed. O'Brien urOikey Hall." .Wic AdteriiAt'irenl IIXANCIAL STATEMENT OF STuY l Uiwa b"i.. acboui diKi-Kl ! Uk fear UHf Janeaih. u;A Ia haodi of treararwr !at jrar - iiia-tor - rmpllcale this jmr Scale aprurUUua Mil ilia tax t 31 V :, T i Si ill W S M 74 CR. Teaeftera orxlrr paid , Kiaalrioc... ariaBalcr.at:canv:Ief... SwCTatarw'aaarrtca Trraa. fuamiana. 3 year. I'olieetoni rofsmiiua Exuaaratiuai Ia baada of treasurer CimItCU-T......... ' 00 T m 14 UU 14 r: 3 444 -A ID ua i OrJerf ontacaaiiln . J0I7W. 9IMO.V MKOFP. Vt. Scliool Huarl. ACCEPT OUiE- ULE TO I lust lust Aknr J. K.l'z. IoteTTB.rria4 with Alf xual.r 1.. Kella. H. R Vuwr. S. V. Ywt. T S. Piiiwt. J. M. Piper ami Amelia riper, u( Wes mvirlao.1 M Fa. Yoa arc aerrl. DoTifld to appearataaliri.haa'r Cvart. In he kwkl at Saaii ml m Mi-arl.? the th day af Aaawt. a.al toaaatwiat vr relu tha rwal anate .1 HiUia wtpn. demar.1 at Ih appraia d ariea, ar wiwa eaaae wtaf tAwi a ahoa.d nut be auM. GEO. W. ClLt. July It. Sberilf. RULE rrsK. TO ACCEPT OR RE- Hanmaa ii. ' 'im aad FJls.-heUif to tbe Court of hit wne, in liuM ul aaU FJiu-1 IVmin'm Flew beth. of S-.m-rset th, I eoaat v. Fa Oeo. B. Willi. m. Tbuma. I Sudimii ia Wliltama. Levi W illiaax. Sam- parUiaan. O'l LKtaa an-l Mar. A. b j wifa. Mania UtOirdaal AnUl fci viw. Umltra. WiOiam I . ; ' John Mr AjaaadaSrra k.-ir. f anal N.iab Soyd. xuarluui. ADd ou lu wit. ml da. of April. 17S- Rale ao , all jiinki ioierraieat. to ernne inpi t'vart oa the j tb. r'al aatale. at tua airpraiee prire tbenaT, Tit : Sly ua pa.r .ere nba.w caaac why the futne ahuaid aa4 tc and aaacajnliax tu law. GEIJ. W. MILE. July 1. Mirriif. oTiVia i7 schools. Tne Nraaal Srb.vd- af S-iroerw-t e.tr. will lajtaneaev wa Maaoalay JalT 31.U ao-1 exnuna e la ajMiauiKTarti. Tbe kHh'witair are the , nnrl pal. aaal War.tino.of the didarrut ft-b,j..ia. M S Hear. Uerlia. - J. V. IHeeaty. MerenMale. f J. U. .Mere. Stli-anry. Viv.ienf-k 'Ircf. SioyauiWo. ; ; J. O. WeMer, Nhw Ootarrille. ' tV Treat, s-aaeia; t. t'ba. tli k. Jenner X KikkU. Laiber kaalraan. Vmaa. A iburoaab Nunaal drill will tie aivea in all tile euttanvaa laraoc-hea ; inma.-ti.ini will ala be xlv-a ia tbe him r braocbea where c I. war I rjan be luareuM. ...., rAil wbo dt-rlre to teaeh. thnokl ar ill thrmwelTet fathe ailT.intaaewvlfredhT tbew vl.w.la UTiatvi a .laaot. taa vreat jui-I pwriwxmut. DwcvaUy;ai uur eutmwaa I biiler liaaliaaaatKal ia t li. learner, and ' wtttil ilear.ieil lO!lrvaTrmwnt, lualir. wn. rawirrd laeruaaataalaffl year, will be. e.aete4 thw year 81 uilenu fbuQld b preaeat at m. opening ol lb artwaiaa II paaaible. t BUMa invra ai vi ,aonMii iiai ur parxial tmt . ' ii.-. J. Bn WHhFKtaV. - t. d t)aav at boeae. Aa-nU wantal. Oatflt Vt"aaltemu frea. TKlt a tu. Aairusla ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. juatof Jaeuw H. Miller, af JefTeraoa Twp. Letter, or adntlainratioa ea th. abor ewtata ha Tina boea aranLad Co tba ttndemirned. aotlc ia bereby Klraa la tba radebuwl to It u atkt iai-a. dial payBMrnt, aad tboaa aaTlnR--taiia avainM K Is prewent tbeia dale watbeatieaiad hit arttleawnt at th lata mtalen-c ol der aa Satanlay, tbe Kb day af AarnM A. ll. r Hfc.XBY F. MILLFR. A'1oilnlinUaw. ELIZABETH MILLKH. Jane TS. AdnUaiBiratrli. M THESE FACTS TilK TKST1.UU.N V Ur THE WHOLE VOKLI. - i mr . , .-.....,,-... a ; II' A b OIN TMLN T - ' - ! j b. iirr. f-rs Brrtnt. mr n , ruj y'Jlt Ti'LIJlT.. r, ti ' f'J ,-. r ' .... - on in- tk t--. trra& vat Vi'.n . ii. - m. ,cw aa.iv. ix Mb nuAHIMi. w . - (..-.M.aMatBjn w.i ta ssr win am uw akwutl m,. - n a tin uarj. .w. - "i zrim iat sari, .a.i'ra. ui 4:wuri r. - - . . . -. : a a.ai; ..r 'aoT''Ir : S'S..r I'SSl t wrn rii-.i ia. a n. ,4tyf il raaci tfrrauv aaA Ikt rpa Tirf. t a OeamfHiua i a.ir. -w aai fw.iajc. lKr: : ai m w ami nT1M Vtl , ,a.ai aToiai. iujksi ;cnca.. u a...r u. L. r- 7 "wcwnu m s p-Trn rrml . ZZTZZ" at i b"p" l I wles auaal M.rr I .-. . at -ww- . Tevera. i ; n.JTit SU."" f Clam. Luraai. uw atx-a .4 la. liaiMral : U.ull i r-ri. ui uaMn xc tiacza of! u.i?u..aw(ri.il.u. '11.1:111. T. .?".- "J. t"; ., , , , . ... t U aiarvvr u-Wa iM ...Ur&I Kl Umt iJa.H . - .r:rrw iSnrun u. cmwt aa i lliul ai l nflar li -r tba .iwa. mm mm ur .n a iu . r ; uva u. ttamuw mm. mi! u iari f lT"',m' "rrJ iaJ WM !-:- rcai:r at tu car a i ' t.'fll ViH. oa Uifwil aa.1 cti 11.. imi IIDaii-aa. Meat .r iwi ruta iMii taa taaa awa. au IAlva..d. t mmrr la.-rw mmrhl la. aa utMrm- eaawrt. PI Ira, ri.lalaa. airtrtar. Tm aiw Liaa-H f.pLia:i m.li lai rtawTe.; im un br a euti-itii mu ui a jua : Eaeiil- rVr, taSrriu ir-oi xtkrmn ijirt.nl t:a- .... j Mi ii aaoi w rrru:4 - uxavr,fTrt - B.it . iici pan. . u a.aa w-i. r..--i m m a ' ,,!M mt Srw titart a ear. th.l n , My u.u. it. .um in : L' mtij hbl-lrm tT -t Wl . .ff- t ik-xurh alirt u tin .jt laji.r Mi flarra aXla tare.! ; J i.-ai!i'.'w. a; xt la m' -iUm- a -A ise ' ' nata.T3t am t-r:-. Ti... is ia. atv : irralavt - f-ata. run cairn- la ""X" l' i -o-nl r ' .... . i aetl l lMlk ,-!Um aa ; Hcvrm. ; , ! BMehe. a ai ra--::icjrw. rxa w:: a em:z,XT. tr.:x,;:-cmu OMMavuvast ai lnr,... la "-- prn-av ; BrraUwal W ! k fiBM .Mrii-U O". B lll : .1 ia ALrr . i:t iri ay ia ir ' "ak.n ia a-iir " tr.i n. (i;;n-o. , milt Rioi.ai tae fcavr trm toe ao-i tn- j-utt tivniB tj, l.. uku.. It mat l'4u:r cm wim it. ue e the ful ! itftir a imiiMiX rare. Brlaieal -ielllMc- Par! j mm ftHC Joint. Aitliriifh the Sr? tiff w.Mr fai ! IttZ4 u' 'y'09 I ?v Otarav-ai 1 ru, ,iMj - SVi ,urif r,,i: - u i" t--j. lut atrs S..-aii-. r area. VXatraataii aa J atc .N i; ie. ! .i.w-Ik ;E:(.ivoia.u. ;.ia rue. hmu . r Hea.;. j 'itk l" i .'ii'.iaa. Laha I 1 :"- rirTIOU-T-rt srv rQ.oe wie the ! i,k j .Kirfl. wmmbM eri. tjX 4 raaj Juod ( 'iiwol. A htwotar rwrJ will r- f .ren V ao me ro 'imnif nmrh uuianwutL wt q fe-ti t" tae 4t-. kkiM tmj l-vartj wr pai e iHistertri.iac tost t-e (tpmTivtu. e Si-UI mt XjaQafcrWi? vt Pr 4rivz lit -l- U'WAT . Yv-ck. bf all IVt--acta-l anuxed wirrid, in puts i 2 oenu. Ai rrmi, anal ii n.Thrr is caai-vimbie nriag by taklnz tbe iarcrr .lie. -V. B- Tir?ino the raxlase 'af patiniU inery ;1.if.jr are inxri t ra.:n pi.L Jan. 14. fc. ll. W. A DM I NISTR ATOR'S NOTICE fciKaie ol J.cuh lauli'.!. lateof Cuaaatafebur. I j ir'C Z t er aaioa-ruy. cura u Berrr.y run win deMeai to i: u make in- mttate ayawnt. .rl tii'iar bavina- iriaim axaia it will p-.ea.-Dt tbem uul antbratieatni Ur KUlriaaBI aitbaat dtiay vi Salariay Ann aft 12. 1VT4. :. M. TA.NTFHILL July V. AaDur-wKr.t ir. POSITIVELY CUBED. Wbfn death rw l-arij eiprct-i fp-m P-rwomf tit, all r-TDw1i- bsTihx Uiini. ai Ir. H. Jam? w eiprnaier ' -T ti -.-n-wi1y m2. prvj nvtmstK latiiais HrKp. wbich arel h ;j!t chi.-l. aiKl tw jctv- tbi rexij-e frre n rtxri..t uf tw ADi to my exit-nf. Hfrajt a.. rurr riifW wmi. n: at tb -4 'Oiarb n- U1 bmk a frcC cfci ia iWf BtT-4'r rv arw, AtiwlirraV, j 1.0CS Ka St., fL.I i.lrtL-hiji. naming tbif L per. Ja - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. bauup af Ax.n ?f ?.Lia. Ut- f Cidaeni-v B-c. Iatr of a.lntni:rBti.ck can the ttat baipg tfcfsjq .tToi4 u lot ii-iigtwi. D"Tk i hrrrf'T xiw-ro to tiv--? in.irK.M to it u- u.ke ia BMiiimu prmnU And .iMr havmK riama triinel it tm pr-swnt tbwPiB dttlr aatUvou-m-i tur tia-a-Bketrt at tn uf tba aittifitralor. io CQtlatfv iVTv-ub oa Sa:ariav f JoJt. UT: Jiioen. AJmiBistriviur. E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Lcutiie of 0m- Balti-r. Ute of S:ooj Creti Tap., Itter t-r-tatatitary m the aNnr emavte kaviaaT bar frrantaU t tiaa alriirnHl. ivtr if barrel- yireu t tlv-tw iTirMi UtHU tuna im meliate pAy-meat. and tivfe baring rtaiia atraihrn n, W pirmt tb.-m dnly aatrMtv irate, i. ttlrmit at the late r-. Incw-rf th tie ceajed, oo Tiiurlar. Aaa(B--t 11. A. I CHiS. L. BALTZtk. A bK AM W1LS4-V June is. taecvirs. Second Exposition UF THE TRADESMEN'S MISTRIAL INSTITUTE ! PITTS It L'RU, PA.. ill op"n Anrnt IS, and close Sptem- assist 1ft, and c! ber S3, .s-.R. New Fhral Hail, and Grand Art and Floral Display. Agriealtara! Pnwlarlb-iBii reeetre.! thla y"r Saiad fur l-rrai:uni Lat. Aiipliatiuo f .r .pace a. receircd. Offlce Ju'.y 5. Xw. Ii" Prnn A. en tie. DMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Eatataof WillUa Marj.hT. laie of Paint Tnwra. ablp, daceaard. Letters of adatiBiwtratlna baTlcx been rraated to the anderwiKtacd. by tba proper aatiM-riiy. tan the alw.T. eMate. naKire ifl bera-by riwra to ali pcr aaafl iaaiebtad tn aaal estate u auae iuimeaiia-e paainea. an.1 thaaM- ha.ir.ir eiatoi. azain.l aai.l j malt win preat-aai .inem umy aaitieoiicaieH .t fetllerurnt and alir.wan. wa Situralar. Aoa1l4 II. ITll iUM Win Mwa-aiiirail. , , . . . JI'H Hlltt IAX, 11- A laual-atraar ' J:ri. " C ETTLEM F..VT I F THE SIHimL VlRVi-l rVra.r M..njian.k Ta.. tor tba vw,, n.iies Jaawith U't. --., Bareaid Tritspy, l aad trea. df. j 1 ! ,- 1 ' i Tertata apprrirlatia-a S lwi il taa I. dae rroas ear to liag Jan UTS Uie eUaetcai DapU. SI U W3 3- t lu;; t'K. By ordera EuT Teaeber'i aal 7" onlerf (tr fuel and eiantla iretieie. lean i traaa. aai eoi I tun it i a 3U IU O t 1J74 . 0 ry Ralaaoe doe 'aa abuTa To i aoaeated Land ar lert and BaKa Total balaive la haadt of Trea. S m Kwl 9 CENTENNIAL Hotel Director. Philadelphia. ! J. WEAVER L CO., p.v r w-' - - .Ml 171 PITTSBURG. I'A. Elm Avenue Hotel , T7I.H ATfETr i rim r:--ixr " -. - TATest end Of Machinerv H in 00 ls ia ! 1 1 VLi IZJZ. . ...p,... r. JAllt., A Is.. a..r. w:lijm: .-;fat : S.Tear; ?a-i po.w Vntr i.. t i :r t.i -; aaal Karil! i-iar. A aaaOMavcu:. t ..,,, .. . jujw si ll i i tta. i M . u ' I H 4 I C ' rat. EJ.Rirj.A. fLiX lr-rt. fra 9lfc (tb aarMt. rktlaalhia. r, H . . -i mt part f w . p , , L t- tV3atiU'i-wij. .. ;..J;i . i i I ;--r Ml(.Irr ju two;. ... ,,a..,... . . ' . SHTF,T,T)S HOUSE, F iCHERLY KEULii. Si 7 tn r?, :2r Szi:: PITTS III' (aril. PA. ' U'. M.MA !i L'- A.N V. p Thl fa-'-C'- a r---.li- '.X t-r--i - t r. Ho.nrtl prr day. 91.50. w:T"i rh h.-aw-.. nLJIOXT uoxiiL. STRKTLV HKML..vi. Teraa 1 f,9 pr ay. Crtw-r Forty Kir; aa! Orto '. :-.. SILVLtt MAPLE OaOVFj WHT PHIL A DkLPKU. C:r!ef P. ar.! F r rm ttiJ.;at-r. ."vi:i:s ati PS'PkiiTiK.H. IT TTH-M.TiO! itr. L'JMO 'iuv,- U-t x x ir a-vi : a tXii; b?i..t a?3-i i-ir: ; ;-y tw irv-4i. P-ir! ri-.-rw. -r - . -r!c r.;- i t l'ar:j-. A .a;.. -r. :tr; &":i. Ai .-bnt- mimx aa.; -aj-o . . :i-r. ar-t-rLaw. It it wuia f.-ar cArv-- ( t mala wrflTtraa-f jf i' e Orati ta:itia. 1 ' v.n. :r,r id d!.ra'-it . t max 4 tr.;- ai H Tr.ii;i!T Qi-uvt w urr a'- Uiaj:a-ra: c- ma- 1-Trv . f 1:,. 'r - , a;ria. aiaikisx 11 il ?ft tvxej .a hi..: '.irr rwi.rlnelT r m-in .r-rt c. . r. a0 aurina -ujhi H'i.- t '-..-. tum.n B.u.ir u-r nier Ui lkn s , ; - , Xirf; rtYt Jim ritj tar, ja' .:.e , . - Congress Hall. ESV F"i B,-rRT PRli K H'lTLX. THE El H'lPr-.t r-LA. Elm Ave., Below Forty -second St., lurrvtiy nf.-t.w'i:e Ma.a tiLiiiu-a baih.rra -VnKBXkMlaLi. an li-r Lwiai fvrmim. i I., t aar irze pri. f crtal N r. L -LI-.x li rtK IM1. rn'in. -ait iti r-jt. ,-hr... W. H. BAKER AO 1, Pf..L-ir;; 3a!j i. ADMINISTRATOR'S NuTlCK atda:"t Acaataw HriSa-y. a. U l"i:v. Net. . dereaap.1. Letter of a.fmiai.tnta iwi tf.e xh. mm-.... hmrwx heo zr.nt-M :. the on-ierni n.rft. i. beret w 1VB ta taua. Unit -r- tat u lu s;at ira meiia!e parm-nt. aa.lrbaar h-inaa-eia.m aafair: It. lTe-ent !rm -lOiT aatSentinaiaal W mmtt.m- meDt l J'-hn H. I "hi ..or at(ian.v at v-Kr-' fi . m ft .re Frulaw. the lt ".! at a.iu.i ltt -r i:inwi.. 1', V.' Hr-tl N. y. H'tf.w Jalyti A d3iui.;r3i. r. " ; . : aaiaa a ,w u wi wr na. ri.ai,ii "a. i-. it a -aii- StmrnT. anlW. W.. m4 bttll : WWdbtWI .fa mi .4 a 4 a.raa..ru : ..-.. Taw. ".!'-., frwc.i--. a. DaakniC. awd ml; rrratanaa. at ca rtia. a " rrWMB. r. faala k, Saw. ftaaai Baa. TW-. mkmm. aiawitalaVVtlaa (a a.wirncTv.f sott-T er fca Dr.Taa Drkr. 1W1 .rw--a Plaita- , SOLD 0T ALL DBUOOIieia rt a;r'Jy at kaNB'. Sample wur.r. TJ IU T -J,i sruaaJ A Co.. F ar ac-i. Jtaiae. BaaT SSIGNK ES SALE. i tiftOwof an otIt t-miM r-at f tae (V-nrt Luov-n Pira rf ?w.-rart I'-rantj. Ira.. lbe uu- lerzTH-w.. A,"gTr-- f Mmtrfl H. . tabial n at. H. Sanner. w.-i rii at ai'lie vm Saturday, A tijn.-t I 7C. h Unlwlhx real e::e rif : 'y. I. t'url lntw-T-"t ! N-ir-ia-! H. lam?. e:ra-t- bl -fiile H ? rhmiim T-i:.. -mr- mint, fai r mudum Um- t.arfirt ai D.a;T-i:.rr 'T- aoi :,.iy t-ur i-er ;.'- aa. &'.bwnc of . -.. there are ara.t fkym-. T" -earr! aDl ta atxee io m -... ith a t" t.'-v Hft !-; ia r u-; irarij.; inn tan, aii wa;-f j.jr -4W-tuiU liM-re-'O rriv-te-l. The !vt tnu-t i taa-l. It a ttart f tw. Ixrz" tra-! w jrraDtr-1 ia tbe name i hlrharl 'ar.' ". a ict William l irrlr. atl niitf-yA ,y -ei : An!rc W.tauaairt. wife. t- i- narl ro"-: adi anjuei -u a lino of Hjrts-t. I-c p a famp. ai iiti3 iami ol - Hrirreiayrr. I-.-in Hr-fc". HttMBvcr DAi (&riY. a- e tn-wn aa the Waraoaaa tract. Na. 2. A h l natta-l awa af the t.rvp -r5 of Sanxtei U. l avtup fi ttate .a tt-e.l- wnol i .ut: S'ltii-r-r-ei e ontj. Ifaa, fci-.n -a ih r--ai .r t I Mitl t ib a fc u. 3-- ail Vaiiw! ty iSy ru -r Strr-t. ! no 1-. K-ce aa t liirrh ail, fib a --il tj Kory Irauie Ih-ne ac-J rt hr .3i'r4r- No. X A 1 f htduaiI liaw-vn a the pri-erty of W m. H.SaaiMr. itnate lu the -I HHaer!-t. STr?-rt utu-".. Pa., r-rir M a T o Uie ptaa wt aar-i twva. 1. 1113 ua Ka'-e S' ret .i:y nx treu baanlct tbe l W rsi, S r--- . on tbe D.rttk tiy alteT. an t oa Ue M v-ly.. Khble. wit ha Lnr- ill navf:ti-nt tr, t. ry rraie h.. uat rxial'iiaa aa-1 ia-fr'kb'iU'-crawly ttrfr-n er---;f 1. 1 n basaav la ia try rr j.w-i a wvry -Tiirir.ie iW. The aaleof ttveari-vre nm. will taAe pla at the curt bjtw-t. la the a'ivaxk 4 &tr., 1 Z n''-d.. p. kb. . trt aahl day. TKKVt?. HrotMiri of rar-h-4- -iv "it-y .-a firraraiKJC C aui. at iinst lerta 01 " . ort t jtt a Ptw-arV. aat one tmrJ it. -s.x mxnti9:h-T-after vi'h in:pr-M, ati riawr ia .-e -:ar :iw;r alterwifli tatervnt. pdjBMrnt W be t-rure-J tv ttalxment ite. T-n pr rnt wf t.e part-Ra" intsae lu be aA aa at prfny 1 talari Jt-ara. J. U r? HH. Jaiy 13. Aw. Hemmorrhoids or Files. DR. TERRY !. M tlio to . !!wnt I Hi I. k;irl. Klevliinr 'f 1'rbmic. mn-i a.l a her t! iara.- .-f tSe lt-r t-.weL Tae I. atara&i tu core mil f-t-r h wn-'.r'hmt iw matter who hnn t!en-:tei arv! fail 1. ?-e. TJ Viae itr-el, Kt-il.tfr..f.ta, Fa.. H -ur". 1; to 3 ati'l T lu tf u. ta. A SS KIN EES NOTICE. A.l P"ra in;t'fe . are berrhT f 1f!vJ Thit JMah Srwrtrr j S.afrre4 U-un-axa. ea tta IT' 3 Jay trf Apni, A. Ik tn.ui a .nntarw a)-- iinro-ct t4 ail hi ral prperty to tne to trot f r ttj betx&t ih tiarrmlitor. r.M. i;hrk. May TL . aAawica-. AL NOTICE. I a. . . .. !..., iojiin3.tr.i.-.... ..... ..... . . .. t wmiia m ir u.niiirw" v , I ry C'v -'tnaii. a... i-eu. I, leavin-r i-.e cL Iq. I Umnr. laUa-aiiaa. li.-.iet Hilenttirned "Olh ) twrwe Hauwer. Hear Su.lar a.wi lea.n-wa. rtiMwa. m. J.rt P'.HwH.pia rt' afdJ- HFi sader joieJe. Wftimred ( I i .ifcn .iaiBao-lrV. Siair-ler.ui'lr:fcair-,le.i Yin. ate benf n-Mued that in i ur,i jf . wni A paritBia. iaiiuat of tt.ri.r;,bau il'vi.: d a-riaet l" Fa I will b-ld an ii;rt . tha rail fatal. A Hi-nnr daM-l. la Br.xh-wal.rTTp . oa 'le prwaiia.. !na:.!y live lath dar vf Jaiy, ::, wberey.ja can aftod if y Uurk pruper. fc". VT. FlLK. Jaaeu. "aar aitfa va':itiai:n hr cn-W-r. i AJUflCK 10 '"CONTRACTORS. ! "Seale.l i npail wIM be re-ired Vr NiiMrwr o..-.i It. Iria Jul. arhta JbIt JUII, plan. and nwil- ali aa be at-a at lbe of lr. S.S. UMd, lailuine; to be die intmeaiioi'lT. " XKS E-A. ILK - Frvip.a: reriTea! nrt . il. Jalya