II T7 fjie Somerset Herald. WfclNSIAY -JutwT. 17. i:i.i.TOitii. TICKET. fflort la ruin honortible men this will not soon lie forgotten. from the desk of IIKNJAMIN H.HKKWSTEK, Phll.i.lcl-iliU. JOHN W. CHAI.FANT, AllriiniT. I. 3. 4. 6. . . KLWTOR". JOHN W FI-NH. HKNKY PlSsniX. HKINJ. HOFFMAN. 'HAS. T. JUNES. kuwijt a. rnxKY. HEXJAM1N SMITH. J. W. HhKNAKIi. JACliU KNAK. JUHN B. WAKFtl- 10. JOSKP1I THOMAS. 11. ARIOPAKDEK. 15. LEWIS I' L 11 HE. 13. ED. S. S1I.L.M A N. 14. WILLIAM CALULR. 1. MILES L. TRACT. 16. S. W. STARKWEATHER 17. ItAXIKLJ.MORKELL. It. JEREMIAH LYONS. 19. WILLIAM HAY. 30. WILLIAM CAMERON, a. J. B. HON ELL Y. L DANIEL O'MFX. in. WILLIAM NKIUi. 34. ANDREW H. ItF.KOEK. Ji. SAMl KL M. JACKSON. M. JAMES WESTEKM AN IT. W. W. WILflER. The President lias nominated lloo W- W. KetcLum to be Judge of tbe jtbe l)wtril t.,mt ..f al. t . a . 1 ' vuu,k Ul luc i n-tcu state .. ,.,,., ...,, A . luium-'-. l OVIU 1I1ICU III this ball, wbeo people went wild, bat for tbc Western District of Pennsyl vania in place or Judge McCandless, retired. This is a position fcr life, and no gentleman in the Common wealth wag more deserving of it Since its origin, Judge Ketchum bas been a leading spirit in tbe Republi can part j, ban on several occasions leen a prominent candidate for Gov ernor, was appointed solicitor of the court of Claims by President Lin coln, and is a member of the present Congress, being elected in a heavy Democratic district against Hendrick D. Wright II is thorough! quali fied for the position, and Lis appoint ment is well received throughout the State by men of every shade in politics. pre.1 victories to v,i the ISih I the feirnlatirir hm th. ,.,; our armies whenever,? loyal tongue ' 'J -rom Kast a e-ureliciaua, be-d: f tale, I waf own snouted Willi joy, and I have beard 1 l"ktnon the mw fashions f. news of the Coal overthrow of " f ' "Xu"" l"r '.'T1' h. Tli. 'eavy ha '"'"'"I'""'"'' VI, "nl"g lu ; brocades, in rich W t l a i never oeuciii such a as this." thrdliug m-i-uo The Richmond (Va.) ' h ad mits that Indiana is the only north western State "the Demc-rats can even hojie to win," and then disdain fully advises its parly to give over all effort to carry Ohio, .And now tue Harangue oi t JeuA thev divided into s.piadif fiftvijgiting every plantation iu tloeigllrhood, ami committing deti whi.Uouid shame a savage. On I Patii plan tation a squad of abi eigll Re-r. ulatora, armed witbbnrovUvin. Chester repeaters, mtSered that "wionc loumi m Wir MUor. ! snd ii.fli.-ted every f jm-L (,f l.n(.J j on the negro women, tiolatil the j persons ot aiiumber it a nulmt- imgeous manner. in bis nil ? made of raw silt, were certainly y chair coverings. aJ might be joy foref beautiful tbinjrs. dinary width, but lars a yard awe tk my soul. "How always in the sea?on after the some of ; lug themselves ceorating loin i Willi nil the n (Mlnntn af a pail il wove Japanest .ib.dut-d colors. .Ted with gold handsome for looked us if thev like all truly hey were of or- ea tne attendant mentioned the priif-only Sftcen dol- posscssion of i inaa s pocket to inch would the There is li-j do quantity sufticientir iinholsterinir althat is within set of furniture ci ?" 1 ventured There is no buvi to miUire. "Fro.ione thousand to is nothing doio liitcen hundred dohrs," was the an-. evervtbius is as li ill be beard plant- i.--covering a hsunt : ntages a ronntry, Kaston. June:. The plui-e was evelnown to possess. ,,e ,ar()s ruliV( ), 1 The weather ildightful in New' subject of converwuiou I 1 ork. Ill Till V to hua wht r.nf ! r . L i .1 , j .. .. v ... fci iuuuiit iur me lasi u away. Uut Mlire going to lhea-1 davs nroves lo be a stri 15ut fo! ue, ur 10 emus arainerinjrs as i her t Merlin Turns the ... usea to in the id olJ wnr il ivs r...;,i..,i iu.i..u. : which a few arelginning to look j about four miles from tbi-f Le lh hai-.n.ir a ! v" "cu , iviK-trs were nii'D. ami r nn jwrarl if himoil ! I li--. I lut Ulll'UKH lucre was a UCllca a hall I., a ! sir ehil.trn nd VftaI -. . r. them with. boarded with him. Allefc ami a half UOWi. son ami the nllei'.il niiirJl-l ch of anyoce. ! school at a smull plure cajb r selling, there i untown, about half way be i pronertv. and home n.l Kast on On AY as it can be. of last week he did m.t'co iiinir ruiiifo nit iuuiauiii'i'ii.1 i u .,.. a 1 r' o 1 nu n nnc MJLL'uvrru. fciir oii..na in - i 1 i 1 ( t n. ..r . h 1anHinfr lUmnr.mtir. nt-nan I... I wii 11 lliUlUIUH, UrK B DJ IliOrC I 1 UG t Cll i& pr()VOU9. Ulit LflnPfl nll r, Tl.r..mil men.. .;,fnl.i .. 1 gout ai bii. i Here aritTeat many peo-! eood health and cDirits. i .A iuc i-cuDuoij uui 10 uqicnii on cur-1 , ', Yo""f siemnroKiery, at ao a vard, with dnvs, nnd whenever found he was On the road to Fort1 dam- negr.-es having retreated ;to ati building, were all slaiighted. The wounded arnou? it negr REPUBLICAN STATE fflET! sui.iwt to the .Irci-ii of ih- Vinrtrt C-nlrn-nrr. -iN(iRESS, WM. H KO0NTZ. SENATE, E. D. YUT.V. COUNTY TICKET! ASSEMBLY, K.J. METERS, ALLEX S. WILL. ASSOCIATE Jl IXIE, C. C. MUSSELMAX, DANIEL STUFFT. rxU HolbE Dllltl'ToR, SAM. S.W'DER. .lint roMMtssioNER, C1IS. T. Hl'XTER. J'Hr.oo'k packers in the West are ioe most enthusiastic -men in the world over the prospect of a war in Europe. They have no doubt at all that for them there would be "mil lions in it," Rnd of course they are correct, lbc Cincinnati Commrr- ial quietly observes that, as Chris tians, "they would regret that peace and good will do not prevail among men everywhere; but as business men, they could not End it in their hearts to grieve over there-opening oi tne ..astern question in so prom ising a shape." U istrnealwavs Chat what is one man's fortune is an other's misfortune. II'X. RlSSF.LI. EHRETT, of I'itts- kurg, bas been nominated for Con- ' - -.. Rer-" O n e of the consequences of the ac cidental Democratic majority in Con jgress, is the opportunity given the lei-rebel to wreak their revenge on Union men, under the pretext of in vestigation. The meanest and thin nest charges, brooght by any Demo cratic scoundrel or thief, against a conspicuous Republican, are immedi ately referred to a committee, a ma jority of whom are determined to L I crusu nim oy lair means or foul. Je- cret sessions are held, hearsay tcsti mony received, personal and politi cal enemies are invited to tell all they know, or guess or can invent, and without the chance to exnlain. contradict, or expose the malice, or lies, these grosa inventions, or sur mises, these pryings into the private affairs of individuals are nublislieit to the world, the newpapers fre quently giving the selected victim the first intimation that his character has been assailed. It was in this way the craven De mocracy undertook to avenge them selves on ex-Speaker Blaine. A sub committee composed of two ex-rebels and one Republican was put upon his trail. Hanten, of Virginia, the chairman of the committee, is a rebel colonel who fought agaiust the Cnion until he was captured in 18f.5, and was imprisoned in Fort'Warren. Ashe, of North Carolina the other Democratic member of the commit tee, was a member of the first rebel Congress in 18C1, and was in the rebel Senate in 1864. These two malignants, who'in any other conn try under the sun, would have dan gled at the end of a rope, and who owe their justly forfeited lives to the clemency of just such men as they are now "investigating." God save the mark! have been hounding, mis representing and attempting to de stroy the ex-Speaker. He has, bow- ever, proven himself more than a match for them, and for the whole miserable and abject Democratic pack who have been baying in bis track. The nation has leen deep'v, indel- "SaiMy disgraced by the miserable, cow- "dly, contemptible method this Dem rying Indiana, but to take a strong grip on Ohio and try to win the Buckeye State. The Xew York World raves that neither Indiana or Ohio can be carried bv the D.-moe. !i,ufrere1 Srealy. uot IeS3 lh thil j k . . i . ; ., . . a I . lai : J t wnvwio iudb tuc jrniiT mu get on without tbem. This wrang ling among our foes about carrying States that are certainly ours is amusing, and it serves to show the total blindness of these guides wbj seek to lead the decrepit old wrrm- eaten, treason-scarred, tottering skel- J out medical attendance. Last ii i glit an attempt s ma by an armed body of Regoators assassinate Senator Weber. Tb( called him out at 12 o'clock aid fil ed his bouse full of bullets. J The negroes are desertner c m7.--. Hundreds are withit food having left all their goods ofcl chat which he was to aver the walls of a large room in pice of wall-paper, and I thought of he countrv suffer ing from stagnati'i of business, and grew sick. This i no exaggeration, and no more are srae different facts with which I am (going to contrast bis. I eton of Democracy out of the wilder- te,jl.an,"n 'V1'"- r'r''Hors.l ness. SHADOWS (f CITY LIFE. At a desk in lb) room where this Iter is written, hts one of the best ock actors in tie c;tv, who two ouths ago wai receivinir a sala- of $110 a week with steady em--yment fo' ibj summer. In an J hour, in bops of making a big r. ! "v-..- .v s .u ,u -i, goinjjiu coming irom : meal was in progress two o tne Centennial, bJhey are not here the victims spoke ofthepecti to trade. They Me no money in ! of the coffee, but Allen ridi the city, ami the rtlie shopkeepers i idea and took or nretended t me 111 ue;iiair. I tne t. entenntal, an Iirs failed tbem thifeel that the bot torn has dropped o THE Parker, the Cali had hopes of swallow of it himself. A now that t tat soon a thK meal was over bad partaken of it wen-: t; for certain. lently sick. As soon ap MrsTki race. i DtiKhliorinff physician aii ilia rider, made i WDO at 0Dce lold lhem tL v innr HQ Ik The Ilarrisbur-r Tfh-oroiJi boldly r..i!,i,:J charges that the Democracy have onlv after the kiilinjr took IacV prearranged a plot to carry the next ' Ciys. Presidential election by violence, and And now read this from the Xjrtb thus adduces the evidence: "All I era apologist for these enormiiiet The assertion made by tb Demc-W!,i'. Le was tlrsuaded to give it crals that the Regnlators tc act-f'nd?1 Mar part," as it is fore, they bucketl posse comitatus it a base TJ- m tlie coijatry at a much Iur-1 than before. Ashe 1 he Sheriff tured out ! A WT l Tntl with Hrtpw. , I ' of: V fe if;HS ugi to Vi lunf men re. 'lie jiiJ og in ( 'ft-irlichl ! n-li-ji, I'.iii:-m-j bri i county, were expt-rimcuting iib ur it I .aded una, anil cum -hided to try if lv. jibe phf sj.lmri liom .1 in itt-h would t in, e lode ihe bar,'e The cvnpo.M T I I . : .. . i i ' , . i . H'jf , no i was 'ii -e. o:i I lit- tiinn:i. HUT I . t-d ! i!r -i e ld. 'i ll -as id. Jure. One of the n allowed lh b.irrel of ihe wea poti to rest ea-elesi-ly it.i. .i.- arm wh le he cimiueneed k . ir out lle phi -ii,. irons V.oii it..-sin ill -i! io the nipple. S idib-nly l here w:is a loud rejM.rt, nnd the fielins , Voting man .-an hv im-tgitie-l wlieu upui looking arju'id he f-und his cou uanion hinir oa tLe it ..,r dead. ie; The muzIe b id Jieen puinted directly f tOWtrd the leart of ilw Limr n...l te; wln i the cba.-ge exph.d.'d b- was i;i- ie star-lv killed. il nt r ii.-.,;.. a'tim is Win.-I.i-A- id ,.i I - .... , j, uiiiri s .iif'l'ariand. 4lMl4eii HtNfi . f prnlf i-i ;,. ho er iis ' ;av i ne .vn in , W.-!:m.ii.n ,1'jd,. morniiiif. as i-v-'-iv r J; !i nt to enter the I ' ,n:. Church, b:? ra;.-Mf.I his I, n 1 ? 1 his ryes with hi (..,, s.j-'d to his wife, who side, ' I f'el a dl..ii,. mt. -1 li-o.'ie With ii. j upon th' euurcli srep :t-, . ,. sea'ing herself, plaeed I. , : her lap aud fanned him ilv ;; 11 i . i. . . j t l-r- eolltn lie 11 i:j .1 (: r! summon.-' er haviug bee it lelnleil ill Si re-ideni-e. ff. I lie n eed in ;: p-ir! Pope e was, .red ; ,(,,. his (.fJ.il f physician, IV wsuiv ca.ie.i, as wei-tf aj, (J. ner.il fJi-ciM and I.,.-t-,rs arm i. ox , There w as a. I hf In.linno. another attemot inL ?n . I ferinsr from the effects of f w jv iiniu.1 i li i L-d It a ot poison, iu sonic cseii he bettinir men iur lbe physicians proven bo . j . i.:. I hut in others death en-ue Lf ltf IL 1111 1IIM l.aros died about t a men who bet ft he could do it, brposly to get men know that in the State of Lou isiana there exists a Republican ma jority of not less than 40,00(1 when I every man votes and every vote is countea only once. In Mississinni ii- we have a clear majority of JO.OOO under like conditions. In Arkansas, 15,000 at the lowest calculation. In 1 The ,S(i savs: Ihe suspicion is now become Hrcng and wide-spread among intel ligent men that, to a large extent, the tales of 'rebel' misdeeds hve been invented to call off attention from the felonies and frauds in which men in cflice were engaged. Provided with organized bands as Xorth Carolina, at least 10.000. And ! assa.-Miis to kill, with Soutlicrn npos.. in fcouth Carolina, nearlv two Re publican votes to every Democratic vote in the State w hen a fair election is held. And vet. since the mro -ions villainies perpetrated in Arkansas and Mississippi, the killing of ticurlv one hundred Republican uegro vo ters in Louisiana, and the treachery of Gov. Chamberlain, of South Car olina, whereby the White League hope to kill aud domineer safely, be cause that official will not make a de mand for Federal troops to stop their orgies, w hat man bas seen a Demo cratic estimate of the vote iu the tatcs to refuse to ask Federal protec tion for the Republicans from butch cry, with a venal and mendacious press iu the Xorth to deny the hor rors done, and w ith a rebel Congress to reduce the arm; to a helpless skeleton so that it cannot interfere, the Democratic prospect brightens! l:itwhat will the American people a v. u k .w:w voiih i.i:rr:K X ev Youk, jJnc s, tiikckxtenm.il electoral college w hich did not give As Decoration Day was appointed all the old slave Slates to the Dem-! f"r 'lie "P'"i"-','f the Hanker' Huild ocratic candidate? Even when I ? U"' Kxhil,ilion Philadelphia, n i- j , , the directors of most of the Itirire South Carolina ,s conceded to be a j ,,;iI)k, pftre their cierks a holiJav j doubtful State, the feeling of securi-J forty eiirht hours, and naid thei'r t. salary, to beurc, but still on a ure. It wag uot a foolish thing in fact bis friends consrratu at- iii when ther heard of it, that he i chance tojdistinguish himself, take a rcmtation like Mu berrv Is. which Win Id make him rich f'l- Hut tlii til itr nroppd nnt a ... j , j t . 4 fii una iritieinntod an. I l, mS left illt of Plimlorment tauuly na his Lands, nnd roke of work to be had. The ies are iII full for the season. poor man sits there within nniless, living on one meal f bread and water, supplied tbrofthe chance gift, of friends, ''ob'vled with faintness, and una h'o t4-j, bis children from hunger. FarnJ w U(, gather your families ,rouuipjlutifu table daily, it it is c,lr Biin, consider yourselves for tunati 1 I'OLITU'AL. Oovji- Tilden's friends are in hot wa.i About dve hundred pa pers, dJratic, of course, iu the Westafl,.h received an :,nv-r from an yVrtising agency in this city. tolHsh as 'quoted matter." five noti furgiug Tilden for the presiden.: Xbe papers receiving them wh fre opposed to the Oov irnor, im lately raised the how l tout he w .'Attempting to subsidise the press. ,fa pretty little row it raised. T i-ui-Tild en papers took it up venoiulT ad charged the sorts of Dfteeu hours; aud very pretty game, think now. He fa first trial, but sport upon him hclieved and that be failed hetS on a secoud aill nt. and there. Ti l " " In more freely led this time they believe ho aud I mustangs to be frauds, and that Ly have been nicely taken iu and lie for. They were betting on nnotjr man's game, and have lost all Lind. Parker was taken oft" his hoi stone blind, but he recovered bisjght an hour afterward. Prohahljhis eyes are good enough this tuning to count his winnings. Tlui are a preat many men in Xew Yjk thi3 morn ing who sivejr tbt y ii never bat on a horse-race aaiu. I'lETKo. Tlie Army of t li Iutiuii aros died about t a. in. vn (lav and her husband at a o'clock of the same da v. Nel Moses Schug, who died oi afieriiwn. At this writing hi rest are living, but it is m ! likely that two of them cai I very much longer. THE IX'il KST. On Thursday a jury waa uek-d bv the coroner, aa number of witnees were ex I'ntil Saturday little or not! elicited that would thro-v a whatever upon the cause ot 1 edv or its tierpetrator. An e tiou of the collee pot w hicb b used at the fatal meal reve pre.-euce of a large q imiiny o sediment. This was carcfu y.ed, and ascertained to be After a thoroujih search it wa Omaha, J ne T. The follow-in.- "jui-patch was -eeeived at Department j H-adquartcr.- to-day from the com- 1 Hi nii i ntr ofTif. i. . .f I.-..- r j "a vit. .ir-i'i!e: I Spotted T il, chief of the Hrules. 'arrived here to-day . vi.sic. le j reports that his p." ..e are at h:.ine nnd will not z ou; on tin; w..r pa:h. Larg-numbe-s have gone from the Red ('loud aid other agencies on the Miss niri rivtr, all concentrating on Powder riverf ir a fL'ii'. Tne chief, arc h.irangiiiig the men. and urging them to stay ir: camti t:il lit- troops come in, and uot t go nut in s,n!;i parties. Me reports over .-eventeen hundred loilg-s coileeted t i.'ei(,er. ' us!iitati-in w;n Jir.-t s.-!!ie dift'ere opinion as to tl, r,.a na(ure a:-;cK. it was in . iht mi i Hi-, a;oi aain . time wore on arid symptoms began t decided that Ccither but that L Cerebral depre till excilecic'it and the heat t-) !,.- f.ily-i.s, Iiij- , more t'av -r . appear, it u , was the i n ... was Mifferio : ... -i n, cau-ie:! l,v ,. "' AV.e .!.,, i7ye, Y "I'ITi; s xo riri. 'l!t..t . p :.- . V . , TherKoa l ire Hon II -I ir-l..ll ti:- iu..... i-, ,..0 ;,; i"u- ..n' ..i i ii - . , ,. M.ir-'.:,il J.-r-. Mf .:iv wi .l.i... - I ; -.i rii it... ii ji ( ir H - : n r i ,. .!: T. '.u.. I A. I V. I n- i ! i-- rl, i ii I i.. K ;. ti .1 ih.. i.i . t : . VAMllN.n,N, dune 7 A disKircu received toilht from Oregon by ' Senat-.r Kell 1 stales that the elec tion in that rtate o;i Mondiv last resulted in tU- Dem ur.i:s eiectitf 'their entire Sjite tick.-' and a iiiiiinri- yor.r.MAuv a--si. Oral Ion by irnt i. it The re- he Potomac, usic, is '.be i o'clock, pur busiuess corps asso- I'lili.APKl.t-inA, Ju; union of the Army of at the Academy of great event of the dinas well as of the week. Ihe asfcilbly at the -icauemy took place aud previous to thut meetings of the variou ciatious coiiKtituiiu the Army of the l'..toi and ollicers etc ensuing jear. uuiiuoriiiin oi ;ieAcaiemy was beautifully decorat-u.'and pre sented a finer appcaraiict; perhaps, than ever before. I'he sttje was set in a camp xccne, the Irontfnst behind the foot-lights being crractt with the Vofii.jfl brai-.-hes of the L'r;.irilrn ''This will iuj-ire tl.e ( lection of a Ifuitcd Sen is St-nat'T to succ-i-.l that on Monday, Tuesday o Stna'or Kell wh -e time will ex- re with the present C ingress t Siv l-itwisii. J.i-w. 7 .a?cb frt.tn I inland. O.e-'on savs 1 has I'j'ie Dem.icratic. nesday of last wetk some oi purchased four and one-half of that article at a drug store place, nim-i tV- ;i i'j M-IH'Iif ? h. w.v a: :.. :.'- IM.I-. or 1 'H' .: n il! f- L :i III.- It ill J., S :i.-l I , r III.) I - .-I. ICK ?. A' 1 ... iim,: ,,r l.v tl..- 1IT t.':- , i i'i that tl. it Sia P,'he Dcmocri JV claiui a i-!.ilil f of t .vclv.: the I .itoiki, were I lected to Lrve for irium of Ac'Acaib' ii.. i .... i . The druggist, feeling certain ability to identify the person to ,le ( he had sold the poison, w ai tae ,t the house in w hicb the murder committed, aud the result wat unon bein? confronted with Aile society of I Laros. he rccosruiited him as lb fT- is, . . - . . . l -r : were held who had purchased tne poison. I niiueri.-uer.-. tvstimonv left no tioubt as t4 i and about , idcntiiv of thenartv. niuce a bott!" iken up a-.uii. niii Tiry in on j i.v. b il- :i!l.-1 I ... I: iM i luittilrsjf llrri Arrestrd. J.i i Io., June. A ira:i.' of , bavin-' h.-m! iiiane.-s the! IiV the aiii-.-t ot tooth powder purchased at tbe $.i persons ;J .h. Vernon, two at time was fotiud iu the room K-ci-h!ey, lil , and one at Ivist Si hv the suspected man. Ihe additional important 'U1S. A ( I'lsidcraiiie amount ot jcsO k'us rifiy-ctn currency aud various ty in carrying it.for the Democracy is expressed because of the apostate v of Chamberlain. Does this security about carrying States notoriouslv Republican grow out of anv other possible circumstances, or rest on any other possible foundation than the ability of the White Lea?u override these ........... I.. . l in. I'l-iijcn to me . eniennini. his was a treat t ) men wh.) are tied down to the desk the year round, aud aboui -'00 of the gayest men rode off in the bright morning w ith their wives and sweethea'ts. to do the e.vl.ibiimn i' i .. irowa i.rfiiers. - irgestj oann-,ne ot tne i.fj, 4" in the city, gave oil fox wit. and fraud, upon the fit agents were inir to know do with d Xow the fai Locke, .,t PA war decorations ol iruns id carriatr- corruptinn es. one on each si.l,. at ,L,.H or..'. iog particular stn-ss; and a pyramid of drumf Hehind am me auvertisinz the seat f..r u-.u.a ; ..?...-. .. un nur.J M1U iitlieans, nnd want-1 hendoiii.rier'd f ,.r ir....i i... t ... , , ,....,,.. -' f .iii-au, r republicans had to stretched bv wires to show tk. trolden auc nominations em. e eiu-ir..,l l,r .i, nlements n-d in re also cirfurt d. i its manii.'ucture It is expected er part.es wi;l be arre-ted a;id the ig e-itirelt broken up. Tb-.se cap- 'ed nt Mt. ' tni'iii are c irincctL- 1 fun.ilies in wbrt is the reason ' ..r- iii.tri...! nfiitilovees .'i(l and majorities 't;;r,ie ones so "that they all reliance ol t 'Universal PuUiKKTnf t! at Re- jjit-Mi U iuc . jiu iiimuo Ol lue j Twenty-second district of Pennsyl vania, consisting of four boroughs and thirteen townships of Allegleny county. Those who know Mr. Er rctt (who has long exerted great in fluence in politics, State and Xation al), need not be told that if elected be will represent bis constituents and the State with fidelity and ability. Possessed of large experience in leg islation, he will make bis influence felt in tbe National House of Represen tatives, We congratulate the Re publicans of tbe Twenty-second dis trict on the excellent choice tbey have made of a candidate, and hope they will finish tbe work thus begun by giving him a rousing majority on election day. The Atlanta, (Ga.) Common tcralth takes this cheerful view of the situa tion in the event that the Republicans should succeed in the next Presiden tial election: "One more victory for the Radical party upon a square-out ue of irresponsibility and auto- power ever the Southern States, 1 comes the deluge. Tbe man .se States in such an event e than a fool to remain 'ave line' one night jipack np and flee 1 this tthe dull, cold -pid souls will sound -- - .-azv rant ani so soun Jed tbe warning voice ot tnt immor tal Calhoon. and so seemed Xoh's ad- m-J ocratic . to avenge itsen versaries, bot tbc day of reckoning is fast Bpproacbing. The accidental power possessed by the rebel Hemoc- racy has given it tbe opportunity to display its true inwardness, and tbe nation is now satisfied that according to its natural instincts it will invari ably, I ke tbe bow, return to its wal-lrw. It is an undesirable truth, maue patent by the history of the last six months, "tfcat the so-called committees of investigation, raised by tbe pre eent Confederate Congress, were sim ply intended to bnnt up material to be used in this political campaign against Republican officials, and prob able Republican candidates, hmbit- tered by their lack of success, and the fact that their drag-net has been catching little more than Democratic suckers, these committees have not only lent ear and given currency to tbe most brutal slanders against Re publicans, but they have gone to the extreme length of suppressing testi mony exonerating tbem from trump ed up charges. Particularly has this been tbe case in the professed inves tigation of charges against ex-Speaker Blaine. Ic tbe first place the sub committee having tbe matter in charge is composed exclusively of ex- Confederates, who in their eagerness pleasure. ft flood to the last devil-may-care thio ,Vatrb TMm have flagrantly iaregarduJ, not only the scope and or of tbe resolution under which tbey bold their appointment, bot have delibeiatelv suppressed evidence tending to exonorate Mr. Ulaine, and are eo 1'iocrastinating their proceed Iof ibai no report will be made un til aver tbe meeting of the Cincinnati Conventi. n. In all tbe political his tory of this country oo similar act of rascally meanoeas has ever teeu at tempted, and Mr. Blaine, by bis bold ness and tack bas made it terribly recoil against them. O Monday last be obuined tbe floor, read bis stolen letters, which the committee bad vainly, illegally, and in defiance of every sentiment of manly honor attempted to wring from bim and pre sent to his damage, and then turning upon tbe chairman of tbe committee Proctor Knott he convicted him of lying, and of suppressing evidence ia bis possession which would exon erate him Blaine, Xever were con spirators more thoroughly exppsed and floored. Speaking of tie scene, Judge Kelley says that in an experi ence of sixteea years in tbe House each a scene as passed before bis a on Monday bad never occur ' . "I have seen," said he, r denounced aa trait- try, ana expeled stood tiptoeing on Mount Ararat Hut the wretcb, with all bis pluck, eot more water in bis nose than be rould dispose of, and so all of us w ho dont arouse ourselves and go for good and constitutional government and a responsible party will share that last man's fate. The inquiry is beginning to be irged, what has Congress really done, in the way of legitimate busi ness, this session? N ot a bill, of value to tbe public, bas been passed. Tbe appropriation bill, whicn legal izes tbe payment of monies for ad ministrative purposes, is In such a tangled shape, that there is little hope of passing it by tbe close ot tbe fiscal -jear. Even tbe Xew Yutk Jribnn is conslrained to 6ay that "Mr. Morrison bas virtually abandon d tbe Tariff biW. Mr. Tayne aban doned the Currency bill souie time ego, and Mr. Hollman, though be has yet formally abaod jned tbe re- he Ret.. motion act, is prob " aV. w;ji not pass. is it eur-orm- r '.iiffrn uas ueen pursuing in w hicb the majori- po ,i,dessly large against them will certainly vote for their canui date? Depend upon it the Democrat ic party, under the desperate leaders who have seized upon its organiza tion, rely on violence, fraud aud butchery if intimidation fails to sweep the South by trampling down the overwhelming Republican ma jorities in tbe States we have nimcd. With a united South tbe problem of electing a Democratic President ia re duced to the simple chance of secur ing some fifty or sixty electoral vote-, in the Xorth, Kast and West to add to the 131 votes from the South and so place in the chair ouce occupied by Washington and Lincoln a man who will represent all the crimes to which political strife can give birth. While the White Leage of the South perform their allotted part in mis bloody drama, tbe .Northern news papers of tbe baser sort are to act as the shield and decoy behind which these ruffians are to do their work; and the swift witnesses to testify that their butchering alli of tbe South are not shooting down innocent men in told blood, merely to keep them from the polls while the Democracy carr the elections with a high and a bloody band. This is no fancy sketch. Already an assassination of a Repub lican member of tbe Louisiana Sen ate has been perpetrated. Tbe time for making up tbe registry of tbe vo ters who are to choose his successor pproaches. The district is over whelmingly Republican And the only way to secure to the Democrat ic party there the fruits of .Senator Taitehell' murder the election of a Democratic successor the colored Republicans are to be .intimidated from registering, this intimiuauon required that a deed of blood should be performed to appal them. And the massacre of Weit I-'eUciana was &h result Tbe following letter to tbe Chicago iuler-O'-ean vill show how thoroughly the White League "Regulators" did their wor-; $od the extract we publish from the Jjal- timore Sun will compel attention from the proofs it furnishes of bow the Democratic papers in this latitude have entered on their assigned duty of biding tbe crimes of their Southern co-conspirators. Read : West Felii-iasa, La, May 21 To the Edilvr ' ffih' InUrocran : As an attempt is beiog made to bol ster tbe killing of scfcje sixty negroes from this parish and Vf niKtnson coun ty, Miss., I propose to giv particulars, leaving your judge of the whole. Jnithe brst place, two. men West Felicia aa were taken out bung In Mississippi. They charged (for form sake) with the killing of a store keeper named 4 ron son. Xow, as to the killing of A ron- v be most drv 80D: 1Ie was rdt'red bJ tbe Regu ' frhr -J'alor8 8onie four weeks since to leave D? 6 tbe place, as he was iu th"e habit of j - ' ft ... L " inr rtiii'L-Aito aorn-a nncrg pic , c . -1 .1 ' n ' nejrroes. Planters aver that he " ;tioIea property. On tbe llb . i . . . . . .r . t. m:iriit nave a taste oi iuc Another firm provided a draw ing- room car for their employees. Such liberal dealings characterize firms o! standing, who keep their trusted clerks for years, till their customers know the very peculiarities of their baud-writing and fold of the letters, and would hardly recogni.e corres pondence coming in any other way. Rut the Centennial did not seem to impress all its visitors iu an extreme ly favorable way. One of theyoung men who went on this excursion ex pressed himself without reserve on his return as to the value of the Ex hibition, and bis remarks are given for what they are worth. "See it all!" he broke out in an swer to a ouestion, "I saw it all in - . .i t. t. .L.. six hours, went iurouj:u uu iue buildings, look two lunches, and was back iu Xew York the next morning. In my opiuiou the Centennial is the biggest F r o-d ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting people. I here is hardly a thing to be seen that one cau't lind in the Broad way-shop-windows. There is aa enormous display of fine dry -goods aud furniture, noth ing better than we sec every day. There isn't $o0.000 Worth of jewelry in the whole exhibition, and not more than 2.000 pictures. The machinery is wonderful, and the buildings are larce aud tdiowy. The Women's Pavilion is nearly as larce aa any of them, and w as full of bric-a brae, which my lady friend with me said was rather cheaply done." And he expressed in other language that he didn't waij'l any more centennial in his. This Is only aa opinion, aud, as Josh Billings says, opinions are like other vegetables, Worth only w hat1 they will fetch, but it may t-ousole the few who are prevented from see ing the Centennial, to know that they have not lost all there is in the world by not going. "But notwithstanding the adverse opiuion of these bank clerks, I say the Ceutennial is a big thing; and one which everybody ought to see. There are art pictures in plenty, and the best ia the world ; there is statu ary ; there is maebiuery ; there are goods from every country iu the world, and there is everything that can delight and instruct. It is pre cisely what was intended an exhibi tion of the world s progress whoever does not see it, misses an ev cecdingly good thing. But don't V it cost you too much. There are ' enough people in Philadelpui10 stock tbe boarding-bouses, by a,nS way ; and there are rooms foryUB" dred thousand more than arlbere now.or will be there at any Vr 1 7 no high p.ri.'-es. Stop by tl'(iaJ you ret what you want iiV Pr.,ee you want, snd then sp'tib6'1? ''el' ly to see what is to bteD- f De hotels and boardiug-h'" are mor,!! nvi,.ns to Lair mil I F1 YV MO tO havn them There not ttt rush that was expcd- uor. "! be. Six months i1oufe't!".le 5 aad it will spread ou-e exhibition toler ably thin, so farPeP,e 10 attend n,. o,.,.nr.- There is no ne- exnoroiiani prices. th v pallet.. ny elicited during the examiuati.4 ; .Saturday was, that the tlk I longing to Martin Laros was t open, and thu money which it ! tained was cone, and that lht tw used by .Moses Schug was r;tte-.:l n and -respectable toe same lime, anu nis money . ..a i yi am v u-.niiy froin it. The thett or the money no doiil.t as to i!.e motive for these: Bates .V j is the ensiguia. ' murder. The testimony of the pL r. .New l ork. are1 I nn.r i.r.,r il... k i . .L ..;..,. .k;. i.,.i; .r .k... uu l..,r t . . I , ..v..... iu.t ii.i.ii i r 1I"UII11;, L.ai.s llieil iirn i lu.b ai.ni riiiaiiixax-ui. I,,.. Im, mess i , !..,!....., .t .,.. 1, :..i , : i .1 . 1 I . : " ". j uii-i "iiier i. arm ; tne : sickness was leiiiieu, iuu iuc- o ...... nvaiaemg in newspaper j ., assigned for invited taests , gist's identification of bim as the pi were mien up with the waiting audi-1 chaser ot the poisou, coavincen enee. At - o'clock precisely, tlie dis-! coroner's iurv that he w as the derer. and thev jrave verdict aci dingly. Allen denied all know of the crime. i- s ..... . . I .M.i-- ;;i . t. lllLI Mil I'll 'Uior wnosoevriVres it. for w b'ch -ey get a omnK4Qn from lhe n(lffs. s. Tley a,.rtise just as a mkes IP3( for whoever tinguislied civil and military- c-entle- sbomakcr ., ,,'. f or w noever men invited upon the sttfv, who bad comes to the . , n ,(Iltll Chris- assembled in the greon rom, march- -1. . t , , fd ojitjieaded by Major (Jjneral Han- tbat a I cock an. 4 x-govemor John A. Ihx, a demo-i of Xew Voik. Then came (lenerals .... int.. their offn-i. and want- i Sberidan ami Sherman, t.en. Ivohert tian or Pagan a& - fe It happened one morning customer of theirs who is Tle In prnrhmrnt Tri.ti. 1 rve I ed five notices offered to live hundred papers, urging the nomination of the Governor. They did it, just as they would have sent out five notices of a piano, or a sewing-machine. Prob ably Oov. Tilden knew nothing about it. Probably it was the tribute a friend wished to pay him. But he that as it may, the people opposed to bim have made a terrible bowl about it, and it has made more talk ihan any one incident of tbe carapa'n. On the Kepuhiicau siue ineri Patterson, and (Jen. Cadwallader, (Jeneral Averill, Hooker, Mcintosh, Iugals, Beaver, Parker, and Selfridge Co'onels Audenreid and Whipple, of Sherman's stud, and a number of other ollicers in different grades in the rejrular army. Besides these there were seated on the stage (Jen C. II T. Collins, O.-n K. II.' Bother, ex (Jov. Andrew O. Curtin, ex-Uov. Robinson, of Xew York, Capt. S P. Sennetschin, aid-de-camp to the Grand Duke ( onstantine, of Russia, and I y . a . I .1 comparative calm. Pdaine stock is i apt. -. anuernowen, ot tne impe steadily going down, iWliog is rial llnssian Grand Artillery l,relv holdiuir bis own. M-rton is -U bah past 12 o clock Genera. crainino-. and Hays and IbMow are ! Hancock, I resident, called tba meet X-utrw, r,.idly I am irivinir of , iog to order, and made course, simply tbe talk in,' 'ihe clubs and among business mwV The re publicans of Xew Yorkwiht a new man, and the new man who can carry the country, and they are not very particular "who he is Tflcy wait the man who can beat the Jemocracy, apd give tbe country a Ceut admin istration, and thai mi they will support They have no c oice beyond this. TI)E 8TKWAUT fSTATE. Mv advice ia, don get rich. I never will, for it isn'tiafo One nev er knows what is to f me of bis mon ey after he is gona, Alexander T. Stewart died worth ..forty millions; and be dispised of i a'-l, as well as it could be done, before he died. a brier and fitting speech. After prayer by Rev. Wm. McYicker, Mayor Stokely was introduced, and made a speech wel coming tbe Assembly to Philadel phia. Kx-Governor Dix, of Xew York, who was the orator of tbe oc casion, was uext introduced, and de livered a long and eloquent oration, in which he dwelt especially on tbe principle of universal emancipation aud tbe bearing of the late war on the practical embodiment of that principle. The ora ion concluded as Til V i,!.i"-.i.o fxstfS, A warraut for his arrest was serve upon huu by an otu.-er w ho, accoiii panied by another, proceeded tl . i i search his room. Thev had beeil there but a short time, when AIlcSj sat up iu bed and said, "I did it The room was then cleared (.-fall ex- cept the two officers and a neighbor, ami in tue presence oi tnese tne murderer made bis confession. He said that he had procured the iidsou and placed it in the eolfee pot; that j t' be had taken the uiouvy on the same ) 1 day that the murder w us couiniitted, j and that the reason for comii.ittiiig e! tbe deed was that ' he wauted them j all dead, so that be might hare the j use of w hatever there wa.:" that he knew he had douc wrong, and that be wished God's people to prav for i him. lie told li e ollicers w here they would find the ni .nev, and an exam ination of tbe spot which he I'oiuted I out disci. isi d a olaee w In re the earth . frie showed that it had been lately dii'"g turbed. After digging about t-igh- j w Uf teen inches the officers came unon 'dre1 sinvii June When the wen in'.- secret session t-i- con-uit in ri-L' trd to li.vitig a proe, ed with il.c Belknap iin ent t: iu I Mr. Sargent .-ubinii-, solution that furthtr procecd- l: he ca-e afinr t lw .l..f..- : .r "its answer beyoned until ihe day n December nevt Air. IM- . ids moved to amend by insertin" lib day of duly instead of th? 'lay of December, and the amend t was agreed to yeas, :;t;: nays, V!' II i w r: MS. HEMPSTGNE i CO. lialt. 1', FURNISHING FANCY GOODS. ii. n if j ..r.. ur-...; I i. . Ihil.i ur, 1i.ine Rwr tsalmtTlmr. jiiL.w.Ki.i-iii v, June 7 Toisaf- jo at Sufi'. nk park. G-or.'e l'..r. ade On miles in three ho.,r on l ven and a half minutes, nsins V mustangs to do tlie work, est mile was run iu l. The 'e miles were accomolislied in minutes and forty-six seconds. l'-.rrntp l(rileSrnm yi i'm.i:y H. Itl-'nr-i ASSIiJNMKXT. I it:. I did W in S..i:i.r s I irri n I- r: - W .... I!. . I ln-rri v . u ,. i:: , !' mr. IK , III. li ,v no r-.,,;. ir'tr. .1.,; M . v ; ... I..- . i rf i, .11 I'l.tk'- I.nilit II..'-- il il:.-l h:;r, r -..iii..ii. hi h Ti'. iim;:; .I I -I H n. m r A--I.T..-. two pocket books, which were found thr to contain about S'i.Vi, the sum for Ullu. which Allen Laros had planned to fend father, mother, brother ami cis- -a" ter into eternity. hen he w as ta ken to tbe carriage, and iu passing iN.N.vn, June s.(;,..,r,. j; Was to have been married last r. The g-icsts assembl-d and le w a.4 in rea'lini ss, but I-'rintx t make his nppcarauce. A allinir at his room this uiorii- 'od hllll Ivinif on hl4 be,l r..l t savin? a word he ( Trim) i revolv, r and shot himself Wit- lif;ir? I ,t' in. A DMIMSTilATOK's . i. r voTir I r. 1 ! Mil 't.VC IS ... .... .r.d a ii.in or more ot liani", iu 1IUL uvj , people who chii that they wero of he past is.ociat.ons and to r.-io.ce cousins of the .hvuiao: add tbey iu-U the pont.uutd prosperity of the ai-t that the wllbv which be dispos-. Union, ween you contnquted by follows: "I part with you with the 'o..kcJ upon .he bodies of his victims, prayer that there may be reserved for you many more reunion nae iuis, though it 1 with diminished num bers; that year succeeding year, far in the future, may bring yon again togeihc-' to join your gratulating trcsnen toe rememorance your cou-age, your constancy, and your urmnqiierable endurance to save, edowing your country with a renure of life, and giving hope ad .'onfidence to the friends of free dom throughout the civilized world. ed of his propeiy was tort-ed out or him by his wifeind Judge Hilton ; and, in short, thu tbey are entitled to their share, as relatives. And tbey hav emphyed lawyers, and i ...nmAnnuJiiiiil to break tbe uve to-.." 1 . ,pi. ..i.i.. J . .....,! i.i.j will - .ndtherelsa prospect anea ' "c . , -...u.j .i.uuru. for lively busintss. Tbe probabilir I vv n) W of the New ork Tri tut others wll get their f.ogerr" was an introduced, and read .Kt'very rich pii before it is ie in commemoration, "1 be A oice of Si- :b. It is stad that he has- ,LU l'- ".U,LU us coruiauy receiveu. notmn use sorrow was visible in his countenance. Inriig his ride 'o Ka-ton be niado no allusion to his act other than to say that "he did not know how he came to do it." He is twenty-one years of age. five feet eight or uiue inches iu height, aud his general makeup is that ol a gentle man. IJe was registered as a student at la w some titjje during January or t-ebruary by a pronjiueut attorney of this place. IJe was committed to tbe county jail i;atiirij y evening, there to await his trial. ' ' ' A FishlOvrraKtvaniba.it. a few aders to has- .res which he 1 never public . .Lowled-'ed : atd that thev lmT andbriends are also after their,flro" 4 tbe dead merchant's wi- -'e never had any children, r ' ouf ",B -first, second aud tbirtf1. pP"n. ing up all over the wort 80,1 ,f tbc will of the dead Bier?"' ran ,bc them all comfortabk LwJfr". haVe i- r.o.i t bold of it on ... . i. n'J.iu . si nave - .1 . r uiiti; n uoiioic rim-uiiiuu, iui , , . .i . , ! i, Aibable that Mrs. chauce. Il is .... ... tj. , i i'',e Ii ton will pay Stewart and J .. . verybadsoJ't0,",yt,'.em,ufr. f;'r i5.7.!S7Sj0fW Vorry- Jbe lawyers w gct ba,soaje P"i'Dgf. Thetdai.J,sm" r m7 Pt get sometbT l" 0"0 Hingis tolera f,": tbe estate will be shorn matrljr' 0'11 D,6D f"uo'J, ...ed and worried all his life to ,a scoie of people, of wboso ex- i... : . -lt: t. i-PHh r i.ir imv i ill . . ... Onecan LJa Rbiladelphia this ja1' " was ignoraut, pulling bis nnimHr P'j " fu other) oat of his grave and fighting . ... .no Ua. n.i oo-.Ier them like so many bvenns. (' IIV if 111" 8 ' at a: t a; w is : wait f J tiU ou fin? hat yopU?h ' life' uou i ue irigntenea r the pi i.i. skami.m. r.t ,iil. Tl, . UU1U3. 1UC1C .9 After tbe reading of an ode, spir ited addresses were delivered by (Jens. Sherman, Sheridan and Hook er, (Jov. llartranft and ex-CJov. fur- tin. The addresses were heartily cheered At their conclusion tbe au dience was dismissed, aud tbe bust ness meeting oi tne society was held. The Krtolation In Mrxir want ; au icur a,. j ucbty 1U" f110" oie, ana mere win be i he exhibition But. eCa. tis worth the go teo i4usind iui!8 to s,ee. -p METROPOI.ITAM EaTttAjF' It is not too much to Fay that the social state of the city resembles that af a mininir town in the Sierras. City of Mkxho. May ,10. The events of the past two weeks have all been in favor of the government, aud indicate unmistabably tbe ap proaching failure of the revolution. The insurgents have suffered' reverses evi-rj fjere, nui ineir sympatui.ers pre rapidly' deereasiug in number, f jent-rul .latorr.. gaiuei a great vic tory My 3!, in Oaxaca, over the revolutionary forgt-p. The latter ost nearly i.lW) iidled and Wogmjed, aut many prisoners. Aniona- tbe latter are Generals Mier and Terau and Zamacoua. Tbe government casual ties were (00 killed and wounded, among the latter General Corella. Tbe Federals gained another impor tant victory in Tlaxeo on the i'Sth General Cortina has broken his pa- Cincinnati, June ( Kate Dickson, owned by Capt. Jus. j Taylor of McKeesport, " I'j, was V- belled several dava ao hv twn d....'.- ! hands, and lied np at Louisville. Tbe luai escaped from that city aud came here. The men followed, and repented lbe operation here, aud the claim was settled. Tbe papers iu the suit all Louisville were sent to I'nited States! Marshal IIirrinj;tou : at Covineton.l who learned this moroinir that the Mm son, re ida raeli Miss.,1 t .. . i. "I'HllUI, w as 1 1, nioruil.v k?t.a. when naA IJarhci I, . l.ne, Ir drive (. and bui The b-c June Samuel And.-r-, who was convicted here for attempting an out- Vaughn, of IVsoto Co., uttiog ihe throat of her leuvin him f .r dead, "ill tiie ol!i,.vrs vesterdav ;i body i f armed citizens i.i i . I.ft:pr. "I a-!minittaii. on ti i h .viii i.,.n j-,iiu:i t.. tl.p an l- r- mi.. h.-r,..vim. ,, ;,.,, .,. ,. ,,,,, M .l:;l-f p.r.M,..,,-. , ,v, .,.,, t' pr-. !.; tl irn 'iilv iuiliriiti.Ml.-.i i..r 1"" Iri I r--' l.-n.-e ,, .n III.- I- I .1 ,V ,. .I.i.,'.. I . . I- V ill I. Ml VI KM. A t mi... re I'MTnUS Mirii K ," ' - r ,,..v,i.,.,.., ,,. .nili Mir'.,.ivn,.,.n I...I1.-,. iiiiwi in ii,. i,i,.!... j. ii. i . ,.,,.,., 'h.! .- an- .,. W i ilm tii Mav. :,..,, '. , ahM.lii; II,. ... .,.,;!, ..,.Mt!. , ll . r. l., l,..r,., , o lie wiii utl-u.1 t,. ih, I.,.,, . .," ii- -,ii I -,'ir- tav. ih.- -.-jit f .1 ,v ,, ; " " I '. H. I 1,1. in tl,, ..r, ,u at I'I , .,.4 ,. , . ,,,1 ,j ,v , , !"n " in ' ! i I,. .,r,l ,. : ii, .11. a al .i lT-i. a S..t,. r irlteri' .., ,. - Hint hy 11... r.l :.i , A .l III, hlV.T'i ..-ll. I .'I. :, A. I- r.t ,i; ' 'IIV ii sk;m-:i:s orici:. ... i- .r A-'; Il.lA tl -mt r.- in h.-r.-i.v i . r t I. .r.- s iia,,;.;v, I. I in,. ;!. re .Till f June 7. This evenii:.'. mad train wa- pa-si,ij , about eight iniies !r -iii TerrilJ ut tempted to the track whb a horse ud was iustanilv Liilnl. U:N cot It,., t.n...... .... i The steamer j tbe hut-, c-.j.ili!.hfl. I pi t)'i(r'; ,:-" 1 CK.VII l Vir, I. lv l. Ha-ii!.!,; 1 HPW-.aj., .i,ni.-inx. i;iw i i.i. k .1 - T Mved His Office. .li'ijl'- MVKT1V wili ,,niii.i..tl...'ra,.. -XI'.CL'TOr.S NOTIi i0".it I..1HI... .Mai,:,"" rut k a itpr". wtntcl. (ruiht itcir ... . u . lIMIt Vllt . .. boat left for I'iitsburg last miduight. i A i5,KK'S NOTICK. Chartering a fast to-v boat, he over-! .Wrt..m, .,, M irv . K ,. hauled tbe Kate D cits-m at Kiplev. teXl.l'' .b..u.;Bi i " 1, t..;..;e ..f !! -. . i.... .!-. c . I. letter t";a!.i..nt.irv a ;,'. ,,- hav::,.' (.-.. n raiit- I t,: tv -. .... ... h'-r.'l.i iv.'ii ;..ti..r (m.!.-i.i.'I . 11 :-. m . Dl.tl.i-e :ia,. ',l. a:,, ,.. j,. 1,:,-,,. . l..,:ii-t if. ;., .rv.'!it in .laiv ;. jt ,t .' i..r .il.i.i..iit ..: th 1.;- r. -M .1 n ..a-,"-! ',n rl lav. . !.,.. 1-. . i.- JAM I M. K" alav ! i. (. ,.., BACK PAY. H.I AVI I- tlPwhltl lldPPlnnl.i.n 1 - i ti ib. I . " -l ' i miuti ruMfill rorfU lOi""' l"-'-""; i,r. "t all Ih- f4T,it( rvnl Nniultion Knnintl in. r r.,.r. lM tir r rm li! klMWUi" j.r .tit i i iiif-i .:r ir f ii r rrv . r.y f r ii'iri- V HI i . i'in tuc at my .Hi v Ili.f in Jims u. srorr. Assiiiff. The clubs are well oigb deserted, od ro!e anJ eeiaped, aod ban igsued a business, ia where, do bud? kuows. I pronuDciameDto. If be reaches tbe People are goinir or rone tothecouo iry; thev irVent before May day, in- (ountrT i aed. and lh nevemriil f-hinnir tfiA ,a " .i r Li. 4i.. - r .1 aL- I ..... Xb?rft irt Innnntr vm j iu., . ( -a. - . imewberp or no at- piace mai receives tnem Ird such induleniea ',ire 0"erta anie8 are lona or tinUing new a. " .a If Invti.v AnnrilTT nlnMna .1... n . . 1 . . . ln n ... n .u ivnu and the billed in bin own store JA our inetropojitaa r.'3 of Iuxur-y- coadtrj places that nobody i clerking for fashionable "n? 00"9, 'knows of. but themselves, i lapiuic me ooui, out was warned o!I , u(rii . ""v, v by Cam. Taylor. Il.rrinetoo went!""" Z 'V ''r' aneau l- .Maysville. and Mimm..i.in,T : auiiM....M,..,w """ i-r-nt ti.,,tn.. - . . ' c- ;;.... " . T -Itl' a pi'sne. enueavoretl to h.r. ih.. I "s r Dicksaon as she was passinsr there m,: Alter announcing hi purpose, in an swer tu a ouestion bv Tavlor ' nn he was fired on bv Cap't. Tavlorj who was armed with a rtouble'hur relle'gun, and instantly killed. Ta vor"i hen appeared ' on " the 'guards wifb a pistoj, and was iiurpediatcTy fhot (JeatJ bj the l4rriugton partv. limb tcitemeut ia reported in .Mays villa over the aad affair. OTK'K a i. -i-i- iin .-ti mv larni.. ,v ii'ir rn. . mi . .,r ..t ii. r- - H .M I I. Mi is I . 'I.I.K! EAT WESTERN HOTEL, V' 1 - I -5 A xi) 1 :!." M!.kki -Sr.. ru:i..i'M.r!. lers iii fori ?S 'i IS. XI... , l 13 iniorm ini ir tri.-ii.Ii an-l tl.e pui ,(,,' f'l;"'l newlv liirm-lnil llu-lire af itcl'n,Pr1iiii!iTmaiif and t'-lm tlie Ip't.-I , ic tll.lt tin-v Coll! '"....." r.-v mint Ilio (iraude he will probably give some tn-uble to Oeneral icente. Iliva Dalacce bas also issued a prc nunciauieuio. It is reported that Don Carlos and General Dorreearay and a party of friends are in this city. Aftlraiptfelp Snafc. j Xr.w Obleasi., June 7. The .Mur- j gan aieamebip Austin, struck a oag I and sank in the river tweutv-two ' miles below tLis city yesterday af. lernouo. She was from Havana wnb seven hundred hogsheads of' suar aud other Cur.?!. Ftil.la nil eighty thousand dollurs.-' The ves.-el was valued at one hundred ami twen. ' jty-five thousand dollar. She isalX3-i, -J- . I HENRY McCALLUM, liARPETS I total loss; 00 insurance. i 77 Fifth Avenue, i 1 f . OS tlio ;M1R PITTSBURGH, PA. to nil. Tl WE i roi on pn E.t Mi M. f-il m-r Urn. t'n 1 l: T.l- J e.-.l Ml.... t ir r,...tt A ISil r .lf.l nil r. r ev.-r r T I. T T N I! (I'M. I H zin Si Ceo I..UJ IV 1 jy I '1 1 11. I r r i.i r hi. -I r. ..!' ti .ll tl T t,- ti,.- 1 ' r-id 'll : Ir nil t 1 ti-" I llivi on ti T i, !li.- I P.. it a'i'a I'.ra I P.i!t !-..ii!i '.-v 1 1 I oil in li; W- I I'i (.1 tl .1 uk licit liT. i 11.1. - ton men Hull 1 1 lolio lll'Ti Ih'I nr.. i! A li"l.! .-Inn CI-. Cll.l. I. '.'ll Ti I I. Ill, li iv I'.riii 1.:.-. kll.n ol tl I. exul pie ; li fi-in Mi.' i-Toi joll lite 1.1115 ii ly I Ir.iii. Ued -.1 lit iu. Ill :1.1V 111. I I:,-;., plill we t. reie; ni ir Shf hid rhan I A itil 19, 1 ... - n