The Somerset Herald. J urn-:. IV 6. W EDMUAY. " i:m:ctokai. ticket KI.E.T.'BB AT LABKI!. HENJAM1X H HHEWSTER. I'lillMlclptlU. JOHN V. CH ALFA XT, Allegheny. snly of Sevmour taik . I Cro bii-; ivco point. After n.arehiog : or's i...-n-t :;t Bel'-iil'e. Hi . to ly. ; iTil... luminal streets, the lic.e-'on the b..di -s found in f; woods near Vrw Vork June 1. Jarrctt & Pal- ---i! ;n f,.,nt of the Masonic Tern-! there yesterday, the buik-t per of the, U ExnrfSS train -.i ,.-l, !, rvriowi-H t.v lliO of. , Tienmnn H.jU-r ill I It-lttrviilu IDUl'OU I'mvrii I lirath I w May. mg throu;; tjl r. reiKT!" im i'irs?'.i. . mi rs. . driven ss It a " -i ej-l:L. . . . .. . . . x-.... i. I.,,..! Th.i'a the uowis o. ueiisui au.l iriunt mi .j - wliul tll, ei!rl ol I J ' .. . . . which the Democracy of tbe coutitr ? thn nrovincial police and iiijurn J, lul it i -. ac utterance when u Secretary of i!nilrr vhn had also arrived on the ; ; H to make the trio r .i..,. :,i rnmnmMit of . Her! h..m s those if a family ibat r - . - ' - 'WUllu o w - y m II S i.M li t: vj.ctuv. , - ... -... - .. - - ....... - A Jl-rld correspondent. ays , vr ;n rcnubliran administration ' Jr. foru. lnT limited to flirnt-ir k... l."rncis.o in eiirbtv-. i i ci ti,. :rrl afmitW at il,t liou.-c from- the I'D to 31t of May. I li ' : iS Joseph May, of cVSUf Grai d otli-i lip left a trunk ot the fo'.iod The Denver (Col ) AVw '2'ih says: "Two Swedes, ULe Snow y Rsue oti foot. Mv of cr-sinif left the administration - linllrs . tl!iD!Q ou!l Loois from the! the brand of the thief upon bis fore-,,;.. 0fl3red of confioioa: them wi:htn j liu rB. cbicara ,au d Omaha. lyf' 1 j which itwa dwiiiissed." 'bead. The fact that the tlicrac-ed , narrow circle. Tbe rows ot bulla- ( ii, tj,irt niornioar, with a nunibtr ; The inHailatinQ of the i-ererai ac-;. daut he is the Crst choice ot cine-tenics oi lew irom Lis uisrD enate. ana recti rea : ;. the flisics wherever on opponu- r.lir i, stonoiair .-u!T i i'1-; n.iinmnnil.TV of rennf I vanm. after I. JOHN WIIJ5H. - HtNRY IISSKN. a. HRl.s 1. IKiFFMAN. A. 11 S. T. JiNtS. V Kl'WIX A. FITLKV. . HKXJAM1N 8MITH. T. J. VT. 1) KNAE1. . J AO Ml KNAU. . JOHN B. WAtt'Ui. 10. Joj rH THOMAS. !J. AKIOFARIMSt 11 I.KWIS FOIHE. 15. LP S. fllXMAN. U. WlU.I AM AL,ItK. II. M ILLS L. TK ACT. 1. K W. STARKWEATHER. IT. I) AN11X J. MORREJ.L. 1. JF.KKMIAH LYONS. . WIIX1AM HAY. 91. V IIXIAM CAMEK'N. 21. J. I). imMllt. ii. 1IAX1EL O XIEL. set. W 1IXIAM NKHB. M. ANPRF.W B. I!KRIER. C'.. UMI'KLM. J A KSON. JAMES W1TERMAN 27. W. W. W1LUER. the deieirates to St. i. ... J l:.. i '.at.-. . " , v , i'oPicialwas origioallj a I)eaiacrat, j in)s lining Graude Allee, anioa oth-L f passoen, iucludintf t in-law (tunkling) is not nomiuated j . . oJje M when ;f ,,,ml.Th in reat danirer nt one ; t ' ,n,i maia for tbe above : i wuiiuuHi, iv " 1 ever, nis pumici cuav icnuus mm uu-, iiirie were cavea ; to many ot tbeni if be feLould be j dergone a cbanjre; and tbe additional ptated generally that the nominated by State and carried by acclamation. Stiintpit lloti!"'. in lleribmid I'an, larud dou tbe Aire iuteiidii: to !; h i.. i i ....,. if r-mri'i ..... . . - . n the 4-h :' , , , ' iicdvt and s-laru-i regitee'1 , . . : , , t,i.iin-.. iucv aire ,r. ' Hot M-hibur y eers of le Kranu uwiimanneiT in j nou?e, iu mm-o ci , - ; h , k ihuu' .-fvroiv. mention-, r, K.aDifttouk !areat the A ad-! crsphfl of ail tbe deceased made by!. :..K.r i. it . T., .,!" . 11 liooed places. The friend-1 f tbe ,ewv f Mui;t; this BfiernooDf tu ex- j George loiter, t-I Evanville, and a evtniil onu,f ,Lt.,iej whole dis-. Ir-Vl.j;er Ratbered at the dept on ! . : s beini accomaanie-J bv elee-! hyma book i:b the .f ('bus-' . j,," , ,t -J.... one of the Western i t that in bis ruin was la vol ve-J, as trjtt compri-ed within the ppaee i tbe departure of th train, and with lion3 of IlUsii; froll, iU1Jet, Mjzart, . line liecker io it. The 6utpot.iik!i ! . .. ; f btten and had bjreiv an active pamcipani in u9 n .un, , wunaea on lue i ) muaie, nreworns nuu imnS uu'-; (Jouuod, ami oilier eminent em-: trial tne woman a" mmt oi uont' j slr?nth pnoii 'h en .ti It to walk He : the w ile ot his bosom, j 'emorraio- ' ptrj'f-t, trom t tic rncitei ueiti iwn them a eale vovaife. several corn-i i(-r!. : Uecki-r. TI.e irrt:ri oi the jury The llou.-eot UeprweniaUve has ( daughter ot a democrat e .tate passed the bill antboriziog the par- j no effect ia checking the express . 1 ., 'sions of cladnes at the difgrace cnaseoi iwemy minion unr wvi .,, n,nlIW,i;,' nran ..i, t.,-it, Granite Aloe, now of filrer bullion to be coined r orat0ra and politicians. Hut change j rcniain but forest of chimney btacks ipsue. This w ill be ample to cover j quickly came orer the scene. I'rom ; an,j eaiouhlering ruiua. tbe first ! jeering and taantmg liepiibiicans ue-i xhe streets wholly or partially ue- cauue of tbe peculations ot a corrupt hr0yed may le enunieratea as m War Secretary, these same democrat- j i-)W.s . Claire, Fontaine, IJurton, l're ic journals and orators soon felt tbeui- j v0?i piessis, Scott Decolit, ISerthe ulr called on to defend or "excuse ; illt st. Margaret. Laebeuratiere. St. .1 IT- ,.r 1 Ht f.rr ! . , ti.... . ... i- adiiwt .iii:n vi ' i 12 nf ti'iiti ( niin rm nn me ir.uu ? . i ut? r :ti, l. .,r .n,i ii.irt street, inclusive : on the ; vent- J partv expect to dine in Sail Fraoebe : '.ura jr! were crowded to-uigbt ! w.unan and Claire and J ontaine street, ana 0 ;on Sunday. The actoM are uudir a , 1D ,.afijon ,,f a crand reception i himfe'.f. It s unnoted that poveny was ti Hie llect . tfcai -iay stoi me hiid sud then killed all tbe boardiDg natural to taodling of small coin, and habituate the people to tbe tcetalic currency, that wLeo will so use of the or der for gold resumption cme. It will come as easily and harmlessly as "falling off a log." I The reduction io tbe public debt for the mouth of May was four mil- lions, six hundredjand seventeen thou 9and, Cve hundred and fifteen dollars (4.017,515) and for thn eleven months ICll'liUK llj uaitj vwvu.j .. . w rtltK mtmlwra Oi tll(' and one-half millions, which is twice Republican Stat? COIIlJ.ugn as tic reduction for tbecor miUf P are teqMSU d oresponding eleven month, of the pre ' : ' r i ceding fiscal Tear. This reduction is meet at the Lochiel i-no. t EOurce ;f delight to tet. itl ftarri&hurfj, Ij tne democracy, who are becoming individual members o' their own .Michel . Anable, Dartinv, Artillery. party, North and South, for crooked gt . froix, St. Julia, Su Augustine practices. The lightniug first struck j B3(j t Kustoche. At one time, also, Hambletoo, tbe committee clerk, who jrj-.hrrs were carried by tbe wind aud in bis excess of treasonable zel, j f,.jl jQ showers within the walls, set- f-nrsed the memorr of his son lv naming bim in honor of the Brcarpin of President Lincolu; and after a des perate effort on the part of his friends to save bim, llambleton stepped down and out. Agaia and a,'a.u tin? fire to a iiiimber of premises, but in all rases the fUmes were speed ilv extinguished. "After nightfall the wind lulled ! the confl agration grad-iialh- burnt itself cut on tbe line of Ketlnesttaij, June 2 ist, at -j o'clock !P. Important business he transacted at meet in a. and a full fendftnee is desired. leu. j(cyrj, Chairman. :t. 11. A'orris. Secretary. the j harder to please as the election ap- ,,proacbes. trill The near approach of the Uepubli tlliS ,can National Convention, which flfm ! meets at Cincinnati on tbe 14th inst., ! has set the politicians to cyphering 'over the probable result u tuc tirst ballot. A very large proportion of 1 the delegates are uninstructed, and ! becce the estimates vary eonsidera I bly. All concede that Mr. Dlaine j will lead largely on the first ballot The X. Y. Hair gives the follow i ider as its estimate of the Erst ballot: did the lightning strike, and i Si Lustai be street, Laving nothing and again did Democratic ofii jinls I rl(re l0 f(,ej p,,,, ow iu? to the fortu- come to gnet. .na now comei. me , oato intervention at thi point ot tne greatest of all. Sjaker Kerr has j pa(i 4 rie j aQlj esplanade. leen arraigned, and it is now bisj it was reported lust night that a turn to "rise and explain."' The wouiaa wart ruissii)r .also a child of Democratic Speaker, w ho was con- j Cote, a joiner, on Scott Hreet, sidered by his party above reproach, i .no hinwi lf iril badlv burnt about ; has been charged under oato 'to i ih fi amf hands, aud also one or having procured appointments in tne j,wo t.bildren whose names it was im regular army for a price. And the j p0S!.;ije t0 ascertain. It is also stat witness to his alleged cupidity, the ij lial one nf t0 Duae 0f the Good mm w ho made tbe negotiations, and j Shepherd Convent, in a very delicate who paid bim tne money tor ttie com- 0f Leajl0i received soch a nerv mission, stood up, in Mr. Kerr's , lw ..i, ,.!. a8 (0 puDerindoce her presence, belore the vongre.-Honai . j(j,,n death. There were a nuruher encairenient to play there Monday night. The train consists of a loco motive, a baggage car, a combined commissary tar and a I'ullrnan palace hotel car. and promenade concert given by the j led to the act. Grand vonimandery ot the fctate of Pennsylvania to the visiting Sir Knights and their ladies. Tbe halls were connected bv a covered aau car- Tbe traiu passed Harrisburg one i ,pd I)riiJ handsomely iliu minute ahead of time, and passed j miaated. AT 8 o'clock un address of Altoona on time, without making any , wejt0rm) wa3 delivered by the Moi-t stop between Jersey City and A I- h.;,,,.,,, .Grand Masterof the United toona, and arrived at Pittsburg at I s H,,u. James II. ll...kin. at lKtmacr by Mrm. tha close or' ed the prunienaue j vb!ca The festivkks a late hour. were I Illnlnr ! Morloa j Hri"W Hiinruiiit... (Ullklilllf .. lH'lifrntee ly herh'i'n Hsvh .lexrll ..l"y Waililiuniif ... 1 ukumn U IU .. 1 ...17 The return of tbe ao-cl!eJ Re publican primary election held on Saturday lat-t, will lie found in an other column of tin papsr, and we i invite the attention of the honest Re publican voters of the county to tbe wmstrom fr.tu ds, w hich a compari son of tbcro, with the true party vote n.t at the lat ireneral lection will bray. We .d j not propose to as- Conklmg S7, Hartranft 5j, Hayes 50, Kault," or io bold responsible tbe sue-1 Jc well 1(, Washburne 1, but adds cestui candidates for the groFS frauds that "in some cases the friends of the and possible corruption which pre- candidates doubtless over-estimate vailed at tnanv of the foils, we brinir ! their, strength. 1 his w... pronamy 1 . , . . r.l t i" imina to tie tne ease wuu x-.ui ; The New York Tribune gives P.laine 202, Hristow Morton 110, no ra;lir:g eLarges against the o'ticers who held these elections, but we dim ply invite investigation from tbe honest nion of the party, who can no longer tshut their eyes to Jibe speedy destrucion hich jnust surely over whelm us if we invite their repeti tion, bv submitting to frauds of this nature. For the information of those who have not at hand a table of the nartv vote at the last election for ! 1 Governor, e give a few f perimen I bricks from Saturdav' work. Last1 Pr'mtow asd Conk'.iag, w bile the re verse is likely to prove true in regard to Mr. Uiaine." The Daltimore j wrivnn gives the following table; P.laine 304, Morton 112, Conklingrf.l, Jiristow OS, Hart ranft 5S, Hays 44, unknown 53. committee, and while tue Speaker coolly in the eye, detailed the ecandalous transaction. Mr. Kerr made a pweeping denial of the charge, and here the matter rests for the present Of course the Dem ocratic journals throughout the length and breadth of the land will offer nil sorts of explanations of this transac tion of this transaction. The cry of perjury, of conspiracy, will be raised against the witnvrscs against, him (fur, le it reniemWred, the testimony comes not from one person alone, but from several) nil the means at their command will be used to shield the Speaker. They care not w betber he be guilty or innocent, so that ho es capes conviction. Meanwhile, it be hooves all decent men and j luraals to suspend judgment till the evideuce is all in on both sides and the case is 'summed up. Do not imitate the in decent haste of tne Democratic pres.', al.ii'h frtiati-ri nvpr an exoosure - - o -- t . which involved the nation in dis grace. If Speaker Kerr is able to es tablish his innocence, we!!; we shnll ! rejoice, with all good citizens If he shall be proved guilty, let bim, and all like bim, of whatever political complexion, be made examples of for the rising generation. llarrinlmrj Trh'graph. The Democratic drag net spread ; for Republican oflicials, has caught another Democratic whale. This time it is Speaker Kerr, whom one cf the scaudal committee nets has uaex- .ovember Allegheny township poiiea i iw.twi!r dragged to the surface. The f. votes for Governor Hartranft; onSpegke" h cllc with having sold Saturday he polled 101 votes. Rroth-for cash an sppo;0tnicnt to West r-valley pave HI ReptiblicaD votes, I poiDti an(J tLe te6tim0Dr ;9 much now are returned. icrnn ea.-: 50 then, now she returns over 1 0. New Haitiinoregave 4, now she sends tip over 50, Meyersdale gave 3, now he returns ICC. Sjmerset township .increases trom 3.72 to 501. Fraud! fraud! fraud is marked all a'.l over these returns, for no one w ill dare astcrt this to be an increased I'epuLlieauJ vote, and we ask of a'.l honest Republicans what are you go ing to do about it? The St.'iS Times thinks that every day makes it look more evident that a western man will receive tbe Democratic nomination for the Presi-leucr. k Washington dispatch says, Mr. I'laioc's frienda here are just now in 'igb spirit of the good news from the Republican State Conventions. They feel confident of success at the National Convention ai d then at the palls in November. To start an iufornal blander upon & man, and then, when he proves it to be a 'ie. to charge biu with being a weak candidate because be is al ways explaining that, we take it, i a kind of argument that might make aq honest man profane. GovfhVoR Habtcaxft has select ed Chester X. Farr, Jr.. an attorney ti Jaw of Reading, as LU Private Sreeettry, t succeed Maj-ir A. Wil son Norris, who wa reeeiMy ap pointed State Reporter. Mr. Farr, liy virtue of his new office, becomes Recorder of tbe Pardons, and all communications relative to pardons wil 1 liereafter be addressed to bioa. Now the Hancock wing of the Dt Mocracy are beginning t attempt to prove that their favorite had nothing to do with the banging of Mrs.Sar rtt. ISefore they get through they will be compelled, ia order to makt bim thoroughly tceepUble to the Ie-;ihe post;tit,n. more conclusive than that upon which the worst charges have been based against Republican. A witness whose character is as jyet unimjeached, swears most posi tively that he paid the cash $45d.OO to Mr. Kerr himself, and Mr. Keer swears positively that be did not sell tbe tppointnient or receive the money. There is perjury here beyond tbe shadow of i. doubt. Who is the scoundrel is tbe iiuastion? The wit ness, Harney, stands uniupeched, aud is sustained by the facts liiai Kerr did procure the appointment, that the appointee did not belong to bis (Kerr's) district or State, aud thus is raised the pertinent inquiry, why did Kerr, a Democrat, give this valuable appointment to a young Republican from the State of New York, when seore of young Demo crats in his own State were at tbe time anxiously seeking such appoint ments? To all this Mr. Kerr's friends asswer not, and defend only on the grouui of bis denial, and his general character for bonety. From the Democratic stand poiut, Uiis amounts to just nothing, for the coaiisitlees, pariians, and press of that party have eagerly condemned and denounc ed as convicted loaves, Republicans eijuftl io character and integrity to Mr. Speaker Kerr, on the testimony of witnesses without character, and occasionally without sanity. In addi- , ..: jr Kerr jjas ijjvuly,., 4iiusi'it ;u i mesh of contradictions that eau iiiljr le reconciled nor ex plained. He now insists that he never kaew Harney, the witters, nor Gr en. je man whom he appointed, I ie I. letters on file in tbe War o(V prve, not only that Green was appoint d ta bis rcccniraendatioD, but that he person!!? certified that the man (jreeo) whom be now eays lie never saw or knew, was physic ally, morally, and mentally Ctted for Did Mr. Kerr lie then, GREAT CONFLAGRATION. HeuWs of Horn liwA in ScJsrers Conpiiit. to Pass tin KigM in tit Fields. of minor casualties. Tuere was a considcrab'e amouut of pilfering owing to the extent of f.rjund over w hich the goods and sufferers were scattered Through the initiative of the May or the riding school, drill shed, artil krv and Jesuit barracks were ob tained from the authorities as (daces of refuge. Dread was ordered dur iog the everiinir, and that with tea, served to satisfy s ime of the famish iog cues for the nionieut. Similar measures were eiso taken this morn ing, .Mid a public meeting has been called for this afternoon. A rough calculation puts down the number of houses at between six and seven hun dred, uhd that of the inhabitants reu Jeit'd homeless and thrown depeuJ- eot for shelter upon tbe eharilv of 1 their Inendi and the puulic Ust nmht at about the satue number of thous ands. Many families, however, in cluding di'Iieate aud poorly or haif clad unJ tenilied women with iti lacts, preferred to reuiuin out in tbe old air, guardiag their little effects from the herds of miserable and un scrupulous plunderers to accepting protection in such shelter as iu tbe emergency aud hurry and turmoil of the hour the authorities were enabled to provide. It is impossible as yet to get the amouut of Ijss to the iu-etira-uce companies. Careful inquiry shows the uumber of streets bnrucd over was seventeen, and the number of houses burned between four aud five thou&aud. The lo-s is estimated at $S00,000. Two fatal aud many minor causual ties occurred. The meeting called by the Mayor to devise means of re lief for tbe sufferers was largely at tended, and a committee was ap pointed to procure subscription. . F.flwrla r lb llrfmca f Avail. The Indiana. mocrary ,t 16rger jo snow mi; ce wbt.u be cer,iGed t0 faeti ur vbifh Le Lad notbiag to do with tbe euppre- coulJ ouU bt) iBfornieil bj m Pioo of tbe reWlio io any way !tcjniliotance wilh his appointee, or whatever. does be falsify now, when he alleges he never knew him or even saw him, and if tbe latter assertions be true then the question agaio recurs (Jietiei , May 30. A fire started in Scott street this afternoon, and is now raging. Fifty bouses have been destroyed. The efforts of the j firemen appear useless, and owing to the prevailing high winds aud the amount of inflammablo material in the neighborhood, it is feared that the greater part of the St Louis suburb will be destroyed. Later 0 p m. The fire contin ues to rage with unabated fury. Al ready the towts destroyed mav be Cist iNNATi, June 1 A dispatch from Lincoln, Neb., last eveniug, gives the following particulars of the massacre, by Indians, of a large portion of Captaiu Stone's company of Cincinnatians, en rmle for tbe j;'uck Hills. Part of tbe expedition Was passing tbrongn '.je abut fifty m;ies" from counted bv hundreds. Llaiost tbe Tne 11irridrj Teleyrajib truth-, fully remarks, -When tbe Deni cra.t controlled tbe finances of Pennsylva nia, land wa taxed and the debt in creased, tbe interest and bonds beiog in a measure repudiated. TLe Re publicans obtained control, the debt was reduced from $40,000,000 to 1 20,000, , the taxes taken off real estate, tbe interest promptly paid and the bonds reduced as rapidly as tbey became dae." lr is thought that tie Iieiknap im peach men t trial will ie postponed un til November next, arien the Senate will reassemble for that apecial pur pose. The trial will occupy nearly why did be appoint a young tnau be Lever saw or knew, of adverse polit ical seotimeuiSj residing ;c another State? We do not even now jt ti; fac; of this testimony assert that Mr. Kerr is guilty, but we dosaytbet meting out to bim the kind of justice and judgment that bis fellows have meted out to Republicans, be stands focvicted and damned, ne now has the ioor. cd we anxiously await the explanation oi jiis apparently crook ed courses. If le c annot satisfy tbe public by lucidly explaining the pecu- whole population of the lower part of tbe St Louis suburb are moving, and hundreds of poor sufferers will be compelled to pass the niht in the fields. Thousands of people aie on the streets reviewing the fire. The water was turned off from the ward when the Gre started, w hich will account for its rapid spread. The Assylum of the Good Shepherd is now out of danger. Qi-ebec, May 5 Jt is now at 10 i' m., still burning liercejy, lyt is somewhat under coutrol. The bi'h wind of the afternoon has moderated, and a good supply of water is now available. Tbe fire has passed tltfvogii the center of tbe St. Louis suhuru, eten,ding trom tbe extreme i western limit to the e? stern limit fac ing the fortifications, tiwn goutbcrlr to the Grand Alee and nor'.beii? to the third street south of St. John street No e.-tiniaie of tbe loss can be made to-night The number of bouses burnt may be put down as 1,000, and tbe loss will reach o;.c million. Tbe fields adjacent to the burnt district are covered with goods of all descriptions. iebe May 31. Tbe fire here yesterday is reported as having been caused Jly children playing with matches. It was gotten completely under control about miJuight, after having burnt a passage cjesr through tbe center of tbe St Louis suburbs from east to west, extending ou the north in some places to tbe neighbor hood of St John street Many -f tbe residents ot that street moved their effects to places of safety. Tbe num ber of bouses destroyed is estiou'ed at about seven hundred The amount jof insurance is very large, but at present it is impossible to learn bow much. Many oi lie enferers were sheltered last night in the r'v'iog sebco', drill t-bed and artillery bar racks. A meeting to devke means for their relief is called for to-day. Sev eral residences inside the walls were fired by sparks, but fortunately were discovered and extinguished before doing much damage. Three or four cbiLireu are missing, and are suppos ed to have perished ia tbe names. sand 'bills, Red Cloud agency ; the day was warm aCd tbe road nearly impassable from sand. Tbe men had deposited coats and weapons in wagons, and weie strag gling wearily bebiud, when the In dians rushed down and cut tbem off trota iiij traiu. The massacre fol lowed with butiittuiffsietance.' The Indians numbered several hundred. The leaders, Stone and James Wood, were auiocg the first to fall. As far as atcei taioed, the names of the kill ed are asfjlliwa; Stone, Armstrong, Kelly, Huddlestone, West Walinsky, Purr, Leboyteaux, Bauer, Wunck, Old wage, Shattetiger, Latrs, Kruncb, Mozeante, Caddie, McKeag, Lean cer and two drivers. Tbe bearer of the report declares bat not a single one of tbe party of forty -fiii.e p.-caped. Several of tbe In dies, K-aijKii and rnutijated, were taken into North f.oup Fort' It stated that nearir ail the JnJiaus hiive left tLe agencies, and ar on tbe warpath. Omaha, June 1 The billowing dii:tch was received from the pro prietor of be Sydney and Black Hills Stage Line': "JJy stage driver from tbe agency to Sidney ""came on loot to the l latte. His borpe wasj killed under him. The Indians got the mail and saddle,' This pives evi dence that tbe Indians are operating south of tbe agencies, but to what extent and in what numbers is on known." 10:3$ a. m , two minutes ahead f time, without stopping hetween Jer sey City and nttsourg. t r.e run j kppt up unli was a continuous one or 4 '.) nines with one engine, w hich it is believed ; The f Train is without precedeut. Af;eraiielaj of only six minutes for a change of engines, tbe train left for Chiengo. The Hgbe3t rate of pjieed attained between here and New York was 02 miles an hour, the lowest 25 n:':'es. The average was 44 miles Chicaoo, Jone 1. The California fast mail train arrived here at 10 o'clock, 25 minutes ahead of time, and after ten minutes' delay at ihe two depots started west on tLe X on fa- western Road. It is expected that! the train will reach the Mississippi j river at 12 o'clock, just 24 hours j from New York. The average sneed has heen about 44 miles tier liwur and ! rapid tr iiisH, ihe fastest running was about 0 Cor nci r, Br.iTFs, June 2 Jarrett fc Palmer's fast train arrived here at 1:30 this morning, local time, thirty seven minutes ahead of schedule time. Chicaoo, June 2 The trans-continental train which left here at 10:45 last night, on tbe California line of tbe CLieago A- Northwestern Rail way, erossed the Mississippi and ar rived at Clinton, Iowa, at 1:0') a. in , or about six miuutes later than in tended. The train arrived at Couu cil Bluffs at 0:27 a. m , June 2d, hav ing made the run of 402 miles in ten hours and fifty-seven minutes, includ ing stops. The average was one mile in 114-10 minutes. The folk wing remarkable rntis were made: Two and one-ba'.f miles in two minutes, forty-five miles in forty-four minutes, and feventy-five miles in seventy, teven minutes. Four engineers run through. The division superintend ents accompanying th trnin clxim the run could easily be made in nine hours. Tbe traiu left Omaha at l:() Omaba time. OvAUt, June 10 The trans con linr ntal fast train has met with irreat success since leavin- here, with tbe jed by long ruus, such ns are now be .:.u ,.r i,ut-;,,,r i.nt 1. ins made ou this experimental trip. on the smokiuar ear. nv which tr, was delaved tweuir minutes L.v Crosse, Wis, May 31 A severe rain and hail-storm passed over this city lx-t evening at 5:30 o'clock accompanied by a fearful gale of wind, which has d ne considerable damage io the city and sorronnding country. Several large trees in tbe city were uprouied, and the luaitar .... v. ...l ..i .' , il.ifiti In? tiia j V tl a liUltll 1U 1111 Ulll,H'-ll3 wT ; furious gule. At North-Li-Cross an Uniployu io Goddard's sawmill, j George Hiek-i, was struck by a fI- enger traiu i liu stick of timber aud killed. IIo eveniog one the Summit, blind, frost b tten, strength enough eti reported that hi companion had frozen to death. Su--o ufu r leaving the Summit the slurm set iu, and they became bewildered, benumbed with cold, anl lot their way. They threw away their blankets to facili tate their movements, and the match store he tt-lls, nud iheif is liitlt. b'ulit itat cv.iy iLinir happened just as reUn il l,v bim He ia'but 2-i ears old, and ifceson of Jacob G. Anmun, a well-known music teacher I: vmg.oo Twelfth street and Chouteau nveuuo. He says that a reward of $250 has been offered f.r ihe arrest of the desperadees by the town of Georgetown, and a smaller reward for tbe recovery of the horse by the proprietor of the Georgetown liverv Tbe object cf the mn fn Miioiug him up i.- a mvsterv to yoiuiir Amano, and the strangest pin oi an is mat mey iu not take his monev. V. .mil .!.. 31. TIM Weather. Llmira, X. Y. June 4 A raio and w ind storm at and io the vieinirv es with wh'ch tbey were provided of Starkey, Yates county, vesterdav uamage. trees Tbe runnicg of a pa from New York to San Fraucisco. iulk-aves a wife but no fjtmlv. three and a half days, will, if suc-j, Mich., My 31. eessfully accoiiplisLcd, prove one t fj Ooe of l'ie most revere w ind ajd tbe mos: important events iu the his-1 rainslornis we have ever witnessed torv of railreadioir iu the I'cited iu years visited our citv this after- States. Ihe attempt uow uemg made is in fuitberanee of a private euterprise; but w hen il is demonstra ted tbat jiasseogers and uiuil matter can be trausjiorted across the couti uenl io half the tiir.e now required, the railroads interested will not let the oppcriutiii v t-iip to take another i st stride k-rwai'd io the direction of 1 make the rouud trip, we kly, iittwttu tLe two points named. Tinse of a nervous organi zation are disposed to shudder at the thought of being jerked through space at such a rapid rate, and conjure up visions of frightful wrecks and collis ions; but, teullv, the time gained is nut so mtich in the increased rate f speed, as iu the long runs, or avoid anca of St p. The average rule i f speed, for instance, mad-! ysterdiy, between New York and Altoona, a distance of three hundred and twenty-seven miles, was oly forty-six miles per hour. At times, when pa?siag thr jugh populous communi ties, the speed was as low as twenty five miles an hour, btiiouly for a few minutes. The fastest running made at any time wns sixty-two miles an hour. To be sire, this is fust running, compared w ith the made on most of our raiiways, and even on the test of them, a few years Biro Jii'e us h'gb speed is attained, however, on all first class roads, in the running uoou. lireat damage was none oy blowing down smoke-stacks, pros- i tratuig Iruit and ornamental trees. ru:sing the roof ou C' & Co. s drug store, eic. The rain came down iu torrents Hooding our streets in an incredibly short lime. The riu extended over unite n area, aud must have dono au immense u.nount of damage. beins wet they refused to ignite Had tbey been experienced moun taineers tbey would have wrapped themselves in their blankets and sunk into the snow, where they miijht have lived until the storm abated. The survivor withstood the terrible exposure aid reached the Summit as above described. A par ty of men at Summit went down the trail, or road, and on Wednesday fouud the dead Swede. The snow was so deep that tbe removal of li e body seexed out of the (juestiou then, so they buried it temporarily uuder six feet ofsuow, aud will leave it there until its removal for perma nent burial cau be effected. afternoon did much wre blown down telegraph poles un set, a number of barns unroofed and b! wnover aud two dwelling houses blwn - down. The Presbyterian t nurcn at &dJyton was unroofed, me steeple on the MeihmlUt and thorch at ortn Hector was blown off The path of the storm was alxut two at.d one-half miles width, and lasted three-quarters an hour. There has been no loss life reported AVtc Adi'rrliteuwn t,. in of of f lil Accident at I'nloutou u. A sad accident occurred iu the county jail at I'u'ontown, w hich re stilled in ihe death of the night tvatcbm.iu, named Rjbert Fuller. It uppeurs that Fuller was al iut to go on doty, aod had iu one hand a Celt's revolver, and iu the other his lunch He placed the former under his arm iu order to pljce the bitter on the shelf w hen ihe pistol fell to tbe ground and exploded, the bullet en tering the calf uf ihe leg about vav between the kuee and iiiikle A Mail larrtrr Arretted. BaltimoUE, Juue 2. Special Ageut llennerson, of the PostoCice Department, arrested to-day William Thomas Isaacs, mail carrier between Millersville aud Friendship, Anne Aruudel county, for robbing mails. Sti.leu letters were found in bis pos session. He was brought to this city, and 1'cited State Commis sioner Rogers remanded I ini for a hearing ou Wednesday next Three Oralha from PoiMoaiui;. r ist of retailers .f ok.i.s, am. I jW an- tout Men l.n.i,w. aI Hunk. Bn.k ! an.l HiKMilerm within ihoeVuiilT .Wr,.; n.l tvniht I r the Apiiriijsr uf ji.-r' caniileTixe. in aw.r.iiorr wild rt (.f i( .( .'inl April, 1I l..r Ihe ver..f ls;d ' Kaston, June 3 Moses Schug, unother member cf the family recent ly p-.iisoned, hu'died since yesterday, milking the third death. The coron er's inquest, w hich is still in session, elicits the fact that arsenii? was the poison u--ed, and that there was baii',euougb pi.isou in the coffee drank by and; the unfortunate family to have killed c;ine out about fjur inches from tbe j a hundred people. The money, was iu.k!e. Dr. Living w as summoned. ! stolen from the bouse, while a large j and soon appeared; but during i Le j amount of Government bonds and sb 'rt time that had cl ipped from the ! other securities were left untouched, accident uuiil the doctors arrived. I Ti.e fact that Ja "ob Young was mur ine wounded man had lost a good ldered and robbed near the same dace deal ot lilood. Dr. Jvurgeon arrived, only a few w eeks ago creates aim. ir. M. A. Rc-ss JlS.h, retiT-liara II. U :in & lir... KiMthera. Lintonrillo A. i rri-y. Nimorrii'M Jui:jn Haitxett Fi'ninirjf . . . ALLKIiHAXr TC Killl.wr Bn.. kCu. F.ilr H r. W. Urilm-r. BRDTIIKRSr AI.Lt J. H. Film Hill Ihinlil H..miv S. A. J. v.' Fhiuin.'.'."''.'"" P. A. Hlllliliki'r ' i. KniiiriT . J. lUVilkfr... .1. H. Iner .1. Poirlwnxh & s m FN to K t'..k .l'ihri.iiiiL si,.n E. J.AlTrra. il. J. .Il'ilkr .' .1. li.-.tlv ai s.,n I'aul Vr. NoHdi IIOKI.I t.M li 1 M. A. Kin it Sjiis F. H. Fniuti .Ii'lin Mt-ri-lctii r. tin.ll .I:l(ih I; rlK.Tlrli .MniiiiOOn x t A. t j. black ' Class Tux ruNLMACIIH TT, IiaviiNvlIU. of the tbroiigh passenger trains, east and wesi; but lime is k-st in the many stops required by ihe sched ules, and this can only be economiz ing ma!o ou this experimental hich ir walltwiii lie ooserved, inereiore, Unit It passed j there is not m icb occasion f-jr shod North Platte, Nebraska, a; 5:0.$ a. in., two hours and fort)' five minutes ahead of schedule time. Average time made, forty -one miles per hour. Tbe Union Pacific folks say they will put the train into Cheyenne nt 10:45 to-night, oi sooner. The fast train passed Sidaey, Ne braska, 414 miles out, at S:0" v. M., three hours and fifty-two minute ahead of schedule time. Tbe track is clear of everything to Cheyenne, and it is expected the finest run will be made betweeu those points. Omaha, Neb, Joue 2 Passed Pine Bluff at :2l r.' m.., four' hours and thirteen minutes ahead: distance 473 miles out Cheyexnk, Wy., June 2 I ho fist train left here at 10:4i i: m. It, ran forty five miles per hour between North Platte. Sax FttAX'.'isco. June 4. The train arrived at tbe cud of tbe Oak land wbarf, which is wilhiu the ciiy limits of San Francisco, at 0:25 a m , twenty-six minutes less than eighty four hours; arrived at the wharf on this side at 0:45, at fl;52i tbe passen gers alighted ' lo the court of the Palace Hotel, dusty and travel worn, but in irood beakh and ' saints. ' En- gine No. 40 ugbu 6 , ' . . .1 sylvania will be specially gratihed additional engine in crossing tLoi ' .,, .-, . , . gierras. dering. in contemplating u trip of ibis kind. Ihe risk is scarcely any great er, distance considered, than thai in curred by a run belweea this city aud Chicago or Philadelphia. The essen tial factors increased speed are, steel rails, solid roadbeds, staunch machinery and good management The substitution ol steel for iron rails, the operation of trains by means of block siguals regulateJ by telegraph, the improved appliances for breaking, tbe increased strength and durability of the locomotives aud cars, and the modern method ot tak ing supplies of water while under full speed, are nil important elements in the trahs-continental schedule. That the American traversed iu half a week is But there are those living who have seen ihe Conestoga wagou supersed ed by tbe canal, and the canal give way to the iron track. Tbe last cen tury has been so prolific in marvels, in the way of rapid transit, that it i-t not wise to attempt to fix a limit at which tbe people of this or the next generation may travel. The whole country wi'l be rejoiced to bear of the soceessfnl accomplishment of this feat, w hich will have an important bearing upou th commercial and country. Penu- and it w as at once decided to ampu tate the limb. Chloroform w as ad ministered and the limb taken off, but the patient never woke up About one o'cb ek the tl ictors noticed lhat bis breathing appeared lo h ive ceas ed, and ia a feiy minutes they pro uounct d him dead, Am lMiprlHl Arril. PhttsYIi.I.k. June I This morn ing the coal and iron police arrested .John Hilbert, of S!i -avid l ib, Pa., on the charge of starting a freigh'. car Irom a siding at Steep Grade, near Shenandoah, April, 1S75, about tbe lime a passenger train was due, endangering tne lives ot many peo ple. The raiiruui authorities being on the alert, on account of lies and oiLer obstructions being placed ou the tracks and the firing upon traiu Lands at night in that vicinity at that time, discovered he plot iu lime, aud a terrible catastrophe was averted. I Hilbert was brought to Pottsviiie and bad a preliminary bearing, and was informed that the penalty was f 10,- eontineut should be!?00 fi,a a:i'1 '''"'iK-nt ten years iu s, :u;:rv co:iLueinent. l.olii was li ved at $10,000 ' He was committed to jail for a farther hearing next week. a (till greater feeling of uneasiness among the people living in the neighborhood. A large crowd is gathered to-day in the vicinity of the Laros homestead. This eveuing the coroner's jury re turned a verdict thit Martin J. I aros, Mary Ann Laros and Moses Schug died from poison administered by Allen C. Laros. The person so ac cused is a school teacher and a son of Martin and Mary Ann Laros, both of whom are among tbe victims. Siu'-e bis arrest be has confessed lhat he administered the poison to Lis fath er and mother aud Mr. Scbug, and that his sole object was to obtain pos session of their money. Turkey. We bavejoa bulloon . , -II - ' - .1 I I Tbe time from Ogden to as l.uc '"i" ' E -"J - Situ h iHU'Jisuv. war uvuio aim . , . . ri l. r- v; i nn.A hi (omnwrcia iioiij vuuu iu vuivii'4 wuaii, i - miles per hour. Considerable trouble was experienced ou the ' Central Pacific froai tbe weariuj out ot the brake shoes in tbe Pennsylvania cars, and on tbe mountains the Central Pacific Company put oa two of their own coaches to break the train. No accident of any kind occurred through out the trip. Shortly after their ar rival, breakfast was served, to which prominent citizens, army and navy olSc'ers, representatives of ihe press, the theatrical profession, railroad offi cials ftnd tf)e IJayor of the city "were invited. A salqtu of tbirteen guns was fired from the roof of the palace on the arrival at tbe wharf. Tbe rest of the day will be devoted to needed rest. There will be a sere nado in the eveniug. Thel41aa. Ciieyesxe, W. T.. June 4 Three ien were killed by Indians on Cedar mek. forty B i ilea south of Sidney and twtli'e miles wjcfrt o Riverside, thought to have ben by Chyennes ou their way north from' IJeplican Y alley. A courier in at Fort Lara? mie to-day from Red Cloud Agency teports additional departures of youug warriors for tLe North. Eight companies o( the Fifth Cavalry have been ordered from the Department of Missouri to Fort Laramie. One h.tiudrcd enrolled at Camp Brown, all wek a-fliied bar bianed to meet Ijencra) (irooje to co-operate with Llm in tbe caoipain. " fT. Mris, June 4. Deucboieiilsien inio tbe'store, and Mr. oi me rum cavalry at f ort Uibson, Indian Territory, and Fort Hava Kansas, ere under orders to ftmrthmf p a er ieare. Lonkon. May :i0 A dispatch to the Renter Telegraph Cjmpunv from Berlin says: A telegram his been received here fr-on Constantinople announcing tbat the Suluiu has been dethroned and Murad Kffeudi has been proclaim) d Sultan. Constantinople, May 30 The dethroned Sultan is kept under guard iu a kiosk at the extremity of the Se raglio. The Ministers informed Mu- jrad Jiliendi that he was proclairfieil 1 Sultan 'on Monday night. A 'pppular demonstration took place tbe'next j mi piifig, but no resistance was offer !ed to the new fujim-: Pet feet tran quility pow prevails. IJoth Chris tians and .NJussulmen express great I satisfaction at the change. The city be iiiuiiiinali'd to-uigLi, and the t.. : ::i : j . . WitD' v'-o-3 ui i:.u.ioi4t- uotr oays. .lurderna n-lee Iu Meuaphla. llou.v, United States oi ) Ci;ujjiiiA, Sot i n America, Tuesday, May 0. ) witnessed a tuniok' scene a ouiioon ascension tragical results. Tha grand "Aerial ascension- Jimua.ttieo," was adver tised to take place at 7 o'clock ou the moruiog of the Sih of May. 'Cards Memphis, May 20. Passengers of invitation were real out "to all the j from Hot Springs, Arkausus, report leading citizens, and io this liule j intense excitement there mo Saturday, town, of few diversions, a great ex- (over the sbooiiug of Juhu C. Hale, a cit'emcnt' was created. Sunday uf- ( promiucut of that place, aud ternoon an oven was 'vjiit'lri tbe c-n-1 sou-iu-law of ex Governor Browlow, tro of tbe plaji fur the pqrp ose "of j of Jbis Stale, ou last Saturday, by beating the air by which tfee' bsUo.jj j U'jlliauf ?. WaUb.'posiiiiaater, and .a was to ascend, and all tho preparer promiucut p.diueiai. Tbe ditliculty tious were watched, by tbe people, i s;rew out of Walsh biding a sturu .yiib n great deal of curiosity. There j on the ground claimed by Mr. Hale, were, perhaps. 2.000 persons ia tho! Tbe repots are coiitliciiug as to Miss Marv J. Curlock, of ltd Wil- P'aza- The. bi.l.ion, a very large bo liied the first shot Walsb emp lis aveuue, ilbtt Haven, yesterday, !ae 'as infjated, rapidly a'nd sue-i tied the coiiteuts of a double barreled drew $-1 from a tailoring house iu i' Cessfuliy. and soon tbe erocaijt ap-!sbotguu into Hale's side, iullicting Walker street for which she bad been pcaU. brilliant itj scarlet, an 1 g 1:4 Wr4l oonus. i ain was nrres- ctsd Silver spiijgles, cirrymg iu bistei. hand the pojvmbian flig The ropt s ! were iooscneii. uuj the bull ooy fejjjt up bke au arrow, amid the shouts of the ( nituMtsiio nmltitude, the blow ing ol Lou s, tid lie beating of drums, the aeronaut meanwhile turn ing on the trapeze, and perlorming various gymuastic f-;ats it was a uea-.imul Ascension. In less than a 1 Horrible Hnrdrr. .l ui-l. T. Fuh. II. J. KI.KLII K TP. Win. K. i.'tly, Went Salisbury.. kt imu. V. S H.-iT .Imi'i-h Plvrly Ala a.-1 .". Hry L wi ln l l.i:tKVll.LK. Tf. F.-e.lrick Purr. I'.s:ai.nt:iJ jy.rriittiHig yr. Ili-nry Si h! ,jr s. i'j. H.ifeer-villi- 't.1EU IK J.-tn A. Sijie. Ji-nn -rrowp V. S. KU-.-k JrnnT fUmul- ii. .1. r..rer. - ' U iu. Si. Murmn. Utantna .Mills ... F. J.I'iTiT." .... I ARIVKR TP. J. F. Bittnrr, Wittenbarsr ll rcau JohiiM-n " IU Kit TIKKF. FlIOT E, J. ('"liin, HnrntslKTilte HEYERSDAI.K fli.R. A. F. juim tlian Win.-luo.! , ilivkini tt Bros I . M. Bcuciilev J:iint' K. t'amiilicll WllUam Mk.'er i'ulllna & Co V. r. H!.rka C. F. 4i A Hortl-y lts.ri;c V. irayuian 11 i ia (w 14 ; ih) 1 lo ml U TW ....14 Tin 1 .. 14 ;i ....1 ; w) TP. It 7 ou 14 $ 7 tit) 11 10 no l:t 10 in) 14 7 0) H 7 W ....14 7 i 14 7 11) ....14 7 II" l i lu 00 )- 10 00 14 7 mi 14 7 00 ....11 7 10 ....11 tl" 14 7 iv ....14 70 14 7 14 7 00 14 7 U" ...1J 10(0 . ... 1.1 IU OU 1.'. 10 00 14 7 00 ....12 4 14 i) ....14 7'0 ....11 1-1 M 14 7 W ....14 7 00 ....14 7 .0 ..II .. '4 ...l; ...14 ...14 ...14 ...1 ...12 ....IO ...10 -.14 ...14 ...14 ...12 ...14 ...14 ...12 St. Ai.uans, Yt., June .1 News bus just been received here of a hor rible murder in Higbgate. Charles Butler, a young farmer, who lives about a mib- and a half north of Higbgate Center, went to tbe village at seven o'clock Inst night, leaving bis wife alone in the bouse with a hired man, eigbteeu years of age, named Kdward Tatro. Upon bis return two hours later be discovered bis wife's body with her bead horribly crushed. Tatro ran to a neighbor's, saying tbat three men had broken iu Ktid committed the murder. It was evident he had killed the woman, as bis persou was scratched nud bloody aud bis cloibiug torn. MiLPORD TiiH'S'Hir. Walit-r .V TruxHl. rehharf? 12 .la'tili M. Siiylur, Millnr'1 .14 lraviil Wullei-lier-.r, .Mliieml Poiiii! 14 .Millt-r Hro. & HhIiim - u ."iiflcrk Hull w Minim i uu.k Tr. fyni? B. .Monro, w Lexington 13 WORTH HAXPTfia TP. J. M. Slier, J"bn.l.nnr 14 (lisrB E. VV.iy.s.mth.iniptiin 31 ills 14 A. 11:1111th, Siaiina 14 W CESTEKVHLK BOB. Alexander Krnforf 14 K. J. Vuoglit .I...14 B41T1VOUK Ron. V. M. r:il!e. ie ,,..1 The Arkanaaa Vigilantei. Owing iiar circumstances surrounding the!A ;, ,t f J.;,,',... i. , , ".I- 1 iviuvii-. 11 IV irimiicu 1111 IUHI urni ' t a on ma.lA rvi i r in.inst him lia m i , 1 i . . i proceed to the Biack Hills eoaut'v. sod will to tie frteot of tLe start soon as relieved br iafantrr en .1 t . . ! . J re tae water supply ga,ve 01. and ; route to these posu from tort Lea, but for the exertions of "B" Iatte;y jaarortb. It is tbe intention of the aod tbe citizens in pulling dowu Governuieci pa mass all cavalry ia m ooden houses and outbuildings tbe j the Ulaok. Hills fegioo, ts Varrison fire wonld hare been much more peri- j Iroctyr posts with infantry. ' ' " oua. It is a strange conciduoii tbat , yesterday was tbe anniversary ol tbi i9"f mrfT- desLructinn hr lira nf llie cama an.! : . working, and walked through Canal street toward Broadway. As she was passing Hill Brothers' bat store, she felt a burning sensation behind her he turned and saw lhat herdress was ablaze. She shrieked and dart ed dowu the sidewalk, and the wind freshening, the flames iu a moment enveloped bef. '" Several men threw her upon the ground auVl partially B'ilfeq th! flaises. Que man V ripped bis ooat about ber. and a clerk dabb ed upon ber apaillulof watr. The flames were extinguished, but not be fore every garment except one bad been burned from ber body. One of tne female employees ot tbe Hill Brothers threw a table spread over the young womao, and a gentleman gave bis linen duster. She was tak- II ill sent ber bom jn aparriag?! Miss Cur lock is the only support of 33 aged 'f if Fft,,.hi;irrA ; "WloA, Minn vices to-day from tbe grasshopper . county show thai at Marshall, Sheit k, ! Burus, and and many ether points on jtbe Winona aud St Peter Road, ihe uopiiers. have attaiued working size, and beguu to harvest tbe S'oigLl of J m fcCfw hen the balloon ! 0 CMr" 1l,1t" , lue r.l..: , ..v;-- it.. ! fields, maDV of which lx k as raiu'nte be must have bi'eu at tbe cpprutiy ecauip get eir crops, wheat blatk tben threw oat tbe flag. We could M . . " f "opptrs are scarcely distinguish etLr jt 'Sil FMr M FM" tbe Rj or the uiau tluisell; but the ai'gl" 108 I"1 wf 'hf. TM? next suwind sni. ke was s-ea ' iu-1 Vri i'ieraiiou4 W territory inifri. iu .;,i, ,.r,uioii ,.,i. urol'U'ty lutM loug, aud eiteadmg iu the unfjrtunaie a rope and was lit I,i w 1 :.e 1111 but B few h iurs, and w as buried at ' U!,-v. lvt ad - ?. o -u .... Kn...e,l..r i t beat receipts have bien vrrv Mr. Oscar Amann, a drummer for Kugeae Sleru it Co., tobacco dealers at 400 North Second street, met with a very remaikable adventure duriug his last tiip to the interior counties of Arkausas. He hired a livery horse at Georgetown, a little town fmr miles from NewpJrt; Ark , on tbe 5tb of ibis tnoutb, and tr,fte(l for Eates ville, sortie twenty miles distant. When he had completed about half bis journev, Le was suddenly conr fronted by three yillaiuous-lookiog men, who or.lrred bim to bait and dismount 'thinking that the men were bub way men and that they were a'ter bis money, be pulled out bis p.,tket book, containing about $!;5, i.d tk ltd it to tbem. One of tbem spoke up and told bim to put b s money back iuto bis pocket. It was not tbe man's money tbey w anted, but the man himself. They were, tbey said, a vigilance committee, and were after such men as he. With this tbey took young Amann oQ' his horse, put a rope nrotind bis neck, tied bis lei's and arnis togeiuer, and then strung him up to the Jim! cf a tree. This is the aet . maun re members until nearly four days af terward. He learned, however, that the Lif le Rock S'sge coach passed along tbat road shortly after be had been executed and the driver had stoppi-4 and rut hipi down. The nocte of tue rope Lid clipped uboVO ihe "Adam's apple," saying his neck j 1. r ... e .. Jute 3 Ad-i"" prceui.i.jf u..:. 1. ..r.ujr n- lireiy cn'.aeu 10 ucniu. tie wan placed in an an unconscious e.wdi tioo in tbe stage coach and taken to Ratcsville, w here he lay three days longer i" an unconscious state, and then it was nine days more before bo could leave his bed. He wa at tended during all this time by Dr. ('oodwiri, of Batesviile. ' Oil the 27 Inst, bp 'bad, reeovtred suhiciently io travel, and jmmediate jy started pjr St. Louis, arriyip; bere day before r?$te(da7. Mr. Amann .14 .14 u ..w .14 ..1.1 .!4 .14 .14 .14 .14 .13 .14 ...14 ...H ...U ...14 ...14 ...14 ...13 ...11 ...11 ...1.1 ...Vi .. n .n ...i ...11 ...14 ...14 t 7 00 ' ; ( 7 7 ) 7 (U 7 (i 7 0.) t 1 '.) 12 i.) JO '.') ') 7 JO 7 00 7 ou 12 50 7 00 7 10 12 50 I 12 50 7 UO 7 7 ) 7 00 10 00 7 0J 7 00 7 00 7 0) 7 W) i 10 oi l . rf- 1 m 7 c) 7 (.il (,ni!i.i(mi eorg H-wrer, lI.i.TrsvtU. . T. Urilluli A; Htll, - S.iuiuil I nullum. Fine Hill. SToviiriiws aoR. .1. H. Sny.ler .1. S. Zluituijrm in huTlllllldltlltil 811 A III TP. -M. V. Surlier. A. J. L.lir. ChrKtnut Hill , F. h. kuokin, BU'.-kninwc tOyKRHKT TP. Peter Slpe. S!iesv lite Ftfjf t mlierifrr FlU-k A. 1'i.nDirvinen, tivuntfrllle Filer Flii-k, liivanuville soKtasrr Boo. AV. W. PaTlnfe Bro..... Snylrfc Mil i i. W. Sim: .1. II. Miller "" .'-. W. li. iilupl ; " " U. II. Colbupi (.Co. , .I(h v. Hlvtoye1- W p.tu.u - P. A. niek Co A. S. C4pteer a I 'o VimlietT Sehell .'. Wm. H-fflrv K. M. Schr.irk i'k X B'?ri! Ms. II. Tplwll. Henry Hef!!eT A. . Miller .1. l. H'liie,lum .." . Slliid HiKiver C. Hvl.1i rlmum rMaiTTf. W. R. i,iM!tieII, Janrt w K. .Miller. Mu in a, u 14 .N. E. Atiller. iMeyrrlule 14 hytiiie C.MiN.rHile Srire 11 Franklin B. Kii.m him-l t 14 Flunk ll-iwoian. 14 KLLEnSRl TJl BOR. Jutin II. Drln ham u H.-rir' Mi.t .. "".'.'14 "riijr t ar.LK tp. Ihiiii. l Wamer. Bin kiei.wu 14 '. A. limn:. Shmilnville 11 J.ii'.li Stall " 14 '. L. Hi. luer ' . . t f-w-rl l. Smith i pielvy u. fk-brorli. Roxli.iy .'jj J,v,li Srei;:ir. Kiii jiNil 14 ' l'Hi B"mej, fu)wlinaa 14 i.u.inilley. KliigiroiMl. tl Ueore W. OehrL, I'a.winiAM K F. Snyder. KinirwaHl 1 , rraiK-wMay, Cuswliaan 14 I RSISA BOR. M. A. I. von 4i fo. 14 l- lai-.1. iikllu. J4 lrl Kuhlnnin I-... ..1.1 JU K"J Finner j;j . ,-,KOS auiiKR.' J. (1. Kimmrl . jv.TTii'rv t M A banner . '. v i. HiiUHUj I V li. rlin r Fhin Uliu-k ,,. Mejrerjilale Keim Ji l.ivenif.ui'l, SiUi.bury !... nirii.LPi;. Wrxe Viinic. Sti.yni.wn Henry Suhre. Shank'Tille II. k K. t!. J. mOin, ll.irin K. t'. 1. 1 11,! is - N.l. J. Ilaer. Ti..-r k Hro. V Haltim.,re. uh-nliiie Hiukle. WeUenaiura ApiienL i.liee L her.-b Kiven to all l-en" Hi Bam-1 in the lint, tliat 1 will hnl.l an ae H-al at His Tn-iui.-r 8 ia neret on . .. .., jt.i..:, id j, . U.'H t.i KUnrIT rTe1n who VI theiiMrireX trii vit y i"h alve-Hrt,eatitn. ni!r tenl-rl 'fie- tRm r.rper. Nn-ianr. arwf dealers riirrtil(e.'i 4PM 7 U lo 00 7 1)0 7 wl J ou 7 on 7 00 10 OO 7 00 7 00 10 1)1 7 91 7 Co I HI T W ' 00 l' o. 7 ) ;j :a 10 4 10 no 11 ri U il In 00 lo ) 1 w I T Vj 7 10 10 00 7 ou 7 ID 1 " M 7 01 7 (XI 7 0' 7 0.1 7 01) M id 7 00 12 & ; i '7 IV". 7 Ct! Id 7 7 mi 7 ou 7 00 7 to 10 o ln .K) l 31 Ul 211 UU au uu tan 26 0 lb U a 00 24 00 li 00 2. 01 lit rrMr.''il e.wilef"a iHuit l,v 'cawUr.y i; (Vii.mioii(l;jcii.-!ii,-i:l,a,a:ilrjl,,r; any mult lii ered jbrcadib irom a poi.u uju miles north j tijl bears the rope marks on bis neck " j.B.v .? ,!; ... d of the W iuona aud St Peter Road es endence cf tbe tru.bfulne s tf the x f.rtu.ia.e man lived ! t " Sioux I P.Til A T1 WTT.RTERN TTflTTJiT. JI Ilia a w - "vi . 1 1 ij J. R. COTT. A) .-rca ntiia A lip wutet. and invalid mother. A nurse of lt, was sent ber by tee employees of Mr. Hill. Miss Curlock is unable to tell boa tbe 6re was kiudled. X. V. Sun. The Khlchta Templar. burb thirty years ago. same m- Ooebee fire two months, and as a month or six j step down from the high moral p- wceks will be required to complete 'destal on wowb be baa bitberto 3tood. 4o?gislative business, the session would Volonged until the latter part of ere tbe Senate to proceed Nie Uial. We do not exul; over Mr. Kerr, but we trust that bis investigating IXent otraiic friends will lay - closely to heart the lesson to be drawn from bii present pitiable plight i ilf . Dt nuxraVs Rolla, Missouri, says the dead body ot a man scecial ! r ' ijjTJl l Tf eeri. I large ibis week at all stations on i'Wiootra and Si IV;er Road. : .... u-j rrirai v Mtta" FhUyrej. , rSil fr,'-'.',HiA, June 1, 1STC The Kni'gLu'Tt-uiplar ' fenonstrction in! .it. r r ": '' ....... ... I luia.ciiy. vouay was prociui noest ai.-piay or the Kind ever w nessed in tnis country. There were wasicvtr opp luuiiretj commanqertes, St. Lr is, June 3 'ybe n aiams j of a man, woman and girl, the latttr i about tone yers old, were found in ! JLvriaisKi B'i, Juue 3 Marobail a secluded part cf the woods near I S. Hiuhh, a elerk iu tbe Pennsyiva lleileville, HI, yekierday af'eroooo. i nia State Treasury Departmaol,' and The- woman and child er shot ; J(,hn A. Wazouer. formerly a clerk through the- bead, and a mai through iQ tha Auditor General's oflke, were I .4. a I.b.1,1 1-" -r. n, . k a n.iL:it I , l n n f tha ! I . .1 . . l l - l ' ipai1"" un. . ,uu, iu p.-i".i. v.. : ui rfoieu lo-uov ou u.ior iiiauuc iam . i.-.i-i-.j. ...j .i.. ..... i . .. r . i it-1 ta, t ft.c'Twru .luai. iuc wo sg:o2t teem uy irwveruor iiartranit, (shot Lis wife add cmjd an tpen ' Mj-.for eonspiraey to defraud the State of ' ed h.niselt. irersons iiviug near bv . j Ouu ri sxarB particclars. Vitr.EC.jaay o !..- ben tne lire in ! ceoy, a straoger wno registered at the St Louis suburbs yesterday once! the hotel as from Coal Bluffs, Peou- got bead way, it was- impossible for sylvania. He is believed to have nue' irosi iti 'jit; of ScVantory. j est resulted' from the lidrafi-' fouud near that place last evening, numbering about t S0 Sir tnio-hts 1 beard three shots about euuset oniThearresi supposed to be tbat of . A. Ken- in line, each eommauderr beio" bead- 1 brjisday evening, and it is lielieved ; tfions of one Mdf-paugh, the ed by a band. The streets ihrniih ' tois trage.J ws eoicted. 4 ue Cor- which the procession passed were' oner's inquest to day wili probably tbrone-ed wiih Bnectainra and hni- onravtl ihe mysrery now surround- any homan power to materially check i bad considerable money, for wbicb, ness was nearly susnended The iS the case. iu progress, and it bad to take iu jit is supposed, be was murdered. I procession was over n hour in pass-1 St. Louis, June 3 At tbe coron Treas urer ef Scraotoo, thai be bad agreed ! with these parties to nja'e bi? ret'jrn j $5,000 less tbsn it should bare been'. ; The prisoners were held in $4,000 i: I 9rri 0ir? . t" I " A f 11 Vi. ! DILI.KXCiEU&CO.PHOPniKTOl iXos. 1 :? 11 , 131:? a x i) 1 31 5 Mahket St., Fhilauelphia The suliscrlhers infi.nn llieir Iriends and the piitilic tiiat ttiey have enlarged, mod 'errrliied. JuiJU-d aaj. newly turnistied llih larse nml eoiuniotliims House. Street Cars i V..C"nfemiM Hiiitilinc-i iwss ;.! reivis- liic.ltolel, v.vrey ni.tiuto. Prites very moJer- HENRY IVIcCALLUrVl, CARPETS, 77 ilifth Avenue, .... J t i v .u v ;ltHMi WtXxi iSiVecf each oail. . -a-w--k J .AKi I PA, i - a11. 1