U 1 Terms of Publication. Th. S:srsst Hsrald rr are ?- F" " : Somerset Prir Ling Carrpany, JOHN t S-tT-U tuiui ai.:.er. Card. w ti. P cTI-irrHvr SlfJDHK5T0N SATIXG3 BAE! w KJ.-OXTZ ArTUKNET AT . Pa. r . ...rt L r..NEY AT E rrM:- -'-:- ink hay. Arr-'tNi 1- , t-.-'T in " -rf j.ra.-r.! J. AT LA. -I- iu trrr . . i .. I n a. tCI'Ptl ATT .. uJ l'--- mv at lav . AM rue; ii. iStV AT LAW. 4 a ::: J- J HS w. klV.NttL- ATTi KL HI-1- IT. HkE.- . .-r,,tTVT ITLAS. xl OAITHnL An -r-Vj! : L-. fii 1.K It :i iair 1 BitK. ATTMliNEYS AT I j . fc H. tir : J L, - vtT-: li st. O'LLIN-- I-5-Vp IB J-! 1.1. l.TK- It ts: ! IN. W.M MAIU1. LESIS-- -k s-oMr. r-r-ni ;rt' ft:'-'' ' ; " '"'1 .."fT"!"' ''tZ'.''v Vr-rr.it:-- : t !. -rf'Z "' D!;. MILLER. af-.er:wtive irr"J-. tf Sat-S." ' i c - i U t-l-TT Li ( t- l-.il- la 1 tt-rw-T a. - it -il l-TTlg i. Urf a re kf T it . WC .'l-lT-. tHX RiLL, DEISTTIST. it if.r-.t a,N5"t ww Jlta. i.s I'.-ij Ktr: ; -r.-r-e-. T. . 1 . "i: ti?i c ;vTrf e et h : : J. C. YVTZY. de:. TIST Z'ALZ C1TT, ywr: O.. "a.. tr-.ej ;i-i-r:k T-T7 !- j lis ; ice, it r.fi l" i .:,i ,. i ; .. : t. - r'- i -. -. L .- i .f t '. - 4 .-. :r. t krt. -i" II ILL HOUrE til XT: " k if ati'. ea E...l'r. . i-.K kin- jv-na-D'-L.". fwiar -t? iur- ; , o-r.'it o-- :- tor:. .:n it.- t i--r-. l-i-'a.'" kil l TLnz-- lie SOMERSET HOUrE. :Li z.i-f f at at--- rx Xr. E. A. r. -t- t l.e Oiier-aft-t :l l-I'ini f t. Ir.tL.t at.: iT. Lit 4;-TC U' Uf '--t'- b.U- .1 UiT K o-reC AT-"2 .:z c ij;T a a::t- j u-t!i ..: i attd tiie it a:!I a.: :.-.i lr..i 'r, tLxritt: ai: t-.i. -.r i. Jt. .i ar tt-sr a: :i tinir l-c l -uri'. ii. E--i.rii' I'- LkVA TJ!AMOM HOTEL SiOYSTOflX PA. S AMI" EL. Cl'STnn, I'tine-tor. 1 T'-r ai-1 rll ks. wri UtFtiataI! t.rj. f.:i.-a.-it i.T.:-:t.r J-lr 1-r lir rurr-:mz ju.-i.- a-.it arti r."ii r-.T'.-:& r. i .it I -kf iliti'.j r J-tu-.-is .-.- iu:a. nun K i.. k Auls tr fire rrTTr'"v; JOHN HICKS & SON, SOMiT.SET.r.V., And Eeal Estate Brokers.: r-ST-VULIbllCD oO. I rr-.T. .r t c rt-ii: aiii trJ H w tbrjr a:Tju,jirt :o j r4:.UT tUt oerrt"- tbt-r-t. a rliartt ie j tujt ct . i. a c rr.xi'.'-i. hr-nl estate toinrfi j par. ) r 14'' ua;ec to. j aula. I II OMES FOR ALL. i a.r J. aaie. a Itw wnt In tl rravh 't. .- , ...cr. LbOa r'..i iaCiiT.ba.k i,-wiai irk. !ra. tia.r Ua-a. aBatmal ... l aildirir Uaa. jl . i fiiCrtai 1 : - ;M an; y. la a.T-i.a . t iruos r-.i-or-.a aa aere ap u I iv. avrea. Tt- t timiM Tctb i mt b;'.ii aa katrl as-t ife i tasK Li. l-n csoai ancuaJ p.) avoita. fer.r '. art-ami. ae aj'1? an. n ai artni S aaa latrotir.-w ka ' -tf. V ... aotai. aa arn ol tTj tm"!- aula M reaa u aw t fetS4 V .w E AND FOR SALE. Six tanaigksred Short Usra DURHAM BULLS, rr U avatirt Ui tc yaajt old. Apfily ta Wax. k'i h.mu otb fana. itna ta tw yaan oad. A pp I y ta w a. ae.ewa Tanav Gpeensbur?;, l'a.j r3 VOL. XXIV. NO. -10. i-.j CLINTO.N STREET, ; J'.'li57o W.N. FA- j i ' r 7 Tiling! xa".;r l or JJ- : rc i -r- ! Schell St Kimmei, OMKKSf. TA. 1 AT-.z-d-s t Kcr-lits and c;h ' cr Busji;-5 People SoLciti Draf : ccgctiible in til parts cf tie Ccu.n !try fjr sale, iloncy loaned and ! Cl!oct:ons raade. Cambria County BANK, M AV, KKIMttCO., 0. 206 MAI MBI l.lt 1 1EJ( tci. ' --i 51 s .:.r .-. -t r.: mi -.1 r . n a iimi j.r tt ' l..-. tr.. .: .i ' ' t trtt. it iTt.r i.:u- ! lr'.t .l nj .:.:.. r ' s!;-.i.- .1 cx.. iii ir-:rf iGKN C.2EF.T. JOHN D. RC JOHN DIBERT : CO., BAXKERS JOKKSTOY7N, PA. Act" ii nl of Jlerc-banl and ollic-r loinei people cIicit- mJ. irMlM nt-Koliable id Mill pari of llie (tiUBlrj ror Mle.j ione) l oaned and 4 olltTtion! MrfiJe. Inicrol al tlie rate of! ler rent, per annum al lowed u 'I iaie epu.iti. I tatiit?a lrepoit IiCHW.l lH- led, and Iniere 1 owponnded j vmUonuaUt Uen desired. ' --.r;.; Ci.c Trans, .it .1. !Fr:,l... jr. . -ill. a 4 '. j. II. Zimmerman, t Skvrel. Penna- TV. N-t t-r r!rr .f -j! ir. if. tsaac'ae. i Tc-ri t t irx. i . c4 t: 'L-i tn if !;.f.acf-i 1 i:w r:"j-si ra- r : t i-r'.t arj ts tte tar k- t.1 ir,c l-v; tt -i.f -f -.ti: .t t:aw. ! .i...ri.; to -i.ii.- L lr.i j tim te ;.U,.. ' SUM New inn. SHOE STORE, SWYDER &. UHL Kali ;i: parchaed Ibe fhoc Store Intel owned hy . Kerl. at tit tc m::l-z tr.e atur.-' 2 -f ii.-: at- T.vt Dvi iik.j tijre - Lsr.: xi fTit-S'.'e as Boots, Shoes and Gaiters :0TII OF Eastern zr.ti Home Manufactun at c.iri i fi ur. , Li;,: e.i..art " j-t-.,; J iliii '. - w a-i f 1.1 riiT. 4 SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO CALF SKINS KIPS. ANI l.IXIXG SKIXS t : a it ti !?. wt-.t a faU line of Shoe Findings. rte KdMr. ui nt 7 a trrr BX JC EN I a .it be fc enante t. DEPAKT- --r . N 15- Snyder, Esq. Good Work asd Good Fits aa w arc oav 1 tc aoae ia taa S-taaa. Tbe paaUie la ra BTitd ta eall aad eaaaaiae aaa- ateok. , - -- - t kMA II.. 11. d . . IW. . aeai aavl aaa 1 . aeaa aa4 ami at arMaw aa low aa taa auwaaL. SNYDKR & UHL. f . : a fees A1 FPLETOX: i AMERICAN C YCLOP-iDIA .NEW UEVlsEiEDiriU. u:n;;Knuu. i lie niot i rj Krttrai cir.iutJ iui (..j miacL liar ,t a j t , rrt i wu- ..vc cUi lce lc cAMtmvl' r J'Jiirmi raii u h uic. UtWI .V 11 I . WC ' tit;, vat 1, lu k-L.' IJiT ('fJiri. v.i ; iocr twtu fciunul uui.TUiU. j Ui-liviliiCJ. 1,1 livU uL .-tU Jrt e-j u..t u ocfj-jrnf in Hi inmu. i.1- . i La exu; ui!' ..Tcrirt lii icw. vi rery irtn jinw Bi ll. Ji t'iir.iiut, ui it.e ce. iutiEi.rXi ia i.riiau .r.f. until" U uccltn iJ rt-.it":ui w ol tbt l-rrwt 1 j-j.iliot ui xu- T m w-.Tk t-t tH-v:. U fia alier ksf tre.al j iio.iurr U!. JM it ti Bx- W unu Marn u.f u w reK irai- ylst S lb ongisftl s tereotjpe plait tre la ili, i ol tt-rj Lu tHjcn pnatc2 Bf :r. !:b;l Jt !-r ne Cjc1.-;--j- UDt I.H iti O.CTJi t J ttt. k: , jat3; ri,,ei""i tit- K" 1 1- 1 B-i-; .b il.t i.rrf.t eiiu o li wti .1 li.r IT -fctri-t l.irlial eStrt. t'Ul t i-V ctL.jr. a !.m:u&rt J: icKtr um t- r.i utt u ovi-in u ki n.;ka.ir it:i ll.-ct vi ' ' - r-. a! t ;l w ;:. Tri- a lTt ui ti.baincrrs- Al:ii-cb UiU-imcJ '. T t .njcUiu r.'.trr iba tail iiifimcii. aw hav ta f ;.rro t lurarc totir mri-.K: txci- l.-t: tit: CMfi U XitriT M KTa.UK IM .t it KiK-teu ;tt atiiboJ ific rjwjrtiuo a a.tciraW it.'mrf i it t vc-.jisrii. tai 'or- s.-T A k l.iirii ciianwifr. ' tai w .rii it ...J w mt-r!lr telT. jajat w ! isi i.i:ira Ur uturu T-nuinef, trfc ml uuiii.it 't-aisu ti:u. roiiT tUar.nwi. wf.h vri I iMn; ws Ei (rv;iT!, ui :;n taast-r.ti ! l'Rl.L xyi) STYLE .'F KINliINO. t-j.Si. trt-il i Li:r.-Ti:EfT. ptrrn; :, lahiii larkfiMunvw. ri4 ; ! r, I.us?:i.:rm e-.ii. jfr t.-4 j ! In !j kuL:!:.!1..!!!.!!.: w ' j F r (-.ci-..sriis.. reJr. Sa-.iiia rc.loTie, : ; ,--: pa--, ri t AmmaiiCuii';- J j -fia. a.' tn. Liinrau-tu. uu tria , F-.ri ciiw citviteia wcte4. i!ntKx:h;k s2 mimm t to. Merchant Tailors, Gent's. Youth's and Boys, lfl TN aoj Stueet, corner Fifth Iteeae, PITTSBURG1I. CJLATE ROOFS. 1'Vw wbo are co ImUilna h'mrei eium'.l kxi tha i: ttifiprr ia the ki- ran to iat fc. :t Una UnTfkirT. SjiM aiil UK furerrr. 1M: at- if fiirt art mtn rivl. SlaT pir tbe r-ar-ra wttet Ureimm. Sta'.e U trt r't Eirrx rmt )i.iiirii.t tin t Siu n-. Tfc ndr i tiiftw-1 it i'atrl la Can.lrJUid, wtrfre Le Lai a r jud fs, !-!r Peachbcttom L Buckingham sa r- a r-T- l n tt-r r.cfcirs: tht rrrr V-ft rtiyie. He will awler ukr tn -a: Siate K-Jf Hi. jiut lif ani l-rt-ra:e. rrirrf. kf.. titter its ti.ati rr on:rr at tie k-at-ii )itWil and u VMtrmt.t tlrai. l all and are ,ia ni.lrta tiira at hi l3it. No. 11 Ban in. TStrf-tt-Cbb; jrnacd. tTier mT Wltft a:: SOAB CASEBEEK, Arrxt, fV:iere Pa. Wm. H. SBirtrr. Ajri tt. ;rs. C. A. Wil-.ili C. W. TcrXAL. Cheap Store! r kt noons. gkocilies. JWEMING TMFLEXESIS, HAIPtrnKE, GEAIS, k- F.? Ca'h vr Ft. are. GE2 HARTS, Pa. tr.ar15 1876 WALL PAPER. 1876 rr awltie f ir tie eotoior fi.Tinar ar- rjr.rJ. T:t ori faruaaii auo la.lr rrf-rti:- eti. Ealke r"prr atth awl anncnt IadM. I Sr! eit-il and Pet0e tlrvflsad Pifcr -( j.le;c asorrtHiett. New Hall Piias-ess on aam '. -n i-rkercbe. A3rjraa Goad Ortiuod. Gilt. ( Sat'ia. Plain Etnte. Ii"l- kr i rrt rYixe Sliter Meilal awarded at Expc.;um. rM-riaI Prlee- ta leaier. Ie Zonchc aV: Co 101 Frfth ave., net to Poatofice. PlTTSBl Ttill. PA. Slarrhia. T. D. EVANS. ARCHITECT. Aaa rf.creeil ATiae. SUrca ia. Iron Ecrtf. Oltiw .Cri.-.a PITTSBrBCII. PATENTS Ni rharrt lor prtUxinarr aean. OBTAINED Nefcwadaara. Nofreaaa-w-.-. ul. M.amal. wirh refereoeea, frrw. OSor la WaaUncua and Fkiiadtlptua. W era 1 1- -e. Cf'NIOEET FBoa. a McTiGCE. bxt3 Zi V ifta An, Piuabauvk, Pa U FOB MEALTM,C0F0ST1D tCOKCaf CORK SHAVINCtS Are ctHvrpaaara aa aa arUrle fcr Bada, 31 atmaaea, ke. Tke are tea tiatea aa 4 am hie aa Smltl car Knw. noljt tu aer lb. Forty ita. will All laa large, eeal. toraaieiiT AatMSTRONfl BR'tS. a CO. 4 1 aaal riraC aren rttuaan a, rav AprUl. N 1 HI TOTICE. taJbra tbe pabiie tbat I aa aetbat? Hbm . eeata a NiatiiiL aa4 will taka tana or. aaatu tiniianga far at U aaal rail. JOS. W. BEAM. AteS Oascex X Suatta, Pa. THE OLD FRIES D. ST SaIAH DOT C5CV. Tb old, eld friewliT but mile hrr Uelli tn lk mr!e AaJ mJlty rrcu Uircih fftm iorts-j fl.w, tot EfTrr froTE !M piac crvwtxi Iirs of faow &-jne meet znc ou aiElu Life eww t And tfcfa. pTrlmn. word or fmOc ieclire 1 Ttit mom lier.J ibrob tcaih their J-.ad of, For k-Tt im'Wi cm. lit wLfat laa: tb lre. TiH rtdrrm dsn. ' lint tif trt IsJl'a ;" Tt r3i re tweet'. Ob. a.roJs t ret tcr-Ji the I.k!Ki Ki, My feet tiiU treaJ tlie weirr rjJ j- tp! Err trt TCr kolcf (uB mt tack te CKxi: U bru ve H.CC-. Ot. tfcea irriarH Frirad, Tat 1 miT kso l)na is ittir p.rrcta-s 1.1 it: Miac o!3 !m;Lr trirsJ aiJe fir ni tiirut. kc beui TV: DlKROWft rosn t'urruw a iKaii was ir. ten. m tk - . 1 r T" 1 uh ai t ssa'.iisg", acd iflUrrow s poad j T. . , L tbe Frat Kiue rl fettered i danem o'U a a j fl.,n Wi A i-t ne ratl jliHi. bat tare, but to ttOTre accustomed to beed I itte frcz n lake pmiled a elc me t" ;bp merry iry :Lat carte dowa it.- bauk ca this Ptceroiber sfteraiXia. la twos and threes, vonoff mea aDd maidens tbey reach the lake. There are the I'avis sisters, aad their broth- fr?; t,e:ct came Faaat Merrill acd I were 13 lbe Elilit of her cutia. Joha Rahtca,thea Rettalh?e i,J ffoal weT Marstoo. ter brother, und Frerl jJtni, iQOick, fnsbteoed cry iLva:e Wallace, atteaded bv Law- recce V. icston aad Eageae Duraat. What .-.boDW of merrv laughter ran? ' . f- . out aad bo w the gav eebces answered ;!r;;y ,Le Cjf;oa Li::s VLat ak- ward attemt'ts Let-altavis made ,..4 how patient Will Marstoo wm io twi effr rts y teach her. H?w Li!!:e Ii-! vin flirted with Fred Stoaetand K,,w : flirted with Fred Stoae; aad hw ta Marrtoa's L'tck eves daaced Re with fuc as she ttart d thr George Dvis. The poor fellow was overj hi..,! vriff mr in !.,r nr:tK f.tj rlr. ! eyed itTmector, but it was djatifjlj hether or Dot Le would ever saai-! . - v . . . . i t : uuu ouuittjjc io iei; uer fc-'. Keep joto Irom laterraptiaz , . r , HJ tUO TCt. J0. there S a g-ood Kl.' said Fanny Merrill, ia a hasty arije, &S she skated off with Mr. lastoa. iaa smued aad did her best to console Mr. Knshton for his ; a.saj.p'..irjtm?Bt, tDocb sbe was talf jamuredaad half provoked to note j this dircoasolate expressioa as Faa- inyieitiiim. 1 te pettiest ana most 1 graceful skater w as Locie Wailace. j&be jooked like an el from fairyland, irp W .. kn;&: an. frsil rot . lovely ia Ler cotjoettib skatia dress ol Cart oiue. wita ber goidea bair kautted tack, here aad there a loose cutl eT-capia? trom the coil, her blue eyes dancing and her cheeks crim 8 ued with cold. Xiaa's dark eyes followed the lii ht Crnr i.-iriri-lr a she answered Mr Kn-bton's last question: 'An orpbaa' Xo, ber father is iag; ter m. ther died w hea Louie was ! babt' Pnraat seems terv devoted ' said i UnsLton, as tne two cooples again passed eacb other, 'or is that his or dinary manner?, Xiaa .bragged ter s'.onlders. Really, I cannot tell yoa.' Shall we listen to the words pass ice beta een Louie and ter tall cav alier? They are skating side by side; tbey approach a place ia the ice. Eogene says: Give me yoar hand, Miss Iioaie; breakers ahead.' ' She glides from tim and joins him after they passed the ro-ct-ness. 'Yon arp too proud to be takea care cf, are yon V says Eogene. Pride goes before a fall, remember.' 'So it seems,' laagbs Louie, look iag over her shoulder to where Fred Stone lay sqaalliug on the ice. 'Miss Louie, do be scrioas for a minnte.' 'Mr. Dnrant, do be sensible, Lr several minutes ' 'Are yoa guiD? io tnswer the question that I usked yoa just now She fiurhed scarlet, but said notb- lDg. 'I have the right to demand aaswer, Miss Louie. Is it ves, 'Yes. if ' She hesitated and cct circles ia the ice. Tfwhat?' -rapa will say so,' says Louie, with a little quiver i3 ter voice, half of aager. balf mournful. I tope not,' Eugene says. 'Louie, do you love me?' 'Ob, after a fashion,' and Lottie dans off to the other extremity cf the I pond. So the afternoon wears on I til! i V ht- n-rT rif tt pir crv.r?a re tire, aad when the winter.stars peep f.-rtb, Harrow's pond ia destr'.t u and the echoes riag no more amOD the tills. Two nizhts afterward there wa3 a party at Mrs. Davis'. Louie looked prettier than ever ia her dress of ple bloe. cloudy wiih misty lace, her golden hair caught back with leader blae forget -me-nota.' So thought ber escort. Fred Stone, who must be considered an impartial judge, for to bim Xina Kenyoo's dark face was tbe fairest in ail the world. Xina was not a beauty, tut she lot ked very handsome tbat night in ber black lace dress, with scarlet pomegranate blos soms ia ter hair. Eugene Durant was late; te came alone, and after paying his respects tbe boaiesA stood watching tbe mov ing throng, till te saw the golden bead and laughing eyes of Louie Wallace. It was not long before he persuaded her to promenade with him. 'I went to see your father to-day,' be said, after a little, in a tone tbat did not express tench pleasure at the thought. Lonie looked up. (jnestioaingly. 'Come oa bere and let me talk to yoa.' said Eof-ene, and they stepped I ont on the sheltered porch. '1 our father refosed his consent. He says, and yery justly, that I am too ild. I told him that I conld and woald be steady, for yonr eake,' ESTAULISIIE1), 1 SOIEKSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2G. IS7G. jbat be dida't hire moch faiib ia mj ! the stood cp ia all ter delicate bean-'words rr.a3e rse th:ai wbi: a wcrtb- Iprucstees. Then be said too frt-rei ty, acd prcciiMfd: 'I wP.I wait formless retcb I a?; I ws !ppert?, Uoo ToaDgtotbiLSEofujarrjic? aaf-!Tou.' And doit mast the d;e? Pie fa then ber rarare can:e, and I res - ir - I 'Too Tons?:' said Louie, with all j'bc iasulud dijroisj of alaauei eigh .teea, 'aojthicg elstV j Eugooe ra& eiieat, but be f-tt LU tee;o as te remembered tbe tauat- . , . IDS words ibe rscb tDka bad ?aid to Lid. 'Wdkl ele did fs'ber derasa- ; "Wbii m-jre do you wact? Yuri ; ar:d I bare each Jjrtiijltd aa ot-jt'.--i tk.rj.' j 'Aui papa fjmibes aaother.' 'Xo,' aad be epoke bitterly; I far- j ti?b that, too.' j rpa Qecda'l fray it's Ltt-aure yuu ;are wild aad youa ' Ljuie says irupetuutiT-ly '1 kaow Leiur; rjoc- e is ibe vulv lusg be tares fr. lie ' 'Luiiifc!' Ejgerje'a Tui-.-e is eiera. 'I'un't talk t-o Lctiie; i: Is h. t ricbt. Ycur father I jVc y. u dearly, a!.-.j juu kiiow it' And Liui is j-eiteat 1 10 a CiOOtOL 'I an puor, bat I will bt ricb. I will make rauaev. Will vua wait fjr ! IBP. 'Yea, I will wait.' ..he acsatrr i L . , , : ' rsI?ius Dt"r piire, sru-.tful .eJeStotis fie. 'I will wi: fvr Arj'-thtr t-kitio psrty a fs'.v after ChrisiOu-i. "I Le Davis aad Dursat cre a-jt there, bad U-ea a flight thaw, aad ia Wet k ti i:rr' There t."n.e ! P'- te tee was too tbia for safety, I bat 11 tbe daager only added i 10 lce eajoymeai 01 tae eport. 1 cev . 'ace. whea a riled by a and turning. a break ia the ice aad a tiav jploved ba-id pra-piaj the eJe. ''J b1 Mrstoa, .1 . . " buck all uf voa.' rhuuted WiH aad they ?tood still, wub fa-t beatic-r heart., w tile he careful- iy approacaea tee l.reat. He ws. ju-t ia time to cra-p tbe baa i as i "'PP'1 froa : ,CA 6o J he s xa -e' ioaoimate f.rm io hi arms. 'l'oor louse, tin wi k:;I her, Fo-r Loui !tiurifiered Relta Marst in. as sae cauirtst s gtt of tne cold. .'V,e WZTt -'tl L-r X ina,' Said Will. WSi white ficc tome. M.-s idit rapidlv ! toward his flei; :h. ,t; Frtaoa,eiv, it was but a short distsace f; m tbe pad to Mr. Wallace's, aad it wa but very few rniaates until Lvaie was at home. They succeeded ia reviviajr hfr, and she iar-irted that she was oiuoh better, bjt ia the ciL'ht t . j iire sae waaea wua oigo lever aaa lam- matioa of the luogs. For weeks her j Lie hoDir by a thread, aad dtiriur ;1: that time Mrs. Keoyta cursed her! with untiring care, Mr. Wallace' wa aimost fraatic at tae tb'Jiat of i ioriajr ma idoiizea caudate idolized dau'h' He I be! bot himaelt ia hia roam. was not allowed Jo "eater Loaio's.j rcfdMag to eat or Criak lie u starve n:raei: idio a ipon o: ; Tail .. .. - 1 m sickness,' said the doctor to Mrs. i Keayoa, 'ana ttea we ii nave Aim to take care of.' Turning to Xiaa he continued, 'do yoa. Miss, arraajre a i leach, light, but substantial; take it t0 fcim- make fc;m eat - (. aa toa do it?' 'I'll try,' answered she. and she leu Ice Toom 10 comP'J WI1D t" pre-; emptory request Vt'ben she knocked : - r TV li 1 . -i " -,lr- na uwr, oe cpeaea it himself. 'Xo, tak- it away; I want nothing-' I cannot eat' Sbe placed the little tray oa the ta- ble and turned to him. He had thrown himself on the sofa azaia. and sbe stroked bis thin gray ba r with a liffbt soothing toncb, and . -1 J . ii - , ' ' r : .mi taiaeu iu uiui m a low., sou roice, l.ii i be peexed ouieter. Then. brini-:nr the trey, she sat down, savin g, 'Xow yoa ceda"t frown. I am head nnrse ia this ward, and I esy yea mast a: bis tit of chickeo. She chttted brightly to him nctil be tad eaten what she had brought; tbea replacing i the tray on the table, she stroked the throbbing temples again, natil the tense muscles relaxed aad he slept quietly. The weeks passed by, aad still Louie lingered. The fever was eone-.it bad left ter weak, as a little child, aad she tad a eou2b that sounded life a kaell to the loving ones around ber. But her father per suaded himself tbat there was no dan ger, and went back to his beljvedj couatiaz-bouse, tbiakin? each dav, ! 'My darling is almost w ell; her are bright and her cheeks are red; Had be do thouirht of his dead wife,! lV-nie's fair youcg mother, who.-e brilliant eyes aad crims- n beeks had Uren tbe onlv sign that she was slow ly dviDe? We fD often forget that the bloom ca the cheek may be bet the shadow of the red flag of ' death: that tbe light ia the eve mav be caught heavea. frnn tie Irlir! tr;.: r,f 'Come to-morrow,' said Lonie as Xina Kenyoa was leaving her one afternooa. 'I am so lonely here: Aunt Hatty, is busy, and nurse Sarah is so deaf. Come, woa't yea?' I will, Birdie,' said Xina, tenderly, 'Good-by.' At tbe pate she met rant, ne joined her, Pnaana Tn. aad as tfaev walked down the street he inqaired t a; tiouie health, i ooa t tnias sbe 1 I don't tbiak sbe I is aay better.' answered Xiaa sadlv;! I don't believe she will ever be well has again. Sbe looks so frail, and such a wretched coagh.' While ste spoke there had come a quick tremor over Darant's face, bat be did not reply at once; and whea ' ne uio, nis voice was steacy, aaa ne sxn changed the sabject There were words spoken before tbey part ed that neither woald forget As she went into the boose, Xina thoustbu "How could I speak so to tim? I bad no rigbt to do it' In bis room tbat nieht Eogene mattered to bim-If: 'A brate'o life;' was that it? Yes, that was it; how those eyes of hers blazed whea sbe said it She's right; it is a brute's life pshaw,' and he took op a book to drive away the unpleasant memo ry. Bathe coaid not read. Ever between him and tte printed page there came a face, with splendid eyes and scornful month, acd tbe phrase kept rineintr in his ear. A brote's t . TT . t . 1 t. 1 . L . - ble, and leaned back oa bis chair, op, bnt her eyes felt when they met j from which the refreshing tff-cts of ' Well, sir, you appear to be a gea masing, aa tbe smoke of bis cigar ibis. He continued in a low toice: jsnn and light are carefully excluded tlemaa," said the plaater, bJ curled upwards. Ttnarbtsof Louie' 'Doyoa rt mem ber the Bier ige yea! It is into sach sepalchers .bat dis-! rather to aoxiooa aad coaAiinC '" came to him; her image arose befuie gate aie standing by ber grate? Bj jeaae eaura readily aad doeaits dead-j wiltai Lira aa yonr reeomneada him at, be bad last seen her, when Gtd'a grace, it saved me. Your It work. One woald think tht't'o. "Wlert is te atrwr' Li btr bright jonti, or mast she d?ed, wh U-d's help, to obey ;;. Yua out a weary l;!e cf pa;n: o, no, s-ae f Cuuid Dt;t Cie. fte sboaia crt weii; e was hi: Lsd fbe m-t rri-mispd to wait f. r bioi? Ttiroctb tbe balf-cpea wrjtiGuw te caugtt a scateo c! ssaj from some oae parsing: tV&it for me at heaven's gate' acd the words i-raute bim w itb a (pick, sharp paia. Wuul J it at the pearly pates tbst she w oai i wait for him? He would terer reach her there, sever, never; bis wa.- a brute's life.' II;.w sbocld Le paia the heavea where ter pare f-jiirit would rest? Aad she was dy ing, dviu', dyin. With a mattered verd he sprac? tp, ?e;-d his ha aad eat, cut. Hal! -., Kojcoe. jast jr -.in lr yr.o; c iae vd, o'.ii b'v.' and he felt bia arm pulled thruujb Joba Rashtoa's An h-iur afterward Eujeae wa seemia ly tte ejaye.-t "f tbe fr 'liikiaz prry ia LawTeoee Vit;tuas rra And yet Krscirely m;Qi'l-d vub the clink "f .ir'avp and :be ?a a of la'j?b:er. the hound of Xina Keayoa's v iie, ia tb-Tie three w Td-: "A Ira-e's P'j-ky twlliffht ia Ln'eV rvirc. Through th nr-en windiw enme the war:n breath of May.' and the fra eraace cf dlieve W-iisa-njs. Xi rvenrn sat by Enie" Jxd-ide in? with rbe f -f carls a the p; aad watchin? wi'b ?sI living eve the wasted face theT s.bsd-'d. r 'Xina, after I era dead T . m .tfv . J n't ; clasp me fo r?h'!v, p!ea?e w:U Tia Ea- ; jr.ve a me-jssre from ire to to j ceie?' 'Yes, carliar.' and Xia-i shaded her faee io tbe carl? 'Tell him that I loved h'rn to the ead. that the last prayer I offered io this w.irld was fr him, and oh! Xins. ted b:aj for b:3 dear mother s ela sad mice to meet cs both ia heavea A Ci cf cocrbiasr came on tba ad ; me i-;Sed so wntte that X:oa felt ; alarrtie i aad roe to call her mother. It is aothiaz,' said Lcoie faintlv. oat evea as sse stV'ke there came dash of crimsa ca ter 3ip, aad Xiaa's frihteaed err broajbt Mrs Kfnr.in fmm n arJTntf. r.wn anl Mr. Wallace from tee library. Far iato the cijjbt they sat by Loaie's' tedride. while her life weat slowly r at. Resting in her father's arms, sbe 3-i ked at Xiaa ia mate eiiraty aad Xir.a sp. kesoftlv: 'I will a n ferret. If that is wait yra want to ai-i me. The pale tips smiled 1 te pa.e nps smiied fatally, thea her jre rested oa her father's face, aad. with aki.-s co her.lips, she shat j people are always prtstat ia thoas- her eyes ia tte dream! sleen tV.ntiaads. Wtea atxjut to Breach, he! kawg do wstkia? while the earth ca - dares. Xt ..1 Vl- eoueeiled by tbe beavy rur.a;cs ia the room where Louie lay ia her co5a, whea she' ; teard a stf p ia tne room. I craia? the sa v a taaa leading ever the! c-iSa. He touched his l"ps to the pare. c-i.a brow, aad when to raised h:shead. Xina saw Eazeae Parant's face. .":he shaddered it was so lined and worn wr.u pita. iled;dnot see her, and U-ft the room rjaietly. He was not present at the fuaeral servi ces, oat iate ia t afteraioa Xin3 f(.aad him hy the new-made grave. le turned to go, bat Xiaa held oat . . . ter band aa3 be to-k n silently. wua a ciasn taa; maae .-'ia foe Haze - ache. Mr. Duraat she left a rnes-3"e fri yoc; shall I e:ve it to ya now?' He bowed his head, bat ' did a-t speak, and wiih a qaiveriag voice sbe repeated Loaie's words. Whea she had tat-bed she 1 oked cp; bis i laet; a ia. iiiil rra ttaiai, isu tur i dprk eves were razirj? at the snaet sty wita a teoaer, yeamiag loot, as if ia the zlowiag cl-uls he saw the gates of liarht, aad L inie sraadiasr there beckoning to him with her small white band, ne estuhj hi- breath 'I thank voa,' fc said. ad j Xiaa left bim. I 'Did you know Durant had left : town?' asked Fred Stone of Xiaa j Kenyon. me eveoin? ia Jane. 'Left ifor rd, I meaa. He has gone to ! St. Lonis to live is practicing law with aa old friend of his there. He watched Xiaa's face while he stated this fact He had felt a latent jeal- ctjsly of Durant, and half blamed tim j for Xioa's failure to appreciate him-1 self. Bat Xiaa's nerves were under , eod control: ber face expressed only conveational snrprtse, and she evine ed iust the conventional aaionat of in. crest in the subject and no n-ore during tbe Fred felt relieved, aad 'eveninc found cnrage to try lis Itwasnot kind, it 'fate aad lost ws not gentlemanly ia biai to say what, be dia teen, aaa .mmj dark .roe fl.st'cil m th wle tier answer U K5a insinnation. " Yoa are sadly mistaken ia voor belief. Mr. Stone. If I had never; seen Mr. Durant, yar answer woald be ia what it has beets. Yoa, and iTAn1r.nP are ta blame for this! I re- I- gret that this conversation has oc - t. .. rtlk rin, nomo.tnn jlUICU. aUU UV. nuu vui j.. ih-tii. va m-iTI fnanaa the Aohtaet Fred Stone went home that night 'a wiser and a -adder man,' aa-l ia ber owa room Xina bowed Ivr head ber owa room ina iwwea ivr neaa on ber clasped baad. aad moaned. 'Oh! Ecgene, Eneene!' Five tears went by. Seated at it.ct artmi.w nita m.'.rmnr Xin saw a familiar frta approachlag the bouse. Her heart beat fast whea she tok the card the sertant broaitht her and read tbe name, E. t. Darant She hesitated a motneat at tbe pa.- lor door, giving herself a mental scold in?, and then went ia quietly so quietly that te did not perceive her 'entrance nntil she stood beside biro. He was l.x-tiatr at the picture of Louie Wallace that bang upon tbe wall, and bis face was very grave. It lighted op with iu oIj smile whea Xina spoke. They chatted for a while ia a bright friendly way, talk ing of tbe changes that five years bad brought acd then Eugene's grate expression came back. He looked at tbe pictare over the mantle again. He spoke abruptly: "Mis3 Xina do yoa remember tb linr me once that I was leading a I . , ' , '. I w-t aid. 1 " tt -v.r-. I . PIT - the -ope racAJre.' He walked to at tLe 'mantel sci crazed earchsily the ' pare face in tbe Iht'e ffJtne. -My gaa d.aa aayel,' he whimpered soi t. Uriah! iris crvi the: lea e to reti;a tereraot;ca, . laa ri;.ea iy. ; cT-r her. "t- k,i-f-.pi!iT.f, lie tried to re- straia her twfcri, bat ia raia. 'Xiaa, -? da'iiar.' Aad thea i-he do no: crt ; was fjldt-J Lved tou s wif-.-?' She tr.-- hsd sbowa cic the la; she ttz ia hi a rn-. Xiaa. I've;na. It o IjCjT will y.u he iny ired s i.iv'.uia?: he caaht I. aie'n naaj, a HIv. are- ly: Sh a siiat u Heiveo. I ihiijk , ff I er a- ni v pjre tviard aa aael I j t :u a "t (ri:f tr tLit I I jve t-u fDtw! a mu t-a ul i !jfr (S h b-ed ber b-ad. I 'Thea if v-u 1 -ve ti i n ii m r-:' .;r.e I.- k' U C M'i a:ei truf-l ir.'S evt-. i ; J ;if .i hi-, w.fr-r t-a n lid b-r Iti-a-jd to fii, feli;.tf that ia-t il'-offtris! i. e;'j-d aai thit at jafier wectry Te-rs 'A Aait.u ber ward had CoUie. b-r re- . jiona l.idciun. CiNuX LlMK'.V, if iiericr to the Ci?hi t .f I'eterh T'. v.zb as aa orator. t.iT-'haT! been jcta-.-ccced f t Ieaa Jtaa-'-. 1 lev. a tiort ci nitre-rut juds-e. '" be j renteji j r. g. :,rr of tie ae.' j r-t-rm .as t.re r-eld- Ei I--- t.aa His; aa : b-'ur :cs. a-.d ' f.eaiiaies eictt i aa j h -ur ia tteir dt iivery. Aa emiaeat j Xcacaf ,rri.-a'i.-: preacher write that lea o:e faticn he l;.-teced to lr. ;Liui a " "vi-.h u-ibit-.d iaterest ;aa hour aud t'-it-stv miaate?." M-rravis are aot n.ere.v tor'atorv, ith.'Uifb b? is a fylendid deelaimer, ! but a-e msrtt's cf eompressioa aad coodeo-r.t;-..a, n-tw:t rithytaadiD? their , :ea -ta, uai they are so attractive : he iavariably draws imrseare iieae-.?. Tae 8na-a?eateat thst is to rireai'b aurwhere iathekiaz- th ( au ! he i d.tn is oue tba avs wiielv ex - : cites canosur an . t iaterest, aad 1 jd j : before the hi'ir of the cathedral church is sure to be ' tf-aa-!T ittifkei. It instaccM where i the acajusioa has bee a fcr ticket, the' tickets bite b?eu di.-pocei of days before, tercst aai fcar'iiy aay amout ct la is saffjcica; to obtain cae. ; Caaoa Liidoa's audieaces are usaai- Uit-stick were lighted, ieir rays, ; tfca: occurred, aadthas tbeXapoieoa ;ly largely made cp of clergymen, ia- i filling npon the t-raa meats, produced . ;c KQT fU at Doi oa German but j ciiidic? the mort emioeat of the cier-; a elittenaj effect- Then catered, ia ; a.pa Vrenca grouad, and ita maseh I try aad" prelates. They also attract 1 Oriental hats aad vestures, Isidore, WAS nol w victory but to defeat. i-- . . ... ..i. , ,t-r - ir.ta.:: - I iaea wtt are emiaeat ia pontics, lit- leratore, tcieace aad art, while the ! makes his way with a q'liet, rapid ! tread to the fkloii. whi.e aa 'aaeha - a!..i ll.r.li i 1 t-motioQ a eooiafM i able thrill of etaotioo a contag'wn beloaitff to the Lnr and the scene is feit by tae vast aa Jieace. Y.'i;b : a natural, earnest gesture, ne ak once buries tisjace ia his hands to pray, Wten he fact s yon, toa are impress - ' a w us lis strikiaj aaa fosewnat ' raocartic arpearance. aad by t:s re- markal.ie Lkeaess to St Augustine 1 ia Ary Scaefftrr's celebrated picture ) -f her father, who kept on his hat., as :t f-actioa. The instrament is en vf Ailjjnstine aad Monica. The im-;did the other gentlemen in her train. ; jjj, glf-icuag, easily kept in order, : pressioa deepens, if you have ever i Mst persons rose to look at the ; aadreqnire8 no particular experience ! r-oea a student of Augasiice, as yoo j yoaag lady, who has won a diploma ;or verT i0-,ricate calculation to cae it jf-diow the chiia of Lis discourse. ; as governess, aad who briars 12 000,-; aright Thus far it has been cora i Yea mi.'ht fancy there was a moak ; 000 francs to her husband. She "ipietely successful as regards di- e ton, ta.l the impres- oa is ! helped bv the rawd aad aim--rt lai- ! oercentible act of adoration with wh h Dr. L:d-lea accompanies every ; mention of TLe Xarue. It is stated t.o high authority that this great i preacter ha- spent years ia stunting I nreachia as it is practiced oa the ; Continent, and has is d himrtlf tu lue utjr. liuciti iu France aad i Italy, wiib the ereatcst of which be need jt shrink froai compansoa i He reproduces what is best ia the ; mvot celebrated Catholic orators, dis- j reirdiug mere exteraa'.s, and ap- ha - rtealin 2 to the deei-est sease of ha - maaity the passion, the tragedy, 1 the wlil aad emotions of men. Al- j mort ia his Erst seateace yon see the eTtr-eatial character of his oratory j His manuscript is by his side, bat he! is liberated from its chains: he al - mort ka jws it by heart, aad he ce c!aim it ia a way that is as graad as it is peculiar.. Jlaryci'i 31iya:ine. IHptberia and Dirt. ace dVther'a has increased rata-es, tte medical iscuity cave . oeen &Trsuriag us teat a. .a is rtr-p-in- . ;fljiriLi me iu.j-j.iii ui ia:TT. iuu J it is that personal and hccsehcld dirt I .1 - f - . a- n.n..w r A n. ' I K a j t 'rroeui aau eaieeuie us. yr - iris, thaa whom there is no higher au - ; ihonty, ues this language on ttts lai- portant sabject; it w.ll 1 fund pro - I Stable rea Jiag at every trestoe i whether ia city or coantrt: I ' I tC truta ' l.T-i.. . - L . I nurri: "th.it ! whea speakiag of ciptheria. : dirty or ladly vent.lated boue has iarm.-t.ea tLe requisite conditions ior i mort desu.y retuiLs, w tetter oa low t : Iod ' t'r?h, ia a wealthy neighbor- j hood or a poor one. lea.cai men , ;re beccmiaj mjreaa-J morearave- ! m ei7 eHjITS tO PrOI-lOte tDe Ciea3- , , ! JOff a3U reaova 1-jO LI UAeil.ligi. an 10 which tn s a.-ea-e nas appearea.. t arcane ac:a or any Otbera.rio.eci - ant tloae utterly fails to arrest or to destroy the contagious principle of diptheria. Systematic cleaning and -t....... i aiptnena. systematic cleaning aao ! punacaiioa enouia joiiow tae un i pearaace ox the disease ia every fam - i-'j-" The virtae of good soap and water ; u the necessary charm to ward oa; maaj tiiscomfjrts. aad bow Or liar- ris proclaims for caiversal coasidera tica their tEcacv ia keeping diea.-e oat of our hjuses. Ia these matters; Sam, "and cheap a? dirt at that He j the first Skh cairpa-gn, went to his there is much light f-om exper ence j has every quality, eaa shave, dress i cornmaading oSer, a relative, aad and science, but the trouble is that j hair, brash boots', aad besides pol- j told bim that be conld aot face the faaiilies do not live up to the lighti ij-hed in hi manners. I could have : shot; that he should disgrace him tbey possess. That cleanliness is ! got $1,500 fr tim but for one fault ! self, and mast resign. Hia relauta next tj godliness is often enough on j " "Ha?" said tte planter, "and pray ! cotnforted him kinaly, and tuld him the lips j.t;t so ofiea ia operat;oa oa j what is that?" j he was only nervous, and thought he the person aad in the dosets. Al "Why, sir a ridiculous oae. He -iroot bed his fears; bat the lad he woolea carpet in the course of a few i i marines himself a white man." stepped oat of the tent hot j0! moaths gathers ia it and abjat it thej "A white man." exclaimed the through the brain, intitia? death seeds of disease. Doctors tell ua'n.anter. laazbia?: "that is a fanny when we visit the sick it is better to wear linea. Woolen rarments aad woolen carpets carry aad circulate disease. There are fashionable booses wbere the carpets are not lifted from ona anil -.f th. , t Ik. At h., . n.f 1 aT - :-r: wnoi-E xo. m word to the wi?e on the a3.3;ige9 1 ; cf c'eaIceas, n-: os! on ihe rrsj 'cf tbt? citr, but ia oar dweU:oza4i joa or. r persons, woula oe safficient I f.T a reaeratioa at least. Cottcatj "Are Toa Dlack Matt, dt fiae- M- ; 13 a mistake; ia tbi as ia so manr :o;L?rth.:D:a, cea aad wemea act the ! stupid part ronj choice. Pe- ple's : tear.J arw .et ia ttem to c evil, it i ; heart. ar .et ia reqaires cara expeneace to c-'OTiace .tee raiaT mat ttpt are acting iLe fool's part. Tbe nue-iioa has U-ea ; a-ked with great .iiciia2e. what proaaces aaa west j reteats d ptte- eaee ia lacuare whch caaaot be ! misuaderitood. Diptheria c.ines fr ts dirt. To keep cJ burlars we ba Id onr alarms a: coo;derahi9 ci;.jt. Aa - .eiherf.-e eater aad abides to carrt to ihtir (rraves !'-ired member of o:ir fiimilieT". Tbr- pre"-eu;:w a'vx this iiirrow is cheap aad 2eaci--as. Let popalarire s"sp tad wr if we would attaia our three t.cre aci tltea with c ;xf"rt aad vi,' r. A knd r p;' b- rut id-afv fca- li.-h ui n way wnb revfa'eJ :d -;'. frctba wtifb f jnuM ,- . r!i ., oiet. F r phy.i-I - v.r-i i,'. r w th the rjt.uritai at is s.: :" r:ctt haad atid our i f , (i r-ct irfi fri.'ia heivt-o ar - the itiJitia f r the I-ra liter.. A!a-. h-.w we pervert GoiV zifu t raea, aad rtfje to ee that hralth arid iirt are aata- OB:-ti. . KathmrhlM Jiarriae. To, ter fr. ? L ad n liji'j J" m Pari?, Mrca 2. waica rat ? : Tee roarriasre of Dettini. daugh ter of Rar'a Alph-jae de Roih-ch-.tJ, with ter djuble Erst c-.'ii.-ia Aibtrrt for;3aof Daroa Suiaca a. of V.eaaa, His'tack place at half pan twelve o'chxk ) to-jay ia tne sytjaj-gae 01 tae iwae ; de la Victcire. Xobody w as aaowed : to eater the baildiaj aaiess provided ; with a card. , Ia the interior the ladies &T.-e oa the left side of the temple, mbied wLiie the reatlemea, wi:a their hat? . oa. i ca jrezated to tbe ri jf ht Toe ti-.t . lettes were maca more rica. out leS elt-gaat thaa oae sees at fa.-hiosable J sevice commea-.-esttatboiic weaa.as. lcere was great d.spiat ot jvweiry ia tae Doa- aets. ia which were fastened. ia?teaJ of the tackles now worn, rare aad ccstly perns. Shor.1? after twelve some haaired tapers behiad a sevea braachel caa- tr.e traaa raoat o: i Ar.s; aaa i.ao-i j Uaaer, who was to ofer wiae to the1 aewly wedded couple, They awa ted for seme momenta j the bri ial party ia iroat of ba iae- 1 ina Piaced oa aa e.evaied part ot I tbe floor, wriil re?etno.;nir a. Jlooriru ; ( tbe floor, wnd restnU..n.r w iloorisn ; kiosk. The princes aad princesses ot ,'the Orleans family were placed close ; to me S3actaary. camj iatu "'Ci j the ministers of Caaace. war aad ir- ! eica affairs, aad several general m ; p.aia cotnea. cca i-e ursue aaauaced the rabbis weat to meet : her. She eatered leaamg oa the arm ! small aad iair. When the afftanced couple ascend ed the dais beaeath the baldequic the service besraa with a Hebrew canticle saag by M Lew to the orgaa ac- r.-tmDaaimeat Zadoc Khaa thea de - livered aa eihcr.ation, ia which hejlen fciL jf tije jaTeation is confined alladed to the great Saaacial power j to lte tnierj ja affec. muft be tre- I tne l.otnscanos, aaa puae oi iuc raarriatre as a tresn tie ueiwtea icriH.,H'r aSnnirr nf 5 imn It u j closely united braaches rf that boose, Ibe riaooi Isidore aiso mac a ir - ; tioa. in which he spoke of the Ob'H j gations of the young, coap.e to td their poor brethern according to their : great fortune. Rabbi Bauer, at the irreat I close of a psalm which was chanted j by the fall choir, advanced with aa i aaeient Veaetiaa goblet filled with wiae. which the bride aad briuegroom drank. Oa the latter haading it ! back the ofCciatiag miaister dashed it tathe ground. The Ciash o. brua- the Chineae of the north aad wes en glass against the stoae pavemeat fcaTe pi.nIT wi- d;e for a bribe t announced that the ceremony was at)SftVe m ricb-er 1 frora .j,e m an end. 1 .r.'-e he has earned. The Benaralae. Beatlaa; 111 Xaaler. : A f'tra dealer, name 1 Matthew ' : r,,viann -ha dwelt on the pea coast , of yjinia gome twenty vear3 ag. . . - . , , ! and whose darkness ci color gaiaea : f r" him lLe ecsraomea t,f -Black 1 Matt, ' once purchased a maiatto, but iwhose Banr,eroo9 bad qualities iadae - e(j tte partj r.0TD wc.Jin Matt ; -.r-tt him to ask a very moderate ! i Sam's new master used the l-s-b pretty freely oa the shoulder of the slave, and Sam vowed to be reteazed for lj,e treatment be had received, Black Matt hating done eomethiag to cure Sam cf his bad qualities. snipped him with a gang of .-lire? to Xew Orleans, on arriving at the port dressed Sam op and sent bin on I .k. trt cf nw ktmso-f n-T tK.iiiwti ! being to get a high price for hi ta as S-UVicwcMW-. - , J hatriw tf cat a. hieh t.rire tot aim as i the body servant of 3jme rich Dlaaler. , rariDgbi3 strodia thecity, bearing a porjT entremao expressing a wish to ! ed , pcrcbase a good boy servant Sama j went Ep t0 .j lasi"with aa iadepen- i f,j portit geu-reuiau riprciai; aw lr?u to , weQi Cp to jeat 8w afKr, &id.- : -M dear sir. I have iust boy that will suit yea." . "Ha rejoined the plaater, I am glad to bear yoa say so," for I bate been locking for one for several data. What do yoa ask for him?" i Xice handred dollars, replied j conceit iadeeC, but I csa soon care i htm of that" J "Oh, sir." eoatiaaed Sam, "there ' is bat little doubt that he caa be cur- 'ed, tboorh toa may find some trouble .r firi9 " "Oa board the bark Touiar at thm , wharf; yoa raa ae tiia at aar a aettt," rrplittl Sax. i HJoodl' said tt plaster; I"c .aaci pletaed with year honeiy aoi j candor, and la order to aare tinw . i .ic uiu saoarM aoiiar piea to fiTin a bin of Sara got the clerk to draw op ft bill of ga!e, slzaed the name of Sama! Hopkins, pocketed tha raonev. asd ; told the plaster to ak the captaia far j Elack Matt: te -could biowelf be oa board as ooa as be hadcloed a bar- !eia with another rntletaaa who : was deriroa? of pnrebasjn j one of h:' i.f The planter made LU it to the hrk, aa j demanded of the capTaia to see tbe boy. Black Max T&e of- fir pcioted t- Mat who fat 03 the qur.r tw cgr and aprioi Maubew Hvbn. detk 8rnok;nj periauad.a - the Je- ; trkauta f tbe cUrea. !Iow,;' ked tb sliater. addres-irja- tie slate turrchact. "Foik ckiX me at home,'' u the reply, "but We rut oaoio is Mat- I isew 1100500. 6mt dj toa want; 1 u ie;i tou. istT r 1 .Tit ; I aut you. "You're a likflt Ijk- fril jw, aa J yoa wi.I ja: ru t nie." Ek yoa here, stracer." eai 1 Matt, riii; cp, "maybe you d -a't kaow w ho tou are epeakinif to." Ye. I do, thoua,'"aid the plaj- ! ter, "tou're my i m ff - ur nm- priprny. 1 f7BKb; "er. Jj.ttioel 'Ivpkiuj, 1. -jd Y t UijLt rut-? "rXLiali.d M r-' ii.-i!:; up a- fu.i l-u'9 i-f.-f ib p aaier -Wet, ST, I'rj a h e ma!" "C--:u-. e t. n " J tfee p!a- T, ei:Li. t .-.. o 1 k.f v -.1 t ...j i-.?i t tMi'jr.ii - o T ..j," t- .. J , -1! i i . .1, -i.' i ii 'f'., a" lit-re M.tt d e b-'.-k aad a-d a f.' iw at th ;lnter, wij - - i- i b ,u iy tfe t.r-,t and cl.r. u! p- Iii-e Au-'2crr b(eu-l : .u iLe trf. t & at tb ia?-.Lio uf :&e pla j'er.!eizi-d the refract -ry -Utr a .d tre bicn t. the cwH-htx, ber te rmaiaed ualil evideace C 'Oid be jro curtd idetuifjia a;uj a.4 a free trn b te ci::z!i .t tte Called rt au ia tbr oiea. uie, (it ui tjoa.'d a bp that wa- juai w!fc-bii aa -b -r It a Euri-peau p'ri, and et-r t (ft-a heard f .ioe. Ia Time f War rrf pari for Pvanra. There is macb w Li.m ia the rec orameada'.i jj. Ia time of peace, pre pare for war, aad thereby aumetimerj preveat it. Actio oa tbis pnaciple, ;the coctiaa.us efforts of Prosai to .prepare old Germaay either for de-Jeai-e cr attack my be jatiSed. Oae : thin? is very cetta a. tbt b-jt fvr the itaet nc A Trrmr,.4nka sf F'r n - r - f - - a ia Jutv, i?.o, wcea .auwieua c'ared war aad atarved his tegi-jcs to ;. Grmaat ca.cutatiaaj oa aa aim. .si uaoppoed march into aad oc cupatioa of Uerlia, the revolt would have tjeea different from what is was. Prince Bismark, aK-aredly the n-ost fr-!-eeia of living eiatemea, had prepared for tbe very coanaeacy , tl ..rrj; a;:n of prernrat pears to be to secure the thorough ecieaoy of the German army. To effect this the iateatioosof acience are experimented with, and adopted lEfe:r t Sci-ncy baa been orotea : T eeTere lriml. One of the latest. jnT(,nttj Ky a Belgian artil.'e.-y cff.- iwr ia SB ia5;ranrjeat indicMia the - j tvtaMa two armies by the mtre report of the discharge. We are tuid that tbe moment the enemy fires a shot the action cf the rerK,rt , Q tiie eeCietre (this is the name ! f .j. cacbinel marks the diatance i-baro-es from canncn: experiments on e ride grounds are now being made. j jr lte reS3; ; 5UCCeSt.falt wi enoold prove eqaa..y war will be a yery c."er- thins irom what it has bee a, see- . - no. ,h.ria on!y dm nbot oat of i meadoas, considering tbe present j eIDecu.d that it "will enable the guc- , Drs ia coa5t bftttrT to determine the nosition of a hostile shin a e al j pnlatinn r.;thprto fraayht w-tb aiecial ,i;2iCQ;r f. It i, c mtXTe will be ado certain that the teie- pted by the German artillery ca land and sea tarat auaal feaar af Paata. The f'hinpii of th onthr-t rfpTraa i h. ihnnb 7 who alone among mankind says calm ly, "Jrmr Weroo" ("I ata "tmid"), as if cowardice were a matter of oe i ral and oeil indiaVrenea. or rather creditable tbaa otherwise, goes to ex- . . ... ; ecauoa, as .Uacaulay noaces, like a j bero. aad wiU encounter aa iaetita- . ble aad aeoniziDg death without a i fiatter of the po'ote. His nerve is a j great as that of Wain wright'a who ' died without a perceptible chaae- ia ; tha steadiness ot bis heart beats, tct j who, unlike the Beagalee, with aa ', object before bim would probably bate rur-hed noon the caanca. The j Malay, who cannot te induced or compelled to face rockets, dies aa ; tranquilly as Casablanca, aad the Ciagaler of the coast who will Sgbt ; Uobodv, meets death withon: a mar- ' met t r. rn1ttl. o.tto. r.f tka nM irna .1 LA aui.r-u ..iiwi v. mi. v . v. , who will face antthing earthly ex avK aril ' rent a black rat. taa trofcahly twice as macb fear cf death as the ca.tivat- a,-j women wco can eaaare uea.u dt deadly cperatioa resignedly, yet faint in the presence of anj noisy i danger. The wild romancer uas t the ! ute Aimard states, as a fart withia his knowledge, that a Spanish officer , shot himself dead rather than ctosj : a rope saspeasion tndge: aaa we fcaa voach lor the following story. ! thoush we mast not give the names ; Aa English ensign, jest joined oerore rather thaa meet a cail po b. tru. age. Here is the aaodel yerdict of a eo roBer's jory: "We do heliete, alW due iaqoiriea, aad aceordini to ear bent knowledge, that we do net know k.,ar when and whkre aaid ixiaat came to It deata." i- Troaf Crbtarced "oa credit are breeches of trnat. 1 !!J-K-glwaA'griV t)-rW-- a-.X -re-v-lf