4'" I Terms of Publication. 3:r:-:2;t Herald i'r. - rv r.-iiir pi 4-sth.-rv.iwi t- ' ... .a n '.;-. .sc. :i:iM:c.i mail ail r- , .a:".-i.r.cer .'.J e.-t t.k : '.a"' : ! lUMe f-T '.he reV-JcrlptJ-n- J ar .i,-ti'. 1 : us tU wu ef oie-.r.u :i.-e 1Hk Somerset Printin Company. UN 1- S-C.LL, o.Tii'., a I ; ATTt-itNf i 1 1 ;J pail- y ainua- :I7. AI"T"iN!-Y o lii -l'.: pr..iipl I., t- - lii AT ' . ! 1 , :: LV A 1't.v .Y. All J. A I". .IN li ill.. A 1, IT i.. AUi Ai L.A '. . iiKia.. a i' -a 11 1 i'!';i Tii;XE1E AT L.AW . 11 A -- :- : ,-K. !!. l!-t'- f Wl. n. A 1 r.i. . ! ra:::t. . a:i r AT 1 r t. i'a. !:. ; .cr 1 iiLH.'D. 02- tt'"r 5 aft. a M y. M MAiv'ITN, liESIDEI':-: DENTIST, iMLKSii'i'. 1'-'- -.er.il i m h in- rl- . is . r.s ii tie i tin- i-.irprc ' i, all.... .1 ..... - ;i -.lur.n:.-"-"' .l: ns c r..U l .l.r - l'r I '". - i U i) : MIL "l'.T Wi rl;--Klc I l.ir tue ".-i i - i .e. all- o..-.l III l,-.:-.crs In.- pr-.es.-.I S--:r--r.'-: -n. I vi' n;-.-a-C:..-d s" ' lr;ia ; , p.---: l y irnct t.mes T I i i I N i'.i I.I. DS1TTIST. ; i ;; ;:; t -. i. r'l-Ii's new I cil-iir.i;. .V.a'.ii :r s Sir-.f.. 1...T- L. I'a. kr.Tiiic -i. teeth:: D E T I S T L K l ,.- ; i i.t? r le "i' JI I. I!tUF: HILL. Vv. .1 r? iu; I. V.T.V- 'Mli: S)M El FT HOE r-i: km t . a. f:.. it-.e un .-r- j irp i.- eli.r : .... li. al ! ' '. ri. r.n l ; Jills '. cue ! ii. li. Tn I !i i LA VAN. ..nnd I;, tii. D lAM'tMi HOTEL. u ro vsrov.'x pa. sami :;., cT'u:n. i,-,.v.i;,.loi-. r.;s p- i w -n w n . ;: n.a j 1:. : h.r r.- l.r.- - I .le e i,- at aa j li I; - ' wi,' 1.-..I t.tat-r. i-, K i 1 Fire esI LiMmecej fi.il.ail LI JOHN HICKS & SON, I SllMI'.iET, I'A.. I Aud Rcj.1 Estate Brokers, r.s i Ari.isHi.i) wa. 1 pr-i-iiiiir t D. KNOX MILLER. AKC IIITSKT, N-... 4 SIXTH i ilitt T, Or Stre:t, riTTMlVK.iU. OMES FOK ALL. i ;ve f.,r on t-rrrn w(:t;ir. t'r.r. r.f.. ! r r-.r. b u- r b in:iHiuai. b umi. Uaa. lr:n. 'in1 r li. .r. m;u- r-il 'n . tv;l fcrt. i i.- . in H . rt ri: i-r (UBif in f,npvi-.a t f i (r tn oi.c- ..... i t ,, . ... . . . ... urui ere ou M LiVf M II. ii. a. c. lu I. u (C.U&1 annua! i-nvinrnt . . .,uVl ".T,i v "".." s. enrol. N..ne Leed apply who It d. b aoiwr aa-.i li.ctistri. us hal lrs. i 'all touo. aasotueofthe pr'Per.i. wi.i f T rent if D'K odd s..n. h -4 I) .WEVANH e- i-.'-j ii;..vi:V .w i""' !,ai a-tl.-mh. mrr w uw , ium f ia,,V-ieili haa Hieuis ueiuir tuat uvu.raicaae auu .Mf. 1'I.ATr akeil bilil wno wa.s ll.e eni iii-a-iis e ' y '"" T"---' "u.r-"-:-f .';-,:T i W e w.u. vvie;lirL,Jbl,l,Inwnfl,nw Idisappointmenl tnooj? tb pn-nets; author. , aad chs! !r-a :;t -rrii.- i;i-.ir.e. i ' "vl" 1 Vr"TV1rf,"s V'trU-jlnVm "Tt.'l-mor.tceuif iii-.i.-a! ,tbw ke p.re U,, lirth aDd m .leath, in u. ami in h-i. -bad been moredestructiT ot life than! M r. II 1 1.1. replied that 1.0 dida'tjand s'-i-btcr ;-.bi!.- ,-.t l.rjre y-rts; v. 11. uc?ria. t J'-j";;i',,7ri.';,;;i..,,,U. I. j.M..rwik!ltuUcal-o-ni 'iW' f w .,'IiTaiU Aalfl them with mannathat.lr..pifr..m the ailV physical Cause. ! know. : Were b ih. ii.M. M-ruflM "H !-'V:3r -M?': 't-r-wiS i V Av!:';r V t- vf'fnS ' rh'i"K., .ruYe.-i , , . During the wb.Je three rnantls vf .Mr. I'latt ceclarcd tLu be livt-d ! p!-rie ot. l IK-n -ratie M-. ;',:;!;;-;?:,'::A;,'r . . Wirz-a trial, tbe Federal Ooreroment, witbiu tbirt mile of Elanra. aud j Mr. Iittr. thr, - ur:..ed bi, r- -r- - Ixri- with a., mean, at its d.l, bad I t.at the ,uwa e ..a.pialified.; marka rchtuve : ,!:, ?W ; X . i.-'.'-.uifu. ual i."w:iiy en-'-i- Urtn their live, in the ohl Utne w.y,- not produced asmIe WilaA M eon- lv iV.r-u. , pri .t.c-r.s sr.J S--:d : l Coned-r- ..i.-.r.. - -..! , runiri VfkXVl new four ..I -nnirc and aiuan. tt-rvin - we.WIn. tiailnz as then : r 1 11 VOL. XXIV. NO, 33. msssm m j.j cLiN'l'- STREET, .7. ;iSTi'"X.l-A. .. ; si. ptt-ti.W ii I T '. 1'h::s rvciv !m u ( K-.-S Hue Tn ih.ll.ir. I'twnt nil i I;".,! '4 liii.iir.'-. MS mt mi", liitrresi in u in ' ill.'- -i! -o'1' ' Jcno fcti 1 lM.iuilwr. an I il n -t 1 i,!..'nwn ii" s MvU t'HIi'' f!--aii tnn c.Miiiii'un- i .:. r,, v i,Ki: r.t n rel ei"-nt-. fr!rrm.. with ! I.1-r..I ru iii-i uujt .i-u- .ve:i :o l--rr jwen ' :-r Sr--. r.-n nf.rTjwrtu Hfr I i;7r-.-s ILe lni' Mri i ao iinnl. rclff- 1 1 Lin ptimm:I'i; tx--mT-d .Tine L ink. 11 ...iu mi ! TSi r.i" '-'in ; J. O.KI3I5IEL&SO hell & Kimmel, -oMEiisrr. pa. . ., Account cf Z-H:czta and oi-' -...r!,t.l':v' CriS CV EUotnt-ba rci;,.!'. 1 nCfcCu-clc :i --I p 'l DrtSCf tJJ UOUn- ,-v,.t .!i.v v.:ri. a in . u;.. e. ol every irvea Hnu " . P . j ,t..a in t. l.ra-.u.-c. ami 4 the newest lu.cntf.n ItTV for SllO. iiC.lCy i-CvUCa UkU Collc-cuor.3 Eiaae. Cambria County 8 A N K , cg .'iai. sr.rr.i.s. JOKZJSTOWX'J.PA., I :t".i"-' It's . 1.. 1 l,t-.s Trunitl-f!"d. " , ,,,.. an , ,,, t -CrriiS-iie.! A lis ii' Tdl td ''.Litis -. i a-1 li- l-! b4 Ml. . i. 111:1'- in i'.i V I ..:..! t ' ;r.:: at lh ra.e 1 1, 1 1 10:i:i CI2EHT. JOHfl D. ROBERTS ! JOHN DIBERT&CO., BANKERS LUEa :i3 153 itJMW mini j JOHIiSTOWN, PA. , A-i:i;ul of Slertliants i4iil lft Iter bu-incsis iejl' tolicil '!!. liralU m-uotialile .in all j I'tariH ol ilie o.umtry lor Mtlp. I.'onoi lOillirii Willi Ollfvmsaiw :K;le. Iiil-r-i.t ut lUe rate f I'er eeuU r annum al lotted oti Time tei.il. Savins? Iepoit lloK l etl. and Interest t'oiiipoanded Seini-aBniially when ieireU. A iia:e rai liauiittti; liusiiicae. Irani-acted. . vj. Ursina Lime Kilns. T'.-.e r,r''er-!ui.'" '. are prepare.'. !e-t-o.-lsh ai a. a.a By the Gar Load. Orders Licspccifullj' Solicited. K. J. I5ATZ1-II A t. ;'-:;. JliM IS. New Firm. SHOE STOEE, SNYDER & UKL iraln ivrtreJiaetl Hie Shot Slorc latelj' ow neil Jy II. V. IleeriLH. urc 1:1 c.i::i:.ir ti.e a tier.'.: : t b-f w l..ive n .w m 1 ly n hiii.d as c mj iete r. , eep cnni;:i i Boot?, Shoes and Gaiters EOTIl of ! Eastern in d Homo Manafactun i c-13 te foiiiid anyii-here. We als.. will have.v katw cs:.in::y a tall u; ply ut SOLE LEATHEK -MOP.OCCO. CALF SKIXS, Kirs, AXD LIVING SKIX5 cru: Is. wi:i a hitl line of Shoe Findings. Tt-. Hi.AIK MAXrr.UTt'RK DCPET AIL.'S I will itc in ciurica ui 2s . 13. Snyder, Ksq. i Wh..se rcpetat'ioo 6 maklaw . ! GGod Work and Good Fits i i I- ee. t tnorne In the Staar. The pahlle It r s;ioc1.ully lnvitil t eell and sisnial wur ttork. i a we are lietcrmine'l to keep -io.ls as kimmI al lb : li ao.1 sell at prices as kw aa the hi west. SNYDEE, & UBL.Ij i D A T C J m . -T . . . r . " - r i o I iio citmTK pruuiuirT O I - arch.. No tee. auv.nce. Ne i u.r. .imieoiiii. m.mui. wttB irr.renee. rre uib.t lu Waaliijta, and fhuaweliiti. . NNULLT BEOS. kMcTIOHE, Mr-4 I" Fifth ArrP.ttstiurirh, Fa. e rrLKTUNS' ami: iuc an cyc i aim:dia r.EVisEi i:i)iTiON. ii-ir-lreriiw t-J tb writers ..n ery rh onsuiij .uwuacd nnuwUie tiileuf ir'u 1W . Vi t'h. , U."clrc?1,uon !i a Uj a.-i luU ixiri.-'-l tt,,! ii-i-, 11 s Ut niui - --- ---- 'i'.-L'n'avu u..'- uie r-ilt..r ami i-uhLc-r. t..ai-iuuiaaa exm i ai.-l lL..mifi rwuiosu an.. u-i-.-uo a u cuiuuu,;uaiK-i AsiiJtiLAS .- p.i:ii A. i-weuurSe.d e nnicnr aua uidusuiaA acuvuj i.ii.- : u ciuiii'.-iii.-i;.'. , , , , Afi-e a, 1 Ti..n t...nr ir rtIl kn-w.-ao ln-.ve u..en uil uv liic iu.etnaul l'"'rtra oi 'il'J1'..! reroluiiiiri t! the last decaite, wnh tii't u.nural rvr-uiivl 'l'"1 ' hiive I..-..U -M lino M-wainultitaaeni new mi-n.wli.we ' miin-a an' in every nae'r-UMUtu, aiw oi wh. lives cv. rv ,.ue in curi,.? f. kn-w the par.icn.ars. Ur.at tm-tb-t have i.-n t..usrht aud imfTianl au-aet niaiui.autd. ol an.cii ti.a Ui-uius areas yel j.re--rve.t ..nlv 11. the iwi.lrs.in IM 'ran .-irnt 1 puolt -a ifi- ..I t.o day, t.nt winch uht n..w to I take iuea-place in iwioiancat and authentic rdi- i1' ,., the pr-.-stot e-i.tion l..r the prefs. It h,i'i, iVothei theciu.-r, wiu.s ! -l-'wn ii.e .:..riu.ith.n W the latett p..it.)e dalea. 1 j.u.t ., turai.-h an accurate Ille m",t re- lh.. ,.ra.-li-l an,, as well as U icive a succinct ao . I - - . .1 . I . . .r rr..VB lit lit ileal dl IllS- p.inir and carcftil i .. i. 1 ,t.if -a mt tiie uii'i-i ample re- ! "nVim .if the orictaa! stereotype hbeen J ' U-I-.I. I ut every iiie nas neeu ...i... - iyi. iij: lu t.i.'i a new e Iia-ti:i. wit.Ii itie ... . t... n.itiMiu us us itretlfs. r, rut wi h , ' . - . ...... i .rv YiM'ii liiure. au't I Wb saV'irested by Hiitereaperieuce and eniargtd I kn. i....!nf.ir..r the ..i 1. :.. . . .... 11 lii (.-iinr irn time in ihe pre.-eut e.u:i u.ivc iJ"' 1 i.e ii;'j-:rj-.i":;? i-..r. . - ' t'T Hie sae.j; pi.-iori-i - -- - "i-'ity a ad hree f. tiie spiac:U.i..DS tn the .ext. The, emhrave all hranehes oi -- u! B;"u- mi liis:..rv. and depiet the 11, ln.n nnd tr. ..rk.hl.- leature.lt H, aery. r-h.lec.ar. an. an. sc nvii j.-'tiiv vdii''"' . ' srra-tii a rau-.er tu.iu ru. u. n--. , - .. j have l--. n i-pare-i t.. Insure tmtr artistic en-el-i l n.-e: ihecMi.f their accutl.iu it euvroH. and In 1, Uhevci ihcv wiiiiinda welcome rc.p;i..n as i an a imiriiM.. leasun- i the C y :l-.pa;.iui, sad w. ! Hit. .f lis hiifh character. ! this w-ra is e-td to cui.scrihers.mly. pavnt.lc 1 n deliver 01 each v.tnine. li will i-o w inploed i i'i siit. cu hrD eiKV,.v .lii'aL. each .-..n;. niunit iau iu-.it) uues. mil r.lu.v.rate.1. with s-vera. tiiaAind W . K-iiifriivu.s. au-lwdlt uuiaerMU i t.-rci i-:ta 'rapine Aia PKICE AND STYLE OF BINDING. Ia extra t'i.-th. per vol - In Library Leather, per vol In H OI I iK-K. y .M.irr.KC". perv.il... Ia ilaif Ku'ia. e:r gilt, per vol... In fi.il M rTud-o. amiiiJC. gilt e.ist-. In full ha.-eia. per v. 4 l i.r . r. .-...in.ii s ruw r.-: lv. Snccee 3 S . ft 10 lu , pT Vol nn.o .-.n. ;..t I. .n. wlliiHissue.l ..nee intw.i momha. Suci-iuien pag's ol ill Auiejian I yclopa. Jia. showiua typ.t. iila.-tr..ii.ris, etc., will be sera ! im rit .ii. ivioliriili.in. i Firs: ela-is cauvafsiz airen's want"'. U,!res J. H. WILLIAMSON. Agent, No. I0S SixthSu. l iitshargh, i'a. decs Pin nrrrnr tee laLUilJiL Fl UlaiilUV L'JaJ l i! II E V II I I. II "SHORT LINE" XXt:,.LS . LE KOUTE. Tar. ?:i'nTF.-T I.inf. M.T'Ski;. IITT-trUrilGII and AVASIIIXGTOX CITY ! This is the c.mt niuK t Eornt to WASHIMITOX tlTY AND UVLTIMOItit Persocs panSut-ing Ticket by t!n R-wtl TO B.4f.r.Mo;.f:, p.'7t..:r.rr.r;;.L .Vilif i'O.IK BOS TO -V. , c. 77i:;-c f.c firirih-ye of visiting WASHINGTON CITY KKEF.. Puiiaian Tal:;.'.: Cars, Air Drake, aad a!' M-.lern Improvenients. rao...,."- viia K2: THkfiri;n -.. i'a.-r:.ATK"s QTllEOl' llI EXPRESS TRAINS Fr in I). p. !,C"r. Gnat ar.1 V.'a'er Sis," A r 0 4 ; fc.OO A. F. DAJ1.Y. DAILY, ( Except Sar, iy. j Ft.r time of Local Trains, si-c Pitt' 1 v.Th Daily Paper. '.1' "Save mr.ny honra tirr.n by t'lio "Shout Link. patronizing Central Ticket Office, 43 JtL Arc, Pittsburgh, Pa. E. K. JIYSDm. X, Gen. Sup't. mNXELLSVlLLE. Jf.iveia'ier. Iti, l7i. URLI.SG: FOLLANSBEE & CO, IVIerchant Tailors, Ger.fs. Youth's and Boys, Fasfeiai CMMai and MsJIai 121 Weed Stieet, cnniir Fifth ATennr, PITTSBURGH, aprL CLATK ROOF S. who are o,w baildlriir hnoses sl.i.uld know tha' l I' eher in the leoij ran tn . nt on klate K . s kl ui tin or shinttlea. Slate will last forcrer, and non-pnirs are reijuire.1. Siaie ?ivn tbe pnr M w iter t..reitern.. pihite it fire pmr. Everr a-i.rf l.ewslaMild have a Slate rC The under sijne! is l.K-ated in OuulierUa!. where he 'ha a Kusl so, ply of Peachtcttoin &. Buckingham l-,r nxihinc the rery hew article. lie will nrnter- take to pat Slate li.s.lt on H.sx-a. pahltc an.1 prl eute. siares. Jar., either in town rr eonmry at the uwei priea-t. ami is warrant in a. an awl aee him or a.l.lrrt him at his Oth.-e. No. 110 Baltinxir Street, limaerland, aid. Order anay be left with N O A U CASEBEEK, - Agent, Somerset, Fa. W. TI. SsirLiT. April 14th, 1M. omer SEW YFAR'! MliHT IX 1 II K OLD II 4 I JE. !V UFA riXICIA The ml.'trcM nul by the eiovirg trc Whin the y ar was In iiu wane ; Anl the fruien boughs, as the wln.J grew higher, koiuekeil a 1 the wlniWw pane. Like a guet n.-ii-i 1 jen, an-l lonx deiajed, Who liummt'il thru' l:i apl, . he. Wn-).-k!i.i, PliTetl, A tt n.itr chromallc n nm. Th firc-llglit liicniertJ mi-jk an J hnt, Ami the curtains' fern manlit sweep ! SkijIIcJ ac l jwdvcI in a sn-iuen xatl I As the Jo-rs Ba.-WijJ.-in4 lik on. j She tw ttw l. n Motsin mmr. :j ib, an.l nui-.cn fttely ilamc. ! As if each ba.l a trvt to keep. A fry?, with the hr.a?e that wan ouee .their own, a tryt, one night in the year, liuryin, wedding, tolling as then ; Greetiuif their (racsts with a welcome kind, Ealing tile's apple all clean tr-.m the rind Then calling it hitler, like men. The bride in her ceil like a bloss..iny nii.t. Came siiently cp the stair. The hrideroc-m beside, tat they shu-Mered. I wit. At the sound of beseeching prayer; At the subhlnst wail of a lu.ieral hyoin. Aid their fair yonng faces looked pale and dim Ey the funeral torches' glare. S-Jiily the dirge died away on the ear. The rjms were aU lit and ashinc Viili jewels ami satins and w Jinan's :;rar F.isliloned In iiualnt design ; And the rdces of riuls rang load over all. While the fee; o! the dancer" were siK to their rail An ! the goblets hriuimejuver with wine. Aii, ti.e iiiiia wi.-re suon .jncneheJ, the vh.-l.t ail Q.ute, The red wines ail spilled on the flj.ji. The (rarUnds all withered and dead nnderf'pot. The goes' flown away as a tireeze Whirls the ghosts ..f a thistle iway out ..f sit;h; When the chimes of the New Year rails out on -ti.e nlj;ht With a noisier lian 1 touchicg the kevs : The mistress mused by ihe waning fin. While the bells kept ringing on, S j .na and sii gini;, "O sou! aspire I'roni the plane of the year that is g-.-ne, The .iat of old error shak -- oirat its bir, (iir ! Ihy.eir f.r the nw one, ant s thiu wilt hear " The T-i-ieeof the j rl at tlic? dawn ."' Ben. Hill's Speech. ilte Gcvennnent Ciiar8u Wl Ii- hnmaiiity asl Cruelty. i The South Has Come Back to Reign. On January 11th the House pro ceeded to the cousideration of tbe Amnesty Dill, and was a Idressed by .Mr. Hill, of Georgia. Ue disclaim ed all de-ire oa the part of bim?e!f aud bis ar.-ociatcs from tbe South to rot peu ill feeling between the sections. The country bad already suffered enough from feuds. He and bis asso ciates bad come here with the patri otic ideas to remember nothing but the country and tbe w hole country, and turning' their backs upon all the honors of the past and to lock, with ai! earnestness, to find glories for the future. The gentleman Elaine, wbo was the acknowledged leader of the Republican party in the House and was the a.-piring leader cf the Republican party of the country, has however, willed otherwise, and seem ed determined tbat the wounds which were healing should be reopened and tbat tbe passions which were hushed should be reinftsmed. He Hill wished the House to understand tbat he and his associates did not recipro cate either tbe purpose or the mani fest desire of the gentleman, and while they felt it their imperitive du ty to vindicate the truth of history as regards their section, they did not intend to say anything calculated to aid the geutleman in that Work of criminatiou and recnmimination, and nf L,f.i,irt(r nn ttiA wnplir t,. it it inia rtd after the brave men have said tks war f hall end The KDilnman from Alaino bad made two nuints in bis fDeech the magnanimity and grace of the Re publican party and the brutality of iho.-e whom be was pleased to term "Rebels." As to the first questiuu, he did not propose to weary the Houe to day, because, with the his tory of the last fifteen years yet fresh in the mind of the world, it was use less to speak cf the grace and ' mag nanimity of tbe Republican party. With the master enslaved, with in telligence disfranchised, with society disordered, with States subverted, with legislatures dispersed, its peo ple couid not afford to talk of grace and magnanimity. If tbat were grace and magnanimity, be prayed God to save the country in the future from Rucb virtues. Tbe gentleman from Maine bad made the grave in dictment against Mr. Davis that be was guilty of the morder and crimes at Andersonvilie, and tbe gentleman Elaine stood before the countrj with his very fame in peril, if, att-r making such charge, Le failed to prove it. He Hill would take up the gen tleman's propositions in their order. He Loped tbat no one would imagine tbat be was here to pass aay eulogy on Mr. Davis. Tbe record on wbie-b Lis famejnust rest, Lad been made np and Lis companions and friends Lad remitted that record to the only tri bunal tbat would give an impartial judgment to an honest posterity. In tre meantime, do eulogy of bis could help it; no censure from the gentle man Elaine could damage it; and no actor resolution of tbe House could affect it. Tbe charzo against Mr. Davis was that be was a deliber ate, wilful, fchemiog murderer of thousands of bis fellow citizens. Knowing the bigb character and rep utation ot the gentleman from Maine, he Hdl bad supposed when be beard tbe charge fall from Lis lips that Le certainly made a tecent dis covery, and he listened for the evi dence, but what was it? Nothing bat the partial report of a Congressional committee. TLe testimony read was fXclusively ex parte testimony, taken while the gentleman now on trial be fore ihe country was in prison, with out a bearing and without the eppor- tunity of a hearing. If there was j any principle held sacred in the An-1 glo Saxon mind, it was tbat an Eng- set ESTABLISHED, 1 8 53 SOMERSET, PA.. WEDNESDAY, until he phoiild be coaf'rtmtitl w i:h his witocriacs. Dat the trstinionv was ant oqIj er j-arfr, bat was mu tilated, iajjenwufly iniiiila'.ed, palpa blv muiilatrd; must adroitlj mutilat ed. Iu tbi eonofetioa Mr. Hill re ferred to the statement nf Dr. .Juu-!, one of the witnesses oa Wirz's trial. wha bad beer sent bj the Conf - der - ate G'jrercment t- niake a report as t tne anoitiin or ADiiersijnviiie, hiit i whoe report nerer reached the Cun - j federate ambirttie. That rept-rt baa, jiu the Land of the Jude Advocate, I been muiildted. and Ir. Jones had I Called the atteBll'JQ 'f the Clirt to tbe fact, one of the suppressed elate- nect ibe- name vl Air I'avn with ai single atrocity; Even on the day of! his execution, U'irz had been offered j commutatioti-or Di.s sentence it be wouiu implicate .Mr tav;, out ir. s ..li : I i, . . if , answer to bi. counsel as, ".Mr.., ik-bade, you know that I always iid Tou that I do not know aavtbia about Jcller.-os la vis ; he had no connection with rue as to what wa. - done at Autltraouville; I would not become a traitor a.i'.nust hitn or nv- bodt else, evea to .-ave mr life.'M Hut what Wirz, within two boiir-i of hi. execution, would uot .-ay fir Lin life, tbe gentleman from Maine say.-i to the country for thesakeof keeping his party ia power. Seupatijii.. Sir, Chrisiiauity is a fal.-eLood, hu manity italic, civilization ia cheat or tbe man wbo would not m ak.j a fal.-e charge br bi. life w as never 'uiltv of wilful murder. ..Mr. Hill went on to ar.ue that, on I. i , - r t in:.. tne logic oi Air. toame s speecn i (holdiug Mr. Davis re.-ponsible for I tue acts oi inuer;, i it-aiueut tj-aia; . ... -CTI--J-. I. ri ... miirbt tie held refponsibie for the act.- of McDonald aud Jotce, and he ark - ed whether Mr. Elaine mearit t e.--j tablish a rule of con.-tructioa that j would authorize tbe country to ar- rainie Freeident (Jrant for complicity I ia tbe wbi.-ky frauds. Was Mr. Grunt j : re-pousible. he asked, for the Credit i ciuouiei . v. .u. u t. . j or for tbe frauds ill the District of Columbia aud yet Mr. Grant Lad j absolutely sent to the Senate cf the Lulled Mates i.r Conn; mation tor , Ingh uluce, tne name or a man Al-, rrotn Elanra. l erUaiM hecouM nave luding to Alexander II. Sbepbard, of;Mnelled the smail-p-X that far; he Washington who stoou charged be-' f..re the couutry with the gros-ot I speculations, and frauds c-n ibis I)is-1 trict, after the cnares uau been j made and w bile tbey were pending, j He Hill -3 neither the author uor tbe diciple vf mcb political iog-i ic, but if ltd KemlMUiiau'a fr.la.ii'l proposition with regard to .Mr. Davis were true, tneu ny tne same iogicj .-uttered in tei.-.-al bands, it we General Grant, instead of being en-1 choose to tell. Thousands of our tilled to a third term, was entiiled to!p,)(.r fellows came home from twentv terms in twenty penitentiaries, i Klmira. F..tt Helanare and other Laujjbitr Thearijument was false ; it was a libel on American rules of law, and was wi'bout precedent; no precedent for it could be found in any civilized country, lie Hill acquitted Gen eral Grant of complicity in the w his ky frands, and the facts acquitted Mr Davis of complicity with any atroci-j ty anywhere. Air. Itill proceeded to quote the law of the Confederate Government on the subject of the treatment of prisoners, in which it is provided that rations for prisoners of war shall be the same in quantity and quality as those furnished to en listed men in tbe army of tbe Con federacy. That law, be Baid, was passed by the Confederate Congress, was approved by Davis, and was, so far as Davis agency was concerned, executed. Tbe rrentleman from j .... - Maine Las gone so far as to sav that Mr. Davis bad sent General W inder to Andersonviile for the purpose cf organizing a den of boorrors. The answer to that was en order locating !,rU,0D9' ?rbic.h LMr Hi.'i Pr',cekld read, and which provided that tney should be in a bealtby locaiion. with P'en,y of pure water, running stream, and, if possible, trees, nnd in tbe immediate neighborhood ot grist and sw mi'ls. Tbat, be said, did not look like organizing a den of hor rors. Mr. Claiue had said tbat no Confederate prisoner in tbe b mds of tbe Federal authorities had suffered, but that they had always been al lowed to bay whatever they wanted. The only aaswer he would give to tbat was tbat he himself bad one bad the b. .nor of being in pri.-oa in the "ortb, and on the firnt day of i his imprisonment the ofr.cer in charge of he prison bad kindly told him be would put him on Andersonviile fare and would not allow him to buy anything. lie Hill only got re leased, from impri-oiiment after ten days 4-fTort before General Dix, of New York. He then proceeded to discuss the cause of the bormrs of Andersonviile. He said that the first cause was tha want of medicine, bat whose fault was it that tbey could not get medi cine? They didn't have medicine in the Confederacy, and the Federal Government bad made medicine con traband of war a thing which no country oa earth bad done before not even the Duke of Alva. Even tbe gfneral cflicers bad instructions to examine women passing the lines, to search their petticoats even, so as t present their carrying medicine to the Confederacy. Who, he asked, was responsible for tbat? There was also another misfortune, and that was tbe want of clothing. Clothing, of course, bad been made contraband of war. He declared that w hatever horrors existed at Andersonviile, not one of them could be attributed to a single order of tbe Confederate Gov ernment, and tbat every one of them grew out of tbe necesnity ol ibe oc casion, which necessity was fastened on tbe Confederates by tbe conduct of tbe other side. He challenged Mr. Rlai le to meet him face to face and fact to fact in tbe discussion of the question, declaring that tbe time was. past when tbe country could accept impudence of assertion for force uf argument for the truth of history. He Hill didn't want to unfold tbe ibapier on bis side. He was aa American wbo honored his country and his whole country, and it was not pleasant for 7 JANUARY 2(5, IS7U. biin to brie;? forward proof thst a it pvrtioa of b":s cinatry lin-i been guiltr ..f iif-.ii t-riaie ur wilful treat!iirr,t f liit-i. h rri.r- kiiw iineMfilili! fi'om a cute iif r. ad Le vv:tiitt'l the ; p. opio to recoUt-et that, .- that Lere - aftt-ribey thoultl a-H be Lurried tuto; ati-'ther war. Jjiiil, a a set-off to lUi! ' t-iitlet.iaa"rf iU:ii. ! abutit Auutrs..uvii!e, Le tatfiiieiit .vuul.l r'.-ail J Hutue ex!racitf troiu a loiter written ; ly a C-'iifederdt-j e jr.-on, who wa. ' a j.ri-o:ier cf war at Eliiiira. 'read por;io:'..s of that letter, in which j ii wm taied that the m rt.i!itv at E.tiilfU W.1 not i'.-.---i tilda 8l Aflifr- ! sua villi ilr. Hit.L. retried that Lc in 1 net say tbat the eutc-tuentd were tru- but oniy thai they were as ood oa the suifuit-Qis ipiotei on tLo olfcerjaud trati-p irt t- Hk' Le mci'L-lv used tLera as 2t I- I1-' te,t!ii S. Uut. after ail. what was th Ja - i to the decree of iiii-ery suffered ia : Nurtberu aud S-.iu:hcru prisons t Ti.e j ttj. wa-i the rt-.-ali. Tue LIr Stantou. Secretary of repori of War file ! Kpubiicu side of the Iloti.-e will U-lieve Liiui exbibi.td the lact tbat t,0 Federal i."iocera ia tbe Lands tf the Cohft-iierate autriontics liuriuir the war, 22.57a bad died, and that w i ut Uoii.'eii.-rate prii-jaers ia i-etteral hands, 2)5.-137 had died. Surgeon Geatral Uarao- (be supposed tbe He-; publicans would Ixlieve him also)! bad givt-u-iLe number of Confe-ier-1 ate pri.-uuers ia Federal Lands daring j tbe ' ai S2:j.00U aud of Federal . j iirione:s iu Confederate Laous as t ilO.tmi Therefore oat of the 070.000 pri.-oaei s only 22 ia 7C Uollit L'deraf Maaa-, while bad dieii. out oi tue 220,000 Confederate nris-1 oneri ia ii u!ed The rat Cobfedcin e 1-etlcriii Lanus2a.i:." bad .fas t a eiVe per in-uaers ia cent, of the Coi f Federal tiie f ' T-rt liiae p.-r j location baud- died, and los than cent, of Federal prisoners ia the baud- of Confedera.es: mv friend, raddn-.-i-inir Mr. liiaiue witn irrcut c u, iiu i i, u. ii: tue iiijiin-uia . 1 would have Mieved General Uariies ia preference to any p ditician over there. The g-utlem in I'iatr. shvs ne lives thirty-.-iit miles away certainly could not have seen it; aad 1 venture to say that, if the .-mall-pox was at the priu camp no one could have t him nearer than tbirtv- miles lie is a woudtrfu! witness. rLatiLterl, but it is not eoaal to the matitared evidence which the gent'e- ina.i from Maine tiilroUuceij yestcr dav. W'e know bow our prisoners places with their hngprs uor.en o!f, with their toes frozen otf aud witb j their teeth fallen out. Rut the great question is. atla-t, who wa3 re-p itsi-j ble fr that slate of things t and that j is really the only important question. ! The New York 'f.-Jmn-. ia 1 ', language"!. "Tbe";obiiniao?tv of the He went on todiseassi the history ( referring to the oeoarreue.-s which I;or.ornT to"our )r;Soner can be no jn. of the exchange of prisoners, stating j Lave related, says: (I sapp-'se you ! tiiifdjiorj f,-r a' d'rerrr,rd bv .: of th that fell iTooositi jus from the Con fed-! crates lor exenange ana ior amelioration of the condition of th. Ills prisoners, were refected by tiie Fed-j eral Government. I air. ISi.aine a-ke J Mr. ilui w netu er be Lad not been a member ot thci Confederate Senate. .Mr. II ill replied that be had been. Mr. Elaine then proceeded to quote a resolution offered in tbe Con federate Congress by Senator Hill, of Georgia, to the following effect: ' That every nersoa' pretending to be I.. a soldier or officer of the L nitcd States, who shall be captured on the soil of the Confederate States after the 6m of January, I Soo, shall be presumed to have entered the territo-, rv of tbe Confederate fetates witb the intention to incite insurrection and to abet murder, and that unless satis factory proof be adduced to the contra ry before a military court, before which his trial shall be had, he shall suffer death." He akcd Mr. 11:11 whether he was the author of that resolution. Mr. Hill I will say Vj the gen tleman from Maine, very' frankly, that I have not the slightest recollec tion of beuraog it before. Mr. Elaine You do net deny it ? Mr Hill I do not know. Mv owu opinion is that I never saw the author cf thct resolution, but I have no recollection cf it. If the gentle man can give me the circumstances under wcich it was introduced, I may "ecollect. -Mr. Dlaixe On the Grst of Octo ber, ISO 2, the Judiciary Committee of the Confederate Congress made a report and offered a series of reso.ij tions, and thereupon Senator Hill is recorded as having ofTered the resolu tions w hich I have just read. Mr. Hill I was Chairman or the Judiciary Committee in the Senate. aud very likely, like the Chairman of j the Committee on Rules at the last j session, I may have consented to that; reptrt. Laughter at the exper.se of ! Mr. Dlaiue Mr. Elaine Does the gentleman admit that he made that reiv.rt '. ilr. Hill 1 do not know; but it is very likely. Derisive laughter on the Republican side. Mr. Elainf. The copy which 1 have quoted from is entitled "Repub licanism in America." I wish to kuow whether the gentleman was the author of that resolution. Mr. Hill 1 really do net recol lect. Renewed laughter oa the Re publican Bide Mr. Blaise Persistently The gentleman does not say that lie was uat the author of it. Mr. Hill I do not; but I think I was not the author cf it. ilr. Elaine I thought that as the geotleusau's effort was to show the humane character of the Confeder ate Congress, this might aid him in remembering the facts. Mr. Hill With all due deference to the gentleman, he did nut think any such tbioc Laughter He though; he would divert me from the purpose of my argument. Mr. Blaine Apologetically Oh! no; the gentleman can have ail the a r tn a V4 Uj ,! ihu; L w-in;?. -Mr II ir.r. Wi. : r; 'CoT)r-iic; i'- U r.'frr;::i.:it u-jTi t :: ke : ar ' t .r.t"ft '.V the Vo:J, tU-Tn:r f'i.i:i d n--l ref-ilt tr : '.'i I dif 1 rte-l bf tue :r- t-tt sf; 1;: ',1 '. H' ; c.ur-e t : u:--f v " :r .,!'.! ,lLU that i i -: : . . "i ttji-r ..f : in'ak ir. . po-e ws n r :iv.:;-.:i f !.ir-ry ' ti i Ili-.r.v-jV Ah- iLvr ! . 1 tt'.e f ''' . r-,... j,- ;.,r, irr-) th' f k: " y.-r t m: i. y:,r 1 -i i : nr.. ; I c 1 - ... , ii t.) ( 1:.-child. N : .1 I man '.VulliM but stria- fives' late ivtraaie:. .:i':v !;; ; iu Au ;-':rt, 1 5 ' !, : Gavi-rauieDt if th- I'e.l-rsi ;'...! j-i-u.l teart:tT Saviinrmii, t be ('in- ls-.vtr:saiet-t 'A'oti tad w. 'Jlide 1 r-ri:-"''; ! 1 ;r n !'.'rj ;a i. ' bind.s witb-.i:t an iivalet.t Tba ! nr.-t) ;Hioii which wa- C"'fi!fr.ttn:c.ited j to tue Fcdei'iil autLorities ir Auca-t 1801, wi- not ans Ai red until Leeera- !ber, IS:'., wl a some h:ps were t Savannah. 1 cc records w I cc recor ds w.ii .-now ' lliat tbe chief Miffriajr. ibr chiofi , ni'Ttaii' t s Ander.nvtlle ie-!f t.vttn au ra-t aaa j i.-c ortr. i t. i e cO'.iini to anay iu.u suueria !lav tbat suffering byi akiag you U tke ' our p-i.- ;ers otfj our hand.-?, without na etp.uvalcnt and ; without a?kiii? you ;-j returu a mm j fr them, and you rvfu-ed to do it. j .Mr. 11:. 1 went on to quote a feries of res.dutioas pa.-rcl by iht; Federal; i ;.n.-oaer-i at Andcrsonvi oa tae ! i-.ii of Septembc, l'Jl. ia wr.;eaif, aii due t ra;-e i- iiv a to I C I'O - ,l trite ' ivernmect for the attention paid them, aaJ 111 w n:ch it is -aiu that the Uiier:nu's 'o;ca tuey enir.is- ut caa.-ed iu'.eaUouaii en sen v-'- -v '."rale ti '. erua.eu:. oa'. '-v of circumstances. C ';"! u;i oi iu;ii resold. !oj. .-ir. .'.i r. Jill I lirartT nrn -arn always: ; L-.nc-t and tt;. Soi-tiir- n-vr -lan-, iet 0 tiie ta'.emt.'tii.- (lasers at A':di-r-o;i-. der. 1 .v'.a! 1 i ui i. .j-j.--.. - . ... .... w.. ille, as coataiaed ia thai tes-u!u.e.'s. ! ia preference to the whole tribe ! j Repa !iii':au pjliti.i.ia. Laab cr i oj Ucuiocraii ciide.J ' Lat caa j ai 1 ut taope.'p.u L - nL - b ai-peala front t - s c.va sold.e Aua yit t iii rt.-poa-tf t j mat, m:o- : cor ci:u not c-jia ed, were ail the Dy, ne e ;ni iiid-1 iipptii IS re-:s.C'l . W'bv d:i lb-- Federal autho-ritie. r'-' use 10 iiltoW the.r own .-dr,'e-ias to, attend tneir owu Soiuitrs. stra pr.s uuers oi wi.r, aud to carry taeia rut .1 icnie an I coaitoris.' Why did the Federal Gove-anient rel'udo U fc.t ebauge pri-oaers, man t,r man and oiiioer l..-r oaitr ;' Why did it refu?c to slaad up to i:s own s.-lemc cj;; age-; mt'iit, ma-.ie ia 1So2, f.r the eS-La.a-" ' of prisoners .' Wh .iia the faait . j Thtro must be a rr a sou f.r thi- groat atrocity, and that is tbe next pa: at to ! whi'.:h 1 i.-a t ) cail tno atteati.'n the House. Li-ten to the reason. would ticiieve tL iuil a ifij.nr 1.1 von iij n. : August thy t Oiioeve 1 r thels ol; i ; , 3 ) red ' the exchange, man h r rr.aa. (i -i. Grant then telegraphed the f "i'.Jv ir.noruat order: 'It is cara ia our I a rcctly o mence a iadirv'ctlv. If w com whieh n, we whole -v stein of e.Xiici;'. liberates aii tie prisoners t Will have to fight on until t! South is exterminate! If we L:.!J those caught, thor count for no more. ha.i dead p.ien. At this particular time to nloa-e a.i rot-el pns. aers ;a , the Xoitii, would itisure Sheridan's; defeat and coainntaise our safety : here.'-' ' ! Mr. G Attn ELl a.-ked Mr. Iliil fr.r.i ; what book be was reading. Mr. Hill replied tha: tho o!a:;.ej from which he was reading was tlc; Life of J iferson Davis. Derisive laughter oa the Republican side lie , a.-kd Mr. Garfield w hether he would j say that the telegram was not true. Mr. Garfield I haven't said aj word about the tele?rat;i ; I merely j ! asked what bonk it was. j Mr. Hi i.l The extract in tLeboi k; is taken from the New York Tribune of lGt; but here is General Grant's; te-tim.nv before the Committee oni men u-v.u ia iii.iie.u p. ....u., . tjnngs nara.-n'ps, tii am. sorrow, pain ., v,t. ! r, - i 'o i.. tr, , . . i . : . v , , , . 1 . , . ... r t " a-t'oau, j.i.j on s.eci oiaoes m- t-uuange mem, bat . buw.ua- .... aaJ oevastation, and he is unworthy ,tMti.f iri,3 wbet.; artil,lIa saow moso lei in tee rana, .o ugu. our j t0 ;jC cossidr-red a statesman, lo-king ; u t,r,ivi(e!,. llhi of papt;r artd co.. oattles. .very man relied o p, . t(1 th paeiUcatiot, of the c -uatry, ; t' a w are ,Qowered down ro.e. or otLc-rwisi', tecomci. an -civc; vvho -ni parade the horrors in-cpa-:, f aa ekctr:c u hi a.. , ier aaiii.-: us at once, either di- ri.t r.,e ,P ,,.. ..t . ' .. . . the Conduct of the ar, taken on the J rtsea; no pa:it ....-nits, to reopen no j 11th of February, lt6.V iou bc-:etrife. we Cu0te wUll a patriotic pur- Iieve Lim, don't you ? Laugnter.jj pueCt() t0 whatever ia our political! Mr. Hill here read General Grant jIK,er i.all be to restore aa Louesr, tes.imony before the committee, j ecoaomital and coa-titutioaal admin-' plaining the reason why he was op-j tUation t,f the Government. W'e 1 posed to the exchange of prisoners, j C0E1C .-barging oa the Union no! and w hich was ii effect the same as j wron?. juion never wronged ' was given in the telegram quoted, j lfae ub . fce mun has been aa , one sentence being ia these werds:( i .r a: i .1. tt nJ r 1 I .I,, r. f inrl to reinforce the enemy, and an imme-, ,iia:e re-uinption or exchanges would ; have had that e-IFect, without any ; iuiu uui 'iiTi.1 iia......., J" " corresponding benefit." Air.. Hill then quoted a letter from Junius j Henri Erowne ia New York Tr,'n:i tn the effect that General ! ........ , . ( Ruiler had stated ia a speech '' Lowell, that he had been P'On'i-; ted by -Mr. .Stanton to put loi warn j the negro question, ia order to com-, plicate me extuaagc oi pi is-iiiti -, Mr Rrowne's comment utoii it be ing that Mr. Stanton w as the digger ol the unuamed graved which crowd ed the vicinity of every Southern prison with never-to-be-forgotten horrors. Mr. Hill then proceeded t) sa.u up bis argument arI saM: o na.j have we nrovea : i nave pro. ei man the Federal Government broke the cartel deliberately. I have proved that they refused to reopen that car tel w hen approached by Mr. Stephens, as a commissioner, solely ca the ground cf humanity. I have proved that they made medicine contraband of war, and thereby left us the dread necessity of supplying prisoners with such medicines as could be impro vised in the Confederacy. I have proved tbat tbey refused to allow surgeons of their own army to accom pany their prisoners to the South. I WHOLE NO. I-2S1. wt.i tL.it tiie Or. 1 pr.-p.'-..-1 t re:u t.iue.j. -virij. ;:t - 1'I f I''.' a-3 ! that y t;;. .i I.i. ii: .1' '. :l .' ,1 v- r ii :. 1 1 l lia re r,ru v : in Ci..:;.:.! tbi-y w ! tiial i: w -ur ! r- li i-r.-i itUr'. ; Ji. I.I. It as 'r.Mliev t- i-t ra.hor lha:i -h .u l h ie i rv !or,v. I L.IV; I: x.l t b : a t.. ut Antler oovi e-irred in jris ti.- wber y.-M i it tii- pt-U-.'; : '. i u r ltd;.- ;' .'i'i 1 ': death '3J tan iK'r i. .'jr pr: .T.-i i-i tLsi ari iT v ir ri-' b:ioti. W'liii V'.-: ir-n: y-.,ur h-i .!- j t.-i ii : lea: .! n t'rou .Mai ie r.--'5 ai'a t ) .ci "e ! .'.a t- that UJnaiii.i'i-J clT-i-ha .f i!ti-. Wi-.L-.at a 'ai t l ) .- i.-t.:;n :;, in iiioa ' he siijs. "Aa.l h-re. ...-f.,r? my i '. ti.r'u-ann my Word.-, kn-ini'-.r li" full latent ttZ'l imp Tt, I dt-cl-.-e tli neiiLor tLii tireii- i i" tLo Dak'' Alva ia tLe L-'W C'-si-.trie.s nor tl ' ai t -acre t..f i-'aiur Darb -'f-oii the taaaiW .-crews i f th Snan :-b It- ' ipM.ssti'ja iiecia to citi'pnro in atroci-Aii.J.r-.Vad rl.c d tMt, i tv wita tao tiiijf Ci'itoe o suovil'c," let hiai a id t i. ' atr-.taties cf An. :-r- oi .-;;! I'ccia to C''a!Ti.ire h I-.'Iiuira, t f 1',-rt Pmi.-lvi. of F-rt i.viaware : a:.d of aii the ntrai !"- iiviiio aid Elalir r (overnuiCDt s'aii.: ui ail Te-". :s!i;:'i: v gies ' , th" ; ac- zv.V i n .tu a; Am h.-tli a: Aa Coiifeu. rat qaitt. d fr bfaraf." Mr. Hu.r. t!,e:, !ir.:i,,l rr, a ;-,.,.,.fi made j,v JeiTer.m Paris to the Confederate MoJd'er after tbe re , ,.t rtr. ierai McC! m e-, i I'-..", rFnirnlr. ryl.'.nrr r.f ; w.i- their humanitT to the wnn'id.d ! and tl e Tin-inert kn h falii.n int., thr-ir bar.Ta. He also refer-ed fo tl;o i us int tr.e tiir iir.on. . sn-.u , .u-r which Mr IJV.ine had o'l i'ed vc-tt r. dav, & aushi.ritT ajain-t T' lvis. h i t ,t, ,tn p., ,;. .t t, n.,c; .".t,t ";',.; t!Mv T'lir) thr f'onfi-deracv Tii gentleman from Maine bad inrr-! . fl I ti at, w Itn,,: 4 T .) nr, : re- 1 I 1 ' A - a : I V ' f.f jnhti.initT. a-.d vet the wiine-a , eaj, tyt .f,0 fitir.imltr cf p-vi! n.,.in! r:3 tjjfl ir;,n,f(i(l',,racT "Mr I '-' i ni'l al- fi-i-.tc ! the filhvit fr-nn the R ' t h r.i o n . 1 'nm i n " Th cnern v rnc tr :n one cac ;: tiirann r.i.'ed ' crueitv li an theii imti'iaitv. ther are no-v and j fiae-.-. rien T-iP GArnr. flre.u Tnfti.-eirre r.n the people of the oun'rv tt:'' worst hnrrora of Imrhtte.-ir.a itnil nm.iTin-...l war; vet. in srulo ot tr.is. ii cs!ea in with the en(mv, h is cren'lf ai a' sa'-kinc! dove." And that, c nrina.-d Mr. TIi!I. U th? trnfh. Thr.?e r,f oa; w'.o were there at tbo time know it i to be a fact. One of tbe most per-i si.-tect cbarsre! brought by the Rich-! i mo mi r.ramir.i'r an: same r.tn.rs T- 1 -, asrafn?t Pavi-, was his huniniry. (-rpr 3D,j nver Cf3Tn jfP. D;vi- ,n l,,arfi t,-, 5.r. when asmiied to ; to retaliate for the horrors milicted i on oar orisoners TI iiaote his very U. 1, i:!rujp, 0f civilized war'areaad Chris'.i- i aaity."' Therefore he persisted in it. and this paper cried out against h.rn that he would rain tLo Confederacy. j Iat v.-fcv onng np Sllh foin;rr.;s : j U ar is always horrible ; war alwavs ; "' i keeping up the Jtrife which produced those horrors. Mv m. S-2ge to the gt'iii.eman ir.m ..jaitie is to..-: let: are no Coaf-derates ia thi.i II-;u-e ; ; thtre are no Confed'-rate ambi-lo.-.a, 1 desires rr purposes in this House: ' but the Soui h i here ; and here she intends to reign. Enthusiastic de:u- onstrati-ns oa ti.e Democratic std and ia tLj galleries. Let fanatk-isi.. do i-s worst : let it pass its nnliifyicg act. trample on the Com-titii'mo. negate me p..jges id tue r a acr-, incite raius oa oor lei.iii. mur.ip.v in'lue. il.es until iii'-y .-tnin oe, i the stars ct aeaven or the sands of ; the sea shore, without number; but know tui-i :-r ail your iniquities me. Sjuth w ill never again seek a reun.dy in the ma-iaessof another seee.-sioa. Renewed applau-e. We arc h-re ; we ar? ia oar Fatti.r's hoti-e; our brothers are our companion, and we are at homo, thank God! fEnthaii- every Stitc tutterv of every co,ur- ia ' m.rjca e j ba.-g'j ail uur w.u1. to tha.' frr er ,,f fttaal;t.j wiich ueTfr fet p; u pledge or obeved a law. We sought to. 1(;i4Ve oe association ef those wholaow t- Lave colored people I w.-.in'.il nut keen fn'.elitv to a Covenant ; n- .u. ..- i. .,. . ,-.,!. ll c SOUg.il. lis jo us uiiiatiic.'1, w . o't j.r from having lJt our fidelity to the Constitution, we hugged it to our btMmi aad carried it with ns. ' of ;be id Cas aad Douglas, you who fought for the T'oion tor the sako' of the Union, you wbo ccad t.j tight when the battle was ended anl the sword was sheathed with you we have c ti'iarrel. We feit your heavy be midst of the struggle, but 0f cannon we beard arm in ... . v; f timings r n.e tour: 'brothers to come biek. W'e are here not spoken. She modestly remarked, to co-nperate with veu, to do what- "Well, bmdder, you go to hell, yon ever we can, ia spite of all our tot- deci dar too." rovs. rebuild tbe Union, to restore, : peace to be a blessing to the country There is a compositor oa tiis pa aad to make tbe American Union; per whi invariably speU Jerusalem what our Fathers intended it should : with a G. and all the angel, ia heav be the e-lory of America aad the jen eouldnt convince him tbat there basing of humanity is such a letter as J. His pleasaot- , ' . . i:nV. will be recoznize aad we trust Rat yon gentlemen, wfae persecuted. c fc.ve beM s by your mfiaelities until you drove, J- tbem ,0 enoa?b. claimed to be the only friends of tbe vt moc- a jUa'ou which you had denounced m i a "league with the devil and a cov-;rn-nt with b-!l ;" yon who follow up ihe war when the soldier who ',,,-nl mve nia.'. pea.-e and 1 ' i ' '' 1- j.-i a,. h tie iyr..:::,.t,:;.i wh.... . i'.-k-- v t ry r... 1 f,,r f--t..-.-'-;u. h-A-ev-r !fe:.'d ; sa t- Far: at': and ex ic'ioj. , to you c i V.'.; s-',tv. ::ri-.-.-e:1. W.ii C. :.rr!, ho"cver - ... tfel IC, WCI:0 we '.c-.-:.n.'. we ::ay thij :i t roa, ia :-d spirit of Lave but one aaiuitio-i, add -i'.r p- !i'i.;al j-nvt-r I' .i m ,.f .h . r C'!..ij.. I FjLUt L-;.-:ii .v.- :i iul to live i;i 1 .;::r t.-J C"';--ti:;.li. a. ! rei t ; v.-, i- r t r, -t- ! t: l - i V .Ml 1,7 r v a !!"'c. a,''p'. I- ".a. 4 i.-t; 1 : : i I i a -.a." ."t'.it W .- u i .t f r a i ai o o.i i a i i ','.- a r i I t'.e L :i; .-a . -.it t :vft it ' !)e . i : r . : r : ':r thf nten '.v.i-i '! : t : ps "it-a 'J- W i' 0 "i ;i "' iU : i::. Si: l Itt'.'t. :-k y i. '--.t-v a,f i i f tr,- t.o- ..:v, t. r:.-e a: v.- a.i .iur :.. ..::; l . ?:;!! y.-.r i-!--i t: . t. ' r-'ts.iir ' : r-'Hii- ia t r.'. i i.'ii-.i.'fs tL" i'a .'.rv. ir i -.-if iia.-K. Oj'-ia the pu.l '. i- sit!-i O! tbe l".j:ure that i be t a creai.-t patrio the pi'r. the a. patriot : , .!.-.- m- -t t - r-: r tbe :' p t. p-mai of rho :"f..re. r l..,vj.j sh-I i ."ippia-j-i- on th.' I t-tiM i r it- .1 :i V . .. t.. .1 a truc.-t w a j a ; .!..; ti a- it ! t .M.- i.-insl .- L. t i , t' (;.:.. fi...' ttic 'ai'..; w;M ia'errtip:i-,i -'I;'' !.' '"a the S"-:.i;-.' a:: i: c a: t! .a ,( that b oly i:i a v.'v.'i. tn.' di-a ; h f i'.t-irv tu 'v -I. iii) .-on. .l' AKi.AM' r..-t- 1 1 ..ff.-r the dulioii.- ut rc-pi'i-t, Vai ia ti.. ialer:-:- iiitt-re.-t man'.- oy a ; l." lU.' , i-u:nr iJcut i: -' .ii vi-j .v A al le-'.e l '3 th '.-Ti 1 t I d' morro '.v. Aaiac-tv debate . bo tii. tir-tj- To iLat, lo-vevcr, Mr :-.:a:.ir and Kf.llj; . aaprece- i . i.i- 1 1 L'- '. .;..r (is-; w;tt a .va, ' we; ar.d the .ed pr .cee.lie.gs of the o'ay vvita .-..fi-Le ia eu!-.rv f .Mr. J "hn- - a. iti-iiie !'V M --!-.a. McFarlaod. I'll raLur-', Vioan;. Wadd.-il, Con ner, Cjx aJ Turoekai'-r-oo. li-'.v lit-tlj S.ut Its .Nismc. i.: ' i.'.' 1 1-,.. Georsje M. V ; : I ; : . r, :i-!-ir-Ate t Con zri'ss iiiiiiiii' '.'iDinnaitv. ! w i ';' ' At 'he ti ' .-rca.'iiza j v.i- a id !Cr i i' ci t .0 rliT' new ct ot iht: Territory as a mat- -r of tae i a r ; i a s tii aie, he w'a i,3 the II ,tes-::.ti"tve?. il.a.-.: : .. 1 .. - iaiv -,' lav! li i .v;,h I f R. i -a i i i i i j T ! iiiiii -..-a pr ! -d without ten to a reer.u'nt. wb'.ii-e f.i.T.iliarity s was pretiV We i ill. an; &u: s'i, v. a - 1,1 i-j:.-lati tia. O le-thui-r r-'in I tr.e r i -r li tt ? ed to br some i f e friends for a suj.'e-- f them said: '' one-a-oi smooth, now, wich t i r t of no-anil! . to it.'' har-ps-ned that the little i t' oae of the.-e gentle dea :Lo :I i.'r that m n-cia with r. i the i'oetor. who was ...v . ui o a . e . , i . fond of cLil'in n, hid ju.-t been ea!!-in.-hT u him with. -M i, ho, come and see me." Xviiiiag co aid Le better, and tLe veteran ixp'.urer promptly rcspon-led "i h iLe nan:.? "MjLo." "Rat what dots it mean?" 'Hem of the m iiiataias." replied the vj ti wilted I'oftor, with a -lance at tne fre.-h face beside b:m. 1 the ia.i ri.rv rprvtation, iiaetce name, to tL: day. I'r. W iiling tit it at the time, or soon with a most crieefu! ap 2 a.- -?!: t-.d-J me afterwa preciation of the banior of the thing, aad I have often since hear I h;:.i fe hearso the st- rv. estrisiaa !shl'a Knlrrtainiueat. He iAtc.-t i ari-iaa ! ;ilv is aa oo. Arrtericaa one. Tb gr?at -circus ia ihet'hr.mp- Eiysces has been turned into a rink tor parior-.-katiog. Ia rue j.ei-U'iUe ti-e visitors tbat thev ar riiuiag about on ice in.-tead ':.!::.::. -; unci! t iiiitiirinary moon. r,,.aiI)j; The Catholic Church has a m.,,.l, T,-.-.tt:F r -n.iw.mirnc! thai thu v h ii-b I'.niiPs '.if every vearin Rome. The great basilica of Santa Maria Mogg icre is built on land marked by i I'.i'.-.ie'i! as f.!I of snow en a cer tiia A iu n-t. It contains a chapel ,,.T-, , ,y th? R-jrghes family, with a dome'haped roof. Each year, oa anaivA-.-ary ei" thj snow fall, ' through the aperture ia ti e crown of ab-;th,, dnap there flatters down open tije pr'. -t-and worshippers helow a how e Ol agrant white rose-leaves. Th's is sorely one of the prettiest methods i f e-'. mnienioraiing a miracle ever de'. i-i-.I. .,,..!..,.! Tn -f. ... atr.i.ati .vim go around with the a box in Calif.rnia chart. he- plead and argue the case as they g along. One of the gentie men recently extended tbe box to a rough locking miner, who slowly -aid the deacon. ' Can't ds it, deak," said Dill. "Why not isn't the cans a good one?-' ' "Yes, good 'nuT: but I ain't able fj give nothing ." "Pooh I I know L-tter. You must r-ive me a better reason than that.'' "I owe too much money." ..n-ei. William, roa owe God a niueh larger sum than anv one else." Thai's true, but he a-n't a pushia' f me like the re .-t of mv creditors." When it was not so popular as the fhn-r!,c; a n.I..reil Wiiman nrcsented . i - ... t. ?..'! i. e r sr i i I'.a a.inissiou 10 so. uaiu- w ia's church ia Eostun. An icHueatial member was greatlv ( ppo-ed t s admitting her. "Is not the si.-tcr's experierc a go--d one ?'' asked tbe bland pastor. ' It is well eucugb.-' "Do you think she is a cLrist'aa V ' Perhaps so.'' "If she is a christian will she not go to Leaven ?'' He intimated that he did not know as) be would care to go to heaven if it wa3 fall of negroes. i p to tais time tne canuiuate cau