The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 10, 1875, Image 2

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    Tho Somerset Herald!
Not eaihsr 1. tRTi.
What Lss te(.u-.c of '.b le:r:0
cratic county ticket? Gone to meet
tho rag baby iu the stadew land.
here was
Wc ad-
In Stovstowa borough
one vote polled fr l!roww.
iu:rc srif.
Tut Bepablicans of Somerset
r ji,itT elected three Commissioners
liit week. You pays your money, and
vou takes vcur cboice.
didate. s was !. i-c m umo anu
Pennsylvania ia tic late canvas.
Honest tne-n, honest .money and hon-
lest dealings with the public credi
tor?, with sound and practical meas
ures of administration, will always
win public confidence and satisfy the
thinking masses of tbe country. Vic
tor? in 176 ia assured beyond a per
adventure unless madness throws
lariT tbe prize almost within our
grasp. -- '
- We sum op tbe victories of last
week as follows: In Pennsylvania
we have swept the State with a ma
jority of over fourteen thousand. In
New York, which went Democratic
i last year by 50,000, we lose the State
ticket bv a small majority, but ec-
pn l.nlVi ITnefte r.f iV.a T fri ct n t nr
, tUiC WLU IIU"' IP VI fclli.Jilw-
iLe tau Miiw iU.u8U. -jby large majorities, thus securing an
,:aI,J I '"- ' , j honest re-aislrictiog of the State, and
wr.uia Hanranft dofor Pres-lwivinc us .he fruits cf a most sub
stantial victory. In New Jersey,
where there was no State ticket to
elect, the UepuMicans have aa over
whelming majority in the popular
rote, have carried both branches of
the Legislature, w hich was largely
Democratic labt year, and thereby
secure a Republican U. S. Senator.
In Massachusetts, which went Dem
ocratic last year, we elect a Republi
can Governor and a heavy majority
the Legislature. In iscunsiu
feain"TniWc VnriSrrrp'it'"?' ntlrhU fellow men to tbe depree that, he ' sppointmcnt. The Doss met Ceo. b
. i i;Pv !i williog to b-rrtro all the ambitions ts aate-rwm -r tbe Board el Al-
t Vfp-iofm Jlh&t fce-can fcscuc ,,., ;d.rmc, who have tbe power to con-
pnicukirly n theCriant:alfiue6U0D,ibatU jjj,. uis c0.ab:rtr 13 j Erin or reject lie Mayor's appoint-u-ith
trusted and Ivine-st men as can-'; , Iit timia r.urri,se. thou?h differ-, nient, aud taking out his watch said,
en-t in method. Ira 1. Sankey is a;i will give you just twenty minutes
handsome mail, with a soul lull f j to wkb-J. your name." Of course,
love fur bis fellows, and a voice like , Slocuni refused to withdraw his
an anile. Wlat Moody does ia i name, ar.d of course it was rejected,
speech he dees ia son?. He sings on-, and a tool of tb r.usr sent id
That political Warwick, McClure,
Laving brought Pershing to the
block, has already taken charge of
Ilartreiift, cud isdirectin? him low
to t l.npo bis administration.
Ot i: Democratic friends would
have a tail to their Commissioner
L-;.,. Leault, the kite busted, but
tail sailed tbrougb. Lsi
ide-nt What State can offer a strong
er candidate? Won"! Pennsylvania's
turn soon come
at once.
? Don't all answer
Oi u Democratic friends had great
picture in setting op two candidates
for Commissioner. One of them is
fleeted, nrd yet they are not happy.
D'.d the. UepuUIcans light on the
wrir.g tiiua.
Ilowiiiaaj Democrats in this coiin
iv roa-d for Browne? Beforred to
tie .Teat Mogul of Temperance in
this town, who toe k precious good
cure to vote for Pershing. Fool who
with your tlu Gp?
Ik t.niy U13 votes elects une
D-mocratic Commissioner in Somer
set cciintv, bow many votes does it
require tf elect two of the same
s-iripi? P.espectfully referred to
Bauch f-r answer.
JIalikamt tarries his native
eu'.My, Montgomery, where the
Dintocrat have a majority of five
hundred, while Pershing ran behind
Li.-ticket in Johnstown, Lis former
WoM'hit if our old friend who
uii'.ifctd down Pershing's majority at
."iU.Iiou, would'nt come down a cat
or two, 1'ef'ire the official returns are
nl! iu? What's the
Democratic arithmetic?
we secure a Republican Governor
and a majority in the Legislature,
and in Miancsota also a Republican
Governor and Legislature. Mary
land and Mississippi went Demo
Tii"?i: forty Republicans cf this
2uiuragii, wbuni our Ienioeratic
Jrieudii cs-erted were going to vote
against llartrauft, mut have chang
ed their luindi!. Lord. Lord, how
fti world isgivi-u to lying!
lr was'ut niuch of a tidal wave
after all. Only Mississippi and 21a
rylnnd went under. We rather guess
beating aud intimidating tho negroes
..T these Flutes out of voting, iVat
ww tb hurraying over. Tastes will
differ, tou know.
The Somerset lh.-nnH.-rat last week
promised to give its readers in this
issue "lots and gobs" of good news
of Democratic victories in the States
votiug, when it wett to press. It
pains us to announce that the health
of the editor of that journal, impair
ed by causes too tedious to mention,
will prevent the fulfillment of his
promise, and therefore his patrons
will Lave to seek the good news in
our columns, where they will find
"lots and gobs" of it. It is not pre
cisely the kind of lcw he promised
them, not exactly news of Democrat
ic victories, but under the trvingcir-
matter with the nimstanccs oi toe c-se, goi up iu -
great hurry to supply his omission,
it ia the very best we can do for
them. We hope they will appreci
ate our desire to please, hile enjoy
ing tbe repast. May good digestion
wait upon their appetites As to
our unfortunate brother of the pjill,
w-c hope to soon see hira around
again, with Li grave and pleasant
smile, and the bloom of health rc-
Y believe it was Wendcl Phil
lips who told lis Massachusetts fol
lowers that they could at least ''stand
up and be couuted." Well, the Tem
perance men ia this county have
stood up and been counted. They
cau now sit down.
Paknon Rhowne insisted during
the campaign that a vote for Hart
cauft was dimply a rote thrown
away, the contest being between
.Pershing rid himself. If his theol
ogy is no sounder than his arithme
tic, there a.'c other than political sin
Dcrs bciujr. fooled.
It is in order now for Alex, ifc-
Oure to nominate tbe next Demo
cratic candidate for President. He
Lciped that party to Greeley, gave it
IVrahin; for Governor, and still has
Curtia in reserve. Last week dis
posed of Allen and Tilden, and a
score t.f minor aspirants. Is'ntitin
order now to mcciion Curtin? Col.
McClure l as the floor.
stored io his tkctk. At preseut he
is suucrinjr dreadfully with a kind of long crowded out everything
general giving away in his innards,
and a horrible misery all over. Neith
er ipecac nor salts and S2npa, nor cod
liver or croton oil will reach the seat
of the diseaso. Time alone can
bring healing and comfort on its
wings. Sad, very sad, but the groat
giver oi Lieniocraiic vieiories cau
alone assauge his ills. The band
w ill please play "Curry me buck."
is increasing their majority one
hundred over that of last year, the
Republicans of this county have
dune well, hut it might just as easy
have been tbrce hundred, if our
friends in the southern and eastern
townships had exerted themselves a
t saJ wuMf uf tutiguc or ien,
ThrmOilrn arc ttiw. It tnltrlit have bwm."
It wont 5o, friends! Too many
drones ia the Live will soon devour
tie hoaey.
1 ail the States north of Masvn
and Diion's line, that held electu8
on Tuesday of last week, eome good
mws of great cheer, showing that
all ihe aulicipatiuns of Republican
victories Lave been fully realized.
We hav not simply carried tbe elec
tions, we have gained a great and
sweeping victory. Every where the
Republicans have rained. From an
almost hopeless minority the elec
tions or 1ST3 aad had placed
the Democracy in control ia twenty
four States, and given them tbe low
er Iltnise of Congress, and they went
into the late canvass nt O ily con
fident, but oau'iant. The elections
ef 1S7S tell a very different story.
Within a twelvj mvntiula Democ-,
It is dreadfully unkind in Colonel
McClure, after coppering Parson
Browne, to say. as he does in the
Times of the 4th inst.
Some ci.sUt or ten thousand Proliioi
tiouikU Iiiadi; jubl fculTicitUt agitation of
the lire nse isue to throw twenty tuousauu
laccr beer and license Democrats over to
II art ran ft Atiout lortv tliotiKind citir-ens
thought ot voting the Prohibition ticket
this year, hut when the party bugle soun-
riud they tell thickly by Uie way-siue un
til not half so many remained as the num
ber of voters they had forced to break
lh(ir party lines to vote most effectually
against tlx ainies of the Temperance men.
In Philadelphia the Pnliibitionists polled
about six huudrol vlna, and they made
six times as many toss their beer in toast
ing JJartranil, w ho make it a rule to rote
just the other way from the auti-license
people I' pot the "whole the Prohibition
ist have essentially eided in llartranft's
re-election w hile.e:irnu;lly edeavorini to
defeat him, and the (governor should be
gratefuL They probably did'nt intend it,
but they were amon; his most effective al.
lies in giving him suocvm.
Next year the truly good Coloetd
aad his Democratic allies will "set
'cm up again," just for tbe fun, you
know, of having them balled over.
What's that adage about raking the
chestnuts out of the fire?
lv such sooirs s hold up to their
gaze Christ on the cros? dying for
sinners he sings only of that love
deep enough to take in the vilest and
broad enoneh for a world of trans
gressors. This is their only theme
this all they say or sing. It is the
old story, the beaut v and sweetuess
-of which even the inGdel never.could
make head agaiust of He who so
loved tbe world that He gave His
own life to save it. This Moody
talks and this Sankey sings. It is
love, love, love. Moody holds his
audiences by telling the story of Jes
us, who would suffer death for one
sinner; haDkey, wita Dis wonnrous
voice, sings of that Saviour w he,
having the ninety and nine, w ent out
through the night and storm, inrougn
bi tangled brake tor the one ! And
the effect thev produce is wonderful.
They say and sing nothing new but
they are in dead earnest themselves,
and though their story be old, they
impress evervbodv.
They inject into" their hearers their
-. . I AAmnf.l 1wm
ow u earuesiuess mo tuuij'v-i m...
to receive it, because they believe it.
And that thev are in earnest, there
can be no doubt. Tbey might have
made thousands in England in fact,
thev were offered thousands but
tbey took "othiog but the bread they
ate.the beds they slept in. and the
clothes they wore. Aad here they re
fuse to take anything else. Neither
of them have a dollar in this w oil J,
and they work more hours than
any day laborer on the streets.
Starting with these two workers,
the churches have commenced a
movement along the whole hue.
The crowd that could not get into
tbe Rink, last Sunday, surged into
the churches ia the neighborhood,
Oiling them to overflowins. Not
withstanding the crowd in tLe Rink
the churches of Rrooklyn were never
so full and never wa's so much inter
est manifested. There is rcrival in
the air, and advantage will be taken
of it. All tbe churches are arrang
ing for revivals and there will be
such an awakening in this city, this
winter, na was never beard of.
One word or two about the audi
ences that Moody and Sankey have.
Tbey are the best people in tbe cities.
Wealthy men, the best merchants
and bankers in the city, came for
ward with the money to remodel the
Rink, and to provide fur tho cost of
the meetings, without solicitation.
I should like to give the names of
some of them, but as tbey uid it jusi
as Moody and Saakey labor, w ith
out hope or expectation of reward, I
will allow them tbe luxury cf doing
a good aption iu secret.
Revivals commence in all the
churches next week. AH denomina
tions will engage in them, from the
most orthodox Presbyterian to the
most liberal i nitarian. Tbe best
people' have united to elevate tbe
standard of morality, aud to do some
thing toward lifting the great city
out of the selfish, money-making
money-getting spirit that has for so
It is time.
Tbe meetings at the Rink have
been crowded tbe same way every
day sice Sunday, and there is no
sign of abateness. Frcni 10,000 to
20.0D0 people are unablo toobtai'i at
miuanco and go awny from each
meeting. The churthes in the neigh
borhood take the overflow, aud the
two evangelists go to them for a brief
period each day. It is a wonderful
work they are doing, and they are
doing it ia ft wonderful way.
or it xrw york ixtter.
N't YouK, November 2, 1S"3.
The revival ruoveaicctin Rrooklyn
has been iuaugerated by Sioaiv and
Sat.kev, and gives every indication
Jof a great success. Tbe scries of
mtuiljogs commenced Sunday morn
ing last, in the great Skating Rink, in
Brooklyn, wLUij has been fitted up
for that puipoie. itscsa sii;U to
see the crowd that came that i.'jilt!y
morning. Tbe ferries from Aew
York wererrowded, tbe-wreet cars
were loaded, and erery possible pub
lie and private conveyance was charg
ed to its utmost capacity. The
meeting at the Rink was advertised
at 8 A. m , and the building would
seat 7,000. At C iu tbe morning
think of the hour! there were not
less than 20,000 anxious people
awaiting tbe opening of the building.
They eaooe In street cars, in carriag
es, in wagons, as horseback, in and
on everything that would carry, and
on foot, and thev waited and waited
two long hours. Finally, tbe doors
Were never so mixed as ia New
York and Rrooklyn at this time. It
is the people rs. Ring, and a very
vigorous fight is being waged. In
Xew York the Democracy arc split
in two (actions, Tammany and anti-
Tammany, and the Republicans of
the city are acting with the anti
Taniinany wing. John Morrissey
has reconsidered hi3 determination
not to take part in the fight, and is m
it with bis coat ofl', as a candidate
for Senator. It is humHiating for a
decent man to be compelled to rote
for such a man as Morrissey, but tbat
is what tbe Republicans of tbat dis
triet are going to do. As bad as be
is he is a better mau than Fox, his
oppobect Fox is a 6worn hench
man of Kelly, the h"d of Tammany,
and Tammany owns ecd controls
every thief, political and otherwise,
in Xew York. Tammany 5s the
name for everything tbat is bad and
vile in politics. Tammany is tbe
shibboleth of the plunderer and
thieves who bare ridden New York
for so many years, and tbe decent
men of the city are willing to back
any man or tbing that can belp to
break its power. Morrissey is a
f ambler and adventurer, but be is
ppposjijd to Tammany, and Republi
cans, hopelessly in the minority
alone, are willing to rote for him to
assist in brcsking the terrible power
in its
McLaughlin maae a speech in an
swer to Gen. Siocum the other eight
in which be complained bitterly of
his (Slorunfs) ingratitude in oppos
ing uiui. " by," said McLaughlin,
"when Gen. Siocum was a candidate
for Congress, he came to me one day
and said that he could not be elected
unless a' Republican mcetinir,' "an
nounced for tbat evtuiug, could be
broken up. I sent three hundred
men and broke up tbe meeting at a
csst of $000, and he has never paid
it back to me." Think of being un
der the control of a man w ho can
stand up in a public assemblage and
make such a statement witnoui a
blush. But of such is the Democra
cy of New York and Rrooklyn.
That irregular living can only end
hadiy was again illustrated in this
city "this week. Cbarle3 Revere, a
wealthy meat dealer has been in love
for years w ith a woman of no char
acter, named Anna Styles. He was
absolutely infatuated with her, aud
spent vast sums cf money upon her.
Tbe path be took was a very straight
and cot a very long occ. Drink fol
lowed his other passion, then neglect
of business, uulil about a year ago
his mistress, .ter the fashion of ber
kind, dropped him. He had but lit
tle more money to spend upon her
and uis further intimacy "didn't pay."
Tho poor lunatic followed her about
all this time, and occasionally "just
for the fun of it," she would tolerate
hira fur a day or two. Last Thurs
day he saw ber at tbe Jerome Park
races aud joined her. In company
with another man and woman of tbe
samo class tbey returned to the city
and spent tbe night in the wildest j
tws pettin? to her house in tbe
five o'clock. Then Re
vere begged her to become reconciled
to him, to again live with him, which
she very contemptuously refused to
do. Maddened by her heartlessness.
he threw what "valuab'es he had
about him upon the floor, struck her
with tbe butt of bis revolver, anu
finished bis work by shooting him
self through the head. It is tbe old,
old story. Revere bought this wo
man a house, w hich he furnished io
mayaiGcetit style be supported her
liho a princess expending upon her
in two years not less than $(0,UU0.
Had he 00,000 more to spend mat
she could have got hold of sbe would
have held to him ; but the moment
the supply of cuth run short, tbe
fountain of ber love dried up, and
then death. His death affected her
no more than if her parrot had died
indeed, her bearing at the inquest
was such as to show that she felt it
was a relief. She will have another
rieff lover ia a month, and they will
make merry over the death of Re
vere, till his time comes. "It is a
mad world my masters." Vice don't
Has been a little more brisk this week
than last, though it is still bad.
Failures are as common as blackber-
mi . 1
ries. rnero is lue regular usi every
morning of lame quacks, and nobody
knows who is safe. "W ho next?'
is the question most frequently asked.
til, there muRt come an end some
time. Possibly, after tbe elections
are all over and tbe people get down
to living again there will be a reviv
al of trade and tbe wheels will cet
in motion again.
'a majority of between 8,000 ai,d
! 0,000. The Senate will stand 22 ,
j Republicans to 10 Democrats more j
!thau a two-thirds majority. TLe'
As-tmUy foots up iJ Uepuniicana nftirinl MaiariflSS KOfil Forty-ene j
Horrible Tragedy.
rtrcaklntf Ibo I'lilrnjo lVbikjr Ring.
arsl "" Democrats a Kepubneun
majoiity t f l'J. We have special ud-,
i vices from almost every district. j
The Argus claims toe State on tbe
S;ate ticket for tbe Democrats by
10,000 majority. It makes the Sea
ate stand, Republicans 20; Democrats,
12, and the Assembly, Democrats,
CC; Republicans, C2.
Indianapolis, November 4 Toe ;
Kokumo 'Irtbitur publishes the f .l-'.
lowing in a.i extra this afteruuon:
On? of the most hrribie, cold ;
CiiiOAOu, November 6. The
(Irani jury yesterday returned a
large number of indictments agaios
whiskr distillers, traiiirs r aad rectifi-
jbboded and startling murders tv tr , trs of thi eity, fur alleged violation
committed iu this feiate was pcrpi' oi vi-venue us. tome of tbesa
trated last uisfht, near Greentown, : parties are airea lv uuder bond for
IlartraiiffCsMajorily Between noward county. The particulars of other ofTeaees. A number of those
-v I r 1 - ' 1 ' 1
1I,00 and I5,uu.
Counties in the State.
Han? Out Your Banner on
the Outer Wall! The
Cry is Still They
Come !
A Clear Track for 1876
Grand Republican
Let us hope so.
A Horrible PealU.
Jlxis, N. Y., November 3. Theo
dore Bodine, a framer living in this
town, met a horrible deatb on
Saturday. He was feeding a thresh
ing machine with loose oats. In
some manner a coil of fence wire had
become mixed w ith the oats and was
thrown into the machine unseen by
the farmer. One end of tbe wire in
stantly fastened aronnd tbe cylender
of tbe tbresber and tbe other end
caught sbout Mr. Bodine's neck and
drew him up to the machine. The
apperture being too small to permit
of the entire bodv passing in the
bead u ? literally torn from it and
passed through. It was not until
the bloody head came out at the otb
er end that the fate cf the farmer
u . discovered. The men who
were attending to that part of the
machine stopped tbe borius, and
ruins: back fouud the headless truuk
of Mr. Eodine laying upon the barn
floor, lie leaves a family.
A Terrible Drnth.
Pemisjlviia Ms tie Van.
New York Eedeemed.
Massachusetts Rsturns to
Her Old Love.
New Jersey Swept
the Tidal Wave.
Detroit, Mich., November 3.
Full returns from our city election"
show that the Republicans carried
the city on the straight ticket by
about eight hundred majority. Alex
ander lewis, Democrat, supported
by law and order men and by all
leading Republicans of the city and
by both Republican papers, is elected
Mayor over Thompson by 1,GS6
majority. The Democrats elected
jibe City Attorney and two Justices
of tbe Peace by very small majorities.
Republicans retain control of tbe
Council by two majority. The re
sult is a substantial Republican vic
tory and a decisive law and order
triumph. The papers of all parties,
including those which supported
Thompson, agree to-day in pronounc
ing yesterday's result an emphatic
declaration for closing saloons on
Sunday, and i decided layinsr out of
tho roughs of our politics.
Official vote on Lieut. Governor
in 1S74, and majorities on Governor
in 1815.
I the affair are as yet very meager, but : indicted appeared in court this morn
jas near as we can learn are as fol-, iug and guve bxids for thpir apppar-
low.-: ! ance to answer the charges. The
Da vid Robinson came to town yes- j amounts of their buu Is rauged from
ttrdi7 and bought anew suit of $3,C00 to $10,000. It is believed
thes and a revolver, lie went tbat from fifty to seventv-fivo indict-
the purchases to bis
St. Paul. November 4. The
latest estimates shuw that Pillsbury,
Republican, for Governor, has about
10,000 majority. 1 be legislature
will be two-thirds Republican.
Proender, Republican, for State
Treasurer, ran considerably behind
his tic-kit, but is elec.ed by probably
0,000 majority.
Kansas Citv, Mo., November 4
lbe Kansas City limes has returns
from 7(1 of tho 101 Legislative di
tricts in Kansas, which show the
election of 33 straight Republicans
aad 37 opposition, classed under tbe
head of Democrats, Iudepeudeut aud
Reformers. Last year ouly 2G mem
bers w ent into tbe opposition caucus,
showing the contest this year had
been considerably closer than then
The Democruts also elect a Senator
in the district where there was a
vacancy, and also elect a District
Judge in Fort Scott District, being
one of three vacancies.
Milwaukee, November 8. Re
turns from tbe remote towns that
have been received to-day are gener
ally uufayorable to tho Republicans
It will require an ouicial cauvas to
determine the result absolutely.
Luding'ton, the Republican candidate
for Governor, is probably elected by
about 4.000 majority, lbe rest of
the Republican ticket is probably de
feated. The complexion of tbe Leg
islative is in doubt. A private de
spatch from Madison states.tbat the
Republicans there concede tbe elec
tion of tbe Democratic State ticket
with the exception of Governor, and
a Democratic majority in the Legis
lature. Returns received here, how
ever, indicate the success of the Re
publican State ticket, except perhaps,
ltalt? for Treasurer, and Graham for
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
aud a Republican majority in the
Minks ,
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ments were found, but neither the
numbe r nor the names of theperaons
are known.
home, showed
f.imilv and ate his supper. His
brother and ano:ber man were at his
house, anu nooinson seemeu 10 uui
them to leave and Cnally persuaded i
ikpm to "o to church. Kobiuson r
tnemto cj . or,oro, ; Harrisbvuis, Pa., November G.
was in goou uuiu. ---r The Patrons' Centennial
Urnnxcr at the OnlrnnUI.
pcrfireilr sane. Some time alter tne ;
men had left, Robinson remarked to j
his wife that it would have been:
well if little Dan, his son, bad died
4 ... . 1. , aalrl h r hftll At.
the child. He tticu , r .7 '
'; : iV r I to elect permanent officers. The
ment Association wiil meet in Pa
triarch Grange Hall, College block,
oa Tuesday afternoon, November
lOt'u. This is made ur of prominent
tempted to kill
drew his revolver
ond son, who was
then Jurncd and shot at bis wife.
TerriCe l and crazed with fright, Mrs.
Robinson ran cut of tbe bouse and
the oldest boy, eight years of age,
started to follow, when Robinson
shot Lim in the face, but the ball
glauced and failed to hurt him badly.
The father then struck him ia the
back of the head with a chair and
made a bad wound, but the son suc
ceeded in getting out of doors with
his mother. Robiuson then deliber
ately took a razor from a box near
him and approached his little ir rl,
e euc;impmetit is to be located
w ithin ten miles of the Centennial
next year, aud wiil be arranged for
nearly oO.OOtt people. The States of
Iudianu, Ohio and Micbigau alone
propose to have over oO.OoO farmers
who will patronize this enterprise.
1 11 taut Trnprie Prrlarmrr unci hi
I'.alhrr ArrrCri Ml lh Instance) of
ytr. Rcrgh.
li'iibi1- street.
matinee performance
tho Tivoli Theatre,
Superintendent Jen-
Wisconsin and Minnesota both
O. K.
J2ko.oi.yn, Nov. 3. Yesterday
nioi ning two laborers discovered tbe
bodv of an unknown man standing
upright ia the quagmire below Asto
ria bordering buuswicfc creek. So
Grmlv imbedded in the mud was the
corpse, that it required great effort to
pub it out.
lbe body was tbat of a nun about
that is eating out the heart of tbe4 forty-Ove years old, five leet seven
.innnA1 end f !, ftrct DAA fnnrl
rarytiare lost Ohio, PeDnsylvaa:, k p o.OOO more stood in the afilcs,
New Jersey, New Hampshire, Mas-
sartusette, iscocsin, California and
New York, and they would have been
l-leated iaMTr!an(l except for tbe
most outrageous fraud, in Rahiroore,
d in Mississippi tut for the harry
ing and intimidation cf the colored
These great changes Are not only'
lnipartnnt ia tbemaelrei, . bot they
virteaily settle the Presidential aam"
paign of wxt 'ycar. A Democratic
iiatiotial adruLnistration is no longer
among the possibilities, . if the Re
publican leader act with ordinary
prudence and sagacity, and with a
becoming defcreuce to public seoti
tueuL .It U tow perfectly clear that
the country m still ilpublicn, as it
has beenlofCfteen Tears,!! ftat"toi
and the crowd outside, augmenting
every uiinyte, stood on their feet wait
ing and waiting, pi though they ex
pected the roof would Iy cf, or tbat
in some miraculous wnv they roold
be enabled to see and bear Moodr IJarjs have nominated an excellent
. - - t". .1 mm
city. .Morrissey will bdp It) elect
Hackett and PLe!ps, w hom Taui
many has sworn to destroy, and
that what they want. But es I
should vola for Morrissey tverc I In
tbat dwtrict, i am happy that I live
elsewhere. To best Tammany I
ould vote for John Moffitspr, but
I should keep it ft secret from my
i: ,"!'O0K.LY, .
The fight is even wtraer than in
New York, for Rrooklyn has a worje
nng, U any difference. An Irishman
named UcLaugblin, owns and con
trols Rrooklyn aa entirely as Tweed
did New York fire years ago. Ha is
the head centre of the Democracy in
that city, end hag, of course amassed
an immense fortune from tbe plunder
of tbe tax-payers. He dictates the
nominations-ihe electa the ticket
nominated and then controls every
appointment, and through ihem eve
ry doilar of espenditure. Rut "Boss"
McLaughlin ispoiny through his sea
of trouble. He became so dictatori
al that tho Democratic leaders ara
opposing him, and it is possible thajt
the Reform movement may be strong'
cnougb to swamp bim. 1 be Kepub
luetics 13 iiuirjtn, witb sanlv com
plesion The fektures were wildly
couttU'd and wriuklcd, as moogb
be bad died ia stropr. tie was
dressed in a brown cardigan jacket,
a black velvet vest, brown undershirt,
light pepper and salt pantaloons and
ligLt slippers of Ucruiaa make.
1 bere was ia berman si.yer
coin ia the pockets. The face and
bands bad been badly eatio by fashes.
uflicrr Arreted
bond to S3-
attempting to
wnt- was ar
ti arrcnt 'from
9 requisition
and lackey. Finally, of course, they
What did tbo yho got "seats in
side bear aud seer Simplr two earn
est honest men, each with a ft,
pleading to their fellow men to be
better men. Pwitjbt L. Moody, a
robust, strong, earnest man, who be
lieved list Jesus of Nazareth fame
into the w.rJJ to save sinners a
plain, cneducU,cd piaa begging and . id yraft tbat 10; an appointment
ticket, nd thousands of honest
Demoe-rau w ijl Yo.te for jt. General
Siocum, Democratic memhtr of Con
gress from the Brooklyn district for
two terms, ia on the 6tnmp fjr the
Reform ticket, and he pots in the
most daiasHng blows. It is shown
that for four yca McLaughlin has
Karl thontnfA Mtntvrl t.t tl.a rt,-
that he owned every tfllei of trust.
M EM4. UJ8, November 5. Recorder
Wintoisto day held J. J. and A M
Smith each in $1,000
swer the charge of
kidnap Jos. M- Tighe,
rested by them on a
Governor Porter, on
from the Governor of Ohio, to an
swer the charge cf obtaining goods
under false pretenses, Tbe itecorfjer
held them in accordance witb tbe
section of the code which fcays, "If
any person by color of hi office,
wilfully or currcptly oppress any
person. inder pretense of acting in
his oJVc.'a! capacity, he shall be cun-
isbed by a tne not ejceediiig 5I.1 00,
or'rjrufnt an tbe county
not esccedtng oce yp&r,"
WUIsbjr Franda la St. Loala-
Music -Along the Whole
Alarylana iroes l'emocratic as
usual. Baltimore city gives Carroll
17,000, which will swamp the major
ities for Harris outside of the city.
Despatches from Baltimore say that
Tuesday was a carnival of riot,
bloodshed, fraud and villainy gener
ally. A reign of terror excited
throughout the city, and tbe "roughs"
and "plug uglies'' holding supreme
control at the polls. The American
says the entire majority for Carroll
is fraudulent, the result of delib
erate ballot-stuiTiog and false count
ing. Carroll, Washington, and Frede
rick counties were carried by the Re
publicans. Mississipjd is republican by 50,000
majority on a fair and full vote. On
Tuesday it went Democratic, the
colored voters largely failing to vote,
through intimidation.
Our glorious old Commonwealth,
God bless her! leads' the -victorious
column," reverses' the " Democratic
majority of last year, and re-elects
the gallant Harttiauft by a niaiority
of over 14,000.
Boston, Nov 3. Three hundred
and tbirty-two cries and town, nine
to hear from, give Rice Republican
S2.000; Gaston, Independent 77,909
Baker,- 8,941; Adams. 1.774. the
RepublieVn's'ba'fe elected 172 Rep
resentatives; Democrats, 5"to he
heard from, .
A VTomnu Amputate Her IIutbaatl'M
4,. ;i
entreating Lis follows io "ut their
trust in Him as be Las 4one a ipin
without grace, without poiisfa, with
ont even good grammar huts man
wnoee soul la permeated and filled
with'the" one Tdeajihat without Jcsup
could be inaae.c" i dollar spent with
out bis consent.
en. Siocum wa3 placed by tie
Mifir .oab Water Board, 6n the
demand of Jiti.ens. McLaughlin
wanted a friend of bis ia tht slsce.
' man must beTosVfinr 'Jciycg! Irnt the Mayor refused to change his
Loiis. Nov. 4. The Globe
(deni.), teferrjng to tbe indictments
found yesterday' bthe fjniied States
grand Jary agjijjst psominent citi
reus for implication in a'hisky frauds,'
connects with tbem William Mefctee,
Jie rinctpal proprietor of that pa
per, and pcDstnoce Maguire, late
United Stiles inti-ma? rerentie 'col
lector of this district. It Mr.'L
,;ic(vee is reaoy ior trial, ana trial
the pabiia ia rely upon his full aud
c'oraplcte finiicatioa wjj.ea tbe ques
tioo of his guilt or innocence is mde
an L-sau in court.
Trenton. N. J., November 4.
'Voia jptjjrj' received from the vari
ous countjp3 throyghont U;e State,
there i no doubt but that the lie-
publicans achieved an overa beliuiog
victory at tbe election yesterday
1 De success tny met wuu m tue
Assembly districts of Essex and
Hudson counties scrpnsed even tbe
most s'aogiiioe me-cihcr of tbe party.
In tbejormer county elKbt out oi.
qjpe Assemblymen are' RepubFican,
and ja the Ister which was always
considered a Demoratip etroa'hold)
siyoutof tight Asjcniblvmen"' vof:
ship at the same political altar. Iu
tbe langi;ag c( aij pnthu.siastip Re
publican. "This is a,7iot unpre.
eedented perfectly astonishing." n
Essex county patritk Ioyle, tbe
father of the Catholic Protectory hill
which caused the defeat f tho Dem
ocratf, ;yas be-aien by his Republican
competitor, Mari'uji . JJithards, by a
mtyoriiy of .oyjcr 200. Mr. had
kicjo,-ifj of J8 ast yep:.' 'For
voting in favor ol thi rri25!rf; tyr
Harrington, in Gloucester couoty,
Messrs. Cary and McDonald, in Hud
son: .Mr. vckoff. in Warren: -Mr.
Yfn piprf. in Middlesex, and Mr.
paueiie, jikg ra Kir otnator in
Uotca were "told to a'ar'a ko.e.
Mr. Youman wa t't fenlcd by ' tiit
Catholic vote ia Trenton fu rt-jjur
ngainst tbat measure:
The Cleveland, Ohio, Leader of
Monday tells the following: Yester
day afternoon a nan who, witb his
family, lives nearihe corner of Wil
liams alley and Fountain street, got
into a quarrel with bis wife. Both
wcie intoxicated, but instead of feel
inJ happy, it affected tbeiii just tbe
opposite. I bey tore eaeb others
hair, and raised uch a ruainus gen
eraily that the -neighbors .sent for
some of the boys at the engino bouse
to go down and put a stop to tbe dis:
turbance. Some of the hoys did go
down, btitwnen tbey got tberp tbe
trouble bad subsided. As the sequel
will show, Loivever. it was not so
peaceful as it seemed. The woman
succeeded in gettiug her lord and
master to bed. Her next move was
to get a bottle of Cblorofrom wbicb
was near at band, and administer
a faos.c to her hubaud, w bicb made
bjui wholly oblivious to vht wa:
going ou around him. The n'eYt'atl
was to precure an old taa, with
which she proceeded to ao a job of
surgery that would put a profession
al surgeon to blush. Beirinnin'r at
theio'er end pf the pen's leg. she
commenced sawing until she had sev
ered that useful appendage in twain.
He, totally unconscious of what
was going on, slept on 'the sleep of
tbe innocent,' wh'le she, after tbe
job was done, looked on, watching
tis Li'ooiJ Jow. Tbe neighbors out
vide got viud of wtst t'tig oiur ou
inside the house, and risheJ i ia
time to stop ' the bleeding but at
jui ntujti jr. was a question
whether the man woijl jivjj ;os hoi"
W.v.snixuTox, D. C, November C.
A hundred guns were Gred this
evening by tho Republicius in honor
of tho political vicoriesof U?t Tues
day. A procession was form?'! and
proceeded to the Executive Mansion.
where tbey serenaded tbe President,
who, from the front of the portico, ac
knowledged the compliment as follows:
Geiitli.meu I am very K'ad to
meet you ou this ocea.-ion, and to con
gratulate you on so good a cause for
rejoicinff to tbe entire country over
tbe elections of last Tuesday. While
the Republican majorities were not
great, they were sullit-ient to accom
plish the purpose. Tbe "rog baby '
has been entire-lv suppressed, and the
people now know what kind of mon
ey tney are to have in tbe luture,
and 1 tbiuk we hnve an assurance
tbat the Republicans will ontrol this
Government for at least four years
Three cheers we:e then giveu for
the Pres'dent, three cheers for hard
money, and three cheers for the Pres
ident's school policy. Tbe procession
then proceeded to tbe residence of
the Secretary of the Navy. It was
there announced that Mrs Robeson
returned thanks for the serenade to
tbe secretary, who was absent from
the city. Ex-Gcvcrnor Shepherd
was next serenaue-u, ana made a
St. LonU Wbitky (nkci.
St. Lorn, November tl. Col. E.
R. Chapman, bead of tbe Stamp Bu
reau at Washington, w ho, with Gen
eral Lueien Hauley, made the inves
tigations which resulted iu the seiz
ures of distilleries and rectifying
houses here during the past summer,
has arrived bere to asist in prepar
ing the whisky cases which are to
come up during the next term of the
United States Court. Though many
of tho accused have put iu a plea of
guilty, it is still necessary to put in a
certain amount of evidence, tbat the
judge can intelligently sentence tbe
Cof. Chanman states tbat any
amount ot testimony is in the hands
of the Government, more than it will
bc'nectssary to produce, especially
In the eases in which the accused
have pleaded guilty. It is also
stated that overtures have been made
at Washington in bi-half of some of
tbe guilty men, offeriug a surreudt-r
of all they possess ou coudi Jon that
the Government will uot press the
his ouly daughter, wbj was lying in ! kius, cf the Soe-iety for tbe Preven-
bed, and, seizing her, cut her throat
from ear to ear. Ho followed this
murder by taking tbe life of the son,
whom he had first shot iu bed, iu the
same manner. Robinson then jjmp
ed on his horse and, up to tbe time
of this writing, has not been hunted
Lateu. This morning a horse was
found hitched at the Junction, with
no claimer. Robinson got onto one
of the night freight trains, ou the In
dia:iop:lis, Peru and Chicago Rail
road, unknown to any one io Koko
1110, and tbe dead body of a man was
found one mile from Jackson's sta
tion, at 7 a. 111., by the s;u of tbe
Coroner of Tipton county at.d identi
fied as that of David Robinson, who
committed the terrible died last
night. It is unknown how he met
his death, but it is supposed that he
either fell off cr jumped ofT a freight
car aui met instant death.
Bold flank Ilolbrrj.
Sciiaxton, Pa., November C.
The First National Bank at Pittston
was broken into lust nigh', by burg
lars, w ho effected an entrance to tbe
vault, where tbey blew open two
spherical safes, from w hich Uey ab
stracted $40,000 iu bonds and money,
after which they decamped. Tbe
robbers entered aud departed through
the roof of the building. Tho bank
is a one story brick structure, with a
Hat tin roof. Through tbe latter the
thieves cut a bole about, eighteen
inches square, and from this three of
tbe gang descended by means of a
rope ladder into the vault, leaving
two ef their confederates outside to
watch and assist them in escaping.
Tbe vault is guarded by a strong
door, supplied w ith a burglar alarm,
but ibe thieves entered through the
top ot the vault. Among the bonds
stolen were Lackawanna and Blooms-
burg Railroad bonds, amounting to
$11,000; Wilkesbarre city bonds for
$3,000, and Pittston Semiuary bonds
for ?,000, besides some $i0,000 werth
of bonds of tbe Oxford Iron Com
pany, New Jersey, and a quantity
of casb, amounting in all to over
$40,000 in bonds and money. The
thieves were surprised by one of he
neighbors just as they were escap
ing at morning. An alarm was
raised, but the burglars succeeded in
escaping, leaving behind them a com
plete set of burglar's tools
lion ol Cruelty t- I h:l'lren, accom
panied by O dicers Fit-Ids and Evans,
of Mr. Ut-rgh's society, raided upon
tLe stage and arresi.x! the little child
trapeze perf. raier known as Leo.
The wee acrobat, win) i-t about six
years old, -vas in the act of walking
a tight rope, with a balancing pole,
at the time of the raid.
When it became kuown what the
o' ject of the whole affair was, the
audience gave expression of their sat
isfaction a:ul sympathy in a burs-t of
applause. Leo and his reputed
father were taken into custody, placed
iu a coach and driven V the resi
dence of Justice DoMohue, iu East
Sixty-fifth street. Tho worrant for
tho arrest had been obtained fr m
Judge Donohtie, and Mr. Bergh was
himself on hand iu the body of tie
thehter to witness its execution.
A Connniilruni fur tbe Croaker.
Av 10 AdciTti.-eme.ntit.
Whv lo I Take
The Independent?
Uec-iiu?c it fumi.-tu'V more .l rca;!ina; for tl.rc
1 liirs a yrur than ny p.iir 1 know ,.f.
IJ-.-cau-e Ilie mt.-H rinim-nt huiIh.p?. cU'rirymeD,
cj!1'i:j n.-fe;...'T!. an 1 wrile t.r it.
IliM-nu it I nt-ulvrt tu r'.l jwiv nnmta'r wme
frU-ii't Is sure to .-k m.theth-r 1 have ri-ad this
or llint urticltr in the In.lfjK'ii.I.'nt.
Ilt'catme Its reliulou inu Ihiceiu-e is not i-.mfincil
to my own tleiiuuminti'.ii, tiu iciU uie wtiat oili
er cliurciii'S are ilointr.
B r:iu it is thoivuniily rvansjclieal in Its faith,
Irut not timi.i ortiiin'pVrvinir.
IU'.':iue !: eilitorials an-l notes are so
l.rtirlit an.l rea.labi
ISerauw like to keep (rack of the latest news in
jx.iittrfl. nrt, seionee an.i eluc:iuoti.
Bteauu I eannot fllionl to a.ld to my lit'rary all
the npxr books that et-iiir i.nt, nn-i the lnl'H'nl
ent' t.k reviews tell me what are llie bet
ones to buy.
I$-.-:iu.-e my wire l:.n a Sun.lay irhool class, anil
likes to rea.i i.. (oniiiD nts on the International
le .s ;ts aa 1 its news i:yut Suntl it s.-ho .Is.
I.Leaitse one oi my ri'lletre elasamiites is a I. rolin
missionary, ami tells me that iu mls.'ioiurr
news is the Itest anywhere prtnteil.
Hn-ause I like to rea.1 Its Ministerial Keister
un.l liml out whether any ol my clerical Iricmla
have moel.
Ueeause my eliil.lren w uhl make a fuss if they
euul.l'nt rea. it s juvenile stories.
Ilrniiijo I j,n h. l., n my tiu.iuf sa by iu com
mercial.'iai an.l market news.
Ilei-a isn I iret a premium lor snLsi-riMnir. ami
then receive for a year paer that it w.Hi't ilo
io inrow away uaoin iiea alter the premium
reaches me.
Ilecausu il I were so p,sir that I cul l afloril hot
one ierlm!ii-:il, that one wouM be the Independ
ent. Subscription Prica S3 OO per Year.
There is something in
part of toa pioueeuiugw.
i nesc overtures, it u asserted, uave
been received with no 1ipusiiion to
consider them. Tho liraiid Jury
adj-igrned this ciu a till Monday,
without prtseuting auj uvw indii;tr
UieuU to the couru.
Mtja) miltA by tbe Llmitm Mail.
A fatal ceide-Dt occurred Saturday
cveulog- or ar Roup's Station, on the
I'ennsylvan'a IUilroad, Cbrigtopher
Lutz acd two others, ei; ployed as
truektuen at that point, attempted to
board th.9 Briaton accommodation,
H-itg bast, - wfiicfc Ib8 !I Dion
pejjot at fcOl r. m.', anti Lnt who
-65 t'fhlp.4 ttc others! and on 'the
tratk traversed by wesuar4 ound
trains, heard the wb;6tle of the
mull. He made au attempt to eet
!r,nr ,.f lU i. a t- l i rr .n k .,..,1,1
co so the tram was upon him, the
jengine 'Mriin ud throwing hi in
several feet from 'the Jrap i'Jin
him lasiantu. The deceased can ft.
to this city from Cleveland about I
Tbe. Indian Country.
Omaha, Xeb., November 6 An
official tele'L'ram to tbe headquarters
of the department of the Platte.
Irop.r t'or't Fetu-rniaD, Wyoming
Territory.'stiUes that si,'ty lodges oi
Arrapauoes anu ten of UaeyeuTes,
under Black Coat, passed about 20
miles north of that post to-day e;i
route to Powder river to hunt and
remain a! winter. IJIack Coat come
into Fort Feiteruiau anu professed
the most peaceful iuttntions. IJe re?
ports forty m-ro lodges of Arrapahues
at Pumpkin Butte, waiting to join
An immense prairie fire has been
raginr since October 13ib in the
LoigbooihooU of. Cat. Pollock's
cajnp'io :(he foothiila pn the iVorth
Laramie-. He report's tbat the" fire
pommeneed near the head of Beaver
CieeV, and burue'ii tiutij:ely around
his camp, depriviojj bitf) of 'ail
fhancp to cut hay or grius. The
grass o,-) hoih pjs of the road, ail
tbe way to Fort Laramie Is burnpd
w, a n is also oa the road to
Cl iude, as far as Buffalo
ing Tom tne Philadelphia Lediier
which we suspect, comes within the
experience of almost everybody who
has an "odd job" to execute ;
"Some things about the genual
grumble about dull times and lack of
work are not easily reconciled witb
cotutmm everv-elay experiences.
Thus, if oue goes to order a suit of
clothes, or a bureau, or be-tlte'd, or
repairs to a house, or a kitchen rane
or furnace, or almost any piece of
handicraft work, and expresses a de
sire to have the job done 'right away,'
tbe almost iuevitable answer is
'Wei!, I dou't see how I can d-J that
sq uon. I can't pois'bly get at j t
until next week, or for three or four
davs at the iofcide.' Keasonable peo
ple make uo complaint w hen they are
confronted with this reply, aud
thoughtful persons nre glad to find
iudustry so full handed that tardy
comers are obliged to wait ; but still i
tbey are not prepared for such a
state of allairs after w hat thev hear
of slack tin:es and paucity of eruploj,
ment. Perhaps, however, it is tbe
habit of average ha .11 a a animals
w ho have wants that must be sup
plied sooner or liter, to postpone un
til the 'later, times, and tiu-u ah rush
for tbe same things at be same
Moody and Sankey's
(liven, as a Premium to Kvry Subscriber. Older
New, raying (me Year in Advance.
Emancipation Proclamation."'
oj- llie I iittcd Mair$." ami
'Charlm .Stiflincr."
nre liven tn suhscrii'.ers as premiums. Speolmco
copies of the paper, containing lull Lisi of Pre
miums, sent iree.
Henry C. Ilaveu,
P. o. x 27s:. Proprietor.
No. 2.M Unudway. N Y.
The Ilazlns Court 'I.rthl.
Court martial
November 7. The
trial of naval cadets
accused of h3jtnr, ha-j "on'uled ;tt
duties and been discharged: "' As' aK
ready, two were dismissed
and two permitted to remain subject
to certain peualties and restrictions.
The remaining case of Thomas
picLiusoii, appointed froin Jveillu'''y.
was disposed of Fiiday, by bis dis
missal from the fcchool in ac-orJunca
with tbe recomnieod3t:on of the
court. The colored cadet, Henry E.
Baker, has also been dismissed from
tbe Academy by tbe Secretary of the
Navy, at the request of the Superin
tciiuectti the Mara! l?ewOi!,
i;v vlrtve of a- n!.'r Issued rut ol' the Orphans'
Vim of Soi,.eii e..unty, an 1 tt uie dirt.-.', I
will sc-il at j-ul'iic sale or . , . . :
Saturday, AWMrr 13, 1S7A,
on the premises, tho real estate of Martin Zlm
m.-riil iu. dcciased, late of limthersvalley town
ship, s.ii-i eouu:y, vix:
A certain piece or pan-el of bn.l situate in
Ilrotlur-vallty township, sai l countv, adjoining
I ill. Is cf Wm Hay, ( ii irles limnerlnan and ot h
ers. e..n:aiuii, -Jo a 'res, or less. This will
bo s.d'l in ise whole or In parcels to suit pur
chasers. TKK.MS.
V"Tl.J- to letnaln a Hen. the Interest to be paid
anuaailvi'u the ij;hdayol I ul.r jary to th w.d
rr ol Peter ZlfoOiernian. ' deceased, durinjr h'-f
life lime, end at, her death the principal to the
hers or lctnl rt presr-ntativi s of P. Ziiiimermap.
dcicase I; ti hi on delivery of deed, ba!an"e in I rfd
ciual annual payment j. with hiterijt: I0preent
ot hand money to l.c uapl "u day of sale.' Posiea
iit.u ua Cualtruatl.;0 ul Jale.
At tho sair.e time an I place, I will sell on horsa.
a ous horse waiton. plow, harrow, euliivator,
scoops, horse irears, a lot of ci,ier barrels, rrain
cradle, fc,,. Terms made known onday of sale.
Sale to commence at loo'cl-H-k n. m.
octL-0 A.lmiiiisirator
Clulbord's BariaLsFwrrtrr Caned.
Nutlee Is hereby (liven to all perfo-i:3 concerned,
as Icral. c.i. crenito.-sorcthcrwi.'c, that the follow.
Inaracemiuts have pae, reciter and the snm
will he pres4-niM for emfirmatiou and
at an Orphans-Court, M le held at Somerset in
and t. r Somerset Couutr. P., oa
Thurdaj, QrtoWr 1,1S3,
where all persons IntercsteJ may atienJ if thev
think proper.
Account of ilary A. Mlilen, A.linn ,of Mary
Account or Hiraui .Meriiwm. a.Jm'r ol Jane 11.
Morrison, dee'd.
Account or Henry an 1 Araca Walker, a!m'rs of
John (K Walker, dee'd.
Acc uut of Jerome U. Jennlnas, adtn'r or Is
rael Khoa!s. dec'.!. Thl adm"r of Soh.m .i Knst
sirconnt of A. ft. M itch, li a...l Jwwial l,itou
ei'rs of Thomas I.lsu.n. rfer'.li "
Account of s.unm-l Cunip, ex'r of Benjamin
Trfcutman, dee'd.
Account of Michael Vtn(, ex'r of Mardalen
L"r. defi'.l, .
' " Account "1 1-J. .T. an l J. S. Meyers ami W. U.
S -hr. k. cx'rs ;f .lainh.I. Meyers, dee'd.
A"nut of J. U Midcr, cx r of Y. P. Welsh-
ifoNiBEAi, jH't.vember I To-day
auother pastoral letter from Bishop
! botirirot was read in all thp f'ath.,r 1 nr.... ,i..!.i
! LfbnrHbes. eaiur latu tLa ' . I ,'-.t '"' J- hty. n't r wra.
1?l ' i ' 7 , 7. ai yer. dee .1 and testamentary KUardUu of the
4vea , p.iuatiou9 3 before regnrdino- the ' niiu..rchj.irin oi 'uid deed.
Tbi) ! Lcr.i'o.tnot ,,t a .o... I i. Recount or .Uiiluel 1, r.i. trustee for the n( of
n , ,1 ' "-".-- 1,1. ii, r reaiesratu oi .taa.laleu Ua"X. dec'.l.
uie is aiin ournnig in tne u.recuon ; auel that to preserve its saneti'v " K-'ntimai., t.Ui-o tn aawuf the rei
of Spring Castle. C.-."'. "'-Hock ! Uulbord'. burial H would be f.-rem I 's, .riiaa or uwa
l-ronl,tm o Fort Laramie. . -r,.. v.: t ; ; , ;
' f i p" f i-iiiiiif uuriai. ja no bccoudi
Hoy MbQ$
were tbey to interfere, lie warned
j tbem not to attend the funeral
I two months u?o. The Comm-r
' Albant.'N, Y.,'November4. Tbe-j puueicd a-kry r.nd viewed the body
Philadelphia, Nov. C Geor
Firth, i;cd twslve years, and Ed-
word Cauley, p.ed twelve veirs subscribed
U8ieipa over n puce of wood to-
ri .1 If n n o.A I
ISSJ) .11.611 I11D 1
ia ibe face with
William L. Scott, of Erie. Pa., has
for himself aud friends
r 51,000,000 stock ii the proposed
Account of I'ickl Swarnt-r jmanllsn ofCHiris
tiana Swarner.
A ,unt of Jopis Ankcoy. jruanl hin' of Isaiah
' Account of John M. feoldcrhauni, guardian tit
John IL .Uarteeov. ,
Lrsening Journal say s: Our table to
day makes the State
Democratic by I morrow evening.
and the testimony -will bt heard to-
ittei? .sjit toe iu&iiior Janhattcu Elevated I'ailmad, which
pistol loaded with ' to rurnish rapid tiao.t to vew
buckshot. Firth- was taken to the
hospital His injuries are coLsidered
Subscribe for the Herald.
ilv virtu-of a, decree and orriee of the tvurtor
eTouiina Pieaa ol v..ii.-rct county. Pa,, aa.1 tu
me directed, Uiertwiii be exposed to public sale,
on the premises, on Mi.nday. tbe 8ih da ol Jiirv.,
lS'a. the fbllowiiiir described pr.perty. vix; A lot
ot irrfiuml containing one a.r, situaUnl In Vpper
Turk.eyfo.,1 township, known aa the Oi l Disciples'
(Anarch pronerty.
Terns. i.ue-balf of t!.e purchase uionr 'o c
paM tmoL.ntirmatioo of auleind Uie baitsaee 1
one year, wiihoul ui'.ereit. .
Sjalo to aouiuicnce at one o'clock P. M of salil