A IXaUUBLE xomr. Yes, terrible that is just what it was. I rball never forget it, even t-bould I live to oDe of tbos wondcr tus ages at times recorded in tbe papers. Moreover, it was not i Kin' fur a man to fonrct. -Many -ve:,tb.nav siip from our luiod. but !k v r jbat'iiti.iMUt wlen we Hand cnt'ie l.mk of the grave, brought , tbiib.r br the probability of " j a a ful desirr. 1: ;i;.iM r.el in itn way. i a Ik-.-., in Antral'. f..r about rive years, diirlij.' Liob time I bad mnM'.d a toleraMe fortune, w ben 1 began I began to lo:, t n-e tbe oiu euuiii nSo... re C' iiM.k-ri.blv Mreetrtbem-u " lin fact that tie gWI I i-ved, anu , Ud r.,iiM ti;.d t.. be toy -.in to England, and I eoul.l l. arti.e lb-u:bt t f i-mb an ex - l. Wk. not tent tcrn.ii.ed t r M", ana let our iuar rlavf tak" place there. Mav lirodst-Mic was tbe only daughter of a weil-lo-uo fquauer t rn-i-o r-.j ..v., at, fiiwrt pirl for mile- j ihou?b until I had , a;id the pr:tieit r .T? ri( 1 t ne MulM i,..-,ir:.. BTitm'.ntiil with ber. ratber; rn.l ,,r a Kit of cirli.-b flirtation. This wi.s tbe turned out. Auinrif her one Jacob Kiel. u.'irsl lor me. ii manv ainurfTs was' ark littirttl. dark-! i i T..: i.A uaa rit . . K tbatc'assof men who feel Ptrongly, and who never forget an inury like wild cats they ere nasty custo mers to (Ten d Well, .May, I fear, hd (lined somewhat iih Jacob Kiel, who I really lielive, loved the very grounu cue ie.i vu, ... .1 r,t. a ai a il-r.if rn I r. An f h Nii. im:.n-u um x ... " Uiat alj tiad never given iiim iui- siiL'b;e.-t bone. It was al. ut this time that I ap peared upon tbe scene; and she dis covered that he bad lound tbe rijrht man, as 1 bad fjund tbe right girl. Mav l'.rodsiono instantly gave up ail ber'admirers, was as steady and quiet as a gum tree when no wind blows, aal finally said tbe "Yes" upon which mv happiness depeucled. Old Mr. llrodstone knew that tbe match would be a good one, aud reudilv gave hi- consent, so that ocr 'ii?ar nient we s soon made public. I as prcKcuf w hen tbe news reacb--d Jacob Kiel. I fball never forget bis bice. Ilis lips were compressed, his dark eves contracted ; be looked fri.m Mv to me. and I felt that, if ever be could, be would do me mis chief. Without a f vllablo be quitted tbe place. A strange rensation run through me 8S be departed ; and May told me that a cold shudder had run through her veins. We did not see much of Kiel after this, though we knew he was cften ab ut the station upon business; but tbe man somehow threw a kind of shadow over May's and my happi ness, and we were bo: at all sorry when we got on board the steamer and steamed off towards Old Kng luud We bad not, however, got clear out of eight of land w hen May, giving a little cry, put ber hand on my arm, and, slightly nodding her bead towards the lower deck, said: 'Oh, Edward, look be is there . too!" And so be was. Leaning quietly over the side, watching the land ap parently, w as Jacob Kiel a passen ger for" England, like ourselves. I w ill ow n that I was considerably nn-j noyed, though when May, drawing nearer, exclaimed, in a low startled voice, "Edward, dear, 1 don'l know bow it is, but I dread that man I cannot divest my mind of tbe thought that he means us harm.': I laughed and tried to banish so absurd an idea. And certainly it appeared I bad every right te do so. Save by a casual interchange of a few words, Kiel never troubled ns, and we were mnkintr a capital journey, when, just as we were within twenty degrees of the line, we were struck by a hurri cane which tbe captain declared was almost a cyclone in violence. The vessel could not weather it Tbe masts crashed overboard, taking several of the crew with them, and, before the wreck could be cut adrift, a portion of tbe broken spars, dash ng agaiust tbe ship, bad caused a leak below tbe water-line, and tbe erv was Wc are t-inkini! Lower the boats the pumps are useless 1" The captain was marvelously firm wud cool, and by bis example made lis all the same. Tbe boats were rapidly lowered and filled, while, thank heaven tbe storm eemed to abate.' Tbe wo ojcn went firet, v course, tnd all was proceeding well, when, just as tbe last boat was being tilled, I re membered that in my hurry I had left rv "mothers miuiature in my chest. " There was plenty of 'hue to fetch it. and in a secoud 1 was down in tbe cabin. Flinging the lid own ti'v band was already upon tbe like- licii. when I beard a foot upon tbe stair I turned, and by tbe dim light yet swinging from the roof, perceived jaeob Kiel. (jood heavens! The diabolical expression on his face, tbe Gendib malice in his dark soake-like eyes, revealed his iutcntion -in s moment . He bad come to do me some dead'v Lanu. Leaning up, I seized my re volver, to be on my guard ; but au iittock was not bis purpose. Before I conld prevect Lim, be bad quickly ctoe4 the cattm oor, and locked it on tbe outside. Like a flash of licitc'ctr all the horrors of my position in.tantly nasned be lore me. 1 was a prisoner in the sinking ship ! L tiering a loud shout of fury I sprang forward; the cry was echoed by a laugh from Jacob Kiel. I heard him sav, "Who will marry May Brodstone sow T" and tben his feet went rap idly op tbe fcUirs. leaned loudly lor help; tbe up roar of tbe etorm drowsed my voice. I paused. Just then tbe wind lulled, and I beard the order to pusb oSf ; , tbe Fpcakcr was Jacob Kiel. I agaia fchoutca in my agony : oat tny voice and tbe w iod rose toe-ether I was unheard. I continued lo shout like a madman, (bough 1 knew all hope was gone that I was alone like a trapped rat, in tbe sinking ship. furiously I beat tbe door, all the while painfu'ly conscious that rescue was impossible and death certain, for it was sight, and as no doubt tbe torm would separate tbe boats, my absenoe would but be discovered until the ressel was foun&red. Conld I expect angbl else, wben in tbe occasional lull of tbe hurricane I beard tbe rusb of tbe deadly wa ters in tbe hold, and felt the s-bir. lurcn more heavily each moment as f be plunged into "the trough of tbe sea? Suddenly pbe gave a U rrific keel oyer and a w ave came rattling down tbe companion ladder like tbinder, rushed under the dor and ' in'ucdatefl The cabin. -- - - 1 fbrkked in agony, believing that all was over that I was to die tbus, ' not even with tbe chanee of battlinir I fell that I could Bieettleaiicalm-i Ir if I a-er. en diu.1. u,:t. . L - l .j .. v., .ilu ,UB utav- remaiotirr. ua an atijoininf farm 1 man up against toe wiudow and re- ena above me; but my very bairsaw some cl;vcr tttlUllei aiih teed ! marked; I was brunt up never to al Mtrred at tbe horrible thought of be- where no plaster was used. low 6 jailer eyed man to wink at me. ing lurried in tbe sea as it were in a box. Was there really no way of escape? I looked around and pave a great cry of joy, tben leaped for ward, carelesf now trt tbe water mounted higher and hiffber. -rorl! Idiot!" I exclaimed "why did you nut think -f it befjre f You are our two murderer!" .My eyes bad rested upon my re V;!ver. In a second I had fired two cf it barrel into tbe lock of tl e door, fchiverin? it to atom, and tie i next minute I a.- np-'ti tbe deck ou'y j j si i" t J Fettling fat. I long before, me. lor the vem-I wa It would have settled but tbe storm had .baud. Vi.b wild U;e I I i k. d f r tbe ,arr jdatkLt bid tie t btu.,,te,!t,!j r0 if o- fur, h 1 1 wuii iii ie wanr.-. I'ut, bav far, I r- r ilir.-d uot bv o 1 discharged the remaining barrels of riiv revolver. and then pin Hired int.) tbe Kta, to 'pwiui at f:ir i- 1 imuI.1 from the ship ; before it tauk, hoping that 1 should !Cnd Bonie iiiecta of wrtek. Idideo, CnJ gon e .,,t,c(B o) Lt-fure j Lad t w..h corJ i?(! a:tac! tied far a mast. hed. This helped me; tor utter Usaiajr myseii to tnej mast aa well as I could, tbe waves j i . i ... . . -.' . . 1 a leariul rush ol water seized me. 1 was drawn rspidly lack, and then j4..n.n n a in aa- L t 1 t , A . (1 lin If It I . V W U MO t LA II il ' 1 u uuKf umniii n.rm 1 .m r. 1 t-Ti rv A hoTfi I u.r LU.L j r mf n!l,. rf d no more, i ben I came to, I was in one of tLe boats w i-b May Hrodstooe leaning over me. It appeared that dirtctly mourning dawned, tbe boats wire caileii to- I ' i c.5jer 8Dd tbe e!ita;n went over the names, when mine was tjund ing; upon wMcn nc reso.vcu to row , . , , , back, md see if he could not bud me, unfed thereto lv manv of bis com i r I .1 . i: . . .1 . panions, who wondered as did not Jacob Kiel what ceu'd bare pre vented my getting into one of tbe boa's. The sea was nearly calm, tbe stin shining, and their search 'was cot difficult. They soon perceived a dark object. Approaching it they found it to be myself, clinging like grim death to tbe mast, but laujrhin and pell'ng like a maniac. In fact I was mad, and for some time alter they bad managed to get me into the boat I remained so; then I became calmer, though I was delirious for a w hole day and niibt. Directly sensibility returned, I told my story," filling every one with hor ror, especially May Ilrodstone. "I sec it all!" exclaimed tbe cap tain. "Tbe villian ! Last night our boats separated in the darkness; this morning tbe one bearing Jacob Kielj and the worst of tbe crew wa miss- i ing. He has either steered tbe boat into a different track, or paid tbe fel lows to desert us, fearful of tbe puu-i.-bment that might have awaited bim 41' ben be touched land." Whether this was so I do not know, for we never beard of Jacob Kiel ngiiin. That day we were picked op by one of (Ireen's ships, homeward bound, and in due time were landed in England, where Mav and I were married, and where we now reside ; for my w ife will not bear of crossing the ocean again, a- she cannot forget as indeed I cannot that most ter rible moment of mv life. Inimlirnl tar Ike Fnurral. TLe singular heartlessness of some of tbe Chinese residents of bau Francisco is forcibly illustrat?d by a recent incident, w hich the Chronicle thus describes ; Two Chinamen visit ed a prominent undertaking estab lishment, and the Hpokesu an, who talked very fair pigeon English, said: "One Cbinawomau, she muchee die ; we waut bury her twelve o'clock." A man was dispatched for the city physician to make an inspection and give a certificate, and also to take tbe measure of the deceased woman. Tbe pair wended their way to llren ham place, and in a small room on tbe tbird floor, laid out on a mat, was the supposed corps. The undertaker, thinking onlv of his business, pulled out his tape liuc and asked the doctor to bold one end of il while the size of the cofliin required was ascertained. Tbey were a little surprised as they stretched the line over the body to soe the woman open her eves. The Chinamen expressed no surprise, but nimplysaid; "Oh, the le dead by twelve o'clock." The doctor alter making a careful examination, con eluded that the woman was bevond help, and was on the eve of dissolu tion, but tbe undertaker decided that il would be as well to postpone th funeral. Except iu tbe cases of prominent and wealthy Chinamen, w hose estate w ill bear the expenses of a lavish spread of varnished hog aud other funeral meats, the Chinese almost invariably hurry offiheirdead to tbe cemetery before tbey are fairly cold. Almost any undertaker can furnish experiences like this, and there can be little doubt that many a poor Chinaman is put under tbe sod before life is extinct. S4 Fcacra. With the increasing cost of fencing material, it becomes a more interest ing question to the farmer. How can 1 economically build new and repair old fences" A western mau sug gests the use of sods, and writes: "In Eaitland and Ireland tbey have tbe ''d fence.' I have seen i' in tbi country occasionally, b i: 1 tiiink if our farmers knew is p a. -iii-.il merits we should see it olu-m v. Ouly dig two diU'Les two feet apart, three feet wide, and two feet deep; throw tbe dirt iroui the ditches on the space between, beat it down till it baa some harduesMtud give it euough blant to prevent 'caving,' and you have a fence lor a uielune. in most cases here we need no turf or 'whin bushes' as they do, for in a year the bank will be covered by a luxuriant growth or blackberry bus lies, . answering ererr purpose. Even where timber is plenty, we can make tbis fence cheaper than almost any other. Raining- Clover Srei. Having bad some experience, says a correspondent of the Country Gen- tleman, in clover raisinir, I will say for the benefit of any who may be interested in tbe subject, that 1 be lieve it produces mora milk than either timothy or corn fodder, and at the same time I find that land im proves by frequently being seeded to clover. As fo whether plaster is in dispensable, I bava always used it, and w ith varied resulU The pres- euv reason i naa vwemy acres 01 clover, wbich I bad intended for seed, and to which I applied, about Mayj 20th, 100 pounds ol plaster per acre. On examining the beads this fall, I found that very few .of , . e . . . . seen tn tact, i ao na mint me i twenty rci-pa a o'ilil lire nroducfil : live bushels, and I abandoned the! ; idea of catiHie it fur seed, aud put a I part in f or feeding, and tia.:t 11 rtfit tK.i . . . . . . 1 . . . A Bloaie Caleb Ids Bob jr. A singular phenomenon is just now creating a Eensation a few miles south of Erie, in tbe shape of a mouse catching infant, surpassing in expert us tbe agility of tbe best canine or feline mouser in the country. The report of this singular freak of na ture reached me so well authenticate td thai I concluded to gratify ray cu riositv, and possibly be bold, as 1 had often been, but, to my surprise, ibe fuc:s turned out mure remarkable than tbe most astonishing natural m under I ever wuntseed. Tbe little girl iu quesiiiju is u iriflo over a year ! old, and eau but just begin to run ; about the houre and yard. The mo-! uitrtit she wakes and "gets out of her j crib she goes to tbe old kitchen fire j pluce, hich U iufeeied with a spe cies . ol fiuml liou-e mice, auu sits down in a hold in tbe corner very much I ke a cat, with her eyes intent ly fixed ju the burrow, fae some times occupies ibis pcitiou for an hour without moving, till a mouse makes its appearance, when, by a sudden stun, apparently without any effort, she seizes ber victim by tbe ! neck. Assoou as her prize is secur ed tbe seems to be electrified with i,)T and trembles from bead to foot. r - , . . , ,.. utienntr a kind ( I wild murmur or I growl, resembling the half suppress ed snarl of a wild cat. On arriving at tbe bouse, and making known the ; J Willingness to give me an ,LBtri.M Lii.ri.f CAUiur.iuu vt ii' i n i' " k 1 j . . - of the baby providing 1 would prom ise not to make their names public, as tbe teemed to dread the notoriety already given to the affair. I, of ........ ... iln ,V.n i. , 1 1 -At nPiiltlizA . CUUISl. :IQUQ W I L'l'lin V. I'l ' . riririw; f witness!,..- w ith my own eyes a performance so I wonderful and uovel that I can nev " r r- . - o er forget the impression it made. Tbe babe was asleep when I arrived, and on awakening she started at onee on j her strange mission. She is a beau-i jtiiul little blonde, of delicate features land bright, blue eyes, and ber hair lies all over ber ber bead in exqui sitely formed golden curls, about the circle of a dime. There is nothing unusual about tbe couutenance of tbe child, or different from that of any pretty featured baby, except w hile stalking ber gme. Tben ber eyes become glisteuing and fixed, spark ling like gems, and her face and hands turn pale as wax, while sue appears to bear or notice nothing go ing on around her, but keeps her eyes steadily centered on the burrow whence she expects her game to sal ly forth. The mother and only sis ter of the child and myself sat in a semi circle around ber, silent as if in ( a soiritual seance waiting l.r the sig- Dal of departed spirits. Had no mouse made its appearance, tbesuht w as one never to be forgotten tbe deathly pale face cf that motionless child, and the rivited, sparkling eyes concentrated for thirty minutes on that mouse bole in the brick hearth. During that half hour we neither moved or spoke above a whisper, w hen suddenly, like the springing of a trap, the little thing s band went down on the hearth, followed by tbe fine squeak of a mouse, and that strange, low growl ingular tremor of the body of tbe child. As usual, she held the mouse by tbe neck in ber right hand, while it squirmed desper ately to getaway, febe tben press ed it up against ber bosom, and felt of it gently and softly with her other hand; tbeu would dexterously change hands.carefu.ly keeping her grip upon tbe neck to avoid its bite, though ber mother told me she bad been frequent ly bitten: and while sensitive to pain and crying at tbe lea.st ordinary burt, tbe never wu seen to wince or show the least pain from the bite of a mouse. I examined ber fingers and found tbem scarred in many places where she Lad been bitten. 1 tried to realize how the feat had been ac complished, but it was .done so sud denly there was no time to analyze it. Yet I was assured by the family who bad taken frequent observation, that the mouse when once out of its hole seems to become charmed or magnetized aud has no power, or at least shows no disposition to escape till caught, w hen iit is too late, if any one approaches tbe child to take the mouse aw ay from her, she will utter a shrill scream and then try to conceal ber prize by putting it into her mouth. I have beard of snakes and birds charming children, but I guess this is the first mouse catching baby yet developed. I wouder how Darwin would explain this abnormal instinct by tbe laws of evolution and natural selection. Some One to I.ve. I'crhaps oue of the most positive proofs we have 'of the soul's inde pendence of tbe body is our great need of love and of some'hing to love. Were we mere animals creat ures doomed to perish after a few vears of life in this world that wbich contents the brute would also content ns. To eat and sleep well, to bare an easy time of it would be enough. As it is, we may have all tbeke things and health to enjoy them and yet be utterly wretched. Neith er can mental food satisfy us. "Some one to love" is our heart's cry. ncn toe aimospncre ol tc?cr ness is about us we rejoice; when people arc harsh and unkind we suf fer. te begin life wishing to love all people, and believing that tbey love us. Experience hardens us. Our dear ones grow fewer; but, as long as reason lasts, we must have some one we roust at least imagine that some one loves us. The par ents, sisters and brothers that dear est friend whom we promise to love and ctansh until death parte ns these cotno into oar lives and ull tbem op. Afterward come th.oljttle children frail, helplets babies, who need our help so much, and friends to whom we are not kin, yet who grow dear to us. Some Lave many loved ones, and some but one. Heaven help those who have none, though they are gen erally to blame for their empty heart cdness, for kindness win? love. Tbey ara always wretched, and tbey often show their craving for sometbiug to love by cberiehing some dumb ani mal a dog, a kitten, a parrot, per haps, on which tbey lavish carossrs, wnich, better spent, would bava bound some bnman heart to theirs Pride or morbid sensitiveness may have been at tbe bottom of their lone liness, and these peu of theirs fill the aching void a little. o me one uuots t 11 18 me cry ot o. .-1 1 . . . .1 me- uuuiau buui, me uvie 10 v. men every Lucian booI, tbe note to which every human heart responds; the bond which will bind jjs &) together ibis -fall 1 ' " u Minn w i them had i ? lS t,ther orll wb"c tbiok tbeifc!;.ai,bf "'H-d od Ktouirtt.-rs lofc r-haL' re,?n forever. " . ii A Tennessee girl, rid in ir on tbe enrd erna.eil ti.tt sija bi..l..jl . . . - ' . . ' J " How nary Jane a Waa. - There is no foolipbneps about some of the fathers of Dubuque county, Iowa, who have marriageable daugh ters, and they know how to precipi tate basinets ween tbe fruit is ripe. Matters were brought to a climax with a rush at a certain farmer's res idence in Ternon township, recently. A young tiller of the soil bad for months been paying most assiduous attentions to a of his daughters, but bo w:s euch a bashful, modest i the eue, jcbup, never having b- n much in cananv of ifirls, except luis that he had never bt-en nble l-t raise tiii courage sufficiently high t pop tbe all important question, He had' gae to the h.iu.-e in w h ch hia admirer lived, p u ut least iweu- tv different occasions, resolved l know bis fate; but when ustu-red iutu tbe prei-e;.ce of bis -fair one, into whose keepi.ig bo hsl placed bis bean, bis courage would invariably ; "go back on hiui," aud be would re, turn to his lonely room in greater; susjtense than before. Upon the even- i ing in iuetiou he bad determined i ! that, come w hat would, he would tell bis Mary that be loved her. lie weuld once for all decide the matter, liut, as upjn each former occasion, be could get the proposal no further than his throat. There it stuck, and halt lust determined to uuip it naa just uiwiumru i n and give up tbe siege when tbe opened aid in ttalked tbe girl's down door father, w ho advanced to where tbey w ere titling aud thus addressed them: "I came in to put a stop to this in fernal foolishness. It ain't the court ing expenses that I'm looking at, for coal oil's cheap au' wood can be had for the baulin'; but I'm sick aud tired of tbis biiiia' and cooia' like a pair of sick doves, keepin' me awake of nights, aud it's got to be stopped right here. Mary Jane, look vp here. Do vcu love John Ileury well enough to marry bim: "Why, father, I I you must ' "Step tLat darn foolishiu'," yelled the old man. "Answer 'yes' or 'no, and miirhty quick, too. It's got to be settled now or never." "Answer 'yes or 'no.' Speak!" roared tbe old gent. "Well, yes, tben. There, now," and Mary again bid her face. "Thai's business; that's tbe way to talk. Now, John, look here look up here, or I'll 6hake you all to pieces. Do you want that gal o' mine for a wife"? Speak out like a man, now." "Why, Mr. , ain't tbis ratber a I mean, can't you" "Seak it out, or oul of tbis house vou'il go head foremost I won' "wait a minute longer. There's the gal, and a likelier gal ain't in tbe you just beard her say State, and she wanted you. .Now, John, 1 won t stand a n: o ioonn , onte ior , e . . all 'rp' nr 'no" " ' . , . , "vell, yes, t;r; I nave been prcl fl-linnTUJUS eOOUin tO LODC It) at 1 ' 1 i "On. confound vour soft talk; tbe thing's settled now. lou two blast ed fools would have been sis months more at that job that I've done in fire minutes. I never saw such fool ing as there is among young people nowadays. Aintliko it was when 1 was young an' now good night. You can talk the thing over, an' you and me, John, 'il go to town an' get the license to-morrow. Sooa be time to go to plowin' no time for love makin' then. Good night, good night; hope I wasn't too rough, but I was- determined to Gx tbe tbiug up one way or 'lot ber; and lbs old mau went back to bed. Now that the ice was broken, tho young people laid all their plans for the future, aud John felt just a little bad at the comfort be hud lost, when Mary looked up at hint shyly, and said: "This would have been all right four months ago, John, if you hadn't been so skeery. I koow'd all the time that you wanted to ask me; but it was'nt my place to say anything, you know." No cards. Jtcen. The California Agricultural says there are two million beehives in the United States, each hive yield ing a little over twenty-two pounds of honey in a year. Tbe average price at wbich honey is sold is esti mated at twenty-five cents a pound, from which it appears that bees, after payiug iheir own board, present us with a revenue of about $3,000,000 a year. Or, it may be said, that they give a pound of pure honey 10 ! every man, woman and child iu the Uuiied State.. Tbe rjriculturift estimates the profits on the sale of surplus honey at from fifty to two hundred per cent, on the capital in vested. But all bees are not as well educated as those of California. Tbe bouey that conies lo us from Cal ifornia, when not cut up and boiiled, is contained in little square wooden frames, probably six by six inches, in which the bees deposit it ready for transportation. The upper side of the otherwise fiat frame is made of a tbin piece of wood shaped like a Y. Tbe bees begin building on tbe low er point of tbe Y, and are thus made to keep their wax structure in the middle of the frame. After the hon ey has been dejtosited the frames may be packed closely together, aud each layer is kept separate from the others by tbe rtnjcciing tides of tho frame. Caiitorma coney usually reaches eastern markets in tbis way, but for retail sale is taken from this frames aud packed in glass bottles or jar. fsmbi. TLe Crol Lorn corubs niaDnfacturctl ia thi country were made iu West Xewburry, Mass., just after the Uev tlutionary War. A Heiaa settled there who was accustomed tj tie wortiog cf horns into buuoos aud combs, and from hi in tbe art if the radii v,-oimarjetiip of that day wa worthy to L-c taljeri an art was taught to the native "population. West Newbury bas conuauedto lead in the business creriuce, and to-day it is oue o' the largest coml-ntuLiug towns ia Masacbusetu. . Forty years ago ' ladies' comb.s, which were larger than laditV bon nets are now, nsed to be made ia Newburyport for the Sjuih America o market. They were often two or three feet wide, encirclinp- two thirds ot the bead, and from six inches to a foot bib on th,e back, the t'n bc-ioir . wriHigbt ia open work; and tj the the Spanish-A meric.n ladies aUa.-b-J ed tbeir treil. Van comb cooHurrjed three Loros, or q equal quantitjr of fchnll ; anri n mnr-S of th.m B-..,lr ,. doDe by Laud and witli tie f a w,Ld tie ' mw . 1 nua D0 U7 Wis n!irlr m,n..l labor. 1 - -o . me prices wero to fifty dollars. I'igb- -fr.iin twenty Ao hastcrn trarnp, who bad been t over 'ixconiiia, fays the names of the towns savor too uiucb ' of pedes trianism tiptiit iiirnotftHif i "print er's tat.!l . Xhera : b iiiU auiep, Wauke.-ha, Oconoww. Manitowoi. auhftran. rewaukep, and a dozen other "walk-"," buf dirtied little woik. at 1 a 1 Xetc Advertisements, a nTnvTma A IV U SEVEN ' ' 347 Ml I 171 I 11 1 I 'li.'Jr-f a b anirTflO V I I Oil GOLDEN We h ve h.i.1 tM ctiatlrna" ol M.OOO i'mmlncntly P!n.l..! In all our Circulars aa l tWwi.aiT vt rii-KUK-nH l-r the lnt l.mr vni r. nn.l Dot tnken. wlili-h thowt tto fujicrlor exrcll.-nee ulMrkKMUPV OVIK ILLOIHtHS. Fjt ExtiTnal nd Iuitnml use. It will tfitel a Spewly I urcin all Cases or Headache, Neuralgia, Toot bach, Sprains Uruiscs, Flesh Wounds, Burns, Colic, Cramp. Cholera Morbus, Flux, Diarrhoea, I'ronchitis, Catarrh, Coughs, Cold, Inflammatory Ilbeumatism, Asthma, Phthisic, Heart Burn, Indigestion, Summer Complaint, Fains in Side, Back or Loins, Files, Ringworm, Felons, Slings of insects, Bites of Yen mous Serpents, ond especially Rheumatism. A Fowerful Remedy w hich is taken Internally by Anyone. Ti ls celebrated MoIIrine I N-Tond a ilf-nl I th irreiitpjt illx-cvny in Mi-iilral S ir-noe kiH.wn In the worlU. In actlm if at" once felt: i: s won-lcrlui tun-i are instantaneous; in fact, it LITERALLY DEMOLISHES PAIN. Equally Cood for Man or Beast. Remember, we guarantee every Bottle. 2T0 CIJ2S KO PAY- TP.T IT ACT EE CONVINCED. Sickne eomes when least cipected. fine bottle may Favo yuur lire. If ji;u are not Jatisfieil, afHr l;ir trial, we will retund your money. OUR MOTTO, NO CUEE, sTO PAY. A Source of Happiness to Millions of Suffering Humanity. Dnrtns the vnst year the wmilrrful pueress of this r ,,,, kix lifks ikkat iruine rxtrtH'tnlloliiii 1 11 u I SA.Misi n 1'. iir.c WHNMKK.Ik the MUST WiiXDKKKI I.PAIM ll'.STHIYt:i( IN KX1STKM K. Use MUSI' KX- PKIUTIors.S FK AND PUWKKFI L, KKMKtaV KNOW N IN TH K WUK l: 11 K KS A KK KKfcrKD almost instantly, as ik hy mauk. Ttn.uaniiiirferiiiisiiief hareivm Ml jiralsc of thi? Cireat Kemeily. from liersonal knowledge ul iu hi.ci.t miraculous powirs iu curing the moft obftlnate ami niracte-i enrea ol i.e&jeft. We want IX xi IA V t AtJKNT In every county tn the I'niteit Slates an.t (Tnnailns. It will pav yi-u lieiter thn anything cl!e you can take hoM of." Senit in your order. Secure your county at one, lclore it tielne taken ly foine one ele. Kxi-lusivo torritory irii-en. Aneiils'are iloiim better with our Kemeity than anything else they ever took hoM of. Why ! thi?? ILcinse the K"meily iloes iun aa we Bay, aul our ai;ents ran warrant every Imt' le. Xo cure, no pay. Knowingthat we make ull ti'Jsef good, should they tie called on to redeem a bottle, dtrenta run no risk of losf. rec:,vea lwu u p;mf ui our itiwi iu-.i, uiisituriicu EES! IS A SAMPLE LETTER tl Nearly -2,000 liotlles Sold In Four Months. Scott Tows. Lawrence V., Ohio. Mkvi. KKNttKnY ti Co. Hear Sirs. At tliit late hour I will Inform you of the rreat hencnt I reeelve.1 Iroiu The ne or lr. HiMWMi l) reat Hetmily, MO V KN SKAl-SOlt l iLl'KX WO.Mitll. Alter beintr. confined to my bsii tor eight yea is with a' complication of digram.-, viz: iy.feitic. Hron rlnti. palpitation of the heart, laln In the rlirht pide, with general ilcl-llity. e-rwiiirh I tried the iklll of out home physicians, atno a doctor of New York clty.andtwo ol I'll fulttrtt h. aud one in the Northern partot Ohio. Took enouifh patent ineilit-inc to pwini in all lo noLiuriM'. AtW-nirh I was imlii.-ed totry Ir. Kadriiff'sSKV KX SEALS K OOI.IiKN WONUKK. I -nt I c ix hfty cent bottle, and before ulnif it all, found invm-lf aide to travel In a bnvzy. Took tl a-ncy fur It mle la-t April four ni intlm ar i. an 1 have ao I thirteen irr-ia. or 1.872 houlea up 14 lou daia. Auun 'JU.1X l.an i expsct Ir m ihe icmwin demtn i to aull ten tliou-onl (l.0 U) bulletin tlie next year. Gentlemen, il you think tliU w-irth uiua; you cm do sa, as 1 am venerally known over thne ciuntle a inun of great aiHu-tion. Yeura rcfiicctfuilv. H. J. DAKLIXO, Important to all Persons out of Employment. Ommi kovH. KettitKriT fc, Co. PiTTai'ROH, Pa. lear Sir We take pleasure in herewith bunding yotl a copy of our Circular to Airent which we feel contident will repay a dilitrent M-rusal tivone wiidiinz to make nvmcv rapidly and certainly. We are now the SOLK l'liOl'KI KTOKS AND ONLY MAM.'FAirrUKfcliS III' DR. RADCLIFP'S GREAT REMEDY, SEVEN SEALS OR FOB THIS GREAT REM EI)Y WE IieakSir. The above fully explain; the article! we w i.h to f ill. Thia bufinrw U honorable, and by Inriii ir euencetic, will pav yon well. It I our desire to apimlnt an asent in every county in all I"J'8 ol the t'nited State an I Canada, crantine to 111 inu coHiny. c-oouiii you aect-pi lii axencjr lor miBvr m rr? rouniH.-, you suaiiiave ine exclusive right to aell every bottle sold In ynar county, as Ionic as youcoutinue to act as ouracnt, and all orders which we may ri-ecive Irom yonr lerritory shall be turned over to your account. This wonderful remetly, ' Seven Seal's or Ouldt-n Womler, sells rapidly in the hands of the riicht kind of men. an I we wautnone other. Now. If you think you are the man for the work,iorward your order, name your county, and ko to work; you cin a irrcss in a lew days, without a dojht We have one man who buys on an average three gross ptr week, arid his order are iucreasinsr rapiillv, and he has a small county. (Berks Co.. Pa. ). He wtl cp tjat he expects to sell one Kn;s per day, at retail, thceomina; season, not counting whob-salo. Yon have the privilege of eliiu wholesale or re tail, or putting it on commission witlnlrutfiii'ts. or selling by sub-agents. Thi busincus is worth the attention of g-wd men. and men of capital. Shoald you make but reasonable wage say ,.100 per month for the rirstthree monih. (mnuy make more) you would ncrcrihclcts be (.lajlit-lihig a Lu.-i nesi thaatrould pav yoa largclv In the end. SEVEN SEALS or OOLliEN WONHER Is put Uliintl 00 ami 50 cent bottles, elegantly bnlihcd In neat and appropriate wrappers, and packed In nice 'mxes. one dozen In (;ach hex. To drutrgist our scale of prices are Large site, tl CO bottles, per dozen. f VU; small size, SO cent boil lea, ;ier dozen, 4 60. We gives)ecial terms to our County A gen's at such figures that they can sell to drn elf's and conn try storcsat the above price an 1 make a handsome profit. We also give an EXTRA PREMIUM TO 'AGENTS!. la order to Lave live, cncfjrctlc men to take hot J of tn tjusinesa at onco, we have oonclu led to give fm gratis to each and every a gent a present of a handsome, Uuc " COIN SILVER HUNTING CASE WATCH. ber.n-irnlly ensrraved, and correct time keeper, worth $S) 00; and a eertifl-nte or ajrenev ftivln SOLE fNTKOLor such eoun y as tbe uaiit may select, (n- alroa.lv taken:) awl, furthermore, all orders eobiiuic Iroin sued counties as the agent may select, will be sent back bv ns to the agent to be tilled iu lact we (five s.c cqtrol of such counties as lonir as the agent contiriaes la the buslnesa. Kenicni bcr. the Premium Wateh U irlven arralia to (tents. We take this plan to have our irreat remedy quickly and tlittronirhly tntriklticed. Let ns hear from yon at your earliest convenience, ami secure yoar county at unue, Iwfure being taken by i9 one else. Kemember, Uiis oher is ouuu tora sburt time onlv. We wtl semi to naitles siontemidutlny tn act as ODrflirent fian-.nl. T.rc n,t Qm.n i,..i. ... I ly tacked with ear dittarant poatera, bills, slHiweahls, UlOX THE RECEIPT OF -81.00 and to all sending tl 00 for san.jdci we wlil also lend Free or Charge. Sample or sir Eight decani Chroma, entitled GOO MORXISO AND GOOD XIGIIT, FIRST PAIR AXD OX LY PAIR. FEEDING THE CIIIKEXS, OUT OF THE FRYING PAN IXTO THE FIRE, AXD TO 3IO THE RS GRAVE. Which are given iuaUuloJ.-ty lo cur. agents for free distribution. ' ... iS1..1;' tnsinis.. besuch tbat you cannot actasour agent, please call the attention of some hon "wZSbwtJut1" ,te? W ?Jfocure w hin,'lf lnuancnt siluati.n and a It you want your county let as know as soon as convenient, aj tbe tertitoi v ma" l e taken " e,wi'nM ' l''ed o bave parties wso contemplate takiujt an aBcney, fa stW (L4 a -amide Back agcof this wonlertul reine ly lieioreeugaging Urgcly (u the buine ao.p,e pack- KEMEMDER, ME (T1RAN'TEE EVERY BOTTLE. CURE, J,!. "n-.irn!.., meif. To su ii we will miN.iM KENNEDY. & CO., Cor. WOOD St. and Second Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. Please state what paper you saw oetlT Nexc Advertisement. rPTTi!'TrrrTfYrr T In Gold C'oiii! Vil CMemellieWcrlJ. And iciU forfeit ROOD to any person trim can prothfe a rtuiedif uhich trill prove by aHual ti-st, a more, speedy, certain andfjf'ectutl c v re fu r ull jainn and arhes of irhat i eer form, external and iVi temol, acute or rh runic, drrp fian walrd or Merwise, m:. IMDCLIFF'S Ureal Kemrdj, SEALS WONDER. Grent Kume-iy lies far eicfeileil i.nr most san- i i i r.i, auj u. 01111 n.i:i nave iiiua ini irmn nr- kkmkdy. skvkn skals ikooukx uiiiieftcii m utwucu ui, utii ci fill OAS ME11S ABE K GOLDEN HER. 1,000 WISH YOIT TO ACT AS OUR AGENT. each the exclunive rixht to sell every buttle sold terms, su-, 2sTO IP .A. UTl 5 Lf 'r- ess. Address all coairuuni nations to ,. r:, " ' nonesi, ry aj this in.' New Advertisements. JOHN F. BLYMYEI1, DEALER IN Hardware, Iron Nails, Glass, Paints, OILS, &C, &C The following is a partial Kst of poods in Stock: Ctrpenter's Tools, Planes, Saws, Hatchets, Hammers, Chisels, Plane Iron.. Jzea, Ac, Black smith's Goods, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Files, Hammers, 4e. Saddlery Hardware, Tab Trees, (Jig Saddles, Hames, Buckles, Ring3, Bits and Tools. Table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Sci.-sors, Spoons and Razors, the largest stock in Somerset County. Painter's Coods, a full stock. White Lead, Cobbed Pnints for inside and outside painting. Paints in oil, all colors, Tarnish, Turpentine," Flax-eed Oil. Brushes, Japan Dryer, Walnut Stains, Ac. Window Glass of all sizt-s and glass cut to any shape. Tbe best Coal Oil alwavson baud. Our st ick ol CY-ai O 1 Lamps is large and comprises very elegant st vies. - Ditston's Circular, Muly and Cro.-s Cut Saws. Mill Saw Files of tbebest quality. , Porcelain-Hacd Kettles. . Uindiea of ail kinds. SflOVJKI. SJKSO, ?42Am I2AKF, Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Picks, Scythes, Sneaths. Sledges, Mason Hummers, Cast Steel. Step Ladders, Carriage and Tire Bolts of all sizes. Loooking Glassies, Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sieves, Iloor.Mats, Baskets, Tubs, Wooden Buckets, Twine, Rope all sizes, Hay Pulleys, Butter Prints, Mop Sticks, Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cuttefs and Stuffers, Tr-es, Cow Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Duet aud Scrub' Brushes, Horse Brushes, Cur ry Combs and Cards, Door Locks, Hinges, Screws, Latches and everything iii the Builders' line. Caps, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety Fuse, Ac, Ac, The fact is, I keep everything thut belongs t j the Hardware trade. I deal exclusively in this kind of goods aud give my whole atttcntton to it. Per sons who are building, or any one iu need of anything in my line, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. I will always give a reasonable credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers for their patronage, and hope this senson to make many new ones. Don't forget the place ISTo, '74. April s 1875. New Autumn Styles. LUt IESTSnUKIX THE CITY JIST OI'EXEIJ. - - DRY GOODS D NOTIONS. SPECIAL ATTE ACTIONS IN OCR Dress Goods Department. FCLL LINE OF ALL THE LEADlXtl BltANDS OP IDOIVEESTIC IDZRT COOIDS. Shawls, Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, and Small Wear. isoTTo.n ntiCKs a iKA.Ti:r.i). . S-d? Agents for ttic Celebrated Fullcrion's Frci icrt Flannel?, New Li-1 11 Hannci.-i. ltlaiiketii, an 1 iar. Mendiants arc imileil to call and rxaininc fur Mok and Pi--t-. Wholesale Exclusively. i TiTiTTmn trnm Ho. 223 AitDUTHHUT B. TIEGLE, Xo. :: Smithlieia Street, ritt-biiruli. Justrrceivs.! a full 6tk of CLOTHS. CASSIMEKES. an-l A ESTINGP, f- r Fall and Winter wear. LOWEST PRICES. i:U work an.1 Fl-.f guarantee.! to give pcrfc t :t!sf.u-tion. S'-l'ZL SOOO?S .A. IsT H) SKIOSS WK O LESALE GILL No. 05:1 UDEUTY Five i1.ts f.Ttn head of Wood s.reet. We are daily receiving goo-:?, and have BOOTS, SHOES a RUBBERS in the market, which will be sold at IIOTTOM FK1CFS. Would callsdecial attention ..f Hi" Tra.'e to cur Fort Pitt. Buffalo, and Erie Calf ami Kip IlaiiJ-matlc IWts. Also. WOMEN' S. M ISSES'. and CI 1 1LI U EN'S C t. SIO.M CALF UOIS. Mcu's Misi-r Shoes. Kl'lUiKU (KHiliS nt Factory Kate. N. It. Orders promptly utteude.1 to. Eastetn Hiil I)i!pi;c.i:.-.l. sepa CON'SUMITIOX CUItKT) AT LAST! .THE TRUE REMEDY FOUND. I'KOF. IV.1I. GUKNTIIEll'S GREAT LUNG IIEALEIl m ki.ri: Rr.KF.nr run COXSf'MPTKfX, nilUNClllTlS, CO CGUri. COLDS. OF CHEST, AAV ALL DISEASES OF ME PULMONARY If your druggist does not keep it, send to Wm. Cinftitht"- cV 'o.. ::t I iatnimil Strot. PITTSBUKGri, J?-tV. ANOTHER CASE OF CONSUMPTION CCKEI. PiTTur.roR. S- ptenibf r t'J, li-T4. I'KOF. V. M. Ot'ENTHER IrAS Sir: Tt if wk'i irro-it p'.t-asure that I hasten to eoUKratulate yon on your su.-cess:til treatment of my dauglitcr. Aii.-r ."ml-. ring l.rr upwardsof one year, you have demons'i rated tome by your skill lhatVuiuu.pt:on can be cured. Hoping tJ1.1t yon may he the iiiwru mcnt, through bivine l'Mvidcoce, of us! .ring many more to health, 1 retnrn to yon our sincere and beartkll thanks. r.Ld may Uod Srcil von In v. ur goxl work. Yonw, rt"ir Inily. S HOIM1ETTS Proprietor of Paliiiuore Hotel, UAami iii Water Street. PPOF. WM. QCF.NTHER Sta: luirinz Ibe ings. I contracted acold which caused a harshness duced to try your Lung Ileal wliich cured me In sK-akers and singers r.u!lcri:i Irui.i 1: results, September 21, ISTi. 835,000 WORTH FINE CARPETS. STOCK Henry McCallum 77 FIFTH AV XUK Which was pamrinllv ia-nsirc l bv water at the late r his been rcinovert to the huement of tbe Is. moud lianuk. FIFTH AVtME AXO LIUI KTY ST., anil will be ollere 1 at a larg redut tion iruui iat FOU 30 HAYS. l..-.ii;li ri ii W BUT obi OS COMiMISSIOIVl MERCHANTS, 'No. 88 S. ETJTAW Street, FOR SAXT3 OF BUTTER, EGGS Quick sales and prompt returus with check for produce, is our style of business. . Cards can be had at Messrs. A. J. Casebet r & Co., Express fH ce, Somerset, and Express office, Mineral Point. Sep 2. WIKK & VOUNG, BUTCHERS : AXD DEALER, WIil?j3!e ari.l IJctjsiJ, PHESH MEATS, ALT. KINDS. Srcil AS BEEF. POSK. MrrT')I, VRiL. LAMU, s.vravis, ptrDDixi, a-,L.xNA LARD, 0U3 OWM REKDERING. Marietdays, Tuesdays, TharsJaysvaml Satnr- .J. inarl'; Xeio Advertisement. :VKTi?S IJT.OCIv." JOHN' F. BLYMYER. 1375. niT i flTftTnTJ n r and 241 Liberty Strsat. Rttsttargh. HOUSE OF &o BRO STI!'mTs!jriiGii, I 'A. now one of the largest Fall Stocks of CATARRH OROAXS. PiTT"-.rRrt. January s." 157.1. present winter, while boi.luiar a aeries of meet in my voice, my lliruat 1h-ui ulbi-ted.I was in- le.-s than two days- I rc-otninciiiled It to mil. la My wile u.se.1 it lor a severe eouh. wi'.li svifietorj Y..urs tnilv. J. H. lit lXu rreaMunt Pi!tsurj;h Conference, UceilS reut. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. T E R . & Co. 1 q h 1 and POULTRY. in IE CO, Merchant Tailors, And MajLuljrturen of Gerii's. Youth's and Coya, 121 Wood Street, eora?r Fifth Arcnae, PITTSBURGH. aprL ifl'ic Advertise tneiit.-!. J.W. PATTON. C. O.H'JRST. ILSTSAV FIRM. N EVV G OODS. THE NEW FJRM CF , Xo. I, User's Ulcck, aru n w !n rvrrij-t of n st rt i f a i rr-i to th presoni w.intfti.i the i--jt!. rtirrli:?-.I t' r hi (lit hut ti'ii an. I iii:re the ili-Wim in Itit? iri. istn '14 luittjih a, rhe jb.r: en tMr-1 to n-T ii !iw!uie:!:e!if.t u Ail ia want , it 'f evtry .If-ripiii-ii !u h r..r;''ly iy rtir::i t I o f'antl aiiiwhtre lte in t wn, c w. "rl-iu .1 -n-rriil "r;x.'rf. t fie r cult a:;'tiT;..n t,. CALICOES, Bleached Unbleac! i d 3Io!:Ii. S II IKT IN 0. TICKING, BOYS AND MENS' HEAVY PAXT STUFFS, in Cottonade, Double anil Irish Jeans, S.itfneis, Cassi meres, &., D3 MvSS a OOJ3.S, in Plain and Corded Afpaccas, Pcp lins, Cash.Ticrc3, French tferrinoes. &c, ST.MM.I-: A F. SCY MOTIONS, c SHOE: TOBACCO AND CIGARS, riA.i.DAvXiii!-: The testa.-sortmcnt of Carpctins and Oil C lotha everbpng'it to town. A lar-e s . . k of 1 n.-t.?-ware. lfc.cru.toc'l r-. lie up to ti.e titi:f-r i.i a-.-'.-rt-m.-nt. styles and pri.-ej, we r-spe. ttuilv soli -it a call tp-itl tliso in want of go....!s. It-Ms Pleasiant mill Pr fit.-t!:r rmplnv nirnt. t-:: u-ion:" '-Charu I-il'" 01,. i.-'w loveii:" V hat aro they wor' Ii?' J19. -n-I; are 'x -I.ii.iitiiics y 1 ..c JI.e iarct!-ar:t Nciv (JUr am. s" pr Vec-ii .v tb.- El-r.ianali I Ameri. an Ci.n m . I'u' :i !.::.g ... Therareall KTIt-i-l I i-v. .. Ar'. .' - nc c:;n ri :-f li e tcln la Hon t. I t'y when sc-jiigti.: t l,r. tT:,.. Cam ass. Agents, and I.i !i. 1 and jtontlenien ut of cm. pl.iyiw.-ul. w.!l 8:1 I thiA tiio best i.pei.l.-iu; tverur-f.-rcd ti. make m .pee. F-r full pi rtii a 1-. r--. I s'amp lor ronn-b-n: i I ein-uUr. Address F.OLEA SIN Jtf., 7. Wj-httiu-.-a S., i f'l-'-- . Cook & Boerits' FAMILY GROCERY Flour and Feed STORE. We woti M mf rcspi rT.in-.- .in:'..-;ico to Irl.'n.lsand tbe publ le genernliy. iu ili t.n vicinity ol Nuuierdct. tLat we bave oii-;J our Nuwtoru ou jrArx cross streei And in a JJltl-.n to o full line of the t en CouretUoiierie. Vi:iH , Tobat-t-o, Cisarw. Xv., We will en.lee.vor, at all tlaies, tn """rpty icr cu-1-toucrs wuti tMe BEST ti U A L 1 T Y O F FAMILY FLOUE, CORX-31EAL, OATS, SHELLED COUX, OATS it CORN CHOP, BRA X. HID D L ING S AnJererythiii piriaini:i t- the Feci t'cr-rt-mcutatlho LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. FOR CASH ONLY. Ai, a well selected stotk of (Jlaaswarcj Storetvare, Woo.ler.-rar?, Krisb al kir.d;, a.-.j Which we will sell as cheap aa ti.e the.-.j eii. Please call, examine our u-.c,? i.f alt tin.; be utur.ed from jour i,we juuxmt-m. Don't forget where we stay-.- On MAIN CJHOKS Street, Sja-tM. Pi Oct. i l7i NEW STORE! SfltKTJ. l -VTT.":ON wm'! ff rm th-!-fHeiMta anil the .n!ii; jfer-r..l!, U.'t tl:e--i i- opene-1 a alore ut ' ' ,' a j ii n m t t , on the ll'ie ortlio 1. W. .V I: R. K.. an ! n- w . r fors:i!eaa itor.'.-rHl St-. "-is t-i len.-liuri;it7C, eon sistinu'-f PRY GOODS, CIOTIIIXO. QUEEN'S. V A it h, UAWUWWAE, HATS CAPS, UOOT3 Jt SHOFS. All olwhleh will her, l, s,C3j h.t CAUM or e ertan vA t. r nn m! ace1. W -l.nr.iWr of all kin !., K v.n .ii.,!' t. Cru-l'l", Uark, taie, Ke., Alto. W.,1 IW;. :er, TV s:, Baeoo, Orn!n rf all kii!s. Far. Sl-eer. ret: rn '. Beew.;i. r.-r whk-h we will p:iv ths j: i r'- la Caaa er ij,.-.iil. " ' SALT AND lrI3r. alwaj-s en haml. Give n 9 c-l a&l.h; eontitic. a that we intenJ to ilo l.ujineH aail cau'oot te um!i.--solj. - SCIIELL & WILSON, O. A. Waltke. C. V.. TKF-Vt.. CHEAP STORE. CASH AND I'liODI I I.'. Walter Kra., of Ge!li:irl.. harii: ili.ln.l prtticrhiTi, a n' firm haj h-n csul!ihe4 L; A. Waltc-r an.l V. W. Tntx.il. Owls .d ai low Ik-nre, for cash ami rrciBre: So CKEMT. All k?nli of mc-Khire!;s3 kept cons'imt'T on hart. GIVE t'S .V CALL. Walter & Truxal. O-toLer 13, 1S7S. PATTON I HURST