The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 18, 1875, Image 1

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Terms of Publication.
i a. TT Ida
I " I tr i E.sLaaMt.
jM.jM-It''-': T e-ijt.iL-r a.Ck-iix i a.
1 a.ruus il Jli it aD'.'0I-".
w ! itrsuVj efem4.
. r:r.j.u niUS dj--MawJ ma JJ -;
r,.-w'- aWl-a..' ?. F-.ft s:'.rcut.r v-a
s ..u-t , t n:-r.:.rt i tal
??en wit: U a-i3- .
;; ft lie at A--re
Somerset Printing Coxpany,
i 116
A rcotat stitV.Icai account cf th
canditiia cf ag-.rn:tnr? Is Eag'iai
a ::::-.. a stra.y ia-reae la the sjs
- f f:n bolder-, aa i x-" alas that
"'- I.' Ci.-i l -r ;c f--. V.. t.
aaa au:s :! i .j! ci a b. tt.r ia
c c-e -3 iL-r I a't-1 '.'.a--. e.-mpa-u'r-.
la Ec::Ias"i. I:
is s. ill p .-.-title to vV.aia ly ir'r.!
tare f.-.-a saa'l firr? asi wits I :tlk
car.': ah Y:raea ail e'.der'y prs:as
.;V c:.i:t5 ta.rr .srestaests :u
ta.S Tar, a;;
-S W
L s ; VOL. XXIV. NO. 10.
WHOLE NO. 125S -fr5 " :u::a:?,
;; :arn ;aa 1 r .r . a re: :rr.
E. !
iri.i-r '.ft 1" -'- 1111
L2j --t !
1 1
Y. Ci- A
T I'H it. --
-R-Tm IN16TO
i-. -.T
1 1 .:mt. f
rr.E. ..tei;i-
... , a; Lwi
- :. k l.
, r.rrr :
2. -f J.
I tk. at
e. trr
DAVID r:3ir:T.
C. 2. ELLIS.
F. vr. II AY.
J'. i:n i.' ''""majs.
7. II. LA1SLT.
D J VyiTl.T,
J A ?I Tl'? I . MILLEX
ii. a. D' ".:?.
&LV'. T. S"VAVK,
i I,T. f 1-
V..11.. L t.. t
I ) -.1- . kU. : J
FrANK D:EEKT, Jrttiu'-er,
Li.:- ri-T:i V tit t-i'ies mrtoci o17 .
! -.;: Jam t in""- "J Jiimxtma" .
. n wtwS -ir.rlni.; :iuie mm-irr tb UiJt '
,!) mLi-. ti 5.0J Um: jot crojn. ;
u li.t ikUJtiiira ui fc.ii inr ut tie tlii-ed J
2ut;t-k. kDJ l ijt tr- tw t:i i'miUf lilt: J U .
ikifct a rrrr ;r.i!rfl !. tiirrj7e. '
it, ntMb.: ii- ie ru uti in-tr -aiB rrvju-jm. na :
c-a.'';- ... i
uiiii il e 1 ,a"m rruirr- of Ci-
ur..r it tvcry cVjrlux.-ai oJ Uli
-u,ut' s f T ft ;u:R!Ke Ut B!,trS.VI I
! i m -..vjist: f mir.t.kf J"1 i
tirr;ar tt.nri.t rvTumai( tan ,. ;
. Mirreii, ii,r.j.r:jijc uuuuu ciitira! ! jin-iuiu m- '
wli. lc .-.'i wjtr Mir ctvuuirr. wit-fi j
a u u :if-; Tiits ;i.-e Ust vtiOiu v ti uii ;
!t-L I
tit a-a-uc : v ;-t u:-t,ua;.:e jj...jrcr ul !
A:--(. I
1 treat i:J -iJ reT.Ia jut "f theikadeemom, ,
xa:ltr tr U- e .T vijr Mmu;k. kit-- li t i;Tff I
t:i. LkVC !, 1i4U'-l Ul! llHT-JTUJlt orck :
(rrFU .. ir tii lie sj ;! r m tsi :.rijU I
j'c: i-itf : u t ' a t fotbi u. ;
iitii j it pertiikiiciii u skujtaijt j
it-rr. i
Akoc. mod tip JteE a.ifrT
Are rifling tt tie ws,
I'M u tlrf accu'l breMi.
Aid tii iimy.ieJ wire rt rjti.ii.5
Tit tibtrr lKkT-M u. rc5i.
Bietie! Blne; tie EMtirr call,
-Bnae is yir ti:Sier"t avf, r rtl'.i
Aoa lend jw Enie kutj
To isra Itec vtcil: OvT iiiu?er uure
Tlit ieb b rtitir Ui tic aea
la ertesaum ru? mod gjA;
A etiZj Uxaxi ti, ueeut rirs
Aad r.t tif iter ncieu f jiti;
I: flf u ber U a 1jtwu ta
Frnn pt si'' de mnl (xii.
Tla ytlii liht J at tit Wail,
Tb na wxll old uxl pt;.
VUi ecd u Ucica p.r.niifd kli
la nir-iaeil tmj.
Tut eLUdres as lie jjtt tier
Art laitU.i la 'Jtu jay.
Tht aalst. old. rrd joufed cJtt.T,cred wwa
Louu di-aipa um toe ac.
TUU es lru2B vici icr tja
StE answer nenct to rrke.
Tll which tA ier ijve 11 kv
And cst bin io a prare.
Oi. cjta tiat jnet so liiL'Jj LiuzbcJ ;
L. d. -w-t lip iwt '
Oik crasiiod wiii pajWKHiatt ki- bi-B
He bead ker us hit irean.
Tisal uaf lit auwd tiiival! btiKii
To C Wvei jut! ;
To bst sjn tl iasi "tiiisjiewL"
Ajd are btr 'k!;rclj:f waite.
Ad tmSc is kope Ai : OmiL wh
Ua.r :
Tfc rnl ramkrvllm i U4
;sve wr,B'3en-- ioilc-'t-cilT what socio jetrs, tot Mrs. Tollciaa was tb re-i detacLei aa l
Ur woald S5T V;at Jcha Fnrtr. It;c:piea; c-f Tarioua fcaapers of c!:t ; m as takta int:
? sTftn! J craxt iia a rare yerfeciioa of i delicacies tram ber. aai woa'd e- i wtale aa-rrr Maiiseer. I 5a:4 not a
' tbt eirifieBt traces of dissipa-j One of these, dated "tLree years af-:'niy "bj" back with me to iL fot ! ttBKrr af eaterr-r
; f 13 c"'r ka-swD tLat te ! ter tte beaunfal jiss Caneroa le.Vof tte tr?: icaTinr ctih cciacea,e-l ; -3 -J-l-y-
capiUk! aa i s'i'll
An c!i LzrrUsh recri 5.d.i
. : ' r r-
. t :3r:a ii.i.-j aa
ci :a::letr.a,5 aai a:a
-i e-i&:e. a'.:' iuza frl:
was tie S'B cT rKl1 E-'3 zi tad;
k .
a o :
- 1 j -
-, after elaborately thankicg ; l-etiad tie trcak wub etri-n or-Iers to ,
I been educated aa id'f-r by profeasica. j tbat jouzg laJy for a hamper of dalo- kwp the re! clear aad fa5t bold
' r,n in wiat Loir bor.or it vcoid tura t ties, addec i tte bat. I carat d ara.a io
aa J CaabrI I:
sedaa chair?, to tie ftuJ-::
v,e ' S3a: h per hour, tLu eaall rr
aWaT arhb oallfted hands wbea it Da yoa reroember ray nepbeir, ; tree wkb lie fcxk cal cf tie line.
iwa? ksowatlat Le was disinbented, Joaa xarberr lie le:t rae t&e day , pa:a? Jt caler a.I the
mrkh no bene tut a room ia the! after yoa did. and I fretted taore i braacbe : ab:j fr, eqaa?!y rottea,
; house cf a -widowed attat ekeinj oat : tfcaa a little. Bat he took a tura f jr i if cot dore s-a. thai the last as do
'her carrcw iaccae bv takiar board-1 ?od, hearea be thaske He i taehed aai i-tiitk oa the treble hook.
lers. It W9T.4 sraHe at his biteiag j worked himself up, aad to-day he ; thta drc-pci plarap :at the water
younr taea t-a pass frara bu'.Il.a -baildioj
to their Ic-ctar-rs wr.L.-ut !
ia dreachd by ra"a. Dit p1-.
no more thj'-rht cf tak- aa u
brella aboat the itrcets of a" tra
dty, thaa cf takia? a 11 t j Ierr
or a siove j warm
r.i V--'i la jrrat estate
3 ti. a
who w: :
ar t-- srr..": :zti r:a. -
iii ' . a t.ur:ler cf years will
:v; tiat ;Lo :-r .-J j a pT acr
iaretr.:?at A3t?;e
II -t
tl'.S 1
r.?a : -T aa :
.rr-? to the -cc
t.- air c: a a
teaaeacy x 3 .aa I
la the ea i a foar
atrr. t :a fact it
'if rtlsuted ia his father's ! his father aeaia. aad is la be takes oaal ia a tw!ak"ai. hut Ufv I .Uut-T weat ,Jts: :-e r
' 'tot bat by rode these wonld I ' psxtaer ia a eotaraercial hoase. Ills i haaiiei the tut cf sir rod f ftr rards ( l3l,ae5f , . ;r- -: r ' P-J. r-'--''-- '3
'la a poor tail. j fathers to bur it, bat Jcha's caraod cf Lae had -aa oat" from tte reel;. The first persoa who atared ca La.-.aat tr. .s ta e wh,.e st:-ry. i .r
i Lec'-eoa xtinkiag of societr's 1 a pla too fer hard, boaest wcrLrl-Lt aoss the ftreaa weat the ,b. : tcca 3.J333r, """-j r-,r '- " " T c' r"
riaioa. qaite asecnscioaslr ?!id'ed j O, mj dear, Vm t?pier thaa I rer ,1 ha I ca sixty ystds cf iiae so IZVtti F- ' Lr'"- -t
i-to coasl Jcr.air her cwa. This dark-ithoarct tc be. Perhaps roa've are Lira tie butt: cvr a yard 0f;t.e-aa twtow ei....v3, f-r; ;v "
browed maa had made a fair portion i heard of the hoase ia Loadoa that ! trleatnlaT siirer f a-hc d c!ear iata the : c-; .V"-"37a: J-' . ."u!.":: !" T " " " t"! .x"
jctts hal len her cavalier in taaaT ! aboct ray own aiTairs.
Eat III tire yoa writiti? air aad plaa-re-l l ack ia:o the
! tare :s a reoaarae:
: couatrr walks, drives aad saZs, had iT I thong tt perhaps ycn'3 reawra-; ctT he d-hel but I.cklly right back: ?I 'TJ, ;r.7 7. r' '"
Iqaotedp'oetry tsder trees, saa? in ajber Juta" jtea tiiaes faster thaa I cu-Id reel ia. , wl " rJ"4"a3 ' 7n"-Jl'
1 scperb baritone opoa tsnrraoriDf Ja JLoadoat'T Leonie taurranred ; ; . reachiEj tie scar baak aad st:TI al-; " j"t" '-"t .'.nVV o- '
: waters looked into her ere on a )' near use all these three rears! 'ia? tie creel barbs ia his ; te D-. . L " 'V'5' :
raocalft porch and whispered deli-iad yet aerer seekis- ce. Was I, Sashed oataraia aai trade 'another 't1'". a V,s c-ri.'V't"- -i;
cattlr-worded Sattcrr. No acre j too bold ? Did I d-ie Lira awir tr rasli op strcta. i " "."W ' "V" wa-
Ittaa'raanr atother niaa had done, j showing tay heart to plaialy ? Well, : Dy this tlae tie l;y had reached 'p;;"jTe z;ll rr " r,:
i A beaatr' aad ric-b, Miss Cataeroa lea no, I aa glai I hare tfWea hia!the "iui oat" aai tal broaght it , "' " VC:. I"' L'l:
Pathis: Tbraata.
- --s is a.--t a I.
bs i l'ooked cpoa taore tsaa one iaa- i k-rM siri lowara aa nonorao.e
!j I r
ai f.:
, a; --lit vv. "
"RAKl.i. ;
T.'ik.viT a:
t. a " !
- ..-a., c:. k
"il!" -rS-..utk! s i
. b ' "
A rr- r:"ET at
I ..:.: OM DOLUS J-a i E(irire-.-.
i. and to a.I . i 'Jt a.U rea.- J'ili
:i. ii r-a:. if a- t cn-s if a'.jed
: -r O tl.-t'O'i rN -T TWICE
A YLi!L .:l-..i:t tr -t: '. r: lit? o-7"f::''ir V call
tr fr?3; r . titjstt.: i. Vtk- X cax it
:'J,:rnk: ar taua a ';cr i-f:ssf tie ri!kfer-
Hmrri4 mad t er
trr -ar jrr- a Ujc-t p2 tk.'-". at- JJu
i: "it: : p rix "i. j : 5 tlifTiiHr'Tit or tB tlir(T-
Loan Sec-uretl bj Real IlUite-
-. '. T" I-ir. rrrt-Tt. uf
i .ri'rf. 'Till ' "luij a.
: o. a uit b ..nua-a.. : Uke "k- iF-aTlK- bnakOT 3d aad wt
t-ti.i cjm.. rmj at-at-u '- v! every lnti iiwrno- j
U'C U; ui-Tti". urr, asu i-l Oe oeartaK imetUMia in i
Li.!: i.r-a-.'.jca: ari. rj r. at t-- a mm aid t
uricafcTeulii. ,
I it u.- iii A-i-i wrsa --.eT anvi c-irtfui i
preuaaar Dk:"r. aju'w:..!! at b--i a4 re- ;
nokLruea MtWr-114; 14 . u a amoctrssiiij iariaaio- 1
t ioe t'w :b- fiWi Bae rcn ;
U.-rl. 14: rlrr; j.e iu i-tx-Ji 'irfki A fia .
9k-uje kJi mUI r.4i;:i-w afr i r-w-Lttl
, ii - i-r KT-ta.vr iHnitv ikisa.k.'T, kvkJ !
:-.i r-'- tim it-.r.ii 1. - ku:-.Li tare -
tKHt !ti---ji-.- vk.i-r tiii-kw t-ikMkrved ;
kv- it 1
1 i k?--. i Jkrt: iu-J.SJkVv kif lit
. Ursi '-it ka i-xrf; jr-.-M.-- t--i-JJ u.t; 4.-ek. kkauOU ;
i lk..l Lire -..-.t -. i-iu:.-:- k-.--.-i. k -It U-fi-ct.-.
cii: kvau ii-i.T t-i.,'Hnilik- ' k-c k
lvT . Ji.. a". , i-t tii.iM .-4-1. "
--i l-aiiurrt- fr-t-m-r. .rt.;..i--. .lift kUk-i 1
-- . . ii ac air tk h'kr lr-.-uHkr - kiltr.-
Amd ttie lit aem.f-rtt tc ariw
Aiki rv-r tikailii-cioc-; Likt i.:.
AaJ a- int hrJe .ttiT'nta baj-iiif-And
t-kre Ui piaiif kE ttraui
Icai kretCj wiik tikt brkeo Le.rt
(f tier bo ikH ia rajn
Fftrrtid out ker acui is fsm-ait jnjrr
fi-.T k-rt u aec apLa.
Vae, an ia eaia ! T5c sifin.j!5 d-;-
- Tie ggnf' cEa-r&ki lair.
ic: tiaukof il !tii a Dtvuerski
A 5.akU at ptiuem bair i
Ciwi um.r tiesra tit cry uf tier
Wbc, ii Iv-n? tiers.
S;- kc v
i truiihinsT sfeitor aai f-rzettea Lita i nsaatooo. a.eiaember fcita : 1 es. ' njat cp to the narrows where c-a ; " '
i L t U L . "! B.ii;u-?riiiriiw3 n t - i . V a tel. U..--,T u- i-r i-.i-i--rk 11. r i - - ; i . - i -k.w . -ci... - . , ,
' - - J J.-.Vn' l-.. ir..' V . . k-iOWa WEk. a
.n. Lat
. i - 3
z a "
Y ,a ra.
.- 1
rva h-.- s
c t
sji . ;- il -i t-;
y; iaa. jr- -a;-.- ii
lit fc---i.
ixs at... . ii.-i. a.- --ikiiritj eres:':kCJ
;.vr.T AT Jk.
a. K. r
O MII-LEII. t.f:-rtw,
k- V.-"vL.- r
Cambria County
H!;-:-7 Sc-iii": '.c F Er;;ic l-a-lJLar.
A ctral H-kir;r Djsiaes Traasactcd.
I-r; aad CKAd rncd je.lerT V-aertt and t.i .
C-.t'i -r'.i i. tUk it -a a.. ;ia- tl-t I L.'.e . "ate
an. v j.i-.a- i-.:t'(:-r' k., at tr e-nt k.x
ret : i-r aaiju-a. !' icf: ?:x n.-'T :.k i- -zixr?.
nrr-ni -iit-L j c-.r .Li .jarJ.a-.-aad
t;:,r t - r-. t-cii.'-? -l- "."i--"-
a;c- i-r;.
-aj -;i-.h.r--- c a aai ia -at: y:-a d, it: ; . i . . . . - . ;
t t - i . -..- a.i
. .. ---i irk-- - - ' - even s.rjai r.i -r a r " - ------
, do downright love cakis?, bet a -5k.e aau loided tbe tetter and was-saocted, -0;re b.a ue tsttaai seep. v ,r , a La- 1- :-.-ar! will r.:. f.-.:n
'beaatifal. fasclaatlaj woiaan U dressing for lie ope.-,, when a risitor : hi a oat cf thess r. Ills ro! fT"-!, t-' - l v, .r hari aai h-t parh.
I woaaiti hearts with raertiy careless, was aanoaaced. !??r-S2 to this batf was aacthcr ; ,-.-.'i.V i"--Zi7-- . w"' ' aa a.I :Lt ?I-s:a.e c. a .a wars
rrace. i a barbarous hoar,'' he throw tp la: it was a weak os. Ia;", .-f r.:'::ca r; .r a...'.: .-: take tie
Musis, ia the saaset, it was ia- j a-a-acred, not looking at the card, i sereral isir.ates frca that tlae wt 1 . t"'Ma iTi V"1-.;-- I.':::"i five I .frail: keep ca th-
! pressed up. a the proud heart that j "la few raoaeats, Jane." ; exiled hia at a rhaUow Eok aai , r.a "rf.1'1? , "i Z "2 s: st;:1 tll'er.--.;iac but aapr--it-
'aaa-cicar ihe halj-oiscaed a life! She was robed in her fee? cress tv.o alcjers waird ia behind a3j: J, .;,"""-;. 7.";""." a;.7 aai. w.-h art-. -.'I
jtbit was already slpklsg. Tte.e i cf white lace, 0 rer Pa blae silk.;hai 1 p-ttla-a a;t aaior Lia, laalei the g ""'.-r".: .rl aai aa.LIaery w-Ii 0 i.
I I were car abilities Lr better ib.ia.rsi clasped diamonds cn throat aai Caen ti-h I erer saw caarht. Ue . Zr .": "i!. V' -"-L 1T 1-h -L a-: rt --a:I a aad the-.
j thaa dlsslpa ion aad suicide ia JohaiT-Sts, aad in the little ears, when as - weUheijast a shaienrier forty-two ".'"f 'c'n' l'y'. u-'- :o ti- '.'.. aai rcrt asiur!i y:a
1 Furber. aad she shivered as she! she took the opera cloak from the : pounds, aad measured a shade orer. ' ;"T 'w . .X'! ?a.-. -,:".'. r-z-l the pr:--er de-v"aa-
ltboa;ht heaizhtbe apon a daarer-iaids hands, she looked at the . forty-two iath-.s. IL aad I lock . "?;.v,17n "."J". ti a i-aa Ui::' al;i'. i
rr, rW, "waiter for rh k-lan ! earo alattr-ire ro-a is weight cfib cc: . -a ta. we. .a ...a c . ...
.- ' i ot the land to draw hiai tack, or its j "Jcaa Fcrber." ' cf that rc5:h wlth'a to haar?. a-aa-; T:-Ka.f t-" th
ixoie. j ..repaid to thrust hia orer. She! A great hein throb teat the blooi 1 arthiar bit the rlr f";t cf the Tivw a.t
1 xe Caaerca." 5 passed ia rerlew her hosts af male I orer l,er brow and aeckttnea it'-.f!J) 11. tasgoae fe;J0Wj taak;rerT , j w;re:i,r s.-aaaa to la.k :r car-tal. a, t a
, . r. . a, , - . . tntcas. tad rotaa ncae wto caa i 'x. ieiiar oaij a s-i uax apia . muv j itj..-ii.ire t --- - .v... ;. .. r r.-r-.-s : r.: 1.:; awar attier-ura
r;-'-r7kU:-rr: JT-r ! '.rYOD 4" " - , ; awakened ter heart to hears cf such i the fair cheeks, aad in the dark eres : Eec-d tct describe the state cf aiai r1 ;"" " . .- :.l:al: aa-ii tae t:f:rtaae :-
r.lirrrrt-or . bow-window tpc-a a ?.rd 85 Joba rcrber Lad j a Tght of hapless haraoalzia? e;I ; that a.r brcther sr-t iato whea he ' " l'::? V dca-e i c' i-a ;rrr. aaJastra-ht
u auiutk,,t - a.t t.'a-ua. j uaij j with lEtsEa uats aai sua- . . -, . , ., l;k tr t;- " ....,- i,.,as. ah eiper.-L.e-. re a- r ...a- . . . , - ,
-:i,.r,.rr. . m t, ... , t,r. ,,.t'Fta ter. 5 he tried to reca.1 one wita the saag l:ps. J;- c'l- . T"e - 7 a ' Loaioa foand coura-e to ca - cir- I :'' tit.e tn:.; et-ti
iaa .a " : I "" . Y t " r i. aial whose grasp cf mtel ect bad! fcbe loc-red Lke sone Tis:tast fr:a that 1 know c! as bSTta? t-eea cangat : r-'.-e'-, j-.,- t' t'-a i a ; a-'. j
! 2..Tt:mr Tor" a 11 WV dwarfed tercwaPasLIs had done, mother world ia the radiance cf her : ia these waters weighed e-rhty-serea : .V. aa i a a r arh.
tc ,...k, !-, .iik-t. ia .fu.. . ia iDiiocs fi"e iu?t tt ttt moment. ; , , . . . m . . . ,,cl ... r , . r. n . c.-e-a ia !,.,, w. ,-e iL.r.y ;er -
i'vmj.m.1--".11 " ; bea.ty, as she came across the wiae P.a-.r. tg,e c.,... uij. I;f c&rr;i a3 C-..;;. . ,.,. ,.e,.
'-' :-T!.i'i-. .ai.a. .---- . i arcaacats and worsted her. and sa-e ur.wing rooa to trie window wtere ster Ok ore ta-.e a-a xw. P'-as .. .
! t-iMVvf li-.t-Ni. tae aax:etywas reryappar t; ,T faltfrv cf ; she stold. .has ia the f.r Northwest been p 7 .
a-extrac., 4 , to Leoaie. . tLe "'Hr5 i Ler -wnttderfal alai." ' i He had not heard her Isht step, recrriel- r.e iIi. i ':!vV; .r;!,: Vri': . r --J- a ' --"1- '
. 5r ff.asce eLe strairttcned herseif 13 r. .. , . ; k, t. .o4 rV ' -au passes Svre .-aa 1 -- --a. 1 a .
i,. iter low chair, aad said, caietlr, ret ! her eyes auh a ; he u aed w.c a h a was near.. v Ufcr the use cf aabrellas be-.-aa.? i when I ray ay VII at th? raw '
S It 7:: X with ererr .rpearaace of iater-s iie?aw ? cfh:s better ...e : ; general- V. A-V,.: , f.a- I.I.a-s a ,3y f-,.pag cn ti e
,a-N ..TrL..-5,.h;ff...(.Tv, 1 a tree opposite the low wiaiow, , m t. nol ,.e face. , TL:. s:-m s Rootl oestioa a..Ik- -rar' 3ai f,.: a b.,1 ,f
.4b awkward paase Uiowcd tbat;1!" ,hff" f T1" L ilrr i ? ::- l-r"- lLe -o?! -er.prmiu . a-. a - a ; : - araa : a : oa--to
,,-.-..i.tik..r1l::..k! ; stained Ler etetat as he said : oeuy into Ler face, aad seetnr sae r p.,- n,s ;.ffi. r- .- - s- 3 It.3 TL
iVl.irr"-"-'"- -"ii t2 , . -What caa roa tare beea thiakiar ? ke only a taprr trath a. X&zZfS !. ..frC: : Li-v M-Va h a T-, - "V (T:" C--s. .
, . ... . - . 4 -a. ; a. a, Wiiwaui .i.iv.iat'ju uti tj( o - - 1 a k . v, . : J r rt . -
La: te I T--ar'
.---1.1. N 1. .
- Xk. iia-iA.S!.0i.
. . M- k ..-!.i.1.k, 1;
- 1
i cleared Ler throat twice aad faa-'.r) J '
isaid wi:h nerrouseaptasis
Jcta i- nraer."
ne held oat his haal bakla? ear-
; itained her cl-tk as he said : j nei-tly into Ler face, aad seeing she
; - What caa yoa hare beta thiaklng 1 spoke only a happy trath as. takTag'
o - a 1 a a "irr-Vv.nrj
o: : 1 oa care not st.rrea zor tati an ; :
Oa;y that you- eyes were l aa g:aa to see roc.
uran i Eioa.d bare tnoatrht roa! a-eoaie, te said, "roa rare ue
ia hope, three yeirs ago, that has
Year powers tf tbrervatioa are ! borne ae above teapation aad satTcr-'
t e atxe: caa-a e vice
dtf.-ra'.ty layia a horse's eye, t
shoa'.-i aaks aectsaary w cover
cp aad suat cat its owaatr froa
darf related a ttaal-?r cf :' :
' tad fallen caler his cwa cl'Scrvati . a
: relative to the saperstiti :-as. ii-I-t.-'-?.
; ic, which a'ooaai ia the swaaa-'? aa 1
swamar renass c: Ai.sss.---!: an-
:aa t
Lao w-;rlj Msr
ia t--:- iky-f
aa ? coTa, tat ro
; VL-y. a wi:L-
Ursina Lime Kilns.
- -re F
:r.' ::! t .k '
i-re-e tsi a
Fn- :
: are rr.i-t-C : 'a-ia-h
It 1 I . t I . t k' v u.v . vJ.kk .it 1 ' ... , ... , it . r!i r J L
. 1 . u . . 1 . . t & 'r a. i n - -. a . -. w .u..-. . .
- freeze. It was a Terr beantlfat face, j f,'"0?- f-a" bgW-1!1?lLirv. T a ,ao Tisioa. The p.:s say that old Aiabaaa. He said many vt t-etr
," a .:. " . - I with pride for a leadis exPrW l v""?'0?"" akfcamed to lock any man ta the fa;e. : are Ixk, la,kw4r,i; but w never : pie liraly believed they saw t.;.
fc.- - - : a U f , , . .2 1 . . -Of what ln Leon:e. roa bade ae ;-..7 . .- - ..,- ru. i w -t, p-, ..4ie,:,c .-. .
' misSlJ' , . i aweetcess Isrked ia the mouth, in- . . . , t t'-v- a.- i.t u . v . . iea-d .ta a -yrrasy Ck-aige- ia.k.ea x-.a. ae
--.2lir?; tellect beamed trca the raiient dark . -Tia-e wcr.i ia genera!, my world Bg brgltlr, sbe to:k t:? ilo v.irses. The theory that ai aai saw the dev.: aai It II I.kewl,
iS: i eyes, but pride shadow all It car- Jtl" 19 jSi time I wor&asbepassed. h orse is less apt to be frgateaed j They believed these taia,. o sach a
! - irwdthesni!L biLd rr,-fn ' er-t i a. ... , wiea t.aat cat tr.-a everrtiaj' (-;ti-kUj.isT ',k,i a: t
f cm, .i. -;,k '.j .1 She was prepared fr some polite 1 Ar-d 1 obeyed you, my lore, etk t- r ftal'mr idea that a-r caa ha! c -rr
- . it, . " i l.'W kMC kkll . J Vk ikC 1 .LU kk.
-1- ec" fi--""
i r
.1 B"-'.'
'V-Va L.
ijir lar-tLa-y
r:U rt Tilt ti' tat
-t a 3.P ir Tt r tb L;
: . ... '.- ia -:.--' aa.
,." .d..t .B Iaa .a i
K v " ' r" 1 -J re-Tr.-.0"r"'
S. Gc';k'.
a A 2 -1- CL L Ji
T it Staxa F,. a.
-if: a
'I. J. .
liill kC.11.
:a ..1 , '- V-e-i.
.1. ta YVTZY.
r'.tir c:rr. ..-.-: c-.. ra .
By the Car Load.
Criers L.cspecafaiIIy ScLated.
n. j. b iTzm ai co.
lef cnni or Menhani. and
lher bainr people aliil- 1
!. Irafl necoiiable in all i
part of the -ouutry for Kale.
Money I-oaneU and C olleetion
Made. Interest at the rale of
i irA.-iiW -
1 c:mui;si
r A' ' rA
-; with a retral aotaoa It toached the i
(how of rearet. tat not for the jrhast-
?1 r
) Ll ceiaaHp2.trieiaa haais, and
. i lr f r in bta far
a-:s ?ar
darllaf. I hart come for ar reward, i
eiae ea--i.e
wuuli be ti
war bora;
; ei who hai not sec
air blinded. Eerr horse' not been '"suspends
dent ia the well niodalated tones cf
1 -
-k. I hCLl r S..
1 j the rehned voice. j
ikic, -..r. 1 vi.tuau ra: k, u r-
v sp&iringly, 'T'remade tob aad al-
?-! read r. and Lareat si'd anTthlnT''!
Si! ufm a rt t . a iacngriiy cor
- s ki k -j kuu.c aus.virj,
Leonie, loving ran with all ar tart.
e laddered, recemtrin? Lis canar sowto a.-i i-or roar lore ;a ; :a .-, .-.. t.-. .w.mIow hI! mn-5
aaa: s woras. ;re:am.
"Goinir awar! WLr, of coarse! So, societr had a rlprle of sc-asa-
jroa wosld be s-aoa," he said, trrice ! tioa ia a fashionable wedd'ac when
to steai care'esslr. while his eres John Forber carried Miss Ler ale y-
red ber face, aad b:s i vaaeroa.
:. i ae
: v. that aauy
ft wh. '.'.' g:.'ag i':-r a
r aa 1 are aeer heard
a-ala? are f.-aai years
akrast. A
vLiie, j.-arcLed lips were drawn ts if
r-j r5 w?'i'i!;7K-i
' ?r-ii
i aad there cer-aia-r larked a Km;! in ' .
f j her aoath at the 'gd wcraans con- j 13 1, 'i P a:a"l t ,
' C fccr b;,iiti f n A L aMA W-a A 1 V
A A. aA V. a"a a k. '. . t k.i.r. IJ Jlail.5.
:. a la-..
a . . r a ..
But r do tare not toll
leg roa.
-ifs John. Miss Caacroc. "Vf .
-'....I . .wi .;,!:. it .v. .! le?. aes. lea
H i were forced br a tear of ber own in-1 '
rllabilitr to finish her wk'.f mtnA "And rc-u," she said
- z , aternaa-on.
5 me what trc
5 -If,
Dut cn'r Ton and I, reader, know
the roaacee of tbatsaaaer in S ,
or how John Fsrber redeeaed his
i as with his own tax aai, as far as' Another class wtrshippei a c-I-r-.-i
i Lis ?r. oaai" firtiiade is coaceraed. woaaa as god. They cres.-ed her ap
no tuore aistarje-d a; tafciitgparsaea: ana sww ia ia? caar. a. . -.z
has by the ether. As fr j they confessed their sias ta y i-I-
.tb, taat ct-me Uri-tkiaa, ner uowa oa iae a.T w:ta a 7 .... w
:er c-rccr
.stir so faailkiT to taet saier her lead, aad wcali
i she said, feelia? ter own heart acte ! amhood for Leonie's sake.
w i.i jro.
rerr pent
Wftkaeer I tataiataT Is lad la.
Each cocatry seeas to have its
own peculiar raae fUh more or less
aaJaal that the acre folly the horse j down by her aai wi
a-er ia a-.r ea
can thaa. U-e more Aao.uer sec. a.-.a ta-r.r pa:.:r ;
does he sulait to their aprooach. veritable step her I Taelr
Taea i; issaea a pitv to cove cp one ! eo-tsisted cf the she; herd co
of the most brill tan- feat ores ct" this j :Sheep, sheep, sheep." aai the
mas: Irliliaat cr- atare. The horse 'pie replying -Caa, bah." as
.as borae such a haad La the civiliza-; ratherei arouai j
as . r .
it ws-
that he wa
aad araT-Lt-a d-.-d ha he r' t
Taa ha-t-wl if a rery largs ' a
- -r - - a""!" u : " i- " A" "r "
: : : a 'f c . - r k s . t L P n. . - a : a c r
-r'. to tt? lills. It is pr
i-.a c-:-areaIea-e., u,. w.a.k.
r ha 1 r. ;rj-. I a .
t aa I c '. 1 vr
li" 'r k".
tl trar-
- -7
1 C r-
rt-nrral ('raialsiia Merthaiit.s,
Wart-a'!. Jfa. if Ui-errr S:r?i.
Frrrs3T.-i.oH. pa.
'a. S.jciu.-L
- j task," she harried on. "lie's mr j "J03 iil e, ia the city, I presume. ; nnaeroas. Aor.hern Euroj has the ' tk-s of this rcngh-aad-lamble world, to ditTereat poiats. A th
i i.ia s'a:
ri ?e-t 2
:a 0-. a:
v a . a . a ;
jr-s as
f.r the
I - . I . . - a r 3
tjjg 1 a-iiL.i.-T5;. i ii.ii a Hi v i lir iTieau.
I j woa-d te.i yoa to saan. .Miss Laaeron
-a aaa wao a as wasted Hie till it is
"I w.lljarjd ricioas pike: this favored land to hide his ::r
cf yoar ; can boast of salaoa and troar, pick- toggery. No
tx Per rent, per annum ai- bad wars is aa easr road, llis fath-
'"uiiEllaK BRUSSELS!""" tc ifcrcsi
, rjrT. I J!r. 1 T . -. , i t near a year ago aad disinherited
. . - u. . iiiLM i'LMliA.V v;
Ncuai-annaallr when desired.
; i A.T5 i .ft J JCr-UiaLi,! and children in the graveyard, so
aa. . a ,---TTr.. ... love John."
X'ainitr.. 'J,ta,TIE xN j There was a piteoa? p'eailag i
: i f- 2'- t a..
rrin: 'E
' .-r --D ta.
m MaaaCtiMai
St- r u Lirotc-! a vrtiiE.
::: ; - Krat avrrrr. riTTst;: l :e i-a
ra-a.-.a-rr iaJ (;al-r ia
CW , aaaam a
nephew, miss, as you know, tfcocffh . 4 on:-3 r to weicome yoa to lordlr salaox The Eritlsa Isles
i his father is a rich maa, rerr rich, ; a7 torse. have ia addltioa the srallani tr
I and John is above his mother's place 1 0 te 5a:3- tarshly ;
iia her life. She's dead, and John Bot take saah advantage
, " &J T u rrr w k'r. t: urka rfii v : . f- - -
! rear she died and two rears airo.
don't know where he took to baii
warg. He was broCktht cp an idler1 1?0 is;e t3 !ate "? tte threads agaia
oroa his fathers aoner. aai from ! ion do not taow, perhaps, that ar
idleness to drlaking, giabling and ; aant keeps ae her-from charity T"
l taow yoa tare caended year
father," she answered ; "bat yoa are
a aaa, scarcely thirty, aad it is cow
ardly to talk cf despair at year atre "
Her wcris cat hia like a whip
lash. Tbe dark blood mounted to
his forehead as he repeated :
at it seeas ac-t so
He cate here, for I lore hia. j
Ie aothin-r els to lore: tasbaa-i :
so i:
erel in place cf pike and beyond these
it cialas sole proprietory of the noble
bas3 aad luscious shai
Coarsjre and artiritr ia sh seea
to toe inversely as taae teaperature.
The nor.hern salaoa fights a harder
battle than tis representative tf
warmer latitudes, an i ia the tropics
1 - T t . "
as a c.scocrtesy, ,? well as a a J grace , ta. kxji Ca.s open .-e iit-a?., -aie-?
:!:: win tse cear cpea :t wita a s .v-.-r
wende? we estimate krai'e. wasaes it. pats it 1 aca", t a: :? a
th- frfa in the werii as horse-power: bible ia the bosoa. aai taea s.-rr-
ao wander tie Romans and the taea cp. The idea that God i'.j. -e?-:
Germ ass each ia their owa laairaaires, ; this Clble ia the be sea is a v-;
ever ea-a: aa: r
e to eraaiaate
a-a-o : -r a .u .-- r r :
.k a ;j.aaiaj- A trav
:o - : ilea i. caa- to
, . T . -c- - r - a
no wc
. - t 3 '
ranted taeir aristocracy as riuerr, ; general one, aaa
e r ;"riaaiis maae e-l it is ca.te iraDOr;;
ca.iva:T a sraoaraa
their hisrh
the idea aai preva'l
v:rtaes Let the horse be gives Lis 'real aar ether. The devl
due, aad nnbiiadrd.
The check-vein j qaeatly seen a creature w:th
aad eves r,
. 1 T . . t . , , " , :. .3 ' - a . -. . - K- f .a . K j K - -X
tue aoora oj lcoiaa nvers. tee Leaute- is aaaaaer ooir-ccc ia. inrjTOwcai , -----
oos Mahseer, is a far poorer fishier ; which has almost entireir disappear-! pewter plates aai red as iro." alt
than his weight ia saiaoa or trout. ed frca Eatriaai. the army having; Bishop said he met with aao aaa
Those who love the masie of the eirea it aa"br order of the 'caaaan-' who "spoke cp" ia meeting aid sal i
he didn t bei;ere teat "aid 'jz i Sk-
;Two and Three Plies,
rerolri'ic ril wi!3 nnrpifttp n hrf . der-ia-hief. Sir Gecre Eurcovae
Madias ia ! "Coward 1 1 might fgtt the world ! &tetch cf a daV flshiar on the Peach 1 , . "
be woman's face, bat Leonie's was ; Jet' tut. aad tere Lis tone was bit-1 ia the central "rorouiacei of the East :
b ant. save for aa air r.f nrl-P H-1 ter. aaa yet straiirelr
terest- J tt:e 13 c?cit- wenh wianlng. ; self had taken three dars leave for; The f.-ilow lag froa the luclw , E
-He was most desperate when he i " t2: wcu.d I gain ? Money I do t sUzg and shooting and were camp-' will be Land useful for those ( a
came here, but I've coajed hia up a '. nr T'-e i- Position? I have ed in true Anglo Indian luiurr i to know who have Seeces to make : sr
bit. Bat but O. Miss Caaeron, ! thrown it bthiad ae. I tare played withia quarter cf a mile cf the best : sp. Ey observiag these plain rales 'pi.
roa kaow what I want to sar. Yon : the foo!, aad I must take a fool's 1 Irnnwn far.ak i.t, m tta t -. ' th-r will exactlr nt-et the views of ; en
patEetic, "the j India peninsula. IL. mr brother aad
Xalki.c mp rieee.
ad to aaa."
what he meant he a
; erer a trie
Whea akvd
ii he aeai!
what he said, that ell God
'ir-?:-"! i caaa jeaovaa was never
I TV . k :. l f,
roa kaow what I waat to sar. Yon : the fjo!, aad I must
aaa. iti. r
storms, sua, frost, wir. :?ra
atraes. IcHe woa.i cave d-str
"ia I-.
:. aa 1 0-.-cf
j'.-err t-i i
fool's ; kaowa Mahseer reach on the twist-, they will exactly ntet the views of ; ep the worli loatr a:
fa:; -t
'.ktaia ax:
c" r-'x-i.
c tt:.. -k
(1 a-
liAi: .'::: hotel
try s v --ia Hiar a
r ' . :-k t j. a i- rar .- ; t. .
u. lit- fc.-: t:ie
h t stall
i- r j .. tai-i.-wtj
: s-r ji.r r.u
: tr I ii
a or BnaXu i
."j.r "TIB
'.Ma.- e- -, .;r
S L A. T E
-' ti. "t r-.-ir. Kf ;: ei.u-r .
1 li. .kii iv..;, -ia H c Jii-a.:r au l '
k.f. fi..-- a-.. . .i,-r ui t "T- cv:!!- ai uie
''' '''' aav: l.. t.n,.. i.-.Ti. 15.1
. .r-- ,...u, , ,aw. v., ;, l.
- e '-kU, . .. k.r k-r a,v i. a.;', .lii
Sellers lperhl CDagh Syrap. rL
TT. ir Bi lin-l !- r. Ii a in-B of
rti.iT.: ai'r! rfi-ikin'i rr Irrrj wji-. j,f
-Tiat- u: .-ts-iir'rt- i; t, tt-a-ut is. uke
ar, ' ii-t- (. -w-v t i:ifi. ". (r u:. b-xtncL ta
A--:x-.:.. T M.ira r:;e 1 ( au n
' - - j. a a .re. D"'--r. ii. L Sr ft I ...
i a . are c j r" ;--it ,r J..U11.4,
L::r.c:-iA tic coxrouxD,
T.i- jt-:.: a-erui r.-Q-.r t.r Lit-BBiaiutm. e.
ra:. ii .-ii-a, 4 13 i-- 1 1,.
wi-" ir a-M.g st,rre litni.t
ai-r- i-iiirr (a :n.a i i.
, "ZTIL, ' are beautiful, rich a lad r far abore ! wa?e3- ' I ing stream. , the wool barer?, rerr much tc their, been for Jesus Carirt. .:z ii-a-y fay3 taat wa-n y -r
hU V iKD. KOaE CO.,!are ia education and position, aad j "i will net have yoa say so, she Lonj before the rlsia of the sun ; own lae::" " -Acd doa": yea belleye Clrl?t Is as :-.'.r-Tkr.r--. a a'.taae? a spr.agc.-.taes
v..v -r-i, .reOTX i ctW rjrin? here for conntrr osiet r-d by aa earaestaes3 she ! we tad tad our coffee e- aad- "The wool havers pre ftr to have oil as God;" asked th? b'i-hr -a to t-o a:-o y:ar aae-jear-.a
. ..f " T. , ileaorlehttoadfaa!t.batl-but ;CerorLa3'5tesded to betray. "Yoa toast aad gained tbe rirex bank ?-jt' the feece lse. Lcht to baadle aad. -Poroa think I aa asclia? ray aat Mia i.i r.t ca y esaa a;
JL" 'deal flirt with John. He is ia thai! not tbrow away yosr life. ;4ta sharp bend wbere the stream : elastic. Ia Ohio, the wools of which father ?" replied the native logoiaa. tac er;r-s,. a. tr : .-.-tea ar to tae
-. ; I trouble, desaoadeot. disiaberited, and , A hope sprang to his eyes, new fumbled some tea feet over jaeged' State tre alwars qaoted from two to; la another place he foaal a Ear- r:: a aa; er .ioa, a rarcat i aeart
p TJ ri?S?irjJ e. Efj ! he's falling in loTeJwitrfroo as fast' there, lighting thea to a daizI.Bg ! r0cks iato a narrow deep rockr caaa- ' three cents tiraer thaa Michigan i list preacher who believed that ta- :-a-y c.
C. H tiilLlli Vk tiL, jas be caa. I believe, if yoa pl,r ! d:aace. I nel through which it raced srrthiag- wovls cf the saaie quality, the faeces nobody went to Ileavea ho vra? a ,t r-i---:a.'
tYi.,.1 in iv-V, ; irA. iwitb fc:m, be wHJ kill bimsel' bodr ! "Miss Cameron LeoaiertecrleJ, ; JT into the wide reach beroaa are rvlki cp, not packed, and tied . iaaersed: that E.'.ah was the a'y . ,
- a lu k-iCi.Ls,,a!.d 6.c, ... . j -were there a pr.ze to win, were one j ' We tried eTery bait, ererr'dodrer across twice one way anl once the . man who eer got in w:taoa: l-.p- A fa-r.:'- taat aaa.i
jeawrire .-was.. siie.BB.i pia.j Wmr. tai I fa Me oot cf breatb witb htr own heart's bepe centered opoa ae, I : everr flr and everr nook bu- nerer ether, aad fceace are" loose, I'eht and i tisa. ahd that ia his ernin? d - aaa lad ' --aay La b-ea orraa-
t!;T. "f" siTr.l:.2U. ! earnest' utterance. Mrs. Tollman voxtl traaple down these demons j 4 Mahserer abore a' pcanl did we 'elastic A Sacksca buyer, well coiirse he would eiplaia :L,; i-iia tf a-a..,rl.,- Isv:
Fr-M i .ma. a-tau. si..;, ni . paased, iot-k:ng pieadtcfflr tato Miss'0' temp,akXi.j. i wcu-j prove ayse.j .catch, and rerT few cf t'"ese Me : known. wfc Lars large aaioaaa oi tappened. trenmir arr-ve--. aad .a. e n-.-t. . - -
v j-.i-.-.i-. .t .u-.v. r. i r. ti. "."I,-..--;,- .f'lWM if I h-l ir rnfsra. a. .1.. - ' v ,v i;..i.:-.- .n-J iuil.i. .v T": .-...r--. r.'.'a.a.a - ki'O the Lea h.-.- a l-T
m::-i . liTii.j.i'A. ; polite interest rerer ware red, as that I 2 ere was no mistaking the pray, j meline fa the water aad went c? to ! eery year, teik os be caa afri to . whea Jesas Christ was cat Inking, n. .:. tac a.-.i ag . a,a-.-.
! ; tob eg radr said !er.;'J ts eyes, the pleading la his j look for birds aesta. tat old Hattcck;srIve"two cr three cents more per aai that tea he tx-k af:er Li,aa
flFJrCPADn'C ' naaerstand yoa aright, ye,u . voice. J to ashless labors like a atabbora old . poaad fr the wouia be bays ta Omo ! ootraa him. 'aLrotter very .'. It. .-'t AT
nlllVOr wKU W ;skrntnim;rpTni': " T:: Oii'r f.r r-.e m.-srrtpr.t i itt ; fV.iw tk.. l, . -s.... I '. han thr K tvarchaises in this State. ' art!r atHl reasonable 3-s:e-i th'.t i a -rrvr.'a:
f- . .. ( .
is aoi so easr, as ne is in rour Loase, . to lae jov armuow.
before a haad i dowa ca the black rocks aad bathed , solely becatse of the difference in the i a few mil: it
' so I had better leave it-"1 pike a saewsake fell upon bis Ehoul- his heatincrars in the -usLicir fiall I tring cp in the two atates: as he caa mkSSioaary wort :a tae
' Good r cried tbe widow ders. a roire. low and .( rartr. ! e?.nmM !.- - e-ri . eet more ia tbe Eastera market Kirtsioas aw,r .rom
.a ra
ce aire-.
a a
re h '
.v.o caa
aai ca?
at the
r i
: '
vUVtM V-IIU&b OiarCII! -I caa return to London."
tcis interpretation oi cer , aurea i-ow :a lis ear i water bey on. i, eo parti r tor abeiter i wooa taat are put aa ia v.. ism wsi..a irij-a v-.r .
I nerer meant .tat. Wbere 5 "Be a man, fur my sake. and pan! e for eariositr I climbed be caa for tae jawbiiraa woois, aaa i giory or uoa ana k-e a n a-.e--. -
find another boardinr-p'ace i She was gone before he spoke, into a wild fir-tree after a crested ! whea, ia fact the Michigan woois : the church aad caaa try as ia lad. a
." iaraia. aad be wandered off to the i crane's nest Bat let me describe the ! we Ft-raeiimes best :a qiality. Iae : and Cciaa aaie m:;L; Lave en
r t-xiT, rr re T.-a
aH2 .Okiiitt eiit.a iLX sm?; ii aO'-er-
; aghast at
j words.
, can roa
, near here.
; "I'Te rut ar loct ia it. John w
! nerer furtrire me." said Mrs. To!!- The next dar Mrs. Toldmaa lost ' silk liaea. and boats of different sizes ' tail aai Sanks. aad rtli it Bp, earn-1 bio
! -r,,:i r"k?k-c n-.,-.f. . n.M..ot;;t. ,. r ' . r. vi . . a v.. u ..-j: v a t . j r.. irar ar e f n-ara :.t ta Lar tbei h,4 srrp:t;rf cai; auia near
II! this new life. ! Mahseer: Stoat liAsom rods, strong j hrece oa the table, tara ia the bead, j how-, and been nine too severe :n
A r. .:-'o teaa-aer
r;if I far her '-ad st-el
"a-t-s- r.p to ter .-ef
A"'.-a at lit eahes t:
zz be ai; tiara
.er' a; fvii-:
.ij It-::-., as I
I t 2 " "
jaaa, Cisconsoiateir.
ber sat
ier Ltoarder.
A ii C
A S L fc I t t.
r?-.-.. Tik.
W. K .K;r;.tr.
L.-' I Oi. A LL.
& CO.,
u a ?r"k"r a cTtta rtts o r
YorighicaihekZy CexriEriL
Ac-i it T r.-ti B-wnJaie atxi L.-.-
. uier-. W fc tr L.:ci-. U LtTf ijti. 'an-il--!!'iW.UM lllirl, I'liismrr
1 .J. F- :-e i.n . O-u'e T-iiS. Aj5iij im- Urw-a.
i' ri'...m- ar?-,
- U!!-J S:w. riTT? TC Ii 3E. IA
TLt l-ss Fa-fa- ia :it Waid.
Soriftr lark-i wk'r-rvei on nrnred trehl trzit ii ! aencln? at Ue tad end. tTiCC la Witt)
... aa j -r-- aar r
But there was no srapathr ia gaidlr coatenaj.lating Miss Cameroa ! order ta resist tie first wild rush. : two strings to keep toe roil ta - tiace.t A
osi-Lr-'iCEP Yaakee era'.:-.
' Iof!i fa.r .ni? -e f. r i k. Tir tt.. r t..r,rA Ka. ; Tr-a i wnm w V-kt vj.ii.iJ ir. rtin.' i s.n.1 t hen with one stria?- across the j riTveff Jone. was rrettr saercs-i.u. ia
; at last, perplexed and more aaxIouV eccentric " I lr took either ordinary dough, arJa-jenis- This . is saSoienL A fleece j bantering an IrL-hrr.iro. whea the
ithaa erer. And Leoale shakhs? back ' She wa. rrar and rrave br fiaahes, ; cial flr. arrasshorroer. or cbenna. 1 thus tied is Ilht. easaiy tan iiei andfjauer asked k;a: aeskii rih the tmcu. s fio ter chair agaia, looked at tbe sna- i fascinatisz in either mood bat she; The ebeaua is aomewbatcf the aire, j ejumified, aaa caa be felt add throoga. f "How did yen etc e to . e y-ur
txDZuLZn'ZSe:lt cload3 ad Tariejiated foliage, was unapproachable. j natore aad shape of a pea. and i, It does a-ot reqaire' eery taorongb ! leg?"
ywiriirmfiaik.' .' . ..' ad thoght it was time to retunjto i The bravest suitor found himsfcLr: soaked, bored and Strang oa tbe Lock, f eiaainatloa to Vetera, ine whetaerj We?l,' said J ottes, : csana'
jLondoa. -met tt the poiat wbere friendly at-! one ?raia being enough fr a bait i there ii any ti lag ia i: tiat notj my pedigree, aad locking cp ny d-
RI.tSroRIS ... the Lai etae to S . wearr I ten Lions ratrare iato larer3 derotioa! When this ebetUia has nectired one i wotL - I scent I fauad there was s:a? In---
I w-i-a-der what aa.s ay t
ak." said a ' to a g-atle:
i.'T a "a a -.1 j a?. rorp
s s- l
ua--' t-e
ta thee ft
a ia me, aad haria;
beccsae co a v. a -tec
ler. I
15 iC
I. .TGI. t :l- 7 mmLLf;. CMi-'THi - Vi;;.
4V- . ir . 'W. j.j-a .Ui T r Ial-.-;. , i
'.ui o -'-"' " a.n ttf-e nr. afr- T ,-
.-r a,r.:' 1 L .ia usai. anei :r.
rt -e :r j r rj.x. x:;?:i::vj c t 't,-tt.'. J,:t"""'
"-u ... ' 'frr : i U-Ji ! 4 icr
a:. ; ;t. u"" L"'i: n-v -Tiy-(
!- w..i tr t -r n-tit :; t .t ,
fe-.u Xt. V LYAM). 1
iHI vy (TTT 5TA1S. Et
"l ki k-.j rk"-.
Li iavj k
?. -a. '44 t. -mi It-i-.t? St.. .rne Ci:Pi
N' .-.k i-k ti-.-r iiami l.akif. .Ji ytnlr cut
atK, ;...:C rkskA-j u, Lt. rti nut-aeu ul; sikwrt aaj.
li..ire ' c. G. EAsrrrT,
twiih a round of fashionable life . br a wall cf Icr rererve that was : Mahseer. tl L-h. book and checnai
OiaWj'-LTQ CtjRl SiAKLM i tired cf flatterr, daacinr, flirtiair. aad impassable. She never fined, but are remoeed and re&iaced br another t Avcrriittte tirl said. "M-nnma,! that it tad settled ia that I
- ' : she had found rest and quiet under ! she Lad the reputation of a filrt, be-! book already baited. Bat kt as re-; do let ae dress nsare pialn'e " i Lai it cut eff at once."
v. m,ioft. s-c aaato j Mrs! Tollman motierlr care. Sbe caose she was popular and adaaireCL, I tara to tie tree iato . wtkh I haii "Wtr, rur dear?'' asked ter -By tie powers" sal i pat, a
feTfr7r'ft?r rich, ricier far thaa the laad-'. and remained single till she was j climbed for the crane's a est In; aether." ' . i tare beea a befer th:ag if
r-e1rk,lo ftr iuirr ftrtie t ta. ' lad e bad aar hlea of t but fie had twea-r-stvea. She was known to be descendinir I kicked some ripe trait j "Because." said the, T read in ' settled ;a roar Leai" no tear reianre. en'r a second rruttfiiL and she baa distinc'Jr told into the w ater matastir the L.le. -ikaeicrrJ tateta a prona u .1 m
and yoa know line ckotaes? In tae last Oe:-rg:a eye:.:
aake ae ft:ei rroad. 'house ia Butledge. a vliiag?
; 'hiadrtd inhahraaats. wg?
MerntiB 5,aoiikm. I'a. Ii- aw tbe fcirtiea : Pr,zil e V.--j. ..! r-tt ir:s:.- fnunj t(,. 1 Kr:-.'!. - J . c k ,-rf,fc
Lkiinra Siami. "ajkd amra fc at eiii? : play propriety. ' she was not engaged, so there was ' who had beea keeping cooi nuo tej-1 often
tr. (ti. i m tw t.T imr v .ofrseir coastituted rtit.f ter aaa- act even the srice cf roaaace ia the tnine faiL ? . hkradred iataaaaats
o.-s:r. A wtcked tboceht fiasbed throurn ; At what Reason did Eve eat me: down, and tie ra..roa
' l , n ' - i .i r 1 j- '
eaaaii.Sj a. one.
trr-. t
: l.l
- tr.'T
.A I
n tae s
r-. h atrv c f .
A taa art thin a- a mustard :
..-I -i -i..u4jj ' . i-w- ia-rv cawawia. a. teur guardian, and lesng back in her gossi
D.iur Xnerr . ftf ki.;u: r ra-fc iuiU aii-f. . c ... . - , ,
ju.ri i a- u tr ckiij urwws. mara cusbioned chair, m the snntjet glow, S-
-knew her not ia those three my brain, a large maggoty fir was appie? Early in the fa'l.
a taa
iaa? a
ca v tte
-!.ttt .-