of lJBd. tbe I'rlc t I'X- I Tbc Oueen of Madagascar is tttat ' a ... Jntrlr issued a proclaims- ordering the enfranchisement of ,-.f fin? l.f our 4 corrc.-jiiju"'-'"- . . chanpr-mc I ' ,,y , , J,' '19 lavpd since Jane 7th, that tuc price w . ,,-. r;y. ,. 5n h:ch the convcp- wiiU tue rw ' n", i"C.-- t.,v linn w;m inj vunsiuo The proclamation further slates that if i-ucli blares desire to remain in iru they arc at liberty to do so if tbev dei-irc to re in a ratio and that knowiu we m "v f the otber. If land is one mar e one able to form an c.-timate c lie ru:s it this way ; .HmrJ d.nrs an acre, we , . m n nnnM Ijuv manure i flS froe citizen rl - H.fiUr a horse-load, as' we gen- turn whence they were brought they jui - . . . r l I a i country o! ; del- hpn the vrice of lna below that figure. And h- on .i Iv. ti hind f to t 10 fcUUVt " ". l.uridred dollars ca acre U.--- price manure is prf.tr fre to l- two Urs a hore-load. A a we have t-.ud. thi way of matin? ihii cat-Ugh a uo-ti i; b it Jt a , .,i ,.f i.l-cM to Jea-I uj to accept it as trat u ,f the manure rorreet. J Ji-in t the ra!ii3 Leap, iwieli as c have e.pr-.attd it U-fjre. . . . TLe manure ijuesliwa, as it Js to us iit the east, is seldom n.tt prop erly. Many pood fanners, it is take ill fully what it mi aus. know of some u lo it they have miJu i-.nt in ciM by V bdt ca'i .-lio- a ur.f neap baniyrfrij, regard operations, fi' manure iueui.-clres us (j:.y pai., l.ir t labir: vet t!ic.-j eXeeiiejl w hen they jro to rent or buy u laim, of;eu pji;e uve flock the thtiiculue ol facilities of j.rocurins manure. It is a qui-sii iu w tiolher the Mie ccbs of many men at rirrnin or gardeuin', Mippo.-cd to ilcjKiid on their utnisual iudus'ry or f-Liii, is ;i"t rather the result uf a lu. Ly aoci.iei.t of eonveciei..e :-s regards maaure. Ceitaiiiiy it is a ijiitti.ua the m Uio.t importance and s-hould ti'rr le lo.-t ti.uht i,f, ami peein:iy by ihorC, T lioin llici e sire many r'. i.nr uIuiim into fjrmiiiir viiluoul much irevi i:s experience. can do so; and any one retaining them contrary to their will after this notice, will incur a penalty of ten vcars in irons. Some readers mav (iud it conveni ent V) be reminded that Madagascar is a great island, w ith an area estima ted at 225.000 gquare miles more than four times as large as hngland king to the Fouthea.n of the Ain caa" continent. Very little is known of its earlv history. It was not un isio. when the influence of one of it, , rates grew prec o mnant, thnt the irlaud became commercially im portant to other countries. In 1816 ihi! Ha?!isL entered into a treaty i with Kadaiua, H'lQS wf lbe ilov We i aaini-t ti e !ave tradd with Mozam UOt ami l'...(rlii.U uiissiouarii- bI year's : ft iL.vv ;Ujrli.,h mechaiiics hettled 10 he i.-bind. Kadama was fucccpuea l.y r.anavolj l ,a cruel ana crj aua jives us a taken into the servants' hall and measured, and dismissed because be lailcd a balf-incb of the required standard. It is quite the thing to have tall men servants, and one no ble family is tbe envy of tbe West End, because it has half a dozen, each ovtr six feet. As a rule, the servants i . e .-ood-looking, neat, and flunk? An upper house maid would ilie at the stake before she would do a bit of work that came witbiu t!ie province of lbe under house maid, and a swell butler would throw up Lis position in the face of tbe lord chancellor himself if he were expected to black his own boots. The sole iluty oi many a uru-uui- j toned Ik.v is'to brush the cbihes and i boots of ibe butler, the master of the bouse Laving bis own separate valet. EBtertalalPtf -Having company" is a great dread ia some households. Indeed, it is the equivalent of a small revolution. The sunshine has to be let into the best room, in itself a revolutionary procedure; the best silver which, if it were used and eujoved every day, would always Le ready for the use of guests, mu. t be taken out oi us w raps and poli.hed; every best thing must be marshaled iuto it place for duty, and then follows a campaign iu the nantrr. which letulis in many kinds 7 ' , . - .. I t atlU a very arv- :! ii.in"! : .;..;..nnrv ...iriiM woman. . i: " . oiii-s nncra-: of cake and pastry wx procecuniK" " " -r-. , , . Tl, .nnminri ment If V i HIRU ; CM, V' - succeeded 'that "company is coming by the a.- . I - .it .. It v ami her in l.Utou.y to be sirangW , ternoon t m -; wlien ne was prop'-m sruu c-- iho, itb the housekeeper flying over tbe Louse Prime. Miuister-ler tusuana . T ,, ,h .,f,rtof Illltllber of leading men were Mp-.fu ri.ne where i r..a .i thn sumo re r t tULei-"- -- i . . UilU II' i f id 1 w in burned. x ..- r- ti.ji.jj psrairist her both a.id i:nv'!:sh. Her en in the fwilowiug year, succeeded by his tt :fe, i a ; tizi !tl.e All nirsioll I'bIloloCU Kn-li-ij We have kuowu main fa.lju.-t J-cre. anauo L-ro,v ixuiiotii ?l.;-0 is that cr I or no acre. rr eenr. it long. U !:l II - i, nt ;r iv,-. luie t lav c .. !-..! f.,r !r u hen the lautl worth one hundred dollars na it IS t . K r paying i oio -n !or money. c cannot u j And vet il is a singular . . . . i t l ; I. statel.'ielii luai uif iuo:e iuu the more we can i.fiord to pav for jnanure to fertilize it. but there is no ilotibt of its truth. Of course there .ip when land is worth so mucu :;..t ti.iv io croj it at o.l: pur-JJiit . - r 1 I (. A:i hn;rI:-!i mi.-SKOary loumi sell mi.id an extremely remote ami i-mae tribe, who conversed with ,. dauber by means of hard and rude sounds. " The missionary tried long to il1 bold of the sounds in such a way as to represent them in signs. II a v big, afu-r a year or so, obtained clue, he had m iiher 1'Cu, ink, nur pa per : i a tin! it is ii. does !lt I V ef valu.; lor biiildin-'i-i . l . t.:i-e. 1 ills l aoo.ori mumi. when it pays to crop high priced land it ui!, it will pay to manure it at. nl nioft any co.-t ; whi-b il will not do in 1 -priced bind. (iVnoi'oifi i,.. Ijiurr lur l-Iai" I ol a' m,t manure Jauu I .aUiil jn je or paragraph style, oes, vet perhaps i' ,. ,,t :v,or ,nirlit. he copied from the 15ible. He counted tbe number of paragraph or rerscs in one of the unmeaning chspterf, and then searched for a chapter in the l.iblc r bicb had the same num ber of verse?. He found that there was only one a psalm, and on com- Th farmer very much, fur some oi mem w i Been h, mai pvi a hint or two from the loilowing, by ,Toep:l Harris, in tie ,l:'"i,i.','.'ii-CMJ: We .-hould get manure ready for to tatoesthis w inter. 1 have commenc ed ir.v pile already, and it is ferment ing nicely, and will keep oa fcrmcnt ir.ir all winter, liut it is not vet too Jate t i start :i heap. All about it is simnlv to wheel the ma nure into a Leap in some central po sition, and every day, or as often as tbe stables and yard are clear ed out, wheel the manure to the bi-np and sorcad it oa top, instead of scattering it over a large surface. 1! I the manure does not ferment, it is Mt-obablv becau-e it is too lumr. 1 he Jruojduirs from the hea bouse, caiU':vd upon the heap and covered lieu you kill pigs, and pour il on the jial matur will be ad is dry and cold, biiir. tc , vou have but lie bad a wooden leg and a knife, and ho cut on bis leg tne ieaere which Le thought corresponded to the siiriu. He then taught the sav-iiL-es iLe art of connecting sounds and uiittc; signs. The missionary, I believe, died or U ft that region, but he left Lis wooden leg, and after a time the savages worked out from it mi alphabet and a written language. IU- some mysterious means, too, they 'got hold or a printing pres, and an i Kntrlirdi traveller got hold of a few ! printed leaves, which be could not understand, but brought home to Mr. i N'orri.-. This orientalist examined I them carefully, aud I the fact that the was struck by scuteuccs were parinx the words of the sarage wnt 1!'trc' l?i in? u ith those in the psalm be u,de out tho aJphabet of the tribe, ana laid a couplete translation of the pnpes before the Oriental Society. ('inriiiiinfi C ommerrial . K very ;ive a ltrltinK b1Ii. ti. liiliii? id irraduatcd on a leosonar ble scale the scale, for iusttanoe, of "plain living and high thinking' the getting ready for company is never a formidable metier. It is reduced to ablujfanu spaaing the guest chamber, and putting a fresh Mower into its vase, and making sure that there is enough in prepara tion or the ordinary bill or faro of tbe family. Plain living does not im ply poor food carelessly prepared; ra't her. the most foodful food; a few kinds at a meal, such as -vill not sa ror of dyspepsia, nor of the hostess' fatigue. Houbtless this sounds very inhosoitable to the housekeeper ac customed to graduate her plans ac cording to a widely different scale ; but we must maintain that hospital ity ii robbed of f alf its sweetne.s when the stoniach of the guest re ceives consideration above his bead and bis heart. If you are poor, or in moderate circumstances you can not afford to add expensive luxuries to your table, and so hospitality be comes a burden; if you arc rich, you Lave at your command resources that make the others unnecessary. If your guest love you it is yourself that attracts him; "if be love you not, let him buy of those whose business it is to sell, cakes and confections Tbe Military I'le fused at being thus rudely aroused from bis'winter slumbers, and for a moment stood irresolute, then started on a run as fast as his stiffened limbs permitted, Paul, too, was startled at tbe unexpected result of his shot, but proved equal to the occasion by springing upon the animal's back, ax in hand, to dispatch him. As bruin started, tbe dog cor though he was made furious attacks upon tbe Bank and rear, w hi'e bis roaster, clioging with one hand in the long thick fur, rained down lusty blows on bruin's sconce (using the poll of the ax so as not to injure the pelt) itb the other. What witb the many and sudden turnings of the bear in defending himself from the attacks of the dog, and contact with brush aud tree, Paul was many times unborsed, but gamely held bis grip and as often re covered his position, ultimately ad ministering the como w grace, and coming out uf tbe conflict with no damage, save a few bruises an 1 rent garments. As an example or down right pluck, this exploit may fairly rank with that of "Old Put" and the wolf. Havor BImIm jfl knows up, will Lclp it. save the L'sod b'-ap. Any aui d. Jf the b hot water. its liability to bend or break. CM) It aficr scalding t!u- piys can be If tin? noint be moistened in lue mouth it will usually drive more kindly. Oil is better; but then it is inconvenient to dip each separately iuto it. Another poiut is, that boards become loose eventually from the rusting of nails, which,' communi catiii? to the w ood, causes not only cf the nail-bole but lonrpd on tbc be.iM to mlvautO'jrc. In iu.r.-n ; t,r;.,:rit-i an eularuemeut Ci Vllf tilt: llUtJt. .itaoiV. i.i irv eiv j I d"from the rest of the budding. We!'1 wearing away of the nail itself, throw the horse biter iuto an enu.tv I rendering the buildmff shaky or inse- cure. t h:s may oo prevenieu u b crease until it ; 'all, whi re it will keep dry. Every vvii k or so we put this hoie litter in a cart and draw it to the pigpens. Here it stays until it c-is saturated with the rich linur from the pigs. .1 ; . .1 ... l .. 1. 1 ;)ilu IS men ueeieo. to i m- i:v.ij 'S ucre is no onlieuitv uoout g'et':i:ir heating any roy 'mokes, ana meu ijuuriug it utci mc ujiils to be used. TLs crease will jtciicliate lbe pores of tbe L-jon, and ., ,...,. ...1 1 t 1,. ..no dinietiby about irettiir-.'"? "or an iimriiiiue ,-..oU. .-iicu cjanure to ferno'iit. It will Le Jn prime .condition for potatoes in the ,-prin' tl s(rnj incJcr llnrkV l.nr. of bark Then' are several six-eu iiee. jili more or less injurious to plants i noon which tbev live, and some ere j eau.se the nails to last w ithout ruit IJesides ithis. no dilliculty will then be expe- 'rienced in driving them into tbe ! hardest of wood. Tbe reason is that the coating of grease prevents 1 contact by air, and consequently ox- ivdation. Oxvccn is the great de- jstrover of iron, and m.iisture the in- dueiii"- cause. Anvtbintr winch is rather dillieult to destroy. TLe par- j ticular species infesting the apple tree (A.-'pi1iotus cviK-hi't.riuus) can j cs.ually be destroyed by thoroughly j Mvasbing the bark w ilh a jiotash lie. j The ' sale "om;" which infests the or-j nnge tree ( os -i!ri) is very simi-, i'nr in its habits to the apple b.u k-! louse, but is more difficult to kill. A : vigorous use oi soapsuds seems to 1 only a transient remedy. The ap viieation if coal oil is also transient ia its reiilts. Lately this inse ;nade its appearance in the o ivbaru ia Los Angeles Viilli"- ifiroia. iuiuring the ouality l nasi iini Cal- 1 it v if the rui; to son?e extent, and threatening Vt ;'r-y tbe trees, omo ef the leading vrau-ie eulturists ia that lo cality have been cx!er;mei;ti:;2 on tie effects if the various remedies ihat have bei n from time to time si: resusj. and, ucci rjing to a t-ard whicL they have published in the Los Angelas lhrulii, have succeeded in find ng sure remedy. The prin cipal ingred'cr.t in ;Le remedy Used is CirboLiic acid gas. nr.d it is np!i ed bv the ii-e ot an ordinary porta- shtr. TLe stn-nitb charge if sims.'v re duced, and it is applied directly to toe trees TLe inventor lays no claim io any patent ami tne l aiitornian av tuat anv of the common extinirn'she-rs can be vJsed. ble "Hre oxtingu of an ordinary Hurltig t'b- lost war with Great Britain, a company of volunteer sol diers, destined to Join Shelby's army for the invasion of Canada, had their rendezvous at Harrodburg, Ky., and remained there feme time, while other uerc gathered there to prepare for the mareii to panada. When the troops had started on tU:ir march to wards the Ohio river, they faw two aniffft liirbVmT. ana uaut'u vo w-c iuc: farmer who has occasion to battle ended. When they resumed nail in seasoned oak posts their marb the yietonous pig was seen snowing1 ma euiunu, nip-ht when the troons fccantped tbe pig found shelter near by and Ln-lted also. Tbe next day the pig marched on again with the troops, and contin ued to accompacy them till they reached the Ohio river opposite t in cinnati, where they crossed on a ferry boat. Tbc piff, on gettingto tne wa ter s edge, plunged in ami siu across, and waited on the other side till tbe troops were again prepared io march. In the same way me pig kept on w ith tbe troops till tbey came to Lake Erie. A8 tne men iiau men nttetilion turned to tbe iiisr, it became a pet, and they gave it a full share of rations which they receiveu; anu ai tLrvodi the troons were often almost destitute food, they never thought of putting tiie iirjie to tbe throat of tfaeir tellow soldi, pig. And tbougb at times tbe pig far.vi rather scant iU", it still grunted onward, andj manifested as mucb patriotism in its; way as Its biped comtadea vrbom it accompanied. At the margin of tbe Lake the pig embarked witb the sol diers and went as far asliass Island. Some of the horses were left at that place, and although the pig was offer ed a passage over to Canada it refused to co any further. Some of the sol diers attributed its conduct there to constitutional scruples, and observed that she knew it was contrary to the ConsUtu.ior) to force a militia pig overtime 4in.e. ?l"ben the campaign was nded, and tie toops came back, as soon a3 tbe lin,e ci aarf b was formed, tbey were atonif&ed to. see tbe pig on tbe right of tbe line,; ready to resume the homeward march with" the rest. By this time winter had set in, and the pig suffered very much on its way back again. It how ever reached Maysville, Ky., where protection against wooj-s iou placed ia UiZsty Jbands by Governor Shelby, and was Cnay taken to tbe Governor's home, wker9 ai;.a passed the rest of her days in ease an4 idle ness. There are many living who were witnes-es of the facta I bave stated which I read a few years since in a work containing very many in- Lent dry the effect is measurably the P.l.t ,.r...n l.nit.linrrc nmrftnta I the coaiact of air and moisture. If j the w bole of soy structure cannot be 'painted, the Let-is, at least, of the ' nails therein should lie touched. A mrll) ttiufu'8rw, i ! Since extravagance ia stockings i Las come back to us again, and silk j hosiery is almost a criterion of tbe ; woman of fashion, cf course tonie- thing must be worn to preserve these The celebrated razor bladis, pro duced by Hogers, of Sheffield, which go to all parts of the civilized w.rld, a-e forged out of bars of tbe very best, highly-carbonated cast steel, titled to about half au inch in breadth, and of a thickness sufficient for the back of a raior. Tbc blade is. first moulded at lbe end of tbe porterod, j and then forged, and the edge being j brought out, the concave surface is formed by working the side on the rounded edge of the anvil; it is then cut off and tbe taog either drawn out for the saute material as the blade, or. if this be of superior ijuali. tv, a piece of iron is welded to it. The steel used is of excellent quali ty, so as to undergo the beating pro (i'etia necessary to produce tbe thinner part, while tbe back Is left thick Some of tbe workmen are so expert in forging the blade that they will produce, on the anyil, an edge so sharp and even that it tan be used for shaving alter Dting wneueu. After forging, the blade is smithed or beaten on an anvil, to render tbc metal as compact as possible. The blade Is also slightly ground, or scorched, after tbe forging, on a coatse, dry grindstone, to briug it to tbe shape required, and remove tbe black scale or coating1- The blatje is next drilled for the Joint and stamped with the name ; then hardened and tempered, and ground an a whet stone from four to eight inches in diameter. jaolbsr IfaralDK Jf la. On the south 6ide of the Broad mnnntiin nn aline nearly north of this borough there t, as a party near ly twenty years ago named llortens, workinir the mammoth vein. Since then the workings of the Donaldson colliery have extended over into those old works in tbc same vein. A smouldering fire has ben generated among tbe gob and refuse matter in one of tbe breasts of the old place, wbieh had gradually gained power by the lapse of time and the increase of air facilities of the Donaldson works. With such force and rapidity bas this fire been gain ing headway that the escape of smoke and steam from the surface of tbe ground was plainly yisible to the cit izens of this borough for several months past. The opening from which the smoke was ejected has been closed a number of time witb sheet iron, with a view of conSniog and ultimately smothering the fire. On Saturday, wbije the inside su perintendeat of the Donaldson mines ' .1 i k ! -A was in lue east gnugwaj, uo uum , m that tbe fire bad made its way down into tbe gangway and was consum ing pillars and props at furious rate. It roared like a great furnace. To bim it was apparent something bad to be done. The operators who were at tbe time in Philadelphia were immediately dispatched for, word was sent tbe land owners, pumps, engines and hose were brought to tbe spot, in readiness tor tne action of operators. Upon a disagreement of tbe Lolket colliery operators and tbe land ' own- ers about extinguishing tbe fire, it was decided by the operators to to leave it burn, but to construct a battery in the east gangway in or der to prevent the fire from approach- inn tbe nioutb oi ujeir saope. At the large way of a lord of the soil. Tbe department recognizes him as a tribe and calls him, for instance, the Teton Sioux. lie says thero are 1,400 lodges of him. "The depart ment at once estimates eight souls to a lodge and computes bim at 11,200. What could the department do then but ask for au appreciation of $500, 000 for bim? The amount was voted. Parties were sent out lrom the de partment li find this Teton Sioux and present bim, on behalf of the gov ernment, with $500,000, less mileage and expenses of the commission. The expedition failed. The Teton Sioux, who was 11,200. bad gone away, and the committee, which comprised some of the best talent in the department, could not find bim. They found another one, however, who was rtasouably sober, and was only about C,000 TeVon Sioox. They came back and made an appropriation of $200,000 to bim, and seni ii to him by the usuul chan nels. Nothiug has since been beard of him, but it is supposed that he got tired, as well of being so many as of waiting ao b.ng, and suffered absorp tion into some tribe, or perhaps a sea change iuto something rich and strange. Nothing so kit d'es the en thusiasm of the Interior department as the knowledge that a Teton Sioux is wandering through Montana or Dakota iu a state of savage unrest. Immediately a committee from the department goes for tbe Teton, finds him nomadic and discontented, s;ys to bim, "How many art thou, O Te ton?"' and conjures him by bis expec tation of a lodge in the happy hunt ing grounds to enter into a treaty and consent to accept an appropriation from tbe government Hating ob tained bi3 reluctant consent to re ceive aid from the.opprcssor, the de. partment gets an appropriation aud divides it among deserving persons. Who would not, under such cir cumstances, be an Indian or at least an Indian agent? Who would not unito v.ith the poet In tbo aspira tion, "I want to be an Indian and with the Indians staudr" Let us mourn that the red men are disap pearing from the whiskey shop3 of the frontier, but let us give tbo In dian agents the credit they deserve lor making the most i f them while tbey remain. The Kalian ! tne ETnir ileal Alli ance. Xew Advertisement. J.W. PATTON. CO. HURST. ISTJDW FIRM. NEW GOODS. New Advertisements. Miscellaneous. JliM'fllareonn. Chit cut for Refer uvsr Watches, Diamonds, Jswelrv. S aaa iiuver nisa ware, Kecks, Lrcr 28s. Cntlerr. etc.. of tha firert on-ri? usurus Pacha, the Turkish Am bassador in London, bas addressed a letter to Mr. Arthur Kinnaird on the subject of tbe recent visit of a depu tation of the Evangelical Alliance to Constantinople, and the refusal of the authorities to grant them an au dience of the Sultau. He says: "In a conversation I had with you more than a month ago on the pro posed mission to ponitantinople of the deputation of the Evangelical Alliance, I assured you of the com plete freedom of conscience which exists throughout the Turkish Em pire, of tbe earnest solicitude of the Imperial Government to maintain its liberal palicy in religious matters, and of the uselessness of the intend ed mission; and, knowing how im possible it was for such a deputation to have an audience of bis Imperial Majesty the Sultan, I expressed to you the opinion that this project ought to be altogether abandoned. Unfortunately, the deputation went to Constantinople. Tbe event justi fied my provision, and I should sin cerely regret if this result, which was only to be expected,' were to be mis understood by the parties interested or the country at large.' The depu tation however, on its arrival at Constantinople, was received by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to whom it was introduced by Mr. Sandison, First Draeoman of the British Em bassy, and a copy qf tb,o address to bis Imperial Majesty was communi cated to tbe sublime i'ortc. Answer iug a speech made on that occasion by one of tbe members of the depu tation, the Minister declared that the provisions of tbe Imperial Firman of 18o5 are maintained in lull lorce, and that nobody could entertain tbe least doubt in this respect; and he gave tbe most satisfactory explanation and assurances on the different subjects brought to bis notice by the deputa tion. As to the audience, bis Excel lency Sarvet Paeba observed that it would be an innovation, and would establish a precedent which the sub scribers to tbe address would them selves deprecate wbeu sooner or later th.tr ufn1l Qf.a tta nrocft nnn fiitn lln lP tnis tune o? wj-iung tue fcrp is r?ooui pn lDe numerous deputations coming THE NEW FIRM OF PATTON & HURST, No. 4, Oaer'a Block, are now In reoelit or stork or gNKti 1 .ptil to the prem-at waiua of the people. 1 u.-t'h;i ,1 with in the Un tea ilmys nml tltise tliv iltil:ue in the prices or St&pleannJ Poinsjltfii. tlmy Hre onablsd to oder epeeial inducement to all in want of iroottt of every uewrlpt ion In each variety a cannot ie I lonnu anywhere cue in town, comprising a gen eral assortment. They cull spcc-Ul attention to their large assortment of CALICOES, Bleached aud Uubleacbed Muslins GINGHAMS, SIMIITTNG. TICKING, BOYS AND MENS' HEAVY PA XT STUFFS, in Cottonadc, Double and Irish Jeans, Satinets, Cassiineres, &c, DRESS GOODS, in Plain and Corded Alpaccas, Pop lins, Cashmeres, French Merrinoes, &c, STAPLE & FANCY" NOTIONS, HATS Sz CAPS, BOOTS As SHOES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, HAEDWARE The best&Mortuient r Carpet ings and Oil Cloths 93 ties only, effored regardless of ens Ocr stcck mst ts closed cattonako satisfactory settlements with the es tate of thelaw Joha Stevocsoa. J01IX STEVENSOYS SONS, Market Street. Pittsburgh. 93! ni'V t JOHN F. BLYMYER, DEALER IN Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints, OILS, 3cC, &C. BiTTrsjf ! eilten luxuries from wear and soil, : when a alkingia a duty and diufry ;ciiy. Wool that is knitted may be wurtn, but it is t.t a hindrance to the entrance of dust. It rather holds than rejects the soiling broadejoth or i velvet, ti.at is noin nnen ana ruuoer lined, is a certain K-ater ami luuu. M-ins cf these materials are ; made ri-nch u; and curve ujion the Liu, aui are fitted about the ! foot like a geutUcaan's paiter, with a : strap under the foot. They button ' un on the outside ot iLs b;g, and are carefully fitted to the uewxr by front and back seaivu. I bev are KentutVv. sometimes bound on the lower" edgej terming: incidents and historical facts 'with dark fur. which rives the foot reppectfog early settlement of ' a ehubby and youthful a : Forr-pring wear thrv are imon patent ' requUito ts for the winter, snccysvfuliv ; short quilted fill: or patir l'l(rj Jirrplnc There i bardly an i n;l.u.-iast on lbe subject i-f poultry, who do'S not endeavor to L'ep t-cverr.1 varieties. He visits en exhibition or the vards jf Pome extensive dealer, aud admir ing hovcral breeds, purchases some i of each, without cmifiJerinj whether ' he has accommodations enough fur; all, and understanding the amount f time required to manage them . vrfectlr. YVe would sav to all be-! gives & chubby and youthful appearance. For r-pring wear thrv are quite as With a patin petticoat and an Ulster coat of rourih cloth, they lot k rery coquettish ca a cold or stormy day. Any lady run Oake them for herself. Tbey should be fitted Hke any gar i ment, and after being bound w ith j braid, the jet button-holes may be ! added. Tbev should be adjusted so perfectly that n button-hook w ould le required to fasten them over the boot and about tbeanklc. A Vermont Bear fctorr. llrillali xcran(. M. 1. Conwav devoted graph of a recent London u para letter to cinuers ( not attemnt to fc.-in niiri than one breed, unless vou have p.'cc-' lU('ir iffhnesses oi tne l.ritisn 'ouse ty of time to spend, and iu addition, i 'olJ' nil'a servants and maid-servants, inexhaustible patience, end t!;af tnct ! English nobility, be says, have Msv.(l ,v the b-'rn naturalist i a W8.T c employing servants which that is, l.y imp who has an ingrained o!1'rs ?ran(1 ' opportunities to rogues, fondness for animal Ti: i.rr.,c ! If the coachman or footman is rood We find the billowing in the Amer ican Sforltman: Paul Hobbins is a farmer by occu pation, living in Winhall, Y'eruiont, j and like many of that class living in a far.bajLis settlement, had a taste Tor sporting, Riitb be indulges as oppor tunity permits. Taking advantage of a Cry &dow crust, he left home one morning, accompanied by his two boys and dog, on an excursion chiefly to gather spruce gum, carrying an ax for fell ing trees, also a gun for a chance shot at rabbits or grouse. Tbey had been several hours in the woods, and had secured a good bay of gum and game (no gum game), when their at tention was ulainly called by the 500 yards east of the foot of the Donaldson fclopn, and could not for some tin e to come reach the dope. Tremonl Xetet. PeatBuy Ivaala Capper. This State is so rich in her deposits of iron and coal and petroleum that even her own citizens sometimes for get the diversified character of her products and the great value of ber other mineral deposits, of her lumber suppSf, her quarries, and ber agricul tural jiroiicu. rt Pboenixville. be sides iron Weris, .tbere ia $ Jjrge mill for tbe reduction ot "'coppe ores, known li the Schuylkill '.copper works. The i-'nubjihment was de stroyed by Ore last July, but Las been rebuilt, and now Las ft capacity of 15,000 pounds of ingot copper per week. During tne six months pre ceding the burning of the works tbe products was lOit.075 pound of in. gots. almost entirely lrom Pennsyb vaoi or.s. Ffteen thousand pounds ot this welt') $.o government mint for coicage. Qi&et " the reduction of cooper, oiroed bir 'tfc'c chemical copper company, are being ceded near the Schuy'kill works.! Tbey will be used for the reduction ! of inferior ores, "by the Hunt and Douglass process," wuich bas been use4 whb Success at Ore Knob, North Carolina. 4 copper mine has been discorereil 14 V01- county, which will be opened it) the spring by Mr. YY'beatley, tbo proprietor of the Schuylkill works and President of the chemical copper company. lacBeMM. in thoroughbred fowls is -rcat i ,0(1'iic? in bis livery, and of suffl and iaereasii.jr. U,at thr,iiUn,i1 rt cicnt phvsical stature, his moral cha- Dovi.-eM-ei out every vear in the tur---,.. ,.r ...... -: .1 . . 1 run n iii;j uieni. 1 t.ere i llti' ope after the 6'ther to Constantinople from all piirta of Jytiro'pe,'and asking special priyilegpa 44 Ti)n!"u)tj.e3 fr; their diU'erent religions. "These ere the reasons which plac ed the Imperial (Joycrninent uuder the iiecessity of decliftina: to obtain theaudience'of his Imperial Majesty, although tbey were desirous to see tbe members of tbe deputation leave Constantinople satisfied la every re spect. I do not doubt that tbe dep utation itself appreciated tbe force of these reasons. In fact, it is possible that the Sultan, wbo is considered by the musselman people as the Caliph or Vicar of tbe 1'raphet should receive' n 'deputation charged to so licit that severe "anU peremptory or derg should be is.-ued' i'd" abstain 3 henceforth from racing any difjjcuUy in tbe conversion ot fjspljnrn to Cbrit.lfaniiyS' I leavp you to appre ciate what an impression this wou)d have prodceed 011 the ir,ii)d of the Mussel limn people." Anarrlran faoodii Abroail. ever broniIit to town. A larire stock of Queens are. Detenninetl to tie up to tho times In assort mrnt,stylfi ami prices, We resoeetlulty volli-it a call lrom those in want of iroods. fcM8 7" W. DAVIS k BRO'S Grocery and Confectionery SOMERSET, PA. WeleIre to lnlorm tiie people of this comma nlty that we have purciiased the lirocery an t Con lei'iionery oi n. r . iwnepjwr, tq., oupoue tuc Barnet House, aixl have uiaUe valualile ahlitlouf to thealreailj tneitockot Uooila. We sell all the best brands o FLOUR, AND MEAL, Ct)FFEE, TEAR, SUQAKS, BICE, SYKf PS, MOLASSES, FISH, SALT, SPICES, APPLES, KL.A TORINO EXTRACTS, DRIED ANpCMSEp FRUITS. ALHQ, COALOIL, TOBACCO, OU1ARS SNUFF, BROOMS, BUCKETS, TUBS, ke All kinds Frecrli a id ootnoioa CANDIES, NUTS, CRACKERS FANCT CAKES, . PERFUMERY, AND TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS, BRUSHES, SOAP, fcc. Also an assortment of Toys, Ac, lor the UtUa folks. If yon wnnt 'anything In th Orocery and Con fectionery line call at Davis' Cheap Jrocery OPPOSITE THE bARNET HOUS E. nov. 9 ly. The following is a partial list of goods in Stock: Cirpeater's Tools,; Planes, Saws, Hatchets, Hammers, Chisels, Plane Iron? Jzes, Ac, P.iack- smith's Goods, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Files, Hammers, Ac. Saddlery! Hard ware, Tab Trees, Gig Saddles, Ilames, Buckles, Rings, Bits and Tools, j Table Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Spoons aud Razors, the i largest stock in Somerset County. Painter's Good, a full stock. White! Lead, Colored Paints for inside and outside painting, Paints in oil, all colors, ; Varnish, Turpentine, Flaxseed Oil, Brushes, Japan Dryer, Walnut Stains! j Ac. Window Glass of all sizes and glass cut to anv shape. The best Coai ! uu always on band. Our stock of Coal Oil Lamps is lanrc and comprises very elegant styles. Ditston's Circular, Mul?" and Crosscut Saws. Mill Saw Files of thebest quailty. l'orcelaiu-lined Kettles. Handles of all kinds. KJIOVIS, FORKS, N1A1S, RAKI-IS. Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Ticks, Scythes, Sneaths, Sledges. Mason Hummers, Cast Steel. Step Ladders, Carriage and Tire Dolts of all sizes. Loo.-king Glasses, Wash Boards, Clothes Wringers. Meal Sitves. Door.M ats. l!:i.-kel.i Tubs. Wooden Buckets. Tv ine. Rone all sizes Hav PiiHpv-i n.itti.r IV.'nij Mop Sticks, Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cutters and Siuifeis. Traces. Cow Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Dust and Scrub Brushes. Horse Brushes. Cur ry Combs and Cards, Door Locks, Hinges, Screws, Latches aud tvervthiug in the builders' line. Caps. Lead. Shot. Powder and Safety Fuse Ar Ac The fact is, I keep everything that belongs to the Hardw&'re trade. I deal exclusively in this kind of goods aud give my wholeatttentiont .it. IVr sons who are building, or any one in need of anything in mv line, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. I will always give a reasonable credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers for their patronage, and hope this season to make many new ones. Don't forget the place oSTo, 3, "BAER'8 LOCK:." April 8 '74. Dr.J. Walker's California Yin- osar Kilters are n purely Vegctabla lie.:tr;tti..:i. ma.io cliieily from tho na t.vc l.rrla found 1 u tlio loaer ranges of f::e S i : r. X.-vmht mountains of I'abfor r.':a, '..o medicinal ta-opcrtiea of which rr eTra-ted t!ie:cfVom without t!;c uso ef a:...';. ,:. T!;o j-.estio:i is alr.io:-t !aiiy "h;.t is tbe case cf t;:i 1 :,v.;:Cii'.l f.:ccs rf ViXEdAi: Bit-t::u-.V Our mi v.vei U. that thcyrcmovo ti.o t-j?(5 of i'.i'use, andt!:o patient re- : l.i-i iiea.:!i. Ihov.-'-io tiie pre:;', i ii if.cr ami a l',;'o-.L,ivi:i,' principle, rtect Bctiovator uu I J:v.-igor.:..r be cov .1 1:: t'.. JOHN F. BLYMYER. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS!!! AT The aNTew Store of Gr. II. PARKER, Dealer la ' tue svstcm. !.;-.-; rf tus v ir.l-.I !. tti::i-..":i:;.i.-.t p. .-.-!--:: i-i cf Vi.:;i.U h.ck cf every '.: ':t-i 1: im .1 cov.t'u Turz-itivc rcliev::':; CV:zc-t:.a ' tho I.:v'er aud iM-eral The properties rf V- V:.v:-:i.a:: i;:r. k::s r ; .vj.-' ! : i.-; re t-. Ul t!:0 c I .-1 .-1... '1. I:.:: V. r.Krr.'s IV K. II. .'trIKAI.I U (.. ;. I i'-.r -f" VV'.L.i .-:..n r.:.-l I t. tr.!':: t . .V l Solil by nil !lru;;i.tic ! I. aUr. New Firm. SHOE STOKE, SNYDER UHL Dry Goods, Fancy & Staple Notions, Eibbons, Embroidery, Laces, &c. Would be pleased to have his Friends and Patrons call and ex amine his $tock before purchasing elsewhere. $tore Iioom on Main Street, opposite the J?arnct House." Somerset Pa. prllS. Cook & Beerits' FAMILY GROCERY Flour and Feed G. Il G HoMerliam HaTe now opn. ; A Large and Complete Assortment i (ieodi for ol - IFall and Winter Wear. To the Merchant a of Somerset Co. fjK XT-is : your atfention 3 called to the fiict that BBS, FOSTER & QUI 113 All Clinton St. JOllXKTOn X PA. The JJ'ew York Tribune has a chap ter oa tbfi rd pen of the West. It goes do to Bbov si tft&t ;?done for tbe Indians and then tells us; llepoci.- nlains that there is not enough of bim, and that he cannot repeat as be would. A noble Sioux, for instanco, whose share of the appropriation, before it roes through the usual satiffaction, however :e in t!u l .if run, in keeping fowls, unless they are well managed. Keep only one "vari ety, therefore, in order to'sue'eed as an amateur. A soft answer turncth awav wraib, but we lose enr patience with nr:.t I I r- doir. On approaching Le was Qit covered at a hole in tie snow lead ing to a den beneath the roots of a partially over turned tree, in which ractcr is unquestioned, it being as- something possessing life and motion sumed, we suppose, that in the per-! was dimly seen. A stick thrown in- eweating process, is about sufucient peculiar and persistent barking of the to support a small family in Madison w ho are continualiv a-kiii? ;i-m.i pe so. l IjllCS' icction i t caives mere can Le no guile. A duke advertised for a foot man of exactly five feet eleven and one-half inches in height, whose sole business it would be to stand at the back of the ducal foacb beside another footman. A youth known (to Conway who answered the ad vertisement, says that bis character, w as not inquired into; he was simply to the den caused its occupant to change its position, but failed to dis close its identity. Surmising it to be a hedge-bog, I'aul difrharged the gun loaded wilh small shot at ran dom ia the den. Scarcely bad the report died away wbea, amid a show er cf fnow nd crust, out rushed, not a hedge-bog, but a big bear. I'ruin.at Crst, seemed somew hat con avenue, onus mat wnen tne bounty which this great and glorious govern ment gives him lor being red in color, and handy witb bair, and wearing only one garment, reaches bim, it will hardly buy a drink of the common est whiskey. So be moves away and organizes another tribe. Tbe De partment of tbe Interior hears of bis dissatisfaction and forthwith sends a commission out to meet bim and ne gotiate with him. Discovered in the stage of intoxication, at which the imagination is most active and num bers are of small consequence, be an swers mathematical conundrums in Oue sometimes meets wiibAmer V4D goGd'i unexpectedly nbroad. A triena last yejjr huri-basca at a snop i ia Faris one of the Mth? gold pjatpd:! f rv.mrM.. 1 11 .1 - 1 .' ' - t '! - anu riiuucr u'leseope pencils, suim ass are maae ana sola la great quiuimts on this side the Atlantic, fr which he paid fifteen f-mcs. A few days afterwards, when iu L udon, be no fifipi the same smnll article in a shop winao'v, ,nl b-ifig so well plivisi-.l wjtb his fir?t purc'b3se by ynien d the premie and bugbt a "ijj,.fte, "price ten shilling. Tbis is irss ibnii tbey aked me for the sam thtnif in i'aris,"' paid our buyer "yes," an swered th deUler,: always ready to make a point against his Parisian .competitors; "we always stll Iswer jn Jiondn ian Jtrj 1'aris." Our frieud ws on hia wjr b tiifi 5t'v;.n be got down to Liverpod ifpief tbe identical oMett f bia fancy ag tin in a Liverpool window.. "Let us go in and ask tbe price of tLoso pencils here,'" he said to bis ladr com. o!oq. Tbey did so. and were told, to bis as tonishment, that tbe price was eight shillings, and again was tempted to purchase one as a present for a friend, "I thought these pencils were made in Paris," said our friend, "but find the further I go the cheaper they. are. I paid fifteen francs in Paris, ten shillings in London, and now you sell me one for eight shillings." "Well," said the dealer, "when you get to America you'll find them cheaper still, for they were makeover there." And so it proved, for tbey caj be bought in Boston or New York for about $15 a dozen. are selling DEY GOODS, ffiilJNERY, it F.j : tin ncc. kt-e ipaifiM fi.jj Kitcm iirliws on I'mita, Gliic'limm, Delaine. lracm. Dress Ouwis. Mual.iis. ilrun ami IliearlicA Ihjo Ifin. Du k'. Drill., li.iiiiiiia.les, Jcun. Canilrli-s. Tnkiii(. HaniielJ, l'ii aii.i 1'niuieres. Id l-l nil U y OhkIs 4U'I 3a ( lu J. Ji trip U Jul.fiUn will nut Buaruu IhR U'uili part ol the ntyrt-.ac ol - .riji to riiiaueipiiia. anu veiweeiiai ruuu drlp prices an.l save yini Ireiht Umltl. We cn alf.,r.l to do It In-raase we buy in large luts an I lay caih. hava no rent to Day and do our own work. fall and sve our stockand prices and judge We would most respectfully announce to ou; frien.ls and the pul.l U generaily. In tiie town and I ytcinity of Somerset, that we have opened oulin our NcwStore oo i MAIN CROSS STREET, j And in addition to 0 full Une of the beat ! Confectioneries, Xotlons, Tobaeeof. Cigars, Ac., ; We will endeavor, at H times, to supply our cu.- ; turners lth tb'a BEST QUALITY OF FAMILY FLOUR,; CORX-HEAL, OA TS, SHEL LED CORN, OATS tt CORN CHOP, j BRAN, MIDDLINGS,' 1 And everything partainlng to the Fewi Depart- ; ment at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ; FOIt j CASH ONLY., They have & complete a!i.irtinr.t ol Dress CmooiIh, Tclt Shirts, IFoopSkirl.). 15 list I s. Glows, Shoes, Gum Naisdnls, And Felt over Shoes, MEN AND BOYS' Having pnrc'iacl the Shot Siorelatelj ow iied hy II. C. IleeritM. We take !e:urrt in iv.ilii tht ntiin:I n f puMic to tho I:irt thiit we ii;tru r..'Wjn I exivt k.'p ci instantly on him! ii? f.u)j"Iete aaa'rt ment uf Boots, SSioes and Gaiters BOTH OF Eastern and Hcma Mar.ufactun nn Mn he ft.un.l nrvwhere. We : hand confUint ly a iull Jui-ly of '1 Will IUVO soli; leather. MOROCCO, CALF SKIN., Kirs, AND LINING :ins ( r all kin.!?, with a full line .1 Shoe Findings. Th HOME MAMTACTfRE DEPART MENT will be in ch:irc of 1ST. 15. Snvdcr, K.sq., Whose reputation f.jr mkiaj Good Work and Good Fits I-- j.vMin-l t. n-me !. the Stati". 1 lie put. lie Ii c ?p-!ful!y inv;t-l to call aod exfntneoa.' jlj, .is vi' are le.L-r:i.ined to kep irl i tf"Hl ,& V,4 b.-?i aii.l .v.!l at privs a? low a.-, tiie l'weit. SNYDER & UHL; .lee 1 NEW STORE! SCHr'.LL VIT,Si.V aroul.l inform their frien-U and the puMic generally, that thr-yhaj j opi'iie-l c st. re ul 11 II 1 T T Also, k well relected stock of Glassware;' Stoneware. Wooiloiiware, Brushes oi - Tti kinil'.'arnj- nl i . ... STJVTI02ST35RY Which we will (ell as cheap at the cheapest. Please call, examine our gcoods of all kinds. an be atiieJ frulfl Tuur own jm1 jjroeuU Don't fcrgct hce e fty-r Clothing, Boots and Shoes, On MAIS CKOSS Street, Somerset Oct. i. ISJi FOSTER a UUINX. ("Ifliton St.. Johnstown, Pa. JOSKIMI SHEETS SOS, L'ndertaker. Hoiilq Pa., ootiiunt f on hand and make to order tk-rhn ui ail ) leu pd Krlees, on lli liorul notice potiiMa. lU;nn a earswol the latest iVe la reaiiiiei. we are aU wavsrepared to take cttins to aud brlnif eorpes the various cemeteries. aprlll PAT ENT5, .- PENSIONS, And 'l ue"Tii')n of Army ami fcay MiiM precoid. Appiteali'i ! mail attendo. u as If made In person. Advice free. Addre . W.O. HEKIXUKR. (Tlaim and Patoat Airont. l'JSiiiiihniddSt., PltlsburKh, Fa. Nov. 25. . gENTS ;W ANTED To sejl Mor:e - Jewries Patei.t Tozui Fire Kind lor. The biUl.Ilre kin.iler ou Sefad"- eenty fi sainje, or 4"0Q for complete oulBt. Address ALLEGHENY WIRE WOKKS, 14 and J2 Federal Street. Allegheny City, Pa. H.fj ' ' ; BOOK BITTI3ER, ASD BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, New Nus. IU and Kt Fifth Are , Pittahurgh. Pa, FOLUNSBEE & CO, I Merchant Tailors,! A lid Tvfaiiuft.i v rvr- ol Alt ci '" " 6ent, Youth's and Boys, FaralslLli Goods. 121 Wood Street, corner Fifth Avtnne, PITTSBUKGH. I'f!. HATS AND CAPS, GLOVZC.ifcC. ITndenilotiiir.r for iff rj uuil Women 4 large asj. rtmei;t ol IIAKDYTAKE QUEENSWARE, Carpets, Oil Cloths &c. S4LT lly the Baprel oj'Sai l Prices as Low as Possib'? C. & G. H0LDEUi:Alr3I, Somerset, Pa. on tiie line or the P. W. k R It. R., and now ollef lor.ileaa (Kn. n'l St.-li of Merehandize, con- PRY COOKS, CLOTHING, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, HATS A CAPS, TOOTS .t SHOES ike., Ok'c., ii:c., All ol which will br ,,ld rhea? lor CASH or ei chanire tori-rihln'-e. H AX'l t: I Lofr.iK-r of nil kiml.'. II .p rnBTies. Bark, States, ., AI-, Wool. Hi.t. Ojo", STJGAK, E it'on. Grain of a'i kid;. Furs. .Shcep-Pel:s. and Ijii'SWKj. Ir which we f ill pay the hiuhest priccj in Caili or li'Kwii. " SALT AND FISH, always n hand. Give us a call and r-e convinced that we iuieud to tlu bu.ine and canu. be uiider- 'J SCIIELL & r'!': J HAJLES l,cGrTA3LE SiC!L!A1 I ,j . . . .i ,vwvGn.lE SiCiU 1 ty i wit! c;i:i r. i ! V.M.- lil".Vl':ts" tli'' o.l,ui..l i- lr. kh- 11. sir i'rt i ar:itj. -t. ; t, IHi.ni ul'ilhil. Vtb ir o!'l j.filnnis tl,;it it !- lr, its hitcli stiiiiii.ml j only rt-Uab!'. r.nl j ji t'-. -. tort for re -tvi! lot; tiuw 1'.I!k: 1 1 air to it s votitht'iil eolor. it c !'!, l.i-trous, ituj silken. ;, l.y its two, bci'onies white It removes all enu tioi's in, ;"i i, i.y its i'.!.;.; j;r'. .Us tlu Luir iruni failing .linr.'.hiU nml nr.rilii-s lv iti i::.e, the h".it in .'i Paper ruled to any pattern. ete., aeatlj bound. JUusic, Magaiinea, IcDlU SEED CATALOGUE, 137564 PAGES. Xnw readv for malllna; tree to all who send for It, siatlnic where advertisement was seen. Send for one and learn of our inducements. We are aleo aicenU for Kuril's Thresher, Reaper and Mower, and dealer in all kind of Implements. Pumps, lie. Clover and Tlmotbv seed a specialty. Deal ers will please send for trade prices. SOOB1E. SEED SMITH. fiblT 137 Liberty Street, PltUburgh, I'a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ! Estate of Abraham Manual, Udeof Sha I Tp., i deceased. j Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, notice is I hereby given to those indebted to it to make Im-' mediate payment, and those having claims against i It t pre eel inem amy aumeoticateu lor settle ment attie late se4lJertce of the dweased on Sat urday, liar.h IJ, UJS, UKXBY P. J-OUSrtB. janiT Admliiiatrutor. KEYSTONE DIXIXU BOOHS, 23 Uibertj Klreet, Plitabnrcb. Pa., y. 77. sjSjpgON. Proprittor. ME AIS ATALL UQVliS. rf-TRAXSIEXT CVSTO.VI SOLICl.i'D. Oct. m. i isjisrT els' FURNITURE SLA US i A SPECIALTY. !Kai)f?e Grates,! ! JAMES OLD. ! a' lU.lv-;. o:it. :. ft.,: !, iv.:1 liiti l tin.l t- .! .1 .in. !i..;T. ! - -!.i:i wi!? elr lion I.-... tisiukui a:; strongi-r, I: jt rif orf.j the eajallry to t!i;i:' norm.-tl vior, ami i!i n r.c-y frrowth, excej t in !.! ajt'. It is the wofct oc I 11m;: Deesmxi; ever use.l. I "'.'.r i.i)...'.Kl.,ii- A Yaluable fivn lor Sale. The heirs of Jno. Scott, deceased, offer for "ale their farm, situated tl.fee miles south or Hrandon ville, two of Bntceton. in l'reston Count v. West Virginia, along tbe k'ingwood and Brandooville taropiko, ootatolas; Ht acme, the majority ol which 1 under a (food state of cultivation, with a Large New Frame House and barn. Also, a good tenant house, with neces sary outbuildings to both house. Tbe farm is well watered witb abuadnaee of good sprlna-s and (mall stream which flows through it. Mills, smith and saddler shops, stores, schoel hou 'ee, cbarebea, Ave., are Io prexlmate distance. lor further Information apply to THO. SCOTT, feMO Bran lonvllle, West Va. Xl.T. ii. 19S LIBERTY STREET. prrii.EviUiii. vx. L I ME. LIME. LIME. l he undcnizneil having erect.I lime kon .t' Marble Hill, tnroe miles wt it isui,. o's i the Pittsburgh l Con'neil.'vine railroad, are not . ready to ship to any point el! her burnt, lime or raw j limestone as may be required.' This lime is quarried from the MsrMe f. nr, itiun , many feel below tbe ow cat coal vein, and of a yery i superior quality Unlerslor lime or raw jtooeeaa be ent tolVnUn-! eneeto Hugus k. Weber, or to Judge McMi.len. of NewLexinttiMi. Col. Juno Welier. of IJeM.arts-i burg. Phil:p Wolferaperge.-, Jr., Mineral poiut,! lleore Weber. Meyemdal. Isaac H.igu, Hoover- set. and Wallaee H. Waiter, Coanelisvllle, which will be promptly attended to. oet; HUQVSk WEBER. . i ; t -1 uivi-.i tho K::ir I ft II !.' .tii'.iyavir.uv. iiavfij, m.u, ::i' A vsyerof Mass.ithusett'. sr.yj, The e .nstitnents sre pure, an.' care t;;!Iy ."eleete-l tor excellent quality; ; ! T i ',!. r U tjio Iitrsi ::.. i i:u:f pst iti ilitetulil lmnHis-ii.'' ' I'riuo Oio Dollar. : ' Bucldnahnxn's Dye. ''OH 'ihfxl WlilSKBHS'. A ( ''. I-!e.Kuver in n::iny'en.cji too i"ii4 a i i:ne, a:; i t SEND 2.W. to a. P. ROWEL 4 CO., New York. for book (97th edition) containing lists or vioou nowspapers. and estimates showinj; cost of adver-1 Using. janlS 1 i.",:u,!, f.ii.u t i ;i.vii-..c ray 4r l.ui.o Vl:i-ku., w f; !:.ive rrj art l tii'u lyi'. in one -r-i.'i!h'i ; y hiih ijUwLlv u;ivl t:t.j:.f tsiUIy tieeo!in!uh tliis result. It is easily npliel. i'.i l j-ro.luce-i a eolor which will neither nib nor wa.-h off. tolJ by all Druggists. Trice YUly Cent. Kanufac'tjred by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHCA. N.U.