The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 24, 1875, Image 3

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Keimard &
iiiii ii Lin-n-rrrt-n-t ttihi in, n i ,yi i i i i in mi m in n miiiiniii m iimie'jiee.
r T" rpTArrTi.
cakis can m. ohi Ai.NKi' at r.xn.i. OlHCL
The Somerset Herald.
- February
rc "4. "ISTi.
The four gentlemen who eacfc wrote us
a communication on that t'astleman Jog
lire resix-ctfnllv inloiniiHl that, "every tlog
has his day'-anl 'Shep" has had his.
more of this, Hal, as thou lovest me !
in. nn I alter M
:un a :
Wail East
Mull Weft
. 11 :Iu . in.
." 10 ji. m.
. 1ST4. trains will
AP.r.i VK.
l .M ill,
Tiieue is uo sense in a married woman,
mIum husban 1 is in good health, putting
a chunk of weddinir cuke under her pillow
to dream on. No' man likes to flounder
around on a sheet covered with crumbs.
. ;.) p. in.
p. V. & Ii. K. K. rats KiM;;:Lriii5T.
11 35 p. m.
at a. tn.
11:13 1. 111.
4 Jo p. in.
As fsoox as the frost leaves the ground
work will be commenced in New York
City on a complete system of underground
t'-leuraph 'wires similar to those in Lon
don," Paris and other Kuropean capitals.
Express East...
Mail llast
Stall West
Bi ll . VAI.I.I.Y nII.KOAI.
I j-; li i; a. m. 11", p.m.
.Vt .il Vest V 1.". p. 111. 4 4-" p. 1.1.
Doi'iii.G eagles to the amount of 100.
oi) were turned out in a single day recent
ly .it the San Francisco mint. This is
said to be the largest day's work ever per
formed by any mint in the United States.
It i not considered a good omen to have
a fair February. An old lcotcu couplet
trys :
'A' the mi nths o" the year.
Cur? fair Februecr."
Pittsburgh & Ccnncllsville
PiitsW WasMagtoa & Baltimore rrins
Plkmins desirous of buying a nice set of
furs will find it greatly to their interests to
call at tiie cash store of (.'. i, ti Holder
baiim lK-fore mircha-sinir elsewhere, as they
tht-.r Lira at grcativ reaueeu
- a
r IrieiiJs need not be backward alout
coming to see us. tir compositor? are not
jirmid, if their foreman was elected to the
lii-.h and lucrative position of Totrn
c:,rl. The Chief carries his honors
1 In
in tiii
n Ax:
S:r:l:ys. Einrcss Trns till?.
in..! alter Sunday, N'.v. l.i li. 1-74.
it i; m1 I . pan mi I Arrive tn ui
r Hr.u'. :m.l Wutcr ;rc'.s, as I '.iuvs
rr riyrsiu i;ou tisii:. a
,ll..l! Ac
lie p.l.
X' Kwt; 'it Ac-
cm f 5) a.m.
Tl.r-iinh Mail .7 :.'i a.m.
Mixed IV .tv .. .;.' a.m.
M Ko..-;.-.rt Ar-
o.'iu 11?'U
McKc.'fj.'.rL Ai--
C"tn 3:1 p.Tti.
ni-'ii'.i'wn A'-
r.mi 3 4,'- p.m.
"lcKc,--i..1 Ao-
nmi i 'X p. 111.
vV. NiHl.'U Ac- ,
m Ii.V-
iMcKerJih.rt Ac-
'iii. . p.m.
Thr-m'li 1.x.. kiKtp.m.
.MckiMv;..rt Ai--
V'H1 11:1-'' p.m.
I'tutn lilr.uii I-- 4.' f .K.
.6 4- a. in.
-VI. h. i-sp"ri Ac-
r. ill T '.'t 11. tv.
W. Ni-wt.-n A' -rs'tu
i:-"' n.m.
Thr"lli;ll l.I..fl.lli.
I'm. 'I;:, ii Ai--
The Troy Italy t says: "If you love
your girl, slrigh iicr on the siot." And
"if you don't, the Jlaturuin suposes you
:,n cutter, l.ut U tter than cither, wheth
er you love her or not csjK-cially if you
you can "bus her.
In view of the anticipated increase of
the tax on tobacco, there has been a rush
on the Internal Ilevenue ot'.ice at Hich-
nsoiid, Va., for tobacco stamps. One hun
dred IhousJini dollars' worth were sold ou
.in .
. . .P.' !. a.m.
i.rt A.--
..rt A -
..rt Ar-
. .Vi' Ki r:
"-,1 K .-
IN'Hl . .
ill int'-ru Ai'-
! -.r.l f:40
M'ki'li-'p'rt A---m
7 :'-"'
Tiir.niii v: .-
M f f I Ni'wl.'ii
1 'iiurcli Train. loins i
C lup in.
U iilral Ticket Oflleo, 43 itli Ave
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fisnl Fish! ! Jlackerel fish in barrels,
hull" barrels, (piarter barrels and kits,
fresh from the shore for sale at Cook it
I'.i erits, please call, tn-e fish, and puota
li 'ns lietore buying elsewhere.
I'lKlK iV Bf.kkit.
MiHiisuN i; Duo's. Cough Syrup has
given the best satisfaction for Coughs,
t ol ls. Hoarsncss, I'hthi.-ic, Asthma, anJ
lor ndief of Consumption. It easts the
eolith in such discuses. It lias cured hun
lrciis of cases when taken in time.
Ga. S:j'l tellsiills.
SAIu'L C. HOUGH, GlI. Fass. kl'l
lU. io.
In another column will lie found a list
( the officers clurted in the dilferent town-
TiS l A'lt 1"'".PR Hm' boroughs throughout the county.
i ins is iiiu nisi nsv oi iue aiiiu v. e iinc
ever published and doubt not that our
readers willfinii it interesting.
Simk iai. Notice. Having closed busi
nrss, we are comH lied to tail on one and
ail who have unsettled account;: witli us to
make immediate payment, cither by Cash
or note. We mean to settle our bonks.
All unsettled accounts on the -'oth of
March i ill lie placed in proper hands for
Colleition. Flea so save us. us well as
yourselves further trouble, 'i'he Un.ks
are at the old stand. No. Kaer's UlcK-k.
C. F. KlIOALls A. IiliO.
I.Ar.r.E iptantities ot railroad crossties,
locust pins and shook are haided past our
otliee daily to the depot, from whence most
of them are shipped to the eastern market.
Dealers in these commodities appear to be
tletermincd to make gxxl use of the snow.
II Fit SumV.-
vai.s hihi ii. w.
The ino-t sini'ing
Mr. Noah t a-i Ui-r.
cveiiins mail, is what she
jonlicinan in tow n is
Kctiiciiibcr it.
'"A co iii mother." says a Chicago pa -jk
T, "is worth a hundred scli'lni:isters. "
To-li.vY, t TiKs.iay i the weather is niod
i ra iry: and the snow is r ipidly disappearing-
Monday was Wathingtou's birthday,
it was the 14-hI anniversary of that im
JKTtant t-vi lit.
The young jieople had to lakeabuik
seat last week and h t the married folks
do the sliighing.
J. II. Funz. County Surveyor. Special
ofiiee day. Saturday. "t:liee in the Court
IloUse, N'lllerset, 1'a.
Ail kin. Not sal
and for sa'e at the
1-1ra J. Ueeghley.
Tiif. potato bugs are having an interest
ing and, we trust, a freezing time. Al
though it is a qui'itiun whether frost will
iuiX" iiiij- e.S'cri n an jnsect that titrivos on
copcemrated lye, revels in carbon oil. and
is not much alarmed at the prospect ol
i'n is green.
A iot lonnidable set ot election returns,
ociupying the greater trt otfive culuuins,
was published by the Yattty Independent
of last week. blut for Dumerous eirors,
which carefulness would have corrected,
i 'w ould show commeudabie enterprise and
be valuable.
Mil. IIkss, the gentleman who has,
or rather w ill have, charge of the charcoal
works that are to ! erected along the
line of our branch, has a larce force of
hands engaged getting out timber. Work
will be commenced on the ovens as soon
as the weather moderates.
fish and hams, in store
Diamond tirocerv of
"Swket are the iisis
m.u'.s, '' said Mrs. I'artin.
was eminently correct.
of aaw: Use
tun, ar. I she
With the approach of mild wiather
many new buildings and other improve
ments will be commenced.
AccvKiiiNG I) the Yi'."sy I.J '; t v.J. ;..'
to-d.:y. ueadav. ) is Wasi.'.aLtton s birth
day. Here's yer calendar, Lou.
"Ik you intend to hnx ui d m't ii it
sa jd. niy. lee.nisL the clitiryou are
o l has a broeu leg, an 1 you uriiit get a
I'kaw Ki!iO county has liAy-Mtt elu ese
lactoiies, the products of which for the
past year has not been l-es than C.oiKl.taHj
Srr.-cn:i.Ki:s are advised t.) file this i.
weil us ail other ii'.:;:iUrs f the 1D:i:ai.i.
They w iii 1 loun 1 u-s ft.! to reter to in
the te, tu re.
The melodious voice of Castle de Knc-p-per
t!i rated out on the quiet Sabbath even
ing air to the tune .t "We will think of
nur home over there."
Sale bills in gil stvk' gotten upon
short notice at this o'.'.ici-. l'anies hav in -proiK-rty
to dispose t are re juesteil i.
make a note of ibis.
Coi.. John" A. Lemox has introduced in
the !enate. a bill I'lovidiug for a stay of
execution on ail judgments of over cue
hundred dollars of two years, and all un
der one hundred dollars one year.
Nevada ha just Missed a law compel
ling physicians to tiie a diploma of some
chartered medical college w ith the coun
ty .recorder betore they are allowed to
A little girl, three jears old. a daugh
ter tit Joseph (Jray, railroad agent at
r.iairsvi'.le Intersection, was choked to
'.i ath by a piece of pear, oo List Friday
A li.vit ot pold one inch square will sus
tain a weiehl of fifteen tons net ; a bar of
silver of the same size will sustain twenty
tons : a bar of copper eighteen tons ; a
liar of charoval iron thirty tons ; a bar of
lead will only curry about four tons, and
a saloon 1 ar will drive a man to the
A Montan a paper thinks there is an
awful fu-s being made over the Beccher
trial. "Why." it says, '-righ'. out here is
F.iil Casey. He went into a family, mar
ried one eirl, spoiled 'nother, and has run
away w ith a third; and yet there is co
trial, no statements, no nothing, only just
the old man with a rifle looking around af
ter Hill."
How many sickly people who wish they
were healthy; bow many begtrar men w ish
they were wealthy; how many ugly ones
w i.-h they were pretty; how many stupid
ones wish they were witty; how many
bin helors w ish they were married; how
many bnedicts w ish they had tarried !
Single or double, lire's full ot trouble,
I iches are stubbie, pleasure's a bubble.
Ara't T as laughal le a misapplication of
the ver. s "set and "sat. and "lay
ing" and "lying" us w e have ever heard
is this :
A young lady who was just recovering
from a severe indisposition was visited by
a centleman friend, who found her re
clining on a sot.i in the parlor. After some
little conversation she remarked, "I have
lai n laving long enough, I'll set awhile."
If you wish to do good, do good ; if you
wish to assist people, assist people. The
only w ay to learn to do a thing is to do it ;
and that implies, before you learn to do
lisrht you w ill learn todo"wrong you will
nuke blunder, you w ill have failures :
1-crsevcre. and in the end you w ill learn
your lessons and many other lessons bv
the whv.
St;!' I '
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ti.irtv davs we will sell Boots, Shoes and
leather al very low prices to reduce stock
ami make nom for Snrine and Summer
w Ijidies' Sandals CO cts. Men's
Sandals 90 els. Buckclcd Overshoes $2.00,
Men's Alaska Overshoes $1.50. j
All kinds of Btxits. Shoes and Gaiters
made to order on short notice at
Sntper & Uhl's,
No. 4. Mammoth Block.
The lists of liorough and township
officers published to-day were carelully
compiled from the official returns in the
Frothonotary's office. A lew gentlemen
may be published as elected school direc
tors or supervisors who were not chosen.
In some cases we could not tell from the
returns whether two, three or four were
elected to these offices. Otherwise our
tables will do to bet on.
The coinage of silver under the act
which promises resumption ot specie pay
ments in lb?9 has already actively com
menced. Last month the Pliladelphia
mint turned out 72,300 half dollars, 300
quarters and STiO.OoO dimes ; in all, 1,272,
!I00 coins, not to mention C'.W.OOO pewter
five cent pieces and 1. 11.000 minute bits
of copper called cents. No date has yet
been fixed for the redemption of fractional
Ice two inches thick will supiiort a
man ; at a thickness ot three and a half
inches it will support a man on horseliack ;
five inches of ice will support an 80
pounder cannon ; eizht inches, battery
or artillery witn Horses ana carnages at
tached ; and finally, ice ten inches thick
will support an army an inumerable mul
titude. These are tacts published for the
benefit of small boys and skaters centrally.
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Trt Morison & Bro's. Liniment, large
bottle and tbeap. ood for Aches' and
Pains, Cuts and Bruises. It has no equal
for cures and price.
Persons chosen Justices ot the Pence
at the late election must notify the Pro
thnnotary immediately if .they accept the
office, in order that their commissions
may be procured. ..... r.
The election passed ofT quietly here
abouts. "Old Scratch" was the presiding
genius, and the way he caused some can
didates to be scratched made them open
their eyes in amazement. In this town
ship as in most ''others throughout the
eminty the RepubMwm' ticket was elected
by a handsome majority. In the borough
Mr. Wm. II. Welrley was elected burgess
over Hon. A. II. Coffroth, and yet we
have not a single coon or rooster in this
Os Wednesday night of last week, be
tween 8 and 9 o'clock, the Shmyer school
house, in Londonderry tow nship, was de
stroyed by fire. The origin of the fire is
unknown, though it is believed that the
burning was the work of an incendiary,
as "threats to burn" have been rife tor
some time, on the ground that the building
was not located to suit the views of ail
concerned. The building was new and
the loss will be severely felt by the town
ship. liexfora lnqnrer. ( -
Rev. W. B Raber, a prominent min
ister in the United Brethren Church, died
at York, Pa., on Thursday last. He
preached his farewell and last sermon at
the First United Brethern Church in that
place, and was making preparations to at
tend the annual conference, which met at
Littlest wn. Pa., on Sabbath lat. His
death was caused by erysijielas, affecting
the membranes of the brain.
After. Dinner Nats. Many persons
are in the habit ot sleeping for half an
hour or an hour immediately alter dinner.
Ten minutes' sleep before dinner is worth
more than an hour after. It rests and re
freshes and prepares the system for vigo
rous digestion. If sleep w taken alter din
ner it should be in a sitting posture, as the
horizontal position is unfavorable to health
ful digestion. Let those who need rest
and sleep during the dav take it before
dinner instead of after, and they will soon
find that they will feel belter and that
their digestion will be improved thcreby.-EtehaTige.
The (Jovernnr of Texas says that im
migration is pourine into that State like a
June rise. The annual average for the
past three years is one hundred thousand
and more a comin". The Governor says,
profoundly, "the State's great need is pop
ulation," and seems to think Texas can
never be happy until she can proudly
point to one inhabitant on ever square
mile of her territory.
Ezra J. Beeghley has just received
and has in store all kinds ot Flour, such as
wheat, corn, buckwheat, &c Also all
kinds of feed, such as corn, bran, oats,
bran, chop, middlings, fcc Having
bought in large quantities he is enabled to
sell at the very lowest prices. Also a full
and Iresh supply of the finest groceries
ever brought to town, all of which will be
old at prices to suit the times. Call at the
Diamond Grocery and examine prices be
tore purchasing elsewhere.
The Cextes NIAl. PtlFVa? Mention
jtiaswcn made that parties in Ashtabula,
j Ohio, Intend to manufacture a mammoth
a ; cheese for the Centennial in Phii-tHMni.u
rri - i . .. .1 . I
iemoeratie menus iiave aKiut ni:
their minds that the tidal wave has
to ebb.
Those Interested are already preparing a
building in which the cheese is to be nian-
utacturv-J. It is to be built over a
TIoN uews from all tiarts if the Vwn.- TvTrTiir Tl V r :
. . " ..... -.. ... . viiener.
Ma.e is ol a cticcrinj; character. Our rriil r.irdem-r has leas.,! .;..;-
ide tin m.Ttwm fS mnnd m tbia vir-initt- fV,.m ir
. ........ ... --- .'. . i uuii.iiijj, lu -UU.U iuc uiewe u to be man
u ii iiirs t-r. ioi mr i'uiirw: ii &mii i?a rnu. i niiTtin.i i ia im hm i .... . -. .
, . . "----' - im iwiicn
..l.ica mriioi It is liiA intention tr huh - ;i-,..t .. .,, .
v . - - -- ' - i tu kiiv i.i. v iii io ii aea win (jc &
. , " , ,? " v, , the enterprise as soon ns the weather and car constructed expressly for the cheese
A.otM n of Mr. Noah l.oUnswas v.ndition of the ground will permtt and to! md on lhi- the cheese U to be pressed'
uuiormnate cnou- h to cut his foot with an r,,i n iIia hiwlnc in i,. riu I -ri, :n t . . 'jT-
manner, suitable hot houses and green ornaments in gold. The cheese is to be 9
houses will 1 erected. This movement ! feet in diameter and 7 feet high. The
' ill add much to our town and will enable i hoop in which it is to be made w ill be of
our citing to procure nice fresh vegeta-: malleable iron, mckel pUted. The cost ! The cmst on the snow was undibtedlv
blcs, frwh from the ground, as soon as : of the apparatus, paraphernalia, excln.ive : the cause ot the dog's tender feet. Doubt-
.V .Lad '? 1 e Vl7: M, fpCr' "'etr1."1.,, J"" over! ls being very tirtd he had lain down
IS a practical rnrdpni-r. bavin? had an ex- i to fKXl Th wipht will 1k ala.nt oq wi i -r. i ? .A, - .. . . . .,
f.l I.O-r I I... Minn- r. n I I . . : '.... T. , ,. . .. ' , .ill.Vl IUC IU, .li IUC UltBU-
-- - ...... ... . - . . iuv 'uiiuih uuu i . i r 1 1 1 . in Tiuin si inf. iniviiifM 1 1 i u i, 1 ri f nm will 11 ii rn,ii 11 mnciM. . : . : i r -
; , i .. .;. ' ... - . , i ..." . r. J j nine ma uci f ciuiiz aort. jur. u. carneu I
Uie OO" IO Lis linilso ami limi fctnIW
ax wUi:e
since. If
chopping a log a short time
is al'.t to lc a!xif.t aiain on
OcRcourteous friend, Mr. Noah Case
beer, as bis hammer descends on the metal
he is working, imagines- he hears tha tin
tinnabulation of wedding bells. The
reason of all this is that Noah, having re
solved to forsake the free state of bachelor
dom and single cussedness for the state of
matrimony, consummated that much-to-be-desired
end on Thursduy, the 11th, at the
residence of A. J. Colborn, Esq., as will
be seen by the following:
1ST5, bv L. F. Biltle, Mr. Noah. Casebeer
to Miss kale Rowen, both of Somerset, Pa.
We tender our sincere congratulations
to Mr. Casebeer and his fair lady, and do
most earnestly desire that their bark mar
sail smoothly o'er the stormy sea of matri
mony until it shall be the Divine will that
one or both drop their anchor in tin? haven
ot eternity.
A FnionTFri.T.'RAr. On hist "Wednes
day, while K. K. Suo'h. Esq., i f Yellow
Creek, was driviii ' lat lK-.iutil'ul sorrel
which he and hi' lioti r have owned and
used for several yutrs, as lie was passing
along thu public mad near Mr. li.ii;ier"s
the one side oi !." shafts iK camu detached.
This allowed thcai to strike, on iiic sorrel's
heels, an arran-zcmeiil lie did not appre
ciate, and in an instant Mr. Smiih was on
41. etirnT. jinili-r t!ia sleigh niul ilr:irT.---f..l
'about ono hundred Jurds. A tree finally
mter veued and by-sei aiaiiug the sleigh
front the shafts relieved Mr. Smith from
his embarrassing position. But the fright
ened horse struck out w iilt increased speed,
and chanced to strike Brallier's cut on the
II. & B. T. R. IS., and failing to clear the
cut which Ls about 1 20 feet wide and 40 or
50 feet deep, he lell to the bottom. Ho
had broken a leg and was so badly stoved
up that he had to be shot. He was one of
the finest horses lq the country, and Smith
Brothers may own a number of horses be
fore they will have another like him.
Bedford County I're.
How to Raise Plums. In "Well's Il
lustrated Annual" for-1875, we find the
following secret in regard tix successful
plum raising :
"There is a secret about plum railing.
We have discovered it ia traveling; over
the country. We never visited a large
plum orchard in our life that we did not
find plenty of fruit. And we never vis
ited any place with tight or ten trees, and
found a good crop of the fruit. Now,
these facts set us to thinking? and tli3 re
sult of our thoughts is this : that it is very
easy to have all the plums you want to eat
and sell. The secret connected with plum
raising is to plant plenty of trees, so as to
give fruit to the curculio and to yourself
also. If you plant fifty or a hundred trees,
you will have fruit enough for everybody.
tvery sucu orcuarci mat ws nave ever
visited had plenty of ripe fruit. Some
even complained that the curculio did not
thin out the fruit enough that the trees
were overloaded. So w e say to our read
ers, if you plant plums nt all, plant fifty
or one hundred trees then you will be
sure to have all the fruit you w ant, and it
is one f.t the most profitable crops raised."
Strangled by a Cat. That a cat will
suck a child's breath has been ofler claim
ed but it has generally been counted an cld
time superstition unworthy of attention at
this age of the world. Wc have, how
ever, an incident in point, substantiated
by the best authority, which will show
that such cases do hapjicn, and ser,-e as a
warning to mothers against allowing their
babies to be left alone with a cat. A te w
days ago the wife of captain J. Boyd Epy,
Ot Epsyviile, left her baby boy lying in
the crib while she busied herself about her
household duties, Her attention was at
tracted shortly after by the child making
a strong noise, and on toing to his crib
found their cat with its mouth and no-e
pressed into the babe's mouth, and his
pairs on cither side of the child's head.
The little fellow was doing his utmost to
extricate himself, but w ithout avail, and
but for the fortunate appearance of his
mother would probably have strangled to
death. It was with considerable dii'.icul
ty that the cat was removed. Mr. Espy,
who is known as one of the most rispecta
ble citizens, luruishcs these facts, and
vouches for their correctness. Vvnrn-itvt-tille
, I.N commenting upon the failure of a
newspajicr manager, the St. Louis Civic
tells a plain truth in the following words:
"The business of journalism will continue
to lie an inviting field for experiments to
those w ho have a large amount of egotism.
A man, who, having edijed a newspaper j
until ne was lorty, snoiua suuuf -aiy an
nounce himself as a lawyer, would be re
garded as a fool by the legal profess: on;
and yet wc often hear of lawyers of forty
making sudden pretensions to journalism.
There is an idea that -the business of edit
ing rapuiresnoapprcntict'ship: that editors
come forth from law offices, and colleges
fully armed for the profession, like Pallas
trom the brow of Jove. I is a mistake;
there is not in America to-day a smile
journalist of national refutation w ho has
not devoted more tunc and moreha.d work
to his profession than, with equal fitness
and application, would have made him a
great lawyei or a good doctor. And yet
ninety out of every hundred men you meet
on the street will hesitate about carry inx
a hod or making a pair of shoes, w hereas
there will probably not be one in the hun
dred who can't, according to his own
judgment, edit any newspaper in thecoun-
try better than tt is edilevl, no matter in
what manner or by whom."
For the SHMiieraet II tu alii.)
Some wiseacre, in the editorial columns
of the Meyersdalc Yalley Independent, oc
casionally lectures our County Commis
sioners on the rate of taxation they have
adopted. He is not content w ith the re
duction of two mills on the dollar, and
thinks a reduction of four mills would be
the proper thing. He says there is "a sur
plus of fourteen thousand dollars in the
treasury and in uncollected taxes." Does
he nut know that these outstanding taxes
are not tangible ; that a similar amount is
always uncollectible? How happy all
persons in business would be it they could
iruiniuiiy count as eosn their bad debts.
Our commissioners would willingly
exempt, every man in Somerset County
trom taxation it they could keep up its
creuit ami maintain tiie administration ot
justice w ithout it. They are discreet men
and have affixed such a rate as w ill not be
oppressive and yet be sufficient to defray
necessary expenses. 1 he writer of this is
not old, and ytt he remembers when he
sold county orders at 25 percent, discount,
and had to take payment in store-goods at
that. Such sacrifices of that which should
hava been as good as wheat were common
at one time, Ioes the writer in the Inde-
pendfntVwish this state of affairs to occur
again? AS".
Pofsirle Effects of the Cold Term.
The Boston Journal remarks : The ef
fect of this cold period on vegetation be
gins already to excite the atteition ot ag
riculturalists. Less degrees of add than
have been attained this winter have some
times proved very disastrous. It is to lie
observed, however, that the mere contin
uance of the cold period is of little im
portance as compared with the lowest de
gree reached. Even that is more iniuri-
ous from the suddenness of its coming and
the circumstances attending it, than trom
the simple effect of the cold. It w ill be
remembered that one of our winters a few
years ago was nnprecedtutly destructive
to trees and shrubs, particularly ever
green's, although the cold was no greater
than is often experienced. The ground
was bare, the cold storms were accompa
nied with icy winds ; and there were other
causes of injury which have not been
well understood by experts to this day.
There is good reason to hope, therefore,
that the prevailing cold season, in New
England at least, notwithstanding its al
most unexampled prolongation and inten
sity, may not prove especially injurious to
vegetation. The ground is everywhere
well covered with snow, the cold has come
on gradually and remained with great
steadiness, and the air has been dry.
Peach, Plum and cherry trees mav sutler.
but the hardier trees and grass will proba
bly come out uninjured.
Tur. s nior of this paper would doubt-;
less be obliged io I'm memiieis of the!
I tffnniv)lti h-- irt tl:f-sprcn-iila tl-f.-cjt
kindly tcuv'cre
had In: beta at
we return than
.1 hi.'ii en Monday cveninu:
home to enjoy it.
!;s tor him.
As it is
Feb. 21. t.t'.he house of the bride, by ISuv.
A. E. TniVil, Mr. John M. CrifrhlicM
and Mbs Anclini Hay, both of Milford.
AVe Lave received qtuie a number of
letters, unaccompanied by the money,
asking us to scud the HttiiAi.D to parties
residing outside of tl." coiiaty and in a
number of cms out of the State. Situ c the
new jiostal law Lj-j goae iuu till-ct we
Ac it Ad tv rl ist: mertla
UN I'-Ki'l iiV
An-1 1101T t
are compelled to ask that the subscription i of ia. li. ivi- i.-.i. L.-paiiniuiy ir Mv riii. i
price. 2 per vcar, U- paid ia. advance. )':LnS.frjr,!'!t h ' "ll!"'rn-, Ki- ''V'i-fi-ii.a
S, - i ,; i ,., li'e lu-in in .''UI ari-ma out .-I aio ol ilelKmint
IV pay the pc'.ie. No deviation w hat- real esialo tu ani jnivN i!i.,.io le-.i'.iy entiti
ever can be made.
M. li. D. Miller, rrnrcseritiii? the
firm of F. W. Beers to Co., ot oti Ycsey j
Street, New York, hr.s shown us a plan
ot .Somerset byrou-'h, such as u to be em
bodied in. their New Atlas of Somerset
County, now iu course of preparation.
The plan of the work is perfect and the
portion already done is most complete.
We are highly pleased that our citizens
will have this unequaled opportunity of-1
lefeu them lor suoseriMng inr ona ot the
most elaborate ".n-.l thoroughly prepared
maps ever publisin-il, and we take great
pleasure io recommending it to every
citizen ot the county.
This Atlas w iil contain : Carefully and
claburatily drawn, engraved una colored
plaus of townships and Yi!!ag'-s in the
County, on a lar-je scale, each plan being !
shown separately, with the location ot
Dwellings, Stores and Public Buildings,
with names of owners theieof; also, the
Wazon Rotkdswilh their measured lengths
in rods, from careful surveys ; together j
with the Rivers, Streams, Railroads, iVc. I
All Rail Roads are to bo located on the j
plans. An outline plan of Somerset Coua-:
ty, colored in Townships, showing the,
relation of all the Towns and important '
Villages to each other, with tiie Wagon
Roads and Rail Roads shown. A hand
Kxir-i'.-ii !r-.ia':li--r.-;
i 1'ithi' t'.-'im of '(
( !'!' ;9'.l S' -utcr-ft IV. !';.
tToN-i. 41 Jn Tsrui. l-T.V
11th Fel.ra.-ry, is; . on m ul- n
. I ho
r !. crtirl-1 Ff'Tuary.
A!I pir-ie. liitrri's-.e.l will take notion that I
will a.ii n-t t-i tl: ilmi? of my appointment "fi
We-JrujaJay, Hie 17th ilay of Alan-li, lsia, at 1"
o'. Uk u. la. at uiv cfll'.-e ia S niicr-i't. Ta.
L. V. CI 'I.H HX,
R-S'Jl Au-iitor.
A' A'h'orlixe intuitu.
AVw .f'vrri4cmint.
Ltccl tl. r;" P. Hav. late of Br.'
Tivp.. oft-c.isi d.
Iioitcrs nf a.ln-.inisimiloa on tiie nt)ve estate
having l-i.f-n aran:e i to tiie uifler!znnil. ruitice ia
lii rclo trivia w tiio.-e iuJebtol to it to mutt imme
Jiai ouyinrtit. aa-i tlio.s tiaviiiic claims airam.-it it,
to n ?k'ai tiioui iluty aulhrntieatisl fi r spttli-nu-nt,
si the Ir.u- rfi h nii "I Ject-ase-il on Saturilay, the
i7t)i.'.:iv.r Ai-rii, is;;..
ft-t ;4 Aduiinisiran-r.
ThPt partnership heretofore cistinif between
Iirs. Crarinan nn-1 tlarey hr.s Oiisilnvt-A'pirt-il. All
purs--os iii l.-l-li.-il to Ihi? ttiM rtnn will pleasi? ei-me
l .rwar.i an-l n-ttlo their aeeountu, as we wi ti lo
i-ioic our L" ik-i t-v thu of Ajiril.
Iii ri in. Fell. 1."-. 1ST3. lbS4.
1 . m lUTsfne.! :in iit'-r.nniuHhte.l ly tr.c t cart l'lfA4oi S, .miTicL fount r tit mn ke a
us snown. .v. nana j ,-;"":,"- .,--:-,..., '..Vk.,
some cwue .'lap oi l eniisy tvunin coioreu ari,o;-r ut f u,o real . -'.ate of John Smith on aa
in Counties, sh nvin in their proper re
uti.Mis, all the C.-.:nties, principal Cities,
Railroads, ic, &-. A General Map of
the United States, colon. d by States.
Showing the relation of the dillercnt
States to each other, the ptincipal Rail
Roads and important Cities. A Talk' of
distances, giving iu miUs tnd tenths the
nearest distance i'i oni any one to all the
other important villages "in the County.
Population of the United suites, Pennsyl
vania ami Somerset County. Agricult'i
tal Productions" of Somerset County. The
w hole to make a volume 1 i x 15 V, sub
stantially bound, with" cloth sides and
leather bac'.; and c.uhel'.b -bed with a hand
some gilt title on lronl cover, altogether
makinjr a neat, substantial and useful
Look of rt-feruiiLe.
teeiiiii.n in favor al I'eUT V. .VIeyi-r mve nut tea
ttiat lie will aiti-U't to t!;e tlutitfl ussiuue-l looiat
Jiisoihe in SonuTet. Fa., on tho ls:h tiay of
.Mareii in-xi, w hen :ini where ail parties iuter-s;-c
i aneaJ.
Hiii:i;i!;lk Affair.
iiocking i'iccuiTeru--'S, tho rt-:
of th-s
of vvliii run cold in one's vi ins?,
transpired in Belfast township, this coun
ty, on l::-t Sabbath afternoon, the 14th tnt.,
by which three innocent little- children's
lives were sacrificed by the criminal ueg-Iijp-nce
of their thoughtiesi parents. Wc
have from reliable authority the following
particulars of the snd affair: On Saturday
about three o'clock, Daniel B. Mellutt and
w ife left their house, taking their young
baby with them, but leaving their three
other children in the hui'.se the oldest ol
width was only about five years of age.
Before departing, th'-y li'-d the young'-st,
that was unable to walk, in a chair before
the blazing lire on the hearth, secured the
windows and locked the door. About an
hour afterwards a Mr. Sipes-, a neighbor,
remarked a peculiar smell in the air, but
not being aide to trace its origin. In: pro
ceeded in his work of feeding his stock, to
lie interrupted shortly alter by noticing
( smoke proceeding from Mr. Mellott's
residence. Ou hastening to the .-cents ho
was compelled to break down the door, on the instant the kou.-c w3 in Hamcs,
and all efforts to be ot assistance to the vic
tims within were futile. The theory of
the lira is that a spark was ejected l'rrni
the fire and lodged on the clothing of the
child that was placed before it, and the
blav from its clothing coir.mur.icitinz it
self v i.h other infl.uum.ible material near
by. The charred bones of the other two
children were found ui the extreme corner
of the room where they had crept, iastiue
tivulv, lomvndn. tlervtli as lonir. as
possible. This is deplorable, look at it
whichever way we may. However cul
pable the negligence oi' the parents, no
pen cm portray their unutterable anguija
to find nothing left of their children but a
handful of ttshe? that even the w inds could
sport with: their own heads without shel
ter, and the looks and actions of their
neighbors such as to keep before them the
aw ful fact that they were the indirect au
thors of the dire calamity. We regret to
siy that the parents have been warned of
the dangers of leaving theirchiidren alone
in a room w here fire was burnin-, not only
by threats of proseciition by their neigh
bors, but by the children themselves on a
previous occasion carrying live coals from
the fire place to the window and almost
p.Din' ivurt oi Sti!if,rt (unty t.j niakeaui
lriiu(i)u vt t!;f run !? ia thu Juui'Is oi" Ja-.r ir.
an-l .! am"? .M. li-hlor, A-'lmini.-tratore of ahriei
.liiilt.r. tit-.: !., t an-l aio'jtu; tlie loyally en
titU'.l tI.LTt. tirri-y ivi- U"ti-o that h will
att'-ri'l t-i the 'hui -i sail ajtiiiutTRfnt at his
t-',n tho fM-ruh ot i-mrr-ei ou TUurJuy,
Mar-h, lth al 10 o:!yrk a in.
i'i-4 Aulitor.
FOll THE YEA.ll 1874.
GEORGE AL NEFF, Treasurer of tho Somerset Countr Poor IIous,
acconnt with the County for the jear ending Jan iirr IGth, 1375.
It amount drawn fpirn the fountr i
Tn-a-ury hy onler No. &. of Is;.;,: 1
lsaetil.T tht-Omuty t'otntui?.4ioiiei-ii.
By ili.hur. ment on nlr, tilt pi !
ol th-F,..r. a. f.jUow: i
Ky anvHint pai-1 Ux hnf j j
. .. '-""n 3 l7
wm. j
cinvpr fj !!!!!!!
Olt! " i
Jnalnre iiiiii. j
phyan-mn, S. s. 'tViiii!!! i
" nirm. Brut-;
krr (JooJ I
directors kclcrk, aetlie-:
uient i
lim? j
foirina ami burial.
out-U-Hjr pauper
Siewanl'a fahary, Waj
S oiler I
tiirvctor'a alry, J. H.
Inrwor aalary, Feter
n-ler i
lircetor'i alary, Jacob!
i-'ritetitleia ;
blaekiuilthlna; and eait-
ranilna; an. I weaving...
ju.i lees' ami etinatablea'
reraoving u;ifn.
wait ,n rejira
ii in her
l.ihnr ..'
money irluu.le 1
is ou
is ou
14 00
:a o
loo m
M 00
4u mi
i 'i 00
13V4 7J
M 00
a oo
IU 40
4S T'J
It u
13 U
4T Ot
4 U
1 V)
la 7
31 l
107 IK
4 20
Si i
11 00
li UO
"J. W. i'.Via '.-or J N'.'. W. Jaiinary Term 175.
'. In the t 'ourt of I 'omruon Fit-as
A. H. Waiter, j "I the County ol sioiiierret.
li:t- u:i lersirne.i havir if been a 1 1 .iti'e. I l.y tho
(' -urt. in the aNneea-w. -to maWe .lltriliutl.
ol tbc lun i-. ia the li:i:i.l?.'.l the Silierill ari.'U out
-.1 the s :leo;-lei:n lams real estate t an-l ainoinf
ti:..s-j t.-allv er.tiiie! thereto." hereby ifivc
ii-.tieo he attcn-l to tha .luiie' "f .-ai I p-.-iritini-at
a' h1 ..Mi1 e in S.imer-et l.--rf U'Il, oil
Thursday, olarrh 1 : ; h, is7.'.. at lo a. ui., wiiea ail
e.-r,r.' i.ii ri I can ..t.-u I.
l. i ron.
r on ill -it. -a oi n-:iiry r . is'-neu, r--.. m-ui! -1 the lln.ii:lns' Court ol Somerset
(.."i.univ. Au.iitor, to (listritiut" the fan-.i In the
hnr.-l.-'ui" K nn i '.-.".-er. Kxe--utur n.l Trustee
ni the r.-iate "i Wiili-ttn F.siier. hue of Soinetxit
Twp.. .iee il.. I whl .cien.l r.t leyoin.-e to ili-hnrife
lie.- .iu ii- nil ! s.ii I uo;..inIlu.-ut on Friday,
M jr-i-li i'-. ii. IsT-'i.
Auiin r.
JI""" 1
(111 ALL.
I have for - ile. on terms wi'l in the of ev-
or.- so'-n-r. l:i.'e-" ia.liv.d-Jal, luns-. l"t?.
inrm. lln l.'-r luti-U. lan-ls. l.nlhtiKi luti.
at-., in (Ulieri-i.t Kirt of the county, in iarc.l. i f
trom one t. nrih .!' :m acre up to l.iw) acre. Ti.
tl.- warritue:!. Terms ( It It h In hand an-l the
bahinee in t-n c ;inl annual )aymcius. iriiTly
secured. u-5 a e l i'Iij.Iv wlio is not o! soher
and iti.iii-irl-.iH Uldta. rail awin. as some ol the
iir-i'jcrti'.s -, . . 1 ije I r r-.T.t U not snei s-
lc'Oi I'-
i:rv -tu-il an '-ri.'r o: sue i--uinif out oi iuc
Ort'hiin-i' C- irt o! a. -i.itr.-o-t C-uiity. l'a.. tome
iiir.---l.--i- I will ssil a', yunlie sale, in the lorough
,.f ji-Yiiii. s-.m-r.-'et f eautv. Fa., ou the .ri-aii.-eS,
(hi M.,..hei. Jl'irrU 1.), IS
setting lire to the
house ".' '"-'-- Il'-p u h
(ii:ll!VA!t ix Biiyvk. The inir.tAed
t-fl union had beta published from time to
lime during the p.;-t twenty years. But
the name of the author should not have
been allowed to sink into oblivion. On
the contrary he deserves immortality arid
the gratitude ot nattor.s yet unborn, for
we Lave never met with so complete a
grammar of the English language in so
small a space. Old, as well as young,
should commit these lines to memory, for
by their aid it w ill le difficult, if not im
possible, for them to fall into error con
cerning parts of s;-ec-( h :
Three li;.io worJs yja olita -eoe
Are artitlc?. a. an. aJ-.h-?.
A noaii's the n-iac ot .ir.ythi.i-,
Aj si or car.:
n, lio-:i
A.ljceUvts show ILe kinJ i
As sniii!!. j-n-tty, w
Instead .-f a -ar.s
llcrlK -j I. Ids fa.
!he f -Ih-wir-a r.-il .'-late la-e of Fre.ler'u-k Keep.
y.T, hc.o ..I I'.-Tli.i i.:r..ilirh. S- lnerset cottnty. Fa.,
.le. euie I, to wit:
No. L Tne h'.ir.f '"ei 1 of i',C'-eie-l, situale In
rii'rlhi. S'.nii-rsi-t ' -umv. Pa.. loun.!e.l on the
.-- ,utU h Third s;r.'et, on'lho eat by lot No. 4S. on
the re Till ly F.ur'h street, on the west hy Main
Cr-ss s-.i-eet, i:h a two story frame dwelling
h- uie an-l frame staide th.-reon Jre-jd.
N-i. H. A l-.t of irr.-uad ad joii.ini lot o. 1 in
H.i-i liiv i.-i-.'ii on the west, Ioi of llruhaker s heirs
n the e;:r. Tiar-i -"re.-t on t!.e south and Fourth
street on the north: ea.-h of the above lotac-n-taiuiii
uli-ul acre.
No. .1. An out lot. Fi!r..ite in FrothfrralhyTp.,
adjoiuin John F. Cover on the north and east,
John Frallier and Samuel Muer on tiie wt.
ar.-l Jaceh Mus-i-r. ciaiiaiiiiri 11 acres, more or
k-s. a!-iit a'-reH cleared, the whole under lence.
Iyina within one mile of Ueriia, Fa. Terms cash
on couhniiaii a ol deed.
f(!4 Trustee.
i he Comniisii. tiers of Sionierset t ounty win
..ijur to let at i.uldi; outcry, to the ..we.t an-l t-st
I idder. on the premises. ,m Mundiiy thc'-tlili day ol
March next, at -J o'clock, tho l.uildica" of brid
ver lieav-r-him eri-ek. when? the rid leading
from S. mcrvi to stoytown crosses said creek in
Huemah Aura lownsl'ii-i. Also, on Tuesday, the
i.-ii dav ol .Mar- h. on 1 fie premise at luuVlxk ol
said d.av. the l uil lin of a hmafe over Stonycreek
at HiiA-rsville. ia tiu.-!iia!i..nii,i? Twp. On
Wednesday the :ilt .lav ol .March, on thepn-mises.
.it lu'clo.k. the luii .iiiif of a bridge over Ki.arluij
Knn. w!i-re the r...i.l l.-a-iin Ir- iu Scalp Level to
Sha ie Furn ace crosses said treek. in Paint ttwn
shiii. iil be exhildleil on the day
FkVNClS .1. cut NTKV.UAX,
J.vioB Nevk. Comniuiioners.
Verbs le'.l u f
Tj re.-. I. c-.unt.
tbe r-r- cum sum-.,
your ami, luy h.i: I.
V. to 1 e .! jr.e,
laUjii, ju'iio, 1 r ran.
As 5
things are
-n!r. iiuici.
Bonorr.u Election. The following
is the vote cast for the different officers in
this borough, on Tuesday, lGth inst. :
Singular Occtrkence. On Sunday
morning a week since, sayt lb a 2Sewvilie
i-far of last week, Mr. Drawbaugh, living
near Blosersville, observing a hound lying
in one of his fields on the enow, went over
to him, to discover if possible the reason
for hia occupying so inhospitable quarters
as an open field. Upon examination he
found a dead fox lying beside the dogand
the dog's feet so worn and tender as to
disable Lira from even standing up. The
dog proved entirely strange in the neigh
borhood, and Mr. D's conclusion was that
be had brousbt the tbz from a Ion; dis-
hince and failed to catch his game until he
caught it in the place where lie was touno.
An unknown man committed suicide
vesterdav afternoon by jumping from the
dome ot the Capitol building in Washing-
It noundsL Thi will tie unrrnprinnnKlv tv. t .: . .
fell on the roof over the .ntranr n, thn a l.l ,,.,,;;.: ' " " 7,i " V- " -11 '17. JT - ! fug
- - f '"u V1UA 7U3 ,isC Uilll Bll M1V j iU i iljj U tJCTC UiAUaUUU 4UOS C Cl BCtJl,
inoue, ooih iu nuuorcu icci in-low iuc necessary patronage and encouragement.
.int trom which he junijx-d. , trol4 Adcanre. I Congrcs adjourns March 4th,
cared for. The dog, in
scmbles a greyhound.
appearance, rc-
Wm. II. "Welrley, 10:5
A. II. Coffroth," rj
To ten CoMiu-il.
('has. J. Harrison, I2:s
Win. B. Frease, 12
Edward SculL ro
John O. Kimmel, 75
John M. Holderbauin, TT
Herman L. Baer, T4
SeAool lJirerir.
Georse M. Nclf, loT
J. liVibert Walter, ' 1.14
Wm. J. Baer, To
A. J. Colborn, fi'J
Maurice Clark, 120
. Jnyxctr.
Cbamliers IToston, '120
E. II. Marshall, Tt)
ContVi'de .
Geo. "W. Pile, 1SS
Henry J. Ticking, i
William M. Schrock, 124
Samuel Hnnsecker, Tl
Tlarriion Trent, . li;
Wm. C. Weaver, ?s
Totrn Clerl.
Charles S. Rice, 111
C':'-,:les E. Herr, 74
Strett CotHmuoner.
Daniel S. Knee, 123 ,
Fredrick Wc-imer, Sr., 7'J
- Ilijh ConiUMe.
Thomas Jones, 18
-, ill or K.:'!.
ConjiinoiL-r.s ji-in t-'.e m.rts t-aretht
As men an I women, T.hi.1 -r w-.-sth'1
The i.rc;.?!;i..o Ix-f.-ro
A iioua. as In. or tl.r-.ui-ti.tilie - .
The liitcrji-etJ. u -law- tirj-rtse.
As oh ! luw pretty ah '. how
The whole are calte-I ni-e par's "i -;
Whi--h re;i.lii jr. writ. 3S. .;
-t l r...l ..f
t:y viriueol an oraer oi tne i rrpuana i""
. merset Count v. l'a.. to me iiirei-te.i, mere wm
Ik; cxpi.sed to publi; sale, on the premis--?, in Jen
nt liorouiih. on
Situnli:, March 20, IST-o,
itlo-l-.-k p. tn.. the f..Il..wir.x r-al enate. laie
the .rlr;y tl 'Jeremiah. 11. Shatter, decea,sl,
vir: . .
V ). 1. The home ptacc. fintamina; !! cre..
m,.n." r ad minlii ir lan lsot Henry W. Mun-
rer.John l;riks"an-l tiie clreensburir and Su.ys-
town tumpUe. havinir tbereon crei-ieo avorj
honao, store n-.u-ie, oani an.ioi -l.-.ui imu-.
No. i A piece of land contaiuirof !- acre, m .re
r,r le.-s. a-t -o-'.inr No. 1. the Lutheran parsonage
pra erty a'ud the Urecfcsbura; and Sioy'towa tnru-
' 'rERMS One hiff "f the pun-hae money Io
P-iiUin a ii-n on Hie prerni--s. the interest t be
p.u l annual. y to H irri.-tSn.ia-r. widow, durum
her lite an t at her death the pritifill sum tu be
i..-i I f. the heirs and l-iril re r-s ntatives o! Jer
emiah H. Shatter: one-third of balance on ennltr
nation ol sale an-l remain icr In two coital annu
al navna ;rs. to be se.-un.--l bv jiidzmnit: twenty
p. f cent, of h-in-i money to be paid a- sm-n as pr je
erjv is kii.-ke.l down.
fe!C4 Trustee.
We. tl 5 unJersiirtietl. Auditors of Somerset f.'ountv do hereby certify
that we have settled and adjusted tho account of George M. NerT, Treasurer
of the Somerset County Poor House, fur the year ls73, and that the fore
going statement is correct.
Ia testimony whereof, wo have hereunto set our hands and seals this Ifith
day of January, A. I. 1S75.
County Auditors.
F. J. K.
-F.K, Clerk.
We siliall begin, iu January, extensive alterations ami
provoiaents in our stale-rooms. Uuriuc which the ooN on
three Uoor) oT our bnildinir will have to be crowded on two;
and in order to retluee lattx-k neortlinel v. we oiler from thi
date, Carpetx on hand at I.OtVKll IMCIC IIS Til l. liVKlt
SOLD I. l'llTSHlitGII.
lee. ia
IOI Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa,
The Keiiixotom Sivriin
M achisj i has sprun rapid
ly Into favor as pose?.-ini(
the best cox bisatios of
sooii qualities, namely ;
Light running, smoothe,
nou-less, rnpld, durable,
with perrert Lock 5tlteh.
It Is a, shnttle machine,
with Automatic Drop Feed,
Design beautiful anl cm.
straetlon the verT best.
Khiioti) No. 1 Machine
f.,r family use, in tb lAiri
yar of if (niliwi, has
met a more rai'
creat of raiis salea
than any iwocatae fa
Kim soroa No. 3 Machine
for nuaclrtnj and
family use. (ready for de
livery only sine June,
1:4), for range, perfection,
anil variety of worn, il with
out a rival In family or
E. Rcmitvjlon f Sun,
Remington .SV ir 11.7 M. Co.,
Remington A'fl Co.,
Dec. 23.
l a. 21 Eroadway. New Tnrk, Anna.
.Aladison New York, Sewing Machines.
Chirairo. IXt Slate St., S. Machines awl Arm.
Koeton. 'Sri Washington St., Sewing Maciimea.
Clii. I. Ill West 4th S'. Sewm Machines.
I'liea, 1J lienesee St.. Sewing Machines.
Atlanta, I la., lltrCiive f Opera Huose. Marietta St,
.Sewing Machine.
WashicKton, V. I'., 521 Seventh St., S. MaebieK.
I rsir.a Ilcuis.
f cr.ator Yr.tzy paid his friends a
visit a few da-, s since. The Col. is
in2 as though the ILtrrisburj air ugret.l
with him.
ln.ire :r
SS Oil
Ice 12 in the
Hill Creek.
Sliding tlo'A'n the frosty sides of Hog
Back, on a larsre plank sled, called Ajax,
seems to be the crowning sport d the
I'rsir.a sports
j It is feared that Ajax and Jack Frost
! mav lie the cause of a Crstcli.s interment
Tiv virtue ofanor ler from the w-.-ph.ins .ar. of
S -mer.-'-. C'.-iin-y. l'a.. tome iiireeted, I wm s..i, ai
i-uiiie s.ilc. on tiie premises, on
tiilurdaj, Jfon-h iitth, 17-').
i! 1 o'e! k p. in., of "aid day. A'.l th.i t certain
: i ic-ee ol i.iml in S..uiLampi--n 1 wp., in auiaeobutv.
1 .1. 5.-ri'.cd as I- !!: K -.-ini-lu j ai a p- wi mi-i .
j l.-tne.irtiieplanis ruad. thenco T'd-srees East, j
!., I 4 torches to lest. S-uili Mdeirrees Ea W ln-iies
1 -,o ii :heu'-e South Vi de-.T-s WM 4 pen lies 1
i t-.iei'tr.-:ir 1-li.r.k road! theuce N-r;h Mdegr..-es
; ai ag ti e north .ide-i the phink road to the p.ace i
I ol l-'inr.i.i-', cniaiidrir 40 ir '.of an lu-re j
i s-ri-t, o.ivii -' tie re-.ii e.-.-cted a one sb.ry dwetiinx I
j in.c-o" a sr. a st-re r m. a s'uble an I other out-I
S1"'rt I building lute ihe prii--rty ol 31aidaieaa 1 h?. I
hiok- ! decease.!. ... , I
Term of sale : Wn.--!-.nrt'.i in nann. miairs id i
1 il payment" witn interen. i
.MIC II.11.L IjI ..t.
B.Brooke Nvcc & Co.,
B-AXjTtjm:oEB, oVuid,
ne'iiec-fullv folicit nnignrnents of III " ITER and general PKWDtX E. The large ami refc-nlar trade
ttii we hare lor butter offers superior inducement" lor
op mpt sale and eiiecg for proceed".
N. B. Shipping earn forwanle.1 by mail, w t -J had at ri ipal store. In the e-unty. aeplf
Just receive.1 at tne
I tivo c;r.
'of human remains if the sport
e hop not.
For the information of votir Cas'leir.rin
liv vinue "I I lie i;.-e I --t E-.ii-u.wi.iu..".
nnderii.T.ed bv J "'' Urallier anil wiie. of the ri al
ar. 1 jier n.!.l e'late ot sai l J .nn Hrallier. there
will he expose.! tusale. . i ul.iic iHitery. at Hie hiv
I t-i of sai l Lmilier, in Ueriui JJ-T .u:h, Somerset
! County, l'a.. en
j Saturday, March CM, IS7o,
' the f.dlowing descrit Taluaie real ertate:
I No. 1. A tract of !n 1 situate in Brotherva!ley
t-.wnhif. Somerset CcUntv, Ea.. atiolning lan.1"
of Samuel Ebilnn, Samuel lirubaiier awl J.epn
tiSi. emtninitiz 4 acres. g-'l meanow tan-
itemizer, I will inform him that the Misses I ' m iZ oUere.1 in operate parceu u
Simpncty ana uoneyunisucr siiu nve.
nior aniiatle'
that this was written by
QriD Xi" sr.
Vrsin.i has tiie
here for vears.
Lest bleihinz kno'.va
...I. e..l.:..rd
No 2 A tract "f !an l sitnate In same township.
For the protection of the former torre- a.i;oinm Jacob in. uh. Samm-i iurn.i .hi-
. J ..... . . 1 . 11...-... un.l IK lurches, one half
Ma" we will mlorin the "jn-l,- co"-"-- "
NoJ 3. A trru-t of land "i'.uate In same u.wnship,
containing 1 -rts. I'-irt of the John
Kant-h fitrni, with a g .oil barn thereon erected.
No. 4. A tract of land situate in same tfiwnship. 2 aers ahd t perches, belog part of the
! John lUuch farm.
x. s. A certa n lot of sm,nn.l sl'oate in same
We are informed that Prof. I. J. Miller, ' township, containing about US perches with a
t.,n.t t..l.;ni, . lrtm.,r l-lr, two etit7 dwelling ft-juse Uiepej erectea, siag
t"lt , , - , , . ',, , p'jrt of Itineh farm.
e hop he may be SU.ported !iy all Who . . cenain lot of kt-hio-I siinate in same
feci an interest in school atTairs. ' township, cnia.ning 1 acre and 37 perches, being
I part of Kaueh !arm.
Urslna Confluence and the neighboring j No. 7. A lot of rr.und situate in same township,
towns have liaj a series of protracted ; !ci,-'4s "iUareJ- i-art ot Kauct,
meetings. N . The oadM-iel one "eTenteenth of the
. coal under certain tract of land situate In said
The Express continues to piSS our town i township, being port of John iUarb farm,
as though the Asiatic Cholera, was preva-l N.. K. A cenain lot or ground situate In Ir.
1 , ' tin Borough, adjoinica- prorer-.y of John Hrehe-
lcnl- . fcer. Uccv-ased. oo the ei.1 ami Lntberan Pano-
. . . : aue on tiie west, with a one and a half "tory house
A Kansas man writes that they have : tu:,te .. n,fceT.-Bthnll-ttog thereon erected,
cne Crop which the grassliopj t TS have nut '.. Io. Theur.divi tdone haliof i l-'t of iround
.1. .-....1 ..Tt. ... Li...I.In'i ' In vtever l!e. in sai.l c nntv.
j va inn ice .-r. k ,-AL-.U..e Wh.wmg Ta.wide rrsonl property:
I wonder. : -r x,,. 1 ( v, Pt Hark.. louri.ring Hjf lis. one
r -r- ti-i I Bngre. ore one hor" H j k. one horse g-
Sme of oar modern Plulosop-hers sug- in lvar Htlk &hMiJL fciUr M, doom Hrw.
' trC-St that that thet ground hog be limited 'thi'ceet sir.-le Hiw, ei-it hesd of li.-r-.
tiowo aud placed "hors d.I combat." j Hamt. WlnJimll nnd m r.rkt.y ol other
feruii made kn. wn on dsrr.f sate.
i!-:wi-!E JWHNSON,
fe!-17 "!.
Some of our gossips worth! do well to '
take up their temporary abode with thej
ground liog.
Gheapside Grocery
A New Stock ot Goods,
SzC, SzC
! Of the best quality, and will be fold at the rerj
i lowest cash price, fall and see our stock, Somerset House,
F. K. Colta & Co.
All ncr.n Indebted Ui John O. fttoner, by bo.g
account or note, are r"iuetl to cell end attle at
once All account remaining unsettled by the
1st of March neat will be placed In the bauds ef
an olficer for olieeUon.
Berlin. Pa., Feb. 3. Jf H .1 STUN EK.
Newels. Halns'.er. Hand Hails, with joint sal
and bolted rea-'v to hang. fum:"bel on snort
li.-e. WM. EEwPLErJ, Ct. Wbsir iret a ad
Oraham ailny.
Iwiulreoi CO. It ASS ETT. agent fit Somerset
an.1 vicinity. J"'Jl
SCHELL II WILSW.V wmiM biform Itieir
friends and the public generally, that they hav
opened a store at
on the line of the V. W. k B H R.. and now offer
..r sale a a 1-neral Sloe of Merchan-llie, eta
si. una-of
Ac, tic, Ac,
All ot which will he .Id shea? fcr CASH er
for produce. ,
W A 1 W -Lamber of !1 l lndf, Hooo-poU,
O-s-Tle, barn, fcieeee, 4K-, Aleo, .!, but
ter. Eggs,
jiafx: stjoar,
Pacm. Oraln of all kind. Tan. Sheen-Petta, anJ
Krrwax. which w will pay tne kigaest pnec
la Cash or Oood.
alway on han-t. Olve ai s eall eonvtneed
that we Inteml to do 'jaiae and ennnot be nnder-
oid. .
. - . a.wv per Agnti wanl. All
tO o s-lJ eiswe of working people of bKh
prxrejoung and d. make aaore money at wvrs
for u. In tneir own Local ule. during their j-re
momenta, er all the time, than anything elae. We
oiler employeaent that will py naejaavmeiy f
everr hour work. Full parleuhari. terms, he..
s-nt'free. Send u your address at once. lm t
ilelay. Now U the time. I t U-k toe "llKn,
business elsewhere until yon have leerned "
we ofler. O. S v.stoy at Co., Ponmnd, i.e.
iKvlr.rl-en .ppombsd A""
of ommon Ple of mrr? , 71Z
sake a dlwribeit n of the ju hitn. ka-d. oftAe
eaector of John F'rX. rieeenaed. u and "
tboae legally ta-thereto, and to U tne '
iiaaLe- and - the widow dowry In tne e
." I will attend t thedeuoe. id 9mt
men: at my office In S. mert. Pn. "'
iindav M M.reh, l-Ti. at 19 e dock mike fore
t.m. when and where alt pem lnteret can