The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 27, 1875, Image 3

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3 .
Kennard &
a -an All riVPIT T'lTHF.lR TXTI RT
V? V:r ;.Yr. i i. at rxpRisst
Tho Somerset Herald.
tr. "
v 1 1 llAY. -
. . a. a IT
,iit a "
u.n-t '" UT lr,!n,"i:I
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1 30 n,
t SJ p. m.
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sun roiT.
li ae p. m-
11 IS P- "i-
ID p. m.
1 4 . p. m
1 i . m.
Malt laaM-
Mall lla
Mill Wert
. .11 li n-
: n. m.
Pittsburgh & Ccnnelkvilb
WasWon Baltimore
lit!). li?4. Tralni
. . .... dtn.lMT. NuT.
J l..n-a Arrive ,n l,
oroerurmni a -
riTTBBi auH t:.
l oltmtcwa Ac-
r,.m :a.m.
Ttl'U)t' Mali " m
Mixed 'y - t-m-
l'nl'ti",a Ar-
cm Jpm.
Mrkerf;c.-t Ac-
e.. ..." 4 p in
NY Nrwlun Ac-
cm 6 1!pm.
v..-kee:.'rt Ac-
'cm ...ewpni.
Tl.r..oh '.
Mrket-Hrl A'
We.; N1'
I'r.un'hTrain Vi 4i p
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..(46 a.m.
Mokec?p'rt Ac
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7 3'i a.m.
Tlir..uh IX-
S 2" a m.
k Ma in.
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U't IriiO W V
Hi-.: i.l An::!::::: Ti.3 HX sr;
l"'-n. Ei5 TTia .lit.
LLEisiiis. rtxiapH.
GxS'ji car-: ill.
ncral Ticket cjrur. 43 Mb A
Tub U"-t Ci uch Srt:i
ia tlx rwk I i k 15 ro
E.-.H 1 neiiat.f :
and cs.n '. hii r lhn ai.J
ib v n
J. U. Tkitt. C.-unty ?u"'V
a tl
C 1 Oj:l
II. mw, ?vm r t. 1'a.
Ti.T our ctV. rV.d Ir.a r
in .he market L-r laundry um-. or
rt . V ...... A 1 141
. the l-rt
ocr Kirk
o cae ! -
lUlOAl Ji l'.KO.
C..K-P and Chea? Grocer..- an J Feed
:i limit at
Feed More.
Pmniona vjroenj
r.IRA J. BkKi.HLT.
sus bills in good t)le poiUuupoa
slu rt notu at thi Rice. l'rtie having
property V) tlispoM! are "HXl to
n.aae a "note of this.
Ti.v Morisn 4 Bro a Liniment, large
N.tile and cheap. Good lor Ache and
Pains, Cuts and Bruise. It no equal
for cures and price.
Morisos & Bro s. Couch Syrup has
given the best utisfictioa for Coughs,
C.jIJa. II ursn.-s, Phthisic, Asthrat, and
f ir relief of Consumption. It cases the
couch in such disease. It has cured hun
dreds of cases w hen taken in time.
Farms for Het. ThesutcnU'rotIVr
several valuable farnw in Allegheny T .,
l. r rent. For further particulars addrt r
Samvei. Walker,
Mt. Hcallhv, Smelet Co.. IV
Go to the CUaptid Groctry tor your
heap sou, 26 cakes of ButT-lo Defiance
sop for one dollar; also 2j cakca toe
toilet Map for one dollar.
F. K. Colborn & C.
U.mvlksaI, lck actin. ererlastin?.
silr. Ac." watch keys arc to I had at tho
Fashion ii:iur " "No. C Mammoth
Bi.Hk. Lai bone .- naled to wid
aiiv wateh, not a stem ialer. Diade.
For Rest I olTi-r tr rent my foUinj
mill, cine miles from Somerset, ia JetiDi-r IWskwuO ;ivea April 1st,
175. Apply to or addresa
Phof. C. L. Loi' 'f Bethiry. Wert
Va., will lecture ia the Court House Fri
dav evening. Jan. 2UU. Sut jei-t "Ameri
ca "in I'urope." The oratorical abilities of
l'mf. L. are well known t many of the
people otSmienk-l. ad we expect a rare
treat on the evi oinj mentioned.
lv.rijrj at 7 r. m.. .AdmissH'n vCi
ct c'js
Havisc. adopted the cah system we
have rvduci-d the prices on ocr entire
so that every one should examine
our priexa before purchasing elsew here.
Produce Uken in exchange for goods.
C. & (i. lIi' a s
Cash Store.
It w ill 1 olix-rvcd by reference to the
Cviticc of our Lusiness Maaa;i-r, pahUsbetl
t iirw here on this page, thai tl time lor
deliaqucrl sul-scritr living utid' of
the county to pay tp has heea e Heeded
u the Ist of Ftbruary. after w kith time
a'.l such accounts nma'jiing unpaid i,i
1 placed in the hand oi t cer for col.
Mu Fjha J. K xeHLT Has ventured
into the crixtry Uisjness ai iui 'iet-. u
.i -
i ..,.. r... worir i-v-tmied !'V Frank
S;iJl CV Busmess'i rather dull just
ikw aad a new boose can not expect to
attrwt much trade, yet we hope to see the
Lew Lna succeed.
Feros desirous of buvinga n'tre Ml of
furs w iil find it greatlv to their interests U
ni.iih.unr.i'irr C. Holder-
tum before pun hasirpclsi where, as they
are offering their lur at
greatly reducl
A New Vtut Schrrck & NeiT. Som
er t, IV. have obtained the agency of the
CilebrateU Metallic lined. Patent plunger,
Toledo wood Pump. The surriority of
iLi purrp ever all other wod rurunt is
mai u nxiainc linea. cauasoe u w pump
very llchtlv and
ILllOUt " l - I1IC
, . TV
i car. The
plucgrr ia so constructed
that should
1 . , , j - .i
" c- Zr:T., :
pass throcfk r BDdtr the
w iil rest on ibe fleecer in a
plunger, but
tnWrf'e,f ?i J,
irg. tery pump warranted. Cad and r j-a.f.' r . v
I llillll
rri i-v
A lakge amount of property wa sold
by tbe MieritT on Friday last.
Sme tacctious cu has remarked: "At
to the t's that ran t fWate, let them
Wk. Bauhick. an a:red and liifibly es
teemed tit.i7.en of Ibis tow n. dieUonlast
Friday morning.
Oik corrrefpondi-nt PincriJjre" evi
dently Un t U-hevir in Horace Greeley's
'"Lio "Weal, young man, go West."
Mr. T. J. Picking, of this place, staited
for l!ie eastern market last week w ith a
larri- lot of tine worses.
Sixtt two proerties were advertised
for sale liy Hie SMicritl of lilair C'ouu'y.
Not an enviable bhow ing, certainly.
Oi u thanks are due Senator Yutzy and
our lteprest-nutivt-s at Han iaburg lor
public document, received.
Several parties of our young lolks
took advantage ot the Cne sleighing last
week. Thty had tome pleasant excur
sions. The S:itniijie American save grown
persons should not kiss babies now. as
what is supposed to be meiely a cold in
the adult may develop into uiptLcriaiu
the child.
ui.sibtNT Grant's mess;kge, in recard
the Louisiana troubles, will be fouud on
the rirst iai:e ot lo-dav s imt)er. It is a
clear, concise and poui-rlul document, and
meets with the hearl'est approval at all
Tue voiiiiir men aU)iit Mineral I'oiut.
Cambria County, sta later now heu
they go courtiug than they did a week ago.
A man named Horner sliol tue UUi;e w na
cat that inaugurated thj svsletu oi going
home earlv.
The other day a letter directed to the
late John W. Geary, soliciting a donation
tor Stiuday School IkkiKS, was received at
llarnsiiuig. The jwrty who sent it uoviis
tiewspapi'i's woise lljiin Sunday ch.ol lit
erature. A sfi: uiHEii. reidin in the northern
part oi tUc county, informs thl the
Johnston u A Sumerx-t lUilroad Coiupn
O'lin iiipialc coniing out ot tlir hole itui
whiili they have clattieJ er!y iu the
spr:tiir. and i,ui:ni lux- t.ic cn;ruetion !
iluir iiij; Uiked I ro 1.
Mtl.I. Bl.l'.llLV W hC.-'-l at
ret list. ur;: on Wcduisday last 1 r the
murdt r o! Jim ph K-rr. i m. : li iy Uu !c
ud ct'iiU' li lore h: t Xeculu u. A i
usjai iu u h a !rr itoj a'.h-rd
irt'uD 1 the kuv.. u to w.iuc the
siruiik' ..i.,; ol Itie t. r tie il.
LtSt w i'.i l (to tLoa inr t o the i.'.U l
FtlTkan, II. a. U tal'.tel t haU it haf doLC
S lilT If" .1 Ihla i.l i I'liii lh hl.'h 1
tiai ! ljit r thia liar CO l!.c ;"U lj
ilafi h. a t.i4 u I Wi;i,.n X it tLe
rar.iet p u;q il uu tr r -
;t.iy m Lir. 'u nie ears Lsu r !.
a lale aa the '-V.l o! A; li .
Aciipkst W e are ,.rry to iwlr lhat
ur nutnutl fiu-oJ. Ucmiau W. Urul
k. r. U Ul L i Inl li'-iv ly i-
leg k tike J :!. Ihe wttk Mr. It.
Lad his l'Bt td!y tuashtd lv a - log
tailing C'D it. which Will make the
niniilr uk M I t some tune tJ Come,
hurt-ly niistortun never puiif singly.
A Torso fellow ovtfin Grwns'iurg sud
denly snatched a kiss from ayoungl:dy
friend, and excused his conduct by saying
tii-l it was a sort of temporary insanity
that now and then came upon him. When
he arose to take bis leave the pitying dam
sel said to kiin, "If you ever teel any
more such fits coming on. you had tielUr
conic right where jour infirmity is known,
and we will take care of you."
Anot T 200 Russian Mennonites arrived
at Bird-in Hand. IV, recently where they
w ill be quartered until spring. The Lan
caster LxprttM sa s : Notwithstanding
S mday w as ne ot the coldest days we
have experienced in many years, these
Russians sat out on the door stes and
fences, smoking their pijicsand discussing
he mildness oi the weather."
Is another column w ill I found a pro
f pectus ot the Baltimore .4nrirjn. The
American is one of the oldest papers in the
country, having leen established in 1773.
It is one of the le-t papers in the land
and is always tull of the latest news and
choicest Selections. To those of our friends
wishinz to su!cri!e lor an eastern daily,
we Can const ientious'y recommend the
Mr. Ceo. V. Chilis, of the Phila
delphia ll-tr. has our thanks for a copy
if the Public Leitr Almanac. The al
manac contains over fifty pages in all. fiil--d
with um-IuI and inlerestine matter,
and it is Uund in a ln-auutully illustrattsl
jiaper cover. The lA-ljtr Almanac is riot
printed as a speculation, as it contains no
jidverti- ing and is not tald. 1'ut isdelivered
fri'e ot charge to tubscril-ers to the 1'ul'iic
Os Thursday of last week a woman
named Mrs. 'Hamilton, of Nottingham
Tow nship. this county, w as drowned in
31 in co creek. Together with her hus
lnd. John Hamilton, she was returning
from Mononcahcla City, w hen at a iwiint
about five milts from tow n the wagon was
overset, throwing Mrs. H. and two other
women into the creek. The other women
escaped, but a sack of flour lallinir upon
Mrs. II.. she was drowned. WatKinton
GrissET Hacker, said to have lecn an
intelligent and beautiful young lady, who
resided w ith Ler father, near llonesdale.
IV, while in an impaired state ot mind
trom religious disturtance. burned herself,
to death, last week, on a pyre erected by j
herself, while the family was a!cnL She I
imagined she bad committed the "unriar
donahie ain." sxd that this was the only
way to obtain forgiveness. When ber
father discovered ber. a good f art of ber
body was burned to cinders.
Af.k Bkoef.x. On Monday last. l:h
ins.. Mr. Hampton Aucustiue, fell on the
ic and broke and disjointed his arm. w hile
m- in.. . 1. . V. VH r .
mun uai piece i ninorr.
1 he gr.mol at the time was eomrdetptv
wv with ice; and a recent fall ot snow !
, . i - , . t. m- miu iu u'umiciRc m lie icii. o acvj .
xk-frlr,. 'irr'rT t-an-"'w: P""; those extrcaiiUes warm, therefore, is to '
. W?X Drr bC Wr?' ;nJ in ! insurance against the almost in-! (t.R.cti.t place lo r.mptrlv r-i,.,;j.Lu.f .nr-n,i
r,i IiV , "i
Ijurt. I'T. Hitched attended nrtminl r
and akiUfnlly to the Injury. Mr.' A.gus- J
tine has numerous friends and ivhuivew
re who will be sorrv to beai t bU mis-1
t.r ro" aml -
. t
,. .
AsT person living near a prind or stream
cn hare an abundance of ice. during the
summer ai uui i..c husc or muble.
Build a rrn of rail.
put in your ice. as
solid as posfciMe. wi
ib.e. wi.u pientyi saw dust jit is ottcn imagined that unless ihey are : eases pneumonia, b-inchias. catarrh, la
under, over and ariHind it. j posiavely wet it is not neccessary to ! fluenza, inflammation ot the larynx and in
it a t.ght roo. if loards, an d j change them w hile the leet are at rerL , flammation of the trachea. There appears
or tan 1-ark,
Ov.p ftila rut
roa have a ruppry ci ice insi w m aeep
. ,v. v,,.... And ilr.
lllll'UU - - - - "
' . t....,. ,1, rin.
is no treater luxury uunnc a neaira ;
term than rlentT of ice. Ice water to
kiji man i ieu.T . "
cream for ilmner. ice to keep
Tour milk cool and sweet, ice to use when
ot "T re ueriDi' from a fever.
n- it j,, --i-Wit it
ah a.l.. I..,..- .prf usa f A nfi' B ftoV inr
'" ;
BERS. The neic lortage laic
ichich goes info effect the first of
next year, compels us to require
that all fiithseribcrs t the Somer
set lIEKAi-E living
outside of the Coiiiify,
pxiy their subscription in ad'
ranee. Bills tcill he rendered
to all delinquents by the lei oj
January, and all icho do not
2ay their accounts hy the loth
of "January 1875, trill have their
narnes stricken from the list and
the account placed in the hands
of pi-oper officers for collection.
We trill lend the HERALD
to any 0)X living outside of the
County for $2 a year in advanrc,
trc joying the postage.
Butincs Manager,
Souierftct Printing Co.
Extended. Oicing to the
short notice given to subscribers
residing outside the Comity to
lxy vp, ice have extended the
time until the 1st of February,
About the time ot Milroy's skedaddle,
whi n evervlKjdv alonst the border, ourselt
uiiunr nilu-rs wa Mured nearlv out of
our w its, Wili'inm (jiHand, ol CumU rlaiid
Valley township. Bedford county, hid a
box contaiuinir all his monev, title deeds
und other valuable papers in his hay mow.
Alter the scare was over he went tor uie
box, but it was pone. Week before last
Wilson Cessna, while hunting in the moun
tain near, lound the Uix under a lo.
The papers were safe, but all the money
except live pennies, was gone. The pa
per were but little thi worse of the wtar.
Altoona Jiadical.
The editor of a neighboring exchange
has been shown a design for an upholster
ed front gate which is destined to become
very jMijiular. The foot board is cushion
ed and there is a warm soap-stone on each
sUe, the inside step U'iog adjustable, so
that a short girl can bring her lips lo the
line ot any given moustache wiihout trou
ble. If the gate is occupied ai lO.'M P. M.,
an iron hand eiU::iuS from ot:e ga'c post,
takes the young iiinn by the k it ear. turns
hiui around and he is started iionn: by a
steel boot.
Remarkai::.i:. Stock-bp filers and t.r
nters will tie iu;eres!ed in the loll.. wing
authenticated st.iten.ent : Some ten days
ago a cow owned by W. J. Coleman, ol
lilac kliek township" Indiana cunty, gave
birlh to four calves in oiie day. 1 hey
were all heilers, xhite nwns. ail alike, and
well develoH-d. The tin-t two liorn are
living and doing well a:id the other two
were born dead. They weighed respec
tively 57, .'i. 52 and 4'i p-uads. inakinz a
total ot 211 K'Uti!s. The cow is living
alid diiing well.
The full'), ing can ! viri' .-d as strUlly
1 1 ii ecvmed friends and I atr.'iis,
Kiei iiuii A. 1-nl. of Ji-sat-r Crsa Rd.s.
have s-il-l their store and t-tr.m rv
!a eto .Mr. J. C.o. r of lu.. town,
l'iu gi ntii :u n hue U-ea elic ited in
the un rcaiit: !e 1-i.s.nrss ..t the X KwiU for
a lut;i!aTol years, and have thein
. lv,-s a in t ii v uMe re; ila!i'u a tlo-r-
u'h " men an 1 clever and l l:g
inc ge:ilieiiit n. We are ii"l iiilorni. d as
t- what :.lie they pr lo eui!krk
in. I ..t w!.4tetr it liiay we l.o;i- tin y
i:i-ij liu-f t with lilil.l.otid sueei ss.
Tnfl:E are indication t soiuething
r-iig ia regard tithe tioir pap-r i.;'ii
w Li. a the gi.eolai k are pr. sited It i
iiiauulaelund al nulla near Wrt Chester,
l'rr.n ivania. aod it ai;iears to tic a
1 :d that in tran-portation U-lwern there
and the rrinters s de i f it hi got iat
uiiiTotn-r hands. A large lorce irmu
ibe Trtwaury llepartim nt are now cnga
rd in overhauling the slock al tue
and their work is conducted w ith great
nxri-cv. The peculiarities of Ihia jer
have always constituted the chief 1 rotec
tioa 't llie"greeu!a ks from luing Counler
teited. and the possession ot it by cniuter
leiler would lie a serious mutter.
05 Thursday of last week, says the
Cambril Frttm-in, some men engaged ia
cutting ice at Shenkle's dam, a short dis
tance below tow n, made a discovery. It
was in this wise : They threw a slab of ice
into a sled that was in wailing to convey
il to a proper receptacle. The slab, ow-'
ing to rough handling. boke. and in its
centre was found a catfish aliout ten inches
long. The fish was frozen to the degree
of 6o'.idity that usually characterizes a
grinds!' nc, and a thermometer held close
to its nose immediately fell tw o inches.
But so s.)n as it was released lrom its im
prisonment and placed iu the water, it
thawed out and swam away, and now
those ice men are wondering if the whole
thing was not a dream.
On Friday lnt Mr. Marteeny, who is in
the employ of Mr. S. S. Fhckinger, bad
his right leg broken in two places above
the ankle, by a masB ot coal failing upon it
Mr. M. was working a passage troni one
room to another, and having effected an
entrance much sooner than be expected,
called bis partner, Mr. Ananias Livcngood,
to him. Mr. Livengood thought the rxif
w as loose and su-pped back a short dis
tance, w hen about a ton of the coal fell,
with the effect as above stated. The
alarm was given, when Mr. Noah Peck of
Nebraska and others assisted to bring him
to the house, obtainmed assistance
and Simon has taken to reading the (-apers.
Being young and hearty be will soon be
a'de to be about. Wilty Iud itd:ut
A in Addison sends us a ropy
of "The Rose Bud," a most wonderful lit
tle sheet primed and edi'ed ly Masrer
Charles Iiiskeep. ot that place. The en
tire work is done with a pncil, yt-l so
closely does it resemble printed matter that
six out of the seven persons we showed it
to were un;:er the impression that it was
printed with type until informed other
wise. The letters U'ixI are ab-jiit the size
ot "long prioitr." The :ir-.tjvagt is taken
up by a picture of a dog a ihior,
which is remarkably well executed. W hen
it is known that Master Inskeep is tut
fourteen years of age. and has never re
ceived anv instructions in the art of draw
ing, the surprise is doubled.
We wish to call the attention of ottr Re
publican friends throughout the c nnty:
to the
fact that the Spring elec-
lu-ns. under tl. new constitution, will oc-
cur on tue Srd Tncsaay ot February. (;he
ICth). instead of the l!rd Friday of March.
as lierelotore. L naer tue presem law,
every voter must have resided in the the-1
tion district w here he shall oiler to vote!
at least two months lefort the election, (
and thall have paid a State or county tax j
within two years, which shall have lnea;
assessed at least two months, and paid at
least one month previous to February 1G, j
1?73. Ot course, persons between twenty-
one and twenty-two years of age can vote
w ithout payment of tax.
It is important that nominations' made
early and that good men l-e elected. See
to itj ceighbors.
Colds. Many of the colds people have
I . .......... , -i 1 . r.. . . T .1
terminable lisi ot
. . .... -i .
TeU "h, " Bo
f". t .' ri
cold." First, never 1
LVkhs or shoes, when thev
1-Kr n.he ii.anu pre-;
,vent the tree circulation of the blood.
! " nen on me comrary. tney ao not em-:
! brace the fool uo tightly, the blood gets
j fair play, and ibe spaces left between the
. leather and stockings are filled wilh a
comfortab.e supply of warm air.
' econd rule never in rli-m-
i this is a
fallacy ; for when the least
' n.rr.r.-. .);.t :.
-" I " ' - ..,' . .u.v "'ICUIS B.
i traded farther lo the foot iuelt by its own
' brat am! llm, .. ...1 ... . I. n .1.. ..
ni;a,iiuii i.itci wus;t
, checked. Any person may prove thia by
? 7e.':rr,larDt ol nfS''nS (be.
I, ff il f ! 1 I WK . ! I .. .1. 1 aw
I damp alter, momenu. although. ly Uk-
ioir off th ahn xnA im;n, tt ni .r.
1 " , -1-
fear quite try. Ex.
Nest in importance to ;be iron 'interest
..r .1.:.. f .... . ....... litt.1i..r tr-uli.
j HI IUI3 4.1UII11J lUt.llT I uiii'Ji-i ..uul.
It is Elated in a memorial recently pre
H tited to Congress liy the lumber dealers
of the United Slates that the mm at $144.
000,000 is invested in this industry, wiih
nn annual prothiction o! $:10.(KKIM0. ftl
fordin; employment to 2Ml.00t men.
Pennsx Ivania ranks first, w i'h aa annual
production of S.ttCy.SSo. New York
Mands second, prinlueinj; timber to the
amount of f 21,2S,238, pivir.:? employment
to 1G.409 men. The amount of pine and
hemlock timber yet standing in the toresU
if these States is estimated at 2-J3,O0O,0OO.
OOOteel. Besides this, Canada and Cali
fornia have each 100,000.000 feet, thus
nearly doubling the aggregate total ot
timber of the North American continent
Ox Monday last, r.lwut 11 o'clock, a. m .
;he house of Mr. John Geller of Bueua
Vista, was discovered to be on fire. The
alarm was given at once and soon the
people oi that village and the neighbors
around were on hand to make an effort to
stav the flames. The Haines spread rapid
ly and it was soon found that it w as im
possible to save building. All efforts
were now directed to saving the adjoining
building, Kevser's store, which was but
ten leet off. "The effort, thouch seeming
ly a hopeless one, was successful. Geller 'a
liouse in a short time was nothing but a
heap of charred limlteM and ashes. The
most of the household foods were saved.
The house is supposed to have caught
from the ove-pipi The building was
insured in the lioyal for (J0O.Iiedford
A most shotkins accident occurred at
the residence of Mr. Thomas W. Maha
ney, on Front street, Monday afternoon
las't. Mrs. .Mahaney left the two little
children, a S'rl and a'boy, aged respective
ly one and four years, in an upstairs room
and descended to the lower tloor, where
she remained but a few minutes when she
heard piercing screams proceeding from
the room in which the children were.
Hastening to the room, she found the little
girl's clothes to be in Barnes, and. although
she smothered the fire immediately, it was
found that the chiid was so badly burned
as to cndsiiicer its life. In the absence of
his mother the little Wy climbed upo" a
chair, Mok a match from the mantle piece,
applied it to the stove until it ignited, then
went liehind the little girl and set fire to
her d ress. Ca m'ttrlaud AV irs.
"Wm. London, formerly of Jefferson Co.,
in writing from hi present residence, in
Kansas, to the Brookville Jerftrtouian,
gives the following as illustrating how
the grasshoppers Jid their work :
"A cornfield of one hundred acres was
stripd in twenty-four hours, and the
hills looked like li field of bean poks.
Every tree wjs leaded, limb and leaf,
many limbs breaking under the great
weight. Every leaf or stem oa prairie or
stubble was covered by dozens of insects.
As one advanced towards them lie was
surrounded by a cloud of blackness on all
sides, Winding one's eyes. The ground
was i.ot visible, being covered w till layers
of inrects? not room to step without cruf-h-in
dozens of them at a time. In a few
hours "Iter their ariival, trees, plants an I
vines were stripped of their foliage, and
all nature was barren of verdure, and in
the licit J summer were the appearance
ol somber November. Oh. iU"se gloomy
hour?. :i low. hue clouds dropped their
!r.ijH-ry n. not i.t rain but of gr isa-liopiM-rs,
daily lor a whole week. The
aliM- is a picture of the great grasshopper
devastation ot 1 74. ixptrieuced iu ail
tin sou! !i wist."
A sau i rru but ery ileteru.itied l..k
ing otirig l.i:-.n nl through the quiet
v'.revt ol Petersburg on Tuel.iv last, drag
ging a little hand sled with a box on it.
In the Ux wai ail aiiiumted bundle; be
hind il !u:nga pleth iric ir;vt bag. The
oitttlt ili'ited consi 'erable coiiillierit. and it
W:i v.:i len.ed that there had Im-CII a dis
.lu;i..n i f partnership. The conjugal
ban. Is Il. it t.'Un l together twounwiiliug
hearts, that chalet two high, proud spirits,
ha-1 U-ea last a-ide, he says jire-tr. ed ! k hi w av we.f ard ho ' to the
n.t lery far west. The "Mar of Empire"'t put in an apti-aranee, though p-
I ui:.r' h'ipjs"il to oe takinz ius w ay iu tiie
i xiui-'dire. ti i:i. It is grant , ing to know
I ! h t there w as atl e piilaMe division uf
I Katie, Li ae the l.e lir ot oid thatcoiuti.K
d the walls of Jericho, there was no hot
cling in his tread, he looked neither to the
right hand nor the left, but having sternly
turned his l ack ujion desolated home,
he marehej sturdily and steadily on.
"When they won't let a trvia lie good
when he wants to," wliail-Her thing to
A remark ah l.E case of true love has
come to light in the Penitentiary that has
a romantic twinge to it. In May. lsj73,
Thomas Miles and Auna McFarhuid were
sent to the prison from Licking county, for
burglary, under the same sentence. Not
long since, the woman asked a guard about
Thomas, wanting to know how soon he
w ould get out. On inquiry, of her, it w as
learned that they w ere engaged to be mar
ried before coming to the prison, and that
she was not really guilty of burglary, but
pleaded guilty that she might be allowed
t' suffer with her lover. -She told the
guard that if Thomas was still true she
would marry him when they got out.
Thomas was interviewed, and he was still
true to his Anna. The prison authorities
were moved at the situation, and allowed
lhtin an interview, w hich is said to have
been quite an affecting scene. Their terms
expire on the same day Saturday, Janu
ary 31, 1S7.J. It has been arranged, a.t
their request, to hold the ceremony iu the
prison chapel on the day of their discharge.
The chaplain will perform the ceremony.
The twain will start out with freedom
again as one rlesh, after two years' con
finement within the same walls, with but
one interview in that time. It may be
added thit lioth have been exemplary pris
oners. Ci.itiiM-iii Commercial.
Velvets aso Black Fabrics. In the
present hard times it is a matter of great
convenience to make o?d things as good as
new. Velvets are iu great demand for
various uses, and hy careful dressing over
can be restored t to nearly their original
softness and beauty. Brush all dust care
f;l y from the fabric ; then if there are any
spots or stains, wet a cloth in diluted spir
its oi amm nia (say a tcaspoonful of ammo
nia to a tea cup of solt water,1, rub gently
u;sn the pile and the under side; dampen
the whole ot the plain side by rubbing il
over with a cloth; have ready a large
press st ohc or press-iron so hot that it will
hiss ; lay the under side of the velvet up
on it let n pressure come upon the up
per side or nap, let it be spread smmhly
and lie till the str-am has evaporated, and
the cloth is perfectly dry. If neither
press stone or press tvon can 1 h;id, rub
the stove pij-e clean and dry il upon the
surtace ol that by holding it smooth and
firm till dry. The velvet will look as
Irtsh and bright as whea ne. Soiled
and crumple! black ribbons can 1 restor
ed in the same Try it. and your
daughters will lejoic" over the acquisi
tion lo their wardrobe and ri'jiion boxes.
Rusty black lace t-an I much improved
by passing through the ammonia and then
stilTt-ned in a weak solution ot glue, and
gently pulled and straightened till quite
dry; it will need no ironing. Be care-
ful anj nt n,akc it f
j a-Cuj inv preas
.Vp,; i r,
so stiff as to be un-
grease or tpots upon any
moved by the use ot
ammonia, but worsted or woolen labries
w ill require more strength of ammonia
than tl.ut-e of silk. Exchnnct.
Dancer to House?. From many
; points of eastern Pennsylvania reports
have come ot a new horse disease. A
j veterinary surgeon furnishes the following
j particulars. The first symptoms are gtcer
' al debility. l."-ss of appetite, the horse re
! fusing lo eat from the commencement. A
short abrupt cough, a dark mucus tinged
with bhxid oozing frota one or both nos
trils, verv sore throat w ith vtrv little en-
; largcruent of the glands in tact scarcely
I perceptible The carotids are a little
- .i . i :m - i:..i.
i u oi . t:eu. me sutj-inaAi: lai a jiuie more
so. but cot equivalent to the soreness of the
throat ; the eves but verv little swollen ;
U..-.. . :v.i., u
. sembling catarrh or inut-nza. At times
! the extremities are deathly cold, alight
ever, ncavmz ai iu- nonts. inspiration
long, respiration quick resembling lung
fever, except me Kin ana inimovawe pri-
tion which aiwavs accompanies that dis-
i ease. Again, the nor Ues dow n from
the commencement of the maladv. which
. he never docs in pneumonia. There
I i i . .-;l i-nm!,inati.,n r,f
lo I no decidetl character in it. It is in
sidious in its attack, commencing in the
nose and ere pin- alon
. t
until the w hole ot
me resnirsiorv Mac n
es are involveiL This
whict 'u 2. bribed. U
consiot-rtd mor dangerous than the Ute
. ... ...
the symptom, on .rol" li aid
: . ,vi ... . .nce i-;J ' r
1 r-"!1" parues. rrawi lupon-
A SoDSlala lloraf.
It wa3 an ol 1-1 vg f:.rm hous.
r, ' ..,! I
op among the i r
Ridge. A large iil
il'-t of the 1 ore! 1
..'-.icl. a oners' is !
lisuiiliy lo te svi-ii al I he holms ot our
good, "open bntrttd PeiiUsj h ania (. T
mans, sus-il in the Isickground. Tin; light
lYot.i the slumbi r.;i r eln'wrs i-ist a weird
light over the room and its two occupants.
The merry jingh; of t!w sleiijU bells
aroused the old couple Sforn their medica
tion, and w hen we reuciieil the thxir they
were waiting to receive us. Tho shake of
a warm hand, the hearty pressure of
which seemed to betoken the utmost hos
pitality, and a cheery inquiry as to our
health", made us feel at home.
Sitting near the large open fire
place, where thehuje hickory back-log.
resting on the andirons, that were burnish
ed like gold by the constant polishing they
r-ceived at the hands of the cleanly house
wife, was glowing with a cordial warmth,
we thought what a pity it was that this
style of nres was giving place to black,
uilbea'thy, ugly stoves, and felt more than
usuaily kind towards our old friends for
thisojien lire.
Our host made a move to light a lamp,
hut on our assuring him w e much preferred
the firelight, he set it down and threw an
armfull of pine on the fire. In a moment
it caught and the rlatnes chased the sparks
far up the great stone chimney.
The room was bare and uncarpeted; in
the far corner sat an old fashioned three
cornered cupboard, on the shelves ol which
were arranged china and crockery of
quaint and curious design. The master ol
tho pouse, a sturdy, broad shouldered,
Pennsylvania German sat just in front of
it; bis broad good-natured tacc wore the
look of one perfectly content w ith his lot.
His w ife, a sweet old lady, in a high cap
and spectacles, w hose hands never ecsed
plying the busy needles as she turned the
heel ot her stocking, sat In-side him. "Bru
no," the faithful housedog, winked solemn
ly at us from his place in fnmt ol the fire,
w hile.a cricket chirped a merry and never
ceasing song. Altogether it was a scene
rarely w itnessed.
A couple of hours were passed pleasant
ly in conversation and disposing of apples.
shell-barks and cider. The hands of the
old Dutch clock poiuled ten w hen we were
ready to go. A hearty "Gixl speed" Irom
the old couple, a snap of the whip and we
were being hurried out into the daikness.
On the brow of a neighlioring hill the
pate ot our good horse was slackened that
we might obtain a last glimpse of the hos
pitable home of our Iriends. The moon,
her face just visible above the summit ot
the adjacent mountain, wrapped the farm
liouse in its silvery embrace, while a shrill
voice from the barn-vard admonished i
that it was time we were homeward bound. I
X max who acquires a habit of giving
way lo depression is on the road to ruin.
When trouble comes upon him. instead ol
lousing bis energies to combat it, he
weakens, and his lacultics grow dull, ntid
his judgment ln-coiiics obscured, and be
sinks into a slouch of di.-pair. And if
anybody pulls him out by main tort", and
places liiia sate on solid ground, be at.iniN
there dejected anil discouraged, ni.d pret
ty sure lo waste I he means ol help which
have betn given to him.
How dillerent it is with the man who
take a cheery view of lite even at i!s worst,
and facts every ill with unyielding pltuk.
He may le swept away by an ow-rw helm
ing tide of misfortune, but he bravely
siruggh-s for the shore, and is ever ready
lo nuike the most of the help that may It
given him.
A cheerful, hopeful, courageoui disposi
tion is an invaluable trait of character, and
should he assiduously cultivated. S. Y.
To persons throughout the county ul.o
contemplate iiL-p.)sing of t lit ir personal
projit rty or real estate, either by private
sale or public outcry, we would suggest
that they have it will advertised. One
good w ay, and one much practiced, is by
Urge posters, but those w ho have tried the
cxjieriinent unite in saying that the hieal
paper i the lest way. By means of bills,
twenty or thirty of which cost you almost
a much as a gixnl advertisement in the
,.ajcr. the persons in the immediate utigh
Uirhood are enabled to learn what you
have for sale, but passers by are no apt to
take tiie time to carefully read them, while
it y ou advertise in your home pajiers not
only the people in your own neighborhood
but those in every other section of the
county will learn of it. Thus it will le
seen that a newspaper advertisement not
only informs all those w ho would see the
fioatcrs, bat irmny hundreds of others.
Divino for Crabs. His name is Wil
liam Henry, and he has an abiding place
on Main street. His fond father presented
him with a pair of skates as a Christmas
The ice was tolerably good l.i-t week
and William Henry thought to try bis
blades of steel. They were carefully ad
justed and he "struck out" manfully.
What mattered it to him if bis trousers
were not upholstered nor his head protec
ted by a pillow. Just as he hail learned
to properly llance himself, Johnny Gre -n
came skimming along : "Hallo ! Bil!,'just
come over here and see how skating on
ticklish ice goes '."
Away they went. Green suggesting to
William Henry to lie steady or he would
go "diving for crabs."
When William Henry had reached the
centre of the "ticklish" place, he sat down
to rest. A cap floated quietly on the top
of the water. In a moment William Hen
ry's head appeared above the water and
that Green boy jelled, "Did you git ary
crab?" The head retained a cignilied si
lence and once more sank beneath the
wave, the bubbles that rose to the surface
being the only answer to young Green's in
opportune question. Ou the "second ap
pearance ot the head Johnny leaned over
the ragged edge of the ice and twined his
ringers lovingly amid the warm, red locks
of William Henry s hair and assisted him
to his feet. The thermometer stood at 10
lielow zero and William Henry stood on
the bank of the creek, his teeth chattering
like a Singer Sew ing machine. The boy s
carried him tenderly home, and his tond
mother, as the rolled him over the floor
and dug the mud from his ears and ncse
with a crocheting net-die, pitifully exclaim
ed. "Oh 1 William Henry, why did you,
why did you dive for crabs
TjT the Hxsald.
Extract from Western Letter.
"Dear S : I found farming a rather
uphill business when I first a cut to Iowa.
The first year I failed to raise any thing o!
note, and the second year was like the
first ; the third year I mode a good crop o!
both wheat and corn, jrot iJ.iJo gross for
hogs ; the fourth year the crop partial iy
faiied on account of wet weather ; the firth
year the crop jiartially failed on account of
dry weather. Sold fat bogs at 0 els. lt s.
The sixth year I run two teams and hired
nanus ana put U acres in om; had a good
crop, iiart of it went as high as busliels
t.ii nn-r . i D, , , ' ' . ,. i
to the ac. e, none less than 0. That Ull ;
1 was UiKC-n down w ith the typhoid lever .
and laid in bed for four months. During J
my sickness nearly everything ia theshapt- j
ol stjck went by the bosird, bii hogs, big'
and little, died, in March one of iiiv f
horses sickened and dieil. I thought of
Job and all the other great men. but that j
did no gixal, my Uooin was tXfl. The !
final w ind up of tnv calamities was w hen
a Dae I Lester lute nisr. un u ir-i-li I t, t i
great store, cbokal in ilie rami. Jane i
t-rieJ, anJ I felt mihtv much like it. The !
terenth jear I rented a farm f.r $'?,
co h, naU UaJ a crop. Tbe eishtli vear I
rinia.lti.,,.rni : -i.i
...v. fc'"u5 uau lucuoji liert. .ierM., r-i k-1 ..n at the time of c-eath.
as tiie rer.L llaViUj Uea ia Nebraska i:o-i'e ia Mii.Vrl tp.. conialnlnif l.t;1 x-re'.
and Uoted a claim, came here with three ; V":r- 'ir"n- Un-'r "'. HfT:T7 UlT'-rt.-
f .r . ii- - .i r , i i'eter I'. liiter an i laliera. on whiea are ereete-l
otber farail.t-?. e are ia the centre of tbe , tw-.-.y frame h..a-. tm anl Mhut
Oreit American IXerL To oar great (lis-1 huiHin?. havi.-. thTe. o or-hsi of cas fm.t
comfort tbe craSfc-Wricrs liave eaten our ! trT- Tb? Urm f
e . . , - , , ! No. 2 A tract f.aal itQ.ttt la -i! 1 1
trrjjis ana vejetames. and we are living tn j .jiiBiMt n vren a-vl perhe... .in s tnenorV.
cuanty and rind it ruibry rou:h. We ' aJ?.inin laaej. of l.'cr.r lt, - r.i on
bt-lpof ourold fr'lt-nt'ii etc "' " wt.i-h lh.;re r erecte-l i'l.- Tf t -c-e. hare
v.-. c . . , , ianlother hivirif therii a rmsll or-
liat Sximerset Count V fanner tin isbow ehirlol fni:t irv. The farm i watereJ.
such a rectirdT A curse sot ras to be uinn ' lerau ai.i iti...j w..Jj f ui.
tberiL rmn faitnrr-a crrf.h.,mi. !
bus, dist-as. every bliiibt and curse that!
can afflict a coantrv. Yt t:.Ifc Lvin? in 1
souUiwestern Pennsylvania, tbe mtt fa- j
voretS land under Leaven, witb more real ,
arili.l l.l..;n I t. .1 l-l-. ...l
d.sconifona than any on earth, leae ba;- j
py and iine;erou8 ho&ies and are lurd to
that calamity-ridden region by tbe shame
less bragging of intt-retted rj-!i-s.
It setms a!rnit incredible that a man
writing such a record as tbe above would
still brag brai while begging. But be
does. He U'.golthe ritberiswi, tbe mnt
beaQtifulcountTT," and all the olbereto-reotvrx-d
braj ol Western people. He
tries to induce bis friend t" fro there w ith
a youn; familv. that would soon be help
less in this W cetera rjaradUe. Tbici; of
tbe thousands of dollars that have been
cs.rr.ed out of our abused cianlv t le
sunk in that rich, pestilence-breedini soil, i
What have we in return! Abut and po
lilo buqt are all the West has ever given
us. We ho; the time will aoua come
when oar people will cease to be their'
dopes ; when they will learn that it U
their money that they wSrtt. and that when
there, the men that bring it may starve and j tt I tie '"C it inn "i "le money rum:-
..... I ... 11"... 1. I '
ern-l v ouni nus -ia to un- nesi, ont n-i
'-vbich she hs received not one cent in re- j
turn, lia.l men speuv i.i uii;iioe:iiei
here, how rich, bo prosperous, how tn-1
uinely liappv aim eimaoiu sot- ii ot-.
L'nhappily berchildif n. Iii.cst tliem.-lvc. j
seem incHpahle of realizin g tliat Western ;
talk and brag U ilt-li berate h ing. ami that !
... - ..111 .1 U t
i - I.. .1 III.. !
every Western cominuniiy wouiu oe on.-1
rupt and hopeless if immigration stopped.
Their farms, their bridges, their schools
and churches are mort gaged ; they do net
cut their clothes according to their cloth.
Let those w ho have good homes in old
Somerset be thankful, and if they are not
happy it is their own fault.
10th ot January, 17.";. at the home of the
bride, by Rev. A. E. Trux il. Mr. Jos. W.
Harrington to Miss Catharine SechU-r of
Mineral Point.
17th of January, IJ-T j. by Jacob Gerhard.
Esq.. Mr. Herman Broucher to Miss Ellen
Lepha.-t, both of Upper Turkey foot town
f invete.1 by C. F. UnoAPJ-t Bao.
Apples, arie.1. Y .
Ainilebutter. ?.d
Muiier. V
Buckwheat, W busiivl
HtMftiax, fl
lfais.n, aniiul'lcrs, tb
" si le. "
" hanit. "
Corn, V liu-ncl
I'ora meal f IS
;ail fkiria, V
I'luver Seed suiail
Cluver SeeJ large
Vjtif, V 1"X
KU.ur. V bill
Flaxseed V ha., ( fc)
Lard. t fc
Leather, red n.Ie, i i
" upper "
" t'l-,
()at. H liu
PotaMis, V
Peaclies. dnei!, V tt
kve lui
, Ijalc;r ta
5t) 0 K-
1 ou
7 6'
: 6.i
a :a
1 v
Km', tt t
Sail, Xu. 1,? hid
v t.u
" Alit m. -
Sujrur, yell.iw V a
.13 VI to 3 10
il --ii
g mi
Ph i; a-
Yf-w Ad i:cr!ise)hcnt,.
F ir y.iri. quinine wan r x ir-ie-1 a tl.o rnly
;Mvili I'T iji.ilitri"ii! lii":-.!' . aii-l mirm l-m? (ju iii.
hi K 01 the dru ne'e minu ily -i.iuiii.'l ilir.-'iii-utit
our weMcru country, uwrt- p-ir'tuluriy ixi 1:4
itiv nvrr IjKiUoina arvl itijonunu l-w l.mU.
V. iiti le t ill ii'i 111.14 innl.iria. in nit lf v:iri(-!
fTin.f iik'- it 11 1 i u tlir-'iiL'i ifn-Un-i,
an 1 wli"iv tJ Htriit -ire ini. rat-1 p iih cliiiU ah I
f- vrr. lite fiiiir "ial,ili -n fh ikii-j huIuiih-.
Htre:-('rt'. liUiiimc wji r iiu.riy rvni-i l :
but, wtnie it irf,u niiy i t t tlr 1 a un1. it
rtVainaMy tiT.t tiie i!-ii:-.'ii i-n-'u 111 111.1-st-.i,
vert ik'" a iil 111' ivt .hiih ji IU" tj-.-a 1 t mi -ii
an ri.cni tri' ii-h t -j---! in- t t.e j-T-r.-:n
trotn i'l- :!?. I l:f !' t f-i -iiii t. :
o vr" p-j nrtrkr-t. Unit the intn!'i"i-rii ) I..-tt
I'-r'i ll'TTt Iti't'TS ws t.u. if i a .1 ir:ti:i :.h lit itu-l-
t:n'. lialitit'ciy ui'r rT;.iiB ir. iii W-ti' Ii 1 l rf
! iii'iti iu.iu-i''. it I'l-v i'-l ii "t 't.e tt ui r
i;.l th.t '.ruif. !.ii-.t1 - rnu-- if r-. it Xun, t
unl iriVi-.ritt're tl iit.ii b. nu-1 wiii,.- sf.iiiv
ei'vliiiiK Ihtf n-'i.oti iium rr. in- rra-- il, ttp;--
.t:u Mii-I u i.ita: '!kf-j'ii n. t t.u r n-i' r . u x tli
fu-ia n r- fi' r, an 1 i-tt'-T It : -t to r 1 t tne t-tr-L
it 'i :-::. in l.i 't. a U .l.'I U U-:' (-1
I ' H'f li:' r a I t ?. at r, 4 th yar.
wt:i iif'-v.-n: tru r-'-urr- : t- .t tr.;.- !!. i-x-r in
1,1 wli t havr n--.-r -a an aucrm mth-.u:
It. Anrlifri'ii-f oi i-i:ry jirs j-rivt-s it ( U
'.!: jtr -.i s-l a i. v ..::.ii,. ki- n lt uj".ii'ai
n.'.'Il- r.
J ri-T" ar1. ; rh.i; . no f!i" 1 f fi t- r.
ni.-.M'-ff. i. a .i-'!--' ; i t t Ki u . l!in-
;r-.n i our 1 rm r. h.t.i , ar. I l it-.r riit
m n. :r-ii :.r I C.;r': ,a ml .;i;tr r --. i'.- r
r-ii' ij"-tfivrn;'-ii-t. an I t!lv x r-i-)-
ai!i:r ait i n 1 Tit n i ,t'-n.- : t.r i -m : ;
r. ii.-r a ircjiK-ht ! --.rp t-. ; i- w.itrr. p-ii't tinrina
i' I'lisMxe, Hill !rt-.jH-iit s 1:1 1 ti w.
1 (.- ar man ii r-u.i tui fr iu i?,c
e.r.iln or h'-it-i y Jilt f -rti if' -at ;ik''),ait a
gr m'.eA by't-V-TV i'ii,r.if in '!.' wiVi: ii-r. J-.ti rr
4tii!it vu li; lir-'t t- tLi tr- eflli ati l
u:.i pr'.'tnjttiv stfm-i-M to thi !! mm t'-ornf
ciir nic, nl tin Ti- r-r! a n.:- raf i-wr-.
k. iidi" r a licrli rs u th only cf. tam
r-fnt"iy f-r tin rI.iJ-9 of ::..'?. it ha a ul
lur T'ti tenry tu ltj; ki !i)'-vs. utirjmli'rs tli-m t
halthy -c-ti- 0. mi ) rtniovi;. th cau"1, 'fVrn:p
IiV' forrj;nioD of lrti jc --ttjst !;- -M:". it hi. a, 11 jut
iiiittci to M.niinu'. mA t-y --.t. ii n I- rn KT.k l
t--n-, Df'i'siitatiriit a iiinlui f jirr.n ion lr i; n
iumvjI. M.tny ot ihr t. s ;re. j ie i; 1 4'rina in;o i'
c-jii;n air uiiivcr iiiv re irniz-M as 1 i n"
or all rnii.Uiu:a of thf unuary ri.a:;.. In I-iT-("Miji.u.;iT.
! H-ju, an jrJ rn of the
ifc'Wlp, au i alf't't'i.jiiaj o? tf. Thr at an-1 Lun-.
it i? cquk.iy etrtain an I vtM:ifi"U'": fhlii', as a
rvuiwiy lor t t:e eomjii-i :r,t8 iet'Uii!ir to tiie ltfin.ilf
r. it has uo ciati,il. LaAUUH. oil an-! y,tuuz. luur.
ri-i aui fini;, ui every o-ti li: i-m ot Uie. wiii fin 1
till OKKAT Fi.MAM! lir.KfcLiV prompt, soft. C'rtatli
and relt'it'l'. i h pul". tllw coin-iK xifU is rv-
blvf'l t'V II lilm.! hlthtul tiiU!, nd
lis oce-aa'tonai we n?.t-ii i aturr to i. r:"rns h-T
lUIl-'.loUfl liua LAFH.V am wit hitt isni.tvics-
iEtcK. tfytA'l only m tjt:ic3 hy ii'A VTUjzif a:-l
Estate uf Abr.;l.:
m Manm,
U.Io 01 Shiilc Tp.,
lVttr of A'tminiiitratiMi on thi atvive fJite
havinff tecn j:rutet Ui ilie ori'lersiuisl, notice ia
liertr iriveo to those iu leiitel Ui it to malie im
meillatu pa merit, an-l thes-.- having claims a yainrt
il to prehear, ihein 'iulr nutnsuUciilwI fur acit'.c
meui at the late r i Ico uf tl.o ileccasi.-d on Sit
orJuv, Marx-h W, IT i.
11 i:IiY P. J CL'STKIt.
.Not if Is hr?hj iziir t'it arrtl will h M l
fr-nn t lie a ! crjit-iii- ot l7i. at the .:a:nii'fn
eri offiS(.m"rp, th': several i'w:ri-:;a of lc
ct.nny as follows. v;x:
Kor Jnnpr township, Jcnnprville;h.
Qij-rnani'inif. Sionyrvk. Xcw lUltirnrf.J Aiie
itrny. Jeti'-rrvin, S"iririt twfitiij(. S"fnrpt
tjn.ujtrh, B-rlin :-ir."i';ri.Brotherv:iiy, on Thure
ilav, ue lih lj.y of irv a-i.
For A'Miviv I'W-r Tork-y, T"!-n.i W
PDsTh. lvntta-ne ttomush, rxl-r"r Tark-yfot.
MiMieorerk, New 'tntr-vjlle t-oronzh, Aliiior l.
SfUtiiampiua. ?onham;ton, WH-pi.?inf !r-ou-t-h,
Ornviile, Iriin-r. Eikli k. Saiisbary
nUi?h, Summit, Mfyr!ale U-n uijh. -a Fri
day, the :ltt day of February. IH'iy, whn anl
whnre all pr;Ti'i an-1 fr-rjK.r.liona f !injf them
M iT-8 ajrirri'-Tt-J at the fnunifriri in and taiaation
of tht-ir tatx.nhlc property an ! etff fna-J pur?a
ant lo the wvernl acta of Assembly in w?h cae,
ma.le anti prt.ri Jwl are n-quste-l W arten! ami
rUkie their ri'-Yaiv'-cj' tor r-;rrM ac'rUn'r to law.
S-erUi :ittuticn t al !iw:cl to the foiI"W;nic
jHirtion of Art. 4, S-x 2 of an at for theoria-amr-i.
ti'o. (lisr-iplin an1 rvjfulation of the militia ol the
i;oramrnwealth of ppnn-yl-rania. to wit: r-n the
r'ttne (lays arvite U3'n:inel tii; Oo"nmi,t!-nrs
phaJ a!. ilet'-rrnitie wio arc exomp; vr not iiible
to 'lo military duty. bx.
The apje.i;s w:li t; on the aN re m?rii'T
H fiavs b-::w'. a The ii-a:e of 0 o'clxk a. :a. an l i
o cl : k p. ni.
V. J. ! IT-LKR.
J. rfl NTHY'TAX.
L1VKK W. m )Y Kit,
J. Xcrr, Cl'm. C',mtn;iyn'?r,
EGAL NOTICE. if hf-rt-bT r.r -o thit th ft ut-vcir.x ai
fan: hTe reen h..i in my ofe anl th -.t the
jt-kme w:lt b-? pres--ntel to the c'urt f-r;-ia-tin
oa Thur-i,iy. the 2-th t .Iir:uiry h.
Thefan-'-l ao?-.ont of Fjrtvl-:ri':it Y-jU,:a, c,n
Ei'Tee ot A !am Fa1eiy.
Tii first aal nnal a--e sn of IIornaa C'hrf;
Her, aii22'-e bfX. It.-.vch,inrT h l1.
if Fri:x. late c
Twp.. liri--as .1.
lottery tctaTHf?n:ary '.n ::ie a'-.v f-rmtf haririi
te-n trrant--! t.i i:i? u...lerriuel t'j the pp,ir au
' tw it w make imiac.'.iati- nceai. so l ih"f bar.
! ta rlaimi ayiirwt it will j.r vnt tlviu t- the na
ii'-r:rit.i, at thi' iare rti.n- it it:e Oct I. . i-n
s i;lir tev. lhe u.h ,lli7 ,- Jao.. jo. N ,ar1
will e rV eiv.:-.! uni".-i ilulv aa-.atc iraieg .ic-..r;.
,,J u'-- -iv ,-,nvPT
.sAMVi-t. ;uTi r:r:.
T ;. .., ,., . , , t . t. r-
''ElC S.A EL Or A I,L A bLL
h.r,l'rf,t""r t!. f ;-! fmirt of
S-.ruCTw-t Omnr". we ; I .er l-r at j.uMie
'"-"7 i if.-K-aa S-,uj:.-sr--., at tbe tour.
11. fa
II "
hi '1,
firy :r,ih,
nt 1 o! "-. r. m.. toe f .
tve the j r i ry of tl:c
' Ic'fril retii e
O'.-.rx-: liaifit'er-
. 1. 1 ae tarm on w:,i-n ine'.i. ! uivrsre itura-
i-ateeut' r.
-J . . ,.
jrx ef jt-'hen llOE tcr. deec.t.
hmnt heeTi frante.1 to tn emler-iirterJ
Ivt i rr, f B-axi-ntary
the a.Te
i tleeT ziTtnio th'.e irelette'l tu it ui mavae in- I
me-iiate payment, are! trx-ee harinj eiaim.sar.injit
It to pre-n; i aea '-o.y aatbentjcitM t r ett .--i
meat on Si-ariay. Feuruiry 'Jiiu lsTi, at ti.e r a. j
IjVdcw hi the eicai jr. J
jirii I i-u!..r. ,
sFIFffcALiiE j
The recent extraiir Jinary atiextum the re'-jet 1
U actnwnirz. anil i.t icrts:n:iii a hw tmnwui
tan drrtrt, :o tP u:-:eet. lo t r ier that ail ay 1
fine familiar wl:i ta- m t aMc. fesrle-i aii
wi leiy eirriiaLed exjOCDt ti" i-iriwttata, rf j
i MONTHS FUU 59 Ci."TS. '
rtTavO rtt-ram BT PrELieBIia, an zr
Ta. JOVBX KVZ'JI$.Z w-kty ft
reraiar pn.-e f-r yr t,,w m Nm b Year.
A J'ireaa S. S. JUN ils, toiTL.t, i j E. s-
L'yr?'i-. ... .. .
- n.Miti inrtt ra mw tn i ctrrrarmui
A"!(!7 Ailrcrtrsrmr n.. AVtr Advrrfi'yprnt
. - . . . - - -r-s r-r-.-..- -- "rtr -''''crtt.'rment.t.
Viih evory io'- of jr.iii'.--.-i.-y cx
pcn out cfr
Duyinrt r.t Ti-et ttin: hot CSr
ijoei c.f Cood fct ci.a '.imj-
Watoliinj t:1 Var'u-t, .- n 1 minj
Taii wlicn :t ia C-ib
Mnmirnr-turinj ytmall"illy nn.l
Willi u Dt.i"ir.rt. nx;CT icot-a of" Four
to a
Dasinj oup S-i!iiv.T Pi ieo upon
Money j-aia Down at Once. u.:d ihui
eavo ourselves from losaea nmt le!aya
usual to credit huine .
Morkin.j Proper Names anil Quality
of goods on Tickols, ond in Plain Fig
ures, co that CHILDnCM may Duy ns
Fteturninrr the. Money when Pnrtien
Prefer to Peturn their Purchoses-
Thoroujh Attention to ail Departments
S. E.
Postage Free.
noaufifnlly IlIiiMtrntctl.
The SCIF.NTlFin AMKRK'AX now In Us
M h yi-ur. ;") iho wi.n.jt clnulati.n ol aiiv
wekly ri. wsl,iM T of the kinJ In th worM. A
at-w vi.-luioe etininirnced .lauuary i. l.TS.
lt ei.nit-uls emlirai-e the latest ami mojt inter
esting int'.na itliin ir-rtainin tn the ln-lntnal:
.viertianieal, an.l htlcntlli- Prirrvi' uf the Wurl.l,
lM-vriitnn. with U-autiiul enirraviusi. ol .New .-w lrniltmenti. New l'p rj-. anl
liii.r.ivc. In.lumnn cl ail kino; I m-tul Nuten.
Kii-iriej. Sa:."ze..iinni an.l A lu.e, l.y Pra- tl al
w riii-m, t.,r i. orVuicn uu l I.aii ljycrs, iu all th9
various :i rr . IhXTlKU? AMIRICAX i the clwan.
t an. Ik t iltuKtrne.i w. kly iarr a!:ii.i-.
Kvi ry nuiiio-r n-nlain tpiiu lo. l l i irirfinil eu
r.i!rii ol ui-w ni.i..iln(ry an l b-i:l iiiv-tit!.n.
Knraviii. ll.ui:rj;Mii IiniTi'Vcmi-niii. liifc---eneii.
iin.l inj-'r:.ini s ..rWi. ip-nauunif t" i o ii
aii'l Jln'hsi.1 al KiiKti.eeripir. .MiliniK. .Mii.ioit
an-1 .Mio.iilu'iry: K("'r:ii-I l-ic ian-n pr- n in
the a''li'.V!'u f .steam. Sn- on i. -j.:,- r'.m.
K.i.i.i;. j. M.-,.:i...iii:,'. Naviartti'.o. 1 .a-r.i; lo.
leii-Krai'h 1 1 ui.. i.r.1.. Lt --.ri-..: .-. nia-nU'u.,
Ll-M an.) ll' ii.
n-r r. .Ihuii-. I-: .-ini-ert, Inr-n:' r,
Mai,u:a'-:urer. I.Vini't. la.v.-r ot . :- n.-.-.
T'-.i' li- r. i 1'Tifvrii. ii. I-r. -iri'l ti-pie .. ail
pp. I. -! ,i . am in. i j,,. s'cihX 1 1 1: A MI.U-U-AX
u-lni 1-, tl.ptn. It i:i.-ui i tive a y. k- ia
i vrrv i I.i! r ry, Mu-ty. "ft '. ai.i i '. um
u.i K to: ii. i-v. Tj li-a !.! K m. t'. .: i-.
A. a temy r S. liii..l.
A w-.i." iia ii-H r. ijr.- iin j ar. un 1 .rTrnil
)iuii-!r-l enzr ivj;i... 'l ;: ,a-i. il t-ra-i are
yr-ri i -t oliiOn.aT an I fn-in-'.. 1 ',e -r-Ti--al
n-'-' i -s w.i ..r:ii ti a tiu '.tie m r.ji-
:iB -ri -e. leroi. a,; , s yi' i r I y U: 1. 1. Ill' u 1-
II. ..: a i: i-. 1 : to t.u' . rl.---u-
!. m, t -. .:i; i.j .:,; ;,l.y tie lia : u .l
.N-w tlcii-Tf.
l-i':i..n it'i the Si -1 EN"
liHl' A MKhll AN, ileri.
s- ii i:-;n of AnTi'nn anl r r
: liiive the Linir't,.t
-re t!n n:-y th.,u-ini (..! -a-
.iluiiii ai i .i. ar1
eun I -n:i. a:i
in ir.c V, . r,. :
ll .in li-ve i .-t-u ini
1 t .a'.tuf.9 tit r u.'. tir
J'a:. ii- an- ot t.-iin-'l rn t l.r.t -.rnr.. M -'.r'.t
of n-w 1I.M.-.T.I ii,a nn n -l.-in,, ei.i-:iiiie l jri I ,1.
vi-e tn-e. A '-vl.o n.u-e i ui.vie in the V.l h.V
riKIt- AMKkIi AN ot ail iriri-n-i"n ..fentr.
thr ilah itm 4i!isrv. wuh the uiiiD.-an l p i.i.i'-s
ol id.: l'a:-i,!e-. (-.Ui nta are oll-n wi I m or
wh .ie to p,-ron. aiir.-'eil to the lnveution l.v
ai-h aotn-e. .s. r, 1 t ,r Pamui.let. 1 iu j-aa'-i. ri n! Iaw au I laU Jirei'ti.-un lor I it
A !.ir"i f t the r.iper, or fciirnb; rnt'-n:',
MI. ..Va(.ii.. i-r)t k-w. N. Y. linu.-liof
n-c, ot. i .n-l T;h ; tVatipif.,a. h. V.
Ily virtue of an or ior of late of tii neih -
Court of Kayttte eoutity. un ler tir.Kveilluira in
partittonof Dini.-I Willl itn". Late of
;.:w,irt T iWiolnp. K iyetie 'ounty. at N'.i. of
June c.urt. lit, I wilt uiu m j.ubu- ,v ,.a
On Thurfdiy, January 2,
at lOo'cii-rk a. m. if Fal.f ,!jt, the following real
. niaU:: lurprt. No. 1, inu, a tract of Un-l ia
.SlewartTuwiiaLip, Payette County, Fa., cuoialn
iiitf three bunire.1 an.l sixteen arrei an-1 one hnn
ureJ an i miecn perche,, a.!joiainK Wis or Hen
ry Ljii.ieriii.iD, J.iuuj Nickiuwan.l (.'hark-s Miner.
ria tract la Weil improved auj in Rood cuiuva
Uon. Alii, porjart No. 2, bein a tract of lan-l In
Mia toaii.liip. a.:j -iniiiir the ateive an-1 hinU of
t-cter Miie. uituauiinx ia hun.lroi an l twenty,
one acre., well im;iruiel an l urvlt r jrwl rultirs
tiun. Liu
iridwj, January 23, 13
at 10 o'clock a. m of iM Iar, I will xp t
put-iir I'ait: oa the ir.;m. !', pxiryxrx N"'. i, fiQ
a tr ct of ?iru-4l- in r Turkpyf-ml Tunii-S-atin-r-rt
lantf. Ia.. OTtUimin one huu-ir-'i
an-i nevtm arn- an-i nine jiTftis. a-!jini:i
lfln-i of Perrr S-brck. Alex. Coauinham. lan-Hh)-.
aol An-lrfw Sbr-cit. XhLB tract u
'..Wt.II imr.r .tro.I an 1 fnt twt ta.1 Si. 4 a '.met of Ian., a-fifnln? th lai
!rriel trart. anl latvisot Henry Siruck.'fTan1
ItntiM Khtl'-, v ntainir.z eievn an-i one-hiif
arrf4. niruate la fcii'i tffWntiiip. Sakl tr-vt is irir-prv-!
an-i cT.-iiorel vrrr talcab.
TKKIS. Twvrry five fiolUrs f one hair of
the purr m'ny. on cacti purpart, on day uf
sale, an l th ViUa't f ftu I fne had ia onnrta
tiin ol .a.f: th rmainln- one-half in one year
from faiiJ c-jiiflrmAli-tn. wua intpren.
jnfj AJm'r aa-i Trusit?.
SI unit t (new Xm ) Plfth Ayr.,
Y.m wii! fit ! rn v.irie'r of
Dress Goods.
.tor one hanlr?.! Ji l-r;-i r.ylts
A rplon 'i ! line of
An I a c s-.pie'.e i'. of
A: thi vrry IJflVTST C.ISH FRI'.LS.
Nr. 1.
Fifth Avri.c.
limp:, limi:
in'' cn 1rj?.i harir.? trx-tfi! Iirr- ki!m at
Mar-! Kill, thr-i' ir.iiT- wr-t ot "nfl a. n
thr :r-fh At Vr,n-I''nri: rail-ri. in d-w
rvniy !h:; toar.y j -inr her tariat iinuc or raw
iii7 -mt h mar r;'iirt-j.
Thi 1 'ju-irT.1'! ip-tn th ? f- rniafivQ
manr f-it w titc t?! roal T-iln, and A a Tr
fujTi-T i& ' .'y
Kxt -r iiTn? r raw "n ran vr t to Cv-r.fii-
w Iyxir-.-n. -I. J,i.n We, ler. of fft'hara.
-ur-r. ft;i;ip W. .f.-rf -. r. Jr. Minora! F-
U'e'r. y -v-"-! b :- Hb;'Ji. S nter-
set. anl !;- -- '.. V.'a'ir-r, C-jnn:-v ...e, b&
mui pror1; a"en 'e! .
ort: ' HVGVS J- WEEtC.
Watcher., Chains, Jewelry,
.'Clocks. Bronzes, Sec.
82 Fifth Avenue,
) Tliry uaeii-.s: re-.-ke wits New G.; in-
iheiT Cir- '7.
J arreat loia'reBjea: t j toyiiij BWUJi
j xjOLS.
I noear'raa,! r: cUrt if lUcl:.
- . - c-
Iec. A
-i.TWav' ia.i ixv:;"-v 5'y.r
I ! 1
1 1 . ' "
rexx GUAiiArrxE.
ACia. ifet - ar?
Cor. Sixth and JIarkut Streets.
IV frhnll loiglii. In January, et-nlte alteration iiimI I in.
prorenioiitM in our Ka!riiiii. during uliloli tli- (.imhN on
thrrc UoorMof our liuiUlins will Itiite t b frowairtl on two;
nnd In order lo nnlucf Mtoerk ii--orlliil v. ollV-r frtxu ihi
date. nriM-U on IiiiimI at I.OU l it I'UM I S Til l l.YI It
No. J01 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
pi-:;iTi:r.-s .0Tiri: v"Tiri:
li ii!r-'-T tf.v-n t
at I ... i ". rf-ii'dr f
In tC a'"'tttiw
i.l " ir r--t.!
at an rjan t 'ift
tj 1 I' r w,iurr-. i utt .
. TK-t Hi!... 1
r ai 1 t.- -tr
'I I i-
. 1 n '. n . r -
w'ir" !1 a-r- n. ifi'er
'.Lioa r r
Ar.i-i.nt .I Wm . ' i
A l ,m -sl..-:.-r.
I'nf;,l a.-r-m:til'rai"T
"I '
1 v.
A-.- tint ' f J
eei .Jre -t.
"-.unt i.l It.
Ul:l.' 'le- !
A--'llllt ot A
( I
11 -rnef let .1.
trtt:ee s.f W l:::air. 1 -'.'
A-e. u-.t ..f I.,- 0 I .-i :
Mry A. ltl-f r i" I
At unt of A' V. iu
a-- iiv ' i '- i:-'
1-i-ter 1- ai :t' y 1
A-"" unt ot 11 I ItaT,
II I. r 'Ire I.
A u-it of r T T 1 !
yuar .nn ol J-.tin t-rnr'
A--ei unt of W nr. 1
Frr."l lliifrf-. ''-.-
n. a . ii. . (.
n tr. I : .
unt .
.1 'rr l-r r
a.': t.
J. '.V.1I T!
Ill s
The P.w: jTo. SWIMi
Jl.ii ni.iiUaa. 'pranit ra :!
ly Into faror a rAite'ic;;
tLa bet conntjiaTiox of
good quailllea. tamely;
Usht rutitiEjt. m&'.fhe,
Bol'IcM, rapM, tlurat'.e,
with perfect Iek Sittib.
It la a ttinltle rraehine.
with Automatic Drop Fee 1.
Design lj:ati.'ul nj err.
ftmctlon the rery N at.
1LION, N. V.
nr.Axcn office. or
K. llmiintjton Son..
ltvmiitHton St icih'j 31.
firminjton A'fl Co.,
3. Brooke Nyee & Co.,
iitj-tfu;iy ;
;it f.n"i-a-rmeTi,of l!t."lTF.R atfl it' nnl PTt'iI't i
tiat we tive r 1: utter ttieri sujurli r ir...uc
tn -hip to n. ari't will U pl-swi to hje th-'r VrW "I e'r.-nV.r: "T FT J" ' , "TI 'X
tenii.'n u.', ofu..u ltfiliFr -iAI.K:. fiti',i..S i'.r LL 1 1 Lit i.t . wn.
pr .rop l ant ehek o r
"i" '. tr'
. u. r?L:ppin; cap.a
Koa'S with a. I tho nirV.. y r. i'nmin;'i'n.
j.ririff,f and rrin-lji.'- i in c-';i'.r.i'i 'n w
on th lt 'lay 'f Ivtti A I. iv4. hi V A.
II. .Ifr4h."wbo t-n Ii.e tJ of J v! t ry r A .
I. iv:4 i (oe-'birl tfiT-'f t'l !t. A. Snn-rin-i
one-t'tirJ tner-'f wX l-a li. I Ll. wt hr.-.
hvitr:v-n X'uxi tf.e urHiT".rfii-l wiil n;-et at t.'.
t 'h'-e "fltfli fc i-.u:-- e. in tA.: H' rMJ-r". .f oo M'm-'av ILi? cly of JVruiry.
A. 1. 1"" j. at 10 'j :-k A. ,M.. f- r tJ.e Jrj''- -
urantalntC o rfrA'-T. f elf-:in Vt--tit
ut arn: a trl ot mx ;;r-cto-,. ar-! U x-lui-i a
w.rjratn nam-an; e-rnni-n f'- t! an-1 rT-r-in-tu-
anv ont of tt. 'a; i'-al ft-jrx f fa. ip-.nri- n.
a--r :it. a, '- the a : i-f :r'-iy a; j r-vi titv "..,'4
tlaj of Atril A. I. 11. an ! 1i-'--j-.t (-'-!-n s
A. Ii. ' fK'TII.
f h w r F:.
J'lH.N II. ill
J -lifl ru. of rr.T-t ' r. nxii. L . n.'i ma n
an fc.iifTJm-nt iu mel'TT' e trj-ai of rr'. ;'--.
1 her-t.y tfiv- ivu? to ait pw-r-i.i Irrrvr-t m
i :r--lit"r t k.ior to t at iny ?!".'. S m
rwt, f.-r; .n 1 i-iy. ii i f ;.
ll. wt'h tat.r rUini pr-rl Da:e ot ai i
jt:is ir. T i:r.
jan2D Aij:n.
Lj-mJC of
i. :
letter al aHmin a'ra-1 n '-n t. e a r
hair.i ta iraate-l Wlhe Oil !' r'.:ne!. B' tiee .
hrrvt.y ifiven uith'-ae in-t.r.-.e. l. it nn' trr. me
diate "rjBient. ami trea. hanriir riairr;. .-T:r:"t it
to nre-nt tneia rja au! b'Hi'a el u
' aet-i-ter l
onSainrlay. the rT-h itay "f . ; riiry. I""-'
tne reiilebce ot the a.jni....:rito''. in atil r..'
Vi M. M il.I-t-i;-
A :
1 a i'.t HTow to r'lie ml
Oi Twdvj, F'trt'inj -2, lt'.'t,
ta. B"rzh -rrt-- ' ''' r3' "
fate, ti.a pr-te-ny of Jona S-.'rt. 'itaate :n M.l
for, Towunip. .S.,m'.rt e. oaty. 1'a., a.',...ii.i.
lnl of Saaioe! tnir.t-ll. jraf-l H"w-r.
Ihiniel fi'.t are! Hen.-y furl. e..n:ain:E; j aw-r...
There H r-wl nw.iiirr h-oirvi !m.,oth
auont li aer-a r .-ar.: : a Tery L Ulte.
TKH.MS. A eerain ; .itiiu'. In trie l.aa- a
Pieaf of S"ferpet t'-.un'T in tar.f of M
tert. S lien o she peeaii-t. beinz a.' at f a3 '.
' wr.e-h neerl t le ;n-l l.r one tear; the balsa-.-.
. pfcUi a-iQ tha ue:lTerr f'j.N SN'TI'FR.
of C-asiel .wtalit. lata f S rarel Twtj.,
Jae-.:er f tylni!i:iraia. ao the hn ea,
haTtna; wen rTaBte-l u -& a.;er am-l. ee a
beret y triTe. tai in.e iwiet'teu t" it I, sake tmni
ti -ate p.Tant. aa-l tve Bit.!. tll.xi aara.DH
il. to preeent titem riaiy aat -let); irmr-i f.,r -:t,e-menc
at Lai. rai.;ea.-e of -teeaae I, o& Sa;araj,
Ua roay ef luaary I-
A t s: 1 Kra i. ay.
" r
1 1 ' n
' ni-rit OI.;r
'" '. -. r 1 .oi toe cu.t
,-m. - f f t:. people of
. vi. :i ai triijrj n.I
:t Four C.irclinat Point.-
'!.,:.! j-:.,r. i
icrs now i
nrtir m I -r
"VUh tho Lr.rrjc.t. ?.Iot Stylich. Beat
Madn. sn-1 Che.ipo-.t Stock of MEN'S
na I rJOYi- CUOTttlN'G, we invito you
ft": to Ciiil on ui.
kt th
in in- ri I i .
rt "f '' '1 tlf-rl
J t mi i r-r I -nn,
U l f t 1
n t.. tho
I u .? y, at
t ".I i'l MT.
T W Itl-fl.
t I
, it
ii a w ;t
--r-i "O r
'ta-f. t
i v ; '. i-e ..r S tn ea. t T? .
.... i I.
-r- !:. fi-l l..t! ?- tv.h.
, t.. i: uii -..' e I ! i i ,r .-
. . ri . - lirt y i-n t''-o ---i
i.. , : .. ir I,- i:n n'-ii..''. u u:. .l tn-
. ...... mot It I 1' e..-l.t 'ftn ft t
- ..'e ri .f al I,
1 '. i.i-! ' I--''
:k.m:t k i h
, A i' r.
nwtJi jt.- N' 1 Itaehlaa
r r fanu'y o". In tha third
yir of tia tJ.Htnci. haa
nwtwila. m..r) rapid
cnt of Tita iaJ
i.'ijt o.y ratria a Aa
I'.miiT .i N.iMachi).
f r nuaaarltrjnj anl
f.imlty ue. (ready for da
l:rery only ne Jon",
11 4). for ran;?e. perreetloD.
an l variety of worn, la with
out a rival In family or
zemimjtos compasies.
21 A ? :roii.lwiy. N'-w York. Arm.
.M.!t..n S. . '"w' Yora. S-w!n M iwttilnea.
'hii-ao. 'ZX S: i'.- St.. S. Mae tune, nn-1 A ml.
li"f;on. -iii W a"tiirit..n St.. Swnn l aebim-a.
I in'-lnrieti. Iat W et 4-h Sr.. Sewma Maehioe.
I''l.-i. l-J 1 rl-n"--e Sv. S.-winit VLvhine..
A'iaEta, tia., In-'fivi'iirpera H'.nx-. .Marietta St.,
Si-wlrt: Mvl.iDv.
U'iFt.:t.?' n, I). C. iCl S-renth ?., S. ilaet. wl.
r. The tar? an-1 regular trail.
'-... j -inrij-ii r...r ia the enonty. pl
otic n.
i -...-Vt ' "' r 't: u I', "a of V rnr-"i '.uny. prar
Ir x f-r 't :'( prif..i"l U r ir,-irot oe'.twrn ry
ti is ' i f Ti . Mrrr. rt'::!i l FTT.'Iran.a,
hr i that ni i or. f x-M Tt '.---:y f-t rury
, ' WM. TOMER.
J 'i t
t..r.. I !
i 1. '.
s i-u.--:. 1
IV t 3 ri I Ar. w Tt'-y hivinx o.ln-ly
uiv tr" an a.K.aritreHt to me u.r Te'lt-
r- y z i -. c-w;': -.!.; 1 wol meet a.l yt
:j..,ti.i.'uir. the firm or el'her. at
i I'.i'r i. i'.aer la uret. V . oh
' ' j" h -;i y '-f Jur.uary, lir i. at w:-.n
ir- not '.t.;y trial xil ifiOt'i .ryt ciaitr.
.I r--f'i or o:i-e-w.i) le; pr--n-e-t. t.u;
f- - ri lu t.-r ri atar. 1 "nail th.-a
f " n Ion .M-li ora-t -e actal mat
' " W. J Hll.U.
K,;aue (-.' J-t.a !:r-ne;. !''
1 iI... .;-'-e3. I.
I-.t ' f a 'n.a''Tire .n . ,o t rei't
harlni r.-n nn:e-i to the on terf.iri'.!.'-e .
I e. irivea til to. !C. I'-'-' e. fi It
rt'.-ite '(.a hit,-., atvl t.v ti.T.tnir a, nt It.
to pre
ni-lu.r iti" h-e' fm e-i i- -ii.'TD--ni.
.. '"r.'-e 'A iletHi e.o W ;De.'.ay.
" '" ' ' IM'I J. riRf t fllf.K.
IKI . M V I'.P'il ' iil.P.,
UAiiiii'.i l!K'l.,
,ri: ; A.iailriia'.raL.jrt.
"Y'LLKijHtN V Lai V !TA1J. liL ILIiINk'l
N''w. : :.:ntera. Ilaifl witfi i-:-f t
at.-i -- I r.-i- y 'o tarr i.'.e. .m ,u.a a--ti-e.
W M. t-Ki'lI LKS. Oir. ' i;l rf Kr-el ai.4
( a I; a m a.ier.
t.-.-i-i r- of C. ti. BA.1 Sf.TT,
i-at fcrS'-m'-wl
SLiiW K.ify.
C- l i pr '-' A?'o- wante-f 11
tO ,J') r..e '.f w..ra r.
v t ur if ac i :.!. arf ""Dr at w.-a
..r.a..'in t.,. e ,.,r.r,-i. .'.-
t!f tr. nt. r a. I the vrrf. thaa a.ytiT
eS-r n.pi'.vne: ti.t wnl pay kani,in.y (V
a-eerr tottr'a w rk. t-'-'- " .
iv-ntl.-c- a. y r a-1'fea al vnew. lei t
if. iiim owe- I""1 t ' I'- "or
n'...'..-w',-r- tj-.'.l yow ne rne.l waat
r li. Hr!o k Co., aViir.iaaVl, St..
f . Va i r,
u,r 'a
an i r.:a.ims t rt A iT-
lai .;e ot
;-J F-.vyer. laU f At-- 1t
rTt.n of a-fminurraali tlx aTe al
hav.tia: iranied to the i.)erwi--l. trw ax
b-r-t y i f a u. tre irelest 1 u 'Siaw-
dlat. ;.air.'nt. aa-l l&-a aio "
:o I re.a; tr am on;y au; act -,r-3 a. l
a- tt. re;.i-5c ot Hesry it y-T. toftif
rt it,
rtnnvUy, t i.. lra of &ravr ir .
t Ji ROTF.B.