lIL inM. W,W'MHHmCTW i;LJa ,.---- W. P- Harvey & Co., (fofc J". 6? Harvey & Co.,) COHMISSIOH HOUSE, 75 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE, MD. ,.l Butter and Pndu generally. ;.d nt any of the j.rin "res S liioitu consign men's Co..) winch esn be 1 i ac Keimard & Iflffll COIYIIYIISSION IV1ERCHANTS NO. 83 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTItORE, MD., WE 11 AVE ALiKGETElDE FOR CI I KB BUTTER, vn in rrvnTT TOTHFIR IVTF.RF.ST TO SHIP TO VS. WE PROMISE RKTVRXS i 1?H "J-H KASSoiiv Is THEllt-rrKR 1SSULU.ANU V 11. 1. MAKE LlliEKAL AI- VK?is 1XK& ? ."bVaIn eSSAT EXPRESS OFFICES. The Somerset HeraW. WEKNESDAV. TIME TABLES. OMIBKT . KIKEKALrOINT R 1LRAD. Oa.anJ after M..H.lay,Nr.l6.ti, 1674.tralnwlil an a fullowii : LRAVE. Mail East... Mall Wert... ARRIVE. .11.5 a. m. 1:30 "i S SO . in. 6:30 l. m. W. t ALTFATHER. lien'rl. Suit. r. W. . . K. K. rana kikual point. xprcw EPt... ExjireM West.. Mail East Mall West U:3 p. m. 6:21 a. m. IMS p. in. 4 50 p. m. a n i t BY lEfflAED & ODDESLDYS It is now time fr shipping GLADES Ill'TTIIt and we advise all the dairymen to take advantage vX every cold day to ship their butter down to us as rap idly as possible. Wc have a very acUre call now, for good dairies and can readily sell from 1.0(H) to 2,000 kegs every week, at highest market pi ice. Butter merchants lr.'in the Smth. and can cities are now be ginning to lav in their full ; nd winter locks of butter, and we advise dairymen lo ship their butter promptly so as to get the advantage of this very desir.ii.le trade. We will useeverv effort lo sell "t 11K.11 EST PIUC'CS, aud as eoon as the butter is sold will send sules tid check. Wc will also make liberal advances on .ship ments. .... Hoping to receive liberal snlpmcnts promptly, liespcctfully &c, KEKXAKD & OUDESLUV'S, 83 EscnAXcE Place, Baltimore, MJ. 1'kisje ut:ar Cured Hams. ShouU-crs, I i;,.Qt T.n'f I .an), i heal) for C ish nt " "-"' ,.. i. UllOAlW & Bitu's. rent Frrn orn. Ualft. ami an i ! i rr F.-.i'il t'nr cash only, at Huoads Biios. Floi k prain :mJ Iced on bands. Pilae call at Marshal's coiner. Cook & Befkits. Jlst heceiavd, a large stock Boots and Shoes, w bich w ill Ik' sold at reduced prices, very cheap lor cash. fj,NTDER & L HI. 20 cakes ot 1. All other ; ooJ Laundry Soap only fiJs as cheap in p.ropor- lion, at , ' EliOAUS lV BlUI !. Two joiithsnnd Ibeir sweethearts paid the HtKAl.o otiiee a visit ou Saturday. We are always pi.-as-isl to show visitors our'CC. Bk'sT Family 1 lonr. Presli trn-uwl liuk'cut flour nt rtV.ucttl pritx ut UiiuAus A; Bi;o s. Blv your Boots and Shoes, Hat; and Cat, ut the reliable cash More t-i Fkank Stl-K A: C o.. Somerset, l a. vir .-.n a nice new stocJ k of Boots prices thai cannot fail to please you at Fkank S:rF. Jc Co.'s. Wt me ilei.Mii to in foi m our fnmus that we Lave just rweived and opened our 'ill sli- k of Dre.-ss 0-:s and Trimmings. Furs. Simple, Seaiu, FU Skirts, iIoT pkirts. V)iset-, t'ilrtVes, ir. Metl's nl.d Boy's Clothing, Hals and t rips, Bo-ts and Shoes, Ladies ulid Gent s l.Uill aud pelt OvcrfchiKS, iic. Hardware, ijin-c nswarc, Carpet and Oil CloiUi-s, Tnttiks, '.tli s, Sntcbeis, Horse Covers, Lap Holies, C. vV G. HoI.DI.UH.U'M. IlF.MtT'8 I'aklolic Salve is will known that it is only ncces-vtry to caution B jainst imiuitious. 'it r.-quin-s r.ircfu! odrnisture 1 the caibolk acid ith other ingretiicnts to produce a ci!ve that may be lelietl uixin. The gcntt'uie only guar anteed, bee IU-4 it 1 urnllie signature and i-ivstt! i.ri.iiet.irv sUiuip of John K. llen IV. -iild bv all. J'l'U-'. Lli A' ii.-aicts. .'b'li.s T. llL-.uv. Ci'' ' Co.. i'ro-nl.tori-. b ami 9 tViiiette 1'latx-, New Voik. . 1)i' cpU Uihu imwt di. (..uragin; and lisiri-s.-ii;g tiiwense mn is In ir K ini us are partit ulatly mU jivl U this dica and it tilictn ; such as aourMomuchc, sick headache, habituiil onol-l-.tues, heuit-lmrn, water-trash, gnaw ing and burning pair.s in the jil of the Mutual he, coming up of the f.xxi, coated tongue, disagreeable Uisle in the mouth, impure blood and all diseases of the Stomachs and Liver. Two doses of j-iiiti s Acoi'Sf Flo ALU will ri.rieo ,ou t once, and Uicre jio-itively is not a case ill the United Stales k wili not cure. If you douttt ibis fro to your Druggists Bnford it Kimiiud. Nmierwt, I'a., or IliiinHii Flet-k, Confluence, l'a. and .get a sample Isjttle for 10 ct nts and fry ib lUgalar size 75 cenu. For sale by all Bruggisfs in the County. The red. cards or the o' - J?' n the county, ran be sed In m.rUnegs, Oudcsluys, Alkeadv looms up m the (.is tancc It is thought rrk will command high prices this winter. TnE new postal card will be nearly white and printed with black ink. Pouk I Poke ! ! Pons '. ! ! For dressed pork or live hogs call on Cook'iS Beerils. TnK Chambersburg Repository is pub lishing the "Bandit of the Alleghcnies." DnsriTE the rain, snow and bluster of last week, the work on Cook & Beerits' new building went bravely on. A Uxios service will be held by the ditloient denomination of the town, in the Lutheran Church on Thanksgiving ilav. Ladies and Children's Knit Merino Underware at -FH'iion l?a7r." Mrs. Ja. 15. Thedwei. No. 6, Mammoth Block. Tue Disciple's congregation have a force of hands at work on their church. A de termined effort i being made to liave it finished by the 1st of April, 1S75. We give nUice right here that St is use lota for our subscribers to ask for back numbers containing the "Bandit of the Allcchcnics," as we have sold all we had. Ik vou have any bookbinding to do, go to John Helf. The Somerset oplc can see specimens of hie work by calling at the odice of Dr. II. tSrubaker. Laughtox, a graduate of the IIeuald oilice walked in on us one day of last week. "Charlie" hangs out at Drill wood and looks well. Ladifs and Children's Fur Sets, at re markably low prices, nt "Fashion Bazar." Mus. Jas. B. Tredwklu' No. 6 Mammoth Block. We have received a present of aThanks tivinff tnrkev. and we ain't proud either. 'Were that famous old bird owned by Job still in the flesh, you could look through our's to count the ribs on Job t. Orit customers will please remember f liar wu have moved into the room on Marshall's corner lately occupied by the Music Store, w here we will be glad lo ac commodate them us best we can. Cook & Beekits. Lorol Ladies' Windsor Ties, slightly dama-cd, at half price, at "1 ashton Bazar. Mrs. Jas. B. Tkedwei.l, No. 6, Mammoth Block. Ecu the informat ion of those readers of Ukuald who are encased in teaching. we would sav. that Thanksgiving is alegal holiday and that they do not draw pay for teaching on that day. Two original stories will be found in litis edition of the Heuai.d. "The Maniac's Hide" on the first' page by K. 11. : kUI v, and "A Talc," a Thanksgiving story "by "Ovo of Pour" on the Fourth lge. " . We have received a letter, we suppose ii is a U tter, at this ollicc. Deciphering the heiroglvphics that apjiearcd on the walls ot BcUhazzar's palace was an easy task compared with reading it. aud it wasn't from Frank Cowan either. Wm. B. Cokfroth foreman of the V ley Indcpendtnt oflice, chin whiskers and all, skipi-d in to see us this week. He looks well ami bus entirely recovered from the effects of the fight ha fit" for the Re "Vcbliean cause. Notice. All j-rsons knowing them selves indebted to us, will please call at our new Flour depot on Marshall's corner, and make immediate payment, as we have suffered by fire, and necessity requires that t.c make "collection of all outstanding ac counts. v ou Beekits. Gents Buck. Dog Skin. Wash Leather and Kid Gloves, suitable for street or driv Ihi.', at Fashion "Bazar." Mrs. Jas. B. Tiiedwei.u .No. 0, Mammoth Block. Ot u fiinid and fellow townsman G. W. Ben ford came into our oflice a short time ago. Though Mr. Benford bad not set type for a or more years, he mar s'lialled the type into the stick with tlie ease and facility of a daily workman. Mr. Frank Miller, be of pigeon roost fame, intormed cs last wees, that wb'.le t, tUTotign me county on uuw . ... ' i (i he had in u large uumoers oi squirrels. Mr. Miller says that only for the past few days he has" noticed their great abun dance. Bunny is evidently migrating to a more congenial clime. Gfxt's Uxpkbwark, Collars anCufls. llan.lkf rchiefs. Merino and British llie, Scarls, Bows and Ties, at low prices, at Fashion Bazar." Mits. Jas. B. Tuf.dwfi.l. No. V, Mauiiiiotli Block. The new M. E. I'hurch in St ys'.own villi U- iKtlicaled ou Sabltath, Detx'iubrr t.tli. The .-cl vw-es wul ofH-n al loi a. m ti) be c",!iib:.-tC'l liv JV-'V. I. C, I'tliiiig, irt.ii, ji y, li Beaimlii, 1). II., of l'if.sbu 1. 1"., and other ininifiers. AH are in. M'ii-o loaticnti Y", A. 8TKWAKT. Paetor. SM'Pkll fiii-nds and & I'm, have notified, their numerous tustoiners that on ana utter ihe i oi uiej wi.i ol DeCfiaUr, K,lexcilisuen ior rj ... '" Cull and see bclore purchasing v'-nr here. Cash w ill buy cheap. t.svrrn nil- to t 1 w in oracl Should they continue to practice as stead ily in the future as they have in the past e ill soon have a tad to w bich we may justly ptiiut with pride. ' ' . The Rhior editor for this paper wishes ' gram l!'"Ht-T aeu, -n ei., mow i'congvlvania. The route so r,.tirn liw I ianK5 lo me meilllicrs I'l Hit; " " " lliouau mouniainoun biiu uietM, . . . .. .. . .. I I IJI B lAlil llllill LIT1III1I S It' IT 11 hllH .1 . 4 i'om',t Iln,l for ihe. sen-nude getr "SUe has done extremely well, f -eaiy shorten the dislance between 'icy so kindlv tendered him one day ol "er uuaouuu m.-..."" more ami ail western pom ts. ills im wetk The Un play remarkably I cuanic, woo wia maae uer a g. i that ten millions ol dollars would .. . ' . . - i.. " luiml " "Well. Etranirer." tlie odlsdyi. ..... j 4n. .,! w oil v in. n t ii anon time tiicv imvc iktii i c... - - rutin tuu nwu mm e u . . . . " .. tKiinlitrii!lr rnlio.l .-11 rrtll fiftv inflV lie 1 : t .. . t.'i. i. 1 I ..,.., nlll 1 .1 . 1 j T . r- J I T 1 1 1 :,,L'Ulm.m..t - ... w. ... J j i TMV UT lilt .1 II . M w ,1 I.-r, ! i. n niiir Our friend and patron, Mr. Frank ; Countrvmnn. recen'ly sold Lis farm near Lavansviile, containing ou acret wr ou'.'w. . Mr. Jacob Baker was the purchaser. Lodged ik Jail On last Wednesday as cvenins; a colored uian, giving lit name! a, Charles Johnson, Lut known about! Mcvcrsdalc. as Davy, was committed to i-iil" on a charce of having stolen some m psrinir apparel, strap Rna loweis. Iroui t - i t ia ivr tf-r anil finii.ra w - - . . . . , ... ; j courteous to the memory of Creorge 111. Col. Yitzt not being satisfied with j 7, T beinz elected Senator must needs make an According to a 1 lttsburgli newspaper, an audition to his guano establishment, the gray sfiuirrtda in the A.legheny Yai Mr Kichard Thomas and Mr. Dennis I ley are engaged n a general migration. Meyers the same parties that furnished They draw their recruits from all points, the Colonel with the hawk, shipped him a j and may be seen daily swimming the river young loon last week. Dick captured it in large numbers and pursuing an eat on Kantner's dam. Will the Legislative erly course Old farmers ay lhati such a li.wv.r.1 turninh rnanno a uotatlocs this winter. Colonel? lna T r-. . III. IT. .roir Jlltbr. ! nalliDrnnaT0idabb 'absent during the Urt wwk or court, be was so fortunate Lsecur th? services of Judge Kiik- Stricki lo preside over court. Judge Kirk in abl Jndce and cultured gen- ' ".. . .. r. ,n i, Uenian ana maae quae a j" prcssion large. the bar and couiuiuuuy ai;i Tnu niii..n CSmritt in speakinz of the .,;. o ,r n.n rnnunr kiv: -The first and greatest misuse of his'life was his not . u. n.'luimA tkniiK. ere we oiii.ju i ? , - ... i. Thantiirii -nir ; we siiouio. cro u vuuit-u ii....-,.. "i i".JJ h, n,A biilou.' to aiiu iuum ------ - . 't I . the same ;ecie as does JTisuer. it w a little fiat My ho this thing of wanting to redut the Inquirer wer to his wn level, Havtag rcjaircd damages by the late fire, I have again opened my Photograph Gallery at the old stand. A lull line ol Pictures. Moulding and Frames always on hand. Old Tictures caretully copied and en larged. aL Wu. U. WELF1.EY. The old ladv's Mea of a gun "danger ous without lock, stock or barrel," would 1 modified by a sight of a gun prcscnicu ; to Samuel W. Wright, of Addison, by S city friend. Nothing is visible but the barrel, and that is so highly finished as to look anything but dangerous. It shoots with great lorce and accuracy, and is loaded by a motion of the trigger. Great improvement, no doubt, but many will like "the good old way" best, alter all. M h SiMtt - Onejol the Herald staff dropped in the other evening on a party good natur edly dialling one another about the late election; one tide saying sharp things about going. up ."Salt Paver auU the other about coming down. A Ki publican in the crowd was blessed with that intel lectual indicator, a Urge nose, "of th hiph old Koman fashion. A Democrat who felt very good tpirit ually and polit irallv. insisted that he should L'o, "because the iartv wanted to use his nooe as a steer ing apparatus. Among t lie oaa jokcs afloat t hat cominir lnmi a "Hidsrer ought to jmsa muster. A BLIGHT snow fell hereabouts Friday. Satnrday the wood were full ol gun ners, tico. 11. layman Kineu a large deer weighing when dreised loO pouuos. "Dody carries the oelt, tins uting viie first deer killed by any ol our town sports men this season. On the same day Messrs Hurst, right- and Picking bailed seven rabbits and quite a number of partridges and pheasants. Mr. Irank Cooper could have worn a fox "brash" in his cap bad lie pleased to oeprive ue Ueynaid he bagged ol that busby appen dage. A fiiiexd of ours, we suppress his name that we may spare his blushes, came into the oflice on Friday evening and invited us to call with him on some lady friends of his. Yielding a ready assent, wo accom panied him to his room that he might get himself up regardless. Hearing some tall cussing wc asked, What's the matter? Oh that darn'd washwoman has sent me some other fcllowa shirt, it's ruffled round the bottom, the sleeves are too short to but ton cuffs to and there isn't any place for a collar." i We didn't gi culling. "Tiik pKr ye have always 'with you," is a text that should be considered by all now that the cold weather has fairly set in. Now more than at other times it be comes the duty of communities to look after this unfortunate class of their popu lation. While in small towns like tins we have little or none or that abject poverty that one sees in the cities, yet there are many to whom a helping hand should lie extended in order that they may te com fortable during the winter. Work will be scarce and money still scarcer, and many a man lie "lie ever so frugal and in dustrious will find it hard work to pro vide his family with food and clothing. Thekb was a taffy pulling at other night. John took Emily the home. Conversation was rather slack as they walked lonz under the silent staM, a fact which might have been attributed to their great happiness at being alone together or miabt lie attributed thai they each had a . S -. . . .r. ! .U..:- ...... .!,, On larire mere oi ui;i y i" ii-.i muuum. reaching the door John encircled Emily's waist with his arm and bent lovingly over her lor a eood night- kiss, lhey kissed, but w hen tlu y attempted to tear them selves assunder they found that they were drawn together by a closer and sweeter tie than that of love, there Ill's stuck as though they had been glued. Emily says she won't take anv more tady in htr n, while John declares be will never kiss a cirl again ualew kbe lakes a bite ol taffy first. TuosE good old, time-honored institu tions known as 'husking bets" and "ap pie butter boilings" w ith many another old rural custom, have gone out ot lathion to a considerable extent in "this country, and it is but rarely that we hear ol a gathering ofthis kind. In the eood old times people looked not so much at the amount of labor that would lie performed as at the social. hennv, feelings that would oe engenucreo. Affairs of Ibis kind always wound op with a auooer and a dance, and "they went borne with the cirls in the morning." In those later days, however, when th inaior:. of men bow at the shrine or lh. almichiv dollar, they have allowed those customs to fall into disuse for fear that they may have to stretch their purse strings. -- - . vi A Tiiriiliso Volume. We lately listened to the conversation of Corns and Corn Doctors. It was an exciting and pe culiarly Interesting subject and was ably handled. The thought struck us that a most interesting volume of t;xpcricncos could le compiled from the narratives ot the sufferers. We projvsc to all who have had prolonged or unusual experiences to send them to us and we will publish them in the Herald. If any one feeling unable to grapicl with the subject himself, will notify us we will send an experienced reporter- "who knows how it is liimnelt." to write it up. Here is a rare vh:SW vr (o,micrsett ::untT sufferers to sccureannudi c-ni The heartless and irusympaH iing worldlings, who turned away or listened coldly, if at ail. will no longer be sought tor. o'r invited to droo In this evening olid taste a little of thai." No! A wider, larger, hugely sympathetic audience awaits the sutlerers experience. Not sympathy alone but fame awaits the heretofore un appreciated victim of Corns and Coin Doctors. But gihtlenien. Dou t : wc lie: don't all siM-ak at once. ol you Several years ago we heard Squire Roddv.of Addison, tell a story which wc thought at the time ought to be "imbaha, -d in print,'" to' iittte western phrase. W e ueelciUed nt the ti;ne to sk his per miksioii, acd have cont inued to take il forj cranlcd. lie said a family formerly lived vrars fr-iiu irxrz rrcT, .- . i i i illdw f iintviiuiiv v mountains supposed ty those posted in ( t)f local geography lo refer to a ixirtion , iayetie county. In this lamiiy was ij ilaughter uily was sue ntgui; remar- Ublelortbe atwenee ol personal r nanus. Mn the c une ol time bally man im, ami me squire went over tue mountain. v-. was reoiienicu i-i mm on mcir uichub buu t call on their friends and j tell them the UtttS, Sally's w eliding Xir- ( ticularly 1 hey were pleased, of cuiifiv, very true; he may be sober and alHhat, outsure s you nve mere s a soiispoiBuui.c, flortj wittdoiIbtU;ii be fnade to inducv him or he never would of married our t,ecity Gt Baliiinore to provide the 'ways Sail" ..... t.. i land means. . I HEburreme Court nasaeeicieu mat an express agent collecting money-Tor wutsky Bum mm a i)nui lyuuy u.a. I U. U. JJ., IS guilty oi a vioiauou oi tue ; local option In , lis lie is viriunny acung an agent for the sale of liquor. Tim Queen of England, t appears. has strictly fobidden any participation in our Centennial by the royal Muiily. or any members thcreot. Such delicacy id oi fni rvji noiiirMi. i L huuiu ... ., , . ..tiiii:. d pun u u. migration nas Bmuuvui... , ri-srard it as the lorerunnerot an ex- ! treniely severe winter. There are nearly 300 coal mines a this State, whoso annual production is over 5.500,000 tons, though it will tall far short ot th.s year every mine suffering tann the panic. Only two th.rds .i.inr.j urn unrWinsr at treent. ana .-. - , ; ' , - icv uu u - , . There are auouv .A"o men mm u-t cm- ployed in the mines ground, says an item and 4.800 aUive thai is going the rounds. Is a hospital in Mon.pelior. Funce. is a ,wtii.Mi lm lma last swailowea a llier- , . - , ., !m.mieter left on his table, while suffering Iroui & temporary delirium. They have a great dial of trouble with hnn now. Vhen he drinks hot coffee that thermome ter liies up asainst the roof of his mouth hard enough" to lift his hat off, and when lie caU ice cream it gets down into his boots and worries his corns. 0e ot the hardest lessons for young people to learn is to practice ecoqomy, It is a harder duty for a young man to accu mulate and save his first thousand dollars iimn Hie nMt ten thousand. A man can lip rronomwtd without beinz mean, and it is one of his most solemn duties to lay up Kii'Kr ii-nt in his davs of strength and pros perity to provide lor lnmseii una uiose who are or may be dependent on him in days of sickness or misfortune. Fatbtteville vas greatly shocked on Saturday, the 7th inst., by an accident which finally resulted in the death of a young man named Meyers, son of Mr. John Meyers, of that place. It appear he was sawing a piece of timber on a cir cular saw at McElroy's saw mill, when by p. .i.,. nnitrnniinlable mishat) the piece of u-oort was' cauchl by the revolving disk nd thrown with such force against the head of the young man that the skull wa9 fractured, and the Drain oozea inereuoiu. His death occurred the same evening. i'hambertburg Opinion. Last Saturday afternoon, as Dr. Mc Culloch and wife were driving to the Springs in a buggy, Ihe horse shied, caus ing the buggy to collide with the Spring's water wagon. The doctor was pitched out noon the eround and was picked up insensible and carried into the residence of David Stivers, where in the course ot halt an hour he revived;, His wife clung to the dashboard and thus escaped a 6imilar fio p. The horse, fortunately, became de tached from the vehicle at the shock, and ran awav. or serious consequences might have followed. We are glad to say that ihe Dr. is recuperating rapidly and that the injuries he sustained are not of a se rious nature. Bedford Inquirer. A Plucky Oiiil. Oa Thursday of last wci-k a thrce-nromied buck that had evi dently been much worried by hunters and dogs passed w uiiia a Miori uisujnce i .r. Coleman's residence in Berkley's Mills, and was seen by Mr. Coleman's daughter. n mis of fourteen, who at once gave chase, a small dog belonging to the family ably seconding her ; the deer was too far . gone n fir miii-h resistance and soon yielded to the attacks of the dog and the club in ih hfimUof the losolute cirl. Mr. Cole. ni!' fiimilv had venison for supper and Miss Missouri was the heroine of the hour, Valley Jndtvendent. These two items arc from the Mount rivasant Journal. Last Friday Messrs Geo. Milbec and Jim Overholt went hunting. By accident James received a load of shot from Gee's iron, in his lei and hand. Moral : beware how you lxiim your gan and if the game is towards a human creature, let it go scott free. The drug store ofJLmdolph & Kuhn, in this place, was entered by burglars last night and roboed ol $3 in money, per fumery and other articles to a considerable amount. Look out tor mem. A Serioi s Affray. On Monday even ing last, Mr. William Mitchell, the Chief ol Police of this place, was assaulted and seriously cut with a pocket knife in tlie hands ot a yonng mar. named Robert Gam ble. Mitchell attempted to arrest a brother of his assailant, when he was attacked by both thebro hers, Robert striking huu with knife in the shoulder near the shoulder blade. Mitchell's wounds were dressed by Dr. SL Clair, and he is reported to be improving, lie made a narrow escape. 1 he young men, Robert and John Gam ble were arrested soon alter the affray by i Burgets Smith, John Weir and J. li. Cole-1 man ,and arc now in jail. Mitchell has made an information against them for felonious assault and bat,: tery. Indiana Democrat. Ibaaknf lvln rrerlnsuaiieB. In the Ji'amt and by the Authority of tlit CommomceaWi of rennnylrania. A proclamation of the President of the United Suites designates Thursday, the 2Gth day of November, as a day ot Thanks giving, and I recommend that the people of Pennsylvanian reverently dedicate that day to making acknowledgment to Al mighty God for the blessings vouchsafed to us during the past year. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one tlrfjusand eiirht hundred and seven It -four, and of the common wcallk the ninety-ninth. J. F. Hartrasft. By the Governcr. M. S. Quay, Secretary of the Commonwealth. A piKTixf.r'isiiVli " medical authority V arus the drinkers of water of wells near dwellings, to beware of the typhoid poison sure to be found sooner or later in these reservoirs, if any of the house drainage can ocrcolutc to them. The gelatinous matter often found niion the stones of a well is poison to the human system, caus ing by its spores a fermentation of the blood, with the abnormal heat of fever. Wholesome, untainted water is always tree from all color and odor. To test it thoroughly, place in it a few grains of lump sugar, and expose it, stopiered, to sunlight, in a window. If, even after' an' exposure of eight or ten diiyi, Hid wiiter becomes turpid, be 6UW lhat it has been couliiUiMiiiled by sewerage of some kind. l it remains perfectly clear, It is pure and safe. It is supposed by some persons that it is necessary for farmers and others to adver tise that gunning and hunting is forbidden on their lands. The act of April 9, 17SK), provides that if any person shall preSume to hunt or carry a gun on any enclosed or improred lands of any inhabitant of this State, without permission ol the owner, or shall thereof I convicted !cfore any Justice of the Peace, lie shall for every such offence, forfeit the sum of forty hil lings. This act, the 'Supreme Court 6i Pt nn ylvauia in a case decided May Illh, IStiOl "is still in ibrce, apd thai oiTenders pwv be summarily convicted, upon Infor mution laid before any Justice of the Peace. Fanners arc not obliged lo adver tise, but il is as well to do so as it savef the ; annoyances of resorting to legal proeecd- ! ,n ,,iliD? cases, because gunners will i.'i- woim., Pitied on their properties, and therefore will give their premises a wide berth. Tie extension ol the Western Mary- j.ici Haiirtwd to Johnstown, savs Ihe Ai- ,,K,na Tribune, is now being agiutcd. , T,. r..,k Kulrpes'ed is from Hasrerslown to! j0iist)wn, connecting with the Fepnsvl- . a ivntra ltai road, a oitbmce ol u v tme hundred miles, through Franklin, Fuf- Bedford, Somerset and Cambria coun - rveyed, wouhl Balli - est i mat- con- for a .ir-ntlv! j priilrctcl by its -projectors ' would1 foUow. ton I IRE AT METIIHD..I.E. Seventl We have s to i sort tli t iMvrlltas Itarnrd. :opp3il Olir press ? follow ug 'tlls-j paten: Mkyeksdale, Nov. '21. A five broke out about half- past o'clock last nigUt m lhu?hcr s store, riunters gro- cerv, uonp-es iiiitiifr oaui aad Gill. Walter's recidencc were reduced 10 asues. The light from the fire could b3 seen here. A Catbix Altoojsa In quarrvlng for stone in Altoona, the entrance to a.natural mvp. was discovered. It was expi'-red. ml found to lie five feet high, five feet a-id, and twenty feet in length. - ' The cave is fitieen feet below ground. All this distance has lieen excavatca through solid rock, and is the result ot vears of arduous toil. The opening up of the cave is alone an event worthy of spe cial men! ion. Something that resembles a brass so.d, corroded with the nisi of un told centuries, was lound occupying a niche m one of its chamber. The cave must necessarily at some formor period have been inhabited. By whom, and when! and where is the owning that leads from the outer world to the interior of this sub terranean edifice? These are questions which engross the attention of all our thinking mpn. The ground has been thoroughly surveyed io every direction, but no possible mode of ingress can be lound. Laneqster Jiiellisemr. Thaddecs Stfven'b Estate. Last week we chronicled the death bf Thaddeus Stevens, nephew of "the Great Common er." In this connection says the Lanca.- ter Erpre, it liecomes a matter ot interest to recall the laci that me oiu uiramuucr cave Ut the deceased (b his last will and icatHiiipnt) an annuity of 8800, and, if certain conditions which he imposed upon deceased had been complied with, the whole estate would have reverted to him ; otherwise the estate was to go to the found ing of an orphan asylum for the use of all denominations, races and colors. Inas much as Col. Stevens did not comply with the condition of the will, the entire estate (barring a few few small bequests) will go to the the founding of a great orphan asy lum in Lancaster. 1 no estate is variously estimated to be worth from $100,000 to f 150,000. The will designated the south ern section of Lancaster south of East or West King street as the location lor the asylum ; and we understand that certain parties in that section are now reauy i" give the land just as soon as theexecutois, Hon.0. J. Dickey, Hon. Edward M'Pher son and Hon. A. E. Roberts are ready to proceed with the building. Sad Occurhekce. The Latrobo Ad- tanc of last week says : "Quite a sad occurrence, that of the ac cidental poisoning of a very interesting child of Dr. Donnelly, occurred in our midst durine the past week. It appears that the child was playing in the yard and coming across a bottle of rat jioison which had been thoughtlessly thrown there, got some of it in its mouth and swallowed it. When the mother took the child into the house she took notice that its clothing was covered with some substance emitting a very disagreeable smell. Upon cxamin ing the place where it had been playing, the bottle containing the poison was found. The odor was occasioned by the phosphor us contained in the poison. Sometime during the night the child was taken very sick, but hugered several days, gradually getting worse until it was released from sufferinsr on Saturday night last. A soon as the nature of the poison wjieh the child had taken, was discovered, all that human power could do was done for it, but with out avail." Tue sight of a once familliar face reviv ed some long-forgotten or only dimly-re membered Incident ot lormer tunes. When Professor Stutzman's classical acad emv was one cf the institutions ot Somer- seL and the streets were perhaps unduly familiar with the students of famous "Dotheboys Hall," the lollowing scene was of such frequent occurrence, as to be come a siandinr joke : Two students meet at the corner of the Diamond and Main Cross Street. Number 1, loquitur) "Got any tobacco 'bout ye?" No. 2 "No 1 1 don't use it." No. 1 "Can't you gim'me a eeeg-yart" No. 3 "Don't smoke, I tell vou !' No. 2 "Oh ! don't you." W"ell Jet's go over to Bill Colvin's (2 moves assenlingly) and you treat. 1" No. 2 Moves off indignant No.' 1, making a, last eiTwt, cries: "Can't you giin'me a napple, or what La that in yer pocket T" This was of course overdoing it, but that boy, used to the prodigality of the students among themselves, had got to expect something or the offer of it when ever he met one of them, and consequently became a bore. fnrt rroceelinpa. Court convened on Monday Jqv lOlh, his Honor, judge Kirknatrick presiding. Associates Mowry and Turner on the bench. Caroline R. Beck vs Joseph C. Coughe nour, as6 u illicit. Jury returned a verdict in favor ot the Plaintiff for the sum of $100. John Wellcr vs David Younkin, tres pass. Jury returned a verdict in favor of Plaintiff for the sum of $ 10. Wm. McCnlly, vs Ed. Scull. Wm. II. Koontz and M. A. Sanner. Plaintiff takes a nonsuit John II. Fear vs Jacob Nedrow and George W. Lenuart. Jury eworn, pend ing trial Defendant Jacob Nedrow con fesses judgment for $ 83 92 and case settled as to Geo. W. Lenhart. John J. Bruce vs Ed Scull, sei. fa. sur mec. lien, verdict for Plaintiff for $182 43. Motion for new trial filed. John J. Bruce vs Wm. H. Ifoopts, set fa. sur mec lien, verdict for plaintiff for 2ZT 80. Motion fur a hew trial tiled. ' John J, Bruce vs M. A. Sanner, sci. fa. ur mec lien, verdict lor Plaintiff for $335 80. Motion tor a new triad filed. Com. use of J. R McMillen vs Freder ick Krcager, sci. fa. sur recognizance. Jury returned a verdict for Def. Motion for new trial filed. In the case of AdamJMull vs Leah Mull, application for divorce, a decree was grant ed by the Court. John J. Berkley vs Lena Berkley, ap plication for divorce, a decree was granted by the Court. The following casej re rom, tU,e cniuU nal docket. . Com y'j Joh,a Kply, F & Don iriforma liort pi"AHhie Pen roil, lU'Cogniitauco for feited, Com vs Wm. lUngler, cutting timber, on information of Win. J. Baer. Recog nizances forfeited. Com vs Geo. Deal, F. & B. on informa tion of Ella Miller. Continued. Com vs Geo. Cunningham, surety, on information of Jno. S. llinebaugh. Case dismissed and process issued lor the pros ecutor. ... Com vs Israel Putman, F. & B. on rn formation of Mary Pile. Process award' ed for the defendant In the case of Com. YJ Vm, Shadr'uk the bill was ignored jind process award ed f,6r tVv '(risjecjtar Jlenry Lapo, Wk have ouimitted our market report for the past few weeks as It was not cor rected regularly, hereafter wc will en deavor to" have it corrected so that it may be relied upon.- ; - Thk Somerset Brass Baud. Since this band was first organized it has pro gressed far more rapidly than was antici patcd by its most sanguine friends. We have never known a band to play better after the same amount of practice. 1 hev gave us a serenade oh Thursday iigll of last week. We acknowledge tccllng somewhat alarmed when they came in, bn.t glapcicg around and observing that they were mostiy boys. Indeed they were all boys our fears were allayea. e were all very much surprised when we were 1 told that their instructor, Irvin J. JltRlcy, was but sixteen years of age. Mr. Ilei- i fiev s gentlemanly deportment and plcas- ! in ir manners make him a ceneral MrorUe. The band played soroe halfuozen 'pieces. ana we tvHtgtit wo the ola ase that of t att the ntfite w'o Latl ever heard this was rhA least disiicrecable. After ulavinc the boys proceeded to the house of our netgh- bor, Noah Roberts, who gave them a hearty welcome, being a musician himself. i'oaa knew now Co appreciate their me- loJious notia. ": Entering a room in Mr. Hubert's house Iliy played sfveral airs. !. j The nww!er. of t!i' I'.md were iiilri:it'd "imMr Ho!n;ri'a l'antilv when a'l Kit down an ek-ipinl MipiK-r Thi'ii tMiii--- iii'tc music auit ami ; uie iii ii-iio ui. -i. y alinost )ir; 'K that Fny year? "I Hie workl's tuniioil hiid pusst.l ii!.::! wee A 1m. All retireil in good iin'.iT a' ten o'clm k. We fil bnnon-i! Kiiil lii.iiiU tin- l:ys h-r the compliment They ui:in!a;.s ttcl come In the Pines.. Wu. Aenw'"''sn,at- To (It Local Editor: Your reference to ty pographical errors in a recent hrticle over my initials in the Pittsburgh Chronicle is timely :ind judicious. 1 acknowledge the errors made by "perverse compuls itors" ith toy. not the most legible, MSS.. and also acknowledge the justness of your remarks about the mime of the village re ferred to. The prefixes and suffixes at tached to names are barbarous remnants of past ages, and should be discontinued for town nomenclature. Liston it certain ly preferable to Listonville or Lisionburi:. Crsin., bruinisk as it may sound, is cer tainly incomparably l etter than Baerville. The new names whi- h are filling our geo rrsnhical vocabulary are decided improve ments on the old ciW Continence is a sti ikiiiiT improvement on "Turkey foot." and Youg'u Station a most commendable substitute for "Steward." wh.rre our !e- parlud friend whilom Hourisfctrd ati-J came so near sotl'erin en nation, a fate reserved for the !!rd of November, when politicians were practically roasted. While on names, I may remark : Who has not been str jck with the miserable, poverty-stricken nomenclature every w here marking our rivers, mountains, cities. towns. &CT instead oi preserving me beautiful aboriginal names by which every mountain and river, stream and running brook were known, we hfve alisurd names, exciting derision from New York to Lis-touville.- Yerbum tap. W. DeII. Falls City, Neb. ) Nov. 4. 1S71. J Editor Herald: I have been a con stant render of your most valuable paper for quite a number of years, more attentively since I live in liie West. It comes to us every Saturday night, bringing Somerset County news, and 13 carefully read by the entire family. Many of our eastern friendssuppose lhat we who live out here in Nebraska have to live in a rough way and are subject to all the nrivation and hardships of a frontier I life, and that wc have to held on to our i :...,... ii i f...i: n iocks io Keen vne wo j luuuws h inging them in their belts, and exist in mortal terror of being trampiea io aeaiu by buffilo. Our houses are supposed by such to bv; holes dug in the earth, and that our cities exist only on paper. We are supposed to live on prairie liens and an telopes, uur ClOlliing is sam io cousisi principally of deerskins aud linsey wool. It some ol the persons who entertain sueu ideas woulioome out here, it would be amusing to see their look of surprise on their facc3 as they would ride through the streets of our cities and see the beauti ful busiucss blocks, beautiful private resi dences and splendid school edifices. They would be no less astonished to see the nicely 'cultivated farms and comfortable farm houses furnished with all the luxu ries of eastern homes. The dug-outs do not appear. Our cities they jiud a sober reality, ami tue incrans ao not pan-oui worth a cent. The facts are, the people of Nebraska live as comfortably and their cities are ns well built as in the Slates further East. It is true that men going to the frontier to make homes for themselves, who -have Utile or no money, necessarily subject themselves to many privations. Ike lrontiersman, however, is lnnnueiy better off and has better prospects for the future tbrn the. poor of other sections of the Union. Men who will work can do well here, but the drones have a hard time of it. It requires men to be active, industrious and persevering if they expect to succeed. It there is any work in a man the west will bring it out. " If a man is made of punk and roiten woxl he had better stay at home and be fed by his father and waited on by his mother, mouldering through life without doing anything for himself but waste victuals. But let ail the bright, vounz and vigorous come and win their reward. There are thousands of acres of prairie soil yet uncultivated, awaiting tlie plowman. Our fall grain Uioks very promising in this part ot the State, I releer more partic ularly to the southeastern part with Richardson county as a centre, a locality that is truly the garden ot the country. li. 11. A visit to Mt. Storm. During my residence ia Bloomington, W. Va., busi ness culled mo to tlie Allegheny Moun tains. Il so happened that Friday, the day fixed for n pic nic at Mt. Storm, pre ceded the day I was to lie at North Branch, and enabled me to conveniently attend the rural gathering. About 4 o'clock p. m. found me dismounting at ill. Storm. From a grove near by came the sound of merrimcn',1 a dim sound of music, and a hoarse rumbling - soured lis unto forty boys jumping up aud down on a platform. Wendimj my way thither, I here and there met stragglers from the centre of enjoyment, some w iping the per spiration off Their faces as if just relieved from active duty, others had the graceless swagger and perpetual smile ol men "half shot" and at peace w ith the world. One, seeing I w.ia a stranger, generously drew from his pocket a small flask and levelled it at me. 1 dodged, however, leaving the shot for a more susceptible subject Further along, a squad had lormed a circle and were amusing themselves sparring in regular prize-ring style ; two ot the most scientific were in the ring facing each other with a good natured pic nic grin. Friends stood round cheering at every pass. Now they went in, "squatted," "shied" and spread their brawny bruisers like sheep heads, and finally grappled each other like twin brothers. Both con vinced of their prowess and satisfied with its exhibition, retired in harmony behind a friendly oak and "smole" on a phiai of "olive water" and closed the tableau, A little further down, In the center cf about one -hundred men, women and children, I halted a second time. Lemonade, cigars, cool mountaia water, &c,, was dispensed from a liule stand near by. A platform of plank had been arranged on some scant ling, and hero was the centre of excite ment The parties were not all in ball costume, though some of the ladies were prettily dressed and presumed an ap pearance of grace and beauty that a city belle might envy. They danced in ear nest ; none of youtfiniciil or fancy steps, but genuine, original "heel and toe"' outs that keep the fiddler wide-awake. One huge fellow attracted eyccial attention. I couid not describe, him. without one of Nast's cuts. Imagine however, a fig ure like a spliced hominy block, with a nose like the tail of a comet, a fxt like a sugar trough and hands like a biace of saplings, hammering and slashing around promi&cuou&ly. Fortunately his (lancing was welfdistrilmted or the floor must have given way. When ltc promenaded it was something between a double-shuttle and a single-fooled rack, and though the violin-1 ist's arm worked like tlie piston rod of a Wmel back engine, his music was left far! behind in these dashes. One ambitious j fellow, not a dancer, appeared in a sky blue roundabout, and pants trimmed with gaudy red stripes, running i angles and triangles around h,io. It was. a cross be tween a fancy groom and a zouave uni form.' 'Tf hne 'for' disbanding approached, Lovfe'vcr, ' and the crowd, in wagons, buggiea, and mounted two on a horse, sought a neighboring house where it was contemplated continuing the festivities of the day. Further than this deponent knowei'n not. That these honest hearted mountaineers (although a mountaineer myself,) enjoyed their holiday in a manner never realized in cities and towns, no one who hud participated could doubt. '1 he occasion was one to be renumbered with pleasure by the participants! But, , for a little too "free circulation of adulterated w ater, no exception could Le taken, to. the conduct of any. RcpyctiuUv ours, ' ' 11. li. GEllltK. Wli'Hix the !t fifteen years the Catho lics of the -world have sent the I'ope $20," otw.coo. maici:ii:i. IMHOFF W'ELSIIAN'S f, iinh. 18T4, nt the home of the bride, by ltev. L. I). Steckel. asted by ltevs. J. W. Al- srach, A. E. Truxal and II. F. Keener, r li r. V illiatu' Conrad Imboltand 3Iiss Mary j Iicliecca AVtlfchans, bot j of Meycrsdale. t 1UED. ROSS Tuesdsy raornrcg. Novemlier ; l"th, 1S74. Yernie, daughter of A. Mar-1 shall and Laura Hasans Ross, of Con flu- j ence. Pa., aged 10 months and 3 days. Xcw AdvertitevienfA. With every iota of unnecswary ex penaa cut off Buying t First HanH" whole Cap goes of Good t one time Watchinfl the Market, and using Cash when it is Cash Manufacturing eystematir-atly and withm Business Exrcrience cf Four teen Vears Basing our Selling Friees upon Money paid "Down at Onoe, and thus save ourselves from losses and delays usual to credit business- Marking Proper Names and Quality w of goods on Tickets, and in Plain Fig- 2 ures, ao that CHILDREN may Buy as rj Safely as GROWN PEOPLE Returning the Money when Parties Prefer to Return their Purchases Thorough Attention to all Departments mMm and BROWS. pUCLIC NOTICE. Notlw 18 hereby ctren to all persons lnlre!ite.l ttat ilication will N) "l t undrliraf t Commissiooerj of county to tbs next Lcitislaturo to fpeal the law jo far s Somerset count; l Mimnwil, pfeJ on the ith day of April. lta declaring tlie tnis extent ami meanlnjrof the act approved the 17th day of .March. 1W5, vli: "Thai all iinca and jienailies imposed by the ey eral ( ours ef Franklin. Adam.'., Somerset and Fulton counties, whi.-h by exintini; laws are not parable to tlie Common wealth ior it use. are heret.y directed to bo p ild Into the treasury of said counties for (lie u of s law library to bo kept In the Court House of sai l couulien lorthc use of the Cuur; au i 0r thcni f. II. H.WALTER, V.J. MILL F.K. Attest: F.J. roi'STKTMAX, Jacob Titrr. Commisiiiwiera. "PUBLIC SALK. in purssincB of an order of the Orphans Court of Somerset County, the un-lriimed A'iuihilsira torof Levi Leriniister lata of Jennr Township, deceased, will sell at puMic sale, ou the premies On Saturday, December 19.7, 1371, at 1 o'clock p. m.. tlie following real estate of sai.1 deceased, ernsu-tln as follows: M acres of laad, situate in Jenner townhlp, adolninn lands of Oeorife Hark ley, Dauiel Fuber. Jacob Eevuitster. John Thomas and others, of which ) acres ar cleared, with dwelling house, saw mill, barn and other butMinirs thereon MJel. TEK.MS cah 1st April, lsT5: 10 per cent of the purchase money to be either paid or secured lo bo paid as so the property U bid erf. J ACOB JL. Wt LF( IRD. nov25 Administrator. A DM 1 X 1 ST II A TO US OT 1 CE Estate ot Jjhrl Fust late of ProihersTally twp., deceased. Letters of a.lni!nistrati o en the a";OT estato hi vini? been grained to the undersigned, notice is hereby Kiven to those indebted to it to make imme diate payment, and those having claims airaifHt it, to present them duly authenticated for settle ment at la:e residence of deceased, oa Saturday, the 2ud day of January li. XV1LWAM FOI ST. Adiutnistralor. Nov. ii OTICE. "Notice I hereby given that 1 have made appll catiou to the Surveyor Oeucral, of Penn'a. Ior a warrant for 90 acres of unimproved land in Addi son Township Somerset county. Fa., adjoining lands warranted in the n;iies,oC, Peter Augus tine. Jain.-S lituMm in an I tieorg ass. OriOKOE rASS. Nov, 15 Pittsburgh & Conndlsvills RAILROAD. ALTERATION OF TI3IE. -o- On and aster Sunday, Nov. l.b, 1ST, Trains on this Roa 1 will Depart and Arrive from Depot, orner Qmnt and Water streets, as follows: DEPART. rlTTSHrUGH T1JIB. AKSIVB. TJnlontowu Ac. I JIcKeesport Ae- oin... : a.m.' : com t:a a.r- Through Mall.S:ut a.m. McKe.esj)ort Ac Mixed IVsv :-J5 a.m. com 7:3 a.m. M'Keespori Ae- I W. Newton A'e- C'in 11:00 a.m.1 ! com 8:2. a.m. Mcfceesport Ae- i Through Ex.. .8:60 a.m. com 3:lp.m.l omontowa Ae- Unioutown Ac- com 10:15 a.m. McKeesjiort Ac cra Ii: m. JI'Keesport Ac- com 3:45 p.m. McKecspc.t Ac- corn 4:2j p.m. W. Newton Ac- l rum z:vup.n. eora a:la p.m. McKecsjiort Ac- cm 9 -Mp.m, Through Kx.,. .S:iiu p.m. McKeesport Ae- I coin, 11:15 p.m.. Wei Newton ! Ctiurch Train. W: p.m. McKeesport Ae- !rm (r.lOp.m. IV'nioutown Ac cm 5:40 p.m. iM Kcesport Ae- 'com 7. 35 p.m. Through MalL.S-.'JU p.m. West Newten .Chuxch Train. lo:06 p.m. Kill ail Act uaiaistuMiiiiii SQ3I3JS. ElJEiS Tnlu Mil T v rnntrivtu " "imr'i n nn L. i,. ntiU'dail, Cfia L U. DOU Gen. ssft. Ga. Pia iia I. Geueral Ticket office, 43 5th Avenue. A THOROUGH k SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL. ATTENTION Is called to the lvantaa;es of the 1UII1Y1II. PI. SIMIMY. One of the most successful, thorough, htalthfai and economical Boarding Schools for Girts. About 870.000 aj been cxyended on the bulldir.g, (fr unJd and accommodations. ADVANTAGES. A Chrlstbin Tfome : experienced and successful Tcaehcrs : Phihoptiical and ( hemicil apparatus ; Maps and Charts; thorough instruction lu Music: fine Pianos; rooms unusually la rite, cheerful ami warm ; ventilation complete; gymnastie and vo cal Music in class without extra 'charge ; Gymna sium, ample irrounds, and tieantiful scenery - soft water, always pure ; Bath Kooms for pupils; ad mirable location, with entire freedom from smoltet noise and dust; near the Churches; pas lighltna danjrerfrom lamps ; weekly class iu ttiqutte and Propriety. rn!fowr: 8120 will yT ft txmrd. tuition hi all Knu:ii?li bfau-hes huI Latin, luel, rus in room, arid pom comjiictcly furulshcd, trow Jan. 13 la J one It), lTi. A'o extra charge is made for Fuet, I.W, Furnt furt. Tuition us Lai in. Vocal Untie ts eais. Gymnastics, crJt'Aemutry; aor for incidtntnU, at Library fee, ihalt, use of Apparatus, $-c. For full particulars as to expenses. Ac, send for Catalotrue which contains view or building, plan oi rooms. Ac and will iive an idea of the extent and character ot the patronage, Rev. JOSEPH WAUGIT, Principal, HoUidajfeburgh, Pa, WEBER PIANOS. YpQE.L A HUGHES ORGANS. SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC ROOKS, MUSICAL GOODS, WHOLESALE AM RETAIL. WILLIAM II. SI1EIB, 70 Fifth Avenue, riTTSCURG If. iSpecial attention to orders by uj-jil. AG EXT WJ.VTl'D. rs'ov.? rJmr.9nn a. PATENTS, - PENSIONS, And all OcscrtjJtlcES or Army and Jfavy claims prosecuted. AH'licailons by mail attende.. to as It made in person. Advi.-e tree. Addres W.C. BERI.NtiLR. CHaim and Pntent Ainu!. i: Samhiltld St., I ittsburah, V. Nov. ;5. AND FURXITUKE SLABS A SPECIALTY. Eau&rcs, Grates, fcc.t ke. JAMES OLD, 193 LIfJEKTY STREET, FITTSllCKaH, PA. Nov. 23. A'tvi ildccrlisemertts. -11 1 ONE PRICE. s P H W rLTIX GUARANTEE. ( THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Streets', PHILADELPHIA. I Cut out for Referenc.. Walchss, Eunosds, JsttsItt, Silver and Silver Plated wore, Cocks, Ercs zes, Cutlery, etc., cf the finest quali ties only cf ered regardless cf ccst Our stock rrast be cloced cat to naka satisfactory settlements with th3 es tate cf the late John Stevessoa. J01IX STEVENSON'S SONS, JfarM Street Pittsburgh. 93 B. Brooke Nyce BXJT COMMISSION 54 SOUTH STREET; sXjTIiviioie, hvee., Kenve-fully .l'.oit'nment of BITTER and general PRODVCE. The large and regular tra.1 tbat we hare for Umter ollcra superior inducements lor MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN tohlo to as. an.1 will be pleased to have their shipments and geneml If ivors. W primfse ttrlct at tention to their Interests and to obtain HUillLSf pri'mpt . ...I a n.l .ha.b I'.. TIIWMj, a. shipping cards lorwardeu Dy man, or to TOTICE All persons are hereby notified not to trespass on too property of the cn.lersigne.1 by Bunting, tlshlng or gathering nuts, berries, ic. Trespass era will bestrictJy dealt with according to law. W. L. HOBLITZEL" NoV. 25. FAYETTE COUNTY MUTUAL FifehsuiancsCompanj, S EWLN'S BS5TNTIELD I JCEN S. EASAfl ( 1'rtsidtrU. ) ( Treasurer. . ) g 'J . 11UPK. ViTCary. HOARD OF MANAGERS: WIU.IAM Mi4?LE.RV, Vuiontown, Tenna. H. UK AN KIN. J1IHN W- BARK. " EI.LIS HA ILY. JOHN'S. HAKAH. " KWINtJ KOWNFIELI. " WILLIAM II. BULV. " THOMAS H. F F.N N. ih. w m. u, sri iinim BHARLFiS'SKATiiN. u KOBKKT HoftSKTT. " , " li. M. MOH1SFTTR " ' " KOBEKT ii. Ml'LXIN, Fayette City, Fayette Countv.. Pa. J..f. MFVf:RS. Meyer!alv, Somerset Co., Pa, J. 11. I HL SiHnerset, - " J. M. St'HKOYtK, West Newton,Vcstm'J Cut, Henna. M. M. STAt'FFEK, ML Pleasant, Westm'd Co., Penn'a. U.;KYi:KSIKriINS,OreensbuTit, Westu'U Ck, Peun'a. ABKL. M. FVAXS, Amwell TT, Washington o.. Penn a. JAMF.S W. HAY, P.khhiU Tp., Green Cvunty, Penna- N. LAIVL.Y, C'amiWkaeU, Green County, P. PRINCIPAL OFFICE On Jroaduai, Uniontown, Fayette County, renn'a. IMacd o M is M-.zen keit thiko Moxdat is EVERY MOJITll. Si-ThUol, aad reliable Company hal ti-n In suacesttui ocraiion for thirty years, during which time all lot&es have been promptly paid. For further iuiomatioa apply to John it. t ::l, S mi-rs. :, . r VV. 11. HOPi;Sec-y. t'nijutown, Pa. Not. 3S. oyer's Cherry Pectoral, for Diseases of the Threat tnd Ltaj, sash aa Uuuga, Colas, Wnocpiu Caijx, Uropcmtas. AstHoia, xid CotjiumpUoa. Aunts; f!,e f.e-l ili-covcritf ot' i;!i ciciMe, few i..v o;' mine rc:il v;.'i.e to (orllikil .1 lli:.l. 11. ; cl- f.Hu.:J rc.rii'v - r t. cn-r . of i ,.i. 1 i:: l an I l.a. p. A v.:.: tiai of it. i;ti;c-. ll';ocir..i ol riii iii.d o'lier ci untrv. i. l-a siio;vii ttint il i.ii-s surctr airrf erVev-omi'v The le-tiiuosy af our be-r citi- ewitrl them. z'ns, of all c':te etablt.'i!ie the fair, ;li::t ClIKRRT I', r'l ..l i'x r1- ,. :. t cure the alliiotua; Uiu ! ! oi'i?.- , i....t ut..l Lun;s Ucjowl any atlier .- iiti..c. 'Hie mo-l (fcinseroji-t alfectiDus of tli t'u o...,..i. v (' .tius yield to it power) and caes of Consamption, cnre-1 by this preparation, re publicly known, so remarkabi as banily t be believed, were thov ivit proven beyoivl dispute. .As a ie:ety, it h adeijuatc, on which tlie pub'ic m- v re r for full protection. Ky curii:p ooi;l t, e forerunners of more serious di-w-e. it '.t numbere.l live, and an snvmnt of suirerii: : ot to h crwii td. It rh.ilVntres trinl. sum toir- vinces the mwt sceptka!. I'.rery faniilr should iir tion. which are exsilr root arf. "l'-' become incurable, aivl too often fetal, if nJ lectetl. Tctvb lunja need tki defence; and it is nnaise to be, witliout it. Ai safeguard to hil lren, nmid the diOe.iii ..; UkU beset the Throat and Chet of chmtliood, liitctT Pectoral is invaluable: for, by iu timely mulutudes are rescued from urtruaturs (rraves, aad saved to ths lor aisd r.frcction centred on them. It acts sfedily an.f surely asainst r.ii nary colds, secaruilf iiaind nd liealth-rtorin( sjeep. N one wiil sutrer troulilesc-me Juflu ns aw painful Bronchiti-S when they knew sow easilv they ean be cmrod. Urisinally the prodnet of lontr, laberions, nnl nccesi'Bl ehemicnl investientimi, no cot or toil is spared in making evcrr bottle in tlie utmost possible perfection. It may be conSdentlv relied npon u possessinir all the virtues it has ever KhibiteiL and capable of producm enre as memorable as the greatest ft has ever effected. raxrABZD bt Dr. J. C. A YER i CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical tuut Analytical Cheaulai. SOLO ST ALL DRCOOI3T XVIBT-WHIBr- 6 ? AVw Atlvertixementx. Combining alt these merits, we place our Business on the most SOLID FOUNDATIONS, and invite the con fidence and support of tha people of Philadelphia, as well as strangers and others now visiting the city. Remember the Four Cardinal Points: ' ONE PRICE! CASH. AIiONEl ! FTTLIi GTJARAITTESt I CASH RETURNED ! With the Largest, Most Stylish, Beat 1 Made, and Cheapest Stock of MEIT3 . and BOYS' CLOTHING, we invite you ail to call on us. AMERICA. WAyJJTJLKEi: and Biioiry. 93 DOTH & Co., T 1V1 ERCA NTS, MACitr FKlCt-lor BUTTi-K wot us, wlih oe n:ui at principal iorc u w.-. sop If AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE, A3 n! SI liewlM) rirth At., PITTS BITKQH, PA. ua will find an immenaa variety of Dress Goods. Over one kundre ! .flijterent styles LADIES CLOAKS AND JACITS- A splendid line of LADIES FURS, And ik complete stock of STAPLE 4 FANCY DRY GOODS At the very 1WWEST CASH PRICES. OXE PRICK O.VLY. EAMPBELl. WIIIIAMSO I IE Fifth Avenue, riTTSBUBGH, PA. No ii. xron same. BOOTS & SHOES, ; Hats i Caps Cheaper than ever iisr Somerset. Pa. We desire to say to the public, tht we have lrased the above named room until the completion of our new building, northwest eurnerof tlie Dia mond, (which will be on or before Jan. L) whera we wilt be pleased to h.-ve parties desiring lo ur-. chase goods in our Hue to sail ami fie that SEW FIRM, new styles, ' .i::d new priced See Reduction in Prices. .Men's Clam Boots, double soled, wool lined $4 fto Buckle ArtV- Ualter 1 eo Women " " J g Misses - Over-ohues aaj Alaska 1 SS Mens S:indabi j Women. Le u IQ ClUWrcn " " as ' Boot mail to order. Repairing neatly and! promptly done. All custom work warraataJ. Parties visiting our town who eonteeaplata pw. chasing anything io oar line will ihi mud to ealk aud see for themselves. We are positive we ean sell goofs at mwer Bgwree than any other store lo Imassst pTchasa afuwis lor cash sell lor cash and thus save from ia l S r erm.y hartaw lo'louee bmd s6. aad by saving tlie expenses of llook-keeptog. We ar wiiiing to give the benefit of these advantage Ut our eustosuers. Frank Sipe & Co. s UEItlFF'S SALE. u virtue of writ of Levari Farias, tswet uu .-rihe Court of Common Plea of Somerset eotiaty. Pa., and to me directed. 1 will exposs U sale by pui ii-"itcrT. at the Court Hou. ttvetom erset, ua Wednesday, the stkeay f Lieeemher. is:, at 1 o'clock of said day, all fbe right. UOe, in'.cresc and claim of Joka D. of, at aad. to (he following described nal stale, vis: All the minerals, mineral privilege, aetata, ores an-i mineral substaaers lying aad be low wa der and contained within ail that pieee or paroei of land sltnala In rlrothersvalley township, Soe erset C'o fa., which K iully and paruraiarty da scrill by metes and beuoda, eonrsea ami diatan-C.-S ia a Hect from Jo ha U. Hay aae Sr.a als wile u, John l. Ko.idy.dani July 14, BsM, asxl ra c.rle-l m reeonl of deeds for Somerset Co, r.. Vol 3. paif" S nJ containing M acrea, Sim arles.a.ljinlng lands of J. Coenuymaa. rkiltp U iv and .Hhers. together with the avparteaaaae. fxkeo in exe-niioo as the prooanj of Juaa Is. at ibesaitet Jobn. Hay. novW SherlBT. Save Doctor Bills I siu dollar ean be saved annually by i t hmiJl's Comtmn4 called Man rrtaaal f Family Oem, wiiich is tonle wine Mitra.f woaf e.1 by L V. SC H.M I OT. at N. JW Feaaavwa. Fittsbureh, Pa. Tbia evmnoaml t eaaDmd root and herbs, and strictly pure wlae; It is ! ant to take ami lnvlgovaie the wavas " Is a vatuablu family ulicie; II will ear all -- . . k. k..-. - it la a uweeatauve oi " era. an.1 as a blood purifier H I -UesL r demand Hit this popular seed mine a ,t teas heretofore It has been f'tT t ovaliues lor nnlel prcparlng It. The a will ovM lacuoo guaraatred. Try ... . we neei no reeommeo'laOoo ,.n. caese- haveased the bitter ia earewai whereof w speak. . Try it, leader, U vxll do yot good . angl3 Covers BnilQiDff, ir