W. P. Harvey & Co., (late J. G. Harvey & Co.,) BUTTER COMMISSION HOUSE, 75 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE, MD. cjuitnnNEiiB(glMil Butlcrand Proiuce generally. .,) which Su be ioand at any oi the princiiial Keimard & COM Ml SSI ON IY1 EF?C H ANTS , iTO. 83 EXCHANGE PLACE, AVE HAVE ALlKGETKADE FOE GLADES BUTTER, A VP ALL FIX D IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO SHIP TO VX WEPKOMISE RETtRVS Wli H OlFOK AS SOlN AS THE llVTTER ISSOLD.AND W1U.HAKE UBUtAL.AU. VAWISON ALL SHIPMENTS. CAKUS CAN BE OBTAINED AT EXPRESS OFFICES. n'i ; The Somerset Herald. WEDNESDAY. - - November 11, 1ST. TIME TAB1XS. SOMBKfllCT A MIXISRALPOIKT BtAlLBOAD. On. and sac Monday -en af follows : LEAVE. July 7th, 1STS, trains all ARItlYK. JUll Eart-- .10: a. m. J2m, 3 45 m. S0 ! m- W. F. ALTFATHF.lt, Oen'rl. Supt. MU Went. j. V. a B. R K. rss kissual roisT. stress East-. Express Wen. Mall East MainVe-t 11:3S p. ni. 4:21 a. m. ' 11:15 p. m- :50 p. m. Pittsbiirgn&Connslisvius FitisW Waiitoii & Baltimore "SHOBT LUSTE." ALTERATION OF TIME. . 0 tn ait.l afler SuaJay, Way M'.h. Trains on tiilf Kitd fill Impart and Arrive In.m Ucp-4, ornor Grant and Water street, as follows: DKrABT. PITTSCCEOH T1MB. ARRIVE. L-valMall S.lOa.m.; Through Mall.TM a..; McEccsport Ae- . -tira o:v.iu. MeKecciKjrt Ac j com 7:2ia.m. W. Newton Ac com 6:2(1 a.m. Through Ex.. .S:4Sa.tn. Coniietbville Ac i e-im 10:00 a.m. MeKeesport Af- j rom Li: m. M'Keejpon Ac- ' coin 2 00 l.m. 'MeKeespon Ac- .ra 4:p.in. VniixiUiwn Ac- lixl Wy. ...: a.m.! MKeefportAc- com KM a.m. MeKees port Ac- com 2:S5p.m. ; oimellsTllle Ac- I o.m 3:3:. p.m. McKceypt"."t Ac- I cm :30 p.m. W. Newton Ac cm 6:W p.m.: MoKeesport Ac- I com :2i)p.m. Thmuith Ei., .:tw !'" ' eotn v IV p.m. """"I"' : -y.rt Ac. com i u " - . ... West Newton ' t-uro ' a.m. Church Train 1'- 5 r m- Through Mail..S:2d p.m. Weal Newton Charch Train.lu:OS a.m. Kail Hi AX3!CjiatiC! THiES Mill, SBian EiFssmisQaiiT. E.LHYKM, SAMI CHOUGH, Gel Ses'L Ga. P2& Ail Uoueral Ticket office. 43 5tb Avenue. 15 xi 1 1 c r W a t e 1 BY KEMAED k OUBESLDYS . It is now time for shipping X..I)FS 1HTTKK and we advise all tue dairvmen io take advantage of every cold d;iv to ship their butter down to us as rap idlv as possible. We have a very ucUr tail now, for cood dairies and can readily sell from l.OWto 2,0i.H) kegs every week, at hirlicst market price. . Butter inert hants IronTthe South and coast cities are now 1 ginning to lav in their fall and winter stocks of butter, and we advise d.iirymen to ship their butter promptly so as to get the advantage of this very desirable tra.le. We will us-every effort to sell at HIGH EST I'UHES, und as soon as the butter is sold w ill send suits and check. We will also make liberal advances on sliij mcnts. Hoping to receive li'.K-ral shipments promptly. Rjwwcti'tilly it, KEXNARD & Ol'DESlA Y S. 3 Exchange Pla; k, Baltimore. M 1. A new dwel'ing house on Rac- meet is siem.' crime Mens" UnJerware of U uiuiiUi and in gnat variety at Air.c SKtU't. Fowls will be cpt to roost liih during tkN'month on account of'the near approach pf Thanksgiving. I'mijK Sugar Cured Hams. Shoulders, an 1 Pest Leal Itrd, cheap for tv.sb at Rhoaps i Bi:o's. The larce Con.mK-bxii l-'Ut' rccviitlv erected by Win. J. lUer at the deivt has 1 w-en optaea u r business. Best Family Flour. Fresh ground Buckw heat Flour at reduced price at lliiOAUs A" Bno's. Mr. Jacoh Thomas is ptttiing up a frame dwelling on hii lot on the western end ol Union street. Mens' Gloves. Collars Paper and Linen. Nei k-Ties, Sitirts. S-kLs Su Slan ders, Handkerchiefs. Ac, 4c, at Amos Fleck's. Tee southern end of Maio street, tujt bj be behind jty peiyltrs, is having iis aje:iranc addod tt by the addition iH a new dwellicr; Is the next number ol the IIekald we will publish a new local ttory entitled the 'Olimiac's Rida." ?Janv ol our readers ate ouite familiar wi;U UKt Kt of the incidents ill doubtless be quite S.creia related and w p-careu io Lave tljeni" recalled to tuctr miaCs in the pleasing and exciting manner ol our author. The red cards of the old stores in the count can be useo ie bu""b SrOVU Oudesluys, Oo to C. C. Musselman or address him at Somerset Pa., if you want the Premium nnd best Feed Cutter at Manufacturers prices. A mono the postal changes for the week cmlim: Octolscr 31st we tiiid that William II. Earheard has been appointed post muster nt 'Wellt reburg, Somerset Co. Initial Note Pujicrs, Commercial Pawrs, Cap, Letter, Leiml Cap, and Bill Pajiers. Pens, Inks. Holders, Pencils, ifcc, &c. , fit Amos Sleek 's. Ladie's and Gent's Underclothing in nil styles and qualities at "Fashion Bazar." Mr. Jas. B. Tkedwell. Na G Mammoth Block. 20 cakes of good Laundry Soap only $1. All other goods as cheap in propor tion, at Rhoads & Bro's. School Books otall kinds, also Keys to Arithmetics, Algebras and Grammars, at Amos Sleek 's. Prompt attention to orders 1)3" mail. Cot'KT convened on Jlonday, Judge Hall presiding. Associates Mowry and Turner on the bench. Proceedings next week. "A. Ix-cture w ill be delivered in the Court House on next Thursday evening, by Rev. A. B. Castle of EraddiK-k's Field. Sub ject: "Men and Women." We would ad vise all to attend. You can readily recognize a Democrat afar off. His smile if both childlike and bland. Its all over his face like the grin of an alienator. But the poor repub licans how downcast they took. Ix Pittsburgh, horses old played-out horses have U-en utilized by making them inln bologua saussage. Tiie butchers have gotten themselves into trouble by it. The bones of twenty -one horses have been lound. Thirty-three, the old engine on the Somerset & Mineral Point Railroad having given out she was sent to the shops on Monday last for repairs, a new engine from the Pennsylvania Railroad being substituted in its stead. Jistke's Blanks of all kinds, also B;rns Justice, Dunlapts Book of Forms, Griii;.'u's Forms, Deeds. Bonds, Mort gages, and everything in the Legal Blank wav at Amos Steck's. Thursday morning several buckets and a small copper kettle were taken to "the fire from Mrs. Emily Ogle's. Any person having any of them in their pos session will I rewarded for returning the same. Lost On Main Street, between the i evidences of John Rotwrts and A. J. CoU lorn, a pair of olive colored gloves. The finder will be suiubly rewarded by leav ing the same at the post office. R. nniTS are said to be unusually scarce this fall. Localities where, in former sea sons, the game was abundant now harbor few rabbiisor partridges. The unusually mild weather of last winter seemed to warrant the belief that game would be plenty this season, but it does not so prove. Persons attending Court will do well to rail and see the large stock of Hats and Fall and Winter Mens' and Boy's Caps, at the reduced prices at Amos Stecks, No. 3, Mammoth Block. TnEiiE never was a time when adver tising promised to pay so well as now. People are on the lookout for bargains, and do not care to sjend a dav in bunting for litem when it is ossile to learn their whereabouts by consulting advertisements. There afe alxmt 700, 000 gypsies in Eu rope, ana ly.WM in tngland. I heir re ligion seems to extend no further than a belief in their annihilation at death, al though an occasional convert to the Chris tian faith is made here and there among them. Lock in at "Fashion Bazar," and you w ill be sure to see something you need and c;in pim-hase cheaply. Mrs. Jas. B. Tredwell. No. 6, Mammoth Block. It ajijx'ars that the youth of our town like the rest of the world are liable to get a little mixed on polities. All joined to gether on last Wednesday night in build ing a large lion fire in honor of the election of Reilv and Yutzv. Snvdkis & Uhl, have notified their friends and numerous customers that on and after the 1st ol December, they w ill icli exclusively lor cash, at very low prices. Call and see before j-urehaalng elsewhere. Cash w ill buy cheap. Snyder & Uhl. Atoi-th who attended a Scotch revival .!') P for the fun of the thing, ironically u,clU!rpd of the minister "whether he could work a n.ir... l ... . t-i. . . work a miracle or not." The young man's was luny satisfied by the minis ter kick jig him out of the church, with the malediction, "we con not work mira cles, but we can cast out devils I" Mention is made of a wedding in In diana on a scale which one hardly expects to encounter outside ol the pages of Rabelais. The happy couple together tipped Ave hundred and three pounds, w hile fourteen gallons of wine and seventeen kegs of lager did gladly furni&h forth the marriage table. Bit few persons real ire the greatness or HoiiyU&i.i ut &iui4.f'.f Uei ybti resource. II the Stats were as densely populated as Belgium is; there would be over twenty millions of inhabi tants wiihin ber borders. All the Wealth Of (Aiiiiimia rtswvc nn f Vr r-i t a ttt - sS flchj ss,.T.eui roorc flfan uiie tcntfi cCtne -oral gfrcn slofse 'l.ir PesWylvsnSk' "Our' Ktroieum; iron, cAal, hear, ntckcl. mar ble. s!atvauDc, eopper.'and other resour fes, tell lor us much better. Flock grain and feed on hands. Please call at Mar&njil I corner. Cook & BsKsi-n. Thk thanks of our citizens are due Col. John It. Edie. for his efforts in hTing the remnant of the fire outened on Thursday morning daring the high winds then pre vailing and lor Having a guaru um burnt district the ensuing nigut. All our new subscribers ssr, "please commence with the number of the IIerald ristMl Hot. 4U1. i wisu to ui tue curu- mencement of the Bandit of the Alleghe ales." . Pkbsons visitlns town during the sea sion of Court are invited to call at "Fashion Bazar." and look at oar stock. You will be treated just aa cordially If you don't purchased as if you do. ilrs. J AS. U. TBEDWKLL, No. 8, Mammoth Block. THt Beaver Time says : Mr. Richard W. Rt isin iter of Brighton tp.. this county, picked troia a sincle ersoe vine this seston one thousand and seventy-two bunches of grapes. The bunches were ef ordinary size, and the grapes most excellent The were of the concord variety. If any grape grower can show a better yield thaa this, we would like to hear from him, Now is the time that visions of Thanks giving turkeys begin to dance in the heads of poor printers. May the fine fat fellow we have pictured before our imagination as a present from one of our big-hearted country friends not prove "the baseless fabric of a vision." but a reality as glori ous as the Fourth of July. Inscription upon the wall in an eat ing house in Fort Howard, on the line of the Chicago and North-Western Railway : "All meals taken in this house will be seventy-five cents, regardless of age, sex, business, nationality, politics, religion, or previous occupation or condition of servi tude." Noticb. All persons' knowing them selves indebted to us, will please call at our new Flour depot on Marshall's corner, and make immediate payment, as we have suffered by fire, and necessity requires that we make collection of all outstanding ac counts. Cook & Beerits. All thk Talk. You would naturally suppose that it was all about the election and Salt lUver Tickets. "Have you read the Bandit of the Aleghenies, and who do you think wrote it," is now the almost only question asked. Its a splendid story, nice'y written. They all say, "bow I wonder if it's true." It is very pleasant to see the windows full of blooming plants. It is a good sign to see so many of our citizens taking such care of them. Nothing contributes so much to coziness, comfort, or pleasure during the long winter as to see these re meinbrances of glorious summer during the gloomy season of the year. They will repay alt the labor and pains expended ou them. It is sn unpleasant thing to call any of our boys or young men loafers, yet some of taera are acquiring tnat acieaiea utie, uy the way they hane around the doors of the stores these pleasant nights, and interrupt people in their business. Take our advice and devote your spare time to reading and studying. It wilt be of more benefit to you. A friend in the country assures ns that if the last Somerset Herald had been for sale at their polls on election day, ni hundred top mi could readily nave oeen sold. As the precinct is not a very larre one the demand would have been flatteriDg J Our friends will please remember that was only one of a series. Our luture numbers We were forcibly reminded last week by the effort to fasten the charge of incen diarism on SUepperson, of the story of the Irishman at Don y brook fair, "lives the man that struck 1'at alurpuy l u wuup ye's, if ye's ain't the man I'll whup yes anyhow. 1 be application witn many appeared to be, H he burnt it down convict him; u he diun t convict mm tnynow. Cook A Bkkbits have purchased the corner on wbicn tneir store stood, irooa Col. Isaac Uugus. They;bave torty teet front on Main Cioas street with a depth of 68 feet The consideration was f2400. With the commendable enerry for which these gentlemen are so noted they already have a large tores oi nanus at worn ex cavating foundations for a handsome brick block which they propose to erect lb is winter. The Idevtndtt will pleas consider our slouch touched for this : The Herald has commenced the pub lication of the promised serial, "Thx Bar- dit or thk Allkg henikb and its opening chapter promises that it will be of rare and unusual interest to our county readers. We advise all who are fond of good read ing, and who would become better ac quainted with the early history of the county, to read it Tbk Agricultural Report lor 1872 con tains a diagram showing the extent of the forest area yet remaining in r ennsylvania. Outside of Philadelphia, Montgomery county has the smallest proportion of wood land, only 7.0 per cent, me most neav ily timbered counties remaining art Pike, McKean, Warren, Forest, Elk, Cameron, Wayne, Sullivan and Cambria, all exceed ing 50 per cent. Osi the way np Salt River we took par ticular notice of the poultry of the De mocracy along the bankr. Big, sleek roosters, grown fat under protection; strut ted, crowed and attempted to look happy. But it was a miserable failure in many in stances. These roosters knew a thing or two, did they, they knew that with the in crease of the Democracy there would be an increased demand for Bourbon whiskey and per consequence a scarcity of corn for them. We had the pleasure of listening to a lecture by Mder U Y. untie in tbe Disci pies Church, on Saturday. The subject was "the Crusades, and was bandied in Mr. Bittle's masterly style. We under stand that this is but one of a series on tbe same subject, and our word on it, you will mm a favorable oppurtunuy to become acquainted with one of tbe most impor tant events In tbe history of Christendom if yon fai. to attend. 1 he proceeds go into the building fund of the church. For pluck and energy commend us to the firm of Wike & oung. Thursday morning, before their building had fallen in, they bad secured another room and had a man engaged getting out posters notify ing the public that they bad resumed bus iness. We understand that these gen lie men have since purchased one of the Par ker kits from Mr. Hertz Keiser and: will immediately commence the erection of a brick building. Tbe Public Ledger attributes the pre sent dullness of trade, in some measure, to tbe holding back of tbe crops in expect ation of higher prices, and thus locking np tbe capital tnat would otberwtse lw ex pended in our midst. It says that there are now in store in New York, 1,8U0,000 bushels ot wheat, against 100,000 bushels at the same time last, year. It this and the millions of bushels Vhst are a poine, Wers to be thrown Into European markets, sold, and ths money returned for it. our trade wouid receive a new impetus, and oar storekeepers would bo longer look as se rious as hired mourners. Tux New Steam Saw Mill ot our eser cetic and portlg fellow -townsmen Messrs. Marshall & lien ford, ia Addison, promises to be very useful to tbe Betghborhuod and remunerative to the owners. In addition to the well known value of the timber in that locality, varied and very valuable mineral resources are being gradually developed. The capacity of their mill is 7000 felt per day. We heartily wish them success in all their undertakings and that tbe firm by active exertion will be able to keep down superfluous flesh. Glorious California. Um land of gold and of wheat and "old rye," and oranges, figs and olives, and of the fat entile on a thousand hills, and of the big trees of Mar- and sea lions, fa yet of rif lands the prernf um land fortfie'vtnTgfapr'lulcei- For ia th Golden the 'contity oTKap. tBis"texr; is esuuiited at a niinin"gTloni, of nearly two gtUdlts' of renuins winn for every lahabiunt of lbs Sta:e."'Wnh euca Qevetopmects wno CaQ CiUmate "hs re smQf Caiftrnlt ' T:r-' rr- AtteattvB ! Attest! 1! The undersigned would respectfully in form his friends and the public generally, that he has opened his house for the ac commodation of the public. Those attend ing coort should not fail to give him a call and be convinced that he keeps a first class house. No effort will be spared to make guests comfortable. Charges mod erate. J. IL Pis el. This from the Johnstown Tribune: On Friday last a large she bear was kil led In the vicinity of Bcnscreek. It ap pears that about two weeks ago a gentle man from Pittsburgh came as tar as Sang Hollow, on a huntine expedition and waiked across the country to the neighbor hood of Millcreek, where be shot and kill ed a cub bear. The mother appeared upon the scene, and he was compelled to depart very abruptly. Several trentlemen in that vicinity learned this fact, and organized a party to go in scare h of the mother, and on Friday last they found and shot ber, as stated. Ax old gentleman named Henry Haws, a resident of Buckstown, Somerset Coun ty, met with a singular and very painful accident in this place last evening. He came to town with bis team, and was backing the wagon in the direction of Wood, Morre'.l&Ca'i feed store, for the Sorpose ot nnlosding some produce, when e accidentally fell to the ground, and one of ths horses stepped on the first finger on the right hsnd. The calk of the horse's shoe amputated the first finger at the first Joint, and be was compelled to go at once to the office ot Dr. W. IS. Lawman to hare the Injury properly dressed. This is a very painful accident lor the old gentle man, who from his appearance ia over sixty years of age. Johmlotcn Tribune. Immkksk and very destructive fires have been and perhaps are still raging in the mountains. Advices have reached us of great destruction of timber in the neigh borhood of Orantsville, Mil., on both Sides of tbe old ISalional Road, the ravages were great. One gentleman says on one occasion tbe flames traveled faster than a man could run, and some persons narrow ly escaped destruction. No lives have been lost we are glad to say, up to this time. On Sunday, a threatening and des tructive fire broke out on Winding Ridge, which endangered the properties ot Mrs. Julia Augustine, Louis Saussman, Alfred Whetstone and others. Uaptain Allen Nicklow gave tbe alarm and tae liolj boys ot Petersburg!! and vicinity, rallied and soon suppressed the flames. It has broken out since, but now tbe danger is passsed. A correspondent of the Pittsburgh Chronieal writing from Somerset County, has been made by perverse Compositors, to speak of "Sisterville" and Listerville." V e would suggest to our town Archeolo gical friend to drop tbe "ville" as it really has no business there, and further it is a reproach that "ville, "burg or "town" must be tacked to everything American. The name of the place so puzzleing to I'iitsburgh lypos, is Hamburg. The name has been perverted for years in Imi tation of a man who formerly lived in this County wno nad a broken jaw. He said when be was a child "a tow ticked 'im" and he could never talk plain. He always called the place "Humbug' and people followed suit. W e think the place should simply be called "Lis ton" in honor of its founder and leading citizen TnoMAS Lts- tom Esq., lately deceased. Tbk Altoona Tribune says: A rfhrtyof deceiving impostors are at present travel ing through the country districts, swind ling farmers with dry goods samples, and it will therefore be well to keep a sharp lookout for them. Their game id to go from bouse to house exhibiting samples of cotton goods, . etc I bese they propose to sell tor about one-quarter ot their real value, and of course tske a large number of orders, therefore, with tbe promise to deliver the goods soon. Then they ex hibit a lot of cloths and casslmeres, almost worthless, which they sell for a big price, delivering the goods on the spot and re ceiving tbe cash therefor. Ot course the cotton goods are never forthcoming, while the swindlers have disappeared with the money they received for worthless cloths. Vralaa Itesna. Jamks A. Tatlor. in tbe employ of J. R. Batzer St Co., while engaged in Slliog their lime kilns, fell into one of the kilns breaking both his legs, both bones protruding from the skin. The engine of the mail train ran into the Ursina R. R. Station bouse damaging the building, Ac Cause, switch left open. Thk new Methodist Church at Ursina ; was dedicated on Sunday the lstvsnst. The entire indebtedness of the building has been subscribed and partly pa d in. The church is worth near $4000 ; through 4he skillful management ol the 1'astor Rc-v. W. Davis it has cost but 1 3000. A few years ago there was a Preacher named Jordan who had a joint charge in Somerset and Fayette Counties. It was a time of great political excitement and con sequent ill-feeling, and tbe reverned gen tleman became involved in disputes with portions of his Dock. While preaching his farwell sermon to the Somerfield con gregation where he was well liked, he spoke with great pathos of the approaching separation, that the time would soon be here when he must leave them, must bid them farewell, never in all probability to meet again. "Thank the Lord !" was the loud and earnest response.of a prominent brother familiarly called "Dad." On mature reflection he decided it was a very good response, only he slipped it in at the wrong place in the sermon. All can fancy the Preachers feelings, although he was satisfied the brother didn't mean it. Berlin, pa. 1 Oct 5th 1874. Ml Scull. Dear Sir : Enclosed please find six 'dollars to be credited on my subscription account This will pay my paper until May 1st, 187S. Please send me a receipt. Eleven Republican went back on Vutxy in BroUiers valley Tp. . Four of them voted for Schell. These gentlemen are all known to the Republicans of Brotbersvalley Tp.. sod will be remembered by them. Of all the periodicals that come to my table none are as welcome to my wife and myself ss tbe Herald. The story com menced in last weeks number promises to be a good one. It is hardly necessary to say tkat some of tbe liepublicans wno voted against Yutzy are more constant readers of the New York 8nti that of the Somerset Herald. Wishing you abundant success. I remain your friend S. S. Thk following account of singular oc enrrence we clip from the columns of tbe Brook ville Republican: A short lime since, a young lady, a res idmi of this place, experienced a creeping sensation in her nose after she had retired for the night, and all efforts to remove the annoyance was without the desired effect, the difficulty remaining for several days, merely changing to a location farther up in the nostril. At length it seemed to psss down into the throat, causing a choking sensation, and finally disappeared. Im mediately after its disappearance the vic tim experienced acute pains in the stom ach, and called medical assistance in vain, lite only thing that gave any relief being copious doses of brandy, which failed to produce any. of the ysusl effects. Finally severe vomiting ensued, and after one whole night's suffering, and the patient giving up hopes of life, the cause of tbe trouble was removed, and an examination found ft to be a small particle i f blood and mailer, in the centre of which was a com moa sired black spider. Evidently the brandy saved the young lady's life. Bt a special act of the Legislature of Kentucky, March 18, 1871, the trustees of uc moiic morary oi tnat State, located at Louiivill, were authorized to give gift concerts in its aid. Four of these concerts have already been held, and the fifth and last is bow positively and unequivocally announced to take place on the 30th of Nov. 1874. As no other concert ean ever be held under this charter, the managers have planned it upon a scale of unprece dented liberality. No less than 13,500,000 ars to be distributed among the ticket holders, by lot. under the supervision ot Ex-Oov. Thos. . BramleUe, associated with several leading citizens of Kentucky. The highest prize is 1250,000, and this (ortune will become the possession of the ulVV bolder fif a ticket costing Only 850. 5 tfirSotu of Norember. 1874, as tbe snn rltes thifday, ansT thst Willi le utnwst htTrnesa. Gov. Thos. . Bramlelte. Lmiis- filler r..i.u r: .ti- -"-" . ia uhj manager, ana is Besitra. Tjbomas HV Hays & Co., New f ora, pe t8Urn geaa fur sale oi tickets. ' WATER. The increasing scarcity of water lrom year to year over a large por tion of our country L calling the public at tention to the Iraportaiicijoi'giiardiugtnore jealously our sources of water supply. Throughout the M. Idle and Eastern States during tbe present season, almost every j city or t wn of any considerate size, has lound us usual supply oi water considera bly reduced. Although the past summer has not been as dry ai some previous sea sons, the water supply ns oeen less by reason of the dwindling away or entirely drying up of the streamsor springs. While in some instances tins trouoie may ne una voidable, in others it is the result of a lack of nidicious foresight and care. Much attention has been given during the past few years to the preservation of forests and their influence upon tae fertil ity of the Burruundinz sections of omntry These two questions are closely allied and the time has come when in all the older settled districts it becomes the imperative duty of every good citizen to consider them. Ye Olden Time. Hundreds of Som erset County people remember John Moore, who was for years confined in our jail as a dangerous lunatic John's grett gift was swearing. He could swear longer, (order, faster, use more original oaths, with fewer repetitions than any man we ever heard or heard of.- The cussin that Simon Sucirs gave the Bank OlHcer on which the doughty Captain prided himself would nave been mere by-play for John. He occasionally uttered a good thing and very frequently odd things that de served preservation. Towards the close of his confinement he took up tbe notion of going to China and selected the writer to accompany him, "to help workout sal vation." ilis earnestness rendered it dia agreeable if not unsafe to cross him, and the situation was decidedly unpleasant. One evening he came up with a most de termined and business like air announced ; that, "Next Tuesday we would start for China, by if it sook the hair off. " "Ah ! John, how can we ever get across the Ocean?" "Why we'll cut it up into rivers and then bndgo it" by said he, after-a puzzled pause of a few uiomcn's, giving a few great emphasis to the assertion, by rounded and red-hot oaths. Somk time ago Mr. T. B. A. David, of Telegraphic fame, was residing near Confluence for the benefit of his greatly impaired health. Among other things forwarded from the city was a piece of machinery that was left on the platform ot the station for some days and attracted con- L siderabie attention. Our mercantile friend Ross, whose knowledge of machinery is equal to Mark Twain's of Agricultural, was among the first who noticed and commented on the new churn. He decided that it was entirely too large for a "family with only ene eote." Anxious to have his orthodox opinions on churns supported by competent mechanical authority, he called .the Street Commissioners and others, they decided it too large, entirely too large. One of them demonstrated that by a few changes in the cranks and crooks, he could make it churn faster, gather the butter better besides makinz the butter more solid. In the midst of bis Animated lecture on butter making, illustrated by the machin ery oelore tuem, Mr. David came on the platform and asked the Agent if his wash ing machine had come. There it i Sir! said the Agent, but its in danger of being transmografied. The crowd quietly but mourniuiiy retired, and have ceased to lecture on churns. Makt of our readers will purchase frui trees this tall. There are two ways of doing it. The planter who knows just what ne wants will probably make out his list or order, and send it to some reliable nurseryman whose character for intelli gence and integrity has been fully estab lished. 1 he trees will be returned secure ly packed, so that when tbe package is oened they will be as fresh as the hour they were dug from the soil. If the plant er lias already an orchard, be w ill proba bly instruct the nurseryman to make not suU:.tuiions in caseany particular sort is ex hausted. Those who are planting new orchards may it they choose direct that sub stitutes may be made, say to an extent of ten or twelve per cent. 1 his mode of or dering from nurseries is usually the best way, wnere tue owner knows when and how to order, and is willing to take, the trouble. But most planters will choose to buy of traveling agents. Mauy of these are trustworthy men, employed by good nurseries. Be careful to distinguish be tween these and irresponsible, smooth tongued peddlers.. See that their creden tials have a recent date, and that they can show sufficient written proof that they atv employed by good men. You can author ize them to substitute ten per cent, if you think besL This is an easy way to nave your trees brought to your door. Wx have harped ou this subject so often without effecting anything that we feel sort of discouraged, but we'll try one more tune before we bust the instrument of a thousand strings. If a man were order ed to find tatty towns in tbe State which are well supplied with fire apparatus the first town be would light down on would be Somerset Why our means for fighting, fire cannot be surpa ised anywhere and can be equaled by very few places. Lei us see. 1 es, every family in town possesses at least one water bucket : then there are several rain barrels, huge, monstrous rain barrels that once done duty as the half of an oil barrel. We must not forget the ladder. Oh no, it would not do to forget that, it weighs about two hundred pounds and would reach about half way to a ducks back, this is about all ; no, we have fearless hearts and strong hands who do their duty nobly. out lsn t it time to cry, "nolo, enough. Isn't this being penny wise that we may waken up some of these cold winter morn ings to find ourselves pound foolish.' In heaven's name if the borough is too impecu nious to furnish and sustain a tire compa jy let us make such arrangements as will st least allow us to make use of our water buckets. How would it do to sink largo cisterns in different parts of the town In order that the supply of water may not grow short as it has on several occasions? If the authorities are - unable or unwilling to take the proper steps let our citizens take hold of the matter. In this not one but all are interested. Disastrous Firk. At three o'clock last Thursday morning the people ot our usually quiet little town were rudely star tled from their slumbers by the cry of fire. Notwithstanding the fact that by far the largest part of the male population of the burg had been up to the "wee sma' hours syant tbe twal," waiting on election returne the two previous nights, five min utes alter the alarm was sounded hundreds of them were on the spot The fire.was first discovered in Prof. . Shepperson's barber shop from whence it was quickly communicated to the adjoining buddings. In less than an hours time the barber shop, Hoover & Licbty's Grocery and ware house. Cook & Beerits' Grocery and Feed Store and Wike & Young's Meat Market were reduced to ashes. The fire was com municated from Cook & Beerits' Grocery to the Mammoth Block and in a few mo ments the northern end of the building was in flames. Through the strenuous ex ertions of our citizen the fire was soon checked and confined to its original limits. Hoover & l,ichty and Cook & Beerits each saved portions of their stock. Wike & Young saved their entire stock, . . Follow ing js an estimate ot the losses sustained ; Cook & Beerits $3,000. Insured for $4,000. Hoover & Lichty $1,200 and all the books of the firm. No insurance. ; IL F. Schell $350. No insurance. Prof. Shejtpereon $400. Insured for $350. Win. II, Welfley's - loss can not be as certained as yet, but will spproximate $200. Mr. Welfley's loss being principal ly carpets, furniture and books. Schell Kimmel had everything portable removed from their bank. Some of the adjoining buildings were ignited by the intense heat and at one time it was feared that a gener al conflagration was imminent A keg of powder in the store-room of Hoover & Lich ty exploded with tremendous force, shat tering several large panes of glass in a store-room on the opposite side of the street There are several rumors afloat as to the origin ot the fire, though it is gener ally conceded that it was the work ot an incendiary. About bitters. At certain periods ot life a tonic is a necessity; but there is dan ger in using stimulants that injure the or p?nsofdieestiori while giving temporary relief. To ubyiHte thi and present to the public a tonic free from alcoholic poi- soX'Dr: Greene prejwred the Oitgesa- Tfct' Bitters, a sere euro for DrspxpsiAi ana all kindred complaint - Sold every, i where. Jons F. Ilesny, Ccrraje & C, proprietory aan.d.g Cp4jcee PUce. Newf York.. ' ; I io, S74.J Nov. 2nd 18 Eds. Herald. Leaving Cincinnati! at 9 o'clock Friday morning, we arrived safely in Columbus about A o'ciock the same evening and put up at the Neil House. Columbus is situated in Jhe midst oi a perfectly .level plain about twenty miles in extent in the neautitul valley oi ttie Sciotr, and is surrounded by one of the best agricultural regions of the slate, in fact this valley is often fondly called by its inhabitants Jie Eden of the West. Through the kindness ot II. IL Dering and Henry Menett of the General Ticket Agent's Department of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati! and St. Louis Railroad we were enabled to see the sights of the place. As a matter of course the first thing the atten tion of a stranger is called to is the Siax; House. It stands in or near the centre of the city. The building is of fine cut grey stone with entrances from the North, Fas', 8-juth and West If is very Ptt'e higher - than our Court House ancV the hugeness of its proportions give it a rather squatty appearance, typical we sup pose of the early settlers ot the State, squatters. Tbe building is surrounded with beautiful grounds. As you enter the rotunda on your rlsjht is a marble statue ot a female figure; we cannot , recall just now what it is intended to represent, bi t its distinguishing characteristic impresses tue observer as being more forcible than elegant. Directly across the rotunda from this statue is a painting, by Powell, com- memoratireof Perry's victory on Lake Erie. It is an immense picture; the boat appears to rise and fall on the swell ot the waves, while the forms of Commodore Perry and his seamen stand out with wttn such life like distinct ncss as to startle the observer. On the right of the southern entrance is the flag room. Here are pre served all the old battle and regimental nags carried by Ohio regiments in the dif ferent fights, through which they have pas sed, of some, scarcely the staff remains while others are scarcely touched. Here also are the offices of the Governor, Audi tor General and other state officials. The people of the Buckeve State may well be. as they justly are, proud of their Capitol. rassing out of the capitol grounds we wended our war towards the Assvlum for deaf and dumb children. It is a larire. roomy building and fitted up with all the modern comforts and conveniences, beins surrounded by ample groun ls.. It is in- ueeu a Bpieuuui monument to tue ueneii- cence ot the state government of Ohio. The cumber of inmates is quite largo, some of whom are very apt scholars, being lul ly equal intellectually to children who are t!ie possessors of the gift of gab. Then there is the Lunatic Assy him, which ranks among the first institutions of the kind in this country. Columbus is truly a citr of mattnificent distances. The points of interest beinsr few and I w between. The streets are all perfectly straight, not the slightest ind'ici tion of a curve is to be found anywhere. The good people of Columbus are particu larly prouu of the appearance ot Broad street, and well they may be ; as lis name tnuicales, it is a broad street;, along either cum is a row ol beautinil shade trees, then there is a carriage drive wide enough for two carriages to drive abreast, followed by another row of trees on each side whjle between these two lust rows is a road bmad enough for four vehicles abreast making three drives boardered by four rows of trees on this street. This is a busy little city. Situated here are the workshops of the Pan Handle and C. C. & I. Railroad Companies. We do not think that but one or two cities in the Union of the same size do more business. We Pennsylvania's were surprised at the result of the elections in this stale, but not half so much ss were the republicans here who heartily curse their own apathy and side issues. The Democrats are jubt lent and there old corn fed roosters crow most lustily. But enough ofthi3 tor the present - - Respectfully, Ned. - Dyspepsia Dyspepsia is the most dis couraging and distressing disease man is heir to. . Americans are particularly sub ject to this disease and its effects ; such as sourstomache, sick headache, habitual cost iveness, heart-burn, water-brash, gnaw ing and burning pains in the -pit of the stomacbe, coming up of tbe food, coated tongue, disagreeable taste in the mouth, impure blood and . all diseases of the Stomacbe and Liver. Two... doses oi Green's August Flower will rclifeVe you at once, and there positively is not a case in the United States it will not cure. Ifyou doubt this go to your Druggists lieukml js Klinmel. Somerset Pa., or Hilzrot& Fleck, Confluence, Pa. and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size "5 cents. For sale by all Uruggists in the County. MAKKIED. SPEICIIER MOYER On thelSth of October 1874, by Rev. A. W. Strauts, Mr. lobias Sjieicuer to Alisa Sarah, iloyer, both of Somerset Co., Pa. MAXWELL FAIDLEY On the 2nd inst. at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. John Hickernell, Mr. John Maxwell of Pittsburgh r to Alias Emma Faidley of Ursina.' -- . DIED. SWICE October 19th I87L Fredrick Swicei aged 18 years and 7 montlis. " . , MUSSER. Mrs. Susannah Musser, widow of Henry Musser, of. Urothcrsval ley Tp., aged 80 years, 8 months and 29 days. . - KORN3 On the 7th ' icst ' ' Michael ETorns of Jenner Tp., aged -71 yars, 6 montlis and 10 days. " ; . SOMERSET K1BKET Corrected weekly by A. J. CAsaaaia a Co. " p - fw, f Applebotter, fl gal.. A....l .1 t mo & Se ...au4M K-e 1 00 300 v, ,-8e 8c 12C .... ...... W -Sc ei 7 00 ; so lie SI 60 ..........12'V 3"ft340 70S We -Sue aoe 12He fl oe 2e ..S3 00 to 3 le SI 2e S3 Oi lotiac Utl3C 40 sog$o Kuuer, fi m Back wheat, J) bushel Beeewax, ft a Baeun, hoolders, fl I - BlUtft, " " ham, " Corn, fl biuhel , Core deal t. ., Calf akin, f) S Ulorer Seed email Clover Seed large tp, r out Flour, fl hbl Flaxeeed V) bo.. 166 A) Lard, ft t Leather, red sole, fl m ' " kin. " Oats, fl ba....;..... Potatoes, fl ba Peaehea, dried, fl s itTe w on.... Rr.s Salt, No. 1, fl bbl - fIBB , Aehtoo, ' Sujrar, yellow f) whit - Tallow fl B wool, fl ft CestaarUlliMal. There U no pain w filch the Centaur Liniment! will not re Ueva, no .welling they will not .utdue, and no lamenen which they will not enre. This la strong language, bat It h true. They have produced more cares ol rheamatlm,enralgla, lock PJv"r jaw paliry, sprains, tweUlnga, eaked-breasU, scalds, borna, (alt-rheum, ear-ache, fee, npoa tbe haman tame, and or strata, .pa Tin, gaUa, Ac., apon an imal. In one year Utaa nay. all ether pretended remedle.slooe tbe world began. They are eosnter trritaut, aa aU healing pain reliever. Cripples throw away their cratches, tae lama walk, pobwo mu bite are raaderaa aamtleaa, and the woanded are healed witbenta soar. It la a bambajr. The recipe la pobUaited aroond each bottle. They sell an no article ever before sold, and tbey sell be- eaOM It dee. juat what they pretend to do. Those he now gaffer from rheumatism, paia or nrelllna deserve to .offer II th.y wfU not ow Centaur Lin iment. More than l.ooe certificates r.f remarkaMe care, including frosea limbs, chronic rheamatiam, gout, running tumors, Ac-, have been received. We will send a circular containing certificate, the recipe, Ac., gratia, to any one requesting It, One bottle of the yellow wrapper Oeataw Liniment ! worth one bond red tfollara for spavined or .weenUl hone, and mules, or tor .crew worm In .beep. Stock ewnen-laese liniments are worth year atten tion. No family .hoald be without them. "White wrapper for family use , Yellow wrapper for an imals. Sold by aU DnutgUU. oe per bottle; re boulesrau. J. B. HOSE at CO., it Broad ay, Ntw irfc. . - . . , . . . CaavoBiA t more tkaa a substitute forCaato Oil. It Is the only isfe article la ezUtence which b oertaJa to aailmilau the fcod, regulate the bow ela cure wind -colic and Drodum uthnl Awn- It eontahff neither mineral? morphine or alcohol, am I pleasant to take, ail Jrea seed notary and mather. may rat. a prill Ntns AdvertisewenU, toux rills; " UiBoa (a CoSiW S-NtfTi acw baiidtn. " t ,; .. M!n Cross Stmt. , - a 4. Semeraet, Pa. aorll CoLcstBf.78, Ohio, AVif AtlctrtMBientsrl ' . AVip AtitxrtUementa. AV. df. JOTICK- The !irrar.T. Ci. HARVEY A Vn is this ilar psrtjr will Dissolve,! Uy mum-it consent. EiUv sin in lioutflLuai. .T. CK UARTEY. W. V. liAKVLY Baltimore, November 1?". I har this dv two. utwl with me Mr. FRANK h. HARVEY, iwm i Mr. J. O. HARVEY.) nl will continue tho prTTEK I'KOIH CK COM MISSION BUSINESS, trailer liw firm nam if W. P. HARVEY & CO., at Uie wrett(.u3e oe-eapl1IVU.iat.nr-. vr. P: HARVEY Baltimore, November 2, 17. In rotirinn from the Butter Produce Oommlwion i earnestly solicit for my suceeiwors s continuation of the oatronage so ltbcr.tlty eitwnil i i to tie lau firm. . O. HAHTEY. novll HIVE YOt; A (OliiH OR CWJi, or are you fflMot with Asth ma? Ifso, ue SYRUP OE TAR, WILD t.HERRY AND HORE HOUNI). preimrwl by MHHrrn a HeKennsa, end relml will be liuioouata and cure certain. bold by JIcCLARRAN A McKTNNAN. norll Pituibursh, Pa., end li drunk's. Holidays!). irg Seminary, FOIt YOOG LADIES, H0LL1DAYSBURG, PA. Rev.JOSEril WAl'Uir, Principal. ntvll N JOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. PlTTSSUHOH A COX 3HLLS VILLI K. K. Co., . I I'lTTdm koh, NuTemberS, 1.7A, ( Notice ia hereby (!ren that the Stock Transfer Hooka ol tbla Company will he cloml on the ldth hint, and remain cloaed nntll after the annual meeting for the election of a Board of Director. t ie held ou JlonJav, December 7th. prox. J. B. WASHLVaTON Secy. novll JOTICETO STOCKHOLDERS. Pittsbcuoh A Co!csi.iJ!Tti.L R. R. Co. I Pittsburgh, November S, 1874. ( Notice is hereby given that In accordance with the dinner and Wy-Lawa of tins Ompany tlie annual meeting of Stockholder, for the electioo of a Board of Directors, to aerve the eonilng vcar. will be held at their OiMee la too city ol Pltmbnrirb, on the first Monday, 7th day of De cember, prox., a 12 o'clock m. j. a. wAsuuuii'.i. Secy. novll s TRAYED. Came tresrnaaainz on the trem!es of the aub- scriber in Nortlminpto tp., on or about the 10th day of June last. Two. one yeiir old bu'.ia. One re.1 and white apottcd, the other a white briivile, with no car mark. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay elmniea and take them away tr they will be (Imposed ol accord Ing to Uw , DA.MiuL.BAKU. novll rpitUSTEE'S SALE OE TIIE J.SO.MKRSET A JI1.KKAL POINT K. E. By virtue of a dt m.ind upon mc as trustee or the Somerset A .Mineral Poiut Kail Koa-I Co., made by Ueo. Cobaugh a hol ier of certain of the second mortgage tion.is of aaid IUii i;u-l Co., p-qutring me lu pursuance of the terms an.1 provisions of the mortgage erruririg aald bomi. of record at Somerset Penn'a. in mortir:ige record vol. 3 pago 110 As., to advertise and sill the Kail Rim! of wid Company for the payment of the wmiswmoitl nrter estdue upon sai 1 bon.la to wit : No Liilb.l 7. S, 3, 10. II, li 1 i, 14, 15, 1, 17, 18, 14, jo. On the 1st day of July last pnt. I do hereby give public notico that I will on iut!av. the Und dav ai lie. cemier A. D.. 1S71 at the Court House In Somerset, at the hour of one o'clock of aald dav. sell at wtb- iieaactkm, to the honest and Ixwt bidder, all ibe estate, rijint, title, i;i!ert. claim and (Vmand of the Somerset and Mineral Point Rail Koad Om. pany of in sad to the l.sil Koad, operated and run by said Company from Somerset to Mliicrnl Poiut, In Somerset couniy and State of Penn'a., together with the franchises ritrht ot way aDd land occupied thereby the suicntructfoa, tracks, bridnc, via. ducts, culveits. fences, depot ground, and build ing, thereon and all Its nroinrrv reI n.l ,r.r,-,l of any kind wiiatcver. ' : .. 51. A.SANNKR. Trnsteo. nova . NATIONAL STAIR BUILDIIG "AND Turning Shop . v- y..! - 4,'f i - i " -.f ri J. WELSH & CO., . -. Manufacturers of Stairs,. , Jiand-rails, Balusters, JEWEL POSTS, Ae. Ncs. 60 and JS Itcock Street, ' ALLi:t,IIK.Y, CITY. PA. oc:a J. H. MoMAHON & CO., Xo. 12 Market Street, ". PITTSBURGH, PA., Manofacturcnof b1 IieaUrstQ ' LnMcatiiii 'anJ Bnniiiig Oils, And'Iealor. In Mill Orease. Tallow, Residuum, be. Our Oolden Kngine Oil for tine lubricating work, we guarantee equal to JLard Oil and it cost, one-third less. Send for our monthly price ItsL nov Transparent IMajing Card, With splendid fancy colored picture, in each card when held to the li ant. Send One dollar to Oiblenfcnny A Hesa, 69 Piftli avenue, ami you will receive a pack postage paid. The largest stock of Albums in the city. OitDiitrtsT A Hsss. S9 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. octa NEW ATLAS: Somerset County, Pa. Compile.1 and drawn from actual Survey, of each lownship. under tbe personal rapervisloa of i'. W. PEERS. Civil and Typographical Engi neer, 3S Vesev St., New York. THIS ATLAS WILL. CONTAIN. Carefully ami elaborately drawn, engraved aD'l eolored plan, ef each Tow Huh I p. Itofoac and v illage in tlte county, on a Urge scale, each plan beinK stiownsejaratelvt with the location of each Dwelling, More tiiid Fublia Bull4- wg, with tbe tome of tbe owner thereof; also, the Wagon K'mi's with the measured length io roda. from careful survey, j together with tbe Hiv tra, Streamy, Haiiroad., Canaia. ac, AU new n rpMel Aailroauia are (o Ire I ornlcrt aa the plana. - An outline plan of Somerset CoMntr. col ored In TewMeiiM, showing tbe relation of all the Towns and iiujunaut village, to each other, with the Waitoo hoads and Kailroads shown. At. so. all tbe oriel a.l I-t stmd V, ar ran lee l.me-e wltts their nwnteerat where tbey can be procured. - A handsome Male Map of Pettnaylea. la colored in fanntle. shoninx in their prop er reUtiona, all the CvuiUies. principle C ities, Kail, rwada, Ac.. Ac. A General .Wap of the Tailed Htaiea, cl ored by Niat. S bowing the relation of the diilereut Sum io each ither, tbe prindpal Rail road, and important Cilice, - A Table el distances, giving In m lira and tenths tbe Dearest distant fru-.u any one b al tbe other important villages in the tiuntv. Population et the I'nited Ktatea, Pe.a. ay 1 and lomtwl 'oawlv. AgricaltanU predartioaa of Somerset piuuty. Tbe whole to make a Volume JSHS1 swsn tially bound, with cloth side, and leather back and embelished with a han.lso:i.e gnilt title on front cover, altogether nuking a neat, substantial .ad aseiul book of reference. being strictly locai, the Atlas will be published fur subscribers only. F I. Beers & C o, PUBLISRERS, 36 VESEYSXV HEW YORK. Oct.. iA. ............. JOSEPH SHEETS & SON, Undertakers, Berlin Pa., ecujwanrr (lcw-rw han-i and make to order Coffins M al! styles and pric:, on tbe shortest auiiee poiwiMe. Having a hearse of the iaut atvie in readineoa. we are al Wars re pared to take comas to and irlng eorpe- t be vark'Ut ceiaeteniss. aprilll STOP I .I T BARGAINS I Cutout foRcfsrencca..-.;' IrTalchsr, Kaasids, Jsxeby, SUrcr ari Silvsr Plated ware, CIccis, Ercs Z5S, Cutlery, etc. of iha scst quali ties ccly, cfsred regardless cf zczt Our stock nnst closed cuttoraaka . : satisfactory ssttlosests with tha es- ' tate cf tlialata J cha Sts73s&cri. JOHN STETEXSOX'S S0XS, - Market Streets P ittsbwglu 93 B. Brooke BUTTER CO M' MIS SION . M ERCA NT'S, 54 SOUTH -STREET, BAiTIMORB, IMD., Respectfully aolicft ceuatgnnMtnU of BUTTER and general PR iDl't'E. The large and regular trade that we have for Butter oiler. auperWr iuduceuients lor MERCHANTS AMD DAIRYMEN to ahlp to na, and will be pleased to have their shipments an ren-ral rvors. V promine ntrl, t t tection to their Intere t and to obtain UiiiHbSr ilAKtEr PKICLS for Bt-'TTKK aent , with prompt sale, and check for proreejin. xm. it snipping earua torwaniea ny mail, or to FORSALE. BOOTS & SHOES, HatslCaps Cheaper than ever; :' IIS"' Cover's Bnilig, Somerset, Pa. We delre to y to the publK th t we have biased tbe above named room mil the comj.lf i,,n of our new bail ling, turthwest corner of the bia mond. (which- wiil be on or before J:in. L) where we will be pliMel to have parties desiring to pur chase goods In our line to call and see tbe NEW FIRM, ':" NEW STYLES, - AND NEW PRICES. See Reduction in Prices. J ; Men'. Own Boots, double Soled, wool lined 41 00 " Buckle Artie Q. iter. " jw Women. ' " " " " j 50 MLu " Over-.W. and Alarkas loo Mens Sandals Wetnens " atisse - to Children. " . ' Boots miie to onler. Hepsirlng neatly and promptly dune. AU eutoni work .irtmuj. Parties visiting our town who. eoutcmlate pur chasing anything In our line will do Well to cull' and ee for tbeilxelvea. , We are positive we ean sell goods at hiwerOgure. than any other store in town aws purchase good for rot A sell for co ami thus save lrom li "to 3) per eenty not having to We had diMt, nol by saving the expenses of Book-keepin. We are willing to give the benefit or these advantage, to our customers. Frank Sipe & Co. oct'iS ; v!. . T3s:s! v : - Proypectu for 1375 Eighth Year. THE ALPINE, THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA, IMnl Alontrily. A Magniflcant Conception, w;aderfullv carried oat" . " . The necessity of a pojiular medium lor rbe rep reaen union of the productions of our great artists, be alway. been reoogniieil, and many attempt. ua.a oeen inaue to meet the want. The raceeuive ..... .u... E.I.J kxii-hciu eacn airempi in uui country to establish aa art journal, did not prove tbe indifference of tbe people of America to the claims of hitch art. So sum a a proper appre ciation of the want and an ability to meet it were shown, tbe public at ence rallied with enthusiasm to its support, and the reeolt waa a great artistic and commercial triumph THK ALLilNK. THE ALDINK, while iseued with all the regu larity, has none of the temporary or timely interest HS. arestSDec- ,u,ncuiviiiar; penouicais. it Is l egant miscellany of pure, liifbt, and graceful ature; ami a collection of pictures, the rarest SDec- tmaM,. nf .-.fa, .trill ,,l- '.... r - . -. ..-. nt iiijw , anti wnue. Al though each .ueoeedlug numiwr adonis a fresh Pil"! "." friM,. 'he real value and beauty ef THfc ALUl.VE will be most appreciated alter it la bound up at tbe close of tue year While other publication may claim superior cheapness, as compared iriih rival, of a similar elass, THK AL.Dl.Vr: is a unique and orixinai eooceptk alone and unapproachvd t.K.lulely without com petition in price or character. Tbi complete volume cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engraving. In any otUer shape or number of volume. 6,r ten ti,.. Y.. :..T there Is the rhmm,. " . 1 be ntttiraal teature of THE ALDIXE meat be taaen in no namw seti je. im. Brt i. .,....ii tan While THE ALUl.VE le strictly American uiBLuuiwn, u. aoes not connae Itavu entirely to the reproduction of native art. Iu mission i. to culti vate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate only on ground, of intrinsic merit. Thus, while placing before the patrons of THE AI.Di.VE, aa a leading chara.teri.tlc, the production, of tbe most noted American artists, attention wiU always be vivea to specimens fruut foreign masters, giving aubarribera allthepjra. are and Instruction obtainable from hoaje or for eign sources. The artistic Illustration of Ajjerlian actnerv oritrinai with THE ALMNE, m an fmiruiit feature, and It. magni6cent fh-.m are oi a flit more appropriate to the aii-;aciory treatutent ot details than caa be afforded by any inlerior pit ire. The judicious Interspersk of lauiscaDe. murine, figure, and animal subjects, sustain an unuliato interest, Ira pose Uiio where tbe ecopasf tae work; confine, too artist too ekieelv to a single style of rabject. Tbe Hteratare ef THE AL11.N t. p a light and graceful accompaniment, worthy of the artistic features, with only such technical disttuisi tlvns a. Se But Interfere with tae enpusas interest of the work. . PREMIUM FQR 1973. Every subscriber ti7l will receive a heautifu! portrait, m oil eoiora, of the same aubto doz wboea pi.-turs in a former bnue attracted so mucu attQ- "Man Unseinsh Friend", . will be welcome In every home.' Everybody love, wch a4og. and tk. portrait is executed so true to the lile, that it seems tbe veritable presence of tlte animal Itself. The Kev. T. 1 W Itt l'almage tells that his ewa Xewloeadland dog (the a it est in Brooklyn) bark, at It. Although so natural, no one who see. this premium chrome will have the aligbteet fear of being bitten. SV!i'lV,lbt ctrom 7 advance rabat-riber to THi, ALULXfc fitr isriis cuortMated a metubu .Dtientiiictt to aU tbe privileges or THE ALDNr1T UNION. TheCnloa owes the orlm-. of aU THE Al ILN piciures, wba-h, with other paantlaga aad engravings, are to be distributed among the me al bert. Ta every series of A toe obscriben 10-) )!r lereot piece, valued at over S3, ion are dbttribaled at soon as the series ia full, an the awards of each arte. a. made, are bi be teMisee4 m the rses " unmuiii, umw oi mt A1.D1.K. Ilt'J Irft- Bre only applies to subacri Iters who pay Pot year in stlvanoe. Full particular, in. ciscuUr ami on application enclosing a .tamp. -', - TSRM3. One aublplk'B,, eatltlin to T1IEALMNE one year, the Chromo and tbe Art Vnion, $8 00 per annum, tn advance. (IVcoarg for postaga) ' ' Spocimes Copies of TIIE AXDI.VK W ceoU. THE AI.DISE will hereafter be obtatoabieoAly by subsrriptioB. There wiil be nn reduced or club rates; cash for awhsertpttoes nsest be sent to tbe Bultiiehers direct, or baaded te tbe sueal canvasser, without responsibility to the pn Mistier except in cases where tae sertiiicats Is srivea. bearms lac-timue .igaature of Jiuae button, l'ec sweet. CANVASSER WANTED. Any fWraoBVishlitg te set permanently aa a U eal eanraseer will receive rot I aad prompt tit fur ma. ua by applying to ' TEE ALDIXE gte?A.VT, C" - M Mskles lane, Wew Tork. Mill! 93 nt-rll Nyee Co., s oe uau at principal store in the coanty. acpi. L I ME. ..LIME. LIME. Hie nnderslirned having errrU-d lime kiln at jtfarble Hill, three miles wet of t'onliuence. on the Pittsburgh A Connelisville railroad, an; now rea!y u ship to any point either burnt lima or raw limestone a. may be n'qtiirtNi. This Ume Is quarried lrom tno MarM ftinoatln many feet below thel owest coal vein, and of a very Superior quality. Orderior lime or raw stone can be ent toCoaSu encoto Hamuli Vc!r,ur to Jmie McUilk-n. at e-w LeMinaton. Col. Jehn Wellef. of Oohhsrta. bunr. Philio Woliersiricer. Jr.. Mineral Point. Oeorge Wel-r. Meyerlale, l-.iao hun, Smier- aet. and Wallace H. Walter, Conneilsviilo, whleh will be promptly at tended to. oct7 HUGCS at WEBER. JFTA TJ1S .VEGETASU SSCIUAJI at' rn HA III - Tamil wlil Everjr year increases the populari ty of this ralaable Hair Preparation ; which is duo to merit alone. We caa assure oar oM patrons that it i kept fully up to its high standard ; and it h the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring Okat oe Faded Hate to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by it3 use, becomes whita and clean. t removes all eruptions and dandruff and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from fallm-v out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair frows thicker and etronger. In aldness, it restores the capillary 9. 'glands to their normal vigor, and n-nt rrrit rpar m-nwf h. pxeprit in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomical Hair Dressing evrBed, aa it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayess M.l, State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents arc pnre,and care fully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best 1'eepa eatiox for its intended purposes.'' Solit by alt Dntggisit, and Dealer in JtcficAia. Prioe One Dollar. ' Backingham's Dye. FOIl THK WHISKEB3. As our Renewer Lu many cases requires too. long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded "Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash ofE Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. N.H. JXECUTORS NOTICE. , fcnuite of Robert Pktton. Inlenf ElkHrW ton- , ailntlMiaaseil. . Letter testamentary on tbe above tstat having lieen grante! tt tbe an.!er"lned. notice ia nereoy given to those tmleotoit to it to make im- meillaus payment. nn! Uioe liavieg elaimsi tbm u! anthentieatcf airaict it, to pre for settlement at Uie reuienoeof the fcjteeutor on Saturday, November luth liTt MATTHEW PATTOX tlecotor. Eenters! Farms!! He Mm ani Baltiore E. B. ana- Coal wilt let nn December Jd, U'i, the fallowing- Three Valuable Farms 6r the term of ono yeor Trout April 1st, 1T5, vfr; The Jt'DOEIUACKorJ.W. BEAC'HY F.iE.vt tL"r '? .7 ? -c.HrwK 1 " nce oana irarn. go.Ki suuar w-irM. witn ug:ir hou.ean.lbout 1.3uuveiel. Ll.lrST. ani l. optmeu ani it bin 4.n n!im ;hn nouse are ti the pliiee. 1 bo tenant rs to pay tlM taxe. to put on the Us I t bushels of lime, to bo iii lob rods of fence, eal make all general re pairs. THE lil'YD FAl'Tt Of lss ACBE3. withgj.t.1 l.tti).:in sL'sr 'ir h.nr.'. c,r-v sels. Umestotw it ojnetl on Dm, Sru rsl t-w I eoveaieat. l ite tenant is tw tautsj, te put aa tlte bind l.ioo bushels of lixzwaad auke general repairs. THE DAVID UVENUOUBosTUCCK FA&3C 30 f 00 seres; a ga lUt t,uc. larse bank ban c ' - tl ttr- mi is,, yiace; lluKStitue fmvenirat. Tt iimni i to tuy the (sees, lit put w the ami l.ixsv biubelatg iiiue, to build u roiU of uew 'noe, and to make ieneral retairs. rroojtll..r sh Kent tn additkin at above r qsirciBcals for either or the .rove farms will lie received up to 1 o'clock a in.. ni the b-tnag BMMie at a o'clock p. m..at tbs Asverieae Hussn, Slisljury. Pa., We.inesii:iy, Decemlterl HT4. Theoomuany reserve the riabt to reiectanvor . all tu la. Any fur' her tntornvtiina reiuiri tiiir mg my absenoe will be gter by Hon. Hiram FItid Uy, of Sailaburv. spou aptlktkia. , F. T. WIUSDN, Bov4 SopervnteB'1-af . - lrtM's& Wax Flo? er ffiffii LECALCOXAIIIA PICTU2SS. Fine Sladonrry ATJ-Sn ! fora Calak!;ge.mS fsEORtai: w. mmoriLv, Jfu. V0 Strtithftef.! Street. 1'UrMsl.KtiU, 1-A d.jinlsti;atohs NOTICE Th.sjits Uston. late of A W aTp., deceased. Letters of a!mlui(rati-in on IM afcvse estate kavlna tn rted to the utmirsef. notice keret'y given to tU'iee IndeUvi toil to untie luais dile tsvnienL sn l thte ls!g.'Lilm agntnrt it. to .r i-.'l 1 1 rem Huiy taibeatlraed K seuivtsiertt, and aiiiW7iiH-e. AtFKFnt. wrn-HUL. iLUrHlAU USTL'N. octU Alautiruor. E ?XECVTOIfrt NOTICE. fctafs of Saisu-i Cvl. lite of Onof rntrv.fi T,"., deieasci. . Letter, testamentary uci tbe above estate having been granted to tbe sulerarnetl. ttk-e w hereby given totbnae Uftvi'ted tottt make smsss tiate payment. n-! tnnse hevmg cUuns k:x to prtmeat them daty aut heat rcted lor sen .'emeiH on Sutur iy l ttt day of .Vo ist. tie laie n-idirfsut rj'j. 6LSA.' t"TLE. . atrix. : . , JOsEnffKHVLK. ar U . J "? "- Save Doctor Bills.! - IKanr W.'r eea he re.I annoaHv bv sir. A'Sttucii's Otrnposnd called Man's FrWarf ur Faml'v 'f nn. eloeh i a Pmie wine iiltnrs, csl 9 L. F. SCH.M IDT. at .V.wo Pejstcne. Ptt!irih. Fa. This OMCpound is sum posed of roots and herb, and strictly pore s lo: it t pies. ant to lake and Inviiforaie the wbm sjsiete: it is a valuable btmilr mwlicinet at will eereaU is easesol tbe boweis; it n a vetat tse nt h"' er, as-1 as s bwl p:iur k is sneaoelled. Tt tjeman.1 l-iTtfiis pta medirlno M so ti herettrfore it hae-fios utdil s.is"' ;a-tBpltMOrS Pltf" " ely fc. res-ted Sb Srti3tie W prtce Js .i per tnle, I ry a s.U? aw rt wOl tti-a Mr Sciintidt aaa latel: mparkag - Tke price sed n rei-ufueottoUon too':" its e. v save ase4b bitters ui oar o laauly and lu. iraortuf ipeaa. , ' - ' j Try ii, tczder, U rill do you good., aagl2 SvivivaV-w J V. .if. . tW.t V. TTOrnaCi YV A Eaut;e til